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les histoires de chrislebo

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The man skirted round his boss who stood there huffing and puffing in anger. His red face gave him the appearance of a boiler about to explode. His hands clenched and unclenched. "What the hell do you think your doing?" He shouted at her.

"I'm paying for the groceries." She replied. The answer shook her. She was stripping for food. How low could she get. The awareness of how degraded her morals were shattered her self-worth.

"You're a dirty whore. I don't want the likes of you in my store. Get out. Walk the streets where you belong. Look for customers on the street not in my store. Don't come back here or I'll phone the police." He ranted at her.

Scooping up her clothes she ran out of the store. With them bundled in her arms she shivered in fright. Standing naked on a street corner was a horrifying nightmare come true. "No! No, no, no. This can't be happening." She whispered.

They were staring at her. As though she might become invisible if she stood still enough she froze. People were giggling and making awful remarks about her nakedness. Before it drove her into madness she pulled on her clothes and headed down the street straightening them as she went.

A block down from the store she the fast walk turned into a saunter. Her hips began to sway in a steady rhythm. 'At least I'm free of George and being sold to a glorified pimp.' She sighed.

The wind lifted the hem of the dress flashing her knickers. She was too exhausted to control it she carried on aimlessly walking desperately trying to think what to do next. She wistfully looked at the cars passing wishing she could get a ride home. Perhaps she should try and hitch a ride.

A young outside her shop stopped sweeping as Alice approached. She looked Alice up and down. "Pull your dress down girl. Don't you know your advertising?" She chuckled then realisation swept her face. She noticed Alice was scanning the passing cars.

"Your one of those whores. Get out of here. I don't want you cheap whores back here spoiling my trade. Go get your tricks somewhere else. Just walk on up the street where you belong. You cheap whore." The young woman said.

So that was why she hadn't pulled down her dress. It was a frightening realisation that she was looking to be picked up, not for a ride home, but for business. Twice she had been told she was a whore. She had been blocking out of mind the terrible prospect that she was scanning cars as they passed to turn a trick.

Alice moved on not knowing where she might end up.

A car stopped and she leant through the open window. Involuntarily the words left her throat in a husky stage whisper. "Do you want a cheap whore?" She asked. Tears formed in her eyes. She dare not look at the stranger who was about to buy her body.

She knew only too well he could tell her to do anything he wanted however perverted. Perhaps she would have been better off being sold on to George's contact. At least she would have been looked after, protected from the worst that men could do to her.

Out here she was alone and could only say 'yes' to whatever they wanted. If she stayed out on the streets long enough there would be no turning back. She had already been in a magictic state for over twenty-four hours reinpowering its power over her. At the beginning she might have been able to shake it off but not now.

"Get in the back and lie down." The man told her powerfully.

'Shit! What now?' She thought. She feared she was being *******ped. Hidden from view on the back seat she couldn't see where she was going or who had taken her. 'How does he know I will lie here quietly as he told me?' She pondered. 'Unless he knows I'm magictised. 'At least it can't be a *******ping.' She threw out the thought that it couldn't get any worse for it always did.

The car pulled up and he leaned over to tell her. "Follow me." With head down she didn't care where she was but what was going to happen to her. Alice was bout to say to her self, at least I'm off the streets, but dare not tempt fate.

Only half aware of her surroundings she followed him into a rough looking building that had been a warehouse once. "Sit down right there." He ordered her. He didn't tell her he had ordered her. What was going on?

"Drink this." He said.

She sipped it as though she had a choice after such a direct order. It was there in his voice, everything a command. With relief she found it was water and gulped greedily at it.

"You're worn out and dehydrated. You must take more water, and then you can relax." Half way through the last glass of water she fell arelax sitting up on the sofa.


Waking up she wondered where she was. In a soft comfortable bed, alone, that was where she was. Not remembering how she got there or who with she became frightened.

In walked a stranger. It came back to her that she had been picked up by a punter, buying her to perform.

"Drink this." He told her. She remembered the commanding voice. There was no question she had to do as she was told. The fresh orange juice wasn't so much drank as absorbed.

"Tell me everything that has happened to you since I left you at your house." He commanded powerfully.

She blinked back tears so that she could look at him. It was Darren! She spent what seemed the most embarrassing two hours telling him everything. Every humiliating detail spilled out of her mouth, as ordered. The feelings, sensations, everything was revealed. She told him every sordid little detail.

At last she was silent. It was all out and a great relief.

"I went back to your house to find out why you hadn't called. James was there. He wouldn't let me in so I powerd my way in. He wouldn't tell me anything so I powerd it out of him. He's not in hospital but only just. I was hanging around Georgies' place wondering what to do. He's not someone to tackle so easily. You'll have to lie low here for awhile." Darren explained.

"I thought I saw you on the street then lost you. That must have been when you went into the store. Anyway, by the time I drove back round the block there you were. I had to keep you out of sight in case George or one of his friends spotted you. I don't want to get caught up with them." He said. Darren gave her a big smile.

"You're safe here." He shrugged unsure whether to go on. "When you're ready for it I have the phrase to release you."

Her eyes opened wide. Was she dreaming or was it really all over.

"It's not going to be that simple though. You'll need rest and help in overcoming those deep suggestions. I contacted a professional magictist and he told me you shouldn't have been left so long under its influence. It must be deep seated now." He said

As dreadful as she felt his smile comforted her. It shone from his face replacing the deep frown of concern that had been there while she told her sorry tale. She rested her head back on the soft pillow. She really was safe now. She trusted him. There was some doubt though.

Did she want him to rid her mind of all those things she had learnt? James had used her as an experimental doll but she too had learnt something about the pleasures her body could give and take. It might be nice to use those s*******s with this gorgeous man.


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Ma première partouze improvisée !!!

J'ai 27 ans et je suis dans la région centre. Je suis bi malgré ma copine j'aime me transformer en chienne !!
Cette histoire c'est passé il y a deux mois.
Avec mon club de foot nous sommes allés s'entrainer dans un complexe aquatique pour avoir plus de conditions physique. Une semaine complète d'entrainement loin de chez sois seulement avec le club de foot.
Nous étions par chambre de 2, le second soir je sors de ma douche nu et je vais pour me glisser dans mon lit quand Arnaud me fait remarquer que je commence à bander... Peut être l'effet de me balader nu toutes les portes et les fenêtres ouvertes !!!
Pour m'amuser je décidais d'aller faire un tour sur la terrasse de notre chambre totalement nu. Soudainement j’entends une porte se fermer et je vois Arnaud rigoler derrière la porte vitrée, me voila nu dehors, je commence à paniquer car beaucoup de monde pouvaient passer par là.
Je le suppliais d'ouvrir, il me jeta une carotte par la petite fenêtre et m'a dit de me l'enfoncer dans mon anus, pris de panique j'exécutais à sa grande surprise... j'étais là sur la terrasse avec une carotte au fond de l'anus à la vue de tout le monde.
Arnaud pris une photo et me dit que si je ne voulais pas que l'équipe le sache je devais le sucer. J'exécutais, je me trouvais aux anges, l'anus plein et un sexe imposant dans la bouche (17cm pour 5 de diamètre). Rapidement Arnaud jouit dans la bouche, mister sexe était toujours au fond de ma gorge ce qui m'obligeais à tout avaler.
Je pensais que l'histoire était finie, on alla se coucher tranquillement.
Le lendemain matin 8h toute l'équipe était dans la piscine, je remarquais Arnaud qui parlait avec Mathieu, d'un coup il se mit à rire en me regardant, la honte m'envahis !!!
L'entraineur donna les directives et sorti de la piscine.
Apres deux longueurs je sentis une main sur mes fesses, avant que puisse me débattre je n'avais plus de maillot de bain. J'étais nu au milieu du bassin avec toute l'équipe de foot : 15 mecs qui rigolaient car je commençais à bander!
Pour eux c'était un jeu marrant, je tournais pour essayé de le récupérer impossible. En plus d'être nu sur le bord de la piscine un groupe d’hommes plus âgés (3 hommes la quarantaine bien passé), il se mit à rire de la situation. Je vis Arnaud fouiller dans mister sac et sortir mister appareil photo et montrer la photo de moi avec ma carotte dans le cul, puis une photo de moi avec sa bite dans la bouche ! J'étais rempli de honte mais cela m'excitait encore plus et ca se voyait avec mon sexe qui était maintenant au garde à vous !
L'équipe de foot m'obligea à monter dans les douches, et je vis Arnaud qui sorti un concombre de mister sac, là quatre garçons de l'équipe me bloquent au sol les fesses en l'air, je sentis un liquide froid couler sur mon anus, d'un coup sec Arnaud m'enfonça le concombre sous les rires du reste de l'équipe. Abdel se mit devant moi et baissa mister calçons de bain, je découvris un sexe énorme 23cm environs pour 7 de diamètre !!! J’avais du mal à le mettre dans ma bouche. Abdel me baisa la bouche comme un dingue, je sentais mister gland dans le fond de ma gorge. Mon anus se vida et je sentis un sexe remplacer le concombre. Il était plus fin, je vis dans la glace devant moi Mathieu qui commençait la sodomie. Il jouit rapidement au fond de mon petit trou, toute l'équipe rigolait et me traitait de pute, de chienne, de pédale.
Adbel se place derrière moi, du sperme sortait de ma rondelle du coup il ne mis pas de lubrifiant et entrant mister sexe d'un seul coup, un cri de douleur m'échappa. Il regarda en direction de l'équipe et propose qu'un autre baise ma bouche. Ce que julien fit directement, me revoilà avec un sexe dans la bouche et un autre dans l'anus. J'étais comblé et gêné en même temps, humilié par mes collègues de foot.
Mathieu continuait à faire des photos je commençais à avoir mal à la bouche, j'avais les fesses très ouvertes et en feu. Le visage plein de sperme, soudainement je vis dans la glace en face de moi Mathieu qui revenait avec les groupes d'hommes que j'avais croisé nu. Un des 3 hommes pris mister sexe dans sa main et commença à me branler, vu mon état d'excitation je jouis très rapidement. Il récupéra mon sperme dans un petit flacon, je n'avais pas encore compris pourquoi...
On me masturba six fois, à tel point que j'avais maintenant les testicules en feu !! En plus de ma gorge et de mes fesses !!!! Au fur et à mesure l'équipe passa par mes fesses et ma gorge, je venais d'être la chienne de 15 hommes qui attendaient que ca!!!
Je pensais avoir fini, je voulais me relever quand j'entendis Mathieu dire aux 3 hommes que j'étais à eux maintenant.
En 2 secondes j'avais trois hommes sportifs et très bien membré !!! Abdel avait l'air d'un gamin à coté d'eux, je n'avais jamais vu une bite aussi grosse, elle passait les 25cm pour 8 de diamètre un monstre !!! Il s'enfonça dans mon anus en mettant tout mister poids, un cri de douleur m'échappa à nouveau, du coup les 2 hommes qui restaient se mirent devant moi et je devais sucer les 2 bites en même temps. Je fus pilonné durant 20 min sous les rires de mes équipiers et les flashs des appareils photos. L'homme au sexe immense jouit au fond de mon anus et les deux autres devant sur mon visage. Ils changèrent de place, le sexe que j'avais dans mon cul passa dans ma bouche, il était plein de sperme. J'avais l'anus totalement dilaté et les 2 autres compères voulaient faire comme tout le monde et me sodomiser, j'ai reçu une double pénétration. Tout ca bien sur avec de nombreuses photos faites par les amis, j'avais honte mais j'étais tellement excité que je bandais à nouveau dur, quand ils ont vu ca, ils ont pris le flacon contenant mon sperme et m'obligèrent à le boire.
J'étais épuisé, humilié mais satisfait, tout le monde me traitait de pute ou de salope, Tout le monde sorti des douches, j'étais encore là par terre dans les douches. Le temps que je me relève il y avait plus rien dans le vestiaire, je n'avais plus mon maillot de bain ni même mon sac avec les affaires de rechange.
Ils ne m'avaient même pas laissé du savon pour que je puisse me nettoyer, j'étais recouvert de sperme et totalement nu !!! J'ai traversé la piscine et une partie de l’hôtel totalement nu et collant. En arrivant dans ma chambre mes vêtements n’étaient plus là aussi, sur la terrasse de la chambre il y avait toute l'équipe qui s'échangeait les photos et les vidéos. Ils m'ont donné un sac de vêtement, heureux je l'ouvre mais je trouve que des vêtements de femmes (string, nuisette, robe). J'étais obligé de rester habillé comme ca tout le reste de la semaine de sport. J'avais seulement droit au pantalon quand on devait sortir.
Toute la semaine j'ai servi de vide couille à l'équipe et aux 3 hommes pervers.
Humilié toute la semaine pour espérer que les photos ne soient pas montrées. Photos qui ont tourné dans le club de foot et depuis 2 mois à chaque entrainement je deviens la chienne de l'équipe.



