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Neighbors hot tub

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Two of her, and one of the boat.



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Posts: 159
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Hi Allen,
I have been following your thread for some time and wishing for things to happen for you. My situation is similar in that I am dying for my wife to be fucked by another man, and she has gone from not considering the idea to being now definitely interested in the idea (with a little help from me, of course). Looking froward to hearing how your weekend goes.
P.S I fix hot tubs so if you think your neighbour is stalling when he says his hot tub is broken, I may be able to help.


Posts: 3098
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Thanks everyone for the words of encouragement.

I hope that things progress well for you two. I am sure that their are more of us wannabes than real cucks. What is the story with you and your wife?

I do know however, that his tub is broke...I helped him look at it and it has two cracked pipes. It is an outside tub and here in Wis. it gets pretty damn cold. The parts are on order, and I plan on helping him get it fixed...sooner than later!!!!


Posts: 159
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Unfortunately I am in New Zealand. You can be sure if I was in the States I would be round to fix the hot tub.
My wife and I are in our early forties, have 2 kids, been married for 17 years and have never had any other partners. It has been my fantasy for a long time for her to take a lover and we are now at the point where it is pretty much not a case of if, but when. In fact we have started a bit of role play now, where she calls the shots in the bedroom and anything we do is for her pleasure, not mine. This includes me only being able to fuck her if she allows it, and also me cleaning her pussy out after sex. Threatened "punishment" if I don't follow orders is her going on the lookout for new cock - needless to say, I'm trying to get punished.
I think you are right - there are a lot of us wannabe cucks out there, and it's certainly a journey into the unknown. I have a lot of admiration for those who post here that have a genuine grasp of the cuckold lifestyle.
Anyway, good luck for your weekend, your wife is


Posts: 159
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sorry, message got cut short. Your wife is beautiful (thanks for the photos).


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Posts: 3098
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Thanks for sharing your story. I hope that things get going for you soon. For us its a bit different in that she is submissive and I want to be submissive. I guess for us its more of a hotwife situation in that she does not like the "in your face" type of cuckold stuff. Where as I wouldn't mind it...I am content with her doing it "her way". Its a start for us and a far cry from what she said she would never do. Maybe down the road she will take a more dominant role...but for long as she is happy...I am happy.


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amilano, great pic. I am very much an ass guy and that looks like a great ass!!!


Posts: 683
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Keep a positive thought as things appear to be picking up. If he has not received the hint after last weekend well then he is a fool. Who in their right mind turn that sexy woman. I understand she is a sub but she may have to become a bit dominant to get things going with him tonight until she can revert back to more of a sub. I am sure she will have a plan in place for the work around required. Any chance to get a pic of her in before you head out in this outfit? Good luck and look forward to the updates.


Posts: 214
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Man, I hope it worked out for you this weekend, Allen!! Can't wait to hear a success story from you!!!
How'd it go?!?


Posts: 828
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love hearing your updates.. ex cuckold and lookin to be one again ..soooo bad.

so feel your pain of trying to get it workin



Posts: 683
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great update.. it appears he is taking the hints as well .. FINALLY!! I bet she looked great in a thong and he will enjoy. As you said something did occur with more of a move than at least you have mentioned prior. He knows know that he can have her with nor resistance. Next weekend will only provide them a grand opportunity. I am sure she wll make all the arrangements she can to clear her schedule with the kids etc. Look to hear your next updates.


Posts: 68
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Christ, just send her over naked already. If either of my nieghbors wives came over naked to my hot tub it would have been torn up already! Just do it! All three of you will be much happier!


Posts: 214
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Fuck me, man- that is some seriously cuckolds browniety luck! Next time you go to 'check on the kids'- maybe you should stand outside the front door of the house with a shotgun!!!
That neighbor's friend has about the worst timing in the world!
Before you leave on the trip- either give the camera to the wife, or to the neighbor with some simple instructions:
"Get it done!! First night I'm gone- a pic of him holding your tits up, cupping them and pushing them together as you both stand in front of a mirror and wife snaps a pic!! (she cut cut faces out if she feels insecure about it).. 2nd day I'm gone- your mouth- his dick!! Even if he has to climb thru the bathroom window so you can blow him while the house is full of kids!!! 3rd day- more of the same, and take it as far as you would like, cuz I would LOVE to see your pretty little pussy stretched around his dick!!"
Telling the neighbor you'll be gone, and you would really apreciate it if he would visit a lot, so the wife doesn't get lonely or bored, also could help.
If family/friends try cock blocking him (again!) he can say that he has to help with housesitting, check up on the family of a guy he knows is out on business, etc.
Worked when I went through the same cuckolds brownie, except it was a wife swap with a buddy from work (two kids and inlaws that would NEVER leave!)
Keep trying!!


