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les histoires de chrislebo

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faut en profiter avant le déferlement te texte en anglais


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Le cobaye

J'ouvre les yeux. Je suis attaché sur un lit, dans une cave. « Qu'est ce que je fous là?! ». Un coup sur la tête. Je m'évanouis.

J'ouvre de nouveau les yeux. Cette fois, la lumière du Soleil m'éblouit. Je suis allongé et attaché, sûrement sur une table. Un homme est à ma gauche:

« Enfin réveillé! T'en a mis du temps! »
« Où suis je? Et qui êtes vous? »
« Je m'appelle Tony, et tu es sur mon bateau. »

En effet, en tournant la tête, je vois la mer. De part et autre, aucune terre en vue. On est au large.

« Pourquoi suis je ici? »
« Pour une expérience. Tu es un cobaye! »
« Quoi! Mais je ne l'ai jamais voulu! »
« Personne ne t'a demandé ton avis! »
« Et qu'allez vous me faire? »
« On l'a déjà fait! »
« Quoi?! »

Je me regarde. Je ne vois pas mes pieds. D'énormes seins m'en empêchent. Je me rend compte alors que je suis nu, mais ce n'est pas ce qui me préoccupe le plus pour le moment.

« Que m'avez vous fait?! »

Je me débat, en vain.

« Juste quelque modifications! » répondit-il en souriant. « Mais ne t'inquiètes pas, tu n'es pas travestie! Tu es entièrement femme ajoute-t-il
Sur ce, il me montre trois photos. La première, mon pénis, entièrement rasé mais à sa place. La deuxième de mon bas ventre, mon pénis coupé, la troisième où je vois un vagin très excitant.

« La troisième est toi maintenant. » dit-il en me voyant perplexe. « Désormais, tu es une femme! ».
« Mais pourquoi?! Je n'ai rien demandé à personne! »
« Sois heureuse, tu as aidé la science! »
L'utilisation du féminin me trouble. Je suis une femme! D'un seul coup, plein de questions arrivent en même temps dans ma tête:
« Comment vais je faire pour continuer ma vie?! »
« Ne t'en fais pas. Nous t'avons choisi en partie car tu étais célibataire, que tu étais au chômage et que tu ne côtoyais pas beaucoup de gens. Il te suffira de trouver un autre travail, ce sera facile à la vue de tes mensurations! » me répond il en souriant.

Je regarde alors plus attentivement mon corps. Mes énormes seins m'empêchant de voir quoi que ce soit de plus que mes épaules, je demandais à Tony de me détacher. Il réfléchit puis y consent. Une fois détachée, j'écarte mes seins. Je découvre avec stupeur mes hanches magnifiques et mon sexe fraîchement rasé en ticket de métro. Je suis superbe. La curiosité me prend soudain:

« Comment avez-vous fait? »
« Secret professionnel » répondit-il.
« J'ai quel tour de poitrine? »
« 100 E »
« Mais c'est énorme! »
« Oui, mais tu t'y feras très vite! »

Je me lève. Il me propose de le suivre dans sa chambre.


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« Que voulez vous me faire? »
« Te donner des nouveaux papiers, t'expliquer certaines choses et surtout t'amener devant un miroir. »
« Je voudrais des vêtements »
Il me tend alors une robe de chambre qui était posée sur une chaise. Tout en marchant, j'observe autour de moi. Le bateau luxueux est arrêté en pleine mer. Cette dernière est calme. Tout le contraire de mon esprit. Le Soleil est magnifique, la mer somptueuse. Le bateau, nommé « La Sophie », me rappelle ma collègue de bureau, que je ne reverrais probablement jamais ...

Tony ouvre une porte, et m'emmène à l'intérieur. Il fait sombre par rapport au dehors. Un miroir est devant moi. J'y vois une femme extraordinairement belle. Ses cheveux bruns descendent sur ses épaules, ses seins énormes ont du mal à se cacher sous la robe de chambre. *** visage m'est familier. Ses traits ***t fins, ses yeux étincelants et sa bouche pulpeuse. *** nez est petit. Ses pieds ***t fins et splendide. Le reste est dissimulé sous le vêtement. C'est moi. Je n'en revient pas.

« Tu es belle n'est ce pas? Viens ici. »

Je me dirige vers lui. Il est assis à une table ornée de nombreux papiers. Il m'en tend quelques uns.

« Voici tes papiers. Tu es française, tu t'appelle Julie et tu as 26 ans. Tu es née le 28 Janvier. Nous avons transformé ton permis, tu as le même nombre de points, les mêmes permis et le même casier judiciaire, excepté que tous ces documents ***t maintenant au féminin. »

Je m'assois sur un canapé et observe mes papiers. J'y vois ma nouvelle photo. Je me crois en rêve.

« On t'a refait ta garde-robe. Tu habites toujours au même endroit, mais ton ancien toi est considéré comme mort dans un accident de voiture. »

Je ne parle pas. Je suis en pleine réflexion, j'ai du mal à comprendre ce qui m'arrive. En y réfléchissant, je ne me souviens pas des trois derniers jours.

« Je ne me suis jamais habillé en femme de ma vie, comment voulez-vous que j'y arrive maintenant! »
« Je t'aiderais. Tu restera sur ce bateau quelques temps, pour apprendre à devenir une femme. »
« Ok. Je n'ai pas vraiment le choix ... »
« Nous avons fait quelques tests sur toi après l'opération pour voir si tous les nerfs étaient bien raccordés et si tu réagissais normalement, mais il en reste un à faire. »
« Lequel? »
« Voir si tu peux jouir en tant que femme »
« Quoi?! Vous êtes cinglé! »
« Tu n'as pas le choix. Si tu ne consent pas, je t'y *********. »

Je baisse la tête. Il a rai***. Tant que je serais ici, je vais devoir lui obéir. Je détache ma robe de chambre et laisse apparaître mon corps. Je découvre que je suis plutôt mince. En me voyant m'observer, il me parle:

« Tu pèse 70 kg et tu mesure 1m79. Tu es parfaite. Et tu ne peux pas grossir: nous avons installé un système électronique sur ton estomac qui gère tes besoins pour que tu n'ai pas de surplus. »

Il marche vers moi.

« Allonge toi sur le canapé »

Je lui obéit. Une fois allongé, j'écarte les jambes. Il prend dans un sac un gode vibrant. Il s'assoit sur le canapé et penche la tête. Il compte me faire un cunnilingus. Dès qu'il commence, je crie:

« Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!! »

Je sens sa langue pénétrer mon vagin et titiller mon clitoris. Je sens mon plaisir monter. Un liquide sort de mon vagin.

« Qu'est ce que c'est! » m'écriais-je.
« C'est ta cyrpine, ta mouille. Tout se déroule parfaitement. »

Après quelques minutes où il augmente encore mon plaisir, il pose le petit vibrateur sur ma chatte. Je sens les vibrations sur mon clitoris et sur mon mont de Vénus. Je jouis intensément. Essoufflé, je parle avec Tony:

« C'est énorme, j'ai joui comme je n'avait jamais joui! »
« Et oui, les femmes ***t plus sensibles que les hommes! Tout c'est déroulé parfaitement, tu es une vraie femme. Tu n'as pas encore découvert toutes les possibilités qui s'ouvrent à toi! »

Je me demande comment le séjour sur le bateau va se passer et comment je vais vivre ensuite !



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Je me réveille. Un réveil posé sur ma table de chevet m'indique qu'il est 7h30. « D'habitude je dors plus » me dis-je. Je me lève machinalement et prend mon veston. Je l'enfile, mais je ne parviens pas à le fermer. « J'avais oublié. Je suis une femme ... ». Je vois un soutien gorge sur une chaise, accompagné d'un débardeur. « Je n'ai pas vraiment le choix. Après tout, ce n'est pas si terrible! ». Je pose les balconnets sur mes seins et essaie tant bien que mal de les faire tenir pendant que je ferme l'agrafe dans mon dos. En vain. Je m'y prend autrement: je m'allonge sur le lit, le soutien gorge toujours en place, de cette manière je n'ai plus besoin de tenir le vêtement. Je parviens alors à fermer l'attache. « Quelle galère! ». Une fois habillé, je sors.

Il fait un temps magnifique, une brise légère me soulève les cheveux. J'adore cette sensation!

Je m'allonge sur un transat', savourant le moment. Je me retourne quand Tony ouvre sa porte.

« Salut! Tu as passée une bonne nuit? »
« Oui »
« T'es vraiment mignonne, même de dos! »
« Je suis pas homo! »
« Ok, pas de problème » dit-il en riant. « Viens dans ma chambre dès que t'es prête à commencer la leçon ».

Je le fait patienter cinq minutes et me lève.

« Commençons » dit-il quand j'entre.
« D'accord »
« Tu es une vrai femme. Donc tu as des règles, tu les a eu pendant que tu dormais ». Il me montre l'état de ma culotte.
« Wow! Y en a plein! »
« Ouaip! Mais fait gaffe, tu pourrais devenir enceinte vu que tu as tes règles! » m'annonce-t-il en souriant.
« Pfff! »
« Met ces chaussures » m'ordonne-t-il en me montrant une paire d'escarpins haut de 5 à 6 cm de talon. J'obéis.

« Viens jusqu'à moi maintenant ».

J'avance mon pied, le pose et m'appuie dessus ... puis me casse lamentablement la figure sur le tapis.

« C'est dur! »
« Je sais »

Aucun mot de plus. Je me relève et y vais plus doucement. J'arrive à marcher au bout d'une vingtaine de minutes.

« Tu te débrouilles bien! »
« Merci »
« Maintenant, tu resteras tout le temps en chaussures à talons hauts, tu t'y habitueras plus vite. »
« Ok ».
« Maintenant déshabilles toi »
« Pourquoi?! »
« Pour que je te montres comment t'habiller en femme »

J'hésite. Il le voit et me parle.

« Si tu ne le fais pas, je te laisse seule dans le prochain port. »
« Ok, je le fais. »


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J'enlève mon débardeur et me retrouve en soutien gorge. J'ôte ma mini jupe. Ma culotte blanche ne parvient pas à cacher tout mon sexe.

Il s'approche et m'enlève le soutien gorge, laissant tomber mes énormes seins. J'ai toujours du mal à m'habituer à ces énormes masses. Je les prends dans mes mains pour alléger le poids subi par mon dos.

« Enlève tes mains et regarde bien » me dit Tony.

J'obéis. Il pose les balconnets sur mes seins et passe ses bras dans mon dos. Il est collé à moi. Je sens *** odeur. Au moindre geste, il frotte contre ma peau. Ma culotte se mouille. Encore cette terrible sensation de bien-être et de chaleur.

Il ferme le soutien-gorge sans se rendre compte de mon état.

« Tu as compris? »
« J'ai pas bien vu »
« Ok, attends »

Il décroche le soutien gorge mais laisse les balconnets où ils ***t. Il tourne le soutien gorge ce qui a pour effet de frotter mes tétons sur la soie douce du soutien gorge. Ces derniers se dressent. Tony le voit.

« Oho! Tu es facilement excitée! »
« Fermes là! »
« N'oublies pas que tu ne peux rien sans moi »

Je ne réponds pas. Il tourne le reste du soutien gorge. Il me montre comment fonctionne l'agrafe. Je ne risquais pas de trouver seul!

La séance finie, je sors de la chambre et vais dans la mienne. Alors que j'ouvre la porte de la pièce, je sens une piqûre dans le cou. Je me retourne, mais je m'évanouis avant de voir qui m'a fait cela.

Je me réveille attaché dans une pièce très sombre. Tony est à coté de moi.

« Qu'est ce qui se passe? » demandais-je?
« On a été enlevés par des pirates Somaliens »
« Quoi?! Et mes papiers?! »
« Je ne sais pas. Sûrement revendus. »
« Quoi!!!! Mais je fait comment moi! »
« Les pirates ont vu que tu n'existait pas au yeux du monde. Ils vont surement te garder. »
« Pourquoi me garderaient-ils? Il ne peuvent pas avoir de rançon! »
« Tu es une femme ... »
« Hein?! Quel rapport? Que peuvent-il me ... Ils ne vont quand même pas me ... Ils n'ont pas le droit! »
« Tu n'est pas répertoriée. Per***ne ne sait que tu es là à part moi et les pirates. »
« Sauve moi! »
Alors que Tony s'apprêtait à répondre, un pirate entre, laissant pénétrer dans la pièce la lumière éblouissante du jour.


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Ma fille, maitresse et amante

Un dimanche après-midi tout à fait banal se déroulait depuis quelques heures. Je préparais le souper pour moi-même, mon fils et ma fille, ma femme étant partie chez une de ses amies pour la soirée. Un spaghetti tout simple qui devait être complété par une petite salade (je ne raffole pas vraiment, mais je n'aime pas voir mes enfants manquer de légumes) et quelques tranches de pain tartinées à l'ail saupoudrées de parmesan et passées quelques minutes au four. Un délice quoi.

Ma fille m'aidait comme elle avait habitude de le faire avec sa mère, tantôt coupant les carottes, tantôt en mélangeant la sauce. Elle avait bien plus de talents en cuisine que moi, mais elle détestait cuisiner seule. J'engageais la discussion sur l'école, les amis, les amours. Rien d'autre que les sujets habituels qu'un parent aborde avec ses enfants.

Mon fils, bien le portrait de *** père, jouait à quelconque jeu vidéo dans sa chambre. Il passait certainement plus de temps à jouer qu'à faire du sport, mais comment le lui reprocher? Je gagne ma vie en pianotant sur un clavier d'ordinateur. En fait, en ce moment même, il doit être en train de tester ma toute nouvelle création. Ai-je oublié de préciser que j'étais programmeur de jeux vidéos?

À 17 heures ***nantes, le souper fut servi. J'appelai mon fils du bas des escaliers, me demandant pour la énième fois pour quelle rai*** les chambres ***t presque toujours au deuxième étage dans une mai*** à deux étages. Il descendit rapidement, désirant sans aucun doute terminer de manger le plus tôt possible pour continuer à jouer. Les adolescents d'aujourd'hui ***t surement encore pire que ceux de mon époque de ce côté là!

Nous mangeâmes presque jovialement, discutant de sujets et d'autres. Le repas était délicieux, malgré que la salade semblait, comme à *** habitude, insipide et inodore. Les plats vidés, les enfants décidèrent de ranger la table sans même que j'aie eu à le leur demander. Akim et Sarah, 14 et 16 ans, s'entendaient étrangement bien pour des frères et sœurs. J'aurais tant voulu des enfant qui se battent ou se chicanent tout le temps.

Devant le sofa, je choisis la chaine de science fiction, ma favorite. Je ne cesse jamais de m'émerveiller du réalisme des effets spéciaux et de l'histoire de certaines séries. Et pour tout dire, la moitié de ce que j'ai à mon actif comme jeux est basé sur la science fiction.

Sarah, toujours le nez dans un livre, soit pour se documenter, soit pour se détendre, soit pour étudier pour l'école, ne jetait que de brefs coups d'œil à la télévision en entendant des phrases que je leur ai souvent dites pour leur faire la morale. Était-ce un message subtil qui voulait dire « Je sais que tu n'invente pas ces phrases philosophiques »?

Vingt-deux heures. Je n'entendais rien provenant d'en haut. Akim était visiblement déjà couché. Étrange, il n'avait pas pour habitude de se coucher de lui même. Peut-être avait-il mis ses écouteurs pour jouer? J'envoyai Sarah vérifier et lui dire de se coucher.

Une demie heure plus tard, elle n'était pas redescendue. Pas de bruit en haut, encore et toujours. Que faisait-elle? Je montai tranquillement et une à une toutes les marches de l'escalier dans un silence absolu pour ne pas les réveiller s'ils dormaient. Arrivé en haut, je tournai le coin, toujours silencieux, et je vint apparemment à trouver ma fille debout, dos à moi, qui regardait au travers de la porte de chambre de *** frère. Je m'approchai subtilement, espérant savoir ce qu'il se passait sans avoir à déranger qui que ce soit.

-Oh... Sarah... Hum... C'est bon...

Quoi? Mon fils était-il en train de se masturber? Et... en fantasmant sur Sarah en plus? Je me plaçai juste derrière elle, toujours semblait-il, non détecté. Je jetai un coup d'œil au travers de l'entrebâillement de la porte. Il semblait bel et bien que mes soupçons étaient fondés. Que faisait alors ma fille devant sa porte, figée me semblait-il?

En observant la scène plus attentivement, comme je le fis à cet instant même, on pouvait constater que l'une des mains de Sarah disparaissait dans *** pantalon. Ses doigts ne semblaient pas bouger. Était-ce par la stupeur provoquée par les quelques mots qu'Akim venait de prononcer?

-Papa... pourquoi es-tu derrière moi?

Repéré. Évidemment, j'aurais du m'en douter. Elle ne bougeait plus ses doigts pour se caresser parce que j'étais derrière elle et qu'elle m'avait repéré. En chuchotant tout comme elle l'avait fait, je répondit.

-Je m'inquiétait de savoir ce que mes enfants faisaient. Viens, lais***s-le tranquille. Va dans ta chambre si tu veux, mais je ne veux pas qu'il te voie l'espionner. Elle obéit docilement et s'enferma dans sa chambre surement pour la nuit.

Je retournai au salon finir la soirée devant la télévision. J'étais bien sur troublé par ce qui venait de se passer. Je venais de surprendre ma propre fille en train de se doigter en espionnant mon fils se masturber. Je me demande quelle sera l'atmosphère entre moi et Sarah dans les jours qui suivraient.


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Je me suis levé le lendemain avec les paupières aussi lourdes que possible. Maudite soit cette ***nerie énervante qui armait mon réveil-matin depuis que j'ai l'âge de 9 ans. Chaque fois, j'ai tout simplement envie de me rendormir. Je me levai, par contre. J'aimais mon travail et j'étais ponctuel.

Dans la cuisine, je m'emparai lentement du lait et de la boite de céréales. J'avais faim, visiblement et ça pressait. Reprenant peu à peu mes esprits, je me rappelais la rai*** pour laquelle je m'étais couché aussi tard la veille. J'avais du m'assurer que chacun de mes deux enfants était dans *** propre lit, malgré le fait que faisant cela je dus les voir nus tous les deux. Ce qui s'était passé hier serait bien sur inconnu d'Akim. Comment se comporterait Sarah envers moi?

-Bonjour papa.

-Oh, Akim. Bien dormi?

-Je dirais que oui.

-Tu t'es couché tôt? Pourtant, ce n'est pas ton genre.

-Pas si tôt que ça. Il était tout de même 22 heures. J'ai eu un peu de difficultés à m'endormir.

La discussion démarra à peu près avec ces mots. La douche commença à couler pendant que je plaçais mon bol dans le lave-vaisselle Sarah n'allait pas tarder à faire *** apparition. Pendant ce temps, je discutais de choses et d'autres avec Akim qui semblait ignorer qu'on l'avait vu la veille.

