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les histoires de chrislebo

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« Camille ! T'es où ? »
« Je suis là, chéri ! Dans la salle de bain ! »
Fabien semble surexciter et tambourine à la porte comme un ********.
« Hé ! Doucement ! Tu vas la défoncer ! Je t'ouvre. »
Je sors de la douche. Je suis encore ruisselante d'eau. Je lisse mes cheveux face au grand miroir, au dessus du lavabo.
Fabien se glisse derrière moi et m'enlace en me faisant de petits bisous dans le cou.
« Ho, toi ! Tu as quelque chose à me demander. »
« Ben non, pourquoi ? »
« Je sais pas. Une idée comme ca. »
« Ben ! En fait, je viens d'appeler le garage. La voiture est prête. »
Ca me fait l'effet d'une caresse et je me sens mouiller instantanément. Mais je ne veux pas le dire à Fabien.
« Ok ! Vas la chercher demain ! »
Il remonte ses mains jusqu'à mes seins. Il titille mes pointes comme il sait si bien le faire. Il sait que je ne résiste que très difficilement à ce genres de caresses.
« J'avais plutôt imaginé que tu irais toi-même et que... Bref, tu vois ce que je veux dire ! »
« Ben, non ! Je ne vois pas ! »
Il commence à se frotter à mon cul et je sens très bien la bosse qui se forme dans *** jogging.
« Salope ! Tu sais très bien ! Je veux que tu y ailles et que tu te fasses ressauter par ce gros porc. »
« Pffff ! Je n'ai pas trop envie, moi ! Il est un peu trop brusque. Je n'aime pas ca. »
Rapidement, il baisse *** pantalon et colle *** sexe dressé entre mes jambes. Il m'écrase contre le lavabo, empoigne ma nuque et me colle la joue contre le miroir.
« Hé ! Ca ne va pas, non ? »
« Si, au contraire ! Regarde l'effet que ca me fait d'imaginer ses grosses paluches sur ton p'tit corps ! »
Il se plante en moi d'un coup et se met en mode marteau pilon.
« Ok ! Ok ! J'irais ! J'irais ! »
« Humm ! Tu le laisseras te baiser ? »
« Ouii ! »
« Tu le laisseras t'enculer ? »
« Ouiiiii ! »
« Tu lui pomperas le dard ? Hummm ! »
« Ouiiiiii ! Ouiiiiiiiiii ! »
« Harrrg ! Tu boiras *** jus de couilles ? »
« Ouiiiiiiii ! Je ferais tout ce que tu veux ! Hooooo ! Ouiiiii ! Je viiennnnns ! Fabiiennn ! Je jouiiiiiiiis ! »
« Tiens, ma salope ! Prends ca ! Et caaa ! Harrrrrrrg ! Hummmmm ! »
Il se vidange dans ma petite chatte toute propre et je jouis comme une folle.

Le soir même, je me rends au garage.
« Tient ! Voilà ma pute ! Si tu viens prendre un coup, c'est raté. J'ai trop de boulot. Faudra revenir ma salope. »
Toujours très classe. Des fois, ce type me ferait gerber.
« Non ! Je viens récupérer ma voiture. »
« Tiens, elle est là-bas. La facture est dedans et comme promis, je t'ai pas compté la main d'œuvre. »
Quel salaud. Il n'a même pas de parole. Il sait bien que je ne devais rien payer. Mais pour commencer à le connaitre, je sais qu'il est inutile de protester.
« À propos ! J'ai gardé la carte grise ! »
« La carte gri... Ben pourquoi ? J'en ai besoin moi ! »
« Oui, et moi j'ai besoin de toi demain soir. Sape-toi jolie, je t'emmène dans une soirée. Il faut être en couple. Tu verras on passera un bon moment. Sois là à dix neuf heures et sois pas en retard ! Pétasse ! »
Folle de rage, je rentre à la mai***.
« Bah, c'est cool ! Il va t'emmener dans une boite échangiste, c'est sur ! »
« Tu crois ? »
« Ben oui ! Quoi d'autre sinon une boite ? »
Effectivement. Quoi d'autre ?

Je m'habille, pour la circonstance, en jeune étudiante anglaise. Chemisier blanc, agrémenté d'une petite cravate noire, puis d'un petit gilet ouvert, noir également.
Puis, l'incontournable kilt écossais, très court. Si court qu'il ne cache pas le haut des mes bas blancs.
A mes pieds, des escarpins vernis, eux aussi blancs, et pour finir, je me fais deux couettes tenues par des rubans rouges.
Je ***** un peu mon maquillage, me parfum, tourne une dernière fois devant la glace. Je suis prête.
J'arrive au garage avec cinq minutes d'avance.
« Ca, c'est bien ! J'aime que mes putes soient ponctuelles ! »
Il s'imagine me rabaisser à m'insulter ainsi. Mais vous, qui me connaissez bien, vous savez que c'est peine perdue.
« Allez, grimpe on y va ! »
Nous roulons longtemps. Au bout d'une demi-heure, il lui prend l'envie de vérifier si je suis bien cul nu. Et bien sur, il ne peut s'empêcher de me doigter, tout en conduisant.
Étonnant qu'il ne me demande pas de le sucer ?
Vingt heures trente.
La voiture s'arrête devant un pavillon.
« Ben ? On ne va pas dans une boite d'échangisme ? »
« Pourquoi ? Je t'ai dit ca, moi ? On va enterrer la vie de garçon d'un pote ! Allez, grouille, on est à la bourre ! »
Nous entrons dans la mai***. Autour d'une table, il y a six hommes de trente à cinquante ans, environs.
« Salut les mecs ! Regardez ce que je vous amène pour faire le service ! Elle est bonne, non ? »
Il me pousse au milieu de la pièce en me flanquant une main au cul.
Les types, déjà bien imbibés, tournent autour de moi. Leurs yeux me déshabillent et bavent d'envies.
« Allez, champagne ! Camille sers nous, merde ! On a soif ! »
Je fais le tour de la table, prenant une main aux fesses, à chaque verre que je remplis. Bien sur, je n'oublie pas de me servir aussi.
Les commentaires sur mon physique ou ma tenue vont bon train.
Quelques bouteilles plus tard, les mains ***t moins sages et commencent à courir sur mon corps, mes seins. Puis elles glissent sous mon kilt et s'attardent sur ma fente qui commence à suinter d'envie.
Je sais que le garagiste pense me *****r. Alors, je joue l'effarouchée. Je donne des coups sur les mains curieuses, je râle, j'esquive. Mais, le champagne aidant, je deviens plus accessible.
Un type s'approche de moi.
« Dis dont, morue ! Tu lui ferais pas une p'tite danse à notre pote. Dans une semaine, il est pendu, le con ! Tu sais ? Une danse comme les nanas dans les clubs ? Un truc bien chaud, quoi. »
Une chaise est déposée au milieu de la pièce. Je prends le futur marié par la main et le fais asseoir.
Une musique langoureuse démarre.
Je défais mes couettes et laisse mes cheveux tomber en cascade sur mes épaules.
Jambes écartées, je me place au dessus du jeune homme.
J'ondule du bassin au rythme de la musique. Mes seins frôlent *** visage.
Mes mains sur ses épaules, je m'applique à lui donner un beau spectacle, sexy mais pas vulgaire.
Il pose ses mains sur mes hanches et commence, excité, à me caresser. Il les remonte jusqu'à mes seins, mais je les retire, gentiment.
Enervé par mon refus, il glisse ses paluches sous mon kilt et agrippe mes fesses. Puis, il plonge *** visage dans le décolleté de mon chemisier.
« Putain, merde ! Arrêtez ca tout de suite ! Salaud ! »
Mais c'est peine perdue.
On m'attrape par derrière. Des dizaines de doigts me déshabillent en moins d'une minute.
Assise sur les genoux du futur marié, on écarte mes jambes et un type, déjà nu comme un vers, plonge *** visage dans mon entre jambes.
On caresse mes seins, plonge des doigts dans ma bouche, deux queue se posent dans mes mains, on me tire la tête en arrière, pour me faire des suçons dans le cou.
Puis, on me jette par terre, à quatre pattes.
Les types finissent de se déshabiller, pendant que l'un d'eux, me prend déjà en levrette.
Je suis excitée comme une puce, même si je me refuse à le montrer.
Ils se repaissent de mon corps et de mes orifices, durant une grande partie de la nuit.
Ils baisent ma bouche et me font boire leurs nectars. D'autre, me sautent ou me sodomisent. De nombreuses traces de giclures blanchâtres, strient mon corps, un peu partout.
Je suis le centre d'une grande bacchanale, qui m'épuise de plaisir, peu à peu.
Je proteste lorsque je vois le propriétaire des lieux, en train de me filmer.
« T'inquiète, chérie ! C'est un cadeau pour notre ami ! Haha ! Il ne rencontrera plus de salope comme toi ! Haha ! »
Vers cinq heures de matin, je peux enfin prendre une douche.
Mais ma tranquillité est de courte durée, car le propriétaire, un homme rustre et ******, me rejoint.
Il me colle au mur et se plaque contre moi. Ses grosses lèvres mangent ma bouche, sucent ma langue.
Je me concentre sur les milliers de gouttelettes qui s'écrasent sur nos corps. Ses doigts frottent ma vulve ruisselante et il la prend, presque de *****.
Il me branle comme un malade, jusqu'à me faire lâcher un soupir de plaisir.
« T'aime ca, petite putain ? T'aime que je te branle, comme ca ? Dis le, salope ! Dis le que t'aime ca ! »
« Ho ouiii ! J'aime caaa ! Ne vous arrêtez pas ! Ouiiii ! Je vais jouiiiir ! »
« Attends, sac à foutre ! Je vais te remplir à ras bord ! »
Il me soulève une jambe et se plante en moi d'un coup.
Satisfait de m'avoir fait pousser un cri de douleur, il me pilonne comme un gros naze.
Très vite, *** jus se repend en moi.
Il me délaisse aussi vite qu'il est arrivé, et je peux enfin me rendre nette et propre.
Lorsque je reviens dans la salle, les hommes dorment tous.
Je cherche mes affaires, mais en vain.
Je me couche nue sur un vieux canapé et me recouvre d'un plaid qui trainait là. Très vite, je m'endors, d'un sommeil réparateur.
Au matin, un homme me propose un petit déjeuner.
Je demande à ce que l'on me rende mes habits.
« Pourquoi faire ? T'es très bien à poil ! »
Soudain, il y a comme un vent de panique. Quelqu'un, vient de cogner à la porte.
« Monte la haut ! Chambre de droite et qu'on t'entende pas ! Grouille ! »
C'est une chambre mansardée, avec comme seul mobilier, un vieux matelas déposé à même le sol.
Je m'y assois et guette les ***s qui viennent d'en bas. J'entends parler, sans toutefois comprendre ce qui se dit.
Puis, il y a des pas dans l'escalier et la porte s'ouvre violemment. Deux hommes que je ne connais pas, se tiennent dans l'encadrement.
D'une cinquantaine d'année, vu d'en bas ils me semblent immenses. Impressionnée, je me recroqueville sur moi-même.
« On vient aussi pour te baiser ! »
Je recule, mais ils ***t fort et n'ont pas de mal à me maitriser.
Ce simulacre de viol me rend folle d'excitation et je joue le jeu, jusqu'au bout. Je me débats, je crie, je griffe.
Un des types s'allonge et on m'empale sur lui. Il est monté comme un dieu et mon plaisir grimpe en flèche, instantanément.
L'autre, me penche en avant et se place entre nos jambes. Avant même que je comprenne, sa verge se colle à ma pastille brune.
Je crie, mais cette fois réellement. Il me semble être déchirée en deux. Les feux de l'enfer ***t en moi et m'arrachent quelques larmes.
Je suis laminée, démantibulée, labourée, brisée. Mais à ***** de concentration, le plaisir remplace la douleur et je jouis en cachette, simulant souffrir encore le martyr.
Mes intestins ***t tout à coup aspergés par un flot de sperme bouillant.
« Rhaaaa ! Il est bon ton cul ! Il me fait bien jouiiiir ! Hummmm ! Prends tout, salooope ! Haaaaarg ! »
Lorsqu'il se retire, mon anus libéré fait des vents à tout va.
Puis, celui sur lequel je suis assise, me retourne comme une crêpe et m'écrase de tout *** poids.
« Tu la sens bien, ma bite dans ton ventre ? Morue ! Je vais t'exploser la cramouille ! »
Durant une minute qui me parait une heure, il se plante en moi, à grand renfort de coups de reins violents.
Puis soudain, il m'enfourche et se place au dessus de moi, juste sous mes seins. Il s'y masturbe un petit moment, les écrasant sur *** membre, prêt à exploser.
*** gland frappe mon menton à intervalles réguliers.
Lorsqu'il se libère enfin, je crois rêver. La quantité de foutre que je prends en plein visage est impressionnante. Six ou sept jets bien chargés n'épargnent aucunes parties de celui ci.
Nez, yeux, bouche et cheveux. Tout est copieusement aspergé.
« Hummm ! Quel joli tableau ! Tu es très belle, et bonne pute ! Je t'épouse quand tu veux, brave salope ! Hahaha ! »
Les deux hommes sortent de la chambre en riant, me laissant engluée et ne sachant comment faire pour me nettoyer.
Je trouve la solution en bas, dans le jardin.
Une piscine me tend les bras. J'y plonge, bien décidée à me débarrasser de toutes souillures.
Mais quatre hommes m'y rejoignent et pas pour nager.
Bloquée dans un coin de la piscine, ils me baisent à tour de rôle.
Je ne suis plus qu'une poupée de chiffon, un pantin que l'on utilise au grès de ses envies.
Je ne sais plus combien de fois j'ai jouis depuis hier, combien d'orgasmes ont retournés mon cerveau.
Mon corps, mon sexe, ***t au bout de ce qu'ils peuvent supporter. Si bien que je m'évanouie lors d'une ultime pénétration, sur un transat.
Je me réveille dans la voiture. Mes chaussures ***t au sol, ma jupe sommairement remise, et mon chemisier n'a pas été reboutonné. Aucune trace des mes bas, de mon gilet et de ma cravate.
Courbaturée, je me redresse un peu.
« On rentre ? Vous me ramenez ? »
Nous sommes sur une petite route de campagne, déserte. Il roule lentement, regardant régulièrement dans *** rétroviseur.
Je me retourne.
Derrière nous, à cent mètres, un type à vélo pédale comme un fou pour essayer de nous rattraper.
Le garagiste tourne dans un petit chemin creux qui s'enfonce dans un petit bois. Puis il s'arrête.
« Qu'est ce que vous faite ? Partons s'il vous plait, je n'en peux plus ! »
« Tu la veux ta carte grise ? Alors tais toi et fais ce que tu sais ! »
Le cycliste s'arrête à la hauteur de ma portière et pose *** vélo contre un arbre.
Le garagiste remonte mon kilt et ouvre en grand mon chemisier. Le type me matte et je vois sa verge gonfler dans *** cycliste moulant.
Il l'extirpe rapidement et la frappe au carreau.
« Hummm ! Elle est belle, non ? Elle ne te tente pas ? »
Qu'elle me tente ou non, ne changerait rien, de toute manière. Il appuit sur un bouton et ma vitre s'abaisse.
Le type passe tous *** tronc par la portière et pose sa bouche sur un de mes seins.
Il me palpe, il me caresse, me branle.
Je sers les dents pour ne pas lui montrer la douleur que me provoque mon vagin meurtri.
« Tu veux qu'elle te suce ? Ouvre la porte, tu vas voir, elle a une bouche de rêve ! »
Le cycliste est ravi et ne se fait pas prier.
Je me tourne, jambes à l'extérieur, pour être face à lui.
Il a transpiré et sent la sueur. L'odeur est acide, tout comme le gout. Dans deux minutes, tout ceci ne sera plus qu'un mauvais souvenir.
Je le suce un peu, mais il veut plus.
« Allonge toi, que je te saute ! »
Extenuée, incapable de protester, je me laisse tomber en arrière et pose ma tête sur les cuisses du garagiste.
Pendant que je me fais prendre une ultime fois, le gros porc me fait lécher ses doigts.
Puis, enfin !
« Haa ! Haa ! Ouiii ! Hummm ! Elle est bonne ta chatte ! Hummm ! Hooo ouiiii ! Ouiiiiii ! »
Une fois de plus mon utérus est arrosé de miel chaud.
Le type remercie le garagiste et nous repartons.
Cette fois, il a fait fort, trop fort.
J'ai le gout du sperme dans la bouche et mes lèvres ***t salées.
Je passe ma main dans mes cheveux. J'y trouve encore des paquets de foutre en grumeaux.
Ces dernières heures défilent dans ma tête. La fatigue sans doute, je pleure.
Arrivés au garage, il me rend enfin ma carte grise, en me faisant promettre de revenir. Je lui dis oui, pour avoir la paix. Mais je suis sur que même lui, sait, que je ne reviendrais jamais ici.
Mon homme me réconforte. Cette fois, il ne boira pas à ma source. Il prend une douche avec moi, pour me laver, puis il me passe une crème sur mes parties souffreteuses.
Je suis folle de sexe, folle des hommes, mais désormais, je connais mes limites.


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comment j'ai découvert que ma femme est une grosse salope

Avec ma chere et tendre femme Fabienne, nous avons eu un grand accord sexuel elle aimait que je la baise en lui disant des cochonneries elle m'a toujours bien tailler des pipes. La seule chose qui n'a jamais vraiment marché a été la sodomie. Elle l'a parfois acceptée et y a meme pris *** pied mais n'a jamais trop voulu le faire et la dernière fois cela remonte a des années. Elle n'a jamais voulu non plus que je la baise en lui doigtant le cul par exemple.
En tout cas le temps passant et l'age avancant je dois avouer qu'elle me soeuvre de sexe me disant que sa menopose lui change sa libido. Maintenant les rares fois que nous bai***s c'est un peu toujours la meme chose et a la vas vite.

Malgre *** age et bien qu'elle ait bien sur veillie, elle a gardé une belle harmonie au niveau de *** corps et ses nichons assez gros restent attirant et *** cul toujours magnifique.

Un matin alors qu'elle était censé etre partie à *** cours de gymnastique, j'avais oublié un dossier à la mai*** je reviens et que vois je ma belle Fabienne entrain de revenir egalement à la mai***. Pas loin derriere un homme la suit. Je monte et avant d'ouvrir la porte je tends l'oreille et entends ma femme parler et une voie d'homme lui répondre. J'ai hésité et après reflexion je ne suis pas entré dans l'appartement.

Par contre le prochain jour de cours de gym, j'ai fait mine de partir et suis revenu non sans avoir caché la voiture et revoila ma Fabienne qui retourne a la mai*** et le meme monsieur qui l'a suit !Je remonte à l'appartement ecoute et de nouveau j'entends des vois dans l'appartement dont celle d'un homme.

Que dois je faire ? Je decide donc la prochaine fois de revenir plus tôt et de me cacher dans un placard que nous avons dans le salon. Je pourrais ainsi voir en laissant la porte entrouverte et si des fois ma femme la fermait je pourrais tout de meme entendre.

Me voila donc dans le placard. J'entends la porte d'entrée s'ouvrir. Elle reste un moment ouverte et j'entends ma Fabienne dire entre vite. Je vois apparaître ma femme et cet homme il s enlacent et sembrassent fougeusement. *** amant lui malaxe le cul sans menagement elle a l'air d'apprécier et tortille de la croupe.
L'homme la repousse fermement et d'un ton autoritaire lui intime d'aller se changer en la traitant de grosse salope et en lui disant qu'elle doit revenir dans une tenue adaptée. Elle s'éloigne vers la chambre, l'homme se sert a boire et s'installe dans le canapé.

Revoilà ma Fabienne, je me mords les levres en la voyant, je commence meme a bander. Elle a passer une robe qu'elle ne me met plus depuis longtemps (même pour moi) une robe qui la moule qui mets *** cul sa taille ses hanches en valeur avec un decolette magnifique sur ses beaux nichons et qui est presque au ras des fesses. Elle a mis des bas et visiblement un porte jaretelle. Les jaretierres ***t visibles eu égard a la hauteur de la robe sur ses cuisses. L'homme siffle et lui lance qu'elle est magnifique comme cela et qu'elle devrait sortir ainsi habillee tout le temps afin que tous les hommes sachent qu'elle est une grosse salope qui aime la bite. Elle proteste un peu, rougie meme mais acquiesse que c'est vraie elle aime la bite. Elle vient s asseoir pres de l'homme qui recommence a l'embrasser a la peloter de partout et ma Fabienne se tortille de plaisir.

D'un coup on entend la ***nette, l'homme dit a ma femme d'aller ouvrir que ce ***t les amis qu'il attend. Comme elle proteste que vetue ainsi, si un voisin venait a être sur le palier cela serait genant. L'homme d'un ton severe dit « et alors comme cela ils sauront que la voisine est une pute ». Fabienne va ouvrir et là j'entends des voies d'hommes dire que cette tenue lui va a ravir. Je vois arriver ma femme et deux hommes. L'amant les acceuille et ordonne a ma femme de leur servir a boire lui indique de bien se pencher en avant lorsqu'elle sert. Les deux arrivants font des compliments sur le corps de ma femme. L'amant leur dit « je vous avais dit qu'elle n'était plus très jeune mais qu'elle etait encore bien foutu cette salope je ne vous aurais pas menti quand meme ». Alors que les deux hommes commencent a siroter, l'amant se leve passe derriere ma femme la tire par les cheveux l'embrasse a pleine bouche puis passant ses mains le long du corps de Fabienne dit « regardez moi ce corps de femelle, ce dessin de la taille et des hanches humm c'est le corps d'une bonne pute ca » humm ma femme proteste un peu. L'amant soupese les nichons de ma femme les presse les malaxe meme assez fermement et dit « en plus meme si elle n'a pas des nichons enormes elle a quand meme une bonne paire de mamelles bien agreable a travailler et utiliser et le mieux c est encore quand penchee en avant les mamelles pendent bien humm on peut bien jouer avec et elle aime ca la truie que l'on joue avec ses pis hein » Comme Fabienne ne repond pas vraiment, plutot rouge de honte, il presse viollement un sein la faisant grimacer et l'invective de dire la verité a ses invités. Fabienne dit alors « oui j'aime beaucoup que l'on joue avec mes mamelles ca m'excite ca me fait mouiller ». Un des hommes assit lance « tu ne nous a pas menti c'est vraiment une bonne grosse salope que tu a degote ». L'amant poursuit « regarde moi cette bonne pute qui a la chatte quasi rasee » et il remonte la robe devoilant le ventre de ma femme sans culotte. Il exige que Fabienne pose un pied sur la table basse la faisant ainsi bien ouvrir ses cuisses. « Regardez cela » dit il « une bonne chatte encore suffisamment serree malgre les kilomètres de bites qu'elle a pris ». Il passe un doigt. « Vous n'allez pas me croire, cette poufiasse mouille deja alors qu'on ne lui a rien fait, touchez si vous ne me croyez pas » Les deux hommes se penchent touchent et acquiessent. L'amant glisse ses mains dans le decollete et fait sortir les nichons de ma femme en les tirant par les tetines, voila c'est mieux ainsi non et il les fait balloter en disant « mais vous n'avez pas vu encore le meilleur » Il fait tourner ma femme la fait se pencher en avant et remonte la robe sur *** cul. « Regardez moi ce cul » et il le claque « la premiere fois que je l'ai vu je me suis dit que c'était un cul a claquer et il le merite n'est ce pas. D'ailleurs je ne m'en prive pas » et il met deux claques « mais c'est surtout un cul a fourrer non » il ecarte les fesses « regardez moi un cul de cette forme avec un pareil trou du cul c'est un cul a enculer n'est ce pas » les deux hommes acquiessent « mais le meilleur c'est qu'en plus cette poufiasse est une veritable enculee, elle adore se faire enculer et elle y a droit a chaque fois » Claques sur le cul « n'est ce pas salope que tu aimes avoir une bite dans le cul » Fabienne gemie sous les claques et lance « ouiii ouii j'aime ca me faire casser le cul ». Il fait redresser Fabienne la retourne fasse aux deux hommes il commence a malaxer les nichons a pincer les tetons a tirer sauvagement dessus ce qui fait grimacer et gemir quand meme de plaisir ma Fabienne. Alors que moi a chaque fois que je lui pince un peu trop fort ou tire un peu trop sur ses tetines elle me regarde d'un air rageur.
« racontes a mes amis tout ce que tu refuses a ton mari et que tu adores faires avec les autres hommes » Fabienne commence alors a dire « je fais parfois ma mijorée pour lui sucer la queue je ne lui fait jamais de pipe si on ne baise pas, en fait jadore tailler une pipe et boire le foutre » elle se leche les levres « croyez moi » dit l'amant « elle a vraiment une bouche a pipe de putain et vous allez pouvoir en juger d'ailleurs, continue poufiasse » Fabienne poursuit « Alain vient de vous dire qu'il m'enculait a chaque fois, je prefere en fait me faire defoncer le cul que la chatte et je refuse depuis des années a mon mari la sodomie » Alain donne des claques aux seins de ma femme qui balancent, elle gemie. « C'est pas la plus grosse pouf que vous ayez rencontre ? » les deux hommes font des commentaires encore plus salace. Ma salope de femme lance a Alain qui lui maltraite les nichons « tu sais y faire avec les salopes comme moi oui c'est bon ca me fait mouiller ouiii massacre moi les mamelles hummm » Je n'en crois pas mes oreilles.

« Bon tu ne vas pas laisser nos invites comme ca » dit Alain a ma femme en lui donnant des claques sur les nichons. « Enleve cette robe et va leur pomper la bite comme la pute que tu es a 4 pattes » Ma femme s'execute elle est en porte jaretelle et bas et la voila a 4 pattes qui fait le tour de la table de salon *** beau gros cul se tortille ses mamelles qui pendent balancent. Les deux hommes ouvrent leur pantalon et sorte leur bite deja bien tendue ma femme regardent ces bites avec des yeux brillant de desir elle couigne en s approchant. L'un des deux hommes lance en se penchant et en claquant le cul de ma femme « en tout cas nous ne sommes pas ton mari et nous allons te casser ton gros cul d'enculée » Ma femme glousse « oh ouiii je l'espere bien et je vais vous sucer du mieux que je peux pour que vous m enculiez bien a fond mes salauds»

Fabienne se cale entre les deux a genoux et commence a leur lecher la qeue les couilles, elle les aspire et les deux se pame puis elle commence a leur sucer a tour de role le gland en les branlant puis a faire des mouvement de va et vient sur leur queue. Les hommes ralent de plaisir. Alain s'approchent claque viollement le cul de Fabienne et lui lance « suce les mieux que cela poufiasse ne me fait pas honte montre leur que tu es une bonne pute » L'homme qu'elle suce lance a Alain « putain quand tu lui claques le cul elle suce encore mieux c'est une sacree bouffeuse de bite ». Alain alors se met a maltraiter les nichons de ma femme il les claquent les etire par les tetons et a un moment tirant viollement sur un nichon l allongeant demeusurement, ce qui fait gemir et grimacer ma femme, il appuit sur la tete de ma femme lui empalant la bouche a fond et la maintient ainsi, Fabienne hoquete. Il l'attrape par les cheveux et lui impose des mouvements rapide et violent de la tete sur la bite de l'homme qui se pame. Alain hurle presque « c'est comme ca qu'une bonne pute suce une bite » ma femme exulte et Alain lance a l'homme « regarde comme elle aime il faut lui enculer la gorge elle est juste bonne a ca prendre des coups de queue ». L'homme ne se fait pas prier, il aggripe la tete de ma femme et lui bourre la bouche. Ma femme rale exulte tortille du cul alors que Alain et l'autre homme se mette a lui claquer le cul a massacrer ses mamelles.

Cela dure de longue minute les bites changent a tour de role mais ma femme se fait bourrer la bouche a fond et elle en redemande chaque fois qu'une bite abandonne sa bouche. Parfois l'un des hommes attrape ma femme par les cheveux lui ordonne de dire qu'elle est une grosse pute bourgeoise qui aime la bite et Fabienne systématiquement répète cela et l'homme lui crache dans la bouche et ca excite encore plus ma femme qui reclame encore de la bite.
D'un coup un des hommes dit bon maintenant j'ai envie de me la faire et il l'a met en levrette lui claque le cul ecarte ses fesses et crache sur *** anus et lui enfonce le doigt « ca rentre tout seul » il prend sa bite et l'enfonce d'un coup sec a fond dans sa chatte fait quelque aller retour puis sort et l'encule direct d'un grand coup de rein. Ma femme hurle. Alain qui se faisait sucer a ce moment la lance a l'homme « putain tu lui a bien dechirer le trou du cul a cette ordure. Mais toi continue de sucer grosse truie » et il prend la tete de ma femme pour lui remettre sa bite dans la bouche. Puis il la tire par les cheveux et dit a ma femme « ca te fait mal salope ? » comme ma femme confirme et rale il lui demande si elle veut qu'on arrete de l'enculer. Là ma femme se met presque a hurler « nonnn je veux que vous m enculiez a fond ouii cassez moi le cul j'en ai envie defoncer moi la rondelle » Alain se remet a bourrer la bouche de ma femme et l'autre derriere sort entierement sa bite du cul de ma femme claque *** cul puis l'encule a nouveau a fond d'un coup et la pendant de longue minute ma femme se fait prendre en brochette et les hommes tournent dans la bouche dans le cul. Je vois bien que ma femme prend *** pied et elle jouit a plusieurs reprises. Les homme l'insultent font des commentaires sur *** corps sur le fait que c'est un vrai garage a bite et ma femme repete et en redemande a chaque fois qu'elle se retrouve sans bite dans la bouche et elle envoie *** cul pour se faire enculer et elle jouit par le cul. A plusieurs reprise il lui demande d'hurler que c'est une grosse pute et qu'elle aime avoir une bite dans le cul. Fabienne le fait a chaque fois et en criant toujours plus fort. Si des voisins ***t chez eux ils ont tout entendu. Je bande mais n'ose pas me branler de peur de me faire découvrir. Je suis furieux que ma femme aime se faire enculer, prenne *** pied avec une bite dans le cul mais me le refuse alors que j'adore enculer une femme.

