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les histoires de chrislebo

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Elle contempla le tatouage en étoile sur la hanche droite de Kim. Il était identique à l'étoile sur le bras de Susan assise dans un fauteuil qui regardait l'étreinte des deux lesbiennes. Susan retira sa petite culotte et commença à se caresser pendant que Kim et Taylor faisaient l'amour.

Taylor se laissa tomber jusqu'à ce que les plis humides de Kim apparaissent. Les lèvres de *** con étaient entièrement rasées et *** petit clitoris se dressait entre les lèvres de sa chatte. Taylor fit glisser sa langue délicatement entre les replis de chair comme elle l'avait si souvent fait depuis leur arrivée. Presque chaque nuit elle avait léché Susan, Lisa et Kim tandis que Katherine dormait seule dans sa chambre.

Taylor adorait le goût de la chatte de Kim... presque autant que celui de Katherine. C'était différent et néanmoins délicieux. « C'est ça chérie, enfonce ton visage la dedans. Bouffe moi le con » chanta Kim alors que Taylor, encouragée par ses paroles redoublait d'efforts.

« Ta petite amie lesbienne sait comment brouter une chatte » lança Susan vers Katherine qui observait sa colocataire dévorant la fente de Kim avec délectation. « C'est une gouine très chaude » continua Susan.

« Oh bon dieu, oh putain, c'est ça, lèche mon bouton, broute moi bien » pleura Kim tandis que Taylor enfonçait *** visage de plus en plus loin dans sa chatte. Taylor agrippait fermement le cul de Kim tout en rapprochant ses doigts de *** anus. Elle ramena sa main vers sa bouche et mouillant *** doigt, ramena celui-ci vers le cul de Kim puis l'enfonça délicatement entre ses fesses.

« Oh oui, c'est bon. Doigte mon cul, petite salope. Putain de lesbienne, baise moi, baise moi salope » pleura Kim.

Katherine se retourna pour voir Beth et Jenny plongées dans un langoureux baiser alors que Jenny extirpait les énormes seins de Beth de *** soutien-gorge et commençait à lécher et sucer un téton. Lisa et Susan se frottaient la chatte l'une contre l'autre en contemplant avec intérêt le spectacle lesbien se déroulant sous leurs yeux.

Kim fut prise de soubresauts contre le visage de Taylor. Katherine pouvait voir les liqueurs de Kim couler entre ses fesses alors que Taylor enfonçait ses doigts dans *** postérieur brulant. « Putain je jouis, merde, je jouis » cria Kim en se laissant glisser à genoux face à face avec Taylor.

Taylor et Kim s'embrassèrent tendrement. Kim pouvait gouter ses liqueurs dans la bouche de Taylor. « Maintenant, fais le » ordonna Susan alors que Kim commençait à retrouver ses esprits.

Katherine ne compris pas ce qu'elle voulait dire jusqu'à ce que Kim ne lui tende une bouteille de lubrifiant et que Taylor ne s'allonge sur le drap. Kim fit gicler du lubrifiant sur sa main puis sur les lèvres nues de Taylor. Elle enfonça doucement un doigt dans *** con, puis un autre alors que *** pouce massait *** clitoris.

« Viens par là Katherine et embrasse la » commanda Lisa. « C'est ce que tu as voulu faire toute la semaine. Embrasse la pendant qu'elle te montre ce qu'elle a appris à faire pour toi. »

Katherine leva les yeux. « Pour moi? » pensa t-elle.

« Taylor est devenue la pute que tu désirais » continua Lisa. « Tu voulais qu'elle devienne une pute lesbienne. C'est désormais le cas. Elle fera tout ce que tu voudras. Absolument tout. N'est-ce pas chérie? »

« Oui, Maitresse Lisa. Je ferais tout ce que Katherine voudra. Je lui appartiens. Vous m'avez entrainée à devenir *** esclave dévouée » dit Taylor doucement tandis que Kim introduisait quatre doigts dans *** trou, puis cinq. Les doigts de Kim étaient repliés sur eux-mêmes, allant et venant dans le con de Taylor qui avait ainsi été élargi chaque nuit.

Katherine entendit les mots de Taylor et regarda sa colocataire... *** amante. Elles s'embrassèrent, tendrement, passionnément, leurs langues s'entremêlant.

La main de Kim avait maintenant complètement disparu avec des bruits de succion dans la chatte de l'étudiante. Katherine ouvrit les yeux pour contempler la main apparaissant et disparaissant dans le con de Taylor. Elle ne pouvait croire que *** petit trou étroit pouvait s'accommoder de la main entière de Kim. Elle se rappelait de l'étroitesse de l'ouverture la semaine dernière tandis qu'elle utilisait *** gode-ceinture sur *** amante.

Et Kim était là, maintenant, déplaçant *** poing d'avant en arrière dans *** con, lentement jusqu'au poignet. Taylor gémit et guida le bras de Kim. Le tirant presque... l'encourageant alors que Kim enfonçait celui-ci plus profondément. Lentement, d'avant en arrière.

« C'est ça chérie. Baise mon poing. Je te baise. Tu aimes? Tu aimes que je te baise? » demanda doucement Kim.

« Ouais... J'aime ça, s'il-te-plait, baise moi » gémit Taylor.

« Dis à Kat ce que tu es devenue. Dis lui ce que tu es » continua Kim.

« Je suis une pute. Je suis une petite trainée lesbienne. J'ai besoin qu'on me baise... » gémit Taylor.

« Et tu le seras, chérie » lança Lisa. « Toi et Katherine pourrez baiser tout l'été. Tu pourras brouter toutes les chattes que tu voudras. Mais tu devras m'accorder la faveur que tu sais, d'accord? Toi et Katherine devrez apprendre à connaître notre voisine un peu mieux, n'est-ce-pas? »



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« Oui, Maitresse Lisa. Vous voulez en faire aussi une lesbienne. Vous voulez qu'elle vous broute la chatte » gémit Taylor en tirant sur le bras de Kim, l'enfonçant plus profondément dans sa cavité brulante.

« Tu feras ça pour moi? Tu vas transformer ma voisine en lesbienne comme toi? Une vrai chaudasse qui ne peut se passer d'une bonne chatte? » sourit Lisa.

« Oui Maitresse... elle doit devenir une lesbienne. Elle adorera me brouter la chatte. Je lui ferais brouter votre chatte. Elle vous suppliera de lui baiser le cul. Elle sera votre petite salope, tout comme moi, elle sera une salope lesbienne » continua Taylor.

Katherine suçait avec avidité le téton de Taylor. Elle ne pouvait croire à quel point Taylor était devenue déshinibée et grossière. Pas plus qu'elle ne pouvait croire à quel point sa chatte avait grandi alors que Kim faisait aller et venir librement *** bras dans le con de Taylor.

« Oh bon dieu, Katherine, oh bon dieu, embrasse moi chérie » cria Taylor alors que Katherine refermait sa bouche sur la sienne. Taylor enfonça sa langue profondément dans celle de Kat tandis que ses hanches se soulevaient du sol. Elle donna des coups de bassin de haut en bas jusqu'à ce que *** cul repose par terre et que Kim dégage délicatement *** bras de sa chatte.

Kim se rassit, *** bras recouvert des liqueurs de Taylor, tandis que Katherine baissait les yeux sur le con largement ouvert de celle-ci. Ses lèvres étaient enflées et rouges et *** con demeurait béant, invitant quelqu'un, n'importe qui, à y revenir. Katherine se pencha et embrassa la chatte de Taylor avant de s'allonger à ses cotés.

« Pourquoi n'iriez vous pas vous doucher avant d'aller vous coucher? » dit Lisa en souriant aux deux étudiantes épuisées.

Katherine baigna Taylor qui semblait trop épuisée pour soulever les bras. Elles se glissèrent sous les bras et pour la première fois depuis des jours, Katherine serra Taylor dans ses bras en s'enfonçant dans le sommeil. Katherine ne pouvait croire à quel point Taylor et elle avaient changé en l'espace de quelques semaines.

Elles étaient toutes deux des lesbiennes et elles s'aimaient tendrement. Tout ce que Taylor avait fait... elle l'avait fait pour Katherine. Afin de devenir le genre de salope lesbienne qu'elle désirait. Katherine avait toujours su que Taylor était une soumise. Maintenant elle savait à quel point Taylor le voulait. Elle savait également que Taylor était bien trop soumise pour séduire une femme hétérosexuelle.

Mais une promesse était une promesse. Elles pouvaient vivre ensemble chez Lisa mais elle devaient transformer cette inconnue -- en faire une lesbienne. La salope lesbienne de Lisa comme elles l'étaient devenues. Katherine ***gea à sa première nuit avec Ann. Sa première fois avec une autre femme et ensuite les nombreuses nuits et après-midi avec Lisa et Susan.

Elle savait qu'elle pouvait la séduire. Elle voulait la séduire... Regina. Elle voulait voir cette fille hétéro brouter sa première chatte, la sienne!

Katherine caressa les cheveux de Taylor, sentant sa respiration paisible contre sa poitrine. Taylor était profondément endormie. Demain elles quitteraient le chalet et passeraient quelques jours séparées l'une de l'autre dans leurs familles. Mais elle seraient bientôt réunies. Alors qu'elle caressait le dos de Taylor, elle ***gea qu'elle était profondément amoureuse. Elle voulait faire quelque chose pour démontrer leur amour au monde entier -- quelque chose qu'elles pourraient faire ensemble.

Un tatouage comme Susan et Kim? Un perçage spécial? Elles en parleraient durant leur voyage de retour. Katherine ferma les yeux. Ses bras enlaçaient étroitement Taylor -- ils enlaçaient étroitement *** univers.


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Un diner d'anniversaire

- Bon anniversaire ma chérie, s'exclame Simon en levant *** verre en l'honneur de sa compagne, Virginie qui fêtait aujourd'hui ses trente-trois ans, imité comme un seul homme par ses amis!

Pour l'occasion, *** homme la voulait sexy, offerte aux yeux de tous et disponible pour ses yeux mais aussi pour ses mains. Et ce fût avec un plaisir non dissimulé que la jeune femme accédait à la demande de *** homme.
Virginie, brune aux cheveux mi-longs, assez fins, était vêtue d'une robe blanche à brides tombant juste au dessus des genoux et d'un gilet d'un brun léger qu'elle avait gardé ouvert.
Ce qui permettait d'avoir une vue imprenable sur *** décolleté et le sillon formée par ses seins empri***né dans un soutien-gorge en dentelles. Et le contraste des couleurs était tout bonnement sublime!
Mais ce dont elle était également fière, c'était ses fesses qu'elle avait bien ronde et ferme, entretenue quotidiennement dans un club de gym. Un simple string ficelle complétait sa tenue.
Très émue, Virginie déballait le cadeau déposé par *** homme, devant elle: la petite boite contenait un magnifique collier de perle avec une pierre rouge en *** centre.

- Merci mon amour! Dit-elle en se levant pour aller tout d'abord embrasser ***
compagnon et ensuite les autres convives.

Tout le monde regagnait sa place et le repas pouvait continuer dans la bonne humeur.
De nature très rai***nable, doublé d'une certaine timidité, ce soir-là Virginie avait bu un peu plus que d'habitude et avait l'ivresse sensuelle...
Elle ne se rendait pas compte que Jocelyn et Patrice, ses voisins de table, profitaient de l'occasion pour la complimenter sur sa beauté et mater, via le décolleté affriolant, *** opulente poitrine!
A la fin du plat principal, la jeune femme quitta la table des convives, en prenant garde de ne pas se trébucher, pour aller se rafraîchir quelque peu.
Simon, en grande conversation avec les deux autres femmes, n'avait même pas remarqué que ses deux amis s'étaient éclipsés pour soi-disant aller fumer une cigarette dehors...
Au moment où elle voulait ouvrir la porte des toilettes pour dames, Virginie se sentit comme emportée par une vague!!!
Les deux hommes qui l'avaient suivie, la poussèrent dans la toilette réservée aux handicapés, en prenant soin de ne pas être vu!
L'esprit embué par la prise de quelques verres mais assez lucide pour se rendre compte de la situation, Virginie s'emporta :
- Mais que faites vous là ?
- Tu nous as allumé toute la soirée avec ta tenue de salope! Maintenant nous voulons aussi notre cadeau, rétorquait sèchement Jocelyn!!!
- Mais vous êtes complètement fou, sortez avant que j'appelle le responsable de salle !!!
Sans perdre de temps, Patrice se ruait vers elle, la saisissant à la taille.
Virginie se retrouvait coincée entre les deux hommes, elle ne pouvait que penser à ce qui allait lui arriver.
Virginie avait vu leurs mains se promener sur *** corps aux formes généreuses et s'arrêter à ses gros seins en forme d'obus. Là, elle avait compris qu'elle allait passer un drôle de moment. Ils la poussèrent au fond de la cabine.
Forcée de se pencher en avant, Virginie sentait la bite du black, d'une grosseur qui était à la hauteur de leur réputation, se promenait sur tout *** visage. Virginie sentit ses nerfs se relâcher, rassurée et avala sans broncher cette queue turgescente, elle aimait et continuait à faire comme si de rien n'était.
Patrice relâchait *** étreinte pour dévêtir la jeune femme :
- Oh, putain ! Quelle croupe de pouliche, s'exclamait Patrice !
Il était subjugué par le fessier qu'il avait devant lui : bien rebondi et des hanches accueillantes.
Jocelyn lui baisait la bouche sans retenue et trouva même le moyen de lui détacher le soutif. Sa lourde poitrine tomba dans le vide sans retenue ce qui provoqua chez Virginie une légère douleur qu'elle ne put contrôler.
Sur ce, Patrice se jeta sur la brunette, lui écartait les cuisses pour la pénétrer. Elle sentit sa bite ******
-Non ! Arrêtez ! Arrêtez !
Virginie sentit le feu à sa chatte avec ce va-et-vient ponctué de râles et d'hommages grossiers à *** statut de pute prise complaisamment.
Cependant, Jocelyn qui la besognait le gosier depuis un petit temps n'allait tarder à se vider, si bien que Virginie sentit au bout de quelques allers-retours, sa bouche se remplir. Elle hoqueta pour cracher l'excédant de semence qui dégoulinait aux bords de ses lèvres, tiède et écœurante.
A peine remise de ses émotions, Virginie sentait la queue de Patrice glisser entre ses globes fessiers rendu humide par l'accouplement bestial qu'elle venait de subir.
Elle fris***na de tout *** corps lorsqu'elle sentit le gland violacé se poser sur sa rondelle :
-Non, pas çàààààà !!!
Se foutant carrément des ses jérémiades, il lui répondait sèchement :
- Une grosse salope comme toi, ça finit bien comme ça, non ?
Et en s'adressant à *** comparse :
- Mords-lui les seins à cette garce, elle adore cela !
Jocelyn ne lui mordit pas les seins mais s'empara des tétons et les fit rouler entre ses doigts !
- Aïe, tu me fais mal, gémissait-elle !!!
- Tu n'as rien à dire salope !
Et là, elle sentit la bite de Patrice se glisser dans *** cul qui la maintenait fermement par les hanches :
- Aaaaaahhhhh.....
Patrice commençait à limer Virginie dont les cris se transformaient en plaintes :
- Han... Aie... Ho... Elle est trop... Han... grosse
- Tu veux toujours que j'arrête ?
- ... Han... Ho... c'est...
- C'est quoi
- C'est bizarre... j'ai... han... encore mal... mais c'est bon en... Ho... même temps
- Alors on continue ?
- ...oui... vas-y ... continue
Il accélérait la cadence. Virginie ne bronchait plus, ses grosses mamelles s'agitaient dans tous les sens, totalement abandonnée à cette pénétration forcée...
- Oui... je sens que ça vient... Oh oui... Je... Oh oui... je jouis.... Ahhhhhhhhh....
Des mains la tenant fermement ses hanches et la queue de Patrice enfouie au plus profond de ses boyaux, Virginie sentit *** cul se remplir de foutre par saccades...
Ils restèrent dans cette position d'accouplement bestial, le temps que la bite se rétracte. Et vu la quantité de sperme qu'elle venait de se prendre dans le fondement, la bite de *** sodomiseur fut expulsé de ses fesses faisant un bruit de succion, lui arrachant un dernier râle.

