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Ex cums back to haunt me

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Ex cums back to haunt me.

Part 1. (will try to write the whole thing by the end of the week)
This story is a little long, sorry to all with short attention spans.

This is the story about my first wife Jane and the events which have since shaped my life.
My name is Jon, Jane and I married fairly young. I was 22 years old and Jane was 21. We had dated for 6 months before deciding to tie the knot, and just another 6 months later we were man and wife. A brief description of ourselves, I am just over 6" brown sandy hair with what I consider a reamisterable build. Jane is about 5"6, with blonde hair. She has always been thin, not skinny, but healthy thin. It does make her breasts stand out even though they are probably not as big as they look. Perky and upright which makes them stick out with her thin frame. I always liked her arse and legs myself but always enjoyed the stares her perky breasts got everytime we went somewhere.

Anyway back to the events that shaped my life.
Jane was the middle of three sisters. Marie was older by two years and Becky younger by just over a year. The three sisters were pratically inseperable when I first met Jane. A friend of mine was dating Becky but barely got passed first base before they split up. I was able to still hang out with the three sisters as I had taken an instant liking to Jane and they lived close by which was always a handy excuse for me to drop in. She was perhaps a little more reserved to begin with then both of her sisters but soon opened up and we became friends. I didnt start dating Jane for another three months tho, not because I was too shy to ask, but because Marie had initially told me that Jane had just broken up with her boyfriend of 2 years so not to rush in.

I did eventually win her over and about a year later we were married. Weekends usually consisted of Marie and Becky coming over to our apartment we now rented, or we would visit theirs as they shared a place close by. We liked to have a few takes and then maybe go clubbing. Sometimes Becky or Marie would bring around their new boyfriends which was good for me because it gave me someone else to talk with when the girls would invariably end up chatting together in the kitchen or the bedroom. Over the next two years they both dated several guys but rarely got past about 2 months before splitting up and lining up a new one.
Both Becky and Marie are also blondes, and about the same height and shape as Jane. They definately did attract guys looks when they went out together.

Then on one Friday night, again the sisters were over and we had been takeing for a few hours. At this point neither Becky or Marie was with anyone so it was just the four of us. Jane has started to have fun taunting her younger sister Becky about what was she thinking breaking up with "Big Dan". She kept telling her "you're a crazy girl to give that up!"
Now I'm not that slow so I got the jist of what Jane meant by "Big Dan". I was laughing and said "Just how much DO you girls tell each other?"
Marie was quick to give me a wink and say "everything of course!"
I answered back that "I wonder how Dan would feel to know that there was only one thing you remembered him for?"
Dan and I got on quite well while Becky dated him, although I had no idea what dominated the girls discussions about him during that time.
Becky replied "He knew exactly what I liked about him, it was more the case that there were other girls that also liked the same thing about him and he was not too shy about sharing it with them."
I just nodded hoping the conversation would move on. Talking about how "big" their boyfriends were was not something I was that interested in continuing. This was partly because I am not that "big" where it counts. At just over 5 inches and fairly thin, I always knew I was definately on the smaller side in the change rooms. This was not a discussion that I wanted to continue where I could become the centre of it and just how much Jane might have told her sister's.
But instead Becky decided to get back at Jane by chanting "Harry the Honkey, ..Hung like a Donkey" and Marie chimed in as well with the chant over and over. Both sisters could not stop laughing as they continued their chant, and Jane was blushing bright red pleading with them to quit it. Now I had never heard of Harry before and especially with the inuendo of him being someone Jane had known.
As far as I knew Jane lost her virginity at 16 to her then boyfriend, and had only had sex with two other guys before dating Ben, who she dated for 2 years before we met. None were called Harry and Jane had been quite open about her past and why her previous relationships did not work out.
I asked "Alright, who is this Harry? and how do you know he was hung like a Donkey?" just trying to get in on the joke.
Becky was at this stage in a fit of laughter and could'nt get a word out. Jane was smiling and said "don't worry, their just being stupid."
But Marie, in between her laughter added "Harry Potter, Harry Potter and his magic wand" as she again broke into hysterical laughter with her sister. I started to think this was just a silly taunt by her sisters because maybe Jane had a crush on the Harry Potter character. Inside I fealt a wave of relief wash over me, although I had not realized I was feeling anxious until that moment. The fact that Jane might have known someone hung like donkey, well this was the first ever time I had that twinge of inadequacy.
Then when a takes giggling Becky added "Ben, Ben looked like Harry Potter! He is tall, dark wavy hair and glasses.. just like Harry" I fealt that twinge come straight back. Like someone was squeazing my balls in their fist. When Marie added "and dont forget his magic wand!" as they again both broke out in laughter. Jane by now really wanted them to stop. She had stopped seing the funny side to this as no doubt she did not want me to hear their taunts about her "hung" ex-boyfriend.
Marie could see that Jane was getting annoyed and backed off a little and told Becky they should change the subject. But we had been takeing for a few hours by now and Becky was probably a little takeser then the rest of us. She said "Aw come on now, I'm sure little Jon does'nt mind a bit of silly girl talk" At this both Marie and Jane froze in their expressions looking at each other. I now knew what the girls called me when they had their "girl talks".. "little" Jon. The slip by Becky was Freudian but still felt like a bullet peircing my quickly deflating ego.
I quickly went into damage control, not wanting the girls to know exactly how deflated I was feeling. "Alright, enough sister chat already. Who's turn is it to pour the next round?"
The conversation changed topics but for the rest of the night I could not get two things out of my head. That the guy Jane dated for 2 years before me was hung like a donkey, and between my wife and her two sisters I was known as "little" Jon.
After her sisters had caught a cab home, Jane and I ended up snuggled together in bed. I usually struggle to get a decent hard-on after a good takeing session, but as we lay there in a spooning position I asked her if she was ready for "little" Jon or would she prefer a donkey? I had a hard-on that could chop wood, and I didnt know why. Or maybe I did but was not prepared to admit it to myself just yet.
Jane could feel my hardness pressed into the back of her and answered "it feels like someone is ready for action. Did all that talk of Harry the Honkey get you all excited?" as she ignored my "little Jon" comment.
I pressed on, "do you three actually sit around discussing how big your men's cocks are with each other? and tell the truth.. am I known as "little Jon" in those discussions?"
Jane let out a giggle, "it's just silly talk thats all. We dont really sit around talking about that stuff. Not all the time anyway.." as she continued to giggle while beginning to rub her arse back against my pressing hard-on.
I let it drop, at that point the other head was taking over and all I wanted now was to fuck Jane as fast and as hard as I could. Perhaps like my manhood depended on it.

