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les histoires de chrislebo

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« tu le veux mon foutre ? hein tu le veux ? »
Z prit les clés que je lui tendais et défit les menottes. Ma chère moitié fit quelques gestes d'assouplissements pour détendre se bras puis les cala contre le lit pour être bien en position. Y lui attrapa le visage et mit les deux mains dans sa bouche pour l'obliger à montrer ses dents et permettre aux puissants jets de X de ne pas rater leur cible.
« oh la pute, oh la pute ! oh la pute ! bordel ! que c'est bon bordel de merde ! je lui mets tout dans la gueule à cette conne ! »
***ia referma la bouche et les 4 ensemble nous criâmes :
« vas y avale tout ! vas y »
On la vit déglutir puis regarder derrière elle Z et les deux autres puis moi.
« Encore. J'en veux encore ! »
Elle me fixa un moment, ouvrit la bouche pour tirer la langue d'une façon de réclamer d'autres bites, elle tapa sur *** cul pour redonner du souffle à Y qui baissait d'intensité.
« c'est une vraie truie ta femme mon pote, je te jure faut lui faire passer un régiment de talibans sur le dos ! »
Je confirmai qu'il n'y en avait surement pas beaucoup des comme elle mais j'insistai sur le fait qu'elle faisait la fière et que je saurais bien la remettre à *** exact place de trou à bites.
X et Z lui tapaient sur la gueule avec leur bite molle et elle essayait de les attraper pour les éponger quand Y s'écria :
« oh putain la cochonne ! elle se conchie la pute, elle se chie dessus, la porcive »
Sans hésiter, il se retira et vint devant elle lui présenter sa queue en lui ordonnant de la nettoyer.
On la sentit hésiter.
« alors vide couille, tu fais moins la maligne »
« t'as pas entendu ? suce la bite traînée »
Y finit par lui faire goûter de ***** et elle le branla dans sa bouche.
« c'est bien, t'es juste un torchon salope »
« ouais juste une merde à traiter comme une merde »
« dis le que tu aimes ça, dis merci »
Elle remercia Y.
Un peu de jus marron coula de *** anus, quelques pets sifflèrent.
« allez suce mieux que ça ! »
***ia branlait et pompait ferme, croyant à tort que Y n'avait pas encore joui.
Finalement il la repoussa et lui demanda de se branler devant nous. Tous avaient une bière à la main et faisaient des commentaires comme si elle et moi n'étions pas là.
Je n'avais pas pensé que les choses tourneraient ainsi, que nous sauterions tant d'étapes en une fois pour en arriver là, mais j'étais ravi de l'enchaînement des évènements.
Je partis dans la cuisine chercher un manche amovible de poêle qui ferait un excellent gode. Je le jetai sur le lit et ma perverse épouse se le carra tout de suite dans la chatte.
« lèche le et fous le dans ton cul »
« lèche le bien ! c'est bon hein ? »
La pause fût salvatrice pour ces messieurs. Après que ***ia se procura un semblant de 5ème orgasme je demandai s'il leur restait un peu de jus de couilles. Ils pensaient encore pouvoir jouir une fois alors je fis place nette sur la table du salon et fit allonger notre bouffeuse de bites dessus, sur le dos, dans le sens de la largeur de façon à ce qu'elle puisse pencher la tête et recevoir une bite dans la bouche et une autre dans le cul ou la chatte.
Ils la besognèrent ainsi 10 petites minutes mais seuls Y et ***ia, totalement frénétique, purent jouir. Malgré ses encouragements, les 3 avaient perdu de leur fougue.
Ce fût Z qui eut alors l'idée de génie de nous emmener dans un coin qu'il connaissait, un lieu réputé dont j'avais entendu parler et où j'hésitais encore à emmener ma salope.
Une simple veste suffit à habiller ***ia. Elle resta silencieuse pendant l'organisation du périple. *** silence valait approbation.
Nous nous rendîmes à deux voitures au fameux endroits. J'y allais avec Z et laissait ***ia avec X et Y.
Vingt minutes après nous étions sur le parking d'un bois, dans une semi pénombre suffisamment chaude pour que j'ôte immédiatement le vêtement des épaules de mon épouse dépravée.
Z expliqua qu'il fallait marcher dans telle allée et que juste après le virage se trouvait le fameux endroit. Il ajouta qu'il avait dans sa voiture le collier et la laisse de *** chien et qu'on pourrait attacher « l'autre radasse ».
D 'elle même ***ia se mit à 4 pattes et on attacha autour de *** cou la lanière de cuir. L'ambiance était calme en apparence mais vu le nombre de voitures garées on pouvait penser que du monde s'agitait dans les fourrés. On fit marcher à 4 pattes ma femme sur une bande herbeuse en bordure du chemin pour s'acheminer vers notre destination. Plus visibles dans l'allée, nous sentîmes le regard de quelques promeneurs au loin dont deux jeunes arabes qui nous suivirent à distance jusque dans les toilettes publiques du bois. Là 3 hommes se trouvaient, deux en train d'uriner, ou faisant semblant, dans deux urinoir à la turque situés côte à côte, alors qu'il y en avait 4 le longs du mur. Le troisième fumait à l'entrée.
Dans les cabines les portes laissaient un jour qui trahissait la présence d'un couple. On vit juste 2 mains récupérer par terre un pantalon pour le ré enfiler fissa.
Dire l'étonnement qui accueillit notre procession serait trop long, alors j'enchaîne.
Je m'assis sur le rebord d'un lavabo. Les pisseurs voyeurs se retournèrent mais ne bouclèrent pas leur ceinture. Seul celui qui fumait sortit immédiatement. Un vrai homo sans doute. Les deux arabes le croisèrent.
« c'est quoi ce truc de ouf là ? »
« c'est pour un film ? c'est ça on est filmé ? »
X ,Y et Z expliquèrent que la femme en laisse à 4 pattes était mon épouse et que c'était la pire salope qu'ils avaient jamais vu. Elle était là pour vider des mecs et se faire remplir de jus par tous les trous, alors s'ils avaient envie d'un bon bout de viande, il était à eux.
Le plus remuant des deux arabes vint se poster devant moi.
« c'est vrai c ta meuf en laisse là ? t'es pas bien toi ? c'est un truc de la maffia russe ou quoi ? t'es un ruskoff c ça ? putain on va l'éclater ta femme, tu vas plus toucher les bords. Je te préviens tu vas avoir l'impression de baiser une poupée gonflable trop gonflée, une vraie vache quoi ! »
« fais ce que tu veux mon vieux. Elle est là, t'as qu'à te baisser. »
L'autre objecta qu'il ne voulait pas se retrouver en taule pour viol à cause d'une pétasse qui n'assume les tournantes qu'elle provoque.
***ia coupa court à la discussion en se mettant d'un coup à genoux et en attrapant la braguette d'un des pisseurs voyeurs. En moins de deux elle engloutit sa bite.
« wouah la pute ! »
« putain je vais lui faire Hiroshima dans le fion à cette meuf »
Ils proférèrent quelques insultes en arabe et baissèrent leur bas de jogging. ***ia s'activait vaillamment sur le membre de l'inconnu. Dans la cabine on perçut le bruit de la chasse d'eau.
« et mec on peut te la prendre en double ta pétasse ? »
Je ne répondis rien.
« bon ben on va te la prendre en sandwich, tant pis pour vous ! »
X , Y Z avaient besoin d'un stimulant pour revenir aux affaires. Il ne tarda pas.
Comme le second pisseur suceur sortait sa queue et la glissait en même temps que l'autre dans la bouche de ***ia, le plus gros des deux arabes commença à peloter ses seins et *** cul. L'autre lui prit l'anus après avoir craché sur *** gland. Elle fut obliger de se pencher pour faciliter les opérations et les deux bites qu'elle ponctionnait descendirent avec elle.
C'était reparti, les 4 alternèrent en elle un petit moment, sans trop parler. Mes trois premiers queutards devenaient plus durs.
***ia avait en permanence au moins 2 queues dans la bouche. On ne la violentait pas, on se contentait de profiter d'elle comme d'une prise de guerre. Ce calme agaça Z, décidément très vicelard et il reprit le commandement des opérations.
« avancez jusqu'au bord du chiotte juste devant ! avance pute ! »
et l'amas de viande aggloméré progressa lentement jusqu'à ce que ***ia eut le visage presque collé contre l'urinoir.
« tire la langue. J'ai dit tire la langue espèce de déchet »
les deux qui se faisaient sucer se retirèrent puisque la bouche était devenue momentanément hors d'atteinte. Ils descendirent d'un cran et l'un des deux se mit à lécher le cul de ma femme pendant que l'autre pisseur lui prenait la cramouille. Les deux arabes s'étaient placés pour voir agir Z qui se mit debout par dessus le corps en levrette de ***ia, écartait les jambes de chaque côté de sa tête.
« tire la langue sale putain que je te dis » et il lui fila une baffe.
Quand il eut ce qu'il voulait, à savoir que la langue de ma femme touche le bas de l'urinoir, il sortit sa queue et pissa bien droit pour que toute l'urine lui mouille la langue.
Tout le monde reprit du poil de la bête devant cette scène.
« j'en étais sur que t'étais un chiotte toi ma salope, je le savais ! les filles comme toi c'est juste bon pour pisser dedans »


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Dans un gargouillis de pisse, on entendit répondre la fille que je connaissais depuis 3 ans et avec qui je m'étais marié 6 mois auparavant :
« oui, je suis qu'un chiotte humain, vas y pisse, c'est bon ! »
Z descendit et pissa directement sur la langue. Elle lapa tout ce qu'elle pouvait.
Le bruit du verrou de la cabine se fit entendre et deux sorte d'ouvriers presque cinquantenaires apparurent.
« on peut ? »
On fit mettre ***ia sur le dos, la tête dans le petit creux de l'urinoir. Y lui écarta les bras et tous se placèrent debout autour d'elle sauf Z qui recommença à la doigter. Deux lui marchèrent dessus ses bras en croix pour l'immobiliser complètement.
Je matais alors aux anges ma femme ouvrir la bouche en grand pour recevoir une véritable douche de pisse. Tous l'insultaient maintenant et on ne comprenait plus rien. Elle souriait, riait même et plus encore quand certains se penchaient pour venir cracher leur foutre bien droit dans sa bouche. Elle laissait alors s'écouler le trop plein d'urine et faisait quelque gargarismes avant de tout avaler, sans le petit rictus qui trahit les mauvaises actrices de films pornos.
Un des arabes qui finissait d'uriner et qui n'avait pas encore joui attrapa dans une poche *** portable et appela.
« Kader ? viens vite au Chiottes du bois des pd, on est en train de faire tourner une vraie chiennasse. Là je suis en train de lui pisser sur ses nichons à cette conne. J'te jure, j'suis pas mytho, tu peux même dire aux autres de venir, c'est une vraie gagneuse ! Sur la vie de ma mère ! »
Il tendit le portable et ***ia cria qu'on vienne la pourrir comme une truie.
« tu vois, j'te jure viens, c trop fort ! t'as dix minutes, t'es juste à côté »
Je me rendis à la voiture chercher une serviettes et une couverture. Pendant ce temps, certains dont l'inventif Z s'étaient arrêté de pisser sur ma femme mais s'étaient introduit en elle, un dans le cul et l'autre dans la bouche et après s'être concentrés pour débander un peu, lui pissaient carrément à l'intérieur. Ses joues gonflées trahissaient la difficulté pour avaler l'urine. Et dans *** cul c'était un lavement qu'on lui produisait.
La frénésie dans ce lieux sale et malodorant était perceptible d'assez loin et d'autres en plus de nos amis arabes nous rejoigninrent. C'était ***ia qui semblait la plus impatiente, elle était possédée, envahie par un démon sale et pervers qui avait fait d'elle le succube, la femme parfaite.
Chacun l'insultait à sa façon, on la baisait on lui faisait lécher des culs à la chaîne, un pisseur enculait un ouvrier et faisait à intervalle régulier lécher sa queue pleine de merde à mon épouse qui l'enfournait comme si elle venait de sortir de pri*** après une peine de sûreté de 20 ans. On finit par la prendre en double, double anale, double vaginale, mixte. Cela dura un temps incroyable. Et toujours elle devait prendre des bites au fond de la gorge. Elle remerciait pour le sperme et les insultes, réclamait des coups plus forts. On la battait pour la faire taire et elle grognait comme si elle avait été secoué par un interminable orgasme.
D'autres hommes arrivèrent, les arabes et d'autres, et toujours c'était la même furia de foutre, de pisse et ************* perpétuelles : elle mangea du PQ souillé, on lui mit la tête dans chaque chiotte ave obligation de nettoyer les parois, mêmes les plus sales, de torcher avec la langue ceux qui lui avaient à moitié déféquer sur la gueule. On la sortit pour la prendre sur un capot de voiture, deux lui tenant les jambes pour l'empêcher de glisser. Le Pitbull des arabes lui passa dessus ainsi que deux bâtards dont elle se régala du sperme. Même les chiens levèrent la pattes sur elle.
Une dernière fois on la fit prendre par le pitbull et on attendit qu'elle jouisse. On prenait des paris pour savoir qui du chien ou de la femme serait le premier à prendre du plaisir. Ce fût ma femme, chacun s'affairait autour d'elle, on venait l'insulter au creux de l'oreille, lui mettre de vraies baffes. Finalement le chien se retira et on la fit s'exhiber à 4 pattes, on se relayait pour la tenir en laisse.
Vers minuit c'était plus de 40 types qui avaient profité d'elle et tous étaient là quand je l'attachai à un arbre après l'avoir un peu nettoyée. Je lui alors maintenus la bouche ouverte et tous purent une dernière fois cracher leurs jus dans sa bouche et lui mettre une ou deux claques. Elle s'arrangeait pour garder le jus et ne pas déglutir et au final ce fut par deux gorgées de 20 semences chacune qu'elle fut rassasiée.
La plupart partirent se coucher et il ne resta plus que moi, Z et 3 autres types pour la regarder se vider de sa merde et de sa pisse sans s'en apercevoir. *** anus était détruit, il saignait abondamment, *** vagin évacuait des litres de jus marronnasse et elle avait vomi à cause de la bière que Y lui avait faite siroter.
Je la détachai de *** arbre, la nettoyai de nouveau avant de la porter jusqu'à la voiture. Elle dormait profondément, même quand je la passai sous la douche. Je soignai ses plaies puis la couchai, pour finalement m'installer pour la nuit dans le canapé.


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Caitlyn and Terrance

Everything was perfect. The roast warmed in the oven, the veggies simmered on
the stove, and my wife Caitlyn hummed a tune in the bathroom as she applied her
makeup. I turned down the burner and headed to the dining room for one last

The table was set for two with our good plates and glasses. The silverware was
polished and arranged neatly; the linen napkins were properly folded. A candle
graced the middle of the table, which was covered with our best tablecloth.

I jumped at the sound of four loud raps at the front door. According to my
watch, it was only a quarter to 8. He was 15 minutes early.

My mouth went dry as I approached the foyer. Bowing my head, I reached for the
doorknob and pulled open the front door.

Terrance strutted inside, took off his coat and handed it to me. "Bring me a
*****. Where's Cait?"

"Um, she's in the bathroom getting ready for you, sir."

"Well, tell her I'm here."

My wife had the blowdryer on, which explained why she hadn't heard her lover's
knock. I stood in the doorway with my head bowed, peeking up every few seconds
until she caught eye-contact with me through the mirror.

"What?" She spritzed her hair with a bottle of hairspray and arranged her bangs.

"Um, Master Terrance is here."

"Well, why didn't you say so, ********?" She applied a coat of lipstick and
pushed past me.

I bent over to pick up several discarded Kleenexes my wife had tossed to the
bathroom floor, when I heard Terrance's gruff voice: "Where's my *****?"

With a gulp, I dashed toward the kitchen; on the way I peeked in the living
room and saw my wife and her boyfriend making out on the couch. I fixed
Terrance's usual Jack and Coke, slipped the serving tray from the cupboard, and
minced to the front room. As I've been trained, I knelt by the couch, head
bowed, while Caitlyn and her boyfriend dry-humped on the sofa.

I knelt there for a good 20 minutes before they came up for air. Terrance
snapped his fingers and I handed him his *****. He sat up and took a sip.

"Uggh!" He spit the mouthful back into the glass. "The goddamn ice melted." He
glared at me.

"Sir, I am so sorry; I'll get you another ***** right away, sir --"

Without warning, he leaned forward and poured his ***** on my head. Caitlyn
giggled as the sticky liquid dripped from my hair and nose. "You need to clean
that off the floor," she said.

Terrance handed me his glass. "You're getting an ass-whipping later, fag," he

"Thank you, sir." I gritted my teeth. It wasn't my fault they kept me kneeling
there until the ice melted!

When I returned with the fresh *****, Terrance had the remote control in one
hand while his other was draped over my wife's shoulder and playing with her
tit. I knelt and offered the tray to my master. He downed the ***** and rattled
the ice. "Refill," he said.

My wife stretched and yawned. "I'll take a glass of wine."

I was back in a jiffy, kneeling in front of the couch with their *****s. They
sat up and took them from the tray.

"I brought you some laundry," Terrance said. "It's out in the car."

"Thank you, sir."

"No problem. Run down and get it; you need to get started now, because you still
have to get my garage clean by Sunday." He threw his keys at me; they bounced
off my chest and fell to the floor.

"Yes, sir." I trotted outside, his keys jingling. His SUV sat in our driveway;
whenever Terrance visits, my wife makes me park on the street so he can share
the driveway with her car. I'm sure the neighbors wonder whose truck is always
parked there – sometimes for days on end. Nobody ever asked, although I had an
answer ready if they did: I'd tell them it was my brother visiting.

I opened the door and sighed when I saw two large garbage bags in the back,
overflowing with dirty clothes. I lugged the bags into the house and began
sorting the whites from the colors.

My wife's whiny voice interrupted me: "What are you doing? We're hungry."

I ran upstairs and served dinner. As usual, I stood near the table like a
butler, head bowed, waiting for one of them to snap their fingers and point at
whatever they wanted. Otherwise, I was ignored as they talked about various

Halfway through dinner, Terrance reached under the table and began playing with
my wife's pussy through her slacks. She giggled at first, but then sat back in
her chair and threw her head back. I focused on my shoes, not daring to watch

Terrance smiled at Caitlyn. "Want to go upstairs, or should we finish eating

She pushed her hair back. "What do you think, lover? I'm ready?"

They rose and walked away hand-in-hand. Terrance glanced over his shoulder at

"I wouldn't screw around too long on my laundry," he said. "That garage is a
mess, and I want it sparkling by the time I come back on Sunday."

Caitlyn stopped in her tracks. "Wait a minute, Terry – I thought you were gonna
give the wimp an ass-whipping? I love watching you thrash the little creep; it
turns me on like crazy."

"Well, I'm ready to fuck now," he said. "Besides, the fag has a lot of work to
do." He turned to me. "I owe you one ass-whipping. Now get the fuck out of here.
Hubba hubba."

My wife's eyes twinkled. "Have fun cleaning my man's garage," she said before
taking Terrance's hand and leading him toward the bedroom.



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I stood in the doorway of Terrance's garage, blinking back tears. I'd be
cleaning all night!

It looked like a tornado had hit. Auto parts were strewn everywhere; a huge oil
stain covered half the concrete floor. Tools lay everywhere. Beer cans dotted
every shelf and tabletop.

To make things worse, I'd have to work around Terrance's '66 Mustang, which he
was restoring. I knew if I so much as smudged the windsheild, he'd beat me so
badly I wouldn't be able to sit down for a week!

With a sigh, I got started, stacking the auto parts neatly in the corner while
wondering what Terrance was doing to my precious Caitlyn.

"She loves it when he's rough with her, and treats her like a rag doll. I don't
understand it -- I get the **** slapped out of me if I look at her crossways.
But she loves giving in to him. How can the same woman be so relentless with me
and so compliant with him?"

It's the crux of the cuckold relationship: I'm the weirdo, not her. She's a
healthy woman who needs a healthy, normal, adult sex life. When I came to her
early in our relationship asking to be her slave, she embraced the idea, and
soon began seeing other men. That was an erotic time in our life together, as
she began exploring her dual sexuality, denying me while giving everything to
other men.

Then Terrance came along and changed everything. He had been her high school
sweetheart, but he joined the Marines after school and they lost contact. She
ran into him in the park one day, after he'd been discharged following a 12-year
stint. Everything happened so fast, and the next thing I knew, Terrance was a
permanent part of our lives, often spending 5 or more days a week at our house.

My thoughts distracted me as I toiled in the garage. Although my back was
throbbing, I didn't dare stop; I knew I still had to head back to my house and
do Terrance's laundry ... two huge loads, no less.

I knelt on the hard concrete floor and tried to scrub away the oil stain, but it
just wouldn't come clean. After nearly an hour of furious scrubbing, I broke
down and cried, knowing Terrance would beat the **** out of me if I couldn't get
the spot out. Then it dawned on me that I already had one ass-whipping coming,
because the ice in my master's ***** had melted. I cried even harder.

Finally, the floor came clean. I collapsed on the concrete, completely
exhausted, and closed my eyes. Birds were chirping; dawn had broken.

As much as I wanted to lay there and take a much-deserved break, I knew better.
I locked up the garage and trudged to my car. The clock said it was 8:12, which
I thought would be plenty of time to drive home, throw a load of Terrance's
laundry in the washer and get started on their breakfast. But when I walked
through the front door, I blanched when I saw my wife and her lover eating bowls
of cereal in the living room.

Terrance sneered. "Where the hell were you? We had to get our own breakfast."

"Um, I was cleaning your garage, sir."

"Well, what took you so long? You should've been done a lot quicker than that?
Were you laying on your fat ass?"

"No, sir. The oil stain ... it took a long time to get it out."

Terrance shook his head. "Get over here, fag. Kneel down in front of me. Take
off your glasses." I removed my glasses and cringed, waiting for the blow I knew
was coming. POW! I fell to the carpet clutching my eye. I heard my wife giggle.

"Good one, honey," she said. "You up for whipping his ass now?"

Terrance chuckled. "Damn, you do love watching me beat the poor little wimp,
don't you? But first, I'm gonna have him whip something up; this cereal ain't
cutting it."

"Yeah, I know." My wife pushed the bowl away. "What do you think, baby? Pancakes
and sausage?"

"You read my mind," he said, then snapped his fingers at me. "You heard the
little lady, faggot: pancackes and sausage. And get these goddamn bowls out of

As I bent to remove their bowls, I head my wife say, "you should give the little
creep a hundred extra for making us get our own breakfast."

Her lover laughed. "Damn, girl. You are one cruel bitch."

After I served breakfast, Caitlyn made me kneel naked in the corner with the
crop in my mouth, awaiting my punishment as they leisurely ate their breakfast
and watched television.


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The smell of bacon ******** me almost more than my throbbing knees and my aching
arms and jaw. I'd knelt in the corner for nearly an hour, hands on my head and
the crop balanced in my mouth. I could still smell the food they'd obviously
left on their plates; it reminded me how hungry I was.

My body ached, but it was better to concentrate on that than what was about to
happen. I strained to hold still while listening for any sign of movement from
my mistress or her lover. Every now and then I'd hear the couch creak above the
sound of the television. When a yogart commercial came on, Caitlyn said, "That
***** nasty."

"What's that?" Terrance asked.

"D-Brand Yogart. Hey, dip**** -- next time you go grocery shopping, don't get
that disgusting yogart; get G-Brand. Why did you stop buying that, anyway?"

My answer came out as "mmemmmrmmpherfffee." Had the crop not been in my mouth,
it would've sounced like, "I'm sorry, Mistress, but King's Market stopped
selling the G-Brand."

It wouldn't have mattered. Prissy Miss Caitlyn was put out.

I heard the couch creak as she presumably settled back into the arms of her
lover. "Put yourself down for another 50, dip****," she said.


Terrance chuckled. "Damn, what are we up to now? 150?"

"I thought it was 200," my wife said. "Make it an even 200, baby; I'm horny.
I've been waiting for his." Her tone changed. "Hey, dip****, have you been
waiting for this? I have."

The wet sound of kissing lasted a few seconds. Then my ***** ran cold as I heard
the couch creak again, and the sound of my master standing up. My heart pounded
as his footsteps padded across the carpet toward me. He snatched the cane from
my mouth.

