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les histoires de chrislebo

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Julie conduit Lola à l'aéroport Cannes Mandelieu, d'où s'envole le jet privé du Cercle de Jeux Cannois. Habituellement, ce jet sert à aller chercher des joueurs fidèles chez eux. Pour une fois, il sert à conduire dans la suite de sa déchéance un ancien du Club...

Lola supplie Julie de faire un crochet en ville, avant d'aller à l'aéroport. Elle souhaite donner de ses nouvelles à *** associée et lui faire dire à sa famille qu'elle va bien et qu'il est inutile de dépenser leur fortune pour tenter de l'a retrouvée.

Après un cunnilingus et un anulingus comme elle n'en n'avait pas reçu depuis bien longtemps, Julie cède.

L'avion des deux jeunes femmes atterrit à Accra.

Lola y sera une des rares, pour ne pas dire l'unique, prostituée blanche.

Très vite, la réputation de Lola, d'avidité et d'insatiabilité se forge.

Il lui faut de plus en plus de partenaires en un minimum de temps...

Jusqu'au jour où, la rumeur enflant, avec la complicité de Julie et des ****** de sécurité intérieure ghanéenne, un traquenard est tendu à Lola.

Elle est **********, emmenée dans un sous-sol d'un immeuble délabré mais truffé de caméras et de micros, ses vêtements arrachés. Lola se retrouve nue, bâillonnée, entravée...

À partir de cet instant, les hommes vont se succéder en elle, dans tous ses orifices, pendant des heures et des heures.

Ils ne s'arrêteront que quand ses muqueuses seront irritées, sanguinolentes, que des dizaines de mecs se seront déversés en elle ; que quelques douzaines de nanas auront joués avec ses tétons, *** clitoris et ses lèvres, boursoufflées à ***** ; et que une dizaine de chiens auront achevés les maigres ****** restantes à Lola.

Julie passe reprendre Lola et est surprise de *** état : ses cheveux ***t poisseux tellement ils ***t maculés de sperme, la bouche de Lola reste entrouverte après avoir pratiqué tant de fellations, l'état du sexe de Lola est indéfinissable tellement il a souffert d'écartèlement et de morsures et *** pauvre anus mettra du temps à se refermer...


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Mais Lola implore Julie de vite l'a remettre sur pied... afin de pouvoir recommencer !

Elle a ressentie tellement de plaisir en aussi peu de temps...

Lola n'a qu'une idée en tête : recommencer encore et toujours ses séances où elle est à la libre disposition de tous ceux et celles qui le souhaite !

Lorsqu'elle entend cela, Julie en est ébahie...

Le mois à Accra passe vite et il est déjà tant de rentrer à Cannes pour la troisième séance d'épilation définitive.

Pendant les cinq mois suivants, Lola est entre des pays d'Afrique Noire et le salon d'Aurélie pour achever d'effacer la moindre trace de poils de *** corps.

Même si une partie de sa famille est du Maghreb, Lola ne vas pas y aller, surtout maintenant, surtout pour exercer *** activité actuelle...

Mais chaque ville a sa spécialité selon Lola : à Dakar c'est l'endurance, à Libreville la folie, à Brazzaville la pluralité, à Kigali la violence et la langueur de Kinshasa.


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Ce garagiste, Mon Maitre

vouloir jouer les salopes un jour on en devient une. Mais pour que cela reste un plaisir, sans risque, il faut être guidé par un homme digne de confiance, un maitre, mon maitre.

Notre rencontre est le fruit du hasard. J'ai dû déposer mon véhicule au garage, un jour où, chaude comme de la braise, je n'avais ni culotte ni soutien gorges. Ma jupe, et mon décolleté n'était pas très profond, mais, j'avais pris par habitude de marqué mon sein droit d'un S, comme Soumise. Au moment de signé mon chèque, je me baissai, et le patron aperçue le S.

Il me ne dit rien. Juste qu'une panne informatique empêchais l'impression de la facture, je pouvais revenir la cherché le soir même à 19h.

Le soir, donc, je me présentais au garage qui était fermé, je frappais à la porte, et le patron m'ouvrir.

Il était bien plus grand que moi, je dirai 10 à 15 ans de plus également. Le petit ventre de personnes manuelles, ainsi que des mains imposantes, et noir de graisse incrusté dans les pores de la peau.

'Entré, Mademoiselle, je referme dernière vous, pour évités les vols. Suivez-moi dans le bureau'

J'entrai. Il prit la facture, mais la garda vers lui.

'Voila votre facture. Tout à l'heure, je n'ai pas pu éviter de voir le S, gravé sur votre sein. Je rougis fortement. Je sais donc que vous êtes une soumise, voila pourquoi je vous ai fais revenir ce soir. Avez-vous actuellement un maitre ?'

Les yeux baissés, les joues rouge d'être prise sur le fais, je répondis 'Non, Monsieur'.

Il posa la facture, se dirigeant vers moi. J'avais la tête baissé, comme une enfant qui aurai fais une bêtise, attendant sa punition. Il mit ses mains sur mes hanches, approchât sa bouche de mon oreille, et murmura : 'En général, les salopes de ton genre n'ont pas de sous-vêtement il monta ses mains vers mes seins, et redescendu vers mon cul, puis ma chatte et elles ont la chatte lisse. Tu dois être une bonne salope toi alors' Il déposa un baisé sur ma joue et s'éloigna.

'Je n'ai pas de soumise en ce moment, je pourrai prendre en charge ton éducation... As-tu déjà eu un maitre ?'

'Non', répondis-je

'Alors, la politesse veux que tu répondes par oui, ou non, mais toujours accompagné de Monsieur, pour le moment. Chaque oublie comme celui-ci, sera sanctionné. Retire tes chaussures. Mais tu désire être possédé par un maitre, devenir l'objet sexuel, pour le plaisir de ton maitre ?'

'Oui, Monsieur', la tête baissé, je répondais, surement rouge de honte...

'As-tu déjà sucé une queue ?

'Non Monsieur,

'As-tu déjà été sodomisé ?

'Oui, et non...répondis-je hésitante

'Encore un oublie, retire ton haut, montre moi tes seins. Pourquoi oui et non ?

'J'ai utilisé des godes, Monsieur

'D'accord, donc vierge d'une vrai ta chatte à déjà été utilisé ?

'Oui Monsieur,

' Par combien de personne ?

'3, Monsieur,

'En même temps ?

'Eu non, surprise de la question.



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'Retire ta jupe. Te voila maintenant fit le tour de moi, je sentais ses yeux me détaillé entièrement. Comme je vois que tu aime marquer ton corps de tes envies, je laisserai aussi des marques sur toi, signe de ton appartenance. Mets-toi à genoux, bras dans le dos, et tête baissé.'

Il parti cherché quelque chose à *** bureau. Il revient en ce plaçant devant moi. Il ouvrit sa braguette, et sorti sa queue. Il l'a fit parcourir sur mon visage. Puis il prit mon menton dans sa main, et dirigea ma bouche vers sa queue.

'Lèche l'objet de ton désir, suce moi. Je suppose donc que tu n'as jamais avalé de sperme ? J'aime les femelles qui avale. Il continua de parlé, alors que sa queue continuais à grossir dans ma bouche vierge. Je t'ai sorti un dossier complet à me remplir. Je veux tout savoir sur ce que tu as déjà ou pas pratiqué, les objets de plaisir que tu as chez toi, la date de tes règles, je viendrai chez toi, pour voir tes vêtements et sous-vêtements. Il me prit la tête dans ses mains, pour donné un rythme plus soutenu. Tu deviendras ma femelle soumise à mes désires. Et je serai le gérant et garant de ta jouissance. Il commençait à râlé de plaisir, mon sexe me chauffe beaucoup aussi. Ta bouche, ta chatte et surtout ton cul seront à moi !!

Le rythme était très fort, intense 'Je jouis dans ta bouche, avale ma semence mais garde en un petit peu, pour la déguster'. Mais il y en avait de trop, et une partie tomba sur mes seins, ça coulait le long de mes joues. 'Pour une première pipe, tu te défends pas mal. A chaque fois, tu devras me remercié de t'avoir utilisé, et tu devras aussi nettoyer ma bite avec ta langue, oui, comme ça, très bien, je vois que tu aime ça, petite salope. Il étala le sperme sur mon corps. Ainsi, tu garderas l'odeur de ton futur Maitre sur toi.'

'Habille toi, prend le dossier, remplit-le, et si tu es d'accord rendez-vous ici demain même heure.

'Merci, Monsieur, au revoir', Il me raccompagna jusqu'à la porte de l'atelier.

Arrivé chez moi, l'envie toujours aussi forte, je remplie le questionnaire, mais sans me faire jouir. Je voulais jouir de récompense. La récompense que mon futur maitre m'accorderait. Je savais maintenant que je l'avais trouvé.



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e lendemain à 19h, je frappais à la porte du garage. Monsieur m'ouvrit. Il me fit une bise avec un large sourire 'Si tu es revenue, c'est que tu es une salope. Il ferma la porte derrière moi. Attend moi ici.' Il revient 10 min plus tard. 'A genou ma soumise. Je te remets ce collier comme signe de ton appartenance. Tu n'as plus aucun droit de plaisir, sans mon accord. Tu l'as choisi, tu es ma chienne, mon objet, ma poupée. Il me place un étrier de bouche, afin de me garder celle-ci bien ouverte. Suis-moi.' Ainsi, lèvre grande ouvert, je le suis à travers tout l'atelier. Soudain, il me penche en avant, sur une sorte de planche, sous mon ventre, il écarte mes jambes mes mains ***t attachés vers les sols.

Il relève ma jupe, et d'un coup sec, il pénètre ma chatte, déjà très humide. 'Humide comme tu es, tu attendais ça avec impatience, ma salope. 'Je ne pouvais pas parler, la bouche ainsi ouverte. Mais, il commença avec un rythme fou, j'étais ballottée dans tous les sens, pendant qu'il prenait du bon temps. Il stoppa net. Me retira l'étrier, et mis sa queue pour éjaculé. Le goût mélangé du sperme et de ma cyprine était spéciale.

Il me remit droite, et retira mon haut, et mis des pinces sur mes seins. 'A genou' m'ordonna-t-il du doigt. Il parti un long moment. Les pinces me brûlaient les seins. Il me les retira, sans prendre la peine de les ouvrir, je criai de surprise et douleur. 'Dommage pour toi, je n'aime pas les cris, 10 coups de cravache sur chaque fesse, tu compte.'

Il me mit sur le capot d'une voiture. Mes fesses à dispositions. Des coups cinglant les un après les autres. Le cul bien rougis, il posa ses mains dessus, et murmura à l'oreille 'Merci?'

Dans une voix sanglotant de douleur et de plaisir je répondis 'Merci mon Maître de cette correction mérité'

'Tes premières marques de possession. Ça mérite une photo. Très bien, nous sommes jeudi, je sais que tu ne travailles pas le samedi toi. Demain soir, je viens chez toi, je ferai venir une pizza. Je te veux nue à mon arrivé. Samedi matin, nous partirons ensemble, je travaille moi, mais, j'ai une salle spécialement pour toi, pour t'occuper toute la journée. Nous irons au restaurant demain soir. Ma salope, rentre chez toi.'

J'appréhendais beaucoup la venue de mon maitre. Je n'allais plus avoir aucun secret pour lui. Mais, ce que j'attendais le plus, c'était l'autorisation de jouir. J'attends cela depuis 3 jours déjà...

19H30, on frappe à ma porte, j'ouvre, juste habillée de mon collier, mais, cachée derrière ma porte, il s'agit bien de mon Maître. 'Bonjour ma soumise' Il m'embrassa langoureusement, la porte toujours ouverte... et il entra. Je fermais la porte. 'A 4 pattes, ' J'obéis. Il plaçât alors une laisse dans mon collier, et m'accrocha à la table 'Pas bouger', me dit-il avec une tape sur la tête. En premier lieu, il ouvrit grand les rideaux et fenêtre. Ainsi, les voisins en face pouvaient tout voir. Ensuite il visita, et alla à la chambre. Il revint 30 min plus tard, j'avais mal aux genoux et aux bras, et pris la laisse tira dessus, et ordonna, 'au pied', je compris que je devais le suivre à 4 pattes comme un bon toutou. Il fit le tour de la pièce deux fois, avant d'allée dans la chambre.

'Debout, ma chienne. Voila deux tas de vêtements. Les autorisés, et les interdits. Je t'ai laissé 3 culottes, pour les jours de règle uniquement. Pour les soutiens gorges, tu garde le rouge, sans bonnets, le reste je prends. Maillot de bain, seul les blancs ***t autorisés. Pantalon interdit, sauf si fermeture éclaire entre les jambes. Jupes au dessus du genou minimum. Les hauts transparents, fort décolleté, moulant, ou ouvrant, le reste j'ai pris. Chaussure de talons 5 cms mini. Maquillage, parfum. Apporte moi une bière, et fais chauffer la pizza. Le foot va commencer, tu vas me sucer durant le match'.

Toujours à 4 pattes, j'arrive au salon, il est sur le canapé, nu, la queue presque molle, je commence à lécher. Je vais chercher la pizza, et je reprends *** sexe dans la bouche. 90 min de lèche c'est très long, j'en peux plus, j'ai très mal à la bouche.

Soudain, il me dit: 'met toi un doigt dans le cul, et de l'autre main, un doigt dans la chatte'. J'obéis.

Et là, il me prend les seins avec *****, les tire, les tourne, les mord. Puis il me tend un gode. 'Je sais que tu veux jouir, alors vas-y montre moi.' Oui j'ai envie de jouir, mais avec une bite, pas seule avec un gode. Mais j'en pouvais plus trop envie, je me mis le gode dans la chatte, et jouais avec mon clito, pour me faire jouir. Il me regarde me donner du plaisir, je prends mon pied, chez moi, à la vue des voisins mais j'avais trop envie, je pousse un long soupir de plaisir acquis.

'Et bien ma chienne, tu avais très envie de sexe...hummm...toute cette mouille va m'être utile.. A 4 pattes.'

Et voila le moment...*** sexe parcours mes fesses, ma monte sur mon cul..Il tente de me pénétrer, mais sa queue est bien trop grosse, alors il lubrifie encore. J'ouvre mon anus au maximum pour accueillir la queue de mon Maître. Pour être prise pour la première fois par le cul. Il rentre doucement. Il fait des mouvements de va et vient, entrant un peu plus à chaque fois. Puis il ce retire entièrement.

'Tu es étroite du cul, mais bien accueillante. Je te veux à moi, je vais te mettre un peu de lubrifiant, pour que tu aimes encore plus ma queue.'

'Merci, Maître.

Une fois mon cul enduit de lubrifiant, il recommence sa progression anal. Et il rentre, rentre.. Mes chairs s'écartent, pour l'accueillir, elles ***t sur le point de ce déchirées, quand il stop.

'Je suis au bout. Je t'encule à fond. Je vais te limer, et me vider en toi.'

Effectivement, durant de très longue minute, il entame un va et vient, fort et doux, ******, mais intense de plaisir. Quand il ressort, c'est toujours pour mieux me pénétrer, plus à fond, j'aime ça.

Il finit par jouir dans mon cul, et moi je jouis de l'avoir dans mon cul. Je sers pour le garder encore en moi. 'Alors ma salope tu en veux encore? Tu aimes être enculée ? Dis le moi.

'Oui, Maître, j'aime que vous m'enculiez à fond, je suis votre chienne.'

'Tu es un bonne salope, en récompense, je te laisse dormir avec moi dans le lit'.

Nous nous installâmes nus, rapidement emporté par Morphée.


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e lendemain matin, il me demanda une pipe et un café, et nous partions au garage.

Seule une robe longue, mais très ouverte, me couvrait.

Le garage était encore vide à cette heure ci.

'Voilà, ma petite chienne, tu vas passé la journée ici. Je viendrais te voir régulièrement. Tu as une total interdiction de jouir.'

'Oui, Maitre'

Il me mit entièrement nue. Vêtements et chaussures enfermés à clé. Il m'installa sur une chaise, jambe bien écarté, et attaché. Mains dans le dos attachées.

'Je te laisse pensée à ta condition.'

Il sortît.

Dans cette position, bien sur que je pensais à ma condition de soumise. Soudain, quelque chose me chatouilla la chatte. Il s'agit d'un gode, qui pénètre ma chatte. Ce gode me lime doucement, mais profondément, encore et encore, mais je n'ai pas le droit de jouir, alors je prends juste du plaisir, même si cela dure très longtemps. Le gode ce retire, et ce dirige vers mon cul. Il me pénètre, tout fin au début, et de plus en plus gros, mais la progression est lente, et ça me lime, doucement, pour ne pas me faire monter le plaisir.

'Bien ma chienne, déjà quatre heures d'écoulé. Tu dois être toute endolorie. Je vais te détacher, mais les deux prochaines heures vont être plus difficiles.'

Il me détacha, et m'installa d'une façon très inconfortable. Au sol, sur le dos, avec boule dans la bouche, bras de chaque coté attaché, mon bassin était relevé, pour facilité l'accès à ma chatte et mon cul, les jambes très écartées. Il m'installa des aspires tétons, et un aspire chatte + clito. Dans mon cul, un plug de bonne taille.

'A tout à l'heure'

Une fois de plus, il sortit. Cette fois j'avais un réveil à coté de moi, et je me rendis vite compte que toutes les 10 mins, les aspirations fortes ce mettaient en route, et que le plug grossissait. J'avais 10 min de repos avant chaque reprise, toujours plus forte. Ou est-ce mon imagination?

'Alors tu te dilates ma chienne, je t'apporte un sandwich. Tu es libre durant 20 min, je reviens ensuite.'

Il me libéra, et me laissa seul pour déjeuner.

'Va sous mon bureau, tu vas me vidangé un peu' Je m'installai donc, les seins énormes, et une chatte sur dimensionné. Et je lèche mon maître. Même lorsque des per***nes entre dans *** bureau, je reste en place. Puis dans un râle il lâche le liquide, j'avale tout, et je garde sa queue pour la nettoyer, avant de le remercier.

Il me remet dans la pièce.

'J'aime ton cul, mais il est trop étroit, avec ce plug de bonne taille, tu devrais être parfaite pour moi. Il me mit un plug énorme dans le cul. Tu vas me faire 500 lignes, je suis la salope de Maître X, mon cul lui appartient.'.

Il me laissa, assise sur une chaise à faire mes lignes, comme une collégienne. Le plug me parait énorme, et encore plus enfoncé du fait d'être dessus. Puis, je prends une douche et m'habille pour allé dîner. La tenue est très évocatrice... je ressemble à une pute, talon haut, jupe qui laisse découvrir mes bas, haut très décolleté.. mon collier de chienne comme seul bijou, maquillage renforcé, et bien sur aucun sous vêtement.

« Je vois que ma putain est prête. Presque 3h que tu as le plug planté dans ton cul. Baisse toi, je vais te mettre un roseblug à la place, c'est plus jolie.. Ta chatte et tes seins on bien dégonflé, dommage, on a plus le temps, suis moi, ma chienne.

Je le suivis à sa voiture. Une fois garé, il me demanda mon collier de chienne, afin d'être plus discret. Nous marchions un moment, à l'orée du bois de Boulogne. Je sentais le regard des passants sur moi, il semblait dire: 'regardez moi ça, elle part travailler la putain'.

Le restaurant, nous nous installons en terrasse. Tout ce passa normalement, jambes écartées, chatte à la vue de tout le monde. 'Ma soumise, nous allons ensuite, dans une boite spécialisé dans le BDSM. Je souhaite te rassurer. Tu m'appartiens, moi seul décide. Tu es en phase d'apprentissage. Tes trous me ***t réservés' J'avais le cœur battant... envie de connaître, et peur aussi.... Mon maître régla, et nous partimes à deux rues de là.

Une petite boite, en sous sol, la musique forte, et l'odeur de sexe... il me remit mon collier. Comme une bonne chienne. J'ai confiance en mon Maître, je sais qu'il ne me donnera pas à d'autre ce soir.

