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les histoires de chrislebo

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Je viens de claquer sèchement les petits seins de ma sœur.

-Aahh !
-Toi ta gueule ! Tu es mauvaise soumise.

Je les emmène dans le salon. J'attache les bras de Chloé dans *** dos. Et je donne le martinet à Léa.

-Punie cette traînée ! 10 coups ! Comme d'habitude si j'estime que c'est mal fait c'est toi qui prendra.
-Compter sur moi maître.

Alors que je pensais qu'elle lui frapperais le cul, le martinet s'abat sur le sein droit de Chloé lui arrachant un hurlement.


-Aahh ! Putain !

"CLACK !! CLACK ! CLACK !!!..."

-Aaaahhhh ! Ail ! PUTAIN !! Maman j'ai mal !

Léa frappe les seins de sa fille avec des coups sévère. Elle marque ses seins de trait rouges. Chloé crie sa douleur (et *** plaisir ?). Une fois les 10 coups donné Léa me rend le martinet. Je détache Chloé qui tombe à genoux et se caressent les seins pour apaiser sa douleur.

-C'est bien Léa tu a été dur mais c'est bien. Tu a gagner une récompense. Mets toi en levrette sur le canapé que je te baise la chatte.
-Oui merci maître.

À peine est elle installer que je me présente ma bite déjà bander à l'entrée de *** vagin déjà mouiller. Je l'enfournne sans ménagement, d'un seul coup sec.

-Oh putain c'est gros !

Je la baise bien fort en la fessant, en l'insultant, je cogne au fond de sa chatte. C'est de la baise pur et dur. Léa mouille comme une folle et crie *** plaisir.

-Maître c'est trop bon ! Vous le baisez si bien ! OUI PLUS FORT ! Oh putain oui !!

Je continue ainsi la destruction du vagin de ma mère. Je jette un regard à Chloé, elle a déjà oublié sa punition et se doigte à fond la chatte et le cul.

Cela m'excite encore plus et j'enfonce un doigts dans l'anus serrer de ma mère sans prévenir tout en continuant de baiser sa chatte.

-OH LE SALOP ! Aahh oui maître je vais jouir ! Je vous en supplie faite jouir votre putain de mère !

Je baise sa chatte à grand coup de bite et lui doigte le cul jusqu'à la faire jouir.

-OUI PUTAIN OUI ! JE JOUIS MON MAÎTRE ! OUI DÉFONCEZ MOI ! Oh merci maître d'avoir jouir votre chienne.
-Tu l'avais mérité. À toi de te rattraper Chloé, suce moi, fais moi gicler.
-Oui mon maître donnez moi votre sexe.

J'enfonce ma bite bien dur au fond de sa bouche. Chloé est vraiment une fantastique suceuse. Elle me suce, me lèche, caresse mes couilles, me branle.

-Je vais gicler ma chienne, je vais couvrir tes petits seins de mon sperme.
-Oui maître donnez moi votre jus.

Je me retire de sa bouche et c'est Léa qui vient me branler sur les seins de sa fille. Je jouis abondamment, lui couvrant les seins. Léa vient étaler et lécher le sperme sur les seins de sa fille comme une pommade pour les marques de martinet qu'elle lui avait infligé.

Je les adorent mes deux salopes.


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Je me réveillais, engourdi par cette très mauvaise nuit...
La veille, ma femme Caroline m'avait surpris à la sortie d'un hôtel discret, main dans la main avec ma maîtresse depuis presque 15 ans, au vu et au su de toute la ville (ce que j'ignorais). Le retour à la maison en compagnie de ma seule femme dans la voiture fut insupportable Caro n'arrêtant pas de hurler et de pleurer..
En rentrant, elle me dit: "C'est fini, je divorce!!"
Je la suppliais de ne rien faire, je tremblai à cette idée, aimant malgré tout éperdument ma femme, sans compter que cela faisait 2ans que j'étais au chômage et que sans les revenus de ma femme, il m'aurait été impossible de survivre.
Elle sécha ses larmes en pleurnichant et me dit: " Je pars 24 heures, j'ai besoin de réfléchir."
Et elle partit sans se retourner, me laissant désemparé, terriblement angoissé.
Je passais donc dans la cuisine et prenais mon petit dèjà.
Le téléphone sonna. C'était ma femme: " C'est moi! J'ai passé la nuit à réfléchir. J'accepte de ne pas divorcer à une seule condition: Tu acceptes dès maintenant de faire ABSOLUMENT TOUT CE QUE JE T'ORDONNERAI DE FAIRE. Réfléchis soigneusement avant de répondre, tu n'auras aucune possibilité de faire machine arrière. Est-ce que tu as bien compris ce que je viens de dire?"
"Alors réfléchis et réponds moi! Si tu dis oui, tu vas souffrir, changer complètement de vie et être aussi humilié que ce que tu m'as fait subir en 20 ans de mariage." Je tremblais de peur mais j'étais coincé et elle le savait.
"Oui." lui dis-je
"Parfait! Bienvenu dans ta nouvelle vie sale con! A 18 heures, tu prends une douche et tu te mets à poil dans le hall d'entrée, le dos à la porte et les jambes écartées!"
Elle raccroche sans que j'ai le temps de répondre..
Je respecte donc à la lettre ses instructions et quant elle rentra le soir j'étais nu dans l'entrée.Elle posa la multitude de sacs qu'elle portait et elle tourna autour de moi avec un rictus sur les lèvres.
"Je vais te faire souffrir, te faire payer ces 15 années où tu m'as ridiculisé aux yeux de toute la ville. Côté sexe, tu n'as jamais été un très bon coup. Une petite bite pas très raide et mince et j'ai toujours eu l'impression que je te servais de vide couilles plutôt que de vraie femme. Dorénavant, donc, tu ne t'en serviras plus jamais!!"
Je protestais mais elle coupa court fermement:" Ta gueule!
Dorénavant, tu ne parleras que quand je te le dirais! Ne m'appelle plus jamais Caroline, tu n'en as plus le droit! Appelle-moi MAITRESSE. D'autre part, étant donné que tu ne sers à rien et que tu ne ramènes pratiquement rien à la maison, tu vas travailler pour moi, tu seras ma boniche, il faut bien que tu paies ton couvert et ton couchage, branleur! A propos de branler, tu as l'interdiction absolue de te branler! Connard! " Elle éclata de rire..
"Dans un quart d'heure, une femme va venir, tu l'accueilleras comme ça et la conduiras à la salle de bain et tu feras tout ce qu'elle te dira. En l'attendant va nettoyer les chiottes, lopette!" Et elle me mit un grand coup de pied dans le cul. Honteux, je m'exécutai


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Comme annoncé, une femme chargée d'un gros sac vint ***ner à la porte. J'ouvris nu et honteux. C'était une belle femme, grande et charpentée, blonde aux cheveux longs, avec des yeux bleus extrêmement clairs. Elle me regarda d'un oeil sévère et me dit: " Alors, c'est toi la petite merde?? Putain, c'est vrai que t'as une bite microscopique!! Je vais faire de toi une jolie soubrette, de toute façon une bite comme ça, moi j'appelle ça un clito!"
Elle saisit fermement mon sexe et me demanda de lui montrer où était la salle de bain et m'y traîna durement par la queue. Une fois arrivés, elle me demanda de lui passer la grande cuvette et m'ordonna de me mettre à quatre patte et d'écarter les jambes. Elle prit dans *** sac une paire de gants en caoutchouc, les enfila et prit également une grande poche prolongée d'un tuyau et d'une canule. Elle la remplit d'eau, la suspendit à la douche, mit la bassine entre mes cuisses, se pencha et me dit doucement:
"Je vais laver ton cul de pétasse, ensuite je vais te transformer en femme, vu que t'es mince tu feras une très jolie pute, tu verras!!"
"Mais enfin Madame... " Je n'eus pas le temps de continuer, un fulgurant coup de pied dans le ventre m'envoya valdinguer contre le mur...
"Espèce de conne, t'as toujours pas compris que t'es qu'une Merde, ferme ta gueule!!"
Ayant du mal à récupérer mon souffle et ayant trop peur de recevoir d'autres coups, je m'exécutai.
Elle se pencha et enfonça sans prévenir dans mon anus la canule qui était au bout du tuyau. Je poussai un cri, ce qui la fit éclater de rire. Elle ouvrit une sorte de robinet à la base de la poche et je sentis progressivement l'eau remplir mon ventre, ce qui quand la poche fut vide, devint douloureux, je sentais une très forte envie de chier. La femme me dit: "Garde cette eau encore dix minutes et seulement alors tu te soulageras aux toilettes."
Elle me refit encore deux lavements comme ceci, prit dans *** sac un ancien rasoir et me rasa entièrement le corps, tête comprise. Ensuite elle me mit beaucoup de vaseline dans le cul et m'en tartina la raie.
"Et maintenant on va t'habiller pour ton dépucelage!"
Elle me tendit une paire de bas de soie noire que je dus enfiler, suivis d'un délicat porte-jarretelles de même couleur, auquel une fois mis je fixais les bas. Mine de rien ça m'excitais considérablement et je fus pris d'une violente érection.
"Cache ton clito là-dedans!"
Elle me tendit une ravissante culotte blanche toute en dentelle de soie que j'enfilai avec plaisir, suivi d'un soutif dans lequel elle inséra des poches de silicone, qui me donnèrent une poitrine très avantageuse. Je dus alors enfiler une robe très courte noire avec par dessus un petit tablier blanc éclatant. Elle me fit alors asseoir et entreprit de me maquiller totalement le visage en me donnant un maximum de détail sur ce qu'il conviendrait de faire, puisque dans l'avenir je devrais me maquiller plusieurs fois par jour. Quand elle eut fini par du rouge à lèvres, elle saisit dans *** sac une magnifique perruque noire et longue et la fixa sur ma tête devenue chauve. Elle saisit un collier de cuir dans *** sac et le fixa à mon cou et y clippa une laisse.
"La touche finale, sale pédé! Penche toi en avant et écarte un peu les jambes!"
Ce que je fis. Elle releva ma robe, baissa ma culotte et enfonça quelque chose dans mon cul lubrifié, ce qui me fit mal.


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Elle remonta ma petite culotte, remit ma robe en place et me dit:
"Ce plug que j'ai mis dans ton gros cul est le signe définitif de ton appartenance en tant qu'esclave à ton ex-femme qui est maintenant et pour toujours ta Maîtresse.
Tu devras constamment le porter, sauf quand tu te fais baiser. Quand tu iras chier, tu auras pour obligation de te faire un lavement. Quand tu iras pisser tu te laveras le clito soigneusement. Avant de sortir des chiottes tu te parfumeras le cul et le clito. Si tu sens la transpiration, tu prends immédiatement une douche. Tu dois toujours sentir bon. N'oublie pas que tu ne seras plus jamais un homme, tu es une femme, un objet sexuel, tu vas faire jouir beaucoup de gens et le pire que tu ignores c'est que toi aussi tu vas beaucoup jouir!!" Elle éclata de rire.
"Maintenant ferme les yeux!" Ce que je fis. Elle me traîna sur quelque mètres avec la laisse, me fit arrêter et me chuchota à l'oreille: "Ouvre les yeux et dis-moi comment tu te trouves!"
Je fus subjugué par le spectacle. J'avais dans la glace l'image d'une femme terriblement féminine, une belle poitrine, un petit cul bien cambré à faire bander n'importe qui, un visage très fin et mignon, des lèvres presque pulpeuses, je fus à nouveau pris d'une violente érection.
"Magnifique!" fut la seule chose que je pus dire...
Elle sourit, saisit ma laisse et m'entraînas au rez-de-chaussée.
Ma femme nous attendait, très belle, juchée sur des talons hauts, drapée dans un grand tee-shirt qui laissait deviner qu'elle ne portait pas de sous-vêtements. Elle embrassa goulûment ma préparatrice et lui dit: "Je te remercie, ma nouvelle pute est vraiment très belle, quelle salope!"
Et elle lui tendit une liasse de billets.
Celle-ci la remercia et lui dit: "Je pense que tu avais rai***, elle a toujours eu une nature de soumise, et *** dépucelage multiple de ce soir va être un régal!" Elles rirent et Caro la raccompagna dans l'entrée.
Elle revint et en s'asseyant confortablement me dit: "Ce soir petite pute, je vais me régaler, nous attendons du monde! Sept femmes vont bientôt arriver, elles ont toutes eu des problèmes avec leurs maris ou compagnons, elles vont donc adorer cette soirée!
Je ne t'aime plus, mais je te garde pour me rembourser de toutes ces années ************* où tu m'as trompé avec ta salope, toutes ces années où tout le monde s'est bien foutu de ma gueule sans que je n'en sache rien.
Je te promets que tu vas en sentir le poids!!


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Merci pour la fin de l'histoire précédente et pour la nouvelle (un début ?).
Bonne continuation


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yes un début


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A peine avait-elle fini de parler que l'on entendit la ***nerie de l'entrée.
"Lève-toi petite conne et tiens-toi droite et ne bouge plus, je reviens!"
Elle alla ouvrir et j'entendis plusieurs voix féminines.
Elles rentrèrent dans le salon et éclatèrent de rire en me regardant.
"Je vous présente MA petite merde, ma salope, ma lopette, mon esclave pour toujours, ma petite gouine, ma jardinière, ma cuisinière, ma vide-couilles, ma pétasse, mon papier-cul, ma chienne, c'est une connasse qui m'a trompé pendant 15 ans avec une grosse pute!! Asseyez-vous, Mesdames! Soyez les bienvenues chez moi.
Elles s'assirent toutes en riant. Parmi elles je reconnus malheureusement Chantal, une ex-collègue très pimbêche que je m'étais beaucoup plu à taquiner et à moquer, elle était devenu la risée de tout le bureau. Caro se leva et déplaça la table du salon. Je vis alors 4 menottes fixées au sol. Elle me regarda et dit: "Viens là, la merde, à quatre pattes!!" Honteux, je m'exécutais.
Elle fixa mes chevilles et mes poignets aux menottes et retourna s'asseoir.
"Mesdames, vous avez toutes souffert de la bêtise et de la lâcheté de vos compagnons à un moment donné de votre vie. Je vous propose de vous venger des hommes symboliquement. Cette petite salope qui est devant vous est vierge de la chatte." Éclat de rires général...
"Il est temps que cette jeune fille devienne une vraie femme! Et j'ai pensé que vous étiez les mieux placées pour vous en occuper. Il est grand temps d'ouvrir et dilater cette chatte faite pour la baise! Je vous propose les unes après les autres de la violer, elle n'a pas encore compris *** rôle de pute définitive et il est temps que vous la remettiez à sa place. Est-ce que l'idée vous plait??"
"Ouiiiii!!!" toutes en chœur...
Éclat de rires général...
Caro se leva, vint derrière moi, releva ma robe et arracha ma culotte d'un coup sec, l'enfonça dans ma bouche et dit: "Comme ça on l'entendra presque pas gueuler! Comme je vous fait une faveur, j'apprécierais que vous m'en fassiez une. Je crois savoir que vous êtes toutes bisexuelles. Ce n'est pas mon ex-mari avec sa bite ridicule qui m'a donné du plaisir dans ma vie." Tout en disant cela, elle se leva et fit passer par dessus ses épaules *** tee-shirt, révélant ainsi *** corps nu au regard de toutes, elles pouvaient voir que *** abricot était luisant de mouille, comme jamais je ne l'avais vu en 20 ans de vie commune, vocalises générales de ces femmes émues et appréciatrice de ce corps superbe.
"Il est grand temps pour moi de jouir à fond et je souhaiterais que vous me passiez toutes sur le corps pour me faire jouir, jouir, jouir!! Sautez-moi cette pétasse et venez me faire jouir! Est-ce que le contrat vous va??"
Oui général et spontané...
Caro se lève et prend un sac derrière *** fauteuil, l'ouvre et en sort une série de gode ceintures, tous très épais et longs.
"Voila vos bites Mesdames, des vrais bites pas comme celles des hommes que vous avez ou avez eus!"
Et chacune de choisir le sien en riant.
"A poil Mesdames et mettez vos godes!"
Ce qu'elles firent spontanément. Je sentais monter à mes narines une odeur de féminité intime qui me fit terriblement bander.
"Avant de commencer, la règle est la suivante: quand une aura fini de limer cette pute et se retirera pour laisser la place à la suivante, elle passera devant pour se "faire tailler une pipe" par la pute, il faut qu'elle prenne l'habitude de sucer des bites!!
Parfait! Quelle est celle d'entre vous qui va dépuceler cette connasse en tout premier? Elle est vierge, il faut bien que quelqu'un lui déchire l'hymen!"
Éclats de rire et des "Moi!!!" en pagaille.
Applaudissement général... Et un fris*** d'horreur me parcourt l'échine quand je vois Chantal se lever et se présenter devant Caro.
"Caroline, laisse-moi ce privilège, s'il te plait!
J'ai un compte per***nel à régler avec cette pétasse!!"
"Avec plaisir, ma chérie! Tiens puisque tu es la première, un petit bonus de plaisir pour toi!" Elle se baissa et prit dans le sac des godes une cravache qu'elle lui tendit. Le visage de Chantal fut alors déformé par un rictus carnassier et des yeux luisant d'envie.
"Attendris cette pute avant de la violer!"
"A vos ordres Madame!" Éclats de rire.
"Mesdames puisque Chantal va procéder au dépucelage de celle qui va devenir notre pute per***nelle, mettons-nous autour d'elles, tenons-nous la main par solidarité!" Ce qu'elles firent avec des éclairs de gourmandise et de mépris dans les yeux.


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Les coups se mirent à pleuvoir avec ***** sur mon cul, cette garce s'en donnait à cœur joie, je hurlais de douleur, mais avec la culotte dans ma bouche, on ne pouvait pas m'entendre de l'extérieur.
Quand elle s'arrêta fatiguée, j'avais le cul en feu. Elle ne s'était pas privé de frapper le bout du plug qui dépassait de mon anus. Quand je relevais la tête, je vis ma femme prise en sandwich par deux des femmes, elle avait l'air de prendre un pied formidable et grognait de plaisir en les caressant. Mais entre-temps, Chantal s'était mise à genou dans mon dos, retira *********** le plug, et posa le bout de *** gode contre ma rondelle.
"Et maintenant, le dépucelage! Je vais te déchirer la chatte petite pute!"
Et elle s'enfonça d'un seul coup dans mon cul provoquant un hurlement de ma part, étouffé par la culotte. Applaudissement général et éclats de rire de ma femme.
"Vas-y Chantal, lime-moi cette petite pute!"
Et c'est ce qu'elle fit sans se faire prier et en riant. J'avais l'anus déchiré, je savais que ma rondelle devait saigner. Cela dura un long moment et il faut bien dire que à un moment donné la douleur commença à faire place à un certain plaisir qui décupla avec le temps. Réapparition d'une solide érection.
"Regardez comme elle aime ça cette salope, elle a le clito qui bande! Je vais faire un petit film et je le mettrais sur le net. Ça va exciter tous les pédés de la terre!"
Nouvel éclat de rire général.
Et ce qui devait arriver arriva, j'éjaculais une incroyable quantité de sperme et tout le monde rit.
Fatiguée, Chantal se retira, passa devant moi, immédiatement remplacée par une autre, retira la culotte de ma bouche et y enfonça le gode souillé.
"Voilà petite merde, tu n'es plus vierge! Alors maintenant nettoie soigneusement ma bite!" Et elle rit aux larmes.
Et cela dura une bonne partie de la nuit, les unes immédiatement remplacées par les autres. Pendant ce temps ma femme se faisait troncher dans tous les sens par toutes les femmes, léchant goulûment des chattes trempées, des anus dilaté et criant sa jouissance à toute *****.
C'était le milieu de la nuit quand tout cessa. J'étais épuisé, autant par les douleurs que par le plaisir incroyable éprouvé. Ma femme se leva, les yeux bouffis par toute cette jouissance ressentie, l'intérieur des cuisses luisant de mouille.
Toutes les femmes se rhabillaient, épuisées elles aussi. Ma femme en fit autant, vint détacher mes menottes et m'ordonna:
"La soirée n'est pas tout a fait finie pour toi, hangar à godes! Monte prendre une douche, après tu mettras la nuisette transparente et les escarpins que j'ai posé dans la chambre et tu redescends, sans avoir oublié de te remaquiller, d'avoir remis ton soutif avec les bourrelets à l'intérieur! Allez!"
Je me dépêchais et pris cette douche avec plaisir nettoyant le trou béant qu'était devenu ma rondelle.
Une fois "habillée" je redescendis. Elles étaient assises et m'attendaient.
Elles rirent en me voyant arriver dans cette tenue.
" Elle est bien foutue cette conne!"
"Ouais, tu devrais la mettre sur le trottoir, ça te fera un complément de salaire!"
Éclats de rire.
Caroline de me dire: "Mets toi à quatre pattes, connasse, et lèche cette flaque de sperme!"
Quand j'eus tout bien nettoyé, elle accrocha de nouveau la laisse à mon collier et dit: "Allons-y Mesdames, parachevons cette soirée en rigolant!"