Je commençais à peine à nettoyer un dégât que j'avais fait quand Sarah est entrée dans la cuisine, signifiant à *** frère que la salle de bains était libre. Il s'y dirigea joyeusement. Il était de très bonne humeur ce matin-là.


-Sarah. Bien dormi?

-Un peu mal. J'avais peur que tu viennes m'espionner pour me voir nue. Mais vers minuit, je crois, j'ai réussi à dormir.

-Voyons Sarah. Je ne ferais jamais une chose pareille. Et... l'incident d'hier soir. Ta mère ne dois rien en savoir. Je la connais, elle voudra qu'on discute avec ton frère et je n'ai pas du tout envie de lui expliquer quelque chose qu'il connait déjà surement par cœur.

-Tu penses vraiment que je lui dirais? C'est déjà une situation assez troublante, n'en rajoutons pas.

Là dessus, j'étais parfaitement d'accord. Je lui en était redevant de faire cela, même si c'était autant pour elle que pour moi. Je m'apprêtais à préparer leurs repas pour la journée avant d'aller m'habiller pour aller travailler lorsque mon fils fit irruption dans la cuisine pour me demander si j'avais vu sa clé USB. Bien sur, il l'avait (encore) perdue, mais je ne savais pas où il l'avait laissée.

-C'est bien ma chance. La perdre le jour où j'étais supposé aller faire mon travail d'équipe chez Jordan. J'espère qu'on ne perdra pas notre après-midi à faire ça pour ne pas pouvoir faire de back-up. *** ordinateur plante vraiment trop souvent.

Après-midi... chez Jordan... Oups! On est Samedi! Je rangeai le pain et la confiture ainsi que mon couteau en me maudissant de m'être levé un Samedi matin. J'imagine que ce qui s'est passé m'a fait perdre notion du temps.

La matinée fut remplie de parties d'un jeu de stratégie sur PC. Je jouais en Réseau Local avec Akim. Il m'a battu à plate couture 2 fois, mais j'ai pris ma revanche à la troisième partie. Aline, ma femme, étant supposée rentrer vers 15 ou 16 heures, je me retrouvais donc à refaire un repas pour la mai***née. Les restes du spaghetti d'hier réchauffés furent un repas vite fait.

Akim partit chez Jordan, m'abandonnant seul avec Sarah. Elle lisait, fidèle à *** habitude, pendant que moi, je pianotait sur mon portable per***nel. Mon programme avait un léger bug, mais très minime. Je cherchais le moyen de le régler sans avoir à tout recommencer. C'était un programme tout simple, mais avec énormément de lignes de code. Malheureusement, quand je lui donnait certaines informations très précises, il plantait en me donnant une réponse ridicule.

Un mouvement inhabituel me déconcentra, ma fille semblait se désintéresser de *** livre pour entrer sa main dans *** pantalon. Je fis semblant de travailler sur mon programme, mais en réalité, je l'observait. Elle semblait agiter a main dans *** vêtement, mais très peu paraissait. Elle semblait détendue, couchée sur le divan, les yeux fermés, la main en train de faire dieu sait quoi sur *** intimité.

-Est-ce que je peux savoir pourquoi tu fais ça ici?

Elle parut surprise que je la voie faire. Quand je lui ai annoncé que je la regardais faire depuis le début, elle m'a alors lancé une question particulièrement troublante.

-Pourquoi est-ce que tu me regardais? Tu espérais en voir plus? Désolée, pour toi, papa, mais je n'ai pas été plus loin qu'hier.

Je fus déstabilisé par la question. J'avoue y avoir pensé. Est-ce que cela fait de moi un pédophile? Est-ce que je serais la malheureuse victime d'un fantasme **********? J'espère que les réponses aux deux questions ***t non et non.

-Bon, si ça ne te dérange pas, j'aimerais bien finir. À moins que ça ne te trouble au point que tu préfère que j'aille dans ma chambre?

Je lui dis qu'elle pouvait rester, que je continuerais à travailler tranquillement. Je reportai mon attention vers mon écran, espérant me sortir cette obsession de la tête. Quand je pense qu'en plus j'ai une érection. Pourquoi a-t-il fallu que je lui dise de rester? J'aurais pu me masturber au moins. Par dépit, je continuai de la surveiller du coin de l'œil.

Elle semblait avoir la respiration saccadée, surement était-elle en plein orgasme. J'entendis un gémissement soudain et unique, et quelques secondes plus tard elle retirait sa main de *** pantalon. Elle s'endormit ainsi.

Je tuai mon après-midi jusqu'à ce que Aline arrive et que j'avais du réveiller Sarah pour qu'elle reprenne une activité plus normale. C'en était fini de mon temps de fantasme **********... ou bien n'était-ce qu'une pause?


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Chapitre 3 : Procréation nue et pénétration

Aline était de retour! Ou du moins, pour quelques minutes. Elle venait prendre quelques affaires pour aller passer la fin de semaine au complet au chalet d'une de ses amies. Après accolades et baisers, je lui souhaitai une bonne fin de semaine pour retourner au salon avec ma petite Sarah. *** livre était sur la table, un signet à l'intérieur. Elle voulait qu'on discute.

-Papa. Pourquoi m'as-tu laissée me caresser devant toi?

J'étais pris au dépourvu par la question, mais j'étais aussi impressionné par l'audace de ma propre fille. Je lui répondis alors une réponse seulement à moitié vraie.

-Parce que c'est un besoin naturel. Je crois tout simplement qu'il ne faut pas se gêner pour le combler n'importe où.

-Dans ce cas, pourquoi tu ne t'es pas masturbé quand tu as eu ton érection en me regardant.

-Pour ne pas avoir l'air d'un pédophile.

Elle sourit. Elle semblait sur le point de répondre par une belle attaque.

-Tu sais, à 16 ans, j'ai atteint ma majorité sexuelle. Tu n'es pas considéré comme pédophile pour fantasmer sur une jeune femme sexuellement majeure, non?

Et toc. Elle venait de me piéger. Franchement, elle avait de bons arguments... pour me voir me masturber devant elle? Visiblement, je n'était pas le seul à fantasmer sur un membre de ma famille.

Mes rêvasseries suivant la conversation furent coupées par un coup de téléphone. C'était Akim qui voulait savoir s'il pouvait souper et passer la soirée chez *** ami. Je lui dis que c'était OK et il raccrocha. Je dis à Sarah qu'on serait tous les deux pour souper. Elle me demanda si on pouvait se permettre de commander une pizza, qu'on commanda effectivement.

Le souper fut vite englouti. Je me sentais bizarre. Peut-être couvrais-je quelque chose? Non. C'était juste un manque d'atmosphère conviviale pendant le repas. Je me rendis dans ma chambre pour me reposer un peu, espérant avoir la paix.

Sarah m'avait suivi. Elle voulait « s'assurer que je dorme bien ». Elle se mit en sous-vêtements, « c'est plus pratique pour faire un bon massage à mon papa ». Je m'allongeai sur le ventre, ma fille assise sur mes fesses en train de caresser plus que me masser mon dos, ne faisant qu'ajouter à mon malaise. En effet, une légère érection était apparue dans mon pantalon. Elle cessa ce massage et vint se coucher à ma droite.

-Est-ce que tu te sens mieux?

-Un peu.

-Bien. On va pouvoir se reposer ensemble. Ça ne te dérange pas si je dors ici?

-Non. Bonne sieste.

Elle me plaqua un baiser sur la joue gauche.

-Bonne sieste.

Je m'assoupis lentement, et très peu de temps. En effet, dans mon sommeil, j'avais bougé comme si Sarah était sa mère. J'avais une jambe par dessus elle, la main à peu près dans la même position mais posée sur un sein, le pénis en érection sur sa fesse. Elle m'avait réveillé avec un sourire peint au visage. Elle commençait à retirer *** soutient-gorge et plaça ma main sur *** sein nu. Je n'aurais jamais cru que je serais un jour excité par ma propre fille.

Elle avait commencé à masser mon sexe en plein durcissement au travers du pantalon que j'avais conservé.

-Laisses-toi aller. Embrasses-moi.

Je m'exécutai, trop ensommeillé pour avoir deux pensées cohérentes une à la suite de l'autre. Je l'embrassai langoureusement, sans même me demander ce que je faisais. Lorsque nos lèvres se séparèrent par contre, j'étais parfaitement éveillé... et excité. Je lui massai les seins de mes deux mains, la laissant me masturber après avoir sorti mon pénis de mes sous-vêtements. Quel plaisir.

-Fais-moi ce que tu veux. Ce soir, papa, je ne suis pas ta fille. Je suis ta maîtresse.



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Elle retira *** string et mes derniers vêtements. Je pus admirer le corps nu de ma fille dans la lumière de la petite lampe de chevet. Franchement, elle n'avait rien à envier à sa mère. Je pus constater qu'elle se rasait l'entre-jambes, et je pus le constater d'encore plus près puisqu'elle venait s'asseoir directement dans mon visage. Je décidai de lui faire plaisir et de la faire jouir. Après tout, nous n'étions que tous les deux.

En me faisant faire une fellation sublime, je goûtait un vagin délicieux. Elle avait encore plus de goût que sa mère la petite. Mais cette position ne dura pas très longtemps. Elle arrêtait de me sucer pour s'asseoir sur mon membre qu'elle avait penché au paravent.

-En plus de me faire l'amour, papa, tu vas me dépuceler.

C'est tout ce qu'elle avait à dire avant de s'enfoncer malgré ses cris de douleur mon pénis dans la vulve. Sa virginité, elle l'avait sacrifiée pour moi. Je venais d'être le premier à avoir une relation sexuelle avec Sarah. Mais c'était bon! Elle commençait à faire de brefs mouvements, combattant ainsi la douleur, inimaginable pour un homme, qu'elle ressentait.

Je passai mes mains sur *** clitoris pour calmer ses souffrances avec un orgasme. Elle me le rendit bien, me forçant à passer mon autre main sur ses fesses pour ensuite aller la camper sur ses reins. Je me pensais ridicule, ainsi couché sur le dos, une main sur le haut des fesses de ma fille, le pénis dans le ventre de ma fille, un doigt en train de chatouiller *** clitoris.

-Ah... papa... j'... j'... j'aime... quand tu fais ça.

La douleur semblait s'être estompée, ou en tout cas elle ne paraissait plus dans *** ton de voix. Toujours dans cette position après le choc qu'elle s'était fait subir, elle commençait à monter et descendre de plus en plus vite. Je ressentait le frottement non pas comme il serait supposé d'être ressenti, mais comme un choc électrique qui m'épuisa rapidement. Elle savait s'y prendre la petite. Je m'assieds devant elle, toujours en la gardant en équilibre avec ma main, tantôt sur ses fesses charnues, tantôt sur ses reins sexys, de façon à pouvoir lui embrasser les seins.

Je les léchais, tout doucement et avec amour. Était-ce une forme d'amour paternel? Peut-être que cela s'y rattachait de loin. Sa mère semblait aimer ça, mais Sarah semblait jubiler pendant que je lui faisait subir un tel traitement. Je lui dit de se lever, que je voulais changer de position. Elle s'exécuta, se plaçant à genoux en s'appuyant sur le lit avec ses mains devant elle.

Ainsi, placée, je pouvais voir distinctement chaque détail de sa vulve. À l'aide de mes doigts, j'écartai lentement ses petites lèvres vaginales, enfonçai un doigt de ma main gauche et avec cette même main je me masturbai. Cela ne dura que quelques secondes avant que je ne me réintroduise en elle pour lui faire plaisir, surtout à elle. Après tout, c'était la première fois qu'elle se faisait pénétrer et les quelques gouttes de sang qui maculaient le drap avaient coulé le long de mon organe, celui-là même qui donnait du plaisir à grand coup de bassin à ma propre fille.

J'éjaculai en elle, j'espère pas trop puissamment. Une fois cette éjaculation terminée, je la relâchai, de la pression presque constante que mes mains infligeaient à ses reins depuis que j'avais pris l'initiative. Elle tomba *********** sur l'oreiller, épuisée d'avoir crié comme une démenée pendant que je lui faisais l'amour.

Je m'allongeai à sa droite, un main sur l'un de ses fesses. Elle souriait, sereine. Elle était tranquille après m'avoir presque forcé à commettre ********* ultime : pénétrer ma propre procréation. Je l'embrassai longuement, la laissant fouiller ma bouche avec sa langue pendant que j'en profitait pour en faire autant dans la sienne.

Nous dûmes nous assoupir, car en ouvrant les yeux j'avais les lèvres collées à celles de ma fille qui dormait encore paisiblement, nue. Je la secouai un peu.

-Sarah. Tu devrais te rhabiller avant que ton frère n'arrive.

En regardant l'heure, je pus constater qu'il ne rentrerait pas avant une bonne heure encore. Elle dut s'en apercevoir aussi parce qu'elle se leva, se rendit dans le salon sans même s'habiller avant de prendre *** livre et de revenir dans la chambre. Je ne me sentais pas sale de regarder ma propre fille comme je regarderais une femme nue. Après tout, c'est ce qu'elle était, non?


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Chapitre 4 : Le fils inclus dans le complot

Une heure après que je me sois réveillé, nu avec ma fille qui se trouvait dans la même situation que moi. J'entendis la porte s'ouvrir. Je m'étais rendu dans la salle de bain pour me laver, espérant que mon fils ne se rendrait compte de rien. La porte de la chambre d'Akim s'ouvrit et se referma lentement.

Une fois bien propre, je me suis rendu dans sa chambre. Il était en train de jouer à un jeu que j'avais programmé récemment. Je le payais, bien sur. Mais en échange, il devait noter tous les bugs, tous les glitchs qui s'y trouvaient. Il arrivait au troisième niveau. Je crois que c'est le jeu que j'ai créé dont les niveaux ***t les plus long. Je le laissai après avoir vu sa maitrise (presque parfaite) du per***nage et des mouvements qu'il pouvait exécuter.

Il continuait à jouer tranquillement pendant que je regardais la télé dans le salon. Les deux derniers jours avaient été hauts en couleurs. D'un coup le Vendredi soir j'ai surpris mon fils en train de se masturber en pensant, paraissait-il à ma fille et cette dernière en train de se doigter en espionnant *** frère.

Ensuite, le Samedi après-midi, Sarah s'était doigtée devant moi dans le salon, quoi que ce ne fus qu'en gardant ses vêtements qu'elle l'avait fait. Et pour finir, Sarah m'avait presque violé, malgré que le résultat était très différent: au lieu de me dégouter, elle m'avait fait libérer mes désirs **********. J'espère qu'elle n'ira pas dire ça à sa mère.

Dimanche. J'ai tout à fait intérêt à laver les couvertes tachées du sang vaginal de ma fille. En même temps que je pensais à ça, j'eus une mince crainte. Je n'avais pas mis de condom et je lui ai joui dans le vagin. Allait-elle être enceinte? Elle arrivait, cette fois la plus matinale des deux, dans la cuisine.

Elle vint m'embrasser directement sur la bouche.

-Mais... ton frère pourrait nous voir si tu fais ça.

-Et alors? Ce n'est pas comme si je n'avais pas le droit d'embrasser mon père. Et puis, s'il soupçonne quoi que ce soit, je peux lui offrir un marché maintenant, avait-elle dit en me frôlant le pénis.

Elle m'embrassa langoureusement pendant que je me laissais faire. Mon fils entrait dans la cuisine en plein milieu de cette petite gâterie que je m'offrais. Je ne l'avais pas vu pourtant. Il ne semblait pas avoir remarqué, ou peut-être n'en faisait-il tout simplement pas un cas.

-Papa, est-ce que tu pourrais lâcher Sarah un peu et me faire des œufs s'il te plait?

Zut! Il avait remarqué. Je laissai Sarah pour les lui préparer.

-Pourquoi est-ce que vous vous embrassez comme ça?

Sarah parla avant que je n'ai pu dire quoi que ce soit.

-Papa m'a fait l'amour hier. Autant ne pas te le cacher, parce que ça va surement se reproduire.

Il s'étouffa avec *** morceau de pain.

-Quoi? Tu as couché avec papa? Tu es folle?

-Non. Pourquoi est-ce que tu réagis comme ça? Je suis une femme, et lui un homme. C'est tout à fait normal.

-Mais c'est de *********!

-Savais tu Akim que l'être humain est la seule espèce du règne ****** à avoir un tabou de *********?


Il fit la moue. Semblait-il qu'il désapprouvait cette révélation choc. Il me regarda pour avoir ma confirmation des dires de sa sœur. Je confirmai péniblement.

-Mais, Akim... je voudrais que tu me promettes quelque chose. Que tu ne vas pas le dire à maman.

-Qu'est-ce qui m'en empêche? Vous êtes dégoûtants... vous couchez ensemble... papa, franchement, c'est ta fille...



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-Et une très belle femme.

-Et qu'est-ce qui me convaincrait de ne pas le dire à maman?

Je fis mine de penser, mais je savais ce qu'il voulait.

-Qu'est-ce que tu dirais d'une augmentation sur ta paie? 20% de plus, ça monte à 12$ de l'heure.

-Bon... OK... mais de ton côté ne vas pas dire à maman que tu m'as donné une augmentation... elle va surement vouloir contrôler mon budget et ça, je peux le faire moi-même.

Après avoir conclu un pacte avec le diable, dirait-on, je m'assit à la table en pensant à la journée d'hier. Par tous les dieux, pourquoi fallait-il que je sois celui sur qui tout cela était tombé? Ça n'aurait pas pu tomber sur le voisin?

Sarah m'avait donné chaud ce matin en parlant de ce sujet avec *** frère. Était-elle folle? Ou tout simplement elle voulait qu'Aline et moi nous nous quittions pour m'avoir à elle seule? Akim était parti « travailler » et je demeurais pour la énième fois seul avec ma fille.

-Est-ce que tu sais vers quelle heure maman doit rentrer?

-Elle ne rentre pas avant demain. Elle a appelé *** patron pour prendre une journée de congé. Elle n'en avait pas pris l'an dernier sauf pour ta fête et celle de ton frère. Je crois que c'est ce qui a fait penché la balance en sa faveur.

Mais derrière cette question s'en cachaient deux autres bien sur. Elle cherchait à savoir si je voulais bien être amoureux d'elle pour tout le temps que sa mère ne serait pas là et elle se demandait si le fait qu'Akim soit dans la mai*** changerait quelque chose à nos plans *********.

Sans me les faire poser, je les avais devinées. Pour la réconforter, je me suis levé et me suis placé derrière elle. Me penchant un peu, je lui fis un câlin chaleureux et invitant avant de poser ma main sur une de ses cuisses, très près de *** entre-jambes.

