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les histoires de chrislebo

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Julie cesse de branler Eric. Elle fait le tour de la table pour le rejoindre, retire sa robe de soirée entre deux foulées. Une fois dévêtue, elle lui grimpe dessus, à califourchon.

— Voilà. Laisse-toi faire...

Eric effleure du bout des doigts les hanches et le creux des reins de sa partenaire.

— Ça ne peut pas être réel.
— Et pourtant, je te sens croître entre mes jambes. A moins que ça ne soit le fruit de mon imagination ?

Julie presse *** sexe contre celui du jeune homme – sans qu'il n'y ait de pénétration – et entame un mouvement de va-et-vient très lent, le dos cambré et la tête rejetée en arrière. Il lui faut moins d'une minute pour faire éjaculer Eric.

— Aaaah !

Une fois *** bas-ventre inondé, Julie claque des doigts pour faire venir Arielle.

— Nettoie-le.

La blondinette se met tout de suite au travail. Elle enlève les vêtements de *** ancien petit ami, en profite également pour récupérer sa semence et la goûter, le fixant comme jamais auparavant. C'est à peine si Eric la reconnaît. Et il n'est pas au bout de ses surprises quand elle tente une percée dans le sillon de ses fesses.

Assise sur les talons, Arielle scrute sa réaction. Ses caresses qui jusqu'alors semblaient le plonger dans une grande confusion font leur petit effet, en témoigne sa verge grandissante ! Il n'en faut pas plus à Arielle pour attraper *** membre revigoré et le faire coulisser dans sa main valide. Durant cet intervalle, elle multiplie les pressions sur *** petit trou et finit par s'y installer.

— Hmmm !

Eric ne peut retenir un gémissement. C'est une pratique nouvelle pour lui et les gestes de sa partenaire se révèlent particulièrement habiles, si bien qu'il la remercie quand un second doigt écarte les parois de *** anus. Malgré sa fascination, Julie les interrompt.

— C'est très bien. A présent...

Julie reprend le contrôle. Elle se glisse derrière Eric et lui susurre à l'oreille :

— Sodomise-la. Elle n'attend que ça.

Arielle est déjà en position, les mains posées sur le rebord de la table, le dos cambré et les jambes bien écartées. Elle émet un long râle satisfait pendant l'extraction du Rosebud, puis lève plus haut *** arrière-train pour sentir les mains douces et larges de *** amant briguer *** anus. C'est la première fois qu'elle le laisse faire.

— Ma parole, tu es devenue une vraie salope !

Eric réalise très vite que sa petite amie – qui l'était encore il y a quelques jours – n'a strictement rien à voir avec la fille actuellement sous ses yeux. Il est assez surpris de voir avec quelle facilité *** petit trou se laisse remplir.

— Tu aimes ça, pas vrai ?

La réponse ne se fait pas attendre. Arielle le supplie de continuer, haletante. Le conduit anal de sa complice parfaitement lubrifié, Eric guide sa verge entre ses fesses et entame un va-et-vient assez lent.

— Hooo ! Je... Plus fort !

Eric agrippe Arielle par la taille, prend *** élan et plante sa queue jusqu'à la garde. La violence du choc est telle que la jeune femme manque de perdre l'équilibre.

— Raaaah ! C'est ça... Ne te retiens pas !
— Je vais t'enculer si profond que...

Arielle, dressée sur la pointe des pieds, lui adresse un regard qui en dit long.

— Tout ce que tu veux !

Voilà qui a le mérite d'être clair.

Ayant reçu les pleins pouvoirs, Eric accélère le rythme. Ses coups de rein se font alors plus agressifs. De *** côté, Arielle semble apprécier la profondeur des pénétrations et crie de plus belle. Eric quitte parfois ses entrailles pour mieux y revenir, la faisant presque décoller. *** attention est focalisée sur Arielle mais il aperçoit Julie qui monte sur la table, ouvre le compas de ses jambes et fait signe à Arielle de s'approcher pour la satisfaire à *** tour.

— Aaaaah... Mon esclave est-elle à ton goût ?

Julie enfonce un peu plus le visage de sa protégée entre ses cuisses. Elle jouit au bout de quelques secondes, très vite rejoint par Arielle.

Au bout du rouleau, Eric pistonne une dernière fois Arielle et se répand copieusement à l'intérieur de *** fondement.

— Je suis vanné.

Eric s'accorde une petite pause. Il lui faut environ cinq minutes pour se remettre de ses efforts. Le fait que Julie et Arielle broutent chacune le minou de l'autre y est sans doute aussi pour beaucoup. Eric commence à palper l'arrière-train de Julie mais n'est pas autorisé à aller plus loin dans ses investigations. Il est gentiment repoussé en arrière.

— Pour me mériter, il faudra fournir davantage.
— Et qu'est ce que je dois faire ?
— Hé bien, je m'offrirai à toi... Si tu te soumets à Arielle jusqu'au week-end prochain. C'est une requête rai***nable, tu ne crois pas ?

Eric reste silencieux. Il ne s'attendait pas à ça.

Quelle décision va-t-il prendre ?


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la saga de veronica au bureau

Le lendemain Veronica alla au bureau en bus. Elle était magnifique en tailleur beige, chemisier noir ouvert sur sa poitrine opulente avec une jupe mi cuisse gainées de bas couleur chaire. Elle était débout et se remémora la scène de la veille et revoyait avec excitation le sperme jaillir du sexe de *** mari. Elle s'étonna de sa réaction au sperme.
Évidemment au guichet, beaucoup de clients lorgnait sur le décolleté magnifique de Veronica laissant entrevoir deux beaux seins généreux prêts à sortir du soutien gorge.
Certains laissèrent même leurs numéros de téléphone. Au bureau tous les mâles étaient en rut et se retournaient pour voir les belles et longues jambes de Veronica. Elle s'en amusait et s'en excitait également. Pendant plus d'un mois, Veronica allumait ses collègues et se disait :
— Vivement ce soir que je retrouve Greg, j'ai envie de sexe et qu'il m'arrose comme l'autre soir
Effectivement, Greg s'en occupait parfaitement. La sodomie, la levrette, tout le kamasoutra y passait. Mais Veronica prenait un plaisir fou à recevoir le sperme de *** homme sur *** corps. Greg n'en revenait pas, de la femme prude et mal habillée, elle devenait une bombe sexuelle avide de sexe.
Souvent après une partie de sexe, elle se retrouvait dans la salle de bain, seule, à se regarder dans la glace avec du sperme maculant *** visage et ses gros seins. Tout en se regardant, elle se pelotait les seins et se masturbait en se laissant divaguer sur des scénarios lubriques au bureau, dans le bus, dans un parc, sur un chantier :
— je suis devenu une salope, une pute qui aime le sperme... Je veux du sperme sur moi ... partout ... C'est bon... Giclez sur moi bande de salops...
Un soir, après avoir excité tous les mâles sur *** passage avec un tailleur noir et chemisier blanc mettant en évidence sa plastique superbe, Veronica rentre toute excitée et prête à offrir *** corps à *** mari mais hélas... Per***ne. Seulement une lettre et un CD. Veronica, étonnée et déçue ouvre la lettre :
Ma chérie, je suis en déplacement pour la semaine, je te laisse avec tristesse car ta bouche, tes seins, ton cul vont me manquer. Je suis heureux avec toi et je suis sur que l'on peut encore progresser dans le plaisir. Regarde ce film, j'espère qu'il te plaira...
Très déçue, Veronica commence à paniquer de ne pas avoir sa dose.
Par dépit elle insère le CD dans le lecteur et se love dans le canapé.
A l'image, une bourgeoise sexy en tailleur, bas et collier de perle se promène sur un chantier, rapidement elle se fait brancher par les ouvriers d'origine maghrébine qui commencent par l'entourer et à la peloter. Veronica se met à se masturber violemment prise d'excitation par ce groupe d'homme qui vont s'occuper de la bourgeoise. Après quelques protestations, voila la bourge triturée, pelotées et ses gros seins à l'air. Deux minutes après, elle avait deux queues en bouche, une dans le cul et une dans la chatte. Veronica n'en revenait pas et trouvait cela très excitant. Elle fini par se faire jouir quand la dizaine d'ouvriers couvrirent la bourge de sperme qui attendait la douche, allongée par terre en se pelotant ses gros seins.
Tous les jours, après le boulot elle regardait le CD ...


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— Allo chérie, c'est Greg ... Ça va ? tu as regardé mon film ?
— Oh Greg, merci il est super excitant
— C'est un peu hard peut être
— C'est hard mais c'est bon, je l'ai regardé en boucle. Tu en as d'autres
— Oui dans l'armoire dans le tiroir de gauche, mais je t'en ramène d'autres
— Merci mon chéri, tu es un amour mais tu me manques, ton sexe me manque
— Surtout mon sperme petite salope, tu aurais aimé être à la place de l'actrice non ?
— Oui heu Non heu je sais pas, je suis avec toi donc heu...
— Allons éclates toi. Ce n'est pas parce qu'on est marié que l'on ne peut pas avoir du sexe tant que les sentiments ***t là
— Que veux tu dire, que je peux avoir des relations à part toi ?
— Si c'est simplement du sexe pour du sexe pourquoi pas, mais si tu le fais je veux tout savoir dans les moindres détails Ok ?
— Ben mon patron me harcèle et n'arrête pas de me mater. Il a même essayé de me prendre dans *** bureau. Je me suis défendue mais il m'a quand même peloter mes nichons le salaud. Il voulait que je le suce et que je le branle avec mes gros seins. Tu te rend compte ? il m'a promis une promotion et de faire du relationnel client si je le faisait...

— Ba, après tout si tu peux prendre plaisir et gagner plus de fric... C'est tout bon
— Tu crois ?
— Bien sur, cela te permettrait de t'acheter plus de tenues et des sous vêtements et du coup j'en profiterais
Si tôt dit sitôt fait. Le lundi suivant Veronica fut convoqué dans le bureau du directeur comme tous les lundis. C'est un petit gros pervers qui n'arrête pas de mater ses collaboratrices. Veronica était en tailleur noir, chemisier blanc ouvert avec des bas noirs et des chaussures à talons.
— Asseyez vous, Veronica, vous embellissez de jour en jour.
— Merci, ce ***t les regards des autres qui vous font sentir belle
— Belle et désirable ... Vous êtes un canon, vous êtes faites pour faire l'amour
— Et je le fais bien ... répondit Veronica avec une moue d'allumeuse.
— Votre mari est un sacré chanceux, j'espère qu'il vous comble.
— Oui mais il s'est absenté et n'est pas jaloux
— Ah bon ? mais quoi... vous êtes libertins ?
— Si l'on veut
— Je m'en doutais ... vous êtes trop bonne pour être fidèle... regardez ces jambes magnifiques, ce ***t des bas que vous portez ?
— Oui, je me sens bien avec des bas soit des dim up ou des bas avec porte jarretelles
— Et vos seins. Quelle poitrine... il doit se branler entre vos seins hein dis moi Veronica ? peut être qu'il jute sur vos seins. Moi c'est ce que je ferais, je juterais des litres de sperme après une bonne branlette espagnole... Hein tu aimes ca petite salope.
A ces mots Veronica fut prise d'excitation et les images de Greg jouissant sur elle et du film ou les ouvriers jutaient sur la bourge...
— allez Veronica, je t'augmente si tu baises avec moi, tiens regardes mon sexe, il est gros et mes couilles giclent beaucoup... tout en montrant *** sexe tendu, il s'approcha de Veronica assise dans un fauteuil.
— Vous ne me baiserez pas, je suis mariée quand même...
— C'est ça... Ouvres ton chemisier que je vois tes seins petite salope, je ne vais pas te toucher mais laisse moi au moins me branler sur toi ?
— D'accord. Veronica ouvre *** chemisier découvrant une paire de seins lourds et bronzés soutenus par ou soutif noir.
— oh la salope, que tu est bonnasse, relève ta jupe que je vois tes bas ... le patron s'astiquait le manche et devient de plus en plus rouge. Veronica s'exécute et croise ses longues jambes en matant *** patron se masturber énergiquement à hauteur de visage de *** visage.
— Touches toi les seins sale pute et regardes moi comme une pute je vais te balancer ton mon jus sur toi
Veronica était toute excitée et se malaxait les seins et faisait rouler sa langue sur ses lèvres
— Allez viens gros cochon gicle ton foutre sur moi
— T'es qu'une pute, sacrement gaulée, tu seras ma salope hein... Tiens prends ca......
De longs jets de foutres viennent s'écraser sur le visage de Veronica, une quantité importante se dirigea vers les gros seins de Veronica, cela n'en finissait pas, on aurait dis qu'il urinait tellement il y en avait. Veronica en avait partout, sur le visage et surtout les seins qu'elle se caressait en étalant le sperme.
— t'est trop bonne. Je sens qu'on va s'amuser avec toi. Branles toi maintenant salope et suces moi
Veronica s'exécuta et suça vigoureusement *** patron qui ne tarda pas à jouir à nouveau en frottant *** sexe sur la poitrine de Veronica. Puis il s'essuya sur ses bas.
— quand je t'appelle, tu raboules avec tes gros seins et tu me videras les couilles hein salope
— oui. C'est vous le patron


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Bourgeoise délaissée se fait piéger

internet : le début de la fin

Femme au foyer de 33 ans j'étais délaissée par mon mari perpétuellement en voyage d'affaires. Lors de ses retours, souvent le weekend, il me faisait l'amour rapidement sans prendre le soin de s'inquiéter de mon propre plaisir.

Désabusée par *** comportement, mes semaines se passaient lentement à la mai***.

Pour passer mon ennui, je fantasmais sur internet, en discutant avec des hommes et des femmes sur les sites de rencontre. Je compris rapidement que mes fantasmes me poussaient à discuter avec des hommes directifs.

Un certain Robert m'excitait particulièrement. Il semblait, de part *** descriptif, être gros et poilu. Il était plutôt vulgaire et aimait m'insulter. Tout le contraire de mon mari et justement je pense que c'est ce qui m'excitait chez lui. Il m'avait indiqué qu'il était de la même région que moi mais je ne m'étais pas attardée sur les lieux où l'on habitait, ne voulant pas lui donner d'indices sur ma per***ne ou mon adresse (il n'insista d'ailleurs pas sur ce point ce qui me mit en confiance). Je le retrouvais plusieurs jours dans des scénarios de plus en plus hard.

Avec beaucoup de retenue au début, je finis par me lâcher un peu plus et par accepter de le retrouver sur MSN, pour échanger plus convivialement disait-il... puis acceptant de me montrer, je passais sur la webcam.

Me dévoilant devant l'écran, suivant ses consignes, d'abord pour montrer ma poitrine opulente, puis ma toi*** brune et enfin à jouir devant lui sous ses insultes en me caressant d'abord seulement mon sexe, en passant ma main dans la culotte, puis ôtant ma culotte. Il m'incitait à me rabaisser et à parler vulgairement.

Ce que je ne savais pas, c'est qu'il enregistrait tous nos échanges, et chaque jour en apprenait un peu plus sur ma per***ne en me posant des tas de questions. Au début je faisais attention à ne jamais montrer mon visage, mais en jouissant, en me caressant, en me pénétrant même avec des objets du bureau ou, à sa demande en léchant l'écran pour virtuellement lui lécher le gland qui venait d'éjaculer, il enregistra mon visage, et de nombreuses données per***nelles.

Nos scénarios portaient souvent sur des histoires de chantages où une bourgeoise était totalement abusée par un homme dégoutant qui faisait de cette femme un simple objet de plaisir, humiliée quotidiennement, prêtée a ses amis, à des inconnus, devant se prostituer pour lui. Je me laissais porter par ses fantasmes de plus en plus rabaissant pour cette pauvre femme que je m'imaginais être.

Robert me disait apprécier les femmes négligées qui n'étaient pas épilées. Il me persuada de ne plus m'entretenir la toi***, et me félicitait chaque jours des progrès que je faisais dans mes insultes, et dans le débordement de mes poils pubien des culottes que je portais.

Au bout d'un mois, notre relation virtuelle avançait plus loin. Lorsqu'il n'était pas connecté, il m'envoyait des mails pour me donner des consignes telles que porter la même culotte que la vieille et me masturber au travers pour jouir dix fois dans la journée en pensant à sa « bite » et l'attendre sagement le soir, habillée seulement de mes dessous odorants devant l'écran... ce que je faisais avec ravissement. Il me fit faire cela trois jours d'affilée avec la même culotte, un string blanc en dentelle transparente qui ne cachait rien de ma vulve velue et laissait désormais dépasser ma toi*** de chaque coté ainsi qu'au dessus de mon pubis.

Le soir venu, je lui racontais fièrement ma journée, combien de fois j'avais jouis, dans quelle pièce de la mai*** je m'étais masturbée, ce que je m'imaginais faire avec sa bite. Lui m'écoutait et me félicitait en se branlant devant l'écran me montrant sa bite qu'il disait ne pas avoir lavée depuis trois jours, portant le même caleçon.

Il me proposa alors, après que nous aillions tous les deux jouis une nouvelle fois de nous envoyer par la poste nos dessous. Ne voulant pas donner mon adresse je refusais poliment mais fermement.


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Il me répondit alors, d'un ton totalement différent :
« Tu sais salope, puisque tu refuses de m'envoyer ta culotte, je vais venir la chercher chez toi ».
— « Comment cela ? vous ne savez pas qui je suis et je vous ai dit que je ne voulais pas vous donner mon adresse » dis-je un peu énervée.
— « Mais je n'ai pas besoin que tu me donnes ton adresse. Figures toi qu'avec toutes les informations que tu m'as données, ton adresse IP et tes vidéos que j'ai enregistrées je sais tout de toi. Il se trouve que tu es de la même ville que moi, c'est pour cela que je t'ai choisie. Et je sais que tu t'appelles Béatrice Mar***, que tu habites 6 avenue du Bastion. ».
À ces mots, je devins blême, refermant mes cuisses sur mon string trempé, le regardant avec *** sourire vicieux qui m'avait tant excitée jusqu'à présent et qui maintenant m'affolait : « Comment... ? Comment savez-vous tout cela ? »
— « Je sais que tu es mariée à Francis Mar***, un commercial international et numéro 3 de la plus grosse industrie locale. Je sais également quand il est en ville et quand il est en voyage. Tu vois, dit-il avec cynisme, je sais tout de toi et je pense que tu aurais intérêt à être bien sage avec moi... il ne serait pas bien vu que la femme d'un homme aussi important se retrouve affichée en pleine action sur internet ou sur des mails adressés aux membres de la compagnie de ton mari tu ne crois pas ?! »

Je devins tout d'un coup livide, mes épaules abaissées par le poids de ces menaces, je le regardais par écrans interposés d'un air hébété. Je le voyais ricaner et se branler doucement en train d'observer mon visage apeuré.

— « Alors petite conne, tu ne dis plus rien ? je t'ai posé une question. Quelle est ta réponse ? Tu veux que j'envoie des mails avec des photos de toi en train de te doigter à tous les collègues de ton mari ? »
— -« Non non bien sûr que non je vous en prie ne faites pas cela ! » dis-je horrifiée.
— « bien ! tu ne veux pas de scandale n'est-ce pas ? »
— Non pas de scandale je vous en supplie »
— « bon donc désormais je veux que tu sois bien sage, comme tu l'étais avant et bien plus encore est-ce que c'est compris ?
— « oui »
— Oui qui ? et oui quoi ? dit-il sèchement tout en continuant à se branler lentement devant la webcam.
— Oui monsieur c'est compris je... je vais être bien sage comme je l'étais avant.
— Je préfère, te voilà redevenue rai***nable. Alors, pour être sûr que nous nous comprenons bien, je vais te fixer quelques règles de conduite. Tu es d'accord ?
— Euh... est-ce que j'ai le choix... monsieur ?
— Cette réponse n'est pas satisfaisante répond pétasse !!!
— Oui je suis d'accord monsieur
— Tu es d'accord pour quoi ?
— Pour que vous me fixiez des règles de conduite
— Bien voilà qui est mieux. Règle numéro 1 : je ne veux plus entendre de non à mes ordres. Règle numéro 2 : je veux que tu répètes les règles que je te fixe.
— Hésitante devant *** silence pesant, fixant sur l'écran que sa bite branlée et ses couilles poilues je finis par dire « oui monsieur règle numéro 1 je n'ai plus le droit de dire non. Règle numéro 2 : je dois répéter les règles que vous me fixez ».
— C'est bien, tu es lente à comprendre mais ça va s'améliorer avec de l'exercice. Règle numéro 3 : ma bite... (il zoome alors sa webcam sur *** entrejambes écarté) doit devenir ton obsession. Tu dois toujours penser à elle et toujours vouloir la satisfaire ».
— Règle numéro 3... votre... bite est mon obsession. Je dois... je dois toujours penser à elle et toujours vouloir la satisfaire ! dis-je d'un souffle en pensant à l'horreur que ces paroles signifient.
— Règle numéro 4 : Quand tu la vois, tu dois immédiatement te fourrer d'une main la chatte et de l'autre te doigter le cul, peu importe où tu es ou avec qui tu es.
— Règle numéro 4 quand je vois votre bite je dois... oh mon dieu je dois immédiatement me fourrer la chatte d'une main et de l'autre je dois me doigter le cul quel que soit l'endroit ou avec qui je suis ». Dis-je en sentant une larme couler le long de ma joue.
— Et alors grosse conne qu'est-ce que tu vois là ?! tu ne respectes même pas tes premières règles de vie ! me crie-t-il en faisant bouger *** gland visqueux et ses couilles poilues devant la caméra toujours en gros plan !
Je sursaute à ces cris et tremblante passe ma main droite dans le string porté depuis trois jours pour me doigter la chatte et, de ma main gauche, la passant derrière entre mes fesses, j'écarte le tissu du string pour me doigter l'anus cuisses écartées, perdant tout plaisir que j'avais à faire ce que je faisais auparavant devant la même per***ne.
— C'est mieux dit-il d'une voix un peu moins dure. « Tu vas enregistrer l'image de ma bite souillée que tu vois à l'écran et voilà ta règle numéro 5 : tu vas mettre cette image de ma bite en fond d'écran de ton ordinateur et tu vas en imprimer une en petit format pour la mettre en photo dans ton portemonnaie. »
Tout en continuant de me doigter mes orifices, inquiète de ce que cela entraînera je répète malgré tout ma 5ème règle de vie : « oui monsieur je vais enregistrer l'image de votre bite et la mettre en fond d'écran de mon ordinateur. Je mettrai cette image également dans mon portemonnaie. » tout en disant cela j'obéis et de ma main droite je fais la manipulation pour enregistrer l'image de sa bite et la positionner en fond d'écran puis je reprends ma masturbation du pubis.
— Bien voilà une sage greluche. Maintenant je vais venir te rejoindre chez toi puisque tu ne veux pas que l'on s'échange nos dessous par la poste. Tu vas rester devant ton nouveau fond d'écran en m'attendant bien sagement. Donc tu vas appliquer la règle numéro 5 jusqu'à ce que j'arrive ***ner chez toi. Laisse ta web Cam branchée car j'enregistre tout, je vérifierai que tu m'as bien obéis. Et tu appliqueras la règle numéro 6 : tu as interdiction de jouir en te masturbant, sauf si je t'y autorise. Si tu as de trop fortes envies tu arrêtes de te branler, tu sors tes doigts de tes trous à bite et tu les nettoies avec la langue puis tu les suces. Une fois tes doigts propres tu les remets dans tes trous sans te branler, les laissant fichés dans ta chatte et ton cul le temps de retrouver tes esprits. Dès que tu peux, tu reprends tes branlages jusqu'à sentir le plaisir arriver et tu arrêtes de nouveau. Et ainsi de suite ! Tu dois devenir une salope surexcitée en permanence »
— La règle numéro 6 est que j'ai interdiction de jouir en me masturbant, sauf si vous m'y autorisez. Je dois arrêter de me branler quand l'envie est trop forte, les nettoyer avec ma langue et ma bouche puis me redoigter et je dois garder les doigts dans mes orifices le temps de me calmer puis je peux reprendre mes caresses et ainsi de suite car... je dois... oh non mon dieu je dois devenir une salope surexcitée en permanence »
À ces dernières paroles sorties je ne sais comment de ma bouche il disparaît de l'écran et je me retrouve honteuse, voyant mon image se refléter sur l'écran en surimpression devant ce fond d'écran de sa bite rougie, suintante de sperme, ses couilles lourdes et poilues débordant d'un caleçon qui était blanc il y a quelques jours.
Ma web Cam toujours allumée, je continue, dans une attente angoissée, à me doigter la chatte et l'anus. Mille questions me viennent en tête en même temps.
Que va-t-il me faire subir ? Combien de temps vais-je devoir l'attendre dans cette position ? Pourquoi me suis-je inscrite sur ce site de chat ? Comment vais-je cacher à mon mari tout ça ? Et cette image obscène sur l'ordinateur !? La femme de ménage va forcément la découvrir ! Mes amies, que vont-elles penser de tout ça ? Per***ne ne doit être au courant ! Surtout pas !!! Quand cet homme sera là je vais le rai***ner... je le paierai s'il le faut pour qu'il me laisse tranquille... dans combien de temps arrivera-t-il ? Oh mon dieu je n'en peux plus je vais bientôt jouir ! Non je ne dois pas !!! Quand mais quand arrivera-t-il?...


