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Merry Christmas Darling

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Next morning I had Missy eat his breakfast of leftovers from a doggy bowl on the kitchen floor. Then I put a collar and lead on him. He had to walk at my side around the kitchen and into the longe. I kept bringing him to heel and making him sit on command. Then I lead him to the garage.
You will remember from a previous post that Missy's most feared punishment, at least until our recent events, had been the sac, with electrodes attatched to various points on his body. He had endured a full two hours one day when I was feeling particularly wicked.
This time I attatched the electrodes to stomache, thighs front and back, calfs and feet. Then I removed his chastity shield leaving just the metal tube in place - which you will remember is now permanently affixed. I slid the vibration ring over the outside of the tube, attached the last two electrodes to it then secured everything in place with elastic straps.
Once inside the confines of the rubber relax sac I used ratched straps to secure him to the big work bench. He knew what was coming so he didn't look too happy as I slid the rubber mask over his face and inflated the rubber cock gag. He didn't know the half of it though.
I secured his head with the last ratchet strap and leaned in close to whisper in his ear.
' You know what happens now don't you slave? What you don't know is how long for. You remember I told you how everything has to revolve around one hundred? Well that's how long you've got. One hundred hours of ***. You stay wrapped in there unable to move an inch while the machine gives you lovely little shocks. Randon intensities at random times for random durations. And, just to keep you interested, during the gaps the ring round your cage will give you some lovely vibrations. Not long or strong enough for you to cum, I hope, but almost. Then just as you begin to enjoy yourself, zapp! Another shock!'
Actually it was pure guesswork on the vibrations. I just had to hope I got it right.
'Don't worry, I'm going to keep checking you and I have a video camera here that Michael has linked to the tv upstairs so we can watch you from there. Make sure you make lots of noise for me won't you? Every ten hours or so I'll let you out for food and water and probably a shower. You're going to be working up quite a sweat I recon. Then it's back in for another ten hours. Now isn't that a nice surprise?'
'Ugh.' he responded.
'Ok here we go. I think I have the settings just right but you be sure to let me know if they are too much won't you slave?'


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Simply amazing

The slave had an out if he wanted it, yet his Mistress's intense cruelty has become an aphrodisiac he cannot live without. Her biting words, along with her harsh ministrations, obviously feed his voracious masochistic lust

But now, now he's stepped over a threshold. He was offered, to an extent, an olive branch of pity, which he's rejected. It was a benevolent gesture from his tormentress, which he's unlikely to see again

The Mistress can now let go of any feelings of concern for her property, since he's scorned her compassion. Free from her inhibitions of concern, it seems she free to indulge her most wicked fantasies

This story just continues to get better


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I won't go into every detail of every long hour of that mammoth session. Suffice to say it was quite an experience for both Missy and I. It was also incredibly tiering. I felt that for safety reamisters I needed to keep a close eye on him. His breathing was restricted by the rubber mask, he was recieving mild electric shocks and being subjected to sensory deprivation after all.
Michael rigged up a video camera for me that connected to the tv in the lounge so I could watch him from there but I still spent a lot of time in the garage with him. I would stand stroking my long nails over his rubber cocooned body, watching him squirm desperately under the influence of the vibrating ring around his cock tube. Then he would suddenly crie out around his gag as another electric shock hit him. Even though he had to have known it was coming it still seemed to surprise him every time. It must have been a complete nightmare, lying there knowing the shock was coming but having no way to predict when or where it would hit or how strong it would be or even how long it would last. Hour after hour of that. No way to relax or even relax for the tinyest moment. I felt sorry for him.
I did what I could to take his mind off the enormity of his situation, fearing he might really not be able to cope. I would sit at his head, stroking his face through the rubber mask, whispering to him.I teased him about Michael. How big and hard his cock was. How much her turned me on. How I wished we had started this game years ago. I took my time explaining in the finest detail how we made love and enjoyed each other's bodies. I reminded him over and over that he would never again have those freedoms.
I described items of sexy clothes, things of mine that I knew he loved. Then I'd tell him how when I wore them now it was for Michael not for him. I told him about Michael wanting me to wear a pair of long black sexy boots for bed and how he'd held the spikey heels in his hands as he stared down at me pounding me with that huge weapon of his.
I speculated to him about changing my hairstyle for Michael, or going shopping with him so that he could choose new sexy clothes he wanted to see me in. Laughingly I told him he would probably only see them when he had to wash them!
Telling every detail of how Michael liked his cock sucked and licked and how it drove me wild when he penetrated my ass helped to while away the time but it was also an oportunity not to be missed. There was my slave husband, nowhere to run, no way to escape my taunting and teasing, nothing to take his mind off it until another dreaded shock sent his heaving, sweating body straining uselessly against that rubber cocoon and those unyielding ratchet straps.
I tried to keep him off balance by varying my approach. Sometimes I was deliberately cold and heartless. Telling him in no uncertain terms how he disgusted me and how pathetic I thought he was. I insisted that sex with him had always been a pathetic dissappointment and he'd never given me an orgasm. I said I'd yearned for years to take a real man to my bed but I hadn't because I felt sorry for him. No more though. I was saving all my affection for Michael now.
None of those things was true. I knew it and I hoped he did too really, but at the same time, I think I managed to create enough doubt to get him really humiliated and frustrated, just how we both wanted him.
Other times I would gently soothe him and say how I missed his arms around me, but knew it could never be like that ever again. I even made out that I was the victim having to go to another man for love and affection because my husband had decided to become a slave. Then I'd be brave and kiss his rubber covered forehead saying I would do my best to help him be a good slave and would get the manly love I needed from Michael.
By the end of the first three ten hour sessions with one hour rests between, I was exhausted. With some reservations I had to ask Michael to cover for me sometimes while I rested. Mostly he just sat in the lounge watching Missy on the tv while reading or flicking through sports channels. A couple of times when he actually went into the garage I watched him on the tv and listened as he taunted my slave hubby. He told Missy how he owned me now and would never give me up. How I loved him and worshipped him and would do absolutely anything for him. He taunted him about how I loved to swallow his cum, something I'd never done for hubby. How crazy I went with his cock inside me, screaming his name as I came. How I clung to him when we were out, holding his hand and planting kisses all over his face at every oportunity. He even told Missy that I'd said I never loved him and thought he was a joke. That wasn't true but I never pulled Michael up about that or anything else. Partly I didn't want him to know I was spying on him, but also because he was really very good at taunting my slave. Hearing those things coming from the man you know is screwing your wife must be devastaing in a quite different wat to when you hear her say them. Besides, it turned me on big time. By the time he got back to the lounge I'd be chomping at the bit and we'd end up shagging like rabbits in front of the tv.


