Posts: 3098
I am not sure the hold up either. I guess the only thing may be that he and I have become great friends since he moved in. We hang out a lot, and he may weird about it. I have made it as clear as I can without just saying "go ahead and fuck my wife".
As far as her going to another guy, she probably won't do it. She trusts the neighbor and knows him as well as I do. I have been trying for some time to get her to cuckold me, she said she "never" would, but changed her mind with him. I think that if she does not with him, she might with someone else, but it will take a lot longer to find someone she completely trusts.
I plan on talking to her tonight on how to procede with him. I think she needs to be more to the point. I think that she needs to be straight forward with him. Now that I think about it, when he and I are out...he doesn't take hints very well. He has missed a few opportunities with ladies because he didn't take to the dropped hints. Aha!!! I hope thats it. Back to the drawing board.
Posts: 3098
I wanted to add this to my the on going saga. This is a story I wrote for my wife last Friday. She loved it...hope you like it to. I hope I can download it. Here we go...
Posts: 3098
It says the story is to big. Sorry
Posts: 274
Damn that is a hot story Allen
Posts: 458
Your wife looked hot as hell in Hawaii. You need to bring her back here on vacation, I can guarantee you I will not be as hesitant as your neighbor.
On a different subject, if your wife is submissive why don't you explore the BDSM scene. I know a few cuckolds who have found a Dominant Bull man that likes to play with a couples through those means.
Just a thought....
Plus if things didn't work out with the neighbor things could get uncomfortable. That would suck to have to deal with that so close to home..
Posts: 3098
I would love to come back to Hawaii some day, but this cruise we are going on is a bit pricey, and it will be some time before we play again...but then again never say never!
I think for her it would be very difficult to try another guy besides the neighbor. She feels very comfortable with him, not to sound sick, but almost like a brother. Thats where the problem also comes in with him maybe not taking to her. Only time will tell.
I think that with her new found attitude and feeling great about herself (she felt she was fat and frumpy before)...she may be willing to move on to trying someone else. This Friday for example, we were both invited by friends to go see a band at a local bar, and I told her that I would find a babysitter. She said "well, I was thinking that I would go by myself, and you would stay home with the kids"...ok, I was caught a little off by that, but I am more than happy to go along with that. I think she is hoping the neighbor will be going, and she could catch a ride with him. Or she may be looking for someone else to hook up with. I have always told her that I would rather she stay overnight somewhere than try to drive home takes.
Its great to have a lot close mutual friends.
Posts: 683
It appears that she may be taking some small steps on her own as the thing with the neighbor is not transpiring or since the neighbor is going another venue may help in he catching on with her desires and your approval. If this does not work, her being out she may notice that she is catching the eyes of others that will entice her to see how green the grass is if she takes a step. Enjoying the updates and pics.
Posts: 214
get her to dress provocatively. If she is only going to see if her new found "looking good" feeling (rather than hook-up), is real, have her dress in a way that will get guys drooling and staring. Maybe she wants more 'affirmation' that she IS really, really hot. This would let her be more daring, boost her ego, and with your support, make her more 'sure' about going farther. I'm starting to wonder if something is wrong with your neighbor. If he doesn't go to see the band, invite him over for a couple of beers- let the talk get serious after the kids are arelax- tell him outright- it's cool with you that your wife wants to "go farther" with him.
Posts: 683
Good luck tonite.. look forward to the update this weekend. Do you think she may let you take some pics while she gets ready and in her outfit before she heads out? Those would be great pics.
Posts: 3098
Hello agian. When I first started this thread, the wife we thought started her monthly flow. For the past couple weeks she has had an on again off again spotting. She did the prego tests...all negative, and I even got myself checked ( I am fixed...vasectamy ). Well, guess who showed up today? She won't be going in the hot tub for a few days, however at least we are still going out tomorrow...sorry about the previous post saying we were going out tonight...its actually tomorrow night. And now...I am going as well.
As it turns out...its supposed to be a couples thing...and the neighbor might not be going now. This is turning out to be a cluster F-Bomb. I will be heading over to the neighbors shortly to hang in the hot tub and try to talk him into going.
I will try to get some pics also for tomorrows night out. Thanks to all of you for keeping me going, and the great comments. Good luck to us all!!!
Posts: 214
Don't think about it too much- a weekend plan always gets trashed at certain times of the month. Is your neighbor still depressed? (Wife still could cheer him up- 9 out of 10 dentists recommend oral sex!) You have been teasing us with that pic of your wife on the couch for a while now- can't wait to see more of her!! Good luck, man!!
Posts: 683
Allen, sometimes plans get changed etc on the weekend but it all works in the end. I am sure you will have a great time as will Erika tomorrow evening. Even with her visitor she may be up for letting your neighbor or other know she is available. Not possibly at that moment but available for play post her monthly visit. Look forward to your update and pics.
Posts: 386
It's very exciting to read the various updates you provide us. Good luck, it certainly seems that something will eventually happen between your wife and neighbor. Can't wait to read about where all this is heading.
Posts: 274
This is my favorite thread
Posts: 683
It appears he is gaining some confidence to approach her. However she may still have to take the first step. All I can say as a compliment if it was me, she and I would have been together. Do you think she will want to play on your vacation? Lots of opportunities can present themselves on a cruise, especially for such a sexy woman. Lets hope that things do pick up before your cruise with your neighbor.
