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GF told her bestie I was a cuck. [part 1] - [part 35]

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#1 · Edited by: CuckoldCalifornia
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GF told her bestie I was a cuck. They decided to team up on me at a friend's party. [Part 1]

My girlfriend (Kay) has a very close friend (Alyssa) who she tells pretty much everything. They used to get into trouble together in high school. Alyssa has been in a serious relationship for years, but always seems to have a side piece that her fiance doesn't know about. She tells Kay about her adventures, but I don't think she really gets to see her side guy all that often.

Naturally, when Kay told Alyssa I was a cuck, Alyssa was jealous. They talked about it some and Kay told stories about some of the fun things we'd done. Kay and I have only been dating a few months, so things haven't gotten too wild yet, but we've talked about ramping things up pretty heavily and I've told her that I want her to push my limits. She told Alyssa all this, of course.

One of Alyssa's first questions was about where she finds guys to hook up with. Kay told her she has met a couple of guys online, but really likes to flirt out in public and try to pick up guys right in front of me, and those have been some of her favorite times. Alyssa got really excited about this and said she really wanted to see. So Kay invited her to come out with us the following weekend to a big annual hog roast that a close friend of mine does.

My friend Kane lives on 400 acres of family land. I'd guess nearly 100 people show up to his hog roast every year. He does it in the early fall and usually has a local band play and a couple of big bonfires. BYOB and a tent in case you can't drive home. It always ends up being a good time, although there's usually a fight or something eventful that goes on. Last year's fight was over some dude's girl trying to leave with another guy.
Funny enough, that's how Kay and I met. I made a joking comment that night like, "let her go, she might have a good time!" And Kay laughed at me. That turned into a philosophical conversation about how I don't think you could stop a girl who wants to fuck someone else, and why even try... She'll just resent you for it and leave anyway. She said "what's the answer then? Just let her do it?" I said "I mean yeah if you have an emotional connection and still wanna be with her, at the end of the day sex is just sex." Kay was dating someone else at the time. They broke up soon after and her and I started talking several months later after she slid into my DMs.
Anyway, Alyssa showed up at my place the day of the hog roast. Kay wasn't technically living with me yet, but she was there most of the time. It was the first time I'd seen Alyssa since Kay had told her about me being a cuck. When Alyssa walked in, she followed Kay over to the kitchen where I was standing, and gave me a smirk. The kind of smirk that said "I know something you don't." I gave her a cheeky, awkward greeting with her own name. "Alyssa..." I said, smirking back, knowing what she now knew about me.

"How are you?" She asked. "Fine," I said, "did you bring a tent?" I asked her. "Kay said you have a big one... uh, tent, that is..." She smirked again, proud of her pun. Kay said, "I mean I've definitely seen bigger." They looked at each other and laughed. Alyssa cleared her throat. Her face turned a little bit red, she hesitated, and then said, "recently?" She looked at me and then back at Kay, who replied, "Mm, yes but not recently enough." Alyssa spoke more confidently as the red left her face, "well... If we're lucky, maybe somebody just needs a tent for one tonight..." She looked at me and winked as she said "one". The red that left her face must have gone into mine. I'd never let anyone else know I was a cuck. I felt so embarrassed.

If I knew Kay though, she had no plans to ***** in a tent. I'd also bet that if they had talked about this, she already had a guy in mind. Kay had a particular type in men. Especially in the men she would cuck me with. She liked the bad boy, metal head type. Tall, muscular, tattooed... I thought back to last year's hog roast and who all was there. It's hard to remember so many faces. I could only think of one guy I'd seen there in the past who was a dead ringer for Kay's type. The only problem though is, I couldn't stand the guy.

I didn't really know the guy to well, but he didn't like me either. He had an arrogance about him that pissed me off. His name was Patrick. I think he was a family friend of Kane's wife maybe. The first time we met, I'd turned down a shot because I don't *****, and he called me a pussy. I gave him an "okay pal" kind of look. He was nearly ***** already. He turned to his friend and said, "who's this fucking guy? I'll slap that look off his face." He was way bigger than me so I just looked away from him. "That's what I thought," I heard him say. The next time I met him was at last year's hog roast. He was dead sober and remembered me. "Hey you old enough to ***** yet?" He said as he laughed. I didn't say anything back to him.

"Are you ready to go babe?" Kay asked. I snapped back to reality. I looked her up and down and she looked so hot. Fuck, I hope she wasn't thinking about taking to Patrick tonight. "Yeah." I responded. Kay said, "okay, bring your cooler so we can stop and get *****s." I threw the cooler in the truck as well as a tent and some blankets just in case we stayed long enough that I was too tired to drive.

On the way we stopped at a store for *****s and ice. Kay turned and looked at Alyssa in the back seat and said, "he's buying, tell him what you want." Alyssa said, "I don't care, whatever you guys get." Kay said, "he's not getting any, just you and me." Alyssa chuckled and said, "aww are we still talking about beer?" She reached up and patted me on the shoulder. Kay chuckled too, and said, "don't sympathize with him. We deserve this, girl." Alyssa said, "we do! What's the guys name again" Kay replied, "Patrick." Alyssa said, "yeah, get whatever he would like."

"Fuck!" I thought to myself. "Yes!!!" Kay said, turning to me, "he *****s whiskey... Get something good, I want to do a shot with him!" "Me too!" Alyssa said. Kay continued, "and get blue moon for us." I gave Kay a questioning look. "Are you serious? I'm not buying whiskey for that dude, he's a dick!" I said. Her eyes widened. "Excuse me?" She said. I said, "babe come on... Have you been talking to him?" Kay said "I have."

I rolled my eyes. "That's not cool, I can't stand that dude." Alyssa was quiet in the back seat. Kay said, "he's been trying to hit me up for a while. You said you wanted to turn things up and push your limits." I pleaded, "but not with him!" Alyssa spoke up, trying to smooth things over, "you said there would be a ton of other guys there too." Kay ignored her, looked at me and spoke firmly, "don't tell me who I can't fuck. You'll regret that and you know it. Now hurry up." I slammed the truck into park and went inside to get *****s and ice, making sure to get some water for myself.


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GF told her bestie I was a cuck. They decided to team up on me at a friend's party. [part 2]

When we pulled up to Kane's house, he had an area roped off for parking. I pulled into the grass and parked next to a white Cadillac. It was Don, a mutual friend of mine and Kane's. He was still sitting in his car and we gave each other a wave. I was expecting to know maybe 15-20 people there. It was usually 80% the same crowd each year, and the rest was new faces. Kane and his wife and I had a few mutual friends, and I knew his family and some of his other close friends. The other probably 80 people who showed up would be nothing more than a mix of familiar and unfamiliar faces to me.