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Lorsque nous sortîmes tous, je passais devant la glace et me voyant, je ne pouvais m'empêcher de penser que j'étais délicieusement sexy. Elles avaient rai***, j'étais vraiment très excitante, ces nichons artificiels généreux, ce corps fin, glabre de tous poils, ce petit cul bien cambré et encore ouvert, cette jolie chevelure qui caressait mon cou, cette nuisette délicate qui ne cachait rien, wouaouw!
Nous sortîmes et je bandais à nouveau. Chantal le fit remarquer à ma femme qui dit aussitôt:
"Malgré tout ce qu'on lui a fait cette pute est encore excitée!! Qui t'as autorisé à bander, sale pute?
Tu vas le payer!!"
Elle prit *** portable, composa un numéro:"Allô? C'est moi. Tu te souviens de ta promesse?
Fous toi à poil, ne garde que tes chaussures, enfile un imper et rejoins nous sur la place principale!"
Elle raccrocha et elles rentrèrent toutes dans deux voitures, toutes sauf moi bien sur. Ma femme me fit venir sur le côté de notre voiture côté conducteur, ouvrit la vitre, prit ma laisse et démarra tout doucement, suivie par la seconde voiture.
"Je vais te promener comme ça dans toute la ville, je veux que tout le monde sache que j'ai repris le contrôle total de ta per***ne, que tu m'appartiens à vie, que tu es ma petite pute perso, que ton corps ne t'appartient plus!"
Et nous nous promenâmes comme ça à travers la ville, dans toutes les rues, et même si c'était tard dans cette nuit de Samedi à Dimanche, plein de gens nous virent, ou plutôt me virent, c'était surtout les femmes qui étaient virulentes, me pointant du doigt en éclatant de rire, m'insultant, certaines ne se gênant pas pour me mettre de grosses claques sur le cul ou pour me cracher dessus en me traitant de sale pute. Les filles dans les deux voitures étaient mortes de rire.
Quant à moi je dois admettre contre mon gré que cette ballade, même si elle était humiliante, m'excitait beaucoup. La nuisette qui caressait délicieusement mes jolies fesses, cet anus déchiré et encore ouvert dans lequel l'air s'engouffrait, mon "clito" gorgé de sang et mes boules se balançaient au rythme de ma marche forcée....
Nous nous arrêtâmes, ma femme prit congé de ses nouvelles amies. Chantal avant de partir me mit un grand coup de pied au cul. "A la prochaine, connasse!"
Et elles s'éloignèrent toutes en riant.
Nous étions sur la place centrale, ma femme m'amena au pied d'un arbre et m'y enchaîna par la laisse, je ne pouvais pas m'échapper.
"Alors tu m'as trompé pendant 15 ans, hein? Tu vas sentir le poids de ma colère et de ************* subie!"
Une petite dizaine d'hommes s'étaient rassemblés autour de nous, certains m'insultaient, d'autres au contraire vantaient mes charmes, me trouvaient très excitantes et je voyais avec horreur de grosses bosses se former dans les pantalons.
Un homme noir et chauve, de forte carrure et de grande taille, vêtu d'un imper s'approcha de ma femme.
"Enlève moi cet imper!" lui dit elle. Il laissa tomber l'imper à ses pieds devant tout le monde. Il ne bandait pas, mais on voyait bien que même au repos, il avait une bite énorme. Ma femme s'approcha de lui et sans un mot commença à le caresser partout avec gourmandise. *** sexe se redressa et devint proprement énorme. Ma femme commença à le branler et me dit:
"Tu vois, ça c'est une vraie bite d'homme! C'est pas un clito de salope comme le tien!!"
Se tournant vers lui, tout en le masturbant, elle lui demanda:"T'as tenu parole?"
"Ça fait combien de temps que t'as pas tiré un coup?"
"Quinze jours!"
"Parfait! Comment tu la trouves?" dit elle en me montrant du doigt.
"Je te l'offre! Baise la! Tu peux la troncher tout le temps que tu voudras, elle est à moi!"
L'homme s'approcha, me prit les fesses en les écartant et émit un sifflement.
"Ouais, moi et mes copines on l'a travaillée toute la nuit pour te frayer un passage! Elle ne s'est pas encore refermée!!" dit elle en éclatant de rire.
L'homme s'enfonça d'un seul coup en moi, lentement et régulièrement, jusqu'à ce qu'il ne puisse pas aller plus loin. Je hurlais de douleur, complètement déchiré.
Et pendant de très longues minutes qui me parurent une éternité, il me pilonna le cul devant tout le monde.
Certains avaient carrément baissé leurs pantalons et se branlaient ouvertement. Même ma femme avait glissé une main sous sa jupe et se caressait manifestement.
A la fin, la douleur incroyable avait progressivement fait place à une jouissance incomparable, qui partait du bas ventre et remontait tout le long de ma colonne vertébrale, me mettant dans un état second.
Nous jouîmes en même temps en hurlant tous les deux, je sentais d'incroyable flots de sperme couler en moi, sortant même de mon cul et couler sur mes jambes. Quant il se retira, je tombais sur les genoux, les yeux révulsés, des picotements dans tout le corps, complètement tremblante. Autour de nous les hommes éjaculaient, ça sentait très fort le sperme.
Manifestement, ma femme avait joui et se réajustait. Elle vint vers moi, me détacha, il n'y avait plus per***ne autour de nous, les gens s'étaient soudainement éparpillés comme une volée de moineaux.
Ma femme m'aida à me relever et me mit dans la voiture.
"Ne salis pas la voiture!"
Nous rentrâmes, aussi épuisés l'un que l'autre par cette soirée et cette nuit de folie.


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Total Nathan Com­put­er Mind­con­trol.

Nathan stepped out of the lift, and walked along the land­ing to the flat he want­ed. Nathan at over 6"1 and a tight firm build could have been a sports star, but he wasn't. He had want­ed to be, but six fel­low foot­ball play­ers falling on his left leg and brak­ing it in two places, in his first semester at col­lage put pay to that, but he was a good stu­dent. That was not true, to be fair he was a nerd, if he was not in the gym, he was work­ing on com­put­ers, or writ­ing En­glish lit, or his­to­ry pa­pers for his course work. Even when not in the gym or doing course work, Nathan fixed com­put­ers, or wrote pa­pers for other stu­dents (Which he charged for). Nathan's fa­ther had died when he was a baby. Short­ly after that his moth­er had re­mar­ried, an army of­fi­cer. Nathan's step-fa­ther when ever he was home on leave was a stern and strict per­son, who would beat the young Nathan on the first and last day of his leave from the army for rea­sons known only to him­self. The fact was Nathan's Step­fa­ther hated chil­dren, so much so that on the day of their 18th birth­day, Nathan's step­fa­ther had marched Nathan's older twin broth­ers out the fam­i­ly home, and ****** them to join the navy (The army hav­ing turned them down). Nathan saw lit­tle of his moth­er or broth­ers now, but he got let­ters twice a month.

His step­fa­ther was also the rea­son why, in the late af­ter­noon of a Fri­day in sum­mer Nathan was not get­ting ready to go home for the sum­mer. When Nathan turned 18, his step­fa­ther was all ready to ***** him also into the army, but Nathan had stood up to him and told him that he was going to go to col­lage. Nathan had thought that his step­fa­ther was going to strike him, but he did not. In­stead he agreed, but told Nathan that he would not pay one cent to­wards the cost of his going to col­lage. So be­tween his 18th birth­day and when he start­ed col­lage Nathan held down three, or four jobs at a time, and save every cent; and when not work­ing he had his nose stuck in books. Nathan en­tered col­lage and worked hard, but found that the money he had save was not enough to cover ev­ery­thing that was need­ed. So he start­ed sort­ing out fel­low stu­dents com­put­er, and charg­ing. Then by chance his room­mate fell be­hind with some course work, jok­ing­ly Nathan said that he would write a paper for him. With­out blink­ing an eye­lid, Nathan's room­mate thrust $200.​00 into Nathan's hand and said that the paper was need­ed be 5 tonight, and left the room.

So Nathan now had the means to stay at col­lage, even if one of the means was brak­ing the law. His step­fa­ther had ex­cept­ed that Nathan was going to col­lage, but had stat­ed that he could not come home for the full sum­mer va­ca­tion, only the last two week at the end of the va­ca­tion, Nathan had not been aloud home for Christ­mas or East­er. So Nathan was on his way to do some work to erin money while his fel­low stu­dents pre­pared to go home for sum­mer va­ca­tion. Tom Smith was the as­sis­tant couch, al­thou Nathan did not play any sports any­more, Tom had stayed on friend­ly terms with Nathan, and help him with his gym work­outs. In fact Tom had tried to talk Nathan into try­ing out for the team again after five mem­bers of the team had dis­ap­peared, but Nathan knew that his leg would not stand the strain. By now Nathan had reached the flat he want­ed. Be­fore knock­ing on the door of flat 69, Nathan lift­ed up his base­ball cap and run his hand over his neat­ly trimmed, High & Tight Buzz-cut hair (His step­fa­ther had in­sist­ed that he and his broth­ers had this sort of cut.). Nathan knocked on the door; there was no an­swer he knocked again.

This time after a long wait the door opened. Tom the as­sis­tant coach stood in the door­way, his blond hair was all over the place, his T-shirt was out side his pants and his track-suit bot­toms looked like they had been pulled on quick­ly, the waist cord was un­tied. "You al­right." Nathan asked, he had never seen Tom in this sort of state be­fore; Tom had al­ways been so neat and prim with his ap­pear­ance that see­ing him like this was a great shock. Tom look at Nathan with what seemed like empty eyes, for a while be­fore an­swer­ing in a voice that was not quite Tom's nor­mal voice. "Yes I'm fine, bad night that's all." He stepped a side so Nathan could enter the flat. Tom's flat was usu­al­ly neat and prim just like his ap­pear­ance, but the flat that Nathan stood in now was any­thing but that. What looked like old sport kit was piled on a chair in the cor­ner of the room, there was the faint smell of cigar smoke (But Tow didn't smoke). Junk food car­tons & empty beer cans lay on the floor. Also there was an un­opened pack­age on a table by the door. "Sorry; about the mess. Had some friends round last night. Haven't had time to...." Tom said, his voice pe­tered out some words un­said.

"Yes, great night! Aren't you going to in­tro­duce he to your friend?" Said a voice from be­hind Nathan and Tom, Nathan turned round and saw what looked like a large biker sit­ing on a couch rest­ing against the far wall of the room. On hear­ing the voice, Tom seemed to give a start and be­came like his old self. "Yes of cause, this is Nathan. His here to try to fix my com­put­er." Tom said, now speak­ing in his nor­mal voice; that strange empty look in his eyes had also gone. "So you're the guy, your Nathan. You're bet­ter than we ex­pect­ed or hoped for. You'll do nice­ly." The biker said, stand­ing up and shak­ing hands with Nathan, who thought that what the biker had just said was odd, but he said noth­ing. "Well, must go thing to do. Don't for­get Boy, you've got to be some­where." The biker said pat­ting Tom on his back as he left the flat.

That strange empty look re­turned to Tom's eyes, and when he spoke his voice also sound­ed empty. "Yes, Must be some­where." He then seemed to snap out of it, shak­ing his head he led Nathan over to the com­put­er. Nathan looked at Tom, there was some­thing not right here, and Tom was def­i­nite­ly act­ing odd. Nathan made up his mind that what­ev­er it was it was none of his busi­ness, he would fix Tom's com­put­er and leave as quick­ly as pos­si­ble. Tom spoke again, but this time his voice was nor­mal again. "I hope you can fix it, its that once its pow­ered up thing else hap­pens."



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Nathan slid into the chair in front of the com­put­er, and switched it on. The Win­dows 98 logo ap­peared on the screen for a few sec­onds, then just a blank screen. Nathan taped away at the key­board, still noth­ing. He reached into the back pock­et of the pair of shorts he had on, and swore. " Fuck, I've left my mas­ter disks in my room, I'll have to go back and get them." He stood up to leave. "Wait." Said Tom. "Don't. I've got a mas­ter disk you can use. I got it from Biker." Nathan looked at Tom. "Biker? Was that the guy that was just here." He asked, as he pic­tured the guy; he had been dressed in black leather boot, pants and jack­et, white wife-beat­er T-shirt and dark glass­es. Long rat's tails of red hair cov­ered his head, his bread was un­kept­ed. "Yes." Said Tom, he hand­ed Nathan a disk case. "Please, use this I re­al­ly need my com­put­er, like now. You can come back later and down­load one of your disks." He said, Nathan took the disk case. "I've got to go, but please do what you can." Nathan opened his mouth to speak, but be­fore he could say a word Tom had left. There's def­i­nite­ly some­thing-weird going on here, thought Nathan, I'm out of here as soon as this jobs done. Nathan opened the disk-case, and looked at the disk in side. The words and let­ters: 'T.N.C.M: MAS­TER CON­TROL..' Were writ­ten on the disk in thick black felt-tip. Nathan sided, no won­der Tom was hav­ing trou­ble with his com­put­er, if he was using doughy soft-wear. Nathan slid the disk into the Disk drive.

T.N.C.M. Click Enter: Ap­peared on the screen. Nathan moved the mouse, and clicked on ENTER. More words ap­peared on the screen, elec­tron­ic music start­ed to play, a strange al­most hyp­not­ic tune. Nathan found that sud­den­ly he felt tiered, he shock his head to clear it, and read the words on the screen. T.N.C.M PRO­CESS­ING: CLICK ENTER. He clicked enter, a strip of light start­ed rolling down the screen, over and over again. As the light moved it flash in time with the music, the music changed to. It was still elec­tron­ic, and was now very hyp­not­ic, the tune had changed also. Nathan was now find­ing it hard to con­cen­trate, but he could not fig­ure out why. T.N.C.M: PRO­CESS­ING; LEVEL 2. CLICK ENTER. With­out even think­ing Nathan clicked on enter

A swirl of mul­ti­coloured dots ap­peared on the screen, Nathan was im­me­di­ate­ly taken in by the swirl. He sat watch­ing the swirl, and lis­ten­ing to the music for a long time. Still watch­ing the screen, Nathan reached down and pulled open his shorts flies. With­out blink­ing, or tak­ing his eyes off the screen, Nathan pulled the jock strap he wore under his shorts aside, and so free­ing his cock. A grey mist seemed to be fill­ing his mind, but noth­ing mat­tered any more. All that now mat­tered to Nathan was the swirling lights, and soft elec­tron­ic music. Those won­der­ful lights. Nathan was now to­tal­ly co­matose, drool dripped from his mouth, some stuck to the stub­ble on his chin the rest fell onto his T-shirt. The Music stopped. A voice spoke the ad­dled mind of Nathan could not tell if it come from the com­put­er, or be­hind him. He just kept look­ing at the screen. "Total Nathan Com­put­er Mind­con­trol." Said the voice. "Stage 1: You will get hard, but you can not touch your cock." Yes and No ap­peared on the bot­tom of the screen, the swirl quick­ened up. Nathan's cock had swelled up so must that the fly zip­per of his shorts bit into his cock. Nathan seemed not to no­tice. "If you're hard and horny click yes." Said the voice, Nathan moved the mouse, and clicked on 'Yes'

The swirl change to a spin­ning tun­nel of yel­low light, at the far end of which could be seen an image of a naked hot look­ing guy, his hand jerk­ing his mem­ber, a looked of shear bliss on his face. "T.N.C.M. now con­trols your cock." Said the voice "How that you are hard and horny, you may stroke your­self. But T.N.C.M. will push you over the edge, when we think the time is right." Nathan grabbed his mem­ber, pulling it free of the zip­per, and start­ed pump­ing away. Nathan's grunts soon fill the room as he pumped his cock. "Boy, you must slow down. You must slow down till you feel every stroke all the way up and down your mem­ber. You must stroke slow­ly, so that very stroke feels like a Mimi or­gasm.

Nathan slowed right down; his body shook as low groans es­caped his lips.

"Right boy, you now know how won­der­ful cock can feel." The now com­mand­ing voice said. "We have hold of your sex­u­al con­trol, you will only get re­lease when you be­lieve ev­ery­thing you're told. Keep slow­ly stroking your cock, but look deeply at the pic­tures in the tun­nel." The image of the hot guy at the end of the tun­nel changed. Now it was the same guy and he was still naked, but now he was on his knees with his arms bound be­hind him. And he was ea­ger­ly lick­ing the red mush­room head of the cock of a large hairy bear of a man stand­ing in front of him. Then an image of the hot guy lik­ing the ball sacs of the hairy bear ap­peared. Then the two im­ages flashed past over and over again. The spin­ning yel­low tun­nel seemed to pull in Nathan's vi­sion on to the flash­ing im­ages. The two im­ages re­placed some of the grey mist that filled Nathan's ad­dled mind. "Look at the pic­tures, they are the truth. You love the feel of cock, not only your own but other men's too. This is the truth, you will be­lieve, it is fact it's part of you it al­ways has been." The voice told Nathan. The thought of feel­ing some other guy's cock popped into Nathan's head, to Nathan it seemed that he had al­ways loved the feel of some other guy's cock, maybe even more than his own.

By now Nathan's cock was ooz­ing pre­cum, he so des­per­ate­ly need­ed to cum. He could not stop jerk­ing his won­der­ful cock, he want­ed re­lease, he had to agree, and he had to be­lieve. "Yes, I be­lieve." Nathan said in a flat tone­less voice. "Good." Said the voice. "Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, grip your cock hard­er and speed up. Five, four, three, two, one. Cum Now!"

To Nathan it felt like his cock had ex­plod­ed, it was so phys­i­cal­ly in­tense that his whole body shook, and he slid slight­ly down in the chair. Nathan pumped out more cum, now, than with any women he could re­mem­ber. Even after he had fin­ished pump­ing out cum, he was still gen­tly mas­sag­ing his quick­ly de­flat­ing cock. He had cum with such ***** that some of his cum had splat­tered across the com­put­er screen, the rest was all over his shorts, and T-shirt.




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Nathan stood up, stripped com­plete­ly naked and leav­ing the com­put­er on; he walked went straight to the bath­room. Where he found some shav­ing foam, clip­pers and ra­zors. He foamed up his crutch, and shaved it clean. Then using the pair of clip­pers he then re­moved all his head hair. He foamed up his head, and shaved it clean. Fi­nal­ly, he foamed up his face and shaved it clean. With a towel rapped around his mid­dle, he opened the bath­room's door and walked over to the table, where he found the pack­age. He picked it up, and took it back to the com­put­er.


Nathan opened the pack­age, in­side was a stain­less steel tube, and a flat stain­less steel ring, that was half-open. He looked at the pieces of metal in the box, and he knew how to put the de­vice on. First, he slid the half-open flat ring be­tween his ball sacs and his body, once it was in place, he pushed the ring shut. It closed with­out mak­ing a sound, once it was closed no join could be seen. Next, he thread­ed his cock through the tube, and then pushed it into the flat ring, the two pieces of metal sealed them selves to­geth­er.

Nathan went back to the com­put­er. He didn't seem to no­tice that now that he was wear­ing the Chasti­ty de­vice his groin and balls felt like they had been crushed. He clicked next. More words ap­peared on the screen, then the com­put­er shut down. Nathan sat look­ing at the screen, his hand went to his cock, but it was now en­cased in metal, he stood up pulled on his cum stained shorts and T-shirt, and left the flat.

It was now late, but it was only just get­ting dusk. Long shad­ows move across the side­walk as Nathan rode his moun­tain bike across town, he took no no­tice of the peo­ple, or build­ing he passed, like some sort of robot he rode on. Fi­nal­ly, he ar­rived at an ad­dress in the run down East side of town. The ad­dress was a run down part­ly board­ed up shop. Star­ing into noth­ing­ness Nathan walked into the shop. He stood wait­ing, till a small man, com­plete­ly bold and cov­ered in tat­toos and pierc­ing ap­peared through a door be­hind a counter. Nathan walked be­hind the counter, and dis­ap­peared through the door, fol­lowed by the man.

Nathan left the tat­too/pierc­ing par­lour an hour later, by now it was dark. He rode his bike onto an­oth­er shop on an­oth­er street, his tongue, left shoul­der, top of his right leg and base of his spin ached but he had a va­cant smile on his face. Nathan stopped out­side the shop and dis­ap­peared in­side. So time later, Nathan came out the shop car­ry­ing a large plas­tic bag, got on his bike and rode away. As soon as he ar­rived back at the flat, Nathan went straight to the com­put­er, he dropped the plas­tic bag be­side the chair stripped naked, as he stood by the chair his tat­toos could by seen. On his shoul­der and the top of his right leg was the same tat­too, it looked like a Bar code, at the base of his spin was tat­tooed the words PAR­ADISE: ENTER HERE. With an arrow point­ing to Nathan's ar­se-hole. Nathan slid into the chair be­fore the com­put­er.

Ad­mi­ral­ty, the screen came on and an­oth­er coloured swirl ap­peared. Time passed, Nathan sat watch­ing the Swirl. Then the voice spoke: "Total Nathan Com­put­er Mind­con­trol. Stage 2." It said. "You now be­lieve, ev­ery­thing I say is true? Look at the image; see an­oth­er way you can feel an­oth­er man's won­der­ful cock. You re­mem­ber how good it was to feel your cock, but it's even bet­ter to feel an­oth­er man's." Nathan let out a low moan as his en­cased cock tried to hard­en and be­came erect. On the screen the yel­low tun­nel had reap­peared at the end of it was a new image, this showed the hot guy on his knees hands still bound be­hind his back. But his mouth now to­tal­ly en­gulfed the hairy bear's mem­ber, the guy's head bob­bing up and down, a look of sheer bliss on his face, a look of sex­u­al lust on the hairy bear's face. Nathan felt his cock try­ing to es­cape the de­vice grip­ping it, drool start­ed drip­ping again from his mouth as he was pulled deep­er into noth­ing­ness.