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The Other Side of the Window

I was in my early twenties and had been married for a couple of years. Money was tight so I supplemented my income by doing handyman work for my landlord.

We lived on the first floor of a duplex and had this couple living above us with a young ******** and an ******. This was a pretty rough couple. Our introduction to them was as we were pulling up to the house one day. We saw him open palm slap her face, splattering ***** from her nose on our door and things went downhill from there.

She looked like she was one step from being a junkie. You know the type long stringy blonde hair, borderline anorexic body hardly a curve to be found and lips just a tad smaller than Mick Jagger's. He worked as an oil burner serviceman. He has a stocky working mans muscled body, stronger than guys with the cut look from spending most days a the gym.

They frequently fought and we could not help but hear every word. They often fought about sex, mostly the fact she would not give him head. In her words it was like trying to suck a beer can and he should find that somewhere else. Now they did have sex, OFTEN. We could here them in their room going at it on the bed on the floor on the dresser and she was always yelling "GIVE IT TO ME!!!"

Even before they moved in my wife had pretty much stopped having sex saying it took too long, it was messy and whatever else sprang to her mind to **** my desire or to hurt me. During this time my wife told me I should go else where for sex, that she was never going to do it again.(it was over a year between times by the time we finally did it again). I tried to talk to her and told her she was the only woman I wanted, she was the only woman that turned me on. Her reply was to say that if that was true then I must be gay and just hiding it by being with her and that is why she lost interest in sex.

We did tell each other what we might have heard from upstairs. AT some point she started saying I should go to the guy upstairs because it seemed I was so interested in seeing if his dick was as big as they were saying. I told her that she was the one who kept talking about it but she said she only said anything because she knew I wanted to know about it. I disagreed and started ******** on the couch. At this point she daily started giving me grief like calling me fagot or telling me to admit I wanted to see the neighbors cock.

During this time I got a call from the landlord to replace some cracked glass in windows of the upstairs apartment. About 9:30 one morning I went upstairs to fix the windows. She let me in and said to lock up when I was done, she had to get the kids to the sitters because she had to work a double at the diner. He had stomped out to work at 7:30 that morning. I got to work and was just about to start the last window in the kitchen when he came in from work for lunch. He made a comment about it being about damn time the window was fixed and went into the bathroom a moment later I heard the shower start.

I finished the window and was kneeling on the floor packing my toolbox when he came back out. He was wearing only a large bath towel around his waist. He stopped about three feet away and leaned with his butt against the stove. he looked down at me as I finished up. He smirked a bit then said that he had something I wanted. I said sort of dismissively yea what? He stood straight up, pulled back part of the towel and showed me this cock that was not hard but still about 8 inches long and thick. I was stunned and before I got my wits about me he stepped forward holding his cock, grabbed my hair and put the head against my lips. As I started to back away he said I better open my mouth or he was going to kick my ass then make me do it anyways. When he yanked my hair and pulled me forward I got a sense of how strong he really was. I am far from weak but I was in no way going to get the best of him. His cock was again against my lips and growing to amazing proportions as his hot satin skinned plumb shaped head started pushing through into my mouth.

I was in shock as he entered and slid along my tongue. My mind was a mess, I was about to be orally raped, I never touched or wanted to touch another mans cock but what was about to happen was exactly what my wife taunted me with telling me this is what I wanted as she was trying to drive me away. Though she was wrong about me wanting it, here it was and suddenly I was kneeling there with his cock buried down my throat and my nose buried in his pubic hair. how could I do this? Why am I not gagging, I did not gag at all though he was all the way in. He was saying Oh my god and moaning that he had never had anyone take him all the way down. Really? How was I doing this? He started to slide in and out fucking my mouth and I just knelt there letting him fuck my mouth, not helping but not fighting either.

After awhile I felt him swell and pull out till only his head was in my mouth. He came and came shooting his salty cum into my mouth. Being big as he was I had no choice but to swallow all of it fast as I could, it would never have made it around his cock to leak from my mouth. He stroked every last drop from his cock into my mouth then stepped back and said see I told you I had what you wanted.

This is when I made several decisions at once. I said sharply to him that was not me wanting it that was him ****** my face, at that point I reached out and grabbed that huge cock saying this is what it would be like if I wanted it. I pulled him forward and started making true oral love to his amazing cock. I had decided in that instant that if she insisted I wanted it I may as well go for it and that I had not been angry or hurt by him fucking my mouth so in for a dime in for a dollar. I did every thing I liked when I got head and everything I ever read or saw in a movie. I don't know why but I wanted to really give him the best blowjob anyone could. I licked the vein-rippled post and sucked the head paying attention to that sensitive spot under the head. Then I sucked him deep as I could once again his pubic hair was against my nose. That was the moment I realized I was good at this somehow I could take this cock that yes seemed almost as thick as a beer can and at least 10 inches long all the way into my mouth and throat without *******. I was actually enjoying myself and thought maybe I am really meant to do this.


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I came to my senses as to where I was, still kneeling on the kitchen floor in front of the window I just fixed. I glanced out the window and saw across the 20 foot gap between buildings that the upstairs neighbor was looking intently at what was going on and she saw me looking at her. I figured that I was already caught I might as well give her a real show. I started bobbing my head up and down his monster cock coming all the way off it then all the way back down to the base.

While doing this I undid my pants and started sliding them and my underwear to my knees. Suddenly I stood up and yes I was fully almost painfully erect I stepped back the three paces to his kitchen table that was in front of the window beside the one I fixed. I laid back and told him to fuck me. He walked up to the table as I placed my ass at the edge. I put my feet on his shoulders and he lined that meat post against my virgin ass as I relaxed as much as possible as he pushed in. Now I know everyone at this point talks about the pain of anal sex but as god (and the neighbor ) is my witness I did not hurt I felt the opening just stretch then snap back tightly around his shaft as the head went through as if it were as natural as breathing. I could feel every inch as it entered me, every bump and vein. Before I knew it I felt his balls tight up against my ass. I was full of his hard man meat and he was pressing against something inside me that felt fantastic. He started to take short strokes. Again I thought how the hell am I able to do this. The only answer I could come up with was I was built to take cock, This is what I was truly meant to do so I may as well enjoy myself.

I looked out the window and the neighbor was still there her hand in her pants fingering herself like crazy. I told him to fuck me hard... with long hard strokes. He obliged me slamming into my ass with great speed and *****, pulling all the way out resting against my ass then plowing all the way in to the hilt. Oh my god did it feel great I was harder than I ever had been and maybe even bigger. Suddenly I was cumming never having my cock touched but still spraying everywhere. I must have tightened even more because he moaned as his cock swelled and sank all the way into my ass and, then I felt his cock pulse and his hot cum bathe my insides. He started pumping in and out again as he started to soften then pulled out.

I looked out the window and directly at my neighbor put my finger across my lips as if to say shh then stood up on weak legs and asked him if he saw the difference between wanting it and just being used. He said yes and I could come up and suck him off any time I wanted. I said you mean you want me to leave now. He smiled and told me that I could stay. I told him I needed a shower and he got me some towels.

I got in under the spray and called to him. He came in and I told him he needed another shower. He joined me and we soaped each other up except he never touched my cock. I knelt and lovingly washed that wonderful cock. He started to swell again so I started licking and sucking. We finished the shower quickly and went to his bed where he asked if he could fuck me again. My answer was to lay back and spread my legs. He knelt between them and I guided that perfect cock to my ass. I wrapped my legs around his waist and pulled him into me once again. I told him I was his to use as he wished any time he wanted from now on. He started fucking me with these long slow strokes pulling out and resting the head against the opening of my ass till I begged him to fuck me .... fuck me hard. He started slow again and built to amazing speed as I started yelling GIVE IT TO ME!! I Finally understood that his wife could not help but scream those words just as I was now doing because nothing felt better than being fucked by this fantastic lovers incredible cock.

He had already come twice before so he was able to fuck for what seemed like forever. I came again without having my cock touched before his cock finally swelled and blew his load in me again. He collapsed against me and we actually fell asleep for almost two hours while his cock never pulled out of me.

I stayed married for a few more years. Even though I finally got to fuck my wife a few more times I spent many days (and nights) sucking and riding my neighbors amazing cock. There is so much more to tell you...... I hope to write more soon.


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Continued... I meant what I told him and was his any time he wanted. I met him upstairs most weekdays when he came home for lunch. I fell in love with his cock, I was happiest when sucking or riding His long fat cock.

My wife still did not want me sexually. I wanted her and begged her but she would not give in. She did not know what I was doing with the guy upstairs and I would laugh on the inside when she would taunt me about the upstairs neighbor and trying to hurt me saying I was really gay and should try to get him to show me his dick.

I was confused though. I did not find men attractive, I did not desire Them for their looks. I did love using and being used by his cock though. What was I? I lust women and get excited just looking at their faces and figures. But I love his cock. Girls love cock.Gays love cock but don't want girls. I was very confused. To add to that he started telling me that he liked that I sucked and fucked like a woman. I liked to be on my back or on top when being fucked but not so much in the doggy position.

I was not heavy, I used to work out but not in a couple of years. So my definition was softer and my pecs had gotten fleshy. He said I had better tits than his wife which only confused me more. When I was with him I was used like woman and seemed like a female (not a sissy just more like a female).

I started to feel and more feminine, though only when I was with him. I progressively started to let myself be somewhat female when going to him to justify why I wanted his cock. I started wearing some of my wife's panties before going up to him. He liked this and would fuck me even harder when I wore them. He just pushed them to the side and slid his cock in to me. He also started playing with my chest once I did that. I eventually tried on one of my wife's bras, it was tight around the band but I could push enough skin and muscle together to fill the cups.

The day I finally wore it up to see him I was wearing a white button down shirt that was slightly tight with the bra creating breasts. He saw this and went wild. He kissed me for the first time. He started sliding his tongue in my mouth and groping my chest. I suddenly felt female. I melted when he pinched my nipples through my shirt. He unbuttoned my shirt and ran his hands all over my chest caressing and pinching me while kissing me.

I was more excited than I had ever been in my life. He reached in to one cup and pushed it below my nipple and started licking and sucking and nipping it. I lost it and came in my wife's panties. He picked me up and brought me to his bed. I was laying there as he took his clothes off then knelt by my head and stuck his cock in my mouth and down my throat. He pushed both bra cups down and pinched and pulled my nipples as I blew him. In less than three minutes he came giving me the biggest load of come he ever gave me.

He tore my pants off, ripped the crotch of my panties out and slammed his still hard cock into me and fucked me as hard as he could while kissing me and then sucking my nipples. After about twenty minutes he arched backwards and let out a yell as he came deep in my ass. When I felt his balls against my ass and his cum shooting through his cock to spray into me I came like I never had before. I never wanted this to end.

After this he wanted me dress up every time we were together. The next day after our lunch time fuck we took a shower together. I was still naked when he was in the living room putting on his coveralls for work. I still wanted more so I knelt in front of him pulled out his cock a started giving him the best blow job I could. After a few minutes the door opened and his wife walked in. She looked pissed for a moment then walked by us saying I see you got the faggot downstairs to suck that thing.

I had stopped when the door opened. I just knelt there with his cock in my mouth. She came back in the room and squatted down beside me. He started pumping in and out of my mouth again. She asked me if I liked it and I nodded yes and made a mmmumm sound through a mouth full of her husband's cock. She asked if I was gay and I nodded no. She reached in and grabbed my hard-on and said that she thought I was lying. She told me she had heard my wife yelling at me one day and telling me to leave her alone that she did not want to be touched by a faggot.

She asked her husband if I was any good and he said I could actually suck the whole thing down. She said she had to see this and looked at me with a pissed off stare and told my to do my best or she was going to let my wife know what I was doing. She went on to say that if was a woman she would have killed me right there but she knew she would not lose her husband to a fairy cocksucker. I started sucking him for all I was worth trying to get him off so I could get out of there. I sucked him in long strokes in and out then back in until my nose was buried in his pubic hair again. He grabbed my head and blew an enormous load down my throat. I did not lose a drop and milked his cock to get every bit of his cum.

She sat back with a stunned look on her face and said shocked How the hell did you do that, I can't get half of it in my mouth. She asked him how long this had been going on and her told her the truth that it was a couple of months at that point. She looked at me and said since you are naked I assume you have done more than just blow him. She asked me has he put it in you yet. Being honest as he had I sheepishly said yes. She asked me if I liked being fucked by his big fat cock and I stuttered and said oh oh oh ggod yesss. She started laughing and said I truly was a little faggot.

She said that she was still getting fucked by him as much as ever. Since this has been going on that long she was sure he was not going to leave her for his fairy fuck buddy so as long as I was keeping him happy and she did not have him trying to make her suck him we could continue doing what we wanted to.

This answers some of the comments I have been given. I will tell more about what went on if you want


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A few days after my neighbor's wife discovered what we were doing she wanted to see him fuck me. She took the afternoon off from work and he came home at lunch time,this was our usual time to be together. I went upstairs dressed in my wife's tweed skirt with a half slip, a white blouse and matching panties and bra. This was the first time I fully dressed up. I was not really a passable girl but not too bad even though my wife's clothes were a bit snug.

She met me at the back door and led me in by the hand to the living room. He was sitting there on the couch waiting for me. She walked me up to him and he grabbed me and pulled me into his lap. I could feel his rapidly hardening cock growing as I settled in. He grabbed My face and and started kissing me. As his tongue explored my mouth he first started rubbing my tits through my blouse then his other hand went under my skirt and started rubbing my legs through the silky slip. His hand felt amazing on my legs. I was kissing him back totally wantonly. I had almost forgotten his wife was watching.

He unbuttoned my blouse and slipped a hand into my bra stroking my breast and pinching my nipple. I was moaning as he pulled my tit out and bent down to suck my nipple. Between the feeling of his hand stroking me through the slip and he mouth and tongue on my nipple I came like a rocket.

When she realized what had happened she said "you are one horny little faggot aren't you?", all I could do was moan. When I regained my senses I slid down to the floor and started undoing his pants. I pulled the object of my deepest desire out of his pants and started kissing the monstrous head and lovingly licking and moaning around the shaft.

I was proud of how I could take this meaty weapon and give it the attention it deserved and that she couldn't or wouldn't give it. I slipped the head in my mouth licking the sensitive areas around the crown knowing that he loved it. I slid my mouth down the shaft taking it in till my nose was buried deep in his pubic hair.

He was moaning and his precum was flowing, I loved every drop. She was almost face to face with me watching this fat bat of a cock easily slide all the way down my throat then back out to be licked and kissed before being buried back in to its proper place deep in my throat again. The look of amazement on her face and the hint of jealousy in her eyes made me want to really show off how much more I could do for him that she could not.

I started pistoning my head up and down his cock and sucking hard. He was moaning and saying "Oh my god" over and over again. I felt his balls tighten up to the bottom of his shaft, a sure sign he was about to cum.

I went deep and fast on his cock a few more strokes and felt his cum rocket up the shaft. The first shot went straight down my throat and in to my stomach showing her I could take it without gagging. He was roaring and not really saying words as I backed off to keep the head in my mouth licking those sensitive areas and filling my mouth with his amazing sweet and salty cum.

I swallowed every drop and started deep throating him again working his cock, not letting him lose his hard on. Once I was sure he was not going to go soft I kissed the head of his cock and removed his pants the rest of the way.

I stood up and took his hand helping him to his feet. He hugged me hard and kissed me roughly. He lifted me up and carried me to their bedroom and gently laid me on their bed without breaking our kiss. He was lying half on me and tore open my blouse, pulled the bra down below my tits and went crazy sucking, licking and chewing on my tits and nipples.

He unzipped my skirt and slid it off with one hand but left my slip on. I was more excited than I had ever been. He pulled his shirt off and I captured one of his nipples between my lips. I licked and nibbled at his manly nipple. realizing that mine were truly more feminine. In fact I think in the last few months with all the pulling and sucking they received they were significantly larger.

He grabbed my legs and put my feet on his strong shoulders. He looked at his wife who had joined us on the bed having lost her pants and panties along the way. He pushed my slip up and tore off my cum soaked panties. I was hard but that did not matter, he never puts a hand on my cock. I was lying there like a horny woman waiting for her man's cock. He told her to put his cock into my ass.

She hesitated for moment sort of looking hurt. He growled "Do it" but she just sat there with her mouth open and he said "You wanted to see this". Shocked she said "I did not know just how much you liked fucking around with this faggot". He bellowed again "do it". She grabbed his massive rod and pushed the head into me, as she did he and I both moaned.

She again shocked said "Look at him. The faggots cock is growing a lot bigger as you are sliding into him". She was right, I never realized it but when he was in me I was much harder and longer than I usually get.

He was slamming into me and she suddenly grabbed my cock. At that moment I came shooting my cum into both her face and mine I was loving every moment of his manic fucking. Loving the feel of every ridge and vein. The feel of his cock pulling out of me resting against my asshole then slamming all the way in till his pubic hair was tickling my hole over and over for fifteen or twenty minutes was driving me crazy.

I started yelling for him to give it to me, he reared up grunted and buried himself in me as far as he possibly could and blasted his cum deeper than ever before. I could not take it anymore and came again spraying my cum again over her and me.

I wrapped my legs around his waist and held on to him pulling him on top of me kissing and hugging him tight till he drifted off still deep inside me.

She laid down beside me her face almost touching mine and told me that he would fuck her silly but never fucked her with the intense passionate fury he just did to me. She was now afraid he might actually leave her for me.

I reached out and pulled her face closer. I started licking my come off of her face. Then kissed her eyes. I told her as she started crying that I loved her husbands cock and being used by it but I still dream about girls and desire them. I am not attracted to men as far as looks go. His cock just did something to me. When with him I felt feminine not like a man but a woman. I still wanted to fuck my wife but she was frigid.

I told her she did not have to worry about me, if she wanted I would never get near her husband again. She kissed me on the lips and said that was not necessary if I meant what I said. I kissed her back and slid my tongue into her mouth. She responded with hers and we kissed that way for several minutes as he slept on me. We soon joined him ******** for almost three hours.


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At some point he rolled off of me. When I woke, she and I were intertwined in an almost lesbian looking embrace. I kissed her forehead, the tip of her nose then those full lips. I slipped my hand over her breasts lingering on her nipples. she moaned lightly then rolled on to her back.

I saw her legs were spread and her pussy was exposed. I gently raised her tee shirt to her neck and started lightly licking and barely sucking the tip of her closest nipple. I slid my other hand down her stomach and over to her narrow hip gently teasing the area where her leg joined her mound.

I slid my hand down the inside of her thigh to her knee then back to her cunt which was now opening with subtle excitement. Again she lightly moaned then I slid a finger over her oddly large clit and slowly into her very wet pussy. She opened her eyes as my finger penetrated her. She rubbed my hair and started teasing the other nipple with her fingers.

I asked her if she was sure that she was OK with this. She said "If he can use you I can too". She pushed my head back to her nipple for a moment then pushed me down towards her dripping cunt.

I licked and lapped at her clit which grew like a little cock almost two inches long. I slid down the bed still dressed in a half removed bra and silky slip. I got between her thighs and slid my tongue deep into her. I alternated first licking her pussy hole and fingering her clit then sucking that little dick and fingering her pussy.

She was holding my head and quietly moaning. I slid up and started sucking her nipples while sticking my thumb in her and fingering her clit. I slid back down and did it all again three or more times.

On my fourth time up to her nipples she was tightening up like she was about to cum. Instead of my thumb I slipped my cock quickly into her. She gasped my name and came while trapping me with her legs locking around my waist. I was pumping in and out of her when suddenly I felt his cock slid its full length into my ass. I did not even notice he had moved. She started moaning loudly and said "Oh God I can feel you growing bigger inside me".

He rode me hard and never said a word about me fucking his wife. He pounded into me and I pounded into her. After a while she screamed and came getting so tight I almost couldn't move causing me to cum deep in her cunt. When I came I tightened down on him and he came deep in me. I was thinking I could really live like this.

I was spent but he wanted more and pulled her on to him she climbed on our shared object of desire and rode him until they both came again. When they were done I licked them both clean.

Once we were cleaned up I went downstairs and got dressed normally. I went back up and we talked about what happened. He was fine with her and I fucking anytime we wanted. There was one problem though. After their second ***** he had a vasectomy, that being the case she was not on the pill anymore.

We all knew I had cum deep in her pussy, they did not care and said whatever happens was OK by them. We all agreed that she and I were not to fuck again until either she had her period or found out she was knocked up.

I was to dress up anytime I was with either of them. I wanted this as much as they did because it made me feel somewhat normal if I was a woman for him because women loved cocks. I got off on the semi lesbian aspect of being dressed up with her.

There is much more to my life with them and in other ways.


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We were enjoying our new arraignment. In my own apartment I was ******** on the futon in my den. I stopped ******** in the bedroom because I could not deal with sharing a bed with her and not be able to touch her.

I would sneak upstairs at night sometimes and join them for part of the night. My wife would often tell me in the morning how she heard (as she put it) the bitch upstairs screaming for his cock. I knew at least some of those screams were mine just distorted by excitement and the sound passing through the floor.

I got to fuck Dottie and get fucked by Denny, There was not much more I could want except to be back in the bedroom with my wife. That was not going to happen for a while, or last for long when it did.

One time Denny and I were in my apartment in my Bedroom I was in a long satin night gown with a lace bodice and under-wire cups. I was on my back and had been getting fucked hard by Denny's monster cock. I was lost in the feel his rod reaming every inch inside of my ass. We were at it for about ten minutes when I heard the door slam and my wife yell that the prick up stairs was in her fucking space (very true but not in the way she meant).

Denny kept ramming into me as I tried to get up quietly begging him to let me up. Finally he started to pull out of me, for a moment he was stuck in me. My panic had about closed my ass and he had to tug hard to get his massive cock out of my tightly clenched ass. I jumped up and threw on an old pair of sweats and to did my best to tuck the gown in. I tried to be as calm as I could when I walked into the living room.

I made an excuse that we needed a couple things at the store for a special dinner I was making for her. She loves the way I cook but still said that she was happy to have a good dinner but that did not mean I was going to get into her pants, (she was wrong, I was in her pant-ies often while Denny was getting in to me.)

She went off to the market to get what I asked for. I was excited beyond belief. I shed the sweats lay down on the bed and pulled him back into me. He rode hard pounding in and out of me, fucking me to the best orgasm I had ever had . There is Much to be said for almost getting caught.

