Posts: 13165
CARLA DELACOURT NEW RELEASE PETULA'S PLEASURE. AT AMAZON/KINDLE WITH ALL HER OTHER SORDID NOVELS. MORE DEPRAVED CONTENT AT The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!and Evilwife at https://www.cuckoldplace.com/SISSY CUCKOLD HISTORY 571. Mundane History today as it is about the Feminized Sissy Cuckold and housework! Now I suppose I have been lucky as from an early age my ****** taught me how to clean the house up and how to cook, Iron and even sew and knit. Later when she told me she knew I was dressing up in her clothes and allowed me to dress as a girl at home I carried on doing all these tasks. I was at that time informed that being proficient at all these tasks would come in very handy when I was married! And never a truer word was said and both my Cuckoldress wives were well pleased that not only was I eager to please them by taking over all the housekeeping tasks also that they did not have to put the time and effort into training me to do them. Tania my second wife the escort and Dominatrix was the stricter of my two Cuckoldress wives and she demanded perfection and the housework done the way she wanted so although I was very good at the jobs I had to learn to do them to the insane standards she required and Tania deemed that a lot of encouragement via floggings and savage whippings for punishment were needed to get me to do things right for her. All this was so beaten into me that my home these days sparkle with everything in it's place as it should be.
Posts: 13165
CARLA DELACOURT NEW RELEASE PETULA'S PLEASURE. AT AMAZON/KINDLE WITH ALL HER OTHER SORDID NOVELS. MORE DEPRAVED CONTENT AT The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!and Evilwife at https://www.cuckoldplace.com/SISSY CUCKOLD HISTORY 572. As a Feminized Sissy Cuckold I of course think it's totally unfair that all Cuckoldresses seem to delight in the application of the ruined sissygasm. Of course like any other Feminized Sissy Cuckold I would think like that because as both my ex wives and Cuckoldresses stated Sissy Cuckolds are basically selfish! So one has to stand back and detach one's self from your personal needs and think of it in the Cuckoldresses high heels which is not an easy thing to do when you have been denied relief for so long it's hard to recall what its like to have a glorious sissygasm and even when that beautiful honour is allowed by the Cuckoldress wife she makes sure she ruins it totally. A Cuckoldress gets immense fun, arousal and wicked feelings of power to take you to the edge time and time again and then when she does push you over the edge she does it in a way that is not pleasurable at all and your sissy milk just leaks out giving you no relief what so ever. Y6es it's highly cruel and sadistic and effects the Feminized Sissy Cuckold mental and physical state but because you are the Cuckoldresses property and she loves and adores you because you have fully submitted to being her Feminized Sissy Cuckold you accept that she has total control and power over you and can do as she pleases without you having any say in the matter! Better get used to never having a free sissy squirt again and get used to your dribbles being ruined! take your satisfaction in making your Cuckoldress cum because she its what's really important.
Posts: 13165
CARLA DELACOURT NEW RELEASE PETULA'S PLEASURE. AT AMAZON/KINDLE WITH ALL HER OTHER SORDID NOVELS. MORE DEPRAVED CONTENT AT The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!and Evilwife at https://www.cuckoldplace.com/SISSY CUCKOLD HISTORY 573. It's amazing when you think about it? for a Feminized sissy cuckold the ingestion of sperm it right up there on top of the list it has to do and not only other men's sperm, but other sissies weak watery mess and lastly their own. One of the effects of consuming so much sperm is a weakening of what little masculinity a feminized sissy cuckold has is further diminished what with the make up and protiens in spunk. Does this heady cream of the god's push a Feminized Sissy Cuckold further into bi-sexuality and even in some turn them all the way queer? Who knows? but what is for sure soon after creampie eating and cock cleaning the Feminized sissy cuckold is addicted to the stuff and shudders in horror of licking a clean washed perfumed pussy or wiped clean anus.
Posts: 13165
CARLA DELACOURT NEW RELEASE PETULA'S PLEASURE. AT AMAZON/KINDLE WITH ALL HER OTHER SORDID NOVELS. MORE DEPRAVED CONTENT AT The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!and Evilwife at https://www.cuckoldplace.com/SISSY CUCKOLD HISTORY 574. For the Feminized sissy cuckold if it's living as a woman or not meeting certain types of women throws us into a quandary of submissive desire. You know the type of women I am talking about mostly they are middle aged and older from thin to large and they have that aura of strength and control about them that sneer's down at you because at fifty feet she can spot what you are. Women like this make up and dress up in severe clothing and cosmetics and their legs are always encased in hosiery and feet in high heels because they know what power they have over men and specially wimps, submissives and sissy cuckolds who slaver after a real woman in these items. Many a time I have had one of these ladies take a good long HARD look at me at one time when I had women's stuff on under my male clothes and then when I started living dressed full time. The way they look you over tells you that in their head they are running over the things they would do to make you suffer and the things they would ***** you to do to please them! Luckily these days with women being more liberated I have found that these women will initiate a conversation if they are truly interested and more so since I have been living as a woman. All you have to be is truthful with these ladies, some just want to chat and explore what you are and that's it but others want what you are and if you show that you are not a raving nutter she will snap her fingers or such and you suddenly have a Mistress to serve.