Virginie n'en pouvait plus, ses cheveux lui collaient au visage et des gouttes de sueur lui perlaient la peau. Elle pensait que *** calvaire était fini et n'espérait qu'une chose : rejoindre Simon.
Machinalement elle voulut se rhabillée mais c'était sans compter l'appétit sexuel de Jocelyn qui lui attrapait la main pour la poser sur *** sexe en érection :
- Tu ne vas pas me laisser ainsi, grosse salope ?
- Nooon... c'est pas vrai... j'en peux plus moi et...
- quoi ? Patrice a eu droit à ton cul et moi pas, ce n'est pas correct de ta part ! Alors tu vas devoir assumer, ma petite pute !!!


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Patrice, dont le sexe avait à peine débandé comme s'il n'avait plus baisé depuis un mois, se coucha sur le carrelage.
Jocelyn l'empoigna aux épaules, la guidant fermement vers *** collègue. Obéissante, Virginie vint enfourcher *** dernier baiseur, enserrant ses cuisses. Elle descendit lentement sur le pieu de chair, s'ajustant à lui, éveillant en elle une nouvelle sensation en atteignant des zones plus que sensibles.
- Jusqu'à la garde, cette fois, tu vois ...
Tout à coup elle voulut connaître pleinement le contact de sa peau, elle se pencha, sa grosse poitrine s'écrasa doucement sur celle de Patrice, avant de reprendre le lent mouvement de ses hanches.
Virginie avait complètement oublié Jocelyn. Elle perçut plus qu'elle ne vit *** mouvement les contournant mais sentit ses genoux forçant l'espace entre les siens et ceux de l'autre comparse.
- Tiens-la bien ! Je vais me faire *** joli p'tit cul...
Virginie eut un bref sursaut, mais Patrice l'enserra étroitement entre ses bras, d'une main ferme sur le bas de *** dos il la plaqua.
Le black posa ses deux mains sur ses fesses, les écarta. Virginie empoigna fermement les épaules de l'autre homme.
Elle sentit la chair dure au contact de sa peau, hésitant un bref instant, trouvant l'ouverture.
- Doucement... souffla la brunette.
- Ne me fais pas trop mal, mais surtout, va jusqu'au bout, ajouta-t-elle en pensée.
Il pesa sur elle, se frayant *** chemin.
Virginie gémit, il s'immobilisa, attendit que la tension de *** corps s'atténue, puis s'aidant de tout *** poids, il finit sa pénétration, écrasant sa chair sous *** ventre dur. Puis il prit ses hanches à deux mains, entreprit de leur imprimer un lent mouvement qu'il accompagna, la faisant glisser sur le sexe de *** compagnon.
Virginie posa sa tête sur la poitrine de Patrice, ferma les yeux, se détendit complètement.
- A vous, messieurs, pensait-elle, je ne peux rien faire de plus pour vous...
Les deux hommes perçurent *** relâchement. Celui sous elle, jusque là immobile, commença à bouger, chacun des ses mouvement la faisant s'empaler sur l'autre, qui très vite accorda *** rythme, tous deux se renvoyant *** bassin en cadence, avec lenteur.
Virginie comprit qu'ils la ménageaient. Mais ce n'était plus ce qu'elle voulait.
- Plus fort... gémissait-t-elle.
Elle sentit les mains de l'homme du dessus, se crisper sur ses hanches, à la limite de la douleur. Puis il lui administra un coup de boutoir qui lui arracha un jappement de surprise et de douleur :
- Aïïïïeeeee......doucement.....vous êtes fou.....
Reprenant ensuite *** mouvement, mais cette fois sans retenue, le black répondit comme un écho :
- Oui, on est fou de gros cul de bourge !!!
Lequel lui donnait le plus de plaisir ? Totalement abandonnée, insouciante de la sueur qui ruisselait de *** corps, Virginie n'en savait rien, les vagues de sensations s'entrechoquaient en elle, elle percevait les moindres frémissements, les moindres vibrations de ses partenaires, elle avait l'étrange sensation que leurs deux sexes se touchaient en elle, *** bassin devenu un seul réceptacle de plaisir pour trois.
A nouveau, elle agrippa les épaules de l'homme sous elle. Elle ne voulait pas jouir si vite, ni surtout qu'ils en terminent si vite avec elle, elle se sentait bien, pleine et entière. Elle voulut entraver leur mouvement, ralentir le rythme qu'ils lui imposaient, mais n'y parvint pas, leur désir maintenant sauvage, leur ***** ne le permettait pas. Elle renonça, se laissa aller.
- Tu es serrée du cul...Ton mari ne te baise jamais par là, lui demandait Jocelyn ?
- ...
- Je suis sûr qu'elle en a envie, je me trompe salope ?
- Non, réussit-elle à répondre entre deux gémissements.
- Alors, dis-moi ce que tu la veux par là !
- Hum... oui... vas-y...
- Non ! Mieux que ça !
- Aaaaaaaaaah... encule-mooooooooooi ! Mets-toi taaaaaaaa biiiiiiiiiiiiiitte dans le
cuuuuuuuuul ! ouiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii salaud vas-y, vas-y, vas-yyyyyyyyyyyyy !!!
- Voilà, c'est mieux... alors, puisque tu le demandes, tiens ! Prends-ça !
Il poussa d'un coup et s'enfonça entièrement entre les fesses de la femme qui ne peut retenir un cri, à la fois de douleur et de plaisir.
Il entama de lents mais profonds va et vient et Virginie, presque habituée à la présence de cette barre de chair dans *** cul, l'encouragea :
- Ahhhhh.....ouiiiii ! C'est boooon ! J'aime ta queue dans mon cul... prends-moi bien !
Elle sentit l'orgasme monter, une vague sauvage, irrésistible. Le déferlement la fit crier, une longue expiration suivie d'un hoquet, ses propres battements, la violence de la décharge des deux hommes, lequel avait commencé, lequel finissait ? *** corps n'était plus qu'un réceptacle de pulsations, les siennes amplifiées par celles des deux hommes.
- Ooooohhhhh ..... ouiiiii ..... !
- Tu aimes qu'on te baise le cul ?
- Ouiiiii... c'est booooon... vas-yyyyy ..... , encule-moi fort !
Virginie savoura jusqu'à l'ultime onde de plaisir, avant que leurs sexes ne glissent hors d'elle, la privant de leur unité, la réalité revenait, les bruits, l'odeur forte de leurs corps en sueur, la chaleur, le poids de l'homme sur *** dos.
Lorsqu'elle rouvrit les yeux, elle eut un sursaut, amorti par la masse des deux hommes.
Sans attendre, les deux hommes se rhabillèrent et quittèrent les toilettes rapidement sans même qu'elle s'en aperçoive.
Virginie gisait sur le carrelage, pantelante, le corps en sueur, sa chatte et *** anus dégoulinant du sperme de ses amants.
Le cœur cognant fortement dans la poitrine, elle se crut mourir. Puis après un long moment, Virginie se ressaisissait doucement et se relevait en vacillant.
Après s'être rhabillée comme elle pouvait, la jeune femme se dirigeait en titubant vers la sortie. Elle était à la fois ivre du plaisir et prise de colère d'avoir trompé *** compagnon en se comportant comme une vulgaire pute.
Bien sûr, per***ne se fût au courant de cette aventure et surtout pas *** mari, même si en la voyant revenir dans la salle, il trouvait que Virginie n'était plus la même...


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My Wife Becomes Whore to a Gang

My wife Michelle is a high powered lawyer in our town, which is a medium sized Midwestern city. We've been married for about 22 years. About 3 years ago we were in a bit of a doldrums and I decided to spice things up by renting a room at a sex motel in the seedier side of town. The motel was one with themed rooms and Jacuzzis. To my surprise Michelle dressed the part of a slut, wearing a short skirt and high heels and a tight top. She insisted in going into the office to get the key, shaking her ass the whole way in and out and drawing some leers from a few guys who were hanging around outside. Once in the room she confided in me that for the last few years she was having a reoccurring fantasy of becoming a whore.

Michelle is a blonde of medium height. She has fantastic natural 36 DDs and beautiful wide areolas with sexy little bumps surrounding her nipples which get very hard when she is aroused. She also has a great ass which got a little bigger when she turned 40, but which looks great in sexy tight shorts or skirts.

A few months ago Michelle found a local college bar in the small town next to ours. She wanted to dress up as a slut and go in the bar and flirt with the college guys. I asked her how far she wanted to go?

"I don't know. Maybe let a few boys buy me ******, rub my leg against them. Let them grab my ass when we dance. If I'm turned on maybe I'll grind the guy a bit. A little light making out and then we can go home and fuck like crazy."

I had to admit that the thought of seeing her be a slutty older tramp and get pawed by horny college guys turned me on a bit, as long as it didn't go too far.

On the night in question we drove to the bar and I dropped her off and watched her shake her ass in her 4 inch red heels as she swayed into the bar. She was wearing a small jean skirt and a black tube top that showed off her fantastic tits.

I walked in a few minutes later and grabbed a table by the bar with a good view. She was already talking to a few guys with a ***** and cigarette in her hand. I watched her smile and laugh and rub her nails lightly over the arm of one of the college guys. A few minutes later they were on the dance floor as planned and when a slow dance started she snuggled into his arms and I watched his hand rub the small of her back for a few seconds before it disappeared beneath her skirt. Meanwhile she was staring intently into the eyes of her new friend before they kissed. First lightly and then more deeply.

The song ended and Michelle swayed back over to the table with her friend. The bartender walked over and asked me if I wanted another beer.

"I see you've been watching that slutty milf."

I nodded.

"Well see that mean looking dude over there?" The bartender pointed to a thuggish looking guy in the corner. He was about 19 and wearing a headband of a gang color.

"His name is Jose. He runs the working girls in this bar for the NorthSide Posse. NSP they call themselves. He's going to lay the law down to her in a few minutes."

I wondered what to do as I saw the guy get up and walk over to Michelle. He leaned over and whispered something in her ear and a few seconds later I saw her exchange phone numbers with the guy she was making out with and then walk behind Jose shaking her ass in an even more exaggerated manner. She glanced at me as she walked by and smiled, so I did nothing. Jose stopped at the end of the bar and sat on a stool. Michelle stood before him swaying slightly, one leg on the stool Jose was sitting on.

There was some quiet conversation and I saw Michelle laugh and shake her head. Jose reached up and put one finger in the center of her tube top and pulled her tube top. She stood without moving for a second giving Jose a good look down the front of her shirt, then she pushed his hand away. They talked for a few more minutes and I saw the bartender bring them two shots of Tequila. They downed their shots and Jose put his finger between her tits in her tube top and pulled her tube top down slightly and then towards him. Again Michelle held her ground giving Jose a good look at her tits. She went to push his finger away again but this time he caught her hand. They playfully wrestled for a moment and then I saw Michele allow herself to be pulled close to him. Jose kept his finger in her tube top, and I could see him run it down as he brushed her nipple and then ran it around her areola. His other hand let go of her hand and I saw him run it on the inside of her thigh up her skirt. Michelle stood there letting this gang member play with her tit and rub his finger near her pussy. She had a smile on her face and was staring into his eyes. There was some light making out and then I saw Jose take the bandanna off his head and give it to Michelle. She walked right past me without saying a word and went into the bathroom. A few moments later she came back wearing the bandana as a top. It barely covered her tits which were swaying. The weight of her 36DDs hung the top down and the side of her tits were clearly visible. The tube top she had been wearing was now her skirt. The tight spandex rode up her legs as she walked and it barely covered her ass. If she had look light a slut before, now she was clearly a whore looking for customers. Most eyes were on her as she came sashaying out of the bar and walked slowly over to Jose. Then she fell into his arms and gave him a passionate kiss.