As Don got out of his car, I shut my truck off. He stood behind his car waiting on me to get out. I looked over at Kay, checking her phone, and my mind wandered back to her texting Patrick. I thought back to just 20 minutes earlier, walking into the store to buy him a bottle of whiskey. It started to sink in that Kay had made me buy a gift for the guy she was planning to fuck tonight. I felt pretty small as I came back to reality and saw Don in my mirror still waiting on me. Kay and Alyssa's doors opened. I followed suit and got out of the truck.

I greeted Don, and introduced him to Kay. "Have you two met? This is Kay," I said, putting my arm around her. She said hello, and Don and her smiled at each other. Kay sort of wiggled out of my arm around her and said "get the cooler babe." She looked back at Don and said, "and this is my friend Alyssa, by the way." As I set the cooler down and stood up to close the tailgate, I looked over and Don was reaching for Alyssa's hand. "Nice to meet you both," he said, softly shaking her hand.

Don was holding a 6 pack, and Alyssa offered for him to put it in our cooler. "Sure!" he said. I opened the lid and he buried his beers in ice, then the four of us started walking toward the house. We made small talk while we walked. Don brought up another friend, "do you know if Wayne is coming?" "No, I haven't talked to him in a while," I replied. I saw Kay check her phone, and I kind of zoned out for the rest of the walk.

I didn't know if she was checking her messages or what. But I thought of Patrick again. It started to hit me that, no one here knew about our lifestyle. Don's beer was in the same cooler as Patrick's whiskey. I was beginning to worry that some of my friends were going to learn something very personal and very embarrassing about me tonight. "I wonder if the guy even knows Kay and I are dating," I thought to myself. It was eating at me.
"Does Patrick know we're dating?" I asked Kay. I probably should have waited to ask, but something came over me and I had to know. "I don't think so," she started to say, but Don cut her off. "That guy is fucking wild... You're talking about tall Patrick that was here last year?" I must have turned a little red. "Fuck, Don knows him," I thought. Kay replied, "yeah, he'll be here tonight."

Don and Alyssa had been chatting it up a little while I was zoned out. He looked back at her and said, "definitely don't play him in beer pong...or don't bet on it if you do!" He chuckled, and Alyssa laughed with him. She replied, "uhh...should I find myself in that situation, I'll let someone else make the bets." They both chuckled again. Alyssa glanced my way with a smirk. "Fuuuuuck." I thought to myself. I felt my dick twitch and grow slightly as a couple of scenarios played out in my head. But I was starting to become terrified at the same time. I don't want all these people to know that I'm a cuck.

We walked past the house and around back where there was already a small fire going and 10-12 people standing around. It was still early. The band had just showed up and were still unloading their gear. By their looks, they'd definitely be playing country and maybe some classic rock. Kay wasn't thrilled about that, I could tell.

Kane walked out of the house with a beer in his hand and walked over to say hello to me. He knew Kay, but not too well. She'd been there with a friend previously. He looked at her and said, "good to see you - is Jeanette coming or did we scare her off last year?" Kay laughed and replied, "she said she'll be here, so I guess we'll have to try harder this year." Kane got a kind of cheesy smile on his face and said, "we can do that!" I spoke up and introduced Alyssa. Alyssa said, "I'm just her partner in crime for the night." She made a head motion toward Kay as she said it and she threw me another devious little smirk. I felt my heart skip a beat and thought, "please shut up." But I don't think Kane thought much of it. Shortly after, he walked away, being summoned by some other folks.

I guess it was another hour or so before the party was really hopping. The band started playing and a lot more people showed up. Kane and his wife had set up all the food and there was a mob over by the food tent. Don was still hanging out with the three of us, waiting out the food crowd, when I first saw Patrick. I spotted him walking over from the food tent area. Kay had her back to him. I watched him and we locked eyes a couple of times as he walked toward our little crowd. He walked up behind Kay and squeezed in beside her, laying his hand on her lower back. She turned and looked up at him. "Oh hey!!" She said excitedly. She turned to face him. "I'm so glad you made it!" She said, looking up at him. He smirked at her smugly and said, "wouldn't miss it. Who ya here with?" His right hand was still resting on her hip. Before she could answer, Don interrupted. "Hey man, good to see you," Don said. He stepped toward Patrick and reached out to shake his hand, noticing where it was resting.
As Patrick acknowledged Don, Kay turned and stepped toward me. She grabbed my hand and pulled me back toward Patrick. She answered, "I came with my boyfriend and my bestie of course," pointing toward Alyssa with her free hand. Patrick turned and looked Alyssa over. "Hey, I'm Patrick," he said. "Alyssa," she replied. He looked back at me, and then at Kay. "I wasn't aware you had a boyfriend," he said. He didn't break his gaze with Kay as he continued, "why did you bring him?" He said it with a straight face, which he held for a second. Just as Kay started to speak, "beca.." Patrick cut her off and started laughing. "I'm just messing with you," he said. I was really uncomfortable and didn't say anything. Kay laughed with him, still holding my hand. I looked at Don, who was giving me an awkward look, as Alyssa spoke up, "should we leave him at home next time?" Patrick laughed harder as he turned toward Alyssa and replied, "no, we might need a DD!"

Kay turned to me and wrapped her arms around me. "Aww, yes, he's our DD!" She gave me a kiss and leaned into me. "You're so fucked tonight," she whispered in my ear, then moved back and winked at me.


Posts: 75
#3 · Edited by: CuckoldCalifornia
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GF told her bestie I was a cuck. They decided to team up on me at a friend's party. [part 3]

"Give me some of that!" Kay said playfully as Patrick held what was left of a bottle of BBQ sauce over his head away from her. "Give you some?" He mocked back at her. He set the sauce down and stepped into her, pressing his body up against her. We had waited out most of the crowd at the food tent, but there were still several people around and a lot of conversation going on. The band was playing now. I looked around nervously, praying that no one who knew me was seeing this.

Well, no one besides Alyssa. She was there too. She grabbed the sauce that Patrick had set down and stuck it right between their faces, breaking up a very tense moment between the two of them. Patrick grabbed the sauce and squirted some on Kay's plate. "There, I gave you some," he said. The two of them had gotten increasingly flirty over the last hour, and Alyssa was starting to get more comfortable with the whole situation. "Me next?" Alyssa asked Patrick. He chuckled and squirted some on her plate too.