"Look at the image, re­mem­ber this is how it has al­ways been, you had al­ways loved feel­ing cock in your mouth. All your life you've loved feel­ing cock this way. This is a true mem­o­ry. You have no other this has al­ways been your life, you be­lieve." Said the voice; it seemed even loud­er now. With­out think­ing, Nathan clicked on "YES." The other two im­ages joined the third, and all three flashed across the end of the tun­nel. "When I've count­ed down from three you will had an or­gasm like you did the first time." Said the voice. "But you will not be able to cum, but your body will have a great or­gasm just like be­fore. You will only get re­lease when you are to­tal­ly ready." The voice stat­ed. "Three, Two, One. Or­gasm" Or­dered the voice. Nathan let out a loud cry as his body shock, and he felt the sex­u­al plea­sure of the or­gasm. But not a drop of cum was re­leased.

A few min­utes later Nathan had came down from the high of the or­gasm, and was once again watch­ing the swirl on the screen. The image of the guy suck­ing cock joined the other two im­ages in Nathan's ad­dled mind. Nathan reached into the bag be­side him, and pulled out a pear of nip­ple claps, that were joined to­geth­er by a thin chain. Nathan placed them on his nip­ples, and then very gen­tly pulled on the chain so the claps bit into his nip­ples, but did not come away. For some time Nathan sat star­ing at the spin­ning tun­nel and im­ages, drool­ing.

"Total Nathan Com­put­er Mind­con­trol: Stage 3." Came the voice, Nathan stopped pulled the nip­ple claps. His nip­ples were now red, puffy but twice the nor­mal size. The swirls van­ished from the screen, now four im­ages flashed across the screen. One image showed the hot guy on all fours, the hairy bear's cock pump­ing fast and vi­o­lent­ly in and out the guy's arse. The sec­ond showed the hot guy lying on his back, also hav­ing his arse vi­o­lent­ly and fast pound­ed by the hairy bear. The third was of the hot guy on his knees arms bound be­hind his back, hav­ing his mouth fucked by the hairy bear. The last image was of the hot guy pump­ing his own cock. Nathan just sat star­ing at the screen, the im­ages flashed across the screen, faster and faster. The co­matose Nathan did not even no­tice when Tom, the as­sis­tant coach walked into the room and over to the com­put­er. Tom was now com­plete­ly naked, his blond hair had been shaved short. He also now had an erec­tion that any horse would have been proud of.

"Look at the as­sis­tant coach, boy." Said the voice. "Show him you tongue!" Nathan turned his head, so he was look­ing at Tom. He opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue, a large gold tongue stud could clear­ly be seen. Tom nod­ded his head, he then lent for­ward and pulled Nathan out of the chair, he then pushed Nathan down onto his all fours. Tom reached into the plas­tic bag and pulled out a plug, he then grabbed his erec­tion with his other hand and jerked it hard. After a few jerks Tom let out a loud cry, and shot a large amount of cum into his hand, which he rubbed all over the plug he was hold­ing. He then rubbed the cum lubbed plug against Nathan's arse crack, be­fore push­ing it all the way in, right to its base. Nathan cried out, and moaned as he felt his vir­gin arse filled with the plug. Tom then pumped up the plug, Nathan moaned some more, as the plug in­flat­ed, stretch­ing him. Tom kept on in­flat­ing the plug, stretch­ing Nathan wider, and wider, till the plug was the same size as his own cock.

Tom then placed Nathan back in front of the com­put­er, at once the screen lit up. Nathan's eyes locked onto the screen. Tom turned as two men en­tered from the bed­room. The first guy was the hairy bear of a guy from the im­ages on the com­put­er. Be­hind him was the bick­er that had been in the flat when Nathan had ar­rived. The hairy bear mo­tioned to the as­sis­tant coach. Tom fell to his knees, and looked up at the bear, who stepped for­ward. Nathan just looked at the light swirls on the screen, he let out a low moan as his cock once again tried to be­come erect. The bear turned and looked at Nathan, he said noth­ing. A slurp was head as he turned, the bear turned back and he smiled as he looked at Tom, who was kneel­ing on the ground, naked with his hair close­ly cropped, cum drip­ping from his mouth. The bear pushed tom back onto his se­mi-erect mem­ber. It had been so easy for the bear to take con­trol of Tom, al­thou it was not as total as the con­trol he had over his slaves, or sex-toys. The bear grunt­ed as he felt the stud in Tom's tongue mov­ing up and down his cock. The biker looked on, wait­ing his turn.



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Total Nathan com­put­er Mind­con­trol: Stage 13 . Cum Con­trol. Said the voice. The com­put­er shut down. "Again!" The hairy bear said firm­ly to the naked Nathan in front of him. Nathan stood en­tranced be­fore the fig­ure; he had been under Total Nathan Com­put­er Mind­con­trol for near­ly a week now. Mois­ture shim­mered on his mus­cu­lar body, his cock now free of the de­vice. Nathan was gasp­ing for breath. "No, please no more." Gasped Nathan, beads of sweat slow­ly run down his body. "...​Don't think I can. You've had me cum re­peat­ed­ly ..." Nathan was show­ing signs of brak­ing free of the com­put­er Mind­con­trol. "Again." The hairy Bear replied sharply, cut­ting off any more protest. "You want­ed Re­lease, I've given it to you. Now, again." The naked Nathan weak­ly nod­ded, and restart­ed his *********. Soon the room was filled with Nathan's heavy ragged breath­ing as he jerked at his long since dried up cock. "Ugh. Ughh. Ahhh. Fuck­kk" He grunt­ed as his mod­est uncut dick stiff­ened.

Nathan's face con­tort­ed; as he tied by sheer ef­fort to pro­duce cum out of nowhere. The hairy bear watched Nathan jerk­ing his rod. "quick­er, quick­er" He or­dered. Nathan whim­pered as he ma­nip­u­lat­ed his painful­ly throb­bing ap­pendage. Care­ful­ly Nathan cupped his now drained pouch­es in one of his hands, and gave them some com­fort­ing warmth. Nathan tight­ened his grip on his man­hood and pumped even hard­er. He threw back his head and groaned as he cli­maxed, a large bub­ble of creamy fluid formed on the tip of his dick. Nathan shook his de­flat­ing dick; the creamy fluid broke free and fell into the pud­dle of cum at the Nathan's feet.

"Again" The hairy bear or­dered con­temp­tu­ous­ly. Nathan grabbed his dick and start­ed to jerk it. He whim­pered, as he began his *********, again. Nathan could feel he was neared cli­max, his dick lurched. From nowhere Nathan seemed to tap into some hid­den reser­voir of cum in his young ball sacs, with a loud whim­per Nathan sent fourth a large glob of creamy fluid, which fell into the pud­dle at his feet. he fell to the floor on his knees, and he moaned. "I'm fin­ished, I can't pop any more." He fell for­ward onto the ground, and into the pud­dle of cum. The hairy bear pulled Nathan up, and across the room to the com­put­er. And pushed him into the chair. The bear re­moved the Mind­con­trol disk from the disk drive, and re­placed it with an­oth­er disk, he hit 'ENTER'. "Per­ma­nent Com­put­er Mind­con­trol: Stage 1." Said the voice. "Please enter Name of per­son/ and where they are to be slave, sex-toy, or both." It con­tin­ued. The bear typed in Nathan's name and the word both. An image of the bear ap­peared on the screen, the hiss of white noise was faint­ly heard, also the voice could be heard: say­ing "This is your Mas­ter, you must obey him. You will obey, He owns you now. You must obey." Over, and over the voice told Nathan this. After some time the voice changed. "Just please your mas­ter, as his mind­less slave/sex-toy. If you do this you will be al­lowed re­lease." All this be­came too much for Nathan, he blacked out.

Nathan opened his eyes he was lying naked on the floor. Mas­ter was smok­ing a cigar he was stand­ing over Nathan with one of his legs ether side of Nathan's body. Nathan found that for some rea­son his eyes were riv­et­ed on Mas­ter's dick. Mas­ter was mov­ing his hips, caus­ing his rock hard uncut 9" dick to move from side to side, ever so slight­ly. "Do you want to feel Mas­ter's cock boy, do you want to feel it fill your mouth, boy?" asked Mas­ter, look­ing down at Nathan lying on the floor. "All you have to do is ask, nice­ly." Mas­ter puffed on his cigar. "Soon all your wor­ries will melt away, you will have a new live. All you will want to do is wor­ship and feel dick." Mas­ter fin­ished his cigar, and lit a new one. "Go on, ask. I know, you want to feel my cock fill your mouth." Nathan whim­pered. "Ask" Barked Mas­ter. "Please sir, may I have the hon­our of feel­ing your cock fill­ing my mouth ." Nathan said in a low tone­less voice Mas­ter smiled. "Good boy, now asked again." Said Mas­ter. "Sir, may I have the hon­our of feel­ing your dick fill my mouth?" Nathan asked.

Mas­ter bent his knees, and knelt on the floor, his dick-head near­ly touch­ing Nathan's lips. By now Nathan seemed com­plete­ly hyp­no­tised by Mas­ter's dick, his eyes to­tal­ly riv­et­ed on the slight­ly swing mem­ber. Mas­ter took the cigar out of his mouth, and placed it on the ground. He reached for­ward, and rough­ly grabbed Nathan's ears, he pulled Nathan's head and upper body up off the floor. Mas­ter or­dered the co­matose Nathan to open his mouth, ready to feel his Mas­ter's dick. Mas­ter was taken by sur­prise as Nathan's mouth com­plete­ly en­cir­cled, and swal­lowed his 9" dick. Mas­ter felt Nathan's tongue ex­plored the tex­ture of his rock hard throb­bing mem­ber, he could also feel Nathan's tongue stud. The taste of pre-cum from Mas­ter's dick sex­u­al aroused Nathan. He felt his own sore, spent dick try­ing to swell. Mas­ter's hefty nuts slipped out of Nathan's mouth, as he speed­ed up his thrusts.

"Fuck." Yelled Mas­ter, as his felt like it was being vac­u­umed sucked by Nathan's mouth. "I'm ...​cummm." Moaned Mas­ter, as he cum. Mas­ter man­aged to his mem­ber deep into Nathan's throat just be­fore he cum. Mas­ter gasped, as he pulled out of Nathan. Nathan's man­hood had rose to its full height, and was bob­bing about in the air. Mas­ter grabbed Nathan's erect mem­ber and squeezed. Nathan whim­pered as mas­ter squeezed hard­er. "No boy, no re­lease yet. You still have more to learn." Said mas­ter, as he con­tin­ued to squeeze and pull Nathan's mem­ber. "Please Uhhh...​Uhhh...​Ahhh." Begged Nathan as he felt his cock de­flate. "Now boy, you want to feel more dick?" Asked Mas­ter, as he fin­ished his cigar, and tossed the butt away. Nathan just moaned and nod­ded. Mas­ter let go of Nathan's head, he then moved down be­tween Nathan's legs and knelt be­tween them. Mas­ter then spread Nathan's legs wide open.

Mas­ter de­flat­ed the plug in Nathan's arse and re­moved it, he sucked his mid­dle fin­ger, and then he start­ed giv­ing Nathan his first ever, anal fin­ger­ing. "OOOHH­HH ." Nathan gasped, every nerve in his body had sud­den­ly come alive. Nathan's co­matose brain had no idea that mas­ter's digit was not his cock. The prob­ing digit of Mas­ter hit spots deep in­side Nathan. "Oh, more please sir more." Begged Nathan. "Are you re­al­ly sure." Asked Mas­ter, mov­ing his fin­ger around faster, mak­ing sure that he kept hit­ting those spots deep in­side Nathan. "Oh, yes please sir more, oh yes more!" Begged Nathan. Mas­ter pulled his digit out of the now whim­per­ing and beg­ging Nathan. Mas­ter lit an­oth­er cigar; he then spread Nathan's mus­cu­lar thighs even wider open to give him­self bet­ter ac­cess. Mas­ter took a long drag on his cigar. Then he rubbed the head of his man­hood against Nathan's arse crack he then pushed his hard, erect man­hood deep in­side the Nathan's chute.

"AAAAH­H­HH." Gasped Nathan, as he felt the fiery plea­sure of his first arse fuck­ing surged through his mois­ture shim­mer­ing, shak­ing body. His Mas­ter groaned as he start­ed his power fuck of Nathan's once vir­gin butt.



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"Now boy, feel how won­der­ful my cock is. Feel every inch of it fill­ing your arse. Feel how won­der­ful my cock feel and how much you love the feel of my cock. You love the feel­ing of your arse full with my cock." Said Mas­ter as he fucked Nathan and puffed on his cigar. "You like the feel of cock. You need to feel cock, large firm erect cock. You need­ed to find cock, large firm erect uncut cock to please." Both men were now gy­rat­ing, and rolled around on the floor in sex­u­al heat. "Boy, you need to find a man any man, you need to feel their large firm erect uncut cock."

Nathan had never had feel­ing like this be­fore, that fiery plea­sure raced through his body, the short­ness of breath. That one and only thought of feel­ing cock filled his mind. "You are be­com­ing horny boy, it's true. You now be­lieve, this is the truth it has al­ways has been. You have al­ways have been a cock ad­dict." Mas­ter man­aged to say, be­fore he en­tered a sex­u­al fren­zy. "AR­RRGGHH." He screamed, and cli­maxed. He pulled out of Nathan, and fin­ished his cigar. He reached for­ward and grabbed Nathan's cock which was erect and bob­bing, again. "No boy, I told you no re­lease till you are ready." Said Mas­ter. After a few rough pulls Nathan's cock de­flat­ed.

"What I'm telling you is the truth, You want noth­ing more than to feel cock. The thought of it makes you horny and want to cum. You love, you need to feel cock in your mouth and arse, both at the same time. Your arse and mouth feel empty with out cock. You have al­ways want­ed the feel­ing of cock in your arse and mouth. You can not re­sist what is true, you're a cock slut." Said Mas­ter. He lent fore­word, be­tween the still spread open legs of Nathan. And thrust two of his fin­gers into Nathan's cum filled and vi­o­lat­ed arse, and worked them in deep. Moan­ing Nathan pushed down onto the in­vad­ing fin­gers, try­ing to tight­en his arse mus­sels on what his fucked brain thought was a cock.

Mas­ter ****** in his third fin­ger, more moans came from Nathan as he tried hard­er to tight­en his arse onto the three in­vad­ing dig­its. At once, Mas­ter ****** in his fourth fin­ger. All four dig­its were now being ****** into Nathan's arse. Nathan gave up try­ing to tight­en his arse, that fiery plea­sure surged through his body again. "You are ready boy, you will be aloud to cum when you be­lieve that ev­ery­thing you've been told is true." Said Mas­ter, he tucked his thumb un­der­neath his fin­gers and ****** his whole hand into Nathan's vi­o­lat­ed ar­se-hole. A very small part of Nathan's brain knew that he did not have a dick in­side him, but some­thing big­ger and wider. "Do you be­lieve that all you have been told is true, that it has al­ways been like this," Asked Mas­ter. That very small part of Nathan's brain want­ed to say 'no', but it was get­ting small­er by the minute. Nathan felt his ar­se-hole stretch and al­low­ing Mas­ter's fist to pen­e­trate. Nathan's arse mus­sels snapped shut around the wrist of Mas­ter's in­vad­ing fist. Nathan al­most screamed "Yes, I be­lieve." As he felt Mas­ter's fist be­come firm­ly lodged up his arse.

"Good, on the count of five you will cum." Said Mas­ter, as he start­ed a steady fist fuck of Nathan's butt. With each thrust Mas­ter count­ed down from five. Five, Four, Three, Two, One. Cum now." Said Mas­ter, Nathan's body shook, and he cum with great *****, spray­ing his man-juice all over his chest and floor. He had not cum for near­ly a week, but now he had been given re­lease. His or­gasm was so in­tense that he did not no­tice that Mas­ter had man­aged to slide most of his fist and arm into Nathan's stretched, butt-hole. Mas­ter kept tell Nathan to 'Cum Now', as he kept pump­ing his arm in and out of Nathan's arse, with his other hand Mas­ter was jerk­ing off Nathan's cock, milk­ing every last drop of man-juice from his cock. After about 55 min­utes Mas­ter pulled his fist out then rein­sert­ed the plug and pumped it up, he then re­placed the de­vice on Nathan's spent cock. He then pull Nathan to his feet, across the room and sat him in front of the com­put­er, and start­ed it up.

The words 'Per­ma­nent Com­put­er Mind­con­trol: Final Pro­gram­ming. New Per­son­al­i­ty Down­load.' Ap­peared on the screen. Mas­ter placed some head­phones on Nathan, and then hit the 'Enter' key. The screen went blank then new words ap­peared on the screen; 'Once This Pro­gram­ming has been run it is per­ma­nent, and can not be delet­ed. Do you wish to con­tin­ue.' Mas­ter hit the 'Enter' key again. All at once the head­phones were filled with a mix­ture of white noise and the voice. Im­ages and words flashed across the screen so fast that it was had to see any­thing, but Nathan's mind soaked ev­ery­thing up.

The pro­gramme stripped away any­thing that was left of the old, Straight Nathan. It then set about to­tal­ly re­build­ing Nathan's per­son­al­i­ty. It took away his abil­i­ty to read and write, in his new life that sort of thing was not need­ed. His name was also taken, in his new per­son­al­i­ty he would an­swer only to his slave num­ber: *69.​N7. It took away what was left of his mem­o­ries of his old life. It low­ered his I.O by 20%. Many other thing were delet­ed from his mind, soon there was al­most a clean slate on which to down­load his new per­son­al­i­ty. All that he had been taut, or made to be­lieve was true was strength­ened and re­in­******. 'Stage 1: Com­plete. Push enter to con­tin­ue.' Ap­peared on the screen. Mas­ter pushed 'Enter'. 'Per­son­al­i­ty Down­load. Begin' Flashed across the screen, and was then re­placed with the spin­ning down­load sym­bol and a % sign show­ing how much had been down­load­ed. 1% clicked onto the screen, and Mas­ter knew that soon the down­load would be com­plete. Soon after that he would take Nathan com­plete for a whole night, be­fore he was sold. Mas­ter smiled, he had re­al­ly en­joyed tak­ing down this jock he thought.



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Mas­ter had moved to a new city, he could not stay very long in one place eight week at most. After which it was like­ly that peo­ple would start notic­ing the large num­ber of col­lage jocks that went miss­ing. Of cause they had known about Mas­ter's Slave sell­er Web-sight. They could have seen video clips of the miss­ing jocks, en­joy­ing their new gay life style, and serv­ing large bears of men's cocks. Mas­ter was sit­ting; naked on a couch in his dark­ened flat, his cock erect and hard point­ing straight out from his body. Kneel­ing on the floor some way from Mas­ter was Tom the As­sis­tant coach; he now had two gold studs in each ear, his hair was still close­ly cropped. He had a deep glazed look on his face, he was star­ing into noth­ing, drool dripped from his mouth. To one side of Tom stood a com­put­er screen that had just gone blank. Mas­ter stood, and went over to Tom; he pushed Tom for­wards so he was now on all fours.

"I find it such a shame when I have to let my helpers, like you go. But my byres would never want you, so you must go." Said Mas­ter. A whim­per came from Tom as he felt some­thing press against his arse open­ing, more drool fell from his mouth. "I want you to lis­ten to me, after you leave here you will have no mem­o­ry of meet­ing me, or any mem­o­ry of what hap­pened to you, or your help in tak­ing those jocks from your col­lage foot­ball team. Do you un­der­stand?" Tom nod­ded, and in a ****** voice said, "Yes." Mas­ter then had Tom re­peat what he had said over and over again.

"How­ev­er, once you have re­turned to col­lage, you will find that you've be­come an slut bot­tom. You will allow only the foot­ball team to fuck your arse, the team cap­tain and some of the team are the only one you let have your arse. But you will never want to suck cock again. Do you un­der­stand this also." Mas­ter asked stern­ly. An­oth­er ****** reply came from Tom. Mas­ter smiled and moved clos­er toTom. "Good, I have made sure that your arse will be super sen­si­tive in this mat­ter, only after I have fuck you and cum in you, and you have re­turn home will your arse be­come super sen­si­tive, and you will for­get me." Mas­ter pushed even clos­er to Tom. An­oth­er whim­per came from Tom. "It is time, the things I've told you will be per­ma­nent once I've fill you with my cum." With­out wait­ing for a reply Mas­ter slid his erect cock into Tom's vir­gin arse, and start­ed a steady thrust­ing in, and out. Tom cried out, and tried to fight the in­va­sion of his hole. "Let your­self go, give your­self to what you've been told, my cock can make that pos­si­ble. I can make you the foot­ball team's slut." Mas­ter pant­ed as he speed­ed up his thrusts.

Tom felt Mas­ter's warn cum coat the in­side of his arse, he whim­pered slight­ly, his head fell for­ward as he be­come per­ma­nent­ly the foot­ball teams slut, with no mem­o­ry of Mas­ter. Mas­ter pulled out of Tom, who was still on all fours, his head hang­ing down on his chest. Just like Nathan, Tom now had a tat­too. It was on his back near his arse; it was an arrow point­ing to his hole with the words above it say­ing; JOCKS ONLY. ENTER HERE. Mas­ter walked away from tom.

