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les histoires de chrislebo

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After 9 months both my now ex-wife and ******** when on to give birth to Frank's ********, both healthy boys that looked like him and both born with his last name. My *********** continued and got worse, they wanted me to move out of the guest room so that they could make a baby room so I was ****** to ***** in my ********s former bed.

Over the next 2 years things pretty much continued, my nightmare was never ending, Frank impregnated my ex-wife and ******** two more times and as a result there was now 6 kids crying constantly in the house. I again was ****** out of my ********s room and was relegated to the couch downstairs.

Then one morning everything changed for the better, I woke up laying on the floor, I must have fallen off the couch ***** in the night. I awoke with my old dog licking my face and laying beside me, I had an epiphany then. I realized this was rock bottom for me. I decided then and there to get my life back in order and for the first time in over 2 years I had sudden confidence again.

I talked with Frank and my ex-wife and told them I wanted them out of the house ASAP, I wasn't going to put up with this crap any more and I wanted them out of my lives. They were obviously pissed off but likewise for the first time in over 2 years they could tell I was dead serious. We eventually agreed they would move out in 2 months, Frank in the mean time managed to find and buy a new house for them and then suddenly they were gone.

After they left I started the healing process, I called up my old friends who I haven't talked to for about 2 years now. They were surprised to hear from me after all this time and I confessed everything what happened they were shocked to hear it all but they were my true friends and managed to set me up with some professional help and support in order to get my life back in order.

That is where I later met Amy who would become my second wife. We met in a support group, she had a similar situation just not quite as bad. Her husband was cheating on her and she knew it but did nothing to stop it and quite often watched as he cheated on her fucking some other girl right in front of her. Amy was just as cute as my ex-wife and was younger even at only 32 years old. We later fell in love, married and both of us started our lives over again. We went on to have two ********, one boy and one girl.

As for my ex-wife and ********, things went bad for them in a hurry. My new wife Amy had encouraged me to stand up for what happened during this period and not let them get away with it. She came up with the idea to write an anonymous letter to the police how Frank had impregnated a young girl three times before she turned 18. Personally I never thought anything would come of it however I was wrong. Apparently any reported act of ***** ***** is taken very serious by the police's investigating detectives. They immediately investigated and when they found that the ****** was listed as unknown for my ******** they became very suspicious of Frank.

While investigating they found evidence that my ******** was in fact living as a second wife to Frank and through a search warrant were able to get his DNA to compare to her *****ren. Sure enough it matched and Frank was immediately charged with 3 counts of ***** **** and also charged with Bigamy. There was a trial of course and I was asked to testify, I didn't want to but my new wife convinced me to do it to help come to terms with what happened.

Frank was convicted easily and sentenced to 50 years with no parole for 20 years, he would likely die in prison before ever having a chance to get out. He didn't seem to care too much however, he was just happy he was able to pass on his name and legacy. Unfortunately for him ***** Services took away all his kids from my ex-wife and ******** and placed them with foster homes and new adoptive families where their last names ended up changing anyways. Both my ex-wife and ******** ended up on welfare. Both of them tried to come back to my house one day asking for forgiveness and for another chance but my new wife freaked out on them and scared them away.

That was the last time I ever really saw them, I had heard that my ******** resorted to stripping and occasionally prostituting herself to get by and my wife was also prostituting herself in some disgusting slum neighborhood. I didn't care though, I had already detached my emotions from them. Although I am partly to blame for the whole situation they still deserved it for what they put me through afterwards. Over time my memory of them started to fade until they were only a distant memory.

Frank also wrote to me one day from jail about all that happened, he apologized to me for everything saying he never intended for it to turn out that way, he must have heard I had remarried so he wished us the best of luck.

There is no real lesson to this story, if anything all these events helped me realized I had underlying self-esteem and confidence issues that I have since then dealt with. Looking back on it all now it seems almost unbelievable what transpired, more sadly what I allowed to take place but through therapy and the support of my new wife I worked through it and became a better man with a better family. Karma eventually came through for me in the end.

The End


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Je rentrais vers 17 h d'un jogging au parc lorsque ouvrant la porte de la mai*** je vis deux types sur ma gauche venir dans mon dos, le temps que je me retourne il était sur moi l'un d'eux collant sur mon ventre un 9 mm.
-Entre me dit le chauve on doit discuter tous les trois.
J'entrais avec dans mon dos le grand costaud et à ma gauche le chauve qui dégaina lui aussi une arme de poing avec un silencieux au bout.
Je connaissais ces deux types, deux brutes sanguinaires, Tom le chauve et Sam le brun: deux spécialistes du clan des Sipponi, le clan mafieux ou j'étais infiltrés depuis deux ans. Flic à la brigade des stups je travaillais en sous marin dans ce clan ayant gagné au fur et à mesure la confiance des boss jusqu'à aujourd'hui. La présence de ces deux tueurs chez moi me fit comprendre que ma couverture devenait fragile. Ils ne savaient pas à coup sur que j'étais un infiltrés sinon j'aurais déjà deux balles dans la nuque mais il devait avoir de sacrée doute et c'est pourquoi on m'avait envoyé ces deux brutes afin de confirmer ou de démentir les doutes. Je devais donc la jouer fine et tenter de les persuader que le clan pouvait me faire entièrement confiance et sinon prévenir les collègues de ma situation afin qu'il intervienne avant que je ne disparaisse au fond d'un lac.
-Assis toi sur cette chaise Franck et pas de blague, Tom va rentrer la voiture dans le garage.
Je m'assis sur une chaise du salon et demandai la présence de ces deux mecs chez moi.
-A ton avis connard? On s'emmerdait avec Tom on s'est dit que ce serait sympa de venir te faire un petit coucou.
Ce dernier revint et Sam lui ordonna de m'attacher les mains et les pieds à la chaise tandis que Sam se dirigeai vers la télé sélectionnant une chaîne musicale et mettant le volume très fort.
Rangeant leur arme Sam posa une valise sur la table devant moi et l'ouvrit dévoilant une multitude d'objet. Un marteau une trousse de médecin avec de multiple scalpel, une perceuse, une pince, un chalumeau portable, un couteau de chasse. Tout un nécessaire de *******.
-Tu sais pourquoi on est là alors ne nous fait pas perdre notre temps et économise toi d'inutile souffrance.
-Je ne comprends pas.
Je n'eus pas le temps de finir ma phrase que *** poing s'écrasa sur ma figure m'ouvrant les lèvres et me cassant le nez faisant tomber la chaise sur le sol.
Tom me redressa m'envoya *** poing dans le ventre. Je toussai mon sang lorsqu'une gifle magistral me marqua la joue gauche puis une autre la droite.
-On sait tout, on veut savoir ou tu as mis les bandes et qui ***t tes contacts: alors parle et ne t'avise pas de me mentir sinon tu vas le regretter sévère compris connard.
La musique couvrait les bruits de mes cris et ma mai*** étant assez isolé je pouvais hurler de toute mes ****** per***ne ne m'entendrait ni ne viendrait à mon secours.
Pendant une demi heure je reçus une raclée d'enfer ou Tom et Sam se relayèrent prenant un malin plaisir à me taper.
Ils firent une pause se servant dans mon frigo des rafraichissements. A la limite de l'inconscience je tentai de les convaincre une nouvelle fois que tout ceci était faux lorsque la porte d'entrée s'ouvrit d'un coup et que ma copine entrait dans le salon.
Je vis ses yeux terrifiés lorsqu'elle me découvrit attachés deux types armés dans la cuisine. Elle se figea une seconde et voyant Tom se ruer sur elle chercha à s'enfuir mais ne put atteindre la porte, que les bras de Tom l'entourait la soulevant du sol comme une poupée et la ramenant au salon.
Kelly se débattait de toute ses ****** donnant des coups de pieds hurlant de toutes ces ****** mais elle fut projeter sur le canapé et voulant se relever elle fut cueilli par une gifle qui la renvoya au fond du canapé lui ouvrant la lèvre.
Sam s'adressa à elle.
-Tu ne bouge pas la grognasse compris, tu ferme ta gueule sinon Tom t'attache et te bâillonne, ok pétasse? Bon voila ton bâtard de copain est un keuf et il nous prend pour des cons on veut juste savoir ou ***t ses dossiers les bandes et ses contacts et après on se casse alors dit lui d'arrêter de nous prendre pour des buses et de coopérer sinon il va dérouiller.
Kelly me regarda incrédule et apeurée de la situation. Attaché le visage tuméfié je ne pus soutenir *** regard et baissait les yeux. Je devais gagner un maximum de temps et espérer l'intervention des collègues.
Kelly épongea le sang qui coulai sur sa lèvre. Tom debout devant elle, elle resta assise sur le canapé.


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Sam reprit:
-si tu te tiens tranquille tout ira bien pour toi.
-laissez la tranquille elle n'as rien à voir avec tout ça, laissez la partir.
Je reçus un coup de crosse sur l'épaule m'arrachant un cri de douleur.
-Ta gueule connard, on va voir si tu tiens à ta copine parce qu'avec toi on risque d'y passer des heures même si on aime ça avec Tom, on préfère passer du bon temps avec des bombes comme ta pétasse tu crois qu'on est venu ici que pour toi hein? Non on vous voulait tous les deux. Tu sais que depuis le barbec chez Toni, je rêve de casser le cul de ta copine. Je me rappelle encore *** petit pantalon de pute qui lui moulait *** cul de chienne: hum comme il bougeait sur la piste. Tu sais elle me fait penser à Jennifer Lopez avec de plus gros seins non? Tom qu'est que t'en dit?
-Une putain de bombe ta gonzesse ce serait dommage de l'abîmer ce joli petit lot, tu ferais mieux de parler enculé si tu ne veux pas la voir crier ta copine.
Tom saisit le haut du tee-shirt de Kelly la tirant vers lui et fermant l'autre poing menaçant de lui assener une droite.
-Non non soi doux Tom, calme toi, lâche la petite ne vas pas abîmer une si jolie frimousse hein ma belle.
Sam se dirigea vers le canapé offrant un mouchoir pour essuyer le sang de la lèvre de Kelly. Elle tourna la tète et SAM s'assis à coté d'elle posa le mouchoir sur sa lèvre essuyant lui-même le sang sur sa bouche.
-La voila c'est mieux, relax, c'est cool je ne sais pas si tu nous connais on s'est vu quelques fois, mais tu ne dois pas te souvenir de moi et Tom: nous on se souvient bien de toi une si belle femme ça ne s'oublie pas. Kelly ma belle tu crois que Franck tiens beaucoup à toi? Non? Il ne voudrait pas que l'on te fasse du mal quand même hein? Je suis sur que non si j'avais une femme aussi belle que toi je ferais ce que je peux pour la protéger. Non Franck? Tu sais elle est vraiment bandante ta meuf sa t'embête pas si je la saute la devant toi? Tu l'as déjà vu se faire fourrer sous tes yeux, prendre une grosse queue dans le cul devant toi? Non jamais, ça te dirais peut être hein?
Je le regardai poser sa main sur la cuisse de Kelly qui chercha à se relever mais Tom et SAM la reteint.
-Bouge pas toi sinon je te dérouille compris tu seras peut être plus bavarde que ton mec non? Je n'ai pas l'impression qu'il s'inquiète beaucoup de toi à moins qu'il aime te voir baiser sous ses yeux vous êtes des partouseurs tout les deux hein?
-Non arrêtez, allez vous en ça suffit je ne comprends rien à vos!
Une gifle l'arrêta dans sa phrase
-La seul chose qui doit sortir de ta bouche s'est des réponses à nos questions compris connasse?
-tu sais ou ton mec range ses affaires non? Ok alors parle moi un peu de toi ma belle t'aime quoi: plutôt vaginal ou clitoridienne? Hein avec ta bouche tu dois faire des pipes de fous non? Hum! j'en ai l'eau à la bouche surtout c'est ton cul qui me fait bander, avec un cul comme le tien tu dois aimer te faire sodomiser: moi ma femme elle n'aime pas ça mais toi je sens que t'adore tu prends ton pied avec une queue au fond du cul hein?
Kelly pleurait au fond du canapé alors que Sam caressait sa cuisse remontant de plus en plus haut à la limite de l'élastique de sa culotte.
Sam se leva prenant la mallette de docteur dans la valise reviens dans le canapé ouvrant et étalant les ustensiles de chirurgien devant nous.
Il saisit un bistouri et tira Kelly la levant du canapé il la retourna appuyant ses mains sur le dossier la forçant à se plier en avant nous offrant ses fesses moulées dans *** fin pantalon de toile
Ne bouge pas si tu ne veux pas que je te coupe le clito compris?
Sam posa la pointe du scalpel entre les fesses de Kelly et appuya enfonçant moitié l'objet dans le pantalon. Puis suivant la courbe de sa raie descendit vers le bas et le ressortit provoquant une fine ouverture du tissu. Reposant le scalpel il glissa 4 doigts dans le trait et d'un coup sec tira sur le coté provoquant le déchirement du pantalon dévoilant le string et les fesses de Kelly.
-Bouge pas je t'ai dit montre nous ton cul comme il est beau, tu me fais bander comme un taureau, tu vas venir t'empaler doucement le cul sur ma queue en regardant ton mec dans les yeux, qu'il voit bien le plaisir que tu vas prendre à te faire défoncer le cul. Et fait vite sinon je vais te tanner le cul avec ma ceinture allez bouge viens la pétasse.
Sam avait giflé les fesses de Kelly lorsque par réflexe elle avait cherché à réagir lors du déchirement de *** pantalon et les larmes plein les yeux elle le regarda s'asseoir sur le canapé en face de moi les mains sur la tête et attendre qu'elle vienne s'occuper de lui. Elle allait s'asseoir sur lui me faisant face lorsqu'il la stoppa lui ordonnant de le dévêtir.
-Tu vas te l'enfiler comment ma queue, faut peut être la sortir non? Faut tout te dire ou quoi? Aller sort ma queue ouvre et baisse mon pantalon pétasse vient tâter ma bite montre nous comment tu sais exciter un mec mange moi la queue mouille la bien que ça rentre plus facilement dans ton cul aller active tu veux une raclée?
Résignée Kelly se retourna et dégrafa la ceinture de jean, baissant le pantalon et le caleçon de Sam, dévoilant sa queue dressé et suintante. Je vois les fesses et le string de Kelly devant moi, ses mains caressant la queue de Sam, sa bouche venant lécher *** gland, l'enfouissant dans sa gorge. Elle le suça quelques minutes puis Sam la repoussa, lui demandant de venir s'asseoir sur sa queue.
Kelly se releva se tourna vers moi les yeux dans la vide elle s'accroupit de manière à poser la queue de Sam à l'entrée de ses fesses puis reculant vers lui les yeux fermés appuya doucement mais fermement faisant rentrer petit à petit la queue dans *** cul.
Sam se régalait l'encourageant et l'obligeant à rouvrir les yeux et me regarder.
-Tu vois comme ta femme se régale à engloutir ma queue elle est vraiment douée pour les pipes elle m'a bien mouillé la queue, la salope. *** cul est bien serré tu ne dois pas beaucoup l'enculé dis moi allez encore un petit effort et tu l'auras en entier ma belle.
Les fesses de Kelly touchèrent les cuisses de Sam signe que la queue de ce dernier était bien profond dans *** cul. Alors celui ci la tira vers lui collant *** dos à *** torse lui relevant les jambes et les posant sur ses cuisses. Il arracha le devant du pantalon me dévoilant *** string et sa queue plantée jusqu'à la garde dans *** cul.



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Soulevant *** bassin il se mit à l'enculer dans cette positon, la queue plantée au fond de *** cul et arrachant *** tee shirt il la pelota en lui ramonant le fion. Sam poussai des râles de fauves enculant de *** mieux ma copine sous mes yeux. Il la repoussa lui ordonnant de venir se mettre à quatre pattes le cul au bord du canapé et se levant vint appuyer sa queue sur la rosette encore ouverte la rentrant doucement d'un trait jusqu'àux couilles, la ressortant entièrement, la glissant dans sa raie sur ses fesses.
-Tu as vraiment un cul magnifique ma belle, tu sais en Italie j'ai l'habitude de former les filles, j'en ai vue des tas de cul mais rarement aussi bon et bandant que le tien et toi tu te régale aussi ma belle tu sens ma queue qui caresse ton cul qui pousse et coulisse dans ton anus. Ça doit te plaire je sens tes muscles qui se décontracte et facilite le passage il commence même à réagir sur ma queue. Ton mec n'as jamais du t'enculer comma ça avant hein? c'est bon, la attend, encore une minute ou deux et tu seras bien chaude, je pourrais te bourrer bien fort je suis sur que tu vas gueuler de plaisir.
Pendant de longues minutes Sam entrait et sortait sa queue des reins de Kelly en douceur d'un trait poussant un peu plus à chaque fois. Il prenait *** temps savourant le plaisir de baiser un si joli cul devant *** mec impuissant. En même temps il caressait ses seins par-dessous passant *** sexe dans sa raie sur ses fesses flattant ses cuisses *** dos. A mon grand dégout le corps de Kelly réagissait et Sam entrait et sortait de plus en plus facilement de *** cul lui permettant d'augmenter le rythme de sa sodomie.
-Ca y est tu mouille ma belle, tu es prête ma queue coulisse bien dans ton cul ça te plait hein? tu en veux plus et bien t'inquiètes je vais t'enculer comme une reine.
Sam encula Kelly les mains sur les hanches à grand coup de reins claquant ses burnes sur ses lèvres lui arrachant des petits cris. Sortant d'un coup sa queue il éjacula sur le cul encore grand ouvert envoyant une radée dans l'anus de Kelly et le reste dans sa raie et sur ses fesses.
-T'es trop bonne toi, on va se régaler, hein Tom? t'as vu ça comme elle est bandante la petite et toi Franck ça t'as plu? t'as aimé voir ta copine prendre *** pied avec une belle queue dans le cul? tu bande mon salaud hein? Kelly va tâter ton homme voir si sa queue est grosse non? Montre lui ton cul comme il est encore dilaté par ma bite tu vois ce que je lui ai mis comme jus? Frotte ton cul sur sa bouche qu'il te nettoye et applique toi bien sinon je te découpe un téton.
Kelly posa ses fesses en face de mon visage je sentais et voyait sa chatte encore trempée de plaisir de sa sodomie ainsi que *** cul dilaté et couvert de sperme.
Je dus à contre cœur passer ma langue le long de sa raie, sur *** anus, ses fesses récoltant le sperme: l'avalant. Je dus me retenir de vomir mais déjà Sam était devant moi inspectant mon travail me félicitant il envoya Kelly vers Tom lui ordonnant de le sucer pendant que lui se faisait nettoyer la queue par ma langue. Posant un scalpel sur mon visage sous un œil il me dit de le lécher et de bien faire attention à ne pas le mordre sinon il m'arracherait un œil et découperait Kelly.
Je posai ma langue sur sa queue à demi molle la léchant comme une glace retirant les traces de merdes laissées par le cul de Kelly.
Celle-ci avait sorti la queue de Tom et le pompai du mieux qu'elle le put. Ce dernier éjacula rapidement dans sa bouche la forçant à avaler *** jus puis il lui enleva le peux de vêtement qui lui restait et la jetant sur le canapé lui releva les jambes sur ses épaules et enfonça sa queue d'un grand coup au fond de sa chatte, il la baisa ainsi à grand coup de rein et jouit en quelques minutes au fond de sa moule. Kelly fermait les yeux, la bouche déformée par une grimace de douleur, des larmes coulant sur ses joues.
Sam regardait Tom et Kelly baiser la queue léchée par ma langue. Celle ci se mit à bander décalottant *** gland au maximum. Je dus lécher toute sa queue jusqu'à ce que Tom jouisse et se retire du con de Kelly. Alors Sam le remplaça et entra d'un coup sec sa queue au fond du ventre de Kelly.
-Il t'a bien rempli Tom, je glisse à mort dans ta chatte ça va je ne te fais pas mal on va y aller doucement ouvre bien tes jambes là, une sur ma poitrine et l'autre à plat sur le canapé, c'est plus confortable là non? En plus je vois mieux ta chatte et ma queue plantée dedans, c'est beaux, non regarde comme je t'ouvre la moule, tes jambes ***t magnifiques, fines,: douces et ta chatte presque imberbe: juste une fine bande hum mate ma queue qui sort et qui glisse sur tes poils, tu la sens sur ton clito? Elle est belle ma bite non? Moi je l'aime bien regarde la monter sur ton ventre toucher tes seins glisser vers ta bouche sort ta langue lèche moi le gland oui comme ça ouvre ta bouche gobe ma queue oh oui tu suce comme une reine.
Sam se fit sucer le bout du sexe par Kelly, ses burnes et le reste de sa queue entre ses seins, puis il redescendit lentement en direction de sa chatte. Kelly ouvrit d'elle-même ses jambes en grand, à plat sur le canapé regardant sa bite disparaitre dans *** ventre. Ses yeux s'ouvrir en grand à mesure que la queue pénétrait en elle et je ne fus surpris lorsque Sam annonça que ma copine mouillait et que sa chatte vibrait sur sa bite.
Il la baisai lentement ondulant le bassin pendant une bonne vingtaine de minutes. Kelly glissa ses bras dans le dos de *** amant ondulant en rythme avec lui poussant des soupirs et des petits cris de jouissances. Elle jouit le bassin décollé du canapé agrippé à *** amant qui éjacula quelques secondes plus tard. Kelly perdit alors toute résistante et volonté elle caressait le dos de Sam, descendant sur ses fesses, glissant le long pour flatter ses couilles. Elle se jeta sur sa queue quand il lui demanda de le sucer pendant que Tom lui défoncerait le cul. D'elle-même elle se mit a quatre patte ouvrant au max *** cul à la queue de tom, elle saisit celle de SAM débandée et la cajola de *** mieux déposant des petit bisous sur *** gland pendant que Tom enfila la sienne au fond de *** cul. Il la sodomisa sans aucune douceur s'inquiétant seulement de *** plaisir éjaculant rapidement dans *** cul. Pendant ce temps Sam avait retrouvé une belle érection sous la langue et les caresses de Kelly. Il S'assit sur le canapé et demanda à Kelly de venir se baiser sur sa queue. Elle l'enjamba alors que tom s'était retiré de *** cul et collant sa poitrine à *** amant s'empala jusqu'à la garde sur la queue de SAM collant sa bouche à *** amant. Elle montait et descendait sur sa bite tandis qu'il lui triturait les seins et les fesses enfonçant deux doigts dans *** anus. Elle jouit ainsi criant de plaisir roulant une énorme pelle à *** baiseur.