La quittant pour quelques instants, peut-être quelques heures, j'allai voir mon fils. Cependant, j'ai eu une crainte. Je ne jetai qu'un bref regard à travers la porte à moitié fermée. En effet, il jouait sur mon jeu, et ma crainte était infondée. Je regardai sa progression. Pas grand chose comparé à la veille. Il terminait le troisième niveau, sur 6. Et au voir de *** chrono de temps de jeu, il a joué environ 13 heures. Normal. Je lui donnai quelques tuyaux puisqu'il semblait qu'il n'avait pas assez de vie pour résister aux attaques du Boss. Ça, c'était mon idée. Tant que le joueur n'avait pas assez de points de vie pour résister à l'attaque la moins forte du Boss, tu ne peux entrer. Chaque Boss a sa condition, mais celui-ci était mon chef d'œuvre.

Sarah était venue nous rejoindre. Elle aimait regarder *** frère se faire battre. Cela lui démontrait que même s'il était un excellent joueur, il n'était pas invincible, et Akim détestait ça. Je l'embrassai quand elle arriva et continuai à regarder l'écran.

-Papa, est-ce que vous faites des choses comme ça depuis longtemps, demanda Akim en marchant dans un couloir.

-Depuis hier seulement. Avant, je ne la voyais que comme une jeune fille. Ta sœur t'as absolument tout dit ce matin. Nous avons couché ensemble hier pendant que tu étais chez ton ami et visiblement, nous nous aimons passionnément maintenant.

-Je vois. Bon, le Boss. Est-ce que je peux avoir un peu de silence?

Nous partîmes, le laissant jouer. Mon ordinateur per***nel était connecté à celui de mon fils et enregistrait tout combat qu'il livrait. C'était ma façon à moi de le surveiller pour ne pas qu'il triche sur *** temps de jeu.

Arrivés dans la chambre de Sarah, elle retira sa robe de chambre pour que je puisse l'admirer à nouveau. Je l'embrassai et elle décida que c'était l'heure pour un second rapport sexuel. Je passai ma main lentement sur ses seins, prenant le temps de les caresser pendant que ma langue cherchait quelque trésor qui ne semblait pas être là.



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Je la laissai retirer mes vêtements, lentement, érotiquement. Pendant ce temps, j'atteignais lentement *** bas-ventre, sachant que j'allais y trouver un partie de *** corps qu'il me restait encore à découvrir le mieux possible. J'y allais allégrement avec quelques caresses superficielles pendant qu'elle semblait se languir de pouvoir me masturber en plein jour.

J'étais visiblement très excité par le spectacle de ses seins aux airs insolents et de sa vulve de laquelle semblait commencer à s'écouler un liquide transparent et un peu gluant. Rien de tel que cette lubrification naturelle pour permettre à ma (peut-être un peu trop) chère fille se faire entrer un doigt par *** père.

Mes lèvres étaient à présent en train de gouter ses seins, accentuant visiblement *** plaisir pendant que ma verge était abandonnée par Sarah pour placer une main derrière ma tête et l'autre sur *** autre sein, en train de se caresser. Je décidai de la coucher sur le dos et de la pénétrer tout de suite.

*** frère serait surement surpris s'il venait nous voir entre temps. Bien sur, il jouait dans sa chambre, et sachant ce qu'on devait être en train de faire, il n'oserait pas entrer, mais on ne sait jamais.

Les pseudo-gémissements qu'émettait ma proie sexuelle commençaient à ***ner un peu plus fort, faisant durcir encore plus mon pénis qui était déjà presque dur comme fer. Elle jouissait désormais assez fort pour se faire entendre de tout l'étage, et probablement d'en bas aussi.

Mon fils fit éruption dans la chambre. Pris la main dans le sac. Ou plutôt, le membre dans la femme. Il nous demanda tout simplement s'il était possible de baisser le ***, que c'était très dérangeant et qu'il lui semblait impossible de jouer en essayant d'ignorer le fait que *** père et sa sœur fassent l'amour dans la pièce d'à côté.

-C'est étrange que tu n'essaie pas de vouloir nous regarder, lui dit Sarah.

À Akim de répondre qu'il préférait n'avoir pas à faire grand chose avec notre histoire. Il serait silencieux, mais c'était tout.

Après une telle interruption, je fus surpris d'être encore excité. Je repris mes mouvements avec une douceur étrange. J'étais d'habitude plus... ****** di***s. Je tentai de reprendre cette cadence, sans résultat. J'embrassai ma maitresse *********** et je me retirai. Je voulais qu'elle me suce pour finir.

Elle se pencha et me prit en bouche. Sa fellation était délicieuse, tout comme la veille. Sa langue me caressait le gland à chaque descente, m'attaquant d'éclairs de plaisirs, tout comme la veille. Cette fois, je ne pus résister, je lui bloquai la tête et donnai moi même les coups de reins.

Mon éjaculation ne tarda pas. Était-ce par pure cruauté ou bien par curiosité de savoir si elle aimerait ça? Les faits étaient qu'elle avait tout reçu en bouche et que, la tête bloquée et le pénis de *** père en bouche, elle avait dû avaler.

-Alors, lui dis-je en lui lâchant la tête, as-tu aimé?

-Non. Mais je dois dire que je n'ai pas détesté non plus. Ça ne m'a pas dérangé que tu fasses ça.

-D'accord. Maintenant recouches-toi.

Elle s'exécuta, sachant ce que j'avais en tête. Je m'agenouillai devant elle pour lui lécher le surplus de lubrifiant naturel et en même temps, explorer plus profondément cet endroit qui était supposé m'être interdit à vie.

Les grandes lèvres n'étaient pas un obstacle encombrant, contrairement aux petites. J'enfonçais ma langue comme je l'avais fait peu de temps au paravent avec mon organe, et elle soupirait bruyamment. Quel supplice ce devait être pour une crieuse de ne pas pouvoir lâcher *** orgasme à pleine puissance.

Elle se cambrait à une fréquence élevée, maintenant ma tête en place. Pour ma part, je n'avais pas l'intention de partir tout de suite. Du bout du nez, j'envoyai ma fille au septième ciel en lui chatouillant le clitoris. Elle lâcha un cri semblable à celui du spectacle de masturbation sans exhibition qu'elle m'avait offert hier après-midi.


Puis silence, interrompu à une fréquence élevée par ses halètements d'essoufflement. Cela semblait être épuisant pour elle de ne pas jouir haut et fort. Je l'embrassai longuement avant de me lever, de m'habiller et d'aller préparer le repas du midi.

Je préparai un petit plat composé de viandes froides et de légumes coupés, le tout accompagné de quelques tranches de pain et du pâté de foie. Per***ne ne semblait déçu de la qualité du repas.


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prise dans un sex xhop

Depuis longtemps, Mico me parlait de sexe toys et de *** envie d'en avoir un ou deux ; nous avions regardé sur internet, mais cela n'avait pas accroché. Lors d'un déplacement, nous avons trouvé un sex-shop, à notre convenance ; pas le super marché du sexe, mais un magasin plus petit et plus discret et à priori bien fourni ; sans but bien défini, nous nous sommes promenés dans les rayons ; certains articles ont retenu notre attention, mais indécis, nous avons continué et sommes descendu dans le demi-étage plus particulièrement destiné aux objets de soumission. Soutien gorge cuir, ceinture de chasteté, menottes, cravache et divers fouets ; chaque objet est prétexte à commentaire et j'avoue que je commence à ressentir la douce chaleur de l'envie ; un coup d'œil autour, nous sommes seuls et je soulève la jupe et infiltre un doigt sous le string ; je ne suis pas le seul excité ; sa chatte est mouillée, même si elle est un peu gênée par la possibilité d'être surprise, elle n'en écarte pas moins les jambes et je peux la branler ; très vite elle gémit et *** bassin s'avance sur mes doigts ; j'essaie d'aller le plus loin possible et je la fouille sans ménagement ; très vite elle jouit et se mord les lèvres, trop tard *** cri ré***ne dans la pièce ; elle se rajuste et nous remontons ; au comptoir un asiatique nous regarde en souriant, et je découvre qu'il a tout vu sur sa caméra de surveillance ; je ne dis rien à Mico et quand il nous propose de nous conseiller, j'accepte au grand étonnement de ma petite femme ; c'est d'abord à la vitrine des gods qu'il nous emmène, il nous explique chaque modèle, mais je constate qu'il serre Mico de près et que sa main vient parfois lui effleurer les fesses ; je joue le jeu et je la caresse ouvertement ; je sens Mico sur la défensive et je l'embrasse ; il dépose plusieurs gods sur la table et nous laisse les toucher et se place derrière elle ; à la réaction de Mico je sais qu'il ne reste pas inactif ; en effet, voyant que je ne dis rien, il a relevé la jupe et ses doigts s'activent ; il doit bien s'y prendre car Mico gémit, écarte les jambes et recule *** fessier vers la main bienfaitrice ; elle grogne de plaisir et pour la deuxième fois *** plaisir la submerge . il nous demande alors si nous connais***s les boules de geishas et sans attendre il en sort une paire ; leur contact est surprenant ; c'est le choc des deux boules dans le vagin qui provoque la jouissance ; ce modèle n'est pas cher et plaisir garanti ; nous décidons de les prendre et Mico demande la façon de bien les mettre ; sa réponse est rapide : « «si vous voulez, je vais vous les mettre « et avec *** accord, il relève la jupe, écarte le string et écarte les lèvres encore pleine de cyprine ; ses doigts pénètrent dans la chatte, jouent un peu dedans et il enfile les deux boules les vibrations quand elle bouge se propagent et la réaction est immédiate ; Mico frémit et ferme ses yeux de plaisir.
La ***nette de la porte nous surprend et notre vendeur nous propose de venir à la fermeture ; nous pourrons alors voir d'autres objets en toute tranquillité. Nous ne répondons pas et après réglé notre achat, nous quittons la boutique ;Nous reprenons notre ballade, Mico est tendue, et quand je lui demande ce qui ce passe, elle me dit que les boules , en s'entrechoquant, ne cessent de lui déclencher des ondes de plaisir et qu' elle ne va pas pouvoir se retenir ; j'ai envie de jouir, aide moi ; une petite ruelle est à coté, nous la prenons , et comme deux amoureux, je l'enlace, mais je lui pince les mamelons ; sa jouissance se déclenche, ses jambes flageolent et *** cri s'étouffe sur mes lèvres. Un arrêt dans un bar lui permette de se reprendre, mais aussi d'ôter *** toy ; pour l'instant.



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Fin d'après midi, nous prenons un café quand Mico se rend aux toilettes ; à *** retour, un sourire éclaire *** visage ; « on finit nos achats et on rentre « devant mon étonnement, elle me met discrètement la main entre ses cuisses et je touche le petit cordon ; elle a remis les boules et je comprends que nos achats ***t d'ordre sextoys ; cela ne me déplait pas bien au contraire ; quand nous arrivons, il y a plusieurs per***nes et tranquillement nous choisis***s plusieurs articles, aussi bien pour elle, que pour moi ; cela nous promet de joyeuses soirées. Lors du règlement, un homme d'origine africaine prend un jeton et descend sans un regard ; il reste encore un client et notre vendeur nous propose de l'attendre 5 mm ; en attendant nous dit-il la salle ciné est ouverte ; « la salle « est en réalité une petite pièce, avec quatre ou cinq sièges devant un écran ; à l'intérieur, nous découvrons l'homme au jeton ; affalé sur un siège, il regarde le film en se branlant ; notre arrivée ne le gène pas ;j'hésite à rentrer, mais le regard de Mico vers le sexe bandé, me fait souvenir que Mico doit être excitée par ses boules ; finalement, nous prenons place et relevant la jupe, je lui caresse le pubis, *** petit clito est bientôt entre mes doigts et je le triture ; elle a écarté ses cuisses et je pense que notre voisin ne perd rien du spectacle ; j'ai écarté le bord du string et je découvre ses petites lèvres rosées ;notre voisin s'est rapproché et continue sa branlette ; sa queue est énorme, longue (elle dépasse de la main qui la branle), épaisse, le gland turgescent ; retirant les boules, je les porte à me lèvres ; elles ***t pleines de jute ;je tourne un peu le fauteuil, mettent sa chatte face à lui et relevant ses genoux, j'ouvre le triangle ; il hésite, puis devant l'invite de cette vulve béante, il se chausse d'une capote et présente *** vit ;malgré *** excitation, Mico n'est pas assez ouverte, et quand il s'enfonce, elle ne peut réprimer un cri de douleur ; il n'en tient pas compte et pousse de toutes ses ****** ; Mico grimace, mais il est enfin complètement rentré, et il commence à la pilonner ; aucune douceur, il la baise sans ménagement ; pour lui l'occasion est trop belle et il prend *** pied sans tenir compte de ce trou qu'il pénètre ; cette bestialité est loin de déplaire à Mico et sous l'effet de ce puissant pieu, *** plaisir monte, monte et quand il se retire et verse *** jus sur *** ventre , elle se cambre et laisse exploser *** plaisir ; comme un voleur, il se sauve ; j'ai la trique et j'investis sa chatte; elle est tellement dilatée que j'ai l'impression de « nager » et pourtant je suis loin d'avoir un petit membre ;de plus je baigne dans sa cyprine ; malgré tout je ne tarde pas à jouir et répand mon sperme dans ses entrailles.



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Je me rajuste, et j'entends Mico me dire « j'aimerais être attachée et prise ainsi, tu me le feras ?je n'ai pas le temps de répondre car vient d'arriver notre vendeur, la bosse dans *** pantalon est évocatrice et je suppose qu'il a tout vu par le réseau de surveillance ; Mico a encre le sexe découvert, et il lorgne franchement dessus. Il a entendu ce qu'elle m'a dit et la prenant par la main, il nous emmène dans la pièce où trônent les engins de ******* ; il décroche une paire de menottes et la passant autour du pied d'une table, il lui attache les poignets ; surprise, elle panique un peu et se retrouve avec un sexe devant les lèvres ; pri***nière, elle me regarde désespérément « tu voulais , tu y es » , « espèce de salaud, c'est avec toi que je voulais » ; elle ne peut en dire plus car il la ***** à avaler sa queue ; elle est plus fine et c'est sans difficulté qu'il se branle entre ses lèvres ; la tête entre ses mains ,elle est obligée de le sucer ; elle ne se débat plus, bien au contraire et quand il se retire, un oh non de dépit que l'on entend ; il se positionne derrière elle et lui enduit le sillon de gel « non pas par là, pas mon cul » c'est à mon tour de lui planter ma queue dans la bouche, « laisse toi faire, de toute façon tu vas aimer ; il tourne *** gland encapuchonné, enduit de gel sur l'anneau ; elle se débat , mais ne peut fuir la pénétration et quand *** gland lui troue le cul, la douleur la transperce et quittant ma queue, elle crie *** mal ; je ne la laisse pas et je plaque à nouveau la queue ; elle se débat , mais rien n'y fait, empalée des deux bouts, elle ne peut résister ; je sens que je vais jouir et la maintenant bien au fond, je lui largue ma giclée de sperme ; c'est le début de sa jouissance, maintenant libérée de mon emprise, elle râle sous le assauts dans *** cul ; il se cabre et bruyamment , se retire et vient juter sur *** visage ; ma langue lui nettoie le visage et dans un dernier baiser, nous échangeons le collant liquide ;
Pour la remercier de lui avoir donné du plaisir, ainsi qu'à *** copain, il lui laisse une main empri***née par la menotte ; ce sera un souvenir dit-il, je te la donne. Et c'est ainsi qu'elle est rentrée à l'hôtel, cachant le souvenir de sa soumission ; inutile de vous dire que la suite est tout aussi mouvementée ;



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My Neighbor, the Dominant Top

My downward spiral into a submissive bottom slut started late in life. I'm still very much in the closet and outwardly I appear as the perfect suburban husband, ******, employee and neighbor. I love my wife and family but I recently found a new hobby that I crave with a passion; I can't get enough of my neighbor's big hard cock.

It all started innocently enough. I'm an economics professor at UC San Diego and my office is in one of the older buildings on campus. The basement of my building has several conference rooms used by various student groups. Unless the meeting rooms are in use, the basement is pretty much a ghost town. Students have 24 hour access to use the rooms for studying, but more pertinent to this story, there is a mensroom in the basement that goes virtually unused. It has several urinals and four stalls and rumor has it the remote washroom is a hotspot on campus for guys to exchange oral favors. A recent memo was circulated among the faculty to be on the watch for such deviant behavior and to report any occurrences to the appropriate authorities.

When the one toilet on my floor is occupied, I often take my newspaper and retire to the basement for some quality reading. One day, I noticed some new graffiti scrawled across the stall door advertising an online chat room for guys on campus seeking oral sex. I wasn't looking for a blowjob, but when I got back to my office, I did logon to see what the site was all about. I was intending to call facilities and have them clean off the graffiti and investigate the online chat room, but I became quickly distracted.

Several guys were online and fishing for takers. I started a chat with one of the trollers, purely intending to do some research on the perverse underground culture apparently running rampant on campus.

The guy's handle was "facefucker" and it didn't take long to figure out what he wanted.

"Do you swallow?" he typed in reply to my initial "How's it hanging?"

Ignoring his vulgarity, I replied, "Are you a student?"

"A grad student if you must know," he shot back. "Now answer my question."

Deciding to play along, I replied, "Yes" figuring that was what he wanted to hear.

"Excellent. Can you meet this afternoon?"

Holy ****, this guy wasn't wasting any time. I had heard the rumors about this kind of behavior around school, but I never knew how aggressive these perverts were. As a member of the faculty, I felt obligated to investigate further and maybe turn this guy over to the authorities. Maybe I couldn't clean up the whole campus, but I could do my part.

"Sure," I replied. "Where?"

"Off-campus," he typed back. "I'm going surfing this afternoon in La Jolla but I've got some time now."

La Jolla was where I lived. I could invite him to my house, find out who the guy was and then call the Campus Cops with the details.

I sent him my address and told him to meet me in my garage at 1pm and use the side door for entry. I figured if things got out of control, I could just hit the remote and open the garage door, instantly diffusing any potential problems.

"Perfect. Hope you are hungry for my 5 day load, cocksucker," he replied before signing off.

I had no classes scheduled for the afternoon and with the kids in school and my wife at work, I figured I could setup my undercover sting operation, report to the cops, and spend the afternoon working from home.

I pulled into the driveway at 12:45, unlocked the side door to the garage and settled in to wait. Strangely my dick was stirring in my pants as I waited. In horror, I realized my cock was rock hard as I awaited Facefucker's arrival.

I had never had any homosexual fantasies and was generally disgusted by the thought of gay sex. But somehow, as I waited to bust this degenerate student's little scheme, I was getting incredibly turned on. As I stroked myself through my trousers, I began to wonder whether I really had a case against this guy. We had chatted online, mutually agreed to meet, and were now scheduled to meet in the privacy of my home. Morally I had every right to be appalled by Facefucker's behavior, but in reality, I agreed to meet him and more importantly to service him to completion. ****, in reality there was nothing illegal about our upcoming transaction.