Dans un p'tit coin, de la boite, il m'offrit un verre. Je regardais autour de moi, les femmes en cage, ou attachées sur une balançoire, ou encore sur la croix de saint André, fouettées en punition, et malgré tout, elles semblaient toutes prendre du plaisir.. Mon Maître me sortit de ma rêverie 'A genoux devant moi. Ouvre mon pantalon et suce' Bien sur, j'obéis. Je voyais un petit attroupement autour de nous. Je prenais soin de sucer correctement mon Maître, avec des coups de langue sur les bourses, et remonter sur la verge pour l'avaler de nouveau. 'Tu es bien chaude ma chienne ce soir. Viens, nous allons dans une pièce plus tranquille. Je suivis mon maître. Nous entrons dans une petite pièce entièrement faite de miroir. Il plaça ma tête et mes mains dans un carcan et referma celui-ci. Dans le miroir face à moi, je pouvais voir mon Maître débuté la pénétration de ma chatte. Quel étrange sensation, se voire ainsi, défoncé.... Il resta planté profondément en moi, et plaça des pinces sur mes seins. Il reprit violemment *** va et vient. Puis il sortit, présenta sa grosse queue à mon cul. Il avait pris soin de mettre des poids à mes seins, quelle douleur, mais quel bonheur d'être ainsi possédé. Il commença *** va et vient. Mes seins se balançaient, j'avais tellement mal, me voir ainsi soumise, mon Maître dans mon cul!! il sortit brusquement pour jouir sur mes fesses.

Il vient devant moi. ' J'ai pas encore fini avec toi' Il me place un mords à cheval dans la bouche, qu'il attache au carcan. Ainsi, je suis obligé de relevé la tête. Puis il me montre une ceinture gode.

'Tu m'as vidé la queue, et ton cul lui en veut encore. Je vais te prendre avec ce gode, qui est bien plus gros que la bite.' Surprise de cette idée, et me pénètre en premier la chatte. Effectivement, ce gode est beaucoup plus gros que la queue de mon Maître, qui est déjà bien membré. Il me défonce un peu, puis il se présente à mon cul, qui a du mal à s'ouvrir. 'Ma salope, j'ai un cadeau pour toi' Quel surprise !! Les miroirs étaient sans teint !! Depuis le début, toute la salle peut me voir ainsi prise. Quel est le plus difficile? : avoir *** reflet alors qu'on est fortement baisée, voir enculée, ou ce donner en spectacle devant 150 per***nes. Pas trop de temps de réfléchir, mon Maître entre dans mon cul, pour le labourer de ce gros gode. Il se retire et maintenant me pénètre avec deux gode un dans la chatte et l'autre dans le cul. 'Jouis ma salope, hurle ta jouissance d'être prise par deux gros godes' Je ne peux retenir des cris de plaisir, je jouis d'être une salope, une chienne avec deux gros godes dans les trous, les seins tendues par les poids, la bouche coulante de bave, et des regards qui ***t sur moi. Je jouis du spectacle que j'offre !!

Mon Maître reste planté en moi, me retire les pinces et joue avec mes seins meurtris. 4 hommes entrent dans la pièce, et viennent jouir sur mon visage. Je suis recouverte de sperme. Il me détache entièrement, 'Reste à genoux. Regarde toi dans les miroirs, et dit moi ce que tu es.'

Je découvre mon visage plein de foutre, mon corps nu. Quelle ***********, mais quel plaisir.

'Je suis la soumise de Maître x. Tous mes trous ***t à sa disposition.'

Il m'essuya grossièrement le visage. 'Je te dépose chez toi, dors bien. Je passe te chercher vers 15h.


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A 15h, je l'attendais, entièrement nue, dans mon appartement, bien-sûr, les fenêtres étaient ouvertes, afin que les voisins ne manquent pas le spectacle.

Il ***na.

"Je vais avoir besoin d'une clé de chez toi. As-tu un double ?"

"Oui, Maître !", et je le lui tendis.

"Reste à genoux et montre-moi ton cul, je vais chercher ta tenue, nous partons faire une ballade dans les bois."

Il vient avec des talons hauts de 7 cm, une mini jupe et un chemisier blanc, transparent.

Nous voilà dans sa voiture, il roula environ 1h. Une fois sortis du véhicule, nous marchâmes sur un chemin, nous enfonçant dans la forêt. Il releva ma jupe, ainsi j'avais les fesses à l'air, puis, toujours en marchant, il ouvrit ma chemise. J'avais peur que quelqu'un me voie.

"Chère soumise, tu aimes marquer ton corps et bien, il va être marqué. Tu as pris tant de plaisir, hier, à être, ainsi, exhibée. À genoux, l'endroit est parfait. Je vais te marquer."

À genoux, à moitié nue, dans les bois. J'entendais mon Maître faire quelque chose..., mais quoi ???

Après plusieurs minutes, il me plaça debout, retira mon loup. Il me mit un mord dans la bouche. Il plaça des menottes au poignet, qu'il accrocha à des arbres, pareil aux chevilles.

J'étais nue, bras et jambes écartelés, à la merci de mon Maître.

"Ma chère soumise, tu es à moi. Ton corps va être marqué. Ni tes larmes et tes cris ne pourront me faire stopper."

Il avait une branche très souple dans la main et le premier coup arriva sur mes fesses. La douleur fut immense, que déjà, un second, puis un troisième, 10 coups sur chaque fesse, je pensais être en sang. Il fit le tour, il fit de même sur mes seins et ma chatte.

"Te voilà bien rouge pour un petit début. Je vais te marquer sur tout le corps."

Il reprit sur mon ventre, mes jambes, avant de recommencer sur mes fesses et mes seins. Je criais de douleur, je pleurais... Il vint vers moi, d'un large sourire, il me prit le clito avec *** pouce et les autres doigts prirent possession de ma chatte.

"Des larmes et pourtant tu mouilles, ma jeune salope."

J'étais au bord de la jouissance quand il reprit les coups... Le temps était stoppé. À chaque fois, il m'emportait au bord de la jouissance et à chaque fois, il reprenait les coups, jusqu'au moment où il me donna, enfin, ma jouissance.

"Très bien petite chienne, tu es très douée. Ton corps est magnifiquement marqué pour une partie de la semaine."

Il me rhabilla et m'accompagna dans mon appartement.

"Mets-toi nue sur le lit, je vais te passer une pommade, pour atténuer la douleur."

Il mit beaucoup de soin à appliquer la pommade, sur mon corps meurtri. Il me massait avec tellement de douceur et de gentillesse. J'étais fière des marques qu'il avait laissées sur mon corps, fière de lui appartenir.

"Suce-moi une dernière fois et viens, demain, à 19h, au garage !"

"Oui, Maître !"


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J'ai très mal dormi cette nuit, la douleur des coups me rappelant ma condition de soumise.

Lundi, de suite après le travail, je pars rejoindre mon Maître dans *** atelier, il me salue en m'embrassant goulûment et il m'ordonne de me mettre à poil.

Il me conduit au fond de l'atelier, m'allonge sur un matelas posé sur le sol. Il m'écarte les bras et les attache. Il me place un mord dans la bouche, puis à l'aide de deux chèvres, il m'attache les chevilles et lève mes jambes, puis les écarte au maximum.

"J'ai une vue imprenable sur ta chatte luisante et sur ton cul."

Il me place une dizaine de pinces sur les seins. Il approche avec un objet rouge, je ne tarde pas à savoir ce que c'est... ! Une première décharge électrique sur mon sein gauche, puis immédiatement sur mon sein droit. Quelle douleur, je me secoue pour pas que mon Maître recommence, mais, bien-sûr, si je suis attachée, c'est justement pour ne pas échapper à cette 'arme'. Il recommence à plusieurs reprises, s'amuse beaucoup à me voir me tordre de douleur.

"Alors, ma chienne, c'est douloureux ? Tu finiras bien par apprécier."

Il pose l'objet et il met une paire de gant et commence la pénétration vaginale. J'ai bien compris qu'il veut me mettre la main entière dans la chatte. Il entre 3, puis 4 doigts. Dès que ça 'coince', il me donne de nouvelles décharges électriques. Petit à petit, entre douleur de pénétration et douleur électrique, la main de mon Maître entre entièrement dans mon vagin.

"Voila une belle salope."

Je suis remplie à fond, quelle sensation !! La main de mon Maître tourne à l'intérieur de moi, je sens le plaisir monter et là, je reçois de nouveau des décharges !

"Je t'interdis de prendre ton plaisir !!"

Le ton autoritaire me faire presque peur, mais je dois obéir à mon Maître. Je tente de contenir mon plaisir. Puis il retire sa main, me laissant vide. Il me retire également le mord et les pinces, puis me détache entièrement.

"J'ai un coup de téléphone à passer, viens me sucer."

Nous partons donc dans *** bureau. Il avait pris soin de me mettre une laisse, pour que je suive à 4 pattes, comme une bonne petite chienne que je suis.

Je prends donc la queue de mon Maître dans la bouche, toujours avec plaisir. À la fin de sa conversation, il me prend la tête entre ses puissantes mains, pour m'infliger *** rythme, jusqu'à éjaculation. J'avale tout et je nettoie correctement sa bite avec ma langue.

"On y retourne !"

Je le suis comme je suis venue, à 4 pattes. Cette fois, il m'attache la tête et les mains au sol, m'obligeant à garder le cul en l'air. Il me remet en place le mord ainsi que les pinces. Mes fesses subissent les décharges électriques. Et il tente de rentrer sa main dans mon cul. La douleur est bien plus forte que dans ma chatte. Il lubrifie, pourtant, beaucoup, mais la main ne passe pas.

"Je m'en doutais, ton cul n'ai pas encore assez souple. Je vais te mettre un plug ce soir et je t'en donne un à mettre demain matin. Ainsi demain, je rentrerai."

Il me plaça donc, un gros plug dans le cul et me détacha. Le second plug me paraissait énorme.

"Mets de l'huile, s'il a du mal à rentrer. Rentre chez toi, rdv demain, ici même heure."

Et il me laissa ainsi, seule. Je me rhabillai et partis avec mon plug dans le cul et l'autre dans mon sac.

Je m'endormis très tard, la douleur du plug dans mon fondement, se fit de moins en moins forte. Au petit matin, je mis en place le second. Il n'était, d'apparence,

pas beaucoup plus gros que celui que j'avais, mais une fois bien au fond de moi, je savais qu'une nouvelle journée de douleur anale m'attendait.

Comme la nuit passée, la douleur se fit oublier. À 19h, j'entre dans le garage de mon Maitre. Du fond du garage, il me cria :

"A poil, et en place, comme hier !". Chienne obéissante, je le fis.

"Très bien, tu as le plug dans ton cul. Aujourd'hui encore, je ne veux pas que tu prenne de plaisir !"

"Oui, Maître !"

Il me plaçât, de nouveau, le mord et les pinces et m'attacha, toujours le cul bien en l'air.

Il recommença la pénétration de sa main, douloureuse, très douloureuse, mais elle finit par entrer dans mon cul, dans un grand éclat de rire de mon Maître. "Quel salope tu es. La main entière de ton Maitre dans le cul. Je vais te remplir à fond, tu va reprendre mon autre main dans ta chatte !"

Il joignit le geste à ses paroles. La seconde main força l'entrée de ma chatte, je n'aurais jamais cru pouvoir prendre les deux mains, mais avec fermeté, délicatesse et *****, il me pénétra la chatte. Le mord, dans ma bouche, m'empêchait de crier ma douleur. Une main dans la chatte, l'autre dans mon cul, quel bonheur d'être possédée ainsi, quel plaisir d'être une salope, d'être une chienne.

"Ma salope, maintenant je sais, qu'avec toi, je peux faire beaucoup de choses. Mes mains dans tes entrailles, prouvent ton appartenance. Nous allons pouvoir passer à l'étape suivante !"

J'étais dans un état second, entre la douleur toujours présente, ses mains qui bougent en moi. Il se retira, me laissant à genoux, hébétée, vide. Il me retira les pinces et le mord, me détacha et me fit tomber sur le coté. J'étais vide de partout, mon corps ne voulant plus répondre. Mon Maître m'allongea sur le dos, et il se plaça au dessus de moi, je pris sa queue en bouche et il me baisa la bouche, comme il l'aurait fait de mon cul. À plusieurs reprises, il me coupa la respiration, avant de me lâcher sa semence.


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"Tu vas rentrer chez toi, connecte toi, demain à 18h !"

Je repartie, cul et chatte encore ouverts du traitement de mon Maître.

Mercredi, 18h, je suis nue devant mon PC.

"Ma soumise, je ne peux pas te voir ce soir, tu vas donc faire un exercice par cam. Tu va te mettre à genoux, jambes écartées, main sur les cuisses, paumes vers le haut,et tête baissée. Prends soin, avant, de mettre une pince à linge en bois sur ton clito, tes seins et ta langue. Tu restes en position, je te dirai quand tu pourras arrêter !"

J'exécutai l'ordre de mon maitre. Les minutes passent, puis l'heure, je suis complètement endolorie, quand la voix de mon Maître se fait entendre dans le PC.

"Très bien petite chienne. Retire les pinces, retourne-toi, face contre terre et écarte bien les fesses avec tes mains, je reviens !"

Et encore de longues minutes d'immobilisation devant l'écran. 30 min plus tard : "Bien ma chienne, je dois te laisser pour ce soir, demain ic,i même heure !"

Jeudi 18h. "Bonjour soumise. J'ai peu de temps, tu vas me répéter 4 fois, cette phrase : Je suis Sophie, soumise de Maître D. Je lui ai laissé mon corps par contrat signé. Il a pris entièrement possession de mes trous ce mardi, en entrant ses mains dans ma chatte et mon cul, en même temps. Je n'ai pas d'autre limite que celle que mon Maître souhaite. Je suis sa soumise, sa propriété, *** plaisir, *** jouet. Très bien, ma soumise, je passe te chercher, demain à 17h, à ton travail, habit obligatoire : talon, mini jupe ample, chemisier décolleté et toujours sans sous-vêtements. À demain, ma chienne !"


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endredi. Je me sens bien nu sous mes vêtements. A 17h, je quitte le bureau, et en bas de l'immeuble mon Maître m'attend déjà. Il me roule un patin en guise de bonjours. 'Bonjour ma salope, nous allons prendre le métro.' Et nous voila partie dans les souterrains de Paris. A cette heure si, il y a beaucoup de monde dans les rames. Je dois rester debout, accroché à une barre. Il me chuchote à l'oreille 'Laisse toi faire' On est tous les un contre les autres. Je sens une première main sur mes fesses, elle passe doucement sous ma jupe, et parait comme étonné de ne pas trouver de culotte. Mon Maître est devant moi, il s'agit donc de quelqu'un d'autre dans la rame. Nouvelle station, une vague en per***ne sortante, et de nouveaux entrants. Un peu plus serré, la main est maintenant sur mes seins, jouent, les pinçant, mon plaisir monte de plus en plus. Prochain arrêt, 'On sort' Je suis un peu déshabillé, mon Maitre me traîne jusque derrière des panneaux de travaux. 'A genou, tu l'as chauffé, faut le vidangé maintenant' Et là, je vois l'homme qui me caressais dans le métro, qui sort sa queue. Je suis une salope, j'assume mes actes. Je suce cet inconnue, dans le métro, a deux pas des usagés. Je suis une pute gratuite. J'avale tout *** sperme. Il ferme sa braguette et sans un mot, ni regard, il repart. Mon maître reproduit le même scénario entre 4 ou 5 fois. Différentes bites, différents gouts, et une salope. Maintenant, il y a beaucoup moins de monde. Nous sommes à 5 stations du terminus. Nous entrons dans une rame. Il y a 5 hommes dedans. Cette fois, nous sommes au milieu de la rame. Mon maitre me menotte les poignets à la barre du métro. Je croise *** regard, alors qu'il s'éloigne de moi. Le mien devait être inquiet, le sien, exprimait un sourire. Les 5 hommes étaient maintenant autour de moi. Leurs mains prirent possession de mon cul, de ma chatte de mes seins, et de ma bouche. Ils me mirent à genou, et je pris leurs queues dans ma bouche, parfois deux en même temps, alors que la rame continuais ça route. Quel spectacle. Mon Maitre assis regardait la scène. J'étais attaché, à genou, jupe relevé, chemisier déboutonné, 5 bites qui éjacule dans ma bouche où sur le visage, et nous sommes au terminus. Les 5 hommes sortent, en remerciant mon Maitre. Je reste à genou, mon Maitre à distance.

Les portent se referment, et la rame roule dans un tunnel noir, et ce stabilise. Là, deux grands black arrivent. 'Bonjour Said, voilà la chienne promise pour toi et ton pote. Utilise là, je vous regarde.'

J'allais être à la merci de 2 blacks, ils me détachent. Je commençais par en sucé un, toujours à genou, l'autre jouait avec mes seins, puis il parti s'assoir. L'autre me lâcha, 'va sucé mon pote', je parti lèche et sucé le second type. Le premier me mit debout, et il me pénétra la chatte. Le type que je suçai pris ma tête entre ses mains, pour me donné *** rythme, alors que l'autre me labourait la chatte. J'étais une poupée entre leur main, ou plutôt entre leur bite. 'Arrête de me sucé, et Viens posé ton cul sur mon chibre' J'obéis, non sans appréhension, même si mon cul a bien été préparé par mon Maitre. Je tourne le dos à l'homme, et je m'assoie doucement sur lui, sa bite bien dure est à l'entré de mon cul, quand *** ami me pousse, je m'empale sur cette bite. La douleur est vive mais déjà il commence un petit va et vient. Je suis assise sur lui. 'Mets toi debout sale chienne, on va marcher un peu' Il éclata de rire. Avec ça bite dans mon cul, nous traversions la rame. Il colle mon corps à la vitre, et bute plusieurs fois au fond de moi. 'Va poser ton cul sur mon ami, j'arrive.'Il me posa, *** ami était par terre, la queue bien gonflé, je m'empalai de nouveau sur ce sexe. Il était encore plus gros que *** pote. Il me fit remonté et retombé sur lui 3 fois, et *** pote arriva, et me pris la chatte. Mon premier sandwich avec 2 blacks dans une rame. J'étais rempli, j'étais bien, je criais de jouissance, leur semence envahie mes entrailles. Après quelque minute ils me laissèrent. 'Salope vient nous nettoyé les bites'. Ils étaient parti discuté avec mon Maitre. Je les rejoins, et je nettoyais leur bite avec ma langue. Mon Maitre me mis une couverture sur les épaules, et nous sortions du métro. Il me ramena chez moi. 'Bonne nuit ma chienne, je serai chez toi vers 16h.'

