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found this cuckold video on youtube

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check it out pretty accurate and funny
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My God that woman is boring and ignorant.

What makes these dumb, uneducated bitches think that their senseless ramblings are interesting enough to record it and post it to youtube?


Posts: 34
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Quoting: jamesriske
What makes these dumb, uneducated bitches think that their senseless ramblings are interesting enough to record it and post it to youtube?

The same thing that makes you think your senseless ramblings are interesting enough to type out and post to CuckoldPlace?


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Peter, I know you're just trying to make a witty post and make a point but you're not.

Can you show me just one 'senseless rambling' post that I have made?

You can not.

You're not witty, you're not funny, and you're certainly not putting one over on me. My point was valid. Young women get on youtube and are posting video diaries which amount to little more than their young, uneducated opinions about everything that they know nothing about.

Perhaps if I were younger, I would be interested but for God's sake, who the hell cares what some uneducated, ignorant 20 something thinks about?

Mind you, I'm not completely dissing them, but what makes them feel important enough to ramble for a half hour about the most mundane subjects?
Heiz Gebhardt


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The second vid was great Unfortunaly I was not able tu understand what the woman in the first Vid wanted to say because my english isnt the best ;)


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James: Why get all lathered up? Just don't watch her.


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mickey, : why are you all lathered up? Just don't read my post.


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I'm not lathered up,but that sounds like fun. Perhaps I shall try that.


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quote=jamesriske]Perhaps if I were younger, I would be interested but for God's sake, who the hell cares what some uneducated, ignorant 20 something thinks about?[/quote]
I think you answered your own question......A younger Jamesriske,perhaps.


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You're right smdickedmwm, you got me there.

Thinking back, it's amazing how much cuckolds brownie we put up with as young men from women. I remember listening to that crap for hours and hours and paying for dinner and gifts all in the hopes of getting a little sex.

And the funny thing is that once you start maturing and realizing it and NOT taking the cuckolds brownie anymore from them, you attract a much higher class and quality woman and start relating to them as friends and human beings after all.


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You're, indeed right, James. Though I'll admit after 22 years of wedded bliss I'll still put up with a lot because of what she sits on. A come hither look and well placed grope and I'm driving across town (in rush hour) to get her favorite take-out dish. Why, because as you stated, I've found she's a wonderful human being and my friend and I'll add, I love her. If she ponies up some lovin'.....all the better.


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By the way...Thanks Jamesriske for all your terrific contributions. I (and many others, I'm sure) have enjoyed every one of them.
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found this cuckold video on youtube
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