Mas­ter walked fur­ther into the room, on all fours fac­ing a cor­ner for the room was a to­tal­ly hair­less and naked fig­ure. Mas­ter looked down at the kneel­ing on all fours fig­ure; the body was cover in tat­toos. The fig­ure had once been the biker, but now his long rats tail dirty hair, and body hair was com­plete­ly gone and drool was drip­ping from his mouth. He had been the lead­er of a gang of biker, but he had made the mis­take of pick­ing on Mas­ter, who had had a 'word' with the biker after which the biker had helped with the tak­ing of the foot­ball jock. Now he was going to by re­turned to his gang, but not as lead­er, mas­ter had some­thing else in mind for him. A new tat­too could be seen at the base of his spine; the words 'FUCK ME HERE.' Above an arrow point­ing to his ar­se-hole. Mas­ter lift­ed up the biker's head and smiled; the large amount of cum­stains on the biker's chin where signs that me had sucked on Mas­ter's cock many times ear­li­er. "Mmm...​So...​full" The biker mum­bled as Mas­ter let his head drop, and went to stand be­hind the biker. "No at­ti­tude prob­lems now, ah bitch." Said Mas­ter as he rubbed his cock-head up and down the biker's crack. "Mmm...​So...​Full" The biker mum­bled again, he seemed not to hear Mas­ter. Mas­ter slapped him hard on his arse, and spoke.

"You are going back to the biker gang, but not as their lead­er. You are going to give your­self to them com­plete­ly, your will have no more wor­ries or cares, or have to make any more de­ci­sions for your­self. Be­cause you will be­come their mind­less sex-slave bitch." Said Mas­ter as he pulled his cock away from the biker's crack, he then picked up a tube of lube from the floor near the biker, he then squeezed half the tube into the biker's ar­se-hole. The biker moaned as he felt the lube enter his butt-hole. "Now let your­self go to what you had been told, you so want to give your­self to your for­mer gang, so want to be­come their bitch." The biker moaned a mum­bled yes, as Mas­ter's cock slid eas­i­ly into the biker's well lubed hole, Mas­ter's hands gripped the biker's smooth, shiny hips, and began thrust­ing again and again. "My cum will make it pos­si­ble for you to be­come the gangs bitch. When your arse is filled with my cum you will be­come their mind­less sex-slave bitch, per­ma­nent­ly, you have no say in the mat­ter." Said Mas­ter as he speed­ed up his thrusts, mo­ments later, Mas­ter erupt­ed into the biker. The biker's fate was sealed, the mo­ment Mas­ter's cum en­tered him, he was lost for­ev­er, per­ma­nent­ly to a life as a mind­less sex-slave bitch. Mas­ter had al­ready spo­ken to the gang, they now had no mem­o­ry of their old lead­er, as soon as he re­turned he would be raped by the gang's new lead­er; and then used end­less­ly be the rest of the gang. Mas­ter slapped the biker on the arse and told him to leave. The biker seemed to wake up, he got up off the floor; pulled on his biker leathers (but no pants) and left the room, mo­ments later a bike was heard roar­ing away.

Then Mas­ter walked over to Tom who was still on all four, Mas­ter slide his cock back into Tom's arse. Soon the won­der­ful slurp­ing sounds of an ex­treme­ly lubed loos­en­ing hole, and lubed cock were heard, as Tom was fucked for a sec­ond time. Once this had been done, Tom too would be sent home to begin his new job as the foot­ball teams slut, as well as his job as as­sis­tant coach. Mas­ter could not take long, in a few hours time he was to meet the young as­sis­tant coach of the local col­lage; after their 'talk' Mas­ter could start work on a new batch of jock to sell.



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Excellente suite et pas fin ?... Merci


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The lover

Joseph Lan­ders laid down his pair of sil­ver binoc­u­lars as he felt the sud­den mist of rage and con­fu­sion per­vad­ing his thoughts. After months of sus­pi­cions and ill-slept nights won­der­ing if his wife was hav­ing an af­fair, the truth had fi­nal­ly been re­vealed and it was dumb­found­ing.

Megan was in­deed walk­ing down the aisles of in­fi­deli­ty with a smile upon her face, but the part­ner in crime was of a very spe­cial kind. Joseph ex­pect­ed to see a pseu­do-ma­cho man, prob­a­bly of the Latin type, with a greasy tan and a pony-tail, a guy that looked tough on the out­side al­though could eas­i­ly be knocked out with a pair of upper jabs. In­stead, he saw a rather gor­geous five foot eight Scan­di­na­vian blonde who had no prob­lem what­so­ev­er in re­veal­ing her les­bian lust and pas­sion, as her pur­ple-paint­ed lips avid­ly de­voured her wife's breasts.

"What the...?" he mut­tered, sud­den­ly chok­ing be­fore he could fin­ish the sen­tence. The idea of be­tray­al was bad enough on its own but the re­al­iza­tion that the cul­prit was an­oth­er woman was a far more dev­as­tat­ing blow to his man­li­ness. As he opened the glove com­part­ment of his pre­cious BMW, he found the dark angel of re­venge wait­ing for him in the form of a 9 mil­lime­tre with a si­lencer and de­cid­ed to take ac­tion.

If you think he was plan­ning to **** them, rest as­sured that his anger wasn't strong enough to in­duce such a stupid be­haviour. A dou­ble homi­cide would only get him a life sen­tence in a shady prison and he loved his free­dom much more than he loved his wife. No, the idea was just to scare them and then be on his way.

He ap­proached the bed­room win­dow hold­ing the gun firm­ly in his right hand, looked one last time at the re­pul­sive show that was tak­ing place and... out of the blue, a black cat jumped his way, de­ter­mined to thwart his plans. In a sin­gle heart­beat he lost both his focus and bal­ance, falling help­less­ly into a group of trash cans. He hit his head on the ground and passed out in­stant­ly, with­out ever hav­ing the op­por­tu­ni­ty to take the shot.

* * *

He woke up in­side the bed­room where his wife and her lover had been ex­press­ing their pas­sion, tied to a chair like some sort of crim­i­nal. Both women sat in bed, wear­ing sexy satin black neg­ligees and look­ing sul­tri­ly at each other. Megan held his gun in one hand and, as she looked at him, one could see she was ev­ery­thing but pleased.

"Hello, Joseph." She said, her voice cold as ice. "Glad to see you've re­gained your con­scious­ness. It seems we have a lot to talk about!"

"You're right about that, Meg. Where should we start...? I know, why don't you in­tro­duce me to your les­bian com­pan­ion and then ex­plain to me why I've been tied to this chair!" he re­spond­ed, bit­ter­ly.

"My com­pan­ion's name is In­grid. She's from Fin­land and we're not les­bians... We both like men - she's mar­ried to a soft­ware en­gi­neer... - but we feel equal­ly com­fort­able with women. It's called bi­sex­u­al­i­ty ! Ever heard of it, Joseph, or is your mind as thick as a con­crete wall?"

"You can stop with the pro­fes­so­ri­al at­ti­tude, Meg! I'm not one of your stu­dents! So you're bi­sex­u­al?!! I wish you had told me that be­fore we got mar­ried!"

"I didn't know it back then. It was only after our hon­ey­moon that I start­ed re­al­iz­ing I en­joyed ex­plor­ing sex­u­al al­ter­na­tives... I sup­pose I could have told you, but you're so stiff and up­tight that you would never un­der­stand my needs."

"What­ev­er..." said Joseph dis­dain­ful­ly. "You still haven't told me why I've been tied to this chair!"

"Tying you up was my idea." de­clared In­grid. Her voice was as warm and volup­tuous as her body and her En­glish was per­fect, com­plete­ly ac­cent-free. "You made quite a ruckus out­side when you fell over those cans. We came out to see what was going on and guess what was the first thing we saw? A load­ed gun on the ground! The way I see it, a man who car­ries around such an in­stru­ment of death is a dan­ger­ous one. It's noth­ing per­son­al, re­al­ly, but we had to con­sid­er our safe­ty!"

"You thought I was going to **** you?"

"You weren't?" she asked in a taunt­ing way.

"Please... if there's any­thing I'm not, that's a ****er for sure! I can't be­lieve you agreed to this, Meg! Hell, but I can't be­lieve you ac­tu­al­ly enjoy kiss­ing other women ei­ther! I guess I don't know you any­more..."

"You never did!" she replied with a piti­ful in­to­na­tion.

"Well, if you want to keep on cud­dling with this Eu­ro­pean bitch, be my guest! Just untie me and I'll be on my way. You may even keep the gun!"

"I'm afraid we can't do that just yet..." It was In­grid talk­ing again, this time hiss­ing like a snake. She got out of bed parad­ing her naked long legs in front of him to see how he re­spond­ed. "De­spite the fact that you're clear­ly dan­ger­ous, you seem like a fine spec­i­men of a man... how would you like to fool around with the two of us?..."

"You've got to be kid­ding!" said Joseph rais­ing both eye­brows in dis­be­lief.

"What's the mat­ter?" she asked as con­tin­ued to tan­ta­lise him with a se­ries of sexy hip move­ments. "You're not aroused by the idea of a three­some?"

"Of course he isn't!" shout­ed Megan. "He's a re­li­gious freak, my love! Ev­ery­thing re­lat­ed to sex­u­al fan­tasies is a taboo to him."

"Re­al­ly?! Ab­so­lute­ly ev­ery­thing?! Then I guess he's not in­ter­est­ed in my other propo­si­tion, then..."

Joseph's at­ten­tion fell upon the blonde vixen.

"And what would that propo­si­tion be?"

In­grid stopped mov­ing her hips and ass and sat in his lap, lock­ing her beau­ti­ful blue eyes in his, a strange smile twist­ing her face.

"I was think­ing we could play some dom­i­na­tion games. Your wife and I would be the Mis­tress­es and you would grov­el at our feet like a good sex­u­al slave for the rest of the night! How about it? Shall I re­lease you from your con­fine­ment so you can start wor­ship­ping us?"

"Why don't you wor­ship this, you crazy bitch?" asked Joseph be­fore spit­ting in her face. Im­me­di­ate­ly, In­grid's hands re­spond­ed to the of­fence with a pow­er­ful pair of slaps that left his cheeks burn­ing.

"For­get it, dear!" said Megan. "I think it's best if we let him go for good! I hate to admit it but my hus­band doesn't know how to have fun..."

"Then I sug­gest we teach him..." said In­grid clean­ing the spit from her face with the shirt of Megan's hus­band. "I can make him a lit­tle more open-mind­ed if you want me to..."

"You can?! How?"

"Oh, I learned a few things about how a mind works back in Fin­land. Will you help me hyp­no­tize your hus­band and mould him into some­thing more agree­able and com­pli­ant?"

Joseph laughed out loud at this sug­ges­tion.

"Hyp­no­tize me?!! Oh boy, some­one has been watch­ing too many T.V. shows!"

"I thought that couldn't be done for real!" stat­ed Megan.

"Of course it can. But you're going to have to do ex­act­ly what I tell you. If you do so with­out hes­i­tat­ing, I guar­an­tee you that in less than an hour we can have a real blast with your spouse... Trust me. I've done this to my hus­band be­fore, you know..."

Megan looked at her lover with lus­cious eyes. In­grid's as­sertive­ness had al­ready made her smile count­less times in the past and if she was so sure of her­self at the mo­ment, it's be­cause she knew for sure what to do. Look­ing at Joseph, who kept on laugh­ing ear-split­ting­ly as if he had heard the world's great­est joke, a sin­gle ques­tion came out of her per­fect red lips:

"What do you want me to do?"

"You can start by crouch­ing in front of your hus­band and unzip his pants." re­spond­ed In­grid as she rose se­duc­tive­ly. "We need to ex­pose a cer­tain part of his anato­my, if you know what I mean..."

"Yes, I do." agreed Megan, as she grabbed her hus­band's penis.

She start­ed toy­ing around with it like it was made of clay, shap­ing its ini­tial inert soft­ness into a rock-hard rosy pro­tu­ber­ance in no time. Joseph had never been mas­tur­bat­ed by his wife be­fore and didn't know what to think. As her soft hands worked on his arousal, he re­al­ized In­grid had po­si­tioned her­self be­hind his wife al­most as if she was going to pen­e­trate her. The beau­ti­ful Finnish leaned for­ward, her full, taut breasts com­plete­ly ex­posed, al­low­ing its erect nip­ples to gen­tly kiss the long and flow­ing rus­set hair of the woman he had sworn to love for the rest of his life. Her blue eyes were fixed on him, two breath­tak­ing sap­phires of in­tense beau­ty, glis­ten­ing with a mys­ti­cal ra­di­ance.

"Joseph..." she whis­pered. "I want you to focus your at­ten­tion on two things: the first is the in­tense erot­ic feel­ing that's cours­ing through your veins right now as your wife gen­tly strokes the main source of your mas­culin­i­ty... no­tice how these move­ments are so re­lax­ing and up­lift­ing, fill­ing you with promis­es of plea­sure with each pass­ing mo­ment...; the sec­ond, which is as im­por­tant as the first, if not even more sig­nif­i­cant, is this beau­ti­ful gaze of mine with which I'll pierce your mind's ar­mour. I know you don't be­lieve it can be done, that you think I'm crazy, but you're wrong... just look into my eyes to find out the truth..."



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"You're even more bizarre of a per­son than I thought! Se­ri­ous­ly, what do you think you'll ac­com­plish with that gib­ber­ish of yours?" re­tort­ed Joseph, un­will­ing to par­tic­i­pate in any mind games.

"Ex­act­ly what I said to your wife... now stop talk­ing and pay at­ten­tion only to the bliss­ful wave we're of­fer­ing... your wife's hands soothe your body, loosen it up... my eyes calm down your brain... the two of them com­bined still your judg­ment... we're about to take you on a very com­fort­able jour­ney to the depths of what's be­yond both fan­ta­sy and re­al­i­ty... feel the warmth and gen­eros­i­ty of our offer... look into my eyes, Joseph... only into my eyes..."

"For­get it!" He tried to move his head but the pen­e­trat­ing gaze of the blonde woman felt like a sharp blade in his head. The laugh­ing sounds were gone, si­lence was rush­ing in...

"No Joseph, I won't for­get it. It is you who will learn to for­get ev­ery­thing else and trust only in my eyes... look at me and start re­lin­quish­ing your thoughts... my eyes want to en­gulf them all and you want them to take you in as well... that's the only way you'll con­tin­ue to feel the sat­is­fac­tion that's en­velop­ing you right now... it start­ed in your penis and tes­ti­cles, took con­trol of the mus­cles in your legs and is now slid­ing up­wards... slow­ly mak­ing its pres­ence no­ticed in your lungs and in your heart... your breath­ing is slow­ing down al­most im­per­cep­ti­bly but slow­ing down nonethe­less ... your heart rate is not as swift as it was a minute ago and it's going to keep on de­creas­ing... we're al­ready al­ter­ing your per­cep­tion of the sur­round­ing world, lulling your sens­es one by one...look into my eyes and go deep­er into re­lax­ation for me... for us... the ones who will dom­i­nate your in­di­vid­u­al­i­ty..."

"Shut up al­ready! I... mmm..." Joseph moaned as Megan's fin­ger­nails ca­ressed his gen­i­talia with great care. In­grid's eyes grew larg­er, prisms of mes­mer­iz­ing blue... was her voice get­ting loud­er too, its melody be­gin­ning to deaf­en all the sounds of the out­side world?

"You're doing so well, Joseph, just like I hoped you would. Your ini­tial de­sire to ig­nore ev­ery­thing I'm say­ing is no longer with you at this mo­ment... you want to keep on lis­ten­ing... you want to keep on look­ing... the rap­ture of mas­tur­ba­tion has si­lenced your de­fi­ance... the threads of your soul melt be­fore my eyes... look clos­er... look deep­er... my eyes are now twice as big, aren't they? Ev­ery­thing about me has been height­ened and you know why? It's be­cause of my su­pe­ri­or­i­ty... I'm much more pow­er­ful than you and you're ex­pe­ri­enc­ing that un­de­ni­able power right now... Look at me, Joseph... look at me and lis­ten hard... you're not ca­pa­ble of break­ing eye con­tact... you're vul­ner­a­ble... you're weak... we're steal­ing your will to re­sist us, be­cause you're help­ing us do so... the ec­stat­ic en­joy­ment is now whirling in your neck and mov­ing straight into the fil­a­ments of your brain... soon, we'll have con­trol over ev­ery­thing you are... body and spir­it will bow down at our com­mands..."

"Stop this! I don't... I... hmmm... it feels so good..." mum­bled Joseph mov­ing one step clos­er to the gleam­ing thresh­old of hyp­not­ic sur­ren­der.

"I can't stop it now, even if I want­ed to. My words have gained a life of their own and my eyes won't rest until they've trapped you in­side their labyrinths of se­duc­tion... We've al­ready erased por­tions of your per­son­al­i­ty but we must go all the way down... Think only of the con­tent­ment we've given you... we shook the foun­da­tions of your char­ac­ter as if they were a bot­tle of cham­pagne and now we're going to make it burst... can you feel the stream of semen al­ready want­ing to be re­leased from your body? Do you want this to hap­pen?"

"I... mmm... Yes... let it flow... please... let it flow..."

"We will." said In­grid as she sig­nalled Megan to start stroking him faster and faster. "But you're going to have to give us some­thing in re­turn. You're going to close your eye­lids and imag­ine you're still star­ing deeply at my strik­ing eyes... close them now, yes... that's it... feel the pres­sure ris­ing in your lower mus­cles and know this... you can no longer open your eyes... we don't allow it... the spi­ralling ejac­u­la­tion that's about to con­sume you will plunge you into an ir­re­sistible trance... when the swell in your penis dis­ap­pears you'll be com­plete­ly asleep, com­plete­ly hyp­no­tized... Re­peat my last words if you un­der­stand..."

"I'll be com­plete­ly asleep... hmm... and com­plete­ly hyp­no­tized..."

"That's right... asleep and hyp­no­tized... asleep and hyp­no­tized... I will keep on talk­ing but only to your sub­con­scious mind which will be sus­cep­ti­ble to ev­ery­thing I say... You will not re­sist my words, Joseph! Now, feel the bot­tle of cham­pagne burst­ing and the liq­uid pour­ing down your pants... It's time to let the gush of servi­tude come out to play! ********

In­grid's last words co­in­cid­ed with the ul­ti­mate ex­plo­sion of ravenous white. The fe­roc­i­ty of the erup­tion caused Megan's hands to get all sticky with semen. Rais­ing her head at Joseph, she was sur­prised to see him as sound asleep as he had been told to...

"I can't be­lieve it ac­tu­al­ly worked!"

"Of course it worked. I told you... it's not the first time I did this."

"How come you never shared this abil­i­ty of yours with me, In­grid?"

The Finnish's beau­ty reply was ac­com­pa­nied by a shrug of shoul­ders.

"I don't know... I guess I didn't feel the tim­ing was right..."

"And today was?"

"Un­doubt­ed­ly... He came to us with a load­ed gun, my love! He had to be prop­er­ly pun­ished for his hasty be­haviour and now that he's been put under we can pret­ty much mess with his life in any way we want..."

"What's our next move?"

"We're going to pro­gram his sub­con­scious mind much like we would pro­gram a com­put­er... we'll give him a se­ries of sim­ple com­mands and add some rou­tines to them so that he may re­spond to our wish­es with­out ques­tion­ing if they're right or wrong... It's my favourite part of the pro­cess... Just pay at­ten­tion, Meg. When I fin­ish, it will be your turn to add a few ideas to the mix..."

In­grid re­as­sumed her orig­i­nal po­si­tion on top of the bed, both palms of her hands gen­tly rub­bing Megan's legs. She spoke to the en­tranced man like a true Ama­zon:

"Joseph... this is In­grid. I'm speak­ing di­rect­ly to the most inner re­gions of your mind. Can you hear my voice? Nod or sim­ply say 'yes' if you are lis­ten­ing and, most im­por­tant­ly, if you un­der­stand what I'm say­ing..."

His lips part­ed smooth­ly, al­low­ing the trapped voice in­side to es­cape its con­fine­ment and fill the room.


"That's good. I'm pleased. You've been hyp­no­tized, Joseph. Right now, all of your pri­ma­ry func­tions are shut down; you can­not react to any other stim­uli ex­cept the ones con­nect­ed to my voice or Megan's. As such, I'm going to tell you a few things and you will lis­ten to them very at­ten­tive­ly, as­sim­i­lat­ing every word until they're a part of your per­son­al­i­ty and then I'm going to give you a se­ries of in­struc­tions for you to com­ply with. Is that clear? Again, just nod or say 'yes' if you un­der­stood ev­ery­thing I said so far."

"Yes." re­peat­ed the man whose mind was about to be turned into mush.

"Ex­cel­lent. What I have to tell you is very sim­ple. In fact, it's so very sim­ple that you won't have any trou­ble what­so­ev­er in ac­cept­ing it as an in­dis­putable truth. You're hyp­no­tized and hyp­no­tized men don't think on their own... you can't think on your own... try as it may, that brain of yours is noth­ing more than a veg­etable... you can't think on your own... that's right, you just can't... you need some­one else to think for you now and that's where Megan and I come in! We will be so very happy to do all of your think­ing for you, to tell you ex­act­ly what to do and then see­ing you do it! We know what you want and we can make it all hap­pen... there's only one thing you have to do for us... you need to tell us you want to be con­trolled... you need to tell us you want to obey... you need to tell us you want to be our slave... and you will do it, won't you? You will say what we want to hear so we can pro­ceed in dom­i­nat­ing you com­plete­ly... Go, on Joseph! Tell us these three lit­tle phras­es... I'm going to whis­per them one more time and you're going to re­peat them af­ter­wards, feel­ing its power wash­ing over you the mo­ment you hear them, in your own voice, the mo­ment you rec­og­nize that the truth lies in servi­tude... Say them now: 'I want to be con­trolled!"