I was behind the three of them in the line. Kay had been trying to include me, but Patrick was not really even acknowledging that I was there most of the time. "Is that the spicy one?" I asked. I held out my hand toward Patrick. He looked at me, and then set it down instead of handing it to me. Alyssa was between him and I. We locked eyes and she snickered at me picking it up off the table. "I hear he'll give you some if you beg a little," she said to me with a straight face. I rolled my eyes at her. She shot me back a very serious look and said, "don't roll your eyes at me."

A little stunned, I didn't really know how to respond to that. It reminded me of the way Kay would talk to me when she was in a very dominant mood. "Sor-ry," I replied, half sarcastically. She turned her attention back to Patrick and Kay, who had moved ahead to where the sides were. They looked like a couple, standing too close, chatting while getting their food, lots of unnecessary contact and looking at each other. Alyssa looked back to me as the two of us stepped forward and said, "aren't they cute together?" She said it with a devious smirk, knowing it would get under my skin.

Walking back to where our cooler was, Kay and Patrick walked side by side, and Alyssa walked next to me, trailing a few feet behind them. "So you know I'm just having fun with you, right?" Alyssa asked me. I replied, "yeah I know. He just rubs me the wrong way." Alyssa asked, "so if it were someone else, you'd go along with it more willingly? I mean...Kay told me you've even helped her pick up a guy before." I laughed a little, recalling the time she was referencing. "Yeah," I said, "it's just fun, ya know. I get it's odd to people, but to me it's just a fetish like anyone else might have." She nodded and said, "I'm not judging you for it. I think it's awesome. But, you don't mind me participating do you?" I shook my head no. "Doesn't seem like I have a choice," I said, starting to chuckle.

It was nice to laugh a little. I'd been so tightly wound all night. I started to feel a platonic connection with Alyssa. I was glad she decided to bring it up. "That's right, you don't!" She quipped back, winking at me.
Kay looked back at us. Well, at Alyssa. She made a face that I assume meant, "this is going so well." I knew she wanted to fuck Patrick. If I didn't know it before, I definitely did now. I felt my dick twitch a little, wondering what she was thinking. Kay loves making me uncomfortable. She has gotten really into the *********** aspect of cuckolding. So I wondered how she would involve me. I said to Alyssa, "I just hope whatever happens can be discreet... I don't want everyone to know about this." She replied, "that's understandable."

When we got back to our cooler, Don was pulling out a beer. He wasn't hungry so he'd stayed with the cooler. Or...maybe he was sensing how awkward things were getting and wanted a minute away from us? I'm not sure. Patrick noticed the bottle of Jameson, and said, "ooh, I'll take a shot of that!" Don pulled it out and handed it to Patrick. Alyssa said, "oh yeah, we bought that for you. Well, he did." She pointed at me. "You bought me this, really?" Patrick asked me. It was one of the few times he'd spoken to me. "Yeah, Kay said it's what you liked."
His face lit up. "damn bro, I come here, take your girl from you, and you give me *****?" My face turned so red. Don dropped the cooler lid and stepped away. Kay said, "isn't he great?" with a big smile on her face, as she grabbed my arm and squeezed up to me. Patrick replied, "hell yeah, we should do this again sometime!" He laughed. "Now give her back!" He said with a light hearted grin, as he reached out and grabbed Kay's other arm, pulling her back. She didn't resist.

"Do what again?" Alyssa chimed in. She was instigating again. Patrick leaned down toward Kay. His hand came up to her face and he turned her head into him. He kissed her once. They looked at each other for a couple of seconds, nose to nose, and then slowly kissed twice more. He look back at Alyssa and said, "I'd do that again." He looked at Kay and said, "would you?" She nodded her head yes, looking into his eyes. They backed away from each other. He started opening the bottle of whiskey and Alyssa looked at me with wide eyes. A smile came over her face as if to say she was happy for her friend.

My dick twitched and grew. As much as I couldn't stand the guy, watching him grab Kay and kiss her, did something to me. She looked so infatuated. It was incredibly hot. I know Alyssa had to be thinking the same thing. I gave her a half smile and adjusted my legs to hide my growing boner.


Posts: 207
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This is great....pray continue...


Posts: 154
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Great writing here. Amazing!


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I'm really enjoying this and I can't wait to read more ❤️🙏🏼 x


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I like the start too, please continue
Submissive Cuckold - lives for many years in a female-led marriage with a cuckold lifestyle.


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GF told her bestie I was a cuck. They decided to team up on me at a friend's party. [part 4]

Kane walked over to join our little foursome. I was chatting with Alyssa, and Kay was dancing with Patrick to the band. They were...very close. Don had gotten uncomfortable and left a few minutes earlier. Just as Kane approached, Patrick's arms wrapped around Kay and his hands slid down to her ass, squeezing it firmly. He leaned in and kissed her. Kane looked at me with wide eyes, back at Patrick and Kay, and then at me again. He had a confused look on his face.

I started to speak up, "I uh..." - but Alyssa cut me off. "Great party!" she said to Patrick. Then she stepped into me, wrapped her arms around my neck and gave me a kiss. She moved her hips a little to the music, keeping her arms around me. I slowly put mine around her waist. She looked back at Kane, and I did too. Kane said, "thanks. Everything...okay over here?" My face must have been red. I could feel the heat in my cheeks. Alyssa answered before I could, "oh yeah, we're having a great night." She looked back at me and winked seductively and then kissed me again. "Grab my ass," she whispered. I slid my hand down and laid it on her ass.

Kane laughed. "Well **** don't let me be the fifth wheel," he said. Alyssa chuckled at him. Kay and Patrick were in their own world. Patrick glanced over his shoulder and said "hey." Kane nodded and looked at me again. "How was the pork?" He asked. I said, "awesome as always!" He said, "good - well I just stopped over to say hey." He gave me a smirk and slapped me on the back once before turning to walk away.

Still holding onto Alyssa, I looked at her. Our faces were inches apart. She said, "you're welcome." I replied, "what?" with a confused look on my face. "You didn't want everyone to find out... I was just trying to make it less awkward for you." She pulled one arm down and removed my hand from her ass. She turned herself out of my arms and faced Kay. "Thank you," I said.

Alyssa pointed to Kay. Patrick was still fondling her ass, squeezing it, as they danced back and forth with their bodies touching. "By the way, that's how you grab a girl's ass," Alyssa said, looking back at me with a snarky smirk. I sighed through my nose as I turned and watched my girlfriend. She was loving his hands all over her. "I didn't really know what was happening," I said to Alyssa through a light chuckle, just as the song was ending. "Mmhm," she replied sarcastically, "well I think that's all you're getting tonight." Kay heard it and giggled. She turned her head toward me and laid it on Patrick's chest. Looking me in the eyes, she nodded her head to agree with Alyssa.