The next few days passed by with work and the usual routine. I decided to treat Friday nights conversation for what it was, just a bit of silly takes banter. But inside something was swelling up within. Doubts, conflicting thoughts, inadequacy, suspicion. It was like a runaway train. Quite amazing how just a bit of harmless banter could bring out all of these emotions that I was not feeling before. Was my ego that really that brittle? Did feelings about my lack of size downstairs exist within me all these years already and I had simply been able to ignore them until now?

I always get home a couple of hours before Jane due to starting work early. Before I knew it I was snooping on the PC for signs of infidelity. Checking her drawers for hints of something, anything. I had to get a grip. Jane had never given me any reamister to suspect that she would fool around. Why was I even suspecting it now? Did I feel that if I was inadequite for her, that she must be getting fulfillment from someone else. The fact that her ex-boyfriend was hung did not help my feelings.

"Paranoid!" I said to myself as I started to put her things back into their rightfull place in the drawer. It was then that I noticed a photo album pushed to the back of the drawer under her clothes. I could'nt resist, I had to look. As I flipped through the pages I saw photos of Jane when she was about 13 or so, many with her sisters and parents. They were the usual stuff, on holidays, smiling faces, pictures of her first dog. As I continued to flip the pages, Jane was now older, probably about 15 or 16 years old. She was starting to look like the sexy girl I was now married to. Again more happy snaps mainly with her sisters and a few friends.
Then when I turned the page there was a photo with the writing above "Happy 18th!" Jane was standing in front of a candle-lit cake holding a knife into the middle while kissing a tall young man standing beside her.
The next photo was titled "Me and Ben" and showed a glowing Jane smiling for the camera, her face pressed side by side with the young man I now knew as Ben. Or as Becky and Marie called him "Harry".
I was now feeling jealous of a guy I had no right to be jealous of. He was a part of Janes life before we had even met. There were a few more photos, all the usual stuff but all now with Jane and Ben. It is easier to know your wife had previous lovers before you met if you cannot visualize those relationships. Seing the photos of your wife looking very much in love with someone else is hard to stomach at first even if they were taken before you ever met. As I turned the last page, there was a photo folder like what you pick up from those 2-hour photo places. As I pulled it out and saw that there were several photos within I felt a little weird. Like a feeling that what I was going to look at might not be healthy for me.
I was right. The first photo caused me to let out an audible gasp. It was obviously taken by Ben while standing looking down at my Jane while she tried her best to get her mouth around what had to be the biggest cock I had ever seen, and I have seen a few porno's like any other red-reded guy. This thing was FAT. Fat and long. It looked like he had cut his arm off at the elbow and re-attached it as his cock. To see Jane trying to fit the huge knob of his cock into her mouth was indescribable! Almost instantly I realized I had a raging hard-on. Talk about fucking confusing!

I was almost shaking as I moved the first photo to look at the next. The next was of Jane holding Ben's erect cock beside her face while she kissed it on the side. The fucking thing was longer than her face!
The next was taken again by Ben looking down but this time with his cock inside my Jane from behind in doggy-style. The thickness of his cock pressed into her pussy was very apparent. The next showed Jane arched back in a look of ecstasy, taken from below as she rode on top of him. The last photo showed Jane laying on her back smiling up at the camera with cum splashed across her stomach and breasts. Instinctively I had begun to rub my cock while examaning the photos and before I knew it I had cum.
As I went to put the photos back into the folder, I noticed the receipt was still inside the sleave. I pulled it out and looked at it, mainly to see where the photos were developed, I am not sure why. I did'nt recognize the name of the store but then one thing did leap out at me. The date.
The date on the receipt was three months after Jane and I were married.
Were the photos taken 2 years earlier but only devoloped onto glossy now? If so, why would Jane go to the trouble to get photos developed onto glossy print that were of an ex-boyfriend and her having sex after she was married to someone else? It just did not add up.