A few minutes later Michelle and Jose walked over to me. Michelle was holding on to Jose's arm as he approached me. He other hand kept pulling down her skirt as it rode up her ass.

"You married to this ho?"


Jose seemed surprised.

"Well this bitch wants to come with me back to my boys bar. Ok?"

I looked at Michelle and she nodded.

"If that's what she wants" I said.

"Ok homey, lets get a few things straight. She may be your wife, but tonight she my ho. My bitch. For me and my boys. I don't want no trouble. But she's doing this because she wants to. So tonight she's ours. You down wit that?"

I looked at Michelle. "It's what I want honey. One night. Come watch. It will be fun."


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I nodded. Jose turned and Michelle walked out with him and I followed. A cadillac pulled around and Michelle and Jose got into the back. I got into my car and followed. We drove for about twenty minutes to a bad part of town. There was a bar on a street corner and the Cadillac pulled up in front. I parked across the street.

I walked across the street and could see that the front passenger door of the Cadillac was open. Jose was in the back but I could not see Michelle. Smoke was coming out of the car. Jose was leaning back and caught my eye. He smirked. A few seconds later Michelle's head popped up. She had clearly been giving him a blow job. Then I saw someone hand her a joint. A few seconds later she got out of the car coughing and trying to re-tie on her top.

Jose walked up to me. "Your wife been smoking a joint laced with X. She's gonna get real horny soon and I'm gonna make some money. That top she's wearing signifies she with me and my boys. No one gonna bother her unless they talk to me first. She'll be safe, especially if she keeps sucking dick like she just did me."

Michelle stumbled on her high heels and had trouble keeping her skirt down over her ass. She pulled it down but it barely covered the top of her thighs. She was some sexy sight with her large breasts barely covering her tits, and trying to walk on her high heels while keeping her skirt covering her pussy, all while being a 40 year old slut on the arm of a 19 year old gang member who she had just blown.

We walked into the bar. Loud music was playing and thick smoke hung in the air. There were dozens of women of all different races in various stages of undress, but none of them appeared to be as blonde or as old as Michelle. A few woman were straddling guys giving them lap dances while a few others walked around the bar dressed more or less like Michelle was.

Jose greeted a few of his friends and Michelle was seated at a table. I could see she was nervous because she clung tightly to Jose. A few minutes later a tall black man came over. I recognized him as a local basketball player on the college team. I saw him speak to Jose and then hand him some cash. Jose said something to Michelle and then she got up and greeted the guy. They spoke for a few minutes and then he walked her over to a pool table with his hand around her waist. They shot pool for a while and Michelle made a big deal of leaning over and shaking her ass while trying to line up a shot. Eventually another two people came over and they played two against two. While they were waiting their turn Michelle sat on the basketball player's lap and he was nuzzling her ear. She was grinding her ass as she sat on him. Then it was his turn and he got up and sank several balls and when he finally missed and came back Michelle got up and threw herself into his arms and they kissed passionately. Then she sat on his lap and allowed his hand to slip underneath the small bandana covering her tits. I could see his massive hand playing with her left tit as he ran his finger around her nipple and finally pinched it, all while kissing and nuzzling her ear. This- her fantasy being played out- along with the X the gang had given her was too much for her- as she stood up turned around and then straddled her new friend. They kissed passionately and I could see her hand struggling with his cock between his legs. She broke their kiss for a second and then whispered something into his ear. I saw him reach into his pocket and give her some more money. Then with basically one tit hanging out Michelle walked back across the bar to Jose and gave him the money.

Her fantasy was now a reality. This high powered sexy 40 year old lawyer was being pimped out by a 19 year old thug. He owned her. She was his property and was having sex with who ever he told her to. Jose gave her a small packet which I realized was a condom. Michelle sashayed back across the bar to her basketball player and moved him over to a small couch in the corner. They kissed for a few minutes and then I saw her head go between his legs and then she put the condom on him. Then she straddled him and fucked him right there, in a darkened corner of a gang bar. I know my wife and I can tell when she fakes it and when she has an orgasm. She rode his cock for 10 minutes and as they quickened their strokes she began to arch her back and put her hands up in the air. The basketball player had free reign over her tits and he pulled her close and began sucking a nipple. She loved getting her nipple sucked while getting fucked and I could see her body quiver. She was coming. A few minutes later her new lover came and she collapsed into his arms. They cuddled for a few minutes and then she got up and walked back to Jose, her pimp.

This went on a few more times. Guys would come over asking for the white milf, and a few minutes later they would pay Jose and she would either go on the dance floor with them or play some pool or just have a quick ***** before going to a dark corner or a couch and blowing them or letting them fuck her.

It was after 2am and I was wondering how much longer this would go on. Michelle had broken our agreement and gone further than we ever agreed to. She put us in a situation where we were at the mercy of thugs.

Michelle came over and sat down. "Honey, I am so turned on. I love being a whore. This is totally fulfilling all my fantasies."

"Can we go?" I pleaded.

"Not until Jose says I can go."

Jose came over. "Come on, you earned your stripes."

Michelle got up and followed Jose and I followed her. We walked outside the bar and Michelle was busy fixing her top to keep her tits inside the bandana. Her skirt was riding up her ass as she walked on the sidewalk, swaying her ass, just like a streetwalker. A few doors down the next block was a tattoo parlor and we walked inside.

There was a young black man who greeted Jose and then eyed Michelle. "Damn this Ho is hot."

"She gets a silver NSP." The guy nodded and we walked into the back.

My mind was whirling. A tattoo was out of the question, but Michelle was holding tight to her pimp. They sat down at a table and the guy walked over and tugged at Michelle's top. It didn't take much and it came off. "Mmmmm I love my job sometimes" he laughed.

Michelle was put into a chair. The guy reached into a table and pulled up a small sliver charm attached to a thin bar.

"I only get a silver one" Michelle whined.

"You gotta do a lot more than shake yo ass for me one night ho" said Jose "before you get a gold one."

Michelle pouted and Jose walked over to her and leaned over to her.

"You my bitch?" Michelle nodded. "You my ho." Michelle nodded again. Jose put his finger under her chin and she looked up at him as he kissed her deeply. I could see Michelle take her tongue and pull Jose's tongue into her mouth.

Jose broke the kiss. "Say it." Michelle looked down. "I'm your bitch."

"Louder." Michelle looked up and into her pimp's eyes. "I'm your bitch. I'm your ho. I only fuck who you tell me to."

"Ok lets do this."

"The guy walked over and pulled up a chair and sat down. He reached out and grabbed Michelle's right tit and cupped it. Then he stroked it and rolled her nipple between his thumb and finger. She moaned. Then he did the same thing with her left tit and she moaned even louder.

"The left nipple is bigger " he said. He took out some sterilizing fluids and sterilized her left nipple continuing to rub it and tug on it. Michelle squirmed in her seat, crossing one leg over the other. The man let his other hand fall to her thigh and I saw him push between her thighs. Michelle opened her eyes and looked at her pimp. He nodded and just like that she spread her legs giving him access to her pussy. He fingered her for a few minutes, all the time tugging and pulling on her left nipple.

"Ok. It's time." He numbed her nipple and then pierced it and then placed a thin silver bar with a NSP charm dangling from a small ring attached through a hole in the bar. There were two small bars that snapped into place on either end of the small bar that had pierced her nipple and just like that Michelle was branded with the gang's symbol.

Michelle looked down at her pierced nipple and then stood up. She was woozy. She put her arms around her pimp.

"This mean you our ho. No other gang can touch you. You can walk anywhere in town in your slutty little outfits and no one will bother you without my ok."

Michelle kissed her pimp deeply again. "I am all yours." She glanced at me for a second and then kissed Jose again.

"And you never take this off without my permission Ho, OK?" Michelle nodded. "If I call your ho ass at work you take your phone and take a picture of you wearing our sign and send it to me right away so I know my ho is listening to me." Michelle nodded.

"OK," said Jose "pay the guy."


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Jose turned and walked away. Michelle looked at me. "I don't have any money" she said. The guy laughed. "You think I want money over this fine pussy. Come here."

He pulled her close and Michelle started making out with a 22 year old tattoo artist. He pulled her back into a back room where there was a couch. A few minutes later I could hear him fucking her. "You like black cock" he was saying as he fucked her from behind.

"Oh jeeze I love it. I love black cock. Fuck me. Fuck me with that big black cock." 

I looked into the back room and saw the guy hold her hair like a set of reins as he pounded her. She arched her back and came. The guy kept on fucking her. She was on her hands and knees and then collapsed down on the couch. The guy slapped her ass and she raised it and moaned as he kept fucking her. A few minutes later I saw her grip the edges of the couch and moan "I'm cumming again" and she did, shaking her body as the guy who was fucking her came and then collapsed on her as she came one last time. Michelle stood up and saw me and put her arms over her breasts. "Please wait outside." I then saw her sit down and cuddle next to the guy who had just given her three orgasms. They kissed as I walked out.

A few minutes later Michelle walked out. We walked outside the store. Our car was two blocks away. We started walking as Michelle did her best to keep her skirt below her ass. Twice on the way to her car gang members of Jose's gang stopped her. Each time she was obliged to flirt with the gang member, kiss him and let him play with her tits. We got to the car with one gang member following us. Michelle took the keys. "Wait here for a few minutes." The gang member pushed her up against the car and they began to kiss. He was big, about 6'5 and Michelle was running her hands over his chest and arms. "I want some of your white milf ass."

"Honey, you boys wore my pussy out. It's sore. Come on, let me suck you."

The gang member pushed her back against the car. "I want some pussy."

Michelle kissed him deeply as he put his hand between her legs.

"Baby" Michelle whispered as I saw her hands grope his cock through his pants "You're just too big. I've been fucked so much tonight. Come on baby, let this whore suck you good. I'll swallow every bit. Then tomorrow you call this ho and I'll come and fuck you good. Ok,?"

The gang member nodded. He put his hands on her bandana and pulled it off. There was Michelle standing on a street corner next to a car in a tight spandex skirt with her tits out while making out with a gang member 20 years younger than she was. Michelle allowed the gang member to play with her tits. "Say you want it bitch."

Michelle smiled. Her hand was groping his cock through his pants. "Oh I want it. I've been staring at your cock all night. I want it bad."


Michelle sunk to her knees right there in the street. She unzipped him and pulled out his cock. Then she looked up at him as she was on her knees with her tits hanging out.

"Please baby. Please let me suck your big beautiful cock." She reached for it but he pulled it away. "Kiss it." He was humiliating her. Michelle began to give his cock small kisses up and down the shaft murmuring "please baby, let me suck that cock. Oh please I need to suck that cock."

Finally he was satisfied. "OK get in the car ho."

They got into the back seat and a few minutes after making out I saw Michelle go down on the gang member. About five minutes later the door opened and he got out.

"She gives a great blow job. She's all yours." He laughed.

I got into the car. I drove a few blocks in silence and then when we got into a better neighborhood I stopped the car and was prepared to yell at her, but she cut me off.

"I know what you're going to say but don't say it. This is what I want. I want to be a whore. I am Jose's whore. He has marked me. He has claimed me. He has taken me in front of you and pimped me in front of you. This is the sexiest thing a man could have done to me. Make me a whore. You had your chance but Jose took it from you. He took it from you when he played with my tits at the first bar and you let him. So this is how it's going to be. I am his whore when I want to be. I don't want you coming here anymore with me. When he calls me I will come and be his whore and walk the streets or work the bar or do anything he wants."

I wasn't sure how to handle this or what I was going to do.



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It was a month since my wife Michelle had asked me to allow her to play out her fantasy and become a whore. It had started out innocently enough with some flirting with a college guy in a bar. But she had been approached by a pimp that night and after a little romancing and sweet talk he had taken her back to his own gang's bar where she was quickly turned into a whore. As many pimps seem to have, Jose exerted some spell over her. I had asked Michelle about it and she said simply that he had the best cock she had ever experienced. He could give her an orgasm just by kissing her and whispering sweet nothings in her ear while rubbing her between her legs. Certainly Jose was lucky enough to find himself in the situation where he was fulfilling her fantasy. She had always wanted to be turned out, and he had done it to her.

My phone buzzed at 5am Saturday morning. "Come get me." I knew where she was, probably somewhere on the street near the bar that the gang operated out of. I got in my car to go get her. There had been changes in her over the last month. Her calfs had gotten stronger and more pronounced, mostly from spending so much time on her feet walking up and down the street in her six inch hooker heels. Her ass had gotten tighter and more round, also from the walking in the high heels. Overall she had lost about seven pounds from her frame, and was down to about 130. The weight loss was mostly in her face and legs. She already had a nice stomach and there was no losing any weight from her 34-36 DDs. She also stopped doing anything to her hair other than putting it into a simple pony tail or letting her long blonde hair fall to just above her waist. The effect was to turn this 40 year old milf from a really good looking woman into a stop traffic head turner. She was not built for sex and sex is what she was getting and giving. Lots of it. I had seen some phone videos over the past month of guys fucking her doggy style and pulling on her pony tail which seemed to drive her crazy with lust.

The other change beside her appearance was in how she was living her life. In the course of one night she went from convincing me she was going to fulfill her fantasy by flirting with a guy while dressed like a hooker, to actually becoming a hooker and fucking and sucking off numerous guys, including the guy who pierced her tit and a few of the gang's thugs who watched over her as she walked the streets, all the while trying to get a piece of her ass for themselves.

Since that night she continued to wear the gang emblem in her pierced tit, including when she went to work. She also continued to be at Jose's beck and call, getting off work and coming home at 7pm only to be called out to meet an important client or to walk the streets in front of the bar or to work in the bar and get fucked by whomever had the cash to pay for her ass. She was often tired and had a bit of a haggard look to her. She was working hard. When she came home from a night out of being a whore she was often hung over, having been ******** or given some X or smoking a laced joint. She also smelled from cigarettes although in our real life she didn't smoke, she often played with a cigarette, sitting at a bus stop or leaning against a lamp post swaying her ass and smoking as guys walked by.