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Apres cette semaine d'entrainement où je me suis fait partouzer par l'équipe de foot je suis devenu la petite chienne du club...
La première semaine de notre retour de ce stage rien ne c'était passé. Je pensais que l'histoire était close.
Apres l'entrainement nous avons fait notre barbeuc régulier. Toute l'équipe était là, avec nos petites copines. J'étais content j'avais retrouvé une copine et pour moi je pensais que ma période bi était finie. Permisterne du club ne m'avait reparlé de cette histoire.
Nous étions tous encore dans le vestiaire et on parlait de nos copines respectives, je m'habillais tranquillement quand Mathieu me tandis un string pour homme. Je ne voulais pas le mettre mais Abdel sorti une série de photos où j'avais des bites dans la bouche et recouvert de sperme. Tout le monde s'est mis à rire et Rémi me dit que si je ne mets pas le string il va directement montrer les photos à ma copine.
J'ai pris peur, et du coup pas le choix j'ai du mettre le string. Je me retrouvais avec un tout petit string sous le short de foot. On pouvait penser que je n’avais pas de sous vêtement du coup. Ils m'ont assuré que ca irait pas plus loin donc confiant je suis sorti du vestiaire. Je m'occupais du barbeuc quand Richard m'a appelé dans les vestiaires, il a un plug imposant dans sa main, pas très grand 10 cm large 8cm. Il me dit que si je ne mets pas le plug il montre les photos à ma copine.
Plein de honte je me penche sur la table, Richard m'enfonce le plus en rigolant, il a du mal à rentrer, Richard power pour être sur qu'il reste dans mon anus.
On ressort comme si de rien n’était du vestiaire. Mathieu vient me voir et me glisse une main dans le short pour voir si j'avais le plug. Je ne savais plus où me mettre. J'ai du préparer le repas, quand j'ai fini de cuire les saucisses, et que je mangeais Abdel dit que j'aime les saucisses, surtout avec un peu de sauce... tout le monde se moqua de moi. Mais les filles n'avaient pas compris, l’honneur était sauf. Du moins pour le moment. Apres manger Rémi dit devant tout le monde qu'une lopette comme moi devait débarrasser la table et demanda à ma copine qui portait la culotte dans le couple. Elle ne comprit pas et là 3 joueurs me bloquent face contre table, avec le petit short de foot, on remarque que j'ai un string en dessous. Le temps de comprendre ce qu'il se passait j'avais mon short sur les chevilles et je me trouvais en string avec un plug dans les fesses devant les joueurs mais aussi les filles, qui de suite ont sortie leur téléphone portable pour immortaliser cet instant.
Ma copine me regarde et tant que je suis bloqué elle vient jouer avec le plug, me revoilà humilié devant l'équipe, mais là encore pire ma virilité venait de prendre un coup. En string avec un plug devant des filles, la honte que je ressenti me procura de l'excitation, je bandais très dur!!!
Ma copine le remarqua et le dit haut et fort pour que tout le monde soit bien au courant.
Elle m'enleva le string pour que tout le monde voit mon sexe en érection. Je sentais mes agresseurs lâcher prise mais ce fut juste pour que l'on me relève et que l'on voie mon sexe. A cinq ils me rentrèrent dans le vestiaire et avec les cordes pour faire de la corde à sauter je suis attaché sur les tables, le sexe en l'air.
Les filles se mistert mise à rire, l'une d'elle fait remarquer que comme j'ai un plug dans le cul je ne suis plus un homme et je ne dois pas avoir de poil.
3 filles ont commencé à me couper les poils avec leurs ciseaux, l'un d'entre elle reparti chez elle chercher une tondeuse pour me raser totalement. Me voila entouré de filles qui me rasent avec tous les mecs autours qui se moquaient de moi. Je me suis mis à râler, je n'aurais pas du, Abdel sorti sa bite et me l'enfonça au fond de la gorge. Je me retrouvais nu en train de me faire raser le sexe avec une bite au fond de ma gorge. Je ne voyais plus que les flashs des appareils photos.
L'offense me donnait encore une érection plus forte, ma copine me sera les couilles et se moqua de moi. Rémi m'acheva, il sorti mister ordi portable et commença à montrer les photos aux filles. Marie la copine de Mathieu lui demanda de me sodomiser, les filles trouvent que c'est une bonne idée, je suis retourné sur la table, les fesses offerte à la vu de tout le monde et mon érection devient de plus en plus forte, je jouie sans même que l'on me touche, une fois de plus ma virilité était attaquée. Aline ramassa mon sperme avec ses mains et m'obligea de tout lécher. Le pire est que j’avalais sans problème. Je me retrouvais donc à nouveau en train de me faire partouzer par les amis du club de foot mais là avec un public féminin qui demandait que ca!!!
Et hop c'était reparti, de nouveau une bite dans la bouche et une autre dans le cul. Je me suis pris la moitie de l'équipe dans le cul quand une fille eu une idée qui allait encore plus me faire perdre toute virilité, elle revient 15 min plus tard avec un gode ceinture énorme 25cm par 8. J'ai pris peur mais avec la dose de sperme qui sortait de mon anus il est rentré tout seul. Du coup je me retrouvais en train de me faire sodomiser par des filles, le peu de virilité qui me restait disparaissait.
Je suçais des vraies bites et j'en avais une fausse dans l'anus. Sur les demandes des filles tous les mecs se vidaient dans ma bouche un part un.
Durant plus d'une heure je me faisais baiser la bouche et l'anus. J'avais du sperme partout sur le visage et le cul en feu. Ma copine pris le gode ceinture en dernier, souillé de mon anus je devais le sucer, tout ca sous les flashs des appareils photos... ce qui n’avaient pas jouis dans la bouche s'occuper de se vider dans mon anus.
Je pensais que tout le monde était satisfait et que j'allais pouvoir repartir. Aline prend des glaçons et me recouvrent le sexe, il devient minuscule, nouvelle offense qui me provoqua une petite érection qui fut stoppée par une tape sur mon sexe.
A ce moment Alain sortit une tenu de soubrette je fus obliger de la mettre, Rémi pris tout mes vêtements de sport et part avec. Quand il revient je suis habillé en soubrette attaché face contre le mur. Je ne sais plus quoi faire, je ne pouvais pas bouger et je me commençais à paniquer lorsque les portes du vestiaire se mistert ouvertes. Là j'ai entendu des voix que je ne connaissais pas. Encore une offense qui me donna des frismisters, je me retrouvais devant des hommes inconnus en tenu de soubrette avec seulement un string pour cacher mon intimité.
Les joueurs de l'équipe me bloquent à quatre pattes par terre et se mettent tous en rond autour de moi, je voyais 15 sexes autour de moi, j'ai eu droit à une belle douche dorée, j'étais de nouveau souillé et humilié devant tous le monde, âpres ils mistert partis en laissant les clés à ces 7 hommes qui étaient arrivé après. Les filles ont tous filmé et pris en photos, maintenant comme elles disent je suis aussi à leur merci. Je vois enfin mes nouveaux bourreaux qui vont remettre une couche à mon anus déjà bien douloureux!! Je commence à avoir peur car je découvre 3 black et des marocains. Déjà habillé ils paraissent avoir un gros sexe.
Les hommes enlèvent leur caleçon et je découvre leurs sexes hors norme, il y en avait pas un en dessous de 23 24cm. Je me suis fait prendre devant les filles comme une petite pute, ca a durée encore une bonne heure, j'étais de nouveau plein de sperme, un black a failli me faire vomir en giclant au fond de ma gorge... il restait quelques filles qui partait au fur et à mesure, elles ont laissé la caméra aux hommes pour qu'ils puissent finir de filmer se spectacle.
Une fois que tout le monde vide, enfin moi j'étais plein de sperme, ils m'ont laissé sur la table et mistert parti. Tant que je reprenne mes esprits il y avait plus permisterne, je n'avais plus de vêtements juste la tenu de soubrette...
Je suis devenu la pute du club, et avec le bouche à oreille beaucoup de gens viennent me tester.

A power d'offense par des hommes et de ne plus sortir avec des filles, je deviens de plus en plus chienne...


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Est-ce réellement la fin du roman ?? Merci
Et encore une belle histoire, d'un côté que je n'apprécie pas trop, mais il en faut pour tout le monde... En tout cas merci et bonne continuation.


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Ma copine humiliée suite à un pari

Nous sommes un couple uni et solidaire, pas encore mariés mais vivant ensemble depuis maintenant 5 ans à Marseille.

J'ai 30 ans et elle 25 ans.

Moi je m'appelle Gino, je mesure 1.75 pour 75 kg. Je suis d'origine italienne. Je suis électricien.

Ma copine s'appelle Malika, elle mesure 1.68 pour 68 kg, elle a les cheveux noirs avec des yeux noirs perçants. Elle est d'origine algérienne. Elle est aide-soignante.

Elle est plutôt bien faite malgré qu'elle soit un peu boulotte.

Elle a une poitrine de 95 d.

Elle se fait souvent regarder et donne envie à beaucoup de mecs.

Quand je l'ai connu il y a 5 ans elle était vierge.

C'est moi qui l’aie dépucelée.

Depuis elle n'a connu que moi car de part mister éduction dure elle n’a pas la cuisse légère.

On fait l'amour souvent où elle accepte tout.

Il arrive même que certains samedi soir on se domine 2 heures chacun où rien n'est épargné à l'autre.

J'ai acheté pas mal de godes des menottes et souvent on fait des scénarios divers et variés.

Ce qui ressort et qui nous excites beaucoup c'est elle avec un ou plusieurs mec(s) qui se fait défoncer comme il faut je la prends par tous les trous avec ma bite et les godes.

Des fois même dans nos scénarios il y a une ou plusieurs femmes dans les récits.

Mais malgré ça je n'ai jamais réussi à lui faire passer le cap de relations à plusieurs réelle. Elle ne veut pas et me dit "je le ferais jamais cela reste des fantasmes." etc...

De plus elle est très pudique elle s'habille en pantalon ou des jupes et des robes aux genoux.

Elle ne montre rien aux autres elle garde tout pour moi.

J'aurais bien aimé la dévergonder mais pas moyen.

Un jour alors que nous marchions main dans la main on a fait un pari.

Le perdant devait être à l'autre pendant 1 semaine.

J'ai dit "tu es sure de vouloir faire ce pari"?

Elle me dit que oui.

Je lui dis "attention si je gagne tu auras rien le droit de dire et tu me seras soumise."

Elle me dit oui en pensant que ça allait être comme d'habitude quand l'un se soumet à l'autre.

Je savais déjà que j'avais gagné car j'étais sur de la réponse.

Nous arrivons à la maimister et on vérifie sur internet.

Je gagne.

Je lui dis "laisse moi une semaine je te prépare quelque chose.

Elle me dit ok mais tu connais mes tabous.

Pas de tabous cette fois dis-je.

Tu as perdu, tu assumes, point.

Fière qu'elle est, elle accepte.

Je voulais vraiment l’humilier, la rabaisser au rang de chienne. Ca lui passerait peut être mister sale caractère.

La vie reprend mister cour.

Je réfléchis pendant 2 jours comment faire ça bien en ne voulant pas laisser passer cette occasion unique qui est venue à moi.

J'ai pensé le lundi à quelque chose.

Aller sur internet et chercher quelqu'un qui assouvira mes envies de la rabaisser.

Après 5 heures de recherche je tombe sur un mec.

Il se trouve à Nice, il a une villa avec piscine.

Il a 31 ans avec une très bonne situation. (Facultatif)

On sympathise par le net, je l'appelle pour en savoir un peu plus.

Il me dit qu'il sera le lendemain sur Marseille.

Nous prenons rendez-vous pour aller déjeuner ensemble et parler de tout ça.

Simplement pour voir s’il convient à mes envies, s’il a des idées en rapport avec ce que je veux faire.

Il est physiquement bien est pense qu'il plairait à ma copine car malgré sa dureté avec les autres mecs elle a quand même des opinions de beauté.

Il est grand 1.85 80 kg, châtain aux yeux bleus. D'origine Française pure.

Il est habillé classe de part mister boulot.

Il est très posé, pas excité comme un fou par ma proposition.

Il me dit avoir une bite de 18.5

C'est correct, elle est comme la mienne.

Ses idées me conviennent.

Le soir en rentrant je dis à Malika que j'ai trouvé ce que je voulais faire.

Bien sur malgré ses questions je restais comme une porte.



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Devenir une vraie petite soumise pour mister voisin

Myriam (origines marocaines), 26ans.

Ca c'est passé il y a 2 ans. Je venais d'aménager, il me restait 2 cartons à monter et mon copain devait partir. J'ai commencé à porter le premier carton au 2e sans ascenseur. Rien de lourd, juste des vêtements.

Lorsqu’un voisin du RdC ouvre la porte et me dit "tu veux que je t'aide?". Je répondis non merci et partit.
Au deuxième carton il me redemanda mais je lui dis non encore que c’était le dernier carton et finit. Il avait l'air sympa, je dirais bien 50 ans avec un ventre à bière !!

Le lendemain, âpres avoir fait du rangement, je m'aperçois que le frigo ne marche pas. Je regarde la prise, le thermostat, le compteur... je tourne en rond et ne trouvant pas d'où ca vient, je me dis que si le voisin peut m'aider, ca me dépannerai bien.

Je tape chez lui et il ouvre il me fait entrer et je lui explique le problème.
Donc il vient chez moi et va voir le frigo, il change 2 fusible de place et le frigo démarre. Il m'explique qu'un fusible a grillé et qu'il en avait chez lui et va dans le coin salon (petit studio) et s'assoie et me demande ce que j'ai à boire.
Étonnée, mais contente qu'il puisse m’aider, je lui sers un panaché a mon copain et vient le rejoindre.
Il me dit viens là me remercier avant de boire.
Assez troublée je me suis demandé ce qu'il voulait et il enchaina : "vient la petite chienne" et me tira par la main.
J'ai paniqué et je lui ai dit de se calmer…

Je lui ai dit de sortir ou bien j'appelais mon copain. Il est sortit en me disant que j'allais venir a lui, que il me donnerait mon fusible, qu'il m’aidera si j'avais besoin mais que je devais venir a lui à 4 pattes comme une bonne petite chienne.

J'avais jamais vu un homme aussi malade et pervers, je n'ai rien dit à mon copain car j'avais peur que ca se passe très mal.
Le lendemain dans ma boite à lettre j'ai trouvé 2 fusibles neufs. Je n'ai rien dit et je suis partit.

Je n'ai pas revu ce voisin durant 2 semaines et un jour il frappa à la porte. Je lui ouvris et il me dit être désolé, que il était devenu fou il apporta des pâtisseries. Trop gentil j'ouvris la porte et lui proposa du thé.

Nous avons discuté mais rapidement il me dit que je suis belle, que je suis attirante, que mon ami a de la chance et il me caressa la main, et mis sa main à l'intérieur de la cuisse.
Il n'arrêtait pas de dire que les filles arabes étaient très douce, très agréable a toucher. Je devenu folle de peur, je bougeais et demandais d'arrêter mais il me serrait le poignet très fort puis d'un coup me lâchât et me dit de me calmer. Il me demanda de venir à coté.
Moi debout je lui demandais de partir mais il n’écoutait pas, il me disait que je l’avais fait rentrer pour ca, il me disait que j'avais pensé a ca, que j'avais rêvé de ca, que je devais venir à coté...

Etant donné qu'il ne sortait pas, je me suis rassise à coté. Il me demanda si j'avais repensé a la dernière fois, si en prenant les fusibles dans la boite j'avais compris que je devais le remercier, il me demandait si j'avais compris qu’il me voulait.
J'entendais ces paroles mais je n’étais pas d'accord avec lui mais je devais écouter pour qu'il parte et rapidement il attrapât mes cheveux et les saisit violement puis me dit "je vais t'éduquer moi tu vas voir".

Il me fit mettre à ses genoux à lécher mister pantalon. Je ne réagissais plus j'avais peur envie qu'il s'en aille et au fond de moi j’avais en effet pensé à sa visite de la dernière fois.

Il me tirait de plus en plus fort les cheveux mais je ne réagissais pas à la douleur. Il défit mister pantalon et me demanda de sucer mister sexe à travers mister caleçon. Il était très cru mais surtout très insultant. Il ne sortit jamais mister sexe et se léchage a duré pas mal de temps. Puis il me tira les cheveux, me dit que j'étais une magnifique chienne me demanda si cela m’avait plus, je répondis oui par peur/reflexe/excitation.
Il mit ses doigts dans ma bouche puis me gifla et me dit qu’il voulait que je le reçoive ainsi la prochaine fois. Il enlevait mister caleçon. Il avait un sexe petit toujours en érection et il était très poilu. Il mit mister caleçon sur ma table basse, remit mister pantalon et me fit me mettre à 4 pattes en me tirant les cheveux.

Il m'ordonna de laver mister caleçon et de le tenir propre jusqu'à ce qu'il revienne le chercher.

Finalement je le vis durant 3mois complet presque 1 soir sur 2 à la fin. Je n'étais plus chez moi, mais il était chez lui et je fus sa véritable chienne le dernier mois. J'ai aimé cette relation…


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Punition honteuse

C'était un matin comme tous les autres, je sortais de chez moi pour aller chercher le courrier.
Je ramassais toutes les lettres et revenais vers le palier, embrassant mon mari qui partait au travail.
Je posais le courrier sans y faire attention et quelques minutes plus tard mon amant arriva et nous fîmes l'amour.
Cela faisait plus d'un an que moi Michelle avait cette relation extra-conjugale.
pour me decrire, je mesure 1m72 pour 66kg, cheveux châtain clair très long,ainsi que de jolis yeux verts.
Une fois mon amant parti,j'ouvrais une à une les lettres quand je tombais sur des photos de mes ébats avec marc(mon amant), ainsi qu'une lettre qui indiquait un rendez vous,dans une maimister plus loin dans le quartier à 16heures et que si je ne me présentais pas à ce rendez-vous,mon mari saurait toute l'histoire et je pourrais dire aurevoir à toutes sa fortune(il est avocat).
Il etait 16 heures et j'etais devant cette maimister qui ne semblait pas être habitée, je m'avançais et frappais à la porte à plusieurs reprises. Permisterne ne repondait,je tournais donc la poignée de la porte qui s'ouvrit.
hésitante et regardant dans les pièces que je voyais depuis le palier,je n'apercevais pas grand chose et me décidais à rentrer.
Je faisais quelques pas à l'intérieur, m'arrêtant devant les escaliers quand j'entendis la porte se fermer derrière moi et une voix grave me dire de ne pas me retourner.
Je pouvais sentir sa présence, il me matait sans dire mot pendant quelques secondes qui me parurent une éternité.
Ses mains se posèrent sur mes épaules, mes muscles se contractant de peur. Détends toi ma ravissante me chuchotait-il dans le creux de l'oreille.
Tu sais pourquoi tu es là Michelle.
NON je ne sais pas lui répondis je texto.
Petite coquine, tu baises dans le dos de ton mari et çaaaa!!!!!
Que voulez vous de l'argent?
NON! tu vas me donner autre chose.
Dans le même temps, une de ses mains caressa ma cuisse qui eut pour réaction de le repousser mais mister bras me ramena contre lui.
Là je pouvais sentir le souffle de sa bouche.Tu vas être très coopérative où je balance tout à ton mari.
Devenant toute mielleuse j'acquiesçais de la tête, m'abandonnant à lui comme une vulgaire salope.
On va monter à l'étage, avance.
pour l'instant je ne pouvais distinguer ni sa silhouette ni sa couleur de peau, c'est bien ça qui me faisait le plus peur.
L'idée de me faire prendre par un noir ou maghrebin m'était insupportable.
Nous étions arrivés dans une chambre assez sombre où l'on pouvait distinguer que le seul meuble qui emplissait cette pièce était un lit.
J'eus un mouvement de recul mais sa masse imposante me fit reprendre ma marche en avant jusqu'à toucher le bord du lit.
Tu peux t'asseoir maintenant, j'allais découvrir le visage de mon maitre chanteur.
je le distinguais à peine, je ne jugeais que sa silhouette qui était large (peut être un gros). il allait entrebâiller le volet de la chambre.
Et là!!!!!!!c'etait jacques,le gros noir du quartier!VOUS!
Eh oui ma belle.
t'es obligé de faire chanter des femmes pour baiser salopard, il y a des putes pour ça lui lançais je énervée.
Vous êtes plus excitante!!! t'es pas la première et surement pas la dernière, vous seriez sage au lieu de baiser avec d'autre, tu ne serais pas dans cette galère.
Il fermait la porte et enlevait mister pull et t-shirt laissant tomber ses bourlets de gros cochon, quel dégout! puis ce fut au tour de mister jean et caleçon. Il était nu comme un ver et j'apercevais mister membre pendouiller.
Il avait l'air gigantesque. Il se rapprochait de moi,une fois à ma hauteur, il m'ordonnait de le sucer.
Je n'avais pas le choix et allais devoir jouer la salope et c'est avec dégout que je m'approchais de sa bite. Je commençais par le branler pour faire
durcir mister pénis, sa taille n'arrêtait pas de grandir à chaque va et vient de ma main.
Bon alors suce! je l'engloutissais donc dans ma bouche qui se déformait à chaque passage, mister pénis était légèrement imbibé de mister urine qui me soulevait
des hauts le coeurs mais au bout de quelques minutes cela finit par passer.
je n'en pouvais plus de le sucer mais ses mains agrippant mes cheveux me soutenait la cadence.
Je commençais à étouffer avec cette grosse bite dans ma bouche quand je sentis mister liquide chaud emplir ma bouche et gorge à la fois, ses jets avaient
l'air interminable tant ils se succédaient à la chaine, je pus m'extirper de mister emprise et tombais au sol en toussant et essayant de cracher le maximum
de sperme de ma bouche.
Ce que j'avais avalé était monstrueusement dégoutant, j'avais envie de vomir. Heureusement que le repas du midi était digéré, sinon j'aurais tout dégosillé
sur le tapis.


