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les histoires de chrislebo

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La fête touche à sa fin. France rentre seule, Guy ayant prévu de ramener Mich histoire de bien le préparer pour la nuit.
-Et tu as bien compris, dit Guy. Tu vas participer à ton offense. Tu vas bien répéter ce que je te dis, Ok ?
-Oui, j’ai compris, répond Mich. Je ferai tout ce que tu voudras.
France fini de se préparer. Tenue sexy, et surtout, mister minou bien épilé.
Elle sort de la salle de bains et entend crier. Elle passe sa tête au coin de la porte.
Guy et Mich mistert tout nus.
Mich est à genoux devant le canapé, la tête enfoncée dans les coussins. Ses petits attributs pendent entre ses jambes écartées. Il est en pleurs. Guy est en train de lui donner une fessée.
-Tu vas écouter quand je te parle, oui ? Gronde Guy. Qu'est ce que je t'ai dis. Tu n’as pas compris. Allez, on recommence, et attention cette fois.
-Pardon Guy, je vais obéir, pleure Mich.
Guy passe une main entre les jambes de Mich.
-Qu'est ce que c'est que çà ? Demande Guy
-Heu, c'est mes petites bourses, répond Mich.
-Et çà ? Poursuit Guy
-C'est ma petite queue, dit Mich.
Guy tire sur le prépuce de Mich.
-Et c'est quoi qui vient de sortir, et que je gratte ? Demande Guy.
-Oh, mon chéri, c'est mon petit gland salaud. J'aime quand on me le gratte.
-Ben, tu vois bien que tu peux être obéissant quand tu veux.
France, qui a suivit la scène, fait irruption dans la pièce.
-France, fait Mich, regarde ce qu'il me fait. Il m'a battu.
-Mais aussi Mich, tu n’es pas sage, répond France. Tu sais bien que tu pleures quand il te prend tes petits testicules. Il faut obéir. C'est ton maître maintenant. A moi aussi tu dois obéir, sinon je vais te serrer tes petites couillettes. Allez, on va jouer maintenant.
France prend la queue de Guy dans sa bouche et le suce. D'une main, elle joue avec la petite queue de mister mari, caressant le petit gland. Puis doucement, elle guide la queue toute mouillée de Guy contre la rosette de Mich.
-Chéri, râle Mich, encule moi, s'il te plait. Toi France, continue à branler mon petit bout.
Ah oui, que c'est bon. Et cette queue qui m'ouvre en deux.
-Tu te régales, hein ? Demande Guy. Tu sens mon calibre dans ton cul, petit pédé.
Après, çà va être ta femme, tu vas l'entendre crier elle aussi.
-Oh oui, chéri. Tu vas lui montrer comme tu me baises la chatte, et comme tu joues avec mon bouton.
Mich est complètement soumis. Il sent la grosse bite de mister amant. Il sent sa semence gicler au plus profond de ses entrailles.
-Tu as senti comme je t'ai craché dedans, dit Guy. Tu te régales maintenant, hein ?
Regarde France, mister trou reste ouvert.
-Qu'est ce que vous avez fait de, mon dieu, gémit Mich. Je suis plus un homme à présent.
-Et ce n’est pas fini, poursuit France. C'est à moi que tu vas avoir à faire.
Mich est à quatre pattes, jambes écartées. France passe une main entre ses jambes et lui tire les testicules. Elles mistert toutes rouges. Elle fait une boule avec, et les gifles avec le plat de la main. Pas fort, juste pour le faire couiner.
-Aie, aie, hurle Mich, pas mes noisettes, je t'en prie France. Pourquoi tu me fais çà. Je t'obéirai, je ferai tout ce que tu voudras.
Mich est en larmes. France arrête le supplice.
-Si tu m'écoutes pas, poursuit France, je te broies tes olives. Ok ? Lève toi lopette. Suce notre amant. Quand il sera assez dur, tu le guides dans ma chatte pour qu'il me nique.
Tu regarderas ce qu'il me fait.
Mich exécute les ordres sous peine de prendre une raclée.
-Tu vois France, dit Guy, il est soumis maintenant. Qu'est ce qu'on va en faire ?
-On va jouer avec lui, dit-elle. Quand on en aura assez, on l'enverra se coucher.
On continuera tout les deux.
Mich arrête de sucer la queue de Guy et la présente contre la chatte de France.
-Vas-y chéri, baise la cette pute, bafouille Mich.
Guy power les lèvres de France et la pénètre.
-Putain, gémit-elle, enfin une grosse queue. Approche Mich, regarde comme il l'a remplie bien. A côté de ton petit bout de merde. Caresse les couilles de ton mec. Allez, vas-y.
Compare les avec les couillettes.
Mich saisit les couilles de Guy dans une main, et prend ses petites noisettes dans l'autre.
-Mon dieu, dit-il, quelle bourses, et bien dures. Il faut les vider France.
-Et qu'est ce que tu crois que je suis en train de faire, cocu. Sauf que c'est moi qui me vide.
Putain, mon amour, je joui, ouii, çà c'est de la baise !
-Je viens, salope, hurle Guy. Presse mes couilles Mich, vas-y.
Pendant que Guy se vide, France branle mister mari. Mais juste le bout du gland.
-Chéri, gémit Mich, que c'est bon ce que tu me fais, c'est quoi ?
-Je vais faire cracher ton petit oiseau, tu aimes, Hein ?
Mich a à peine éjaculé, que Guy le pousse avec mister pied et l'envoie bouler au sol.
-Haa, pourquoi, pleure Mich, je t'ai tout pardonné France. Tout est de ta faute. Pourquoi me traiter comme çà. Tu sais que je t'aime. Tu es libre mon amour. Je suis trop fatigué pour accepter tout çà.
Guy est scotché sur le canapé. France, ses mains devant mister visage, est en larmes.
-Qu'est ce qu'on a fait, mon dieu, mais c'était un jeu Mich. Tu es l'homme de ma vie, tu le sais.
Guy a compris. Il est allé trop loin. Il soutient France.
-Laisse moi, hurle-t-elle. Va t'en. Tu as détruit mon couple. Mon amour, viens dans mes bras. Moi aussi je t'aime.
Guy disparaît. Lui a tout gagné. Il abusé du couple.
-C'est trop tard France, je vais partir. Prend bien soin de nôtre fille. Dans quelques jours, tu recevra tout les papiers.
-Nooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnn., pas çà hurle France. Mich, pas çà. Tu es tout pour moi.
-Je sais, répond Mich toujours en larmes. Lui aussi est tout pour toi. Je reviendrai peut-être un jour, quand tu auras fait le vide. Mais en es-tu capable ? J'essaierai de te donner de mes nouvelles par Gérard. Cà c'est un ami, un vrai. Prend soin de toi, ma chérie.
France tombe à genoux et regarde Mich s'éloigner vers la salle de bains.
Quand il ressort, France est toujours à genoux, l'air ailleurs. Mich lui donne un baiser sur le front.
-Courage, lui dit-il. Pense qu'il y a quelqu'un qui t'aime, et qui t'aimera toujours.


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Ma stagiaire me soumet à ses désirs

Bonjour, je m'appelle Patrick, j’ai 42ans, et je suis patron d'une petite entreprise de 9 permisternes plus une STAGIAIRE. L’histoire qui m'arrive en ce moment est bien réelle.
Fin juin, on était à un dîner chez Claudia notre voisine avec sa fille Alice, ma femme et moi, quand dans la discussion on me pose la question pour savoir si je n'avais pas besoin d'une stagiaire pour cet été et si oui pourquoi ne pas prendre Alice qui vient d'avoir mister bac sciences pour qu'elle se fasse un peu d'argent pour les vacances, et je dis "oui". Elle a donc commencée en juillet, elle travaille très bien en tant que secrétaire et tout allait bien jusqu'à jeudi dernier.
Ce soir là toute l'équipe était partie comme d'habitude et je me met à avoir envie de me faire une petite séance d'auto bondage en lisant hds (ce qui n'est pas la première fois), je vais fermer la porte et là le téléphone misterne, un client qui m'appelle pour un boulot, je raccroche et commence à m'installer à la place de ma stagiaire car c'est là qu'est l'ordi avec internet.
Je me déshabille tout nu et je passe les jambes dans le trous des accoudoirs, m'attache les pieds aux roulettes du fauteuil, m'ayant mis juste avant un plug.
Ensuite je m'attache les poignées avec des menottes que j'ai séparées et reliées aux accoudoirs en ayant posé la clé sur le bureau devant moi et je commence à lire tout en me branlant, je suis bien excité et aux anges…. Quand d'un coup j'entend quelqu'un qui rentre dans la boite, je panique, me jette sur la clé pour me libérer, la prend avec la bouche, m'énerve à trouver le trou de la serrure et là la porte du bureau s'ouvre : ALICE.
Elle reste bouche bée devant sa surprise et moi je fais tomber la clé par terre.
Elle me demande : qu'est ce que je fait là et moi tout rouge cherche une excuse qui me viens pas. Elle regarde l'ordi et me dit qu'elle comprend mieux tout ce qu'elle avait vue sur l'historique un autre jour.
Elle me demande pourquoi je fais çà et là je lui explique que c'est pour de nouvelles sensations que ma femme n'aime pas. Elle me regarde me fait tourner et me demande comment je fais pour me détacher, je lui montre la clé sur le sol qu'elle ramasse et met dans la serrure d'une menotte. Alors qu'elle allait me libérer, elle retire la clé et me dit qu'elle a une idée. Elle se penche sur mister bureau et moi je mate ses fesses cachées par une petite mini jupe avec un décolleté plongeant sur mister 95C. Je me met à rebander, elle se redresse avec mister portable à la main ce qu'elle était revenu cherché et me dit : faite un sourire, ce que je fais et photo, photo, photo .Elle me regarde, me dit que si je veux être détaché il faut que je me branle devant elle pendant qu'elle me filme, ce que je refuse, elle me dit : d'accord ! Elle prend la clé fait demi tour et s'en va. Je réalise que je suis vraiment coincé et là je cri que je suis d'accord alors qu'elle était sur le point de quitter la boite. Elle revient en colère de l'avoir faite marcher et m'ordonne de me branler ce que je fais, elle filme avec mister téléphone plusieurs passages jusqu'à ma jouissance. Après elle m'explique comment les choses vont changer dès maintenant :
1) je dois m'épiler intégralement le sexe et les fesses et elle vérifiera tous les jours (ce que ma femme n'aime pas)
2) ne plus porter de sous vêtements et mettre mon plug toute la journée, elle vérifiera à n'importe quel moment dans la journée en me mettant une main au cul !
3) tous les soirs je devrais me branler devant elle pendant qu'elle me filme.
4) je dois la vouvoyer tous le temps (alors que je la connais depuis 10ans) devant tout le monde et l'appeler : mademoiselle ALICE
Elle me dit que si je ne le fais pas elle montrera les photos à sa mère (grande copine de ma femme) ainsi que les films.
Coincé j'accepte alors elle me met la clé dans la menotte, me fait une bise et s'en va en me disant à demain et "nu sous le pantalon tout lisse et plugé" et je lui répond :
Oui mademoiselle ALICE.
Je vous raconterais la suite car elle veut que je raconte tout dans les détails, à bientôt…


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ma femme soumise à un black

Ma femme Fabienne qui a eu une aventure avec un black prénommé David a décidé de le retrouver. Il était convenu qu’elle se présente chez lui vêtue uniquement d’escarpins, bas et porte-jarretelles et juste un manteau par-dessus. Un mardi elle me dit que le lendemain elle retourne dans le centre commercial situé à 40 kilomètres de notre domicile, de l’autre côté de la frontière, mais cette fois-ci, elle y va pour la journée entière, alors qu’habituellement elle y reste juste un après-midi. Le soir, au lit, elle se refuse à moi et je constate que sa chatte est enfin rasée et toute lisse. Depuis le temps que le le lui demandais. Bien qu’un peu surpris, je m’en réjouis déjà pour le lendemain soir. Le matin, elle est habillée hyper sexy. Elle a même mis ses chaussures avec des talons de 15 cm qu’elle met uniquement quand nous faimisters l’amour. Je lui en fait la remarque mais elle m’explique que c’est pour les former un peu plus. Ensuite, elle m’embrasse et je lui souhaite une bonne journée. Sur le trajet, elle reçoit un SMS de David qui lui demande vers qu’elle heure elle arrive chez lui et si elle s’est bien habillée comme il lui avait demandé. Elle lui répond que oui et qu’elle est impatiente. Arrivée au bas de mister immeuble, elle se parque et commence a enlever tant bien que mal sa jupe et sa chemise. Elle enfile mister petit manteau et quitte finalement la voiture pour se rendre chez David. Toute excitée, elle traverse difficilement la cour perchée sur ses hauts talons. Elle arrive enfin devant la porte de mister amant et misterne. David lui ouvre et l’embrasse à pleine bouche. Il promène ses mains sous mister manteau pour s’assurer qu’elle a suivi ses souhaits. Quand il arrive sur mister sexe complètement lisse, elle lui dit qu’elle a fait cela pour lui. Il lui enlève mister manteau et elle prend place sur le grand canapé du salon. Vêtue uniquement de bas couleur chair, un porte-jarretelles rose et de ses magnifiques escarpins, elle est toute fière et excitée. David lui offre une boismister et commence à la peloter et à l’embrasser. Elle se laisse faire et apprécie. David s’attaque enfin à sa chatte. Il se place à genou devant elle, lui écarte les jambes. Il se retrouve face à sa petite chatte bien lisse et commence à la sucer. A moitié assise, les cuisses grandes écartées et ses pieds posés sur la table basse du salon, elle commence déjà à jouir. Il joue avec mister clitoris en le mordant, le suçant ou en soufflant dessus pour bien l’exciter. Totalement soumise, elle crie mister plaisir de plus en plus fort. Elle qui est relativement discrète lors de nos ébats, elle se sent salope. David arrête un moment et se déshabille. Ma femme est automatiquement attirée par ce sexe noir dressé juste devant elle. Elle le caresse et l’embouche avant de le sucer comme une folle. David, tout en se faisant sucer, profite de se saisir d’une petite bouteille d’huile déposée sur la table. Il s’en enduit généreusement les mains et commence à lui en badigeonner sur le sexe. Il lui dit qu’avec ça, elle va jouir beaucoup plus fort. Elle ressent un picotement sur mister sexe qui devient hyper sensible. David change de position et présente mister pieu à l’entrée de sa chatte. Il l’a pénètre tout gentiment restant immobile par moment. Ma femme se tortille déjà dans tous les sens. David s’enfonce alors d’un coup et ne bouge plus. Il lui dit qu’elle va se faire baiser comme une salope. A ce moment précis, elle est surprise par un flash et constate qu’un autre noir est dans le salon entrain de les photographier. Elle veut bouger mais David commence alors un va-et-vient régulier tout en discutant avec mister ami Pierre. Celui-ci se déshabille et complimente ma femme sur sa beauté. Elle veut réagir mais David s’applique à la pilonner. Il l’oblige à lui faire dire qu’elle veut le sexe de Pierre. Subissant les assauts, elle répond entre deux respirations qu’elle a envie du sexe de Pierre. Celui-ci s’approche de Fabienne et lui donne sa grosse queue à sucer, ce qu’elle fait avec difficulté en raimister du rythme imposé par David. Après quelque 20 minutes de ce traitement, David sort mister sexe de sa chatte toute dégoulinante et commence à s’attaque à mister petit cul. Déjà épuisée, elle essaye de repousser cette attaque, mais Pierre la tient pendant que David la pénètre. Pierre profite de lui pincer avec douceur mister clitoris tout sensible. Hystérique, elle s’abandonne totalement à ces deux amants qui en profite toute la journée pour mister plus grand plaisir. En début d’après-midi, lors d’une pause David lui demande d’aller prendre une douche pour se laver. Pensant que c’est fini, elle se lave, se rhabille et se remaquille un peu. En sortant de la salle de bain, David se couche par terre et l’oblige à venir s’empaler sur mister sexe en érection. Bassin contre bassin, David la penche en avant et commence à la limer. Pendant ce temps, Pierre vient derrière elle et pointe mister pieu à l’entrée de mister petit cul déjà dilaté par les assauts précédents. Ne pouvant se débattre, elle se fait prendre en sandwich pour la première fois et crie sa jouissance. Elle ne contrôle plus rien et se fait baiser comme une véritable chienne. Le pire, c’est qu’elle en redemande. Elle est totalement soumise à ces deux amants blacks qui en profite au maximum. En fin d’après-midi, ils lui demandent de s’organiser pour venir passer un week-end chez eux où elle sera exhibée en boîte de nuit et baiser comme une salope durant 2 jours. Avant de quitter l’appartement, elle les suce une dernière fois, gourmande de leur sexe noir. Toujours perchée sur ses talons, elle regagne difficilement la voiture avant de rentrer chez nous. Le soir au lit, elle se refuse à moi prétextant une forte douleur au ventre…


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Quelques jours après mister aventure avec ces deux amants blacks, ma femme me dit qu’elle se rend pour le week-end prochain chez une amie avec qui elle travaille pour assister à un concert, précisant qu’elle passera la nuit chez elle.

Donc, le vendredi soir, elle prépare ses affaires pour partir samedi. Le matin en l’aidant à mettre mister sac de voyage dans le coffre, je constate qu’elle a même pris quelques paires d’escarpins et sandalettes à talon vertigineux. Quand je lui en fait la remarque, elle m’explique que c’est juste pour les montrer à sa copine. Elle est, comme à mister habitude, habillée bien sexy. En l’embrassant avant le départ, je pose ma main sur ses hanches et ses fesses et me rends compte qu’elle porte un porte-jarretelles.

Sur le trajet, elle appelle David pour lui dire qu’elle est en manque de sa grosse queue noire ainsi que celle de Pierre. David lui confirme qu’elle va passer un week-end inoubliable.

Après une petite demi-heure de route, elle arrive chez mister amant. A peine arrivée chez lui, sa robe tombe à terre et elle se retrouve vite en bas, porte-jarretelles et talons hauts. Tout en buvant un verre, David la caresse partout et admire les sous-vêtements qu’elle porte. Il la photographie dans différentes positions subjectives et elle s’en amuse bien. Elle apprend que Pierre va les rejoindre plus tard. Branlée et sucée comme une reine, elle a déjà jouit plusieurs fois au salon. David l’invite ensuite dans sa chambre et lui propose de l’attacher sur le lit, ce qu’elle accepte. Elle se retrouve bras et jambes écartées. Totalement soumise, David lui suce sensuellement mister clitoris et arrête aussitôt dès que le plaisir monte. Elle est maintenue au bord de la jouissance et implore de se faire baisée. David continue mister jeu vicieux. Ma femme est prête à tout pour jouir. David sort un pinceau et effleure le sexe lisse de mon épouse. Elle se trémousse dans tous les sens. Il sort également quelques godes en lui demandant lequel elle veut essayer.

C’est à ce moment que j’appelle mon épouse sur mister téléphone mobile.

Entendant la misternerie caractéristique, elle dit à David de la détacher pour qu’elle puisse me répondre. Au lieu de cela, il va dans le salon, se saisit du mister mobile et revient dans la chambre tout en me répondant. Il s’assied à ses côtés et la caresse de plus belle.

Sans aucune gêne, il se présente et m’explique qu’il est l’amant de ma salope de femme. Il me dit qu’elle a pris goût à mister sexe noir ainsi qu’à celui de ses amis et qu’il la garde pour le week-end. Ensuite, il colle le portable à l’oreille de ma femme pour qu’elle me confirme le plaisir qu’elle éprouve. J’entends ma femme qui soupire car le salaud la doigte bien à fond et alterne en jouant avec mister clitoris. Il l’incite à me dire que c’est une pute à blacks. Entre deux râles, elle me dit qu’elle m’aime mais qu’ils lui font trop du bien puis elle jouit.

David reprend le combiné et me dit qu’il me rappellera plus tard. Quelques minutes après, je reçois plusieurs MMS et vidéos du mobile de mon épouse. Je la découvre en dessous sexy, attachée sur un lit, un black entre ses cuisses….Sur une autre photo, elle suce et branle un sexe noir de belle dimension…Et enfin, à quatre pattes, elle a en sexe dans mister petit cul et un autre dans la bouche….Je n’en reviens pas, ma toute douce est une vraie salope à blacks.

David me rappelle pour me dire qu’il va user d’elle avec un ami et qu’après elle devra s’habiller comme une véritable pute et sortir dans une boîte fréquentée principalement par des noirs. Avant de raccrocher, il précise que ça ne sert à rien de le rappeler mais qu’il va envoyer des vidéos des exploits de ma femme.

Quelque 20 minutes après, mon téléphone misterne. C’est ma femme qui me parle difficilement car David la pilonne lentement et l’oblige à me dire qu’elle aime les sexes noirs, qu’elle leur appartient, qu’elle aime faire la pute et qu’elle adore les sucer.

Je suis hyper jaloux mais aussi hyper excité.

Durant la soirée, je reçois encore des vidéos et photos. Je vois ma femme habillée super sexy avec ses sandalettes à talons vertigineux. Elle est assise dans un salon, les cuisses gainées de bas et retenus par un porte-jarretelles, entre deux blacks qui la caressent : Un troisième se trouve à genou entre ses jambes et lui lèche le sexe. Elle a la tête en arrière et se trémousse comme une folle. Sur une autre vidéo, elle danse avec un noir qui la pelote partout et l’exhibe de manière impudique.

Elle est totalement sous leur emprise et je ne peux rien faire. Je passe une très mauvaise nuit.

Le lendemain, quand elle rentre à la maimister, elle a la mine défaite. Après une longue, très longue discussion, elle me dit qu’elle m’aime mais qu’elle a besoin d’être soumise de la sorte de temps à autre. Son plaisir serait que je sois présent mais uniquement pour la regarder faire la garce…..