"I... I..." Joseph could feel the words build­ing, ris­ing to his throat like boil­ing water but he was still aware that say­ing them would be the same as sen­tenc­ing him to a life that was against ev­ery­thing he be­lieved in...

"I want to be con­trolled!" re­peat­ed In­grid some­what as­tound­ed by the fact that he wasn't al­ready beg­ging to be al­lowed the chance to serve them for­ev­er and ever. Per­haps he need­ed an­oth­er form of stim­u­la­tion be­fore his mind drift­ed help­less­ly into sub­servience and she knew ex­act­ly what to do.

"I... I..." con­tin­ued to mum­ble Joseph, fight­ing the sug­ges­tion of power with every fibre of his being.

"You're hyp­no­tized, Joseph... you can't re­sist. Open your eyes and look at me... Look at the one that made you fall into this state..."

This com­mand was sim­ple enough for him to abide with­out ques­tion­ing but when he gazed at In­grid's beau­ti­ful eyes once again, he re­al­ized it had been a mis­take... by look­ing straight at her, he felt his will-pow­er dis­solv­ing like a sug­ar-cube under his tongue. If only he could cover his ears and not lis­ten to the in­evitable words that were to fol­low...

"Say it now, Joseph: 'I want to be con­trolled!'" said In­grid one last time with a queen-like au­thor­i­ty.



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His mind shat­tered on the in­side, leav­ing him with no other al­ter­na­tive, but to agree to what­ev­er she want­ed and say the words that would bind his soul with a smile upon his lips.

"I want to be con­trolled!"

"Good. Next is: 'I want to obey your every com­mand!' Let me hear you say it and en­joy­ing it..."

Noth­ing could stop him now from sur­ren­der­ing com­plete­ly. Ideas of self-suf­fi­cien­cy evap­o­rat­ed from his brain as he heard the echo of his own voice scream­ing:

"I want to obey your every com­mand!"

"Of course you do... one last sen­tence, now. Megan, why don't you tell him again what he's sup­posed to say next so we can move on to more se­ri­ous mat­ters?"

Com­plete­ly ex­hil­a­rat­ed and ex­cit­ed with the op­por­tu­ni­ty to break her hus­band's spir­it for good, Megan didn't waste any time and spoke with the most spell­bind­ing in­to­na­tion she pos­sessed:

"The time of sub­mis­sion is now. Just say 'I want to be your slave!' Say it!"

There was a pause and the at­mo­sphere was filled with stat­ic elec­tric­i­ty as if Time it­self had frozen over, ea­ger­ly an­tic­i­pat­ing his final dec­la­ra­tion in order to re­sume its nat­u­ral course. In­grid smiled wicked­ly, her long fin­gers ca­ress­ing a se­cret spot in Megan's right thigh that she was sure to drive her mad with ec­stat­ic plea­sure. Her lover did some­thing very sim­i­lar, dis­cov­er­ing a sen­si­tive zone in the back of her neck and scratch­ing it ever so slight­ly with her fin­ger­nails... Fi­nal­ly, Joseph's mouth opened up to let a breath of air come out, as the words that were now an im­pe­ri­al di­rec­tive rolled out flaw­less­ly:

"I want to be your slave!"

"Well... if that's what you want..." gig­gled In­grid like a teenag­er. "... Who are we to deny you your most inner wish­es? I'll be glad to con­trol your body and mind fully as I'm sure Megan will too. Be­lieve me when I tell you I'm very happy with your progress, Joseph... very happy, in­deed... why don't you thank us for en­slav­ing you just like you want­ed?"

"Thank you..." said Joseph now ut­ter­ly over­whelmed with the joy of being the sub­ject of such skil­ful ma­nip­u­la­tion by two gor­geous women. He didn't move when Megan un­tied him from the chair, sim­ply be­cause he had for­got­ten how to ac­ti­vate the nec­es­sary mus­cles to do so with­out re­ceiv­ing a spe­cif­ic in­struc­tion first and by the ac­com­plice looks ex­changed by the two of them, or­ders sure weren't going to be scarce as long as the hyp­not­ic trance was in ef­fect. The first one had some­thing to do with the way he was sup­posed to ad­dress them now that he was their spell­bound prop­er­ty... Ob­vi­ous­ly, In­grid and Megan wouldn't suf­fice for the use of just of the prop­er names when re­fer­ring to them was an in­sult to their great dom­i­nance.

"Slave, ac­knowl­edge this. From now on, I want to be treat­ed as God­dess In­grid... or you can skip my name en­tire­ly and use only the title." said the strik­ing Finnish.

"Yes, God­dess In­grid. I shall do as you say..."

"As for me..." began Megan won­der­ing to her­self what words would suit her best... "I've al­ways want­ed to be a Lady. You can also call me Mis­tress from time to time, but don't over­do it! Lady Megan is the most re­spect­ful way to treat me and each time you use these words, you'll feel as if I'm stroking you all over again, fill­ing your sens­es with sat­is­fac­tion and leav­ing you even more help­less and open to my com­mands..."

"Yes, Lady Megan" re­spond­ed Joseph, his head and dick throb­bing at the same time.

In­grid's ap­plaus­es were heard loud and clear.

"My, you're ad­just­ing your­self to this sit­u­a­tion rather well!" she said. "That last sug­ges­tion of yours was a stroke of ge­nius..."

"You don't mind, do you?"

"Of course not! After all, he's your hus­band so it's only fair you use every tech­nique at your dis­pos­al to make sure he's com­plete­ly aroused and obe­di­ent to you when­ev­er you want but I think it's time we start think­ing about some very pow­er­ful post-hyp­not­ic sug­ges­tions..."

"What do you mean?"

"Right now he's to­tal­ly at our mercy, but that won't last. For some rea­son I'm yet to com­pre­hend, the human mind has some sort of com­pen­sa­tion method to es­cape a trance if it lasts too long. Each mind has a dif­fer­ent thresh­old but in the end the out­come is al­ways the same... after a while, the con­scious self emerges no mat­ter what and then the fun is over... we need to do some­thing sim­i­lar to what you did just now to put him under more eas­i­ly the next time... think of a word or phrase you like and then let me know so I can pro­gram him to re­spond to it..."

"I see... A word or phrase, hmmm... can it be any­thing I want?"

"Yes, but try not to come with some­thing that's ei­ther too com­mon (so he doesn't fall into a trance all the time...) or too far-fetched to re­mem­ber... some­thing sim­ple but catchy enough for you..."

"In that case, use these two words: 'Blue Lotus'. That's the name of the restau­rant where he pro­posed to me."

"Blue Lotus...? I like the irony of it... the name of the place where he gave the first step to love, hon­our and obey you will for­ev­er be the trig­ger to re­mind him of his servile obli­ga­tions to­ward you..."

"And to­wards you as well, In­grid... You're the one who did all the work to make this hap­pen... I'm not going to let you lose the op­por­tu­ni­ty to reap the fruits of your labour..."

"How nice of you, my dear..."

In­grid rose up from the bed and start­ed walk­ing around Joseph. She stopped in front of him, touched his fore­head and with her right index point­ing down, in­struct­ed:

"Kneel on the car­pet, ser­vant!"

Joseph's re­sponse was im­me­di­ate and af­fir­ma­tive. The trance was still very fresh and vivid, and its in­ten­si­ty wasn't going to wear off that soon but as the say­ing goes: "bet­ter safe than sorry" es­pe­cial­ly given the high­ly un­sta­ble na­ture of the pro­cess­es ca­pa­ble of pro­duc­ing hyp­no­sis.

"Yes, God­dess In­grid." were Joseph's only words be­fore sink­ing into the ground as or­dered.

"Good boy... obey­ing us is such a re­ward­ing and plea­sur­able ex­pe­ri­ence, isn't it? I bet you can't even imag­ine any other ex­pe­ri­ence that sat­is­fies you more than being ut­ter­ly vul­ner­a­ble to our ever grow­ing in­flu­ence... be­cause if you can't think, you can't imag­ine as well, isn't that right? Our thoughts are your thoughts. Our will is your will. You be­long to us now and you want to con­tin­ue being under our spell... you've said it al­ready: you want to be our slave so you'll agree to any­thing we tell you in order to make sure you'll con­tin­ue to be our hyp­not­ic pup­pet even after this night is done, right?"

"Yes, God­dess In­grid. I'll agree to any­thing you say. I'm your slave as well as Lady Megan's..."

"Then agree to this: I'm now going to trans­fer the in­tense plea­sure you're ex­pe­ri­enc­ing right now into two lit­tle words. These words, when spo­ken by me or by your wife, mis­tress­es of your mind, will trans­port you back into this re­lax­ing limbo where being told what to do is the sole pur­pose of your ex­is­tence. If you come out of the trance you're in at the mo­ment, whether by our sug­ges­tion or by the nat­u­ral dis­po­si­tion of your brain to es­cape hyp­no­sis, hear­ing these words will im­me­di­ate­ly plunge you deep­er and deep­er under our con­trol... you'll fall ef­fort­less­ly into our fem­i­nine power, want­ing to wor­ship us on your knees... need­ing des­per­ate­ly to hear our in­struc­tions and act sole­ly upon them... noth­ing else. Are you ready to know what these words are?"

"Yes, God­dess In­grid."

"The words are: Blue Lotus. I re­peat: Blue Lotus. When­ev­er you hear them, your sub­con­scious will over­ride the reg­u­lar func­tions of your in­de­pen­dent self and you'll re­vert to being noth­ing more than our toy to play with... un­ca­pable of with­stand­ing our might... 'Blue Lotus' means com­plete ob­jec­ti­fi­ca­tion... Blue Lotusequals per­pet­u­al slav­ery... even if in­struct­ed to for­get every de­tail of our mes­mer­iz­ing en­coun­ters, you'll never erase these words from your mind... I've writ­ten them with a very spe­cial ink, an in­deli­ble ink, and now they're for­ev­er en­graved in the re­cess­es of your per­sona: they're a part of you, the most im­por­tant one for they're the key to the per­fec­tion that is to obey us... obey us... obey us... you'll al­ways obey, Joseph! You have no other choice!"

"Yes, God­dess In­grid."

"I think this is about enough, but if you want to add any­thing, Megan, this is the best time to do so! His mind will never more re­cep­tive than now."

Megan sim­ply shrugged. After lis­ten­ing to In­grid's clever use of words to fur­ther con­di­tion her hus­band, ef­fec­tive­ly drain­ing him of all pos­si­bil­i­ties to re­sist, it was fair­ly no­tice­able she still had a lot to learn. She tried to mem­o­rize as much in­for­ma­tion about the in­duc­tion pro­ce­dures as pos­si­ble to ex­per­i­ment on her own as soon as she had the chance.

"In that case, he's all yours now! What do you want your hyp­no­tized hus­band to do? Re­mem­ber, he's no longer ca­pa­ble of ar­tic­u­lat­ing the word 'no' so he'll do what­ev­er you de­sire... Do you want him to lick your pussy? To mas­tur­bate re­lent­less­ly while you laugh at how pa­thet­ic he looks? To dress your clothes and pa­rade him­self in front of the bath­room mir­ror? Be as kinky as you want, Megan! That's the best part of it all!"

"I want to in­duce him pain." de­clared Megan with such con­vic­tion that it was al­most scary.



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"Sure. I love a good spank­ing!" laughed In­grid. Ah, the end­less nights of sat­is­fac­tion in her house watch­ing her hus­band ad­just his body so that the sore­ness in his ass could be even more in­tense...

"Not phys­i­cal pain." con­tin­ued Megan burst­ing In­grid's dreams like a bal­loon right on the spot. "I want some­thing deep­er. I want to go psy­cho­log­i­cal on him."

The Finnish raised her left eye­brow, defini­tive­ly in­trigued by what­ev­er she was con­coct­ing.

"Tell me more..."

Megan began ex­pos­ing her ideas with a se­ries of ques­tions.

"We can use hyp­no­sis to make him for­get about things, right? But I'm bet­ting we can make it work the other way around too... if we want, we can height­en some of his mem­o­ries, isn't that a fact?"

"Of course, but what's your point? Do you want him to re­mem­ber some­thing? That's what's going to cause him pain?"

"Yes. I'll try to con­vey ex­act­ly what I want to him, but if you see I'm not doing things right, please step in. After all, I'm not as gift­ed as you when it comes to this... at least, not yet!"

"Don't worry, my love! Do what you want to do and I'm sure you'll do just fine!"

In­grid's vow of trust was all she need­ed to feel more se­cure about her own agen­da.

"Okay... let's get this show on the road. Joseph, you've heard and ac­cept­ed the trig­ger God­dess In­grid plant­ed in your brain, the trig­ger that will al­ways make sure you're will­ing to carry out our in­struc­tions in the fu­ture, but now I want you to ab­sorb my words... they too will exert ab­so­lute con­trol over you. You know you must do what Lady Megan tells you!"

"Yes, Lady Megan. I have to obey you!"

"This is how you're going to obey me now: I want you to search deep with­in your mem­o­ries for the day when we got mar­ried. Re­mem­ber how happy you were on the church when you saw me walk­ing down the aisle in my long, flow­ing wed­ding dress. At the time, your face was beam­ing and to­tal­ly ra­di­ant... the most beau­ti­ful woman you had ever seen was a few mo­ments away from be­com­ing your wife and the love in­side you burned into the very core of your soul... Do you re­mem­ber this, Joseph? Awak­en that feel­ing... let it be in­side you once again..."

"I... I re­mem­ber... Lady Megan..."

"Hold on to those mem­o­ries, then. There was never a time when you loved me so much as in that day... you should have been able to main­tain that love for­ev­er... we were sup­posed to be the per­fect cou­ple, but guess what hap­pened? The mo­ment you got that ring on my fin­ger and the priest unit­ed us in mat­ri­mo­ny, that's when ev­ery­thing start­ed to go wrong. It didn't take long for you to take me for grant­ed, to spend more time ig­nor­ing me than lis­ten­ing to me. Your ca­reer be­came more im­por­tant than I had ever been, our bonds weak­ened, our hopes dwin­dled and I was ****** to turn to some­one else for af­fec­tion. The same thing hap­pened to In­grid, you know? I guess you men are re­al­ly all alike! Luck­i­ly, we found each other and the con­nec­tion we have now is stronger than our mar­riage... you're about to see how strong it is! Are you ready for my ul­ti­mate com­mand, slave?"

What else was Joseph to say ex­cept the only thing he was al­lowed to? God­dess In­grid had said it all when she had so thor­ough­ly ex­plained that hyp­no­tized men don't think on their own... ev­ery­thing re­sumed to blind obe­di­ence... these two women couldn't be de­nied... they would never be con­tra­dict­ed...

"Yes, Lady Megan. At your ser­vice... al­ways at your ser­vice!"

"You are to re­main there on your knees, im­bued with the mem­o­ries of the love you used to feel about me whilst In­grid and I make love here on this bed. Be­cause you adore me so much, this will cause you ex­treme an­guish and jeal­ousy will prac­ti­cal­ly drive you in­sane but the worst part is you won't be able to do any­thing to stop it. Your legs are stiff now, heav­ier than a ton of con­crete and the same goes for your arms... Im­mo­bil­i­ty at the face of see­ing your wife sur­ren­der com­plete­ly to the hands of an­oth­er is your pun­ish­ment for all the mo­ments of ne­glect that led to this day... this new com­mand is to take im­me­di­ate ef­fect in what's left of your mind, and since you thanked God­dess In­grid for being hyp­no­tized, I think you should thank me as well for treat­ing you this way. Say the words, Joseph, Loud and clear!"

"Thank you, Lady Megan. Thank you so much!"

Com­plete­ly sta­tion­ary, a kneel­ing stat­ue in the motel room, Joseph wit­nessed a fran­tic kiss be­tween the two women after which he heard Lady Megan ask God­dess In­grid what were her thoughts about her sug­ges­tions:

"I like them a lot. You re­al­ly are a quick learn­er, but if I may sug­gest a lit­tle some­thing extra, my dear... I'm going to whis­per it in your ear..."

The se­cret was ex­changed and oth­er­world­ly smiles were lit at once.

"Does that mean you ac­cept my pro­pos­al?" asked In­grid. "Can I give him the in­struc­tions?"

"Be my guest, but try not to take long. I'm re­al­ly in the mood for some sex!"

"I'll be brief. Slave Joseph, lis­ten to me once more! Ev­ery­thing Lady Megan or­dered you is to be car­ried out but so is this... when you see us en­joy­ing total rap­ture on this bed, you'll feel some­thing more than just pas­sion for your wife and the suf­fer­ing of los­ing her to an­oth­er per­son... you'll also be un­ca­pable of con­trol­ling the arousal that de­rives from watch­ing us ex­plore each other's bod­ies to the fullest ex­tent... this will in­crease your agony ten times... the con­stant stream of sex­u­al hor­mones will dev­as­tate you and al­though you'll ex­pe­ri­ence the in­creas­ing de­sire to mas­tur­bate for our de­light, you'll never be able to do so be­cause your arms have been de­prived of move­ments... it's a triple tor­ture, see? Tor­ture for see­ing us walk­ing the av­enues of plea­sure, tor­ture for hat­ing and en­joy­ing this at the same time and tor­ture for not being ca­pa­ble of doing any­thing what­so­ev­er to end the show... this is po­et­ic jus­tice of the high­est cal­i­bre pos­si­ble! Aren't we just per­fect?"

"Yes, God­dess In­grid. Noth­ing more than per­fect..."

"Have fun watch­ing us, dear!" ex­claimed Megan. Who would have ever thought she could feel so alive from re­sort­ing to some real cruel schemes to get what she want­ed? Re­venge was sweet if du­ti­ful­ly pre­pared and the world of hyp­not­ic con­di­tion­ing In­grid had shown her was a mas­ter key for doors that would have re­mained locked oth­er­wise. Oh, the won­der of it all...

As or­dered, Joseph suf­fered help­less­ly the trau­mat­ic ex­pe­ri­ence of a life­time. He saw the two women in­ter­twine in ways he never thought fea­si­ble, the sweaty legs and juicy pubic hairs caught up in a dev­il­ish dance, a Tango of night­mare. He heard the shrieks, the moans and the screams of en­chant­ment sig­nalling the im­pend­ing or­gasms while wish­ing he too could par­take in the sen­su­al out­burst... on one sin­gle oc­ca­sion, a primeval form of anger man­i­fest­ed it­self in his face and mus­cles and, against all odds, he al­most man­aged to move one of his legs hop­ing to break the con­trol that bound him but Megan, who made sure to look at him every now and then saw it all and sim­ply ut­tered the trig­ger phrase: Blue Lotus which caused the world to go black again. With the trance deep­ened and his soul spi­ralling down into a mind's ditch where no light could pen­e­trate, it is safe to say that he be­came as harm­less as a veg­e­tal, and with­ered until the sun rose up in the sky.



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At the dawn of the new day, Megan fi­nal­ly al­lowed him to come back to the world of will-pow­ered and sen­tient crea­tures. In the few min­utes he was out of her con­trol, Joseph cried like a baby as he re­mem­bered ev­ery­thing he had wit­nessed. In­grid watched it all from a safe dis­tance ready to say the con­trol­ling words if he tried to do some­thing fool­ish.

"How could you do this to me?" he asked with his head low, arms firm­ly wrapped around her wife's legs. "I may have been a ne­glect­ful hus­band, but sure­ly I didn't de­serve such pun­ish­ment. Please make these im­ages go away! I'll do any­thing you say, Meg! Please!"

"Oh, stop with the whin­ing!" said the Finnish god­dess. "She al­ready knows you'll do any­thing she wants. Beg­ging won't do you any good..."

Megan looked at her and then at the bro­ken man at her feet. Bathed by the morn­ing light, she felt pow­er­ful, but dirty at the same time, im­bued with the aching aware­ness that she had al­lowed her­self to get car­ried away. Sud­den­ly, all of her pre­vi­ous ac­tions seemed plain wrong, be­havioural de­vi­a­tions brought about by a sex­u­al fren­zy in­ter­twined with fever­ish con­trol. He had caused her great pain in the past, but was that enough of a rea­son for the suf­fer­ing she was in­flict­ing him in the pre­sent? Look­ing at the tear-filled eyes of the shad­ow that used to be her hus­band, re­grets per­me­at­ed the very core of her soul and she knew right on the spot there was only one pos­si­ble an­swer:

"I can't do this any­more, In­grid!"

Her lover was awe-struck by her words but even more by the change of heart they en­tailed.

"What do you mean?"

"What hap­pened here... this whole thing of mind con­trol? Yes­ter­day, I though it made sense, but I was wrong..."

In­grid just couldn't be­lieve what she was hear­ing.

"Are you se­ri­ous?!" she asked jump­ing out of bed. The look in her eyes re­vealed the ut­most con­tempt re­gard­ing the one that was pros­trat­ing on the ground.

"Yes. I mean: what ex­act­ly did we ac­com­plish in this room?"

"Oh, that's sim­ple. We gave our­selves plea­sure be­yond com­pare and of­fered your hus­band a new chance at life..."