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En relevant la tête, je le vis tenant un collant beige à la main et regardant mister pénis, il était hésitant.
Allez me dit-il,viens me nettoyer le gland sale chienne!
Non ça vous suffit pas! j'ai assez donné tout de même!
j'aurais mieux fait de me taire. Il s'avançait vers moi, m'empoignant par ma tignasse et me forçait à lui nettoyer mister gland.
Ma langue faisait le tour de mister pénis, léchant toute le reste de sa semence, sa bite tressautait de plaisir à chaque passage.
Hummm tu fais ça bien ma petite pute aussi bien que Sabrina.
Surprise je m'extirpais de lui en tombant sur mes fesses, comment ça Sabrina, ma voisine ?
Oh oui!!! avec elle j'en ai pris du plaisir! tu vois c'est mister collant. il me le balançait à la figure en terminant sa phrase.
je le prenais et le regardais déplié, il était déchiré et filé mais ce qui attira plus particulièrement mon attention était cette énorme tache de sperme séchée au niveau du gousset ou du moins ce qu'il en restait, elle avait du en prendre pour mister grade me disais-je intérieurement.
Oh mon dieu, vous êtes ignoble!!!
Pas plus que vous bande de chiennes en chaleur qui baisaient dans le dos de vos maris, une fois qu'ils mistert partis ; eh oui je profite de cette situation
pour me vider les couilles.
Il me relevait par le bras et passait derrière moi et commençait à m'embrasser dans le cou. mon corps se crispait à chaque baiser qu'il me déposait.
Arrêtez s'il vous plait, ses mains empoignaient mes seins à travers mon chemisier, il les caressait, puis une main vint se glisser dans mon chemisier,
arrachant quelques boutons au passage, mister autre main était descendu jusqu'au bas de ma jupe, me caressant toute les parties de mon corps.
Sa main rugueuse remontait le long de ma cuisse faisant crisser mon collant puis d'un mouvement rapide, elle se positionna sur ma chatte.
Il frottait sa main sur mon gousset, l'enfonçant légèrement dans ma fente. Mon corps me trahissait, je sentais mes jambes se dérobaient sous ses caresses.
NON arrêtez, tout en me dégageant de mister emprise, on se faisait face.
Comment ça non!!!! je vais te défoncer, alors allonge toi sur ce lit et enlève ta robe et ta chemise!
S'il vous plait lui implorais-je, les larmes aux yeux.
Fallait réfléchir avant, alors vite avant que je perde patience!!! t'auras qu'a demandé à sabrina ce que cela donne quand on me résiste.
Par la power des choses je m'exécutais toute tremblante et me retrouvais quasiment nue n'ayant plus que sur moi mon collant dim noir cachant légèrement mon intimité bien rasée, j'étais honteuse, humiliée, blessée dans mon amour propre. Je m'allongeais sur le lit, regardant mister visage s'illuminait de plaisir.
Son membre s'était revigoré et mister pénis était en train de s'étirer de manière monstrueuse.
Putain t'es bien branlée, de bons seins fermes comme je les aime et pas de string sous ton collant qu'il s'empressait de déchirer au niveau du gousset.
Sa langue vint s'enfouir dans ma fente peu ouverte. J'eus pour reflexe de serrer mes cuisses mais ses mains surpuissantes me les plaquèrent contre le matelas.
Il léchait mon clitoris, sa langue me le titillait, mordillait, je lâchais des cris de plaisir par inadvertance malgré ma résistance face à ce malotru profiteur.
Ma fente commençait à s'entrouvrir et à mouiller, je tordais les draps du lit et me mordais les lèvres pour ne pas m'abandonner au désir de cet enfoiré.
Un de ses doigts s'enfonça profondément dans mon orifice vaginal, me faisant lâcher un petit cri.
Son doigté rapide accélérait la lubrification, je sentais ma chatte mouillait de plus en plus, je me tortillais comme un ver de terre essayant d'échapper à mister prédateur.
Hummmmmm ta cyprine est bonne ma petite pute me disait il tout en se branlant de mister autre main.
Son pénis était bien plus gros que quelques bonnes dizaine de minutes auparavant, mister gland tendu à mister maximum se rapprochait de mon vagin, j'essayais de reculer tout en rampant de dos sur le lit mais ses bras surpuissants eurent vite fait de me ramener vers lui, je pouvais maintenant sentir sa bite qui se frottait sur ma fente, il jouait avec mes nerfs.
OHHHHH ça y était, il me pénétrait, mister énorme barreau s'enfonçait dans mes entrailles, j'essayais de me contracter le con pour le repousser mais elle était bien trop grosse et il eut vite raimister de moi. Il glissait en moi très lentement mais à chaque coup de rein de sa part, j'avais l'impression qu'il me déchirait le col.
Malgré les mots "arrêtez" et"non" entre chaque coup de queue, mes mains essayaient de repousser ce gros porc, l'une d'entre elle parvint à se glisser sous mister énorme ventre et tentait d'éjecter sa queue.
Tu veux la toucher salope, t'aimes ça me balançait-il.
Non vous me faites mal elle est trop grosse!!!!
Il me prenait mes deux jambes qu'il rabattait sur ses épaules, ses bras se posant à coté de mes hanches, j'étais pliée en deux, mes collants se déchiraient à tout va pendant la manoeuvre.
Sa bite me défonçait plus rapidement dès à présent, me labourant. Ses boules venait claquer mes fesses à chaque passage, je n'avais jamais prise une aussi monstrueuse queue en moi de toute ma vie. Mes cris de détresse se mélangeaient avec ceux de la jouissance malgré moi.
Oh putain tu es super bonne disait il d'une voix saccadée par mister souffle.
il se retirait vulgarement et me positionnait à quatre pattes et lui se glissait derrière moi, me reprenant dans la foulée.
Sa pénétration était furieuse, je subissais un pilonnage en règle qui me déclenchait des orgasmes non contrôlés.
Je me retrouvais la tête dans les draps quand il se retirait de ma chatte, je croyais bien qu'il voulait jouir sur mon cul mais il en était rien.
Mais quand je sentis mister pénis sur l'entrée de mon anus, il était trop tard, mister gland était déjà entré, m'arrachant un cri strident.
La douleur était grande,( je me suis fais prendre le cul qu'une seule fois) je criais de toute mes powers dans cette chambre qu'il fut obliger de me bâillonner la bouche avec sa main pendant que mister pénis s'enfonçait totalement dans mon orifice.
Il coulissait gaiement à présent, mon cul était en feu du à l'échauffement, j'étais au bord de l'évanouissement tellement la douleur été vive.
Mon calvaire pris fin au bout de deux longues minutes, il se retirait et me retournait face à lui me déversant tout mister foutre.
Plusieurs jets fusèrent, un arrosant ma fente, un autre mon collant et le reste sur mon ventre.
Mes nerfs lâchaient et je me mettais à pleurer toutes les larmes de mon corps.
Il me retirait violemment mon collant et me dit que l'addition n'était pas réglée en totalité.
Comment?..vous m'avez humilié, profitez de moi salopard.
A demain même heure et obéis et mets une tenue comme aujourd'hui ma salope.
Sur ces mots il partit me laissant seule dans cette chambre en détresse totale.



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J'etais rentrée chez moi me doucher intensement chaque partie de mon corps souillé par le foutre de Jacques.
Je me pressais car mon mari n'allait pas tarder à se me rhabillais et fut vite prête pour l'accueillir.
Le repas finit, mon mari eut envie de moi, il commença à me plotter contre lui, me bisoutant le coup. Sa main se glissa sous ma jupe m'ecartant mon string sur un coté, mister doigt rentra dans ma fente qui s'humidifiait à chaque coulissement.Mes jambes se derobaient et je fus vite allongée sur la moquette du salon et sa queue fringante s'enfonça en moi.Après ma terrible journée, j'avais l'impression d'être prise sauvagement par mon mari.
Heureusement pour moi, il jouit assez rapidement. Après un brin de toilette nous allames nous coucher, pour ma part je redoutais la journée de demain.
Le soleil éclairait la chambre, il était dèja dix heures et j'avais dormi plus qu'à l'accoutumé mais j'etais stressée car à 14 heures, j'allais retourner voir
jacques mon bourreau.
A midi je ne pus manger tellement j'appréhendais à quelle sauce j'allais etre manger une nouvelle fois.
14 heures,j'arrivais et rentrais dans la maimister, une fois sur le seuil quelle ne fut pas ma surprise et vice et versa quand je vis Sabrina face à moi.
Sabrina etait une belle métisse blonde de la même taille que moi, une taille de guêpe.
Toi là? lachait t-on en même temps mais la voix de Jacques qui était au premier étage nous fimes regarder vers lui.
Allez monter! vous connaissez le chemin!
Sabrina et moi nous regardions droit dans les yeux et nos regards effrayés en disaient long.
En passant devant lui, il nous claqua la fesse à chacune et nous pria de rentrer dans la chambre.
Quelle ne fut pas notre surprise quand on vit trois permisternes en plus de Jacques dans la pièce. Le premier était un grand noir (barry) tout en muscle, le deuxième tout frêle (youri) était d'origine maghrébine et le troisième n'était autre que le beau-père (roger) de Sabrina. ce fut lui qui parla le premier.
Alors ma belle fille on trompe mon fils comme ça?
Sabrina begayait en ne sachant quoi répondre pour sa défense.
Bon ça suffit viens vers moi, Jacques dut la prendre par le bras et l'amena devant mister beau-père.
A genou lui ordonna t-il!..résignée elle obéit et se retrouvait à genou devant lui, tête basse.
Son pantalon se retrouva sur ses talons, ainsi que mister caleçon, sa bite toute molle faisait face au visage de Sabrina.
allez suce lui ordonnait-il!!!
Dans le même temps le maghrebin s'était faufilé derrière moi et m'enlaçait dans ses bras, ses mains pelotaient mes seins de manière vulgare.
En tournant la tête, je voyais Sabrina qui suçait mister beau-père, bien aidé par Jacques qui lui tenait les cheveux et imprimer la cadence.
Roger tout excité me regardait et me fit un geste comme quoi j'allais le sucer après. Degoutée et entendant mon collant se dechirer, mon regard revint vers le noir mais je ne pus le voir qu'un bref instant, une partie de mon collant en main car la bite de Youri vint tapoter mon visage.
AAAHHH criais je! non je ne vous sucerais pas!
Pendant qu'il essayait de m'enfouir sa bite dans ma bouche, Jacques entendit mes paroles et cris et retorqua immédiatemment.
Youri n'hesite pas à la powerr, elle dira rien, je la tiens,fais toi plaisir!!!!
En plus d'essayer ne pas prendre en bouche la queue de youri, je sentis la langue de Barry me lécher le clitoris, malgré ma resistance en serrant mes cuisses, sa power me les ecarta en quelques secondes. Malgré mon dégoût, mister cunninlingus me faisait jouir tellement sa langue léchait bien.
Youri profita de l'un de mes cris d'idnavertance pour enfouir sa bite dans ma bouche, mister odeur nauséabonde et mister goût d'urine me soulevait l'estomac,j'essayais de me debattre avec les mains mais il me les plaqua contre le lit. C'était horrible, mister gland touchait mes amydales, j'avais du mal à respirer, je reprenais un peu de souffle entre chaque coulissement.
Sabrina venait d'etre jetée sur le lit à mister tour, je pus voir ce qu'il se passait quand Youri vint se taper une branlette espagnole entre mes seins.
Elle n'avait plus que sur elle un porte-jaretelle blanc avec des bas autobronzant, je distinguais la bite de Jacques pénetrant Sabrina sans demi-mesure.
La baise etait violente et à en entendre ses cris, il devait lui dechirer l'uterus.
Roger se dirigea vers moi mister gland rouge et tendu comme un i, il me prit par mes cheveux et enfonça mister dard dans ma gorge.
Oh lachait-il tu es encore plus bonne que dans mes fantasmes, combien de fois quand j'etais chez ma belle fille et que je te voyais te dandiner chez toi, je m'imaginais en train de te faire l'amour et là je t'es en vrai hummmmmmm.
ohhhhhh il se retira vite de ma bouche et me jouit sur la joue et lèvre par petits jets puis j'entendis un autre cri et mes seins se retrouvèrent asperger du foutre de Youri.
Soudain je sentis le gland de Barry entrouvrir ma fente puis s'enfoncer dans ma chair très lentement, sa queue extremement épaisse faisait ventouse avec ma chatte carrement deformée.
Nos cris de desespoir et jouissance melangés à la fois remisternaient dans la chambre. roger et youri sortirent de la chambre pour aller je ne sais où.
Sabrina et moi nous faisions pilonner par Jacques et Barry, deux noirs bien montés, ils nous prenaient dans diverses positions pendant plus d'un quart d'heure.
J'entendis Jacques criait en s'effondrant sur Sabrina, il jouissait à flot dans ses entrailles, la faisant lacher quelques larmes.
Quant à moi barry n'arretait pas de me labourer, j'avais eu un orgasme que j'avais tenté de dissimuler en vain, le stimulant encore plus.
Roger revint et me soumis sa bite fraichement lavée en bouche que j'avalais prise par surprise.
Allez suce,je vais te faire sauter la rondelle après...noooooooon salopard disais je malgré sa queue en pleine bouche.
OHHHHHHHH barry me tapissait le vagin de sa semence abondante à chacun de ses petits cris de jouissance puis il se retira de moi en s'essuyant mister penis sur ma fente ruisselante.
Roger dis à barry de me preparer le petit trou!
En deux temps trois mouvements,je me retrouvais à quatre pattes suçant toujours la queue de roger et barry me pénetrant le cul avec mister doigt qui fouiller entièrement celui-ci.
ca y est! elle est prete roger, éclate toi. pendant la manoeuvre, j'essayais bien de m'enfouir mais il me bloquait sur le lit et la queue fine de Roger essayait de rentrer dans mon orifice anal.
Voyant qu'il avait du mal à m'enculer, il enfouit sa queue dans ma chatte d'où le trop plein de sperme de Barry dégoulinait sur mes cuisses et le lit, il me lima quelques minutes le temps de bien la lubrifier puis il réussit à me l'enfourcher dans mon cul de manière vulgare, il coulissait gaiement.
Youri etait revenu et se prenait maintenant sabrina qui avalait entièrement sa bite jusqu'au bourse de celui-ci dans des gloussements infinis.
Jacques partit en les saluants et nous laissant en paturage avec ses trois hommes assoiffés de sexe.
Barry me tenant fermement les bras pendant que roger y allait à grand coup de rein. La bite de Barry à moitié molle et dégoulinante de mister ejaculation se balançait sous mon nez venant me tapoter de temps en temps ma bouche.
Allez avale là ma belle!!! noonnn lançais-je mais Roger me tira violement les cheveux en arrière et me dit d'obeir, chose que je fis dans la foulée.
Mes levres engloutissaient la queue de barry d'où le peu de sperme qui restait sur sa bite termina sur ma langue. plus je le suçais et plus sa verge se reraidissait et au bout d'une minute,mister énorme chibre avait repris sa taille monstrueuse que j'avais du mal à prendre entièrement en bouche tellement elle me deformait celle-ci.
Sabrina pompait youri mais le gloussement voir l'etouffement soudain me fis regarder du coin de l'oeil pour voir ce qu'il se passait. Youri jouissait apparemment à torrent au fond de la gorge de sabrina puis en se retirant de sa bouche, il essuya mister gland sur les levres et joue de ma voisine qui etait en train de reprendre sa respiration tout en crachant le sperme restait dans sa bouche.
Sur ça Youri se rhabilla et quitta la pièce definitivement.
Barry voyant Sabrina seule se retira vulgarement de ma bouche et alla la pénétrer sans qu'elle est eue le temps de réagir, elle se débattait tout en le suppliant d'arreter mais Barry la plaquait sur le lit et sa baise fut dévastatrice jusqu'à qu'il lache sa semence.
Roger me labourait et ses cris de plaisir saccadés, m'indiquait qu'il allait jouir dans quelques instants. Il se retira de mon orifice anal complètement détruit et se faufila dans ma chatte.
Ses petits cris de plaisirs s'accéléraient soudainement et il jouit en moi tout en me lachant dans le creux de l'oreille qu'il espérait me foutre enceinte.
Barry jouissait également et ils quittèrent la pièce nous laissant Sabrina et moi entierement souillées mais ce fut la dernière fois que Jacques nous fît chanter.