Au petit matin, je réalise qu'hier soir, j'ai sucé 11 queues différentes, et toute avec plaisir. A 16h, j'attends en position mon Maitre. 'Bonjour ma chienne. Hier tu as pris beaucoup de plaisir à être ainsi utilisé par mes amis. Tu es une très bonne chienne qui apprend vite. Je t'ai trouvé un appart plus approprié. Tu déménageras dans 2 semaines, pour me laissé le temps de l'équipé. Nous avons 6 h avant notre rdv. Descendons à la cave, je l'ai aménagé pour toi.' Sans dire un mot nous descendons dans ma cave, endroit que j'aime peu, car il fait sombre, humide et froid. Mon Maitre avait accroché un anneau au plafond, pour m'attaché les bras en l'air. J'étais sur la pointe des pieds. Il me mit un morceau de tissus, et un gros morceau de stock sur la bouche. 'Je ne veux pas t'entendre. Il serait dommage que quelqu'un de l'immeuble appelé les flics. Ton corps a besoin d'être marqué. J'ai ici de l'encre au henné. Pour les premiers essaies, je pense un jour te faire tatoué. Mais on va commencé par le fouet' Et les premiers coups tombe. Très cinglant, les douleurs vivent aux seins, aux fesses, aux dos, aux ventres, aucune zone n'est épargnée. Dans le bas du coup, il inscrit 'soumise', sur mon bras droit :'bouche ; chatte ; cul = disponible'.Sur ma cheville gauche 'Propriété de Mr D'. Et de nouveau coup s'abatte, cette fois avec une planche en bois souple. Je me retiens de ne pas crier à chaque coup. La douleur est tellement vive. Il me libère un peu, et place sur ma chatte et mes seins des aspires. 'Je vais surdimensionné ta chatte et tes seins, tu en seras que plus belle. Je dois m'absenté, ne bouge pas'



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Comment bouger ainsi attaché ? Il me laisse seul, je l'entends fermer à clé la cave. Je reste ici, dans le noir. Les minutes sont longues, les aspires sont douloureux, mais je ne peux rien faire d'autre qu'attendre le retour de mon Maitre. Parfois la lumière ce rallume, j'espère que mon Maitre revienne, mais il ne s'agit que de personne venant dans leur cave. Quand la porte s'ouvre. 'Bien ma chienne. Tu es toujours là. Tu resteras nue sous ton manteau, nous partons, Tu es très belle ainsi disproportionné....ha ha ha' J'avais du mal à marcher tellement ma chatte était grande. J'étais nue dans la rue, juste caché par mon manteau. Nous marchions 5 min, avant qu'il n'ouvre une porte. Nous montions au dernier étage dans les chambres de bonne. Il frappa à une porte. 'Bonjour, Franck, voila la chienne en question.' Bonjour D, jolie lot on peut en voir plus ?' Toujours sur le bas de la porte, mon Maitre me retira mon manteau, j'étais nus devant cet inconnu. 'Oua !! tu as bien travaillé, elle est bien marqué, ça va beaucoup plaire au internaute. On va l'installé.' Je suivie mon Maitre et ce Franck dans une chambre. 'Petite soumise, je t'explique : Ton Maitre te loue à moi pour 2h minimum. Je vais t'installé dans la fucking machine. Le principe, les internautes paies pour te voire te faire tringlé par une machine. Ils peuvent choisir la taille de l'objet qui te pénètre, la durée, et le trou. Ils font varier à leur guise la cadence et la ***** de pénétration. Ton Maitre ne te la surement pas dit, mais tu as des vidéo déjà sur notre site, et je sais qu'un certain nombre attend ça avec impatience. Ta bouche restera libre, cri et jouis autant de fois que tu veux.

'Et me voila de nouveau seule dans une pièce attaché jambe écarté, face à une machine. Il y a une dizaine de gode prêt à me pénétré, de différente taille de couleur de forme. La machine ce mets en route, un gode fin mais long entre tout doucement dans la chatte, puis ressort, et recommence doucement 3 fois. Puis il accélère d'un coup, me pénétrant à fond plusieurs fois avant de sortir complètement. La machine prépare deux gros et long gode. Le premier me pénètre rapidement dans la chatte et ressort. Un second fait de même dans mon cul. Et de nouveau ma chatte. Dés qu'un gode sort, l'autre entre. Je suis au bord de la jouissance. La machine ne s'arrête que très peu durant les deux heures.

Mon Maitre et Franck arrive dans la pièce. 'Tu es une sacré chienne, tu as battu les records de vente. Maintenant mon plaisir à moi' Il change deux godes de la machine, et en place deux autre bien plus gros. Il ce place derrière moi, et fait tombé le plateau qui supportait ma tête. Je me retrouve ainsi la tète à l'envers, il me pénètre de sa bite dans la bouche, alors que la machine, m'encule, et me lime la chatte en même temps, Il joue avec mes seins, je suis folle, je jouis comme jamais, d'être prise par mes trois trous en même temps, la jouissance est tellement forte...

'Mon cher ami tu as trouvé une très bonne salope !! Donc si tu d'accord, je te la loue pour 6 heures par mois.

'Ok, Franck.' Mon Maitre me libère, j'ai du mal à tenir debout.

Nous retournions chez moi. 'Ma chienne, va donc prendre une douche. Demain, on ne peut pas ce voir, ni la semaine prochaine. Je t'envoie un mail dés demain. Bonne nuit ma putain'. Mon Maitre me laissa seule..



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Sara Submits

Mrs. Ander*** entered the bedroom. Greeted by the sight of Sara in her wedding dress, freshly shaved with her hand spreading her obviously wet pussy lips pleased the older woman. The surprise of finding Sara wearing a collar and holding a leash brought a smile to Mrs. Ander***'s lips. "Ah my sweet slut. Open and ready for me I see."

Sara smiled weakly, humiliated at her body's response to the older woman. "Who did you bring with you" asked the young woman. "Why does that matter, slut?" responded Mrs. Ander***. "You are mine to do with what I please. You will service me and whomever I chose to share you. I can already see you dripping and smell your arousal. You would not disappoint me know, would you?" Sara knew Mrs. Ander*** was right. All last night she could not think of anything besides the day before in the park. She relived the feelings in her mind of Mrs. Ander***'s actions. How she came on her fingers. How she begged for that release. How she longed to please Mrs. Ander***.

Sara practically attacked her husband last night. She needed to feel him inside her and entreated his attentions. He did not disappoint. Their lovemaking was the most passionate they had experienced in some time. Sara loved her husband and his lovemaking rarely failed to satisfy her. But just as she was about to climax, Sara remembered Mrs. Ander***'s instruction not to cum. Sara wanted to. She needed to. But she somehow held back. As she felt herself reaching a peak, Sara willed herself to think of something else. Would Mrs. Ander*** punish her for cumming? What was going to happen the next morning? What would her husband think when he found out? It was that last thought that kept Sara from going over the edge. She dutifully pretended to enjoy herself, but secretly kept wishing her husband would finish quickly. Within a couple of minutes, Sara's husband shot a huge load into Sara's shudder pussy. Sara gave him a kiss, thanked him and when into the bathroom to wash up.

In the bathroom, Sara looked at herself in the mirror. Flush with the glow of having just made love, Sara looked beautiful. "Why do I need anything else" she asked herself rhetorically. Sara knew the answer. While her husband was attentive and a good lover, she could not ignore the feelings Mrs. Ander*** had stirred the day before. Sara desperately wanted to rub her clit. She knew she could cum with just a few strokes. She touched her clit once and it was electric. She almost swooned with need, but just as quickly removed her hand. Sara knew it would be impossible for her to clean her pussy without cumming so she resolved to wait until tomorrow morning.

Monday morning was always a chaotic time in Sara's house. Her husband tried to get to the office early and the kids tended to be late for school. Unable to ***** soundly, Sara rose early to bathe and cook breakfast. During her bath, Sara shaved her legs and underarms and, for the first time, her pubic hair. While holding back her pussy lips to protect them from the razor, Sara felt her now almost continual arousal return. Again she had to fight the urge to masturbate. Sara quickly finished and threw on a pair of sweat pants and a t-shirt. She didn't bother with panties or a bra as she knew she would be changing again in short order. Sara descended the stairs to the kitchen. With each step her now smooth pussy lips seemed to lightly brush against fabric of her sweat pants in a maddening way. "What is happening to me?" she thought. Now I can't even walk without getting aroused. Looking in the mirror behind the sink she could clearly see her hard nipples. Sara determined she had to go upstairs and get her underwear to hid her aroused state. But just then, her *** came into the kitchen and another day began. He was followed in short order by Sara's ******** and husband. Breakfast was the typical cereal and bagels. Sara kept facing away from the table as much as she could without raising suspicion, but in her mind, all eyes were on her and everyone could sense what he was feeling. Of course that wasn't true and breakfast passed quickly. Sara's husband was off to the office and the kids to the school bus. It was now or never time for Sara. Either she was putting on her wedding dress and giving herself to a woman she hard knew and didn't like or she was going to risk having Mrs. Ander*** tell her husband she and Sara were having an affair.

Although she felt shame admitting it to herself, Sara went upstairs to find her wedding dress. Sara removed her sweat pants and t-shirt and again looked in her mirror. Sara seemed to be looking for a clue about herself. Was she really a horny slut like Mrs. Ander*** told her she was or did she still see the woman she, until yesterday, though she was. Sara was lost in though pondering that question until she suddenly realized it was 9am. Mrs. Ander*** could be here any minute. Or she could not be here for several hours. Sara dismissed the thought that Mrs. Ander*** may not arrive at all.

Sara began putting on her wedding dress. Originally she wore fancy lace lingerie, but she figured for this occasion, that would be a waste. It wouldn't stay on her very long anyway. Besides, Mrs. Ander*** had just said wedding dress. Sara was please that the dress still fit and she decided that the veil would be a nice touch. As she finished dressing, she heard their dog barking at the window.

"Damn, I forgot the dog. He will need to be locked in is cage before Mrs. Ander*** arrives." At the same time, Sara though, "what if Mrs. Ander*** is here? She will find me out of bed." Sara quickly decided she had to get the dog or he would be a problem when Mrs. Ander*** arrived. She quickly, or as quickly as she could in her wedding dress and heels, made her way downstairs. The dog was barking at a neighbor walking her dog down the sidewalk. Sara quickly corralled the dog and brought him to his cage in the garage. While in the garage, Sara noticed his old collar and leash. She hesitated only briefly before grabbing both items. As she did, she felt another rush of arousal. She knew she had to make it quickly back to her bed. Stopping only to make sure the door was unlocked, Sara headed back upstairs.



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As she laid back on the bed, Sara's thoughts again went back to the day before. She knew she was wet and it took all her will not to masturbate to orgasm. Somehow Sara knew Mrs. Robinson would be able to tell Sara had disobeyed her orders. Sara also knew it would not be difficult to remain in the aroused state Mrs. Robinson had commanded her to maintain. Sara pulled the veil over her head and let her mind run wild. Would Mrs. Robinson punish her? Maybe, although Sara thought she had followed the instructions correctly. Would Sara have to eat Mrs. Robinson's pussy? Yes, Sara figured that was a definite. Would Sara be allowed to cum? She prayed her release was only a short time away. The sound of a car door broke Sara out of her trance. She suddenly remembered the collar, put it on and snapped on the leash. Her desire swelled. Was that the door? Sara tried to focus. She had been waiting in bed for about an hour and a half. Her thighs we slick from the juices leaking out of her. If her mind was playing tricks on her and Mrs. Robinson was not there Sara felt she would go insane. Now she definitely hears the sound of high heels on the hardwood floor. Her release would be soon. Sara spread her pussy lips as instructed and briefly stuck two fingers inside to coat them. She wanted Mrs. Robinson to know she had followed her instructions. As she held out the leash with her other hand, Sara realized there were two sets of heeled footsteps, not one. Mrs. Robinson must not be alone. Suddenly Sara was worried, but the scent of her arousal quickly dispatched that emotion as her bedroom door slowly opened.



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Mrs. Johnson circled the bed like a vulture circling her prey. She was pleased by the vision before her. Sara, the young wife of her husband's best employee, was on her bed clothed only in her wedding dress and holding a leash attached to the dog collar around her neck. Slowly, deliberately, Mrs. Johnson examined Sara. She ran her hand up her leg, over her stomach and between her breasts until she reached her collar. She was careful not to touch Sara's pussy, but instead ran her finger tantalizingly close causing Sara to shiver. Sara arched her back in an effort to make contact with the teasing finger.

"Not so presumptuous my sweet slut," exclaimed Mrs. Johnson. "There will be plenty of time for that later," she said with a wicked smile. "You have to earn your pleasure. Sara just groaned in frustration. Mrs. Johnson then said, "From now on, you will call me Mistress J." and pulled a blindfold out of a bag she was carrying. Sara just nodded. As she attached the blindfold, Mistress J explained, "The loss of one sense will heighten your other senses. I also want you to keep guessing about what will happen next. Now lay back, put your hands above your head, grab your wrists and hold your arms there as if they were bound." Sara complied and instantly felt more helpless, yet turned on than she had ever felt before. "Good girl. Now spread your legs as wide as you can and keep them there." As Sara moved into position, Mistress J moved her fingers down to the young wife's pussy and slowly inserted her middle finger while her thumb rubbed Sara's clit.

"You are very wet, just as I knew you would be. You have pleased me." Sara now was not humiliated, but filled with pride. Mistress J continued to slowly to slowly rub Sara's clit while continuing to probe Sara's pussy with her middle finger. "Do you want me to make you cum, dear?" asked Mistress J. "Yes, oh yes Mistress," exclaimed Sara. "Have you earned your orgasm?" inquired J in a mocking tone.

Sara: "Mistress?"

J: "Yesterday I ordered you not to cum. Have you followed my instructions?"

Sara: "Yes Mistress J. I wanted to cum very badly. I even made love to my husband, but I didn't cum. It was very difficult, but I thought of you and was able to hold back."

Mistress J smiles again. Her seduction of Sara was going well and easier than she expected.

J: "You have done well so far my pet. You will be rewarded today. As you asked before, I did bring a friend with me to help with your training. You do not need to worry about her identity. She is a close friend and will know you intimately before we are finished. You are to serve her as you would serve me."

Sara hears movement in the room. She wants to rip the blindfold from her face and find out who else is in the room, but she resisted the temptation. She also wanted to lower her hands to her pussy and get herself off. Sara knew better, however. She has pleased her new mistress so far and did not want to risk angering her.

J: "Sara, I want you to do something for me. Your scent tells me how aroused you are right now. The wetness in your pussy confirms that I could make you cum any time I choose. But there are a few things you need to do for me first. Nod your head if you understand."

Sara quickly nods, and then moans as Mistress J increases the speed of her ministrations.

J: "Very good. I see we understand ourselves. Our first task is for you to admit you are my slave and will do whatever I say. From now on, your body belongs to me to use as I please. I will not interfere with your family life and your husband does not need to know what a slut you really are. Think carefully before answering. You will not refuse any request I make and will need to ask permission to cum. In return you will experience pleasure beyond your wildest expectations."

While making these statements, Mistress J has been increasing the pressure on Sara's clit. Unknown to Sara, the mystery woman has setup a video camera looking down the length of the bed. She has a perfect view of Sara holding her arms above her head and spreading her legs. Lost in sensory overload, Sara's moaning fills the air as she nears her orgasm. Before that can happen, however, Mistress J suddenly removes her hand and spanks Sara squarely on her sopping pussy. Sara recoils in pain, but does not otherwise move.

J: "I asked you a question my dear. You obviously were not paying attention. I was prepared to give you the orgasm you so obviously need if you had given the right answer. Now I think we need additional education."

Sara: "Please mistress. I'm sorry. Your fingers felt so good. Please make me cum."

J: "You still have not answered my question. You have not earned your orgasm. You will receive a second chance, but you need to do a few things for us first."

Sara was scared at the thought of that last statement, but she was too turned on to care. Once again Sara heard movement in the room. She felt a soft leather cuff being attached to her right wrist. She then felt her arm drawn further up and heard the ******** of a chain along the spindles of her headboard. Her other arm was then grabbed, by the mystery person Sara imagines and it pulled tight and attached inside the second cuff. The mystery person then slowly runs her hand down Sara's outstretched arm, her cheek, shoulder and finally comes to rest on her covered breast.

J: "My friend likes what she sees, slave. You will like her. She can be a bit demanding at times, but she is fair and loves to make women cum."

Suddenly the hand on her breast squeezed hard. Sara arched her back to meet the new sensation. The hand quickly left her breast. Sara wished they had taken off her wedding dress before attaching her arms to the headboard. She loved having her breasts fondled. Sara's actions demonstrated her need and her tormenters clearly understood what they were doing to the young wife. The hand continued its slow advance down Sara's body.

As the hand neared her pussy, Sara knew subconsciously she would not be allowed her orgasm yet. But that did not stop her from trying. Sara began to hump her hips in an effort to make stronger contact with the hand. Of course this was expected and the hand simply moved away.

J: "Sara, what did I tell you about who your body belongs to?"

Sara: "You Mistress J."

J: "That is correct. But apparently you have not learned your lesson yet. Shut your legs and roll onto your side. I'll be right back."


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Sara didn't have long to wonder where Mistress J went. Before she had even left the room, a stinging hand found its mark on Sara's right butt cheek. Sara screamed at the sudden pain. A few seconds later, another spank was administered. This was a new sensation for Sara. She had not been spanked since she was a young *****. This was different. Although she knew she was being punished, Sara also knew this was sexual. Until yesterday, she had been a loyal wife having never considered cheating on her husband. Now she was cuffed to her matrimonial bed, wearing her wedding dress, being spanked by someone she can't see and doesn't know. After about 10 spanks, the pain began to turn to a heat spreading throughout Sara's body. She realized she was starting to enjoy this treatment. She didn't have time to ponder why she was getting further turned on because Mistress J was reentering the room.

J: "I see you are enjoying your punishment."

The mystery hand now switched to rubbing Sara's sore bottom. The overheated wife began to coo and rolled back onto her back and spread her legs. She wanted the hand in her pussy and felt her tormenters would be unable to resist. But Mistress J had seen this behavior many times before. In fact most of her seductions went the same way. As soon as Sara rolled over, her clit felt the ice cube. The howls of pain were echoed off the wall.

J: "When will you learn my little slut? You could have cum two or three times already if you can just been nice to us."

Sara was broken and wanted to pledge her devotion to her mistress. She knew this was what her mistress wanted to here, but could only manage a stuttering "please..."

J: "Excuse me? Perhaps this will help you focus."

With that, a second ice cube was inserted inside Sara's pussy and another howl of pain filled the room.

J: "The pain will pass quickly, but your need to cum will not. You will soon be hotter than you ever have been in your life."

The ice cubes were removed, but Sara's pussy still felt numb. She then felt a hand on each foot as her legs were drawn apart. Sara assumed her legs would be tied to the bed, but instead another leather cuff was attached to each ankle. Sara later learned that the reason she could not move her legs together was because a spreader bar was placed between the cuffs.

J: "Ok Sara, time for you to do something for us. My friend has quite enjoyed the show you have put on so far today. I can tell you turned her on."

Sara could hear the sound of clothes being removed.

J: "As I told you yesterday, we need to work on your pussy eating skills."

Sara now felt the mystery woman climb onto the bed. It didn't take Sara long to realize exactly what was happening. The mystery woman swung her leg over Sara head and rubbed her pussy lips on Sara's nose. The smell was intoxicating. Sara extended her tongue and the mystery woman obliged by sliding back so Sara's mouth was squarely in position to satisfy her.

J: "See you are a natural slut. You will service my friend until she is satisfied and then maybe, just maybe, I will give you your orgasm."

In her mind, Sara groaned in frustration, but her body reacted exactly as Mistress J knew it would. Sara began rocking her hips to the rhythm of the mystery woman rocking on her face. Mistress J gave Sara's pussy and clit a quick rub and not surprisingly, the coldness of the ice had been replaced with heat and wetness. Mistress J moved in for the ****.

She took a small vibrator, maybe 4 inches long and set it to its lowest setting. It was lightly buzzing, but certainly not strong enough to bring Sara over the edge. Mistress J prepared to insert the vibrator as her friend reached her climax and liberally coated Sara's face with her juices. Before dismounting, the woman once again rubbed her pussy on Sara's nose.

J: "That was very good. We only have a few minutes left. Your kids will be home from school soon and you need to get cleaned up. Here is your reward."

With that, Mistress J inserted the small vibrator into Sara. Sara flinched at the intrusion but quickly began rolling her hips in appreciation. She could feel her orgasm start to build and knew the two other women in the room could also sense her desire.

J: "See Sara, I can be very nice. Is there anything else you would like?"

Sara: "I need to cum!"

J: "I know. Do you remember what I said you needed to say before that will happen?"

Sara: "No. Please tell me again."

Sara was desperate for her release. At this point she would have agreed to anything.

J: "I don't like to repeat myself. You will be punished again later for not listening. What I said was you need to admit you are our slave and will do whatever we say. From now on, your body belongs to us to use as we please. You will not refuse any request we make and will need to ask permission to cum. In return you will experience joy beyond your wildest expectations. Think carefully before answering."

But Sara didn't need to think anymore. Mistress J knew the answer before she asked the question.

Sara: "Mistress J, I am a slut and your slave. I will do whatever you tell me and will not refuse anything. Please let me cum."

Mistress J: "That sounded very sincere. However, I have not cum yet, myself, and that has to change before you can cum."

Sara felt her mistress straddle her head and she knew what was expected. As she began eating her mistress, the vibrator was slowly pulled from her pussy. She then heard the speed increased and then the sound was muffled. Almost immediately two sets of moans filled the room. One from Mistress J on Sara's face and one from the mystery woman using the vibrator on herself. Both women orgasmed in just a couple of minutes. Mistress J dismounted and teased Sara's wet pussy lips.