"No... We didn't offer him any­thing... We im­posed our will upon him in a rather de­spi­ca­ble way... we ****** him into be­com­ing a mind­less pet, sub­ject to our whims... but he's a human being and re­gard­less of what he did to me, he de­serves to be treat­ed with re­spect. I can't be­lieve how ex­cit­ed I was in face of such a hor­rif­ic truth! What hap­pened yes­ter­day was one big mis­take and it needs to be fixed!"

"Oh, thank you!" sobbed Joseph. Those were the exact words he want­ed to hear and he was gen­uine­ly grate­ful for them.

"Blue Lotus!" yelled In­grid. In a sec­ond, Joseph, the dis­tressed man dis­ap­peared and was re­placed by Joseph, the sub­servient hyp­noslave that ea­ger­ly wait­ed for a com­mand. It came in the form of a dec­la­ra­tion of si­lence: "Shut up, in­fe­ri­or crea­ture! You're not to speak again until or­dered!" He com­plied, just like he was sup­posed to.

"Why did you do that for?" asked Megan, vis­i­bly an­noyed.

"To be per­fect­ly hon­est, I was tired of hear­ing him beg. At least, this way we get to talk about this with­out being dis­turbed."

"There's noth­ing to talk about, In­grid. I've al­ready made up my mind!"

"But you're not think­ing straight, my dear! Now that you've had a taste of true power, I can't pos­si­bly un­der­stand why you want to give it up just like that... You agreed to this right from the start... You're the one that want­ed to cause him pain, re­mem­ber? And now you feel sorry?! It's a bit too late for that, Megan! What's done is done!"

"I know I can't change the past, but I sure don't want this to be­come my fu­ture, ei­ther! What I did was im­moral and now it's time to set things straight and if you re­al­ly love me like you say you do, you're going to help me!"

In­grid ap­proached her with an open hand and ca­ressed her gen­tly on her left cheek, a naughty fin­ger slight­ly touch­ing her creamy lips.

"Oh, Megan... my sweet Megan... I do love you, but I'm afraid we don't see eye to eye on this one!"

"What ex­act­ly are you try­ing to say, In­grid?" Megan re­tort­ed as she shoved her hand aside.

"I like being in charge, sweet­heart... I enjoy hav­ing oth­ers to do my bid­dings and be­cause of that I'm not will­ing to let go of your hus­band that eas­i­ly... I want to see how far I can go with his docile lit­tle mind and that's why I think I'm going to keep him... One can never have too many toys..." In­grid was smil­ing but there was noth­ing wel­com­ing in her ex­pres­sion. In fact, her half-part­ed lips were now a sign of im­mi­nent dan­ger.

"You're play­ing a very cruel game, In­grid! Stop that al­ready!"

"Oh, but I can as­sure you I'm not... this is no game but the pure, hon­est truth... I'm not going to help you re­verse what hap­pened yes­ter­day and in a mat­ter of sec­onds you won't want that to hap­pen, ei­ther..."

An alarm sound­ed in­side Megan's head. It played like a siren, yet loud­er and even nois­i­er which made her body as­sume a de­fen­sive stance.

"What? In­grid, I don't un­der­stand..."

"Of course you do, my dear. Re­mem­ber when you asked me why I hadn't shared my abil­i­ties with you be­fore? Who says I didn't? As a mat­ter of fact, I showed them to you many times in the past. The first one was when we met: when your eyes met mine and you sud­den­ly start­ed hav­ing strange de­sires about me. That's right, Megan. I hyp­no­tized you that day though you don't re­mem­ber it ever hap­pen­ing be­cause you were in­struct­ed not to! Your bi­sex­u­al­i­ty doesn't date back to your hon­ey­moon days like you told your hus­band. I cre­at­ed it! And it hap­pened so fast... you're very easy to ma­nip­u­late, you know?" The smile was now an ever chang­ing smirk with as much of in­so­lence as of fas­ci­na­tion.

"You're lying!" shout­ed Megan re­al­iz­ing that her eyes were slow­ly fill­ing with tears. She had to be be­cause if she wasn't then their whole story had been noth­ing more than an elab­o­rate cha­rade com­prised of smoke, mir­rors and hyp­not­ic trig­gers. In­grid's eyes locked into hers and the veil of de­cep­tion was lift­ed.

"Not this time and deep down in­side you know it... It's been a while since I last used your trig­gers be­cause after the ini­tial con­di­tion­ing you were pret­ty much I could hope for in a lover... How­ev­er, things have changed. You weren't sup­posed to wish for the lib­er­a­tion of your hus­band and ad­vo­cate free­dom in­stead of sub­mis­sion. Yes­ter­day, I was hun­dred per­cent sure that you were en­tire­ly de­vot­ed to me even when not in trance, but today a spark of de­fi­ance came rush­ing in and one leads to an­oth­er and an­oth­er... that's going to have to be fixed and I'll start doing right now... Lis­ten to my words, Megan: frozen bal­le­ri­na!"

Al­most im­me­di­ate­ly, Megan found her­self com­plete­ly im­mo­bile as the dor­mant trig­ger was re­ac­ti­vat­ed once again. It was a ter­ri­ble feel­ing to lose com­plete con­trol of her bod­i­ly mo­tions but an even more dread­ful one to be con­scious of it hap­pen­ing. She had been played right from the start and now the path ahead was one of utter help­less­ness... "This is how Joseph must have felt last night... God, I'm so stupid!" she thought. Though she re­al­ly want­ed to cry, now the tears wouldn't fall - they too had been stopped on their tracks.

"This will be all over soon, I promise..." de­clared In­grid. "In just a few mo­ments, you will lose the rec­ol­lec­tions of this morn­ing. All it will take is a kiss, a sim­ple kiss. When my lips touch yours, ev­ery­thing will be erased and we'll con­tin­ue to have fun to­geth­er. You'll be mine and I'll be yours!"

De­spite the fact that a part of her want­ed to be­lieve her, Megan knew it was too late. "Who's to say you won't treat me as your slave when­ev­er you feel like it?" she thought. "No one... you'll con­tin­ue to mess around with peo­ple the way you see fit... Oh, In­grid, if I could only tell you how much I hate you right now!"

But she couldn't. All that was al­lowed was the stiff­ness of mus­cles, the freez­ing of joints... She was a stat­ue of flesh soon to be re­designed. Pow­er­less­ly, she saw In­grid lean­ing over her and then, the re­al­i­ty she knew ceased to exist.


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A cop trans­formed

"I have to get in there, Carl­son," Carla Chap­lain soft­ly in­formed her part­ner through the minia­ture mi­cro­phone in her ear.

"Are you sure he's in there?" her part­ner Leonard Carl­son said back over the mi­cro­phone. Carla could hard­ly hear him over the loud club music, and the con­ver­sa­tions of the nu­mer­ous men and women in the club.

"I'm sure, I saw him go right in, and with my dis­guise I can get right in," she was wor­ried, but she hadn't de­grad­ed her­self as a dancer in this club for 2 weeks to lose their prize now.

"O.K. Chap­lain, if you're sure. Be care­ful thought, and re­mem­ber, make sure that he ad­mits to sell­ing the stuff to you be­fore you con­firm it. Also make sure that when you have the tape to ac­ti­vate the sig­nal so we can send in the cav­al­ry and oh Carla don't for­get to-"

"Leonard, I know how to do it, I'll be O.K., talk to you in a few," she said flip­ping off the piece. She walked across the club floor, feel­ing so ex­posed in her skimpy uni­form. She had on a skimpy tub top that showed off gen­er­ous cleav­age and left her midriff open, short denim shorts around her fine­ly sculpt­ed ass, and a pair of black heels topped it all off. Her long blonde hair had been curled and ran down to her half-back.

She bumped into a few peo­ple, most­ly ***** col­lege kids reach­ing for the big white orbs on her chest. She brushed them off with a look of dis­gust, in her life men had been ei­ther too con­trol­ling of her. Or not con­trol­ling enough. They were ei­ther brain­less, sex­ist id­iots, or scared, wimpy id­iots. Carl­son was right in the mid­dle and she hoped that he would ask her out even­tu­al­ly, just think­ing about him got her wet.

She pushed those thoughts to the back of her brain and walked across the dance floor.

"You sure that one of the girls here is a cop?" asked Pedro "the snake" Juarez. He was a big man, with big bi­ceps, a mus­cled chest, broad shoul­ders, and a some­what hand­some face. He wore a wifebeat­er un­der­shirt, and big baggy jeans. His hands had mul­ti­ple rings, and his head of hair was greased back.

He sat com­fort­ably in an arm­chair, hold­ing a scotch, and ig­nor­ing the moans of two of his girls in the back who were busy plea­sur­ing each other. With his other hand he pet­ted a girl on his left af­fec­tion­ate­ly, and she moaned in re­sponse.

"Yes, Mr. Juarez, she's pos­ing as a dancer, our intel says she's good, but I think you'll know a cop when you see one.

"Yes, make sure none of your boys touch her Car­los, I want this bitch to my­self," he said tak­ing a swig of scotch.

Carla breezed past the guards, who stared at her breasts while she told them she was just work­ing the room. They moved their over­sized bod­ies out of the way while the flax­en haired beau­ty passed by. Once in­side there were a bunch more girls like her, giv­ing lap dances to some guys, one even giv­ing a BJ, and all smil­ing and happy about it.

"Sluts," Carla thought to her­self. She walk­through the orgy and reached what was Pedro's per­son­al body­guard.

"What you want with Mr. Juarez bitch?" he asked her, his foul breath al­most made her wince.

"I hear he's got some good dope," she said with the best fake junkie voice she could do.

"Yeah, he does, but if you want in I need a lit­tle favor first, you work here right?" Carla was a bit scared at first, she hard­ly worked here, she had avoid­ed hav­ing to do any­thing sex­u­al but striptease a bit. One or two lap dances, but no blowjobs or sex.

"Yeah, what about that, just lemme in its been too long since I've snort­ed some," she said wav­ing her hands in an ir­ri­tat­ed man­ner.

"I want a favor, you know why? Cuz aint no­body gets into see Mr. Juarez but me, and since you're a lit­tle slut here, I want some stuff done," he point­ed down to his zip­per.

"What?" she asked al­most break­ing her dis­guise. He couldn't pos­si­bly want her to do that.

"You heard me, if you wanna get in, on your knees, take it out, I wanna feel those big puffy lips on my cock."

She nod­ded, got down on her knees, and un­zipped the zip­per. She had been with me be­fore, but never sucked a dick, and he had a so-so one from all the men she'd seen. She looked up at him, he nod­ded back down.

She curled her toes, and swal­lowed his erect mem­ber. Slow­ly she built up a rhythm, bob­bing her head up and down, swirling her tongue she found that made his dick twitch her wet mouth. He was right she did have big lips; they felt like pil­lows around Car­los's cock.

Fi­nal­ly she sensed he was about to re­lease and she quick­ly tried to pull her mouth out, but he grabbed her by blonde locks and kept her head there. ************** he fucked her pret­ty face until he came in­side her mouth, she swal­lowed it all. It tast­ed foul and salty in her mouth.

"That was pret­ty good, slut," he opened the door for her to go on in.

She saw him, Pedro "the snake" Juarez, and was ac­tu­al­ly sur­prised at how hand­some he was. He had an­i­mal­is­tic, bad boy mag­netism to him. On his right was a who­r­ish blonde girl with at­ten­tive, ob­vi­ous­ly fake, breasts, a slut­ty face with pouty lips, and long brown hair down to her back. She wore a uni­form sim­i­lar to Carla's only with more cleav­age show­ing, mak­ing Carla's breasts feel small to this girl's colos­sal rack, and her navel was pierced.

Be­hind him was a dom­i­na­trix like woman with black leather cov­er­ing her, and she was cur­rent­ly dom­i­nat­ing a small red­head­ed girl who was equal­ly as who­r­ish as the brunette. If they had the same color hair they could have been twins.

"What you want?" he asked sip­ping a scotch.

"I hear you got some strong dope," she said in her near­ly flaw­less ac­cent. Near­ly flaw­less was all it took, Pedro knew this was the cop. He snapped his fin­gers twice and the brunette got up and went to the back like an obe­di­ent puppy to get the stuff.

"You heard right," as he fin­ished the brown haired girl re­turned, "Bambi, why don't you go make sure Mr. Menen­dez is taken care of."

The who­r­ish brunette stood up, her fake tits bounc­ing like mel­ons as she stood, and left her plump ass sway­ing sex­i­ly in the denim shorts.

"She's just one of my bitch­es, why don't you snort a bit, make sure it's right," he snort­ed a bit too.

Nor­mal­ly Carla would be hes­i­tant, and es­pe­cial­ly around this **** king­pin who she felt very un­com­fort­able around. Still though he had snort­ed some, it ob­vi­ous­ly wasn't spiked, or so she thought.

"Aight, wanna make sure I'm payin' for good dope," she didn't know her cover was blown, grabbed the bag and took a big long snort. She had done coke be­fore, but this was dif­fer­ent. Sud­den­ly her sens­es were warped, her mind was foggy, she was so sug­gestible, and she felt com­fort­able around Pedro.

"It's good right?" he asked, grin­ning like a fox.

"Hell yeah," she de­clared, and snort­ed some more then put the bag down.

"Why don't you stay a lit­tle, come sit on my lap, how long you been work­ing here?" he asked, and she com­plied in per­fect bliss. She sat down, her juicy ass pok­ing at his boner.

"I've been here for about 2 weeks," she ad­mit­ted rub­bing her ass on his cock, "ooh that feels good baby," she moaned like a whore want­ing an­oth­er fuck­ing.

"We gotta fix you up," he pushed an in­ter­com, "Bambi, get Gin­ger and come in here," he took his fin­ger off and re­moved Carla's top. He felt her nip­ples that were stick­ing out like lit­tle twins, then re­moved her bra giv­ing him more di­rect ac­cess to the pink tipped beau­ties.

"Ooooohh... yeah fix me up...make me your lit­tle whore," she moaned in plea­sure.

"I will baby, I will, but first my dick is feel­ing a lit­tle dry," he said and re­moved her denim shorts, toss­ing them aside like garbage.

Carla just smiled, her half naked body got on her knees in front of him, un­zipped his trousers, and pulled out her veined prize. Then she re­al­ized why they called him the snake. In front of her stood a proud 12 inch­es of cock, with a snake tat­too run­ning up to the head. Carla looked at it like it was a god, noth­ing com­pared to the pre­vi­ous blowjob, in her bliss­ful­ness she planned to give Pedro the BJ of his life.



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She took her puffy pink lips and wrapped them around a good seven inch­es be­fore she felt her­self chok­ing. She began to get a good rhythm going, learn­ing from the man be­fore, then swirled her tongue around his mon­ster cock. With her right hand she played with his en­larged tes­ti­cles, and with her left began to rub the end of the shaft.

He was a hard­er to make cum then the first man, but over­come with lust and de­sire Carla was de­ter­mined to make him fill her mouth with his seed. Pedro was im­pressed at the cop's abil­i­ty to arouse him, but he had been sucked off many times and began to pet her blonde hair like he would a cat that did a trick.

Carla urged on by his pet­ting began to in­crease her rhythm bob­bing faster, until she was lit­er­al­ly face-fuck­ing her­self. She took his whole mem­ber and deep throat­ed it near­ly chok­ing her­self, and began to give a hand job to the part not in her mouth like there was no to­mor­row. She was a fire­ball of lust, and Pedro was im­pressed more, so he let her off easy. After 5 more min­utes he came pow­er­ful­ly in her mouth and sensed that she too was about to cum.

"Not yet, slut, not yet," he said after she had swal­lowed all of his cum.

Bambi, the brunette from be­fore, and a new whore in two Gin­ger a black girl with plan­ets for breasts, and her hair was straight­ened down to her shoul­ders.

"What's your name slut?" Pedro asked Carla.

"Carla, baby," she said her eyes were mist­ed over in bliss, her brain foggy, her body on fire with lust and awe for Pedro.

"From now on your name is Candy, Candy Cones, you got that?"

"What­ev­er you want baby," she purred.

"Now, how many other cops were you work­ing with?" he asked reach­ing into her denim shorts and pulling out her mi­cro­phone.

"Just one, he's out­side the club in a brown 1998 sedan," she gave away Carl­son's po­si­tion so eas­i­ly, no longer car­ing for him. All she thought about now as pleas­ing Pedro, and right now she re­al­ized that if she did he might fuck her. That was all she truly want­ed his mon­ster dick ram­ming her pussy, fill­ing her with his seed.

"You catch on quick babe, al­right Anton, Gun­nar, and Car­los go get a 1998 brown sedan parked just out­side. There should be a cop in there, bring him up to my crib." He said through the in­ter­com. "Girls, take Candy here to the back rooms, fix her up good. Im­press me and you're all gonna get a lit­tle re­ward, and Candy if you im­press me I think I might keep you," that was all she need­ed. The thought of being with him for­ev­er made Candy wet, Carla was gone, the per­son­al­i­ty was melt­ing away, fad­ing into the back­ground.

Some mem­o­ries merged some didn't, but the cop Carla Chap­lain was fad­ing away. Now Candy Cones was prepar­ing to im­press Pedro how­ev­er she could.

The back rooms weren't re­al­ly back rooms, more of a base­ment. In­side was an en­tire stu­dio for mak­ing girls into sluts, like it was a busi­ness for Pedro. Once down there Candy took an­oth­er sniff of the Coke feel­ing a jolt of plea­sure and the world so much clear­er and beau­ti­ful.

"Al­right, time to fix you up," Bambi said. She first put her in the tub after re­mov­ing her panties, Bambi got in too and began to shave all the hair off of Candy. Start­ing at her legs, the blade was so fine it made Candy feel a tin­gle and gig­gle. Then at her pussy it shaved away the lit­tle bush until there were just two proud pink lips. Bambi took the op­por­tu­ni­ty to fin­ger Candy a bit.

"Now this is a spe­cial tool by Mr. Juarez, that hair will never grow back baby," Bambi said as she rubbed Candy's clit with a man­i­cured nail.

Then Gin­ger took pierced her navel with a big emer­ald, mean­while Bambi paint­ed her nails a dark, who­r­ish red, and her toes as well, and then moved up to her ears giv­ing her big gold­en hoops that must have been about 5 inch­es in di­am­e­ter.

Bambi then did her face, paint­ing her pouty lips a who­r­ish red to match her nails. Then she gave her a good amount of eye­lin­er, shad­ow, and make­up to make her look like a com­mon whore. Fi­nal­ly Bambi moved on to her breasts.

"Too small," Candy was in shock she had a volup­tuous C cup that were quite well en­dowed.

"Too small?" Candy couldn't be­lieve what she was hear­ing.

"Yep, Pedro likes 'em big as can be, don't worry though we have a thing for that," Gin­ger came back with two big rods and then Candy lost con­scious­ness

She woke up on a table, above her stood Bambi and Gin­ger, they looked the same as be­fore she passed out.

"Sorry about that sexy, but we had to knock you out to give you this new rack," Bambi said in her high pitched whore voice, "go ahead check them out, you could stop traf­fic you're so sexy girl.

Candy stood up and near­ly lost it, her well en­dowed breasts of a woman were now ridicu­lous­ly plump cow tits. They were huge, EE's prob­a­bly. Candy squeezed them and felt an in­tense jolt of plea­sure.

"They stand up perfff­fec­ct­tlyyy," Gin­ger purred, "there never gonna sag hun."

Candy looked at her­self, and felt more of Carla fade away, "SOOoooooooooo sexxxyyyyyyyyyy," she moaned and squeezed them to­geth­er. She cupped the huge boobs thrust­ing them out, then squeezed her now sil­ver-dol­lar tits.

"Yeah girl, now let's fin­ish you up," Bambi de­clared after giv­ing Candy's tits a once over.

When the fin­ished pro­ject emerged Carla was al­most en­tire­ly gone, lost in the bim­bofied slut­ty mind of Candy Cones. Candy was wear­ing 6' red 'fuck me' heels, fish­net black stock­ings that left an inch of bare thigh (a very sexy inch of bare thigh) be­fore a short, tight black mi­ni-skirt. Her midriff was left com­plete­ly ex­posed flash­ing her emer­ald navel pierc­ing, and a tight white tube top that was bare­ly cling­ing to her hu­mon­gous tits (no longer could be called breasts). She had large gold­en hoop ear­rings, dark red lip­stick that Bambi said, "will look beau­ti­ful wrapped around a cock", and Candy agreed.

"You look sooooooo sexy Can­dyyyyy," Gin­ger said giv­ing her a long pas­sion­ate kiss. Bambi did the same only dug a bit into her tight skirt and fin­gered her bare pussy a bit more.

"Pedro's going to love you," Gin­ger said as they rode the el­e­va­tor back up. They reached Pedro's floor and emerged on a scene that al­most reawak­ened a weak­ened Carla.

Carl­son was tied up hang­ing by his hands from the ceil­ing, Pedro sat in his arm­chair still sip­ping some scotch, and Car­los stood by the door­way at the ready.

"Pedro, say hello to Candy Cones," Pedro's eyes near­ly popped out of their sock­ets, as did Carl­son's. De­spite all the changes he could still see sweet in­no­cent Carla in there, no mat­ter how much she had been changed.

"Hello, Candy, do you rec­og­nize this man?" he asked.



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Candy felt a punch against her face as Carla's mus­cled hand hit. Candy fought back she ducked the next punch and knocked the wind out of her with a tack­le.

"Your fin­ished bitch," Candy said as she grinned wicked­ly the alter per­sona start­ing to stran­gle Carla. The blonde on the bot­tom couldn't move, couldn't breathe, the world closed in around her. She felt a burst of adrenaline and tried to break free but in­stead of being ****** down, she felt a mon­strous wall of fleshy tits block­ing her and keep­ing her in place.