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Trois histoires, merci.


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cuckold pig serves its new Master

Master Tony looked down at me and said, "pig, we are going into the Master bedroom to get comfortable. I want you to get your stash of toys, wait for fifteen minutes precisely and then bring them in to the bedroom."
I blushed as He referred to the sex toys hidden in the old golf bag at the back of the office closet. He knew of them of course because He had used them on me while i served His perverted commands online. Now He was in our house with my wife who had discovered my secrets. And as He had just told me, i soon would be a cuckold pig. From the way my wife looked at Him, i knew that He was right.
"Yes Master," i quickly answered. As i started to crawl to the office, Master Tony said, "Wait pig. I want those pig balls and tiny clit of yours in bondage. Put on the cock ring and ball spreader I usually use on you." My wife snickered, "You certainly know him well Tony." He laughed, "Yes he bought this thing that on a real cock would make it stand tall. But his little clit just gets squished along with his pig balls." My wife laughed again, "I love how you call it his 'clit'. I think mine is bigger hard than his is." They both laughed and Master Tony reached his hand down to my wife's ass, "We'll soon find out about that won't we." "Mmmmmm,"she acknowledged as They walked out of the room and toward the Master bedroom.
i felt miserable as i thought that my wife of seventeen years was soon going to get fucked by a Dom Master totally superior to me in every way. Yet my little 'clit' twitched at the thought. i am impotent and have only a small dick; i never had been able to satisfy Liz, and part of me said that i deserved everything that was happening because i was so inadequate as a man and as a husband.
i crawled into the office as ordered and opened the closet. i fished out the sex toys as ordered; an 8 inch dildo, a bag of clothes pins, a riding crop, a collar and leash, and the cock ring/ball spreader. it was a fairly intricate one that Master Tony had ordered me online to specifically get. It was called an erection maker and Master Tony had laughed as He told me the name. It was a tight cock ring that encircled dick and balls; there was a separate strap that stretched the balls out and away from the body and then yet another strap that separated the tightly stretched balls. At the bottom of that strap was a D-ring for a leash or weights. Even on me it would get my dicklette-- or as i now had to call it my clit-- half hard. And the ball stretcher made my balls ache within minutes of putting it on.
i fastened it as tightly as it would go as Master Tony had always ordered me to do online.
The thought of serving Him in real life, and that He would be fucking my wife with His 9 inch horse cock had me half hard already. With the cock ring on i got almost fully hard--all 4 inches. No wonder my wife had been attracted to Master Tony, i thought as i put the other sex toys in a small bag. i looked at the clock; i had five minutes to go. i crawled into the hallway and from the open door of the Master bedroom i heard my Wife giggling and Master Tony's low laugh. Then i began to hear small moans from my wife. i could only imagine what was causing them.
i waited the five minutes as my wife's moans increased and then crawled into the Master bedroom dragging the bag of sex toys. There on the bed was my wife naked and moaning as Master Tony kissed her deeply and fondled her tits with one hand while He fingered her wet pussy with His other. WHat was incredible was that her pussy was completely shaven. My vanilla wife who never would shave for me, had obviously been told to do so by Master Tony. It was so hot looking especially because her wide open slit was flowing with cunt juice.
"There You are pig," Master Tony said, still fingering my wife's wet cunt. i saw that His big cock was almost hard. It was huge, at least 9 inches and thick. my wife's hand was stroking it and she could not reach all the way around it. "Get over here pig now" ordered Master in a sharp tone. "It is time for you to become a cocksucking pig, and you are going to start with mine." My wife snickered, "You're being too nice to him Master. I want to be the one to suck it."
i was again shocked. Liz had never liked sucking cock and had told me years ago that she would not suck or kiss my dick anymore; no reamister, just, "I don't like it." Now she was like a whore, stroking the huge cock and looking at me with a sneer of contempt.
i knew i had to obey quickly or be punished so i crawled over to Master. "Start sucking the head of it pig," he said in a strict voice. "Earn the title of cocksucking pig that you told me you wanted online."
"Yes Master," i heard myself say and then as if in a trance i lowered my head to His magnificient cock. i smelled the musky odor of a real Man as my moth came within an inch of His cock. "Open bitch; serve Your Master," my wife snarled, kicking me in my exposed and stretched balls.
my mouth opened sorry with the pain of it, and i felt her hand on the back of my head pushing it down onto Master's swollen cockhead.
Master Tony laughed, "Don't confuse it Liz. it is a pig not a bitch, and now it is a cocksucking pig." My wife laughed at that still pushing my head onto the bulbous head of Master's cock. i could taste the sweet taste of His copious pre-cum. He was producing much more of that than i spurted when i came.
Master moaned slightly,"That is it, you cocksucking pig, suck that pre-cum down. Get Me rock hard for Your wife's juicy cunt." i noisily slurped at Master's cock lapping and tonguing its pisshole. i could feel Him shift as He went back to kissing and fondling Liz. her moaning became louder as His big fingers invaded her sloppy wet cunt. This went on for maybe fifteen minutes, my jaw getting sorer and sorer from taking that huge cockhead into it. i could only fit the first three or four inches without gagging.
Master's cock was by now incredibly hard, like a steel rod. Still the heat of His throbbing cockhead filled my mouth along with His pre-cum. i could feel a huge vein in His godlike cock throbbing with red, as my wife moaned and begged Him to fuck Her.
"Stop, pig," He ordered. Reluctantly i pulled my mouth off of His cock. Its head was a dark purple and the size of a plum. The whole rock hard cock must have been almost ten inches long. My wife moaned when she saw it. "Oh Master," she breathed "Fuck me now please I need it sooo much."
"First," He said,
"the cocksucking pig is going to beg Me to fuck You. And pig," He added, "Once I fuck her she is no longer anything of a pig's; she is mine and Your Mistress and pig, refer to Her only as Mistress. Understand." "Yes Master," i said miserably.
My wife laughed, "Look at its clit Master; it is as hard as i have ever seen it." She nudged it with Her foot. "The pig likes sucking cock Master." Master Tony laughed too. "it is going to learn to like much more than that before We are through with it. Now beg pig, beg me to fuck Liz"
i knelt before both of Them, feeling ready to cry. "Master," i said "please fuck Her as She deserves; fuck My Mistress and give Her the pleasure this pig never could."
"All right pig, if that is what the pig wants," He laughed. "Now it is time to become the cuckold pig."


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At those words Master motioned to Mistress Liz, the woman who until an hour or two ago was my wife, to lay back on the bed. She quickly complied sprawling back and spreading her sopping wet cunt wide open like a whore.
"Fuck me Master," she begged. He chuckled darkly and said, "Just a minute, slut, the cuckold pig has some duties here." Master snapped His fingers at me, "Get up here now pig," pointing at the bed next to Mistress Liz's wide open thighs. i quickly complied head down. i could smell her gaping pussy from three feet away.
"I want the pig to guide My cock into your cunt slut. Let it be the tool of Me taking You away from the pig."
Master gave an evil laugh, "Put your head down low pig; I want it to see My cock stretch this cunt that now belongs to Me. And with your pig hand, guide My cock into your Mistress."
Master positioned Himself over Mistress, His raging cock inches away from my face, "Put it in her cunt pig," He barked. i reached and grasped His boiling hot cock; even i couldn't get my hand all the way around it. As He slowly pushed forward i guided His big hard cock into Mistress's waiting cunt.
The purple head of it stretched her lips wide as it slowly pushed into her pussy. i could feel her juices spill over my hand as she arched her back and spasmed. Her neck and shoulders were flushed, her breathing shallow
"Oh fuck," she wailed and began to cum, squirting her juices all over Master's cock and my hand. She shook cumming hard and He only had the first four inches of that big thick cock in her.
Master looked me straight in the eyes. "Well pig, you've earned another name: cuckold pig. How does it feel to lose your wife and gain a Mistress and Me gain a slut."
i lowered my eyes in presentation, watching as He slowly eased another two inches into her waiting cunt. Her pussy lips were spread obscenely wide, clinging to Master's cock. He then slowly drew out before He had put His whole cock in her. She gasped as He pushed forward and shuddered again with an orgasm, screaming as she came.
"Fuck me ohhh fuck me." she cried out. Her body was shaking as i had never seen it and she was flushed a bright red. Master slowly pushed in a little more, than pulled out and slowly pushed back in.
He fucked Mistress this way for twenty minutes slowly stretching her. i think she was cumming continually the whole time. At one point she started to cry uncontrollably as she gripped His wide shoulders. "Oh god it feels so good; so fucking good."
i felt the deepest offense. i had never even come close to making her cum like this, not even once in all the years we were married. And Master had her cumming it seemed on every stroke of His huge cock.
After twenty minutes Master was balls deep into her pussy. It made wet squelching noises each time He withdrew and then her pussy gushed more juice as He pushed in.
He began to pick up His pace and His breath came faster.After another five minutes of pounding her, during all of which she was cumming continually, He suddenly roared and pushed as deep as He could into Her cunt. my face was still only inches away, sprayed wet with Mistress's cum. Now i saw Master's balls pulse and some of His cum spill out of her overfilled cunt. It seemed that He came forever, filling her with His hot cum.
Finally He fell forward kissing her face as she sobbed with pleasure.
After resting a minute or two He slowly withdrew His cock. Incredibly, it was still hard and glistening with both of Their cum and juices. "Quickly," Master said to her,"legs up and scoot down. I want as much of My cum in you for the little cuckold pig to clean up. That's how it will get to earn its next name."
She did as told and then He pulled out the last two inches with a wet sound. "But first cocksucker pig this cock needs a good cleaning--with your mouth and tongue."

For once i did not immediately obey Master. i was just too distracted by the gaping pussy of Mistress Liz, the woman who had been my wife until Master Tony had fucked her into insensible pleasure and taken her as His own slut.. Her pussy was gaping wide, red and swollen and covered with thick white cum--so much cum.Master must have pumped more cum into her cunt than my little balls produced in a year. Her pussy lips were full, engorged and almost purple with red and her clit was bigger than i had ever seen it. it might even have been bigger than my tiny clit (which was my undersized dicklette now was called), as she had sneeringly said before Master fucked her.
Suddenly a voice thundered, "I said clean up my cock cocksucking pig." As Master Tony said this, i felt an excruciating pain in my balls. He had picked up the riding crop i had brought into the bedroom with the rest of my sex toys and had viciously slapped my balls, encased in the ball stretcher.
He hooked a leash onto the D-ring of the ball stretcher and then pulled up on it hard enough that i feared He would rip them off. Very deliberately He said, "You...will...obey...Me... pig." Each word was punctuated by a vicious blow from the crop onto my fully exposed balls; the last word ended with a blow to the tip of my clit.
i wanted to double over and just curl up with the pain, but i knew it would just bring more punishment. "yes Master," i groaned as i lowered my head onto His glistening wet cock, coated with His cum and Mistress Liz's copious cunt juice. The smell was overwhelming: cunt and cck and cum and pussy juice, as i sucked the still hard head of Master's huge cock into my mouth. With a swift movement He pushed my mouth at least six inches down His thick veiny cock, saying, "Suck it get all that cum so you can earn YOor next name--cumpig."
The last word was said with utter contempt, and my wife snickered at His words. i sucked and licked but never got more than the first six inches in my mouth. Every time i tried to take more i gagged, long strands of drooll pouring out of my mouth and out of my nose, soaking His cock further.
"You need work, lots of work on your cocksucking s*******s pig, " He sneered. Finally, He said,"Enough, pig."
Pushing my head down further He contemptuoously dried His cock with my hair. "Now," Master said,"time for some juicy cum filled creampie." Pointing at Mistress Liz, He said, "you will lick and suck every drop of cum out of Her ass and cunt. If you miss a drop, or hesitate, or gag, this is what you will get, pig" Without warning He slashed down onto my balls again with the riding crop.
i moaned as i crawled to Mistress's wide splayed legs and cunt. It was completely coated with a thick layer of Master's cum as was Her asshole, even though He had ordered Her on Her back and legs up so as not to lose too much.
"Start with Her asshole," He sternly commanded. I immediately pushed my face deep into Her ass crack licking and sucking for all i was worth. "Tongue up her asshole too," He ordered, cropping my balls just to encourage me.
i immediately pushed my tongue deep into Her rank sweaty asshole, sucking and slurping as i did. As degrading as all this was, my clit was hard for the first time in years. i sucked more getting every drop. My wife, i mean Mistress, laughed sneeringly,"god it really is a pig. Listen to it suck and root at my asshole." Master TOny laughed as well, "What else did you ever think it was."
Finally He said, Now lick all the cum from Your Mistress's cunt, get every drop pig>" Again He cropped my swollen balls as He said this. There was a huge amount of cum to suck and lick up. i again slurped and licked, tasting and smelling the aphrodisiac taste of cunt and cum aand cock, sucking and slurping as if my balls depended on it, which they did.
After a good ten minutes of this licking, Master said, "On your back now pig; or should i say creampie pig, because that is what you now are, along with all the other things you have become tonight and all you will become."
i quickly flipped on my back, face up, mouth open as Master ordered me. He then helped Mistress to quickly sit up and sit on my face and open mouth. i had begged her for years to let me eat her pussy this way, but she had never wanted to do it. Now she plopped down full weight over my waiting mouth and began grinding her pussy onto my lips and tongue.
As she did it seemed like a gallon of Master's cum poured out. It was a huge amount, so much that at one point i thought i would gag. But then i remembered Master's riding crop and just began to lick and suck even more.
Meanwhile Mistress was moaning loudly grinding her cunt and clit hard as she fucked my face. "Yes, that is it you nasty cumpig; eat me out get every drop of Master's superior cum You cuntlapping swine." WIth the last words she suddenly shuddered and cried out in another orgasm, flooding my mouth with her own copious cum, mixed with the last of Master's jism.
i fetishd slightly. and felt two hard swats on my hard little clit. i moaned into her cunt as Master said, "No gagging or obligation pig. Just consume and feel lucky that you get this task." "Yes Master." i mumred into Her sopping wet cunt.
Mistress finally rolled off of my face, 'That was fantastic Master Tony, she purred. "But now I have to pee so badly I think I will explode" Master Tony laughed wickedly. "Then let's go into the bathroom. i am sure that the pig will make as eager a toilet for us as it was a cocksucker and cuntlicker."
Mistress laughed nastily, "oh it will love it. it is a pig you know and i am sure it will love to wallow in everything We give it."


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Master tugged very hard at the leash attached to the ball spreader that tightly stretched and separated my little balls, making them perfect targets for the riding crop Master had used on them. As he pulled the leash, Master said, "Off the bed and crawl behind us into the bathroom, pig." He turned to Mistress Liz and with a wink said to her,"Come on slut;Your toilet awaits You."
Mistress laughed at that as she rose from the bed, walking into the nearby bathroom with Master while i crawled quickly to keep up. i could not help notice that she walked slightly bowlegged, like a woman who has just received a tremendous fuck. And her hand was all over Master's still hard cock. stroking it even harder, as He tightly wrapped one of His muscular arms around Her waist.
The bathroom had a large jacuzzi style tub. Master pulled sharply on the leash, painfully wrenching my balls, "Get in pig on your back, mouth wide open." i quickly complied hoping to avoid more punishment, but as i crawled in Master cropped me vicious 5 or 6 times on my ass.
When we had put that tub in in, i thought that i would have some sexy baths with my wife that would lead to sex, but she never wanted to do that with me. Now, it looked as if Mistress Liz, as she now was to me, would be getting into the tub with me for a totally different purpose.
"There is Your toilet, slut," Master said with a chuckle, "well, at least its mouth is." She laughed and climbed into the tub straddling my head and then lowering herself until her cunt was only a couple of inches from my mouth. Her cunt was still gaping open, so red it was almost purple, and the smell of it blasted me as i la there. It was pure hot sex--cum and cunt juice and maybe even my spit from licking her clean. Whatever it was it made my clit jump with excitement.
i heard Master close the plug to the tub, then He said, "All right pig I insist that every drop of Mistress Liz's piss get takesen. If any of her pee is missed, there will be punishment."
Mistress was facing my feet and she said contemptuously, "Look at its little clit. it was never that hard in 17 years of marriage; this pervert must love this." Master laughed, "Of course it loves being degraded. You saw how I trained it online. No matter how nasty things got, it begged for more."
He paused and then said, "Oh and I don't think we will be calling it 'he' or 'you'. It has become an object for Us to use and degrade as We please. We will only refer to it as pig or it and that is how it must speak as well." Master slapped my balls hard with the riding crop, "Understood , pig" "Yes Master," i quickly answered. MIstress Liz must have been turned on by this talk, because her pussy juices were starting to flow, and her fingers were fingering her big swollen clit.
"Time to piss, slut," Master chuckled. "I have lots of cums for you left in this," He added shaking His big fully hard cock. "Mmmmm," Mistress moaned gazing with adoration at His godlike cock. Then suddenly she started pissing right into my waiting mouth. i swallowed as fast as i could as the hot salty piss filled my mouth. It burned a little as it went down, but it turned me on even more. i was sure that i might cum without touching my clit, if it were not for the ball stretcher.
Suddenly a searing pain hit the head of my clit making my mouth open even wider as i let out a loud groan. "I said get it all filthy pig," Master shouted. "I will not allow this disrespect of Mistress." As He said this He sharply cropped my nipples and then my balls, making me moan even louder.
Mistress laughed meanly, "I think that helps it keep its mouth nice and wide as I use it." My mouth was gaping wide and i was swallowing as if my balls depended on it, which they might given Master's obvious anger.
Mistress Liz's piss slowed and then stopped.
Without any prompting from Master she barked, "Clean me, with the tongue, pig." i gently began to lick her cunt, cunt lips and clit to get any piss droplets. She moaned slightly as i orally served her and i tasted more cunt juice than piss as i did this.
"Asshole too," Master ordered, jerking on the leash. i quickly moved my tongue to Mistress's asshole, cleaning it and tasting her hot sweaty taste. Finally she said, "Stop pig," getting up with shaky legs. oh god it feels good when its tongue is in my asshole." Master laughed, "oh don't worry it will be spending a lot of time with its tongue in both of Our assholes before We are done with it."
Pulling on the leash, Master said, "On knees pig." i quickly scramred to my knees on the cold wet tub as Master stepped in it. He positioned Himself with His swollen cock an inch or two from my face. i knew enough by now to have my mouth wide open and waiting for Him.
Master handed the leash and riding crop to Mistress saying, "it will never be able to swallow all my piss, though it will learn in time, I assure you. But just in case it does not show enough enthusiasm, use the crop on it." Mistress giggled as She took the riding crop and leash chain.
Master's cock was again fully hard, thick and almost ten inches long , its fat thick head engorged with red. He stroked His big cock an inch from my waiting mouth obviously enjoying the offense. Then a huge jet of scalding acrid yellow piss spurted out of that monster cock.
i desperately tried to swallow but my mouth was filled in an instant. i felt two hard lashes on my balls from Mistress Liz, almost causing me to completely double over. But if i did that the punishment would be horrific, so i gave a gurgling moan and continued to swallow as much as of Master's burning hot piss as i could.
He changed His name aiming the jet at my face and then down my body until He was pissing directly on my hard little clit. i probably would have cum at that if not for the deep aching in my balls. Master laughed to Mistress, "See, its clit and pig balls are only good as a urinal for my piss."
She laughed even more loudly, "the pig's balls don't even deserve that Master Tony."
When He finally stopped the bottom of the tub was almost full with a mix of His and Mistress Liz's piss. He stepped out of the tub and then said, "Let's see the pig wallow in the mess. Pig roll around in the piss for us." i burned with shame as i lowered my body into the tub and then began rolling around in the wet stench of their combined piss.
Both of Them were laughing and Mistress said scornfully, "it really is a filthy natural isn't it. How I wasted my life on it I will never know." Her words cut more deeply than the riding crop, but at that moment i also thought they were true.
Mistress added," Well i guess it has earned the name toilet pig now Master Tony." Not yet," He said evilly, "it is definitely a piss pig but as it will definitely learn it takes so much more to earn the title of toilet pig" He laughed again with the strangest malevolent tone, and i shivered at His words.


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After a few moments of making me wallow in the mixed piss of Master and Mistress, Master yanked again on the leash, jerking my balls hard. "Now pig, start licking up every drop of the piss You spilled," He commanded. Mistress laughed at that, "Oh my god, that is so nasty." Master said, "It is its place as our piss pig to make sure it is all consumed."
i got on my knees, ass in the air as i bent my head to start licking up Their combined piss. There was a lot of it but i knew that if i did not comply, i would be punished severely by Master Tony. i started licking it up tasting again the salty and acrid taste of Their urine.
Crack! A hard stinging slash from the riding crop hit my ass, pushing me forward and speeding up my cleaning the piss from the tub. "Hurry up pig," Master barked, We have things to do. And let me hear it when takeing our piss."
i began takeing and licking faster, slurping loudly as i did. Both Master Tony and Mistress Liz were laughing at my sounds. Master Tony snapped the crop against my ass time and time again, "That is for spilling any of our precious piss, pig,' He said. "Whip it harder Master," said Mistress, urging Him on.
The next one was angled to hit my asshole and balls and made me shriek in pain. i was now furiously licking up the mess in the tub, hoping to finish and stop the beating. my mouth tasted like the inside of a sewer but i did not hesitate as my punishment continued.
Finally, after my stomach was filled with Their combined piss, the bottom of the tub was clean. Master must have cropped my ass at least twenty times, very hard and i could feel it was welted and terribly sore.
Master yanked me upright by the leash attached to my balls. "Next time pig, get it all the first time and there will be no need for punishment," He said, "but miss oany of our piss and I will use a cane on that sorry pig ass, and it will make the crop feel like a love tap." i believed Him, but didn't know how i would ever be able to keep up with the massive spray of piss that He produced from His big cock.
"God it stinks," said Mistress with disgust. She was right; even i could smell my self, like an uncleaned urinal at a truck stop. "Of course it does; it's a pig," laughed Master, "But we are going to keep using it today. I intend to break it today; to reduce it to the object that it is, and the more disgusting and degraded it is, the faster it will be broken." Master laughed again, " So i am afraid slut that we both will have to put up with the smell fo this disgusting thing. Don't worry though, I have the most interesting things planned for it and for Us. Now this cock of Mine needs some attention slut, so let's get back with the pig into the bedroom."


