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les histoires de chrislebo

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Depuis quatre jours, je n'ai pas eu de nouvelles de mes quatre tortionnaires, mais ce vendredi matin un coup de fil.
« - c'est Bob, tu nous attends sur le parking de ton travail à 16h, tu t'habilles en pute à 16h »
Je dus remonter chez moi et me changer pour m'habiller en pute, mais pour le travail j'ai mis par dessus mes habits sexy, une grande jupe masquant le bas et pour le haut un pull léger et un long manteau. Lorsque 16h ***na, je passe aux toilettes pour enlever ma jupe et mon pull et sous mon manteau je suis en pute. Sur le parking, je vois la voiture qui m'attends la porte s'ouvre et je monte à l'arrière à peine montée Bob m'ordonne :
« - retires ton manteau salope qu'on te vois bien, on t'emmène au turbin »
Je ne réponds pas par peur des représailles car ils connaissent mon adresse et mon numéro de téléphone. De plus, je suis sûre que cette semaine on ma suivie et peut être même qu'ils m'ont vu avec mes enfants. Je ne dois prendre aucun risque pour eux "mes enfants". Je suis donc maintenant soumise à leurs fantasmes.
Pendant le trajet, Bob et Stef me masturbent, me ******* à les sucer, à les branler, à me faire prendre en levrette, à me faire sodomiser. Ils disent qu'ils m'échauffent pour la cité, j'ai peur vu leurs pratiques. Max lui, me filme toujours dans toutes les positions et prise par tous les trous. Nous arrivons dans la cité.
« - salut mes frères je vous présente Cathy la pute, vous l'emmenez dans la cave et vous me la ramenez vers 19h, car après elle passe la soirée au sex-shop »
L'un des copains de Bob s'approche de moi, il me caresse les seins et me dit :
« - t'es bonne salope, je vais te mettre un collier et une laisse, tu es ma chienne avance sale pute »
Il me tire par la laisse, je passe devant une vingtaine d'hommes et de femmes puis nous arrivons dans la dite cave.
C'est sommaire mais propre, une grande croix en bois se trouve au milieu de la pièce. Il y a des sangles à chaque branche de la croix. Déjà des téléphones se mettent en marches pour des photos et des films, tout cela va être mis sur internet.
« - à genoux chienne, tu nous suces tous même les femmes
- non s'il vous plait »
Un coup de cravache sur mes fesses me fait changer d'avis. Ma bouche reçoit des sexes de femmes ou d'hommes. Je dois tous les satisfaire, je suis à genoux et pendant que je suce et que leur éjaculations me souillent le visage, des hommes me prennent en levrette et des femmes me sucent les seins. Puis un homme se glisse sous moi et je m'empale sur *** sexe. un autre entre dans ma bouche et un troisième se place derrière moi et me sodomise. Je suis souillée, pour eux je ne suis qu'une marchandise, un objet sexuel. Je reçois des coups de cravaches sur les fesses. Après des heures de viol, je ne suis plus qu'une chienne soumise toujours à quatre pates, prête à être prise. Puis je sens dans mon dos un souffle chaud, on me lèche le sexe, puis l'anus. J'ai honte, mais j'aime.
Je me tourne pour voir qui est cet homme, horreur c'est un chien, un énorme chien.
« - non je vous en supplie, tout mais pas cela je veux bien tout faire pour vous mais épargnez moi pour le chien »
En guise de réponse ;
« - tu as tout faux sale chienne, tu es à nous et à eux aussi »


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Pour éviter que je hurle un des hommes me ***** à le sucer.
Le chien super excité, me lèche puis il me monte comme sa vulgaire chienne il enfonce *** sexe, il me sodomise. Je suis devenue juste bonne à être baisée. Le temps passe, il n'est pas 19h mais 20h, que vais-je dire à mon mari ?
J'ai la tête vide, avant de partir je suis obligée de faire encore pire, je dois sucer le chien après plusieurs coups de cravaches sur les fesses. Je m'allonge et suce avec dégout ce sexe qui ma sodomisé. Pour sortir de la cave, on me tire par la laisse. Je traverse la cité ainsi, tenue en laisse et si on me reconnait, je n'ose y penser. Pour une fois, j'ai hâte d'être dans la voiture. Une nouvelle fois, je dois sucer et me faire prendre par les deux frères. Nous arrivons devant une boutique, c'est le sex-shop, ils me font descendre toujours avec le collier et la laisse.
« -salut Rémy on t'amène la salope tu peux l'utiliser toute la nuit elle est à toi »
Sur ces mots, j'ai cru mourir. Je n'ose rien dire, déjà les marques sur mes fesses. Il y a beaucoup de monde, des hommes, des femmes et des couples, mais soulagement je ne vois pas d'animaux, le seul ****** c'est moi. Je suis à nouveau une chienne, je me mets à quatre pates. Je dois avancer comme ça, au passage je vois que des femmes se ***t mises sur elles des ceintures godes. Je commence à sucer tous les sexes qui se présentent à ma bouche, contrairement à la cave, je dois avaler. Les femmes godées, se placent derrière moi et me prennent comme une pute, me sodomise, me baise sans relâche.
Je finis par aimer ça. Mes cris de souffrance se transforment en soupir de plaisir. Les hommes se branlent sur mon dos, sur mon visage. Lorsque qu'une femme sort de mon trou, un homme prend sa place. Là aussi les téléphones tournent, je n'en peux plus. Un homme me tire par la laisse et me fait entrer dans une pièce. La fameuse pièce où je dois assouvir les caprices de tout le monde, pendant que d'autres me regarde en se masturbant.



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Apparemment j'ai du sauter une date... Merci pour ces textes, bonne continuation.


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Delphine baisée par un groupe de jeune dans les vestiaires

Elle s'était rendue à la traditionnelle réunion parents profs. Elle était habillée d'un pantalon en cuir noir qui lui moulé *** cul, elle n'a pas mis de sous vêtement (histoire d'exciter un peu les profs ca peu toujours servir) avec des talons. Elle avait mis en haut une chemise blanche qui laissait voir *** soutif rouge. Habillé ainsi, elle espérait peut être remonter la moyenne de *** fils.
Arrivant au lycée, le jeune qui servait d'hôtesse d'accueil lui demanda :
« Bonjour que puis je faire pour vous ? » Tous ceci sans quitter des yeux ses seins.
« cherche la salle polyvalente »
« D'accord, une petite visite des lieux ? Peut être ? »
« Oui, pourquoi pas »
Il la laissa passez, il pu ainsi regardez *** cul moulés dans *** pantalon en cuir.
Delphine se laissa donc portée par le jeune, elle savait que qu'il était en train de la mater. *** fils étant en BEP, il avait donc un vestiaire pour ce changé.
« Et voila le vestiaire »
Le vestiaire puait, on aurait dit que plusieurs rats étaient en décompositions.
« Il n'y a pas eu beaucoup de femmes qui ***t venus ici ? »
« Vous êtes la première »
« Quel honneur »
Il commença à se rapprocher, à se rapprocher jusqu'à ce qu'elle sente le contact de sa bosse du pantalon sur ces fesses.
« HO, HO, Tu fais quoi là ? »
« Vu comment vous êtes habillée, je sais que vous êtes là pour ca »
« Oui mais c'était pour les profs, pas pour les élèves, je pourrais être votre mère »
Tout en commençant à la peloter il lui répondit :
« Et alors j'suis pas difficile »
« Juste une petite pipe alors ? »
« Bien sur, c'est ca, tu vas passer à la casserole, ma vieille »
Peu farouche, elle se mit à genoux et commença à toucher la bosse du pantalon, lui enleva *** pantalon et *** caleçon. Elle branla un peu *** chibre et se le mit en bouche.
« T'aimes ca finalement, et t'as de l'expérience »
Elle répondit en acquiesçant. La pipe terminée, elle se mit en levrette, elle laissa le jeune lui baissé *** pantalon. Elle sentit la langue, lui nettoyer *** vagin.
« Tu mouilles en plus, t'es une vraie chienne »
« Oui »
Il continua *** cunnilingus, Delphine jouit tellement qu'elle expulsa un jet de cyprine en plein sur le visage du jeune
« C'est pas grave, je te pisserai dessus »
« D'accord, traite moi comme une chienne, j'aime ca »
« T'acceptera tout ce que je demanderais ? »
« Oui »
Il enfonçant maintenant sa bite dans le vagin lubrifié de la mère de famille. Au fur et à mesure des va et vient, les cris de Delphine augmentèrent.
« T'aimes ca crier, hein. »
« Oui....Oui..... »
Comme il lui avait promis, il se vida littéralement sur elle. Delphine reçut un flot de sperme mélangé avec de la pisse.


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« C'est bon tu peux te rhabiller »
Elle avait la main sur la poignée quand il lui dit :
« Je t'ais pas dit de partir, tu vas mettre ca sur tes yeux et tu vas attendre en position levrette »
Il lui tendit un vieux chiffon et elle le mit consciencieusement sur ses yeux et se mit à quatre pattes sur le banc.
Delphine resta dans cette position au moins un quart d'heure puis elle entendit la porte s'ouvrit et une voix s'exclamer :
« Whoa, quel cul »
« Qui cest, vous allez me faire quoi ? »
« Elle a quelle âge, elle n'est pas de première mains »
« T'as quel âge ? »
« 36 ans ....vous allez me faire quoi »
« Vu comment on vient de baiser, tu vas aimer ca »
Elle entendit encore la porte s'ouvrir et des cris de joie. Elle allait servir de vide couille pour un groupe de jeunes en rut. Et le pire c'est qu'elle allait aimer.
« Vous êtes combien ? »
En guise de réponse, on la prit par les cheveux et on lui enfonça une bite dans la bouche. Elle prit énormément de plaisir à être traitée ainsi. On la tira encore par les cheveux et on la fit passer à une bite. Elle compta cinq queues avant qu'on la fasse assoir sur le banc. Les mains couraient sur *** corps, on lui arracha sa chemise et on lui pelota ses seins à travers *** soutif. Certaines mains lui touchèrent *** vagin à travers *** pantalon. Elle poussa un cri à chaque fois qu'elle jouit.
« T'est vraiment une grosse cochonne »
« Baissez-moi maintenant »
« Doucement, doucement, on a pas terminé »
Ils firent encore jouir Delphine 3-4 fois. Elle était déjà cuite et les jeunes encore en forme quand ils baissèrent *** pantalon. Elle écarta les cuisses et se baissa pour laisser voir ses partie intimes a la vue de tous. Elle sentit toute une main rentrée dans sa chatte.
« C'est bon les mecs, sa chatte est prête, pas***s a *** anus »
Cette fois ci il n'enfonce que deux doigts.
« Putain, toi t'as l'habitude de te faire enculer »
« Oh .....Oui, enculez-moi »
Etant sans repère, Delphine ne put pas savoir d'où allez venir la première bite. Elle poussa un cri de surprise, Ils avaient décidés de commencer par *** cul. A tour de role, ils l'enculerent. Elle se laissa faire, sans broncher. Elle aimait ca.
« On a finit avec ton cul, mets toit a quatre pates sur le banc, comme la chienne que tu es »
« Oui.....traitez moi comme une chienne »
Une fois, en levrette sur le banc. Elle se prit une bite dans l'anus, dans sa chatte et dans sa bouche. Des qu'un jeune avait fini il se déchargeait sur le visage de Delphine.
« T'est recouverte de sperme, donne nous ton MSN, histoire de rester en contact »
« ............................ »
Des que les jeunes avaient tous quittés le vestiaire, elle retira *** bandeau. Elle était toute collante, elle retrouva *** pantalon et sa chemise, ils avaient aussi éjaculés sur ces vêtements, elle ne les essuyait même pas. Elle regarda sa montre.
« Merde, j'suis en retard »
Elle sortit du vestiaire en boitant et dégoulinante de foutre.


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Mère d'un pote

Apres sa partouze dans le hall d'immeuble, Delphine se fait baiser à Auchan par deux petits vieux.
Delphine travaille à Auchan, elle s'occupe de ranger les articles sur les étalages. Au rayon **********.
Deux vieux, qu'on appellera Jean et Roger, s'intéressait à la bouffe pour chats.
« Excusez-moi madame » demanda Roger.
« Oui que puis faire pour vous » répondit Delphine.
« On voudrait prendre la boite à manger pour le chat, celle qui est tout en bas, on n'arrive plus à se baisser. »
« Bien sur. »
A peine c'était elle baissée pour prendre la boite qu'elle sentit une main lui toucher les fesses, elle se retourna et voyait les deux vieux les mains dans les poches. Elle se rebaissa pour prendre la boite et cette fois ci sentit deux mains lui toucher les fesses, les vieux avait toujours les mains dans la poches et l'air innocent. Une fois retournée, elle sentit cette fois les deux mains lui toucher la chatte à travers *** pantalon. Et là les vieux ne bougeaient pas, ils continuaient à toucher Delphine.
« AHHHH je vois .... Vous avez envie de ca »
« Oui nos femmes ***t vieilles et flasques et nous faire une jeunette, nous ferais de bien » dit Jean.
« Continuez comme ca alors »
Jean et Roger continuèrent donc à peloter Delphine, au fur à mesure des ébats des trois, les clients du magasin commencèrent à venir intrigué par les cris de Delphine, surtout des mecs...
Elle était maintenant les fesses à la foule, elle écarta les jambes et enleva *** pantalon, elle exhiba un collant beige qui laissa voir une culotte noire. Elle enleva *** collant puis sa culotte. Elle frotta sa culotte sur sa chatte mouillée et lança sa culotte dans la foule. Le mec qui reçu sa culotte, sortit sa bite et se branla avec la culotte, une fois déchargé il donna la culotte à un autre. Les clients se passèrent les vêtements de Delphine et se branlèrent, le peu de femmes qu'ils restaient se touchèrent avec. Ses longues bottes en cuir reçurent un traitement de faveur, certains mecs pissèrent dedans.
Jean commençait maintenant à doigter Delphine, il mit d'abord un doigt puis deux puis trois puis quatre puis il finit par mettre toute sa main dans sa chatte.
Delphine hurlait de plaisir, une fois la main retirée, un jet de mouille gicla de sa chatte.
Roger pendant ce temps la était partit chercher une bouteille d'huile de tournesol. Delphine était maintenant à genoux, prête à sucer les bites aux deux petits vieux. Ils avaient pris chacun une pilule de viagra, Roger prit la bouteille d'huile de tournesol et s'en mit sur la bite, Jean fit pareil sur sa queue. Elles les branlaient pendant qu'ils se badigeonnaient leurs outils, elle n'avait jamais vu des petits vieux avoir des si gros engins elle avait pourtant travaillé dans une mai*** de retraite et elle branlait et suçait souvent les vieux dans leurs chambres. Delphine commença à lécher les boules de Roger puis avala presque entièrement sa queue, elle commença ses va et vient, l'huile dégoulinait de sa bouche, une fois Roger satisfait elle passa a Jean. Une fois les préliminaires passés Delphine se mit à quatre pattes et laissa Roger arroser *** anus d'huile, il mit sa capote et enfonça sa bite dans l'anus à Delphine. Elle cria de plaisir, le vieux satisfait des cris de la femme continua ses va et viens et invita Jean à participer à la partie de baise. Il enfila une capote et se mit sous Delphine et enfonça sa bite dans le vagin très humide de Delphine et encore une fois elle cria de plaisir. Elle avait l'habitude de se faire prendre comme ca en double pénétration, elle aimait tellement qu'elle jouit plusieurs fois avant la fin de l'acte. Delphine finit par se faire recouvrir de foutre par les deux petits vieux, jamais elle n'avait rencontré des vieux aussi bon. Elle était cuite, recouverte de sperme et d'huile, elle s'assit sur une flaque de sa propre mouille, les deux vieux étaient déjà partis, elle retrouva ses vêtements encore plus humide qu'elle. Elle mit d'abord sa culotte et sentit le sperme se mélanger à l'huile et à sa mouille puis *** soutien-gorge et sentit ses seins baignés dans le foutre des différents clients, elle mit ensuite ses collants toujours aussi humides et pleins de sperme. Elle enfila *** pantalon et *** chemisier qui était collants, plein de sperme et de mouille. Delphine enfilait ses bottes, une fois ses pieds rentré, elle les sentis baigner dans un liquide chaud, elle les enleva, sentit ses bottes et comprit que c'était de la pisse, elle remit quand même ces bottes. A peine remis de *** aventure elle entendit dans les hauts parleurs du magasin :
« Delphine est demandée dans le bureau du patron, Je répète Delphine est demandée dans le bureau du patron »
Elle savait qu'elle allait se faire renvoyer, elle avait du mal à marcher, jamais elle ne s'était fait autant éclater le cul.
Delphine était encore toute mouillée et dégoulinante de sperme quand elle arriva devant la porte du patron :
« Oui, entrez »
« Bonjour, monsieur »
« Ah, Delphine, ou la vous êtes toute sale »
« Je suis désolé monsieur, je ne pensais pas que ca allait prendre une telle ampleur »
« Bon ce n'est pas bien grave, vous n'avez tué per***ne au contraire, mais j'aimerais savoir pourquoi vous ne m'avez pas fait part de vos « talents » plus tôt »
Le patron sortit sa bite et fit signe à Delphine de se rapprocher, elle passa sous le bureau et lui suça la bite. Une fois la pipe terminée, elle s'accouda sur le bureau et laissa voir *** cul au patron. Il lui baissa *** pantalon, ses collants et sa culotte, il ne prit pas le temps de jouer avec sa chatte, il enfonça directement sa bite dans *** vagin. Comme avec les petits vieux, elle jouit plusieurs fois.
Il retira sa bite et éjacula dans sa bouche. En lui mettant une claque au cul il lui dit :
« C'est bon rhabille toi et viens me voir de temps en temps »
Elle se rhabilla et s'en alla.


