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Just wondering

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how many of you cucks and cucks wannabe started watching porn early or/and watched porn alot before you met your current cuckoldress(teen years + early 20s)
just trying to develop a theory...


Posts: 111
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hello kodder, I am 30 and a cuck. i became obsessed by porn as soon as i hit puberty. I would also go to great lengths to attain it. I became good at swiping mags from the newsshop down the street. I've always been pervy and gained admission to certain adult bookstores around 16 to buy vids toys and play a little. I conned a few local videostores as well and seen it all before i hit 18. Then i discovered the internet


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hey ...
I should maybe explain my theory that needs observation and see if it can be proven...
cucks watch porn earlier than everybody else, and since they are more less still young they are affected deeply.
each time they watch porn, they masturbate. so little by little sexual satisfaction becomes for them watching a woman having sex, instead of having sex themselves.


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well the porn may very well play a big part. For me especially. My cuckold fantasies started after wanting to see an ex gf get gangbanged like in most of the vids i watch(ed) . She just also happened to be very slutty, like nearly everyone of the women i dated. Prospective porn stars i guess you could say. I am below average , especially in girth, so i guess it all i just came together.
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


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Porn may play a part as far as stimulation after the fact, but it's my belief, that somewhere in every cucks life, lies a woman who cheated on him,,,then while masterbating, he went wild trying to imagine what it was like, did she kiss him, was he bigger than me, did he make her cum,,,from there it's just a small leap to actually wanting to see it happen.


Posts: 35
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I think the porn theory is a good one.

When i was 11 or so - obviously long before marriage or even serious g-friends, my favourite wank material was a story about a man who exposes his wife to others on her birthday as a present - leadign up to multiple fuckign and sucking. Teh turn on was the fact the hubby wanked throughout.

That and my mums flirtations with our neighbour turned me on to this whole thing early.

I remember with 'girlfriends' at 11-12 being so excited when they dumped me or when i saw then kissing outher boys. One g-f i had at that age once saw me coming towards her in school play ground grabbed one of the rough boys by the hair, whispered in hos ear and let him kiss her open mouthed as i approached. He put hand up her short skirt and stared right at me. As i passed by - i didnt turn away - he broke off - spat in my face and said 'fuckin wanker!' which is of course exactly what i did 2 mins later in the boys toilet.


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i first saw pawn around 6 or brother,i and a couple friend collected a stash built a cubby in the forrest and made it a club.
i found vids that mom n dad (not of them thank god)left carelessly in the player an had my first "wank" at 11.
remaind a virgin till marraige @ 20 to a girlfriend that loved more than 1.
nothins changed really;)
lucky me


Posts: 35
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i was wanking at 10-11 too - for years mypals and i had a stash in woods too.

We'd wank each other and sometimes id take mums panties along and they'd bring their mums or sisters - a competition to see who could produce the sexiest panties - winner got wanked or even sucked by the rest.

My mum was pretty hot so I often won!

It's amazign how uninhibited and open to experiment you are at that age when you first discover you get hand and can cum.


Posts: 123
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Same here, I loved porn. The cuckold thing is a lot like porn for me. Watching... being privy to, peeping, it is all similar. The feelings are similar.

I was also awakened sexually at an early age. My family (lady, man, uncle, brothers, sister) All have high and creative sex drives. Some inappropriate sexual behavior as a young.

The energy of sexuality seems to keep me alive. I have had boring sexual partnerships. I prefer those which are creative, imaginitave.

Also, I have had experience wherein it seems great in fantasy, but not so great in reality. This in the cuckold experience, and the S&M arena.

Also, the cuckold feelings did not occur in all of my relationships. I broke up with one because she insisted upon the cuckold, and I wouldn't tolerate it.

I also believe that there is a basis for the cuckold behavior in genetic psychology. The psychology of suurvival and reproductive success.

Anyway, the cuckold and/or dominant woman relationship is so powerfully exciting for me that it becomes an obsession. I can hardly think of anything else.

My girlfriend calls me 'cucky'. We have a date with a young, hung, euopean guy in South Beach (Miami) next weekend. She will strap me to the bed and lay on the cane a couple of times this week to make sure I am in the submissive state of mind.

She will have this cuckolds brownie-eating smile all week, and I will have a perpetual erection just imagining it.
I will make you crazy.


Posts: 44
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My theory is that, for me, at least, being cucked is such a turn on because I had women cheat on me over the years. I had trouble trusting women, as a result. Now that I have someone that I trust 100%, I want her to what the other women I loved did, but on my terms, without the cheating.

Psyches rarely make linear sense, imo.
Cleaning up is the best part!


Posts: 544
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spot on...
por from early teens...never really quit...dated slut girls whenever i could...married a former high end escort...


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damn I didn't see that people actually responded to this never showed up on the front page


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so another theory... did all cucks reach puberty before everyone else?


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For me it was like this. Theory agreed.
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Just wondering
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