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I even borrowed another camera and videoed it once. Michael walked into the lounge carrying Missy's leather wrist and ankle cuffs, a big boyish grin on his face. He wanted to put them on me. My first instinct was to refuse, but then I thought it might be fun, especially if Missy could see it. What a tease that would be. Seeing his domineering mistress wife, so aloof and untouchable to him, getting tied up and roughly fucked by some young stud. So I sent Michael next door to borrow Mr Hudmister's video camera while I got naked and slipped on some incredible red platform 'fuck me shoes' that Michael had bought me.
Michael strapped my wrists and ankles and had me kneel . He linked the wrist cuffs together behind my back and fed me his pulsing cock. Then he had me go on all fours doggy style while he separated the wrist cuffs and fixed them to the ankle cuffs. I was completely at his mercy but, unexpectedly, so turned on I was quite literally begging him to fuck me. I felt like a complete slut as he shoved unceramoniously into my soaking pussy and slowly took me to the fisrt of three orgasms, the final one of which I enjoyed as we both watched Missy writhing and screaming hopelessly on the tv.


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In the end we didn't make it to one hunded hours. It was just too much. I was too tiered to keep my eyes open by number seven and Missy was so messed up he didn't know what dat it was. I cut it short, without telling him. He still doesn't know. I convinced him that session eight would be session ten, the last one.I did find the energy to make it special though.
I'd made a recording a few weeks earlier of Michael and I in bed together. On it we were talking about sex and how much we enjoyed each other. There was lots of foreplay then a long noisy session of hot sweaty coupling before it finished with some loving pillow talk at the end. It was about two hours long and I played it through headphones for Missy. I put it on repeat play for the full ten hours. With no distractions and no other sensory input it must have been extremely powerful stuff for him.
I added further to his discomfort with a little surprise. Before fitting his hood for the last session I sat on his chest and held up for him to see some very well used condoms. There were four in total, each knotted to hold safe their respective substantial offerings. I explained to Missy the two were from Michael, one fro Mr Hudmister and the last from Julie's boyfriend. She had used a ribbed one to persuade him to provide an excuse for using a condom and had sneaked it into her handbag to give to me later. I poured each one into Missy's rubber mask before pulling it onto his head and smoothing it over his sweating faceThen it was headphones on, shocks turned up a couple of notches and off we go!


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Nice element of psychological torment

LOL, poor Missy. It must be hell not knowing if this is still just a game or if his wifes words are the unvarnished truth. I have no idea either of course. That in itself makes this story all the more suspenseful

The Mistress has given us hints as to her true feelings, but are they just basic human emotions, as in feeling sorry for a loved one? Or is there more to it? Is she doing this strictly for him? Does she want this to continue?

This "game" has gone on for quite some time. She's actually gone a month or more without even seeing Missy. Then there's the incredible sexual rewards she's reaping from this, not too mention having a permisteral slave wait on her hand & foot. She obviously enjoys all that & doesn't seem too concerned with being away from him for long periods of time

What does that mean?

Could she ever go back to how it was? Ever go back to a simple husband/wife team, & the vanilla sex that goes with it?

Questions, questions, questions.....

Hopefully, we'll get the answers as she continues

Leave some comments please. Let's let her know we're keeping up with this great story


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Bull in Isreal is looking for isreali couples or females or Couples in Isreal.
Please email me on [email protected]. Good size cock and horny bull.
like t


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The long hours had another advantage in that they gave Michael and I time to talk with Missy not around. Things never stay the same in life and we were no exception. Julie was moving away very soon as her boyfriend had landed a job abroad. Michael had been under pressure from his parents to go ti university. He had a position waiting for him in his man's law firm once he had his degree.
To be honest I was surprised it had lasted as long as it did. The age difference was exciting but hardly practical. It's not like I was in love with him, although I'd done everything I could to convince my slave hubby I was. He was always just a means to an end, a tool I used to heat up the game. A very handsome and sexy tool but just a tool all the same. Of course I'd miss him but life goes on. I couldn't stand in the way of his future career. My main concern was to keep it from my slave until we could finish the game in style.
I decided that part three of Missy's reward would involve us spending a night in a hotel. After giving him a couple of days to recover from the sac I told him we were going to stay in the lovely hotel where we'd cellebrated our anniversary three years ago.
Missy drove as Michael and I sat in the back of the car cuddling and kissing. Then we made him carry all the bags to our room. He'd been very dissappointed that it wasn't just him and I going away, but he was even more upset when I gave him the address of another hotel and told him that's where he was staying. He didn't dare say anything but his face said it all. Dissappointment, frustration, jealousy, offense. They were all there. 'Excellent !' I thought. Ha !