Apres avoir bien tourne ainsi un des hommes dit « maintenant il faut bien lui montrer que c est un garage a bite a cette trainee. » Il s allongent fait empaler Fabienne sur sa bite lui penetrant la chatte Alain se met derriere et l'encule et le troisieme lui bourre la bouche. Fabienne geule couigne l'homme dessous lui maltraire les seins les frappe les etire dans tous les sens les tords les comprimes. Alain qui l'encule lui claque viollement le cul et le troisieme l etouffe en s enfoncant a fond dans sa bouche et ma femme jouit encore et les trois commente que c'est vraiment la plus grosse salope qu'ils connaissent qu'elle aime la bite. Ma femme des que la bite qui lui baise la bouche sort exulte hurle que c'est bon d'avoir trois bite en meme temps qu'elle aime ca que c'est merveilleux. Et les trois salauds se dechainent de plus belle sur elle qui jouit encore plus.


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Enfin ils ***t au bord de l'ejaculation et chacun se presente a la bouche de ma femme et ma femme les supplie de lui donner leur lait de couilles a boire. Ils ***t face a ma Fabienne, ils se branle, ma pute de femme leche et suce les glands tour à tour. Un des trois exulte lui disant d'ouvrir sa bouche, Fabienne se jette sur sa bite s empale la bouche a fond et se met a sucer comme une folle les rales et les contractions de l'homme indiquent qu'il ejacule dans la bouche a pipe de cette putain qui continue de sucer. L'homme prend la tete de ma femme s enfonce une derniere fois a fond la tiend ainsi en lui disant de tout prendre de boire *** foutre comme la pute qu elle est. Fabienne reprend *** souffle se leche les levres en regardant les deux autres salauds qui se branlent. Ils vont tous se vider dans la bouche de Fabienne qui exulte se branle le clito en leur disant que c'est bon le lait de couille qu'elle en veut tous les jours.

Apres un assez long moment de repos de silence uniquement troublé par les respirations un peu haletante, l'amant de ma femme lui demande si elle a apprécié la participation de ses deux amis. Fabienne dit « humm ils m'ont bien baisée et fait jouir et leur bite est merveilleuse de plus je n'avais jamais connue trois bites en même temps et c'est merveilleux, je n'ai jamais autant jouie de ma vie ». Il lui demande alors si elle souhaite recommencer et ma salope de femelle crie presque « ohhh ouiiii quand vous voulez je serais votre vide couille ». Alain lui repond qu'il n'y a pas de problème mais que la prochaine fois elle devra leur vider les couilles en les pompant et que si elle n'arrive pas a les faire rebander ils ne l'enculeront pas. Les deux amis en cœur disent qu'ils ***t d'accord pour revenir que l'amant ne leur avait pas menti en disant qu'il baisait une bonne salope. Il s'habillent embrasse ma femme en donnant une tape sur le cul et lui dise « à bientôt salope ».

Alain et Fabienne se retrouve seuls et il y a un grand moment de tendresse. Alain lui dit « tu es vraiment une sacrée bonne salope et j'ai beaucoup de chance de te connaître je prends vraiment mon pied avec toi, dommage pour ton cocu de mari qui dort tous les soirs avec une grosse salope et ne le sait même pas et donc n'en profite pas » Fabienne fait la mou et dit « je l'aime et je ne veux pas qu'il sache que je suis une salope comme ca je veux qu'il pense que je suis une femme bien ». Ce qui fait bien rire Alain.
Il s'habille et s'apprete a partir il embrasse ma femme a pleine bouche en palpant ses nichons *** cul. Ma femme le repousse doucement s'agenouille et lui ouvre la braguette sort sa bite et commence a le pomper gouluement. Il exulte qu'elle n'est vraiment qu'une pute « tu veux encore du foutre, tu es insasiable ma pute » ma femme pompe lui caresse les couilles grogne. En branlant la queue elle lui dit « juste une petite pipe pour avoir ma dose de lait de couille et que tu ais envie de revenir avec ou sans tes amis et surtout que tu me dechires la rondelle » Cette phrase le rend fou il attrape la tete de ma femme et lui bourre la bouche en disant qu'avec une pute pareille c'est sur qu'il va revenir lui casser le cul. Parfois il se penche et claque viollement ou tire durement sur un nichon. Au moment d'éjaculer il sort sa bite et gicle tout *** foutre sur le visage de ma femme en disant « voila comme cela tu ressembles vraiment a ce que tu es une grosse pute et je veux qu'une fois que je serais partie tu ramasses avec tes doigts le foutre et que tu le deguste mais pour le moment tu vas venir me raccompagner à la porte comme ca a poil et du foutre plein la geule comme ca si il y a des voisins sur le palier ils sauront qui tu es peut etre meme qu'un de tes voisins te coincera dans un coin pour bien te bourrer. Et il rit. Fabienne proteste quelque peu mais s execute lui disant qu'il l'excite vraiment.

Je vois ma femme revenir et ramasser le foutre avec ses doigts et les sucer en se caressant les nichons et en gloussant de plaisir. Elle ramasse sa robe et part dans la salle de bain. J'entends la douche alors je sors de ma cachette et sors sans bruit de l'appartement honteux et excite comme un fou. J'ai la bite tendue depuis le debut et je ne me suis pas branler de peur de faire du bruit et d'etre découvert. Je m'envais furieux mais excite, je ne sais pas ce que je dois faire ? Lui dire que je l'ai découverte mais elle risque de mal le prendre alors qu'elle avoue elle-même ne pas vouloir se devoiler devant moi. Me taire, la quitter ?
En fait ma femme semble de plus en plus joyeuse et je l'espionne regulierement elle se fait toujours baiser par le même homme pafois avec une certaine tendresse mais le plus souvent tres hard. Je l'ai même vu lui pisser dessus et elle avait l'air d'apprecier d'être ainsi rabaissée. Parfois les autres viennent les retrouver et ma femme en prend de toute part.

Je ne sais pas quoi mais savoir que ma femme est une grosse salope m'excite.


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#9,394 · Edited by: chrislebo
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Comme l'autre fois je me suis caché dans le placard du salon. Comme l'autre fois ma femme Fabienne rentre avec *** amant Alain. Ils s'enlacent, s'embrassent, Alain pelote ma femme qui se pâme sous les caresses.
« Alors ma belle salope » lui dit-il « es-tu prête à refaire l'amour avec mes deux amis ? »
Fabienne : « Humm ouiii je suis impatiente, j'ai vraiment appréciée l'autre fois d'avoir trois bites pour moi toute seule humm une expérience inoubliable que j'ai hâte de recommencer »
Alain : « je t'ai amené quelques affaires, vas les passer avant qu'ils n'arrivent et maquille toi en salope »

Ma femme s'éclipse et Alain s'installe dans le salon. Ma femme revient en escarpins, bas, corset, culotte fendue et soutien gorge quart de balconnet. Qu'elle est belle et désirable ainsi. Le maquillage me plait moins, mais bon. Elle s'est mise beaucoup de fard aux yeux et un rouge à lèvre rouge vif sur la bouche. Elle a fait aussi le tour de ses belles aréoles avec le rouge à lèvre.

Alain siffle d'admiration et dit « rien que de te voir ainsi je bande, ca te plait hein de me faire bander ma salope ? »
Fabienne : 'humm ouiii ca me plait que tu bandes pour moi tu le sais j'aime ta bite mon salaud » et elle se caresse les seins.

Ils allaient se peloter à nouveau que déjà la ***nette de la porte d'entrée retentit.
Fabienne frappe dans ses mains comme une petite fille qui vient de recevoir un cadeau. « Ils ***t déjà là, humm je vais me régaler ».

Alain rit à gorge déployée et Fabienne va ouvrir la porte dans cette tenue indécente.

J'entends des sifflements et des commentaires salaces sur la tenue de ma femme.

Fabienne réapparait suivit des deux amis d'Alain qui lui palpent le cul en disant que depuis l'autre jour ils attendaient avec impatience de venir baiser cette bonne salope et qu'ils bandent déjà rien qu'en la voyant. Un des deux malaxe un sein de Fabienne en lui disant qu'il va bien s'occuper de *** cul. Fabienne roucoule de plaisir et lui dit qu'elle l'espère bien.

Alain invite ses amis à s'installer sur le canapé et demande à Fabienne de leur servir à boire. Les deux amis n'attendent même pas et commence à se dévêtir. Alain rigole et dit à Fabienne « tu vois quand je te dis que tu es une bonne salope, je ne suis pas le seul à le penser » Fabienne sourie et glousse de plaisir. Finalement les trois hommes se mettent nus et s'installent. Ils bandent déjà pas mal et l'un d'eux se branle même alors que Fabienne revient avec un plateau et des bois***s. Elle pose le plateau sur la table basse en se penchant en avant. Ses beaux seins pendent, qu'elle est belle comme cela. Elle regarde les yeux brillants de désirs les trois bites nues face à elle et particulièrement celle de l'homme qui se branle. Elle fixe bien la bite et se lèche les lèvres. Elle leur sert à boire.

Alain lui dit « tu te rappelles ce que je t'ai dit l'autre fois ? Tu vas nous vider les couilles avec ta bonne bouche à pipe de putain et boire notre foutre ce sera ton petit déjeuner. Si tu veux que l'on te baise après il faudra que tu arrives à nous faire rebander sinon tu n'auras rien. Je vais rajouter une règle pour aujourd'hui. Nous ne toucherons pas à ta chatte que nous lais***s à ton pauvre cocu de mari, nous n'utiliserons que ta bouche et ton cul. Donc si tu nous fais rebander nous t'enculerons à la chaine. Mais cela ne devrait pas te gêner hein grosse enculée ? »
Fabienne se lèche les lèvres caresse ses seins et dit « humm ohhh non tu sais que j'aime ca me faire enculer ».

Alain « allez sale poufiasse viens prendre ton petit déjeuner de putain »

Fabienne s'approche en tortillant, en pressant ses seins. Elle monte à 4 pattes sur le divan en travers des 3 hommes. Elle commence à sucer Alain en gloussant. Ses seins pendent sur l'homme au milieu et le troisième à *** beau cul en face. Alain lui dit de bien le sucer comme elle sait faire que c'est une bonne pute et qu'elle va avoir droit à sa récompense en lui imprimant le mouvement d'une main parfois il lui demande de lui manger les couilles. L'homme du milieu lui caresse ses belles mamelles frotte sa bite dessus. Le troisième lui malaxe le cul, le claque, lui caresse la chatte. Il lance aux autres « cette grosse salope a déjà la chatte trempée elle n'attendait que cela : avoir des bites à sucer ».Alain qui est sur le point de juter dans la bouche de ma femme lui écrase la tète sur sa bite il lui encule la gorge en râlant, en l'insultant. Les deux autres se déchainent lui tire sur les seins lui claque le cul. Alain jouit dans la bouche de ma femme qui n'en perd pas une goutte. Elle se redresse pour reprendre *** souffle et lance à Alain « putain que ton lait de couille est bon humm je m'en prendrais bien une rasade chaque matin ».
Elle se tourne, offrant *** cul à Alain et commence à pomper la bite de celui qui est à l'autre extrémité. Elle semble encore plus excitée, elle le suce encore plus goulument, joue avec ses couilles. A un moment elle relève la tête et leur cri presque « oh ouiii ouiii claquez moi mon gros cul massacrez moi mes mamelles ahaha ouiii c'est bon humm ». Elle reprend la bite en bouche et l'homme se met à lui baiser littéralement la bouche en l'insultant. Ma belle Fabienne tortille du cul, grogne, râle. Finalement l'homme finit par lui éjaculer dans la bouche et ma femme se délecte de *** foutre, elle leur dit que c'est bon.
Elle ne traine pas s'agenouille entre les cuisses du troisième et aspire sa queue sans attendre. Les hommes disent que vraiment c'est une bouffeuse de bite. Les deux qui ont déjà eu droit de jouir se mettent de part et d'autre et la caresse, l'insulte en lui donnant des claques sur le cul ou les seins, la malaxe et lui tire sur les tetons en lui disant qu'elle trait des couilles et que eux vont traire la vache. Fabienne grogne, se tortille et pompe la troisième queue. L'homme a un moment tire Fabienne par les cheveux et lui dit « sale truie avoue que tu as fait la pute dans un bordel pour sucer comme cela. » Fabienne répond qu'elle n'a jamais fait la pute mais qu'elle aime sucer. L'homme la gifle et lui crie presque « arrête de mentir poufiasse ». Fabienne dit alors « j'ai une âme de pute. Je suis votre pute aujourd'hui ». L'homme la gifle à nouveau et lui dit « ferme la salope et suce » il lui crache dans la bouche et il empale Fabienne par la bouche en appuyant sur sa tête. L'homme ne tarde pas à jouir dans sa bouche aussi.

Alain dit « eh bien ma grosse salope tu as eu un bon petit déjeuner hein ? Trois doses de lait de couilles cela te suffit ? »
Fabienne qui se lèche les lèvres : « humm un délice mais je veux bien en avoir encore et elle rit ».
Alain : « sert nous encore et puis si tu nous fais encore bander on verra »

Fabienne sert à boire en se penchant en avant en faisant balancer ses seins, en se léchant les lèvres, en leur lançant des regards de braises et en tortillant du cul.
Elle se redresse et commence à se caresser le corps, à se malaxer les seins, à étirer les tetons. Elle suce un doigt comme si elle taillait une pipe et se caresse la chatte, se doigte la chatte en roucoulant comme une chienne en chaleur. Elle se tourne se penche en avant, se donne des claques sur le cul. Elle écarte ses fesses et tortille du cul puis elle se doigte le cul. Fabienne leur lance « alors un cul comme ca qui n'attend que de la bite cela ne vous intéresse pas ? »
Elle débarrasse la table basse et se met dessus à 4 pattes. Elle continue de se caresser les seins la chatte et le cul. Elle ondule du cul comme si un homme l'a baisée. Les hommes sirotent leur verre en faisant des commentaires salaces mais ne bougent pas. Pourtant devant le manège de Fabienne je vois leur queue se redresser. Mais per***ne ne bouge. Ils l'a traitent juste de « sale chienne en chaleur » de « grosse truie »...
Fabienne se caresse de plus en plus, gémie comme une petite chienne et s'excite de plus en plus. Un moment elle n'y tient plus et lance « venez me baisez la bouche bande de salaud ca vous fera rebander c'est sur ». Un des trois se lève et vient se positionner devant Fabienne qui ouvre la bouche tire la langue réclame une bite. L'homme la gifle avec sa queue et lui dit « tu aimes ca la bite hein avoue » Fabienne confirme et supplie de lui donner cette queue à bouffer. L'homme lui enfourne la queue d'un coup de rein en râlant de plaisir « putain c'est un vrai aspirateur a bite cette femelle, putain que sa bouche est bonne ». Il donne des coups de reins, les seins balancent doucement.
Les deux autres rient et demande « alors tu rebandes ? ». L'homme répond « sur que je rebande comment ne pas bander avec une telle salope ? ».
L'homme finit par se retirer de la bouche de Fabienne. Il dit « je vais me la faire c'est obliger j'ai la bite en feu » il se dire vers le cul de la salope. Il commence par taper sa bite sur les fesses, puis il glisse *** gland dans la raie cuillère, insiste sur l'anus et Fabienne gémit. Il frotte *** gland sur la chatte brillante et donc trempée. L'homme dit aux autres « vous ne devriez pas vous priver de cette bouche à pipe, c'est vraiment trop bon. ».
Les deux hommes se lèvent et viennent frotter leur bite sur le visage et la bouche de Fabienne. Elle essaye de les aspirer à chaque passage prés des lèvres, elle sort sa langue pour bien les lécher.
L'homme derrière continue de frotter *** gland de la raie du cul à la chatte. Fabienne râle de plus en plus et se met à crier « mets tu vas me la mettre ta bite dit, je n'en peux plus j'ai besoin de me faire défoncer. »
L'homme rit et lui claque le cul « t'es vraiment qu'un garage à bite sale garce. » « Alors dans quel trou voudrais tu que je te la mette hein ? »
Fabienne « mets la où tu veux mais mets la moi putain »
L'homme rit de plus belle en donnant a nouveau des claques sur le cul de Fabienne « je te rappelle qu'Alain a exigé qu'aujourd'hui ce serait cul et bouche rien d'autre alors c'est dans le cul que je vais te la mettre hein ? »
Fabienne « ouiii ouiii mets la moi dans le cul salaud ne me fait plus attendre déchire moi la rondelle enfoiré ».
L'homme positionne *** gland sur l'anus de Fabienne, l'agrippe a deux mains par les hanches et d'un puissant coup de reins l'encule direct a fond. Fabienne hurle tortille du cul. L'homme tire la tète de Fabienne en arrière par les cheveux lui crache a la figure « c'est bien ca que tu voulais hein ? C'est ce que tu as, ma bite dans ton gros cul d'enculée ». Fabienne râle exulte. L'homme commence à faire de long vas et vient dans *** cul. Fabienne râle gémie pousse des cris. L'homme lui claque le cul et s'enfonce à fond dans *** anus. « Alors tu aimes ca ordure ma bite dans ton cul dit ? ».
Fabienne crie se tortille le visage déformé, « oh ouiii ouiii ahaha je ne connais rien de meilleur qu'une bonne bite dans le cul ouiiii vas y ouii mets la moi à fond salaud ouiiiii casse moi le cul ».
L'homme « tu te fais enculer à chaque fois hein poufiasse, ca rentre tout seul » et il se met à lui besogner le cul comme un fou. Les seins de Fabienne balancent dans tous les sens, ses fesses claquent. Les coups de reins la propulsent sur la bite qui vient de lui ****** la bouche.
Les hommes vont tour à tour l'enculer et lui baiser la bouche. Fabienne se fait enculer à la chaine. Les hommes tournent cela dure longtemps. Ma Fabienne râle, gémie, grogne, crie et hulule *** plaisir à plusieurs reprises.
Le premier des trois lui éjacule à la figure en lui disant que comme cela elle ressemble à une grosse salope. Fabienne est en transe.
Les deux autres finissent par jouir un dans sa bouche l'autre sur *** cul.
Ma femme est comblée cela se voit, surtout que je la connais bien.

Une fois qu'ils ont repris leur esprit les trois hommes s'en vont en embrassant Fabienne. Ils lui tâtent un sein ou une fesse. Tous la félicitent de les avoir fait jouir comme ca.
Alain *** amant lui donne rendez vous en lui disant qu'une fois de plus il a bien pris *** pied.
Fabienne lui répond qu'elle est heureuse même si elle va avoir mal en s'assaillant pendant plusieurs jours mais qu'elle attend avec impatience leur prochain rendez-vous.

Je m'en vais une fois de plus en douce la queue tendue à en avoir mal aux couilles et je me branlerais dans la voiture une fois de plus. Ce soir si j'essaye de la baiser elle me dira qu'elle est fatiguée. C'est sur ce ne sera pas un men***ge, mais tant pis j'aime cette grosse salope.


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Envie de bite

J'ai 22 ans, je mesure environ 1m90, genre brun ténébreux, mince, plutôt sportif et j'ai très envie de vous raconter mon fantasme récurrent.

Je suis bi et si dans la vie et avec les filles j'ai tendance à être plutôt dominateur, avec un homme j'ai envie de me sentir très femelle, très femme soumise, très salope qui bouffe des bites ...

C'est avec Pierre que ça a commencé ... Pierre est mon type de mec, plutôt grand, très viril, brun, grandes mains, un beau mec en fait.
Un jour de mai il m'appelle :

- Salut mec, ça te dit de passer chez moi pour qu'on se tape des films en descendant quelques bières ?
- Evidemment, je viens quand ?
- Quand tu veux, je prépare les DVD's
- Okay, j'arrive dans 1/4 d'h

Je prends la moto et ***ne chez lui :

- Ah, ça va ? Installe-toi, je t'offre une petite bière pour commencer ?

- Ouais avec plaisir vieux

Je m'installe dans le canapé devant la télé et il s'assoit à coté de moi, me tendant une bière ...

Il lance le film (un thriller plutôt bien foutu) et ne dit rien pendant quelques minutes. Puis il commence à causer et baisse le *** de la télé, on ne s'arrête plus de parler et les bières défilent. Puis il me dit en souriant :

- Tu sais que t'es plutôt bien foutu comme mec, t'as un cul de dingue ...

- Arrête pierre, tu me charries là, je sais qu'il est pas trop mal mon cul mais quand même.

- Non, non je t'assure, regarde lève-toi un peu que je le regarde...

Je me lève plus par défi que par réelle conviction et commence à me cambrer un peu pour qu'il puisse regarder mes fesses.

Je tourne la tête et je le vois qui me mate carrément, il à l'air d'apprécier ce qu'il voit. Je commence à faire le show, à dandiner du cul en serrant un peu les fesses vu que ça à l'air de lui plaire. Je ne me rends pas bien compte, l'alcool me donne l'impression que ce n'est que de la déconnade. Lui, à l'air plutôt sérieux, on dirait que ses yeux vont sortir de ses orbites et pour m'en assurer je jette un coup d'oeil furtif à sa braguette qui a semble-t-il pas mal gonflé.
Je me retourne enfin et lui dit :

- Bon, c'est pas tout ça, mais si on continuait le film (j'étais quand même un peu gêné de *** intérêt si passionné pour mes fesses)

- Hein ? Quoi ? (Il semble sorti d'un rêve) Ah non, tu ne vas pas t'arrêter là. J'adore ta manière de bouger ton petit cul, je suis sûr que ce n'est pas la première fois que tu fais ça pour un mec.

Au lieu de lui mettre une grosse mandale comme tout bon hétéro devrait le faire, je me sens d'un coup hyper gêné et moi qui ne rougit jamais, j'ai l'impression d'être en feu.

Sentant l'ouverture, Pierre semble comprendre quelque chose à mon sujet :

- Bah allez, tu veux pas continuer un petit peu, j'adore quand tu bouges ton petit boule.

Surprise par ma propre audace, je me lève et commence à onduler lascivement des hanches, me rapprochant légèrement de lui, de minute en minute, je finis par avoir mes fesses tout contre lui, je me baisse légèrement et je commence à frotter mes fesses contre sa braguette (Je commence à me dire que je suis vraiment une petite salope en manque), je me frotte, je caresse sa tige que je sens bien dure contre mon cul ...

Il me retourne alors et me dit :

- On dirait bien qu'en fait tu aimes beaucoup ça, tu m'excites trop à danser comme une chienne devant moi ...

Il prend alors ma main et la pose sur *** paquet, je commence à la faire aller et venir le long de sa raideur, je bande déjà depuis un certain temps mais là j'ai l'impression que mon pantalon va craquer tellement je suis tendu :

- Mais c'est qu'il bande, tu m'as tout l'air d'être une vrai petite salope, j'en ai connu d'autres comme toi, tu fais un peu la mijaurée au début mais une fois qu'on t'as " décoincée " tu deviens la pire des putes.

Je fais oui de la tête, l'air soumis, j'attends la suite, je l'espère même !

- On dirait bien que ça te plaît en plus que je t'insulte, très bien, maintenant fous-toi à genoux petite pute, j'ai très envie que tu me suces, t'as de belles lèvres, ça va m'exciter à mort de te voir me pomper le noeud.

Je tombe à genoux, la position me plaît déjà, soumis à lui, il a ouvert *** pantalon et me sort sa queue, elle est plutôt grosse (19x6) et j'appréhende déjà un peu à l'idée qu'il va sûrement vouloir me prendre ... Je la prends en main et commence à faire des vas et viens, il penche un peu la tête, me regarde faire et ferme légèrement les yeux, je regarde *** gros zob et lui dit :

- J'adore ta queue, je vais te la sucer à fond, j'ai très envie que tu me jutes au fond de la gorge, sentir ton sperme emplir ma bouche et couler dans mon oesophage ...

Il prend alors ma tête, la rapproche de *** gland, mes lèvres s'ouvrent presque automatiquement et j'engloutis *** chibre, j'adore cette sensation, ce gland hyper doux sous ma langue, mes lèvres qui décalotte et recalotte *** gland à chaque passage, ce vit me fait tourner la tête. Je le regarde, sa bite dans la bouche, je prends mon pied à le sucer et il le voit ... Je le branle en le sucant, puis le suce sans les mains, accélérant le rythme, il passe *** temps à m'insulter à me dire que je suis une bonne suceuse, une bonne petite pute, une salope qui adore sa bite, j'adore ça, je le suce le plus loin que je peux, je sens *** gland venir titiller le fond de ma gorge. Je le prends tout au fond, puis le relâche, le lèche tout le long, je me caresser le visage avec en lui disant combien j'aime sa grosse bite, comme j'adore la sucer ... Je le reprends en bouche en lui caressant les couilles, grosses et velues ... Je prends un pied d'enfer !

Je sens qu'il va bientôt craquer, j'accélère encore *** mouvement, il me caresse la tête, comme une bonne chienne, il appuie parfois sur ma nuque pour accentuer le mouvement, la salive s'échappe de ma bouche et coule parfois par terre ... Il se retire soudainement me prend par les cheveux et me tient tout près de *** gland, je veux me pencher pour le prendre entre mes lèvres mais il me retient, il se branle de l'autre main, je sors la langue pour venir lui titiller le bout de la bite, il se branle plus vite et finit par gicler, *** sperme sort et vient atterrir droit dans ma bouche, la première giclée se dépose sur ma langue, la deuxième sur mes lèvres, la 3ème à nouveau sur ma langue, il essuie *** gland sur mes lèvres en soufflant " Putain, putain, quelle bonne salope ". Je le regarde dans les yeux, tends un peu la langue pour lui montrer tout le jus qu'il m'a donné puis je ferme la bouche et avale *** nectar en me léchant les lèvres.

- T'adores mon sperme hein ma petite chienne, t'inquiètes, je vais encore t'en donner ... Mais d'abord déshabille-toi, j'ai un petit truc pour toi ...


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I Hate Queers

"YOUR A GODDAM FUCKIN QUEER. YOU SHOULD GO SUCK A COCK BECAUSE THATS ALL YOU GOOD FOR!!!" As I typed the words into the comment section after the story I'd just read, I felt a sense of satisfaction and relief. Maybe I should write to the editors of to tell them to get this fucking gay **** out of other forums. I mean, it's not that the story was really about gay sex. But it was about a wimp-ass pussy-boy who got off watching his wife fuck other men. That's not the kind of thing that a normal man would write about. It's the kind of thing that a cock-sucking queer would think men would find exciting. Cause the cock-sucking queer was imagining himself in the role of the wife and thought the husband in the story should do the same.

I was getting so sick of this **** showing up in every category. If we're going to have stories about cheating wives, let's have ones where the dude acts like a dude. You know, he comes home and grabs a gun and ****s them both. First, he shoots the balls off the guy and then fucks his wife in the ass on top of the guy as he ****** to death. Then he puts the gun up the bitch's cunt and just as he's shooting his load in her ass, he pulls the trigger. Then all he has to do is clean things up a little and call the cops and say, "I'm sorry, officer. I came home to this." That's the kind of cheating wife story that a real man would write.

Well, I'd have to do that later. I was late for meeting George at the bar. I wiped the history in my browser so my wife, Marilyn, wouldn't accidently find out what sort of sites I visited. Then, I headed out to meet George.

When I got to the bar, George was sitting by himself in a booth, nursing a beer. He's a big guy-about 6'3" and built like a tank. He's been in the construction business all his life, first as a worker and now he owned his own business building small strip malls and things like that. I liked George. He was a regular guy. You could talk with him without having to watch what you said. No political correctness. He was fine if you made a racist joke or called women "cunts". He didn't raise an eyebrow if you called a queer a "faggot". You could just say what you thought.

I got a beer and joined George. He teased me about being late: "What were you doing? Yanking your crank because Marilyn won't give you any anymore?" I told him I lost track of time because I was reading a cheating wife story on that really pissed me off and I posted an angry review. I could talk with George even about this. He read, too. In fact, I think he was the one that told me about it.

"You really hated it, huh?"

"Yeah. It was another story by that faggot in hiding, Cinderblock. You know the guy. He writes about all kind of things but you can tell that he's really a queer that just can come to grips with the fact that he wants to suck a guy's cock."

"Yeah, I've read some of his stuff. Doesn't bother me as much as it seems to bother you."

"Are you kidding," I shot back. "The guy's a sick fuck. I haven't read one story of his that's just a straight, guy-fucks-the-living-brains-out-of-a-stacked-chick story. I mean, what the fuck? Does he think people like to read his twisted ****?"

"Well, you read it."

"Fuck you," I said. And, actually, I was a little pissed at George right then. "I read it because I keep wondering whether this guy will straighten his head out. But he never does. The faggot should just do the world a favor and fuckin' **** himself."

George kind of chuckled and I could tell that it would be better to move on to some other topic. I didn't really know why this guy, Cinderblock, pissed me off so much. He was really pressing my buttons and I could tell from George's response that my reaction was over the top. I decided it was best just to let it go.

The bartender brought us two new beers. We were regulars here and he pretty much knew to keep us stocked with beers until we stopped him. George went to take a piss and, while he was gone I got myself all worked up again just thinking about the stories that this asshole Cinderblock posted. But when I saw George returning, I resolved not to bring it up again.

George had other ideas. First thing he said when he sat down was, "So, do you want to get this guy?"

"Who?" I said, not wanting to make assumptions.

"You know. This guy who's pissing you off. Cinderella or whatever?"

"Cinderblock!" I corrected, knowing that George was just trying to provoke me. "What do you mean, "get him"?"

"I mean, track him down and beat the holy crap out of him." George paused. "You'd like to do that, right?"

"Would I! That would show him." I took a swig of my beer. "But there's no way to track him down."

"Maybe. But maybe not." Now George paused to take a gulp. He had my attention. I'd love to teach this little sissy-boy creep a lesson. "If you're right," George continued, "I'll be I can get this Cinderblock to show himself. I mean, if he's really a faggot-in or out of the closet-I'll bet I can get him interested in a date." He took another ***** of his beer. "Then, we can beat him to a pulp when he shows up for his date night."

"****! That's fucking brilliant," I said, stunned by George's willingness to join in on this. "Of course, we'd have to be lucky enough for him to live near here. Who the hell know where in the world anyone on really is?"

"Well, we can see." And with that, we moved on to other topics.