Even as my mind processed this new information, I heard a knock on the side door.

I immediately decided to play dumb and hope he would just go away. Unfortunately, Facefucker wasn't going to play along. The knob on the unlocked door turned and he stepped confidently into the garage. He was probably mid-twenties, with long dirty blonde hair, maybe 6'2" with a swimmer's body. He was wearing a pair of tattered jeans, a polo shirt, and a pair of flip-flops, looking like the quintessential Southern California preppy rich kid.

"Hey cocksucker," he snarled. "Nice house."

"I don't know what you are talking about ****" I weakly replied, deciding on the fly to try and diffuse this unpleasant situation. "Are you breaking into my house?"

"Give me a break, dude," he laughed. "I'd say fine and let you flake except that tent in your trousers says you want this as bad as I need it."

Horrifically, the boner in my pants clearly screamed that I was ready for action. And as the only action in my future was me, on my knees, blowing this young stud to completion, it looked like I was going to have to honor my commitment. I am not gay, but it was hard to argue that I wasn't sexually aroused by the situation.

"OK," I croaked, finding it hard to believe I was nearing the point of no return on sucking my first cock.

"Good," he smiled. "I like my cocksuckers naked, on their knees. And I don't have all day, so fucking strip, man," he commanded as he walked over and unzipped his Levis.

I was torn, but I was also horny as hell. My wife would **** me, but she'd never find out. I could do this just this one time, chalk it up to a "life" experience, and file it away deep in the recesses of my mind.

I stripped off my shirt and slacks, removed my socks, and stepped out of my boxers, now standing in my naked glory in front of this young man. I'm a runner, logging 30 miles or so a week, so I stay in pretty good shape. My 6" penis was standing at full attention as I eyed the bulge in Facefucker's jeans.

"On your knees, bitch," he instructed, "And fish out my rod."

Within minutes, I was bobbing up and down on his hard dick, taking all 7.5" down my throat like a practiced whore as he palmed my head and fucked my face like a man possessed. My dick remained rock hard as he used my throat for his pleasure. Amazingly, I had no difficulty transferring my enjoyment of getting head to the act of giving it. I had the guy moaning with lust in no time.

"Put your hands behind your back while I fuck that face-pussy," he ordered. His balls were literally bouncing off my chin as I fought my gag reflex and did my best to lube his rod as he drove it in and out of my virgin mouth. He began to grunt loudly as I felt him near the point of release.

"Hey Craig," a voice echoed from the side door, as my next door neighbor, Jack, walked into the garage carrying my hedgeclippers. "I saw you pull up and I wanted to return these..."

Jack's voice trailed off as he eyes adjusted from the bright sunshine outdoors to the darkness of the garage.

"Oh sorry," Jack sputtered as he took in the scene; his married next door neighbor, nude, on his knees, his hands behind his back with a young-man's cock buried ball-deep down his throat.

"I, I, I...didn't know you were busy," Jack said.

"He's real fucking busy, old man," Facefucker spat. "Get lost."

With Facefucker's cock buried in my throat, I couldn't say anything.

Jack gave a wry smile as he dropped the tool and backed his way through the side door. "I'll see you around, Craig."

How was I going to explain this to Jack Horner, my married, retired ex-Navy, **************** neighbor? Even as my deep embarrassment took hold, I was shocked back into the present as Facefucker drove his cock deep into my throat and unloaded a thick, salty load of spunk. I had no choice but to swallow as the jizz was already halfway to my stomach as he shot his cream.

He pulled his spent cock from my ******** throat and gave my face a couple of wet whacks with his slowly deflating member.

"Nice job, cocksucker," Facefucker chuckled as he zipped up and headed for the door. "Good luck explaining that to the neighbor."

Lying back on the cold concrete floor of the garage, I licked my lips, tasting the last remnants of the salty reward. My hand found my still rock hard cock and I jerked a huge load of cum all over my belly. As a wave of *********** and regret swept over me, I realized I had a big problem to address. How was I going to keep Jack quiet about this?

I headed into the house and took a long, hot shower before brushing my teeth for about ten straight minutes, eager to get the taste of man-sauce out of my mouth. I sat down at my desk and tried to formulate a plan. I was busted, pure and simple. No excuse was going to undo what Jack had witnessed. He's found me fully naked, on my knees, completely submitting my throat to the onslaught of a surfer dude. I wasn't struggling against the guy and I'd done nothing to indicate that the blowjob was against my will. In fact, when caught in the act, I had remained completely submissive, leaving the guy's cock buried in my throat as Jack watched.

Frustrated and without a plan, I decided to go for a run. I ran down to the beach and put in a solid 5 miles before returning home. As I walked by the Horner's house, Jack and his wife were sitting on the front porch enjoying some lemonade.

"Hey Craig," Jack waved. "Hang on a second."

Jack jumped up and walked out to the street. Although in his early 60's, as an ex-military guy, Jack kept himself in excellent shape. He had a full head of white hair, cropped short, and piercing eyes that had probably made more than one recruit **** his pants.

Keeping his voice low, Jack started, "Interesting afternoon you had, Craig."

"Look Jack," I began, unsure how to respond. "I, it, uhhh...I don't know what to say."



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"No need to say anything, ***. I saw the look in your eyes. It was a look of pure lust. I saw that look a lot in the military. It can get pretty lonely on a ship at sea, and men do funny things, things they can't explain."

"But I wasn't at sea, Jack," I said.

"No, you were at home, in your garage, servicing a guy and clearly enjoying it. What would your wife say if she knew you enjoyed sucking guys' dicks?"

Was Jack actually threatening me? Was he going to tell Laura about my indiscretion?

"Jack, please, Laura doesn't need to find out about this?" I pleaded. "I've never done this before and I don't plan on doing it again."

"Of course you don't," he sneered. "Give me a fucking break. You were servicing that guy like a pro. He was buried down your throat and you were licking his nuts like they were candy. I bet you even swallowed his load, didn't you?"

"Umm, well, fuck, yea, I did swallow his load. He shot it straight down my throat, so I didn't have much of a choice."

"Yes, he clearly had you restrained against your will," he cackled. "The only weapon I saw on the guy was buried in your face and you were doing everything in your power to get him to fire that weapon down your throat. Your wife deserves to know what a perverted little cocksucker you are."

****, he was being a real prick about this. "Come on Jack, Laura cannot find out about this. She would be furious. She'd probably demand a divorce."

As we started to walk up my driveway, Jack headed back to his house. "Well, Craig, that's up to you. Maybe we can work something out."

Fuck, was he going to blackmail me? What was Jack's angle and how was he going to play this out?

After dinner that night, I logged onto my computer to check email. I had a message from an anonymous source with the title, "Workout Plan."

The email read:

"Dear Cocksucker,

I know you enjoyed your little escapade in the garage today, I could see it in your eyes. I also know you want it to happen again. Lucky for you, instead of trolling the streets looking for anonymous dick, I have exactly what you need. Take a look at the attached pics and try and tell me your mouth isn't watering thinking of getting your lips wrapped around my cock. I'm not getting what I need at home, and clearly neither are you. Meet me in the shed tomorrow morning at 9am and we can finalize the negotiations.

'Jack is nimble, Jack's not quick,

Jack's gonna feed you this big, fat dick.'

Keeping it in the neighborhood,


Obviously the email was from Jack. The shed was his backyard workshop that he had built and furnished over several years. He alternately referred to it as the shed or his man-cave. He had a pool table, a workbench, some gym equipment, a flatscreen TV, a bar, and miscellaneous other toys. He proudly boasted that he furnished the shed with all the toys that his wife hated, which effectively made it his personal retreat as she refused to step foot in the shed.

Hating myself already, I opened the pictures to see what Jack was offering in the deal. My jaw dropped open as I saw the pics. The first picture was an older guy from the chest down, presumably Jack, naked and proudly strutting a very impressive member. It was soft but still hung at least 6 inches. The penis was uncircumcised, but a bulbous head stretched the foreskin taught. The meaty appendage was extremely thick. Equally impressive was the low hanging balls that weighted down his stretched scrotum. His chest, stomach, and crotch were covered in wiry white hair. This guy was a real man, and his posture said he knew it.

The second picture made me whimper with lust. No longer was the guy's penis flaccid, it now stood at perfect attention, jutting wickedly from his flat pelvis. It was straight as an arrow and seemed to stretch on for miles. The college guy had an above average cock, but Jack was packing a world-class tool. I had watched a few pornos in my day and this guy could have been a star.

More to the point, Jack was right. I did want to wrap my lips around his big boner and taste his salty seed. I was mesmerized by his powerful rod and immediately wondered if I was up the challenge of satisfying such an incredible piece of meat. I pulled out my already hard cock and jerked off, fantasizing about sucking his huge rod and swallowing his mighty load. I blew my second wad of the day all over the computer screen.

I cleaned off the screen and turned off the computer before heading to bed. It being Friday night, it was our weekly scheduled love making night. I felt certain I'd be unable to perform tonight, but as Laura fondled my soft penis, a condom at the ready, thoughts of Jack's big rod flooded back into my mind. My cock became instantly hard and I rode Laura long and rough as she had several orgasms before I filled the condom with my third load of the day.

As we collapsed in each others arms, Laura remarked, "What got into you tonight, Tiger? We haven't had that kind of passion in the bed in many moons."

"I don't know, honey," I replied, knowing full well it was thoughts of my neighbor's big cock waiting for me in the morning that had revved up my libido.

I got up early the next morning and did some chores around the house before putting on my running shoes and kissing Laura goodbye.

"I'm going for a run, dear," I said. I typically do a long run on Saturday mornings, but I was planning on cutting my run short and sneaking into Jack's backyard through the rear gate.

At 9am sharp, I knocked on the door of the shed. "Get in here, boy," Jack barked from inside.

He was reclined on the weight bench, doing butterflies with some heavy barbells. He was dressed in a sleeveless t-shirt and a pair of thin gym shorts, the outline of his impressive member clearly visible beneath the sweaty fabric. I immediately wondered how I had never before noticed the gigantic bulge he sported, although to be honest, before yesterday, I was never much of a cock-watcher.

"Good, right on time," he snorted. "I knew you wouldn't be able to resist those pictures I sent you."

I wanted to dispute his cocky attitude, but truth be told, he was right. I had never been attracted to men before and I still wasn't attracted to Jack the man. But Jack the cocksman was a different story. Visions of his pictures had played through my mind during my morning run and I had fought to keep my own erection from poking out beneath my running shorts.

"Alright, Jack, I'm here as you requested. What exactly are you proposing?"

"I like a guy that gets right down to business. I may be 62, but I still have sexual urges, urges that Martha has lost any and all interests in satisfying. Not that she was ever completely capable of satisfying all my desires. As you may have noticed, I'm not exactly average in the dick department. Unfortunately for Martha, she didn't know what she had signed up for until our wedding night, and by then it was too late to back out. For years she grudgingly allowed me to fuck her pussy on occasion as part of her marital obligation. However, I quickly tired of our pedestrian lovemaking."

"Lucky for me, in the Navy, word spread quickly about what I was packing. For whatever reason, guys are real size queens. I guess they see a big dick and take it as a challenge. Maybe you can fill me in on that later. Anyway, in the Navy I had my choice of fit young men that were both willing and able to provide the kind of service I craved. Unfortunately, since I've retired, my pool of willing sluts has dried up. At the same time, my sex drive has shown no inclination to wane."

I had always found Jack's war stories to be boring, but this yarn had me completely enthralled. "So if I understand you correctly, in return for you keeping your mouth shut about yesterday in the garage, you want to make me your personal sex slave?" I questioned.

"Slave is such a harsh word. It's really a match made in heaven. You crave cock. I crave servicing. We live next door and we have my shed as our own sexual oasis. Which part of that doesn't make perfect sense?"

To be honest, it did make sense. Until yesterday, I had never felt any urges for a man's penis, but since yesterday, it was all I could think about. And the outline of Jack's big cock now swaying back and forth under his shorts as he beat the crap out of a punching bag had me worked up and ready for more action.

"OK Jack, you win," I replied. "I'll do whatever you say."

"I know you will," he cackled. "First off, strip down and go grab me a beer."

I looked nervously at the big picture windows that faced across Jack's backyard toward the rear of his house.

"Don't worry," Jack started. "The windows are tinted, nobody can see in. My shed is much safer than sucking off anonymous guys in your unlocked garage."

I pulled my t-shirt over my head, yanked off my sneakers, socks, and shorts and went to the fridge. Jack had already seen me in all my naked glory and what could be more embarrassing than having your neighbor find you on your knees with a stranger's hard shaft buried down your throat? My cock stood at full attention, clearly enjoying the *********** of being treated like a submissive little bitch by my dominant neighbor.

Jack stopped his workout and pulled off his sweaty t-shirt, his hard torso covered in a furry layer of white hair. "I always had my suspicions about you," Jack said. "I'd watch you mowing the yard in those skimpy little running shorts, flashing that tight little bum. Never knew how to approach you; until yesterday, of course."

"Look Jack, I'm not gay. I admit, something in me snapped yesterday and I really enjoyed blowing that guy. And the pictures you emailed definitely aroused my interest. But I'm happily married and intend to stay that way."



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"No fucking ****, dumbass," he barked. "I'm happily married too. I've fucked lots of guys before, but there won't be any kissing or cuddling or any of that gay crap. This is pure, unadulterated, hardcore sex."

"When you say "sex", do you mean you intend to fuck me in the ass?" I asked. Stupidly on my part, I had assumed we were talking about oral sex and I was very much looking forward to blowing Jack's big dick. But there was no way I was going to let him take my ass cherry with the missile he was packing.

"Buddy, before I'm done with you, you'll be fucking begging me to slide my cock up your tight little backdoor. I know cause I've seen it before. But you aren't even close to being ready for that yet. You need some training before you enjoy the depths of pleasure I'm capable of providing."

My relief was short lived as he issued his next order, "Here in the shed, I'm the boss. We may find some other convenient places to play, but generally this is where you'll receive your basic training."

Basic training? Jack was taking a very militaristic approach to our nasty little arrangement.

"Now, get down on your fucking knees and crawl over here. Let's see if you learned anything yesterday."

Now at eye level with Jack's crotch, I could see that the pictures he sent last night were very real. The bulge in his shorts inched wickedly down his leg.

"Mouth it through my shorts, boy," he ordered.

Opening wide, I took the bulge into my mouth, tasting the sweaty, musky scent of his manly region. I ran my tongue up and down the ever-growing length, eager to free this beast from the confines of the fabric and taste his raw meat.

"You want that cock, don't you bitch?" Jack said.

"Yes I do," I whimpered.

"You will refer to me as "Sir", maggot. Now put your hand up inside my shorts and stroke me," he insisted.

I ran my hand up inside his shorts and lightly grasped his fat appendage. My hand barely reached around his massive girth even though his cock was far from fully erect. I stroked his uncut cock, feeling his foreskin pull back to expose the pre-cum slickened mushroom head.

"Massage my balls gently, boy," Jack ordered.

His nuts were heavy, easily the size of golf balls, wrapped inside a low hanging sack of velvety soft skin. As I tugged on his ball sack, Jack let out an audible moan.

"Yea, bitch. Love having my balls worked on. Don't you fucking forget it."

I stroked his cock a few more times, amazed at how he continued to grow thicker and longer.

"Now beg for it," he instructed.

"Please Sir, let me suck your big cock," I genuinely pleaded. "Let me taste your leaking cum."

"OK slut, pull down my shorts and get to work," he commanded.

Without hesitation, I yanked his shorts down, his now semi-hard cock springing free at last. As the elastic in his waistband slipped over his rod, it bounded free and slapped hard against my cheek.

Wrapping both hands around the based of his cock, I opened my mouth wide and took his glistening plum-sized head into my mouth, using my tongue to explore the sensitive knob.

"No more hands, boy," he ordered as he thumped me hard on the head. "Put them behind your back, just like I saw you yesterday. You're going to learn to service my cock the right way; none of that fucking jacking off ****. I can do that myself."

No way was I going to be able to deepthroat Jack's big cock like I did the surfer-dude yesterday.

"Don't forget those balls," he ordered as he gave my face a hard whack with the weight of his meaty erection.

I sucked each ball into my mouth, rolling them around my tongue and lightly slurping as he laid his heavy rod across my face.

"OK, cocksucker, let's see how much you can take."

He roughly grabbed my head and ****** his cock back into my mouth. I immediately started to gag and reached up to push him away with my hands.

"I said no fucking hands," he barked as he pulled his cock from my mouth and went over to the workbench. He came back with a roll of duct tape.

"Put your hands behind your back, now," he demanded. He wrapped several lengths of tape around my wrists, completely immobilizing my hands, tossing the tape aside.

"OK, shithead, let's try that again, and watch your fucking teeth."

He slowly slid several inches into my stretched mouth until his cockhead reached the back of my throat. I started to gag, but he held my head firmly, not allowing me to back off. As my gag reflex receded, he pushed harder and made additional progress. I had roughly half his rod in my mouth, but my throat just wasn't going to open up and allow access to any more of his pole.

Without completely withdrawing his cock, he fucked my face for several minutes, training my jaw to accommodate his massive girth, but unable to get more than half his length down my throat.

Finally he withdrew his spit covered rod from my aching mouth. He grabbed me by my restrained wrists and yanked me onto my feet.

"Up on the pool table, boy, on your back and hang your head over the side. I'm gonna open that throat up and you're gonna take every last fucking inch. ****, you've seen those circus freaks that can swallow a whole goddamn fucking sword. All I'm asking is that you swallow my fucking cock."

As I hung my head back off the edge of the table, Jack dipped his huge nuts into my mouth. "Yea, take those tea-bags boy. Now open wide and think about those fucking sword swallowers."

With my head bent back, my throat and mouth were perfectly aligned and Jack plunged in deeply, until his fat head lodged into my unrelenting throat.

"Breath through your nose dumbass," Jack ordered as he applied additional pressure, slowly ******* his rod deeper into my stretched throat.

At last, I felt his heavy balls bouncing against my forehead. Somehow, he had worked nearly the entire length of his massive rod down my throat. He put his hand on my throat, squeezing my adams apple roughly.

"Fuck, bitch, your throat is stretched good. But I knew you could do it."

With that, he began to fuck my throat with deep, powerful strokes, pulling all but the head from my mouth before pistoning his rod back down my throat, his balls smacking against my exposed face on the downstroke.

I struggled to breath through my nose, fearful I would pass out from lack of oxygen as he continued his ****** assault on my throat. He was fucking my face like a pussy, deep dicking my throat over and over. Thankfully, his cock was leaking huge amounts of precum and it was acting as a natural lubricant to keep my throat slippery and wet.