As the band started the next song, Patrick and Kay came apart. They'd been playing mostly country, as you'd probably expect at a hog roast party on a farm. But with a little rock mixed in here and there. "I'm not about this music," Patrick said. Kay agreed, "I know! It's awful!" The two of them started talking about their music interests. Alyssa jumped in with them too as she pretty much has the same tastes as Kay.
Being a country fan, I was feeling left out of the conversation. "We should all go to a show together!" Kay said excitedly to the group. Patrick replied, "can bitch boy handle that?" Alyssa and Kay giggled. "Aww, he's MY bitch boy though," Kay said as she stepped toward me and put an arm around me. I rolled my eyes, unamused. Kay gave me a kiss and I could smell and taste Patrick. He reached over and put his hand between us. Then he grabbed Kay's face and turned it toward him. "Hey... Absolutely not," he said to her firmly. She stepped away from me and back to him. He reached out and slapped me on the shoulder. "I'm just fuckin' with ya, squirt," he said in a playful tone, "but don't touch my girl." The three of them laughed together.

I'd never felt so degraded. I knew no one heard him but the three of us, but I felt so exposed. As embarrassed as I was, I felt my dick slowly get hard. I watched him intently. He winked at me and slapped Kay's ass. As Alyssa happened to look down and notice my boner, she yelled excitedly, "oh my God he likes it!!!"


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I like it!


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I am a Known Cuck,I Love my Whore Wife!


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Keep going, great story!


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GF told her bestie I was a cuck. They decided to team up on me at a friend's party. [part 5]

"WHOOOOOO" the guy next to us screamed right in my fucking ear. I was getting frustrated and was ready to leave. The four of us had walked over to where the band was after a couple of back to back songs that had Kay and Patrick grooving. Well - they walked over, and Alyssa and I felt inclined to follow, I guess. Some chick was up on the makeshift stage with the band, teasing with her shirt like she might pull her tits out, and of course half the crowd was screaming over it.

Kay was talking to her friend Jeanette - the girl she'd come with the previous year. Jeanette showed up pretty late to the party and we bumped into her in the little crowd by the music. Patrick was standing next to Kay with his hand on her lower back, just like they were a couple. As the song faded out, I heard a familiar voice behind me say, "I think she was with *him*." My stomach did a flip. People were starting to notice and talk. They quickly brought their voices down, but the band went straight into another song, so I wouldn't have heard them anyway.
Alyssa, who was standing next to me, also heard it. She leaned over to me and spoke over the music into my ear. "I think people are noticing." She leaned back straight and gave me a sympathetic look. "Yeah," I said, looking aggravated and probably embarrassed. I thought about what she'd done earlier. I leaned into Alyssa's ear and asked, "Can we... flirt or something?" I backed up to see her face. Again, with a sympathetic look, she shook her head no. She leaned to me and said, "I don't want to cross any lines with Kay. Plus, I already told you that was all you're getting tonight." She said it with a bit of hesitation. I could tell she wasn't super comfortable being mean to me, but she was following Kay's lead and Kay had assured her it was fine.

"I really am fucked," I thought to myself. I felt my face turning red and I couldn't stop watching Patrick hold onto Kay, knowing that people I didn't want to see it, were seeing it as well. I reached up and put my hand on Kay's shoulder. She turned and looked at me, and that prompted Patrick and Jeanette to do the same. As they did, Jeanette also noticed where Patrick's arm was. I leaned up to Kay and asked, "Can we go somewhere and talk?" As she fully turned her body toward me, Patrick turned as well, and the four of us were standing in a circle, facing each other. Jeanette turned back toward the band.

Kay yelled to me, "Sure babe." She leaned over to Patrick and said something in his ear that I couldn't make out. The two of us stepped through the crowd and took a little walk away from the band where we could hear each other. It felt like a long walk, neither of us saying anything. As we came around a big tree and back over to where my cooler was sitting, Kay finally spoke up. "Are you okay?" she asked. "I don't know," I replied, "people are seeing you two together."

Kay stepped into me and gave me a kiss that tasted different. "I'm sorry. Do you want to leave?" she asked me. I said, "If you could just not be all over each other in front of everyone, it would be fine." She grabbed both of my hands and looked me in the eyes. "It's really hard with him," she said as she scrunched her nose at me a bit. "He's just really possessive with me. I'm so turned on. If it's making you uncomfortable then let's just leave." I stared at her for a second to process the fact that she was so turned on by him. Possessive. And she was loving it.
It's amazing how quickly a cuck's mind can drift off. In that moment, all I could see was her eyes rolling back; her grabbing onto him and pulling him deeper as he felt her pussy for the first time. "Is that what you want to do?" Kay asked snapping me back to reality. My dick was completely hard. But I still couldn't stand him. I was so relieved she was okay with leaving. This night was a little much. "Yeah, that sounds good," I replied. I leaned in and kissed her. "Okay," she said, "well I should go tell Alyssa and Patrick. Why don't you take the cooler to the truck?"


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GF told her bestie I was a cuck. They decided to team up on me at a friend's party. [part 6]

"I'm just going to wait here." I hit send, letting Kay know I was going to sit in the truck and wait for her and Alyssa. I figured she wouldn't hear/feel her phone right away but if she went looking for me, she'd check it. In the meantime, I opened up YouTube to **** some time. I must have sat there flipping through shorts for a good 20 minutes before she messaged me back. "Okay, be right there." I went back to flipping.

A few more minutes went by before I heard a playful scream in Kay's voice. I looked over my should to see them walking toward me. "Put me down!" she said through laughter. Patrick had her over his shoulder. Alyssa was laughing too. She reached up and slapped Kay's ass. "You bitch," Kay joked with Alyssa, "I owe you one!" Patrick said, "Hang on, I got you!" He put Kay down, and grabbed Alyssa, spinning her around and standing up with her over his shoulder. She screamed playfully, and Kay reached out and slapped her ass really hard right as they walked up behind my truck.