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Master jerked the leash attached to my ball spreader to get me out of the tub and following Them back to the bedroom. i felt like a total stinking pig after being used to take Their piss and wallow in it. But much more was yet to come.
Back in the bedroom Master ordered me to kneel on all fours within a few inches of Him. His big hard cock stood straight up, curving back towards His body it was so hard. Looking at me, He said nastily,"Now pig, watch how the slut who used to be Your wife sucks my cock." Turning towards Mistress Liz He commanded, "On Your knees , slut, and suck My big cock as hard as You can get it."
i knew Master was in for a disappointment. Mistress Liz did not like sucking cock and had little experience in it. She had told me that she hated it almost ten years ago when she announced one day out of the blue that she no longer was going to suck mine. When i asked her why, she simply responded that she did not like it or the taste of cock. i wondered what Master Tony would do when she refused to suck Him as He had just ordered.
But i was astonished as Mistress Liz meekly said, "Yes Master," and fell to her knees in front of Him. Without any further orders she began wetly licking His enormous cock, working her tongue from its base to its head. When she got to the swollen bulbous head of that huge cock she began licking wetly around His pisshole which was leaking pre-cum. "MMMMM Master," she moaned, "Your cock tastes soooo good."
Master Tony looked at me with a look of total superiority. Not only had He fucked my wife, He had her now, cock hungry and wantonly licking and sucking His big cock like a street corner whore. And she was loving every minute. As she sucked and stroked His slick wet cock with one hand, she was playing with her hard clit with another, shuddering with little orgasms every few seconds.
"Get on back pig and have mouth open," Master sharply ordered. i quickly scramred to obey, positioning my head close to Master's feet. "Climb on its face slut and let it pleasure You while you suck my cock, He commanded. Without a word and without stopping her cocksucking of Master, Mistress Liz climbed onto my face, planting her juicy wet cunt directly onto my open mouth.
i immediately began licking and sucking her pussy, working my tongue the length of her slit and then swirling it in tight little circles around her big swollen clit. She shuddered as if a jolt of electricity had gone through her. Mistress began grinding her cunt and clit hard against my lips and tongue. i could taste her cunt juice mixed still with the strong taste of Master's superior cum from Their earlier fucking. As she ground her hips and then rocked back and forth, i recognized the signs that she was close to cumming hard. Above me i could hear her loud slurping mixed with gagging sounds as she sucked Master's cock.
"oh god, Master," she breathed, "May I cum now?" "Not yet slut," He responded in a voice heavy with lust. "I want to see at least six inches of cock down Your throat before You may cum on the pig's filthy tongue."
"Yes Master," she moaned as i continued to suck and lick her clit.
i heard more gagging sounds as Mistress Liz pushed her mouth further down Master's big cock. i had sucked it earlier and knew that it was impossible to get His rock hard ten inches all the way down my mouth. Mistress Liz was trying hard however because i could feel her body move as Master fucked her mouth. The gagging sounds increased and i felt big gobs of ropy thick spit hit my chest as she deep throated Master.
i kept licking and sucking her cunt and clit, trying to bring her pleasure as Master fucked her mouth. Twice more she asked if she could cum and both times the answer was a firm no. The second time her ass was swatted by Master's big hand.
Even though she was not having the big shattering orgasm she sought, i knew from the little squirts of her juice into my mouth that she was cumming almost continually with small orgasms. Her body movement and gagging sounds increased as Master fucked her mouth harder. "Good slut," He said in a voice thick with lust, "You have gotten almost eight inches in Your mouth. Now i am close to cumming, and i want you to swallo some of my cum and hold the rest in your mouth until i tell you how to dispose of it. And you can cum when i do."
i started to furiously work and suck her hard clit, getting her as close as i could to cumming. Above me she was doing the same thing to Master's cock, trying to suck the cum out of it. How He had not already cum after what must have been more than twenty minutes of hard cocksucking, i did not understand. But i was a limp dicked cuckold pig; how could i understand a Real man like Master.
Suddenly i heard Him shout, "I am cumming bitch. Suck it hard" At the same time i glued my mouth to Mistress Liz's clit and pisshole and licked them hard with my tongue, flicking my head back and forth almost like a vibrator. i heard her muffled scream around Master's spurting cock, and my mouth was flooded by her cum juice jetting out of her pisshole.
She always squirted when she came hard, but this was like a fountain of her cum. i eagerly slurped it down not missing a drop as she ground her hips hard prolonging the orgasm.
Finally she stopped and pulled her super sensitive clit away from my mouth and tongue. "Get off of its face slut," Master said gently. As she did so, i looked up and saw Master's cock still more than half hard, gleaning with Mistress's Liz's spit. SHe had her mouth closed , but it seemed that it was full of something.
Master looked down at me and said with complete contempt, "Your Mistress is a magnificient cocksucker, contrary to the lies I heard online. She didn't suck the pig's cock because it did not deserve it. But she sucked mine and swallowed lots of My superior cum, pig." Master laughed, "But don't worry pig, there is plenty of my cum left in Mistress's mouth for the filthy cumpig to consume."
"Pig," He ordered, "Open that cumdump mouth wide and swallow every drop that is given." i quickly did as Master ordered. Then to Mistress Liz He said in a much gentler voice, "Slut, get YOur mouth a few inches from the cumdump's hole and drool My cum into its cumdump mouth."
Mistress Liz nodded, placing her lips a few inches from my wide open mouth. i could smell the strong smell of Master's cock and cum on her mouth even before she opened it. "Now, slut, feed the cumdump pig with My hot cum and Your spit."
As Master said that Mistress Liz let a long stream of cum and spit drool into my waiting mouth. It was totally degrading to be a waste receptacle for the Two of Them and yet my little clit was hard and twitching as swallowed noisily to keep up with the thick mixture of cum and spit that was being drooled by Mistress Liz into my mouth.
Finally after what seemed like a quart of cum she stopped, and then without any further command drew back and spit a big glob of cum and spit into my face. Master laughed at that and reached out to pat her head. "Good slut," He said, "You are realizing that You are the pig's Mistress and that it is nothing but a degraded cumdump for Us to use." Master paused and then said, "Climb up into bed with me slut and let's rest a bit. In a little while, We can start to have more fun and pleasure." "Mmmm, yes Master, " she said climbing into the bed with Him. i remained on my back, my mouth full of the taste of Master's cum and Mistress's spit, wondering what would come next.
i lay on the floor, thinking about how i had gone from a married man with some perverted fantasies to a total cumpig cuckold slave whose wife now belonged to another man, a Real Man, all in the space of two or three hours. i could smell myself, reaking of piss and cum and cunt juice; i really was a pig, as maser Tony had called me.
Master Tony and Mistress Liz were quietly dozing on the bed, and as i thought about my current state, i must have dozed off as well because the next thing i felt was the nauseating sting of a riding crop to my balls.
"Wake up, pig," Master ordered, "Time to serve me and your Mistress."
i quickly scramred to my knees as Master leaned back on the bed, His big flaccid cock was a good six inches. Mistress Liz leaned into Him and They began to passionately kiss, tTheir tongues visibly dueling each other as Mistress's big nipples stood up hard.
"On the bed between My legs, pig," Master commanded, "and suck Me hard for Mistress." i scramred up onto the bed and then, on my belly crawled up to Master's cock.
it was sticky and smeared with dried cum. it was so big even when soft and master's balls also were big, like a prize Bull. Knowing i would be punished if i did not do as Master had instructed, i crawled up and began licking and sucking the head of Master's cock. He groaned slightly as His kissing with Mistress became even more passionate.
"Suck more and suck harder, pig. Be a little cockwhore pig for Master," He commanded. i took more of His thick rapidly hardening cock in my mouth, sucking it hard and using my tongue to probe and lick the pisshole of His cock.
"Suck more pig or You wil be punished," He almost shouted. i took into my mouth as much as i could of His now hard cock, slurping and sucking it. As i powerd myself further down His long thick shaft i gagged. breathing deeply i tried to get past the gag point but could not. So i was able to get almost 8 inches of that giant cock down my throat but not all of It and that seemed to enrage Master.
"You are a lousy cocksucker , pig," He growled, "and that will change. I am going to send You for training, and when the Master's I know are done, pig will suck everything that is put in its mouth without hesitation."
i did not like the way that sounded so i tried again to deep throat all of His cock, but it was just too big. strands of thick drool ran ouut of my mouth and nose as i sucked Him. At least His big cock was good and hard.
While i had been doing that, he had been fingering Mistress Liz and fondling Her tits and nipples. She was wide open and wet again, begging master for a fuck.
"enough, worthless piece of pig cuckolds brownie," He barked, "definitely training is required, but now I am going to fuck Mistress. I want pig behind Me and licking my asshole while I fuck her."
i scramred to position myself in order to avoid punishment. Master was poised to begin fucking mistress, but he said, "Get that pig tongue up My asshole, and keep it there until I tell the pig to stop." i pushed my face between Master's strong ass cheeks. His asshole was sweaaty and smelly, as He had come over to our house after a long day of work. i could taste the sweat and stink and a slight taste of cuckolds brownie as i wetly pushed my tongue up His asshole as far as i could.
"Keep it that way pig," He said, and then slowly thrust forward, sinking His ten inch cock into Mistress Liz's eager wet pussy. i followed forward, keeping my tongue in Master's asshole as He slowly fucked Mistress Liz. Within minutes she was squealing with pleasure and Master began to fuck her even more deeply and faster. it was hard to stay in position as He finally got all ten inches buried in her cunt and began pounding her. i slipped several times, and each time Master growled, "Get that fucking pig tongue in my asshole, pig."
Master must have fucked her this way for at least twenty minutes, and she must have cum twenty times from the noises she was making. Master showed no sign of tiring or even cumming. he seemed an inexhaustible stud, who could fuck forever with that big superior cock of His. Finally, He slowed and ordered, "On back, pig. I am going to fuck her doggy style and while I do, that pig mouth and tongue will lick My cock and balls and Mistress Liz's cunt."


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i quickly crawled onto my back while Mistress Liz positioned Her gaping dripping wet cunt low over my face. It dripped the mixed cum and juices of Her and master Tony. my mouth was wide open as ordered, and i swallowed every drop that oozed out of the well fucked cunt that belonged to the woman who had been my wife until three hours ago.
Master Tony, my owner, positioned Himself behind Mistress Liz, His giant cock rock hard and throbbing from the fucking He had been giving her. "I am going to fuck Mistress Liz hard and doggy style now, pig. it must lick Her cunt and clit and suck My balls and cock as I fuck Her. Do not slow up or hesitate or Mistress Liz will slap those pig balls as hard as She can, won't You slut."
"oh yes, Master Tony," She breathed, and i knew that She would hurt me badly if i did not do a perfect job.
i immediately began licking her clit and cunt lips and then sucking and licking Master's huge balls and rock hard 10 inch cock. He had positioned the swollen purple head just at the gaping opening of her cunt. Without another word He slowly eased His throbbing cockhead into Her cunt stretching it obscenely wide as i furiously licked at her clit, then worked my tongue along Master's shaft and balls.
Mistress Liz screamed as if she were out of her mind with lust as Master Tony pushed another five or six inches of His huge cock into her soaking cunt. i kept licking Her clit and working on His cock and balls with my wet tongue. Her cunt lips clung tightly like a glove to the shaft of Master's red hot meat. Suddenly Mistress Liz screamed even louder, and my mouth filled with jets of her squirting cum. i sealed my mouth over Her pisshole and clit licking sucking and takeing down every drop of Her cum.
As i did so, master Tony thrust forward hard, completely filling Her pussy with His big cock which was sunk balls deep. i could hardly believe that She could take that giant cock or cum anymore, but as He thrust into Her eager cunt, she screamed again and squirted even more woman cum into my mouth. i fetishd slightly there was so much and Master shouted. "Slap the pig's balls hard, slut."
i felt an agonizing pain shoot through my body as Mistress slapped my leather encased balls three times hard. My mouth opened wide as i moaned in agony. As my mouth opened, Master swiftly pulled out and shoved at least 8 inches of cock down my throat. "Suck it clean cocksucking pig, " He shouted, "and don't gag or fetish or Your balls will be beaten off."
i believed Him and so furiously breathed deeply in as i sucked and lickced His huge cock clean of my wife, i mean my Mistress's cunt juices. After plunging His cock in my mouth, He went back to dog fucking Mistress, filling Her gaping hole with His big cock. The process seemed to go on forever. i would lick and suck Both of Them until Mistress came with a screaming squirting orgasm, and then master would plunge His big cock down my throat to clean Him off.
By now, my mouth smelled and tasted like the floor of a porn booth in a dirty book store--all cum and piss and nasty juices. my little balls ached because every so often Master ordered Mistress to hit them, sometimes for no reamister. i think if She had not i would have cum just from the degrading use i was being put to. As nasty as it was, it was also sexually the hottest thing i had ever experienced. my "clit" was as hard as it had ever been and my head was so deeply into subspace, i would have eagerly done anything this Dominant Real man ordered, even without the threat of punishment.
Finally Master's pounding cock speeded up, jackhammering Mistress Liz's married cunt while i sucked and licked Her and Master. "Suck my balls pig NOW," Master shouted and then He plunged as deep as He could roaring with His own hard orgasm as i felt His big balls pulse out a huge cumload into Mistress Liz's cunt. They seemed to pulse and He roared for minutes. His hot white seed spilled out of Her cunt and into my mouth as i eagerly and loudly slurped it down.
"Oh fuck, that was good," Master said in His deep voice as Mistress Liz kept pushing back onto His still hard cock. He playfully slapped Her ass. "Now cleanup time for the cumpig," He laughed. mistress laughed to. "Let's see if it can take a gallon of cum, because that is what I think is in my cunt right now," She laughed. "Oh it had better take every drop, or its balls will be gone," He said menacingly.
Master positioned Himself and Mistress Liz so that Her cunt , still stuffed with Master Tony's cock was inches above pig's open mouth. i knew that i had better do a perfect job cleaning my Mistress's cunt or i would be whipped hard.
Her cunt was swollen and distend, her cunt lips purple with her arousal and her clit was huge. Master slowly pulled His massive cock out of my former wife's well fucked pussy. As He dis so, the thick white gobs of His superior cum flowed out into my waiting mouth. I slurped and sucked licking His cock shaft as well, as i ate His cum out of her cunt.
i could keep up until He pulled all the way out. Suddenly my mouth was flooded with a huge gush of thick Master cum. i swallowed as quickly as i could, but could not help myself. it was so much that i fetishd and gagged.
Instantly, Master Tony whipped the riding crop down hard on the pisshole of my hard little "clit". the pain was agonizing as He continued to whip my clit and then four hard swats to my swollen balls.
Mistress pushed Her gaping cunt onto my now wide open mouth as i cried out in agony. Master Tony laughed, "That gets the pig's mouth open doesn't it."
Mistress laughed as well, " oh yeah. its mouth is glued to my pussy. Now,I'm going to push out every bit of Your cum Master into that sewer of a mouth." As She said this, i could feel Her cunt lips push out and more cum gushed from deep inside of Her, from places where my little clit had never been near. i kept gulping knowing that if i hesitated or gagged, i would be punished worse than i already had been.
As She pushed out her cunt made loud farting noises and i could feel the bubbles of cum against my straining lips. Finally, She emptied Her pussy and said in a harsh voice, "Now lick me clean, cunt and asshole both, pig."
i immediately started lickjng the glaze of master's cum and Mistress's squirting from Her swollen pussy. She pushed forward and sat directly on my face so i could not breathe. Her sweaty smelly asshole was directly on my lips and i heard the woman who had been my wife until four hours ago say, "Get that pig tongue inn my cuckolds browniehole NOW."
As She said this She slapped my clit hard. i curled my tongue and pushed it deeply into Her asshole, tasting the sweat and faint taste of cuckolds brownie as i eagerly cleaned her.
"Fuck yes," She groaned, frigging Her clit. "Eat up that nasty asshole, pig" Master Tony roared with laughter as She said this. Suddenly She stiffened and as i breathlessly continued to tongue fuck Her asshole, She squealed with yet another orgasm.
She rolled off of me just as i thought i would black out for lack of breath. Master Tony laughingly said, "I think I have created a monster." Mistress giggled back, "Oh this is so fucking hot. And how i ever wasted my life on a worthless pig is beyond me." Master laughed back, "You understand now that this thing is just an object for us. There is nothing of a Man about it. let me show You."
Master Tony replaced Mistress over my mouth. "Now cuckolds brownie pig, You are going to lick my asshole totally clean and get Your tongue all the way up there. All i want to feel is wet pig tongue." He sat down on my mouth and, of course, i immediately wetly licked and tongue fucked His sweaty asshole. It tasted much more strongly of cuckolds brownie than had Mistress, but i took deep breaths, making sure not to gag. i was surely being conditioned by the agonizing whipping of my balls to obey, no matter how debased the command.
"oh My god," i heard my former wife snicker, "No real Man would eat out the asshole of another. it really is just a pig to be used." Master Tony laughed back, "Oh and We have so many other filthy depraved ways to use and debase it for ourselves> Those words cut and humilaited me to the core. And yet my little clit twitched, wondering what was next.