I drove about a half a block away from the front of the bar and parked our car. I saw her stagger out of the bar *****. A big guy, probably no more than 20 had his arm around her waist and was squeezing her ass. As always she was wearing a tight sheer black skirt with no underwear that she continually had to struggle to pull down so that her ass didn't show as she swayed on her high heels. She was also wearing a tight sheer red tank top and her breasts jiggled as she walked. You could see her gang pendant hanging from her pierced nipple through the shirt. She had confided in me that the pendant constantly kept her nipple aroused at work and a few times she had to go into the bathroom and play with herself to relieve the sexual tension. As always she sent a few pictures of her tits or her pussy to her pimp throughout the day to let him know she was thinking of him.

Michelle walked a few steps away from the guy, seductively swaying her ass as she walked and then stopping and looking over her shoulder with her hands on her hips as she wiggled her ass even more. She was pretending to pout because he didn't come after her. The guy high fived his friend who was with him, and then walked after her, he pulled her back to him and I saw her sink into his arms as he wrapped his arms around her from behind. She ground her ass into his crouch and I could see both his hands feel her up over her tank top as he nuzzled her ear. I could see that her knees were dirty. She had obviously spent a lot of time on them that night.

As she had sometimes done in the past few weeks, Michelle reached into her small silver hooker's purse that she carried and pressed the button on her phone to call my phone so I could hear what was going on. I watched them walk over to a new Cadillac Escalade and they both got into the back.

There was some fumbling and then I heard Michelle: "Oh baby, I been looking at you all night."

"You want it?""


"Beg, ho."

"Mmmmm let me get it out. Ohh baby, it's big. Wow. I'm a lucky ho."

I could see Michelle bend her head down but then her head came back up.

"I said beg."

"I want it. Your cock is so beautiful. Can I kiss it? Please. Please let this whore kiss your cock. Mmmmm there....oh it tastes so good. Let me suck it. Please please?

I could here some more fumbling. "Oh you want some tit first? Take it baby. Take the tits. You paid for them. Take this ho any way you want. I'm yours."

It turned me on to hear my wife beg to suck some stranger's cock just like it turned me on to see her shake her ass as she walked up and down the street. What worried me was that she had taken this whole thing way too far.

I could hear the guy sucking on her tits and I knew this turned her on.

"Baby. Let me suck it. I need it."

I saw Michelle bend her head down and for the next ten minutes I could see the back of her head bob up and down as they guy leaned back and enjoyed his blowjob. Then I saw her head pop up.

"You want to fuck your ho baby?"

"Maybe, lets talk a bit. You seem a bit old to be a street walker."

Michelle laughed. "Actually I do it part time. I have a separate life. I do this for the sex not the money."


"Yeah sugar, but come on you're my last for the night. Lets have some fun. Tap this whore's ass."

It was strange for me to hear Michelle talk like a common street slut but she had picked up all the lingo in the last few weeks and seemed to effortlessly shift from lawyer to street whore and back again.

"Wait a second. Tell me more. If you don't need the money, what do you do."

"I work in an office."

"How old are you?"

"How old are you sugar?"

"20 Tell me how old you are."

"How old do I look?"

"About 30."


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"Well sweetie, I'm 40. I turn 41 in two months. Now you wanna fuck this cougar or can I finish sucking that beautiful cock of yours."

"I love older woman. I'd love to take you to some fuck motel and have some real fun with you."

"Baby. I'm getting off from a long night. Jose had me walking the street for hours until I made him three grand. Then I've been in the bar and you saw what was going on. I had to fuck two of Jose's homies for free and then there was that party and the three guys. I was lap dancing them for about an hour before I blew two of them. The third guy paid to fuck me and I rode his cock. I'm tired. I'd love to go to a motel with you, but not now."

"Will you give me your number."

" gonna treat me nice?"

"Yeah. "

"Will you romance me a bit buy me some sexy clothes and perfume?"

"Sure. "

"So you want this 40 year old ho to be your girlfriend?"

The guy laughed. "I don't about that. Maybe we could start as friends with benefits."

"I want a guy to be my boyfriend." I could hear Michelle pouting. But what was she doing? She was already on call to her pimp 24 hours a day, and now she was trying to set up a relationship?

"Well, you suck my cock real good and then make a date with me at the motel and show me how good a fuck you are and we'll see."

I could hear Michelle murmur as her head went down on her guy. "I'm good baby. I'm a great fuck. I will make you fall for this slut milf. And then when I'm not working I can be in your arms sucking your cock and fucking you when ever you want. Do it baby. Cum for me. Ummmmmm...."

After the guy came I heard Michelle give him her phone number. "Whatever you do don't tell Jose. He'll beat my ass if I go behind his back."

A few moments later I saw Michelle get out of the car and light a cigarette. She turned her phone off and started walking her slutty walk towards me, shaking her ass as she walked. A car drove by and beeped and I saw Michelle stop and walk over and lean in the passenger's window. A few minutes later she stood up and put her tits which she had let the guy in the car take out back into her shirt. I also saw her put a 20 into her purse.

She got into the car. "Boy am I beat. Drive me to the bar baby, I got to give Jose this 20 then we can go home."

I drove up to the bar and Michelle got out. She turned on her phone. I heard her ask a few people where Jose was and then all I could hear was some loud music. Then I heard some doors open and the music died and she must have gone into a back room. It was quieter and I could hear her heels clicking across the floor.

"Watcha doin here ho? I heard Jose ask.

"I got stopped baby after I took care of that guy in his car."

"And whatca got for me?"

"Jus 20 baby. The guy just wanted to play with my tits."

"And you came back to give me my 20?"

"yes baby. You my man."

"Bitch, I told you, if they stop you gotta close the deal. Get them to agree to a blow job. Stop putting your tits in the window. I know it turns you on but you my bitch and I need you makin me money."

"I'm sorry baby. I won't let it happen again."

"Give me 80."


"You owe me 80 ho. You got it on you?"

"No baby I don carry no money. You told me not to."

"Ok ho. You owe me 80 out of your own money when you see me next."

I heard Michelle walk away and then I heard Jose call her back.

"Bitch, DJ here says you owe him some pussy." I knew DJ. He was a large teenage gang member. He had to be 6'7 and 300 pounds. I had seen him stop Michelle on the street the first night she was out and she promised to let him fuck her the next day before she took him into a car and blew him. She confided in me she was afraid of him. Not that he would intentionally hurt her, but he wasn't that smart and he had a huge cock and he was an ****** when she was blowing him. Pulling her hair, pawing at her tits and his cock was so wide it stretched her mouth. She worried he would stretch her out if he got a chance to fuck her. Plus he was heavily muscled and she thought he would be able to go a long time.

I heard Michelle's heels click over the floor. "He DJ baby. I did promise you some pussy. I'm sorry baby. Let me take you in the back and give you some relief."

"No way. You promised me pussy. You gonna fuck me ho?"

Michelle spoke to Jose. "Baby I'm done worn out. My pussy, she's sore. Let me blow DJ and we'll work it out later." I heard Jose laugh. "Convince him yourself. You owe him."

I could hear Michelle walking and then I heard her say "let me in you lap baby. There. Here. Give me your hand, take some tit. Oh yeah baby I love it when you pull my nipple. Baby, here's the thing. My pussy is sore. And your cock is so big. I can't fuck you, but I will suck you dry."

"No way ho. You lied to me before. I want your pussy or your ass."

I heard Michelle putting small kisses on DJ. "Come on baby. One more time. You know I sucked you dry."



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"Please baby. Then you can tap this ass twice. It's all yours. Just let me rest tonight."

"Come home with me."


"Come home to my crib and blow me and I'll let you *****, and then in the morning your pussy and ass are mine." There was a pause. "For as much as I want. All weekend."

Michelle spoke to Jose. "Jose, I really need a break." I heard Jose laugh. "You got yourself into this ho, now get yourself out. Fuck my big guy now or he gets your ass all weekend."

"Ok." I heard Michelle sigh. "I'll go home with you."

"Blow me now first. And beg me to fuck you."

I heard Michelle get to her knees and I heard her pull his zipper down.

"Oh my baby. What a big cock. I'm gonna suck you dry and then you're gonna fuck me all weekend."

"Beg me ho."

"Please baby. Please take your ho home and tap this ass."

"Whose ass?"

"My ass?"

"Wrong answer ho."

"Your ass baby. This ho's ass is yours. This bitch's pussy is yours. You the man. You own it. You got yourself a private ho all weekend."

"Ok ho. Now suck."

About twenty minutes later I saw Michelle sashay out of the bar and she walked over to my car. "You heard what happened?"

"Yeah" I said. "I don't like it."

"I'm stuck honey. This guy is so big. You can't stop him. I have to go."

"Call me if you need me to call the police."

"I'll be ok honey. I think I can control him if I keep him satisfied. Want me to send you some videos on the phone?" I looked down and felt embarrassed. "Yeah."

"Tell me again" I said. "You want to be like this?"

"For a while sweetie. Until I get it out of my system. I will be home Sunday night and I'll call when I can."

I watched her sashay off, still shaking her ass as she walked to DJ's car. But her head was hanging down and she look worried. For the first time I saw indecision in her face. She had just given her body to a 6'7 heavily muscled 19 year old with raging hormones, he now had his own 40 year old whore, and a desire to live out his fantasies. I wondered if she would be ok.

I saw her get into the car and in a few moments I saw her head go down. She had just blown him 20 minutes earlier and he was hard again. She was in for a long weekend.

My phone buzzed the next afternoon. It had been over ten hours since I had last heard from Michelle. "Check ur emai. I am ok" said the text.

I went to the email and saw several emails from a strange address. It had to be DJ's. There were several videos. I started with the first.

Michelle was lying naked on a big bed. It had to have been a custom made bed. The sheets were purple and looked silk. Michelle looked tired.

"Hey. We just woke up. Thought you might...." Her sentence was cut off as a massive hand grabbed a hand full of her hair and pulled her head down to his crotch.

"No more talkin bitch." I saw Michelle take a massive cock in her mouth. Just as she had described it, the width of it stretched her mouth. After a few moments she pulled it out. Her mouth was sore from being stretched. She began to kiss it and lick it. I saw another massive hand reach around and grab her tit and begin to flick her nipple. She began to kiss and lick the massive shaft and moan.

She was between his massive rock hard legs and her face was turned to the side so it faced the camera.

"You're so big baby. I love this cock so much." A few small kisses and then a long lick and then he put the tip into her mouth and pushed, stretching her mouth as I saw her lips lock around the cock and her cheeks inhale as she sucked.

After a few minutes he pulled his cock out.

It's time. I get my pussy."

Michelle gave the cock one long slobbering lick and then climbed on top of DJ straddling his massive cock. I heard her moan and the saw her begin to bob up and down as DJ had each of her tits in one hand. Then the screen went blank.

The next video was 20 minutes of her from the back, sitting on his cock, bobbing up and down. Twice she had an orgasm arching her back and stretching her arms high in the air as DJ pulled and tweaked her nipples which I knew increased her orgasm. Eventually she slumped forward on to DJ and he began to buck his hips and I could see he was close to cumming. I saw some beads of sweat run down her back and then the screen went blank.


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The next video was the worst or the best depending on how you view it.

The time frame showed that it was 75 minutes after she had ridden his cock.

Michelle was on her hands and knees. Her ass was in the air. She was wearing her 6 inch whore heels and nothing else. DJ was a massive presence behind her. He had a big hand on her tit that had been pierced and he was alternating between squeezing her tit and pulling on the medallion hanging from the silver bar in her pierced nipple.

Michelle looked like a wreck. Her hair was matted in sweat. Makeup was running down her face.

Behind her DJ rhythmically pumped her, smacking her ass every few minutes and pulling her hair.

"Oh...uhh...he's....uhh..been fucking me....uh ....for the last forty minutes....uhhh...uhh...ahhh....and he won't stop....uhhh....he's rock hard....and uhh...uhh... he won't stop....I keep....uhh...cumming and he just won't stop.....uhh...ahhh.....

Sweat was running down off her face. The tension of being fucked so hard could be seen in the lines on her face. Her face was flushed red from her orgasms, and there were veins throbbing in the side of her neck. Behind her I could see sweat run from DJs massive chest down on her back. Still he kept up the rhythm.

"Oh I can't take it. He has to stop. Not again. Uhh...ahhhhhhhhhhhhh."

I saw her arch her back as DJ pulled her hair pulling her head back.

"You cumming ho?"

"Oh yes. Fuck yes. Oh fuck. I can't take it. I'm cumming again. Oh please stop."

DJ smacked her ass.

"Don't tell me to stop whore. I'll fuck you all day like this."

"Oh I'm sorry. I'm sorry. You my man. Take this whore and fuck her. Just please cum. Please baby. I need to rest."

"I fuckin own you bitch."

"Oh you do you do. I am owned by you."

"Anybody ever fuck you this good?"

"No. Never."

"If I buy you from Jose you be my bitch?"

"Yes. Buy me. Make me your private whore. I fuck and suck only you. You will own me."

My wife was giving her self to a 19 year old thug. I couldn't stand the thought of it.

"You want me to cum ho?"

"Oh yes baby. Please cum for your whore. Please please."

"Then give me your ass ho."

Slowly DJ pulled out his massive cock. Michelle slumped to the bed lying on her stomach and face. Her stringy, sweaty blonde hair hanging down over her shoulder and down her back. He ass was raised in the air and it was quivering. Her hands were stretched out in front of her gripping the sheets. I could see her long red nails pushing into the sheets and mattress.

"Ask me to fuck your ass whore."

"I've one's ever....taken me there."

DJ smacked her ass and she raised it higher.

He put his cock in the crack and rubbed it back and forth. I saw Michelle raise her ass and begin to meet his thrusts.

"Please" she whispered. "Please fuck your whore's ass. Take this ass and make it your ass DJ. You will own this ass. Tap this ass. Make me your whore."