Kay veered off and stopped behind my truck. "Right here," she said. Patrick walked toward the tailgate with Alyssa still on his shoulder. "Should we put her back here?" he asked with a big grin on his face. Kay spoke up to save her friend. "No - wherever she goes, I go." Patrick replied in an overly flirty tone, "ooOOoohh, I like the sound of that!" He laughed at himself. He reached across his body with his free arm and smacked Alyssa's ass. Through laughter, she said, "Put me down now please!" With his free hand, Patrick opened my tailgate. "Maybe if you both say please..." he teased, looking over at Kay. Kay's shoulders hunched in as she looked up at him and said, "Please?"
Patrick leaned forward and sat Alyssa down on the tailgate. As she sat up, she flipped her hair back, and he reached up and brushed the rest of it back for her with his hands. As I watched from inside the truck, I began to wonder...was I mistaken in thinking that Alyssa, Kay and I were leaving? He was now flirting with both of them, and there were no signs of him saying goodbye. I laid my phone down, watching more intently. I was getting uncomfortable, twisting to look behind me, so I adjusted myself in my seat so I could watch them. I'm not sure if Patrick knew I was sitting there watching, or if he would have even cared.

"So you go where she goes, huh?" Patrick asked Kay as he hopped up on the tailgate to sit next to Alyssa. "Tonight I do," Kay replied. Kay turned around and hopped up as well, sitting on the other side of Patrick. "Does that also work the other way around?" Patrick asked, turned to look at Alyssa. She replied as she tilted her head and looked at him a little seductively, "I could." Still looking at Alyssa, Patrick reached over with the arm on Kay's side and grabbed Kay's hand. He laid her hand on his thigh. "Could it?" he asked. Alyssa picked her hand up and laid it on Patrick's other thigh and replied, "it sure could." Kay slid her hand up until she could feel the tip of Patrick's dick through his pants. She paused, as he turned and began to kiss her, she slid it all the way up the shaft and back down to the tip, pausing again briefly before sliding back down to his thigh.

Breaking their kiss, Patrick slowly turned and looked at Alyssa. Kay leaned forward, looking around him to see Alyssa, and the two of them look at each other and giggled a little bit. Alyssa moved her hand up. When she found the tip of his dick she stopped. "Damn, Patrick!" I heard her say. Kay replied, "I told you!" Patrick leaned over and kissed her for the first time, wrapping his hand around the base of her head, as she made a few passes rubbing up and down the length of his dick.

I couldn't really see much of it, as they were facing away from me. I got most of the details later on, but seeing their hands moving, and hearing them talk, I know I zoned out several times during the whole thing. The daydream I'd had earlier about Patrick sliding into Kay for the first time, kept replaying in my head. As much as I couldn't stand the guy, I started to realize, I was hoping he was coming home with us.


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GF told her bestie I was a cuck. They decided to team up on me at a friend's party. [part 7]

"I'm cold, let's go!" I heard Kay say as Patrick finished kissing Alyssa and sat back up straight. They all hopped down off the tailgate. Patrick closed the tailgate as Kay and Alyssa each walked to one side and each opened a back door. Alyssa smiled at me genuinely as she saw me turned around in my seat. They both climbed into the back seat, and Kay leaned out to look for Patrick. He was coming up her side. "He should sit in the middle," Alyssa said as Patrick approached. Kay pushed herself back into the seat and pulled her legs in so he could climb over her.
Patrick was pretty tall, but he managed to climb over Kay in my roomy back seat, putting his hand on her thigh as he shuffled past her. He sat down and looked up to realize that I was turned in my seat. He laughed out loud before asking, "You just gonna sit and watch me fool around with your girl?" I kind of shook my head and rolled my eyes slightly as I turned back around to face forward. As I did, Alyssa said, "I believe that's the plan," and sort of giggled. Patrick laughed again and then paused. "Wait, are you serious?" he asked, looking first at Alyssa, and then at Kay. Kay was sitting directly behind me. She reached over my seat and laid her hand on my shoulder. "Take us back to your place, babe," she said to me, rubbing my shoulder as she slid her hand across it and back down to her side.

I put the truck in reverse to get out of the parking spot, and turned around to look behind me as I backed out. When I turned around, Patrick was staring at me. I couldn't help but look him directly in the eyes. He held eye contact with me and mocked Kay, in a feminine voice, "Take us back to your place, sweetie." He laughed at himself, and Kay and Alyssa started laughing as well. As embarrassed as I felt, I have to admit, I cracked a grin too. He wasn't *****, but definitely buzzing hard, and as he spoke to me I could smell what I'd tasted on Kay's kiss earlier. Still without breaking eye contact with me, he continued in the same voice, "I wonder what Patrick will do to us there, muffin!" He pretended to flip his hair back over his shoulder with his hand as he said it, like a girl would do.
"Stop it!" Kay said through heavy laughter as she playfully slapped him on the arm. She reached up and grabbed his face, squeezing his cheeks a little and turned his head toward her, breaking his eye contact with me. I was no longer grinning. I was feeling as humiliated as ever. I instinctively looked around to see who heard that, quickly realizing we were still in the truck. Nonetheless, I felt so embarrassed. He could have left it at mocking her. It was a funny little joke, but instead he proceeded to make fun of me to my face.

Patrick grabbed Kay's arm and pulled it off his face. He snapped at her playfully, "What the fuck do you think you're doing?" Kay looked up at me and said, "Just go." She barely got the words out before Patrick reached up and grabbed a handful of her hair and gently but firmly yanked her head from side to side. Kay gasped lightly as he did. "I'll do the head turning, thank you," he said to her. As I let off the brake and began to back up, out of the corner of my eyes, I watched the most lustful look come over her face as she leaned in and kissed him passionately.
Alyssa watched me, analyzing my reaction to it all. She looked at me as if she was waiting for me to stick up for myself. But I didn't. I fucking hated him, but all I could think about was him railing her like a rag doll. I watch her run her hand down his muscular arm while she kissed him. He was still holding onto her hair. As I backed all the way out and stopped, I turned around to put the truck into drive. I started to ease forward, but I couldn't help but glance in the rear view mirror. Alyssa adjusted her position to face Patrick and I saw her lean slightly. I tried to just look ahead and drive.

When I stopped at the end of Kane's driveway, before pulling out onto the road, I turned to look behind me. Patrick and Kay were making out, which I already knew from the sound coming from directly behind me. Patrick's hand was on Kay's inner thigh, and I saw Kay open her legs slightly for him. Alyssa's hand was on Patrick's lap, rubbing back and forth on the giant bulge in his pants. I couldn't help but sit and stare for a few seconds. As I did, another image flashed in my head of Kay in his lap riding him.

My gaze was broken by headlights behind me. Someone else was trying to leave as well. As the lights turned to shine directly in my back window, it broke the tension in the back seat. Patrick withdrew his tongue from my love's mouth, and his hand from between her legs and she looked almost ***** with lust as her eyes opened slowly. Patrick turned around to look back at the lights. Just as I thought to myself, "I'd better get out of the way," the car started to slowly pull around me on my left.

