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Sons of Anarchy on FX

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was wondering if anybody else on here seen the ending to the seamister premiere last night?, the gangbang done to the wife of the club president was the quite the envelope pusher, should be a great rest of the seamister, link included to watch if you want

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i could not figure out how to download the episode... is it available to download?


Posts: 1202 Pictures: 1 
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you can stream it from the fxnetworks site or do a search on youtube, I use firefox browser and use download helper to capture most vids

Sent from my Galaxy SIII


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yes i seen it I always thought she was hot how bought when she was with her husband and a guy open door she said you could join in or shut the door hot chick


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I can't stand this show. As I bitch alot about my home town. You either sell dope for the biker gang around here. Or you are in the KKK. SERIOUSLY. I am not exagerating.

But when I was in highschool A lot of people watched MOBSTER MOVIES like goodfellas, The Godman. And the guys would act like they were in the MOB. it got worse when we were in our 20's and HBO came out with the Sopranos.

But most the Bikers around here, well I am just gonna say. This small towns major source of income comes from an ANNUAL BIKER RALLY the second weekend every September. When the bikers mule thier dope into the area. Cops, politicians turn thier heads. Because the bank and buisness owners are happy. These bikers and KLAN are the people telling thier youngren I am a Child worryer. And That I have AIDS.

All this town needs is for these Bikers to be watching a show that GLORIFIES the fact that they are scum!
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Sons of Anarchy on FX
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