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Ladies - Mrs Spencer eases your cuckolding concerns!

Rating: 39


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#1 · Edited by: ptah
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Each week our extramarital relationship expert, sexpert, and femdom guru Stephanie Spencer advises our readers on how best to enjoy a rich, adventurous, and empowering woman-led marriage.


I have been married for five years and, though I have never been faithful to my husband, I am concerned that my intense relationship with my new boyfriend is causing my sexual relationship with my husband to fade away. Although my lover is far more thrilling in bed, I want to remain the centre of my husband's world, and in the past I have always continued to enjoy his romantic attentions even while I openly cuckolded him with a succession of other men. I am worried that the evident sexual superiority of my new boyfriend (who, I am delighted to say, is young and hung with the most mouth-watering body) is discouraging my husband from even attempting to seduce me.

What can I do to reheat things with my husband while continuing to enjoy this fabulous affair with my lover?


Firstly, I must say that your continued attachment to your husband is really very sweet: for many modern wives, the entry of a virile young lover into her bed is the cue to relegate her husband to the role of chequebook and hotelier! Your husband should recognise how lucky he is that you remain sexually interested in him, and learn to show his gratitude. With this in mind, it should become clear to you that your husband's failure to even attempt to compete with your lover is his fault and his fault alone. It should not matter whether a woman chooses to have an affair with a sweet and inexperienced teenaged boy, or with a pair of huge and intimidating black bodybuilders: her husband is there to love her, obey her, and satisfy her expectations, no matter what she throws at him. If the sexual affections of your husband are important to your confidence and happiness, then he owes them to you, and your first step may simply be to tell him, frankly and fully, that he is failing in his duty. The revelation that (in some small way) you still require him to fulfil a sexual role in addition to your new lover's ought to be more than enough to give him some courage and get his head between your legs!

It may well be, however, that you need to start exercising a lot more control over your marriage, and this means taking complete control of your husband's penis. Merely laying down the "rules" (in a nutshell, she gets to fuck whomever she likes, he gets to worship her) is insufficient for most women to dominate their husbands to the extent that they require for complete fulfillment. By keeping your husband's penis under lock and key, you can guarantee that you will be in his thoughts at every moment, day and night. It does not matter whether he is resenting you, lusting after you, or grinding his teeth in humiliated frustration as he listens to your cries of ecstasy while you are with your lover: the fact is that you are f0rcing yourself (as you put it) into the center of his world, and he understands that any sexual relief can only come at your discretion. The usual line of retreat for the jealous cuckold- masturbation- will be cut off completely. Watch him come crawling to you on his hands and knees!

To relate my personal experience: I forbade unsupervised masturbation from the start of my marriage to Mr Spencer, but soon progressed to keeping his penis safely locked away in chastity after I grew tired of routinely discovering him flouting my rule. Frankly, my wrist ached from the frequent thrashings I was obliged to give him. By taking complete control of his penis, I made my husband far more obedient and attentive. This also means that I can switch his romantic attentions on and off like a tap- the little silver key in my purse (or around my neck) gives me unearthly power over him. When I want to be totally adored, spoilt and worshiped by my husband, I can merely dangle the prospect of a date with me in front of his nose, leaving him drooling like a puppy!

I usually leave arrangements to Mr Spencer (who knows he must impress me), while announcing my availability on a single evening a week or two in the future. This allows a lot of amusing "build up", ensuring my husband is almost ready to burst with excitement when the day finally dawns! I am always sure to spend the afternoon enjoying rigorous sex- ideally a steamy threesome with both of my current regular boyfriends- and that I am still in bed with my lovers when my husband returns home from work with a bouquet. This immediately puts him in his place, and demonstrates that I am already fully sexually satisfied, making any prospect of sexual release for him a mere matter of clemency on my part. It is also every woman's prerogative to keep her husband waiting when he is due to take her out!

I like to keep the rich musk of sex clinging closely to my body when I go out with my husband, and so usually decline a bath in favour of merely fixing my hair and makeup, slipping back into my dirty knickers, and pulling a figure-hugging, low-cut dress over my head. I always make certain that the little silver key to Mr Spencer's penis hangs proudly in the cleavage of my temptingly displayed breasts. This is a powerful visual signal of my control over him, ensuring that he remains on his very best behaviour! Our date itself is, of course, all about me. We go to one of my favourite restaurants, we order my favourite wines and, to keep my husband focused, I ostentatiously flirt with my favourite waiters. Many times I have disappeared into the ladies' bathrooms with a particularly tempting specimen for a brief but exhilarating fuck, just to emphasize the prize that my husband was straining to grasp! Of course, the only topic of conversation is me. Mr Spencer listens intently while I lecture him on my work, my friends and my lovers. He knows that his big chance disappears if I gain the merest suspicion that his concentration has wandered.