Mistress J: "Your pussy is leaking like a faucet. Are you ready to beg for your release?"

Sara did not hesitate. Her will was broken. She belonged to Mrs. Johnson.

Sara: (in a hushed voice) "Please Mistress J. Let me cum."

Mistress J. "Louder"

Sara: "Please Mistress J. Let me cum."

Mistress J. "Louder"

Sara: (yelling) "Please Mistress J. Let me cum."

Mistress J. "Very well. You have earned it."



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Mistress J began quickly rubbing Sara's clit while the mystery woman jammed the vibrator back into Sara's pussy. This time, however, the vibrator was at full speed and Sara began coming within seconds. Her hips were lifting off the bed as she tried to hump her mistress' hand and ***** the vibrator deeper into her pussy. Sara screamed in pleasure and rolled her head back and forth.

Mistress J kept up her ministrations for about a minute as Sara road out her climax. The mystery woman quietly took her clothes and the video camera and went downstairs to dress.

Sara was breathing heavily. Never before had she climaxed like the one she just experienced. Her wedding dress was soaking in sweat and her face was coated with the juice of two women.

J: "As you can feel slut, you were born to serve me. In fact, I am having a little gathering at my house next Saturday night. The ladies in my subdivision get together for Bunko once a month. I am in need of a serving wench and you will do nicely. You will be needed from about 6pm to midnight."

Mistress J removes the blindfold and cuffs. Sara starts rubbing her sore limbs. She wants to rub her pussy. She knows she could cum again with almost no effort.

Sara: "Mistress J, may I cum again.

Mistress J: "Play with your clit for me. Slowly. Tease yourself. Don't cum or we are finished."

The look of disappointment on Sara's face was obvious, but she did as she was told.

Mistress J: "You have been a good girl today Sara. Here are the rules you need to follow this week. First, after I leave, no masturbation. Failure to obey will be met with strict punishment. I will know if you get off. I can always tell. Second, I don't want your hubby feeling lonely. He can fuck you, but you are not to cum. By Wednesday you should be good and horny. I want you to give him a blow job and let him cum on your face. Pretend you are a porn star. Beg him to give you a facial. We will talk on Friday and I will give you more instructions."

Sara: "Yes Mistress J. Your slave will do as you have instructed. May I cum now?"

Mistress J: "Soon my pet. First I want you to turn over onto your hands and knees. Now pull up your dress so I can see your ass."

Sara immediately complied, desperate to cum again before having to wait for a week.

Mistress J: "Such a nice ass. I look forward to getting to know it better."

Sara shudders at the thought.

Mistress J: "Ok slave. Show me what a slut you are. Rub your clit as fast as you can and slowly start counting down slowly from 20 and say thank you Mistress J for letting me cum each time. You may cum when you reach zero."

Sara began rubbing her clit like a mad woman and began her countdown. By the time she was down to 10, her breathing was labored and she was slurring her words. Mistress J gave her a hard spank.

Mistress J: "Focus slut. Let me hear you thank me!"

Sara continued counting while Mistress J continued her spanking. At number 5 Mistress J began fucking Sara with the vibrator. At 1 Mistress J grabbed Sara's hair and forcibly pulled her head back.

Mistress J: "Who do you belong to?"

Sara: "You Mistress J"

J: "Who owns this orgasm?"

Sara: "You Mistress J"

J: "Will you serve me faithfully?

Sara: "Yes Mistress J"

J: "Ok, you may cum"

Upon hearing those words, Sara exploded quaking for a full two minutes. She remained face down on the bed with her ass in the air not wanting to move while her Mistress got dressed and packed up her toys. Before leaving, Mistress J had Sara lick her cum from the vibrator. It was the first time Sara had tasted her own juices. It would not be the last. Mistress J gave Sara's ass one last slap and said "Remember what we talked about. No masturbation and I'll see you Saturday night." And with that Mistress J walked out of the room.

Sara just smiled. She looked at the clock. It was 2pm. She had to shower before the kids came home and put her dress away. She also had to figure out an excuse for being gone Saturday night.


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After Mistress J left, Sara spent the rest of the afternoon in a fog. She quickly showered, but her thoughts we on the events of earlier in the day. She managed to get dressed, change the bedding, put away her dress and look like nothing happened by the time the kids got back from school. After saying hello, the kids went there separate ways and Sara was again alone with her thoughts.

She didn't quite understand why she was so turned on by Mistress J, but she understood that she would do anything the older woman told her. Sara's husband Frank got home from work late, explaining that Mr. Anderson had given him a special project to do. He was assigned to work with a new out of state client who was having trouble with the products the company was providing for them. While not quite a promotion, Frank felt it was a good thing that Mr. Anderson had entrusted such a valuable account to him.

Sara just smiled.

That night, Sara went to bed early. She wanted to be asleep before Frank came up in case he wanted to have sex. Her body was ready, but her mind was not. She certainly wanted to jump on him and fuck his brains out, but she knew she would not be able to hold back her orgasm. All night, visions of Mistress J filled her head. Who was the mystery woman? Did she know her? Would she see her again? Would Mr. Anderson (or would it be Master Anderson) be joining them? What was going to happen on Saturday? Sara tossed and turned all night and woke up horny. This was going to be a tough day.

Sara was determined to stop thinking about Mistress J. There was no way she would make it to the weekend without orgasming if she could not control her thoughts. She went running, did the family errands and finally had the oil changed in the car. She was doing fine until she checked her email. There was a short message from Mistress J with a video clip attached. Sara knew what was on the clip even before she opened it. Although just a minute long, it clearly showed Sara in her wedding dress cumming like crazy while a mystery hand controlled a vibrator. Unfortunately any hope of determining who the mystery woman is was dashed by way the video was cropped. Memories of the day before flooded Sara's mind as the scent of her arousal flooded her nostrils.

At the bottom of the email was a message to email Mistress J after watching the video and then to reply with how she felt. Sara told Mistress J she was upset that she had been videotaped, but also admitted she was turned on. The email exchange continued with Mistress J probing ever deeper into Sara's psyche. Finally Mistress J told Sara she had been a good girl for following her instructions. Mistress J was altering her orders. Sara would be reward with an orgasm today, but only with Frank. Until his return, she was to masturbate until she felt she was about to climax. She was then to stop, wait 20 minutes and start over. Between sessions, Sara was to rewatch the video of her orgasm. She was also directed to a bondage website where should could do some research.

Thankful for being allowed to orgasm, even if she had to wait several hours, Sara set off on her new tasks. She did not have a vibrator so she simply used her fingers. It did not take long for her to reach her level of no return. Just before crossing over, Sara stopped, took several deep breaths and walked around the house. She then remembered Mistress J's order to rewatch the video. As she watched, all she could think about was how much she wanted to cum like she had yesterday.

Going to the bondage website was scary to Sara. Not that she was afraid of the content, but she was afraid of the electronic paper trail it would create. But, she followed Mistress J's command and began her "research." Sara's world was opened to many new possibilities she had not known existed. There were different methods of restraint, punishment, ********** and more fetishes than she could count. Soon her 20 minutes was up and she repeated the process.

About an hour later, an instant message from Mistress J popped up. She asked how Sara was doing and Sara replied truthfully that she was ready to fuck a doorknob she was so horny. Mistress J replied that is how she likes her slaves. They are much easier to control. Sara wanted to tell Mistress J that her attitude was terrible and she shouldn't treat other people that way. But she didn't. The wetness in her pussy wouldn't allow it.

Mistress J told Sara she knew the kids would be home soon, so she could stop surfing the net and watching the video. However, she still wanted Sara to continue masturbating. If she was going to give Sara the gift of an orgasm, she wanted to be sure Sara came well. Mistress J also told Sara that Mr. Anderson would be sending Frank home a little early tonight so she should be ready with dinner.

Sara did as she was instructed. Frank was very happy with the simple home-cooked meal. In only his second day managing the problem account, he already was becoming more stressed. Sara offered to give him a backrub while the kids watched TV. By the time the kids went to *****, Frank was relaxed and falling asleep in his recliner. Obviously this would not do. Sara had been given permission to orgasm today. She didn't know if that would extend to tomorrow if Frank could not perform. She didn't want to find out.

As Sara and Frank moved up the stairs to the bedroom, Sara went first making sure to put a little extra wiggle in her walk, but Frank seemed disinterested. Sara put on a lace teddy in an effort to entice him, but it was to know avail. Sara gave Frank a little pout and said "Don't you think I am sexy?" Frank said of course she is sexy and that he was just tired. Sara asked, "What if you just lay back and I'll do all the work?"

Frank just chucked but Sara was not going to take no for an answer. She pushed Frank back onto the bed and quickly pulled down his pajama bottoms. His cock was showing signs of life so Sara quickly took him in her mouth. She did not frequently perform oral sex on Frank because she thought it was nasty. Of course before two days ago, she also thought two women having sex was nasty. He was hard in short order and Sara, not wanting to risk him losing interest quickly jump on top and impaled herself on his dick.

Sara was riding Frank like a woman possessed. Frank took notice because Sara had always been fairly passive during their lovemaking. This was not the same woman. The old Sara had always been slow to boil and required a lot of foreplay. This Sara seemed ready to orgasm after just a couple of minutes. Frank thought this was a good thing since he doubted he could last more than a couple more minutes given the pace she had set.

Frank was right and Sara was soon climaxing like he had never seen her before. He could tell she wanted to scream out, but didn't want to wake the kids. Frank, usually a gentleman in bed, was inspired to flip his wife over onto her hands and knees so her face was in a pillow. He then grabbed her ass and stuck his cock back in her pussy. He knew he would not last long and wanted to get the most pleasure he could. Frank knew Sara liked the feeling of sex doggie-style, even though she felt it was a demeaning position and would not do it often. As soon as he reentered his still spasming wife, she moaned and began rocking her hips back into him. Frank wondered where this was coming from, as she had never done that before, but his primal needs took over and he began matching her movements with his thrusts. The sounds of skin hitting skin filled the room even as Sara's moans we muffled by the pillows. If the kids we not up before, they were definitely up now.

Frank could not keep this pace up long and felt his jiz rising from his balls. He knew he would shoot soon. With a final thrust, Frank grabbed Sara by the hips and held her tight. His cock was buried as deep as it would go in Sara. With a profound grunt, he let loose a torrent of cum into Sara's pussy. This triggered another orgasm in Sara that ripped right through her. Frank held her tight as he squired volley after volley into Sara's pussy. Sara just shook. If Frank has thought her last climax was strong, this one was much more ********. As Frank's cock deflated, he let go of her hips and she slumped into the bed with a very happy and contented smile.

The next day Frank was up and out to work early. Sara got the kids ready for school. Everything seemed normal, except Sara could not stop smiling. After the kids left, she composed a long email to Mistress J telling her about what happened. She then went for her run. When she returned, a message from Mistress J was waiting. The tone was very curt. Sara had disobeyed her mistress' direct order by have two orgasms. She had only been given permission for one. Sara was distressed. She had not even considered this possibility.

Mistress J said Sara would be punished for not remembering instructions. Mistress J reminded her of today's task of getting her husband to give her a facial. As punishment Sara was not to masturbate today. "Most women would not find that a punishment, however you, my little slut, will find this most distracting." Mistress J continued telling Sara to go to the Sex & ********** website and download a couple of scenes. "Watch them and remember what you are not getting for a while," scolded Mistress J. The email concluded with a challenge. Sara was to email her mistress at 4:30 with a recap of her movie watching and a confession about whether she had masturbated or not.

Sara read and reread the email. It was now 11am. She was not sure what kind of movies were on that website but she could guess. At some point, Sara knew she should tell Mistress J to take a hike. But today was not that day. Sara downloaded her movies and started to watch. Each clip seemed more depraved than the next. Woman after woman, willingly allowing herself to be tied up, whipped and ****** to service a man. Yet each woman appeared to be satisfied at the end. Sara was not surprised that the feelings of arousal quickly came back. Although it was difficult, Sara did not masturbate. She knew she could come very quickly and once she started, she would be impossible to stop.

At 4:15 she started typing an email to Mistress J. She proudly explained that although she was very horny right now, she did not masturbate. Sara detailed which movies she watched and what she liked and didn't like about them. She finished at 4:29 and clicked send just in time.

At 4:31 Mistress J replied. Sara thought she would not have had enough time to read her long email and type a response. She must have written her response in advance. Mistress J's email talked about how she knew Sara would be horny again because she was a slut who couldn't control herself. Mistress J was happy to hear Sara had not masturbated and offered her another orgasm if Sara could complete a simple task. If she was interested, she should call the attached phone number. At the bottom of the email, the telltale words "Sent from Susan Johnson's Blackberry."

Sara reached for the phone...


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Cast of Characters (so far)

Sara - Our heroine. A young wife who submits to an older woman.

Mrs. Anderson - Sara's mistress - aka Mistress A. Accidentally changed by me at the end of chapter one to Robinson (Freudian slip, Benjamin?) and for some reason to an the name Johnson in chapters two and three. I will use the excuse that chapter two was written in an airport, but really both mistakes were the results of poor editing and proofreading on my part.

Mystery Woman - Brought by Mrs. Anderson to Sara's house to aid in her debasement. Due to a blindfold, Sara does not know who this woman is... yet.

Frank - Sara's loving husband. He does not know about Sara's affair with Mrs. Anderson. Frank works for Mrs. Anderson's husband.

Mr. Anderson - So far all we know is that Frank works for him.

Sara's Kids - She has a couple of kids, but they are not directly involved in the story.


When we last saw Sara she had been following Mistress A's instructions to masturbate all afternoon but not to climax. Mistress A was carefully controlling Sara's actions. Mistress A knew that soon Sara's rebellious spirit would be completely broken. Sara was already holding back her orgasms until Mistress A told her she could cum. Mistress A has used mild punishments, mainly in the form of orgasm denial to slowly bring Sara under her power. Mistress A knows that Sara has been exposed to a lifestyle of excitement from which she cannot return. As time goes by, Mistress A's plan is to take Sara further into the lifestyle while increasing the level of punishment for disobedience. She has done this many times. Mistress A can easily spot a woman who will be willing to submit to her. She considers it a gift. Sara, unknowingly, will think it is a curse.

Mistress A's last instruction to Sara was to call a phone number to receive a special task. If she did the task, she would be allowed to orgasm. After playing with herself all afternoon, Sara did not care what the task was, just that she would be allowed the release she badly needed. Sara dialed the number and was greeted by the sound of her mistress' voice.

A: "Hello slut. I knew you would call."

Sara: "Hello Mistress A"

A: "I assume you want permission to cum."

Sara: "Yes Mistress."

Mistress A questioned Sara about her daily activity and the events with Frank the night before. Mistress A already had this information from Sara's emails, but she wanted the young wife to recount her experiences verbally. She also wanted to check for inconsistencies in the story. The more Sara talked, the more turned on she was becoming. Mistress A could hear the lust in Sara's voice.

A: "Your breathing is divine. I love to hear you turn yourself on. Will you do something for me?"

Sara: "Of course mistress. I will do whatever you ask."

A: "Good. I want you to lie on your back. Put the phone on speaker. Continue the story, but I want you to work one hand into that squishy pussy and use the other hand to pinch your nipples."

Sara continued talking about the movies she had watched today. Mistress A could almost feel Sara's yearning for ********** over the phone. This conquest was going to be easier than she had imagined. As Sara continued masturbating for her mistress, her voice became quieter and quieter. The sounds of a wet pussy, however, became very pronounced. Soon most of the story was replaced by moans.

A: "Are you ready to cum my sweet slave."

Sara: - "Yes mistress. I will cum when you command."

A: "Go to your bedroom windows and open the blinds. You will then press yourself against the glass. Rub your breasts on the window and finger your clit until you climax."

Sara: "I can't do that. Our bedroom faces the street."

A: "Perhaps you are not the good girl I thought. Perhaps we should skip Saturday. Goodbye."

Sara panicked when Mistress A hung up on her. She needed to cum. That was something she could do within a matter of seconds. But at what cost? After the events of the last few days, Sara was ********* to give up her mistress. Sara leaped from the bed and pulled open the blinds. She peeked through the window and didn't see anyone walking on the street. Per her mistress' orders, she pressed herself to the glass. Her breasts compressed against the smooth surface, she looked like an actress in a b-movie washing a car. Without the water from a car wash however, Sara found her nipples sticking to the window as she attempted to move back and forth. While not exactly pleasureful, the sensation did add a fire to the heat about a foot below.

Sara's right hand found her clit. It was begging for attention. Sara's left has found its way to her pussy. Sara plunged two fingers into her wetness while she furiously stroked her clit. She exploded less than a minute later. It was if a damn had burst, both in the amount of liquid emanating from the young woman, but also in her mind. Sara realized that every time she followed Mistress A's instructions, she had a massive orgasm. She was out of control and had to learn to keep her desires in check.

Mistress A smiled from her car across the street. She knew Sara would not be able to resist. Of course now Sara would have to beg for forgiveness giving Mistress A even more power. She loved it when a plan came together.

Sara lay back down on her bed as the memories of the last 4 days filled her head. She was worried that Mistress A would not see her any more. She tried calling the phone number again, but there was no answer. Sara didn't want to leave a message. Instead she gathered herself, got dressed and starting making dinner.

Dinner was uneventful and the evening passed quickly. After last night's bedroom romp, Sara knew Frank would not press her for a repeat performance. They usually had sex only twice a week, so he would not be expecting anything tonight. But Sara also remembered her mistress' instructions that she should get a facial from Frank tonight. Sara didn't understand why her mistress, or was it former mistress, specified that ending. Sara was not a fan of giving oral sex, but she certainly had done it before. On the special occasions she blew Frank he either fucked her or came in her mouth. Although swallowing his load was not the end of the world, Sara knew she had to do what her mistress had instructed.

When they went to bed, Sara cuddled up next to Frank. As she rubbed against his back, she reached around a gently started squeezing his cock. As it began to grow hard, she started stroking it more deliberately. Although surprised, Frank was pleased. Last night was the wildest sex they had ever had. Now his wife was grabbing his cock looking for more. Frank rolled over to face his wife. Sara adjusted her arm position and continued stroking his manhood. Frank smiled, but before he could ask what was happening, Sara took her other index finger and pressed it to his lips while shaking her head. Immediately after the gesture of silence, she rolled him on his back, slid her body down his and took his cock in her mouth.



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Sara started slurping his cock head while using her right hand to stroke the shaft. This was a technique she learned while watching the movies. Frank appeared to be appreciating her newly acquired skill. With her left hand, Sara reached underneath herself to fondle her clit. Sara was enjoying herself more and more. She felt Frank begin to rub the back of her head and knew that meant Frank would want to come in her mouth. She had to figure a way to have him pull out. Sara thought about getting the collar and leash out and asking Frank to hold it while she kneeled on the floor and blew him. She had seen that in a movie also and it turned her on. But that seemed extreme. She thought it would be better to involve Frank a little slower.

Instead, Sara said, "My knees are getting tired. What if I sit on the floor and you stand while I finish you?"

Frank was hesitant, but not about to give up when she was still willing to further his blowjob. Sara moved to the floor and Frank stood in front of her. Sara's head was the perfect height and he easily slid his cock back into her waiting mouth. Seeing her below him turned him on and instead of waiting for Sara to continue, he began to rock his hips. This surprised Sara, but in a good way. She took her hand off his cock and placed her hands behind her back grabbing her own wrists. She remembered the feeling of Mistress A's cuffs, a while this was not the same, it spurred her imagination and brought back a flood of memories. For his part, Frank was oblivious to her change in position. He was having too much fun fucking her face. Frank grabbed the sides of Sara's head, ******* his cock deeper into her mouth.

Soon Sara could tell Frank was about to cum. She had heard the sounds before and knew he was close. Acting quickly, she moved her hands back in front of herself and pushed Frank back. Pulling his cock out of her mouth, to Frank's dismay, she started quickly stroking it with both hands. "Cum in my face. Shower me in your love," Sara called out.

