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les histoires de chrislebo

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"Now go home and get some rest, tomorrow will be a busy day for you."

"Yes Sir." she walked out the door as he watched her disappear into the elevator.

As she rode down all she could think about is how much she loved being used by the janitor, and wanted to please him. Her cunt was getting wet again, and she slid her hand up her skirt and began playing with her cunt. She needed more cock, and use, but she figured tomorrow was not too far away and she would just wait. So she went home and had the best ***** of her life.

She awoke the next morning feeling more alive than she ever had in her life. She got dressed, not forgetting what her Master told her. She ditched the bra and panties, and her pussy was already tingling. She headed out the door to see her Master.

When she arrived at work, she said good morning to everyone with a big smile on her face. They must have wondered what got into her, being so nice and all. She got the strangest looks from them. She stepped into her office, and shut the door. It wasn't until then that she noticed her Master and two other black men she had seen around the office. She remembered one of them as working in the copy center and the other one worked in the mail room. They were both close to her Master's age, but they looked even more perverted and nasty.

"Good morning slut. Did you dress as I requested?"

"Yes Sir I did."

"Show me."

She lifted her skirt and exposed her completely shaved cunt to the three men in front of her. One of the men commented on how he was going to use her cunt, and make her do dirty nasty things. Her cunt was so wet she swore it would drip down her leg, and they would all see how much this was turning her on.

"Strip and crawl over to me and my friends cunt."

"Yes Sir." She did as she was told, and crawled on her hands and knees to the three old black men. She knew before long they would all be fucking her.

"Suck my cock whore" Master demanded.

"Yes Sir." As she sucked his cock she felt another man's hands squeezing her tits, and pinching her nipples. The harder he pinched the faster she sucked. She then felt fingers entering her cunt from behind, and almost came right there. She was moaning on her Master's cock, as she was used by these men. They talked about her as if she wasn't even there. Her Master was telling them how much she liked it rough and nasty, and they were commenting on what a nasty cunt she was and they would use her real good. All the talk and the touching was pushing her over the edge. She was almost glad when her Master pulled her mouth off his cock and shoved another one into it. She now was on her knees and was stroking two cocks as she sucked on one. She took turns doing that for about twenty minutes, making the three black cocks rock hard which of course showed their true sizes. None of them were less than nine inches long, and she wanted them all fucking her.

She felt a cock pulled from her hand and someone lifting her ass in the air, putting her on all fours with a cock in her mouth. She felt someone's cock entering her pussy. She pushed back as if to beg him for more. He obliged and rammed his whole cock deep inside her pussy, making her scream on the cock in her mouth.

"You like that bitch?" the guy fucking her asked.

She pulled her mouth off the cock she was sucking and screamed "Yeeeeeeeeessssssssss!!!! Oh fuck yes, I love it, please don't stop!!"

"The fucking bitch loves it!"

They pounded her like that for about ten minutes, and then one of the guys got on his back and they positioned her over his cock. She lowered her dripping cunt onto the big black cock beneath her. This guy's cock was huge, and she screamed as he entered her.

"Take it all you fat whore, every inch of that big black cock."

She sat all the way down on his cock, and he was all the way inside her. Someone came behind her and roughly pushed her forward, and held her down like that. She felt something at the entrance to her ass, and she got frightened at first but when he eased his cock in all the way, she got used to it. The pain turned her into a dirty nasty whore now begging for them to fuck her.

"Oh yes fuck my ass, and cunt at the same time! Fill me up with your big cocks."

She was even begging for a cock in her mouth so she could have all her holes filled at the same time. The third guy stepped up behind her and ****** his cock into her whore mouth. She took it greedily in her mouth, and sucked good and hard.

"You like being sandwiched between these black cocks whore?" her Master asked.

"Oh yes Master, I'm a whore for cock, and that's all im good for Sir. I am meant to service cock, and be nothing more than an owned whore Sir."

"That's right whore. I own all of you cunt!"

"Yes Sir, all of me. Do anything you want to me Sir."

"Oh I intend to cunt."

With that all three cocks shot their load into a different hole. She had a hot load in her mouth, cunt, and ass, and she couldn't be any happier. They pulled their cocks out of her and smacked her ass, and her Master ordered her to get dressed, and go to work. The three men walked out of the room, leaving her on the floor with cum dripping out of all her holes. She felt so used and degraded, she almost started rubbing her cunt, but decided to get dressed and get working.

Just as she sat down at her desk, she noticed an email from an unknown name. She opened it and it said for her to meet her Master in the ladies bathroom in ten minutes. She couldn't understand how he would want to use her again, since she just got back to her desk, but she waited a few minutes and headed for the bathroom. Her pussy was already dripping at what her Master had planned for her. She couldn't understand how or why, but deep down inside, she knew this is what she wanted.


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Ma femme se laisse séduire par deux inconnus

Mon épouse, 42 ans, se consacre entièrement à notre famille. En intimité, elle aime faire l'amour et porte toujours de la belle lingerie sexy. Elle apprécie tout particulièrement les hauts talons.

Un vendredi, elle me dit que sa copine Véronique lui a proposé de sortir en boîte avec elle. Je lui dis qu'elle devrait le faire et que cela pourrait lui faire un peu de changement. Finalement, elle me répond qu'elle n'en a pas envie. En début de soirée, le téléphone ***ne, c'est Véronique qui lui demande si elle se joint à elle pour la soirée. Devant mon insistance, elle accepte. Peu avant l'heure du rendez-vous, elle monte vite se changer. Elle a opté pour un jeans moulant, un pull avec un léger décolleté et des chaussures à talon de 10 cm. Elle m'embrasse en me disant qu'elle ne fera pas long. Véronique l'attend déjà devant la mai*** avec sa bruyante 306.

Pour ma part, je profite de ma soirée devant la télévision avec un bon film d'action. Ma femme m'appelle pour me dire que c'est une soirée avec des tubes des années 80 et qu'il y a peu de monde. Je lui dis que pour une fois qu'elle sorte qu'elle en profite ajoutant que je vais me coucher tôt pour rattraper mes heures de sommeil en retard. Vers quatre heures du matin, j'entends un bruit de voiture mais manifestement pas celui de la 306. Quelques minutes plus tard, ma femme déverrouille la porte palière, se rend dans la salle de bain puis me rejoint au lit. A moitié endormi, je l'embrasse et me rendors tranquillement. Au réveil, elle me confirme qu'elle a passé une bonne soirée et qu'éventuellement elle prévoit de ressortir dans quelques semaines.

Plusieurs jours après cet épisode, à la sortie de l'école je croise Alain, le mari de Véronique. En discutant de tout et de rien, j'apprends que sa femme, le fameux soir, est rentrée vers une heure du matin. Du coup, je me rappelle bien avoir entendu un bruit de voiture avant l'arrivée de mon épouse mais ce n'était pas celui de la 306 de Véronique. Des fois quand on est à moitié endormi on ne sait plus trop. Je ne sais plus quoi penser. Je décide d'attendre et d'être attentif aux moindres détails. Les jours se succèdent normalement. Je profite même de consulter le téléphone mobile de mon épouse mais il n'y a rien de douteux.

Deux semaines plus tard, elle m'annonce que Véronique lui a demandé de l'accompagner dans la même discothèque que la dernière fois et qu'elle lui a dit oui. Elle me demande si j'y vois un inconvénient. Je lui dis de profiter de sa soirée mais, ce soir j'en aurais le cœur net.

En fin d'après-midi, elle mets beaucoup de temps à se préparer, elle qui est assez rapide habituellement. Finalement, elle choisit sa jupe portefeuille en cuir noir, un chemisier gris satiné et des chaussures plates. Je suis un peu surpris de la voir avec des ballerines et lui en fait la remarque. Elle me répond qu'elle ne veut pas mettre des hauts talons pour pas faire trop salope. En partant, elle prend sa voiture car elle n'a pas envie de faire trop long contrairement à sa copine Véronique.

Malgré tout, je me pose beaucoup de questions et j'ai des doutes.

Vers minuit, je décide de me rendre dans cette discothèque. D'abord, je fais le tour du parking et je trouve la voiture de Véronique ainsi que celle de mon épouse qui est garée un peu plus à l'écart. Ensuite, je paye et rentre enfin dans cette boîte. Je reste un peu vers l'entrée afin de ne pas me faire voir. Je trouve une place dans un coin du bar où une lampe fait défaut. De la sorte, je ne peux pas être vu ou reconnu. Je scrute toutes les tables et reconnaît Véronique. Elle est habillée comme une véritable pute. Elle se trouve entre deux gars qui s'occupent de la peloter et de l'embrasser, quelle salope, si *** mari savait. Il y a encore deux autres types à table avec eux. Je cherche toujours ma femme mais je ne la vois pas, ni à une table, ni sur la piste de danse. Finalement, je distingue vers l'accès aux toilettes la silhouette de ma dulcinée qui se dirige vers les tables. Je suis fort surpris de la voir perchée sur ses talons de 15 cm alors qu'elle avait quitté le logement avec ses ballerines. Pire, je vois qu'elle tortille *** joli petit cul avant de rejoindre la table de Véronique et de prendre place entre les deux messieurs inoccupés.

L'un d'eux se lève, prend mon épouse par la main et l'entraîne sur la piste de danse. Je vois qu'il s'agit d'un homme de 50 ans environ, basané, bien de sa per***ne. Il tient mon épouse par la taille, descends ses mains par moment sur ses fesses et sa poitrine, sans qu'elle ne réagisse. Au contraire, elle se colle encore plus à lui. Il l'embrasse dans le cou et il l'a fait rigoler.

Il lui roule même une pelle qui dure un bon moment tout en la caressant par-dessus les habits. Ensuite, il la ramène à table bras dessus, bras dessous. Véronique ne se trouve plus à table, elle a du partir avec ses deux amis. Ma femme a juste le temps de boire un verre que le deuxième type l'invite à *** tour sur la piste. Il ne se gêne pas pour lui mettre la main aux fesses et elle lui répond uniquement avec un sourire. De retour à table, toujours entre les deux, elle se fait passablement peloter et embrasser. Ils arrivent à mettre leurs mains sous sa jupe et à découvrir *** petit trésor.

D'où je suis-je peux voir qu'elle porte des bas...Je suis noir de rage et j'hésite à intervenir mais curieusement je suis aussi excité par ma salope de femme. De toute façon le mal est déjà fait, alors je veux voir jusqu'où elle ira.

Visiblement, elle apprécie les caresses et mets sa tête en arrière comme pour s'abandonner. Elle est sous leurs emprises et ces deux salauds ne s'en privent pas. Totalement impudique, elle se laisse tout faire et à la voir bouger *** bassin, elle doit avoir une main coquine sous *** string. Elle écarte encore plus ses jambes. Après un bon moment de ce traitement, je pense qu'elle a joui, elle qui est si sensible du clitoris.

Soudain, les deux gars, visiblement bien plus âgés qu'elle, la prennent par la main pour l'aider à se mettre debout. Elle réajuste sa tenue malgré les mais baladeuses et quitte la discothèque toujours entourée par ces opportunistes. A peine, elle a franchi la porte que je sors à mon tour au cas ou elle prendrait sa voiture. Je la vois traverser le parking, s'arrêtant pour embrasser l'un ou l'autre de ses cavaliers. Elle peine à tenir sur ses hauts talons. Elle est continuellement caressée. Tous les 3 prennent place dans un break stationné à côté du véhicule de mon épouse. Je me dépêche de reprendre mon véhicule et je les attends un peu plus loin pour les suivre. Comme ils n'ont pas passé, je descends de ma voiture et me dirige vers celle de ma femme qui dispose de vitres teintée. A travers celles-ci, je peux les observer sans me faire voir.

Là, je découvre mon épouse à quatre pattes, vêtue seulement de ses bas, un porte-jarretelles et ses talons. Elle est prise en levrette et essaye de sucer la queue qui se présente à elle. Le gars qui la lime lui impose une cadence impressionnante et en plus il est particulièrement bien doté par la nature. J'en suis presque jaloux. J'entend même mon épouse crier *** plaisir, mais rien y fait, ce salaud continue *** rythme. Celui qui se faisait sucer a sorti *** natel pour filmer la scène. Pendant presque 50 minutes, ils se relaient pour la baiser comme une chienne. Elle crie *** plaisir pour leurs montrer qu'elle aime ça. Ils la traitent de tous les noms et elle leurs dit de continuer que c'est une salope....Je ne la reconnais plus. Elle a joui comme jamais.

A bout de ressources, ils arrêtent la séance et sortent tous les trois de la voiture.

Moi, je bande comme un fou et je me dépêche de regagner la voiture pour rentrer avant elle à mai***. Environ 20 minutes après, je l'entends qui rentre. Elle prend une douche et me rejoint discrètement dans le lit. Je lui demande si elle a passé une bonne soirée et commence à la caresser. Elle essaye de se dérober, mais finalement fou d'excitation, je la baise comme un malade et elle jouit encore.

Surpris par mon ardeur, elle me dit que si chaque fois qu'elle sort je la baise de la sorte, alors elle va ressortir en boîte ce qu'elle a déjà prévu...


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Grandpa's Pet

Times were tough for Jennifer and her Mom. Both of them had been laid off at the factory almost nine months ago, and their two-weeks severance pays were long spent. They once had some savings, but her ******* boyfriend left with that even before they lost their jobs. Unemployment payments were finished, and still no jobs.

Her Mom tried street walking, but all she got was a black eye and a rough fuck with no cash. Jenny offered to try, but her mom said no, that she didn't want to see her ******** treated like that.

The eviction notice had been served, and this was their last day with a roof over their heads. They were desperate, and Mom went to a neighbor to use the phone.

"Grandpa's coming for us, Jenny," she said when she got back. "He'll be here tomorrow afternoon."

Jennifer knew this was hard for her mom; she didn't know why, but they hadn't been to see Grandpa since Jennifer's twelfth birthday party. That was nearly seven years now, and Jennifer figured it must have been something really serious.

She missed her Grandpa, though; he always stroked her hair and called her his pet. She was happy that he was coming and they'd have a place to stay, but her ****** seemed a bit sad and more like she was resigned to something she really didn't want.

"Maybe it's just pride," Jennifer thought to herself, "maybe she just doesn't want Grandpa to think she's a failure."

She went to her ****** and gave her a big hug. "It's ok, Mom," she said comfortingly, "everything will be alright."

They packed what clothes they had and a few other personal items, and settled in for their last night in their own home. Just a can of soup that night, but their neighbor, Nancy, came by with a bowl of pasta and sauce. Nancy had helped them out with some food often in the past few months, and they were very grateful.

"Thanks, Nancy," said Jennifer's mom. "We're going to my ******* place tomorrow. We can't take any of the furniture. I know it's not much, but take whatever you want before the landlord has it thrown out."

Nancy hugged the two women and told them she'd be there to say goodbye when they left.

All went as planned the next day, and when Grandpa arrived he spoke to his ********. "Ride in the back, Sally," he said, "I know you don't want to ride with me. When it's your turn to drive, I'll ride in the back. And you will have to do some driving, girl, I'm not as young as I used to be."

And so they went on their way, with Grandpa asking Jennifer about her life since last he saw her, and punctuating his questions and comments with friendly pats on her knee. He only drove for a couple of hours all told, though; Sally did most of the work while he caught naps in the back seat.

When they pulled into his driveway, Jennifer and her ****** were pretty well worn out, and could barely drag their bags in the house. Grandpa helped with their luggage, and then showed them their rooms.

"They're not big," he said, "but I guess they're better than the street, girls. Make yourself at home."

"Thanks, Dad," Sally replied, "they're fine. Jenny and I will be quite comfortable."

"Good, then," he concluded, "I'm going to go change," and went into his bedroom.

"Don't be surprised when Grandpa comes back in," Sally said to her ********, "he'll be naked. He never wore clothes at home unless there was company. Just ignore it as best you can."

The two women got their few belongings unpacked and put away, and then settled into the living room for a cup of tea. Grandpa walked in as they sat talking, and, just as Sally had said, he was stark naked. His ******** ignored him, of course; she had become used to it a long time ago. For Jen, though, this was the first time she saw him naked. In fact it was the first time she saw any old man naked. Why, she hardly even looked at the guys she dated when she gave them a blow job or let them fuck her.

"Not bad looking for an old man," she thought, "I'd have imagined an old dick like his would have been shrunken and wrinkled. His is pretty big and looks good and healthy."

Grandpa noticed her interest, but didn't let on that he did.

"Cup of tea, Dad?" Sally asked, and then went to the kitchen to make one when he answered.

"How's my favorite little grand********," he asked as he walked up to Jenny so his dick was right in front of her. "Still my little pet?" he asked as he stroked her hair.

Jenny blushed a bit, and remembered how he used to do that when she was a little *****. "Yes, Grandpa," she answered, "but I haven't seen you in so many years."

"Well," he said, "I don't think we'll talk about that. You and your mom are here now, and we'll take it from there. Okay?"

"Sure," Jenny agreed as her ****** returned with the tea.

And so their new life went. Sally searched for a job every day, and so did Jennifer, but without success. Sally did the shopping and most of the cooking while Jenny kept the house clean and did the laundry.

"It's the least we can do to help earn our keep," she said to her ********, "we should do what ever we can to make Grandpa happy. After all, he's taken us in, and he isn't rich."

Jenny agreed with her Mom, and she went out of her way to be nice to the old man. She'd always greet him with a hug and a kiss, even though he was naked, and she'd smile appreciatively when he'd stroke her hair or pat her head and call her his pet.

They were there just over a week. Sally was out buying groceries and Grandpa was sitting in the living room watching Jenny dust the furniture.

"Jenny, my little pet," he called, "come on over here and sit on my lap."

She was a little reluctant, seeing how he was naked, but he had been so nice to her and her mom that she did what he said.

"What do you want, Grandpa?" she asked as she sat on his right leg.

His hand brushed through her hair as he looked into her eyes. "You," he said.

"What do you mean, Grandpa?" she asked.

"I want you for my real pet," he said, "a companion to make me happy, a little puppy who wants to please me, who'll do whatever I want." With that said, he placed her hand on his cock.

"Grandpa!" she exclaimed, and tried to pull her hand away.

"Don't tell me you've never felt a cock before, Jenny," he said, and he was right.

She'd touched them before, played with them, even sucked them and had them deep inside her. But this was different.

"I won't say that," she admitted, "but you're my ***********. This isn't right."

He squeezed her hand to wrap her fingers around his cock, and she could feel it getting hard. He held her tight, and she stopped trying to pull away.

"Look, sweetheart," he said as he started sliding her hand up and down his shaft, "I don't have much, and I'm sharing it with you and your mom. Neither of you can pay me a cent. I think the least you can do is make a nice old man like me happy."

"Just what do you want, Grandpa?" she asked, feeling she should do something to help him. She thought about how lonely he must be since Grandma died, and continued stroking his dick on her own.

"I told you, sweetheart, a real pet, a girl who'll do anything I tell her. I'd like you to be my pet, for playing with and for fucking. I'd like to take any part of you any time I want."

"Take your clothes off right now," he continued, "and sit back down with my cock up your young pussy. And don't tell me you're a virgin."

"I won't tell you that," she said, being honest again, "but I'm not ready to be fucked by my ***********. I'll have to think about it."

"For now, though," she added, "I can do a little bit to help you."

She turned a bit on his lap and picked up his hand. She slipped it inside her blouse so he could play with her tits. Then she started pumping his cock. "It's little enough," she thought," I've done it just for a date, and he's given us more than that."

"That's real nice, my little pet," he said as a stream of cum shot out of his cock, "you're a good girl." He took his hand from her breast and stroked her hair as he spoke.

"But I want it all. You can think about it until tonight. But if you don't come into my bed by nine, I'll have to consider whether I really can afford to put you and your mom up. Now, give me a real kiss and finish cleaning up."

Jenny leaned over to him and brought her lips to his and gave him just the kind of kiss she knew he wanted. "I'll let you know by nine," she said as she went back to her chores.


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The rest of the day was uneventful, and Jenny sat down to talk to her ****** after dinner. She wanted her ******'s help to make her decision, but she didn't want to be too explicit, not knowing how her ****** would take it.

"Well," Sally said, "Grandpa has been nice to us; I guess it would be ok for you to be nice to him."

Jenny wasn't sure her mom had really understood, so she tried again. "But he wants me to do things that people think are wrong," she explained.

"People think lots of things, Jenny," her mom advised, "as long as it doesn't hurt anybody, who are they to judge."

Jenny still thought her ****** really wasn't getting the message, but Sally knew just what Jenny was talking about. The girl didn't know that the falling-out between Sally and her ****** was over Jenny, that when Jenny was younger, Grandpa had asked Sally to give her to him and she refused. Now she was ****** to ask her ****** for help and she had to make a deal. She agreed that her dad could have Jenny now that she was an adult, but he'd have to get her himself. Sally agreed only not to interfere.

Now Jenny tried to get serious. "But Mom," she said earnestly, "Grandpa wants to fuck me. That's not ok, is it?"

Sally continued to play dumb. "Now I'm sure Grandpa wouldn't do anything to hurt you, sweetheart," she said, "we both should be as nice as we can to him, you know."

Jenny started to say "I didn't mean 'fuck' that way, mom..." but never finished it, just saying "Oh, forget it, thanks anyway."

"Just remember, Jenny," her ****** said smiling, "you're an adult now, you have to make your own decisions."

Sally retired to her room just before 8:30 to watch her shows on the little tv her ****** had installed for her.

As for Jennifer, she sat in thought for a few moments in the living room, and then stood up. She stripped off her clothes, gathered them up, and went to her Grandpa's bedroom door. It was open, with just a dim, red light affording any vision. She walked in, dropped her clothes on the floor and made her way to the bedside. Her grandpa was on his back, his head resting on his palms, and naked as usual.

"I'm here, Grandpa," she said sweetly, but with a touch of reluctance in her voice.

She bent over, then, and lifted the old man's dick in her hands. Her lips found its head and she kissed it warmly before opening her mouth to draw it in. Up and down she sucked over him, pressing her tongue against his shaft as his cock went in, and twirling around his glans as she came up.

"It's no worse than those guys I dated, just bigger," she said to herself, "besides, listen to him sigh and moan. This really feels good to him."

His hand stroked her hair as she sucked him, and he whispered "That's a good girl," again and again.

He moaned deeply, all of a sudden, and his hand ****** her head down on his cock, all the way down until his root was in her lips and his head deep in her throat. She began to gag, but he held her there as his hips pumped up and down, driving him deeply into her mouth over and over. Just as she felt she'd pass out or hurl or both, he pulled her head up by the hair and let her get a breath.

"Climb on top now, pet," he ordered, "slide your pussy over my cock."

Jenny did as she was told, and found herself so wet he did slide right in.

"All the way down, girl," he demanded, and pushed on her hips to ram as much cock inside her as he could.

"Now bend forward," was his next command, "let your tits hang down for me."

Jenny did, and held herself just right so he could play with her breasts any way he wanted to. And he did, pulling and twisting them as much as massaging them, even twisting and stretching her nipples. He was rougher with her tits than the boys had been, but she accepted it because it pleased him. She tried to focus only on the feel of his dick inside her, filling her up and stroking her as he stroked himself by pumping his hips, and it began to feel a little bit nice to her.

Suddenly, again, he changed. His hands clasped around her waist, and he flipped them both over with an agility she found surprising in an old man. Now he had her beneath him, and he drove his cock hard and fast into her pussy, stretching it up into her belly. His hands slid down her legs and grasped her ankles, and he lifted her legs high up and pushed them forward until he pinned an ankle to either side of her head.

Her legs were strained as he did push-ups on her, and his cock rubbed hard against the roof of her vagina, massaging her little sweet spot. Her pussy started trembling and her body tautened as if she would cum in an instant, and he noticed it. His next push up pulled his cock from inside her, leaving her trembling in frustration.

"This one's just for my pleasure, pet," he said, and he drove his cock down again, this time against her ass.

Her pucker closed tight, resisting the intrusion, but he pushed harder until her hole yielded, stretching to let the whole thickness of his glans burst into her. She squealed in pain as his shaft ****** its way through her tight hole, and she whispered through clenched teeth, "it hurts Grandpa, it hurts."

"Haven't you been fucked in the ass before, Jenny?" he asked.

"Yes," she answered, "Yes, but they weren't as big as yours."

Grandpa smiled as he slipped his cock out of her. "Yeah, girl," he said, "you feel nice and tight, I like that. I'm going back in, honey."

"Yes, Grandpa," she said, and she clenched her teeth tighter to withstand the assault.

He groaned in sort of pained pleasure himself as he rammed his dick back into her and heard her muffle a cry of pain. Then he pulled out again, with the two of them gasping at the sudden outward bursting of her strained hole. In again and out again, he went to enjoy the pleasure of ******* her tight ring and hearing her quiet sobs.

"Not much longer now, pet," he whispered as he made shallow, rapid, deep thrusts, pressing up into her belly.

"Y-y-yes, grandpa," she stammered as she wrapped her arms around him for support.

He came then, erupting far in her belly, filling her with his semen, and as his orgasm subsided, he slowly released her legs and slid his cock out of her ass as gently as he could. It was still tight, though, and he wasn't completely flaccid; both of them were startled by the explosive expulsion of his organ through her ring.

He leaned over, breathing heavily, and kissed Jenny on the head. "That was very nice, pet, just what I was talking about."

He rolled over next to her. "Feel ok?" he asked.

"Yes, Grandpa," she replied, "Ok. I hope I made you feel good."

"Oh you did, sweetheart," he said emphatically, "I haven't felt this good in a long time."

"We can stay, then?" she asked anxiously, laying her hand on his limp cock and rubbing it gently without being asked.

He nodded, and she sat up, taking his cock and kissing it. "Thank you" she said, and her hand began massaging his balls.

"Any thing else I can do for you, Grandpa?" she asked.

"Yes, honey. I'd like to take you shopping tomorrow. If you're going to be my pet, I'd like you to have some new clothes."


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Jen slept in her grandpa's bed that night, but it wasn't a comfortable *****. He slept, for sure, but even in his ***** his hands pawed at her, groping her tits and poking at her pussy. And that just added to the worries that disturbed her rest. She wondered what she had gotten into and whether it was worth it. She had always liked her grandpa, the way he treated her so nicely, and now she felt a bit sorry for him, and that all made giving him her body easier. But, she thought, if he was so nice, why would he threaten to throw her and her mom out if she didn't give herself to him. They had no place to go to, she knew, and so she decided she had to let him have what he wanted until they could make it on their own.

Morning came, and at breakfast Grandpa announced that he was taking Jenny shopping for clothes.

"That's nice of you, Dad," Sally said, and then turned to her ********.

"Jenny, you be sure to get things that Grandpa likes," she said, "and don't pick expensive things either."

Out to the car, then, and off to the mall, where Grandpa let Jenny pick the stores to shop in. She picked outfits to try on that she thought looked nice, and then came out of the dressing room to model them for her ***********. He had said she could buy three outfits, and by lunchtime she had them, nice clothes that grandpa said looked good on her. She thanked him with a kiss on the cheek, though she knew he'd prefer more; after all they were in a public place. They grabbed a quick lunch at the food court and returned to the car.

As they drove, grandpa said, "one more place for clothes, Jenny, special ones I'd like you to wear for me."

Jennifer grew a bit apprehensive, and her fears were confirmed when they pulled up in front of a boutique with half-naked mannequins dressed in rubber and leather in the window.

"No, Grandpa," Jenny protested, "those things are for sluts and worse. I don't want to wear them."

"I don't care if you want to," he snapped, "I want you to. You're my pet, and you'll wear what I tell you."

"No, Grandpa, please," she pleaded.

"Ok," he told her, "then get out of the car and walk the ten miles back to the house, if you can find your way. Or give some stranger a blow job for directions and a ride. Either way, you'll find your stuff on the street when you get there."