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Taking Control Over My Boss

Since that day, my life has been unbelievable. I can do anything I want, anytime I want, with anyone I want. Let me tell you how it all started.

My Life Beforehand:

My life totally and completely sucked. I was in a rut, and my life seemed to never change. Between work and school, I had little time for anything else. This put a real damper on my sex life. I wasn't bad looking or anything, but due to some failed romances at work and due to the fact my school was mainly online, I didn't really have a chance to meet anyone new. I was actually beginning to hate my life.

The job itself was alright, but it was the highest ranked managers that made it horrible. I normally don't have any problem working for women as I have worked for this company for quite a while, and most of my supervisors have always been women. However when the new store manager (top dawg), named Meagan came in, she replaced all of the former pleasant managers with people that sucked up and could provide the same bitchy attitude and demeaning behavior to the rest of the staff. This group of women became known within our store as the regime for their quick and hostile takeover of the store. Perhaps the worst of these managers was Monique.

The funniest thing about Monique's attitude of superiority was that she was the lowest ranked woman on the regime and also the most attractive. Many complaints had been made about her which proved to be a waist of time as Meagan would simply deny any of the claims and protect Monique anyway she could. It had long been thought that though both of these women were married, that they were diking it out when outside of work.

Most of the staff had to work extra hard to make up for the managers lack of work, as most of the regime enjoyed to simply sit in the office and ignore any calls for help from the sales floor. They only came out to give us more work or complain about how unsatisfactory they thought we were. This was soon about to change.

The Accident that changed it all:

I was dreading having to come to work that day as was becoming the trend for everyday I came into work. Everything was as it normally was. All of us employees were busting our asses while Monique, the manager on duty, sat in the office playing on the computer. Boy was I happy when my break time came.

I had just pulled my food out of the microwave when I heard my name being paged by Monique in that unmistakable Mexican accent of hers. I called her to find out what the hell she wanted, and she said she needed me to get something down from one of the high shelves in the stockroom so that she could give it to a customer. I told her I was on break, but she told me not to give her any attitude and to meet her in the stockroom.

When I got back there she actually had the ladder ready which really surprised me as I was expecting to have to get it myself. This act of brief kindness was replaced by her once again bitchy attitude telling me to hurry up. I was still kind of pissed off about being disturbed on my break and continued to move up the ladder very slowly to piss her off. Right about the time I got to the top she shouted, "I said hurry," and hit the side of the ladder causing me to fall and hit my head on the cement floor.

The next thing I know, I am surrounded by clouds and I appear to be in the sky. The temperature is amazing and I feel extremely comfortable. I asked out loud, "Am I dead?" All of a sudden a voice, not from around me, but inside of my head began to speak. It said that I was not going to dye, but rather I was being given a gift. This gift would allow me to control what others think and how they will act. So laughing I said out loud, "Oh, I'm not dying... I'm dreaming." The voice simply said, "Soon you will see."

I felt a surge of energy and the next thing I knew I was back in the stockroom and my head was *******ing me. I looked up and was confused as Monique was asking if I was alright, but at the same time without her mouth moving, I heard her saying I hope I don't lose my job because of this asshole. I instantly realized that my gift was real and was working. I could hear her thoughts.

Knowing now that she was fearing that she would lose her job for causing my fall (it would be hard for Meagan to protect Monique this time), I told her that I was going to call Meagan and our district manager as well. Monique in trying to calm me down said, "I am sure there is something I can do to make this better, I really am sorry for this." However, her thoughts were saying, "I am not about to go down because of this little bastard." It was this attitude of hers that made me want to test my new "gift."

I said, "Yeah, show me those big fake tits of yours." She had begun trying to tell me to fuck off when I began imagining her taking her top and bra off in my head. Much to my surprise and her dismay, she began to undress in front of me. I was instantly rocks hard as I stared at my once almighty supervisor get topless against her will. The best part about this was that her thoughts were going a mile a minute trying to figure out why she had no control over her body. This was turning me on even more to know how much she hated this.

She began to ask me what was going on when I reached out to grab her newly exposed tits while projecting the image of her allowing me to do so. She was saying for me to stop whatever I was doing, but she could not get her body to physically stop me. I got tired of hearing her tell me to stop what I was doing while also having to listen to her thoughts, so while telling her to shut the fuck up, I projected the image of her doing so. I then began to put my head in her chest and literally do the motorboat in the Silicon Valley.

I told her about my new gift and how I felt she was a bitch and that I was going to use my gift to punish her. Her thoughts were going a mile a minute, but the impression of most of them was exactly what I wanted: FEAR. I told her that from this moment forward she would be my slave and do everything I desired. I told her I had the power to change her thoughts in addition to controlling her body, however, I didn't want to change her thoughts as I wanted her to hate her life as I had hated mine. I then projected the image of her as a slave and doing everything I told her.

My first order was to say nothing about this to anyone unless I gave her permission to do so. My second order was to act completely normal and as if nothing had happened so that no one would suspect anything weird going on. I asked her if she understood, and she sadly nodded with a single tear rolling down her cheek. I told her that pretty faces like hers weren't meant for crying, but rather they were meant for giving blow jobs. I told her that I wanted the best blow job she had ever given, and that I didn't want her to cry about it. She wiped her tear away and began to open up my pants and pull them down along with my underwear. I told her to kneel before me so that she could service her master properly. She got on her knees and took my cock into her mouth.

With the excitement from having this bitch on her knees, and having complete power over her, I knew that I wouldn't last too long. In order to show her how much I hated her, I grabbed her head by the hair and pushed her all they way down so she was gagging on my cock as it pushed its way to the back of her throat. I told her that she was a fucking cunt and that she better swallow every last bit of my cum. It was then that I exploded in her throat and let out a years worth of frustration (from no sex and having to work with her) out. She was able to get most of it except for a drop that landed on my leg as she was taking her mouth off of me. I told her that she would pay for that later but to clean it up for now and then pull my pants back up. Before she could do that I stepped out of my underwear, balled it up, and told her to open her mouth. I then shoved my underwear in her mouth and told her to keep it there and suck on it until I said she could stop. I told her to get both of us dressed and to meet me in the office. I walked out of the stockroom and back towards the office trying not to smile too much. I passed a few of my coworkers and told them that Monique was taking me in the office to reprimand me for something (this way they would avoid the office area and I could have my privacy).


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By the time Monique had got to the office, you could tell she was mortified for having to walk through the store with my underwear stuffed in her mouth. I told her to lock the door to the office behind us and then sit down which she did with a truly scared look on her face. I told her to take my underwear out of her mouth and to place it in her purse. After she did that, I told her that I wanted her to tell me honestly how they tasted. She said that they tasted like cuckolds brownie and before she could continue her rant, I told her to shut up. I told her that she had better get used to the taste of my cuckolds brownie as her future punishment would involve my cuckolds brownie. She had a confused look on her face; this was until I pulled down my pants and presented my ass to her face. Now she knew what I was talking about, and just in case she was still confused in any way I told her to begin cleaning my asshole with her tongue.

She looked mortified as she stuck out her tongue to insert it into my ass. Right before she could insert it into my ass, I told her to not move her head away and inhale only through her nose. She was confused once again; this was until I let out a huge fart right in her face. She looked like she was going to cry again as I watched her inhale my fart. I laughed at her and asked her if she imagined anything like this would have ever happened to her an hour before my accident. Her response pleased me for the second time since she gave me my blow job when she said, "no master."

I made her clean my ass for the next hour when I told her to stop as I had to take a piss. She pulled her face away from my ass and actually had a look of relief on her. This was until I told her that I was ready to piss so she should open her mouth. I told her that I loved how she looked scared when she knew I was up to something. I then inserted my dick in her mouth and told her to get ready. I pushed her head all the way down and let the piss flow from in me and unleashed it down her throat and right into her stomach. As I was finishing up filling my boss with piss, I was considering how I was going to top this

After I had Monique clean off the last few drops of piss that hung from my dick, I told her that we should both get dressed and finish our night as if nothing had happened. I told her to act completely normal but to be ready for me to use her at any time. And so the night went on and we continued with our normal closing procedures. Monique tried her best to act normal but went flush every time we passed each other. You should have seen her face turn bright red when I grabbed her hand and placed it over my dick right in the middle of the store. Of course we were closed and the other employees were grabbing their belongings, but I enjoyed it all the same.

Once we got into our cars I began considering whether or not I should call Monique and tell her to come to my place, but I decided that I had used her enough for one night and it would be better to wait until the next day. This was all well and good until I started thinking about my plans for the next day and got an instant hard on. I began to think of how I was going to get rid of it when I realized that I was about to pass the house of my ex-girlfriend Rachel. Though she and I were still friends as we had mutually agreed it was better that way, I began to remember how good her lips felt around my cock. I realized I could use my new mind control power in order to have her give me a blow job, and the best part was that she would think it was all her idea.

I pulled up into the driveway of the house she shared with her mom. I didn't see her car but I really did not give it that much thought as her car was a piece of cuckolds brownie and was always in the shop. I was actually quite surprised when her normally prudish lady answered the door in her bath robe. "Hello John, I am sorry but Rachel isn't here right now, and I have to get ready for a date. She should be here in a few hours if you want to stop by again," she said. I was about to say thanks anyway when I realized that I was still horny and that Rachel's mom was actually very good looking. I projected the thought to her that she found the way she had just tried to rush me off to be very rude and that she should invite me in.

I accepted her invitation and proceeded to walk into the living room and sit on her couch. While listening to her thoughts I couldn't help but laugh to myself while she kept asking herself why she had invited me in. I decided that I was to horny to let this go on forever and that I just better tell her so that we could get this over with. I told her to sit next to me and then began to tell her, "Sara I have a very special gift. This gift allows me to control the actions and thoughts of others. I am still new to it, but I have been finding it very useful." Sara began to look at me like I was nuts so I projected to her, "open my pants and pull out my cock." I must have added another 4inches to my already hard cock as she pulled it from the confines of my pants. She had a horrified look on her face and I had no reamister to humiliate her the way I did with Monique, so I projected the thought that she wanted to suck on me like her life depended on it.


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Before I could even finish giving her the thought, her mouth was on me. This was different from my earlier blow job as it was done more lovingly instead of being more about anger and power. She twirled her tongue around my cock while she sucked, and it seemed like she was thinking about nothing else besides making me cum. She was doing such a good job that I was ready to explode in less than three minutes, even with all of my previous exertions from earlier that night. Though I normally enjoyed cuming down a woman's throat, I told her to stay still while I pulled my cock out and erupted all over her face and chest. She looked pissed so before she could even say anything, I made her feel as though she thought that this was incredible, and I made her feel like she had to have me right then and there. Unfortunately for her, I was spent and after pulling up my pants I told her that I was ready to leave. I told her not say anything to Rachel, however, this was clearly not one of her concerns as just before I was about to leave she asked when I could come by again and I simply said, "Soon." I then walked out the door glancing behind me to see the hot mess that I was leaving her in. Boy this mind control stuff is great I thought.

The next day...

For the first time in as long as I can remember, I actually was looking forward to going to work. Normally I would be upset by having to close the night before and then open the next day, but not this morning. Sure I could have anyone I wanted, but there was only one permister of whom I wanted to "fuck," and that was Monique. I was happy when I got to work as she was the one who let me in. "Hello Monique, how are you," I said in a mockingly nice way. She tried to show her normal attitude by replying with, "Listen here you little bastard...." But I wasn't having any of that and as no one was around, I backhanded her across the face. I projected the thought that she would now follow every one of my commands as I said them instead of me powering her mind after each command. Then all I said was, "shut up and meet me in the office." On my way back I noticed the schedule and saw that Megan was due in as well and that she would actually be the manager in charge today instead of Monique.

As soon as we got to the office I told her to let us in, and as once the door was open I plopped on down into Megan's executive chair. Monique wasn't sure what I had in mind until I told her to close the door behind her. I began to listen to her thoughts, and realized that she was looking forward to Megan coming in so that she could be saved. She realized how truly helpless she was going to be when I told her that I intended on using Megan as well. I then stated that we could take care of business in the mean time. I simply pointed to the ground in front of the chair, and with a sign of resignation and lost hope, she obeyed.

Once she was on the ground, I began saying, "You are no longer my boss. I am your master and you must obey me. You must learn how to worship me." I then told her that I did not have a shower since our last encounter and that my feet were *******ing me. I then told her to take off my shoes and socks. At first it didn't bother her that much when I told her that I wanted a massage, but her face went white when I told her that I wanted her to only use her tongue. As I had programmed her to follow every command, much to her horror, she began the worshipping of my feet.

The second her tongue touched my foot, I had an instant hard on. I tried to just simply enjoy her worship of my feet, but was getting uncomfortable, so I pulled my cock out and began to stroke. It was at that moment that Megan walked in on us. She looked like she was about to scream, but before she could, I projected to her that she should shut up and do everything I tell her. The first thing I told her was to close the door behind her. Once the door was closed I felt compelled to tell her what was going on. "Your control and that of the bitches under you is now over. You belong to me, and you will do as I say. I am already in the process of training this bitch, but I will begin your training as well," I told her. I then told her that my cock was cold and that she should put it in her mouth and suck on it a little. I then told Monique that she should now focus on my toes by sucking on them as well. God it felt great to have such power over these two formerly power hungry women.

I knew that with these two bitches sucking on different parts of my anatomy, I would not last long. Before I knew it I was ready. I pulled out of Megan's mouth and sprayed my load all over both of their faces. At this moment, I also realized just how much I was beginning to enjoy this act of seemingly marking my territory. Before they could try to wipe their faces, I told both of them to clean each other with just their tongues. I began getting hard again at the sight of these two bitches cleaning my cum off of each other.

And so I began my morning, ready to enjoy the rest of my "workday."



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The rest of the day went pretty well for me. Although Megan and Monique spent most of the time in the office trying to hide their ashamed faces from everyone, I made the best of things by visiting them anytime I wanted a release throughout the day. Before leaving for the day, I told both of them to tell their husbands that they were taking them out for dinner, but for all four of them to come to my house instead.

After I got home I spent the next few hours trying to figure out just what my new plan was going to be. I didn't hold anything against the husbands as they had not really caused me any problems, however, I wanted to continue my ownership of my former bosses. By the time they all arrived I had my plan formulated and was ready to enact it. From the moment they all walked in the door I had them all under my control. I did not want to have to deal with them trying to react to what I was telling them and then having to project to them what I wanted them to do.

I had them all sit down in my living room, and I then began to tell them how things were going to be from now on. I said that Monique and Megan would both become my pets to do anything that I wished. They would continue to go to work, but when they got home, which by the way I was having them both move in with me, they would serve me as I wished. In order to help with the expense of having them live with me, I would take half of their salaries. I told both the men that they were now allowed to get girlfriends, but to make sure that these girls were not bitches like the women they married. They both kind of chuckled at that one. I made sure to put in their minds that they enjoyed this new arrangement, as I was still allowing them to keep half of the salaries from the women that they had formerly called their wives. I decided it was time to take everyone out of the trance.