I had to accept the very real possibility that Jane had or maybe even still was fucking her Ex while we were together and even after we were married. I had wanted to find something that would justify my own feelings of inadequacy, I just did'nt know I would find the answers so easily. How would I deal with this now that I opened the door?
Should I just confront her, or should I quietly watch and wait to see if she really was still seeing her Ex-boyfriend...

To be continued if you guys want to hear more.


Posts: 3
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Oh, my god! Please continue! This story is so fucking hot, and convincing! More please!


Posts: 2133
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yep! continue please


Posts: 16
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Bravo! Excellent! More!


Posts: 517
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absolutely! and i hope you don't ruin your wife's sex life


Posts: 158
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Great start.


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Fantastic start!


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please continue, this is great!


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We all need more of this please.


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More please.............


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loved it!!! make more


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Ex cums back to haunt me.

Part 2. (Also thanks 2 everyone for the encouragement!)

After finding the photo's of Jane and her Ex-boyfriend, I decided it might be best to not be home when Jane arrives in about a half hour. I needed to think about what to do, what to say. So I headed off to a bar nearby and text Jane on the way to let her know I would be home later as I was stuck at work.
It's funny, I had never gone to a bar on my own before where I was not meeting up with anyone. To sit at a booth with a beer quietly contemplating things... I let out a chuckle. I always thought those other guys sitting at a bar by themselves lost deep in thought were just lonely or losers, now I chuckled as I wondered if they had just seen photos of their wives being fucked by a huge cock too.
After two slow beers, I was ready to head home as I had decided a few things.
I was not convinced that Jane was cheating on me just because the receipt for the photos was after we were married. I was however going to watch a hell of lot closer now for proof if something might still be going on.
I also decided to not say anything, it would be too easy for her to pass off an excuse and then turn it on me for snooping in the first place.
How I was going to keep my emotions in check around Jane would be the tricky bit. At this point in my life I was not prepared to have a cheating wife, and while I knew what a Cuckold was I definately never saw myself potentially as one. I was still in my early 20's and lacked any sort of forsight to possibly see the situation I might be in as even remotely erotic.

The next few days were tough as I tried to act "normal", overly cautious not to sound like anything was bothering me yet also aware I should be acting just like I would have a week ago. I had never given much thought to how I acted around Jane before, it was just me being me. When a thousand thoughts are running through your head and thousand questions you want answered, it is hard to think about what you would normally say or do without sounding stupid or contrived. Inside, I just wanted to have it out with Jane, but I held my nerve.

Friday was here again and Jane had arranged for us to visit at her sisters place for a few takes and a DVD. I felt compelled to go along as I had never missed a Friday session before ever. Maybe it would be easier being around Jane if her sisters were there too. Safety in numbers kind of thing. We were there by about 6.30 and the takes started to flow, being carefull not to get too takes as I was afraid of what I might say when the numbness kicked in.
The conversation was decidedly tame for a Friday night, even Becky behaved herself. It made me wonder if Jane had voiced her displeasure at Marie and Becky for taking last week's conversation too far. If Jane really was still seeing Ben, I could imagine how pissed she would be with her sisters openly talking about him in front of me.

It was now over two weeks, and I had seen no indications that Jane was anything but completely faithfull. There had been no strange phone calls, no times between work and home unaccountered for. No racing in to the bathroom to change clothes when she got home. No weird mood swings.
I decided it was best to let the whole thing slide. Maybe she got the photo's developed onto glosies for her own erotic memories or something. Either way it seemed that whatever was between her and Ben was behind her, and life for me was returning to normal.

Almost three months had gone by since I discovered Jane's photo's of her and Ben having sex. While I had never mentioned finding them, nor asking anything about her relationship with her Ex, the images would still pop into my mind every now and then. What frustrated me was that when Jane and I had sex, the images of Jane and that fat cock started to creep into my mind while we would be going at it. Everytime they did, I would lose it and cum within seconds. I could not understand why the thoughts of my wife fucking some guy with a cock that made mine look like it belonged to a 3 year old would get me off almost instantly. Surely these thoughts were not healthy. Little did I know that the next day would re-open everything.

The next day I headed off to work at 6am as always unaware of the events about to unfold. At about 9am while I was having a coffee break, a co-worker came in and informed me the mainframe had gone down. Our Boss had been told by IT it would'nt be back up until 5pm at the earliest so he agreed that anyone who wanted to take the rest of the day off could. I needed no more encouragement so headed off home.
I got home to an empty apartment which is what I expected, Jane leaves for work at about 8am and it was now almost 10am. I got changed into a pair of jeans and t-shirt and decided to walk down to the shops for something to do. The plan was to occupy my time until lunch, then maybe after catch a movie before heading home.
I had been in the sports store checking out some blazers and caps, then headed to the gaming shop. It was a little shop situated at the main entrance to the shopping complex with the bus stop just out front. As I looked over the new releases a car horn sounded just outside as a bus had stopped blocking his way or something. It was enough to make me look outside the shop window. What caught my eye however was Jane getting off the bus and walking off in the direction of our apartment.
It was only 11am now so why was Jane heading home already? But even more puzzling was that Jane was not dressed for work. She was wearing a short skirt with black stockings and a casual top that she would normaly wear on the weekends. Jane worked for a finance company that has strict dress codes, and the clothes she now wore were nothing like what she wears everday to work when I see her get home.
I left the shop but instead of calling out to her or running to catch up I casually followed a fair distance behind. All the thoughts about whether Jane had or was cheating on me came rushing back. As I followed I did notice that she was in a hurry, walking very briskly. After she had entered our apartment complex front door I decided to sit across the road in the little park. I was sitting on one of the swings thinking about how stupid I was, almost too afraid to simply go inside to my own place to see my own wife, instead sitting across the road contemplating thoughts of infidelity. My own insecurities were starting to annoy the hell out of me.