"All right, fag, you know the drill," he said.

I shuffled on my knees toward the couch, where Caitlyn lay with her hand working
beneath her nightie. It's funny how the mind works in a crisis: Through my
paniced haze, with my master about to thrash me and my wife playing with
herself, I focused on the strips of bacon and half-eaten toast on the plate in
front of her. I put my nose to the carpet facing her, with my ass in the air.

Caitlyn looked over me at her lover and said, "Um-hmmm. Damn, you are sexy." She
sneered at me. "Hey, wimp, aren't you glad we have a sexy guy like Terry around
to take care of us?"

"Yes, Mistress."

"Thank him for taking the time to punish your sorry ass."

I swallowed. "Sir, thank you for taking the time to punish my ... my sorry ass."

"No problem, wimp," he said. "And that ass is gonna be sorry when I'm done with
it. Don't plan on sitting down for a few weeks."

Caitlyn giggled. "Wiggle that ass, wimp," she said. "Wiggle that ass for your
master. Let him know how much you're looking forward to his punishment. Wiggle

My face flushed with shame, I wagged my tail like a pathetic puppy until
Terrance ordered me to stop.

"Hold still. I want to get this over with and fuck that sexy lady over there."

Then it began. I had to count each blow and add, "Thank you, Sir." It was
difficult not to cry out, but I knew that was an automatic 200 tacked on, plus a
three-day starvation diet. So I dutifully peeped out each one: "67, thank you,
Sir. 68, thank you, Sir ... 137, thank you, Sir. 138, t-thank you, Sir..."

My wife watched the proceedings with her fingers in her pussy, staring at her
lover the entire time. She wasn't interested in me; I was just the sacrificial
lamb, a means to an end. It could've been any old wimp being dominated; Caitlyn
cared only about watching her boyfriend, getting off on his raw, masculine
aggression as he tore into my poor ass.

By the time I blurted out, "200, thank you, Sir," I could only see blackness
before me. I heard him take a step backward; then he brought the crop down one
last unexpected time, causing me to flinch. I almost yelled out, but literally
bit my lip. I could taste ***** as my master sauntered into view and slithered
onto the couch next to my wife.

She smiled. "Hello, you."

"Hey, beautiful. You ready?"

"Oh, yeah." Her voice switched from love bunny to castrating bitch. "Lester!
Quit listening in on our coversations and get these plates out of here. And do
the dishes. Oh, and you need to polish all my shoes tonight -- I want an
extensive cleaning done on every pair of shoes."

"Yes, Mistress." By now, the world had come back into focus. I rose unsteadily
to my feet and removed their plates. By then, they were already kissing, and my
master's hand was roughly massaging Caitlyn's pussy. I scurried from the room
and started on the dishes, already planning out the rest of the day.

"If I start on Mistress's shoes right after the dishes, maybe I'll have time to
get all the housework done by midnight. Oh, wait! I forgot about Terrance's
laundry! Two huge bags."

I slumped, scowling at the pile of unwashed dishes. I had a lot of scrubbing to

After scrubbing the pots, pans and plates, I'd spend the next several hours
scrubbing all 50-some pairs of my wife's shoes. Then I'd scrub the floors and

And while Caitlyn lay in her bed curled up beside her boyfriend, I would be up
all night scrubbing **** stains out of his underwear.

"I guess that makes me a scrub." I sighed and returned to the dishes.


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I Caught Her in the Act

My fiancé and I were only 1 month away from the wedding and we were both very excited about it. Sarah and I were high school sweethearts and I had been dating her for 5 years now. Our sex life left a lot to be desired and it was mainly because of me. I have about 6 inches, which is pretty average, so that is nothing to ride home about. Also, I usually could not last more than five minutes in bed and although she kept insisting that she was satisfied, I could tell that she was always disappointed after a round of our short sex.

Now I have had cuckolding fantasies ever since we started dating, probably due to my lack of skill in bed and my overall submissiveness in our relationship. However, I doubted whether a cuckold relationship was even a possibility because of her upbringing in a very traditional family. But I still held out hope...

One day, we headed to the mall for a bit of shopping and ended up in a clothing store that I knew she would spend quite a bit of time in. There was a TV with a sports game on in the front of the store, so naturally I got distracted. I told her I would meet her back in the women's section where she would be in a minute. I finally came back to earth and realized that about 15 minutes passed so I made a quick beeline to where I thought she would be. The only thing was I couldn't find her. I searched the entire women's section about 3 times and she was nowhere in sight. I even checked the dressing room but nobody was in there.

Finally I saw an office door that was slightly cracked. I didn't think she would be in there but it was worth a try. I cracked it open a bit more and poked my head inside. What I saw changed my life forever. A store employee was lying on the ground with his pants completely off and there was my fiancé on all fours with his dick completely engulfed in her mouth. I froze. I had no idea what to do. Sarah was making love to his cock with her mouth. She was even deepthroating him, something she had NEVER done to me. And this guy had probably about 8 or 9 inches, too! She was really enjoying sucking his cock. And I, ashamed as I may have been, was enjoying being able to watch it just as much, as the hard bulge in my pants made evident. Watching her lips slide up and down his now wet and shiny cock was so thrilling to me.

After a few minutes of slow cocksucking, Sarah started to really pick up the pace as the man put his hand on her head and ****** her to bob up and down on his dick. I could tell by his body language that he was getting close to cumming. 20 seconds later he quickly got up and repositioned himself so that he was jerking his cock right into Sarah's mouth. His breathing kept getting quicker and finally I saw his balls start to tighten up as the first spurt missed her mouth and hit right above her upper lip. He adjusted himself to make sure the rest of his cum reached her mouth safely. When it looked like he was finished, she put her mouth on his cock, sucking out of him whatever was left. This made her spill a little cum out of her mouth and drip down to her chin. He then removed his cock from her mouth, which gave her time to swallow the load that had just been shot in her mouth. She used her fingers to wipe up the cum on her face and then proceeded to lick her fingers clean too. I could barely contain myself as I could feel my own cock oozing what seemed like gallons of pre-cum in my pants.

She gave him a kiss on the cheek, thanked him, and headed towards the door. I quickly hid behind a clothing rack as she exited the office and headed back towards the front of the store. I was stunned. The woman who I was supposed to marry in 1 month had just swallowed a complete stranger's load. She hadn't even let me cum in her mouth on the rare occasions where she would suck my cock. She told me she thought cum was disgusting and made me cum in a tissue. Today, she acted like a total cumslut with a man she didn't even know.

I realized that she would probably be looking for me and I quickly headed back to the front of the store as well. When I finally found her, she had a big smile on her face and I gave her a big, wet kiss. Boy could I taste that cum! We pulled apart from each other, smiling and I grabbed her hand as we walked out of the store together as a happy couple.


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Anya Becomes a Slave

Anya closed her eyes when she knew what she had to do. Her taut stomach churned as she knelt at the door. Her bare knees rubbed roughly against the carpet, her downturned eyes caused tears to fall leaving salty trails down her breasts and bare body. The door slowly creaked open towards her, a women strode in with a grey pinstriped business suit, black stockings, and black pumps. Anya knew the business suit because she had been wearing it this morning when she had met Ms. Davis.

Anya had spent much of the day thinking back on those few hours which had brought her from normal successful business women down to the level of something lowlier than a slave. Anya had woken up this morning, showered like usual and slipped into her black sheer bra. It cupped her 38 C breasts perfectly. Her bra accentuated her dusty nipples and gave her ample lift and cleavage for her outfit. She slipped into her matching sheer crotch less panties and garter belt. As she rolled her stocking up her toned legs she noted how sexy and in control she felt. She always wore her sexiest underwear on Monday's it made the day less drab. It made her feel powerful and beautiful and gave her the best outlook on her day. She slid into her grey pinstriped suit and pumps before fixing her hair and face into a professional manner. She headed out the door for her job as a real-estate agent.

She drove to her office and walked in feeling very self assured. She climbed out of her silver convertible and went inside. She sat down at her desk opening and looking at her calendar for the day. She slowly crossed and uncrossed her legs under her desk enjoying the sensation of the gentle breeze passing over her legs and unclad pussy lips. She smirked at herself. She stopped fantasizing and got back to work. Today she had to show a 5.3 million dollar home to a Ms. Davis at 10am then lunch with one of her partners at the firm before closing on another house at 2pm. After that she planned to call it an early day.

Anya climbed into her car and drove the 30 minutes to the house she was showing this morning. Ms. Davis was an odd woman in her late 20's with some peculiar requests for a house. She wanted it at least 30 minutes from anyone else. It needed to come with a lot of land. It was not all that unusual for a client to want privacy but Ms. Davis's demands where very specific. As Anya got out of her car she noticed Ms. Davis was already there standing outside her black car with very tinted windows. Anya sized her up as she climbs out of the car. Ms. Davis was a short woman of about 5 foot tall. She wore a pair of black dress pants and a silk green button down blouse. Her brown hair hung in loose waves around her shoulders. Her emerald eyes peaked out over a pair of sunglasses. She did not appear to be woman who was used to waiting on someone.

Anya walked over and stuck out her hand to Ms. Davis. "Hello, I am sorry I kept you waiting my name is Anya and I will show you this house. I believe you are going to really enjoy it." Anya dropped her hand and walked to the front door. She opened it and ushered Ms. Davis in. As they got to the second floor bedroom Ms. Davis smiled a mischievous smile. Ms. Davis closed the door behind her and said, "Now Anya, you little cunt, take off all your clothes."

Anya looked surprised and annoyed at Ms. Davis and stuttered as she wondered what was going on. Before she could respond Ms. Davis came up to her and slapped her hard across the face, "Take them off cunt, NOW". Anya looked up from the plush carpeted floor as Ms. Davis opened up her briefcase. She pulled out some pictures and thru them on the floor next to Anya. "If you do not do what I say copies of these will be sent to your boss, your family, and the local newspaper. I already have them ready to go on the mail if I do not tell them to stop." Anya looked at the pictures and was surprised these were not her but they were very good falsifications. A woman who looked like her soliciting a very young male prostitute. The next picture showed a gangbang, her face in clear view. The third photo showed her fingering herself at work while a man licked her under her desk. None of these pictures where actually her but they were such good falsifications that even her ****** would be able to tell the difference. She knew looking at these pictures that these would destroy her life and her career if they got out. "Do you understand now, cunt. NOW take them off."

Anya nodded that she understood and stood up. She slowly unzipped her skirt and slide it down her legs. She stepped out of it. "Don't leave it there, pick it up and fold it and place it on the bed." Ms. Davis snapped. Anya quickly did as she was told. She just hoped that if you obeyed that this would be over soon. Anya quickly slide out of her suit jacket and folded it placing it on the bed. "That is beautiful lingerie you have on there little cunt. I want you to place your hands on your head and stay like that." Ms. Davis went over and picked up her pictures off the floor. She neatly placed them in her briefcase and pulled out a long strip of cloth. She quickly went over and covered Anya's eyes blindfolding her. Right before the blindfold fell completely over Anya's eyes she saw the flash of a camera taking a picture.

"Anya, spread your legs I think you are hiding something from me." Ms. Davis purred as she came close. Anya felt the heat of her body nearer hers as she slowly stepped aside putting her feet at shoulder width. "Aww, crotchless panties, how much of a whore are you really little Anya?"

Anya stammered, "I'm not why are you doing this to me." Ms. Davis hand went towards Anya's pussy and roughly separated her wet pussy lips. "Your pussy betrays you my little cunt, you want this don't you?" Ms. Davis purred as she roughly shoved a well manicured finger deep into Anya's pussy. Anya wanted to moan but held it back as Ms. Davis began to slip it in and out slowly.

Ms. Davis pushed Anya down to her knees. She grabbed her by the hair and pulled her over the edge of the bed. "I want you to take off the rest of your clothes, NOW." Anya quickly did as she was told trying to search her mind for some answer and some way out of this bad situation. Ms. Davis reached into her bag and pulled out a pair of handcuffs that were hinged. "Put your hands behind your back Anya." Ms. Davis voice was calmer cooler now. Anya did as she was told and Ms. Davis quickly slapped the handcuffs on her. "good now let me explain the rules to you little Anya. Would you like that?" Ms. Davis smiled down at her kneeling. "yes please." Anya said her voice shaking with worry. Ms. Davis stood up and kicked her over with her shoes pressing her pump against her throat. "First rule little Anya, is that you will address me as Mistress. Nod if you understand." Anya nodded and Ms. Davis loosed her hold on Anya with her shoe. She then grabbed Anya by her hair and pulled her up to a kneeling position at the edge of the bed. "Second rule is you are going to be my slave for the foreseeable future. For today you will call into work and tell them you have a death in the family, you will need to rest of the week off. This week you will learn how to properly be my slave. Do you understand?"

Anya's voice broke but she was to scared not to reply, "yes, Mistress."

"Good, as long as you understand your place. Now little whore you are going to undress me and lick me pussy." Anya stood up and fumbled for Ms. Davis's buttoned down shirt and once she found the buttons was quickly able to get her out of her shirt and bra. She felt her pussy getting wet, it was betraying her again she didn't want to want this but she knew she did on some deep dark level. Anya quickly undid her new mistresses pants. She felt around for panties but found none, before she could say anything Ms. Davis placed a heel on her chest. "Get back on your knees, little slut and lick my pussy or you will be punished."

Anya got on her knees, and spread Ms. Davis's legs. She had never eaten out a woman before and was a little unsure as to how to go about it. She started at her knee and began to kiss up towards her pussy. "Silly slut," Ms. Davis laughed as she grabbed Anya's head and shoved it into her pussy. Anya quickly got the picture and pushed aside her new mistresses pussy lips with her nose and began licking her wet pussy. Ms. Davis moaned softly as Anya began trusting her tongue in and out of her pussy. Anya's nose rubbed gently against Ms. Davis's clit.

Ms. Davis kept her hand tightly wound tightly in Anya's hair as Anya began to lick furiously. Anya began to lick more intently spurred on by the moans from her new mistress and the awakening of her own desires. "That's a good little slut when I cum you are going to eat it all aren't you" Ms. Davis bucked her hips wildly against Anya's face and her pussy spasmed. Her cum gushed out of her pussy and all over Anya's face. She held Anya against her pumping pussy and eased up only her orgasm left her. "Now little slut clean up my pussy." Anya, who had begun to enjoy her submissive nature and squirmed against the carpet with her wet pussy, quickly began to lick the pussy in front of her clean.

When she was satisfied Ms. Davis got up and grabbed Anya by the hair. She pulled Anya up on to the bed and threw her down on all fours. "Stay like the bitch in heat you are little slut." Ms. Davis went over to her briefcase and pulled out a cat of nine tails. "Since it is your first day as my slave I will be easy on you. You have been a disobedient little whore and you must be punished. You rubbed your pussy all over the carpet and you will be whipped for it. Do you understand."

"Yes Mistress." Anya said her voice shaking her pussy so wet her juices were dripping down her leg. "Now since you licked me off fairly well, you are only getting 10 strokes I want you to count them understood." Anya nodded as the first stroke of the cat o nine tails came down on her ass. It stung and she cried "One" Ms. Davis smiled and took her free hand and began to rub her clit as the second blow landed. "Two" Anya cried out. "Three" and "four" were cried out just as quickly as Ms. Davis rubbed her clit and watched Anya's ass get bright red.

"Five" Rang out Anya as the next blow feel on her searing ass. Ms. Davis climbed on the bed after five and got on her knees in front of Anya. She quickly unhand cuffed her. " Slut, I want you to finger me until I cum while I finish your punishment. If you can keep counting and get me off before I get to ten I'll make you cum understood."

"Yes Mistress." Anya mumbled as the sixth blow fell. "Six" She yelled as she quickly slid two fingers into her mistresses pussy and began to pound away. Ms. Davis let out a series of low, sharp moans as her orgasm built. With Seven, eight and nine, Anya's fingers began moving at an almost inhuman pass. Just before the tenth blow feel Ms. Davis screamed out in orgasm. She smiled down at her pet and climbed back off the bed. "Stay where you are slut and you will get your reward."

She grabbed the cat o nine tails and turned it the other way around. She quickly pushed the rough leather end of the whip into Anya's soaking wet pussy. She rammed it in and out of her. "Cum now you little whore or I'll stop." Being talked to like that pushed Anya over the edge and she came covering the whip with her cum. Ms. Davis shoved the whip into Anya's mouth and made her clean all of her juices off. "I think you will make an excellent slave, my little cunt."


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Boredom Leads to an Awakening

It was my senior year of high school. I was 19 year old (so I failed a few times...) I had finally stopped growing at 6' and about 215 pounds. I played football and wrestled. I had a girlfriend, but was still a virgin in just about every way. I was getting sick of hearing all the stories in the locker room about everyone's sexual encounters.

I was home alone one Saturday afternoon. All I could think of was the story the quarterback was telling us the other night. He said that before the game the head cheerleader and one of her friends had given him a "good luck" blow job. It was infuriating. I need good luck just as much as him.

With my current girlfriend out of town I had absolutely nothing to do. I sat down at the computer and hit the AOL chat rooms. I had talked to some girls on there before so I thought I might be able to have "cyber-sex" or something to get my mind off the QB's tale. I jumped from one room to another finding nothing of interest. After a couple hours I was still bored. Then I saw something that caught my eye.

"Tampa M4M"

I joined the room just to see what was going on, maybe get a laugh.

There wasn't much conversation and I was about to be on my way again when I got an instant message from "HardOneTB". All it said was "Hi," but for some reason it grabbed my attention so I replied.

We talked for a while, not about anything sexual, just sports, TV, movies and other everyday things. Getting to know each other. I was actually enjoying the conversation.

As we were talking about the NFL playoffs he said, "So when are you gonna ask me to suck your dick?"

I was shocked. I didn't reply at first and just stared at the screen. A few minutes went by before anything happened.

"Still there?" he asked.

My reply was a quick one word answer. "Yes."

He quickly began to apologize and explain why he asked. His words on the screen didn't even register in my mind. I kept thinking about what it would mean if I actually went through with it. Would people find out? How would it feel? I was so nervous and excited about the chance to finally get a damn blow job, I couldn't really think. It was few minutes before I replied, "Where would we do it?"

He was quick to reply that we could meet somewhere and figure it out.

I explained that I was extremely nervous. I told him I wasn't gay and had never thought of doing anything like this. I also explained that I had never even had a blow job before. He told me that he'd take care of me. It didn't take a genius to know what he meant.

We discussed a place to meet not far from me and agreed to meet in 45 minutes.


The sun had just gone down, the street lights casting a yellow tint on everything. I parked around the corner and sat there looking at him standing by his car, an older model Firebird. He was quite a bit older than me, probably late 30s. Slim but solid with short, dark, curly hair. He wore a basketball jersey and gym shorts. He was a good looking guy, not that I had ever thought about a guy's looks before. My heart was racing. I couldn't believe how excited I was, but I was extremely nervous too and the two feeling seemed to be at war. The nervousness almost took over as it was telling me to just leave. The excited part of me made me get out of my truck and approach him.

As he realized who I was he just smiled and looked me up and down. The look in his eyes made me even more nervous, maybe even a little scared. Without saying anything, I opened the passenger side door and got in. My heart pounding in my chest. He climbed in and smiled as he pulled out of the parking lot and onto the street.

As soon as we were on the road his hand went to my leg. I jumped at the touch, really not expecting it. He started rubbing my thigh getting higher and higher. I was so excited and nervous that when his hand brushed against my balls through the tight jeans I let out a low moan. I saw his smirk out of the corner of my eye.

He was being rough with his hand as he massaged my hardening cock through my jeans. I couldn't believe how good it felt to be handled that way. I guess he could tell how much I was enjoying myself because he suggested I recline the seat and get comfortable. I did just as he said. I leaned back and closed my eyes as he squeezed and rubbed my now rock hard cock through my jeans. I could feel the wet spot forming on my jeans from all the precum he was milking from me. After a couple minutes of this he told me to pull my pants down. I quickly complied, ripping my pants and boxers down to my ankles, finally freeing my throbbing cock. I also pulled my shirt up around my neck, leaving me naked from my chest to my ankles. He chuckled at my eagerness. With my head back and eyes closed he worked my stiff rod. Within minutes he had me ready to explode, expertly holding me on the brink. I was moaning and grinding in my seat. The feeling building up inside of me was incredible.

Before I knew it we were pulled off on the side of some back country road. When I noticed we were not moving I opened my eyes and looked down. The image of his black hand wrapped around my pale cock almost made me cum right there. I'll never forget that image. His hand left my shaft and squeezed around my balls. The warmth felt incredible. I closed my eyes and groaned in pleasure.

He asked me if I was ready and before I could answer leaned over and took my entire cock into his mouth. I had never felt anything so incredible! The hot, moist, deliciousness of a mouth on my cock was more mind blowing than I had ever imagined. I couldn't handle it. I was grinding into him, moaning. I felt his tongue massaging my shaft as he quickly bobbed his head up and down. His hand began to kneed my balls and pull on them. His mouth was riding my every thrust, I was practically fucking his face.

I must have screamed, the feeling was so intense. Just as I was about to release my load into his warm and inviting mouth he shoved one of his wet fingers into my ass.


Cumming into a hungry mouth for the first time blew my mind, but the finger shoved into my tight virgin ass somehow made it 100 times better. Having his finger inside my ass hurt and felt wonderful at the same time.

He slowly moved his finger in and out of me as he sucked me dry. Once he had finished his job he quickly thrust his finger deep in to my ass and pulled it out. I could not believe the pleasure and pain his finger had provided. He leaned out the window and spit the mouthful he had collected onto the ground.

I didn't move for a few minutes and he sat there watching me recover from the most intense orgasm of my life. I was spent, my mind spinning from what had happened. So confused, aroused, and exhausted. He told me to pull my pants up. Slowly, I redressed myself, still trying to catch my breath.

Once I had fully dressed he leaned in close, put his arm around me and asked, "You like that?"

"That was awesome," I breathed in reply.

Smiling he said, "Good, my turn!" He ****** my head down to his lap.

With his hand pulling my head down toward his crotch I got scared again. My heart was racing. I tried to pull back, but the angle he had me at and his brute strength made it impossible to get free.

"Stop fucking fighting me, boy. I did you a favor, time to thank me properly," he scolded.

The change in his voice was quite noticeable. His kind and gentle tone was quickly replaced by a demanding, dominating, and commanding voice. It caught me so off guard I simply gave in and let him pull my face down to his stiffening rod.

"Touch it, boy!"

I couldn't believe I was actually being told to play with this man's cock. Without realizing or thinking about it my hand moved to his leg and slid up inside the leg of his gym shorts.

Feeling his hairy leg gave me mixed emotions. Part of me started to get repulsed, another part of me relished in the fact that I was being told what to do. Call it Stockholm Syndrome or whatever, but I almost liked it. I didn't stop.

My hand continued inching up until I felt the warmth of his cock. I was a bit shocked at the lack of underwear. That's when I realized that he had planned for me to reciprocate without me ever agreeing to.

My mind quickly moved past that as I wrapped my hand around the head. He was easily thicker than me and quite a bit longer. My hand slowly explored the soft skin of his massively hard cock.

He began to encourage me. "Mmm that's it. Rub me, boy."

My head was resting in his lap with his hand holding me in place. There was a huge bulge in the soft fabric of the shorts just an inch in front of my face. I couldn't take my eyes off it. The way it moved slightly and throbbed as I slowly rubbed his shaft was intoxicating.



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His voice, close to my ear whispered "Take my shorts off, boy."

With my hand up the leg of his shorts I grabbed the fabric and slowly pulled down toward his feet. He lifted his ass a bit to help, but firmly held my head immobile.

The smooth black skin at the base of the thick, hard cock. It was the first time i had seen a man shaved clean. I watched the shaft bending under the waistband of the shorts. I was breathless as more and more of his member was slowly uncovered. My eyes were fixed on the dark monster being exposed. My heart was pounding even harder. The fear and nervousness began to fade, replaced by a hunger and yearning that came out of nowhere. I actually licked my lips as I watched the head of his cock come into view. Then it was free from the restriction of the shorts.

The massive black cock bounced up, smacking me in the face. I jumped, but he was still holding me firm, laughing.