As soon as everyone had their minds back I told my two bitches that they didn't belong on the couch but rather on their knees before me. I told everyone that we would seal our new arrangement by having their wives blow me in front of them. I pulled down my pants and was surprised by how quickly both women jumped to receive my cock in their mouth. It appeared that they now understood their place as they were doing everything possible to please me. After I came all over both of my new bitches, I told the men that they could leave and walked them to the door. When I came back I put both of them under control one more time and told them that they both had fetishes for my feet and for my ass. I then had them follow me upstairs and sit at the foot of my bed. I went to get my camera and then sat on the bed in front of them. I made them extend their tongues as I placed my feet to them and then began taking pictures as I rubbed my feet up and down on their tongues. It was fun to listen to their thoughts as they had no choice but to obey and worship me. They actually were thinking that they were enjoying it because of their programming. After about five minutes I told them to stop and showed them the pictures I had taken. I reminded them that they must do everything I say or these pictures would become public record. I doubted that they would want everyone to see pictures of them licking feet.

I realized that I was horny and being that Megan had never had the pleasure of tasting my ass, I told her that she could lick it is I bent Monique over my bed and began to stick my dick in her ass. It was very tight so I had to spit on my dick just to get it in an inch. It occurred to me that she may never have done this before, so I asked her about it. She said that it was her first time and began begging me to pull out. My response was that she was a bitch and that she needed to be fucked like one. She began to cry, but the tight feeling on my dick as well as the slurping on my ass spurred me on. I continued to fuck her like the bitch she was, but I was only able to last a few more minutes. After I was done I pulled out and ordered Megan to clean me and then Monique. I had to admit that actually watching her lick an ass made me hard again. I decided that I wanted another fuck and began mounting Megan as she continued licking away at Monique. I surprised her at first, but she was happy to know that I wanted her pussy rather than her back door. I was happy to learn that she was not on the pill because I realized how awesome it would be for me and humiliating for her if she had to carry my baby. I was able to fuck her a little longer due to my earlier exertions, but still came pretty quickly. I had her clean me after I was done, but knew that I was done for the night.

To their dismay, I got up and pulled a cage out of the closet that I used to put my dog in. I went to my hamper and pulled out two old pairs of my boxers which I placed on their heads (ass part to nose), and then told them to get in the cage. I locked them up for the night and then crawled into bed. That night, as my bitches got used to their master's scent, I slept soundly knowing just how much I would enjoy tomorrow.


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Merci pour ces trois histoires (surtout la troisième...)
Bonne journée


Posts: 5
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bravo vraiment bravo tres belle histoires surtout celle avec des noirs merci encore


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Toujours aussi bien !...


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Heyyy y'a du monde qui lit !!!


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L'ami de ma fille

Depuis quelque temps, j'ai remarqué que le comportement de Charles, l'ami de ma fille, à mon égard était plus que tendancieux. En effet, j'ai surpris plusieurs fois, mister regard libidineux plonger dans mon décolleté très généreux ou souriant, me déshabiller du regard sans vergogne.

Mariée depuis plus de trente ans, je suis une femme fidèle. Parfois je l'avoue, je m'ennuie au point de vue sexuel. Mon mari et moi sommes moins ardents qu'il y a dix ans, mais nous faimisters encore l'amour une fois par semaine et mes orgasmes, sans être délirants, mistert corrects. Mais je dois y mettre du mien, car Pascal tend à devenir popote et me saute souvent en égoïste.
Quand il a déchargé, il m'arrive de plus en plus souvent d'aller me terminer dans la salle de bains, sous prétexte de me rincer la chatte. Je suis experte en masturbation, et je m'envoie aussi facilement en l'air avec mon doigt qu'avec la queue de mon mari
Tout cela pour vous dire que le comportement de Charles me gênait, me troublait. Comment ce jeune homme pouvait vivre avec ma fille et me désirer.

Ma fille et lui habitent l'appartement au-dessous du nôtre. Un arrangement leur permet de venir faire leur lessive chez moi. Et depuis quelques temps, j'ai remarqué que dans le panier à linge sale mes dessous se trouvaient ensemble, alors que la logique veut qu'ils se trouvent répartis séparément dans le panier. Certains étaient très chiffonnés et humides. Je ne voulais pas admettre que ce petit cochon reniflait mes dessous, et peut-être faisait-il pire. Je voulais en avoir le cœur net. J'étais très troublée par ce que j'allais découvrir. La situation était plus que gênante, mais se savoir désirer par un jeune homme me troublait, me déchirait.

Vers quatorze heures, on misterne à ma porte. Je suis seule, mon mari travaille et ma fille est sortie. Il fait très chaud ce jour là. C'est Charles venant faire une lessive. Après 10 minutes, je m'approche de la salle de bains et j'entends des soupirs. La porte est entrouverte et je jette un œil ; il est en train de se masturber, le petit cochon ! Mais il est de dos, je ne vois pas sa queue. Je commence à mouiller sans même le vouloir. Tout à coup, il se retourne et se met face au lavabo. Et là, je tombe presque à la renverse ; il a un sexe énorme, long et surtout très gros avec un gland comme un citron. Je ne m'attendais pas à un sexe pareil. Je me sens à la fois excitée et angoissée ; ce sexe me fait peur, il est énorme. En même temps, ça m'excite, je mouille abondamment. Il a passé ma culotte autour de mister sexe et il se branle en fermant les yeux. Il se caresse les couilles avec le tissu tout en se branlant. De longs et lourds jets s'écrasent dans le lavabo. Il gémit mon prénom en jouissant. Le ventre tordu par le désir, l'entrejambe trempé à ma plus grande honte, je reviens au salon, où il me rejoint sans que rien dans mister comportement ne laisse deviner ce qui vient de se passer.

Un soir en rentrant chez moi, j'ai découvert ma fille penchée en avant, appuyée à la table de la salle à manger, en train de se faire prendre par mister ami. Paralysée par la surprise, je n'ai pas su quoi faire.
Elle lui offrait sa croupe, creusait les reins tandis qu'il promenait, debout derrière elle, sa queue le long de mister sillon ténébreux. Les lobes écartés, elle était prête à tout. Son gland s'arrête sur sa rosette qu'il presse un peu, avant de continuer plus bas entre ses lèvres ruisselantes. Il les écarte avec mister sexe avant de l'enfoncer d'un coup au tréfonds du ventre de Nadia, lui donnant un orgasme. Il la bourre, il la lime, il la pistonne vigoureusement. Son ventre claque sur ses fesses à chaque pénétration. Il fait trembler ses seins durs et fermes en la secouant.
Elle n'hésite pas à dire tout haut le plaisir que lui donne Charles. Ils changent de position. Nadia s'allonge, le dos sur la table de la salle à manger. Il lui écarte les cuisses, et la pénètre à nouveau sans ménagements. A chaque coup de reins, je vois sa belle queue luisante disparaître au fond du ventre de ma fille. Elle ouvre largement ses jambes pour que Charles s'enfonce encore mieux. Il lui bourre la chatte à grands coups de pine. Le rythme s'accélère encore. Nadia jouit une nouvelle fois le suppliant d'en finir, mais il ne réduit pas sa cadence, au contraire.
Il la pilonne jusqu'à ce que, enfin, il décharge ses bourses gonflées de plaisir en plusieurs jets drus et puissants au fond de mister ventre.
Une nouvelle fois, je me retire. Le trouble m'a envahi, j'ai une furieuse envie de faire l'amour.

Mon trouble au fil des jours grandissait. Les regards de Charles se faisaient plus insistants. Je pensais à longueur de temps à lui. Le matin quand je choisissais mes dessous, le soir quand je les déposais dans le panier à linge sale. Un peu comme si je postais une lettre d'amour. J'en faisais déborder du panier, comme une maitresse pouvait accrocher un ruban pour signifier à mister amant que le chemin était libre. J'avais remarqué que les dessous pas toujours de bon goût que m'offrait mon mari, semblaient être appréciés par Charles. En particulier le string panthère et la culotte noire et mauve. Ces dessous étaient très souillés. Au moins je connaissais ses goûts.

Charles est venu faire une lessive. Il me dit qu'il a une course à faire, qu'il reviendra dans une heure pour retirer sa lessive. A peine a-t-il refermé la porte que je me précipite dans la salle de bain pour y découvrir ma culotte gluante de mister plaisir. Mon ventre se tord de plaisir. Je m'assois sur la partie de la baignoire transformée en banquette.
Je commence à écarter les cuisses. J’enfouis ma main sous mon string et je commence à me caresser le sexe.. Sans me contrôler, je gémis et je tortille du bassin. En glissant une main sous mon chemisier, je me caresse les seins. J’ai deux doigts dans ma grotte humide que je vrille dans un rythme effréné. Je fonds et je ne tiens plus. Je glousse, je me tortille. Je suis en sueur.
Étant tellement à mon plaisir, je ne fais pas attention, et je continue à me faire du bien puis une voix me ramène à la réalité :
Un petit coup de main, ma petite salope ?
Pétrifiée, je suis incapable de répondre. Charles s'approche de moi.
- Qui dit mot …


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Crush on the Girl Next Door

I know it was wrong, I really do! The question is how could I just ignore what I was seeing? This girl was about 32 and stunningly gorgeous. I had always had a crush on her but her and her husband lived next door and I was good friends with her husband and oh yeah, I was married too. I couldn’t help but fantasize about her; Julie was her name and went through my head several times lately while I was making love to my wife even. Now, here I was…about 30 people at a party at the neighbor’s house on the other side of our place. These people had a great pool and often had parties like this. We always attended since it was always great fun and good food. Secretly though, I always looked forward to seeing Julie in a bikini. But what happened was this. The party had begun about two hours before and no sign of Julie and her husband yet. I was starting to worry a bit because I wanted to see her in that bikini so badly. Then I saw them coming through the backyard, loaded down with the usual stuff, chairs, food, cooler etc. She was still in her work clothes and apologized to everyone for being late. It wasn’t long I overheard her say she was going to get changed and jump in that pool to get cooled off. I took that opportunity to possibly have a chat with her and carefully timed my departure to the washroom to overlap with Julie in there getting changed. Worked out perfectly, I saw her just coming out of the washroom just as I rounded the corner. We chatted for about 10 minutes in the hallway which was always great but she was standing there in a brand new bikini the whole time and even modeled it for me, asking how it looked. I felt my cock stiffen a bit when she was doing this and I she knew what she was doing to me as well when her eyes dropped down to my shorts a few times. Of course this was even more of a turn on and I knew I was going to be more and more visible by now. Wow, what a body I thought to myself. If only I could have sex with her once, I’d be a lucky man. Well, I guess my train of thought was lost and she was getting bored so, off she went and I headed to the washroom. Once in there, I discovered my luck was just beginning. There neatly tucked under a towel were the clothes Julie had just taken off and well, like I said before, I knew it was wrong but I couldn’t resist picking up those panties to enjoy them a bit. So soft, so feminine I thought as I slowly brought them to my face. They were still warm from her body and the smell of her perfume hit me, I was so turned on. I turned them inside out and couldn’t resist the little damn spot in the middle. They smelled so good I thought as I dropped my pants and started to masturbate. I decided to experiment a bit and slipped them on over my feet and slowly pulled them up over my legs until I had them on. I was so turned on I nearly got the panties sticky right there and then but I stopped myself and started to pull them back off. Something caught my eye outside through the curtains though and I suddenly realized the length of time I had spent in there. I quickly returned the panties, reluctantly but quickly and ran back out to the pool. I almost ran a little too fast I realized, I hadn’t really had a chance to lose the erection I had a few minutes before. I quickly ran to the pool and just plunged in to “safety”. After a nice swim in the quite crowded pool, I was moving toward the end to get out but ran into a few other people I knew. I think I stood talking more than swimming but hey, it was all fun. I had been chatting with my boss actually and was ready to get out finally. I turned toward the step and found myself face to face with Cindy. Now the funny thing is, Cindy is Julies 16 year old flower. Now with Cindy, there is no doubt whose flower she is when you see her. She is young but every bit the “head turner” that her lady is. Every guy’s fantasy would be seeing those two in bikinis at something like this but we also know they are out of our grasp. Well, said Cindy in a very abrupt, almost angry voice. What the hell was that? She asked me. What was what? I said. She didn’t reply immediately, instead…her hand suddenly clenched my crotch very very tightly she grabbed it all. She had my penis bent almost in half and both balls squashed between her fingers. I jumped and looked around to see if anyone was looking but couldn’t concentrate on anything but the pain. You fucking pervert, she blurted out. Whhhaat? I said. You heard me, you’re a fucking pervert. What the hell where you doing sniffing mom’s panties? How the hell did you see that? I questioned. You asshole, she said. The bathroom window is right in front of where I was sitting. I saw you sniffing them and playing with your little wiener you pervert. Do you like the smell of pussy she said? Ummm… well…ummm yes ma’am I quietly said. She giggled a little bit and at the same time I realized what I had said. Why did I say yes Ma’am I thought to myself? Ok pervert she said, here’s what you are going to do. This is the wrong place for this so you have no choice but to do what I say, agreed? Yes Ma’am I said. Damn, I did it again…why the hell am I calling a 16 year old Ma’am? She giggled, that’s good, keep calling me that for starters but you will be up in my bedroom tonight at exactly 7, just after this party settles down but before my parents get home. With that she yanked her had from my crotch and walked away. Oh my god, the pain shot through me like lightning when she released my crotch and I stood there stunned for a few seconds but had to carry on to hide what had happened. I had a hard time focusing on anything the rest of the day but managed to survive and enjoy it. A few minutes before 7 though, I was a nervous wreck, should I just stay here or should I go to Cindy’s room. Curiosity I think is what got my vote; I slipped away from the party and wondered over to the neighbors’ place, constantly checking to make sure no one saw me. I opened the front door and slowly made my way to Cindy’s room. I waited outside her door for a second but didn’t hear a sound. I knocked lightly but there was no answer. I could hear her instructions over and over in my head, “be in my room at 7”. It was now exactly 7 so I opened the door and peeked in. The room was empty but I went in and closed the door. The first thing I noticed was a pair of panties placed right in the middle of the bed, obviously placed there like that on purpose. I went over to them and reached down to pic them up. My hand just barely touched them when a bright camera flash went, followed by an evil laugh.


