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les histoires de chrislebo

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J'avais envie de hurler. Il faisait comme s'il ne me connaissait pas, comme s'il ne m'avait pas forcée à le sucer sous la menace pendant que je déféquais, comme s'il ne m'avait pas sodomisée en groupe, comme s'il ne m'avait pas imposé une double-pénétration, le salaud ! J'étais paralysée, je ne pouvais tout de même pas dire à mon amie que mister mari était un salopard, mais en même temps, je ne pouvais pas faire comme si de rien n'était !
- Coralie ? ajouta Vincent. Tout va bien ?
Sarah me regarda d'un air curieux. Jean fronça les sourcils.
- Non... Je... veux dire... oui, j'ai... juste... un peu chaud, c'est ça, il fait une de ces chaleurs...
Les yeux de Vincent brillèrent de plaisir.
- J'ai un excellent remède pour les jeunes femmes qui se sentent chaudes !
- Ah ? Dis-je d'une voix faible, tremblant devant le sous-entendu grossier.
Il me fourra un verre empli de glaçon dans les mains.
- Un petit apéritif de ma composition, délicieux, vous verrez...
Je bus à petites gorgées. J'étais désespérée. J'avais promis à Sarah de me montrer gentille avec lui, je ne pouvais plus reculer. Je me sentais prise au piège.
- Coralie, tu veux bien aider Vincent à mettre la table pendant que je te prends ton Jean qui va couper la viande pour moi ?
Je tressaillis. Je ne voulais surtout pas me retrouver seule dans le mobil-home avec ce violeur ! Il me prit par la main et m'attira à lui, passant négligemment un bras autour de mes épaules, laissant sa main retomber sur la naissance de mes seins.
- Venez, c'est par là !
Sarah me fit un clin d'œil. Je ne pouvais pas me défiler.
A peine entré dans le mobil-home, il me prit par les fesses et me força à l'embrasser, en frottant mister caleçon sur ma chatte rasée. Je le repoussai de toutes mes powers et dis entre mes dents:
- Ne me touchez pas !
Il prit une grande cuillère en bois sur la table et m'en donna un coup sur le haut des fesses. Je sursautais de douleur, mais ne criai pas.
- Arrête de faire ta vierge effarouchée. Monte sur la table à quatre pattes, on va faire un petit jeu. Vite !
- Il n'en est pas question ! sifflais-je rageusement. Vous m'avez assez maltraitée ce matin ! Je n'ai encore rien dit à votre femme, mais...
Il rit.
- Qui te dit qu'elle ne le sait pas déjà ? Allez, monte, et tends-moi ton petit trou.
Je reculais d'un pas, respirant difficilement. Sarah ne pouvait pas savoir, elle pensait que je ne connaissais pas mister mari !
- Non !
Il avança sa main et saisit un de mes seins par le téton.
- Très bien, dimisters donc à Jean que je t'ai vu chier par terre et baisée dans ta merde ! (il se pencha à la fenêtre) Sarah, Jean, venez voir !
Je ne pouvais pas le laisser tout raconter à Jean ! L'offense serait trop grande !
- Non, s'il vous plaît, ne dites rien !
Au dehors Sarah répondit :
- Une minute, j'arrive !
Il me regarda d'un air narquois.
- À quatre pattes sur la table.
J'obéis. La table n'était pas très grande, je dû me cambrer pour y tenir sans me casser la figure. Ma croupe se trouva face à lui, j'étais à sa merci.
Il se pencha à nouveau à la fenêtre :
- Je n'ai plus besoin de vous, j'ai ce que je cherchais. On vient dresser la table dans une minute.
Il humecta ses doigts dans ma chatte ouverte et fourra sa langue dans mon anus.
Sarah répondit de loin:
- Ok, ne traîne pas trop, c'est presque cuit.
Il me caressa le bas du dos, la croupe, le haut des cuisses. Puis il fit couler un filet d'huile le long de ma raie et y fit courir un doigt en tournant délicatement sur ma pastille tendre. Le doigt trouva mister chemin sans difficulté, pénétrant le trou douillet sans souci, et, couplé avec le pouce tendu entre mes petites lèvres qui malaxait mon clitoris, il provoqua une sensation que j'eus honte de trouver plus qu'agréable.
- Je t'explique les règles du jeu.
- Mmm, oui... s'il-vous-plaît, non, arrêtez...
Ses doigts se firent plus brutaux, mister pouce pénétra mon vagin, le plaisir s'intensifia.
- Mmm... Non... s'il-vous-plaît...
- Tu vas rester sagement sur cette table pendant tout notre repas. Je viendrai te voir régulièrement, et, si tu es bien sage, je te donnerai du plaisir. Sinon...
Il se pencha sur ma croupe et me mordit la fesse jusqu'au sang, en me pressant un sein avec sa seconde main. J'eus envie de hurler, mais seul un gémissement plaintif sortit de ma gorge, je ne pouvais pas risquer que Jean apprenne ce que j'avais accepté de subir le matin - accepté jusqu'à un certain point... mais accepté tout de même.
- C'est bien. Je ne sais pas si j'ai eu l'occasion de te dire que j'adore tes gros nichons... J'ai un traitement spécial pour eux. Reste comme ça, je reviens.
Je tremblais, à quatre pattes sur la table, cul relevé en arrière, seins pendouillant, jambes légèrement écartées. Vincent pris des assiettes et des couverts et descendit mettre la table. Je pensais qu'il n'allait rien dire à Jean et Sarah. Je me trompais.
- Coralie n'a pas voulu attendre la fin du repas pour se montrer gentille avec moi, je m'amuse un peu avec elle, ça ne vous embête pas trop, Jean ?
J'entendis mon mari émettre un grognement incertain. Vincent parut ravi.
- Je vois que vous profitez des charmes de mon épouse, c'est donc parfait ! Sarah, puisque tu es déjà à moitié nue sur lui, autant enlever ton string aussi... Tu sais combien le voisin aime te mater !
Sarah gloussa. Je fermai les yeux, mes genoux commençaient à me faire mal. Vincent remonta, passa devant moi sans me toucher, alla dans la petite chambre et revint une minute plus tard. Il posa une boîte au pied de la table et en tira une étoffe soyeuse.
- Enfile ça.
Il me passa un petit haut en soie blanche, qui me parut très petit.
- Je... Je n'ai pas le droit de porter de vêtements. C'est le règlement de miss camping...
- Allons, ne sois pas ridicule, tu dois te balader cul nul dans le camping, mais à l'intérieur, tu fais ce que tu veux. Enfile ce haut, grouille !
Je m'exécutai. Le haut était bien trop petit, ma poitrine étirait le tissu d'une façon telle que j'avais du mal à respirer. Le frottement de la soie sur mes seins était terriblement sensuel, érotique, mes tétons durcirent au contact frais, et je me surpris à attendre la suite avec, sinon délice, du moins curiosité. Vincent sembla lire dans mes pensées, il abaissa mister caleçon, plaça sa bite sous ma main, sur la table, et caressa mes nichons enveloppés de soie tout en m'embrassant avec une certaine tendresse. L'étreinte fit grimper le plaisir d'un degré. Je branlai le sexe en le malaxant sur la table, encouragée par les coups de langue plus prononcés de mon violeur délicat. Je ne voulais plus que ce baiser cesse. J'entendais Sarah gémir à l'extérieur, j'essayai d'accrocher mes sensations à l'unismister des siennes.
Nos lèvres se séparèrent.
- De beaux gros seins, ouais.
Je souris en gonflant ma poitrine, clairement provocante, cherchant à nouveau sa bouche, trouvant ses joues rasées de frais.
- Tu vois que tu es une gourmande... Vite effarouchée, vite chaude ! J'ai quelque chose pour toi, ma belle, tu veux voir ?
Je tortillais le cul et projetait mes nichons en avant, et hochais la tête d'un air faussement timide.
Il fouilla une seconde dans la boîte, en tira un objet long couleur chair. Un godemiché. Énorme. Long. Large. Veiné. Avec une paire de couilles moulées tout au bout. La bite de Loïc en latex.
- Ecarte les jambes.
Je ne protestai pas. Le haut soyeux m'avait comblée, le baiser aussi, je décidai de lui faire confiance. Gardant mes genoux pliés, je posai ma tête et mes seins sur la table, et cambrai mes hanches au maximum pour accueillir le gode géant. Il sembla apprécier la soumission.
- Je vois que tu commences à comprendre, Coralie.
Je remuais le cul, anticipant la pénétration. Il sourit, vint derrière moi, et me suça complètement, du clito à l'anus, introduisant longuement sa langue épaisse et humide dans mes deux orifices. Quand il me suçait l'intérieur de la chatte, le bout de mister nez titillait mon petit trou d'une manière divine. Je me donnai un peu plus, desserrant les fesses autant que je le pouvais en m'aidant de mes mains. Je haletais des encouragements sincères.
- Oui... oui, comme ça, encore, mmmm, oui... encore...
Il me dégusta comme une grosse glace, j'étais parcourue de frismisters incontrôlables, cul en l'air, genoux en feu, tête et seins écrasés inconfortablement contre la table.
Il s'affaira plus précisément sur mon anus offert, et pressa le godemichet taille XL dans ma chatte, sans prévenir. L'engin me déchira les lèvres, déclenchant des éclairs dans mon clitoris tendu.
- Aïe ! Aah ! Oui ! Aah !
Plaisir et douleur s'entremêlèrent. Il se releva, et remua le gros gode dans ma chatte, tirant un nouvel objet de la boîte.
- Mets les mains dans le dos.
- Aah oui tout ce que vous voulez !
Il me passa un bracelet autour d'un poignet, puis un autre autour du deuxième. Des menottes ! La position était terriblement inconfortable, je tentai de me relever mais il m'appuya sur les épaules pour m'en empêcher.
- Ne bouge pas.
Il actionna quelque chose sur le godemichet, qui se mit à vibrer dans mon vagin. Je serrais les jambes incapable de me contrôler.
-Aaah oui ! Aaah !
Il vint placer sa bite à hauteur de ma bouche, je la happais sans me poser de question, toute au mélange de sensations qui s'entrechoquaient dans mon corps, douleur dans mes genoux, sur mes épaules tirées par mes bras primisterniers des menottes, dans mon cou, sensualité de la soie sur mes tétons dressés et dans mon dos, et plaisir intense dans le ventre, dans la chatte, dans la bouche. Je soufflai par le nez en couinant, je sentis la cyprine couler le long du gode endiablé.
- Oh, belle Coralie, suce-la bien, c'est ça...
Je redoublai les coups de menton, désireuse de l'avaler tout entier, pleinement consentante, cette fois. Sa bite était dure et gonflée sur ma langue, une sensation que je commençais à connaître mieux, et à apprécier énormément. Il se pencha vers mon cul, toucha le gode une seconde et le rythme s'accéléra encore dans mon vagin. Je crachais la pine écarlate en criant:
- Aah oui !!!
Il remonta mister caleçon et sortit du mobil-home en disant:
- Chauffe-toi bien, je reviens bientôt.


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(Coralie expérimente de nouvelles sources de plaisir avec le mari de Sarah, qui lui fait découvrir des horizons insoupçonnés…)

- Aah... mmm... oui... hmmm
J'étais seule, cul en l'air, les bras dans le dos, menottée, à moitié écrasée sur une table branlante, un gode vibrant dans ma moule, et je n'éprouvais aucune honte, ne cherchant qu'à intensifier le plaisir qui montait de mes reins, serrant et desserrant les jambes en rythme. Je parvins à glisser le doigt d'une main menottée juste sur mon petit trou souple, et l'y fis pénétrer, décuplant les sensations déjà fortes. Un filet de bave coula de mes lèvres souriantes.
- Eh, les tourtereaux, vous venez manger ?
Dehors, Vincent avait la voix amusée.
- Vous terminerez de dévorer les seins de Sarah après le repas, Jean, vous verrez qu'elle est bien plus cochonne avec un coup dans le nez !
Le plaisir montait, j'étais au seuil de la jouissance, puissante, douloureuse. Je gémis, priant pour qu'elle explose au plus vite, mais elle se dérobait. Si seulement j'avais pu me masturber, je serais venue très vite ! Je me redressai, serrant les genoux sur la table branlante, ce qui déclencha des vagues de spasmes hurleurs dans mon ventre. Mains dans le dos cherchant toujours à explorer ma raie le plus loin possible, j'écartai les jambes et m'empalai sur le godemichet enragé tâchant de guider sa course vers le paradis,
- Aah ! Aah ! Mmm ! Oui !
- Je vais chercher le pain, je reviens.
Sarah entra dans le mobil-home, nue, magnifique. Elle sourit en me voyant me tortiller sur le gode, seins étouffés sous le haut de soie et visage tourné vers le ciel.
- Vincent t'a prêté mes jouets préférés, à ce que je vois... Il est très coquin, parfois...
Je la suppliai:
- Sarah ! Aah ! Aide-moi ! Mmm ! Aah ! Aide-moi à jouir ! Branle-moi !
Elle s'approcha, caressa mes nichons dardant sous la soie et plongea la main vers ma chatte, où elle actionna quelque chose sur le godemichet, qui se mit à vibrer deux fois plus vite. Je me noyais dans une agonie de plaisir.
- Tu verras, me chuchota Sarah, c'est meilleur quand ça vient très lentement... Baisse-toi.
Reconnaissante, j'obéis, me recouchant à moitié sur la table, croupe en l'air. Elle fouilla dans la boîte un instant et me montra un godemichet plus fin, en métal doré. Elle m'embrassa l'oreille en chuchotant:
- Tu le veux, celui-là aussi ? Tu veux jouir vraiment ?
- Aah ! Oui ! Je t'en prie !
Elle caressa mes épaules, mon dos, flatta ma croupe, je gémis plus fort encore, puis elle écarta mes fesses et planta le gode doré dans mon anus, l'y enfonçant d'un coup. J'ouvris grand les yeux en hurlant. La main apaisante de Sarah vint caresser mes seins.
- Désolée si je t'ai fait un peu mal, ça va passer - je te parle en toute connaissance de cause, ma chérie, tu verras...
Elle actionna le gode doré, qui vibra de concert avec celui planté dans mon vagin. La douleur se transforma en plaisir, qui irradia dans mes reins, je haletai en couinant d'une voix aigüe:
- Oui ! Oui ! Ouiouiouiouioui !
Sarah me donna un dernier baiser, puis sortit, le pain à la main, me laissant lutter dans la tornade de sensations violentes qui m'assaillait.
Je ne pouvais plus bouger, affalée sur la table, primisternière des deux godes et des menottes, perdue dans un ouragan de plaisir diabolique, qui crissait sur mon système nerveux, incapable de mener la jouissance à mister terme, je restais là, pleurant d'un plaisir douloureux, suppliante, implorante. Je ne sais combien de temps s'écoula avant que j'entende Vincent revenir, manifestement ravi du spectacle que je lui offrais.
- Tu es en avance sur le programme, ma belle... Viens là !
Il attrapa ma tête à deux mains et glissa sa bite dans ma bouche. Je le suçai en soufflant comme une furie, désespérée de ne pas trouver le chemin de l'orgasme qui n'en finissait pas de se refuser à moi. Je saisis le gode qui me sodomisait et essayai d'accentuer la jouissance qu'il me procurait.
Vincent se retira de mon étreinte buccale, vint se placer derrière moi et arrêta la vibration des deux godes. Je gémis:
- Nooon, s'il-vous-plaît, laissez-moi jouir !
- On y vient, on y vient...
Il sortit les deux objets de mes orifices, je frismisternai d'aise quand il plaça le plus gros des deux, le gode bite-de-Loïc, à l'entrée de ma rondelle, tout en la mouillant avec le jus de ma chatte. Je ne pouvais imaginer comment il comptait faire entrer un si gros objet par mon petit trou, mais, lorsqu'il se mit à me masturber, trois de ses doigts se démenant comme des diables sur mon clitoris, je me penchai davantage en couinant comme un hamster, priant silencieusement pour qu'il me le mette bien profond.
Il poussa sur le gode lentement. Mon anus embrassa le bâton de caoutchouc et lui céda le passage sans protester, je ne ressentis aucune douleur, juste un plaisir démultiplié, chaque centimètre parcouru m'électrisant les reins. Ses doigts tournaient toujours sur mon clitoris, et je sentis enfin que la délivrance arrivait, une vague lointaine qui viendrait déferler de la pointe de mes pieds jusqu'à la racine de mes cheveux.


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- Ah ! Oui ! Plus loin !
Je poussai sur mon cul, et sentis bientôt les couilles du gode XL buter contre mon vagin. Vincent actionna le bouton magique et l'engin vibra dans mes boyaux, déclenchant un tremblement de nerfs dans tout mon être.
- Suce !
Je n'avais pas réalisé qu'il était passé à côté de moi. Je tournai la tête en pleurant de joie et, tandis qu'il me masturbait toujours et me pressait les seins avec power à travers le haut de soie blanche, je l'engloutis tout entier en soufflant par le nez. Il enfonça ses doigts dans mon vagin, accentuant la déferlante. Je jouis en hurlant contre la bite bloquée au fond de ma gorge, remuant le cul et la chatte pour guider les sensations qui s'entrechoquaient entre mon ventre et mes reins, et ne fus pas surprise lorsqu'il attrapa ma tête à deux mains et éjacula dans ma trachée, étouffant mes hurlements de bonheur.
Il sortit lentement sa pine de ma bouche, je laissai ma langue sortie en gémissant, accueillant les jets de sperme chaud avec une joie salace. Il se branla avec douceur, guidant la crème juteuse sur mes lèvres et mon nez, amenant sa queue jusque sur mon palais pour que je le pompe encore et encore.
- Relève-toi, vite.
Il m'aida à me mettre à genoux, je dus écarter les jambes pour que le gode ne me déchire pas le derrière, j'oscillais toujours entre plaisir et douleur. Il se souleva sur la pointe des pieds et frotta sa bite dans ma fente rasée, tout en fourrant mister visage dans mes seins, qu'il renifla à travers le haut de soie blanche.
- Vincent est là ? demanda une voix d'homme au-dehors.
- Dans le mobil-home, oui, répondit Sarah, un sourire dans la voix.
L'homme entra, et s'immobilisa sur le seuil.
S'il était étonné, il ne le montrait pas. Vincent me mordilla les deux seins, avant de me laisser, et de venir lui serrer la main.
- Elle est à toi.
Je protestai.
- Quoi ? Non !
L'homme, plutôt bedonnant, me sourit, me retourna sur la table, me fit descendre, dos à lui, enleva le gode de mon cul, sans ménagement et y fourra sa pine déjà dure sans prononcer un mot. Il m'attira à lui par les menottes, et me malaxa les seins à travers la soie tout en me limant férocement, sous le regard appréciateur de Vincent.
- Arrêtez ! Aah !
Après le contact âpre et caoutchouteux du gode, la texture soyeuse du sexe qui allait et venait dans ma voie étroite avait quelque chose d' agréable, couplé aux caresses appuyées sur mes nichons. Je rejetai la tête en arrière en haletant, écartant le cul pour mieux ressentir le chibre qui l'explorait.
- Aah, oui...
Il lâcha mes seins et s'activa sur mon clitoris lové au creux de mes lèvres rasées. La sensation était orgasmique, je me mordis les lèvres en couinant de plaisir. J'essayai de tourner la tête pour embrasser l'inconnu, et vis qu'il regardait mister sexe entrer et sortir de mon cul d'un air ravi. Il m'attrapa la tête à deux mains et fourra sa langue dans ma bouche en jouissant bruyamment. Je sentis mister sperme chaud inonder mes intestins et serrai les fesses pour lui donner un maximum de plaisir tout en continuant à l'embrasser goulûment.
Il retira sa bite mollissante de mon cul et la glissa dans ma chatte, ses doigts chatouillant toujours mon petit bouton rose. Je sentis Vincent s'approcher de moi. Il m'ôta les menottes - mes bras et mes épaules me faisaient mal - et passa la main sous la soie pour caresser encore mes seins. Je remuai le cul en rythme, j'espérai pouvoir déclencher un nouvel orgasme - l'idée de ces deux hommes qui s'occupaient de moi et y prenaient un plaisir certain me faisait partir à nouveau, je me concentrai sur le sexe qui se réveillait dans le mien, sur les deux doigts qui faisaient rouler délicieusement mon clito, et sur la main qui pinçait mes tétons sous la douce soie du haut trop étroit.
- ouiouiouiouioui !
Les mains sur mes seins se firent plus pressantes.
- Elle aime ça la cochonne...!
Je m'empalai sur la bite en souriant, au bord de la jouissance. Sylvie entra dans le mobil-home.
- Tu as fait connaissance avec mon mari, à ce que je vois...
J'écoutais à peine, donnant des coups de reins de plus en plus marqués, m'abandonnant à la levrette et aux mains sur mon corps.
Sylvie vint me caresser le visage et les cheveux, je mordillai ses doigts en gémissant, accélérant encore mes ondulations. Sa bouche rencontra la mienne, une onde de jouissance me traversa le corps de la croupe aux lèvres, je criai de plaisir dans le baiser saphique de la jolie brune.
Son mari ne mit pas longtemps à venir, il éjecta mister sexe de mon vagin sensible et Sylvie branla sa semence sur ma croupe rebondie - j'accompagnai l'éjaculation avec douceur, me frottant à la bite écarlate, qui déversait des larmes de sperme blanchâtre et épais sur le haut de mon cul.
Sylvie me serra dans ses bras, je l'embrassai encore, avant de prendre Vincent par la main et d'échanger un nouveau baiser avec lui.
- Merci, dis-je sincèrement. C'était une expérience... intéressante...
Il me bécota dans le cou et exposa mes seins en tirant le haut de soie. Il les téta un moment avant de dire:
- Deux beaux gros seins, un cul à faire se venir dessus un moine tibétain, une chatte toujours bien mouillée prête à engloutir une bonne pine, une vraie petite bouche de pute, tu me fais penser à Sarah il y a 30 ans... Si tu veux passer tes vacances dans notre mobil-home, tu es la bienvenue.
Je lui caressai la joue en souriant.
- Nous verrons...
Je ramassai les deux godes et les menottes, puis enlevai le haut de soie à regrets. Je les lui tendis.
- Garde-les précieusement, j'aurai peut-être encore des occasions de les utiliser...
Il me fit un clin d'œil. Je pris Sylvie par la main et sortis du mobil-home, sans faire attention au sperme qui coulait de mon cul. J'étais la gentille pupute du camping, comme disait mon mari, tout le monde le savait, un peu de sperme en plus ou en moins sur mon corps nu ne ferait pas une grande différence.
Je remarquai à peine Jean qui se faisait sucer intégralement par Sarah pendant qu'un autre type - le voisin ?- la baisait par derrière. Je croisai les doigts dans ceux de Sylvie et dit:
- je meurs de faim !
Je me servis un morceau de viande grillée et le dégustai en regardant mon amie se faire baiser. Même prise par deux hommes, et avec une pine dans la bouche, elle gardait sa grâce naturelle, une princesse aux courbes parfaites accordant ses faveurs à deux serviteurs indignes de ses charmes si sensuels. Les deux garçons le sentaient, manifestement, et essayaient donc de se surpasser, tant en douceur qu'en qualité, pénétrant ses orifices avec attention, caressant mister dos, ses seins ou sa croupe, tâchant de donner plus de plaisir qu'ils n'en ressentaient eux-mêmes. Je me promis de travailler cette attitude lors de mes prochains ébats, presque surprise de les attendre avec impatience...

Il était presque 14h30 et Véronique ne se montrait toujours pas. J'avais déjeuné rapidement, la compagnie de Vincent, de Sylvie et Rémi, mister mari, et de Sarah s'était avérée très sympathique. Nous avions parlé des pratiques sexuelles préférées des deux filles, et, en dehors du fait que je n'avais jamais expérimenté la moitié d'entre elles (comme de se mettre nue à la vitre d'une voiture et de laisser les hommes qui le voulaient se masturber et étaler leur semence sur les carreaux, et parfois ouvrir la vitre et sucer tous ceux qui se présentent...!), j'avais promis de m'initier avec elles et de partager leurs pratiques favorites. Jean n'avait pas protesté, il avait passé le gros du repas à malaxer la poitrine opulente et parfaite de Sarah, et semblait maintenant impatient de me voir retourner chez elle. Il était d'ailleurs resté 'pour la sieste' ce qui m'arrangeait bien pour la suite de mon après-midi.
J'étais revenue à la tente, espérant déjà y trouver Véronique, ma blondinette. Mon cœur se mit à battre plus fort. Et si Laëtitia n'allait pas en courses ? Je respirai plus difficilement. Et si Véronique avait réfléchi et réalisé que mister petit ami avait mieux à lui proposer que moi ? Je voulais explorer le sentiment que j'avais ressenti en l'embrassant, en plongeant ma langue entre ses lèvres au goût de pêche, en écrasant mister clitoris sur mes papilles émoustillées... Je déglutis, ravie et effrayée par l'excitation qui me fit tourner la tête à ces pensées coupables.
- Coralie.
Le chuchotement venait des thuyas. La voix de Véronique.
- Viens, je suis seule !
Elle apparut. Elle était vraiment magnifique, dans mister petit bikini vert amande, ses deux seins pointant à travers l’étoffe, ses longs cheveux blonds tombant en cascade sur ses épaules, sa bouche rose tendre, sa taille mannequin… des papillons se mirent à voler dans mon ventre, mon cœur battit la chamade… je marchai vers elle comme sur un nuage. Nos nez frottèrent l’un contre l’autre. Je me noyai dans ses yeux bleus. Elle m’embrassa, troublée. Pris un de mes nichons dans sa main aux doigts fins. Le baiser se prolongea, infini, je fermai les yeux et me laissai porter par les sensations très exotiques que je ressentais.
Je la respirai dans le cou, elle eut un petit rire coquin en mordillant une de mes oreilles.
- On va à la plage ? demandai-je.
- Je te suis, juste une seconde.
Elle s’écarta, et ôta mister haut de maillot, puis tira sur la cordelette de mister string, qui tomba à ses pieds. Sa nudité angélique m’émoustilla. Je la regardai sans comprendre.
- Et voilà, dit-elle. Je suis aussi une miss camping maintenant… tu viens ?
Nous sortîmes de mon emplacement et prîmes le chemin de la plage, nues sous le soleil.
FIN .....??


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"I am glad you found out," she went on. "So that I could show you how superior black cocks are. My young master has been fucking white women since he was 13 years old, and believe me he knows exactly how to please them!"

"You had better go home now," Jamal told me. "Your wife has a lot more cock to take yet. Why not jerk yourself off when you get home, picturing the two of us together?"

"That's a good idea," added my wife. "Because from now on that is all you will be able to do. Only Jamal will fuck me in future, so you had better get used to it!"

I left the apartment feeling wretched, with the derisive laughter of my wife and her black lover ringing in my ears.

It was very late when Laura got home that night. I was already in bed, but unable to relax. She sauntered into the bedroom with a huge grin on her face, and began to undress.

"Did you enjoy watching your wife being fucked properly this afternoon?" she taunted. "Jamal is good isn't he? And the size of his cock! The first time I saw it I nearly fainted, but now I can't wait to get out of the house in the morning so that I can feel it inside me again!""

She removed the rest of her clothing, and flaunted her naked body at me. Her tits were covered with red marks where Jamal had mauled them, and there were love bites all over them and her neck. Laura moved close to me, and parted her pussy lips.

"Jamal wanted me to show you this," she told me, as I saw his cum bubbling inside her. "He has just fucked me again, outside in the car. He won't let you fuck me any more, but says I can jerk you off if you will suck his jism out of me. What do you say?""

I had felt so aroused at that afternoon's events, and now the sight of my wife's well used body, that I shamefully agreed to her terms. She wanted to make it humiliating for me, so she made me kneel in front of her to suck her lover's juice out of her. Although I found it unpleasant, my cock was rigid. When I had finished, the two of us got into bed.

"How long has this all been going on?" I asked as Laura took my cock in her hand.

"He has been powering that monster into every one of my holes for the past three weeks," she replied, gently stroking me. "And I love it! I don't feel any shame or guilt like I thought I would, because I now know that you have never been good enough to satisfy me. You have never been on top of me long enough to make me sweat the way Jamal did this afternoon, and so frankly I don't care how humiliating or upsetting this is for you. I will stay with you if that is what you want, but we will live like brother and sister."

I had already come long before she finished what she was saying, and Realised that I could not compete with what the young black had to offer. Reluctantly, I agreed to what she was suggesting.

The following Monday, Laura left for work carrying a suitcase. When I asked what it was for, she informed me that she would be staying with Jamal for a few days, so they could really get to know one another. I of course, had no choice but to accept this.

She returned four days later, highly elated and soundly fucked. She informed me Jamal would be coming around at the weekend.

"He wants to fuck me in our bed, to show you he is my master and your superior," she said. "I think that is a wonderful idea, you will really know your place now. I suggest you make up the bed in the guest room, you will be in there all weekend, no doubt listening with your cock in your hand while another man carries out your husbandly duties!" She laughed uproariously at this, and my downcast expression.

"Hi Jerkoff," laughed Jamal, as I let him in on Saturday morning. "It must really piss you off to have your wife taken over by a young black stud less than half your age, even more to know that he is going to fuck her in the bed that you and she have shared for the last ten years!"

At that moment, Laura ran downstairs to greet her lover. She was barefoot, and dressed only in a flimsy black nightie she had bought specially for this weekend. She threw her arms around Jamal, and gave him a long open-mouthed kiss as I stood by like a spare prick.

"I am ready for a whole weekend of debauchery," she told him. "I warn you, I don't intend to leave that cock of yours alone for a second!"

"Fine with me slut," laughed Jamal. "I intend to leave you tomorrow night with a very sore pussy and ass!" They both laughed, and hugged each other tight.

Dinner was very uncomfortable for me, as the two of them sat opposite me; kissing and cuddling like a couple of teenagers on their first date. When we had finished, I washed up while the two of them sat on the sofa together in the lounge. As I returned and sat in the armchair, Jamal sat my wife on his lap facing me.

While I watched, Laura pulled her nightie right up to her neck, while her lover mauled her right tit with one hand, while playing with her pussy with the other.

"Should you be doing this to his wife right in front of him?" Laura laughed, as she enjoyed his fondling. "Especially as the poor man is getting no sex at all. Look Dick, isn't he awful making free with your wife's body right in front of your eyes?"

The two of them carried on with their foreplay unashamedly, and with no thought for my feelings. I felt sick with jealousy, and at the same time angry with myself for allowing this to happen with no word of protest. I was an abject coward, and my wife and her new lover knew it and revelled in it.

"Come on," said my wife at last. "Take me upstairs and fuck me senseless, I want us to cuckold him in his own bed."

"Yeah, that idea turns me on too," added her lover as they got up.

"We will leave the bedroom door open," Laura told me.

"Yeah and you leave your open too, when you get to bed," Jamal instructed. "We want you to hear clearly what I am going to be doing to your wife tonight."

I did too. Every gasp, every moan, every cry of "Jamal, I love you baby" wafted into my room. I had to listen to my wife acting like a complete whore, begging the young black man for more cock and urging him to fill her with his black cum. Eventually I fell arelax, knowing that I had lost Laura completely to this arrogant young black stud.

A few weeks after that weekend, Laura announced that Jamal had to leave his apartment, and that he would be moving in with us permanently.

"As far as I am concerned," she told me. "He will be the master of the house, and he will relax with me permanently. You will stay in the guest room from now on as the lodger, while Jamal and I live as husband and wife."

And that is how it was. Jamal lorded it over me, with my wife's full approval and encouragement. They would flaunt their lovemaking in front of me, and my wife would tease and taunt me with her sexy body at every opportunity, for their enjoyment and my frustration. The final offense for me came some two months later.

"Jamal," said my wife, as the two of them sat on the sofa. "When you fucked those other white women, did you make any of them pregnant?"

"A few," he laughed. "It really pissed their husbands off, trying to explain black babies to their relatives and friends! Why do you ask?"

"Because I want to take out my diaphragm, and have you put a baby inside me."

"Oh no please!" I begged.

"Shut your mouth!" my wife snapped. "It has nothing to do with you!"

"Right," agreed her lover. "If she wants me to swell her belly and give her my black baby, that's our business. Go upstairs honey, and take it out. I will be up shortly to fill your belly with my potent black cum, I will have you pregnant in no time!"

That was three years ago. Laura now has two misters, Leroy and Jamal Jr, and is trying for a little girl. She and Jamal are closer than ever, and still manage to go out a lot and have great fun together.

Well, they have a live-in unpaid babysitter, don't they?


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"I still can't take this in," I wailed. I feel so miserable, and it is our anniversary."

"I have had a fabulous anniversary thank you," Heidi laughed cruelly.

I pulled myself together, and decided to be firm. I told her that this had to stop.

"How are you going to manage that?" she sneered. "There are six of them, and every one is bigger than you, in every way."

"Why are you being so unkind?" I asked.

"Because, soft cock," she replied. I have realised over the last few days that thanks to you, I have missed out on fifteen years of decent sex, and I want you to pay!" I tried to ignore her cruel jibes, and told her I would speak to the boy's parents on Saturday. Heidi just smiled.

When we eventually got to bed, I found that despite my jealousy, I was incredibly horny. I asked Heidi if we could have an anniversary fuck.

"Not a chance," she answered unsympathetically. "I have had plenty for one day, besides you would be an even bigger disappointment than usual tonight!" I turned over to go to relax, feeling very sorry for myself.

Nothing more was spoken about the matter over the next few days, and I tried to make sense of it all and get back to some sort of normality. My mood lightened considerably when I entered the lounge on my return home from work on the Friday. Heidi was standing in the lounge, looking absolutely stunning. She was wearing just a short black slip with thin straps, which showed off her ample bosom and most of her long white legs. Her hair had been done, and she wore a little more makeup than usual. I also noticed she had painted her toenails bright red, something I had never known her do before. I had never seen her look so sexy.

"Looks like someone is in for a hot night," I grinned, as I went to take her in my arms.

"Yeah, but not you," she snapped, as she pushed me away roughly. "Jamister and a couple of the boys are coming round to fuck me tonight."

"You don't mean it?" I pleaded.

"Oh but I do," she insisted. "Jamister, especially, has woken something in me, and I am going to take all the black cock I can get!"

Before I had time to react, the doorbell rang, and Heidi sent me to answer it. Jamister, Ben and Tony pushed straight past me, and went into the lounge. As I entered, Heidi was giving each of them a passionate open-mouthed kiss, and a huge hug.