By the time she came back I was cleaned up and cooking dinner. To this day I can't figure out how she did not see how much my chest was shaped and pushed out as breasts under that sweatshirt never mind seeing strap lines through it.

I loved the close call danger and started having Denny come down stairs some nights and fuck me right in the living room after she went to bed. A couple times we heard her door open, as she went to the bathroom. One time I was sitting on his lap facing away from him as we fucked in the overstuffed chair while he had his feet on the ottoman. I stopped riding my ass up and down his pole and just sat there with it buried as far as it would go into me as she walked to the bathroom. I started riding him as soon as the door shut and stopped when she came out to go back to her room but it was too late he was throbbing inside me and came hard in my ass causing me to cum at the same time.

Denny gave a little grunt when he came. My wife snapped her head around looked back at me. Because the room was mostly dark she did not see Denny. I was kneeling backwards over him and from her angle in the dark it looked like his legs were mine and that I was sitting up. She said what are you doing, jerking off. I told her was just working out a cramp. She said "I bet" and went back to her room as Denny started pumping into me again.

One day I was upstairs sucking his cock back to life after he fucked Dottie. I had told my wife I had to repair some loose flooring in their apartment. While I had his staff buried to the balls in my throat my wife called and asked if she could talk to me. Dina said that I was not able to talk at the moment I was busy with Denny. He quickly grabbed the phone and put it on speaker he started telling her what a good job I was doing and how he never met anyone who could handle a tool better than I could.

I just kept sucking his 10 plus inch dick as my wife said "at least he can do something right". Denny said that I was the best he ever had take care of his wood work. Denny came in my mouth as she said she needed to tell me something when I was done with what I was doing. I swallowed his delicious load and said hi what's up honey.

She started babbling on about a problem with her car. As she was talking I laid back on their couch and Denny mounted me putting my feet over his shoulders and banging his still hard cock into me till his balls were against my asshole. I told her I would fix it when I was done up stairs. She said I sounded strange, and I told her I was working on a real hard piece of wood.

She said "at least you are not totally useless" and that Denny said I was the best person he had seen working with tools". Not realizing she was on speaker she tried to taunt me again saying I should try to work work on his tool since I was there and that maybe he would like a faggot working on him. I grunted yeah Whatever while I came all over us as he kept reaming his cock in an out of me.

Over the next few months I spent much of my time pleasing both Denny and Dottie. I would take my time when I was with Dottie giving her the benefit of the attention I so wanted to give my wife. I loved to tease her small breasts that were capped by large thick nipples. I would slowly caress every inch of her soft skin and kiss my way to her hot opening. I would lick softly all around but not quite touching her long clit. I would slide a finger in her wet pussy as I licked, sucked and nibbled on her nipples.

Finally I would put two fingers into her and gently suck and lick her clit which had grown to almost two inches long. Once she started to cum. I would alternately attack her clit with my mouth then back off to just barely lightly grazing her plump pussy lips with my tongue, then attack once again. I enjoyed being able to make her scream as loud for me to fuck her as she did when riding Denny's massive cock.

I would fuck her with long slow strokes then grinding into her. She would sit down on my cock and lower her thick nipples over my mouth or bend her head and suck my recently growing nipples. I did not have Denny's size but still had over seven inches of fairly thick cock to pound into her as I came deep in her pussy.

Dottie and I would share Denny's cock while blowing him, Passing his cock back and forth or both of us working our mouths on it at the same time. I would lick both his cock and her cunt while they fucked. She loved guiding his dick into my ass often sucking my cock while he fucked me senseless. Other times she would ride my cock while he was fucking me.

Dottie enjoyed putting him into my so much she went out and bought a nice long fat double ended dildo. She would put one end into her hot wet box then get between my legs and guide the other end into me. Though not as physically pleasing as Denny's meat post Seeing this cock jutting from her and sliding into me was incredibly exciting. We would fuck till one of us could not take it anymore.

My wife was would not consider letting me fuck her. She said she only had sex with me so I would marry her. She said she only married me because she did not want to be alone for the rest of her life. I told her that if she would not be with me sexually I might leave. She said she would think about it but she really only said that to string me along a while longer.

I did truly love her and other than the sex issue she was wonderful. Well except for trying to hurt me by inferring I was gay and wanted Denny's cock. She still did not know I was already doing Denny. I would give that all up if she would change her mind about sex.

Over the months I was getting fucked by Denny and Dottie. My wife got to the point she said if I did not stop trying to get her to have sex she was going to go back to her parents. I told her I loved her but she said I would find some bimbo to be with. I told her that she was the only woman I wanted because I loved her so much.

She said again that if I only wanted her I must be hiding the fact I was really gay and using her to hide it. She said that that was why she did not like sex, that I could not turn her on because I really wanted a guy.

I argued this tooth and nail. Although I did love using and being used by Denny's cock I only dreamed of women and was physically attracted women. Men's bodies and faces did nothing for me other than Denny's cock.

She did not know about what I did upstairs but during one argument she said "I bet if I went upstairs and got Denny you would suck his cock in a second" and "He would probably let you because Dottie won't blow him".

I said I wanted nothing to do with him (I always pretended I hated him) and she should just stop. She said that if she were in front of me naked and a guy with a big cock were also naked there too I would choose him over her. I told her that was bullshit. I really did want to be with her but she would not let it go.

Life went on for a couple more months. I would do whatever I could to show my love for her but get fucked upstairs. I was just going on with life the way it had been for almost the last year. On our Anniversary I made I very special romantic dinner and had bought her an Opal ring. The table was set and the lights were low. I had candles burning. I was in the kitchen when she came home.

She marveled at the house and table. We had a nice dinner and she loved her new ring. I started clearing the table. While I was in the kitchen she called out to me and told me to come to the living room. I walked in and there she was beautiful and naked. Her full round breasts with large nipples, Wide feminine hips I was blown away. I had not seen her nude in more than ten months. I said that this was the best gift she could give me. She had me undress and she danced around in front of me I was getting worked up and hard. She said that this was not my gift.

Once she said this a medium build black man stepped. out of the hallway. He was about twenty five and but ass naked. He walked up beside her and stroked an extremely thick eight inch hardon. My wife said that this was my present. I could not believe my eyes I looked at her and she said "Go on you know you want it your cock tells the truth even if you can't" My dick was hard and pointing to my head. It was the way it got when Denny had his Amazing cock balls deep in me. I tried to protest saying it was her who had me that way. She said that if that was true I would have lost my hard on when he came in and I did not jump up screaming when he did.


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To remove any doubt she went to the TV and pushed the button on a video recorder I did not notice on the shelf. I dropped down on to the sofa as the scene came up. The screen filled with her dancing for me. You could see My cock getting hard as I watched her. I said see it was you. She told me to hush and keep watching to see what she saw. A moment later he walked in and stroked his cock. I could see my eyes were fixed on it. I could also see my cock Grow and lift toward the sky as I watched.

She turned off the TV and said well are you going to try out Gift. I looked at her and she grabbed his cock and pulled him up to me I reached for her but she took my hand and put it on his cock. I grasped and started stroking it with out thinking about it. I was still looking at her protesting that I wanted her. She laughed and said then why are you jacking him off. Was looking at her as he leaned forward and slid half of his ebony cock into my mouth. On pure instinct my lips closed around him and my tongue started licking and teasing the sensitive areas around the plum shaped head of his cock causing him to moan.

My eyes had not left hers as I leaned in and swallowed the rest of his cock pressing my nose into his pubic hair. His whole length was in my throat. I slid it out of my mouth and licked and sucked around the head. Then I dropped my head back down on it to the root again. It went in and out five or six times as fast as I could. Her jaw dropped and she could not believe I could just swallow a cock that big with out gagging.

He said an expert cocksucker and that I was the first person to deep throat him. I was the best he ever had work on his cock. When he said that a light went on in her eyes. I saw it, she knew. She said excitedly "I guess Denny is right when he said no one could handle a tool better than you could" She said " you could not talk that day because he was down your throat.

What did you do eat his cum before coming to the phone" My eyes went wide and she said "You did didn't you? When you sounded funny what was happening? Was he fucking you?" I looked away for the first time And she said "oh my God you were getting fucked while talking to me. You are a faggot you love fat cock".

This whole time I still was doing my best on the beautiful ebony cock in my mouth. He grabbed my head and started cuming down my throat. I pulled back so just his head was in my mouth and I went crazy on it licking and teasing it I loved the taste of his cum.

I did not let a drop escape my lips. Once he was done I slowly started sucking and nursing on his cock to keep it hard. He was saying over again how I was the best and how he hoped me ass was as good as my mouth. My wife said it looks like he was going to find out because I kept him hard as steel. I dropped back on the couch and raised my legs. He crawled between my knees and said I was ready in the bitch position. I put my feet over his shoulders and I finally spoke.

I told my wife to put him in me. She moved forward like a zombie and took that fat cock placing the big head on my asshole. He leaned forward before she removed her hand and she could feel his length as it passed into me. He slid in easily right up to his balls. My wife removed her hand and watched as he pulled back and rested his cock head on my asshole again. I told him to fuck me hard and fast but he didn't move.

I screamed in excitement "Give it to me!" My wife's eyes almost popped out of her head as he said "oh my god that was you wasn't it I mean some of the time it was you?" I just smiled as he finally slammed his dick where it belonged buried to the hilt in my ass. For the next half hour or so he kept slamming into me or I had him lay down and I straddled his legs facing away and sat on his cock riding him as hard as I could I could feel my chest bouncing like I had grown tits.

My wife watched me cum while being fucked by that wonderful black pole and pinching my now thick fat nipples or feeding them to him.

Once he came he pretty much passed out on the couch.I grabbed my wife and pulled her to the floor. She was in shock. I quickly stuck My cock into her incredibly wet cunt and fucked her hard for about 20 minutes. I sucked her tits I loved so much and made her suck mine as I pounded into her.

She came while chewing on my nipple. I exploded inside her and rested on her till I slipped out. We caressed and hugged each other then I leaned over her placing my nipple in her mouth as I captured one of hers in mine. If she licked mine I licked hers. If she chewed mine I chewed hers. When she held my boob I held hers. We pinched and pulled our nipples till we could not stand it and fell back into a sixty-nine. I sucked licked and ate her pussy making her crazy while she gave me the first blowjob she had given me in two years. I fed her my cum as she exploded on my face. I turned and licked the cum that escaped her mouth off her face and tits ending in a long kiss.

We went to the bedroom and talked. I told her I had never wanted a cock before Denny ****** me. I found out I loved using his cock. But was not attracted to guys faces or bodies. I loved and get turned on looking at women. She added I was attracted to cocks though. I said I guess so. I did not tell her about the next door neighbor watching (the rest of that story will come later). She realized I must be fucking Dottie since she was there that day on the phone. I said I was.

Then she told me something that blew me away. She said that for almost a year she had been spiking my soda bottles with female hormones in the hope that I would lose interest in her. She was told that they might have the side effect of shrinking my cock and balls and possible grow my breasts. Now things made sense.

Though I did not have any loss to my cock I now had real breasts. She had researched it and said the only way I could have grown breasts as big as mine were was if I had an xxy chromosome disorder. The female hormones she gave me kicked up my female chromosomes. I was mad for a moment but only a moment. I loved the feeling my nipples gave me when sucked or pinched. I told her I had been wearing her bras to tease Denny but they were now too small.

For the first time I looked in the mirror with clear eyes now. I had breasts, boobs, tits and they were beautiful and I wore a 40 D bra Not because I was getting saggy Pecs but because I had beautiful breasts.

She went to take a shower and think. I looked back into the living room and saw the man in there asleep on his back with a half hard on. I could not resist and knelt beside the sofa and started licking that beautiful cock. She was right I was attracted to cock. He got hard and I started giving a long slow blowjob. I was at if for a few minutes when he rested his hand on my head. He said " Oh Baby you can do this forever." I sucked him, I wanted him in my mouth as long as possible. We were both moaning non stop. He was saying "baby yea Baby oh yes baby" I saw a shadow move and noticed my wife. She was dressed and watching my give a long loving blowjob. He finally came in my mouth and I drank every drop.

He got up and asked to take a shower. When he was in the shower my wife told me that he was a friend from work. She over a long time convinced him to come and try to prove she was right about me. She told me He was straight, in fact he had fucked half the women where they worked. The most they expected was for me to get mad or maybe give him a simple blowjob.

What happened was blowing her mind. She had agreed to let him fuck her in exchange for his services. He told her when she got him a towel that they were even she did not have to fuck him. He did tell her he hoped I would do this again though.

I told her I hoped this was going to be a new beginning for us. But she said no. That she did not want to be with me anymore. I was flabbergasted. I asked her how she could say that after That great bout of sex she and I had. She said that happened only because she was caught up in the moment and that his cock was worn out so I was the only cock still working.

She went on to tell me I was going to still take care of her. That she was quitting her job and I would to work more to make up the difference. That as far as anything else she did not care. I could see whoever I wanted to and so could she. I told her there was no way I was going along with that. She told me that that the video camera was running the whole time. It was a wireless video and web cam.

She had been sending everything that happened right to her private web page. If I did not agree she would make her page public and send e-mails with a link to everyone she could think of. I grabbed the camera and took the memory card. Her web page would be a different problem.

I Growled fine if that is what you want then I am starting now. I marched into the bathroom and got in the shower with her friend. I knelt down and gobbled his cock. When he was good and hard I turned around and said fuck me. He plowed into me and reamed me out under the spray making me come again. Before he came I spun around and took his whole length in my throat letting his cock spasm and fire his cum right into my stomach.


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I stood up and told him he could have me any time he wanted. He said he could not believe when he got up this morning that he would say this but he wanted to be with me from now on. I said are you sure. And he replied that no girl ever made him feel so good or cum so much. If I just grew my hair out a little I looked better than most girls he had fucked in the last two years.

He said my tits were amazing and the hormones really made me look feminine. I said I was surprised she had told him about the hormones. He told me his sister was a gynecologist and he had taken a prescription pad. He said my wife had researched and found the best combo of *****. But that the xxy must be the reason they worked almost too well.

I told him I would be happy to be with him and we could turn my den into our room. I explained About Denny and Dottie. I told him I was not ready to stop with them. He said as long as everyone kept clean he could deal with sharing me. I said I fuck around with them but would come home to him. I also told him I may love cock but still wanted women first. We figured we could find women who would enjoy us both.

My wife's web page turned out to be no problem at all. Someone had hit a phone pole down the street and knocked out the cable internet. So her signal went nowhere.

My deal to her was I would do as I have been but with Jaden now living with us. She could do what she wanted but had to pay her fair share of the bills. She could go back to her parents if she wanted. She could never tell what happened or I would have her arrested for drugging me with the hormones.

She at first decided to stay but in short order she got grumpy and pushy. Jaden and I decided to give her a taste of her own medicine. I am not proud of it but Jaden got the right ********* and something like a rufee. We slipped them too her one night and we set up a web cam.

Once she was Happy and compliant enough to go along with us we first had her open my blouse. At this point I was mostly dressing female. She was kissing me and caressing my breasts through my bra. She unhooked the front catch and opened my bra. She pinched one fat nipple and lowered her mouth to the other one moaning and sucking on it. While doing this she opened her shirt and pinched her nipples through her bra.

I unhooked her bra and helped her remove the shirt. We kissed passionately. She was moaning how much she loved my tits. We sucked each other's nipples then she lifted my skirt pulled down my panties and started sucking and chewing on my hard cock.

I pulled her up after a few minutes and took her pants and underwear off. I laid her back and licked her pussy. After she came I knelt by her head and fed her my cock again. When I was ready I laid down and she climbed over my legs. She sat down on my cock. She was sliding up and down then leaned forward as I started pumping her from below. She again started sucking my nipple as I sucked hers. After several minutes she stiffened and came hard clamping down on my cock making me explode deep in her cunt. I rolled her off and put my cock in her mouth. She licked and sucked me clean.

I asked her if she wanted more and she said god yes. Jaden stepped up to the bed and stuffed her mouth with his fat black cock. She was moaning and sucking like a cheap whore. He pulled out of her mouth and asked what she wanted. She said fuck me you black bastard. It is amazing the truth these ***** bring out. He got between her thighs and slid eight fat inches of ebony all the way in to her. She yelled oh god yes. Fuck me fuck me hard.

He was alternating long slow strokes and hard fast strokes. He asked if she wanted more cock and she again said yes. At this point Denny stepped up to her head and she saw that ten plus inch beer can thick cock. She squealed and grabbed it pulling it to her mouth. She could barley get four inches in. Denny was pinching her nipples saying you love it don't you, you want it don't you. To each question the answer was yes oh god yes.

She was coming for the second time on Jaden's pounding cock when he blew a massive load in her snatch. When he pulled out Denny asked her if she wanted him to fuck her and she screamed God yes GIVE IT TO ME. He said she had to prove how much she wanted it.

He asked what would you do for it to which she gasped anything. That is when she saw Dottie. Denny said she had to eat out Dottie's pussy. My wife Grabbed Dottie's hand and pulled her to her. She sat up and kissed her while rubbing Dottie's small breasts. She sucked in one of Dottie's nipples making Dottie moan.

Denny asked if she liked girls and my wife said oh yes even more than men. Now everything made sense. It was not me, she was a closet lesbian or Lesbian leaning bisexual. She laid Dottie down and dove into her cunt, licking and sucking the long clit putting her tongue as far as she could into her box really going wild. Dottie was exploding telling us no one had ever eaten her so fucking well.. she was cuming and cuming. My wife was on her side while eating that pussy. I got between her legs and started eating my load and Jaden's load out of her pussy. Once I was done Dottie had passed out. Denny was standing next to the bed and told My wife to kneel and suck his cock. She gobbled the four inches that she could fit in her mouth. After a few minutes I knelt beside her and rubbed her tits and nipples. I leaned in and started licking and sucking the six inches of his cock the could not fit in her mouth.

She was still moaning and pulled off of his cock. I grabbed it as she watched bug eyed as I swallowed it till his balls were on my chin and my nose was in his pubic hair. I plunged it in and out of my mouth a few times then passed it back to her. We sucked and kissed his massive cock kissing each other while his cock passed between our lips.

He was about to cum so I held the head of his cock in her mouth for the first blast. I sucked it in my mouth for the rest. I knew she could not handle how much he cums and I did not want to waste a drop. Once he was done she and I kissed. I slowly passed her half his load as she swallowed.

He laid down with that monster cock still hard as granite and told her to climb on. We helped her stand over him as she guided it to the mouth of her pussy. For a moment she look panicked. I was wondering if the meds were wearing off.

Denny grabbed her hips and Jaden and I pushed down on her shoulders as Denny thrust up, pounding his cock fully into her. She screamed oh god yes and started cuming on his cock. She started riding his cock like it was a race horse. Up, down, wriggle around as he pumped in and out. She never stopped cuming she almost passed out until he rolled her over onto her back. She locked her legs around his waist and he hammered her for 20 minutes before exploding his cum further into her than anyone had ever before.

Denny stayed in her as his cock went soft. Her pussy was still twitching mini orgasms on his cock. She pulled Dottie to her and meekly started suckling one of her nipples. Then stroking her pussy. After a few minutes she pulled Dottie over her face and started eating her pussy again. She said had been waiting so long to eat someone out. Dottie twisted around and started eating my wife's well ****** cunt. I joined her so I could clean Denny's cum out of her then let Dottie go to town. This was Dottie's first time eating pussy but would not be her last.


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In the morning my wife was starting to act like she was not a willing part of what went on. So we showed her the tape of her begging for Denny's cock and saying she likes girls better than men and how she had waited too long to eat pussy.

The ***** from the other day were well out of her system at this point. She reached out and grabbed Jaden's cock through his pants unzipped him and started sucking his cock.I still had the web cam going so we caught all of this. After a few minutes she lifted my skirt and pulled my cock out of my panties and started sucking it. She told me to suck Jaden which I happily did.

She took off her clothes and pushed Jaden down and climbed on his cock... She pulled me close and tore open my shirt and bra. She hugged me mashing our breasts together nipple to nipple. It was amazing while doing this she stroked my cock. Then lowered her head to my nipple and nursed like a baby. She laid down and told me to fuck her . We were sucking each others nipples as I fucked her.

Jaden got behind me and slipped his fat cock into my ass. My wife at this point started saying oh god I can feel you getting bigger. This happens to my cock when I have a big one stuffed up my ass. After a few minutes she came clamping down on me making me cum and clamp down on Jaden who blasted into my ass.

I slid down and cleaned my cum out of her pussy. What the hell waste not want not. I guess I had become a Shemale Bisexual size queen cum junkie. Boy my life had changed.

In the afternoon once Denny and Dottie came home we had them come down. My wife wanted to thank them for helping her find out what she wanted out of life. She leaned and kissed Denny on the Cheek. Then she kissed Dottie on the mouth parting Dottie's lips with her tongue while caressing her bra less breasts through her tank top. Dottie responded with her tongue and they made out for a few minutes with Dottie also rubbing my wife's breasts.

Dottie told us she had never touched another woman before last light but really enjoyed it. She said she started thinking about it while fucking me and sucking my nipples because they were so much like a real woman's. We explained that in a way they were a real woman's nipples. We told them about the hidden hormones. The girls undressed each other and Dottie feasted on My wife's tits.

My wife went down on Dottie eating her slowly and lovingly till she begged for more. Then my wife went crazy on her cunt like the night before and had Dottie cuming rapid fire till she was exhausted. They lay on the bed, Dottie had her head resting on one of my wife's big breasts lazily sucking on the nipple. They watched as I decided I needed to have Denny's cock in my mouth. I gave him a long lazy blowjob. Dottie told my wife that I was amazing. She could not suck even half of his cock and always had jaw cramps for days after trying. I got my mouth and belly full of Denny's first load and nursed his cock till he stayed hard.

I laid down next to my wife as Denny put my legs over his shoulders and placed the head of his cock on my asshole. I wiggled trying to get it in me but he just rubbed it across my hole. He kept doing this till I screamed "Give it to me".

My wife looked at me and said you love it don't you. I oh god yes this is what I was built for. She asked if it hurt at first and I told her it never hurt. I could take his full length fast and hard right from his first thrust deep into me that day in the kitchen. I also could suck his whole cock down my throat right from the start though I had never even tried to suck cock before.

I believe I was truly built for cock. Especially massive cocks no one else could handle. I could fuck them and suck them and never tire. But I still liked women better. But if there was no woman, well if you can't fuck one be one. With her inadvertent help I was almost one

She watched Denny slam into me and saw me cum twice just from his cock in my ass. Dottie went down on her as she watched us. Denny roared and exploded in my ass making me cum again then laid down on me with his cock still in me. I actually enjoy this, the feel of his huge soft cock still wedged in my ass. I can't move because of his weight holding me down.

I watched My wife pull her nipples as Dottie quickly became an expert at cunt licking. I asked her if she really likes women and eating pussy better than being with a man. She blushed then said god yes as Dottie made her cum again and again. She said she likes fucking a fat cock but much prefers the feel of a woman and eating a woman's pussy. She said she just could not admit it before.

We went on like this for about three months. Then suddenly my wife packed her stuff and moved in with her parents. She quietly asked for a divorce and did not play the blame game. She told everyone we had just grown apart. She told me that she could not live in a communal fuck house anymore and that I knew she really did not want to be with any man anyway. They are a nice diversion but she would rather be celibate than let anyone know she liked to eat pussy.

We did become friends and even after a few years friends with benefits. She refused to find a woman or a man and decided that when the urge became too much I was the best alternative, being neither totally male or female. Though I learned from several straight and gay women How to eat pussy like a real woman.

So there it is the end of my marriage but not the end of my experiences. I have been lucky to find things out in odd ways. I was tested and I am an XY/XXY mosaic male. If I could I would rather live my life as a man with a good woman. For now I am content to be a true FE-Male who loves women and loves the feel of a cock in my mouth and ass.

