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ARoMa I - Story focusing on the psychological and verbal aspects

Rating: 10


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#1 · Edited by: Kana
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"If a situation ever arose where I found myself truly, deeply attracted to another man - someone who was dominant, alpha, who made an approach on me and aroused me - I would let him, all the way. I would not feel guilty about it. I would not feel shame. I would not feel like I had done anything wrong. I would feel like I had done something right. I owe it to us. My sexuality, my desires, my own needs come before you. By submitting to his advances, I would feel like I had asserted my dominance, my power, my authority over you. I would feel like I had shown Husband his place, his role, his purpose in our relationship. I would feel like I had given him a gift, a chance to demonstrate his devotion to me. I would feel like I had given him the opportunity to be the submissive, obedient, devoted husband that he was always meant to be. I would feel like I had given him the chance to prove his love, his loyalty, his commitment to me."

"Wife, please. You're talking about... about cheating on me. About slee.pingwith another man. I... I don't know if I can handle that. I don't know if I can be that man for you. The man you want me to be."

"This isn't cheating. I'm open about it, I'm honest, in advance. This is me, being true to myself, to my needs, to my desires. This is me, asserting my dominance, my power, my authority over you. This is me, giving you the chance to be the man I need you to be. The man I want you to be. The man you were always meant to be. This is me, loving you, in the only way I know how. In the only way that feels right to me. So, accept me as I am and obey. Because that's what you're here for. That's your purpose. That's the role I have for you."

"I know it's not easy for you knowing me being with another man. But this isn't about me and my desires. It's about us, and our relationship. By accepting, by being supportive of me, you're showing me that you're committed to our marriage, to our future together. You're showing me that you trust me, that you believe in me, that you believe in us. You're showing me that you're willing to make sacrifices for our relationship, for our happiness. You're showing that you are strong enough for me, and that means the world to me."

"So you say I can either be a 'worthy, supportive, strong man' for you, and let you bang anyone you want for the 'good of the marriage', or I can be a 'whiny, jealous weak man' who disrespects your 'true nature'. It's not like I have any real say in the matter, is it? You've already made up your mind, and I'm just supposed to fall in line?"

"You're right. You don't have a say in the matter. This is my decision, 'my body my choice', and I've made up my mind. Because that's what I want, that's what I have decided. 2025 is all about 'me first'. But this is for you too. I understand your argument, your man pride. But I know you're a wannabe cuckold inside. I know you get off on the thought of me with another man, but cannot proact it yourself. Well... I'll give it to you, bypassing your pride and proriety. You never really stood a chance. You're going to submit to me, obey me, worship me. That's the role you want but are too proud to admit. I'll make you embrace your true nature, your true self. You're going to be my cuckold, my submissive, my obedient little husband."

"I am a woman with needs, desires, and a biological imperative for variety. I will not suppress those urges for the sake of your fragile ego. You are my husband, my partner, and I love you deeply. But I will not be confined to a life of sexual monotony, especially when I know you get off on the thought of me with another man. I am going to give you what you truly want, even if you're too proud to admit it. This is not a choice for you, you have no say."

"Your will is so easy to break. I can get you to admit and beg with just a little teasing and denial, handcuffs, riding crop. With few well-placed words and touches, you beg for whatever. If you can't resist me when I'm just playing with you, how do you think you'll resist me when I'm actually dominant for real, out there, living my life? Say... I went and got myself fucked senseless by a real girthy guy, got properly stretched and pleased. How would you then feel about me and my pussy?"

"You'd be disbelieving first, then adjusting. Thoughts of... me choosing to have another man inside me, stretching me, filling me, making me cum would not leave your mind alone. They would arouse you, make you want me. You'd feel insecure too, secretly afraid to lose me, and jealous. You'd think about me a lot more, want me and court me. A woman wants to be the focus of her man's world, so I'd like it, I'd allow it, grow accustomed to it, and expect it."

"You'd come to understand that a power shift took place. My firm but loving attitude would make you feel safe and loved, while my escapedes would clearly demonstrate that I do not consider you my sexual equal. From beneath you'd have to look up to me. We both know you find such a position very satisfying to you, it's your nature. And here's the crux of it; most of all people we want those above us, those we can't have."

"So... you'd respect and appreciate me more, love and desire me more. Is that not true? Don't try to deny it."