After several minutes of this action, I knew he was intent on fucking my throat in this position until he unloaded. Jack was starting to moan and he increased the pace, furiously pounding my throat. My arms ached under my pinned body, but the soreness in my throat was agonizingly painful. If he didn't unload soon, I was sure I was going to pass out.

Finally, with a loud grunt, he drove his massive tool deep into my throat and exploded. "I'm fucking cummmmmmmmig slut," he yelled.

I felt several spurts of hot jizz pour down my throat before he pulled his cock from my mouth and finished shooting over my exposed face and chest. His load was huge, and even after shooting several jets down my throat, he completely covered my face and chest with his thick, stringy cum.

"Holy ****, bitch. That was fucking fantastic," he exhaled as he used his cock to wipe the cum from my face into my mouth. "You took my cock like a real fucking pro. I've had bitches take it all before, but it usually takes several sessions before they can manage."

I was exhausted, in pain, and completely humiliated, yet I felt proud as hell being able to throat his entire tool and make him shoot his load.

He grabbed a box cutter from his workbench and rolling me onto my stomach on the pool table, cut the duct tape from my wrists.

"Jerk off, bitch," he ordered.

I rolled over onto my back, grabbed my rock hard rod, and with only a few jerks, erupted all over my flat stomach, several shots reaching all the way to my neck.

"Now get over here and clean my cock completely," he instructed.

I jumped off the pool table and kneeled between his legs, licking his cock clean, savoring the taste of his spunk. Even soft, his cock was a mouthful as I sucked every drop from his spent tool.

"You like that jizz, huh boy?" he asked.

"Yes Sir, I love it," I replied, not having to lie.

"I think we have a very workable arrangement," Jack chuckled. "But I have some homework for you."

I was smitten by Jack's powerful cock and was ready to do anything he asked. "What can I do?"

"You know that adult bookstore down on Main Street?" he asked.

I nodded affirmatively.

"I want you to go buy a series of butt plugs. You can start with any size you think you can handle, but make sure the last one is the biggest they have. And buy yourself a big bottle of lube."

"Yes Sir," I replied. I knew my ass training was soon to begin, and I wanted more than anything to be able to take Jack's huge schlong up my ass like a pro.

"You can leave the toys here in the shed, but I want you to keep one of the plugs in your ass at all times. Also, buy a big dildo, one of those with the suction cup bottoms. We will meet back here tomorrow morning, and before you service me, I want to see you take that dildo up your ass."

"Yes Sir," I whimpered as I fantasized about getting bent over and fucked my Jack's powerful tool. My penis was again erect, as I did a horrific job hiding my obvious excitement.

"I'm taking Martha out for dinner and a show tonight," Jack said. "You can use the shed to practice tonight. Make sure you practice sucking on that big dildo too, cause I don't want to have to retrain your throat again tomorrow. Now get dressed and get the fuck out of here."

I was so excited to begin my anal training that I didn't even bother to take a shower, leaving Jack's cum to dry on my chest as I grabbed the car keys.

"I'm heading to the hardware store," I said to Laura. Thankfully she had no idea what kind of hardware I was buying.

I bought three butt plugs, a large bottle of anal lube, and a fat 8" black rubber cock. The clerk smiled curiously as I paid for the gear, but I was too far gone to care what she thought.

In the car, I lubed up the small plug and pulling my running shorts aside, ****** the cone shaped toy into my virgin ass. With an audible pop, the plug firmly seated in my hole. The initial discomfort slowly subsided and by the time I pulled into the driveway at home, a huge wetspot had appeared on my shorts, my dick clearly enjoying the feel of the plug in my butt.

I snuck into Jack's backyard and put my new toys into a drawer in Jack's workbench. Already adjusted to the small plug, I lubed up the medium plug and worked it into my butt. I also unwrapped the big dildo and spent several minutes deepthroating the big toy, quickly overcoming my gag reflex and eagerly licking the big rubber nuts with the entire length of the rubber cock buried in my throat. Jack was going to be very pleased.

I spent the afternoon doing yard work, the medium plug firmly planted in my ass. When I saw Jack and Martha leave, I went into the shed and exchanged the medium plug for the biggest plug. It took several minutes to work that monster into my stretched hole, but when it finally popped in, I let out a relieved sigh. If I could handle this toy, I knew I could take the rubber cock.

My cock was again rock hard, so I jerked a load all over the rubber dick, before spending 20 minutes practicing my deepthroat skills. The natural lube of my jizz helped the dildo slide down my throat easily. Looking into the mirror over Jack's bar, I watched myself take the slippery cock down my throat, knowing I had a huge butt plug impaled in my once virgin ass. In a little over 24 hours, I had been converted from a pussy-loving, 100% heterosexual into a cockcraving, cumloving, butt pirate. And I couldn't wait until tomorrow morning to show off my improving skills to Jack.


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I fell asleep that night next to Laura with the big butt plug firmly rammed up my now stretched hole. Little did she know that her husband was soon to be fucked by Jack, the "nice old man" that lived next door.

I was so excited the next morning, that I skipped my run altogether and knocked on the shed door right on time.

As I walked in, I noticed that my new dildo was stuck to the front window, swaying menacingly.

"Morning bitch," Jack began. "I don't want to have to remind you each morning to strip, so please undress each time you enter our little sanctuary."

Jack was sitting in his recliner, watching porn on his big screen TV. A hot little starlet was getting tag-teamed by two big cocked studs and she was moaning and groaning like she was in the throes of a non-stop orgasm.

"Bend over boy. Show me how well you take instructions and let me see that butt plug."

I bent over and grabbed my ankles, exposing my ass with the plug firmly planted in my rearend.

"Reach around and take it out," Jack insisted.

I pulled the rubber toy from my ass, feeling the breeze from the overhead fan blow up my now gaping hole.

"Excellent," Jack said. "Now get over there and show me your deepthroat skills on that black rubber cock. Interesting choice might I add; should have known you'd be a slut for black dick."

I engulfed the rubber toy in one mighty slurp. As I began to bob up and down on the dildo stuck to the window, I did a comical double-take as I watched Martha come out onto the back patio to water the plants, only about 30 yards away.

I quickly ducked below the window sill, hoping she hadn't seen me.

I felt a swift whack across my bare bottom as Jack hit me with a short piece of rope. "You dumb fucker. I told you the windows are tinted, she can't see you. Get back up there and stuff that dildo back down your throat."

Relieved, I went to work on the big cock, still somewhat uncomfortable that I was deepthroating a dildo as I watched Martha doing her housework.

"Do you think you can take that rubber dick in your boy-hole?" Jack asked as he stripped off his shorts and t-shirt, his semi-erect cock clearly pleased by my progress.

"Yes, Sir," I replied, scared but eager to try.

Tossing me the bottle of lube, Jack continued, "Lube up your hole, spread those cheeks, and show me how bad you want a cock up your empty ass."

I squirted the lubricant on my ass and positioned the big dildo at my opening, pushing firmly back as the toy popped through my ass-ring and easily, if somewhat painfully, drove into my gaping ass.

"Now fuck it," Jack ordered.

As instructed, I began to rock back and forth on the rubber rod, the friction on my prostrate quickly replacing the discomfort with a feeling of immense pleasure. My cock was dripping with precum as I fucked the black rubber dick.

"Damn, you are one horny little slut," Jack chuckled. "Never seen a recruit take to basic training like you."

As I continued to fuck myself, Jack presented his cock at my lips. "Don't just look at it, bitch. Suck it."

I eagerly obliged and took Jack's penis into my mouth, savoring the salty taste of his beautiful cock. As I rocked back and forth, I was getting fucked like a rag doll between Jack's powerful face-fucker and the fat rubber toy.

After several minutes of this action, Jack pulled his now fully erect rod from my stretched jaw. "Didn't think you'd be ready for this yet, but looks like you need a real ass-fucking now."

"Yes, Sir," I replied. "Please fuck my tight little ass with your big cock. Take my virginity, Sir. Take it now."

"Bend over the pool table and spread those cheeks, boy," Jack demanded. "I'll give you something to remember."

Jack squirted some more lube down the crack of my ass and used his cockhead to work the lube around my gaping hole.

"Reach back and guide my cock into your sphincter," Jack instructed.

I positioned the enormous bulb at my once tight bud and began to push back, ready to feel the power of Jack's throbbing rod buried in my empty ass.

I pushed back, but Jack also drew away, teasing me and not letting his cockhead penetrate my horny hole.

"Beg for it bitch," he barked.

"Please, Sir, please don't tease me. Fuck my virgin ass. Shove that big cock in my empty ass."

Without warning, Jack grabbed my hips and plunged forward, impaling me on several inches of his wickedly fat fuckstick. I stifled a scream, biting on my fist to keep from howling ****** ******. The butt plugs and rubber dick had loosened me up, but I was nowhere near ready for the girth of Jack's giant mushroom head as it split my ass wide open.

"Take it slut," Jack laughed as he plunged inch after inch of steel fire into my ******** rear-end. I was seeing stars as I fought back the urge to scream, firmly trapped between Jack and the pool table, incapable of fighting off Jack's onslaught. He was literally branding me with his hot poker and I knew I must submit to his *****. I was beyond the point of return and I only hoped the intense pain would subside shortly.

"That is still one tight hole, boy," Jack sighed as I felt his balls bang against mine, his entire length now encased in my man-pussy.

He left his cock firmly planted for some time as I struggled to accommodate the massive spear. With a steady slow pace, Jack began to fuck my ass. The searing pain was slowly replaced by a not unpleasant fullness as Jack worked his rod in and out of my hole. As his fat boner massaged my prostate, I began to enjoy the fucking, an incredible mix of pain and pleasure that made my dick as hard as stone.

Jack pulled all but the plum sized head from my depths and remained motionless. I pushed back, wanting to feel more of his rod buried up my anus.

"You want it, huh?" Jack snorted.

"Yes, Sir," I pleaded. "Fuck me hard. Take my cherry ass. Make me your bitch."

"You are my fucking bitch," Jack laughed as he rammed his tool back into me. Taking a firm hold on my hips, Jack began to piston fuck me with reckless abandon. With each deep stroke, I let out a grunt.

"Oh yea, fuck that hole, Sir. Fuck me deep. Fill my ass with your seed."

For twenty minutes, Jack fucked me with unrelenting stamina. Periodically he squirted some additional lube on his piston, keeping my ass wet and willing. Without touching my own dick, I erupted twice while he fucked me, shooting two sticky loads all over the floor. His cock had found my g-spot and while my ass ached, I didn't want him to stop.

At long last, I felt his cock start to twitch in my tattered hole and with a loud moan, he erupted deep into my bowels, squirting an endless load of jizz up my ass.

"Take that cum, bitch. I'm unloading my seed deep into your pussy. Holy fuck," he sighed.

Jack remained hard even after filling my ass with his spunk and he continued to fuck my sloppy hole for several more minutes. Unbelievably, I came a third time as he pounded my poor butt.

Finally, Jack pulled his enormous rod from my ass and I felt his huge load leaking from my gaping hole.

"Lick me clean, slut," Jack ordered.

I happily took his fat pole into my mouth and swallowed every last drop of his oozing cum, even as his warm jizz leaked from my ass and ran down my legs.

"You may have some trouble sitting down for a couple of days, boy," Jack laughed as he reached for his shorts.

"No problem, Sir," I sighed, my ass already throbbing with a dull ache.

"Fuck Craig, you are one horny little slut. I had no idea how easy you would be to convert to a full-time bottom."

And I was converted. My ass remained tender for a week but I couldn't wait to service Jack again.

On Wednesday Jack called my cell phone just before lunch. "Meet me in my van in the parking lot in twenty minutes."

Jack had a custom van with a convertible couch in the back that he and Martha took on roadtrips. As I walked up to the van, the back door slid open and Jack ushered me inside.


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"Strip down boy and get between my legs," Jack demanded.

Here I was in the parking lot of my office, naked in the back of my neighbors van, giving him a blowjob in broad daylight. But I was happy as hell when Jack fed me a huge load, better than any lunch plans I could envision.

These lunchtime blowjobs became a regular event, as Jack would fuck my face two or three times per week. As the ache in my ass finally subsided, I begged Jack to fuck my ass during one of the lunch sessions.

"I'll fuck your ass, bitch, but not here in the van. Too cramped. You got any ideas?"

I immediately thought of the mensroom in the basement. "Meet me in the mensroom on level 0 in five minutes," I replied.

Sure enough, the basement was deserted, so I grabbed a big wad of liquid soap and made my way to the last stall, stripped naked, and waited for Sir.

"You in here Craig?" Jack asked as he sauntered into the mensroom.

"Last stall," I croaked, nervous but horny as I lubed my recuperated hole with the liquid soap.

Jack opened the door and laughed out loud. "You are the fucking horniest little bitch I've ever turned."

I unzipped Jack's trousers, fished out his magnificent tool and went to work. Within minutes, he was rock hard. I bent over the toiled and spread my sudsy cheeks. "Please fuck me, Sir," I pleaded.

Jack pounded my hole without mercy, equally as turned on by the thought of public sex as I was.

"You like that, don't you bitch?" Jack chuckled.

"Sir, yes, Sir," I grunted as my ass took each deep, powerful stroke.

Luckily no one entered the restroom and when Jack finally unloaded into my ass, I collapsed exhausted onto the toilet.

As I taught several classes that afternoon, I felt the remnants of Jack's mighty load leaking out of my again sore ass. Between classes, I returned to the basement bathroom and jerked a big load into the toilet bowl that I had recently been bent over.

Jack never again had to raise the issue of revealing my indiscretions to my wife. I am now his willing bottom slut and look forward to our regular sessions. He tells me a couple of his Navy buddies are coming to town next week for a reunion, and I'm expected to be the main entertainment. To be honest, I can't wait. The thought of servicing multiple cocks already has my little clit rockhard.


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dsl pour le chapitre 1 je le trouve plus

Sniffing ************* Panties

I couldn't believe what I had just heard. My face must have been a real picture as I tried to get to my feet. No matter how hard I tried though, the same result followed as I failed to find any kind of sure footing on the urine soaked porcelain of my ************ shower.

She laughed as she stood there watching me, as she grabbed her robe from the back of the bathroom door and slowly covered up, before shouting upstairs again.


Was she just trying toying with me? Was Katie really here to witness my *********** at the hands of her ******? I had been caught playing with myself on Jean's bed whilst sniffing her stale knickers, and calling out Katie's name. But despite everything she had put me through in the last half and hour since she caught me red-handed, I had believed her that she was going to keep this between me and her. She wasn't going to tell her *********, my wife Saffron and her sister Katie, and she wasn't going to tell the police. But right now I was scared. Scared at what might happen next.

Sure enough, just as Jean lit a cigarette, her eyes still focused intently on my continual struggle to get up from the floor, it happened. Katie entered her ******** bathroom.

"Nice work Mum" she said. "Sorry I was just getting everything ready upstairs"

"Oh don't worry Katie. You're here now." Jean said as Katie joined her in the bathroom and looked mischievously down at my predicament.

"Hello slut" she said as she looked down at me. "Did you think your punishment was over already? Tut Tut. How wrong you were? No, this was only the appetiser dear. You see I've been planning this ever since I first caught you wanking your tiny little shrimp of a cock on my bed a few months ago."

"You knew? When? How?" I spluttered, I couldn't believe this was happening. I thought I'd been so careful.

"I have all your best bits on film Mickey" she said. "You see unbeknown to you, I got a special webcam installed in my room which is motion activated. So every time you have stroked that pathetic excuse for a cock in my bedroom, you were being filmed."

"What are you going to do with it?" I asked pensively

"It's already done. You have your very own website Mickey. Anyone can view your little antics online now, even Saffron if she finds it. Not to mention all of your closest friends and family. Do you want to see the site Mickey?"

"Are you for real?" I enquired

"Damn right I am Mickey" she quipped agressively. "Now, its time for you to see for yourself"

With that she reached down and grabbed me up to my feet by my hair. Still unable to stand without my feet sliding all the over place, she yanked me out of the shower as I fell hard onto the bathroom floor.

"For Fuck's Sake! What a wimp!" she said, as Jean helped ********** pick me up again. I was feeling a little dazed from my fall, as Jean yanked me forward by my cock using it as a leash to guide me through the house. All the time Katie was behind me pushing into my back and telling me to hurry up.

I was led upstairs to Katie's bedroom then pushed back into a chair when Jean slapped me round the face hard.

Again somewhat dazed, the next thing I was aware of was both Jean and Katie tying my ankles to the chair, followed by my hands round the back of the chair. I was now completely at their mercy, as if I wasn't already.

"Okay showtime!" said Katie as she moved over to the computer and deactivated the screensaver. "Here we are Mickey. Your very own website. The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!

She started to browse through the different pages, pointing out the gallery of images and videos revealing my until now private antics, a factfile with all my personal details including where i went to school and employment history, previous known girlfriends, everything.

"Ooh before we forget, Mum hand me your phone, we can't forget to upload that one now can we?"

I felt humiliated like never before, my life was about to over. I would never get another job, Saffron would surely leave me, and no girl would ever touch me again if this was true. Surely they wouldnt be that cruel though, I thought. They were just playing again. This wasn't a live site surely.

"Almost done" said Katie as the upload bar continued its journey to the right of the screen. "I know what you are thinking" Katie said, "You think we wouldnt really do this to you? You think its not really on the net dont you?"

"You wouldn't have. You know this would ruin me."

"You're right. It's not live. Not yet anyway. Give me 5 minutes though"

"No please" I begged. "I'll do anything"

"What makes you think you won't do anything we tell you anyway" Jean interjected. "You are fucked whichever way you look at it!"

"I'm going to leave you to it for a moment Katie. I need to get these phone calls done. Won't be long"

"Ok Mum. Don't worry. It's my turn for some fun whilst you are away"

With that Jean left the room, just as the upload from the phone finished, and Katie began watching.

"Not bad *******" she said to herself, then looked at me and said "But I can do better than that"

She did a few clicks on the screen to reveal a picture of me sitting bound to a chair, I was on video again. "Say cheese" she said playfully, and then walked around behind the chair to the other end of the room. I could see her on camera behind me as she began to strip.

"You have always wanted to see your sister-in-law naked havent you Mickey" she teased as her clothes fell to the ground.

She fondled on top of her wardrobe for something. A shoe box it looked like and then walked back around in front of me and placed it on the computer desk.

I was in awe of how beautiful her naked body was as she stood in front of me and opened the box.


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"Yes, you like it don't you. You have wanted this for such a long time"

"But I'm afraid that if you think you are ever going to get to stick your puny little cock in me you are very much mistaken Mickey. I mean what would be the point?"

"No, all your good for is licking. You can start with this" she said as she bent over slightly and backed her ass into my face.