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-Oh oui, c'est bon hein, attend un peu tu vas voir ce que s'est avec une queue dans le cul Tom assis toi à coté.
Tom s'assit sur le canapé une nouvel érection dressant sa queue tandis que tenant Kelly accroché devant lui sa bitte plantée toujours dans sa chatte, Sam positionna ses fesses au dessus du sexe de Tom et pliant sur les genoux descendit, mettant en contact sa rondelle et la queue dure. La bouche grande ouverte Kelly découvrit sa première double pénétration les poids de Sam et du sien permirent d'enfiler rapidement la queue au fond de *** cul, la remplissant à fond des deux cotés. Tom lui agrippa les seins la collant à lui se qui permit à SAM de prendre un peu d'espace pour aller et venir dans sa chatte frottant sur la bite de *** pote. Kelly remuait le bassin vers le haut les yeux révulsés les pieds battants dans le vide alors que Sam lui pilonnait de plus en plus vite la chatte lui arrachant de hurlements de plaisirs. Kelly perdit presque connaissance quand un violent orgasme lui traversa les reins et le ventre la clouant à ses baiseurs. Des larmes de plaisirs coulèrent sur ses joues tandis que *** ventre était parcouru de spasmes.
Kelly ne bougeait plus Tom lui mangeant les seins la queue toujours au fond de *** cul.
Sam revint vers moi me demandant si le spectacle m'avait plus et je dus réaliser que ma queue s'était raidie et déformait mon pantalon. Saisissant un scalpel il le posa sur la bosse me demandant une nouvelle fois mes contacts et les dossiers. Il n'obtint aucune réponse alors proposa de continuer et demanda à Kelly de venir s'occuper un peu de moi de montrer comment elle me suçait. Se levant elle vint vers moi, baissant mon pantalon elle descendit mon slip dévoilant ma queue bandée à mort. Elle se mit à me sucer avec application puis à la demande de Sam s'assis face à moi enfilant ma queue au fond de sa chatte trempée de mouille et de sperme. Elle se baisa ainsi lentement sur ma bite puis Sam l'appuya sur moi lui relevant les fesses il glissa sa queue bandée le long de sa raie sur la mienne l'appuyant sur sa rondelle. Je sentis *** sexe s'introduire dans *** cul et glisser à l'intérieur le long de la mienne réduisant l'espace dans sa chatte. Alors il se mit à l'enculer me branlant la queue à travers sa paroi frappant ses couilles sur les miennes malgré moi un puissant orgasme me vrilla les couilles inondant le vagin de ma copine de foutre. Sam le sentit et demanda à Kelly de me donner un dernier baiser et alors qu'il continuait de la sodomiser lui arrachant des cris de plaisirs il passa *** scalpel le long de ma gorge m'ouvrant le cou et les carotides alors qu'un orgasme montait dans les reins de Kelly qui gémit tandis que mon sang se rependait sur eux déclenchant un énorme orgasme des deux amants alors que je perdais connaissance. Les derniers mots que je perçus furent les hurlements de jouissance de Sam et Kelly.



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Encore tout bon, merci


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A Perfect Fall

Jessica had been fucked for three straight hours by over a dozen black men. Cum dripped out of her pussy and ass and her raven black hair was coated with love juice. As another cock penetrated her well fucked ass Jessica pondered her predicament. How she, a married women of 40, who was a virgin when she married, with two kids, and had never even considered cheating on her husband, could now be a dirty whore with a black mistress whose body was used daily for the pleasure of many. Here is her story:


Looking back now there were so many hints of what was to, so many. Yet I was oblivious to it all...until it was way too late...or maybe I never had a chance.

My name is Jessica Jamie***. I married my high school sweetheart at 18 and had my kids at 20 and 21. My two precious ******** are 19 year old Becky and 21 year old Mark.

In all honesty, I am, well was, a great ******, a passionate high school teacher and a faithful wife. I grew up in an old-fashioned home where my ****** did it all while my dad worked and she did all of the housework, plus marking, plus raising the kids while her husband was often gone. I inherited my mom's old-fashioned values and act and dress the part. I do not own any jeans, wear only long skirts or dresses, nothing that would be considered slutty, but always looking professional and proper.

My ******** Becky is very pretty. She is in her first year of college, but still lives at home. She has blonde hair as well and the very same blue eyes I have. She is an amazing athlete on a volleyball scholarship and a straight A student. Being an athlete she always dresses in casual attire. She is a very determined woman who is always in control and takes no gruff from anybody. She is much more like her ****** who is an ex-NFL linebacker and now a speaker on the motivational speaker circuit.

My *** Mark is a good looking guy who was a high school football star and currently is in the military.

My life would change forever, without me even knowing it, innocently enough on May 7th when new neighbors moved in. As I have always done, I baked my famous apple pie for my new neighbors and brought it over to welcome them to the neighborhood. I was surprised when I first met Amy and Derek, a black thirty year old married couple with no kids. Amy carried herself with a power that I was immediately jealous of. Derek was a muscular man who looked like he just left a GQ magazine. I remember I briefly considered how good looking their kids would be, although I would later learn that Amy could not have ********. After a brief conversation, I left after giving Amy an open invitation for coffee.

A week later Amy came over for coffee and we became instant friends. Amy was different from me in every way. She dressed very provocatively and was outgoing and funny. Yet, we got along famously. Amy was a psychic that stayed at home. She also was a writer and had a love of making wine. Over the next month we hung out a few times and got to know each other better; plus Derek and Martin, my husband, both had a love for playing pool and ******** Amy's homemade wine.

As I got to know Amy better, I learned that Amy's dad was actually a pastor and Amy left home at 16 and never went back. She was a wild ***** then and had not really changed. Amy always dressed up because she loved people checking her out, wore nylons always because she loved the feel of them and they made her feel sexy (although she only wore stay-ups or garters and stocking as she wanted to always be ready for a good fucking, her words not mine); around Amy, I was more open and felt more free, and soon realized that maybe I was a bit of a prude. Martin and I had sex maybe once a month, I had given him oral sex maybe five times, never swallowed and had not even considered taking it up the butt. Amy, on the other hand, fucked Derek at least once a day, sucked his cock regularly, loved the taste of semen and enjoyed a good ass fucking as well. I was shocked by all of this, yet fascinated by every word that came from her. When she learned of my rather lame sex life, she brought me over a few special girl only toys. One in particular, which she called her eternity O toy, she insisted I put in me right then. I excused myself and, although somewhat embarrassed, I inserted the little toy and turned it on. The small vibrations kept me horny at all times, yet did not disrupt my day. It was the ultimate pleasure toy.


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Although it never occurred to me at first, I was fascinated by the many attractive women, almost all college girls, who often paraded in and out of Amy's house. I assumed they were all clients, but I would later learn I was incredibly mistaken. The fact that they all dressed like they were heading on a date should have been a clue.

Then things began to get more interesting. Karen, my best friend and vice-principal, who lived across the street, went into Amy's house; she was dressed in a mini-skirt that was very unlike her. She left two hours later and I called her over. I asked, "Karen why are you dressed so provocative?"

"Oh this, nothing really," she said quite embarrassed, "Amy was showing me how to dress a bit sexier for my hubby." After a bit more random discussion, Karen went on home.

Again, a subtle clue of what was forthcoming, but still I was clueless.


About a month after Amy and Derek had moved in next store things began to change. We were over at Amy's; the boys playing pool, as usual, while we were watching sex and the city and ******** wine. Derek, who had kept the talk generic until now asked: "So I hear your wife doesn't blow you?'

Martin, looked up surprised as he was about to make a shot, and said, "How do you know that?"

"She told my wife."

"Well, she has a gag reflex and her jaw gets sore."

Derek laughed, "Do you know that Amy sucks my cock pretty much every day and she swallows my load every time. Well except when we make our porn vids, then she takes a load on her face."

"You make porn vids."

"Sure, it makes the sex hotter. Often we add a second chick or a second dick. Amy loves a couple cocks at once and also loves pussy."

"Fuck off."

"Come here," Martin followed Derek into the TV room in the basement; Derek grabbed a dvd, threw it in the player and pressed play. "This one," Derek said, "was with three cheerleaders from the college where we used to live." Mark was stunned to see three girls all in cheerleader outfits and Amy dressed as their coach.

Amy tells them to all bend over and they all reveal they are wearing hooters pantyhose with holes at cut for access to their pussy and ass. "You can't do the cheer properly, so you must be punished." She then revealed a 8 inch strap-on and took turns fucking all three girls calling them 'sluts, whores, dykes, etc.' She then had all three service her.

Derek said "There are also tapes of her being gang-banged by 7 basketball players, me fucking a variety of sorority chicks, Amy seducing a variety of women including a waitress, a couple secretaries, a politician, a few sales people, etc; of course, there are many of her and I fucking with other couples and complete orgies."

"Wow man," Martin said stunned.

"Do you want to fuck my wife?" Martin looked shocked. "Of course, I would have to be allowed to drill yours."

"She would never go for that."

Derek smirked, "If Amy convinces her it is ok, you are in?"

"She would never..."

Derek cut him off, "Dude, my wife has seduced many women, and almost none ever can resist her charms. Oh sure, some take a while, but Amy always, always get what she wants."

"Well I would love to get more pussy."

Derek laughed, "By the time Amy is done with your wife, she will be begging you to fuck her ass and then will suck your cock right from her ass. She will do everything you ever fantasized and some you never even considered."


"Dude, let's go play some pool."

Meanwhile upstairs, the girls are talking. Amy dressed in a red one piece dress and black stockings says, "Jess, it is time for a makeover."

"What do you mean?"

"Let's shock the **** out of your hubby."

"How so?"

"Come upstairs to my room."

Upstairs, Amy said, "Jess, we are going to make you look so fucking hot that your husband is going to take you home and pound you."

I blushed. Amy rather bluntly, "Get undressed. Take off all your clothes, lets take a look at you."

I hesitated, assuming she was not serious. Amy, clearly lacking patience repeated, "Get undressed, we don't have all day." Her frustration was clear.


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Slowly, I unbuttoned my blouse, Amy realized my insecurity and awkwardness, stated, "Honey, you are a beautiful woman, you don't have to be shy." I took off my blouse and then slid off my long skirt. "Oh dear, pantyhose, we really do need a makeover. Like I have told you before, pantyhose are not sexy. Stay ups, garters and stockings now they are sexual." With that, Amy hiked up her much lower skirt showing me the top of her stay up beige stockings. She then pointed to my toes and said "and ********** toe? Honey, men love to see each toe in sheer nylon. For now on you only buy sandlefoot stockings. Plus, you always have to have your nails painted. Mine are usually painted red, look." I look and have to say her toes in beige stockings and toenails painted red do standout. Amy walked over to her closet and said, "Get those grandma pantyhose off, I got just the thing for you." I took off my pantyhose and waited in my bra and panties. Amy came back to me and told me to sit on the end of her bed. "Now honey, you obviously spend money on your bra and undies they are sexy, now we just need to redo everything else." Amy knelt to her knees and I sat back and wondered what she was doing. Then she opened her hand and revealed red nail polish and said, "Honey, let the makeover begin." As Amy did each toenail with delicate precision, caressing my foot with sexual teasing, she continued to talk, "Jess, when I am done with you, your hubby is gonna come in his pants. He is gonna fuck you so hard I'll hear your moans. You'll orgasm so hard, you will quake with pleasure for hours." Amy heard my sigh and said, 'Honey, did you just sigh?"

"Um, yeah, it's just..."

"What sugar, you can tell me anything."

"It's just, I have never orgasmed from sex. I always have to silently masturbate after he falls asleep."

"Fuck off. You never get off."

"Never," I whispered.

"I orgasm over and over again when Derek's big thick black cock hammers me. How big is Martin?"

"Um, I don't know exactly, 5 inches."

"Fuck off, that wouldn't get me off either. Derek is 8 plus inches of hard steel. Martin doesn't at least get you off with his tongue?"

"Oh God no, that is grouse."

"Sugar, having your pussy licked is not disgusting, it is beautiful, amazing, fucking orgasmic. I am going down and telling your fucking husband right now he is not doing his job."

I panicked, "No, no, no, he offered lots, but eventually quit when I always said no."

Amy sighed, "Honey," as she sits up, her lips inches from mine, "You have to let him. You deserve the pleasure. Amy grabbed a package from her bed and opened it. She moved to my leg and surprised me when she grabbed my leg and slowly, with such tenderness, my panties went moist, slid a black stay up stocking onto my leg. She then did the other leg, even slower, and I, for the first time ever, was completely turned on by another women. She then came up to me as if she was going to kiss me and moved to my ear and whispered, "You look fucking gorgeous, good enough to eat." She breathed into my ear for a few more seconds, but what seemed like an eternity, and then stood up. She went back to the closet and returned with a black leather skirt, well skirt is a generous term, a piece of clothing that was the top ¼ of any skirt I had ever worn before. It made micro, seem long. She said "Put this on."

"Um, no, I couldn't, I."

"Now sugar, I want to see what you look like dressed to fuck."


"Now," Amy stated with just a slight bit of *****. Not wanting to annoy her I take the skimpy piece of leather and put it on. "Turn around and model for me." I finish off my glass of wine, my 4th, and then twirl like a little schoolgirl. "Nice," Amy said smiling.

"It doesn't even cover the top of my stockings, I could never go out anywhere like this."

"Of course not," Amy replied. Thank God I thought, and then Amy started, "You obviously need a blouse." Amy went back to the closet, pilfered through her closet and then came back with a ***** red blouse. I put it on and it barely buttoned up over my firm breasts. "Fuck you look hot. Let's go downstairs and show the boys the new Jessica."

"God no," I stated in shock.

"Oh yes baby," Amy cooed. Amy poured the last of the wine into our glasses and I shot it. "Let's go," and Amy grabbed my hand and led me downstairs. As we reached the last stairway, I stopped; Amy looked me straight in the eye and said, "Honey, you need to do this. You have been sheltered from real pleasure for way too long."

"But what about Derek?"

"Oh he will behave, seeing you dressed like this will get him hot and then he will take me upstairs and fuck me with his massive cock until I pass out of delirious orgasmic joy. Now let's go." Before I could reply, continued, "Oh crap, you need hot red lipstick to finish the ensemble." Before I could even think, she leans in and kisses me on the lips. The originally shock of her lips touching mine, went instantly to pleasure and then quickly to disappointment as the she broke the kiss after only a few seconds. Amy smiled, "There baby, now you have some nice red lipstick to match your fuck me attire." She then handed me a lipstick stick and shrugged, "I guess I could have just gave you that." Without any time to process what just happened, she yanked me down the stairs. The boys were playing pool and stopped abruptly when we entered.

Martin's mouth dropped in shock and Derek just smiled and said, "Wow Martin your wife got one of my wife's famous do-me-now makeovers. Jess you look amazing."

"Thanks," I replied, and then showing a confidence that I did not know I had, "I walked over to my husband and said, "Well honey, what do you think, am I good enough to eat."

Martin began to respond, "Um, wow..."

Amy interrupted, "Derek, did you know that Martin never goes down on his wife?"

Derek in mocking shock, "No..."

Martin regained a bit of his composure stated, "Wait, I have offered, I, wait, what do you girls talk about when we are not around?"

Amy walked over to Martin and responded "Girl stuff, what do you boys talk about?"

Martin attempted to bumble his way through this when Amy broke the tension, "Martin take his hot piece of ass home and give her a fucking tongue orgasm. Do you know she never orgasms from you and then masturbates after you fall asleep? "

Martin clearly surprised by all of this said, "No, honey, why wouldn't you tell me?"

Just as I am about to respond Amy suggested, "Who cares about the past, let it go. Tonight is a new night. Martin make your wife happy, we will leave you down here to, well, you know, Derek and I will go upstairs and well, you know." With that Amy and Derek left.

Martin walked over to me and kissed me with a passion I had not felt since we were courting. He then lifted me up onto the pool table, pulled off my skirt and underwear and after sliding his hands up my stocking legs he went to my already drench pussy and started licking. Instantly I could not believe I had refused this all these years, the pleasure was amazing and so much different then when we made love. He licked and licked and after only a couple minutes he triggered an orgasm so intense I squeezed his head between my legs and quaked with joy. Martin then dropped his pants and flipped me onto all fours and did me doggie style, something that we had not done in years. The next few minutes were amazing and being fucked after an orgasm made the whole experience more surreal. I felt his hand tense around my ass and knew he was about to shoot his load in me. His cum filled my pussy as he kept pumping in and out. We then both collapsed on the table exhausted and in love. I looked at the clock, it had been only 12 minutes total from the time Amy left, but it was the best 12 minutes of pleasure ever and I knew my sex life had changed forever. After a few minutes of recovery, we get dressed and went home; me still dressed in Amy's clothes.