About three days later, George e-mailed me and told me that he'd gotten a response from Cinderblock. In fact, they'd been chatting up quite a bit in private correspondence through Turns out that Cinderblock lives in California. I suspected that it would be San Francisco, land of the queers and fairies, but it turned out he lived in Sacramento. That's a long way from Atlanta, where George and I lived. So, I figured that beating the **** out of Cinderblock would have to remain just an unfulfilled fantasy.

But life is good and it turned out that the world was revolving around me. Not two weeks later, George e-mailed me another back-and-forth between him and Cinderblock. Ah, the fates were with me and George. Cinderblock was going to be travelling to Atlanta on business in just a couple of weeks. And, he was interested in meeting George (though George had been using the name Greg in the correspondence). I couldn't believe the luck. It was as if the universe, itself, wanted me to beat the crap out of Cinderblock and it was conspiring to bring him to me for that purpose.

George kept me up on the e-mail from Cinderblock, who told "Greg" that his real name was "Ben". But who knew? No one told the truth about these things on the Internet. I decided to keep thinking of him as "Cinderblock". Cinderblock was the guy I'd come to despise. And it was Cinderblock, not some guy named "Ben", who I was going to beat the **** out of for being such a little cock-sucking faggot.

Cinderblock wanted George to meet him at his hotel room in downtown Atlanta. That was great. We could go there, beat the crap out of Cinderblock and threaten to do it again if he kept writing his **** and posting it to and leave him in his hotel room to nurse his wounds.

George and I planned our attack on several different occasions over beers. "Planned" might be too grand a word. There wasn't much to plan, really: go to his room, beat the crap out of him, promise more if he ever posted another of his ****-ass stories, and leave. But it was fun to run the scenario over and over in our minds while sucking on our beers.

Finally the big night arrived. I'd told Marilyn that I was going to a basketball game with George, so I had the whole night free. George and I drove to the hotel separately because he was coming from a building site the other side of town. When I got there, George was waiting in the lobby. He told me that Ben, as he called him, had instructed him to get a key at the desk-he'd left instruction with the receptionist-and come up to the room and let himself in. That seemed weird to me but, who knows, maybe this pussy-boy, Cinderblock, was planning on meeting his lover in a nightie, reclining on the bed. It's impossible to figure out what goes through the mind of a queer.

I could feel my pulse pounding as we went up in the elevator. The prospect of beating the crap out of this guy was really energizing me. When we got to the door, George inserted the key card gently and opened the door quietly. He stepped in and I followed, closing the door silently behind me. I started to take a step down the entry toward the beds when I was pushed violently, head-first, into the wall. It all happened so fast that I couldn't process what was happening. I hit the wall so hard that I lost consciousness.

I have no idea how much time passed. I came to slowly and I was pretty groggy for a while. I realized that my hands and feet were tied securely to the bed I was lying in. I was tied face down, but with enough slack that I could look around. The only person I could see was George, who was sitting at the desk, watching something on a laptop.

"What the fuck?" I complained.

"Oh, you're with the living again," George replied.

"What happened? Did that little faggot **** Cinderblock jump me?" Then I realized how silly that was. George wasn't tied up. And why didn't he untie me?

"He sure did," George said.

Now I was more confused. If Cinderblock jumped me, where the fuck was he? And why didn't George untie me? I was still a bit addled but I suspected that I'd be confused under the best of conditions.

"But I wouldn't call him "little". Of, for that matter, a "faggot ****". He's about 6'3" and a good 230 pounds. And, right now, he owns you."

"What are you talking about?" I still wasn't getting it. My head was pounding and I'm sure my brain wasn't at its best. But this was all so confusing.

"Well, Ken," George said calmly, "if you're so dense that I need to spell it all out for you, here goes." George paused, I think for dramatic effect. "You wanted to meet Cinderblock so you could beat the crap out of him. Well, you've known Cinderblock for years but I doubt that you could beat the crap out of him. Even on your best day and my worst, you're no match for me."

Okay, this was really weird. It was like the truth was revealed but it was in a language that I couldn't understand. No, that's not right. I knew what George was saying. I just couldn't imagine the world being the way he was describing it.


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George was Cinderblock! That was ridiculous. Cinderblock was some little faggot pussy-boy-or at least a wannabe faggot pussy-boy. George was the epitome of a manly man. He had a beautiful wife and two kids. No one really knows what goes on in a person's marriage, but I was pretty sure that he and Claire had a terrific relationship, both physically and emotionally. And, I think I have pretty decent-maybe even overly sensitive-"gaydar". And I can assure you, George ranks a "0" on a scale of "0" to "100" on the gaydar. So, what the fuck was going one. I understood the words, but I couldn't think of the world being the way the words said it was.

"What the fuck? You're not that faggot Cinderblock!" I said, knowing that it was false but challenging George to make things make sense.

"Well, I am. But I'm not gay. I've never had sex with another guy. I don't even think about having sex with another guy, except sometimes when I'm searching for a story line that is really provocative. I think about lots of things that are disturbing, even to me. That's part of the point of fantasies, you know." George looked at me and seemed to be recalculating. "No, you probably don't know. You probably think the point of fantasies is to live out your secret yearnings. That's a pretty limited vision. But I think it's probably the one you have."

"Untie me!" I said **********, not really wanting to engage George in a debate about the nature and purpose of sexual fantasies.

"I will, but not yet." George got up, grabbed the laptop, walked toward me. "First, there are a couple of things I want to show you. I think you'll learn something tonight. One lesson can be learned just by watching. The second will be what teachers call 'experiential learning'."

George set the laptop down on the bed next to my head. The media player filled the screen and, after setting it down, George pressed a button to start a video. The scene was a hotel room, much like the one we were in. A woman entered the room and sat down on one of the beds. It took a minute for me to recognize her. It was Marilyn. She kicked off her shoes and then hiked her dress up to roll down her stockings.

Marilyn usually wore pantyhose or no stockings at all. She only wore thigh-highs, like those she was wearing on the video, for special occasions like when we had a "special date". Then she'd wear those stockings with no panties on. I thought through some of the times we'd gone out with Marilyn dressed like that. There had been sexual tension all through the night. I'd eaten my dinner with the vivid image of her neatly shaved pussy, bare under her dress.

And then a man came into view. George! (Okay, I shouldn't have been surprised, but I still found it shocking.) He was unbuttoning his shirt as he walked toward Marilyn. When he sat down next to her on the bed, she said, "Here, darling, I want to show you something." Marilyn took his hand and pressed it up under her skirt. "Do you like it?"

"Very nice!" George replied.

"I did it for you, you know. Ken has been wanting me to shave my pussy for a long time but I didn't feel like doing it. But then I thought, if Ken wants this so much, maybe it would please you, too."

"It does. But it pleases me even more than you did it just for me. I'm going to love licking this sweet little shaved cunt until it drips with wetness and you beg me to fuck you."

"Well, that won't take long," Marilyn said, pulling George onto her on the bed.

As they were pulling off each other's clothes, I did some calculating. Marilyn had first shaved her crotch for me over a year ago. I remembered it distinctly because it was so surprising. I'd wanted her to try that for years but she'd always said that she didn't want to have to deal with the itching and the stubble. Then, one day she came to bed with her pussy shaved as smooth as a plum. When I questioned her about it, she said that she'd been talking with her girlfriend, Louise, when they were out shopping that afternoon and Louise encouraged her to try shaving her twat just to see the reaction she would get out of me.

My reaction was intense. I licked and kissed her clean little cunt no end that night. (At least, at the time I thought it was clean. I now realized that she'd come home that afternoon not from a day of shopping with Louise but from a day of fucking my friend George. ****, even if she'd showered, she probably came home to me with some of his cum clinging to the walls of her cunt and dripping out as I coaxed her juices with my tongue.) We'd fucked like teenagers that night. I think it might have been the best sex I'd ever had with Marilyn, or anyone for that matter.

Now, watching George's video, I realized that it was all a lie. While I'd been completely immersed in an intense sexual encounter with Marilyn, she was, in her heart, laughing at me and fantasizing about her afternoon with George.

"You like it," George said, breaking me out of my dark thoughts.

"You bastard! I hate your fucking guts!"

"Probably. But not as much as you will." George seemed so confident and in control. I guess he was. "For the time being, just enjoy the video. I have a few things to do."

George went around the corner into the hallway by the bathroom. I had nothing to do but bemoan my fate and watch me wife satisfy her lover, my friend (or so I thought), and get more pleasure from doing it than she'd ever gotten with me.

I'd never seen George's cock before-and of course not when it was hard. But I could see on the video that it was big. I don't mean "hung like a horse" big, but it was a good eight inches and very fat. Its size wasn't lost on Marilyn. I had to listen to her telling George how big and beautiful his cock was. She said this while she was fondling it, before she put it between her lips, and several times as she was making love to it with her mouth. And she said it when she'd finished pleasuring George with her mouth and started begging him to fuck her with his huge cock.

I watched Marilyn moan with pleasure as George entered her and gave her an intense fucking. She wrapped her legs around his torso and gripped him with her thighs. And, when she came, she screamed out loud urging him to fill her with his cum. I didn't have to review my six years of marriage and two years of dating Marilyn to realize that she'd never reacted to me with the same excitement and enthusiasm.

The video ended and I suddenly realized that George was watching me watch the video.

"She's a tiger!" he said. "I don't know that I've ever had a woman that was more enthusiastic or appreciative." George walked around toward the bed and I could see that he was carrying a tripod with a video camera on it. "The videos with Marilyn are easy. I just use the laptop's camera and she doesn't even know that it's running." I noticed that he said "videos" not "video". "But I need a camera tonight because I don't want to deprive you of the joy of watching your wife be truly sexually satisfied."

George set the camera up so that it aimed toward the bed I was tied up in. Then he moved onto the bed and straddled my hobbled body. I tried to buck him off but to no avail.

"You can fight if you want. But it won't help you. You might as well relax and watch the videos."

I couldn't relax. That was impossible. But it also appeared to be impossible for me to turn my head away from the laptop-not physically impossible (there was nothing restraining me from just turning my head), but I still couldn't do it. So I watched a collage of scenes of George and Marilyn betraying my trust. I'd already deduced that their relationship had been going on for over a year. Maybe it had been going on much longer. But what stunned me now was the number of times they were together. It seemed like they must have been meeting weekly, maybe even more often.

"Like what you see," George said as the video showed Marilyn on her knees sucking his rigid rod like it was the sweetest thing in the world. "There's lots more."

I didn't like what I saw. And I liked even less what I felt. George was reaching around to unbuckle my belt and undo my pants. I struggled, but there was little point except to make it clear that I wasn't consenting. George had my pants undone and pulled down without much trouble.

"You are a fucking faggot! You know that?" I screamed.

"Well, maybe. I meant it when I said I'd never had sex with a man-never even touched one sexually. And, to tell you the truth, I don't find you attractive. In fact, I don't like your body any more than I like you twisted little bigoted mind." George untied one of my legs so he could get my pants and underpants completely off. I tried to kick him, but he handled me easily.

"What I'm going to do to you has nothing to do with sexual attraction or lust-at least not mine. From my point of view, this is all about power and dominance. Well, and about teaching you a lesson. You're going to learn. And it will be a hard lesson." I guess he thought that was kind of funny. I heard him snicker.

He had me completely exposed and vulnerable from the waist down now. Then he stood up, undressed, and turned on the video camera he'd set up. On the laptop, I could see Marilyn on her hands and knees being reamed from behind by George's stiff shaft and begging for him to fuck her harder. And then I felt drops of cold liquid on my ass. First, they splattered on my ass cheeks and then George focused them on my crack. I could feel myself being oiled up for his pleasure.



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George positioned himself on top of me again. I could feel him sitting on my thighs stroking his cock to get it hard. And then I felt his cock pressing between my ass cheeks. This was terrible. I thought it couldn't get worse than this. But it did.

"You think you're going to like my cock in your ass?" George asked rhetorically. "I know your wife does! Marilyn begs me to fuck her ass. She says she loves the way if makes her feel filled." George pushed his cock harder between my ass cheeks. "Oh, yeah. She told me that she never let you fuck her ass. That's your loss. She has a tight little asshole and she moves her ass wonderfully when you fuck her really hard."

****! Will the *********** never end? God damn it! I'd wanted Marilyn to try anal sex for years. She always denied me. Now I knew she'd been giving George her ass for some time. Was it all about humiliating me? Or did she feel like she couldn't be a "bad girl" with her husband but she could with her lover? I didn't know and I didn't see that it made any difference. She'd betrayed me with my friend. And he'd betrayed me. I'd never forgive either of them and, if I could, I'd make them both suffer as much as I was suffering right now.

Visions of revenge soothe the soul, but they can't stop a determined cock from penetrating your ass when you're tied up and exposed. George's cock pressed hard against my well-oiled sphincter and, against my conscious will, my sphincter yielded to the pressure. His cock felt enormous, but it began opening my ass. Soon I could feel him inside me.

I closed my eyes against the pain. But when George was buried deep in my ass, he said something that made me open them again. He told me that if I looked at the video, I could see Marilyn begging him to fuck her in the ass. And he was right. This looked like a different time. She wasn't on her knees. She was lying face-down on the bed. She had a pillow under her pelvis, holding her ass up slightly, and her hands were behind her, pulling her ass cheeks apart. And I could hear her saying, "Fuck my ass, George! I want you to fuck my ass."

As I watched George take Marilyn's ass, I knew exactly what she was feeling but apparently she liked it much more than I did. I was ****** to listen to Marilyn screaming out how good it felt to have George fuck her ass while I experienced how terrible it felt to have him fuck mine.

Needless to say, it hurt like hell. I'd never put anything up my ass. And if I'd been inclined to do that as part of some sort of sick, sissy, sex play, I certainly wouldn't have picked something as big and hard as George's cock. But worse than the physical pain was the ***********. And, maybe worse than even that was the fact that George was treating me like a faggot-a pussy-boy for his pleasure.

After a few minutes, the pain subsided. It didn't completely disappear, but it became tolerable. Unlike the pain, the *********** of being betrayed and used as a pussy was not tolerable. Still, there was nothing I could do about it. I resolved to get through this and then to seek my revenge when I could get the advantage.

But George wasn't about to limit his torment of me. He may not have ever had sex with a man and he may not find me attractive, but he was certainly getting into getting into me. He began to taunt me.

"You like this, don't you. I knew from the way you reacted to my stories that you were struggling with your desire to be fucked by a real man. No one gets that agitated by the mere description of a gay scene unless he's fighting urges in himself." All this time, George was working his cock in and out of me in long, rhythmic strokes.

"It's okay. You can admit it-just between the two of us. Now that you've finally got a hard cock up your ass, you can admit that you've secretly yearned for cock-that this satisfies a need you couldn't admit, even to yourself."

"FUCK YOU!" I screamed.

George laughed. "Oh, you are. You're fucking me good with that tight little boy pussy of yours. You're getting into this, aren't you? I can feel your hips moving. You love getting fucked."

Goddamnit! Were my hips moving? If so, it was only to try to get away from George's cock. Or, at least to minimize the penetration. It's not as if I liked this. ****! I hate faggots. Even the idea of queers sticking their dicks in each other's asses makes my stomach turn. I couldn't understand how a guy could like to feel another guy's hard cock opening his asshole and thrusting deep into his bowels.

I tried to hold very still. But George seemed to take that as a different sign that I wanted it. "Oooh," he cooed, "I see. You want it deep, don't you, you little faggot." And he rammed into me even deeper. "I'll give you the ass-fucking you've secretly wanted."

Then with one hand, he reached around me and grabbed my cock. I was semi-hard when he grabbed me. That didn't mean that I was enjoying this. It was just that as George rammed into me with his hard cock, it made my cock rub on the sheets. And the friction was doing its job. But that didn't stop George from weaving my reaction into his sick, twisted tale. "Oh, look how hard your little clitty is! You're really getting off on getting fucked by a real man, aren't you?"

When I started to protest, he lay his full weight on me, freeing his other hand to press all four fingers into my mouth. He started fucking my mouth with his hand while he continued ravaging my ass and stroking my cock. With the weight of both of us on it, George had to work to move his hand on my cock but, like I said, he's a strong guy. He was stroking me pretty well.

Despite my best efforts, I was building up to an orgasm. George sensed it and rolled us both over on our sides a bit. The ropes on my arms and legs kept me from rolling completely on my side, but I was most of the way over. George was relentless on my ass and his jacking off of my cock was bringing me to the humiliating climax I dreaded. I could look down enough to see the purple head of my cock getting closer and closer to spurting its load every time George's huge fist completed a stroke.

And then it happened. George was pointing my cock up in the air so the first jet of cum arced through the air, landing on the bed a good three feet away. Two more shots of jizz followed and then the last few squirts landed just inches from my cock. My orgasm had not only been ********, it had been incredibly intense. I realized that you didn't have to like what was happening in order to have a mind-numbing orgasm.

I was exhausted and I felt as if all of the energy had been sapped from my body. I went limp.

"That's good. Now that you got that out of your system, you can just lie there and enjoy the feeling of satisfying your man."

Well, I didn't have a man. And I hated what George was doing to me. I wasn't enjoying this at all. But I didn't have any choice but to lie there and accept it.

"I never fucked a guy," George said as he fucked me. When he'd been working me to an orgasm, he'd been fucking me hard. But now he was moving slowly in and out of my ass. He was taking long, deep strokes. "It's not bad. I don't really like looking at your hairy ass, but you have a tight little butthole. Your ass doesn't look pretty, like Marilyn's, but it grips my cock pretty good."

He fucked me for a few more minutes before he went on. "But you know what I really like about this. It's not the sex. It's knowing how much you're hating the fact that you're starting to like the feeling of my cock in your ass."

"I don't like it, you fucker!" I immediately regretted calling him a "fucker". It was, at the moment, all too accurate.

"Oh, I think you like it all right. You just don't like the fact that you like it."

I grunted a dissent but George told me to shut up. He said he wanted to be able to focus on filling my ass with his cum.

He pulled down a pillow and put it under my hips, then rolled me back onto my stomach. Now I could barely move. My ass was thrust up for his pleasure and I was completely at his mercy. He didn't start fucking me furiously like he had been when he was making me cum. He seemed to like a slower tempo. But I could feel his orgasm building. I could hear his breathing getting ragged and felt the way his huge hands gripped my rib cage as he worked up to his climax.

From the sound of it, his orgasm was as intense as mine had been. Maybe he was telling the truth when he said he wasn't into gay sex. And, of course, I hate the very idea of faggots. But neither of us found our feelings about gay sex to interfere with the intensity of our sexual pleasure.

George slipped out of my sore ass and lay next to me panting for a long time. After George had come down from his high, I told him to untie me, but he refused. It seemed he had some things to explain to me, first.

That pissed me off. I was really not in a position of strength and I shouldn't have done anything to piss him off-at least not until I was able to extract my revenge. But I couldn't help saying, "You goddamn fucking queer!" Somehow it made me feel better to spit those words out at him.

"You really don't get it, do you Ken?" George got up and went to the bathroom. When he came back, wiping his cock with a wet washcloth, he continued. "You see, I write stories about gay sex, about cuckolded husbands, about feminized men. And I write stories about fucked up people. Many of my stories don't have happily-ever-after endings. Sometimes the bad people get away with doing bad things. So what! Those are just stories I like to turn over in my head-things that might churn up some emotional turmoil. They're not diary entries or things I want to be diary entries. If I'd ever really wanted to have sex with a man, I would have done it. (I mean, before now.) I don't have a problem with gay sex. I just don't happen to get turned on by it."

I don't think I'd ever heard George talk on for so long about anything except sports. But he wasn't through yet.

"You, on the other hand..." He left a long pause here, probably just to be sure he had my complete attention. "You seem fixated on gay sex. The slightest gay sex in a story is more than you can stand. If a story is about a woman being demeaned or ****** by a guy, you're fine with that. And you'd positively like one about some guy getting the crap beaten out of him for being gay. But a hint of man-on-man sex sets you off." George put the laptop on the desk and hooked the video camera up to it. He fiddled with the computer for a while, which at least had the benefit of shutting him up. But then, when he'd done what he wanted to do, he went on.

"You know why that is?" I was considering different things I could say in response. But apparently a response from me wasn't needed. "It's because you're so fucking scared that you're gay!"

"Oh give me a fucking break! I'm so fucking sick of this, 'Anyone who is against gay sex is a closet gay' ****. That's bull****!"

"Yeah, Ken. I agree." That surprised me. "But you're not just "against gay sex". You're positively panicked by the thought of gay sex. For you, it's not about thinking it's wrong. It's all about worrying that you secretly want it. And you think that by attacking it in every way possible, you can prove to yourself that you're not gay."

"Fuck you!"

"You did. And pretty well, too...for a first-timer."

"Untie me!"



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"I'm going to. But first I have to explain some things to you." He started untying one of my legs as he "explained". "When I get you untied, you're going to want to **** me. You won't try it now because you know that I can beat the crap out of you with ease. No matter how much you think your anger will feed your strength, you know you're no match for me in any fair fight." He untied my other leg.

"But you could hurt me with a weapon. You could **** me. And I'm imagining that, over the last hour, you've had thoughts along those lines." George paused and sat down on the other bed. Apparently my hands weren't going to be released until he was finished.

"Trying something like that wouldn't be smart. You see, the video I just made is now uploaded on a site where I have lots of things I'd like to make public if anything happens to me. And, so, I've got it all automated. The website I've created, and just added our little video to, goes live in one week from my last log in. I keep logging in at least once a week, it stays private indefinitely. I miss a week, and it goes public. And when it goes public, e-mail invitations go out to everyone in my address book. In preparation for tonight, I added a lot of special people to my address book-a bunch of people from your work, the e-mail list from our church, as many of your relatives as I could track down. You know, lots of the people in your life."

George went on with his "explanation", which he'd obviously thought through carefully. "And it's not just the videos of you. All the ones of Marilyn are up, too. You can say that what I did to you was ****, but do you want to have the whole world know that before I raped you, I cuckolded you for years? Do you want them to hear Marilyn beg for my cock and scream out that no one had ever fucked her the way I did? You think tonight was humiliating. It's nothing compared to what you'd bring on yourself if you tried to get back at me."

I felt completely blocked. All the revenge scenarios I'd been thinking of seemed impossible now. I felt as powerless to right the wrong that had been inflicted on me as I'd been to resist George's assault. Maybe I'd think of something later. But for now, I was resigned to my terrible fate.

"So," he went on, "just so were clear on this. I'm going to untie you. And when I do, you're going to ask me if you can please suck my cock. You're going to ask sincerely and convincingly. When you do, I'm going to let you do that. You're going to give me a terrific blow job. You're going to be eager to please me. And, after you do-after you suck my cum down and swallow it all-I'll let you go and I'll never try to ***** you to do anything again." He stood up and took a step toward the bed before he stopped to wait for my answer.

"Do we have a deal?"

I nodded. George untied my hands. I rubbed them for a few minutes. When I looked up, George told me to take off my shirt. That was the easy part of what I had to do. I could feel the lump in my throat as I thought about it. I didn't know whether I could bring myself to say the words that George had scripted for me. But, really, what choice did I have?

"Can I ..." I stumbled. In fact, I stumbled three times before I managed to blurt out, "May I please suck your cock?" George didn't like the way I said it and he made me say it again. It was easier the second time, but it wasn't until the fourth time that it met George's standards.

He said "yes," and positioned me right where he wanted me-on my knees on the floor. He stood directly before me, with his fat, soft cock inches from my face. I screwed up my courage and reached up to touch his cock-the first time I'd ever held another man's cock. It felt strange. Because of his size, it felt heavy in my hand. And it felt big. It was warm and the skin was very soft and smooth.

Even as I brought it to my lips, it began to harden. I put my lips around the head of George's cock and began sucking on it while I jerked on his shaft. I gagged and felt my stomach wretch, but I managed to keep my mouth around his now rigid cock. I was determined that this was going to end as quickly as possible, so I pumped furiously while I sucked on the head of George's cock.

Surprisingly, given how recently he'd shot his load in my ass, it didn't take George long to start working toward a climax. My stomach wretched again and I had to struggle to keep his cock from hitting the back of my throat and making me gag.

And then he blew his load. He was loud, and *****ful. I could feel the streams of semen filling my mouth. I had to swallow as he was still spewing. And then I swallowed again as he was finishing. My stomach was trying to push back up what I was trying to swallow down, but I managed to keep from throwing up.

George backed away and sat down on the chair by the desk for a minute. I got up and went to the bathroom. Fortunately, there was a bottle of mouthwash there. I gargled twice, finishing off the little bottle. Then I sat on the toilet, trying to expel the cum from my ass. It took a while but finally it dribbled out. I wiped and headed back to get my clothes.

George was fiddling with the computer but I didn't pay any attention to what he was doing. I just wanted to get dressed and out of there. Then I had to figure out some way to forget everything that had happened, or at least to put it behind me.

As I was putting on my clothes, George started up again. "You know what? I'm kind of sorry that I promised you that I'd never make you do anything again." I ignored him and worked on getting my pants on.

"I mean, for a guy who doesn't like even the idea of sex with a guy, you give a hell of a blow job. I wouldn't mind getting one of those from time to time." George went on with his ruminations. "And, you know what, I could probably get you to do it. After all, now I've got the video of you asking to suck my cock and then taking my load."

What the fuck? I knew I saw him turn off the video camera. George saw my confusion. "I used the camera on the laptop," he said with a very self-satisfied smirk. "Oh yeah," he continued, "I got the goods on you. And the goods are pretty good. When I looked at the video before I uploaded it, I saw that you had a hardon when you were sucking me off." I couldn't believe it and George saw the disbelief on my face. "It's really did. It's clear as can be on the video. But I'm a man of my word. I said I wouldn't make you do anything ever again. And I'll stick by that."

I was almost finished getting dressed. Soon I could leave and never hear his voice again.

"But, you know what?" George said brightly. "I don't think I'll have to ***** you."

I just wanted to get out of there. I started for the door.

"I think you'll go home and try to put this all out of your mind." He was certainly right there. "But you won't be able to. You'll find yourself thinking about what my cock felt like in your ass when you're drifting off to *****. You'll find yourself thinking about sucking my cock when Marilyn is sucking yours. You'll find that when you masturbate, you might begin by thinking of fucking some beautiful woman, but as you get close to shooting your load, you'll be thinking of taking my load in your mouth or having my cock split your ass cheeks." George smiled, "that's what I think."

"Well, you're fucking wrong, you goddamn cock-sucking faggot. If I ever think of this again, it will be when I'm planning some way to really fuck you up despite your little doomsday machine. If you think that I'm going to come back for you to suck your cock or let you fuck me, you're a fucking moron. That will never happen!"

I left the room, slamming the door behind me and repeating in my mind, all the way to the car, "That will never happen. That will never happen. That will never happen."

I was wrong.


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Brad's Bitch

The phone rang. I pulled it from my jeans pocket and saw that it was Brad. ****! I really didn't want a call from him right now. Maybe I should just ignore it. But somehow he always knew when I'd just ignored his calls. And then that was even worse.

I answered it, thinking only fleetingly about "the speech" that I'd composed and honed over the years and knew now that I would never actually give. I don't know why I even thought of it anymore. Maybe it made me feel just a little bit in charge of my life to at least imagine that I'd freed myself from Brad with "the speech."

"Hey, Bitch." That's how he usually referred to me. It should still bother me, of course, but I'd gotten to the point where I didn't really hear it anymore. "Rachel's down at the outlet mall for the whole day. Get over here."

Phrases from the speech floated through my head: "This is over, Brad;" "I'm married to a beautiful woman now and I'm not your bitch anymore;" "Fuck off!" As these thoughts rattled around in my mind, I said, "Okay." Really, by this point, the speech was a piece of personal history-a remnant of a time when I hadn't made my peace with the situation.

It took me a little time to get ready. Brad was particular about how I was dressed when I showed up at his house, or wherever he wanted me to meet him. But I'd gotten pretty fast at this-I'd had enough practice-so I was out the door in under 15 minutes. That's all the time it took to drag my bag of paraphernalia out of its hiding place in the basement, strip down and take off my men's underwear, pull on the stockings and fasten them to the garter belt, slip into the panties and fasten the bra around my chest. Then, all I had to do was pull back on my men's outer clothing and grab the bag with my heels, wig, and breast inserts.

At this time of day, it was a 30 minute drive to Brad's house. I had a lot of time to think and I wound up replaying, as I'd done so many times over the years, how this whole thing began.

It was eight years ago and Brad and I were freshmen roommates in college. From the beginning, we didn't really click. If the university did any sort of matching of roommates, they sure fucked up in our case. Brad was loud and brash; I was quiet and introspective. He was mainly in school to party; I was a serious student. I hated it when I'd come back from the library late at night and find his signal on the door-a lapel pin in the corkboard-indicating that he had a girl in the room. I'd wind up ******** on a sofa in the floor lounge.

For the most part, we simply co-existed. I was counting the days down until the end of the year. Really! I had a little tally sheet over my desk. Brad had no idea what it was, but each day I'd cross off on square so I could mark my progress toward getting away from Brad.

Then, in the middle of the spring term, Brad's girlfriend dumped him. She dumped him hard. In my mind, I cheered her on, thinking she'd seen what a crass jerk he was and that was why she'd broken up. But Brad was so busted up that he couldn't even bring himself to date other girls, even though there were lots who would have wanted to go out with him.

But not feeling like dating didn't mean that Brad was fine with being celibate. In retrospect, I guess his sex drive was building up steam without any release. But I didn't realize that until later.

It was late one Saturday night-well, I guess it was really early one Sunday morning-about a month after his girlfriend had dropped him that it became clear that Brad's sexual urges were overwhelming him. I was just about asleep when he came in from hanging out with some other guys. He was obviously very *****. I could tell that from the fumbling with his card in the door before the door unlocked and, as soon as he walked in the room, from the ******* he reeked of.

I tried to ignore him. It was a little difficult because he not only stumbled into about every piece of furniture in the dorm room as he took off his clothes but he also turned on the light and even started talking to me. I really didn't want get in a conversation with him. I didn't like him when he was sober and I liked him much less when he was *****.

I guess he didn't like being ignored because he got increasingly abusive. The more abusive he got, though, the more I resolved to continue to ignore him. And, as I found out, the more I continued to ignore him, the more abusive he got.

"What's the matter with you, fuckhead?" And, when that was met with silence, he went on. "I'm talking to you, asshole!" And it went on in that vein for a while.