Posts: 3098
I also think things may be progressing...however at a snails pace. All I can say is least its better than her saying it would never happen. Something is better than nothing.
The wife, kids, myself, and the neighbor went out to eat last night, of course the flirting continued...but a bit on the lighter side because of the kids. We will easily be in contact with him tonight, and I am hoping that sometime between tonight and tomorrow night she make her way over to the hot tub (withouth me)...and make her move.
I can't think of a better start to a vacation...the wife just having had sex with a guy thats not her husband...comes home only to leave with her husband. The plane ride to the boat...and on the boat she thinks of her husband and her boyfriend...telling her husband how much fun it was...telling him about the details...her husband now sharing his wife with someone else...Now thats living the High Life!!!!
As far as her playing while on the cruise...I don't really think she will. I think it would come down to trust. I don't think she has progressed to where she would trust a stranger enough to do it. Partly because she does not want me present when she does least at first...and to be alone with stranger might not work for her. But, one never knows I guess. Our sex life has got a lot better since her change in attitude about this subject. I can't wait to see, smell, and taste my wife...hopefully right after she has the neighbor.
Great thread. Above all else, I like the way that you are updating frequently throughout this slow process.
Posts: 526
OK, for what its worth: Like you we have the same fantasies, very hot thread. I also think that she has given enough signs that she can go through with this if you really want.
HOWEVER, I don't think this is the guy. I think if he was something would have happened already. They are having fun but I don't think they have enough chemistry.
I would keep looking, preferably with someone other than a neighbor. You need privacy on this stuff. Go to AFF or CL.
Posts: 683
Allen: Your updates are always appreciated. Things are going slow as you indicate does she seem to be getting antsy at all or ok with the pace? If this is her first venture she may be appreciating the pace but there will come a time when the pace at this speed will be to slow for her. When that comes she will either be even more direct or like afwisom says may have to look to build trust with another. My guess the trust for her will be there for some time until she feels more comfortable for things to move quicker.
As far as the cruise, one never knows if something does occur I am sure you will support her. Look to the next update.
Posts: 3098
Last update before we head off. I wish I could give everyone something exciting to read before we head out on vacation. For some dumb reamister her parents showed up unannounced last night. We had plans to hang out, but that didn't happen. I was not, and the wife was not pleased. Sorry everyone.
I will hopefully have something to report when we get back...I hope her curiosity gets the best of her while we are gone. Everyone enjoy your Easter, and may your ladies bring you fresh creampies for Easter Dinner Dessert.
Posts: 274
LOL Have fun Allen!
Mike W
Posts: 132
You need to stop going over to the hot tub and just start sending your wife alone. Period. The rest will be history.
Good Luck and have a great vacation!
Posts: 683
Allen. appreciate all the updates. The time away may be good for both Erika and the neighbor. The neighbor with her completely gone for some time may realize what he is and could be missing thus prompting some action on his part upon your return. As for her she notice the attraction she is getting from others on the cruise and possibly want to explore. Regardless the trip was planned in advance so all should enjoy. Look to hear from you upon your return.
Posts: 3098
We made it back...and with no pirate attacks!!!! I should have a some pics in a couple days from the cruise. It was a great time and the wife seemed to really relax. She did notice that she was getting some attention from other guys...where before her attitude change she would not have noticed. That made her happy...and made me happy to.
A couple problems though...we have an appointment with her Dr. later this week. When I first started this thread she had shortly after started her monthly thing...she was on and off again cramps and reding...then she was late...then started back on birth control to try and skip her flow...then blead on and off and is still reding on and off as of this morning. While I have been able to work around this...there would have been no way she would allow someone else near her not knowing what is going to happen.
What a pain in the ass!!! Not only that...but now the hot tub is really broke. I am going to work with the neighbor to get the cracked pipes fixed asap. Not only is this one of the slowest most pain in the ass things...I fear that she will loose interest in this, and see it as a momentary lapse of some sorts.
But with my hopes still on high and hoping her Dr. can come up with some reamister for her situation...we should hopefully get back to where we left off...or maybe I can turn her attention to someone else. Stay tuned for pics sometime in the next couple days.
Posts: 683
Allen I would like to be first to welcome you both back. Glad to hear that you both were able to relax and that was pleased that others are finding her very attractive. Sorry to hear about what is going on with her internally. I know it delays things but I am sure you are more concerned to have the issue taken care of for her health etc.
It is up to you but the neighbor once she is clear needs to make some move or you may want to move on from that target. From the cruise alone she at least knows she could have others which is a positive. Trust me if I was closer geographically I would offer to be that someone else. I hope you take that as a sincere compliment. Hope things go well at the Dr. and look to see your updates/pics soon.
Posts: 274
Welcome back Allen!
Posts: 274
I wonder what is happening?
Posts: 16
I'm hanging on every word. We have a hot tub and have folks over. I SOOO want her to "play" with someone in the hot tub. Allen...I'm pulling for you bud!
Posts: 458
Cant wait for the pictures Allen but more than that I hope the wife is doing ok. Get her healthy and then get some young man to treat her right 
Posts: 3098
Sorry for not getting some pics up for you guys. Sorry I don't have any nudes yet...I am still warming her up to it. For now though, here are some from our cruise.