"Oh ****, that's Connor. Roll down the window!" Patrick said. I looked back at him over my right shoulder. "No!" I objected, "I know him." Patrick looked at me like he was confused. "So?" He replied. "I don't want him to see you with Kay," I argued. Kay sank in her seat a little and turned her face away from the window. The back windows had enough tint that they weren't going to see who was back there as long as the windows stayed up. Patrick smirked smugly. "She's mine tonight bro. I already made out with her in front of everyone." He started to reach over Kay to hit the window switch. "Please!" I said, just as he pressed it. He let off immediately, leaving just a small crack. Alyssa, keeping her hand on his dick, reached over with the other and grabbed his arm, pulling it away from the window switch.

"Please what?" Patrick said, looking back at me directly. "Please don't roll down the window," I replied. His eyes changed. A look came over his face as if he'd gotten an evil kick out of hearing me beg. Kay sat back up as the car went completely around us and pulled out into the road. Intently watching the exchange between Patrick and I, she spoke up. "It's fine babe, they're gone." She smiled at me, and then at Patrick, trying to make light of the situation. She brushed her hair back behind her ear with her fingers, and when her hand came back down it landed right next to Alyssa's. "Come on, babe. Take us home," she said to me in a loving voice.


Posts: 75
#17 · Edited by: CuckoldCalifornia
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GF told her bestie I was a cuck. They decided to team up on me at a friend's party. [part 8]

I tried so hard to keep my focus on the road. My mind kept drifting back to Kay's hand on Patrick's dick. It was the last thing I saw before I started driving. When I was younger, I was always the DD since I don't *****. I was used to chauffeuring ***** people around. But I had never chauffeured...whatever this was. I began hearing kissing again behind me. I heard it alternate from one side to the other. Those back country roads can be pretty noisy to drive on, and the radio was playing on low volume as well. Going off sounds alone wasn't going to satisfy my curiosity about what was going on behind me. I knew I was going to end up looking.

I glanced for half a second in the rear view mirror, and saw Patrick kissing Alyssa. He was leaned toward her and his arm was reached across her body, but I couldn't see exactly what he was doing with it. "What is Kay doing?" I wondered. I tried to sneak another glance, but couldn't see any more than what I had the first time. When my focus came back to the road, I saw a deer standing by the road just a few car lengths ahead. "Probably not a good time to be watching them," I thought. I tried to just listen to the song that was playing, using it as a distraction to suppress my burning curiosity about what my beautiful girlfriend was doing with her hands.

My dick was wedged, my pants pulling it tight against my thigh, and it wasn't able to get any harder in my current position. It was starting to pull on my leg hairs as it tried to grow, and getting quite uncomfortable. I pushed against my seat back to lift up my hips and adjusted my pants with my hand, giving my dick some more room. Then I grabbed it through my pants and moved it to situate it in a better position, resting my right hand on it when I was done. "Mhm," I heard from behind me to my right. Alyssa chuckled into Patrick's open mouth as they kissed. "Fuck," I thought, "I have to look." I turned my head quickly to see Alyssa kissing Patrick and side-eyeing me. Did she get a kick out of seeing me adjust myself?

Quickly turning back to watch the road, I heard Patrick's bedroom voice ask, "what's funny?" Alyssa, also in a low voice, replied, "Him adjusting his boner." She said it through a light chuckle. There was a brief pause before Patrick said, "Well he can adjust mine when his girl is done with it." Him and Alyssa chuckled together. All I heard from Kay was a light moan. After another brief lull, I heard the kissing sounds coming from directly behind me, followed a few seconds later by the sound of a zipper. My mind was racing with images of Kay sucking his dick right behind me. I couldn't help but to turn around and look again. I turned my head and looked down between Patrick's legs. Kay's hand was down his pants from the waistband, slowly stroking him while they kissed. Alyssa turned her head to look me in the eyes as she undid his button with one hand, positioning the other to reach in for his dick.

I spun back around to watch the road, and swerved just a bit as I realized I was riding the road edge. I heard the kissing suddenly stop. "Eyes on the road," I heard Patrick say. "Mhm," I said, acknowledging him. My dick was now fully erect in my pants. Had Kay been stroking him in his pants the whole drive? I was dying to look again. There was a stop sign coming up in about a mile, so I stepped on the gas to get us there a little quicker. As we crossed the line into the next county, the rough road turned smooth. We hit a little bump crossing into the smooth road, and suddenly the ambient noise in the cabin was cut in half. I heard the shuffling of Patrick's pants, and then finally, both the girls in unison let out a light gasp followed by a light moan. Kay's voice stood out to me. "Mmm," she moaned. There was a half second pause. "See something you like?" Patrick asked. Kay replied first, "Yeesss, it's so nice in person." Alyssa spoke over her. "Umm, YEAH!" she said, excitedly.

I could see the stop sign up ahead. I glanced in the mirror. When I did, Patrick happened to look at the same time. We locked eyes. I could see a smirk on his face, and I could see Kay's head laying on his shoulder looking down at his cock. I could barely see her shoulder, but I could tell her left arm was across her body. She was probably holding it. I looked back at the road, and then back into the mirror. He was still watching me. I looked back at the road again. And then again back into the mirror to see him pulling Alyssa's face into him for a kiss. He knew I was watching. Kay still had her head laid on his shoulder, looking down. "Mmm," he moaned through his kissing. Kay must have been stroking him.

As I pulled up to the stop sign, I left off the gas early and tried to brake easy so as not to disturb them too much. I didn't want anyone to change positions before I had a chance to look. Plus if I braked hard enough to distract them, that would call attention to me. I wanted to be as inconspicuous as possible, even though I knew they would all see me turn around to look. A few seconds passed. I glanced into the mirror again after hearing the kissing stop. Patrick was looking at me again. He noticed we were about to come to a stop. I realized I didn't see Kay's head anymore. My mind suddenly went wild. "Hang on," I heard him say, almost at a whisper. I glanced back one last time and saw her head coming up. I slowed and came to a full stop.

I took a quick look around and there were no other cars in sight. Still stepping on the brake, I turned just my head around to look behind me. This was the furthest I'd turned since we started driving. As I did, my eyes stayed low. They instantly landed on Patrick's dick. "Oof," I thought, "that's a big dick." Kay's hand was around the base of it, and Alyssa's was rested on the inside of his thigh. I stared at it for about a second before realizing they were all three looking at me. I'm convinced that Patrick had planned this when he realized we were stopping. It's why he told Kay to hang on.