Finally my resolve to ignore him broke. I shouted, "Shut up! Shut the fuck up!"

And for a moment, there was dead silence. Brad was stunned, I think. I'd never talked like that to him-or to anyone, really. I was kind of stunned myself.

Then, I felt Brad on top of me. He said something like, "I'll show you!" And I guess he did.

I was lying on my stomach and, with his weight on me, I couldn't really move at all. I felt the covers between our bodies being pulled down. And, after the covers were down to my thighs, he began pushing my boxers down, too. I struggled, but to no effect. He was a lot stronger than me and, in the position I was in, I had no leverage anyway.

He got my underpants down to my thighs with his hands and then hooked his foot in them and pushed them and the covers all the way down. Now I could tell that he was naked, too. I could feel his chest on my back and then I could feel his cock on my buttocks. And it was hard. I struggled again-again, ineffectively.

I kind of whimpered a 'no!' That was no more effective than my attempt to dislodge Brad physically.

"NO?!?!" Brad said right into my ear. "I'll teach you not to say 'no' to me, you little bitch!"

He pushed his knees down between mine and then pushed my legs apart. Now, with my ass cheeks spread, I could feel his cock between my cheeks, pressed against my asshole.

Brad's arm was across my back, with all of his weight bearing down on me. It was all I could do to breathe. I had no chance of pushing him off. I was at the mercy of someone who had no mercy.

I felt Brad move down slightly so that the head of his cock lined up with my asshole and then I felt him press against my sphincter. There was no lubrication and, even with the violence Brad was showing, it was impossible for him to ***** his cock into my ass. For a moment, I thought that his assault would fizzle and I'd escape from this unscathed.

He rolled up away from me slightly, keeping his weight on his arm on my back so I couldn't escape. And then I heard him spit several times into his hand. I felt him as he smeared his saliva on his hard cock. He spit into his hand again and smeared on my ass, too.

And, then, he began to press into me again. At first, I tried to resist the pressure. I clenched my asshole down as hard as I could. But the lubrication, crude as it was, had its effect. I could feel his cock working its way into me.

Then, I just gave up. I quit resisting and simply allowed him to do what he was going to do. I felt his cock press into me. It hurt. I felt as if he was tearing me and I guess he did. (Later I found that the sheets were stained with my *****.) But he didn't relent. He pressed into me and before long I could feel him sliding in and out.

Once he was in and able to really fuck me, he began talking to me again. It was vile, disgusting talk. "You like this, don't you bitch? ... You've wanted my cock for a long time, haven't you, you little cock slut? ... How do you like it now-now that you finally have my big hard cock up your little asshole?"

The pain was gone now. I found myself breathing hard and, sometimes when he thrust especially deep into me, gasping. Brad interpreted this as a sign of enjoyment, of course, and built it into his offensive monolog.

I didn't like it. I was being raped. But, then, I realized that my own cock was hard. As Brad fucked me, my cock rubbed against the sheets. And, worse, I felt myself beginning to build to an orgasm. I tried to will it away. I couldn't think of anything that would be more humiliating than cumming from Brad fucking me. But willing an orgasm away is about as successful as willing a hardon away.

I felt Brad's lips, and then his teeth, on my neck. He was biting my neck. I don't think he was trying to cause me pain; it was just a sign of domination. I was sure it would leave a mark. But I didn't have much time to worry about that.

Suddenly, before I realized it, I was cumming. It wasn't quiet. It wasn't subtle. It wasn't possible to hide what had happened. My hips thrust up and down and I screamed out. I guess I also ************* clenched down on my asshole. The additional pressure on his cock-my ass was practically milking his cock now-and the thrill I think he felt as a result of having fucked me to an orgasm, sent Brad over the top. As my orgasm was diminishing, his exploded. And he exploded in my ass. I couldn't feel the jets of semen hitting my rectal walls, but I could certainly feel the throbbing of his cock in my ass.

Then it was over. Brad lay heavily on my back, panting and gasping for breath just like I was. I might have been able to get away then if I'd had the will and the energy. I didn't have either. I just lay there, with Brad's softening cock deep in my bowels.

I think we both sort of dozed a bit in our post-orgasmic bliss. It was some time later that I felt Brad begin to roll to one side. But he didn't pull out of me. Instead, he held my hips tightly against his pelvis so that I turned with him and his cock, now mostly soft, stayed in me.

We were spooning, then. And Brad began to move again. As he moved his cock in and out of my asshole very gently, his cock began to swell again. Soon it was hard and he could fuck me with more *****. And he did.


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His hands were on my hips, but he wasn't really holding me at this point. I was pressing my ass back to meet his thrusts. Brad moved his right hand up along my body and began playing with my nipple. I'd never played with my nipples but I could tell that they were hard little nubbins now. And it felt good to have his fingers touching my nipple.

I reached down and grabbed my cock. It was hard and I needed to feel the pressure of my hand wrapped around it, stroking it as Brad fucked me. I wouldn't describe Brad as being gentle, exactly, but he wasn't being violent anymore. And the movement of his cock in my ass felt really good.

Now I began consciously working my anal sphincter and moving my hips to generate the sensations that I was enjoying. I knew that this was making this feel better for Brad, too, but I didn't care. I was looking out for my own pleasure.

This time, Brad beat me to his orgasm. I felt his hands clamp on my hips as he thrust in and out of me through his orgasm. I didn't want to miss my own orgasm so I began pumping my cock furiously. And, just as Brad's climax receded, I blew my load all over my sheets.

Again, we dozed without uncoupling. At some point, I felt a little cold and I couldn't reach the covers without shifting so much that Brad would come out of me. So I pulled Brad's arm over my chest for warmth and fell asleep.

We both woke up pretty early-especially given how late we'd been up. When we woke up, Brad wasn't in me anymore, but I was still wrapped in his arms. It was an awkward moment. We were both embarrassed. In the early morning light, things looked different. I don't think it was clear to either of us how to go on from here. Brad got up and got in the shower first. I got in the shower as soon as he'd gotten out.

When I came out of the bathroom, Brad hadn't dressed yet; his towel was still wrapped around his waist. I was drying off and I saw Brad eye me. It made me very uncomfortable-as it turned out, for good reason.

"Come here!" It was a command. He didn't shout. In fact, he was talking rather quietly. But it was clear that it was a command. I hesitated. Brad spoke again-not to give another command but, I guess, to explain the situation. "You're my bitch now, you know that." That last phrase could have been a question, but it wasn't. It was a statement of fact.

I did know it. I hadn't admitted it to myself until he said it but, now I realized that as I stood in the shower, washing my ass gently and running my finger over my tender hole, at some level I understood that my asshole was now Brad's property. When I dried off after my shower and saw in the mirror Brad's bite mark on my neck, I think there was some *********** recognition that I belonged to Brad now.

So, he didn't have to say, 'come here', again. He was right. I was his bitch and I knew it.

I walked over to Brad. I could tell by the way he was looking at me what I was supposed to do. If there was a second's hesitation, it was only because I was momentarily stunned by the knowledge that I was going to do it without resistance. I knelt down at Brad's feet and pulled his towel back, exposing his cock-the instrument of my assault just a few hours ago. Brad was beginning to get aroused. His cock was still soft, but it was filling.

I looked at it, amazed-more by my reaction than by his cock itself. It was beautiful-smooth with a well-defined helmet. But what amazed me was that I not only recognized its beauty but I could admit it to myself. I wanted to take it in my mouth-this thing that had raped me the night before. I wanted to hold it between my lips, to feel it slide over my tongue. I wanted to feel it harden in my mouth and, more than anything, I wanted to make it explode in my mouth-filling me with its sweet seed. (At least, that's how I thought of it. I'd never tasted Brad's cum, of course. I'd never tasted any cum, not even my own. I didn't really know what it would taste like. But I imagined it as sweet-if not in actual taste, at least in the satisfaction it would give me.)

Wrapping my fingers gently around his stiffening shaft, I touched my tongue to the tip of his cock. Then I ran my tongue under his shaft, across that most sensitive spot just below the helmet. I felt Brad's cock jump and experienced for the first time the sense of power that women feel when they give a man a blow job. To be able to cause such pleasure is a kind of power.

But I couldn't tease too long. I was teasing myself as much as Brad. I slid his now fully hard cock between my lips and began sliding my lips up and down his shaft. Brad put his hands on the sides of my head. I suppose this could have bothered me; he was taking control of what I was doing. But I found it comforting-and I think I found it comforting precisely because he was taking control of what I was doing.

Brad didn't try to ***** his cock down my throat. He just wanted to control the tempo. And he controlled it to very good effect. It wasn't more than a few minutes before he was thrusting wildly and spewing in my mouth.

I gagged for a second. Then I realized that it wasn't because he'd thrusted too deeply. He hadn't. And it wasn't because of the taste of his cum. I hadn't really had a chance to taste it yet. It was just an anticipatory reaction. When I realized that, I relaxed a bit and just concentrated on the sensations that were flooding my senses: the feeling of the jets of cum at the back of my mouth, the dull ache in my jaw from stretching to accommodate Brad's cock, the clean but masculine smell of his crotch, and, of course, the taste of his cum.

I swallowed some of his semen immediately, as an involuntary reaction to having my mouth filled. But I managed to hold some back. I wanted to attend to my first taste of cum. It wasn't sweet in taste. It was salty and tangy. It kind of stung. But as Brad's softening cock slipped from my lips, and I swished the remaining semen around in my mouth for a moment, I decided that it was sweet-a sweet sensation.

The relationship was cemented at that point. I was Brad's bitch. I couldn't bear to look him in the eye right then. I got up and went to the bathroom. I'm sure Brad thought I was going to brush my teeth and gargle. But I didn't. Somehow it just seemed right to keep Brad's taste in my mouth as long as possible.

For the rest of the year, I serviced Brad at his whim. Even after he started another relationship with a girl, he kept up his use of me. And it wasn't because she wasn't putting out. I guess I gave Brad something he didn't get from his girlfriends. Of course, he had the power of controlling me. Maybe that was it. But I liked to think that I could make him feel things that his girlfriend couldn't.

For our sophomore year, Brad rented a house and told me that I would rent a room from him, which I did of course. This kept me in close proximity so that I could take care of his needs whenever he wanted.

In our third and fourth years, Brad's girlfriend, Cynthia, moved into the house and shared Brad's room. I still lived in the second bedroom to (Brad told his girlfriend) help with the rent. I was helping with the rent, of course, but I was also on call for Brad. I sometimes wondered what Cynthia would think of the fact that some mornings, after she went to class, Brad would call me into their bed to take care of him. Sometimes he just wanted a blow job but frequently he wanted my ass.

I'd gotten quite good at this and didn't mind anymore, except when I thought about the situation in the abstract. I always got aroused when I was servicing Brad, whether he was fucking my mouth or my ass. And I often came during our sexual encounters-always from my own hand, of course. Brad never touched my cock. That was fine. There was no equality, or even token reciprocity, in this relationship. I was just his bitch. And, I found that when I was whacking off on my own, I always envisioned having sex with Brad. Even when I started dating and ******** with women, what I thought about as I was nearing an orgasm was Brad's cock in my ass or my mouth.

It was during this time that Brad began having me dress in women's underwear. It started out as a spur-of-the-moment thing. One morning when Cynthia had gone to class and Brad was horny, he called me into their room. The bra and panties Cynthia had worn the night before were still on the floor where she had thrown them when she and Brad were stripping to make love. I caught the bra strap in my toes when I was walking to their bed and I kind of kicked the bra up into my hand to toss it aside.

Brad stopped me and told me to put on the bra. That stopped me for a minute, but I went ahead and put it on. Fortunately, I'd seen my sister put on a bra by fastening it in front then turning it around before putting on the straps. Brad had me stuff the bra with some of Cynthia's stockings from her drawer then told me to put on her panties. I reached for the ones in her drawer by the stockings but Brad told me to wear the dirty ones from the floor. When I picked them up, he told me to sniff the crotch. It was an intoxicating smell. My nostrils were still filled with it when I slipped the panties on. My cock was hard and, so, the panties didn't do much to cover me.

It was kind of strange, that first time, getting fucked in a bra and panties. But I actually liked it. And, it became a regular part of our sexual activities. When he and Cynthia broke up in our senior year, Brad had me buy some lingerie of my own so that I could continue to be his bitch en femme.

(That one panty sniff got me hooked, by the way. Brad never knew it but I often sought out Cynthia's used panties and sniffed them while I was beating off. Every once in a while, I'd get a pair of panties that Cynthia had worn after she and Brad had fucked. Then the panties would be infused with lots of her fluids and, as well, with Brad's cum. That was a special treat. My panty fetish is with me to this day. Over the years, I'd often sneak a sniff of one of my girlfriend's panties.)



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After we graduated, Brad got married to another woman, Rachel. I didn't live with them, of course. But I did get calls at least once a week or so to come and be Brad's bitch. Usually this involved dressing in women's underwear. Sometimes, he just wanted a quickie at work, though, so the accoutrements were unnecessary.

When I got married, things became more complicated. But the complication were, in Brad's eyes, my problem to deal with. He certainly didn't think they should mean that he should sacrifice anything. And he didn't. I was still on call. I had to get pretty creative about making excuses. And, of course, I had to hide my women's underwear and other things from my wife. But I managed to pull it off.

That's how it started. We are now eight years into this relationship. And it shows no signs of ending. That's fine with me. I've more than made my peace with it. I know I'll never deliver the speech.

As I pulled into Brad's driveway, I knew what was going to happen. This was, in many ways, very routine now, though there were always variations. And, despite the fact that it had become pretty predictable, it never failed to get my heart pumping and my cock stirring.

I would let myself in through the unlocked door. Brad would be nowhere to be seen. I'd strip out of my outer clothes, put on my high heels, fix my wig and insert my breast forms, then head for the living room to wait for Brad. He'd make his entrance and stand, waiting for me to follow his unspoken, but now familiar, instructions.

I'd get up off the couch and walk over to Brad. I wasn't embarrassed any more to look him in the eye as I approached him. We'd passed that point long ago. In fact, I liked what I saw in his eyes as I approached him. I varied things a little each time; today I thought I'd stand close to him for a while and just run my fingers over his crotch, feeling his cock harden inside his pants from the teasing.

When I was sure I had him good and hot, I'd sink to my knees. (I had come to love that moment of surrender.) Then I'd fish out his already hard cock and take it deep in my mouth in one motion. After I'd given both of us that thrill, there'd be plenty of time for me to lick and tease his cock, to fondle his balls and stroke my finger behind them and up to his ass, before finally bringing him off deep in my mouth.

And, I knew that after a reasonable rest period, when we could share a beer, I'd be able to bring him back to life with some careful ministrations to his cock so that he could give me a good fucking. Today, I thought, I'd like to get it while I was on my hands and knees on the floor, with Brad kneeling behind me, holding my hips, and humping me like I was a bitch in heat.

I liked all the ways Brad fucked me. The first time he laid me on my back and fucked me missionary style, I was very uncomfortable. Looking up and seeing lust in his eyes made me feel very vulnerable, very feminine. But I came to like that position a lot, too-especially when I was dressed in my bra and panties, as I usually was these days.

But I think my favorite position was the "bitch in heat" position. I could really concentrate on the feeling of Brad's cock penetrating me. I love the feeling of his hands holding my hips firmly-having complete control over me-so he could thrust his shaft in my hole until he exploded with pleasure in me. It always made me very hot and very hard. It took only a little stroking of my cock for me to bring myself off, usually timed perfectly with Brad's orgasm. Then we would collapse and lie joined together for a while, just like that first time in the dorm room so many years ago-except that now, I was a more than willing partner in it all.

The funny thing is that I never came to like Brad. Though he was seldom mean to me now, he was still a brash, domineering, shallow, egotistical asshole. He never showed real concern for me or my situation. He simply demanded that I show up whenever he wanted me and do whatever he demanded to please him.

It was odd that I was such a compliant plaything for a guy I really didn't like much. But, I guess my likes and dislikes really didn't matter much. It wasn't like I was Brad's lover. I was Brad's bitch.


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New Job, New Life as as Sissy Slut

I was nearing my thirtieth birthday and times were getting tough financially. I had gotten laid off from my job and was collecting unemployment and doing some part-time work helping out friends with odd jobs. One of them suggested that I look into cleaning houses. I've always been very neat and people often thought I was gay. I had dated many women, but never met anyone who might be Ms. Right. I must say that I sometimes fantasized about being taken by a man, but I never acted on it. I bought some dildos and practiced sucking on them and occasionally worked them into my ass. I thought that was as far as my fantasies would go. I had never really fantasized about cross dressing, though I did love seeing women in stockings and garters and other lingerie and I loved when they wore high heels. I never envisioned me wearing those things, but little did I know what lay in store for me.

I put an ad on Craigslist to offer my services. I would charge $75 or so, depending on the size of the house. There were a few calls, but we couldn't work out a price, then one day I got a call from a man asking me to stop by and give him a price. It turned out to be a very nice house. The man answered the door. He looked to be in his late thirties and in good shape. He was wearing a dress shirt, slacks and dress shoes. He asked me inside and I had a look around and he handed me a list of things he would want done; the list was what I expected: dusting, dishes, laundry, and general cleaning duties. I offered to do it for $80 once a week and we shook hands in agreement.

"So I'll see you on Tuesday at noon?" he said.

"Yes, sir," I replied. He smirked at my response.

I would go over each Tuesday. I figured it would take two to three hours to do and those few hundred bucks per month would really help me out. I bought cleaning supplies and started my new job.

The first few weeks went by without a problem. Once I learned to multi-task it only took me a little more than two hours. Rick, the homeowner, worked out of the house. Even though he was working at home, he always wore a dress shirt, slacks, and dress shoes. He apparently did some video conference calls from his study and wanted to look somewhat professional. We saw each other when I showed up and I usually didn't see him again until I was about to leave so he could pay me.

One day I was polishing the feet of the dining room table—they were silver and the table top was glass—and suddenly there I saw bare feet. I looked up and there was Rick wearing only a bathrobe. He was looking down at me and smiling.

"Doing a good job there?" he said.

"Trying to."

"You like polishing things?"

"Well, I don't know about like, but I think I'm good at it," I responded.

"Good, huh?" he said and then opened his robe to reveal a huge hard cock staring straight at me. "Well, why don't you polish this." I was stunned and didn't know what to do. I'd had those fantasies, but I never thought I'd be on my knees before a hard cock. It must have been at least nine inches, cut, and it was thick and veiny. It was a magnificent specimen, but I was frozen and didn't know how to react. Ken then took a step closer and began slapping my face with his cock and it got harder when he did and was pointing at the ceiling. He ran his cock softly across my face and then pressed the head to my lips and without even thinking I opened my mouth and his cock slid in. I looked up at him and had a grin on his face. "I knew you were a submissive little cock slut the moment I saw you," he said. I was struggling with how big it was. "Relax your throat," he said. I did and it was a little easier, though I still only had about half of it in my mouth. He put a hand on each side of my head and began to slowly fuck my face. My own cock was now rock hard and I found myself fondling his balls while he face fucked me. He was moaning now and I was gradually able to take more and more; my nose was nearly buried in his pubic hairs. The musky, masculine smell and taste of him had me mesmerized. He started pumping faster and then he began cumming down my throat. I wasn't expecting the taste, nor was I expecting such a huge load. I swallowed as much as I could, but some spilled out. When he was done he pulled out and scraped the cum on my face onto his cock and then ordered me to clean it. I did. "That's one more item on the list that you will be performing each week. Understood?"

"Yes, sir." He smiled and then closed his robe and left me to my cleaning. My head was buzzing. I had just sucked a man's cock and swallowed his cum. Not only that, but many more new things were about to come my way.

The next few weeks were somewhat of a repeat. As I was cleaning he would walk up to me and snap his fingers and point at the floor. I would immediately drop to my knees, unbuckle his belt and pants, then fish out his cock and get to work on it. It was such a great cock. I found myself thinking about it when I was lying in bed at night and I would jerk off and imagine it in my ass. I would finger my ass and pretend it was his cock. I would also wonder if it would go any further or if he just liked getting a blowjob. That question was soon answered.

One day, after I had swallowed his load, he pointed out that I had forgotten to empty the dishwasher. I had remembered filling it and turning it on, but I realized that I had been so preoccupied with the impending blowjob that I had forgotten to empty it and put the dishes away.

"You will need to be punished for that. Do you agree?" he asked. I couldn't get any words out in response, but felt myself nodding. He had a slight smile on his face but he also looked stern. He pulled out a kitchen chair and sat down. "Drop your pants," he said. I obeyed. "Now the undies." I was wearing boxer briefs. I hesitated. "Now!" he barked and I fumbled and managed to slide them down around my ankles. My cock was not hard anymore; I was kind of afraid of him. "Get over here," he commanded. I walked over and he spun me around and threw me over his knees, my face only inches from the floor. He spanked me. Very hard. I yelped. Spank. Yelp. He gave me a dozen or so and my ass was on fire and I had tears in my eyes. "The penalty for that transgression is ten whacks," he said. "Count off." I had already gotten more than that, but they were apparently only a warm up. Spank. Yelp. "One." He got up to nine and then informed me that I didn't thank him after each one. Spank. Yelp. "One. Thank you." He got up to nine again and then informed me that I didn't address him after each one. Spank. Yelp. "One. Thank you, Sir!" Finally he reached ten, then he shoved me off his knees and onto the floor, where I lay in a quivering heap.

"Thank you, Sir, for the punishment. It won't happen again," was all I could manage.

"Get your ass off my floor and pull up your pants. Your money is on the table in the hall. Also, I've been thinking. . ." His voice trailed off. Uh oh. "Since you are basically my maid, I think you should start wearing a uniform. When you get here, let yourself in. Your uniform for the day will be on the couch in the living room. You will put it on and present yourself to me for my approval. Is that understood?"

"Yes, Sir. I understand."

"Good. Now get out of here." My head was swimming. A uniform? Was I basically going to be his butler? I had to wait a week to find out.

When I arrived the next week I let myself in and walked into the living room. On the couch was a pair of red lace panties. That was it. What the hell? Was I supposed to wear only those, or was I supposed to put them on under the clothes I was wearing? I didn't hear him enter the room.

"Well, why aren't you in uniform?" he growled. He did not seem in a very good mood.

"Um. . ." was all I could manage.

"You have thirty seconds to get out of your clothes and into your uniform." Well that answered that question. However, I stood frozen, not computing what he was telling me. "Now you have twenty seconds," he said, looking at his watch. I fumbled with my clothes; when I went to untie my shoe, it knotted. Of course. It took at least a minute for me to stand before him wearing the panties.

"Sorry, Sir," I mumbled, averting my eyes by looking at the floor. He walked around behind me and fondled my ass, which made my cock twitch and get a little hard.

"They look good on you."

"Thank you, Sir," I stammered. "And thank you for the uniform."

"You're welcome, slut. We will be adding a piece or two each week. Next time you might want to get here earlier so that you can be presentable at precisely noon."

"Yes, Sir."

"You were late in being in uniform at noon today, so you know what that means." I actually didn't know what it meant, but I knew it wasn't good for me. He walked over to the couch and sat down on the edge of it on the middle cushion. I silently walked over and lay myself across his knees. He proceed to give me another hard spanking session, this time giving me probably fifty whacks in all; at one point he turned me around so he could use his left hand as well. I made sure to count off once he had warmed up. My ass was on fire again and I had tears in my eyes. I was lying across his thighs at one point and could feel his rock-hard cock bulging against my hip. When he was done he ordered me onto my knees and shoved his cock in my mouth. He had always cum in my mouth, but this time he pulled out and sprayed his load all over my face and in my hair. He stood smiling as he looked down at me, admiring his handiwork. It was an impressive load of cum. "Keep that on there until I tell you to clean it off," he said, then left the room. I did my cleaning that day with his cum all over my face; it felt like my entire face was covered. Before I left that day I gave him another blowjob and he blew another load on my face. He was kind enough to let me wash my face before I left. That would not always be the case, as I would find out. I was curious what the next week's "uniform" would look like.

I spent the week wondering what my next uniform would be. I was also jerking off more than ever. I couldn't stop thinking about his cock and fantasized what it would be like to have it inside me. I fucked myself every day with the little dildo I had, which was much smaller than his cock.



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As I quietly entered his house, I slipped into the living room. On the couch were pink stockings, garter, thong, bra, and a studded pink dog collar. Sitting on the coffee table were a tube of lipstick, a butt plug and a bottle of lube. Wanting to avoid another vicious spanking, I quickly slipped out of my clothes. I was trembling with excitement as I pulled on the panties and garter, then slipped the soft stockings on each leg and clipped the garters to the stockings. They felt so sexy. I then put on the collar and applied lipstick as best I could without a mirror. The butt plug was about five inches long but pretty wide. I lubed it up then pulled aside the thong and straddled the butt plug on the coffee table; it took a few minutes but it finally popped in and filled my ass; I have to admit that it hurt a bit. Even so, my cock was hard and was barely contained in the frilly pink thong.

I felt ready and went into his office for presentation. He was working at his computer and turned to look as I walked through the door. He smiled, obviously pleased at my appearance. He then looked at his watch and the smile disappeared.

"It's 11:58," he said.

"Yes, Sir. I wanted to be early today."

"What time did I tell you to present yourself?" Darn. He had me there.

"Noon, Sir."

"Is it noon?"

"No, Sir."

"Get over here." I proceeded to lay myself over his knees and took another spanking, this times thirty whacks after his regular warm up. He then, again, shoved me unceremoniously to the floor, then he stood up and started unbuttoning his shirt. This was something new. "Take off my shoes and pants," he said. I climbed back up to my knees and bent over to untie his black dress shoes; as I finished each one he lifted up his foot so that I could slide the shoe off. I then unbuckled his belt and pants and took them off. I then, at his command, removed his socks and his briefs, which did nothing to hide his huge hard cock. He was now naked before me. I hadn't really noticed before how muscular he was. He had a large chest and arms and his pecs and abs were ripped. He was an impressive specimen. And here I was, small and weak and on my knees before him, wearing women's lingerie and a dog collar. He shoved his cock in my mouth. I felt like such a slut. I was expecting the normal blowing of his load on my face or down my throat, but he suddenly yanked me by the hair and pulled out of my mouth. He walked around behind me and roughly placed his hand between my shoulders and ****** my face to the carpeted floor.

I saw him go over to where his clothes were on the floor. He slipped the belt from his pants. I cowered before him. For the next few minutes, he whipped my ass with his belt. Between whips with the black leather belt, he was calling me "slut" and "whore" and "sissy" and "cum dump" and other names. Just when I thought I couldn't take any more, he stopped. He then reached down and pulled out the butt plug; it made a popping sound and I felt empty. That didn't last long as I felt him pull my ankles apart and then I felt him kneeling behind me. I was about to get fucked. I was about to have my cherry popped.

"Do you want to get fucked by my big cock, sissy slut?" he said. He was mocking and humiliating me and loving every minute of it. What shocked me was how, deep down, I was loving every minute of it too. A man I barely knew and was afraid of was about to make me his bitch. I managed a moan. He grabbed my hair at the back of my head and yanked hard, so that my face was facing the wall. "I said, do you want to get fucked by a big cock, you fucking little sissy slut."

"Yes, Sir!" I cried.

"Say it!"

"Please fuck me with your big cock, Sir!"

"And?" He pulled harder on my hair.

"And make me your sissy slut, Sir!"

"That's better," he said and let go of my hair. I laid my head on the carpet again and waited. He lined up the head of his cock at my hole and gently started working it in. The butt plug had helped to open me up some, but his cock was a lot longer than the butt plug or than my dildo at home. Within a few minutes he had worked his cock all the way in; I could feel his balls touch my ass. He slowly pulled almost all the way out, then slowly filled me up again. He gradually started to pick up the pace. I was getting fucked and fucked good. Finally, he just started pounding my ass and calling me every name he could think of. He had me scream "I'm your bitch" over and over. Next, he turned me on my side and lifted my leg over his shoulder. It was a whole new angle and a different sensation. It was getting less painful and more pleasurable with each stroke and I was moaning like the slut that I was.

The position that totally made me feel like the slutty whore I was was when he flipped me onto my back, put my legs over his shoulders, and began fucking me harder. My toes were actually touching the floor behind me and my knees were practically touching my ears. My ass was straight up in the air and he was putting all his weight behind each stroke. His balls were audibly slapping my ass and I was moaning and moaning as I was getting fucked so hard. Finally, after about fifteen minutes in this positions and who knows how long overall, I could tell he was about to cum. He slid his cock out and slid his body down so that he pinned my legs over me. He pointed his glistening cock at my face and said "Open wide." I opened my mouth wide and he proceeded to dump the largest load of cum I've ever seen all over my face, hair and neck. He got off me and stood up. My legs were still folded over me and my gaping ass was in the air.

"I'm going to take a shower. Leave that cum on your face until I tell you to clean it off. There are going to be some changes around here. We'll talk before you leave. Your life is in for some changes." He smiled, his muscular body glistening with sweat as he walked out of the room. As I lay there, wearing lingerie and covered with cum (and I still had all the cleaning to do), I wondered what changes were in store for me.



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I was left lying on the floor, my face completely covered in cum. I was wearing lingerie and a dog collar and I had just been fucked long and hard by my "boss." My virginity had been ********** taken. The thing is that I loved it. I loved being manhandled by this muscular man and I really had become his bitch.

I got up and began cleaning, very much aware of the feeling of wearing lingerie. I loved the way the stockings felt on my legs. My ass was raw and felt as though a baseball bat had been shoved up it. I could hear him in various rooms about the house. I tried to make sure I didn't make any mistakes because my ass still stung a lot from the spanking and the beating with his belt. He had taken serious pleasure in beating me. I didn't mind the spanking as much because it felt more intimate with me over his knees, but the belt had hurt and he had seemed cold and callous as I yelped with each blow.

It took about three hours to do the cleaning; I was moving more slowly than usual and also I wanted everything perfect for him. Finally, I was done. I went into his study, where he was reading some papers. "I'm done, Sir," I meekly said to him. He turned and looked at me and smiled. I think he had forgotten about the cum all over me. It had dried and felt sticky.