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Pas mal... pas mal... bonne continuation...


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A Big Mistake...or Not?

I had been hooked on internet porn for many years. Though married happily to a gorgeous 46 year old, Jackie, my wife, for 28 years, I had always secretly craved for more adventure. The older I got the more depraved my fantasies. They did though all centre around Jackie herself. I didn't want to fuck with anyone else. I just desired more and more to see her fucking and sucking other men, preferably with me there.

Slowly I began to find more and more sites devoted to cuckoldry and I was drawn like a magnet to them. I would spend hours scouring the net, while Jackie was asleep and unaware of what I was doing. The stories and pictures, be they true or not, fuelled my ever-growing fantasy.

At first I liked seeing wives sucking on stranger's cocks with little captions directed at absent husbands. Then I became hooked on interracial sites with white women being fucked by multiple black cocks. The contrast of white skin to black was striking. The huge black cocks looked so thick and long, often covered in the woman's saliva and so fucking sexy. The pictures were such a turn on. I am not attracted to men at all but black cocks were making my stomach tingle and my knees weak. So I turned more and more to these sites, always imagining my own Jackie being fucked, and increasingly ****** by them -- sometimes willingly -sometimes not!

I often imagined her on her knees in front of 3 or 4 black men, being throat-fucked in turn and taking their thick cum both down her throat and all over her pretty little face.

The more I surfed, the filthier and more depraved my ideas became. Together with interracial, came now a desire to see her with older men, older black men of course! There were sites with white women being gang-banged by groups of men into their 60's -- all with large bellies, heavy set and with big asses too. Naturally their cocks were huge -- much bigger than mine! On these sites too, the women were shown with collars and leads attached to their necks. They would be shown on their knees, often as a prelude to the fucking, being ****** to lick the asses of the men, who would be on all fours spreading their cheeks wide, whilst the man holding the lead would be gripping the woman's head roughly with his free hand, making her push her tongue into the open assholes of the others. Naturally it was my wife's face I imagined doing this every time. God how I wanted it to be her in the pictures. God how I wanted to witness her being used and ****** by men just like this.

Jackie was always happy and willing to let me take pictures of her both sexy and hardcore. These though were for my eyes only and not to be shared. We had taken lots. Of course I should never even have considered it but inevitably I had become a member of some of these sites, and, after posting many comments on message boards where others had posted pictures of their wives, my desire got the better of me and I posted some pictures of Jackie, but fairly soft ones, in sexy lingerie with only tits bared. With the pictures, I wrote a message saying how much I wanted to see her being used by groups of black men and, true to the idea of cuckolding, how I wanted to humiliated by them at the same time.

Jackie is a very sexy 46 year old blonde and naturally she got many favourable replies -- both polite and very graphic. It was to the latter I was drawn most of course. I urged responses to be more and more detailed and describe in detail just what filthy acts they would carry out on her. I wasn't disappointed! Many detailed how they would stretch her cunt and asshole wider than they had ever gone before and fill both with their thick cum. One, a 56 year old black man called Jarvis, said how he would slap her tits around and then make her lick his asshole clean before pissing straight into her mouth. He would, he added, turn her into his slave and experiment with all forms of anal *****. He had friends too who could join in, he said. He left an e-mail and said that if I was serious and wanted to know more then I should contact him.

Naturally, I wanted desperately to have my fantasy fuelled with more detail. However, I stopped short of replying. My conscience had got the better of me and though I continued to encourage responses from others, I resolved to leave it there and just keep it as my fantasy.

My big mistake though had been to post Jackie's pictures - 20 of them -- and I was soon to be regretting it!

Our computer had developed a recurring fault -- it would suddenly freeze and we had to turn off and restart. This was fine -- but once restarted it would prompt you to restore your last session. On clicking 'yes', the last browsing session would re-appear on screen. Now this happened one night and, it being late, I didn't restart -- big, big mistake!

On my return home from work that night I found my wife surfing the very site on which I had posted her pictures. She was, to say the least, a little angry. There was nothing I could really say in my defence, so I just took all she threw at me in the hope that she would forgive me. It took a while but eventually we started talking again. She changed the password for logging onto the computer so that I would be unable to use it without her there. That would be tough, but it wasn't as if we didn't have a great sex life because we did.

However, coming home a few weeks later, I noticed her quickly clicking off a site. This happened on 2 other occasions over the next few days and so, heart thumping excitedly I asked her what she was hiding. She then replied that she had indeed been surfing the site on which her pictures were posted and was pretty turned on by many of the comments and amazed that so many men found her so sexy. I asked if she had noted the comments by Jarvis.

'Him especially!' she replied.

'Have you messaged him at all I?' I then asked.

'God no!' she said.

'Why don't you then?'.

'What now?' she replied.

'Yeah, ask him for a picture to see what he looks like. If you tell him it is actually YOU asking, he might reply.' I urged.

'Alright then -- I must admit I would like to know what he looks like -- this man who wants me so much. I bet he's fat and ugly though!'

I showed her how to send a message and she wrote-'Hi Jarvis this is 'Whiteman looking's' wife -- you know the white bitch you'd love to ***** so much. How about letting me see you as you've seen me?'

'That should shake him up a bit!' she then laughed.

He wasn't on line so no reply was immediately forthcoming. The next day on my return home, I was desperate to see if he had replied, but of course I had to wait for Jackie to get home. As soon as we had eaten that evening I casually asked if she was going to check for any replies. I tried hard not to seem excited but fuck was my stomach churning at the thought of Jackie actually conversing, albeit electronically, with Jarvis. She told me to look away as she logged onto the computer and then onto the site.

The reply from Jarvis was there, waiting for her. She laughed, opened it and began to read...


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His reply was very measured and flattering. Not at all like the replies he had left on my postings or messages. He apologised for the rather depraved nature of his comments , explaining that they were written 'for hubby' and not intended for her eyes. He went on to say how turned on he was by her gorgeous blonde hair. How he couldn't stop looking at her sexy body, her long legs and fabulous full ass, her incredibly flat stomach ( no stretch marks despite having 4 ********) and of course her, still pert, 36 C tits. He also commented, as so many did, on her engaging and genuine smile. 'You are a natural in front of the camera' he said.

This was not the Jarvis that I knew! There was too, a picture of himself, very sober, dressed in a dark suit and looking quite striking. His message ended with a kiss and the hope that this would not be the last time they would exchange messages.

'What a gentleman!' laughed Jackie, 'I like his style and he's quite good looking too!' she teased, searching my face for a reaction.

Yeah, he certainly knows how to flatter a woman,' I replied. And then, with my head buzzing a little, I added, 'Well do you think you'll keep in contact with him?'

'That's for me to know,' she cheekily responded, 'but don't worry, you're still the only man in my life, Mark. Surely you're not jealous? After all you wanted other men to see my body and apparently fuck and ***** me, so how can you object if I do?' She then stood up, gave me a passionate hug and kiss and went upstairs for a bath, not of course before logging off of the computer!

I didn't know what to think. ****** right I was jealous. Jackie had never wanted or needed anyone else - she was, as she always stressed herself- a one man woman. Often during sex I would talk about how great it would be to share her body with others. She would go along with the fantasy happily and add fuel to it, but the more insistent I became, the more I urged her to really try it, she would always say how 'dangerous' it would be. She was a very loving woman who became attached to people very easily. In her opinion she may become emotionally attached to another lover and she did not want to ruin what we had. And as she rightly said 'You don't want that either, do you!'

She was right of course, I didn't- but I was still consumed by the thought of her as a toy for groups of men! My mind was in turmoil!

For a few weeks nothing happened, then one night she confessed how she had been on the site and exchanged one or two messages with Jarvis whilst I was out. He had sent a few more pics and expressed his desire to see 'more' of her. My stomach heaved, my head span. 'And have you sent any?' I asked.

'Yes, but nothing hardcore. He is so polite I just had to send him one of me naked on the bed.'

'What about his pictures? Were they naked?' I urged.

'One was him in just shorts. He is a little fat around his waist- but you know how I like a little chubby waist to cuddle up to!' she giggled.

'But you couldn't see his cock?'

'Not exactly – but the bulge in his shorts looked quite big!' she teased.

'Can I read your messages, Jack?' I asked.

'Ooooh, don't know about that. I think I should keep you guessing – don't you?

Maybe soon. You don't mind do you?'

What could I say? If I said yes then gone was the fuel for my fantasy – but did I want her talking with Jarvis alone? I didn't know!

'No, 'course not,' I returned, failing to convince even myself.

The next day, on my return home I found Jackie on the computer, obviously messaging Jarvis. She turned as I entered the room and hit me with, 'He wants to meet us!'

'Really?' I replied.

'Yep. He wants to wine and dine us he says!'

'Both of us – or just you?' I answered.

'Well he says us both and there's no way I would go by myself!' she said.

'What! You're seriously considering it? Surely not?' I added dumbfounded.

'Why not it seems pretty harmless and he is a really funny bloke- not seedy at all; despite his messages to you!'

'I'm not too happy about that!' I gulped.

'You're joking! You post pictures of me on the net without permission. Urge people to say what disgusting things they'd like to do to me and then say you don't want to meet anyone? You're a joke. I've a good mind to do it just to teach you a lesson. Maybe I'll go by myself if you won't come as well!'

'But Jack.......'

'Look- don't 'But Jack' me. I'm telling you I am seriously thinking about it –the more you protest the more likely it is – ****** cheek!'

I said nothing more, hoping she was doing it for effect. She wasn't!

After I got out of the bath that night, she told me that we were indeed going to meet Jarvis... and soon. 'Come on I'll let you read our messages, Mark. We've worked out a place suitable for us both- it's just working out a time and day. You can help decide that can't you?'

I had to admit that the chance to read their messages was getting me excited. I wondered what he had been saying to persuade her. I was also hoping to see more of the filthier comments no doubt left by other members about her pictures.

'Yep-I suppose so. If you're really determined to go through with it. No way am I going to let you go without me!'

'Thanks Markie darling!' she said and planted a huge kiss on my cheek!

Jackie looked absolutely stunning as we entered the bar of the Hitchin Hotel where we were due to meet with Jarvis. Her blonde hair, though short at the back, was longer at the front and often covered one pale blue eye, and when she looked at you through the strands of soft hair, or flicked her head to clear her vision, she looked so damn sexy. And that incredible smile! God – how could anyone not want to fuck her! She was wearing a short black dress, accentuating both her shapely ass and hips and hugging her still slender waist beautifully. Its low cut top also revealed, perfectly, her firm cleavage, for all to drool at. Her back was open to ogling eyes right down to the start of her ass. She was wearing too, an expensive pair of sheer black hold-up stockings and this was all topped off by a pair of black high heels. She often used to dress like this for me but hadn't done so for a long time. She was making a real effort to impress - and it was working!

How far was she really intending to go I thought, for probably the thousandth time since our meeting had been arranged? She had continually insisted that we were just going to meet for a ***** and a laugh, maybe a kiss and hug. 'Jarvis is a nice guy!' she insisted. 'But I don't want to fuck him, even though he might want to fuck me!'

When I had finally been allowed to read their messages, I found that Jackie had sent further pictures in more revealing, sexy poses – none though were hardcore! Jarvis had also sent her more pics, 2 showing his cock – he was not erect, but it was clear how impressive in girth his cock was! Their written exchanges though remained quite tame – nothing there to fuel my fantasies. The depraved and graphic comments on my original postings had continued to pour in – and I savoured every one. Jackie had read them too but remained unimpressed.

Jarvis was sitting at a table in the corner. Jackie spotted him first and literally dragged me over. He stood as we approached and after firmly shaking my hand, turned his attention to Jackie. He certainly was a big man in every way. He must have been at least 6'5 and looked pretty hefty around his middle. His huge arms encircled my wife, and as she pecked him on the cheek, I watched as his spade like hands wandered down and squeezed her ass cheeks –she didn't move them but just looked at me and let out a little nervous giggle. I smiled back- though unsure about how I really felt!

As we sat down, Jarvis positioned himself between us and we stayed like that throughout the meal. The conversation was awkward at first but he put us at our ease and though much of his attention was on Jackie, I did not at any time feel left out .Often, after some humorous comment or innuendo, Jackie would lean into his shoulder and laugh or stroke his leg- something she did with anyone- but I could see Jarvis loved it and he always responded by bringing his arm around to squeeze her waist or gently brush one of her breasts.

Towards the end of our meal, Jackie excused herself to visit the toilet. Once out of earshot, Jarvis turned to me, and in a tone more in keeping with his messages to me on the internet, growled, 'Right, Markieboy I'm aiming to fuck your gorgeous little wife tonight and you're going to help me aren't you!' It didn't seem like a question.

'I'm not sure about that,' I replied, though somewhat timidly,' I don't think she's up for that at all and I'm not really sure I want that either.'

'Now I know it's what you want – you're desperate to see her sucking and fucking black cocks and believe me boy – it's going to happen. If not tonight then soon. Once she gets a look and feel of my black cock, she'll soon be hooked and then the real fun's going to begin. Your job, boy, is to help me - got it!'

I was just about to reply, when Jackie returned and Jarvis reverted to being Mr Charming.


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'Hi, sexy!' he said and as she sat down once more I saw his hand squeeze her right thigh which became exposed as her dress rode up. She didn't move it away!

Our meal finished, we were about to say our goodbyes when Jarvis suggested – no insisted -that we have a little night-cap in the room he had booked for the night. He had, he said, anticipated ******** and didn't want to risk arrest by driving home. Jackie turned to me and said 'What do you think, Mark? It is a little late. Think we should be off don't you?'

It was decision time! Go now, and we may never meet again. Go now and my fantasy may remain just that - forever! The meeting was surely just Jackie's way of trying to 'teach me a lesson' after all!

Then, stomach churning, arms shaking, I answered with, 'Oh, just one more little ***** will do no harm!' Her fate...and mine, was sealed!

'Excellent!' beamed Jarvis!

. On entering his room, Jarvis gestured me towards the single armchair – I duly complied, whilst he and Jackie moved to perch on the edge of the bed. As she sat, her dress again rode up and I saw clearly her gorgeous, chunky white thighs above her stocking tops and glimpsed too her red panties stretched tightly over her lips. Though he couldn't share the view, he could clearly see her exposed thighs and quite brazenly he stared at them, before placing his huge black hand firmly on her right thigh and stroking it. She looked at him, then me. Was she looking for some response or approval? Whatever it was, she promptly moved his hand away – but not angrily.

'Little lady,' he then said, 'Do you know just how sexy you are? I've been horny ever since you walked into the bar. How about me having a little look at those fabulous tits for real, after all I have seen them in your pics and I'd love to have a feel of them too. Markieboy doesn't mind – after all he wants you to fuck me.'

'Sorry, Jarvis, you're a funny guy but there's no way I'm going to fuck anybody except Mark!'

'Aw come on, Sexy, just a little look. Perhaps a little look at that delicious ass of yours too? I'd love a few pictures of my own – I could use my phone. Go on lift your dress up for me and wiggle that ass for old Jarvis. Tell her, Mark – just a little look – promise I won't touch.'

'It's not up to me,' I said.

This situation was incredible. I had no idea what I really wanted to happen. Part of me wanted to get up and go – get Jackie out of here – but a greater part of me wanted her to give him a show at the very least. Knowing her as I did though, I knew there was really little chance of that happening.

'Surely you're not going to go and leave me all horny like this, Sexy? Tell you what – if you won't show me or let me touch you, how about you touch me? Give me a little rub. You now how much you appreciated those pictures of my black cock. Wouldn't you like to see it hard for you? I bet Mark would – in fact I know he would, wouldn't you, Mark!' Jarvis suggested.

I couldn't very well deny it. They both knew the answer!

'Go on, Sexy,' he again urged,' let me get it out and show you both and you can just give it a little rub for me. Look, Markieboy's getting hard just listening to me!'

He was right my cock was rock hard now and I couldn't help squeezing it a little with my hand. Jackie stared at me for a moment, then at my bulging crotch, and then turned back to Jarvis with a cheeky grin on her face.

'Okay, to keep you both happy I'll give you a little look at my tits and you, Jarvis, can give yourself a little rub. You Mark will have to wait until we get home. No wanking for you – I want a good fuck later!'

'Sounds good to me little lady,' he replied and immediately started to take off his trousers and undo his shirt.

What sprung out of his pants was simply breath-taking! Jackie didn't see it at first, as she was pulling the straps of her dress down to reveal her tits – but when she finally looked down at it, her mouth dropped open and her eyes were immediately transfixed by it, as were mine! His cock was no longer than mine but it was so damn thick. It jutted out from his huge, hairy thighs, ram-rod straight! Not a bend or curve anywhere. It was covered in thick bulging veins and though uncut, the foreskin was already stretched back past his cockhead, as he approached full erection. The head itself was a deep pink, in contrast to the glossy ebony skin of the shaft. At its base lay a pair of huge balls, tight now and clearly full of fabulous black sperms aching to erupt! The base of his amazing cock was a mass of black and grey hair.