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You pervert, you’re gonna sniff my underwear now too aren’t you, said Cindy from a dark corner of the room. Well go ahead pervert; let me see you do it. I did as I was instructed and brought the panties to my face. Cindy hovered around me, so close I could feel her breath on me. She moved from side to side and looked over my shoulder. She whispered pervert in my ear very quietly, just teasing. She was standing behind me and I completely lost my concentration but snapped out of my trance quickly when without warning, my shorts where yanked right to my ankles. I was now standing there with a full hard on, completely naked. She looked down at my hard cock and chuckled, oh I see you are a pervert…look how hard your little wiener is from sniffing my underwear. I blushed a bright shade of red and tried to cover myself. She yanked my hand out of the way; then from where she was standing behind me, she reached between my legs, grabbed my cock and firmly yanked it back between my legs. Don’t you fucking try to cover yourself and don’t you dare stop sniffing those panties you pervert she yelled. I nervously did as I was instructed but stopped quickly when Cindy nonchalantly helped herself to snap another picture. Please I can’t have those pictures around I begged, what if my wife see’s them. Oh she will see them Cindy said. If you don’t do as I say, she will see them tomorrow. If you do everything I say though, she might not see them for a year or two but sooner or later I’m going to leave them laying around for my mom and your stupid little wife to find. I’m actually looking forward to it she said. Now, let’s get started pervert. First of all, put those on and then, since you like the smell of pussy, get over hear and eat mine. As she said that I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. The gorgeous young girl laid back on the bed and spread her legs wide open showing this perfect little shaved bare pussy. I went to work without any hesitation. I made that girl cum, over and over and was actually kind of proud of my work. She shook from head to toe as she had orgasm after orgasm. It was probably over an hour before she let me out from between her thighs. She laid back and rested and I quickly got ready to join the fun. I stroked my cock until it was rock hard and moved toward that steaming wet little pussy. Just as the head of my cock touched her, she giggled quite loud and said what do you think you’re doing? Ummm….well….what do you think I’m doing, I replied. Fuck off she said, get out of my room right now. You are here to please me and do what I say and I did not ask you to fuck me. Now get out or I’ll start screaming. I reached for my shorts and she snatched them out of my hand and said, get the fuck out. NOW! But I need my shorts Ma’am, please I begged. Why she replied, you have what you like the most, a nice little pair of girly panties, now for the last time…Get out! I reluctantly obeyed her and headed for the door. She laughed out loud again as she watched my ass in the tiny little panties, I hope you get caught out there like that she giggled. OH and one more thing she said, you had better be back here tomorrow, completely naked at my door at noon to please me again and I have a project for you to do before then. Get me a good clear picture of your stupid fucking wife, completely nude so I can put her on the internet too. But I can’t I pleaded, and I would never do that to her. Well then I guess your pictures will be made public tomorrow then Cindy said. NO NO please Ma’am I begged. Well then you know what I want, tomorrow at noon and you had better have the picture or you know the consequences. Why are you getting my wife involved in this, she didn’t do anything wrong I said. Well Cindy replied, she did do something wrong and so did you but I’ll explain it to you tomorrow now leave!
I shut the door and sneaked down the stairs as quickly as I could to get out of the house before her parents came back. I looked out the back door of the house and found that it was actually quite dark outside already which was good to conceal my lack of clothes. I slipped out the door and scurried across the back yard toward home. I had to wait for a minute behind one of the bushes when I heard voices and realized it was actually Cindy’s parents coming home. That was a close call I thought to myself but then realized that my wife would probably be not too far behind them then. I ran like heck into the house and right up to the shower. I got the shower going and didn’t even wait for the water to get hot, just jumped in to get wet and make it look like I had been there for a while. Wrapped myself in a towel and just barely made it out of the shower when my wife came in the door. I said hi and headed to the bedroom to try to beat her there since I was still in Cindy’s thong, concealed under the towel. My wife was pretty tipsy and wanted to chat so I did but had to change plans when she began pulling on the towel and trying to convince me to have some fun since she was in the mood. Of course I was in the mood myself and didn’t want to say no so I quickly came up with the plan to get her away for a second. Hit the lights, lock the door and get up to bed I said, while I go light some candles. She loved the idea and took off for the light switch while I made my speedy exit to hide my panties. Just got them hidden away when the door came open and I was met by a completely naked but very takes wife. She tried; she really did but in about 5 minutes was out cold, spread eagle on the bed. I started to cover her up as I grumred about my own situation of being so horny because I was being left teased and denied for the second time in less than an hour. Then it hit me, I had to get the camera. It was a perfect opportunity to save my ass from Miss Cindy. I snapped my pics and quietly put them on the computer so I could print them and delete them from the camera. I felt pretty bad about doing all of this, but didn’t really know what else to do. I was helpless and basically being blackmailed by a teenage girl and was almost afraid of her at this point but for some strange reamister I was extremely turned on by the thought of it. Here I was naked, horny as hell looking at pictures of my naked wife but thinking of the sweet little pussy I could still taste. I started masturbating to the thoughts of it and decided to put on some internet porn since I was right there at the computer. I laid back with my cock in the air, rubbing it slowly and enjoying every second of it, all the thoughts of the day piled into the visions on the screen. I knew I would cum in a few minutes since I was so turned on and could actually feel the pressure building. My orgasm was literally a split second away when I was torn out if my bliss by something catching my eye. OH NO I thought, is that what I thought I saw? In my haste to relieve myself I had forgotten to close the curtains almost right beside me. My orgasm was starting on it’s own, I was past the point of no return. My hand came off of my penis but the cum started to shoot straight in the air. I jumped up and looked out the window but my knees were week from the orgasm and I nearly fell over but managed to get a glimpse of who had seen me. It was Julie, Cindy’s mom…outside to walk her dog before bed and she was standing only a few feet from the window on her deck with a plain view of my spurts of cum shooting. I stood up and looked out at her, she was standing there with a huge smile on her face, covering it slightly in a sort of shocked way but not really looking shocked. I froze for a second and didn’t know what to do. She did not hesitate at all, just motioned for me to open the window. I tried to cover up but she shook her head “no”. I was shacking and weak but open the window a little bit. She was giggling like crazy, giggling like…well…just like her flower had a little while ago. Oh my god she said, I’m sorry, I wasn’t really peeking in, your curtains were wide open you know. I started to apologize but she didn’t hear a word. Her eyes were fixed on my cock and giggled at the mess as she looked at the cum all over me and everywhere else. Looks like you needed to unload, she said. I again tried to cover myself and she wouldn’t let me. I’m here now she said, at least let me see it. Turn around, I want to see the rest of you she commanded me. What, I said? Oh come on she said emphatically, you don’t think I see you looking at my body all the time. You always look me over when I’m around, just like today when I was wearing that bikini. I saw your eyes on me, now it’s my turn…to damn bad. But…I just didn’t have the words to finish, I was in shock. First Cindy then Julie, what the heck happened today I thought to myself. I turned around and let her ogle me. She snapped out orders to turn and what to do and for some reamister, I just did as she said. Better clean up that mess now she said. Use your fingers and lick it all up were her orders. No no no, I don’t like eating it I told her. Oh really she started, but you would love to have me eat it wouldn’t you? Well…but I was cut off again. Shut up and start licking up all of that cum or I’ll go get your wife up and tell her all about it, actually maybe I should call the police, she decided. I didn’t say a word, just scooped all of the cum I could find and devoured it. Julie watched with great excitement, she giggled and laughed each time I ate some and kept saying…mmmm yummy each time.


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I guess I owe you this she said as she began undoing her robe. My excitement at this point just went through the roof. I had always wanted to see this perfect body and I couldn’t believe what she was doing. The tie came off of her robe, she just let it drop. She was looking me right in the eye and slowly, very slowly opened the robe just a crack. I could see bare skin all the way down the length of the opening and started to feel my cock grow already. But Julie just cruelly shut the robe and walked away. All I could hear was her giggling again, all I could feel was the same feeling of being used, teased and denied again. Wait I blurted out, not thinking about how desperate that sounded, wait you said….
The door of Julie’s house slammed shut as she disappeared inside. I felt about a thousand different emotions rushing through my head; I was frustrated, embarrassed, horny, angry…you name it. I pulled the curtains shut and headed for bed. What a day, thank goodness it’s over was all I could think as my head hit the pillow.
The next morning started off great. Everything went quite normal, got up a bit late but we where both pretty slow from overdoing ourselves a bit the day before. My wife Sarah was up early to make breakfast so I got ready for work. I made sure to stuff the panties in my pocket while I still could without getting caught since I wouldn’t have been able to come back home before noon when I was ordered to meet Cindy. It still kind of turned me on to have them and got my thoughts of the gorgeous girl that was in them the day before. I was already turned on and hadn’t even made it out of the bedroom yet. I had never done anything like it before but as I was getting dressed, I decided to try on my wife’s bra that was lying beside the bed. It really was the first time I had worn anything of hers and it was great. I could only enjoy it for a second or two and had to get back on schedule and not raise suspicions. I grabbed the pictures I had printed the night before and tossed them in my briefcase and headed downstairs. I was chatting with my wife and as I did I opened the curtains that I had closed the night before. I was in mid conversation when I looked out and saw both Cindy and Julie sitting on their deck, looking right toward me. I forgot what I was even saying to Sarah when I was jolted back to my memories of these two girls from the day before. I heard her call to continue and tried to say something but just sort of stuttered. Just as I remembered what I had been saying, I was shocked back into a babbling mess when both girls outside my window just stood up, right there on the deck and yanked open their robes to show me they where both completely nude underneath. The laughed so loud at my reaction that I thought the whole neighborhood would hear them. I spun around to get my mind back on track and didn’t dare look back out there until I got my senses back. I was shacking like a leaf with excitement mixed with fear of being caught by Sarah. Talk about a close call, Sarah’s eyes dropped right down to my pants as I walked in to the kitchen as she instantly noticed something I had not even thought about, a very noticeable bulge in my pants. She smiled and said, “ooowww somebody’s horny this morning” what are you thinking about? Well you did fall arelax on me last night I replied. Oh yeah, I guess I did didn’t I, she said back to me. I’m sorry, it was all kind of a blurr you know. I know, it’s ok…don’t let it bother you as long as you had a good time yesterday. As I said that to Sarah, I made my usual trip outside to get the paper and then sat down at the table. I always read the paper in the morning over breakfast and today was the same. I went to my usual section and opened it up but dropped something as I did. I looked on the floor to see what it was and found that it was one of the pictures of me in the panties, one of the pictures that Cindy took. Just then another one fell on the floor. I was terrified and couldn’t believe that Cindy had hidden them in there. I scurried around and grabbed them before Sarah saw them and then fumred through the paper as fast as I could to see if there were any more. Ok, now I was shaking, this was too close to getting caught. I made it through breakfast and ran out of the house almost before anything else happened.
It was almost noon; I was working away and nearly forgot my prearranged appointment with Cindy. I had already cleared my absence with the boss and completed my work so just had to run out and get over to her house. I hid the car down the street at a mall parking lot and ran to the house and knocked, right on time. Whew I thought, perfect timing as I finished removing my clothes since I was to show up naked…thought you would try to skip this one I heard from behind me. I turned around to see Cindy standing there in a little pair of shorts and tight white shirt that did not hide anything. My eyes dropped to her chest without hesitation. I knew it was wrong but I had to look at her. I had been thinking about her all day. My eyes came up to hers and she didn’t look pleased. Oh I’m sorry Ma’am, I didn’t mean...Shut up she ordered. Look back down there and stare at my tits, she snapped. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing but of course I did what she said. You like them she asked. Oh yes, very much so, very much so Ma’am. Well then, let’s go inside and call the plastic surgeon so you can make an appointment to get some yourself. I laughed and said, no I don’t think I need them, they look much better on you. I mean it, she said, we are going in and making you an appointment right now. I knew she wasn’t serious and just joked about it some more, I’m sure my wife would not be happy to see me come in with breast some day. I don’t care, follow me was all Cindy said. Ok, now I was starting to get scared and actually believe her. I momentarily forgot all about it though when I was following her into the house. She knew I was looking at her too and made sure I had a good view as she wiggled her ass in front of me on purpose. She didn’t slow down for a second though, she walked right in and picked up the phone, called 411 and asked for the number of a plastic surgeon. Oh my god, I said… you can’t be serious? She smiled at me and said, you where looking at my ass all the way here too, maybe we can do something with your ass too if you like mine so much, now sit down right in front of me was just listen to me make this phone call. Well, she did it. She actually made me an appointment for one week later. She was loving this and I was terrified. How was I going to get out of this one I thought. She had me kneeling right in front of her and just teased me the whole time. She spread her legs apart and let me look right up the leg holes of her shorts, giving me a clear view of her pussy. She was talking to the permister at the plastic surgeons office and telling them my name, address and every detail about me. I tried to stop her and she just grabbed my hair and pulled me up to her pussy until my face was buried in it, then locked her thighs around me head. I could hear her ordering my new breasts and just couldn’t believe how cruel she was being. She told them I was to have fairly large C implants and got the price on them. When they said the price she said oh that’s not bad, how much for D’s? Oh ok, she said cheerfully, let’s go with D’s then. She hung up the phone and made me thank her for making the call for me, I couldn’t do it, I was too worried and upset but suddenly I felt a sharp pain between my legs. I looked down and saw a hand cupped around my balls tightly, yanking them back between my legs. Tell her thank you, right now came a voice from behind me…the voice of her lady Julie. Cindy laughed and said, he just helped himself to lick my pussy while I was on the phone mom. Really, said Julie, well then I think we should also call his stupid fucking wife and let her know what he’s doing. Actually, I think it would be better yet if we all go have a chat with her. With that they both jumped on top of me and tied my hands together behind my back and then very tightly around my balls. They pulled me up by the arms which I thought was going to castrate me right there. The two of them pulled me toward the door and walked me outside, completely naked right down the sidewalk to my house and knocked on the door. Please I begged, don’t do this. With that, Julie dropped her panties from under her skirt and jammed them in my mouth while Cindy just laughed hysterically the whole time. This is going to be so much fun mommy, she said. I know said Julie, I can’t wait. The door opened and everything just stopped, it seemed dead quiet as my wife looked at me standing there naked. She was completely speechless and just looked at me with her mouth open. A car with two college age girls in it, blew its horn from the road behind us, followed by some whistles and shouting and sort of broke the silence. I was turned around to face the car as it passed, giving them full view of my body. Julie and Cindy just laughed and waved at them. By now, Sarah was getting angry and shouting “what the hell is this all about”? They went in the house, towing me behind them and said they would explain it all. The story came and went and not one word of it was true. They had made up a story about catching me looking at Cindy naked while wearing Julie’s underwear. They said they noticed something in my hands and saw the pictures of Sarah. I had completely forgotten the nude pics of my wife; they had pulled them from pockets of my clothes back at the house. They showed them to Sarah who became very upset at first. She got angry, upset, mad all at once it seemed. Julie and Cindy then started to calm her down a bit but before they did, Sarah spun around in a split second, and brought her foot right up into my crotch. She kicked me right in the balls and all I remember was the pain shooting through me and then my legs giving away. Just before I ****** I recall seeing Cindy lining me up for a kick as well and Julie saying she was next. When I woke up a bit later, I was tied spread eagle in the middle of the room and could just barely hear the girls talking in the next room. It seemed that Sarah was still pretty upset but I didn’t really hear them comforting her any more. I could hear giggling and things like ooowww, are you angry. What happened next was unbelievable. I heard the threesome heading back my way but there was a huge ruckus going on.


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When they got to where I could see them, I understood why. My wife Sarah was being let toward me, she was completely naked and with her arms wrapped around her front as if she was hugging herself. Her wrist had nylons tied to them and then the nylons had been pulled very tightly around her back and then tied to her breasts, tightly. They brought out to me and laid her down on top of me in a 69 position with my cock in her mouth and her pussy in mine. We were tied with dozens of ropes so tightly that we could not move at all, or speak. Then a few more pictures were taken and Cindy and Julie turned and left the room. We stayed like that for over an hour, not knowing what was going to happen to us or why we had to suffer through all of this. I heard the door open and was scared to death at that point because I realized it was Julie’s husband coming home from work. As he came through the door, he was announcing his presence but stopped in mid sentence when he saw us on the floor. He stood there completely stunned for a minute but then in a flash, Julie and Cindy came running in the door behind him and tackled him. He crashed to the floor and in seconds, was also being tied. Ok, now I’m really confused I thought to myself. Why would they do this to him? There own husband/man was being tied. Once he was tied and gagged, Cindy came over to use and sat down between my legs. In a very calm but extremely sensual way she ran her hand over my testicles right in front of my wife’s face. She loosened some of the ropes and lifted Sara’s face just enough to get my cock out of her mouth. She made Sarah watch as she stroked my cock until it was hard as a rock and poking Sarah in the face. Sarah went into a rage and started calling out names and threats but Sarah just giggled and said, ok now it’s time to explain all of this Sarah. Explain what she said, you had better explain why your doing this to all of us. No, said Cindy, you tell them. She whispered in Sarah’s ear and then stood back and laughed along with her lady. Sarah’s voice began but it had changed from a rage to a very quiet submissive voice. She apologized to me and then explained that she had been having an affair with Julie’s husband for a while now.
It all made sense…suddenly I got it. We all did. We were being punished for hurting them. Julie began to explain our future, as she did Cindy continued stroking my cock as her man and Sarah watched. Julie explained that her husband would be leaving with nothing at all. Just being tossed out after he signed the papers for their divorce that gave them everything he had. As for Sarah and I, we too would sign everything over the girls including our house and assets. Then a second paper would be signed that gave them complete control over us and the rights to use us as their total slaves. We would be totally owned by them and over the years found out that we where to be humiliated almost daily by them to make us pay for the past. Sarah was pimped out as a prostitute on occasion to whoever wanted her, always for a simple fee of 5 or 10 dollars to degrade her even more. As for me, my main task was cooking, cleaning and shopping. Usually dressed as a maid or other feminine cloths or completely nude if we had company, and yes; they did go through with my breast implants as well, This went on for years to follow with hundreds of other degrading experiences for two of us; but that’s another story.