But, once Mr Spencer has paid the sizeable bill and driven me home, it may all pay off. I may – just –deign to allow him to accompany me to bed. His work is only just beginning, however. The lock stays on his penis, and the key stays winking at him between my breasts, until every inch of my body feels soothed, adored and worshipped. Sometimes, that is as far as I decide things will go: after a satisfactory climax, I will push his face away from my cunt, yawn, and roll over to enter a blissful s1eep, leaving him high and dry. At others, however, I will indulge him- after all, a prize is not worth struggling for if it can never be won. At my instruction, my husband unfastens the necklace from my neck, I slowly unthread it from the key, turn the lock, and there is his little penis, escaped at last! Once in a while, the pressure of the moment will lead poor Mr Spencer to fail entirely, and I bite my lip in faintly amused pity while I lock his soft dangling genitals away again, safely and neatly. Oh, the delicious look on his face! Usually, however, my husband rises to the occasion, and I push him back on the bed and sit on his little shaft, squeezing it tightly in my cunt while I ride him roughly with all of the power of my thighs and buttocks (might as well get a workout!) It never takes long, and with a little whimper his pathetic gratitude pours out. More often than not I can barely restrain my laughter while he cries genuine tears of relief onto my breasts, kissing them feverishly, and burbling how he loves and worships me!

As you can imagine, I find my little dates with Mr Spencer to be refreshing, flattering, and empowering. By the time I lock his little penis away for another few weeks (or more), I am left in no doubt that I am his Goddess, and that while he is my plaything, I am his life. So often the surge of power and triumph I feel in my body immediately leads me to pick up my phone and make that exciting date with the sexy young stud I just met at the gym or in a club. Sex with your husband can and should do just the same for you. The important thing is that it should be earned, rare, and fully controlled by you.

Good luck- and enjoy!


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Top story pleaseeeeeeeeee continue


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#3 · Edited by: ptah
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Mrs Spencer eases your cuckolding concerns.

Each week our extramarital relationship expert, sexpert, and femdom guru Stephanie Spencer advises our readers on how best to enjoy a rich, adventurous, and empowering woman-led marriage.


I am a high-flying executive in my early thirties and, having recently accepted a significant promotion, I have begun to feel that I have very little time for a satisfactory sex life. In the past, I had been able to juggle work with a number of very fulfilling affairs, often enjoying sex with my lovers at hotels during my lunch breaks, committing to dates with them in the evenings, or even whole weekends of naughty fun. Now, I find that I rarely have the time or the energy to do much other than sit on my husband's face when I get home, and even then I find myself checking my email while he services me orally!

Please, tell me how I can continue my career ambitions while getting my pussy the attention it deserves!


Oh dear! Almost every high-powered career woman will be able to relate to your current predicament. While modern women most certainly can "have it all", ensuring that you have the time and space to enjoy it can be another matter. I remember what a shock I felt when I made the move from sex columnist at New Cuckoldress to global editor of Bitch! Magazine- gone were the long, lazy Saturday mornings in bed with my then lover, to be replaced by work-work-work and the occasional illicit fuck with some dumb bar stud in the back of my car before I drove home in the small hours of the morning! Just as you are now, I came to rely on my husband's tongue far more than I would care to admit.

The good news, however, is that I and countless other women have found ways of making it work. Here are some tips and experiences from me, my friends, and colleagues current and former-

Get tough (on your husband and your lovers)

If you haven't already started to pass some of the strain of your lifestyle onto the men in your life, there is no time to waste. There are more demands on your time than ever, so what has your husband done to shoulder more of the burden and promote your happiness and sexual wellbeing? If he is not running the house to perfection while you are at work, then he is failing. If he is not greeting you when you arrive home with a chilled glass of wine, a foot massage, and the smell of dinner in the oven, he is failing. If he is not taking steps to assist you in managing your busy schedule to incorporate frequent nights of passion with your favourite lovers, then he is failing. You need to unwind after a tiring working day, and that requires satisfactory sex. Clearly, your husband's tongue is inadequate to provide that alone, so you have a right to expect him to arrange for one of your boyfriends to be awaiting you in bed, ready for you with a beautiful big, hard cock. You must make it clear to your husband that you expect this of him. Frequent corporal punishment when he fails to please you may improve matters, but a woman in your position should most certainly keep her husband locked in chastity. He has far too much freedom from your control while you are away from home, and his efforts to please you will inevitably suffer if this is not curtailed. I recommend making his sexual release entirely dependent on a target of satisfactory sexual encounters for you: perhaps you might promise to relieve him if he arranges three successful and satisfactory adulterous dates for you per week? Of course, you are under no obligation to keep such promises to your husband!

You must also be much stricter with your lovers. Of course, the macho young studs with the big swinging dicks whom we all adore are a little more difficult to dominate than are bashful husbands, but us girls have our ways. Your aim must be to ensure that each of your lovers will respond to your demand that they meet you for sex at the drop of a hat. Remember that you are the woman, and what you want goes. One of the many advantages of having a number of lovers is that you can play them off against one another: frequently, I tell one of my occasional flings that on that very night I am going to enjoy oysters and Champagne, a luxurious bubble bath, and a night of passionate sex- either with him or with another sexy young stud who is up to the task. I have never been let down yet!