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It had gotten late and Master Tony suggested to Mistress Liz that They go to bed. "But first," he sneered, "Our little pisspig needs to be able to serve Us tonight." Master Tony went into the bathroom and returned with a thick towel.
He ordered me to lay on my back, saying, "If I or Mistress have need of a toilet tonight, this toilet pig will open wide and take every drop. If it fails to do a perfect job, it gets caned tomorrow."
Master turned to Mistress Liz, "If you need it tonight just pull hard on its cock leash and it will eagerly take Your piss--or else," He said with an evil tone in his voice. She giggled, "Oh I am sure I will need to use it; and it is so much warmer that the cold toilet seat.
They turned out the lights and i could clearly hear them giggling and Liz telling Tony how she adored His body and His magnificent cock. She said that i should be made to worship it at all times. He laughed and said,"I have a wonderful slave greeting ritual which I will teach it tomorrow. You will find it most assuming."
After awhile They fell arelax as did i on the floor. Once about 3 AM i felt a sharp tug on my cockleash. i hurriedly moved my towel and head into position as Liz climbed on my face and open mouth. "i have a big piss, toilet," she whispered. "And i want to feel that pig tongue on my clit too."
i immediately started licking her still swollen clit as she moaned quietly. i felt her cunt muscles contract and then She pushed her cunt outwards so Her pisshole was directly above my open mouth.
Without any warning she started to piss hard into my mouth.i gulped furiously, trying to open my throat to the rank acrid taste of an early morning piss. Try as i might, a few drops spilled on the towel. i knew i would be in for trouble in the morning.
When she finally finished peeing she said,"Clean me and get me off pig."
I eagerly licked the droplets of piss around her cunt and then worked her asshole while she moaned and fingered herself. "Tongue fuck my asshole pig," she groaned as She frigged Her swollen clit. i pushed my tongue into her asshole and could taste a much stronger taste of cuckolds brownie. As i did this she exploded with a hard cum gasping loudly.
"By the way pig" she said, "I know you dropped a few drops. There will be punished for that." Laughing she went back to bed and was soon arelax, while i lay there terrified of what the morning would bring.
i was snatched out of relax by a hard jerk on my cockleash. "Get up pig NOW," barked Master Tony, "I have to piss."
"So do I ," giggled Mistress Liz. "Oh and Tony, it spilled some of my piss during the night when i used its toilet mouth." "What," Master Tony roared, and with no warning slapped my face hard. "Fucking worthless pig," He shouted. "I told it what would happen and it will. it is in for a caning this mmorning but first it gets used as a toilet."
He bent down to a large duff l bag He had brought the day before and got out a nasty four foot rattan cane. Snapping it through the air , He jerked me on my knees roughly by the cock leash down the hallway. Mistress Liz followed, laughiing scornfully at the sight.
When we all got into the bathroom, He asked Mistresss Liz, "Can I go first Babe. I really need to piss." "Of course ," she said. "Anyway I have to do both when You are done."
"You mean you have to cuckolds brownie too," asked Master Tony. "Yes," she replied, "and a lot too>"
Master Tony roared with laughter. "Oh this is perfect, the piss pig is going to start learning to be a FULL toilet slave," He said with an evil laugh. Liz looked at Him; His tall muscled body, His big thick veined half hard cock and then she laughed a little too, "You mean...." She stopped as if She did not know how to finish. "Yes," Master said, "I mean it is going to learn to lick and eat cuckolds brownie, starting this morning."
my stomach did flip flops as i heard this, but my little dicklette started to harden, even in bondage. i had searched out porn where Dominant men and women used slaves as a full toilet. Master Tony laughed again and said to Mistress Liz, 'Look at its little clit. its getting a bit hard; it loves the thought of serving us that way." He flicked the cane over the head of my clit; it was agonizing. "That is it pig. Get hard so I can cane that pathetic clit."
He ordered me on my knees in the tub and then He got in. Open up piss pig," He barked. i quickly opened my mouth only inches from His big half hard cock. i could smell the cum and sweat and pussy juice from His fucking last night of my wife, or at least the woman who had been my wife until Master Tony entered our life. "Drink it pig," He ordered and then began to piss a hard giant stream of stinking piss directly into my mouth.
i opened my throat, trying to take it all, but inevitably some fell into the tub. When He finally finished the bottom of the tub was halfcovered in Master's piss. "Suck My cock clean You worthless piece of cuckolds brownie, "He ordered.
i quickly sucked the head of His cock in my mouth and began sucking and licking it. Without warning He flicked my balls with the cane. i almost gagged with pain as i sucked even harder, feeling His huge cock start to get fully hard in my mouth.
"Enough," He said and ordered me onto my back in the tub. i lay in His hot piss as He turned to Mistress Liz. "It is all Yours for whatever You have to do--piss, cuckolds brownie or both." "Really Tony," she asked hesitantly. "Yes," He confirmed. "It has to learn sometime and in exchange i won't cane it today, though i really should."
He instructed Mistress Liz to squat right oveer m wide open mouth and then told Her to piss in my mouth and cuckolds brownie on my chin and chest> "That is for the first time. it will get used to Your cuckolds brownie, or my cuckolds brownie, and then its mouth willl be used as a FULL toilet."
Mistress Liz did as instructed and began to piss into my eager mouth. i was able to keep up with her this morning, spilling none. Without warning she scooted slightly back and let two medium sized hard turds drop on my chin and roll on my chest. The smell of Her cuckolds brownie was strong in my nose and i felt totally humiliated and degraded. Master Tony then instructed Her, "Move up and lower that dirty asshole right on its face. ANd pig I want to hear wet sucking noises as You clean the cuckolds brownie off of Mistress's asshole. Understand?"
Y,y,yess Master," i whispered.
Mistress Liz lowered Her cuckolds browniety asshole onto my mouth and in a stern voice said, "Lick it pig get all my cuckolds brownie off of there and make it clean."
Without hesitation, because i knew the consequences, i started to lick the dark nasty taste of cuckolds brownie from Her asshole. i used lots of spit and slurped and licked as Master Tony ordered. As i did that, He laughed loudly and said to Mistress Liz, "Oh We definitely have a real cuckolds brownie pig to be trained here."
i kept licking Mistress's cuckolds browniety asshole getting it completely clean. it tasted horrible, but my little clit was hard as it gets as i was degraded. Master Tony flicked the tip of my clit with the cane, "See," He laughed, 'the little cuckolds brownieeater loves the taste of Your cuckolds brownie Liz. Look at its clit.."
Mistress Liz laughed too, "That is harder than that pathetic thing has been in years."
Taking the cane, Master flicked the two pieces of Mistress Liz's cuckolds brownie into the piss covered tub. "On knees pig," He ordered sternly. Then came the dreaded order,"Lick Mistress Liz's cuckolds brownie or I will whip Your balls off."
i was scared because i knew Master meant it. i quickly began noisily licking and slurping Mistress's cuckolds brownie. Both she and Master laughed uproariously as i tasted the foul taste of Her cuckolds brownie in my mouth.
"I can't believe it Tony," Mistress Liz said. "What kind of gimp actually licks and sucks cuckolds brownie?"
Master Tony laughed and said, "A cuckolds brownie eating pig; this pig. Now pig, eat Mistress's cuckolds brownie. But beg her for the privilege first." As He said that He hacked down hard with the cane on my naked ass; the pain was excruciating and i immediately said in a compeltely abject voice, "Please Mistress Liz i beg You, please let me eat Your cuckolds brownie."
Mistress Liz was giggling as She said, "Well, since the pig asked so nicely I suppose I will let it eat."
Master Tony hit me VERY hard on the ass and then the balls with the cane, "And eat it all; no puking or I will cane those balls until they fall off."
i was terrified; i knew Master meant it, so i quickly took one piece of cuckolds brownie in myy mouth and swallowed the foul tasting turd.
WHACK! Master aimed the blow so it caught my clit and balls and i doured over, ready to puke from the pain.
"Chew it pig; I want a cuckolds brownie eating pig not a cuckolds brownie swallowing pig."
i quickly sucked the other piece into my mouth and began to chew; the foul taste of cuckolds brownie was even worse and i could suppress the gag and the need to vomit only by sheer willpower, knowing that any such conduct would end with me a eunuch.
"EEEWWWWW<" Mistress Liz said with a laugh in Her voice. "It is a cuckolds brownie eating pig. God Tony what won't it do?"
Master Tony laughed evilly, "It will do everything We tell it and there are so many worse things to come. I have a friend with a very well trained Lab, and I think we need to display this cuckolds brownieeating pig to Him and to some Other very depraved friends. You won't believe what WE will have this toilet pig, I mean FULL toilet pig doing Liz."
As i chewed Mistress's cuckolds brownie and swallowed, i knew so much worse was going to come. Yet my clit stayed hard as i contemplated that thought.


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Devenu le jouet de ma femme de ménage

J'avais 42 ans, séparé depuis plus d'un an, je vivais seul dans un village du Lubéron où j'avais emménagé il y avait déjà 4 ans.
Peu passionné des tâches ménagères, j'avais une femme de ménage qui venait 3 h par semaine. La cinquantaine passée, plutôt forte et à dire vrai pas tellement attirante, genre paysanne du coin ! Etant souvent absent, je lui avais laissé la clef de chez moi.
J'ai toujours été hétéro mais un vieux fantasme de sucer la bite d'un homme, m'avait amené un jour à acheter sur Internet un gode assez évocateur livré avec une ventouse de fixation murale, ainsi qu'une ceinture permettant à une tierce permisterne de le porter à la taille.
Venant de le recevoir, un après-midi, je le fixe contre une porte de placard de ma chambre, et à genoux, les yeux fermés, je commence à sucer cette bite. Une excitation plutôt forte me fit bander et baissant mon pantalon et slip, je commençais à me masturber tout en continuant la fellation.
Dans mon émotion, je n'ai pas entendu la femme de ménage dont j'avais oublié la venue cet après-midi !
Elle ouvre la porte de ma chambre, et me découvre ainsi dans la position à genoux en train de sucer cette bite !
La honte était à mister comble et je ne savais pas quoi dire pour justifier cette situation.
Quoique très étonnée, elle resta debout à me regarder et me dit : continuez, je ne veux pas vous déranger !
Je tentais de cacher ma nudité partielle en me tournant, et elle insista ironique : Je comprends, vous êtes seul depuis déjà un bon moment, je crois ? Continuez que je voie comment vous faites une pipe !
Je lui dis : Sortez de ma chambre tout de suite !
Elle toujours ironique me répond : Ça, monsieur sait toujours donner des ordres ! Depuis 2 ans que je viens chez vous, vous êtes toujours à critiquer mon travail et à me rabaisser en permanence, jusqu'à même écrire dernièrement à mon employeur que vous n'étiez pas vraiment satisfait et que s'il avait quelqu'un d'autre à vous proposer vous étiez intéressé, pas vrai ?
-Alors maintenant que je peux me venger de votre attitude, je ne vais pas m'en priver !
-Qu'est-ce que ça veut dire tout ça ? lui dis-je.
-Hum, ça veut dire que si vous ne voulez pas que je rapporte que je vous ai vu faire une pipe à un gode, il va falloir m'obéir ! et satisfaire mes caprices....avec tous les gens que je connais dans le village, je ne vous dis pas la honte que vous auriez sous peu si je racontais ce que je viens de voir!
-C'est dégueulasse !
-Pas plus que votre attitude à mon égard depuis des mois !
- Je vous promets de veiller à être plus conciliant.
Trop tard ! Allez à genoux et reprend cette pipe, en continuant à te branlez comme tu faisais... ça ne t'ennuie pas que je te tutoie maintenant ! on est intime, pas vrai ?
Mais toi, tu continue le vouvoiement, c'est clair ?
-Réponds !
-Oui madame Coquet !
-Allez, suce-la cette bite, je sens que ça va m'exciter petit cachottier !
Je me sentais ridicule et honteux, mais je me suis mis à reprendre ce que je faisais.
- Et branle-toi ! ou tu préfères que je le fasse ?
- non, non ! c'est bon ! je me branle tout seul
- voila, comme ça, c'est bien, oui continue, elle est bonne cette grosse bite ? dit-le qu'elle est bonne !
- Oui, elle est bonne cette bite, madame Coquet.
Elle est venue s'asseoir sur le lit derrière moi.
-Continue, tu m'excites petit PD ! Je vais me caresser entre les jambes ! Allez continue à te branler, j'aimerai bien te voir décharger sur le parquet, d'habitude c'est moi qui nettoie, mais là tu vas le faire avec ta langue !
-C'est lamentable ce que vous faites !
-Mais non, tu dois aimer ça le sperme !
Et évidemment, je me suis mis à jouir, et plusieurs giclées de sperme mistert venues tomber devant moi.
- Baisse-toi et lèche tout ce sperme, et qu'il n'en reste pas une trace !
Ecœuré, j'ai tout léché et avalé mon sperme ; Je me suis retourné et je l'ai vue, jupe retroussée, qui se caressait la chatte.
-Viens par là, tu vas me lécher aussi !
-Non, pas ça ! s'il vous plait madame Coquet !
-Si, si, tu vas me bouffer la chatte !
Elle s'est étendue, cuisses écartées et je voyais sa grosse chatte, poilue et mouillée, j'en étais écœuré d'avance, mais je me suis approché et en fermant les yeux, j'ai commencé à la lécher.
-Enfonce bien ta langue ! voila, comme ça, dit-moi qu'elle est bonne ma chatte, tu vas me faire jouir petit salaud !
-Et lèche-moi aussi le trou de cul ! sur ce, elle leva ses jambes et j'ai dû m'humilier un peu plus à la lécher entre ses grosses fesses.
-N'oublie pas ma chatte ! va de l'un à l'autre... oui comme ça, elle est bonne ta bouche... oui, oui, oui...ah, je jouis, tu me fais jouir petit PD, oui, oui, oui.... allez continue à lécher que je sois tout propre pour remettre ma culotte.
Je l'ai léchée de partout, mais plutôt que de la sécher j'ai eu plutôt l'impression qu'elle s'excitait à nouveau !
-C'est quoi cette ceinture dans le carton qu'elle me dit? ce serait pas pour se fixer le gode ? passe-moi les deux !
Elle assembla le gode sur la ceinture et se le mit à la taille.
-J'ai envie de t'enculer, qu'est-ce que tu en penses ? allez, à genoux au bord du lit !
-Non, madame coquet, arrêtez ! s'il vous plait !
- S'il me plait ? et bien justement, c'est de t'enculer qu'il me plait, alors vite en position, que je puisse te baiser comme une chienne.
J’ai obéi et j'ai senti qu'elle arrivait derrière moi, puis elle positionna le gode devant mon petit trou, poussa et finit par l'entrer entièrement.
-Et bien voila, tu ne l'auras pas acheté pour rien ce gode !
-Tu aimes ça te faire enculer, hein, dit-le !
- Oui madame Coquet, j'aime ça
Et elle me pilonnait le cul comme une dingue. Elle a passé sa main sous moi pour me saisir le sexe.
-Mais il bande le salaud ! Je bandais effectivement.
-Je vais être gentille, je vais te branler ! et elle commença des va-et-vient en me serrant fortement la bite, à m'en faire mal.
Je jouis très vite, et elle arrêta ses sévices.
-Bon, ça suffira pour cette fois, je vais quand même faire un peu de ménage, j'étais venue pour ça ! et je ne voudrais pas que les clients se plaignent à ma direction !!!
-Ne te dérange pas pour moi, je fermerai la porte en partant comme d'habitude et à la prochaine fois dit-elle avec un clin d'œil.


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La semaine suivante comme tous les mercredis, jour où elle venait, j'attendais avec appréhension ma femme de ménage.
Plus s'approchait mister heure habituelle d'arrivée, plus mon inquiétude grandissait.
Allait-elle stopper là sa prétendue vengeance concernant mon appréciation sur mister travail en profitant de sa menace de raconter autour d'elle qu'elle m'avait surpris à sucer un gode ?
14h 00, elle ne devrait pas tarder.
Je vis sa voiture arriver, elle descendit et je vis qu'un homme sortait également de l'auto. Qui était-ce ?
Comme à mister habitude, elle ne misterna pas et utilisa sa clef pour ouvrir la porte de mon domicile, le gars se tenant derrière elle, visiblement pas très à l'aise.
- Bonjour Madame Coquet, bonjour monsieur.
- Je vous présente mon mari, Robert ! J'ai pensé dit-elle qu'une vraie bite te serait plus agréable que le gode que tu possèdes !
- Pardon dis-je ? je ne comprends pas !
- Mais si tu comprends ! tu vas pouvoir faire une pipe à une belle grosse bite. Plus grosse que ton gode d'ailleurs avec des couilles bien pleines !
- C'est une plaisanterie rétorquais-je ? elle est de mauvais goût !
- La plaisanterie peut-être, mais la bite de mon homme, elle est très bonne, et tu vas en, redemander après !
- Allez Robert dit-elle montre-lui ton engin !
- Le gars n'étant pas vraiment à l'aise, c'est elle qui commença à lui déboutonner la braguette, et lui desserrer la ceinture.
- A toi me dit-elle, défait ton cadeau !
- Non mais vous délirez ?
- Tu préfères que je raconte tout à mon entourage qui ne manquera pas de répandre la bonne nouvelle qu'on a un PD dans le village ? Non ? alors à genoux et viens lui baisser mister pantalon et mister slip, tu vas te régaler et moi aussi !
Je m'apprêtais encore à discuter...
- Bon assez perdu de temps, il n'a pas que ça à faire Robert, alors tu viens ou tu connais la suite ?
Je me suis mis à genoux devant mister mari, j'ai tiré le pantalon vers le bas découvrant un slip "bien plein" puis j'ai descendu mister slip jusqu'aux pieds délivrant une bite imposante, décalottée et qui bandait un peu.
- Alors, heureux ? elle est pas belle la vie? allez, va-y embrasse-la et lèche-la de bas en haut pour la faire bander ! Après tu pourras enfin tailler une pipe pour de vrai ! une bonne bite bien baveuse !
J'ai commencé à lécher ses couilles poilues et à remonter jusqu'au gland et ça plusieurs fois en constatant qu'à chaque fois, elle se dressait de plus en plus, jusqu'à voir devant moi une bite énorme, longue et épaisse.
Le pire c'est que je commençais également à bander ! j'avais envie de l'avoir dans la bouche !
J'ai approché mes lèvres de ce gland imposant et même en ouvrant grand la bouche, j'ai pu difficilement l'engloutir.
Puis j'ai commencé des va-et-vient sur la bite de Robert qui prenait visiblement beaucoup de plaisir à mes caresses.
- Tu as raimister dit-il à sa femme, il a l'air d'aimer ça de me sucer la bite !
- On peut même vérifier dit sa femme, je vais lui baisser le pantalon !
- Non, s'il vous plait madame Coquet ! pas ça !
- Tais-toi et suce !
Qui plus est, je n'avais qu'un jogging et elle n'eut pas de difficultés à tirer dessus, laissant apparaitre mon érection au travers de mon slip.
- Pour aimer, il aime ! regarde Robert il bande comme un dingue !
- Dit-le qu'elle est bonne la bite de Robert !
- Oui elle est bonne répétais-je
- Et que tu le suceras très souvent maintenant.
- Oui je le sucerai autant qu'il veut.
- Allez, va-y Robert vide toi les couilles, il aime le sperme ce petit PD.
- Non s'il vous plait monsieur Coquet, pas ça !
- Oh que si, il va te décharger dans la bouche mon homme, et tu vas tout avaler comme une salope que tu es !
Je constatai qu'il se contractait et vulgarement j'ai senti d'énormes giclées de sperme chaud me couler dans la bouche. Le gars me tenait fermement la tête, et je ne pouvais que tout avaler.
- Avale bien tout et lèche lui bien le gland qu'il ne tache pas mister slip, c'est moi qui lave après !
- Bon, à toi maintenant, relève-toi ! Regarde Robert comme il bande mon client ! Qu'il ne nous dise pas qu'il n'a pas aimé çà!
- Dis-le que tu as aimé la bite de mon homme
- Oui, c'est vrai, elle est bonne et j'ai aimé çà !
- La prochaine fois, il t'enculera ! Mais maintenant, tu vas te branler devant nous !
- Non, j'ai trop honte !
- Tu n'avais pas honte pour me critiquer avant, alors n'ai pas honte et branle-toi jusqu'au bout. Et puis tu lècheras par terre tout ton sperme, comme l'autre jour !
- Regarde cette petite bite dit-elle à mister mari, obligé qu'il soit PD !
Etant si excité, je n'ai pas mis beaucoup de temps à éjaculer et je me suis baissé pour lécher tout mon sperme. Je crois que je n'avais jamais été aussi gêné de ma vie : me branler devant ma femme de ménage et mister mari, puis tout lécher ainsi !
- Bon c'est pas tout ça dit Robert, mais il faut que j'y aille, j'ai des bêtes à soigner ; à tout à l'heure dit-il à sa femme. Je reviendrais quand tu veux ajouta t-il surtout pour t'enculer.
- Tu peux disposer me dit-elle, j'ai du travail, je viendrais te dire au revoir dans ton bureau me dit-elle avec un clin d'œil, j'aurais probablement le temps que tu me bouffes le trou du cul !
- Au revoir Chéri, à ce soir !
Son mari nous quitta, elle prit ses ustensiles de ménage comme si de rien n'était et s'éloigna dans la maimister.
Mon calvaire ne faisait que commencer !!!!


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Je montais dans mon bureau à l'étage, et tentais de me concentrer sur divers travaux administratifs que j'avais en retard.
J'entendais ma femme de ménage aller et venir dans la maimister.
Elle restait relativement sérieuse sur les travaux à faire chez moi, malgré cette situation de plus en plus embarrassante pour moi !
Comment me sortir de cette souricière ? A priori, quoique je fasse, je risquais sa dénonciation auprès des gens qu'elle connaissait, et ils étaient nombreux !
Comment croiser les gens que je connaissais dans le village s'ils prenaient connaissance de cette histoire de gode ?
Je pouvais toujours nier, bien sûr ! mais il en resterait un certain nombre qui se chargerait de développer, d'inventer et de finir par me nuire terriblement !
J'en étais là de mes réflexions quand on frappa à la porte de mon bureau.
- Tu es là, c'est madame Coquet ! rejoins-moi dans ta chambre immédiatement, j'ai un quart d'heure à t'accorder pour que tu me bouffes le trou du cul !
J'avais cru un moment qu'elle aurait oublié ou que le temps lui manquerait ; mais non, j'allais encore une fois devoir subir ses caprices libertins ! Ce "boudin" m'écœurait et pourtant je devais y aller ! Je quittai mon bureau au moment où elle me rappelait déjà.
- Alors mon toutou, il vient lécher le cul de sa maîtresse ?
Je rentrais dans ma chambre. Elle était allongée sur le ventre, au bord du lit, jupe relevée et ses grosses cuisses écartées.
- Pour te faire plaisir, tu vois j'ai mis une culotte blanche et des porte-jarretelles, ça t'excite hein ? allez approche ta bouche de mes fesses, je ne me suis peut-être pas lavée depuis ce matin, mais tu dois aimer les odeurs fortes, hein mon toutou ? viens lécher le trou du cul de maman !
J'étais déjà dégoûté avant de m'approcher d'elle ainsi vautrée sur mon lit !
- Allez, mets-toi à genoux, viens nettoyer le cul de maman !
Je m'approchais, me baissais à hauteur de mister corps et contre mon gré, je commençais à lui lécher les fesses ; effectivement, ça sentait fort les fesses pas lavées et j'avais peur de vomir à l'idée de devoir passer ma langue sur mister trou du cul !
- Ne sois pas timide mon toutou, descend ma culotte !
Je détachais les attaches du porte-jarretelles et tirais doucement sa culotte en lui glissant jusqu'au bas des cuisses. Même sa culotte était sale et sentait vraiment très fort. J'avais mister cul énorme en face de ma bouche et je me suis penché un peu plus en sortant ma langue, jusqu'à effleurer mister trou.
- Oui, c'est bon, va-y lèche bien à fond, tu aimes ça les gros culs, hein ?
- Enfonce bien ta langue et remonte la entre mes fesses, oui comme ça, hum !! elle est bonne ta langue mon toutou !
Continue, oui, continue comme ça, mets-moi deux doigts dans la chatte et branle-moi bien en même temps que je jouisse sous tes caresses !
Elle bougeait mister cul de droite à gauche et soufflait de plus en plus vite.
- Oui, vas-y, oui ! oui ! je viens, oui! elle est bonne ta langue ! ahhhhh, je jouis, je jouis.....
- Continue à me lécher et avale tout mon jus !!
- Bon tu peux me remonter ma culotte, t'es un bon toutou !
- Mais pourquoi m'appelez-vous toutou, madame Coquet ?
- Je te réserve une surprise pour la semaine prochaine, j'amènerai une laisse et un collier pour toi ! Tu verras, on jouera à un autre jeu qui devrait te plaire !
- C'est pas tout ça, il faut que j'y aille, mon mari va s'inquiéter !!! dit-elle en pouffant de rire.
- A la semaine prochaine, repose-toi bien !
Ah! au fait, tu m'as super bien bouffé le cul, si si, super bon ! ah ! ah ! ah !


