When I met mrs two in late 2006, she had fucked 9 men before me, I was her tenth. She had always had a high sex drive and lots of fantasies but people around her had put her off exploring and indulging her sexual desires. And then she met me and over time our sexual games and fantasies moved us towards cuckolding.
As we have developed further, I have become a caged, denied cuckold and mrs two gets her cock wherever she desires including nights out, men met and also as an occassional e-sco-rt.
Today, she sent me pictures from a meeting with a client she had not seen before. The caption read "that was fab, he's just taking a shower". I was at work.
It was her 150th cock... and fortunately a nice cock and a lovely fuck.
Wow! One year ago we were all worried about mrs two and the turn of the year dawned darkly. Nine months later and she beat C and got back on the horse. Praise God!
I assume mrs two was somewhere in her early-mid 30s when you met. For a lady as hot as her to only have 9 lovers in that time frame while being so hot and attractive is consistent with a lady having high self-esteem. She is very intelligent and I certainly like the way she thinks. Her behavior to the time she met you was Classic MILF. She knows what she's got and wouldn't you just love a piece of her! Dream on, baby!
She meets you and enjoys sex with 140 other men in 8 years. She is way too young to be a nympho. Cougars own that realm. Her actions since then are inconsistent with a lady with her class. I could understand that behavior for business purposes. There are infinite causes for a lady to go on a brief fling of degradation. I am trying to make sense of your situation.
It seems as if mrs two is your personal human fleshlight allowing you vicarious pleasures via her sexual activities. It seems as if mrs two is your own personal Zwinky that you can dress up and use for your sexual fantasies. Neither of these statements are true. I said
seems. There are no flies on mrs two. I don't know but something is there that I can't seem to add up.
I do know that you shall pick up the tab for this. Mrs two has made you voluntarily turn yourself into a sexual gimp for her pleasure. Mrs two has absolute control of your sex. Mrs two has absolute control of her sex. There are few, if any, sex activities left for mrs two to deny you. You owe her. She doesn't owe you.
I don't know. Whose idea is this? How do you envision things three years from now? How does mrs two see things three years hence? Both of you have things ratcheted to the extreme ends of their travel. I don't know...................
..............PSEUDO PERSON...YMMV!