I have no desire to become fully female. At the moment I don't want to give up my femininity and take male hormones. I like my breasts even though they were ****** on me. They are real and I love the sensation I get when they are handled.

I will tell you more about my life if enough of you truly want me to. Otherwise Be true to yourself. Enjoy what life gives you as best you can.


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*** of a Cuckold

I was 18 years old when I first became aware of my ******* gambling problem. Throughout my ********* I had grown used to his absence in the evenings, but the rea***s had never been explained to me. Then one day as I was fixing my bike on the front lawn, an extremely large, intimidating black man came up the driveway. He wore a mauve suit, and had huge gold rings in his fingers. He asked for my ******, so I ran inside to fetch him. My ****** told me and my ****** to wait inside while he went out to speak to the man.

After a few minutes we heard shouting, then my ****** held me in a hug to prevent me from going to look out of the window. I can still remember the fragrant smell of her perfume and the soft silk of her blouse as she held me tightly to her breast that day. I was shivering with fear as the row grew louder and we heard crashing sounds. Then eventually a car screeched away and my ****** came back into the house. His mouth was swollen and he had a gash above his eye -- the man had beaten him up. My ****** ran to attend to him as I cried and pleaded for an explanation.

That evening we ate dinner in silence as my ******* face swelled up further and his eyes turned blue and black. After dinner my ****** went out, pushing my ****** away as she tried to prevent him from leaving. With a sigh my ****** sat me down and explained everything to me. She told me that my ****** was a gambler and that he was unable to stop. The man who had come that day was a notorious local gangster and pimp to whom my ****** owed a great deal of money.

My ****** Maureen was a strong and handsome woman, Irish stock turned Southern Belle, with red hair and beautiful blue eyes, which filled with tears as she recounted our hopeless situation. When I asked how we were going to repay the man she just shook her head and said, "your ****** has gone out gambling again. He thinks he can win the money back".

Needless to say, he didn't win the money back. Just a few days later the black man was back, and this time he came into the house, without knocking. We all fell into stunned silence as he stalked around the floor, looking over the furniture as if he owned the place. I was stuck to my dining chair, terrified. He walked up to my ******, looked her up and down, then grinned and nodded to himself. He let out a small whistle while leering at her fine breasts, modestly dressed in a cream-colored blouse. Then he turned to my ******, who was shaking visibly.

"Frank", the man said, addressing my ****** and shaking his head. "Frank, Frank, Frank. You know what day it is, Frank?"

"P-Please, Bones, I can explain ... ," my ****** stammered.

"WHAT DAY IS IT TODAY, FRANK?" the man screamed, stepping forward.

"T-Tuesday, Bones, its T-T-Tuesday ..."

"That's right. Its Tuesday. And its Mr Jack*** to punks like you who don't pay their debts."

"Yes Mr Jack***, s-sorry Mr Jack***," my ****** offered pathetically.

Then Mr Jack*** looked at me.

"Go to your room, kid," he said, and I obeyed in an instant, scurrying up the stairs.

"I didn't want the kid to see this," I heard him say to my ****** from the top of the stairs. "But I'm afraid this fine-lookin' wife of yours is going to have to stay, so I can show her what a pathetic loser she's married to. Now ... get on your knees Frank."

"Please Mr Jack***, please ...not in front of my wife, I'm begging you," I heard my ****** whimper, followed by a loud slap.

"ON YOUR KNEES! I won't tell you again, chump."

Then it fell silent. Although I couldn't see from the top of the stairs, a lump rose to my throat at the thought of my ****** being ****** to kneel before another man, and in front of my sweet ****** to boot.

"Good", said Mr Jack***. "Now get on all fours so I can kick your ass."

There was a horrible silence as my poor ****** complied. The kick was so hard I heard it from my perch on the landing.

"Say 'thank you Mr Jack***'."

I heard my ****** mumble the words.

"Say it louder. Say 'thank you Mr Jack*** for showing my wife what a pathetic loser I am'. Go on Frank, say it! Say it loud."

"Thank you ... Mr Jack*** ... for ... showing my ... wife ... what a pathetic loser I am."

This time my ******* voice was loud and clear. I'll never forget the sound. Then I heard Mr Jack*** address my ******.

"What's your name, sugar?"

"Maureen," she said.

"So what do you think of this guy on all fours here, Maureen? Pretty pathetic, huh? I guess you must wish you married a real man, instead of this punk who owes me $40,000."

My ****** said nothing.

"You know what I just love, Maureen?"

"Whats that?" she said.

"I just love cute-assed, married white women in their 40s who know how to stay in shape. That's what I love."

"Is that right?" my ****** said, with a hint of defiance.

"Sure is," he said. "And you know what else I love? Redheads. Love 'em. Yes Sir, I sure do love a redhead. So how about, since Frank here can't take care of his own affairs, you help him out a little? You see, til I get paid, I'm gonna be needing some interest payments. I'd say a little peek in mommy's panties and a taste of red pussy would do just fine. I should warn you though Maureen, once you've had black, there ain't no turning back, that's what they say. But then I can't imagine you're getting much from Frank here anyhow. So -- how about you show old Bones here to mommy and daddy's bedroom?"

"No!" my ****** cried. "Please, no ..."

"Frank," I heard my ******'s voice say. "Its OK." She sounded so strong, so self-possessed. Then she turned to Mr Jack***.

"Just don't hurt him any more OK?"

"Whatever you say, baby."

There was a short silence, then my ****** spoke.

"This way," she whispered.

I hurried into my room as I heard them approach the stairs. I listened at the door as my dear ******, aged 43 later that year, led this man, a black man, a gangster, a stranger, up the stairs to her bedroom. I shuddered as I heard the door close. The room was adjacent to mine, and I could hear the man boasting through the wall.

"I hope you like 'em big Maureen," he was saying, laughing. "But then I know you do. I can see it in those pretty blue eyes of yours."

I wanted to go and see if my ****** was alright, but I didn't dare leave the room, and couldn't face him after what I had heard. I hid in my bed under the covers for a few minutes, but my thoughts could not escape the scene in the next room, and something compelled me to go and listen. I went to the wall and held a glass to my ear.

"That's a great pair of titties, Maureen," he was saying. "You are one fine lady. That's it, down on your knees. Lick it. Ahh, that's good. Now take it into your mouth -- mm! -- fine, fine bitch. That's it, mamma. Suck my black dick."

The sound was so clear I could hear muffled groans and slurps. My heart was thumping like a hammer. Standing there with my ear to the wall I lost all track of time. I heard a loud groan, then Mr Jack***'s gruff voice again.

"All right, bitch, get on the bed and open your legs. That's it. What a fine sight. Love that red pussy. Open them wider for Bones. Bones Jack*** gonna fuck your red pussy good. Gonna make you scream for Frankie."

My ****** spoke softly. I thought I could make out "Please don't hurt me."

"I ain't gonna hurt you baby. You can take this. Fine bitch like you. Tomorrow you'll be beggin' for more. Now lift that pussy. Show it to me. That's it. Easy does it."

I heard my ****** cry out, then a series of sounds -- the bed creaking, my ****** squeaking and groaning, and Mr Jack*** sighing and exclaiming. Occasionally he shouted out.

"Get in that pussy! Get in there! Take it all, bitch!"

It went on for a long time, then I heard him issue commands to my ******.

"Turn around now, bitch. Get on all fours like your husband. Show me that ass! That's it. Good girl."

There followed more rhythmic sounds accompanied by slaps and occasional cries from my ******. Finally there was a loud cry from my ******, faster thrusting and then a loud groan from Mr Jack***. Then all fell silent. I was in a daze of disbelief. I suddenly became aware of my own surroundings and feelings. I noticed to my shame that my penis was erect. In fact, it was hard as stone. I felt it throb, and then felt the cum spout forth into my pants. Burning with confusion and embarrassment, I cleaned myself up as best I could, then collapsed onto the bed. I only vaguely recall hearing Mr Jack*** leave. When I emerged hours later, my ****** served us dinner in absolute silence. Not one word was said about Mr Jack***'s visit. After dinnner my ****** went out as usual, and my ****** made no attempt to stop him this time.

After that incredible day, Mr Jack*** visited regularly, once every couple of weeks, sometimes more, and every time my ****** would stand aside meekly while he had his way with my ******. He would even be subservient and offer him ****** when he arrived. I was told that I should also be hospitable toward Mr Jack***. My perverted spying became more sophisticated, and I managed to catch glimpses of the action several times, using keyholes, ladders and other devices. I saw my own ****** with her legs in the air, a black man pounding into her, her face flushed and her eyes closed. I saw her on her knees with Mr Jack***'s enormous cock in her mouth. Once I came home from school to find Mr Jack*** fucking my mom from behind over the kitchen table. I quietly crept closer and managed to see the whole act without detection. And every time I would masturbate furiously in my room. My ****** still gambled, and my ****** still payed the permanent interest on his debts.

One day, Mr Jack*** arrived in a huge new cadillac.

"Hey Frank," he said to my ****** as he sauntered into the house. "Like my new car? It needs a wash. Get to it."

I watched in disbelief as my ****** obeyed, and went out with his bucket to wash the car of the man who was fucking his wife inside. Worse was to come. The next time it happened, my ****** told me to help him wash Mr Jack***'s car. I angrily refused, only for Mr Jack*** to intervene and order me to do as he said. I always obeyed Mr Jack*** -- he was a man you just did not want to contradict. So it became a routine -- my ****** and I washing Mr Jack***'s cadillac while my ****** entertained him in the house, and my spying came to a natural end. Eventually I even began to enjoy the work and take pride in the finish of the exterior and the shine of the leather seats. It was all that my ****** and I had to take pride in on those days. I became a very thorough and accomplished cleaner and polisher.

Almost a year after Mr Jack***'s visits had begun, he arrived one day out of the blue, accompanied by two black men who were even bigger than him. My ****** told me they were his bodyguards as they came though the door.

"Get to work, Frank" said Mr Jack***, and my ****** went to fetch the cleaning things.

"What are they doing here?" I asked, somewhat testily, gesturing towards the two men.

"Shut your mouth and get outside, boy," Mr Jack*** rebuked me.

I looked at my ******.

"Its OK," she assured me. "Go on outside and clean the car."

I did as they asked. My ****** said nothing. As we washed the car I asked him what was going on inside.

"I don't know, ***," he said. "Its best not to interfere. Your ****** will be fine."

I wasn't sure what he meant by that but I knew I didn't like it. They took longer than usual inside and my ****** and I had to wait outside once we had finished, as Mr Jack*** had instructed us we should do. Eventually the three men came out, chuckling to each other.

"Hot damn!" said one of the men.

"Christmas bonus, boys," said Mr Jack***, and they drove away laughing.

The next time he visited Mr Jack*** came alone, but a few months later he again arrived with a stranger. This time it was a sharply-dressed black man, smaller and slighter than Mr Jack*** but a big man nonetheless. This time I took to my duties outside without a word, and my ****** did not mention the stranger the whole time we were washing the car. Again they were longer than usual inside the house, and the stranger smirked at my ****** as he emerged through the front door.

"I like your wife," he said. "You're a lucky man."

Then he laughed. As the two men walked towards the car, I saw the man hand two $50 bills to Mr Jack***. This episode was repeated a few times over the next few months, with a different man accompanying Mr Jack*** every time.

I started to get strange looks around the town, with people pointing and giggling. One day at school some older black boys called me over. One of them asked me about the "car wash" service we were running at our house.

"My uncle's a buddy of Bones Jack***, and he told me your place has the best service in town," he said, and the two other boys collapsed in peals of laughter.

Worse was to come. A couple of weeks later, when Mr Jack*** arrived at our house, the same three boys who had teased me at school were with him. My heart sank when I saw them. They were giggling with excitement as they got out of the car.

"Get to the car, washer-boy!" one of them shouted. "We're gonna pay a visit to your mom!"

It was dark by the time my ****** and I were allowed back into the house. The boys came out gloating and making obscene gestures, gestures which would become horribly familiar to me as they taunted me in the schoolyard in the months to come. Everyone has heard their ****** called a whore at one time or another, but for me, I knew that the taunts were true, and I flushed with shame every time I heard it. Several times the boys would beat me, just for fun, and tell me I was a sissy wimp just like my ******, and that I should learn to suck dick like my ******.

One day the black boys accosted me in the locker room while they were changing from football practice. The ringleader, Duane, made me kneel in front of him, then took his penis out in front of my face. He told me he was going to make me suck it. I can still see that thick black penis, hanging menacingly close to my nose. I could smell the sweat on it. When he told me to lick it, I extended my tongue, but he pulled it away, laughing and calling me a faggot. The other boys slapped my face and gave me some kicks.

That night, despite my ***********, I found myself masturbating and thinking about what had happened, and what might have happened. I imagined Duane's thick black cock in my mouth, imagined sucking and worshipping it as I had seen my ****** do. I had never felt so horny as I stroked my little cock and drifted away in fantasy.

School became hell for me after that, and I was very isolated. No boys wanted to be seen associating with me, and no girl would look at me, for they all saw the treatment I got, and had probably heard the rumors about my family too. But worse was to come.


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Karen's Master

Karen Spreads

Karen felt the heat overwhelm her as she lay back on the bed. A round drop of sweat rolled down her upper lip. Her forehead glistened. A slight breeze from the window gave her a momentary sliver of cool. But she was wet all over, having rushed over in the heat of the morning through the park, straight from dropping off the kids. The sweat made her whole body feel slippery, afloat, unreal, in the folds under her arms and her breasts. Between her legs. Her cheeks were red, and there were little flushed patches all over her body, as though it had already happened.

She had been more than distracted, she had thought of nothing else since the phone call at the breakfast table, his name flashing up -- James -- and the whole space, a family morning scene, changing utterly in an instant. Her husband's glance, knowing, but powerless, meek. She had ducked into the garden to receive the curt summons, her first in over a week. It had felt like the longest week of her life, filled with longing, daydreams, questioning, speculation, panic, and desire. Then as she hung up, even her own ******** were almost invisible to her, they seemed nothing but a chore to be completed as soon as could be, terrible to think it but so true in that moment that she could not deny it to herself.

So she had hurried from the school, almost delirious with anticipation, the sunshine bringing a sweat that she barely noticed, and it was all that she could do to keep the semblance of composure and stop herself from running all the way to his flat. The greetings of other parents, neighbours on their way to work, were all ignored. Her mind was on one thing only, her throat dry with the thought of it, the rest of her body moist, not least her sex. Her knickers -- just plain white briefs, if only she had known -- were wet by the time she got to his block, flustered and hot. And now she lay on his bed, naked, shining, waiting. He liked to make her wait. In her wildest fantasies she had wanted some kind of greeting, but he had just thrown open the door, pointed, and said the fewest words possible to her:

"On the bed. Naked. Spread."

Then he went back to his phone call, strolling into the living room in his white vest and boxers, the white of the vest setting off his jet-black skin, his biceps accentuated as he held the phone to his ear, and not a bead of sweat on him. He had not met her eye. As she lay on his bed, breathless, her desire only grew by the second as she obeyed the last of his commands and spread her legs for him. She felt shivery in the heat as she lay ready for him in this most basic and ****** of postures, the human equivalent of 'presenting'.

It excited her that he wanted her like this. She looked down at her body, thirty eight years old in a few months, a little fuller around the tummy after two births, a little longer in the breast, and it thrilled her that this body should be an object of desire for James - a black man, a man who was, in her eyes, little short of physical perfection. Oh, he didn't love her, or worship her as she worshipped him, she knew that well enough. But even to be used for his pleasure, just for a time, was a thrill enough for her. The seconds ticked by, and turned into minutes. And still Karen lay there with her legs spread, waiting for him.

She looked down at her cunt. It looked and felt beautiful to her now, no longer a thing to be hidden away, intellectualised out of existence, but the centre of her being. It was as if her whole life and soul radiated out from between her legs. It made her laugh to remember that she had once thought herself a feminist. No, she thought, this cunt is me, open, glistening, waiting to be penetrated and used for its Master's coarse pleasure. That was her reason for being, above all others. The little coiled hairs had grown back, and there was a trim bush that she hoped would not displease him.

It had been eleven days since she had last been here. As she waited, feverish, Karen wondered again who he had been with. She had tried to bat away feelings of jealousy. For one thing, she was a married woman herself. More importantly she knew that a man like James was too great a sexual ***** to ever restrict himself, he was a man who saw whatever he wanted as his right to take, and the world generally went along with that.

He had had many women, she knew that. He had different 'interests' that he liked to pursue, some of which he had told her about and some of which she had picked up in their five-month acquaintance. There were black women. He still had a taste for 'sisters', and she had even seen him once by chance in the street, with a proud, shapely young woman with extravagant golden braided hair, who had seemed to look down her nose at Karen as though she pegged her as a rival, despite the affectation of not knowing each other that Karen and James had performed. Then he liked what he called 'party girls'. When pressed, it seemed like this meant young white girls, often teenagers, that he picked up in clubs. But he never went back to them, he just used them once then threw them away -- his words. He also liked to try women of different races and nationalities, and he had boasted once that he had had Chinese, Japanese, Indian, Latino, French and any kind of women you cared to mention. But what made it so hard to hold off her jealousy was also, perversely, the thing that should have given her comfort. James's greatest interest, his passion, his 'hobby' as he had once called it, was fucking married white women.

So on the one hand, Karen knew that she fell into his favourite category of sexual adventure. On the other hand, she knew it was unusual for him to go that long -- eleven days -- without indulging in his passion. All of which led her to the suspicion that there was another little white wife on the scene, which ****** her in a way that no number of party-girl or 'sister' rivals ever could. She resolved, somehow, to try to find out. But for now, she was glad to be back in his bed, waiting.

It must have been half an hour at least that she lay there. It felt longer. She gasped inwardly when he appeared in the doorway, a slight sneer breaking his lip. She was wide-eyed, gazing at him, and she stretched her legs a little wider, offering her cunt, showing him. He grinned and nodded slightly -- good girl, he seemed to be saying. She started to breathe heavily as he took his vest off in one movement, displaying that beautiful tall black torso from above her.

Then the boxers came down. This was it, hello again, God she had missed it terribly, this thing of dark, veined beauty that occupied almost all of her waking thoughts. His cock. Flaccid, heavy, swaying, menacing, magnificent. Black. Jet black. A thing of worship. Conqueror of countless women. How many gloried in it as she did? Quite a few in all likelihood. He held it gently in one hand, teasingly brushed the tip against her wet cunt lips as it stiffened.

"Oh God. Oh James. Please ..."

This wasn't like the first time, when she had feared it. She knew she could take it all, in her cunt, feel the thick, long, hot darkness inside her, taking over her body. She was proud of her cunt, proud that it had been in a state of perfect union with such a God-like cock and taken it all. She was bigger inside, looser, since the kids, she knew that, and Richard had remarked on it, their sex life had suffered, and she could feel herself that her husband's penis would never fit snugly again but thrash about awkwardly, as if lost. So for a time she had felt some loss. But now, with James, it was so, so different. His penetration, his power, his fucking, was something altogether different to whatever she had done with Richard. This was a man and a woman in union as God intended. His cock becoming her, taking her body, owning her.

It only made the anticipation more intense as she saw it reach its full growth in his hand, and he stepped forward to claim her married cunt again. Almost touching, looking, gasping. The size of it. Then the first contact, always electric, so different. The huge brown head on her wet lips, barging her clit, shoving rudely like a battering ram for the length it led. She groaned, loud, shameless, as he slid inside her and started to slowly thrust. She felt whole again, a whole woman, with the missing piece restored, as though her spine had been removed and replaced. The shudder came so quickly, maybe the third thrust, as she came for the first time. He looked down at her, savouring his conquest, then took over and went at her hard and selfish, almost wild. To be fucked so hard by that cock, for so long, took her to another plane, one she could never quite recapture when she masturbated. There were shrieks and moans, gallons of sweat pouring out of her. He stopped for a second -- after 10 minutes? 20? 30? -- to flip her onto all fours.

Again he made her wait for a moment. She waited for the hot tip of the cock to touch her wet behind, but felt a hard spank instead, and orgasmed again. He carried on slapping her as he fucked her from behind, and his black hips slapped into her ample white flesh to create a parallel and continuous slap. Her tits swayed furiously as he pounded her. She knew he liked to see that, and knowing it added to her delirium. When he was close to coming, he grabbed her waist so hard, thrust his hips so hard, went so far inside her with his cock that she felt it must break her. She felt the extra throb in his cock as the white essence gushed out into her cunt. Ten, twenty ever harder thrusts, and he was done with her.

That was all he wanted that day. He woke up wanting a hard fuck, he told her. She thanked him for calling her and not someone else. Was it because she was closest, she asked, half-joking. He didn't quite answer but told her:

"I felt like fucking another man's wife. Some white pussy."

As they lay there in the heat she took his cock into her mouth, gently, cleaned it for him, lovingly and greedily, with her tongue. Then he had to go, but instead of kicking her out, full of his cum, as he had done so many times, he told her she could stay in the flat if she wanted. Karen was thrilled, overwhelmed with gratitude. Just to be there in his bed, alone, fucked, used, trusted.


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Snooping. Such a thrill, tiptoeing naked around his flat. Not quite naked - she had pulled on her plain white panties, out of some strange sense of shy half-propriety, covering her sated pussy, filled with his seed. Knowing he could bound through the door at any moment (although he probably wouldn't) just added to the excitement. Obsessed with James, she wanted to know more about him. She wanted to know his secrets. She opened drawers, and felt a frisson of fear each time, giving her goosebumps.

Did he have porn? Every man did, that's what her husband had told her, shamefaced, when she had discovered his bizarre box in their basement. That day came back to her as she gently poked around James's bedroom. Richard's fallen face when she showed him. His stumbling attempts to explain. Then the tears and the confessions. She had looked through it all, horrified but fascinated. DVDs. Women's underwear. Magazines, some straight top shelf stuff, others with stronger images of sex acts. Always the same theme, the same types -- black men and white women. Karen had never seen black men's cocks before. She had felt more than a tingling as she leafed through it all, alone in the basement, seeing those thick, long, smooth dark organs, so different to Richard's pale flabby little thing. Then the faces of the women, white women like her, some young, some middle-aged. Looking at the camera with black cocks in their mouths.

One picture, one pretty white brunette in particular had captivated Karen, and despite her feelings of revulsion she kept going back to look at that one. The woman's grey-blue eyes looking straight at the camera. Her pretty lips stretched, mouth wide, filled with a thick, dark, black man's cock. A hint of a grin, a beckoning, or a challenge, dimpling those soft white cheeks. The eyes too seemed to speak to her. Ooh, look at me. Aren't I a bad girl? You're no better. I know you're curious. I know you're excited. You're thinking about it now. You'd love to try it. She had put the box away, taken a long shower, masturbating, then waited for her husband to come home.

Did James have something like that? She couldn't imagine it. Her husband was a fantasist, a pervert. James was a man. He lived in the real world, for himself. He didn't have to dream about sex between black men and white women, about what it was like to feed a long black cock into a waiting white pussy. About what it was like to see it. No, she couldn't imagine it. But she kept looking all the same. In his drawers. Under the bed. Then in his wardrobe. There. A white box, larger than a shoebox, heavy as she eased it to the floor. Shocked when she opened it, but it soon became clear and she exhaled heavily, a mixture of relief and excitement. This was James's private collection, no doubt about that. But this was pictures of real people, of James himself. This was real life, photographed, not some fantasy world. Karen sat on the floor in her white knickers, breathed deeply, her heart pounding, and prepared herself for the thrill of it, the excitement of what she was about to do and see. She couldn't resist. The risk that he might return -- what would he do? Punish her? It was all part of it. She was going to take her time. She wanted to see all of it.