Much like yesterday, Frank didn't know where this change in attitude was coming from, but at the moment he didn't care either. Volley after volley of jiz shot from his cock, generously coating his wife's face. The heat of Frank's load surprised Sara. When she swallowed his cum or he shot in her pussy, there was not much of a temperature differential. That was not the case on her face. Sara reveled in the feeling as shot after shot hit her. When Frank finally stopped cumming, Sara immediately went down on him again cleaning off his cock. Frank was still curious about Sara's change in demeanor but did not think then was the time to discuss it. Sara went to the bathroom and cleaned up. She returned to the bed finding Frank under the covers and almost asleep. She gave him a quick kiss and said good night.

Sara really wanted to thank him. She enjoyed the feeling of helplessness when she was on her the floor with her hands behind her back. But how could she tell him about Mistress A? Maybe she could get Frank to treat her like Mistress A did. Then she would not need her anymore. But then what would Mistress A do with the videotape of Sara in her wedding dress? Sara analyzed her situation over and over. But her thoughts always came back to eating Mistress A's pussy and cumming harder than she ever had before. Sara finally fell asleep and dreamed of both men and woman commanding her to service them sexually. Sometimes alone. Sometimes in a group. She woke to a wet pussy and wondered if Mistress A would call. She decided to send her an email detailing how she had followed her instructions the night before. She hoped her mistress would answer.

Alas that answer did not come. Sara spent Thursday worrying about why her mistress had not called her. By not agreeing to masturbate in front of the window immediately, did Mrs. Anderson really decide to throw Sara away? Sara tried not to focus on her problems but instead do the daily household chores and errands. But the mundane drudgery of the empty household could not quell the fire inside Sara. Time and time again she went to the computer to check for email. Each time she watched another ********** video scene. Sara felt herself going crazy. She tried calling Mistress A's cell phone, but there was no answer. Sara didn't leave a message. She didn't know what to say. After calling several times, Sara finally had the courage to leave a message. "Mistress. I know I failed you by not going to the window immediately. After you hung up on me, I did as you had asked. My orgasm was a great treat. Thank you. Although I don't think anybody saw me, I imagined the entire neighborhood was watching. I hope my email from this morning delighted you. Please do not hold my inexperience against me. I will do better I promise. I need you in my life."

Sara hung up the phone, sat down and started to wait for a response. Was Mistress A out of town and not getting her messages and email? Did she receive the message but not want to see Sara? Would Frank be fired? Why doesn't she call?

Sara tried to put on a brave face when the kids came home. If they noticed anything wrong with her demeanor, they didn't comment. When Frank came home he was wondering if Sara would have any new sexual tricks up her sleeve. But the night was like most others and nothing out of the ordinary happened.

Friday morning Sara woke early and immediately checked her email. She was overjoyed to find a message waiting from Mistress A. "So you still want to be my slave, little girl? OK. Today I want you to do some clothes shopping for tomorrow's party. You will be serving as waitress to a group of my friends. I will email you shortly with instructions. Keep your afternoon free."

Sara was ecstatic. Mistress A's definition of shortly grew into several hours, but Sara didn't care. Finally another message arrived. "My dearest slave. There will be approximately 10 women at the party. Although some are sympathetic to our type of relationship, most are not. I need you to dress very professionally. You may know some of the women, so I will be telling them that Frank lost a bet at work and that is why you are present. Do not worry, you will not be required to do anything at the party beyond serving ****** and appetizers." Sara doubted that last statement, but kept reading. "I want you to go to a store called Professional Woman. It is at the mall near entrance four. Ask for Maggie. She is the store's owner and will help you pick an appropriate outfit. She is expecting you at 1pm. Don't be late."

Sara was out the door less than a minute after reading the email


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Sara arrived at the mall at 12:45. She casually walked past Professional Woman, the store where her mistress had ordered her to shop. It looked like a normal, everyday women's clothing store. At exactly 1pm, Sara confidently walked inside and strode to the counter. There was a young girl, no more than 19 working behind the counter. Obviously this was not Maggie the owner.

The girl introduced herself as Andi and came around the counter. The girl had dark black hair and dark makeup. She wore a chain around her neck and had a pierced tongue She looked almost gothic, except her clothes were more professional. She wore a short black skirt with a white blouse, stockings and high heels. She looked very qualified to work in a high-end clothing store. As Andi moved around the counter, Sara could not help but notice her legs. Andi asked if there was anything in particular Sara was looking for. Still distracted by Andi's legs, Sara didn't really hear the question. Andi repeated herself. This brought Sara out of her daze. She excused herself and said she was here to see Maggie. Andi said, "Of course you are. I'll go and get her." Andi disappeared down a hall. Sara watched her ass the entire way. She was starting to feel excited.

Andi returned with a statuesque woman with jet-black hair. She was about 40 Sara guessed. Toned and tight, her suit hid a body that Sara knew would be exceptional. Both women mesmerized Sara. They were perfectly professional looking. One was absolutely elegant and one had obvious hints of kinky below. Sara felt her pussy moisten and wondered where this afternoon was headed.

Maggie introduced herself and shook Sara's hand firmly. "My friend Mrs. Anderson tells me you are going to a party at her house tomorrow. What kind of clothes are you looking for?" asked the shop's owner. "Well, I'm not sure. I want to look professional and sexy, but not trashy and cheap," replied Sara. "Well we don't do cheap, but we certainly can do sexy and even trashy on occasion. Let's look around the store and see what your tastes are like," continued Maggie.

Maggie led the naïve woman around her store. The selection of clothes was all very nice, but not what Sara had in mind. Maggie kept up a continuous stream of small talk while pointing out different items. While doing this, she "accidentally" brushed up against Sara's arm several times. This was distracting to Sara. After not having an orgasm the day before, Sara was primed. Although Sara didn't know at the time, Mistress A had kept Maggie very well informed. Everything that was going to happen in the shop was planned and with purpose. As Maggie steered Sara through the narrow aisles, she found, or rather planned, reasons to need to get past Sara to show her a specific item. This gave her an excuse to "innocently" press against the young woman's backside. Once she even moved in front of Sara and could easily feel her hard nipples. All was going well. Sara was flustered.

After looking through the entire store, Maggie asked if there was anything Sara liked. Sara had to admit she had not seen anything appropriate for the party. Everything looked like it belonged in an office. Maggie admitted that was their primary client. An older woman who wanted to look professional at work. She assured Sara they would find something. Maggie paused and then looked Sara straight in the eyes. Maggie then gave Sara a half smile. "I know what you need. You are not attending the party, you are serving at the party." Sara looked down and then admitted Maggie was correct.

There was a long pregnant pause.

"Don't worry my dear, I have just the outfit for you. I have clothed several of Mrs. Anderson's serving girls. I know just what she likes... a professional looking slut."

Maggie's statement sounded like a judge's sentence to Sara. At least in the privacy of her bedroom Sara could conceive that her actions her just part of a game. Now the game was real. Sara's head was spinning at this new development. In the matter of 10 seconds, Sara was undone having gone from professional woman to wanton slut. Sara weakly replied to Maggie, "Yes. That is correct. I am Mistress A's slut and slave."

"Very well then. Let's go down the hall," said Maggie. I have a smaller showroom with clothes you may prefer. I'll be right back, Andi. Watch the front of the store please."

Maggie led the way with Sara following. Sara was captivated by the sway of Maggie's butt. Her perfect figure was all Sara could focus on and they made her drool with lust. As Maggie stopped to unlock the door, Sara practically walked into her. Maggie just smiled. Mrs. Anderson was right about this one being ready to pluck.

Sara entered the room and saw several racks of leather clothes as well as a few materials she was not familiar with. There were also several display cases with dildos, vibrators, handcuffs and other toys she could not identify. Sara was pretty sure how they would be used, however. On one wall, all manner of restraints, whips, ridding crops, collars and leashes were found. Another wall was all mirrors. Another had hooks, probably to test the restraints, Sara assumed. The last wall had a doorway in the middle and a selection of fetish videos and magazines.

"So what do you think of my other store?" asked Maggie.

"I'm speechless," replied Sara.

"Ok, let's begin. Through that door is a changing room. Go in there and remove everything but your panties and we shall begin."

Sara tentatively set off to the changing room pausing only to look around the room one more time and wonder what she had gotten herself into. As she enters the changing room, she is surprised to find a room at least 20 feet by 20 feet. If only her bedroom was this big. There was a clothes rack with hangers, a couch, a chair, a stool, a sink, a 3x3 foot platform about 2 feet high and lots of mirrors. Just like when she first saw the back showroom, the sight before her took Sara aback. She had never seen such a room in a clothing store.

Her concentration was broken by the silky voice of Maggie. "Well don't just stand then, get your clothes off. I don't have all day for your fitting."

Maggie then pressed a button on an intercom near the changing room door. She told Andi to close up the shop for a few minutes because she needs help with a fitting.

Sara blushed a little when she heard Andi would be joining them. While older women obviously held a fascination for her, he had never found young girls particularly appealing. Of course, now, she didn't have a choice. Andi was going to see her. All of her.

Sara removed all her clothes and neatly hung them on the hangers. Maggie looked her up and down and then smiled. "You have a lovely body. I can see why Mrs. Anderson took a shining to you. I think I can find just the right look for you." Sara just smiled, her legs quaking.

Andi entered the room. She looked at Sara but gave no expression, either positive or negative. Sara thought Andi must see this kind of thing all the time not to give any reaction to a naked woman in the back changing room. Andi handed Maggie a tape measure and opened up a small notebook. Maggie proceeded to take every possible measurement of Sara's body. Not only the usual inseam, waist and bust, but also calf circumference, neck size, arm length and ankle size. She then started to massage Sara's breasts so her nipples would harden. Maggie then measures the size of Sara's nipples. Finally Maggie pulled down Sara's panties and took intimate details about her pussy lips and even her clit size. All the while Maggie kept up a disarming banter while calling out the measurements to Andi to put in the notebook. The irony was not lost on Sara. Here was a woman pinching her clit in order to measure it talking about the new fashions being released in the coming weeks. At the same time, her helper was focused on taking down the appropriate figures and completely unfazed by the situation.

By the time Maggie finished with her measurements, Sara was practically panting. Her arousal was obvious, although neither Maggie nor Andi mentioned anything.

"Thanks Andi. I'll take it from here. I'll let you know if I need anything else," proclaimed Maggie. "Don't go anywhere Sara. I'll be right back with some things for you to try."

Maggie left the room and Sara took the opportunity to sit down. She wanted to masturbate in the worst way. But obviously her mistress was well known to Maggie and Sara was worried Maggie would tell Mistress A she had not followed instructions.

Maggie returned a couple of minutes later with a garter belt, black stockings and shoes with a 4-inch stiletto heel. "We'll start with the basics. Always wear stockings instead of pantyhose. They feel much sexier and so will you."

Maggie handed the items to Sara and then turned and left the room.

Sara was glad to have something other than the heat emanating from her pussy to worry about and was happy to have something to put on. The stocking slid up her legs with little resistance. Sara luxuriated in the feel. These were obviously a higher-grade stocking than she was accustomed to buying. The garter belt was made of leather. It fit her waist perfectly. The snaps were just the right length to meet the stockings. Maggie was very good at getting her fittings right. Finally Sara put on the shoes. The heel accentuated her legs and tightened her butt. Sara slowly turned the front of the mirrors admiring herself. For a moment, Sara forgot why she was here and for what she was getting dressed.

The sound of Maggie returning startled Sara. "Very nice" offered Maggie. "You'll do fine." Maggie then handed Sara a white corset. "Over time you will grow accustomed to the feeling, but for today, it might be a little uncomfortable. We need to get you to the gym to tone up a little more." Sara was taken back. She always felt she was in great shape, but she said nothing. Maggie had Sara step into the unlaced corset. "This one is a little more forgiving for your first time. We will build up to a more rigid model over time."

Sara was worried. The garment was not laced up yet and already she was feeling constricted. If this was the "easy" corset, what would the more unyielding one feel like.

Maggie strained with the laces. "I think I need a little more help. Just a minute." Maggie again used the intercom to instruct Andi to head to the changing room. "Sometimes it helps to have an extra set of hands."

Andi returned. This time she gave Sara a sly smile. "How may I be of service?" Andi said knowingly. "I need to tie this corset, but the laces are very tight. I need you to squeeze the corset tighter so I can tie it. It is probably a size or two too small, but anything bigger will not look right," Maggie said clinically. Sara was sure it was just an excuse to further fondle her body.

As Maggie stood in back of Sara working on the laces, Andi stood in front of the young girl and pressed her body into Sara. Andi wrapped her arms around Sara pushing both sides of the corset toward the center. She started low, just above Sara's butt. Andi's head was just about Sara's smoldering pussy. Sara was sure Andi's air supply was anything but pure. As Maggie worked the laces, Andi moved up Sara's body. By the time Maggie reached the top, Andi's face was buried in Sara's breasts. Andi did not actively try to stimulate the young wife, much to Sara's disappointment, but her hot breath dancing on Sara's breasts was an indirect tease. Finally Maggie was done. As Andi was taking her arms from around Sara, she tactfully ran her finger over Sara's very moist slit. "Just the way I like them... wet and willing to do what they are told," whispered Andi into Sara's ear. "I hope to enjoy you later."


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Again Sara was left to look at herself in the mirror while Maggie went looking for the next item and Andi went to mind the front of the store. Sara was amazed at how the corset made her waist look smaller and therefore her hips looked bigger. She started to see an hourglass figure she had never been able to achieve despite years of exercise. The corset also gave her a deep cleavage. Sara's breasts were of good size, but this garment gave her an amazing amount of support and separation. Sara had not realized it when Maggie and Andi were lacing the corset, but there were cutouts in the bra section. Sara's achingly hard nipples fit perfectly in the small holes and would be visible under any garment. This obviously was the plan, Sara thought.

Maggie was not gone long. She returned with a sheer, white silk blouse. She told Sara to slip it on. Maggie told Sara to hold her arms out to the side and started buttoning the blouse. Surprisingly it was loose fitting. Maggie explained since this was an informal event, Sara's top should flow when she walked. Maggie had her move around the dressing room while looking at the mirror. Maggie was right, thought Sara. The fabric gave an almost fluid hint of movement every time Sara stopped walking.

"Oops, I almost forgot. Come back here for a second," exclaimed Maggie. When Sara returned, Maggie unbuttoned the top two buttons and produced two rubber bands. The small bands looked like the kind dentists use, Sara reflected. Maggie said, "We have to make sure these nipples keep standing at attention or this look will not be complete." Maggie proceeded to place the bands over Sara's nipples. Sara could feel the ***** flow restrict. She only hoped they would not be on very long.

Sara's look was almost complete. All that was missing was a skirt. Maggie said she knew exactly which skirt Sara needed and only took a minute retrieving it. The skirt was leather. No surprise there. Sara was surprised at the length. It was actually not too short and reached about two-thirds of the way down Sara's thighs. The snaps from the garters were completely covered. Except for her hard nipples showing through the blouse, Sara thought she look every bit the professional woman. She didn't feel professional. Her leaking pussy and corset made every movement remind her of what she was. But at least to the uninitiated, she looked normal.

"Let's get Andi's opinion, shall we?" offered Maggie. "Walk out to the front of the store."

Sara walked back to the front counter. Her steps were tentative since she was unaccustomed to walking in heels so high. Andi offered a warm smile and told Sara she looked magnificent. It was then Sara noticed her outfit was almost a copy of what Andi was wearing. Maggie had Sara walk around the store again to help her acclimate to the heels. When Sara struggled to maintain her posture, Maggie said all of her clients must learn to walk in heels and Sara needed to practice. Maggie waved Sara back to the counter. "I want you to walk to the other end of the mall and back," instructed Maggie. She then picked up the scissors. Maggie flipped up Sara's skirt and casually cut off her panties. "These panties do not match the rest of your outfit. At the end of the mall, you will find a Victoria's Secret. A friend of mine manages it. Ask for Susan and tell her you need to buy a couple new pairs of thongs. Return here after you are done."

Sara stared in disbelief. She certainly did not want to walk around the mall without wearing her panties. She wasn't thrilled about walking around with the rubber bands either. She knew Susan would notice her curious state. Sara felt vulnerable and embarrassed but most of all aroused. She had been aroused since entering the store, but each successive event of the day was building on her psyche. Sara knew if she had the fortitude to go through with this next task, the fire inside her body would have to be quenched. At this point she didn't care if Mistress A punished her. She needed an orgasm.

Sara nodded that she understood the instructions and walked out the door. She knew the location of Victoria's Secret. It was at the opposite end of the mall. As Sara set off, she could feel the chill of the air-conditioned air flowing up her skirt. Sara heard nothing but the click of her heels as she focused on her task. Her nipples were painfully hard. She was sure people were noticing, but she did not look side to side to see who was watching. Sara walked with a purpose. She wanted to get out the mall and get home to her vibrator. She also thought about what Susan would say when she got to the store.

Sara entered the store confidently. At least, she felt, she could not show her emotions. Another well-dressed older woman approached Sara. "You must be Maggie's friend. She told me you would be stopping. I'm Susan and I think we have what you need."

"I'm sure you do," responded Sara. "But I am in a bit of a hurry. I just need to pick up a couple of thongs."

"Of course. Please follow me," said Susan.

Susan led Sara to the back of the store. No hidden rooms in a franchise store, thought Sara. I am safe here. Susan brought Sara to a shelf full of thongs. "I think this is what you are looking for. From what Maggie told me, your size should be on the lower shelf."

Again, Sara just nodded. It was obvious that Susan knew exactly what was transpiring at Professional Woman. Sara bent over to look at the thongs. She knew better than to bend at the knee. Besides, the skirt would hug her ass. Sara felt she would not be showing anything. Sara was also happy they were at the back of the store away from prying eyes. As Sara bent over, she felt Susan's hand on the small of her back. She recognized this as an instruction to remain bent over.

"I would love to keep you here all day or even take you home," Susan admitted. "But unfortunately management frowns on that type of behavior. I'll have to make do with a quick check to see how much you enjoyed the walk over here." With that straightforward statement, Susan reached under Sara's skirt and gently drew her finger over the flowing slit of the young woman. Sara wiggled her behind appreciatively. "I see you like it," whispered Susan. "I bet you would prefer this, however."

Susan suddenly inserted two fingers into Sara's happiness opening. Sara gasped, but made no effort to stop her. Susan gave Sara about 20 quick thrusts and then removed her hand. She wiped her wet fingers under Sara's nose and told her to take her purchases to the counter. Sara looked pleadingly at Susan, but she just turned and walked back to the office. Sara decided against following her and instead paid for her garments. Along the walk back to Professional Woman, Sara's thoughts were with Susan. Sara knew she would have climaxed quickly if Susan had not stopped. Sara had been reduced to a rutting ****** always ready to have sex with whoever asked.

When she returned to the first store, Andi was still in front, but Maggie was nowhere to be seen. Andi said her boss had to run out for a few minutes, but that she had left instructions for Sara to change back to her original clothes. Sara walked back through the secret showroom preferring that changing room to the smaller ones in front. As she was passing the display cases, Sara slowed to get a good look at all the products. Her memories of being tied and blindfolded earlier in the week had haunted her because of her body's out of control response. But here, the implements of her ********** were laid out as if they were commonplace. Sara continued to the changing room where she found Maggie waiting for her.

"Did you enjoy the walk across the mall? Are you getting comfortable in the shoes?" Sara answered affirmatively to both questions. "You have done very well today. Take your clothes off so I can box them for you," continued Maggie. "Let me help you with the corset."

As Sara disrobed, she noticed Maggie watching her intently. "You know Sara, I am a very good friend of your mistress. If I call her and tell her how good you've been today, I bet she would let you orgasm. Would you like that?"


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Sara returned home from her shopping adventure tired, sore but satisfied. She quickly showered before Frank came home and hoped her ass and pussy would not show signs of the spanking and cropping she had received. She was barely out of the shower and dressed again before Frank came in the door. She apologized for not having dinner ready and suggested they order a pizza. Frank was tired from his week at work so he readily agreed. The new out-of-state client Frank had been dealing with all week was very stressful. A quiet evening at home sound like just what the doctor ordered.

As they sat down to eat, Frank told Sara that his boss, Jim Anderson, husband of Mistress A, had invited him golfing the next afternoon. "Jim's wife is having some kind of girls-only party. They play bunko or something. He has to get out for the afternoon." Sara smiled knowing this was hardly a coincidence. "What am I supposed to do while you are off playing?" Sara mockingly asked. She already knew the answer but wanted to hear what her hubby would come up with. "Oh, Jim said you were invited to the party," replied Frank.