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A few days later I went over for our usual Friday 10AM coffee (I only worked four days a week); I walked into the livingroom and was completely caught off guard. Amy had her legs open and had our mailwomen in between her legs licking her pussy. Amy, acting as if nothing was different, said "Good morning Jessica. Your coffee is on the table here."

I could not move. Amy smiled and laughed, "Don't worry about her Jess, she is just being disciplined. She twice has overstuffed my mail and I had to teach her a lesson."

I paused and finally said, "Um, Sarah is eating you out?"

Amy responded, "Yeah and she is quite good at it. Sit down Jessica."

I paused for a minute, but did sit down. For the next couple minutes Amy talked to me about the weather and next weeks party she was hosting as if having a girl between her legs was the most natural thing in the world. Amy then stopped and said, "Just a sec honey, Hmmm,that's it bitch suck my juices, I'm cumming..." After about 30 seconds she demanded, "Slut, say hi to my friend."

Obviously humiliated, Sarah, my postmistress for the last 10 years, said "Hi Mrs. Jamieson." Her face was glistening from Amy's orgasm.

"Hi Sarah," I responded awkwardly.

Amy broke the awkwardness by making it even more awkward, "Jess would you like Sarah to eat our pussy?"

"Um, no thanks," I replied.

"Your loss," Amy shrugged pulling her skirt down and said, "OK Sarah, you may go."

"Thanks mistress," Sarah responded and exited quickly.

Amy explained, "Jessica, I am not a lesbian. I love cock way too much, but girls eat pussy way better then men do. I am sorry, I figured she would be done before you got here, but she took her time down there and I lost track of time. "

"Um, its ok I guess, I mean I knew you were a sexual being, but I just never thought that Sarah would be a-a..."

"Lesbian? She's married honey?"


"Well I never asked, but she was wearing a wedding ring."

"I could never do that."

"Oh honey, I know, but you don't know what you are missing."

"Doesn't Derek mind?"

"Hell no, Derek and I often have more than just the two of us in the bedroom. "

"Oh. I-I-I still can't believe I just saw Sarah on her knees eating your vagina."

"My pussy darling. You got to understand Jess, some women like to be dominated, to be used, to be treated like a slut. I could tell Karen was submissive the first time she fucked up. I also knew she would fuck up again."


"Honey, all women have a submissive or dominant streak in them. Mine is dominant, but most are submissive."

"I don't think I have either."

"Oh you do, you just have not found it yet."

"I don't."

"It's OK sugar, you can be yourself around me." Amy looks at her watch and says, "Oh ****, my next client is in 20 minutes and I need to shower so I don't smell like I just got fucked. Let yourself out sweetie."

I left and spent the rest of the day in a stunned haze. I masturbated twice that day and that night I threw Martin on the bed and sucked his cock and then rode him like a cowboy on a buckinghorse. After awhile, I jumped off and took it back in my mouth tasting my own juices for the first time ever. I sucked it with feverous abandon until he shot a hot load of semen down my throat. Not unpleasant at all, I continued to bob up and down until his cock became limp in my mouth. I then, in my first dominant moment in the bedroom ever, demanded he eat me out. After a great orgasm, I slipped into a blissful *******.


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A few days went by and I had avoided Amy as I sure did not know what to say to her after seeing what I saw. Although Amy and I had spent almost no time together since the makeover and the awkward last coffee date, her influence had been great I had bought a whole new wardrobe, much to my husband's delight. I had a garterbelt, I had stockings and stay ups in a variety of colours. I had a few new much shorter, although still classy, skirts; skirts that were long enough for school, but short enough to reveal I was wearing stockings if I sat a certain way. This new me was exciting. I was always horny and Martin and I were going at it almost every day he was home. As I was taking groceries out of my car, I saw Karen crossing the street, clearly leaving Amy's house, heading the other way was a young coed who couldn't be over 19. Karen was wearing a red one piece dress and stay up black stockings all clearly in view. I called her over.

"Hi Karen."

"Hi Jessica."

"What are you wearing?" I asked.

"A sexy outfit for Amy," she replied matter-of-factly.

"What?" I responded surprised.

"Oh come on," Karen stated, "You have seen me going over there a dozen times, you have seen many other hot sluts go over there, what do you think we are doing, having coffee?"

"Um, I."

"Get your head out of your ass Jess, Amy is my mistress. Did you see that hot brunette who just left Amys? 10 minutes ago, I was fucking her with a 8 inch strap-on while she ate about mistress Amy. "

"Karen you didn't?"

"Jessica, shut up. I know you saw Sarah eat out our mistress. Did you know that Sarah will eat your pussy anytime you ask? "

"Um, Amy did offer her..."

"Honey, you should take up the offer, she has an amazing tongue. Better than any pathetic man can do. Now sugar, I got to get ready for a PTA meeting and then after that I have to go back to Amy's so Derek can shoot his load in my ovulating pussy. "


"Yes, Amy can't have a baby, so she wants me to carry Derek's *****. And I would never say no to my mistress."

"Karen you can't, you have a reputation."

"Jessica, Amy has a power that is way more powerful than a reputation. Plus Jessica, it is not worth resisting. Someday soon, you will be at her house, on your knees, begging to eat her pussy. You will be hammered from behind my Derek's massive rod and you will be gangbanged by whole sororities," she paused to stare at my shocked face, "And you will come over to my house, knock on my door, look into my eyes with your condescending smile and beg me to fuck you in the ass." She then moved to me and shoved her tongue down my throat. She then broke away and said, "Three things Jess. One, this conversation never happened; two I can ruin your career if my secrets ever come out; and three, pay attention closely Jess, everything around you is changing." As fate would have it, Sarah happened to be delivering the mail as this conversation was coming to the end. "Sarah, would you be willing to eat out Jessica right now?"

"Oh yes, I would love to eat Jessica's pussy," Sarah eagerly stated, looking me straight in the eye.

"What would you do?"

"I would lick her pussy so slowly, so tenderly, that the orgasm would be just lingering there and after what seemed like an eternity, I would pick up the pace and bring her to an orgasm that would make her explode her pussy juice all over her face. I would then continue licking until she begged me to stop and would bring her to a second, even bigger, orgasm."

Jessica speechless, and rather wet, vaguely heard Karen demand, "Sarah, lets go to my house and you can do that to me."

"Oh yes mistress," said Sarah.

Karen looked me into the eye and said, "Penny for your thoughts Jess." She then moved to my ear and whispered, "Just submit Jessica, just submit. One more thing. Is Amy's special O toy in you right now?" I blushed, she laughed. "Oh Amy, you are even closer than I thought." She then walked away with Karen following her like a puppy dog.

I went inside, grabbed one of my new three toys Amy had given me, this one a black 8 inch vibe, and fucked myself hard and fast. After an orgasm, I laid there and started to consider all the hints that I should have seen before. There was, of course, Karen and Sarah and her parade of schoolgirls coming in and out, but there were many more. The way Amy talked, dressed, the way she made me do dress up that day. The way she touched me, kissed me. It did turn me on, but I was not a lesbian. I would not submit.

Another hint of what was to come should have been obvious when Becky started to dress differently the past few days. Gone where her sport shorts and sweats, replaced by short skirts, sundresses and pantyhose. This should have been an obvious sign, yet I just assumed it was her finally finding her sexuality (which ironically was exactly what it was but in a much, much different way than I could have ever imagined). She has also started hugging me more and giving me kisses on the cheek. Yet, it wasn't until I did her laundry that I noticed that they were not pantyhose, but rather they were stockings and they were all sandlefoot. Instantly, I wondered, 'No, she did not have my *********' The more I thought the more relived I was. Becky was at school all day, had practice after school and was always home for supper. She went out occasionally, but I would notice if she was going over there all the time. That day at supper, Becky came in right on time and I watched her closely. I wanted to know if anything was different. She came in, dressed in dark beige stockings, a pink skirt and white blouse. This was relatively new as usually she came home in her volleyball gear. She came in and gave me a hug and this time her hands ended up on my ass. They lingered there a longtime and as she kissed my cheek I could smell pussy.

That night though she did not leave the house, but I did. I headed over to Karen's. We were friends; she would tell me the truth. I knocked on the door and she answered it in a robe. When she saw it was me she smiled and said, "Are you here for that ass fucking?"

"God no," I stated, "I need your help."

Karen shrugged and said, "Come on in. " I followed her in and after she closed the door she dropped the robe to the floor. She was dressed in a white garter and stockings and was wearing a large strap-on cock. "OK honey, what can I do for you?"

Although I already knew Karen was very attractive, I never realized how perfect her body was. Large firm breasts, nice legs, green eyes and beautiful long flowing red hair. She was short, not even 5 feet, but she was a powerful package. Breaking away from staring at her body I said, "Why are you wearing a cock?"

"Because I was fucking someone when you knocked," Karen stated matter-of-factly.

"Oh, I can come back later Karen," I stated and started to leave.

"Don't be silly, he can wait."


"Yes, Principal Walker."


"Oh yes, that fucker tried to stop me from getting the vp job that male chauvinist pig. Now I am teaching him a lesson. Ellie and Heidi are here too." Ellie was our school secretary and although quite pretty, she was over 200 pounds and was walked over by Mr. Walker all the time. Heidi, was a first year teacher, who was almost fired last month by Walker for her progressive ways. Heidi was a black woman who was very blunt and quirky. For example, she always wore white, had red streaks in her hair and was very touchy feely with all the women. I assumed she was a lesbian, I was soon to find out I was right.

"Um, ok, I am going to leave," I said, starting to leave.

Karen blocked the door and said, "Oh no, first tell me what I can do for you."

"Fine," I stated, "Do you know if Amy has seduced my Becky?"

Karen smiled, an evil, Queen from Snow White smile, and said, "Not that I know of. That said, everyone who meets Amy succumbs to her powers if Amy wants them too. And your ******** is one hot little piece."

"You are sure Amy never said anything."

"I'm sure. She said, she would get you to be her willing fuck toy, but she never mentioned Becky to me. Now do you want to come see this?"

"No, I gotta get going."

Karen grabbed my hand and pulled me with her into her bedroom. I tired to resist, but truthfully, I was curious and Karen knew that. What I found when I got there though surprised me more than everything else I had seen in the past couple weeks. On his knees was Principle Walker, straddling his secretary and being fucked in the ass while the young black Heidi taped it. Walker looked at me, humiliated, but yet kept bouncing up and down on the thick plastic cock. Heidi smiled at me and said "Hey Jess grab a strap-on."

I just shock my head no as I watched the seen. Heidi gave Karen the camera, unbuckled the strap-on from Karen and hooked it up to herself. She demanded, "Karen bend over." Karen obeyed and without any lube or foreplay plunged the massive cock into her. Karen bounced back on the toy as she continued taping Walker taking it up the ass. Heidi looked directly at me and said, "Jess, I know what you are thinking...what the hell? It is actually all really quite simple. First off you must realize that most, if not all, white women are submissive and want to be controlled. History shows this. Women stayed home, while their men looked after them. Although times have changed, some things don't. Deep down white women need to be dominated and they gravitate to powerful people; now since black women are stronger it is not surprising that attractive powerful women like me get our pick of the white slut litter. I have had many white women eat from my pussy, beg and grovel just to be allowed to lick my delicious pussy. I knew Karen was submissive early and had her eating my box under my desk the first week of school. Now after Walker tried to scare me with his glorified power, we decided we had to get him back. Now as you know, Walker wanted a man for his vp and with the knowledge that he was moving up to director next year we had to make a play. So one day, Karen walked into Walker's room and demanded he recommend her for the principalship. Walker suggested he had other people in mind and Karen simply walked over dropped to her knees unzipped and began sucking his cock. Walker eventually held Karen's head and began fucking her mouth till he shot a load of cum down her throat. This became a daily routine for a while until one day Karen came in and blindfolded him and she then brought in a grade 12 student, Jill, in case you were curious Jess, she is just one of my 5 cheerleaders who regularly service me, who had just turned 18, and she sucked him off and just as he was cumming, I pulled the blindfold off revealing the whole thing had been filmed. His cum sprayed onto Jill's face and the floor. Karen then told Walker how things were going to be and demanded he lick the cum of the floor. When he did as he was told, we knew he would be easy to use. Because Walker is like many men of power, they thrive off this perceived power, thus hiding behind their insecurities. They try to bully people they think they can and since he treated Ellie so badly, we thought she should have the opportunity to get back at him. So Jessica are you like most white women? Do you want to be dominated? Now a girl like you Jessica, your mind says this is wrong, that you are not a lesbian, yet your body says different. I know for a fact if I came and touched your panties they would be drenched. If I walked over and started kissing you, you would quaver in pleasure and eagerly become my slave. That is what your body says; yet your mind keeps saying, 'No this is dirty, wrong. I am a proper women." She pulled her strap-on out of Karen and took it off. She then demanded Ellie, get over and eat her pussy, "Jessica do you want to fuck Walker?"

I am stunned by it all. The actions, the words, the theory. I am also scared she is right. I know it is wrong and yet my panties are drenched. Before I may break, I turn around and walk out. As I left, I heard Heidi call out "Jess, it's only a matter of time."

I got home and was exhausted. Martin was out of town and Becky was in the livingroom watching tv in pajamas now and yet her feet were in stockings. I wanted to ask, I needed to ask, yet I couldn't. I then sat down beside her and we watched tv for a while. We talked about school, sports, etc and then I went to bed. As you probably can expect, I fucked myself to ***** first.


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It had been a week since I saw Sarah between Amy's legs, since I learned my good friend and neighbor was a lesbian slut, since I watched my principal take it up the ass and a couple days since I wondered if my ******** was being seduced. It was Friday again and that meant coffee with Amy. Now it was not unusual for Amy and I to not see each other throughout the week, but it was rare. Now I should note that even though I went over there to demand that Amy leave my ******** alone and that I was not veer going to submit to her, I spent a great deal of time getting ready. I wore the same black stay-ups she had given me earlier, a black skirt with a relatively revealing slit on the side, my only thong and a satin red blouse. Again, like Heidi said, my mind said no, but my body said hell yeah. Yet, I convinced myself I was going over there to clear everything up. I get to Amy's house and walk in. What I saw next should have surprised me, shocked me, angered me, yet it did none. Amy was on the couch her black legs, in white stockings, spread wide while a girl in a cheerleaders outfit and beige stockings lapped at her pussy and Derek fucked the girl from behind in the ass.

Amy looked at me and said "Wow sugar, you dressed rather hot for coffee." I shrugged and so she continued, "Jessica, I know you know about Karen and I know Heidi, my niece by the way, told you about her philosophy and now I will explain mine. " She grabbed the girls' head and pushed it into her pussy. Amy moaned and said, "Fuck Jessica, your ******** sure can eat pussy." I blinked and then looked closer and realized that I was watching my ******** eat my friend's pussy while she got ass fucked.

It was then that I knew as a ****** I had to do something, to protect my baby. I began to move closer when Amy spoke, "Jessica, you are doing the mind over body thing right now. You are thinking, I have to protect my ********. But from what honey? Your ******** loves to eat my pussy, loves to get fucked by Derek and is as submissive as they get. A few days ago I went over to see you in my next phase of your seduction and you were out. Your ******** answered dressed in shorts and a t-shirt. We chit chatted and as we talked she eventually told me she had a date tonight and did not know what to wear. I brought her back to my place and we tried on a few outfits and each time my hands would linger longer. I knew in minutes that she was mine. I simply said to her, 'Honey, have you ever been with a woman. She said she had played with some of her teammates in the past and then I simply kissed her. Over the next couple hours she ate my pussy; I ate hers, I fucked her pussy, she fucked mine; I demanded obedience, she obeyed. I gave her my credit card and she went out and bought a new wardrobe, one you knew had to come from me, but yet you did nothing. She has been over here every day this week as my personally slut and Derek has fucked her delicious white pussy every day and you just watched her ass be deflowered." I went to speak, but what was there to say. Amy who had clearly just orgasmed on my ********'s face smiled at me and said, "Whore, tell your mommy what you are."

My ******** looked at me in complete bliss, her face drenched with pussy juice, "Mommy, I am Amy's whore. I am a slut for black pussy. I am a fuckhole for black cock. My place is here on my knees. Please mommy don't be ashamed of me. Oh my god Derek, fuck my ass, come in my ass so mommy can see what kind of slut I am. Yes, yes, oh my god mommy, Derek's black cock is so big you got to try it mommy."

Amy then said, "Derek pull out of this white trash slut."

"No," Becky cried.

Amy slapped her in the face and said, "Whore, sit. Now your mommy has a decision to make. She can take you right now and leave and save you from this sexual debauchery. She can save you from being gangbanged by an all black football team, save you from being a cocksucker at my next orgy, save you from seducing your coach, save you from becoming my whore or she can submit to her rightful place on her knees as my servant."

Becky begged, "Mommy, mommy please, join me."

I looked at Becky, I looked at Derek and saw the biggest cock I had ever seen, I looked at Amy who said, "Jessica, you are the prettiest white woman I have ever seen. You are strong, but you know you want to eat my pussy. I could have had you last weekend, but I don't want to seduce you, I want you to want to be my slut. But understand, when you take off your skirt in a couple minutes, when you crawl over here on your hands and knees, when you lick my pussy in front of your ********, when you allow your ******** to take a load of my husband's cum in her ass, I will own you. You will fuck my husband whenever he wants your white ass, you will eat my pussy every day, you will be fucked by many men, eat out many women, and do many, many other dirty things." She looked at Becky and said to Derek, "Give the slut 5 hard strokes in the ass, no more." Derek obliged and I did what my body had decided long before my mind had. I submitted. As my mind continued to argue with why this was wrong, my hands took off my skirt. As my mind logically explained my role as a ******, I crawled over to Amy. I looked at her shaved black pussy. I looked Amy straight in the eye. Amy smiled, "Jessica, are you ready to be my slut."

I nodded.

"Jess, I need to hear it. I need to know you want this."

I looked at Becky who said, "Mommy, I love you, please do as your told."

I whispered "Can I be your slut?"

Amy smirked, "We will have to work on your dirty talk." She then pulled me up and kissed me with such tenderness and passion that I instantly knew I had made the right decision. I completely understood why Karen had submitted. As I briefly reflected on the past couple months it all made sense. My submissiveness was always there. I eagerly listened to her stories, I obeyed almost all her suggestions, I took her clothes and wore them, I almost orgasmed as she dressed me, I kept a toy she gave me in my pussy for the past month. I knew, as our tongues danced around as we explored each other, that I was hers; that I would do anything to please her. She broke the kiss and I instantly slid down her body and began to lick her pussy. The first taste was all it took to know I was hooked; I licked, I sucked; as her body began to react to my work, I got more excited and began to feverously attempt to make her orgasm. When she did, it was like Niagara Falls, her juices were an oasis of joy on onto my tongue and face. I lapped up every drop I could, refusing to stop. Eventually, Amy pulled me up and kissed me.

I whispered to her, "I love you."

Amy smiled "I love your tongue in my pussy. For a girl who has never done that before, you are quite good."

"Thank you. I want to be your best pussy pleaser." I smiled back at my ********, I surprised myself and her when I said, "Amy, I desperately want to be your whore. Before I change my mind, I need to get this on tape, Derek go get a camera."

Derek laughed and said, "There are 5 cameras in this room taping all this."