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We gave him a couple of hors to walk there and get settled then we paid him a visit. Michael and I were in a five star hotel. Missy's would have struggled to get one star if anyone had ever bothered to classify it.
Once in Missy's room I ordered him to strip while Michael emptied the contents of a sports bag we had brought with us onto the bed. The bed had an old fashioned metal frame, which I'd seen in their add on the internet. It was their sole attraction I think.
We had Missy stand at the bottom of the bed facing the mattress. He had to spread his legs so Michael could tie his ankles to the bed legs.Then he secured his wrists to the top corners of the bed end frame, all using ropes from the assortment he'd tipped onto the bed. Then, while Michael made him jump and cringe by swishing a short length of nylon washing line through the air behind him, I slipped off my shoes and climbed onto the bed. Lifting the front of my long skirt I pulled my slave's face into my silk french knickers. I nodded to Michael who began lashing the backs of Missy's legs. I felt him jump and dropped my skirt over his head so I could use both hands on the back of his head to pull his face in tighter, muffling his cries as I shouted at him to shut the fuck up.
After ten lashes I told Michael I wanted a go. I stepped down from the bed intending to find something to gag my slave with prior to adding more lovely red wheals to his legs and ass. Michael though was way ahead of me. Jumping on the bed to take my place he dropped his trousers and pants. I watched in shock as he stuffed his rock hard cock straight down my slave husbands throat. I know we'd discussed going out with a bang but I never expected that ! Neither did Missy judging by the look of surprise and panic on his face.
'Go on then babe,' he encouraged me. 'Flog the fucking useless faggot while I use his face as a fucking cum dump !'
So, I did. It was strange. I knew I wasn't as strong as Michael but I was really laying into his arse. He should have been screaming the place down, but there was nothing, not a sound. Well, apart from the odd desperate gurgle. Michael must have had that thick cock of his wedged so far down Missy's throat that he couldn't get the air into his lungs to scream.
Finishing my ten lashes I moved to the side to get a look at my slave's face. He was turning blue as tears streamed down his cheeks to soak into Michael's pubic hair. Then Michael pulled out just long enough for my slave husband to fetish out a cough before he slammed back in. Faster and faster Michael's hips bucked until finally, with a deep groan of release he unloaded his thick spunk directly into Missy's stomache, tearing at his hair to get every possible last millimeter of cock into my slaves mouth.


Posts: 13
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Ah, great to see the story continue

It's somewhat coming into focus now, as her words are beginning to imply intent. Yet so many things still remain unclear & the suspense hangs over the story like a thick fog


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You are such a good narator alanh. If this ever becomes a stage show the job is yours! If I ever write a book and need someone to write an intro, you're it !
Thanks for your continued interest babe. xxx N.


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Michael eventually pulled out of Missy's mouth and proceeded to coldly and pitylessly wipe his still impressive wet cock clean on Missy's face and hair while Missy coughed and gasped to feed his starved lungs. I kissed him as he climbed down off the bed and whispered, 'Thank you darling, that was unexpected but amazing'.
We loosened Missy's bonds and let him get a glass of water. Then I had him kneel in front of Michael and thank him sincerely for obligation him with his big manly cock.
Missy was told to lie on his back on the floor at the bottom of the bed, legs together and straight up against the bed frame end. Michael quickly tied them securely in place before wrapping rope around Missy's wrists and pulling them out along the floor to be tied to the bed legs.
As he lay looking up at us dreading whatever was coming next I leaned over him and told him to open his mouth. Working up some saliver I let it drip from my lips to land on his forehead. 'Oops missed,' I laughed. 'Another try slave'. This time it landed right in his mouth. Forbidding him to swallow until I gave permission I went on practicing my aim, missing regularly and on purpose, coating his sweating embarrassed face in my spit.
M joined me and we watched our combined saliver run into his eyes and down his neck. Turning to each other we kissed deeply, carressing each other until, eventually we retired to the bed. We laid down together, Michael undressed me slowly, kissing each inch of skin as it was revealed, then we made love. I marvelled once more at the rock hard solidity of his young cock as it penetrated me so fully I could taste it on my tongue. It was only a few minutes since he'd spurted down my slave husband's throat and yet here he was hard again. I guess there's no substitute for youth. I was going to miss that!
As soon as we untangled our heaving sweating bodies I ran round to the bottom of the bed cupping my leaking pussy with my hand. Kneeling over Missy's face I dropped down and removed my hand telling him to clean his Mistress. As I sat there enjoying the efforts of my slave Michael got up and retrieved a thin bamboo cane from the zipped side of the sports bag we'd brought with us. He used it to begin tapping harder and harder on the soles of Missy's helpless feet. Missy began squirming and squeeling into the confines of my pussy as I clamped it down on his face.His nose was grazing my button as his helpless pleading, muffled against the soaking folds of my pussy, began to really excite me.
Without a single thought for my helpless slave I used his sweating face to bring myself to the boil. I cried out Michael's name as I came, thighs clamping to my slave's face, pussy grinding his nose, drowning him in my sex juices, fingers curled in his hair trying to tear it out by the roots.
I was so lost in the moment I ended up pissing myself. Not a very ladylike thing to do but I was past caring. I shouted for Michael to get a towel from the bathroom. Sliding it under my slave's head I threatened him with worse punishment if he dared spill another drop of my golden nectar. Then I relaxed and let loose on his poor face.
Michael was very amused and, after helping me up, insisted on having a go himself. He sat on Missy's chest using the advantage of being able to aim his stream to piss all over Missy's bright red face. It went in his hair, in his ears, up his nose, everywhere, eventually finishing in his mouth. Then Missy had to clean Michael's cock in his mouth and thank him for his valuable liquid, whilst I stood looking down at him telling him what a worthless, sissy, cock sucking, piss takeing faggot he was.
This was really turning into a great finale, and it wasn't over yet. Not even close.