"That's not nice," she protested, "I thought you were going to be nice to me."

"Sure," he answered, "as long as you're a well-behaved pet. Now make up your mind."

"Let's go in," Jenny said with sad resignation, "I'll wear what you want."

A middle-aged woman in a red latex sheath dress greeted them, and grandpa told her what he was looking for. The woman selected some outfits in Jenny's size and led her to the dressing room.

"That looks wonderful on you," she said as she helped Jenny get the zipper down the front of a skin-tight black latex dress.

Well, sort of a dress. There were cut-outs for breasts, and Jenny's were squeezed thought the holes and pushed up and out by the tight ring of rubber.

"Put on these black stilettos," she said, "and we'll go show your master how you look."

"Master?" Jenny questioned in her mind. "It must be because I'm his pet. I guess they know about it."

Jennifer blushed a bright red when she stepped out to show her grandpa the outfit. There were other people in the store now, and they all were looking at her.

"Doesn't she look good, sir," the clerk said to Jenny's ***********, "just see how it emphasizes her perky young tits." The woman reached from behind and cupped Jenny's breasts in her hands to model it for the old man.

"She sure does," answered grandpa, and then he turned to another, younger, man in the boutique. "What do you think?" he asked the stranger as he took his ************** breasts from the clerk and into his own hands.

The other man commented favorably, and grandpa added, "Check out the feel too. I think it's good, but I'd like another opinion.

Jenny was appalled, but a glance from her grandpa told her she'd best not complain. She stood there, then, as the stranger grasped her breasts, squeezing and pulling and twisting them.

"She's got real nice tits in or out of the dress," said the man, "but I do think the dress enhances them."

"Thanks for your opinion," said grandpa, and, turning to the clerk, declared "we'll take it."

And so it went for a few more outfits, with grandpa finally deciding on just one more, a silk lingerie set in red, with matching high-heeled slippers.

"One last thing, pet," he said to Jenny, and he led her to a wall of leather goods.

"A proper pet needs a collar, you know," he explained, and added, "you can pick your own."

Jenny looked at the display on the wall and wanted to run screaming from the store. She didn't really think of herself as his pet in that way.

Grandpa responded to her hesitation, whispering in her ear, "with a collar, you won't have to walk home."

Jenny swallowed what little pride she had left and picked a black patent leather one studded with rhinestones. The clerk fitted it snugly around Jenny's neck and took her to a mirror to see it.

"It's not too bad, I guess," she thought as she looked at herself, "it's something like a ****** necklace anyway."

She came back to show it to grandpa, and he approved. "Need a leash, too," he said, and picked a matching one from the wall.

Over to the counter then, and everything was packed and paid for, except the collar. Grandpa had Jenny keep it on.

"That was embarrassing, Grandpa," she complained as they got in the car.

"You can still walk, if you want to," he snapped at her, and she just sat quietly as they began the ride back home.

They joined the highway just behind an18-wheeler, and Sam soon pulled out to pass the truck. As they pulled up alongside the tractor, the driver had his eye on Jenny and his foot on the pedal. There was no way he was going to let them pass until he'd seen enough of the girl.

"Looks like the old man likes you, Pet," Grandpa observed.

"Yes, it does," replied Jenny, a bit amused at the gray-haired driver's interest in her.

"Why don't you give him a little treat, Honey?" Grandpa suggested.

"What do you mean?" Jenny replied.

"Flash him some boob," Grandpa suggested. "I'm sure he'd like a look at those perky young tits," he added, echoing the sales clerk's comments.

Jenny hesitated for a moment, but then quickly unbuttoned her blouse. "I guess it wouldn't hurt," she thought to herself, "and it might be fun."

She turned towards the trucker, and he sounded his approval and gratitude with along blast on his horn.

"Seems he does like it," said Jenny to her ***********, and she threw her shoulders back to show a bit more.

Another long blast of the horn met that display, and Sam told Jenny to hold them up and play with them for the old guy.

"Grandpa!" Jenny exclaimed, "No!"

"Go ahead, Pet," Sam said, "make the old man happy."

Jenny complied, and earned an extended sounding of the diesel's horn. She couldn't help but laugh a little over the driver's enthusiasm, and treated him to some more boob play.

Just then, Sam accelerated and pulled in front of the truck.

"We don't want to cause an accident, now," he said as he flashed the hazard lights three times.

They were coming up to a parking area, then, and Sam signalled to exit. As they slowed on the ramp, Jenny looked in the side mirror and saw the truck was following them.

"Grandpa," she asked apprehensively, "what are you doing?"

"No big thing," he said as he came to a stop in the vacant parking area, "just get out and do what I tell you."

Jenny did as she was told, and hoped that Sam wouldn't demand too much of her. The truck came to a halt behind them, and the trucker hopped down from his cab to meet the two of them on the hidden side of the truck.

"Hi," said Grandpa, "I'm Sam, and this is my Pet, Jenny."

"Pleased to meet you both," said the driver, "I'm Jake."

"Well, Jake," Grandpa said, "I thought you might like a good look at Jenny's tits without risking an accident."

"I sure would, Sam," he responded, smiling as he leered at Jenny's cleavage in her unbuttoned blouse.

"Give him a good look, girl," ordered Grandpa, and Jenny pulled her blouse open so Jake could ogle as much as he wanted.

"They're just beautiful, Jenny," said Jake, adding, "thanks Sam, I really appreciate that."

"Why don't you get yourself a good feel of them, too, Jake," Grandpa suggested.

"Can I?" the driver asked, smiling at Jenny.

"He's a complete goddamn stranger," Jenny thought to herself, "but I let that guy in the store feel me up and he didn't even ask." She smiled back at Jake and pulled her blouse back while pushing her breasts forward.

"If Grandpa says you can," answered Jenny, and Jake's hands quickly cupped Jenny's breasts.

He squeezed and massaged them as if they were the most precious things he'd ever handled, and it not only felt good to Jenny, but it also made her feel good to make the man so happy. And the man was clearly getting quite aroused.

"We can't have Jake behind the wheel in this state, Pet," Grandpa said, "give him a hand to help him relax."

Jenny knew just what Sam meant, and she slipped her hands down to Jake's bulge, massaging it with one hand while the other lowered his zipper. Jake gasped with pleasure as she reached into his pants and took out his stiffened cock. She began to stroke it rhythmically from root to tip, playing on it with her fingers as her hand slid down and up its length, and Jake's play with her breasts ************* fell into the same rhythm. She felt his body tensing, and she quickened her tempo to make him cum. His hands quickened their pace, too, and his rapid twirling and twisting of her nipples had Jenny aroused as well. She was sighing as she felt him go rigid, but still she thought to put her free hand in front of his cock to catch his jism. And there was plenty to catch. Jake came as if he been building it up for months, and it quickly filled her hand and overflowed into the one she was stroking him with. Jake sighed and relaxed as his last spurts dripped into Jenny's hands, and an incredible silly grin came over his face.

"God,' he said, "thank you, thank you." He looked back and forth from Jenny to Sam, not entirely sure of exactly who should be thanked.

He suddenly realized that the girl's hands were full of his cum, and he let go of her breasts to pull a red bandana from his pocket. He took Jenny's hands gently in his, and began to wipe her off with his big handkerchief. When he was satisfied that she was clean, he wiped his softening organ and folded the bandana in on itself before stuffing it back in his pocket.

"Thank you," said Jenny to Jake as she smiled appreciatively at him, "it was nice of you to clean up." She thought to herself that Grandpa had been nice about it as well. She had expected worse, but he had said it would be nothing big, and he kept to his word. "Besides," she thought, "it felt pretty good."

"Give Jake a nice kiss goodbye, Pet," Sam instructed, and Jenny put her arms around Jake's neck and stood up on her toes to give him a sweet kiss on the lips. "Goodbye, Jake," she offered as she finished the kiss.

"Time to go, Pet," Sam announced; "nice to meet you, Jake."

"The pleasure was mine," laughed Jake as he returned to the cab.

Back in the car, back on the road, and soon they were home. Sally had finished the day's housework and was sitting with a cup of tea when they arrived.

"Nice ******," her mom said cheerfully when she saw the collar, "are you going to show me your other things?"

"Sure, Mom, in a bit," she replied, and wondered if her ****** knew what the ****** really was and what she'd think if she saw her ******** in all of the new outfits.


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Jenny did model the outfits for her mom. Well the three from the mall, anyway. Her mom complimented her on her taste and then headed to her room for a nap.

"Time to model for me, pet," her *********** said as soon as her mom was in her bedroom. "Put on the red one."

Jenny had hoped for some time for herself, some time to enjoy her new clothes, but she knew she had to do what grandpa wanted. "OK," she said reluctantly.

"And strut like you're on the catwalk when you come out," he said as his pet went to her bedroom.

Jenny came out strutting as best she could, shifting her hips from side to side like a fashion model, and swinging the peignoir open to show the lace panties, bra, and garter belt she wore.

"Nice," grandpa said, "now turn around a few times, and then slide the gown off your shoulders for me."

Jenny complied, and grandpa began again. "Now bend over towards me so I can see how your tits hang in the cups."

"Very sweet," he said, whistling obscenely through his teeth, "now shake them."

His pet did as she was ordered, but she felt humiliated, like she was some kind of slut who had to... "I guess that's what I am anyway," she thought to herself.

"Come here, pet," he ordered, and she started to stand upright.

"No, stay bent over, just shuffle your way to my chair."

Jenny shuffled, realizing he wanted her breasts to continue to jiggle as she went to him. She stopped at his knees and stayed bent.

"Hands behind your back, girl," he said, "let's see how hard your mouth can get me by itself."

She took a deep breath of resignation and brought her lips to the tip of his flaccid cock. How was she to get it in her mouth if it was just lying there, she wondered. She kissed it a few times, and then began to lick it. It perked up a bit with each stroke of her tongue, and when she could get the head between her lips, she sucked it into her mouth.

She sucked hard, and the old man's cock stiffened more and more.

"That's a good girl," he said patting her head as her lips slid up and down his shaft.

He was as stiff as a teenager now, and he ordered her to stand up and turn around.

"Pull your panties to the side and slide onto my dick, pet," he told her.

Her hole was dry, but his cock was wet enough that it slipped in pretty easily. She was just about sitting on his lap when he said, "I didn't let you cum last night, but now you can. Ride my cock until you get yourself off."

Jenny was appalled. Yes, he had gotten her aroused last night, almost to an orgasm, but she hadn't wanted it anyway. Now he was making her fuck herself with his cock. It was humiliating.

"I don't know if I can do that, Grandpa," she said.

"I didn't ask if you could, girl," he replied, "I just said to get yourself off on my cock. Now do it!" He smacked her hard on the ass. "Right now!"

Jenny started rocking back and forth and sliding up and down over his cock while thinking of the nice sex she'd always wanted to have.

"It's just like masturbating," she told herself, and tried ignoring that it was her grandpa's cock she was using to cum.

It worked, and soon she was breathing heavily as she bounced up and down faster and faster. Her grandpa's cock was pretty big to begin with, but it grew thicker and longer with excitement at her arousal. And she wanted it big and long, driving herself down harder in his lap with every bounce and rising until it was nearly out of her pussy when she slid up. Finally she froze, pressed down right over his root, and arched her back in a convulsive spasm that spread right into the depths of her pussy. Her sheath contracted in waves over her ***********'s dick, and he came along with her, spewing jet after jet of jism into her, filling her hole and then overfilling it.

Jenny trembled and then slowly relaxed, and the thought ran through her mind that this was the most intense orgasm she'd ever had. Another thought sent a wave of revulsion over her: the orgasm was not only from an old man's dick; it was from her own ***********'s.

"Good girl," he said as he finished cumming, "that's a very good girl."

He stroked her back as she relaxed, and, when their orgasms had subsided, he told her to stand up. As she rose, he thrust his hand between her legs and held it palm up under her hole.

"Squeeze it out," he ordered.

She was still light-headed from her orgasm, and didn't hesitate. His hand was overflowing with the semen she had ****** from her vagina.

"Turn around," he said, and she did.

He savored the half-closed dreamy look on her face for a moment, and then added his handful of cum to the thick coat that already covered his dick.

"Lick and suck me clean, girl," he commanded.

She knew she should feel humiliated, but she hadn't the will to take offense. All she could think of was the orgasm she had taken from her ***********'s dick. She bent over again, and took his half-stiff cock in her mouth, slowly cleaning it and swallowing all the semen on it. There was more to take care of though, and her tongue lapped at his pubic hair and down his balls until there wasn't a drop of jism left.

"Good girl!" he announced approvingly, "sit on Grandpa's lap now."

She sat and he stroked her hair and skin as he told her how good she had been.

"And tomorrow night you'll be a good little pet too," he said as he poked a finger into her anus, "I've got a few old friends coming over for poker night, and you can serve refreshments."

"Yes, Grandpa," she said absently as she thought about what a slut she was becoming and about that orgasm she just had, "I know how to mix ******."


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She sat dreamily on his lap for a while, feeling a bit like a little girl again, until the sounds of her ****** rustling about in her bedroom brought Jenny back to reality.

"****!" she exclaimed to herself and her ***********, "I can't let Mom see me like this."

She leapt from his lap and dashed into her room just as her ****** came into the livingroom. She quickly stripped off the lingerie and stuffed it in a drawer in case her mom came in. On with her robe, and she came out to announce she was going to take a shower. After Jenny had gone, Sally looked at her *********** with a sad and somewhat accusing eye. The afternoon and evening passed uneventfully, however, and even at bedtime, grandpa made no further demands on Jenny.

"Good night, pet," he said as she kissed him on the cheek, "see you in the morning."

At breakfast, the old man addressed his ********.

"You've been working pretty hard, Sally," he said, "why don't you go out tonight and relax."

"I've got some old friends coming over for poker," he continued, "and I'm sure Jenny's a big enough girl to help with the ****** and the clean-up."

He ended up handing Sally a bill. "Here's a twenty; take yourself to a movie and have a coffee afterwards. We'll see you about midnight."

"Thanks a lot Dad," Sally replied, "but couldn't Jenny come with me?"

"I need someone here to help, honey," he explained, "maybe some other time you can have a ****** and ******** night out."

"Are you sure it's ok with you, Jenny?" she asked her ********. "I can stay if you need me to."

Jenny knew what she should say. "No, Mom, that's fine with me. You deserve a night out and I can help Grandpa. We'll go together another time."

As dinner time came, Jenny wondered if her ****** knew what she was leaving her ******** to, and then she realized she didn't even know what to expect herself. Except that it would be repulsive. That she could be sure of. She imagined her *********** parading his pet around on a leash to show off for his wrinkled pals. She didn't want to think of what else he might do with her to impress the old lechers.

She helped her mom with after dinner clean-up and chatted idly with her as she dressed to go out. "Have a good time, Mom," she called as her ****** got into the car, "don't worry about me. I'll be fine."

She helped her *********** set up for the card game, and then he told her to go change for the evening.

"The black latex, pet," he said, "and don't forget your collar."

Jenny went to her room and undressed. She dashed some perfumed talc into the dress; the lady in the boutique said it would make it easier to put on and would make her smell nice for her master. Still she had to wiggle and squirm to get it on. Then there was the zipper.

It zipped down from her waist to the hem just about a third of the way down her thighs. It made the dress so tight she could hardly walk in it, but she figured that was the idea anyway. She could only get the zipper down to within two inches of the hem, so she put on her collar and went to her grandpa for help.

The old man was happy to zip it down the rest of the way, and had her walk around for him. It was, of course, more of a shuffle in the high heels, with the rubber so tight around her upper thighs that she could barely move her legs. It made her shift from side to side as she walked, too, and that made her breasts bounce and wiggle.

"Perfect!" her *********** declared, "you look great, Jenny. You really have fantastic legs and marvelous tits."

He motioned for her to come to him, and he played with her tits while he gave her instructions for the night.

"I want you to make me proud tonight, pet," he said, "I want you to do whatever I say without question. Without any hesitation. And remember, if you don't, if you embarrass me in any way, you won't just find yourself thrown out in the street. You just may find I given you to somebody else, somebody not so nice as me."

He paused for his message to sink in, and the silence was broken by the sound of a car pulling up in the driveway.

"Get in my bedroom now, girl," he told her, "I'll come when I want you."

Grandpa greeted his poker buddies at the door, and when the four of them were seated at the card table, he announced that he had a new pet he wanted them to see. He headed into his bedroom and hooked the leash to Jenny's collar.

"Now, girl," he said, "remember, you do everything I tell you to."

"Yes, Grandpa," she replied.

"Down on all fours," he ordered, "I'm going to take you out to meet my friends."

Jenny got down on her hands and knees and let her grandpa lead her out into the living room.

"God, this is humiliating," she thought as she glanced up and saw four old men sitting around the table gawking at her, but she continued crawling as her *********** had ordered.

"Wow, Sam," said one of the men, "that is some fine little pet you've got yourself!" The other three men added their approval to his.

"Thanks, John," said grandpa as he led Jenny around the table for his friends to get a better look, "I'm glad you all like her. Her name's Jenny."

He leaned over then, and patted his grand********'s head, saying, "Good, girl. Now stand up so my buddies can get a really good look at you."

"She's got a real pretty face, Sam," another man commented, "and great tits, too."

Jenny was beginning to feel a bit of revulsion at being treated like an ****** by these wrinkled old lechers. Her *********** sensed it, and tugged a bit on her leash.

"You're right about that, Bob," Sam responded, "and she's well-trained and eager to please, too. Just watch how she smiles when you squeeze her tits, guys."

He gave a yank on the leash and brought Jenny around the table again, pausing so each man could get a good feel of her breasts. The groping only added to her revulsion, but still she smiled sweetly at each man as he felt her up.

Jenny's going to be serving us tonight, boys," he announced as he unhooked her leash, "give her your ***** orders."

Two of the men asked for rye and ginger, one for a beer, and one for plain ginger ale. "I'm the designated driver," he said, smiling at the girl. Her Grandpa ordered his usual glass of scotch. Jenny brought all the ****** and then stood next to her grandpa.

"Let's have a bit of entertainment before we start the game, boys," Sam suggested, "you really should see how my new pet cums. Move your chairs closer together for now."

As his buddies shifted their seats opposite him, Sam turned to his grand********. "Lay on the table and masturbate, honey," he told her, "let them get a good look at how nicely you cum."

Jenny hesitated a second, and her *********** doubled up the leash and snapped it across her ass. "Up, girl," he snapped, "Now!"

Jenny climbed up on the table and laid back with her legs towards the four men. She slowly pulled the zipper up and spread her legs as the latex dress loosened around her. She winced as the lechers whistled and commented on her pussy, but she began to play with herself in spite of it.

"I'll just lay back and close my eyes and ignore them," she thought to her self, "I'll just pretend I'm alone in my bedroom, and it won't be so embarrassing."

She slid her middle finger between her labia and started rubbing up and down to get herself wet. The men expressed their approval and encouraged her to do more. She still tried to ignore them as she played with herself, but it was hard to tune them out.

She slipped another finger in and spread her lips wide.

"Holy ****!" cried one of the men, "just look how wet her pretty pink slit is!"

She spread her lips higher and let her clitoris pop out from its hood.

A chorus of cheers went up as she started stroking her clit with her fingers. Jenny was becoming pretty aroused herself now, and breathing heavily as she slipped her middle finger into her hole and started teasing her g-spot.

She began to sigh, and her hips began to pump up in the air with each probe of her finger. A wave of disgust swept over her, but it was soon lost in heat of her arousal. She added another finger, and that brought her past the point of reason and reflection. She was completely given to her impending orgasm when her *********** lifted her shoulders and propped her up against his arms.

"Show them your face, too, honey," he whispered in her ear, "you look so hot when you're cumming."

"Yes, grandpa," she breathed back to him, and she looked at the men looking at her.

"They look like they're cumming, too," she thought, "they can't take their eyes off me."

Her grandpa whispered to her again, "all your fingers, pet, get them all in there."

Jenny complied, so far along in her masturbation that she couldn't refuse anything, and stuffed four fingers and her thumb as deep into herself as she could while the heel of her hand ground at her clit. She moaned with pleasure as the four men gasped.

"Now your other hand, girl," he quietly ordered, "slide it under your leg and stick a finger in your ass."

She sighed a dreamy "yes, grandpa," as she followed his order. It was the first time she had done anything like that, and her body twitched as her middle finger poked into her tight little hole.

It felt strange to her , but pleasant, and she started pushing it in and out in time to her other hand's pussy play. She could feel her orgasm building up, and she pumped faster and faster with both hands until her whole body stiffened and arched.

And she came. She came in a way she had never before. Her body trembled and quivered and convulsed in pleasures that she hadn't felt before. As she settled back down on the table, she looked at her ***********'s friends and smiled. They all had looks of wonder and delight on their faces as if they were the ones who had cum, and Jenny felt that she must have the same look on hers.

"That felt wonderful," Jenny thought to herself, and considered whether it was due to having four fingers in her pussy, a finger in her ass, or being watched while she did it. "Maybe it was all of that," she concluded.

Her *********** told her she could get up, and she did, taking her place next to him again, but feeling a little weak in the knees. She thought she should feel bad about being such a slut, but she had such a great orgasm and the men seemed so pleased, that she dismissed the thought. "I'll do what I have to do," she decided, "and enjoy it whenever I can."

"Shuffle this deck, pet," he *********** told her, "and then deal a card to each of my friends. Oh, and pull your zipper down again."

As she dealt the cards, she noticed that some of the men had finished their ******. It was her job to serve, so she shuffled off for refills while her *********** spoke to his buddies. When she returned, he addressed her.

"Ok, pet," he said, "after every two hands, one of my buds gets to play with you. You have to do whatever he wants. Understand?"

"Yes, Grandpa," she answered meekly.

"Now, gentlemen," he said, turning to his cronies," your cards will determine the order in which you get to play with my new pet. Turn them over."

After the cards had been flipped, he confirmed the results. "Ok, Bob, you have an ace; you're first. Jimmy, that ten gets you second place. John, your nine is good for third. And Hal, your trey gets you last licks."

They all laughed at the implication of Sam's comment, and Jenny stood by her grandpa's side, wondering what game Bob would want to play.


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Sam dealt first, and John won the pot, with everybody folding. John had the next deal, and everybody was in. The hand lasted quite a while, with raising, but in the end Bob took the pot. Seeing as he was to be the first to get Jenny, everybody else wondered how he managed to keep his mind on the game.

"Looks like you're a double winner, Bob," Sam said, "you've taken a big pot and get to play with my pet."

He turned to Jenny, saying, "you're Bob's now to do what ever he wants until he's finished."

Bob stood up, and Jenny could see he was tall, over six feet and wiry. He stepped over to as he said "pick up your ******, fellas."

As soon as all ****** were up, he wrapped his hands around Jenny's waist, lifted her up in the air, and dropped her down on her back on top of the felt-covered card table. Her head was towards his seat, and he pulled her that way until her shoulders were at the table's edge. As she lay there, her head hanging over the edge, he dropped his pants and boxers and showed her what was probably the longest dick she'd ever seen.

It was a bit odd to her, the first time she'd looked at a guy upside down, but the length was clear. He was stiff as a tree branch, and must have been nearly a foot long. But thin. So thin, Jenny figured she'd be able to touch her finger to her thumb around his shaft without stretching at all. He stepped up to the table as she was thinking about his dimensions, and he started gently massaging her tits.

"Mmmm, that feels nice," Jenny thought, and then he gripped her nipples tightly and yanked them up so hard she squealed in pain and surprise.

Almost squealed, that is. Her mouth had barely opened to let out her little screech when he rammed his cock between her lips and far into her throat. She started to *****, and he withdrew a bit, but drove back in as soon as she got her breath. He kept pulling her nipples until her tits were stretched and aching, and thrust his cock in and out of her throat, ******* it a little deeper with each stroke.

That first jolt of pain she felt shot right to her pussy and started her dripping; the aching kept her juices flowing. The depth and vigor of his face-fucking added to it, and had Jenny just about at the point of another orgasm. He released her nipples and began massaging her gently once more, and she relaxed enough to allow the whole length of his cock into her throat and mouth. She heard him moan with pleasure as his root pressed against her lips.

He leaned forward as he kept on fucking her mouth, and slid his hands over her latex-clad hips. He slid back up, then, pulling the zipper until her legs were free again. Back down, and this time his hands spread her legs wide in front of her ************ eyes. His hands slid up her thighs until they rested on her pussy, and he slipped a finger from each hand into her hole. Jenny's felt herself sigh, but his cock blocked any sound from coming out of her mouth.

Bob pulled his fingers to open one side and the other, spreading her hole wide open for Sam to enjoy seeing while Bob had the pleasure of Jenny's throat. His fingers deftly twirled inside her, then, finding that spot that got her off so well, and massaging it roughly. Jenny body melted into one big silent moan of pleasure as she felt herself cumming again. Bob held his cock in place inside her as she came, and her mouth and tongue twitched and jumped wildly over his stiff pole. He came too, with her writhings, and spewed his cum right down her gullet. He thrust a few more times to make sure he was drained, and then withdrew his cock and his fingers from Jenny's orifices.

"A real sweet pet, Sam," he said as he pulled his pants back up.

He lifted Jenny up and stood her up again. She wobbled a bit, unsteady on her feet, and he held her by the shoulders a minute to keep her from falling over. Sure she could stand, then, Bob told her she was a good girl, and kissed her on the lips before he sat down.


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Jenny refreshed everyone's ****** as soon as she regained her strength, and stood there while the poker game went on. Grandpa didn't tell her to rezip her dress, and she left it open to feel a bit steadier on her feet. She watched the men play their game; they were just like the old men she used to see playing cards in the park, all wrinkled and decrepit looking. She thought those men were long past sex, and that they just ogled girls out of habit, but these retired lechers seemed full of vigor. Her *********** had given her a couple of good runs, and Bob, now, had manhandled her to an orgasm, and he was still ready to play cards.

"And that was some dick he had," she thought to herself, "so long it went right down my throat. I wonder what the other guys' cocks are like?"

"I'll call," she heard her grandpa say, and the men still in the hand laid down their cards. Her heart fluttered a bit; this was the second hand, and when the pot was raked in, it would be time for her to be played with again.

It was Jimmy's turn, she knew, and she had been watching him, trying to guess what his game might be. She had trouble reading him; he hardly looked at her while he played, while the other men, Grandpa included, had been ogling her tits and her now-exposed pussy. He had an old, wrinkled leathery look about him, his skin seemed sun-toughened, and his stocky frame still showed muscles.

"Looks like it's all yours, Sam," declared John, and Jenny watched as he raked in a sizeable pot.

"Thank you, boys," said her *********** before turning to Jimmy.

"What's you're pleasure, Jim?" he asked as he motioned for Jenny to go her next old man.

Jimmy pushed his chair back from the table and said, "Stand in front of me, girl."

Jenny stood facing him as he sat, and he began to give orders.

"Suck on your thumb like a baby," and Jenny did.

"Now play with your tits," was his next command, "bounce them for me."

She cupped her hands under her breasts and began bouncing them up and down while squeezing and twisting them.

"Why ain't you smiling while you play, baby," he said, "don't you like it?"

Jenny blanched for a moment; she had forgotten to keep smiling. She hoped her *********** wouldn't be angry.

She ****** a smile, but then got a bit angry with herself. "This is so demeaning," she thought, "why should I have to please these old bastards."

"Spread your legs and show me your clit."

As she showed him, he undid his zipper and took out his cock. It wasn't small, but it was short and stocky, and its head was round like a ball.

"Bend over and kiss my cock," he ordered, adding, "kiss it hot and hard, like it was your favorite boyfriend."

Jenny bent forward, trying to muster enough feeling to give him a kiss like that. The thought revolted her, but she knew she had to try to make up for not smiling. Her lips pressed on his glans, right on the little hole, and she pursed them, sucking hard through her closed lips, and trying to feel that she loved his cock.