"I thought we would go straight upstairs," she told the boys. "So I can suck on your lovely cocks before you all give me a sound fucking. Saving the best until last," she added, putting her arms round Jamister and kissing him again.

They made to go upstairs, and Heidi asked Jamister if I was going to be made to watch.

"Every stroke baby," he replied. "I want him to see that you have gone black, and that his tiny white dick is no use to you any more." Heidi laughed uproariously at this.

"I don't think...." I began, and before I finished the sentence Jamister had pushed me against the wall, and was holding a knife to my throat.

"Listen, pansy," he snarled. "You are going to come up there and stand naked by the bed while the three of us fuck your beautiful wife."

"Yes," agreed my wife. "I want you there, Donald. I want you to watch other men make me come, like you have never been able to." The three boys laughed at my inadequacy as we retired to the bedroom.

We all stripped off quickly, and I stood by the bed as Heidi put her arms round the necks of Ben and Tony.

"I will start with my babies," she announced, kissing them both warmly. "Are you both ready for mama to suck you?" They nodded enthusiastically.

Heidi knelt between them, and took an impressive cock in each hand. She told me to kneel facing her, so that I would get a close up view of her alternately sucking on each dick. As I watched, I could feel the tears welling up already.

Heidi sucked the two delighted boys alternately for some time, in between remarking how much bigger they both were than me, and how much stiffer they felt in her hands. Finally, she stood up and took Ben's face in her hands.

"You ready to fuck mama now baby?" she asked him gently.

"You bet!" he grinned.

Heidi lay on the bed, and spread her legs wide opening her moist pussy lips. Ben knelt between her legs. He took hold of his cock, and began to feed it into my wife.

"That's it baby," Heidi sighed. "Stick your lovely cock in. Help to cuckold mama's wimp hubby. Oh, that feels so good. Does mama's juicy cunt feel good round your cock?"

"Sure does mama," Ben enthused. "I love being in you cunt!"

Heidi turned and looked into my eyes, and saw the tears beginning to flow.

"Look baby, we are making mama's hubby cry," she laughed. "He hates to see another man's cock in his wife. Fuck me hard now baby, between the three of you, we will really have him sobbing!"

Ben began to fuck Heidi harder and faster. Her moans and gasps became louder and louder, and my tears became more copious. Finally, he announced he was coming.

"Oh yes baby," Heidi gasped. "Empty your balls into mama, fill me with your black cum!"

Ben duly obliged, and shot his load into my willing wife's belly. After a few seconds, he withdrew and got up. Tony grabbed me by the hair, and pushed my face into Heidi's sopping cunt.


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"Suck it all out white boy," he yelled. "I want your wife's cunt nice and clean before I fuck it!"

"Yes," added my wife. "Suck it good, and get used to the taste. In future you are going to be eating black cum until it comes out of your ears!" All four of them laughed at this, as I tongued my wife's slit, my little cock stiff and throbbing despite my offense.

When Heidi was clean, Tony took his place, and the whole thing was repeated. He fucked her hard and fast, while she continually taunted me about my inadequacy and future permanent cuckold status. After Tony had finished, and Heidi was once again clean, she got up and went over to a very erect Jamister, who was standing by the wall.

"I'm not calling you mama," he growled.

"Oh no Jamister," she assured him, taking his face in her hands. "You are not my baby, you are my man. You are the one who has really made me feel like a woman again. Your woman Jamister, you know that you can make me do anything you want. Do you want me to suck you a little?"

Jamister thought for a moment, and then said:

"No, I want your faggot husband to get over here and suck me. It's time he joined in."

"What a great idea!" squealed my wife, as Ben and Tony powerd me to my knees in front of Jamister. She stood next to him, her hand on his shoulder as she looked down at me.

"Suck me until I am hard and wet, faggot," Jamister ordered. "So that I can slide easily into your wife's cunt. Tell him what to do baby."

"Right," said my wife. "Hold it at the base of the shaft. Now start kissing the bulbous head until I tell you to stop."

She kept me there for several minutes, just kissing her lover's cock. This amused them all greatly, especially Tony who was standing beside me.

"Look at that," he laughed. "He has his gorgeous naked wife standing inches in front of him, and he would rather kiss some guy's cock!"

"Believe me, however bad he is at sucking cock, it is better than his pathetic efforts at fucking!" Heidi told the boys. Once again I blushed at the derisive laughter at my expense.

Heidi continued my instruction on pleasing her boyfriend's dick. She told me to suck on the head a little bit, before sliding my lips down the shaft, taking as much as I could in my mouth. After what seemed like an age, she gave me my final instructions.

"Hold his cock up, and take his balls in your mouth. Suck on those balls full of the cum which shortly going to finish up in your wife's womb. That's enough, now thank Jamister for allowing you to suck on his cock."

"Thank you Jamister," I muttered totally embarrassed, as they all sniggered.

I was then ordered to lie on my back on the bed, and then Heidi straddled my body, her face just above mine. Jamister took his place behind her.

"My favourite lover is going to fuck me in front of you now," she announced. Ben and Tony are lovely, but Jamister is something special. Stick in me Jamister." Her body jolted as Jamister rammed in to the hilt.

"Oh God," Heidi gasped. "I love the way that feels, stretching my poor cunt to the limit. You know feeling that inside me makes me realise how much I despise you and your pathetic little limp dick. I tell you now; your tiny specimen will never again go where Jamister's is now. From now on I will only open my legs for black cock." I began to feel the tears flowing, and I started to sob quietly.

"Let it go Donald," she laughed. "I love to see you cry. I will be making you cry a lot in the future. Fuck me hard Jamister, show my cry-baby cuckold what he is going to be missing!"

As Jamister began to slide his big black cock in and out of my wife, she smiled down at me and spat in my face. She continued this throughout the frenzied fucking, and by the time she had screamed out her third powerful orgasm some thirty minutes later, my face was covered with her saliva.

As soon as her lover withdrew, Heidi climbed up my body and planted her dripping cunt over my mouth.

"Open wide and take your third helping," she commanded. "Suck your wife's well-used cunt."

Once again I licked my wife clean, and this time I was made to kneel and suck the mixture of cum and my wife's juices from her special lover's cock. That done, we all dressed and Heidi sent Ben and Tony home with a huge kiss. She, Jamister and I then returned to the lounge, as they wished to talk to me. We sat down and Jamister began.

"Heidi has told you that you will not be allowed to fuck her again," he said. "Well I want to be sure that you can't, so you are going to have to wear this permanently. He pointed to a cock cage that Heidi had produced from behind her. I looked at my wife horrified.

"It's no good looking to me for sympathy," she snapped. "This is my idea. You have given me fifteen years of lousy sex, and I don't think you deserve to come ever again. Stand up while I fit the cage."

I felt a complete wimp again, as I started to cry when my wife took away my manhood. She locked the cage with the two keys, and handed one to Jamister.

"That's that then," my wife's lover grinned. "It's going to be pretty frustrating for him isn't it?"

"Exactly," agreed Heidi. "And I will be making it worse by flaunting my scantily-clad or naked body at him constantly. The girls despise him, so I am sure they will do the same when they get home. On top of that, the frustration and jealousy will be increased when he is powerd to watch a well-endowed, virile young black man, fucking his wife all over the house! Oh Jamister, the thought of what we are going to put him through is making me so horny, take me upstairs and fuck me again please!"

The two of them rose to go to the bedroom. As they were leaving the lounge, Jamister turned to me and said:

"Listen out, we will call you when we need to use your sissy mouth again!"

The two of them laughed happily, as they walked hand in hand up to the bedroom.


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How Did It Happen?

I still cannot understand how I got into the position I am now. Let me set out my story.

My name is David Harris, and I married my wife Anna 18 years ago. She is now 38, a 5' redhead. As she had never had youngren, due to my inability to fertilise her, she had retained her figure well. Large, firm breasts, a flat stomach and shapely legs, her naked body would have any man drooling.

About a year ago, Anna decided to return to teaching. She decided to take on a small class of ethnic teenagers with learning difficulties, taking remedial classes. After a time she told me that one of her pupils, a black boy of 17, was having problems at home, and wanted to move out. Anna said that, as we had a spare room, would I mind if we had him stay with us. Knowing of Anna's kind nature, and trusting her judgement of the boy, I said OK.

I was surprised when I first met Darren. He looked older than 17, being at least 6' tall, and very powerfully built. He was extremely polite, and called me Mr Harris or Sir. He settled in very well, and Anna was just like a lady to him, at first.

In bed one night, Anna told me that she had noticed that Darren had seemed unhappy. She had spoken to him about it, and it turned out that he had problems meeting girls. Anna guessed that he was frustrated, and tentatively put a proposition to me.

"Honey," she began. "I wonder if I could perhaps help him out with my hand on occasion. I would not have sex with him, of course and would only do it with you in the room, so that you could see it was not getting out of hand."

This brought out the pervert in me, and sent my dick hard and my pulse racing. The idea of watching my wife get another man off really appealed to me, and I decided to be bold.

"Yes no actual sex of course," I ventured. "But I don't see any harm in you perhaps giving him the odd blow job."

"Yeah," she replied. "He would probably enjoy that a lot more. Thanks for being so understanding."

So Anna spoke to Darren, and our first evening was arranged. I sat in the armchair with my newspaper, so that I could pretend not to notice them. Anna and Darren came in, both looking a little nervous.

"Are you sure this is OK?" Darren asked me anxiously.

"No problem Darren," I reassured him. "I realise a young man needs his release."

Looking a little more relaxed, Darren sat on the sofa, and Anna knelt between his legs. As she unzipped his fly and released his cock, I felt a real surge of jealousy, not only because of what Anna was about to do but also because of the size of the cock she held in her hand. It must have been a good ten inches, and thick. Anna gasped audibly as she stroked it to erection.

"Oh Darren, you have a beautiful cock," my wife said adoringly.

"Thank you Mrs Harris," he replied.

"With what I am about to do, I think you had better call me Anna!" laughed my wife, definitely not treating him like a mister any more.

She began kissing and licking Darren's cock all the way up and down the shaft, then slid her lips over the head sucking gently.

"It feels so good, stiff and big in my mouth," she remarked, breaking off for a moment. "I am going to make this last as long as possible. Do you mind?"

"Fine with me," answered the boy, grinning widely.

She did indeed make it last. For two and a half hours, stopping occasionally to let him settle down a bit, she did everything a mouth can do to a cock. Finally, Darren shot his load into Anna's mouth with a groan, and she happily swallowed it. This was something she had never done for me during our marriage.

"You taste so good darling," she informed him. "I am going to be doing this a lot!"

And so she did. During this time our sex life was normal, a little better in fact, due to my increased excitement at the sights I was witnessing. But I was beginning to find that gradually, their relationship was changing. They spent a lot of time together of course, and Anna started to put him first, nothing being too much trouble for her. She began to become almost reverent.

The cocksucking ritual began to change quite quickly. At first, both would be fully dressed, but as Darren's confidence increased he enjoyed being naked for the sessions. Also Anna started to come down heavily made up, in a skimpy black night-dress he had persuaded her to buy. In addition to this, instead of just getting down to suck him, Anna would sit on the sofa with Darren for some time kissing him quite passionately. I noticed things changing very dramatically a couple of weeks later.

As usual, Anna was poised on her knees in the night-dress; ready to suck the young boy, when he spoke to her.

"Take your tits out, bitch."

"Just a minute!" I interrupted.

"You shut the fuck up!" he shouted, the tone and volume of his voice stopping me in my tracks.

Anna did as she was told, and he slapped both tits quite hard causing her to whimper.

"You love sucking my big black cock, don't you slut?"

"Yes Sir." She really was under his spell.

"Supposing I said you couldn't do it any more?"

"Oh no, please Sir, don't say that, I love having your beautiful cock in my mouth. I will do anything if you let me carry on."

"How about if I shove it right up your white whore cunt?"

"Oh God yes, I have dreamed of having that monster between my legs, please let me Sir." I was shocked, and wanted to speak, but was frightened to. I was becoming subservient, just like my wife.

"Not tonight, but soon maybe. Now get your slut mouth round that cock and suck me good, or I will slap those tits until they are red raw!"

Things really moved quickly the next night. Darren told her he wanted her naked at all times for their sessions, so both were naked as Anna began her nightly sucking duties. As the night before, Darren spoke to her.

"You want this cock up you tonight bitch?"

"Oh yes please Sir."


"Master, please allow me to have your magnificent cock in my unworthy white whore cunt. Give me the fucking I need, and have never had before." This remark hurt.

"Right, kneel astride me and slide it in."

With a little difficulty, my wife finally managed to get the whole ten inches inside her with a loud grunt of pure pleasure. She began to ride him slowly, whimpering all the time.

"You like it, cunt?"

"Oh God yes, I love it."

"Better than your husband?"

"Much, much better. There is no comparimister."

"Tell the wimp!"

"David, he is so much better than you in every way. He has stretched me like no one ever has, and reaches places inside me that have never been reached before. I only want this cock that is inside me, you will never be any use to me again. Not that you were much use before with your little boys cock, and your useless performance in bed. I hate you for that now!"

"Hear that, white boy?" Darren laughed. "You are history as far as your unfaithful wife is concerned, she has a young black stud to satisfy her needs. How does that make you feel?"

"Yeah, how do you feel, sissy boy watching a teenage boy fucking your wife as he pleases without asking your permission? What sort of a man does that make you?"

Hurt and shocked at my changed wife's words, I blushed deeply and said nothing. They both laughed at me. With Anna ring Darren a little harder and faster, he continued to talk to her with her replies punctuated by gasps and cries.

"How many men have you had since your marriage?"

"It's hard to say. I have always had one lover or another throughout the marriage, as sissy boy over there has never been able to make me come."

"Tell me some of the interesting ones."

"Well his family doesn't like or respect him, so it started with his man and two brothers fucking me. In fact they started even before the wedding. Later on, I had his sister's husband at her instigation. She liked the idea of him cuckolding her wimpy brother. Since then, there have been several of his friends, some strangers, and the latest before you were David's two assistants at his office. The three of us loved the thought of them fucking the boss's wife."

Listing all those in front of me for the first time seemed to increase my wife's excitement, and it was not long before she was screaming out a powerful orgasm, just as Darren's black seed entered her body for the first time.

After they had recovered, Anna informed me that they would be taking the marital bed that night, and they went upstairs hand in hand, laughing happily. I remained on the sofa, trying to take in all the revelations I had heard that night. I eventually managed to fall into a fitful relax, the faint sounds of my wife's further adultery ringing in my ears.

I was of course allowed no further intercourse with my wife, and was in fact relegated to the spare room. Most nights, I was left in no doubt that Darren was enthusiastically carrying out my marital duties, and doing a far better job than I ever could, even at his age.

A couple of weeks later, I entered the lounge to the sight of the two of them naked. My wife was bent over the armchair, with her lover ramming her from behind talking all the time.

"There's nothing to stop it now is there bitch?"

"No Sir."

"No, with the diaphragm taken out, nothing will stop my potent black seed reaching your womb and putting a baby in there. Is that what you want?"

"You know I do Master, more than anything!" Then, turning to me,

"Look wimp, he is doing it, he is going to give me his baby juice and put a black baby inside your white wife. Your family, friends, neighbours and colleagues will be laughing at you because you are not man enough to do it! Give it to me Master, empty your big black balls into my womb and swell my belly!"

Darren did exactly that, and a little over nine months later, little Darren junior was born. My status as lodger in my own home continued, and I became baby minder on the occasions my wife and her lover wanted to go out, or when they were upstairs making baby number two.


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My Wife Is Now My Boss By WimpHub

My name is Bob. I am 36 years old, 5'4" tall with a figure which could be charitably be called weedy. Jan, my wife is two years younger, and towers above me at nearly 6'. She has put on some weight since we married ten years ago, but this has only made her figure curvier, and definitely more sexy. At the start of my story I was an executive for a medium sized international company owned by a Nigerian family, and my marriage was in trouble. So much so that my wife had talked several times of leaving me. What follows is an account of how all this changed.

One morning I was called into the office of my immediate boss, Mary. She was 58 years old, attractive but stony faced. She always looked at me and spoke to me as though I were a complete wimp, and I never ever stood up to her.

Mary informed me that the Managing Director's 17 year old mister was coming to spend a month in this country, and knowing that we lived in a large house that my wife had inherited, she was asking me to put him up during his stay. I phoned my wife from her office to check with her, and she told me shortly that anything that meant she would not have just my stupid face to look at was fine with her.

So it was arranged that I meet Sam at the airport early next morning. I was surprised when I met him. Tall and muscular, he must have stood 6'3" and weighed 225lb, and was extremely handsome. He certainly looked older than his seventeen years. He appeared very arrogant, and the journey back to my house was conducted in virtual silence.

When we arrived at my home, Jan came out to greet him, and he was extremely charming to her, kissing her on both cheeks. I indicated where his room was, and he went up to make himself at home.

"He is gorgeous!" gasped my wife. "He is going to have to lock his bedroom door at night to keep me out!" This unsettled me greatly, as he would have plenty of free time during his visit, and would probably be spending a lot of time alone with Jan.

When Sam came back down, I made my excuses explaining that I had to go back to the office. Sam was totally unconcerned, and Jan said not to worry, she would take care of our guest.

When I returned home that evening, Jan was sitting on the sofa in her towelling robe, her hair wrapped in a towel. I asked how her day had gone with the young boy.

"He is so arrogant and dominant for someone so young." She declared.

"Why, what happened?" I enquired.

"The horny little devil fucked me!" she blurted out.

"Wh-at?" I asked, not believing my ears.

"Yes," she went on. "I was helping him to unpack, when suddenly I felt his arms round me, and he was kissing me. He powerd his tongue into my mouth, and started groping my tits. I know I should have stopped him, but it felt so good, and the huge bulge I could feel digging into me made me weak at the knees. Anyway, when he found no resistance he took my hand and led me to our bedroom.

"I was in a trance, as he quickly undressed me and laid me on the bed. Pulling my legs apart, he began to play with my pussy, sticking two fingers inside. Finding that I was soaking wet and ready, he began to undress himself. My God Bob, his cock is massive! I didn't see how I could possibly take it, but he was so gentle and took his time pushing into me until he was up to his balls in my pussy. I have never felt anything so good; I was starting to climax before he even began pounding in and out of me. To cut a long story short, we stayed in bed all afternoon, and he fucked me three times."

My head was spinning, as I asked her where he was, as I had to tell him that this could not go on.

"He has gone to visit an Aunt who lives fairly nearby," Jan explained. "He will not be back until you have left for work tomorrow. He has already told me that he is going to fuck me whenever he likes, and after what he did to me today, there is no way I am going to stop him."

When we got into bed, my wife took hold of my modest cock and began giving me details of what she and Sam had done that afternoon. In spite of my horror at her infidelity, I found myself getting very stiff and erect.

"You filthy pervert!" she laughed. "I am telling you how I cuckolded you in our bed this afternoon, and you get a hard on! Turns you on doesn't it, having your wife fucked by a virile young black man? Does it make you want to fuck your unfaithful wife? Come on, stick it into me, fuck me hard and punish me for being such a slut!"

I got on top of Jan, pushed my cock into her and began to ram in and out hard, as she suggested. Unfortunately, I was too excited and came after about fifteen seconds. Jan laughed at me scornfully.

"You are useless!" she sneered. "First, I could hardly feel you inside me, and then you cum within seconds. It is a good job I now have someone in the house who can give me the sort of fucking a woman needs." With that, she turned over and went to relax.

I went to work next morning with a sick feeling in my stomach, imagining what was going to happen in my house during the day.

Just after lunch, Mary called me into her office and informed me that I was needed at another branch of the company about three hundred miles away, and would have to stay there a week. I needed to travel next morning. I tried to tell her that I did not think this would be a good time for me to be away from home.

"Why not?" she snapped.

"Well," I began. "I found out that he got sort of intimate with my wife yesterday, while I was at work."

"You mean he fucked her?"

"Er, yes."

"Has Jan complained?"


"Simple question, did your wife complain that Sam fucked her or did she enjoy it? I can ask her myself."

"She enjoyed it." I admitted, shamefaced.

"No problem then," concluded Mary. "Your absence will give them plenty of time for some uninhibited fun."

I went home to find Jan and Sam in the kitchen; kissing and cuddling like a couple of newly weds. He was wearing only boxer shorts, and Jan was barefoot, dressed again in her short towelling robe.

"Oh look," smiled Sam. "It's the man of the house."

"The inferior man of the house." corrected Jan, as she put her arms around his neck and kissed him passionately. I announced that I was to be away for a week, and their eyes lit up.

"That's great," said Sam, pulling open the front of Jan's robe and mauling her tits. "It will give us time to really get to know each other!"

"Hey!" I said.

"Oh do shut up Bob," Jan snapped. "After what has happened over the last two days, you know very well Sam will be fucking me while you are away. Our bed will see more action in the next week than in the last five years!" The two of them laughed at this.

"Lift my robe Sam," Jan ordered wickedly. "Let hubby watch while you play with my pussy!"

Sam lifted the robe, and placed his hand over my wife's most private place. She looked at me with a smirk on her face, mentally daring me to do something about it. To my shame, I did nothing.

"You had better go and pack, while I get dinner," Jan exclaimed finally. "Tonight is your last chance to fuck me before Sam takes over."

We had dinner, and then watched television for a time, me in the armchair and the two of them cuddled up on the sofa. Eventually, Jan got up and told me we were going to bed. She put her arms around Sam, gave him a long French kiss, and whispered something in his ear.

We got into the bedroom, and Jan told me to get undressed and lie on the bed. She slipped off her robe, and came over to me. Her sexy naked body showed the evidence of the ravishing she had received from Sam over the past two days.

"Look at what that young stud has done to me," she taunted. "When was the last time you were that passionate?" She reached down and took my cock in her hand.

"What a disappointment you are," she sighed. Then, straddling me and inserting my cock into her. "Come on then, let's have fifteen seconds of ecstasy!" I am not sure it even lasted that long this time, and I turned over with Jan's derisive laughter ringing in my ears.

Next morning, I got up to get ready from my trip. As soon as I left the bed, I heard Jan bang on the bedroom wall, and turned to see her removing her nightdress. Seconds later, Sam breezed into the room, naked, and I had my first sight of his massive cock. Jan lifted the cover, and he slipped in beside her. As she wrapped her arms around him, Jan turned to me and said:

"You had better get moving, unless you want to witness my infidelity first hand!" She giggled as she went back to kissing her young lover.

I hurried out, and was soon on the road. I went directly to our other branch, and worked late into the evening. It was after ten when I got to my hotel room. I decided to phone Jan.



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"Hi Honey," I said as cheerfully as I could when she answered.

"Oh Bob, it's not a good time," she replied testily. "I am just about to be fucked. Try again tomorrow." With that, she hung up the phone.

Next evening, I tried again. This time, Sam answered.

"She can't come to the phone right now," he informed me. "She has a mouthful of cock!" I heard Jan sniggering in the background.

It was the same story every time I phoned that week. There was always some excuse not to talk to me. Eventually, I gave up.

I returned home at about eight on the Friday evening, to an empty house. There was a note on the kitchen table, informing me that the two of them had gone to a night-club. She could not even be at home to greet me after a week away!

Eventually, they returned home just after midnight. Before they entered the room, I could tell they were a little worse for take, and when Jan came in my mouth dropped. Her long brown hair had been cut short, and dyed blonde. She was also wearing thick makeup. Normally, she wore very little, but tonight she had the eye-shadow, scarlet lipstick, everything. What was worse, she wore a transparent white blouse with no bra, and a black skirt so short, it barely covered her pussy. The whole outfit screamed "Fuck me, I am a slut for anyone."

"Do you like the new look?" she asked me. Then, lifting her skirt she revealed that she was wearing no knickers, and had shaved her pussy.

"Sam likes it like this," she explained. "He likes to watch his big black cock slide into my bare white pussy." She turned to kiss Sam, as he rubbed her naked pussy.

"Surely you are not going to fuck me tonight," she said to Sam, with mock surprise. "My husband has just got home, and the poor man has not had sex for a week!"

"Oh yes I am," replied Sam. "You have been cock-teasing me all night, and now you are going to pay!"

"Sorry Bob," Jan apologised. "I will come to bed when this sex maniac has finished with me, and you can have me if you want to."

I waited in bed, listening to my wife's shouting, swearing, sobbing and crying out as Sam brought her to two orgasms. Eventually, she came back to our room.

"Do you still want me?" she enquired. "Even though my pussy is full of another man's cum?"

After a week away, I was pretty horny, so I confessed that I did.

Climbing on top of me, she invited me to have "sloppy seconds". Almost as soon as I felt Sam's cum coating my cock, I shot my load. More derisive laughter from my wife, and taunts how it was a good thing she had a real man to rely on.

The pattern continued all through Sam's stay, with every fuck I had with my wife being after Sam had had her. She did at least end up relaxing in my bed every night.

The day finally came, and Jan had a tearful farewell at the airport with the man who had given her so much pleasure over the past month.

Chapter 2

About a week after Sam's departure, Mary called me into her office. She informed me that the Managing Director was in the country, and wanted to meet Jan, as he had heard such good things about her from his mister. After contacting Jan, it was arranged that he would come to our house for dinner on Wednesday.

Ben arrived at seven sharp, and looked an older version of his mister, although bigger if anything. This pleased Jan, who took to him immediately. He had immense charm for her, though virtually ignored me throughout dinner.

After we had settled down following the meal, Ben explained that he had a business proposition for Jan. It appeared to him that my wife had enjoyed Sam's black cock, and he wondered if she would be interested in regularly entertaining his colleagues and clients during their visits to this country. He went on to say that they would all be respectable, high powered executives, who would appreciate the sort of attractive company and physical pleasure Sam had been raving about since his return home.

"How would it work?" Jan asked him.

"Well," Ben replied. "All the arrangements would be made by Mary, Bob's boss. She would put you in touch with the men, and you could arrange evenings out, followed by sexual pleasure either at his hotel or in your home. Either way, they would not stay with you all night. You would be put on the company payroll, and be generously paid for each man you entertain. Some weeks there would be one man every day, sometimes just one or two a week. Even on a bad week, you would receive twice what your husband is earning presently."

I could not believe this; he wanted my wife to be his company whore! I went to speak, but the look on Jan's face stopped me.

"It sounds good to me Ben," my wife enthused. "Perhaps you would like to try me out for yourself tonight. I have been missing Sam's cock, and my husband is no use to me."

"I am so glad you suggested it," smiled Ben. "It saved me the trouble of asking!" They laughed as he took her hand and took her upstairs. It was really a case of like man like mister, as I listened to Jan's uninhibited screams of pleasure for the next hour.

When they came back and sat down, Ben was full of praise.

"Wow, Jan, Sam was absolutely right, you are incredible!" he said. "I am going to have some very happy clients!"

He then went on to inform me that, although still on the company payroll, I would in future be Jan's assistant at home, and carry out her orders without question.

"Otherwise you will be out of the company," he confirmed.

"And the marriage," added Jan.

"What will my duties be?" I questioned.

"You will find out shortly," was all he would say.

Before he left, Ben told Jan that a colleague of his was in town, and he would send him round at lunchtime tomorrow, to arrange a date for the evening.

"He is a good friend," he explained. "It will be a good rehearsal for you. Bob, make sure you are present to assist as required."

"Yes sir," I replied meekly.

Sure enough, next day another large black gentleman called to meet Jan. She had just finished making arrangements for their meeting that evening, when I entered the room.

"Who is this?" barked the man.

"He is my assistant," Jan explained. "He is also my husband."

"What does he do?" the man, whose name was Sid, asked.

"Whatever I tell him to do," my wife answered. "Did you have something in mind?"

"What I would like to do," Sid responded. "Is fuck his pasty, ugly white face here and now!"

"That will be a pleasure," Jan told him. "I should like to watch that. Bob, get on your knees!"

I looked from his stern face to my wife, who had a contemptuous smirk on hers. I had no choice. I dropped to my knees, as Jan released Sid's cock from his pants.

"Ooh, so this is what I have to deal with tonight," laughed Jan, as she stroked him to erection.

"You had better believe it!" smiled her soon to be lover, as he grabbed my hair and powerd his cock into my reluctant mouth. He started pulling my head backward and forward, as he slid his member in and out of my mouth.

"That's it," encouraged my wife. "Treat him roughly, he likes it."

As his excitement increased, he began to pull on my hair more viciously. The sight was also exciting Jan.

"Fuck his faggot face, Sid," she shouted. "Stick your cock down his throat!"

After what seemed an age, I felt Sid's cock expand, as he began to shoot his cum into my mouth, and down my throat. He left it there until his orgasm subsided, and then pulled out, leaving me spluttering. Jan smiled as she helped him put his shrinking cock back into his pants, and showed him out.

I was retching as she returned to the room. Laughing, at my predicament, she knelt beside me.

"I hope you are not going to leave me for another man," she giggled.

"Is that going to be part of my duties?" I asked, in something of a panic.

"Possibly," she replied. "I am having a long talk with Ben tomorrow, to sort it out."

Next day, after speaking with Ben, Jan sat me down and explained the position.

"Ben has told me that the men who will come here love white women, but detest white men," she explained. "This means that, when they realise you are my husband, they will take pleasure in humiliating and degrading you. You will have to expect to be face-fucked on a regular basis. Some will also make you watch while they fuck your wife, and then make you suck out all of their cum from my pussy. I may also be required to verbally and physically use you while all this is going on

"Ben also told me that he has received a lot of interest from his women colleagues and clients. They will not require sex, but are very keen on the idea of being pampered and orally satisfied by an inferior white wimp. They will not be young women, probably in the age range of 45 to 60. They will certainly use you verbally, and some will enjoy giving you physical use.

After she had told me all this, Jan sat beside me and put her arm around me.

"You know Bob, all that has happened recently has made me realise something. Just about all the problems in our marriage have been caused by our lousy sex life. While I was getting great sex from Sam, I realised that I still love you very much. If you are able to accept all the sexual offense from me, and the other men and woman we will meet, we can be very happy together. It will be you I cuddle up to in bed at the end of the night, and I will always let you fuck me whenever you want. It will not stop me telling you how bad you are though!"

Jan kissed me more lovingly than she had for a long time, and held me very tight. I was overwhelmed with joy that she wanted to stay married to me, but could not help thinking that she was going to have by far the best of this new arrangement.

Still, it's not so bad, is it?


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Learning My Place

About three months ago, I arrived home from work one Friday evening to find that my wife was not at home. However, there was a note on the dining room table, which I picked up and read.

Dear Richard,

You know how much I love you, and enjoy being married to you, but you also know that I have been dissatisfied with our sex life. Your cock is a pitiful size, and you seem incapable of lasting for more than a few seconds.

It is for this reamister that I have taken a lover. We have been seeing each other for about three weeks, and have decided to have a week away together to cement our relationship. I know this will shock and hurt you at first, but my lady will be over this evening to look after you while I am away. She will explain everything to you.

I will see you in a week's time, and we can talk then.



I read the note over and over, unable to believe what she had written. We had been married for nearly a year, and I had thought everything was going well. Juliet is a beautiful, dark haired girl of 19, with prominent breasts, and long sexy legs. I felt very lucky to have got her, being a balding, plump rather unattractive man of 35, but she seemed to love me in spite of that. I was sitting there, my mind working overtime wondering who the man might be, when the doorbell rang. It was Mary, Juliet's lady.

Juliet inherited her lady's looks. Now 41, she has the same dark hair as my wife, and though she may have gained a few pounds over the years, they are all in the right places, and she looks incredibly sexy. I let her in, and immediately started firing questions at her.

"Let's just have dinner Richard," she said, stopping me in my tracks. "Then we can have a long talk afterwards."

We ate dinner in virtual silence, and after we had cleared away, Mary sat next to me on the sofa.

"I know you have a million questions Richard," she began. "And I will try to answer them. First of all, the man Juliet has taken for her lover is Andy, an ex lover of mine. He is 22, tall, black, with a muscular body and very large cock. I introduced him to Juliet after she told me how pathetic you were in bed, because I thought he would be just what she needs. It turns out I was quite right, they took to each other immediately, and she tells me the sex they have is out of this world. I knew it would be of course, having had him myself.

"I had a long talk with Juliet before she went away, and what you are going to have to get used to first of all, is that now she has had Andy's manly cock, she will not want to have sex with you again. She still loves you of course, and will give you hand relief when you need it, but only Andy will have access to her pussy. I know it is not your fault that you are not equipped to satisfy her, but nonetheless, she feels you have let her down sexually, and should be humiliated for it.

"I understand how she feels, I cuckolded her man with a succession of young black lovers throughout our marriage, because he was inadequate in bed. I also felt that he should be humiliated and punished, and I did so at every possible opportunity."

"What sort of things did you do?" I enquired.

"Well, for example, I would bring my lover home to fuck me in our bed. I would make my husband strip, and then I would tie him to a chair to power him to witness my adultery and his cuckoldry. Before going back to my lover, I would spit in his face a couple of times. This would let him know that, although I loved him as my husband, I despised him sexually. I would then go on to show him all the things I did with my lover, which I would never do with him again."

"And he accepted all this?" I asked.

"He had no choice, Richard," she explained. "He loved me so much, and did not want to lose me. He knew that as he had been replaced in my bed, he had to make up for it in other ways in order to keep me. In other words, he had to submit to any offense or degradation I cared to inflict on him. He made no complaint when I insisted he take my pee, or made him lick out my arsehole for hours at a time. He knew he deserved this treatment for not being a real man."

"So what do I need to do to keep Juliet?" I said.

"You know I love you as my mister in law, but I also think you deserve offense because you have let my flower down. If you are willing to let me teach you what you need to do this week, I think you have every chance of holding on to your wife." I agreed to do anything she said.

"Right, first of all, you can come and kneel in front of me, take off my shoes and kiss my feet. This will show obedience, and also confirm your inferior position when it comes to physical contact with a woman."

As instructed, I knelt with her pretty foot in my hand, kissing it, licking it all over and sucking her toes for as long as she wanted. Following this, she took me upstairs to the bathroom, and made me swallow the contents of her bladder. When I gagged, she informed me that I would have to take all of her pee while we were together that week, so that I would be used to performing the task when my wife returned.

Every evening that week, Mary and I slept naked in my bed, with me performing whatever acts she required for her pleasure. I spent long hours licking and sucking her pussy to orgasm, as well as reaming her arsehole, as well as using my tongue on any other part of her body in accordance with her instructions. In return, she would slowly masturbate me, while telling me what a worthless excuse for a man I was, and how her darling flower was probably receiving her fifth helping of cum that day from her young virile black lover.