I couldnt believe this was happening. I mean, I had been licking Jean's asshole already today, and had enjoyed that alot, even if it was supposed to be punishment, but here I was licking my sister-in-laws beautiful ass, something I had fantasised about for years. My little cock was throbbing harder than ever now as Katie enjoyed ******* my face further and further between her cheeks.

"Mmmmmm. You are very good at that Mickey. Does my sister let you do this?"

"No never" I said pulling away slightly, before burying my head back into her crack again.

"Did she ever let your fuck her ass Mickey? I mean I hear guys with little cocks like yours are best for anal sex"

"No never" I said again suddenly aware of the precum dripping from the tip of my penis, as I contemplated fucking my sister-in-law's perfect ass for the first time.

She stopped and straddled my cock facing away from me, and fed my tiny member into her asshole. I could see everything she was doing on the camera as she began to position herself to ride me, and looking deep into the gaze of the camera

"Hmmm. Not sure I can feel much. Are you actually in my ass now?" she said gingerly

"Mmmmm. Yes. Yes." I said, as I exploded into her ass after only seconds of contact.

"Oh my god. Are you cumming in my ass? You really are pathetic. Thats why I prefer massive cocks in every hole from real men who know how to last the course. This is terrible. Poor Saffron!"

With that she stood up again, and ****** her ass back into my face. "Get your fucking cum out of my ass right now" she demanded.

I couldnt lick properly with the ***** she was backing into me, and instead of licking my own cum out of her asshole, it just seemed to be oozing all over my face.

Again, she moved forward and turned to face me. "Damn, what a puff you are. Your own cum all over your face. Time for you to feel what a real cock feels like I reckon"

I wasnt sure what she meant immediately, but it was soon obvious as she pulled a large strap-on dildo out of the shoebox and fitted it round her waist.

"Suck it!" she said, and no sooner had I opened my mouth then she was ramming the fake member down my throat.

At that moment, Jean re-appeared. "Oooh" she said. "He likes that Katie".

"Not as much as I do" Katie responded. "Did you make those calls?"

"Yep, they are on there way"

"Awesome Mum. Here come and help me"

With that Katie again pulled away and stopped violating my throat with her huge dildo. I could feel Jean untying my hands and feet, as Katie pulled me out of the chair. I was repositioned behind the chair, and my ankles and wrists re-tied so my ass was now completely on display towards the camera.

"Lube or no lube?" Katie said to her ******

"Oh allow me" said Jean as she began furiously licking at my virgin asshole

"Errr Mum that's so gross" Katie said, visibly perturbed at her Mum's enthusiasm for this act.

"Give me a kiss" Jean said as she rose up from behind me and started tonguing my face off.

Meanwhile Katie pushed the dildo against my asshole gently at first, as it entered my ass and started making its way inside. There was some pain intially and I cried out for them to stop, but the women only laughed, and Katie said "You think this is bad, wait till the others get here", before starting to pound my ass *****fully.

It seemed like it went on forever, but in fact it was only about 10 minutes that Katie spent pummeling my asshole with her dildo before she pulled out.

"Okay bored now. Lick it clean" she said as she thrust the dildo into my waiting mouth. "So disgusting" she said, and the two women laughed again as I continued to lick and suck taking in the taste and smell of my own butt in the process.

"Okay, time to go live with this site I think Mum" as she pulled away again.

"No please, don't do it" I begged, tears welling in my eyes.

"Oops. Too late" Katie teased as she uploaded the site to the web before me, and the girls again giggled.

DING-DONG went the bell interrupting their hysterics.

"Oooh dear, aren't you in trouble now" Jean said, as she walked out of the room to answer the door.

"Time to send out some invites for our opening live web chat methinks!" said Katie, as I listened to the faint voices from the corridor below. One thing was for sure, my life was about to change out of all recognition!



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I could feel my heart racing as I struggled to focus on all the things that were happening at that moment. My *********** Jean had rushed downstairs at the sound of the doorbell ringing to greet some visitors who she had obviously called as part of Katie's well-planned *********** of me, and I strained to try and make out who it might be and tried to comprehend what they might have in store for me. Meanwhile, my sister-in-law Katie was getting everything prepared for the first ever live webcast on the new site she had set up purely to humiliate me. I could see her excitement as she uploaded the site to the web server for the first time, sent messages out on social networking sites and launched a video chat room from within the site.

I still couldnt make out what might be happening downstairs, but I could clearly see my own reflection on Katie's monitor as she now turned her attention back to me.

"You are live now Mickey. There are already 55 people logged in look. Man am I good at promoting or what? I should get a job in PR don't you think?"

My head sank as I saw some of the comments starting to flood onto the screen. I didnt recognize any of the names, but they seemed to know an awful lot about me. I wondered if that was just because of the amount of information Katie had leaked during her "promotional campaign" or whether I might know these people in real life. Whatever the situation, my tiny cock was now being viewed by close to 60 people and the number was rising quickly.

"Ok let's get you ready for your audience before your visitors arrive Mickey" Katie said, as she again rooted around the shoebox she had taken the strap-on dildo from earlier, which by the way she was still wearing. She took out a pair of handcuffs first, untied my hands from the chair and repositioned me so that my hands were now cuffed to a conveniently-placed water pipe above my head. Then she took out a pair of nipple clamps.

"Now I know you like these Mickey. Remember every time you have played with that pathetic miniscule cock in my bedroom you have been on film, so I know how you love to play with your nipples. I'm not sure I get it mind you"

With that she tried the clamps on her own erect nipples, just gently, but quickly pulled them back off again. "Ouch no. I'm really not into that. Oh well am sure you will love them", she said and then placed them onto my nipples and gave them a sharp tug.

They weren't very tight to be honest. I had used nipple clamps on myself before, and had enjoyed the mix of pain and pleasure they bring every time, but I usually had them tighter than this. Fortunately the sharp tug pulled them clear back off my nipples again, and Katie resolved immediately to tighten them. She placed them back on again and began to unscrew the mechanism slowly bringing the clamps closer together on my nipples.

"Hmmm. They werent tight enough I guess Mickey. Do you mind them being tight? How tight do they go I wonder".

Now regardless of the fact that I liked them tighter. I knew full well that if they fully unscrewed I would be in complete agony, so from her reaction earlier I was pretty sure she wouldnt go that far. But as each little twist of the mechanism increased the sensation, my cock stiffened again much to Katies delight.

"Wow, you really like to have your nipples ******** huh?" she said. "Fine, here you go, how's this?" and she turned the knob swiftly all the way so that nothing now was stopping the full pressure of the metal clamps from pressing together and near flattening my nipples.

"Agggghhhh. It hurts. Its too much. P..Please..take them off" I began to beg as the pain seared through my body, but Katie just continued to stare down at my tiny cock with a huge grin on her face as pre-cum began to flow from its tip once again.

She laughed loudly. "Your cock says differently little boy. I dont think you do want them off"

I began to thrash around, trying desperately to find a way to remove them and stop the pain, but it was no use, there was no way of reaching them, but I continued to struggle and protest nonetheless.

"If you want me to loosen them for you I will" she said with a devilish look in her eyes now, "but there is a high price"

"Anything. Please. I'll do anything" I pleaded again


"Yes. Anything. Anything you like. Just please loosen them"

"Hmmmm. Well I'm not sure you have much choice in the matter any way Mickey. You will do whatever we say anyway, but as a token of my appreciation of your acknowledgement of that fact, I will loosen them for you, and then I will tell you what the high price you are going to pay really is. But if you complain after I tell you, they are going to be tightened back again and won't come off again for a very long time. Do you understand?"

"Yes Katie. Please. Take them off. I understand"

"Good boy" she said, as she pinched the clamps apart and loosened their grip before putting them back on. They were still as tight as I would normally use on myself, perhaps a little tighter, and certainly enough for me to still feel the pleasure of them the way I liked, but they were not excrutiatingly tight now, and I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Okay, so here's what's going to happen. In a moment, myself and my ****** are going back to work and leaving you here like this. Don't worry though cause you won't be alone. As you know, you've already got.." she checks the computer screen, "76 viewers watching you, but there are also some special fans who have been invited round to take part in your first webcast, some of whom have just arrived and some will be along shortly. You understand everything so far?"

"I understand" I said, still not quite knowing what was in store for me, but knowing that it was no use complaining or the nipple clamps would be tightened again.

"When I get back to work, I will have received a strange email to my work account. An email that I just won't be able to keep to myself, such will be my complete shock at seeing my brother-in-law exposed in such a way"

"What do you mean?" I enquired

"Well, put it this way. I am your sister-in-law, and when a sister sees something about her disgusting brother-in-law that shocks her, she is duty-bound to inform his wife, her sister. Yes Mickey, we lied about not telling Saffron. She will be getting a worried email from me, with the link to this very webcast in about half an hours time, and what do you think she will do when she sees you in this state?"

This new threat sent me over the edge, and without any contact whatsoever, I suddenly started to cum.



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"Oh my" Katie said "I didnt expect that effect. Seems like you want Saffron to find out what a little slut you are. Good well it wont be long Mickey, dont wory" and with that she scooped the dripping cum from my penis and sucked it from her fingers. "Strange how turned on I am by all this. Anyway, sit tight, I'm off to work, but Mum will be back any second now with some visitors for you"

With that Katie picked up some clothes, and left the room, and again I waited for whomever these guests might be, straining to listen out for any voices there might be in the hallway below.

A few minutes later and Jean and Katie wandered in now fully clothed. "Right we're off now Mickey. You have fun with your visitors now won't you" as they burst into hysterics and quickly left the room again. #

"OKAY BOYS, IN YOU GO!" they shouted and then I heard a door open and footsteps, lots of footsteps coming up the stairs towards me.

"Boys?" I thought to myself. "Oh no!"

But it was too late, sure enough a party of men wearing t-shirts and balaclavas walked into the room. First one, then another, until there were 9 men in all standing around me in a circle.

"Listen guys, I think there's been some misunderstanding" I said, but this was only met by roars of laughter as each of the men began to strip in front of me. "No guys, I'm not gay. I mean not that it's not okay to be gay, but i'm not".

More laughter, as large throbbing cocks began to be revealed all round the room, none of them less than double or triple my size, everyone of these guys was naked, but their faces covered.

Soon one guy was up close behind me, I could feel his cock as it started to press against my already well-lubed asshole, as I tried to pull forward away from him. Suddenly though, another man was kneeling in front of me his face moving towards my only recently emptied ballsack and pitiful looking dick. Another guy had a small key in his hand and was reaching up at the handcuffs.

No sooner had he unlocked me than I tried to make a run for it, but again it was no use. Hands grabbed me from everywhere and I was soon pinned to the ground. The guy who had been kneeling on front of me immediately engulfed my cock in his mouth, whilst another man now tossed the nipple clamps off me, and began sucking them hard, and he was soon joined by another from the opposite side.

I looked around the room in a daze as other men seemed to be making there way into the room, I could make out perhaps ten or twelve now. Many of them were masturbating furiously as they watched others fondling me.

Suddenly might sight was blocked though, as one of men lowered his asshole over my mouth. "LICK IT SLUT" he demanded, but I turned my head to the side to try to get away from him. But again it was no use as hands from either side ****** my head back into position, and he repeated "LICK IT NOW SLUT OR YOU WILL BE REALLY SORRY". But still I struggled, refusing to open my mouth, unable to believe that my own *********** and sister-in-law had invited these neanderthals round to their house, into Katie's bedroom to ****** and **** me.

Again though hands from everywhere grabbed at me, and I could feel them pulling my jaw apart. "If you do this quick, we can be out of here before your wife gets that email you know slut, so you better co-operate now eh?"

Whether it was a lie or not, I wasn't sure. I didnt know what they had been told, but he was right, I had to try and get this over with quickly and stop Saffron from seeing this. So begrudgingly I stopped struggling, and slowly slid my tongue up into the guys ass and began to lick.

I could sense him stroking his cock as I did so, and it wasnt look before he rose up and dumped his load all over my face. Before I really knew what had hit me though, another load from one of the guys standing near by also flew towards me, landing on my forehead, then another from the other side hitting my cheek.

As each guy tossed off their huge cocks and deposited their juices on my face, another moved into their position as they moved back behind them again and seemed to start preparing for another go. There seemed so many of them now, and slimy white cum seemed to be covering my entire head, my hair soaked in it, my face unrecognizable.

Before long, it felt like my entire body was covered in sticky, warm cum, and I was aware that 25 minutes had gone by already, and they seemed no nearer to stopping this. I peered up at the monitor screen and saw one of the guys typing away on the keyboard "Hey guys, Katie's online, she says the package has been delivered."

"Keep watching for this little slut's wife to show up on there Bob, shouldnt take long" another guy said as another load of cum landed on me, and another, and then another.

"She's in!" the guy soon shouted with joy, "shes watching now"

With that the webcam was brought up off the desk and down towards my face, as the guy who seemed now to have taken charge of proceedings ****** his cock down my throat.

Suddenly I could hear my mobile ringing next door, and I knew it would be her, ringing to see if what she was seeing was really true. And it didnt take long for one of the guys to bring the mobile over towards me, accept the call and push towards my mouth still filled with cock, as I tried to speak. Sure enough the phone went dead pretty damn quick, as I felt another blast of cum this time hitting the back of my throat as I continued to gag on the huge cock that was ****** my mouth.

"Okay time for act 2" another guy shouted, as I now noticed all the guys gathering round me again in a circle, and without warning golden streams of piss began to hit me from every direction.

"OPEN WIDE" one guy said, as his stream began to shoot ********** onto my lips and splash up my nostrils, and I felt someone kick me in the ribs for my non-compliance. As I opened my mouth, it felt like every stream changed direction and everyone was now aiming right for my mouth, as a cloud of steam rose from it, my mouth filled up all too quickly, and I coughed and spluttered.

More laughs, as the streams of hot piss began to slow down, before my mouth again was invaded by cock after cock after cock, and then nothing. I was left there soaked from head to toe, covered in a mix of cum and piss, battered and bruised, and completely exhausted. They didnt even bother to tie me back up, they knew I was spent.

I knew it was only a matter of time before Saffron burst into the room, but I simply could not move, and what was the point? I mean she had already seen everything that had happened since Katie and Jean had left. She had seen the site, looking like it had been all my idea. She had seen the invites to the launch party apparrently sent by me. Even if I told her what really happened, there is no way she would believe me. No, I knew there was no way back now.

Sure enough, it wasn't long before Saffron arrived, with Jean and Katie, as well as a man who I recognized as Saffron's boss Eric. They stood there in the doorway looking down on me still completely drenched in cum and piss, Katie's carpet absolutely ruined, and all I could do was look back at them, completely humiliated but with a cock that had refused to stop throbbing throughout the entire ordeal.



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I still could not move a muscle. I was completely humiliated at the fact that my beautiful wife had witnessed the most shameful act of my life, and wanted only to rush over to where she stood and beg her forgiveness, but there was nothing left inside me. I tried to open my mouth to at least say something to try and explain away this situation, as cum and piss continued to dribble down my face, but no words would or could come out. I tried to look at her, at all of them, to see the reaction. To work out how much trouble I was really in, but even that took too much energy. My eyelids were heavy, and my head was spinning. And I could only catch blurred glimpses of what was going on in the room, and caught only bits of dialogue, the strain of trying to comprehend the sounds in the room also avoiding my grasp as I felt as if I was going to lose consciousness any moment.

Saffron was crying, I could make that out. And her boss, who I had met many times before, drew her in close to his chest to console her. There were brief flashes of Jean and Katie's faces, looking shocked and concerned for Saffron. They were really acting the part well. And if I had even an ounce of energy left in me to try to explain how they had orchestrated this whole affair, it was now blindingly obvious that Saffron was never going to believe me over them. I was completely trapped.

I heard Saffron sobbing, "I want him out of here", "I feel sick", "how could he" were just some of the comments I could make out from her. I saw them all move over to the computer, with the camera still pointing down towards my predicament, over 100 sets of eyes now peering through from unknown places witnessing my continued degradation, and still chatting away about what they had seen. Saffron was scrolling back through some of the chat logs, reviewing some of the video footage that had apparently been recorded by users and uploaded to a variety of adult networking sites and trying to work out what was going on, all the time Bob holding her tightly.

Then they all left the room for a moment, except Katie who stayed behind, and crouching down next to me, whispered:

"That was so hot today Mickey. I hope you enjoyed all my plans. But don't worry. I have so much more in store for you. I'm wet just thinking about it", and with that she licked the side of my face as I finally lost consciousness and slipped into a deep *****.

When I awoke, all was dark except the glow of the computer screen. My head felt groggy, and I could feel the sticky residue clinging still to my naked body. A head partially blocked the computer screen, and I could hear the furious tapping of keystrokes, as I began to sit up. "Hello?" I enquired, my voice breaking as I said it, and I tried to clear my throat. "Katie is that you?"

"Oh good, the slut is awake" came the voice from across the room, which I recognized clearly as Saffron's voice. She flicked on a light which felt like it burnt through my eye sockets, as I tried to adjust my gaze.

She stood up from the computer and began to walk towards me, she was naked, and holding a large dildo in one hand which clearly showed signs of being wet.

I was dumbstruck. Why was she turned on? She had seen me like this. She had witnessed my utter ***********. Her husband now revealed as a cum-hungry, ************ slut, used and ****** by a gang of men. How could she be enjoying this?

"I have been talking with Katie and my ****** Mickey" she said, in a tone that indicated I should be really worried about what was to come next.

"When I saw what you had done. When I saw you like this. I wanted you gone Mickey. I still feel disgusted just looking at you even now"

"I'm so sorry" I cried "I love you"

"Shut up slut! Don't ever speak to me unless you have permission ever again, you hear me?"

"Yes" I began to say, but before I could get the full word out, she struck out and kicked me in the groin. I doubled-over in pain, my face ****** back into the soggy carpet.

"Don't. Ever. Speak. To. Me. Again. Without. My. Permission" she snarled, kicking my testicles again and again with every word she uttered.

My head span with the pain, but I covered my mouth with my hand to try to block out the desperate sounds of agony that were spewing out of it lest she continue to punish me in this way. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Katie peering through from outside the bedroom door, clearly enjoying what she was seeing as I watched her fingers sliding between her legs.

"As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted" Saffron began again unaware of her little sister's prescence. "Our marriage is over Mickey. I have put up with your miniscule little cock for far too long. That's the reason I never wanted to have sex with you. You couldn't satisfy me with that Mickey. In fact you couldn't satisfy any woman with that. Why I let you stick around in my life for so long is a mystery to everyone. You have no job, no money, no prospects and no cock. You have nothing to offer me as a husband any more, nor have you ever"

"Any way" she continued "I was talking about this with Katie and my ******, and they made a suggestion for how you might not prove to be completely worthless to us. And judging by what I have seen on your sick little website, the suggestions they made aren't going to be much of a problem for you. In fact, it's almost as if you already knew your place, knew how worthless you are and have always known. Well fortunately for you, they convinced me. So it's time to make all your sordid little fantasies finally come true"

"We will stay married, but purely for financial reasons. You will be a cuckold to me and my family. You will do whatever we say when we say. There seems to be a lot of people just as depraved as you out there who seem willing to pay a lot of money to be involved in your antics, so you will be an employee. You will continue to live here rent-free like the no-good freeloader you have always been, and during the day you will clean the house, do the laundry, do all the cooking, clean the toilet, everything. In the evenings, your website will auction you off to the highest bidder for whatever disgusting act they so wish. You will be a professional cock-sucker, *********** or whatever else we see fit to instruct you to do, and the money will all come back to me."