After a minute went by with me just starring at the beautiful black rod, he growled, "What the fuck are you waiting for, boy?"

Startled, I reached up to take his engorged rod in my hand. The warmth of his hard cock felt like fire in my hand as I slowly slid up and down. My breathing increased as I watched precum form at the head of his magnificent member. I used my fingers to spread the fluid around.

"That's nice, boy, but it's not what I want," he said as he reached down and took his meat from me.

********** he said, "Open wide!" He pointed his cock at my mouth.

The command made my mouth slowly open as the head of his cock touched my lips. I opened wider as he pushed down on my head. I couldn't believe I actually willingly allowing a man to ***** his dick into my mouth.

"Suck it, boy!"

My lips quickly tightened around his cock as I started to suck. My tongue rubbed the head as he pushed and pulled my head up and down his shaft.

He'd said things like "That's it, boy!" or "Suck me harder!"

With each thrust he pushed more of his cock into my mouth, each time I felt like I was going to *****. I tried to pull back, to at least allow myself to catch my breath or adjust to having a huge, throbbing cock shoved in to my mouth. He held me harder, ignoring my struggle. He didn't back off, just continuing to push harder and go deeper. I could barely breathe, then I started to gag on it.

"Fuck yes, boy, ***** on my black cock!" he yelled as he ****** his cock even deeper one more time.

My body wretched, he let go and I jumped up, coughing for air. I held back the vomit by sheer willpower. He only allowed me a moment catch my breath and wipe the mixture of my spit and his pre-cum from my face.

Then, in one of the most commanding voices I had ever heard he said, "You're not done, boy. Finish the job."

He reclined his seat and pulled his shirt off. I sat there looking as his soaking wet cock, realizing I had only taken about half of it into my mouth. I must have zoned out while looking because a hard smack on my face woke me up from the daydream.

"What the fuck are you waiting for, boy? It ain't gonna suck itself."

With that I leaned back down, taking the massive cock in my hands, pointing it at my mouth. I slid it slowly into my mouth, sucking it and massaging it with my tongue. He wasn't holding my head anymore. I was freely, happily, and hungrily sucking a man's cock. And I was loving it.

For what seemed like hours I slowly sucked his cock, stroking what I couldn't get into my mouth. The entire time he would make comments like "You like my cock in your mouth, don't you, boy?" or "Fuck yeah, boy, suck my black dick!" or "That's good, boy, you're a great cocksucker!"

The constant use of "boy" was so humiliating and erotic at the same time. Hearing him call me that made me feel things inside that I never knew were there. It confused me even more.

After an eternity of worshiping this amazing black cock I heard "Fuck boy, I'm gonna cum!"

I tried to sit up, to just stroke him to climax. I didn't want his cum in my mouth. The thought of that scared the hell out of me. Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, his hand was back in place firmly holding me down. I felt his cock start to spasm in my mouth, then suddenly my mouth was full of his hot, salty seed. I counted six separate blasts of cum shoot into my mouth. I moaned as it exploded.

"Good boy," he whispered into my ear. He was still holding me on his cock, cum leaking out of my mouth.

"Now, boy, do what all cocksuckers do when they have a mouthful of cum. Swallow it!"

Instantly I began to swallow, and swallow, and swallow. When I had drank all of it he told me to suck on the head to make sure he was cleaned out. Once drained he pushed me back into the passenger seat and pulled his shorts back up, tossing me his shirt to clean my face up with.

The car pulled back onto the road and we headed back to the parking lot where we had met.

Once he stopped I opened the door to get out. His hand grabbed my thigh as he stopped me. When I sat back down and turn to him he handed me a piece of paper.

"Here's my number, boy. Call me Tuesday night."

"Wait! What's your name?" I asked as I closed the door looking through the window. I felt so vulnerable then.

"To you, boy?" he laughed. "Sir will work just fine."

With that he drove off leaving me confused, exhausted, and hard as hell.


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I sat there, Tuesday night, with the phone in hand, knowing deep down that there was no way I wasn't going to call him. The experience had left me shaken and confused. I knew I wasn't gay. I knew I wasn't attracted to men. But there was something about him. I couldn't stop thinking about it. The sound of his voice ordering me to do things that I had never thought I would do. The feeling of his cock pressing into the back of my throat. The way his cum filled my mouth with its salty goodness. I had really enjoyed being ****** to suck him off. Part of me wanted to do it again, another part told me not to call and pretend it never happened. I was so confused.

I started to dial.


My breathing started to get shorter as my nervousness and excitement increased with each number pressed. By the sixth number my mouth was dry. When I pressed the last number and listened to the ringing I almost slammed the phone down, but before I could do it he answered.

"Yeah? Hello?"

I couldn't speak. My heart was racing.

"Who the fuck is this? I can hear you."

Again I didn't say a word, I couldn't. A second or two later he began to laugh.

"It's you, isn't it, boy?"

Before my mind could react I heard my voice say, "Yes sir."

He laughed more saying "I knew you would do as I told, boy. You just can't get enough if my cock. Isn't that right, boy?"

My mind was out of it now. I couldn't think, I could only answer. "Yes sir."

"Say it, boy."

His demanding and controlling tone made my heart beat faster. "I can't get enough of your cock, sir."

He laughed again. Then that dominating voice, "Good boy. Now, Saturday afternoon you will meet me again. I'll be in room 124 at the Paradise Inn. Do you know where that is, boy?"

I knew exactly where it was, but I didn't want to admit it... "Yes sir, I know where it is."

"That's good, boy. Be there by 3:30, boy, or don't bother showing up at all."

He paused and I didn't say anything.

"You understand me, boy?"

"Yes sir. I understand."

"Good boy."

The line went dead. I sat there, unmoving, scared, nervous, excited, and rock hard.

I put the phone down on the desk, slid my shorts down to my ankles freeing my hard cock, and leaned back in my chair. My right hand wrapped around the base of my cock and started to slowly stroke up and down.

I thought about the ***********, the way he talked down to me. It excited me to be treated like that. It hit something inside of me that I didn't know was there. I thought about his hands pressing my head down on his huge cock. I imagined having my mouth raped by his black monster again. My hand moved faster, squeezed tighter. I started breathing harder as I knew what was coming. My fantasy moved forward too. I could hear him grunting in my mind, getting close. My cock was throbbing in my hand, I was going to cum.

"Oh, fuck!" I moaned as I my cock exploded in my hand. Sendiing jets of cum all over my chest. I sat catching my breath, looking down at the strands of my hot, sticky seed. I slowly milked my cock, letting any remaining cum drip onto my stomach. Without thinking, my left hand moved up to my chest, one finger extending out and wiping up a long strand of cum. I looked at it as it coated my finger, then reached out and licked my finger clean.

The loud bang of the bedroom door slamming shut scared the hell out of me, her voice mortified me.

"What the fuck?!"

Shocked, I yanked up my shorts trying to hide what I had just been doing from my girlfriend. Too late. I could tell by the look in her green eyes that she saw everything. I was mortified.

Her short blonde hair framed the anger in her face. She was wearing a spaghetti strap cut off shirt with the University of Miami "U" on it. Her toned arms, crossed just under her firm 32A breasts, with her pink manicured fingernails digging into her tan skin showed her mood. She stood with her hip jutting out to the side, wearing low cut jean shorts that were so tight they should have been painted on. One sandaled foot tapped non stop waiting for an answer.

"Amy... I thought you were out of town visiting UM," I replied as I reached for a shirt to throw over my cum covered chest.

"I just got back, and wanted to see my boyfriend." She was more disgusted than mad, having watched me eat my own cum. "But don't let me stop you. If this is the **** you like, go ahead and finish."

I just lowered my head as I spoke, "Amy, come on... This isn't what I want," I was trying to come up with something other than the truth. The truth that I was fantasizing about a giant, black cock. "I'm just so horny. I get so turned on thinking about you, but I don't want to pressure you into anything so I do this."

"Oh, so it's my fault you jerk off all over yourself? Fuck you!"

"Amy... That's not what I mean."

"Fuck you, you're not gonna get out of this. Lay back and finish."

"But... I already came..."

"Too bad, do it again. I want to see it."

"But Amy, I..."

"Start playing with your dick," she said cutting me off "right now, or forget about EVER having a chance of fucking me."

I couldn't help be to slide my shorts back down. There was no way I was going to pass up having a chance to finally fuck her, no matter what I had to do. I started tugging on my soft cock trying to make it hard again. My eyes lowered to the floor. I couldn't bring myself to look at her.

"That's it, get hard for me," she encouraged.

My dick began to stiffen under my hand. I slowly stroked up and down, my cum making a nice lube.

"Damn, honey! This is hot! Will you do anything I say?" she giggled.

"Yes," I said, getting extremely turned on from performing in front of her. "Anything."

"Ooh! This is gonna be fun!"

The anger that was there just moments ago had evaporated into... something else. A side of her I had never seen before.

"Lay down on the bed and spread your legs. I want a good view!"

I stood up, cock in hand, and moved to the bed. She walked up to the foot of the bed watching me. I covered my face with my left arm as my right continued to slowly stroke my cock. It was feeling good, I was letting out soft moans. Knowing I was being watched somehow made it feel so much more intense.

"Wow babe, I think you're making me wet," she said as I heard the jeans being unzipped. I turned my head to watch her but the angle I was at wouldn't let me see below her chest. "Oh I bet you want to see, don't you?"

"Fuck yes I do!"

She giggled at my eager response. A moment later she walked around to the side of the bed. My eyes locked on the tiny red g-string she wore. She walked closer, kneeled on the bed, spread her legs wide and sat back on her heels. Her knee was almost touching my head with her panty covered pussy oh so close. I stopped jerking myself and reached over to touch her but she quickly slapped my hand away.

"Don't fucking touch me!" she yelled. "Keep stroking that dick, and don't stop until you've covered yourself in cum!"

My hand went back down to my side as I renewed the stroking, eyes locked on the small patch of fabric.

Her hand slowly moved down her body. Her pink fingertips slid under the red fabric. Letting out a long, low moan her fingers slowly moved back and forth on her clit.

"Oh my god, this is turning me on so fucking bad!" she moaned.

With her free hand she pulled the fabric to the side revealing the perfectly shaved, glistening wet object of my desire. Slowly, two of her fingers started to slip inside her full lips. Her hips began to grind into her hands. One hand slowly moving in and out, shining with her juices; one hand working her clit in small circles.

All of this was driving me out of my mind. I had never seen her touch herself before and I loved watching. My hand, wrapped tightly around my cock, slowed and began moving in sync with her fingers. Eyes glued to her hands and that delicious pussy.

Amy's moans began to get louder, her hands moving faster. "Oh fuck, I'm so close!" she screamed. Then suddenly she stopped and looked down at me. "I have an idea!" she shouted.

In one quick motion she jumped up, swung her leg over me and straddled my head. Her dripping pussy just inches from my mouth.

"You are gonna eat me while I watch you make yourself cum," she demanded.

Almost in shock from her command, and never having licked her before, it took only an instant before I pressed my face into her, licking her from front to back before shoving my tongue inside her. Her moans increased as she began to grind into my face. Her hot juices tasted amazing. I felt like I was in heaven, except for my hand pumping my cock. I could feel her fingers on my chin violently rubbed her clit, my tongue still fucking her.

"Oh my god, you're gonna make me cum! I'm so fucking close!"

Her body began to shake as she let out a long deep moan. "I'm cumming!" she screamed as her pussy began to pulse. She ground down onto my face even harder bending over to shove my face deeper. "Fuck yes!"

The second I felt her pussy flow I couldn't hold back. My cock throbbed as it released stream after stream of hot cum.

"God damn it!" she yelled. "You came all over me!"

She jumped up and spun around showing me her stomach and breasts covered in thick lines of my cum. Standing at the foot of the bed I could see the look of complete disgust in her green eyes. "I saw how much you liked it before, come here and clean up this mess."

Slowly I turned and crawled to her, eyes fixed on the lines of cum on her flat, tanned stomach. As I got close she reached out, grabbed my head and led my face to the first bit of cum.

"Yeah, lick it." she giggled as my tongue made contact with her golden skin. "Clean up your mess you little bitch!"

My tongue traced the line of cum, making sure to get it all. I followed it from her stomach up onto her perky tits. She giggled and laughed each time my tongue touched her. I slowly, with her directing my head, cleaned her body of my sticky seed.

"I can't believe you just did that!" she giggled as she climbed of the bed and began dressing. "You are one sick fuck!"


"Get dressed, dinner is ready."

With that she spun around and left, closing the door behind her. I was left alone, with the taste of my own cum in my mouth. I slowly got dressed as I thought about what had just happened. I was just dominated by my girlfriend. The thought turned me on and humiliated me at the same time. In less than a week I had gone from typical jock to a submissive bitch boy.

And I loved it.



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Saturday morning I woke up excited. I knew there was no way I wasn't going to be at that hotel at 3:30. Just thinking about it and what might happen made me hard. The morning flew by and before I knew it it was 2:45, time to go.

I had decided to wear a pair of gym shorts and a t-shirt. Under that I decided to put on a pair of briefs, although I usually wore boxers. In the drive to the hotel my mind kept switching between Tuesday night with Amy and last weekend with "him." By the time I arrived at the hotel I was rock hard.

I walked down the sidewalk looking for the correct room number. I found it on the side of the hotel, it's door facing the parking lot. The door was slightly open. I knocked as I entered. The room was a standard hotel room with two full size beds, one table, two chairs, a dresser and a TV. I looked around the empty room and found a note on the bed.

"Boy, I knew you would show up. I have a few things you need to take care of before I arrive.

First you will shave that bush. A boy should not have that much of a bush. There is a razor and shave gel in the bathroom. Make sure you get your ass too. I don't want to find a single hair, boy."

Once that job is complete we need to work on that virgin boy-pussy of yours, boy. You were so tight on my finger I thought you might be grateful for having your boy-pussy stretched before I split it open with my cock. There is a nice plug waiting for you in the bathroom, before I arrive you will have it in place.

When you are done with this you will open the door wide and kneel in the middle of the room, naked."

My heart was racing. I couldn't believe how excited his note made me. I quickly stripped, throwing my clothes into a drawer in the dresser and hurried into the bathroom. I picked up the shave gel and the razor, sat down on the toilet and got to work.

Sitting with my legs spread wide I lathered up the hair above my cock, rubbing it in nice and thick. I turned on the faucet in the bathtub to rinse the razor. I took the razor and slowly dragged it down my skin. My hair was so thick I had to go over the same spot several times. Once I got that area perfectly smooth I moved down to my balls. I was so nervous about cutting myself I slowed down and took my time doing this. Eventually, after holding my cock this way an that, I was able to do a decent job getting the hair off. Not sure how to do my ass I sat there for a moment before it dawned on me to squat down and spread wide. I lathered up my entire ass, cheeks and all then I reached down with both hands and slowly shaved by feel until my entire ass was smooth. I used a towel to clean off any gel that might still be on my body. I stood looking at my freshly shaved package, noticing the precum beginning to drip from my cock. I thought about sitting down and jerking off, but I quickly remembered where I was and who I was doing all of this for.

I grabbed the butt plug from the counter. Holding it in my hands, I guessed that it was about four inches long and maybe two inches in diameter. Much longer and thicker than a finger. It excited me to think I was about to ******* my own ass for a man I didn't even know. I looked around for lube of some kind but didn't see any. I briefly thought about using some of the shave gel, but decided that wasn't a good idea. I licked my lips and remembered that in some porn movies I had seen the girls sometimes used spit to lube up. I figured it was worth a try.

I leaned over and started to spit in my hand then rubbed the spit all over the tip of the plug. I wasn't sure if this was going to do the job so I began licking the plug to spread the spit aroun better. When I thought I had enough I put the plug down on the toilet lid and positioned my ass above it. I slowly lowered my body onto the plug. I could feel the plug start to enter me. I continued to lower myself onto it, feeling my virgin ass stretch and I moved down. Pushing down harder, I finally felt the plug slide in, my ass tightening around the base of the plug, holding it in. I had never felt anything like it. There was a little pain, but the fullness drove me wild. My cock throbbed, begging to be touched. It took all I could do to ignore it.

I walked, slowly, out to the main room and opened the door wide. Using the doorstop I propped the door completely open. I turned around and made my way to the center of the room, facing the door and kneeled.

At this point I was too turned on to even think about anything else. I heard voices outside, but never saw anyone. Minutes passed, I looked over at the clock between the two beds and saw that it was almost 4:30. It had taken me an hour to shave and get the plug in. My hand went to the base of my cock and rubbed the newly smooth skin. The next time I looked at the clock it was almost 5. I thought maybe he wasn't coming. I decided to give it ten more minutes before I left.

Just before 5:08 I heard his voice coming from the door. "Well well, boy. It looks like you can follow directions." he laughed as he walked in.

He was wearing the same gym shorts and basketball jersey he had worn the week before. My eyes were immediately drawn to the bulge in his shorts. I licked my lips thinking about that magnificent cock.

He shut the door behind him and slowly walked around me. "Bend over, boy." he commanded. "Let me see that plug in your pussy."

I leaned over, face on the ground, and stuck my ass up in the air. He reached down and gave the plug a little tug. I let out a low moan as he played with the plug. He pulled and pushed it, never removing it.

"Looks like you did a good job shaving too, boy."

"Thank you, sir. I'm glad you like it," I whispered.

"Back up on you knees, boy," he said as he sat on the bed next to me. "And turn to face me."

I sat up and turned to see him on the edge of the bed, just inches from me. He laughed at the way I was looking at the outline of his cock through is shorts.

"See something you like, boy?"

I simply nodded in response.

"Tell me, boy, what do you want?"

I licked my lips and replied, "Your cock, sir."

He laughed again. "And what do you want to do with my cock, boy?"

I looked up at him, with what must have been pure lust, and said, "I want to have my face fucked by your cock, sir."

At that he laughed again, hard. "Lets see if you can earn that, boy." He stood up, his crotch less than an inch away from my face. "Take my shorts off, boy."

I reached up and before I could pull his shorts down he slapped my hands away. "No hands, boy!"

I lowered my hands and leaned forward taking his shorts in my mouth. The heat from his cock made me moan again. I pulled down with my head and felt the shorts slide. A few more times and his shorts were on the ground. I sat back and felt his hot, hard cock against my cheek. It felt a little wet and smelled differently than I remembered.

He must have seen the quizzical look on my face because he laughed and said, "Oh yeah, I forgot to clean my cock off when I finished fucking that whore next door. Good thing you're here to take care of that, boy."

My stomach turned knowing he wanted to clean some woman's cum off of his cock. A quick slap to the side of my face changed my mind.

"Clean my cock, boy!" he demanded.

I opened my mouth and licked the side of his shaft. It actually tasted good to me so I greedily sucked and licked his glistening cock.

"Don't forget my balls, boy. I'm sure her cum got down there too." he laughed.

I lowered my head and gently licked his sack. His cock resting on my face. I sucked in one ball then the other. I bathed his balls with my tongue.

"Just to be safe, boy, you might as well clean my ass too," he laughed as he turned around and leaned over a little.

I licked from the base of his balls and over his hole. I could not believe I was actually licking a man's ass. I felt so degraded and so turned on! The way he could simply tell me to do something and I do it confused me. I still didn't know why I was giving in so completely.

"That's good, boy." he said as he stood up and moved away. "Stand up and bend over, boy. I want to see how your pussy is doing."

I stood up and bent over the foot of the bed, resting my elbows on the bed. He kicked my feet out wide, leaving me exposed to his will. I could feel his hand on the plug as he began to slowly turn it. I started to moan.

"You like something filling your pussy, don't you, boy?"

"Yes." I moaned.

"Yes, what, boy?"

"Yes sir, I like something filling my pussy." I breathed in response.

He just laughed. I felt his hand grip the plug and pull. He pulled slowly and gently, stretching my ass. I started to lean back to lessen the pressure but was quickly put back in place with a hard smack to my left cheek. The feeling that was building was so intense I wasn't sure I could take it.

"Sir, it hurts so much! Please stop!" I cried.

He leaned over me so his mouth was close to my ear. His hand wrapped around my throat, squeezing. "Shut the fuck up, boy. Your pussy is mine. Your body is mine. You understand me, boy?"

Unable to breathe, all I could do is nod in response.

"Say it, boy," he hissed. He let up on my throat just enough so I could gasp out the words.

"My ass..."

SMACK! His free hand came down hard on my ass, leaving a sharp sting. "Your pussy, boy, not ass." he chided.


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"My pussy," I gasped, "is yours, Sir. My body is yours"

"Don't ever fucking forget it, boy."

He shoved my head down onto the bed, ******* my ass up higher. He went to work on the plug again. Pushing it and pulling it, fucking my ass as hard as he could without taking it out.

The pain was quickly fading as the assault on my ass was feeling better and better. I let out low moans each time he shoved the plug in deeper. He laughed each time I moaned, making me feel like a toy for his amusement.

"I think you're ready, boy," he said as he began to pull the plug out. "Time for your pussy to feel a real cock, boy."

Suddenly the plug was out, but the empty feeling didn't last long. The length of his cock dropped heavily onto my ass. I could feel the heat, pulsing off of his rock hard rod. When he moved his cock down the crack of my ass, lining up the head of his cock to the gaping opening of my ass I began breathing heavily, moaning like a bitch in heat.

Slowly he pushed the head of his cock into me. It felt amazing. He was slightly thicker than the plug that had just come out of me, so thankfully he stopped and allowed me to adjust to the size.

"Damn, boy, your pussy is tight!"

Hid hands clamped down on my hips, holding me in place. He began to pull me back onto him, sliding my ass down the shaft of his cock until I could feel his balls against mine. I had never felt anything like it. The warmth inside me, the fullness. I continued to moan like his bitch. Loving every inch of his cock deep inside me. He slowly pulled his cock out so that just the head was inside me.

"Time to be fucked, boy," he laughed.

Without warning he lunged into me, shoving his cock all the way in. His balls smacking mine. Just as quickly he was back out, then in again. He fucked me fast and hard. My body pinned down by his strong hands, not allowing me to do anything but accept the most intense feeling ever.

The speed and ***** of his fucking never let up. He relentlessly pounded my ass for what seemed like hours. I was being completely used, and I loved it. I concentrated on the feeling of his massive cock pounding itself deep inside me. I moaned, almost screamed the entire time his cock was inside me.

Finally, after the longest fuck of my life, he started to moan.

"Fuck yes, boy," he panted. "I'm gonna fill your cunt with my cum!"

With that he pulled me back onto his cock and held me there. I could feel his cock throbbing and twitching inside me. The I felt it. His cock exploded, filling me with his hot seed.

He stayed I side of me as his cock softened, letting it slide out of my ass on its own.

"Now turn around an clean my cock, boy!"

I quickly spun around and dropped to my knees. I took his soft cock I to my mouth, sucking him dry. I bathed his cock and balls with my tongue, making sure I got everything. He stepped back an pulled up his shorts and headed for the door.

"You have a nice pussy, boy. Be here next week, and I'll fuck it again," he said over his shoulder as the door was closing.

Then I was alone. Kneeling on the floor of a cheap hotel room, a huge load of cum leaking out of my freshly fucked ass and the biggest hard-on of my life. I climbed up into the bed and stretched out. My hands moving down my body. One hand wrapped around my cock and slowly began to stroke up and down. The other hand moved back to my ass and wiped up the leaking cum. I looked at my cum covered fingers as I stroked my cock. Then I brought hand down to my mouth and licked his cum. The taste was unbelievable. I hungrily fed myself his cum as it leaked out of me. My other hand pounding up and down on my cock. After what felt like seconds I exploded, covering my stomach and chest with cum.

I layer there for another hour, feeding myself a mixture of his cum and mine, dreaming of the next time I will get to feel his cock inside me.


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Can I Borrow Her?

Deep in thought, Alan started applying the breaks to his corolla before coming to a stop at the light just blocks from his home of the past year.

He was new to this Midwestern town, leaving his home on the west coast for a better job as the CFO of a new start-up business, taking nothing but his beat-up sedan and his wife of 3 years. He firmly believed this was the next step in his ambitious career plan. He had been stressed with all of the new changes but more so by the self-placed pressure he placed on himself which had always helped him succeed in the past. He was doing well at his job, but allowing himself to relax wasn't an option. He was a driven man and not achieving his goals was unfathomable.