On the evening before Juliet's return, Mary gave me some last minute tips.

"There will be many occasions when your wife returns from a visit to her lover with two or three helpings of her cum in her pussy. Instead of waiting for her to instruct you to suck it out of her, listen out for her coming upstairs, and be waiting on your knees. As she approaches you, kiss her feet, and asked to be allowed to taste the love juice Andy has kindly put inside her. Then follow any other instructions she may have. She will love you for this, and if she is not too tired, will reward you by slowly masturbating you, while belittling your cock and telling you what a wonderful time Andy has given her.

Also, when the lack of proper sex really gets you down, don't be afraid of shedding tears in front of Juliet. Knowing you are hurt will increase her enjoyment of the act of cuckolding you, and satisfy her need of punishing you for your inadequacy.

"Finally, there will be times, particularly when she is pre-cuckold women, when she will want to hurt you physically for being such a wimp. You can demonstrate your love for her by offering your balls for punishment, to knee or kick as she wishes. Your cries of agony will give her immense pleasure, and help to relieve her tension."

Next morning, I kissed Mary goodbye, and thanked her for her help.

Part 2

Armed with all the knowledge my lady in law had imparted to me, I waited for my wife's return on Sunday evening.

I heard the front door open, and Juliet called out. I shouted that I was in the bedroom. A few moments later, she came into the room to find me naked on my knees. With a smirk on her face, she walked imperiously towards me. I bent my head, and kissed both feet.

"I see lady has had a long talk with you." she laughed.

"Yes," I replied. "Has Andy fucked you recently?"

"As a matter of fact, I have just been bouncing up and down on his cock in the back of his car outside," she responded. "Why?"

"I wondered if you would like me to suck his cum out of you, and clean your pussy." I answered.

"That is so sweet," she smiled. "But first I must pee. I have been saving it for hours!"

"Would you like to pee in my mouth?" I offered.

"Mother has done a good job," she observed. "Yes I would, after such a wonderful week of sex, I feel the need to humiliate you for being less than a man. Follow me to the toilet."

Once there, I was made to sit with my back to the toilet, my head over the bowl. Removing her panties, Juliet straddled my head, and let forth a strong jet of yellow pee into my open mouth. After I had cleaned her, she kept her pussy tight over my mouth, so that I could suck Andy's fresh cum out of her. When finished, we adjourned to bed.

Juliet took my small cock in her hand, and gently stroked me to erection.

"You know that this will never enter my pussy again, don't you?" she began. I told her I did.

"Also," she continued. "You may not kiss me on the lips in future. I am saving my lips for Andy's lips, and his cock and balls."

She continued to stroke me, while telling me about her week, and that she was now well and truly Andy's woman and I would have to accept that, and do all I could to please her so that she would stay with me. I agreed that I would do anything so as not to lose her.

After a minute or two more of stroking, my weedy cum dribred from my cock. After wiping her hand on my hair, Juliet kissed me on the forehead, and turned over happily to go to relax.

Before I went to work next morning, my wife informed me that Andy would be coming round that evening.

"He wants to fuck me in our bed," she explained. "To confirm that he has really taken your place between my legs. I want you to be involved too, we intend to make the evening as humiliating as possible for you to confirm your inferior status in my bedroom."

I arrived home about seven. Juliet greeted me in her ultra short black night-dress, her large breasts pushing provocatively against the fabric and her long legs fully on show. She had taken trouble with her makeup, and my cock throbbed as I gazed at my desirable wife.

"Go up to the bedroom, strip and wait for us to come up when Andy arrives," she ordered.

I sat naked in the bedroom for about a quarter of an hour, until I heard Andy arrive, followed two minutes later by their footsteps on the stairs. As they came into the room, a tall good- looking young black man confronted me with a huge grin on his face.

"This is Andy," said Juliet. "I want you to call him sir, after all he is taking good care of your wife because you are unable to."

Andy shook my hand, with a contemptuous smirk on his face as I said "Good evening sir."

Juliet slipped off her night-dress, and began to kiss Andy deeply, rubbing her naked body against him as she began to undress him.

"Let's put on a real good show for my husband," she laughed. "Show him why I have become addicted to your big black cock!"

And what a cock! When he was naked, and Juliet had her tiny white hand around his cock, stroking him to erection, it must have grown to eleven inches.

"Come and kneel before my lover," my wife snapped at me. "I want you to take this white wife pleasing cock in your hand, and suck it until Andy is satisfied. I want you to suck on the cock that is cuckolding you while I watch. Make it nice and hard to please your slut wife's pussy."

I sucked him for about five minutes, while my wife played with herself, making herself wet. She taunted me all the time, saying because I was such an inadequate with my tiny cock, I was only fit to be a cunt lapper and cocksucker.

When they were both ready, my wife lay on the bed, her legs splayed lewdly.

"Come on darling," she whispered as Andy positioned himself between her legs. "Make a woman of me once again. Slide that monster into me, and make me cum until I can't take any more!"

I have to admit he was good. As he rammed into her, Juliet came out with noises I had never heard from her before.

"Oh you bastard," she gasped. "You are making me cum again. Call me names; call me a cock sucking white slut for black cock. Call me a whore, slap my face, and treat me like a cheap prostitute! Oh cuckolds brownie, I'm cumming, that's it give it to me, give me all your black jizz, make me belong to you!"

After she had calmed down, I was again called in to clean the cum and pussy juice from his cock and her pussy. They then rested for a while, kissing and cuddling, while my wife told her black stud that he was the best thing that had ever happened to her. Then they fucked again, with my wife keeping her eyes on mine, asking me if I wished it were me between her legs, and if I wished I were able to fuck like her new man.

After a second clean up session, Andy got dressed, kissed my wife warmly and left. Juliet and I got into bed. Overcome by the sights I had seen that night, and filled with jealousy, I began to sob. Juliet laid my head on her ample breasts, and took hold of my cock to give me relief.

"That's it my darling," she soothed, kissing my forehead. "Have a good cry at what you have lost. There will be many more tears in the future, but we will always end up cuddled together like this, as long as you know your place."


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Husband's Lesmister

Let me give you some background information about my wife and I. We have been married for 17 years, most of which has been happy. I am 44 and my wife, Gina, is 39. She has been an excellent wife and lady to our two youngren and she is a very loyal, loving wife. I am sure she had never been unfaithful to me despite her having the looks and body to attract many male admirers.

She is 5’ 2” and has a great little figure with a wonderfully firm ass and wonderful tits. She has blond hair and a pretty face but a gorgeous set of lips which I wish she would put around my cock more often than she does. She could be described as a fairly conservative dresser, which does disappoint me sometimes, but her good looks combined with her warm, kind and friendly permisterality have always made up for this and I know I’m a lucky guy.

Anyway, about a year ago Gina and I were out shopping one Saturday when I spotted Charles, one of our neighbours, in the menswear department of a store we were in. Charles is a 70 year-old black man and a widower. He is about 6’2” with quite a powerful physique despite his age. He also looks like a real mean guy but he had always been friendly and helpful to everyone in the neighbourhood and always seemed as soft as a puppy, especially around the local wives who think he’s such a kind permister.

I must admit that he had also helped me out one time when I had gotten takes at a bar with him and a few other guys and stupidly made a pass at the waitress. Nothing happened apart from some mild flirting but some of the other guys noticed what went on. One of them must have told his wife and this got back to Gina who was madder and more upset than I had ever seen her before. Charles later came to my rescue by telling Gina that this just wasn’t true and was the crazy story of a bunch of guys who had too much to take. Well Gina believed this because Charles was so well respected and trusted so I guess that I owed him one for that.

In the store Charles was standing just a couple of yards away in another row from me but hadn’t noticed me because he was talking to a couple who seemed to be about his own age. Gina was elsewhere in the store so I was alone and I must admit that I started listening to their conversation. I couldn’t catch all of it but I could tell that there was an air of tension in the conversation. When it was over and the couple had walked away I went up to Charles and pretended to have only just seen him.

“Hi Charles, you don’t look too happy. You okay?” I asked.

“Hi John, I’m fine I guess. I’ve just seen my old boss. He always takes every chance to look down on me whenever we meet up. The trouble is he always covers this with a thin veil of friendliness so it’s hard to be rude in return. I’ve got to be honest John, I’d like to kick his ass.”

I laughed at this remark until he told me that his old boss had invited him to a party and said that he will only send one invitation because he thought that Charles probably wouldn’t have anyone to take. I have to admit that this made me angry and I don’t know what possessed me to do it but I said “why don’t you invite Gina. She could pretend to be your girlfriend and you can teach him a lesmister with a gorgeous girl like her on your arm.” After asking me about a dozen times if I was sure and if Gina would accept he thanked me and agreed to let me ask Gina. However as soon as I made the promise I knew that I would be in for a hard time persuading Gina to accept.

When we got home that day I knew I had to tell Gina what I’d done because the party was the following week and Charles would need an answer from me. “You did WHAT? What the hell do you think you’re playing at? Well you can just go and tell Charles that you’ve made a mistake and apologise.” I pleaded with Gina and explained the situation that occurred in the store. “I don’t care. I’m not going to spend the evening playing his girlfriend so that you can help out a buddy” was her furious response. “But honey, he’s your friend too” I whined. “Christ John, why don’t I just become Charles’ girlfriend and he can take me out whenever he wants. Would that please you?”

I was shocked at this blunt response from Gina but was even more shocked by my feelings when she said this. My cock became so rigid that I had to move away from her to prevent her from seeing it. If she had realised why I was turned on then she would have gone crazy. I really hadn’t thought about her and Charles in that way until she spat that comment back at me but it was now conjuring up some pretty hot images in my mind. I was seriously turned on by the thought of my wife submitting to this old black man but I also had feelings of jealousy and anger mixed with fear in case something actually did happen. Gina stormed out of the house, saying that she was going to visit a friend for a few hours and that I should make the kids some dinner when they get in. As soon as she left I had to go upstairs and jerk off over the thought of my wife with her legs wrapped around this 70 year-old black man’s back as he buried his cock deep into her. I felt so guilty afterward but the feeling just took me over.

Gina returned later and completely ignored me until the next morning at breakfast when she actually apologised for getting so angry. “I guess I over-reacted yesterday but you were wrong to set me up on a date with Charles even though it was well-intentioned.” I had also been thinking about what I did the day before and despite my fantasies of her with Charles I was getting worried about sending out the wrong signals. I was just about to tell Gina that I was calling it all off when she shocked me and left me in a hopeless position. “I’m still quite angry at what you did but I don’t think that Charles is to blame for this so I don’t see why he should suffer. I guess that I should be flattered that you think I’ll make Charles look like the real boss at that party. I know that you were trying to help him out so I suppose I can too.” I felt my heart sink. I tried to persuade her that Charles could get somebody else but Gina had made up her mind. I felt weak when she said with a trace of anger in her voice, “Well you got me into this situation so you can pay for me to buy a new dress and some shoes for my date with Charles. If I’m going then I’m going to look great.”

That afternoon I telephoned an overjoyed Charles who thanked me again several times. I obviously neglected to tell him of our argument and Gina’s simmering anger as well as my doubt about the wisdom of sending my wife out for the evening with another man. However, I knew that I owed Charles a big favour for possibly saving my marriage so I pretended that I was as happy as him about this.

When Saturday arrived Gina seemed quite stressed and I asked her what was wrong, still secretly hoping that she wanted to cancel the night out. However she replied, “I’ve got to go out this morning and buy something nice for Charles this evening. I don’t have much time. Don’t forget that the kids are staying over at their friends tonight so you just need to look after yourself, honey. I’ll see you later.” She then kissed me and rushed out of the house to go shopping. I didn’t like the way that she talked about buying clothing for Charles and my jealousy was rising at the thought of her doing all this for him. However I told myself that it was just a harmless night out to help a friend and neighbour.

Gina returned later that day and put her shopping bags in our bedroom. After having something to eat she disappeared into the bathroom to get ready and I decided not to get worked up about all this, so I went out to get myself a couple of dvd’s to watch and some beer for the night. When I came back Gina was out of the bathroom and getting changed in our bedroom. I was stunned when I walked into our room. Gina was standing by the mirror in the sexiest underwear I had ever seen her in. She had on a pair of sheer white panties and a matching sheer bra. As if that wasn’t enough, she was wearing a pair of black lace-top hold up stockings and had a pair of new black high heels next to her new dark red dress. I watched in stunned silence as she slipped into the dress and heels. She looked so classy but also like sex on legs. Gina knows that when she wears stockings I can’t resist her and she hardly does that for me these days. Yet here she was dressed to ******* for a night out with a big black man. I was getting mad.

“What do you think you are doing dressed like that? Is that for you or for Charles? Is this my punishment for putting you in this situation?” Gina seemed perfectly calm when she responded, but somehow differently from the wife I knew. “Yes I decided that if you are so happy to loan me out to another man then you needed to see what you are missing. I also realised that if Charles is so keen to show me off as his girlfriend then he deserves to have me dressing to please him. I do love you, honey, but you got us into this mess and I’ve realised that there is at least one man out there who wants to treat me well. Or maybe he just wants to get his big, black hands on your wife.” At this she winked and laughed but as soon as she did this she continued. “I went round to Susan’s house when I walked out last week. She and a few of the girls were there and I told them what had happened. They laughed and told me how they all knew that I was Charles’ favourite girl in the neighbourhood and they started teasing me about becoming his girlfriend for the night.”

At that point Gina really began to tease me. “Just think, there’s a big black man living almost next door. He has had a thing for me for ages and my stupid hubby goes and gives me to him for the evening. Honey, I guess that I’m Charles’ woman tonight and you just aren’t strong enough to stop him from taking me out.” She gave me a cheeky smile and kissed me before walking to the door. “Oh by the way, I know you couldn’t believe the underwear and stockings I’m wearing but I haven’t done this for you for ages because you rarely tell me to dress like this. I visited Charles in the week while you were at work and he was initially friendly as usual but I also witnessed a completely different side to his character. He really shocked me when I innocently asked him how I should dress for the party. He made it clear what he expected, classy dress and sexy underwear. He basically ordered me to wear stockings and he told me that I would OFFICIALLY be his girlfriend for the evening. Just as I was about to protest he told me all about that night you had in that bar and how he’d lied to save you.”

I was thinking what a devious bastard Charles was when Gina said something that rocked me. “Anyway, Charles then pulled out some sexy clothing and told me to go and put it on now so he could get an idea how I would look on Saturday. I was so shocked and angry with you that I did as he asked just to get my revenge. When I came back into the lounge I was dressed in lacy underwear under a mini-skirt, white blouse, white stockings and black knee-high boots. I felt as sexy as hell but damned nervous at what he might do to me. I could see from the massive bulge in his pants and the evil look in his eyes that he was as lusty as hell.”

I was beginning to feel sick at what I was hearing. “What happened after that?” I meekly asked. “What do you think? Charles is an incredibly strong man. Much stronger than you! He grabbed me, put me over his shoulder and took me into the bedroom where he stripped me down to my stockings and boots and fucked me for several hours with that massive black cock of his. He ordered me to suck his dick and made me swallow his cum. He also flooded my womb several times with his dominant black seed. He may be old but he’s still one hell of a man. I wouldn’t confront him about this either, baby, because I think he’ll kick your ass if you do.” I felt like a beaten man. “I did initially try to stop him but I realised that this black brute wanted me so much more than my weak husband that I let him have me. You made me so angry by putting me in this situation and with your behaviour with that waitress that I decided you needed to be taught a lesmister you will never forget. I love you dearly, honey, and after tonight I will become your faithful wife again but I felt that you cheated on me with your behaviour so I needed to pay you back. By the way, Charles’ cock is huge and I must admit that being dominated by an aggressive black man was beyond my wildest dreams. I wish you could be that dominant sometimes, baby, even if you could never be as big as him.”

I was as weak as a kitten. “So now you know, I’m in stockings again for that 70 year-old black man. In fact I have to admit that I’m getting a bit of a crush on Charles but I promise that it will be over after tonight IF you have learned to treat me with respect.”

“I promise that I’ve learned honey” was my limp response.

“Tonight I am his property and there’s nothing you can do to stop him, is there? I won’t be home tonight because I know that Charles has other plans for me. Have a good night honey.”


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Husband's Proposal

Diana opened the new prescription and took one of the tiny pills and placed it on her tongue while reaching over to pick up the small glass of water and swallowed the little pill down her throat.

Diana opened the kitchen cabinet placing the little packet of pills on the cabinet shelve before heading back into the bedroom. The prescription of birth control pills would be the last thing Diana thought she would ever need to take considering her husband Joe’s low sperm count.

Diana and Joe had been married for nine years straight out of college and both were successful working at the same marketing corporation for several years before venturing off on their own and forming there own company.

Diana would be turning twenty-nine this June and her and Joe had wanted to adopt a young for the last two years but the demand on venturing out on their own had left them with less time right now for youngren and Joe wanted to wait another two years before giving it another thought.

Diana had a great looking figure and worked very hard at it by working out in her own gym Joe had set up in the basement. With blonde hair and five foot two inch frame and one hundred and five-pound Diana was proud of her 34-22-34 figure which made her the envy of all of her friends

Joe had to fly out to Atlanta this morning on business and would be back home in the late morning tomorrow. Diana looked at the clock knowing she had to go online in about thirty minutes to talk to Tony.

Tony was a man Diana had became friends with as a pen pal a few short months ago. Tony had served nine months over in Iraq as a Sargent in the marines and just returned home a few days ago.

Diana got involved as a pen pal for lonely soldiers with a group she had herd about and they had become friends over a period of time. Diana got so comfortable talking with Tony that she finally told him about this crazy idea her husband Joe had about swinging.

Diana went on to reveal to Tony that her husband had a fetish to watch her make love to another man and that he had this fascination to be a cuckold. Diana told Tony she didn’t want any part of that kind of lifestyle and worried about her husband’s behavior.

Over the coming weeks Tony and Diana discussed different idea’s how she might convince her husband to reconsider his wild proposal. One night Tony suggested to Diana to give in to her husbands desires and go along with the idea as if she loved the idea.

Tony mentioned that perhaps if she were to pretend she wanted to try swinging and perhaps even meet another man that her husband would get cold feet and back out on his own.

Diana was a little reluctant at first but thought that Joe just might change his mind once he saw that she was going to go through with the idea.

A couple days later Diana told Joe she would give the swinging idea a try under her conditions in which he would let her find the man. Diana even went to her doctor to obtain a prescription of birth control pills to help convince Joe she was really going through with it.

Joe would be home tomorrow morning and Diana knew one of the first things Joe was going to ask, “Honey, have you had any luck finding a lover yet?” Tonight she was going to ask Tony’s opinion about avoiding that question.

Later that night Diana was online chatting with her friend Tony and asked that question. Tony said that perhaps if she went out shopping and bought a revealing dress and model the dress for her husband when he arrives home that it might make him jealous. Tony said to make sure she told him it was for her first date.

Diana thought Tony’s suggestion might work on her husband Joe and she told him she had to sign off and go shopping before the stores close. Diana thanked Tony for giving her the idea and would leave an email tomorrow on how well it turned out.

Diana went shopping that night and found the perfect dress and when she got home she slipped into the dress with heels and paraded around in front of the mirror admiring the item she had bought. The dress was green with a low plunging neck line that revealed plenty of cleavage and was short enough that when she sat down the dress would hike up to her ass.

Diana picked up Joe at the airport the next day and it wasn’t an hour after they returned home that Joe asked the question Diana knew he would ask. Joe said, “Were you able to find a stud to fuck you?”Diana told Joe to wait in the family room and she would show him what she had bought while he was gone.

Diana came out of the bedroom a few minutes later wearing the revealing dress and turned around in front of Joe and waited for his opinion. Joe was smiling and Diana thought she would ad a few words to try and shock him.

“All I have to do is lift this up and my lover can fuck me while I’m wearing it.” Diana was pulling up the dress to reveal that she was not wearing any panty’s under the dress. “I’ll shave my pussy nice and smooth for him and maybe spray some perfume down here and drive him wild.”

Joe got down on his knee’s and crawled toward me and started to kiss my legs down to my ankles. Joe was licking around my ankles now as he looked up and said. “You look so beautiful in this dress and I can’t wait to see you getting fucked by your stud.”

Joe kissed his way back up my legs gently placing his hands up to hold onto my hips and smelled my pussy through the thin material of my dress.

Joe got back up off the floor and told me, “You don’t know how much I love you.” Joe smiled as he left the room leaving me standing in the room wearing this revealing dress. I’d have to talk to Tony tonight and seek some advice.

That night when Joe was in bed, I got online and told Tony all about what had happened today and let him know it only seemed to encourage my husband more. After several minutes’ Tony made the suggestion that maybe, I should find a man that would go along with the idea.

I was stunned by Tony’s remarks and told Tony I couldn’t go through with meeting a strange man for sex. Tony said that I should find someone that would just play along with the idea and not really go through with the sex part of it.

Tony said that my husband would surely be jealous once he saw me getting fondled by another man. I answered Tony back and said I didn’t know anyone that would do such a thing.

Tony answered back saying that he knew someone that was willing to help me out and I asked him who it was that he knew. Tony said he would be glad to help me out and to just let him know when I wanted to do it.

I was sitting there looking at the computer at the words that Tony just typed trying to decide what I should write him back. I typed back say, “You would be willing to help me?” Tony typed his phone number up on the screen next and told me to call him.

My hands were shaking as I typed out, “I’ll sign off now and give you a call in a few minutes.” I copied the number down that Tony had wrote and signed off the computer. I sat in the chair trying to decide if I should call Tony. After talking to this man all of these months, I would actually be hearing his voice for the first time.

I knew Tony was stationed about one hundred miles from where we lived so maybe he could help me. Once the night was over and maybe my husband would put all these crazy ideas out of his head than I wouldn’t have to see this man ever again.

My hands were trembling as I dialed his number on my cell phone and walked toward the kitchen so my husband wouldn’t hear me. I listened as the phone rang a second ring and a man answered saying, “I knew you would call me.” His voice was really deep and husky and I said, “Hello, this is Diana calling.”

Tony responded, “It’s really nice to speak to you after all these months and I’m looking forward to meeting you and helping you out with your husband.”

We talked for over an hour that evening until we decided on a place and time to meet. We decided on the following weekend at a hotel that was located half way between us. I had sent Tony a picture of myself at my ten-year high school reunion from last year so he knew what I looked like.

I’d never asked Tony what he had looked like until now and he replied, “I’m six feet five inches tall and I have short curly dark hair and I weigh two hundred and seventy-five pounds.” He reminded me that he worked out every day with weights and it was all muscle.

I was surprised when Tony told me how huge he was and I felt a little afraid to meet him but he reassured me that he was considered a gentle giant at the base. We ended our conversation after planning the events for that evening. We pretty much had planned the whole evening and Tony told me not to be afraid that everything would go well.

I didn’t get much relax that night thinking about meeting Tony next weekend. The next morning I told Joe that I had a date for next weekend. Joe said, “How is he and what’s his name?” I told Joe, “He’s a soldier I corresponded with while he was in Iraq and his name is Tony.”

Joe than asked, “What does this man look like and did you tell him about me?” I answered, “Yes Joe, I told him all about your desire to watch me make love with another man.” Than I answered the second part knowing, I would have to tell a little fib.”He’s tall and very muscular and very handsome and I can’t wait to fuck him.”

Joe put his hands on my shoulders and kissed me and said, “Please darling, don’t forget to take your birth control pills.” I said, “Don’t worry honey, I didn’t go to the doctor to end up getting pregnant.”

I hope that Tony had made the right decision about my husband backing out at the last minute. What if he gets there and expects me to go through with this whole thing. I better get sick in a hurry.

Friday cane around pretty fast and Joe looked nervous as he watched me putting on my new dress without any panty’s or bra. I had shaved my pussy smooth and applied perfume around my belly and just a little above my pussy mound. I had my nails done the day before along with my toe’s and all matched in a bright red.

I dried my hair and applied my makeup while Joe hung around the bedroom watching every move I made. I looked in the mirror and hoped the neighbors wouldn’t see me walk to the car tonight. The dress was tight and I could see my nipples through the dress. I bent down to grab my heels and looked in the mirror while bending down and noticed how much of my titty’s were showing. The dress barely came up above my nipples and I thought Tony was really going to get an eye full of me tonight.

Joe was going to be disappointed tonight if I have to pretend I’m getting sick. Joe was packing his video camera and was already dressed and ready.

We got on the expressway and were on our way and I could feel the butterflies in my stomach as we got closer to our destination. We got off the expressway ramp and I could see the hotel straight ahead and my legs started to shack.

Joe spotted the hotel but pulled into the parking lot next to the office. I glanced around and didn’t see the car Tony said he would be driving. Joe said, “I’m going into the office and check in.” I pulled down the vizor and checked my makeup, reapplying my lip stick while I waited for Joe to return.

Joe came back and said, “The room number is 108 and it’s the first one across the parking lot.” Joe moved the car around and started to back in the parking space when I saw Tony’s car pull up and along the side of our car and park in the next space.

My heart was beating fast as I tried to look over in his car and get a look at the man I had been chatting with online all these months. It was already dark and all I could make out was a dark figure in the driver’s seat. Joe opened his window and motioned for Tony to roll his window down.

Tony’s window rolled down as my husband introduced himself and Tony answered him back in that deep husky voice I herd on the phone last week. Joe said, “I already checked in and the room is right here.”

I was shacking and my heart was racing as my husband opened the door and walked around to open mine. I got out of the car as my husband took my hand and we walked around to meet Tony. Tony was just getting out of his car and looked tall as he started to walk toward us.

I was holding onto my husband’s hand as tight as I could as we walked toward Tony and he started to come into view. My heart almost stopped as I looked up at this huge black man standing less than five feet in front of me.

Tony reached his hand out to shack my husbands first as they introduced each another and Joe turned to me and said to Tony, “This is my beautiful wife Diana.” Tony reached for my hand and said, “I’m very pleased to meet you.”

Tony was looking at me straight in the eye’s and I could see him glance down toward my tits than down toward my legs and said in his deep voice, “Look very beautiful tonight Diana.”

We all walked toward the room and once inside my husband said he wanted to bring his things inside and walked back out leaving me with Tony. There were a small table and chairs and Tony and I sat down across from each other as my husband walked back into the room carrying his camera case and wine.

My husband put everything where he wanted it and poured all of us a take. Tony was the first to speak saying, “You’re much more beautiful than I would have ever imagined.”

My husband started a conversation with Tony and they started talking about the war and Tony told him every place he had been. I sat and listened to them because I was too nervous to speak and crossed my legs.

I noticed that Tony was looking at my legs now because the dress was hiked up so far part of my ass was now showing. Tony was a handsome man and had a nice smile besides having a sexy voice. As Tony and my husband got acquainted, Tony would glance toward me and give me a smile every so often.

Joe kept pouring more wine into my glass as I drank to settle my nerves. Tony than told my husband, “You have a beautiful wife here, I bet you’re really proud of her.” Joe answered, “Yes, I’m very proud of my wife and how she keeps herself in shape.” Joe continued and said, “My wife bought this dress she is wearing tonight just for you.”

Tony leaned over and looked around the table and said, “Your wife looks very stunning in that dress and I love the heels.” I took another take of my wine as I saw Tony looking at my ankles. I started to panic as he leaned forward lifting himself off his seat and grabbing my leg at the ankle and gently rubbed his finger above the strap on the heel and said, “I’ve always thought high heels made a woman’s legs look very sexy and appealing.”


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I was relieved when I felt Tony’s hand let go of my ankle and sat back down in his chair. Tony said he had brought another bottle of wine out in his car and walked out to retrieve it. There was a love seat next to me and thought it might be more comfortable and moved and sat down while my husband went to the bathroom.

Tony walked back in and put the bottle of wine on the table and said he had it chilling in a cooler and opened it and poured another glass and handed it to me. Tony than poured a glass for himself and walked toward the love seat and sat down next to me starring at my legs.

Tony leaned over toward me and whispered, “I know you’re nervous, just relax and let me handle everything when your husband comes back out.” I was feeling the effects of the wine as I looked over at Tony and told him, “I’ll be fine, I was very nervous when we first got here but I’m feeling better now.” Tony was sitting just inches away from me as he answered, “You’ll be just fine tonight Diana, we’ll give your husband a little show here in a few minutes.”

Although the wine was making me feel more relaxed, Tony scared me the way he said we would put on a show for my husband. Joe stepped out of the bathroom and starred at us as he walked back to his chair and sat down.

Tony was the first to speak, “Diana and I thought we would get a little better acquainted here.” Tony moved his had around my shoulder and gently gave my arm a squeeze as he smiled over at Joe.

Joe was looking as if he were waiting for Tony’s next move as Tony looked my way and said, “You picked out a lovely scent to wear this evening.” I could feel his hand starting to stroke my bare arm as he slightly tilted his head over to smell my perfume.

Tony looked over at my husband and said, “Joe, have you ever seen a black man fuck a white woman before?” Joe just starred at Tony for a few seconds before giving him an answer and said, “I’ve only seen a couple adult videos but never seen it in permister.”

Tony was laughing and said, “Its going to be a real treat for you tonight.” Tony leaned over and placed his wine glass on the table and took mine and placed it along the side his glass and sat back and pulled me close to his body.

Tony looked back at Joe and said, “You better get your camera setup if you want to catch all the action here tonight.” Joe got up and took his camera out of the case and started to place it on the tripod. I was getting more scared as Tony held me close to him.

Tony asked Joe, “Would you mind if I gave your wife a kiss.” Joe answered, “I don’t mind, go ahead and kiss her.” Tony looked over at me and moved his head toward mine and placed his lips on mine. He felt warm as he gently parted my lips and I could feel his tongue pushing forward trying to enter my mouth.

I parted my lips a little and he pushed more of his tongue inside my mouth as it touched the tip of my tongue. I could feel Tony’s hand on my leg now as he slowly began to stroke my thigh as we kissed. Tony pulled his tongue back and whispered, “Give me your tongue.” He than started to kiss me again as I slowly pushed my tongue out and he sucked it into his mouth.

Tony’s hand moved from my leg and under the hem of my dress and was now feeling around toward my pussy. For some reamister my legs gently parted for Tony as he felt his way up and to my pussy mound and he moaned into my mouth as his fingers felt the soft skin around my shaven pussy.

Tony broke the kiss and whispered, “I love a shaved white pussy.” Tony continued to kiss me as I felt his fingers gently trying to part my pussy open. Finally Tony’s finger had found its target and he gently started to insert it inside me and rubbed my clitoris. My pussy was getting wet by this time but Tony withdrew his finger and pulled his hand out from under my dress.

I didn’t feel as afraid as I was but wondered to myself how far Tony was going to take this little show for my husband. Tony looked over at Joe and said, “Your wife has a nice tight little pussy here and she’s getting wet thinking about having my black cock inside her.”

Tony’s words caught me by surprise but I knew he was trying to shock my husband into changing his mind. So far I haven’t seen any changes in the way my husband was reacting to Tony’s advances on me.

Tony’s hand moved up and cupped my tits through my thin dress and started to move his hand from one to the other as he looked over at Joe and said, “You’re a special kind of husband to be letting another man take your wife and do as he pleases.”

Tony looked at me again and said, “You have nice titty’s Diana, I bet you like showing them off to other men don’t you?” Tony than moved the thin material of my dress away to expose my left breast and moved his hand onto my nipple and started to rub his thumb around in little circles and said, “Diana’s nipples are getting hard for me Joe.”

Tony bent his head down and placed his lips directly over the nipple and started to nibble and circle his tongue around. I was scared but aroused at the same time as Tony worked his tongue around my breast.

I couldn’t help getting aroused as Tony gently started to lick and kiss his way up to my neck and under my chin until his lips were on mine again and his tongue back inside my mouth. I slowly sucked on his tongue as he slowly worked his hand around pulling the straps of my dress down over my shoulders.

Now both of my tits were exposed to Tony’s view as he continued to kiss me while moving his hands up to massage my tits, squeezing them in his big hands. I placed my hand over his hand on my tits and gave it a little squeeze. Tony took hold of my hand in his and held it as we kissed.

Tony’s hand was large and when he finally broke the kiss, he raised my hand and starred down at my hand in his and starred at my diamond engagement ring and placed his thumb over it and looked over at my husband and said, “Are you feeling all right with this Joe, I can stop anytime.” I waited for Joe to respond and say something but he just shook his head in agreement.

Tony than leaned over and whispered and said, “I want you to unbutton my shirt and than the pants.” My hands were trembling now as I started at the top of his shirt and worked my way down. Tony’s hands were not still as he went back too gently rubbing my boobs causing much stimulation keeping my nipples very erect.

I managed to get the last button as Tony tiled away from the love seat and pulled off his shirt. His shoulders were broad and his arms were massively huge from lifting weights. Tony flexed his arm and told me to grab a hold and feel it. I placed both of my hands around his arm and his muscles felt so big.

Tony stood up in front of me and waited for me to unbuckle his pants. I reached out and grabbed the belt and got it undone and worked on the snap and zipper and Tony’s pants feel to the floor.

Tony stood in front of me with just a red pair of boxers on with a bulge as his cock tried to point straight out from under the red material. Tony took my hands in his and lifted me up and pulled me next to him as he placed his hands on my back. Tony was so much taller than me and my boobs pressed into his stomach as he held me tight.

I had planned all along to feel sick if things started to get out of hand but I was so afraid of Tony’s size as he held me tight against his body I just couldn’t find the words.

Tony looked down at me and lowered his head to kiss me again. He was being very gentle and when we broke the kiss and looked into my eye’s and asked, “Are you all right with this?” I don’t know what came over me but instead of saying I wasn’t feeling well, I answered Tony back with a simple, “Yes.”

My full attention was on Tony now as he held me in his arms and told me to pull his shorts down. I had no idea what my husband was doing at this point as I grabbed a hold of Tony’s boxers and slid them down his legs. I had to kneel down and pull them all the way because his kegs were so muscular and as I started to get up, Tony’s cock was sticking straight out at my face as I stood up.

Tony stepped out of his shoes as I stood there starring at his cock which had to be as thick as my wrist. Tony took hold of my left hand and gently placed it around his cock. I couldn’t even get my small fingers completely around it.

I slowly worked my hand around as much of it as I could as Tony reached around me to cup my ass in his big hands. Tony’s cock had a huge head and had to be at least eight inches in length. Tony kissed me again as I kept a hold of his cock and felt his tongue entering my mouth again.