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Missy could hardly walk on his poor bruised feet when we released him. Nevertheless, I knew I had to keep the momentum going so I ordered him to get dressed in his tracksuit, refusing his plea to wash up first. Then I had him follow us as we walked into town.
When we came to a little coffee shop Michael and I went inside and relaxed on comfortable chairs in the window enjoying the sunshine through the glass. Slave hubby was left to stand outside and wait. Michael and I laughed at his sad pathetic face as we sipped our lattes.
Next it was off to the mall. Missy was instructed to follow a few paces behind us and wait outside if we went into a shop. He must have looked quite suspicious because a keen eyed security guard came over and asked if he was bothering us. Glancing at Michael I took advantage of the unexpected bonus and said 'Yes, he's been following us all day. He stinks of urine too. Would you get rid of him please?'
'No problem maam,' he smiled. Michael and I watched trying not to laugh as the security guard grabbed Missy and told him he was leaving 'Right now !'
We had to turn away and cover our mouths when we heard him exclaim,' Shit man, you stink! Leave these people alone and go take a bath or something. If I see you back here I'm gonna kick your ass, now move!'
A little while later I sent Missy a text telling him to meet us outside a restraunt that was a favourite of ours.He was waiting outside when we got there. 'That's a good slave,' I smiled. 'Now your master and I are going in here for a lovely romantic lunch, just like you and I used to have, before we discovered what a sissy faggot you are. Here is some money for you to get your lunch'. I handed him 100 pence. 'Off you go now, and get a wash too. I'll text you when I'm ready to humiliate you some more'. Laughing at his pained expression I walked into the restraunt on my handsome young man's arm.


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While I sipped my second glass of wine I sent Missy a text to meet us at charity shop a couple of streets from the restaurant. I had a great plan which I'd discussed with Michael over lunch. My plan was to take Missy into the charity shop and introduce him to one of the ladies who worked there, explaining that he was my husband and was a cross dresser. I would tell her that I was trying to be understanding as a wife and help him with his fetish. Once I had her sympathy I would then ask her if I could leave him there, if she would look after him and help him choose some suitable items of clothing while I went away to do some shopping for myself.
Meeting Missy I made it clear in no uncertain terms that he was to go along with anything I said or we would go back to his hotel where Michael would lay into the soles of his feet again. Yes I know, I'm a complete bitch. But I also know my slave husband wouldn't have me any other way !
It went really well. There were two middle aged lady assisstants in the otherwise empty shop. They both listened facinated as I explained our situation. I was worried they might be disgusted and throw us out but not a bit of it. They looked so sorry for me as I played the hard done to wife. They kept glancing up and down Missy as he stared at the floor going redder and redder. They seemed really interested and asked a few questions of me before agreeing enthusiastically to my request.
Michael had waited outside saying he hadn't the guts to face the two women. He was watching through the window and must have seen how well it seemed to be going because he changed his mind and came in. The ladies seemed a little shocked when I introduced him as my boyfriend but they soon recovered. One of them even clapped her hands and said 'Good for you my dear'. I looked at Missy. He looked like he was praying for a hole to open up in the floor and swallow him
Thanking the ladies I linked arms with Michael and we walked out. I called over my shoulder for Missy to behave himself and do as the ladies told him.
When we went back two hours later Missy was sitting waiting with a cup of tea and two large carrier bags of second hand ladies clothes. The assisstants had insisted he try them all on and show them how each outfit looked, advising him and even adding some makeup to his face and fluffing up his hair. I thanked them profusely and paid for the clothes. They said to take him back any time. I said I would soon. Then as a final treat for Missy I had him kneel and kiss the shoes of each lady thanking them for their help. They both loved it and were still laughing and jabbering about it as we left the shop and closed the door.
On the walk back to our hotel I made Missy tell us every detail of his embarrassing adventure while Michael and I laughed and taunted him.


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Back at our lovely hotel I had Missy strip off his tracksuit and model the new clothes for us. Michael and I gave him points for each one and picked our favourite. Then I sat on the couch and had him stand, wearing our chosen outfit, between my knees facing to one side.
I ordered him to lift his skirt and pettycoat and hold them up while I removed his chastity shield leaving on the tube which immediately began twitching as I ran my long french manicured nails up his thighs. He groaned out loud as I tickled his swollen sensitive balls. I asked him if he had enjoyed the day and made him thank us both for taking so much time and trouble over the past few days to give him a reward to remember.
'I'm glad you've enjoyed it slave,' I told him. 'I wanted it to be a culmination of everything that's gone before in our little adventure because it's not just an adventure any more. I have a big surprise for you when we get home. Things are going to change for good. We'll talk about it later. Or rather I'll talk and you will listen won't you slave.'
'Yes Mmm mm mmaam.' He was shivering and gasping as my tiny soft hands did their devilish work on his ass and over his poor balls.
'Right now though it's time for sissy's to go back to their hotels so that their betters can enjoy some adult fun. The kind of fun you've been denied for so long now. The kind of fun you're going to learn to live without'.
'Please Mmm mmmaam, pleeeease!'
'Don't spoil yourself slave. You've been a good little sissy. Don't spoil it now'.
'Bbb but ppplease Maam, I can't......I mean I need..... please Mmmmaam'.
'I think I'll decide what you need girl and right now I think you need a reminder of your place. Ask your Master to give you a goodnight hiding. Now you stupid little slut!' I shouted slapping his sensitive balls.
'Aaagh ! Please sir, please give me a hiding'.
'My pleasure,' Michael smirked sliding his leather belt from his jeans.
I stopped him at ten slashes and told Missy to say thank you. Without being told what to do he dropped to his knees and crawled to Michael where he kissed his boots and thanked him.
'That's enough slave,' I told him. 'Come here, I want you over my knee. Michael darling would you pass my hairbrush please. Now I want no struggling slave and not a sound, do you here me?'
'Yes Maam,'
His already red and seriously sore ass must have been on fire by the time I'd finished. But, to give him his due he never moved, just sobbed quietly to himself.
'Now up you get. Go back to your hotel. I want to spend some quality time in the arms of my darling. Leave your outfit as it is, just pull your skirt down. We can't have you parading around showing your red ass can we? Now off you go'.
After pulling his new outfit straight he dropped once more to his knees and crawled to Michael. 'Please sir, may I kiss your woman.... I mean my Mistress's fee?'
That was a bit of a surprise for Michael and for me. He really was getting into this now. He wasn't playing any more. He was actually becoming his fantasy. A sissy slave maid.
'Yes you may slave. But just her shoes. I don't want your disgusting slaver on her stockings'.
'Thank you sir'.
He crawled to me on his belly and asked my permission to kiss my shoes.
'Certainly not,' I replied indignantly. I'm wearing these for Michael. How dare you presume to take any sort of enjoyment from his shoes. I'll be wrapping them around his back and digging the heels into his cute ass as soon as you leave. Now get up and fuck off looser!'