Posts: 75
#18 · Edited by: CuckoldCalifornia
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GF told her bestie I was a cuck. They decided to team up on me at a friend's party. [part 9]

When my eyes snapped up, I locked eyes with Kay first. I don't know how to describe her expression other than that I could see the sexual tension on her face. My eyes jumped over to Alyssa, then to Patrick. As I locked eyes with Patrick, who had just watched me stare at my girlfriend's hand around his dick, Kay was the first to speak. "See something you like?" she asked, as a taunting smirk came over her face. My eyes bounced between her and Patrick as he smirked too. Two seconds felt like a minute. It seemed like they were all waiting on me. Finally, looking at Kay, I asked, "why did you stop?"

Patrick replied to me before Kay could. As he did, him and Kay turned to look deep into each other's eyes at the same time, and she slowly leaned down moving her head towards his big dick. "I didn't want you to miss it," he said, watching her go down. Kay's mouth opened wide, and I heard her let out a muffled moan, "Mmm," as she wrapped her lips around his tip and slid the first few inches of his dick into her mouth. She paused there for a second, holding it in her mouth, as she moved her hand from the base of his dick and slid it down to cup his balls. I watched her intently as she started to lightly rub his balls, and then came up. She brought her lips up around the tip and then slowly together. At an awkward angle, she did her best to look up at me as she lowered her head, stuck out her tongue, and licked up the full length of the side of Patrick's dick. When she got to the top, in one fluid motion she put it back in her mouth. She closed her eyes this time, and started going up and down and a medium slow pace.

I looked back up at Patrick. He was still looking at Kay. Alyssa let out another moan, and said, "Fuck that's hot," as she reached over and grabbed a section of Kay's hair, brushing it over to the other side of her head and out of the way. I was still watching Patrick watching Kay, when Alyssa said to me, "isn't it?" I looked at her, and Patrick looked at me at the same time. Alyssa made a face as if to say, "..well?" Kay never stopped sucking.

"Yeah," I admitted. Alyssa smirked. It was that same evil, taunting kind of smirk that Kay would give me. "Say it," she said to me. I hesitated, still looking at her. But I said it. "That's... hot." As I said it, I looked back down at Kay sucking Patrick's dick, and then back up to Alyssa. "Say it to him," she said, head-motioning toward Patrick. I gave her kind of a "fuck off" look and looked back down at Kay. A few seconds passed. "Say it!" Alyssa said, a little more demanding. I ignored her. I looked up and around to make sure there were no cars around still. There weren't, so I looked back down at Kay. She was still cupping his balls with her hand, gently moving them around. Each time she would come up, I could see the wetness of her spit on the shaft of his dick, glistening in the light reflecting back off the stop sign ahead.

A few more seconds passed, and then Kay's head came up just off Patrick's dick, hovering above it. She never looked up, but she said quietly, "If you want to cum tonight you'd better fucking say it." She went right back down on him. Patrick laughed softly. "Ouch," he said in a low voice as he looked up at me. I looked at him too, and I could see Alyssa was staring at me, waiting. "It's hot," I said, struggling to maintain eye contact with him. As I said it, I felt my face turn red and my posture give way. I felt defeated.

"What's hot?" Patrick asked me? I stalled. Kay didn't stop, but she moaned loudly on his dick. She took her hand off his balls and slapped his leg, signaling me. I knew what she meant. "Kay," I said to him. "Doing what?" Alyssa prompted me. "S...sucking your dick," I said, looking at Patrick. He spoke to me in a soft, monotone voice, as you would do if you were trying to talk while getting a blowjob. "Use your words, buddy. Make a whole sentence," he said to me. My face got redder, and I felt myself slouch even more. Still struggling to maintain eye contact with him, I fumbled my words a bit. "Kay's... It.. It's hot when Kay sucks your dick." Patrick grinned as wide as I'd seen. "You really think so?" He prompted. "Yes," I replied immediately.

Patrick grabbed a handful of Kay's hair and pulled lightly. She came up off his dick, slurping just a little, licking around her lips. She looked at him as she brought her hand up to wipe around her lips. "Tell her to keep going," Patrick said, still looking at me. "I fucking hate this guy," I thought to myself. I stared at Kay for a few seconds. She spoke up, "okay, no play time for you." I sat back up straight. "No, come on babe. Keep going!" I said, trying to sound encouraging. "Too late," she replied. "No baby please... Please keep going. I won't hesitate again!" I begged. She gave me a, "you'd better not" look, then started to go back down. But Patrick was still holding her hair, stopping her. "Please do what?" Patrick prompted me. They wanted to hear me beg! I was so fucking humiliated, but I knew there would be hell to pay with Kay if I didn't pay ball. I looked Kay in the eyes with my best pleading face and begged, "please don't stop sucking his dick baby!"

Patrick let go of Kay's hair. Alyssa and Patrick started laughing at me. Kay sat up and leaned forward toward me. "You're such a fucking bitch. I love you," she said, smiling at me. She leaned in to kiss me. When she did, she stuck her tongue in my mouth. She paused and looked in my eyes for a second before leaning back and going back down on Patrick. "Drive," he said, firmly.


Posts: 72
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I hope you keep going...great story


Posts: 4120
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I hope you keep going...great story

I agree absolutely, that's a great story. Please continue
Submissive Cuckold - lives for many years in a female-led marriage with a cuckold lifestyle.


Posts: 1240
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Congratulation CuckoldCalifornia, hot to read !
Mr Fire


Posts: 121
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Very well written and very good to read. Thanks for what you've done, CuckoldCalifornia, and please do more.


Posts: 75
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GF told her bestie I was a cuck. They decided to team up on me at a friend's party. [part 10]

As ordered, I drove. I stared ahead into the dark. I was rock hard, my right hand lightly gripping my dick through my pants, rubbing the tip with my thumb. We were almost to the highway, but it would be at least another twenty minutes before we were back at my house. The road noise was pretty low, and the radio volume was still low. I was almost zoned out driving, instead focusing on the situation behind me.

The occasional light moans and heavy breathing accompanied the ongoing sound of Patrick's wet dick sliding in and out of Kay's hand and mouth. The moans were coming from Alyssa's side. I took a quick peek over my should, looking down, to see Patrick's arm reaching between Alyssa's legs. She was wearing leggings, and it looked like it hand was inside them. It was too dark to see much though, so I looked back at the road.

"****," I mumbled as I cruised right by the turn to get on the highway. "Mm.. what?" Alyssa asked quietly. I turned back to glance at her and she was looking at me too. "I was supposed to turn there," I replied. I looked back at the road. "But I can go the back way," I said. Behind me, I could hear Kay situating herself like she was sitting up. I glanced in the mirror and saw her look around to get her bearings. "I don't know if we're going to make it that long," she said, "I kinda have to pee."