I shook my head, "Figures. OK here it goes. Mistress Amy, please allow me to be your whore. I want to do everything for you. I want to eat your pussy,please your man whenever he wishes, I want to give you my ******** as a gift. I want to eat your pussy and any pussy you want me to until I am the best cunt muncher you have ever had. I am a rich white whore whose only purpose in life for now on is to service black pussy and cock. I want to swallow black cum, I want to savoir black pussy, and I want to feel a cock in my ass and please allow me to eat out my ********. I want to be more than just another slut for you. I want to be more than Karen is to you. I want to be your dirtiest slut, your kinkiest whore, your most obiedant slave."


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Becky moaned as Derek clearly re-entered her tight white ass, "Thank you mommy, thank you for allowing me to take this massive black cock in my ass. Will you suck the cum out of my ass after he comes mommy. Will you eat my pussy till I spray my pussy juice all over your face?"

"If mistress Amy allows me to, I will suck out every drop of black cum from your whore ass and I will eat your pussy anytime you want. "

Amy, clearly impressed by the complete degradation of her new whore, said "Jessica you will be a good slave. Now go crawl under your ******** and eat her pussy as she gets her ass fucked. " I eagerly obeyed. I licked and sucked on her young ripe pussy, which was a challenge as her body shook with each stroke of Derek's hammering. Suddenly Becky quit moving and I quickly realized that Derek was spurting into my ********'s ass. As soon as he pulled out, I leaned up and started sucking the cum out of her ass. The act was so dirty and so wrong and yet I loved every second of it. I sucked hard, then I pushed my tongue as deep into her ass as I could. As soon as I could not find any more cum, I turned around and dove to Derek and shoved his still stiff cock into my mouth. I eagerly retrieved every last drop of cum I could find.

Derek moaned and said, "Holy **** bitch. You are one nasty whore."

Amy now wearing a strap-on, walked over to me and without any warning plugged my pussy. Unlike Martin's puny pecker, this cock was long and thick. I don't know if it was the length of the cock, the width of the cock or the complete **********, but I orgasmed after only a couple minutes and again and again. All the while, I kept sucking on Derek's cock, who unlike Martin was useless after one load, was ready for more. Derek pulled his cock out and replaced the plastic cock with his thick real one. At first he went in slow, when I tried to buck back on his cock, he pulled out. He then went back in and he fucked me in a way I have never even considered. He fuck me so slow that I desperately just wanted to buck back, he went deeper than I thought was possible and then would just sit there in me to the hilt. Then he would do a few fast powerful strokes and then pull almost completely out. Every once and a while I would try to speed up the fucking and he would pull out. Finally I succumbed to the teasing pleasure and enjoyed what I think was an hour long fuck. Slow, fast, deep in, almost out and finally when he went for broke he hammered his rod as fast as heavenly possible always thrusting in all 9 inches. For the first time ever I orgasmed on a real cock and I did so at the same instant his cum sprayed into me. I kept bucking back never wanting his cock to leave me. Finally, he pulled out his massive cock finally shrinking. My pussy was only empty for a couple seconds before my ******** returned the favor attempting to retrieve all Derek's cum from my pussy. Eventually I collapsed exhausted.

I looked at Amy who was in he same position as a couple hours ago, my ******** was also in the same position, back between her legs. Amy smiled at me and said, "Jessica, happy with your decision?"

For the first time in a long time I smiled too, "Oh yes, I have never felt so free in my life."

Amy laughed, "That is ironic, you give yourself to me and you feel free."

I shrugged, "I am free. I no longer have to pretend to be the perfect wife. I no longer have to fake orgasms for my small cock husband. I can now have orgasms. I have now felt pleasure I did not even know exist. And lastly, I know that you will make me a perfect whore. '

"Oh that I will. Now I must tell you I promised Karen she would be the first to fuck your ass. Thus, you are not allowed to taste my pussy or any other pussy, touch a cock, until you go over to her house and submit to her."

"Yes mistress. I will go over there tonight."

"I assumed you would. Now tomorrow I am having a party. It is a costume party. It will turn into an orgy. You and your ******** will be servants for the evening. That means you do whatever any of my guests request. Anything. At midnight you will put on a special ****** show. Also, your husband must come over to me to discuss our new situation."

"What do you have planned mistress?"

"Well Derek and him get along really well so I want to allow him to be a part of this. I will explain the situation and if he is willing to submit to me as well, he can keep being married to you. He will then be allowed to fuck some of my whores, but never his wife as you are now only allowed to fuck who I want you to. That said, I would like to see him fuck his ******** or maybe have his ******** fuck him."

Becky lifted her head up, "Oh mistress, can I fuck daddy? Can I use the penetrator?"

Amy laughed, "Sure honey, now never again quit pleasing me without permission."

"Sorry mistress," Becky said and returned to Amy's pussy.

I began to get dressed when Amy said, "Tomorrow we will go and get costumes for the evening. Faster, faster, uhhhhh. Jess your ******** has an amazing tongue. Becky sometime soon I want your whole team over for a special party."

Becky smiled and said, "I have eaten and been eaten my half of them, the others are stuck up bitches."

Amy laughed, "Well that can be changed. Jessica lay on the ground."

I obeyed. Amy straddled my face and then without warning a hot liquid sprayed all over my face. I opened my mouth and drank as much of her piss as I could. Something that should have been complete *********** just seemed like a logical transition in my new role as whore. After she finished, I leaned up and licked her piss from her pussy. I then said, "Thank you for the piss mistress."

Amy got up and said, "Oh Jessica, we are going to have an amazing time together."

Becky crawled over and began kissing me with such tenderness that my pussy began to get wet again. Amy laughed and said, "Ladies enough. Jessica has a job to do before anything else."

As we left, I turned around to see Derek hard again had slid his cock into his wife's ass.


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I wondered what to wear for the evening event. I knew I was about to take a strap-on in the ass. But I wanted to let Karen know that I had the power. I wore red stockings with a matching garterbelt, the black leather skirt that revealed it all and a see through blouse with no bra. At 7PM I made the walk of shame and knocked on the door. To my surprise, although nothing should of surprised me any more the door was opened by Jill in her cheerleading outfit, she smiled at me and said "Come on in Mrs. Parker."

"Thanks Jill," I replied politely and entered. I should note that Jill, the girl who sucked off Principal Walker, in the blackmail plot earlier, was a rich bitch at school that dated the quarterback of the team, and bullied many of the other girls. She was one of the girls I disliked the most as I felt sorry for the girls who were not as pretty, rich, etc as her.

Jill led me downstairs and I was greeted by Karen with a video camera dressed in a full silk nylon body stocking with a convenient openings at her pussy and ass. On the couch was Heidi with her legs open dressed in white stay-ups her shaved pussy in clear view until Jill walked over there, dropped to her knees and began licking. Beside her was another black women, about 40ish, also wearing white stockings with a garterbelt and she had the biggest breasts I had ever seen on a woman. Between her legs was a redheaded cheerleader, which I assumed was Lauren Zinger, which it was. Lauren was a pretty girl, but more so she had it all. She came from a well-off family, but she did not flaunt it. She had the highest average of any student in the school. She was polite, friendly and respected by all. Besides being a cheerleader, she was school president and captain of the debate club. Yet, there she was, on her knees, eating black pussy, like a dirty slut. On a separate chair was another black woman, late 50s I guessed, who had large sagging breasts and she too had a cheerleader between her legs. The blonde hair did not give me a guarantee of who it was. The older, larger woman, was wearing red stockings and was telling the blonde that she was a shitty pussy eater and that she was white trash that needed to be trained to be a good whore. With that, Karen walked over, grabbed one of the three empty wine bottles from the table, and plunged it into her ass. A muffled scream erupted from the old ladies' pussy. Karen then said, "Jessica, get over here and fuck this slut with the bottle."

Clearly Karen was testing to see if I had submitted, although my outfit probably gave it away, I walked over to the blonde, took the bottle, and started to fuck her gently . I tried to figure out who the girl was, but her head was buried so deep in the large black woman's legs it was impossible to tell. The black woman, who I later learned was Heidi's *********** Edna, demanded, "Fuck her fast in the ass, none of this gently ****. Or I will shove that bottle up your ass. "

I understood quickly my role and the blonde cheerleader in the ass fast with the bottle. Karen smiled and said, "So Jessica what can I do for you?"

I looked her in the eye and said, "I want you to be the first to fuck me in the ass."

Karen smirked and said, "But you were so offended by my behavior just a couple days ago."

"I know, my mind thought it was wrong, but my body overruled me. I now understand why you submitted to Mistress Amy, we had no choice."

At this moment Heidi screamed as an orgasm shook her body, this was followed by the other black woman's, Tamara I would later learn,(and Heidi's best friend) orgasm. Edna then pulled up the blonde by the hair and demanded "Jill get her expert tongue over here and do a better job then your useless friend. Heidi, I think the blonde bitch needs to be disciplined."

The blonde cheerleader was Brittany, the dumbest girl I had ever taught. She had a rep for being the school slut and one always assumed it was true. Heidi grabbed he by the hair and but her over her knee and spanked her bare ass, the bottle still in it.

Karen continued, "Surprised to see your students here?"

"Not Jill since I already knew her story and not Brittany because she is, well, Brittany. But Lauren, I am stunned to see Lauren here."

Heidi laughed "Did your fall from purity teach you nothing? All white bitches need to know their place. Some like Brittany here are too easy, she was already a whore and will never be a great pussy eater she is to fucking stupid. But she will be a good fuckstick for the boys. A pretty white girl whose only purpose is to suck and fuck cock. Jill also was rather easy. She wants to move up the ladder and figured out quickly where the power was. But Lauren she was different. She walked in on Jill fucking Brittany in the changeroom and actually apologized and left. I realized quickly that Lauren hated confrontation and she would also be easy prey. She can't say no. Her whole life has been about pleasing others in different ways, I knew she would be very good at pleasing me. Girls like Lauren have been trained to focus on only one thing: success and thus when they first feel the pleasure of their sexuality, something they have avoided their whole life, it overwhelms them. After their first fucking or their first pussy, they usually become addicted to such pleasure and become the best submissive slaves. Also, because they have spent their whole life at the top and trying to be the best, they use a similar work ethic in the bed. So I simply called her in my office one day and said, 'We need to talk about your role as a cheerleader. Come to my house tonight at 7.' Of course she did. When she arrived, similarly to you tonight, she walked in to see Jill on her knees eating me out. Carla, who is out of town tonight, had let her in and she returned to eating my mom's pussy. (Carla was Jill's twin sister) I said 'Lauren, you must understand as a cheerleader your role is to be more than just a supporter, you must do everything in your power to help the team win. To motivate them. ' She just starred at my naked body and said 'I don't understand.' I then clapped and our three football coaches walked in stark naked. 'Honey, our coaches need to be stress free to do their job. Take off your clothes Lauren.' She paused and I demanded, 'Now.' She quickly undressed. 'You want our team to win right?' She shook her head yes. 'Have you ever been fucked?' She shook her head no. 'Have you ever sucked cock?' Again no. 'Ate pussy?' No. 'Well, by the end of today you will have a new answer for all three questions. On all fours.' Lauren obeyed. (I should note that all three coaches are large black men. Our head coach Bill is a well built machine and quite hot; our other coaches who I have no idea what they do are both unattractive with Biff being at least three hundred pounds). Biff shoved his cock into her mouth, while coach plugged her pussy. Brittany took Warren's in her mouth. Long story short, Lauren took all three men's cum and finished by eating my pussy."

I looked at Lauren who looked humiliated by the whole ordeal. "Now, now Lauren, don't look ashamed. You're a slut. It is who you are. Tell your English teacher what else you have done."

Lauren clearly did not want to tell me, someone who taught her daily and respected her greatly, her dirty secrets, so I broke the ice, "Don't worry Lauren, I ate cum out of my ********** ass earlier today and would love to eat your pussy right now in front of all these women."

This seemed to relax Lauren, "Well it all started two weeks ago. After being gangbanged, I went home ashamed, but I was so horny that I couldn't stop thinking about how good having sex made me feel. That night, I fucked myself with a brush, but it wasn't the same. The next night, after practice, I told Jill my feelings and she took me to a party at the college and I spent the night taking cock after cock after cock. I was ashamed, but I loved it and wanted more. Jill says I fucked over 30 guys, and I realized everything I had been missing."

Heidi laughed, "Don't forget your love of pussy."

Lauren let out a small chuckle, "I have also become addicted to eating pussy, and Jill, Carla and Brittany have been using me as their personal pussy pleaser every day since. "

"Well enough fucking storytime," Karen declared, "I have to fuck my friend's ass. Jessica bend over the stool there. " I obeyed. Karen continued, "I am going to love this. Is the tape ready Jill?" Jill replied of course and then Karen yanked off my skirt and after a little gentle insertion to get me lubed, she plunged her strap-on in my ass. Did I enjoy it at first, not really, but as the strokes continued the original pain subsided and a strange pleasure replaced it. I began to meet her strokes and the whole plastic cock disappeared in my ass. The show went on for 15 minutes or so and the next couple hours blurred in lesbian debauchery. I ate out Heidi, I fucked Jill, Lauren and I 69'd and Heidi's mom finished the night by fisting me until I passed out. I eventually staggered home tired and sore, knowing that tomorrow was even going to be crazier.


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I woke up feeling really strange. It was only yesterday that I had willingly allowed myself to become a sex slave to my black neighbour. It was only yesterday that I ate cum out of my ********** ass after she was ass-fucked by a massive black cock. It was only yesterday that I was fucked in the ass by my vice principal in front of three students from my school. It was all only yesterday. Thus today everything seemed so surreal. What do I say to my ********? My husband? I fretted in bed late and when I finally got up my husband was gone and my ******** was in the kitchen dressed in a complete hooters outfit. My ******** walked over to me and gave me a big hug. She, reading my thoughts, said, "Mom, things are still the same. I still love you. I still will excel in school. I still will play all my sports. The only difference is now I, I mean we, have a mistress."

"Um, ok," I said.

"Oh, one more thing is different too."

"Only one," I joked.

"Well probably more than one," she laughed, "You can have me between your legs anytime you want. You can taste your ********** delicious nectar anytime you want." She was now in front of me, her breath on my ear. "You can fuck me anytime you want or I can fuck you anytime you want." My legs bucked a bit as her hand caressed my ass and she nibbled my ear. She then gave me the most sexual lengthy kiss a ******** can give a ******. She then broke the kiss and said, "I could throw you on the floor right now, spread open your legs and eat your pussy till you quake with pleasure. I could grab the strap-on mistress gave me to fuck you with and make love to my ****** in such slow motion you will beg for me to make you cum."

"Yes," I moaned, eagerly waiting for her words to become reality.

She then turned and went to grab the toast that had popped from the toaster, "But mommy, mistress said we can't do anything till the party tonight."

After I regained my composure I said, "Honey, you can't do that to me."

"What?" she asked innocently. "Did your ******** get you horny?"

"What do you think?" I asked still feverish.

"Don't worry mommy, everything I said I would do to you I will, over and over again. By the way, mistress sent over our outfits for tonight." She did a twirl in her perfect hooters outfit, her firm breasts barely held in against the tight shirt and her legs looked amazing covered in the dark brown trademark hooters pantyhose that make every woman's legs look perfect. "Your matching outfit is in the bathroom."

"Thanks honey," I said and had breakfast. Slowly my horniness withered away and we actually talked about school and normal stuff until she asked, "So is working at school with Karen going to be weird after she took your anal cherry?"

I spit milk out of my mouth when my ******** asked such a blunt question. "How do you know about that?"

"Amy and I watched it live on the cam feed with Derek, before Derek fucked the **** out of me."

"Oh why doesn't that surprise me? Did you enjoy watching it?"

"Of course, although I missed a bit as Amy had me munching on her box for a while during the show. But I could tell you really got into it with that Lauren girl. I was almost jealous."

I blushed. "Um it was nothing. It was just to see such a good girl turn into such a, well, subservient slut, got me hot and I just had to have her. I can't even explain it."

"Don't worry mom. Mistress Amy told me I could have her as my personal fuck toy if I wanted. So she will be coming over tomorrow afternoon for her first training."


"Yes, I am going to turn her into my personal slave. Teach her the exact way I like to be pleased. She is my toy."

"Nice," I said a little annoyed.

"Mommy, you are not jealous?"

"No honey, it's just I want her to still be the same determined dedicated girl she was before these events."

"Oh mom, she will still go to Harvard or wherever she plans to go, she will just also be a sexual being. Something she was gifted by that black teacher."


"Yes her. Mom we are all better off now. I never knew such pleasure could exist. My last two practices since I became a slave were my best. All my stress, all that pressure, just disappeared when perspective was given."

"Perspective?" I queried.

"Yes. There is much more to life then just sports; or for Lauren just school. We are sexual beings and when we maximize our sexuality and find our perfect sexual bliss we can maximize everything we do. Don't you feel more liberated mommy."

"I never thought liberated. But I suppose it is true. The pleasure I have experienced these last 24 hours is more then I had my whole life combined. But in some ways I feel constricted now. I know that I am bound to needing that pleasure now, that I am addicted to that intense joy. How will I focus on my job? My life?"

My ******** came and gave me a massive hug. "Oh mom, wait till you go back to school on Monday, I bet you will be a better teacher. You will be thinking clear for the first time ever."

"What if someone finds out about my..."

She cut me off. "Mom, none of the girls will ever tell. If they do, they would be punished in such a harsh way. It won't happen. The biggest worry for me is how do I not just grab my hot teammate and just fuck her. But I don't. Will I try to seduce her in time, I might. Mistress Amy said seducing you was the most fun she had in a long time and you know me, I love a challenge."

I laughed. "Oh that you do. What surprised me honey is how easy you submitted. You are so strong-willed."

"Mom, I am determined in sports, but I have always been insecure sexually. I don't know why, but I knew the minute Amy touched me that I wanted to be hers. I had never even considered another woman before, but I knew in seconds that all I wanted was to please her. And the moment I was first between her legs I realized what I had been missing out sexually my whole life."

My ******** then kissed me, her tongue danced inside my mouth and then she broke the kiss and said, "Mommy, don't worry I think tonight you will get more than you ever imagined."

She left and I went and had a shower. After the shower I put on the hooters outfit and did my usual things. I marked a few papers, did laundry, watched an old CSI and just watched the clock slowly move closer to 7PM.



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Becky and I had supper together and did not once mention the night ahead. At ten to seven, Becky announced it was time to head over and that was then I started to have second thoughts. Was I really going to be a sexual servant at a party for my neighbour? Was I going to allow my ******** to be used by god knows who? The more I thought about it the more I thought no, this was wrong. I decided we were not going to do this.

I said, "Becky, this is wrong."

Becky looked at me startled and said, "What is?"

"This whole thing; the outfits; the expectations. I am nobody's slave," I said with determination.

Becky laughed out loud, "Nice one mom, you almost had me going there."

"I am serious Becky. We are not going over there. We need to be much more civilized than this. You and I are more than just sex toys. "

Becky finally realized I was serious she panicked. "Mom, you have to go. We have to go."

"No Becky, I had a temporary lack of judgment, but I am back and I forbid you to go."

Becky got upset. "Mom you can't do this. You can't disappoint our mistress."

"Becky you got to stand up for yourself. We have to hold on to our independence."

Becky laughed, "I agree. I independently have decided I am going to my mistress's house." She got up to leave and I got in front of her.

"No," I said with great *****. She looked at me, turned and went to her room.