Plan ahead – take control of your diary

As indicated above, your husband ought to be supporting you in this, and your lovers ought to be making it less pressing, but we all know men must be controlled rather than trusted.

It can be extremely challenging to adopt and adhere to a routine that satisfies the needs of work, social obligations, and a healthy, lustful cunt. Therefore, you should plan outside the daily grind (no pun!) for some high quality indulgence. Have your secretary or husband book a week somewhere sunny and sexy for you and your current favourite boyfriend. Having this to look forward to can make the sacrifice all worth while, and having soaked up all of the sun, sangria and semen that a week will allow, you can return to all the pressure with a spring in your step and a naughty smile on your face! A colleague of mine at our New York office takes a long weekend at the end of each month to visit her beach house on a Caribbean island, in which she keeps a delicious black stud ready and waiting for her. After a marathon of sex on the beach with his reputedly magnificent big black cock, she bounces into the office with all of the energy and excitement of a teenager, leaving the rest of the girls green with envy!

Learn to seize opportunities- be bold!

It is natural for us intelligent, successful, dominant women to want to control every detail of our perfect lives, but there is something to be said for discovering your sense of adventure and spontaneity. Why are you desperately trying to fix up a hurried lunchtime fuck with your boyfriend while running on a treadmill at the gym, when you are surrounded by big, muscular young hunks that can't take their eyes off your ass? Empower yourself by grabbing the cutest one by the bulge in his shorts, and dragging him straight into the bathroom! I have enjoyed countless hours of unbridled, blissfully uncomplicated sex in this way, and telling my husband all about these little adventures is almost as delicious as acting them out! Furthermore, who knows where an open mind (and open legs!) can lead? I met one of my two current regular boyfriends- a gorgeous Brazilian with model good looks, ice-blue eyes, and a huge, fat, veiny cock like a tree trunk- when he was the masseur assigned to ease the tension in my muscles on a lunchtime visit to the gym. I took one look at him, pushed him onto the table, ripped the towel from my hips, and straddled his beautiful face right under my soaking wet cunt! Now he is in my bed every other night of the week, and that beautiful big cock is mine to command whenever the thought crosses my dirty little mind!

Find an office pet (or two)

Once you have opened your eyes to the talent right under your nose, it can be difficult to ignore the possibilities at work, particularly since you seem to be spending most of your life there. Most professional young men are hiding pretty buff gym-honed bodies under their suits. Why not find out what they are hiding in their pants? I am pleased to tell the world that I am currently in possession of a handsome intern, fresh out of college, who spends most of his time working under my desk on an important assignment between my thighs!

A word of warning: there are a few rules you have to stick to if you are going to try this out. Firstly, only fuck young and easily manipulated juniors who are directly under your control and supervision. When you are in a high-powered position, rivals will do anything to bring you down, and you do not want to be the woman who "had a relationship" with a peer or- worse still- your boss. You want your office studs to be right under your thumb, in a position where they have to have their tongues right up your ass (figuratively and literally!) if they don't want you to ruin them. Men like this are so much more eager to please! Secondly, never stop at one. If you give a hot young himbo the impression that he has a relationship of mutual affection with you, it will go right to his head, and he might get the impression that he is fucking his way into a position of influence. That goes out of the window when he realises he is just one member of your own private little harem, easily dispensed with in favour of one of your other sexy studs if he gets uppity. You are their boss- make them compete! Thirdly, never share. In an office full of attractive, assertive, sexually empowered women, there is always a risk that you might find another woman sitting on your spot on the intern's face. This can cause all sorts of divisions, and lead to a breakdown in the female control of your workplace. To avoid this risk, discuss in advance which woman will have which hunky intern "working under her". In this office, all senior executives (women every one) have a place on our recruitment interview panel, giving us a say on whom we take on and who each of us personally wants to "take on". Implement something similar, and you will find that your office becomes a much better looking place!

Keep your lover at home

If you nevertheless find yourself reliant on a few snatched moments of sex at the end of the day, then it is clearly in your interests to ensure that they need not be with your husband. Can you imagine anything more depressing? A woman deserves better, particularly a woman in your position, working every hour to further her career.

One solution is to move one or more of your lovers into your home, making him a comforting and reliable presence in your bed each night. While even the most cowed and obedient husband may muster the courage to object to this arrangement, strict discipline administered by both you and your chosen lover(s) should win the battle swiftly enough. A little bribery may also assist the peace and domestic order: the promise of a regular opportunity to watch you fuck, and to indulge in a little (strictly regulated and supervised) masturbation can go a long way to calming a husband's rebellious spirit!