"you need to chill out, get more balance in your life, " he could hear Jenny consoling in his head as she had so many times. She was always so devoted and supportive, but he was afraid his stress was putting some strain on their marriage. They had talked about maybe starting a family after they got settled in their new life. But at this moment it all just seemed like added burden...'a family..hell, what about just having sex again?'. His thoughts drifted to his wife's piercing blue eyes atop her full luscious lips, the swell of her busty chest as her fingers unfastened each shirt button lower and lower...

The horns behind him snapped him back to reality as he realized the light had been green.

He turned onto his street, smiling has he saw the neighborhood boys tossing the pigskin. He continued past, admiring the wholesome simple feel of the block, filled with simple but friendly and hard-working citizens. Turning into his driveway, he was surprised to find his garage door open. He pulled is car in next to their minivan but noticed an empty space that his new riding lawnmower normally occupied.

Frustrated, Alan walked out onto the street and immediately turned his gaze toward the old Fenke house. He walked towards the ashen gray home that stood out like a stain on the otherwise model neighborhood. Similarly the home's sole occupant, Raymond Fenke didn't seem to belong. He lived there alone after the passing of his ****** some years ago and both he and the house had seemed to deteriorate. Ray was in his mid-forties but always struck Alan as *********, maybe even developmentally delayed. Unemployed, Ray survived on his inheritance. In truth, Alan pitied Ray; it must be so lonely to be alone with no job, no family.

As he approached he could hear a sputtering engine he feared was his mower. He walked through the homes side-fence into the back yard where the 42 year old Ray Fenke sat atop the mower trying in vein to start the engine while his pants where sliding down his waist.

"Ray, what the hell are you doing? I have told you not to go by my home to borrow things without asking me!", Alan confronted, getting angrier by the second while staring into the vacant look of the balding fat man.

"c'mon Al, you wasn't home yet and I needed it. Jus' cool yer horses there hoss." He was so non-chalant, no concern that he broke into another man's garage and took, then broke his mower.

Again, Alan thought of his wife and cooled off. With just a warning glare, he walked over and started steering his mower out of the yard. Turning back he chastised Ray in parting, "Just stay away from my home."

Once home, Alan was relieved to find that Ray had simply run the mower out of fuel. But he was still upset, tired from work and annoyed with his dolt of a neighbor. Unfortunately again he couldn't help but stay upset as he greeted his loving wife.

He confronted Jenny about the mower and why she hadn't heard Ray ***** open their garage and drive the mower out. Alan started to feel bad after she explained that she had probably been in the shower during that time, cleaning off after doing some yard work.

In truth, Jenny was aware of every second of it but she was too afraid to go down and confront him. He repulsed her in every way...from his few strands of graying hair combed across his balding head, to the large gut that bulged out under his stained tank top, to his fetid rotting scent. Worst of all was his adolescent ********** grin plastered to his face each time he saw her and the way he would stare at her chest as if he could see her naked.

She was disgusted by Ray and chose to deal with her husband's foul mood rather than come face to face with the creature.

Ray stood in his lawn still seething with anger and hurt feelings. He hated Alan the way he hated most people -- he hated the way others looked down at him, like he was stupid.

"I'll borrow anything I want!" he told himself, wiping hateful tears away.

He told himself he would show Alan who was stupid.

After another day at work, Alan Chambers made the drive back home with fatigue. He parked his car again and stared in disbelief at the space ..."did that dolt really take it again?!"

He stomped over to the decrepit house with nothing short of fire in his veins. This time the side door was locked...Alan could hear his mower running in the yard and fueled by hatrid he scaled the door. As he turned the corner his anger turned to disbelief...

Like a king atop his throne, Ray Fenke sat riding the mower...naked. But Ray's hands weren't on the steering wheel. To alan's horror, there sat Jenny on the fat man's lap, topless, wearing nothing but her Victoria's secret thong. The beautiful blonde wife steered the mower as Fenke fondled her large round breasts, rolling her nipples in between his fingers as tears streamed from he young wife's eyes. His other oversized hand moving roughly between inside her thong between her tan toned legs.

The rest of the events were a blur to Alan. He recalls running towards them and next thing he remembers is the vision of Ray Fenke on the ground with a ****** face as he grabs his wife and pulls her away from the scene.

Once home, Jenny tearfully recants the events of the day -- of Ray Fenke knocking on the door and wrestling her to the floor before tying her up and dragging her into his car. She revealed the rest of the gruesome details of how he got her out of her clothes and onto the mower with him, but Alan just stared vacantly hearing only little.


At the local police station, Alan Chambers felt the nightmare continue.

"No case?? How is that possible?!", he felt like he was going insane. "Breaking and entering, ********* of my wife!!"

Jonathan Myers, chief of police tried to settle him down. "Look Mr. Chambers, you have been a model citizen for the short time you've been here. But there's no evidence to prove that Raymond Fenke committed any of the crimes that you have spoken of. We cannot prove **** without evidence of physical struggle or even semen analysis.

"And further, he has denied taking your mower and there are no witnesses to back up your story. Mr. Fenke is an odd one, but he has no criminal record, not even an unpaid parking ticket.

Look, I hate to be the one to say this..." the chief lowered his voice, " but there was no sign of breaking and broken windows, no damage to your garage door... have you considered that maybe your wife has been having a consensual affair?"

"Fuck this, Jon...and frankly fuck you for saying such a thing." Alan stormed out realizing he would receive no help from the law.

Alan changed all of the locks at his home and placed a new lock on his lawnmower. He asked Jenny if she still felt safe at home or if she wanted to move. Despite her trepidation, she felt it too selfish to ask for such a thing while Alan was so busy with work.

Life for the couple seemed to calm down over the next several weeks. Alan immersed himself at work, and there was no further mention from either of them about what had transpired.

It all seemed a distant nightmare until a warm Tuesday afternoon...

Jenny ran downstairs to answer the banging door to see the disgusting Ray Fenke with arms crossed.

"hey bitch, I know your prick husband is mad because of what he saw us doing but now he's gone too far. You better come with me," Fenke grabbed her arm and dragged her outside where he pointed at his house. In his driveway sat the Chamber's lawnmower, crashed into garage door which now lay in several pieces.

Jenny knew that Alan would never do this but she knew she had to somehow deal with this monster.

"look, Ray, I'm not sure what you want but I won't press charges if you just leave me alone now and walk away."

Ray pulled her in closer so her tits rested against his stomach and growled, "listen to me slut, I will be the one pressing charges if you don't find a way to make this ok. Do you really think I'm afraid of you going to the police again?," Ray was now grinning ear to ear. "The Fenke family has owned the police for decades! In fact, you will be hearing soon from them regarding your attack on my property! That is...unless you will find a way to satisfy my anger."

Ray began running his hands down her back to her ass as Jenny struggled to break away.


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The gorgeous blond wife new this was ludicrous and that his plan was juvenile at best. But she didn't know how deep his connections really were in this small town and after her **** charges were dismissed so easily, she was worried that his threats may not be as empty as his intillect.

Fear now clearly setting in, Jenny stammered," uhm..uh...ok, Ray...fine, let's talk, but that is all, and I will keep my cellphone with me at all times in case you try to assault me. Let's just go inside."

"haha, whatever you want. I won't make you do anything...didn't take much ***** last time, did it?"...Ray sneered,"now let's go bitch."

Jenny was led to Fenke's home, he kept her in front the whole way eyes locked on her perfect ass covered by her short white shorts.

Once inside, Fenke immediately turned and fastened the several bolts on his door as Jenny gulped in fear. Like a sheep, she was led over to his musty couch in the poorly lit living room where the stagnant air felt like it had been there for decades.

"Ok, Ray, what do you want? How can we settle this?" Jenny tried to assert herself to hide her fear, all the while clutching to her phone.

"you probly think I'm stupid or something, I know. You and your dumb ass hubby think yur better than me. I tried to be nice but he had to pick on me," whined Fenke, truly reaching deeply into his emotions.

'He is really like a *****!', thought Jenny. He just needs a friend.

"I'm sorry Ray, I didn't realize how we made you feel and I really am sorry. Will you please forgive me? We can pretend like none of this ever happened...even the other day in your yard, I will forget it all, ok?" Jenny thought she was getting through to him.

Ray smiled and whipped away a tear with his yellow-stained tank top. "Ok, I forgive you..".

Jenny sighed heavily in relief.

..."but your stupid-ass husband, I will never forgive him or the way he looks down at me! I don't have a lot of friends and I tried to be his friend but he doesn't want anything to do with me!"

"...Ray I'm sorry, what can I do to show we are both sorry?" jenny tactfully inquired.

"well you can be my friend then...", his smile turning mischievous as his eyes squinted and eyebrows furrowed. "just come over on the couch and watch a movie with me"

It was only 2pm and Alan wouldn't be home until at least 5:30, she knew she had to deal with this on her own. She took a deep breath, and then acquiesced to joining him on the foul-smelling aged couch beside her disgusting neighbor after he popped in an old tape into an ancient VCR.

After only a few minutes into the movie, Fenke suddenly reached over and lifted the blonde wife onto his lap, his arms encircling her holding him to his chest. Jenny squeals and pleads with him, still acting as if they are friends, but he insists. Her skin starts to crawl as she feels the long curly hairs on his arms rubbing against her bare skin and the gritty feel of his sweat pants on the back of her thighs....but she could not deny the power she felt from the large man clutching her to his lap.

"fine, Ray...we can sit like this, but no other funny business or the movie is over," Jenny tried to reassume control.

The pudgy badling man agrees, giving his best innocent ***** look.

Only several moments later, Fenke's hands begin to roam as he starts caressing her arms with his large paws. She moves his arms down to the side but he continues undeterred. Gradually the hands fine their way along her thighs...jenny grabs his hands with hers but quickly realizes he is far too strong to stop so she reluctantly allows him to continue.

'he is so repulsive', she thinks, 'but I guess this is harmless and if it will make this all end then so be it."

The sexy wife finds herself paying attention to the movie to try to forget the disgusting beast under her until suddenly she notices that her button up shirt is now unfastened at several of the lower buttons and his hands now caressing her stomach. The hands then move under her shirt onto her tits and suddenly the fear returns, giving her flashbacks of when she was stuck on the lawn mower.

She struggles and tries to jump off of his lap all the while scolding him and threatening to call the police. His hands continue to roam, no concern for her threats. Realizing the gravity of the situation, she lifts her phone and starts to dial 9-1-1.

But Fenke quickly grabs the phone out of her small phone, now laughing smugly.

"Just relax you little slut...we are friends now." Fenke continues his assault on her body and Jenny's struggles start to die as she loses the strength to keep fighting. She stares at the clock...only 3:30...she's all alone here.

The movie ends but the tape continues and another film immediately pops up...this one starts with an attractive blonde with huge fake tits undressing....Jenny can't believe she is going to have to watch a porno with this foul creature who is trying to get busy like a horny adolescent...

Jenny again tries to struggle and threatens to scream, but Fenke cooly secures her arms with one of his large paws. He then lifts her phone up to her mouth and starts to shove it into mouth, jamming it into her lips and against her teeth until she finally opens and allows him to ******* her. Gradually she relinquishes the fight and allows him to slide the object in and out.

Seeing the fight go out of her, he leaves the phone in her mouth and resumes his attentions on the rest of her.

His pudgy sausage fingers roughly pull open the remaining buttons on her blouse exposing her perfect tanned round tits threatening to break loose from the shear lacy white bra as her chest heaved with each breath.

Confused and flustered, the beautiful faithful blonde wife was unaware that she was now sucking on the phone of her own volition as Fenke's hands now pawed her tits. However, she became acutely aware of the power beneath her as the mountainous growing bulge beneath her rubbed her ass and made her squirm.

She hoped in vain that the grotesquely flabby man would be content with getting to second base as she felt his hands struggle to unbutton her small white shorts. After a minute of fighting with the zipper, Fenke reaches down and simply tears the thin shorts and rips them off of her as if it were a sheet of paper.

She could now feel his obscenely large bulge rubbing against her pussy lips through his sweatpants which were clearly stained with urine over his crotch.

As he continued to paw her succulent tits, she unknowingly started to move instinctively over his crotch until she was lewdly grinding her pussy into him. Seeing his victory, the fat man wasted no time in snaking his claw under the front of her lacy thong.

"oh, yea, you slut.," Fenke chuckled, "your bald pussy is gettin' wet for're such a whore."

'Can I possibly be aroused by this foul creature???', the blond wife wondered in disgust before Fenke began to plunge his thick fingers deep into her sex, banishing all thoughts in her head.

He fingered her roughly as Jenny moaned around the metal and plastic still between her lips. Fenke removes the phone and quickly stuffs his pussy-juice soaked fingers deep in her mouth while working her clit with his other paw.

Jenny's eyes suddenly lock onto the face of the busty blond on the TV screen as she sucks a large cock and she realizes that her situation is just as hopeless.

As Fenke rolls her clit between his large fingers she finds herself writhing on his hand and now participating in the ********* of her mouth by sucking on his fingers as they work their way all the way to the back of her mouth, tempting to ********* her.

Reveling in his victory, Fenke feels the young wife start to shake and suddenly moans around his hand. "MMMMMmmmm" she spits out his hand," NOO, I'm commminggg!, MMMMmmmmmmmnn!!!!"

Exhausted she falls back on his chest, not realizing that now her face his dangerously close to his. Suddenly she tastes the putrid tongue of Raymond Fenke as it struggles to taste every inch of her mouth. Fenke continues to make out with the young wife as his hands return to her perfect tits.

"Rayy...mmph...ray...mmphh, please, ray.....", Jenny pleads between smacks from his crusting lips, "haven't I made up ..mmph, for everything? Mmphh...can I go now, Ray?"

"you better ask me nicer, you filthy slut!", Fenke now commands, fully relishing his upper hand. "call me Daddy Fenke, hahaha"

"Plleeaseee Daddy Fenke...mmph,....can I go??" She squeels.

"Ok...first get on your knees and beg like the whore you are"

Jenny gets up on wabbly legs and lowers herself between his large thighs. Little does she know, this brings her face to face with his huge tool, tenting his urine-stained pants...her eyes are glued, she remains speechless.

Fenke grabs her thin wrist and places her hand on his bulge. "Take it out you slut, wife", coldly Fenke commands. With glossy eyes, jenny pulls down the sweatpants over his huge fat ass, releasing a strong foul musk. She continues to his *********** underwear, her hands touching his sweaty hairy ass as she struggles to pull them down to his ankles.

Without asking, jenny reaches out and grabs his firm manhood with her small hand...suddenly she feels as if she is the ***** here.

Her eyes now adjusted to the dim lighting, she sees the most disgusting cock -- covered with veins and lined with verrocous warts. Worse yet was the foul smell that reminded her of a public restroom...but nevertheless, she found her small hand working its way up and down, amazed by how hard it was on such a flabby man....and how BIG it was

'..i'm's huge...maybe Alan is the *****'

The obese man, stands up, his huge cock now resting on her nose, bobbing up and down her face, painting it with his precum. "you want to suck it don't you, you cheating slut?", Fenke chuckles.

Unsure to this day why she responded as she did, Jenny stares up at her fat neighbor and whisper, "Yes please, Daddy Fenke." Before she can take back her answer, the head of the beast penetrates her lips, the smell and putrid taste nearly making her gag.

"Not yet, my blond barby'll ***** soon enough," Fenke mocked.

Sensing her reluctance return, he moves his cock back into her mouth as she starts to open her mouth to talk and starts rocking back in forth. Suddenly he plunges deeper, tickling her throat with the tip of his monster cock, and as she tries to move back he holds her head in place, ******* her to deepthroat him.

She urgently yanks her head back, partly because she couldn't breath but more out of horror of what was happening. She inhaled deeply, but instead of sweet air she inhaled the pungent aroma from his cock deeper into her lungs and tasted every bit of him deep in her throat.


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She looked up into his cold eyes, down to his weak chin housed by his open laughing mouth which was showering her with drops of foul spit. Her gaze continuing over his hairy chest down to his fat ass stomach defined only by his impossibly deep umbilicus, his fat hanging well over wherever his waistline should be (did he ever clean underneath? does he ever see his pe.n...i...)

Her thoughts ended abruptly as she tracked the thick angry cock pointing straight at her face. (oh yes, there it is, I cant believe this is happening). Purple veins coursing along its entire length, covered in her thick saliva with strands dripping down to her chest.

"suck it sa'more ya dumb bitch" he snickered as ran his cock all over her face, painting her.

He gathered up the respectful wife's hair in his hands and plunged his cock straight through her lips into her throat. She couldn't believe what was happening but didn't know what to do to make it end. He guided her up and down his massive pole in a slow steady rhythm each time filling her throat until she was making gagging sounds then gliding back out until his putrid mushroom head was flesh with her full lips. His cock was growing harder by the minute as the building saliva was making gurgling and smacking sounds with each ********* of her face.

At one point he yanks her head back and commands her to keep her mouth open as he lets a train of saliva drip from his tongue through her lips.

He held her head in place while fucking her face rhythmically, but not too fast ...he was going to take his time to really enjoy this.

Soon the blond wife was bobbing up and down on his cock without coaxing, losing herself in the lewd act, occasionally spitting on his cock while staring mesmerized.

Even Fenke was surprised when the wife reaches around undoes her bra, giving Fenke full access to her bare tits as saliva continues to drip off of her cock and down to her nipples.

"how big're ya my sexy slut?" Fenke stared in wonder

"ghmmph,...I'm...slrrrp... 32 C....mpph", she responded over his cock, never letting it slip from her mouth.

It's Fenke's turn to be speechless as he throws his head back in pure pleasure...

A sexy blond wife on her knees in front of him, deepthroating his cock as her wet tits bob up and down... his hidden camcorder tapes the whole thing...


Alan Chambers felt triumphant on his ritual drive home today, reveling in his productive day at work. Again he pulled the corolla into the garage, but when he went to open the door into the house, it was uncharacteristically locked.

That's when he again noticed the space where his lawnmower should be, but this time instead set-up was a card table holding an old TV and VCR. A tape sat on the table labeled, "play me."

Obediently, he started the tape and in seconds, the nightmare returned...

There on the screen was his beautiful blond wife with the man he most loathed...and as her sexy lips slid up and down his pole, he knew this wasn't ****. He couldn't turn his eyes away as his wife kept her mouth open for Raymond Fenke as he shot horse loads of cum into her mouth, coating her face, hair, and tits....nor could he look away as she bent her head under his cock to catch a remaining strand of jizz.

He stared blankly as she stood and slid her lacy thong down her thighs and climbed aboard the blob of a man, guiding his monster cock into her wet pussy...

Mercifully the tape stopped and snow filled the screen. A confused and defeated man, he opened the door to his house and made his way to the living room....

...he stopped at the entrance to the room where he saw a naked Raymond Fenke on his couch. His wife wearing her sexiest thong and highest heels, make-up done up like a whore, her huge tits fully exposed. He watched as she crawled over to where he sat and struggled to swallow as much of his cock as she could, coating his putrid cock with her saliva mixed with lipstick, her eyes watering with the struggle causing mascara to run down her cheeks. at one time he held her arms above her head so he could fuck her face while she knelt helpless.

...he watched as she slid her thong down her perfect legs and climbed onto his wide hairy lap. He stuck his thick tongue out at her and she began sucking on it like a baby. In horror, Alan watched the fat man penetrate her ass with his finger while they made out. He removed his finger and lifted her onto his cock...slowly penetrating her asshole as she whined..."oh...ooohh, please be gentle, Daddy Fenke..."

They fucked for what seemed hours as the blond slut whined. Alan's ears burned with the sounds of his huge cock plunging her hole mixed with her pleads for more over multiple orgasms, in between the sounds of their kissing.

Fenke threw the blond off of him and onto her knees where again he painted her face with his foul cum. Obediently, Jenny cleaned off his cock, even deepthroating him several times, unable to hide the look of lust on her face.

Fenke suddenly turns the blond wife's face toward the entrance, cock still deep in her throat until her eyes connect with the vacant look of her husband.

"you know what Alan, sorry for not asking but I borrowed your wife...hope she's not broken too."


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Blackmail Diary

Thursday 17th November

A couple of months ago I witnessed a truly shocking incident. Since it happened, it has played over and over in my mind a thousand times.

Before explaining any further, let me tell you a little bit about myself. I'm currently in what will be my final year of secondary school, after which I will, hopefully, be going off to university. I live at home with parents, which at times can be frustrating, but most of my friends have it a lot worse. As well as being in full-time education, I keep myself busy with a couple of part-time jobs, neither of which are particularly interesting, so I won't bore you with the details. I have a good circle of friends, I play a lot of sport, I like music, films, ********, the occasional joint. I'd like to think I'm a fairly typical 18-year-old.

My love life has been a bit crazy lately. I recently broke up with my girlfriend of two-years after she found out I'd been cheating on her. It was a nasty break-up. Her friends had heard various rumours about me playing the field, most of which, I'll admit, had some substance, and had confronted her with the gruesome details. For days I tried to talk my way out of it, using every clichéd excuse I could muster.

It was the final night of the break-up when I witnessed the aforementioned incident. I had been at my girlfriend's house, pleading with her to let me in, so we could talk. I was having little luck. When a box of my belongings landed on my head via her bedroom window I realised that the time had come to accept defeat. I got in my car and headed home.

The route took me down a number of narrow country lanes. I was very emotional, too emotional to drive. I pulled over and let it all out.

I must have been sat there, in the darkness, for a good hour sobbing away like a little girl, when suddenly, from nowhere, a man walked passed my window. I was so startled that I nearly jumped out of my skin when I saw him. This was a narrow country lane, in the dead of night, there was no foot-path to speak of, and all of a sudden there was a strange man just a few feet away. It soon became clear that he was very *****, he was stumbling from side-to-side and didn't even acknowledge my presence. I shook my head in disbelief and decided it was time to pull myself together. I looked down to the ignition as I turned the key, my eyes can't have left the man for more than a second when I heard a terrifying screech. As I looked back up I saw another car's headlights, and the man was flying through the air. My jaw dropped.

As I'm sure most people could appreciate, this was already one of the most surreal moments of my life. But things were about to get a whole lot stranger. A woman jumped out the car, she was panicked, and sobbing hysterically.

'Oh my god,' she kept repeating over and over.

She looked down at the man and then over towards me. I couldn't believe my eyes. I knew her! It was my English teacher Miss Truman. She started backing away slowly towards her car. She's going to run, I thought to myself, she's leaving him.

I reached for my phone and dialled 999, as her car sped off into the distance. I was given a few instructions, and assured that an ambulance would arrive shortly. One did, along with the police.

In the time I was waiting a lot of thoughts went through my head. The first being that there was no possibility that Miss Truman had recognised me. It was dark, my headlights were on, she couldn't have seen into the car. And if she had realised it was me, she would have never run. It would make no sense.

I knew I was going to be questioned at some length by the police, and I knew that I had a big decision to make. Do I tell them everything? Do I end the career of this woman? Possibly send her to prison?

I didn't get on well with many teachers at my school, but I had always liked her. She was very attractive, early 30s, long dark blond, and a figure that had been longingly admired by my friends and me throughout our time at the school.

I told the police I was parked in the lay-by. I told them I'd had an argument with my girlfriend earlier that evening. I told them I'd been crying. I told them the man came stumbling along from nowhere. I told them the other car had hit him from nowhere. And I told them the driver raced off, immediately after the collision.

'They didn't get out the car?' they asked.

'No,' I replied.

'Did you get a look at the driver?' they asked.

'No,' I replied.

'Did you see if they were male or female?' they asked.

'No,' I replied.

'Black or white?' they asked.

'No,' I replied.

'Did you see what make of car it was?' they asked.

'No' I replied.

They took a few more details, and sent me on my way.

I told no one about the accident. Not my parents, not my closest friends, not a single person.

A few days later there was a small story in the local paper. 'Homeless Man Injured In Hit And Run,' the headline read. According to the report, the man had fractured his skull, broken his leg and some ribs, but was in a stable condition. 'No arrests have been made,' the story confirmed.

For the entire week following the accident Miss Truman was absent from school. A succession of cover teachers took her place, offering no explanation for her absence. When she did return she looked pale and washed-out. Her lessons lacked coherence, she was clearly distracted. It was odd knowing that I was quite probably the only person who knew the route of her troubles.

