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News Report: Movement Among White Women To End Systemic Racism

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#1 · Edited by: brandedcuck
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Julie: "Good evening and welcome to channel six news. A new report shows white women around the U.S. are joining the Black Lives Matter movement and vowing off white men forever. We go live now with investigative journalists Sarah Moore for a first hand look of a Black Lives Matter rally in downtown Detroit. Sarah what are the stories your seeing on the ground there?"

Sarah: "Thanks Julie. I'm standing outside of a large tent structure which has been erected for the Black Lives Matter rally here in 700th block of Detroit Michigan. What we are finding is that white women from all over the country are flooding to this rally to give there support to end systemic racism. How specifically are they doing it? First, as you can see from the long lines behind me, they are lining up outside of this tent where they are signing a declaration to never have sexual relations with a white man again, even if they are currently married to one. Next to show their devotion they are entering the tent where they are freely offering themselves sexually to any black male attending today's event."

Julie: "Wow that is true devotion. Just what do they hope this movement will accomplish Sarah?"

Sarah: "Well Julie I've talked with top white female organizers of this movement and they say that systemic racism is real and the only cure is for it to be bred out of existence. They plan on doing that by encouraging white women around the country to join the movement. They hope to decrease the population of the white male, who they claim are the source of racism, by 50% by 2030."

Julie: "That's a big goal Sarah! What do they think the likelihood is of reaching it?"

Sarah: "So far Julie organizers say they are optimistic with the initial surge of support they have seen so far and hope to keep the spirit of the movement growing through education and social influence. As proof that the message is getting out there I have two newlyweds Erica and John with me."

Sarah: "Now Erica I see you are still wearing your wedding dress when did you and John marry?"

Erica: "We just got married this morning Sarah I heard about this movement 2 weeks before our wedding and told John how passionate I felt about it and wanted to show my support to end systemic racism by signing the declaration immediately after our wedding or else there would be no wedding."

Sarah: "Some may ask Erica why even marry a white man if you're only going to devote yourself sexually to African American men."

Erica: "That's a good question Sarah and the answer is that I believe that it is important for white men to understand that they cannot cure their racism. The best thing they can do to ensure that racism finally comes to an end in our country is support their wives or girlfriends to have interracial relationships and vow to no longer spread their genetic makeup which is scientifically shown to be inherently racist."

Sarah: "John do you support Erica in this mission?"

John: "Absolutely Sarah. I understand that I'm genetically inherently racist. You could say white men are like a cancer the more we grow the more destruction and pain we cause. Even if we don't want to or mean to it's important to recognize that is what we are and what we do. We all know the only way to cure cancer is by eradicating it. I don't want to pass my racist genes on to my ******** the only way to avoid that is by me not having ********. As a white woman however Erica has a moral responsibility to help bring as many black ******** into this world as possible. Even though the seeds of racism run in white women as well they can be reformed through self sacrifice and love. Nothing is as strong as the love of a ****** it overrides all forms of hate. Erica helped me to understand and accept that and I love her for it and that's why I agreed to still marry her and and why she has my full support."

Sarah: "Well said John. Erica I understand that your hope today is to be impregnated with your first *****. After you enter that tent you will be giving yourself sexually to a multitude of black men. Does it bother you that you may not know who the the baby's daddy is?"

Erica: "Not at all Sarah! The only thing that matters is the race and I know that I will be helping to heal our nation and the world by birthing only black ******** for the sake of our future!"

Sarah: "Well there you have it Julie and as you can see Erica has signed the declaration and has just entered the tent, still wearing her wedding dress, while John waits outside for what I suspect will be a very long time."

Julie: "WOW! What a insightful, forward thinking, and inspirational couple they are."

Sarah: "Yes Julie I was so moved and inspired not only by Erica's words but as well by her actions that I have decided to sign the declaration for myself on national TV"

Julie: "Good for you Sarah and we here at channel six news certainly support your decision and encourage all white women watching this program to go down show you support and sign that declaration for yourselves and the sake of our nation."


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the world is changing and soon we will see similar reports from America and then from liberal Europe where more and more white women are already realizing the underdevelopment of white men.
And soon laws will be passed allowing abortion from white men only.

Rating: 3, 1 vote.
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News Report: Movement Among White Women To End Systemic Racism
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