"Not bad," he said as he held her head there a moment. "But not convincing. Now kiss me on the lips like I was your lover boy."

"God," she thought, "he's going to get whatever kind of fuck he wants from a young girl, and still he has to humiliate me."

"What must the other men think?" she asked herself as she stood up.

Again she mustered what she could and leaned to his lips, giving him as deep and warm a lingering kiss as she could. She stood back and smiled. "Was that good, sir?" she asked him.

"Good, but you sounded a bit sarcastic there, baby," he said. "Now turn around!" he barked.

"No!" she thought, "have I really fucked up? What will Grandpa do to me?" She began to tremble as she looked at her *********** for his reaction.

He looked into her pleading eyes impassively. "Do what you have to do, Jimmy," he said.

Before she knew what was happening, Jimmy's hand was in her hair ******* her face down on to the table. He held her there as he hiked the latex dress up to her waist with his other hand. A pause, and then the flat of his hand came down on her ass like a lightning bolt. She cried out, and another blow fell, and another. One cheek after another was slapped until both were bright red and Jenny's tears were flooding the center of the table. Why didn't the other men stop him, she thought, and she looked at the two she could see. Each was clearly aroused by what was going on. She'd find no help from them.

"Ok baby, now ask me to fuck your ass," he said.

Jenny only sobbed, and his hand came down again and again.

She struggled to speak through her tears, and managed to say, "would you fuck my ass?"

Jimmy paused and said, "You had your chance to ask, baby, Now you'd better beg, and beg nicely."

He began spanking her again, raining new blows on her already reddened and swollen cheeks.

"Please, please, sir," she cried, "please fuck me in the ass. Please fuck me hard!"

"That's more like it," Jimmy said as he stopped slapping her ass.

He kept her face pinned to the table as he held his hard cock to her asshole and shoved. His thrust pinned her legs against the table, and his dick pressed against her until her anal ring couldn't resist. She screamed as the fat ball of his cock burst into her. Her tears flowed again, and he pulled right out of her.

She knew what to expect now; her *********** had showed her that the first night. Jimmy rammed his cock in again and yanked it out again. She squealed and cried as he did it four more times before keeping it in.

His thrusts stretched her, and that hurt enough, but Jimmy wasn't as long as her grandpa, and that helped a bit. A few more thrusts, and Jimmy tautened. She could feel each spurt of his load as it ****** its way up his dick and out his piss-hole into her gut.

He groaned as he pulled his now-tender cock out through her tight ring, but she focused on the release, and was relieved to have him out.

He still held her head, though, and ordered, "now say thank you for fucking my ass."

Jenny screwed up all the strength and will she had and stopped her tears. "Thank you, sir, for fucking my ass so hard," she said, offering more than he asked for.

"You're welcome, baby," he said, and added, "now stand up" as he released her head.

She stood and looked at her ***********. He was smiling, and so were the other men.

"Sam," Jimmy said, "this is one incredible pet you've got yourself. I never thought she could stand up to that treatment."

Then he patted Jenny on the head and tousled her hair. "You're quite the girl, baby. That was a great ass fuck."

Jenny walked back to her ***********'s side, standing upright and holding her head high in spite of the pain in her ass. She felt strangely proud of herself; it was obviously a test of some sort, a slutty test, perhaps, but still she had done well. Would she get through the next two players, though, she wondered as she refreshed their ****** once more.


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The next two hands played out quickly; no one had openers in the first, and the second saw everyone but Jimmy fold after the draw. Jenny worried that she hadn't recovered enough from Jimmy's ***** to face another horny old man, but she dutifully went to John as soon as the pot was cleared from the table.

It may have been revolting and demeaning, but Jennifer felt she had shown them she was strong enough to take what they could dish out. Now she'd show them she could take some initiative.

She looked eagerly at John and asked, "what can I do for you, Sir?" adding, "my body is here for your pleasure."

Her approach was greeted by cries of approval from the other men, and John stood to look into her eyes.

"First," he said, "get out of that dress. I prefer flesh to rubber."

Jenny was happy to comply. She hated the tight latex; it didn't turn her on at all, and she didn't even feel sexy in it. The only thing good about it, she thought, was that it made her grandpa happy to see her in it. She wriggled and squirmed her way out of the dress, much to the delight of the five dirty old men.

She smiled warmly at John's wrinkled face and asked, "what next, Sir?"

She was ready to take anything, even being slapped around, after Jimmy's game, but she was surprised at what John did next.

He put his palm on her cheek and tilted her head back so she was looking up at him. Then he kissed her, his lips firmly on hers, and thrust his tongue into her mouth. He held the kiss as his hands encircled her waist, and he lifted her up to sit her on the edge of the table.

Jenny hadn't expected such a romantic game, nor did she expect such a hot and lingering a kiss from an old lech. She sighed as she sucked on his tongue, twirling hers around his as his twirled around her. As he broke off the kiss, she sighed for him like a teenager in love for the first time.

He took her hands in his, brought them to his lips for a kiss, and then pushed them away so Jenny fell lightly to her back on the table. He knelt between her legs and began kissing the inside of her thighs, one, then the other, gliding his lips higher after each caress.

His mouth was on her pussy next, and his tongue stroked its way between her labia and went up from her hole to her clit and back down again. Jenny moaned softly with the pleasure of his touch, and her moan clearly aroused him. His lips drew her pearl into his mouth and he began sucking on it as if it were a nipple.

And he suckled harder and harder on her, stretching her clit down to its root and caressing it with his tongue until the sighs and cries that flowed from her throat told him she was about to come.

He stopped then, and stood up as her body began to convulse in frustration. She remembered what her *********** had done the other night, and tried to calm down, knowing it was all about John's pleasure.

He undid his belt and dropped his pants as he stood between her legs, and then slid his hard-on smoothly into Jenny's wet hole. She had just begun to come down from her arousal, and here she was, being aroused all over again. She thought that he wanted her to get aroused and frustrated again, so she let herself get lost in the stroking of his cock inside her.

It felt like a pretty average dick to her, neither small nor large, but she was amazed at what John could do with it. Well, not so much what he could do with it as what he could to her with it. It seemed to find every place in her cunt that felt good and then make it feel ten times as good. Within five minutes, Jenny was in ecstacy, an orgasm no more than one stroke away.

And so he stopped.

"Damn," she thought as her body quivered uncontrollably on the table.

The other men all noticed her physical frustration and laughed while they made rude comments about their "little poker slut."

"Fuck them," she thought as she tried to get control of herself again, "I'll just get myself off when they're gone."

With that thought, John's cock was back in her hungry cunt. He held it still, though, no thrusting, no twisting, just perfectly still. He looked at her a moment as he slid his hands up her hips and onto her chest, cupping a breast in each. A hard squeeze, then, and his fingers closed tightly on her nipples.

Up he pulled, stretching them to their limit and then he pulled up some more. As her body left the table, The pain shot through Jenny, bringing a scream to her lips and a spasm to her pussy. Still he lifted her, and the pain became excruciating. Her scream turned into a series of gasping moans as he pulled until she was sitting upright on the edge of the table, her pussy wrapped around his swollen cock.

The pain in her tits was unbearable, and she locked her legs around him for support, to take up some of the weight that pulled down on her nipples. He responded, moving back from the table, so that only her legs and his fingers held her up. She groaned in pain and pleasure as her weight sagged back down tugging on her aching nipples. Jenny threw her arms around John's neck and hung on him like a lovesick high school girl just to relieve some of the pull.

The pain was turning more and more into pleasure now, and Jenny found herself getting lost in the midst of an imminent orgasm. Nothing he could do now would stop her, and he knew it. He began to lift her up and let her down by the nipples as she clung to him, bouncing her up and down on his dick. He let her fall more with each drop and picked her higher with each lift until she was overcome by the euphoria of a seismic orgasm.

Her body trembled and quivered and convulsed as if she were possessed or crazed. Her mouth uttered profanities and screams of thanks before garbled moans and screams filled the room. And John came wildly inside her, flooding her with hot cum that spewed out of his cock in ******** jets of pleasure.

His breaths grew labored as he lowered her still-convulsing body by her nipples back onto the table and let his dick slide from her hole. He caught his breath and looked at his fellows, saying, "I think we should let her get a little rest before Hal gets her."

She heard all, but didn't care about what Hal might do; she just had an orgasm that she might never get over. A little rest would be welcome.


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A break in the game for some necessities, bathroom trips were in order, and Sam let Jenny rest on the table while he got out some snacks for the men. She knew they were looking her over and talking about her, but she didn't really care. There was just one more man to get through, and she'd be through the night. Unless Grandpa wanted something, she thought, after all, he hadn't taken anything from her yet.

"Time to get up, pet," she heard her *********** say, "the men want to get back to the game."

Jenny slowly arose from the table, feeling somewhat rested, and checked on everyone's ******. Hal needed his ginger ale refreshed, and she smiled at him, knowing he was the next and the last who'd have her for the game.

Each hand was close, with much betting and raising until the cards were finally called. Hal pushed his chair back as Bob raked in the second pot.

Jenny walked over to him and stood, awaiting his command.

"Bend over towards me, Jenny," he said sweetly.

She leaned forward, expecting him to take her tits, but he surprised her. His hand went to her lips, and his thumb began lightly tracing over them as he spoke.

"You've already been fucked in all your holes, girl," he said, "so I have to wonder what's left for this old lecher."

"Whatever you want of me, Mister Hal," she replied.

"Here you go," laughed Jimmy as he tossed a stiletto to Hal, "now you can make your own hole to fuck."

Hal opened up the blade and ran its needle-sharp tip back and forth over Jenny's tits. "Yeah, maybe some real tittie fucking," he commented.

She blanched, afraid that he might just be ready to cut into her, but he laughed. "No, I wouldn't do that to such a sweet little pet."

"No," he said, "I watched you guys fuck her in the ass, in the mouth, and in the cunt; I want her to do me. A real sweet blow job from a real sweet piece of ass. I think I'll just sit back and let her do the work."

The other four men started laughing. "I'll bet she can't do that," declared Bob.

"I'll bet she can't too," John added.

"Me too," said Jimmy, "she may be sweet, but she can't give Hal a blow job."

Jenny felt humiliated. Sure they had fucked her, but she could give blow jobs. She had before. She'd sucked guys until they just about exploded in her mouth. She could do Hal, she thought, and wondered why they were laughing at her.

"Ok," said Sam, "I think she can do it and do it real good. How much are you willing to bet?"

"Fifty says she can't," declared Jimmy.

"You're on," said Jenny's grandpa.

"I'm in for fifty," said John.

"Ditto," added Bob.

"Not you, Hal," said Sam, "you're part of the game; you can't bet."

"Fine with me," said Hal; "I just want a good blow job."

"Well," thought Jenny, "at least Grandpa has confidence in me. I'll show him what a good cock sucker I can be."

"Ok, girl," said Hal, "unzip me and get started. Let's see what you can do."

Jenny knelt down at Hal's feet as the other four men drew their chairs around for a good look. She slid down his zipper and reached inside for his cock. The men laughed as she found it and let out a gasp of surprise.

Her hand could hardly grasp it as she wrestled it out of his pants. She'd never seen anything this big, not even in a porn movie. It wasn't even stiff, and she couldn't see how it would ever fit in her mouth. It was almost as thick as her fist and nearly ten inches long. Now she understood the laughter and the bets.

She wouldn't let her grandpa down though, and wouldn't want to know what he'd do if she lost him $150 in bets, so she smiled at Hal.

"That's a really big cock, Mister Hal," she said, "but I think I can give you a good blow job."

A chorus of "Ooohs" greeted her announcement, and the men leaned forward in their chairs for a better look.

Jenny took Hal's shaft in both hands and lifted the tip towards her mouth. She leaned forward and pursed her lips for a kiss. Her eyes turned up to meet Hal's as her lips pressed on the tip of his glans. She kissed him warmly as her lips parted to slide down over the top of his cock head. The start was easy; his glans was shaped like a giant mushroom cap, with a narrow dome at the top broadening to an incredibly wide corona.

She bobbed her head as she reached the mid point of his cock's head to ***** her self down on him in small steps. It didn't help though; each bob aroused him further and engorged his cock with *****. She began lapping her tongue around him to lubricate his cock with her saliva and his precum, and that helped her slide down and down as she stretched her mouth wider and wider. It took over five minutes, but she was finally down at his corona.

He was swollen stiff, now, though, and the flare of his mushroom pressed hard against her lips. Jenny slid her lips back up to his tip, licking him all around as she slid, and then took a deep breath before diving down on him. The strategy worked, and the ***** of her head going down popped his corona right between her lips and into her mouth.

But her mouth was stuffed like it never had been before, and she still needed to give Hal his blow job. She gulped and ****** herself further on him until her lips were half-way down his shaft and his tip stuffed deep into the back of her throat. Not much room for strokes, but she could suck on him and massage him with her tongue.

Jenny smiled to herself as she heard Hal begin to moan and sigh at her touch, and it encouraged her to push her limits. She relaxed her throat as much as she could and ****** her lips down further on his shaft. Up again and down again, over and over, trying to go further each time. She gaged on him a couple of times, but the spasms in her throat seemed to excite him more as her gullet tightened on his cock.

She felt his cock quiver and throb inside her mouth, and she knew he was close to cumming. A final drive now, and she managed more than she ever imagined she could do. His massive, engorged cock found it's way deep into her throat, and her lips almost found the root of his dick. As she felt his spasm start, she drew her head up until only his glans was in her mouth. She sucked wildly on it, and he came, spewing what felt to her like gallons of creamy semen into her mouth. His cock had already stuffed her mouth, and there was little room for the flood of cum that flowed from him. She tried to swallow as it filled her, but she couldn't contain it, and small streams of cum began to ooze from between her lips and his cock.

An impulse, engendered by Hal's moans of pleasure, swept over Jenny, and she drove her mouth down over his spasming cock, once again taking the whole of it into her throat. Hal arched in his chair as he erupted anew, shooting a jet of semen right down her gullet. She stroked the underside of his shaft with her tongue, milking out every drop of cum she could before she slowly slid her mouth up over his shaft and popped his corona and head out from between her lips. She gave his tip a big kiss, then, hot and passionate, just the one that Jimmy had ordered, but it went to Hal.

Jenny looked up at Hal and then at the other men who sat to either side watching. She smiled broadly with a few gobs of semen dripping from her lips, and said, "Is that what you boys said I couldn't do?"

Jimmy answered for those who had bet against her. "I should give you another spanking for that sass, Baby," he said, "but, holy ****! You are one goddamn good slut!"

He turned to Sam. "Here's your fifty. I guess you do know what your pet can do."

"Thank you boys," said Sam as he collected the rest of the debts.

Hal, in the meantime, had done up his pants and fixed a ***** for Jenny.

"Here's one for you, girl," he said, "you've really earned a treat."

"Thank you, Mister Hal," she said as she took the glass.

She wiped the cum from her chin with her index finger and stirred it into her *****. She looked around to make sure everyone was watching, and then dramatically downed the contents of her glass. She bowed her head to acknowledge the round of applause and cheers that followed.


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"I guess we can call it a night," said Sam, looking at his watch. He whispered something to his pet, and she went to stand by the door.

"And a great night it was," declared John, "thank you so much, Sam."

Bob, Jimmy, and Hal all joined in offering thanks, and the hope that there'd be many more poker nights.

Jenny opened the door for them and, as her *********** had instructed her, she gave each a goodnight kiss, on the lips with open mouth and a brush of her tongue. John was first, and as he kissed her, he grabbed a tit with one hand and her pussy with the other. She felt his middle finger slip inside her, and when he pulled it out, she felt odd, as if he'd left something behind. Bob was next, and he did the same. By the time Hal and Jimmy had gone and she'd closed the door, her pussy felt downright stuffed.

"That's a real puzzled look on your face, pet," Sam said as she turned towards him, "maybe you should check it out."

Jenny turned a bit away from her *********** and poked her own finger in her pussy. Something was there, and she managed to catch it with her fingers and pull it out. It turned out to be a crumpled, and slightly wet, twenty-dollar bill. She went fishing in her cunt again, and ended up with three more twenties.

"Just a little tip from the boys to show their appreciation for a job well-done," he said to her, adding, "and you did do a very good job."

He handed her a fifty. "This is yours for winning the bet for me, honey," he said, "you can spend the cash on yourself anyway you want."

"Thanks, grandpa," she said as she neatened the bills and rolled them all together. "I'd better get everything cleaned up before Mom gets home."

"I'll give you a hand," her *********** said, giving her still-red ass a squeeze.

With everything cleaned and put away, Sam went off to bed while Jenny headed to the shower.

The warm water was refreshing, and she washed off, and out, the accumulated jism of the evening. Her ass was still sore, both hole and cheeks, and she sponged herself very gingerly. As she showered, she reflected on the evening, and had some serious questions for herself.

She was worried about her grandpa's reaction, after all, he hadn't done anything to her at all. Was he angry at her? Didn't he want her anymore, that he was just giving her away to others? Was she too much of the slut for him?

That last question struck a nerve in Jenny's self image. She had never wanted to be a slut; it was her grandpa who made her do it, she felt. "But," she said to herself, "I did do it. I could have left, but I did what he wanted me to. And tonight, I did even more. I wanted to show those men how slutty I could be. I wanted to hear them want me. Christ, I even made a show of ******** cum to impress them. Am I really nothing but a filthy slut? I didn't even think twice about them shoving money up my hole. And they're all old and wrinkled. I never wanted to give myself to a dirty old man. But I never knew old men could fuck like that..."

Her questions were still unanswered when she finished her shower and her ****** came home from the movies.

"Hi, Mom!" Jenny said cheerfully, "How was the movie."

"Very good, a real chick flick," Sally responded, "and I met a guy there. A single guy. At a chick flick, no doubt."

"That's great, Mom," Jenny offered, "and...?"

"I'm going to see him again next week," Sally said, "that is, if you don't mind."

"I wouldn't mind, Mom," she said, "you deserve a bit of fun."

"Thanks," replied Sally, "and you... How did your night go? Were you bored with those old men playing cards?"

"It wasn't bad," Jenny told her, "and I wasn't bored. They kept me busy the whole night."

"You know, Mom," she continued, "I think they really appreciated having a young girl there getting their ****** and things. It felt good to make them happy."

"So, you're ok with it?" Sally asked her ********.

"Yeah, Mom," she answered, "I'm ok with it. In fact, I think I like it a bit."

****** and ******** then said their goodnights and each retired to her bedroom. Jenny lay there awake, though, still pondering the evening.

"I made a real slut of myself tonight," she mused, "and really, with Hal. His dick is so big... I wonder what it would feel like in my pussy?"

Her hand ************* massaged her pubis through her pyjamas as she imagined Hal inside her, but she stopped suddenly.

"****, I really am a slut," she said to herself, "and with those wrinkled old men."

She settled down a bit and continued her thoughts.

"They're not bad, though," she reflected, "better than the young guys I dated. They didn't appreciate a girl. It was always all about them. But the old men, even Jimmy's rough stuff seemed to be about me as much as him. And Bob and John made me really cum hard. The young guys never cared if I came or not."

"But was I too slutty?" she asked herself. "Grandpa was nice to me after, but he didn't do anything to me. He didn't even tell me to come to bed with him. Maybe he really doesn't like me anymore."

Jenny sat up in her bed and reached for her collar. She buckled it snugly around her neck and tip-toed out of her room. She slipped quietly into her ***********'s bedroom and whispered.

"Grandpa, are you still awake?"

"Yes, pet," he whispered back, "what can I do for you?"

"Can I get into bed with you, please?" she asked softly.

"Of course, pet," he answered as he stretched out his arm to give her a place to lay.

"Thank you, Grandpa," she said as she slipped out of her pyjamas and slid in by his side, resting her head in the crook of his arm.

Grandpa folded his arm around her and asked if she wanted to talk about something.

"Yes, Grandpa," she said as she let her hand glide lightly over the old man's chest and abdomen, "you didn't do anything to me tonight. You gave me to all your friends, but even after they left you didn't really do anything. Don't you want me anymore?"

"Of course I do, Jenny," he said, giving her a squeeze. "I wanted you to be just for the guys while they were there, you know, be the host who doesn't take for himself, just gives to his guests. And after, well, the guys had ridden you really hard, Jimmy in particular. I thought I'd let you get a bit of a rest."

"That was sweet of you, Grandpa," she said, giving him a little kiss and letting her hand wrap itself around his dick. "They were hard, but I could take it. Even Jimmy. He was rough, and I cried, but it was exciting."

She began to stroke his dick as it swelled with arousal, and asked, "Grandpa, could you do me a favor?"

"Sure, pet," he answered, "if I can, I will."

"Would you fuck me, please?" she said in her sweetest voice, "real hard?"

"Of course, pet," he replied as he rolled over between her open and inviting legs. Her hand still held his cock, and she guided it straight to her pussy.

"Mmmmm, thank you, Grandpa," she sang, wrapping her arms around his neck as he rammed his stiff dick deep inside her and began pumping up and down, "thank you."


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Life became pretty routine for Jenny during the next couple of weeks. Her mom was out more and more, though, spending time with that new boyfriend of hers, and Jen was spending more time with her ***********. When she knew her ****** was out for the day, Jenny would often do her chores naked, showing off for her grandpa, and enjoying the attention he paid her. He was always complimenting her on how pretty and sexy she was, and show she made sure she looked her best for him. Sometimes she'd wear something frilly or lacy, and grandpa knew that meant she wanted him to fuck her. And he always obliged. She always obliged, too, no matter what the old man wanted, like that afternoon they shared a bottle of wine.

Jenny felt a little tipsy after half a bottle, and a bit frisky, too. She was dressed, decided she'd make a show of getting out of her clothes. She put on some sultry music and started dancing for her grandpa, trying her best to disrobe like the old-time strippers she had seen films of. She hadn't rehearsed, of course, and she was a little *****, so there wee some awkward moments, like when her stocking got stuck on her toe and she fell on her ass. They both laughed at that one, and Jenny continued doing her best until she was completely naked.

The music continued, though, and Jenny swayed and shimmied to the beat, trying to be as sexy as she could. Grandpa enjoyed it immensely, and then he had an idea.

"Here, Jenny," he said as he picked up the empty wine bottle, "I bet you can do a trick or two with this."

Jenny took the bottle and continued her little dance. As she swayed, she brought the bottle to her lips as if to take a swig, but, instead, she slipped her lips over it. Slowly she slid it into her mouth, her pretty pink lips sucking at the bottle neck as it went further and further into her mouth. She stopped, then, with her lips pursed at the shoulder of the bottle and let her tongue almost ooze out over her lower lip to lick the glass. Then she slid the bottle back out, just as slowly. The bottle went in and out of her mouth until grandpa applauded.

"Nice, Jenny," he said, "very sexy."

"I'm just warming up, Grandpa," she replied with an obviously ******* wink.

She rubbed the bottle all over her tits next, softly and roughly, in circles and straight up-and-down, and flicked the bottle mouth back and forth rapidly over her erect nipples. Grandpa whistled his appreciation of the show.

Now Jenny drew the bottle straight down from between her breasts to the tip of her vee. She stopped swaying and squatted just a bit, spreading her legs from the knees. Grandpa gave her his full attention as she slipped the bottle mouth between her pussy lips and down to her hole. She undulated her belly a few times and then held the bottle in place while she squatted deeper, pushing her pussy down over the bottle. Grandpa smiled.

She kept in rhythm to the music, sliding herself down and up the neck of the bottle, taking it a little deeper each time. Soon her pussy lips were around the shoulder, and she stopped swaying to the music. She pushed up on the bottle and down with her hips, breathing deeply all the time, until the shoulder of the bottle disappeared inside her hole. Some more of the bottle slid in after and she started fucking herself I earnest with the bottle. Faster she went in and out and faster came her little gasps of breath, until she stiffened and arched her back. Her pussy held the bottle tightly in place as she came, and her hands were free to pull on her tits and nipples as she quivered in pleasured. Her hips were thrust out, and grandpa had a fantastic view of the bottle stuffed halfway up her hole.

"You're incredible, pet," he exclaimed, "simply incredible."

"Now you," Jenny gasped breathlessly, "please Grandpa, jerk off for me."

Her *********** didn't need much encouragement or effort, seeing how hard and swollen he was just from watching his pet perform, and so he stood up as she sat back down. He stroked himself a few times in front of her, as she told him what a hot cock he had. When she could see he was about to come, she opened her mouth.

His first spurt was so hard that it crashed against her forehead and splashed on up over her hair. The second hit her in the left eye. As cum from the two eruptions dripped down her face, a third and then a fourth went straight into her mouth. A fifth was weaker, and landed on her chin. She moved closer as he pumped himself again, and a few more little jets shot into her mouth.

"Yummy, grandpa," she purred as she swallowed her mouthful, "thank you."

He brought his cock to her lips for her to lick clean, and just in the nick of time; her ****** pulled into the driveway as she took the last taste. Grandpa ran into his room as Jenny gathered up her clothes and headed for the bathroom and a quick shower.

When Jenny came out and went into her room, her ****** was sitting on the edge of the bed.

"What's this, Jenny?" she asked, holding up her ********* panties.

"Oh, thanks Mom," Jenny said, "I was wondering why they weren't with me in the bathroom. I must have dropped them on my way to the shower."

"Dropped them?" her ****** continued, "they were hanging over the back of the couch on the other side of the room! Besides, they've been worn. And they're wet. Do you usually put on dirty underwear after a shower."

Her ****** sighed and got up to leave the room. She was sure something was going on between her ****** and her ********; after all, it was part of the agreement, but she didn't expect to have it in her face like this.

"It's your life, Jenny," she said as she left, "do with it as you will. I'm going for a shower now. I've got a date tonight; I might not be back until tomorrow."

"So what's she got to complain about anyway," Jenny thought, "she's fucking around too."

Her ****** was gone before dinner, and she ate with her ***********. He was very quiet during dinner, and Jenny worried something was wrong.

"What's the matter, Grandpa," she asked as she cleared the table, "you haven't had a word to say."

"I listened to your ****** talking to you, Jenny. I thought you understood you had to be discrete in front of your ******. She doesn't like the idea of you and I screwing."

"So what," Jenny protested, "she's getting screwed too."

"But she's not leaving her wet panties for you to find, is she? You're going to have to be punished for this, young lady."

Jenny turned white. Grandpa seemed so...formal. He wasn't like this when they were playing, when she danced and masturbated for him.

"I'll see you in the wood shed after you finish the dishes, girl."

God, Jenny thought, the woodshed? What is this, some old movie? I can't believe it.

There was a woodshed, though, and Jenny found her *********** waiting there for her. He had a long, thin willow branch in his hand.

"Take your clothes off, Jenny," he said ominously, "no show; just get them all off. Fold them and put them on the splitting block.

Jenny did as she was told.

"Now, bend over that woodpile."

There was a pile of split logs as high as Jenny's hips, and she bent over it, resting on her forearms.

"Not like that, girl," he said, "stretch your arms out."

Jenny stretched her arms out, and found her breasts flattened against the rough surfaces of the firewood. It hurts, she thought, and he isn't calling me by my name. He must be very angry.

As her thought finished, she heard the whistle of the willow withe and instantly felt its sting across her ass. She cried out in pain. Another whistle, and another sting, this time from the opposite side. Her body recoiled, and the split wood scraped over her breasts and belly.

Again and again the willow whistled and stung her ass cheeks. Again and again, and Jenny was in tears, sobbing uncontrollably.

"Please stop, Grandpa," she cried, "Please. It hurts so much."

The old man held his hand and looked at her ass in the dim light. It was striped with red welts and her flesh was quivering with the pain.

"You going to behave better in the future, girl.?"

"Yes, Grandpa, yes. I'll be more careful. I promise," she sobbed.