It had only been about five minutes since Jane arrived home and I was about to get up to go home too when Jane emerged from our complex walking quickly back towards the bus stop but now dressed very appropriately for work. I sat back down and watched her walk down the street, with a strange feeling that was like I was watching someone else, not my own wife.
I walked across the road and back to our apartment all the while thinking about the fact that Jane had never mentioned that she ever started work later then her usual 9am start. Is it in the occasional morning that she meets up with Ben? It would be the perfect time to keep it from me as I rarely call her from work and when I do it is usually at lunchtime or later.
When I entered the bedroom I could see her hand bag she was carrying home, she takes a different one to work. I had to check it out, my detective hat was firmly on. I could find nothing unusual in there and sort of felt dissapointed before reminding myself I should be happy about that.
I sat on the bed wondering why I was still so suspicious when I noticed her stockings sticking out from the hamper in our adjoining bathroom. Without thinking I walked over and picked them out from the hamper and held them up to smell, like some kind of dectective hound dog. "What the fuck am I doing?" I had to ask out aloud. Still, I next pulled out her top and then her skirt, and again smelled both. I'm not sure what I was expecting to find by smelling her clothes, really.
Left in the hamper was her bra and panties. As I grabbed them both instantly my curiosity perked up. Her panties were damp, very damp. I held them up to smell and they did not smell like anything I was expecting. Now I had never smelt my own cum on purpose but I did recognize the smell that was much the same as when I have sucked on Jane's clit to get her off after I had already cum inside of her.
Her panties smelt of cum, there was no doubt about it. Standing there holding her panties up to my face was the proof that Jane was indeed cheating on me. The realization of that was different to the feelings I had that just maybe she could be. I was pissed. I wanted to tear the apartment to shreds. Instead I sat back on the bed trying to calm myself down, wondering what to do now. I noticed I was still holding her damp cum-soaked panties in my hand, and I now had a hard-on. I put her clothes including the panties back into the hamper and wondered back into the bedroom and layed down. Still with a raging hard-on, I could not keep the images from her photos from creeping into my thoughts. I got up went to her dresser, opened the drawer and reached into the back and pulled out the photo album. I already knew that I wanted to see them again, to masturbate over what I now knew were photos that proved I was a cuckold. I flipped to the back of the album but was now surprised to see that there was another little photo folder there besides the first.
I had not gone back to the photo album now for nearly three months, had Jane since added to the sordid collection? The new album was alot thicker then the first, it had many more photos inside than the handful in the other.

As I pulled them out I felt strangely excited to be about to look at hopefully new erotic images of Jane and her hung Ex-boyfriend Ben. I was not disapointed judjing by the first photo. It featured Jane laying back on a strange bed naked and with her legs spread wide. In between she held a bright red dildo which was wedged inside of her pussy. Before I looked at anymore I had to know when they were taken, or at least developed. I looked inside the folder sleave and again found the receipt. Same store, this time the date was only a week ago. I quickly returned to the photos, and started to slowly flip through them all the while ocassionally stroking my painfully hard dick. The photos had everything, more blowjob shots, different poses of them fucking, one even had Ben with his thumb up Janes arse while his fat cock was being tightly clung to by Janes pussy lips below. The best photo was the last, with Jane smiling as cum was running out of her mouth with the head of Ben's cock still resting on her cheek. I lost it and blew my load right then.

For some reamister I had to see more, but not just photos. I had to see them.
I wanted to, no, I needed to see them fuck to somehow make it real and not some abstract photos of an event that had already happened. I needed to see it happen in front of my own eyes. Right now I should be pissed off, wanting to leave her and ******* him, but instead all I can think of is that I had to see them fuck myself, I could not understand it but that feeling was so strong I just accepted it. Any anger I had was gone, replaced with a desire to be the fly on the wall. But just how could I make that happen? If today was their routine, Jane goes to his place on a Tuesday morning. I needed them to be here instead. But even then I had no way of watching them. We live on the third floor facing a park, and there was definately nowhere to hide within the apartment either. I had to give this some thought.
I was still not entirely sure why but I had to watch them, maybe to justify my feeling of inadequacy by seeing if their relationship was just purely sexual. Maybe I was still just in denial.

Either way I was going to find out.

To be continued..


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cool story! please continue!


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continue please!!!! by far one of the best ive read


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keep going


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very good!


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Ex cums back to haunt me.