Jarvis began to stroke it slowly, pulling the skin back as far as it would go. On every down-stroke the hole would open wide – that too was huge - and my own cock pulsed at the sight. I tried to imagine the sperm jetting out into my wife's face – if only!

As Jarvis continued to pump his cock, I noticed Jackie move closer to him – mouth still agape. She was no longer holding up her tits for him to look at. Instead her hands were now between her legs gently rubbing her own lips through her dress and panties.

'Here little lady, 'whispered Jarvis,' sit down next to me and have a closer look!'

Mesmerised, she obeyed immediately!

'Tell you what, why not have a feel of it yourself?' he urged, and as he did so he removed his own fist, took her left hand in his and placed it around his magnificent black shaft. The sight almost made me cum. This was what I had wanted to see for so long, my wife's hand curled around a huge black cock!

I watched motionless as her slender, delicate white fingers with their ruby red nails teasingly encircled ( but only just)the girth of Jarvis' cock and started to tenderly rub it up and down. He moaned and then started to move his hand up the inside of her thigh – but with her free hand, she stopped him.

'No, 'she whispered. But he took no notice and started to push his rough fingers against her panties seeking a way inside. She didn't stop him this time! As she next pulled down on his shaft a bead of pre-cum appeared at the tip of his cock head and then started to trickle down the shaft onto her hand. She stopped to look closely at it.

'Look what you're doing to me, Jackie!' Jarvis grunted, 'Why don't you take an even closer look?' and with that, using his free hand, he pushed the back of her head down towards the huge ebony shaft. She didn't resist.

'Kiss it!' This time it was more of an order. She glanced at me with a hungry look on her face, smiled and then turned back to his shaft. She nudged closer and gently sniffed the head.

'Go on Kiss it!' he again urged.

'God I want to,' she replied.

She had never been an avid cock sucker –always insisting on me being immaculately clean – but she did enjoy it when in the mood, though she had never swallowed my cum! It was breath-taking then, to see her lips part and her tongue peek out, before finally taking her first lick of Jarvis' shaft. She moaned and licked along the most prominent vein first, then dropped down to the base and began kissing his balls.

Jarvis looked across at me and grinned, clearly loving the attention of Jackie's mouth.

She moved back up the shaft and, after a deep breath, opened her mouth wide and plunged the huge head into her mouth, sucking hard and pushing down about 2 inches.

'Keep wanking it, little lady!' he said.

'It's so fucking big. It feels so hot!' she mumbled.

'Can you taste my precum? You love it don't you!'

No reply was forthcoming as she continued to plunge her head up and down the first 2 inches of his cock.

'Get more in!' Jarvis urged.

She pushed a little more but could only manage another few centimetres, before gagging and lifting her head off. A long string of saliva stretched as she moved away, one end attached to her bottom lip, the other to the back of his shaft –what an awesome sight. I watched rapt, as it started to elongate in the middle, before finally breaking in 2, one half dropping onto the wiry hairs at the base of Jarvis' cock, the other, retracting upon itself to sit glistening at the bottom of her chin! Noisily she sucked it back into her mouth.

'God it feels so fucking big in my mouth, Mark!' she said huskily.

'Come on little lady, put it back!' Jarvis said impatiently, whereupon he firmly grasped the back of her head once again and ******, but not roughly, her mouth to start greedily sucking him again. Her lips were stretched wider than I had ever seen them, and the sucking sounds and sight of her escaping saliva ( with, no doubt, some more of Jarvis' precum) which was continually dribbling down his shaft and pooling on his hair and the base of his huge balls, was almost unbearably horny. It was a real struggle to stop myself from cumming!

'Here, Mark, take some pictures with my phone!' Jarvis barked. And he then tossed it over to me. I stopped wanking and moved in closer to get some clear pictures.

Jackie gurgled some comment but it was incomprehensible. If she didn't want any pictures taken - it was too late anyway! However, that wasn't what she had said, as she then lifted her head once more and moaned, 'I need to be fucked – now!'

'Babe, I never thought you'd ask!' Jarvis answered excitedly.

'Sorry, Jarvis, your black cock is incredible – but only Mark fucks me! Quick Mark I need it so bad. Get your cock out and make me cum – I'm so close!'

He didn't seem too happy about this but he said nothing, just urged her to start sucking again. Jackie slid off of the edge of the bed onto her knees, and positioned herself between Jarvis' massive thighs. I moved in behind her, lifted her dress and pulled her gusset aside. My cock went straight in to the balls as her cunt was so wet. She groaned as I did so and urged me to do it hard and fast. I willingly obliged. Looking up, I could see her bobbing blonde head, full of thick cock, beautifully framed by Jarvis' fat, ebony skinned, hairy torso. His sheer size dwarfed her – a stunning sight. So much so that after about 30 seconds I came!

Jackie lifted her head from his cock again, 'Fuck, Mark, you've cum haven't you! You fucking selfish bastard –I was so close! I need to be fucked hard!'

'Sorry!' I said. 'I couldn't help it!'

'Jarvis, I need your cock now to finish me off. Have you got any condoms?'

I had had a vasectomy after our 4th ***, so we needed no precautions.

'Sorry, darlin' – never use them!' he laughed.

'Just fuck me, quick – but please don't cum in me. Can you do that?'


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She was desperate to cum and needed fucking long and hard. Only Jarvis could satisfy her now. But the fact that she, ultra cautious Jackie, was willing to risk this, showed just how horny she was!

'How do you want it, Jackie?'

'From behind – now! Shove it in right up to your balls and pummel me hard!'

Jarvis eased me to one side with a triumphant grin on his face and knelt down behind her. 'Markieboy,' he ordered, 'spread her cheeks wide. Hold her open for me. I need 2 hands to feed this in.'

I willingly did this. Her asshole opened a little and her cunt lips, dripping with my cum, parted too. Jarvis fed his helmet into Jackie's gaping hole, pushing slowly. Her lips had to spread so wide that I thought they would rip. She groaned, but pushed back, desperate to get him in. Finally, the head was fully in and her lips engulfed it greedily, sucking it in further. Then he started to thrust – hard. The rest of his great black shaft slid in easily and within seconds she was taking the whole cock right up to his heavy balls. It was amazing to watch his great black ass thrusting into my wife. Her whole body shook with every thrust. She was soon cumming, the groans from her throat were ****** like, guttural. But Jarvis didn't stop. He kept pumping away and soon she was cumming again. Something I was rarely able to do for her!

'God, your cock feels so fucking great. It's stretching me so wide. It's fucking fantastic! Don't stop, please! I'm gonna cum again in a minute. Go on fuck my cunt hard, you big black bastard!'

She was frenzied now – almost out of control.

'Sorry little lady, but I'm gonna shoot any second!'

'No – not in me. Take it out, quick!' she sounded hugely disappointed. 'Just have a little break and then fuck me again – I need more. I need that gorgeous thick fucking cock again.'

'Okay,' he replied and pulled out making a lascivious plopping sound. Jackie's cunt remained wide open for a second until she ************* squeezed and it closed up, though only a little. Cum, both mine and hers oozed out.

My cock was beginning to harden again.

'I could make you cum now, Jack,' I offered.

'No, let Jarvis do it. I need a proper man to finish me off!' She was being deliberately cruel now because I had cum so quickly earlier – but it was only in the heat of the moment I thought –or was that hoped?

She arched her back, pushing her exposed ass out to meet him. Her dress, though still on, was bunched at her waist.

'Mark, pull my panties down so Jarvis can get right in. I want to feel his balls banging against my ass and thighs – I couldn't before! Come on do it- now!'

She was frantic, insatiable now with lust for more thick, black cock and more orgasms. The whole of Jarvis' cock was smeared with a mixture of my cum and hers, and her cunt, still gaping, swallowed him easily to the hilt as he pushed back in .

'Oh fuck it fills me right up. I can feel every inch of it – it's so fucking thick and hard. I'm cumming already.' –and she moaned and pushed back even harder to get more of his great cock into her! As she did this, Jarvis grabbed her hair in his right hand and pulled her head right back. This made her scream – but not in pain- in ecstasy!

As he let go seconds later, her head collapsed onto the bed and she lay there exhausted but sated.

Jarvis though was still fucking her hard. Every thrust made her ass cheeks ripple.

'I'm gonna cum now, Jackie!' he groaned.

'No, not in me.Take it out, please. I'd love all your cum in me, but please don't do it!'

'Okay, Sexy!' he laughed, seemingly in full control.

'I'll toss it for you, Jarvis – all over me if you like – but not on my cunt!' she offered. 'I've never seen another cock cum before!'

Jarvis pulled out and stood up. His huge cock looked even bigger jutting straight out in front of him. 'Right, on your knees in front of me, quick,' he ordered.

Jackie turned and did as she was told.

'Markieboy, get the camera again and come closer. I'm gonna cum in your little wife's face and you're filming it!'

'Not in my face, you're not –but you can cum on my tits. Go on ******* my white tits with your spunk!' she shouted.

She would often let me cum in her face but always screwed up her eyes. It was more as a favour to me when she did – she didn't enjoy it. She did though love to watch cum spurting out and feel it splash on her skin – just not in her eyes or mouth!

'Come on, Sexy,' Jarvis replied, 'I want to cum all over your pretty little face.'

'I know you do, but I need to see your cum spurt out and if you do it on my face, I'll have to close my eyes – just do it on my tits!' Then, almost inaudibly she added, 'Maybe next time!'

I'm not sure he heard – but I did and my head swam at the thought. Just the situation talking I thought to myself!

'Get that dress right off and that bra too, then hold those tits up for me!' Jarvis said.

She peeled the dress off, unhooked her bra and then took her tits in both hands as Jarvis started to pump his cock hard. I clicked away quickly and keenly with his phone and then switched to video waiting for him to cum.

What a sight it was! My own wife, on her knees, dressed only in hold- up stockings with her panties at her ankles, kneeling in front of a huge black man and looking up wantonly at his cock waiting for it to cum.

'Come on, spray me. Cum all over my tits. I need to see it now!' she urged.

Then his knees buckled slightly and the first jet shot onto her tits. It was followed by 8or 9 more, equally as powerful as the first. Some did spray her on the chin but the rest *******ed her chest. It was thick and glutinous. She looked on wide eyed at each spurt and savoured every splash on her skin. She laughed, almost manically, at the sight. Thick stringy ropes hung from the end of her nipples and dropped onto her arms and thighs. She scooped some up and inspected it. She held it to her nose and sniffed in its aroma. She let out her tongue, looked up at him and for a second I thought she was going to eat it, but she didn't – she was only teasing. I had captured every second on his camera though!

Once we had all calmed down, an awkward silence descended. No-one seemed to know what to say. Jackie cleaned herself up and after a few pleasantries, including suggestions from both parties that we should,' Meet again,' we left, but not before Jackie had kissed Jarvis on the cheek and he had patted her ass once again. I shook his hand and as I turned to follow Jackie, Jarvis whispered, 'She's hooked - believe me! We will be meeting again.....and again!'

The drive home was similarly quiet as we both wrestled with our emotions and reflected on the night's events. Would there be a repeat? Did either of us want a repeat? Was Jarvis right?


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I Have a Hobby

I have a hobby. I am a 32 year old woman with a figure 38DD - 24 - 36 with long auburn hair and long legs with a height of 5' 10". I get a lot of looks shall we say.

My hobby? I am slowly reducing my husband to a slave while I constantly and secretly screw around behind his back. My chief amusement right now is to flirt with his boss, my most frequent lover, and I mean flirt outrageously when the three of us are together then get mad at my husband when he complains. I enjoy how Jim, his boss, comes onto me when Howard, my hubby, is right there.

Another amusement is making out with Jim in a restaurant or bar while Howard is in the Men's room. Everyone knows what's going on but no one tells him. They just look at him and smile - you know the kind of smile.

Jim has been fucking me since, literally, the day of Howard's interview. Jim wasn't going to give Howard the job until he layed his eyes on me. When he did, it was obvious he wanted me and he sent Howard to do some tests down the hall. As soon as Howard was out of sight he brought me into his office and closed the door. Without a word he pulled me to him and kissed me deeply. His hands drifted over my body to my ass, kissing me hard, holding my completely against him with my breasts almost crushed against his chest.

"I'm hiring your husband because I want to fuck you. And I mean fuck you a LOT! Open your blouse I want to see those tits!"

I did as he said, suddenly wet and ready. His hands rubbed my augmented breasts then his lips came to them, roughly stimulating the nipples to full erection. "Oh!" I moaned "Won't your secretary know!"

"Of course she'll know, that's part of the fun, isn't it?"

His left hand came under my skirt as he sucked my nipples, his fingers pushing aside the little G string and entering me immediately and deeply.

"I love the idea of fucking you while your husband is jumping through hoops down the hall! In fact I'm going to buy us some time."

He picked up his desk phone and his secretary answered. "Call down to personnel and tell them to give Howard the full battery of tests and then take him on a long tour of the plant. I want some quality time with his hot wife, got it? And, by the way, let them in personnel know what's really going on here. They'll enjoy knowing that while they interview and test him.!"

The whole time he was speaking to the secretary he was ********** finger fucking me with one hand then slipping it out to put my juice on my tits then licking it off. His words made me unbelievably hot.

I realized I had found the perfect accomplice both in sex and in the destruction of my husband. And he would be Howard's boss!

Bending me over his desk he made me orgasm over and over, telling me I was his bitch and I had better get used to doing what he said.

I wanted nothing more than that, my wicked mind already planning our next steps.

Before I go further, I want you to know where we are going with this. I am a real life, hot, beautiful, sexy wife with very expensive tastes and with $10,000.00 breasts. These are real life segments of a long journey into my own sexuality and the great arousal it gives me to slowly slowly put my husband into the position of lowly servant and fulfiller of my and my lovers' every wish. Why?

Simply because I CAN! Because he is weak and I am strong and I enjoy each step, each small ***********, each sexual adventure that he doesn't know about and yet suspects. Even putting the story here for all the readers to read is a part of that ***********, that subjugation of Howard. Enjoy!



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The Twist Revised

Back in the corner booth of our family's favorite restaurant, I watch as my wife of 10 years takes a phone call and leaves me alone with my ************ Jenni. Hmmm, maybe this is the perfect time to confront her with the news I got today from her school. Sitting next to my ************ in the tiny booth, watching her ****** leave for some privacy, I lean closer to her to keep our conversation quiet. "Well, Jenni. It seems we have a problem."

She looks at me with those crystal blue eyes and tries to give me that innocent look as if nothing was wrong, and so I continue; "I got a call from the Dean today and was told this little story about you and one of you professors." She starts to wiggle in her seat and then glancing off in the direction that her ****** left, she asks if her I told her ******.

"No, not yet." I tell her and then scoot a bit closer, letting my hand fall on Jenni's leg and let it run slowly up, barely sliding under the edge of her skirt. Watching her jump, she goes to grab my hand and tries to move it off her leg. I laugh at her ******** behavior and shake my head at her. "No little girl... the gloves are off and I know of all your games you have been playing at school. Seems the Dean and I had a very long talk about you today and I have an appointment with him Monday morning to see if you will continue there. I am sure you ****** would love to go with me unless you and I can come to some kind of arrangement very soon."

As the realization of my news sinks in, I watch fear cross her eyes as she waits to see what is going to happen next. My hand starts to make small circles on her inner thigh and as we both look to see what I am doing. It suddenly sinks in and she looks back up at me.

"What do you want?" she asks me with a bit of uneasiness in her voice.

I lean back a little, making the circles trace now in figure eights across that velvety skin. Smiling at her, knowing I have her where I want her, I say. "Well, it seems that you need some parental supervision and I am the one to give it to you. It is about time Daddy takes care of his little girl like he should have a few years ago as soon as I started to hear the rumors about your behavior."

Shaking her head quickly, I watch as her blond hair moves about her shoulders and can see she is not happy with this idea but I continue with my statement. "So from now on there are going to be a few changes to your schedule. First you're not going to be dating anymore and second your weekend visits will be at home until further notice." Wanting to shock her, I give her my final rule; "From here on out, you will do as I tell you and become my little slut."

I see her small hands clench in fists at her side and seeing as my words soak in, I move in closer to her... my hand moves up higher along her leg near her pussy. A thought comes to me and out of curiosity, I move near her ear to whisper my question. "I bet you're not wearing any panties. Are you Jenni?" Seeing her eyes go wide, I know I am right and before she can react. I move my fingers now up near her wet pussy lips.... I continue in a low voice; "I bet you're still wet from your professors cum... aren't' you? All filled up, Jenni? Oh you're such a bad girl?" And with that, I quickly push one finger and then a second into her cum filled pussy. Letting my fingers move in and about, seeking her little nub. I rub it a few times knowing she would be tender after her earlier fucking and then notice her hips slightly move...and she starts to squirm up against my hand.