Michelle reached around and guided his massive cock into her ass slowly. DJ was being kind. He was not pushing hard and not tearing her apart. Michelle bucked her ass to meet his thrusts and the two soon established a rhythm. And with each thrust more of his cock disappeared. Michelle moaned softly. A few times she had DJ stop and he did, waiting until she was ready to go again. At one point he put a hand around to her face and out out a finger and she sucked on it. He pulled his finger in and out as he began his slow thrusts into her ass. And then he was all the way in. Michelle looked at the camera struggling to her knees. Her tits hung down and slowly swayed as she was fucked.



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"My ass is being taken...uhh...uhh...ahh...ah....ahhhhhhhhhhhh" She came again. Her face flushed red and her eyes rolled briefly back into her head.

DJ kept up a steady rhythm but he was gentle and she bucked her ass back to meet each soft stroke. WIth a small moan and several grunts DJ came. He bucked hard and Michelle took it, grunting as well. And then he collapsed on top of her.

All told she had been fucked for well over an hour and close to an hour and a half, including the last twenty minutes in which she had been fucked in her ass for the very first time.

DJ rolled off Michelle and put his head at the top of the bed. Michelle got up and stared at the camera for a minute. Her eyes looked glassy. She was dazed. But she also seem satisfied. She went up to DJ and he pulled her into his arms. She curled up in his arms. I could see his hand sneak up between her arm and cup a tit. He slowly stoked her tit. WIth his other hand he ran a finger over her face.

Michelle looked up into her suddenly gentle lover's eyes. She reached up and kissed him softly on the lips. He murmured something to her. She smiled and then she kissed him again, this time with more passion. I saw her tongue go into his mouth and he sucked on it. This slow make out session went on for 20 minutes or so and then I saw her move her hand down to his cock. She ran a red long nail along his cock and it sprang back up. Her young lover was ready for more.

She moaned and pulled him towards her, her hand guiding his cock between her thighs.

"Oh baby I need you" she murmured.

"You're so wet" he said.

They were facing each other, kissing and intertwining their legs around each other as she pulled him into her.

"Baby I need you to make love to me. Can you do that?"


"Be my lover baby please?"

"Yes, I'm you're lover."

"Oh I so need you DJ to make love to me. It's been so long since I've been made love to."

Their bodies began to move in rhythm again as my 40 year old wife made love to her 19 year old massive lover. Michelle whispered something to DJ and he got up and I could see his hand reach for the camera. Then the screen went dark.

She didn't mind if I saw him fucking her. But when they were making love she didn't want me to see it. It was private between her and her young lover.

This bothered me. It was well beyond our original agreement. I thought back to the guy she had picked up while I was waiting to pick her up. She had asked him to be her boyfriend and to romance her when he took her to a motel.

Her need to be a whore was slowly evolving into something more deep and complex. No longer did she just want to be fucked and called a HO and ****** to blow guys in the street on her knees. Somehow I realized that with everything we had been through, this was the greatest threat yet to our marriage.


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A ****** Loses Control



Susan Meade just entered her freshman year at a state college on the east coast. Susan is s pretty brunette who is 5'6" tall with dark brown sexy eyes. She does not have large breasts, a 34 B cup, but they are firm with rock hard extended nipples when she is excited. Susan has very shapely legs that lead up to a marvelous ass that is even more pronounced due to her narrow waist. Her ass is perfectly shaped as it is round and protrudes out from the back of her legs. It is so desirable that one feels the urge touch it.

Susan was still a virgin when she entered college but she had been tempted many times in high school to give it up to her three year boyfriend Walt. They had dated since she was a high school sophomore and Walt was a high school senior. Susan dated other guys when Walt was away at college but she was still his girl and they always got together at the Thanksgiving, Christmas, spring and summer breaks. Susan and Walt never had sex together but they engaged in heavy kissing and petting when they dated in high school. Walt had convinced Susan to attend the same college so that they could see each other all the time.

Audrey Meade and her husband only had the one ***** Susan. Peter Meade was a successful insurance executive who passed away when Susan was a sophomore in high school. Audrey had only known one man in her life and that was her husband Peter. Audrey never sought any male company after Peter's passing but she kept herself busy with women's club, bridge, fitness classes and other social activities. Audrey and Peter had married early when she was 20 years old and she had Susan when she was only 21.

Audrey looked good at the age of 39 years old as she kept herself very fit. She always dressed very conservatively and for the most part concealed her shapely 36-24-36 figure. The Meades had a swimming pool at their impressive home and when Audrey wore her one piece bathing suit her shapely figure was very obvious. One look at Audrey in her bathing suit and it was obvious where Susan got her incredible ass. Audrey even turned Walt's head many a time when he was at the pool with Susan.

Peter had left the family well off based on his insurance planning. He had been killed in and accident with a business vehicle, and the settlement added to the Meade's wealth. Once Susan was in college, Audrey would move to a beach front house in Florida. East coast beach front property was still affordable north of the Palm Beach area. Audrey was anxious to escape the area as it broke back to many memories of her life with Peter.


Walt was an excellent athlete in high school and lettered in three sports, football, basketball and tennis. He was a handsome boy and in his senior year of high school he stood at 6'2" and weighed 190 pounds. His body was chiseled and he had washboard abs. Walt was also blessed with a nice size cock that was just over 8 inches long and over 5 inches around when it was hard. He dated Susan in his senior year of high school and for two years following. It was all he could do to keep his desires under control. Usually after a date, Walt would jerk off to relieve his hot nuts. The summer following graduation would change that.

It was the summer of 1959 after Walt graduated from high school that he began to have sex outside his relationship with Susan. He had turned 18 years old in July and he was working as a bus boy in a local restaurant. Melina and John owned two restaurants, one in town and the other one several towns away. The one in town only served breakfast and lunch while the second restaurant was only open for dinner. Walt bused tables at the one in town.

John handled the cash register and Melina was the hostess for the local restaurant. After lunch John would run the errands and then head over to open the other restaurant. Melina would stay behind with the staff and close up after lunch. Part of Walt's responsibility was to wash off the tables and help clean up. Walt did not know that Melina had her eye on him and that she was constantly checking out his crotch. Melina had had sex outside her marriage for a number of years now and she had always selected a young boy who could be discreet.

Walt had never paid much attention to Melina's figure even though she was well put together. At 36 years old she had a 35-25-36 firm figure. She had dark brown hair and dark brown eyes. Melina was very Greek and she loved anal sex. One afternoon Melina had kept Walt around longer after the rest of the staff left for the day. She had him help her with some things and then she made her move.

Walt never saw it coming but before he knew it his pants and underwear were down around his ankles and his cock was in Melina's mouth. Melina sucked Walt until he came in her mouth and she swallowed every drop of his enormous load. Then Melina taught Walt how to eat pussy. He ate her pussy bringing Melina off several times before he slipped his cock into her and fucked her pussy. It seemed that they fucked for hours with Walt cumming two more times before Melina begged to give her pussy a rest.

Then Melina shocked Walt when she told him to fuck her in the ass. Melina used plenty of lube as she greased her asshole and stroked Walt's cock. Walt was fascinated with her ass as he watched her prepare it for his cock. Then Melina took a hold of his big dick and guided it into her warm chute. The feeling was incredible for Walt as his cock filled the snug passage.

Walt tried to prolong the ass fucking as long as he could but he felt himself getting close to an orgasm. Melina's anal muscles were instinctively clenching Walt's cock and that sensation coupled with the way she looked sent him over the edge. His body stiffened and he fired a barrage of semen into Melina's ass. Melina worked her anal muscles and milked his cock as it spasmed in her rectum.

"Oh yes, I feel it. Oh it's so good, cum in me, give it to me!" Melina exclaimed as Walt flooded her anal passage with his warm liquid.

That's how it all started and ever since that first time Walt fucked Melina at least three times a week for the rest of the summer. Their routine was always the same. Melina would suck Walt's cock first. Melina loved to pull Walt's underwear down and have the waist band catch on his cock so that his cock sprung out and bobbed in front of her face. Then after Walt cums in her mouth, he eats her pussy before they fuck. After they fuck missionary style he fucks her ass and cums in her hot Greek asshole.

That summer Walt learned more about sex that he ever would have imagined. His fling with Melina not only provided sexual relief for him but prepared him for college. Walt looked at older women a lot different including Susan's ******. Walt had never really paid much attention to the shapely Audrey until that summer. Walt also paid more attention to Susan's ass and Audrey's ass then ever before. He found himself thinking about fucking those two beautiful asses but he knew that he would not touch Susan until she was 18 and he was afraid of offending Audrey.



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Walt continued to date Susan during his first two years at college. He continued to see her at Thanksgiving, Christmas, Spring break and during the summer. While in college he had his share of sexual encounters with both college girls and women. His whole perspective on older women had changed since that summer with Melina.

One of the women he fucked worked at the same tennis club as he did. Walt had gotten a part time job at the nearby tennis club. He could teach beginner lessons and he was a hitting partner for some of the more advanced players. Barbara was the club manager who liked to play tennis and other love games as well. Barbara was a very fit 37 years old. She was a natural blonde who stood at 5'6" and weighed about 115 pounds. Barb had very small breasts but she had beautiful legs and a very shapely ass. Their affair started one Saturday in her office.

Walt had just finished up with a drill and play session when Barb told him to come to her office. Once they were in her office Barb told Walt about her fantasy. She said that she had always imagined being taken on a tennis court by another man. She described in detail how the man would push her to her knees, throw up her tennis skirt, yank her panties down to her knees and fuck her in the ass. Walt couldn't believe that she was sharing her fantasy with him. Then Barb told Walt that she wanted to live out the fantasy with him.

"Barb that sound really hot but I am not about to fuck you on a tennis court," Walt told her.

"Not on the tennis court silly, right here on the floor. I want you to take my ass right here in my office," Barb said in a raspy voice.

Barb then turned her back to Walt and dropped to her knees. Walt decided to fulfill her wishes so he moved behind her. He did just as she described. He pushed her over so that she was on all fours and he flipped up her tennis skirt baring her panty covered shapely ass. He pulled her panties down to her knees and stared at her magnificent ass for a few seconds. He then pushed his own tennis shorts and underwear down to his knees allowing his erect cock to spring free. Barb looked over her shoulder and she was pleased with what she saw in Walt's cock.

"Use the sport cream to grease my ass and get me ready," Barb told him her voice cracking in excitement.

Walt got the sport cream and then applied an ample amount to her asshole and his cock. Walt then moved in behind her and slid his big dick into her ass.

"Oh, oh, oh my, you really know you have something in your bottom when you're in there," Barb gasped.

Walt fucked her slowly allowing her to get used to his cock. Barb cooed as the thick long shaft touched areas never touched before. Walt knew that he wouldn't last long as he was turned on by the whole scene. She really did look hot with her skirt tossed over her back and her panties down around her knees as his cock slid in and out of her curvy ass. Walt felt the surge in his loins and seconds later he was cumming in her ass. Barb felt the power and volume of his ejaculation as her ass was filled as never before. She milked his cock with her anal muscles draining every drop of semen from his shaft. Before he eased his cock out of her asshole Barb spoke again.

"Get my towel and hand it to me," She gasped.

Walt handed her tennis towel and Barb wiped her ass clean of his cum. She looked funny in her way as she moved with her panties still down around her knees. Barb cleaned up and then she got completely naked.

"Let's move over to the sofa, I need you to take care of my pussy now," she directed.

Walt kicked off his clothes and joined Barb on her sofa. The two of them ate each other and fucked each other for hours before they rested. Walt ended up fucking Barb in the ass again that day before he left. After that day Barb lived out over fantasies with Walt. The tennis outfit changed but the action remained the same. Flip up her skirt, pull down her panties and fuck her in the ass. They always had anal sex with their clothes on before they would strip and get on the sofa.

Walt had affairs with college girls too but Susan never learned about Walt's sexual activities while they were dating. The two summers during college Walt worked at the restaurant again and resumed his fling with Melina. He loved fucking her curvy ass and dumping his load in it.



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Susan turned 18 years old in August 1961 and she was more than ready to give up her virginity to Walt. However she was still nervous and inexperienced but Walt was a master of seduction and convinced Susan to expand her horizons. It started out with heavy make-out sessions and petting, which always left Susan panties soaking wet and Walt's car with the smell of sex. Soon Susan's tits were exposed and Walt would suck her tits and roll the nipples between his fingers until they were eraser hard. Susan would have orgasms just from Walt playing with her tits. Later that summer Walt would stroke Susan's thighs when he sucked her tits, occasionally brushing against her panty covered pussy. Susan would jump and moan each time his hand came in contact with her cunt.

One night after a movie he drove Susan to their favorite make out spot. Susan was dressed in her short skirt and cotton sweater before long her sweater and bra were pushed up over her tits. Walt sucked her tits and stroked her thighs. This time he moved his hand inside her panties and stroked her clit. Susan went wild and humped his hand. Walt then eased her panties down and off her legs, moved between her legs and positioned them over his shoulders. Susan was shaking in anticipation as Walt began to lick her pussy and cupped her beautiful ass cheeks. Susan came numerous times humping her pussy against Walt's face and soaking him with her cum.

Walt moved up along side Susan and kissed her deeply allowing her to taste her own pussy juice. She asked what she could do to reciprocate so Walt steered her petite hands to his exposed engorged cock. Susan stared at it in awe not knowing what she was supposed to do next. Walt guided her through hand job techniques and soon had Susan licking and kissing his cock. He moved her to the next level of sucking the head of his big cock and fondling his cum filled balls. Susan started to get into it and tried to take more and more of his cock in her mouth. Walt could feel his orgasm building but elected not to warn Susan.

His first burst of cum caught her totally by surprise and when she felt the second burst she tried to swallow the first. Her mouth quickly filled with cum and to prevent gagging she pulled his cock from her mouth. Walt's cock kept firing cum and it hit her in the face, hair and bare tits. Susan giggled as she held the spurting cock in her hands as Walt's cum flew everywhere. That was the first time Susan saw a cock ejaculate and it turned her on.

