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Size Comments

Rating: 3


Posts: 31
Has anybody ever had their lack of size commented on by women you’ve never met? A couple of years ago I did the naked bike ride in San Francisco. Flaccid I’m about 1 inch maybe smaller. Before the ride began 2 girls came over and asked if they could have their photograph taken with me, which of course I obliged. When the guy took the photo they both held up their pinky finger indicating a small dick.

Recognizing an opportunity to discuss my lack of size, I got talking to the 2 girls. I made a few wise cracks about it being a grower etc which they laughed at, probably for the wrong reamisters. I then said “well, I thought girls don’t care about size”. Then one of the girls replied with something I’ll never forget, “no woman wants to rip her man’s clothes off and see something like that (pointing at my dick) waiting for her”.

Has anybody else had their size commented on by complete strangers?
Rating: 3, 1 vote.
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