Tony broke the kiss and told me to raise my arms above my head as he grabbed the bottom hem of my dress and lifted it up over my head. My arms were trembling now as Tony slipped my dress off and through it down on the chair. I stood naked in front of this large man as he slipped his hands around my waist and said, “I want you to leave the heels on and lay on the bed.”

I walked around and sat on the bed and noticed my husband looking through the camera lens with the look of anticipation on his face. The bed was king size with tree pillows so I got up and laid in the middle and waited to see what Tony was going to do next.

Tony got on the bed next to me and leaned over and gently started to kiss my boobs which gave me goose bumps as I felt his lips touch my skin. Tony was nibbling on my tits now gently biting around my nipples as he moved one of his hands down and spread my legs apart.

Tony kissed his way down over my belly and placed his tongue in my navel giving me chills. Tony had licked his way to my pussy mound while moving his body around to a better angle to lick it. Tony worked his tongue along the sides of my pussy and touching my leg with his tongue making me shiver.

I spread my legs more as Tony lay at the foot of the bed now kissing my thighs and leaving trails of saliva as he moved his tongue over my body. I lay wondering how far Tony was going to take all this as I felt him moving closer to my pussy.

Tony was slowly licking my pussy mound as he reached up and squeezed my boobs. His hot tongue felt good as I arched my hips up off the bed giving Tony better access to my pussy.

Tony was licking around my pussy but kept away from actually putting his mouth near the opening. I couldn’t help but wonder if Tony was holding back waiting for my husband to tell him to stop or was he just teasing me. I got my answer within seconds as Tony inserted his tongue into the slit gently nibbling and pulling on my labia.

Tony was working his tongue in perfect motions along my labia causing my pussy to get wet. He kept this up while I started to rotate my hips enjoying the touch of his tongue. I jumped when Tony touched my clitoris with his tongue. He was very s*******ed as he flickered it gently moving in little circular motions with just enough pressure that made me squirm even more.

I lifted my legs back giving Tony better access with his tongue holding them up with my hands on the back of my thigh’s.

Tony let up for a second, just enough to look up at me and said, “Do you want me to stop?” Tony’s question should have been a slam dunk answer but I was so aroused at this point I just wanted to enjoy his tongue. After all it didn’t have to go any further than oral sex so I answered Tony by saying, “Keep going I love your tongue.”

I held my legs apart as Tony put more pressure on all the right area’s with his tongue. I started to move my hips up to try and bring as much of his tongue inside me as I could. Tony finally put his hands on my legs holding them up while I reached down and put my hands in his hair.

Tony kept up the gentle licking until my body started to quiver and I knew I was about to cum. Tony was an expert as he put just enough pressure on my clitoris to give me the right stimulation until I finally knew I was there.

I let out a scream as I hit my peak, “Oh yes Tony, I’m going to cum. Keep licking me, oh yes, oh yes ah yes!” My orgasm lasted a few seconds but felt so good as my whole body relaxed. Tony was now kissing my inner thighs while his hands rested on my belly.

Tony lifted himself up and crawled up along the side of me and put his arm around my head and the other hand now stroked my pussy mound. He looked over at me and said, “I can make you feel a whole lot better if you want to go further.” Looking down toward Tony’s cock I could see he was as hard as a rock.

I looked out of the corner of my eye and could see my husband playing with his video camera. I slowly reached down and put my fingers on Tony’s cock and started to rub the head with my thumb. I than started to move my hand along its length feeling the thick veins along the shaft and trying to take in its thickness.

I tried to image what it would feel like having this mans large cock inside me. I was so use to Joe at six inches and only about half this thickness. I wondered if it might hurt or maybe cause me damage but I’ve only seen a gentle side of Tony tonight and knew if would be gentle.



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I continued to move my hand very slowly on Tony’s cock than suddenly got the urge to set up and suck on this huge cock I had in my hand. Tony was on his back now as I sat up still stroking his cock. I hesitated for a few seconds and lowered my head down to his shaft and kissed the head.

I opened my mouth and licked the head in little circles before bent further down and took the head in my mouth. I ran my tongue across the head wanting to return the pleasure that Tony had given me. I was afraid to look over at my husband as I started to lick the shaft around the side and giving it soft kisses before returning back to the head and taking it into my mouth.

I worked on Tony’s cock for several minutes until I climbed down between his legs where I could lick and tease his testicles. I gently took each one into my mouth and sucked as Tony moaned with pleasure.

I moved from his testicles to the shaft giving much attention to both as I tilted my head up to see the expression on Tony’s face. Tony reached for my hand and held it as I continued to suck and lick him. Tony’s testicles were huge and every time I would touch them with my tongue, Tony’s body would jump from the sensitivity in that area.

I laid my head on Tony’s leg and tilted his cock enough to be able to take him in my mouth. Tony placed his hand on my head and started to stroke my hair as I sucked on him. I was aware of my husband moving around the room but couldn’t see where Joe was at.

I felt my leg being lifted up and apart and the sudden warmth of my husbands warm breath on my pussy as his tongue parted my labia and started to lick me. I still had my head resting on Tony’s leg and one hand on his testicles and reached back and placed my hand on my husband’s head and pulled him tight against me.

I tried to image how my husband felt right now, he was experiencing the ultimate fantasy in his mind of giving me, his wife to another man. This other man that gave me so much pleasure a few minutes ago and now I was returning that pleasure to him. Now, in another way I was sharing pleasure with my husband.

I was now on the verge of deciding if I should give myself completely to another man. I know I would be fulfilling my husband’s fantasy and giving pleasure and satisfaction to both men. Tony was being a complete gentleman allowing me to make my own choices. This was going to be my decision now as I lay between these two men, one I loved and knowing the other could give me sexual pleasure.

Joe licked my pussy getting me highly stimulated until I felt him stop and the next thing I felt was a gentle kiss on my arm than another on my breast and finally on my cheek. I could feel Joe’s hand as he rubbed my ass as he whispered into my ear, “You look beautiful tonight and I love you.” I turned my head away from Tony’s cock and reached out and took his head in my hand and pulled him close and kissed him.

I had let go of my husband and gave Tony’s cock one more kiss and started to get up off the bed to ask my husband if he had seen enough and noticed him disappear into the bathroom and shut the door.

Next thing I felt was Tony reaching around my waist to rest on my belly while he kissed the back of my neck sending chills down my spine as I stood next to bed with Tony. One of Tony’s big hands slipped down over my pussy mound as he continued to kiss his way around my neck.

Tony whispered into my ear, “Why not lay down on the bed and we’ll wait until your husband gets out of the bathroom.” Tony took me by the hand and held me as I climbed on the bed and laid down while Tony seated himself down toward the end of the bed facing me. Tony leaned over and started to kiss my feet, working his way up my leg until he was right up next to my pussy mound.

Tony leaned over until his lips were gently kissing my pussy and massaging my belly with one of his hands. I could feel him shifting around on the bed until he had spread my legs so he could lean down and kiss my boobs. Tony gently sucked my titty’s into his mouth while inserting a finger into my wet pussy.

Tony was slowly moving his finger around gently touching my clitoris while kissing his way up from my tits, than my neck and was now pecking around my lips until his lips meet mine and we were locked in a passionate kiss.

I sucked on Tony’s tongue as it entered my mouth, I was so aroused with his finger in my pussy that I arched my legs up placing my feet on the back of his legs. I felt one of Tony’s hands reach around and lift my leg off his as I thought maybe the heels I was still wearing maybe hurting his leg.

Tony continued to kiss me as I felt him lean toward one side still holding my leg up when I felt his finger at the entrance of my pussy again. Tony was kissing me with much intensity now as I felt him push at least two fingers in my soaked pussy. I was stroking his big arm with my hand as his fingers seemed to be spreading my labia apart.

Tony was sucking my tongue into his mouth as I felt what I thought was his thumb at the entrance of my pussy slowly moving along the slit. I felt a slight pressure and I knew it wasn’t his thumb poised at the entrance, it was Tony’s cock.

I could still hear the blower in the bathroom where my husband had gone as Tony gave a little shove and I wenched as the head of his cock entered my pussy. Tony broke the kiss long enough to say, “Lift your legs up a little higher for me.” I felt his weight shift giving me plenty of room to move and without any thought moved my legs up higher to give him more access to my pussy. Tony continued to kiss me as I felt him push forward lodging the head of his cock another inch inside me.

Tony was sucking my tongue as I wrapped my legs resting my heels on his ass as he pushed himself inside me even more. Tony broke the kiss and said, “Your pussy is so wet and tight.” I felt him back out and than he pushed himself forward driving himself further inside me. I moaned as I felt him push into me and whispered, “Oh, it feels so big inside me.” Tony responded, “You’re such a beautiful woman, it feels so good being inside you.”I looked at the passion in Tony’s eye’s as he continued pushing himself deeper inside me.

I whispered again, “I shouldn’t be doing this without my husband here.” Tony continued to kiss me passionately as he whispered, “Relax, your husband wanted you to do this and now I’m here for you.”

My pussy felt stretched as Tony began to slowly fuck me as we continued our kiss. I was stroking the back of his head with one hand and squeezed his arm with my other hand feeling his cock sliding inside me. I moaned with pleasure, “Fuck me Tony, fuck my pussy.”

Tony probed his tongue back into my mouth with great passion as he lifted himself up enabling to push inside me deeper. My body was trembling as I felt Tony’s large cock fucking my pussy. The sensation going through my body as I glanced down between my boobs and saw this thick cock disappearing inside me.

I could see Tony’s cock each time he thrust himself inside me making my body shack as his body touched mine. Tony’s cock was glistening now from my pussy. Tony’s cock felt so good inside of me as I said, “I love your cock Tony, keep fucking me harder.”

The contrast of his massive black body above my white little body drove me insane with desire I can’t explain as I bucked my hips up to meet Tony’s downward thrusts into me. Tony bent down and kissed me again and said, “I can feel your little white pussy grabbing my cock baby.” Tony spoke again, “You like my black cock inside your white pussy don’t you?” I looked up into his eye’s and said, “Yes Tony, I love your black cock fucking my pussy.” I moaned as he began to fuck me faster as I said, “Oh yes Tony, fuck me harder. Give it to me hard.”

I could feel my body start to shack even more and I knew I was about to have an orgasm and than it hit me as I said, “Oh yes I’m going to cum, give me all your cock, oh yes, ah yes give it to me.” My legs shot straight out as I arched my back up off the mattress and had an orgasm like any before.

Tony had slowed down waiting for me to calm back down before he again started to fuck me with faster rhythm. My legs were being held out high by Tony’s large arms as he continued to pound his thick cock deep inside me. I placed my hands down onto my buttocks and slid my fingers along until I could feel Tony’s thick cock as it continued to slice its way in and out of my pussy. I had never done this before and the sensation was unbelievable.

I could now see my husband standing at the corner of the bed with his camera now and he looked like he had pointed the camera at Tony’s cock as it disappeared inside me.

Tony was driving himself into me with a faster pace and looked down at me and said, “I’m going to shoot my black seed deep inside your belly.” Tony’s words excited me and seemed so taboo but I think he was saying those things for the benefit of my husband.

Tony kept fucking me hard as he said, “Open your mouth wide for me and close your eye’s.” I did as Tony asked and could sense his head lowering toward my face as he said, “keep it wide open for me.” I than felt a large amount of Tony’s spit fall into my mouth as he said, “Swallow it.” I swallowed his spit as he started to fuck me intensely. My whole body shook as he banged into my buttocks each time he thrust inside me.

Tony let out a loud groan, “Oh cuckolds brownie, here comes my seed.” Tony locked his hips forward as I felt the first spurt of his cum hit inside me. It felt so hot as the second spurt hit inside me. Tony said, “Oh yeah, do you feel it inside your belly?” I answered, “It feels so hot shooting in me.” Tony added making sure my husband would hear, “Gonna put a little black baby inside your belly tonight.” I was caught up in the moment and said, “Oh yes Tony, give me your baby, your black baby.”

I could barely see my husband but noticed he was playing with his cock through his pants now. The words we had just said about a black baby excited him beyond belief. I guess his words exciting me too but I was thankful I had got the prescription of birth control pills.

Tony kept my legs up and had to admit how erotic it must have been seeing this large black man above me who had just pumped my belly full of sperm with my high heels pointing straight up in the air.

Tony finally backed his cock out of me and there was a loud plop as the head came out of my pussy. I could feel his cum dripping down the crack of my ass as Tony said to my husband, “Are you getting a closeup of my seed in your wife’s white pussy?” My husband answered, “I’m getting everything on video.”

Tony lifted himself around letting my leg’s drop and said, “Here, make sure you get a shot of the black cock that just impregnated your wife.” Tony reached over and patted my belly and said, “This little white belly here is going to stretch once my baby starts growing inside.” Tony bent forward and kissed my lips making sure my husband could see his tongue enter my mouth.

Tony looked back at my husband saying, “Your wife isn’t going to be satisfied any longer with just any cock inside her. After tonight she’s only gonna want this inside her from now on.” Tony held his cock so my husband could see and say, “I hope this is what you wanted cause Diana’s pussy is gonna be stretched out to accommodate this after tonight.”

I knew the things Tony said to my husband were meant to enhance my husband’s fantasy but I think Tony was getting into humiliating my husband now. Tony looked back toward my husband again as he spread my legs and said, “Do you want to lick this cum out of your wife’s pussy?” I looked at my husband as he sat his camera back down on the tripod and said, “I’d love to eat Diana’s pussy clean.”

Before I had a chance to object, my husband was laying on the bed between my legs as I felt his mouth touch my pussy. I could feel his tongue into my slit and could hear the sounds he was making as he sucked out Tony’s seed.

Tony walked around the bed and bent over and kissed me making sure he made loud slurping sounds that my husband could hear as he kissed me. Tony looked down at my husband and said, “Make sure you get all that black baby seed out of your wife tonight.”

My husband continued to lick my pussy until he was sure he had cleaned the seed from inside me. By this time, Tony had got dressed and was writing a note. Tony gave my husband the little paper and said, “This is my phone number, call me when your wife needs some real cock.”

Tony bent over the bed again and kissed me and said, “I’ll see you soon.” He walked out the hotel room leaving my husband wiping his face.


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Tony opened his eyes? early the next morning and found himself still lying in the same position he was in last night. He knew he fell arelax with his cock planted deep inside Diana. Tony looked down, found himself still hard and still inside Diana?s pussy. Tony gently eased his cock from Diana?s tight pussy letting the cool air hit his cock for the first time in hours.

Diana was still arelax as Tony lifted himself off the bed. He looked down at Diana?s ass and saw the sperm he had been blocking from escaping Diana?s pussy slowly making its way down onto the sheets of the bed. The sperm had turned clear since it has been several hours since he had last cum inside her.

Tony lied back down on the bed thinking about this gorgeous woman he had wonderful sex with last night. Tony had hoped Diana had felt something during their first meeting together, now he knew the answer to that question. He felt that he would have to be the one to make the first move while everything was still fresh in their minds.

Tony lied back on the pillow admiring this beautiful white woman lying next to him with her body almost perfect in every proportion. What he couldn?t understand is why her husband wanted to share this beautiful woman with other men? When Diana wrote him the very first time about her husband?s perversion, she seemed desperate to try and please her husband because she loved him. Even though she didn?t really want to commit to his desires and adultery.

She was reaching out for help from someone and he just happened to be the one that could help. It may have brought out something deep inside that she was missing in her life. Sex could play a part in her search, but love and affection from your life partner is the most important.

Tony knew she was confused with the situation her husband had put her in. He would just have to be there for as long as it takes. If she accepts the lifestyle her husband wants her to have, then Tony wanted to be a part of it because he felt something strong for this woman.

Diana turned over and looked at Tony, placing her hand around his waist and moving her leg until it rested on top of his legs. Tony brought his arm around her shoulder, pulled her close to him and kissed her forehead. ?Good morning relaxyhead,? he greeted.

Diana smiled and moved her head to kiss him on the lips. They relaxed while they embracing each other, looking and touching each other for several minutes until she moved to get up to use the bathroom. A trail of sperm was still leaking out of her pussy as she walked to the bathroom. She turned back to look at Tony and asked, ?Honey, what did I do last night relax with your cock inside me??

Tony laughed and answered, ?Baby, as a matter of fact, that?s exactly what you did last night.?

She smiled back saying, ?No wonder my pussy feels like it?s gaped open this morning, I have you to blame for this.?

The bathroom door closed and Tony got out of bed walking toward the door and tapped as he listened for a response. ?I?m going pee in here and if you don?t go away I?m coming out there and sit on you again.?

Tony laughed at her remark saying, ?I?m coming in there to pee between your legs if you don?t hurry.?

The bathroom door opened as Tony was finishing his sentence and he was pulled in the bathroom.

Diana was giggling as she took hold of Tony?s cock and pointed it at the bowl. ?Here, go pee while I hold your cock,? she said. She could feel the warm liquid traveling up through the large vein in his cock as she aimed it for the toilet watching it splash in the water. ?I don?t think Joe?s cock spurts this volume of pee,? she added, still giggling.

He laughed. ?That?s because his cock isn?t as large as mine,? he told her, squeezing out the last drops of pee while Diana began to shake it off. She was still laughing at herself when she bent down to kiss the head and patted it before rising up to kiss Tony on the lips.

He grabbed her ass and pulled her toward him holding the kiss.

They stay locked in the kiss until she twisted around and turned on the water in the shower. She adjusted the water until it felt right, reached around, pulled him into the tub and closed the curtain. Reaching for the washcloth and soap, she started to rub Tony?s chest until it was all lathered up. She continued down to his cock and testicles before lifting his legs one at a time to do the same.

Diana handed him the washcloth and soap when she was done with him.

Picking up the rhythm, Tony began to wash her chest moving the cloth slowly around her large tits, raise her arms to wash her armpits and work the cloth down to her bald pussy.

Once they were completely done, she got down on her knees and started to suck his cock. Tony looked down and saw Diana looking straight into his eye?s as she lovingly sucked his shaft in her mouth. She had both hands on his testicles and her fingers under his cock lifting it up while her mouth did the work.

Diana deep throated Tony like she had the night before. Only this time, she was able to hold it down her throat for a longer time.

She sucked his cock with a faster pace now, working to make him cum as her tongue danced around his shaft. And then, just before he was about to cum, Tony lifted his hands to her head and gently ran his fingers in her hair.

Tony let out a yell when he felt that he was about to come. Diana clamped her lips around his massive shaft as he began to shooting the first streams of sperm straight down her throat. She started to cough and laugh at the same time as he finished shooting his thick load inside her mouth.

When she stood back up in the shower, Tony pulled her close to him. ?That was quite good for a beginner, I thought you were going to gag there for a minute,? he told her.

?That was my first time in the shower, the water started getting up my nose when you came,? she replied.

He laughed saying, ?You need a little more practice and you?ll be an old pro with this black stick.?

Diana looked up at him, touched his chest and said, ?I?m I going to get another chance to practice??

?Honey you are going to get as much time as you need to practice on me, he told her while holding her tight. ? I?ll be here whenever you want me.?

At that, she smiled back at him declaring, ?I?m making you my permanent stud from now on.?

?I?ll have to put a claim on you myself if your going to be that way about it,? he told her back.

They both laughed while Tony turned off the water and said, ?We better shake on that.?

?I have a better idea than just a hand shake,? she said mischievously. Then, they both smiled as they reached for the towels and started to dry each other.

They spent the day together after driving back to Diana?s house so she could change into something else since her dress was stained with semen. Tony had come prepared with extra clothes and waited for her to change into something else. Diana emerged from the bedroom wearing pink shorts, black top without a bra and a pair of low heels that enhanced her beautiful long shapely legs.

She stood in the doorway trying to remember something she forgot to do but gave up as she walked out into the room and span around so Tony could get a good look.

He glanced at her from head to toe as he opened his arms for her to come to him. Diana sat down on his lap and gave him a kiss on the lips. ?What do you think of my pink shorts?? she asked.

?It?s the beautiful woman in them that I?m looking at,? he told her kissing her for a second time as his arm reached around her and cupped one of her tits.

She responded. ?Do you know if your brother is busy tonight?? she asked him.

?He?s at my house right now, I gave him a call on the way here,? he said.

Diana got up fro his lap. ?I?ll give my sister Lisa a call and see if she?s home and if she can get a baby sitter.? She walked out of the room to use the bedroom phone leaving him on the sofa.

Several minutes passed before Diana walked into the room, the phone still in her hand. ?Lisa will be over around eight tonight. Her husband is leaving with the kids for a short overnight camping trip,? she told him. Afterwards, she walked back into the bedroom and didn?t return for almost half an hour.

When she did, was smiling. She sat down on his lap and gave him another kiss on the lips. ?I?ve just told my sister all about you? and I mean everything.?

Tony was surprised hearing those words from her. But she went on, ?My sister and I are very close and we share everything in our life together including our problems. She is fully aware of my husband?s desire for me to see another man.?

Tony was still surprised by Diana?s words as he continued to listen to her talk on. ?My sister has always been a little more daring than I and it didn?t take much convincing from me to have her meet your brother. Lisa?s husband is great with the kids but he leaves her at home all by herself all the time. Right now she?s fed up with it.?

He just couldn?t help asking, ?Is she looking for a boyfriend on the side??

?No, she just wants to get out tonight. She wanted to meet you anyway.?

?You mean you told her we?ve been fucking??

?No, I didn?t go that far.?

?What exactly does she think we are doing together?? he asked, puzzled.

She laughed. ?Relax, she is aware that you?re helping me do what my husband asked and nothing more,? she told her, kissing him once more.

?I?m going to drive back and pick Dave up. Would you like to come with me??

She shook her head. ?I better stay here. Besides, I have to pick up my sister and bring her here because her husband will have the car.?

He held her in his arms as he gave her another long passionate kiss before leaving to get his brother. ?I?ll meet you back here this evening around eight,? he said.

She returned the kiss and watched as he walked out the door.


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It was seven thirty and Diana was busy lighting some candles around the room while her sister Lisa was in the bathroom applying her makeup. ?Are you about done in there Lisa??

?Yes, I?m just about done,? Lisa replied.

They had a long talk this evening about Tony and his brother Dave. Diana told Lisa about everything good that she could think of about Tony. She conveniently omitted the fact that they were black men. She thought that her sister would be shocked to find out that they had dates with black guys, especially after she told Lisa how handsome and well built they were.

Diana still had the pink shorts and black top on while Lisa had come over wearing black shorts and a red low-cut top. Both of them wore heels and they wore their blonde hair in exactly the same style. She remembered Tony mentioning that looked like twins.

When the doorbell rang, Diana walked over and opened the door. She found Tony and Dave standing on the porch.

?Come on in guys, my sister will be out in a second.?

Just then, Lisa walked out of the bathroom and made her way towards the front door. She looked at them, held out her hand to the guys and introduced herself.

?I?m Lisa. You must be Tony and Dave. Which one of you is Tony??

?I?m Tony and this is my brother Dave.? Tony said and introduced his brother to Diana while they all made their way into the family room.

?Please sit down and make yourself comfortable while I get us some takes,? Diana said.

Everyone sat down. Dave sat on the sofa next to his brother and Lisa sat in a chair.

Diana made the takes pretty fast, brought them out on a tray and sat down next to Tony on the sofa. They spent over an hour talking about simple things getting acquainted while Diana made several more trips into the kitchen for more takes. On her last trip to the kitchen, her sister followed her.

?You didn?t tell me they were black men,? Lisa whispered.

Diana looked at her sister and smiled, ?Oh, I didn?t think it would matter. Don?t you think they are handsome and nice guys??

?Yes, tell me what I should do out there?? she asked Diana.

Diana looked at her sister. ?Just be yourself and when you go back out there and sit on the sofa next to Dave so I can spend a little time with Tony,? she told her.

Lisa grabbed her sister?s arm, ?But Tony is sitting right in the way.?

?Just have him move to the other side and I?ll handle it from there,? she whispered.

Once they returned to the family room, Lisa asked Dave to join her on the love seat while Diana sat next to Tony on the sofa. Both women were sitting very close to the guys while they talked. The conversation started breaking off into pairs as Lisa and Dave got better acquainted. Within time, neither could actually hear what the other couple was saying because their voices were lowered down to almost a whisper.

Diana kept glancing toward her sister. She saw Lisa pointing at something on her shoe as Dave was laughing at whatever it was she was pointing at. Next, she saw Dave lift Lisa?s foot as if he were trying to inspect something. Whatever it was they both seemed to be getting along very well tonight. Diana felt her sister was doing fine with Dave so she decided to focus on Tony for the rest of the evening.

Tony got up from the sofa and walked over to dim the ceiling lights until there was just a glow from the candles that Diana had lit. Tony sat back down next to Diana and kissed her on the lips. He glanced over at Lisa and Dave and saw that they were busy talking. He reached over, pulled Diana to him and gave her a long open mouth kiss, shoving his tongue inside her mouth. She responded, putting her arms around him and kissing him back.

She could feel Tony?s hands making their way under her tight black top until his large fingers were circling her tits. ?Tony, Lisa and Dave might see where you have your hands are. Maybe you should stop.?

Tony just chuckled. ?Look over there, can you see anything going on with them? It?s to damn dark for them to see where my hands are.?

He then lifted her top over her tits, leaving them completely exposed while tilting his head down to take one round bud in his mouth and started to suckle.

Meanwhile, all she could do at this point was to pull his head against her tits closer. Diana knew Tony was getting a thrill out of doing this with his brother and her sister across the room.

Tony raised his head up to give her a kiss, their tongues met furiously in a heat of passion. Tony stopped for a moment and whispered, ?Lets go into the bedroom where I can fuck you.?

Diana gave him another long passionate kiss. ?I don?t think we should leave the room yet,? she whispered.

?Okay then, I?ll fuck you right here.?

Just as he was about to slip off her top, he heard Lisa?s voice from across the room.

?Hey, are you getting a little frisky over there? We can leave you two alone.? She laughed, saying, ?I think these two have a lot to talk about.?

Diana leaned forward to adjust her top. ?We?re just fine over here, how about the two of you?? she asked.

?We don?t seem to be as busy as the two of you,? Lisa answered. ? Dave was just telling me about his younghood and I thought I herd you kissing Tony. It?s okay with me Diana, I?m not going to tell Joe anything.?

Diana looked over at her sister. ?I?m not going to tell any secrets on you either if you decide to get frisky with Dave over there.?

Both women laughed as Lisa got up from her chair and motioned for Dave to follow her out to the backyard towards the pool.

Dave stood and took Lisa?s hand while she glanced back at her sister. ?We?ll be sitting out here by the pool if you need us,? she told her.

Diana watched as her sister close the patio door leaving just the screen open before disappearing into the darkness of the backyard.

Tony didn?t waste any time in putting his lips on her. He gave her a passionate open mouth kiss while running his hands up to cup her tits in his big hands. He continued to squeeze them until he asked, ?Do you feel comfortable fucking right here on the sofa or do you want me to screw you in your bedroom??

Diana glanced toward the door wall trying to get a glimpse of her sister and Dave but she could only see the darkness. ?I think we better go into the bedroom in case they come back in and catch us in the act.? Tony didn?t say another word. He reached around, picked her tiny frame up in his large arms and carried her into the bedroom.

He walked into the room kicking the door shut with his foot, as he walked towards the bed. He sat down with Diana resting on his lap. They began kissing again as she fumred with the buttons of his shirt before working down on his belt and pants. When everything was ready, she kneeled and directed Tony to get everything off while she slipped her top off over her head and unsnapped her pink shorts.

Diana stood up on the bed while slipping the shorts down her legs. She kicked them onto the floor and began to jump around naked, daring Tony to catch her.

He hesitated for a moment watching her play around before asking, ?Where does your husband keep his video camera??

?Right over there next to the closet door in that little black case.?

He walked over, opened the case, and pulled the camera and the tripod out. Then, he began to set it up in the far corner of the room.

?What are you doing with that thing, get over here and fuck me.? Diana told him.

Tony stopped what he was doing. ?I intend to do just that once I get this thing setup.?

With that, she jumped down off the bed and grabbed his arm. ?Why are you getting this out now??

?I want to film us fucking tonight for your husband to see.?

Diana ran over to the camera case laughing while she brought out a blank tape and handed it to him. She helped him plug it into the wall.

When it was ready, Tony adjusted the lens to point toward the bed. He pulled her towards the bed, smiling back at the camera. He walked to the foot of the bed pulling her with him, putting his arm around her tiny waist while reaching down to rub her bare pussy. He was, all the while, smiling at the camera.

?I just wanted you to know that I?ve been taking care of your wife while you were gone on your trip,? he said to the camera. ?I could tell the first time, when I first screwed your wife that she wasn?t getting enough black cock.?

Diana was nervously standing next to Tony as she listened to him speak to the camera. She was not sure if she wanted Joe to see this tape. She thought that Tony was doing this all for fun. She could erase it anyway before Joe actually gets a chance to see it.

Tony pulled her closer. ?Honey, tell your husband what we?ve been doing here all weekend.?

She smiled at the camera. ?I?m only doing what you wanted, Joe. I?m giving Tony as much white pussy as he wants while you?re gone.?

Still laughing, Tony said, ?Your wife?s pussy isn?t as tight as it was the first time I screwed her but she still fits around my black cock like a tight rubber glove.? He glanced over to Diana and said, ?Honey, I want you to tell your husband who your pussy belongs to now.? She hesitated for a few seconds, but then answered while smiling into the camera. ?I?m afraid he?s right Joe. My pussy belongs to him now? just as you wanted.?

Tony bent down, kissed her passionately on the lips, looked back at the camera and said. ?I?m going to show you how a real man treats a beautiful white woman like your wife.?

He continued to work his tongue over her clit slowly as he waited for her to speak.

?I want you to fuck me deep and hard with your big black cock,? she moaned.

Tony stood up at the end of the bed and placed the thick mushroom head next to her pussy slit and said. ? Let your husband know how well we fuck together.?

Diana reached down to help guide the massive head inside her pussy. She was caught by surprise as Tony pushed himself forward sinking the head well inside her pussy as she let out a little yelp.

Tony was gentle as he slowly worked himself in and out of her pussy sinking deeper inside with each movement. This went on for several minutes until Tony had as much of his cock inside her as he could. He then motioned to Diana to lift herself up while he cradled her ass in his big arms.

Tony lifted her off the bed keeping himself planted as deep as possible in her pussy. Once he stood up and she got her balanced in mid air, he started to bounce her up and down. His giant shaft causing her to moan out in delight. Tony was moving her tiny body as fast as he could which made her tits bounce with each stroke.

Diana had her arms wrapped around his neck as he continued to drive himself deep inside her pussy. The quick movements were causing her to breath heavily and as she held onto his neck she started to squirm her little ass around his cock.

Tony didn?t have any trouble holding on to her tiny body. He seemed to move her around like a doll. He continued to bounce her tiny body up and down his big cock while she held onto his shoulders. Diana was moaning loud now as Tony rammed himself up and deep inside her pussy.

?Oh yes fuck me hard and deep,? she yelled. She continued to wiggle her little ass around in his big hands trying to push herself down on him even more.

She knew they didn?t have much time knowing her sister and Tony?s brother were out by the pool and could come in any minute. But it did not matter.

Tony turned so Diana?s ass was facing the camera and tilted her up to give Joe a good look at the way his cunt was stretching itself around his thick cock.

?Take a look at the way your wife?s pussy is wrapped around my cock.? Tony than walked towards the bed sitting her down on the edge so her ass would face the camera. ?Now if you watch really close you?re going to see me plant my black baby seed deep in your wife?s belly.?

With that, Diana?s eye?s widened. She distinctly heard Tony say that he was going to plant his seed deep inside her. It made her remember what she had forgot to do the past couple days? she had forgot to take her birth control pills as she can?t remember where she had placed them.

Her mind didn?t have much time to drift off as Tony continued to fuck her deep on the bed. His big hands were now holding onto her thighs keeping her ass from slipping forward as he rammed his cock inside her.

She placed her hands behind her thighs holding her legs up high and tilted her head to look straight into the camera lens as Tony fucked her hard causing her head to jerk with each of his thrust. She seemed to forget about the pills when Tony started to groan and said. ?I?m going to shoot my load deep inside your belly.?

Diana started to quiver as she began to have an orgasm. Tony?s thrusts inside her became more rapid.

He turned back and spoke to the camera. ?Joe, look at your little wife now.?

She yelled out just as Tony finished his sentence, her legs shaking, and her ass bucking up into his cock as he held on to her thighs keeping his shaft from being dislodged.

Just as she was finishing, Tony yelled out that he was ready too cum. ?I?m going to shoot my seed deep inside your wife,? he shouted at the camera.

Tony let out a groan as the first shoot hit the back of her cervix. He held her thighs next to his big legs keeping himself deep inside her pussy.

His cock contracted several times sending his seed inside her pussy. Tony continued to pump inside her until he was finished. ?Did you see that Joe, your wife now has my seed deep inside her belly and if she is fertile, she might be knocked up at this very moment.?

Tony pulled her back close to him as he bent down to kiss her on the lips, sending his tongue deep inside her mouth. His cock slipped out of her pussy as he lifted himself back up and held her legs high in the air as if she were a trophy. He turned towards the camera.

?See my sperm inside your wife?? Tony than took one hand and reached down placing a finger at the opening of Diana?s pussy to play with the glob of cum dripping out.

Tony then lifted her off the bed and bent down to kiss her on the lips. He patted her belly making sure they were faced towards the camera. ?I?m taking care of your wife just like you wanted me to,? he said. He continued to rub the palm of his hand over her belly and added, ?Your wife belongs to me now and I don?t want you touching her pussy from now on unless I give you permission.?

Diana was a little startled by Tony?s words as she listened to him spoke into the camera?s lens. Then, she started thinking about the birth control pills and wondered where she may have placed the little packet.

She looked up at Tony and said. ?We better get cleaned up and dressed before my sister walks in on us.?

Tony kissed her again with his arm around her. He once again faced the camera. ?Now remember what I said about your wife. You?re not allowed to touch her from now on unless you ask me.?

He then walked over and shut the camera off while Diana reached down to pick up her clothes.

He took the video out of the camera and placed it on top of the dresser, atop the other videos they had shot on that first night, so that Joe would find it easily.

They hurried and got dressed.

As they started to leave the room, Diana glanced over and saw the video on the dresser. Her thought was to hide the tape so Joe wouldn?t see it. She figured she would have time to hide it before Joe got home from his trip.