The next several dates were repeat performances and Susan had become comfortable with both of them being totally naked. Walt added variations to their sex. He taught her about sixty-nine so they could eat each other together. He also introduced his finger into her asshole as he ate her pussy. He placed Susan on all fours, licked her pussy and rimmed her asshole. One night he placed just the head of his cock in her pussy and rubbed her clit with the soft head of his cock. Susan went wild and had multiple orgasms. She loved the feel of the soft mushroom head rubbing her clit.

Susan told Walt that she was ready to fuck but didn't want to do it in the car. She planned to do it at her house when her ****** was away. One Saturday Audrey was on a field trip with the women's club and she would be gone the whole day. Her ****** had no sooner pulled out of the driveway that Walt was over at the house. They went straight to Susan's room and took off all of their clothes.

With Susan lying back on her bed, Walt slid between her legs and was gentle and patient as he eased his throbbing cock into her pussy. The pressure of his fullness almost negated the pain of losing her virginity. The pain soon subsided and Susan only felt pleasure as the large cock touched every fiber of her cunt. Walt fucked her slowly with long deep strokes and Susan began to hump her cunt up at him. She had numerous orgasms with the last ones violent and vocal. Walt tensed and flooded her pussy to overflowing with his cum. He continued to pump her pussy and she could feel the juices running out of her cunt and trickling down her thighs. Susan held Walt tightly as she felt she was in heaven.

The rest of the day they showered, had more sex and stayed naked all day. At one point they took a bath together in her ******'s big tub. After the bath, Walt gave Susan a massage with her ******'s bath oil. First he massaged the front of her body paying special attention to her tits and her pussy. Sensing that she was on the verge of another orgasm he slipped his cock into her cunt and Susan humped wildly until she came again.

Walt then rolled Susan over on her stomach and massaged her back, shoulders and the back of legs. He kneaded her gorgeous ass cheeks and as he massaged her ass he put an ample amount of oil on her asshole. Then Walt began to probe her asshole first with one and then two fingers. Before long his fingers were moving easily in and out of Susan's thoroughly lubed asshole. He lifted Susan up by her hips until her ass was in the air as she rested her head on the mattress. He removed his fingers and positioned the head of his cock at the entrance to her ass. As he eased his cock into her bunghole he heard Susan gasp and hold her breath. He assuredly told her to relax and that he would not hurt her.

As Walt eased his cock into her ass the head cleared her sphincter as Susan uttered an audible gasp. He continued to ease his cock in and out of her asshole feeding her an additional ¼ to ½ inch at a time, each time waiting until she relaxed. It seemed to take hours before his entire 8+" were lodged deep in her ass. If he had not come so many times already he would have shot his wad quickly. He started to fuck her with long deliberate strokes as he admired her beautiful ass accepting his huge cock. Walt stroked her marvelous ass cheeks and told her how good she looked in this position with his dick skewering her luscious ass.

Walt felt his orgasm start down in his balls and rush up through his cock flooding Susan's rectum. He came more than he expected and cum soon filled her asshole to overflowing and backed up coating his cock and running down the inside of her thighs. They both collapsed on her bed and rolled to their sides with Walt's cock still imbedded in Susan's ass. His cock softened and slipped from her asshole with an audile pop.

Walt and Susan continued their sexual escapades on a regular basis. Susan could always count on having all three of her holes filled with cum on each occasion. Walt and Susan's normal routine was that Susan would suck his cock swallowing as much cum as she could. Walt then licked her pussy until she was on the brink then he filled her cunt with his thick cock. He fucked Susan thoroughly bringing her to multiple orgasms before he shot his second load deep into her cunt. The final round was with Susan on all fours with her beautiful ass in the air. Walt fondled her ass and probed her with his fingers until her asshole was well lubed. He continued to play with her ass until his cock was rock hard again and then he eased his big thick cock into her ass. He penetrated her slowly until he was all the way in, then he fucked her ass while stroking her ass cheeks and Susan plunged her fingers into her cunt. Walt fired his third round of cum into Susan's ass and Susan creamed all over her fingers.

The rest of the summer they had sex all the time and they continued their torrid relationship through Susan's freshman year of college. During Susan's freshman year, Audrey sold their home and moved to Florida. She found a nice beach front home just north of Pam Beach that was perfect for her. The home was 75 yards from the ocean and sat up high on the dunes making the back yard totally private. There was a small swimming pool and Jacuzzi in the back yard.


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Audrey quickly got involved with the local activities and she joined the women's club and civic club. She kept herself very busy and very fit. She loved to walk the beach which she did every day and she swam in her pool. Audrey was very pleased with her life and it was good to be away from the town with old memories.

The summer after Susan's freshman year, Audrey was surprised when both Walt and Susan arrived at the house. She was even more surprised to learn that Susan had invited Walt to stay for the entire summer. Audrey did not want Walt at her house for the summer but she really didn't know how to say no since Susan had invited him. Audrey decided to let him stay but she would tell Susan that it was only this once.

Audrey sensed that Walt and Susan were having sex in her home when she was gone. Audrey didn't like the idea of them doing it in her home but she couldn't prove it. One day she decided to catch them in the act so she told them she would be gone all day. Audrey parked the car a block away from the house and walked back. She didn't know what she would do or say if she caught them having sex and she was surprised to feel her own pussy tingle as she entered the house.

Audrey sneaked in the back of the house and quietly made her way upstairs to Susan's room. Her door was partially open and Audrey could see them both on the bed in Susan's mirror on the wall. They were both naked on the bed and Susan was deep throating Walt's impressive cock. It wasn't long before he came in her mouth and she swallowed all of his cum that she could. Susan scooped up cum around his cock and her face and licked her fingers clean. She then returned to sucking his cock until he was hard again. Then she lay on her back taking his big dick in her cunt. He pounded her pussy and brought her to multiple orgasms until he came again this time filling her pussy with a barrage of dick juice.

Audrey was not prepared for the next move, when Susan flipped over on all fours and waved her shapely ass at Walt. Walt retrieved the lotion from Susan's night table and proceeded to lubricate her asshole. He fingered her ass and pussy at the same time, sawing his fingers in and out of Susan. His cock was erect again and he covered it with a generous amount of lotion. He then slowly eased his big dick into Susan's beautiful upturned ass. He fucked her slow at first and then gradually picked up the pace. Susan pleaded with him to fuck her ass hard and to fill it with cum. Audrey could not believe what she was seeing and hearing, much less from her own ********.

Audrey's own hand had slipped inside her panties and she was frigging her pussy toward her own orgasm something she only did in the privacy of her bedroom. Audrey had gotten lost in her own sexual masturbation when she looked back in Susan's room and saw Walt looking right into the mirror. Audrey was sure that he could see her as well as she saw him. Their eyes locked on each other's in the mirror and he seemed to enjoy the voyeurism. He then announced he was cumming, almost for Audrey's benefit as he flooded Susan's ass with another generous amount of man seed. He told Susan to clean him up as he popped his cock out of her asshole. Audrey was stunned as her slutty ******** spun around and took his cock in her mouth. Audrey watched Susan sucked him completely dry. Audrey was mortified and quickly retreated downstairs and back to her car. Audrey couldn't believe the display of raw sex that she had just witnessed and how much her ******** loved it.

That night in bed, Audrey could not get the images of her ********'s lewd behavior out of her mind. There was something else that haunted Audrey as well and that was the size of Walt's cock. Audrey had never seen a cock that large and that thick before. Of course she had only been with one man and that was her former husband. Her husband's cock paled in comparison to Walt's. Audrey was astonished that her ******** easily handled the cock in her vagina, mouth and ass. Audrey could still see the big shaft sliding in and out of her ********'s shapely ass. Audrey had never had anything in her ass except a doctor's finger and she couldn't imagine something the size of Walt's cock penetrating her anus. Audrey closed her eyes and rubbed her clit as she visualized her ******** getting fucked.

Over the next several weeks, Audrey spied on Susan and Walt several times and each time she was amazed at her ********'s sexual behavior. They had even started to have sex at night when they were sure that Audrey was asleep. Actually Walt didn't care if Audrey was ******** as he knew that she had spied on them several times. Sometimes Audrey would stand outside Susan's bedroom door and listen as the two lover's bodies slapped together. Then Audrey would return to her own room and masturbate several times.


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Walt knew that Audrey had watched he and Susan fuck several times. He had also seen her fingering her pussy in Susan's mirror while they fucked. Walt had also heard Audrey moaning a few mornings in her bedroom and on one occasion he opened the door and peeked in. He made sure the hallway lights were out and he was very quiet when he opened her bedroom door. Walt slipped inside and stood by the door allowing his eyes to adjust to the darkness. Then he saw Audrey in bed naked from the waist down with her nightgown pushed up over her tits. Audrey was rubbing her tits with one hand and fingering her pussy with the other. Walt waited until Audrey orgasmed and then he left the room while she was distracted with her climax. He had a raging hard-on at that point so he went to Susan's room and fucked her brains out.

A few days later Walt decided to take it to the next step with Audrey. Each morning he waited outside Audrey's bedroom and listened until the day he heard her moaning. The he quietly entered her room and this time he closed the door behind him. Walt's eyes adjusted to the dim lit room and he watched Susan's ****** move a small vibrator in and out of her pussy. Audrey was still in her nightgown but it was gathered about her waist leaving her naked below her breasts. Walt felt his own cock grow into hardness and he decided that it was time to make his move. He dropped his ***** shorts and approached the bed with his impressive cock bobbing in front of him. When he got close to the bed he saw that Susan's ****** had her eyes closed as she worked the vibrator in and out of her pussy.

Walt got up on the bed and maneuvered between Audrey's legs. He leaned over and took her hand holding the vibrator and slowly pulled it from her pussy. Audrey panicked when she realized that someone else was in the bedroom and in her bed. Her eyes opened wide and she freaked out when she saw Walt kneeling between her legs and holding her hand with the dildo in it.

"Oh Walt what are you doing here? You shouldn't be here? Where's Susan? You need to leave, please!" Audrey stammered embarrassed and confused, "What's going on? Why are you naked?

"Relax Audrey, its okay, I think that you would be happier with the real thing," Walt replied and then he moved closer to her pussy.

Walt then eased his big cock into Susan's ******'s pussy. Audrey was taken back with the size of him. Her first thoughts were where was Susan? The she thought back to the only cock she had ever had her husband's and how it paled in size to Walt's cock. Audrey knew his cock was big from the times she spied on him and Susan but now she felt just how big it was. It had been so long since she had a real cock in her and he filled her completely. Every fiber of her vagina tingled as the big dick made its way in. Audrey knew this was wrong and she should throw him out of her room but at the same time it felt so good.

Audrey was afraid to make a fuss as she did not want to alert her ********. Audrey couldn't even imagine the scene it would create if Susan walked in on them and saw them fucking. Audrey reluctantly let it happen and then she remembered fantasizing about a big cock when she used the vibrator on her pussy. Isn't this what she really wanted anyway?

"Oh we mustn't, we shouldn't, it is not right and then oh yes, oh it feels so good, oh, oh, fuck me, yes fuck", Audrey cried as she was too close to her orgasm to stop now.

Walt slid in and out of her pussy slowly allowing Audrey to adjust to his size and he continued to go deeper with each thrust until he was buried balls deep in her pussy. He was surprised when he heard Audrey use the fuck word.

"Oh my I have never been so full, fuck me, make me cum, make it last forever", Audrey cried out not caring that she was fucking her ********* lover.

Walt pounded her pussy making sure that his cock was in constant contact with her clit. Audrey had multiple orgasms as he fucked her. Walt pushed her nightgown up over her breasts. Audrey had pretty firm tits with rock hard nipples that extended a ½ inch. Walt twirled the nipples in his fingers and then leaned over taking one then the other in his mouth. This was the first time Walt had seen Susan's ****** naked and he savored every moment.

Audrey went wild telling him. "Oh yes, suck my tits, suck my nipples, fuck me good!"

Walt could feel his balls start to tighten and he knew it wouldn't be long before he filled her pussy with his cum. Audrey stiffened and then had another violent orgasm. She thought to herself that Walt very experienced for his age as he fucked her and sucked her tits.

Audrey yelled, "Hold me, please hold me, I'm cummmming!"

Walt reached around behind her and pulled Audrey toward him as she shook and trembled throughout her intense orgasm. As she was cumming so did Walt and he fired a barrage of cum into her pussy. As she started to recover Walt laid her back down on the bed and slowly fucked her as his cock softened. Walt's cock was swimming in her cunt; there was so much cum in there mingling with her own juices.

"How was that Audrey? Wasn't that better than your vibrator," he asked her in a whisper.

She looked at him and thought to herself, "My God, I have never cum like that in my life, nor have I ever had anyone cum that much in me before."

Audrey looked down at Walt's soft cock and took it in her hand for the first time. Even soft it was bigger than her former husband's. She felt his cock harden in her hand and she held her arms open to him welcoming him between her legs again. Walt crawled between her legs and slipped his hard cock back in her pussy. Walt never wanted this to end and he wanted to fuck Susan's ****** all day. Audrey knew this was wrong and she would deal with it later but right now it felt so good to have a real cock in her. Walt fucked her as long as he could before he shot his second load of the morning. Audrey had multiple orgasms and the final one was so violent she nearly bucked Walt off her body.

Then Audrey collapsed and cried out. "Please stop, I have to rest. I have never been fucked so thoroughly in my life. I am not sure I can cum any more."

Audrey looked so angelic on her back with her big firm tits poking up in the air and her hot pussy on display. Walt eased her legs apart and lowered his mouth to her vulva unconcerned that he had cum in her pussy. He teased Audrey with his tongue until her pussy heated up and glistened with moisture. Audrey started to stir and she opened her legs wider giving Walt easier access to her luscious pussy.

