thejartThanks for the link, I took a look and its interesting. K has large nipples and the training I have been doing with her has meant that she has been out with me wearing a quarter cup bra under tight tops to show them off. Control.
For me its the fact that with persuasion you can get K to do things that a conventional upbringing screams NO. I bought a ball gag for her back in the summer months. Last week i went through some notes and realised it was one of the things i had included on the "to do" list.
Anyone know what they do? Well obviously speech is difficult. They also make you drool uncontrollably, yes i like that. Having it put on is **********, which is a mental state of acceptance of someone else's will. Yes i like that! What do ladies like?
1/ To be well presented
2/ Control over conventional niceties.
These are things that will be slipping down in her control, just like the drool that was slowly running down and between her breasts. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the well presented girl with good manners and social skills. But there are further dark skills to be trained into a "Good girl pet" which are being learned.
It wont swerve me from my course but can all who read this give me a simple Yes, or No reply to this question?
If you discovered it was happening to you better half would you want her mind owned and controlled so?
And that means all of you! If you're reading this, yes i want to know how you think?