Part 3.

When Jane got home from work at about 6pm that night, she acted no different to every other night. I'm not sure what I expected, she had probably spent several mornings with Ben that I did not know of by then and would be no doubt getting accustomed to acting as if nothing was suspect around me later. I had to admire her, she was good. It was strange that I began to get self-concsious about acting differently around her knowing the truth yet she was as happy and normal as always.

I kept an eye on the bathroom hamper and her handbag for the rest of the week. Her handbag did not get touched which perhaps told me she had not left the apartment in the mornings for any sort of rendezvous. There were no used clothes either, no tell-tale signs at all really. On Thursday night Jane initiated sex as I had not all week. I started off feeling awkward but once hard, the other head again took charge. I was more attentive however during sex that night. Watching the expressions on her face, the way her body reacted to my touch. Trying to see if I could pick up on things that before I might have missed being a typical guy and more interested in what was pleasing me. Just why did she need to go outside of our relationship for sex? She seemed to be enjoying herself and from what I could tell none of it was just for my benefit.
Maybe she was oversexed and I was not enough? Yeah right... my thoughts went back to the photos of her getting split in half by Ben's mammoth cock. I was not enough alright.. and at that point I came hard inside of my wife. Again only seconds after visualizing her with her Ex. This pattern was starting to become a ritual, and my wife had no idea what was setting me off early. If only she knew.

Friday night saw Jane's sisters come over for takes, it was to be the first time I was going to meet Marie's new boyfriend Chris. She did however only turn up with Becky and a strong desire to get very takes! Chris had only lasted three weeks with Marie, her and Becky were becomming real man-eaters. It made me wonder that when either Marie or younger sister Becky finally tie the knot, would they be able to stay with just the one guy after spending a number of years sampling so many?
The conversation was lively and so was the mood, I even got to watch an impromptu erotic dance-off between all three sisters, started by something I cannot remember but was let down by the fact that all three kept their clothes on. It was now about 11pm and by now Marie definately was feeling no pain. She was lamenting her latest failed relationship and Jane and Becky were consoling her when I decided to take my leave.
I went and layed down on the bed but left the bedroom door open. I could hear them chat but was'nt really paying any attention when after about a half hour I heard Marie say Ben's name. Now that she had my attention I listened in to her complain "why can't I find someone decent? Jane has met two good guys one after the other."
Becky chimed in that "Ben was'nt a good guy, he did break up with Jane afterall." Jane quietly added "Yeah, besides, he really wasnt good, he was great!!" to which they all started to laugh which lightened the mood a little which I guess is what Jane was aiming for.
Marie asked Jane "If you could have Ben back, would you take him?"
Jane replied "Absolutely, take him that is. but not in a relationship. I love Jon, I just can never get enough of Ben's body."
"You said he was back from College, you're not seeing him again are you?" Marie asked a little too loud. Jane and Becky started hushing to keep Marie's voice down, little did they know I was hanging on Jane's answer.
"A few times... you guys have got to keep this from Jon and anyone else for that matter! Promise!" Both Becky and Marie were giggling at the revelation, with Marie stating matter of factly that "I knew you could never give Ben up. Ever since I heard they way he used to make you scream when you two were fucking in the old place. I have never gotten off with any guy like what he did to you every fucking night! I was so jealous and now your getting the best of both worlds. I am jealous all over again now!"
"Shhh.. seriously you two, keep this quiet. I would die if Jon found out." Jane pleaded again with her sister's.
The conversation again changed subjects and after a while I fell to relax.

Tuesday again rolled around and while I was not prepared to take a day off work on the chance that this was "their day" I had to know. At about 10am I called the apartment phone number and got no response. So I called her mobile. Again no response, and I hang up as it went to message bank. It was hard to focus on work after that. Jane gave me a call at close to eleven. I could hear traffic in the background and the sounds of the bus door opening. Jane was on her way home from a fuck session!
"Hi Honey, I missed you earlier I was in a meeting" she offered as the excuse.
"Sounds like your travelling somewhere with all that noise babe" I was'nt sure if I really wanted to start asking questions that could show I suspected her of something.
"Just doing an errand for work, did you want something before?
"I just wanted to let you know I had some good news. I will tell you when you get home tonight OK" I quickly answered back.
Good news indeed, one of the department heads was going overseas for two months and was looking for a house sitter. His house was a stylish 2-storey mansion with pool, jacuzzi, gardens in the back of the house that resemred a tropical forrest complete with a pond and fountain. Inside was plush to say the least. Three bedrooms with two bathrooms upstairs, an office, spare room, kitchen and living room with another bathroom downstairs. I had quickly offered myself with my wife as caretakers and he quickly agreed. Only proviso was that there would be no parties.
That was fine by me, I was thinking of only the opportunity to have one other guest visit while I could now be the fly on the wall.

I got home at my usual early time and went straight to the hamper. In there again was Jane's damp panties in amongst her other clothes. For someone who did not want me to find out, she did not go to great legnths to hide her indescretions. I started to wonder if leaving her sex soiled clothes for me to find, or talking about her sex sessions with her sisters while I lay in the next room in possible earshot was some part of her wanting me to know. Regardless, I now had a place from where I could see my wife cuckold me with my very own eyes. I just had to arrange the situation and let the rest take care of itself.