Ten minutes passed till I went up to her room. I knocked on the door, but she did not answer. I slowly opened it and quickly realized she was not in her room. I knew instantly, she had gone out the window and was at Amy's house. I was furious she had disobeyed me. I headed instantly to Amy's and walked right in.

I was greeted by three women all dressed in the same hooter outfits. One was Abby Walker the local news TV reporter, another was Ashley Prollen a girl who lived three doors down the street and was a track star training for the upcoming summer Olympics. The third was Zelda Palkin, a girl who graduated last year from my school, whose parents were the richest family in town. I walked past them looking for my ********. In Amy's livingroom were a variety of black women, all dressed very professionally, having cocktails. One black woman was having her feet rubbed by a young brunette, but otherwise it looked like a friendly social gathering. Amy and my ******** were nowhere to be found. I stormed upstairs to Amy's room and found her on her bed, dressed in a one piece pink sundress and matching pink stockings, consoling a crying Becky. Amy looked at me and said, "Slave Becky here was telling me you have had a change of heart."

As soon as she said that, all my convictions withered away, "I---yes---well."

Amy looked at me and said, "You are a whore. God Jessica, just yesterday you sucked my husband's cum out of your ********'s ass and today you feign morals. Plus if you are so morally prudent, why are you wearing the outfit I sent over?"

I looked in mirror and saw my reflection, one that said, "I am a whore."

Amy stood up. "You have greatly upset your ********. Now I normally don't do this, but since we are neighbours this one time I will. If you really wish, you can take your ******** with you and leave, we will stay friends, but you and your lovely ********, will never, ever be allowed to eat from my pussy. You can go back to your boring suburban lives or..." she paused as she pulled off her dress and sat on her bed, "You can beg for forgiveness and crawl over here. Understand there will be a severe punishment for your disobedience."

"Mommy please," pleaded my hysterically ********.

Amy said, "Now, now Becky, your mommy controls your fate. What will it be Jessica, complete **********, or your so-called freedom. I have a party to host."

Again my body began to take control. All those morals I pretended to have faded away and I got on my knees and crawled over to Amy. Both girls smiled on the bed. As I reached her stocking-clad legs, she pulled me up and moved in to kiss me. Suddenly she slapped my face. I pleaded, "Please forgive me. As a ****** I felt guilt for allowing my ******** to be used, but I should be grateful for you opened us up to a world we never knew existed. You found the sexual beast that was stirring inside of us, one I did not know even existed. I promised yesterday I would be a perfect slave and I meant it. I had a lapse of judgment, but I know my place. Use me. Punish me. Humiliate me. My servitude is more important than my husband or my job. To make it up to you, please make me do something that you have never had anyone else do. Mistress Amy, I love you. I mean it with all my heart and only now realize my weak resistance earlier was an attempt to not accept my undying love to you. Not only do you own my body, you own my heart."

Amy then kissed me. "Jessica, don't you see. I love you too. I could have made you my slave long time ago. The seduction was because I love your purity, your sincere heart, your beauty. I want you to be a part of everything I do, but I must know you understand your place. I know you will never do that again, but trust me I am not forgiving a second time.

Amy kissed Becky and said, "Now get downstairs and serve wine to my guests." Becky obeyed and then Amy looked at me and then kissed me with such tenderness and passion that my knees went weak. She broke the kiss and said, "Unfortunately, I have to get to the party so I can't discipline you now. Go downstairs and serve with your ********. Of course, understand you can not say no to anyone's commands."

I responded, "I understand mistress," and headed back downstairs.


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When I arrived downstairs I was a bit taken back. Things had changed a fair amount in ten minutes. Becky, Abby, Ashley and Zelda were all on their knees eating pussy while being timed. As I walked in a woman said to me, "Whore, get between my legs, you are already behind."

I looked up and saw it was school board chair Patricia Heet. She was the biggest bitch on the board.

I quickly went over, got between her chubby legs and started licking. I kept licking; her pussy already drenched, and got her off in only a few minutes. I learned that I had finished last.

Patricia said, "Well Mrs. Jamieson nice to see you. You were last. The person who finishes last in each event gets punished." She looked around and then went to the table that had a smorgasbord of toys. She grabbed a massive 8 inch strap-on and bent me over. She ripped by pantyhose to get access and without any lube started pushing it in my ass. I quivered in pain as she continued pushing, even though my rectum attempted to reject her. Slowly, but surely, all 8 inches filled me as I whimpered in pain. Then she slid back out and exploded back into me, plugging my ass deeper then I ever thought possible. This ravishing of my ass continued for a few minutes until I slowly began enjoying it. She then pulled out and had me suck the toy dry.

Another black woman I did not know then said, "Ok ladies after round one it is Becky 5, Ashley 4, Abby 3, Zelda 2 and Jessica 1. For round 2 we need the boys." She whistled and in came 15 large black men. Each naked, each with a massive already stiff cock. "Sluts," she continued, "Your job is to retrieve 3 loads of cum down your throat as quickly as possible. The last place whore will be punished. Betting may begin."

As all five of us got on our knees, I saw women betting on who would win this competition. Most bet on Abby, while only one woman bet on me. I looked around and still did not see Amy. Anyways, the woman said, "On your mark, get set, suck." I laughed, but was quickly muffled by a stiff 8 inch cock. I quickly went to work. I bobbed up and down on his cock desperate to get him to cum quick. After only a minute I heard the woman say that Abby is on cock two. I picked up the pace and was rewarded with a load of salty cum. I then went to cock two and began sucking. I heard Jessica is on cock two and a few seconds later Becky is on cock two. As I deep throated this thick, but small, black cock, I realized just how much I loved this **********. I wanted to win, I wanted to please, and I wanted to feel the hot seed spray down my throat. As I felt the seed of the second guy spray the back of my throat, I heard the woman say Zelda and Ashley are on cock two. I quickly got to my third cock and almost ****** when I saw its 9 plus inch length. I took it in my mouth and started working, I heard the woman say Jessica is on her last cock. I kind of smiled, as much as one can smile with a big black cock deep in their throat. My happiness was short lived as I heard the women say and Abby is now also on her last cock, followed by Becky is also on her last cock. I bobbed up and down, my jaw already sore, but my determination to win so great. I never got the whole cock in, but I got a ton of it and as the stud grabbed my head and started face fucking me, I knew he was close. Soon I felt his seed slide down my throat and he kept on fucking my mouth until every last drop had been retrieved. As he slid out, I looked around and saw that Ashley had just began sucking her last cock and Zelda still was working on number two. As I took a brief rest, I watched my beautiful ******** suck the cock of some 60 something old man. She bobbed up and down eagerly, not remotely disgusted by the kinkiness of the situation. At about the same time both her and Abby finished off their men. Zelda finally started number three, just as Ashley swallowed her final load. At this time, the woman said, "This time Zelda is in last place. Now as you all know Zelda is from the richest family in town. It is time to pay back that family and all the condescending arrogance." She grabbed a camera and said, "Zelda tell your mommy who owns you now."

Zelda looked straight into the camera and said, "Hi mommy. I love you. I also love to eat black pussy. To take a big, thick long black cock and suck it, then take it in my young ripe pussy and then have him shoot his full load right up my tight rectum. Mommy, I am a submissive slut."

The women snapped her fingers and instantly three hard black cocks appeared. Zelda looked at the camera and said, "Mommy, watch me take a cock in all three of my holes. " She then straddled one cock, took another in her ass and a third in her mouth. As the young girl seemed in exotic bliss, I was jealous. Why couldn't that be me? I won.

As I thought this, I saw Mrs. Palkin walk in with Amy. I am sure it was all orchestrated, but the look on her face was pure shock. Amy said, "You got to watch your ********'s declaration of her servitude. Now it is time for you to join her." Mrs. Palkin said nothing her facial expression telling us little.

Zelda took a load of cum all over her face and said, "Mommy, you got to have some real cock, oh yes, fuck my ass. Yes." With that Zelda came from the double pounding.

Amy then said, "Mrs. Palkin, undress."

Mrs. Palkin shook her head no. Amy laughed and said, "That is one. Undress."

She again shook her head, but with less confidence.

Amy smiled and said, "That is two. You do not want to hit three slut. Three means this video of your ******** is online in the next hour. Now get undressed."

She looked around, realizing her predicament, and then slowly slipped off her skirt, her pantyhose, her blouse and bra. She had an amazing body still.

"Now since you disobeyed me twice, instead of getting a nice hard dick in you, you are going to retrieve the cum from your ********'s ass."

"No, I can't that is *******" she pleaded.

Amy smiled, "After you retrieve the cum from her ass, you will retrieve the cum from her pussy and keep licking until your whore ******** cums all over your face. If you do not the video goes online. You choose."

At that moment one guy shot his load into Zelda's ass and pulled out and then Zelda bucked up and down on the black cock until this seed sprayed inside her vagina walls.

Zelda slid off, got on all fours and said, "Mommy, please cum and clean my ass."

Tears filled her eyes as she walked over to her ******** and buried her tongue in her ********'s just fucked ass. The camcorder taped the ********* situation as Zelda then got onto her back, grabbed her ****** and shoved her ******'s face into her pussy. Zelda was a dirty little bitch who verbally ****** her ******, "Oh yes mommy slut, suck my cunt. Mistress is taping this and you are now her slave too. You have eaten cunt before haven't you mommy, finger me mommy. I am going to be using you every night mommy. Oh mommy, you are making your baby so wet, my cunt is wet from your lesbo tongue mommy. Make me cum. Yes...."

Amy, now in charge, said, "Well welcome guests. Betting will begin on round 3 asap. Third round is who can resist an orgasm for the longest. After two rounds the score is Becky 9, Ashley 6, Abby 6, Jessica 6 and Zelda 3. Sluts lie down and spread em."


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We all did. Then each of us was inserted with a thick vibrator turned on high. We then had a vibrating egg slid into our ass. Amy explained, "The first one to cum loses and so forth. Good luck whores." The double sensation was pretty intense, but I just tried to ignore the teasing tantalizations. It only took a couple minutes before Becky orgasmed screaming 'Fuck yes,' from the toy sensations. I instantly worried about her punishment, but stayed focused on winning. During the next couple minutes Ashley and Abby also climaxed and it was just Zelda and me. Just as I was close to cumming I heard Zelda scream and then seconds later I followed, winning my second straight round.

Amy announced, Jessica with back to back wins is now in the lead, but her ******** now needs to be punished for her quick pussy trigger. But first lets watch the trailer for my brand new movie I just finished editing late last night. Please watch the video called "The Seduction of a Surburban Housewife."

My mouth dropped as I began watching my downfall to whoredom. The video started when I came over the first day, it then replayed every sordid piece of my journey. It focused on my face blushing when she talked about her sex life; it caught me starring at her stocking covered legs on many occasions, it replayed the key moments of my ******* night where she dressed me, the video focusing on my facial expressions as she dressed me and when she later kissed me. Only a couple seconds of me fucking my husband were there. Then it went to me watching our mailman pleasure Amy, focusing on me licking my lips (which I did not even know I did). It then went to Becky being seduced and finally by me submitting completely to her and eating cum out of my ********'s ass. The video ended with me taking a strap-on in my ass and eating out an 18 year old teenager.

Amy then said, "I get horny every time I watch it. Anyways, Becky and Jessica come on up here and act out this script I wrote for tonight. But first, go to the washroom and put on your outfits."

Becky and I went to the washroom and saw that I was to put on a nun outfit and Becky a cheerleader outfit. Becky laughed and said, "Well this should be interesting."

I shrugged, "We are way past interesting don't ya think?"

"I suppose," she laughed as she finished putting on her outfit. I finished putting on mine and we returned to the show. Amy handed us scripts and said, "Don't disappoint ladies."

We sat down on two chairs and began our scripted dialogue.

Becky the Cheerleader: I need to confess.

Jessica the Nun: The pastor is not here right now, do you want to confess to me?

Becky: Um...ok.

Jessica: Of course, we can't do it in confession.

Becky: Ok. Well, um, I have done a lot of bad things lately.

Jessica: Go on my dear.

Becky: Well, I have become a slave to my black neighbours. I have eaten vagina, had sex in all three of my holes and my ****** also became a part of the action retrieving the sperm from inside me.

Jessica: Oh dear. And you came here to be forgiven dear?

Becky: God no, I want to know how many Hail Mary's I have to do when I plan to keep doing it.

Jessica: Excuse me.

Becky: I know I am a whore now, I can't change that. The pleasure is heavenly.

Jessica: Ummm...

Becky: Also, can I Hail Mary in advance?

Jessica: No. Why?

Becky: Well, I planned to just suck off Pastor Trenton, but I guess I could do you.

Jessica: What?

Becky: (Moving right in front of me) I am going to make you scream to the Gods.

She then kissed me. Of course I feigned shock, but let Becky undress me. She then dove into her mommy's pussy. As she brought me to a desperately needed orgasm I screamed "Oh yes, you are forgiven. Keep submitting," and orgasmed on my ********'s face. I then pushed her to the floor and said, "I need to cleanse the sin out of you my dear." I then buried my face in my ********'s delicious pussy. I licked her pussy and slid a finger inside her to bring her to a second orgasm in a few minutes.

We then got up as Amy said, "Another great movie by the ******-******** team. So to recap after three rounds it is the MILF Jessica with 11, her dyke ******** at 10, Ashley right behind them with 9, our local celebrity with a disappointing 8 and our rich bitch with a mere 7 with only two events left. The next event is extreme fucking musical chairs. As you can see there are five chairs. You will walk around until the music stops and then your job is to get the person off as fast as you can, any way you want. The last one to get their person off is out."

All five of us began are walk around the 5 well hung black studs. Each cock looked delicious as the first song, Britney Spears 'I am A Slave 4 U" played. The music played over almost the songs entirety before coming to a stop. I instantly dropped to my knees and took a nice stiff cock in my mouth. I bobbed up and down and was disappointed after a couple minutes to hear Amy say that Abby was finished. Just as I felt my man's legs begin to tighten I heard Amy announce that Becky had advanced as well and seconds later I advanced as a jet stream of salty goo slid down my throat. I got up and watched the two other young girls both desperately try to get their men off. The two sucked and as I watched I noticed neither had great technique. Zelda had no flow and Ashley did not go deep enough. Finally Ashley got her load of cum and Zelda was eliminated.

Amy said, "Zelda you will go to the bathroom for your punishment. The remaining four will continue the game." Four ladies, all somewhat overweight, sat on the chairs and opened their legs. The music began, this time it was Kiss's 'Lick it Up' and I had to laugh. The music played till the end of the first chorus and when it stopped I instantly dove into the wet and oddly smelling pussy of a large woman. Although somewhat awkward, I got to work. I decided to concentrate on her clit as I slid two fingers into her dripping cunt. This technique got her off relatively quick, just seconds after Abby had got her woman off. It was down to Becky and Ashley to advance and I watched with a rather perverse excitement. I silently cheered on my ******** to get off her chubby woman and although it was close, seconds really, Becky advanced to the third round.

Amy narrated, "And then there were three." Three elderly men, all over 70 at least, maybe 80, sat down on the three remaining chairs. Each black man had a limp cock sitting between their wrinkled legs. As I pondered which of the three would be easiest to get off Prince's 'Get Off' began to play. The song played for only a few seconds and I was back on my knees trying to get a limp cock awake. It took a while, but eventually the cock sprang to life and once it did it took only a couple minutes to retrieve his cum. I got up and watched my beautiful ******** lose as Abby wiped cum off her lips.

Amy announced, "And now for the final round of extreme musical fucking chairs. The winner will be the first ever champion of this probably annual new event. Jessica you sure seem to be doing well in these events after considering leaving me today."

I looked at her and said, "I will do anything to please you mistress."

Amy smiled and said, "I know you will. So in the final we are going to do something quite different. Jessica and Abby will get in a 69 and the first one to cum loses. Ladies get at it."

I pushed Abby to the ground and soon we were desperately licking each other's pussies. Both used are hands to probe each other's cunts and attempt to find the magical g-spot. Unfortunately for me, she found mine first as she slid one finger up my ass, had another in my cunt and I came hard all over her. As I began to get up Abby said, "Keep licking bitch," and shoved my head back between her legs. I got her off in only a couple more minutes and stood up pissed that I had lost.

Abby announced "There will be a 10 minute break before the final event of the night. The score with one event to go is Jessica 15, Becky 13, Abby 12, Ashley 11 and Zelda 8."


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I went over to Becky and said, "How you holding up?"

"Fine," she responded and said, "You have been amazing today mom."

I shrugged and said, "I don't know what is in me, but as soon as the event starts all I want to do is win."

"Well that you have been doing."

"Except the last one," I said frustrated.

"You can't win them all mom."

"I suppose," I responded, "But I hated losing to that bitch."

********" my ******** said in a faux shocked tone, "what has happened to my prim and proper mommy."

I smiled, leaned into her and whispered, "She died." I then kissed my ******** passionately.

Becky eventually broke the kiss and said, "Fuck you're a slut mommy, but I have to go pee before the last event."

"I should too," I said and we both went to the washroom.

When we got in there we both were shocked to see Zelda dripping in urine. Zelda looked at us and said, "Please straddle my face and pee on me."

Becky shrugged and said, "No problem bitch." She then did exactly that and sprayed her golden stream all over Zelda's face and hair. She then turned to me and said, "Your turn mommy."

I slowly moved to Zelda and straddled her, but couldn't pee. Zelda then moved forward and put her tongue directly on my pee hole. The pressure was all I needed and I peed all over the rich little girl. If she was humiliated she didn't show it as she opened her mouth and tried to ***** as much of my urine as she could. When I was done she licked the last drops of piss from my cunt and said, "Thank you."

I looked down at her and said absurdly, "Your welcome." I then moved away from her trying to avoid any urine on the floor. I went to the sink and washed my hands, legs and feet and then returned for the final event.

Amy was on stage and waved us sluts over to her. The four of us, Zelda was still in the bathroom, stood side by side waiting our final task. Amy then announced, "And now for the final event...Fantasy. Each girl will have one minute to tell the audience their dirtiest fantasy. They then will be scored by the judges. Up first is Ashley."

Ashley came forward and began, "Well as many of you know I am training for the Olympics. In my fantasy I, of course, win gold and it is at the after party where things get crazy. At the party I am seduced and then dominated by the luscious black women from the South African countries. First I am pleased by many women as they sensually please my whole body. After I have orgasm after orgasm, I am ****** to please all the women. I eat pussy after pussy after pussy as dark skinned African men fuck my pussy and ass filling both my holes with their cum. I want ever load to fill my pussy and ass until it is dripping out of me."

Amy clapped and said, "Very nice Ashley, now let's see if that is a gold medal performance. Judges."

The first judge gives her a 9, the second a 9 as well and the third an 8.

Amy said, "Wow those are very good numbers. The bar has been set high tonight. Up next is our little reporter slut Abby."

Abby grabbed the mic and began, "Well I would be at the Olympics as a reporter, just kidding. No in my fantasy I would become a famous reporter and get to interview all the celebrities. I would get a reputation as being a very thorough journalist who has an expert tongue. I would become a celebrity pussy pleaser, pleasing the pussies of all the top movie stars, divas and so forth. I would be invited to parties where I would just be placed in a bedroom to eat pussy after pussy."

Amy came forward and said, "Well there are some celebrities I would love to have and," she paused for effect, "some I already have. Judges the scores."

The judges were not overly impressed as she got two 7's and a 5.

Amy said, "That keeps Ashley in first with 26 and Abby a distant second with 19. Up next is Becky."