"Get over here." I walked over and stood before him. He looked at me and I could tell he liked me wearing lingerie. I guessed that the studded pink dog collar was a symbol of his control and power over me. "From now on, I want you here twice a week. You will come on Tuesday and Friday. The hours will be longer. You will come here in the morning and put on your uniform. Then you will give me a wakeup call at exactly eight thirty. By wakeup call I mean you will awaken me by sucking my cock. I like to blow a load when I wake up and now you will do that for me. You will clean and be used by me all day, then you can leave at five o' clock. Is that understood?"

"Yes, Sir." I started to say something, then stopped. I didn't want to risk another beating. He seemed to know what I was thinking.

"Don't worry, I will compensate you for the extra hours. You will also be able to earn a bonus for other activities, which we will get into later. You won't need to worry about looking for a job for a while."

"Thank you, Sir. I appreciate it."

"Well, you can show me your appreciation right now." He stood up, snapped his fingers and pointed to the floor. I immediately dropped to my knees and he walked over and stood before me. I unbuckled his pants and took his already-hard cock into my mouth. I wanted to give him the best blowjob he had ever had. I liked being used by him. I was now kissing and sucking his balls, running my tongue all over his cock, and then sucking for all I was worth. He was moaning and fucking my face now. He was close. After another minute or two, he pulled out and blew his second massive load of the day all over my face. "Very good, slut. You're getting better."

"Thank you, Sir."

"Get out of here. The money is on the table in the hall," he said as he zipped up and buckled his pants. He started to turn back toward his desk, then stopped. "Oh ... one more thing. Drive home with my cum all over your face. When you look in the mirror you will be reminded of your place from now on. Goodbye, sissy." I got up and left the room and got my money. I would drive back streets to limit how many cars and people I would see. I hesitantly opened the door and let myself out, wondering what other things he had in store for me.

That Friday couldn't arrive fast enough. I jerked off many times thinking about how hard he had fucked me while I wore lingerie. I wondered what other things he would make me wear and how often he would fuck me. It was impressive how he could have such huge loads of cum after he came only a couple hours earlier. I had driven home that day covered in his cum and, yes, I did look in the rearview mirror a lot. The drive went without incident and I don't think anyone saw me.

I arrived Friday morning at about eight and immediately went into the living room to see my uniform for the day. This time there was a full maid's uniform. It was purple. There was the dress with the apron, stockings, garter, thong, bra, and this time there was a pair of purple high heels. I guessed that the heels were about four inches long. Also, this time there was a wig of shoulder-length brown hair, and there was also makeup and lipstick. Again, there was a dog collar, which was also purple. I quickly undressed and pulled on the thong, garter and stockings. He hadn't bought cheap lingerie, either. This was quality stuff. Next came the bra and then the dress. It fit pretty well. I am a fairly small guy and I imagine he'd guessed the sizes.

I put on the collar and then came the high heels. Surprisingly, they fit. They were a little tight, but not too much. I got up and wobbled around in them for a few minutes, constantly looking at the clock to be sure I had his cock in my mouth at exactly eight thirty. He had been kind enough to leave a little mirror this time and I applied the makeup as best I could. The lipstick and eyeliner were a lighter purple than the uniform. I applied those and some blush and thought I looked okay. The wig came last. It was a little snug and I knew it would get uncomfortable after a while, but I would have to learn to live with it.

It was almost time and I walked up and stood outside his bedroom. He slept with the door open and I watched the clock on his nightstand. When it hit eight thirty, I crept in, softly climbed onto his bed and pulled back the covers. He was naked. I bent over and licked his balls. He stirred. I then licked his cock and then took it into my mouth. It hardened immediately and he moaned. I was good now at taking all nine inches of it into my mouth. My head bobbed up and down and then I felt his hand on the back of my head. He pushed down on my head and began bucking his hips, his cock hitting the back of my throat. I gagged a little and he moaned more. A minute later came the torrent of cum down my throat. I managed to swallow all of it.

"Now that's what I call a wakeup call," he said, his voice still filled with *****. "Now get downstairs and make me breakfast. Two eggs, scrambled, toast and orange juice. I expect it on the table when I'm done with my shower. Now get going." I got up quickly and left the room, wobbling on my high heels. Now I had to cook for him? He hadn't said anything about that. I was a pretty good cook, so I wasn't worried about that, but I wondered how often I would have to cook for him.

I got downstairs and went into the kitchen and began preparing his breakfast. I couldn't help but notice a piece of paper on the kitchen table. It was a list of chores. There were the original chores that I had been doing, but there were also a lot more, some of which would be time consuming: Waxing the floor, cleaning the refrigerator and freezer, cleaning all the equipment in his gym in the basement, ironing, even cleaning the furniture on the patio in the back yard. That meant I would have to be outside in my maid's uniform. Obviously, these weren't things that would need to be done twice a week, but I would still be doing them.

I got his breakfast on the table about a minute before he walked into the kitchen. I had also gotten the newspaper from the front porch and placed it on the table by his plate. He was wearing his normal dress shirt, slacks and dress shoes. He looked at me, checking out my uniform. He seemed happy with my appearance. "From now on, you will curtsey when you see me and after I give you an order." He eyed me expectantly and I managed a curtsey. "That needs some work," he said, sitting down to his breakfast.

"Yes, Sir," I replied. I started cleaning up what mess I had made from making him breakfast. After a couple of minutes, he cleared his throat.

"What the fuck is this?" he growled. Oh no. Now what?

"Sir?" I croaked.

"Have you been reading this list?" he said, pointing to the list of chores.

"Um . . . I just noticed it, Sir." He stood up. He looked pissed off.

"How dare you read anything of mine without my permission!" He walked over, grabbed me by the arm, and pulled me over to the table. He put his hand on the back of my head and pushed my face to the table's surface, so that the list was sticking to my face. "You need to learn a little respect. This is a good chance to try out one of my new toys," he said. I heard him walk over and open one of the drawers. Next, he was waving a black leather paddle in front of my face. Then he roughly yanked my dress up over my hips, leaving my thong-clad ass exposed.

I hadn't even been there a half hour and I was already about to get my first beating of the day. Whack! I screamed in pain. It hurt even more than the belt. The paddle was about ten inches long and four inches wide and I could feel every inch. Whack! I was crying by the third blow. After seven or eight, he ordered me to count them off. I did so, taking twenty more whacks on my raw ass. When he was done he ordered me to my knees and he whipped out his cock, which was rock hard. He apparently really got aroused by beating me. He shoved it into my mouth, where it had been only a half hour earlier. He grabbed the hair of the wig and furiously fucked my face, then he pulled out. "Bend over," he barked.

I stood up and bent over the table and he shoved his cock in my ass and began pounding. The table was rocking and sliding as he roughly fucked me. He would fuck hard and fast, then he would slow down when he was about to cum. He would pull his cock so that only the head was in, then he would shove it all the way in so that I felt like it was going to come out my mouth. After what seemed like a half hour I felt a gush of cum in my ass. It would be the first of many loads that he would dump in my ass.

When he was done and zipped up, he complained that his breakfast was cold. He told me that I would be punished for that later and that I needed to make breakfast all over again. I still had tears in my eyes as I made his breakfast again. It wasn't fair that I was to be punished because the food was cold. After all, it got cold because he wanted to beat and fuck me instead of eating. He seemed so aggressive and he was bent on taking out those aggressions on me. I hadn't been there an hour and my ass, inside and out, was screaming for mercy. His cock was so big and thick and it just ravaged my ass. I could feel his cum leaking out of me as I stumbled around in those heels. I was getting better at walking in them, but it would take practice, which I was apparently going to get plenty of.

He beat and fucked me three more times that day. He enjoyed using that paddle and it hurt like hell. I don't know where he got his stamina, but it was impressive. Near the end of the day I found myself lying on my back on the kitchen table, my high heels pointed toward the ceiling. My ankles were over his shoulders as his cock jack hammered my poor ass. He had me screaming "I'm your bitch!" and "I'm your sissy slut" over and over. When he was about to cum he ****** me to my knees and came all over my face and in my mouth. He zipped up and laughed at the scene: me in a purple maid's outfit, high heels, wig, dog collar, with his cum all over my face.

"That was a good first day as my full maid," he said. Easy for him to say. He came four times that day and I hadn't cum once. "Wait until next week. I've got some more ideas for you. We are going to take full advantage of every hour you are here. I've been busy shopping online for things, so be prepared for lots to do for me." I heard those words with both dread and excitement. "I'm going to take a shower and am headed out with friends. I can't wait to tell them about my new maid. Now get cleaned up and get out of my house. Your money is in its usual place."

"Thank you, Sir," I said meekly. He walked out of the kitchen and I went to the bathroom and cleaned the cum and the makeup from my face. It felt good to get out of the wig and the heels, but I knew I had to get used to wearing them. On the table was $250, which was a nice surprise. As I was leaving, I realized how exhausted I was, not just from the beatings and the fuckings, but also from being afraid all day. I was constantly afraid of messing up and getting another beating. It also scared me how much it turned him on to beat me. Whenever he paddled or spanked me, his cock was so hard and I knew sucking and fucking were sure to follow. I did not know what lay in store for me and was a little afraid at finding out


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Paradise Turns Hell

It was a freezing Monday morning, normal for a December day in Shimla - a small but famous hill station in India. The market street in this small town, which usually bustled with activity, bore a barren look, with very few people having braved the cold to open their shops. One of these few was a striking young woman, who was making her way to the only big hospital in the city - The White Hills Hospital. She reached the hospital and went straight to the elevator, and pressed for the 8th floor, Department of Internal Medicine. On exiting the Lift she made way for one of the many rooms on the floor and opened a door which bore the name plate --

"Dr. Lisa Anderson

MD, Junior Lecturer, Dept. of Medicine."

Yes, the woman was doctor. At 29 yrs, she was the youngest lecturer in this hospital. She had finished her med school in US and had impressed all her seniors. Her looks had also helped. She was a former cheerleader, and had earned her ******* best genes. At 5ft 8inches she often towered over her male colleagues, and her usual 4inch heels enhanced that effect. Her dressing sense was impeccable, she had a collection of clothes, which weren't exactly provocative, but complimented her figure and looks perfectly. She had 36CC breasts on top of a perfectly flat abdomen, which bore a piercing at her navel. To top it all (or rather bottom) she had a heart-shaped, toned ass which was a result of long hours at the gym. Her seniors often joked, saying she was the most beautiful woman to ever study medicine. In short, she was assured of a brilliant career. She did enjoy all the attention but, her attention was devoted to just one guy, her best friend's brother, Sameer Roy. Right after Lisa passed medical school, they had taken a step towards matrimony. They got engaged and moved in together. He was a 2nd generation Indian and had done his masters in climatology. He was the perfect guy Lisa could have hoped for. Like Lisa, he was the most popular guy in his college. Moreover, being the football captain definitely helped matters. Sameer had told Lisa of his desire to work in his home country for a few years to study the changing pattern in the Himalayan climate. They debated over a few north Indian cities and decided Shimla would be the safest bet even though it wasn't exactly close to the Himalayas. Sam wanted to be sure of Lisa's safety whenever he was away on his projects, and Kashmir, even though in the Himalayas, was not known for its safety.

Lisa had applied for a job in THE WHITE HILLS HOSPITAL and owing to her brilliant resume; she had received a positive reply. It was 2 years since they moved to this city when the hot couple decided to get married. Lisa was the happiest she ever was in her entire life.

The only thorn in her happiness was her Head of Department, Professor Dr. T. P. Shah. He did everything in his powers to make her life hell. From the day he had assumed that post in the hospital, Lisa had received a memo every month reminding her of her mistakes and criticizing her, accusing her, in a subtle way, of being incompetent. She had received another letter just a week back. She had spent the weekend crying on her pillow, as Sam was away on one of his treks.

This Monday morning she was supposed to discuss an important project with the Professor, one that would earn the hospital some a few millions. And here she was already an hour late. She knew she was getting yet another memo. A few more of those and she wouldn't just find herself out of job but the poor letter of recommendations will make sure she stayed unemployed. She was jolted back to reality by the sound of her phone vibrating. She answered the call,


"Hey Lisa, its me, Jenny. Wassup?"

Jenny was the Professor's assistant. Lisa liked her; she was her best friend in this city. She was glad to hear a friendly voice on what promised to be a gloomy day.

"Hi Jen. What is it? I am already late for a meeting with that old-fuck-monster boss of yours. I am in dire need of some good news."

"Well babe, in that case I am your knight in shining armor. The old-fuck-monster boss has called in sick today. He got a paralytic

attack. Now wait there and don't start the celebrations yet. It is one of those reversible types, what do you guys call it?"

"TIA, Transient Ischemic Attack? Such a pity! It would have been so much fun poking that bastard a few needles. Or better, would have loved to stick a probe in his rectum!"

"Eww.. You dirty minded bitch! Anyways you are not off the gas yet. He called for you. He wants you to take the work to his house. I told him you were busy attending a couple of emergencies; bought you some time."

"Fuck! I hate him so much. Thanks babe for saving my ass. I owe you one."

"No problem Lis.. Just be careful. I don't trust him. The way he looks at you..."

"Don't worry Jen. I have a syringe filled with Sulphuric acid. If he makes one move on me he'll find that syringe right up his ass!"

"Haha... God! You are a danger. Anyways take care. I'll cya later."

"Sure Jen. Bbye. Thanks."

Lisa sat down, and finished the last works on the presentation. She had donned the white coat and had almost finished her ward rounds, when she heard some blasts. She dismissed it considering it a yet another Indian wedding procession. Minutes later, she got a page. There had been a blast, a bomb blast. It was not crackers that Lisa had heard. She rushed to the ER to find ambulance bringing in battered bodies. She immediately got to work and started attending to the injured. She called the Professor to inform him of the situation and to tell him that her presence was required in the hospital. In reply, the Professor shouted at her,

"These things keep happening in this part of the country. There are other doctors to do the work. The project needs to be finished soon. The hospital will lose a lot of money otherwise. You better get here soon, or start packing your bags!"

She could not believe this man. Yes, the project was important, but it could definitely be postponed by a day. There were people dying in front of her eyes. However, she was in no mood to argue with the senile fool. She thought she could finish off with the presentation soon and return to the hospital to help others. She skipped lunch and went to her house. She wanted to change before going to the Professor's house. Her clothes were stained with ***** of a victim she had attended to. She decided to wear something Indian. She knew the Professor was narrow-minded. And since she was going to his house she thought it would be more appropriate to wear something traditional. The Professor was unmarried and Lisa had no intention of turning him on by wearing her figure hugging outfits. She wore a white saree (A saree is a strip of unstitched cloth, ranging from four to nine meters in length that is draped over the body in various styles. The most common style is for the saree to be wrapped around the waist, with one end then draped over the shoulder, baring the midriff.). The blouse was a little less subtle but she made sure her assets were covered properly with her saree. Her navel stayed exposed, which showed off her pretty diamond piercing. Sameer had gifted her the jewel on her last birthday. Oh, she missed him so much. Not just his presence, but even his physical touch. He had been away for 2 weeks now, and she was feeling extremely horny since the last 2 days.


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She checked her image in the mirror. Even in the saree she looked extremely hot! She topped the attire by sticking a traditional red bindi on her forehead. She picked her purse and laptop and made way to her car.

The Professor stayed a few kilometers from the heart of the city in one of the many secluded areas. On reaching the address, she was stunned to see the house. It wasn't a house. It was a mansion. She knew her senior was quite famous. Both for his intelligence and his corrupt nature. And when these two qualities combine, they are bound to make a person rich. She stopped at the gate waiting for a servant to open it. However, they opened on their own. She looked around to find a camera, and realized that the gate was operated electrically. She was surprised to find a house so technologically advanced in a small city; in a country like India. She was impressed, no doubt. She parked her Beatle next to four larger cars near the garden to her senior's house. She made her way to the front doors, walking as if in a trance, taking in all the surrounding scenery. Even the front doors were remote operated. She found it a little spooky. The fact that there were no servants was a little discomforting, but she relaxed a little on finding one soon. The man was tall, muscular, carried a long beard. He was young, not more than 22-23yrs, she thought. He led her to the Professor's bedroom where he was apparently resting. When she entered the room, she found the man working on his laptop. He did not raise his eyes, just ordered the servant to leave, and directed her with a wave of his hand to take a chair.


He was so rude. Lisa was tired of the insults thrown at her, but decided this was not the time to retaliate. She wanted to finish the presentation as soon as possible and get back to the hospital. Of course, she was oblivious to plans the Professor had for her in his mind. After about 15mins of silence, during which Lisa looked extremely uncomfortable and fidgety, the man shut his laptop and turned his attention to her.

"Lisa I am extremely disappointed by your behavior. When I was your age, I used to obey my seniors commands as if they were words of god. Your generation has lost respect for seniors. I have tried enough to change your attitude. My efforts have been fruitless though. I guess you people will never change. Lisa you better get your act straight, else you will find your tight ass on the cold streets of this city very soon."

Lisa was seething with anger. Never in her life had anyone spoken to her like this. She felt like kicking his balls and leaving the house right now. However, Sam was away for another fortnight. And she didn't want to create any problems when he was away. She managed to gain control over her anger and muttered an apology.

The Professor grunted with dissatisfaction and muttered to himself,

"Don't even know how to apologize. Someone needs to spank these sluts and instill some sense in them."

The words did not fail to reach Lisa's ears. She was now shaking with anger. The laptop almost fell out of her hand as she took it out of her bag. She was so angry that beads of sweat had formed on her head in spite of the cold outside.

Lisa kept the laptop on his bed so that he could have a better look at the screen. She pulled her chair close to the bed to make it easier for her to shift slides on the laptop without stretching out every few seconds. She then pulled her hands over her head to tie her long thick hair in a pony. While doing so her saree slipped over from her blouse to reveal her cleavage slightly. As Lisa adjusted the thin fabric back in its place, she caught the Professor staring at her assets. She ignored this small incident and quickly got back to her notes. She was flushed with shame and cursed herself for being so careless.

Lisa was halfway through the presentation when the Professor directed her to stop. His face had turned read. Lisa thought she had made him mad again, by doing something wrong. But she soon realized it was something else. The Professor was *******. He was finding it difficult to speak. He told Lisa by his hand movements that he was about to vomit. Lisa took the stuff off his bed, and looked around for the washroom. She knew he would be weak because of last night's attack. She bent down, pulled his shoulders over hers and helped him to get up from the bed. She led him to the bathroom and after leaving him on the floor, she went for her bag. She had an ampoule of an anti-emetic (***** that stop vomiting) in her bag. She was filling a syringe when a strong blow on her back threw her to the ground. Lisa was numb for one second and in the next, she felt a needle being stabbed in her arm. She screamed in pain and tried to kick at her attacker. She was flipped around on her back like a doll when she saw her attacker was the Professor himself. He had obviously feigned the attack and Lisa had walked in the trap. All these in a few seconds, after which she started feeling light headed. She screamed at him,

"What **** did you give me bastard? Asshole! What did you give me?!"

The Professor simply raised the bottle to her eyes, which read -- "Rocuronium." Lisa knew what it was. It was a neuromuscular blocker - a **** given to paralyze the muscles of a patient temporarily, usually given before surgery. She was shocked.

What did he want to do with her? Why did he want her paralyzed?

Her body soon stopped struggling and Lisa lay on the ground like a dead body unable to move. Unable to talk. Her body felt like lead. Every neuron in her brain ordered her hands to move but the only movement that took place was the flickering of fingers. The Professor got up from the young doctors body and started cleaning the mess. All the while throwing ****** at his hot junior lying on the floor,

"You American sluts! You drive us crazy by dressing in those tight blouses and short skirts. And your attitude! You treat us like dirt. Even though we are more intelligent and deserve more respect. Today you will pray, you will regret your actions. I will teach you. I will teach you a lesson."

He untied her hair, put his hands in the hair and pulled her. Lisa's brain screamed in pain but the only sounds that came out of her were a few grunts. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she was dragged in the next room, which was dark and extremely cold. The heater in this room was off. The ****'s action lasted only for a short duration and Lisa hoped she would recover soon; but as soon as the lights were turned on, she knew she was in for a ride to hell. She saw two chains hanging from the ceiling with handcuffs at their free ends. She knew those cuffs would be around her wrists in a matter of few minutes. She also saw an infusion set which was kept ready right next to the chains. Lisa's eyes tried to scan everything in the room, whatever was there in her field of vision. She saw a whiplash, a few bamboo sticks, and a few other instruments, which she could not identify. The Professor lifted the young doctor on her feet and brought her under the chains. He cuffed her wrists one after the other and pressed a button, which raised the chains and Lisa's feet above the ground. Lisa was now hanging on her wrists, her feet in air, and her entire weight supported on those tiny delicate wrists. Her saree had fallen from her shoulder and stayed wrapped around her thighs. Her flimsy blouse, which showed off her ample cleavage stayed exposed to the cold air and to the cruel eyes of the Professor. The Professor cut the blouse with a pair of scissors to reveal a sexy semi-transparent bra. Lisa regretted wearing it on this fateful day. She had picked the first underwear that came to her hands and hat put them on.

The Professor removed her saree and the petticoat under it to reveal a white lace panty, which was wet. No Lisa wasn't turned on. It was wet with her sweat. She was sweating profusely in spite of the extreme cold. The Professor threw her clothes in a corner and went to the desk to get some instruments. He got a few clips. He attached two of them to her nipples from outside the bra and three clips on her panty. Two of them were on her vertical lips and the last one on her clitoris. Lisa was mortified. She couldn't believe what was happening to her. Men were dying on the street; and a senior doctor, HER senior doctor was a***ing her sexually. The Professor had obviously been planning this night since a long time. Lisa had not noticed any change in the way he had behaved with her. He was always the same. Cruel, harsh and a pain in the ass. The effect of the **** was waning, but it was of no use now as she hung in mid-air, bound by two very strong restraints. Her voice was coming back. She started throwing ****** at him, but her voice was feeble

"You old pervert. Let me go bastard. I will **** you. My fiancée will **** you."

The a***ing soon turned to pleading,

"Sir please, please let me go. I will do anything you ask me to do sir. Please sir."

She was crying uncontrollably. The Professor turned to her and smiled.

"See that is what I meant by teaching a lesson. Good. I might let you go early. But even that is going to take some time baby," he laughed maniacally. The old man had lost his senses. Lisa was going mad with fear. Never in her wildest dreams, had she imagined to find herself in such a predicament.

The clips were starting to cause pain now. Also, strength was coming back to her muscles. She started swinging on her restraints and aimed a kick at her tormentor, but the blow was very feeble. The Professor laughed even louder. He got another syringe and injected her with a little more of the ****. When she stopped struggling, he tied two heavy iron blocks to each of her ankles. He then attached a small chain to Lisa's belly button. He got a small stone, which wasn't exactly heavy, but it felt like 10kgs to Lisa when it was attached to the chain from her belly button. He then got a bucket of water and poured the freezing cold water on her. Lisa started shivering violently. Her entire body was screaming in pain, the cold water attacking every centimeter of her perfect body. The cold water ensured that her nipples finally reacted to the stimulation brought by the clips. To add to her misery, the Professor switched on a cooler, the thermometer next to it read -- 2-degree Celsius.

Just a few hours back Lisa was the happiest girl on the planet - a beautiful bride-to-be, a sincere doctor who loved treating her patients, a conservative respected woman. And just a few hours later, she found herself at the mercy of an of an old maniac, almost naked, in a position which was much more than vulnerable. The Professor said,

"Dear, I have to leave now. I have guests coming over. Need to make some preparations for their hospitality," he informed her. An evil smirk painted on his face.

Lisa knew what he was suggesting. He winked at her before he left the room scaring her even more. The door shut behind him, leaving the hot medico alone, wet, shivering, naked, and in pain.

Lisa had lost consciousness. She woke up suddenly to the sound of keys turning in the door and braced herself for what was to come. Her entire body was numb because of the cold. She had seen the temperature drop slowly but constantly. She had lost her senses when the meter showed a temperature of -- 15-degree Celsius. She was in an advanced stage of hypothermia. When the door opened, she saw the servant carrying a tray with a glass of milk and a few biscuits. He kept the tray on the table and turned the cooler off. He switched on the heater. The temperature started rising soon and Lisa started shivering again as her body recovered from the cold. The doctor in her told her that she was in a great risk of suffering from arrhythmia, and prayed to god. She was soon feeling better, when she suddenly realized the presence of the man in the room. She started screaming again as he brought the glass of milk to her lips. He requested her,

"Listen, ***** this quietly. If my master hears you, he will come and ***** it down your throat. I have been ordered to beat you with whips in case you don't agree. So you better ***** it quietly."

Lisa nodded in agreement and took a few gulps of the warm liquid. She had forgotten how hungry she was. She had skipped lunch to finish her meeting with the Professor quickly, which she now realized was not getting over any time soon. She almost felt grateful to the young servant. She thanked him and begged him to free her.



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"Sorry ma'am I can't do that. I have a sister. If I don't obey my masters wishes, she would be here in your place. I am really sorry but I have to do the job that has been given to me."

He then proceeded to remove the clips from her bra-clad nipples and panty covered pussy lips. He cut the remaining clothing with scissors. Lisa did not resist. She knew there was no use of fighting this man. The clips were back in place, this time in direct contact with the skin. She tried making small talk with him. She wanted to win his confidence. He was her only hope of getting out of here.

"What is your name?" she asked.

He looked at her suspiciously but answered,


"How old are you, Abdul?"


"Oh you are so young! You don't study Abdul?" she added sweetly.

"Why are you talking to me? If my boss sees us, he will **** us both. And yes, I study. He pays for it," he finished, visibly upset. He was scared of the Professor. Lisa sensed his fear.

"I am sorry. Just felt you didn't belong here. How come you landed here?"

"See miss, I don't know about you, but I don't want to end up dead. That is the last question I will answer. My ****** served the Professor all his life and when he died, the Professor took me in. He took care of my education and he is my only hope for a better future," he explained.

"He is using you too, Abdul. When you have played your part, he will get rid of you too. And rest assured sooner or later your sister will be hanging here. That is if you don't do anything about it now. Abdul you don't belong here. Please help me. I will help you. You don't belong here. You are a much better person," she pleaded.

Lisa's words had some impact. She could see the wrinkles on his forehead. But this time he didn't answer. He shook his head and made to leave the room. Lisa looked dejected.

"Just answer one more question, please," she asked him as he was about to close the door,

"What lies in store for me? How long will I be kept here?"

He hesitated for a second, then said,

"Ma'am I may get ****ed for telling you. My boss has some very powerful friends. He provides entertainment to the various terrorists in this state and you are not the first girl to come here. My advice is to play along and once you are out of this ordeal flee this city, if possible this country. If I am not wrong they are the same men who were responsible for today's blast."

His words stunned her. She was scared; the Professor -- a member of a terror organization. It was impossible. He was a tyrant, but he was a doctor. He had taken the Hippocratic Oath. To protect all men. A senior doctor in a reputed hospital was a terrorist. She could not believe it. She did not know how she was going to escape this place without becoming a piece of meat to these men. She definitely was not going to agree to their demands, even if she lost her life in the process. She was determined to be loyal to her fiancée. Her attempt at winning the servant's confidence had failed miserably. She was running out of ideas.

A few minutes later, the servant reappeared, this time with a few photographs. He kept them on the floor and released her from the handcuffs. He lowered her gently to the floor. Lisa rubbed her wrists violently to restore some circulation in her hands. They were numb from bearing her weight and the cold. She thought she was going to be freed! Perhaps the sick pervert had had his pleasure. She almost laughed when her dream bubble suddenly burst. The servant got another pair of handcuffs, which were attached to the wall behind her with two short chains and locked them around her wrists. This ensured that Lisa was still bound but at least her hands didn't have to bear her weight. She did not resist the servant. She knew he was doing his job, and resisting him would only bring her pain. Once bound, Lisa had her back touching the cold wall and her ass on the punishingly cold hard floor. The servant laid the photographs on her lap so that she could see them properly. The first one was that of an ice-covered peak, it looked familiar though. The second was a mountain base with a few tents. The next was a cropped image of the previous one, focusing on one tent, the outside of which bore the initials 'SR'.

Lisa froze.

She knew whose tent this was and even before she saw the next picture, she knew what she was going to see. It was a photograph of her fiancée drilling a hole in the ice to collect some samples. The photo had been taken from the viewfinder of a rifle. She knew what the purpose of these pictures was. She now started crying in earnest. She started flinging her arms violently, screaming her throat raw. Had the bounds not been in place, the servant would have been in mortal danger. They were going to blackmail her. They were using the love of her life as bait. She would do anything for her love, the old man knew that. And he had played his cards perfectly. After struggling for about 10mins, Lisa finally gave up. Her body kept jerking from the uncontrollable sobs. The servant patted her head and muttered an apology,

"I am really sorry sister. I wish I could do something."

Lisa did not reply, but kept crying.

He continued, "Lisa, I have to follow his orders. I have to get u 'ready' for them. Please forgive me for what I am about to do. I have to make u realize just how strong they are, and how inconsequential you are to them."

Her eyes shot up in fear. She almost knew what was going to come. The first whip struck her on her beautiful mounds. It wasn't struck hard, but it did make a loud noise. She heard the Professor yell,

"Abdul, I don't want to hear the whips. I want to hear her screams. You better do well or you will be sitting be next to her."

Lisa could almost see the pain on the servant's face. She understood his plight and said,

"It is ok. Do your job. I will manage. I want to feel the pain. What is about to happen to me tonight will be more painful than the physical pain you will inflict on me. At least save your ass."

He nodded and started showering the blows on her. They were much stronger than the first one, and after the first few, she started begging him to stop. But he didn't. He kept beating her, each blow harder than the previous one. She was 'whipped' on all parts, from her breasts to her tummy to the inner thighs. Every whip stung like a hundred needles but surprisingly, they did not leave a mark. The skin grew red but Lisa knew it would go away in a matter of minutes once the blows stopped. A sudden howl of pain escaped her lips when a hard blow was directed at her pussy lips. She looked at him, her eyes wet, pleading him to stop. But he continued attacking her. The first blow on her pussy was followed by 15 others, and the stinging that it caused persisted even after he had stopped. He was tired, but looked satisfied. His master had not yelled from the other room, which meant he had done his job well.

He laid the whip on the table and got a shiny cock shaped vibrator. He looked down at the hot doctor with pity. Her eyes were shut. He thought she looked extremely beautiful. He had never seen a beauty like her in all his years and regretted the fact that a girl so innocent and intelligent had to endure this *******. He was turned on; no doubt, Lisa was so hot she would have that effect on the best of saints. And this guy was just a mere mortal. But he was raised with some values. One of them was to respect the women. And here he was violating the teachings of his elders. He hated his job. But what could he possibly do. He was doing this to save his sister.