Posts: 13165
CARLA DELACOURT NEW RELEASE PETULA'S PLEASURE. AT AMAZON/KINDLE WITH ALL HER OTHER SORDID NOVELS. MORE DEPRAVED CONTENT AT The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!and Evilwife at https://www.cuckoldplace.com/SISSY CUCKOLD HISTORY 575. It's difficult to stress the importance of constant verbal *********** on the Feminized Sissy Cuckold. The Cuckoldress knows this all to well and uses it more so than any amount of whippings and beatings although they are very compelling methods. The art of verbal humilation is to diminish and destroy the sissy cuckolds masculinity and condition it's mind that it's worthless, Pathetic and useless as a male. I found over the years that things that I thought were core in a male have been eroded away by the constant pressure of verbal *********** from the Cuckoldress and ultimately I can to understand that because I am a Feminized Sissy Cuckold the Cuckoldress wife is always right and I am lucky to be classed on the same level as the **** on the sole of her high heels.
Posts: 13165
CARLA DELACOURT NEW RELEASE PETULA'S PLEASURE. AT AMAZON/KINDLE WITH ALL HER OTHER SORDID NOVELS. MORE DEPRAVED CONTENT AT The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!and Evilwife at https://www.cuckoldplace.com/SISSY CUCKOLD HISTORY 576. Vacations can always be used by the Cuckoldress wife to heap *********** on a Feminized Sissy Cuckold. Tania and myself were in Florida one time and we were shopping and were in JC Penny. Tania got chatting to this guy leaving me totally ignored after she had introduced me to him, he was a good looking coffee coloured guy just the sort I knew she liked. Within minutes she had taken him into the restroom and I was standing outside the cubicle as she had sex with him then and there. It must have been a lucky day as during their frantic fuck in the toilet stall no one came into the restroom although I was a terrified mess, aroused beyond belife my chastity device hurting so much under my dress and horrified at the mere thought of someone coming in seeing me and hearing what was going on! The guy left with a smirk on his face and then I was called into the cubicle and kissed Tania's pussy, there was no creampie but Tania had a very full condom in her hand which she proceeded to empty out over the front of my dress. Her order then was simple I was to return to the car where she would meet me! I got some very strange looks getting back to where we had parked.
Posts: 13165
CARLA DELACOURT NEW RELEASE PETULA'S PLEASURE. AT AMAZON/KINDLE WITH ALL HER OTHER SORDID NOVELS. MORE DEPRAVED CONTENT AT The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!and Evilwife at https://www.cuckoldplace.com/SISSY CUCKOLD HISTORY 577. The Festive season is almost upon us and it is actually one of the more opportune times to spill the beans to your lovely wife or partner that you crave to be their Feminized Sissy Cuckold handing over complete power to them! Why you might ask? well for a lot of us there is the Parties that spring up this time of year, not just the office or works Christmas do but also get togethers with Friends. And where there are parties there is lots of ******* and the lowering of inhibitions and as any woman loves a good knees up on go the little black dresses, lingerie and hosiery and high heels with the wicked heavy make up. Firstly help her buy new stuff for her works do and tell her you want her to look super sexy for you, then at the last minute if you have been invited to her works Christmas party find an excuse why you cannot go but tell her to have a ball and not to worry about you at home! Many women indulge in things they normally would not at parties specially if hubby is not around? ***** they will flirt and tease so much more and take things further than they would normally many times ending up in illicit sex. If it's a party at a girlfriends house the peer pressure is so much more to let their hair down and as you are not around the girls will egg each other on to do wicked things with the men attending? Now you at home have to play your part in opening up maybe all you have the balls for is to leave the computer open on a Feminized Sissy Cuckold website and be looking at it when she gets home ***** maybe fucked or have some guilty secrets over what she has been up to? If your going for broke dress and make up in her lingerie, hosiery and cosmetics and catch you fiddling with yourself over said websites. I am not saying that you will have total success but the door then will be open to a lot of further discussions after the dust has settled when you can talk openly and honestly about things and how you see her as your goddess cuckoldress! Remember women like adoration even if it's coming from their husband not some hunky flattering guy and what your offering will peak her deep interests. If she has come home fucked feeling guilty over what she has done the catching you out will be a great weight off her shoulders and you never know she might just tell you then and there that she had been a bad sinful wife at the party and will gladly allow you to lick clean her creampied pussy or more if she's been a real dirty slut!