Becky paused for a second before she began, "Well I am on a girl's college volleyball team and most of my teammates are fucking hot. In my fantasy, which I plan to make a reality, I would seduce my team one by one. I would start with Karen, she is a freshman who is a virgin by choice. She is from Wisconsin and apparently they don't believe in sex before marriage. I would seduce her slowly and then turn her into my personal sex toy before offering her here to you all as a contestant at next year's party if that is allowed. I would then get her to help me seduce the other members. After they were all seduced, I would offer us to our black sexy coach and we would all serve her as obedient white sluts as God made us. Thank you."

Amy exclaimed, "Well that is the first time someone has offered us a virgin. Becky you make sure you keep us posted on this exciting conquest. Now judges if you would."

The judges, not surprisingly, liked Becky's fantasy as she received a nine and two eights.

Amy shrugged and said, "Well Becky that was a great fantasy but not enough to take the lead from slut Ashley. Now last, but certainly not least, Jessica."

I grabbed the microphone and began, "Before the last few days my greatest fantasy was two orgasms from my husband in the same week. Now today I have so many fantasies that I know can come true. I want to go to a board meeting as Mrs. Heet's white whore and be ****** to please every board member; I want to go to a glory hole and suck cock after cock; I want to go to my ********'s college, walk into the boy's locker room and have them take turns fucking all three of my holes; I want to have my own 18 year old high school girl as my personal slave when I need to get off at school; I want to be a part of my ********'s exciting fantasy; I want to please every man and woman here; lastly, I want to be the best slave to Mistress Amy ever. My fantasy has become my reality." I then dropped to my knees in complete submissive compliance.

Amy in awe by my words said, "Well that was cheating a bit my slut, but I sure as hell enjoyed it. Judges what is the verdict?"

The judges were almost unanimous as I got two 10's and a 9.

Amy said, "Well that is official slut Jessica with 29 wins this round and the crown of complete whore for the night. Your reward is you get to use the other slaves as you see fit tonight. The final score in case anyone cares is Jessica with an impressive 20, Becky 16, Ashley 15, Abby14 and Zelda, who is still in the bathroom as our personal toilet, 8. Now as you ladies collect your wagers or count your losses, feel free to have another *****, use a slave or fuck each other, whatever. Jessica get over and eat my pussy."

I eagerly obliged savouring every lick of my mistress's perfect pussy. I lapped slowly, teasing her; I fingered her gently, probing her; eventually when she was close she pushed my face into her pussy and rubbed her pussy all over me until she came. I then got up and looked around. The event had turned into an orgy. Becky was being fucked from behind by a big black stud, I couldn't tell pussy or ass, as she sucked on another stiff rod. Abby was fucking an obese black woman with a strap-on; Ashley was in between some sexy black woman's legs as an older black man fucked her ass. Around the room other woman were eating each other; men were getting blow jobs; men were fucking women; a black elderly man was sucking a cock while another black man was being fucked by a strap-on. All perversities were in full scale. Suddenly I felt a hand on my waist and soon felt a cock in my ass. I obediently began bouncing back on it eager to feel it fill me completely. He eventually came in my ass and over the next hour I had two more loads of cum fill me, one in my mouth and the other in my cunt. I ate out a few more pussies and then as things calmed down I grabbed Abby Walker and said, "Lick my ass whore."

She began to say something but I slapped her in the face and then pulled her face into my ass cheeks. I looked and saw that Ashley and Becky were both pleasing a pretty 20 something woman while most of the others were leaving or already had left. After a few minutes of humiliating the reporter bitch, I had her eat my pussy to a breathtaking orgasm.

As I looked over Ashley and Becky were now in a 69 and both were fingering each other furiously as they lapped at each other's ripe pussies. As I watched intently, Mrs. Heet came over to me and said, "That was a very ambitious fantasy slut. But I would hate for you to lose your job or me to have certain secrets revealed. But I would like to have you as my personal hostess at my weekly card night with some of my closest friends."

I smiled and said, "Wouldn't miss it maam. When is it?"

"Thursday evening at 7. Of course I would like you there at 6 to get into the proper attire."

"Of course," I responded.

She leaned in and kissed me. When she broke the kiss she said, "I will e-mail you my address and bring your ********."

"Yes maam," I responded and watched her go.

Amy called me over and said, "Did Mrs. Heet invite you over to your house?"

"Yes mistress," I answered.

"She loves to humiliate just so you know."

"That doesn't surprise me at all."

"Anyways, you still need to be punished, but I have not decided how yet, but leave next Saturday open as that is when it will take place."

"Yes mistress."

"OK, I am exhausted, I am going to bed; you can let yourself out whenever you wish."

"Thanks mistress," I answered.

She smiled and said, "You can call me Amy sweetheart."

"Goodnight Amy," I said as my heart warmed with her generosity.

My ******** was brought to one last glorious orgasm and the night came to an end. We both made it home exhausted and slept in the next day till after church.

I got dressed, hoping to look good for when Lauren arrived for her training with my ********...hoping to be a part of the training,

The end for now...



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Domination ***********

Je m'appel Romain j'ai 20 ans je vis avec ma sœur Chloé 25 ans et ma mère Léa 45 ans. Elles ***t toute les deux brunes aux yeux bleus. Chloé est physiquement presque parfaite, *** seul défaut ***t ses trop petit seins. Ma mère est toujours belle pour *** âge malgré quelques kilos en trop mais plutôt bien répartis et surtout elle a des gros seins et j'aime ça. J'ai pris une année de vacances avant de reprendre mes études et ma sœur et au chômage, nous somme donc tout les deux dans l'appartement toute la journée. Ma mère travail et ne rentre que vers 18h. Je suis célibataire depuis 3 mois et ma sœur vient de quitter *** copain.
J'ai toujours fantasmé sur ma sœur et ma mère. Je les ai déjà aperçu dénudées mais en général elles font attention.
Souvent quand je me branle je m'imagine en train de les dominer. De les fesser, les baiser sauvagement. Mais c'est toujours resté un fantasme......jusqu'à il y a 3 jours.

Ce jour là je devais aller au ciné à 13h avec un pote. Chloé resta à l'appartement. J'arrive au ciné à 12h45, mon pote m'appel et me dit qu'il est malade et qu'il ne viendra pas. Je décide de rentré chez nous. J'arrive un quart d'heure plus tard. J'ouvre la porte, rentre enlève ma veste, quand je réalise que j'entends des choses inhabituelles. J'entends des bruits <<d'humidité>> et des soupirs de plaisir. Mais j'entends surtout un film porno. Et d'après se que j'entends c'est un SM, il y a des bruits de claque et un homme insulte une femme. Il n'y a qu'une seule explication possible,ma sœur se masturbe devant un film SM et elle ne m'a pas entendu rentrer. Cette situation m'excite et une bosse commence à se former dans mon pantalon. J'hésite entre aller dans ma chambre, et donc passé devant la chambre de ma sœur. Ou alors repartir discrètement pour lui laisser le temps de jouir tranquille. Après tout tout le monde a le droit de se faire plaisir. Mais l'excitation prend le dessus et je décide de lui montrer que je suis là. Je me mets dans l'encadrement de la porte de ça chambre. Elle est couchée sur *** lit, deux doigts dans *** minou entièrement rasé et l'autre mains qui caresse ses seins. Ses tétons pointent énormément, sa chatte est trempée de mouille, elle bouge les reins, elle va surement bientôt jouir. Elle ne regarde pas dans ma direction elle a les yeux fixés sur l'écran de l'ordi. L'écran montre une femme qui fait une gorge profonde à un homme pendant que celui ci la fesse sèchement. C'est la première fois que je voit ma sœur totalement nue, je bande encore plus, mon caleçon et mon jean me serre. Je m'avance et décide d'intervenir.
"-Ça va Chloé tu te fais plaisir ?
-Romain!!!?? Mais qu'est-ce que tu fais là!!?? Depuis quand t'es rentré!? Depuis quand tu me regarde ?
-Mon pote est malade, donc j'ai pas été au ciné et je suis revenu. Ça fait 5 minutes que je suis là.
-Franchement ******* de m'interrompre, j'allais jouir en plus!! Mais on dirait que t'aime ça pervers." Dit elle avec un sourire coquin en regardant ma braguette.
Ça réponse me surprend beaucoup. Je pensais qu'elle allait m'engueuler et me dire de dégager. Mais elle mes le film sur pause et me dit.
"-Bon ba maintenant que tu m'a vu, je peux te l'avouer, j'aime le SM. Je rêve qu'un homme me soumette, qu'il me corrige, qu'il ***** de moi, je rêve de baise hard." Ce qu'elle me dit me fais bander encore plus, mon sexe me fait mal tellement mon caleçon et mon jean me serre.
"- Euh ...Désolé si je bande mais t'es très belle toute nue frangine.
-Merci. Et toi ton fantasme c'est quoi?


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Euh... et bien moi euh... je rêve de soumettre une femme à mes désirs sexuel.
"-Humm. On dirait bien que nos fantasmes se complètent.
-Aller, déshabille toi, ton jean va exploser! Si tu veux me dominer il va falloir que tu prenne plus d'initiative frangin."
Puisqu'elle le voulait je décide de définitivement jouer mon rôle de dominateur. J'enlève mon jean et ma chemise mais je garde mon caleçon pour prouver que c'est moi qui décide. Il est tendu au max et mon sexe me fait mal tellement il est serré.
"-Enlève aussi ton caleçon ne soit pas pudique en plus tu a l'air d'être bien monté.
-Tais-toi! C'est moi qui commande maintenant, tu es ma soumise, mon objet sexuel! D'abord il n'est pas question que je te baise dans l'état ou tu es. Tu sent la mouille et la sueur on dirait une chienne en chaleur. Je te laisse 5 minutes pour aller prendre une douche, laisse la porte de la salle de bains ouverte, je t'attendrai sur ton lit. Si tu mets plus de 5 minutes ou si tu n'es pas bien propre en sortant, ça va chier!"
Elle me jète un regard surpris, elle ne s'attendait pas à ce que j'accepte si vite de jouer mon rôle. Mais elle se lève prend un string et un soutien-gorge propre et se dirige vers la salle de bain.
"- Laisse tes sous-vêtement ici, t'en aura pas besoin. Les putes comme toi reste toujours a poil!"
Je tente de lui donner ces ordres avec une voix calme pour paraitre encore plus dominateur, alors que je bande comme un taureau. Elle rentre dans la douche et j'en profite pour aller me branler dans les toilettes de manières à être plus endurant ensuite, je jouis rapidement tellement je suis excité puis je remet mon caleçon sans m'essuyer le sexe pour garder l'odeur.
Au bout de 4 minutes j'entre dans la salle de bain. Ma sœur est lavée, elle s'essuie.
"-Tu a dépassé le délai! je vais devoir te punir! Tu commences mal ton dressage!
-Non c'est faux! Il me reste une minute!
-Tu ose me contredire et dire que je mens! Viens là salope!"
Je l'attrape par ses longs cheveux brun et la tire jusque sur *** lit.
"-Je vais être obligé de te fesser comme tu le mérite.
-Non s'il te plait il me restais une minute ne me fesse pas."
<<CLAk !>> "Ah!" je la claque sur la joue droite, mais pas trop violemment car je ne voulais pas être trop violent pour sa première soumission.
"-Je t'interdit de me dire <<Tu>>. Tu es Chloé ma soumise et je suis ton maitre! Puisque c'est ça je vais te mettre 10 claques sur ton cul de putain et on verra si tu obéis mieux après ça!"
<< CLAK!>> "-AAhh!" <<CLAK! CLAK! CLAK!>> "-AAAhhh!"
A chaque claque elle crie. Je ne veux pas frapper trop fort pour sa première fois, mais c'est suffisant pour faire rougir ses belles fesses rondes et blanches.
<<CLAK! CLAK!CLAK! >> "-AAAAHHHH! J'ai mal maitre!
-Ca t'apprendra !"
-Voilà j'espère que tu va m'obéir maintenant!
-Oui maitre. je ferais se que vous voulez.
-C'est bien ma soumise. Maintenant suce moi, je me suis branlé quand tu te lavais mais taper sur ton cul ça ma refait bander."
Je m'assois au bord du lit et elle se mets à genoux par terre. Elle baisse mon caleçon et grimace car ma bite colle et sent fort à cause de ma branlette précédente. Mais elle commence par caresser ma hampe délicatement avec sa main droite et caresse mes bourses avec la main gauche.
Puis elle me lèche goulument sur toute la longueur avec ça langue. J'appuie sur ça tête pour coller encore plus sa langue à mon sexe. Enfin elle me prend en bouche, sa langue douce tourne autour de ma bite et me titille le gland. Puis elle commence à faire des vas et viens. Elle ne me prend pas complétement en bouche mais je ne veux pas la forcée pour l'instant. En plus je ne me suis jamais fait si bien sucer, je sent qu'elle est plus expérimentée et plus douée que mes ex.
Elle me suce ainsi pendant de longue minutes jusqu'à ce que je ne tienne plus.
"-T'es tellement douée pour sucer que je tu vas me faire jouir. Branle moi que je te recouvre ta gueule de prostituée.
-S'il vous plait maitre je n'aime pas l'éjac faciale."
<<CLAK!>> "-AH!" Je lui claque la joue gauche.
"-Fait ce que je te dit Chloé !! Et ne te plaint pas je pourrais te remplir la bouche, mais je garde ça pour une autre fois."
Elle me branle et je gicle 3 jets sur sa joue, en lui tenant la tête pour être sur qu'elle les prennent bien.
Il nous reste plusieurs heure avant que notre mère, Léa, ne rentre. Et j'ai trop envie de baisé ma sœur. Elle est toujours à genoux à coté du lit avec mon sperme sur sa joue.
"-J'ai envie de te baiser! Branle moi entre tes petits seins pour me remettre en forme.
-Moi aussi j'ai envie que vous me baisiez maitre."
<<CLAK!>> "OOOhhh!!" Je lui claque un sein.
"-Tu n'a pas à avoir d'envie. T'es mon jouet sexuel! Branle moi entre tes miches!"
Elle mets mon sexe entre ses petits seins et commence à faire des vas et viens. Ses seins ***t doux et elle fait ça bien. Je ne mets pas longtemps à rebander.
"- Je suis près à te baiser ma cochonne! Couche toi sur le dos, sur le lit."
Elle s'installe et je me couche sur elle. Je lui roule une pelle, j'enroule ma langue autour de la sienne je lui mordille la langue et les lèvres. Puis j'embrasse ses seins, je les malaxe, les compresses, je joue avec ses tétons qui pointent un max. Je les mordille, je tire dessus avec mes dents, elle grimace mais elle ne dit rien. Dans le même temps je glisse ma mains sur sa fente. Elle est trempée, pas besoin de lubrifier. La fessée qu'elle a reçu et la pipe qu'elle ma faite l'ont excitée comme une folle.
"-T'es trempée! T'es vraiment une salope nymphomane! Je vais te remplir la chatte avec ma bite!"
Sa chatte est belle, lisse et pas très élargie. Je présente mon gland à l'entrée de sa fente, je crache sur sa chatte, et je pousse un coup sec. Je rentre entièrement d'un coup. Elle pousse un "OOOHHH!" de surprise, de douleur et de plaisir mélangé.
"-Ta chatte est serrée, ta pas du en prendre beaucoup des bites! Pourquoi tu voulais pas que tes copains te baise ? Pourtant t'es une trainée! Tu t'es préserver pour moi, c'est ça, hein ma chienne ?
"-HUM oui! Ils étaient tous..Hum.. nul au lit. OHH OUI c'est bon! Défoncez moi svp maitre.
-Ca va te changé parce que moi je vais te tringler tout les jours!
-AH!...OH! OUI!......oui oui oui! Encore!"
A chaque vas et viens je vais taper au fond de se grotte.
je m'accroche à ses seins je les enferme dans mes mains. Je les claque. <<CLAK! CLAK>> Puis je pince *** clito, je le maltraite! je joue avec.
"-AAHH!.....Putain c'est bon!!.....OUI!! OUI!!J'aime ça!!"
Ma bite nage dans sa mouille. Ça me coule entre les cuisses. Je continue longuement mes vas et viens. Elle ne peut plus parler tellement je la secoue. Ses seins partent dans tout les sens. J'accélère encore et je tape plus fort au fond de *** trou. Je branle plus fort *** clito. Sa tête part en arrière, elle ferme les yeux.
"-Je vais jouir!!.....Oui maitre c'est bon!! OUI OUI OUI!!... AHHHHHH PUTAIN !!!! Merci maitre!!
-T'aime ça jouir comme une truie ? Hein salope !!"
Elle m'a inondée la bite, et je sens que je vais bientôt tout lâché aussi. Elle prend la pilule je peux donc lui remplir la chatte sans problème.
"- T'est tellement bonne que je vais jouir aussi! Ah je viens! Tiens prend ça salope de Chloé soumise! Tiens prend mon sperme dans ta chatte!"
J'éjacule au fond d'elle. Je n'éjacule pas beaucoup car je me suis déjà vidé 2 fois en une après-midi.
Je me retire d'un coup et un mélange de mouille et de sperme se répand sur les draps. J'aperçois *** trou du cul bien rose et probablement vierge. j'en ai envie, mais je suis vidé.Je me promets de m'en occupé une prochaine fois. Chloé tente de reprendre *** souffle et ses esprits.
"-Lève toi et viens avec moi dans la douche je vais te laver! Tu voudrais pas que ta mère te vois nue, pleine de mouille, de sperme, de sueur, et les fesses rougies par mes mains."
Nous allons dans la douche et l'on se lave mutuellement, tendrement en se caressant comme deux amoureux.
"-Tu peux reprendre ton rôle classique de sœur pour aujourd'hui. Pour une première fois tu a été une assez bonne soumise. Mais j'ai été gentil, à partir de demain tu va vraiment commencer à être dressée.
-Merci pour tout maitre. Je serai une bonne soumise vous serez fier de moi, c'est promis."
On sort de la douche puis on établit les règles de notre nouvelle relation. On convient d'un mots de passe à prononcer pour que tout prenne fin.
"-Étant donné que lorsque l'on se lève le matin maman est partie et qu'elle ne rentre que vers 18h. Tu devra porté de ton réveil jusqu'à 17h30: des hauts talons, des bas et portes jarretelle un string et un soutien gorge. Rien de plus."
"-Comme tu voudra frangin. J'accepte d'être ta soumise à une conditions: que tu me fasse jouir au moins une fois par jour. Vu se que tu m'a fait aujourd'hui je ne m'inquiète pas."
On continue de discuter, notamment de se qu'il nous fallait achetés comme accessoires: menottes, cravache, martinet, gode, laisse, collier...
Puis maman rentre et l'on reprend jusqu'au soir notre quotidien habituel sans parler de notre nouvelle relation.


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Voici la suite du récit de ma domination sexuelle sur ma sœur, Chloé. Comme je vous l'ai dit dans mon premier chapitre, à la fin de notre première après-midi de domination j'ai établi les règles de sa soumission. Les voici:
- Elle doit se lever à 8h30 chaque matin (notre mère, Léa, part à 8h) mettre un ensemble string ficelle, soutien gorge et porte jarretelle avec des bas et des chaussures à hauts talons. Rien de plus.
- Après s'être habillée elle doit me préparer mon petit déjeuner. Une fois fait elle peut prendre le sien. Puis elle doit attendre mon réveil assise sur le canapé.
- Dès que je me lève elle doit me servir mon petit déjeuner. Puis attendre que je l'autorise à aller se laver, mais toujours la porte ouverte.
- Durant la journée elle est libre de circuler dans l'appartement mais elle doit me préparer à manger pour midi et ne pourra manger qu'après moi, sauf ordre contraire.
- De plus elle doit venir immédiatement quand je l'appel et faire tout ce que je lui demande.
- A 17h30 elle doit nettoyer l'appartement et s'habiller correctement avant que notre mère ne rentre.
- Dernier point très important, elle n'a pas le droit de se masturber, je suis le seul à pouvoir lui donner du plaisir.
Maintenant que les règles ***t fixées, sa première journée d'esclave sexuelle va pouvoir commencer.

