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Neighbors hot tub

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Saturday night:
Instead of going to the races, we ended up going "cosmic bowling", where they turn off the main lights and put dance music on, a disco ball, lighting effects ect. Some of our other friends also came along with us. The wife dressed in some nice tight jeans, and a shirt to show off what little she has, but it did the job.

We made it back to our house and planned on going in the hot tub. As I walked out the door to drive the babysitter home, the wife said "meet you next door". She was going to get in in the hot tub without me. I got back to the house, quickly changed and made it over...They were sitting very close to each other when I first saw them..unfortunately both fully dressed. We had the usual conversation of sex, and well, more sex stuff. The neighbor and I teased my wife and both played with her. I didn't know it till she told me later, that he had been massaging her pussy with his foot in the water...After some time in the tub I said to the neighbor "Isn't this a topless hot tub?" He said "I believe it is"...I reached over and took the wifes top part of her suit off and threw it on the deck..."Isn't this a bottomless hot tub?"..." I believe it is"...again I reached over (without protest from the wife). I fully expected at least some protest.

I played with her for a short time and decided that it was time for me to "check on the kids". I left my last beer open on the deck to give the illusion that I would be coming back...but I didn't. After I left, per my wife...He eventually moved over by her, knowing that I would not be coming back now...he played with her tits, and massaged her pussy with his fingers. Sensing that he was not completely comfortable...she said its ok...he doesn't mind. "Are you sure"..he said. My wife responded "Actually he really is ok, in fact, its his fantasy for me to have sex with another guy". That seemed to put him at ease.

He and she kissed, fingered, she rubbed his cock...he grabbed her under her arms, put her on the edge of the hot tub...and dove right in, he ate her pussy, sucking on her clit...he fingered her pussy to two orgasms. She told me that he only had his cock in her a couple times. Apparently he is mostly concerned about getting her pregnant. And now that he has had her pussy bareback...he doesn't want to put a rubber on. Who can blame the guy...once you go bareback, you don't want it any other way.

Once again, when she got home, she was to sore for me to do anything. All I could do was listen to her tell me what happened while I jacked off. She fell arelax with big smile on her face...Oh how I love her.


Posts: 279
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Thats hot Allen
orban victoria


#123 · Edited by: orban victoria
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So, did he ejaculate into your wife or not?


Posts: 3098
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Unfortunately he did not cum in my wife. She is not on any type of birth control and no rubbers handy. I am fixed and we both do not want any more kids. Even though the preg. fantasy is fun to play with, its not something we will play for real.

In June my wife has her yearly checkup and we will be discussing with the Dr about my wife getting fixed as well. Then...hopefully she will be filled with mine and his cum. And I hope to be eating his out of her pussy.


Posts: 159
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Hi Allen,
Always great to read your updates. Sounds like the neighbour is making up for lost time with your wife. Great to hear that she is keen to keep things happeningand happy for it to be an ongoing thing. Out of curiousity, how does the neighbours cock stack up against yours for size ?


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One would think that if a man knew his wife was cheating on him, he would leave her. Where as the people here, LOVE the idea of the wife cheating. I someone would have asked me about this lifestyle earlier in my life...No way in hell!!! Heck, I use to say that I could never relax with a girl that slept with a black guy. Now!!!!...I would love to do just that.

Anyway, to compare myself to the neighbor:

Permisterality we are about the same. He is a little bit shorter than I am in height, but still taller than my wife. Body type he is a bit stockier than I am. His job allows for more exercise with heavy lifting of materials...thus making him stronger physically. He has been able to man handle her much better than I can. Which is why he has been sending her home with me not being able to even use her myself.

He has a lot more energy than I do as well, being that he gets a lot more exercise than I do. His stamina...we are not sure how long he would actually last fucking my wife, as he has not fucked her for any real time. Just more a tease fuck. So, we hope to find that out sooner than later.

Cock size? Well according to my wife, he is about the same length, she can't really tell of any significant difference is length, but she said that he is noticeabley thicker than I am. She loves the feeling of his thicker cock inside her, and can't wait to actually get a real fucking from him. Damn I can't wait either. I would love to feel her stretched pussy around my cock and to see if he leaves her red, sore, and gaping.

As of right now, no specific plans for the weekend, but its a bit early to say. Hopefully something to report soon. Till then....


Posts: 91
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Dear Allen,
Why not keep on playing with her together ? Don't you think that after a 3some your neighbor will be definately sure taht you're ok wiht him fucking her. That without mentionning the pleasure that a 3 some would provide for both of you ?
Just wondering


Posts: 37
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Count yourself lucky wife has been teasing me with similar perspectives for two years now but won't actually make the move. Keep encouraging her and maybe you'll soon get to watch the two of them and even get that creampie you want…just wish I had your luck!


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I have mentioned a threesome to her just recently, but she really just wants to be alone with him. She said that she is not comfortable enough to do it in front of me. She told me that if I am lucky, I might get some pics, or after a certain point she might let me watch. She has no problem coming home to me and telling me, or showing me at that point...but does not want me present.

Last night I was over at the neighbors by myself. We sat in the hot tub and chatted. We for the first time kinda hinted around at what had happened this last weekend. No details, but he said "...well maybe you should have come back..." Based on our conversation, I think that he would have no problem with a threesome. At this point, she will not do it.

I don't want to pressure her at this point. It took a long time to get to this point and I don't want her to feel uncomfortable, or second guess herself with this.

We planned on grilling out for supper. Also being a beautiful day out, we figured the neighbor would be going for a ride on his cycle. The wife has told him that she would love to go for a ride sometime. So, I ended up getting off of work early, came home to pick up the kids, and planned on being gone for a couple hours.