Watching her face and it shows the turmoil in her of both disgust and surprised pleasure. Then her eyes go large as she is looking over my shoulder and turn to see her ****** approach, I move my hand up and over to grab the cloth napkin near her as if I was not doing anything out of the norm. Then as I wiped my hand off, I hand it back to Jenni... telling her to put it in her purse and she better think about her decision very quickly.

My wife has an excited look as she arrives back to our table and I ask her what is up. She tells us that my sister-in-law is having labor pains and wants her to stay the night. Since my sister-in-laws' husband is out of town, she would need a ride to the hospital. Containing my excitement on how fortunate this helps my plot, I tell her we can drop her off on the way home and if she wants, and I'll bring a change of clothes over in the morning. Jenni now becomes excited and asks if she can come along and I jump in telling her no. That she would be in the way and it may take hours, possibility of a few days until the baby comes. I see the angry look in my ********** eyes but then her ****** nods in agreement. As we gather our coats and leave, I see my ******** throw a worried look at me as she sees I am far from done with her.

As we dropped off my wife, I requested my ******** to move up to the front seat. Seeing as my wife thought this was a good idea, I watch my wife open her door, waiting for Jenni to get out and take the seat. Ahhhh, how fate kindly looks down on me.... This has been long over due. As I am ready to pull out, my wife comes around to the other side of the car to kiss me goodbye and I know this is my chance to mention Jenni's school issue. Not wanting to give too much away. I tell her that her school called and I will deal with it since I know she will be busy with her sister. She peeks into the car window to look at Jenni, and asks if there is anything they should know. I quickly reassure my wife telling her it is probably nothing, and just time for our donations. Watching her nod her head in agreement she heads on in and we start to drive off towards the freeway.

I hear my ************ make a small sigh of relief and I go ahead and ask her; "Well, have you made a decision?" A few more miles down the road and still no answer.

I start to turn on my blinker so to take the next exit to turn around and she quickly blurts out. " can talk but I just don't know what you want me to say."

Seeing as now she is talking to me, I turn off the blinker... knowing we had about 30 minutes 'til we arrived home. Giving a chuckle at her inexperience, I say; "I see... so you have no thoughts about what we talked about at the restaurant and so I guess I should just take you back to your mom and you can tell her and your aunt about school?."

Quickly her face shows horror and she reaches out to grab my arm. I shake her off but now I know I have her where I want her. Tears start to roll down her cheeks and she says. "No! Please... we can talk. There is no harm to just talk. Just don't turn around."

"Okay well if we are going to talk" turning to look at her so she knows I am serious, I continue; "I want you to do something in good faith to show me how sincere you are at discussing this. I want you to take off your bra, since you don't have the panties anymore and I want you to toss it out the window... Now"

"But you said we would only talk." She cries out to me.

"No, I said either we talk or I turn around and you tell your ****** the truth about your episodes at school. Also I don't see why I can't see your breasts since you like to show them off to your professors, to raise your grades... hmmm?" I say smugly. Seeing the distress in her, I know I got her and I watch as she moves very shaky hands to undue the buttons on her top so to get to her bra off... a few miles down the road, as I look in the review mirror. I see her bra fly out the window and my cock starts to get hard. "Now I want you to lift your skirt and spread your legs so I can see that cum filled pussy, Jenni."

As she starts to lift her skirt, she turns to glare at me. "You said we could talk, I don't see why I have to be like this... just to talk."

"Well, as I see it. If you decide you don't want to talk, then I can take you back to your ******. Both your ****** and aunt will see you with no bra and panties, finally seeing you for the slut you have become. Or, we continue our drive home and I get to see what I have wanted to see for a while. You wearing those skimpy outfits for the past few years... the little taunts... oh you will pay for that and more. So do you like being filled with your professors cum, and how many times did you get filled?" I say to her, watching her cheeks flame up red in shame.

She cried out. "You can't do this to me... it is unfair and I am not telling you what I do with my boyfriend."

"Ha! Boyfriend? Is that what the professor is? How many years has he been there, and how many other girls have private sessions, sweetheart. You are one of many and I am going to teach you how to be a better woman so men like him, will beg you for it." I turn to her with a determined look in my eyes to show I only speak the truth." That is why you will not date until you can manage them and not get caught. Who do you think took your underwear to the Dean and told him you made a pass at him?"

Turning towards me, I see that tears are now rolling down her cheeks and that she was a fool for believing all the professors lies. Finding out that her teacher betrayed her in turning her into the Dean... she knows she has no other choice. I reach out to put my hand on her leg and I try to comfort her. "Oh Jenni, no reason to be afraid, I will not hurt or lie to you. Trust me. However, you need some guidance, so we are going to work this out and come to a compromise that benefits us both. Ready?"

I can see her look at my hand and I know how bad she wants to push it off, but at least she was willing to listen. My cock hardens as I can see her fully. Her tear stained face, nipples hard and her legs spread. Now showing me the small curls of her pussy hair. Oh god... how I wanted to just pull over and fill that cum filled pussy with my own cum. But patience, I told myself. She makes a small nod with her head and turns to face the road and my hand falls away from her soft skin.

"Now, starting out till I can trust you, you will do as I say. Tomorrow if we get time, we will head down and I will buy you a cell phone. I will be number one on speed dial, you will always, and I mean always answer my calls. Is that understood?" again seeing another small nod, she has turned to face me, paying attention to what I have to say, so I continue. "Next if you do everything I ask of you, from shopping, small tasks and other things... after one month I will purchase a car for you to meet me when I ask you to. You will always meet me first and drop all other things, including school, family and friends. Yes, this even means your ******, but then I can help in that area. Is this understood?"


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I take a moment to pause and see what she thinks of this so far. On her face is awe and so I ask her what she thinks so far. "You will do all that for me, just because I finally got caught at school. Why are you going to give me gifts and what is it that you're going to make me do?" she asks me now confused.

Laughing now, I shock her and tell her bluntly; "You must know it is all about the sex." I turn to look at her, so to watch her face... making sure she understands. "All kinds of sex and you will let me do what I want or else. Trust me, you will never be hurt and I will never let anything bad happen to you." I watch as she folds her arms in front of her plump breasts and starts to pout.

"However if you don't do as I say, not only will I tell your ****** about school but also that you threw yourself at me. I will tell her you came to my bed tonight and woke me up by sucking on my cock. Also I will tell your ****** that you have always wanted me and that you planned on taking me away from her for the past several years because of my money." I watch as horror now shows on my ************** face knowing that I am outright blackmailing her and thoroughly enjoying it. I watch as her will cave in and she has no other choice.

"Now we can start on a trial basis for say.... three months. You will do as I ask...without question, without hesitation. And if at the end of the three months, you want me to release you of this agreement between us then I will let you go but all money, phone, clothes and car will stay behind. I also will agree to leave your ****** at that time and you will never see me again." Turning back to the road, I hear her let loose a small sigh.

"Just three months and then you leave me alone? Never do this to me again?" she asks in a trembling voice.

I nod as we start to get off the freeway. "Yes 90 days only. If anything. You will learn a bit more about yourself and come out ahead by being spoiled beyond reason. You will say you deserved it, since you will have to work it all off through me. But yes, it will be just enough for your lessons and if at the end of three months you wish to continue, and then we will look for an apartment for you instead of the dorm you currently live in." I sit and listen to her even breaths as she contemplates my terms and wait for her decision. Approaching our neighborhood, I decide to wait until we are at the house to make my final move.

By now, we have pulled onto our street. I hit the garage door opener, my car slips in, then turning off the engine and as I hit the button one more time. It leaves us both in the dim light of the garage. Turning towards her, she knows her time is up; "Okay Jenni, I need your answer so if you agree to my terms. I want you to remove the rest of your clothes, and then hand them to me. Next, I want you to take your hands and run them up and down over each of your breasts. Play with each of your nipples by rolling and teasing the nipples with your fingers.

I watch as tears slowly slide down her face knowing she is caught in my twist. And off her clothes come. She hands them to me in a way in which she barely touches me and I place them down by my feet. Her hands then move across her breasts, and as she does as I demanded of her. I watch her cheeks flame red in shame and once done... her hands curl up by her hips in defiance. "Oh my, Jenni girl. You will learn but for tonight. I will be easy on you. Now I want you to turn and face me. Place your hands on your legs and spread them. I want to see what that professor got to fill today. Show me you're swollen cum filled pussy my dear."

She slides a bit in the seat since I know while on the drive home, she has been leaking cum from earlier and now facing me. I can see that she is thinking of any way out of this situation and my cock gets so rock hard looking at my ************ completely nude in front of me with her hands down at her pussy lips spread for what ever I want to do next. Her small face with clear blue eyes watching me as if she were caught prey. But, she was and I was going to enjoy this. Sitting up in my seat now I tell her; "Now Jenni. I want you to ask me to touch your pussy and see how wet you are."

Seeing the turmoil on her face, she looks to my face and asks; "Only three months? Promise?"

"Yes I promise Jenni, only three months unless you ask to stay with me longer."

I assure her and then watch as she bites her lower lip and in the most sweetest voice that I could have wanted to hear, she softly stammers in apprehension; " please t-touch my p-pussy and see how wet I am?"

Slowly I move closer to her, the leather creaking with my actions and I rest my hand on her leg, slowly I let it travel back up towards that warm moist box. My cock is so hard and I have to take a brief moment to gather my thoughts. Since I knew I wanted the night to last if I was going to go forward with my plan.

My fingers now move towards the inside of her thigh, feeling the softest skin ever and I tenderly touch the outside of her pussy lips. I feel her jump ever so slightly and let a finger trail across the outside of her swollen clit. My finger move up and then down slowly, letting her get use to my hand being there. Then I let it run near her clit, teasing her. I turn to see her face and she is frozen in her seat, now holding her breath, blue eyes watching me and knowing she is feeling everything as well. Letting my fingers still play with her pussy.

I ask her quietly. "Do you want me continue? Or do you want me to stop. All you have to do is nod yes or no." I see a moment of thought flash through her eyes and then she slowly nods in head in consent and as she does. My finger slips between the folds of her pussy and she finally let's go of the held breath.

Knowing that she is starting to get turned on by what I am doing, I slip two fingers in her cunt and we both can hear the wetness as my fingers move within her cum filled pussy. She leans back into the corner of the seat, which only spread her legs wider for me. This allows me more access and my fingers go deeper into her pussy. Now making a small stroking motion and looking to her face to see her expression I watch as her eyes start to close. With a grin on my face, I tell her to open her eyes and to watch what I am doing. I want her to see all that I am going to do and I ask her if she likes what I am doing...She makes a small nod of her head and then I tell her to take one hand and rub it around her pussy.

Feeling her hands near mine, knowing that she is starting to enjoy this. I watch as her hand finds her clit and as she starts to rub it, I find her little nub and press up against it, making her jump a little. Her breathing has started to come in small pants and seeing that she is going to come soon. I tell her to take her left hand and cup her left breast. As she does so, I lean in closer to wrap my lips about that harden nipple. Sucking it into my mouth, enjoying the taste of her skin. Letting my tongue flick her nipple, then start to roll her nipple between my teeth, teasing her and then I nip at the nipple hard She jumps again and I hear her take another breath in excitement. Now I start to move my fingers in and out of her faster. The sound of her wet pussy and her small moans echo in the car and I make sure to hit that little nub every time. Her lower waist starts to meet my hand, as I am finger fucking her. Knowing she cannot take much more. I release her breast so to watch her face... she again closes her eyes and seeing her enjoyment.

I let her and then say her; "Come on Jenni. I want you to fuck my fingers. Ride them baby, ride your daddy's cum soaked fingers" I feel her start to meet my thrusts. Even harder, she rides my fingers... allowing me to delve deeper into her pussy and seeing the joy I am giving her. I whisper to her; "Come Baby girl, show me you want it."

Then she cries out. "Yes Daddy...don't stop! Please don't!" Then with a small shudder, she gives a small scream and comes all over my fingers. Feeling her cum filled pussy clench in ecstasy. The sticky sweet stuff dripping out of her, over my fingers and down onto my leather car seat.

With her eyes still closed. I whisper near her one final time before pulling away. "Now that is Daddy's good cum liked me playing with you're cum filled pussy, didn't you?" Her eyes flash open as she realizes what she has done and quickly clamps her legs close. I move in quickly and kiss her cheek before she has a chance to move her face away and then lean back into my own seat.

I chuckle and move to grab her clothes and then wipe my hand off on her blouse. Seeing her expression and I ask her. "So three months. Agreed?"

She nods her head yes but I can see she is somewhat mortified about what she has done but I know with time it will all pass. As I open the door I look back to see my very naked ************ all flushed from her orgasm.

She is sitting in my leather passenger seat, in a puddle of her own cum and the car smelling of her sex. Closing the door, I move about the car and open her door, holding my hand out to her. She takes it and I lead her to door going into the house knowing the rest of the night is going to be very interesting.. I pause for a moment. "Tell Daddy you're my cum slut baby and that for the next three months you will be my mine."


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With a small voice, I hear her say. "Yes Daddy I am your cum slut and I will be yours for the next three months." With head bowed, I open the door and let her pass me as she enters and know for the next three months, she will be all mine to do with as I please.



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I keep my head lowered as I pass my **********. I was still dazed over what we had done but there was a small part of me that was excited that it had happen. I moved to the bottom of the steps and waited to see what he wanted me to do and briefly thought of my new matching bra and panty set, which was no more. The Dean had my underwear and my bra was floating in the wind along some highway. I look up to my dad awaiting my fate.

"Go on up to your room and get ready for bed, we can find a movie when you come back down" he says as he walks through the kitchen and into the living room.

I turn around and head up the stairs towards the bathroom. Taking a washcloth, I rinse it in warm water and then placing one foot on the toilet, I gently clean my pussy; Removing the cum from my professor from earlier today and then what happen in the car. Looking up at the mirror, over the sink, my face flushed... quickly look away to finish. Back in my bedroom, I slipped into my baby blue boy-shorts and matching lacy tank top. Again I gaze into the mirror and wonder what others see in me. All I see is limp long blond hair framing my face, which barely covers my breasts. Some would call me athletic, with curves and long legs that go on for days. Sighing, I wipe away the dark smudges from under my eyes and take one quick glance at myself before I go to face the inevitable.

Heading back down the stairs, my dad calls out to me, telling me to grab the ice tray out of the freezer. Coming back through to the living room I pause for a moment noticing that some of the furniture has been moved away from the fireplace. Remembering how he does this for my ****** on their quiet nights I feel my stomach clench in fear. Feeling his eyes on me, I look to my Step-Dad and I see him watching my every move, waiting to see what I am going to do. Knowing I agreed to the next 3 months, I bite my lower lip as I move towards the bar and place the ice tray down. I walk back towards the couch and grab the blanket laying over the back of it and wrap it about me for comfort.

"Jenni, why don't you come down here by me while I build a fire?" he asks me. Reluctantly I move by him, still gripping the blanket tight about me, unsure of what of what happens next. Nervously I watch him spread the kindling in the fireplace and as he bends near to add bigger pieces of wood, he tells me there is a ***** on the coffee table behind us and I turn to see the two glasses. Taking a few swallows, I realize it is something fruity since he knew I didn't like the taste of *******. Turning back to the fireplace I gaze at the now growing fire and watch the flames lick at the wood.

I feel my blanket being tugged and I release the grip I have on it, letting it fall down some so he has a perfect few of my breasts. He can the see through the material of my upturn nipples and as I see his eyes on my chest, I try to focus a moment on my ***** as I try to cradle it carefully in my lap. Closing my eyes... letting loose a quiet sigh... I sense and then feel his hand move down my arm slowly. It moves back up and runs across my chest over the lacy fabric. I start to feel goose pimples along my arm as he moves his hand up and down, back and forward, now tracing each breast in large circles. I know without looking, my nipples have harden into sharp pencil ends and would be poking through my top where I know he is watching and can feel my body is becoming aroused.

Closing my eyes... I begin to feel despair, not wanting to see his face and expecting to see the lust that would be there like all the other guys but instead when I do. There is no lust in those brown eyes, it is consideration. As if he is unsure what to do with me.

Now I watch as his hand lowers to the blanket on my thigh that is still somewhat wrapped about me. I hear him exclaim; "I always did like that color on you. However you do remember when you , your brother and ****** came to live with me 15 years ago. I have enjoyed watching you grow up around me." He chuckles more to himself though as he proclaims: "You have made the last several years most interesting for me. Seeing you grow up, your body becoming a woman... watching you run around in skimpy clothes and flashing all that you could. I know subconsciously, you were teasing me and any guy that was coming near you. However that was all part of growing up and wanting to feel sexy. That is why I insisted I pay for the college you went to, cause my best friend is the Dean there and it would be the best way to keep tabs on you as you started to 'experiment' as he gets up he grabs his ***** and goes to the bar to refresh it and then picks up few movies.

As his words sink in over the fact that he was... is... friends with my Dean. He comes back, leaning over and hands me the movies saying: "Interested in watching a movie with me?"

I look curiously at them since they are the type of a very young girl. All cartoons or animation and then frown at him as I say: "These are all kiddie movies... Got anything a bit older for someone that is 22?" I ask him....

He gives a deep throaty laugh and tells me to be careful what I ask for. He has more mature videos and wonders if I can handle any of them.