Lisa was panting from the numerous blows she had just received. She just laid there, her body shaking, thanking god that the man had finally stopped. Her eyes shot open suddenly, when she felt an intrusion at her most private parts. She saw the servant was trying to insert a vibrator in her shaven pussy. She tried resisting him this time. This couldn't be happening. She thrashed her limbs violently, but her struggle was futile. The vibrator wasn't big and her pussy was surprisingly wet. It entered her easily. The blows to her pussy had their effect; her body had reacted to them. She looked down to find her nipples rock hard. She was mortified. How could she be turned on! The realization shot through her brain like a cold knife. She felt destroyed. Not physically, but mentally. And when this was not enough, another sensation raked through her body. The servant had switched on the vibrator. She looked at him, her eyes begging him to let her go. She was surprised to find tears in his eyes. He looked away and got up to leave the room. Just before closing, the door he said,

"That thing is battery operated. It will last for about an hour. He wants you to be 'ready'. I am so so sorry."

He almost looked as if his own sister was bound to the floor. He lowered his voice and continued,

"And I promise you. I will find a way to get you out of here. But it will take time."

He shut the door behind him; leaving the young doctor to her suffering, the machine sending waves of electricity through her helpless body. Lisa felt a sense of gratitude towards the servant. At least someone in this hellhole felt for her.

Meanwhile her body was reacting to the sensations generated in her love hole. The vibrator was too small and too slow to bring her to an orgasm. She understood, it wasn't meant to bring her pleasure. It was meant to 'prime' her. It was meant to awaken the carnal creature inside her. One, which would beg to be fucked. But she promised herself, she wasn't going to make it easy for them. She was going to resist the feeling as long as she could. Her resolve did not last for more than 20 minutes. She had subconsciously started moving her hips, in a futile attempt to fuck the vibrator back. She did not realize that the door had opened and the Professor was watching her in 'action'. She caught her movements suddenly when she heard him laugh. She was flushed with shame, her eyes looking away from him. She started screaming at him, again,



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"You ****** fucker. How can you do this? You are a ****** doctor. You are supposed to care for people's sufferings, how can you be so heartless? You will go to hell, asshole. Let me go!"

Lisa knew very well that she wasn't going to be freed, but she was angry and she wanted to make the old man angry. She was glad to see the smile fade from his face, which was replaced by a maniacal look. His face was red and he was seething with anger. It scared her. She almost regretted opening her mouth. He lunged at her and held her throat with both his hands throttling her. Lisa fought for air. Her windpipe was compressed. Her eyes welled up with tears. She was seeing black, as her brain became hypoxic. She almost welcomed the feeling of nothingness. Just then, the Professor loosened his grip. He sat down on her lap facing her, his face offensively close to hers. He went close to her ears and said,

"Bitch! I can **** you in a minute and on one will ever find your body. I can **** your husband. No one will ever link the ****** to me. I can wipe your family's existence off this planet with one phone call. Don't be stupid. My guests have arrived. I will send Abdul with some clothes. You better get dressed and act their host for the evening. They are very important to me. If you disappoint them in any way, I assure you this will be the last night for you and your to-be-husband."

He leaned into her and roughly kissed her open mouth. She did not resist. She was too weak and too scared to annoy him. He got off her and shut the door behind him.

Abdul, the servant, was back in a few minutes. He carried a small bag, which apparently contained clothes. He freed Lisa off her restraints and removed the fake cock from her soaking pussy. Lisa just let him take the lead and followed him meekly. She was in a daze. He made her stand and supported her as she was swaying on her feet. He took her to the washroom and led her in the tub. He scrubbed her body hard with soap and exquisite perfumes. After a few minutes, Lisa was back in the room. Her eyes were blank, staring into nothingness. She felt Abdul raise her hands. He was helping her wear a blouse. It was a golden sleeveless silk blouse, with a plunging neckline. There was no bra. There was no need, she thought. She knew she was going to end up naked again. Soon. He buttoned the blouse behind her. He went down on her to lift her legs. He was trying to get her to step into what looked like golden pajamas, and when she had worn them she realized it was something that Arabic belly dancers wore. She had seen it in some movie. Only, it didn't do much to cover her skin. The lower 5/6ths of her pants were made of net, doing nothing to hide her legs. Only the upper part was made of silk and it barely covered her ass-cheeks. The servant tied her hair behind her head in a long ponytail. He got a small chain with half a dozen small bells at its end and attached it to her belly button. They tinkled with every movement that she made.

He led her to the mirror in the room. She marveled at the sight. She didn't remember when she had looked so sexy, so sensual. She bent down a little and saw the whole of her breasts through the neckline of the blouse. They threatened to spill out any moment. She turned around to check her behind. The blouse was almost backless. It was held together by a very thin strip of silk. When she bent a little she could see the the crack of her ass through the see-through material. She was virtually naked. She looked more of a sex object than a waitress. Yet this fact didn't disturb her much. The servant noticed her actions and failed to comprehend the change in her. He finished his job by tying a semitransparent scarf around the lower half of her face. It added a new mystery to her personality. He handed her the tray laden with tall glasses of beer and was glad to see that she held it steady. He led Lisa to the living room where many men were talking loudly. She could hear parts of their conversation.

"We did good today, thanks to you Professor. But we'll need your help again. Our next target is Agra, and we will need some men there. Can you...." he fell silent. Lisa had just entered the room with the tray.

The man who had been talking stood paralyzed for a second, his mouth wide open. Lisa looked at him without any expression. She went to him first because she thought he was the leader. The man just kept looking at her, his eyes devouring every inch of her angelic body. His eyes reached her breasts and stayed there for a few seconds. Lisa just stood still, her control weakening. She was finding it very difficult to stand there. She almost jumped when she heard the Professor talk,

"Dear friend, take your *****. Lisa here is present to provide all of us, our much-needed entertainment. She is your trophy today. A prize for your success."

Lisa was trying hard to shut out all the insults that were going to be thrown at her. She reminded her she was doing this for her husband. For his safety. The man reached out for a glass and once he had taken his, Lisa started walking towards the remaining men. But before she had taken a step she felt a rough hand on her right ass-cheek. It was a hard slap, one that caused her to moan in pain. The tray shook on her hand and fortunately, she managed to steady it. The other men laughed and encouraged their leader. Lisa distributed the ****** to the remaining men in the room; there were four more excluding the Professor and the leader. She received similar treatment from all of them. The last man, well he was actually a boy, he went a step ahead and felt her breasts. His hands were small, but their actions were vulgar. Her breasts spilled out of their confines, causing the crowd to whistle loudly. They stood firm on her body, her nipples pointing the sky. One of them said,

"He has finally grown up," pointing to the tent in the young man's trousers.

"He has reached new heights. He just scaled 2 new mountains!" said the other.

There was more jeering. ***** had rushed up to her cheeks and she was almost on the verge of breaking down again. She took a step behind and walked away from the crowd. She put her mounds back in their restrains and waited in a corner. She took in what she saw. The five men were tall, well built. Three of them were even handsome. They didn't look like terrorists at all, she thought. Then as they say, there is no face to terrorism. The leader was huge. He sported a long beard and must have weighed more than 300 pounds. She saw a few rifles lying next to the couch; the sight sent another shiver down her spine. She had never seen an actual firearm. And the mere sight of them made her realize how dangerous these men really were.

"Lisa, Lisa come here," it was the Professor.

All the men had their eyes on her. They had obviously been discussing her. She walked slowly to where the Professor sat and stood next to his chair, her eyes downcast, hands folded in front of her, her cheeks red. She almost looked virginal.

"Friends, this is Dr. Lisa Anderson. She works in my hospital. She is not some regular prostitute whom I have paid a few thousands to please you. She is the most intelligent girl I have ever met. And a proud one at that. But I have tamed her. I have trained her. She is primed to pleasure you. She is the prettiest piece of meat that you will find in this country. From what I know, she has never had sex with anyone other than her fiancée. And now she belongs to you."

Lisa's self-esteem had taken another deep plunge. It was at an all time low. She was a famous doctor; an educated girl from a conservative family. This monster had made a prostitute out of her, a whore to mass ******ers. She felt alarm bells ringing in her head. She knew what was coming.

"Abdul please switch on the music. And Lisa dear, walk to the centre of the room. The men want to see you dance. Show us what you have got," he ordered.

"Be good now, remember our conversation upstairs," reminded the Professor, unnecessarily.

Lisa walked to the centre of the room slowly. The bells on her belly button tinkled with each step she took. Her limbs felt like lead. She felt the 6 pair of eyes in the room follow her, like hot spotlights burning her body. The men feasted on the sight of her tight ass and toned muscular legs. The music was soft, with slow beats. Lisa thought it was Arabic. She slowly started moving her body, her back facing the crowd. She stuck out her ass and started shaking it, first slowly, gradually increasing the speed. Her actions were appreciated in form of loud laughter and more lewd comments. She slowly turned around. She saw that all the men had lost their shirts. There were so hairy, the thought crossing her mind inexplicably. She started gyrating to the beats and made such sensual movements with her body that the jeering had stopped. They were soon replaced by 'ooohhs' and 'ahhs'. Lisa had been a cheerleader. She knew the art of provocative dancing. She began shaking her breasts and held them together in front of them. Her hands looked tiny on the massive mountains. She turned around again and continued dancing. Dancing relaxed her. It always had. Suddenly she felt too strong hands on her arms, which pulled her body backwards. Someone was trying to hug her tightly. She turned her head to see, it was the leader. She screamed like a kid put in a dark room, and stopped dancing. But the man held her tightly. She could feel his hard cock push through the flimsy material, into her crack. He turned her around and hugged her tightly, crushing her breasts on his hairy chest. Lisa stood stock still, hands by the side of her body. Her face pressed into the fat chest of the big man. He smelled of stale sweat. Lisa tried to nose her nose away, but her attempts useless. The man was much more powerful. Lisa's feet were now off the ground as she felt his huge monster cock press her pubic bone. Her body moved with his, she was scared beyond wits now. The man had pushed his right hand through the top of her pajamas. He felt the soft skin of her ass, on the tight muscles and marveled at his luck. He had never met such an athletic woman. So firm, yet so soft. Muscular, yet so feminine. Lisa screamed again, when she felt his finger probe her asshole. She bit him hard on the chest. The man howled in pain and threw her down on the floor, hard. He was on top of her again, but this time he was mad at her. He tore her scarf to see the best face he had ever seen, but that didn't stop him. The scarf was followed by the blouse. He roughly pinched her nipples hard and tugged at them like a mad man. Lisa cried in pain,


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"Please. Please stop. I am sorry."

But he did not stop. He wanted to teach this slut a lesson. He started showering hard slaps on her face, on both cheeks one after the other. Not giving her time to even scream. When he stopped, her face was a shade of bright red and she had almost lost consciousness. The men in the room looked in awe, astounded by this display of brute ***** by their master on this beautiful woman. The man got up from her, and took a few deep breaths. Lisa stayed still. She had stopped moving. The man bent down and lifted the young doctor from the floor. He took her to the couch and threw her on it. He virtually tore the pajamas off her, a part of it still around her waist. But her privacy exposed to the crowd. He then removed his trousers and underwear in one go and made the young doctor sit with her head supported on the headrest. His member was huge. It must have been at least 9 inches and it was only partially erect. He climbed on the couch resting one leg on the armrest, the other on the couch next to her naked thigh. He pointed his cock at her face and ordered her to open her mouth. When she did not obey, he rained half a dozen slaps on her again. Lisa's mouth fell open and the man pushed in, in one rapid motion. His cock head touched the back of her throat causing Lisa to gag. She opened her eyes to see that the man's wood had completely disappeared in the depths of her oral cavity. This was her first cock other than her fiancée's in almost a decade. Tears welled up in her eyes as the man continued to push in. Lisa's nose was now squished against his pubic bone and she was finding it very difficult to breathe. She could feel the ***** pulsing through the veins of the huge organ in her mouth and felt it grow even bigger, suffocating her even more. Her face was now red due to lack of oxygen. She was struggling to breathe. This man was actually killing her with his cock! The leader sensed her struggle and withdrew half of his length from her mouth. Lisa gasped. She took in long deep breaths, as some life rushed back to her air deprived brain.

"Will you now do what I ask you to do, bitch?" the Leader's voiced echoed in the silent room.

He had just proved to his men, the power he commanded on not just the weapons, but women too. Lisa gave him a positive reply by sucking in her cheeks and applying a strong suction on his organ. Her move was appreciated by a gentle pat on her head.

"Good girl. Yeah that's the way," he might well have been training a dog.

He put his hands in the young doctors hair and started fucking her face with long thirsts, almost removing his cock from her mouth, just to push it back in at the last moment. Lisa gagged on his cock quite a few times, he was bigger than her fiancée and she had thought he was big. She had starting bobbing her head on his cock actively, trying to keep up with his thrusts. She wanted to make him cum quickly. She wanted to avoid taking him in her love hole. She kept applying strong suction on his hard rock and raised her hands to cup his hairy balls. The leader swelled with pride. He praised her skills, arousing the crowd even more, making them hungry for action. Lisa knew she was good with her mouth. Sameer had always loved it when she went down on her knees. Whenever Lisa wanted something from him, she just had to "go down".

The leader looked around the room and saw that the men had lost their clothes. He shouted, "Wait you girls. You have to experience this piece of flesh here. She is the best you will ever have. Professor, you have exceeded yourself this time. This slut is priceless."

Even the Professor was sporting a hard on. The Professor was old and diabetic. He had problems getting 'hard' even with the help of *****. But the scene that was unfolding in front of his eyes was the hottest he had ever witnessed. He had always lusted on his juniors body, had hoped he was young enough to take her. He was surprised to see her oral skills. His own thoughts were echoed in what the leader had just told him. Tonight he was going to take this young woman. He was brought back by loud grunts from the man fucking Lisa's face. He came in the doctor's mouth with a huge roar. Lisa felt the hot liquid coat the insides of her mouth. It spilled out of her mouth, as she did not want to swallow the dirty liquid. The man removed his cock from the girl's mouth and continued stroking it. Hot liquid kept gushing out of the orifice and landing on Lisa's face and upper body. Lisa spat the remaining juice from her mouth, regretting her action the next second. She felt a tight slap on her back as the man pushed her on the floor; towards the puddle of cum she had created.

"Lick it clean, whore! Lick it all. Clean your face and tits too."

Lisa opened her mouth reluctantly and licked the liquid from the floor. More insults, more embarrassment. An image of a street dog licking water from the street ran through her brain, as tears welled up again in her eyes. I am doing it for my love. For Sameer, she reminded herself. She cleaned the cum from her face and breasts with her fingers and sucked them dry. She turned to face the big man who had just ****** her mouth, to find his cock pointing towards her mouth again. He was still hard. Lisa had counted the number of times she would have to submit the bodies, but she had not expected them to take her multiple times.

"Suck it dry bitch. Clean my cock," the man ordered, pulling her head towards his cock.

She opened her mouth, and applied a strong suction, drawing the liquid lying still in his urethra. This time she swallowed it without being asked to. The big man lifted her again, threw her roughly on the couch, and climbed on her fragile body. Lisa was crushed under his enormous weight, his hair tickling her body at multiple places. She was surprised to find him hard so soon, and so were the other men. They stared at their leader with looks of surprise and respect. They hoped he would finish soon. The sight of this naked woman was driving them crazy.

The big man ran his fingers along the doctor's vertical lips. He was not surprised to find it wet and sticky. He liked this bitch. She was turned on. She was hot for him and yet she fought him. She liked that fire in her. He guided his giant organ to her love hole and pushed in hard.

'Fuck she is tight, so goddamn tight. Her fiancée must be a loser. She needs to be torn by a real man. I will make her a real woman tonight. She will beg for my cock before the night is over.' He thought to himself.

As soon as his head was inside her hole, he pushed in his complete length in her in one strong thrust. Lisa was seeing stars. Her head hung over the edge of the bed. Her mouth was open but no sound came out of it for a few seconds, following which she let out a loud cry of pain.

"Awwwww ooooooooo."


She was crying like a cow. "No no please please stop. Please. PLEASE. STOPPPP."

Her cries went on and on as the leader kept fucking her relentlessly, with deep long thrusts. He was tired of her screaming. He looked at the Professor, who was rubbing his cock.

"Professor, you mind shutting her up?"

The Professor approached his beautiful subordinate and stuffed her mouth with his cock. It didn't fail to shut the sounds. She still kept grunting, and the vibrations that the sound made in her mouth sent shots of electricity through the Professor's cock. He grabbed her throat and started fucking her face roughly. It was a long time since he had fucked anything, and tonight was his best night in years. He was not 'big', but fucked her in long strokes, his balls slapping her nose every time his cock disappeared between her lips. He came within minutes sending just a few drops of thick liquid down her throat. Lisa sucked it dry without being instructed to, as the old man withdrew his already deflated cock from her mouth. Lisa had stopped screaming now. The pain was replaced by a very new feeling. She was filled fuller than she had ever been in all her life. She raised her head to see the terror leader playing with her nipples. A thin sheet of sweat covered both their bodies. She looked at him with eyes full of lust urging him on.

"Harder. Fuck me harder," she whispered.

The man smiled. "Say it. Say it loudly."

"Yes, yes I am your bitch. I am your whore. Fuck me. Fuck me hard. Paint my womb with your love! Yeahhhhh," she screamed, lost in ecstasy.

The man's tool swelled even more with pride, he lifted her off the couch, still pumping her cunt, and laid down on his back, on the floor.

"Ride me bitch," he ordered.

Lisa, herself on a verge of orgasm, obeyed the big man. She started lifting her ass off him and when he was about to pop out, she would sit back on him hard. Her clit rubbed hard each time their pubes met, the friction driving her crazy. The leader played with her breasts and pulled her to him. He kissed her on her lips for the first time, to which Lisa responded with equal ferocity. They both came at the same time, their screams piercing the silence of the night. She could feel the hot liquid coating her insides and the tool finally deflated and popped out of her thoroughly fucked vagina. She lied on the terror leader's chest, panting, recovering from the intense orgasm. As ***** flowed back to her brain, the enormity of her actions crashed over her like a huge tidal wave. She rolled off the terrorist's body, curled up in ***** position and started crying violently. She could no longer say that it was for her fiancée. She knew and so did the men in the room. She had fucked his attacker back. She had been an active participant. And she had orgasmed too! She was not left to her thoughts for too long. She heard the leader who had just fucked her, speak to his men,

"Brothers, what is mine is yours. I have made her mine. It is time for you to make her OURS."

Seconds later, she felt four hands lift her off the floor, and as they took her to the table, she welcomed the feeling of nothingness, as her brain shut down and she fell ***********.



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Lisa was in her living room. She lay on the hard muscular chest of her fiancée. She loved the way his chest felt. She rubbed her small hands on his skin feeling the hard muscles. She felt his presence in her most private hole. She smiled. She loved Sam. He always liked waking her up like this. But she felt something else too. Something was trying to get into her asshole!!! Something kept poking her in her back hole trying to pry it open. And when it succeeded in penetrating it, a stab of pain shot through her insides.

She woke up suddenly to find herself in a strange house. She was not lying on Sameer! It was someone else. He was good looking, but it wasn't her love. She looked behind her to see a second stranger looking at her, his eyes filled with lust. The reality crashed on her like an avalanche. She remembered, the memory of the evening's events overwhelming her. She had been blackmailed by her senior into fucking his friends. And they were not any ordinary friends. They were the ones responsible for the blast that had shook her peaceful city.

Lisa started crying again. She didn't resist the intrusion in her back-hole, she was held tight by the man under her. She was too tired anyway. She looked up to see the Professor and the terror leader lay back on the couch, sipping their ******, their cocks deflated. A third person sat next to them, he had passed out. He was naked too, his manhood was also devoid of life. She could see it was wet, and a creamy liquid was oozing out of its orifice. She realized she had been fucked by the boy too.

How long had she been ***********?!

She looked at the window. It was still dark. It couldn't have been more than minutes. The man behind her who was waiting for her asshole to adjust to his cockhead, pushed in suddenly. It hurt, but wasn't as painful as Lisa had expected. He wasn't as big as his leader, but his presence in her tighter hole, combined with that of his friends in her vagina, filled her completely. She was 'sandwiched' for the first time in her life. It was a very different experience. The buzz in her clitoris had started again and her hips had started moving in the ancient dance. The two men had established a tawdry rhythm. As one went in the other slid out. They enjoyed fucking this beautiful doctor, their reward for the feat they had achieved earlier in the day. They sensed the change in the woman's attitude and stop moving their hips. Lisa was fucking them back. It was her hips that were moving actively now. The men smiled and high-fived each other. They started fucking her again, now with increased vigor.

The man in her back hole came first. He got out of her suddenly and sprayed his juice all over her back. He was replaced by the only guy who hadn't got a piece of her. He entered her in one swift motion. Lisa was glad, that he was smaller than his friend. He reached for her breasts and started mauling them roughly. The guy who had just come in her **** hole came in front of her and ordered her to lick his cock clean. She knew where the cock had been, and was disgusted with the young man for wanting her to suck it clean. When she didn't obey, the man fucking her ass, yanked her ponytail and pulled her head behind. The man in front of her slapped her face hard, causing her to yell in pain. He shot his manhood in her open mouth and pushed all the way in. He pinched her nose shut, punishing her for her disobedience. Lisa now had a cock in all her holes, even though the one in her mouth was rapidly losing its size.

Lisa was feeling hypoxic yet again. She was hungry for air. She gave in to the man's demands, and licked the dirty cock in her mouth clean. She milked the remaining cum from his urethra, and only then was she allowed to breathe. She saw him pull out of her oral depths and joining the group on the sofa. The men in her two holes came with loud roars, almost simultaneously, but not before, Lisa herself had screamed to orgasm twice. They left the young doctor shaking on the floor and joined their friends on the couch. After the last guy was done unloading his balls in her ass Lisa was tied again. This time to the table, right there in the living room.

The men continued ******** and kept throwing ****** at her, cracking dirty jokes. The young guy, who had dozed off came back to life, now came up with some idea. He whispered something in the Professor's ears and the old man's eyes lit up. He ordered Abdul, the servant, to get more ******. Abdul got a tray full of glasses and when he crossed Lisa, he winked at her. Lisa didn't understand him, but hoped it was something good. Wait! Had he spiked their ******?! She hoped he had. She was running out of ideas to escape this dungeon.

There was silence in the room when the Professor spoke, "So friends did u have fun or do you think our girl wasn't good enough?"

The young one, whom Lisa didn't remember fucking, said, "She was pathetic!"

"Yeah she was poor," said another, playing along.

"My 40yr old wife is better," said the third guy.

Lisa didn't care about what these guys thought of her performance. She knew it wasn't about how good or bad she was. The men were up to something and she knew she was going to be subjected to more *******.

The Professor replied to their comments, "In that case the slut needs to be punished. Abdul get the bag from that room."

Lisa waited those agonizing minutes contemplating the new horrors that she was going to endure. The men continued to pass lewd comments. For some reason they had stopped ********. Had they suspected? She hoped not. She didn't want Abdul to get in trouble. He was her only hope.

Abdul returned to the room and handed a huge bag to his master, from which the Professor removed a few instruments. Objects, which were soon going to cause Lisa a lot of pain. One of them was a folded piece of wood. He opened it and laid it on the coffee table to which Lisa was tied. Lisa couldn't see the top of this ply. Next, old man removed five whips and handed one each to the guests. The next object was a huge cock shaped vibrator, which he kept on the floor next to her. Though it wasn't as long as the terror leader's organ, it was twice as thick. Lisa looked at the other objects that the Professor had removed. There were a few weights. She saw a few 20kg stones, a couple of 1 kg stones and a few ropes. A feeling of dread was rising in her. She was scared again. It had happened again. Whenever she thought her ordeal was over she found herself facing more horrors, scared more than she had been minutes earlier, when she thought she had faced her worst nightmares. Only to be awaken to more nightmares.

Lisa was freed off her restraints and was lifted easily by one of the men. When she looked at the table, she was shocked. She saw multiple pointed nails jutting out from the surface of the wood. She knew what it was. It was a BED OF NAILS. The nails were not very pointed and she knew the principle of the board. If placed correctly on the nails, her weight would be equally distributed amongst the hundreds of nails, the divided pressure not enough to puncture the skin. Even though the nails would not injure her skin, they were bound to cause intense pain. She started struggling again. But the man was far too strong. He lay her face down on the board in such a way that her head was hanging off the board, and her hands fell to the sides. The board was only 3 feet long, and less than a foot wide, so that Lisa's body completely covered the nails. Her wrists were immediately tied to the 20 kg weights pressing her body further on the board. She screamed in pain as a hundred pins poked different parts of the body. Her breasts were attacked by the nails, her already sore nipples making her cry out in pain. Her legs also fell of the table and two 25 kg weights were tied to them too, rendering her immobile. As if this was not enough, they divided her ponytail into two parts and tied them each to a half kg weights. The tails hung on each side of her head pulling it down, the hair threatening to come off their roots. Half of her pussy stayed on the table, bearing the brunt of the pins, the other half hanging in the air. She felt the huge vibrator enter her lips and she let out a howl of pain as the part of her pussy on the board was pinned between the nails and the invading monster. When it was completely inside her, the professor switched on, sending jolts of electricity through her thoroughly ******** body. The men high- fived each other again as Lisa started howling, her body screaming in response to the multiple stimuli. She was turned on like never before. Even the pain that she had felt a couple minutes ago stimulated her, and took her to new heights of arousal. She shouted, more out of pleasure than pain, as series of moans escaped her luscious lips,

"Oh oh oh oh oh ahhhh ,"




The men laughed maniacally. They were rubbing their cocks again, few of them already hard. The ******, which were spiked with *****, and were going to bring her some reprieve, lay abandoned on a far away table. She caught the servant's eyes to see her own disappointment reflected in them.

As if this was not enough, the men started raining whiplashes on her back. These felt like feathers after the pain of the nails. But she knew she was going to feel the sting after she was taken off the board. If ever they she was. Or did they want to **** her on it. She wished they would. She didn't know if she would ever recover from this nights *******. Not the physical ******, but the mental trauma that she had endured. She knew she had orgasmed multiple times tonight, and didn't think she will be able to face her fiancée after this night was over.

Lisa found herself facing a hard cock again yet again. She didn't need to look up to see its owner. From its size, she knew it belonged to the leader. She didn't need any asking. She was highly aroused, owing to the vibrations the fake cock was sending through her body. She opened her mouth and welcomed the throbbing wood in her hot mouth. The move was appreciated by the men, as the owner of the cock patted her head. At the same time, she felt a huge intrusion at her asshole. One of them had gone behind her. His cock was big, as Lisa had felt earlier, but he felt even bigger owing to the presence of the massive toy in her front hole. He pushed in roughly, entering inside her in one go. Lisa moaned in pain, but couldn't scream. The cock in front of her gagged her. Her ass was being torn apart and she was seeing stars. She had never been so full in her life. And she had been filled thoroughly many times tonight.

The vibrating toy was sending weird sensations through her body. She was now actively bobbing her head on her lover in the front. He noticed the change in her and let out a few grunts. He put his hands in her long hear anchoring them there. He started pulling her head up and down on his member with great rapidity. The weights on her ponytails danced in mid air and Lisa was sure quite a few of her hair had lost their roots. She hoped that he came soon. Her neck was in great danger of getting fractured. She thought if he pulled it off the table to a greater extent he may end up ****ing her. There was silence in the room as everyone saw this violent action with fascination. Even the man in her back hole didn't move. He was enjoying the vibrations of the toy through the thin tissue separating Lisa's 2 holes. More so, he was stunned by the action, taking place in front of her. Lisa heaved a sigh of relief as the man in her mouth came with a huge roar. Lisa felt the hot liquid shoot at the back of her throat and tried swallowing it as fast as she could. She did not want to annoy them again by spilling any. She wanted to get over with this night asap.



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The man in her back hole started moving now, pulling out almost completely, then entering her hard again, pushing her on the punishing nails. The pain was gone down a bit. Her body had adjusted to the nails, but with every thrust, she was pushed harder on the nails awakening the pain receptors again. Lisa was glad that he didn't last long. He painted her **** hole with his white juice for the nth time this night. Yes, Lisa had lost count of the number of times these men had fucked her. The remaining men had a go at her and once they were done, they fell back on their couches. Their faces were flushed with satisfaction. Lisa's was flushed with ***********. And because of multiple orgasms. She had come at least a dozen times in this last hour and half and small after-shocks kept sending jolts of electricity through her body. The vibrator had died out but it was still inside her love hole, keeping it stretched . It felt like a part of her now. Her pussy was numb, she couldn't feel the toys presence anymore.

The men looked at the young doctor they had just ********. The Professor had entertained them with many girls in the past, each one ending up dead. They could not afford witnesses. But this one was different. She was the best they had ever had. Each part of her was a masterpiece. Their eyes appreciated the strong muscular thighs, which reached above to a magnificent ass, her long legs enhancing the effect. Those magnificent breasts, which were so big and yet stood so firm when she stood, not showing signs of the slightest slag. And to finish the package a beautiful face with eyes that bore into you, carrying a mystery to them. Her shiny long black hair, which danced whenever she was fucked, like grass in a wind. No, they couldn't **** her. The group's leader had decided. They were taking her with them. She will be their slave, a recipient of their carnal desires.

The Professors voice brought all of them back to the present. "Abdul get the ******! Isn't this fun guys. She is probably the best

doctor in my hospital. A bride-to-be. Isn't it great to make her realize her true place in front of men like us. Wait, I have another

idea. Abdul come here and remove your clothes."

Everyone in the room was stunned, including Abdul. The terrorists almost looked angry. The Professor saw the look in their eyes and replied cautiously, "Friends I'm sorry to offend you. I see it in your eyes that you want to take her with you. She would have been dead long ago otherwise. I know you well enough. But this bitch has been really arrogant with me. And I want to tell her that she can be taken not just by men like us, men in power, but also by an inconsequential servant. I want to make her feel like a slut. I want to rob her off her self-respect. I want to **** the fight in her. I want to make her realize her true worth." he finished, his face red with anger.