Posts: 583
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great development! don'y u think that you may miss something? ;)


Posts: 24
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Keep posting! This is great. Love that she wore the thong for him. She is totally sexy so he's really going to enjoy it when he takes it off her.


Posts: 274
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Wow quite a bit has happened! Go Allen!


Posts: 3098
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I thinks its great to have the support of all of you...THANK YOU!!! I am hoping that something will finally happen this weekend. It would allow for her to have full control without me being with her. And maybe without me being around the neighbor will be more at ease. HOPEFULLY THEY WILL FINALLY JUST FUCK!!!!

We hung out a little bit last night, and I plan on going to watch him bowl tonight. Lets see where tonight goes...



Posts: 274
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This story just keeps getting better.


Posts: 683
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Allen you are very WELCOME. We appreciate you sharing the events with us as we support you both in achieving what you both desire. I believe that you neighbor will have a wonderful time with Erika. It has been slow but sometimes the best things come to those who wait. You both have been waiting and it appears that from last weekend that things are set to launch. This weekend is a great opportunity and I am sure Erika is aware and soon your neighbor will be. Are you taking the kids so that she has the house to herself? I inquire so that maybe the surprise visitors your neighbor seems to get do not interrupt. All the best and look to the updates.


Posts: 159
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Allen, Thanks so much for your updates. As a wannabe cuck myself, it is fantastic to live the dream through your story. Can't wait to hear how the weekend goes - best of luck.


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The good news or bad news first?

Here is the bad news. Her Grandman died yesterday and the funeral is this weekend...Fri & Sat. That means I will not be going out of town, and it also means her sister (not attractive) will be staying with us.

I would almost think that a conspiracy is in the works here!!!! Everytime I think that things are going forward...someone or something gets in our way. Being that this is a emotional time for her, I will be backing off her about the neighbor thing...but this is also a time that he may be another outlet for emotional support.

She and I talked a bit about her Grandman, and she plans on still making a go at the neighbor...and I plan on helping him get that damn hot tub up and running before Friday!!!

Now the good news...she let me take the following pics...and if there are any interested...a couple of my own. Enjoy, and sorry for the crappy news for the weekend.



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oops, my other pic...

I hope to have good more good news as the weekend approaches.



Posts: 16
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Great pics Allen...thanks so much for sharing them and your wonderful accounts of the slow process of getting our ladies to accept the idea that we like them to be "shared". Its very nice to know that there are more men out there like myself. I too have a hot tub and often wish that I could "catch" my Mrs playing around in there....and I also often wish that she would find someone to have a "fling" with. I'm sure it goes without saying (there are plenty of posts to support it) but we're all pulling for you. My condolences on your loss and I'm sure we all understand that "life" happens......take care of things and youself.


Posts: 683
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First and foremost my condolences for her lost as well as the families. This is an unfortunate event and everyone takes a loss differently. The pics are great. She looks scrumptous. It appears she is opening more up about the entire thing since she has allowed you to begin taking nudes and sharing them. Look forward to when you share some from her front side as well. It sounds like now that she will take more of an aggressive role to get things going with the neighbor even with her recent lost. She may use the loss as a consoling card with the neighbor that should and could work out very well. Hopefully you can keep her sister detained so she has her alone time with the neighbor. Once again you both have my sympathy for the loss and look to your updates.


Posts: 274
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Your wife is hot Allen


Posts: 172
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She is a very lovely lady.


Posts: 3098
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Sorry to report nothing exciting this weekend. It was a slow and grinding weekend. We hope that this week will be a better one. The wife is planning on getting the neighbor to give her a ride on his cycle sometime this week. The closeness of being on the back of a bike should allow for her to catch a feel. I hope to have something a little more interesting for the rest of you. Till then...


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I hope its better too Allen!
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