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Kidnapped Couple

Dee sat next to her husband Tom in the dim light of the plane, their hands were cuffed in front of them and fastened to a steel bar running down the length of seats. Dee did not remember much from the night before when they encountered a group of men with guns who powerd them into a van and injected them with something that made them relax.

They were on their way to Nevada on a lonely section of interstate when the van pulled in front of them and powerd them off the road. Tom had lost his job in New York due to cutbacks and they were moving to Nevada to get a fresh new start.

Dee and Tom had been married for three years and were eager to start a family but for financial reamisters they were holding back from starting a new family until Tom started a new job.

Dee was twenty-six with long red hair and although she was 5'6" tall and large bust size, she considered herself petite because of the small frame of her body.

Tom was not any larger from his wife's size at only 5'6" tall and had a small frame himself for a man. He was two years older than his wife was and many people thought they were sister and brother because they both had red hair.

The plane landed and two men unlocked the cuffs from the steel bar of the plane than placed a different pair on the couple which were black and padded but just as strong as the other pair, it not more so.

The men placed another pair of shackles around their ankles with a small bar in the center, which would make it difficult to walk. The couple followed the direction of the men, hobred out of the plane, and helped down the stairs.

Dee looked around at her surroundings and noticed there were tropical plants along the walkway, which at least gave her a clue they were somewhere warm. She followed right behind her husbands steps as they walked into a large building.

From the outside, the building looked like a warehouse but once inside they noticed an entirely different appearance. Dee was following her husband down a hallway when one of the men held his arm out in front of her causing her to stop.

She watched as her husband Tom disappeared down the hallway as the man lead her into a room and shut the door. Dee was frightened now because she had been with her husband the entire time up until that moment.

There was a padded chair sitting in the center of the room as the man pointed for her to set down. The man leaned down, took the ankle cuffs off her legs than stood up, and unlocked the cuffs on her hands.

Dee sat in the chair watching the man with the gun as he said. "Don't try to run, the doors are all locked. Wait here and there will be someone here to talk to you soon."

Dee was too afraid to move as she sat in the chair with her hands on her knees wondering what they were planning to do with her and Tom.

The room was completely silent as if it were sound proof when someone began to speak from an intercom and said. "I want to welcome you here and I want to assure you that no harm will come to you or your husband as long as we have your full cooperation."

Dee glanced around the room and saw what looked like a two way mirror on one wall than the sound of something loud behind her which startled her as she noticed a metal box and been placed on the floor next to the door.

The voice appeared on the speaker again and said. "Please cooperate and place all of your clothing inside that metal box."

Dee stood starring at the metal box and glanced toward the mirror with a frightened and confused expression on her face.

Dee just stood there a few seconds more when the voice firmly said. "Please remove your clothing now if you don't want any harm to become of your husband."

Dee's body was trembling as she pulled the sweater over her head and unfastened her jeans and let them slid to the floor. She had to slide her tennis shoes off in order to pull the jeans from around her feet.

Dee placed those articles inside the metal box on the floor and glanced back at the mirror knowing that someone was watching every move she made which made her even more afraid.

The voice came on again and said. "Please relax your not going to be harmed. Please continue with the remaining items."

Tears began to form in Dee's eyes as she slowly slid her bra straps off her shoulders, reached around her back, and unsnapped the hooks. Dee kept her hands on her bra for a few seconds more trying to postpone exposing herself to who ever was watching behind the mirror.

Dee kept one arm covered over her bra as she tugged her panties down over her hips and let them fall to the floor. She reached down, picked them up, and placed them in the metal box followed by her bra, as she stood in the room naked with her back toward the mirror.

The only choice she had was to keep one arm across her tits and her other hand covered her pussy as she stood facing the wall in front of her as the voice came on again and said. "Now place the gold necklace and the rings in the box with the other items."

Dee started to cry as she replied to the voice and said. "My husband bought me the necklace for my birthday and these are my engagement ring and wedding band."

The voice firmly responded and said. "Place the remaining items in the metal box and your husband will not be harmed."

Dee cried as she unhooked the necklace from the back of her neck and placed it inside the box than took her right hand and began to slid her rings of her left hand and gently placed them on top of her clothing

Once the items were safely inside the box, the voice came on again and said. "Please return back to the chair and set down."

She walked backwards until she reached the chair and sat down keeping her breasts covered and waited for the next instructions. Suddenly the lights went out than a loud bang filled the room that terrified Dee as she sat trembling in the chair.

Several minutes passed as Dee sat in the darkness wondering what was going to happen to her next when just abruptly as before, a loud bang filled the room and several seconds passed when the lights came back on.

Another metal box was setting on the floor in front of Dee as she wondered what they were going to have her do next.

Dee soon got an answer to her thoughts as the voice reappeared and said. "Walk over to the box and take the garments that are inside and walk back and take your seat in the chair."

She walked over toward the box keeping her breasts covered as much as she could and reached inside and took out a small plastic bag and walked back to her seat and sat down. Just as she sat in the chair, the lights went out again and stayed out for several minutes until a spot light came on above her head.

The spot light illuminated the area around the chair, which left the remaining area of the room in darkness. Dee decided to open the bag and see what was inside when the voice appeared and said. "Good. You are cooperating just fine and if you continue to do as you're told your husband will suffer no harm."

Dee responded with a trembling voice and said. "Please don't hurt my husband."

The voice responded and said. "That will depend on your further cooperation with us; now please get dressed in the articles we have provided for you."

Dee reached inside the bag, removed a pair of high heel shoes in the color red, and noticed immediately that they had given her the size shoe she took. The heels must have been six inches long and had a strap that would circle high above her ankles.

She than pulled out a red bra and examined it noticing that it wasn't a typical bra at all but only designed to hold up a woman's breasts as if to display them. She slipped the garment on, hooked the little tabs, put her arms through the straps, and tried to pull it in place.

Being under-wired and only enough material to cover the bottom portion of her breasts leaving her nipples completely exposed. The other factor she noticed was it enhanced her cleavage to the fullest.

Dee leaned over, slipped each heel on her feet, buckled the small buckles in place, and sat as she reached in the bag to see what else they wanted her to wear.

She pulled out a pair of red satin low rider short sand slipped them up her legs, and stood up while she tugged the material over her hips and tried to adjust the material to cover her ass but the were designed to reveal as much flesh as possible.

The bag was empty and Dee had hoped there was something else she could put on over the bra as she sat with her hands still covering the top portions of her breasts.


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Suddenly the spotlight went out and the room was very black again and stayed that way for a few seconds until she heard a door open behind her. Light filled the room from the doorway as the voice appeared again and said. "Get up and follow the hallway down to the end and you will se a door on the right. Walk inside that room and wait there for your next instructions."

Dee stood catching her balance in the high heels and walked down the hall toward the room the voice mentioned. Dee opened the door, walked inside, and found a room that resemred a small apartment.

She stood near the doorway looking around the room and noticed that everything in the room was white including the carpet. A television, which was also white, and a small kitchen with white cabinets and a bright red counter top which matched her shorts, bra, and heels.

Dee walked toward the center of the room, glanced around when she heard the door shut, and could hear it being locked from the outside. Suddenly, they same voice came over a speaker in the room and said. "Please make yourself comfortable and look around your new home."

Dee interrupted the voice and said. "Where is my husband and is he all right?"

The voice quickly replied. "Your husband will be fine as long as we have your cooperation. Now make yourself comfortable and look around your new home."

Dee replied again raising her voice this time and said. "Where is he now and when can I see him?"

The voice replied. "Your questions concerning your husband will be answered shortly. As long as you cooperate and do exactly what you are told than there will be no harm done to him."

Dee was getting frustrated and wanted some answers concerning her husband and hollered out several times repeat ally asking when she could see him but the voice never replied as Dee started to cry again.

After crying for several minutes, Dee walked around the apartment looking for a way out but soon found that everything looked normal except there were no windows. She did see another two way mirror on the wall and had to assume that someone was watching her at that very moment.

She figured she might as well explore around and walked toward the back and found the bedroom. Dee found the bedroom decorated in white just like the other rooms except a few red highlights, which also matched her attire. The bed was a king sized bed and had mirrors above on the ceiling.

There was a window along one wall about ten feet long and four feet high with curtains on the other side blocking any view. Dee figured it must be another room on the other side and wondered what its intention was.

There was a large bathroom with a heart shaped sunken tub and completely stocked with bath oils and perfumes and lotions. Everything in the bathroom was white except for the tub, which was also a bright red.

Dee walked back into the bedroom, noticed another doorway toward the back of the room, walked over, and opened the door. Dee was completely surprised to find a complete gym with everything from a treadmill, weights, bike, and anything imaginable for a permister to stay fit.

She walked back into the bedroom and continued to look around and saw another television and within a few seconds, an image appeared on the screen. It was a woman explaining how important good nutrition was to stay healthy and active.

The woman was Spanish and very attractive as she continued her speech about eating a healthy diet and how excursive played an important to stay sexually active.

After listening to the woman make her speech, Dee decided to check out the kitchen to see if there was any food in the refrigerator or cabinets. What Dee found was a fully stocked kitchen complete with anything imaginable including health conscience foods.

Dee walked back into the bedroom, opened the closet, and found several pair of heels just like the pair she was wearing and opened the drawers and found bras and shorts just as she was wearing as well.

Dee was tired and hungry but was not in the mod to do either because all she could think about was her husband. She wondered if he was fine and when she was going to be able to see him again.

Dee sat on the bed and noticed that the room next door was not dark any longer. She could see light behind the curtain and wondered what was going on. All of a sudden, the curtain started to open exposing the room next door and Dee saw that it was an identical room like her own with all of the same furniture and everything was in white like her own bedroom.

Dee saw someone lying on the bed, it appeared to be a man, and when she looked closer, she could see it was Tom and she felt so relieved knowing he was not hurt. Dee kept starring at her husband on the bed and he appeared to be arelax and noticed that the only thing he was wearing was a red thong and nothing else.

Dee saw a woman enter the bedroom, remembered her from the television talking about nutrition, and watched her walk toward the bed where her husband was lying.

Tom raised his head slightly off the pillow but looked very groggy and laid back down as the woman opened a small case she brought into the room and took out a needle and injected something into Tom's arm.

Dee watched as the woman gave Tom several more shots in his arm and than gave him one last shot in his thigh. Dee hit on the glass but it did not do any good because it was so thick and it looked like another glass on the other side of where the curtain traveled making it almost impossible to hear anything in either room.

Dee heard the voice again as the curtain began to close again and this time it was the woman from the other room as she said. "Your husband has been given something to make him relax and you will be able to see him in the morning."

Within seconds, the curtain had closed and the bedroom lights began to dim automatically and the woman on the speaker stopped talking.

Dee lay on the bed knowing her husband was just on the other side of the glass, leaned up, took off her heels, took of the bra, got under the covers, and laid there wondering what there captors had in store for them for the next day.

Dee had no concept of the time of day or what day it was as she laid there in bed and cried herself to relax.

Dee woke up the next morning, at least she thought it was the next morning because she had no idea what time it was and when she looked around the room she noticed, the curtain was open in the window.

She immediately sat up in bed looking for her husband and saw him standing next to the glass waiting for her to wake up. She ran over the glass, put her hands on it, and tried to speak to him but he could not hear anything she was saying and she could not hear him.

The only thing she could do was move her lips so Tom could see what she was saying and said. "I love you."

Tom responded with the same words when the same woman walked into the room and put her hand on Tom's shoulder and was saying something to him. Dee noticed Tom still had on the red thongs and the woman had a satin red robe in her hand and seemed to be telling Tom to put it on.

Dee watched as Tom put on the robe and adjusted it as he listened to the woman speak. She was now pointing at Dee and making other gestures with her hands as Tom stood listening.

The next thing Dee saw was Tom coming up next to the window as the woman watched and waived to her as he worded the word's "I love you."

The curtain started to close again as Dee returned the gesture and put her hands on the glass until the curtain was fully shut again.

The television came on and the same woman appeared who was with Tom and stated to speak.

Dee watched as the woman began her speech as she said. "Good morning Dee. As you can see, your husband is fine and you will be able to see him at times of our choice. As long as you cooperate with us, he will remain in good health and you will be able to see him occasionally. However, remember that your full cooperation depends on his safety and good health."

Dee sat on the bed as the woman continued. "Today is the start of a new life for you and you will be introduced to your new partner who will serve as your trainer, dietitian, protector, and companion."

Dee watched the woman speak with a confused expression as the woman highlighted her words and said. "Let me clarify the words protector and companion for you. You must insure for your safety, not to be afraid of your new partner because he is there to protect you from any harm and will guide you each day into a new journey. "

Dee swallowed hard as she thought about the words this woman was telling her as she continued to speak. "Most important to you will be companionship which your partner will provide you with and understand, caring, attentive, and will help guide you through your new life."

Dee was listening to the woman speak of her new life wondering how long this was going to last and when were they going to release herself and Tom as the woman's voice got louder and more affirmative.

The camera panned in for a closeup of the woman's face as she continued her speech and said. "Remember what I told you about your husband's safety and good health and I want to insure you that your full cooperation with your new partner depends on whether he remains in that condition."

Dee swallowed hard again as the woman spoke. "Dee, I want you to take this time to dress in the articles that were given to you and make yourself appropriate to meet your new partner. First, you can take a bath using the bath oils supplied to you and we encourage you to use the perfumes. There are other toiletries at your disposal and expect you to keep good hygiene practices."

Dee stood up as the woman finished speaking and said. "Remember that doing these things will always ensure your husband's safety. Now go and get yourself ready, there isn't much time."

Dee did not have much choice in the matter and had not showered since the day of their ordeal and hurried into the bathroom and turned on the water while she went pee. Once she had taken her bath and found a shaver for her legs and combed her long red hair once it was dry, she sat on the edge of the bed trying to figure out how she was going to dress for a visitor when all she was given was the brief clothing she received the day before.

Dee slipped on the satin shorts, put on her bra, and began to buckle the straps on her heels when the television came on with the woman again. The woman seemed live this time and not on tap as the previous times as she said. "Dee, I see that you are cooperating for us like you were told and we want to congratulate you on a positive response and you will be rewarded each time you follow our directions."

Dee starred back at the woman on the television and replied. "What else can I wear besides this bra if I'm going to have a visitor here?"

The woman responded and said. "Dee, you are dressed appropriately to meet your new partner and now I want to give you some tips and strong advice on how you should react with him because I want you to remember about cooperating and the final outcome on how it will effect your husband's well being."

Dee began to look nervous as she listened to the woman speak and her thoughts drifted toward Tom and wondering what he was doing at that moment.

Dee listened as the woman continued speaking. "When your partner arrives to meet you, you will be polite and shake his hand and you are not to cover yourself in any way. We want you to act natural and pleasant and treat him with respect because he will be your protector from that moment on in your life."

Dee starred at the screen as the woman hesitated a moment than watched as the camera panned in for a closeup as the woman said. "Remember this; your husband is no longer in a position to protect you. "There will be times that you may feel afraid or lonely and I cannot stress the fact or make myself any clearer than this. Your partner will be there for you when you need him."

Dee listened as the woman was just about finished and said. "Dee. There are perfumes that we stocked in your bathroom and I want you to go and find one you like and put some on. When your new partner meets you today, he will always remember that scent and relate it to you. Now remember your cooperation is a must!"

The woman expressed one more concern to Dee and said. "You are not to ask him why you are here or for what reamister in anyway or your husband will be severely punished."

Dee watched as the screen went blank and walked into the bathroom where she spent several minutes sampling the perfumes before choosing one she liked. They were all very expensive as Dee thought to herself that what ever this was about, money was not an issue because they seemed to have the very best.

Dee heard a knock at the door and her heart sank knowing the permister they had told her would come and be a partner for her had finally arrived. She walked out into the front room trying to remember what the woman had warned her not to do.

Dee spoke and said. "Who is it?"

A deep voice on the other side replied. "My name is Samuel and I've been sent here to meet with you. May I come in?"

Dee looked puzzled as she raised her shoulders and replied. "Well, the door is locked but if you have a key I guess it's all right."

Dee's heart was pounding as she listened to the door, as it was unlocked and knew it would open any second and the man would see her standing there half naked.

She remembered that she was doing this for Tom and it would soon be over as she stood there waiting for the man to enter. Dee watched as the door opened and a huge black man walked into the room and shut the door behind him.

He turned to face Dee, extended his hand out, and said. "My name is Samuel and you can call me Sam."

Dee reached out to shake the man's hand feeling how huge his hand felt was and noticed that he too was almost naked except a red pair of satin boxer shorts.

Dee finally replied and said. "My name is Dee but I guess they all ready told you my name and everything about me."

Sam replied. "No, as a matter of fact they didn't tell me your name nor did they tell me you were such a beautiful woman. I guess they wanted to surprise me."

Dee had guessed that Sam was Jamaican, she was not sure but he had muscles rippling all over his huge body. Dee guessed that he had to be around 6'5" or more and his shoulders were broad.

Dee replied. "You're welcome to come in and make yourself comfortable, I really don't know what we are supposed to do so I'll leave that to you."

Sam replied. "I'll be spending the first few days teaching you about eating healthy foods and training you on some of the equipment in your gym."

Dee was so nervous meeting Sam that she actually forgot that her breasts being naked and being held out as if they were on display for his pleasure.

Over the next two hours, Dee helped Sam prepare a meal she eagerly ate because she had not eaten in almost twenty-four hours. At least that is what she figured with her estimate of time.


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Sam could almost pass as a professional chief because he seemed to know so much about food. The next thing they did was go into the gym where Sam began explaining how to use some of the equipment properly and said that he would teach her more each day when he visited her.

Dee wanted to ask him so bad why they were holding her captive there and why they had *******ped them but did not dare in fear of hurting her husband. Maybe she could ask Sam once she has to know him well enough.

Sam seemed like a nice enough man but on the other hand, he was in on her captivity as well. Dee could not really trust him in fear of harming Tom or herself so she just went along with everything they wanted her to do.

Sam spent another hour helping her prepare her dinner before leaving for the day and said he would return around the same time tomorrow and they would use some of the exercise equipment.

Later that day, Dee was laying in her bed thinking about Tom and what he might be doing at that very moment when the television cam on again and the same woman appeared on the screen and said. "You've done a wonderful job cooperating with us today and you will be rewarded just like I promised you."

Dee watched as the screen went dark again and the curtain began to open between the two rooms where Tom was standing there waiting to see her. Dee got up off the bed and put the palms of her hands on the glass and although Tom could not hear what she was saying, the look in her eyes said everything.

Dee looked at her husband who was still wearing the red satin robe and slowly spoke so he could understand what she was saying and asked him if he was all right.

Tom had replied that he was and asked Dee the same question and she replied that she was as well. She told him she loved hi and he replied the telling him the same thing. She wished he could hear him speak or at least hold him in her arms but at least she knew he was safe where he was at and only because she was doing everything these people were asking of her.

Dee was very happy to see Tom and just when she was beginning to feel more comfortable, the curtain began to close again as she waived at him one last time and saw him smile.

Dee began to cry again as she starred at the curtain that rested between the two glass windows and knew that Tom was only a few feet from her which gave her some comfort.

Dee began to cry aloud and scream as her fists pounded on the glass window uncontrollably asking to see her husband again but it was no use because he could not hear her with the thick glass.

She than looked up at the television and started to scream. "Why. Why are you doing this to us? We did not do anything to you. Why don't you let us go?"

The television came on while she was crying and Dee did not notice it until the woman spoke directly to her and said. "Dee. We understand how painful it must be, having to be separated from your husband at this time and we can assure you that he is doing fine and will only be several feet away from you most of the time. You have cooperated with us very well today and continuing to do so will insure his safety. Please. Relax and lay down in bed while we play a video for you. Have a good night."

Dee wiped the tears from her eyes as she unhooked the bra and sat on the bed to take the heels off than pulled off the shorts. She just finished getting under the blanket when the television came on again.

It was a video of Sam in the picture and he was lifting weights while the same women was narrating and talking about his great looking physic. The woman explained how powerful and strong he was as the camera panned across his body.

Dee could see his muscles flexing with his movements as the camera moved along his body. In this video, he was not wearing the red satin boxers he wore that day but a tiny thong and as the camera panned in for a closeup of his bulge, the woman laughed and mentioned his enormous size genitals.

The video must have played for over two hours and consisted of nothing but Sam as he worked out in the same gym connecting her room. The woman continued speaking about how wonderful Sam was and how jealous she was that she was not the woman selected to be his partner.

The next day went just as well as the first as Dee trained with Sam for two hours and had dinner with him at the end of the day. That night, Dee had expected to see her husband Tom in the window again and waited for over an hour but instead the television came on again with yet another video of Sam only this time it showed him cocking and preparing food as the woman continued her gushing over him.

This same routine went on for the next twenty-four weeks and each day the videos would focus on Sam and describe in every detail the benefits of having him as a partner. Dee never saw her husband after that one night.

She was told he was doing fine and not to worry about him because he was just a matter of a few steps away. Dee never stopped thinking about him but paid less time worrying about whether he was safe and in good health. She had to assume he was as she made the best of each day spending her time with Sam.

Dee had been spending more and more time with Sam each day only today had been much different from any other. That morning after they had worked out in the gym, Dee found out that Sam had training in body message and gave her a complete message that morning.

Dee had become so accustomed to being dressed so seductively that Sam had her remove her bra completely while he massaged her breasts. When he had finished, Dee practiced giving Sam a message using a few of the techniques he showed her.

Without giving it a second thought, she messaged Sam while remaining topless that afternoon. That night a new video showing a young woman giving Sam a message came on the television. The woman was explaining how to give a proper message to a man using techniques in an erotic fashion.

The woman was Dee's age and had blonde hair and she had leaned down fair enough that she let her naked breasts rub against his chest as she massaged his large shoulders. Dee had to admit that she was feeling jealous watching this other woman touch Sam with her tits.

Dee watched the woman massaging her partner and noticed the contrast in her white skin against Sam's dark body. Dee watched as the woman kissed Sam's chest near his nipple causing Dee to yell out. "Stop it."

Dee caught herself as she continued to watch the video and saw that the woman was now massaging Sam's erection under his thong making Dee's heart race faster as she focused on the television.

The blonde woman was moving the palm of her hand over the large bulging thong making Sam's cock stand almost straight up. She continued massaging him for several more seconds until the television went black.

Dee's heart was beating faster as she wondered what that woman was doing to Sam, laid on the bed frustrated, and worried. The constant brainwashing they were doing to her were taking effect as she found herself wanting to slug that blond women for touching Sam the way she was doing.

Suddenly there was a knock at the front door and Dee walked toward the bedroom door and yelled out. "Who is it?"

The permister knocking answered back. "It's me Sam, can I come in?"

Dee hurried into the front room yelling as she ran and said. "Yes. Come in."

Sam walked into the room as Dee ran into his arms giving him a hug and began to cry as Sam put his arms around her. Dee responded and said. "I'm glad you are here right now, I need you with me."

Sam replied. "You looked worried, did something scare you tonight?"

Dee continued to hug Sam as she said. "I was just thinking about you and wanted to be with someone tonight. You are my friend and I get very lonely and frightened here by myself at times. Especially when your not here, I start thinking about why I'm here and if anyone is going to hurt me."

Dee was beginning to cry more as Sam rubbed her back and replied. "Nobody is going to harm you as long as I'm here with you."

She hugged him a couple more minutes until Sam said. "Let's sit down and talk about what we are going to do about making you feel more comfortable."

Dee walked toward the sofa and found herself holding onto Sam's hand as they sat down. She looked down at herself, realized she was completely naked, and closed her legs together as she held his hand for comfort.

She had known him for six months and spent everyday with him, getting to know him and trusted him and his companionship because he was the only living permister that interacted with her during those six months.

Without any thought, Dee looked in Sam's eyes and said. "Can you stay here with me tonight? Or at least until I go to relax?"

Sam replied. "I'll stay here on the sofa until you are arelax than I'll see you first thing in the morning."

Dee smiled as she stood up and started to walk toward the bedroom and turned and leaned over and gave him a kiss on the side of his face near his lips than slowly turned and began a slow seductive walk toward the bedroom hoping that maybe he would follow her into the room.

Dee's mind was playing tricks on her, she had been brainwashed over the past six months into believing Sam was her protector and she was now looking for comfort and maybe intimacy.

Her mind kept thinking about Tom and wondering where he was and if he was doing fine and in good health like they told her. Yet, she had bonded with Sam over that long period and needed to affirm his trust with her.

She was feeling very relaxy as she lay in bed wondering if Sam were to join her and if he were to do so would she just lay next to him for comfort or would he expect her to be intimate with him.

What about her husband, he should been here comforting her right now. Why didn't Tom come here tonight when she needed to be comforted? Why did he let this happen to them? Sam would not have let them do this to her.

Dee began to fall arelax hoping Sam would not leave her alone and within minutes she was out cold and dreaming of a new day. Dee woke up early the next morning remembering what had happened the night before almost instantly, got out of bed, slipped on her shorts than her bra, and strapped her heels on as she had done for the past six months and walked into the front room.

To her relief, Sam was busy in the kitchen making breakfast for them as she walked in and said. "Good morning."

Sam smiled as he looked up from the s*******et and replied. "You have time for a shower while I finish our breakfast. Hurry, because I have something special to do today."

Dee hurried and took her shower and as always, she squirted his favorite perfume on her body and joined him in the kitchen to eat. Once she sat down next to him, she began to eat, smiled at him, and asked. "What are we going to do today that's so special?"

Sam smiled at her as he took a bit of his food and replied. "Eat your breakfast and I'll show you what it is."

Dee did not say another word while she ate and when they finished, she stood waiting for Sam to show her what it was that was so special.

Sam took her hand and walked Dee back into the gym and when he reached the back wall of the room, he put his arm around her waist, pointed straight ahead at the blank wall, and said. "This is what I wanted to show you."

Dee sort of giggled and said. "That's what you wanted to show me?"

Dee had to look twice because the wall began to slide toward the left, a sliding glass door appeared, and the sunlight entered the room so bright that it almost blinded her. Dee had not seen outdoors in over six months and stood with her mouth wide open looking out at the sun.

Sam walked over and slid the door open letting the fresh air into the room as they stepped outside. Sam was still holding Dee's hand as he led her around the large patio area, which had a kidney, shaped pool with a small waterfall on the end. There was a tall iron fence completely enclosing the pool and patio and it appeared to Dee that the surrounding area looked like a jungle.

Palmetto bushes were growing right next to the patio on the other side of the fence and there was palm trees clustered around in small groups. Dee just stood there looking in the direction of the sun and finally said. "It's so beautiful out here."

Sam turned her way and replied. "You will be able to come out here everyday from now on."

Dee smiled as she walked near the pool and leaned over to feel the water in the pool and turned back at Sam and said. ""The pool must be heated, its warm."

Sam walked near Dee and said. "We'll swim in the pool later this afternoon after our workout and tonight you will be starting a new training program."

The day was a happy one for Dee being able to come outside and see the sunshine for the first time in months. She asked Sam about the new training but he would not tell her much other than it was the last faze of training she would endure.

Sam had brought a red bikini matching the red swimsuit that Sam wore and they went swimming that afternoon.

That evening before Sam was ready to leave, he told Dee that he hoped her new training went well and he would see her in the morning.

It was always a sad time of the day for Dee because she was alone when Sam left in the evenings and hoped this time the video did not show that other woman.

Dee was in bed that evening when the television came on and this time the camera panned in toward a bed with a black man Dee never saw before and the same blonde woman that was in the video the night before.

The black man was completely naked and the blonde woman was only wearing red heels similar to the pair that Dee wore.

The narrator began by talking about a white woman and her black partner relaxing in the same bed together. The woman went into detail about what she should do to make her black partner more comfortable as they slept in the nude except for the heels.

The narrator said the woman must relax in her heels at all times unless her black partner requests that she remove them for intimacy. She went over the basic rules that she must follow when in the same bed with her black partner.

The first rule is wearing the heels in bed because it makes a woman look more seductive for her partner if he chooses to have intimacy with her.

The second rule you must follow is that under no circumstances should you ask your partner if he wants to be intimate with you, you have to earn that privilege.

The third rule you must follow is the fact you must always make yourself available for intimacy for your partner and let him know your ready if he so chooses.

The fourth rule you must follow is the procedure we like to call worshiping. You must always worship your partner and what we mean by that term is as follows. You should gently run the palm of your hand along your partner's body picking the area that you find most sensitive to your man.

You will know this by experiencing and practicing your technique with him. Ask him to show you what he likes and dislikes.

The fifth rule you must follow is that you never touch your man's penis unless he indicates that he wants to have intimacy with you. You are not there to tease your man but to offer yourself completely for his pleasure

The sixth rule you must follow is that your man may reject you for reamisters that may not be your fault and you must refrain yourself from further humility until he chooses to come to you that evening.

The seventh rule is that you must obey is to start a birth control method and you must remain on birth control at all times during intimacy. Your man will be responsible to administer your birth control every evening before bedtime. If he so chooses to end your birth control than he may do so at anytime without your consent.

The eighth rule you must follow is that you must follow any instructions or demands your man may impose on you. You will learn further techniques in the following video's starting immediately... They will consist of teaching you how to use your virginal muscles, your mouth and your hands to enhance your ability to please your man. His pleasure and satisfaction will be your ultimate goal.

The ninth rule you must follow and is a very important rule for you. Under any circumstances should you refuse to obey a demand from your man, a very severe punishment would administered on your husband.

The tenth rule you will lean more about in an upcoming video but it will consist of working with an assistant, which we will assign to you and your partner. You will learn to work with your assistant who we completely trained for you and your partner's pleasure.

Your assistant has gone through extensive training to be completely docile and we will train you how to use your new assistant to take full advantage of the s*******s we have given that permister.



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Dee thought how she did not like the idea of having another woman in the same bedroom with her and how uncomfortable it would make her feel. She listened as the narrator continued speaking.

Those are the ten most important rules you must follow and now we will continue with your training, which will help, you develop your s*******s in pleasing your partner.

Over the next month, Dee watched over four hours of video each evening, which consisted on developing her love making techniques. Sam brought Dee a black dildo to practice learning how to use her virginal muscles on her partner.

During that month, Sam would ask Dee questions about her training and he would suggest any advice he could to make her feel comfortable. The only question Sam could not answer was the reamister why they had to have an assistant and if he knew who the woman.

Sam told her she would learn more about her assistant in the very near future and should only concentrate on things they wanted her to learn now.

Over those seven months, Dee's brainwashing continued on schedule and several factors she was not aware of was the fact they were giving her a haves that would keep her mind confused and quietd to a level where she did not seem to worry about her husband.

They kept her mind occupied on Sam the entire day and during the eighth month, her video training increased to several hours each day. Dee literally spent every moment of the day about Sam and how to please him.

They kept everything in the world from her so she had no concept of current events and even the date was a mystery for her... They made sure her only concern in life was thinking about Sam.

Half way through the eighth month, they began to teach Dee about the assistant she would have.

They played a video with the same blonde permister who had been in the video with Sam a couple months ago and when she saw her face, Dee got angry because that woman had touched her man.

Once Dee saw the blonde women and saw her with a different black man, it se her mind at ease as she watched the opening segment of the video.

Dee watched as the assistant helped her bathe and noticed the assistant was a blonde woman wearing a red satin robe. Dee found it interesting that the woman's assistant had long blonde hair like the woman and wondered if her assistant would have red hair.

Dee watched as the assistant kneeled on the floor and put the heels on the petite blonde woman. She than helped the blonde permister fasten her bra in place and squirted perfume between the blonde woman's cleavage. Next came the satin red shorts and the assistant helped with those as well.

The screen faded out than came back on with a different scene taking place and this time it showed a closeup shot of the blonde taking off the red satin robe from her assistant. The camera only showed them from the waist up and although her assistant was pretty, her breasts were only half the size of the blonde woman.

The assistant got on her knees as the camera panned down and kissed the woman's belly and than her pussy mound. The narrator came on and said it was fine to engage in lesbian style love with your assistant as long as your man approves.

Dee noticed the assistant seemed as if she were focusing on giving the blonde woman as much pleasure as possible with her tongue. After twenty minutes, the camera faded out again

When the picture appeared, the assistant was standing at the end of the bed as she watched the blonde woman's black partner make love to her.

The video covered many scenarios that could take place between the woman and her assistant, they showed Dee a different video every single day and would sometimes repeat certain videos when she asked Sam something she had concerns about to refresh her memory.

During the ninth month, the videos consisted of different white women having sex with black men they encouraged Dee to play with her pussy and practice using the black dildo as she watched the training videos.

The tenth month elevated to the next level of their brainwashing techniques as the video is focused on a more critical and sensitive subject. For the first time in ten months, they began to talk about her husband.

They began telling Dee that her husband was still in very good health. They had developed a video technique that made a comparimister of her husband and Sam. They had comparimister charts, which pointed out positive attributes that Sam had and completely reversed it for her husband and pointed out his negative attributes.

Subject matter covered anything you could imagine but mostly focused on Sam and they stressed this fact repeatedly.

The next tow months focused on a combination of everything she had learned over the past ten months only this time they worked on a new subject that was very sensitive to Dee.

The first night of the eleventh month was the night they began their last phase of brainwashing.

That night the narrator came on the television and began to explain; "A spouse may grow apart from there husband or wife. A wife may not see any recognizable attributes she once saw in her husband. She may feel completely different about her husband after a long separation. This is especially true when she becomes involved with a man she feels is much more compatible and suitable for her needs."

The narrator directed her attention to Dee and said. "This has been especially true in your case Dee, because you have fallen in love with Sam and you care about him a great deal more than you do Tom."

Dee sat up in the bed listening to the narrator speak with tears in her eyes as the narrator continued. "It's not fare to you and Tom to try and continue a relationship that has defiantly changed. You must except your fate and end the pain you have inside you. You must decide and make the right choice for your future. You must make the choice and there is only one choice you can make if you want to end your husband's pain."

Dee was wiping the tears from her eyes as she listened to the narrator. "Tom has agreed to end your marriage as you once knew it. He has agreed and has made a decision that you both should move on with your lives. Tom is aware that a new man has entered your life He feels that you should focus all of your love and devotion to your new found love. He fully understands that your separation has taken its toll on your marriage. Tom knows you no longer seek him for comfort or love and encourages you to move forward and forget about the past."

Dee was crying at this point but remained focused on the screen listening to every word the narrator said. "Tom has another proposal he would like to offer you which involve your marriage vows. Tom would like to remain devoted to you in some way in your life. Tom is fully aware that he will no longer be or act like a normal husband. Tom encourages you on your new relationship."