The leader agreed. He said, "Ok doctor, but just once. We'll leave the first thing in the morning and this piece of ass will then belong to me."

Lisa was so exhausted mentally and physically. She felt as if she was listening to this conversation from the far end of a long tunnel. Nothing scared her now. She was too tired, her brain numbed by the pain shooting through her body. She felt happy that she would at least satisfy the only man in this room who cared for her. This was extent to which she had changed. Few hours back she belonged to her fiancée, and now when a group of criminals had battered her body using her as a receptacle of their lust, she almost welcomed the prospect of yet another man fucking her. Was she truly a whore? Had she become a slut for a piece of man's meat?

She heard the men jeering. Abdul had got rid of his clothes and was standing in front of Lisa. She looked in his eyes to see them apologizing her. She saw a hint of tears, but that was all. She felt grateful for the silent support this man had given her and wanted to give something back to him. When she looked down, she was stunned. Yet again. Abdul had the biggest cock she had ever seen. And she had seen quite a few tonight. Lisa had seen a few freaks on the internet and had thought how impossible it is to possess such a cock. Abdul's asset was as thick as her forearm and was at least a foot long. Lisa's jaw had dropped open. She wasn't the only one. She saw her expressions mirrored on the other faces in the room. Abdul guided his monster in Lisa's mouth. It was half way in, when it touched the back of her throat and she gagged. He stopped and Lisa started bobbing her head up and down.

The Professor recovered from the shock, got up and patted his faithful servant's back. "Well Abdul. I never knew about your... Eh, whatever.. Now stop fucking her face. We want to see how she takes you in. Go behind her."

Lisa surprised everyone by saying, "Yes Abdul. Take my ass. Make me a whore. Tear me apart, I deserve it," she was aroused no doubt. But she had seen the men with their ******. ******, which were spiked by Abdul. She wanted to encourage them to ***** it quickly by putting up a show.

Abdul went behind her and directed the massive organ at her back hole. He went to remove the toy but was stopped by the Professor. Lisa braced herself for what was coming. She cried out in pain as the first inch of the monster disappeared in the depths of her asshole. She held her breath, for she knew more was coming. Abdul kept the pushing in slowly and as his head crossed the internal sphincter, Lisa let out a loud moan which didn't stop.

"Oh oh ohhhh.. Aaaaawwww. Oh my god."

" Fuck fuck fuck."

" Aaaaaaaaaaaawwww. Ooooooo ," she was crying like a cow in labor!

She surprised everyone again, "Yes push it in. Push it in. ****** fucker. Push it in harder and faster. Yeahhhhh."

Abdul was really turned on now. This was the best piece of ass he was ever going to feel in his life. Though he had called her sister

earlier in the day, it was just coz he wanted to make her feel comfortable. he had empathized with her. Now this bombshell was

driving him crazy, with her angelic body and her dirty words. He pushed in hard causing his entire monster to disappear in her

intestine. She was really tight and her ass muscles were milking his cock. He bent down on her body and kissed her neck. His long beard tickled her neck as he put his entire body's pressure on her, pushing her harder on the nails. She was moaning continuously now. She obviously was not thinking. It was her body reacting to the strongest sensation known to the human brain. He whispered in her ear, "Look at them. They are already drowsy. They will be ******** soon. Do you want me to stop?"

She shook her head. He was causing her immense pleasure. She was his whore, his wife, his slut for the moment. She cried, "Fuck me harder bitch. I am whore. Make me your slave. Make love to me!"

Abdul knew that Lisa wasn't thinking straight. He felt bad about taking advantage of her, but god she was so hot. He removed his cock from her ass. He reached for her restraints and freed her off the weights. He flipped her around so that she faced him when he fucked her. The multiple pins now attacked her back inflicting new pains to her already battered body. Abdul saw the marks of nails all over body and regretted the way they spoiled the beauty of this magnificent girl. He reached for the monster toy in her pussy, removed it and introduced it in her back hole. It went in easily. Lisa was surprised that no one had objected to this. She looked around. Most men were finishing with their ******. A couple had dozed off. Three of them looked on through dazed eyes. The Professor himself was swaying near her head.

Lisa was regaining control over her senses when Abdul entered her pussy in one stroke. Lisa was seeing stars again. He took hold of her massive mounds and started kneading them like dough. He tweaked the nipples and tugged hard at them. Lisa let out a moan, this time in pleasure. She was filled completely by this man, and he was doing wonders with her nipples which were so sensitive. He bent down, reached for her mouth, and kissed her. Lisa was surprised but she did not resist. She invited his tongue in her mouth and responded with equal fervor. He was the best lover she had ever had. Abdul started rocking his hips and slowly started fucking her. He realized Lisa was fucking her back with equal enthusiasm. This bitch was making him mad. He got up from her body and started fucking her roughly and with great speed. Lisa came multiple times, the orgasms combining to form one long wave of pleasure. She let her head fall back from the table as the man caused her intense pleasure. She saw that barring the Professor, everyone in the room had lost consciousness. He was the only one whose glass wasn't empty. The Professor, wanting to humiliate her further, stuck his ass in front of her mouth and ordered, "That's the way Abdul! Good boy. You bitch. Suck my asshole. Stick your tongue up there. Come on quick."


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Abdul was mad with anger. This was enough. He knew he was strong enough to tackle the Professor, but he was so close to cumming. He wasn't surprised to see Lisa obeying his boss without a hint of fight. She was doing it subconsciously. The massive orgasms had clouded her brain. He wanted to come soon and end the ordeal for her. He increased his pace. Meanwhile Lisa was pleasuring the Professor by 'cleaning' his dirty hole. It had smelled of sweat and ****, but Lisa licked enthusiastically. She even fucked his asshole with her tongue, at times completely inserting it in his anal canal. It was the Professors turn to moan.

Moving away from her he said, "Holy ****. This bitch is one hot whore," and gulped the remaining contents of his glass in one go. He sat on the couch to continue seeing the show. Abdul came soon. He came so much that more than half of his juice escaped Lisa's hole. He laid down on her regaining his breath. Lisa had slipped off into ***************.

Abdul got up in a few minutes and tied all the men to their chairs. He lifted Lisa off the thorn bed cautiously and took her to a bathroom where he made her take a hot shower. He got Lisa's purse and her clothes from the room upstairs. He had made some coffee to make her come to her senses quickly. She had regained consciousness but her brain was still clouded. He helped her dress and made her ***** the hot coffee, which had immediate effect. She was leaning on Abdul for support. She immediately caught herself and regained her composure. She recollected the last night's events and started crying. Abdul made her sit down on a chair and tried consoling her.

"Lisa don't lose hope now. You have a chance to teach these bastards a lesson. They deserve to be punished. For the innocent people who lost their lives because of them, and for treating women like dirt. I regret knowing who the Professor was and not doing anything about it. Had I acted before I could have prevented what happened today. Please forgive me. And forgive me for participating in your *******. Give me a chance to make amends."

"No, Abdul don't blame yourself. I am free now. Because of YOU. I can't imagine what I would have become if you had not put them to *****. Don't blame yourself. Let us forget what happened between us. It is time to punish these assholes. Take me to the nearest police station. But wait I have to do one thing before we leave."

She reached for her purse. She remembered she was carrying a syringe prefilled with sulphuric acid. She took it out went to the professor who was ******** on his couch butt naked. With Abdul's help, she turned him around and inserted the syringe in his asshole. She saw bubbles coming out of his hole and a smell of burning skin reached their nose. She was surprised that he was still *********** but knew when he came back to his senses he would not be able to ***** for a few days! She smiled at Abdul who looked at her in horror and the two of them made for the car.


The terrorists were arrested after recording Lisa and Abdul's complaint. On hearing the news of their capture, the terrorist's aides had shot Sameer in the mountains. His body was not found by the authorities till date, but a photograph of his body was sent to Lisa by the terrorists. Lisa had been in shock for a year and had been in therapy for more than a year. She had moved back with her parents in the US. Very recently, she had started working as a doctor in a community hospital, her life slowly returning to normal.

Abdul was arrested for withholding information vital for national security. Lisa's parents had arranged the best lawyer to fight his case. They had adopted his sister who had now moved with them to US and was pursuing higher studies. Abdul had saved their ********. They were indebted to him for life. Abdul was released a year later after being declared innocent.

On hearing the news of his release, Lisa flew down to Shimla to meet him and to express her gratitude. She wanted him to move to the US. She had made arrangements for his further education. It was going to be her surprise for him. He deserved that. It was for her that he had gone to prison. It was for her that he had put his life, his sister's in danger. And he was going to be in danger till he stayed in this country.

When Lisa saw him, she couldn't recognize him. He had gotten rid of his beard. She was surprised to find him a little attractive. He reminded her of Sameer. He was as tall as him, and had similar features. Lisa drove him to the nearby mountains, to a place called -- "ECHO POINT" The view was just perfect. They looked around. They were surrounded by mountains and peaks, with their summits disappearing behind clouds. She held his hand and told him of her plan. He was shocked. He tried to argue but Lisa put her finger on his lips. She whispered in his ears,

"Abdul however hard I tried, I couldn't forget what happened between us that night. You gave up yourself for me. You put your family in danger. Why?"

Abdul looked away. He had spent over a year thinking about that night. Thinking about Lisa. And now, when she was so close, he was unable to tell her about his feelings.

"Shsh. Don't say anything. I know how you feel for me. I feel the same. You think we can give ourselves a chance?" he looked unsure.

He said, "Yes. I love you Lisa. Love you more than anything. But I am useless. You deserve someone much better."

"I deserve someone who can protect me. Besides, I have made my decision. I'll take up celibacy if u don't agree to marry me," she joked.

Abdul did not laugh. He looked at her. So beautiful. So radiant. So innocent. She was wearing a strapless floral skirt that reached just above her knees. Her black hair reached the top of her dress which, revealed the best cleavage he had seen. Her blue eyes looked hungry for him, her lips parted, waiting for him to reply.

"Come on. Now don't make me go down on my knees. Don't make me beg!!"

He smiled for the first time in months and nodded his head. They kissed. It was a long passionate kiss. He lifted her and lay her on the soft grass near the car. He pushed her skirt to her waist and felt her panties.. They were wet. She was hot for him. So was he. He lowered his pants and entered her. Not roughly, But gently. Each stroke slow, and deep. He had not let go off her lips. Their lips were sealed in a never ending kiss. Both of them came at the same time. They lay there in each other's arms till the sun disappeared behind the mountains.

Few days later, they flew down to the US. Lisa and Abdul got married a week later. It was a small affair with just close family and friends present. They got married under both Christian and Muslim rituals. Lisa had got a job in a hospital in Miami so the newly married couple moved down there. When they reached their house, Lisa took her new husband straight to the basement. He was surprised to find the instruments that Lisa had bought. He saw the naughty twinkle in her eye and jumped at her. The horrors of the night a year before were finally erased, but the fire it ignited in Lisa raged on.



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Debt Repayment

Amanda Collier was driving to her two story home she shared with her husband Jeff and ******** Vicky. Amanda worked part time as a secretary at the local steel mills. Jeff ran his own export business specialising in agricultural machinery.

Amanda was forty three and despite her age was very attractive. She was five feet seven, 110 pounds, 36C breasts and shoulder length, coal black hair. She was conservative in dress too, dressing in skirts or dresses that never went above her knees. Even though she was a modest dresser, she never failed to turn heads.

Her ********, Vicky, was just eighteen and started work at a trendy boutique. Like her ****** Vicky too was a modest dresser. Indeed they would pass for sisters. Vicky was five feet four and 105 pounds, with 34C breasts.

Amanda was also secretary to the local parish council and although she was not overly religious, she attended church on Sundays, with Jeff and Vicky. In so doing she held a place of respect in the local community, where she lived, just outside Hastings in West Sussex, England. Little did Amanda know how today would change their lives forever.

Amanda was tired. It had been a busy day at the office. All she looked forward to was kicking off her heels and a long soak in the tub. After driving up the driveway she grabbed her bag and coat and walked wearily to the door, not noticing the black Corolla parked opposite her home.

When she entered she kicked off her heels and hung up her coat. She called out to Vicky telling her she was home but there was no answer. She was not concerned because Vicky often had a ***** after work with her mates. It came as a shock to her though when she opened the living room door and found Vicky sitting on the settee bound and gagged. The next thing she knew a gloved hand grabbed her mouth and something cold, like a knife, touching her throat . Vicky uttered a muffled, "Mom," through the gag.

Two men were in the house. A tall chocolate coloured man, definitely over six feet. He was strong and athletic. He held Amanda.

The other man was shorter. Five feet five and a little on the heavy side. He was clearly the leader.

"No need to panic Mrs Collier," he said. "Just do what you are told and all will be well."

"Who are you? What do you want?" she asked in rapid succession, with terror in her voice.

The small man spoke and said. "Our names are not important. We are here on behalf of Max Lester."

"The money lender?" asked Amanda. "What has he to do with us?"

"It is about the quarter of a million pounds your husband owes and Mr Lester wants to know when he will get his money back."

Amanda was stunned, "What are you talking about? She asked.

The short man spoke again. "I see you clearly know nothing of your husband's borrowing. Allow me to explain. Your husband's business went through a rough patch last year. To keep afloat he borrowed money from Mr Lester, when the bank refused to extend his loan. He was due to pay four weeks ago and when he failed to do so Mr Lester asked my firm to get the money."

"This is crazy," said Amanda. "My husband is away on business. Let me call him and get this sorted out."

"Just sit down Mrs Collier and listen to this."

He opened a laptop case and placed it on the room table. He activated a disc, a face appeared on the screen. It was her husband Jeff, somewhat battered and bruised. He began to speak.

"Honey I'm sorry, he began. "I was desperate to keep the business going and it seemed better than going under. Please honey, remain calm and do as they say and I promise we can work this out. Love you and Vicky." With that the disc stopped.

"You bastards!" said Amanda. "What have you done to him? Where is he? We don't have the money right now but we can get it given time," she said.

"Well Mrs Collier," said the short man. "Your husband is working with my firm to pay back the money."

Later, Amanda was to learn the awful truth. Jeff would be ****** to smuggle *****, with dire consequences for them all. "So what do you want with us?" asked Amanda.

"You too are insurance Mrs Collier, as well as interest."

"What do you mean 'interest'?" asked Amanda.

"Well 10% of the sum borrowed is twenty five thousand pounds and we are here to collect."

"But we don't have that kind of money," said Amanda. "There is barely five hundred pounds in the bank."

"We expected that," said the short man. "So now we come to the reason why we are here. There is a way to pay your end."

"What way is that." Asked Amanda.

"Mal," said the short man. "Take the girl to her room. You know what to do."

Amanda screamed.

"Please don't harm my ********. I'll do whatever you want. Please don't harm her."

Mal dragged Amanda to her bedroom. At the same time Amanda was dragged to her bedroom. Amanda was terrified. She did not know what to expect.

"Well Amanda," said her captor. "You are a fine looking woman. We will be staying the night," and with that sat on the chair opposite her dresser.

She could see he was undressing her with his eyes as he stared at her from head to toe. He took out a cassette and pressed the play button. It began to play slow sexy music.

"Strip for me," he said.

A horrified Amanda screamed "Fuck you!"

He leapt at her, grabbing her mouth with his hand and ******* her mouth to round and then said. "Now you listen to me bitch. If you want to see your precious husband or ******** alive, you'll do as your told."

With that he punched her in the stomach making her double over as she winced in pain and gasped for air. He grabbed her by the hair as she yelled in pain and was about to backhand her when she cried out, "Please, no more! I'll do what you say. Just don't hurt me." Her resistance was gone. She was shocked. She had never undressed in front of any man other than her husband. Now she had no choice but to humiliate herself, if not for Jeff or herself certainly for Vicky's safety.

"I'm waiting Amanda," said her tormentor.

Taking a deep breath, she began to the rhythm of the music. She slowly and provocatively unbuttoned her blouse. She swung her hips, teasingly one side then the other before discarding it revealing her full black slip.

Next putting her hands on each opposite shoulder she slowly eased the garment over her head gradually revealing a white lace bra and matching panties encased in her black tights. With a ****** smile she rolled her tights down and stepped out of them. She could see he was getting hard. Swung round, with her back to him she unsnapped her bra. Then turning to face him, still with a ****** smile, allowed it to drop to the floor. Then putting her hands to the sides of her panties, she allowed them to slide to her feet and stepped out of them.

"You are a very beautiful woman," said her audience.

Amanda suddenly became shy and suddenly covered her breasts and vagina.

"Take your hands way," he said. "Or you know what will happen."

She put her hands to her sides. Her long, shapely legs were to her captor, heavenly. Then he spoke again, "Amanda I don't like hairy pussies. Go to the bathroom and shave it completely.

She was stunned but knew she had no choice. He admired her naked body as she moved to the en suite bathroom.

When she returned she found him naked and with a giant hard on. "Come here," he said and grabbing her hair ****** her to her knees. Her head was directly in front of his cock. "Take it," he said "And suck it."

She seldom did it for Jeff: now she was being ****** to suck this stranger. She sucked, slowly at first, then with increasing rhythm until he came so much she thought she would *********. He released a large groan. She though she was finished but he rubbed his cock between her tits as he squeezed her nipples, making her wince and at the same time feel a certain pleasure as his cock exploded again.

He now ****** her up and on to her marital bed. He descended to her and began to kiss her passionately. She responded like a woman totally overwhelmed with aphrodisiac. The truth was she never felt like this with Jeff. Her captor was now her lover. He began to explore her newly shaved pussy with his tongue and she began to groan with satisfaction and ecstasy as she gave way to an enormous orgasm: something she had not had in years. He plunged his cock into her pussy and she felt his cum flowing, as he exploded inside her. Both fell asleep holding each other with groans.



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In the meantime, Vicky's dark faced assailant had pushed her into the bedroom and spoke to her in a rough east London accent. "Your ****** owes my boss a lot of money. We are here to collect the first instalment of twenty five thousand pounds. That's the interest owed.

"We don't have that kind of money," said Vicky.

"It looks like you will have to earn it," said Mal, with an evil grin showing his pearly white teeth.

"Earn it? How?" she asked innocently.

"Take off your clothes, you whore," he barked.

The frightened girl made a dash for the door but Mal grabbed her by the throat and pushed her back on the bed, muffling her screams with his hand and then producing a silk scarf, tying it around her mouth as a gag.

He ripped open her white blouse, ******* buttons to fly everywhere and reveal her black lace bra. He then proceeded to turn her over roughly and unzip her grey skirt, ripping it from her lower body. Her muffled. "Noooo"! was despairing. He tore her black half slip to shreds. Then with sheer strength, tore her bra apart, releasing her succulent tits.

Her panties were ripped apart by sheer brute ***** revealing a very bare pussy. Mal at once sucked on her tits, licking between them and then her perfect nipples. Having pulled down his pants, he drove his hardened cock deep inside her pussy.

Vicky was no virgin but this was the first time she ever had black cock. He rode her pussy and erupted, letting out a yell of pleasure. Vicky too screamed through gag but only with pain. He turned her on her front and ****** his seven inches into her ass. He continued riding her until he was spent, out of exhaustion they both fell asleep.

The heat of the morning sun woke Amanda Collier from what she felt sure was a nightmare. As she began to regain her senses, she realised her naked, shapely body was covered in cum. The short man was not there. She rose from her bed and slipped on her silken robe. Just as she headed for the bathroom her tormentor appeared.

"That was a great night's work Amanda," he said in a gleeful tone.

"I need to take a shower," she responded.

"That's a good idea," said her persecutor.

He ripped the robe from her body. "You won't be needing it," he said.

Behind him was the dark man and a nude Vicky. Obviously she had suffered the same fate as her ******.

"Mom," she cried, as they grabbed each other and huddled. They were both pushed into the shower.

"Now," said the short man as he turned on the shower, "start washing each other and remember you don't have a choice."

Both naked, white skinned beauties began to cry as warm jets of steamy water descended upon them. As they began to soap each other, Amanda turned to her ******** and said, "I'm sorry honey."

"Me too mom," responded Vicky.

The short man became impatient.

"Come on," he said with a growl. "Kiss each other and start making love."

The nude women were shocked. Amanda was about to protest when she saw the men with six inch knives.

"Do it or we will scar you for life."

Taking the initiative Vicky kissed her ****** passionately, driving her tongue into her ******'s mouth and curling it around her own tongue. Their tits and pussies began to grind against each other, creating a sensation of ecstatic proportions that neither of the two thought possible. They began to moan.

"Oh Vicky, please more, more," as her ******** began to lick and suck her tits.

As Vicky travelled down her ******'s body with her gentle kissing and licking, she knelt as she pierced her ******'s pussy with her tongue. Grinding gently into her pussy, Amanda screamed with delight as her love juices began to flow.

"Oh Vicky, I'm cumming," she heard her ****** cry. Vicky never heard her ****** speak like that before.

Amanda took her ******** by the shoulders and raised her up. She then dropped to her knees and copied her ********'s actions. It was a new experience for her. She had never been with another woman before and this experience excited her. They were both *********** by the experience.

Amanda mounted the leather covered couch in the bathroom and Vicky climbed onto her ****** in a sixty nine position, grinding and pumping until both women were spent and lay breathless, huddled together. They were brought back to the reality of their situation by the clapping of their almost forgotten audience.

The short man spoke again. "Well ladies, I think you earned the first one thousand pounds today. That was a great show. I see you have the potential to earn the interest, maybe more."

Both women wondered what was in store.

"This is the deal," he said. "You will stand by for a phone call on Thursday. You will be given instructions as to dress. Follow them implicitly. Failure to comply will mean certain loss of your home, livelihood and precious husband. Oh I suggest you look at this," as he placed a disc into the player and the women could see themselves in the throes of lesbian passion. During their Sapphic encounter, they had not noticed Mal, filming them with a camera.

"If you go to the police, this will be released on the internet and I will see to it that you friends in the community will get to see you sluts in action."

With that both men left, leaving the exhausted, humiliated women to try and make sense of what had just happened and ponder about their future ************.



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Defiled Angels

The twenty young nursing graduates posed for their group photograph with pride, ten standing and ten sitting, with Matron Catherine Lucas sitting proudly between them. Their ceremonial capes fluttered in the strong cooling breeze but none of the graduates were concerned. They had made it. They all had, and that was all that mattered.

It was a particularly proud moment for Carol Dalton and Fiona Nugent. Both were twenty-two. Both had gone to school together. Both had gone to college and now they both had graduated as nurses together. They were lucky enough to get jobs at the same hospital too and shared a flat that was just around the corner from Earlston General Hospital, where they both worked.

Both sets of proud parents had arranged a joint party at the local hotel in Earlston, Essex, England. Carol and Fiona attended only until ten. They had an early start in the morning and did not want to be late on their first morning.

They made their way together in the dark towards their flat, still wearing their dress uniforms and capes. As soon as Carol turned the key and opened the door, she felt a hand push her onto the floor. When she turned she saw Fiona being held with a large hand stifling her screams. Carol herself was about to scream when a second attacker placed his hand over her mouth silencing her.

Both young women were made to stand up. Carol's attacker still held his hand to her mouth and now she felt the cold sensation of a knife to her throat. Her attacker spoke.

"Ok. Now listen up. No one gets hurt so long as they do what they're told, understood?"

Carol nodded and the hand was released from her mouth.

"Please, we have no money. We only start work tomorrow and won't be paid for another month."

"Aw, that's too bad," said her attacker sarcastically and dragged Carol to her bedroom. Carol was thrown on the bed.

"What are you going to do?" she asked innocently.

"What does it look like?" he replied.

"Nooo!" she screamed and once again her attacker stifled her scream and place the knife at her throat.

"Now look. I told you the deal. Do as you're told and you won't get hurt."

Carol submitted, with tears running down her eyes.

Her attacker began unbuttoning her dress uniform slowly. Each button he opened seemed to give him a certain excitement. As the last button was opened, he parted the garment and signalled her to slip it off, revealing her full white slip.

Carol could hear the sound of her slip rip as the knife cut through the fabric with ease. She looked up and could see her attacker licking his lips in anticipation. The undergarment simply fell away as he cut through both thin shoulder straps. In the same manner, he simply took the centre of her plain white bra and with one snip of the knife, the ruined bra fell away, revealing her firm, luscious breasts and hardened nipples.

"Lift your arse," he ordered as he dragged her black tights and plain knickers from her body and tossed them to the floor. He stripped rapidly and mounted his prey. He kissed her passionately, moving to her neck and then to her firm breasts, kissing, sucking and chewing as his went.

Carol's naked body reacted to this sensation with goose bumps. It excited her but she managed to battle the temptation to moan. However as he gently sucked her breasts she herself weakening in her resolve. The sensation of her attacker's tongue skilfully licking one nipple and then licking between her breasts working up to her left breast was too much for Carol and she released a deep moan.

Travelling down her naked, slim waist, he finally reached her pussy. His tongue with the same gentleness, made its way through her pussy lips and stroked her clit. By now, Carol was herself consumed in lust. She moaned repeatedly as her attacker's tongue ravished her pussy. He moved forward and inserted his hardened rod into her.

Carol placed her hands on his hips as if to guide him. The rhythm built up with each stroke. Her body matched his movements. Their breathing became deeper and deeper.

Carol felt her juices starting to gather and she knew he was close to cumming.

"Oh my God. Come on, come on," she yelled in the excitement.

Finally, they both orgasmed together. Carol's juices collided with her attacker's hot cum, making them both moan breathlessly with deep sexual satisfaction.

The full day's events and the sex with her attacker combined to overwhelm Carol and through sheer exhaustion, she fell asleep.

Meantime, Fiona had been dragged to her room and tossed backwards onto the bed. In contrast to Carol's attacker, Fiona's attacker simply stood over her brandishing his knife. He surveyed his prisoner with a growing lust.

"I always wanted to fuck a nurse in uniform," he said.

"Please. Don't do this." Fiona's plea fell on deaf ears as he put his finger to his mouth in a signal to remain silent and at the same time displayed his knife in a menacing way that frightened her.

"Now get that dress off."

Fiona, hesitated for a second and began to unbutton the front of her uniform, with tears running down her eyes. As she slipped it off, he took it from her hands and threw it to the ground. He walked over to her as she stood in her full slip before him.

Fiona tried to back away in fear. His hands grabbed the fabric and literally tore it from her body, revealing her low cut black bra, matching thong and her black thigh high stockings.

The sight made her attacker grin. "I bet that's not standard issue."

Fiona blushed and desperately tried to cover herself.

"Get the rest off," he yelled in anger.

Fiona obediently complied, removing her bra, thong and stockings. As she stood naked before him she once again tried to cover herself with her hands.

"Now, now. What would you say to your shy patients? You haven't anything I haven't seen before?" he asked with an ironic chuckle. "Now lie on the bed."

As Fiona did so, her attacker stripped with lust and climbed on top of her.

Fiona felt his hardened dick enter her trimmed pussy. He pounded her mercilessly. The speed of his movement picked up with each stroke. An exhausted Fiona orgasmed first, followed by her attacker. Both breathed a deep sigh of fulfilment. Like Carol, Fiona fell rapidly asleep.

Carol was woken by the sound of her alarm. She turned and realised she was alone. She put her dressing gown on and ran to the shower. She wrapped herself in a large bath towel and was about to head for her room when she could hear Fiona sobbing.

Carol knocked gently and then went in. Fiona was sitting up in the bed, with a bed sheet wrapped round her body.

"Are you ok, Fee?" asked Carol with concern.

"Oh Carol. They raped us."

Carol sat down and put her arms around her friend. "I know, Fee, I know. Why don't you have a shower and get dressed for work and I'll make breakfast?"

"But what will the others think?"

"They don't have to know Fee. We have a full day's work ahead. We'll talk about it tonight when we finish see what we should do, ok?"

Just as Carol predicted, their first day was very busy. Thanks to Carol's support and encouragement, Fiona managed to get through the day. They agreed to remain silent on their ordeal and helped and supported each other in the following weeks.



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Downfall Of The Dragons

Christine Hawkins was twenty-two and a student of accounting at the local college in Crompton, Surrey, England. She was popular with the main student body there. She was active in most of the college activities and was a natural leader. She had no boyfriend. She was lesbian. She was proud of that fact and was active in gay rights. This brought her into conflict with the local vicar, Reverend Tom Greenwood, an old- fashioned cleric, who, in Christine's eyes, was anti everything Christine stood for, especially gay and lesbian rights. Yet Christine knew he was not the main power behind the opposition, merely the mouth piece. No, the main opposition came from four self righteous women in their mid forties. They called themselves "The Women's Crusade Against immorality". They became known in town as "The Dragon Ladies"

The first of the four was forty-five year old Janet Early. She was divorced and had a ********, Annie now almost nineteen.

Paula Johnston was forty-four. She too had a ********, Elizabeth. She too was almost nineteen. Paula was also divorced. Sarah Harper was forty-six. She too was divorced also had a ********, Elaine, who was just twenty. Mary Tyson was forty-four. She also was divorced and had a ********, Faye. She was twenty. Despite their ages, they kept themselves in good shape.

All four ********* were students in the local college. Like their *******, they were friends and prim and proper ladies. They never associated with Chris or her friends.

Chris's best friend was Jo Drummond. She too was lesbian. She was studying physics at the college. They both belonged to a small group of eight girls that generally hung out together including twenty year old Angela (Ange) Carter and twenty year old Tiffany (Tiff) Peters. They all had one thing in common, they were all gay. They were all well known as a group and were a frequent target of verbal ***** by these women.

Things were to change though. The day came when Chris and the girls were pushed too far. It happened on Monday, during half term. Chris worked in Ted Taylor's Restaurant as a waitress. She and Jo were walking together in the town centre on Chris's day off when they were confronted by Paula Johnston. As well as the usual tirade, Mrs Johnston suddenly yelled at Jo, "You stay way from my ********. She's not for the likes of you."

Jo tried to remain calm.

"Look, Mrs Johnston, all I do is pass the time of day with Liz. She's in my class. Anyway she's a grown woman, well able to make up her own mind."

This seemed to make Paula Johnston angry because suddenly she struck out and slapped Jo across her face.

"Don't you dare speak to me in that tone," she yelled.

Jo was about to strike back when Chris restrained her friend.

"No Jo, don't." she said.

"Go ahead. I dare you," spat the venomous Mrs. Johnston.

"You better get out of here, Mrs Johnston, before you face charges of assault."