I just hoped that what I was wishing for was really what I wanted. Did I really need to see her getting pounded by some other guy? I was about to put my cuckold fantasy into action, yet I was still in denial about wanting to be a cuckold. Somehow I had convinced myself I needed to watch to get closure. I was beginning to have my doubts.
The next week we would move into a mansion for two whole months, two months that I could never take back.

To be continued.


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Great story! more please


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Love it more


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Dont keep us waiting!!!!!!


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Good work!


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Ex cums back to haunt me.

Part 4.

Jane was delighted at the good news. We then decided that perhaps we should cash in some of our holiday leave and sit back and relax around the pool and jacuzzi every day when we moved in to look after the mansion the following week. Jane had six weeks of holidays due and I had exactly two months, so we both agreed to ask to take our holidays starting the next week.

By Thursday lunchtime Jane called to let me know she had gotten her six weeks approved starting on the Monday. She asked me if I had heard anything yet to which I replied "Nothing yet, and it isn't looking too good either. They asked me to backfill one of the Managers who is stepping into Dave's job." Dave was the Manager who's mansion we were to look after for the next two months. I told Jane it was a good oportunity for me that would be pretty stupid to pass on. All of this was of course a lie. I had asked Dave for the full two months off right after letting him know I would look after his house. All I needed to know was that Jane's holidays were approved before officially putting in my holiday application.
Jane responded with "I can cancel my holidays then if your not going to be there during the days."
I quickly countered with "No, you keep your holidays. Besides I get home early in the afternoons anyway so we can still spend some daylight sitting by the pool or whatever. You need a break, I don't recall you taking any holidays since you started work." She agreed and that was that. Jane now would think she had the entire mansion to herself every day, I wonder what she would do to pass the time.. I could hardly wait.

On Sunday we moved in. We decided we would relax in the second room upstairs which had a double bed, I told Jane I would feel too awkward relaxing in one of my bosses bedroom where he relaxs with his wife. I knew Jane didn't like to fuck Ben in our apartment, so I hoped this would give her the main bedroom to play in while we slept in another hoping she would feel better about not taking the risk in bringing Ben into our bedroom. Now the problem was what to do while I was meant to be at work for the next eight weeks. Hiding in the backyard for that amount of time was not going to cut it.
That night we spent our first of many in our "Holiday Resort" which we did not have to pay for which was lucky, because still being in our early to mid twenties, we had very little to spend going anywhere. Yes, we might not be travelling but our relationship was about to go places! I took Jane into our bedroom and kissed her hard. We were both excited about being in the new place for different reamisters but excited anyway. I pushed her back onto the bed then opened the robe she was wearing. I slid down her panties then lifted her legs back. I moved my head down to her moist pussy and went crazy licking and sucking hard at her now very wet slick folds. I always thought I was good at making her cum with my mouth but tonight was something different. She came hard and she came often. I was proud to see her screaming with pleasure, the kind I had rarely been able to provide her over the short few years we had been together. I got her to mount my face at one point, so she could face towards my dick and stroke it for me while she sladyed her juicy pussy into my mouth. She came hard again and so did I. This was to be the warm up for some good times ahead.

Monday morning I dressed and left for work as always, but had some jeans and a t-shirt hidden in the car to change into after leaving the house. I went to a diner for some breakfast and a few coffees and quietly read a magazine or three to pass some time. It was now 9:30 and I decided to drive past our new home to see if anything was up. Nope, no strange cars. But did Ben even drive? or own a car for that matter? Jane did catch the bus to visit him each time after all. I decided to park a ways down the road then walk back to the house. I slid in around the side fence and peeked around the corner to see if Jane was in the backyard. There she was sunning herself by the pool in a bikini. She was all oiled up and looking beautiful. It took all the will power I had not to walk over and start kissing her. I watched her for another 10 minutes before slipping away back to the car. I watched the house for the next 2 hours but saw no-one arrive nor Jane leave. I was bored out of my mind. I was expected home in just a few hours so decided to head off to the mall to help pass the time.
I got home at three and met Jane in the downstairs living room. I quickly took her by the hand and headed up to our room. I stripped her down and again dove down to eat her pussy with the vision of her sunning by the pool earlier still in my mind. Now I have seen Jane in a bikini many times, but it was the fact that she did not know I was watching that made it the more exciting. She again began the first of a number of orgasms and again I had her mount my face with her pussy grinding into me while she stroked my dick. It was not that long before I came but Jane was not done yet. She was getting used to being ontop with my mouth full of her wet pussy and she wanted to cum some more. She kept grinding into me saying "Yeah, thats it! That feels so fucking good!" I could feel her tremble and shake as again she exploded within. We watched some TV before I headed off to bed early telling Jane I had a big day ahead of me tomorrow and would not be home until late. I wanted to give Jane all the reamisters to think she had all day to enjoy her "special" tuesday with her hung ex-boyfriend.