She tried to grab her face but her arms couldn't reach around her gar­gan­tu­an rack, her legs kicked and flailed in a last ditch ef­fort but couldn't ***** up.

"Shh­h­h­h­h­hh.....​sleep for­ev­er," Candy said and squeezed until she felt Carla go limp in her hand. Then she stood up, spat on Carla's face, and ad­just­ed her breasts to fit back into her ridicu­lous­ly large bra.

"Never seen him be­fore in my life baby, now let's pick up where we left off be­fore," she said com­ing over and sit­ting in his lap and plant­ing kiss­es on his mus­cled face. He in re­sponse reached his hand up and began to fon­dle her gi­gan­tic boobs, fondling one, and then moved around to her ass. After giv­ing her an­oth­er good once over he ****** her off of him.

"First things first, my pet," he pulled a gun from the table next to him, "get rid of this clown and I'll fuck you so hard you won't re­mem­ber which way is up."

Candy took the si­lenced smith & Wes­son, and point­ed it at Carl­son.

"Carla, no, I know you, don't do this!" he shout­ed. In that mo­ment Candy's face flashed a fu­ri­ous look of ha­tred and anger, then re­turned to its bliss­ful, misty-eyed, world of Pedro and sex.

"Who the fuck is Carla?" Candy said and pulled the trig­ger, a red flow­er erupt­ed where the man's head had been. Pedro was in total shock he re­mem­bered to give Bambi and Gin­ger a good fuck­ing for mak­ing Candy into such a sexy whore.

"I think I know what your new job can be Candy," Pedro said, "but first we have busi­ness to fin­ish he said.

He stripped off her top and felt her gen­er­ous mounds fall on his face, he then ripped her skirt off and pulled her soaked panties down. She in turn re­moved his un­der­shirt, and man­aged to drop his pants be­fore he rammed his fully erect demon of a cock into her. With both hands he gripped her shoul­ders for sup­port and rammed hard­er with each thrust.

He changed tac­tics halfway through bring­ing his dick into con­tact with her en­flamed clit he thrust vi­o­lent­ly but light­ning quick.

Carla re­spond­ed by fuck­ing back, they fell to the floor, mak­ing kinky sex. He fucked her until his mas­sive mem­ber erupt­ed in a show­er of white streams. He lined her vagi­na with his cum, and she erupt­ed in her own or­gasm.


He wasn't close to fin­ished though, he flipped her over. Then an­gled his mon­strous penis into her tight lit­tle ass, one thrust, two thrust, three thrust, each one hard­er than the first, going deep­er into her vir­gin ass. So ten­der and smooth Pedro couldn't get enough of it as he slammed into her again and again.

She squealed in de­light, and or­gas­mic plea­sure. She thrust her ass back into his cock cre­at­ing a mas­sive whirl­wind of plea­sure cours­ing through her. She came again and again, she lost track of how much she or­gasmed with him.

He then lay back, but Candy wasn't done yet. With a sly grin she got on him and began to grind into him, her sex con­nect­ing with his chest. He cupped her love­ly tits, and smiled up at his new whore. She grinned back, kiss­ing him all over his face, then down his chest. She went down and down until she reached his erect 12' dick.

She looked back up at him, winked, and swal­lowed a good 8 inch­es of cock. Then she used her old tac­tic tak­ing the balls with one hand and the base with the other. She rhyth­mi­cal­ly plea­sured his whole mass with her mouth and hands. Pedro groaned in plea­sure as he thought of her fu­ture with him.

Candy would be a great ad­di­tion to his grow­ing sup­ply of whores, he was im­pressed at how large Bambi had made her tits. When she start­ed to dance for real at his clubs the crowds would eat her up. She was sexy, but he would be sure to throw in her cop sta­tus to some of the more pri­vate pa­trons. They might want to fuck one of their old en­e­mies brain­less. He would have to change her hair, some­thing Bambi for­got to do. Dye it a who­r­ish blonde in­stead of her pret­ty dirty blonde, then make it big and sexy, easy to clean a dick with.

He al­most for­got she was still suck­ing on him while she was in his day­dream, but re­mem­bered when he came pow­er­ful­ly in her mouth. Mas­sive amounts of cum sprayed into her mouth, but he pulled out and hit her face. Ea­ger­ly she swal­lowed her mouth­ful, then used her fin­gers to lap it off of her tits, and face.

He lay back down and she crawled on top of him bask­ing in the af­ter­glow of their rough sex.



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"Candy, how would you like to work here?" he pro­posed, while she rubbed his chest hair and stared dream­i­ly, her eyes misty with sex, into his eyes.

"ohh­h­h­h­hh any­thing for you baby," she grunt­ed and began to hump his lower half.

"That's right baby, you could be my new bot­tom bitch, not only will you be the main act at the strip poles. You also get a good fuck­ing from me every night, not to men­tion my other girls," he nod­ded his head over to Bambi, Gin­ger, the red­head, and the dom­i­na­trix who were all in one mas­sive orgy. Candy moaned the thought of being part of a mas­sive five-some with them ,or a six-some with Pedro made her even wet­ter and she al­most came again.

"I'll be your lit­tle sex­pot, your cum­slut, your sperm dump­ster, any­thing you want me to be," she kissed him all over his chest and face.

Pedro loved his job.

"Man you gotta come see this girl, she will make your eyes pop out of your head," Bob said to his friend Eric.

"You say that about every cheap hook­er you see, Bob. Maybe you just need some­one steady," Eric pro­posed but nev­er­the­less fol­lowed Bob into "Dark Star" the new strip club. Once in the loud music deaf­ened out most of Bob's rants on how huge her tits were, her kinky blonde hair, and some­thing about her ass being 'just right for fuck­ing and spank­ing in one'.

He had heard ru­mors about "Dark Star" how it was owned by some **** king­pin Pedro Juarez. Eric had never done *****, but when he saw Candy he would cut out his own liver to be with her.

Ev­ery­thing Bob had said was true. She was a full body built for sex, and plea­sure. She wore 6' red heels, her legs were bare up to a red star­ry pasty that clung to her sex by a sim­ple G-string. The G-string wrapped around but left her tight ass to­tal­ly bare. Fi­nal­ly her midriff was open re­veal­ing a sparkling green navel pierc­ing, then she had on two red star­ry pasties to go with the one on her vulva. They served only to cover up her sil­ver dol­lar nip­ple tip, and the are­o­la left a beau­ti­ful back­drop. Then her face was who­r­ish, but not too slut­ty for Eric's tastes. She had on over­sized ear­rings that looked like they could be lit­tle gold­en Fris­bees too. Fi­nal­ly her hair was a bright plat­inum "whore col­ored" per­ox­ide blonde, it was big and ran down to her back.

"So what do you think about my girl?" Bob asked nudg­ing Eric.

He couldn't say any­thing just stare at her colos­sal tits, while she con­tin­ued her rou­tine on the pole. He found him­self get­ting a hard on at her turn­ing to face him, then cup­ping her tits and swing­ing around the pole.

After her rou­tine was fin­ished a man came on the in­ter­com and said, "any­one wish­ing to meet our love­ly Candy Cones she'll be back­stage of­fer­ing up some spe­cial deals today."

Candy winked at the crowd as she was low­ered down to the back­stage area. Eric was al­most tram­pled by the mass­es of men want­ing to meet Candy, and if lucky get some­thing extra.

All the while Pedro Juarez looked down at his club, while Bambi gave him a leisure­ly blowjob. With one hand he pet­ted her, like he al­ways did to his whores, and with the other he took a swig of scotch and re­al­ized how great an in­vest­ment Candy had been. Mak­ing a men­tal re­minder to give her a bonus later that night, and grinned at the thought.


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One of the hottest stories I have ever read

It all started when the school called and asked if we could house a foreign exchange student. My wife Wanda, 5 foot 3, 122 pounds of German beauty with 36 c's and the prettiest little pussy you would ever lay eyes on, said yes.
Brian was an 18 year old soccer player from Africa. The moment she laid eyes on him my wife started acting like a school girl with her first crush around him. Everything he said was extra funny and whatever he wanted to eat appeared before him like magic.
After one week Wanda had taken to wearing short, revealing nighties in the evening when we sat around watching TV and allowing her knees to part more and more. Brian liked to wear very loose fitting jogging shorts with no underwear. His excuse was his legs got sore from soccer practice and needed something that allowed him to relax. Wanda's eyes tended to look more and more at his firm legs and poorly concealed cock than the TV. Brian's cock would peak out the end of his shorts when he would lift his arms up to stretch.
I saw this by accident one night and was impressed with not only the length but the thickness of his cock. Flaccid it was at least 9 inches long and as thick as my wife's wrist.
Wanda would stare at it and moan softly every time it would happen; the crotch of her panties would start getting darker and darker as the evening progressed from the juices flowing from her. At first Wanda would ask me to go to bed earlier and earlier, hungrier for sex than she ever had been. I would enter her with my 6 inches and fuck her as hard as I could. She had always been very quiet with people in the house and wouldn't allow any sex that was performed above a whisper.
The first night she softly moaned into my ear "more, more, I need more. I came hard into her filling her with my impotent sperm. {I had a vasectomy following the birth of our only *****.} She would smile at me and go into the bathroom and clean up.
This is going to work out great was my first thought. My wife of 14 years had an orgasm faster than she had ever had before and it was so strong it felt like her pussy was milking my cock. She came back into the bedroom and kissed me and laid down and went to *****.
Day 2
I came home from work to find Wanda wearing a bathrobe tied very loosely around her waist and her full breast half hanging out, in the kitchen making supper.
"What are you wearing that for? Was the first thing out of my mouth, "Brian will be home from school any minute!"
She just laughed and said he was already home and was upstairs taking a shower. It seems that he had decided to call her at work and have her pick him up that morning, claiming sickness. When she arrived at the school he had met her in the parking lot and jumped into her car laughing.
"You aren't sick at all," my wife said in amazement
"Sick of school" he said, lets go swimming, so the two of them had spent the entire day at the beach arriving home just before me. She had been the first to shower getting the sand and salt water off.
"How did he look in a bathing suit?" I asked not really expecting an answer.
Her cheeks got red and softly she said "Fucking great"! and she looked carefully into my eyes gauging my reaction.
A million things ran through my mind at that time and if I had done anything other than what I did the next six months would have been a lot different. I walked over to her and slid my hand under her robe and cupped her sex and whispered into her ear.
"Did you have fun staring at his huge cock all day?"
She shuddered and moaned into my shoulder as the orgasm she must have been on the verge of all day came over her suddenly and her pussy started soaking through her panties almost immediately. She was wet. She turned to me and kissed me hard, her wet tongue probing into my mouth and chewing on my lip as wave after wave of pleasure swept over her.
She pulled away quickly as she heard Brian's footsteps on the stairs, almost as if she didn't want him to see her kissing me. Brian was wrapped in a towel and sat down at the table to wait for dinner. I expected my wife to say something about the way he was dressed or not dressed and tell him to go put on some shorts to eat but she didn't.
Halfway through the meal Brian looked at my wife as she was leaning over to pick up a fork she had dropped and her breast had popped free of her robe. Immediately his massive cock started to swell and the crease in the towel over his leg was gaping open. Wanda tucked her breast back in but not before noticing the huge purple head of his cock pulsing and jumping with his every heart beat. She gave a little cry of surprise and they both looked at me. I calmly took another bite and smiled at both of them. This seemed to burst some sort of damn, they both began laughing.
When I asked what was so funny they both replied nothing and smiled to each other. That night after another incredible night of sex Wanda dropped off to ***** almost immediately and I lay in bed wondering what was coming next. Before I fell a***** I heard her moaning in her ***** and saying "Oh yes Brian!"



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Day 3
That evening watching TV it seemed that Brian couldn't get comfortable on the couch because he kept stretching and changing positions unaware that I could see what it was he was up to. Which was trying to show as much of his cock to my wife as possible without me seeing. One time I glanced out of the corner of my eye and even though he was holding a pillow to try and block my vision I could see him actually slowly pumping his fist up and down over his thickly veined shaft. Wanda was openly staring at his cock and running a finger up and down her soaking wet panties. Wondering just how far they would go I announced that I had to go to the bathroom and would be back in a while.
As I stood up they both stopped their mutual masturbating thinking they had avoided being caught. I walked down the hallway and closed the bathroom door without going inside and peeked back around the corner, I had a perfect view of the living room and with the darkened hallway neither of them could see me. As soon as he heard the door close Brian crossed the room and pulled his shorts down around his ankles and wrapped his fist around his massive cock and started to play with it right in front of my wife's face. She just moaned and started rubbing her pussy. Brian suddenly moaned and long ropes of cum arched through the air and splattered on my wife as her fingers worked in and out of her pussy. My heart almost stopped when I saw her scoop some of his potent sperm up and put some in her mouth and rub some more into her soaking pussy. Wanda then cried out in her own orgasm. Brian kept shooting jet after jet onto her pussy. I slipped into the bathroom and pulled my own cock out and came after 1 or 2 pumps.
I made a big production out of flushing the toilet and washing my hands to give them enough time to clean up and when I returned although flushed and breathing a little hard they both looked pretty much like normal. I went over to Wanda and told her I was going to bed and asked if she was ready to come up also. She glanced over to Brian for a second and then looked me in the eye and said she wanted to finish watching the movie and would be up later and for me not to wait up for her. I leaned over and gave her a kiss and could smell and even taste the cum from Brian. I went upstairs and about 30 minutes later I heard her come into the room and whisper my name asking if I was a*****.
I said nothing and pretended to be a***** and I could hear her going back downstairs. 15 minutes later I crept halfway down the stairs and peeked over the banister I saw for the first time Brian fucking my wife. She was on her knees with her back arched and smooth round ass offered up in the air for his massive cock. A grunt would come out of her every time his cock would slam into her, farther than I could reach, and the inner lips of her pussy would pull slightly outward as his massive organ pulled back out.
Once he pulled his cock all the way out of her and her pussy remained gaped open for a few seconds and the sudden emptiness she felt was evidently too much to bear because she began begging him to put it back in. He rubbed the thick helmet of his cock up and down her soaking wet slit and my wife began backing into it while he sat there doing nothing and she was crying "thank you, Thank you". I heard Brian begin to chuckle as he grabbed her by the hips and slammed all the way back into her in one motion and she began to beg him to cum inside her and fill her with his sperm.
Orgasm wracked both of them as he started to shoot his cum into her pussy. Wanda realized that at this point that she wasn't on the pill and quickly pulled off his cock to go wash out her pussy. Brian grabbed her and asked her where she was going. She told him she wasn't on the pill and had to go douche.
Brian looked her in the eye and said in a very cold voice, "If you wash my sperm out of your pussy you will never see or touch my cock again!"
Wanda could see he was serious and begged him to reconsider. He would not relent and she buried her head on his chest and asked him "What will Mike think?"
My cock exploded and I came all over myself when he lifted his head and looked me straight in the eye and said "Don't worry about him; I can take care of anything he might even think about saying!"
I quickly turned and went back upstairs, my heart racing. My wife was slowly becoming enslaved by an 18 year old's massive cock! Wanda came to bed a few minutes later and I pretended to wake up and asked her in as calm a voice as I could muster how the movie was. She sighed and rolled over with her back to me and said "The best one I have ever seen, I think it is my new favorite."

Day 4
Wanda refused to have sex with me, saying she was to tired from staying up late. I awoke about 3:oo A.M. and noticed she wasn't in bed. I went down stairs to get something to ***** and Brian was sitting on the couch feeding his cock into my wife's mouth. She was on her knees and her back was pointing towards me so she couldn't see me. Brian looked right at me and winked! I could see a puddle of cum running out of her gaping pussy even though he had stuffed a tissue up inside her to hold as much inside her pussy as possible.
The little bastard was consciously trying to impregnate my wife! As I turned to go back upstairs he smiled at me and told Wanda," I don't want you to fuck Mike for a week or two, let him finger you or eat you and he can masturbate but don't let him put his cock inside you. I want him to be surprised by the new size of your pussy after a week or so with me."
Wanda moaned and I think she actually came as I saw her shudder after his orders. Not only had the little prick possibly knocked my wife up but now he was cutting me off!

Day 5
That night I arrived home late from work and saw Wanda rubbing Brian's legs and back with ointment. She looked up at me and smiled saying "He had a hard day at practice and was sore so I am rubbing him down." She didn't seem to think I would notice that she was only wearing sheer bra and panties and as she talked to me she was rubbing her crotch back and forth on Brian's leg. Obviously Brian told her to do it to test me and to prove she wouldn't get into trouble. Her eyes were locked on me waiting to see my response or to say something.
I just told her, "It was a good idea taking your clothes off like that so as not to stain them or get that smelly cream on them. Well I have to run to the store either of you need anything?"
Wanda's jaw literally dropped when she saw I wasn't going to say anything about how she was dressed or what she was doing.
"No we are both fine Mike, now run along will you?" Brian said and rolled over and placed my wife's hand on his massive cock. Wanda's eyes never left mine as I looked straight at them both and said as nonchalantly as I could, "Ok see you in a half hour or so." I could hear Wanda cry out "Yes, fuck me now!" as I was closing the door.

When I came home a half hour later Wanda had put on her night gown and was lying on the couch with a towel under her that had cum stains on it from the slow leaking of her reddened and stretched pussy. I walked over to her and kissed her on the mouth and could smell the sex in the room. I slid three fingers into her easily and she just moaned, and said "Stop that, Brian will see you."
I asked her where he was and she said he was tired and sore and she told him he could ***** in our bed, because the couch was hurting his back and he needed his strength for an important game in the morning.
"Where the hell am I supposed to *****?" I asked. And she smiled at me and wrapped her hand around my cock and said I could ***** on the couch.
She pumped my cock up and down a few times and purred "Please, do it for me."
"Alright, I said but it going to be crowded, this couch isn't big enough for the both of us."
She just laughed, squeezed my cock, and said "silly boy, I am *****ing in my own bed I can't ***** all night on this thing, I will have a stiff neck in the morning." She kissed me and got up and walked upstairs giggling and telling me goodnight. I could hear more giggling as I heard her climb into bed and whisper to Brian.
I stood at the foot of the stairs pumping my cock as I heard him tell my wife to "climb on top of him."
She whispered to him"But I know Mike isn't a***** yet!"
I slowly climbed up the stairs until I could see into what was once my bedroom. Brian was slowly fisting his hard and swollen cock and Wanda sat on her knees staring at it.
"Don't you want this cock?" he said.
In one motion my wife pulled off her night gown and swung her hips over his throbbing member. In one single stroke he impaled her once tight pussy with a cock that was at least twice as big as mine. Wanda cried out in ecstasy as he started lifting her up with his arms and dropping her back down on his cock.
"Yes, yes, yes fill me up!" she cried.
I could see the inner lips of her pussy pull outwards and leave a shiny trail along the thick veins of his cock with every stroke.
"I think I will move into this room for good," he told my wife as he squeezed her breasts, when her hips took over the fucking motion. I saw him looking over her shoulder directly at me.
My little wife was driving her pussy savagely up and down on his cock, wet sucking sounds all but drowned out her reply.
"Yes, I want to be able to fuck you every night."
"Do you want me to cum inside your womb?"
Wanda shuddered in orgasm as he continued to whisper the filthy things he was going to do to her. His hips lifted her off the bed as he started to shoot his cum as deep inside my wife as he possibly could. She came again feeling him fill her and threw her head back and squealed for joy. I saw her roll over and Brian grab a pillow and tell her to lift her hips, as he slid a pillow under her to hold his sperm inside longer. This final *********** was too much and my cock started to shoot on the hallway floor outside the bedroom door.
As I made my way back downstairs my mind was racing. I lay down on the couch and it took a long time before I finally fell a*****. I woke up in the middle of the night to some strange noise and I realized it was Brian and my wife going at it again.


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Day 6
The next morning I made my way upstairs to shower and dress for work. Wanda and her lover were still a*****. I could see little hickeys all over her breasts and neck and the smell of sex was overpowering. After getting out of the shower and dressing I went into the bedroom to give her a goodbye kiss. Brian had moved into a spooning position while I was in the shower and had his hand cupping her breast, with his thumb and finger on one nipple. I leaned over to kiss her and she ******** opened her eyes and smiled at me.
"Did you ***** ok on your new bed?" she asked.
I whispered back to her so I wouldn't disturb Brian," yes, but I thought I heard some noises last night<" and I lifted Brian's hand off my wife's breast, "was everything ok up here?"
She smiled and placed Brian's hand back on her breast saying "it's kind of cold this morning and he is warm, you don't mind do you?"
I could see Brian's hand start to squeeze and pull on my wife's breast and I could see her nipples were very hard as she stared into my eyes, looking for a reaction. All I could do was stare and smile. Feeling bolder she reached out and squeezed my cock as it was now swollen in my pants.
"Have a nice day at work dear" she said softly and patted my cock goodbye. I could see Brian smile up at me form behind her, under the covers I could see movement and knew he was also playing with her pussy as we spoke. Her breath quickened and she got flushed and in a very shaky voice told me to hurry up or I would be late for work. I leaned over to kiss her and she moaned into my mouth as Brian slid his cock into her from behind.
I said goodbye and told her I would be quiet so as not to awaken Brian.
"Thank you" she said and the last image I had as I turned to leave was her head thrown back the covers sliding off, and Brian's hands cupping both breast while he pushed his hips closer to my wife's ass.