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No comments ? I hope you guys are not getting bored with my narrative.


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Both Michael and I knew that it was our last night together so we didn't waste it. Believe me girls, an experienced lover is nice but there is no substitute for a rock hard youthfull cock that just won't go down!
It was lunch time the next day when I managed to drag myself from my lover's arms, take a shower and get dressed. Missy collected us and drove us home.I made him think of fifty different ways to say how much he respected, admired and envied Michael. Then Michael made him tell me how much he loved and worshipped me - fifty times of course. We were home by the time my slave husband reached his target of one hundred.
At home I immediately had Missy get into uniform and get started on the laundry in the garage. I helped Michael get his things together. We didn't want Missy to know he was leaving soon. Michael and I had had some good times together torturing and teasing my slave husband. He'd been a real find for us and I was going to miss him. In a way though, it would be a relief. I was looking forward to a big reunion with my long suffering husband. First though, there would be one last big effort to bring his fantasy to a shattering conclusion. One he would never forget. We would never be able to play this game again. I'd worked so hard to convince him that I'd really chosen another man over him. That I really did not love him or have any respect for him as a man, much less as my husband. Once the game was over and I admitted that I'd been acting all along, that I really did love him still and had done it all for him, I would never be able to fool him again.
I wondered if he would be glad it was over. If he would ever want to play again. I hoped so. I could still tease him by taking lovers. Instead of a long drawn out attempt to break him once and for all, it would be smaller scale breakings that I could do over and over again. We could be together and totally loving for a while then, out of the blue I could leave him standing alone in the middle of a night club while I go off and screw a complete stranger. Or I could meet some guy on a dating site, have an affair without him knowing, then spring the news on him. I would tease him and humiliate him with the details, driving him nuts with frustration as I lock away his cock and do all the things he yearns for me to do with him, to another guy. Then, afterwards each time we could enjoy getting back together as loving husband and wife. I hoped that would be how he wanted it. I cherished our loving relationship totally, but I had a taste now for being a sexy bitch cuckoldress. It would be a shame if I never got to put my hard earned s*******s to use now and again.
But I'm getting ahead of myself - back to arranging Missy's big finale.
I'd invited Julie to come and say goodbye. When she arrived Missy answered the door and showed her into the lounge. I deliberately stood just outside the door listening to Julie say her goodbyes to Missy. I heard her tell him she was leaving and would miss teasing and humiliating her sissy baby. I laughed quietly to myself as she began telling him that she thought I might be about to do the same and leave him to be with Michael. She really laid it on thick about how much I was in love with Michael and what real catch he was for me. She teased him asking him what he would do if I left him, then made him admit he couldn't blame me if I did.
When I eventually walked into the room she was sitting on the couch holding one leg stretched out so Missy could lick the bottom of her sexy open toed platform shoes. I laughed out loud as I heard him apologising for being a complete sissy and begging her to persuade me not to leave him for my handsome young lover.
I sent him to get us some wine from the fridge then, while Julie and I chatted about her plans she gave Missy her shoes to lick clean inside and out. He did a thorough job as I listened to Julie pretend to try to persuade me to dump him and marry Michael for real.
That must have been an incredibly intense experience for my slave husband. Kneeling there in his little girly pink uniform licking the sweat from the inside of his beautiful tormentress's shoes while she tried to persuade his wife to leave him for another man. Wow!
When Julie eventually got up to leave, she slid down her knickers down her stockinged legs and stepped out of them. Placing them over Missy's head she carefully arranged the crotch over his nose. I made him curtsy and thank Julie for everything she had done for him. As he opened the door for her to leave she spat in his face and told him that he had lost his wife just as he'd lost his manhood. She said she hoped he would be happy as a sissy faggot then gave him a last slap across the face - for old time's sake. Without my even telling him he curtsied and thanked her before closing the door and turning to kneel at my feet.


Posts: 13
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It finally continues, yet I'll be sad when the story ends


Posts: 71
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Love these installments but just wish I didn't have to keep on waiting for the next lol

Thank you for sharing


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You have still got my undivided attention - like everyone else I cant wait for the rest .. Tanya x