Il est 8h15 du matin, je suis réveillé mais je reste au lit. Je veux attendre 8h30 pour entendre (l'appartement est petit) si ma sœur se lève, s'habille et va préparer mon petit déjeuner comme elle doit le faire. A l'heure prévue j'entends ça porte s'ouvrir et le bruit de ses talons se diriger vers la cuisine.
Je me lève à 9h, j'enfile un caleçon et je vais m'asseoir à la table de cuisine. Pour y aller je suis obligé de passer devant la porte du salon. Dès l'instant où Chloé me voit passer elle ce précipite dans la cuisine également pour me servir mon petit déjeuner. Elle me sert mon café et des tartines toutes faites.
"-Reste debout contre le mur face à moi pendant que je mange. J'ai envie de mater ton corps de salope dans tes habits de pute."
"-Bien maître." Dit elle en baissant les yeux. Je la regarde, elle est sublime. Elle porte un ensemble noir et rouge en dentelle, des bas bruns foncé qui tranche avec sa peau blanche et des chaussures noirs à hauts talons accroché par une boucle à sa cheville.
Cette magnifique vision me fait bander dès le matin, jusqu'à ce que je termine de manger.
"-Maintenant va te laver et insiste bien sur ton trou du cul, je vais te le dépuceler!
-Non s'il vous plaît je ne veux pas, ça va me faire mal, s'il vous plaît maître pas la sodomie."
<<CLAK! CLAK!>> Je lui mets deux gifles, plus violentes que la veille. Elle me regarde avec les yeux humides, la dureté des claques l'a surprise.
"-Je te donne 30 minutes pour prendre une douche, te laver les dents, te coiffer, te maquiller et t'habiller! Si tu es dans les temps je te sodomiserai doucement mais plus tu seras en retard plus je te casserai le cul violemment!
-Je serai à l'heure maître, c'est promis."
Elle va dans la salle de bain et pendant qu'elle se lave je regarde les résultats sportifs à la télé.
J'essaye de ne pas penser à elle pour calmer mon excitation.
Au bout de 30 min pile elle arrive dans le salon, elle a remis ses habits de ce matin, ses cheveux ***t lissés et elle est légèrement maquillée. Elle est encore plus belle que ce matin et je rebande de plus belle. Mon caleçon devient trop serré.
"-Viens te mettre à genoux devant moi, ma salope !! Suce-moi ! Enfonce ma bite jusqu'à la garde dans ta bouche de traînée!!"
Elle commence à me lécher la tige, puis les boules, elle m'embrasse le gland, le décalotte et me prend en bouche. J'appuie sur sa tête pour l'obliger à me faire une gorge profonde, elle bave énormément, elle a des hauts le cœur, mais j'insiste jusqu'à se qu'elle soit proche de vomir puis je me retire. Elle réussi à prendre mes 18 cm en bouche, je ne sais pas comment elle fait. Sa langue tourne autour de mon sexe pendant que je lui baise la bouche. Elle a de la bave plein le visage, mon sexe est trempé, le carrelage au sol également. Je lui impose se traitement pendant plusieurs minutes. Quand je sens que je vais jouir, j'appuie sur sa tête pour l'obliger à me garder en elle. Je lui envoi plusieurs jets de sperme chaud au fond de la gorge et elle manque de s'étouffer.
"-Avale tout mon jus Chloé comme la bonne chienne que tu es! Ne gâche rien!! C'est bien t'es une bonne pute! Maintenant mets toi en levrette sur la table basse je vais t'enculer!!
-S'il vous plaît ne me faite pas mal maître, je vous en supplie." Je vois dans *** regard une grande appréhension.
Elle se met à quatre pattes sur la table basse et je baisse *** string.
Je tartine *** petit trou serré avec du lubrifiant, et je caresse sa chatte dans le même temps pour l'exciter, mais la mouille qui en sort me prouve que ce n'est pas nécessaire. Je me branle entre ses fesses pour reprendre de la vigueur. Puis je commence à lui masser la rondelle, enfin je présente mon doigt à l'entrée et commence à pousser doucement.


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"-AAHH!!" Elle se crispe, elle sert les dents et *** trou se ferme autour de mon doigt.
"- Détend toi salope! Sinon j'y vais d'un coup et tu va en chier!
-J'ai mal maître.
-Si tu ne te détends pas t'aura encore plus mal, pauvre conne !!"
Je continue d'enfoncer mon doigt.
"-AAAHHH!!" Elle se crispe encore mais je décide de mettre un deuxième doigt dans *** cul.
-Je t'ai dit de te détendre!! Tu ne le fais pas, t'es une pute conne c'est ton problème!! Je vais quand même t'enculer!"
Je retire mes doigts et enduit mon sexe de lubrifiant, puis je place mon gland à l'entrée de *** trou et je pousse d'un coup sec pour le faire entrer.
Dans le même temps je branle *** clito pour que la douleur soit mélangée au plaisir. Je continue de pousser franchement jusqu'à se que je sente mon gland toucher le fond, *** cul me sert, c'est étroit mais délicieux.
-Arrête de gueuler je suis au fond de ton cul! Tu n'es plus vierge de nulle part!! Je vais pouvoir te niquer par tout les trous maintenant!" *** cul commence à s'habituer à ma verge et je commence à faire de violents vas et viens tout en lui masturbant le minou.
"-OOOOOOHHHHH!!! AIL!! AAAHHH!!" Je la baise par derrière ardemment pendant 20 minutes. Elle ne cesse de hurler de douleur, puis peu à peu ses cris se transforment en cris de plaisir. Sa chatte est inondée, je n'ai jamais vu une fille mouiller autant. Je frappe de plus en plus fort au fond de *** cul et elle jouie violemment.
-T'aime ça espèce de putain!! Je vais te remplir le cul avec mon jus!"
Je continue de la cartonner jusqu'à ce que je lâche ma purée au fond de *** cul, puis je me retire. La mouille qui s'échappe de sa chatte coule sur ses bas et mon sperme commence à sortir de *** cul. Je la tire par les cheveux pour la redresser et lui fourre ma bite dans la bouche.
"-Nettoie ma queue! Tu sens l'odeur de ton cul sur ma bite?
-Oui maître.
-T'aime ça hein salope!"
Elle me nettoie la bite avec sa langue. Pendant que je joue avec ses tétons pointus.
"-Maintenant remonte ton string et va me faire à mangé pour midi pendant que je vais prendre ma douche. Toi je t'interdis de te nettoyer. Tu sentiras la chienne jusqu'à se soir de toute façon t'en es une! Dit le que t'es une chienne!
-Oui maître, je suis une chienne! Je sens la chienne!"
Quand je sors de la douche le repas est prêt. Je m'assois à table et l'invite à manger avec moi pour la récompenser de *** bon comportement matinal. Pendant le repas je fais exprès de lui demander, du sel, de la moutarde, du pain... A chaque fois elle doit se relever et je sens que ça l'énerve. Je poursuis ce petit jeu jusqu'à ce qu'elle soupire bruyamment d'énervement.
"-Tu ose soupirer!! Tu t'énerve parce que je te donne des ordres!! Tu va me le payer après le repas saleté! Je vais t'éduquer, tu va souffrir salope!!!!
-Pardon maître, je ne l'ai pas exprès. Je suis désolée."
Je vois dans ses yeux apeurés qu'elle regrette *** erreur et qu'elle se demande ce qui l'attend. Le repas se termine dans le silence. Elle garde les yeux baissés, elle à peur et j'aime ça. Nous finis***s de manger en même temps, puis elle débarrasse pendant que je la matte. Elle est vraiment sublime avec ces traces de mouille et de sperme sur ses bas.
"-Maintenant je vais te punir ma cochonne! Va te mettre debout face au mur du salon, les yeux fermés et surtout ne te retourne pas!" Pendant qu'elle se mets en place je vais cherché la cravache.
J'arrive dans le salon elle est debout face au mur, les fesses tendu vers moi, elle ne sait pas ce qui l'attend. Je la frappe violemment sur les fesses avec la cravache.
<<CLAK!>> "-AAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!" La violence du coup la fait vaciller sur ses jambes. Je continue de frapper toujours aussi fort, je suis décidé à la punir.
<<CLAK! CLAK! CLAK!...>> "AAAAAHHHHH!! AAAAHHHH!!" Je frappe encore. Les coups de cravache font rougir ses fesses! <<CLAK! CLAK!...>> Je frappe au total une vingtaine de fois. Ses fesses ***t rouges fluo, elle pleure et je bande comme jamais. Je tourne sa tête et l'embrasse. Ma langue fouille sa bouche et elle me rend mon baisé. Je dégrafe *** soutien gorge et malaxe ses seins. Je tire sur ses tétons qui pointent. Je les presses entre mes doigts le plus forts possible.
-TAIS-TOI!!" <<CLAK!!>> Je frappe *** sein, elle sert les dents et ne crie pas. Je baisse mon caleçon, écarte la ficelle de *** string et pénètre *** vagin d'un coup.
"-OOOOHHHH!!" Je la baise ardemment pendant de longues minutes. Je tape au fond de *** vagin et je continue de ******** ses tétons. Je la tamponne tellement qu'elle à du mal à rester debout. Quand je sens qu'elle va jouir je me retire, la mets face à moi à genoux et je me branle jusqu'à éjaculer plein *** visage. Elle en a sur les lèvres, les joues et sur les yeux. Je recommence le tout 3 fois, les coups de cravache, la ******* de ses tétons et la pénétration. A la troisième pénétration je la sodomise et la laisse jouir. Après ma troisième éjaculation faciale je suis vidé et elle est toute tremblotante à cause de la longue punition qu'elle vient de subir. Elle à le visage complètement recouvert de sperme.
"-Maintenant nettoie l'appartement puis va te laver et te changer. Ensuite fais une sieste jusqu'à se que maman rentre! Et j'espère que ta punition ta calmer salope!!
-Oui maître. Merci maître de m'avoir punit.
-Demain je continuerai de te dresser plus durement encore! Maintenant dégage!"
Elle quitte le salon et je vais prendre une douche pendant qu'elle lave l'appartement. Puis je lui laisse la place dans la salle de bain. Elle se lave, enfile des habits corrects et fait une sieste jusqu'à se que notre mère, Léa, rentre. Puis nous reprenons de nouveau notre rôle habituel de frères et sœur.


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Pas mal... pas mal... Merci


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Je me lève à 9h, Chloé et assise sur le canapé du salon. Je vais à la cuisine et m'installe à table. Elle arrive dans la cuisine en lingerie sexy comme prévu, elle est vraiment belle et excitante. Ses fesses ***t toujours marquées de la longue punition de la veille.
"-Bonjour maître Romain.
-Salut Chloé, ma salope. Pas trop mal aux fesses cette nuit?
-Non maître ça va, merci maître."
Elle me sert mon petit déjeuner, comme hier: la vue de ma grande sœur en lingerie sexy et hauts talons me fait bander dès le matin.
"-Suce moi pendant que je mange. Et je veux une gorge profonde, fait ça bien, je ne voudrais pas te punir dès le matin.
-Bien maître, je vais faire de mon mieux."
Elle se met à genoux et baisse mon caleçon. Elle commence à me branler et à me caresser les boules. Ses mains ***t douces, je bande comme un taureau. Elle titille mon gland avec sa langue, lèche mon sexe sur toute la longueur et avale ma bite. Sa langue tourne autour de ma tige, elle met entièrement ma bite dans sa bouche. J'ai du mal à manger tellement elle me pompe fort. Chloé a du mal à respirer mais continue de m'avaler le sexe et de me caresser les bourses.
"-Hmmm Chloé, salope tu va me faire juter dès le matin, continue!! Hmmmmmm!! OUIIIII!! Tiens bois mon sperme!! Avale ma semence !!... Merci ma chienne! Ta bien fait ton travail, va prendre ta douche tu l'a méritée.
"-Merci maître je suis heureuse de vous donner du plaisir."
Elle part prendre sa douche et je termine de manger. Puis je pense à notre mère, Léa. Si elle savait ce que l'on fait Chloé et moi, elle serait choquée.... ou peut être excitée. Je m'imagine en train de dominer ma mère en plus de ma sœur, deux esclaves sexuelles pour moi, se serait le pied.
Je suis sur le canapé quand Chloé sort de sa douche et je suis décidé à la convaincre de joindre maman à nos ébats.
"-Viens là ma soumise! Que penses tu si je faisais de maman ma deuxième soumise?"
Ma question la surprend et lui fait peur.
"-T'es complètement fou!! Moi j'aime être ta pute mais tu ne peux pas parler de ça à maman, et encore moins le lui proposer!!"
Elle est sortit de *** rôle de soumise le temps de me répondre et j'en profite pour la sanctionner d'une claque.
<<CLAK!>> "-AAHHH"
"-Tu me tutoies, tu me traites de fou et tu me contredis. Je me fous de ton avis, se soir quand maman rentre tu garderas tes habits de pute et je la convaincrai de devenir comme toi, une chienne qui dépend de mon sexe! Tu m'a mal parlé, je vais devoir te dresser!
-Pardon maître, je suis désolée, punissez moi mais s'il vous plaît mais ne faite rien à ma mère.
-Mets toi dos au mur et enlève ton soutien gorge!"
Elle s'installe, retire *** soutien gorge et laisse apparaître ses 2 mignons petits seins. Ses tétons pointent déjà, elle sait qu'elle va être punie et cela l'excite. Qu'elle chienne! Je vais dans ma chambre cherché de quoi la punir. Je reviens avec des pinces à linge et un martinet. Je commence à tirer sur ses tétons, je les mords, les pinces, elle grimace mais se retiens de crier. Je prends 2 pinces à linge et les places sur ses tétons tendus. Sa réaction est immédiate.
-Alors tu change d'avis? Tu veux bien que maman devienne ma soumise?
-Non maître!!"
Elle me répond en me regardant droit dans les yeux comme pour me défier de continuer à ******** ses seins. Je place une pince à linge de plus sur chaque seins.
"-AAHH putain!!
-Alors salope?
Je rajoute une pince sur chaque.
-Et maintenant?
-Non maître!"
Je continue de rajouter des pinces et elle continue de me répondre non en serrant de plus en plus les dents à cause de la douleur. Elle a maintenant cinq pinces sur chaque sein. Je sais qu'elle est de mon avis mais elle fait durer car cela l'excite terriblement et moi aussi. *** string est trempé de sa mouille et elle se retient de se masturber. Je décide de passer à l'étape suivante et d'enlever les pinces de ses seins à coup de martinet. Dès le premier coup elle me surprend en jouissant alors que 3 pinces tombe de ***t sein droit.
-T'aime les coups de martinet salope!! Et tu veux toujours pas les partager avec ta mère?!"
Je frappe une deuxième fois, les deux dernières pinces de *** sein droit tombent.


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-Tu change d'avis?
-Oui maître, d'accord faite de notre mère une traînée soumise à vos désirs.
-Hmmmm c'est bien ma cochonne."
Je retire délicatement les pinces de *** sein gauche. Je vois que sa main s'approche de *** string mais elle se retient de se caresser.
"-Ta envie de te branler salope? T'en a jamais assez!!
-Oui maître j'ai envie de jouir, je suis une cochonne nymphomane.
-Tu veux que je remplisse ta chatte avec ma bite?
-Oui maître prenez moi!!
-J'ai pas compris Chloé!
-Défoncez moi la fente s'il vous plaît maître!!!
-Va te mettre sur le canapé, sur le dos, les jambes en l'air et bien écartées."
Elle se positionne, enlève *** string souillé, je retire mon caleçon, présente mon sexe à l'entrée de *** minou trempé de mouille et je pousse un coup sec.
Je fais des vas et viens rapides et puissants, je tape au fond de sa grotte, je joue avec *** clito entre mes doigts. Je pelote ses seins, je lui roule une pelle. Elle crie *** plaisir.
"-Ouii maitre! C'est bon! Oui oui AAAHH oui!!
-T'aime ça traînée!! T'aime que ma queue te démonte la chatte!"
Je la baise de longue minutes jusqu'à ce qu'elle ai un nouvel orgasme, ce qui me fait moi aussi juter au fond de sa chatte.
"-Merci maître! Votre bite est délicieuse!
-C'est pas fini mon esclave! Branle moi, pour que je rebande! Je vais t'enculer ma cochonne!"
Elle me branle si bien que je rebande presque instantanément. Puis elle écarte ses fesses avec ses mains et me montre *** trou du cul.
Je la pénètre en quelques coups.
"-OOHH! AAHH! Hmmm oui! Allez y maître, détruisez moi mon petit trou.
-Je te préviens ma salope tu va boiter tellement je vais te déglinguer!"
Je la sodomise ardemment, ce n'est que sa troisième sodomie et *** trou me serre le sexe. Je fais malgré tout de violents vas et viens dans *** petit trou. Mes couilles frappes contre ses fesses, je la pénètre le plus profond possible.
"-AAHH c'est bon! OUI OUI OUI!! Plus fort!! AAAAHHH!"
Je la sodomise très fortement pendant de longues minutes. Puis après qu'elle ai eu *** troisième orgasmes de la matinée, je me retire de ses fesses et me branle au dessus de ses seins. Je lâche plusieurs jets de sperme sur ses miches blanches.
"-Va te relaver! Il est à peine midi et t'es déjà pleine de sperme et de mouille!!
-Oui maître, comme vous voudrez maître.
-Ensuite tu me ferras à manger!
-Bien maître."
Elle retourne prendre sa douche puis me fait à manger. Pendant le repas je lui explique comment je compte faire de maman ma pute numéro 2.
"-Se soir tu garderas tes habits de traînée soumise jusqu'à ce que maman rentre. Je veux qu'elle nous surprenne en train de niquer. Puis je lui expliquerai que tu voulais être mon jouet sexuelle et je suis sur qu'elle ne pourra pas résister à l'excitation. J'aurais deux chiennes nymphomane pour moi tout seul, je vous dresserais toutes les deux, puis je vous baiserais. Toi toute la journée et maman le soir quand elle rentrera. Vous vous lécherez devant moi comme deux salopes."
Je vois que mon récit excite ma sœur, sa main est descendu sur *** string, elle se caresse. Elle n'a pas le droit de se donner du plaisir mais elle ne peut pas résister. Je la claque sèchement sur chaque joue.
<<CLAK!! CLAK!!>> "-AAAHHH!!!!
-Tu n'a pas le droit de te toucher sale chienne. Attend qu'on finisse de manger, je vais te dresser."
Le repas se termine, et je dis à ma sœur d'enlever *** string et *** soutien gorge et de se coucher sur la table du salon. Je titille *** clito avec ma langue, je le sort de sa capuche, je le mordille, je tire dessus avec mes dents. Ma sœur sert les dents mais mouille abondamment. Je mets deux doigts dans sa chatte et commence à la branler.
Je mets un troisième doigt et branle plus fort.
"-OOHH c'est bon! OUI j'aime ça!!"
Je ***** un peu pour mettre un quatrième doigt, sa chatte commence à être tendue.
"-Tu voulais te branler, et bien je vais te branler comme jamais! Je vais te fister ma chienne!
-NON! S'il vous plaît pas toute la main ça ne rentrera jamais!
-Je *****rais un peu si ça ne rentre pas."
Sa chatte est inondée et je ***** franchement pour introduire mon pouce et toute ma main dans *** minou.
Je suis rentré jusqu'au poignet et je commence des vas et viens rapides. *** regard est dans le vide, elle est à peine consciente tant elle jouit, sa bouche est ouverte mais aucun *** ne sort. Quand elle a joui, je retire lentement ma main et sans lui laisser le temps de récupérer, je retire mon caleçon et fourre mon sexe dans *** trou béant. Je commence à la limer violemment, je joue avec ses seins, je l'embrasse, elle me rend mon baiser. Je la secoue comme une poupée gonflable. Je lui mets un doigt dans *** anus en même temps.
Au bout de quelques minutes elle jouit de nouveau, mais je continue de la baiser jusqu'à se que je remplisse sa chatte de ma semence. Nous sommes épuisés. On s'endort tout les deux sur le canapé.