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Elle s'en alla ; J'étais encore écœuré de ce qu'elle m'avait obligé à faire ! J'allais me laver les dents et prendre un bon bain, ça devrait effacer les traces de mister contact.
Qu'est-ce qu'elle me préparait avec mister histoire de laisse et de collier ?
Enfin, j'avais une semaine de calme pour réfléchir à ma situation de soumission. Comment me sortir de cette escalade de perversions qu'elle m'imposait ?
Le mercredi arriva et j'angoissais !
Assis dans mon salon, j'entendis la clef dans la serrure de ma porte d'entrée. C'était elle !
- Bonjour mon toutou ! Regarde ce que je t'ai apporté ! Elle tenait une laisse et un collier pour chien ?
- Fous toi à poil me dit-elle, un chien c'est à poil, non ? Amusant tu ne trouves pas ? Allez dépêche-toi !
Sachant qu'il était inutile de discuter, je me déshabillais.
- Allez, même le slip, on a jamais vu un chien en slip !
J'ôtais le dernier vêtement me protégeant de la nudité totale. J'avais honte d'être ainsi nu devant ma femme de ménage qui se délectait de la situation avec un rictus de moquerie. Et en même temps j'avais comme une petite érection qu'elle constata : tu commences à bander mon toutou ! Allez, viens près de ta maîtresse, non, à quatre pattes !
Je me mis à quatre pattes et avançais vers elle. Elle me passa le collier autour du cou, l'ajusta au cran correspondant et y attacha la laisse. Voyons dit-elle, avance avec moi ! J’avançais toujours à quatre-pattes.
- Voila un bon toutou à sa maman, on va aller faire un petit pipi dehors !
- Comment ça ? Lui-dis-je ?
- Tu as bien compris, on va sortir dans le jardin pour que tu fasses tes besoins !
- Non mais vous êtes dingue, je ne sors pas dans cet accoutrement ! Si quelqu'un arrive !
- Mais ta maimister est bien trop isolée, permisterne ne passe ici tu le sais bien comme moi, et puis c'est un risque à prendre, fallait pas m'humilier ainsi depuis des années par ton comportement irrespectueux à mon égard ; sur ce elle ouvre la porte d'entrée et me tire par la laisse comme avec un chien.
- S'il vous plait madame Coquet, arrêtez cette offense !
- Non, non, pas question, fallait y penser avant !
Malgré moi, j'avançais et passais la porte d'entrée, pour me trouver bêtement à poil, en laisse et à quatre pattes dans mon jardin.
- Allez, viens tu vas aller faire pipi sur cet arbre là-bas.
- Mais c'est à l'autre bout du jardin, si on me voit, c'est horrible !
- Plus tu attends et plus il y a des risques à te faire surprendre, alors accélère dit-elle en me tirant un peu plus fort.
Le collier me serrant, j'avançais contre mon gré, à découvert ; pourvu que permisterne n'arrive...
Arrivé devant l'arbre elle me dit : lève la patte arrière et fait pipi !
- Mais je n'ai pas envie, et je ne sais même pas si j'arriverais à faire pipi ainsi !
- C'est toi qui voit, prends ton temps si tu veux, j'ai tout le mien !
Je levais la jambe arrière et tentais d'uriner, mais j'étais totalement bloqué !
- J'attends dit-elle, tu veux que je t'aide ?
Sans attendre ma réponse, elle se penche et me saisit la bite et en me la titillant elle commence à me faire bander.
- Ça devrait aller mieux comme ça, non ? Allez, fais ton pipi, mon gentil toutou !
Je me forçais et au bout d'un moment j'ai commencé à uriner dans cette position stupide, en me pissant même sur l'autre jambe !
- Bon allez, ça suffit comme ça dit-elle en me tirant, on rentre à la maimister. On ressortira après si tu as encore envie ! ah! ah! ah! dit-elle en rigolant !
Nous étions en train de nous diriger vers la maimister quand j'entendis arriver une voiture !
- Quelqu'un arrive, s'il vous plait laissez-moi me relever.
- Ne t'inquiète pas, je reconnais le bruit de la voiture de mon mari, tu n'as pas oublié qu'il venait t'enculer aujourd'hui ? Alors on va rentrer tranquillement à la maimister et attendre qu'il gare la voiture.
Nous arrivions à la porte d'entrée quand Robert arrivait.
- Tiens, le petit toutou à fait sa promenade ? dit-il en arrivant, il a fait un gros pipi ? Allez, rentre, je vais m'occuper de ton petit cul de PD !
Nous sommes rentrés tous les trois et la femme de ménage me dit : reste à quatre pattes mon toutou, tu vas te faire mettre comme un chien par mon homme !
Je vis que Robert baissait mister pantalon, l'enlevait ainsi que le slip et s'approchant devant moi, il me dit : tu vas me sucer un petit peu, histoire de bien me faire bander, je vais te le défoncer ton petit cul et tu vas en redemander.
Il se mit à genoux et me présenta sa bite devant le nez.
Je me suis mis à lui lécher puis à le sucer et il ne tarda pas à bander comme un âne.
- Bon, pasmisters aux choses sérieuses !
- Attends dit sa femme, je vais lui mettre un bout de beurre dans le cul pour que tu le prennes bien à fond.
Elle alla dans le frigo et revint avec le beurrier, en coupa un bout et me l'enfila dans le cul.
- A toi Robert, et ne le ménage pas, défonce le bien profond ce connard et vide toi les couilles dans mister petit cul de puceau !
Je me demandais comment une si grosse bite allait pouvoir me pénétrer !
Robert se plaça derrière moi, et malgré mes supplications d'en arrêter là, il me pénétra vulgarement, me l'enfilant jusqu'aux couilles en criant : tiens petit salaud tu vas t'en prendre des coups de queue ! et il entama de me pilonner le cul comme un malade sans occuper de mes cris de douleur ; Il ralentissait puis accélérait, me pénétrant totalement d'un seul coup puis se retirait doucement, et recommençait. J'avais le cul en feu et malgré la douleur je commençais à aimer ça !
Sa femme voyant mon érection lui dit : et il aime se faire mettre, regarde il bande, qu'il ne nous raconte pas qu'il n'aime pas ça, sacré PD !
Elle s'approcha de moi, se baissa et me présenta ses cuisses écartées. Elle n'avait pas de culotte et m'ordonna de lui bouffer la chatte.
Au point où j'en étais !! Je me mis à la lécher et sans que l'on me touche, au moment où mister mari me déchargeait tout mister sperme dans mon cul, je me mis à jouir sur le tapis de ma salle à manger.
Je continuais à lécher ma femme de ménage jusqu'à qu'elle jouisse.
- Nettoie la bite de mon homme et le tapis, tu en as l'habitude maintenant ! Je me mis à sucer la bite de Robert pleine de mister sperme et de ma crotte, puis léchais le tapis pour faire disparaitre toutes les traces de mon viol.
Je ne pouvais même pas nier que j'avais eu du plaisir !
Je devenais une vraie tante aimant la bite et la soumission, et je n'allais pas être déçu dans les semaines suivantes !!


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Son mari parti, elle se mit consciencieusement à mister ménage pour effectuer les tâches pour lesquelles je l'employais, après celles où c'est elle qui m'employait !!
Je montais dans ma chambre pour me détendre et me remettre de mes émotions. Encore tout excité de ce qui venait de se passer, je me suis masturbé et j'ai joui pratiquement tout de suite.
Je pris une douche puis m'étendis sur mon lit.
Je repensais à ces extravagances sexuelles que je supportais en constatant que j'y prenais tout de même beaucoup de plaisir, même si je ne voulais pas vraiment que ce soit dit.
Était-ce mon célibat de plus d'un an qui m'avait amené à découvrir du plaisir à me faire enculer ou sucer une bite, une vraie ? Ou avais-je caché en moi depuis longtemps des désirs homosexuels ? Je ne savais pas répondre.
Je m'assoupis assez rapidement dans mes pensées et fût réveillé par l'entrée de madame Coquet dans ma chambre.
- Ne te dérange pas, je viens simplement te dire que j'ai fini le ménage et que je m'en vais. Ah, aussi que tu es invité après-demain, vendredi à manger à la maimister.
- Comment ça, invité ?
- Oui, pour un repas ! Vers 20h c'est O.K.?
- C'est à dire que... je suis déjà pris ce vendredi!
- Et bien tu te décommanderas ! L’invitation est un ordre ! Et tu y viendras habillé en femme ; mini-jupe, petite culotte, bas et porte-jarretelles, maquillé comme une petite coquine, enfin tu vois le genre...
- Mais qu'est-ce que vous me préparez encore madame Coquet ?
- Une surprise ! Tu ne seras pas déçu mon mignon ! Bon allez il faut que j'y aille. Je t'ai laissé un petit plan pour venir chez nous, c'est très simple.
- Et si vos voisins me voient ainsi habillé ?
- On n'a pas de voisin, nous sommes dans une petite ferme isolée, ne t'inquiète pas ! Allez bye bye ! Et à vendredi, sans faute hein !
Le lendemain j'allais faire les achats nécessaires à la tenue exigée par madame Coquet. Je rentrais chez moi et essayais ce déguisement ; ridicule, j'étais ridicule ! Mais bon, avais-je le choix ?
Le vendredi, donc, je partis ainsi travesti et maquillé, espérant ne pas croiser en voiture quelqu'un qui puisse me reconnaitre. Mais les petites routes et chemins empruntés furent sans difficultés de ce genre, et je trouvais leur maimister assez facilement.
Je n'eus pas la peine de frapper à la porte, Robert devait surveiller mon arrivée et il ouvrit la porte de suite.
Je rentrais à l'intérieur d'une petite maimister faite principalement d'une grande salle à manger/salon avec un coin cuisine où madame Coquet s'affairait.
Je vis que la table était mise et qu'il y avait 4 couverts !
Quel était la quatrième permisterne ?
- Il y a 4 assiettes dis-je à madame Coquet ?
- Oui c'est celle de mon fils, aujourd'hui c'est mister anniversaire, il a 30 ans tout rond. Et toujours puceau le pauvre, il n'a jamais connu de fille, alors pour mister anniversaire, notre cadeau ce sera toi !
- Quoi ? Non ce n'est pas possible ! C’est pour ça que j'ai dû me déguiser ainsi ? Vous exagérez vraiment ! C’est dégueulasse ! Vous me prostituez madame Coquet !
- Pas du tout, tu n'auras pas d'argent ah! ah! ah! Tu vas faire ça gratuit !! Bon je vais aller le chercher !
Lucien à table ! Lucien ?
- Oui maman, j'arrive.
Et je vois arriver un gars type un peu benêt, au moins 1m 90 et plutôt costaud !
- Tiens mon garçon, voila ton cadeau dit-elle en me présentant, il fera la fille pour toi, et tu feras tout ce que tu veux avec elle. Es-tu content ?
- Oh oui maman, une fifille pour moi ? Pour moi tout seul. Et elle va me sucer, comme dans les films ?
- Mais oui mon grand, elle est très docile ! Tu veux tout de suite ou après manger ?
- Tout de suite et après !
Je ne savais plus quoi dire, épouvanté de ce qui m'attendait avec ce gaillard un peu débile.
Il s'approcha de moi avec un regard lubrique et idiot.
- Alors tu vas me sucer tout de suite, hein, tout de suite !
Instantanément, il baisse mister pantalon et mister slip et exhibe une bite énorme, déjà raide comme un I.
Robert qui était derrière moi me pousse devant mister fils et m'appuyant sur les épaules me fait mettre à genoux, la bouche à la hauteur de sa grosse bite.
- Allez, suce-le bien comme tu sais le faire PD, et comme tu aimes !
Je me demandais si j'allais même pouvoir ouvrir la bouche assez grand pour la prendre.
Lucien me la colla sur la bouche que j'ouvrais et je commençais à lécher mister gland en prenant ses couilles dans mes deux mains. J'entrepris de la prendre dans ma bouche en écartant au maximum mes lèvres, mais lui, en forçant me pénétra jusqu'au fond de ma gorge. J'avais la bouche toute pleine de cette bite. Je commençais un va-et-vient langoureux et en quelques secondes le gars poussa un râle et me déchargea plus d'une dizaine de giclées de sperme directement au fond de ma gorge. J'ai dû tout avaler et Lucien dit, allez encore, encore !!
Il ne débandait même pas ! Alors j'ai recommencé mes mouvements de tête et une minute après il se vidait les couilles à nouveau dans un même râle de bête fauve !
- Bon on va peut-être passer à table dit madame Coquet ? Il te plait notre cadeau ?
- Oh oui maman, super super, je pourrai encore jouer après manger ?
- Mais oui mon grand tant que tu voudras ! Elle ne partira que quand nous le voudrons ! Elle va manger un petit peu avec nous et après elle passera sous la table pour sucer ton père, et me bouffer un peu la chatte ! Et après tu pourras l'enculer à ta guise, elle aime ça cette salope. On la baisera à plusieurs d'accord mon grand ?
- Oh oui maman, comme dans les films.


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On passa donc à table. Madame Coquet avait préparé une salade aux lardons, et nous servit tous les quatre.
Je mangeais plus pour éviter d\'attirer l\'attention sur moi que par goût ! Non que la salade n\'était pas bonne, mais cette situation me préoccupait à un tel point !
Elle a assez mangé la coquine ? dit-elle en s\'adressant à moi.
C\'était très bon dis-je à madame Coquet.
- alors passe sous la table et occupe-toi des bites de mon mari et de mon fils. On t\'appellera pour le dessert, si tu le mérites, ah! ah! ah ! Ce sera ton plat de résistance !
J\'essayais sans conviction de me soustraire à cette invitation, mais le fils me regardait avec des yeux de sadique en manque et il ajouta :
- Dépêche-toi, j\'ai encore envie de ta petite bouche sur mon gland ! J\'ai vu qu\'il se déculottait ainsi que mister père.
Je passais donc sous la table et constatai qu\'ils avaient tous les deux la bite à l\'air et qu\'ils commençaient à bander.
- Tu vas sucer mon mari et branler mon fils et après tu échangeras, on est d\'accord ? Tu réponds ! C’est d\'accord ?
- Oui madame Coquet !
- Regarde ! Moi je n\'ai pas mis de culotte (me dit-elle en écartant ses grosses cuisses) alors de temps en temps, approche ta langue et lèche-moi comme tu aimes faire!
Je voyais ces deux grosses bites et à dire vrai ça m\'excitait vraiment ! Je me suis approché de celle du père et je me suis mis à le sucer avec goût, tout en branlant celle de mister fils.
Ce n\'était plus un gode sans goût, mais une vraie bite qui vibrait dans ma bouche, et j\'en caressais une autre. J\'allais encore me prendre des bonnes giclées de sperme et j\'en bandais à l\'avance !
Je devenais vraiment leur pute ! Et j\'y prenais du plaisir ! J’avoue que je découvrais quelque chose de tout nouveau.
Je changeais de bite de temps en temps et le fils fût le premier à décharger. J’avalais tout mister sperme et finissais la seconde pipe à mister père qui ne tarda pas à se vider les couilles également. Tout ça en m\'humiliant de propos obscènes en tous genres.
- Bon allez je n\'ai pas voulu te déranger, mais maintenant passe entre mes cuisses, dit madame Coquet et active bien ta langue de salope !
Au point où j\'en étais, je fermais les yeux et m\'enfonçais entre ses grosses cuisses et entamais de la lécher. Elle avait beau se mettre au bord de la chaise, ses grosses cuisses m\'empêchaient pratiquement de toucher sa chatte. Elle s\'en aperçut et me dit : on remettra ça plus tard, ça n\'est pas très pratique ainsi; Mais ce n\'est que partie remise mon biquet !
Eux continuaient à manger tranquillement ! Je me demandais si je devais sortir de dessous la table ? Puis madame Coquet me dit : allez, sors de là-dessous et assieds-toi, tu as mérité le dessert ! Quoique tu en ais déjà eu deux parts !!
C\'est une crème aux œufs, ça va te rappeler quelque chose !
Après le repas où les deux gaillards avaient bien dû absorber 1 litre de rouge chacun, madame Coquet me dit :
- Lève-toi mon biquet et mets-toi à quatre pattes, mes hommes vont s\'occuper de ton petit cul ! Attends rajouta t\'elle, et si il se branlait devant nous ?
- oui c\'est une idée dit mister mari, ainsi le fiston verra une petite bite de PD. Allez, baisse ta culotte de femme.
Je relevais ma jupe et baissais ma petite culotte, et les trois ont constaté que je bandais comme un fou ; la honte totale, je prouvais ainsi que j\'aimais ce qu\'ils m\'imposaient !
- Oh la petite bite dit le fils, incroyable, mais qu\'est-ce qu\'il peut faire avec ça ?
- Sûrement pas satisfaire une nana dit sa mère, il est bon à se faire enculer et sucer des bites ! Bon tu te branles !
Je me suis mis à me masturber et tellement excité par la situation j\'ai joui en quelques va-et-vient !
- Lèche tout ça et mets-toi en position, le père va t\'enculer et mon fils suivra, quand ton cul sera préparé !
Et moi tu vas me lécher le cul et la chatte, ce sera plus pratique que tout à l\'heure.
Elle se met également à quatre pattes, relève sa robe et cul nu recule jusqu\'à ma bouche en se plaquant sur mes lèvres.
Pendant ce temps mister mari commença à me pénétrer le cul.
Je léchais sa femme, passant du cul à la chatte pendant que mister mari me limait comme un fou.
Il déchargea et mister fils prit la suite. Assez difficilement au début, vu la taille de sa bite, mais progressivement il s\'installa jusqu\'au fond et me pilonna comme une brute, jusqu\'à la jouissance.
La mère se mit à jouir également.
Je me relevais souillé de partout.
On me permit de me rajuster et de m\'en aller après quelques railleries.
Je m\'étais fait mettre pendant près de deux heures et j\'avais aimé ça, humilié mais heureux !


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Class Rules

Amy Turner knew she was in trouble as she sat, trembling, outside the Headmaster's office. She had never been summoned here before, never been in trouble before. She was the good girl, the vicar's flower, and although she had just turned eighteen she felt just like a young again. The tone of the Headmaster's note to her own Form Master, the look on his face, the stares of her fellow pupils all had her in trepidation as she walked the long, silent corridor in fear.

She didn't know what she was supposed to have done but the way the Headmaster's fierce secretary had informed him of her arrival with a blunt, "She's here," let her know that whatever it was it must be very bad, very bad indeed, for Miss O'Hare to treat her so cruelly. The 40 year old secretary had simply sat behind her desk, returned to her paperwork and ignored Amy.

After what seemed a lifetime of standing there (as Miss O'Hare had made a point of not inviting her to sit), the door to the Headmaster's office was thrown open and Mr Gallagher suddenly appeared in front of Amy. He had always frightened her with his tall frame (at least six foot four) and now towered above her slight five feet nothing. As he came closer, his body seemed to fill the room and, when Amy eventually found the strength to lift her eyes, he glared down at her.

"You," he commanded, "In my office now!"

Amy could do nothing but obey as she took a few steps forward into what seemed like a trap. And that is exactly what it was as the Headmaster and Miss O'Hare followed her into the room -- the secretary locking the door behind them.

"What's going on?" Amy pleaded.

"You may well ask, Miss Turner. When did it become acceptable to cheat at exams in this school?" the Headmaster thundered, having walked round his huge desk and sat down behind it. Miss O'Hare, meanwhile, remained behind Amy.

The young girl didn't understand a word he had said. Yes, they had just sat their final Maths exam but Amy had always come top of her class in Maths, as in everything else. She didn't need to cheat. She knew there had obviously been some mistake and, relaxing just a little, she said so to the Headmaster.

"Is that so," he asked sarcastically. "In that case maybe you can tell me why both you and Alimister White got exactly the same mark and made exactly the same mistakes?" He threw the two identical papers at the frightened girl and she tried, vainly, to catch them. As she bent down to pick them up off the floor she heard a gasp from behind and, looking round, saw Miss O'Hare appearing to look up her short skirt. Confused more than ever, she stood up and looked at the papers in her trembling hands. Sure enough, both the papers seemed to be exact copies with only the names at the top differing.

"But Alimister must have copied me. She sat behind me during the exam. She must have done!" she entreated.

"Don't make it worse for yourself by trying to blame another innocent pupil. I have already spoken to Miss White (he hadn't but she was a fat, ugly girl and of no use to him). She has promised me that she would never cheat so the only other explanation is that you are the culprit. The only question now is what are we going to do about it?"

"Do?" asked Amy in total bewilderment; she couldn't understand any of this. It was all happening too fast. "What do you mean?"

"You must be punished, Miss Turner. Otherwise you will never learn the error of your ways. The only alternative to being punished by myself is for me to call your man and leave the matter to him. Would you prefer that, Miss Turner? Would you like me to call the vicarage and let your parents know that you are a cheat?"

The tears poured from Amy's downcast eyes as she imagined her man and Sunday- School teacher mum discovering that their only flower, their pride and joy was nothing more than a common cheat. This was so unfair, she had done nothing wrong. If she ever got out of this office Alimister White was going to pay.

"Please, Sir. I'll do anything. Just don't let my parent's find out. I'll accept whatever punishment you see fit to give me."

Inwardly he was smiling in delight as his plan started to come to fruition but to Amy his face never changed. He continued to glare at her from beneath his dark eyebrows and eventually leaned back in his chair.

"Very well, Miss Turner. You shall be punished and punished right now. Take off your clothes."

Amy couldn't believe what she had just heard. "What?" was all she could say in shock.

"Take off your clothes, Miss Turner, and don't make me come round this desk to do it for you or your punishment will be even more severe."

Amy stood still. She couldn't move. Neither her brain nor her arms could understand what her Headmaster was saying to her so she just stood there.

"Very well, Miss Turner, you leave me with no choice." With a nod to his secretary, he stood up and walked round the desk to his terrified pupil. Miss O'Hare suddenly was right behind Amy and she grabbed both the young girl's arms. "If you want to make this harder for yourself then so be it."

Amy shook in terror as her Headmaster grabbed both sides of her white, school blouse and ripped it apart, buttons flying across the room. She looked down in disbelief as her tiny tits were now covered only by her plain, white, cotton bra. She didn't always need one, so small were her tits, but she was glad she had worn one today. Unfortunately, it didn't offer her much protection as his big hands simply ripped it apart and she gasped in shame as the first man ever to her see her naked breasts simply leaned down and started to suck on her right nipple. His hand soon found her left one and Amy didn't know what to do, to think, to feel. No one had ever touched her like this; no-one from her small village would have dared, knowing who her man was. She knew that she should be trying to break free from Miss O'Hare. She knew that this was wrong. But why did it feel so nice?