He moves across the room and pulls some DVD's aside, where we keep more drama/adventurous movies. After pulling some aside, reaching deep into the back, he pulls out 3 more movies. I watch him curiously and see he is amused and wonder what I have missed. He gives me a **** eating grin, and I watch him open one of the cases and put in a DVD into the player. "I wonder if you will be interested in what kind of movie I have. Are you sure you can handle whatever it is I play???" he asks me.

My heart jumps for a moment and then all of a sudden it stops and freezes as I see it is my bedroom on the TV screen. I move to stand, the blanket falling off of me and drops to the floor. Slowly I walk slowly toward the TV as I see myself enter the room and then my ex-boyfriend on screen.

Stammering I ask: "How long... when did you do this...? Why would you do this?" as I feel a sinking feeling of what it is I am going to see next.

"Because Honey you are the best entertainment that has walked into this house and I like the show..." he laughs as he tells me.

I am frozen now with betrayal and anger beginning to grow. The screen shows us making out and ex-boyfriend is slowly stripping off my clothes. Even though I am appalled that I am seeing this on the TV screen, I am also starting to feel my stomach tighten... watching myself as I am beginning to have sex and surprised how turned on I was becoming.

As my dad clears his throat to get my attention, he states;"I will say this much Jenni.... You body has matured over the years as a fine wine. I love how you have filled out over the years and only to enjoy the best that you can offer. I think our compromise will be a benefit to the both of us. See you get to learn from an experience man, and I get to prepare you for your future."

"What do you think you can offer me?" I start to get angry as I see his smug expression. "That I can't get from some other guy? How long have you been videotaping me and do you get your jollies by watching a young girl trying to experience sex her first time?"

My dad's smug expression now turns into a full burst of laughter? "First time...HA! I know when you had your first sex and every other time... You're a tramp and need to know how to play the game like I told you earlier. Honey... Your game is over and you're going to learn how to play with the big boys... so now strip!"

I pause for a moment, thinking this is not how I wanted it to go. I wanted to tease him, lead him... tease him some more... and now he is telling me to take off all of my clothes??? "No... I won't and you can't make me", I tell him stubbornly.

"Oh I cant?" he says without hesitation, "Do you know if these are the only movies I have? Do you know what else I have of you, up my sleeve. No you don't and until you think you know all the cards I play, then you will do as I say. Now Strip!"

Bluff called. I stare at him in astonishment.

"Now dear, lets not forget our bargain and I should not have to remind you again." He states

I let out the breath I was unaware of holding and begin to drop my head, until a thought occurred. gaining my composure mid-droop I fight to hold in my minor excitement. Maybe, just maybe I can turn this little game of his around on him.

Looking him in the eyes for a few seconds I take a slight step forward. Raising my right hand to slowly remove my left shoulder strap I turn my head so to watch myself on the TV. Slowly and smoothly I slide my left arm free from the strap and within the same momentum shrug out of the right strap. I look up at my ********** as i grab my now partially rolled up lacy top with my thumb and fingertips and push down, taking my boy shorts with. Just as i reach my knees i let go allowing them to drop to the floor and step out forwards.

Hoping my plan will work, I turn facing full the TV so my ********** can see only of my backside. Looking up to see that my ex-boyfriend and I are in the middle of having sex.

Turning back towards him, I lower myself down to my knees, hands reaching down on either side of me and lean back, resting on my heels while I look up at him. I hide the fear within me, knowing our agreement but my stomach still with hope. He takes a gulps of his ***** while his eyes wanders down my body but I still see no lust in his eyes, unlike the boys or the other men before but something else. He puts the ***** down on the coffee table and then kneels down in front of me.

Watching as his hand reaches out to me... light fingers caress my cheek, slowly trailing down and across my chin. Then fingertips lightly brush across my full lips I watch him. He seems to be be intrigue as if I were a doll. I wonder for a moment if I am just a toy... to be molded into some plaything for him. As the thought leaves... I let go a small sigh.



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He moves his hands to his chest and starts to unbutton his shirt. As I watch him take it off and toss it to a nearby chair. He stands and I watch him remove his jeans... My heart rushes to my throat and I go to lean back and away. "oh no... I'm not having sex with you... you can't make me.. but I can offer a compromise." I fee his hand now on my shoulder, his face is all of a sudden near mine and he holds me still.

"I never said I was having sex with you, as if you were to be so lucky... What is this compromise that you want to offer me!" he states as he moves to the chair near us, by now completely nude.

My own noises coming at me from the tv and my dad in his chair... I just didn't want to do this. After a few moments I look up to his face and there is nothing there. No expression at all and I knew it was all up to me. I couldn't' flash my pretty blue eyes, and taunt him like I did with the others. The look on his face wouldn't show me anything... to direct my next step. So would this plan of mine even work?

I fight the tears of the unknown and then take a deep breathe. On my hands and knees... the carpet soft between my fingers. I move slowly, my hips moving side from side. I know he is watching me as I move closer. Stopping when I see his toes now near my hands, I look up and try not to see his hard cock between his legs. Oh my god... he was bigger than I thought. How the hell was I to put that in my mouth.

Seeing my shocked my expression, I hear a low chuckle: "Told you... you weren't going to be playing with boys anymore."

Now moving my hands to his knees, settling my knees now between his slightly spread legs and wonder where should or how should I start. My left hand moves to grasp his cock, feeling the warmth of him. Taking one last look at him, hoping maybe he will have pity on me or something but nothing... still the same blank expression... boy did attorneys know how to hide their emotions.

I lean up and forward, my small tongue laps out and across the top of his head. I smell the muskiness of him. Letting my tongue run small circles across his head, I quickly glance up to see his expression, hoping for some expression but nothing. Not even the slightest bit of satisfaction from the depth of his eyes. Feeling a bit angry now at his lack of emotion, I close my eyes and think of anything I could do to hear for even the slightest enjoyment.

I take the full head into my mouth, which fills most of my mouth. Pausing for a moment, I wonder how I could even get anymore of it in and think maybe use the flat part of my tongue to make small circles along the front of his tip. After a few seconds of repeating this I lower myself to see how much of him I could possibly take in. I treat is as a sucker.... lapping and suckling and trying to fit as much as I can before I begin to feel my gag reflex tighten. Opening my eyes I am beginning to sense defeat as I notice I do not barely make past his tip. I slowly back off and with my right hand begin to rub up an down tightly while often turning to the left and right. While doing so I run my tongue up and down the side of his hardened cock. Maneuvering all the way around to insure every part of him is wet as I begin to try again to take him in my mouth and goo as deep as I dare. All the while adding in some small nibbles and sucks... continuing my hand movements.

After repeating this over and over, still slightly annoyed that I have not heard any sound. I place my left hand directly under my right and counter circulate while gently squeezing in and up and down motion. I intake his head in my mouth again and very quickly move my tongue in circles all around it while periodically sucking in hard enough to fill my mouth.

I continue until my jaw begins to tighten and I feel a throbbing between my hands. Just as I begin to make small but pressure-full circles with my thumbs. Soon I feel him swell in my mouth... it pulsates next to my tongue and then my mouth becomes full with a warm sweetness and in reflex... I have to quickly swallow before it overfills and would dribble out.

Taking slow deep breaths I wipe my mouth with my now tired right hand and look for some form of satisfaction. Nothing. There is nothing there while he takes a rag and cleans up the rest of his cum and says, without looking at me. I feel so defeated and cannot look at him as I realize my plan has failed.

I hear his voice: "Now go up stairs and get some rest, we will talk tomorrow of our meeting with the Dean." Astonished I slowly rise and slowly find myself walking in a daze up the stairs wondering what just happened. As I think over all the possibilities that it could may happen... I go to bed and quickly fall asleep.

My ****** sits in the chair... watching the end of the video of his ******** crying out in an orgasm with her ex-boyfriend. A smile plays on his mouth as he quickly downs the rest of his ***** and his thoughts are only filled with what had conveniently fallen into his lap. It took all of his will to fight her blow-job. That innocent looking face going up and down on his harden cock... He could feel himself harden again already with what she thought she only failed at. Ah... pretty ... little ********. I can not wait to fill that pretty little pussy.... soon... very soon.


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Tu sais, Chrislebo, on s'habituait aux textes en français!!!!!


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je veux bien te croire lolll


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Oliver's Balls

After graduation, and a bit of traveling, I started working in sales in the local offices of a national sporting goods company. As per the usual rights of passage, I started in a sales support position, and had to work my way up to the point where I was managing my own territory. For 3yrs now, I had been working my butt off! Arriving early, leaving late, and fixing all the problems that no one else wanted to touch. I was doing whatever it took to get ahead!

Along the way I had befriended another, more established sales rep. After me, he was probably the youngest in office, but he was somewhat of a social cast off. He always had this greasy look to him, like his hair had gone unwashed for a few days, and as though he constantly missed spots while shaving. His name was Oliver, and he didn't have many, if any, friends around the office. Feeling kind of sorry for him, I often ate with him at lunch, and sat with him through our education sessions.

On Fridays we'd often grab a beer or two after work, and say our goodbyes till the following Monday morning.

This week however, he seemed a little distraught. So we sat and chatted a little longer, and finally after our 4th pint, he mentioned that he and his girlfriend had broken up. To be honest, I hadn't even known he had a girlfriend, or ever considered that one might be interested in him. Oliver spoke very highly of her, and made her sound almost model-like in his description of her. I figured he was exaggerating, until he pulled her picture from his wallet. She was GORGEOUS! A tall slim looking blonde woman, with what looked to be at least a 'c' cup, and a beautiful smile.

I have to admit that I thought he was lying, or even perhaps simply stalking the woman in this picture, but even after all of my friendly jabs, he assured me he had dated her for almost a year now.

"Yeah right!" I said.

To which he responded "I can prove it! I have a video of us together from just last week!"

So we closed our tab, and headed to his place. He lived in a somewhat seedy part of town, furthering my belief that he had to be lying about this girl.

When we got into his apartment he invited me to sit on his couch, and he'd set up the video and get us some ******. Moments after handing me my 5th pint of the night, the screen came to life with images of Oliver and this Amazon of a woman playing around on the very sofa we were sitting on. I was stunned. I swallowed half my beer, just to see if maybe more beer would help my eyes to believe what I was seeing.

As the video went on, I started to get a little nervous and excited, because they were starting to lose some of their clothing. First her shirt... then his. Then her jeans were tossed aside, and then his. At this point I looked over at Oliver, a little uncomfortable with what I thought I might see next, but he was just sitting there focused on the screen. I didn't want to insult him by leaving the room for no reason, or asking him to turn it off, so I quickly finished my beer, and announced that I was going for another round.

As I came back into the room, and landed in my seat, my jaw dropped when I saw the screen. His girlfriend was dancing around in the nude, and he seemed to be holding the camera. She then worked her way into the bedroom, where she spread herself out, and started masturbating on the bed.

I turned to Oliver and said "um, maybe we should turn this off, this is kinda private stuff."

"Hey man, she dumped me. Her privacy is no longer an issue. Enjoy!"

So I did, and I could feel my penis starting to swell. There she was, one had fingering her bald pussy furiously, while the other tugged at her nipples. This went on for a good seven to ten minutes, and by the time she climaxed, I was rock hard!

At this point, Oliver excused himself, saying he was gonna go take a leak, and change out of his work clothes. About 30 seconds after he left the room, she came to life again. She started crawling towards the camera, her tits swinging from side to side, a look of lust in her eyes. Suddenly the camera was placed on a dresser or something, and I was getting a side view of her reaching for his pants. She slowly undid his belt while kissing at his stomach. I could see her sitting on the edge of the bed, while she slowly worked his pants off. His back side was facing the camera at this point fortunately, so when she pulled his boxers down, the only bit of his man parts I had to witness was his ass. I could tell from her movements, that she was now working his cock with her mouth, moaning, sucking, and licking. I could hear him too though, saying things like "mmm, you like that?" "yeah baby, take it all...take my whole cock in your it good enough, and maybe I'll let you fuck me".

I couldn't believe it! He had to give her permission? What was going on here? Did she owe him money or something? Then, as he started to turn on screen, Oliver came back into the room, wearing an old t shirt, and some fairly tight, thin material, shorts. As he stood beside me, I got a full view of exactly what it was she was lusting after on screen. Her hand was wrapped around, what looked to be at least 10" of thick shiny cock! And hanging just below, were two massive, completely shaved balls. I couldn't believe my eyes! On this dirty looking, skinny little guy hung the biggest cock I've ever seen outside of a porn actor. I was in shock, so much so, that he had to ask twice if I wanted another beer. Without even really thinking about it, I said "yes", in a sort of low, distant voice.

When he returned from the kitchen and handed me my beer, I turned to look at him, but ended up just staring at his crotch. I could see a fairly clear outline of his monster through the shorts, and while limp, he looked to be at least 6" and THICK!

He made his way back to his seat beside me on the couch, and I turned back to the screen just in time to see his monster explode on his girlfriends face! It was like a fire hose going off on her.

After the tape ended, Oliver put some other movie on, and we sat and watched for a bit before calling it a night. I grabbed a cab home, and passed out pretty quickly.

All weekend long my sex drive was on overdrive, and I was making myself cum three to four times a day. The image of his giant cock blowing up all over her face was driving me insane. I guess I should mention, that I am now, and have always been a straight man, so the fact that this was turning me on so much was strange to say the least.

Monday morning came and went, and we went about our routine as per usual, but no matter what I did, or how much I flirted with my female coworkers, I just couldn't get the image of Oliver's cock out of my head. Strangely, I found myself trying to steal glimpses at his crotch over lunch, or in the halls.

On Friday, we went for our usual beers, and after couple, I asked if there had been any news with his ex. He kind of laughed a bit and said no, and then apologized for making me watch his tape. He said he woke up the next morning and felt awful for having subjected me to that.

I told him I didn't mind, and that I hadn't remembered much cause of all the beer. I was lying though. I remembered every detail, every frame of the video. From the images of her playing with herself, to the images of his hairless monster being worked over. We chatted for a bit longer, when suddenly, I just blurted out "Aren't you afraid of cutting yourself?"

"What?" he replied confusedly.

I couldn't believe what I had asked. I was thinking it over in my head, but never had the intention of asking, but in my ******* state, I just kinda blurted it out. So I couldn't ignore it, and continued the conversation.

"um, when you shave yourself... aren't you...umm... worried that you might... you know... cut one of them?"

"Not really, I've been doing it since college, so I'm pretty good at it now. Haven't you ever tried?" He asked.

Getting slightly turned on, I responded "Um... what? Me? No, I could never..."

"Why not? It actually feels pretty good."

"Really? When did you start? Why did you start?" I continued.

"Um, haha, well, funny story... in college we were playing some ******** card games, and my girlfriend had lost, and her challenge was that she had to shave my balls. Being hammered out of our minds, I let her, and since then, I haven't stopped."

Somewhere in the middle of his story, I started playing the video in my head of his massive cock being worked over by his girlfriend. I could feel my cock starting to stiffen, and I knew I was in trouble. I think he could tell that he was making me uncomfortable, and changed the subject.

Weeks later, after another few rounds, we ended up back at his place playing a new football video game he'd bought. We were trash talking non stop. At some point, I was on a three game winning streak, and just after putting the finishing touches on another landslide victory, I turned to him and said "how's that feel? You like being my bitch? You like when I work your team over like that?" I was being a total ass, as I deserved to be, and I went to the kitchen to round up a few more beers. I then told him I needed another pee break before I delivered his next beating!

When I came back, he had changed into the same shorts that he wore the day we had watched the movie, and it was distracting me. Before starting the game, I said "After I beat you this time, you have to kiss my ass...LITERALLY!" I was *****, and getting cockier by the minute.


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He said "ok, but if I win, you have to strip down to your boxers, and go ask my neighbor if you can borrow some milk!"

Without thinking, I yelled "DEAL", and just assumed that I'd be victorious.

I was not. It was a close game, that came down to the last play, but there I stood, slowly removing my clothes as he pointed and laughed in anticipation of my coming embarrassment.

When I returned to his apartment he was still dying of laughter, and I still couldn't help but stare at his crotch. I could feel myself getting aroused, so I started dressing. He stopped me and offered some track pants and a t-shirt for comfort. I took them, and dressed. They were a little tight on me, as I was taller than Oliver, but definitely more comfortable than my work clothes.

At the start of the next game, I started the **** talking again.

"That was a fluke. I let you win, and I wanted to give you a false sense of security before crushing your will to live in this next game!"

"Oh yeah? Then let's raise the stakes!"

"Name your punishment!" I said with confidence.

"Loser gets tea-bagged by the winner!" He exclaimed.

Nerves hit my stomach like a sledgehammer. I was speechless. I mean, I had seen him in the nude on screen, but why would he think that his would be something that I'd agree to?

"What're you scared? I tell you what sissy, if you win, no tea bag, I'll do all your weekly reports for the next two months!" he said.

These reports take hours to fill out every week, and although the punishment would have been steep, I agreed to the proposal.

The game seemed to go on forever. He started out strong but I battled back to tie it, but halfway through the fourth quarter, he ran away with it. The final score was 42-28. I was stunned, and terrified, and nervous as hell... but strangely, part of me was curious. To see if was really that big in person.