Posts: 13165
CARLA DELACOURT NEW RELEASE PETULA'S PLEASURE. AT AMAZON/KINDLE WITH ALL HER OTHER SORDID NOVELS. MORE DEPRAVED CONTENT AT The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!and Evilwife at https://www.cuckoldplace.com/SISSY CUCKOLD HISTORY 578. I do not think any Feminized Sissy Cuckold gets over the angst and emotions when the wife has gone out on a date leaving sissy cuckold to stew at home doing the household tasks she had left him to do? As the hours tick by the chance of the wife just eating a meal, sitting in a bar having a ***** or in a nightclub diminish as the minutes go by and the sissy cuckold knows for sure that it's wife is getting ploughed by her dates might large cock! What goes through the sissy cuckolds so called mind as the night hours slip away would be the most shocking porn movie ever made if it could be put on to cellulose. There is little wonder then why when the Cuckoldress wife finally gets home she is met by a broken nervous wreck! a sissy cuckold like jelly and so compliant that she can get it to do absolutely anything she wants! There in that state the sissy cuckold will worship his cuckoldress wife and gladly lick her clean no matter what state she is in and often the sissy cuckold will be so aroused at what it can hear, see, smell and taste that it will sissygasm as it licks it's wife clean without even touching its pathetic little penis! And this sort of sissy cuckold accident as it's creampie cleaning delights the cuckoldress wife!
Posts: 13165
CARLA DELACOURT NEW RELEASE PETULA'S PLEASURE. AT AMAZON/KINDLE WITH ALL HER OTHER SORDID NOVELS. MORE DEPRAVED CONTENT AT The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!and Evilwife at https://www.cuckoldplace.com/SISSY CUCKOLD HISTORY 579. Is it not strange after hearing the mantra of "It's not what you've got it's how you use it!" for years and years that once a wife becomes a Cuckoldress she openly states what a crock of **** that is a lie made up by pathetic males! As a Feminized Sissy Cuckold I have met many many Cuckoldresses and talked to more than my fair share of cheating wives and all of them without exception look out for and want big thick long meaty cocks! I hope we are in an age where more and more women will put to death this horrible lie about penis verses COCK! as not only is it an effront to womanhood it makes male failures get hopes beyond their station! the fact is SMALL IS SMALL AND WORTHLESS and WOMEN WANT TO BE FUCKED BY PROPER COCK!
Posts: 13165
CARLA DELACOURT NEW RELEASE PETULA'S PLEASURE. AT AMAZON/KINDLE WITH ALL HER OTHER SORDID NOVELS. MORE DEPRAVED CONTENT AT The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!and Evilwife at https://www.cuckoldplace.com/SISSY CUCKOLD HISTORY 580. The ********* of the Cuckoldress reach into every area of the Feminized Sissy Cuckolds life as she explores the power she now has over you! Of course you can expect the standard stuff like chastity, sex denial, housework, punishment and you performing homosexual acts for her entertainment and amusement! But there is also the little things and they can be hugely destabilizing for the Feminized Sissy Cuckold! Take food for example a basic need for any human but as Sissy Cuckold you might have to come to accept your Cuckoldress spitting on your meals or stomping all over it in her dirty high heels squishing it to a disgusting mush! I have had to watch as Tania my second ex wife and Cuckoldress leaned over my bowl and pushing a finger first to one nostril then the other snorting the contence of her nose onto my food and then hawking up and spitting. Then there was the devastating time when she informed me that to save money on the shopping bill I was to go through a period of only ******** and consuming what came out of her bladder and Bowels and it was not a joke and that was all I got other than water for two weeks at a time. This sort of diet from then on was a semi regular part of my Feminized Sissy Cuckold life making me feel utterly degraded, ashamed and sick with myself as I suffered two simultaneous reactions. First the crippling disgust of eating ****, the urine I never minded and always liked it and then shamefully I found I started to crave what I had to do getting a humiliating sexual thrill out of serving my Cuckoldress in this manner! And Tania showed me the shopping receipts during this time and she as always was correct she did save a bundle of cash feeding me her ****!