"Ok, then, Jenny, see that you do."

She was relieved now; there'd be no more whipping and he called her by her name again.

He dropped the withe and stepped up to her.

"Now, now, Jenny," he said soothingly, "stop your crying. Grandpa doesn't like to have to punish you like that; you be good, and he won't have to."

He started gently massaging her sore and swollen cheeks. "We'll get some unguent on your backside when we go inside; it'll ease the sting."

Jenny was relaxing a bit now, though her breasts still lay on the wood pile. She heard grandpa undo his belt and pull down his zipper. His big hands wrapped around her slender waist and held her in place as he pressed his cock against her tiny hole. He pushed harder, and Jenny loosened her ring to welcome him in. She gasped as his cock stretched her little asshole, but she was happy to feel it in her again.

He does still want me, she thought, and paid no attention to the wood ******** her tits as grandpa fucked her ass until he filled it with cum. He pulled out when he was drained, and pulled up his pants.

"Pick up your clothes, pet, and we'll get in the house and take care of those welts."

"Thank you grandpa," she said, as she leaned her naked body against him and walked with him to the house.


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Against Our Will

The night was falling, dusk taking over the hills as I drove back to my little house on the edge of the city. The rolling country sped by as I rushed to make it home before dark. There had been several car-jackings and rapes in this region and I didn't want my fiancé back home to worry about my lateness. Of course there was no cell phone reception out here so I couldn't even call and update Tim of my progress.

I noticed the car behind me after a few minutes. They were following unnecessarily close and it was unnerving. I slowed down to let them pass, but they also slowed. I nervously watched my rearview mirror as I sped up. They sped right up as well. I started checking my cell phone for service. No luck. I was worried about driving right up to my house with them so close behind me, but there wasn't a Sherriff station for almost fifty miles out here. I knew cell phone signals opened up just a few miles from my house. When it did I immediately dialed Tim's number.

"Baby someone has been following me and I'm worried." I tried to keep the panic from my voice, but he knows me so well.

"Come straight home and you won't have to worry about a thing. I'll be ready, baby." He was so reassuring. I thought comfortingly of his strong arms and dark eyes and felt reassured of my safety. It was unlikely for me to be raped in my own driveway with a strong man standing by!

I pulled into my driveway a few minutes later and saw Tim standing in the light, shirtless. Despite my fear and the car just a few seconds behind me, I felt a little jump low in my stomach when I saw him standing there all protective and manly, his brown hair falling into his face. I turned the car off and jumped out, running toward him without looking behind me.

I turned and saw two people get out of the sedan that had pulled in behind my Honda. One, a man, looked exactly like someone who'd be out car-jacking and ****** unsuspecting women in the country. He was tall and tattooed, dark hair shaved almost completely off. His shirt stretched tight across his chest. I was surprised to notice that he was incredibly attractive. The other person, however, gave me pause. It was a woman, taller than my petite five foot three inches, but not by much. She was dressed provocatively, a red slinky dress that showed ample cleavage and a slit up the side of her thigh that flashed her ass while she walked. Her hair was black and curled loosely down over her shoulders in a sexy, just got fucked sort of way that made me jealous and turned me on just a little.

"Excuse me, we're sorry if we scared you, miss. We were just wondering if we could use a phone or get some directions. We've been lost out here for hours and you were the first car we came across all evening." This was from the man, who introduced himself as Jackson. The woman was Cassie but she didn't say anything. Just smoldered at my fiancé in a way that made me nervous of her plump, red lips.

"Well, I'm Tim and this is Lana. You definitely gave her a fright out there, but you're welcome to use our phone if you need to." Tim smiled, clearly disarmed by their charm.

Tim invited them inside to print off some directions for them to the nearest big city and offered them a *****. I was still feeling wary of this unusual couple and wished Tim wouldn't be quite so overtly friendly.

We all took seats in the living room and that's when the trouble started that would haunt us for days. It began when Cassie sat on the loveseat next to Tim before I could sit down. I raised an eyebrow, but took a chair instead. I didn't like the way her dress seemed to hike itself up even more when she crossed her legs and turned toward him.

After we'd all had a few ******, she leaned in after a look from Jackson, and kissed Tim on the mouth. He was shocked and pushed her away. "Whoa, that was totally inappropriate!" He stood up and looked at Jackson who just had an amused grin on his face. I clenched my teeth and stood as well while the two of them lounged.

"I think it's time for you two to leave now, please." I walked toward the door and unlocked it. Cassie giggled and reached up to cup the front my fiancé's jeans. He jumped back, moving her hand. "Wow, that', but you guys do need to get going. Don't want to miss hotel check ins or whatever."

Jackson stood then and the room felt eerily silent. "I don't think we'll be leaving anytime soon." I started to protest but suddenly my head felt dizzy. Tim also put his hand to his forehead and stumbled a bit. Cassie helped him sit back down and Jackson smiled wide.

"We've been waiting a long time to find a couple as perfect as the two of you."

My vision started to go dark and I felt myself falling forward. Before I passed out, ******* obviously, I heard Jackson say, "Cassie, catch her please. We want her nice and comfortable for the next couple days, not bruised up." I felt Cassie's surprisingly strong arms break my fall and looked up into her face, a look of hunger in her eyes, before everything went black.


I awoke naked, my hands tied in front of me and my ankles bound together as well. I was laying in my living room, but all the furniture had been moved out. My head was still groggy and my vision was blurry. I blinked a few times and saw Tim across the room, tied the same as me, just as naked. He was still passed out. I looked around for Jackson or Cassie and didn't see them. I started to try to army crawl over to Tim, but only made it a few feet before I realized my ankle restraints were connected to a hook in the wall that they had obviously put there. I rolled back toward it. It was solidly in the wall, keeping me from moving beyond just a few feet in any direction.

"Tim?" I whispered. "Baby, wake up!"

"Huh? Wassamatter?" He mumbled and then opened his eyes suddenly. "****, Lana! Are you okay?" He sat up and examined his own situation, ankles bound with nylon rope and tethered by the hook on his side of the room.

"Yeah, what's going on, though?" I asked quietly. "Do you think they did anything to us?"

"No, darlings." This was definitely Cassie talking. I looked up and saw her waltz into the living room from the kitchen. Her voice was low, sultry. "We haven't touched you. Except to remove your clothing of course."

"Why are you doing this? What do you want?" Tim asked, angrily yanking at his ropes.

"It's always the same, isn't it, Cassie?" Jackson entered, his shirt off now, showing the further extent of his tattoos which curved around his arms and chest and down his back in an intricate design.

"Yes, it is, Jackson. 'What do you want?' is usually the first." She smiled brilliantly and went to her man. He bent his neck to kiss her, a lingering kiss that suddenly made me realize how naked I was.

"What are you going to do?" I asked, interrupting them. Cassie angrily walked toward me. Before I had anytime to flinch, she slapped me hard across the face and knelt down to look me in the eyes.

"We're going to do whatever we want, Lana. Right now, I want to fuck." She spat the last word into my face and I looked away, fire burning inside me. She stood and met Jackson in the middle of the completely empty room, right between me and Tim so that we could both see exactly what they were doing.

At first they kissed. I saw Jackson's tongue slip into Cassie's mouth and hers lick across his lips before I looked away, embarrassed and furious. Their hands started moving on each other next. Her hands over his chest and down to the waistband of his jeans, his hands up through her hair and down her back to squeeze her ass through the slick fabric of her red dress. When he pushed aside the straps of the dress and her breasts were completely revealed, I glanced over at Tim and saw that he was watching.

Jackson slipped the dress down Cassie's body so that it pooled on the floor beneath her feet. Her body was curvy and tanned, her pussy shaved, her stomach toned and perky breasts with dark, erect nipples. I saw Tim shift uncomfortably, hiding what I knew must be a growing erection. I frowned, gritting my teeth, knowing that speaking was futile at this point.

Jackson made a low sound in his throat and his hands went to her breasts, squeezing and kneading them while she threw her head back, eyes shut tight. She undid the buttons on his jeans and pushed them down his thighs while he began kissing her neck and running his hands down the arching of her back over her perfectly shaped ass. She sucked on her bottom lip and moaned when her hand closed around his now revealed cock.

I looked up, mildly curious, and saw her hand pumping him gently while his mouth went to her hard nipples. His dick was huge, massive in a way that I had not seen but in porn years ago and something in me did a somersault when Cassie dropped to her knees in front of him, like she was worshipping his cock. I realized Tim was watching me and dropped my eyes, but watched from under my lashes as Cassie began to suck Jackson off.

I was transfixed by the way her tongue did laps around his cock, licking him like a vanilla ice cream cone and then taking all of him into her mouth, deep-throating him in a way that made him grab the back of her head and shudder. I felt myself getting wet despite myself as Cassie's hand slipped between her legs and began to rub herself there while she sucked him. I snuck a glance at Tim and noticed he was very interested in her fingers, as well, vigorously slipping in what must be a very wet pussy. He had given up on trying to hide his erection; it was too big to be concealed by his knees. With a small jolt I saw a drop of precum on the head of his dick and longed to lick it off. I felt myself get even wetter as I realized that he was enjoying the show so much. How fucked up is this? I thought but I kept watching.

After a few minutes of sucking, Jackson pulled her away and pushed her gently to the ground onto her back. He got down on his knees on the carpet and positioned his cock with her pussy perfectly so that we could easily see. Cassie spread her legs wide and Jackson placed his hands just above her knees, pushing her legs even wider as he thrust into her hard. I watched his dick disappear into her slick wet hole and felt my body tremble in desire. Cassie began to moan as he started to really fuck her, his cock sliding in and out, hands moving to her breasts so he could squeeze them as they bounced with each thrust. Tim closed his eyes, his cock straining, the drop of pre-cum slipping down his thick shaft. Cassie started rubbing one finger against her clit as they fucked and within minutes she was screaming that she was cumming hard around his cock. Almost immediately, he pulled out and began jacking himself off. His cum jetted from the tip of his dick in thick ropes that splashed across her wet pussy and flat stomach and I felt my own pussy spasm longingly, the wetness seeping out between my legs to coat my thighs. I, too, closed my eyes, the desire welling up was too strong to continue watching.


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I kept my eyes tightly closed until I heard the master bathroom shower turn on. Then I opened my eyes to an empty room, but for my fiancé, still tied up on the other side. "Damn," I said, my throat dry.

"Yeah," he murmured. His cock was still hard. I wished I could suck it. I wished that his hands were free so that he could get himself off if he wanted to. Or that my hands were free so that I could run my fingers against my clit the way Cassie had just done. I shut my eyes again and took deep breaths until I calmed down. When I opened them, Tim was soft again and Cassie and Jackson were back in the room, both still naked and freshly showered.

"How was the show?" Cassie asked, walking over to me.

"Um. Fine." I said. "Hot." I added, sure it would please her. I wondered when we'd be let go, trapped on our own home.

"Good. I noticed you were a little uncomfortable."

"I guess a little."

She leaned in, whispered. "Did it make you wet, Lana?" I gulped but didn't answer. She didn't give me time to answer, but pulled my knees apart and ran a hand up my thigh, sliding through the slickness there.

"Oh my, yes."

Jackson had an eyebrow raised, arms crossed over his chest. I watched him lick his lips as Cassie's fingers gently rubbed against my pussy making me shudder. She pulled back quickly, though, and went to join him.

"Tim was turned on, too, wasn't he?" Jackson asked. Cassie agreed and knelt down in front of Tim who turned away.

"Your cock got the hardest while you watched me sucking him off. Did you want me to suck you off, Tim?" She asked, hand trailing over his balls. He tried to knock her hand away, but she squeezed his semi-erect dick in her hand.

"Get the fuck away from him!" I found my voice and shouted.

"No I don't think I will, Lana. He has a lovely dick and I'll be playing with it soon enough." She stood and took Jackson's hand.

They told us they'd be back later to play some more and that we'd better be ready for them. They left some food and water, laughing about how we'd have to eat without using our hands and then they disappeared into the back bedroom.


A few hours later, after we'd slept a bit, eaten, and been taken to the restroom, Cassie and Jackson began their real torment.

Cassie knelt down, naked, in front of Tim and began stroking his cock. When he didn't immediately respond, she began touching herself in front of him, sliding her fingers over her clit so he could easily see. He let out a shaky breath and I saw his dick jump in her hand. She licked her lips and continued stroking him. I started to protest, but Jackson put his hand against my neck and squeezed menacingly enough that I only whimpered while I watched Cassie jack off my fiancé with horror and fascination.

Tim looked over at me, terror and guilt in his eyes, completely different than the raging erection in Cassie's hands. She dribbled lube down onto him and really began working his shaft and he moaned *************, not taking his eyes from mine. The guilt began to subside in his face as the look in his eyes turned to pure ****** arousal. She continued to stroke him, faster and faster, and his hips began thrusting slightly forward a slack look on his lips. "You want to fuck me, don't you, Tim?" Cassie asked softly. He tried to say no, but tore his eyes away from mine long enough to look down her lean, tan body and all he could do was whisper, "yes." Immediately she stopped stroking him and he moaned in physical protest. She laughed and came over to me and Jackson.

"Now, girls are a little trickier. Do you want me or Jackson to build you up?" She asked sweetly as she lay down at my feet. She spread my legs, ankles still bound, knees wide, and leaned toward my exposed, shaved pussy. I whimpered again. "Don't..." I said, weakly, but it was too late. Her mouth went first over my clit and began licking gently. I tried to move out from under her, but Jackson held me in place. I'd never had a girl do this before. I realized quickly that I had been missing out.

She sucked my clit and I moaned before lapping her tongue down into my hole, tasting me and making me tremble. I tried to tell her to stop, but I couldn't even think as her tongue made circles inside me and her fingers began to slide inside as well. I could feel Jackson's dick begin to harden against me as he held me down and I had a fleeting, embarrassing thought of turning around and taking him into my mouth. Tim was hard, too, unable to go soft while he watched his fiancée get eaten out by another woman, especially one as sexy as Cassie. It's like it didn't matter in those moments that we were there against our will. All I could think about was her fingers slipping in and out of me and how badly I wanted cock. As if reading my mind, Jackson whispered against my neck, "would you like me to fuck you, Lana?" I gulped and could only nod as I felt myself getting closer and closer to the brink. "Please," I whispered and I didn't even know if I meant "please stop" or "please don't stop." Cassie's tongue slowed and stopped and she stood up. Jackson followed suit and they both told us to enjoy our frustrations before leaving the room.

"Dammit!" Tim yelled the moment we were alone. "I'm so sorry, Lana. I didn't want it." He moaned.

"Tim, I'm sorry, too. I don't want him, honest."

"I just couldn't help it"

"I know, me, too."

"I'm still hard." He moaned again. "All this teasing is driving me nuts. And there's something about you tied up and naked over there that isn't making this any easier." He shifted, his dick indeed still erect. I could feel my pussy still shivering, too, easily excitable by seeing him aroused. This was *******.

Moments later, Jackson came back, alone this time. "I didn't think it was fair that Cassie had all the fun last time. My turn now." He knelt in front of me and spread my legs the same way Cassie had done. I was terrified now, sure that I was going to be raped now like I had originally feared. His dick was massive and hard, but he lay down on his stomach instead of what I expected and began to lick me as Cassie had minutes before.

If possible, he was even better. His tongue knew exactly where to stroke against me, and he pushed a finger inside me at the right moment. I starting moaning and thrusting my hips up to meet his mouth, completely at his mercy as his tongue lapped at me, bringing me so close to orgasm I was ready to burst. Abruptly, however, he stopped. "Fuck," I mumbled as he went to Tim, whose cock was still semi-erect.

"How dare you touch her?" He demanded. Before he could completely go off, though, Jackson was taking Tim's dick into his mouth and sucking. "What the fuck?" Tim started, but couldn't continue protesting. Jackson licked and sucked as good as Cassie had done to him and Tim's face was a surprised blend of horror and utter lust. I watched, shocked at how hot it was to see Tim's dick disappearing into another man's mouth, and my body ached. Tim shut his eyes, but I could hear his breathing get more and more shallow and I could see how hard he was and how he was trying to resist, but failing. "Fuck!" He groaned, "I'm going to cum." Jackson pulled back and Tim tried to shove his dick back in the man's mouth.

"As much as I would love for you to come in my mouth, we have other plans for you."

Cassie appeared then, naked but wearing a pair of sensuously tall red platform heels that made her ass look even more mouthwatering than before. Tim's eyes went wide as she walked to him and sat down in front of him, spreading her legs, knees bent. She began to finger herself while he watched and I saw his dick throbbing with the ache that I was getting very familiar with myself. She pulled out a dildo, a blue toy that she began to lick and suck. I watched Jackson get hard as she slipped it inside of herself with a small sigh. She began to fuck herself there on the floor and my cunt spasmed jealously.

"I'm going to fuck Lana now." Jackson announced and I shivered. Tim began to speak but Cassie gripped his dick and began to stroke and he could only moan as he watched Jackson pull me to my feet and bend me over a chair he had brought into the room. I trembled as I felt him massage my ass, down over my dripping pussy, fingers dipping into my cunt. He spanked me then, harder than I'd ever been spanked and I whimpered, but felt myself get wetter.

He spanked me again and I felt the tip of his cock at my pussy. I moaned softly and looked over at Tim. Cassie's head was bent down and bobbing over his dick as she sucked him off and his eyes were wide, horrified as he watched another man's cock inch inside me in one hard thrust that brought tears to my eyes.

He was so big I thought I might break. I was filled up in a way that I had never felt before, my insides melting with the immensity of the arousal and the pain, mixed together in some sort of sadistic and twisted delicacy. When he started to fuck me, I thought I was going to die from it, the overwhelming brink of orgasm and need. He went slow at first, and I watched Tim's eyes, but as he sped up and I began screaming my pleasure I couldn't look at him anymore. All I could do was cry out beneath him, my pussy gushing as I came harder than I've ever come in my life, the orgasm bursting through me, washing away everything and yet leaving me so unsatisfied, still reeling. He continued to fuck me, harder now, spanking me so hard it sent me over the edge again and I came a second time, clawing at the fabric of the chair, screaming obscenities and begging for him to give me his load. He did not oblige, but slowed his thrusts to a delicious tease that pulled at my pleasure a third time. He pulled out and I sighed, twitching, unable to move.


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I felt him then at my asshole. I had never been penetrated there and I was suddenly terrified again. Tim and I had talked about trying it, but I had always been scared, nervous. Even Tim's cock was too big for me to feel comfortable with it, and Jackson's dick was much larger. I could tell as he began to push inside. Tim said "no" and I begged him to stop, but he dripped some lube onto his huge cock and pushed inside anyway. He went slow at first, I can be thankful for that. I still felt like I was being ripped apart. I cried out in pain and Tim echoed my fear, pleading with them to stop this. I looked over and saw Cassie straddle him, angle his aching dick so that it slipped inside her and I realized that I would be ripped apart without his sympathy while she rode him.

"No..." he murmured weakly as Cassie began to move above him, her delicious breasts bouncing gently as she fucked herself on top of him, using his cock for her own game, like he was a toy, a plaything. Her hands went to her nipples and she squeezed as she rode him. "Do you like watching her ass torn apart by my man's huge cock?" She asked, biting his earlobe as her ass bounced against him, taking him deep inside her cunt. He wanted to say no, of course not, but when he looked over and saw me bent over with Jackson's dick buried in my ass, he could only start to thrust inside of Cassie, pushing his hips up hard, so hard, wanting to pound inside her.

Jackson eagerly watched his girl fuck Tim and began to get more excited. He ran his hands over my breasts, pinching my nipples and moaning, writhing his hips against my ass, his dick deep inside me. He was teasing himself, making himself harder while I struggled under him, making it hotter for him. He pulled my hair a bit, cupped my ass hard in one hand and smacked me so I felt the heat afterward. He pushed inside me even deeper and I felt the pain of it blend slightly into a deep, *********** pleasure that I couldn't consciously explain. He slipped out and I moaned. He pushed inside again and I gasped. I watched Cassie and Tim fuck and felt myself getting closer to another orgasm as Jackson began to actually fuck me hard, thrusting in and out. He grabbed my hips, pulled me in to meet his hard thrusts of his cock, deep in my ass.

I looked over and saw Cassie untying Tim's hands. I thought "how stupid of her!" and I wondered how he would grab her and threaten her, make this whole thing end. I waited for him to be free and wrap his hand around her throat, threatening Jackson to stop or else. But he didn't do that. He didn't stop this. Instead he used his freed hands to flip Cassie onto her stomach, turning her around, and then pulling her up so she was on her hands and knees and he was kneeling behind her. He then grabbed her hips, and without even looking over at me once, thrust his raging cock deep inside her cunt and began to fuck her like a man possessed.

Jackson laughed and continued to fuck me hard. I felt myself cumming a third time, the feel of his cock in my ass exquisitely different and mind blowing. My moans send him over the edge finally, with a grunt he filled my ass with his cum and I was reeling again, shaking as he pulled out and collapsed next to me on the chair. I heard Tim moan, but I couldn't look over at him. I imagined him yanking Cassie's hair as he shot his load into her cunt and I felt another shiver of pleasure run through me. I heard them slow and quiet and we all just breathed.

We never learned much more about Cassie and Jackson and after spending the night and letting us go, they took off in their sedan, not to be heard from again. I know I should be horrified and disturbed by our two day sex captivity, but in all honesty it brought out a lot of issues between Tim and I. We talk more now about sex and about our relationship. We value each other more. And I'm almost always home before dark these days.


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L'éducation d'un jeune esclave

Alexis j'ai 20 ans. Je suis étudiant à l'université je vais donc peu en cours, je vis dans un foyer étudiant je suis indépendant libre avec beaucoup de temps libre. Alors que je suis bi, je le sais depuis longtemps, j'ai quand même une forte préférence pour les hommes.

Au début je n'étais pas soumis, mais un jour que je traînais dans mon bar avec mes potes, en allant aux toilettes je remarqua un homme, la soixantaine dans les 1m80 80 kilos plutôt beau gosse pour *** âge il avait l'air froid. Mais je pris mon courage à deux mains, les hommes matures m'ayant toujours un peu attiré, je lance une phrase sur le ton de la blague pour le tester en lui disant : "vous êtes bien conservé pour votre âge, vous habitez pas loin on pourrait peut-être se boire un verre non?" et j'ai rigolé pour cacher mon angoisse.

Et la il me répondit sur un ton dur et limite méprisant: " je peux te dire que si tu venais chez moi je te dresserais sale chienne!" J'ai été surpris par sa réponse mais bizarrement tout excité je lui ai donc dit d'accord allons y, il m'a alors emmener avec lui j'ai juste dit au passage à mes amis que je m'en allais, je l'ai suivi en sortant du bar il m'a dit tu marches un peu derrière moi tête baissée et tu me parle pas. Donc on n'est allé comme ça jusqu'à chez lui.

Il ouvre la porte je rentre, quand il se retourne après avoir fermé je vais pour l'embrasser et là il me gifle une fois, je suis tombé sur le cul, et là il me dit sèchement: "je crois que tu n'as pas bien compris petite salope, si tu es ici c'est pour que je te dresse tu te fous à poil et tu mets à quatre pattes devant la table du salon". Et là j'étais rouge j'avais chaud mais je ne sais pas pourquoi j'étais terriblement excité alors je me suis exécuté en me disant de toute façon ça doit pas être si terrible que ça alors je me suis retrouvé nu à 4 pattes au milieu de *** salon.

Il est allé dans sa chambre à ramener un gode assez gros 21*6, puis s'est assis sur une chaise m'a dit de me relever j'ai du m'allonger sur ses genoux et là il m'a fessé avec ses mains comme un enfant mais très fort et longtemps jusqu'à ce que je pleure. Ensuite il m'a ordonné de me remettre à quatre pattes sur le tapis ce que j'ai fais honteux et encore endolori des fesses. Il a pris le gode a la main puis m'a pénétrer le cul avec à sec, très vite et fort et il m'a fait jouir. Il a ensuite retirer le gode puis me l'a fait sucer, en même temps il me caressait la tête et me dit " c'est bien tu es une bonne chienne, nettoie bien le gode qui t'a fourré". Une fois que j'eus fini il a ouvert sa braguette a sorti sa queue et a commencé à me baiser la bouche, mais en n'oubliant pas de me dire;" tu m'excuses je me déshabille pas c'est comme aux chiottes je me fous pas à poil pour me vider!". Une fois que *** sexe fut bien dur il alla derrière moi me tira les cheveux et me ramona le cul à grands coups de reins jusqu'à ce qu'il se vide en moi dans le cul, j'ai ensuite dû, selon ses ordres, me mettre accroupi pour faire couler le sperme par terre au même endroit où j'avais éjaculé puis tout léché. Une fois cela terminé, il fut très clair avec moi, il m'a demandé si j'étais étudiant et si je vivais seul ce à quoi j'ai répondu oui. Il m'a alors montré une chambre en me disant voila ce que je te propose, là je m'en vais je reviens ce soir à 19 heures si tu veux devenir ma chienne viens ce soir devant ma porte à cette heure. Tu seras ma chienne mais si tu dois travailler ou que tu as un examen alors je te laisserais tranquille et cette chambre sera la tienne l'espace de quelque temps. Maintenant tire toi et c'est ce soir ou jamais. Je suis donc parti ne sachant pas encore que faire.



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Offre d'emploi

Étant sans emploi depuis plusieurs semaines, j'avais un besoin monétaire très critique et donc par le fait même beaucoup moins sélectif dans ma recherche d'emploi. Ainsi quant j'ai vu l'offre de bonne à tout faire je me suis résigné à les contacter.

J'ai eu l'entrevu pour le jour même avec M. et *** épouse. Nous avons discuté des conditions de travail. Le salaire était très bon et je devais demeurer la en tout temps sauf mes journées de congés. Ils fournissaient l'uniforme et mes taches seraient variées selon les dires de mes employeurs sans aller dans les détails. J'ai accepté leurs offre (bien que je n'avais pas le choix, car j'avais un criant besoin d'argent. Je commençai donc le lendemain.

Donc le lendemain, je me suis rendu à mon travail avec des bagages quant même pas trop chargé, vu que mon employeur fournissait l'uniforme. En arrivant ils mon indiqué ou était ma chambre pour m'installer. Quant je fut installé, j'ai demandé à M. ou était mon uniforme, il me tendit alors une robe assez courte a grand décolleté. Devant mon air interlocuteur, il me dit que c'était cela ou la porte. Je me suis donc résigné (toujours besoin d'argent ... )et me rendit dans ma chambre pour m'habillé en me disant que de toute façon ont ne me verrai pas.

J'ai donc passé la journée en robe à faire les différentes tâches ménagères et le fait de sentir le vent entre mes jambes était quant même agréable. Le lendemain, Mme m'a donné plusieurs exemplaires de la même robe pour chaque jour. Toutefois elle m'a donnée des petites culottes féminines et des bas culottes et souliers féminins de ma pointure. J'ai demandé à Mme pourquoi et pour toute réponse, elle me dit que c'est cela ou la porte et que je devais les porter. J'ai obtempéré et je fus surpris par le plaisir du nylon de mes bas qui frottent sur la robe. J'ai donc fait du ménage à l'intérieurs et préparé les repas. Quant M est arrivé de travaillé, il m'a remis une dizaines de soutient gorges variés, encore une fois, je n'avait rien à dire sauf à les mettre. Je me suis donc rendu dans ma chambre et j'en ai mis un. A ma grande satisfaction j'aimais cela et de plus en plus je prenais plaisir à ses petites exigences de mes employeurs.