This arrangement is not for everyone, however. When I first moved to London, I fell head over heels for a hot young martial arts instructor- an archetypal dangerous, sexy, "bad boy" type with muscles on his muscles and tattoos on them. I let him fuck me in the club where we met, then invited him home to fuck me again. And again. And again. A night of passion became a steamy weekend, then a week, then a month, until I made it clear to my husband that my hot new boyfriend wasn't taking his wonderful cock anywhere. I became more or less monogamous with this magnificent man, who slept in my bed while my husband was relegated to the spare room. But then things became stale. I got sick of intervening when my boyfriend knocked my husband around like a schoolyard bully, I began to crave a lover with a little more sensitivity who could offer me something other than earth-shattering orgasms. Then, one day, I discovered some little slut's g-string in my boyfriend's jacket pocket, and I threw him right out into the street. The problem, I think, was that he had become too entitled, and I had become too reliant on him for my sexual happiness. Now that I see him only when I visit England, we are back to enjoying the most exhilarating and passionate sex- but with no strings, no emotional baggage and no time for things to get boring!

With that said, having a live-in lover really does work for some people: a hotshot woman lawyer with whom I frequently deal lives in apparent domestic bliss with her husband and her huge black lover, and she cannot see why not every woman does the same. That said, her husband is perhaps the most grovelling and servile little pervert on whose genitals I have ever stamped!

In summary, there is much you can do to make things work for you, and much your husband can do to help. By controlling the men in your life strictly, keeping your eyes open for the countless sexual adventures that can occur at any time, and tweaking your schedule and your domestic arrangements to suit you, you can give yourself the sex life that you deserve, no matter how high you fly.

Good luck!


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#4 · Edited by: ptah
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Mrs Spencer eases your cuckolding concerns.

Each week our extramarital relationship expert, sexpert, and femdom guru Stephanie Spencer advises our readers on how best to enjoy a rich, adventurous, and empowering woman-led marriage.


Help me! I have fallen absolutely, deliriously, head-over-heels in love with my young black boyfriend! It has gotten to the stage where I can't stop thinking about him, where I listen to thumping rap music just to remind myself of him, where I steal his clothes just to smell him, where I shower him with expensive gifts just to please him, and where I just lie there watching him s1eep after he has fucked me! Though I have had numerous affairs over my ten years of marriage to my husband, I have never felt like this before, and I fear I am losing control. I keep dreaming of running away with my beautiful black lover, and finding a little place where we can just fuck all day and breed welfare babies together! He has often, while fucking me, taunted me about how he is going to "knock me up" (he has always refused to wear a condom), but now I feel like I really want it to happen. This morning I spent an hour, posing nude in front of the mirror, touching myself while I imagined his black baby growing inside me (I have never been pregnant). The problem is that I am accustomed to a certain lifestyle: my husband is a pathetic lover but a very good earner, and I don't want to abandon that, even for a life of blissful sex. Equally, I am worried that I might socially d1sgrace myself. As a nineteen-year old football scholar, my lover is seventeen years my junior, and furthermore, I cannot say no to him: just last week he persuaded me to have a threesome with him and his (gorgeous) black girlfriend.

How can I get a handle on this?!


Oh, Sweetie, you have clearly got your knickers in a twist! While many of us girls will be able to sympathise entirely with your predicament- we are all human, after all- you really have to pull yourself together and impose some control over your love life. I think there are a few things going on here: namely, the thrill of a young man, the thrill of a black man, and your latent maternal instinct. Let's look at them in order.

A firm young body

You cite the age discrepancy between your boyfriend and you as a cause for concern. Though you tell me that you have had "numerous" affairs, this suggests that none of them have been with such a young lover. If so, I am not surprised that he is taking your breath away, no doubt literally! Every married woman can attest to the thrilling energy, stamina and intensity that a fit young buck can offer her between the sheets, especially in contrast to an ageing and out-of-shape husband. You probably also feel flattered that he is so clearly attracted to you, and the very human desire for eternal youth is perhaps one of the factors behind your desire to throw away your comfortable and ordered life in order to pursue an existence of pure sexual hedonism with this virile young black man. Few could blame you. Your boyfriend is not the only hot young piece of ass on the street, however, and it is wise to retain some perspective by thinking with your head as well as your pussy. Why do you need to revolutionise your life in order to continue enjoying your boyfriend's big black cock? And why confine yourself to just his? I personally believe that every married woman of a certain age should regularly indulge herself in a wild affair with a handsome and horny "toy boy". I have a lovely nineteen year old pool boy who is often lucky enough to find me innocently sunbathing in a just a thong, and who never fails to rise the occasion and provide me with just the hard, uncomplicated fuck that I require. Feeling his tight young body between my thighs is most exhilarating and empowering, but I am certainly not about to cut off my other lovers when I can have whomever I want whenever I want.

Dark desires

Let's be honest, every white woman, whether young or old, married or unmarried, regularly has her pulse set racing by a big, muscular, masculine black man. For so many women, the first lover they take after marriage is a virile, aggressive black "thug" who offers a bewitching contrast to their increasingly dull white husbands. Heaven knows, I am known to indulge: sometimes it is an itch you just need to scratch! I am never without a gorgeous black man or two "on my books". Currently, I regularly accept the extra curricular services of my personal trainer: a huge, black, Adonis of a man with a body like sculpted black rock and a cock bigger than my forearm and twice as hard (I don't get many push ups done when I am with him...). Just thinking about laying with his solid black muscles against my breasts, his huge black cock filling my cunt, and his heavy balls resting on my ass...where was I? The point, I suppose, is that though I wouldn't dream of denying myself a regular ravishing from a hung black stud, I recognise that there are other fruit in the basket, and I don't have any intention of gifting myself to any man- black or white. I know a number of women who declare themselves to be "black only", with no sexual interest in white men (including their husbands), but the smarter ones inevitably have some tricks to ensure that they stay in control of the black men in their lives- most typically an even bigger, blacker stud waiting to service them whenever their regular lover falls short of expectations!