As the weeks have gone by she has gradually returned to her former self. I find it frustrating that she doesn't know how much I have helped her, and has no knowledge of the risk I took. I feel I'm owed a significant debt. And it's time for payment.

Today I got to school before 7.30, knowing there would be few teachers around at that time. Cautiously, I crept into her classroom, making sure I wasn't seen. On her desk, I left a sealed white envelope, addressed to 'Miss Truman'.

A short note within read, 'Dear Miss T, I know your secret. It's time we talked. Text me.' My phone number was at the foot of the page.

Judging by her distracted demeanour in a lesson of hers I attended a few hours later, I am confident that she both received and read the letter.

However, midnight is now fast approaching, and I've not had any contact from her.

This wasn't unexpected. Tomorrow is another day.

Friday 18th November

Today began in much the same way as yesterday had. I arrived at school early and found my way to Miss Truman's classroom. Today, however, I decided not to extend the courtesy of a private note.

I took a black marker, and it foot-high letters on the whiteboard I wrote: 'Tut, tut, tut. You're a very bad girl. You can't run from everything you know. Text me. This is the last time I am going to ask.'

I didn't have a lesson with her today, but I did see her eating in the canteen at lunch time. She was deep in conversation with another teacher, making it difficult to gage the effect my message had made.

Just after 6pm, my phone beeped. A new message, from an unknown number. I felt nervous as a tapped to open it.

'Who is this?' it read.

'Is this Miss T?' I replied.

'Yes, who is this?'

'I'm a pupil of yours.'

'What's your name?'

'I can't tell you that. Did you get my note?'

'Yes, I got both your notes. I have no idea what you're talking about. Stop this right now and I'll take it no further.'

'You have no idea why you're a bad girl?'

'I'm warning you! This stops now!'

'Or what?'

'I'll report you.'

'Go ahead. I'll happily tell anyone who wants to listen all about your little accident.'

'I honestly have no idea what you are on about! Leave me alone!'

'Really? That wasn't you driving away from that poor man that night?'

I waited ten minutes, but there was no further reply.

'If you're not going to talk to me I'm sure the police will,' I provoked.

'I honestly don't know what you're talking about,' she replied.

'If you tell me that one more time I'm going straight to the police. Understand?'

Again, there was no reply.

'Hello?' I prompted.

'What do you want from me?' she responded.

'A thank you would be nice for a start.'

'Were you in the other car?'

'Yes, that was me.'

'Why didn't you tell the police it was me?'

'It wasn't your fault. He shouldn't have been there. Maybe you shouldn't have run away, but I guess you probably panicked. A lot of people would in that situation.'

'Thank you.'

'How are you feeling about it all now?'

'I'm okay. Still a bit shaken-up. The main thing is that the man is okay.'

'Have you told anyone else what happened?'

'No, I haven't. Have you?'

'No, and I have no intention of doing so. I really just wanted to let you know that I knew. If you ever want to talk about things let me know.'

'Thank you, that's very kind.'

'Have a good weekend.'



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Monday 21st November

I had a lesson with her this afternoon. She was focused, bright, at times almost bubbly. There was no indication that she had been burdened by me having contacted her. Maybe she really believed that all I wanted was to offer her a shoulder to cry on.

If she was holding that opinion, there is little doubt that will have changed dramatically this evening.

'How are you?' I texted her around 9pm.

'I'm okay thank you,' she replied, an hour later.

'Did you have a good weekend?'

'Yes, thank you.'

I prepared myself for an angry reaction to my next question.

'Have you got a boyfriend?' I asked.

'Don't ask me questions like that. I appreciate what you've done for me, but I'm not answering those sort of personal questions.'

This was a do or die moment. I was quite nervous. A voice inside my head was telling me to leave it, to walk away. But there was another voice shouting louder, convincing me that this was a once in a lifetime opportunity, and now was the time to take it.

'You'll answer whatever fucking question I ask you! Have you got a boyfriend?'

'I can't answer that. I'm your teacher!'

'If you don't answer me you won't be a teacher much longer. You decide. Are you more likely to get in trouble answering my questions or not answering them?'

'I haven't got a boyfriend.'

'Good. When did you last have sex? And don't make me ask twice!'

'About six months ago.'

'Who with?'

'My boyfriend at the time.'

I left the conversation there, with a final message that read 'That wasn't so hard was it.'

Tuesday 22nd November

Miss Truman was not in school today. I was a little concerned. What if she turns herself in? What then for me?

I shook off my worries, she would be a fool to confess to everything at this stage.

'Why aren't you at school?' I asked her at lunchtime.

'I didn't feel up to it. I've got a lot on my mind. Mainly because of you!'

'Because of me?' I replied, in disbelief.

'Yes, you're scaring me.'

'You have nothing to worry about. Do as I say and no one will ever find out about what you did.'

I had to work tonight. It was nearly midnight by the time I arrived home.

'Are you still awake?' I texted.

'Yes' she responded.

'Are you going to be in school tomorrow?'


'Good. I'm going to ask you some questions now. Okay?'

'What sort of questions?'

'The sort you won't want to answer. But you're going to. Understand?'


'How many men have you been with?'

I waited over an hour for a reply. Just as I had given up hope of one coming my phone beeped.

'Five' the message read.

'And how many woman?' I replied, hopefully.

'None' came her expected, but still disappointing, response.

'Do you like sucking cock?'


'Do you like having your pussy licked?'


I am delighted with myself. She may not have appreciated it at the time, but she has now given me an extra layer of collateral. It would have been difficult for me to come forward about the accident at this stage. Had I done so, I would have had a lot of questions to answer myself. I withheld information from the police; not to mention the fact that I have been blackmailing a school teacher. Now though I have a far more feasible weapon at my disposal. Two text messages, sent within minutes of each other. The first from my phone asking if she enjoyed cunnilingus; the second from hers with a tentative reply. I could, in theory, take these messages to a number of sources, my parents, my older sister, another teacher, and tell them that I am uncomfortable with the relationship I'm having with this teacher. If I did this, what could she possibly do? She couldn't tell anyone I was blackmailing her, they would ask how and what with. Her only feasible option would be to resign, in the full knowledge she would never be allowed to teach again.

My final message of the evening detailed the above theory. Miss Truman made no reply.

Wednesday 23rd November

I had no lesson with Truman today, but I did see her on a few occasions. She didn't look too good. She was very pale and wore no make-up.

'You look ill' I texted her, as I climbed into my car at the end of the school day.

'I didn't get much *****' she replied.

It was time, I decided on the drive home, to set her a little assignment. Nothing too challenging, just something to ease her into the game.

'Do you ever watch porn?' I asked.

'No' came her predicted response.

'Later tonight I'm going to send you a link to a porn clip. You're going to watch it. All of it. Understand?'


Later in the evening I sent a link to what is a fairly typical porn clip. It features a well known female pornstar with two men.

'Have you watched it yet?' I asked, shortly after having sent it.

'I'm not at home at the moment.'

'Where are you?'

'At a friend's house.'

'Let me know when you're back.'

I waited a couple of hours, and then started to grow inpatient.

'Are you home yet?' I asked.

'Yes' she replied.

'I told you to let me know when you were back!'

'Sorry, I've only just got in.'

'Have you looked at the link I sent you?'


'Tell me what happens in it then.'

'A dark haired woman has sex with two men.'

'How does it end?'

'They ejaculate on her breasts.'

'Did you enjoy it?'


'Oh well, I'll have to send you something a bit more interesting next time then.'



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Thursday 24th November

I think I'm getting a bit obsessed by this situation. All day long I've been thinking about her, last night I dreamt about her. This afternoon Josie, my ex, sent me a text message saying that she was missing me, and having second thoughts about the breakup. A couple of weeks ago I would have done anything imaginable to get this girl back in my life; today, it just seemed irrelevant. I didn't even reply to her message.

'Where are you?' I texted Truman, at half six this evening.

'At home' she replied.

'I want a picture' I told her.

'A picture of what?'

'You. Your face.'

'Why? You know what I look like.'

'Just do it. Now!'

A picture arrived shortly after. Her miserable expression, coupled with the fact she wore no make-up, made her look almost unattractive.

'Why do you look so unhappy? And why aren't you wearing any make-up?' I questioned.

'Because I'm not happy, because you won't leave me alone.'

'Send me another picture. With make-up and a smile this time.'

She did as instructed, I was soon looking at the second picture, in which she now wore lipstick, a little eyeliner and an uncomfortable smile.

'Much better. You look pretty again now' I informed her, before asking if she was ready for some more porn.

She didn't reply but I forwarded a link. The video I directed her to features one of my favourite pornographic niches, bukkake. The word alone makes me hard.

'I've watched it' she replied, a short while later.

'Tell me what happens in it.'

'A lot of men, ejaculate over a girl.'

'I don't like the word 'ejaculate'. It's too formal. Tell me again what happens.'

'What word do you want me to use in its place?'

'Use your imagination.'

'A lot of men cum all over a girl.'

'Did you enjoy?'

'No I didn't.'

'How does it end?'

'The girl swallows it all.'

'Do you swallow?'

'No. Can I go to bed now please?'

I made no reply.

Friday 25th November

Today was very busy. I had a full timetable at school, five very long lessons - none of which were taken by my favourite teacher - followed by an incredibly boring three-hour shift at work. Once that was done, I went home, had a quick shower and headed out for a few beers. It turned out to be a very good night.

I arrived home quite ***** but by no means paralytic, some time around 1am. I wasn't planning on contacting Truman, but as I climbed into my bed thought, why not give it a shot?

'Are you up?' I texted.

'Yes' she replied, almost instantly, to my surprise.

'What you doing?'

'Not much, just got back from my friend's house.'

'Is this friend male or female?'

'She's female.'

'What did you get up to?'

'Watched a film, drank some wine.'

'I want a picture.'


'Your tits.'

I was waiting for a hostile response, and, when my phone beeped its little beep a few minutes later, I assumed I would be reading one. But I wasn't. Instead I was looking at her beautiful naked tits.

'Nice' I responded, not wanting to fully convey how surprised I was at the ease of her compliance. 'Now send me one of your pussy' I followed.

Surely a protest is coming this time, I thought to myself. Again though, I was wrong. Her naked pussy was soon on full display on the screen of my mobile phone. Above it lay a patch of neatly trimmed dark hair.

'I don't like the hair. Get rid of it' I demanded.

'All of it?' she questioned.




After a relatively short wait, I was looking at an almost identical picture to the one I'd received previously, the only difference being my requested amendment.

'Very nice' I told her.

'Thank you' she replied.

She was thanking me now? This was all too much. I knew I needed to capitalise on her unexpected williness to follow my instructions, but the ******* was stifling my imagination.

'I'm going to send you some more porn' I informed her.

'Okay' she replied.

The clip I sent her the link to this time again centres on the art of bukkake. It stars two girls, one who catches the cum directly from its source and the other who has it spat at her via the mouth of the other.

'I've watched it' Truman confirmed, about ten minutes later.

'Did you enjoy?' I asked.

'It was okay' she replied, to my astonishment.

'Really? What did you like?' I probed further.

I was eagerly anticipating her next response. She liked it, I kept thinking to myself. She may have only said it was okay, but that was a giant leap from what I had expected. My excitement soon turned to frustration, as my phone remained painfully silent. I chased once, twice and even a third time, but there was nothing. I do not know if she fell asleep, or if she came to her senses.

As the clock ticked over to 3am, I decided to let go of my frustration and drifted off to *****.

Saturday 26th November

I woke early this morning with a moderate hangover and a raging hard-on. I needed her answer to my final question.

'Good morning' I texted.

Her reply was disappointing. It made it clear that she was less than comfortable with last night's events. 'This has got to stop! You need to leave me alone', it read.

'Are you forgetting something? You owe me' I responded.

'I'll give you money, anything. Just stop making me do things! Please!'

'I don't want your money.'

'Well that's all I can offer you. I can't do anymore of these things you've made me do. I won't.'

I made no reply. It was time for action. I spent the rest of the morning creating aliases on various social networking sites. I then posted the pictures she'd sent of her tits and pussy across a number of different groups and forums, one of which is directly related to our school. I included no description or explanation.


Posts: 165275 Pictures: 3 
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'I think you should look at these' I texted her, along with half a dozen links that led to intimate photographs.

'What the fuck are you doing!' she quickly came back.

'Do as I say and they will be removed before the end of the day. If you don't, I am going to start adding descriptions. This is your final warning.'

'Okay, I'll do anything just take them down.'

'First, I want an apology.'

'I'm sorry. I promise I won't argue again.'

'Good, but you still need to be punished.'

'What do you mean?'

'You are going to send me a video. And in this video you're going to slap yourself ten times. If the slaps aren't hard enough I'll make you do it again.'

'Slap myself where?'

'Your pussy.'

I was apprehensive. I knew that I had demanded a lot of her, and, if she didn't comply, I knew I would have a big decision to make.

The video was dark and grainy. The hand that held the camera was visibly shaking. But none of that mattered. I had the video, and I could see and hear everything I needed to. Truman was perched on the end of her bed, naked from the waist down. Her free hand left the shot and then returned quickly, planting itself on the perfectly bald pussy at the centre of the frame. The smack, was accompanied by a whimper and the faint mumble of 'fuck'. A couple of deep breaths followed, before her free hand settled a few inches in front of her cunt. After one final deep breath the hand began moving back and forth in rapid succession, smacking hard each time. After the tenth strike the screen went black.

'Good. If you ever argue with me again the punishment will be far worse. Understand?'


Monday 28th November

I was sat in the library this morning trying to study. All I could think of was Truman. I knew that contacting her at this time of day was somewhat futile, she was more than likely taking a lesson, but I couldn't help myself. 'Reply as soon as you get this' I sent her.

By the time she did reply, a couple of hours later, I was in a physics lesson. That wasn't going to hold me back though. I put my phone under my desk and began tapping away.

'Where are you?' I asked.

'I'm in the staff room' she responded.

'I want you to take a marker pen and go to the toilet. Text me you're sat in the cubicle.'

'I'm there' she confirmed, after a short wait.

'Good. Now write 'I love sucking cock' on the wall.'

The next message I received was a picture, displaying red graffiti against the faded blue of the partition wall.

'Now take your top off' I ordered.

'Done' she replied, within seconds.

'Write 'slut' across your tits.'

Another photo arrived, her beautiful tits, marked as I had instructed.

'I'm done with you. Go back to the staff room.' I told her.

This evening, I decided it was time to revisit Friday night, and see if I could dig deeper into her warmer-than-expected reaction to the second bukkake clip I'd sent. To do this I simply sent it again.

'That's the same video from before' she sent in response.

'I'm aware of that. Did you enjoy it this time?' I replied.

'No, I didn't enjoy it last time either. It's disgusting.'

'I don't believe you.'

'Believe what you like. Do you want anything else from me? I want an early night.'

I was disappointed, I had convinced myself she had enjoyed it. Perhaps I was wrong.

Tuesday 29th November

Today was a bad day. First my parents were on my case, for various reasons I won't go into. Then I was in trouble at school, for various reasons I won't go into. Josie then started hassling me, and her friends soon decided to join in too. Yes, I behaved terribly; yes, I'm an arsehole, but it's over. That was your fucking choice, now leave me the fuck alone! Finally I had work, which was as it always is, very long and very boring.

It was 9 o'clock, I was in my bedroom ******** a beer, sulking. I didn't plan on contacting Truman. I couldn't be bothered with anything that required even the slightest effort. I was going to finish my *****, have one more maybe, go to bed and forget that the day had ever happened.

My phone beeped. A new message from 'T-man'.

'Why the fuck are those pictures still online?' it read.

I gritted my teeth in anger as I typed, 'Who the fuck do you think you are speaking to me like that?'

'I'm sorry but you need to take those photos down. Please!'

I went to my computer and thumped away at the keyboard. Via my alias, I logged onto a popular social networking site. The picture I'd posted of her tits in our school group now had a handful of comments - 'Nice', 'WTF!', 'Who's this? lol' - along with a fifteen thumbs-up.

I added to the comments, 'Believe it or not this is a teacher of yours...'

I knew this was a risky move that could, if seen by the wrong person, lead to an investigation into the authenticity of the statement. But, in that moment, I did not give a fuck.

'You should look at this' I texted, along with a fresh link to the picture.

My phone started ringing, 'T-man' flashed across its screen.

Good, I thought to myself, she's panicking.

I rejected the call and sent another message. 'I'm not going to speak to you, but I will punish you.'

'I'll do anything. Just take that comment off' she replied.

'I want pegs on each of your nipples for 30 seconds.'

A video arrived soon after, showing a close-up of her naked chest. A clothes peg was attached to each tit. She seemed to cope well with the pain, her breathing was controlled, and there was no whimpering to be heard. The video lasted a whole minute, with the pegs clamped to the nipples throughout. I was in no mood to offer her praise for having exceeded my expectations, in fact, I was looking for any fault I could find.

'Who said you could clean your chest?' I asked, referring to the instructions I'd given yesterday.

'Sorry' she replied.

Shortly after I was looking at a photo showing that she had not only re-annotated her tits, but she had also re-attached the pegs.

I was still reluctant to commend her, so instead I sent her instruction for tomorrow.

'In the morning you're going to dress in a skirt for school. No tights, no panties' I told her.

'Okay' she replied.



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Wednesday 30th November

I had a lesson with her this morning. She wore a light pink blouse and importantly, she had on a skirt. There were definitely no tights underneath the skirt, but, naturally, it was difficult to determine whether or not she was pantyless. At every given opportunity I would stare intently at her arse, to see if there was any hint of a panty-line; there wasn't.

It was my intention to demand photographic evidence to confirm all my instructions had been completed, but unfortunately the day ran away from evening.

This evening too, lacked for any real interaction. I sent her a message around six o'clock, asking if she was home. She replied to say she was having dinner with her friend.

I then went on an unscheduled outing to the pub, and didn't give her much thought.

Thursday 1st December

This morning I woke up to a text message from Josie that read 'I'm not going to school today. I'm home alone. And very horny.'

I ended up spending the whole day with her. I fucked her every way I could imagine, all the while wishing she was Truman.

After I was done fucking her I was ready to leave, ready to walk out and prove I am the arsehole her friends keep telling her to stay away from. But she gave me those puppy dog eyes, and before I knew it we were sharing a starting platter at the local Chinese restaurant.

I got home late, and confused. I was in no mood to contact Truman.

Friday 2nd December

Today was another hectic Friday. Before I'd even left the house this morning I'd had one friend calling me about a game of football after school, and another trying to arrange this evening's ******** venues. I also had a string of texts from Josie, which were swiftly ignored.

With a full day at school, and a shift at work, on top of the plans I'd been making, I resigned myself to this being the third successive day that would see minimal contact between Truman and me.

I was very wrong. At about eleven o'clock this evening, I was sat in the local pub with my friends, and I felt a vibration in my pocket. I assumed it would be Josie, so ignored it. Half an hour or so passed and I headed to the toilet to take a piss. There were two new messages on my phone. The first a text from Truman that read 'The writing is beginning to disappear'. The second was a picture of her tits still bearing now faded letters of the word slut.

'You better re-write it' I texted, hurriedly. In less than a minute, another photo arrived.

'Are you at home' I asked.

'Yes' she replied.

'Are you alone?'


I had now made my excuses and was walking home from the pub.

'Have you been ******** wine?' I quizzed.

'Yes I have' she answered.

'I want to see the empty bottle in your cunt.'

The next picture nearly brought on an eruption in my pants. It showed a dark red bottle with its entire neck buried in her hairless pussy.

'What now?' she asked, as I was still taking in the picture.

'Fuck yourself with it' I instructed.

I had to read to her next message a three or four times to convince myself I wasn't imagining it. 'Can I watch some porn while I fuck myself' it read.

I forwarded her a link to a favourite scene of mine. A man and woman in a toilet cubicle; he's rough with her, very rough. He slaps her face, spits in face, fucks her face, until she gags, and then pushes her head into to toilet bowl while he fucks her hard from behind.

I waited impatiently for her next reply. It came some fifteen minutes later, in the form of a video.

She was laying down on her bed, completely naked. Her knees were hitched up, the bottle was going in and out of her pussy. She moved the camera to show a laptop sitting on a bedside table; the clip I'd sent was playing. The camera returned to her, and the speed with which she fucked herself increased. 'Fuck,' she kept repeating, 'fuck, fuck, fuck.' She was going to cum. She began screaming in ecstasy and the screen went black.

'You came?' I enquired.

'Yes, I did' she confirmed.

'Did I say you could cum?'

'No, I'm sorry. I couldn't help myself.'

'You need to be punished.'


I was so turned on that my hand was now shaking.

'Suck the bottle clean.' I ordered.

Minutes later I was watching her running her tongue along the bottle's neck. The visible marks that she had left earlier were disappearing as she circled the glass. She looked into the camera and smiled, then took the bottle neck into her mouth. She worked it back and forth, slowly at first, and then with more pace. I wished more than I'd ever wished for anything that I could be that bottle. Soon it was moving so fast that she started to gag. This didn't deter her though, she pushed the bottle further down her throat, and held it there. She went without a breath for at least half a minute before pulling the bottle free.With mascara running down her cheeks, she swallowed hard and took a deep breath of air. Finally, she turned to the camera, smiled again, and the video ended.

It was all too much for me; I now had a mess of my own mess to clean up.


Posts: 165275 Pictures: 3 
Up to the first message Down to the last message
Saturday 26th November

I woke early this morning with a moderate hangover and a raging hard-on. I needed her answer to my final question.

'Good morning' I texted.

Her reply was disappointing. It made it clear that she was less than comfortable with last night's events. 'This has got to stop! You need to leave me alone', it read.

'Are you forgetting something? You owe me' I responded.

'I'll give you money, anything. Just stop making me do things! Please!'

'I don't want your money.'

'Well that's all I can offer you. I can't do anymore of these things you've made me do. I won't.'

I made no reply. It was time for action. I spent the rest of the morning creating aliases on various social networking sites. I then posted the pictures she'd sent of her tits and pussy across a number of different groups and forums, one of which is directly related to our school. I included no description or explanation.

'I think you should look at these' I texted her, along with half a dozen links that led to intimate photographs.

'What the fuck are you doing!' she quickly came back.

'Do as I say and they will be removed before the end of the day. If you don't, I am going to start adding descriptions. This is your final warning.'

'Okay, I'll do anything just take them down.'

'First, I want an apology.'

'I'm sorry. I promise I won't argue again.'

'Good, but you still need to be punished.'

'What do you mean?'

'You are going to send me a video. And in this video you're going to slap yourself ten times. If the slaps aren't hard enough I'll make you do it again.'

'Slap myself where?'

'Your pussy.'

I was apprehensive. I knew that I had demanded a lot of her, and, if she didn't comply, I knew I would have a big decision to make.

The video was dark and grainy. The hand that held the camera was visibly shaking. But none of that mattered. I had the video, and I could see and hear everything I needed to. Truman was perched on the end of her bed, naked from the waist down. Her free hand left the shot and then returned quickly, planting itself on the perfectly bald pussy at the centre of the frame. The smack, was accompanied by a whimper and the faint mumble of 'fuck'. A couple of deep breaths followed, before her free hand settled a few inches in front of her cunt. After one final deep breath the hand began moving back and forth in rapid succession, smacking hard each time. After the tenth strike the screen went black.

'Good. If you ever argue with me again the punishment will be far worse. Understand?'


Monday 28th November

I was sat in the library this morning trying to study. All I could think of was Truman. I knew that contacting her at this time of day was somewhat futile, she was more than likely taking a lesson, but I couldn't help myself. 'Reply as soon as you get this' I sent her.

By the time she did reply, a couple of hours later, I was in a physics lesson. That wasn't going to hold me back though. I put my phone under my desk and began tapping away.

'Where are you?' I asked.

'I'm in the staff room' she responded.

'I want you to take a marker pen and go to the toilet. Text me you're sat in the cubicle.'

'I'm there' she confirmed, after a short wait.

'Good. Now write 'I love sucking cock' on the wall.'

The next message I received was a picture, displaying red graffiti against the faded blue of the partition wall.

'Now take your top off' I ordered.

'Done' she replied, within seconds.

'Write 'slut' across your tits.'

Another photo arrived, her beautiful tits, marked as I had instructed.