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sans titre

What I have to tell you is a source of extreme *********** for me.
For two years I have been married to the sexiest little tart any man's had the
privilege to lay his eyes on. What a curse it has been! A curse you ask? Please allow me to explain.... As I said before, my wife Brenda, is a knockout! She is 28, 5'4", with an almost perfectly proportioned body- firm, curvaceous, plump ass; smooth, flat tummy and a firm set of B-cup tits that are perky with large protruding, slightly upturned nipples. She always gets noticed by EVERY man within eyeshot.
To make matters worse, she constantly goes on excursions with her single girlfriends. Brenda is very friendly and can be considered to be flirtatious. Her girlfriends , on the other hand, are mostly exhibitionists, in public they always wears very short mini-skirts or micro-shorts, along with a very sheer halter or cutoff T-shirt.
God how they love to cock-tease!!
My torturous decline into depravity began upon my arrival home from work one evening, Brenda and her friends Bridgit and Pam were ******** Long Island Ice Tea s and smoking some primo cannabis. Bridgit is the same height as my wife
but has the most exquisite pair of natural 40DD breasts possessed by a woman 5 4 and 125lbs. Her other friend Pam at 5 9 , 122 lbs. 36D-25-36 was no absolutely perfect. Pam is muscular woman, very athletic, with a voluptuous figure, a beautiful face and smile, as well as being smart, classy and rich. As I approached them by the pool, I overheard them telling Brenda about their previous days exploits. Apparently they had double-teamed some lucky bastard and were filling in my wife on the juicy details. Little did I know I was just being set up for the **** . By the timeIchanged into pool attire and joined them poolside, Pam and Bridigit were telling Brenda how one night with Evan would change her for life and teased that she should have been there for their wild episode. Pam made a point of telling my wife that Evan had more than enough cock to go around to the three of them. Immediately I felt that my
virility had been challenged, as any other man would when surrounded by three gorgeous and scantily clad women who were creaming over some other man.
In reply Brenda told them it sounded as if they had an exquiste time and that it
sounded as if Evan were a man she would like to give a tumble, if the circumstances were different. I was stunned, as I sat there wide eyed Pam told my wife that if she tried Evan just once, she would never be satisfied with ME
again. Of course I immediately extolling my own virtues, my slim muscular body, piercing eyes, my talented and incessant tongue, my indefatigable sex drive and my sizable 6.5 long x 4 thick cock. Bridigit smirked that Evan could make a NEW WOMAN out of my wife. I was incensed, I told them I could beat this Evan in any contest they could devise, as long as a night of sexual abandon with the Brenda, Bridgit and Pam was the prize.
Pam and Bridgit finished their ****** and left, but made a point of telling me they would convey my sentiments to Evan, and let me know of his response. As soon as they left, Brenda was berating me for embarrassing her in front of
her friends and told me I should have kept my mouth shut and minded my own business because I had no idea of who Evan was or what he was capable of doing. I told her I didn t care who he was, for a night with three beautiful
women I would twist his balls off.
A few days later Pam stopped by the house and told us that Evan had agreed to a no holds barred cockfight , and asked me when I would be ready to fight Evan.
Brenda begged me not to fight and told me to apologize to him, via Pam for challenging him, Brenda said her reason was that she didn t want Evan to hurt me. I decided to fight Evan on Friday, the next evening at a location, his
It was determined that we would fight in an isolated Pennsylvania house , in the finished basement, that Pam s parents owned. The fight would be knock-out only and no holds or blows barred, with the exception of a prohibition
against blows/holds to the head, neck, throat and knees. The winner would receive a weekend of sexual adventures with all three ladies and the loser would act as man-servant to the four of them.
On Friday evening, Brenda and I drove out Route 80 to Pam s house in the Poconos. During the entire trip Brenda tried to convince me to forfeit the match, saying I wasn t ready for what would happen to me. I ignored her plea s, but they did strengthen my resolve to emasculate and humiliate my rival , the man standing between me and sexual bliss with three ravishing women.
We arrived at the house at 8:00 PM. Pam, Bridgit and Evan were already there. Brenda surveyed Evan for the first time. Apparently Evan felt aroused as he looked at her because there was a sizable bulge rising in his pants. "Wow!"
he muttered as she removed her long coat and he caught sight of a black leather mini-skirt, a tight low-cut black silk blouse, sheer black nylons and stiletto heels. Deliberately Brenda turned her back to him and bent over to
place her coat and handbag neatly on a ottoman, knowing the short skirt would rise above her stocking tops at the back. Turning around Brenda smirked as she saw the tell-tale bulge in his trousers. "Why Evan!, is that a flashlight
in your pocket or are you just pleased to see me?" she said. "You're too good for your husband.
Let me show you what a real man can do for you" he said boastfully.Slowly she walked towards him, hips swaying
provocatively, her eyes never leaving his face.
"Oooh god, I want you" he gushed grabbing her shoulders and pulling her close.
I was furious I charged Evan, pulled my wife out of his grasp and punched Evan hard in the face, knocking him on his ass and ********* his nose. As I started to jump on top of him Pam. and Brenda pulled me away, saying save it for
later. Bridgit went over to Evan, and helped him up. As she carried/led him into the kitchen to tend to his injuries,
he turned, looked at me and said your going to suffer for this!! You ll be begging for me to **** you when I m through with you.
Pam and Brenda dragged me into the living room and made me a *****. They both chastised me for taking a cheap shot at Evan. Pam advised me that I should just forfeit the match and declare Evan the winner so I could avoid any pain and *********** Evan planned to inflict upon me. Confident from almost rendering Evan *********** with one punch, I scoffed at their suggestion. The match started in the main room of the finished basement at 10 PM. Several
rubber mats had been placed on the floor and three of the walls , making a type of ring area at one corner of the large room. Brenda helped me prepare for this nude battle in a small utility room in the basement. She fondled my cock and balls, getting me hard an excited, then placed a leather cock ring and ball stretcher on me. My cock was the largest I had ever seen it, almost 8 inches proudly jutting away from my body at a 75^ angle. The skin of my scrotum was stretched tautly around my testicles, making it appear as if they would pop through the skin at the slightest provocation.
Brenda fondled me and rubbed scented oil into my body. She asked me to reconsider and to concede defeat, in order to save myself from severe punishment.
Then Brenda related some disturbing news, Evan had been in a few cockfights before and had yet to lose. In addition all of his opponents had been beaten unmercifully and were subjected to a devastating specialty hold that Evan
called the NUTCRACKER. Brenda said the NUTCRACKER was the ultimate ***********/punishment and that to save myself from ruination, I should concede defeat and beg for mercy.
Undaunted, I refused to concede and put on the terry cloth robe I had brought with me. I still felt confident and proud as Brenda led me into the basement rec. room. After all Evan and I were close in height and I had the weight
advantage. Being six years older the twenty-four year old could prove to be an advantage, I had more street fighting experience than my opponent which should prove useful in our bout.
Brenda led me to the center of the room where Pam and Bridgit were standing with Evan, who also was wearing a robe.
Pam said she would act as the mistress of ceremonies and told Brenda and Bridgit to make themselves comfortable.
With that both women removed what little clothing they were wearing. The sight of these three gorgeous naked women made my cock just slightly harder and longer. I couldn t wait to feel Bridgit s large firm breasts against my chest
or to bury my throbbing cock in Pam s hot pussy.
Pam had us both strip off our clothing and face each other nude. We were both similar in height (6'0"), but that where the similarities ended. Evan was younger , weighed substantially less, 175 lbs compared to my 220lbs, as well
as possessing a more muscular and athletic physique that any professional bodybuilder would be proud of. He had broad shoulders, a deep muscular chest, flat washboard abs, large and thick muscular thighs and bulging muscled
arms. But the biggest surprise was that Evan possessed had the biggest nuts and the longest thickest dick I had ever seen. It looked as if it belonged on a bull or an elephant. It was at least three inches more than my 7.5" and jutted away from his body and throbbed in mid air at a 120^ angle. It throbbed with every heartbeat and was almost as thick as a soda can. His balls were each the size of a small lemon, and he was wearing a leather cock ring and ball stretcher that looked as if it could be used as a dog collar for a full grown rottweiler.
I felt very embarrassed and more than a little bit inadequate as I heard Brenda sharply inhale and stare at Evan s monster cock in awe. Evan displayed his manhood defiantly, posing for the ladies, especially Brenda. Evan faced me
and said that Brenda deserved a real man, one with eleven inches of hard cock to satisfy her. Then turned back to her and told her not to worry that he would be gentle when he took her virginity, because it was obvious, from the
pathetic proportions of my genitals, she must still be a virgin or at the very least he would find some virgin territory rather easily.
I was enraged by his arrogance and Brenda s obvious and justifiable lust for him. Brenda approached me and with a look of pity in her eyes kissed me and whispered Good Luck, I ll try to keep him from damaging you too severely .
Im not afraid of him or his NUTCRACKER I replied, I ll beat his balls off!! . Well just submit as soon as he pins you and grabs one of your nuts in each hand, and I ll try to convince him to spare you. Spare me from what?, What is
this nutcracker?
Evan overheard our conversation and replied The NUTCRACKER is where completely encircle your nuts in each my hands, and then I roll them and squeeze them until the sperm inside has no place to go because the sperm storage areas are crushed, and you suffer an ************* ejaculation as I crush the sperm out of your nuts, without even touching your pathetic little dick . When I m sure your nuts are empty, I ll grind and crush your empty nuts like
most people crush empty beer cans, I was shaken, I had not envisioned anything so utterly devastating as the torment Evan had described, to be ****** to orgasm in front of everyone by having your nuts violently manhandled was more than I had bargained for. I had visions of coconuts cracking and spilling the milk contained inside and shuddered at the thought of being pulverized until I spilled my seed.
Pam told us that this was a fight to the finish, victory by knock-out only. There would be no ***********, no time outs , no outside interference, and no mercy. No holds or blows were barred, with the exception of a prohibition
against blows/holds to the head, neck, throat and knees. The winner would receive a weekend of sexual adventures with all three ladies and the loser would act as man-servant to the four of them. Evan told the ladies to make
themselves comfortable, that he was going to keep me conscious for a very long time, so he could prolong my agony.
I was apprehensive a down right scared, this match had the possibility of being more than I had bargained for. Pam and Bridgit immediately started yelling encouragement s to Evan, telling him to beat the cum out of me. Brenda
reclined on a sofa, with her legs spread playing with her juicy pussy. Evan and I approached each other slowly, trying to feel each other out. We locked hands and pushed against each other in a test of strength. Chest to chest, abs to abs, cock to cock we tried to ***** each back the other down. Evan started to crumble, his knees were giving out and his body started to lower towards the floor. I readjusted my stance and started to really pour on the pressure when, SLAM!, His knee exploded between my legs like a steam iron, cruelly crushing my erection. I slumped forward with a cry of pain to be caught by his firm arms. I looked up into those eyes, his mouth set in a firm smirk. SLAM! his knee pistoned up again into my groin. "You're not man enough to face me." Evan said
as he held me upright. SLAM! my balls were hammered again. The cock ring and ball stretcher were doing there job, despite the pounding I was receiving my cock remained rock hard and my poor balls with no place to go, suffered the
full brunt of the blows. "You're going to pay for punching me" he told me as he prevented me from falling. SLAM! Evan s knee continued to smash my manhood to pulp. SLAM! I could hardly feel the blows now over the excruiating pain between my legs, I could barely breath, my legs were giving out, my balls were on fire and my stomach was churning. I couldn t believe I was being beaten so thoroughly so quickly. I heard the girls in the background making comments and moaning, apparently they were enjoying my predicament.
Evan let me slump forward then held me so that my torso was leaning at 90 degrees to my legs with his arm wrapped over my neck. My face was inches from his hard throbbing 11 cock. "I'm not going to let you ruin my pleasure by
letting you pass out." Evan told me. WHAM! his knee buried itself deep in my gut. There was an explosion of air from my mouth. I felt his firm arms tighten around my throat to prevent me from falling. "You're nothing" WHAM! his knee
hammered my stomach, "scum" WHAM! "a sperm sucking faggot"WHAM!. With slow calculated precision he repeatedly drove his knee hard into my gut, suck my dick, and I ll finish you off quickly .
Each crushing blow timed to let me recover a bit before he drove his knee in again WHAM!. "I'm your MASTER of pain" WHAM!. Finally Evan let me fall to the ground. I was in agony, my balls hurt and gut was battered. I was finished , I had yet to mount an offense and was already severely beaten. A sharp pain in the groin made me look up in alarm. Evan was standing over me with his foot on my balls. " I just wanted to get your attention!! Tell me that you'll never bother me again, Tell me to fuck your wife with my huge dick! " he demanded
calmly as he began to grind down hard. I complied, I screamed and screamed whatever he told me to say at the top of my voice as the excruiating pain needling my balls continued. "There's no-one to here to help you" he smirked as he twisted the heel of his foot down as though he were driving in a screw.
Then all of a sudden he stopped. I turned over onto my side in a ***** position and cradles my ****** testicles.
Evan stood over me taunting me to get up and fight like a man. Telling me to face him on my feet man to man or he was going to fuck me in the ass with a dildo. Pam threw him a large two headed dildo that had just been buried in her dripping snatch. Evan grabbed my face and put the dildo to my lips and said suck it or fight Pam and Bridgit were calling me all sorts of humiliating names by now and my wife Brenda appeared to be in a world of her own as she orgasmed repeatedly watching the unfolding events. I refused to suck the dildo and somehow made it to my feet, with the help of a wall.
I knew this was my last chance and I charged him trying to end the confrontation quickly and gain the advantage.
Unfortunately, that was a big mistake because he easily evaded my charge and drove me to the floor. As I was facedown, he dropped down with both knees into my upper back, then started to punch me in the ass. As I struggled ot catch my breath, regain my composure and fight him off, he repeatedly punched my ass. Evan punched my ass so hard that every blow felt as if it were traveling through my body into my balls. I heard Bridgit yelling look he s really beating his ass now Evan pummeled my butt for what felt like an eternity. When he was finished he ****** his hand between my legs and grabbed my genitals. He squeezed my trapped nuts and told me to turn over. I couldn t
move I was a shattered and broken man, I could barely breath, my balls, gut and ass were in flames after the beating Evan had given me , and to top it off my wife and her girlfriends were enjoying my ***********. Evan had the women come over to help him, and together the four of them turned me over onto my back. It was time for the nutcracker. Evan had Brenda and Pam sit on my outstretched arms. In less than ten seconds my arms were slick with pussy juice from their leaking cunts. Bridgit raised my head and held it between her thighs, Evan wanted me to see the results of the nutcracker application.
With my upper torso immobilized, Evan straddled my upper thighs. Look at this Evan said as he used his cock as a club to beat my dick and balls. Brenda orgasmed on my arm as Evan used his cock to beat mine. Bridgit and Pam began was chanting we want the nut-cracker . I begged for mercy, I was beaten and couldn t take anymore. Evan reached between my legs and gripped my swollen testicles, one in each hand.
When he was sure that he had completely encircled my nuts with his hand, he began to slowly compress them. I began crying and babbling while my wife and her girlfriends looked on in amazement. The women were having multiple orgasms just watching him work me over, Brenda was playing with her pussy the entire time. I screamed in agony until I lost my voice. I was nearly insane when suddenly I felt something inside of my nuts twitch and spasm.
The next thing I new, a torrent of sperm was spewing out of my cock ring encased dick. The girls went wild, sperm shot out of my cock for almost two full minutes, Evan maintained his deathgrip on my nuts the entire time. I was devastated, Evan might as well have castrated me, he made me come by beating my balls and in doing so had taken my manhood from me in the eyes of my wife and her girlfriends. The worst part was I was still on the fringes of consciousness, although I couldn t speak move or cry, and I felt every iota of the pain.
Evan finally let my nuts go, But my torment was not over. Evan scooped up a large portion of my sperm from my stomach and smeared it all over my face. Bridgit, who was still cradling my head, pried my mouth open and ****** more of my own sperm into my mouth. Then Evan moved up to sit on my chest and started smacking me in the face with his huge cock. He had my wife jerk him off right into my face and made me open my mouth to catch a mouthful of his
hot sperm on my tongue when he came. I had never been so demoralized.
Evan then decided that he was going to let me watch him fuck my wife or as he put it find the new pussy in her before he finished me off by crushing what was left of my balls.
With the girls help they moved me into the basement bedroom and carried me to a chair.


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They placed me in the chair and Evan had Pam and Bridgit, tie my hands and arms to the arms of the chair and my feet to the legs, so I would not fall out of the chair.
Mercifully, Pam undid my ball stretcher and places a cold compress on my battered and bruised testes.
I was a broken man, my nuts were throbbing in pain from the severe beating they had just received. I have never been so humiliated. Evan tells me that he will make love to my wife better than I could possibly dream of.
The contrast in size of his cock and mine is spectacular. Mine looks like that of a small boy in comparison. Brenda reaches around Evan to grab his cock She strokes it and tells me how good it feels in her hands and how she can't wait to feel it inside her.
All I can do is watch the lust in their eyes for each other. At this time, they leave me and get on the bed to start their love making performance for me. Pam and Bridgit lay on the floor beside my chair and begin 69ing each other.
Evan lays down on his back with his head propped up on a pillow so that he can see both my wife and me. Brenda immediately begins to suck his cock with me being able to see both her and Evans face.. . Brenda sucks hungrily on his cock stopping only to tell me how hard it is and how difficult it is to get into her mouth because of its size.
Evan tells me what a great job she is doing to him and that he would cum but he wants to save that for her pussy.
At this point Brenda lies on her back with her legs spread toward me. Evan reaches down to her pussy lips and spreads them showing and telling me how wet she is. Her fluids are clinging to the lips like syrup. I know she is incredibly turned on by this man, more than she ever gets with me!
Evan starts to eat her, he tells me how sweet she tastes and Brenda tells him not to stop. Evans ass is facing me and I can see his cock dangling from between his legs. It huge and looks larger than it s 11 in this position. I know it is only a matter of time before it disappears in side my wife.
Brenda taunts me, telling me how she wishes I could eat her as well as he. This makes me incredibly humiliated and jealous that I am not the one licking her, My cock couldn't be any harder. Brenda tells Evan that she can take it no more, she demands him to fuck her. He moves up on her and guides his cock to the entrance of her cunt.
She is holding her lips open for him. He slides the head in at first and then shoves it all in at once. I can see his balls slap against her ass as she lets out a moan as he knocks the wind out of her. All she can say is "Oh" over and over again as he slides it in and out of her. I can see her pussy lips wrapped around his cock like rubber wrapped around a rod.
She is being stretched far more than anything I could possibly do. He is in her so deep I would think it would hurt her but from the look on her face I see no expression of pain, just extreme pleasure.
A pleasure I know I couldn't supply her. Evan looks back at me and asks me how I'm doing.
He tells me that he can give her more pleasure by just being inside her than I can by fucking her. He is right and I know it.
My wife tells him to continue fucking her and then has the next of many orgasms. Usually my wife comes only two or three times when she is fucking me and that is with her fingers helping her along.
But with Evan she seems to orgasm endlessly.
They change positions with him on the bottom and her straddling him. From this angle I can see how stretched out she is getting.
Brenda lifts up so that just the head is inside her and then slowly eases the rest inside until she is fully impaled on his cock. He can no longer control himself at this point and starts thrusting into my wife. Brenda tells Evan to fuck her deep. Deeper than her husbands boyish cock can.
He moans and I can see his balls spasming as he cums inside Brenda. As she slides up and down , I can see the coating of Evan s cum on his cock.
They both stop, exhausted from their love making. Brenda rolls of onto her back and I can see the cum leaking out of her slit.
Both of them are laying there watching me with my cock ring induced hard on , unable to provide relief for myself. At this point I want to crawl inside a hole and die, I can not bear the thought of Brenda and his huge cock.
emasculated. I ask Evan and Brenda to untie me and let me leave but they ignore my requests. Evan slide his fingers through Brenda s crotch to show me how much come is leaking out of her. Brenda tells me that the only way she would want to let me fuck her ever again is if I ate Evan s sperm out of her freshly fucked pussy. Evan comes over to me to untie me. His cock is very close to my face, so close that I can smell the aroma of their fluids on him.
Evan grabs my hair and tells me to clean off his cock. Silently, I comply, licking every inch of his cock,
and sucking the juices off of his large hairy nuts. After I am set free I half hobble and half crawl over to the bed and immediately start eating the cum out of my wife's pussy. It tastes salty and burns the back of my throat and
humiliates me even more. I was ordered to suck my wife clean and I reluctantly obeyed. Brenda demanded that I masturbate while I performed my clean up duties,.
It was degrading to hear her laugh and taunt me about my insignificant size while regaling Evan, Pam, Bridgit and me with all the kinky and wonderful sensations Evan s huge cock had made her feel. While I ate Brenda out on my
hands and knees, Bridgit came up behind me and ****** the double headed dildo in my virgin ass. A sperm sucking faggot deserves to be fucked up the ass she said.
Brenda and Bridigit allowed me to cum into the palm of Brenda s hand and then they made me lick it all off!
Evan was so amused by my utter and abject subservience that he had mercy on me and did not finish his castration job.
They left me lying on the bed to cradle my injured balls and adjourned to another part of the house to continue their sexual activities. It was eighteen hours until I had recovered enough to stand on my own two feet and three weeks before the swelling in my nuts disipated. Brenda says she wants me to fight Evan
again sometime soon,
Not if I can help it.
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