A la fin de la semaine, mes employeurs me dirent qu'ils étaient satisfaits de mes services. Toutefois, Mme me dit qu'elle aimerait que je porte une plus grande attention à mon hygiène physique en sous entendant que je devrais raser mes poils. Je me résignais donc à m'épiler les jambes, torses et dessous de bras. La féminisation bien que obligatoire me laissait perplexe en m'interrogeant pourquoi ils me demandaient cela et comme mon besoin d'argent était toujours très fort, je n'avais pas le choix. A mon réveille, Mme m'a remis une trousse de maquillage et une perruque en me disant de me faire belle car ils attendaient de la visite. J'ai donc du rapidement apprendre à me maquiller et je dois dire que ce n'était pas si pire. J'ai donc accomplit mes taches ménagère et préparer la réception pour le souper. Quant la visite est arrivé, je me suis mis en mode servante pour servir la visite et j'ai aimé cela me faire regarder par les hommes.

Depuis que j'était à leurs services, jamais je n'avais eu d'attouchement sexuel (outre leurs habillement) de mes patrons. Mais ce soir, après le départ de nos invités, Mme est partie se couché tôt, et Monsieur est venu me rejoindre dans la cuisine. Durant que je rangeais la vaisselle dans le lave vaisselle, M en a profiter pour me passer sa mains sur mes fesses. Je ne dit pas mots et je l'ai laissé faire. Bien que je n'avait jamais rien fait avec un homme, je dois dire que cette féminisation des dernières semaines m'avais donné des fantasmes spécial et je me disais pourquoi pas me laisser aller au point ou j'en étais.

Donc voyant mon ouverture, M. devin plus entreprenant. Il me fit retourner et m'indiqua de lui faire une fellation. Je sortis donc *** pénis de ses pantalons pour le mettre bien au chaux dans ma bouche. Mon mouvement de va et vient lui fit de l'effet très rapidement et ainsi il déversa sa semence dans ma bouche. J'ai aimé le gout du sperme et j'ai tout avalé. Par la suite, M c'est retiré et j'ai fini mes taches avant d'aller me coucher. Après m'être couché, j'étais resté sur ma faim et donc je me suis rassasié en me masturbant.

Le lendemain, j'ai donc fait ma journée comme mes tâches me le commandaient. Toutefois a quelques reprise, M m'a passé sa mains sur les fesses ou ma poitrine. Il m'a donné une nuisette en me disant que pour dormir je devrai la mettre. Le soir, je l'ai donc mit avant de me couché et quelques minutes après m'être couché la porte de ma chambre c'est ouverte. C'était M. qui était nu, il me regardait et m'a dit que j'étais jolie. Il m'a rejoint dans le lit et c'est mis à m'embrasser tendrement et à jouer avec mes mamelons. J'appréciais vraiment cette sensation de me faire désirer par un homme et je l'incitais à aller plus loin. Donc il m'a demandé de lui faire une fellation et lui durant ce temps me dilatait l'anus. Quant il me sentit suffisamment dilaté, il me pénétra avec une tendresse inégalée. Après la douleur du début passé, j'ai apprécié ses mouvements de va et vient dans mon corps et j'ai jouie assé rapidement. Quant M a éjaculé il c'est vidé complètement dans mon anus pour par la suite me remercier et quitter la pièce. Ca y est, j'était rassasié complètement .

Mais dans tout cela, je me demandais si Mme était au courant ? Le réponse me parvint le lendemain matin, en effet après le départ de *** époux, Mme m'a pris a part pour me dire qu'elle était au courant des escapades de *** marie. Ma grande surprise fut que au lieu de m'en vouloir et me remerciait de rassasier *** époux, car *** désir sexuel était a la baisse et qu'elle préférait voir M. s'amuser avec moi au lieu d'une autre femme. Elle me dit que je pouvais continuer et laisser M. s'amuser avec moi si je le désirais.

Ainsi, M. intensifiait ses avances et je le laissait faire, comme cette fois ou M. m'a pris dans la cuisine et durant qu'il me pénétrai, Mme est arrivé et nous a surpris. Toutefois au lieu de cesser sa pénétration, M a continué. Mme est resté pour le regarder faire et je sentais que ca l'excitait et elle se touchait durant que *** époux me matait.

Donc mes problèmes monétaires ont disparues, mais j'ai continué à travailler a cette place, car j'ai appris à aimer travailler la et de faire la femme de M. J'ai hâte de voir si je vais faire de quoi avec Mme ????



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The Sissy Whorehouse

Hey you! My name is Candy and I'm a sissy slut. I used to be a male, but now a days I enjoy dressing up in sexy lingerie while I suck men's cocks and let them fuck me in my ass pussy. Yeah, I know that's a crazy change, but the story of how it happened is even crazier.

Chapter 1 – The Capture

Before I became a girl I was a lonely boy with no friends. I couldn't seem to make friends with anyone. I hated myself and I hated my life. One day I decided to take a walk and try to get away form my troubles. It was early in the morning, the sky was a pretty pink, and no one else was out. But then, out of the corner of my eye I spotted a black van with heavily tinted windows coming down the street. It slowed down beside me and as it did I got a little scared. I was alone on a deserted street after all. There was an attractive yet manish blond woman in the passenger seat. She called to me.

"Hey do you know where the ...

At that point I calmed down. At least they had a legitimate reason for stopping; they wanted directions. But, then came the end of that sentence. .... Sissy she-male sex slaves are?"

"Oh a wise-ass. This is so stupid." I thought to my self.

"Umm, gee, no. I don't" I said sarcastically.

"Ha! Yeah well you're about to!," she said.

Just then the side door to the van slid open and two tall blondes jumped out. I tried to run. Each of them grabbed one of my arms and dragged me in the van kicking and screaming.

"Hey what the hell is this?" I shouted.

They tossed me in the van, slammed the door shut and locked it. I was scared out of my mind. What was going to happen to me?! I started to struggle but they ****** me to the floor and pined me down. "We are going to have to tie her up," one of them said. "What?!," I thought to my self as the fear filled me. "Why did they just call me she?"

Then I had a realization.

"The woman in the passenger seat said something about sissy sex slaves, and I was just referred to as a female. This must be some kind of sexual abduction.

Dear God." I thought to myself.

They tied me up and I stopped struggling. There was no way I could get out of the ropes they put me in so I figured I should save my strength for resisting whatever perverse things they had in store for me. The three of us sat there breathing heavily from our struggle in the back of the van. Then one of the two blondes, she had purple eye shadow (as opposed to the other one who had pink) called to the women in the front. "What do you think of this one girls?"

"She will be a lovely addition, Crystal. That was a good job spotting her."

"Thank you, Sissy"

"Addition to what? Was I going to be ok? Oh my God. Oh God. Oh God. Oh God," I just kept repeating in my head.

The one called Crystal came over to my tied up helpless self, straddled me and wrapped her arms my shoulders.

"Yes I think she will do very nicely." Crystal said as she gave me a kiss and slipped me a little tongue. As scared as I was I must admit that I was a little attracted. There was a cute girl being close with me, kissing with me. Her lips where so soft... Then I felt it. A hardening bulge against my waist. It was a cock! This girl had a cock! This wasn't a girl at all. I started to struggle again. They all laughed, as they knew what I had figured out. Crystal leaned close to me and whispered softly in my ear "You'll soon get used to feeling these."

Oh no, I think I had an idea what I was in for.

Chapter 2 – The Induction

I wasn't there only recruit. There were about 20 of us all in the late teens accept for one guy who looked like he was in his twenties. We were in a large room with lots of showers on one side and on the opposite side was just a door that looked like it led to an office. We were ****** at gun point to take our clothes off and line up like some kind of perverted army. They had us line up with one naked boy in front of each shower. I was pissed at this point. I knew they didn't want to harm me just ***** me to do perverted humiliating things. We waited like that for about 5 minutes while sexy guards with guns stood watch. Then a woman (although I suspected that she probably wasn't really a woman) stepped out of the office. Like everyone else she had blond hair and wore an excessive amount of make up. She was wearing a short sexy black dress with black lace trim and black 5 inch heals. She looked to be about 30 years old. I would have been very attracted to her if I had not known she was really a man. She walked back and forth looking at us up and down. She started to speak to us.

"Welcome to the first day of the rest of your effeminate lives."

I wanted an explanation as to what was going to happen to me so I listened up.

I didn't have much choice anyway. She continued. "My name is Electra and this my transgender whorehouse. Gentlemen, today ends your lives as males and begins your lives as females. From this point on you will be little sissy she-male prostitutes. You will live your lives as females. You will wear female clothing and make up. You will conduct yourselves in a manner becoming to a pretty young slut. The only sexual pleasure from this point on in your lives will come from men. You will be sucking their cocks for them, and you will be getting fucked up the ass. The best thing to do to deal with this is just to learn to enjoy it. Your assholes might be a little sore some times but it's a small price to pay for feeling like a woman. You'll learn to love it. Frankly, you don't have a choice in the matter. Those who don't adapt well to their new situations will find them selves in a lot of pain."

"Wholly ****!!!", I thought, "This is insane! These people want me never to see my family again and spend the rest of my life as some kind of gay whore. This is ridiculous! No Way! I had to do something about this. I had to get away. I had to..." Just then one of the other prisoners, the one who looked a little older than the rest of us, spoke up with what we all must have been feeling. "Hey Fuck you guys, there is no way your gonna turn me into some kind of fairy. There is nothing you can do to make me. Fuck this ****." "I'm sorry you feel that way, but I'm afraid there is something we can do" "Oh yeah, what they hell are you freaks gonna do?" "Ladies," she said to the guards, "I believe you know what is in order" "Yes." One of them said.

They grabbed the resistor, dragged him across the floor and threw him into the office. We couldn't see him anymore. The guards stood in the door way and fired there guns as the resistor screamed. I was in shock. Well it looked like I didn't have much choice anymore. I was gonna have to suck cock or be killed. Hell of a life.

"Now that we understand each other, I think we can proceed with out any further problems" Electra said to us. The guards handed us each purses with names on them. The names were whores names, like Sparkle, Glitter and Missy. Mine said Candy.

"In these you will find some things necessary for your transformation into willing cock sluts. Your new names are also on the purses. Inside, among other important items, is some hair removal cream. You will now step into these showers ladies, and when you come out you are expected to be completely hairless below your shoulders. I believe you know what will happen if you don't.

"Die or live as a woman, and a whore no less. Unbelievable." I thought. I had not yet accepted it then, but I soon would accept it and, as Electra said, learn to enjoy it. As I stepped in the shower I was pissed beyond anything, but a time would come where I couldn't live with out dick. As I fumbled through the purse to find the hair remover, I noticed the other things in the bag. There was a blond wig, a make up kit, eye brow tweezers, breast forms, a vibrating dildo, a butt plug, sexual lubricant, and the hair remover. I took the bottle of hair remover out, hung the purse up on a hook on the wall and stepped into the shower. I rubbed the hair cream all over my body, then turned the water on. Soon the hair was dissolving and being washed away by the water.

"Five Minutes left girls." I heard shouted from outside the shower. I was already finished, so I just relaxed and let the warm water hit me. I took the time to think. How was I ever going to get used to being a girl? I was gonna have to suck a man's dick? I have to have sex in my ass? Man!, how the hell was I going to do this. It didn't matter how because it's not like I had a choice in the matter anyway.

"OK, time is up sluts. Step out of the shower and line up your new hairless feminine bodies."

I stepped out of the shower and saw all the other hairless boys lining up like we were told so I did the same.

"Now that that ugly old hair has been removed and your bodies are nice and girly, we will begin the second phase of your transformation. The makeovers." Said Electra.

All the boys made angry faces when she said this. They Hated this. They didn't want to be hairless and feminine. They didn't want makeovers and they didn't want to be sissy cock-suckers. Neither did I at that time, but so far I was dealing with the hairless thing.

Chapter 3 – The Physical Transformation

They made us line up for the makeovers in their own personal beauty solon just down the hall from the shower room.

"Ok girls, here come your makeovers. Pay close attention because you will have

to be applying makeup every morning." Electra said as everyone made faces and

grumbled as much as they could with out getting a glance from the armed


I waited in the line until it was my turn. I still couldn't believe what was happening to me.

"Next." Said the stylist to me, as it was finally my turn. "My name is Fanny, what's yours?!" The stylist said to me in an over exited feminine voice.

"Michael" I said.

"Te he he. No silly. Let me see your Purse. Te he. It says here your name is Candy. Hi Candy! Welcome to he Family!"

"Umm, yeah." I said

I thought to my self, "At least someone here is friendly." "OK!! Lets make you pretty!!!!, I'm gonna put some make-up on yooooou, and I'm gonna give you the prettiest little dress to parade your cute little butt around iiiiiin, and I'm gonna put you in some sexy lingerie. When I'm done with you, every guy on earth will want you sucking on his cock." "Well at least she was being friendly about it, instead of pointing a gun up my ass like these guards. Up my ass...there was going to be a lot going up my ass in the future." I thought to myself.

Fanny worked on me for a while. She turned me into a woman! She helped me put on the blond wig. The makeup was piled on to look like a complete slut. She gave me sky blue eye shadow, soft pink lip stick, and a healthy amount of blush. My eyebrows were tweezed into thin feminine arcs and my eyelashes were elongated by a ton of mascara. I really looked like a sexy girl. Then Fanny had me stand up so she could dress me. The clothes started with under wear. She put a pair of thong panties on me. They rode up my ass. Then she laced me up in a corset that reduced my waist to a classic hour glass shape. She inserted the jelly breast forms into the cups included on the corset. She grabbed them and jiggled them around as she smiled at me.

"Ooo, he he he. Very nice." Fanny said

She continued to dress me. She slipped my legs into some slutty looking fishnet stockings. Then I was squeezed into a body hugging pink mini dress. The dress was very short and did a good job of exposing my now smooth fishnet clad legs. It was so short it even left the bottom half inch of my ass exposed. Then, she slipped my feet into pink 5 inch high heels that matched my dress.

Then it was time for the nails. I could barely walk over to the nail table in the heels. I sat down. As I did a guard pointed a gun at me and told me to sit with my legs crossed. I did it. The catch phrase of this place could have been "comply or die."

"Oh don't mind them." Fanny said as she attached fake nails to each of my finger tips and painted them each a different color. One finger of blue, red, yellow, green, and orange on each hand. My fingers made a rainbow. "They are just a precaution," she continued. "You'll find that most people around here aren't that mean. The girls here are really nice. They will be more than willing to welcome you into our family, that is if you are willing. Those guards insure compliance. It's a little rough here on the first day but I'm sure you'll fit in nicely and learn to love this place . . . and cocks. Ok! You're all done sweet heart. Here! Take a look in the mirror." She walked me over the mirror and I was amazed at what I saw. There standing before me was a sexy young seventeen-year-old slut. This girl defiantly looked like a cock-sucker. It looked like she loved to eat dick and wash it down with semen, and this girl was me! I couldn't believe what I had become. I was a woman! I couldn't believe something else too....I think I was enjoying myself. I couldn't deny it, I actually thought it was cool that I was dressed up like this.

"No." I thought to myself. "No this couldn't be. I was man. Men didn't wear dress, nor did they enjoy it when they are ****** to. This can't be. I'm such a sissy. I don't wanna be like this. I feel so ashamed. Oh, I hate myself. But, wait a second. If I like it when they made me wear dresses, was I going to like it when they made me have sex with men? What if I like sucking on a cock? What if I liked it when I get fucked in my asshole? NO! I definitely won't. I'm not going to let them turn me into a "sissy slut" like the wanted to. No matter what happens I will not allow a penis to enter my ass nor my mouth. And that is that!!"

When everyone was done being ****** to cross-dress like whores the guards marched their twenty new ********* slutty looking girls into a big empty room and had us line up in 5 rows of five, kind of like gym class.

Electra came in and said "Oh my! You ladies look lovely! It is so amazing. You

were once worthless as boys, but now you are sexy young sluts ready to


They all grumbled and made faces. Electra acknowledged this as she continued " and if you are not willing to please that will now be remedied."

Chapter 4 – The Psychological Transformation

Now that your Physical Transformations are complete we will now begin your psychological transformation into willing female man-pleasers." Electra said. "Think of the next several hours as a class. I will give you instructions and you will follow them. Failure to comply will result in a similar fate as our previous resistor. Now, reach into your purses and take out your dildos and lube" And so it was. 20 men ****** to cross-dress like sluts with 5 inch heals and glorious manes of flowing blonde hair reached into their purses with their names on them and pulled out dildos and sexual lubricant. What a scene "Now, drop to your knees and kneel with your knees more than shoulder with apart. Take the lubricant and pour a generous amount on your hands. Then reach behind you, find your love holes and lube them up." Everyone complied.

"Very good girls. Now lube the inside of your ass pussies by inserting your fingers inside at least up to the knuckle" The guards actually went around and checked that we all had our fingers in our asses. This was insane.

"Excellent. If you liked that you are going to love the vibrating dildo.

Ladies, bring the dildos to your assholes but do not insert them yet."

Everyone complied.

"OK little sluts, repeat after me. As I insert this dildo into my ass..." "As I insert this dildo into my ass..." We all repeated. "I am becoming a sissy slut."

"I am becoming a sissy slut."

"As a sissy slut, I pledge to..."

"As a sissy slut, I pledge to..."

"Suck cock and get fucked up the ass..."

"Suck cock and get fucked up the ass..."

"For the rest of my life, and love it!"

"For the rest of my life, and love it."

"Insert the dildos now and begin fucking yourselves. Remember what you have promised to do" We all inserted the dildos and moved them back and forth. I felt a strong pressure in my ass as fucked myself. It was like I had to go to the bathroom very badly.

"Now turn on the vibration to full power, ladies." Electra instructed.

We all did and the room hummed with the sound of the vibrating dildos. "Ah I love the sound of vibrating dildos in sluts' asses." Electra said Some of them started crying at this point, but not me. I refused to admit it to myself then but I actually felt pleasure. I told myself that it was the pleasure of a faggot and that it was not for me. Ha ha ha. Those thoughts seem so laughable now.


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#8,840 · Edited by: chrislebo
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"Those of you who are crying stop now." Electra said, "Ok, for the next portion of your training all of you sweet little cock sluts will repeat whatever I say ten times. The first phrase you will repeat is I enjoy the pleasure of a cock" They repeated "I enjoy the pleasure of a cock" ten times. She continued making us repeat phrases like that for hours. All the while the guards still stood around us reminding us that we had no choice in what were being told to do. She made us continue to fuck our selves in the ass while we had to repeat the same types of things ten times each. She made us say things like, "I am a sissy cock-sucker, " "I want to get fucked in my ass hole," "My assholes main purpose is no longer shitting, but having sex," "I want to swallow cum," "I feel empty with out a dick inside me," "I worship the cock," "I am a submissive whore," "I want a man to take control of me," "I am a fairy butt-sex slave," "I eat cock for breakfast, lunch and dinner," and "I want sex in my ass." They were trying to brain wash us, but it wasn't going to work on me I thought. It went on for hours.

"OK faggots," Electra said, "I think that is enough. By now you should know exactly what you are and what you function in life is now. I know you all are very eager to start acting like sluts, and you will get that chance later tonight, but you can't please a man, like I know you all want to, unless you know the proper techniques. Listen closely."

Then for the next hour she taught us proper cock sucking technique and made us practice on our dildos. The dildos that had just been in our asses no less. After the cock-sucking lesson we were finally finished. Electra said, "Congratulations girls. We are finished. You now have the skills and knowledge you need to go out into your new lives and begin sucking cock and having ass-sex with your partners. But your are not full fledged sissy sluts yet. You must put your skills to the test by pleasing a real man. If you are able to pass your test you will be full fledged and official sissy sluts. You will have an opportunity to test your new skills tonight. Until then you all can meet the rest of our little family and relax with them. Take a good rest before tonight, I'm sure you're all exhausted from your training. Believe me you'll be needing the rest for when you are paired with your men. Before you leave go into your purses and get out your butt plugs. Insert them into your sissy twats and leave them there until tonight as a reminder of who you are now. After your butt plugs are in your asses you may proceed to the dormitories to meet the other member of the family and rest up for tonight.

Chapter 5 – My New Friend

I was in shock and judging by the looks on other faces covered in slutty make up, the other boys were shocked too. But, our ordeal was finally over. I found the butt plug in my purse, inserted it into my ass and started to leave, as did everyone else. As I began to walk I immediately noticed the presence of the butt plug. It provided a forbidden pleasure as it swished around in my asshole with every step I took. It was a pleasure that I resisted with resentment at that time.

Right across the hall from the training room was a very large square room with bean bag chairs and pillows everywhere. Along the walls were doors. There were about 40 doors in total. On each of the doors there were stars with names in them like a Hollywood dressing room. The names were whores names again, such as Spice, Glimmer, Platinum, Sassy, and Sugar. There was one with my name on it too, Candy.

There were 15 girls sitting in there when we walked in. They were dressed in the same way we were ****** to dress, like filthy sluts. These were the whores that were already part of the operation. As soon as they saw us they jumped up and starting jumping up and down and screaming. "Ahhhh, our new friends are here!" One of them shouted. The were obviously exited to see us. I assumed these were men too. They came over to greet us and started to try to mingle with the ********* group of newbies. This group perplexed me. These were men right? And they probably became what they were the same way we in the new group had. So why were they acting like complete fairies all on their own? They were jumping and screaming and getting so freaking exited over us. They were acting even more feminine than real girls would. So how did they go from normal guys to this? Was this what was going to happen to me somehow? What did they do to these guys? They continued to fawn over us until they settled, then everyone sat down on the bean bags and the pillows and relaxed. Everyone was there, Electra, the guards that had ****** us to become slutty perverts at gunpoint (I guess they figured we weren't going to try anything anymore, and if we did they could run and get their guns), and Crystal, the one that had slipped me tongue in the van was there too. She eventually made her way over to me. "Hi," She said, "I'm Crystal, I see from your purse that your name is Candy. Hi Candy! Its good to see you again." She said as she blushed. I guess she was a little shy now that I was not tied up in ropes. "Hi." I said.

"Are you making the adjustment alright?" She said with a tone of concern as she put her hand on my fishnet clad knee.

"Just great." I responded sarcastically as I pushed her hand back off. "Well if its any consolation you look great. I love what Fanny has done to you. You're so cute with your rainbow nails." "At least Crystal was calmer than the others. She was being really nice to me." I thought to myself as I decided that she wasn't that bad. "Well, umm, around here, we all need friends. I guess what I'm saying is I could be a friend to you." she said as she took my hand and held it then kissed me on the cheek.

"Aww." I felt to myself. She was fumbling over her words. I felt sorry for her. I liked the affection she was giving me. Despite the fact that she had a dick in her panties, she looked like a sexy woman and that created an attraction. She just sat there looking at me. I was scared and alone so I didn't push her away.

"Thanks" I managed to get out with a blush.

She smiled at me, moved closer to sit next to me so that our legs were touching and continued to hold my hand. She didn't try to talk to me anymore because she knew I had had a shocking day and wasn't ready to talk comfortably yet. She just sat there, being with me. We were bonding. It so was cute. I knew this was wrong, I was so scared and confused. Holding crystal's hand calmed me so I did it. I really needed someone so I settled for Crystal; the girl with a cock. We sat together holding hands like that until the night came. Until it was time for the test.

Chapter 6 – The Test

When the clock struck ten Electra said, "OK new girls, I hope you are well rested because you've got a busy night ahead of you." She gave a coy smile and continued. "The time has come for your tests of womanhood. You will now have the opportunity to fulfill your dreams and become sissy sluts by pleasing a real man. I believe all of you know what is expected of you. Now you will go in those rooms and when each of you comes out in the morning you will either be a cock sucking anal sex whore or you will dead like our friend from this morning. OK whores, find the rooms with your names on them and go in. Wait inside, and your man will be along shortly. Go ahead girls, and good luck tonight. Or should a say good suck?"

I couldn't believe it. She thought this was all a joke. I was being ****** to please a man in ways only a woman was meant to and she was making stupid rhymes that weren't even funny. Anyway, everyone got up, found the rooms with their names on them and went inside.

I walked into my room and stood in the door way in shock. It was about the size of my room at home but that's where the similarity ended. All the walls were painted pink. In the center of the room was a big heart shaped bed. Against the wall to the left was a vanity mirror and desk for make-up. Against the wall to the right was a love seat with a small end table next to it. There was a radio on the table. On the far wall was a closet with a mirror hanging on it.

I walked over to the bed, feeling the butt plug in my ass that had been there all day, and sat down. I thought about what that butt plug represented. It was a symbol of servitude. A reminder of the cock slut I was supposed to be. I couldn't do what they wanted me to do. I remembered the promise I made to myself earlier in the day. I swore that I would not let a cock enter my ass or my mouth. I really didn't want to become a faggot, but if I didn't I would be shot and killed. It was really a simple decision. If I didn't do it I would die, so shouldn't I have just been ready to do it confident in the fact that I was only doing it because of the death threat? No, I was so aggravated from the idea because I was scared I might enjoy it. I knew it was a possibility. I had secretly enjoyed getting dressed up like a girl and putting on make up. I looked so pretty and I loved the way I looked. But playing dress up was one thing and eating cock was something else. Wearing a dress didn't mean I was a fairy. At least that's what I told myself.

The man still didn't show up after 5 minutes. I didn't like waiting. It made me nervous, so I decided to try to find something to keep myself busy. I got up off the bed and took a few dainty steps in my high heels over to the closet. I figured I would check out what was in here until he came. I opened the door and I saw a closet full of slut's cloths. There was a rack of dresses running along the top. All of them were very short and sexy. There was a French maid's uniform, a cheerleader's outfit, a catholic school girls uniform, and plenty of other dresses all slutty as hell. I didn't see a pair of pants in there. There was also a set of drawers in there. I opened them up to find a cornucopia of lingerie. In the first drawer there was a ton of panties and bras. There were thong panties, frilly ruffled panties, and there were even pairs that had words written on the ass. There was one that said slut, one that said ass candy, and one that said enter here with an arrow pointing to where the ass-hole would be when they were worn. I was rummaging through the panties when I heard the door open. I spun around and standing in the door way was a big, tall, handsome, muscular man. "Enjoying your new wardrobe?" The man said to me. "Uhh..." I said. The unfeminine sound I let out was in contrast to the feminine way I was dressed. I was in fishnet stockings, a short skirt, and high heels, topped with a full mane of blond hair. It made me feel so small and weak to have him look at me dressed this way, knowing what he wanted to do with me. "Hi, my name is Roger, and I believe you are Candy? He said in a deep masculine yet friendly voice.

"No!, I said my name is Michael. I'm not Candy, and I don't want to. . . to do what . . . I'm expected to do!" I tried to sound as masculine and tough as I could to try and make up for the way I was dressed. "Ha ha ha." He let out a hearty masculine laugh as he walked over to the couch and sat. "Don't worry about a thing. Why don't you come over here and have seat? And we can talk. Just talk."

He seemed kind of friendly but, I just stood there. "Please don't make me get the guards." He said in a threatening voice. His friendliness had its limits.

I figured it would be ok. So I made my way over to the couch. I moved across the room in the small dainty steps that the high heels ****** me to take. I felt so embarrassed as he watched me walk across the room like that. I was dressed like a slut so it was pretty obvious who was going to feel like he was in control and who was going to feel subservient. So much for being masculine. I sat down next to him on the couch.

"So Candy, lets get to know each other. As I said my name is Roger. I am a mechanic. I work over at the auto repair shop on Main street. I enjoy mountain climbing, weight training, and watching the Looney Tunes." "This guy wasn't a Mechanic he was pervert. He was here because he wanted a 17 year old boy dressed like a sexy girl to suck his cock. He was trying to act nice to me so I would actually do it. Although that Looney Tunes thing was kind of sweet. NO! No thoughts like that. Forget it. He is trying to make you suck him. You have to hate this guy." I told myself. "How about you?" he said in a masculine yet sweet voice. I figured I better play along with this. I didn't want him calling in those guards. So I said in an annoyed voice "I am in my senor year of High School over at Saint Frank's Public School. I like Star Wars, Bill Nye the Science Guy, and I don't like sucking cocks!"