After some reluctance, and begging, I assumed my position on his coffee table, lying on my back. Although I had never witnessed one of these before, I had always assume the person delivering would be facing away from the persons face, then squat to deliver the "tea-bag" as they call it. But strangely, Oliver was facing my feet, in an almost '69' direction. He looked down at my face, and said "Repeat after me! Oliver is the greatest football player ever!"

"oliver is the greatest ever" I said with feigned enthusiasm.

"WRONG!" he said. "Oliver is the greatest football player ever! Say it, and I may spare you my balls!" He said with a howling laughter.

"Oliver is the greatest football player ever!" I said, this time with hope that it would end here. But it didn't.

He then hooked his thumbs into the waistband of his shorts, and started to slowly lower them. "Oliver is my master! I am Oliver's bitch! SAY IT!!!"

With fear, I started "Oliver is my master! I am Oliver's bitch!"

Just then, his shorts got low enough for his massive uncut cock to pop out of its hiding place. "I want Oliver's balls on my face!" He said laughing again.

"I... I want Oliver's... b a l l s... on ... my face." I managed to squeak out as his shorts lowered past his mid thighs and out of my sight.

He started swaying his hips from side to side making his heavy cock sway with him. I was mesmerized by it. He was still laughing cockily, but suddenly he switched into a different gear. Maybe he saw the look in my eyes, or maybe he started to turn himself on. But suddenly he started sounding like he did in the video. "You like that don't you? Seeing my huge cock just a foot from your face? I can tell you like it... just say it. Tell me you like seeing my cock!"

"I do" I said hesitantly, "I do like seeing your big cock."

As he started lowering himself he continued "What do you want me to do with it? What should I do with my big cock?"

I could feel my own cock stirring, and growing bigger. I didn't understand what this power was that he had over me. But I just responded without thinking "I want your balls on my face. Bounce those big bald balls on my face!"

As I finished, he reached down, grabbed his cock, pulling it upwards, and leaving just his balls in site. He lowered himself further, and slowly let his balls rest on the bridge of my nose. Without warning, or premeditation of any kind, I moaned. I couldn't believe it. My cock was now throbbing hard, and clearly visible through the track pants he had lent me.

"You like that don't you? You like having my big balls on your face? Why don't you show me how much you like it? Show me how hard your little dick is."

And with those words, he reached forward and lifted my waistband, putting my penis in his full view. He laughed. He roared with laughter "You call that a cock? I was bigger than that when I was twelve!"

I couldn't believe it. I was mortified with embarrassment. Not only was I laying on my back with this little guys huge balls on my face, but he was making fun of how small my own penis was. "I think I'm bigger than your erection when I'm soft! But look at you, all turned on at the site of a real man's cock! You're loving this aren't you? Having a real man's cock on your face?"

I didn't respond. By this point he had, with my help, lowered my pants to my knees, leaving my cock in full view at all times. He was seeing my throbbing little penis bounce with his every tease. He started swirling his hips around, and dragging his big balls all over my face. When they hit my lips he stopped, and started swinging them from side to side. "C'mon bitch, you know you wanna give'em a kiss... pucker up! If you're lucky, I'll let you use your tongue!"

He was right, his words were steering my thoughts. He made me want to kiss his nut sack, and so I did. I gave them a peck at first, then another, and before long I was full on making out with his balls.

"Yeah, oh yeah, suck those balls!" he said. "Mmm, yeah, you're making me hard bitch. When I get hard I have to cum, so you better believe you're gonna make me cum before I let you leave here!" "What?" I thought to myself. Make him cum? In my head I knew this had gone on long enough. I had to make it all stop. I had to get out of this somehow... but my body wasn't agreeing with me. I was now holding onto his thighs with both hands as I worked his balls over in mouth. Sucking each one in and making sure my tongue covered every inch of his sack.

Suddenly, he started sliding his balls up towards my eyes. My mouth had grown needy, and I started reaching for his balls with my mouth. Like a little bird begging for food from its ******. He then opened his hand, and let his huge cock flop down across my lips. He started slapping my mouth with his cock. Pushing the head firmly against my lips, then pulling it away, and pushing it back again. Before long he was using one hand to hold is body horizontally over mine, and he was lowering his hips, and using his hand to guide his rock hard monster straight down onto my wet lips.

"Open up bitch! You're about to swallow my cock. You're about to become my cock slave. The moment this snake hits that tongue of yours, there's no going back!"

He was hovering his tool about an inch from my mouth now, and a drop of precum was forming at its tip. I needed it. I needed to taste that drop in my mouth, but I knew, the moment I did, as he said, my mouth would become his property. I was taller than him, stronger than him, probably smarter than him, but because he had this huge gorgeous cock, I'd do whatever he asked.

I leaned up, and with the tip of my tongue, I stole that drop and swallowed. I then licked the tip again, then again, and then finally I leaned further, and took his entire cock head into my mouth. As I lowered myself back down, he followed with his cock. With my head now resting on the table, he started to slowly fuck my face. Going deeper and deeper with each push, until his balls were once again bouncing off of my nose.

This went on for a good 5 minutes or so, and after a while I was using my hands to pull his cock deeper and deeper into my mouth. I could feel it in my mouth, my throat, flying over my tongue. Suddenly he pulled out. Stood straight up, and started rubbing himself. Before long, jets of cum were raining down on me. On my legs, my cock, my chest, till eventually he was just dripping onto my face. It was just like in the video. It seemed like gallons of cum came out of his cock. He just looked down on me, covered in his sperm, and said "Cum for me bitch. Look at my cock, a real mans cock, and jerk that little penis of yours."

And I did, I reached down and grabbed my little penis, which was still rock hard, and with only a few strokes, it burst all over my stomach, mixing with the mess he had left on me.

"Who owns your mouth?" he asked dominantly.

"You do." I said.

"From now on, you're a slave. You're a slave to my cock, and whenever I need to cum, you're gonna be there, on your knees, to swallow every drop. Now, using your fingers, start scooping that cum off your dirty body, and swallow every drop!"

"Yes sir." I responded. And I proceeded to do exactly as he had ordered. I scooped every drop into my mouth until every bit was swallowed. His cum, my cum, all of it was swallowed.

He had put his tight shorts back on, and was sitting on the couch when I finished. He was watching a video. As I made my way back to the couch to watch with him, I noticed that the video was of us. Of what had just happened. I was watching myself submit to his cock. I heard my voice beg him to lower his balls onto my face. I saw his thick cock slide into my mouth for the first time. All of this was getting me hard again, and he took notice. He stood up, stepped in front of me, and asked me if I liked what I saw.

"What? Um... yeah... I'm turned on by the video." I couldn't lie.

He reached down, took a handful of my hair, pulled my head towards his crotch, and said "give him a kiss, thank him for your dinner."

So I did, I kissed his tool again. I could clearly see its outline through the shorts, and I made sure to kiss its head. "That's a good bitch. Show your love to my cock. Show my cock that you're its bitch. You love my cock, don't you?"

"Yes, I love your cock" I said, before kissing it again.

He let me leave shortly after, and I spent all weekend thinking about what had happened. I'd be grocery shopping, see a pepperoni sausage, and start to fantasize about Oliver's cock. Before long, I'd be hiding my rock hard penis under my jacket.



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Monday had gone by smoothly, so had Tuesday, and it seemed like everything was back to normal, when Oliver called me into his office at the end of the day on Wednesday. As I walked in, he instructed me to close the door behind him.

"Heard you scored some new clients? Have you reported any sales with them yet?"

I needed these sales to make my monthly quota. In fact, with these new accounts coming in, I was expecting to overshoot my quota and pull in some solid commission.

"I drew up some papers for you, so you could sign those over to me. You see, I saw this new car, and those additional dollars would really help me out."

Knowing that he had the tape, and that I didn't want anyone to know what had happened, I willingly signed the accounts over to him, along with most of the bigger customers I had in my book.

He was now not only ****** my mouth, but he was also ****** me at work. After I finished signing the papers, he moved around to the front of his desk, sat on the edge, looked me in the eye and said "You know what to do."

With those words, I dropped to my knees at his fee, unzipped his fly, and pulled his cock free. With one hand I massaged his balls, with the other I directed the head of his cock into my mouth, and went to work on it. Fifteen long minutes later, I was swallowing his load, doing my best to make sure none of it dripped onto my work clothes.

As I stood, he said "You're a good bitch, aren't you? You like servicing my cock, don't you? In fact, I think you gave me those accounts to thank me for letting you suck my big man cock, didn't you?"

"Yes sir."

"Yes sir, what?"

"Yes sir, I love servicing your big cock, and I'll suck it anytime you want me to." I couldn't believe the words that were coming out of my mouth.

From that point on, every day at about 5.30pm Oliver would call me into his office, and fire a load into my wanting mouth.

It had been about three months since the first encounter had taken place, and Oliver was now the top sales person in our state. In fact, he'd taken so many of my clients, and my sales, that I almost got fired for underperforming. Fortunately (I guess), Oliver had been promoted to a level where he was able to have an assistant, and so he asked that I be reassigned to his control, rather than let go.

My job didn't change much, as he had me working most of his accounts, but now he was getting 100% of the commission that I brought in. He'd make me come into work early and stay late every day to make sure that all of 'his' accounts were being looked after. And of course, at the end of every day he'd call me into his office to discuss the day's events, and for me to then service his monstrous cock.

He was taking up so much of my time, that I barely had any for a personal life. He'd give me weekend assignments, and monopolize so much of my work week that I didn't have time for a girlfriend. If I started slacking at work, he threatened to have me fired, and to release the tape to my family. Something I could most definitely not let happen.

After a few months of this, with his bank account growing rapidly, he started to ease off me. The days still ended with the same summary and a servicing, but they were ending earlier, and I was starting to get free time on weekends. As a result, I started seeing a girl named Stacy. We'd met at the grocery store one Saturday, and starting dating shortly after. I did everything I could to make sure that Oliver never found out about her... partly because I didn't want him to get jealous and punish me for it, and partly cause I felt like I was cheating on his cock. At the end of the day, his domination of me turned me on far more than I ever had been in my life.

Stacy was pretty damn hot, I must say, and three years younger than me! She was 5'6, 120 pounds, nice 'C' cup tits, blonde hair, and these incredible blue eyes. In my own estimation, she was far out of my league! But for some reason, our personalities just clicked instantly, and after only four months together we were using the 'L' word. It was around this time that my company was having its Christmas party. Initially I didn't want to attend cause I didn't want Oliver meeting Stacy, but after Oliver insisted I come, I didn't have much of a choice.

When I came by her place to pick her up I was breath taken as her door swung open. She was wearing this silky red dress that tied together behind her neck, hung loosely and provocatively over her ample and braless breasts, tightened around her slim waist, and then hung till about midway between her knees and her sweet little ass. It was almost and instant hard on for me. The thin material caught all of the right curves, and didn't work too hard at hiding her excited nipples. Part of me wanted to ask her to dress more conservatively, but the other part of me was busy drooling in my pants, so I just followed her to the car.

Two hours into the party Oliver still hadn't arrived, much to my pleasure! We were a few rounds into our night, and the ******* was beginning to take its early effects. We chatted with my coworkers, danced, and drank some more. It was about 10pm when Oliver finally showed up, and only two minutes after that he was introducing himself to my date.

He had brought a date of his own, and she appeared to be one of the 'rented' sort. Her old eyes told me that she'd lived far too much for her young age.

Surprisingly, Oliver didn't show any signs of anger when he found out that Stacy and I had been together for four months already. In fact, he seemed genuinely supportive of me when he spoke to Stacy.

"He's a great guy! Probably one of the closest friends I've ever had!"

Near the end of the night, as I was coming out of the washroom, Stacy ran up to me, threw her arms around my neck and kissed me full on the lips. After pulling away, she told me we'd been invited for a little after party at Oliver's place! I thought, ok, this won't be so bad right? If it's an after party, he won't try anything in an apartment full of people, right?

When we arrived at his place, it wasn't long before we figured out that the party guest list only included four people. Oliver the host, his 'lovely' date, and us of course. He had the lights turned down, music blaring, and the champagne started flowing. Apparently we were also celebrating his incredible year at work, no thanks to me of course. After finishing the first bottle, Oliver told me to grab another from the fridge, which I did. I was gone for maybe 5 minutes, as I had to get the bastard open without breaking any windows, and when I returned the party seemed to be in full swing.

Oliver was dancing closely with his girl, who's name turned out to be Rosie I should mention, and Stacy was getting her own groove on close bye. Not more than a half hour later, Oliver and his date were going at it pretty hard, and Stacy was a lot more touchy feely than she'd ever been before. We had slept together, but it was never overly passionate or adventurous. I was pretty hammered myself, so I just went along with everything.

Before I knew it, I was seated on the couch, with my shirt off, and Stacy was straddling me, savagely trying to rip my lips off with her teeth. She was pulling at my hair, grabbing at my nipples, and grinding herself onto my crotch hungrily. As she worked her way down my neck, I looked behind her to see Oliver's date on her knees, totally nude, yanking his boxers down, and freeing his massive tool. I looked up into his face just in time to make eye contact with him, and he shot me a cocky, mischievous smile that I didn't quite understand. I just smiled back, and then refocused on the ****** that was currently mauling my neck.

My eyes had been closed for about 45 seconds, when suddenly Stacy's attack stopped. She was still grinding my crotch, but suddenly her hands and mouth had disappeared. I opened my eyes to see Oliver standing next to her, with his date on her knees still, right behind Stacy. One of Rosie's hands had reached around Stacy's waist, and was now fondling, caressing, and pulling at her nipples. She still had a mouth full of Oliver's massive cock, with her other hand gripping its base.

Stacy's eyes were focused on his massive tool, just a foot or so away from her. Oliver had a hand full of Rosie's hair, ensuring a good pace, and his other was now on Stacy's head, slowly massaging it, and ever so slowly pulling it towards him.

Suddenly, without warning, she flipped around on me, into a reverse cowboy styled position, and continued her grinding motion. I had my hands firmly gripped on her waist as I dry fucked the hell out of her! What I couldn't see, however, was that Oliver had pulled her head close enough that his cock was now within reach of her wanting mouth. In my aroused state, I never stopped to question the situation, or to prevent him from taking his liberties with my girl. In fact, it seemed that all I could think about was getting myself off.

Rosie's hand then appeared on the back of Stacy's head, and her own face was now in view. She was still holding onto the base of Oliver's giant cock as she started to work it in and out of Stacy's mouth. My girlfriend was now servicing my boss while she squatted in my lap. Stacy used her hands to steady herself on Oliver's hips, as her head bounced around on his mushroom head. As soon as it appeared as though she'd lost herself in the blowjob, Rosie let go, and started undressing Stacy and it didn't take long before her little red dress was bunched up around her waist. Her breasts fully exposed, and only her lacy thong hiding her wet, shaven pussy.

Rosie then started working on me, and I didn't object. Stacy had slid off my lap and onto the floor at Oliver's feet, and Rosie had freed me from my pants and boxers, and was hungrily sucking away at my hard penis. What a pro she was! Her fingers danced around my cock and balls, and even down to my ass where she, without warning, slide a finger inside to massage my prostate. Not long after that, she was swallowing everything I had to offer.

My head fell back, and my eyes closed happily, as this was by far, the most satisfied I'd ever felt in my life.

After a brief rest, I looked around the room to try to get a grip on what was happening, and I was shocked to see Stacy on all fours, on the same table where I felt Oliver's balls on my face, getting pounded by his monster. She was screaming and grunting harder than I had ever heard a woman scream and grunt in my life! On top of that, Rosie was reaching between her legs and rubbing at her clit, tugging at her nipples, the two of them were working her body into exhaustion.

I wanted to get up and scream. I wanted to stop everything that was happening, but for some reason my head just fell back, and I passed out.


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When I woke up the next morning, there was a note on the table from Oliver telling me that he'd bring Stacy home, and that I should leave immediately. And so, without questioning his orders, I left.

When Monday morning rolled around, I still hadn't heard from either of them, and it was about 10am before he showed up to the office. Being the holiday season, there weren't many people there, but he had refused to give me any days off during the holidays in case any of his customers needed to speak with someone. He however, had a nice three week vacation.

As he approached my desk, I expected some gloating, perhaps a thank you, or something along those lines. He said nothing, and simply strolled past me into his office, closing the door behind him. Two hours later, he called me into his office. As I entered, I could tell he was pissed. He sat on the edge of his desk facing me, and instructed me to come and kneel at his feet. I did. I always seemed to follow his orders without hesitation or questioning. When I got there, I looked up at him and asked what was up?

"You failed to inform me about your little girlfriend, didn't you? You kept her hidden from me didn't you? It's cause of my cock isn't it? Cause you knew that if she had the choice between your little penis, and my man cock, she'd choose me. Isn't that right?"

I knew better than to argue with him, so I just agreed, and hung my head in shame.

"Well then, I guess you should know that she only left my place this morning, and that, since Friday night, she has had my cock in every hole in her body more times that I can count. That little bitch loves my cock almost as much as you do! In fact, I threatened to stop fucking her unless she promised to stop seeing you, and do you know what she said?"

"No, what did she say sir?

"She didn't even hesitate buddy. She didn't even skip a beat before declaring her love for my cock, and her undying devotion to making sure it was completely satisfied at all times. But I told her I already had someone for that, don't I bitch?"

"Yes sir! You've got me for that."