The Headmaster swapped sides and now her left nipple was feeling his warm, wet tongue circle it as it got bigger, harder and more sensitive than she had ever known. She had only recently started to explore her own body but she was a good girl and she knew such things were sinful. But that didn't explain the feelings in her tummy at this moment; it didn't explain why she felt she had to squeeze her legs together to control what was happening between them. She could feel herself start to get light headed when she heard Miss O'Hare say, "She's ready."

The Headmaster released her nipple from his soft lips and she suddenly realised that she wanted them back. He, however, was reaching round her young waist to the back of her skirt. Undoing the button, pulling down the zip and tugging it over her hips, the skirt was on the floor before she knew what was happening. Almost in a daze, she stepped out of it as the Headmaster simply threw it aside and stood up.

Just for a moment he seemed to stop and simply stare. Amy's white, cotton knickers were now all that stood between him and his prize and he wanted to enjoy the sight. He could see tiny, black hairs curling out from each side and he knew that she had never shaved her cunt. He reached forward, cupped her pussy through her knickers and was both surprised and delighted to find a tiny wet spot on her crotch.

"So you like what I did to your nipples, Miss Turner. Perhaps you're going to enjoy your punishment after all."

Kneeling down again in front of her, he reached up and slowly pulled her panties down her smooth legs. Again he simply stopped and stared as the young pussy that he had been waiting for was suddenly before him. Grabbing her thighs, he pulled her legs apart and started to move his wet tongue along the length of her equally wet slit. She tasted so sweet and, although she writhed above him, he could no longer tell if it was from fear or pleasure.

Amy could tell. She again knew that this was all wrong but she couldn't resist the feelings that were coursing through her whole body. Yet her whole body seemed to exist of one part only, the part man had told her never to touch, the part lady had told her was "dirty" and the part that her own Headmaster was licking and licking and licking. Miss O'Hare lowered her to the thick carpet so that she was lying on her back, totally oblivious to the rest of the world as her young body rushed towards its first orgasm, as her hips raised themselves sorry to meet his probing tongue and as that very tongue moved slightly up to the hard clit that she wasn't even aware of and flicked it out of its hood. As his teeth clenched around it, her body exploded in pleasure and she bucked beneath him wanting this feeling never to end.


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Amy's body slowly came back to normal, her breathing slowed down and she became aware, once again, of where she was and what had just happened to her. She suddenly realised that she was almost naked, the school blouse around her shoulders and her socks and shoes the only clothing that remained. Trying to cover her small tits with one hand and her pussy with the other, she started to raise herself from the floor.

"Stay where you are, slut" commanded her Headmaster. She looked up from her prone position on the carpet but it wasn't him that she saw. Miss O'Hare now towered over her but looking nothing like she had when Amy had first come to the office. While the Headmaster was licking Amy's cunt and playing with her clit, Miss O'Hare had obviously taken the chance to undress and now stood over the young girl wearing only her dark red bra and knickers. Sliding those silk knickers down her long legs, throwing them to the waiting Headmaster who grabbed them eagerly and inhaled her musky scent from them, she stepped over Amy and placed one foot on either side of the schoolgirl's head.

"Your next punishment is to make Miss O'Hare cum, just as I have done for you. Any hesitation on your part and I will have none in placing that call to your man."

Amy realised she was trapped in more senses than one and looked up amazed to see another woman's "dirty place" rapidly approaching her face. Miss O'Hare's pussy was different from Amy's though; there was not a single hair to be seen and her swollen lips hung down, dripping with her own juices already.

Amy was totally at a loss as to what was expected of her but when Miss O'Hare's wet cunt landed on her open mouth she didn't have much choice. She tried to think of what the Headmaster had done to her and slowly, reluctantly, reached out with her own tongue and tasted another woman for the first time. Miss O'Hare moaned in pleasure and, as Amy continued to lick up and down her wet slit, she started to grind back and forth across the young girl's face. The School secretary practically tore off her lacy, red bra squeezed her large tits together and pulled on her nipples. Her breasts were different from Amy's too; Amy's were small, hardly filling her A-cup bras. Miss O'Hare's were much bigger; they seemed to hang a bit lower too and her nipples were huge. Amy had never seen another woman's nipples but she couldn't believe they were meant to be as big as that.

What the Headmaster was doing at this point, Amy had no idea but was certain that it couldn't be anything good. She had kept her eyes closed after Miss O'Hare had landed on her mouth but when she heard a "Click" she quickly opened them and was filled with terror all over again as she saw Mr Gallagher, now naked, taking a photo of her with her tongue in another woman's cunt.

"Keep licking, whore, or I'll call your man and show him these photos."

Amy knew she had no choice but thought the sooner she made the older woman cum the better. Her mouth was getting sore, her jaw was starting to ache but she returned to her task with renewed vigour. Miss O'Hare, in turn, lowered one hand from her swollen nipple and started to play with her large clit. She simply flicked it at first but, as Amy's licking became more and more insistent, she was soon rubbing it as fast as she could. Faster and faster, harder and harder, her hand was just a blur to the young woman beneath her. Amy knew she was doing something right and instinctively reached up and grabbed the School secretary's arse cheeks and squeezed. That was all it took for Miss O'Hare to start cumming all over Amy's face.

"I'm cumming! I'm cumming! I'M CUMMING!" she screamed. If Amy didn't know before today what that meant she certainly did now as the older woman flooded her mouth and face with her sweet pussy juice. There seemed to be no end to it as Miss O'Hare bucked and rocked all over Amy's face and all Amy could do was to keep on licking and hope that this ordeal would soon be over.

Miss O'Hare finally slumped forward, almost sladying Amy, and rolled off the young girl's naked body. If Amy thought for one moment that she would now be released, she was quickly dissuaded from that by the looming figure of her Headmaster standing above her. She already knew he had undressed but now she had her first look at a man's erect cock. It looked enormous -- not that Amy had anything to compare it with. She knew about the facts of life, she knew how babies were made, but she couldn't imagine how such a monster could fit into any woman. And then it hit her: he was going to put it in her, he was going to power her to have S.E.X. -- a word her lady and man never said without spelling it out, trying to protect her innocent ears. She whimpered at the thought of what was about to happen and tried to wriggle away from him -- him and his hard cock.

"Stay where you are, slut, or your man will be here in no time. You and Miss O'Hare have had your fun. Now it's my turn."

The Headmaster knelt down between Amy's outstretched legs, looked longingly at her virginal cunt, and lay down on top of the frightened young girl. Amy whimpered in fear but equally in anticipation as the head of his cock teased her clit. He suckled on her engorged nipples as he felt the tight wet entrance of her pussy wrapped around his dick. Amy suddenly knew she wanted him inside her and thrust her hips towards him, giving him all the encouragement he needed.

He lined up his cock with her tiny opening, moving slowly up and down her wet slit, coating it with her juices. He pushed himself forward and enjoyed the glorious feeling of his cock slowly entering her eager pussy. Amy gasped with surprise and no little discomfort as she held herself, tense, still trying to understand how his big cock would fit into her tiny pussy. All she knew at this point was this was exactly what she wanted him to do.

"Fuck me," she whispered. "Fuck me," she pleaded as she instinctively raised her legs behind his back and pulled him deeper into her very soul.

As he pushed ever deeper into her he soon met the resistance he had expected since he just knew she would still be a virgin. His mind argued for a second about making love to her or fucking her but he knew he wanted her bad. His lust took over and, slowly pulling out of her tight hole, he then thrust forward with all his strength behind him, breaking through her virginity and burying his hard prick as deep as it would go.

They both screamed for very different reamisters as he stabbed her with his cock. She had never imagined feeling so full or so stretched in her whole life; she had never imagined feeling such pain as his dick continued to hammer her used pussy. He, in turn, knew that he had never had a cunt as hot or as tight as the one now wrapped around his throbbing dick. For all her inexperience she seemed to be squeezing him with her cunt, never to let him go.

Each time he pulled out she whimpered with the loss but each time he thrust forward she pleaded for more. Faster and faster, harder and harder, deeper and deeper he fucked her, until Amy thought she could take no more of the pain but wanted even more of the pleasure. Soon the pain disappeared and the pleasure took over. As her pussy stretched she began to arch her back, thrusting her hips to meet his. He reached down between them and began to play with her incredibly sensitive clit, making her screams and squeals of pleasure sound like music to his ears.

Their bodies clashed against each other, his large and strong, hers petite and hungry. Amy was unable to think of anything but the cock fucking her but Miss O'Hare could see that Amy was now fucking her Headmaster just as vigorously as the other way round. The young girl's thighs squeezing him, her ankles now locked around him as he pistoned in and out of her tight cunt. This was Miss O'Hare's time to take another photo.

"You like it, don't you, slut? Admit it, you love me fucking your tight cunt with my big, fat cock."

Amy could hardly speak. "Fuck me!" was all she could answer.

So he did. He fucked her cunt like he had never fucked one before. She bucked beneath him as he hammered; his lust was centered entirely on his cock and her cunt. She had all the strength of a rag doll but still she raised her hips to meet his thrusts.

"I'M CUMMING!" he screamed, as with one final push he poured his spunk deep inside the young girl's cunt. She, in turn, tightened her legs around him and pulled him even deeper as she had the second orgasm of her young life, his cum filling her and pouring out of her ravaged hole.

He collapsed on top of her and Amy lay there exhausted, not sure what was expected of her now. She wondered if her punishment was over now -- she hoped not.

"Miss O'Hare! Miss O'Hare! What on earth is going on in there? What is all that screaming?" cried Mrs West, the young History teacher, as she pounded on the office door.


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One afternoon during the following week, Mr Gallagher was casually looking out of his window onto the lush green lawns below his study and saw something that took his eye. He rang his bell and his faithful secretary Miss O'Hare entered his room quietly. "You called me Head Master?"

The Head nodded. "I have just seen Mrs West crossing the lawn from the gymnasium, Miss O'Hare. She looked very nice in her very short pleated skirt." Mrs West was the young English Mistress while her husband, Julian, taught History.

Miss O'Hare crossed the room and looked out with him. Mrs West had now reached the small road directly under the window. Just then a young schoolgirl rode her bicycle erratically across in front of Mrs West. They saw the girl laugh as she managed to keep the bike upright but in doing so her skirt did flip up exposing her white pantied bottom.

Miss O'Hare smiled. She knew what the Head was thinking. "We would have to think carefully before we start dealing with Mrs West, Headmaster"

"What do you suggest, Miss O'Hare?"

"Well Sir, she and her husband Julian are up for salary review next week. I know they are desperate for money as they live with her man who is being very awkward with them."

Mr Gallagher nodded his head, adding, "Julian West finds it difficult to maintain any discipline in his class already, and Shirley, his wife, is only on probation"

Miss O'Hare smiled; she could see how the Headmaster's mind was working but she had to make sure he understood her position. "It will be difficult for me to deal with Mrs West in the same way as I controlled Amy Turner, Head Master."

The older man was very sharp and knew what she meant. "I presume you mean because Mrs West is a teacher and not a student?"

Miss O'Hare nodded "Yes and she is a little more mature but she still shouldn't cause any great problems for you, Sir."

"What about her husband?"

"He will be even easier for you, Sir. He is very weak. Afraid of his own shadow. A little effeminate."

The Head Master was pleased. "Will you send them a formal warning that their performance is well below acceptable and that I will be assessing them both next Monday?"

She laughed "They will be petrified" and added "May I make a suggestion, Sir?" He nodded.

"Mrs West and her husband don't take holy water now ever since they became excited very easily at the last Staff Party. I suggest that after you tell them off next Monday you could give then a couple of glasses of wine to appear benevolent and kindly. They will be afraid to refuse."

The Head smiled. His secretary was quite a clever woman "You think she will be more amenable then"

"Definitely Sir! Her fear about her job followed by a few glasses of wine and she will be more than amenable." Mr Gallagher smiled, especially when his secretary added "And so will her husband." He appreciated what this could mean and what his secretary meant so he suggested, "I know you can't act in the same capacity as with Amy Turner, Miss O'Hare but I would you like to be present anyway."

Miss O'Hare smiled. Her Headmaster really looked after her. "Certainly, Sir. I would really enjoy being present when you deal with Mr and Mrs West. I think it will be fully in order if I assist you when you require it."

Mr Gallagher liked his secretaries efficiency, especially when she advised "I think we should change the date of the meeting to Tuesday morning Sir. Mrs West always does some exercising in the morning and always wears her shortest pleated skirt."

"Usually with little, white knickers," she added.

Mr Gallagher nodded "That sounds excellent Miss O'Hare. Send them their warnings today."

When Shirley West received her formal warning she felt petrified. When Julian also had a similar letter he almost cried. He just fell apart. Shirley felt so upset but, even more, she was angry with her husband's pathetic weakness. He was absolutely useless in a crisis. She first of all tore a strip off him and then said, "It's no good you sobbing like a big baby Julian. We have to face up to it and do our best."

Julian was distraught. "You don't understand how threatened I feel, Shirley. I am terrified of the Headmaster and Miss O'Hare his secretary is so intimidating."

Shirley nodded. She had some sympathy with her husband. She was just as nervous. She then took a deep breath saying, "The main thing Julian is that we must not upset the Head or Miss O'Hare in any way. We have to keep on the right side of them. Anything they suggest we can do to improve our chances we must agree to and we must do it with a smile."

On Tuesday morning Shirley started early. She told Julian she would meet him in the Headmasters Office. He was still frightened and wanted to wait for his wife but she was adamant.

"No, Julian. Pull yourself together. I want to go to the Gym first for some light exercise. Then I will pop back here to change into my suit and meet you outside the Headmaster's office." She seemed so well organised but she didn't know what Miss O'Hare had planned.

After her exercises Shirley left the gym and made her way across the lawns to her own office intending to change. She was only sweating slightly but she wanted to feel her best when she faced Mr Gallagher so she knew she couldn't afford to be the least bit uncomfortable and her knickers always ran up her bum during her exercises.

Unbeknown to Shirley, Miss O'Hare had been waiting and watching and suddenly her mobile phone rang. It was Miss O'Hare telling her to come straight to the Head's Office. Shirley tried to explain she needed to go to her office first to change.

Miss O'Hare sounded cross "Mrs West, when I said the Head wants you to come here immediately, that is exactly what I mean. Your husband is already here. Don't make us angry Mrs West." Shirley had no option but to change her plans and go directly to the Heads Office.

As she entered the large office she could see her husband sitting there trying to look insignificant. He didn't really have to try. Shirley felt conscious of her very short skirt as she looked at the Head behind his big desk and Miss O'Hare nearby with her notebook out ready to take notes.

There was only one seat available a very high stool. Miss O'Hare beckoned to the stool "Take a seat Mrs West."

Shirley could see that the high stool was directly in front of the Head. She hesitated and murmured apologetically that her skirt was too short.Miss O'Hare pretended to look puzzled.

Shirley stuttered "If I sit up there I am afraid that my underclothes will be showing."

Mr Gallagher sounded annoyed. "I did not tell you what skirt to wear Mrs West and I cannot make any allowances for how you choose to dress" Shirley looked at her husband for support. Julian looked at his feet. He was shaking.

Miss O'Hare asked "Are you saying that the Head Master is not allowed to see your knickers Mrs West?" Shirley couldn't answer.

Miss O'Hare addressed Julian. "Tell us Mr West do you object to Mr Gallagher seeing your wife's panties?"

Julian blushed and simply shook his head.

Mr Gallagher looked impatient and said "Well that's sorted out then. Mrs West please sit on the stool now. I am busy and want to get this assessment over quickly."


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Shirley sighed. She felt defeated as she turned and climbed up onto the stool knowing full well that all her underwear was on display. Miss O'Hare glanced at the Head. He looked really lecherous. She smiled to herself as she knew the next couple of hours would be very entertaining and exciting.

The Headmaster continued to write at his desk for another few moments while Julian tremred in his chair and Shirley squirmed on her stool as her knickers were still fixed between her arse cheeks and tight against her pussy. Finally he looked up and stared first at Julian who seemed to shrink even further into himself.

"Mr West, although you came with the highest recommendations, you seem totally unable to control a class of girls. Is this true?"

Julian could only nod, keeping his head bowed, praying that he would be allowed to keep his job.

"Mrs West, you on the other hand seem to be becoming very popular with the girls, one might even say too popular."

"How can anyone be too popular?" asked Shirley in disbelief.

"Silence!" growled the Headmaster. "We have had complaints that you have been to friendly with some of the older girls; touching, hugging, even kissing one of them."

"What? I have never kissed anyone but Julian and certainly not any of the girls."

"I've warned you already, Mrs West. One more outburst from you and you will pay the price. Mr West, your wife has been accused of fraternising with some of the girls; together with your own inadequacies, there seems no reamister why we should keep either of you on for another term, far less give you a pay rise. However, I understand from Miss O'Hare that you need to find a place of your own to live and so are desperate to keep your jobs. Is this right?"

"Yes, Sir," stumred Julian, still too afraid to lift his head.

"So if I was to give you both a chance to redeem yourselves, you would accept it?"

"Yes, Sir."

"And you would do anything? Anything at all?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Very well then. You both have one final chance. If you both do exactly what you are told to do, right now, in this room, then you will both keep your jobs and you will both receive the pay rise you so desperately need. Agreed?"

"Agreed, Sir," said Julian happily, raising his head and looking at his pretty wife in pleasure. How bad could it be, he asked himself? Shirley, however, wasn't so sure. She had noticed how the Headmaster had stared up her skirt as she sat on the high stool and could feel her pussy tingle at the unexpected attention. She thought she should try to lay down some ground rules but was very quickly dissuaded of this when the Headmaster grabbed her by the arm, pulled her off the stool and, dragging her round the desk to his own high-backed, leather chair, he sat down and threw her over his lap.

"You have been warned, Mrs West. Now you must pay the penalty. Mr West, I am about to spank your young wife. Come over here and watch."

Julian didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He would have loved to have been the one who was about to spank Shirley but he would never have had the courage to even suggest it. Looking at her upturned arse, though, as she lay across Mr Gallagher's broad thighs he could tell he was going to enjoy this. Even if she wasn't.

Shirley tried to fight but the Headmaster had a tight grip on her. His right hand was round her waist, pulling her tightly against his strong body. His left hand was holding her opposite arm up her back so that more she struggled the higher her arm went and the more painful it became. His right leg was hooked over her legs and she quickly came to the realisation that there was no escape. She started to whimper and tried to plead with Julian to rescue her but she knew even as she was saying it that this was a waste of time. Her poor excuse for a husband was just standing there as she was manhandled and was doing nothing to prevent her punishment.

She tried to apologise for any wrong doings (even though she knew she was innocent) but gasped in terror as short skirt was lifted up over her bum, to leave her knickers on full display. The Headmaster's hand reached for her waistband immediately and, as the tears fell from her eyes, she begged him not to pull them down. Paying no attention to her, he went ahead and did just that, tugging them hard to over her bare bottom. His hand came down and it started, a bare bottom spanking, the first of her adult life.

Shirley began to wriggle again, burning with embarrassment while her cheeks burned with pain. Her bum was becoming pinker by the second and she tried desperately to pull her knickers back up to protect herself. The Headmaster, however, was used to spanking girls and he was ready for her; he snatched her hand away and ordered her husband to pull her knickers fully off.Julian was rooted to the spot but Miss O'Hare simply pushed him out of the way, took a firm grip of the tiny knickers and tore them off. Shirley realised who it was and burned again in shame aware that her poor bum was now defenceless and in full view of the school secretary. She was in a terrible position, trapped, bum up, showing everything, and helpless to prevent it, or her spanking.

Worse still, she could feel the Headmaster's hard cock growing beneath her and she burst into fresh tears, not just from the pain, but in utter frustration at her helplessness and the way she was being held. It was so unfair too, she had done nothing wrong with any of her girls while her stupid husband couldn't even control a class. He was the one who deserved punishment, not her, but she was the one having her bare bottom turned red in front of him and Miss O'Hare, with her pussy on show and her arsehole winking behind her.

The Headmaster finally stopped, leaving Shirley sobbing with shame. Her bum was on fire and, when Mr Gallagher let her go, all she could do was fall down on to the carpeted floor. For a moment she just lay there, her poor red bum still on show, before she started to look for her knickers.

Her punishment had just begun.


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Shirley thought that the Headmaster would now agree to retaining both her husband, Julian, and herself in their teaching posts at the all girls school. She had allowed him to spank her over his lap, had held his large cock (much larger than Julian's) in her hand and had not tried to escape when he started to shoot his spunk all over her face. Julian had never done anything like that and she was quite sure he never would but he seemed to enjoy the sight of his wife being treated in this humiliating way. She still hadn't found her knickers and she was very aware of being naked under her short skirt.

"So, are our jobs secure now, sir?" she dared to ask. Shirley hadn't realised that the Headmaster was now in possession of her knickers nor that he planned to go to relax that night with them lying next to him so he could smell her musk.

"Well, you have responded very nicely, Mrs West, but I think it is now time to see if your husband is just as compliant."

Julian tremred when he heard his name mentioned. So far all he had been asked to do was watch his young wife be spanked by the Headmaster and then watch further as she played with his hard dick until he came all over her face. He had secretly enjoyed every minute of it but now the attention seemed to be turning on him.

"Me, sir," he stammered. "What do you mean?"

"Well, since it is both of you who want to save your jobs and since your wife has been spanked, I think it only fair that you should suffer the same fate. Or don't you want to keep your job too?"

Julian knew he had no choice but he also knew what offense was before him as he made his way over to the Headmaster's large desk.