Posts: 13165
CARLA DELACOURT NEW RELEASE PETULA'S PLEASURE. AT AMAZON/KINDLE WITH ALL HER OTHER SORDID NOVELS. MORE DEPRAVED CONTENT AT The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!and Evilwife at https://www.cuckoldplace.com/SISSY CUCKOLD HISTORY 581. It was only with the advent of the internet that I like many found out the true depth of our feminized sissy cuckold perversions and the endless list of what women can do to their sissy cuckold! Like many I suppose before really knowing the ins and outs of things I was a transvestite with so many fetishes it was dizzying? Take for example my first wife Anne that first time prior to her going out on a lunch date with her then boyfriend that she got me on my stocking clad knees licking her sphincter and rectum deeply. I had no idea as I licked away until she told me later that she was getting me to clean her ass up prior to her having anal sex with her man! I was utterly stunned by her telling me this as it never crossed my mind that she would be ass fucking as she had never let me any where near her bottom and even if I looked at it she would throw a strop! But here she was having the sinful audacity on making me lick her bottom clean for anal sex! she was pre planning what she wanted on her date even if that emotionally hurt me! These day's though all budding sissy cuckolds can read up on most of the naughty tricks a Cuckoldress will get up to!
Posts: 13165
CARLA DELACOURT NEW RELEASE PETULA'S PLEASURE. AT AMAZON/KINDLE WITH ALL HER OTHER SORDID NOVELS. MORE DEPRAVED CONTENT AT The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!and Evilwife at https://www.cuckoldplace.com/SISSY CUCKOLD HISTORY 582. Shopping with the Cuckoldress wife is always a never ending source of ***********, belittlement and shame for the Feminized Sissy Cuckold. The times my Cuckoldresses over the years have ousted me in the shop chatting to the assistant and speaking in a voice loud enough for everyone to hear and it's like you have a big flashing sign over your hear that says Feminized Sissy Cuckold! There is never any pity for you as a sissy cuckold the female assistants always side with your Cuckoldress in rubbing your face in the *********** of lingerie or clothes are being brought for you. And worse when the Cuckoldress is purchasing something for a date then you squirm when you see the reaction of the staff, not only are you feminized but it's probably slipped out of your wife's lips that your in chastity and she is picking out an outfit for the real man that she is dating! One thing is for certain as a feminized sissy cuckold you will pay for everything your wife buys to excite her men and by the time a shopping trip is over you'll be in a state of aroused humiliated nervous collapse!"
Posts: 13165
CARLA DELACOURT NEW RELEASE PETULA'S PLEASURE. AT AMAZON/KINDLE WITH ALL HER OTHER SORDID NOVELS. MORE DEPRAVED CONTENT AT The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!and Evilwife at https://www.cuckoldplace.com/SISSY CUCKOLD HISTORY 583. It's daunting when you finally get caught out of confess to your wife that you want to be her feminized sissy cuckold and tell her all that it entails! Now there is many a wife who will smile positively upon your desperate plea and if she is astute enough she will already know and understand that you have always been less than a man and what you are telling her is sorely needed in your life. But also you might be with a woman who will utterly reject what you have confessed to her and reject you out of hand and this could lead to an irreversible split! Funny enough she will leave you or kick you out and throw herself into the arms of other men looking for a man? (Ummm? was that not what you were begging for just with you being relegated to the feminized sissy cuckold maid and support her sexual freedom in everyway!) many ex wives come to bitterly regret after a while that they were to hasty in dumping the begging and pleading want to be Feminized Sissy Cuckold. As for yourself being dumped, divorced, kicked out and dispelled can and will be a harrowing time but believe me for the sake of your sanity and life for the future a split might be unavoidable thus letting you have the chance of you actually meeting the Cuckoldress of your dreams.
Posts: 13165
CARLA DELACOURT NEW RELEASE PETULA'S PLEASURE. AT AMAZON/KINDLE WITH ALL HER OTHER SORDID NOVELS. MORE DEPRAVED CONTENT AT The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!and Evilwife at https://www.cuckoldplace.com/SISSY CUCKOLD HISTORY 584. Truly one of the horrifying things that many feminized sissy cuckolds have to face at sometime or another after years of pain, agony and insanity inducing denial of sex or sexual relief from the Cuckoldress wife or any other woman and vast stretches in secure chastity devices where sissy cuckolds stupid little penis painfully swelled at even the the sound of a high heel clicking. And the Cuckoldress wife made sure that pain was constant with the flaunting way she was around sissy cuckold from the way she dressed all the time, to her haughty sensuous manner to making sissy cuckold watch her having sex with real men or other women and cleaning her up afterwards. Then comes the day the Cuckoldress frees sissy cuckolds little clitty and to her delight and to the feminized sissy cuckolds utter *********** and shame he can no longer achieve an erection the pathetic little thing just bloats a little bit and stuff dribbled out of the tip and the only way the sissy cuckold can come is either hands free watching the wife getting nailed or sissy cuckold taking what ever up it's ass till it sissygasms as it's limp penis wiggles around utterly useless! No wonder so many wives go down the path of Penectomy for their feminized sissy cuckold!