"Ha ha, well did you enjoy any of your experiences today?"

I hesitated. "umm, no" I said.

"Hmm well I think I understand."

He had seen right through me. He knew I was resisting my true feelings. "Say Candy why don't we try something?" He said in a gentle yet firm voice as he unzipped his fly and pulled out his penis. "How about I let you look at my cock for a little while and if you like what you see and you want to suck it, then I will let you."

There it was. I sat there with my eyes fixed upon it. It was about 7 inches long and fully erect. He had figured it out. I might have tried to lie to myself but there was no lying to this man. He saw right through me. He knew I liked being a girl. I watched his beautiful dick throbbing. It was a symbol of power and he had power over me. He was the big strong man and was the weak little girl. He was wearing the pants and I was wearing the panties. He knew I wanted to try it. I wanted to see what it was like to suck cock and he could see it in my eyes.

"Are you going to sit there on your pretty little pantied rear, dressed like a complete slut with your three pounds of make-up, your fishnet stockings and your cute rainbow nails, and tell me that you don't want to feel this man meat in your mouth.? Huh slut?"

He had me, and he knew it. I broke down in tears and put my head on his muscular chest. "Yeah its OK Candy go ahead and suck my cock. It will be OK just go ahead and suck it.

I continued to sob. He placed his hand firmly on the back of my head and slowly ****** my head down from his chest to his crotch. "Go ahead sweetheart."

I did it. I gave him the blow job. He leaned back in pleasure.

"Oh baby." He said. "Oh you little girly girl you are good at that."

"Mmmmmmm" I said with a mouthful of his cock. "You horny little slut. You know you love it. Shake your head yes to tell this man you like sucking on his cock.

I nodded my head. I had a rock hard erection. I loved that he was saying these things to me. I loved that I was his little girly girl and I was being allowed to suck his cock. I was so grateful that he liked it and I was proud of my self. I admitted my true feelings to myself. I was a faggot and I loved it. I wanted to be a sissy cock sucking whore. I wanted to prance around in short skirts and get on my knees for a big strong man. The subservient role was the one I belonged in. I needed a man to take control of me and make me suck him. I loved to please. I was now a willing transgender cock sucking slut. And I loved it.

Now that I admitted that to myself I was free to really get into the blowjob. I loved his cock. I worshiped it and I showed my love by slowly and softly caressing it with my tongue all the while maintaining a constant suction. His penis was a symbol of power and I showed how I loved his power over me by making love to his cock. I gave it the servitude it deserved. "Wow look at you go. You really do love it don't you?, but I wanna see you on your knees like a slut should be.

I was more than happy to oblige. It turned me on when he gave me orders and it turned me on even more to follow them. I slid of the couch and got on my knees between his legs all the while never letting the treasure out of my mouth. My long blond hair swished as I bobbed my head back and forth faster and faster on along his shaft. He was my master now. He owned me. And I was more than willing to be his slave.

I remembered the butt plug was still in my ass and now that I admitted I was a total and complete sissy its forbidden pleasure was no longer forbidden to me. I began to swish my ass back and forth to enhance the pleasure of my cock sucking experience.

"Oh baby! Are you shaking that sweet ass for me, honey? "I have a butt plug in there." I managed to mumble with a mouth full of man meat.

"Oh I see! You like it in the ass, Candy? Well I'll show you anal pleasure. Stop sucking my dick, get the lube and get on the bed. But before you do . . " he said as he grabbed my face with one hand. "I wanna hear you say that you are my bitch. Say it now.

I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and said, "Oooo Roger I am your bitch. I'm not a boy any more I am your sissy whore. You are the man and I am your bitch. I want you to throw your weak effeminate sissy on that bed like a big strong man and fuck my brains out. **** my ass and show me who is boss, Roger. I want you to make me your bitch."

Roger looked surprised. All he was looking for me to say was "yes I am your bitch." But I went into this whole speech about how I was an effeminate boy-girl slut that wanted him to dominate me. I couldn't believe I said all that it. It was the truth though. I couldn't believe that either. "Wow, Candy it looks like you have really discovered your true self. I'm glad. Now get the lube and get your candy ass on that bed! Move it girly!" He shouted as he slapped my ass while I was walking away. Hoohoo! I liked that. He was treating me like a little bitch and that's defiantly what I was now. Roger took off his clothes and got on the bed while I scampered over to the make up desk where I had put my purse and got the lube. Then I scampered back over to the bed and handed it to my man. "Ok little girl, take off your panties, lay down on your belly, spread your knees wide apart, and put you're ass up in the air." I did what my master commanded me to do. My whore's dress was too short and when I bent over I exposed my naked ass. I lay there on the bed with my naked ass hanging out feeling cold exposed to the air. This was a very submissive position and I felt scared.

He took the butt plug out and said "You wont be needing this anymore." He began to lube up my butt hole. The chilly lube felt good as he invaded my hole with his fingers.

"Oh yeah baby," I said in a soft sexy feminine voice. "Come on you manly mechanic, give me a jiffy lube."

"Ha ha ha, you are funny, sweetheart."

I loved that he liked me. I was pleased that he was pleased. I was amazed at what was happening to me. I was flirting with a guy while he oiled my butt. It was unbelievable, the change that was happening to me, but I was enjoying myself too much to think about it.

I felt him move his cock head to my sphincter. I was about to become an official sissy penetrated by a real man.

"Candy, honey, you said you wanted to be my bitch right? You told me that you were a sissy whore. Well, to be a true bitch you must surrender every ounce of manhood that you have and I am going to take it from you. I'm going to fuck you Candy. And when I'm done you will be a lowly sissy whore with all traces of masculinity removed from her. When I fuck you, Michael will be dead, and you will be Candy. Any last words before I fuck you, sweetheart?" "Yes, I want it baaad. Fuck me, Roger."



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"Spoken like a true whore!" He said. "Ok here I come." He ****** his way into my asshole and began fucking his little sissy. First he slid his cock head past my sphincter. Then he began pumping my behind slowly at first, but he increased the speed gradually. I felt the same pressure I did earlier as if I had to go to the bathroom very badly, but I soon loosened up and enjoyed the pleasure of the friction on my sphincter as he screwed me. I was amazed. I felt as though his cock was not just filling the hole in my ass but also the hole in my new found womanhood. It was a void that only a man and his penis could fulfill. So this is what it feels like to become a woman. I loved it. I didn't want to be a boy anymore. This is who I am. As I felt Roger inside me, I knew it meant that I was becoming a possession, a bitch with out a will of her own. I wasn't a boy any longer. I was still a little sore from my harsh anal training earlier today, but I was still dieing for him to continue making me his girl.

"Is your name still Michael? What's your name bitch? What's your name?" "Oh god, its candy! I'm your ass candy, baby. Fuck me. Fuck me and make me into your bitch."

His rock hard cock slid back and forth relentlessly on my sphincter.

"You are my bitch. What are you? Say it! Say you're my bitch!" "I'm your bitch! I'm so lucky to be your bitch. You're my master. You're my Daddy. Love me in my asshole Daddy!

"Your damn right I'm your master, and now I'm gonna do you in the ass and show you who's boss!"

"Yes daddy, I am not a real man anymore, I'm just a sissy and I need a real man like you to fuck me. Oh yes! Fuck me, baby. Oh I love it." I shrieked like a girl. "Deeper! Deeper!! Go deeper into my candy ass! You complete me." He went deeper and I felt his rock hard peck exploring the deep reaches of my soft feminine insides. He was all the way in now and fucking me hard. "Yeah you need a real man like me to complete you. You weren't strong enough to make it as a real man so you had to take a cock up your ass." That struck a nerve. I was too weak as a guy and that was why I had to assume the role of a real man's bitch. Oh well, it was too late for doubts now. This was it, I was in a dress, getting fucked up the ass and loving it. I was a sissy.

"Oh you big strong mechanic. Dip your dipstick into my tailpipe! Ride me like a car! Rear-end me with your hotrod!

I bucked my hips back wildly to meet his thrusts.

"Do you want my cum, bitch?"

It felt like I had a jack hammer inside me now. I was being made into a woman.

"Yes honey! give me your cum. I want your cum." "I am going to give you my cum because I am a real man and you are just a sissy with my cock in her ass."

"Yes I am and I love it Roger! I love it too much to be a boy. I don't wanna be a boy anymore. I just wanna be your pretty girl, daddy." "Beg me for my cum, baby girl. Beg me to make you a woman."

He continued to pound away. I felt truly effeminate. "Please give me your cum you big man. I need it. Please. I need it. Give it to me. Please cum in my ass and make me into girl. I don't want to be a boy, make me a girl!! Oooh!

He reached between my legs and grabbed what only could be called my clit and began to jerk me off. Then he began pumping my butt really hard. "You like that, Candy?"

"OOOOOO," I moaned in a feminine whine. "Oh Roger! Oh Roger!! Please give it to me! Oh please. Oh please! Oh please!

He was about to have an orgasm and I was too. I felt his cock grow harder and bigger. He drove his stick deep into my ass as he fired his cum into my bowels. I yelped. When he shot his load the feeling of this man climaxing in my butt was such a turn on that I let out more cum then I ever had before right into his hand.

"Oh Roger.. that felt soooo good"

My head was spinning. I was full of a sense of completion and it overjoyed me. I may have been a boy that morning, but now I was a girl. And I felt satisfied in a way only a girl could. I had become Candy. "I'm Glad you liked it honey." He said as I turned around and showed him the huge grin that stretched across my face. His cock still in my ass. After he his peck grew soft he took it out of my pussy. I was sad to see it go. He rolled me over on my back and lay down on top of me with his chest pressed against mine.

He looked me dead in the eye and said, "Candy, now you are my bitch. Every last bit of masculinity has been fucked out of you. Don't think of your self as a boy any longer because you're a sissy slut now, My sissy slut, and you will do what I tell you from now on. When I say "suck" you will say "how hard?" When I wanna fuck you, you will bend over. I hope that makes you happy Candy, but if not, it doesn't matter anymore because you're my bitch." I grabbed him and kissed him long and hard. It made me very happy. "I'm glad serving me tonight pleased you that much, but your duties are not over, sweetheart."

He stood up and instructed me to get on my knees in front of him. I willingly and lovingly obeyed.

"Ok candy, my bitch, I want you to clean up my cock and my hand that you came on with you mouth" I started with the hand. It turned me on so much that he was making me get before him on my knees and lick up my own cum that I got another erection. When his hand was all clean I started on his cock. It stunk of the smell of my pussy, and tasted terrible, but I was more than willing to do this subservient task for him. It was the duty of a bitch.

After I was finished cleaning him up he put on his cloths and brought me up off my knees to stand in front of him.

He handed me $150 dollars and said, "This is for Electra." Then you hand me another $50 and said "This is for you. Buy your self something pretty."

"OK" I said.

"Thank you for a lovely evening" he said as he put his fingers under my chin and brought my lips up to meet his.

I wrapped my arms around his shoulders while we stood there for 2 minutes with our tongues swirling around in each others mouths. After our kiss he smiled at me and turned to leave.

"Wait!" I said as I spun him around right before his hand touched the door knob and hugged him.

I broke down and said to him, "Thank you sooo much. Thank you for making me into a girl. I loved it. You made me realize that I don't ever want to act like a boy again. I want to prance around in panties and a short skirt. I want to be pretty. I want to be pretty for you, Roger. I want to be your sissy slut forever. I don't want you to go."

I started to sob as I lost control of my emotions like only a sissy would.

"Aww Candy. Sweetheart, you are so cute."

I looked up into his strong smiling face, and he looked down at his weak sissy with tears filling her eyes.

"Don't cry, honey, we'll be seeing lots of each other. Just remember that you will always be my little girly girl."

He made me feel better. He kissed me good bye for the second time and left. I was alone now and things were a lot calmer than they were when I was having sex. I took the time to think. I needed to think because a huge change had just taken place. I plopped down on the bed with a long sigh.

Chapter 7 – My New Home

It struck me with amazement as I began to talk to myself about the fantastic change that had taken place inside me.

"This morning I had been a boy," I thought, "A regular 17 year old boy. I had been attracted to women. But now look at me. I'm in a dress and I just finished having sex with a man. I should be ashamed with myself, but I'm not. I'm very happy. I have never felt so at peace before. Could this have been what was missing in my life? Was this why I was so miserable all the time, and had trouble making friends? I know this is wrong, but I don't care. There is no turning back anyway. I loved sucking his cock. I loved getting fucked in the ass. I had turned into a transgender whore. But that's wrong! Ah, screw it. If this is what makes me happy then this is what I'm going to do. I'll just accept it. I'm a slut and I like it and that's all there is to it. Its not like anyone here is telling me not to do this. They are encouraging me to. No, they are ******* me to."

I suddenly remember how I got here and what this place was all about, as I continued the conversation with myself. "They ********* me. They ****** me to do perverted things. I just got very lucky that it turns out I like them. But what about the other boys? It turned out I loved dressing like a slut and sucking cock, but I'm sure they don't so I'm sure they aren't having as much fun as I am. I wonder if anymore of them resisted and got ****ed. This was ridiculous. I was a slut now and I wanted to suck cock, but not in place where people get ****ed. Nor in a place where I wasn't allowed to see my family. O my god. My family. What would they say if they found out about this? What would my parents say if they found out their *** just sucked a man's dick, and then got fucked up the ass, and loved it more than anything in his life? If they saw me dressed the way I am now in fishnet stockings, a short mini-dress that couldn't even cover my ass, and a long blond wig I would just die. Being dressed like a slut isn't the type of thing a young man shows to his parents. I don't know if I could ever go back to them. If I ever got the chance to leave this pri***, that is."

"But maybe its OK if I don't. Where would I go? I certainly don't want to go back home and start living as a boy again. I was a confirmed sissy now. And I couldn't go back home looking and acting like I do now. I was trapped here even if I could leave. I never liked my family anyway. I always spend my days locked away in my room. People never treated me with much respect so I isolated myself. So I guess that means my family isn't that much of a loss. But those days of loneliness are over. I had found my passion. I am free to suck and fuck everyday now. And I'm sure that I'll make friends with the other whores now that I was one of them. compared to a promising new life of getting dolled up like a sexy little prostitute, eating dick, and getting my ass plugged, the loss of my old life isn't so bad. This is my new home now. The only thing left to do now is to relax for the rest of the night and get used to the change, because it is a big one."

Just then I heard the door open. A girl was walking in. It was crystal. She trotted in with dainty feminine little steps and threw herself on the bed next to me. I was glad to see her.

"Hi Candy! I heard what you have been up to all night. I'm in the room right next to you! So you have undergone quite a transformation, haven't you?!" Crystal said as we both started giggling like school girls. "Well..." I said as a blushed. "I guess your right. I never dreamed I would love it this much you know?

"Yeah I know, hun. It's a big change for you I'm sure"

"Yeah it is. Its crazy. I'm going to be sucking cocks now. I'm going to be having anal sex. I always thought I was straight, but I love it so much. "I heard how much you loved it through the wall." She said as she began to make fun of me. "Oh Roger! Oh Roger! You big strong mechanic. Dip your dipstick in my tailpipe! Ride me like a car!" She started to crack up.

"The best was Rear-end me with your hotrod." She laughed.

"Hey! You heard all that?!" I said with embarrassment. "Ha Ha, Yep. You were screaming pretty loud in here. Ha ha. Ride me like a car..." I hit her playfully out of embarrassment. She hit me back. We started giggling like school girls again. It made me forget I was ever a boy. We flirted like that back and forth for a while until we stopped and looked each other. Crystal moved her face closer and closer to mine until she kissed me. She started slipping me tongue again. "I think she likes me." I said jokingly to myself.

I started kissing her back. Then I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her tight. She began stroking my hair lovingly as we kissed. It felt so warm and sweet. Roger was great too. He had fulfilled me sexually as a man does to a woman, but he had left me all alone afterwards. I broke our soft loving kiss and said, "Crystal, would you stay here with me tonight?"

"Of course Candy. I knew you would probably be lonely after Roger left, so I came into comfort you. I know how it feels after a man has sex with you and just leaves. They all do it around here. They all have to go back to their wives."

"Wait. Wives? These guys are married?" I asked

"Yeah, most of them are married and they come here because we she-male whores are a lot more willing to please than a lot of females. But after they get what they want they usually just leave. I figured if I came in here then we both wouldn't have to be lonely anymore. Everyone around here has a bed partner that they usually spend their nights with." "Well I'm glad you decided to come in... bed partner." We smiled at each other and started kissing again. We made out for while, then we started cuddling. We wrapped our selves around each other and fell asleep in each others arms. It was so cute. She really made me feel like this was my new home.

Chapter 8 – Revelations

In morning I woke up with Crystal drooling on my arm. I didn't care though, because I felt so happy to spend the night with someone. She felt me moving around and woke up too.

"Mmmmm. That was so nice to spend the night with you." She said. "Yeah, I have never slept better in my life. Your drool is a small price to pay." I said.

"What?" She said as she looked at my arm and smiled. "I'll lick it off for you." She began licking my arm like a cute little kitty cat.

"I'll help you." I said as I joined her in licking my arm. We both made sure our tongues did plenty of touching in the process. Only true friends would be licking up drool together. Pretty soon we forgot about that and just started making out again. It felt so good to hug her while our mouths mushed together and became one.

"Oh no!" she said as she ended our kiss with a smack, but kept her arms around me. "What time is it Sweetheart?"

"8:09" I said looking at the clock on the radio next to the couch. "We have to line up outside at 8:10, we better go" I grabbed her, hugged her tight then said "OK, now we can go." "Aren't you just the sweetest little thing? Come on honey." Crystal and I came out of my bedroom and into the common room. Crystal told me that I had to line up with the rest of the new whores and she was supposed to sit down. After all the Newbies were lined up Electra came in followed by a line of handsome men. I saw that one of them was Roger. I figured that these must be all of the men we sissies we ****** to screw with last night. Then I saw among the men that resistor that was shot and ****ed! He was alive! I wondered what the hell was going on here.

Electra began to speak. "I hope last night was fun for you ladies. It was my dearest hope that you all be cock hungry she-male whores. If you are not we are about to find out now. Gentlemen, its up to you now. Those of you men who had the pleasure of being served by a willing sissy slut. Please step forward. Once again, please step forward if you mate from late night was willing." I wondered to myself if those who had not complied would be ****ed now. I looked at the line of men and my Roger was the only one who had stepped forward. Electra turned to me and smiled.

"Well, well. It looks like one of our new girls enjoyed herself last night. Very good. I'm sure Roger was pleased about that. As for you other gentlemen, I'm sorry you all got stuck with duds last night, but we do appreciate your help. And to show our appreciation you will all be given free services for the next three nights."

I wondered to myself, "What did she mean she appreciated their help? What did they do? Why was that guy alive? What is going on here? Electra began to explain. "As for you new girls who didn't work out, we are very sorry we had to put you through all this. I'm sure you wondering what is going on here and why you were not ****** to have sex last night if you said no. The truth is that this has all been an elaborate rouse to try to find another willing sissy slut that actually enjoyed pleasing a man. ****** whores don't make for good sex. We wanted to find young sexy girls for our customers, however there is a problem with that. Most boys your age that are actually willing to suck cock and take it up the ass aren't willing to admit it to them selves let alone others. They bury their feelings. When they are pushed in this way then they usually break down and accept what they truly are. Step forward Chris. I believe you all recognize the resistor from yesterday morning. We didn't really **** him. We gentle sissies would never do something like that. He was planted among you to act like a resistor, so that we would have an opportunity to make our death threat seem real. If we did not create that reality, it would have been difficult to make our true sissy feel like there was no other choice but to let her feelings come out. I don't think we would have been able to find our new girl if it were not for that illusion. So . . . with out further a-do I give you our new sissy slut, Candy!" She came over and gave me a big hug. All the whores jumped up and down in excitement and screamed and clapped. I was shocked I couldn't believe it. They had tricked me into sucking cock and having anal all on my own. If I had said "No" then they would have let me go. But they got me to beg for it. I just accepted it and acknowledged that if that trick is what I need to become a sissy man pleaser then I was grateful for it. I hugged Electra back. Then something bad started to happen. The newbies that had realized they had been tricked were getting mad.

One of them said. "Hey if we aren't gonna get ****ed why the fuck are we still standing here in dresses? Lets kick some sissy ass." They started to come after the whores. Then Roger grabbed one of them and threw them against the wall. He punched him in the face and he fell to the floor as ***** started to drip from his nose. "EVERYBODY FREEZE!!!" He shouted in a commanding tone.


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Everybody stopped dead in their tracks.

"Thank you Roger." Electra said. "Would you gentleman please show these poor excuses for ladies to the door."

"It would be our pleasure" Said Roger as he and the other men dragged the would-be-sissies out of the room.

WOW! That was my man. He was a real man. He was the kind of strong person that could be a protector, unlike me. I was a weak little sissy now. I was better suited for a role as the protected rather than the protector and I was to pay for that protection with a cock up my ass. That arrangement suited me just fine. I loved to show my gratitude for men. I would be doing it a lot.

Chapter 9 – A little More Cock.

Well, that was it. I was a sissy slut; a fairy cock-sucker; a she-male sex salve. I was happier than any other time in my life. The rest of my second day I spent with crystal. We girl talked and grew closer and closer by the second. I was happy that I finally had a real friend. We did our make up, tried on cloths, and cuddled together on my bed. Roger was going to come again that day to claim his free services and I wanted to look as slutty as I could for him, so I asked crystal to help me get ready.

When we were done I walked over to the mirror. I was completely feminized; a vision of sluttiness. We had chosen the French maid's uniform. It was black and had girly lace trim around the neck and puffy sleeves. I also had a petticoat on so that the bottom of the dress flared out and I looked extra dainty. Fishnet stocking were always a classic look for a slut so I had thrown a pair of those on too. The shoes were high heels of course. This time they were black six inch stilettos. Crystal had helped me with my make up and nails. I had ruby red nails to match the ruby red lipstick I was wearing. I blinked as a noticed how my eyelashes had been extended by the mascara to a pretty feminine length. She gave me dark eye shadow and way too much blush. I looked like a complete slut. I was a girl and ready for a little more cock. The time had come. Crystal left and wished me luck. I wanted to show Roger how thrilled I was to be his bitch for the night so I engineered a little surprise for him. I waited in front of the door on my knees. That way I could start sucking his cock the instant he walked in the door. I thought that when he saw that he would know how willing to serve I was. I saw the knob starting to move. I got ready to tear his pants down and start sucking, but Electra walked in with a surprised look on her face. "I just wanted to come and wish you good luck tonight. Ha ha ha, but if you are a big enough whore to be willing to wait on your knees like this you'll probably be so good at turning him on you wont need luck. Welcome to the family! Have fun tonight sissy!"

She left. Electra thought I was good at being a whore! I was so proud of myself that I got a new eagerness to please. I just couldn't wait for my lips to touch that cock. Then I saw the door knob moving again. I wanted it bad, I was ready to bury his dick in my throat. But then Crystal came in. This was getting ridiculous!

She looked surprised to see me there and said, "Why are you on your knees like tha . . . Oh! You little cock slut! Well aren't you something! Didn't want to waste any time huh?"

"What is it??" I said annoyed. "I'm waiting for Roger."

"I just wanted to see if you needed a touch up on your make up."

"No. He is going to be hear any second!!"

"OK, OK little sister. Keep your panties on.... that is, until Roger gets here.


"Stop kidding around!"

"Alright, have fun tonight. Luv ya! Buh bye!"

Crystal left.

"How many more people were gonna see me like this?" I asked myself.

The door knob started moving again.

"Who was it going to be this time? The Pope? Coming to tell me anal sex and cock-sucking was a sin? Rocky Balboa?! Hey, I would suck his dick." I thought to myself.

It was my Roger, finally.

"Just the cock I have been waiting for" I said in as sultry feminine voice. Before he could say anything I grabbed his ass with my red tipped fingers and pulled his crouch before my face. I unzipped his fly and tore down his pants and boxers. Then I shoved my face into his crotch and began licking. I was like a dog thrilled to see her master. He had an erection in no time and as soon as he did I was engulfing it in my willing mouth. "Wow" he said as I continued to blow him. "You are some kind of super slut!

You could star in your own comic book series."

He grabbed the back of head and ****** my head across his cock back and forth.

I loved being a bitch.

"O baby yes! O baby! Oh Candy, you filthy whore, you are so good. I love it. You were born to suck! There is no way a boy could do this. You are definitely a girl. You are definitely my bitch." Then he pushed my head into his crotch with both his big strong hands ******* his cock all the way down my throat. Then I felt his hot load shooting out inside me.

"Do you like that, Bitch?"

"MMMMMMM" I said.

I couldn't swallow fast enough and it went from my throat up into my mouth. It tasted so salty. I loved it because I knew it was a treat only sissy sluts got to enjoy. I gulped every last drop of cum and when he was finished cumming, I sucked out more. I need it. I felt him start to grow soft in my mouth. He pulled his cock out and I felt incomplete with out it inside me. "That was an excellent blow job my little slut." Roger said as he looked down at me, his effeminate servant in a short French maid's uniform and dainty petticoat. "How did you like swallowing my cum?" "Oh daddy, I loved it. I loved it like a true slut would."

"I'm sure you did. Cum is like a bitch's reward for serving her man properly.

Keep that in mind for the future."

"Ok honey, I will"

He got completely naked, tossed his cloths in the corner and moved to the couch to sit down. He turned on the radio on the end table next to the couch. "Candy, baby, get off your knees now, and stand in front me."

I did what I was told.

"I want you to put on a little tease for me. You know, do a little dancing, and then give me a lap dance. Lets try to make my cock ready to give you some more cum ok?"

I started to dance to the music. First I swayed my hips back and forth. Then I turned around, stuck my ass out and shook it for him. He reached up my dress and grabbed my raging hard clit and massaged it while I was continued to shake my ass for him. The feeling of a man's big strong had reaching up through all the frilly layers of my petticoat and stroking my clit turned me on so much. "Oh Roger, that feels sooo nice." I cooed.

After he stopped I sat with my ass crack directly on his crotch. In my pretty dress I felt like a small girl on her daddies lap. I swished my ass around and felt his hard rod in my crack. He was hard again.

"Get on your knees. Candy"

"Oh yeah baby" I said as I slid off the couch and on to my knees in front of him. "I love it when you tell me what to do like a real man. Don't give me a choice about it."

I started sucking on his balls and licking up and down the underside of his penis.

"Yeah Bitch I know you love it, the only choice you have is whether you want me to fuck you in the ass or in the butt.

I stopped licking momentarily to say. "He he he. Sweetheart I don't care where you fuck me, I just want you to do me all night long." "Well then get your slutty ass on the bed he said as he picked me up by the waist and gently tossed me on to my heart shaped place of love making." "Oh baby, are you gonna to fuck your little sissy now?"

"What do you think? Bend over, honey."

I assumed a doggy style fucking position with my ass up in the air, while Roger went into my purse and got the lube. Then he climbed up between my legs, pulled down the back of my panties and lubed my ass. "Tell me what you want, bitch."

"I want you to fuck me in my ass pussy, baby."

"How do you want me to fuck you? Candy"

"Long and hard, like your cock."

"Tell me what you are"

"I'm a girl. I never want to be a boy again. You have completely changed me into a willing slut. I need your cock in my butt. Give it to me, baby!" He pushed his cock inside me.

"OOOOO, baby that feels so nice." I said.

He started fucking me back and forth.

"OOO Candy. Your ass is so soft. I'm going to fuck your little candy ass and make you my girly girl.

"Yeah baby I need a big strong man to make me a girly girl. Do me in the ass.

