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Be careful what you post!

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#1 · Edited by: Gabriel222
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Hello all.

Please be careful what you post on here. Make sure you run it by "Jimmywhiteboi" first as he may not approve of your posting and start to call you names. Since everyone knows that Jimmywhiteboi has the final say on what's hot and what's not - you really need to rethink what turns you on and then post accordingly.

Any questions? Ask him - he's the expert.



Posts: 416
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Tell me, was this posting aproved by the "Great Man Himself?


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No, I'm afraid it wasn't. How arrogant do you have to be to just start calling people names right off the bat? I mean, I don't demand that people like the videos I make, they're just some things I throw together in my free time and I make all sorts of them, most of which I haven't posted yet.

It would be perfectly fine if he said something like, "nah that's not for me." or, "I don't think that's funny / good / a turn on" etc, but no, this guy's on a mission! He's patrollin' the boards! He's on the lookout for your posts and remember, if he doesn't like them YOU WILL BE PUNISHED!!



Posts: 88
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just ignore him and post away!!


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Well said! I think I will. And in honor of him, the next three will all be set to the Benny Hill theme misterg! wa-hey!!!


Posts: 416
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The Benny Hill theme misterg would be great.
Especially if it included a nurse, a maid and a couple of sexy school girls!!


Posts: 174
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Overreact often?

The movie was pretty lame, according to Jimmy's posted opinion.

He didn't say 'galoot' until he was attacked for giving an honest appraisal of the silly movie.

Chill, learn, move on. No need to make it a war.



#8 · Edited by: Gabriel222
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That's the whole idea. It's up to the individual to decide what is "lame" and what is a turn on. So your post is rather irrelevant except for the fact that it helps me make my point more effectively.

People have the right to express their opinions, just as I have the right to express mine. The name calling is uncalled for, however. I could see for example, if I continuously, over and over, kept posting exactly the same type of thing and a lot of people replied back that they didn't like it. Then I would get called some names, probably.

But how would you feel if you just casually posted something ONCE and got ripped to shreds over it?

Think about it.

Anyway, I'm done talking about it. I will continue posting whatever I like thank you very much. And to those who PMd me saying they liked it: You're welcome.


Posts: 16
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Gabriel: You need a life. Obsessing over what was and was not posted, what was and was not said on a porn site is a clear indication.

You could try your local Armed Forces recruiting station. I can assure they will toughen up that thin skin of yours.



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And remember.....

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LOL ! Hey, is that you in the picture?


Posts: 174
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Quoting: Gabriel222
That's the whole idea. It's up to the individual to decide what is "lame" and what is a turn on. So your post is rather irrelevant except for the fact that it helps me make my point more effectively.

Are you fucking takes? The words you typed have nothing to do with what I said. There's no 'whole idea' related to your reply, no 'irrelevancy' to what I said, nor did I help you make any points. What I said was spot-on and if anything it called out your acting like an immature crybaby.

Quoting: Gabriel222
People have the right to express their opinions, just as I have the right to express mine. The name calling is uncalled for, however. I could see for example, if I continuously, over and over, kept posting exactly the same type of thing and a lot of people replied back that they didn't like it. Then I would get called some names, probably.

But how would you feel if you just casually posted something ONCE and got ripped to shreds over it?

Think about it.

Perhaps you can tell the teacher and get him in BIG trouble. Detention, perhaps. *yawn* It was (presumably) his honest opinion. On a cuckold website, no less. Get over it.

Quoting: Gabriel222
Anyway, I'm done talking about it. I will continue posting whatever I like thank you very much.

Mmm'kay. You'll probably continue to get honest feedback - both good and bad. Hopefully, as you gain experience and maturity, you'll learn how to handle them both equally graciously. Good luck!



Posts: 16
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You win, Gabriel. Congratulations.


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What'd I miss?


Posts: 184
#16 · Edited by: enfetish
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Woman's point of view - Jimmy's posts concerning the film were rude and unnecessary - sorry that's how I see it.

Gabriel has a point, and Luceiia why don't you practice what you preach and "chill" - your reaction to Gabriel's comments is just as emotional and over the top as you accuse Gabriel of being about Jimmy.

At least Gabriel is bothering to put a bit if time and effort into doing something novel whether you like it or not.

Bloody testosterone!

And no, I don't know Gabriel, I'm just pissed off with overly aggressive, overly rude guys on this site with no impulse control!

Just play nice OK!

Lynn x
Keep on Cucking!


Posts: 174
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Quoting: enfetish
Luceiia why don't you practice what you preach and "chill" - your reaction to Gabriel's comments is just as emotional and over the top as you accuse Gabriel of being about Jimmy.

Appreciate your attempt at a comeuppance, but I've not been emotional at all about this, thanks. I presented simple logic, negated absurd argument, then tossed in a kind-hearted 'good luck' at the end of the lesmister.

There was nary an 'over the top' moment in my comments.

Oh, and I never gave an opinion on Gabe's movie. In fact, I never watched it and have no opinion on it.

Also, I have never stated my gender on this forum. Nor alluded to it. But apparently you vote for testosterone.

Care to come back and strike out a few more times, Lynn?



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Keep on Cucking!
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