"That's right I do, cause you love it so much, isn't that right? How much do you love my cock?"

"I love your cock more than anything sir!"

"Would you commit yourself to my cock?"


"If I told you the only way I'd let you continue in your roll was to promise me that you'd never date, or see anyone else sexually, would you do that? Or, if I said I'd let you out of our little deal, and promise to destroy the tapes, would you prefer that? Tell me bitch, which would it be?"

As he asked this, he slowly pulled the fly on his pants down, undid his belt, and let his pants fall to the ground. He was wearing a tight little pair of tighty whities, and his massive cock filled them to capacity. As he awaited my answer, he started to massage his meat, making it slowly grow, and beg for release from its confines.

I was mesmerized by his actions and without thinking, told him that I wanted nothing more in the world than to be the one responsible for satisfying his monstrous cock, and that he could destroy the tapes if he wanted to, but I'd still be there, on my knees, whenever he needed me.

He laughed cockily as one of his hands reached out, grabbed my hair, and pulled my face into his crotch. With both of his hands now gripping my head he started grinding my face into his crotch, and I wasn't about to stop him. Every breath I took was filled with his scent. I wanted it. I needed to have his cock in my mouth!

He then pushed me back, pulled up his pants and went back to his seat on the other side of the desk. I stayed on my knees in shock, not understanding what happened.

As he sat, he explained "You know, Stacy has three holes she can satisfy me with... you've only got the one, right?"

I didn't know what to say.

"Well? Aren't you going to counter offer? Or do you wanna lose this privilege you've earned?"

"I'll do anything Sir. Anything! You say it, I'll do it!"

"Really? In that case..."

As he said this, he reached into his drawer, and pulled out a thick 8" dildo. He threw it at me.

"You better start loosening up then, shouldn't you? In fact, why don't you start right now. I want you to show me that you can handle this little toy before I let you play with my big snake!"

"Yes Sir."

As I agreed, I rolled back to sit on my ass, undid and removed my pants and boxers, and started pushing the dildo into my ass. It didn't get far though. "Maybe you should lube that up, idiot."

"Sorry Sir, you're right Sir."

Without any actual lube handy, I stuck the dildo in my mouth, and did my best to cover it in saliva. After giving it a thorough coating, I once again worked it towards my hole. Much more successfully this time, I slowly worked the dildo in and out of my tight virgin ass, while Oliver just sat there watching.

"Harder bitch! I wanna see you really fuck that toy! Make it cum bitch!"

I started pounding away at my own ass. It hurt like hell at first, but as I loosened up, it started to really turn me on. Before I knew it, I was flat on my back, my knees pulled up, and I was stabbing myself as hard as I possibly could! Moments later, I came. And I came hard! My penis exploded all over my chest and face, some even landed in my mouth.

"Don't you dare fucken stop now bitch! You know I last longer than that! I wanna see you cum at least two more times before you even start slowing down!"

Even though my arm was tired, and I was out of breath, I didn't want to disappoint my master, so I continued. Twenty minutes later, I was exploding for a third time! My eyes were covered; my mouth had my cum all around it, and my chest was drenched!

"Nice work bitch. Now use that dirty dildo as a spoon, and eat every drop of that spunk! And when you're done, be sure to clean it off with your mouth, and place it back in my drawer."

With that last command, he packed up to leave. Just before pulling the door open to go, he turned back to me and said "By the way, how'd you like the GHB? The girls and I were riding a nice wave of ecstasy, but I wanted to make sure you wouldn't put up too much of a fight, so I thought the good old date **** **** would be best for you!"

Without waiting for a response, he left his office while laughing happily to himself, and I just laid there on my back, and continued to eat up all of my cum.


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It had been just over a year since Oliver had taken control over my life. And control it he did. I went from being a promising young salesman, to an assistant, who handled all of my boss' accounts, and also served as his cock slave.

Oliver had moved into a much larger penthouse apartment, while I was struggling to feed myself on a weekly basis. Not only was he benefitting from the commissions I was earning for him on his accounts, but he was now also charging me to be his slave. Every payday he'd call me into his office and have me slowly tongue bathe his balls while he looked over my pay slip for the week. He'd then decide how much of it I was allowed to keep. I usually went home with roughly 25% of my earnings.

Oliver's control was no longer confined to just our office space either. About a month ago he fitted me with a chastity device to prevent me from getting erections and playing with myself unless I was under his direct supervision. He also now had me arriving at his apartment at 6.30am to draw a bath for him. He'd then make me clean him from head to toe, including washing his hair, cleaning each of his toes individually, and making sure his ass was clean.

This wasn't just constrained to week days either, it was 7days a week. On Saturdays, after the bath, he'd stand in the water as it drained from the tub, and have me shave his balls for him. There I was, on my knees, with his thick flaccid cock in one hand, and a razor in the other, as I slowly and gingerly removed every hair from his heavy sac. It became an art for me, a passion. After finishing, I'd use a warm cloth to remove the excess shaving cream, and by this time more often than not, he'd have a semi hard cock. Without hesitation I'd look up into his eyes, and ask, beg almost, for him to let me suck his cock.

"May I Sir?"

"May you what slave?"

"May I suck on your cock Sir?"

"Do you want to?"

"Very much Sir"

"Do you need it?"


"Do you love it?"

"Most definitely Sir! I love your cock Sir! Please let me suck your cock Sir!"

At this point he'd either tell me to make sure to swallow everything, or he'd tell me he was losing interest in me, and walked away. I'd always feel hurt and as though I was disappointing him when he'd turn me down. It made me want it more. Made me want to please him more!

After finishing up on him, I was to shave my entire body, from the neck down. When I was all cleanly shaven, he'd dress me in some girls panties, and have me clean his apartment and do his laundry while he'd read the newspaper and watch sports highlights. I'd also be responsible for preparing his breakfast for him. Freshly squeezed orange juice and all!

The weird part about all of this was that I no longer questioned it, I no longer wondered how to get out of it. It was who I was, and who I wanted to be. A slave to this little man, with a gigantic, monster of a cock. I was taller than him, stronger than him, and probably smarter than him, but because he was blessed with this huge gorgeous cock, I'd do whatever he asked!

He continued to have me work my own ass with the dildo as well. Every week he'd find a bigger, thicker one, or he'd have me sit on an ass plug for him. I started to wonder why he'd have me do this. After all, he's not gay. He doesn't fuck guys, he fucks chicks, and I've only ever sucked his cock, why would I be stretching myself if not for his pleasure?

On the Monday morning, after completing his bathing, he told me to rush into work and prepare our offices for meetings with a new potential customer. This is when things started to make sense. The new customers owned a nationwide chain of sporting goods stores that targeted the gay community. Apparently DINKS (double income, no kids) were the fastest growing market out there. If Oliver could secure this account, it'd almost double his commission income.

The customers arrived at 4pm that afternoon. The CEO, Felix, was physically imposing to say the least. About 6'5" tall, and stacked with muscle, and a shinny bald head. He arrived with his assistant in tow, and it was clear who was in charge the moment he walked into the room. The assistant fetched him water, took notes for him, prepared his papers before they were passed over to Oliver, or should I say me, as I was serving Oliver in the same manner.

Although his assistant was always neatly dressed in a tailored suit, Felix wore silky looking button up shirts, with the tops three buttons undone, exposing part of his massive tanned chest, and pants that were tight enough to see outlines of his powerful legs, and a clearly substantial crotch.

As the meetings went on, and we became more familiar with each other, I started to notice the way Felix would manhandle his assistant. From slaps on the ass, to pushing him down into his chair with a hand on the shoulder, to even grabbing his chin when asking him if he could fetch us some snacks. I also noticed how tentatively the assistant was sitting down. He'd ease into chairs with a look of pain on his face, and took very short strides while walking.

The talks had gone on for four straight days, before they finally came to an agreement on Thursday afternoon. With both parties happy with the outcome of the deal, they decided a celebratory meal would be appropriate. Oliver said he would be treating the four of us to the cities best steakhouse!

Felix and his assistant went in their car, and I rode with Oliver. When we got into his car, he reached across me into the glove compartment, and pulled out an ass plug. But this one was different than the others he'd had me use. After getting me to lube it up with my mouth, and push it into my ass, he informed me that it was a remote controlled vibrating plug that he'd bought as a gift for me especially for this occasion. To prevent me from removing it, he had me secure a set of chains to it. They fit like a thong would, but without anything to cover the dick area, and were fastened tightly. Strangely I thanked him sincerely, and felt special in the seat next to him.

After arriving at the restaurant, we were seated at a nice table in a quiet corner of the restaurant. It was a square table. Felix and Oliver sat opposite each other, with their assistants between them. When the waitress arrived to take our dinner orders, we were already onto our second bottle of wine. I ordered first, and asked for a nice thick steak. Oliver followed, and before ordering his own meal looked at the waitress and said "cancel his steak, he'll be getting some thick meat later. Bring him a light green salad, no dressing. I'll have the lobster."

I was mortified! This hot young blonde waitress stood there and giggled to herself, as she corrected my order. Here I was, tall, good looking, strong, and this meager looking little guy was telling her that I'd be getting some thick meat in my mouth later in the night. When he noticed my discomfort, he started up the plug. I jolted upright, and immediately had a smile on my face. He kept it on a low speed, teasing my body, and making my dick swell to fill the inside of my chastity device.

Felix didn't even let his assistant get a word in edgewise, he just said "give him the same as he's having (pointing at me), and I'll have the lobster as well".

After supper, I excused myself to go to the washroom. Oliver permitted me to leave, but added "I'll give you two minutes. If you're late, no supper for you." At hearing this Felix laughed heartily.

This was the first time that, while in public, Oliver had treated me like his bitch. Calling me names, giving me orders, and although I was embarrassed at first, I was getting turned on by everything. The vibrations in my ass weren't helping though!

"Well boys" Oliver started, "we're gonna head back to my place for some after dinner *******"


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Most of the restaurant was empty as we were leaving, but on our way out we did cross paths with our waitress who smirked at me and said 'enjoy your meal".

Upon hearing this Oliver laughed, and then invited her over to watch me 'eat'. Unfortunately, she obliged. He then turned the speed up on the vibrator, and asked if that was ok... I squirmed, giggled, and barely managed to say "uh, yeah... um.. sure.. please".

Shortly after we arrived, Oliver had me turn on some music, and serve ****** to everyone, including our new guest Jessie who was loving watching me and the other assistant getting bossed around.

The other assistant, who's name was never used by Felix, had had a bit too much to *****, and was looking pale, so Felix sent him to pass out in the corner of the room on a small carpet. He did make him strip to his undies first though. Oliver saw this, and in an attempt to one up him, had me strip down so that my chain and chastity device were in plain view. I was totally humiliated.

Felix and Jessie burst out with laughter! She even poked at my dick and marveled at how small it was. Oliver approached, and said "here, let's let the little guy out for a bit." And with that he reached over and unlocked the holder, releasing my semi firm prick for all to see. At the same time, he turned the plug up to maximum vibration, and they laughed as I writhed with pleasure. My dick reaching it's full size, and within seconds, squirted a few drops out onto the carpet.

Pissed, Oliver ordered me to lick it up, which I did without hesitation. After finishing, I stayed on the floor, and rolled onto my back enjoying the sensation of the vibration in my ass. They all laughed and continued to enjoy their ******.

"How'd you get him to be your slave like this?" Jessie asked

"I showed him my cock, and let him suck it. I then said be my slave for life, or I'll never let you touch it again. He kissed it again, and pledged his loyalty and undying devotion to my cock." Oliver said.

"Really?" Jessie replied, "He'll do whatever you tell him to?"

"Yup, watch... Hey bitch, crawl over to Felix, and lick his shoes." He commanded.

Without hesitation I rolled onto my hands and knees and made my way over to his feet, and started licking his shoes.

"you wanna try?" Oliver asked Jessie

"Sure! Hey slave! (turning to Felix), you're gay right?"

"How can you tell? The semi in my pants?" He said smiling

"Well let's take care of that for you... Slave bitch, pull off Felix's pants without using your hands!" Jessie demanded.

"Do as she says slave!" Oliver followed.

Felix then stood, and watched, hands on waist, as I undid his belt and pants and yanked them down using only my mouth. The vibrator kept me on the edge of bliss the entire time, my mind was shut off, I was there only for their pleasure.

"Start licking his crotch!" Jessie commanded.

I started licking and French kissing his crotch area... still covered by his undies. Until I noticed him hook his fingers on the waistband and lower them, freeing his cock. And what a cock it was! At least 8" long, and just as thick as Olivers.

"That's it bitch, suck that cock!" Felix started.

For a good 15 minutes he facefucked me, plowing his shaft deep into my throat. His hands firmly placed on the back of my head until he exploded, filling my mouth with his thick creamy sperm.

"That was awesome!" Jessie said. "My turn"

She then stood, and lowered her jeans. Katie was about 5'6, blonde, tanned, beautiful! And here she was pulling off her pants, and panties and telling me to lick her pussy for her. I crawled to her feet and started licking at her thighs, and stomach, and was about to start in at her pussy when Oliver stopped us.

"That's far enough fag boy. You lick cocks not pussies. Now get over here and get Master hard"

I slide over to his position and started working on this soft cock. He had lowered his pants for me. While I was licking at his shaft getting him good and hard, he started fingering Katie's pussy... playing with her clit, getting her nice and wet.

Felix moved over behind me, and using a key Oliver gave him, unlocked the chain from my waist and pulled the plug free. At first I felt empty... but this only lasted a few minutes as shortly after I could feel Felix's thick cock pushing at my hole. He pounded me ruthlessly, without any warning or warm up. It was the first time I had had a cock in my ass, and he was giving it to me hard!

With Olivers cock now at full attention, he had Katie mount on top of him. He ordered me to direct his cock into her pussy... not an easy task when you're getting your butt hole stretched out!

She moaned hard as she slide down onto his massive pole. "Ohhhhh yes Oliver! Aaaahhh gooodddd.... Mmmm Yeah... stretch that pussy...mmmm... my wet slut pussy, oh yeah.... Fill it for me baby! Fill that pussy!"

As she started bouncing on his cock, he pulled her close to his body, and told me to lick her asshole while he fucked her. I ate her like it was my last meal, and within minutes she was orgasming harder than I've ever seen any girl cum in my life! He then lifted her off his cock, flipped her over, and had me guide his cock into her tight virgin ass. As he did this, he gave me permission to lick her pussy to keep her distracted.

As soon as he had pushed his way deep into her back door, he ordered me to lick at his balls instead.

This whole time Felix was pounding away at my ass. Having cum once already, he was taking his sweet as time to pound me hard! Little did I know that part of the deal they signed early included the use of my ass for his pleasure. And use it he did.

At one point he pulled me away from Oliver, flipped me onto my back, put my legs up near my ears and plowed me hard!

I lost track of time, but at some point, he pushed my ankles up, lifting my ass furter off the floor, and as he pounded me, he started jacking my stiff little prick. I came hard, and sprayed my load all over my own face. Just as I was finishing he filled my ass with his load, shooting stream after stream deep inside me.

Jessie had finished Oliver off, and was now about to lick him clean.

"That's ok baby, we have our bitch for that!" He said smiling.

The three of them sat side by side on the couch, naked, enjoying their ****** as I cleaned each of them off with my tongue.


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Sacré Surprise

La réunion s'étant terminée plus tôt que prévu, je décidai d'avancer mon retour et d'en faire la surprise à mon épouse, Anne-Laure, que j'ai laissée seule une fois de plus.
Mon travail exige de fréquents déplacements, quelque fois de plusieurs jours, et je culpabilise toujours un peu en la quittant.
Nous habitons un petit bourg, pas toujours très animé, surtout l'hiver, et j'ai souvent peur qu'elle s'ennuie.
A bientôt quarante-cinq ans Anne-Laure a conservé une silhouette alléchante qu'elle entretient par une pratique régulière de la natation.
Brune, de taille moyenne mais bien proportionnée, ses formes avantageuses attirent souvent le regard des hommes, ce qui n'est pas toujours pour me déplaire.
Après avoir élevé nos enfants, elle occupe désormais ses journées entre des visites à quelques amies et du bénévolat dans une association caritative.
Je me fais une joie, ce soir, de l'emmener au restaurant, de passer une soirée en amoureux, les enfants ne rentrant pas avant le week-end prochain.
Après vingt ans de vie commune, il est important de se ménager de temps en temps des petits plaisirs

Arrivé prés de la mai***, je me gare à distance pour qu'elle ne m'entende pas, bien décidé à lui faire la surprise.
Tout est calme, le salon est éclairé, elle doit sûrement s'y trouver.
Je rentre par le garage, sur la pointe des pieds, et longe le couloir qui donne sur le salon, sans éclairer.
La porte est entrebâillée.
Je m'apprête à entrer quand je perçois des éclats de voix, ou plutôt des cris qui viennent de la pièce.

Je risque un œil dans la pièce, et découvre un spectacle qui m'immobilise sur place.
Mon épouse est étendue sur le canapé, entièrement nue, et devant elle, me tournant le dos, un inconnu, nu également, qui, manifestement, est en train de la baiser.
Pendant une minute je reste figé, appuyé contre le mur, totalement abasourdi par l'incroyable scène.
J'en ais le souffle coupé, les pensées se carambolent dans ma tête à me donner le tournis.
Peu à peu je retrouve ma respiration, un sentiment de colère m'envahit.
Sur le point de faire une entrée fracassante, je me ravise et jette à nouveau un œil dans la pièce, en repoussant légèrement la porte.
Tapi dans l'obscurité du couloir, ils ne peuvent pas me voir.