"I'll turn around," I said, "there's that nice gas station an exit or two up." I glanced back again and Kay gave me a little smile in the mirror. "Thank you," she said. She was still leaned over Patrick. My dick twitched thinking about the fact that she'd just paused to talk to me, still holding his dick. I wanted to look back and watch her pick up where she left off. But I needed to find a spot to turn around.

I saw I driveway up ahead on the right. I was fairly familiar with the area, and I knew it was a long driveway through the woods so it would be a good place to turn around. Only a few cars had passed us during the drive. There was one a good ways behind us though, so as we came up to the driveway, I pulled in completely out of the road and stopped to wait for the car to pass. When I stopped, I turned my head to the right to watch the car. But, of course, all I could focus on was Kay. I only glanced at the car for a split second before turning my head further and looking down.

She was still going somewhat slow. She seemed like she was enjoying it as much as Patrick was. I couldn't see much though, and Patrick must have known that. He reached up and fiddled with the overhead light for a second until he found the switch to turn it on. I looked up to watch his hand. When the light came on, our eyes both came back down to look at each other at the same time. He raised his eyebrows at me before looking down at Kay, gesturing with his head for me to look, too. I did.

"You like it baby?" He asked Kay. "Mhmm," she replied as she went down, up, and back down on him, following with her hand. "Good. I think your boy wants another kiss," Patrick said. Kay came up off him without a second thought and leaned up toward me. As she came to the end of her reach, she let go of his dick, used her other hand to steady herself, and scooted over to sit on his legs where she could reach me. With the hand she'd been using on Patrick, she reached around and grabbed the back of my neck. Her hand was wet on my neck. She pulled me into her and stuck her tongue in my mouth. To my left, I could see Alyssa watching us. "Mmm," she moaned lightly as she watched us kiss.

Kay was holding me pretty tightly into her, so I kept kissing her. She intentionally kept her tongue moving and making contact with mine. Her eyes were closed, but mine stayed open. I watched Alyssa as she reached behind Kay and grabbed Patrick's dick. She leaned into him slightly and started stroking him. I let my eyes fade to closed and kissed Kay back, not knowing if I'd get anything more from her for the night.

When we stopped, I opened my eyes and looked into hers. She gave me another light peck on the lips and whispered, "Are you having fun baby?" as her wet hand slid from the back of my head around to rest on my face for just a second. I kept staring into her eyes and nodded my head yes. As much as I'd been embarrassed and as much as I wasn't a fan of Patrick, I was as horny as I'd ever been, and dying to watch him devour her, claim her. Dying to watch her body language, and all the ways her face would tell me she loved every minute of it. I couldn't wait to get home.

Kay moved off Patrick's lap and sat back next to him. Just as the car finally passed us, Alyssa started to go down on Patrick. I watched for a minute as she began to suck him at about the same pace as Kay had been. Kay reached between his legs with her left hand and cupped his balls. With her right arm, she reached around his left to come in behind his left hand, interlocking her fingers with his. She laid her head on his shoulder. Patrick reached up to turn the cabin light back off. I stared directly at his dick, watching Kay rub his balls and Alyssa taking care of him, right up until the light clicked off and I could no longer see. "Come on babe," Kay said.
I backed out into the road to head back to the highway.


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GF told her bestie I was a cuck. They decided to team up on me at a friend's party. [part 11]

When we pulled into the parking lot of the gas station, there were lights everywhere. Thankfully, my truck sits pretty high, but I was still worried about people seeing in. I glanced back at them over my shoulder as I turned in. Everyone was still in the same position, except Patrick's right hand was on Alyssa's head, guiding her down each time.

"Does...anyone else need to go in?" I asked, sheepishly. I felt awkward interrupting them. I turned back ahead to watch where I was driving, and headed toward a side parking lot where no other cars were parked. I peeked in the mirror, and Kay looked up at me. She gave a little smile. She looked so content. As I pulled into a spot, I heard a light, "mm," from Alyssa, and then the sound of her inhaling briefly as she sat up. "You have a really nice dick," she said to Patrick, in a serious, matter-of-fact type of tone. I wanted to look back at his face, but I was trying to finish parking. "Mhmm," Kay added. I didn't hear Patrick say anything, but I could just imagine the cocky smile on his face.

I put the truck in park, and finally turned around to look at them. Sure enough...cocky smile. Kay still had a hand on his balls, and Alyssa was just then letting go of his dick. Kay leaned down and wrapped her lips around it, going down on him three or four more times, before coming up. She tugged at his underwear and pushed his cock back down to stuff it in. "Come in with us," she said to Patrick.

Kay turned and opened her door, as Patrick lifted his hips up far enough that he could get his pants situated and buttoned back up. I turned around and opened my door too. When I stepped down out of the truck and shut my door, Kay stepped around from behind her open door and up to me. She grabbed me and kissed me again, sticking her tongue in my mouth just as she did before. But this time, only briefly. She pulled away and said, "That was just for you." She said it loud enough that Patrick heard it too as he slid out of the back seat. "Oh my God," he said though laughter. "What?" Alyssa shouted across from the other side of the truck. Patrick spoke raised his voice as he swung the door shut. "She went down on me again just so she could kiss him," he yelled back across to Alyssa, still laughing. Kay cracked a smile and laughed a little.

I looked up, and a younger guy standing next to a small Kia at one of the pumps was looking at us. I looked back at him, feeling my face turn red as Alyssa shut her door also and started laughing. "I think he likes it," she yelled back across as we all started walking away from the truck. Patrick turned back toward me as he stepped away. "I hope he does, he's gonna be tasting it all night!" he said, still raising his voice more than necessary. My eyes glanced to him and then back to the Kia guy, staring at us. The guy laughed, but quickly covered his face and looked away, trying to hide it. My face turned redder. Kay, still laughing at Patrick, left my side and took a few quick steps up ahead to him, wrapping her arm around his when she got to him. As we came around the back of the truck, Alyssa stepped up to Patrick's other side, leaving me to walk alone behind them all.

We walked into the store, and Kay and Alyssa went off toward the bathrooms. Patrick walked around the store some, and I stood off to the side of the checkout counter waiting. I didn't want anything. "I should have stayed in the truck," I thought to myself.


Posts: 1211
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This is great, and getting better and better with every chapter!
Please continue, and thank you for your work so far ❤️🙏🏼 x
Mr Fire


Posts: 121
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Very good continuation. Keep on going!


Posts: 21
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Fabulous -- You sooo captured the true cuck psyche---- More More More Please


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Great story waiting on more love the ***********


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Great story, you're ticking so many boxes for me!


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