Your body clock

You tell me that you have never been pregnant, that you feel a compulsion to have your young lover's baby, and that you like to watch him while he's as1eep, collect his dirty clothes etc. Read that back, and you will see where this is going: you want to m0ther him, you want a baby to m0ther, and you want him to be your baby's d@ddy. The notion of breaking the foolish old taboo of a white woman having a black baby is just added spice. Meanwhile, you are over-indulging him just like a doting m0ther would her s0n, except that you are giving him all of the white pussy he wants, too. I would never dissuade a woman from having her lover's baby if that is what she wants, particularly if her husband has failed to come up with the goods, but it should be obvious to you that you are handing far too much emotional power to your boyfriend, and that you need to assess your priorities and get some control of the situation.

What to do

First things first: take a step back and realise who is really the dominant partner here. You are a rich, intelligent, sophisticated, mature woman, with an apparently supportive husband and a string of affairs in your past. He is a hot young black man who just wants to fuck. But, even with another girlfriend in the background, he keeps coming back to you. Clearly, there is something about you. Clearly, he is more replaceable to you than you are to him. You must reflect on this and take steps to strengthen your power and control over him. Some ground rules-

That "gorgeous black girlfriend" has to go. Though this may be unenforceable, the principle has to be that you are his one and only woman, and not just a hot rich white lady whom he likes to fuck. Unless he is content to be faithful to you while sharing you with your other lovers, he isn't a keeper. Plenty more young black studs in the sea.

A threesome, in my view, is strictly a sexual adventure between a woman and two men. The woman's role is to direct her lovers to pleasure her exactly as she wishes, and their role is to diligently and tirelessly carry out her instructions to her satisfaction. I frequently enjoy my two regular boyfriends on this basis, and let me tell you, all of us have far more fun with me exerting my natural dominance as a woman. Though sex with a man and another woman may make a pleasant diversion, it must be strictly at the instigation and under the control of the women involved. A woman wishing to show off her new lover to a close friend is a fine example. Never, ever, acquiesce to a male's sexual fantasy as a favour to him. To do this is un-feminist and washes away the power of your feminine mystique. If your boyfriend wants to have another threesome, tell him to go and find a friend with an equally nice cock.

Don't put all your eggs in one basket. This hot young black stud has you under his spell: the way to break it is to find another bigger, harder magic wand. Go out clubbing with your girlfriends, snag yourself a ripped and hung hunk (or two), and take him/them home to fuck you into a stupor. You will be amazed how empowered you will feel with your pussy still throbbing from another cock, and once your boyfriend knows he no longer has exclusivity as your lover, he will have to raise his game and start doing his all to win your affections, rather than vice versa.

Have your little adventure. So you want to run off with your young black boyfriend, spending every day and night having hot, wild, sweaty sex? Then do it- for a week. Take a vacation anywhere with a comfortable bed and a shower, and let him fuck your brains out until his big black balls are bone dry. You are sure to have a thrilling time, but the chances are that, by the time you are hobbling onto your return flight, you will be ready to come home to tell your husband all about it. If the itch still needs to be scratched, then book two weeks next time!

If you really want to have the baby, do it- but make it work. You can't assume that your boyfriend is in any way serious about his responsibilities, so your husband will have a huge role to play in accepting, supporting and raising you black baby. He should be understanding and respectful of your choice, and in the event, most husbands are. White couples with mixed chi1dren are an increasingly frequent sight, and what was once taboo is becoming distinctly chic and fashionable. It seems that whenever one of our juniors goes on maternity leave, she inevitably returns with a beautiful caramel coloured baby suckling on her creamy-white breast! Still, bringing a new life into the world is a heavy responsibility, and you must use all of your wiles to seduce, coerce or bully your husband into respecting your choice and supporting you fully.

Most importantly, enjoy yourself- but remember who's boss!


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Mrs. Spencer is the all controlling bitch she has ever right to be.


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Dear Ptah

Thanks for conveying some wonderful postings from Mrs Spencer.
I hope that you can convince Her Superior Female Highness, Mrs Spencer to resume Her column soon.



Posts: 1352
#7 · Edited by: SheDatesHeWaits
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What she needs is an Alpha cuck to show her what it's like to be shared with another man, and be f0rced to give up that pussy to some buddies while her husband watches. A session blindfolded and tied spread-eagle to a 4-poster bed would straighten out her problems.

Every man is naturally dominant and every woman is naturally submissive. She just needs the right Alpha cuck to make her see the light and unlock the real woman in her ...
cuckold - Pronunciation - kuk-uhld - noun 1) The husband of an unfaithful wife. 2) A husband whose wife has sex with others. NOTE - It does NOT say: Sexually confused, submissive, humiliated, sissified, crossdresser, cocksucker, or piss drinker


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You are the best, Ptah.