L'homme, que je ne connais pas, doit avoir soixante, soixante-cinq ans, peut-être plus.
De taille moyenne, plutôt mince, les cheveux blancs coupés courts, *** visage ridé et les membres dégarnis évoquent clairement un âge avancé.
Agenouillé devant mon épouse, il lui tient les jambes relevées et écartées, et la pénètre avec une belle vigueur, en poussant des « han » de satisfaction.
Je suis sous le choc, n'arrivant pas à croire ce que je vois.
Un curieux sentiment s'empare de moi mêlant la colère, la jalousie et l'envie.
La scène est totalement surréaliste, et étrangement, me captive.
Je regarde Anne-Laure, la tête sur le bord du canapé, les yeux mi-clos, sa chevelure brune rejetée vers l'arrière.
Sa poitrine généreuse se soulève en cadence, secouée par les assauts énergiques de l'inconnu.

Mais qui est-il bon sang, d'où sort-il ?
Les questions se bousculent.
Comment mon épouse a pu trouver du charme à ce vieux, et répondre ainsi à ses avances ?
Quels atouts a-il pu mettre en avant pour la séduire, et réussir à gagner ses faveurs ?
A-t-il de l'humour, est-il doux et gentil, intelligent ?
Anne-Laure partage ma vie depuis plus de vingt ans, a été une mère de famille dévouée, et a toujours rempli *** devoir conjugal sans rechigner, mais sans plus, le sexe n'étant pas sa priorité.
J'ai bien tenté quelques fois de pimenter nos ébats, mais sans succès.
Ce que je découvre là me laisse pantois.

Elle semble prendre *** pied la garce !
- Ouii... ouii ... Antoine ! Vas-y plus fort. L'encourage-t-elle.
- Tu me sens bien, ma belle ? Tu aimes, hein ?
- Ohhh... Antoine... oui...!

Ce nom d'Antoine me dit quelque chose...
...Bien sûr !
C'est un retraité qui travaille aussi comme bénévole dans la même association que ma femme.
Il lui téléphone effectivement de temps en temps à la mai***, et il l'a emmené quelquefois à des manifestations.
Elle m'a déjà parlé de lui, le présentant comme un homme sympathique et convivial.
Je me demande soudain si leur liai*** dure depuis longtemps.
Alors que je culpabilise à chacun de mes déplacements, peut-être en profite-t-elle pour se faire sauter par ce vieux.
La colère gronde en moi à la pensée qu'il l'a peut-être déjà baisée, ici, pendant mes absences, ou dans les locaux de leur association.

Tétanisé, je continue d'observer passivement la scène.


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L'homme se retire, en invitant Anne-Laure à se relever.

- Viens goûter notre petit ami, lui dit-il, il est chaud bouillant.

Le changement de position me permet de découvrir *** anatomie, que sa position me cachait jusque là.
*** corps n'est pas celui d'un Apollon, loin s'en faut, et parait même bien fatigué par les années, à en juger par les plis de sa peau.
Mais au milieu de la toi*** pubienne, d'un blanc immaculé, se dresse une verge de belle taille, longue et épaisse, terminée par un gros gland lisse.
Un sentiment de jalousie m'envahit un instant car la comparai*** n'est pas flatteuse pour moi.
Je comprends mieux maintenant l'intérêt de ma femme, car il est effectivement bien membré et démontre une belle vitalité.

Anne-Laure s'agenouille devant le sexagénaire.
Consterné, je la vois saisir le membre érigé à pleine main, refermant ses lèvres sur le gland turgescent.
Elle le suce délicatement, faisant tourner sa langue autour du bourrelet, puis se met à le pomper activement, les lèvres glissant sur la tige de chair, l'avalant presque totalement, faisant gémir *** amant de plaisir.

- Ohhh, c'est bon...! Souffle-t-il. Ouii..! Vas-y, suce-moi bien !

Bien sûr que c'est bon, car elle sait y faire, avec sa petite langue qui vous chatouille le gland.
De nature réservée, bridée par une éducation rigoureuse, elle avait accepté tardivement la fellation dans nos relations, puis y avait pris goût, montrant rapidement de réelles dispositions.
Il y a longtemps que Anne-Laure ne m'a pas sucé de cette façon, avec un aussi vif plaisir.
Je suis stupéfait par la gloutonnerie qu'elle montre à avaler le sexe de cet homme, le visage collé à *** bas-ventre, tandis qu'il lui caresse les cheveux.
La bite disparaît presque complètement dans la bouche affamée.
Complètement **********, je regarde ma femme lécher le sexe du retraité, avec une rare gourmandise, passant et repassant sa langue le long de la verge, lui prenant les bourses dans sa bouche et suçant les testicules tandis que ses mains courent sur les fesses et les cuisses nues de *** amant.

- Tu es bien dur, mon chéri, dit-elle, en le branlant vigoureusement. Tu aimes ?
- Oh oui, c'est bon, continue comme ça !

L'homme grimace de plaisir en regardant ma femme, déchaînée, s'activer sur sa bite qui se dresse fièrement.
Je découvre une facette de ma femme que je ne connaissais pas, et bizarrement cela m'excite beaucoup.
Tout autre mari, à ma place, aurait fait irruption et bouté le malfaisant hors de la mai***, avec pertes et fracas.
Mais la vision de mon épouse engloutissant le sexe d'un autre homme m'excite et je n'ai pas envie de l'interrompre.
Serai-je un pervers qui s'ignore ?

- J'ai envie de toi! dit Antoine en se dégageant de la bouche affamée de mon épouse.

Et il l'aide à changer de position.
Anne-Laure me tourne maintenant le dos, agenouillée sur le canapé, les bras posés sur l'accoudoir, les jambes écartées.
Je la regarde avec envie, admiratif de sa quarantaine épanouie, de ses courbes généreuses qui damneraient un saint.
Antoine s'est approché et pose ses mains noueuses sur les fesses rebondies, pressant la chair tendre et souple, puis les écarte, dégageant largement la vulve bombée.

- Tu as vraiment un beau cul, tu sais! S'exclame-t-il en la caressant.

Le salaud !
J'aurai payé cher pour être à sa place à cet instant, mais ce n'est pas moi qui profiterais cette fois-ci de ce cul superbe.
Je me contente de savourer la vue sur cette croupe généreusement offerte.
L'effet de surprise passé, la colère a disparu, cédant à la place à une excitation grandissante ainsi qu'en témoigne le durcissement de mon sexe.
Ils ne ***t qu'à quelques mètres de moi, j'entends et je vois parfaitement tout ce qu'ils font.

Il s'agenouille, et du plat de sa langue lèche voluptueusement les lèvres roses, brillantes et humides qu'il tient écartées de ses doigts.

- Hum....ça sent bon ! dit-il entre deux passages.

Sa langue fouille activement la chatte offerte, s'introduisant dans l'orifice trempé.

- Qu'est ce que tu mouilles, dis donc ! J'adore les femmes qui mouillent comme ça.

C'est vrai que Anne-Laure mouille beaucoup, surtout quand on lui lèche longuement le clitoris, lequel grossit alors dans des proportions assez incroyables.
L'homme a du d'ailleurs le trouver car il s'exclame à nouveau :

- Waouh.., quel clitoris ! Hum...hum... c'est bon !

La tête en arrière, ma femme se cambre de plaisir sous les titillements de la langue qui fouille allègrement *** intimité, lui agaçant *** petit bouton nacré.
Elle gémit doucement quand Antoine lui pince le clitoris entre ses lèvres, et le branle délicatement.

- qu'est ce que j'aime ta chatte, ma chérie !.....
- Ohhh.....Antoine.....oui...! Continue, c'est bon...!

La tête enfouie entre les fesses, il la lèche longuement, glissant doucement le long de la raie, titillant de la pointe de la langue la petite rosace brune et plissée.
Anne-Laure, très sensible à ces caresses, répond en ondulant voluptueusement du bassin.

Le retraité se relève, pose un genou sur le divan, caresse la croupe nue et rebondie, puis guidant d'une main *** sexe bien raide, il pénètre mon épouse, s'enfonçant lentement jusqu'à la garde.
J'imagine aisément ce qu'il doit ressentir en glissant dans ma femme.
Anne-Laure a gémi pendant la plongée du membre durci dans ses chairs, tandis que je sens naître en moi un sentiment de jalousie et d'envie mêlées.

- Qu'est ce que t'es bonne...! Souffla-t-il. Hummm....tu es douce !


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A petits coups de rein, l'homme fouille le ventre chaud et accueillant de sa partenaire.
Cela doit être efficace à en juger les cris de plaisirs qui fusent au rythme de la verge.
Les mains accrochées aux hanches de mon épouse, il enchaîne des va et vient réguliers, plongeant sa bite gonflée dans l'étui douillet que je connais si bien.

- Ohhh...Ohhh....oui.... Tu es dur ! Je te sens bien ! S'exclama mon épouse.
- J'ai envie de toi, dit-il, je veux te prendre.
- Ahhh, Ahhhh....Oui....vas-y mon chéri, Ahhh...prends moi bien fort !
- veux te baiser....! ....Je te baise!!

Je suis fasciné par le spectacle de ce vieil homme qui baise ma femme chez moi, à une cadence soutenue, ne lui tirant des cris de plaisir qui ré***nent à mes oreilles comme autant d'aiguillons.
Le claquement des cuisses contre les fesses nues rythme les soubresauts de *** corps secoué.
D'une main il tient Anne-Laure par la hanche, et de l'autre il lui caresse la poitrine, passant d'un sein à l'autre, pressant les globes lourds et fermes.

- Tu as de sacrés melons....! Ca c'est du nichon !

Je me rends compte que j'ai à mon tour une superbe érection.
Je dégage ma verge du pantalon et commence à me masturber doucement.

Les seins généreux de Anne-Laure ballottent sous les coups de boutoir du retraité, lequel alterne les rythmes rapides et lents, fouillant profondément l'intimité abandonnée à *** désir.

- Ouii ! Antoine!...Je te sens bien !
- Qu'est-ce que tu es bonne, nom d'un chien !
- Ahhh!...Oui, viens, prends-moi fort ! Baises moi !
- Ohhh... J'aime te baiser ! J'aime ta chatte, elle est douce!
- Aouhhh.!...oui,..... Baises moi bien !

Je n'en crois pas mes oreilles.
Jamais Anne-Laure ne s'exprimait pas comme cela pendant nos rapports.
Je découvre une autre per***ne, au langage cru, presque grossier, qui la rend terriblement excitante.

Mon regard ne peut se détacher de ce sexe qui défonce ma femme en la faisant crier de plaisir.
Le membre plonge en elle complètement, disparaissant de ma vue, et je l'imagine fouillant l'intérieur des chairs délicates.

- Ah, Oouh, Tu es une sacré salope ! S'écria Antoine
- Ouii... J'aime quand tu me baises Antoine....!
- Et ton mari, il ne te baise pas ?
- Si, mais c'est pas pareil. ça fait longtemps maintenant, on est habitué. Cela ne me fait plus grand chose !
- Ah... Ta chatte est bonne, nom d'un chien ! Répétait-il, j'aime ta chatte,....Je vais te bourrer petite salope !
- Oui....Baises-moi ! Bourres-moi bien fort Antoine !

Je suis vraiment étonné de sa résistance, et de l'énergie qu'il déploie à la tringler.
Par moment il sort *** sexe complètement du vagin avant de replonger à nouveau, très lentement.
Sa verge parait avoir encore gonflé, et quand le gland, énorme et rouge, ***** la vulve, Anne-Laure pousse des cris de contentement.

Tout en la pilonnant avec régularité, il lui caresse doucement l'anus avec *** index, après y avoir déposé un long filet de salive.
Consterné, envieux, je comprends qu'il va bientôt profiter du « petit trésor » comme elle dit, qu'elle m'a toujours refusé, malgré mes nombreuses demandes.
Lentement il enfonce *** doigt dans le petit orifice, tandis que Anne-Laure se cambre légèrement.
Il le fait aller et venir, assouplissant ainsi la petite rosette.
C'est bientôt deux puis trois doigts qu'il introduit dans *** intimité, la fouillant fiévreusement.
Celle-ci gémit de plus en plus, totalement abandonnée aux caresses de *** amant.
Quelle salope !

- Ohhh... Antoine...... Oouh ! C'est bon ! Soufflait-elle.
- Dis donc, ton petit trou est bien souple ! On doit y passer souvent, non ?

Elle ne répond pas, se contentant de hocher la tête en signe de dénégation.
- Ah bon... dit-il étonné. Pourtant j'aurai juré le contraire !
Consciencieusement il lui doigte l'anus, avec des petits mouvements de moulinet.

- Aouhh.....Ouii... Ahhh Antoine!


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Les doigts accélèrent, sous les cris de Anne-Laure qui ondule sa croupe de plus en plus, les reins cambrés, la tête en arrière.

- Ouii...! Ouii....Ohhh Antoine.!
- voyons cela de plus prés ! dit-il en dégageant *** sexe du vagin et en le mouillant de salive.

Puis il l'appuie sur la rosette plissée, et je vois le gland presser les chairs, et lentement disparaître dans l'orifice, tandis que ma femme pousse un cri de douleur et de plaisir mêlés.
Le sexe d'Antoine est d'un bon diamètre, et la pression pour Anne-Laure doit être très importante.
Il s'arrête, la laissant s'adapter, puis reprend sa lente plongée dans les profondeurs les plus intimes de mon épouse.
- Ahhhhhh. Nom d'un chien, quel cul ! S'exclama-t-il après l'avoir pénétrée totalement. Qu'est que c'est bon !

Il se retire lentement puis la pénètre à nouveau, s'enfonçant cette fois-ci d'un seul coup, qui fit de nouveau hurler Anne-Laure.

- Aaaahh...Oouh ! Crie-t-elle, tandis que la verge du retraité s'enfouit en elle, plongeant vers les trésors cachés.
- Ohhh.... quel cul ma belle, c'est pas croyable ! Crie-t-il en la bourrant maintenant avec vigueur. Qu'est-ce qu'il est doux !

Pendant de longues minutes le sexagénaire la sodomise, n'hésitant pas à lui claquer les fesses, ce qui a l'air de lui plaire.

- Et dire que tu n'as pas laissé ton mari te baiser le cul, ...un cul comme celui-là!
- Ohhh...! Ouii.... ouii! Ohhh..... Antoine!!
- Oui, jouis ma belle, vas-y jouis !
- Ohhh...! Ohhh, c'est bon.....! Baises-moi Antoine, baises-moi....!

Les cris de jouissance de mon épouse ré***nent dans ma tête, et je la contemple, fasciné par le membre long et épais qui va et vient entre ses fesses rebondies.
L'excitation du retraité est à *** comble et il lui martèle le cul avec une vigueur incroyable.

- Allez, jouis...! Crie-t-il. Vas-y, jouis de ma bite !

Tout cela me parait complètement irréel.
Le claquement de ses cuisses contre les fesses de ma femme à chaque pénétration ré***ne à mes oreilles, et m'excite encore plus.

- tu aimes que je te prenne par le cul, hein ? Tu aimes ...?
- Oui Antoine, j'aime ça...c'est trop bon...!

Ma queue était dure comme elle ne l'avait plus été depuis longtemps.

Un grand cri ré***ne soudain dans le salon, et je comprend que le retraité vient de jouir, profondément planté dans le cul de ma femme.

- Putain, que c'est bon...!

Il s'est cambré, les yeux fermés, et la pilonne violemment, en la tenant fermement par les hanches.
J'imagine la semence qui fuse en jets saccadés, inondant l'intimité douillette qui l'a accueilli.
Dans la foulée Anne-Laure a crié également, *** corps secoué de soubresauts, témoin d'un orgasme particulièrement intense.
Leur jouissance provoque la mienne et j'éjacule en silence dans le couloir obscur, maculant le mur de mon sperme brûlant.

Mon orgasme a été particulièrement fort, et je reprends mon souffle peu à peu, le front mouillé de sueur.

Après s'être longuement vidé les couilles au fond de *** rectum, le retraité s'est affalé sur le dos d'Anne-Laure, *** sexe toujours planté entre ses fesses, en la caressant de ses mains noueuses.
- Ohhh Antoine, dit-elle, c'était bon, tu sais !
- Oui ma chérie, c'était bon....., j'aime te baiser, tu es vraiment bonne!
- Antoine...!

La tension retombe lentement.

Sans bruit je fais demi-tour et sors par le garage, laissant les deux amants à leur soirée qui n'est sans doute pas finie.

J'ai du mal à réaliser ce dont je viens d'être témoin.
Ce n'est pourtant pas un rêve, et je vais devoir m'y faire.
Je réalise que je suis vraiment cocu, mais un cocu content, content que sa femme soit bien baisée.

J'arriverai demain, comme prévu, des idées plein la tête, bien décidé à redécouvrir mon épouse, profiter de ses nouvelles dispositions


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Toujours aussi bon, merci
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