Posts: 13
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Waiting patiently


Posts: 595
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I told him to stay there and wait for our next visitor.I had invited Mr Hudmister to come over and watch a movie with us. It was the one Michael and I made while I had Missy in the rubber relax sac. It featured me on my knees, wrists tied to ankles getting my ass royally screwed while I watched my slave husband suffer on the tv.
Missy's face was a picture when it came on. I had to laugh out loud. His face was as red as the knickers still stuck over his head. As he topped up our takes like a good little maid, Mr Hudmister was congratulating Michael on the obvious mastery of his woman's ass.
'Yea,' Michael smiled, 'She's becoming quite the obedient little slut aren't you doll?'
'Yes sir, whatever you say sir,' I curtsied and we both laughed.
'Go and get those restraints to show Mr Hudmister,' he told me. 'In fact bring the spare set as well.'
I knew what was going to happen, as did Michael and Mr Hudmister. We had planned it carefully. When I returned I was naked except for the red platform shoes I'd worn on the recording still playing on the tv. Missy looked surprised and a little worried when Michael told me to truss him up first and offer him to our guest. 'It's only good manners,' He smiled.
'That's very kind of you my dear. It would be rude of me to refuse,' Mr Hudmister grinned as he dropped his trousers and positioned himself behind Missy's upthrust buttocks.
Michael quickly secured me in a matching kneeling position so that I was side by side with my sissy hubby. The boys laughed and joked as they shared some lubricant and settled into position to take their pleasure. I looked up at the tv watching myself squeel for more cock as Michael slowly fed his burning length into my welcoming ass.
Missy wasn't so pleased or so relaxed. He had his face turned away from me until Mr Hudmister told him to face me. I moved my head slightly so that our noses almost touched and I could stare deeply into his eyes. Julie's knickers had slid to one side of his red, sweating face as it was pressed into the carpet by Mr Hudmister's initial thrusts. We groaned together, me in pleasure and him in shame as I crushed my lips to his and slid my tongue into his mouth.
I jumped in surprise when Michael slapped my ass and told me to take over and work for my pleasure. He knelt there behind me, perfectly still, watching the tv and slapping my bobbing ass in encouragement while I impaled myself joyfully on his rock hard shaft.
I found myself wanting to compete with the self I saw on the tv. I had to be even more of a slut than she was. Mr Hudmister took his que and had Missy copy me. His embarrassment was complete as I told him to relax and enjoy being a real man's slut just like I was.
'We're a couple of horny tarts getting our arses filled with hard man-meat aren't we slave? Come on, move that ass for your master, show him what a little slut you are. Show me.Show me what you are, what I've made you. Copy me slave, say what I say. Mmmm, yea!'
'Mmm yea,' he whispered timidly.
'I love it, I fucking love your cock in my ass. Say it you fucking prick!'
'I, your cock in my ass.'
'Please don't stop fucking me, don't stop ever!'
'Please don't stop fucking me, don't stop ever.'
'Like you mean it slut! And you address Mr Hudmister as sir!'
'Please don't stop fucking my aass Sir!' He shouted in defeat. Ha! Now I was getting somewhere.
'Thats better slave. Keep that up. You're being a good little slut for us aren't you? Now keep copying me. I'll show you how to drive your lover mad.'
Turning to look over my shoulder I squeeled, 'I'm your whore baby, I'll do anything you say, just fuck me please!'
'I'm your whore sir, I'll do anything you say, please just fuck me sir!'
I could tell by his face he was starting to enjoy this. The prodding of Mr Hudmister's cock against his prostate must have felt really good, especially after so long without relief. It was tempting to let him come like this impaled on another man's cock. It would be seriouslt embarrassing for him. But I had one more final little scene planned and I had to make sure he lasted until then. I needed to end this before Missy got carried away and had a little accident.
'Oh darling I need your cum in my ass. Cum for me baby. Cum in my ass!'
'Oh sir I need your cum in my ass sir. Cuuuum!' Missy's words were interupted as Mr Hudmister took his hips in both hands and drove forward. Michael did the same to me. They had waited as long as they could, now nothing was going to stop their final drive toward release. The look on Missy's face was enough to send me over the edge and I came, bucking and sceaming in my bonds as Michael's cock released it's deluge of hot man juice, spraying my insides as I swore my undieing love for him.
Panting to get our breaths back, Michael and I turned to watch Mr Hudmister as with one last huge lunge he fell forward over my husband, covering him with his huge hairy sweating belly, groaning like a big bear in pain as he wrapped his fingers in Missy's hair lifting his head and pulling it painfully back as his hips thrust forward to drain the last drops of his lust into my fellow slut's ass.
The look on Missy's face as Mr Hudmister dissmounted him and sat back on the settee was one of utter frustration. He must have been so close! Excellent! Just how I wanted him!


Posts: 14716
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I just want to tell that while your story is sometimes a little too much for me, it has given me a lot of entertainment over the past year.

Thank you

I look forward to hearing how you finally end it.



Posts: 4063
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I have to agree with Timmy27.

I have never left a comment on your story because I am not a big fan of "real" stories. Now that you are nearing the end I want to thankyou.

At times your story has overwhelmed me and some of it was a little silly to me (but I am certain there are people who feel that way about my stories as well)

But I will say that everytime during the last year that I have come to this site I checked your story. You have entertained us all year long.

I will also say that no one describes the anguish of the masochistic submissive cuckold as well as you do.

Thank you very much for creating this story and I also look forward to seeing how you end it.