There were pictures, prints. Lots of women and girls, on James's bed, nude, in their underwear. Tied up. That's a thought. Kneeling, mouth open. Taken from above. She knew that pose. He liked that. Liked making her wait like that, teasing her with his cock, showing it to her, right in her face, coming close to her lips, but not letting her lick, not letting her suck as she longed to, till he was good and ready. The pictures backed up his boasts, there were all kinds of women in there. These were just the ones he had photographed -- how many more were there? Karen herself had never been photographed, and she had been here countless times. There were pictures with James in them. Usually his cock. In a woman's mouth. Penetrating white pussy as his conquest lay back on the bed, legs spread joyfully.

There were a couple of toys. Handcuffs. Then a metal chain, which she pulled, and out came a full leash and handle with a metal-studded leather dog collar. A little shiver when she saw that. He had never shown it to her, never suggested it. Hands trembling, she raised the collar, tried it on around her neck, felt the cold metal studs on her hot skin, and felt light-headed. Oh, she wanted that. How could she let him know? She sat and savoured the thought for a while.

She had almost reached the bottom of the box. There were some DVDs, plain, homemade. Another time maybe. If only she could ask him, and watch them with him. Real video, she had no doubt of that. James with other women. Watching porn together had perked up her sex life with Richard a little after her discovery and his pathetic blubbed confessions. Things had developed a little. It started with straight 70s stuff, then when she asked for something 'different', out came the ones with the black men and white women. She had loved those as much as her husband did. It showed in the sex. They gradually started talking more, and she made no secret of it, her enjoyment of those. He always let her choose which ones to watch, and she always chose her favourite black 'actors', envying the women, those sluts.

Right at the bottom, a plain black album. His prize possession? It felt like it somehow. She carefully opened it. On the first page, a wedding photo. A young white couple, the husband handsome if a little short. The beaming bride in her twenties, the picture looked to be about fifteen years old judging from her shoulder length wavy hairstyle. Then on the facing page, a woman on her knees, James's cock in her mouth, looking up at him, wide-eyed, as he took the picture. The same woman. Older now, around forty maybe. Her wedding and engagement rings clearly visible against the black veined skin of his cock as she gently held it. The next page had pictures of her spread out on his bed, the way he liked his women to wait for him, and then one of him fucking her, her face flushed pink.

Karen's heart walloped against her breast as she turned the pages. Who was this woman? Was this album all about her? But then on the next page, another wedding photo. A different couple. Bouffant hair, cheap and chintzy dress, this must have been taken in the eighties, and the couple had a working class look about them. Then opposite, as before, the white wife servicing James, wedding ring and all. So this was his private collection. His hobby in an album. Karen herself hadn't even made it into his married white sluts album. The pages went on in the same format, wedding photo of the happy couple, then the slut conquered by James on the following page or pages. Couple after couple. She counted seventeen in all. There were a few gimmicky, kinky shots, where James had had a little fun. One was of him fucking a woman in front of pictures of her wedding and her ********, obviously in her home. There was one woman fucked in her wedding dress by James, not long after the wedding judging by the comparison with the real wedding shot -- she still looked young. There were a couple of real nasty, hot ones. Those were the ones that Karen kept flicking back to. One, a white woman with her legs spread. On the page facing, as usual, were the woman on her wedding day and her hapless husband. She appeared to have a small tattoo just next to her cunt, which Karen could just about make out -- did that say 'James's Bitch'? Karen started to touch herself when she saw that. Then another, a wife wearing the dog collar she had found in the box, kneeling at James's feet, with her Master holding the leash.

Karen was breathing hard as she closed the book. Something stuck in her memory, more than all the shocking and thrilling images she had seen. A woman's face, familiar somehow. She flicked back through the collection of wives. There she was, the one Karen remembered, close to the end of the book. Dark curly hair, slim, Jewish-looking. The usual slut poses. Jewish wedding photograph. Karen racked her memory as she put the box away and lay back on the bed. She tried to empty her mind and let it come to her. Her fingers drifted into her panties again. Then it came. Rachel. A member of her husband's tennis club. On the board of directors at the kids' school. A lawyer or something? A magistrate. A slut.

She had been in James's flat alone for two hours when her phone rang. It was him.

"You still there?"

"Yes James. I'm sorry, do you want me to leave?"

"No. Stay. I want a bitch on my bed when I get back. So wait there, assume the position ..." he laughed, "don't know when I'll be back though."

"Of course James. But I have to leave at three to collect the kids."

"OK. I'll get someone else round if I'm not back then."

Then he hung up. Something stung her in his last words, but somehow thrilled her a little as well. She was just a piece of cunt to him, interchangeable and replaceable. She was just one of over a dozen married white women that he had fucked and used, in some cases even branded as his property. She had to look in the album again. She wanted what they had, these sluts. She had part of it, but not all of it. How could she show him?

After a quick shower, and one last lingering browse through James's collection of married women and cuckolded white men, Karen lay back on the bed again. She peeled her knickers down and spread her legs. Then she waited. It was almost one. She knew she might be waiting here like his whore for two hours and not get fucked at the end of it. But she liked it, she wanted to go further, submit her body to him for his use, whether he took advantage or not. The clock ticked away, the occasional breeze drifting across her naked white body. As it got closer to three, she started to feel regret. She wondered who he would call to take her place. Finally, reluctantly, having left it as late as she possibly could, she dressed and closed the door behind her. Out in the street, in a hurry just as she had been in the morning, she hardly noticed the people she passed. She had already dashed past a blur of a woman, slim, black curly hair, a few grey streaks. Then she turned. Was it Rachel? She strained to see the woman's face and catch her direction. She couldn't quite see. The woman turned left towards James's flat. Karen wanted to follow, but had to get the ********, so she marched off again in the opposite direction, more flustered than ever.


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Karen's fingers were shaking as she held the photograph, checking for the third time that she had brought it as she waited for James to answer the door. She could have made a copy, but she had ripped it straight out of the wedding album. It felt like more of an offering that way, a sacrifice, and token of obeisance. Richard would not notice it was gone, not for a long time. Perhaps his ****** would be the first to notice, she always liked to look through the albums when she came.

She looked down at the photo, the happy couple. Richard beaming proudly, Karen slim, white, innocent. No hint of what the future held for this marriage, for this couple. The thought excited her somehow. The beautiful contrast between the innocence of the picture and the wicked destiny she was leading it to, the sordid design which had held the tingle in her panties ever since she had taken it from the album and secreted it away in her handbag while she waited for the summons from James. It had only been four days as it turned out, but those days had been ******* more than ever before, now that she had seen a glimpse of James's world. Who was he with? How far was he going with his hobby this time?

Karen felt her knees weaken and hurriedly pushed the picture into her bag as James opened the door. He moved aside to let her enter, then slammed the door. He said nothing. He placed his hands gently on her shoulders. She knew what that command meant, and sank to her knees, shuddering.

"James, I ... "

He placed two black fingers over her mouth, the inside skin white and hard against her lips.

"Don't talk, bitch. Later."

His hand moved to his fly. She knew what he wanted. He seemed impatient, he had a need to be fulfilled and as always Karen was thrilled to think it was her that he wanted to please him. The sharp crackle of the zip as it lowered rang loud in her ears. Time seemed to stand still. Now she was the impatient one. Her breasts moved under her heavy breath as she waited, kneeling, her tongue sliding about ************* inside her mouth, salivating at what she was about to receive. The heavy, heaving bulge on the black lycra. Dormant power. Her eyes were fixed on the thing, her mind empty of everything, giving itself to worship this thing. Her body, knees digging into the carpet, her full, sagging breasts, her stretchmarked belly, her moistening cunt, all of it had but one purpose which was to serve this thing, to worship it and give it pleasure. This cock. How much of every day did she spend thinking and dreaming about it? What a slut, what an air-headed bimbo she had become, thinking only of this black man's cock all day. But it felt so right, so natural. When she let her mind wander, this was where it wandered to. Why resist nature?

He reached into the lycra shorts and took the thing out, letting it swing down heavily in front of her face.

"Oh God," she gasped ************* at the sight of the beautiful black organ. Her heart thumped, she was breathing heavily as she opened her mouth and let her tongue extend to lick it.

The hot touch of the cock against her tongue was just as magical as the first time. She licked, lovingly, with the tip of her tongue, all along the immense length of it, worshipping with all the restraint she could muster. She knew he liked it slow like that. She licked down the growing shaft to his huge black balls, and applied her tongue lower down, all around his crinkled dark globes of pure manhood. His first groan of approval sent shivers all over her kneeling body. How she loved to please him!

The mighty cock was stiffening now, growing in length and girth to what Karen knew to be a quite awesome full size. Sometimes she found herself laughing out loud when she thought of the comparison with her husband's floppy little thing. Karen knew what James liked. She continued to lick along the shaft and under the bulbous round head, tickling it with her tongue, until the moment that James gave the unspoken command to suck.

After several minutes of devoted tongue-ing from her kneeling position, the command came. He grabbed the hair on the back of her head into his fist, almost ******* her mouth wide open. Obediently she opened wide, took the black cock head into her mouth and sucked, eyes up on James as if for approval, she knew he liked that too. The head was quite a mouthful, not much smaller than a tennis ball, and she sucked it gently while stroking her tongue along the taught groove underneath. My oh my. Now she was groaning with pleasure too. Her cheeks tightened with each sucking motion, but the cock filled her mouth so much there was little movement, just the tightening of the little muscles in her cheeks. Slowly she worked down, extending as much as she could of the huge thing down into her throat.

She had practised at home for him, wanting to do better for him, give him the pleasure he deserved. She had bought a huge black toy (her husband had seen it and made no comment), which of course had multiple uses, and practised until she was now quite accomplished at taking such a large thing into her throat. She could see that it was pleasing James as she took it almost all the way, up and down. Like a real whore. His married white whore. Karen knew she had competition and wanted to get the edge however she could.

She felt the cock penetrate her throat, avoiding the gagging that would spoil his pleasure. It was so deep that she felt the wiry, black pubic hairs brush against her nose, inhaling their musky, manly smell. Her pretty face, the face in the wedding picture, just an orifice, just a cunt for his cock to fuck now. Her whole head and neck like an elaborate white cunt for him. He felt it and made some slow thrusts, fucking her mouth and throat. She made a muffled groan of approval, and he grabbed her hair again and thrust harder. When Richard had tried to thrust into her mouth, early in their marriage, she had reacted with fury, throwing him off and rejecting him for days. With James it was so different. She wanted him to fuck her head like this, to do whatever he wanted with her body, she just wanted to satisfy his cock.

Her face was red, there were tears in her eyes as the intense fucking and sucking went on, Karen on her knees in the hallway, James standing imperious over her, using her face as his fuck-toy. She lost her sense of time, caught up in the physical sensation of having her mouth and throat filled with cock as never before, being fucked and used so beautifully, so selfishly. Her make up that she had spent so long applying, wanting to look pretty for James in her middle age, all a mess now of cock juice and sweat and tears. It was not just physical, it was overwhelming emotionally for her. Never had she felt so subservient, such as sense of worship and gift of herself to another. Her Master.

His grunting and thrusting was getting wilder, he arched his strong back and it was all she could do to keep her mouth on the thing, keep sucking when she could and stay on her knees. He grabbed her head with some violence now and held it down on his cock, deep in her throat. She braced herself and felt the hot jet in her throat, opening further, determined to take it all. She felt it pump through his cock, ten, twelve pumps, then slow, the cock mercifully relenting and softening in her mouth. A lot of cum had gone straight down her throat, now the fat cock head lay on her tongue, still oozing white essence. She savoured it in her mouth, licking the head again, then gazed up at James as she swallowed.

He grinned. "Good girl," he said, the closest to praise she had had in a long time.

She was still fully dressed, on her knees, face-fucked and used, full of his cum. Deliriously happy. She had never swallowed for Richard, in fact the very thought disgusted her. But for James it seemed a beautiful thing, an act of worship and devotion. Signifying something. A special bond, stronger than her marriage bond. Ownership.

He lifted her by her hair, a cruel contempt in his eyes, so aware and sure of his power over her. He zipped up.

"Thank you James," she said, wiping her mouth and dabbing at her mascara.

"OK. Now get out of here, bitch, I got things to do today."

"Wait ... please, James. I have something for you. Something special," she pleaded as he ushered her out the door.

She took the wedding photograph from her bag and put it in his hand. He looked down at it, grinned with cocksure recognition, then slammed the door in her face.


Karen felt her phone vibrate as she stood chatting to the other ******s waiting to collect their ********. That name, she felt her heart thump when she saw it. James. Excusing herself from the conversation, she collected herself as best she could and answered.

"James! I'm so happy you're calling me ..."

"So you been pokin' round my house bitch?"

"I ... yes ... James I'm sorry. Please forgive me. I was so excited. I wanted to know you better. To be better for you. Give you what you need. James you know ... I'll do anything for you James. Anything."

"Get over here tonight. Nine. Your husband will understand." Then he hung up.


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It was the first time she had been to James's place in the hours of darkness since that first time she had given herself to him, and walking the dark street on the approach called it back into her mind, walking that night, shaking with nerves, compelled by her own desire and frustration to go home with this man she had only met a couple of hours before. Walking away from the pub with a black man, feeling the eyes on her, a white woman walking away from her husband, the flush of ******* taking her inhibition away, the black man's hand on the seat of her jeans as they stepped through the door. The black man her husband had met online, cultivated and now introduced to her, how strange and twisted, yet how exciting and irresistible at the same time. A very modern way of meeting to be sure, but the mixture of fear and exhilaration, pride and shame that she felt when she looked up at this dark man, or looked at her white hand in his black hand, was distinctly un-modern. Ancient, primal somehow. More powerful than modern morality or political correctness. A feeling, a magnetism, something natural that was sweeping all before it.

That feeling had only grown in power from that first night until now, as Karen obeyed his summons and walked in her evening high heels up to those same steps, those same emotions ... fear at what he might do to her, excitement at not knowing, the thrill of being in his power ... they were all still there, magnified tenfold.

Trembling fingers as she knocked. The usual wait in the dark hall. The door swept open. James, she could barely meet his eyes, beckoning her inside. A camera on a tripod in middle of the living room. He looked down at her shoes.

"Take your clothes off. Leave the shoes on."

He left the room and she disrobed as quickly as she could so that when he returned she stood, naked and exposed, in only her high heels, like a piece of merchandise available for his use. When James returned she shivered as she glanced at his hand. He was carrying the dog collar and chain, and what looked like a riding crop.

"So you want to be my bitch Karen? Not just a fucktoy, a real bitch, like those whores you saw when you poked around here? You think you're up to that?"

"Yes ... oh yes James. Anything ... please let me ... be your ... bitch."

It felt strange saying that word out loud. Strange but thrilling.

"A bitch needs training. You ready to be trained?"

"Yes James. Please train me to be your bitch."

"First of all I gotta punish you. Don't ever snoop around my place like that again."

"S...Sorry James. I won't, I swear."

"Bend over, bitch."

She bent over and touched her toes, exposing her ample, fleshy middle-aged bottom to him. She had bent for him before, but this time was different. Before she had felt the intoxicating anticipation of feeling the huge tip of his cock touch her pussy lips from behind. Now she waited for something else, something painful, something she had never experienced before. If anything the fear she felt brewed up an even greater excitement, as though something life-changing was about to happen to her. She was wet between her legs, and a bead of sweat dripped from her forehead, flushed from her upside-down posture. The seconds ticked by. James knew the power of making a woman wait. She knew something about what was coming, but didn't quite know what or when.

For a split second she heard the swish of the crop through the air, then felt a ringing, stinging pain as the first blow struck her. She couldn't remember a sharper feeling of pain, different from the agonizing ache of **********. She cried out, agony and ecstasy.

"You like that, bitch?"

"Y... Yes James. Thank you."

Another whiplash, without warning. Tears in her eyes now. Then another, and another in quick succession. She had never been physically punished before. Through the pain and tears she could feel a kind of liberation, a glorious ********** that took her outside of her humdrum self. One more savage blow, he was merciless now, enjoying his mastery and power. Then the hardest blow, and he appeared to stop.

Karen was holding back the tears and the stinging radiated from her behind now as he left her there, bent, naked, exposed, punished, humiliated. She felt a drop roll down the back of her thigh, the part she could never quite shed the cellulite from ... was it sweat? *****?

"On your knees now, bitch. Kneel."

She sank to her knees and looked up at him, mascara running down her cheeks.

"Anything to say to me before we start your training?"

"Th ... Thank you James."

He smiled, then dropped the crop. He retrieved the dog collar from his belt.

"You gonna take the collar now bitch. Bow your head for the collar."

She did as he commanded and lowered her head, exposing the back of her neck to him. Her whole body tingled with pleasure as she felt the cold metal of the studs on her neck, James's black fingers wrapping the leather around and fastening it. It felt mesmeric to feel it around her, on her knees for her Master, accepting the collar as a symbol of her status and role, her glorious **********, more than just a physical restraint that would facilitate his use of her.

"Down bitch."

She looked up at him, confused ... she was already on her knees.

"Right down. Kiss my feet."

She obeyed and stooped at his feet, feeling the tug of the leash on her neck as she did so. Her cold, trembling lips touched his black shoes and she puckered and kissed.


She extended her tongue and without a thought began this ultimate ********** and abasement, licking at his shoes. She felt the reverence, the worship, the primal exchange, and wallowed in it as she licked. All her love for her Master was playing out in her lapping, her leashed body giving utterly to him, so deserving of this.


Karen was sore as she crept back into her own bed. Richard was a*****, or at least pretending to be. She looked at the clock ... 04:38. Her training, a thrilling adventure, flashed through her mind. Being led around like a dog on all fours, leashed and collared. The perverted photos James had taken for his album. James standing, holding the leash, Karen on her knees at his feet, eyes on the camera. Another, with his huge flaccid cock draped over her shoulder ... a display of ownership, the cock owned her. Perhaps he would use that one opposite the pretty wedding picture she had given him.

Then finally, the reward, he had given his bitch what she came for, his cock ... he had never fucked her so hard. She had never been drilled and pounded like that, so intensely, for so long, losing all sensation and thought til she felt that being fucked was all that existed. Then when he flipped her around, a new experience, something she had never felt before as he ****** the huge cock head into her smaller, drum-tight hole. Pain, mixed with pleasure, just like the whipping she had taken, the cheeks still raw and sore from that as he pushed further into her. She wanted to accommodate him and finally she did as he thrust gloriously in and she felt his pubes touch her scars. His muscular thighs slapped against her as he buggered her mercilessly. Then hot cum inside there, another new sensation.

Now she ached with pleasure, felt the soreness in her cunt and behind, kept in her panties as she lay back in her own bed, too excited to *****, thinking of her new life as James's bitch, used and happy. How far she had come. She felt pride as she delicately traced her fingers along her scars as she lay in bed, there on her now, for her husband to see the next day perhaps, as she climbed out of the shower, a sign to show him how utterly she was owned by another, a kind of branding. The mark of her Master.


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What Happened

There's no way to start, but from the beginning.

I knew something was going on, I just couldn't say what. Several times, my wife and *** had acted nervous around me. Especially, my *** Chris. Loving and trusting Sharon, I couldn't imagine what was happening, was happening. But, once it unfolded, my perverted mind took over.

Anyway, one day, I got to work, only to be sent home. The office was shut down by a major power failure, within the building. One that wouldn't be fixed for a couple of days. I returned home, barely an hour after I left.

Chris had classes and Sharon was working at the Senior Center. As I approached the house, I noticed something between the shrubs and steps. It was a black camera bag, laying upside down, so it had obviously rolled off the steps.

At first, I thought it belonged to Chris. This one wasn't labeled and all of his stuff had his name plastered all over it. I opened it, and even the camera was plain. Chris always engraved his name on everything.

'Who the hell does this belong to?' I thought as I emptied the contents of the bag on the kitchen table. There was a card in the camera and a bunch of them in the bag, so I figured I'd look at one to see who was on it. That should tell me who owned the camera.

Sharon was in the video, walking around town. 'Ah, it is Chris,' he's filming his ****** shopping.' Then I got a shock. Sharon flashed her bare ass, in public, for the camera. Then she turned and pulled her sweater up. Her tits swaying in full view. 'What the fuck! What the hell's going on?'

The bare ass shot flashed in my mind, so I backed it up. Sure enough, when I looked closely, I could see her pussy. Sharon was exposing herself to our ***, in public. At least, I hoped it was our ***. No, I didn't! I damn sure didn't want it to be another man, either.

I turned it off and sat back, shaking. I couldn't think and pulled the card from the computer. I wanted to get rid of it and everything else in that bag. But, I couldn't. I had to see what else was on the card, what was on all of them. What else had they done? My wife and our ***, or, whoever was holding the camera.

After a few minutes of mental turmoil, I put the card back into the computer. The entire thing was, Sharon shopping and flashing the camera. She was doing it all over town. I never thought my wife would do something like that. Giving the camera full views, even in closeup, of her ass, pussy and tits. I fast-forwarded to the end and it was always the same activity.

I spotted a card that had Tim, written on it. I thought, 'Surely not, Timmy from next door.' I put it in and Sharon was doing dishes. Someone came in and it was Timmy. They exchanged 'Hi' and small talk. Then he walked over and pinned Sharon against the sink, from behind, as he reached around and grabbed her tits.

"Tim!" Sharon exclaimed. 'Yeah, that's it. Now turn around and slap the little ****.'

"Ya know what I need, Mrs. Thomas." He said as he pushed against her and went after her tits.

"Not now, Tim!" Sharon said as she tied to push back. "Can't you wait, until I finish the dishes?" 'What the fuck! What's this, can't you wait, ****?'

He jerked her blouse up, then her bra, exposing her tits and quickly grabbed them. "Aw, shut up and enjoy it, Mrs. Thomas. Ya know, ya want it."

He began pulling her nipples and she put her hands on the ledge to brace herself. Laying her head back, she moaned. He kissed her on the ear.

"Ya want me to fuck ya. Right here, Right now. Don't ya, Mrs Thomas?"

'WHAT! NO! FUCK HER! That little ***-of-a-bitch! We've known him since he was born. Babysat him, changed his diapers. He grew up with our ***, Chris, for Christ sake.'

He was already pulling her skirt up. "Say it, Mrs Thomas. C'mon, say it!" Sharon moaned and he slapped her ass. "SAY IT!" 'He's mine!'

Sharon weakly said, "Yes." As he pulled her panties down.

"Yes, what."

"I ... I want you to fuck me. Right here, right now."

"That's more like it, Mrs. Thomas." He said as he dropped his pants. "?Yur, m'slut, aren't ya?" He growled as he dry humped her asscheeks.

Sharon dropped her head, without saying anything.

"Ur my slut. Aren't ya? Huh?"

"Yes, Yes. I'm your slut." Sharon moaned wantonly.

Timmy moved back slightly and rubbed his cock on Sharon' pussy. "Ready. Tell me ta fuck ya, Mrs. Thomas. Tell me ta fuck ya."

"Fuck Me, Timmy. Fuck Me." Sharon moaned out loudly and pushed her ass back. The boy entered her to the hilt, in one movement. "Yes Baby, Yes. Fuck your slut."

'****, I've never heard Sharon talk like that.' He began thrusting into her as she pushed back to his pounding. Minute after minute after minute, he kept thrusting into her as she pushed back in response. 'Damn, I remember when I could fuck like that.'

After several minutes, the camera angle changed. It showed her juice running down her legs and dripping off his swinging balls.

"Gonna cum, Mrs Thomas. Ya want yur hot pussy fulla boy cum, don't ya, Mrs. Thomas?"

"Yes, yes, yessss. Give it to me. Gimme your cum."

His balls tightened as he slammed against her, filling her pussy with cum. Sharon began shaking harder than she had throughout the whole time.

"Oh God Yes, Timmy!" Sharon cried out.

When the boy finished twitching, he pulled out of Sharon' pussy and wiped his cock on her ass.