'I'm done with you. Go back to the staff room.' I told her.

This evening, I decided it was time to revisit Friday night, and see if I could dig deeper into her warmer-than-expected reaction to the second bukkake clip I'd sent. To do this I simply sent it again.

'That's the same video from before' she sent in response.

'I'm aware of that. Did you enjoy it this time?' I replied.

'No, I didn't enjoy it last time either. It's disgusting.'

'I don't believe you.'

'Believe what you like. Do you want anything else from me? I want an early night.'

I was disappointed, I had convinced myself she had enjoyed it. Perhaps I was wrong.

Tuesday 29th November

Today was a bad day. First my parents were on my case, for various reasons I won't go into. Then I was in trouble at school, for various reasons I won't go into. Josie then started hassling me, and her friends soon decided to join in too. Yes, I behaved terribly; yes, I'm an arsehole, but it's over. That was your fucking choice, now leave me the fuck alone! Finally I had work, which was as it always is, very long and very boring.

It was 9 o'clock, I was in my bedroom ******** a beer, sulking. I didn't plan on contacting Truman. I couldn't be bothered with anything that required even the slightest effort. I was going to finish my *****, have one more maybe, go to bed and forget that the day had ever happened.

My phone beeped. A new message from 'T-man'.

'Why the fuck are those pictures still online?' it read.

I gritted my teeth in anger as I typed, 'Who the fuck do you think you are speaking to me like that?'

'I'm sorry but you need to take those photos down. Please!'

I went to my computer and thumped away at the keyboard. Via my alias, I logged onto a popular social networking site. The picture I'd posted of her tits in our school group now had a handful of comments - 'Nice', 'WTF!', 'Who's this? lol' - along with a fifteen thumbs-up.

I added to the comments, 'Believe it or not this is a teacher of yours...'

I knew this was a risky move that could, if seen by the wrong person, lead to an investigation into the authenticity of the statement. But, in that moment, I did not give a fuck.

'You should look at this' I texted, along with a fresh link to the picture.

My phone started ringing, 'T-man' flashed across its screen.

Good, I thought to myself, she's panicking.

I rejected the call and sent another message. 'I'm not going to speak to you, but I will punish you.'

'I'll do anything. Just take that comment off' she replied.

'I want pegs on each of your nipples for 30 seconds.'

A video arrived soon after, showing a close-up of her naked chest. A clothes peg was attached to each tit. She seemed to cope well with the pain, her breathing was controlled, and there was no whimpering to be heard. The video lasted a whole minute, with the pegs clamped to the nipples throughout. I was in no mood to offer her praise for having exceeded my expectations, in fact, I was looking for any fault I could find.

'Who said you could clean your chest?' I asked, referring to the instructions I'd given yesterday.

'Sorry' she replied.

Shortly after I was looking at a photo showing that she had not only re-annotated her tits, but she had also re-attached the pegs.

I was still reluctant to commend her, so instead I sent her instruction for tomorrow.

'In the morning you're going to dres in a skirt for school. No tights, no panties' I told her.

'Okay' she replied.

Wednesday 30th November

I had a lesson with her this morning. She wore a light pink blouse and importantly, she had on a skirt. There were definitely no tights underneath the skirt, but, naturally, it was difficult to determine whether or not she was pantyless. At every given opportunity I would stare intently at her arse, to see if there was any hint of a panty-line; there wasn't.

It was my intention to demand photographic evidence to confirm all my instructions had been completed, but unfortunately the day ran away from evening.

This evening too, lacked for any real interaction. I sent her a message around six o'clock, asking if she was home. She replied to say she was having dinner with her friend.

I then went on an unscheduled outing to the pub, and didn't give her much thought.

Thursday 1st December

This morning I woke up to a text message from Josie that read 'I'm not going to school today. I'm home alone. And very horny.'

I ended up spending the whole day with her. I fucked her every way I could imagine, all the while wishing she was Truman.

After I was done fucking her I was ready to leave, ready to walk out and prove I am the arsehole her friends keep telling her to stay away from. But she gave me those puppy dog eyes, and before I knew it we were sharing a starting platter at the local Chinese restaurant.

I got home late, and confused. I was in no mood to contact Truman.

Friday 2nd December

Today was another hectic Friday. Before I'd even left the house this morning I'd had one friend calling me about a game of football after school, and another trying to arrange this evening's ******** venues. I also had a string of texts from Josie, which were swiftly ignored.

With a full day at school, and a shift at work, on top of the plans I'd been making, I resigned myself to this being the third successive day that would see minimal contact between Truman and me.

I was very wrong. At about eleven o'clock this evening, I was sat in the local pub with my friends, and I felt a vibration in my pocket. I assumed it would be Josie, so ignored it. Half an hour or so passed and I headed to the toilet to take a piss. There were two new messages on my phone. The first a text from Truman that read 'The writing is beginning to disappear'. The second was a picture of her tits still bearing now faded letters of the word slut.

'You better re-write it' I texted, hurriedly. In less than a minute, another photo arrived.

'Are you at home' I asked.

'Yes' she replied.

'Are you alone?'


I had now made my excuses and was walking home from the pub.

'Have you been ******** wine?' I quizzed.

'Yes I have' she answered.

'I want to see the empty bottle in your cunt.'

The next picture nearly brought on an eruption in my pants. It showed a dark red bottle with its entire neck buried in her hairless pussy.

'What now?' she asked, as I was still taking in the picture.

'Fuck yourself with it' I instructed.

I had to read to her next message a three or four times to convince myself I wasn't imagining it. 'Can I watch some porn while I fuck myself' it read.

I forwarded her a link to a favourite scene of mine. A man and woman in a toilet cubicle; he's rough with her, very rough. He slaps her face, spits in face, fucks her face, until she gags, and then pushes her head into to toilet bowl while he fucks her hard from behind.

I waited impatiently for her next reply. It came some fifteen minutes later, in the form of a video.

She was laying down on her bed, completely naked. Her knees were hitched up, the bottle was going in and out of her pussy. She moved the camera to show a laptop sitting on a bedside table; the clip I'd sent was playing. The camera returned to her, and the speed with which she fucked herself increased. 'Fuck,' she kept repeating, 'fuck, fuck, fuck.' She was going to cum. She began screaming in ecstasy and the screen went black.

'You came?' I enquired.

'Yes, I did' she confirmed.

'Did I say you could cum?'

'No, I'm sorry. I couldn't help myself.'

'You need to be punished.'


I was so turned on that my hand was now shaking.

'Suck the bottle clean.' I ordered.

Minutes later I was watching her running her tongue along the bottle's neck. The visible marks that she had left earlier were disappearing as she circled the glass. She looked into the camera and smiled, then took the bottle neck into her mouth. She worked it back and forth, slowly at first, and then with more pace. I wished more than I'd ever wished for anything that I could be that bottle. Soon it was moving so fast that she started to gag. This didn't deter her though, she pushed the bottle further down her throat, and held it there. She went without a breath for at least half a minute before pulling the bottle free.With mascara running down her cheeks, she swallowed hard and took a deep breath of air. Finally, she turned to the camera, smiled again, and the video ended.

It was all too much for me; I now had a mess of my own mess to clean up.



Posts: 165275 Pictures: 3 
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Saturday 3rd December

I knew I had delicate situation to handle. Last night's excitement was almost undoubtedly fueled by her ******* intake, and it was therefore highly likely that she would be regretting her actions.

I decided not to mention it, and instead set her a fairly simple task. I told her that, at some point over the weekend, I expect her to go a busy carpark and finger fuck herself.

She gave no reply, not even to confirm receipt, but I remain confident that during the course of tomorrow I will be watching her carry out my instruction.

Sunday 4th December

Around 1pm I was lazing on the sofa watching some crap on TV, when my phone beeped. I smiled, and retreated to my bedroom, knowing that I now had something far more interesting to be watching.

The car park was familiar, a retail park just the other side of town. She panned the camera around, showing that it was moderately active, with around a third of all the spaces occupied. The camera moved down, as she slid forward slightly in her seat and rolled up her skirt. She wore no underwear. Then came as very pleasant surprise, her free-hand left the shot and returned with a small pink dildo.

The toy headed straight for her pussy. As she began sliding it in and out, there were audible indications that she was aroused. She continued for a couple of minutes, the fuck-rate increasing, along with her moaning.

Suddenly she stopped. She moved the camera up and pointed it out the window, just a few yards away a woman was getting into her car. The video ended.

Monday 5th December

I had a lesson with Truman this morning. I couldn't help but stare at her for long periods, the whole time questioning if the weekend's events had been real. Had I really coaxed this beautiful, respectable woman into the performing of such debauch acts? Surely it was all just a figment of my imagination?

The longer I stared at her, the more I wanted her. Frustration was taking hold of me. I wanted to ***** her over her desk, to rip off her panties, to fuck her so hard that she'd scream and cry until her body couldn't take anymore. I wanted her mouth, her cunt, her breath. I wanted my cum on her and in her.

By the time I left the classroom my frustration was turning to anger.

'Where are you?' I asked her at lunchtime.

'I'm in the staff room,' she replied.

I was looking for any excuse to chastise her.

'Address me properly you fucking whore!' I insisted.

'Sorry Sir. I'm in the staff room Sir,' she corrected.

'Are you wearing panties today?'

'Yes Sir.'

'Did I say you could wear panties today?'

'No, sorry Sir.'

'Take them off.'

Within minutes I was looking at her black panties screwed up on the toilet floor.

'Have you ever been fucked up the arse?' I questioned.

'No Sir I haven't' came her reply.

'Why not?'

'I don't know Sir.'

'Have you ever fingered your arse?'

'No Sir.'

'Well what are you waiting for?'

The next photo showed her tight little arsehole engulfing the middle finger of her left hand.

'Does that feel good?' I asked.

'I'm not sure Sir' she replied.

This brief exchange had cooled my rage, but the frustration was still with me. After school I had a four-hour shift at work, during which I thought of little but Truman. More specifically, I thought of little but me fucking Truman. I walked through the logistics in my mind, and found nothing but obstacles. The crucial issue, I surmised, would be my loss of anonymity. Allowing her to discover my identity would be far too great a risk to take at this stage; it could end the game, or, worse, get me into some serious trouble. Accepting this, I questioned the feasibility of fucking her without revealing myself. A mask maybe? This seemed a little far fetched but I gave it some thought. I was actually on the verge of concluding it could work when I considered the legality. Yes, what I've been doing up to now is undoubtedly outside of the law, but fucking her, without full consent? That might be taking it a tad too far.

I left work defeated. On the drive home I reached for my phone and sent a text.

'I'm coming over to your house right now, and I am going to fuck you very hard' the message read.

Unfortunately, the recipient was Josie.

Tuesday 5th December

I woke up this morning, freezing cold, on the back seat of my car. Josie lay next to me, her head resting against. my shoulder.

We decided to take the day off school. Things were going great, it was if we'd never been apart. I started to remember how much she had meant to me, and regret having ever let her get away.

If something feels too good to be true it all too often is too good to be true. One of her friends phoned, asking why she wasn't in school. All her friends are ************ little bitches - who think far too much of themselves - but the girl who rang, Emily, is the worst of them. By the time their conversation had finished, Josie was in floods of tears, and questioning if I could really commit to her this time around. I did my best to assure her I would, but it wasn't good enough. We were soon in the midst of a heated argument, centred on my past infidelities.

It was early evening when I arrived home. I was full of anger and resentment; I needed to let off some steam.

'Where are you?' I asked Truman.

'I'm home Sir,' she replied, instantly.

'Send me a picture.'

'Of what Sir?'


I was soon looking at her naked tits, which still bore the word slut. It was a nice enough picture, but nothing exciting, nothing I hadn't seen before. I wanted something new, something different.

I decided to find out if she had a webcam. She confirmed there was one built into her laptop, but claimed she didn't know how to use it. I told her to set-up an account on a popular instant messaging service, and to download the corresponding application. I gave her the username for an alias I had created and a few minutes later I was accepting a new contact request from 'dfc7777'.

'Is that you?' I typed, my hands a little shakey.

'Yes, it is Sir' she replied.

I initiated a video call, safe in the knowledge that there was no camera attached to my own computer.

Truman sat on her bed, legs crossed looking down towards the camera. The room was dimly-lit. She wore what appeared to be pyjama bottoms and a hooded sweatshirt. Her hair was tied back.

She waved at the camera and then leaned forward to type.

'Do I not get to see you Sir?' she questioned.

'Of course not, you stupid slut,' I responded, 'I'm in a bad enough mood as it is without you asking me dumb questions.'

'Why are you in a bad mood Sir? Is it something I've done?'

'Take off your top' I ordered, ignoring her question.

She pulled the sweatshirt up over her head and threw it to one side, revealing a black bra underneath.

'Shall I take my bra off too Sir?' she asked.

'No,' I instructed, 'leave it on but take your tits out.'

She pulled both cups of the bra down and her tits fell free.

'Now smack one' I wrote.

Her left hand went up above her right tit and came back down with moderate *****.

'Harder' I demanded.

Again the hand went up and down, impacting twice as hard as her first attempt had.

'Harder!' I repeated.

This time the hand went high above her head and crashed down with such ***** that the camera rocked.

I still wanted more. 'Hit it harder you fucking cunt!' I demanded.

Her hand went higher and crashed back down, and then she repeated it, not just once, not even twice, but three times, each strike more vicious than the last. When she was done her tit had a fiery glow, her breathing was rapid and tears ran down her flushed cheeks.


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'Go and get your dildo' I ordered, consciously making no attempt to acknowledge her efforts.

She disappeared from the screen, and returned within seconds, dildo in hand.

'Suck it' I instructed.

With the base gripped tightly in her right hand she began moving it in and out of her mouth.

'Guess what you're going to do next' I typed.

'Fuck myself Sir?' she replied, breaking off her plastic fellatio.

'Yes. But not your pussy.'

'My arse Sir?'


'Now Sir?'


She nervously bit her lip, shuffled away from the camera and began sliding her pyjama bottoms down her legs; she wore no panties.

'What are you?' I asked.

She leaned forward again, to answer my question via her keyboard.

'No!' I stopped her, 'don't type it, say it!'

'I...I'm' she stuttered, quietly, 'I am a slut.'

'Louder!' I typed.

'I'm a slut' she repeated, still not loud enough.


'I am a fucking slut.'

'Louder! Tell your neighbours, you fucking whore!'

'I am slut,' she shouted, 'I'm a dirty fucking slut!'

'Good, now put that plastic cock in your fucking arsehole!'

She threw herself down on to the bed, lifted her bum and planted the toy in its target.

I sat back, cock in hand, to enjoy the show. It had an uncomfortable beginning. There were a chorus of distressed moans, accompanied by numerous profanities, as she cautiously moved the dildo in and out.

Within a couple of minutes she began to relax. The moans continued, but not all were quite so pained. The repeated outburst of 'fuck' seemed to have evolved from 'fuck, that hurts' to 'fuck, that actually feels okay.' Soon, it was more akin to 'fuck, that does feel good' and then 'fuck, that feels really good.' Her free hand was lightly caressing the inside of her thigh. She wanted to touch herself.

I was now pulling on my cock so hard I knew I had only seconds before there would be an explosion. I reached for a box of tissues, but then stopped. Why waste a perfectly good load of cum? I asked myself.

'Stop!' I wrote. She looked up at the screen as my message sounded its beep. 'That's enough for tonight,' I continued, 'I'm going to bed.'

That was a of course a brazen lie, there was no possibility of me ******** in my current state. I jumped in a cold shower, and thought through my plan for tomorrow.

Wednesday 7th December

7.30am, as usual, I was woken by my alarm. Today instead of reaching for the snooze button I found my phone and began tapping away, to put my plan into action. 'You can wear your panties to school today' I texted.

9.05am, sat in a maths lesson I initiated stage two of the plan. I sent her a message telling her that she was to go to a specific cubicle in the boy's toilets, where she would remove and hide the panties I had so graciously allowed her to wear.

10.28am, I was studying in the library, when I received confirmation from Truman. 'They are under the toilet brush holder Sir' her message read.

12.29pm, I took a lunchtime trip to the toilet, heading to a very specific cubicle. The panties were a dark blue cotton. I wrapped them around my cock, and began pumping away. I came quickly, my fat load soiling a large portion of the knickers. I then began wrapping them using toilet paper and a roll of sticky tape I had stashed in my bag. Once the parcel was back under the toilet brush where I had found it, and I was far away from the scene of the crime, I sent another message, telling Truman to retrieve it. She was given strict instructions not to unwrap the paper.

8pm, I arrived home from work, wolfed down some dinner and darted up the stairs to my bedroom, locking the door firmly behind me.

'Are you home?' I texted.

'Yes I am Sir.' she replied.

'Did you pickup the package?'

'Yes Sir I did.'

'Go to your webcam.'

Finally the real fun could begin. The scene was much the same as it had been yesterday evening , she sat on her bed, looking down on the camera. Tonight she wore a white t-shirt. By her side lay the crudely wrapped panty package, and her pink fuck-toy.

'Have you any idea what I'm about to make you do?' I asked, via the instant messenger.

'No Sir,' she typed in response, 'I don't.'

'Does that scare you?'

'A little Sir.'

'Does it excite you?'

'It does Sir.'

I took a deep breath to compose myself. 'Open your present' I instructed.

She picked up the parcel, her hands trembling, and began tearing away the tissue. Slowly, she pulled the panties free.

'Can you see what I've done to them?' I questioned.

'Yes Sir, you have cum on them.' Her breathing deepened, and her face flushed red.

'Take off your clothes,' I demanded.

She edged away from the camera and began to undress.

'Are you wet?' I asked as she threw her bra to the side of the bed. In reply she entered two fingers into her naked pussy and produced a substantial squelch.

'Pick up your toy,' I ordered next. 'Do you want to fuck yourself?' I followed.

'Yes,' she said outloud, 'I really want to.'

'You really want to what?'

'I really want to fuck myself, Sir.'

'You have my permission.'

She leaned back and planted her toy into her cunt. I watched for 3 or 4 minutes as the dildo brought her close to climax.

'Do you want to taste my cum?' I asked.

She continued fucking herself, and nodded her head. I wasn't able to finish typing my next instruction. It would have told her to stop what she was doing, to pick up the panties and to lightly run her tongue across the gusset. But before my fingers could even reach the keyboard, she had taken the panties and stuffed them in their entirety into her mouth. The speed with which she fucked herself increased. I could hear her sucking on the cum-stained underwear.

My hand found my cock, knowing that I didn't have long before she would be cumming, and the show would be over. Muffled screams soon escaped her panty-filled mouth, and she fell back onto the bed. My balls erupted.

As I watched her laying there, trying to regain her composure, with deep uncontrolled breaths, I made a big decision. Regardless of the obstacles and risk that may lay in my path, I will, in the near future be fucking this slut.

Thursday 8th December

I woke up this morning tingling with excitement. Over night I had thought through numerous plans that I truly believed would end with me fucking Miss Truman. They were risky and none of them were perfect, but I genuinely believed that more than one of could work.

Tonight I go bed heartbroken. A silly mistake has ended my hopes and ended the game.

I was sat in a lesson of hers today. The class was working quietly, when my phone started to ring aloud in my pocket. I always turn it off before a lesson, always. I reached quickly to reject the call. As I lifted it out my heart sank and my stomach turned.

The word 'slut' flashed across the screen.


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Thursday 22nd December

It's been two weeks since my last diary entry.

After leaving the classroom that day I drove straight home, and hid in my bedroom. I barely left it for a whole week. I didn't go to school, I didn't go to work, I didn't see my friends. I told my parents I was ill and, thankfully, they asked few questions.

When I did return to school a week later I went straight to my head of year and pleaded for permission to drop English. I was flatly refused.

When attending her lessons I now don't say a word, and I avoid eye-contact at all costs.

I've made no attempt to contact her, and have had no intention to. I've deleted her phone number, and, reluctantly, I also deleted all the pictures and videos she had sent me.

Today was the last day of the school term before the Christmas holidays. Most my friends were heading out for some ****** this evening, but I wasn't in the mood. Instead I went home and watched a couple of films.

Just after midnight, as I lay spread out across the sofa, my phone beeped.

The message was from an unknown number.

'Are you missing me?' it read.

'Who is this?' I replied quickly, not daring to hope.

'Have you forgotten me already?' came the next reply.

I sat up. My stomach fluttered.

'Is this Miss T?' I sent nervously.

'Yes Joe, this is Miss T.'

I took a deep breath.

'Have you missed me?' she asked again.

'Yes!' I replied.

'Well don't be a stranger. Speak to you soon x'

Friday 23rd December

I lay awake for hours last night wondering if I should continue the conversation. Her last message had been very final; she wanted to speak 'soon', not now. There were dozens of questions I wanted to ask, but I convinced myself that I shouldn't ask them. Not yet anyway.

Today I woke up with a plan: let her come to me.

That plan died a death at around 4pm.

'Why did you text me last night?' I asked.

'I don't know. I shouldn't have,' she replied.

I wanted to punch the wall.

'You must know!' I demanded.

A couple of hours past, in the absence her reply, I lost all discipline and bombarded her with messages.

'Don't fucking ignore me!'

'Send me a picture now!'

'I'm going to the police!'

The messages continued, on reflection, each one reads more pathetic and desperate than its predecessor.

Tuesday 3rd January

The Christmas break has been and gone, today was my first day back at school. And what a day it was.

I arrived around 9 o'clock. I had a maths lesson first thing, followed by English with Miss Truman - something I'd been dreading the entire holiday. Before my maths lesson I went to my locker to get some books. Waiting for me there was a present far greater than anything I had received over Christmas.

A large white envelope sat on top of my text books. In block capitals it was addressed to SIR. I threw it into my bag and made a beeline for the nearest toilet.

Inside there was a black thong, and a hand-written note.

'Dear Sir,

I am deeply sorry for the way I've behaved.

I will do anything to be your slut again. I know I must be punished.

Please take me back.

Your Slut'

My cock was so hard it hurt; my hand was shaking uncontrollably as shoved the panties into my pocket.

The maths lesson was a write-off. I didn't hear a word of what I was being taught.

Walking over to my English class I was excited, nervous and more than a little nauseous. I was confused when I entered the room, as were my classmates. All the tables had be rearranged, and were pushed to the wall. A single desk remained in the clearing.

'What's going on?' one of the girls asked Truman.

'We're doing a practice exam today' she explained, her cheeks bright red, 'all the desks have name tags. Can you find your seats as quickly as possible please?'

There were numerous protests from the other members of class. Some claiming it was unjust for us to have an exam sprung upon us without prior knowledge. Others questioned why the exam required the seating alterations. She fended off the revolt and everyone started to take their seats. I looked for mine.

'I can't find my seat Miss,' I explained.

'I must have forgotten you,' she said, casually looking round the room, 'just sit there'.

She pointed to the desk in front of hers. The one desk that could see hers during today's lesson.

I sat down and tried to make eye contact, but she was very deliberately avoiding it.

Ten minutes passed. My eyes hadn't left her, but she remained focused on the paperwork in front of her. When she did look up she still resisted my gaze. I was beginning to grow frustrated, when her hand moved to her chest. My initial assumption was that she was relieving an itch. A button on her blouse popped open. And then another. And another.

I could now see a black bra beneath the blouse. Peeking up from below it were three lines drawn in red marker pen, which I knew formed part of the word 'slut'.

My eyes were drawn to movement under her desk. She slowly began to spread her legs. I shook my head in disbelief, as her bald cunt came into view.

I looked back up and finally made eye contact. She smiled, bit her lip and pulled her phone out from under some books on her desk. I returned the smile, and reached quickly for my phone.

'You filthy whore,' I texted.

'Are you hard?' she replied.

I looked up and nodded.

'Are you wet?' I asked. She echoed my nod.

An idea sprang into my head from no where.

'I want you to pick a girl in this room,' I instructed.

'Any girl?' she wrote back with a confused frown.

'The one you think is the prettiest.'

I surveyed the room myself for a moment. It was an easy decision to make. Josie's friend Emily was sat directly to her left. I hate this girl, but she is truly stunning. Golden blond curls, perfect tits, perfect arse and a smidgen of puppy fat, that enhances rather that detracts from her appeal.

Truman didn't disappoint, 'I'd say Emily,' she replied, still looking a little baffled.