Again I sat at the Diner reading a newspaper and takeing a coffee while keeping one eye on the clock. By 9am I was slipping around the side of the house then quietly I let myself in the through the laundry door. I could hear Jane closing a cupboard door upstairs so knew it was safe to continue around to the inside stairs. I heard the shower start and the shower door slide shut. I sat on the bottom stairs while my wife showered hoping that something would happen today, and that Jane would not travel to Ben's place as usual for a Tuesday. I then heard a car pull into the driveway. I snuck around to the spare room where I could see Jane's Ben from the photos get out of his car and walk to the front door. It was unlocked as he walked straight in, lucky I had moved from the stairs or we would be meeting each other right now.
He went up the stairs as I snuck out from the spare room to listen in. I could hear the bathroom door open then Jane giggling. Soon after the shower stopped and I heard the shower door close. I could then hear bed springs squeak as they no doubt both layed down together. I peered from the stairs at ground level and could see directly into our bedroom. It was empty so I assumed they must be in the main bedroom as I had hoped. It lay down a hall and while from the top of the stairs I could see into the bedroom and hear the voices and giggling, I could not see the bed at all from where I stood. To walk down the corridor would mean I would have to stand at the entrance of their room to watch, way too risky if I wanted to stay unseen.
No, I already knew where I was going to watch from. The main bedroom had a landing extended out from the double glass doors which led to the Jacuzzi. The jacuzzi had good protection outwards from prying neighbours so I could safely watch without being watched. I went out an upstairs back door which lead onto a balcony that ran along the back of the house past our bedroom, the bathroom and to the Jacuzzi area. By now I was on my hands and knees in stealth mode as I peered around the corner past the jacuzzi into the double glass doors. That morning while Jane was still arelax, I left the doors slightly ajar so that I could hear noises from within. I did leave the curtains drawn so they would not notice the door was slightly open, however I made sure that on the side of the wall where I anticipated I would be watching from, I left about two inches that would allow me to peer into the entire bedroom. The situation could not have played out any better then this, but now was the hard part.. I was about to watch Jane fuck someone else for real. Right in front of me! Yeah the hard part alright, my hardon was already aching as I slowly crept up to the side of the glass doors.
I peered in, Jane was naked still from her shower. She was laying on her back with Ben laying over her both kissing passionately. She was pulling up his shirt then rolled him onto his back as she unbuckled his belt. A moment later his pants were on the floor and Jane was positined between his legs rubbing his cock with her perky tits as he lay back enjoying the attention. He looked to be still fairly soft but already had to be so much thicker than me and already about twice as long. Jane moved her head down to his awakining mammoth and placed the head of his cock into her mouth. I could see her tongue flicking around just under the head then she would try to engulf as much into her throat as possible. She could barely get an inch or two past the head of Ben's cock before gagging, her jaw looking like it was detached like that of a boa trying to manage his girth. Ben was now looking hard and massive, with Jane holding his cock with two hands and still having plenty of shaft to stroke up and down. The difference in size between his and mine was like night and day.
After some enthusiastic cock sucking by my wife, Ben pulled her up onto the bed and onto her back. He then positioned himself between her legs and started to slowly work his cock inside. From where I sat peering through the doors they were side on to me. I could see Jane's face as she sighed, grimaced, screamed a little and smiled all in sucsession. His cock was big enough that even from side on I could watch as more of his cock slid into my wife as their thighs closed in distance. He would gently move his hips back and forward at this point with at least about six inches of his cock outside of her pussy. If that was me I would not even be touching Jane yet but Ben already had her feeling excatasy with a couple of fat inches wedged inside of her.
He started to go deeper with his slow thrusts and Jane let out long gasps that definately sounded approving. The thrusts also now began to pick up speed as their thighs began to meet as he started giving her the full legnth of his cock. Janes gasps turned into loud pleading and screaming as they were now fucking hard and fast. I could tell she was cumming by the fact she was shaking with her head arched back but the fucking did not stop. Her legs were now pinned back by his arms as she wrapped hers around his neck as they fucked with a furious pace. It already seemed like they were going forever and I could not believe the stamina he was showing as he continued to relentlessly pound away. Jane seemed to be continually cumming now and could only let out primal screams as her pussy took all of that massive cock as their thighs now slapped hard against each other. I realized I had cum in my jeans. I had not yet even touched my dick while mesmerized by the wanton sexual act playing out before me.
Their pace finally began to slow then stop. Ben then rolled over onto his back with Jane perched above. She began to squat over his upstanding cock and from the side I was amazed that Jane could take something that big. I couldn't help but to begin respecting her sex drive and need to be fulfilled as I watched her slide all the way down on that fat long cock. Absolutely amazing! Then fully impaled, she arched backwards and began grinding her pussy with a look on her face I could only describe as "bliss". It was at this point I knew that I could never give her the kind of sexual bliss she was now feeling, and that having found that with Ben would always be prepared to have him no matter the risks.
After Jane had a few slow orgasms ontop, Ben again moved onto my wife for what was the furious finale. They fucked hard again for what seemed like ages but was probably more like 15 minutes before Ben finally let go deep inside my wife. They laid like that for a few moments to catch their breath as they were both completely covered in sweat and exhausted.

Eventually Ben got up and went to the shower then Jane joined him as I took my chance to quietly sneak around to the bacdoor and then down the stairs and out the laundry door. I got back to my car and left looking for the nearest bar.