"Woo Hoo, that was a good fuck, Mrs Thomas. See ya, next time, I need ta get off." Then he kissed her bare butt and left.

It went black. The damn thing was over. 'Jesus Fucking Christ! I can't believe this ****.' Even though I was pissed as hell, I had a damn hardon. It turned me on, watching that young kid, fuck my wife as if he owned her.

I felt betrayed. I mean, how could she? If she walked in right now, I'd fuck her just like he just did. ***-of-a-bitch, this is turning me on. AND, Who The Fuck Is Holding The Camera!? My mind is telling me, it's our ***, Chris. Is he fucking her too? Is our ***, fucking his ******? I guess, if he is, it'll be on one of these cards.

The next card, I saw, had Jack on it. 'Jack? Jack? Jack, who? Jack, her boss? Jack, at the grocery store? Jack, at church? Jack, who?' I put it in.

Sharon was sitting on the couch, crocheting. I could hear the front door followed by footsteps. Then hands appeared on her shoulders.

Sharon glanced up, smiled and cheerfully said, "Hi there."

"Hi, Mrs Thomas. Guess you heard the door, huh?"

"Yes Jack, you weren't very quiet."

He came around and stood next to Sharon' legs. He was only visible from the waist down.

"What are you up to, Jack?" Sharon said, without stopping her crocheting.

"Well, Mrs. Thomas, you owe me something."

"And, what might you be referring to?"

"Come on, Mrs. Thomas. You said, you'd do something, if I graduated. I graduated top of the class. I even beat Chris and that bitch, Stephanie."

Sharon looked up. "Yes Jack, you did. And, I'm very proud of you. You went from almost failing, one year, to top of the class, the next."

He unzipped his jeans and pulled his half-erect cock out. "Well Mrs. Thomas. It's time you paid up and suck me off, like you said you would."

"Jack! You don't have to be so crude. Now, put that away, and sit down. We need to talk."

"Naw, the talkin was done, when you said you'd do it." He reached out and pulled her head to his cock. "Now, get to suckin me off, like ya said."

I recognized the voice. It was Jack Peter*** from down the street. His family moved here, when Chris was six. 'When did kids get aggressive like this. I mean, ****, when I was their age, I never woulda done that.'

"C'mon, Mrs. Thomas."

I could barely hear Sharon. Her voice was muffled from being pulled against the young man. "Jack. You have to let go, so I can."

Sharon moved back, took his cock in her hand and looked up at him. "Jack, can't we talk a little, relax and work up to it?"

"It's all I've thought about, since graduation, last week. Now, I want what you promised, not to talk."

"OK, OK! You'll get what I promised." Sharon said half-heartedly, as she stroked his now fully hard cock.

"Then, Do it, Mrs. Thomas! Suck me off, like ya said."

Sharon put his cockhead in her mouth and started one of her, very familiar to me, blowjobs. Her lips moving up and down his shaft, gripping tightly. Her tongue massaging as she moved her head back and forth. Tickling his balls, with her fingertips. Man, I could feel it myself.

"Oh God, Mrs. Thomas. That feels good. I hope ya didn't lie. I really hope, ya didn't lie, about lettin me cum in your mouth. ... Oh, Jesus, Mrs. Thomas. That feels, really good!"

I noticed Sharon had moved her free hand between her own legs. She was rubbing away, getting herself off, as she sucked his young cock.

"Oh God, Mrs ..." The boy didn't finish. He grabbed Sharon' head and jammed his cock deeper in her mouth as he started cuming. His head fell forward as he grunted loudly while his body jerked in orgasm.

Sharon was having an orgasm of her own. Her lips were milking the boys spewing cock as her hand was buried in her pussy causing her to shake. As Jack' orgasm subsided, Sharon gripped his cock and sucked hard to get every drop of cum.

Letting his cock out of her mouth, Sharon leaned back and pulled her fingers out of her pussy. Jack' jaw dropped as he watched. She quickly licked and sucked her juices from her hand. Suddenly, Jack grabbed her legs and pulled them up, pinning her down.

"Damn, Mrs. Thomas! You ain't wearin panties!

"Jack! Please! Let me go!" Sharon objected and squirmed to get free. "I've kept my promise. Now, let me up."

"Ooooh, I don't think so, Mrs. Thomas. Yur pussy's all wet. And it ... it looks all red and swollen." He moved forward, touching his still hard, young cock to her pussy. "Bet a cock'd feel better n yur hand."

"Don't! Jack!"


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He was moving his hips, rubbing his cock up and down her pussy. "You sure bout that, Mrs. Thomas? Yur pussy's gettin wetter and it sure feels hot. Ya sure, ya don't want me to?"

"No-o." Sharon said weakly with her eyes closed.

He pressed harder against her and began moving faster. His hard young cock was parting her pussylips and rubbing across her clit. Her hips began moving as she was responding to his movements.

"No, what, Mrs. Thomas? Ya want me to, don't ya?"

Sharon' breathing increased as her own movements matched his. She moaned, "Yes."

"Ya want me ta fuck ya, Mrs. Thomas? Do ya? Ya want fucked?"

It looked like she was trying to out move him with her hips and get his cock inside her. "Yessss! Fuck me."

He had a sly smirk. "Remember when I was little and you always made me say the magic word?"

"Yes, Please."

"Please, what, Mrs. Thomas?" He stopped moving but she was still trying to find the end of his cock, with her pussy. "Please, what?"

Sharon opened her eyes with a frantic look. "Oh God, Please! Jack! Please, Fuck Me!"

"That's better. You can put my cock in yur pussy, now." He said, as he let go of her legs and straightened up.

Sharon grabbed his cock with one hand and opened her pussy with the other, like a streetwalking whore. 'Oh, ****! I shouldn't be thinking my wife's a whore.' Wiggling her ass and pulling on his cock, she got the head in. She squirmed around and looked at him, pleadingly. But, he didn't move.

"Oh, God, Jack, Fuck me. We don't have much time." She was begging.

"Time? What ya mean, Mrs. Thomas?"

"My husband'll be home." She moaned as she wiggled around on the head of his cock, trying to urge him on.

"Yeah, ****, we don't want your ol' man catchin us." He said as he pushed his cock into my wife' pussy and started pounding away.

Sharon closed her eyes and started moaning with her head back as the boy pounded his cock into her pussy. '****! He can fuck!' She was getting wetter and wetter making the noise of their slapping together louder and louder.

"Show me yur tits, Mrs. Thomas. I wanna see them tits."

Without hesitation, Sharon pulled her top and bra up, in one motion. Her tits bouncing up and down, to the boys pounding cock.

"God, they're nice! Not saggy and wrinkled, like my moms." He said as he reached for them. "These things feel as good as my girlfriend'." Sharon moaned loudly and began shaking, obviously having an orgasm.

The boy began grunting as he mauled her tits and jack-hammered his cock into her pussy. Sharon was having multiple orgasms. I could tell from her flushed face and chest, along with her breathing, moaning and shaking.

I don't know what gave the boy his stamina. The beginning blowjob, youth, or a combination of both. But, for almost twenty minutes, it was rapid, full-length, blinding fast, thrusting into my wife. I have to admit, I haven't fucked her like that, for some time and was envious.

"Gonna cum."

"Not in me! PULL OUT!"

"Ohhhh!" He grunted. "Gawd! Too late."

"Oh ****! Do it Jack. Do it." Her legs wrapped around him as she grabbed his ass. "Unload your balls, Baby. Give it to me."

He looked like he was having a spastic fit, jerking around, as he dumped his load in her pussy. As he stopped cuming, he slowed down but kept thrusting, slowly, and fell on top of her.

Breathing heavily, he gasped, "Was I good, Mrs. Thomas? Was I good?"

"Oh My God, Yes! Jack! You were fantastic, baby, Fan-Tastic!" She replied as she kissed all over the side of his face. There was the sound of traffic, outside. "****! Charlie's home! ... Get out the back, quick!"

Jack jumped up. Pulling his pants up, he hurried toward the kitchen and back door. Sharon, moved a little slower, but still went quickly toward the bathroom. And, this card video went black.

I had to take a break. I couldn't believe, I had a painful hardon from watching my wife fuck two neighbor boys. Damn, this was the hottest porn, I've ever watched. I just didn't like it being my wife. At the same time, I was never more turned on in my life. My perversion had me wanting her fucking our ***, next.

I needed a *****, and I don't ***** much. I fixed myself a big one and walked around, mumbling to myself. The perversions in my mind, went into overdrive. I knew the cameraman had to be Chris. And, if he's recording his ****** doing these things, well, he must be tapping it too.

I was into my second glass when I started thinking about our ********, Sherry. Fuckin her. Hell, everybody, fuckin her. Mostly, I thought about my wife and those boys. And, our boy. Was there a video of it? There were a few left to watch. 'Jesus, I hope so.' I thought.

The next two were more of one or the other boy taking charge of Sharon. Like she had no choice in the matter. She was going to suck them off or fuck them, no matter what she was doing. She didn't really resist much, it seemed. Just letting them do what they wanted.

They fucked her, in the kitchen, the living room, bathroom and back yard. I got a start at the end of the last one.

The camera was looking into the kitchen from the outside. A hand came up, tapping on the window. Sharon looked out and smiled, then she turned and looked back. There I was, sitting in the living room, watching TV.

Sharon dried her hands and went outside. As soon as she was out the door, she unbuttoned her blouse and pulled it open. She was braless as she was a lot, in the evenings. The camera swung to Jack' smiling face. Then the camera swung back up to show me.

Sharon walked over to Jack, wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him passionately. As they kissed, the camera went back and forth, showing me and then her with her young lover. After several minutes of kissing and Jack playing with her tits, she slid down in front of him.

She began undoing his pants and again the camera showed me. When it went back to them, she was already stroking his hard cock. Then she began blowing him. She put her hands on his hips and slowly took his entire length in her mouth.

A mouth only, blowjob. Slowly in, slowly out, keeping her hands on his hips. Every couple of minutes, the camera would go up to show me and back down to her sucking Jack. Several minutes passed as I watched this panning back and forth. I tried to think of when it could have happened.

When Jack put his hands on her head, I knew he was going to cum. Sharon moved her hands to his asscheeks and pulled him to her face. 'God, I love it when she does that.' When Jack finished cuming, she let his soft cock out of her mouth with a smile.

Slowly she stood and kissed him again and his hands went to her tits, like magnets. Jack pushed her back and bent to suck her tits. She held his head as he suckled each one several times. When he straightened, they kissed quickly and she went inside. The camera showed her sideways, facing me and buttoning her blouse, before going black.

'What's next? Fuckin her in the kitchen, with me in the background!' I fixed myself another *****. 'Better slow down dumbass, before you get *****.'

I went back and put the last card in. I had to focus, the shot was from outside the kitchen window, again. There was Sharon and I, sitting on the couch, watching TV. To the side, stood Chris. I shook my head and focused again. Sherry was on her knees, sucking Chris' cock.

'Holy ****!' I didn't expect that one. Sherry was only home for a couple of days, before starting summer classes. But, there she was, sucking her brother' cock. 'Wait a fucking minute! If that's all of us, who's holding the goddamn camera!?' (I found out later, no one was. Chris had it on a tripod.)

There Sherry was, going after her brother' cock, like her ****** had. With her ****** and I in the background. '****! Everybody's gettin some, but me!'

Sherry stood and bent over, sticking her ass toward Chris. She was watching her ****** and I as Chris entered her from behind. Chris fucked her for a bit, then she went back to her knees and sucked his cock. Evidently, she liked the taste of her pussy on his cock, cause she kept doing that rotation, until Chris unloaded in her mouth.

I was hoping this last one would show the ultimate, Chris fucking his ******. But, it didn't. The only other thing on this card, was Sharon giving a no hands blowjob to an unidentified young man. The young man was holding the camera. 'It's gotta be Chris.' I thought. 'It's gotta be.'

One thing was certain, Sharon was giving this young man's cock, special treatment. The irritating part was the camera bouncing around. Still, I could see her cheeks suck in as she pulled her pursed lips up his shaft. Her tight lips didn't break contact as she'd slowly go back down it's full length. As her head twisted from side to side, I could see that she was massaging his shaft with her tongue.

Ever so often I saw her tongue dart out and go side to side on his cock. Which always made the camera bounce around. The camera really moved around when the boy started cuming. Still, he somehow managed to keep Sharon getting a mouthful in frame. It might have been in one of the four corners, but he got the shot.

(I found out much later, it was Chris, Sharon sucked off. It was the first time, Chris got his ****** to let him use the camera, when they did something. AND, they had been fucking for some time.)

I got another *****, and I shouldn't have. I wished I had a much clearer head for what I was about to discover. Feeling depressed, about not finding a video of Chris fucking Sharon, I started to put everything away. I noticed something white, in the bottom of the bag.

I tried pulling on it, but it wouldn't come out. That's when I noticed four little hooks holding the bottom. I got them loose and lifted the bottom out of the bag. The white thing, was the corner of an envelope. 'Very Private,' was written on the envelope. In the envelope were two cards. One marked, 'M n M,' under that, 'got an A.' And the other, marked, 'M n M 2.'

My hands were shaking as I put the M n M card in. Hoping I'd struck gold, I hit play.


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Sharon was sitting on the couch, looking all prim and proper.

"Ready Mom?"

"Ready." Sharon said as she messed with her clothes.

"Remember, no names. Don't want him putting the two of us together. He needs to think it's me and the older woman I've been filming. Not, who we really are. OK."

"Yes, Honey! I kno-ow!" Sharon said as she rolled her eyes. "Quit messing with the camera and get over here."

Chris came into view and sat down. They began their little act. Him sipping a coke and her ******** something else. She was telling him about what she wanted him to do around the house. Then.

"I need you to fix some things." She said looking seductively and placed her hand on his leg.

Chris hum-hawed.

"I need you to fix me."

"Huh! What? Fix you."

Sharon began rubbing his leg. "Yes dear, fix me. I haven't had a man in a long time. ... And I need that fixed. ... Can you do that for me? Can you help me with my problem?"

"What ... um ... I don't know ... I uh I"

Sharon caressed his face, "Shhhh. Don't blow a gasket." She whispered as she got close to his face. She kissed him softly and continued in a whisper. "Just relax and do what comes naturally." She kissed him again and again, until he loosened up and they began making out.

'Well, here it is. I'm watching my *** and his ****** (my wife) making love. And, Jesus, I'm getting short of breath, sprouting a hardon and turned on as all hell.'

I emptied my glass and watched as the kissing and holding continued for minutes that seemed like hours. "Jesus Christ! Fuck her already!" I yelled out. It was the ***** talking and I shook my head. 'Oh ****! Get a grip.'

I shut everything down and went outside for fresh air. I needed to clear my head and walked around until the numbness in my face went away. Calmed down and the ***** effects cleared up, I went inside.

This time, I got myself a cup of coffee. As I headed for the computer, I heard noises out front. As I opened the door, Chris was digging around in the shrubs, next to the steps.

"What ya doin, boy?"

Chris jumped up, with a scared-caught look on his face. He didn't know I was home. Acting real nervous, he finally told me he had lost a school project. He thought he might have dropped it leaving the house.

I offered to help look for it and he got even more nervous. Finally, he started backing away, saying he must have left it somewhere else and besides he had a class to get to. 'Yeah, you should be nervous.' I couldn't help but chuckle to myself as I went back to the 'evidence.'

Calmer now, I restarted, M n M. I thought far to much time was spent showing them making out, but then again, this wasn't supposed to be just porn.

Finally, Sharon put his hand on her tit and the intensity of their kissing increased. From there, it only took seconds for Chris to start unbuttoning her blouse. He wasn't fast enough and Sharon helped. With the blouse undone, Sharon quickly shrugged it off.

Chris buried his face between her tits as he kneaded them. Sharon caressed his head for a few seconds and then unhooked her bra. She hugged him briefly then pushed him back to remove her bra.

Chris had a hungry look on his face as his ******' tits came swaying into view. His hands went to them and he again buried his face between them.

Sharon grasped his head and pulled him up into a kiss before guiding his mouth to her nipple. As he began to suck, her head fell back and she moaned.

"Oh yes, Honey, yes. That feels good." Then she moved him to the other one. "Mmmm." She moaned several times. After a couple of minutes, she moaned, "Bite them. Suck hard and bite them."

Chris did. I saw him suck hard, before his lips parted and his teeth clamped her nipple.

"Ahhhh, Yessss!" Sharon moaned loudly and thrust her chest forward.

Chris raised his head, stretching her nipple and pulling her tit into a cone shape. Sharon shivered. Chris opened his mouth and her tit fell back, jiggling. Again he sucked her nipple into his mouth to begin the process again.

He did this many times to both tits and had his ****** gasping, moaning, and wiggling beneath him. Sharon pulled his shirt off and jerked his head back to her tit so he could continue sucking and biting her nipples.

Breathing heavily, she began fumbling with his pants. Finally, with a look of pure lust on her face, she pushed him up. She jerked his pants down, exposing his hard cock. Precum, oozing from the tip.

She moved rapidly. Her hand barely closed around his cock before she licked the tip. A string of precum hung from her tongue to his cock. His cock was in her mouth. She moved so fast, the camera only caught a blur. Her head bobbed as she sucked him, like mad.

With his head back and his eyes closed, his ******' mouth on his cock had him shuddering from the exquisite sensations. 'Oh God, I know that feeling. Woo! Do I ever!' Sharon was sucking her ***' cock like she always does mine, her tits swinging wildly, beneath her. It was really something to watch.

In a couple of minutes, he began pulling his ass back, gasping, "Oh! Oh!"

Sharon knew he was going to cum. So did, I. She put her arm between his legs and grabbed his ass, keeping him from pulling away.

"Oh, God!" He cried out, as he shuddered and jerked. He was cuming.

Sharon was sucking down her ***' cum on video and I came in my pants, watching it. 'Whoa! Damn, I wanted to see it. But, I didn't know, it would make me cum in my pants. **** Fire! What'll watching them fuck, do to me!?' I quickly changed and just as a precaution, put a washcloth in my shorts.

I walked around a bit and damn if I didn't stay as hard as a piece of rebar, just thinking about Chris, fucking his ******. Going back, I just stared at the screen for a minute, before hitting play.

As they kissed, Sharon wiggled out of her skirt. Leaving her clad in garter-belt, hose, heels and my favorite, her lavender panties. She lay back, pulling the skirt off and dropping it. Spreading her legs, she ran her hands down her thighs to her covered pussy. Nothing was said. She lay there inviting him as she continued to rub her hands up and down her thighs.

I expected the boy to go right to it. But, he surprised me by picking up her leg and kissing her ankle. He kissed her around her ankle several times before kissing his way to her pussy. Once again, he didn't just go at it. He kissed, licked and nibbled her covered pussy as she moaned and wiggled.

With a smile, he pulled her soaked panties part way down and said, "I'm going to suck your pussy before I fuck you real hard."

"OoooH, I like tha-at. Go ahead, big boy, show me what ya can do."

Chris removed her panties and once again slowly kissed his way to the prize. Sharon played with her tits. He kissed the bend of her legs, on each side of her pussy several times, before licking right up the middle, from asshole to clit. Rolling her hips, Sharon moaned and shivered.

Watching Chris lick and suck his ******' inner and outer pussylips, had me trembling. Sharon was moaning, shaking and rolling her hips. I moaned along with Sharon as Chris moved up to lick and suck her clit.

Gasping and shaking, Sharon clamped her legs against Chris' head as she had an orgasm.

Chris shifted down a little bit and sucked just below her clit as he darted his tongue in and out of her pussy. Sharon began having rolling orgasms. And, damn, if I didn't feel like I was going to cum again.

Chris didn't let up on his ******, he kept licking, sucking and tongue fucking her flowing pussy.

I lost count of the number of times Sharon clamped her legs together or grabbed his head as she orgasmed.

"Oh ... God ... Please ... I ... can't ... take ... any ... more ... Fuck ... Me ... Please." Sharon gasped each word weakly.

Chris raised his head. His face was soaked. Sharon' cum was dripping from his chin. Smiling, he said, "That's what I've been waiting for. Say it again."

Sharon opened her eyes. "Please, please, I need your cock. Dear God, Please! Fuck Me, Now!"

She grabbed his ears and began pulling him up.

His ass came into view, followed by his balls with his cock sliding between her asscheeks. When his glans came to her still open wet pussy, he pushed forward, sinking completely into his ******.

"Yessss! Oh God, your cock feels hot. Fuck me, like you said. Give it to me, hard."

Chris started, full length strokes. Slamming into her with a soft thud, repeatedly. It was an almost unbelievable sight. Minutes passed and I couldn't imagine how he was keeping up that pace. Then I remembered, he was a distance runner, in high school.

Wham, wham, wham. He repeatedly slammed his cock into his ****** and she was moaning and whimpering with each thrust. Her ass wiggled and bounced until it began jerking around. I knew then, she was having an orgasm, which was also evidenced by the noise she made.

Over and over and over, he brought her to orgasm with his pounding cock. 'God, this is better than any porn, I've ever seen. ****, Fire, he can fuck.'

I noticed Sharon' cum ran down the crack of her ass, to pool up on the couch. 'Yeah, I remember that wet spot. Damn. Da-um. ... That was three weeks ago. Jesus! How long have they been doing this?'

Sharon' hands appeared on his driving ass, she was pulling him. "C'mon baby. Gimme your cum. Let me feel your cum." Chris hit overdrive, slamming into her faster. A blur on the screen. "Yessss, Baby, Yessss. Do it! Do it! Cummmmm!"

Chris slammed into his ******, quivering in place as he came deep in her pussy. He slowed to barely moving as his cock softened. But, Sharon wouldn't let go of her ***' ass. She held him in place, making sure he emptied his balls in her womb. (That, I learned, was the birth of Sharon' fantasy.) 'Holy ****!' I came in my pants again. 'I don't think, I can watch the other one. Not after cuming three times from this one.'

It ended with his soft cock slipping from her pussy. Then, both of her hands came down rubbing and pressing the lips together.

I couldn't watch anymore, not then, anyway. So I copied the cards and put everything in the bag. Then I put the bag, downstairs, in the bottom of my gunsafe.

That evening was ******. I was still reeling from my discovery. Chris was nervously searching for his camera bag. Sharon was discreetly trying to help him find it. There was an undescribable tension in the air.

The next day, I found out one of the rea***s Chris wanted to find that bag. He had a three week evaluation, coming up, for his application to Juilliard and part of his portfolio was in the bag. I had the stuff copied so I looked around the front steps to see if I could slip it out there. There was a space, big enough for the bag to fall through, on the garage side.

I took the bag out, rolled it over into that hole and reached down to tap it so it rolled under the steps. 'That should work.'

That day Chris got his confirmation letter and he needed to catch a flight to New York, in three days. I heard him tell his ****** that it would be useless to go now, since his portfolio was incomplete. "But, Mom! You don't understand! They don't like, 'Halfway.' My work has to be complete!"

I walked in. "What's going on? Did I hear you say, you aren't going? After all the work you've done."

"Dad! You don't understand! They won't take me with an incomplete portfolio! ... And, I've lost part of mine!"

The pain on his face and in his voice, made my knees weak. I made him tell me about this bag. He explained, how he had to put his stuff down on the steps, then pick it up in sequence so he could carry it to school. Only, when he got to school, that bag was missing.

After getting a flashlight and handing it to him, he looked again. He looked in the one place he hadn't looked, because he couldn't remember putting anything down over there. You should have seen the expression on his face, when he spotted the bag.

"Well, now that you found it. Show us what's in it."

Sharon let out a little gasp and the color drained from Chris' face. I thought he was going to faint. He recovered quickly. "Aw, dad, it's just that artsy fartsy stuff you always moan about."