"You're right as always. I couldn't resist you. I can't resist the way you make me feel, the way you make me want you, the way you make me need you. That gives you power, dominance, control over me. I am yours to do what you please. Forever and always. I love you."

"That's right, you're mine, body and soul. You belong to me. I however... do not belong to you. I am not yours. I belong to myself. I am my own woman, with my own needs, my own desires. I will live my life the way I want to live it, you're the side kick, along for the ride. You love me, will support me, respect me, no matter what I do. That's the man you are, that's what a good husband does. That's what a man does for the woman he loves. Open up to danger, be strong enough to risk it. Say it. Declare your love and devotion to me. I want to hear it from you. But do not forget to include that you know and accept that I am not yours in the same way you are mine."

"You understand it well. I cannot dispute what you say. I love you. I am devoted to you, body and soul. I will work for your benefit, I will protect you. I will be faithfull to you. I will support you and respect you, no matter what you do. I will try to obey you and give you priority. This I say as a man, my oath for the rest of my life. You are my wife, my partner, my everything. I do not want life without you. I say all this knowing that you are not mine in the same way that I am yours. You are a woman, you belong to yourself. A girl will need to look out for herself. And that is as it should be."

"I'm glad you understand your place in our relationship, put my needs, my desires, my happiness above your own. That's what I need from you. That's what I want from you. And I know you're capable of giving it to me. You're a good man, and a strong man, for these things require strength. You are a man able to protect and provide. That's what a good husband does. For that I love you."

She pauses to think, and grins mischiveously.

"You know, I really like the way you put the woman part. A girl really needs to look out for herself. But are you really certain you understand what it means? I think we need to clarify. With my escapedes, I may encounter someone who is younger, wealthier, more handsome, better equipped than you, and other such things. Do you think it's my perogative to seek to upgrade? Do you mean you would support me trading up, you for someone else? Do you mean you are okay with it, do I have your blessing?"

"You're teasing me, right? You're just trying to get a rise out of me, to see how far you can push me. You know I would never be okay with you leaving me for someone else. You know I would fight for you, for our marriage, with everything I have. I'd never give up. But I also know that you would never do that to me. You love me, you need me, maybe not sexually but otherwise, and... I am your soul mate. But go ahead, tease me, tor.ture me, make me beg. I can take it. I can take anything you give me. Because I know that in the end, you'll always come back to me. You'll always choose me. Because that's what true love is."

"You're right, I am teasing you. But I'm also being serious. While I may know otherwise, you shall live in doubt. I am planting the seed in your mind so that you can never be absolutely certain or secure. It'll help me manage you and get your best effort until I don't need you anymore. I don't think it's likely I would leave you, but who knows what happens in life? Regardless, that's not the only way for you to lose ground. A woman can easily have more than just one man, so you need to keep p your good efforts, even to hold on to your role as a cuckold-provider-soulmate. I'm putting you in your place, humbled. I need to see you put me above your own needs. State your support for me to keep my eyes open for an upgrade. Think that it is just tease, if that helps."

"I want you to keep your options open, and improve your life situation where possible."

Wife takes no-joke firm stance, looks Husband directly in the eyes.
"That's weak. I need you to be way more specific and humble. I need you to urge me to seek out a better man than you, to use this opportunity to improve my situation. I need you to say that you hope I would find someone better, and that I should consider leaving you for him. I need you to say that you would still love me, still be there for me, as support and as fallback option. I need you to say that you would still be my devoted husband, even if we were not married anymore. I need you to say that you would still provide for me. I need you to say all of that, out loud, and mean it. Because that's the only way I'll know that you truly understand your place in our relationship. That's the only way I'll know that you're really committed to me, to us, to our future together. So say it. Say it all. And mean it."

Husband takes a deep breath, and looks down at the floor. Wife snaps her fingers and points to her eyes, and Husband looks back up.
"I understand. I understand my place in our relationship, a stepping stone for you on your way up. I want you to take this opportunity to try out many men, and see what you like. To consider them as potential husbands, fat.hers to your when you are with them. Consider if you should replace me with them. Think of life with them as they unload into you. I want you to find someone who can take you further in life than I can."

Wife smiles, and nods approvingly. "Good. Very good. You really embraced it. But these are all mere words. I think we need some actual deeds to solidify your position. I was thinking we should sign a post-nuptial agreement."

Husband looks up, surprised. "A post-nuptial agreement? What for?"