We want more.


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#9 · Edited by: ptah
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Mrs Spencer deigns to read your fan-mail!

She rarely bothers, but every woman finds herself bored and open to praise, from time to time.

Dear Mrs Spencer,

(You are) the all controlling bitch she has ever right to be.


I suspect that you are a male, in which case let me make it clear that it is unacceptable for you to use the word "bitch", at least unless you are hung, black and the woman with her legs wrapped around your waist has given you her express consent.

As it is, yes, I do relish my status as a beautiful, intelligent, dominant, strict and cruel young woman. For shorthand, I am content to describe myself as a "bitch", and indeed I am confident that I have made bitchiness into an art form. Do I have a right to these attributes? Is that relevant? So long as I have a doting husband and an army of virile young men desperate to worship me while I crush them under my will, I can do precisely as I wish.

Stephanie Spencer

Dear Ptah

Thanks for conveying some wonderful postings from Mrs Spencer.
I hope that you can convince Her Superior Female Highness, Mrs Spencer to resume Her column soon.



The tone of your address is endearing in a slightly creepy fashion, but know this: no male can convince me to do or not to do anything. This is especially true of P, a simpering buffoon who is barely fit to suck my toes: he is currently functioning as my footstool as he types my words as I dictate them. Pathetic.

All correspondence is to be addressed to ME, not to any of MY male underlings.

Stephanie Spencer

What she needs is an Alpha cuck to show her what it's like to be shared with another man, and be f0rced to give up that pussy to some buddies while her husband watches. A session blindfolded and tied spread-eagle to a 4-poster bed would straighten out her problems.

Every man is naturally dominant and every woman is naturally submissive. She just needs the right Alpha cuck to make her see the light and unlock the real woman in her ...


I shan't bother to correct you on your manners, as this could only properly be done in person with my riding crop, my sharpest stiletto heels, and my largest and most vicious strap-on. Suffice it to say that, when addressing a Lady, you do so respectfully, meekly, and directly, using her name.

Regardless, the scenario you describe sounds much like the "climax" to my thirtieth birthday party. The key difference was that my little treat was performed strictly to my instructions by lovers who were hand picked by my closest lady friends and me. My husband's role was confined to topping up our Champagne, applying lubricant, and cleaning my body with his tongue at key moments. Warm, fuzzy memories.

"Alpha cucks" are, predictably, a figment of your overactive male imagination.

Stephanie Spencer

MRS SPENCER will submit a new column soon.


Posts: 1132 Pictures: 59 
#10 · Edited by: ptah
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Mrs Spencer eases your cuckolding concerns.

Each week our extramarital relationship expert, sexpert, and femdom guru Stephanie Spencer advises our readers on how best to enjoy a rich, adventurous, and empowering woman-led marriage.


I am growing concerned that I am growing too soft on my husband. After five years of marriage, I have made certain that he knows his place perfectly well, that I have total control over his every waking moment, and that he thinks of nothing other than pleasing me. The problem is that, now I have him perfectly trained, I find it difficult not to over-praise him- even rewarding him with sex much more frequently than seems appropriate.

In a typical scenario, I will message my husband to warn him that I am bringing one of my boyfriends home for the night, and to make things ready as I like them. I will arrive to find the house lit by candles, music playing softly, Champagne on ice in my bedroom, and fresh roses scattered on the bed. After a night of exhausting sexual passion, I will awake to the smell of freshly brewed coffee and the realisation that my husband has prepared us breakfast in bed. I will hear my bath being run, and know that it will be the perfect temperature, the perfect depth, and perfectly scented. Once my lover has been dismissed, I cannot help but reward my husband by allowing him to worship me with his tongue- and often with his penis, too.

Please, tell me how I can stop my husband getting too comfortable in our relationship? I do not want my power over him to soften or slip away. I haven't used my cane on him in months!


I feel your pain, Sweetie! Like Alexander the Great, we superior, dominant women must often weep in fear that there is nothing left to conquer! Let me put your mind at ease right away, however: there is always something more an intelligent, enterprising and manipulative cuckoldress can do to confuse, belittle and humiliate her husband, disrupting his life and f0rcing him to work harder for her.

The secret is to give your husband the impression that you are almost impossible to please, but that he has to keep trying. Learn to enjoy playing your little games with him! I love to play with Mr Spencer as my little toy. I love to play with his balls and penis between my fingernails; I love to play with his naked body under my stiletto heels; I love to play with his anus as I thrust into it with my big black strap-on; and I love to play with his mind by day and night! Remember that you, the woman, are always playing a game with your husband's mind in which only you know the rules and in which only you can triumph. Have fun!