Posts: 595
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Mr Hudmister looked exhausted as Michael released Missy and told him to help his guest to dress.
'Thank you my dear,' he said to me as he turned to leave. 'Michael you're a lucky young man'.
'Thank you,' Michael smiled before telling Missy to see the gentleman to the door. I could hear Mr Hudmister telling Missy he should think himself lucky that Michael and I let him stay with us as our maid. He went on to say how much he had enjoyed Missy's squeeled encouragements as he took his ass. 'I shall expect the same vocal enthusiasm every time I avail myself of your sissy slave ass in future boy,' he demanded.Then with a final threat that if he did not behave himself in an exemplary fashion he would answer to him, Mr Hudmister was gone.
Back in the lounge Michael had Missy lick his cock clean of his and my juices before ordering him to do the same with my ass. His smooth tongue felt good on my poor used ass and I was dissappointed when he finally stopped. 'Right slave, upstairs to the bathroom,' Michael ordered.
'You, my little slut, can stay there until I decide to release you. Maybe I'll just leave you there while I go to bed.'
'Darling,' I pleaded. 'I need you. I need to be in your arms in our bed. Please babe. I'll be a good girl I promise'. I knew hearing me talk like that would drive hubby mad with jealousy!
'We'll see later. Now you, fuck wit, upstairs now'.
I heard from my hubby later that Michael had stepped into the shower and then had Missy join him to wash him all over, concentrating on his cock and his ass, taunting him all the while. He called him a pathetic looser who couldn't satisfy his own wife. A pervert who got off on watching real men fuck her.
The taunting continued as Missy dried Michael. He called Missy a faggot while making him dry his cock carefully. He made hubby admit he envied Michael for being such a man and having such power over me. He asked Missy if he enjoyed taking Mr Hudmister's cock in his ass. 'I can't decide who likes it the most you or your slut wife. Yes I did say slut wife. That's what she is isn't it? She admits it herself. Don't you like me saying it faggot? What are you going to do about it? I don't think you could make a very convincing claim to her while you're standing there fondling my cock like a faggot, with some neighbour's spunk dripping from your ass. do you, you sad sissy arsehole?' So it went on until Michael eventually had Missy lie over his knee while he spanked his ass black and blue.
Missy was still shedding tears when he came back into the lounge. He untied me and took me to the shower where he carefully and gently washed and dried me all over. Then he pulled back the bed covers allowing me to crawl in beside my lover. Tucking me in he went to the bottom of the bed lifted the covers and kissed my feet and Michael's as we entwined our tired bodies.
'That's enough looser,' Michael sighed. 'Sleep in the garage. I don't want you in our house. You make me sick'.
'Me too,' I giggled. 'Fuck off looser! We don't want you. We only want each other don't we baby?'
'Mmmm,' Michael sighed as I ran my fingers through his hair. 'Who does your wife love looser?'
'My wife loves you sir,' he answered from the doorway.
'Who does she fuck slave?'
'My wife fucks you sir.'
'What about you sissy boy? How does she feel about you?'
'Nothing sir. She feels nothing. I am her slave, nothing more. She's been waiting for you all her married life sir. Now she has you she doesn't need me'.
'Good boy. Now tell her how you feel about her then fuck off'.
'I love you Maam, I always will. I love you more than any slave has ever loved his mistress'.
'Am I supposed to care looser?' I asked.
'I have all I need right here in my bed. You are nothing to me now. Just do your best to stay out of my way and maybe I'll let you earn your keep. Maybe.... for a while anyway'.
Michael and I laughed and he whispered, 'Surprising how well he learns his lines and his place when he gets a little encouragement from your hairbrush isn't it?'
I had a lovely relax and when I woke Michael was gone. Now for the finale. Boy was I looking forward to this!!!


Posts: 63
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I am looking forward to this story each and every day! You usually update on the weekends so I was surprised to see an update today.

This is the thing I look forward to the most in my life, the best story I have ever read before.

Thank you so very much!


Posts: 595
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Missy was up well before me attending to his duties. I had him serve me breakfast in the kitchen. It's such a nice start to the day sitting with a slice of toast and cup of coffee reading the newspaper while your slave husband kneels under the table sucking your toes and telling you how beautiful you are.
Unfortunately I couldn't spend too long on that, I had things to do. So, leaving Missy a long list of chores, I left to go into town. I told him I was meeting up with Michael. I wasn't because Michael had left for good but I needed to keep the illusion live for just a little longer. I bought myself a new sexy little black dress and some stunning long black leather boots with deadly heels. Then I spent the rest of the day at the beauty parlour. I had a lovely relaxing facial, a manicure and, to top it all off, a completely new hairstyle.
When I got home I handed my shopping to Missy to take upstairs. I noticed the look on his face when he saw my hair. I think he was a little upset. In the past I would always discuss it with him before I changed my hair, to make sure he would like it. Now I was making it clear that his opinion was of no consequence.
After a nice coffee and a massage for my saw feet I had Missy follow me over to Mr Hudmister's. He must have suspected that he was in for some punishment and must have been sure of it when Mr Hudmister made him strip off his maid's uniform and tied him to the wooden cross in the garage. I think he must have been a little puzzled though as to why he was tied facing outover towards us.
'Stop panicking slave,' I soothed him. 'Although I haven't seen it for quite a while, I'm sure that little thing of yours must be about the size of a pea by now. So I have a new smaller tube for you. Not only is it smaller but it has some nasty litle spikes inside to help you control any innappropriate little attempts at an erection you might be foolish enough to make. First though, we have to get this one off'. I unlocked the chastity shield and removed it before taking the warm steel tube encasing his long suffering cock in my hand. Looking down I examined it, turning it from side to side, aware of his grimmacing face as just my closeness and the fact that his Mistress had deemed to touch him there had his cock straining against the cruel confines of its primister.
'We made a good job of glueing the lock didn't we slave? Lucky for us that we have an ex metalwork teacher for our neighbour isn't it? I'm warning you though, you need to stay very still. One move from you, one little twitch at the wrong time and we might eliminate the need for a chastity tube altogether,' I laughed.
I blinfolded Missy and stepped back to watch him sweating in fear as Mr Hudmister used a small electric cutting tool to slice through the protruding part of the lock. Then it was just a pair of pliers to grasp and pull out the steel pin that went through the tube and through Missy's piercing. After that it just dropped off his fear shrivelled cock. To make sure it stayed that way I taped a bag of ice over his groin bringing a gasp of surprise from him.
Unknown to him I didn't really have another cage. I needed his cock free for the last part of our little adventure, but I didn't want him to know that.
I pretended to fiddle with a new tube for a while, getting angry and eventually swearing in frustration because there was a part missing. I took Mr Hudmister to one side and we pretended to discuss matters quietly. Finally, I aproached my worried slave.
'Unfortunately slave, this new tube is not going to work. There is a part missing. I'm not sure how long it will take to get a replacement but, by the looks of it we don't need to worry too much. I think the tablets are doing their job. Your little thing seems to be behaving very well.'
Actually, I knew that was a combination of the fear of being cut by Mr Hudmisters tool and the extreme cold of the ice pack.
'I'm going to allow you the extreme priveledge of having your little clitty free for a while. Just until we get the new part. Mr Hudmister knows someone who might be able to make the bit we need so we should be able to get you secured away tommorrow. Until then I'm going to be watching you very carefully. Believe me when I say slave, you do not want to let me down. Any sign of excitement from that little thing will be severely punished and I do mean severely ! And don't even think about touching it my girl. You would not survive what I'd do to you if you did ! Just enjoy your last taste of freedom. When the new tube goes on it goes on for a long long time. Permisterally I'd like it locked away forever, but I'm prepared to be fair and allow you the hope that one day you might actually reach sush a state of servitude and devotion that I might choose to reward you. You'd like that wouldn't you? Well don't hold your breath my little slave girl because you have a long long way to go yet'.