'Okay. Here's what I want,' I started to explain, 'It's a Friday night. You've put the little whore in detention. The whole school has emptied. Just the two of you remain. I want you to tell me what happens.'

She smiled and started tapping away at her phone.

'She comes into my classroom,' she began, 'I tell her to sit down and give her some work to complete.

'She does as she is told to begin with, and I start marking some books. Ten minutes pass, I look up and I notice she is watching something on her phone.

'I storm over and angrily tell her to hand it over. She refuses, so I snatch it from her. As I do I notice what I assume is a porn video is playing on the screen.

'On closer inspection I see the video is not porn. It's actually Emily on screen...sucking on a big fat cock. I can't take my eyes off the screen.

She asks if I like what I'm seeing. I tell her 'no', but she sees straight through me. Standing up, she grabs my hair and ****** me to my knees.

''You're going to do exactly as I say' she tells me lifting up her skirt. She pulls her panties to one side and orders me to eat her teenage cunt.'

I looked up at this point. The pink glow in Truman's cheeks had her turned to a fiery red. Her legs were spread as wide as possible. She continued to tap away at her phone, engrossed in her fantasy. I had to pinch myself. For the last two weeks I had been moping in the belief that my game with this slut had ended in shattering defeat, and now it was back on, full-throttle.

'I try to resist. I tell her to let me go, or she'll be in big trouble. A vicious slap lands straight across the face'

'She leans down bringing her face within an inch of mine. 'Suck my fucking cunt,' she demands, biting her lip.

'I timidly stick out my tongue. She laughs and ****** my face straight into her wet pussy. I start licking, she moans. I lick faster and she moans harder.

'I bring my hands up and I spread her lips so I can probe deeper. Her cunt tastes amazing. I flick the tip of my tongue over her clit again and again. Her knees start to weaken, and I'm told to stop.

'She walks over to a chair at the back of the class, sits down and orders me to crawl to her, on all fours.

'I do as I'm told. She spreads her legs as I reach her and grabs my hair. I greedily shove my tongue back into her pussy.'

Again, I looked up. She had now stopped typing. She was staring at me, breathing heavily.

'Why have you stopped?' I asked, frowning.

'I can't do anymore Sir. Not without touching myself.'

I looked around the room. For a crazy second I thought, so touch yourself.

'Okay,' I typed, coming to my senses, 'that's enough for now. But as soon as this lesson is over I want you to go to the toilet and finish. Understand?'

'Yes Sir,' she replied, with a smile.

A very long half an hour later, I was sitting in a toilet cubicle myself, waiting patiently.

'Hello Sir?' she texted.

'I'm waiting...'

'May I touch myself please Sir?'

'Yes. Now continue!'

'I am still licking her sweet young pussy. I can feel she is close to cumming. Her hand tightens its grip on my hair. 'She's going to cum,' I think to myself. But I'm wrong.

'She yanks my head back, away from her pussy. She tells me to undress. I'm soon standing naked in front of her. She picks up a ruler from the nearest desk.

'With a sadistic smile, she tells me I've got a choice to make. 'You can let me smack your pussy with this ruler...or you can ***** my hot piss. Which is it to be?'

'I drop immediately to my knees and open my mouth. 'You want the piss?' she asks, surprised. 'No,' I tell her 'I want both''

And there the fantasy ended.

'Sir. I need to cum Sir. Please may I cum?' she pleaded.

'Do it,' I replied.


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Désinhibition d'une connasse

6h du matin.
Je n'arrive pas à dormir et me connecte à un tchat pour passer le temps.
Quelques discutions inintéressantes, quand tout à coup je reçois ce message: "Salut grosse pute".
Un peu choquée et vexée, je lui fais part de mon mécontentement, quand il me dit "Ta gueule salope t'as rien à dire, tu vas obéir et la fermer".
Alors, je ne sais pourquoi, mais je l'ai fermée...
-Très bien, en quelle tenue es-tu ma salope ?
-En petit culotte, j'allais dormir.
-Enlève là et va enfiler ta lingerie la plus sexy !
Un peu intriguée, je me lève et part enfiler un petit string en dentelles rouges qui m'a couté très cher ainsi qu'un soutien gorge assorti.
-C'est bon connasse? Maintenant va mettre la plus petite de tes mini-jupes...
Je m'exécute.
-De quoi t'as l'air ? Oublie pas de mettre des bas.
J'enfile des bas résille et me contemple dans le miroir. J'ai l'air d'être une pute prête à se faire troncher au fond d'une cave...
-Très bien! T'as envie de pisser ?
-Euh oui... Pourquoi tu me demandes ça ?
-Va chercher un verre !
-Bien, maintenant accroupis toi sur ton lit et remplis le verre de ton urine toute chaude et malodorante!
Je suis gênée... Vais je m'abaisser à faire cela ? Je ne pourrais jamais... Et, sans savoir ce qu'il m'a pris, je me suis accroupie et me suis laisser, avec surprise, pisser dans le verre.
-Ça y est ? Dépêche-toi. Maintenant allonge-toi et verse le verre de pisse sur ton corps ! Je veux que ça dégouline sur tes seins et coule dans ta chatte !
Au point où j'en suis... Je me laisse tenter.
-Mais je ne dois pas enlever ma jupe et mes sous-vêtements d'abord ???
-Non connasse, surtout garde les ! Et frotte toi bien tes mamelles de vache avec la pisse, je veux que ça pénètre profondément ta peau...
Je me masse comme une déchainée, cette foi-ci je suis une chienne et je me sens comme telle.
Je m'abandonne et fait pénétrer l'urine dans mes pores... Je pue.
-T'as un gode ?
-Non !
-Va chercher un déo et fout le toi dans la chatte !
Je m'exécute en m'empalant avec difficulté sur le déo quand il me demanda de me le mettre dans le cul.
Après m'être enfilé quelques doigts je me défonce la rondelle tout en crachant partout sur mes seins.
C'est un peu comme du sperme chaud... Je vais de plus en plus vite et mes énormes nichons ballotent dans tous les sens, faisant dégouliner la bave de partout...
-Va aux toilettes maintenant!
Les toilettes ? Quelle drôle d'idée je ne vais quand même pas encore pisser !
-Ta gueule, accroupis toi devant les chiottes et fourre toi le déo au fond de la chatte.
Je m'exécute. Et ensuite ?
-Fous ta tête au fond de la cuvette et tire la chasse...
Pardon ??? Mais je ne pourrais jamais faire ça, enfin c'est une idée folle je serais vraiment une merde de faire un truc pareil!
-Allez conduit toi comme la chienne que tu es bordel ! T'es une pute, tu dois savoir faire ça!
Au bout de quelques insultes je fus tellement excitée que je mis ma tête dans la cuvette. J'en contemplais les moindre recoins pas très nets. Je voyais l'eau au fond, où pendait la pointe de mes longs cheveux.
J'ai tiré la chasse et suis ressortie avec les cheveux à peine mouillés.
-Mais putain vas y à fond, fait pas ta mijaurée, met ta tête de conne bien au fond et tire !!!
J'y retourne donc... Les seins pendants coincés dans la cuvette et ma tête qui tapait au plus profond.
Je me contorsionne pour activer la chasse en même temps. Cette fois-ci l'eau me recouvre le visage et les cheveux. Je tiré la chasse jusqu'à jouir en criant "je suis une grosse merde qu'il faut évacuer, la tête dans la chiotte salope regarde toi!".
Je me relève et me regarde dans le miroir. Le visage et les cheveux dégoulinant, les toilettes trempées...
-Suce la brosse à chiotte pour te punir d'en avoir foutu partout !
Tiens, je l'avais presque oublier celui là... Je me met à sucer et à me frotter la brosse sur le visage jusqu'à que mon bourreau se déconnecte d'un coup, me laissant en plan en pleine excitation...
Brusque retour à la réalité, tant pis pour moi, maintenant j'ai juste l'air conne au milieu de mes toilettes trempées!



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Her **** Best Friend

As I dressed for the day in the privacy of my bedroom at 11am this morning, intending to look seductive, preparing to make a surprise visit to my husband in his office, I could have no inkling of how this day would play out before the sun set.

After a late breakfast at home, I had soaked in a hot bath until my fingers and toes became all crinkly. That told me that it was time to get out, dry my body in a large fluffy towel, then dab some of my favourite perfume discreetly in all of the important places.

I don't often wear a thong, I don't like the way the thin strand in back rubs against my sensitive anal ring. But on this day, I selected the one flimsy thong that I owned, pulling it up high over my long legs. Then, I added a low slung, half-cup bra where the lacy top just barely covered my nipples. Both garments were black and I continued the theme with stockings and a garter belt that clasped around my fortunately still thin waist and had suspenders that pulled the hose smoothly over my legs. A sexy slinky black satin half-slip from waist to thighs completed my undergarments.

I added the dress that was constructed so briefly that I knew it would expose bits of my under-things when I chose to lift one leg over the other while sitting, or to lean forward seductively while standing.

The receptionist at Terry's office was friendly and welcoming. She announced me and then suggested that I should proceed down the long hallway to his executive office. Outside his door, his PA didn't seem quite as warm, giving me a curt "Hello" and returning swiftly to her computer screen to resume whatever task she had been set by my high-flying businessman husband.

I didn't attempt to win her over -- deciding that she wasn't worth it - and I used my hand to apply pressure to the door of Terry's office. "Hi Barb," he greeted as I stepped inside. He started toward me, "to what do I owe this pleasure?"

"Honey," I told him, "we might have been married five years now, but that shouldn't take away the need for impromptu moments. Do we need an excuse, I thought you might take me somewhere intimate for lunch..." By now, I had moved fully inside his office and had pushed the door closed behind me. As I stepped nearer to my husband before reaching his desk, I added, "...but what I really came here for is for you to sweep all those papers onto the floor and take me, here and now, on your desk."

Terry looked a bit embarrassed, "Barb, I would love nothing more ... you know that, but I am so up to my neck with work deadlines. I have even cancelled Jenny's lunch break, so we can get a couple of reports finished for the board meeting. Sorry babe, we'll have to take a rain-check."

I gave him my best-ever seductive look that said, 'surely you don't really mean that,' and tugged the front of my skirt up high to reveal the stocking tops, the suspenders, the bare thighs. My look now said, 'surely you can't resist this.'

Not winning, I spun around, my hands tugging the dress up in back, and bent forward from the waist, now giving him an eyeful of two smooth butt cheeks, with just a tiny wisp of material trapped out of sight between them. I peeped back over my shoulder, "You can even have me doggie style if you want. I know how you like that."

I still wasn't winning, I straightened up, my face now a frown. My husband rebuked me, "Barb, nice thought, but your timing's way out. Why didn't you call me to save getting all dressed up for nothing."

He -- my beloved husband of five years, Terry -- was giving me the bum's rush. Before I could stop to reflect on how my approach had gone so wrong, I was back in the elevator, riding down to the ground floor. Surely, he could have spared us twenty minutes for a quickie. And what was with his PA, who has always been quite warm and friendly to me? Highly frustrated at my failed attempt at seduction, my mind began racing, were they having an affair? Had he promised her an intimate luncheon somewhere today and I had bumbled in and nearly wrecked his plans?

I had never had suspicious thoughts about Terry before. In our 5 years of marriage, our 6 years since we met, he had never given me any cause to think that he might be like my first husband. Now there was a philandering bastard. Goodness knows how many other women he screwed in the 14 years we were together. The only good thing he gave me was ********* my two wonderful ******** ... my *** Adam, now 20 and my ********, Julie, now 18 and just finished school.

But back to the present ... having harboured such carnal thoughts since waking up this morning, here I was, literally in heat, dressed for daytime sex, yet about to get back into my car and drive home to my empty house. For just a rash moment, I actually considered heading to a bar, sitting there nursing a ***** and seeing what might happen. But that just so wasn't me.

I had been loyal and faithful to my first husband until deciding to match his infidelity in the dying months of our marriage. Shortly after that ended, I met Terry and I had never thought of straying for even a moment ever since.

Driving home alone in my car won out over finding a bar and getting myself into goodness knows what trouble. I cursed Terry all the way home, my thoughts still dwelling on whether he and his prissy PA might by now be entwined in each other's arms, discussing what a close shave they had just had with my intrusion on their plans. Surely not, I tried to tell myself, but still resolved to find a pretext to call him when I got home.

I pulled my car onto the driveway and decided to leave it there rather than put it in the garage. As I stepped out, I saw two young men walking up the driveway behind me, momentarily unnerving me until I recognised one of them ... it was my *** Adam's best friend, Jeremy. He had certainly grown into a handsome young man. They had met in pre-school, just as I and Jeremy's ****** did at that time, and Adam and Jeremy, and his mum and I had remained firm friends ever since.

"My goodness Jeremy, what are you doing here? Adam's away, you know," I reminded him.

"Yes, Mrs. Bradley, I know that. I ... err ... I lent him a book a few weeks ago and I need it back now. I came by, hoping you'd be here. Do you mind if I come in and check out his room, see if I might find it there?"

"Not at all, you know you're always welcome here, Jeremy. Why, this has been your second home for most of your life." He nodded and smiled warmly in acknowledgement. I looked at the young man with him, at first glance he looked about the same age -- 20 -- as Jeremy and my *** Adam. But then on closer inspection, I realised that perhaps he could be a couple of years older. "Are you going to introduce me to your friend, Jeremy?"

"Oh yes ... oh, I'm so sorry, Mrs Bradley, this is Kurt, he's a friend of Adam's too."

My face probably revealed my surprise as well as voicing it, "Oh really, how do you do, Kurt, Adam has never mentioned your name. You couldn't have known him very long."

Kurt, the taller of the two, politely stretched out his hand and shook mine quite firmly, "I have known your *** for at least a year now."

"Oh really," I responded. I was surprised that Adam had never mentioned knowing someone called Kurt, but determined that it wasn't worth debating further. "Come on inside, boys, I can offer you a *****, and maybe I can rustle up some cookies," sounding just like I had with Adam's friends over the past ten years. All through his school days, Adam had never hesitated in inviting his friends to come visit in our home and I had always felt comfortable with them. He seemed to mix with a good crowd.

I put the key in the door and heard Jeremy behind me, "You look very nice today, Mrs Bradley, smell nice too."

I heard his friend Kurt echo a simplistic, "Umm, sure do!"

As I pushed the door open, I turned, "Thank you, that's so nice of you boys to comment. Doesn't surprise me though, Jeremy, you have always been such a polite young man." Their praise did make me feel good, but nevertheless, I couldn't help feeling just a bit self-conscious, dressed the way I was. I would guess that anyone would call my attire this day very sexy, hardly the look to welcome two of my **** best friends into our house.

I strode purposely through the front living room toward the kitchen, calling back, "Make yourself comfortable boys."

In the kitchen, I prepared a plate with two glasses, a choice of soft *****s and a large plate of cookies. I took that back into the living room where the two young men had made themselves very comfortable on the lounge chairs. That didn't bother me though, because I have always encouraged Jeremy to feel like this was his second home.



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I played ****** by asking which ***** each wanted and pouring for them. I stepped over in front of Jeremy, who had made himself very comfortable, sitting spread-eagled and lounging, his legs akimbo, one up over the arm of the chair. As he took the glass from me, I couldn't help glancing down at his spread legs, at his lap and I spotted a very substantial bulge in the front of his trousers. I immediately wished I hadn't looked that way ... he may have noticed.

What was I doing even looking down at his crotch, this was my **** best friend and I had never looked so purposefully below his waist before? But why would he have an erection at this moment? Could I be the cause of it, dressed as I was ... dressed to futilely seduce my husband?

Was the rebuff by my husband playing tricks with me? Was my libido out of control? Was I a woman in heat, what time of the month was it? I quickly averted my gaze, hoping Jeremy hadn't noticed my interest in what was concealed in his trackie pants. I stepped over to offer a ***** and cookies to the strange tall silent one, Kurt. I didn't quite know what to make of him. I was careful to keep my gaze up, looking him straight in the eyes. He took the offering of a snack and locked eyes with mine, giving me a strange return look.

I placed the tray of *****s and cookies on the table, "If you'll excuse me boys, I'll be back in a moment," I told them, eager to get out of the room and collect my thoughts, my feelings. I hurried down the hallway to the sanctity of my bedroom at the back end of the house. I closed the door behind me, eager to rid myself of the seductive look that I felt I was projecting to anybody within my space. I needed to put on some more basic around the house clothing while I had young visitors.

I quickly removed the revealing dress and should have just thrown it over a chair and hurried on with my changing. But I took more time than necessary by going over to the wardrobe for a hanger and arranging the dress carefully on it so that it didn't crush as I hung it up. I walked back toward the bed, carrying my change of clothes. On the way, I caught sight of myself in the mirror and paused to admire what I saw. I didn't dress this way quite enough these days. Maybe if I did, I wouldn't be suspecting Terry of a lunchtime dalliance with his PA. I checked out the black underwear -- bra and slip visible, the latter concealing the stockings, garter and thong. I was still wearing my high heels. I figured that I didn't look too bad for 42.

The click of the bedroom door opening startled me and I spun around in shock. It was young Jeremy standing there in the open doorway, then stepping into the room -- my bedroom, leaving the door open behind him. But he came no closer, he just stood back there by the open door, staring at me. He had never done anything like this before ... except maybe when he and Adam were 6 or so, and probably curious to see what grown-up adult women looked like.

"What ... what do you want?" I asked anxiously, hoping my voice didn't signal my alarm, didn't reveal how anxious and nervous I was at having my **** best friend see me like this. "Jeremy, I will be back out in a minute. I don't think it's appropriate for you to be in my bedroom, can you wait outside please?" I was attempting to sound confident, in control ... but inside, my heart was beating wildly.

"I want to watch you get changed," he said. His look was serious, I had never seen him like this before, "just forget I'm here, do whatever you would do if you were alone. Please, I'll stay way back over here, I just want to watch you."

"No Jeremy, you can't do that, you can't be in here, that wouldn't be right," I tried to insist, "can you please go back outside?"

"Mrs Bradley, all these years that I've known you, I've wanted to see you like this. And now today, I am so lucky to be here, I have never seen you look quite so sexy. You look sensational, and you smell so good too." I couldn't believe that I was hearing these words from this nice young boy, who was my **** best friend, and who I had known for most of his twenty years.

*************, I slipped my fingers of both hands into the elasticised waistband of my black slip. But why ... what was I doing? Was I actually thinking of letting him watch me get changed? I looked between Jeremy standing at the open door and my reflection in the mirror before me. Silently, I was debating whether to lower my black half-slip ... to reveal my next-to-nothing thong pantie, my garter belt, the sheer black stockings.

Reason kicked in, 'As horny as I might feel this very moment, it would be wrong to expose more of me to this young man -- who had been a family friend for most of his life.' My brain screamed at me, 'for God's sake, he is less than half your age, only twenty.'

But while I took too long debating my next move, Jeremy made his, escalating the dilemma that was unfolding. To my complete shock, I watched as his hands went to the drawstring at the waist of his trackie pants. He pulled on it and the trackies fell in a heap around his ankles. He was not wearing underpants, young Jeremy was all too suddenly naked from the waist down, just a tee-shirt covering his chest.

I stared incredulously at the sight of his penis that was now so nakedly exposed. The prominence of it drew my gaze to it, there was no looking away ... I was captivated by it, I just stared. Because it was so incredibly big, in my naivete, I couldn't believe that a boy of his age could have such a large appendage ... but in reality, the last few years had gone by quickly and I guess he was almost a man now.

I didn't know what to say. Somehow, I mumbled the words, "My God, what are you doing, Jeremy?"

"I am just showing you the reaction you have on me," he said, and I realised that he was referring to the obvious blatant stiffness of it, not just the raw size of it that had attracted my undivided attention. I guessed that in comparison to any other male penis I had previously seen, it would have the appearance of being big, whether it was erect or flaccid. I examined it from across the room. I wanted to see it closer, but I didn't dare.

Even as I inwardly wrestled with how to handle this awkward moment, my mind was fleetingly drawn back to the one and only time that I had seen a similar sized penis. It was at the very end of my deteriorating first marriage when I had discovered that my husband was screwing everything in a skirt. He and I were at a party in our neighbourhood and a man that I knew only vaguely from further down our street had been hitting on me all evening.

About 11 o'clock, I began to realise that I hadn't seen my husband in quite a while. Without drawing attention from the other partygoers, I disengaged from the group I was in and began looking around ... in other rooms, outside on the patio.

It was only when I saw my husband reappear, coming from the direction of the bedrooms with a pretty female neighbour walking right behind him, a satisfied grin on her face, that I made an impulsive decision to have this guy who was hitting on me. I walked directly up to him, took his hand, and dragged him into one of the bedrooms where he quickly took over, eagerly stripping me of my clothes before dropping his trousers.

Through the dim light in that dark room late that night, into view came this enormous hard erection. But as I stood now, mesmerised in my bedroom in the middle of this day, staring at Jeremy's impressive hard-on, I was reminded of seeing this one of similar proportions that night at the party. But what did I do that night?

I panicked! I saw this almighty large erect penis ... I had never seen one like it before that night. I was 7 years younger then. The guilt I felt at emulating what my husband was doing to our marriage combined with a sudden fear that this huge penis -- thicker and longer than I had ever experienced - could rip me apart internally. I told the neighbour where to put it, which wasn't going to be in me, and I pulled my clothes back on and fled from the darkened bedroom.

Now, 7 years later, in my own quite brightly lit bedroom, in the middle of the day, with the sun streaming in, I was looking at a youthful replica of the penis that had so scared me that night. But what was different now was that a few days after that night 7 years ago, I discussed my close shave with several girlfriends over lunch. They all -- every single one of them -- told me how stupid I had been, that to have a penis that size was an awe inspiring moment not experienced by all women. They explained how my vagina would have expanded, with very little pain and discomfort, to accept the whole of that mighty penis. They made me feel so stupid, to regret my actions that night, and I swore then and there, at lunch with those girlfriends of mine, that if ever I was faced with the opportunity again to have a king-sized penis, I would welcome it into me eagerly.

But this was a completely different scenario! Jeremy was over 20 years younger than me. The owner of this impressive object was the best friend of my ***, a boy who I had watched grow from a toddler through his teen years, and now to manhood ... and what manhood it was. But given the background of our relationship, there was no way I could have sex with Jeremy ... and I had to tell him so -- firmly, and now!

"Mrs. Bradley, are you going to give me a treat and take that off?" Jeremy asked, obviously referring to the half-slip that my fingers were in position to push down over my hips, my thighs, to reveal the intimate lingerie beneath.

"Jeremy, I don't think I should, it wouldn't be right, I could never face your ****** again," I tried to rea***, but already I knew what I wanted. I had been on heat from the moment I woke this morning, and my husband's cruel rebuff at his office had done nothing to quell my desire. Here was this young man showing me his large virile penis, primed and poised, ready to do what nature had constructed it for.

"My mum will never know, I would never tell her," insisted Jeremy.

As I stared wantonly at young Jeremy's half-naked body standing in the doorway, struggling to reach a logical decision, beyond him I spotted a face peering over Jeremy's shoulder. "I wouldn't tell her either," Kurt's eerie voice added. Now I had an audience of two, this was not going the way that I could be happy with.

"Not him, Jeremy, I don't want him in here, he will have to wait outside. I don't know him, I couldn't reveal myself to him." My God, did I miss it, when had I made up my mind? Those words sounded like I was only dismissing Kurt ... did that mean that Jeremy could stay and watch, and maybe do more?

"Okay!" Jeremy rushed to reassure me as his head spun around to address Kurt, "Get lost, mate, wait outside for us, it's just me and her."

Kurt looked disappointed and reluctant, but I saw his face disappear from behind Jeremy. Wanting to be sure that he had really gone, I told Jeremy, "Come closer and close the door ... this will only be for you, Jeremy."



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My **** best friend turned and closed the door behind him, took two steps toward me. We were now alone in my bedroom together. He was still 8 feet away, but he was in better light and I could more closely examine his prize erection. "You certainly are big!" I complimented him, daring to smile at him as I stared admiringly at his huge erection.

"Yes, so it seems," he admitted nervously.

"Do you know how rare that is?"

"Some girls my age have told me, but I wouldn't have thought that they would have that much experience to know."