Pack my fudge. OOOOO Yeeeeeeessss"

Back and forth. Back and forth. His cock slid in and out of my slippery ass. "You little slut. This is a reminder that you were a failure as a man and had to become my little girl. Say it! Say you're my little girl! I rocked back and forth in rhythm with his fucking, which was getting faster and faster by the minute.

"Oh daddy I'm your little girl. I failed as a man and now I just wanna be your bitch. I'm your slut! I'm your Whore! Fuck me in the ass and show me what I really am. I'm your bitch. I'm your sissy candy ass girlfriend." He leaned over to lay his chest against my back and wrapped his arms around me. I felt so protected, safe, secure and loved as he continued to fuck me in this new position. Then he started to nibble on my ears. I love it when I get kissed on the ears!

"Oh baby yeah! I love that!," I whined in a feminine tone. I was so completely dominated with his body enveloped on top of mine as he rocked me back and forth with his rigid cock straight up my ass. "Oh God Candy you are the hottest bitch I have ever fucked! Are you ready for my cum girly girl?

"I'm ready big daddy. Give it to me! Give it to me! Make me your girl! PLEASE!


He rammed his hips against my ass checks and shot his load deep into my bowels for the second time. It made me explode into my panties without him even touching my clit. I had had a completely anal orgasm. I felt good all over. We both Collapsed, Roger still on top of me. We just lay there breathing heavily with his softening cock still in my butt. Once again I was fulfilled in a way only a true woman could be fulfilled.

Life continued along that path. The days flew by. I had lots of butt-sex, sucked lots of cocks and was a bitch to lots of different men. My favorite always remained roger, though. Crystal and I continued to grow closer. We spend our days being girly girls together, We spent our evenings as whores and We spent our nights after our men left cuddling each other to *****. As for my old life I never missed it. It was bliss.

So that's how it happened. I was transformed from a seemingly average teenage boy into a sissy slut. I guess I had had the feelings of a girl my whole life, but it wasn't until I was tricked in the way that Electra tricked me that I found out. Now I'm a happy member of her sissy whore house, spending many happy days fucking and sucking. Crazy right? Its been six months since my transformation and I'm sure there will be many more happy days to CUM. Yes I just had to slip a pun in before I went. Buh bye sweetie!


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Temp Training

"So, did the temp agency explain the requirements of this job?" Ms. Zoe asked.

"Well, actually they were pretty vague," Thomas replied, his eyes curiously wondering the background, wondering why the interview was being conducted in a hotel room. "But I told them I'm willing to do anything."

Ms. Zoe smiled, "That's good...that you're willing to do anything. Because that is the job in a nutshell - you will be doing anything, and everything, that I tell you to do. And whatever that may be is subject to my personal whims. There are no specific duties involved, just whatever I feel like making you do. In any case, you will do whatever I want you to do without question."

"Come again?" Thomas raised a suspicious eyebrow. Something about the way she'd said that didn't sit right with him. She was smiling, but her words, and her voice, were cold...sinister...devious even.

"Let's just cut through the bull****, shall we?" Ms. Zoe said, icily, "I've dealt with men like you before. The temp agency told me all about you. You're a convicted felon on parole and they can't find you a job anywhere because of it. And let's face it, with unemployment through the roof, employers can be very picky about who they hire. Bottom line is, no one is going to hire a piece of **** like you. And without a job, you are in ********* of your parole and you will go back to prison. Isn't that right?" Ms. Zoe grinned devilishly.

Thomas hung his head low, taken aback by her affront. "Yeah, that about sums it up I guess."

"That makes me your only hope," Ms. Zoe stood up and looked down upon him. "So plain and simple, your ass is mine, bitch."

"Bitch?" Thomas whined incredulously. "Why are you..."

"Shut up!" She cut him off mid-sentence with a firm slap across the face. "That's right, I called you a bitch." She gripped a fist full of his hair and yanked his head back to ***** his eyes up at her, "And if you don't like it you can walk out the door right now. Enjoy your prison cell. If not, then accept it - you are my bitch. Understand?"

"Yes," Thomas nodded submissively. He had no choice and they both knew it.

Ms. Zoe took a step back and gave him the once over, seemingly surmising just exactly how far he could be pushed. She looked at him the way a ***** looks at a new toy on Christmas morning...but she was far more calculated than a *****. She had plans for him and he could see it in her eyes.

Simultaneously, Thomas attempted to size her up as well. But all attempts to delve into the inner workings of her mind were thwarted by her distracting sex appeal. He was fearful, intimidated, worried what injustices and disrespect he may be ****** to suffer at the hands of his oppressive new boss. His circumstances left him helpless and at her mercy, an unfamiliar feeling that was turning his stomach in knots.

But despite all his turmoil, all he could ponder at the moment was whether or not the silky stockings that hugged her legs were pantyhose or thigh-highs. Thigh-highs he guessed, she didn't seem like the pantyhose type. And did they have the stay up tops or were they held in place by a garter belt? Her skirt was just short enough that he thought if she moved just right he might catch a glimpse.

He shook his head in frustration, cursing himself for being so shallow. There were a hundred more important questions he should be asking himself right now, but he couldn't. Never mind her bitchy attitude and cold remarks - she'd just referred to him as her bitch and slapped him across the face five minutes after making his acquaintance - he was smitten with her.

She was sexy in spite of her pseudo-conservative attire. Her top clung to her like a second layer of skin and was unbuttoned low enough to dare eyes to wonder but still left much to the imagination. Her skirt was too long to be slutty but short enough to make him hope for a glimpse of naked flesh above her stockings. Her heels were open toed. Her appearance said she was someone to be taken seriously and someone who had a naughty side all at the same time.

"If you accept my terms of employment...that you are my bitch to do with as I please, then lets get you trained in properly." Ms. Zoe sneered, "First of all, I have a specific dress code in mind for you. This is not acceptable." She tugged at his collar. "Take it off."

"The shirt?" Thomas asked.

"Everything. Strip, bitch!" She demanded. Thomas hesitated for a moment and was promptly slapped across the face. "Don't make me repeat myself, bitch. Get naked, now!"

Hoping to avoid another stinging slap, he nervously and clumsily discarded his clothes. Instantly he found himself feeling self conscious and humiliated, standing naked in front of his fully clothed female boss.

She circled him like a shark, looking him over, giggling to herself, giving him a hard smack on his bare ass each time she passed behind him. "You're even more of a bitch than I thought, Thomas," Ms. Zoe mused, slapping him between the legs. "What the hell is that!?" She laughed.

"You mean my cock?" Thomas felt himself turning red in the face.

"Oh that's not what I would call it," She chuckled. "This stupid little thing is not a cock. You call yourself a man?"

"Well...I ...I"

"Are you married, Thomas?" Ms. Zoe asked coyly.

"Yes," He nervously responded.

"Your wife fucks other men," She said, smiling.

"What!?" His face lit up with anguished surprise at her crass comment.

"Well she doesn't have sex with you, does she? I can't imagine how she would!"

Thomas hesitated only a moment and was quickly slapped and instructed to answer the question. "N...No. Not in a while now."

Ms. Zoe grinned. "Because you're not even a man. You must know that you cant please a woman with a pathetic, tiny little cock like that. She's probably lying on her back right now, spreading her legs for a real man with a real cock. She knows what a pathetic, sissy little bitch you are, even if she doesn't tell you."

" wife loves me," Thomas defiantly insisted.

Ms. Zoe laughed, "Yes, I'm sure, the way someone loves a puppy, something so weak and helpless like you. Not the way a woman loves a real man. She pities you I'm sure, while she finds other men to satisfy her the way a man is supposed to, the way you can't. This job is going to be good for you, Thomas, you're going to learn to accept being the sissy you really are."

"But I am not a," His protest was cut short by a swift slap across the face.

"Shut up, bitch," She silenced him. "Rule number one in this job is that you do whatever I tell you without question or hesitation. You seem to be having a hard time with that. Rule two is don't ever fucking argue with me!"


"Shut up!" Ms. Zoe slapped him again. "Do not speak to me unless asked a question or instructed to do so. Period. I'm starting to wonder if you really want this job. Should I send you home and call your parole officer?"

"No," Thomas bowed his head.

"Then you'd better learn your place quick, bitch! Bend over!" She commanded, gripping him firmly by his hair and ******* him to bend over the table in the corner of the room. "If you so much as think about moving from this position, this interview is over, understand?"

"Yes," he replied meekly.

"Good!" She said giving him a hard smack on the ass. "Now tell me, who owns you, bitch!" She spanked him again.

"You do," he whimpered.

"What's my name!" She smacked his ass hard.

"Miss Zoe!" He yelped.

"Are you Ms. Zoe's bitch?" She coyly asked, landing another hard slap on his ass.


"Yes what, bitch?" Again she whacked his bare ass.

"Yes, I'm Ms. Zoe's bitch!"

"Say it again!" The spanking continued.

"I'm your bitch!" He wailed.

"Don't ever fucking forget it!" She carped.

The onslaught of repeated hard slaps across his ass continued, as he whimpered with each lashing, while she amusedly degraded him, reminding him of his submissive status.

"Please stop!" he cried out incredulously, his ass bright red. "I understand! I'm your bitch! I'll do anything you say!"

"You want me to stop, you little pussy?" Ms. Zoe gave his ass one final smack for good measure. "Then get on your hands and knees where you belong, and beg!"

Thomas immediately descended to the floor on all fours. "Please don't spank me anymore! I swear I will obey you!"

Ms. Zoe clutched him by the hair and yanked his head back to face up at her. "When you ask me for something, I expect you to be either kissing my feet, or kissing my ass!"

"Please don't spank me anymore!" Thomas repeated, showering her stocking clad feet with kisses. "I'll do anything you say. I'll be a good bitch. I promise!"

Ms. Zoe smiled. "Now you're learning. Good girl."

"Girl?" Thomas gasped.

"What did I say! Must I repeat myself?"

"No ma'am," Thomas bowed and kissed her foot again. "Thank you."

"Good girls get rewarded, bad girls get spankings," Ms. Zoe said, plainly. "You want to be a good girl, don't you?"

Thomas blushed, humiliated by her assault against his masculinity. "Yes, Ms. Zoe," he said, shyly, planting another smooch on her foot.

"Don't you just love being at my beautiful feet?" She asked rhetorically.

"Yes," Thomas knew the only answer he could give.

"Aren't they perfect?" She said, sliding off her shoes, taking a seat on the bed, and rubbing them against his face.

"Yes Ms. Zoe, your feet are wonderful."

"I know. And for being a good little bitch, I'm going to let you suck my toes," she said, prodding her big toe against his lip.

"But your stockings are still on," Thomas noted.

"So what?" She said, impatiently. "Suck my toes bitch! All of them!"

Her stocking covered foot pressed *****fully against his mouth, and he opened as wide as he could, taking in all of her toes, sucking on them greedily.

"Yes, that's right, suck my toes you little bitch. You are so good at that! I can tell you really love being my toe sucker, don't you!" Ms. Zoe jubilantly exclaimed.

"Yes, Ms. Zoe," he mumbled, with her foot in his mouth.

"I'm glad, because this is part of your daily job description. But even if you didn't like it, so what? You're going to do it anyway. Now do a good job on the other one," she instructed, removing her dainty foot from his mouth and replacing it with the other one.

Thomas held her foot in his hand, carefully wrapping his lips around her toes; he began to suck them individually, and then as a group. Seeing the satisfied look on her face, he began to gently massage her foot while he worshiped her toes. Daring to let them out of his mouth, he began to kiss her sole and heel.

"Well look at you, going the extra mile," Ms. Zoe grinned, "I like that. But I didn't say you could take my toes out of your mouth, did I bitch?"

"No. I'm sorry," Thomas apologized, quickly putting her toes back in his mouth.

"Awww, you love my feet so much, I'll let you get back to that later if you're good. Right now, I want you to lay on your stomach," She instructed, pulling her foot away from him.


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Thomas did as ordered, face down on the floor. He felt her foot on his back and then tensed as he felt her full weight on top of him as she stood on his back. He heard a zipper, then felt something land on his back, an article of clothing? Her feet pressed into him as she walked on him with short steps. Suddenly her top landed on the chair beside him. He felt one foot raise up, then replant, followed by the other. He saw her skirt land on the chair next to her top. Finally she stepped down onto the floor and instructed him to roll over.

His jaw went slack as he looked up to find her wearing only a tight corset, thong, and stockings. Her cleavage was seemingly ready to burst out at any moment, and he hoped it did. The pale skin above the tops of her thigh-high stockings enticed him, the outline of her pussy visible through the fabric of the thong. With such a divinely sexy and scantily clad woman towering over him, for a moment, he didn't feel so bad about this new job.

She kneeled down on top of his chest, her knees at his flanks, and slapped him briskly. "When you have been given the privilege to suck my toes, don't ever take them out of your mouth without permission!"

"Yes ma'am. I'm sorry," Thomas said, meekly.

"You will be if you ever do it again!" She sniped, grabbing his nipples and pinching them tightly.

"Ahhhhh!" He groaned, "That hurts!"

"Quiet, you little pussy," she barked, turning around, she lowered her ass into his face and demanded that he kiss it.

She reached for his semi-hard cock and began to stroke it as he planted one kiss after another on her well-turned ass. Once fully erect, she gave it a hard slap, then another. "Stupid, useless thing," she muttered. Slapping it around some more, she droned, "I can't believe your poor wife actually wasted her time letting you put this in her."

"Can we leave my wife out of it, please?" Thomas boldly protested, immediately regretting his words the moment they left his mouth.

"Excuse me?" She said, angrily. "Talking back again, bitch?" Ms. Zoe stood up, grabbing him by his hair and ******* him up onto his knees as she did. "You don't tell me what to say! I own you, pussy!" She slapped him across the face.

"I know, I'm sorry. I didn't mean..."

"Shut up, sissy!" She demanded.

She stared him down for a moment as if contemplating what to do next, and then to his amazement, she methodically pulled her thong down to the floor, exposing her neatly shaved pussy! Taking her thong in her hand, she yanked on his chin, instructing him to open up, and then stuffed her balled up panties into his mouth.

"Time to bend over, again, bitch," she took him by the hair and ****** him to lean over the bed. "I warned you about speaking without being told to!"

"I'm sorry!" he tried to plead, but his words were inaudible with her panties in his mouth.

Slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, she paddled his ass hard with her bare hand, while the other kept his hair tightly in her clutches. Her barrage of degrading and humiliating slander tuned his face as red as his ass, and he could say nothing in defense, his words muffled by her sweet tasting thong.

Once satisfied that he'd been taught his lesson, Ms. Zoe ordered him to crawl onto the bed and lay on his back. Crawling on top of him until she was hovering over his face, she pulled her thong from his mouth.

"This is your chance to make up for your stupid comment. Now do something useful with that mouth of yours. Lick me, bitch!" Ms. Zoe harped, lowering her bare pussy onto his lips.

Thomas eagerly extended his tongue and licked away at her sweet mound as she grinded herself against his face. Her words skipped back and forth from instructional to degrading, one moment explaining exactly how to please her, the next moment crushing his ego with derogatory comments and name calling.

"Yeeeees!" Ms. Zoe moaned, "Tongue my clit just like that you sissy slut! Your mouth is going to be my cum receptacle!"

Thomas felt her tense up. She grinded her pussy harder against his face, her motion was becoming erratic, her breath heavier, and soon she was gushing fluid on his face. Her juices trickled down his cheeks and chin and still she kept riding him, prolonging her orgasm, until his face was drenched in her sweetness.

""Good job, bitch," she said, aloofly, dismounting him and collapsing onto her back.

He stared over at her and noticed that both of her pierced nipples were now sticking out the top of her corset. He was dying to reach for them, but didn't dare. Sprawled out on the bed in nothing but her corset and stockings, she looked unbelievably sexy. Nothing about her appearance would have suggested her sadistic nature. In spite of all that he'd had to endure at her hands, all he could think of was how badly he wanted to fuck her.

"Um...Ms. I please kiss your nipples?" Thomas asked, very carefully.

"Why should I let you do that? What have you done to earn it?"

"Well I...I made you cum just now. Isn't that worth something?" He inquired.

"You silly little bitch, you didn't make me do anything! I used you like a fuck toy to have an orgasm. You didn't have a choice!" She sneered at him. "Now make yourself useful and remove my stockings."

"Yes, ma'am," he mumbled. For fear of being slapped or spanked again, he didn't waste any time pouting over her refusal, quickly, but carefully, gliding the silky stockings down her long legs pulling them off. "Where should I put these Ms. Zoe?"

"Put them on," she said plainly.

Thomas stared at the women's hosiery, perplexed. "Put...put them on?"

Ms. Zoe slowly rose from her relaxed position, sitting up to look him in the face. Then, without warning, slapped him. "If I have to repeat myself you aren't going to like it," she stated, casually rolling onto her side and resting her head on her hand.

Thomas heeded her warning and began rolling the stockings up his own legs, puling them as high up on his thighs as they would go. Being thin, and barely taller than her, they seemed to fit him perfectly.

"Stand up and show me how they look, bitch," Ms. Zoe demanded. Thomas did as instructed and she began to chuckle. "Now you look more like the sissy you are!"

Thomas turned bright red in the face, staring down at his feet, ashamed.

"Do you like how they feel, sissy?" Ms. Zoe said, coyly.

Thomas shyly shrugged. "I feel weird."

"Well get used to them. They will be a part of your daily dress code at work from now on."

"I can't wear women's stockings everyday!" Thomas whined.

"You can and you will, bitch. Don't you ever try your wife's lingerie on at home?" She asked, smiling.


"Well you should. Do you think it would fit you?"

"I...I don't know!"

"I suggest you find out. Because if not you're going to have to go shopping for some lingerie that does fit you," she told him. "Everyday when you come to work, I expect to see you wearing stockings, high heels, panties, and a bra or corset."

"You're going to make me change into women's underwear when I come to work!?" Thomas looked mortified.

"No, you're not going to change when you come to work. You're going to show up at work wearing the appropriate clothing!" She hissed. "I don't care if you put them on at home, or in your car in the parking lot. But I don't ever want to see you wearing men's clothing again. You are not a man, you sissy little bitch!"

Thomas stood there with a horrified expression on his face. He could only imagine the looks he would get walking around in women's clothes, even if just through a hotel parking lot! Then a question popped into his head, that he realized he was late in asking.

"Where is work? You don't rent expensive hotel rooms like this everyday just" Thomas paused to choose his words carefully.

"To use amuse myself with my sissy whores?" Ms. Zoe completed his sentence. "No, I don't. Why don't you be a good bitch, get on your knees, and clean my feet with your tongue. Then I'll explain this job a little better to you."

Thomas sunk to his knees, and found her shapely, pale, white feet, with perfectly manicured toes, waiting for him at the edge of the bed. He took a long slow lick from her heel to her toes, waiting for her explanation.

"Clean them good, bitch. And don't forget to get in between my toes. Do not miss a single millimeter of flesh or I am going to slap the **** out of you, pussy little toe sucker!"


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"Yes, ma'am," Thomas submissively agreed. He went to work with his tongue, slowly working over her feet, one at a time, being extra careful not to miss any where, sometimes returning to same spot twice just to be sure.

"Yes, just like that, bitch. Worship my pretty feet, show me how much you love them!" Ms. Zoe moaned softly, taking great pleasure in the careful attention he was giving her feet.

"You will sometimes be going to hotels like this one, and sometimes directly to the clients home," she explained. "I'll be calling you every morning to let you know where to go. My clients are very exclusive, powerful women, who just adore using sissies like you for their entertainment!"

Thomas stared up at her with wide eyes, her toes lodged in his mouth. "You're a pimp?" he muttered, quickly wishing he hadn't.

Ms. Zoe laughed. "The correct term would be Madame, you stupid sissy. But if you choose to see me as a 'pimp', then so be it. I'm going to pimp your sissy ass out and you are going to go work that ass and get me my money, bitch!"

"And what am I supposed to tell my parole officer that I do for a living?" Thomas stopped and quarreled.

"Just tell him you work for Madame Zoe. He knows me very well," She stated, evenly.


"I have a handful of male clients as well. He's been a customer for years. In fact, I suspect he will probably be requesting you since he's the one who referred you to that temp agency. He knows where the agency sends desperate ex-cons like you. And Kim, the girl who runs the temp agency; a client of mine as well. She's your first appointment, tomorrow."

Thomas stood up. "So you want me to be a...a..."

"A sissy whore, like I said, bitch! That's what you are, and what you will remain until either your parole is up, or until you disobey me and I have you sent back to prison!"

"Fuck you, I'm done!" Thomas indignantly replied.

"Really?" Ms. Zoe sat up on her knees at the edge of the bed to face him. "So you let me use you like this, humiliate you, punish you, and only to end up quitting? I don't think so."

"Oh no? Watch me!" He said, defiantly.

"You'll either be my botch, or someone else's bitch in prison." Ms. Zoe reached and grabbed his erect cock. "You could have walked out the door an hour ago. Most men who have any self-respect for themselves, do. They don't care about prison as long as they have their pride. But not you. You submitted so easily. You liked it. I know you did. Your little sissy dick is hard, that's all the proof I need."

Thomas stood still as a statue, his mind telling him to move but his body refusing with her hand stroking him.

She leaned closer, her pierced nipples brushing against his chest. "You know you're just a submissive little bitch, don't you? And you like being that way. You just needed someone like me to show you. Don't let your foolish pride deny you the opportunity to be what you know you are. You want to worship me, and be my sissy whore, don't you?"

"Y...yes," he couldn't believe the answer that ************* came out of his mouth.

"And you'll love being a toy for my clients as well, knowing that you're doing it to please me. Because that's all that really matters, pleasing your mistress, isn't that right?" She said, nibbling his ear lobe.

"Yes, mistress," he breathed heavily, her long nails now teasing his balls.

"Long after your parole is over, you'll still be at my feet, worshipping my toes, begging me to keep you as my bitch. Because you already love it!"

To his surprise she leaned in and kissed him, passionately, letting him hungrily lick her hot tongue. Almost as suddenly as the kiss began, it ended, Mistress Zoe pulling away and giving him a slap across the face.

"What do you think you should do now?" She asked, turning around and poking her ass out off the edge of the bed.

Thomas went to his knees immediately and began to kiss her ass. "Thank you mistress, for making me your bitch! Thank you for letting me lick your feet! I love worshipping you! I'll do anything to please you!" He exclaimed, frantically planting passionate kisses on her bum. He had no idea where all of this was coming from, but his trepidations about this humiliating, submissive role were quickly diminishing.

On one hand, she had him. No way was he going back to prison, no matter what. Whether willing or not, he knew this wasn't a choice. On the other hand, he knew there was some truth in her words. The *********** and the punishment -- that, he could live without. But to be controlled by a powerful and beautiful woman, something was strangely arousing about it.

He thought of other possible options, like flipping burgers or cleaning toilets. The world wasn't full of jobs for felons. If his job was going to be to worship the feet and lick the pussies of powerful women, even if he had to wear lingerie and be humiliated in the process, it wasn't the worst thing that could happen. And Ms. Zoe, the exquisite creature that she was, was to die for. He set his mind to making this work - he would do whatever he had to, to please her.

"Enough groveling, bitch. Now I have one more lesson to teach you before your appointment tomorrow."

Ms. Zoe disappeared into another room, leaving Thomas sitting there on his knees. He looked down at his hard cock...and then the silky women's stockings on his legs. He felt himself blushing all over again. This is insane, where is my self respect? I should grab my pants and run out of here right now, he thought. Already he was second guessing his choice to stay. But his legs wouldn't move.

Run! His inner voice told him. Stay and play. You like this, you know you do! He heard his mistresses voice in his head. Be a man! His conscience told him. You are not a man, you're my bitch! He heard her voice again in his mind.

Ms. Zoe returned, an average sized strap-on dildo was bobbing up and down in front of her like her own cock. Thomas knew exactly what was going to happen next, and his silent debate with himself was beginning to favor his abrupt exit.

Ms. Zoe left no time for debate, walking straight over to him and ********** shoving it in his mouth. "Suck my cock like the little sissy bitch you are!"

Thomas resigned himself back to his submissive role and bobbed his head back and forth on her toy cock. The only thing he was thinking was where she was about to put her plastic dick next.

"Yes, bitch. Show me what a good little cock sucker you are," Ms. Zoe taunted him, rocking her hips to fuck his mouth. "Look at me when you suck my cock, bitch! I want you to see who's using your mouth like a fuck toy!"

Thomas stared up at her submissively, and she glared back down at him with a lustful, expression. He wondered if this somehow turned her on, treating him like this. Surely it must, he figured, but up to that point he hadn't considered that it was as much about sexual gratification for her as it was about using him for her gain.

Ms. Zoe pulled her cock out of his mouth, and slapped him, as he was accustomed to her doing at this point. "Did you enjoy that, bitch?"

"Yes mistress. Thank you," he told her what he knew she wanted to hear, as he bent down and kissed her foot.

"Now get onto the bed, on your hands and knees, like a good little bitch," she demanded, leading him up by his hair.

With a deep, nervous breath, he followed her instructions. He knew he was about to get fucked. He could only thank his stars that the dildo wasn't excessively large, six to seven inches by his estimation and not terribly thick. Thomas guessed she probably had much larger toys than that at her disposal and almost wanted to thank her for not ******* him to take a larger one. If he didn't take this anal pounding to her satisfaction, he could only imagine what size might be next.

"You know I'm about to shove this cock up your sissy ass, don't you, bitch?" Ms. Zoe said, sapping him hard on the ass.

"Yes mistress," he sighed heavily.

"You're going to learn to love it. At least you'd better, because from now on you are going to be getting fucked in the ass every, single, day." Ms. Zoe gave his ass another whack. "I want you to beg me for it. Tell me how badly you need to be fucked, bitch!"

"Please fuck my ass, mistress!" Thomas did his best to sound like he wanted it, as he felt warm lube being poured on his hole.

"Not convincing enough! Is my cock too small for you? Are you a size queen? I have bigger ones!" She threatened, spanking his ass again.

Frightened by her threat, and knowing it was sincere, he gushed, "Oh, please fuck me, mistress! I want my ass pounded! Give me your big cock! I need it! Fuck me like the sissy little bitch I am!"


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"That's a good little bitch, show me how much you love it!" Ms. Zoe pressed into his sphincter, slowly at first, until she had it all the way in. She slid out slightly, and then back in, out, in and out, in and out, each time increasing speed. "Who owns this ass, bitch!" She said with another hard slap across his ass.

"You own it!" He cried.

"You like that don't you! Getting fucked like a sissy whore!"

"Yes mistress! Fuck me! Fuck me! I'm your sissy whore!'

"Louder bitch!" She slapped his ass hard.

"Fuck me, oh yes! Give it to me! I'm your bitch!" He wailed.

"That's right sissy! Take that cock! I fucking own you, bitch! You're going to go make me a lot of money with your sissy ass, aren't you bitch!"

"Yes! I'm going to work this ass and make your money!"

She gripped his hair in one hand, and slapped his ass repeatedly with the other, spewing one humiliating remark at him after another. Thomas moaned and whined his approval and agreement each time, becoming so convincing that he was starting to wonder himself if he was just trying to appease her or actually enjoying it. He found himself doing half the work, throwing his ass back into her, meeting her thrusts half way.

Ms. Zoe pulled out of him and made him roll onto his back and hold his legs up high so she could penetrate him face to face. Her degrading comments didn't cease, nor did the ***** of her hands. Rather than spanking his ass as she fucked him, she'd simply reach out and slap his face every so often, and make him thank her for pounding his ass.

She fucked him hard for longer than he could keep track of. Time didn't matter any more to him, laying on his back, watching her beautiful tits hanging out of her corset bouncing up and down as she mercilessly stuffed his ass with her strap-on, he wasn't sure he wanted it to end any more. But it soon would as she grabbed his cock and began jerking him off as she fucked him. Soon he was squirting all over his own chest and face.