Walt located her clit and brought a soft moan to Audrey's lips as he nibbled it gently. He then inserted a thick finger into his Audrey's pussy and continued to tease her hard clit. Audrey's pussy was getting wetter and wetter and she started to move her hips with a desire to cum. That was the signal that Walt was waiting for and he moved his body up and knelt between her legs. He lined up his huge erect cock with Audrey's sopping wet cunt and eased it back in. Audrey's face tensed with the anticipation of Walt's big cock filling her pussy again.

Walt fucked her slowly at first and then he began to pick up the pace. Soon he was pounding her pussy and fucking her into **********. Audrey had orgasm after orgasm as Walt relentlessly fucked her. Walt just kept at her with his hard-on until she screamed and pleaded with him to stop. Audrey's body convulsed in a mind blowing orgasm and then she went limp on the bed. Walt smiled to himself and he eased his cock out of Audrey's well fucked pussy. He was thrilled with the seduction of Susan's ****** and he was proud about how many times she had orgasmed at his hands. Walt was surprised how easy it had been to seduce her.

"I need to cum again," Walt announced.

"Please Walt I can't, I am tired and sore," Audrey begged off.

"Well I will need your mouth then," Walt said assertively.


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Audrey couldn't believe what she had just heard. Her ********* lover was telling her to suck his cock. Audrey hadn't sucked a cock for years and that was just to get her husband hard. Audrey had never had anyone cum in her mouth but she knew that her ******** always let Walt cum in her mouth. Walt was pushing his cock toward her face and as if in a trance Audrey took Walt's cock in her mouth and she began to suck on it. Walt was charged and he knew that he wouldn't last long. He made up his mind to cum in Audrey's mouth so he did not warn her of his impending orgasm. Audrey took Walt deeper in her mouth and jerked him off with her hand. Cum flew out of his cock and sprayed the back of her throat. She was caught off guard by the ***** and the volume of his ejaculation and she pulled his cock from her mouth to avoid gagging. Walt's semen splashed against her tits and neck as she guided his cock away from her face. After about seven ropes of cum shot out of his cock she squeezed the remaining seed out then Walt put his cock back in her mouth and so she could suck him dry.

Audrey regained her senses and she was humiliated by the last act. She tried to be firm when she said, "I need a shower now and you have to leave. This can never happen again and I want you out of my house by the end of the week."

Walt just smiled and replied, "I don't think you mean that and you certainly don't want Susan to know how you seduced me."

"Get out!" Audrey whispered as loudly as she could.

Walt left the bedroom and returned to his own room and stretched out on the bed. Audrey then took her shower and as she washed the semen from her body she struggled with how she should handle Walt from then on. Minutes later Susan stuck her head in Walt's bedroom.

"Hey ****** head, I'm going for a jog on the beach. Want to join me?" Susan asked.

"No not this morning, I didn't ***** well and I' still a little tired," Walt replied.

"Okay, I'm going to make a pot of coffee and then take off. See you later," Susan said and blew a kiss to him.

Walt formed his lips in the shape of a kiss and then said, "Have a good run."

After her shower, Audrey thought that Walt and Susan had gone for their morning run on the beach, so she put on her bathrobe and went downstairs to make coffee. She was surprised to see Walt in the kitchen already ******** coffee and she was nervous since she was naked under her robe. Walt sat at the kitchen table as Audrey stood at the sink facing away from him. Audrey was extremely upset with herself over what had happened. She struggled internally with her emotions. She had let her own ********* boyfriend fuck her and she didn't try to stop him. In fact she enjoyed it as it was the best sex she had had in years. But it was wrong, sinful and she couldn't let it happen again.

Audrey spoke looking out the kitchen window, "Walt what happened this morning can never happen again," she said trying to sound firm but her voice cracked.

Walt got up from his chair and walked over to her. Audrey felt his presence behind her and she trembled. She wondered why she suddenly felt so insecure in his presence. Walt put his arms around Susan's ******* waist, pulled her back toward him and nuzzled her neck. Audrey knew she should stop this before it went any further but she couldn't or wouldn't. Walt moved his hands up to her breasts and began to massage them through her bathrobe.

"You have very nice tits, Audrey," he told her as he moved his hips forward and Audrey felt his enormous cock pressing into her bottom through the robe.

Walt dropped to his knees behind his, lifted her robe up and trailed kisses up and down each leg and on her ass cheeks. Audrey was trembling with desire and she wondered where Walt had learned these things. Walt turned her around toward him and began to tongue her sopping wet pussy. Audrey came violently humping his face and covering it with her pussy juice. Audrey was too weak to stand any longer so she allowed Walt to lower her to the kitchen floor. Walt removed her bathrobe and spread it out so that Audrey could lay on it. Audrey rolled over on her stomach in an effort to protect her pussy from any more attention.

Walt looked at Audrey's ass and he could not resist running his hands over her shapely cheeks. Her ass was so amazing that he felt his loins stir with a renewed desire. He had never seen such a perfect ass and he now knew where Susan got her hot ass from. Walt had no knowledge of whether Susan's ****** had ever been butt fucked. Walt got to his knees behind Audrey and kneaded her gorgeous ass cheeks. He then began to kiss her cheeks and run his tongue lightly in the crack of her ass. Audrey wiggled her ass feeling very wicked as Walt tongued and kissed her. Walt lifted her by her hips so that her ass was perched in the air. Audrey's head was still on the floor and she turned it to one side on the bathrobe and let out a gasp as Walt's tongue licked close to her asshole. No one had ever licked her asshole and again she was surprised with Walt's sexual maturity. Walt ran his tongue from her pussy to her ass causing her to tingle in anticipation of what might be next.

Walt spread her ass cheeks with his hands and dipped his tongue into the crack locating her nether hole. His tongue slowly circled her anus and she flinched at the contact. He then pushed his tongue as far as he could into her asshole and he found himself wanting to fuck her up the ass. He continued to ass fuck Audrey with his tongue and she was at his mercy. Audrey's desire grew as Walt worked her ass to the point that she suddenly wanted something more in her ass.

Walt removed his tongue from her ass and ran his hard cock between her ass cheeks as he spoke to her, "I want to fuck you in the ass Audrey. Do you want me to fuck your hot ass? I can see that your ass is asking to be fucked."

"Walt no, don't you dare try," Audrey yelled in a panic.

"Stay right there," Walt told her as he retrieved a bottle of vegetable oil from the pantry.

Then he knelt behind her and once again shoved his big dick into her pussy. He started to play with her ass again and squirted the oil in the crack of her ass. He massaged the oil into her asshole and began to finger her ass once again. The oil made Audrey very slick and Walt's finger slid easily in and out of her anus.

"You want it in your ass Audrey?" She heard Walt say as she felt his cock press against her virgin ass hole, "I want to fuck your hot ass."

"No please no!" Audrey cried, shaking her head from side to side with her face pressing against the lounge chair. "I've never done that, you're too big. You'll ruin me."

"Don't be silly I'm not going to ruin you. You just need to be broken in," Walt said in a sinister tone and then added, "If your ******** can handle my cock in her ass, you certainly can too."

Walt had gone this far and he was determined to take Audrey's ass. It was the last frontier for her and besides he loved fucking girls in the ass. Walt spread plenty of oil on his cock making it very slick. Then with one steady motion he plunged his cock into Audrey's asshole. He seemed gigantic, long and wide and Audrey screamed as he began to work his way into her poor tight ass. She could actually feel her stomach cramping around him as he stirred her insides and it burned when she clenched her ass muscles convulsing around his thickness. Shaking and sobbing with painful ecstasy, Audrey fell forward onto her robe with Walt's hands keeping her ass high in the air for him to plunder.

Audrey screamed into her robe as it felt like a hot thick poker had just been rammed into her ass. Tears filled her eyes as her ******** asshole spread to accommodate Walt's thick cock. She tried to get away but Walt was too strong and held her in place. Audrey cried out loud only to have the sound muffled by the robe as his complete length filled her. Audrey felt him flex his cock deep within her bowels as the searing pain continued. Walt reached one hand under her again and teased a nipple. Then he moved his other hand down and rubbed softly against her clit. Audrey's body responded to his stimulus and her stomach convulsed with mixed signals.


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The intrusion in her ass didn't feel quite as bad now as Walt's fingers continued to tease her clit. Audrey felt him move inside her ass now and she tried to relax her ass muscles. Audrey's body was working back and forth on his cock now and she was amazed at the feeling of the cock in her ass. Audrey's clit was buzzing and the fullness in her ass just seemed to excite her pussy even more. Walt started hammering into her ass now. His fingers were still busy on her clit but now he had two fingers drilling in her pussy as the others fluttered around her clit. Audrey's whole body was aflame as she could feel his fingers pressing against the thin membrane separating her ass from her pussy. She could feel his hard cock sliding in her and the pressure of the fingers on his cock through the membrane. Audrey didn't need Walt to ***** her on his cock anymore, nor did she need him holding onto her tightly. Her entire body was fucking back at him of its own accord. Audrey could feel an enormous orgasm building with in her and her pussy was swollen to new proportions.

"Oh God," Audrey thought to herself, "I'm going to cum again, Oh God!"

Walt continued plowing into Audrey. The hot dry depths of her ass were so tight around his cock she knew that he was going to cum hard too. He worked his fingers faster inside her as he rammed his cock hard into her ass. Audrey started biting the robe like a mad woman as his groin made hard contact with her ass. Audrey felt her pussy spasm suddenly and then her whole body went rigid. She felt his cock swell in her rectum and then hot spurts of liquid lava hit her deep in her bowels, giving her a cum enema. Audrey screamed into robe. Both of them shuddered hard as every muscle tensed and then relaxed. Audrey felt a hot explosion as her body was overcome with the most violent orgasm she had ever had. She could still feel Walt's cock throbbing and spurting deep within her. Audrey felt Walt's cock shrink in her ass and then slowly back out making an audible popping sound. Audrey's ass was still high in the air and her thighs were aching. Walt lovingly caressed her shapely ass cheeks.

He was proud of himself and his conquest. He had never expected to fuck Susan's mom in the ass but he couldn't stop once he got started. He was pleased that he was her first ass fuck. Walt backed off the lounge as Audrey lay face down on the floor and did not look at him. Audrey refused to look at him. Walt then came over and leaned close to her and whispered.

"Audrey, I really had a good time today. I loved fucking your ass and I look forward to more times together," he said as he ran his hand over her shapely ass.

Audrey slapped his hand away and snorted, "Get away from me."

"Okay but you should no that your ******** is back from her run and she is headed toward the house," Walt lied.

Audrey panicked and scrambled to her feet. She grabbed her robe and dashed to her bedroom. Walt smiled as he watched her reaction and then he stared at the lovely ass that he just fucked as she ran toward her bedroom. Audrey took another shower and tried to douche the semen from her rectum. Her rectum tingled and Audrey felt constipated, a feeling she would have for a couple of days.

Audrey was angry with Walt for violating her; she was angry at herself for allowing him to have his way and she was angry with Susan for insisting that Walt stay at the house. Audrey knew she would have to do something and the best thing would be to get Walt to leave but she knew that Susan would have strong objections. What if Walt did tell Susan that her ****** seduced him? How would she handle that? Audrey was confused and at a loss for what to do. The fall semester was weeks away and maybe she could avoid Walt until he and Susan returned to college.



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Walt and Susan returned to college and for the next two years things did not change much in the Meade household. Walt and Susan continued their affair in college and at each break they returned to Susan's ******* house in Florida. Susan and Walt got even more daring with their sexuality and nudity around the house during summer break. They would both often sun bathe nude on the private pool deck. Every time that Susan's ****** Audrey looked at their naked forms, she recalled the times she spied on both of them having sex together. She also recalled the times that Walt had put his cock in all three of her orifices. Audrey lost her anal virginity to Walt and he was also the first one ever to cum in her mouth.

Audrey still remembered that one day when Walt had humiliated her and excited her at the same time. Susan had left the house early one morning to go to breakfast with some friends and Audrey was just straightening up after her breakfast when Walt entered the kitchen. He was only wearing his ***** shorts and his chiseled body was very evident. Audrey tried to hurry so that she would not be alone with Walt again.

"Where are you going all dressed up today?" Walt asked.

"I have a woman's club meeting and I need to hurry," Audrey lied about the time unconvincingly.

"Really, well I have something for you to take to the meeting with you," Walt snickered.

Audrey was dressed in a light weight summer suit with the skirt cut just above her knees. The suit skirt fit snugly and showed off Audrey's curvy ass. Walt took in her shapely figure accentuated by the flattering suit which is why he decided to fuck her before she left the house. Walt grabbed Audrey by the hand as she reached for the butter on the kitchen table and pulled her toward him. Then he stood up, got behind her and pushed her down on the kitchen table. He felt his cock stiffen immediately and he pulled her skirt up above her hips.

"Stop it, stop it his instant. What do you think you're doing," Audrey screamed at him.

"Like I said, I'm going to give you something to take to the club," Walt replied.

Audrey was wearing stockings and a garter belt and she looked incredibly sexy with her skirt pushed up to her waist. Walt then pulled her panties down as far as he could since they were under the garters. Audrey tried to fight but Walt was too strong and he kept her bent over the table. Then he scooped some butter out of the dish and pushed it into her anus. Audrey panicked when she realized what he had in mind.

"No, please no, not in there, please don't fuck me there again," Audrey whimpered.

But Walt was not to be denied in fact he got more excited as he thought about it. He rubbed his butter covered hand up and down his shaft a few times making it very slick. Then he moved his cock to Audrey's anus and pushed ever so slowly. Audrey gasped as the mushroom head cleared her sphincter and slipped into her. Audrey, by now, had been butt fucked several times by Walt so there was no pain just the *********** of it. Walt began fucking in and out watching his cock slide in and out of Audrey's curvy ass. She looked so vulnerable and so sexy with her skirt up around her waist and her panties down to where the garters held the stockings. Her ass was framed by her clothing and Walt loved the look as he worked his cock in and out. Audrey just remained still, bent over the table as she awaited the moment when he would cum in her ass again.