Dee wiped her eyes again as the narrator began to explain the proposal she mentioned. "Tom would like to join you and your new man in a different relationship which would involve friendship rather than love and intimacy. Tom feels you should share your intimacy with your newfound love. If you choose to accept his offer than you must remember to always, remain faithful to Sam."

Dee was still crying as she listened carefully to the narrator. "Dee, we have printed a divorce contract we would like you to red carefully and Sam will deliver that contract tomorrow morning for you to sign and approve. The contract will state that you no longer recognize Tom as your husband but you are willing to accept him in your new relationship as your friend and assistant. Please read the document over carefully and sign your name if you agree to all of the terms."

The narrator continued only this time she explained a few details. "Dee, we feel this is your best choice because we know that you are eager to move on with your life and at the same time you will be gaining a new friend as well as a new man in your life. You will actually gain two new relationships once you sign that contract."

The television screen went black as Dee fell arelax with tears in her eyes. She was emotionally exhausted after watching several hours of this intense video.

Sam brought the contract with him the next morning like the narrator had promised and she ate breakfast reading over each paragraph. Dee spent a typical day with Sam and even lounged at the pool that afternoon.

That evening when Sam was ready to go, he gave her a hug just as he had every night before he departed and gave her a gentle kiss on the lips. Dee picked up the contract from the table and gave it to Sam. Dee had tears in her eyes as she gave it to him and covered her face with the palms of her hands as Sam left the apartment.

Dee had signed the contract and she knew it would end her marriage to Tom. She felt confused as she cried her way into the bedroom and lay on the bed.

The television screen got bright as the woman appeared and softly spoke to Dee and said. "Congratulations on the start of your new life and hope you will be happy with your new relationships. Tom is looking forward to joining you soon as your new assistant and Sam will soon be staying with you in your apartment full time. We know you have been looking forward to sharing your love and intimacy with Sam. It has been a very long wait for you and we think you are ready to be intimate with him. We will arrange for you to start on birth control tomorrow. You will than only be required to wait until the pills take there effect than you can entice your man and get him to consummate your new marriage. Your assistant, Tom will be present to watch and encourage you into your new marriage. Please relax well tonight; this will be your last night relaxing alone." He next morning Dee was getting worried because Sam had not arrived at his usual time but finally came after noon that day and brought two suitcases with him as he entered the apartment.

He spent that afternoon unpacking his belongings into the drawers and bathroom as Dee took a swim in the pool. When she returned inside the apartment, Sam gave her a tiny pill and a glass of water and said. "This is your first birth control pill,"

Dee took the tiny pill in her hand and swallowed it followed by a mouth full of water. She nervously smiled at Sam as she gave him the glass and starred toward the floor trying to remember the last time she had sex. It had been almost a year if she were remembering correctly. It was the night before her and Tom had packed everything in the truck for their move out west.

Dee was lost in a daze as she stood watching Sam return from the sink and walked toward her direction. Sam was smiling as he put his hands on her shoulders and starred into her eyes.

Dee starred back as Sam spoke with his thick Jamaican accent and said. "I'm a lucky man to have such a beautiful white woman standing next to me. You may pull my shorts down and touch my cock with your dainty white hand."

As the training video's had explained over the past year, it was all right to touch her man as long as he gave her his permission and she had to obey his orders.

Dee slid the shorts down his legs until they lay on the floor bunched around his feet. Dee starred at the massive black cock, which was totally erect and pointing straight in front of her. It was huge and she nervously reached for his cock with her right hand and circled her fingers along its thick girth. It felt hot as it throbbed in her tiny fingers.

Dee starred into Sam's eyes as she stroked his cock until Sam said. "It will take you awhile to get accustomed to its size but you will soon stretch to accommodate its large size. Please turn around for me."

Dee was shaking when Sam asked her to turn around because she was not sure what he wanted to do with her. Dee turned around and with her experience with Sam, she completely trusted him and relaxed as she took a deep breath and waited.

Dee felt his fingers on her bra hooks and within seconds, the bra dropped to the floor. Dee than felt Sam tugging on her satin shorts as he slowly pulled them down around her ankles.

Sam spoke and said. "You may turn around and face me now."

Dee turned completely around until she faced Sam and waited for him to speak as he said. "You may walk around in the nude except for the highs in my presence."

Dee stood facing Sam as he leaned forward and kissed one of her nipples than kissed her passionately on the lips sending his tongue into her mouth as she eagerly sucked it inside.

Dee stood starring in his eyes as he slowly moved away as she said. "Why haven't you kissed me like that before this?"

Sam replied. "You were still in training all of those months and still a married woman and I respected that fact and couldn't touch you until now."

Sam took his large arm, placed it around her shoulder, pulled Dee toward his body, and gave her another passionate kiss as he reached down with his free hand and rubbed her pussy mound with his hand and said. "I would like you to have your pussy shaved bald for me but we will wait until you meet your new assistant and let her do it for you. She will be completely at your deposal and you may order her to do anything you desire."

Dee put her hands on Sam chest and looked up into his eyes as Sam placed his hand on Dee's ass. Dee than leaned her head against Sam's chest because she was so happy that Sam was finally showing her affection.

They had ordered Sam not to show his emotions for Dee until today and she was taking it all in minute by minute, as Sam touched her in places he never had. Sam leaned over again, took a breast into his mouth, and sucked it as if he was nursing. His large lips encircled the entire nipple as Dee placed her hand on the back of his head and held him tight.

Sam than raised his head and gave Dee another passionate kiss as their tongues mingled and their saliva was mixing. Dee eagerly sucked on his tongue as Sam gently picked her up in his arms and carried her into the bedroom.

As they entered the room, the first thing Dee noticed was the curtain pulled open for the first time in eleven months and a light on in the other bedroom where her husband had been staying.

Sam held her in his arms as he kissed her again. Dee was trying to sneak a peek into the bedroom as they kissed looking for Tom but the room was empty.


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Sam placed Dee on the floor and he stood next to her holding his arm around her tiny waist as tight as he could. Dee wrapped her arm around Sam holding him tight as she glazed into the other bedroom hoping Tom would appear.

They watched as someone walked into the room next door and it appeared to be a woman with long red hair. Dee and Sam stood watching as the woman placed something down on Tom's bed than came toward the window and smiled and Dee.

Dee smiled back at the woman as they starred at each other and the other woman placed her hand on the glass waiting for Dee to respond. Dee's body got weak as she finally recognized that it was Tom standing in front of her with his hand on the window.

Dee leaned forward enough to rest her hand on the glass in line with Tom's as Sam held her waist tight and kept her from moving any closer to the window.

Sam glanced down at Dee's face and said. "Yes, that's your ex-husband Tom standing in that room and she will soon join us as your permisteral assistant."

Dee was speechless as she looked up at Sam and tried to speak as she slowly said. "What's happen to Tom? Why does he have long hair and wearing lipstick and makeup on his face? His skin looks so different now."

Sam starred at Dee intently as he responded to Dee's question and replied. "Your ex-husband has gone through some permisteral changes in his life. Many men have a secret desire to cross over and dress themselves like woman without their wives even knowing about it. Tom had expressed his desire to do so himself and over the past year he has been helped in his transformation to how you see him today."

Dee looked at Sam looking for more answers from him as she asked. "What about the rest of his body? He looks so much taller than he did when we were married."

Sam replied. "Tom is wearing heels like the pair you are wearing which makes him look taller. The answers to all your questions will be answered soon as she joins us here in our bedroom."

Sam waited until Dee relaxed as he held her tight with his arm around her waist and gently kissed the top of her head as he glanced at Tom. Dee tightened her grip on Sam around his waist and turned to look up into his eyes for comfort.

Sam spoke in a gently voice with his thick Jamaican accent and said. "Tom is happy now and although he no longer has any desire to be your husband nor to engage in sexual activities as you once did, Tom would like to see you happy and fulfilled as a woman and will help you enhance your experience when we are together."

Dee remained starring up at Sam as he leaned down and kissed her passionately on her lips and reached over with his free hand and fondled her large tits as they remained locked in the kiss.

At this point, Sam was allowing Tom to witness his affection for Dee and allow Tom a few moments to practice what they had so meticulously trained him to do. Tom was standing in the window as he watched the large black man kiss and fondles Dee without much emotion other than a slight smile on his face.

Sam was using a procedure that would carefully allow both Tom and Dee to accept their new fate as he continued to kiss her knowing that Tom was watching in the next room.

Dee was responding as she turned and faced Sam, put her arms up on his large shoulders, and tilted her head so Sam could continue to kiss her as he placed his arms around her. Sam's cock was pointing straight into Dee's belly as wet pre-cum leaked from its head and smeared on her belly.

Dee began to reach for Sam's cock but remembered she had to wait until he gave his permission and stopped and rested her hand on his hip as they continued to kiss.

Sam noticed what Dee had planned to do and said. "Go right ahead and play with my cock."

Dee reached down and circled her fingers around the large shaft while she remained in her position starring into his eyes. Sam continued to speak and said. "I have waited so long to hold you in my arms and to have you return the love I have for you."

Sam continued to speak softly and said. "Keep stroking my cock and feel how it's swelled to your touch. Move your fingers around, feel the veins, and close your eyes as you imagine I am inside you. Now touch the large head and imagine it deep inside your pussy. Feel the hole on the end and imagine my seed entering your womb for the first time. Imagine feeling it is warmth as you milk it with your muscles, as life enters your body and is absorbed into your womb."

Dee was breathing hard as she stroked Sam's large cock and forgot Tom was watching her through the window as Sam continued to speak. "Lean down and kiss the head of my cock than kiss it along its length and worship it by cupping the palm of your hand under by testicles."

Dee leaned down and kissed the head of the cock than planted little kisses along the way until her nose brushed against his pubic hair and reached down and cupped his large balls in her hands and remained in that position until Sam began to speak again.

Sam continued speaking and said. "Squeeze my testicles and feel the seed of life in them. Extend your tongue and slowly lick my cock and taste me and tell me what you taste."

Dee licked Sam's cock, tasted, and replied. "You taste like you smell, it smells like the man who has devoted all of his time with me and who loves me. The man I would someday want to bear his youngren for him. The man I honor and obey and will someday take as my new husband."

Dee said everything Sam wanted to hear her say as she straightened herself up and he kissed her passionate again only, this time he suddenly broke the kiss, walked over to the dresser, and picked up a small box.

Sam retrieved the box, opened it, than took out a diamond ring. Sam than stood next to Dee and took her hands in his, than got down on one knee and looked into her eyes and said. "We've had a long journey together and it's time for me to ask you a question. Dee. I have fallen in love with you over these past few months we shared together and I want to ask you this one question. Will you be my wife?"

Dee smiled nervously as she looked in Sam's eyes. She was about to answer his question when she thought about Tom watching her but was afraid to look his way. She had to believe in her own mind that Tom wanted her to do this. She wanted to believe Tom had no interest in her as his wife. Her thoughts were thinking back at the things she had been told. In addition, she wanted to make it as painless for him as well as her, as she replied to Sam, and said. "Yes."

She watched as Sam slowly placed the engagement ring on her finger and kept watching as it slid snuggly in place. Dee kept her attention focused on Sam as he stood up and they embraced in a long passionate kiss.

When they finally ended their kiss, Sam held his arm around her waist and slowly turned her around to face the window. Dee was starring toward the floor until she gained enough courage to look in Tom's direction.

Dee finally met his eyes and saw that he was smiling as Sam held her tight. Other than his smile, Dee noticed Tom was expressionless as she starred into his eyes.

Sam interrupted their glance and said. "Let me fix us a breakfast, it's been a long morning and it's getting late. We have many things to do today."

Dee waived at Tom as she turned and walked away from the window following Sam into the kitchen. Even with any doubts she may have, because of the mind altering training she had endured she was unable to think rationally as she may have had in the past as she moved away from the window as if they had been starring at a puppy.

Tom had gone through extensive training of his own over the past year, which worked in reverse to the techniques they had done to Dee. It had started with torturing his mind into thinking he was not capable of being a good husband to Dee.

They had slowly convinced him she was no longer in love with him and that she had found another man she fell in love with.

They gave him haves that would alter his way of thinking and would help plant the seeds to turn him into a complete docile human. Although he felt somewhat sad, watching Dee with the black man he did not know yet, he also felt joy.

Tom's mind had been extensively brainwashed into feeling happy as he watched Dee kissing that man and accepting the marriage proposal. Tom had trained to become Dee's assistant, which somehow gave him joy that he would remain in her life.

The only thing they trained Tom to do was to focus his entire life being a docile assistant to Dee. He no longer felt any sexual needs to want to engage in sex with her. They had reprogrammed him to encourage her new lover to satisfy Dee and trained him in the techniques and knowledge to enhance their own lovemaking.

Dee was sitting at the table watching Sam prepare their breakfast as he placed three plates on the table along with three sets of silverware and glasses.

Dee looked at Sam confused and said. "Why do you have three tables setting out for the two of us?"

Sam replied. "Your new assistant will be joining us for breakfast this morning."

Dee's heart almost dropped as she listened to Sam telling her that Tom would be joining them...

Sam brought the food out to the table as someone knocked on the door. Dee's heart was racing as she stood up and Sam took her hand and said. "Let's go and meet your new assistant together."

When Sam opened the door, Dee saw Tom standing in the doorway wearing the satin robe and red heels like her own. She mainly focused on his face, which looked much smoother and did not see any trace of hair at all.

The Spanish woman was standing next to him; she was the narrator from the videos and introduced Tom as her new assistant.

Dee's body was shaking because she had not been next to Tom in a year and although his appearance had changed, she still felt emotional as he stood only a few feet in front of her.

The Spanish woman said. "I'll leave you to get acquainted and have Tom's things brought to the apartment."

Sam extended his had out to shake Tom's hand and said. "Hello, my name is Sam and this is my fiancée Dee."

Dee stood nervously next to Sam as she slowly moved her hand out and shook Tom's hand.

Dee noticed that Tom's fingernails were long and painted red like her own and his skin felt so soft when she touched him.

Dam spoke again and said. "Please come inside and make yourself home, I made breakfast for the three of us."

Sam motioned toward the dinning room table as Tom walked past them. Dee watched as Tom walked in the red heels as if he had been borne a woman. He had a feminine walk and she noticed his legs were shaven smooth.

Tom waited for Sam to show him where to sit than looked back at Dee and he smiled at her as Sam held out a seat for Tom. Sam than held the chair for Dee and kissed her on the lips as she sat down.

Sam brought their plates back with food as he himself sat down next to Dee and they began to eat.

Dee kept watching Tom as he ate his food noticing his mannerism. Dee felt she was eating next to another woman as she watched Tom eat his food.

Tom daintily wiped his mouth and checked his lipstick in a small compact he was carrying and turned toward Dee and said. "You look as beautiful as I remember you. Your body is so lean and tight."

Sam decided to respond and said. "Dee's had a good trainer working with her in the gym..."

Sam leaned across the table and kissed Dee again only this time holding the kiss a few seconds as their tongues mingled together.

They finished breakfast and Dee and Tom stood at the sink together washing the dishes like sisters.

They finished and shared the same bottle of moisturizer on their hands as Sam made a suggestion and said. "Let's go into the bedroom and get acquainted and show Tom our bed.

Tom followed Sam and Dee into the bedroom and stopped as Sam turned holding Dee's hand and said. "Tom, why don't you take your robe off now and join us. Dee and I feel completely comfortable walking around the apartment in the nude."

Tom was embarrassed and Dee could see his expression on his face as she said. "You don't have to feel shy, let me help you."

Dee stepped closer, took the Robes belt in her hands, loosened it, pulled the robe open, and was stunned to see Tom had breasts of his own. Dee tried to act as if she did not notice but Tom made a comment and said. "My breasts are not as nice as yours."

Dee smiled as she replied. "When did you get them?"

Tom replied. "I've been taking hormones for the past year and got the implants three months ago."

Dee finished sliding the robe off Tom's shoulders and laid it on a chair as she glanced at Sam who was coming to put his arm around her again for comfort. Dee hesitantly glanced down toward Tom's penis to see if it where still there.

He still maintained that portion of his male anatomy and although it was still their, it looked smaller than she had remembered and was completely limp.

Tom swung around in a circle and said. "What do you think?

Dee hesitantly answered Tom as Sam held her and said. `You look fine. Very different from how I remembered you. You're very pretty."

Tom smiled as he looked at Sam than back at Dee and said, "He's a very big man, I can see why you feel in love with him."

Sam suggested they should work out in the gym and Tom joined them for the very first time. Sam lifted weights as Dee and Tom rode bikes and practiced some yoga.

Dee was more relaxed and felt more comfortable with Tom as the day progressed. They were beginning to bond again only Dee felt she had a new sister as they chatted and interacted that day.

There were several moments that Sam took Dee into his arms, kissed, and fondled her in front of Tom. Dee only noticed that Tom's only response was to act somewhat shy. Dee had especially watched to see if Tom would get an erection but his little cock remained in its limp state no matter what during the day.

Later that evening, Tom prepared the heart shaped tub for Dee for her bath and when Sam entered the bathroom, he hugged and kissed Dee and said. "Why don't you have your assistant help you shave your pussy while I take a shower?"

Dee smiled as Sam stepped into the shower and turned to Tom and said. "I want you to join me in the bath."

Sam finished his shower rather quickly and let Dee and Tom alone taking their bath together. When Sam glanced in the tub, he saw Dee seated on the edge with her legs spread apart as Tom carefully shaved the hairs from her pussy.

Tom had been very meticulous and when he had finished, Dee was as smooth as a baby's skin and said. "Sam is going to love it when he feels how soft you are between your legs."

Dee had an idea of her own and maybe it was just an idea to see if she could get Tom hard and said. "Why don't you set up here and I'll shave you so we'll look the same?"

Tom sat on the edge of the tub looking embarrassed as Dee began shaving the hairs off Tom. Dee worked around his lower belly and around his limp cock and once she had finished she began with his testicles.

Dee worked the shaver around his ball sack as carefully as possible until she noticed a small incision straight through the center of the sack.

Dee pushed her fingers around, could not feel Tom's testicles, and gasped when she realized that they had surgically removed them. Dee began to shack but tried to hold back her emissions as she finished shaving Tom.

When Dee finished, she asked Tom to come sit in the water with her. When he sat next to her, she leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. Tom responded, put his hand on her breasts, massaged it, and said. "You feel much more natural than mine."

Dee took her hand and fondled Tom's breasts, holding them up, one at a time making his nipples get hard. Dee glanced in the water, noticed his cock was still limp, reached for him in the water, and began to stroke it with her fingers.

Tom kept rubbing Dee's tits as she tried to get him hard but there was no response as the tiny cock remained as limp as before.

Once Dee decided it would not do any good, she worked the palm of her hand on Tom's inner thighs feeling how soft his legs had become. Tom leaned over and gently kissed her lips, Dee responded, and they locked in a passionate kiss together.

Dee hugged Tom one more time before getting out of the water and dried herself and than helped Tom dry off.

When they returned to the front room, they had found Sam had made them dinner than spent the evening watching a video on the television. It was another training video directed toward both Dee and Tom concerning living together as a threesome.



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The video also reminded them both of their responsibilities to their partners and mentioned to Dee that she should plan her wedding date to take place in three days and no longer should it be over seven.

The woman explained her reamister for this short time frame and contributed it to the period in which the birth control pills would be effective and the fact that Sam would not have to wait anymore than seven days to be intimate with his new bride.

Shortly after the video was finished, they sat in the bed arranging for Tom to relax in the bed. Since it was a king size bed, Dee suggested that Tom relax next to her and she would relax in the middle between them.

Sam turned out the light, which made the room, completely dark as he felt his way around finding Dee than gave her a kiss as she hugged him for the night. Dee reached over, took Tom's hand, and held it tight as they fell arelax together for the first time in a year.

They spent the next two days preparing themselves for the wedding, as Tom would act as a witness and ring bearer. Dee decided to have the ceremony next to the pool and the only people that were present were Dee, Sam, and Tom. The permister that would marry them would be the Spanish woman who narrated the videos.

The ceremony took place on the third day, Sam was anxious so they planned to wedding on the third day rather than waiting any longer.

Tom was the ring bearer and the woman brought many flowers and put them around the pool trying to make it as joyful as a normal wedding.

Tom stood smiling during much of the ceremony and did not show any other emotion when it was over and Dee and Sam were pronounced man and wife.

Dee was nervous that evening because it would be the beginning of their honeymoon and Tom would be present to see them screw for the very first time.

That evening, Dee and Tom took a hot bath together as he helped prepare Dee for her first night of sex with her new husband.

Dee finished drying her hair as Tom began to comb her beautiful red hair. Tom than took a perfume bottle and sprayed it at Dee's cleavage and said. "This is Sam's favorite perfume; he's going to eat you up tonight."

Dee turned and starred into Tom's eyes looking for some glimmer of jealousy but Tom's face only showed joy for her on her wedding night. They had brainwashed him so bad that he was not even concerned that this beautiful woman which was once his wife was about to spend the night getting herself screwed by her new black husband.

Tom leaned over and took a tub of red jell from the counter and said. "I think he's going to love the taste of this lubricant since strawberry is his favorite."

Tom placed his arm around Dee and leaned forward and said." I will rub some of this on your pussy when he is not looking. It will also help you to accommodate him more easily. He's really huge!"

Dee into the bedroom with Tom following close behind, after all that is what he had been to do over the past year.

Sam was all ready waiting in the center of the bed as Dee climbed into the bed next to him. Dee laid her head on the pillow right next to Sam and waited to see if he would respond to her as she looked over toward Tom.

Tom was standing at the end of the bed starring at the couple, saw Sam take his hand, and moved it on top of Dee's belly. Dee looked toward Sam as he moved in to kiss her passionately on the lips.

Sam was moving his hand down to part Dee's thigh open until he moved his finger into her pussy slit and tasted her wetness. Sam than leaned over and began to kiss and lick her tits

Tom had moved down on the end of the bed and began to squirt a small stream of the jell into Dee's slit as Sam took his finger and wiped up enough just to taste before he got up on his knee's and positioned himself into position to fuck Dee.

Sam than scooted back on the bed and leaned down to so he suck on Dee's pussy and began gently kissing her inner thighs and pussy mound giving her goose bumps.

He than licked Dee's pussy lips tasting the strawberry jell that Tom had applied to the area, began to dip his tongue between the slit, and started to lick around Dee's clitoris.

Sam licked Dee's pussy for several minutes until Dee was almost ready to orgasm than quit. He did not want Dee to cum just yet as he climbed back into position and moved his huge cock until the head laid on her mound.

Dee was quivering as Sam began to move his cock near her pussy slit. Sam turned toward Tom and said. "Help me put my cock inside her pussy, it's going to be real tight and I don't want her to be in pain."

Tom got down behind Sam's ass, reached down between his legs, began to part Dee's pussy lips apart, and squirted some of the lubricant. Sam's cock rested inside the opening now as he took a moment before he pushed himself forward and inside her.

Sam moved a few fractions alone her pussy slit until he aimed the giant cock head toward the opening and pushed forward as Dee screamed aloud.

Dee screamed. "Oh God, it's so big. Sam, please be gently."

Dee could barely hear a voice. She recognized the voice as the Spanish woman. Dee was turning her head from side to side and began kicking her legs out as she screamed. "Please Sam, be gentle, please."

Dee heard the woman's voice this time more clearly as she said. "It's all right now. You are all right. You're here with everyone that loves you."

Dee was confused as she opened her eyes and saw the Spanish woman from the video. She was wearing a pick uniform and stroking Dee's head. Dee was confused and dazed as she tried to look at the woman and said. "Where are Tom and Sam?"

The woman stroked Dee's forehead and replied. "Your husband has been notified and is rushing to get here."

Dee looked even more confused as she said. "Tom, where's Tom, is he hurt? Did you hurt Tom? I did everything you told me to do."

The Spanish woman replied. "Your husband is fine and he is on his way here right now to see you and so is your Mother and Father."

Dee replied. "My Mother and Father know where you took me? Did you ******* them too?"

The woman began to reply as someone came running into the room wearing a white jacket and said. "When did she wake up? Does she know where she is?"

The woman looked at Dee and said. "The doctor is here now so please relax, you've been out for a long time."

Dee saw the permister walk on the other side of the bed and as her eyes focused, she saw that it was Sam. Dee yelled out. "Sam. What are you wearing and why aren't you making love to me?"

The man looked embarrassed as he glanced at the Spanish woman and back at Dee and replied in a heavy Jamaican accent and said. "Relax Dee, your all right now. I am Dr. Samuel and you're going to be all right now."

Dee starred at Sam and said. "I don't understand, this is our honeymoon, and you were beginning to make love to me a few minutes ago. Why did you get dressed?"

The doctor smiled as he looked at Dee and the nurse and replied. "It's ok now; you must have had a bad dream. Your husband and parents are on there way here to the hospital."

Dee looked at the doctor a few moments than asked. "You mean we didn't get married? Where is Tom, and are we still married?"

Just than, Tom ran through the door with Dee's parents behind him as they rushed toward the hospital bed and each one taking their turn kissing her repeatedly as Dee starred at Tom and said. "Where are your long red hair and your nails?"

The doctor looked at them and said. "Dee must have had a bad dream because she thinks we got married."

The doctor looked at Dee again and said. "Your family is going to visit you for a few minutes than we want to do a few tests on you. You're going to be fine now."

Dee starred at her family and especially her husband Tom, felt around for her wedding rings with her right hand than looked shocked, and said. "They took my rings from me when I got here."

Tom pulled something out of his pocket and said. "Honey, I've been holding on to these for three months, every since the truck accident."

Dee looked puzzled and replied. "We had an accident? Are you all right? What's wrong with me, did I get hurt bad?"

Dee's lady spoke and said. "Darling, you were in a bad truck accident but your fine now. You were in a coma for almost three months but you're going to be fine now and everyone is fine."

Dee spent the next four weeks in therapy and the day she was leaving, Dr. Samuel paid her a visit. Dee smiled when she saw him and gave him a hug as she was leaving with Tom and said. "I'm really going to miss you very much and want to thank you for all you did. When I go home, I am going to start eating healthier and exercise and I have you to thank for it."

Dee was sitting in a wheel chair as Tom pushed her down the hall until Dee suddenly yelled to Tom. "Please stop for a moment."

Dee looked back at the doctor and said. "Could you come here for a moment?"

The doctor looked confused for a moment but walked over to Dee as she stood up and gave him a kiss on the lips and said. "Thank you."

She sat back in the wheel chair as Tom wheeled her to the door. She had three months to catch up with everything that was going on in the world. She loved her husband Tom and was glad he was all right.

Dee could remember everything about her dream and decided she would not tell anyone because everyone would think she was crazy. She was going home, to a new home and to a new start.


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Responding to her husband's pleas and seeing a trickle of red on his neck, Jill nervously stepped forward and moved slowly toward the men. As she neared them, the older man told his mister "Sit down on the sofa, Toby! The purty teacher's going to give us a show! This is what a striptease is all about, my boy!"

Afraid for her husband, Jill then reached to the hook at the back of her neck and undid it. Then she drew down the zipper at the back of her light orange or peach dress. Blinking back the tears, she let her dress fall from her shoulders and puddle upon the wooden floor around her white heels.

"Oh, paw ..................she sure is purty! My pecker's getting bigger and bigger jest looking at her!" Toby advised. "Ya sit yerself down here on the couch, mister! This purty teach is putting a show on jest fer ya!" Amos told his mister. As his mister moved around to sit on the sofa, Amos added "Pull yer pants down so ya don't get a case of blue balls watching the purty lady take her clothes off for ya! Yeah ...........that's it her what yer made of!" Laughing, he bent down next to the husband's head and loudly taunted "Look it! My Toby's built like a fuck'n mule, ain't he?"

Upon hearing that comment, both Bill and Jill looked over to the couch where Toby sat fisting his monstrous cock. They both sucked in their breaths at the same instant as the old man certainly had not been kidding them. Jill was flabbergasted, totally frozen with fear as she heard Bill mutter "Oh, God!" Bill's voice was more of astonishment as he viewed Toby's big black cock in hand, one that was twice as long and as thick as to what he possessed.

Sniffling, trembling with fear and embarrassment, Jill stood there before the leering eyes in just her lacy white bra, panties, and heels. Then she heard the old man whispering softly into Bill's ear and saw her husband look down in despair before telling her "Take ...........take your bra off for them honey! He ............he wants his mister to see your pink nipples!" Hands shaking, Jill reached up behind her to unhook the clasp of her bra, then peeled the straps of the loosened garment from her shoulders and let it fall to the wooden floor.

"Oh, paw! She's sure got purty little titties! Is it all filled up with milk? I'm sure thirsty! If I suck it, can I get a take of her milk?" Toby asked innocently. "No! No, mister! Its good to suck on but she ain't got no milk in 'em! She'll only gett'em filled up with milk when she goes and gets herself a baby!" Amos advised. Then Amos excitedly added "Toby ........ya and I are gonna help put some milk in them there titties! Cause it'll be ya and me who'll get to put a little baby in her tiny little tummy!"

Then Jill saw Amos bend over to Bill once again to whisper something else in his ear. She saw her husband flinch and shake his head slightly, when Amos growled "Tell her or I'll slice ya open, misterny!" She saw Bill shudder, then stammer "Drop ................drop your panties for them, honey! Show them ...........your ..............your beaver!"

Amos laughed aloud "That's right, Toby ..................yer gonna get to see the purty teacher's beaver between her legs! Then, ya can later stuff that mule cock of yers up into her soft beaver and fuck a baby in teacher's little tummy!" "C'mon teach, ya heard yer hubby ...............take off them there panties and show us yer furry little beaver!" he ordered.

Sobbing with fear, Jill put her thumbs into the waistband of her lacy white panties. Then slowly pushed the thin silky garment down over her trim hips, revealing her golden curls to the leering men. She shivered as she let go of her panties, feeling the flimsy garment slither down her thighs and calves to fall upon her heels. Now she stood bare naked, except for her heels, in front of the demented old man and his retard of a mister.

"Wow! Have ya seen anything so purty, Toby? Now, my boy ................the purty teacher is gonna teach ya the meaning of ABC!" Amos advised. Amos looked up and saw the puzzled expression on the beauty's lovely face, then explained to her "Ya gonna teach my boy what ABC means, aren't ya, teach?" Knowing she was puzzled, along with her husband, he added "Ya know ...........ABC ..............All 'Bout Cocksucking!"

Jill looked at the long thick oozing cock that Toby was now shucking up and down in his fist, then looked at Bill who had also been observing what the fisting. Now their eyes locked together as they realized what was being expected of her. Looking up at the leering old man, Jill pleaded "Please ................please .................I can't do such a thing! Not ............not ...............not in front of my husband!"

"What's s'matter teach? Don't ya wanna suck my mister's cock in front of yer hubby?" Amos laughingly asked. Seeing the sniffling beauty shake her head as tears flowed down her cheeks, he pried further "Never sucked yer hubby's cock?" He smiled as the sexy blonde beauty continued to shake her head 'no'. "Ya never tasted cock before ..........really?" he asked. This time, the beauty began sobbing and her face flushed a bright pink in color.

"C'mon, purty teacher! Get down on yer knees ..............time to teach Toby the meaning of ABC!" Amos ordered. Watching the pretty young wife crumple to her knees in defeat before his mister, Amos instructed "Reach out and grab his cock, Mrs. Andermister! Grab his cock and stroke it with yer purty hands!" Seeing the beauty refuse to obey his orders any further, Amos whispered in Bill's ear "C'mon, tell yer purty wife how to suck Toby's cock!"

Having sucked the school janitor had been a totally different thing, it was the first time she had been powerd in a similar manner but certainly not like now, not with her loving husband being an eyewitness to her degradation. Jill just could not let Bill see her handle nor go down on the long thick black cock waving about before her.

"Tell her!" the old *******per yelled in Bill's ear, causing him to shudder at the sudden change in his demeanor. Then the knife at his throat was removed and suddenly plunged down between his legs. Shuddering as he looked down, Bill broke out in a cold sweat as the observed the sharp blade stuck in the chair, less than half and inch from the seam of his crotch. "Tell her or the next time ya won' be so lucky!" the old man threatened.

Panting in fear, Bill nearly cried as he stammered "Oh .......honey .........honey ...............please! Kiss it ...........kiss it ..............oh, God ...............use your lips ..........your ........your tongue! Suck it .................please, honey .............put .............put it in your mouth! Please ...............please .............don't let him cut me!"

Turning to see the sudden commotion, seeing the fear in her husband's face and the switchblade stuck in the chair near his crotch, Jill swallowed deeply as she reached out for the giant stem. 'At least I'll now be doing as Bill wants!' she told herself as she grasped the hot black cock in her right fist. At the touch of the iron hard cock, Jill instinctively pumped it, shucking it up and down - faster and faster!

Hearing her husband's pleas, begging her to do the unthinkable, Jill did not have her conscious to worry about any longer. She was totally amazed at the size of this young man, who's manhood even outdid that of the school's janitor. Her heart was thumping in excitement as she watched the cockhead flare open, then a flow of clear sticky pre-cum began oozing from the tip.

All eyes were now upon the oozing cockhead as more of the thick fluid bubred up from the stem, watching as a slow river formed to ooze down over the flanged rim and onto the white manicured fingers just below. It became evident that the slick lubricant now eased the sliding of the gripping fingers up and down the thick shaft. From stem to rim, the fisting speeded up from with the added lubricant as even more of the pre-cum juice flowed. Now Toby was panting out in pleasure, body trembling as he fought to maintain control of himself.

Mesmerized at the pulsating cockhead before her, Jill watched as the pisshole opened and closed repeatedly as more of the clear slick fluid bubred up to coat her fingers. Captivated by the young man's cock, everything else surrounding her was suddenly blocked out of her mind. Panting for breath, licking her lips, Jill flicked her tongue out as she bent forward.

Nearby, to the side, the two observing men were stunned as they watched Jill flick her pointed pink tongue out to tease the oozing cockhead. Then they observed the flicking tongue rapidly lap at the bloated cockhead and tease at the sensitive rim. Both sucked in their breaths as Jill suddenly bent further down to engulf the entire cockhead in mouth. "Ahhhh ............ahhhhhhhhhh ...............ah, paw feels so gooooddddd!" came a loud groan of pleasure from young Toby.

Amos leaned over to the stunned husband, advising "Ya can't tell me she ain't sucked no cock before! If yer wife ain't sucked yer cock before, who the hell's cock she been sucking on! The way she's going at it, she definitely sucked cock before!" Amos wanted to laugh in seeing the young husband nod his head in agreement.