Ms. Zoe laughed at him and the mess he'd made of himself. She unharnessed her fake cock and let it fall to the floor. "At my feet, bitch," was all she had to say to have Thomas on the floor kissing her toes. "Let's clean you up."

She gripped his hair and made him crawl into the bathroom beside her, and into the shower. She joined him, standing above him with one leg propped up on the side of tub, holding his head firmly in place in front of her shaved pussy. He thought maybe his job was to lick her again, but her golden piss came flowing out as he leaned forward, hitting him in the face, and the neck, running down his chest. He sat there, allowing himself to be used as her toilet, kissing her naval her hot pee ran down his chin.

When she'd finished relieving herself on his body, she turned and had him undo her corset. Then, setting it aside, she turned on the shower, her tall frame not allowing the water to reach Thomas. She made him sit there at the edge of the tub, covered in her piss, as she cleansed her own body. Handing him the soap, he was ordered to clean her legs and feet, which he did in an almost loving and thoughtful manner, kissing her everywhere he washed.

Ms. Zoe smiled down at her new slave, musing not only at how easily he'd submitted, but how he had become uncommonly affectionate towards her after having been ****** into his situation. "You were definitely meant to be my bitch. It suits you." Ms. Zoe commented as he was once again kissing her feet.

"Thank you, mistress," Thomas said, sincerely.

"Now clean yourself up, bitch. Go home to your wife and pretend to be a man again if you want, or just tell her the truth. I don't care. But make sure you are dressed appropriately when you arrive for your appointment tomorrow. I'll call in the morning with details," Ms. Zoe said, stepping out of the shower, and closing the curtain.


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Her Friend Came To Visit

A few years ago we had an old friend of my wife's visit us when he was in town. She invited him to stay with us and I didn't know at the time they had been an item 25 years ago. We had dinner and quite a few ****** and were sitting around visiting. She was snuggled up to him on the sofa laughing about old times. She went to fix more ****** and he went to help her. I headed to the bathroom and when I passed the kitchen door he was standing behind her with both hands on her ass. I didn't say anything because we've kind of had an agreement not to restrict each other in what we do. When I got back they were snuggled back up on the sofa with his hand on her thigh just under the edge of her skirt. I just had another ***** and tried to enter in to the conversation and was pretty ***** by this time. She said how hot it was and I said jokingly "You've probably got to too much on".

To my surprise she said that was probably right and stood up and pulled her blouse off and slipped out of her skirt and sat back down saying "Oh that's better".

She has really big tits and was in a sheer bra and thong bikini which didn't leave much to the imagination. I acted as if this was nothing unusual and he blushed and said she still looked really fine after all these years. She said "Well thank you", and kissed him. I could tell she was getting really turned on and he looked at me hesitantly.

She gets that way when she's had a lot to *****. I told her she was maybe showing a little too much and she laughed and said, "It's not anything he hasn't seen before."

I gulped the rest of my ***** not knowing what to say and not thinking very clearly. She told me to go fixed her another ***** and she'd tell me a secret. She was getting pretty silly by now. I gulped down a big shot of scotch to give me courage while I was fixing it and when I came back in she looked at me and said "Do you know Larry has a lot bigger cock than you?"

He was speechless to. I was so ***** I couldn't reply to that. She took a big ***** and undid her bra and put his hand on her tit and said "Do they feel as good as you remember?"

He was flustered and said " I don't think that we should be doing this."

She giggled and told him not to mind me because I was a sissy with a little cock. He said she shouldn't say that and she told him "No really, look and this" and came over and pulled one of my socks off before I knew what she was doing.

He could see the bright pink polish on my toenails and said "Oh."

I was so embarrassed I didn't know what to do. She went back over and sat on his lap and kissed him deeply. "My husband would like to be a girl" she told him and he laughed.

"You think I'm kidding" she said and looked at me and said "take off your pants and show him."

Flushed with embarrassment with having my secret revealed I started to say something and she commanded me again to stand up and drop my pants and let him see what a girl I was. Too ***** to resist I undid by belt and dropped my jeans letting him see the pink satin panties with blue flowers on them that I was wearing. "Oh God, this is wild" he gulped.

"Show him your little pussy cock" she said and in *********** I pulled the front of my panties down showing him my small cock.

She undid his fly and exposed his huge erection and said, "This is what a real cock looks like."

He just stared at me not knowing what to say. She said" If you want to be a woman you should get used to having men look at you. Go fix yourself up and let Larry see how you like to dress around the house, maybe you'll turn him on."

With them sitting there looking at me while she massaged his big penis I was totally humiliated and went and did as I was told. While they played I sat in the bedroom and put on nail polish wondering what they were doing while I waited for it to dry. Then I put on a garterbelt, stockings and heels and then my panties back on. My wig and bra with the breast enhancers completed my ensemble. In my *****en stupor I went to the bathroom and did my makeup and lipstick trying to make myself as pretty as possible and put on perfume. Feeling embarrassment and a strange excitement I listened to the squeals of "I love it," and "that feels so good" coming from the living room. With my clit swelling in my panties I went back in to see him kneeling in front of the couch greedily licking her bare pussy with her panting and pinching at her swollen nipples. Seeing me back she pulled his face from her wet cunt and asked him how he liked her slutty little bitch whore of a husband.

Laughing he said "Your husband looks pretty sweet. What do I call you, Honey?"

"You can call her Dianne", my wife said and told me to turn around so he could get a good look at me.

He had gotten a lot bolder and crawled over and with one hand squeezed my ass and patted my pussy with the other. "You've got a bulge in your panties little girl, did you get turned on seeing me eat Meg."

He slapped my pantied ass and told me "I think your wife wants my cock. You can go sit down and watch if you want."

I started to say something but then stumbled over to the fireplace and sat down and lit a cigarette watching her suck his cock. She whispered something in his ear and they got up and went in the kitchen. I heard her say something like 'this will be fun' but he needs more to *****'. I had had plenty and could hardly stay sitting straight. They came back in with a tall amber icy ***** in a tall glass. I can't ***** anymore I thought or I'll pass out.

"We ran out of 7-up so I mixed the bourbon with something else, I hope its alright", she giggled.

I told them I didn't need anymore, but she said "Dianne, you're being a naughty girl, you need to do what you're told", told me to standup and bend over.

He slapped me really hard on the ass and it stung a lot, kind of clearing my head. They sat me back down and with her massaging his cock he pressed the glass to my lips, "Now ***** this like a good little sissy husband, Dianne or you'll get a good spanking".

I took a big gulp and it was really strong and tasted kind of salty. Thats enough I told them but she told me to ***** more while she held my head and he ****** the glass to my mouth spilling some of it down my front. It burned as it went down as I kept swallowing. He handed me the glass now more than half empty and told me to finish it while they played.

Larry was laying on the couch with Meg greedily sucking his cock while he fingered her cunt. It was arousing in my *****en stupor to see her lips sliding up and down his big pole and I started to wish that I could see what it was like to have him in my mouth. "I'd forgotten how good your cock tastes, Sweetheart", she moaned and to me" Dianne don't you wish your little cock was as big as his so I could have this much fun sucking you off. Maybe then you wouldn't want to wear lacy panties."

As I drank more I figured out that it was pee that they had mixed with the whiskey. They laughed as they asked me if I was enjoying the *****. Now I was completely humiliated. Here I was sitting here helpless watching my wife and a guy enjoying fucking while they laughed at me *****ing their pee. I drained the glass and mumbled "It was good, maybe you can fix me another.".

They laughed and said it would be a little while before they could mix another one. Seeing his huge penis sliding in and out of her and tasting their piss in my mouth gave me such a hard on that I could hardly stand it. I was really starting to feel the ******* now and everything was hazy and realized I was massaging my tits and rubbing my clit to relieve the tension. My wife had gotten on the floor on her knees and Larry was fucking her hard from behind. She was so wet that her pussy was making loud slurpy noises as his prick slit in and out. "Look Maggie," he grinned, "your husband must like watching you get fucked, she's playing with her little clit."

All she could do was groan "Oh God your cock feels so good in me. Fuck me harder, darling. I need all of you deep in my cunt."

He kept fucking away smiling at me. "I hope it makes you happy Dianne to see my cock deep in your slutty wife's pussy", he taunted knowing that I was too ***** to move.

"Tell me how much you want me to fill your wife's vagina with my hot sticky sperm. Do you like my cock to?"

Maggie looked up at me playing with myself and "His cock feels so much better than yours in me. I love the feeling of it stretching my insides. I'm glad to see it turns your little girly cock on to see how much I love his prick. Oh God I love you fucking me Larry. I love it so much when you kiss me that it makes my pussy run. Dianne this is what you get when you want to be a sissy girl. I love you honey but his cock is soo much better than yours that it's making my pussy explode. Tell him you'd love to see him put his cock in my pussy any time that he wants. Oh GOD I'm cumming again. Tell him, tell him."

It made me feel more jealous and embarrassed hearing my wife say 'I love you' over and over to him than seeing him fuck her. I heard myself saying as I came in my panties "I love you having your big cock in my Meg's pussy. I'll do anything you want as long as you fuck my wife all she wants. I just came in my panties looking at your beautiful cock fucking her. I want everybody to know how much I love having my wife's pussy full of your sperm. I deserve to have her beautiful cunt full of other guys cum."

I was so ***** that I couldn't stop. "I'll be your pussy slave and do anything you want as long as you won't tell anybody about me and what a sissy I am and how useless my little clit is and how much I like knowing how much she likes fucking you. I wish I could be a real man like you and had your big beautiful cock. Thank you for letting me watch you fuck her. I love getting to have you see me dressed like this and be the one who knows I like being a girl. I loved feeling your hands on me. Fuck her for me you big beautiful hunk and let me see you fill my wife with your hot sticky cum."

"Well get over here and suck my tits while my sweet lover fills my pussy with his stuff," my wife yelled.

I crawled over because I was too ***** to stand and took her big nipple in my mouth as Larry stuck his hand in my pants and played with my pussy, squeezing my sticky little clit until I thought I pass out in ecstasy. He groaned "I'm cumming," and unloaded his spunk into my wife's hungry pussy as she moaned "Oh God Larry fill me up, I want all of your hot jizz inside of me, Oh God, Fuck, Oh Fuck, Oh God it feels so hot and good" and she came again.

He pumped for a little while longer making his cock white with frothy pussy juice and sperm and collapsed back on the couch spent. He panted "Honey, you're as good a fuck as you ever were".

Meg lay on the floor exhausted crying. "I love the way you fuck me, my husband never makes me cum like that." She looked at me, smiled and said "Don't you wish you could fuck like that you poor sweet little slut?"


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Larry leaned over and kissed me on the neck and whispered" I want to see you suck my fresh sperm out of her cunt you pathetic little slut and show her you're good for something. It's your turn to make her pussy feel good".

In my clouded stupor I put my face between her legs and licked his sticky mess from between her swollen pussy lips. When I tasted his cum I suddenly I couldn't get enough and was licking up her lovers sperm that was running out of her love hole and down the crack of her ass. I swallowed his slippery semen with relish sucking all his juice I could out of her freshly fucked pussy hole, rubbing my face in cum and loving every drop of it. When I couldn't taste anymore I raised up and started to lick his cock which was still covered in frothy cum, sucking his softening cock deeply into my mouth to clean off all their juices. I loved the taste of my wife pussy on his shaft.

"Well you are good for something Dianne", he laughed , saying he had never had anyone's husband want to suck his cock before.

My wife said "She looks good sucking your dick. Maybe she's more of a woman than I thought she was", as she raised on her elbows to watch me swallowing his cock.

"I think I'll tell my girlfriend that my husband likes to suck off the guys who fuck me. She'll never believe it."

"Please don't", I mumbled blushing beet red. By this time I was way beyond caring what anybody thought and could only think about the beautiful big cock in my mouth. To my surprise he didn't try to stop me from sucking him and in a minute he started to get hard again. As his cock grew it filled my mouth to where I could hardly breathe but I kept trying to see how much of his big prick I could swallow. I was rubbing my face in his pubic hair and licking his balls and squeezing my tits.

"I think your husband really likes my cock" he told my wife. "He's sucking me really good. You make a pretty good woman, Honey. It's too bad you don't have a pussy instead of that pathetic little cock."

My wife laughed and said "She has something that's almost as good."

She pulled my panties down. She wiped his cum which was still running out of her cunt (he must have cum a whole bunch) and rubbed the slippery stuff down the crack of my ass.

"I want to watch you make a woman out of him, that's what I think he's always wanted "she told him, "You can fuck his little man pussy".

I couldn't move and my head was swimming and I just kneeled there at her feet with my ass in the air and my pussy open to the world.

"If you really want me to Sweetheart" he said not sounding sure.

"I really do", she laughed "if she wants to act like a sissy slut, lets make her one. Do it for me Darling", she said kissing him.

In a second if felt the slippery head of his cock sliding up and down my ass and pushing against the opening of my little pussy. With his hands squeezing my ass I felt the head pushing inside my tight hole. I tried to relax to ease the pain and pushed back against him feeling his huge cock slip into my wanting cunt.

"Oh my God your pussy's tight Dianne" he groaned and he started pumping his penis deeper and deeper into my love hole.

I exploded inside as the pressure eased and felt how good it felt to have his cock inside me sliding in and out of my hole. I was all tingly inside and my clit was as hard as a rock. I was mumbling "Oh **** that feels good, I love your sweet dick in me, fuck me, fuck me, God your cocks wonderful".

He slapped my ass and "You like my cock in your little pussy, don't you, you sweet little fuckin slut."

"Oh god yes, fuck me harder, you're making my cunt feel soo good."

"I think your husband really likes being a woman", he said to my wife who was sitting playing with herself watching us; "I'm really enjoying fucking her for you. Her pussy feels almost as good as yours, Honey."

Then he pulled out of me slapping my ass again and sat back resting on his elbow with his cock sticking straight up. He had me sit facing him, on his thighs pushing his erection back deeply into my slippery cunt hole. I put my arms around his muscular back pressing my ass down against him try to get every inch of his cock inside me. He had his arm around me and his hand was squeezing my tit and pinching at the hard nipple while he started to suck on my neck. This sent electric sparks all thru my body making me gasp "God I love you Larry".

He told me to hold still for a minute "You're pussy's so tight on my cock that if we don't slow down for a little while you're going to make me cum. Honey, I've wondered what it would feel like to fuck the pussy that a 'girl' like yous has and it's more incredible than I ever imagined."

Then his lips were on mine and felt his probing tongue in my mouth and I kissed him as deeply as I could, probing his hot mouth with my wanton tongue until I couldn't breathe. The desire welled up in me and I came all over his belly.

Smiling he said "I guess you like this you little slut."

To my wife he said "You may be sorry you asked me to do this. Fucking your husband has got me more excited than I ever remember. I love fucking him more than I could have ever imagined. When he came out in the bra and panties I knew I wanted him right now. The thought of him being my pussy slave got me so turned on that I can't believe how good it feels to fuck her. Dianne I think you're almost as sexy as your wife and she's about the most incredible fuck I've ever had."

I laid back and he said "Meg help me fuck your hot little woman".

My wife kneeled on top of me rubbing her cunt in my face and he put my legs on his shoulders. He toyed with his cock at my wet opening and asked "Do you really want this Dianne, Maybe you've had enough. "

"Oh God don't stop now" I begged.

"Will you promise to do anything I say from now on?" he taunted.

"I'll be your woman from now on, oh please fuck me, I'm your slave, Darling. Oh please fuck me, please, I need to feel your cock, my pussy wants you inside me so much that I can't stand it. Make love to me and I'll do anything" I heard my self saying and was embarrassed that I was being such a slut in front of my wife, begging for her lovers cock.

He wiped my cum off his belly rubbing it into my ass crack saying, "Your little man pussy needs some more lubrication".

Sliding all his big hard cock up my throbbing pussy hole Larry started fucking my bottom in earnest while kissing my wife's hungry mouth. Sparks flew though me each time his balls slapped against my ass and I licked at her cunt while they kissed and he groaned and she told him she loved him and to fuck my little sissy cunt harder. "Your hubby has the tight pussy I've ever fucked," as he suck her hard nipples.

"Your cock feels so good in me, you guys are making me feel soo good. I want your hot cum inside me. Oh fuck you're good" I cried.

"Dianne, I'm going to fill up your cunt with all my hot sticky sperm and make you my very own sissy slut."

"Maggie my balls feel like they're going to explode. I'm going to shoot so much cum in her that his little pussy won't be able to hold it all. Oh God Dianne I'm cumming!"

I felt him shudder and I could hardly breathe my wife was pushing her cunt so hard into my face as she yelled "Fill his pussy with your sweet hot sperm, fuck her pussy hard, cum in him, cum in him, cum for me"

Though the blur I felt his cock spasming as pulse after pulse of his thick hot cum shot deep inside me filling my insides with squirt after squirt of his sperm as he groaned what a good fuck I was. It seemed to go on forever until he had emptied all his load inside me. Then he collapsed on to me. With his arms around me, his chest pressing against my tits he kissed me deeply as his softening cock slipped out of my ass. With his soft cock rubbing against mine he told me how much he liked fucking me and now with his sperm inside me I was really his woman. I was exhausted laying there with my ass slippery with Larry's cum which was oozing from my relaxing pussy as they covered me with a blanket.

As I passed out I heard my wife saying "You'll ***** well now little girl with your worn out sissy pussy full of cum."


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When I woke up in the morning, Meg had left for work and Larry had gone to his meetings. I was laying naked except for my bra and one stocking and had dried cum all over me and a terrific headache. I stumbled to the kitchen for a big glass of water and Ibuprofen. Laying on the counter was a note saying "You had quite a night girl and we thought you needed the *****. I'll be home about six, Sweetheart and Larry said he'd bring dinner. Hope your little pussy isn't too sore. Rest and we'll see you later. Love, Meg."

I ran a hot bath and lay in it for a long time soaking my poor worn out cunt hole. I shaved my legs and pussy and lay thinking about last night. I had an enema and another big glass of ice water and put the coffee on and crawled back in the tub feeling more human. I was tired of my wig so I just moussed my hair and fluffed it and put on make up since I didn't have to go out the rest of the day. Putting on some perfume I looked almost alive again. Going in the bedroom to get dressed there was still a big wet spot in the middle of the bed and was a little jealous that they had been fucking again this morning. I put on my bikini top and thong and sat out on the deck having coffee and a cigarette. After that some juice and toast got rid of the rest of my hangover the sun felt good on my sore muscles. Not having anything to do but think about my wife and her well endowed boyfriend, I lay out suntanning for a couple of hours and had a nap.

Before they got home I put on a light blue satin bra and panty set, some low rise jeans with pretty black sequins decorating the hip pockets and a full sheer white bubble top cotton blouse that let my bra show through nicely. Putting on some white low heel pumps I sat down and waited for them to come home

Larry got there just before my wife and was loaded down with bag of Chinese takeout and wine. I met him at the door and took the bags to the kitchen. He was dressed in tight tan slacks and a stiffly starched light blue shirt and tie. He looked just like he might of stepped out of a catalog. He walked up behind me in the kitchen and cupping my ass with his hands kissed my neck saying "Don't you look nice little lady."

I had several hickeys on my neck from the night before and his lips on my neck sent tingles thru me. He rubbed his hands on my breasts and my nipples got hard. "You may not have very big tits but your nipples sure get hard and swollen," he laughed, pinching at the hard tips he could feel through my bra.

My wife got home then came into the kitchen from the garage. "You made my day really embarrassing," she said to him, "I hope you're happy with yourself."

"What did I do?" he asked, holding up his hands.

"I had so much of your cum in me this morning that my panties were sopping and I left a big wet spot on my office chair and skirt. "My secretary saw it and said she wished her husband would do her like that in the morning and without thinking I said it wasn't my husband. She's pestered me all day and every time I saw her she had a big smile on her face. I finally had to tell her she better keep her mouth shut. But it will probably be all over the office."

She undid her blouse and headed for the bedroom saying she had to change and get some clean panties on. When she finally came back in she was braless in a tank top and tight jeans. She's five feet with 38-D tits and in the tank top she made my clit hard and Larry seemed to notice to as he walked over and passively cupped her big juggs.

"Sorry about the wet spot, Maggie" he told her and said "You ladies sit down and I'll fix us something to *****." He opened a bottle of wine he'd brought and handed a glass to my wife.

"Just a second and I'll get yours Dianne. Was your ***** last night ok?"

I flushed and said it was interesting, I had never had it before. He took a glass and poured in two inches of bourbon and filled it with ice. He brought it over and unzipped his fly and pulling out his cock peed in my glass until it was full. He stirred it with a spoon and handed it to me, "Enjoy," he said smiling.

I took a big ***** feeling a little embarrassed with them watching me and told him it was good but the one last night tasted different.

"Oh, your wife put some of her mixer in that one too," he laughed. "By the way how's our lady's little 'pussy hole' doing today we gave your bottom quite a work out last night."

I told him that it was a little sore this morning but it felt fine now.

My wife chimed in "I wish that there was some I could of told today that my husband was home today with his cute sissy bottom full of my boyfriends sperm. That made my pussy wetter than it already was. It was fun watching Larry fuck you silly. Now you know why I like men to cum inside me instead of using a rubber."

I was blushing again and Larry said to my wife "I think we've embarrassed her, we better change the subject."

I took another big swallow of his piss and told him it was alright, I just wanted to make her happy. He said that it was the first time he had ever fucked a 'girl' like me and having it be the husband of a woman he loved fucking made it all the better.

"Knowing that I was getting to fill my lover's husband with my sperm turned me on more than you'll ever imagine, Dianne. Having a guy know that I'm fucking his wife is a real high for me, but then him letting me shoot my load inside him was incredible."

They had me heat up the dinner while they sat talking quietly giggling and kissing. After dinner we went in the living room and he said he should call his wife, getting his cell phone out he sat on the couch with my wife curled up next to him. He had his phone in one hand and his left arm around Meg with his hand down her blouse playing with her nipple. "Come over here slut and entertain me while I call my wife" he said to me undoing his belt and unzipping his pants.

My wife nodded at me when I looked at her and I took out his soft penis and sucked it into my mouth. It became more firm and I was starting to have a good time licking it when his wife answered.

"Hi Sweetheart, how's your day been," he said into the phone. "Yes, the meeting went well today." He listened while I sucked his hardening cock deeper into my mouth. "We just had dinner and were sitting around visiting. Maggie's husband is showing me some of the things he does. OK here, I'll let you talk to him," and he handed me the phone.

She said thank you for taking care of her husband, he really got tired of traveling and she was glad he had some friends to break up the monotony of his trip. She hoped it wasn't to much of an imposition. "Oh he hasn't been any bother at all," I told her smiling up at him. He helped me get a bunch of things done last night that I needed some help with. I was glad to have him although we probably wore him out working so much. We probably kept him UP to long last night", I told her taking a second to lick the tip of his hard penis. We enjoyed having him and he's welcome to come when ever he wants. You have a good night and it was nice getting to talk to you, my wife's downstairs doing the laundry, I'll tell her you said hi." I grinned handing him back the phone.

"I was up pretty late last night I think I'll get in bed early to night, I've got to leave early to catch my plane. See you tomorrow Darling, have a good night. I love you to," he said into the phone and hung up.

Laughing he said, "You're a naughty little girl Dianne. She'll think she can put me to work around the house when I get home. I probably won't tell her about all the thing I did for you."


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My wife took over sucking his cock and he told me to go in the kitchen and cut us all a slice of the pie he had brought for desert. When I brought it back in and set them on the coffee table I told them I was sorry I didn't have any whipping cream to put on it. Meg whispered in his ear and he nodded and handed her a slice saying for me to sit down and he'd put some on mine. He took my pie from me and proceeded to jack off on my desert plate covering my apple pie all over with thick spurts of his semen. He handed me back my plate he said "I thought a little cum slut like you would like my sperm more than you would the pie. I hope you like it."

So we sat there eating our desert with me blushing as they watched me take a spoonful of pie with thick cum running off of it and swallow it. When I had finished the plate was wet with his sticky cock juice and I licked it clean to their delight.

"It makes me really horny watching your sissy little husband licking up my cum, he said to Maggie, "why don't we watch a movie or something and maybe you can help me with that."

We went in by the TV and they had me take off my blouse and jeans and lay in front of it while they sat on the couch and ignored me for the next two hours. They watched the movie as if I wasn't there, kissing and him taking her shirt off and playing with her tits. At one point he had her naked and laying on his lap raised up with her legs on the sofa back and her cunt in his face so he could lick her pussy lips whenever he wanted to. They sixty-nined for a while and fucked off and on, resting while they watched the show. He came in her twice during the evening and without saying anything each time she came over to me and sat on my face having me suck out all his sperm and swallow it. Then she would go back to him and sit in his lap kissing him.

It was late when the movie got over and they turned on the lights. Looking at me, my wife said "You haven't gotten to cum Sweetheart. Why don't you jack off for us before we go to bed. I want to see if watching us has got your little sissy clit excited enough to cum."

So I pulled off my panties and like a slut let them watch me play with myself. My clit got hard and when I started to pant she handed me a bowl and told me to shoot my cum in it so she could see how much I came. That put me over the edge and my throbbing little girly cock squirted my load in it. I was surprised how much I came. Sitting there kind of embarrassed in front of him she told me to wait and ran to the kitchen for a spoon. Scooping up a spoonful of my spunk she put it into my mouth telling me to swallow it and see if I liked the taste of my own cum as much as I liked Larry's. She fed me two more spoonfuls till it was all gone telling Larry to watch how much I liked eating my own cum. They said they were going to bed and I went to our guest room which is across the hall from the master bedroom.

I lay there thinking about them kissing and playing and wishing I could see what was going on. After a while I heard the bed rocking and they were at it again. I'd never seen a guy who could get hard as fast as he did. No wonder my wife liked him. Then I heard him say "Do you really want to, I didn't think you liked it that way."

I heard her groaning and gasped that it hurt and slow down. In a minute she was screaming "Oh fuck my ass. Oh gosh it's big, that feels better now, God Larry do you like being in my asshole?"

I was amazed because she thinks my little cock is too big to fuck her ass and says how much it hurts. Now she was giving her tight little ass hole to him. I couldn't imagine her with his huge cock pumping in and out of her butt. Then she was moaning "Oh god that feels good, I hope you like my ass, fuck me hard . Oh I'm cumming, cum in my ass Darling. Fill me with your juice. I want you to have all of me. Oh god, o fuck , you make me feel so good. My ass is on fire, shoot your cum in me. Oh god oh good I can feel it"

Then they stopped and she was crying and he was saying "That was so good, I love you baby, I love you." So feeling utterly put down I went to ***** listening to them kissing and groaning.

It was almost morning when I woke up with Larry in the bed with me. He had his hand in my panties rubbing my clit and was sucking on my nipple. "Be quiet Baby, I want to let your wife *****. I need your pussy once more before I go," he whispered. He kissed me on the neck and rubbed slippery lube in my ass and I felt his erection probing at the entrance to my pussy hole. Laying on my side I let out a gasp as his huge cock slid inside me. Holding my tits he pressed his hips against my ass harder and harder penetrating my love hole deeper and deeper until his whole hard prick was inside me. It felt so good to feel his throbbing cock inside me all I could say was "Oh fuck me harder you beautiful man, I love your cock inside me, Darling." I couldn't believe I was saying this to a man.

He fucked me till my insides were throbbing and felt him start to shudder as his hot sperm bathed my insides and I let out a groan of pleasure. The bed was wet where I'd cum while he fucked me. He collapsed back on the bed with his soft cock slipping out of my well used ass. As he got up to go shower he kissed me deeply thanking me for showing him such a good time and sharing my wife and my pussy with him. I just laid there enjoying the feeling of being full of his delicious sperm and went back to ***** while my wife took him to the airport.
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