Posts: 13165
CARLA DELACOURT NEW RELEASE PETULA'S PLEASURE. AT AMAZON/KINDLE WITH ALL HER OTHER SORDID NOVELS. MORE DEPRAVED CONTENT AT The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!and Evilwife at https://www.cuckoldplace.com/SISSY CUCKOLD HISTORY 585. In-between my two marriages I of course had adventures as a Feminized Sissy Cuckold and one place I used to go for an evening out was the Railway Tavern in WSM a place where many social misfits went! I won't say I was the only transvestite that frequented the place but I did not see many there the times I went! I certainly got on with Sue the owner and manageress and she was a stunning mature woman with a very sexy style of dress. We would chat as she stood at the bars end with me smoking her fav cigarettes leaving her glossy red lipstick on the butts. I of course told Sue that I was actually a feminized Sissy Cuckold and let slip many of the things that had been done to me and what I did for Cuckoldress type women! Unfortunately although Sue loved hearing all about me and my ways I was not her cup of tea and she liked beef cake men to see to her sexual needs! But what Sue did do was chat with a couple of the real sluts that frequented the pub Gail and Ronnie both women that spent more time in the Gent's toilets getting fucked than they did in the bar ********. Both were women well past their sell by dates and Sue hinted that there was probably money changing hands???? It was shocking late one night as the place was emptying out that Sue took me by hand and led me to the men's lavatory and pushed me in! And so I came face to face with Ronnie for the first time properly and basically she was a fucking fucked smelly spunky mess and after Sue had told her what I was she was eager to give me a go! So I was on my stocking clad knees on the piss soaked floor my head between her stocking clad thighs licking away at her fucked dirty spermy sex as she sat on one of the toilets in a cubicle! Lord knows how many men had fucked her that evening in the toilet but it was certainly more than ten and not just in her cunt as Ronnie also had me sucking and licking out her gaping fucked raw ass and what came out was an awful mess to swallow! A few days later having heard what I had done for Ronnie Gail her friend actually came to the bar and took me with her into the toilet where she enjoyed every sordid second of the pussy and anal cleaning she got on my mouth.
Posts: 13165
CARLA DELACOURT NEW RELEASE PETULA'S PLEASURE. AT AMAZON/KINDLE WITH ALL HER OTHER SORDID NOVELS. MORE DEPRAVED CONTENT AT The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!and Evilwife at https://www.cuckoldplace.com/SISSY CUCKOLD HISTORY 586. Boxing day 2024 at my ******* and went outside for a cigarette, my ****** lives in an apartment in a communal living complex. So there I was outside puffing away in one of the nice dresses I brought for over the Christmas period and out comes an elderly lady and sits on the bench just outside the exit door. Firstly I rushed over as she is using crutches and of course she thanks me and we begin chatting and her name is Patricia a widow who has moved onto the complex three months previous. At eighty nine years old she is a well kept old woman, blond out of a bottle hair in a nice style and for Boxing day overloaded with make up so she looked rather nice to my eyes and with the nice skirt and top she had on making her all rather appealing? Of course she zeroed in on the fact that I was a transvestite and asked of course that's when I put her straight that I am Feminized Sissy Cuckold and she was all rather interested in what one of those was??? Next I know I was being invited into her apartment for a mince pie???? well the mince pie turned out to be me licking her pussy and anus after she told me to rip a hole in the black tights she was wearing. Without being asked I started by worshipping her toes and feet before working my way up and eating the main course! Of course there was no sperm in her holes but she had that pissy, sweaty, shitty flavour that elderly ladies carry round with them due to incontinence issues so it was full flavour making my little sissy clit hurt in my chastity device and I licked her to an orgasm which she told me was her first for quite a few years! I am of course invited back tomorrow to see her again a date I will keep. Red faced I had to tell my ****** on my return what had happened as I had been so long and this gave her a laugh!
Posts: 13165
CARLA DELACOURT NEW RELEASE PETULA'S PLEASURE. AT AMAZON/KINDLE WITH ALL HER OTHER SORDID NOVELS. MORE DEPRAVED CONTENT AT The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!and Evilwife at https://www.cuckoldplace.com/SISSY CUCKOLD HISTORY 587. Being a Feminized Sissy Cuckold it's only natural for the Cuckoldress wife to make us feel some of what she gets? And by that I mean COCK! and for most of us that starts with dildo's being rammed into our tight virgin sissy pussies. But a word of warning for anyone just setting out on the lifestyle your Cuckoldress will not stop at her mere handy dildo's she will graduate onwards to the evil strap on's that are available out there! And these strap on harnesses and attachments really get the Cuckoldresses juices flowing and tears running out of the Feminized sissy cuckolds eyes as strap on's go from small to monsterous size that actually rip tight sissy cuckold pussies apart! I can attest to you that I have never seen a real man fuck in a frenzy like a Cuckoldress wife with a strap on cock on! The anal sex the Cuckoldress wife will serve up is so ****** and violent that often she will find it handy to restrain her sissy cuckold to ensure penetration to the deepest depths and stop her sissy cuckold evading every inch and thrust as she rips the screaming sissy a new one!