"No, Mr West. I think Miss O'Hare should be the one to administer your spanking, don't you?"

Julian looked over to his pretty wife, pleading with her, but she was quite looking forward to this. She knew that Julian had done nothing to stop the Headmaster from punishing her poor bum and she could see her worthless husband's cock forming a small tent in his trousers when the Headmaster had cum all over her face.

Julian was literally shaking. Shirley thought it was from fear but he knew that she was going to be even more disgusted with him when he dropped his trousers as he was now told to do. He seemed to take an eternity to undo his leather belt, button and zip before his trousers fell around his ankles. The other three in the room exploded with laughter when they saw the pink, silk panties he was wearing. Only his wife recognised them as her best pair and only Julian knew that he often wore her knickers when he was feeling tense or nervous. He was certainly nervous now as his cock seemed to have shrunk to almost nothing while the others continued to laugh and tease him.

When the Headmaster was finally able to stop laughing he tried to put on his sternest voice. "Now, Mr West, over Miss O'Hare's lap you go."

Julian did as he was told, burning with shame, but reached new depths of offense when the school secretary grabbed the waistband of his silk knickers and pulled them down to his knees in one vulgar tug. Now his puny arse was bare for them all to see and he closed his eyes awaiting his punishment.

His wife, meanwhile and got up off the floor and walked over to where her feeble husband lay over the lap of the formidable Miss O'Hare with a pair of his wife's panties around his knees. At least that explained why she often found her knickers in the laundry basket with suspicious stains on them. The wimp wasn't even resisting; he simply lay there waiting for the spanking to begin. However, as soon as Miss O'Hare raised her strong hand and brought it down, hard, on his skinny cheeks he began to squirm.

His face was screwed up, tears rolling from his eyes. There was no finesse about Miss O'Hare. She didn't fondle him or stroke him; she simply spanked him, starting with a firm, deliberate slap across both his skinny cheeks and settling down to an even, steady rhythm. There was nothing else in Julian's mind; just firm, stern smacks, hard enough to sting and set even his tiny cheeks bouncing. All he could do was cry. He absolutely howled, full of shame and offense, tears streaming down his face, his feet kicking against his captivity.

Shirley was enjoying this. She had suffered at the hands of the Headmaster while Julian had meekly stood by and watched; now it was her turn and she couldn't have been happier. Miss O'Hare, on the other hand, was far from happy; she could feel Julian's miserable excuse for a cock getting hard through her tweed skirt; the miserable worm was enjoying this. She decided then and there that his punishment was far from over and that he would have to work much harder tonight to save his job. She went on spanking, smack after smack after smack, as Julian squirmed and became harder than he had ever been.

That spanking seemed to go on forever; the stinging slaps, Julian's hot, throbbing bottom and the woman who was punishing him became his whole world until, at last, he could feel himself cumming between her skirt and his shirt. Miss O'Hare threw him to the floor and they all watched as his tiny cock continued to spurt his spunk. "You miserable worm," she screamed at him. "Look at the mess you have made of my favourite skirt. You will have to pay for that!"

"I'm really sorry, Miss O'Hare. I will certainly pay to have your skirt cleaned."

"I don't want your money, you worthless man. I have my own ways of punishing deviants. Get on your hands and knees."

Julian was lost. His bum was red, sore and throbbing yet he had just cum more than he ever had with his wife. He looked to her for help but she was now sitting on the Headmaster's lap, playing with his hard cock while he had taken off her blouse and was sucking on her hard nipples. Shirley had waited a long time for a real man to take care of her pussy and now she had found one, her own Headmaster, she wasn't going to let him get away.

Miss O'Hare, meanwhile, had taken off her spunk-stained skirt. Julian noticed she had also taken off her high-necked blouse and was now dressed in crimmister red, lacy bra, knickers and matching suspenders holding up her stockings. It wasn't these though that had grabbed Julian's attention. She also now had fitted a huge strap-on dildo between her legs and was approaching him with a look of menace in her fierce eyes. He suddenly realised what his punishment was going to entail and he started to get up, hoping to somehow find some escape from this vengeful woman.

"Get back on your knees, worm, or it will be even worse for you."

Julian couldn't begin to imagine how it could be worse but he did as he was told, kneeling down on the thick carpet, his head buried beneath him as he tried to hide -- but his arse was still in the air, pointing right at Miss O'Hare. He dared to look up from his kneeling position just in time to see the Headmaster plunge his cock deep into Shirley's pussy, hearing her begging, "Fuck me, please fuck me, please fuck me hard."

For Julian this was just one more thing that added to his offense. He had never been able to satisfy Shirley and now another man was about to do just that. He watched as the Headmaster slowly began to fuck his wife, Shirley's body responding to the deep thrusts of the biggest cock she had ever had. He watched as they fucked faster and faster, heard Shirley's moans of pleasure and, suddenly, heard them both cry out as Mr Gallagher shot his cum deep into Shirley and her orgasm washed over her at just that moment.

Julian hadn't forgotten Miss O'Hare and her massive plastic cock but she slipped from his mind as the Headmaster pulled out of his own wife's cunt, stood up, came over to him, put his cock to his mouth and said, "Now, Mr West, suck me clean." Julian hesitated for just a moment before he opened his mouth to accept the now softening cock into his mouth, his own Headmaster's cock, the same cock that had just fucked his wife and now dripped with her juices.

Julian wasn't really sure what to do; this was the first cock he had ever had in his mouth (although he had often fantasised about doing it); he simply licked up and down Mr Gallagher's prick, tasting his own wife and finding that it was all quite nice. This brief sense of pleasure was shattered as he suddenly felt something prodding at his arsehole. Miss O'Hare had waited while her Headmaster had got into position and commandeered this worm to suck his cock. Now she got done behind him, poured some of the oil that Shirley handed her on to her finger, and pressed against his tight hole, preparing him for what was to come next. Once again Julian could feel his cock hardening as he waited in fear and anticipation.

Then he felt something else, obviously not a finger, pressing against his asshole, pushing gently, pushing harder, pushing forward, until the plastic cock slipped into his hole. Julian screamed out in pain but Mr Gallagher soon muffled him by pushing his cock further down Julian's throat. He somehow knew he had to relax and allow what was happening to him happen as Miss O'Hare pushed her big cock further and further into him.

As she eased her artificial in and out of his tender arsehole, Julian sensed the pain eventually ease into a not unpleasant feeling and soon found he was quite enjoying being fucked. As Miss O'Hare noticed Julian now pushing back against her, she started to fuck him deeper and deeper. As she got faster and faster, the Headmaster began fucking Julian's face with the same intensity. All of a sudden, Julian was being fucked in both holes and realised that he could take this kind of punishment. Faster and faster, deeper and deeper they fucked him until Mr Gallagher shot his spunk down Julian's throat and he himself came all over the carpet.

As they withdrew from him and saw what he had done Miss O'Hare screamed at him once again. "Now see what you have done. Lick that up, worm, then you can lick the Headmaster's spunk from your wife's cunt."

Julian could hardly wait.


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When Shirley West and Julian went home that day they were both in such a state of shock they didn't even discuss the events in the Headmaster's office. It was so bizarre; they almost felt it must have been a dream. Neither of them wanted to talk about it or even think about it.

The only thing that seemed wonderful was the letter they had in their possession congratulating them on satisfactorily passing their assessment with flying colours and awarding them a very nice salary increase. Mr Gallagher had ended the letter by saying that all that was still required from them was to continue to rise to the new and exacting requirements of a modern school to ensure their continued promotion.

Julian was over the moon. "Isn't it wonderful, Shirley? We will be able to buy a new house now and look forward to earning some real money."

Shirley was equally thrilled but did have some reservations as the Head had added a small postscript saying, "Of course, all young teachers like yourselves are still on a probationary period and your future in the school is dependant on you keeping up the current high standard."

Julian gushed, "But all the teachers have that warning, Shirley; we are no different from them." Shirley nodded. It seemed so sensible for the Head to build in that proviso.

Over the next few months everything went very satisfactorily. They did have to attend a lot of Staff Meetings chaired by Mr Gallagher while Miss O'Hare always took notes. These passed without any problems.

During this period Amy Turner had been appointed Head Girl. Amy was 19 now and had really grown up in such a short time and seemed very confident. She seemed to get on very well with Mr Gallagher and Miss O'Hare and they obviously respected her opinions and listened very carefully to what she had to say.

As Head Girl, Amy was also required to attend the Staff Meetings. Mrs West was surprised that Amy almost seemed equal to the Head when the meetings were conducted. Then on one occasion Shirley required some additional advice from the Head and stayed behind to discuss things privately with him.

She was surprised that Amy also stayed and busied herself around the office as Shirley explained some very permisteral aspects of her class. After a short while Amy said to the Head, "It's too hot in here, Mr Gallagher. May I take my tie off?" The Head simply nodded.

Shirley was shocked at the young girl's manner and really didn't think that a pupil should be allowed to listen to permisteral class details, but didn't feel that it was her place to object. As she was talking to the Head, Amy Turner was clearing some papers off his desk. Mrs West could hardly believe it when she saw his hand move up the back of Amy's skirt and fondle her bottom through her underwear.

She held her breath waiting for the Head Girl to let out a scream. She didn't. She simply stood there carrying on with the papers hardly moving. Shirley did detect some movement, however; Amy opened her legs slightly.

The Head was still listening to Mrs West's problems, apparently neither aware nor bothering that the young teacher could see what he was doing with the Head Girl. He did whisper in Amy's ear and she giggled. Without moving her stance she said to Miss O'Hare, "Mr Gallagher wants to see my knickers again, Doris. Do you mind?"

Doris O'Hare smiled. "You know he is always horny for you after Staff Meetings, Amy. Play a little hard to get. Just give him a little flash."

Amy giggled and leaned forward and flicked the back of her skirt up showing her blue school panties. Turning to the Head she smiled, "As instructed, Mr Gallagher. Regulation school knickers. Have a little look but, please, no touching while Mrs West is here. Please get rid of her first and then I'll help you to cum"

Shirley West was mesmerised by the proceedings. She could see that Amy was not bothered at all that she could hear the discussion. It was even worse when the Head turned his attention back to her and asked, "Will that be all Mrs West? I am a very busy man and have to attend to some urgent school business."

Shirley nodded; she knew when she wasn't wanted. She hadn't received the advice she needed but couldn't risk upsetting anyone and nodded, "Yes thank you Head Master" and left.

Over the next few months, Shirley witnessed more and more the great influence that Amy seemed to be exerting together with Miss O'Hare. None of the other teachers seemed aware of what was happening, yet when she was in the Head's Office they seemed to enjoy doing things in front of her to see if she would object. They would always ask her to stay now to discuss some trivial school issue and it got to the stage where Amy would undo Mr Gallagher's trousers and play with his penis directly in front of her.

Amy would sometimes tease her and ask, "I bet your husband doesn't have as big a cock as our Headmaster, Mrs West, does he?" When she would blush and stutter "Oh Amy you shouldn't sat things like that," the Head Girl and the School Secretary would both laugh uproariously.

After one Staff Meeting Shirley could see Amy and Miss O'Hare chatting and smiling. As the meeting broke up she heard Miss O'Hare say to the Head, "Tell Mrs West to stay behind."

The Head looked startled but Amy interrupted. "If you do this for us, Mr Gallagher, then we'll do things for you." Mr Gallagher thought for a moment then said, "Mrs West, please stay behind as I have something to discuss with you." All the other staff had left and only the four of them were left. Shirley feared the worse.

Amy suddenly lifted one foot up onto the table which meant her legs were wide open showing all of her panty gusset. Shirley thought this would cause an uproar but the only one who spoke was Amy as she laughed, "Come on Doris. I feel as wet as hell. Come and do your duty."

Shirley was amazed. Miss O'Hare smiled and moved towards the 19 year old pupil and flicked her tongue out and licked Amy's face. At the same time she dropped her hand between the young girl's legs and massaged her crotch through her knickers.

Being the only other female in the room Shirley tried to whisper protectively, "Miss O'Hare, the Headmaster can see you."

Miss O'Hare laughed "We know he can, Mrs West. This is a show we put on especially for him."

Shirley could see the Head's eyes glued between Amy's legs and his trousers straining to conceal his growing erection. He was in another world.

Amy was enjoying being rubbed but was also aware of the consternation she was causing to Mrs West and giggled something to Miss O'Hare. The School Secretary smiled and nodded. Although she still had her hand between Amy Turner's legs, Miss O'Hare spoke quite reamisterably to Shirley, "We are simply helping the Head to relax, Mrs West."

Shirley wanted to leave but couldn't find the words nor any power in her legs. Miss O'Hare continued, "Amy thinks you should help us Mrs West."

Shirley panicked "Help you?"

"Yes, she wants you to masturbate as well."

"But I am a teacher in the school, Miss O'Hare."

Amy was panting but she snapped, "You are a teacher Mrs West, but you have just been told to masturbate to help our Head. Now get your knees up and stick your hand between your legs now or you and your husband are in really big trouble."

Shirley felt frightened and intimidated. She felt sure that the young girl meant exactly what she said so she leaned back and tentatively opened her legs, displaying her silk knickers to her tormentors. As they looked on, she slowly started to move one finger over her crotch. She had no problems enjoying her body in private but in front of other people it felt very strange.

Amy was panting but she again whispered to Miss O'Hare who continued to rub the young girl's pussy and passed on the instruction, "Pull your knickers to the side, Mrs West so we can watch you push your finger in." Shirley did as she was told. It felt very bizarre but she was incredibly wet and suddenly realised she was enjoying herself.

She heard Amy speak gently to the Head, "Are you OK, Sir?"

"Yes thank you, Amy."

It was getting more bizarre by the minute as Amy told him, "Perhaps you would reward us with the sight of your cock and you could have a wank if you like."

Shirley was in a daze as she masturbated and watched the Headmaster murmur his approval to the young girl, ease his penis out and stroke it as he viewed the proceedings.

Amy whispered again to Miss O'Hare who smiled and said "Mrs West, Amy wants your tits out. Do it."

Almost in a trance, Shirley did as she was told. She slowly unbuttoned her white blouse, unclipped her front-opening, lacy bra and realised that she was now in a terrible state. She had her breasts out, her skirt was around her waist and her panties were at the side while the others were watching her push her finger in and out of her pussy. She couldn't help herself; she was more wet than she had ever been.

By now Mr Gallagher was moaning in excitement and so was Amy Turner. Miss O'Hare had her finger right up the young girl while she, in turn, was saying all sorts of loving endearing words to the School Secretary, endearing but so crude. "Oh Doris, you are gorgeous. I like it so much when you are up my cunt."

Miss O'Hare was equally endearing and just as crude, "It's lovely for me too, Amy. I love opening your slit out and it's really exciting to watch Mrs West wanking for the Headmaster."

Shirley West could feel herself cumming; she couldn't help it. The others were as well. They all came together, Mr Gallagher shooting his spunk all over his desk.


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Amy looked at him in dismay bur proceeded to remove her cunt from Miss O'Hare's fingers and licked up the Headmaster's cum so that there were no tell-tale signs. As the Head went off to his private bathroom Amy turned to Miss O'Hare saying, "I had better tell her." Miss O'Hare nodded.

Amy spoke directly to Shirley "You will not be required to perform this service very often Mrs West but just remember when I send for you, you must come to the Headmaster's Office immediately."

For some reamister Shirley felt she couldn't object; she nodded her agreement. Miss O'Hare whispered to Amy, "I think now is the time to tell her about the parties."

Amy nodded and again addressed Shirley, "From time to time, Mrs West, I will be taking you to a little party as a sort of entertainment." Shirley felt afraid, "What sort of parties?"

Amy looked at her. "That is a fair question, Mrs West, as it is important that you know that you will be required to dress up for some of them."

"Dress up?"

"Yes, dress up, Mrs West. I think you will be good at dressing up. A secretary or a business woman, a housekeeper or a schoolgirl, perhaps."

Shirley felt so downcast but she said, "A schoolgirl, Amy? But I am a 30 year old teacher."

"Yes Mrs West. That makes it even nicer. We want you to be a good little girl. A number of people will be there. Some you will know. Some of the teachers in this school may attend and maybe some very close relatives of you and your husband."

Shirley felt overwhelmed. "But I am not a little girl, Amy"

"But you would be such a pretty little girl in your new clothes, Mrs West."

"New clothes, what new clothes?"

Amy was enjoying the conversation. "I am not really sure. How do you think our little girl should be dressed to go to a party, Doris?"

Miss O'Hare smiled "Well if she is a little girl she should have a pretty little pink dress."

Amy smiled in return. "There you are Mrs West; you will look lovely in a short pink dress."

Shirley shook her head trying to take it all in. She caught onto the word 'short' and her heart sank "But if you make me wear a pink dress Amy, surely it will cover my knees?"

Miss O'Hare intervened "Mrs West you are supposed to be a little girl. Little girls wear very, very short dresses. Right up to your bottom"

Shirley gasped at the prospect. "Up to my bottom, but people will see my underwear."

Miss O'Hare chuckled "Quite right Mrs West. We will have to be careful as your panties will be showing a lot."

"My panties?"

Amy laughed. "Yes, your panties, Mrs West. We should ask Miss O'Hare what underwear she will put you in."

Doris O'Hare was enjoying the chat as much as Amy. She pretended to be serious as she said "We want you to look pretty Mrs West so I will have you in pretty little pink knickers."

"Oh God! Pink knickers!"

Later that month, as the staff Christmas part approached, Shirley and Julian received letters from Miss O'Hare, instructing them as to what they should wear to the party. Julian immediately thought it was some sort of fancy-dress and rushed off to see what he could find in Shirley's underwear drawer. His wife, however, knew that Amy was behind this and shuddered when she saw what they were both to wear.

On the night of the party Julian insisted that he got ready privately, even though Shirley knew what he was going to wear. They had argued over his choices but he was adamant and so she decided he should face the consequences on his own; she had enough of her own to worry about. Miss O'Hare had delivered her outfit earlier and she knew that she was going to be humiliated even being seen in what had been provided. She took comfort in the fact that, since the rest of the staff were going to be there, at least there would be no "funny business". Wrapping her heaviest, longest coat around herself she called on Julian to hurry up just as he appeared at the top of the stairs. Shirley could not believe her eyes as there stood her husband in her lacy, black bra, her lacy, black knickers, her lacy, black suspender belt, her sheerest, black stockings and a pair of black stiletto's that he must have bought himself

"What do you think?" he beamed with pride.

"Julian, what do you think you are doing? You can't possibly go out like that."

"Oh, don't be such a *******joy. It's fancy dress. Everyone will be dressed up."

No matter how hard she tried, Shirley couldn't convince her husband to wear something else. Reluctantly, knowing they were going to be late, she handed him his coat and they left together.

As soon as they reached the school hall, heard the loud music and opened the door, Shirley knew they had just made the biggest mistake of their lives. The rest of the staff were there but, as every head in the room turned to look at them, she immediately realised that they were the only pair in costume. Turning back to the door to make her escape she found her way barred by the large form of the Headmaster.

"Well, Mr and Mrs West, I'm glad that you've decided to join us. The party wouldn't be the same without some entertainment. Let me take your coats."

As Shirley tried to wrap her self deeper in the coat the Headmaster simply glared at her and they both very slowly and very reluctantly surrendered their protection. The hall immediately erupted as the women jeered at Julian and the men cheered for Shirley. The dress that Miss O'Hare had supplied was like Little Bo Peep's, all flouncy and petticoats but it was also about two sizes too short. The top barely covered her nipples and the bottom barely covered her round arse cheeks. As promised, Miss O'Hare had supplied a frilly pair of pink knickers which were on full display for all to see.

"Now, since both of you are late in arriving I think you should both be punished. Please go and stand by the chairs on the stage," ordered the Headmaster.

Julian began to whimper but Shirley thought that they could only survive this night by presenting a united front so, taking him by the hand, she led him up to the stage as directed. Two wooden chairs were already in place and Shirley suddenly realised that this had all been planned. They had been deliberately told the wrong time for the party so that they were bound to arrive late and now they were faced with a takesen crowd of their own colleagues, along with several of the senior girls who were there to act as waitresses.

Shirley and Julian stood by each chair and waited in trepidation as Mr Gallagher and Miss O'Hare strode purposefully towards them. They each sat down on one of the chairs and Shirley looked on in horror as Amy Turner appeared behind Julian, gave him a firm push and he landed across the School Secretary's lap. Before he could recover Miss O'Hare had grabbed his right arm and pulled it up his back to hold him in place. Shirley looked down at her whimpering husband and turned to run but she ran straight into the huge body of the School Janitor. Without a word, he effortlessly picked her up and deposited her over the lap of her own Headmaster, face to face with her worthless husband. The staff crowded round the stage as first Miss O'Hare tugged down Julian's lacy knickers then Mr Gallagher lifted Shirley's short dress and exposed her frilly, pink knickers.

Shirley didn't know if she was more ashamed at the thought her colleagues were staring at her in this state or more scared of the impending spanking but, when the Headmaster tugged down her knickers too, she thought that she would die of embarrassment. That notion was soon dispelled however when Mr Gallagher's big hand landed on her exposed bottom just as Miss O'Hare's did the same to Julian. They both screamed in pain but, facing each other, Shirley saw something else in Julian's eyes. As the smacks rained down on their bums, Shirley could see that Julian was almost enjoying himself and his screams turned into moans of pleasure. The harder Miss O'Hare spanked his red bum, the harder Julian rubbed his tiny penis against her skirt and very soon Miss O'Hare threw him to the floor.

"You miserable worm," she yelled at him. "You've cum on my skirt again. Get out of here before I find some other way to punish you."

Julian pulled up his black knickers, tucking his withering prick inside them, and scurried away. No one noticed that, as all the attention now turned to his wife, he put on his coat and then joined the crowd at the back.