Watching in total awe, they saw Jill's silky blonde head bobbed up and down on the lengthy cock, getting it all the way down her throat as she released her hand from the base. Then Jill's head slowly came back up, cheeks indented due the vacuum pressure of sucking the cock deeply till just the cockhead remained captured. Then Jill's head descended to devour the lengthy piece of meat once again.

Toby's moans of sheer pleasure had the observers nursing their own hardons as the young man arched up into the hot sucking mouth. "Ahhhh ........ahhhhh ............oh, paw ................ahhhhhhhhh, paw good!" Toby moaned as he began fucking into the beautiful teacher's face. Faster and faster he arched up, grasping desperately onto the silky blonde hair, entwining his fingers in fear that she would stop giving him the fantastic pleasure. "Paw ...................paw ..................ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" he groaned out loudly as he arched up high, holding the beautiful teacher's face to his crotch as his load erupted from his churning balls.

Moments later, both Amos and Bill watched in stunned silence as Jill began to lift her head up from Toby's collapsed and exhausted body. Jill was still nursing the now dwindling cock in her mouth as she brushed her hair back and once again grabbed the base of the still thick cock in her fist. Cock totally withdrawn, Jill stuck her tongue out to get the remnants of cum still oozing out of the shrinking tip. Then they observed Jill run her tongue over her cum coated lips, amazed that she had not allowed even a drop of cum to escape but had indeed drank it all up.

Staring at the shrinking cock in her hand, Jill licked her lips to savor the salty favor of the young man's cum. She gave the still lengthy but now rather limp cock a couple of pumps with her fist, only to find it continuing to shrink in her hand. Then her mind snapped back to reality upon hearing Amos comment "Ya've been suck'n cock before, haven't ya, sweetie! Maybe not yer hubby's but ya sure as hell sucked sumbody's cock before!"

Realizing just what she had done in front of her observing husband, Jill shuddered and looked down in shame, blushing a beet red in color as the truth had been so obvious from her performance. "Bill ..............I ..................I .................!" was all that Jill could mutter in her useless defense, knowing her performance would belie anything she said.


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Next, Jill felt herself being lifted up at her right elbow by the young man's man. Standing up on her heels, she felt the elderly man escorting her towards the doorway to what apparently was the bedroom in the small cabin. Then she heard the man tell his mister "I'm a bit hungry, Toby! I'm gonna snack on some beaver burger!" A moment later, Jill found herself on the dirty rumpled bed with her legs spread wide and the hunger old man feasting between her legs.

"Ahhhhhhh ...................oh, God ...................oh, my Godddddd! Ohhhhhhhh ................yesssss ....................ohhhhhhh! Ahhhh .....ahhhhh ........ahhhhhh!" the moans of Jill's feminine voice could be heard in the living room of the cabin. An exhausted Toby felt his cock twitch back to life from the exciting moans and looked over at the stunned face on the woman's husband. Getting up to his feet and moving behind the tied up man, Toby began pushing the wheeled chair toward the bedroom, telling the woman's husband "I never seen paw ever eat a beaver before!"

Arriving at the doorway, Bill's jaw dropped at the sight of his lovely wife's trim white legs crossed over the back of the elderly black man with her white heels locked together. Hearing his wife moan with pleasure and seeing her fingers grasping the man's kinky peppered hair, arching up into the man's face, Bill felt his pants tent up with excitement. Then he saw Jill shudder, arch up into the slurping mouth, screaming "Oh, God me ....................oh, God me! Cumming ...........................I'm cummingggggg ...................aieeeeeeeeeeeee!"

Moments later, with the beauty's legs limply falling to his sides, Amos got up and smiled in the direction of his audience. "Ya never fucke'd a woman, Toby! Lemme show ya how it's done, mister!" Amos announced as he shucked at his rigid cock. "I'll grease her up fer ya! Without some lube, ya'll surely 'ruin' this purty little thing with that mule cock of yers!" he advised as he climbed up onto the bed between the trim white legs.

"Come closer, Toby! Bring her hubby closer for a ringside seat!" Amos chuckled as he fisted himself in readiness. Guiding his cock up and down the lips of the juicing slit, Amos told his mister "This is where ya gonna put yer mule cock in to stuff the purty lady's beaver! Ya and I's gonna fuck a little black baby in her tummy! Then her titties will get full of milk for the little baby to suck outta!"

Bill could not stop his cock from growing and throbbing in his pants, watching as the elderly black man now threatened to **** his beautiful wife. His heart was pounding madly, not from fear for Jill but the excitement of watching the man's black cock penetrate his lovely wife who appeared uncaring after receiving that mind-shattering climax from being eaten out. Bill looked at the old man's cock, realizing that it was no where near that of his retard mister's. Yet, the old man possessed a cock that easily had his own beat, both in length and thickness.

Bill surmised that Amos' cock was 10" in length and 5" in diameter, wondering how his lovely wife would respond to this elderly man. Then he saw Amos push forward, penetrating Jill with his thick cockhead, causing Jill to emit a soft moan "Ohhhhhhhhhh!" Bill sucked in his breath as he observed Jill raise her legs to cross over the elderly man's back and lock her white heels together as she tried to pull him deeper into her.

"Ohhhhhh .............yes ...............yes .............deeper ............deeperrrrrrrrr!" Bill heard his lovely wife moan as her elderly lover shoved more of his thick cock into her horny hole. Bill was in total disbelief at his beautiful wife's behavior, never believing her capable of being so wild in bed as she had now wrapped her arms around the old man and clawed at his back while using her heels to pull him in deeper. "Yes ................yes .................oh, yessssssssss ....................fuck me ......................fuck meeeeee!" came his wife's pleas.

Bill couldn't believe how energetic the old guy was, fucking Jill in and out so rapidly like a damn jackrabbit. Seeing how Jill responded to such fucking, Bill couldn't help but think "Jezz, this old man is damn fuck'n good! Shit, I wish I could get Jill to respond to me like that!" Then he heard his wife scream "Yes .........oh, yes .................yesssssss ............fuck me .................fuck me ..............I .................I'm cummingggggggggggg!"

Seeing the entwined bodies trashing about on the bed, it was obvious to Bill that both were now achieving mutual orgasms at exactly the same time. Seeing the old man's body quiver as it shot it's load into Jill's fertile womb, the horrid thought of Amos knocking her up had him literally creaming in his pants. Never had Bill seen a wanton display of lust between a man and woman, causing him to lose control of himself in the excitement.

With Amos slowly withdrawing his now withering cock from the ****d young wife, he couldn't believe what a fantastic fuck the innocent looking beauty had just given him. Seeing his mister stroking that mule's cock between his legs, Amos could only nod 'yes' when Toby asked "Is it my turn now, paw? Is it my turn with the purty teach? Paw, can I stuff her beaver now?"

Delirious from the exquisite fucking old Amos had given her, Jill lay panting on the bed with her legs still widespread as Toby crawled up onto her. Then a fearful shudder coursed throughout her body as his thick cockhead pressed up against her well-fucked and gushing slit. 'Oh, God ..............he's so much bigger that Leon!' she shivered. "No, Toby, please're're way ..................way too big for me ..............please!" Jill stammered in fright as she tried to squirm up the bed to escape the plundering.

Looking over desperately towards the young man's man, the man who had just ****d her, Jill pleaded "Please ..............Amos ............please stop him ...............he's too big won't fit ..........he'll .............he'll tear me!" Sobbing, Jill pushed at Toby's broad black shoulders as she fought to keep from being torn apart. Feeling his powerful hands grasping her firmly at her hips, she looked about desperately for help.

Then Jill's resolve was totally destroyed when she heard "Fuck her! Slam it to her! Rip her apart! Rip the little bitch apart .............'ruin' her good!" She could have easily have understood Amos cheering his mister on with the **** .......but .............her own husband! Then she heard Bill add "Fuck that whore I got for a wife! She's never sucked or fucked for me like that ever! She's obviously been giving her nookie to other guys! Fuck her!"

At that point, Jill had given up all hope as she no longer put up any resistance against the eager young man. Realizing that her husband had obviously seen the 'real Jill' from her performances with both man and mister, she felt a bit despondent that her happy marriage to Bill would soon end totally in divorce. Resigning to her situation, Jill prayed silently 'Do it! Do it, Toby! Slam it in me apart ...............******* me with your big black cock! Do it ...............I deserve to die in such an awful way!" Gripping the crumpled bedsheet in her hands, Jill shuddered in fear as Toby began pushing his bloated cockhead in her obviously too small slit. "Ohhhhh, God hurts hurtsssssssss! Oohhhhh, its too biggggg ...........too biggggggggg! No .........noooooo! Ahhhhhh .................ahhhhhhhh! Owwwwwwwww!" she screamed as the pain wracked her body.

"Noooo ..........nooooo ...............ahhh ...............ahhhhhh ................ahhhhhhh .................ohhhhhhhhh!" Jill shuddered in pain and fright as Toby slammed his thick throbbing cock into her aching body. "Aieeeeeeeeeeeeeee ...............noooooooooo, stoppppppp!" Jill screamed at the top of her lungs as Toby shoved his mule-sized cock into her petite body. "Aieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" she screamed as the horny stud thrust up once again, tearing her apart.

Both Bill and Amos were amazed that Toby had managed to get his entire cock into Jill's petite body, both picturing the lengthy shaft now fully up into her belly. Then, both men were surprised as Jill wrapped her arms and legs around Toby as she had earlier done to his man, arching her hips up and down upon his thick prong. "Give it to her, mister!" Amos cheered. "Knock the bitch up!" Bill added.

Throughout the night, Bill was treated to the erotic entertainment of seeing his beautiful wife sucking and fucking the man/mister pair. First, there was the 'doggie' style that Amos taught his mister. Then, on all fours while sucking one, the other took her like a bitch in heat! On and on, throughout the entire night, Jill's soft sexy body brought the ultimate pleasure to both man and mister alike, all with the encouragement of her supposedly 'loving' husband.

As daylight began to creep into the cabin windows, Jill blinked her eyes awake and then it all came back to her. She looked about and saw Amos and Toby relaxing dead away, with Amos on the bed and Toby on the floor. Then she saw Bill still tied to the chair, head slumped as he had also fallen arelax.

Quietly getting out of bed, Jill tried to make her way quietly to her husband, afraid that the old cabin floor would creak and give her away. Having lost her heels sometime during the night's activities, she slowly walked barefooted on the rough wooden floor toward her relaxing husband. Reaching the chair Bill was tied to, she moved the chair backwards a fraction of an inch at a time. She did not wake her husband for fear that his movement might create more noise and awake the relaxing captors. It took nearly ten full minutes before she had Bill's chair at the opening to the bedroom.

Finally, out in the living room of the cabin, Jill cut away her husband's bindings. Waking him, she put her index finger up to her lips to signal him to 'be quiet'. Picking up the peach dress from the cabin floor, Jill wrapped it around her as they quietly made their way out of the cabin.

Once Bill had the towbar removed from the BMW, they made their way out of the hellhole where they had spent the night. Jill unwrapped the dress around her body and struggled to pull it on over her head. No words were spoken as each were deep in their own thoughts, both in their own turmoil from their actions. Both assumed that their marriage to each other was over, unsalvageable at this point in time.

Arriving back at the main country road, Bill and Jill looked at each other in total silence. Neither wanted to go directly back to the country home of Bill's parents, not wanting to have their youngren nor Bill's parents see their horrid condition nor learn of their ordeal. Turning right toward the direction they had initially planned, Bill headed out toward the main highway.

Coming upon the first motel, Bill pulled in and got a room while Jill remained in the car. Driving around to the front of the ground-floor motel room, Bill got the door opened before Jill quickly got out of the car and ran barefooted into the motel room, holding the dress about her.

Under the hot shower, Jill sobbed uncontrollably in knowing that her marriage was essentially now over. She realized that she had not been able to control her obvious cravings, even with Amos and Toby powering themselves upon her. She would have thought that she could at least have restrained herself from making such an awful display of sheer wanton lust with her husband present to witness her debasement.

Forty-five minutes later, Jill found the nerve to open the bathroom door and go out into the motel room where Bill awaited her. She was shocked to see her husband sitting at the edge of the bed without any clothing on, stroking his rigid cock in his hand. Then Jill was totally shocked when Bill spoke "Get on your fuck'n knees and suck me off, bitch!"

Jill didn't know what to think, then wickedly thought 'Well, if our marriage is over least I'll go down sucking!' Dropping the towel that she had wrapped around her body, Jill padded over and knelt down between her husband's legs. Then she replaced his hand with hers and bent her head down, expertly slurping his cock into her mouth.

Sucking her husband for the very first time, Jill wished that she had performed this pleasurable act upon her husband from when they first got married. 'Well, I'm going to please him one time at least before he throws me out on my ass! Hell, I deserve it! Yes, Bill don't deserve to have a whore for a wife!"

Feeling Bill's fingers entwine in her hair, Jill heard her husband tell her "You're a fucking bitch! You're going to be my bitch from now on and I'm going to treat you like a fuck'n whore! We're going to hire a sitter for the kids on Friday nights and then I'm taking you out to the sleaziest motels to peddle your fucking ass! I'm then going to whore you out to the biggest, ugliest black bastards I can find! You're gonna start making some real money for us!"

After Bill collapsed back onto the bed when she had sucked him dry, Jill climbed up and straddled his face, asking "You going to suck me out after you pimp me out to those big black bastards? Want to practice now? There's still a lot of cum left over from Amos and his boy!" Jill felt so relieved, knowing that her marriage was intact, as Bill began lapping avidly at her slushy cuntlips.

Hours later, having fucked and sucked to each others content after Jill revealed her involvement with the school's janitor, the Andermisters got the suit cases out of the car and donned nice fresh outfits before continuing onto their resort destination. Checking out of the motel, arm around one another, they kissed passionately. Then Bill advised "I'm putting your ass out on the market as soon as we get there! You've got to earn enough to cover the cost of our stay!"

They still had a lot of days remaining on their paid vacation, time to mend their marriage and spice it up a bit. As they drove up to the front entrance of the resort, they watched as one valet got into the car ahead of them to park it. Then Jill observed a valet approaching from her right, a big muscular black fellow, then she told Bill "Oh, Bill ..............look at the big black stud that's coming to our car! Would you like to eat his cum out of my pussy tonight?"


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Laura's night had been perfect. She had Steve where she wanted him and vowed to make him pay everyday for what he had done. The following morning he woke her up with a cup of coffee. She sit up in bed, back against the headboard and gave him his instructions for the day. He was off work so she told him to cruise around, finding the biggest cock he could and find a way to bring it home to her that night. She noticed that Steve had a hard on so she started stroking him with one hand while she talked. When she felt him starting to cum she pulled him over and jacked him off on her left breast then made him clean it off with his tongue.

That evening Steve was in the fourth bar in his search. He had been following men into the restrooms all night trying to get a peek at their cocks. So far he had not been caught. His luck ran out here. He followed a guy in that was really big and well built and when he pulled out his dick to pee Steve saw it was huge. As big as Joey's. Unfortunately the man saw him looking and asked what the fuck he thought he was doing. Steve said his girlfriend was horny and wanted a big cock. The guy didn't believe him and grabbed him by the shirt and pushed him into one of the stalls, powering him to sit down. Then he pushed his cock against his lips and told him to open his mouth or hr would beat the cuckolds brownie out of him. Steve opened his mouth and the guy rammed his cock in. It was huge and Steve couldn't breath at first. The guy started fucking his mouth as hard as he could. It pounded the back of Steve's throat and stretched his mouth so wide his jaws ached. When he came he almost fetishd Steve to death, filling his mouth and throat with cum and dick. After pulling it out, the guy, who's name was Nate, said "Now take me to your girl friend", and they left the bar for Laura's apartment...... While Steve was getting his mouth fucked in the bar restroom, Laura was at work planning her move on Teresa, the little waitress who had peed in her mouth at Joey's apartment. She knew Teresa was engaged to a guy from a rich family that was very straight laced and figured she would be able to use this to her advantage. She let Teresa know that there were no hard feelings and understood how things just got carried away. She suggested that they stop for a take some night after work and get to know each other better. Teresa was already nervous about her financee finding out and was eager to smooth things over so she agreed. Laura leaned over, placing her hand on Teresa butt and told her that she had really tasted good and she wouldn't mind doing it again. Teresa blushed but didn't say anything, just smiled.

Laura walked away knowing everything was going to work out and she was going to have her second slave before long. Tonight she knew Steve was going to have something at home waiting for her......

When Laura arrived home, Steve and Nate were already there. Steve sitting on the couch, Nate in the easy chair against the wall. Laura paused, looked at them and went into the bedroom without a word. She removed her clothes then went into the bathroom and got into the shower. As she washed she couldn't help but think things were coming together nicely. She hoped Steve had brought her a good one. After finishing her shower, Laura took a moment to put on a fresh fragrance and checked herself in the mirror. Satisfied,she reentered the front room completely naked.

She paused for a moment in front of Nate to let him take her all in. Then without a word she sit in his lap, facing him, with her thighs on each side of his and kissed him hungrily. He responed with as much passion as she did, powering his togue into her mouth where it battled with hers for supremacy. She bit his lip and he bit hers, she swallowed his tongue and he swallowed hers. They kissed for a long time before she sit up on her knees, pushing one nipple of her breast into his mouth. He sucked in as much of her tit in as he could and nibred on the nipple with his teeth, running his tongue around and around it. When it was as hard as rock she moved his mouth to her other tit and he began again. He then buried his face in the softness between her breast while she squeezed them with her hands against the sides of his face. She then stood up in the chair, bringing her pussy even with his mouth and he did not hesitate. Spreading the lips of her pussy he explored her with his tongue, licking, sucking, kissing until she began to cum. He grabbed her ass with both hands, powering his tongue deeper into her cunt, until she came a second time.

Aftrwards she slid down him until she was on the floor between his thighs. Looking at the monstrous erection under his pants, she stood up and motioned for him to follow her into the bedroom. Steve, who had witnessed this utter facination, playing with his dick as he did so, followed, knowing she was pleased with his gift......

When they got into the bedroom, Laura told Nate to take his cloths off and lay down. She almost came again when she saw how he was hung. She knew it was every bit as big as Joey's.He lay on his back, Laura got on top and straddled his waist, reaching behind her to grasp his cock.

He looked at Steve who had sit down in a chair beside the bed and asked Laura what his purpose was. She just glanced at Steve and smiled then told Nate, he just likes to watch then tidy up after she was through. She lay down on top of Nate, catching his massive member between her thights and began to kiss him. She loved the taste of her pussy juices in his mouth and on his face. She then moved her head down to where she could suck and bite his nipples, much like he had done to her.

She then slid on down until his huge cock was directly in front of her face and again paused to admire the sheer beauty of it. She grasped it in both hands while slipping the head into her mouth and started sucking and bobbing her head up and down on it. Nate loved it, holding her head in both hands while beginning to move his pelvis in rhythm with her head. She took it in deeper and deeper but knew she couldn't swallow it all, it was just to big.

When she felt the beginnings of his climax she stoped and spun around putting them in the 69 position, sladying his face with her pussy while sucking him almost to the point of ejaculation. Then she stopped again, turned and sit astride him positioning her pussy over his dick and lowered herself, taking him in a little bit at a time. When she felt like she was full and could take no more she looked down and realized she only had half of that monster cock inside of her. She begain to rock and he matched her powering more and more of himself inside of her until he was completely buried in her pussy. Then he fucked her brains out. It was the greatest feeling she had ever known and at the height of her ectasy she knew she would never be happy with a little dick again. When they came she lay on top of him for a long time not wanting him to take it out but eventully he did.

When he stood up Laura told Steve he could clean up now and he dropped to his knees in front of Nate and cleaned his dick and balls with his tongue. As Nate was getting dressed, Laura asked him if he would be interested in helping her with some of her plans, that would result him getting a lot of pussy. Of course he agreed. As they were talking Steve moved between Laura's legs and begain to eat the cum and juice from her cunt. Nate left then and Laura fell arelax thinking about Teresa the waitress......

Several nights later at work, Laura decided it was time to set up the little bitch waitress, Teresa. She spent as much time with her as she could, making small talk and pretending to be her friend. They decided to go out for takes the following night after work while Teresa's fiancee was out of town. They were in the restroom,discussing it, Teresa was sitting on the commode to pee and Laura followed her in. When she started peeing, Laura reached down between Theresa's legs, letting her pee on her fingers for a moment, then stuck her fingers in her mouth and sucked the pee off of them. Then she just smiled and left. Teresa looked like she was going to cum right there.

After work the manager approached Laura and told her he needed to talk to her before she left and told her to come to his office. Laura was still not wearing any panties because it felt good and the tips were great. She wondered if he had found out.

When she went into his office he was behind his desk going over some papers. She sit down in front of him but kept her legs together. He told her there was a rumor going around to the effect that she had been engaging in some bizard behavior. She assured him that it was just a rumor and that he shouldn't believe it. He seemed almost disapointed but told her he also wanted to review her tip records and asked her to step around the desk which she did. As she bent over his desk to see the forms, he slid his hand up the back of her leg until it encountered her naked pussy. She started to straigthen up but he put his other hand on her back and powerd her back down on the desk. He inserted several fingers in her pussy which quickly became wet. After fucking her cunt with his fingers for several minutes he pushed his thumb up her ass and held her in his grip that way massaging both ass and pussy. He then stood her up and almost lifted her off the floor while he continued. He told her he knew everything, having seen the pictures as well as hearing the stories. He said he wasn't going to fire her because she was good for business but she would have to do a little something for him on occasion. She asked what?

He released her and unzipped his pants, pulling out his cock. He sit her down in the chair, stepping in front of her and said "suck it". She did. It wasn't all that big and she was able to suck in the whole thing, giving him the best blow job he had ever had. When he came he filled her mouth with cum and told her to swallow it. She did what she was told. She didn't want to lose her job, but she also put him on her list of people to get even with. But first Teresa.......

Laura wanted to keep her job because of the money and the access it gave her to the people she wanted to get even with so she knew she had to submit to her boss whenever he demanded it. The next night went fine and after work her and Teresa went to a bar not far from her apartment and ordered takes. They bullcuckolds brownie about the job, the people they worked with, etc. while she made sure Teresa didn't slow down on her takeing. Periodicaly she would lay her hand on Teresa's thigh, each time getting a little closer to her crotch. After 5 or 6 takes she decided the time was right and suggested they go somewhere else. Teresa was pretty takes by then and was game for anything, forgetting about her fiancee, she assumed Laura wanted to eat her pussy again and was willing as long as no one found out. They went to the rest room before leaving and Teresa sit down to pee with Laura standing by the stall door. When she finished and started to pull up her panties Laura stepped in and put her hand over Teresa's mound with one finger going into her pussy. She kissed her briefly and said she wanted to take her to her apartment. Teresa agreed and they left. While Teresa paid the bill, Laura called Steve and asked if everything was ready. He said Nate was there and everything was set up.

Arriving in the apartment, Steve and Nate were out of sight, so Laura took Teresa directly into the bedroom and they undressed and lay down on the bed, kissing fondling each other's breast and getting extremely hot. When Teresa was sucking on Laura's nipples, Laura pushed her head on down to her muff and powerd her mouth up against her pussy. Teresa resisted at first because she had assumed it would be the other way around. But she was takes and no one would know so she opened her mouth, using her fingers to open Laura's pussy lips and begin to eagerly eat her pussy. Laura came several times before she stopped and asked Laura to go down on her. Laura laughed and told her she had other plans for her.

That's went Steve stepped out of the closet leaving the door open so Teresa could see the camcorder still recording. She sobered up immediately asking Laura what she planned on doing with the tape. Laura assured her that as long as she was a good girl and did what she was told, Her fiancee and his rich parents would not see the tape. Teresa said she would do anything.

Then Nate came out of the bathroom, naked as was Steve. Laura got off the bed and they lay down on each side of Teresa. While Steve went down and begin licking her pussy, Nate straddled her head putting his cock in front of her mouth and told her to start sucking. She grabbed it in both hands and sucked for all she was worth while Steve continued to eat her pussy. The guys then changed positions rolling her over on her stomach. Steve was at the top, sitting, with her face in his lap and she begin sucking his dick. Nate was between her legs. He picked her up putting her on her knees while she continued to suck Steve. He put the end of his tool in her pussy from behind and began to drive it in. When she was beside herself with pleasure, he pulled it out, spread the cheeks of her ass with both hands and rammed it up her ass. She screamed with terror because it was so big and hurt so bad but he wouldn't stop. He ripped her until he came deep inside of her. Then him and Steve got off the bed and rolled her over. At this point Laura, who had been enjoying the show, straddled her face and told her to eat her pussy again. Teresa stopped sobbing and did as she was told. When Laura had cum she raised up and told Teresa to open her mouth. Laura then peed in her mouth , telling her she better take every drop. Laura let her go home after that telling her she would see her at work the next night and she better be there.

When she left Laura had a leisurely fuck with Nate, letting Steve clean them up again when they were finished. Then she turned her mind to the waiter with the bad breath and started planning....

When Laura arrived at work the next night Teresa was already there. She looked sullen and unhappy. Laura told her she might as well cheer up, the worst was over. Then she told her to meet her back in the restroom. Once inside she pushed Teresa into a stall and sit her down. She told her that she really liked the way she had eaten her pussy. In fact, from now on, she was going to be her regular mouth piece. With that said, Laura pulled up her skirt(still not wearing panties)and pushed her cunt up to Teresa's face and told her to eat it. Teresa was afraid someone would come in but she did what she was told. She spread Laura's pussy lips with her thimbs and started to tongue her slit, licking and sucking her clit. As Laura came she grabbed Teresa's head and pulled it tight against her, moaning as the tremors of her orgasm rippled through her. She then smiled said thank you and walked out.

Joey was still being a prick, telling her what a fine piece of "ass" she was, but she tried to ignore him. She was now interested in Jamister, the waiter with the bad breath. She began flirting and flashing her pussy at him. She knew he was married to a little naive, blond who was barely 18, and planned to use this against him somehow. In the meantime she planned to arouse him to the point that he would do anything to fuck her again.

However, she had to put her plans on hold for the evening. She had gone back to the store room for some napkins and ran into her boss. He came up behind her,putting his arms around her and grabbed her breasts. He said he had been watching her and the way she was flashing the customers. He then then slid his hands down to her hips, pulling up her skirt, putting both hands between her thighs and caressed her pussy, Afetr getting her good and wet he turned her around and pushed her down to her knees and told her to unzip his pants which she did. She took his cock with one hand and his balls with the other, taking the head in her mouth. She sucked and worked her mouth up and down until she had taken the whole thing. She continued to bob on his dick while reaching under him with one hand and inserted a finger in his ass. He blew his load immediately and she swallowed it all. By the time she got out of the store room Jamister had already left so she went home and had Steve eat her pussy and she fucked him with a strap on dildo. He was really trained well......

Laura continued to flirt with Jamister, letting him grab a quick feel occasionally while she plotted her revenge. She knew she could get him in a situation where he could be blackmailed but she wanted to really punish him. She finally decided to talk to Joey and see if he would help her.

Surprisingly, he agreed right away but of course he insisted on her performing a few things first. He was such a prick. But she figured she could agreed and then turn the tables on him and get even with him at the same time.

Before that though her boss called her into his office. She figured she would have to give him another blow job and she was right. He was sitting at his desk with his dick out and told her to get under his desk in case anyone came in. She did, taking his cock into her mouth and started sucking. The door opened just after she started. It was one of the cooks asking for an extra day off. Laura kept sucking all the time he was there. Her boss sounded a little short of breath as he talked and Laura almost started giggling. The cook left and her boss came in just a few minutes filling her mouth with cum. At the same time the door opened again and the boss's wife came in. She knew the look and came around the desk and saw Laura with his cock still in her mouth. Her boss started to try explain but his wife screamed for him to get out. She said she would deal with him at home.

Laura started to climb out from under the desk but her boss's wife pushed her back down to the floor then she sit in the chair with her legs spread. She asked Laura if she had ever eaten pussy and Laura lied and said no. She said if she knew what was good for her she would start now. Laura reached up under Karen's skirt and pulled down her panties. Burying her face in her pussy she began to suck and lick with abandon, getting her off time and again. After finishing and pulling Karen's panties back up she was told they would be spending more time together. In the future she would not touch her boss's cock unless Karen told her to. Laura wondered how she kept getting herself in these situations but then cheered up. At least the sex was good....


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#2,727 · Edited by: chrislebo
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Laura and Joey had agreed that the first step had to be to have Jamister on film before going further. He suggested that she should get Steve involved if at all possible and she knew that Joey's ideas were usually right when doing something like this. She invited Jamister to her apartment on her next night off, suggesting he take off work early, then his wife would never know. He readily agreed, beside himself with his desire to fuck her again, without her being tied up.

Laura put on a see through nighty, crotchless panties and had Steve set up the camcorder in the closet and get out of sight. When Jamister arrived he almost lost it upon seeing her in her skimpy attire. She took him into the bedroom, lay down on the bed and told him to take his clothes off which he did. Almost frantically he began to kiss and caress her, pawing at her breast and crotch. She told him to slow down and that he would have to do everything she told him if he wanted to fuck her. He took a deep breath and said okay.

That's when Steve, already naked, came out of the bathroom and lay down on the other side of Laura. Jamister was stunned but didn't say anything. Laura cupped one brest and told Steve to suck and nibble on it. She then offered the other one to Jamister and told him to do the same. She moved Jamister's hand down to her pussy and pushed one one of his fingers in. She then took Steve's hand and moved it across to Jamister's cock and had him start stroking it. After a little while she reversed their hands, putting Steve's in her pussy and Jamister's around Steve's cock. Jamister resisted at first but did it when she insisted. She then had Steve sit in front of her face where she could suck his cock and had Jamister eat her pussy, which was positioned so his face would show up well for the camera. She then had Steve lay down beside her. She had one hand on Steve's cock and the other on Jamister's head as he continued to eat her. Then she pushed his head over to Jamister's cock and told him to suck it. He never hesitated. He sucked it down completely, moving his head up and down to Laura's delight. It surprised him when Steve erupted in his mouth but he quickly licked up every drop he had missed.

Laura then moved his head back to her pussy and he licked and sucked on her pusssy while Steve watched. After a long time and many climax's Laura pulled him up beside her and went down and sucked his cock for a few minutes. She then told him get on her and fuck her hard which he did. When he had inserted his dick in her pussy Steve moved up behind him using his hands he separated Jamister's ass cheeks and rammed his own cock up his ass. It was not very big, but Jamister's ass was virgin and it hurt. But he was trapped between Laura and Steve and was not strong enough to break their grip. They fucked his brains out until they had had enough, then laughing they told him to go home.....

Several nights later at work, Joey approached Steve and Laura and told them it was time to start earning his cooperation for her plan. He wanted them to go somewhere with him after work.

When they left he told them that he was going to his sports club to work out and he wanted them to watch. It was late but he said it was an after hours club. He put Laura in the back seat and made Steve sit up front with him. While driving he took Steve's hand and put it in his lap and made him rub his cock during the trip. Laura didn't know what to expect and Steve was scared cuckolds brownieless.

Upon arrival Laura noticed that the only lights on were in the back of the building. Joey had a key and they went on through to the back. There were 5-6 guys there working out and the first thing Laura noticed was that they were all naked. The second thing she noticed was that several of them were really well hung. They took very little notice of her but really checked out Steve. He was already turning red.

Joey started taking off his cloths and told Steve to do the same and he could work out with him. Joey took some pictures out of his pocket and walked over to other guys, who he seemed to know and showed them the pictures. They would look at the pictures, then at Steve, and laugh. Joey sit Laura down on a bench against the wall and told her to open her legs so everyone could see that she wasn't wearing panties. He then told Steve to get down on his knees and suck his cock. Steve blushed even more knowing that everyone heard. When he looked around, everyone was watching and starting to move that way. When he looked at Laura he begged her with his eyes to tell him he didn't have to. She just smiled.

Steve knew that Joey was getting even with him for going back to Laura but didn't see any way out if he wanted to keep her. So he took Joey's cock in both hands and put the head in his mouth and sucked. He got as much as he could in his mouth and worked up and down, using his hands and his mouth, hoping to get it over with as soon as possible. The other guys were all standing around close, clapping and cheering. Several of them had started to eye Laura's pussy speculatively. Joey finally came, filling Steve's mouth so full that some ran down his chin. But he felt it was at last over and the offense would end now. He was wrong. One man pulled him down to a mat with him as he sit and put Steve's mouth over his cock and said "suck". Another one got behind him, lifting his butt off the ground while a third poured oil down the crack of his ass. There was a cock in Steve's mouth and another entered his ass and he was being fucked at both ends. As soon as one would come another would take his place and the fucking would continue. He caught a look at Laura and knew she was really enjoying the show which embarrassed him even further.

Joey showed Laura the pictures he had with him. They were of Steve getting it from both ends when they had been in his apartment. Then the parade started in front of Laura. After the guys were through with Steve Joey made him sit down in front of Laura so he could see what the woman he loved was doing. One by one they guys stepped in front of Laura and she had to lick and suck their cocks clean then do the cracks of their asses with her tongue. While driving back to thier car Joey told them how much he had enjoyed the evening, assured them that he had good pictures and promised them something even better next time. Then they would plan Jamister's party.....

Laura's boss had not bothered her since the night his wife walked in on them, but tonight he had approached her and told her to come to his office. He told her to have a seat and she did, flashing her bush as she sat because she knew he liked it. She had no idea what had transpired between him and his wife after the last episode. He picked up the phone and dialed a number and speaking into the phone he said "she's here" and handed her the phone. It was Karen his wife, who wasted no time on small talk. She told Laura to get down on her knees and give her husband a good long blow job while she listened.

Laura handed the phone back to her boss, went around the desk, got on her knees betwwen his legs and unzipped his pants. She took out his cock, already hard and wrapped her lips around it and started working her mouth up and down his shaft. As she sucked his cock, he described everything she was doing to his wife on the phone, occasionally putting the receiver down by Laura's mouth so his wife could hear the sucking, slurping sounds. His breath was become ragged as he neared his climax and then Laura reached under him with one hand and slipped one finger up his ass as far as it would go. His eruption almost took off the top of her head. He described this to Karen and then handed the phone to Laura. Karen told her "thank you". "Be at my house Friday night at midnight." It was not a request.

Laura decided she needed to relax and unwind. She went back out into the restaurant, found Steve and Teresa and told them she wanted them at her apartment after work. They had no choise but to agree.....