Posts: 71
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Aaaaaaaaaaahhh don't stop now Mrs Blue !!!!!


Posts: 63
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Thank you so very much for this update. I am addicted to this forum because of your outstanding posts. I can not go a day without checking this forum for an update. please continue.


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Leaving Missy tied to the wooden cross in Mr Hudmister's garage I went back home to get ready. At about 7pm I phoned Mr Hudmister and asked him to release my hubby and send him home. When he walked into the lounge I was on the phone booking a table for two at a lovely posh restaraunt. I knew Missy would assume it was for Michael and I.
As I sat on the leather couch I was sporting a new sexy little black dress with long black leather boots and my new hairstyle. Missy was trying hard not to stare. As I put down the phone I slowly crossed my legs hitching my dress up to reveal the dark tops of my stockings.
'Put your eyes back in slave,' I scolded him. 'Come here and kneel in front of me. I take it you like my new outfit?'
'Yes Maam, you look incredible,' he answered. I wondered why he grimaced as he knelt then I saw the red and purple stripes running across the front of both of his thighs.
'Have you been a naughty girl for Mr Hudmister?' I asked him.
'Please Maam,' he whispered, red faced. 'He said he was helping me to keep my mind off inapropriate thoughts'.
'Oh I see,' I smiled. I'd informed Mr Hudmister that tonight may mark the end of our little game. I guess he had just wanted a last bit of enjoyment making my little slave squirm and beg. I couldn't blame him really.
'Well, I'm glad you like my outfit slave. Michael chose it for me. The boots too. What is it about men and boots? Oh dear, why am I asking you? Silly me. What about my hair, do you like that?'
'Yes Maam,' he said, looking up at me.
'Eyes down slave, unless you want me to tell your Master how you were staring at me?'
'Sorry Maam.'
'He chose my hairstyle too you know. I think he's deliberately changing me to emphasise that I belong to him now and not you. Now tell me, how did you enjoy your reward?'
'It was amazing Maam, thank you.'
'Was it humiliating and frustrating enough for you?'
'Yes Maam'.
'Or do you think you could take more? More offense, more frustration, more pain even?'
'I, I, I don't know Maam. I don't think so'.
'Well let's find out shall we?' I smiled.
'Oh oh ! What is that?!' I cried as I pointed to his erection poking out from his knickers and tenting the front of his pink rubber dress.
'Sorry Maam, Sorry!' he pleaded.
'Well I suppose that answers my question doesn't it? You may not be ready for more but your pathetic little excuse for a cock certainly is. I think we are going to have to increase the doseage on your tablets aren't we?'
You'll remember I'd been giving him what I said were chemical castration tablets for a few weeks now, along with my birth control pills. Actually the castration pills were cod liver oil and the birth control pills were artificial sweetners!
'Please Maam,' he whispered, staring at my boots. 'I don't want to become a woman'.
'Well it's a bit late for that isn't it?' I laughed. 'Besides which, since when has what you do or don't want been of any interest to me?'
He looked to beaten and deflated as I said that, I almost wanted to give in and cuddle him. Then I noticed again the desperate bulge under his dress twitching and bobbing, betraying his deepest desires.
'I tell you what slave,' I relented. 'Michael will be home soon to take me out to celebrate. While I wait why don't you amuse me by playing with your little clitty'.
That got his attention big time!
'Please Maam, really? I mean....may I please?'
'I just said so didn't I? Boy did I luck out with my husband. Ugly AND fucking stupid!'
'I'm sorry Maam'.
'So am I,' I answered. 'I'm sorry I didn't make you my slave and start relaxing with real men years ago. I'm sorry I even married you at all you fucking useless wanker. Now get on with it before I change my mind. Let's see you do the only thing you've ever been any good at. Make sure you tell me though....if you are getting close to letting that little thing dribble its worthless watery slime. When I say stop you put your hands behind your back pronto! Understand cuckolds brownie head?'
'Yes Maam, thank you Maam'. he stammered.
'Make sure you do slave. If you fuck this up I'll make you wish you'd never been born!'
'I won't Maam, I promise. I'll be careful. Thank you Maam, thank you'.
'I mean it scumbag, one little dribble and you are history, out of my life for good. But not before I have Michael beat you to within an inch of your sad little life. Then I'll secure you in the rubber relax sac and leave you there for a couple of days before I dump you at the local tip, still wrapped up in there. Mark my words slave,' I spoke quietly, taking his chin and lifting his face so I could look into his eyes. 'I mean every fucking word'.
'Yes Maam, I'll be really careful I promise,' he babred, nearly crying now in desperation. He was so close to feeling the first stimulation on his poor deprived cock in months and months.
I spat in his face then sat back to watch.
'Get on with it then. No. Right hand behind your back. You use your left. Middle finger only. Let me see you rubbing your little clit like the sex starved slut you are. Slowly now! Gently, that's it'.
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