"If that's what it is, I don't see why those schools cost so much." I replied in my 'Dad' way. And, I went on in he house. Then I found out, I was getting an unexpected paid vacation. The insurance company was going to cover our lost wages while repairs were made at work. Now I would be home until Chris left.

Those last few days, Chris was gone most of the time, finishing an abstract film composition. What little time he was home, I made sure the two of them weren't alone for more than a few seconds at a time.

I did, however, spot a few intimate touches, between them. Chris, with his hand on Sharon' ass. Chris' upper arm, brushing across his ******s chest. Sharon' hand on his crotch. I knew the two of them wanted to do something before he left.

The night before we were to take Chris to the airport. Sharon and I went to bed. When my breathing steadied, Sharon slipped out of bed. I watched as she slipped off her panties and tip-toed out the door.

I looked down the hall as Sharon entered his room. I followed. As I looked through the door hinge gap, I saw Sharon standing there, kissing our naked ***.

"Oh, God, Mom! I want to fuck you, soooo bad." He moaned.

Sharon put her fingers to his lips. "Shhhh. That's what I'm here for. Your dad's home, we have to be quiet." They kissed again. "It has to be a quickie ... and you can't cum in me."

"AW, Mom!"


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Sharon' hand quickly covered his mouth. "I can't go back to bed with your dad after you cum in me, now!" They began kissing passionately. Both sets of hands, going everywhere. Sharon pushed away. "Make it quick, and when you're ready, pull out. You can cum in my mouth."

I expected Sharon to lay on the bed. But she didn't, she turned around, bent and put her hands on her knees. Chris pushed his cock down and stepped to his ******. He rubbed his cock around a little and Sharon wiggled her ass. With one hand on her ass, Chris stepped forward, sinking his cock into her.

Sharon moved her hips and moaned, "Mmmmm, Yessss, Baby." As she began fucking his cock, she looked over her shoulder. "Make it fast, baby. And pull out. You can cum in my mouth." Then she moaned again as she lowered her head and increased her movements.

Chris didn't move at first, he caressed her ass with both hands. Moving his hands to his ******' hips and he began pouring it on.

Sharon dropped her head and moaned. "Oh God Yes, baby. Fuck me, fast."

The sound of their slapping together seemed loud. I went back to our bedroom door and I could still hear them. I went back to continue watching my wife and *** fucking. Live, not on the computer. Sharon' hand was in her mouth, I guess to keep herself quiet. Chris' ass was a blur, he was hitting it as fast as he could.

Suddenly, Chris pushed himself back. He was looking up at the ceiling. Sharon spun around and barely got his cockhead in her mouth before he started jerking as he came. Chris had held out to the very last second before pulling out. But, he did pull out, just as his ****** asked.

Sharon released his soft cock from her mouth and stood, slowly. For a split second they looked into each others eyes. Then Sharon wrapped her arms around his neck and they began kissing hungrily.

I hurried back to bed. It seemed like I barely got there, before Sharon returned. She got in bed, lay there for a few seconds then turned against me. Her arm came over me and she snuggled into me.

"Did you like what you saw?" My eyes flew open and my heart fluttered. I barely managed to not move or respond. She kissed my neck. "Answer me." I stirred a little and groaned. She moved her hand down to grab my hard cock. Squeezing it, she said, firmly, "John Calvin Thomas! I know you're not asleep. I saw you. Now answer, me."

I let out a deep sigh before turning to look into her eyes. "Yes and No."


"No, I didn't like seeing you with someone else. Yes, I liked what I saw."

"You didn't like it, but you liked it. You didn't say anything about it being our ***. That didn't bother you?"

I grimaced. "No. That's the part, I liked."

"How long were you watching?" I didn't answer, she squeezed my cock hard. "HOW LONG!"

"I followed you."

"What! Seriously? What made you do that?" Again, I didn't say anything. This time she jerked my cock upward, very hard.

I yelped, "Easy!" And tried to retreat into the bed. She widened her eyes and moved her head as she tightened her grip. "OK! OK! ... I found Chris' bag the other day."

"Oh! My! God! And ... and the videos were in it?"


"But, why did you suspect me and Chris?"

"You two on video."

"WHAT! That little ****! He was supposed to keep those hidden."

"They were hidden. I just happened to find them. In fact, the envelope was marked, 'Very Private.'"

"So, then. You know about me, Chris, Timmy, Jack and Paul."

"Paul! Paul who? There wasn't any Paul."

Sharon climbed up on top of me and kissed me. "We can talk about that later. Right now, I need to know what you are going to do."

"Do? What do you mean?"

"Well, you didn't get violent. You're not going on about divorce. Am I going to have to stop? Can I continue? Or, are you going to join in?"

"Stop, continue, Join in?"

Sharon kissed me again. "Yeah. Join in, honey. I really would like to continue, with you."

It all began running quickly through my mind. Yeah, I wanted her to continue. And, yeah, I wanted to be part of it. And, I wanted her to explain why she would let these boys control her. Plus, that little thought, deep in my mind, about fucking our big titted ********.

My trance was broken by Sharon kissing me again. "You're thinking about it aren't you?"

"Yeah, yeah, I am."

She raised up. "For ... or against?" She asked softly with a questioning look.


She came down on me, hugging and kissing. "I want you to show me what you saw."

"Show you?"

"Yes. Show me what you saw Chris do." I got out of bed and stood in the middle of the room. Sharon got up and came to me. "Why aren't you naked?"

I took off my t-shirt and shorts, Sharon wrapped her arms around my neck and began kissing me.

"I know you heard what was said, as well. So, you have to pull out and cum in my mouth, too." Then she turned around, just like she did for our ***.

What I saw, flashed through my mind and I imagined what our *** felt as he was presented his ******' ass and waiting pussy. My cock grew harder and throbbed. Just as our *** did, I put my hand on her ass as I pushed my cock down and stepped forward. I too, moved my cockhead around before stepping forward and entering her hot wet pussy.

Sharon moaned, just as she did when our *** entered her and began fucking me. I too caressed her ass with my hands, before taking hold of her hips. I paused, letting the feeling of her silky smooth pussy fill my mind as she squirmed.

"Oh God, Honey! Please, Fuck Me!" She blurted out, loudly.

I began slamming into her as hard as I could. Just as our *** had done, a little earlier. Unlike our ***, I had the luxury of being able to take as long as I needed. And if I could, I wanted to fuck her dry.

As we fucked, her whimpers became cries. And those cries got louder and louder. If Chris was awake, I knew he had to hear his ****** being fucked.

I was at the point, when I heard Sharon softly beg. "Dear God! ... Honey, Please ... please Cum!"

I was there and she didn't have to beg for it, but hearing it made me feel great. I stepped back. Sharon came around, grabbed my hips and took my cock completely in her mouth. I erupted so strongly, my breathing stopped and my mind went blank.

When I opened my eyes, Sharon was on her knees, looking up at me with my softening cock in her mouth. She let my soft cock slip from her lips and slowly stood. Wrapping her arms around my neck and touching noses, she paused before kissing me.


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Her tongue entered my mouth and I could taste the tanginess. It's not like I haven't tasted my cum before. Hell, I've eaten her pussy many times after fucking. Not just after. I love eating pussy, before, during and after sex.

The shock of my mouth being filled with it, made me pull back. Trapped, I couldn't get away. I tried to give it back to her, but she blocked me. 'What the hell.' I thought and swallowed it. When I did, Sharon increased the intensity of her kissing.

When Sharon slowed down and finished her kissing, we once again touched noses. "You didn't know, that's what I did to Chris earlier. Did you?"

"No. No, I didn't."

"Don't be mad."

"I'm not mad."

"Well. Now you know what it's like. Oh, I know you've tasted it before. But, now you know what a mouthful, is like."

We went back to bed. Sharon snuggled tightly against me. We lay quietly, for a few minutes.

"How are we going to do this, Honey?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, Chris is terribly afraid of you finding out. That's why he's been so nervous around you. Especially since starting his film project."

A really perverted idea entered my head. I whispered it in her ear.

"Oh My God! Really! You'd do that!?"

"Yeah, I'd like to."

"Fuck Yeah, then! Let's do it! It'll completely blow him away."

The next morning, I remained semi-hard just thinking about what we were going to do. Sharon and I fixed breakfast as Chris packed and repacked again. At breakfast Chris went on and on about Juilliard and how he would graduate with two degrees, instead of one.

The time arrived for the trip to the airport and the beginning of my idea. Sharon remained inside while Chris and I loaded the car. When she came out, she was wearing her night-on-the-town halter-top, mid-thigh dress and spike high-heels.

Our ***' eyes bugged out and his jaw dropped. Sharon gave a slight wiggle, accentuating the fact that she was braless. Chris shivered as she sashayed past us and got in the backseat. I knew he'd want to sit in the back, so he could lean over and look down her dress.

He closed his eyes and shook his head, before reaching for the front door. I stopped him and pushed him back as I opened the back door. "Your Mom wants you to sit with her." I said smiling.

Chris leaned down and started getting in. Suddenly, he yelled out, "Mom! Oh ****!" Straightening up he smacked his head as he came back out of the car. He had a bewildered, wide-eyed look.

I grabbed his arm. "Take it easy, boy. Your Mom wants to give you a special, Good Bye." I winked. "Now, go ahead. Enjoy it." Then I helped him back in. I saw why he jumped. Sharon had pulled her halter top aside, exposing her tits. Smiling, I took my position as chauffeur.

I turned around to see as I backed out of the driveway. Looking at Chris, I said, "You and your ****** have until we get to the airport, to say goodbye." It would be over an hour. Sharon smiled and put his hand on her tit, then turned his face to kiss him.

As I drove down the street, I adjusted the rearview mirror so I could see. Sharon already had his cock out, stroking and kissing it. She winked and mouthed, "Thank You," before putting it in her mouth.

A couple of blocks down the street, Sharon' knee stuck up in the air. I twisted the mirror to see Chris' hand rubbing her pantyless exposed pussy. His head was laid back and his eyes were closed.

Before we reached the freeway, Sharon was on top of him, facing away. I imagined him sucking her tits as she bounced up and down. But, I couldn't see anything. Her dress was in the way. Finally, Chris pulled her dress up, to hold her ass. I could see her pussy pull out along his cock, as she bounced up and down.

****, it's hard to drive and watch two people fuck through the rear view mirror. I heard her moans and whimpers getting louder, until she pushed down on him and trembled. I don't know if Chris came or not, but Sharon sure as hell did.

When I looked again, Sharon was sucking his cock again. I noticed a car staying beside us. Moving the mirror, I saw Sharon' bare ass in the air. Chris must have been playing with her pussy, cause I could see something moving. The car next to us, had a clear view.

The car didn't come on around until Sharon dropped her ass. As it did, I looked to see a woman, smiling and giving me a thumbs up.

Sharon again straddled her ***. Only this time she was facing me. Her tits were flying up and down as he held her waist. And this time I could fully see his cock going in and out of her pussy. Pulling the lips out and rolling them back in on each bounce.

Sharon gasped out, "I love you, for this. Thank You J C." J C, my initials, that's what she calls me when she's pleased.

Chris had his ****** lay on the seat, so he could eat pussy. I couldn't see a lot, because her leg kept getting in the way. What I did see of him licking his ******' pussy and sucking it into his mouth, was an absolute turn-on.

The airport sign came up. "Better finish saying Goodbye, we're almost there."

"Which do you want, Baby? Pussy or mouth?"

"Your pussy, Mom. God, you know I want to cum in your pussy." He said almost pleading.

"It's a good thing, I put panties in my purse. Otherwise, the people at the airport would see your cum, running down my legs." She chuckled. "Get your cock in there and fill me up."

Chris started to get on top of her, but she said, "Wait! We need to turn sideways, so your ****** can see."

Sharon moved and Chris took his place. I had a perfect view as he buried his cock in his ******' pussy. "Fuck me hard, Baby. Fill mommy with boy cum."

I was swerving more, watching them finish. Hell, I swerved a lot during that drive. Chris pounded away into his ******' pussy, bringing her to almost screaming. We were almost to the parking lot before he came.

"Oh, Yessss. That's it, cum in mommy." Sharon moaned loudly as Chris emptied his balls. I thought I was going to cum in my pants, when I heard her.

We were at the gate. It's a good thing a machine dispenses the ticket. An attendant would have seen them.

As Chris pulled out, Sharon said, "Let me suck you clean, Baby." My view was blocked by him going up against the car roof.

Sharon put her panties on and straightened herself up, before we went in the airport. I had another nasty idea and retrieved her emergency panties from the glovebox.

In the airport, I kissed Sharon and whispered, "Put these on and give Chris the pair you're wearing," as I put the clean panties in her hand.

Sharon glanced at them and smiled real big, before hurrying off to the bathroom. Just before Chris entered the security check, Sharon hugged and kissed him. Then she took his hand and gave him the panties.

"Here's a souvenir of our saying goodbye." She said in her sexiest voice.

Chris looked at the panties and his face lit up as he smiled from ear to ear. Then he hugged me harder than ever. "Thanks Dad. You're the greatest." He walked away.

Sharon and I hung around and watched the plane take off. As it did, she caressed my face, kissed me and whispered, "Having his baby, is next."


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"What'd you do?"

"They were in the throws of passion. Close to finishing. I backed out and went to Sherry' room, to wait for her. We had a very long, emotional talk. And she confessed something that had me upset for a while."

" They began with oral sex, progressed to intercourse." Sharon chuckled. "Sherry blames her big tits on Chris."

"What? How does she figure that?"

"Chris was constantly sucking them. For hours and all night a few times. He sucked them so much, he had her producing milk and that scared the hell out of her. She made him stop until they dried up. Even now, if her boyfriends suck them much, the milk starts flowing. So, she's really careful about it."

My mouth watered as I thought of sucking my ********' 'Dolly Parton' tits. All I know is, my ******** has bigger tits than anyone in the family. Really big, for her size, and she doesn't like showing them. In fact, except at home, she dresses to de-emphasize and hide them.

"What did she upset you with."

"Her secret was what changed my mind about having sex with Chris."

And, What ... was ... this ... secret?"

"This is how it went. At the end of our talk she said there was something she would tell me when she left for school. I was on pins and needles, thinking she was going to tell me Chris got her pregnant and she had an abortion, or something."

"That ... wasn't it, was it?"

"No. That wasn't it. Here's what she said, word for word, 'I'm fucking Chris, instead of Daddy. And, some day, I'm going to.' Then she walked out and left for school. I was dumbfounded and dropped in disbelief."

Sharon told me how that bothered her at first and made her own bad thoughts grow. That was also when Chris' film class intensified. He looked worried all the time and acted sullen. She said she tried to talk to him about it, but he wouldn't tell her anything. That is, until she sat him down and demanded an explanation.

He slipped past her and rushed out of the room. Sharon decided to go after him and they ran into each other in the doorway. Chris had only ran to get his class assignments, to show her.

"This is why I'm going to end up failing." He said as he shoved the papers into her chest.

Sharon said the top paper had a big red zero on it. She couldn't understand it because all of his grades were 3.5 to 4.0 and she said, "How? How in the world did you get a zero?"

She said he was almost crying when he said, "Those are my assignments, Mom. Read them! I don't have any way to do them."

Sharon said the very first sentence said, 'No subjects under the age of thirty allowed.' She asked him what that meant and he answered, "Just read them, Mom, and you'll see." He sounded so pitiful she almost hugged him.

Sharon began reading. 'Mature woman posing - work, home, about town. Mature woman dressing - different outfits. Mature woman undressing - different outfits.' Then she said, her eyes got big, as she read, "Mature woman - exposed."

She said she asked Chris, "What does this mean, exposed?"

His reply was, "Exposed! You know, exposed. Nude! No clothes. Au natural. That's not all, Mom. Read the rest. I don't know how ... or anyone ... to do those. I'm sunk."

She continued reading, 'mature woman - exposed in public.' Sharon asked if that meant flashing or walking around nude. Chris told her flashing would do as long as it was in a public place.

Her stomach sank and churned as she read the next page. 'Mature woman, young man/. Mature woman teasing, young man/. Mature woman, touchy feely - making out, young man/.' She said she thought, 'This is just too much!'

The third page. 'Mature woman, young man/ - sex.' She said her heart began pounding and she wondered how they could require such a thing for a university class. Chris explained, "It is photographic art and that is the class title."

Sharon continued reading, 'mature woman, young man/ - oral - her/him - him /her - 69.'

Chris could tell from the expression on her face how she felt and he said, "You see, Mom. How the hell am I supposed to do that? I don't know how ... or who ... to talk to about that."

"Well, um, maybe I can help." Sharon said she told him.

She said, Chris replied, "You better read the last one, Mom. You better read the last one. I don't see how you can help."

She read on, 'mature woman, young man/ - intercourse - various positions, various places - explore the aspects of love, control and ***** (*****: relating to bondage and degradation) The final sentence was in big bold type, 'REMEMBER - DO ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WITHOUT 'SIGNED FULL CONSENT/DISCLOSURE FORMS' AND PROOF OF AGE'

Sharon said she hugged him and told him to let her see what she could do. Next came her confession.

"Honey, I had already had fantasies about our ***. And, at that moment, I knew I would go to bed with him." That reverberated through me.

Sharon said, she thought about the opportunity, handed her. She wanted their experience to be out of love not something he had to do for his degree. There was only one answer, of course. She was going to be, the mature woman, for Chris. There would have to be another young man, first. To draw Chris in, she would have to turn him on, watching her with someone else. Her first thought, not what happened.

Sharon said she waited a couple of days before telling Chris, since she couldn't find anyone, she'd do it.

She said Chris just stood there looking at her for a long time, before he said, "Are you sure, Mom?" She replied, "I'm sure, Honey." He immediately said, "It means, you're gonna have to get naked. And ... and have sex. Sex with someone, not dad."

Sharon said, she hugged him and whispered, "Don't think about that. I'm doing it for you. I'm doing it. For you."

Chris was hung up on the sex part and Sharon had to bring him back to his assignments. As she posed for him dressed, in stages of dress, flashing and finally nude, they talked. She said that during the flashing and nude shoots, she commented about him being turned on by his ******.

"Oh, Honey! He got so embarrassed. After a nude shoot, I walked up to him from behind, and put my arms around him. As I slid my hand down to his bulge, I whispered, 'Are you thinking about me? Huh?' He began trembling and said, he wasn't. As I squeezed his cock, I whispered sexily, 'This says different.'"

She said she moved around in front of him and kissed him, ready to give her *** a blowjob. Her hand once again went to his hard cock as she asked him, "Do you want me to take care of this? Hmmmm? I want to, but you have to say so." She was rubbing his hardon. "Seeing me, exposed, has made you horny for momma, hasn't it? Tell me, do you want mommy to suck your cock?"

She said he began shaking and she thought he might be cuming in his pants. He quit shaking and cleared his throat. He mumbled, barely audible, "Would you? Really? God, Yes! I want you!"

She kissed him and said, "I want you too, baby. But, I'm just going to suck your cock. Okay. I want to feel it in my mouth and taste your cum." As she slid down in front of him and undid his pants, he was shaking again.

His freed cock was oozing and the end was coated in pre-cum. It was evident that he had been on the verge of release. Stroking his cock and looking up at him Sharon smiled. Chris trembled and gasped when she stuck out her tongue and licked the end of his cock. She wondered what would happen when she put it in her mouth. 'Would he cum immediately?'

Keeping eye contact, she stuck out her tongue and opened her mouth. His cock slid up her tongue to her parted lips. As her lips closed around his cock head, his legs trembled and he moaned loudly. " Oh God, Mom!" But he didn't cum, he just shook and almost hyperventilated.

Sharon moved her lips tightly down his cock. Chris shook and repeatedly said, " Oh God." She had barely been sucking his cock for a minute before he erupted, filling her mouth with a massive load of sperm. " Oh Jesus! ****! Is this real? Did you really!?" Chris was still shaking as Sharon stood and hugged him.

Chris was completely blown away. His ****** had just given him a blow job in the living room. And the best part, was that he came in her mouth. Not on her chest like a girlfriend made him do.

Sharon made Chris go take care of his editing as she cleaned up, before I got home. He stayed in his room all evening. She figured, he was so nervous about what happened that afternoon, he couldn't face me.

A few days later, Chris got his grades for the latest work. He received a 3.9 and four 4.0 grades plus a 4.0 bonus. He said his professor really liked his model and wanted to meet her. Sharon liked his compliment and appreciation.

They talked about the next phase, 'sex with a younger man.' Who would it be? It couldn't be Chris, because he had to take the pictures and movie. They settled on Jack and would talk to him about it when that part of the assignment came up. First came them together, them kissing and touching, her flashing him and them nude.

Jack agreed after talking to Chris first and then Sharon. As things progressed, Sharon couldn't stand the idea of having sex with Jack before Chris. So, she decided to delay the shoot with Jack. I was going to be gone overnight and she decided to fuck Chris then.

Sharon said that when I left that morning, she knew they would have until five o'clock the next day. Her plan was to keep herself worked up for sex all day as Chris was at his classes. She would be dressed sexily, but not whorish, when he got home.

She prepared a nice meal and talked about how much she liked posing for him. Admitting it was hard at first, but once she got into it, it turned her on immensely. Chris asked her about that and she told him, "Because it's for you and I love the way you look at me."

Chris became a little embarrassed, but perked up when She told him she wanted him to take some pictures. By now all she had to do was act naturally as Chris clicked away with the camera. Chris didn't give instructions until she started flashing.

She noticed he wasn't photographing her, but her body parts. Knowing by the angle of the camera and how close he got.

Things were going as she wanted and she was excited. It was time for nudity and she told Chris, he had to remove an article of clothing each time she did. He looked surprised and then asked, "Are you serious?"

Her reply was, "Why yes, turn-a-bout is fair play." He became nervous and she quickly added, "Your ****** won't be back until tomorrow afternoon." She said she could see the wheels turning.

Then she said, he said, real low, "Well, uh, OK. I guess. Um, blouse first."

She began unbuttoning her blouse as he took pictures. When it was unbuttoned, she stopped and didn't move. A silent minute passed until he said, "Why'd ya stop?"

"Your turn." Sharon replied. "Article for article, remember."

Chris unbuttoned and removed his shirt. Sharon smiled, then opened her blouse, exposing her lace cup quarter-bra. Her nipples already hard and protruding. Slowly, she slipped it from her shoulders. Several pictures, standing, sitting, couch, chair, window.

The skirt was next. Sharon unzipped and said, "Well." Chris kicked his shoes off. Sharon said, "Uh, uh." Chris replied, "They're clothes." She shot back, "Not for this."

Chris unzipped his pants and stopped, looking at her. Sharon pushed the skirt down a little. Chris pushed his pants down a little. She thought, 'The little ***** playing games with me.'

She wiggled. He wiggled and smiled real big. She dropped her skirt. He dropped his pants.

Sharon moved around so he could take pictures. Couch, chair, doorway, window, coffee table, floor. Chris followed, barely able to walk, with his pants around his feet. Finally, she stopped moving, long enough for him to remove his pants.

Wanting to build him up, she went to him. She paused briefly and looked him in the eyes, before wrapping her arms around his neck for a kiss. Slowly, his arms went around her. She made sure he felt her hunger, before she broke the kiss and returned to the couch.

Unhooking her bra, she cocked her head and looked at him. His t-shirt was off in a flash. Sharon settled back and took the bra off. Pausing, she let him take several pictures, before cupping her tits in her hands.

She said, sexily, "You like mommy' titties, don't you? ... Why don't you come and suck on them, so the nipples 'll stick out for your pictures." She said he had a look of hard lust as he moved toward the couch.

When he got to the couch, he knelt, placed his hands on each side of her and stared at her tits. She leaned forward and as she kissed his forehead, put his hands on her tits. He went after them like they were the only ones on earth.

She held and kissed his head before saying, "Slow down, Baby. You'll have them again. They aren't going anywhere." He slowed down. Still sucking greedily, he began moaning. She understood that her *** got off on nursing. That explained why he sucked his sister' tits, like she said he did.