"I will have sex whenever and with whoever I like, and you will be there to clean me up afterwards, but you will never, I repeat never have sex with me ever again. In fact, it's more than likely that you will never have sex again. Although I suppose there might be someone out there who's willing to pay a few quid for that experience, so never say never."

"My ****** and sister will receive the same service from you as they demand, as will any guy we choose to bring home with us."

"If you do not agree to this, then say now, and you will be ejected from my house exactly as you sit right now, with nothing, and I will be forwarding a link to this site to everyone you know, family and friends. So what's it to be?"

I opened my mouth to speak, then realised that maybe I should wait for proper permission before speaking this time, and closed it again, my eyes pointing down towards the floor. Meanwhile I could spy Katie licking her juices from her fingers, looking me right in the eyes, before walking out of sight.

"Well, you have permission to answer me slut, what's it to be?"

"Saffron, none of this is my fault." I said, tears again welling up in my ********* eyes."This was all planned by Katie. She set me up"

Saffron kicked me in the groin again, harder this time, and again I doubled over.

"Don't ever try and blame my family for your disgusting little habits Mickey. I know full well about your sniffing my sister's panties. Fantasising about her, wanking your little prick on her bed. I know everything that has happened today Mickey, and there is only one person who is in the wrong here, and that's you. Now answer the question, before I change my mind and kick you out on the street right now."

"I...I..I will do whatever you ask of me" I said

"I will do whatever you ask of me what?" she demanded

"I don't understand"

"Mistress, call me Mistress and say it again"

"I will do whatever you ask of me Mistress"

"Good. From now on you call everyone in my family Mistress, and every guy we bring home to fuck, Master. Is that clear?"

"Yes Mistress"

"Good. Now follow me."

I started to get up to my feet, but was pushed back down to the floor again with a thud.

"You don't deserve to stand in my present slut. You crawl"



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I picked myself up again and began to crawl behind my wife as she led me out of Katie's bedroom and into my own. There in the room, ******** and chatting were Katie and Jean, along with Bob, who I'd assumed would have gone home by this point. They cheered as I crawled into the room. Katie gave me a particularly knowing grin, and suggestively sniffed at her fingers, her eyes burning into me with apparent desire.

"So, did the slut agree?" Katie said, taking another large gulp of wine.

"Yes he did. He is our little slut now for good." said Saffron as she dived in between the bodies on the bed, and rammed her tongue into Bob's mouth.

"Open wide slut" said Jean, as she leant forward and flicked her cigarette ash onto my tongue. "Good slut"

"May I use the facilities?" laughed Katie, looking back at Saffron.

"Yep take all the time you want, and Mum too. I need some along time with Bob now. But bring him back soon"

At that Katie jumped up from her seat and led me back into her room, with Jean following.

"Actually I think it's your ******* turn first Katie" Saffron shouted after us. "Why don't you go and prepare the contest for tomorrow whilst Mummy has some fun".

Jean led me through to the bathroom and instructed me to open wide again, before unleashing a torrent of piss down my throat again.

"I think I am going to enjoy our new arrangement Mickey" she said, as she flicked ash into my hair.

And so it was that I became a cuckold to my wife and her family, rented out via my very own website to earn money for them, being used as their personal ashtray, toilet, cleaner and servant. As Katie continued to tap away on the keyboard next door, and Jean instructed me to lick her to orgasm, across the hall I could hear Saffron's screams of delight as Bob plunged his monstrous cock deep inside her. I had never heard her so happy, and knew that there was no way back now.

Before long, Jean marched me back into Saffron's room, and I saw first hand the pleasure on her face as Bob filled her full of his cum. Jean took her leave and left me in awe of the new lovers, as Saffron began to orgasm on his thick cock again.

"Mmmmm. This what it feels to be fucked by a real man Mickey. Can you see how his huge cock is stretching my whole cunt wide open? Mmmmmmmm. You will never fuck me again Mickey. Mmmmmm. Ohhhh. Yesss. Fuck me Bob. Fuck me. Fuck me"

As her orgasm subsided, Saffron slowly rose up and I got the first look at the full length of the cock that had pounding her married pussy. It was indeed huge, at least 10 inches long, and very thick. Saffron noticed my amazement as I was unable to tear my eyes away from the sight of my wife's juices running down its length.

She laughed and whispered something in Bob's ear. Then turned back to me. "You see now what a real cock looks like Mickey. There's no going back now, your tiny little thing just doesn't compare. Now suck him clean!"

Saffron then fed Bob's huge cock into my mouth, and again whispered something into Bob's ear. Bob seemed to enjoy whatever he had heard and suddenly grabbed the back of my head and began furiously fucking my face.

I could feel his huge cock trying to penetrate my throat as I struggled to breathe. He kept pounding it into me, as I felt myself gagging on his huge length and I tried to turn my head to get away from this invasion. I ****** and spluttered during a brief withdrawal of his cock, before he again rammed his penis into me, holding it in place halfway down my throat, then releasing again. He continued to do this over and over under Saffron's tutelage, until eventually I noticed his balls began to contract. He may have already filled my wife's pussy with cum once tonight already, but I knew what was about to happen. I tried in vain again to get his cock out of my mouth before it happened, but it was no good. Saffron lent a hand pushing my head further onto his cock, as he began to explode again down my throat.

As the final drops of his cum sprayed into my mouth, he pulled away, and a mix of cum and saliva spewed from my mouth down my chest, as again I struggled to compose myself following the ********* of my throat. Before long, Saffron yanked me hard by my hair onto my back, and immediately sat full onto my already soiled face.

"Suck his cum out of me slut. Unless you want me to have his babies"

His cum leaked from her stretched pussy as I licked her clean of his seed. "That's it slut. This is the closest you get to fucking me now, you know that. Make the most of it baby. Take Master's cum in your dirty mouth."

Again my throat was then used as a toilet, as Saffron unleashed a stream of golden piss into my mouth.

"My turn" said Bob, as Saffron shook the last drops of liquid into my waiting mouth and was quickly replaced again by Bob's now flaccid, but still huge member, as his piss again shot down the back of my throat.

My tiny cock throbbed for release, as Bob and Saffron collapsed in each other's arms, kissing one another deeply as they looked into one another's eyes.

As they began to drift off, I moved my hand down towards my cock in the hope of giving myself the release I so sorely needed.

Unseen, Katie came from behind and grabbed me by the hair and manoeuvred me back into her room.

"This is a one-off slut, but seeing you like this today has made me so hot. And I have to admit to being just a little intrigued as to what this might feel like. I want you to piss on me"

I was a bit shocked if I'm honest, and was worried what the consequences might be of this, but there she was lying naked in the soaked carpet, legs spread, playing with herself, and mouth wide open waiting for it. And so it was that I pissed all over the sexy face and body of the girl who had made all this happen.

"Oh my god. Mmmmm" she moaned, as she felt the warm liquid covering her body, her fingers plunging in and out of her wet pussy.

When I had finished, she continued to lay there, rubbing the piss all over her body, licking her fingers, and continuing to play with her soaking wet cunt as she did so.

"Everyone's asleep now Mickey. I want you to fuck me. Please fuck me" she sounded desperate, perhaps forgetting my disadvantage, but I wasn't going to argue.

I slid my throbbing penis into her sopping pussy, and thrust away as hard as I could. "Mmmmm yes Mickey. Fuck me. Fuck my little cunt" she shouted, and I hoped no one could hear.

She was much tighter than I expected, considering all the men she had apparently had, a perfect fit some might say, as our hot sticky wet bodies continued to thrust away on the damp floor.

It was only minutes, if that before, we started to cum together in unison. The scent of piss surrounding us as we kissed deeply, and my hot cum began to flow up inside her.

"Oh yes I can feel it, I can feel your cum. Yesss! Yesss! Yesss!" she shouted as she too went over the edge.

Exhausted again we collapsed in each other's arms, a wet soggy mess, looking deeply into one another's eyes, sighing heavily. We began to kiss, and I knew deep down that there was something more to this. There was something there. Something I hadn't felt in a long time, and I knew she was feeling it too.

Suddenly though we were disturbed by sniggering. "So seems like we have more than one slut in the family?" Saffron said with Bob standing nearby, both of them looking thoroughly pleased with themselves looking down on us.

Katie shot up to her feet, and tried to hide her shame as my piss continued to drip down her naked body, and my cum dribbling from her pussy.

She tried to speak "I..I..".

"Shut your filthy little mouth" Saffron snapped as the palm of her hand cracked against Katie's cheek, and she fell back down next to me, and I grabbed her in my arms.

"You are in so much trouble Katie. I know you planned all this. And now whatever you thought you had in store for Mickey, will be nothing in comparison to what people will pay me for your services. I hope your both very happy with your new lives". They both gave an evil-sounding laugh as they walked back out of the room and closed the door behind them, and Katie and I continued to hold one another, not speaking, not knowing what tomorrow would bring.



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To Keep My Husband Happy

Ted was so keen for me to cuckold him that I actually began seriously to consider doing so. He thought that it would enhance our marriage. I thought there was nothing wrong with our marriage. I was so happy with Tim.

However, from talking about it so much I knew that Tim was sincere in what he said and he wouldn't have any negative reaction afterwards. In fact I was fairly sure he would be turned on like he expected. It was me I worried about. I'd always believed that fidelity to her man was a core virtue in a wife. Yes, I'd sewn a few wild oats in my years between 18 and meeting Tim. And I'd confessed all that to him. I suspect it was telling him about the other guys I'd been with that got him on this track.

What bothered me was my own conscience. Certainly there were men around that I could let myself fancy. There were even some guys that that I had to admit to myself that I did fancy. I couldn't deny it. I thought about them when I was bathing. Afterwards I would feel guilty for my thoughts.

The way Tim saw it was that if there was no deceit it was okay; like dancing with another man at a social function. It was just a nice thing to do. As he saw it, it would take nothing away from him. I'd still be his loving wife and be there for him. He understood and accepted that I could never tolerate him having sex with another woman. In my heart of hearts I was even uneasy when he danced with another woman. How would I feel about myself if I were to go with another man? Would it damage my self respect? How would I feel about myself afterwards?

I was 29 at the time. I still had my looks and my figure but there were tiny lines appearing around my eyes which were bothering me. I was 22 when we were married. My love for Tim had evolved from heady romance to the deeper, stronger love that the marriage service talks about: two become one. It's as if we have our roots deep into each other. When I look at our wedding pictures I wonder how the heck could I have entrusted the rest of my life to the boy that Tim was in those days. Now when I look at him I see a grown man, strong and steadfast. Just looking at him makes me feel safe and protected. He's 32 now. How wonderful it is that this guy is all mine.

I'd researched cuckolding on the internet. Most of it is pure fantasy. Either that or there are some terrible wimps out there. There is a lot of nonsense about penis size too. Men are even more stupid about the size of their penises than women are about their boobs. All the penises that I've ever seen are much of a muchness and what really does count about a penis is how you feel about the guy on the end of it. I do have a preference for a fully circumcised penis on hygienic and aesthetic grounds, but it's not that important. Tim still has his foreskin and me washing under it is part of the fun for him. I've never said a word to him about having his foreskin cut off. I used to think that penises were hideously ugly and threatening. Then I realised it was the hair growing on it that makes it look so dreadful. I gave Tim a cock and ball shave even before we were engaged and I've made him keep it hair free ever since. "Any stubble no sex' is my rule and he's accepted that. For me, a hairless cluster looks cute, sort of inviting.

I wouldn't want Tim to be subject to the *********** that a lot of cuckolds seem to enjoy so much. I knew he wouldn't want it and I want him to continue to be regular man.

I found an article on the web that claimed that women have an instinct to have sex with other men once they had found their life partner and had a nest ready for babies. It was something to do with human evolution. Whatever else, it eased my guilt about any fantasies I'd had in that respect. It was only the sex that I fantasised. I wasn't looking for anything else from them. It was about that stage I began seriously to consider indulging Tim's desire to be cuckolded.

At first I just scared myself, in an intriguing kind of way. Then I wondered how to seduce another man. Quite easily, I discovered when I allowed myself to flirt with guys I liked. I overdid it a couple of times and had to back off when they asked me for a date. They were married men too. I knew then that whatever else I might do to indulge Tim, it wouldn't be with a married man.

But another one of the guys I flirted with was divorced. He asked me for a date and I was shocked to hear myself accepting. What the heck was I doing? I got myself into a complete tizz over it. I was fairly sure if I told Tim he'd be okay with it but I just couldn't. What I did tell Tim was that I had an evening appointment with an important customer on Thursday and I'd be late home. This happened from time to time and Tim accepted it without batting an eyelid.

I took a change of clothes with me to work, waited until everyone had left and then showered and dressed. I felt guilty as sin and excited too.

Bob, my date, collected me from the car park and we went to a very good restaurant. A ***** at the bar before the meal helped settle my nerves and I enjoyed the getting-to-know-you conversation over the meal. Bob was very good. He listened to everything I had to say and was delightfully attentive. He was a tall well built man, not classically handsome, his face had the kind of comfortable lived in look of a man who had been around. He was ex-army and he'd obviously kept himself fit. I put his age as early 30s.

Afterwards we went back to his place. The butterflies started up again as he closed the door to his flat. The flat was fresh, clean and tidy, nicely furnished to a masculine taste. There was no hint of any woman in his life. I was so nervous it was if my will power had frozen. I didn't even know for sure what Bob's intentions were. When he kissed me I found myself responding. In the bedroom he kissed me again and by that stage I knew full well his intentions. Our clothes came off.. His body was hard with a faint touch of cologne and scent of man on him. He took in a good long look at me. "God Kate, you are so lovely. He ran his hands over me. "You know, a real flesh and ***** woman is such a lovely thing." I guessed he was liking what he saw. Well, going by his erection...

"A real flesh and ***** woman?"

"As opposed to images or imagining a woman. It's been a long time, Kate. I'm probably out of practice."

I wondered how long. He'd been divorced for two years. Another stand up kiss. I could feel him pressing against me down there. His fingers traced lightly up and down my spine setting off those butterflies all over again.

He pulled back the bed covers, put me on the bed and lightly kissed my stomach, working his way up to my breasts. All I could do was enjoy it. More kisses and stroking. I was ready, well and truly. He broke off to put on a condom and resumed where he'd left off. I found my legs were open for him. His body pressing on mine felt lovely. I've always loved that skin on skin contact. His penis pressing my labia was teasing me. I wanted it. He just kept it there and slowly it inserted itself, hands free. I was having some trouble breathing at that stage. The penetration was slow and gentle. He withdrew when he was only part way into me. Then he went further in. It took several of his gentle strokes before he got all the way in and I felt his pube pressing on my clitoris, his penis filling my vagina. After a time I felt a kind of delicious pressure building up throughout my entire body. It got more and more intense with each thrust. God! I'm going to explode. And I did. I screamed and felt that gorgeous orgasm radiating out from my vagina to a tingling at my extremities. It lasted for quite a while before it faded, only to meet another wave building up behind it. It happened a number of times, I certainly wasn't counting, And then just as another explosion was about to happen I felt Bob let go and his semen shoot into the condom. His penis kind of rippled against my vagina and I entered an ecstasy such as I'd never known before.

We lay there, recovering. I gave a little whimper when Bob's limp prick slid from me. I wanted it there forever. Bob kissed me and stood up. I couldn't have stood even if I'd wanted to. My legs wouldn't respond to commands from my brain.

I just lay there in that delicious rosy afterglow. Slowly coming back to earth. It felt so lovely.

Some while later Bob came back and told me the coffee was ready. Even then, I was a shade tottery on my legs but we drank coffee, still nude, in Bob's living room.

I didn't want it to end. I liked being nude with this lovely man. I liked seeing his nude hard body too. Heck, even the coffee was wonderful.

"I suppose we ought to get dressed and I'll take you back to your car," Bob said eventually..

We did. I put my work clothes back on. Bob drove me back to the car park. "Thank you for a really great evening Kate."

"Thank you, Bob. It was wonderful."

Will we see each other again?"

"Don't ask me right now. I can't think straight."

He laughed, understanding. "Are you okay to drive?"

I was. He followed me out of the car park and went his way.

It wasn't all that late. On the fifteen minute drive home I managed to compose myself to face my husband, concocted a story about the evening and gave some thought to whether or not I should cuckold Tim with Bob. One thing was for sure, tonight was pure cheating on Tim. I wasn't going to tell him about it.

It suddenly occurred to me as I pulled into our driveway, just after ten, I didn't feel guilty about it. I was surprised. I expected I'd have to deal with guilt. My attitude was that it had been a wonderful experience, it had done me a lot of good, it didn't take anything away from Tim at all. I still loved him and I would always be there for him. Our life would go on.

Ted was pleased to see me home. We had a hug and a kiss and he made coffee. He'd been happily tinkering with a colour printer in his den. He explained that the ink jets had become blocked from disuse and he had thought of using an ultrasonic cleaning bath to clear them. Ted enjoys that sort of thing.

"So how was your date?" he asked me.

My date! Just for a second I thought he knew. Then I realised that Ted liked to imagine I was on a date, having it off with some other man. He usually did that when I had an evening business appointment.

So I told him exactly what had really happened. He thought I was making it up but even so he got turned on. Having two men, one after the other like that, did wonders for my libido, my self esteem and general sense of well being. But I was still curious about the lack of guilt.

I was wondering about it next day at work. It suddenly struck me that I didn't feel any guilt because I had done nothing to feel guilty about. There was that evolution instinct thing that I'd learnt about on the net. Women have a built-in trait to go with men they feel attracted to. Tim wanted me to have other men. True I hadn't told him about my evening with Bob but that was more in the nature of research. It could have been a complete fiasco for all I knew beforehand and that would have been a let down for Tim.

Well that was one little problem cleared up. Now I had to let Tim to persuade me to find a man to have sex with. It was exciting.


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It was the following Sunday morning. We were having a lay-in. When I came back with the tea tray I found Tim still in bed, nude. The covers were thrown right back and Tim, on his back with a full erection, was making his penis swing backwards and forwards by contracting his kegel muscles. Or whatever muscles men have that let them do that.

"Show off," I chaffed him.