Posts: 13165
CARLA DELACOURT NEW RELEASE PETULA'S PLEASURE. AT AMAZON/KINDLE WITH ALL HER OTHER SORDID NOVELS. MORE DEPRAVED CONTENT AT The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!and Evilwife at https://www.cuckoldplace.com/SISSY CUCKOLD HISTORY 588. It makes the mind boggle looking at the glut of chastity devices now available on the market! The sheer amount of different types point to a huge amount of penises locked up. Of course a lot will be just males, sissies, gayboys etc locking themselves up but the vast majority will be women locking their husbands or partners up for the good of womanhood. You just never know when walking down the street on a shopping trip just how many guys your passing who are in some sort of devilish device! I suspect after many years of being a Feminized Sissy Cuckold that there are far, far more active Cuckoldresses out there than one might think there is! One of the indicators is the ever more popular girls night out that happens all over the place and all these nights out always seem to gravitate to pick up bars where young guys are on the hunt for pussy single married or divorced it matters not to them they are just wanting to fuck a wild sexy female and as we all know the wife will always dress up to the nines in sexy clothes and lingerie for a night out with the girls!
Posts: 13165
CARLA DELACOURT NEW RELEASE PETULA'S PLEASURE. AT AMAZON/KINDLE WITH ALL HER OTHER SORDID NOVELS. MORE DEPRAVED CONTENT AT The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!and Evilwife at https://www.cuckoldplace.com/SISSY CUCKOLD HISTORY 589. One of the nastiest prostitutes I ever visited was a lady called Gail in Birmingham she was a very large lady and less than hygienic. Gail stank of cigarette smoke, body odour and god knows what emanating from her pussy and dirty bottom. The session was pretty base to say the least, sucking licking and kissing her smelly stoking clad feet then up to licking her gammy awful tasting pussy and then licking clean her **** smeared asshole. Gail then did a huge **** on a dinner plate and got me to lick her butt hole clean again then had me licking the **** on the plate while she was behind me wanking my little sissy clit off. I had to tell her when I was going to sissygasm and she made sure my milky watery mess went all over the turd that I had been licking. Gail then enjoyed the ending feeding me the mess on the plate till every morsel was gone!
Posts: 13165
CARLA DELACOURT NEW RELEASE PETULA'S PLEASURE. AT AMAZON/KINDLE WITH ALL HER OTHER SORDID NOVELS. MORE DEPRAVED CONTENT AT The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!and Evilwife at https://www.cuckoldplace.com/SISSY CUCKOLD HISTORY 590. With New years Eve tomorrow night I suspect many Feminized Sissy Cuckold husbands will be hard at work getting everything the wife needs for her night out! Today may have seen you at the hairdressers with her, the hosiery shop, lingerie shop and even a new little black dress for her naughty New Years Eve night out! What will beyond doubt is that when she goes out leaving you at home tomorrow night she will look stunning showing off all her feminine attributes and every red ******** male out there will try to seduce and fuck her! For the Feminized Sissy Cuckold home alone all it's worries dreams and insecurities will flourish and every sordid fantasy will be flowing through its so called mind as to what it's Cuckoldress is up to? The perfect start to the New Year for both the Cuckoldress and her Feminized Sissy Cuckold will be for her to stagger in at whatever time her cunt and anus so full of sperm its soaking her stocking tops and that she herself is literally coated in spunk and she requires an all over deep licking clean!
Posts: 13165
CARLA DELACOURT NEW RELEASE PETULA'S PLEASURE. AT AMAZON/KINDLE WITH ALL HER OTHER SORDID NOVELS. MORE DEPRAVED CONTENT AT The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!and Evilwife at https://www.cuckoldplace.com/SISSY CUCKOLD HISTORY 591. It was once called the Walk of Shame for a woman coming home after going to a man's house after a night out to get well and truly fucked! These days there is something different what with so many Cuckoldress Wives on the dating scene! The Walk of Shame is out the door old and passé! now it's the Stride of Pride that the Cuckoldress wife does on her way home with spunk dribbling out of her pussy and anus running down her stocking clad legs for all to see! And why shouldn't she! lets face it she has just fucked a huge cocked guy almost to death leaving him drained and shattered whilst she strides home a fucking mess eager to get her Feminized Sissy Cuckold Husband to give her a damn good deep licking clean! On her walk home women will look at her in envy seeing a ripe utterly fucked slut that they themselves yearn to be and as for men some will have the cock size of a man and will want to fuck her then and there in the street whilst others will tremble aching to offer her a clean up service!