Sara was taken a back by that statement. This meant Jim obviously knew what Sara and his wife had done. It could not be happenstance that he was being nice to Frank all of a sudden. For all Sara knew, Jim and told Frank what was happening. Frank continued, "I think you should go. It would be good for you to make new friends and if you are friends with Cindy (Anderson) it could not hurt my career."

Sara just smiled. "Perhaps you are right. It would be fun to meet some new people," she mused. If Frank only knew, she thought. Sara was tormented hiding her relationship with Cindy. Obviously telling Frank would be a huge risk. If he didn't throw her out on the spot, any trouble he caused might get him fired. After everything that happened to her this week, she also was not ready to stop seeing her mistress. Sara determined that she had to get through one more day and then she would decide what to do. Sara knew she was kidding herself thinking like that, but when you are addicted to something, logic can go out the window.

After dinner Frank, Sara and the kids bunked down and watched a movie. Frank and Sara cuddled on the sofa while the kids were sprawled out on the floor. Sara felt safe in Frank's arms, but she could not enjoy his protection. Her thoughts kept jumping to what was going to happen tomorrow. Mistress A had promised she would only be serving ****** and snacks to her guests, but somehow Sara doubted that would be all. She had been warned people she knew might be there. This worried Sara because her outfit would clearly show her nipples. What other devious plans did her mistress have? Undoubtedly other people might learn of Sara's desire to be dominated. After the movie, Frank and Sara retired to the bedroom. While Frank was in the bathroom, Sara quickly changed into a nightgown before Frank could notice her still pink bottom. After a quick kiss good night, Sara fell fast asleep.

Saturday morning dawned as a beautiful late spring day. Frank and Jim had a 2pm tee time at a course about an hour away. Jim picked up Frank around noon. Jim didn't come in, but when Sara gave Frank a goodbye kiss, Jim winked at her. Sara blushed profusely, but turned and went back into the house before Frank could notice. Sara was supposed to be at her mistress' house at 2pm sharp. She had been warned, via email, that being late would be a serious offense that merited severe punishment. The Anderson's only lived about 2 miles away so Sara figured she would leave at 1:40. Sara gathered up the boxes of clothes from Professional Woman and put them in the car. She thought about Maggie's offer to dress her and serious considered heading back to the mall. Sara went as far as to get in the car, but then changed her mind. Sara decided there were three very good reasons not to see Maggie right now. First, it might take too long. Maggie would certainly take her time helping Sara dress. Sara was confident she would have to service the shop owner and probably Andi as well. While the thought of going down on the two women was certainly tempting, Sara figured she didn't want to risk being late and should save her strength for the party. Reason two was more of a hope. If Mistress A were helping her dress, it would be difficult for her to lace the corset as tight as Maggie had done the day before. Sara figured her mistress had taken this into account, but maybe, just maybe, Sara would catch a break. Although these two reasons were foremost in Sara's mind, she then thought of the most important reason. Mistress A had not told her to go back to the store. Already under threat of punishment for being late, Sara did not want to think about what her mistress would do if she went to the store of her own decision.

Sara killed time around the house, nervously switching from light cleaning to doing laundry, starting the dishwasher and watching TV. In reality she was pacing back and forth trying not to worry. By 1:30 the itch in her pussy had returned. Sara decided to drive over to Mistress A's house a little early. She could wait in the car until 2. The drive took only 10 minutes. Now parked outside, Sara's mind was free from the distractions of the house. Now she could only think about what was to begin in 20 minutes. Her mind raced. Different scenarios, each kinkier than the last played in her head like a panoramic movie. Sara was sure she would be servicing her mistress. But how many other women would she pleasure? Mistress A told her not everyone at the party was approving of Sara's type of behavior, but maybe Sara would be ordered to try and convince them. Sara pictured herself tied spread eagle to the coffee table as woman after woman sat on her face and used all manner of toys on her. Perhaps Mistress A had a swing like Maggie from which Sara could be suspended. Sara's arousal was growing with each passing thought. Her panties were saturated and the car's interior was strong with her feminine musk.

Sara's thoughts replayed the events of the past week. How Mrs. Anderson took her in the park while her family stood by unknowing. How Mrs. Anderson became her mistress the next day as Sara submitted in her own bed while wearing her wedding dress. The rest of the week when Sara meekly followed Mistress A's every instruction and had the best orgasms of her life. Now she was minutes away from voluntarily entering the lion's den, prepared to do whatever was asked of her.

Sara exited the car at 1:58 and walked briskly to the door. Her trepidation was overwhelmed by her burning desire. Mistress A opened the door. "Right on time. Very good. Today should be exceedingly pleasurable for you if you do everything I say. My guests should be here in about an hour. You will probably know at least a few people. I believe Maggie will be stopping by as well as some people from the neighborhood, but I don't know if you know them. There will be someone who knows you very well here this afternoon. Remember when I said you didn't need to worry about who was with me at your house?"

Sara nodded.

"Well today, she will be here. In fact, we are going to play a little game. You are going to try to figure out which guest had the pleasure of your talented tongue. You can ask questions or use any other method you like to determine her identity. If you guess correctly, pleasure will be your reward. If you guess wrong, you will probably embarrass yourself and you will certainly embarrass me. Your punishment will be a whipping and the marks will not disappear as quickly as yesterday's spanking or be as satisfying as your cropping."

Again Sara just nodded. She had no idea how she was going to spot the mystery woman, but she would have to worry about that later.

Mistress A instructed Sara about her duties for the party. A group of friends met once a month. The location rotated among the women. The excuse was nominally to play bunko, but usually they just ending up having a few ****** and gossiping. There was beer and wine to *****, although most of the women would stick with the wine. There were also a few hard ****** choices, although usually they went untouched. Water and soda was available as well. Mistress A had prepared several appetizers and snacks. Sara was to make sure everyone's glass was filled and take the snack tray around whenever she was free from beverage duty.

"Maggie told me what your outfit would consist of and I approve," Mistress A stated as she finished her instructions. "I like my sluts to be professional on the outside, even if, or especially if, I am controlling their reactions on the inside. Today you will learn what I mean. Although the blouse does not show much cleavage, I like the thought of your nipples being unconfined. I doubt we will need the rubber bands. Unless I miss my guess, and my nose says I am right, you will not need any added nipple stimulation to achieve the effect I want. When you serve the ****** to someone who is sitting, be sure to bend at the waist and not at your knees. Although most of the guests will not know your true status, some, like Maggie, will know who and what you are. Should they choose to touch you, you will not resist. It is not my intention for this to happen, but I do not control their actions so it might. You are to do nothing to give away your status. After the party, you will be given either your reward or your punishment based on your performance. Do you understand?"

"Yes Mistress A," Sara said quietly.

"Very well, sweetie" responded Mistress A. "Let's get you dressed. My guests will be here shortly. Please head up the stairs to the bedroom on your right and remove your clothes."

Sara climbed the stairs preparing to do what she had been dreaming about for the last 5 days. As she entered the room, Andi, sitting on the bed, startled Sara. "Maggie thought Mrs. Anderson might need help getting you ready. She was disappointed you didn't stop by the store today." Sara's fleeting thought earlier that the corset might not be tied so tight was obviously not going to come true.

"Andi my sweet *****" started Mistress A, "would you be a dear and strip Sara for me?"

"Of course I would. She is utterly a great find for you. Maggie and I enjoyed her very much yesterday. Thank you for sharing her," responded the young girl.

"Not a problem. I'm sure Sara enjoyed herself. I plan on sharing her among many of my friends."

Sara did not like the ominous nature of that last statement, but the tone of Mistress A's voice was one of caring, not malice, so Sara returned to concentrating on Andi's removal of her clothes. While she was stripping Sara, Andi commented on Sara's smell of arousal. Mistress A replied that they may have to do something about that, but she wasn't sure what she had strong enough to mask the odor. Sara knew every woman in attendance would know that scent and she knew the aroma would not go away by itself.



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After Andi removed all of Sara's clothes, she placed them in a footlocker along with her purse and her car keys. Mistress A handed Andi a small lock, which she attached to the closing mechanism. Mistress A and Andi then stared at Sara for a few moments, smiling. Mistress A then opened the boxes from Maggie's store and removed the garments. Andi made quick work putting the garter and stockings on Sara. The slow, teasing method of dressing Sara experienced the day before was gone. In its place, a more utilitarian approach was used. Next was the corset. Just like the day before, Andi moved in front of Sara and wrapped her arms around the garment. As Andi pulled the sides together, Mistress A tied the strings. Immediately Sara noticed two differences from the store. First, Mistress A was much stronger than Maggie. The corset was much tighter today. Second, Andi was not concerned with teasing her. As Andi reached around her, she planted her mouth right over Sara's clit. Thus Sara was being pulled tightly into the corset restricting her breathing while a sexy young girl was sucking at her pussy. Sara felt dizzy as Mistress A warned her not to cum yet.

Andi pulled away from Sara, stood up and took a higher grip. As the top of the corset was brought into place, Andi began sucking Sara's nipples. This time Sara could not help but groan. Andi only sucked each nipple for about 10 seconds. Sara was glad Andi stopped because she was quickly approaching the point of no return. Mistress A spun Sara around to look at how the corset fit. "Perfect as always. Andi, tell Maggie she does good work. Worth every penny."

After the corset was completed, the blouse, skirt and heels were easy additions. Sara was again transformed into the perfect hidden slut. Mistress A was not yet convinced, however. "I don't think the thong you bought yesterday will do for today. It will not protect you adequately from leakage." Sara blushed, but she knew her mistress was right. Mistress A rummaged around in a dresser and found what she was looking for. When she returned, she had a leather panty in her right hand. Sara was more distressed, however, by the tapered butt plug in her left. "Be a dear, Andi, and get me some lube from the nightstand. I don't think the fair Sara has had much experience in the anal arts."

Andi retrieved a jar of lube and handed it do Mistress A. "Ok, Sara, lift up your skirt and bend over the bed." Sara did as she was told. "Now spread those cheeks, her we go." Sara reached behind herself, grabbed an ass-cheek with each hand and pulled them apart. She wanted to resist, but she knew once Mistress A picked a course of action, there was no changing it. The plug widened significantly. Mistress A calmly told Sara to relax. The plug was going in one way or another and it was up to Sara to determine how much it would hurt. The pain was incredible at the widest point, but once it passed, Sara's ass clenched shut around it. Mistress A rubbed both of Sara's butt checks and complimented her on her first plug. "Before you get up, I have one more surprise for you." Mistress A moved around to the other side of the bed and said "open up."

Sara dutifully opened her mouth and two shinny metal balls were placed in her mouth. "Somehow I doubt Frank ever used Ben Wa balls with you Sara, did he?" questioned Mistress A. Sara shook her head. "I didn't think so. I'm doing you a favor by letting you warm the balls. I can be a gentle mistress when you do as you are told. These balls are inserted into your pussy and will be held in by the panty. While they will not provide you with enough stimulation to cum, they should help keep you at the proper state of arousal. You may recall a statement you made to me earlier in the week. I intend to find if you were telling the truth."

Sara strained to remember which statement Mistress A was taking about while the Ben Wa balls were unceremoniously slid into her waiting sex.

"Now don't let those balls fall or there will be hell to pay," teased Mistress A. She knew that Sara would have to struggle to keep them from falling. Her soaking pussy was not going to have much grip on the smooth balls. "Don't worry though, I can help." With that phrase, Mistress A once again brought forth the leather panties. "These were a special gift from an admirer with a gift for electronics. As you can see, there is a bump on the inside front of these panties. This is a small, quiet vibrator. Although I'm sure the butt plug and balls will keep your slutty little mind occupied, the remote control nature of these panties will make sure you remember who is in charge. From time to time, if you are doing well, I will give you a taste of what you can have later if you please me. Slide these on and we are almost done."

Sara slid the panties up her legs. The panties were tight and Sara could feel the bump positioned right over her clit and pressing against her pussy lips. This was going to be a long afternoon.

Mistress A took another appraisal of her toy and then reached back to the dresser drawer and grabbed a silver ******. "I can't use a collar on you today because there are too many squares in attendance. But I want you to remember who you serve when you see yourself in a mirror." Sara didn't think there was any possibility of forgetting that. Finally dressed, Sara looked at the clock and saw it was 2:50, ten minutes to go.

"I've got to get back to the store," said Andi. "I'll try to come by after work for my reward." Sara could only assume what Andi's reward for helping would be.

"Ok, pussycat, let's get downstairs. I want you to open the door and welcome my guests when each arrives. In between you can start serving ******," was the last instruction Sara received. It was time to begin.

Sara walked downstairs. None of the other women had arrived yet so she busied herself opening the wine, laying out the cheese and crackers and pacing about nervously.

Finally the doorbell rang.

Sara's heart was pounding. One by one the guests began to arrive. Sara was kept busy serving the ****** and food and running back to the door every time the bell chimed. The guests seem intrigued why this attractive woman was working so hard. Sara wasn't worried about that, however. With every step, her ass contracted on the butt plug just a bit and the Ben Wa balls were doing their job moving around her pussy. Sara didn't think she could survive. Her only hope was once everyone arrived she would get a breather.

By Sara's count, ten women had arrived, but she didn't recognize anyone. Perhaps this day would not be so bad. Just as she was delivering the latest glass of wine, the doorbell rang again. Sara efficiently moved back to the foyer. She was finally getting adapted to walking on high heels. As Sara opened the door, a smiling Maggie greeted her.

"So good to see you again, Sara," said Maggie.

Before Sara could respond, Maggie gave her a quick hug and a short squeeze on her butt. Sara froze.

"I bet you are even hornier than yesterday, aren't you," Maggie whispered.

Again Sara did not respond.

"No matter, please bring me Diet Coke when you get the chance. No rush."

Sara turned and headed back into the kitchen. She had to get control back. Maggie's hand on her body caused a flood of memories from yesterday. Her body was in turmoil. Her nipples, which had not been too prominent, we suddenly like erasers threatening to poke through the blouse. Just then, the vibrator turned on. Sara grabbed the edge of the counter to steady herself. The vibrations stopped about 10 seconds later. For the second time since arriving, Sara was teetering on the edge of a massive orgasm. The vibrator pulsed two more times. Sara correctly assumed that was a signal from her mistress to get back to the party.

Sara returned with Maggie's Diet Coke. As she returned, Mistress A introduced Sara as the wife of one of Jim's employees. She explained that Sara had made a bet with her during the kid's last soccer game and had lost. The payment was that she would act as their server for today's party. Sara just smiled and gave a little wave, then made her way to where Maggie was sitting. Sara dreaded what she knew would come next. Maggie was the only woman sitting at this point and Sara knew why. She bent over at the waist, handed over the glass of Diet Coke and said, "Here you are. If there is anything else I can provide for you, please let me know."

Several of the other women took notice of this exchange.

Sara straightened herself and proceeded to work the room going from woman to woman attending to their ******** and eating needs. Over the course of the next two hours, Sara was kept jumping. While none of the woman was ******** heavily, there were enough of them to keep Sara moving without many breaks. After a while, most of the women found seats. Sara dutifully bent over each time one of them needed something. Beyond the *********** of not bending at her knees, the bending at her waist had a side effect. Her leather panty would ride up just a little each time she bent over. Normally this would not be a big deal as the movement was subtle. However, the slight movement changed the position of the bump rubbing her clit. Even without the vibrator turned on, the bump itself was very stimulating. The delicate movement of the panty also tugged slightly at the butt plug. Almost insignificant by itself, the dual stimulation front and back was driving Sara crazy.


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Every so often Sara would find herself with a short lull in the action and would try to isolate herself in the kitchen. Each time, the vibrator would come on whenever she was in the kitchen longer than necessary. Sara thought if she stayed in the kitchen long enough, the vibration would be enough to get her off. But then a curious thing happened. As long as she was in the kitchen, the vibrator stayed off. As she returned to the living room, however, she would get a series of short blasts. Sara was reaching the end of her rope. She needed to orgasm soon. Mistress A had told her these little parties usually broke up around 7pm and it was already after 6. Sara thought she had done everything her mistress had instructed her to do so she was sure she would get her reward.

Around 6:15 Sara headed into the kitchen again. As she was facing the sink, Mistress A moved in behind her, placed both arms around her and started massaging Sara's breasts. At the same time, the vibrator turned on and stayed on. Sara no longer cared that she was in somebody else's kitchen. She started to moan softly as Mistress A told her what a dirty slut she was. The vibrator stayed on for at least a minute. Mistress A caressed Sara's breasts for about half that time then began rubbing her butt making sure to push on the butt plug's handle several times. Sara was breathing heavily and ready to explode when the vibrator turned off. Mistress A removed her hands immediately. Sara gave her a look of desperation and pleaded to be allowed to cum.

"Not just yet, my pet. You still need to determine who was with me in your bedroom. They are actually the ones controlling the vibrator right now," said the smiling mistress.

As if to prove her point, Mistress A reached out both arms and opened her hands. Sara saw no remote control, yet her panties turned on again. Not worrying about whom was controlling her panties; Sara instead concentrated on achieving her orgasm. She knew she would be punished, but she didn't care. Mistress A sensed what she was doing and warned her against her course of action. Sara continued to look with imploring eyes at her mistress when the vibration stopped again. Sara was close to madness with the need to cum.

Just then the doorbell rang. Sara muttered something beneath her breath and headed toward the door. As Sara swung back the door, she was greeting with a vision. Andi was back, only she had changed clothes into a very form fitting dress, which showed off her curves and revealed a hint of cleavage. Sara drooled at the site of the attractive 19 year old. "Horny are we?" questioned Andi rhetorically. "I can see it in your eyes. How about you fetch me a beer and we can talk about it."

Sara didn't want to talk about anything yet. She got Andi her beer and made another ***** run around the group. As she moved, Sara tried to assess which woman was a likely mystery woman candidate. Sara had forgot about this task and time was running out. Sara immediately discounted Maggie and Andi. Although her experience with woman was limited, she had noticed that both of their pussies tasted different and neither tasted like the one she sought. Both Maggie and Andi stared straight through Sara as if they could read her filthy mind.

Sara tried to remember which women were watching her bend over a little more keenly than they should have. She thought back to the conversations they had and how they had greeted Sara. Which ones seemed familiar to her plight and which seemed totally disinterested. At one point Sara convinced herself it must have been Heather Chandler. Heather was by all definitions a trophy wife. She was just 30 and her husband, owner of chain of auto dealerships was in his upper 50s. They had been married a little over a year ago. Heather was a vision. A tall woman at around 5' 10", Heather always wore heels making her over 6 feet tall and towering over everyone at the party. She had a hard body physique and her breasts had obviously been enhanced. From what Sara could tell, the surgeon did a great job. Heather wore a simple dress, but the cut accentuated her positives as the song goes. Finally Heather hair was red. Not just red but fire engine red. Few women could pull off that color, but on her, Sara thought, it was perfect.

Heather had been nice to Sara during the party. She never made any crude comments about Sara's actions and seemed oblivious to Sara's more obvious movements. Sara was unmistakably lusting after this woman and hoped she was the mystery woman, but could not figure out a way to know for sure.

Close to 7, several of the women said their goodbyes and thinned the crowd. Heather was still there as was Maggie, Andi and three other women. The vibrator, which had been tormenting Sara throughout the party had remained calm since people started leaving. Sara's mind raced. Did the mystery woman leave already? Sara worried about the punishment she would face if that happened. She determined it was now or never.

Sara went back up to Heather and asked if she needed another *****. Heather declined saying it was time for her to get home. Sara knew she had to go for broke. "Don't I know you from somewhere? You seem familiar."

Heather smiled and responded, "I think so. You look familiar too." Sara almost came on the spot. "Well I need to get going." With that, Heather walked out.

Sara was disappointed. She asked Mistress A to come into the kitchen. "I think I can identify the mystery woman. It was Heather," said Sara.

"Are you sure or are you just lusting after her body like every man in town?" asked Mistress A.

Sara shook her head in affirmation responding yes to both parts of her mistress' question.