Here are some delicious tips to try out-

Always find fault

Never, ever forget the single golden rule for women everywhere: he's a male, of course there is something he's done wrong! A woman must be careful to avoid praising or (heaven forbid!) thanking her husband in almost any circumstance, regardless of the hours of hard work or the vast financial expenditure he has devoted to pleasing her. The single, rare exception occurs where and when a woman is teaching her male new tricks. Every married woman can attest to the long tedious hours of tutoring that are required to make a husband competent in such essential skills as foot massage and cunnilingus, and the process can be all the longer if the dumb brute with his head between your thighs has no idea when he's getting it right. Otherwise, however, it is essential to simply ignore his achievements and focus on his failings. After all, he exists to please you, and thus your complete contentment is the bare minimum you must expect. Has he drawn your bath? Is it too cool? If not, it is certainly too warm- it must be one of the other. Perhaps he has presented you, while you are putting the finishing touches to your makeup before a hot date, with a dozen beautiful red roses? Well, why not two dozen? How cheap and thoughtless of him! Perhaps he is slavishly servicing your cunt with his tongue, after you return home, having enjoyed passionate sex with your lover? Well, why isn't he licking your anus? Must you tell him to do everything? Is he trying to make you angry?

I freely admit I love to play this little game with Mr Spencer: the look of flustered bewilderment on his silly face when I subject him to a furious scolding, over the most meagre of transgressions, is simply delicious. A keen eye for detail and quick thinking are both important to spotting your husband's failings, however, and while these can be acquired with practice, some women find it difficult. A little tip from a close friend of mine is to put yourself into character: she imagines herself as a decadent Roman Empress. The Empress must be constantly pampered, worshipped, and lavished with luxury, and everything must be perfect for Her. And, of course, She alone recognises perfection. What chance does Her snivelling male slave stand? None. He is a failure and he will be punished!

That leads us neatly to the subject of punishment. In order to keep your attention focused on your husband's faults, failures and fuck-ups, it is essential to take pleasure in reprimanding him for them. Learn to relish it! Whether you merely give him a swift spanking over your knee, or truly "get mediaeval on his ass" with whips, chains, clamps and studs, you will thrive on the empowerment that these sessions give you as a woman. As you learn to thrill at your own cruelty and your husband's humi1iation you will yearn to find a reason to be angry with him. When Mr Spencer encounters me posing before a mirror with my riding crop, naked and magnificent but for my thigh-high leather boots, he knows very well that he I am going to torment, humi1iate, and triumph over him, and that the tiny little error by which he will trigger my rage is entirely unavoidable!

Lie- just for fun!

So what is a woman to do if, after a few years of marriage, her husband is so cowed and crushed under her will that he knows and anticipates her every whim? What if she has disciplined her male into the perfect servile husband? Must she merely be content to allow him a peaceful existence, pampering her and meekly obeying her commands, while she enjoys an endless series of steamy sexual adventures?

Of course not! That would be frightfully dull. Now is the time for the dominant, sophisticated woman to make use of the prerogative wielded by women against their husbands for millennia- lying! You may very well adore gravadlax and Champagne. Your husband may well know this, and be well accustomed to serving them to you and your lovers while you lie in bed together after a vigorous fuck. But that certainly does not mean you cannot surprise him by angrily remarking that you cannot abide the stuff, especially when he has made a particular effort to acquire it to please you. And, of course, when he fails to render up your favourite little delicacy the next time, you can crush his balls between your fingernails all over again!

Lying to your husband is tremendous fun, and I must say that my private life with Mr Spencer often resembles a chess grandmaster playing against a bewildered little boy. A favourite little trick of mine, no doubt enjoyed by countless women everywhere, is to scold and punish him for his failure to comply with strict instructions that he has never in fact been given. So often, I angrily hiss in his ear that I distinctly told him my two regular boyfriends would be staying for the weekend, barely containing my laughter when he rushes around the house in panic prior to their imminent arrival, his arms bundled with clean linen, fresh candles, Champagne on ice, and other such necessities!

Another rich hunting ground for your husband's insecurities is presented by those rare occasions on which you allow him some sexual contact with you. Once you have taught him to please you, you must never ever let him think he is competent to do so- even when he is! Every woman is fully familiar with the faked orgasm: a useful little lie calculated to bring a male under her control. Every woman should also learn to use the "concealed orgasm", this being an effective method of impeding and destabilising any illusions of adequacy her husband may develop. Between us girls, I am willing to admit that I rather like sitting on Mr Spencer's face, grinding his silly features into my dominant cunt, or sipping a glass of wine while he slithers his loving tongue into my anus. I certainly don't let him know when he has "pushed my buttons", however! I am sure to cover his wide eyes with my buttocks so that he does not see me grinning in a triumphant climax; I am careful to clamp my thighs against his ears so that he does not hear my breath quicken; and I am certain to scrape my fingernails deep into the flesh of his torso to distract him from my shuddering muscles. All Mr Spencer can expect as his reward is a look of bored indifference, a slap around his face, and the pleasure of listening to me arranging a liaison with one of my lovers by telephone!