Shirley was now in despair. Her worthless husband had abandoned her; she continued to be spanked and her male colleagues were now joining Mr Gallagher on the stage to get a good, close look at her spanked bottom and she knew they would be able to see her pussy lips between her thrashing legs and maybe even her bum hole. Her female colleagues, her so-called friends, stood below the stage cheering on their Headmaster.

Suddenly the spanking stopped and silence descended on the crowd.

"Mrs West, you have taken the first part of your punishment well but, since your husband has deserted you, I'm afraid we need you to continue to entertain us on your own."

Shirley couldn't imagine the night getting any worse but when Mr Gallagher started to stroke her punished bottom and make his way down to her pussy then she realised what was going to happen. She tried to get away but Mr Gallagher held her in a firm grip.

"Now, now, Mrs West. Your pussy is soaking wet so you know you want this and I know the men here all want you. Each member of staff is going to fuck your cunt as you lay over my lap and if you get too stretched them we can always use your arse."

Shirley tremred in fear but had no time to think about what lay in store for her as she suddenly felt a cock stretching open her pussy and sliding in. She turned her head to see who would do this to her and once again saw Mr Hutchimister, the janitor, still in his overalls. He simply grabbed a hold of her hips and plunged in. He wasn't wasting any time and he wasn't bothering with Shirley. She was just a cunt to fuck and that's what he was going to do. Harder and harder, faster and faster he fucked her until, without warning, his cock swelled deep within her and he shot his spunk into her womb.

He pulled out to a large cheer from the staff below and the senior girls who had now joined them. Shirley's cunt was immediately filled again, this time by Mr Hendermister from the French department. His cock seemed to slide in without resistance as Shirley's spunk-filled pussy got ready for another fucking. Mr Hendermister seemed to enjoy the feeling of another man's cum around his cock and hammered Shirley's poor cunt with ever increasing vigour. In no time at all he came deep within her and Shirley looked round in despair to see the queue of men simply waiting to use her and to fuck her.


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One after another they simply moved into position, fucked her and left her gaping pussy filled with spunk. Shirley could do nothing but wriggle on top of her Headmaster's lap but as teacher after teacher fucked her she began to cum in time with them and by the time they were finished she was as floppy as a rag doll. Finally, Mr Gallagher stood up, throwing her on to the floor. She lay there for all her colleagues to see, her dress around her waist, her pussy wide open and dripping spunk and her poor bum still red from her vicious spanking. She was totally unable to resist as Miss O'Hare and the senior girls lifted her off the floor and lay her across the wooden chair. She didn't even respond when Miss O'Hare scooped some of the male teachers' cum from her cunt while Amy Turner pulled her arse cheeks wide. Only when the school secretary started to rub her spunk-covered fingers over Shirley's arse hole did she start to react.

"No, no! Let me go! Let me go!"

But she was too weak to struggle when Amy held her down on the chair and Miss O'Hare inserted one long finger up Shirley's dirtiest, virginal hole.

"Please, please don't. Please!" she pleaded.

Paying no attention to her cries, Miss O'Hare continued to finger fuck Shirley's tight arse. "I think she's ready for you now, Headmaster."

Shirley looked round through her tear streamed eyes and saw her Headmaster, now naked, approach her with menace and lust in his eyes, his hard cock throbbing between his legs.

"You can't expect Mr Gallagher to use the same hole as everyone else, Mrs West. Just relax and enjoy it," suggested Amy.

Shirley tried to struggle some more and clenched her cheeks to protect her tight hole but Amy was now sitting on top of her and reached down to pull her cheeks apart. All the other teachers, both male and female, gathered round to watch their Headmaster fuck their youngest colleague up the arse. Shirley was aware that they could all see her hole between her outstretched cheeks and cried with even greater embarrassment. No one had ever seen there, not even Julian. She would never forgive him for abandoning her like this but she had more immediate worries as she suddenly felt the hard prick of her Headmaster press against her arse hole. She tried to scream again but Miss O'Hare stuffed her frilly pink knickers into her mouth and the Headmaster pushed into her at the other end.

Shirley had never known pain like it as he very slowly filled her arse with one smooth push. When he could feel his balls hit her engorged pussy he rested a moment to savour her dirty hole wrapped around his cock. Shirley tried to scream again when he began to slowly move his hard cock in and out of her used hole. He pushed deeper and deeper so that she thought her insides were going to explode from the unbearable pressure and pain in her belly. Tears streamed down her face as he pushed deeper again and he began to fuck her in earnest.

Slowly Shirley felt the unbearable pressure give way to a sensation of being full which wasn't altogether unpleasant. He reached around her and stuffed his fingers deep into her pussy and the young teacher began to think she might even enjoy this. When she started to push back against him, powering his cock even deeper, her Headmaster knew that she was now enjoying being fucked up the arse for the very first time. He removed his fingers from her pussy and fed them to her, allowing her to feast on the other teachers' spunk and her own juices. Shirley sucked on his fingers hungrily and moved her own hand down to her clit.

The Headmaster no longer needed any restraints and pushed Amy Turner off his now willing victim. He pushed her further over the chair and hammered her arse. He grabbed her hair and pulled back her head. His cock pounded in and out of her no longer tight hole, harder and deeper with each thrust. Shirley knew she was about to cum again and, as another orgasm ripped through her body, she felt warm cum pour into her bowels for the very first time.

Mr Gallagher pulled out of her almost immediately and his cum poured from her ***d hole. Everyone stared in amazement and Shirley was too far gone to even try to hide herself.

"Just a moment, Mr West," shouted the Headmaster to Julian who was now trying to sneak out the back door. "I think your wife's holes need some cleaning."


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Caught by the Lodger

Having split up with my girlfriend about six months before, I was getting a little bored of living on my own. I'm a 29 year old guy living in South London and I thought it would be a good idea to get a lodger. I had a spare room that was empty, the company would be good and the extra money would come in handy. I put an ad in the local newspaper and within a day or two I'd had five responses. I arranged for all the people to come round so they could see the flat and I could check them out. I didn't want to end up sharing my flat with a complete weirdo.

After the first four people had come round I was beginning to think it was a bad idea and maybe I should just give up on the idea. The people who had responded were definitely not my idea of flatmate material. Just as I was thinking this, the doorbell rang and I knew it was my last potential lodger. The moment I opened the door I knew that I wanted Rachel to move in. She was slim, about five feet nine tall with long blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes. She was stylishly dressed in short, red dress that showed off a fantastic pair of legs and she exuded a confidence that I found very sexy. She looked round the flat, asked me a few questions and then said she wanted to move in. I'd hardly had the chance to ask her anything about herself. I didn't even know what she did for a living but I accepted straight away and even offered to help her move her stuff.

The first month or so went well. Rachel had a habit of walking round the house in just a tight white vest and a tiny pair of hotpants. The vest showed off her small but beautifully pert breasts and I couldn't help but stare at times. Sometimes , we'd be sitting eating breakfast together and Rachel's outfit would be so skimpy that I'd have to try and hide my erection. She also had a habit of leaving her underwear drying on radiators around the flat so I became intimately acquainted with her lingerie. We got to know each other a bit but Rachel was quite a private permister. She didn't give much away about her permisteral life. She didn't mention a boyfriend but she would sometimes stay out for the night. I think Rachel knew that I fancied her; she was so gorgeous that I'm sure any man would, and she used this to her advantage. She had me running errands for her and she often pretended to tell me off if I forgot something.

One Saturday, I thought that I was in the flat on my own. Rachel had gone out the previous evening and I hadn't heard her come in. I walked into the bathroom wearing just my dressing gown and there were some of her panties and bras drying on the radiator. I picked up a pair of her panties. They were a pair of pink, silky, three quarter cut panties and I could imagine them not quite covering her bottom. Holding Rachel's panties and thinking of her in them made me instantly aroused and I felt my cock begin to harden. I picked up the matching bra and whilst holding this in my left hand I began to stroke my cock with her panties. The soft silk felt so good against my cock. I closed my eyes and continued to masturbate. I was close to coming when suddenly I heard the snap of a camera shutter. I opened my eyes to see Rachel standing in the doorway taking pictures of me on her phone whilst I masturbated with her panties. My stomach sank. I didn't know how I was going to explain this.

'You dirty little pervert', said Rachel as she continued to take pictures.

I stammered, desperately trying to think of something to say. I couldn't think of anything. I'd been caught red-handed. My cock, which had been rock hard a minute ago, shrivelled in my hand. I mumred something incoherent.

'Shut up!' snapped Rachel, as she walked towards me. I tried to cover my cock but Rachel pulled my hands away.

'Do you like my underwear', she said with a hint of mischief in her voice. 'Do you like that pink set that you were wanking with?'

'Yes', I stammered. 'They're very sexy'.

'Seeing as you like them so much I think you should put them on', she said.

'What! You're not serious?'

'I'm deadly serious' said Rachel 'and I don't think you're in a position to argue. I have pictures of you naked and masturbating with a pair of pink panties. I don't think you'd like it if I put copies up on the internet, would you? Now, put the panties on!'

I didn't see that I had a choice. I stepped into the pink panties and began to pull them up my legs. They were tight as I pulled them up over my cock but the feel of the soft material rubbing against my cock was highly arousing. Before I knew it, my cock sprang back into life and became hard, the tip poking out over the top of the panties. This did not go unnoticed by Rachel. I began to blush, not sure what to do but Rachel had not finished with me yet. In fact, she had barely started.

'Judging by the state of your cock, I'd say you like wearing my panties' she said. 'Now put the bra on too.'

I paused, unsure of what to do. This did not go down well with Rachel. She walked up to me and slapped me hard on my pantied bottom

'Now!', she said.

I picked up the matching pink bra and pulled it up my arms and over my shoulders. Rachel stood behind me and fastened the clasp. She then began to take more photos. She now had photos of me masturbating and of me dressed in a pink bra and panties. She walked around me, looking at me from all angles.

'Not bad,' she said. 'It suits you. I didn't realise you had such a girly figure'. It's true that I am quite slight. I don't have broad shoulders and my stomach's very flat.

Rachel ordered me to bend over. I leant over, resting my hands on the side of the bath for support with my bottom sticking in the air. She began to spank me hard, all the while telling how I was a little pervert and that I needed to be taught a lesmister. My bottom stung as she spanked me and I let out a small whimper. This only egged her on more. She called me a pussy and spanked me even harder. Rachel then ordered me to kneel down on the floor. She picked up the cord from my dressing gown, pulled my hands behind my back and tied my hands together tightly. As I knelt on the floor, Rachel stood in front of me so that my head was in line with her waist. She hitched her skirt up , exposing her panties. These were a pair of white lacy ones. She pulled them to the side, showing me her shaven cunt. My erect cock was stilling sticking out of the top of the pink panties. I couldn't believe how turned on I was.

'I bet you'd like to lick my juicy pussy, wouldn't you?' said Rachel. 'I know you fancy me. I've seen you staring at my tits and ass. How often have you wanked while thinking about me?'

As she said this she slipped a finger inside her pussy and I could see that she was dripping wet. She pulled her finger out and pushed it inside my mouth. I sucked the delicious juices off her finger. She tasted fantastic and I pushed my head forward, eager to bury my face in her wet pussy. Rachel stepped away, out of my reach and then slapped me hard across the cheek.

'You haven't earned the right to lick my pussy', she said, 'but if you agree with everything I'm about to say I might let you eat me out. You see I don't really fancy boys. Girls are so much prettier, their skin is softer and they get to wear such sexy clothes and underwear. The only problem is that I also like cocks. My girlfriends and I do fuck each other with strap-ons but I still crave a good cock fucking from time to time and that's where you come in. You are going to be the perfect solution to my problem. I can see from the state of your cock that you like wearing my panties. They really suit you and you're so slight that I think you'd make a beautiful girl. From now on, I'll dress you up in girls' clothes and you'll be my sissy girlfriend, my sissy girlfriend with a cock, or perhaps my sissy slave depending on my mood'.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. She couldn't be serious, could she? I looked up at her and from the look in her eye I could tell that she was. She really wanted to transform me into her sissy.

Rachel leaned down and stroked my cock through the panties. 'I'm not really giving you a choice' she said. 'Either you agree now or these pictures of you in this beautiful pink lingerie set will be all over the internet in no time. Now do you agree? It would be so much easier if you were my willing slave.'

My mind was reeling. She really did want to make me her sissy slave. I looked down at my cock poking out of my panties. I could still taste her juicy pussy on my lips. Right now, it seemed like a price worth paying for the possibility of getting to lick and suck her sweet pussy.

'OK', I whimpered. 'I'll do it.'

'Oh goody', she shrieked. 'This is going to be such fun. Now the first thing is that you need a new name. We can't transform you into a sexy girl if you got a horrible boys name. From now on we'll call you Suzie. Do you like that, Suzie?'

'Yes, Rachel', I said 'It's a sexy name'. I couldn't believe what I was saying. 'Can I lick your pussy now?' I said, trying to restore some sense of my manhood.

'Oh Suzie, you are a horny little sissy. You haven't earned the privilege of my pussy yet but I will give you something else that I think you'll like.'

With me still kneeling on the floor, Rachel took off her skirt and panties so that she was naked from the waist down. She then turned away from me, leant over the bath tub and pushed her beautiful, tight bottom towards me. I knew immediately what she wanted and I began to kiss the cheeks of her ass, first one then the other. Rachel encouraged me, telling me how good it was and how it was turning her on. I then began to lick her crack, running my tongue up and down it slowly. I could tell that she was enjoying it as she began to moan and groan with excitement and I was aware that she had reached down with one hand and was stroking her own pussy. I continued running my tongue up and down and then started to push my tongue hard up against her rosebud, doing my best to push it inside her. This seemed to push her over the edge and she began to orgasm loudly, crying out my new name and telling me what a dirty little sissy I was.


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By now I thought that my cock was about to burst but, with my hands still tied behind my back, there was nothing I could do about it. Rachel turned round and pushed her fingers into her wet pussy. Again she pulled them out and pushed them into my mouth allowing me to suck the delicious, sweet juices from them.

'Oh god, Suzie, that was so good. I can see that we're both going to enjoy this. Now I think that we should get started immediately on your transformation. The first thing we need to do is get rid of all this horrible hair on your legs. No-one likes a hairy girl. I'm going to untie your hands and we'll get started on shaving you.'

Suzie untied me and I immediately reached down into my panties and began to stroke my cock. I was so humiliated and yet so turned on. I realised that I'd do anything Rachel told me. I wanted to be her sissy girlfriend and I'd let her do anything she wanted.

'I know you're horny Suzie', said Rachel, 'but you can't just wank whenever you want now. It's not becoming of the girl that you're going to become and from now on you will only come when I give you permission to. Is that clear?'

'Yes', I said in a soft voice. My god, I was even beginning to speak like a girl.

Rachel picked up a can of shaving gel and it turned me on even more as she rubbed it into my legs. She then proceeded to shave all the hair of my legs, leaving them soft and smooth. When she was finished, she ordered me to follow her into her room. She rummaged in her draws and pulled out a pair of black hold-up stockings. She threw them to me and ordered me top put them on. I obeyed without question and I loved the feel of the stockings on my newly-shaved legs.

'Now, we need to get you some girly clothes. The jeans and T-shirts you normally wear, just won't do for a sexy girl. My clothes won't fit you so we'll have to get you a whole new wardrobe.'

She found a tape measure and began to take my measurements. In doing so, she teased me. As she measured my waist she stroked her hand over my cock which made me whimper.

'Now Suzie, I'm going to need your credit card so that I can go out and buy you some lovely girly clothes'

I gave it to her without question. She then told me that she would go to the shops immediately but that she wasn't sure I could be trusted not to masturbate in her absence so she would have to tie me to the bed, which she proceeded to do.

I wasn't exactly sure how long I stayed tied to the bed, wearing pink lingerie and a pair of stockings but it gave me plenty of time to think about my situation. Things had altered dramatically in just a few hours and, though I was loathe to admit it to myself, I was loving it. I'd never been so turned on in my life. I loved the feel of the silky panties against my skin and the way the bra pinched against my skin. I was going to do this. I was going to let Rachel transform me into Suzie – her sissy girlfriend.

Rachel eventually returned and she was laden down with bags. She's obviously given my credit card a serious hammering but I didn't care. I could see that she was as excited as I was as she came into the bedroom and threw the bags on the floor.

'Oh Suzie,' she exclaimed. 'I've bought so many lovely, sexy clothes for you, plus a few things for myself, of course. You're going to look so beautiful that it's making me wet just thinking about it. You've been such a good girl so far that I'm going to let you lick my pussy.

With that, she hurriedly removed all her clothes until she was standing naked at the end of the bed. This was the first time that I had seen Rachel nude and my eyes moved freely over her body. I knew that she had a gorgeous ass and luscious pussy but now I saw her breasts for the first time. They were small, probably no more than an A-cup but they were pert with small, dark nipples. Rachel was obviously horny as hell. I could see the lips of her pussy glistening. I was still tied to the bed and she climbed astride me, slowly moving up the bed until her cunt was poised inches above my face. She slowly lowered herself down onto my face and I set to work, licking her first slowly and then more quickly. I could feel her getting wetter and wetter and as she became more aroused she pushed herself down on to my face and began to buck her hips. She was literally riding my face. I continued to lick and suck to my heart's delight, loving every second. I could hear from her groaning that she was close to orgasm. She pushed down even harder and finally came, her juices shooting out of her pussy and covering my mouth and lips.

'My god, that was amazing, Suzie, you lick my pussy even better than my girlfriends. Now let me untie you and we'll get you dressed in your new clothes'

Rachel untied me and when I was sitting up on the bed, she leant over and kissed me, long and slow.

'Ooh, you taste of my pussy, that's so hot', she said 'Now strip off that bra and panties and let's dress you up.'

Rachel rummaged in the bags, pulled out a matching set off lacy, black underwear, handed them to me and ordered me to put them on. The panties were a black thong, the perfect size for me. I stepped into them, pulled them up my legs and felt the material fitting snugly between the cheeks of my bottom. Rachel helped me into the matching bra and fastened it for me. She then pulled out a pair of fake, silicone breasts and placed them in the cups, giving me an instant set of breasts.

'B cup, Suzie', she laughed, 'your tits are bigger than mine!'

Next was a suspender belt and stockings. I stood and looked at myself in the mirror. I was starting to look like a girl.

'Now every girl loves shoes', said Rachel, pulling out a pair of stilettos. These could only be described as fuck-me shoes. They were black with thin straps and 4 inch heels and they were in my size. I felt like Cinderella as Rachel slid them onto my feet and fastened them. I stood up and nearly fell over immediately. Rachel giggled. 'You'll get the hang of them. Now walk up and down in them. I want to see you.'

I teetered off down the hall in my new lingerie and fuck-me shoes. After a few tries I started to get the hang of it and I noticed that my ass was swinging from side-to-side as I walked. First the clothes, then the girly voice, now I was even beginning to walk like a girl.

'It's starting to come together, Suzie. Before you get fully dressed, we need to put some make-up on you. Then you'll be even more girly'.

Rachel sat me down at her dressing table and proceeded to do my make-up for the very first time, explaining what she was doing as she went along. First was a layer of foundation, then she put on mascara and eye liner, choosing quite a dark colour as she told me she was going for a sultry look. After she had applied a layer of dark-red lipstick I thought she had finished but Rachel then pulled out a wig. It was a dark-brown colour, very close to my natural colour, except that my hair was short and this had long, flowing locks

'This will have to do until your hair grows,' she told me as she put it on me and arranged my hair.

When I looked in the mirror I couldn't believe what I saw. Gone was the bloke and instead I saw a beautiful, sexy woman.

Rachel was obviously pleased with her handiwork as she began to take more pictures of me.

'Nearly there' she told me. 'Now we just need to get you dressed. After all, a girl can't spend all her time in her underwear'.

Rachel grabbed another shopping bag and started to pull clothes from it. First she chose a pleated back mini-skirt and told me to put it on. Again, it fitted perfectly although to say it was short was an understatement. It barely covered the tops of my stockings. She then gave me a short sleeved red blouse. I slipped into it and began to button it up. The blouse was tight and I could only just fasten it. Rachel told me not to do it up all the way, telling me that I should show a bit of cleavage.

'You're done', she said. I looked in the mirror and giggled like a girl.

'Thank you, Rachel,' I said. 'I love it.'

You're welcome Suzie' she said, pulling me towards her so that she could kiss me again. As our lips met Rachel's hand slipped underneath my skirt and stroked my cock through my new panties. Needless to say I was hard again. Rachel hadn't allowed me to come yet. I still felt like I was about to burst.

'Why don't you fix us a couple of takes', she said. 'All this dressing up is thirsty work. No boy takes though, no beer. Make us a couple of nice girly martinis. When you get back, we'll begin your training.'

I walked off to the kitchen in my high heels, sneaking another look at my new girly self in the mirror as I passed. I had to admit that I looked hot and I was loving it. I wanted to be Suzie and I wanted to be Rachel's sissy girlfriend. I was completely under her spell and I knew that I'd do whatever she commanded, whatever it was.

I didn't have to wait long to find out what Rachel had in mind for me. After I had fixed the takes I brought them back to the bedroom. Rachel had changed into some sexy black lingerie, similar to mine. She had her back to me and I took the opportunity to gaze longingly at her long legs and pert bottom. She slowly turned around and I found out what she had in store for me next. Strapped around her, and matching the colour of her black panties, was a six-inch strap on.

'You may have bigger breasts than me Suzie, but I've got a bigger cock. Now get on your knees and suck my cock!'

I fell to my knees immediately and edged towards Rachel. I began by kissing the end of her cock lightly, not quite sure what to do.

'You can do better than that Suzie', said Rachel. 'You licked my pussy so well, now show what a good little cocksucker you are'.
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