Without warning, I made the next move. My hands that had been resting on each hip pushed the top of my half-slip down. It passed smoothly over the thin waist straps of my thong, the delicate lacy garter belt, the pouch of material that was my black thong covering my pussy, the bare tops of my thighs, and then the stockinged legs. The black material pooled on the floor around my feet, still upright on high heels. All of the above was now on display for young Jeremy's probing gaze.

"****!" he muttered, his eyes scanning my still shapely 42-year-old body, seemingly not knowing which part he wanted to spend most time looking at. My eyes had barely left his horizontal hard-on the whole time, it definitely pulsed and twitched in reaction as I revealed more of my body. A clear drop of pre-cum formed in the eye of his penis.

"Believe me, I know," I continued with my acknowledgement of his equipment, "I've only seen one like that before. I was too naïve then to appreciate the significance of what I was looking at. I think I do now. Tell me Jeremy, have you done much with that?"

Jeremy looked hesitant to answer me, "I ... err ... I haven't really. I don't have a steady girl, and those that I have been out with, run a mile when they see it."

"That's their loss, Jeremy, I am sorry for you. You will find in life that women will need to be convinced that you mean no harm with that."

"So this big one that you did see previously? Was it like mine?"

"Yes!" I answered breathlessly.

"Did you let him ... you know, did you let him have you?"

"No I didn't, I told you I was quite naïve when I was confronted with it. Like the girls you've known, I ran a mile too. But after getting some advice from my girlfriends, I was told quite emphatically to never let the opportunity go by if it ever came again. I never expected it would." I reached my hands back behind me and unclasped my bra. I eased the material forward, the cups peeling off my ample breasts.

"Oh ****!" he exclaimed again when he saw my smooth globes with two distinct prominent nipples standing out hard and strong.

"So what do you think I should do?" I asked him.

"About what?" he checked, struggling to maintain his concentration as he was confronted by his ******* best friend, rapidly shedding intimate clothing, and revealing more and more of her body.

"Silly," I admonished, "I told you my girlfriends said I should never pass up the opportunity to experience a big penis just like yours if it ever came again." Smiling, I stared at it approvingly, "I'd say my opportunity has definitely cum again." I spread my arms out invitingly and he stepped closer to me.

"Come on, Jeremy, I won't bite," I assured him as he moved into my embrace, my arms folding around his shoulders. I held his firm hard 20-year-old body tight up against me. I felt that incredible erection squashed against my tummy, it's wet tip pushing up above my navel. "Oh God, this is so wrong, but you feel so good."

I felt the smooth palms of his large hands grasping the cheeks of my arse. 'Thank God, he does know something,' I thought. "Are you going to kiss me?" I asked.

"If it's alright with you?"

"Jeremy," I admonished, "your so hard cock is almost touching my naked breasts. I would say that kissing is definitely called for."

I lifted my face up expectantly, and having given my approval, he brought his face to mine, his lips kissing me quite well, even ******* my lips apart. I felt his eager tongue slip into my mouth and I despatched mine to engage with him.

The kiss quickly exploded into a heated exchange of lips, tongues, saliva and serious passion. When we broke for air, I dragged his mouth down to my nipples and let him loose there. He was starting to make all the right moves and my juices were flowing. I was anxious how experienced he might be once he came to put that monster inside me, but he soon showed that I needn't worry about foreplay. His mouth on my nipples was magical, he made all the right moves with his lips and his tongue, even using his teeth to lightly graze the smooth skin of my globes.

My heavy breathing was now telling him just how aroused I was from his mouth devouring my breasts. Between loud gasps, I managed to tell him, "We'll be more comfortable on the bed."

We awkwardly shuffled to the bed, me backing up while he pushed forward, perhaps not wanting to have his penis lose contact with my bare skin. As I collapsed on my back on the bed, Jeremy asked, "Aren't you going to take anything more off?"

"I thought you'd want to do that for me," I urged in my most seductive voice, words I had only intended to use to my husband today.

"Yes, sure," he blurted out eagerly and his hands went for the thin straps of my thong, grasping it and hauling it down over my hips. I assisted by raising my arse up from the bed so that the flimsy garment didn't get caught under my body.

I watched as his eyes scanned the soft intimacy of my pubis, now revealed in all its glory for my about-to-be young lover. He was salivating at the sight before his eyes and I wondered how many times he had looked at a woman's pussy ... if ever. Was this new to him? I didn't want to embarrass him by asking.

"Can I kiss you there?" he asked. Imagine that, a young man asking permission to go down on a woman?

"If you want," I told him, trying to restrain my excitement that he would want to. I had to stop my hands from reaching up and grasping his ears and dragging his face down into my muff.

I watched as his head lowered, moving down between my spread, raised legs. Then, I felt the wetness of his tongue and I uttered an expressive sigh that became a moan. He was surprisingly good, he must have done this to some woman before, possibly one of those timid young women who later rejected the entry of his oversized penis.

I had wanted this all day, ever since waking up in an aroused sweat this morning. As the day went on without relief, I had reduced my range of expectations. By now, I would be happy with any part of any male making contact with my inner labia. The fact that it was Jeremy's tongue was a bonus. To me, tongues were the next best option to a penis.

He lapped me up, and I lapped up the pleasure that he bestowed on me. I could have cum ... it would have only been another two minutes at most. I don't know what got into me, but that's what I really wanted. I wanted him into me -- physically. So I took a hold of his head and I literally dragged it from between my thighs, his tongue peeling off the flowing channel of my inner labia lips.

I held his face just up above mine, looking up at him appreciatively, "Jeremy, my darling, that was so good, but what I really want is to have you put that wonderful big penis inside me. Will you do that for me now please?"

I didn't have to ask twice. In a flash, he had moved his body higher up on the bed, his face hovering above mine. I felt the first touch of that huge round head of his penis nudge at my spread pussy lips. "Unngghhh!" I muttered, feeling the extreme size of the head make one first gentle push to get inside me. My hands flew down to take a hold of him and lead him to the promised land. He was going to need some help with the geography of a woman's body.

I brought my legs up higher, my knees touching my breasts, spreading my bits so wide down there. I placed the head of his penis at my now well spread vaginal lips. "Try that Jeremy, but go slow, not too much at once," I urged. It seemed so surreal ... my **** best friend from kindergarten was in my bed and I was telling him how to fuck me.

He pushed and I felt his penis head probe inside my passage. My God, it felt so thick, but a quick adjustment of the angle of my body and I was able to take him in without a lot of difficulty.

He was thoughtful and caring, going so slowly. I opened my eyes and looked up to see that his were watching me intently, perhaps looking for some sign of pain or discomfort. It was obvious he had no past experience to call on, no idea of what my reactions would be. I guessed that from his comments about young girls rejecting him due to size, and the way this was going, that young Jeremy was a virgin about to experience his first sexual intercourse with a woman. How incredible it would be with me, the ****** of his best friend.

When I felt like I normally did when my husband was fully inside me, I placed my hand around his rock-hard shaft to gauge how much was still to come. When all five fingers were able to wrap around his penis -- and I might add failed to meet up with my thumb coming around the other way -- I realised that he was only about halfway in.

"Oh my God, there is still so much more of you to come in. I don't know where I'm going to put it."

"Do you want me to stop? I will if you want."

I ran my hand affectionately over his back, ending at his arse cheek, pulling his body forward, indicating I wanted more inside me. "I know you would, you are a kind, considerate young man, Jeremy. I am guessing this is your first, so I want it to be the best it can be. You just keep pushing that big sucker into me. I am going to have to take it all."

"Are you sure?" he queried.

"I don't want to have you tell you again, just give it all to me." And he did, inch by inch, he kept pushing this massive cock until it would go no further. I felt absolutely stuffed full, it felt like the head of his penis was wedged in some inner body part that was unaccustomed to welcoming a penis. "Are you happy, Jeremy? Does it feel good inside me?"

I looked up to see his eyes rolling back in his head. He had only just got his monstrous extra long penis all inside me, yet he looked delirious from the sensations being transmitted from within my slick wet passage to the sensitive nerve endings on his penis.

"Oh Mrs. Bradley, I can't believe it, my cock ... err, I mean my ... err, my penis ... oh Mrs. Bradley, it feels so good inside you."



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Young Jeremy became over eager, he pulled back on his hard erection and then quickly pushed it into me again. There was pain ... no, it wasn't really pain, it was just uncomfortable when he pushed back quick and hard inside me. I needed time to adjust to his size. "Oh Jeremy, wait ... wait just a moment ... let me get my breath ... oh my God, the size of it ... it takes some getting used to."

But I don't know if he heard ... or even if he understood what I was saying to him. He was a young man now driven by the desire, caught up in the excitement of having his massive penis at last inside a woman. Obviously, so many young girls of his own age had denied him when they had seen it. Now he was like the proverbial young kid in the candy store. His lust was unleashed by the sensations he felt from under the head of his penis as it ploughed into and out of my wet, hot vagina.

I felt his desperate need and I did really want to empathise with him, to let him have his head this first time, to let him just go right ahead and get his jollies inside me. But I had desires too, my arousal had been sitting on the edge from the minute I woke this morning. It had been stirred to a frenzy from the seductive way I dressed to go to tease my husband. And then I was completely rejected, dismissed to wait until when my husband was good and ready to attend to me ... maybe tonight, perhaps tomorrow night.

Now there was my self-interest ... I shouldn't have to wait, I was an active, live woman in heat and I needed my satisfaction now ... not later, but right now. Hadn't I taken a huge risk allowing my **** best friend to secretly take me to bed in the middle of the day and stick his almighty penis into me. That deserved some reward, I had to cum.

But the more he crazily plunged that gigantic penis into me, the more I realised that I was never going to make it, not with Jeremy. His control, his ability to make love to a mature woman was non-existent from the start. I had wrapped my parted legs up over his thighs, my arms folded around his back, hanging on to his body as his hips pushed rapidly downward, driving his 8½ inches into me.

But all too soon, I heard his breathing and I felt his thick meat surging inside my body and then the spasms of his hard thrusting penis as it delivered his creamy cum to somewhere deep inside my body, somewhere that babies are made. Part of me was thankful for my protection ... yet another part kind of wished that this virile young man was making a baby inside me now. I felt that this young man's seed could be powerfully potent this first time.

Jeremy's body slumped on mine and the only movement was the pulsing of his penis continuing to spill out the remains of his release into me. My body was screaming out in frustration and I wanted to berate him, tell him how he had deserted me, ignored my needs in his own selfish pursuit. But something held me back, maybe it was my empathy for a young man who had just lost his virginity in my bed. Oh dear, my thoughts wandered to 'what would his ****** think if she could see us right now?'

"Where are you going?" I asked anxiously. I was still enjoying a type of after-glow, even though I hadn't cum. Having taken such a bold, rash step to seduce my **** best friend, I did want to lie here with him, to tell him how much I liked what he did. To find out his true feelings at losing his virginity, to relish the achievement of having just taken a thick 8½ inches up inside me. But all too suddenly, he was leaving my bed.

"I'm going to get Kurt, I'll be back in a minute."

He managed to take a couple of steps toward the door to the hallway before my words brought him to a halt. "You're what ... are you crazy? What do you mean, you're going to get Kurt? What on earth for?"

He turned to face me, his cock was down to about the size that my husband would be when erect. "It's his turn, you'll enjoy him a lot more, he's got heaps more experience than me. I won't be a minute."

"Just hold on right there, Jeremy. I don't know what you think this is, but one thing it's not is some kind of gang-bang. I just did a beautiful thing with you, I just gave you my body, gave you your first sexual experience ... does that mean anything to you?"

"Yes it did, and I loved it, Mrs. Bradley, truly I did. But it wouldn't have happened without Kurt, I owe him big time for this."

"No, you owe me big time for what just happened. You owe him nothing.'

"I do, he was the one who gave me the confidence to do that with you. He told me everything to do, and it all happened the way he said it would. He convinced me that I should walk in on you in the bedroom, that I should drop my track pants so you would see the size of my cock, and how hard it was. He said that you would not be able to resist trying one like that. He was right about everything. If Kurt hadn't given me the confidence, I would have left the room when I told you I wanted to watch you change and you said it wouldn't be right and that I should get out now. I almost left, but I could still hear Kurt's words telling me she really will want it, she'll just pretend she doesn't because she will be embarrassed to be doing it with her **** best friend. So you see, I owe Kurt for what just happened, and if you liked it too, then you owe him, so I'll just go get him."

"No!" I screamed aloud at Jeremy, "it's not right, you owe him nothing, and you certainly can't pay him back by giving him me. I am not yours to give. You and your friend can both get out of my house. Jeremy, I am so disappointed in you for thinking that you could offer me to this other boy. That is so disgusting. I wish I could tell your ****** how disappointed I am in you, but obviously that's not a possibility."

"Mrs. Bradley, I didn't want to say this, but since you have mentioned my ******, Kurt said that if you didn't agree to having him too, we will tell my mum. I don't think she would understand you seducing her ***."

"Why, you ungrateful little ****, how dare you. You're actually blackmailing me!"

"I don't like the word blackmail, but yes, if you don't let Kurt do it with you, we'll tell mum, and Adam too."

I froze at his mention of my beloved **** name. It was bad enough that they might tell Jeremy's ******. She had been a friend for nearly twenty years, but if it had to be, I could lose a friend and it wouldn't be the end of the world. But to tell Adam ... I couldn't bear for my *** to know his mum had done this, that his mum was a slut. I hated that word, but the thought of the insolent Kurt having me too seemed to justify that word.

My head spun, it looked like they had me cornered. In desperation and in pursuit of manufacturing some time to consider my options, I said, "No Jeremy, don't bring him in, I don't want it that way, I don't want to be just lying here waiting for him to climb on. Give me a moment to get cleaned up, freshen up a bit. I will come out and get him in about 15 minutes, okay?"

He stood there thinking for a moment or two, probably wondering if I was conning him, "Alright, 15 minutes, no more, I'll go and tell him."

"Thanks," I said, watching him leave my bedroom, leaving me lying in bed, dwelling on what was about to happen. I would spend the next 10 minutes racking my brain, trying to decide if there was any alternative, then the next 5 minutes having a quick wash, wiping the splotches of drying cum from the sparse hairs of my pubis and the tops of my inner thighs.

Summoning up all my courage, I went back to the bed, put my bra and my thong back on. Why, I don't know ... they would be coming off again in no time. Then I opened my bedroom door and went back down the hall to the front room. The two young guys were back sitting in the same seats I had left them in less than an hour ago.

Mustering as much confidence as I could manage, I ignored Jeremy and walked past him to stand in front of Kurt and reluctantly stretched out my hand to him, "Do you want to come with me?"

The smart-arse bastard looked up at me, saying, "Really, so you want me after all ... do you really need some good loving? I knew you'd come looking for Kurt when you got desperate enough. I guess you must want to cum real bad by now. Well, you've come to the right guy."

How did he know? Was Jeremy stupid enough to admit that he couldn't get me off? "Don't kid yourself," I told him, "and make the most of this, it won't be happening again."

He laughed at me, then took my hand and used me to pull himself out of the chair. We both started down the hall, him trailing behind me, but he quickly moved up alongside and put his arm around my shoulder. "This is going to be good, I've got a good feeling. You're one hell of a sexy woman. I mean, that black lingerie, I can't wait to rip that off you."

His words suddenly frightened me, would he be the violent type? Should I warn him that I don't like rough sex? What good would that do? If he was hell-bent on ****** me, no words from me were likely to stop him.

We squeezed through the doorway to the bedroom together. Once inside, Kurt took a firm hold of me by the shoulders and propelled me face first up against the closest wall. He moved in quickly behind me and I felt his tall firm body pushing against my back, one knee pushing my legs apart. My face was turned to one side, my cheek flattened against the wall. I felt his hands tugging on the thin strand that was the waistband of my thong, it dropped to around my ankles. Then I felt his fingers fumbling with the catch on my bra and he pulled my body away from the wall just long enough to peel the garment from my breasts. Then I was pushed back flat against the wall.


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"I don't want to do it like this, can't we use the bed?" I pleaded. I had tried to take control by making him wait until I was ready and then inviting him to my room instead of lying there meekly, waiting for him to come in and follow Jeremy. But now, he was taking away my power, he was in charge of this situation. I was scared now, one of his hands at the centre of my back held me positioned against the wall. I could feel the back of his free hand brushing against the smooth slope of my arse. What was he doing? I heard the sound of a zipper ... it was the zip on his trousers being opened.

I froze, I was not happy with the position he held me in. Suddenly, I felt the hard knob of his penis jabbing between the cheeks of my arse, centring just above my clenching anus. "Please, not in there ... don't do that!" I pleaded.

He pushed it inward, it caught in between the smooth folds of my arse cheeks, but off-centre to reach my anus, if that was his intention. "Don't fret babe, this is just a preview. I might come back to this later. Don't you like it up the arse?"

"No, no, I don't!" I struggled to emphasise. Actually, I was not an anal virgin. My first husband had enjoyed anal sex, introducing me to it early in our marriage. We did it a number of times, I guess you would call it occasionally. My present husband wasn't into it at all, so it would have been maybe 7 years since I had last had a penis up inside my arse.

"That's a pity, I won't let it stop me though!" he muttered defiantly. Just as suddenly as he had poked his penis between my arse cheeks, he withdrew it and I was spun around so that my back was now flattened against the wall ... I was naked down to the waist. A hand on each shoulder now pinning me back against the wall, his head lowered and his mouth devoured first one breast, then the other. I have to concede that this young man knew what he was doing, his lips and tongue felt magical as they ravished first one nipple, then the other, quickly raising the heat that had hovered just below the surface within my body all day.

Within five minutes, his mouth had aroused my body to an excited state, I was sure that my juices were running freely down in my pussy. At last, he pulled back and his mouth moved up to mine. I let him kiss me, what was the point of resisting now ... he was going to have me? I felt something firm slide into the wet channel between my thighs, it felt good. It was nowhere near as big as Jeremy's, this felt much like my husband's penis. I couldn't stop it, I let out a loud whimper from behind our joined lips.

He broke the kiss, pulling his head away, but staring intently into my face, "I knew it, you are hot ... you want it so badly. It's a shame little Jeremy couldn't pleasure you with that big cock of his, but he's still a boy. I've got what you want, babe. I can read the want in your face, your eyes. You need this bad."

My God, was I really that obvious? But he was right, I had been hot for sex since the moment I woke this morning. I tried to tell myself that he couldn't really see that in me. He was just continuing to be the arrogant, cocky young kid that he had revealed earlier.

His face plunged in for another passionate kiss with plenty of tongue. I let mine respond, first in my mouth, then chasing his into his mouth. I figured that if this was going to happen, I might as well let myself enjoy it. It was already obvious that Kurt knew a lot more about pleasuring a woman than Jeremy.

The hard wall against my back gave me no flexibility to move around, something I wanted to do in response to his lips and tongue on mine, and his hard erection slicing up and down in the wetness from my clit to vagina. I had already asked him if we could go to the bed. If I asked again, he might interpret that again as my wanting and needing him. It was becoming real but I didn't want to let him know it ... not just yet.

His knees were bent and they shoved in between my knees, keeping my legs spread wide and lowering his body parts to below mine. I felt his knob catch in the spreading entrance of my vagina, abruptly stopping those arousing slides up to my clit. I whimpered the loss of his friction on my little bud.

"Don't stress Adam's ******, you're more than ready," he informed me and I cringed at what he called me, not wanting to be reminded at this most intimate moment that this was one of my **** friends, who was on the verge of fucking me.

I felt his two hands grasp the backs of the tops of my thighs, hoisting my legs completely off the ground. I was shocked, I had never done it this way before. My body hung there against the wall, held up by his hands gripping me just below the cheeks of my arse. Gravity caused my vagina to slide down over the hard shaft that he had conveniently positioned under me. He was halfway inside me in one slick motion.

"Oh," I gasped, "oh my God, you're in already."

"I told you babe, you're more than ready ... hang on, there's more." With that, I felt the whole of his erection slide all the way up inside me as his hands settled my whole body down to rest on his strong penis.

"Oh yes," I mumbled eagerly, relishing the feel of his hardness inside me, in that moment giving up far more than I wanted him to know. I couldn't help it, despite being held up against the wall, his filling of me was akin to the pleasure I had been receiving from fruitful wholesome rewarding sex from both my husbands over the past 21 years. Even though my first husband had been constantly unfaithful to me, sex with him was always good. And I had been so thankful that my second husband picked up where the first left off.

Except for the awkward uncomfortable position braced up against the wall, this was how I had expected to feel a few hours ago in my husband's office. Only there, I would have been lying on his hard desk. Perhaps much the same, I thought, as Kurt started to withdraw his cock while holding my vertical body steady against the wall. I figured this would be the hard part, but he did it exceptionally well and in no time, his hard erection was pushing back up inside me, all the way to the hilt.

As he picked up the tempo, I was amazed to feel very strong pleasure pulses coming from deep within my lower body. 'Surely I won't be able to cum this way,' I mused as I settled in, gaining confidence that I was not about to fall in a heap on the floor ... that Kurt had my total pleasure in his hands.

I would have loved to feel his mouth again on my nipples ... that would have really sent me over the top, but I guess he couldn't bend his head down lower while he held the weight of my body upright over his cock. I felt the pulsing coming closer to the surface. I so wanted a big O right now, but I was hesitant to let myself give in to the intense feelings after the great disappointment that Jeremy's big penis had been. All of that meat, all of that movement ... but no finesse in how he used it. I looked over Kurt's shoulder and saw Jeremy in the doorway, watching us. I wanted to scream at him to get out. After all, sex is not a spectator sport, but then I guessed that he might learn something by watching his friend Kurt take me.

I was gasping, breathless now, the feelings building behind my clitoral bud drew my attention back from Jeremy. For the first time in this crazy day, I believed a release was possible for me. My fear was that once I gave my body permission to let go and pursue the big O, there was a danger period of 30 to 60 seconds, before my body would go over the top, where Kurt could spoil it by coming before me.

But I was now too far gone, forget the analysis, just let me cum. My body gave in totally to the sensations, carried along by the strong ******** thrusts up into me by this obviously experienced young man. I could feel my release closing in, and I could hear Kurt's breathing becoming ragged, his penis seemed to swell, his strokes shortened. 'Oh God no, don't cum before me!' I almost screamed out.

Powerfully, the wave of orgasm washed over me. I am loud when I cum, I screamed and muttered appreciative thankful platitudes to this young man who had blackmailed his way into my vagina. Oh, thank God he had! This was the release I had craved all day. And the self-centred, arrogant young man was thoughtful enough to hold his thrusts, waiting for me, allowing me to draw every scrap of pleasure from my pulsing, throbbing clitoris while his penis remained jammed fully up inside me. Oh, what supreme bliss!

As my brain cleared, I felt him shuffle us toward the bed, my body still suspended on his, carried in his strong arms. He tried to drop us gently onto the bed, but I fell the last two feet and he landed on top of me -- and still in me. That winded me, and I felt a sharp stab high up inside my vagina as his knob bottomed out with the jolt of our bodies hitting the mattress.

"Are you okay?" he asked, sounding surprisingly thoughtful.

"I think so, ooh, I thought you were about to punch through into my stomach." I took a moment to look up into his eyes, seeing a rare look of concern that had not been there since I met him. As I adjusted to where we were, I relished the new comfort of being under a man on my own bed. "I didn't feel you cum?" I checked.

"That's because I haven't ... yet!" he informed me, pulling back and thrusting fully into me to emphasise his equipment was still intact.

"Oh, I see ... I mean, I feel. Do you want to ... cum that is?"

"Of course, that's what I'm here for, to get my rocks off in you." Oh, why did he have to spoil it? The insolence and arrogance were returning, "But first, I think I might wind you up again."

"Don't bother, that's all for me. It was good, oh believe me ... it was really good! And I hate to admit it, but you were right, I really needed that. But I am a one orgasm woman, so don't waste your time."

"Now there's a challenge," he said as he began the long withdrawal to resume his powerful thrusts.

"Oh no, it wasn't meant to be a challenge ... really! Just go ahead and cum."

He didn't utter another word, he wore the look of a determined young man, steely eyes staring eerily down at me. In spite of his boast, I had no expectation of coming again. After all, on the edge of my orgasm, he had seemed about to blow himself. I figured that he wouldn't be able to hold that back, not now that he had resumed those long hard driving thrusts inside me.

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