Posts: 13165
CARLA DELACOURT NEW RELEASE PETULA'S PLEASURE. AT AMAZON/KINDLE WITH ALL HER OTHER SORDID NOVELS. MORE DEPRAVED CONTENT AT The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!and Evilwife at https://www.cuckoldplace.com/SISSY CUCKOLD HISTORY 592. One thing all us Feminized Sissy Cuckolds have in common is I lust and desire for women's clothes! This Christmas and over the New Year period I have fallen as usual to a spree of shopping my total being four dresses, two skirts a Jumper and five blouses and seven boxes of tights and three pairs of stockings and a pair of velvet black hgh heels and lastly earrings six pairs and five belts. It's a good job I long ago dispensed with any male attire as god knows where I would put the stuff! Also as all my wardrobes get to the state of bulging I have a god awful time like all proper women do in selecting things that just have to go! it's an awful conundrum that a Feminized Sissy Cuckold has to face!
Posts: 13165
Saturday's slice CARLA DELACOURT NEW RELEASE PETULA'S PLEASURE. AT AMAZON/KINDLE WITH ALL HER OTHER SORDID NOVELS. MORE DEPRAVED CONTENT AT The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!and Evilwife at https://www.cuckoldplace.com/
Posts: 13165
CARLA DELACOURT NEW RELEASE PETULA'S PLEASURE. AT AMAZON/KINDLE WITH ALL HER OTHER SORDID NOVELS. MORE DEPRAVED CONTENT AT The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!and Evilwife at https://www.cuckoldplace.com/SISSY CUCKOLD HISTORY 593. For the Feminized Sissy Cuckold the obvious best thing it dreams of is being in the room watching close up it's Cuckoldress wife fucking a real man or men! Just seeing this ultimate act of ****** lust between the Cuckoldress and a male equipped and able to do sex properly is the most arousing and devastating thing for the Feminized Sissy Cuckold. And let me tell you when the Cuckoldress wife moves on from just one partner at a time to multiple men the angst and wild arousal jumps a thousand fold! Now make the men black and hugely hung and your Cuckoldress acting like some cum slut pig for their huge black cocks with her being airtight and being fucked for hours the Feminized Sissy Cuckold even in chastity will have a sissygasm without even touching itself a sign of pure love for it's wife! And here I will leave it to your imagination what a Feminized Sissy Cuckold experiences when the Cuckoldress wife has her sissy cuckold actively engage in the sordid sex going on with cock fluffing, licking her clit as she is being screwed and the creampie clean ups and slimy post fuck cocks to suck clean or shitty ones after anal sex!
Posts: 13165
CARLA DELACOURT NEW RELEASE PETULA'S PLEASURE. AT AMAZON/KINDLE WITH ALL HER OTHER SORDID NOVELS. MORE DEPRAVED CONTENT AT The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!and Evilwife at https://www.cuckoldplace.com/SISSY CUCKOLD HISTORY 594. As a Feminized Sissy Cuckold it's actually rather difficult to describe the state you get into both physically and mentally being denied any sexual relief let alone intercourse whilst all around you your Cuckoldress is making you live in her now highly sexually charged lifestyle! Of course your now dressed in feminine things all the time which keeps you on the boil all the time let alone having to serve and live around your wife who never misses an opportunity to make you suffer as you watch and help her Cuckoldress wantonness and femininity. So there is little wonder that when you as her Feminized Sissy Cuckold actually sees her having sex with other men you are already out of your mind and body! I always say it's like feeling sexually sick and that feeling never subsides! your silly sissy cuckold mind keeps trying to tell you that your wife will relent and let you insert your tiny little penis inside of her but she never does! She might rejoice in taking you right up the the edge even to the point where your free from chastity hard little penis is in a hairs breath of touching her hot sloppy gaping pussy but then she will push you away leaving you screaming in frustration and she will hurt your little clit to make it go soft again so she can slip it back into the chastity device for another extraordinary long time!
Posts: 13165
CARLA DELACOURT NEW RELEASE PETULA'S PLEASURE. AT AMAZON/KINDLE WITH ALL HER OTHER SORDID NOVELS. MORE DEPRAVED CONTENT AT The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!and Evilwife at https://www.cuckoldplace.com/SISSY CUCKOLD HISTORY 595. As a seasoned feminized sissy cuckold you become used to verbal ************ and put downs! You already know full well that your Cuckoldress is always rights and everything you do is not good enough? hence the everlasting and ongoing bouts of punishment you receive sometimes for no apparent reason??? Of course people you as a couple come into contact with soon know what the pecking order is in your marriage and they will of course gravitate towards your wife while ignoring you leaving you on the side-lines like some Billy no mates lemon not knowing what to do with yourself until your Cuckoldress orders you to stand in the corner or someplace and to not make an annoyance of yourself. Even if you live feminized it still is humiliating to be spoken to like some silly little girl by your wife and when people see the way your wife treats and speaks to you open's a door to them and they will themselves be curt and talk down to you something your wife will enjoy seeing you suffer. Men specially love this as they will tell you to your face that they have more chance of seducing your wife and fucking her than you have. Women want all the details and I personally have been mobbed many a time by women at parties wanting to know the ins and outs of the life of a Feminized Sissy Cuckold and believe me they want to see my tattoo, the chastity everything in their quest for knowledge and a good old laugh!