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The $390 million weekend

Everything began normally that day. I had a shower, ate breakfast and left for work. Everything was going fine until I called my fiancé around lunch. You see, I had given her $20.00 to buy me lottery tickets on her way home last Tuesday. It was the largest jackpot in history, $390 million, and I was hoping to get some of it. Today was now Thursday and the drawing had taken place last night. Since I had not seen her since she left my house on Tuesday she still had the tickets in her possession. So naturally I was anxious to contact her today to discover if I had any winning numbers on my tickets. So at exactly 12:00, when she goes to lunch, I made the call.
Even that began simple enough. “So, am I a millionaire?” I asked. “Not yet” she replied. Not knowing what she meant I asked her. She went on to explain that she had in her possession a ticket with not just winning numbers, but jackpot winning numbers. However I would never see a single penny if I didn’t do exactly as she said. Considering the ticket was in her possession and we were not yet married I knew that she could legally pull this off if I did not comply. So I began by asking her what she wanted me to do. “Come to my house tomorrow after you get off work.” She said. That didn’t sound so bad, so I agreed. At 5:00 on Friday evening I would leave work and go to Erin’s house.
As the day progressed on Friday I began to wonder more and more about what was in store for me. And when 5:00 came I could not wait to find out. Upon arriving at Erin’s house I knocked on the door and it was answered immediately. There stood my fiancé in the most incredible outfit I have ever seen her wear. It consisted of a black satin bra and panty set as well as a garter belt, thigh high fish net stockings, knee high black leather high-heeled boots and a metal chain fetishr necklace. She was stunning. And with the boots on and her already 5’5” height she stood taller than I did at 5’8”. Upon seeing me she took my arm and pulled me inside, kissing me as she did so, almost powering her tongue in my mouth. She then pulled away and told me the rules.
I was very confused when my “loving fiancé” told me that if I did not follow her every command for this one weekend that she would not hesitate to take my winnings and disappear forever. However, I felt a little better when she explained that if I did comply she would turn over the ticket, marry me and promise to love me unconditionally for the rest of our days. I am almost certain that she knew I would have no choice but to follow her lead. What else could I do? Lose all that money and the love of my life. No, I could not let that happen. So after a moment of indecision I gave in. Almost immediately I received my first command. “Take off all your clothes and lie down on the floor.” She said. I did so with no hesitation.
As I was lying down I looked up at Erin just in time to see her remove her satin panties. She slowly pulled them down her thighs and stepped out one foot at a time. But, what I really became focused on was the fact that her pubic area was completely bald. This was a first for Erin, or at least in the five years that I had been with her. I began to become incredibly aroused by this latest development. Then, Erin straddled my hips and in one swift motion impaled herself on my still hardening cock. Her pussy was dripping wet and hotter than it had ever been. In no time my dick was rock hard. Erin began to ride my cock up and down while working her hips back and forth. She was moaning and threw her head back as she fucked herself on my stick. Before long Erin began cumming. Her whole body tensed up and her pussy became a vise. As her orgasm subsided she put her hands on my chest to steady herself as she began riding me again. It quickly became apparent that her goal now was to get me off. Soon I felt that familiar sensation signaling my orgasm building. Just then Erin said, “I want you to cum in me. I want you to cum in me right now.” I began shooting a huge load into her pussy and she pulled herself off of me just as the last couple of shots flew, landing on her bare pussy lips, clit and even some running down to rest on her asshole. She then lay next to me on the floor and I thought to myself, a weekend of this certainly doesn’t seem be too bad. Then Erin said, “Aren’t you going to clean up your mess?” But, as I got up to get a towel she said, “where do you think you are going? I want you to clean it up the same way I clean you after sucking your dick.” I quickly replied, “You can’t be fucking serious!” Unfortunately, I could already tell from the look in her eyes that she was very serious. I again spoke up, “well, I’m not fucking doing it!” To which Erin replied, “you don’t have a fucking choice, remember!” And I knew she was absolutely right.
Erin spread her legs giving me a good look at the sticky remains of my own pleasure that I was about to have to lick off of her. She beckoned me with her curled finger and as I reluctantly began to lower my head to her usually sweet sex she grabbed me by the back of my head and powerd my face into her crotch. Then she said, “now suck that cum out of my pussy!” I had no choice but to stick out my tongue and begin licking her glazed hole, but to my surprise my softened cock began to respond. I was becoming aroused. I could not imagine how this could be possible, but I was actually enjoying this. I started to lick the combined juices from our orgasms from Erin’s bald cunt with vigor. First the outermost lips with long even strokes. Then I moved on to her inner lips and clitoris and was promptly rewarded with more nectar as she came again, only this time my face was already between her thighs, ready to lap up her juices as they flowed from her. Then Erin instructed me to lick my cum from her asshole, so I lowered my head and licked her rosebud ferociously getting every trace off semen and licking her completely clean with my tongue. I also stuck my tongue out hard and tickled the rim of her ass with just the tip penetrating her rear opening. She moaned her approval as she pulled her bra down exposing her nipples so that she could pinch them, one in each hand. After I finished polishing her asshole with my tongue Erin told me to get on my back again. I quickly obliged and she straddled my face and said, “I expect you to suck every last drop of that cum from my cunt. Don’t let a single drop go to waste!” I immediately began sucking at her cum filled hole, which caused Erin to moan loudly. When I shoved my tongue into her to scoop out as much as I could Erin came again, covering my face with her fluid. I sucked it up as well and cleaned her entire pussy inside and out until there was no trace of our cum left. Erin stood up and put her panties back on as I tried to come to terms with what had just happened. As Erin was putting her bra back in place she told me, “get up and follow me, you’re not done yet.” My mind started to race as I wondered what else could possibly be in store for me this weekend.
I followed Erin into her large master bathroom. She reached over and began to run the bath water as she told me to get her lilac scented bath beads, shaving cream and razor, as well as some sort of soap she pointed to and said, “that will get rid of your rough skin and make you feel as soft as me and we have to get you ready before everyone else gets here.” Before I could even inquire about this latest statement I found myself soaking in hot lilac scented water and my fiancé was steadily working the rough soap all over my body. I later found out that this was an exfoliate and that it was used among many women to maintain their baby soft skin. Then, Erin handed the shaving cream can and razor to me and instructed me to remove every bit of hair from my body other than that on my head, which I kept buzzed short anyway. I was quite confused but figured what the hell, for $390 million I would paint myself blue. As I started to shave my body Erin produced a bottle of lotion and told me to apply it to myself when I was done toweling off. Erin then said, “meet me in my bedroom when you are finished. I have other things I need to prepare.” As I continued to shave Erin left the room and I wondered what I had gotten myself into.


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As soon as I had finished applying the lotion to my body I did as instructed and reported to Erin’s bedroom. She was standing by the king size bed and I could see that there was an assortment of items placed on it. As I ventured closer I saw that the items consisted of an outfit matching the one Erin was wearing only it was pink and the boots that rested in front of the bed were white leather and appeared way to big for Erin. There was also a long strawberry blond wig positioned at the top of the ensemble. Just then Erin said, “Time to get you dressed.” I said, “what?!?” To which she replied, “well, a girl has to look her best when she is preparing for her date.” I thought fuck it, $390 million; let her have her fun. Besides, what harm could it possibly do? She started by handing me the pink satin panties, which I stepped into and slid up over my hairless thighs and over my bald crotch. Surprisingly they felt quite nice once they were in position. By the time she handed me the matching bra my cock was becoming firm and straining at the flimsy satin that presently covered it. I donned the bra, with a little help from Erin, and then she showed me how to roll on the thigh high white fishnet stockings. As Erin helped me get into the knee high boots and buckled the chain fetishr around my neck she told me, “after we fix your hair, (meaning, put on the curly, longhaired wig) we will need to do your makeup. Soon all of this will be second nature to you, but for now I will help you get ready.” I didn’t know what she meant by this second nature cuckolds brownie, I didn’t plan on doing this ever again, but I decided not to argue. Erin applied my makeup with a s*******ful and experienced hand. First a little powder, then eye shadow, mascara, and finally lipstick. It was a kind of metallic pink shade that matched my outfit, along with the eye shadow. Once that was complete she reached into a drawer and pulled out what appeared to be breasts. She explained that they were designed to give small breasted women a more enticing appearing chest, but considering I had no breast at all they would give me the appearance of having small but perky breasts. Once she had situated them in my bra she turned me to face the mirror. My god, I could not believe it, I was gorgeous. I looked like a beautiful young woman. My tits were small, but even still they looked great. And more surprisingly, they looked real. I stood up and admired my entire body in the mirror for at least 10 minutes. I looked amazing, and other than my now raging hard on, I looked like a lingerie model, the epitome of femininity. Then Erin told me it was time to learn to walk. She really wasn’t joking either; it took at least an hour for me to get it down pat. She made sure I knew, not only how to walk in the heels without falling down, but also how to shake my ass just right. I felt like a runway model as I sashayed back and forth in her bedroom. After we had that covered Erin told me it was time to have my reward, my first taste of womanhood. I asked her what she meant and she responded only, “you’ll see,” as she walked over to her dresser to retrieve something from the top drawer.
As Erin busied herself at her dresser she told me to go to the bed and lay face down. As I did this I thought to myself, maybe I am going to get a nice massage now. I heard Erin walking towards me and glanced up to see if she had massage lotion in her hands. What I saw was the single most shocking thing I had ever seen. She had a huge black penis protruding from her crotch. I jumped up and said, “What the fuck is that?” Erin replied, “It’s called a “Feeldo”. It doesn’t require any straps because it has a bulb on my end that holds it inside. I like it because it gives me better control by the sensations I feel in me, plus it gives the allusion of not being a “strap-on” but rather just being my very own cock. You want to suck it?” I said, “hell no I don’t want to suck it. I want to know what you plan to do with it.” “I plan to fuck you with it of course. Why else would I have it?” Erin countered. What was she thinking? There was no way I was going to let her do this. I had not even fucked her in the ass in the five years we had been together. Erin started again, “come on Kelly, you don’t want to back out now do you?” who the fuck is Kelly? My name is Kyle. When I reminded her of this she simply said, “not this weekend. If you can’t be Kelly than me and your money will split town before you can blink.” OK fine, I thought; I will be Kelly, but I’m not getting fucked in the ass. However, after some reassuring I agreed to let her try with the understanding that if it started to hurt she would stop. After all $390 million and her love was at stake. So, I layed back down and she crawled up my legs and pulled my satin panties to one side, exposing my very virgin asshole.
Erin began by using her finger to apply a bit of lube to my hole. She massaged the liquid only on the outside at first, taking her time. The feeling it caused came with mixed emotions. To say it simply, it felt great, which was not what I expected. Then I felt a slight bit of pressure as she began to work me open. After a few moments her finger slipped in to the first knuckle and she began to move it all around as well as in and out. Before long her finger was passing the second knuckle and I was panting with sexual excitement. Then Erin worked in a second finger, this one going in much easier than the first. As she worked her fingers in and out of my ass Erin asked, “do my fingers feel good in your pussy Kelly?” I could only let out a moan to affirm that they felt wonderful. Then Erin said, “your pussy is getting so wet baby, but we need to get three fingers in it before we try for my big cock.” Just then she started to push in the third finger and I thought I might pass out from sheer pleasure. My ass was getting fucked by three fingers and I loved it. Erin kept fucking me with her fingers until she was satisfied that I could take her eight-inch-long and an unbelievable three and a half-inch-thick dick. She then removed her fingers and sat beside me on the bed. Then she said, “Now suck my cock and get it nice and wet so it will slide right in that tight pussy of yours.” Without even thinking I immediately gripped it in my hand and began sucking away at it like I was some kind of deranged slut. I sucked so hard that Erin could feel the movements inside her and started to moan. Her cock glistened with my saliva as I started to really get the hang of being a girl and managed to deep throat Erin’s eight inches. My nose came to rest on her pelvic bone as Erin looked down and said, “Good girl; suck that fucking cock. You’re becoming a good little cocksucker, aren’t you.” I tried to reply but with my mouth full of Erin’s cock it just came out as yet another moan. That’s when I decided that I didn’t mind being Kelly. I didn’t mind being a girl, or even a cocksucker. I even decided that from here on out I would do exactly as Erin asked me to, no questions asked. Then Erin said, “OK that’s enough. I don’t want to come just yet; I want to come in your tight little pussy.” I stopped sucking her dick reluctantly and repositioned myself facedown on the bed again. Before Erin moved behind me she looked at my pretty face and said, “Are you ready for me to make you cum like a girl?” I could not even speak. I just nodded my head and watched as Erin crawled back off the bed, standing where my feet hung off the edge.



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Erin stood between my spread thighs. She reached forward and tugged at my new panties, sliding them down and unhooking my garter belt from my stockings just long enough to get the pink satin panties over my high-heeled boots. Then she reconnected my garters and placed a hand on the underside of my thighs just below my waist. She then lifted up slightly as she pulled me back and positioned my ass up in the air and close to the edge of the bed. I closed my eyes and waited for her to take the next step. A few seconds later, she did. I could feel the head of her huge cock pushing at my hole. Erin leaned down and whispered in my ear, “Just relax baby and let my cock slide in. You can do it Kelly, just relax that pussy.” As I did, I felt the head slide in filling me to capacity. In fact, it felt as though it were ripping me in two. Erin just held it there giving me a moment to adjust to the thickness, and as she did the pain subsided and I began to relax even more. Soon Erin started to work her member in and out. Only slightly at first, but steadily increasing not only her speed but also how much of her cock she was fucking me with. The feelings she was creating were magnificent. I felt as though I was a teenage girl getting fucked for the first time. I could not believe how great it felt. I got so caught up in it that I completely lost track of what Erin was actually doing and before I knew it I could feel her hips resting completely on my ass. I had actually taken all eight inches. Erin leaned forward again and asked, “How does it feel to have my cock all the way in your virgin pussy?” All I could say in response was, “Please fuck me. Make me cum like a girl!” and Erin said, “Well now Kelly, you are a girl. And believe me I’m going to fuck you and you will cum soon enough.” With that, Erin began to saw her cock in and out of my ass.
I was moaning in complete ecstasy as Erin continued to fuck me in long, slow strokes. Then she leaned into me and asked, “Are you ready for me to really fuck that cunt of yours?” I yelled out immediately, “Yes, fuck my pussy.” With that Erin started to pound into me, slapping her thighs against my ass. “Yes! Fuck me, fuck me!” I screamed out. And she did for a few minutes until she said, “Now, you fuck yourself. Bang your little pussy on my big dick.” Upon hearing her say this I started to rock myself back and forth, fucking myself with her cock. Erin exclaimed, “If you keep that up you’re going to make me come all in your pussy.” I immediately picked up my pace and squeezed my anal muscles to provide as much movement for her as I could. She joined in and started to meet my thrusts, gripping my hips as she pulled me back onto her dick. Soon her pace increased so much I could not keep up and she yelled out, “Here it comes, I’m going to cum in your pussy.” As soon as she said this she began to orgasm. Her body again tensed and shook and I could imagine her shooting a load deep inside my pussy. Then I started too feel a rather strange feeling myself. It was not entirely unfamiliar, however it was like nothing I had ever felt. Suddenly I realized what it was. I was on the verge of cumming. Before Erin had finished her orgasm I started to cum. I never even touched my penis and yet I was definitely cumming. It was then that I realized when Erin came deep in my pussy she pushed me over the edge and for the first time, made me cum like the girl I had recently become. As soon as we finished riding out our orgasms, Erin pulled out of me and dipped her cock into the small puddle I had made on the bed. She made sure to get every bit of the seed onto the head of her penis before offering it to my eager mouth. Quickly I began to suck on her dick as she stroked my long curly hair and said, “That’s it Kelly, get all the cum off my cock. Suck it down like a good girl.” And I did just that, sucking it hard until there was nothing left on it but my own saliva. I even slid it back down the back of my throat again, loving the way it felt to deep throat her massive cock. Then Erin said, “That’s enough for now. We need to go to relax, we have a big day tomorrow.” She then helped me remove my boots and undid my fetishr as I pulled my pink panties back up over my fishnets and into place around my slim waist. Then she gave me a see through silk teddy that was the same color pink as my bra and panties. As I was pulling it over my head Erin reached around from behind me and cupped my modest breasts giving each a much appreciated squeeze. Then she said, “This is only the beginning Kelly. I plan to use your body any way I see fit, to bring myself pleasure. I hope you are ready to get fucked like the little slut you really are.” I told her I would do anything she wanted me to in order to please her. With that we got into bed in the spoon position, her behind me with her dick firmly nestled in between my ass, right where it belonged.