Disrupt and confuse

Once a male has deduced that he is liable to incite the anger and retribution of a dominant woman, even when his behaviour has been objectively blameless, he will be all the more terrified when he becomes aware that he has made a genuine error. It is most important for a woman to ensure that her male does indeed make genuine mistakes, as a surfeit of punishment irrespective of fault can lead to passive resignation on his part. How do we achieve this, when faced with a husband whom we have trained to perfection? The answer of course is, like a clever tennis player, to f0rce the error.

Let us return to our example of the freshly run bath. A woman's husband knows this is what she expects of him, once she has completed her delicious exertions in bed with her lover. He knows that she strictly requires her bath to be ready ten minutes after her final, noisy climax; that she requires it to be scented with her favourite oils; that she expects rose petals to be floated on its surface; that candles are to be lit around the rim; and that the water is to be precisely 38ºC at the moment she lowers her exhausted nude body into it. Under the woman's strict discipline, her husband may have this routine practiced to perfection.

Knowing this, and aware of the need to shake her husband out of any sense of security or complacency, the intelligent dominant woman should turn back to her lover's perfectly sculpted torso, run her tongue down towards his beautiful big cock, and bring it back to attention for another bout of steamy sex! What is her husband to do, when he hears the woman's sweet cries of pleasure beginning again, and he has her bath standing ready and now swiftly cooling? Of course, it matters little- whatever he does will be wrong! The woman has cleverly gifted herself an opportunity to strike fear and confusion into her husband, and to give him a thorough thrashing!

Naturally, these principles have a wide application: the next time you instruct your husband to prepare dinner for you and your lady friends, why not ensure that five arrive when he was led to expect three? You will have tremendous fun subjecting him to a succession of humi1iating scoldings in their company, and you will enjoy much laughter once he has scuttled off to begin the hard work required to make amends! Equally, if you are away on a much deserved weekend break with one of your lovers, but find that work requires you to return early, why tell him? Inevitably, you will stride into your hallway to discover a floor upswept, dishes unwashed, or even the poor fool upstairs with your dirty knickers pressed to his nose. My word, he will find himself in trouble!

You should be particularly aware of the use of this approach in the sexual arena. Allow me to relate a particularly delectable example from my own domestic life. Just last weekend, I and Mr Spencer were engaged in one of our (my) favourite joint activities. I was nude aside from my heels and my pearls (having just returned from a date), lying on my stomach on a bearskin rug before a roaring log fire, slowly sipping a glass of excellent Chambolle-Musigny. Mr Spencer was neatly and smartly dressed, his penis safely locked away, tolerably performing my instructions for him to lick my anus. Indeed, the warmth of the wine and the fire, the tickling softness of the fur against my breasts and my cunt, the recent memory of exhilarating sex with a new lover, and my husband's tongue alternately sliding along the crack between my perfect buttocks and swirling around my anus, all conspired to make me feel rather overwhelmed with pleasure. I could not suppress the occasional moan of contentment, and I was even toying with the notion of freeing my husband's penis, if only to accept his neglected erection as a signal of appreciation. As a strict, intelligent woman, however, I soon pulled myself together! Waiting until Mr Spencer's tongue was probing deeply into my anus, I feigned a sudden flinch, knocking my glass straight onto the floor! My husband let out a yelp of terror once he saw "what he had made me do", and his instincts were correct: his gentle, intimate session worshipping my luscious body was soon replaced with a very painful session of punishment, featuring my stiletto heels and his scrotum!

Final thoughts

The thoughts above are just a flavour of the many amusing methods that can be devised to keep an already well-trained male on his toes. By remembering the key outcomes (always finding fault, lying for your own entertainment, and disrupting his best efforts), you will soon find that your empowerment and control over your husband has grown far beyond what you once considered to be perfection. By learning to be even stricter and more severe with a male, a woman's desire to reward him sexually will naturally deplete, only adding to her power. Before you know it, you will once again feel like an insatiable goddess, crushing your husband beneath your will. Enjoy it!


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Posts: 6947
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Jesus ptah, you've really gone straight to the heart of the matter with this thread - it's fuckin' amazing!


Posts: 331 Pictures: 4 
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My ex wife used to cuck me with men, but most often women, which I found more difficult to deal with. It wasn't a better man, it was a woman, someone I couldn't compete with. A woman I could never be.


Posts: 79
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real good. excellent 5 *****


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#15 · Edited by: ptah
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Mrs Spencer had instructed me to let it be known that, though She has been on an extended sexual adventure in the Caribbean for the past five months, Her thoughts have been resolutely focused on radical female empowerment and male subjugation. I am told that I will have a lot of late-night typing in store when She returns home.


Posts: 506
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Bump for update!
Win some...
Lose some...
Few are rained out


Posts: 334
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Update Please..

Great Writing !


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Posts: 1769
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Whatever happened to 'Mrs Spencer'?


Posts: 945
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I wish "Mrs. Spencer" was still around.... This is fantastic... If I wasn't in chastity I would have lost it a couple of times.... Bravo..


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Content wider than screen fixed


Posts: 1132 Pictures: 59 
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Thanks MBC! I enjoyed re-reading this...


Posts: 131
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Would love an update from Mrs Spencer


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Me too!
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