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Interracial Cuckold /

Better wear a condom

Rating: 6


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If its a stranger, then condoms should be used. It doesnt matter if he's black or white.


Posts: 168 Pictures: 4 
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You hae to be sucidal to have sex with strangers, period. Condoms on average prevent the transfer of HIV/AIDS, however, they don ot protect you from fully other STDS, where there is skin in skin contact, such as herpies, for example. It is all fun and games, until you aquire an illness, one in which may ******* you and/or your partner(s).


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This is bullcuckolds brownie. Making a Black man wear a condom is unsexy and racist. Period.


Posts: 563
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You're probably right ...


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This is bullcuckolds brownie. Making a Black man wear a condom is unsexy and racist. Period.

Yes. Yes you are racist.


Posts: 99
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One is six times more dangerous than the other. That matters. Maybe stranger sex is sometimes a bad idea.

Yea, i hear ya. But it's Russian Roulette either way. Just with 3 bullets in one gun and 1 in the other...


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Racist lies.


Posts: 715 Pictures: 1 
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Yep. I agree. Racist things!


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Oh the CDC is lying now? That's rich.


Posts: 1758
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This is the kind of attitude to basic data that causes the spread of infection amongst a particular group and therefore the higher % of carriers within that group. Ignorance is the issue, if you "ignore" the data you spread the infection. You cannot risk your health or life and use ignorance as the justification -that's plain stupid. WEAR A CONDOM or better still avoid the infected group.


Posts: 1292
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LOL. If you use science, then you're a racist? Aren't a number of people out here (me included) promoting reverse racism by stating blacks are better lovers and have bigger cocks than whites when science says if by anything, it is no more of a difference than .5 inch.
Sort of like listening to black comedians making fun of white stereotypes and be labeled funny but but if a white makes fun of black stereotypes he is labeled a racist.
Use your brains you idiots. Only jews are alloed to have it both ways.


Posts: 2133
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This relates mainly to black africans living in Africa. This is not new as sex education and safe sex practice has been promoted in the african nations for many years, where HIV and AIDS has been at epidemic proportions.

It seems, that for whatever agenda, you are clasifying all blacks into one group. Which is a bit like saying all gay men have HIV and AIDS! A ridicules statement..

I would agree that it is always best to make as sure as possible that any bareback sex is safe, but we are all free to make our own choices and not be preached at!!!


Posts: 2133
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Interesting stats by the CDC. If you look at them the rate of infection in the black population has remained stable since the 1990's. It has risen in other ethnic populations, especially whites.

Sadly ignorance is a factor, as is "the socioeconomic issues associated with poverty, including limited access to quality health care, housing, and HIV prevention education".

Stats are always misleading and never tell the whole story - if in doubt be safe!


Posts: 21
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If its a stranger, then condoms should be used. It doesnt matter if he's black or white

It makes sense. Safe sex it's great


Posts: 1758
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Thus endeth the sermon by brainbox!


Posts: 22
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This makes sense. The disease was brought to America by Africans. Its said that somewhere down the line one of them hooked up with a monkey.


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Black people do not have a higher instance of STDs than White men and White women.

I'd like to see the proof. It's racist white lies.


Posts: 21
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Black or White doesn't matter, If you are intelligent you use condoms;
User2 has certainly a profil and the intelligence of a monkey


Posts: 1292
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(User2) Is definitely a racist. If you had any intelligence or read or wathed anything about the virus, you would know that was the furthest thing for the truth.
In fact, the Center for Disease Control actually tracked the spread of the disease back to a gay male french flight attendant.
He frequented many gay bath houses around the world, hence the reamister many gays who went to bath houses were the first ones to come down with the illness.
I don't mind having a little fun with racism, but garbage like yours is something that the republican party (of which I am sure you are a member) is famous for spreading.


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Hey let's get something straight here a-hole. The statistics of the United States Government (headed by a black man) PROVE beyond a shadow of a doubt that black people have significantly higher rates.

Do you want to PC that fact into oblivion?

Did your pea brain ever stop to think where Patient Zero himself first contracted the virus?

Jesus Christ.


Posts: 22
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Statistics don't lie, especially from the CDC. About the whole monkey thing, that's just what I've always heard, don't know if its true or not. Always use a condom regardless. How about that?


Posts: 1292
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When a permister has to use foul language to express themselves, it surely shows how ignorant that individual is. FYI (scooog) the gay French flight attendant, who happened to be white, was identified as Patient Zero. It only goes to reamister that he was the original permister who had sex with the infected natural.
(User2) The fact you repeated "something you heard" which is not based on science or fact makes it no less harmful or racist than the lies the Nazi's perpetrated against the Jews by telling youngren that jews *******ed little gentile youngren when Hitler first took over Germany.
If anyone wants to verify this information, you have a computer, just Google it for gods sake. 60 Minutes did the report some 20 years ago. Or just swim around in your ignorance , there is plenty of room in the pool with scoooog


Posts: 11
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The term/accusation racist no longer has any meaning in our culture. It has become a stalking horse that is intended to render its target unable to defend himself. At best it reveals the user to be either a tyrant or one who supports tyranny as a reamisterable form of social organization.

Otherwise, make your argument. If it holds water people will acknowledge it. If it doesn't, well perhaps this is your opportunity to get rid of fallacious reamistering.

To my limited knowledge the two most significant conditions that make men more susceptible to STDs are frequency of contact (multiple/random partners), and lesions on the penis. If the CDCs stats are good, then the black community needs to ask itself how and why these problems are occurring. Promiscuity is as complex and difficult to cure as addictive have use. Perhaps hygiene (a very simple issue to correct) is another. Or, perhaps there are more bisexual black males than our culture cares to admit. I can't say I know and far be it from me to point fingers.
Rating: 6, 7 votes.
Interracial Cuckold / Interracial Cuckold /
Better wear a condom
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