"To protect my interests, of course. To ensure that no matter what happens, I will always be taken care of. I want to make sure that if I do decide to leave you for someone else, I will be financially secure. I want to make sure that if I do have with someone else, you will still provide for them, regardless if we remain married or not. I want the agreement say that in case of divorce, I get everything; Houses, apartments, cabins, cars, money and stocks, companies. It would be funny your career and life's work, your company would be mine, and you'd work for me."

Husband looks shocked, and starts to protest. "But... but that's not fair! I built that company from the ground up! I've put in years of hard work and dedication! You can't just take it away from me like that!"


Posts: 319 Pictures: 3 
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Very interesting. Do carry on, please.


Posts: 325
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She already has in mind to leave him. If he sign he's a real idiot. If he isn't a wimp he can argue that his needs as well as those of the marriage come before hers.


Posts: 75
#4 · Edited by: Kana
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Husband looks shocked, and starts to protest. "But... but that's not fair! I built that company from the ground up! I've put in years of hard work and dedication! You can't just take it away from me like that!"

Wife snaps her fingers and points at Husband with a stern look.
"This is not about taking it away. This is about your dedication to me. Your sub.mission to, and trust in me. I feel offended by your hesitation. Put your money where your mouth is. Or more like put your money where your dick is, under my heel."

Husband yields and says: "I am sorry, just being cautious by reflex. We can do it, and should. I know you are not a gold digger, I trust in your integrity more than my own. This is ultimate commitment... We'll make such an agreement and I will sign it. After that, everything I have is yours to take if you want. Some power over me, huh?"

"Good, we will have it drafted, signed and registered asap. It's important that all this is not just words, but will have a legal effect as well. I really like the idea and the symbolism. Just imagine dressing and preparing me for my date, making sure I am the best possible version for another man. I'd tease you, get you to say things. For sure I'd make you beg me to stay over his place for the whole weekend, opprtunity to build deeper relations. You get the idea. You'd have fun waiting for me, wondering when or if at all I come back. It's important for times like this for you to know that I could take everything. A dowry for myself, should I so choose, and that you could do nothing about it."

Husband looks down, and nods. "That's really powerfull, you really know how to do this don't you? A bit sadistic even."

"I do. I am a woman, and I know what I want. I am not afraid to use my wiles to get what I want."

Wife get's an evil gleam, and continues.

"But this is not humble respectful behaviour, calling me a sadist. So now I must live up to the accusation... and put this though into your head. I could tell the guy that I have a nuptial agreement in place, the kind where I get everything if I divorce you. I could make you beg me to do it."

Husband looks up, shocked. "What? Why would you do that? That's private information!"

"Because it would be funny. It would be funny to see the look on his face when he realizes the wealth I would command. That he could potentially end up with everything, should he be able to work his way from lover to something more. Nice incentive for him to work hard to please me, don't you think. To compete for my heart. Who knows, maybe he would suceed. I certainly would allow myself to enjoy his efforts."

"It'll be funny to see the look on your face when you wonder if I told him. To realize you could lose it all because some guy has a huge cock."

"Oh and it would be so much fun to observe when I made you two meet each other."


Posts: 75
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Glad to hear some peeps liked it. Anyone who reads and liked it, do leave -even a short- comment. Will motivate to post more so do it for your own sake too.


Posts: 15
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Hello Kana, very great story. Like it so much


Posts: 945
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Greeting Kana,

Please continue this fabulous thread.


Posts: 75
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Ancient FLR relationship?



Posts: 155
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Amazing story!


Posts: 4319
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omg what a psychologically deep story. Why does my cock stay rock hard the whole time I'm reading? I literally live through the situations and find myself as that husband. And I'm afraid I would let myself be manipulated in that way too
Submissive Cuckold - lives for many years in a female-led marriage with a cuckold lifestyle.


Posts: 75
#11 · Edited by: Kana
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Glad to hear. I think this is enough feedback for me to do another story at some point. I have plenty of material and ideas.

I will use ARoMa in the title so people know it's related.


Posts: 4319
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I will use ARoMa in the title so people know it's related.

thank you, sounds damn hot. Let's read more of your material and ideas
Submissive Cuckold - lives for many years in a female-led marriage with a cuckold lifestyle.


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Don Jetman


Posts: 3214
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Really enjoyed this. I love great dialogue, and you do it well. Looking forward to more - thanks!

Rating: 10, 5 votes.
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ARoMa I - Story focusing on the psychological and verbal aspects
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