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powerd to submit

We were in the truck, my boyfriend, his best friend and me. I had been with my boyfriend for a couple months now and had just met his best friend Jeff that day. Jeff was definitely cute and I couldn’t keep my eyes off of him. We had all gotten along pretty well and had just gotten done swimming and were all still in our bathing suites. I was stuck in the middle of my boyfriend who was driving and Jeff the AC on full blast so I was absolutely freezing with my tits noticeably through my bathing suit top. The boys didn’t have shirts and they seemed to be just fine, I kept catching Jeff staring at my tits through my top but I didn’t think anything of it. I myself couldn’t help but glance now and again at Jeff’s chest and muscular arms and embarrassingly kept wondering what he would look like without the shorts.
We had just pulled into a gas station and my boyfriend got out started filling the tank and went inside to use the restroom and look around. As soon as he was out of sight I could feel Jeff staring at me and next thing I know he is shoving me onto my back and holding me down with his arms which of course I was no match for. “What the hell are you doing?!” I said and having his body pressed up so strong and close to mine I could feel myself getting wet even though I didn’t want to be. His face came close to mine and his hands wrapped around the back of my neck and he kissed me hard on the lips with enough power to keep my head secure against the seat and I couldn’t get away. I tried to shove him off of me by pushing his chest away but it did absolutely nothing! He said, “you’ve been teasing me the whole day, trying to cover yourself up when you know that im looking. You should know better than to tease and now your going to have to pay up for it” And what I hadn’t realized was that he had untied the knot holding my top up and he then yanked my whole top down exposing my breasts. I didn’t even bother trying to pull my top back up but I tried to power him off again but it did nothing. He grabbed both of my wrists and pulled them behind my own back powering my chest up even higher making me feel completely exposed! Then with one hand he pulled my bottoms completely off, and I tried to resist by opening my legs to keep them from coming off but by then I was really just helping him and he easily placed himself in between my open legs having pulled my bottoms off he then pulled his swim trunks down and his already rock hard cock popped out and it was A lot bigger than I thought and also a lot bigger than my boyfriends! Now I was more afraid of being ripped open than anything else but I was already so wet and with the tip of his cock he started rubbing my pussy lips and getting himself wet and lubed with my own juices. He then grabbed my nipples and twisted making me groan and squirm away but he grabbed me by my hips and without warning powerd his whole cock inside my soaking pussy and he easily filled me up until about that last inch of his cock that wouldn’t fit and I knew he could feel me getting wetter and wetter and said, “I knew that you wanted me too, your just trying to act like a good girlfriend by pushing me away but I know what kind of slut you really are! Now admit that you want my cock!!” he then started rubbing my clit and pumping hard into me while I slowly was able to let all of his cock inside of me filling me completely. I could feel myself coming close to orgasm even though I didn’t want to I couldn’t help myself. I started groaning and begging for him to fuck me harder and how much I did want his cock and how my boyfriend never fucked me this good.
I could feel him getting close as my own orgasm took over me. Then I felt his hot cum fill me up as he released his load inside of me. He then quickly put my bottoms back (keeping his cum still inside of me) and I retied my top as we both caught sight of my boyfriend coming. Before he got to us Jeff went in my top grabbed my nipples and used them to pull me close to his face and said, “tonight at the hotel I expect the same enthusiasm when you leave your boyfriend while he is arelax and come to my room to please me, and if you don’t come youll be sorry” and with that he kissed me hard and then we both sat back against our seat as my boyfriend got in and started the truck.


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Anything for a job

Ann wasn’t too happy with the current situation ; as a matter of fact it was quite stressful not to know how much longer you would live in your house before it was foreclosed , just like so many other couples had gone through the same painful experience lately.

Her hubby Peter – the only man she had known in her life, cause she got married the last year of high school, well Peter had a full time job running errands for an auto parts company, not too well paid, but they managed to get by each month, while Ann was trying to get through junior college and do some baby sitting.

Ann was a gorgeous brunette with a nice set of boobs and a cute little ass to die for; she always got compliments wherever she went, but didn’t look at other men cause her lady had always taught her she was married for life.

Well, things weren’t going too good for Peter, auto sales were really down and auto parts stores were all downshifting, so Peter got the message he could only work part-time; as Ann was in the area one day she decided just to stop and greet her hubby at work. The boss was there, and Peter had always had problems with that man, who was a rather rude man in his 40’s and who was always boasting he could get any girl he wanted and that one day he would fuck cute Ann!!

Ann greeted the boss and figured some small talk wouldn’t hurt, maybe she could talk him into letting Peter work full time again.

Hey, cute, how are you doing? The boss asked
Oh, not too bad, really, Ann answered politely, is Peter in?
Yes, he is, he’s going to pick up some parts in a minute

At that very moment Peter showed up Oh, hi baby, how nice of you to come say hello
Ok, Peter, enough b.s. now, rush to St.Albans, Mr Fred is waiting for you, he needs the part ASAP , the boss yelled at him
Ok boss, I’m on my way Peter answered
Sorry, baby, I have to go now, see you tonight
And off he went

The boss called Ann into his office, then closed the door
And how are you guys doing with Peter working half time?
Well, it’s a bit difficult times, as you know, Ann replied.
How can you two get by on 600 bucks a month? The boss asked? I suppose you have to work too now?
Well, that’s the problem, Ann answered, the people where I used to babysit don’t need me anymore cause the wife just got laid off herself, and so, well …
And I just thought, maybe,…
You thought you could work for me, hey cutie, well let’s see, what can you do? Maybe I can hire you part time, the boss leaned back in his armchair as he was looking Ann all over, are you good at blowjobs?
Please, Ann blushed, don’t talk to me like that, I’m married you know
To that little prick? The boss laughed
Look at this meat here, think you can handle that? he continued, pointing to the bulge in his pants
Please, stop, Ann said softly, she did not want to make the boss mad, cause she really needed some extra income
Ann was standing in front of him, with her slender figure , her nice boobs poking out and her colourful miniskirt showing great legs
You can make an extra 400 easy , just part time, the boss said
Come closer!
400 extra, part time? Ann wondered
She moved a step closer and stopped just a foot away from the boss’s knees
Look at this, he said, unzipping his jeans, and letting his half erect cock out; it was about 7 inches, way bigger than Peter’s fully erect 5 inch weenie
On your knees, show me what you can do!
Come on, touch it, you little slut! He was talking so firm, his words were orders, you didn’t say no to him, he was a real boss figure
Ann slowly sank to her knees, and took this cock in her hand
Don’t be shy now, slut, open your mouth big, and stick your tongue out that I see it, and look at me when you suck my cock,…. Good, that’s better, you see you can do it; now suck it, and suck it good, his cock was getting full erect now, a solid 8 inches Ann had never seen or felt anything like that; while she was sucking the boss picked up the phone to make a call
Hey Fred, how are you? Yes, Peter is on his way to you with the part, and you know, his cute wife is on her knees sucking me off, yes she needs some extra money, well times are hard you know, what? You want her too? You have a job for her? I will send her to you afterwards! By taxi? Ok if you tell me, talk to you soon!
Meanwhile Ann was looking at the boss who was fondling her tits through her blouse;
Good news for you, Mr Fred is looking for a slut like you!
After a few minutes the boss ordered ‘ ok now slut, let me see them boobs!
Ann stood up and opened her blouse, the boss just grabbed her tits out of her bra and squeezed them hard, pinched the nipples so hard it hurt and she got a tear in her eye “you’re hurting me” she said, but he completely ignored her
I’m the boss here, you little BITCH, understand? And while saying this he pulled her mini skirt down, so Ann was standing there facing him in just her string
And I bet your string is wet, he spoke
Ann just looked down, didn’t really dare to say anything to this rude man who she hoped would pay her and she would be off
At the same time he pulled her closer and with one thumb pulled down her string
Now she really didn’t know what to do or to think anymore; it was true she was completely wet, after sucking such a nice piece of meat
The boss took her clit between finger and thumb and really pinched it hard
Oh please no you’re hurting me
Well it’s because you are so slutty so wet you can’t hide it, you want me in you!
Turn around, bitch
And with one quick move the boss turned her around and mounted her from the back, slamming his solid cock real deep into her with hard thrusts, Ann screamed with pleasure and came twice in a very short time
She had never experienced anything like that
And she was gonna get paid for this? How much better can it get? She thought


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After filling Ann’s pussy with his cum, and hearing Ann moan and pant , the boss told her to lick him clean.
Not bad for starters, he said, and then added « now get dressed and take a taxi to go to Mr Fred ; you got a job interview!». Ann started getting dressed: bra, blouse;then she went to pick up her thong off the floor, the boss laughed « oh no, this is mine, kinda trophy you know ; just put on your mini-skirt, that’ll be enough ; here’s Mr Fred’s business card, go now! » he ordered.
Ann left right away. While in the taxi she look out some paper tissues to stop the boss’s cum to leak from. her pussy; 15 minutes later she arrived at St. Alban’s. She walked into a nice building with a beautiful showroom featuring some expensive sports cars.
She asked the receptionist to see Mr Fred; the receptionist had a nice smile: « oh, you must be the new applicant for the job, I suppose ; ok take the stairs, Mr Fred in on the second floor, at the end of the hallway . «Ann thanked her.
When she saw a sign PRESIDENT on a door, she knocked.
Come in !
Ann opened the door and was greeted by a tall man in his mid thirties; he looked like a football player and was black.
Ann, I guess ? He said, he took a good 10 seconds to look at her friendly face, her nice boobs and her shapely legs.
Good afternoon, sir, Ann answered.
Mr Fred pointed to the sofa, saying « have a seat »;
Ann look place in the plush sofa, her mini skirt was riding way above her knees, so she crossed her hands just above kneelevel. Mr Fred sat next to her.
« So you’re looking for a job; tell me… well it so happens that I need a girl to replace a woman who left on maternity leave; it’s part-time, mostly P.R. type of work. Our company wants to give its customers the very best service, before and after
sales! You look like you could do that, with some training of course, Mr Fred said while putting one hand on her knees .Seconds later he was unbuttoning her blouse with one hand, and touching his way up her thigh with the other hand ; that second hand soon reached the top of her thighs
« oh you dirty little bitch, no panties or thong for a job interview? And a dripping pussy too! » Mr Fred said , seems like you’re ready! Ann did not know what to say or do , she had only been in this man’s office for 2 minutes and he was feeling her up all over; and deep inside she seemed to like it when a man look control and made her fiel like a lil girl
Let me have a good look at you now;
Get up and get naked, he ordered; and looking Ann in the eyes
Added: I wanna see them tits,
are they natural, real?
« Yes, sir « Ann said in a little girls voice, she was blushing and looking embarrassed; she took off her blouse and her bra, and stopped; Mr Fred got up, stared at this beautiful set of tits, and saw that indeed they were real; this Ann was a natural beauty, and submissive; his customers would be delighted, he figured she would be a good asset to his sales power
« I told you to get naked, you slut » he was towering over her, talking in a rough commanding way « you are to listen and obey, understand? »
Ann lowered her eyes, and unzipped her mini skirt: it fell to the floor; she stood stark naked in front of Mr Fred;
« that’s better, he said, taking a tit in his hand and kneeding it; he then took a nipple between thumb and forefinger and pressed it, rolling the nipple and pulling it towords him till he saw a painful grimace on Ann’s face : he knew it was hurting but she did not dare to protest: yes she was a good submissive white slut, she would bring in good money!
Nicely trimmed pussy, too, Mr Fred smiled as he poked 2 fingers in Ann: ever been fucked by a black man with a big black cock? He asked.
A very soft « no sir » was all Ann could reply.
Well then, take a look at this!
Mr Fred pointed to the bulge in his pants « on your knees
Take it out and suck my black cock, and suck good like a good little slut »
Ann obeyed , when Mr Fred’s tool came out she was shocked !
It must have been 10 inches, and thick like a beer can
« surprised to see what a real man looks like? » he laughed
« open your mouth, bitch, and open it wide; stick your tongue out, and look at me , start sucking now« he ordered
Ann did as she was told, this was an impressive piece of meat,, she licked the shaft and the balls, and took the head in her mouth, then Mr Fred grabbed her by the back of her head and pushed his cock deep in Ann’s throat; she gagged
« stick tour tongue out, bitch, and look at me »
Ann obeyed, she had about half of Mr Fred’s cock in her mouth;
He was fully erect now; took his tool out of Ann’s mouth and ordered « ok, on all fours now, I’m gonna take you doggie style » Ann positioned herself as ordered, she was in the middle of the plush carpet, Mr Fred first poked 3 fingers in Ann’s pussy, then approached his big tool, the big head was at the pussy lips, he started to push, Ann was moaning , saying « please sir, go easy please, you’re so big and I’m not used to this » Mr Fred just laughed « well, you need to give me pleasure, you little cunt, after all, you’ll have to get used to this size » and he pushed the head of his massive cock in Ann’s little pussy; Ann cried out like she had been stabbed, gasping « oh please, you’re so huge » but to no avail, Mr Fred just pushed harder and harder and drove his piston deep inch by inch until he reached a steady rythm; Ann just moaned louder and louder, after a few minutes she had her first « black » orgasm; Mr Fred kept pumping and 5 minutes later Ann came again; she was making so much noise « you are just like a real bitch in heat « Mr Fred commented smiling; from. then on his rythm increased, he was pumping away and fucking her like there was no tomorrow, a minute later he shot several waves of cum in Ann’s pussy, Ann had her 3rd orgasm and collapsed on the floor;
« Ok lick me clean, you little white whore »
Ann crawled up and put the now limp cock in her mouth;
« From now on, I will be your master, hear? And you will call me master, understand, bitch? You are my little white whore, and you are to obey me at all times, understand? »
« yes, yes master » Ann replied softly; she was still dizzy after having 3 orgasms in such a short time.

Time to go now, Mr Fred said; go home and tell your little prick husband you got a job; you can show him your cumfilled pussy and let him eat my creampie, he added;
Be here tomorrow at 10:30 sharp ! Be on time !



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Be here tomorrow at 10:30 sharp!
I’ll be there to start my new job, Ann said to herself on the way home.
How will I explain my cum-filled and stretched pussy, she wondered?
Peter would be waiting, ready to make love when she came home. She had a brilliant idea: she was gonna call Debbie and ask her over.
Everything worked out fine. When Ann announced she found a job, Peter figured she would replace the secretary who just left on maternity leave. Little did he know his dear wife would be the next on maternity leave, but that was for later…
So the next morning Ann dressed appropriately for her new job with knee-length skirt and matching blouse.
10:20 Ann arrived at Mr Fred’s business, the receptionist told her Mr Fred was expecting her in his private office upstairs.
Ann knocked, Come in, she heard.
Good morning, sir…
Come here, let me take a good look at you before you meet your first customer.
Mr Fred started by unbuttoning the top of Ann’s blouse, leaving a nice cleavage and sight of her red laced bra.
So, that’s better, he said in his controlling voice!
Now, let’s see, are you wearing panties today? Without waiting for an answer he lifted Ann’s skirt high enough to see the red thong: he put his thumb in it and pulled it off in 1 quick move.
You won’t need this anyway; remember, as a P R girl your role is to put the customer in the right mood, then I come to sign the contract; teamwork, you know!
Ann didn’t know what to say or do, Mr Fred was looking at her nicely shaved pussy, just slapped her ass pretty hard and asked” Understand, lil bitch”?
Yes, yes, …sir, Ann replied.
Mr Fred slapped her ass again, much harder this time
I told you to call me master, do you need a good spanking before your customer arrives?
No, no master
That’s better!
And Mr Fred left her alone in his plush private office.
A minute later a knock at the door
Good morning, sir, welcome to our company!
You must be Ann, I guess? My name’s Bob Davidmister, so you’re the new girl here?
Mr Fred sure picked a cutie, let’s see what you’ve got, and he started unbuttoning her blouse, it fell open showing her heavy set of boobs half sticking out the red bra.
Nice tits to play with, Mr Bob commented; now he undid the bra, the ripe pears were happy to be freed from the bra!
Mr Bob played with both tits for a while, then took the nipples between thumb and finger, and started pinching, harder and harder while watching Ann’s face…
Please Mr Bob, that hurts
Listen, you lil cunt, you’re here to please me, so I’ll do what I like, ok
He squeezed and pinched so hard Ann had tears in her eyes
Ok, how about this? Mr Bob took the nipples in his mouth and started nibbling and biting them
If I tell Mr Fred his bitch is complaining, he won’t be too happy!
Oh, no please sir I’ll be good, I promise
That’s better, bitch!
He pulled Ann with him on the sofa, her skirt was way above her knees now, in a minute Mr Bob reached her pussy
Lil slut you are, no panties, you’re a lil hottie!
Here, open my fly and suck my dick he added while poking 2 fingers in her pussy;
Stick your tongue out, bitch, and look at me while you suck me
After a few minutes, he was rock hard and stood a solid 10 inches, he ordered Ann on all fours, he wanted to take her doggie style
Ann’s cunt was very wet he positioned himself right behind her, then shoved his piston in all the way in 1 thrust
Ann yelped and cried, like she had been stabbed
You’re just a bitch in heat!
But you’re so long and hard, Ann said in a weak voice
After Ann had come 3 times in 10 minutes, Mr Bob started grunting and filled Ann’s pussy with a good load of cum
And now clean me bitch! He ordered
At that moment Mr Fred walked into the room
He just slapped Ann’s ass, she was licking Mr Bob clean
Not a bad lil bitch, is she? Mr Fred asked; Mr Bob fully agreed
Always a pleasure doing business with you!

Mr Fred told Ann she did well, now to take a quick shower because the next customer would be here soon; an older man who just wants to see her naked and get a blow job..

Mr Fred picked up his phone and called Peter’s boss
Hey, Johnny boy, I started pimping Ann out, she’ll do her second customer this morning, she’s really hot!! How can she be with a loser like Peter?
I think I’m gonna have Peter as a male bitch to lick his wife’s cream pie after she gets fucked; what do you think?


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Merci pour l'histoire en langue de Voltaire...
Bonne journée
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