"You haven't heard the end of this, I promise you," yelled Paula Johnston.

"Nor have you Mrs Johnston. Nor have you," replied Christine, in a voice of a person who meant what she said.

"Damn it, Chris. You should have let me hit her."

"That's exactly what she wanted you to do, Jo. Trust me, there's more than one way to skin a cat."

Jo looked at Chris. She had her hand to her chin. This told Jo that Chris was thinking.

"You've got something up you're sleeve. What is it?"

"I want you to contact all the girls, except Margaret. I'll do that. Tell them to be at my flat at seven on Thursday."

"What are you up to?"

"I think Jo, that it is time that the 'Crompton Angels' were brought down to earth. If this works, it'll be the end for them."

"At least give me a hint."

Chris smiled. "Be patient, Jo. All will be revealed."

Chris phoned Margaret Edwards. She was an electronics and computer wizard. Her special expertise would prove invaluable in the forthcoming action.


"So you see why we need that equipment set up, Mags," said Chris as she and Margaret Edwards sat in the pub that same night sipping their ******.

"My God, Chris. Your plan is so audacious it might just work," replied Margaret, rubbing her hands with glee.

"Of course it will work, provided everyone does their homework. All depends on precision timing. I want you to take charge of the group in the warehouse. Keep an eye on them and remember, nothing must be done to jeopardise our bargaining position. I'm relying on you."

"Rest assured Chris. All will be done according to plan. I promise. I can't wait to see those bitches being brought down."

"Secrecy and surprise are our weapons, Mags. We must keep this to ourselves."

"No problem."

"Good. We'll see you on Thursday then. Will you be able to get that equipment?"

"No worries Chris. I'm sure Professor Grayson will be more than helpful. I should have everything all set by Friday night. I'll text you when it is all set. You know Chris, you should have been in the military."

"Oh please." She responded in mock abhorrence and they both laughed and finished their ******.

On Thursday, all the girls were gathered at Chris's flat and she ran through her plan.

"So that's the plan. To carry it out we split in two groups. Me Jo, Ange and Tiff , will take on the women in the house. The rest of you will take the girls to the warehouse and set things up. Are there any questions?"


" The women will gather at Mrs Johnston's house on Saturday morning at nine as usual. The girls will be going through the arches at about nine too, so the group must be there no later than eight forty-five. They're all creatures of habit. That will work to our advantage. Mags, have you the equipment?"

"Yes. Professor Grayson was verrry cooperative, "responded Margaret Edwards, in a mocking, seductive tone.

"She still has the hots for you then?"

"Yep," came her reply. They all laughed together.

"Now I don't have to remind you all that timing and surprise are the key here. One other thing. I know how you feel about those girls. You can have fun with them, but stay within the limits I explained. It's very important."

In a mock disappointed tone, Carol Reese spoke. "You mean we can't?" and stopped.

"No. You can't." replied Chris with a smile.

"Ok then, Mags? When you secure the girls text me. When you're all set up in the warehouse text me again. At that signal, me and the girls will move in on the "Angels". If this works, and it will, the fire of the dragon ladies will be quenched forever, I promise. Good luck and see you all on Saturday."

Saturday morning saw Margaret Edwards and her companions waiting just inside the arches. The arches were a viaduct that divided old and new Crompton. The shopping centres were all on the far side and this was where Annie Early and her three companions headed for every Saturday promptly at nine. This day however was to change all their lives forever. Right on cue, all four girls walked together, four abreast, chatting about the usual girl things.

Suddenly, Margaret and her companions leapt from where they were hiding and all four girls suddenly found themselves in darkness as sacks were roughly ****** over them. Cord was tied around them and all that could be heard was muffled screams. Despite their struggling all four, helpless girls were bundled into a waiting van Margaret had parked at the edge of the arches.

Margaret drove the van toward the old abandoned warehouse in Copse's Lane. There she and her companions set to work setting things up. Because it was so early in the morning and a holiday weekend there were few people around and no one suspected anything was amiss.

Meanwhile Chris, Jo and the others were waiting in Chris's car for the signals. The first text came from Margaret . "Prisoners secure," it read.

'This is it,' thought Chris. 'No going back now.'

About forty- five minutes later the second signal came. "All set," it read.

"Right let's go, " said Chris as they all got out of the car and headed for the Johnston home. "Make sure you bring the camera and those sticks."

The sticks she referred to were four feet round pieces of wood to be used only to frighten these bitches. Otherwise no excess violence was to be used. They went around the side of the house to the side entrance and as Chris had expected the gate was open as was the back door to the house.

Before they entered Chris spoke. "Now remember no unnecessary violence and don't be surprised at anything I say to them. Just let on it's part of the plan."

The girls entered the house through the unlocked backdoor. They stole through the kitchen and into the hall that led to the living room. They could hear the women chattering and laughing from the distance. The door to the living room was slightly ajar. Christine pushed it open, she and the girls rushed in, sticks in hand. The women were stunned into a temporary silence.

Paula Johnson spoke up in anger. "What do you think you're doing? Get out of my house before I phone the police."

Jo grabbed the woman and pushed her roughly back into her seat.

"Sit down and shut the fuck up, bitch," she yelled.

Paula Johnston was about to speak again when Jo raised her stick as if to strike and she backed down.

Sarah Harper spoke. "What the you want?"

Chris spoke for the first time."Just you're attention for several moments. Now look at this."


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She switched on her laptop. A picture of four naked girls, all with their arms suspended from a cross beam and ball gags in their mouths, appeared. The women all jumped in shock. Their ********* were being ******** and humiliated by these girls. Muffled screams could be heard as their naked breasts were being licked and sucked by Margaret and the others.

"What the hell are you doing to our *********?" yelled Mary Tyson.

"Please," begged Janet Early. "My ******** is a virgin. Don't take it from her."

"All our ********* are virgins, please what do you want?" cried Paula.

Christine spoke again.

"Your ********* virginities are safe for the moment. Four men have offered us a large sum to fuck them."

"No. Not our *********. Please, we'll do anything," they yelled all together.

It registered with Jo what Chris meant about not been surprised at what she said. There were no men. But they didn't know that.

"I'm glad to hear you say that ladies. You better do what you are told or your *********' precious virginities will disappear."

Chris spoke with a fiery venom, none of the others had heard before. The frightened women huddled and began to sob.

"What do you want?" a subdued and frightened Paula Johnston repeated.

Jo grabbed her by her hair.

"You're not so high and mighty now, are you, bitch?" she yelled and at the same time jabbing her chin with her stick. She then ****** her to her knees. Jo opened her own jeans and let them drop.

"Now, lick my pussy and you better be good or you know what will happen to your darling ********."

"Oh God. Please, no," screamed Paula.

Jo took no notice of her pleas and ****** the helpless women's face to her pussy.

"Start licking, you slut," Yelled an angry Jo.

Paula's companions were about to protest when the others swung their sticks and ****** them to sit down.

"Mmmmm" was all Paula could mumble as her tongue began tentatively to lick Jo's pussy, eventually developing a steady rhythm as her head was being controlled by Jo.

"Aaaargh," moaned Jo. "You self righteous bitch. You are a wonderful pussy licker." She pushed her away.

"Ok. Enough fun and games. You two," yelled Chris, pointing to Janet Early and Mary Tyson. "Stand up."

They did so, shaking with fear.

"Look at the computer." They did so, observing the *********** of their ********* with an increasing combination of anger, frustration and fear. Chris dialled her mobile. Janet and Mary could see Margaret answering.

"Hi Mags. How is it going there? "asked Chris.

"All according to plan Chris. Anything wrong at your end?"

"No. Just stand by."

Chris terminated the call.

"That's just to let you know that all I have to do is call and your ********* are there for the taking. Now face each other."

They did as they were told.

"Now, I want you to strip each other naked."

The shocked women turned as if to protest but Chris held up her mobile like a weapon. They reluctantly began the humiliating ritual. Chris turned to Sarah Harper and Paula Johnston.

"Well, what are you waiting for.? Strip each other."

The horrified women realised they had no choice but to obey. They simultaneously unbuttoned each other's blouses and undid their skirts.

"Now kiss each other passionately." yelled Chris.

As they did so, they moaned with some satisfaction. They did not notice that the camera started filming them. All of the women wore full slips and eventually they were down to their plain underwear. They all hesitated.

"Keep going, " yelled Jo, raising her stick as if to strike them.

The whimpering women resumed until they stood naked before their tormentors. They instinctively tried to cover their breasts and pussies.

"Put your hands on your heads," yelled Christine.

They were about to protest when the others once again raised their wooden weapons and the women reluctantly obeyed.

"Pease, haven't you humiliated us enough?" whimpered Sarah Harper.

"You haven't seen anything yet bitch." yelled Jo with increased venom.

"Alright, Mrs Johnston, take Mrs Early upstairs." demanded Chris.

"What do you intend to do to us?" asked Paula, anxiously."

"Just do as you're told, or else," yelled Jo.

As they got to the bottom of the stairs, the naked but beautiful women heard Chris call to Paula, "Hold her hand and smile at each other."

The women were about to protest when Chris took her phone and flipped it open.

"All I have to do is give the word and your *********' virginities vanish."

They knew they had no choice. Paula led Janet to her bedroom. They both ****** smiles at each other.

'Perfect' thought Christine as Jo filmed them discreetly.

"Now ladies. It's time for you to have some fun. Mrs Early, lie on your back."

She did so nervously.

"Now Mrs Johnston, you're going to seduce and make love to your girlfriend here."

Janet jumped from the bed in shock and was about to run until she was grabbed by Angela and pushed back on to the bed.

"No you don't," she said as she raised her stick as if to strike. Chris spoke more firmly and with a note of final warning.

"Now, I won't say this again. Try any thing else and I will call the girls and your *********' will have the time of their lives."

Paula and Janet knew they were defeated. Janet lay on her back and closed her eyes as Paula descended gently upon her friend. The tingling sensation of their bodies excited them both, but they would never admit it. Paula kissed Janet in a passionate prolonged clinch. Her mouth moved to her neck .

"Aaargh," moaned Janet as her friend gently kissed her. Janet's body automatically responded as her firm ample breasts began to rub her friend's breasts. Both women began to moan. Their pussies too began to grind together. The movement caused not only the heat of their bodies to rise but their passion for one another caused the sexual tension to rise too. They resumed passionately kissing each other.

"Mmmm" was all that could be heard from both of them as they became lost in lesbian lust. Paula began to lick and suck around Janet's nipples.

"Oh my God, Paula, don't stop. Please, don't stop," she begged.

Paula's tongue travelled between her friend's breasts and on to the other. The sensation was too much for Janet as she exclaimed "Yeesss," in deep Sapphic satisfaction. She again sucked and licked with the same expert skill she showed with the other breast. Janet was ecstatic.

For Paula, despite her moral tone, lesbianism was nothing new. In her last two years at college she had had an affair with her roommate, Diana Logan. Her situation with Janet simply reawakened those dormant feelings. They were now physical lovers. Janet turned her lover on to her back as she proceeded to imitate Paula's actions. Licking gently around Paula's nipples and then dragging her tongue around her firm breast flesh caused Paula to moan , "Oh my God, Jan. Keep going, keep going."

In the meantime the movement caused by the lovers' pussies began to ***** their juices to erupt. They climaxed together and in unison gave loud cries "Aaaaargh," As their love making subsided and they caught their breaths, Paula and Janet again became aware of their unwanted audience. Chris spoke in sarcasm.

"I always knew you two were lovers."

"It's not true," yelled Paula, in anger.

"I suggest you two get cleaned up. Keep an eye on them Ange."

Chris and Jo descended the stairs and entered the living room.

"What have you done to our friends?" yelled Mary Tyson.

"Nothing they didn't want to do," sneered Jo.

"Oh my God" a horrified Sarah Harper exclaimed, comprehending her meaning and putting a hand to her mouth.

"Now Mrs Harper, it's your turn. Take your girlfriend upstairs." ordered Chris.

"No" a defiant Sarah announced.

"Ok, so be it." Chris dialled her phone.

"Mags? Can you hear me?"

"Loud and clear Chris."

"Mrs Harper is having trouble with obedience. You know what to do."

"Ok Chris."

"Look at the screen, Mrs Harper."

Both Sarah and Mary looked at the computer. They could see the girls moving to their shackled and nude ********* with huge dildos.

"Noooo." yelled Mary Tyson.

"Please Sarah. Let's just do as they say, for the sake of our *********, " begged Mary.

Sarah paused.

"Ok, ok, you win." she screamed.

"Hold it, Mags" Chris responded. The girls stopped.

"Take your girlfriend upstairs, Mrs Harper; smile."

Sarah reluctantly complied. Both women ****** a smile as Sarah led Mary by the hand. Chris couldn't help feeling horny as she admired their long slender legs, slim bodies and bouncing breasts. But she reminded herself she was here for something more important. Sarah and Mary could here the sound of a shower running and Angela's voice goading Paula and Janet.

"Oh yeah. That's good ladies. Real good. You make great lovers. You even turn me on."

"In here," as she pushed open the door to another bedroom. At the same time, Jo discreetly filmed their actions.

"Ok Mrs Tyson, lie on your back. Now Mrs Harper, I want you to seduce and make love to your girlfriend."

A shocked but subdued Sarah wanted to protest but once againChris held her phone. Both women submitted.

Sarah descended gently on her naked friend. They kissed passionately and their tongues lapped together.

"Mmmmm" was all they could utter. Sarah was startled when Mary suddenly took command and turned her on her back. She caressed Sarah's neck with her lips and tongue, travelling to her shoulder and on to her breasts. She systematically licked Sarah's right and then her left. All Sarah could do was moan deeply.

"Oh my God, Mary, oh my God. It's wonderful. Please more, more" she shouted with increasing excitement.

Mary ********* her friend/ lover's moans with a kiss and moving slightly offered Sarah her breast. She took it gladly. She sucked and licked it enthusiastically. "Mmmm," came from Sarah and Mary exclaimed "Aaaagh," as her breasts tingled at Sarah 's gentle touch. They resumed their kissing. Each one even more passionate than the previous one. They were now lost in passion and lust. They were no longer aware or cared about their audience. Their breasts clashed, their bodies tingled and their pussies ground. They screamed together as their pussy juices began to flow.

"Oh my God Sarah, I'm cumming."

"Me too."

"Oooh," they moaned together as they orgasmed erupting in a volcanic crescendo, leaving them both breathless and exhausted.


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dégénéré !

***ia et moi sommes ensemble depuis 3 ans et notre vie sexuelle depuis notre rencontre n'a jamais cessé d'évoluer. De la jeune fille prude de 26 ans j'en ai patiemment fait mon épouse et surtout une vraie salope, un véritable objet de plaisir que j'ai longtemps gardé pour moi seul avant d'en faire profiter des inconnus quand l'envie m'en prenait.
Les premiers plans a plusieurs furent assez soft, je ne voulais pas griller les étapes et la buter contre certaines pratiques mais voyant qu'elle y prenait un goût sincère, j'ai fini par passer à des choses beaucoup plus sérieuses.
Un Samedi vers 17h00, je la fis se mettre en dessous noirs, à genoux et lui attachai les mains dans le dos avec nos indispensables menottes avant de lui bander les yeux en prenant bien soins de bien passer sur ses oreilles pour réduire un peu *** audition.
Je la fis ramper jusqu'à notre chambre puis l'aidait à se mettre à 4 pattes sur le lit, tout cela en l'insultant savamment. La musique assez forte dans l'appartement ne lui permit pas d'entendre mon téléphone ***ner et m'assura que deux de ses sens ne fonctionneraient pas pendant le début de cette soirée. Je partis donc à l'autre bout de la mai*** répondre au téléphone puis je revins m'occuper d'elle en la fessant un peu puis en inscrivant « vide couilles » au marqueur noir sur ses fesses avant de le glisser dans *** anus. Elle resta muette, perdue dans l'obscurité, mains dans le dos, totalement soumise, attendant sans doute de connaître *** sort avec une excitation d'autant meilleure qu'elle était teintée d'appréhension.
Un second coup de fil m'attira hors de la chambre. Dans la foulée je descendis en bas de l'immeuble accueillir les 3 types que j'avais rencontré secrètement via internet dans l'après midi. Je leur expliquai mon idée et leur donnai une seule consigne, celle de ne surtout pas parler. Nous remontâmes en silence et je leur fis voir la « bête » écartelée sur lit, lui introduisant mon sexe dans la bouche, puis lui doigtant la chatte et l'anus après en avoir retiré le stylo. Je fouillai ensuite ses deux trous sans ménagement, le tout en l'insultant encore assez gentiment, la traitant de petite cochonne perverse et de belle salope. Ainsi je montrai aux trois mâles recrutés minutieusement la façon de traiter ***ia. Ce qu'elle serait ce soir là était de toute façon inscrit sur *** cul pour dissiper tous les doutes sur mes intentions.
Je finis par m'installer dans un fauteuil tout à côté de ma femme et d'un geste les engageait à venir la posséder tour à tour.
Ils passèrent dans la salle de bain pour se dévêtir sans bruit puis revirent et je pus constater que leur anatomie, assez semblable à la mienne ne trahirait pas mon stratagème. Ultime détail pour en faire de vrais clones, une goutte de mon eau de toilette pour rendre nos odeurs identiques. Comme l'attente se faisait longue, ***ia finit par demander ce que je faisais d'un ton impatient. Je n'attendais que cette occasion pour la punir de *** effronterie et lui annonçai que si elle le prenait comme ça, je commencerais par la sodomiser à sec. Ce fut X, nous l'appellerons comme ça, qui eut le premier l'honneur d'introduire *** chibre dans l'anus étroit de ma femme. Il l'empoigna par ses longs cheveux noirs et lui appuya fort avec la paume de la main sur le bas de *** dos pour la faire se cambrer au maximum et mieux offrir *** petit trou. De *** côté elle essayait par des mouvements apparents du sphincter de détendre un peu ses chairs pour faciliter l'acte. Finalement *** salut vint du fait, que déjà excité, X avait le gland tout luisant de liquide séminal ce qui facilita la pénétration. D'un premier geste il entra *** gland puis se replaçant bien dans l'axe du corps, mit un bon coup de rein pour faire rentrer sa queue au fond de la petite chienne qu'il allait partager ce soir. ***ia surprise que les choses se passent si vite eut un léger cri situé à la frontière nord de la douleur et sud du plaisir. X me regarda en souriant d'un air vicieux, et m'interrogea avec ses mains et ses yeux sur le rythme à adopter. Je luis fis signe d'aller crescendo et comme il sentait le trou de ma femme un peu moins étroit, elle se relâcha et commencer à onduler avec lui de plus en plus fort. X prit confiance : il empoigna de nouveau la longue tignasse de ***ia et accéléra le rythme *********** au point qu'elle ne put plus le suivre qu'en le subissant Comme sa tête heurtait parfois le mur alors il la fit reculer et se remit à lui pistonner le fondement avec rage pendant que les deux autres se branlaient debout en se faisant des messes basses. X de plus en plus hardi, se releva et se mit légèrement au dessus de ***ia pour bien glisser dans *** rectum. Elle apprécia ce mouvement et sa respiration s'accéléra de façon suffisamment ***ore pour qu'on l'entende malgré la musique. Je m'approchai alors de X pour l'inciter à l'enculer encore bien fort et demandai à ***ia :
« Qu'est ce que tu es ***ia ? Dis moi ce que tu es ? »
et sur un ton plaintif et saccadé, elle répondit :
« je suis une salope à tirer à fond, une chienne ! »
D'un geste brusque je repoussai sa tête pour la lui faire baisser afin qu'elle ressente mon entière domination.
Sur mon ordre, X se retira et de *** propre chef donna une bonne tape sur la croupe de ***ia qui en sursauta.


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Ce fut alors à Y d'intervenir, il enfourna sa queue dans le trou béant de ***ia, la chevaucha un instant puis je dis « et puis non, maintenant tu vas me nettoyer la queue ! »
Aussitôt comme elle en avait l'habitude, ***ia ouvrit grand la bouche et attendit mon membre. Y comprit qu'il allait maintenant inaugurer le second trou de mon épouse et ne se fit pas prier. Il la plaça à une profondeur moyenne avant que ***ia ne commence à le pomper avidement. Il se mit debout et la fit mettre à genoux contre le rebord du lit et se branla dans la bouche toute offerte qui ruisselait de liquide séminal et de bave.
Je m'approchai pour parler à la bonne distance pendant que Y avait attrapé la tête de ***ia et lui baisait la bouche comme on aurait baisé une chatte ou un trou du cul.
« tu aimes ça quand je te pine la bouche grosse salope ! tu aimes ça la bite ma salope ! C'est bon n'est ce pas »
***ia répondit par des grognements sourds, à moitié étouffée par le pénis qui lui éclaircissait la gorge.
Y finit par se retirer un instant pour la laisser souffler mais elle fit un rapide mouvement pour ne pas perdre le membre. Il me regarda surpris de la voracité de ma compagne.
« Sors ta langue » dis je alors et Y tapa *** gland dessus et lui remit en bouche, alternant rapidement les façons de faire pour la troubler et lui faire croire qu'elle faisait mal.
« suce mieux que ça si tu veux que je te rebaise espèce de salope ! »
Elle s'excusa et me promit de faire mieux.
Je la menaçai :
« Tu veux que j'arrête ? C'est ça que tu veux ? tu n'as qu'à le dire. »
« Non, je suis désolée répondit elle, remet la dans ma bouche, je vais pomper, je serai une vraie pompe. Reviens s'il te plait » et il lui remit bien au fond du gosier et coulissa par de longs et puissants mouvements du bassin.
Cela continua encore un moment, ***ia tenue par les cheveux s'acharnait sur la queue et comme je l'insultais copieusement, elle s'excusait de n'avoir pas une meilleure bouche, jura qu'elle s'entraînerait à l'avenir pour mieux me satisfaire en bonne pute qu'elle était.
Ce fût ensuite au troisième larron d'intervenir. Sur mon conseil il plaça ***ia au bord lit, couchée sur le ventre et la sodomisa à *** tour, en s'appuyant bien sur elle pour qu'elle ressente à quel point elle était entravée et fragile avec ses mains dans le dos. Immobilisée le nez contre les draps, elle reprit une bonne secousse dans l'arrière train avant que Z ne la remette en levrette pour mieux la tringler. Il la força avec la rage du frustré qu'il avait l'air d'être, ce trentenaire boutonneux qui n'avait surement connu dans sa vie que des putes et quelques hommes, par dépit. On sentait dans sa rudesse la plus grande habitude qu'il avait à travailler des culs mâles. Ceci étant, ses manières, ses rictus presque haineux me plurent beaucoup. Sans rien dire je le laissai agir pendant un bon moment, admiratif , comme les deux autres qui comprenaient encore mieux qu'il n'était pas question ce soir de faire preuve de retenue.
Cela faisait près d'une heure que les festivités avaient commencé et ***ia s'était faite enculer pendant plus de quarante minutes. Comme elle ne pouvait se doigter ni se branler le clito et que j'avais empêché les 3 de le faire, *** orgasme peinait à monter, malgré la violence et la durée des divers coïts. Pour bien la connaître, je savais que ces orgasmes du cul étaient plutôt vagino clitoridiens et que la sodomie ne faisait en fait que provoquer et accentuer les choses sur un plan cérébral. Elle commençait à être frustrée de plaisir et réclama donc d'être baisée dans le con. C'était le bon moment pour faire alterner les 3 vicelards entre *** cul et sa bouche, en évitant bien sa chatte pour la faire devenir folle, toujours un seul à la fois pour continuer l'illusion. A une fréquence rapide moins d'une minute à chaque fois, *** cul et sa bouche furent pris successivement. On se faisait sucer, on se branlait dans sa bouche puis très vite on allait lui remettre un instant au cul, en la défonçant au maximum, et un autre prenait le relais et encore et encore. Cela dura quelques minutes encore et ***ia sentait monter l'orgasme sans arriver à le faire éclater, et elle enrageait, et elle suppliait que je la prenne dans sa petite chatte.
« Ta gueule sale pute, je fais ce que je veux, j'ai envie de te limer le cul et de me rincer la queue dans ta bouche. C'est tout ce que je veux. Alors ta gueule. »
Elle demandait pardon puis avec une petite voix suffocante redemandait « juste un peu dans ma chatte », suppliait comme une morte de faim. A la fin elle sanglotait presque, promettait d'être bien docile et de m'obéir sans plus dire un mot.
« Bon, consentis je, mets toi sur le dos je vais te piner ta fendasse si c'est ça que tu veux. »
Elle se tortilla pour parvenir à se mettre dans la position souhaitée mais ne parvint qu'à un relatif confort avec la masse de ses mains dans le dos.
Calé dans mon fauteuil j'envoyai Z lui prendre le premier *** sexe. Chacun dans la soirée aurait eu le premier un orifice de mon épouse. Pas de jaloux.
Décidément le cuir chevelu de ***ia était très sollicité, Z lui attrapa les cheveux et tira vers lui pour qu'elle se redresse vers l'avant. ***ia était à moitié assise au bord du lit, maintenu en équilibre par cette main. Il la pénétra d'un coup et l'enfila comme une brute, lui triturant les seins et le clito tour à tour, rajoutant par moment un doigt dans le vagin puis deux dans le cul, la prenant comme un pack de bière en somme.
***ia jouit rapidement. Sa respiration s'accéléra puis se bloqua d'un coup avant de reprendre essoufflée au milieux de couinements et de petits cris.
Z la laissa alors retombé avec un air de dédain total et lui cracha au visage, sur la bouche précisément, un mollard qu'elle lécha avec un petit sourire de contentement. Comme elle croyait qu'elle allait de nouveau me sucer, elle ouvrit grand la bouche mais ce furent trois autres crachats qu'elle reçut à la place.
Un nouvel appel m'obligea à me retirer de l'autre côté de la mai***. Pendant les 8 minutes que dura la conversation avec un vieil ami, j'entendis jouir ***ia 2 autres fois. Au loin j'entendais aussi distinctement claquer ses fesses sous les paumes des trois hommes qui la fessaient et la prenaient tour à tour par ses différents orifices.
Quand je revins dans la chambre avec des bière pour les queutards, mon épouse était à califourchon sur Y qui lui prenait le trou à merde. Dans la chatte ils avaient mis le stylo et une bougie.
« ça te plait d'être prise comme une sale putain ? ça te plait ? »
Le oui franc et massif retentit dans toute la pièce : « oh oui bourre moi encore mes trous à bites ! »
19h30 ***nèrent depuis l'église. Maintenant c'était surtout Y qui baisait ***ia, il avait déjà joui une fois dans *** trou du cul mais elle ne s'en était pas aperçu. Il s'était reposé un moment en matant ma pute en action puis s'était remis à la trousser pendant que X et Z se pinçaient le gland pour retenir l'orgasme encore un moment. Je leur expliquai à voix basse qu'ils pourraient bientôt décharger. De bonne foi je croyais que la fin approchait et que je me retrouverais bientôt seul avec ma tendre épouse. Comme je me trompais.
Y passait d'un orifice à l'autre et avait trouvé un second souffle. Comme ***ia allait de nouveau jouir, je lui demandais de se retirer pour organiser la suite. Il fit mettre à 4 pattes notre salope et la bougie et le crayon tombèrent, tout luisant de mouille sur le lit.
Il l'enfourcha dans le con, en levrette et lui malaxa le cul et les seins. Dans le même temps je proposai aux deux autres de se placer devant elle, la queue à moins de 10 centimètres de sa bouche et moi je mis mon fauteuil juste derrière eux, bien en face pour qu'elle ait une vue d'ensemble au premier coup d'oil. La scène était d'une parfaite symétrie. Y laboura encore quelques secondes le cul qui lui était offert et j'écoutais les bruits qu'elle faisait alors l'orgasme montait. Quand elle fut au bord d'exploser une nouvelle fois, Y comme il avait été convenu, retira soudainement le bandeau.
*** regard crispé par le plaisir, elle ne semblait rien voir de ce qui se trouvait devant elle. Elle finit par laisser éclater un cri lancinant dont Z profita pour s'introduire dans sa bouche. J'avais senti que de se taire l'avait gêné jusque là et maintenant que le secret était dévoilé il pouvait exprimer à haute voix *** envie et *** vice :
« avale tout sac à foutre ! oh putain régale toi de mon jus espèce de truie ! »
Surprise, ***ia le regarda sans bien comprendre, la bouche pleine du sperme de ce vrai vicelard. Par derrière, Y poussait sa tête pour qu'elle ne puisse laisser sortir le membre juteux. Les dernières giclées de Z tapissèrent donc sa gorge et il lui appuyait bien sur la tête en donnant des coups de reins réflexes. ***ia étouffait, ne parvenant plus à respirer entre le sperme, la queue et l'essoufflement succédant à *** orgasme. De sa bouche dégoulinait un mélange que Z empêcha de tomber en y mettant les doigts.
« tu vas bien tout prendre espèce de conne ! tout avaler ! t'es bonne qu'à ça grosse pute. » Il hurlait presque et Y aussi se mettait à l'insulter et à redoubler d'efforts derrière.
« vas y bouge ton cul de chienne petite garce ! c'est pas tous les jours que tu as autant de bites qui te remplissent de jus ! allez bouge » et il lui arrachait presque les cheveux et lui rougissait les fesses à grands coups.
Elle grogna comme un ****** et ferma les yeux. Avec la sueur, les crachats et le foutre, *** maquillage avait coulé et elle ressemblait à une vieille pute fatiguée par le vie. L'inscription sur *** cul, elle, était complètement effacée.
« lève les yeux, regarde le bien droit dans les yeux pétasse » dis je. Elle obéit et plongea ses yeux sombres dans ceux de Z.
« dis merci au monsieur d'avoir craché *** jus de ta sale gueule de pute » finit par lancer X.
Elle dit merci à Z en le fixant bien et ce fut lui qui détourna le regard.
X succéda à Z dans la bouche. A *** tour il était hors de lui. Il demanda à Y d'enculer ***ia, il voulait qu'on l'encule quand il se viderait les couilles dans sa bouche.
« ouais je vais l'enculer cette radasse ! C'est tout ce qu'elle mérite ! »
« dis le que tu le veux *** sperme, vas y dis le gueule à jus »
« oh putain je l'encule les gars, regardez comme je lui fourre bien *** petit trou à merde à cette ordure !
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