A 17h je me réveille, Chloé dort à coté de moi, du sperme et de la mouille se ***t écoulés de sa chatte pendant *** sommeil. Cette vision me fait bander et je pénètre sa rondelle, ce qui évidemment la réveille.
"-J'ai encore envie de ton cul! Maman rentre dans 30 minutes, je vais te baiser jusqu'à se qu'elle arrive pour qu'elle voie comme tu es! Une salope nymphomane, qui adore se faire fourrer par tout les trous!!
-OUI maître baisez moi le cul s'il vous plaît!! Fourrez votre chienne soumise!!"
Elle jouie encore plusieurs fois. Moi je me retire avant de jouir et je me calme pour ne pas juter. Puis je la repénètre en alternant entre sa chatte et *** cul. Je la baise ainsi durant 30 minutes, quand tout à coup la porte s'ouvre, alors que je démonte le minou de Chloé qui crie *** plaisir.
Notre mère, Léa, rentre.....


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Léa, notre mère, entre dans notre appartement alors que je suis en train de fourrer ma sœur, Chloé, et qu'elle crie sa jouissance allongée sur la table du salon. Maman avance et s'arrête dans l'entrée de la pièce. Je lui tourne le dos mais je l'ai entendu rentrer. Je me retire du vagin étroit de ma sœur et éjacule sur *** ventre. Je me retourne et je vois ma mère qui semble paralysée. Elle est debout immobile, la bouche ouverte mais aucun *** ne sort. Ses yeux nous fixe ma sœur et moi, quand elle réussi à dire quelque chose.
"-Vous...baisés....ensemble!! Vous....êtes....fou!!!"
Elle a eu du mal à dire la phrase et je décide de profiter du choc pour mettre mon plan à exécution.
"-On n'est pas fou, on est juste deux adultes consentant qui prennent du plaisir ensemble. N'est ce pas Chloé?"
Chloé et toujours nu, coucher sur la table, elle n'ose pas regarder notre mère, ni parler.
"-Mais...vous êtes....frères et sœur!!
-Plus exactement, ta fille a décidée d'être ma pute à plein temps. Et les crie de jouissance qu'elle poussait quand tu es rentrée confirme qu'elle adore ça. Dit lui Chloé!"
Ma sœur sort enfin de *** silence, elle est décidée à m'aider, à convaincre notre mère de participer à notre jeu pervers.
"-C'est vrai maman, je suis l'objet sexuel de Romain depuis 3 jours et j'aime ça.
-Mes enfants ***t des pervers. Ma fille et la pute de mon fils. Ce n'est pas possible c'est une blague."
Je sens que contrairement à se qu'elle dit ma mère n'est plus vraiment sous le choc. *** regard se porte maintenant sur mon sexe qui a complètement débandé. Je décide de passer à l'étape suivante de mon argumentation.
"-D'ailleurs ça fait longtemps qu'on ne ta pas vu avec un homme. Pourtant tu es toujours belle pour ton âge. Ça ne te manque pas le sexe?
-Je t'interdis de t'occuper de ma vie sexuelle. Ce n'est pas parce que tu baise ta sœur que tu dois t'occuper de moi!! ....... Mais qu'est ce que tu fais Chloé??!!"
Je me retourne et je vois ma sœur en train de se masturber, les cuisses bien écartées. Ma mère fixe sa fente sans pouvoir décoller *** regard. Au bout de quelques secondes de cette situation, je m'aperçois qu'une petite auréole se forme sur l'entre-jambe du pantalon de tailleur noir de ma mère. *** regard n'a plus une expression de surprise mais d'excitation. C'est inattendu, je saisie immédiatement cette opportunité.
"-J'ai l'impression que tu n'es plus du tout dégoûtée! Tu es aussi cochonne que ta fille je crois.
-Euh...pas du tout."
Elle dit cela sans y croire.

Je m'approche d'elle est pose mes lèvres contre les siennes. Elle ouvre sa bouche et nos langues se touchent, s'enroulent, se mélangent. Ça y est ma mère s'abandonne à moi, elle m'embrasse langoureusement. J'ai envie d'elle mais j'ai tellement baisé ma sœur que j'ai du mal à bander. Alors je décide de m'offrir un petit spectacle. Je décolle mes lèvres de celles de ma mère, et lui dit.
"-A partir de maintenant tu es comme Chloé mon esclave sexuelle. Quand tu es à la mai*** tu dois être en lingerie sexy et m'obéir. Si tu n'obéis pas tu seras puni. Maintenant met toi complètement nu et va lécher la fente de ta fille, fais la jouir!"
Léa hésite, puis retire *** chemisier et *** soutien gorge. Cela libère sa grosse poitrine, ses seins ***t bien plus gros que ceux de ma sœur, ses tétons pointent fièrement. Puis elle retire ses chaussures et *** pantalon, et retire enfin un string en dentelle noir que l'ont ne s'attend pas à trouver sur une femme de 42 ans. Chloé attend ça mère les jambes écartées, elle se masturbe lentement.
"-Dépêche toi de venir me lécher maman, je veux sentir ta bouche sur ma chatte rasée!"
Notre mère vient se placer à genoux entre les jambes de Chloé, sa bouche et pile à la hauteur du sexe de sa fille. Moi je m'assoie sur le canapé pour regarder la scène. Léa commence à embrasser les cuisses de Chloé, puis elle embrasse *** ventre, elle embrasse tout le tour du pubis de Chloé. Je comprends que ma mère n'en ai pas à sa première relation lesbienne. Ma sœur n'en peut plus, sa fente ruisselle de mouille tellement elle est excitée. Elle attrape la tête de sa mère et l'oblige à poser sa bouche sur *** minou. Léa commence à titiller le clito de sa fille avec sa langue, elle le lèche, le mordille, tire légèrement dessus avec ses dents.
"-AH oui maman!! Vas y joue avec mon bouton!! Ouiii!!"
Puis Léa glisse sa langue dans la fente lisse de sa fille. Ce qui provoque des soupirs de plaisir chez celle ci. Elle entame des vas et viens avec sa langue, pendant que ses doigts, joue avec le clito. Chloé est au 7ème ciel, elle ne met pas longtemps à avoir un nouvel orgasme.
"-Ouiii maman!! AAAHHHH OUI!! Bouffe ma chatte!! PUTAIN OUIIII!!!"
Chloé viens de jouir sous les coups de langue de sa mère qui se relève et va embrasser sa fille dans un long baiser.
La scène que je viens de voir me promets de bien belle journée de sexe. Léa cesse d'embrasser sa fille et me dit sur un ton insolant.
"-Alors ça ta plus mon salop?!"


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En entendant cette phrase je me lève, et d'un aller retour de la main je lui mets deux claques sèches sur les joues.
Les claques l'ont surprise et ses deux joues ***t légèrement rosées.
"-Je suis ton naître, tu doit me dire <<vous>> et tu va être punie pour m'avoir insulté. Tu n'est qu'une traînée irrespectueuse. Je vais t'apprendre les bonnes manières."
Ma sœur est toujours couchée sur la table.
"-Chloé va chercher le martinet! C'est toi qui va punir ta salope de mère!
-Bien maître."
-Toi la vieille mais toi debout au milieu de la pièce, les mains sur la tête!
-J'ai pas envie!"
Ma mère dit cela avec un regard de défi et un sourire pervers.
<<CLAK!!!>> Je lui mets une claque juste sur le clito.
Elle manque de tomber car ses jambes l'abandonnent durant une fraction de seconde. Puis elle se mets en place pour recevoir sa première punition.
Quelques instants plus tard Chloé reviens avec le martinet.
"-Chloé, je veux que tu mette dix coups de martinets sur le cul de ta mère pour lui apprendre le respect. Fais ça bien, sinon c'est toi qui prendras.
-Oui naître, je vais punir cette chienne du mieux possible."
<<CLAK! CLAK!! CLAK!!! CLAK!!! CLAK!!!>>
Chloé assène de dur coups de martinet sur les fesses rosées de sa mère. Celle ci crie, des larmes coulent le long de ses joues. Mais ma sœur donne les cinq derniers coups de martinets sans hésiter.
<<CLAK! CLAK!! CLAK!!! CLAK!!! CLAK!!!!>>
Maman à les fesses bien rouges, elle lutte pour rester debout, des larmes perlent sur ses joues, je les essuie avec ma langue en léchant lentement *** visage. Puis je lui dit:
"-Maintenant je veux que tu t'excuse pour m'avoir ma parlé tout à l'heure. Si tu refuse cela signifie que Chloé ne t'a pas bien frappée. Donc tu seras de nouveau punie mais ta fille le sera également pour avoir mal fait *** travail. Alors?
-J'aime les coups de martinets et je n'ai pas envie de m'excuser!
-Chloé recommence la punition! Mais frappe plus fort cette fois!! N'oublie pas que à cause de ta salope de mère tu sera punie toi aussi!!"
<<CLAK!!! CLAK!!! CLAK!!! CLAK!!! CLAK!!! CLAK!!! CLAK!!! CLAK!!! CLAK!!! CLAK!!!>>
Chloé frappe plus fort que la fois précédente. Léa n'arrive même pas à crier tellement les lamelles du martinet marque ses fesses rouges écarlates. Je suis obligé de la tenir tellement ses jambes vacillent.
"-Et maintenant tu comprend qui est le naître, salope?"
Léa essuie ses larmes, et me dit en baissant les yeux.
"-Oui naître, j'ai compris. Je me suis mal comportée, pardonnez moi. Je promets d'être une bonne chienne soumise.
-C'est beaucoup mieux! Tu es pardonnée. Maintenant va préparer à manger, pendant que je sanctionne ta fille.
-Bien naître, à vos ordres.
-Chloé pour te punir d'avoir mal fouettée ta mère, tu va porter des pinces à linges sur tes tétons pendant tout le repas."
Je prends deux pinces et les places sans aucun ménagement sur les tétons qui pointent de ma sœur.
Chloé hurle car ses tétons ***t encore douloureux étant donné que je les ai déjà maltraités cette après midi.
"-Maintenant va aider ta mère, je vous conseille de bien vous entendre. Car maintenant vous faites équipe dans le seul but de me satisfaire! C'est clair pour vous deux?
-Oui naître.
-A vos ordres naître."

Les filles préparent le repas puis l'on passe à table. Pendant toute la durée du repas, ma sœur garde les pinces sur ses tétons, mais elle ne se plaint pas. Une fois le repas terminé je retire les pinces de ses tétons. Puis j'embrasse sa poitrine, je suce ses tétons, je les lèche et les aspire pour la récompenser d'avoir si bien acceptée sa sanction.
Ensuite j'entraîne mes deux esclaves dans la chambre de notre mère.
Je m'allonge sur le lit et dit à ma mère:
"-Suce moi! Montre moi comment tu fais les fellations!! Chloé pendant ce temps, bouffe la chatte de ta mère! Prépare la bien, après sa fellation je vais lui défoncer le minou!"
Léa commence, pose une main sur mon sexe et l'autre sur mes boules. Elle entame des caresses délicates. Pendant ce temps, ma sœur s'est glissée entre ses cuisses et commence à lui titiller le clito avec sa langue. Ma mère pose maintenant ses lèvres sur mon gland, elle embrasse mon chibre sur toute la longueur. J'ai de nouveau une belle érection. Ma mère, Léa, prend enfin mon sexe en bouche. Sa langue tourne autour de ma bite pendant que je suis dans sa bouche. Chloé est en train de lécher la fente de sa mère. Elle lui fourre sa langue dans le vagin et branle le clito avec ses doigts dans le même temps. Léa a du mal à me sucer, tellement sa fille lui donne du plaisir. Elle n'enfonce pas la totalité de ma hampe dans sa bouche et je suis bien décidé à l'aider.
"-A l'âge que t'a et avec le corps de salope que t'a encore, t'a du en sucer des kilomètres de bite. Alors enfonce la mienne au fond de ta gorge. Suce moi mieux que ça traînée!!"
Je prends la tête de ma mère entre les mains et appuie dessus pour l'obliger à avaler mon sexe entièrement. Chloé et maintenant en train de doigter sa mère. Elle lui met deux doigts dans la chatte et un dans le cul. Maman voudrait crier *** plaisir mais mon sexe lui remplie la bouche jusqu'à la gorge. Je baise littéralement sa bouche comme un vulgaire trou. Elle bave, des larmes coulent sur ses joues, elle à des hauts le cœur. Je lui inflige se traitement pendant plusieurs minutes puis je lâche ma purée au fond de sa gorge. Dans le même temps elle jouie fortement en sous les doigts et coup de langue de sa fille. Elle s'apprête à recracher mon sperme mais je maintiens sa bouche fermé avec mes mains pour l'obliger à avaler.
"-Avale mon jus! Les putes comme vous deux doivent avaler le sperme de leurs maître!"
Elle avale ma semence avec un air de dégoûts et me dit:
"-je n'aime pas le goût du sperme."
<<CLAK!>> Je claque sèchement ses gros seins.
-Je me fous que tu aime ou pas! Tu es mon objet sexuel donc tu avales et c'est tout! Maintenant Chloé à toi de venir me sucer. Fait moi rebander pour que je puisse démonter notre mère!
-Avec plaisir maître. J'aime sucer votre beau sexe."
Chloé enfilant directement mon sexe, qui avait commencé à débander, dans sa bouche. Elle me suça quelques minutes. Puis une fois ma vigueur retrouvée, je me retire de sa bouche.
"-Léa vient t'empaler sur mon sexe! Je vais déglinguer ton vagin de mature!
-Aller y doucement je vous en supplie naître. Ça fait presque un an que je n'ai pas baisé.
-Je vais vite te faire reprendre le rythme ma cochonne!"
Léa monte sur moi à califourchon et s'empale sur mon sexe bandé. Elle pousse un:
"-Ouhh!!" de surprise et de plaisir mélangé.
J'entame immédiatement des vas et viens rapides et très profonds. Je tape au fond de sa chattes, je la baise ardemment.
-Tu là sens ma bite dans ta vieille chatte! T'aime te faire défoncer traînée!!"
Durant la pénétration ma sœur mange les gros seins de sa mère, elle joue avec ses tétons, les mords, les suces, et les aspires dans sa bouche. J'intensifie au maximum ma pénétration. Je soulève ma mère et la laisse retomber sur mon sexe. Elle ne résiste pas longtemps à ce traitement.
Elle retire *** minou de mon sexe, sa chatte dégouline de mouille, c'est une vrai rivière.
"-J'en ai pas fini avec toi! Mets toi en levrette je veux te sodomiser.
-Pas de sodomie! Ça fait des années qu'on ne ma pas sodomiser!
-Ta gueule salope!! Mets toi à quatre pattes sur le lit et écarte les fesses!!"
Léa s'exécute, je récupère de sa mouille pour humidifier sa rondelle.
"-Chloé pendant ce temps je t'autorise à te branler et à jouir. Tu as été une bonne esclave aujourd'hui.
-Merci naître."
"-Et maintenant à nous deux maman!"
Je pénètre *** anus d'un coup sec, lui arrachant un hurlement.
Je sens que je ne vais pas tenir longtemps alors je défonce *** trou du cul le plus possible. Je sens ma bite taper au fond de *** anus.
Je la baise ainsi le plus longtemps possible en me retenant de jouir. Mais au bout de quelques minutes je n'en peux plus. Ma sœur vient juste de se faire jouir. Je me retire du petit trou de ma mère et viens la lâcher mon jus dans la bouche de Chloé qui avale tout avec gourmandise.
"-Merci naître de m'offrir votre liquide.
-Tu devrais prendre exemple sur ta fille maman!! C'est une pute obéissante contrairement à toi!"
Léa se redresse, elle à visiblement l'anus endolorie mais je sais qu'elle à pris *** pied comme jamais.
"-Merci naître de m'avoir défoncé les trous. Je vais essayer à l'avenir d'être une mère soumise et dévouée à votre jouissance!
-J'espère bien salope. Maintenant allez vous laver, vous êtes souillées comme des truies! Et après au lit, je vous veux en forme et en lingerie sexy comme deux traînées demain matin à mon réveil!"


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Belle suite, merci... Encore ?


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Ma mère et ma sœur ***t mes deux soumises depuis plusieurs jours maintenant. Je les baisent dès que je peux et selon mes envies. Mais j'ai envie d'aller plus loin et de repousser leurs limites.
Il est 21h et je regarde la télé avec mes deux chiennes en lingerie assises à côté de moi. Une envie de pisser me prend et une idée très perverse aussi. Je me lève pour aller aux toilettes et dis à ma sœur de me suivre.

-Chloé viens avec moi, j'ai besoin de toi.
-Oui maître.

Elle me suis jusqu'au toilette en me regardant étonné. Je baisse mon boxer et commence à uriner. Chloé est à genoux à mes pieds, ses yeux arrivent juste au niveau de mon sexe. Je vide ma vessie comme si de rien n'était et sentant la source se tarir je stop mon jet et présente mon sexe devant la bouche de ma chienne de sœur.

-Ouvre ta bouche de pute et avale.

Châle obéis même si je vois du dégoût dans *** regard. Je lâche la fin de mon jet d'urine dans sa bouche, elle avale difficilement et en laisse couler au sol. Je maintient ma bite dans sa bouche jusqu'à la dernière goutte.

-Tu est vraiment nul comme chienne. Tu en à mis partout. Je vais encore devoir te corriger.
-Pardon maître, c'était ma première fois et ça n'a pas très bon goût.
-Tu va devoir t'y habituer j'ai l'intention de recommencer. On va voir si ta salope de mère aime ça.
-J'essayerais de progresser maître.
-Léa ma grosse salope, vient ici !

Ma mère à quatre pattes avec ses gros seins qui ballotent, j'adore. Je lui montre les gouttes de pisse au sol que sa fille à fait tomber.

-Ta fille n'a pas avaler ça, elle n'aime pas et sera sévèrement punie. Je veux que tu lèche ces gouttes.
-Avec plaisir maître.

Léa sort sa langue et lèche avec application les gouttes de mon urine sur le sol des toilettes. Une fois tout lécher sous le regard de Chloé, je frotte mon gland sur le visage de Léa, une goutte d'urine se pose sur sa joue, elle s'empresse de la récupérer et de la lécher.

-Maman tu est vraiment la pire des putain, et j'aime ça.
-Merci maître. J'aime tout chez vous même votre pisse.

Chloé regarde ça mère d'un air étonné mais je vois en regardant sa chatte s'ouvrir que ça l'excite.

-Pour te récompenser tu va pouvoir punir Chloé.
-Merci maître.
-Maître je préfèrerais que se soit vous qui me punissiez.

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