I sat at the bar with a beer in my grip, after changing back into my non-soiled work attire. My thoughts drifted back to what had just taken place. I had wanted this, even help plan for it to happen. Now I tried to come to terms with my feelings. I had believed that I needed to see my wife being unfaithfull before I could move on but now knew that was not true at all. What I wanted was for me, to validate all those insecurities I had from having a small dick and feeling that I could not possibly fulfill my wife that way. Watching Jane with Ben did all that and more. In all of this I did not figure the part where watching my wife truly get fulfilled sexually would make me want her even more. I could not wait to get home and take her in my arms. To kiss her and smell her, to savour some of that raw sexuallity I had just witnessed.

I left the bar and drove back past the house and saw that Ben's car had gone. I checked my watch, it was almost luchtime. I would normally get home in a few hours but I had told Jane I was expecting to be late as well. Fuck that.. I needed her now. I pulled into the driveway and tried hard not to race up the stairs. I walked into our bedroom then the bathroom but could not see her, I then checked the main bedroom as well. I noticed the bed was already made and the room was clear of any indication of what had just taken place less than an hour earlier.
I heard a door shut from inside the third room near the stairs and started back down the hall. Jane popped her head out the door looking surprised and asked "What are you doing home so early?"
I replied "I'm on a long lunch. I thought I would pop home and eat something sweet".

I took Jane by the arm and lead her into our bedroom and kissed her as I began to undress her. "I can't believe you couldn't wait until you got home, someone at work getting you all horny?" Jane asked with a smirk written all over her face. She started to take my work shirt off but I stopped her saying that "I don't have time to fuck, I just want to taste that sweet pussy of yours".
Jane looked a little hesitant and unsure, I had been eating her all week and this would be no different. This time however she had just had her pussy pounded mercilessly less than an hour ago and I could feel her unease that I might be able to tell even though she had since showered.
I did not give her time to second guess as I had her laying on her back already with my mouth firmly planted on her pussy in one fell swoop.

Her pussy was red and still very moist. She placed her hand on the back of my head and said "Easy Jon, I am still tender from that good pussy eating you gave me last night baby. Please take it slow."
I drove my tongue inside of her pussy to feel the insides of her folds, even now I could tell that her inner lips were still swollen and more relaxed than last night. That fat cock had stretched Jane, and her pussy was still in recovery.
"Mmmm, your pussy tastes so good and wet. I might have to stop by every luchtime for my deserts" I added which made Jane laugh a bit and any doubts she had was fast leaving her.
"Yeah, your so good at eating me hon. I think I could handle this every lunchtime, feeding you my sweet juices each day, would you like that baby?"
"Uhhuhh" was all I could manage with literally a mouth full at the time.
"Hop ontop Hon, I want you to grind your sweet pussy onto my mouth"
Jane needed no more encouragement. Whilst laying on my back I managed to unzip my pants and free my again aching dick.
Jane instinctively reached for it and began to stroke it slowly.
"Oh yeah hon, suck my juicy pussy while I play with your dick. God I am so wet baby!"
Grabbing a breath I replied, "I love your juicy pussy, it tastes so fucking good! Your gonna make me cum if you keep stroking my little dick though".
Jane caught on without missing a beat and said " Yeah cum for me baby, I'm so close too. Make your little dick cum for me Hon."
With those words I began eating her even more passionately and Jane obviously noticed.
"I'm about to cum baby, I want to see your little dick cum for me too. Show me how much your little dick can cum for me" as Jane started to shake with her own orgasm. I came as well, as hard as I can ever remember.
As we lay there in our mutual afterglow it dawned on me that even though I had no intentions earlier, I had not only watched Jane fuck her hung ex-boyfriend, but that she had also referred to my inadequacies to help get us both off as well. She had never ever referred to my dick as "little" before. Now she was happy to use it after a little coaxing to help heighten her own orgasm. Maybe I was starting to see a side of Jane I had not seen before. Taking a more dominant side in our sexual relationship. She definately did not assume the dominant role with Ben.

I also knew that if I did not want to continue being a cuckold I needed to change the direction we were heading, trouble was I had awoken sexual urges that I wasn't sure I could put right even if I wanted to anyway.

Right now I was feeling bliss, more in love with my wife than ever. I still felt in control as well because of the fact that I tought I held all the cards. I knew my wife was cheating on me on that she did not know I had found out. I was also encouraging her role in cuckolding me, getting her to express her feelings about my inadequacies. She could enjoy her new role with me while getting what she really needed from Ben. She just was not aware that I knew and was enjoying all of this.

Strange how when you think you are in control you later find out you never really where at all..

To be continued.


Posts: 134 Pictures: 1 
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Excellent story! Please comtinure!


Posts: 134 Pictures: 1 
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Excellent story! Please comtinure!


Posts: 119
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I'm loving this story. Please continue. This is great. Bring back the sisters though. There needs to be more offense when she tells the whole story to her sisters.


Posts: 873
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Great story cannot wait for more. My panties are so full of my cum I will need to lick them clean.


Posts: 425
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A wonderful start, but I think that the best is yet to cum, and cum hard, right?

Please continue this very hot story!


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pls continue
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