"You have done well tonight my pet. The party is breaking up and you have earned your reward. I want you to say your goodbyes to the remaining guests. Then walk out the door and follow the path around the house. We have a walkout basement. The door is open. I will meet you down there in a few minutes."

Sara did as she was told, thankful that her ordeal was about to end and her relief was within sight. She moved from woman to woman and said her goodbyes. Maggie was sitting down again so Sara bent over one last time and gave her a good look at her boobs straining in the corset. Sara even gave her own nipple a little rub, her body shielding any prying eyes from seeing her. Maggie whispered, "You've learned the game well. I look forward to playing with you more."

As she was walking toward the door, Sara practically ran into Andi returning from the bathroom. Andi spoke loud enough for everyone to hear, that she was hosting the party next month and hoped Sara would be available. Sara didn't comment and moved closer to the door. As she walked outside Andi followed. As the door closed, Andi pushed Sara against the side of the house, pressed her hands against Sara's shoulders to keep her there and gave her a deep kiss. Andi's tongue sought Sara's mouth, which offered zero resistance. Andi pushed Sara harder into the wall and began to grind her hips into the defenseless woman. Then she reached down and gave each nipple a strong twist and pulled away. "Good night," said Andi. "Hope to see you again soon. You really are a lovely serving girl." Sara was gasping for air as she watched Andi walk back into the house.

Sara understood the game that was being played. She knew Mistress A had her right where she wanted. Sara was horny enough and needed to cum so badly she would be putty in Mistress A's hand. Sara quickly found the path and walked around the house to the basement door. It was unlocked just like her mistress said it would be. As Sara walked back inside she noticed the basement was decorated in 1970's rec room. It seemed out of place with the rest of the tastefully decorated house. About a minute later, Sara heard Mistress A coming down the stairs.

"I know, this basement needs work, but we hardly every use it. You have been a very good girl today, Sara. I want to reward you. Let's get you out of these clothes," said Mistress A. She started to undress Sara and to Sara's surprise, did not try to tease her breasts or rub her ass. Mistress A simply removed the blouse and skirt. "You know, I think I like the look of that corset and your stockings. Let's leave those but we can lose the panties and it's time to change out that ******," exclaimed Mistress A with a certain amount of glee.

Sara watched as Mistress A opened a draw and returned with a think leather D-collar. She quickly removed the ****** and buckled the new collar around Sara's neck. Sara noticed her ability to move her head up and down was severely impacted. Sara then felt Mistress A pulling down her panties. The inside was slick with her juices, although her mistress was right, they didn't leak. As Mistress A was pulling down her panties, Sara lost concentration and the Ben Wa balls popped from her overheated pussy. Sara was afraid she had made a cardinal sin.

"Don't worry my sweet. For those to have slid out that easily, they must have done their job." Mistress A quickly inserted two fingers into Sara's tunnel and rubbed her clit. "Yes, it feels like they did their job." Sara unashamedly moaned at the intrusion. "Here is what we are going to do." Mistress A explained clinically while she continued to slowly manipulate Sara. Sara was going to be put in restrains. A spreader bar would keep her legs apart to make sure she was stable while kneeling. Her arms would be cuffed behind her with another bar connecting the cuffs to her collar. She was to be blindfolded and given one more chance to identify the mystery woman. Sara shivered at the thought of this task, but willingly accepted her mistress' decree.

Mistress A made swift work of placing Sara in bondage and attaching the blindfold. Sara heard the front door open and close a couple of times and wondered who had left.

"Today has been your final exam. So far you have passed with flying colors on the 'Professional Looking Slut' segment. If you are accepted into our training program, this skill will be very important. Now it is time for the just plain slut portion. Think of it as an initiation and you will do fine. Ok? Here are the rules," began Mistress A. "One by one, someone is going to come down the stairs. They will position themselves so you can service their pussy. I don't want to hear any bad reports so you had better do it right. After you finish, you will be given another chance to ID the mystery woman. If you do so, you will pass. If not, you fail and will be sent home never to participate with our little group again. Failure is not an option. Are we clear?"

"Yes mistress," was the two-word reply.



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Mistress A positioned Sara on her knees facing the couch. She was nice enough to put a pillow under Sara's knees. At least that was Sara's first thought. Her second thought was perhaps Mistress A intended for her to be in that position for a long time. Mistress A also put on a set of headphones with classical music playing. Sara was now blind and effectively deaf.

Sara was left alone for what seemed like ages, but was probably only ten minutes. She could only estimate how long based on the music that was playing. Without any visual clues or auditory clues as to her surrounding, Sara's mind was free to wander. Certainly she knew she was in Mistress A's basement. But beyond that her mind was uninhibited to place her in other situations. Sara had no clue how many people would be coming downstairs? We people leaving or just arriving? What would she be expected to do?

Finally Sara felt a hand brush across the back of her head. Whatever was going to happen, it was about to start.

Sara could sense someone moving in front of her a sitting on the couch. Two hands gripped her head and pulled her forward. Because of the way she was shackled, Sara was ****** to pivot on her knees and fall forward. Her mouth was directed precisely into a very wet pussy. Sara began lapping at the juices determined to give the woman a quality orgasm. She knew the sooner she finished, the sooner she would get her own reward. Without the benefit of sound, Sara could not gauge the success of her actions. She had to focus on telltale signs, like the undulations of the hips, the pressure on her head and changes to the moisture returning to her tongue.

Apparently she was doing something right, because after just a few minutes, Sara's head was pulled closer and squeezed tightly by the receiving woman's thighs. Sara was rocked back and ***** as the woman experienced a strong orgasm. She then released Sara who was up righted by two sets of hands, one on each of her shoulders. Sara's face was slick with a combination of juice and sweat. She reflected that the woman tasted good, but it was not a taste she was familiar with. Sara determined she had not had sex with that woman before.

After about 30 seconds, Sara was again pulled down to the level of a waiting pussy. She began her service procedure again. This time Sara definitely remembered the taste. This was Andi. Sara redoubled her efforts. Andi turned Sara on from the moment they met the day before and Sara hoped to spend more time with her. Despite her best efforts, Sara was not able to bring Andi off for a long time. Sara was getting tired and hoped she could get a break soon. After Andi finally reached her zenith, she pushed Sara back, grabbed her head again and gave Sara a passionate kiss. Sara said, "Thank you Andi." It was the first sound she made during the ordeal. Sara didn't see it, but Mistress A smiled at her correct identification of the young girl.

Twice more Sara's mouth was used to pleasure a woman on the couch and twice more she correctly identified the woman. Maggie was next. She wrenched Sara's nipples after Sara had completed her oral service until Sara thanked her. Mistress A was next. She was gentler, preferring to rub Sara's outer pussy lips while Sara expressed gratitude to her.

Sara still had not identified the mystery woman and was starting to become worried. Then a familiar scent hit her nose. Thinking back to Monday, one of the things Sara remembered most clearly was the scent of an expensive perfume. She knew Mistress A was not wearing any that day, so she equated it with the mystery woman. Sara had not noticed the fragrance upstairs. This meant either the mystery woman was not at the party and had just arrived or that she had added the perfume after Sara came downstairs.

Sara could smell the perfume move in front of her. "Mistress A, this is the woman who you brought to my house on Monday. I am sure."

Immediately after Sara completed her declaration, the headphones were removed. "Are you sure, slut?" asked Mistress A. "Absolutely," responded Sara.

"You do understand the implications of your assertion, don't you?" continued Mistress A.

"Yes I do. I am positive," Sara said confidently.

"Well you are correct. Your new Mistress, Heather, was the one at your house. From now on you will just call me Cindy. It has been a pleasure being your mistress."

Sara was confused. To use a sports term, she felt like she had just been traded. Sara heard Heather move to the couch. Sara's arms were then grabbed and she was draped over Mistress Heather's lap.

Sara finally heard the ******** sound of Mistress Heather's voice. "I know you have been a good girl today, Sara. You have not earned punishment, but I want to begin your training. This will establish my control over your body and mind. With her legs spread and hands locked behind her back, Sara had no control over her body. With the teasing she had received over the last several hours, she also would have done anything for an orgasm.

Mistress Heather delivered a short, but effective spanking. Sara found if she positioned her hips just right, she could press her clit on Mistress Heather's knee. This action did not go unnoticed. "So my new slut wants to cum does she," mocked Mistress Heather. "Show the women how desperate you are." Mistress Heather took three fingers on her right hand and slid them into Sara pussy while her left hand pushed down on Sara's warmed butt. Sara began a lascivious grind to the pulse of Mistress Heather's fingers. She wanted to stifle her sounds so she would cum before Mistress Heather stopped. If there was one thing she had learned throughout the week was to orgasm when she could because she didn't know when she would get the chance again.

It didn't surprise Sara that Mistress Heather stopped abruptly before she could orgasm. Sara groaned in frustration.

"Don't worry pet. Your release is near. Cindy just whispered in my ear a statement you made earlier. As I am a fair mistress, I will give you the opportunity to orgasm now. We just have to move the cameras around."

Sara didn't like the sound of that. She assumed her treatment was being recorded, but the confirmation saddened her. Still nothing was going to stop her now.

Cindy began, "Remember when you told me your were horny enough to fuck a doorknob? Well today is your chance."

Sara was lifted into a standing position. Her restraints were removed, but not the blindfold. Sara was led across the room to a door, which separated the finished side of the basement from the unfinished. Her hand was placed on the knob.

"Ok Sara. If you want to cum, this is how you will do it... Oh and don't forget to thank us and confess your slutdom."

Sara wasted no time. She grabbed the doorframe and began rubbing herself on the knob. The other women were cheering for her. Within a matter of seconds, Sara knew her liberation was at hand. She screamed out at the top of her lungs a sincere thank you to all the women present. She repeatedly yelled that she was a slut and finally had a mind-blowing orgasm that left her sobbing on the floor.

Sara heard several footsteps walking up the stairs. She was too tired to move so she simply remained on the floor. Then Sara felt a hug from behind. A firm set of breasts was pressed into her back. Sara knew instinctively they belonged to Mistress Heather. "You have done very well. I am proud of you. We will begin more formal training soon. The video of tonight's session will be very hot. At some point we may have to show it to Frank." Sara was too spent to even consider the ramifications of the last sentence.

"As for tonight," Mistress Heather continued, "Cindy has made a request. It is 8pm now and you need to be getting home. However you have one more task to complete. As Cindy informed you before, our little club works on a cast system. I am the Alpha. I direct the group's activities and everyone serves me. To paraphrase Mel Brooks, It's good to be the queen. Cindy is my second in command. Your training will be handled by both of us. While I am your new mistress, you will always do what she says in my absence. Tonight there will be no more teasing. You are free to orgasm as much as you want tonight. Just don't stay too late. Your husband is waiting for you at home. I will be in touch.

Mistress Heather removed Sara's blindfold and walked toward the stairs leaving her to stare at her new mistress' perfect ass. Sara's mind was still hazy from her orgasm, but she was sure Mistress Heather had removed her orgasm restriction. Sara reached down and starting rubbing her clit with abandon. Within a minute she was cumming again. She didn't stop. Within five minutes Sara had cum three times. Not as shocking at her one on the doorknob, but certainly they felt great. Just as the waves of her third orgasm subsided, Cindy came back down the stairs.

"I've got one more task for you. It is something I have wanted to do even before last Sunday. Step back over here."

Sara eagerly complied.

"I know a tramp like you will love this."

Cindy returned to her cabinet of toys and took out a substantial strap-on. Sara's eyes widened at the size. "Don't worry Sara, I know you can take this... if I go slow. Now bend over the back of the couch."


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Sara did as she was told. She was thankful her knees would be resting on the cushions instead of the floor. Cindy moved behind her and rubbed the phallus back and forth over Sara's drooling pussy lips. Sara rocked her hips back in an effort to insert the tip.

"Is this what you want? Remember, in Heather's absence you still belong to me," derided Cindy.

"God yes, Cindy. Please fuck me. Fuck me like the slut I am," echoed Sara, hardly believing the words came from her mouth.

"Like the slut you are, huh? In that case you are going to do all the work. I am going to slowly put my dick in you. I will give you time to stretch and accommodate the whole thing. Then you are going to ride it like a woman possessed. If you don't move that cute little ass of yours at the right speed, I will make sure you understand what speed I require. Do you understand?"

Sara panted her acceptance.

Cindy pushed the head of the dildo past Sara's lips. Cindy knew how tight Sara was from her finger explorations. Even after two kids, she was not very stretched. Frank must not have much in the meat department, Cindy mused. Oh well. She can find out about that later.

Slowly, ever so slowly Cindy continued to push the strap-on into the moaning creature below her. Each inch or so she would pull out slightly to prolong the procedure. Each time Sara released a sigh of frustration and also a little pussy juice. Each time Cindy found the going a little easier. When Cindy finally had all 8 inches in her, she told Sara to start fucking and prove once again what a slut she was.

Sara began slowly, still trying to become accustomed to the size. The plastic dick was rubbing against the membrane separating it from the butt plug in Sara's ass. This was the first time she had been double penetrated and she liked it. Sara started by pulling out only a couple of inches on each stroke. Cindy have her a hard swat and told her to "do it right." Sara built up to about 6 inches on each stroke. Her entire body was moving to an unheard rhythm. Her hair was flying bad and forth and she feared the back of the couch would crack. Cindy encouraged her by speaking dirty little phrases and complementing her on her **********. Sara's orgasm hit her hard and by surprise. There was no build-up. The filthy words coming out of Cindy's mouth combined with both her holes being filled had triggered a massive release. Sara arched her back and Cindy wrapped her arms around her squeezing her breasts. Sara kept rocking her hips on the dildo as the orgasm tore through her. Her moans were incoherent and echoed of the basement walls. Sara was oblivious to what was happening other than the pleasure surging through her body.

Cindy smiled. She was correct in picking Sara. She would prove to be a wonderful addition to their little club.

As Sara began to recover and become aware of her surroundings again, she was shocked to see Jim standing in front of her. She was not surprised to see a large bulge in his pants.

Cindy, never removing the strap-on from Sara, gave her a quick spank. "What are you waiting for?"

Sara understood and reached for Jim's zipper. His hard on sprung into view. It was not as large as the strap-on, but it was a nice size.

Sara began giving him a blowjob. As with the other women earlier, she was determined to get him off. As she was concentrating on his cock, her hips began to move again of their own volition. Despite her best efforts, Jim was not climaxing and she was starting to enjoy having all three of her holes filled. Sara could feel another orgasm building. Before she could finish however, Cindy and Jim both pulled out leaving her frustrated once again.

"I know Mistress Heather told you that you could cum as much as you want, however we have a position I think you will like. Oh, and don't cum until I tell you. Mistress Heather went home so you belong to me right now and I am rescinding her order."

Sara was not about to leave behind another orgasm and go home. She gleefully stood up ready for whatever the Andersons were ready to dish out.

"I need to get a few more things. Suck Jim's cock while I do," said Cindy. Sara immediately dropped back to her knees at took his manhood into her mouth. It was the first time Sara had ever tasted herself in this way. The mix of Jim's musk and her juices was enthralling. She heard Cindy sifting through the contents of the drawer and wondered what she was looking for. Sara gave Jim a loving blowjob. She wasn't trying to make her cum. She wanted that treat inside her. She gave him enough suction to keep him rock hard and didn't user her hands as Mistress A had previously instructed her. Jim commented that she really was a good cocksucker and that Frank must be very happy. Cindy replied that Sara didn't like oral and rarely serviced Frank in this way.

"You could have fooled me," was his reply. "Perhaps she is learning to enjoy it."

"Yes," reacted Cindy. "She is going to get lots of practice. I'm sure Frank will benefit."

Sara was taking in this conversation. The Andersons were talking about her as if she wasn't even there. Here she was with Jim's stiff cock in her mouth and Cindy's juice on her face mixed with four of Cindy's friend's fluids and they were carrying on a conversation like they were catching up on old times. Sara never felt like more of a sex object than that moment. And she liked it.

Cindy returned carrying several items. Out of the corner of her eye, Sara could see the strap-on swinging obscenely back and forth as Cindy walked toward her. She had no doubt she was about to feel its wrath again. Cindy ordered Sara to stand. Onto the D-ring of Sara's collar Cindy attached a leash.

"I know you are not planning to go anywhere, but your choice to use the leash last Monday really turned me on. Plus it will look great on the video."

Cindy then moved the camera to the side of the couch was Sara trembled in anticipation. Sit down Jim. I think our cowgirl needs to go for a ride.

Cindy tugged on Sara's leash and led her back to Jim. Sara was more than happy to sit on his cock. She wondered if Cindy was going to ***** her to suck on the strap-on. Cindy had other plans, however. As Sara reached the couch, Cindy told her to turn around with her back to Jim. She also told Sara to bend over and grab her ankles. As Sara conformed, Cindy gave her two quick slaps on each butt cheek.

"I could spank this ass forever," she exclaimed gleefully. Sara hoped that wasn't true. Sara then felt the butt plug being slowly pulled out. Sara's ass stretched once again over the widest part. Cindy pulled the plug out very slowly to accentuate the feeling. Sara struggled not to cry out. She didn't want to give Cindy the satisfaction. Finally the plug popped free. Sara felt empty having work the plug for over 5 hours by this point. She also felt stretched and hoped her poor little hole would return to its previous size.

Sara then felt a cold ointment being applied. She looked up between her legs and saw Jim stroking his cock while sitting on the couch. His cock looked angry and Sara knew where it was about to go. "I'm giving you lube this time because you have been a good girl. Jim is not quite as wide as the plug so you should not have any trouble taking him. Be a obedient slut and sit back onto his cock," instructed Cindy.

Sara straightened back upright and then moved back over Jim's legs. She crouched down near his lap while he stuck a finger up her ass and moved the lube around. The cold ointment had started to warm significantly. "I think you will like that lube, my dear," began Jim. "It gets quite warm once it interacts with liquid. I know I enjoy the sensation on my cock." With that, Jim stretched Sara's hole a little and placed his cock head at the entrance.

"Sit" was all he said. Sara slowly slid down his poll. For the first time, she had a cock in her ass. After everything that happened this week, it seemed perfectly natural. When she finally had him completely inside, Cindy told her to start riding. "Jim can last quite a while, so enjoy yourself." Sara started slowly raising herself up and then sliding down. The sensation was quite different that having him in her pussy. Sara longed for stimulation on her clit, but the nerve endings in her rear were starting to fire pleasure signals to her brain and she was starting to enjoy herself.

Noting this, Cindy moved in front of Sara ready and began part two. Holding the end of the leash, Cindy stood in front of Sara, stroking the strap-on as if it were real. Sara's eyes were opening and closing dreamily from the cock in her ass and she didn't notice Cindy right away. As Sara's eyes began to focus, she immediately knew what Cindy was doing. She nodded and prepared for Cindy to enter her pussy. Jim spread his legs ******* Sara to do the same. Cindy stepped into the space created and pressed the strap-on into Sara's pussy. Cindy met zero resistance. There was plenty of natural lubrication for her to easily slide the dildo home.

Jim held Sara's hips in place keeping his cock buried to the hilt in her ass. Cindy began to pick up speed thrusting in and out of their play toy. After about a minute of this treatment, Cindy slowed down and Jim released Sara's hips. "Just relax and enjoy this Sara. Let us do the work," he said.

Jim and Cindy started working together like a piston. As Sara moved up his shaft from the bottom, Sara would impale her from the top. This would ***** Sara back down onto Jim while Cindy pulled out. Sara's libido quickly went into overdrive. The dominant couple clearly knew what they were doing and knew exactly how to stimulate their sub.



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Sara knew she wasn't making love. She was getting fucked. Over and over she rose and fell on their tools. Sara entered a state of almost continual orgasm. The ongoing stimulation served to not really let her go over the top. Each time she started to climax, the next thrust would occur and take her higher. Sara was screaming at the top of her lungs. This continued for several minutes until Cindy abruptly pulled out.

"Just keep riding that cock, slut. I know Jim is about to come... and so are you."

Cindy reached over to the table and picked up a curved vibrator and set it on high. She then inserted the vibrator and curled the end up to Sara's g-spot. Sara had never done that before and before long had stopped her up and down movement and just concentrated on the pleasure coming from deep inside her soul.