Posts: 13165
Tuesday's slice CARLA DELACOURT NEW RELEASE PETULA'S PLEASURE. AT AMAZON/KINDLE WITH ALL HER OTHER SORDID NOVELS. MORE DEPRAVED CONTENT AT The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!and Evilwife at https://www.cuckoldplace.com/
Posts: 13165
CARLA DELACOURT NEW RELEASE PETULA'S PLEASURE. AT AMAZON/KINDLE WITH ALL HER OTHER SORDID NOVELS. MORE DEPRAVED CONTENT AT The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!and Evilwife at https://www.cuckoldplace.com/SISSY CUCKOLD HISTORY 596. As Chastity has become more and more popular it's amazing to see the endless new products coming on the market which are smaller and smaller which can only be good for us Feminized Sissy Cuckolds. My first device like so many others was the good old CB3000 in pink which today seems jaded and bulky not the sort of thing at all that a Sissy Cuckold can wear with pride. My newest chastity device is a stainless steel flat plate model which has a deep bladder insert tube of nine inches or a urethra insert of four inches. This is worn with a belt in pink elastic to make it sit nicely in place and is make for very long term wear. One thing as a Feminized sissy cuckold I understood from the moment I was placed in my first one is that I had no say in how long I was to be locked up that is the sole preserve of the Cuckoldress wife!
Posts: 13165
CARLA DELACOURT NEW RELEASE PETULA'S PLEASURE. AT AMAZON/KINDLE WITH ALL HER OTHER SORDID NOVELS. MORE DEPRAVED CONTENT AT The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!and Evilwife at https://www.cuckoldplace.com/SISSY CUCKOLD HISTORY 597. As a Feminized Sissy Cuckold over the years I have frequented the establishments of many a prostitute! I soon learned that although one would think the ideal place for a feminized sissy cuckold to go to would be a Dominatrix this is very seldom the correct place for a Sissy Cuckold! Yes there are some excellent Dominatrixes out there but for the Sissy Cuckold only the ones that also offer intimate services as well on the escort side of her business have the ability and knowledge as to how to treat a sissy cuckold. So with a out and out prostitute you often find that they are hesitant at first wondering if they have the skill to use a sissy cuckold and it can take a visit or two for her to find out what you need and adapt herself but I find they mostly come up trumps when they understand. Of course most prostitutes work with safe sex with their punters but many also have a select clientele that they go bareback with and once you are in with a prostitute she will call you when she wants you to attend a session with her when she is spunk filthy after a bareback session. Also because she is not a Dominatrix we get the more affectionate type of Cuckoldress scenario which is taunting and teasing as she does despicable things to you. And because she does not have to give you intercourse and you may well be in chastity and willing to maid for her over time she will avail herself of all the little services you can offer her and often if you become subservient to her like I have done with a few they will stick you on to a very reasonable monthly fee and have you at their beck and call for all manner of things.
Posts: 13165
CARLA DELACOURT NEW RELEASE PETULA'S PLEASURE. AT AMAZON/KINDLE WITH ALL HER OTHER SORDID NOVELS. MORE DEPRAVED CONTENT AT The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!and Evilwife at https://www.cuckoldplace.com/SISSY CUCKOLD HISTORY 598. Without a doubt all of us Feminized Sissy Cuckolds once we develop bring along with us perversions that are forever expanding! Take today I could not resist purchasing for myself a sissy clit to anus piss tube that will go nicely with my sissy clit to mouth piss gag. Now I have a choice to wear in bed at night so I can either ***** my piss as it flows or piss in my bowels. These things have to be done if you have not got a Cuckoldress on tap at present. Of course even if you have a Cuckoldress they are good toys for her to have so she can enforce the degradation on you on top of having to ***** all of her urine. Just how sick I am is the fact that I am already looking forward to squatting over a bowl in the morning and emptying my bowels of urine and what ever else comes out of me in the mess and to then ***** it down like a good Feminized Sissy Cuckold should! This sort of act if you have not yet got a Cuckoldress will train you in the art of being a compliant Sissy Cuckold toilet for her.