They all arrived at Laura's place about the same time. Laura told them to undress they were all going to take a shower. Once in the the shower she told them not to touch themselves or each other at any time. She then had them each take a bar of soap and wash her, from head to toe. With the running water Laura had the urge to pee while Teresa was washing her feet. She told her to look up and open her mouth. When Teresa did Laura opened the lips of her pussy with two fingers and peed a large stream down Teresa's throat. She then grabbed Teresa's hair and pulled her face up to her pussy and had her lick her pussy for a little while until she came once. Looking at Steve she asked him if he needed to pee and he said yes. She pushed Teresa's face over in front of his dick and told her to open her mouth again. She then told Steve to pee but warned them again not to touch. When he was through he was told to get down on his knees and open his mouth. She then pulled Teresa up and told him to pee in his mouth. She gladly did and he swallowed it all.

After the shower, they dried her off and themselves and went onto the bedroom. She sit Steve in his usual chair by the bed. She then laid down on her back pulling Teresa down on top of her. She powerd her head to one breast and then the other. Teresa licked and sucked each nipple and breast, taking her time moving only when she was told. Laura then pushed her down her belly, letting her suck, lick and bite gently all the way down to her pussy. Then while Laura held her head in position, Teresa licked her pussy up and down and in and out flicking her tongue repeatly over her clit. As Laua came she grabbed Teresa's head even harder and mashed her face up against her pussy. Then she told her to start over. This went on for over an hour. Laura lost count of the number of times she came. She then rolled over and told her to rim out her ass. Teresa explored every nook and cranny with her tongue. Rolling back over she told Teresa to lay down and masturbate while they watched. Teresa took her left nipple in her left hand and inserted two fingers of her right in her cunt and got off very quickly. Laura told her to suck her two fingers clean.

She then told Steve to take his little cock in his hand and jack off into his other hand. He too came in just a few minutes and was left with a handful of cum. Laura told him to lick his hand clean and he did. Laura was extremely relaxed, relaxy and satisfied then and told them they were dismissed until she needed them again...... The party for Laura to finish with Jamister was set up at Joey's apartment for Saturday night. Joey had been buddying up to Jamister to make sure he would be there and would be bringing his wife Linda. Most of the people at the restaurant were going and Joey had invited some of his friends as well. Laura made sure that her friend with the big cock was also going to be there.

The party got started a little after the restaurant closed and it appeared everyone was there, the women decked out in their sexiest cloths. There was *****, chemicals, music, snacks and a big screen TV. Jamister's wife Linda was really cute and innocent looking. She didn't look any older then 17. Joey, Laura and Steve kept her involved in the party. Made sure she always had a full glass and that she was enjoying it. Jamister was nervous about Laura spending so much time with her but there was nothing he dared do about it.

As the evening wore on everyone was feeling pretty fired up and Joey asked if anyone wanted to watch movies. Nearly everyone there knew what kind of movies he had so they all agreed. He started with some regular porn, making sure Linda had a good seat right in front. As she witnessed the opening scenes she turned bright red. It was obvious she had never seen anything like this before, but she didn't say anything or make a scene. She didn't want to embarrass herself or Jamister. After the first movie had ended she was starting to enjoy it a little. She was also very mellow from all the *****. The second tape really got her attention. It was Jamister at Laura's apartment. Jamister didn't know whether to cuckolds brownie or go blind. He started to get up to tell her they were leaving but Laura's friend with the big cock was standing in back of his chair and pushed him back down telling him to sit and shut up. Jamister quite struggling and started trying to explain to Linda. She wasn't listening. She was bright red and mesmerized as she watched the action. When it was over she looked at him and called him a mister-of-a-bitch then broke into tears. Joey took her by the arm and led her into the bedroom saying he would calm her down. Once inside he let her cry herself out then asked her what she was going to do. She said she didn't know but she was sure as hell going to get even before she divorced him. The time seemed right so Joey suggested the best way to hurt him like he had hurt her. She was takes enough to think it was a good idea......

After Linda agreed to Joey's suggestions, he went back into the front room to get things set up. He had the furniture moved to the walls and put a large mat in the middle of the floor. Then positioned all the lamps so that most of the light was in the middle of the room. He put one straight kitchen chair just off to the side of the mat. This is where he sit Jamister telling him that if he tried to get up they would tie him down. When the music started, Linda came in, went to the center in front of Jamister and again told him what a worthless cocksucker he was. She said now it was her turn and slipped the straps of her dress off of her shoulders. She then pushed it down her body to the floor and stepped out of it. She was left with just her bikini panties and push up bra. She had a stunning body for a seventeen year hold and most of the guys present got an immediate erection. She continued to stare at Jamister as she reached behind her and unhooked her bra, slipping it off and throwing it at Jamister. She had beautiful breasts that needed no support. Next came the panties. She slid them down her legs, stepped out and picked them up. She stepped over to Jamister and stuffed them in his mouth while he was begging her to stop. She turned around the room then letting everyone get a good look at her and stopped when she faced Nick.

She held her arms out to him and he stepped up and embraced her. They kissed deeply, their tongues probing eah others mouths while his hands massaged her buttocks. They separated slightly and she began to unbutton his shirt and pulled it off of him then knelt in front and slipped off his shoes and socks. She unbuckled his belts and slowly unzipped his pants, all the time watching Jamisters face and smiling. When she pulled down his pants and shorts his huge cock popped out, fully engorged. Her eyes widened at the size of it and she smiled and took it in her hands and lowered her face to it. With her mouth just inches from it she looked at Jamister and told him she was going to suck a real cock, not like his little thing. He begged her not to but she laughed and wrapped her lips around the head of it and started sucking. She had never fucked or sucked anyone but Jamister before but she proved to have a lot of natural ability. Her head bobbed up and down, while she kept her eyes on Jamister. She brought Nick to the verge of climax. He pulled out of her mouth and stood her up and they kissed again, then he laid her down on the mat. He dropped to his knees between her legs, leaning forward on his hands lowering his head he kissed her again deeply. She reached under him with both hands, taking his cock in one hand, she parted her pussy lips with the other, she guided him down until his cock just touched her cunt. Then she looked at Jamister again and said "Now you get to watch your wife get fucked by a real man." Then Nick pushed the head of his huge tool inside of her and they began a slow rocking. With each movement it went further and further into her pussy.

Jamister tried to get up to try and stop it but was pushed back down and tied up. He kept begging her to stop, blubbering that he loved her. By now Nick was pounding her with long hard strokes and she was matching him stroke for stroke. They came together with her grasping his back, her legs wrapped around him, screaming out her ecstacy.

Just so Steve wouldn't forget his place, she made him suck Nick's cock clean and clean out Linda's pussy with his tongue. Linda loved it and started getting aroused again. The night was just beginning.....

While Steve performed his "clean up", Laura approached her other submissive and gave Teresa her instructions. As noted previously Linda was beginning to be aroused again as Steve performed his task. When he had finished, Teresa, who had disrobed while he finished, stepped between Linda's legs and dropped to all fours. She then lowered her head to Linda's mound and gently kissed and licked her slit and the inside of her thighs. As Linda began to thrust her pelvis up into Teresa's face she glanced at Jamister who was staring with his mouth open, smiled and said this is great. Teresa laid down on her stomach so she could get closer to Linda's cunt who grabbed her behind the head pulling her even closer and really started to fuck her face. Laura then stripped, and walked up and placed a foot on each side of Linda's head and just stood there looking down into Linda's eyes for a while. Soon Linda began to slide her hands up and down Laura's legs, brushing her bush with her fingers. While Teresa continued to lap up her pussy, Linda saw Laura lower herself down to her face. She reached up with both hands between Laura's legs and using her fingers, separated her pussy lips. She then pulled Laura on down while raising her head burying her face in Laura's pussy. She had never eaten pussy before, but she was a quick study, and she really enjoyed it. When Laura started to cum she grabbed Linda's head and mashed her mouth up in her pussy and began to grind. At the sme time Linda pressed Teresa's head as hard against her on pussy as she could. Her and Laura came at the same time. As Laura started to raise up off of her face, Linda held her hips and looked up into her eyes and said"pee". Grinning, Laura separated her on pussy lips and began to pee into Linda's mouth. She swallowed as much as she could but ended up getting peed on all over her face. Jamister almost had a heart attack. Then started begging her again to please stop. Linda laughed at him and said she was just starting.... As Laura and Teresa finished with Linda, Jamister thought maybe it was over. He couldn't believe Linda was doing this to him. She seemed like a complete stranger. But his hopes were dashed when he saw the big black guy, they had watched Laura suck off in the the supply room, step up to Linda, who was still on her knees. She was staring at the big black cock as it fell into view. She laughingly told Jamister, "I'm going to enjoy this. Do you think your little white wife can get that big old black dick in my mouth?" Jamister started crying again, begging her not to do it.

The guy stepped up close to her then, his cock just inches from her mouth. She took it in both hands and started to stoke it while moving it closer to her lips. She put the head in her mouth as she ran her tongue over and around it. She caressed it with her lips and tongue for a long time while she continued to stroke it. She then swallowed the head and as much of the shaft as she could. Her lips were streched tight, as her head bobbed on the end and she began to jack him off with her hands, sometimes taking one hand to massage his balls or slip between his legs to finger his ass hole. He came with great spasms while he clutched her head in his hands. She swallowed his whole load except for a little that trickled out of the corner of her mouth. She released him and turned to Jamister and grinned as she used her tongue to lick up the trickle of cum from the corner of her mouth. "How did your naive little wife do?", she asked him. He just continued to sob.



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Linda stood up and said "I need to take a shower". Nick, who was still naked came and took her by the arm. He led her through the bedroom into the bathroom and they got in the shower together. Sevral minutes later, Joey, still chuckling over how things had turned out, untied Jamister. Before anyone could stop him, he darted into the bathroom and jerked the shower door open. His wife Linda was squatting in front of Nick, sucking his cock, while playing with her pussy with one hand. Jamister started to scream at her but before he could say anything, Nick grabbed him by the shirt and almost lifted him off the ground. He said "We're busy now and we're going to be busy at my place for the rest of the night. If you want to stay in one piece, you'll go home and play with yourself and leave Linda alone. During this whole time, Linda continued to suck his cock, play with her pussy and grin up at Jamister. Jamister was a broken man, if he had ever been one in the first place.

The party broke up after that, Linda went home with Nick, Laura made Steve suck off Joey while everyone watched, then sent Teresa home with the black guy, telling her to do what ever he wanted. She then took Steve home to use him for awhile before she went to relax. Once in bed she rode his face until she came 3 or 4 times, fucked his ass with a strap on until she was tired then went to relax while he rimmed her ass with his tongue. She felt like it had been a good party and that now she just had to get Joey......

Sevral weeks had passed since Linda's party and things had settled down somewhat. Laura was still using Steve and Teresa fot her permisteral pleasure. Jamister and Linda were still together but things had changed. She was spending alot of time at the restaurant, fucking whoever she pleased, making sure Jamister knew about it and even making him watch on occasion. Nick stayed close to keep him in line because he loved all the free pussy. Laura still had not discovered a way to get even with Joey who continued to be a prick.

One night Laura's boss came out of his office and noticed Linda sitting at the bar talking to Jamister. He approached them and told Jamister there had been some complaints about his work and he needed to talk to him. Linda realized her meal ticket might be in jeopardy and asked if she could accompany them to the office. The boss noticed how fine she was and said sure. Once in the office, the boss sit in his chair and they sit opposite him. Linda had on a short skirt and made sure he could see her pussy. He started to berate Jamister for his poor performance, etc. and told him he was going to have to let him go. Then Linda got up, came around the desk and sit on the edge giving him a close up look at her little white panties. She asked him if there was anything she could do to change his mind. He stared at her crotch for a moment then put his hand on her thigh, slipping it to the inside and then up to her pussy. He looked at Jamister and told him to wait in the bar while he discussed Jamister,s employment with Linda. Jamister got up and stormed out, redfaced.

Laura had watched them go into the ofice and wondered what was going on. When she saw the way Jamister came out she knew and had a great idea. She went to the office door and opened it quietly, slipped inside closing it behind her and stood to one side. They were so engrossed they didn't hear her come in. Linda was on her back on the desk with her legs up and her skirt around her waist. The boss was at the end of the desk,between her legs, his pants down around his ankles, fucking her for all he was worth. Laura got her camera out of her pocket, circled around for the best shot, and began to snap pictures of his cock going in and out of Linda's pussy. Soon he came, and spent, lay on top of her for a moment. Laura took one more picture then said "Your wife's not going to like this." Her boss jerked erect and started to pull up his pants. Linda just lay there and started laughing. She knew Jamister's job was really secure now.

Her boss started telling Laura if she told his wife it would be bad for everyone. Laura just smiled and said "We'll get to that in a minute, right now you have to finish. You can't leave a girl's cunt dripping like that. Get down there and lick it clean." He looked at the cum oozing out of Linda's pussy and started to refuse but Laura just held up the camera so he could see it. Linda just laughed louder as he went down on her and began to lick and suck her clean. Went he finished, Linda got off the table , went over to Laura and gave her a brief kiss and said"Thank you. I'll go now because I know you have business to discuss."

When she was gone the boss asked her what she wanted. Laura went around the desk, sitting on it , putting her legs up on the arms of his chair so he had a close up view of her pussy. She told him that she wanted to talk to his wife about a situation she needed help with and if he would aid her in securing her cooperation she would give him the pictures and forget about what she had seen. He agreed and called his wife right then. He told her that Laura wanted to come over and talk to her. She told him to bring her over after work that night. When he hung up, Laura grabbed his hair and pulled it down to her crotch and said "Now eat me!" He buried his face in her pussy, licking her slit, sucking her cunt, probing her snatch with his tongue until she came, grinding her twat against his face. She left then to finish up her shift.....


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Laura's boss gave her his address and told her he was leaving early and to come over when she got off. As she was leaving she told Steve to come with her in case she needed his services to seal the deal. They arrived at his house and rang the bell. When the door opened she was surprised to see her boss on all fours, naked wearing a leash and collar. His wife was holding the other end of the leash in one hand and a whip in the other. She was wearing crotchless, leather panties and a leather bra with cutouts for her nipples which were sticking out. She wanted to know what Steve was doing there and Laura explained that he was very useful at cleaning out cunts and assholes with his tongue. This made Karen smile.

Once inside Laura and Steve sit on the couch and Karen sit in an easy chair with her husband at her feet. She spread her legs and told him to eat which he did. While he was eating her pussy she asked Laura what it was she needed her help with. Laura explained about Joey, how he had treated her and all the things he had made her do. As she covered every detail, Karen became very hot and told her husband to eat faster and brought the whip down on his ass. Laura then asked her if she would help set up a situation where she could get even with Joey and also get what she had always wanted. His massive cock in her pussy.

Karen agreed but pointed out that everything had a price. She then told them to take their cloths off. She looked at Steve's little cock and started laughing saying she could see why Laura just used his tongue. She then pushed her husband to one side and told Laura to take his place. Laura dropped down between her thighs using her fingers to open Karen's pussy lips and began to lick and suck. Karen was already dripping wet and came in just minutes. While Laura continued to lick her cunt she told Steve to get down on all fours then told her husband, who was well hung, to butt fuck him. He got down on his knees behind Steve putting the head of his cock against his ass hole and slowly started to push it in. After the head was in Karen popped her husband on the ass with the whip again and told him to fuck him hard. He rammed it on in causing Steve to almost scream. He then began to fuck him mercilessly. Karen stopped Laura and told her to turn around and enjoy the show. After having his ass filled with cum, Steve was told to clean off the boss's dick with his tongue. Then Karen told them to lay down and suck each others dick until she told them to stop.

She then lay Laura down on the couch spreading her legs and inserted a large dildo, double ended into Laura's pussy and the other end in her own and they began to fuck each other. Once Laura got the rhythm she really enjoyed it. They both came at the same time, collapsing in a pile. As they relaxed on the couch, watching the show the guys were putting on, while playing with each others pussy, Karen told her not to worry about Joey. She would have a party and make sure he was there and Karen could get what she had coming to her. She then told the guys to cum and pushed Laura's head down to her snatch and made her eat her again. Now all Laura had to do was wait for the party......

The party was finally set up. It would be on a Saturday night, after work at the boss's house. Laura's anticipation was growing. She knew she was finally going to get Joey's cock in her pussy and get even with him at the same time. She was going to make Steve and Teresa go with her. She didn't want to waste the opportunity to humiliate them further and figured she would have many opportunities. Jamister and Linda as well as Nick and the big black guy would also be there. Karen had invited some of her special friends and she made sure some of Joey's buddies would also be there.

As the party unfolded, everyone was takeing heavily, clothes became non essential and soon everyone was either nude or semi-nude. People were playing alot of grab ass, copping feels and fondling each other. There was a sense of anticipation in the air like everyone was expecting something really exciting to happen. Laura asked Karen why her husband was not on his leash. She explained that was just for their private enjoyment and besides, there were alot of his employees here and he needed to maintain the appearance of being in control. Laura laughed, then noticed that Joey was already nude and the sight of his huge cock made her mouth water and her pussy wet. She was so hot with anticipation that she almost came just looking at it. Then two gay friends of his came over and standing on both sides of him started to stroke it and make out with him.

The crowd had really thinned out by midnight, but it was a big house and Laura decided to explore and see who was doing what to whom. The first bedroom she came to the door was slightly ajar, so she put her eye to the crack and peeked in. Nick was laying on his back in the middle of the floor, little blond Linda was sitting astride of him with his big cock buried in her pussy. The big black dude was standing in front of her, one foot on each side of Nick, with that big black dick of his in her mouth. Jamister was sitting on the floor against the wall. He was watching evry move they made, with a kind of glazed expression, while he played with his own dick. As Laura watched Linda had the black cock in both hands, her lips stretched around the head, stroking and sucking it to the rhythm of the fucking she was getting from Nick. They all came together, cum running out of her pussy from Nick and down her chin from the black cock. She got up and walked over to Jamister, standing over him, she told him to try it, bending over to kiss him, sharing the cum in her mouth, then pulling his head by the hair up to her pussy while he licked out her cunt. Laura smiled and started for the next room.......

When Laura got to the next door she noticed it was open so she went on in and was delighted by what she saw. Steve was in the middle of the bed on his hands and knees with his head between the legs of one of Joey's gay friends, who was sitting up, back against the head board. Steve had the guys dick in his mouth and was sucking it all in with each stroke. Joey was behind Steve on the bed with that huge cock laying in the crack of Steve's ass. He was just getting ready to stick it in when he noticed Laura. He grinned and motioned her on in. He told her to pull up a chair to get a close look as he ripped her boyfriends asshole unless she wanted to take Steve's place, then he really laughed. Laura assured him that no one would ever butt fuck her again and sit down to watch while she silently gloated about what would happen to Joey before the night was over. Steve saw her sitting there and was embarrassed. He hated hated having the woman he loved seeing him do this. None the less, he kept sucking the guys dick.

Joey had lubricated Steve's ass with something but when he inserted the head of his cock, Steve stiffened and almost cried out. This made Laura giggle. Then Joey pushed the rest of his dick up his ass and Steve did start to cry. He felt like he was being split in two. As Joey began to fuck his ass Steve tried to concentrate on sucking the other guys dick. Laura was really getting turned on watching Steve's helpless situation. She leaned forward and asked him how it felt. She said "It serves you right, you stood by and let him rip my ass and I'm never going to forget it." Joey continued to pump away, fucking him hard and fast. Laura leaned back in the chair spreading her legs as she did so. With one finger she began to massage her clit. As she got more worked up, she inserted two fingers in her pussy and began to fuck herself hard. She matched her rhythm to the action on the bed but came before they did. The second guy came in Steve's mouth shortly after that and she saw the cum drooling from Steve's mouth as Joey continued to ream his ass. Steve reached under between his own legs and began to stroke his own cock. They came at the same time and collapsed in a pile on the bed. Lauara realized that in the end, Steve had really liked getting it up his ass. This disappointed her but she decided to keep exploring the house........

Laura continued down the hall, around the corner she found another door. It was open and the room was dark. She went in and flipped on the light. It was just a room with a table, several stuffed easy chairs, TV etc. but no bed. She was just turning to leave when she bumped into Karen and her husband(Laura's boss). They had little Teresa between them pulling her into the room. Karen said they were just bringing Teresa in for a little fun and suggested that Laura join them. Laura took this as an order but she relished the idea of seeing Teresa humiliated even more and she agreed readily. Once inside, Karen turned to Teresa and grabbed her nipples in both hands and pulled her to her. She kissed her, while still squeezing her nipples. Still holding them tightly, she once again pulled her up close and told her that she would be her slave tonight but as long as she did what she was told she would not be punished. She pushed Teresa down to her knees and standing over her, she pulled her face up to her pussy and told her to make her cum. Her husband stroked his cock while he watched Teresa eat Karen's pussy . Laura was loving it, watching Teresa on her knees, she gently played with her own pussy. After cumming, Karen pushed Teresa down on her hands and knees, walked behind her and slapped her on the butt. She told her it had been okay but she knew she could do better. She then told her to suck her husband's dick until it was totally hard. Teresa crawled over in front of him and getting to her knees, she took his dick in her mouth and gave him the best blowjob she knew how to give. She sucked him all the way in, sucked his balls and put a finger in his ass and worked it while she sucked. While they watched Karen took one of Laura's hands and put it on her mound and Laura began to stoke her slit with one finger while rubbing her mound with her hand. Laura then moved in back of Karen so she could reach around her with both hands and used them to continue to manipulate her pussy while watching the action over her shoulder. Karen really liked that. Before the boss could cum, Karen stopped Teresa and had her bend over the back of one of the stuffed chairs. Her husband moved behind her, putting a couple of fingers in her pussy. Teresa moaned with pleasure while he hand fucked her. After a few minutes he moved closer and put the head of his dick in her pussy from behind as she lay over the chair. He slowly pushed in and then began to fuck her with long hard strokes. As Teresa moaned with pleasure Karen picked up a bottle of oil and gently poured a little down the crack of her ass. It filled the crack and ran down on her husbands dick, lubricating it to. At Karen's signal, he quickly pulled his cock out of Teresa's cunt and slipped it up her lubricated ass. Teresa cried out in surprise and pain but it was to late. He held her by the hips and punished her ass with his cock until he came. Smiling Karen turned to Laura and told her it was time her and Joey to get together.........

Karen sent Teresa and her husband on ahead. She kept Laura with her for a few minutes, putting her arm around her. She said that every thing had been arranged in the "game" room and that everyone knew what was going on and what they were supposed to do. She said everything would be ready by the time they got there. They walked down the hall to another door, which Karen opened. It went to a stairwell, down to a basement that Laura did not know about. Descending into the basement, the room was dark except for the very center which was spotlighted. There was a low table of some sort and on the table to Laura's delight was Joey. He was spread out on his back, his hands and feet secured with some sort of clamps. There was a large pillow under his butt which pushed his dick up even higher. Laura and Karen walked over to him, everyone else was back in the dark, and stood next to the table, which was only about 12 inches off the floor. He's all yours, Karen told Laura, then she to disappeared into the shadows.

Laura walked around Joey looking down at him. He seemed really pissed about being tied down and Laura couldn't resist the opportunity to gloat. She told him how she was really looking forward to paying him back for putting her through so much offense and pain and then welching on their deal. She told him how she was going to sit on his face and make him eat her pussy or slady. She told him that after she came on his face she was going to get on his cock and fuck him until he came and all the other women were going to do the same. Then she said she was going to give pictures of it to all his gay friends and he would be laughed out of town. As she spoke she took his huge cock in her hands and began to stroke it. She then moved up by his head and placed one leg on each side of the table so that her pussy was directly over his face. She slowly started to move her cunt down to his face and paused with it just inches away. She said he was now going to get his and was startled when he started laughing. He quickly moved his hands under her thighs and stopped her descent. She realized that they hadn't been secured at all and then strong hands picked her up by both arms and lifted her away from him. She looked around and Nick and the big black guy were holding her by both arms as Joey got up off the table. Everyone was laughing now as Karen came forward and told her that Joey was one of her oldest and dearest friends and that the real purpose of the party was for everyone else to get even with Laura.

With that said, she was laid down on the table on her stomach. Knowing what was coming she fought as hard as she could but it was no use. Her hands and feet were secured(for real) to the legs of the table, the pillow was placed under her pussy which pushed her butt into the air. With her legs stradling the table she was totally opened up for whatever they wanted to do to her. She feared the worse and her fears were well grounded. Oil was poured down the crack of her ass and half a dozen fingers took turns massaging it up her ass until she was well lubed.

Steve stepped up by her head and told her that he was through being used by her. He said he was moving in with Karen and the boss. He then moved around and got on the table between her legs. His little cock slipped into her well lubricated ass easily and didn't hurt too much but it was still uncomfortable as he pounded her ass. He came quickly and as he got off the table she called him a cocksucker. Jamister was next, getting on the table and telling her she had fucked up his life and he was happy to be giving her the shaft. He rammed his dick in her and fucked her ass hard, causing some pain because he was bigger than Steve. When he pulled out after cumming, he came around and wiped his dick on the side of her face. She told him his breath still stunk. She saw her boss moving toward her. He said this is for trying to blackmail him and slid his long cock way up her ass. This really hurt and he fucked her for a long time before he came. She knew the drill now, so she said nothing as he got off. Her ass was full of cum, she could feel it running down between her legs. As Nick approached she asked him why he was doing it. He laughed and said just because he liked a good piece of ass. As he slid his big cock up her ass she almost ****** from the pain. She couldn't believe this was happening to her. The big black guy was next, he was bigger than Nick, and stretched her even further. At last Joey mounted her and she couldn't help herself, she screamed. The pain was unbearable. He fucked her slowly, with long hard strokes. She could feel herself ripping and knew she must be reding profusely. She ****** twice but was aroused each time by the pain as he continued to rip her asshole with his huge cock. When he finally came she felt it must finally be over as they began to untie her. But they only rolled her over and retied her on her back.

Karen walked up to her and told her it was the girls turn now. With that she straddled her face and pushed her pussy roughly down on Laura's face and told her eat or slady. Having no choice, Laura opened her mouth and began to lick and suck Karen's pussy. After cumming, Karen raised herself and said now take and started peeing in Laura's mouth. Everyone was laughing as she finished and walked away. One by one she was followed by Teresa, Linda and a girl she didn't know who smiled and said "I'm just here for the sex." Then all of the guys approached, standing around her in a circle, they all began to pee on her at once, her face, her breasts, her stomach, her cunt and her thighs. When evryone was finished Karen told her she had two choices. She could leave her job, better yet, leave town or if she remained she would become evryone's sex slave. Laura just continued to sob, knowing what her answer would be



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My Father-in-law

I am a newly married housewife. My husband, Jim and I live in our modest house, somewhere in the state of Kentucky. I am 19 years old, freshly out of high school, and Jim is a civil engineer, seven years older than me, works for a construction company which builds interstate highway bridges. We met six months ago, and immediately fell in love with each other. It was a love-at - first-sight situation, and we were married after three weeks. My folks tried to prevent me from a firm commitment in such a short notice, but we were decisive to become husband and wife as soon as possible. It was a fine ceremony, all our relatives, friends and acquaintances were present, congratulating us. I was a virgin when I walked to the altar. Everybody wished us happiness. On our first night, Jim took my virginity in a motel room where we spent most of our honeymoon, some hundred miles from home. He made love to me several times a day, and I began to learn how to make a man (my husband) happy in bed. His stamina hasn't diminished after we returned home, so we continue to have sex frequently. We were wildly in love.

I met Jim's man Harry when Jim took me to dinner at his house when we were just engaged. Jim's lady had died several years ago, and he has no brothers or sisters. So, Harry lives alone in his house. Harry is a car mechanic. and owns a service station. From the very beginning, Harry showed intense affection (or interest I might say) toward me, always pampering me. My feelings were mutual. I liked him very much. But, from time to time, I had discovered that his attitude was too controversial with me. Sometimes, he feels my thighs accidentally, and looks down at my cleavage at every chance he gets. I had let him with his harmless games.

My husband has a good salary, and we own our house (given to us by my parents as a wedding gift) without mortgage, two cars. We have a nice living.

I'm a natural blond, 5' 5'', 105 pounds, with measurements: 34-21-35. I have small perky breasts with rose colored nipples. I've always been rather a little shy, inexperienced, in sexual matters. But, with the help of my husband I began to enjoy the marital activities in bed.

Jim and I made love twice a day, at least. On weekends, we were naked in the house and copulated whenever we got his penis hard.

During daytime he was at the office, I busied myself with housework. Sometimes, I went out with my friends to have innocent girlie fun.

All was well until one day my husband informed me that he had to leave me alone for a certain period of time. Jim was temporarily transferred to another construction site two thousand miles from home. I would be left alone, without him, for three months. "How will I endure your absence in three months?" I was in tears.

"Why? Darling, it is only three months. I would take you with me if I could find a suitable accommodation. But, they say, it is hell of a place, that we are going right into that desert."

"I'll miss you so much." I cried.

"Ann, you can always rely on Harry. He'll take care of whatever you need."

"Jim, but... but... I've got used to... well. I don't know how to explain this to you."

"You mean sex?" Jim suggested.

"Well, as a matter of fact, yes. I've got used to have you with me every night. I need to be loved, I need to be caressed. I need to be..." I searched for the appropriate word.

"Fucked?" He again helped me.

"Yes." Was my meek answer.

"Look Ann. We would have to slow down, some day." He retorted. "Married couples don't keep on doing it twice a day during their whole life."

"But I'm addicted to have sex everyday. Jim, please don't leave me." I was crying again.

"Ann, be reamisterable. I will teach you ways to get along while I am away."

"What is that?"

"Have you heard about masturbation?"

"I wouldn't do that." I refused the idea, vehemently. "Anyway, it wouldn't be like the real thing."

"Calm down darling. I'll see to it that we can find a way to help you when I'm gone."

"What will it be?"

"We may consider to find you a lover."

"Oh, no... definitely no... How can you be so thoughtless even to suggest me something like that?" I kept on sobbing.

"Ann, do you want me to quit my job?"


"If I refuse to go to the post I'm assigned to, they will fire me. I'll loose my job. How can I find another job paying as much as this one?"

"Oh my God. How can I live without you?"

"It's only three months."

"Three months sounds like eternity."

"Do you love me that much?"

"Yes, can't you tell?" I ran to him and we kissed passionately. "I would die without you. You are my life, my husband, the only man I've loved and will ever love until I die. Oh. my love take me to bed, make love to me."

"On one condition. You should say the right word."

"What right word?"

"What do you want me to do to you?"

"Make love..."

"Not that one, darling." He teased.

I believe, I was bright red in the face. "OK. Take me to bed and fuck me."

He kissed and licked my lips as if he wanted to clean the dirt the four letter word left on them.

He took my hand and led me upstairs.

I took off my dress and than my underwear. He always preferred to see me naked, so he turned on all the lights in the bedroom while I was opening covers on the bed. I laid on the bed my legs parted. He came to me, directly kissing my pussy.

"Tell me the name of the part of your body I'm kissing now." He smiled wickedly.

"Oh. darling. Please... please don't make me talk dirty. I'm so ashamed." I complained.

"I want you to be a free woman. I want you to say things openly. I'm your husband.

Come on now. Tonight I'm going to make you talk dirty. You will talk like a slut. A good wife should be a lady outside, and a whore in bed."

"You want me to be a whore?"

"In bed yes." was his strict command.

"OK darling. I'll try."

"Which part of your body am I kissing now?" He repeated his question.

"You're kissing my pussy."

"You know perfectly well that's not the answer I expected."

"Please darling give me some more time. Don't push me. I'll do anything you wish. But please be patient." I pleaded.

"OK. Ann. I'll wait. When I return from the desert, I expect to find a whore in my bed."

He mounted me, began to pump his penis in my vagina with deep strokes.

On the following day he brought a box wrapped in plain paper.

"Open it honey." He smiled. "There are some toys inside, to keep you busy while I'm away."

I tore the package to take a look. In the box, there were some weird items that I hadn't known existed until then.

"What are these?" I was puzzled.

"This one is a dildo, you can insert it into your pussy when you can't have the real thing." He went on explaining. "And, this is an electrical vibrator, runs on batteries. You can use it on your clit. I'm sure it will create some sensations in your pussy to make you come. The other one is a strap-on-dildo for you if you need to act being a man."

"Oh Jim you are embarrassing me, again."

"Don't be silly. I want you go upstairs and masturbate. I promise I won't come near to you. You can be sure that you won't be intimidated by my presence. Just feel free, go to bed and play with your new toys."

"OK darling. But I want you to come with me. Show me how to masturbate. I've never did it before."

Both of us was naked on bed, with toys brownietered around us.

"Which one you'd like to try first?"

"That one." I indicated the vibrator.

He handed me the long plastic tube, and helped me to insert it into my vagina. When it was fully in, he flipped on the switch. The vibrator began to hum in my depts.

"How do you like it?"

"Well, I don't know. Oh Jim let's make love. I don't want these cold plastic in me when I have you here." I begged him.

"You must know how to convince me to do that to you."

"Yes I know." I conceded. "Fuck me darling. Fuck me with that beautiful cock of yours." The time had come for us to say "Sayanora", like it says in that old misterg. There were lots of tears and kisses. In my short married life, I had to be parted from my beloved husband for the first time.

"Don't cry Ann. I want to remember you smiling."

"I can't help it, darling. I will miss you."

"Just remember what I taught you last week." He comforted me "Masturbate dreaming you're doing it with me. Try to conjure up some erotic images in your mind, and use those toys in the box I gave you."

"But it is not the real thing." I complained.

"Then, find yourself a lover." Jim went on. "Look Ann, I'm not a jealous man. Feel free to do what you consider best."

"Oh my God. Don't suggest me that again." I declined.

"Listen to me, honey. I want you to be happy. Don't blame me if you can not find the courage to fool around when I'm gone."

"Be reamisterable Jim, how can I go out and find a man? What about my reputation? Do you like to find your wife known as a slut in the neighborhood?"

"I don't care how you are known by others. I love you Ann. Why don't you call George... remember? The bestman in our wedding. Once, he confided in me that he had hots for you. Just give him a call and invite him to dinner. See what happens."

"Never mind." I cut him short.

"OK. Everything is said. Good Bye honey."

"Good Bye. Take care."

"You too"

He drove off. He was gone.

The first and second day were considerably easy, but on the third, I was getting frustrated (sexually) as my body began to feel the lack of sex it had been used to so much.

On that day, my best friend, Cecile came to visit me.
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