"This is my workout routine. Gotta keep fit." I already knew that Tim had his priorities. For Tim, some parts of his body were more important than others.

I stopped the metronome motion by taking hold of his penis. ****** your tea," I commanded. He sat up in bed and took the cup from the tray. I sat on the bed, Tim's penis in one hand, my tea cup in the other. It occurred to me there was something nice about holding a man by his penis. He seems to become more pliant and biddable. Well, Tim does.

"So how many pricks have you held like that in your time Kate?"

"Still only seven." The others were before I'd met Tim. It was the truth too. I hadn't actually held Bob's penis. Well, not in my hand.

"Time you got your hands on another one."

"Ah yes -." I began as if there were something to tell him.

"What?" Tim was eager to hear.

"Tim you know how you've been on at me to- er, to go with another man?"


"Well, just supposing I were to do that, I wondered how difficult it would be to, like find a suitable guy."

"Yeah?" I had his full interest. He obviously wondered where I was going with this.

"So I did a quiet little experiment. I let myself flirt with some promising looking guys and gave them come-on signals."

"What happened?"

"Two of them asked me for a date." I felt Tim's penis give a involuntary twitch in my hand. I gave him a few gentle strokes to calm him. They had the opposite effect.

"Did you accept?"

"No. I got scared and backed off."

"Pity. When was this?"

"Last week."

"Wow. But well done Kate. You are a lovely girl and I wouldn't expect you to have any trouble finding a suitable man."

"So it seems. I just wanted you to know that."

"Thank you for telling me."

"There is something else thought Tim."

"Both those guys were married. I wouldn't go with a married man. It wouldn't be right."

"What about a single man? If you liked him?"

"I don't know. What it is Tim, I could enjoy the sex just for the sex and no strings attached. But how would you feel if it were to happen for real? Like if another man went into that part of me that is strictly reserved for you?" I was still holding Tim's penis. It suddenly twitched in my hand and he came. I hadn't been stroking it either.

"Oh damn'!" A pause then he added: "There's your answer Kate. It would be a genuine turn on for me."

I kissed him. Then I cleaned up the mess with a tissue.

There was a weird kind of sexual tension between us for the rest of that Sunday. We both knew that a line had been crossed, a decision made, that it was going to happen. I think we were both a bit nervous of it. What would it do to our marriage? I was worried that we were about to step onto a slippery slope. It seemed to me that Tim, having given up his exclusive right to access my vagina. had also abdicated his role as my lord and protector. It reduced his status in my eyes to some extent. I didn't respect him as much as I had done until then. I felt a sadness at the loss of that respect.

And as I thought about it, I realised why so many cuckolds on the web were extreme wimps. Their wives had lost all respect for them and in all probability were feeling extremely let down by their husbands. A wife could easily feel that her wimp husband deserved to be humiliated and made to lick another man's semen from her vagina. That the wimp husband enjoyed it created a self-aggravating situation. It increased her contempt for him.

Oh God, please don't let that happen to Tim and me. I realised we were already on that slippery slope, even though Tim was unaware that I'd already cuckolded him.

Tim was in a state of barely contained sexual excitement all that day. He went out of his way to be helpful and attentive toward me. That was unnerving. It seemed it was the beginning of subservience to me. Left to develop I would become his dominatrix and he would be my slave. By mid-afternoon I'd had enough. I realised that I could use the symptoms as a cure. "Tim, take off all your clothes," I told him. He did so without any resistance whatsoever, and he had a prime erection too.

"Now I'm going to watch you jerk yourself off into the kitchen sink." He looked at me in surprise but didn't say anything.

"I want a good rogering tonight from you and this is so you won't come too soon." Any man I've ever known will accept that as a valid reason and Tim was no exception. It was a lot easier than trying to explain my prevent-him-from-becoming-a-wimp plan to him. Tim came and rinsed away the semen. "Good boy. Now go and sit down and read the Sunday papers like you normally do."

He obeyed. Later I served him a cup of coffee. That was to boost his machismo.

We went early to bed that night. "Tim I'm only going to do it once. And that's as much for your pleasure as mine. It isn't going to become a lifestyle for us."

Tim knew what I meant but the only part that registered with him was "I'm going to do it." The result was he performed brilliantly. I felt much relieved. My husband would continue to be a real man, provided I managed him properly.

"Tim, you are such a wonderful lover. I don't really need anyone else," I told him afterwards. Ego intact, Tim went to *****.

On Monday I phoned Bob from work. I got excited just from hearing his voice. He was warm and friendly and delighted to hear from me. We organised to see each other on Friday. I found myself looking forward to Friday a lot more than I should have been. I didn't tell Tim until Tuesday: "Tim, I've got a date for this coming Friday." I was getting a meal ready and mentioned it as if in passing.

Tim seemed to have some trouble catching his breath. "For real?"

"Yes. His name is Bob. He's single and he runs a small building firm. He comes in occasionally for property maintenance work at the factory. I've seen him around and thought he seemed rather nice."

"Oh. And you've got a date with him?"

"Yes. In fact it's quite easy. I found some pretext to talk to him, flirted a bit and he's asked me out. This Friday."

"Gee! How do you feel about it?"

"Hmm. I'd say he's one of those men that you see in passing and think 'he's cute' and then forget about when he's out of sight. This time I thought 'he'll do nicely' and followed up." "And you're actually going to do it?"

"I can't guarantee that anything will happen. That's largely up to him isn't it? Unless he turns out to be a jerk and then I won't let anything happen."

"Did he seem like a jerk?"

"No. Actually he seemed a very nice man. I felt guilty that I was just using him."

"No need to feel guilty. He'll enjoy being used."

Tim was certainly aroused by the topic. We talked about nothing else the rest of the evening. It was a good thing that I'd already had my secret date with Bob and knew what to expect. Else I'd have been too nervous to go through with it. I'd also given a lot of thought to how I should put it to Tim. Letting him believe that it might or might not happen added to his excitement. Implicit in all the conversation was that I was doing it mainly to please Tim. That was largely true. He'd been wanting me to cuckold him for ages. If it weren't for that I'd never have given a thought to having another man. Well, not for real.

On Wednesday I treated myself to a new dress for the occasion, and shoes to match. On Thursday I bought some underwear-to-be-seen-in and cosmetics.

I showed the underwear to Tim but refused to let him see me wearing them. "It wouldn't be right, Tim. I got these for Bob." I hoped it was a flash of jealousy I saw on his face. It didn't look like masochistic pleasure.

I took Friday afternoon off, came home and gave myself the works: long bath, depilation, hair, nails, everything. I was in my dressing gown doing my make up when Tim came home.

I had to fend Tim off, he was even more excited than I was. "Tim, bring yourself off into the wash basin and then get yourself a meal. I need to get on with my preparation for this evening."

I think he enjoyed me being firmly off-hand with him. At any rate, he complied.

I was pleased with the final result. That new dress really worked for me. With clothes I like to dress for elegance. The aim is to look poised and sophisticated. I never dress to look sexy. I've always thought that for me elegance is sexier than trying to dress sexy. The last thing I did was take off my wedding and engagement rings. I felt oddly vulnerable without them.



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I went downstairs to show myself off to Tim. He was just finishing the meal that I'd told him to cook for himself. For an instant he didn't recognise me. ******* hell! Kate you look fabulous. I've never seen you like that before."

"Do you like it?"

"I love it."

"Do you think Bob will?"

"He's blind if he doesn't."

Well, if I could get a reaction that good from Tim... I had a half hour to ****. Some mischief in me decided to wind Tim up. "So Tim, are you happy that I'm about to cuckold you at long last?"

He smiled. "I've probably got more butterflies from it than you have."

"So pour yourself a good stiff ***** and watch some television. It's all right if you fall a*****."

"What time will you be back?"

"I don't know. It depends on how it goes. I might be all night in which case I'll see you in the morning. If I'm not back by ten tomorrow you can call me. Not before."

Tim looked shocked. "All night?" That's a bit much isn't it?"

"I thought it was what you wanted Tim. If it's going well I want to enjoy it too."

"Hmm. Okay then."

I think it was only just occurring to Tim how much he was giving away with this cuckolding thing of his.

He looked worried. "But you are coming back?"

"To my husband, the man I love? Of course silly. All I want from Bob is his penis filling my vagina. And some pleasant male company. Bob has novelty value.. It'll be fun getting it from another man, just for a change."

I rubbed Tim's nose in it until it was time for me to leave. "Well Tim, I'll see you when I see you." He followed me out to my car.

"Have a good time, Kate."

"Thank you I will. If it helps you have my blessing to masturbate. You can think of another man's penis inside me." I drove off before he could reply.

To begin with I was still cross with Tim for wanting me to do this. It didn't gel with my idea of how a happily married couple should behave. Then I started to think about my evening with Bob and wondered if it would be as good as last time. By the time I pulled into the car park and saw Bob waiting for me, I had to admit that there was an up side to my husband wanting me to cuckold him.

Bob did a double take when he saw. "Kate, you look fabulous," he gasped. I love getting reactions like that. Just that reaction alone made the cost of my dress and shoes worth it, not to mention the hours I'd put in to look like this.

"Do you like dancing? Old fashioned ball room stuff?"

"Yes." Well I do when I have the chance. Tim hates it and I have to drag him along to any do where there's dancing.

"Then let's go to Betty's Place. It's a restaurant with a dance floor."

I'd heard of Betty's Place but never been there. The decor was roarin' twenties. It looked like a movie set for a speakeasy. We were quite early and there were only a few people there. The live band hadn't arrived yet and the music was canned. None the worse for that though. We got a table, ordered *****s then Bob led me on to the floor.

Knowing Bob was ex army I had visions of my feet being trod on by heavy boots. Did I get a surprise. Bob was the best dancer I 'd ever partnered. I was barely competent and quite rusty. But dancing with Bob soon raised me to heights I'd never have thought I could achieve. We were the only ones on the floor and I realised the other people in the restaurant were our audience. We had two or three different dances straight off. Bob was so good at leading that somehow I just knew what to do. We finished up with a tango, that I'd never mastered before, and as we returned to our table our audience gave us a round of applause. Bob bowed and I gave them a curtsey. I was enjoying the high of a successful performance.

The meal was excellent. The place filled up, some couples were in full evening dress. Betty's Quartet arrived and gave us live music and we danced between courses. I was so thoroughly enjoying myself I could happily have stayed there all night until Bob invited me back to his place for coffee and a night cap. In his car I sang the lyrics of some of the tunes we had danced to. Bob joined in and we were singing duets by the time we pulled into his parking space. He had a beautiful tenor voice too. Was there nothing he wasn't good at?

Inside his flat Bob produced a coat hanger. "May I take your dress?" he asked courteously, as if he were taking my coat, which I wasn't wearing. I stepped out of my dress and handed it to him. Bob treated himself to a long lecherous, appreciative gaze at me in my undies before hanging up the dress.

Then I undressed him. He didn't seem to mind at all and I got him completely nude. I know women aren't supposed to be turned on visually but looking at Bob, enjoying his taut muscular body and his kit, ready for action, worked for me. As he stood there I walked around him, slid a hand down his back and stroked his butt.

I continued round to his front and we kissed. It was a slow gentle kiss, a lover's kiss, it contained a promise. It made me feel, for the first time, that I really was cheating on Tim. Hot passionate sex was in order, feelings of true love weren't. I knew I could easily fall for Bob.

This wouldn't do at all. To get our minds away from thoughts of what could never be I removed my arms from around Bob's neck and slid them down his sides to his groin area. That worked. He picked me up and carried me like I was a little girl into the bedroom.

On the bed my bra came off, he kissed my nipples, he stroked me. He slid my panties down to my thighs and saw my newly shaved pube. I'd shaved it just for Bob. He kissed me there and ripples of pleasure radiated out from his kiss. I got my panties right off. All I had on now were my stockings, self supporting. Some more kissing, caressing and cuddling followed. He concentrated on the sensitive area. I was ready for him, more than ready. He must have known and was teasing me down there with his lips and fingers. It was delicious and lovely but my vagina was desperate to be filled I couldn't wait any longer. I took his penis and guided it into me. It occurred to me he was riding bareback but at that stage I was building up to a glorious climax. I just thought Oh, what the hell. Skin on skin with a man is always lovely and when it was the skin of his penis I was feeling inside me it enhanced the pleasure. I just couldn't care about anything else in the world at that moment. My pleasure system was going flat out.

I don't know how long Bob kept going but I was on the ultimate high. Eventually I felt his penis give that twitch and I felt his jets of semen pounding into me.

Bob was spent. We cuddled together for a while. "Didn't I promise you coffee and a night cap?" he said after a while.

"Just a night cap please."

I don't know what it was that Bob gave me but it went down very well. Then we cuddled and must have drifted off to *****.

I woke up just after six, bursting for a pee. Bob was still a*****. I went to the bathroom and I saw that my make up was a mess. I took it all off, brushed my hair and went back to the bedroom. Bob looked like he was still ********. I slid my hand down under the bed covers, and to my surprise he had an erection. I remembered that many men do wake up with one. That makes eight penises I've held in my hand, I thought. It was the sort of statistic that would interest Tim.

Bob opened his eyes, saw me and gave a lazy, happy grin. "You know I was having this wonderful dream that a beautiful woman had hold of me down there. Then I wake up and find that my dream has come true."

We had some more sex, then showered and I made breakfast for us both. We ate it nude. I'm sure it tasted better because of that. Bob watched me dress.

It was just after nine when we left the flat and Bob drove me to the car park. I waved him farewell. Back in my own car I felt flat and post climactic. Oh well, home to hubby. I did remember to walk into a pharmacy where nobody knew me and ask for a morning after pill and a glass of water. It got me a knowing smirk from the lady pharmacist.

At quarter to ten when I got home Tim was looking anxious for me. I felt a wave of affection for my husband. He looked so pleased to see me and he gave me a hug and a kiss as a welcome back.

Over coffee I gave him an account of my adventure, leaving out some of the more important details like my thoughts and feelings and concentrating on the physical aspects. I omitted too to tell him that Bob rode me bareback.

He was so turned on. We went to our bedroom and Tim got a look at the undies that I'd bought for Bob to see me in.

The sex with my husband was disappointing. I was looking forward to giving myself to the man I love and the bonding it produces but Tim was so turned on that he lasted only a few seconds. "Damn! I am so sorry Kate," he said.

"You'll have to do better than that Tim. Try to think of something else until you can control it."

"Yes. I will." He did too. Sex that night with him was lovely. Whereas sex with Bob was exciting with the most wonderful orgasms, sex with Tim was gentle and loving. The orgasms were lovely too but somehow different. I couldn't decide whether it was just the novelty effect of Bob or whether it was because different men give you different orgasms. And I'm still not sure that the orgasms really are different or whether it's just my mind telling me they are.

The one great benefit for me was that I stopped fantasising about other men. I was more than happy with my husband who is a wonderful guy, cuckold trait notwithstanding.

It was a few days later he brought up the possibility of another cuckolding. "No ways Tim. I did it once to please you but from now it's just us. If you want, you can imagine you are someone else having me."

I didn't say so but if I could imagine he was someone else, so could he.

Those panties-to-be-seen-in stayed in my lingerie drawer for a couple of months. When Tim started on about being cuckolded again I got them out, made him strip and put them on. If there is a wimp streak in Tim, putting him into panties is a better and safer way to indulge it. He loves wearing them and so far it works.

All that was a few months ago now. I've been a good girl ever since. I still think about Bob sometimes. It's just as well that he's going steady with someone now. I hope she appreciates what she's got.



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New Job at the Village Store

I had moved to the small town of Alston in Cumbria in the spring of 2004 with my parents. After settling quickly into the local school, I decided that during the summer holiday I needed to keep myself busy and earn some money to keep me in the up to date fashions. I was disappointed with the lack of employment options in the small village, but mum persuaded me to try the local convenience store.

After visiting the shop a few times in my short time in the area I knew the shop owner, Derek reasonably well. I went to see Derek, who was pleased delighted that I had decided to come and see him as he always needed help in the summer months.

I started work the following day, starting early in the morning stocking shelves and tidying the back stores. Part way through the morning I met Derek's wife Paula for the first time, when Derek announced that he was going to the cash and carry (a 50 mile round trip) and his wife was going to be in charge.

I was taken back a bit with Paula as Derek was nearing 55 years of age and Paula could have only have been 35 at the oldest. Paula was quite short, probably around 5 foot 4 inches and plump. She was very quiet, reserved and had difficulty looking me in the eye. Right then I knew that she would not be in charge when Derek went to get his supplies.

Derek drove away from the shop and I went to seek Paula out to engage her in conversation behind the counter at the side of the shop. I was struggling to get more than one or two words out of her but she never failed to answer a question thrown at her - how long has she lived in Alston, where was she from, when did she meet Derek etc etc.

After a few minutes I told her that I could do with a brew and offered to make her one, Paula quickly said that she would make them and hurriedly squeezed passed me. She couldn't help pushing her big arse into me and this only registered with her after the rush of squeezing by. As she looked over her shoulder at me, her face went bright red. She quickly apologised 'sorry John' and rushed into the back to get the ******.

After a few minutes she came back through, still red faced and I thought that it was time for a little fun. She put the ****** down on the counter and made to come past me to get behind the counter. I moved back a little to allow her easy access, but as she was passing I closed the gap and put my left hand down by the front of my trousers palm facing out and I couldn't help having the tiniest of squeezes as she went passed. She blushed deeper but made no attempt to stop me what so ever - interesting!

After we'd both finished our ****** and chatted further, I handed her my cup and told her to go and wash them up. As she passed me this time, I moved aside and lightly smacked her big ass as she walked by. Her face was crimson at this point but she still said nothing. I loved every moment and something was telling me that she was to.

When she came back through after five minutes, she was still drying her hands on a towel and wasn't prepared for my next question. 'Did you like it when I smacked your ass earlier?' She made to make a comment opening her mouth but nothing seemed to want to come out, she only blushed further. I repeated the question in a more dominant tone - 'When I ask you a question I expect an answer. Did you like it when I smacked your fat ass earlier Paula?'

She still couldn't answer, blushing deeply she turned on her heels and rushed into the back of house area of the store. After five minutes of not seeing or hearing from her I went through to the find her. I heard a quite moan from around a corner and turning the corner I found her sitting on a small pile of boxes with a large pair if white knickers round her ankles, one hand stuffed in her hairy cunt, with the other mauling one of her breasts through her blouse, with her eyes closed.

I interrupted her with a quick burst. 'I'm working hard in your store and you're out the back here rubbing your fat hairy cunt and playing with your tits! Pull your knickers back up you dirty slut, your husband's just rang he's two minutes away. I'll deal with you tomorrow.'

Derek arrived back shortly and Paula excused herself and went upstairs to their house which was above the store. Derek said it was a really quiet day and to knock off home at 3pm - if this was a quiet day, I couldn't wait for one with a little more life in it.

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