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Cuckolded for good

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Well, this is how it went with my soon-to-be ex (she is 29, I am 41):

We were married for five years, but in practise we were a couple for only three. During those three years she was barely interested in sex, she let me fuck her maybe once or twice a month. Then about two years ago she went to a party with her coworkers. When she got home (which was very late) she was really takes, her hair and clothes were messed up, she had crusty stains on her black dress, and she had lost her panties. I confronted her and she confessed that she had had sex with one of her coworkers in a car in the parking lot, and that it was the first time she had an orgasm since we got married. Then she got very defensive and said that I am too small for her (I am about 7cm (3") when erect, which, in my opinion should't be *that* small, though I am somewhat thin). We discussed this to great lenghts and finally I had to let her have fun with other, bigger guys (this was a tough decision, I love her *very* much and didn't want to loose her). It was amazing to watch her transformation. She had a string of boyfriends and went out to fuck them almost every night (vs. letting me fuck her once a month). We continued to have sex occasionally but over time she just completely lost interest in me, to the degree that she barely spoke to me (though she didn't seem to mind me masturbating whenever I got to watch her naked changing clothes or taking a shower). Then about a year ago things changed. She stopped seeing multiple guys and started dating just one. Then she began spending nights and entire weekends at his place, and then downright avoiding me. About three months ago, when she happened to be at home (which was rare), I saw her stepping out of the shower. Her belly had grown so much that there was absolutely no mistake. I confronted her and she told that she is five months pregnant. And then she moved out to live with her boyfriend. All I can do now is to think about her (especially her swollen tits and pregnant belly) and masturbate. I've called her a couple of times but she hung up when she realized that I was masturbating while talking to her. Oh yes, forgot to mention, her boyfriend, who apparently can satisfy her so much better, is black...



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Here is another pic that apparently one of her boyfriends took, found it in her email (btw, she didn't wear sexy lingerie for me, not even once):



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I guess you'll have to masturbate to these pics and your memories now. at least you had her for a while. your dick was just too little for this hot sexed girl! think you'll get to see her anymore?


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Thats the way to go man ........


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Quoting: joguy
think you'll get to see her anymore?

I very, very much hope so. I don't think that her boyfriend is of marrying kind and hope that he'll dump her once the baby comes in January. I hope that she'd come back to me then. But then I'd have to raise another man's young, and I don't think that she'll stop seeing other guys. While she was still living with me, I saw her pussy a couple of times after she had spent the night fucking her boyfriend. Her pussy used to look like a teenage girl's small and tight pussy, but now it looks like a loose, wide open hole (I still can't believe that only two years of fucking other guys can do that). From waist up she still looks like an angel, but from waist down she is like a worn out hooker who has been selling her stuff for years. So if I was too small for her to begin with, I don't think that I'll have even a fighting chance with that loose whore cunt now.


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That sucks. You should ask her why she married you to begin with if she felt you were too small? Hope things work out for you.
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Cuckolded for good
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