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More than stimulated enough, her juices flowing between her legs, she pushed him up. He had a bewildered expression on his face. Sharon told him, "Take the pictures to show what you've done."

Grabbing the camera, he clicked away, in closeup, to capture her red, swollen wet nipples. Slowly, he backed away to get all of her again. That is, until he noticed the wet spot on her panties. She said he was almost panting as he zoomed in, between her legs.

Hell, sitting there listening to her tell the story, had me turned on as much as watching them. No, ****, MORE. I had a hardon that was bent double in the confines of my pants. Shifting, I tried to relieve some of the pressure.

Sharon saw me and put her hand on my thigh. Moving her hand up between my legs she softly asked, "Something wrong?"

"It's bent."

"And, Hard." She moved her hand up and pushed it into my pants. "Pull over, someplace."

"Pull Over?"

"Yes. Pull ... Over ... And ... Fuck ... Me!" I looked at her and she had a mischievous look. "I want you to fuck me, with our ***' cum in my pussy. So, pull over." She had a hold of my cock and squeezed to emphasize, 'pull over.'

I took the exit and luckily there was a little road, lined with bushes. I headed for it as Sharon undid my pants. When I got stopped, she opened the car door and turned sideways, saying, "Get around here!"

Man! I haven't seen her like this, since we dated, years ago. I was like a dog going after a bitch in heat. My brain was in my cock and being drawn to a dripping pussy. '****, what have I become? What have we ...' My thought was broken by Sharon saying, "God, JC! I can't believe what I've become."

I stopped thrusting and looked down at her. "Don't stop, Honey, Please! Finish fucking me." I picked it up again, knowing that I wouldn't last long. I had almost came in my pants, twice, watching them on the way to the airport. Then her story was turning me on. My release built quickly and I thrust hard as it shot into her.

"Oh God, Yes! My husband ... and *** ... both in me." She was gasping. Slowly she calmed down. Still in her and shrinking her pussy squeezed my cock. "JC what have I become? I'm married. Teenage ********. PTO. I teach Sunday school. And ... and ... and I'm fucking three teenage boys. One is my ***."

It was like she was having a battle in her mind.

"Heaven help me, I Love It. I Love You! I don't want it to stop, Honey. ... I don't ... want it ... to stop." The pleading sincerity in her voice ********** the fact that I wanted it too. Then she did something, she hasn't done in a while. She pushed me back and cleaned my cock, with her mouth. "Mmmm, mmmm, yes. I can taste you both." She said as her tongue circled her lips.

I dropped to my knees, hugged and kissed her. I was as drawn into this as she was. Getting through this, with her, was all I wanted. We stayed like that for a couple of minutes, until a car honked. A cop stopped to see if we had car trouble. I don't know, how long he'd been there.

"I'm sorry, officer. It's my fault. I just had to have my husband."

He nodded his head and smiled. "Be careful folks. ... Some people aren't as understanding as I am." We got in the car and he watched, smiling, as we left.

We sat in silence for a few minutes as I drove slowly. Sharon put her hand on my thigh and softly asked, "Want me to continue?" In a daze, I didn't respond, but I heard her. She squeezed my thigh. "Well?"

I looked at her, "Huh?"

"Do you want to hear more?" 'Hell Yes! I want to hear everything!'

"Uh, yeah."

"You sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure. Talk."

"Where was I?" We both thought for a minute. But, I'm sure she knew right where she left off.

"Uh, Chris was taking pictures after sucking your tits." Out of the corner of my eye, I saw her smile. She was testing me.

"Yes, well. I began moving around the house, posing. Making sure he could get shots of both my tits and pussy. When I sat back down on the couch, I rubbed myself. Then I asked him, 'Don't you think it would look better, glistening wet?' He almost dropped the camera."

"I bet. I'd drop the damn thing too."

"Then I said, 'I think you should do to my pussy what you did to my nipples.' The camera came out of his hands, but he caught it before it hit the floor. I could see the hunger in his face as he licked his lips."

She said, half moaning, he said, "Really Mom, Really! You want me to do that?"

Sharon said she rubbed herself and scooted to the edge as she said, "Yes, Baby, I want you to do that. Mommy wants your mouth on her pussy. You have to get it ready."

Chris dropped to his knees and she knew from the expression on his face, he finally understood, he was going to fuck his ******. He crawled over and looked her in the eyes. She smiled and he closed his eyes as he kissed her between the legs.

Sharon said he kissed and sucked every inch of her pussy as hungrily as he had her tits. Giving her rolling orgasms. His lustful hunger left five hickeys on her pussy. When she couldn't take it anymore, she grabbed his head and pulled him up.

She said she kissed him passionately before licking her cum from his face. While she did so, she could feel his cock touching her pussy. "Time to fuck me, if you want to, Baby." His eyes got big and he flinched. "Go ahead, Chris. Push your cock in my pussy and fuck me, like you want to."

He kissed her hungrily and pushed his cock in at the same time. She was so wet and ready, there wasn't any resistance. When he bottomed out, he moaned out loudly, "Oh God, Mom. Mom! Oh Mom ... I Love You!"

She didn't know it at the time, but she was his first. He had been jerked off and sucked by girls. But, his ******' pussy was his first. Sharon chuckled, "Ya know, it's funny. I gave him birth and fucked him first."

He didn't move, except for shaking. Sharon discovered that was how he kept from cuming. He was concentrating and letting his body shake.

"Mmmm, you feel good, Baby. Do you like being back where you came from? I li ... Love it!" She whispered in his ear.

As Chris began moving his ass up and down, he moaned, "God! It's so warm and soft."

"Yes, Baby. And you're so hard and hot." She whispered back.

Sharon didn't know how long he'd last. She hoped he'd give her a good fucking, but she wasn't sure. A slight disappointment ran through her, when she felt him cuming, after a few short minutes. She wanted it to last. But, Chris didn't stop thrusting his cock into her. He kept going as he kissed and sucked her neck.

Sharon began fucking him back and had rolling orgasms. 'I'm fucking my ***. ... Oh, God, I'm fucking Chris! And, his cock feels so-o good.' She repeatedly thought as he kept pistoning into her.

Then she startled me. Squeezing my thigh she said, "Honey, that first time with Chris gave me the strongest orgasm, I ever had." She just went right on with her story.

"I felt him cum again and I went into a hard shaking orgasm. But, he didn't stop! He kept going and the sound of him fucking me was sloppy wet and loud. My orgasms got stronger and stronger, making me light headed."

Sharon squeezed my leg and was breathing hard. Remembering and telling me about her first time with our ***, was turning her on.

"My body began to tingle and shake. A big one was coming. I was loudly moaning, 'Oh, God, Chris! Please! Please!' Over and over. My mind wanted him to finish and let me stop having orgasms. As my last orgasm began to peak, Chris slammed into me, hard, as he came. I guess his body couldn't take any more either. I passed out from pleasure. We both passed out."

There was a pause and Sharon shivered. "You just got off thinking about it, didn't you?"

I glanced at her and she was looking down as she meekly answered, "Yes."

Taking a deep breath, she said, "John, I don't understand this. I just wanted to help Chris. I knew I had to have sex with someone else. I had to cheat on you, to help our ***. That little fantasy took over and I fucked my ***. From that point on, I wanted it all."

There was a long, tense pause. "You're not saying anything." She began to cry. "I don't want to lose you, Honey. I Love You!"

I put my arm around her and pulled the car over. Hugging her and kissing the top of her head, I said, "I Love You! And, I'm not going anywhere."

We sat and hugged for a few minutes, until Sharon said, "Get us home."


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The rest of the drive was in silence, holding each other. At the house, Sharon wouldn't let go of me to get out of the car. It was arms around each other into the house.

I tried stopping at the couch. Sharon kept us moving. Through the bedroom and into the bathroom. Sharon removed my clothes, then hers and pulled me into the shower. Hell, I always have liked showering together.

We washed each other with lots of kissing and hugging. We dried each other, and yeah, I always like that too. I went to get dressed and Sharon said, "Let's stay in our towels." With a sexy smile.

"What else do you want to know?" She said as we went down the hall. "I can talk as we fix something to eat."

"I want to know all of it. I want to know how those boys are making you have sex."

"They're not making me, Honey. That's for the assignments."

"Well, I believed it."

"Thank You. I guess. Hmmmm, I guess, I need to finish telling about our ***, Huh."

"Yeah, You do."

"Well, let's see. Oh, yeah. Chris was blown away by what we did. I took him to the shower and as we cleaned up, I told him we would continue, but it would have to be discrete. He didn't understand, at first. I explained the conditions and then he settled down.

After the shower, she asked him, "What do you want me to wear?"

"Could you just wear garter belt, hose and heels?" He replied.

She smiled and said, "I want you naked." Then she put on a set.

They small talked for a while as Chris took a few more pictures. After a while, they decided on a movie. But, not just any movie, Sharon got one of my hidden X-rated. Frequently, kissing and fondling each other.

Chris got it through his head that his ****** was letting him do whatever he wanted. He spent a lot of time sucking her tits as she cradled him in her arms. Sharon said as he suckled, she remembered him as a baby. After a while, she remembered what Sherry said about him sucking hers until she ******** and she made him stop. She didn't want to have to explain why she was producing milk.

She said Chris was hell bent on sucking something and moved between her legs. She already had hickeys there and he gave her hickeys, hickeys. She said that after that night, her pussy was so bruised looking from Chris sucking it and maybe the pounding he gave it with his cock, she was worried for a while.

"J C, He sucks my pussy until I can't take anymore and pass out. Not just my pussy but my tits too. I honestly have to make him stop."

I smiled to the thought and image of that, in my head.

Then Chris started fucking her. All night and all the next day, it was fuck, rest a while and fuck again. She was absolutely amazed at how his cock kept getting hard. Her pussy was hurting by the time I came home and she was wondering what kind of demon she had stirred up.

She said she barely had time to clean up and get dressed, before I walked in the door. I remembered, Chris barely said, 'Hi,' before disappearing into his room.

About an hour after supper, I went to bed. She said, Chris came to her wanting more, and ended up fucking her four more times as I slept. Sharon told him, that, could never happen again. Not with me at home and the only reason she let him, was because she saw me take a pill.

She was so sore, she had to delay the shoot with Jack for two days. She wouldn't let Chris fuck her, but she sucked him off, several times.

The shoot had to be done. Chris would barely have time to edit things before turning it in. Sharon was nervous about having sex with him. And, Jack was nervous about having sex with his best friends ******, as he watched. A woman he'd known since the first grade, even if he was nineteen.

Everything went fine, until the moment of penetration. Jack froze. Sharon had to get him in. She grabbed his hard shaft and balls as she started moving her pussy on his glans. His eyes were great big and he remained unmoving until her hot pussy slid down his shaft.

She said Jack closed his eyes let out a big sigh and moaned. Sharon found out after, that she was his first as well. In fact, she was the first female to see or touch his genitals, in any way.

Once Jack got going, he was like the energizer bunny, he just kept going and going. Position after position, he pounded away at her pussy. Kissing, biting, feeling her entire body. After over twenty minutes, she was on her back. Spreading her legs wide, she reached around and fondled his balls.

Jack thrust hard, grunted, and unloaded deep in her womb. Sharon said she could feel his cock throb and the ***** of a half dozen spurts of sperm. Then he began shaking wildly and collapsed on top of her.

Jack got real nervous and quickly left. She barely wiped herself off before Chris was between her legs, licking away. He got her off again before crawling up to give her a hard fucking. That's the way it went, from then on. After she fucked one of the others, Chris would fuck her, long and hard. She got to where she wouldn't clean up, she'd just spread her legs and wait for Chris.

Chris was getting pushy and trying things, even with me in the house. Sharon said, one day, she grabbed him by the ear and marched him into the bathroom. "Enough, young man! I am happily married, and want to stay that way. When your ****** is in the house, you respect that and stop groping me! Besides, It's not like we're not doing anything." Then she walked out and Chris sulked for a couple of days.

The next shoot with Jack, he was more relaxed. He even ate pussy and got her off, several times. And, he fucked her three times, really getting into it. That's when he first started saying Mrs. Thomas, during the shoots. Chris picked up on it and developed an idea for a situational theme shoot.

The third time with Jack, was the suck me off like you promised video. I said I'd seen it and Sharon went on.

The fourth time with Jack, Sharon was nervous because it involved bondage. It was about an older woman, tied up and blindfolded by her young lover. "I really don't know about doing something like that. I mean. What if your ****** comes home and finds me like that?" She asked Chris.

They put it off for one of my out-of-town inspection days. Again cutting it close, for Chris, to get it turned in, for review and grading. They talked about the idea of Jack calling Sharon, Mrs. Thomas, and being *****ful. That would lead to him tying her up and blindfolding her before they fucked. Sharon knew Chris wouldn't allow her to be hurt. Still, she insisted on having a couple of ******, first.

The following is a transcript and description, of that video. My shock, was recognizing the narrators voice. It was our ********, Sherry. 'They're all in it but me. I'm the odd man out.'


"Wow! You look great, Mrs. Thomas." Jack said, as Sharon answered the door.

"Why, Thank You." She said smiling.

As they turned toward the living room, Jack fondled her ass.

"Ja-ck! Be good, now." She yelped.

"I'm always good, Mrs. Thomas. You know that." He said as he continued to touch her.

She turned to face him. "What's in the bag?"

"Something for later. You'll like it. I know, I will."

She cocked her head as she looked at him. He quickly kissed her. She let him but didn't kiss back. She turned and walked on in to the living room.

(She hesitated, hoping he'd sit and she could sit elsewhere to delay the inevitable.) He nudged her backward with his thigh. Having no choice, she plopped on the couch. He sat against her.

(Trying to distract him, she leaned forward to get the TV remote. His hand touched her lower back, sending a wave of excitement through her. She didn't understand, why she let this happen. Why, she let her ***' best friend control her like he did. She loved it and wished he would make it slow and passionate, some of the time.)

As she sat back, his hand came around and cupped her tit. "Jack, Honey. Please! Can't you slow down? We have plenty of time." (Her verbal surrender, letting him know, she wanted it too.)

(Jack wanted it his way, not hers. To him, she was his. He was going to do what he wanted.) He began kissing her neck. As he licked up her neck and kissed her ear, he began unbuttoning her blouse.

"I like your perfume, Mrs. Thomas. Make sure you wear it more." He said as his hand went in her blouse, under her bra to her tit. Kissing her, he squeezed her soft pliant flesh hard, causing her to moan and try to retreat.

She reached for his head. (Thinking maybe she could slow him down, with kissing. He wasn't going to be slowed down. He wanted to do something and there was no stopping him. After all, she was his. He's fucked her many times since that, reward blowjob.)

He pulled away. "Get your clothes off, Mrs. Thomas. Get 'em off, now." He growled, while pulling his shirt off.

She lowered her eyes and resigned herself to it, with a sigh. (No matter what she wants, it is going to be his way. And she thought, 'I can't help myself. I love him treating me this way.')

(Naked, she stood before him, her moist pussy tingling in anticipation. She knew he would give her a hard fucking, with his young cock.) Taking something from the bag, he stood. She couldn't see it. Pinning her arms to her sides, his arms went around her, pulling her tightly against him.

He kissed her, *****fully, hungrily and ****** her arms behind her back. (She felt something slip up her arms and tighten, drawing them together.) "Jack! What are you doing!" She exclaimed while struggling to free her arms. "Don't do this! Honey, Please! Don't do this!"

He kissed her, to shut her up. (She knew, he was going to do what he wanted.)

Playing with her tit, he whispered in her ear. "I'm going to blindfold you and tie you to that table. So I can take my time fucking your mouth and pussy. I'll leave you like that, if you give me any more ****."

(As his words sunk in, she realized the futility of resistance. Besides, she wanted it. She wanted everything Jack did to her.)

He pulled the blindfold out of the bag. As he put it over her eyes, he asked, "You don't want me to leave you for your family to find, do you?"

(The thought of that, raced through her mind, causing her stomach to churn.) "No. Please! Do anything you want."

Sitting her on the table, he tied her legs. Then he freed her arms, laid her down and retied her arms to the table. He jerked her forward, so that her head fell from the table and looped a rope over her neck, to keep her from moving.

He paused briefly to kiss her as he mauled her tits. Pinching and pulling her nipples, causing her to cry out through the kisses.

He moved around, freed her legs to raise them up and tie her thighs and calves together. Then he tied them down. Opening her up like a clam.

(Helpless now, she wanted his cock. Her pussy flowed as she licked her lips.)

"Fuck Me." She moaned. He slapped her pussy. "Oh God, Please Jack. Baby. Fuck me hard."

He rubbed her mound with his hand as he moved forward and touched his cock to her pussy.

She rolled her head and moaned, "Yes! Oh Yes, Baby. Fuck, your slut."

With a scowl on his face, he shoved his cock into her. She yelled out, "AaaaH!" And he began slamming his cock into her as hard as he could.

"How's that, huh? Like ... that ... do ... you?" Saying a word on each ****** thrust.

She moaned and rolled her head around. (Yes! You stupid boy! She thought. I love it! Why else do you think, I let you control me!)

He was breathing hard and sweating from his exertion and slowed to a stop. But, not before she had a body shaking orgasm. Pulling his cock from her pussy, he walked around and shoved it in her mouth. Licking and sucking, she willingly accepted it.

(Yes, Yes, feed me your cock. Let me taste my pussy on it.)

Satisfied, he stepped back, taking her treat away. Her lips and tongue searching for it.

"Whew, Mrs. Thomas. I thought you wuz gonna get me off there for a sec'n. I'll cum when I'm ready, Mrs. Thomas. Mouth, pussy or both. When I'm ready." And he walked away.

Licking her lips, she squirmed a little.

(She wanted his young hard cock and would do anything to have him ravage her. God, I wish he'd come back and fuck me!)

Jack came back and began wiping his soft cock across her face. She opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue, knowing not to do anything more, unless he said so. Reaching for her tits, he gently played with them and said, "Catch it, Mrs. Thomas. Get my cock in your mouth." He twisted her nipples between his thumbs and forefingers as she did so.

She did her best to bring him to full hardness as he played with her tits. (Moaning and getting into it she thought he might fill her mouth with his first load.)

Jack abruptly stepped back, grabbed and squeezed his cock. (She had obviously brought him to the brink. But, he wanted her pussy. He loved cuming in this woman, he's known most of his life.)

Walking around, he rubbed his cockhead up and down her pussy. She moaned and wiggled.

"Please, quit teasing and Fuck Me!" She begged, rolling her head from side to side.

Jack was doing what he wanted, not what she wanted. "When I'm ready, Mrs. Thomas. When I'm ready." His voice, firm but soft.

He took his time working the head of his cock into her. When she felt her pussy slip over the flange she squeezed his cock. "That's it, Mrs. Thomas. Work your pussy."

(He didn't have to tell her to. It was automatic, for her pussy to try and hold on to a cock.)

When she began moaning, he pushed into her. She gasped and moaned out, "Yessss! Oh God, finally." Even though restrained, she tried fucking him. He smiled and began slow thrusts.

Her breathing became more rapid and her moans got louder.

[This is where Chris and Jack got a surprise interruption. No one had locked the front door. Timmy was standing in the doorway. His mouth open and his eyes bugged out from seeing Sharon tied up while Jack fucked her and Chris filming it.

He had seen Jack coming over and decided to see what was going on. Timmy didn't need to knock at our house, he was like family. Hell, we've known him since he was born, being one week older than Chris.

Chris kept the camera going and went to talk to Timmy.


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Jack had stopped, frozen by being caught. Sharon moaned out loudly, "Don't stop baby! Please keep fucking me!" Jack' cock deflated.

Sharon didn't know what was happening and she kept begging. "Please baby, please. Don't stop. I need your cock, Baby. PLEASE!"

A hand motioned Jack to continue and he moved slowly. Then the camera circled again, going around beside Jack, to look up to Sharon' head. Timmy came into view. Again the hand motioned. Timmy unzipped his pants.

As Timmy pulled his cock out, Jack apprehensively said, "Got a surprise for ya, Mrs. Thomas."

Again the hand came out and Timmy touched his now erect cock to Sharon' mouth. She gasped and flinched. Then she opened her mouth, thinking it was Chris. The hand again and Timmy moved forward, sinking half his cock in Sharon' mouth.

Sharon isn't stupid. It didn't take her long to figure out the cock in her mouth, didn't belong to her ***. She liked being plugged at both ends and went with it for the enjoyment.

Most of this was edited out.]

The movie picked back up with, "Got a surprise for ya, Mrs. Thomas." And Timmy' cock entering her mouth.

She sucked it, like she knew who it was.

"Ya don't care whose cock is in your mouth, do ya, Mrs. Thomas?" Jack said as he continued slowly fucking her.

"No." She mumbled with it sliding back and forth in her mouth.

"And, I ain't tellin ya. Not now anyway. Maybe next time, I tie ya up, I'll let ya see who it is."

(She didn't care. She loved getting it from both ends. The way they see-sawed, it was like one cock passing all the way through her. Pleasuring both her mouth and pussy.)

In his excitement, Timmy was tensing as he neared the point of cuming. Jack noticed and asked, "Ya want him to cum in your mouth, Mrs. Thomas?"

The look on Timmy' face was priceless, as she said, "Yes," with his cock in her mouth.

"Pull out and let her tell ya." Jack said. As Timmy pulled his cock from her mouth, Jack said, "Tell him, Mrs. Thomas. Tell him where you want him to cum."

Through excited gasping she said, "In my mouth. ... I want you to cum in my mouth."

"See. She's m'slut. Give it to her. Cum in her mouth, like she said."

With his eyes wide, with excitement, Timmy put his throbbing cock back in her mouth.

(He wanted to cum in her mouth, from the start. Now, he was free to do so, without guilt. Relaxing, he went for it. Never having done something like this, shooting his load down her throat was going to be a great, first experience.)

His face took on the look. He began jerking. She began gulping. "That's it man, yeah. Coat her tonsils." Jack spurred him on as she increased her suction.

His first blowjob and she was giving him the full treatment. He doubled over and began quivering because her warm sucking mouth was causing all of those sensitive nerves to fire at once.

Jack started slamming into her. "Now it's my turn, Mrs. Thomas. Gonna fill your pussy, with boy cum."

Timmy' cock fell from her mouth, trailing cum across her cheek. She began rolling her head and moaning loudly.

Jack slammed into her as he came, making her yelp. "There y'are, Mrs. Thomas. Nuther load a boy cum, for my slut."

After Jack pulled out, Timmy disappeared. Jack freed her legs and put her panties on. Then he freed her arms and removed the blindfold. She started to get up.

"Uh, uh! Lay there, I'll get your clothes." Jack got her clothes and helped her get dressed.

She started to get up and Jack pushed her back down. "I need to clean up, before my husband gets home." She said meekly.

"Nah, I want you like that."

She tried to get up again. "But!"

He pushed her down, grabbed a tit and kissed her.

(She knew it would be Jack' way. She would kiss her husband, "Hello," with Jack' cum inside her.)

Jack had another nasty thought. "It's gonna be a few minutes. Scoot up, you can suck my cock, while we wait."

She looked at him, pleading, but complied.

"Yeah, that's it. You like sucking my cock, don't you?"


"Good. You can suck it, till I hear him come in the door. That way, you'll kiss him after sucking my cock."

(Yes, she thought. Yes, I'll kiss my husband after sucking your cock and with your cum in my pussy. Yes. Yes. Yes.)

After several minutes, there was the sound of a car. A minute passed and the front door,opened and closed. Jack left.

She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, sat up and got off the table.


This was how Timmy entered the picture and when Sharon found out it was him, she was elated. She had wanted Timmy instead of Jack, because she liked him more. Feeling guilty about what was being done behind my back, she insisted no more people be involved.

But, Chris needed one more assigned theme.
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