What a site she was, all captured on video for future reference. Sara was on top of Jim. His cock buried to his balls in her ass. Her muscles squeezing it in a way he had never felt before. In front of the soccer mom was a woman holding a leash attached to her collar, wearing a strap-on coated with her juices and manipulating a vibrator deep inside her pussy. Sara didn't stop to think about the last week. She was building to perhaps the biggest orgasm of her life.

Cindy just smiled. She had seen the look on Sara's face before. After this orgasm, Sara would do anything the group would say for the chance to have another. What wonderful plans they had for this woman. She would do everything willingly and not question any command. Cindy prepared her final assault.

Without warning, she picked up a short crop from the table. Maggie had told Cindy how hard Sara had come on the crop the day before and Cindy wanted a repeat performance. Cindy pivoted the vibrator to apply direct pressure on Sara's g-spot and simultaneous snapped the crop directly on her clit. Cindy only had to do it once.

The vibrations from the vibrator coupled with the new sensation of a cock in her ass had left Sara teetering on the edge of release. The sudden stimulus of the crop, even though it was pure pain, sent Sara into a cataclysmic orgasm. For the first time in her life, Sara squirted a stream of cum as if she was a man. Her convulsions continued for at least a minute during which time she started humping Jim's cock again. By the time she calmed down, she looked totally disheveled and perfectly happy.

Jim pushed Sara up one final time and slipped out of her. She was in no condition to stop him when he pushed her face down once more on the couch and re-entered her ass. Sara just lay on the couch, ass in the air letting him do what he wanted. He savagely pounded her ass until he unloaded a torrential load of cum into her bowels. He then pulled his cock free and moved around the spent girl. "Clean me," he ordered. As Sara took him in her mouth for the final time tonight, Cindy popped the butt plug back in and gave Sara one final spank.

Jim continued to stay hard in Sara's mouth. He was ready to go again, but Cindy stopped him. "Say that for me cowboy. She's had enough for now."

Both Jim and Cindy helped Sara stagger up the stairs and back into the bedroom where today's journey started. Sara was aware of the plug in her ass, but not fully conscious of the flood of semen it was holding back. The Andersons help her dress back into her original clothes and Cindy have her a big kiss.

"This has been fun. You should stop by any time," she began. "Frank is waiting for you at home. Jim told him our ladies parties sometimes go a little late, so he really isn't expecting you are a particular time. You are not in a good condition to drive, so I think you should walk home. Keep the plug in your ass until you get home. In fact, I think I will go back downstairs and get the balls too. I want to be sure you are ready to make Frank happy when you get home. You can return the toys tomorrow when you get your car. The rental fee is just one orgasm for Jim and one for me."

Sara just weakly smiled, nodded and headed for the door.

"Oh, by the way," Cindy continued. "Mistress Heather is expecting a full report via email tomorrow. Right now you are in her good graces. You don't want to piss her off. We will set up your training schedule and she will be in touch with your requirements. Have a good night."

Sara waited by the front door for Cindy to retrieve the Ben Wa balls. Sara didn't say anything. She accommodatingly spread her legs and allowed Cindy to insert the balls. At least her panties would keep them in, Sara thought. Her walk home was slow. She was tired, sore and the plug and balls were keeping her on the edge of another orgasm. She didn't want to cum in public, so she had to keep stopping to prevent herself from going over the edge. When Sara got home, she snuck into the garage and removed the plug and balls. Overcome with lust, she couldn't resist fingering her clit just one more time. Within seconds she was enveloped in another violent orgasm. Her shaking persuaded Jim's cum to start dripping down her leg. As she began to come back to earth, Sara thanked her lucky stars nobody entered the garage just then. She had no idea how she would explain her current state.

Frank was asleep by the time she reached the bedroom. Sara disrobed and took a quick shower. The hot water felt good and began to relax her tired muscles. She was glad Frank was asleep. She knew he would have to find out eventually. She couldn't keep sneaking around and come home to him full of another man's cum. But tonight was not the night. Sara toweled off her cooling body, pulled on her nightgown and took her clothes down to the wash machine. She started the laundry and went back to the bedroom. As she lay down, Frank, still half asleep, asked if she had a good time.

"It was fun, honey. I met a lot of new friends," she replied.

"That's nice, dear. Jim and I had fun too."

Jim sure did, Sara thought. She fell asleep to visions playing in her head of the day's events and what she would tell Mistress Heather in the morning.

The End


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An English Teacher's Secret

Hi everyone. I saw this thread and thought it might be a good place to post my story. I'm sure it won't have much in common with the other stuff posted here, and I don't doubt some of you will laugh at me for posting it, but it's driving me mad thinking about it and I feel like I just have to tell someone. So, here goes nothing I guess.

I'm a 30-year-old male from Britain, I'm a football coach and work out a lot, and until very recently I've always been an outgoing and confident person. A few months ago I thought I'd try a different career path, so I signed up on the JET Programme and got sent to teach English in a senior high school in Gunma. On my very first day of work at the school I thought I'd got it made: the work was undemanding, the pay was high, and the students were really fun to be with.

Over time, however, I started to run into some problems at the school, and pretty much all of them revolved around one 18-year-old female student named Shino. She was a sporty kind of girl, petite and very pretty, with raven-black hair and a well-developed figure. She always had plenty of attention from the boys, and I heard she had even done gravure modelling before. In school she was the leader of about four other girls in her class, who always hung out together on the roof of the school building. My problem with Shino was that I could never get her to do any work in class: she would sit near the back, texting on her phone or chatting quite blatantly with her friends, and if I tried to include her in the lesson or ask her a question she would just stare at me like I was a freak and go back to whatever she was doing, to snorts of laughter from her friends. Worse, she was openly disrespectful towards me in particular: I would often hear her call me "aho-gaijin" ("foreign prat") to her friends, and if I spoke to her in Japanese she would ignore me and act like she couldn't understand a word I said.

By the time a few weeks of this treatment had passed I thoroughly resented Shino, to the point at which I would find myself daydreaming about using violence on her or pushing her off the school roof where she and her irritating girl gang always hung out. As a result of these constant thoughts, which sometimes disturbed me and sometimes seemed fair enough given her behaviour, I found myself ************* taking much more notice of Shino than of any other student at the school. Because I was constantly watching out for Shino, I realized that her and her group were bullying another girl student in their class named Mai, whom I would often see surrounded by Shino's group at lunchtime and ****** to hand over what looked like money. I would also see Mai when Shino and her group weren't there, and she seemed to spend most of her time either crying to herself at the back of the room or looking over her shoulder. Moved with pity for poor Mai, and secretly delighted to have found a chance to get back at Shino, I reported the bullying to the principal of the school. The same day, I caught sight of Shino being ordered into the principal's office after school, and I went home with a grin on my face to think that I had finally brought punishment down on the head of that infuriating little bitch. But when I raised the matter to the principal the next day, he said that Shino had denied the whole thing, and that Mai herself had claimed not to be suffering any bullying from Shino or her group. I had already heard that many Japanese schools were like this when it came to bullying, but on a personal level I was furious to think that Shino had so easily defeated my attempt to punish her.

That basically sets the scene for the fateful events that happened next. A few days after I had reported the bullying and Shino had been questioned by the principal, I was working in the photocopying room after school when I noticed Mai being dragged out of one of the classrooms by Shino and her friends, marched down the corridor and more or less manhandled into the girls' toilets. No-one else was around, and I knew that there would be no other chance to catch Shino in the act of bullying Mai. I quickly reached for my rucksack and pulled out my digital camera, flicking the 'video record' button on, and with a secret sense of triumph I strode down the corridor and burst into the girls' toilets.

What I saw gave me a shock: the girls had stripped Mai to her bra and panties, and she was kneeling in tears on the dirty tiled floor as her laughing tormentors took it in turns to pour a bucket of water over her head. I stood in the doorway, momentarily lost for words, but filming everything with the digital camera. The girls turned around in surprise and anger, and Shino fixed me with a look of total contempt.

"Are, aho-gaijin ja nee ka." Well, if it isn't the foreign prat.

I bridled inside at her rudeness, but said firmly in my halting Japanese, "Let Mai go. I've recorded everything, and I'm going to tell the principal tomorrow."

Shino came forward more brazen than ever, and started to hurl insults at me in Japanese, addressing me with the contemptuous word 'temee'. "Why don't you just mind your own business and go back to your country, you stupid foreign piece of ****?" She started to parody me in a caricatured English: "Harro, I'm Steve, I am kuso-gaijin-san, very pleased meet you", making monkey noises and gestures to whoops of derisive laughter from her friends. I almost lost control and swung for the damned girl then and there, but I restrained myself with a great effort of will, calming myself down with the thought that I had caught them red-handed and they would now get the punishment they deserved.

I held up the camera and spoke in Japanese again, in as firm and detached a manner as I could bring myself to put on in the face of their taunts and insults. "I'm recording all this as well, so say whatever you like."

To my surprise, Shino stepped forward and in a swift movement whipped the digital camera right out of my hand, dashing it on the hard tiled floor in front of her. She stamped on it three or four times and kicked the ruined pieces towards me, while I looked on in cold horror. "There," she said with a mocking smile, "have it back, aho-gaijin-san." Flicking her hair in a gesture of contempt, she started to turn back towards her friends, who were delighted at the way she had just gotten them off the hook while brazenly taking down the authority of a teacher.

That was it. I lunged at her, but she twisted out of my grasp and dodged away to one side, leaving me to stumble off-balance. I went for her again and swung a punch or two at her head, but she ducked away again and landed a hard kick in my ribs, enraging me further. We locked arms and began to struggle against each other, the other girls quickly dodging back out of our way. I was trying to overpower her and pin her down on the floor, but I was amazed at how strong she was and how incredibly hard it was to fight against her. Every time I tried to tackle her to the ground, she manoeuvred me aside or escaped my grip, and while we grappled back and forth she kept landing vicious kicks in my ribs and sides. Before long I was getting the worst of it, bruised and sweating and losing strength against her, and the other girls dropped their looks of horrified amazement and began to cheer Shino on as they slowly realised what was happening. I could not believe, could not even comprehend, the fact that I was losing to a 18-year old Japanese schoolgirl. In desperation, I lunged at her again and tried to push down her arms with all the strength I could muster, but she twisted me aside and easily broke free of my hold, an infuriating smile of contempt on her face.


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The end came quickly. Shino aimed a kick between my legs, and as I stepped back to avoid her foot, she suddenly rushed in close and grasped me by the shoulders. Her knee slammed into my stomach, hard enough to knock all the wind out of me, and I doubled over in excruciating pain. As I began to collapse towards her, Shino's legs swung up and her thighs wrapped themselves tightly around my head. At once, all sound and almost all light was blocked out. Shino's white panties were literally less than an inch from my face, and her hands were gripping both of my wrists, making it impossible to escape. She began to apply more and more pressure with her thighs, and before long it felt like my head was being squeezed like a melon in a vise. I tried to cry out, to tell her I gave up and to beg her to stop, but I was practically shouting into her crotch and I doubt she would have let go anyway however much I pleaded. I quickly started to feel faint, and before I could do or say anything more I had blacked out.

A violent hand shook me out of the black tunnel, and I awoke groggily to find myself staring at Shino's panties again. I was lying on my back on the dirty bathroom floor, and the other girls were standing in a circle around me. Shino was kneeling astride my collarbone with her school skirt riding up, her legs apart and her crotch all but in my face. Shino's gang were laughing and cheering, and for some reason I wished with all my heart that Mai wasn't still here watching this. Shino stared down at me contemptuously and without further ado, slapped me across the face with blinding *****. Without giving me time to recover from the impact, she slapped me again with her other hand so hard I almost fainted again, and then she slapped me again and again until I was reeling helplessly under a rain of blows. She was pinning down my arms with her weight and my legs were useless, so I could do nothing but take every ******** slap right in the face. I began to weep and cry, sobbing shamelessly, and as the young girl slapped me right and left I begged her to stop in blubbering Japanese: "Onegai, onegai, yamete kudasai, yurushite kudasai..."

At last, she stopped. I drew breath in ragged gasps, spluttering and coughing, and staring up through tears at the group of schoolgirls laughing and giggling over me. My face and body were a mass of pain, but worse was to come. Shino stared down at me with her defiant dark eyes, relishing my abject terror of her.

"Now," she said in Japanese. "If you tell anyone about this, you stupid gaijin twerp, we'll tell everyone in the school how you just got beaten by a girl. Understood?"

Out of my sight, I heard another girl say something like "that goes for you, too," and give Mai a kick, confirming my fear that the other girl had been watching the whole thing too. As I did not reply immediately, Shino drew back her hand and gave me another hard slap, and as I reeled in pain I hastily blubbered that I would never tell a soul.

Shino seemed to be satisfied by this, but instead of getting off me she scooted forward so that her crotch was actually resting on my face, her warm softness covering my mouth so that I could feel and even smell her. She leaned back a little, allowing me to get a good look up her loose school blouse, and as I stared up at her midriff and the white bra that encased her firm young breasts my cock started to harden in my pants. I cringed and prayed desperately that none of them would notice.

"Hey," one of the girls called out, " he's got an erection!" My heart sank.

Shino smiled down at me sadistically. "You dirty pervert."

She grabbed me by the hair with her left hand and I thought she was going to pound my face to mush, but instead she leaned backwards and reached her arm further back behind her. Soon I felt the sensation of her small female hand probing into my underpants beneath my jeans. She ran her hand languorously over everything in my groin area, ignoring my groans, and the cursed erection in my pants got even bigger. Then her soft fingers closed tightly around my dick, and she began to pump ********ly up and down.

"Shino, please, stop," I begged her helplessly in a muffled and tearful voice, with her panties still covering my mouth.

"Shut up." Removing her hand from my hair, she arched her back and thrust her legs and butt forward so that she was actually sitting on my face, and my protests were ********* as my nose sank into the warm gap between her pantied buttocks. From then on, a few more rubs from her hand was all that was needed to bring me to orgasm. With a muffled groan, I came hard into my pants. Shino climbed off me disdainfully, using my shirt to wipe my semen off her hand, and I began to sob again.

"No crying! It's your own fault." She kicked me in my bruised ribs and I doubled up on the floor like a baby, sobbing with pain and ***********. "Remember, you foreign piece of trash: if you say anything about us, everyone gets to know about this." I heard Shino's skirt swish as she walked off and the other girls filed past me as if in a procession, some giggling or smirking, others looking at me with expressions of pity. Some of them were taking pictures on their mobile phones. They walked out of the girls' toilets whispering and chattering, their footsteps and voices fading away down the corridor, and the door closed heavily behind them.

The girl Mai, still drenched with water but having retrieved her blouse and skirt, stepped around me gingerly with a look of mixed pity and disgust. I started to say something to her, but she hurried out of the toilet without a word. I rolled over and tried to weep, but nothing came out. I tried to get up, but I was so badly beaten and drained of energy that I could barely move. I flopped back, stared at the ceiling through welling tears, and wished I had never come to Japan.

In a nutshell, that is my story: I am a fit, sporty 30-year old English teacher, who was beaten up, sexually ****** and humiliated by a 18-year old Japanese schoolgirl. I still teach English at the school, though I have made arrangements to terminate my contract early. Until my day of departure finally arrives, I have to go into school and see Shino, her gang of girls, and Mai every day. Shino and her friends do whatever the hell they want in my classes, and right now I barely have enough income to live on as I have been paying Shino large sums of money to ensure she does not tell anyone about 'what happened' or release the pictures she claims to possess. She comes into school with new phones, jewellery and all sorts paid for by my hard-earned wages, and I feel like she still has her hand wrapped around my dick, milking me just like a cow. I hate her, fear her and yet fantasise about her every night, remembering the feel of her warm panties against my face and the softness of her hand as she pumped me to orgasm after having slapped me senseless. Laugh at me -- say whatever the hell you like -- but please don't tell me to stay on in Japan and try to make some sense out of all of this. This experience will scar me for life, but at least I can get out of this fucking country, and stop having to be robbed of my dignity and mulcted of my cash every day by a teenage girl. If you think that I'm running away, being cowardly and pathetic -- well, you're right, I am. But what would you expect from a man who got beaten up by a Japanese schoolgirl?


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Lori was considered very gorgeous and one of the sexiest ******* around. She had Hispanic features with a beautiful, sultry appearance and her beauty seemed to radiate a wanton sexiness that most men found irresistible. She was 5'5", 115lbs and had a 35D-25-34 figure that was real in every aspect. There wasn't too much about sex that Lori didn't like and it showed, as she acted very confident and sure of herself.

Lori was married and she had two lovely ********. She worked hard to keep her body slim and in perfect shape. The fact she had 35D breasts made most guys drool and yearn to touch them. Her tits were firm and gave just a hint of bounce when she walked, which men found seductive. Lori knew she had gorgeous boobs and dressed in such a way to display their beauty and charm. She realized that showing cleavage drew men's eyes like no other sex magnet.

Her husband, Andy, liked watching men ogle his wife when she dressed provocatively. Whenever strangers hit on her, Andy fantasized about being able to watch Lori having sex with another man. Lately he even told Lori of his fantasies and at first she was utterly flabbergasted by his revelations. Although she adamantly refused to consider having an affair, the thought seemed to heighten their sexual encounters, which surprised her.

Lori came from a very religious family and committing adultery was entirely out of the question. The strangest thing about Andy's taboo suggestions was that she felt an allure for the sinful aspect of it happening, which she found profound. She came from a family with a very strict, Catholic background and such things involving illicit sex flew in the face of everything her parents believed.

Lori and Andy had been married for almost 15 years. They married shortly after high school and Lori always regretted not having experienced a lot of relationships with different men. She rationalized that was the rea*** she found Andy's sexual fantasies arousing and didn't mind him bringing them up during sex. Andy was a workaholic and Lori was usually the one who gave the kids the most parental guidance. They had a *** who was 14 and a ******** 12 and Lori would do anything in the world to make them happy.

One of the things she liked doing with her ******** was volunteering to be a chaperone at summer camp. Lori liked the fact her ******** wanted to attend the camp and it was satisfying to devote her time to such a worthy cause. She was volunteering for her second camp and thoroughly enjoyed chaperoning even though it took up two weeks during the summer. Her main job at camp was looking after the boys' and girls' bunkhouses and that required not only the cleaning, but also ensuring there was no fraternization.

Lori's ******** was one of the youngest attending camp and the ages varied all the way up to kids that were still in grade 12. There were no incidents at all during the first three days, but on the forth, Lori found herself in a quandary. Curfew for the kids was ten o'clock and lights-out by eleven. Her normal pattern was to check each bunkhouse shortly after lights out. She always checked the girls first and everything appeared good on that eventful day.

When Lori proceeded to check on the boys, she found all of the boys in bed at the first bunkhouse. Just as she checked the second shack, she heard giggling, which seemed to be coming from the darkness off to one side of the building. She slowly rounded the corner of the building and almost bumped into a boy and girl. Lori immediately recognized Sandy who was hurriedly straightening her shirt and desperately pulling up her shorts. Then she stared at the boy and thought she caught a glimpse of the boy's private parts, as he quickly pulled up his sweatpants.

Lori was too shocked to say anything at first, but then she sternly turned to Sandy. "You better fix your clothing young lady," she whispered. "You realize that I have to report you to Mr. Harris?"

The two teens were a couple of the oldest attending the camp. It infuriated Lori that neither seemed upset or disturbed by what had happened. They merely walked right past Lori and as they passed, Sandy whispered. "You'll be sorry!"

It took Lori a long time before she was able to move. She was utterly flabbergasted; her consternation quickly turned to anger, and she became determined to see that the teenagers were punished. They didn't seem repentant after getting caught out after lights-out and Sandy even threatened her, which made Lori furious. She jogged to the camp supervisor's cabin and her heartbeat was racing by the time she knocked on the door.

Mr. Harris was surprised, but extremely happy to see the sexiest chaperone. Lori immediately brushed off his exuberance and she explained what had happened. He assured her that his normal recourse for such actions would be followed and that the two teenagers would be ****** to work in the camp kitchen for the remainder of camp. Fraternization after curfew was severely frowned upon and Mr. Harris thought it was best to set an example for the younger kids.

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