The wife put on a tight shirt, no bra and planted herself in her chair on the back patio...waiting for the neighbor to come home. He did, he called her and asked where I was...she told him that I was gone and had the kids...he then asked if she wanted to go for a ride. Of course she was going to go.

She sent me a text "going for a you". He even called me without her present to basically ask permission and to tell me that he would take care with her on his bike. I told him that I trust him and was not worried. I got back with the kids just after they got back. She was so horned up...she told me she had to calm down...she almost had an orgasm while on the bike...she said it would have only taken a few more minutes and she would have.

Nothing planned for today...but I going to try to get her over to his house tonight.


Posts: 37
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I definately understand why you don't want to pressure her. Appreciate your postings and look forward to hearing what happens next. I am living my dreams through you so keep up the good work


Posts: 583
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mmm the threesome will make you orbital, Allen. Seems to me you need to joke your way to it, with the heavanly assistance of ***** ;)


Posts: 683
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Allen things sound so wonderful for you. We are all pleased that after some time things are progressing very nicely. As you mentioned when she is even more comfortable she will bring you more in but now you are allowing her to enjoy and she is finding that she is. Your updates are much appreciated. Lets hope with the long hoilday weekend she has much fun. Erika is a very sexy woman and now she is truly feeling that sexiness herself. Love to see more pics of her when if you can share some.


Posts: 37
Up to the first message Down to the last message would be nice, even if shot from long distance


Posts: 79 Pictures: 2 
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This is great. She is such a little slut and loves it!


Posts: 61
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wonderful story


Posts: 3098
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Ok, its Thursday night at 10:00 Pm. My beautiful wife just left our house in her swim meet the neighbor in his hot tub. Just before she left, I gave her a kiss, she grabbed my already hard cock, and I told her to "go get fucked". Lets hope she does. Damn...I have got it made.


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Oh yeah, I will try to get a pic or two up tomorrow.


Posts: 30
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Can't wait to hear all about it Allen!


Posts: 159
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Hi Allen,
Lovin' reading your updates - your thread is one of the hottest on this forum. Amazing how Erika has turned from just thinking about it to actually now initiating contact with the neighbour. You are one lucky dude. All the best.


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She left, it was about 10:00 pm. She came back home, it was a bit past 11:00..or so. She had a big smile on her face...she saw that I was still awake. She took her suite off and said that she was going to take a bath. I asked her if she was sore and she said not really. I assumed not much happened. She went into the bathroom, started running the bath water...I got up after a couple min. to go and play with her when she came out and met me at our bedroom door.

"Go lie down on the bed...bitch"...beautiful words from her mouth. So I did as I was told. She told me that he fucked her...rather she rode him. She said that he filled her up "with his thickness" (he didn't cum in her)...she then stradled my face, placing her well fucked pussy on my mouth..."does it taste different?"..."you like eating my pussy after he fucked me?"...she was definately fucked...I could feel with my tongue that she was "open".

After only a few min. she hopped off, gave me a big kiss and went into the bathroom. I followed in and we chatted about what happened and I just couldnt get enough of her words. She affirmed that he was much thicker than I am, she said that she forgot how it felt to be filled or stretched...and that it was awesome! I told her that not only is he ruining her pussy with his fingers, making her to sore for me to play with, now he is stretching her pussy so I won't be able to fuck her properly. WOW!!!...she just giggled and smiled...I knew she was loving this!!!

We got back to bed and I went to massage her sore...I went to eat her pussy, touching her clit with my sore..."Just fuck me already" she told me. Ok then, I put my boner at her slid right resistance...she was horney as hell yet...and still a bit wet??? Hmmm??? He was definately in her for some time. She never felt better and I love her for it. It didn't take me much more than 10 or so min before I came in her. Shit, we have new sheets on the bed, and I didn't have a towl to catch the run-off. After calming down a few, I pulled out and she raised her hips up to keep from spilling out. It was kinda funny that my cum actually leaked out down her belly as she was elevated...I got the town and she came back down. I went to the bathroom to clean off, came back and she just layed there. I noticed cum on her chest, by her tits..."What the...???" she said, I said is it cum? "I think so..." I just quickly ran my tongue across her chest..."yep, its cum".

A bit salty, but not bad. I can't wait till she has her tubes tied and she will have HIM cum in her.

Finally they really fucked, it is just the best. I told her as we were falling to relax..."Honey, I have never felt closer to you, than I do now" She smiled, kissed me and said " I love you ". Damn!!!

Thanks to everyone here for the comments and advice. This has been a great "angst filled" jouney. This journey for us has just begun.


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I also have a couple new pics for your viewing pleasure. I hope that everyone enjoys...I did!!!



Posts: 37
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OUTSTANDING...I'm jealous. You are definately one lucky dude!


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Posts: 37
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You might to have her reconsider using a condom for a good screwing and then bring this home for you to partake afterword


Posts: 3098
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Nothing for last night.

Today and tonight we are having a get together with 20 or so people. Of course that means liquid courage. Update probably tomorrow with any details.


Posts: 683
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Alllen: We are all so happy for you both. Erika is really opening up to the new life style and all are enjoying. Wish I had great neighbors like yourselves. Once again thanks as always for the updates and pics. Look forward to hear how things got tonight.
orban victoria


#147 · Edited by: orban victoria
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Maybe it's going to be the same in your situation.


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Nothing much happened last night. We had about 20 people over and everyone stayed late. We had to many witnesses around to play. The best part of the night was the women in the hot tub getting naked. A couple of them started to make out with each other...that was nice.

My wife shocked a few of the people when she took her top off. Most of them view her in her mostly conservative state. Anywho, no plans have been made for tonight, we will see whats going on a bit later.


Posts: 37
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She is definitely loosening up...Cheers!


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Best story ever on this site.
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Neighbors hot tub
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