Walt was extremely turned on and he did not last long fucking Audrey's ass. His balls tightened, his body stiffened and he plunged his cock all the way in. Walt fired ropes of cum deep into Audrey's rectum and filled it wit his seed. Audrey's anal muscles moved of their own accord and milked Walt's cock as it spewed into her. Walt then eased his cock out and wiped it on a nearby napkin. Then he pulled Audrey's panties back up and covered her cum filled ass.

"Let me clean myself up," Audrey pleaded.

"Nonsense, I want you to take my gift to the club with you," he answered as he pulled down her skirt and smoothed it out.

Audrey was beet red as she had never been so humiliated and now she had to travel to her meeting with her ass full of cum. Walt stood by and watched as Audrey tried to compose herself before she left the house. He smiled as he followed her eyes to his still hard cock as he stood there naked.

"Would you like some more?" he teased causing Audrey to rush out of the house and drive to her meeting.

Walt found his shorts and put them back on and then sat down with a cup of coffee. He was pleased with his conquest that morning and he thought that it would be fun to do that again sometime. He made a mental note to tell Audrey to wear her panties over her garters in the future. Walt was sipping his coffee and thinking about this morning's action when Susan came home.

"Hey, what's going on? Where's my mom?" Susan asked.

"Oh she just left, I think she said woman's club or something like that," Walt replied.

"Yeah that's right, she had a meeting today. I wish she would meet a man she's always going to these women things. She's still young enough and good looking enough to date," Susan added.

"She certainly is. She looks good and has a good figure. You better be careful or I might make a pass at her," Walt teased.

"Fuck you!" Susan said with a laugh and then she grabbed Walt by the crotch, "You have your hands plenty full with me. Hey let's hit the pool and Jacuzzi naked while my mom is gone."

"Sounds like a plan," Walt agreed and dropped his shorts for the second time that morning.

Susan stripped off her clothes and the two of them got in the Jacuzzi first. Walt turned on the jets as they both got into the tub. Susan leaned back into Walt and he reached around and stroked her firm tits. He tweaked and rolled her nipples in his fingers. Walt slid one of his hands down across her firm abs over her little brown tuft of hair and found her vagina. Walt played with the folds of her labia and then inserted his fingers in her pussy. He found her hard clit and rolled it between his fingers as he continued to tease her nipples with his other hand.

As Susan got turned on Walt moved her to the other side of the tub and he had her lean over the edge presenting her shapely ass to him. Her ass always looked good when it glistened with water and it looked so sensual. Walt leaned over and licked Susan's pussy from behind driving her wild. Then he had the sudden urge to tongue her beautiful ass again so he swiped his tongue from her pussy up and over her bung hole and back to her pussy. Susan gasped out loud when Walt's tongue touched her asshole. Walt really got into it and he grasped both of her curvy ass cheeks and pulled them slightly apart so that he could get his tongue in deeper. Walt probed her pink aperture with his tongue as he inserted three fingers in her pussy. Susan started whimpering, gasping and rotating her ass.

"Oh my God, oh yessssss," she cried out, "I love that."


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They decided to get out of the Jacuzzi before they turned into prunes. They dried off and flopped down on pool deck lounges. Susan began to stroke his cock into an erect state and then proceeded to suck on it. Susan loved to stick her tongue in the little pee slit and nibble on his cock head. This act always made Susan hot and she soon needed Walt's cock in her pussy. She straddled him and aimed his cock in her pussy and rode him until she achieved another orgasm. Susan rolled over on her stomach so she could look at Walt who lay on his back.

Walt looked over at Susan's ass and he could not resist running his hands over her shapely cheeks. Her ass was so amazing that he felt his loins stir with desire. He loved her perfect ass and he desperately wanted to fuck it again. Walt got to his knees behind Susan and kneaded her gorgeous ass cheeks. He then began to kiss her cheeks and run his tongue lightly in the crack of her ass. Susan wiggled her ass feeling very wicked as he tongued and kissed her just as he had in the Jacuzzi.

Walt lifted her by her hips so that her ass was perched in the air. Susan's head was still on the lounge and she turned it to one side and let out a gasp as Walt's tongue licked close to her asshole. Walt ran his tongue from her pussy to her ass causing Susan to tingle in anticipation of what she knew was next.

Walt spread her ass cheeks with his hands and dipped his tongue into the crack locating her nether hole. His tongue slowly circled her anus and she flinched at the contact. He then pushed his tongue as far as he could into her asshole and he found himself wanting to fuck her up the ass. He continued to ass fuck her with his tongue and she was at his mercy. Her desire grew as he worked her ass to the point that she really wanted more in her ass.

Walt removed his tongue from her ass and ran his hard cock between her ass cheeks teasing her as he spoke to her, "Do you want me to fuck your hot ass?"

"I don't know. It seems so naughty. Please be gentle," Susan replied acting like an anal virgin.

Walt grabbed the bottle of sun tan lotion as Susan arched her back and pointed her beautiful ass back at him. He coated her asshole with a generous amount of lotion and slid his thick finger in her hole. He took his time preparing her ass relishing every moment. He then coated his entire cock with the lotion and placed the head at the entrance to her anus. Walt pushed forward and the thick cock head squeezed into her tight asshole.

Walt withdrew his cock head and then pushed it back in this time causing more pleasure. He pushed until a couple of inches were in Susan's ass. He could feel her sphincter muscles surrounding the first 2-3 inches of his cock. Susan's body was covered with goose bumps. Walt slowly slid his dick in and out of her each time going a little deeper. The pressure had subsided and was replaced with a feeling of fullness.

Susan relaxed a little and then felt more of his cock slide into her asshole. She grunted out loud as she felt fuller and then a wave of pleasure passed through her body. She felt so full so had no idea that he had another four inches before he was done. Walt kept feeding more and more of his cock into her ass. There was fullness and then pleasure each time he went deeper. Susan would tense, relax and then enjoy it. This pattern continued until Walt had all eight plus inches buried in Susan's ass.

"Oh my God, you feel so big, I feel so full," cried out Susan and then, "Uh, uh, uh oh yes, it's so good," she cried out.

Walt reached around and played with Susan's clit as he pounded her ass. Her pussy and asshole were on fire as the big cock reached sensitive areas in her body. Susan was on the brink of another huge orgasm as Walt methodically fucked her in her tight anus with his sizeable cock. He loved watching his big cock slide out of her shapely ass and then plunge back in as his hips slapped against her curvy ass cheeks causing them to jiggle with each thrust. He loved watching her ass impaled on his cock. Susan looked so submissive and vulnerable on all fours as his cock filled her asshole. Her orgasm surged within her as he fucked her ass harder and faster.

As Susan orgasmed her entire body went into spasm. Her pussy convulsed and clamped around Walt's fingers coating them with her cunt juice. Susan's asshole pulsated as he drove his big cock in and out of it. Her ass ************* squeezed and released his huge member as he fucked it causing him to finally lose it. He slid his pecker deep into her rectum as his cock spasmed and sent a thick stream of hot cum into her channel. Walt kept fucking her as load after load was fired into her ass as his cock kept twitching and spurting inside the impaled Susan.

Susan felt so full of cum and there was no where for it to go as it was blocked by Walt's swollen cock buried in her ass. He slowed his pace and eventually stopped, allowing his cock to remain buried in Susan's ass. He did not go soft right away and he gently moved his hips pushing cum around in her ass. Some of it trickled out and ran down over her pussy lips. He thought back to earlier that morning when he came in Audrey's ass and he wondered how she was doing at the woman's club meeting with her cum filled asshole.

Walt stopped and slowly withdrew his cock from Susan's loosened asshole. He marveled in the sight of his enormous cock sliding out of her shapely ass. Susan looked magnificent with her just fucked curvy ass in the air. Walt now knew why he had to have her ass all the time and now why he had to have Audrey's ass too. It would be impossible for him to keep his cock out of both of their fantastic asses. He could not resist sticking one of his fingers in her asshole and Susan just wiggled her bum slightly in delight.

The two of them then jumped in the pool and let their body temperatures cool down. They spent the rest to the morning sunning by the pool deck and relaxing. Then they got dressed and Susan made lunch for them.

Life was like that for the next two years at Audrey's house as she never did ***** Walt to leave. Walt would fuck Audrey anytime he could and she was getting used to it. She had to admit that she loved having him eat her pussy and fuck her. She wasn't fond of him cumming in her mouth or fucking her in the ass but she tolerated it. Of course Susan was always getting all her holes drilled and filled and she loved every minute of it. For those two years Susan never learned about Walt fucking her ******. Then the year that Walt graduated from college he announced that he had been accepted into graduate school in Florida. The campus was only 40 minutes from Audrey's house so he would stay there. Audrey didn't know how to say no this time either and she wasn't sure that she wanted to. Susan was thrilled and she decided to transfer to a school in Florida also. This time Audrey was successful in convincing Susan to attend a prominent girl's college in Florida.


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It was the fall of 1963 when Walt entered graduate school at a nearby campus. Susan had successfully transferred to a women's college about a five hour drive from her home. Audrey now had Walt living with her full time while Susan was away at school. Audrey had adapted to Walt being there and she actually looked forward to making love with him from time to time. Although she didn't care for the anal sex or that much for oral sex, she tolerated it because he took such good care of her pussy.

One afternoon Audrey was sunning by the pool in her bikini. Since moving to Florida she had abandoned her one piece bathing suits and opted for bikinis. Audrey maintained her figure and looked good in a bikini. Walt came out and he was just wearing a pair of exercise shorts. He peeled them off and lay down on the lounge next to Audrey.

"I wish you would wear something on the pool deck," Audrey said.

"Why does it turn you on to see me naked? I bet your pussy is already wet," Walt replied and sat up facing her.

Audrey's eyes automatically dropped to Walt's crotch and she watched his cock stiffen in her presence. Walt had never fucked Audrey outside before and he suddenly had a desire to do so. He leaned over and kissed her belly to her thighs. Then he kissed his way back up her thighs as Audrey closed her eyes and let it happen. He pulled her bikini bottom away from her crotch and ran his tongue over her vulva. Audrey moaned loudly and pushed her pussy toward Walt's face.

"As I guessed Audrey your pussy is very wet. Would you like me to take care of it for you?" Walt asked in a sexy voice.

Audrey had just closed her eyes and nodded affirmatively. She had vowed never to fuck him in public but she was so turned on she gave in to her desires. Walt pulled the bikini bottom to one side of her vulva and stroked her outer lips. Audrey could feel her juices flowing and she bolted when he touched her hooded clit. He stuck one finger into her twat and with his other hand he tweaked her erect clit. Audrey went bonkers and came immediately but Walt did not stop and he brought her to multiple orgasms with his fingers and mouth.

Walt didn't ask permission but simply pulled her bikini bottoms down and off of her legs. Audrey instinctively allowed her thighs to part and exposed her dripping wet pussy. Walt smiled, leaned over and ran his tongue up the length of her cunt. Audrey's body tingled and she shivered with desire. Walt licked her a few more times and he had her close to another orgasm when he stopped. Audrey reached for his head but he was out of range and she was confused by his actions.

Walt removed his swim suit as he said to her, "Audrey it is time for you to reciprocate as well."

Walt moved back toward her and she spotted his erect cock. It was a beautiful cock and it always looked ominous when he approached her. Walt lay on the lounge with her so that his cock was beside her face and his face was aligned with her pussy. Audrey knew she was expected to take his cock in her mouth. Walt guided his cock to her mouth and then he resumed eating her pussy. Audrey adjusted to his cock in her mouth as she enjoyed Walt's skilled cunt licking.

Walt was very sexually charged and he knew that he would cum quickly. He never warned Audrey that he was going to cum but just as she was humping her hips into his face with her own orgasm, Walt ejaculated into her mouth. Audrey as always was stunned with the first jolt of cum as it hit the back of her throat. She swallowed out of instinct rather than desire as she had not expected Walt to cum in her mouth so quickly. She no sooner swallowed the first load then another load filled her mouth. This time Audrey swallowed and prepared herself to receive the third, fourth and fifth volley. Walt always expected her to suck him dry and she did as he expected. Audrey sucked on his cock until it softened in her mouth. Walt had returned to eating her pussy and he brought her to another orgasm.

Walt then moved around the lounge and lifted her legs up to where her knees touched her chest exposing her pussy and asshole. Walt began to lick her pussy once more and Audrey momentarily put aside her anger. He kept eating her toward another orgasm and then he surprised her by running his tongue across her asshole. He licked her from her asshole up over her pussy and then back again. Audrey was somewhat embarrassed by Walt's action and the same time excited by having her ass licked. Walt would dip his tongue into her pussy and into her asshole. Walt then fastened his mouth on Audrey's twat as he slid a moistened finger into her asshole.

Audrey groaned with the intrusion in her ass. Walt worked her pussy with his mouth and her asshole with his finger as Audrey seemed to accept another anal invasion. Walt then pushed the thumb from the same hand fingering her ass into her pussy and held her in a vise like grip. He continued to suck on her clit as he finger fucked her pussy and ass. Audrey was going crazy and her head was rolling from side to side in ecstasy. Just before Audrey came again Walt removed his finger, thumb and mouth. Audrey frantically tried to get him back to her pussy but Walt climbed back on the lounge and Audrey noticed that he was fully erect again. Walt knelt between her raised legs and eased his thick cock into Audrey's pussy.

Audrey thought, "Oh good he is going to fuck me!"

Audrey was so far gone; she wanted Walt to penetrate her hot pussy with his big dick. She moaned as he filled her cunt. Walt rocked his body into her and kept his cock in constant contact with her clit. Audrey was crazy with desire and she was approaching a mind blowing orgasm. Audrey's body went rigid and then exploded as she was overcome with the intensity of her climax. Her body seemed to go into convulsions and then slowed down until she finally collapsed.


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Walt pulled out of her and then rolled her over onto her stomach. He unfastened her bikini bra and threw it on the pool deck next to her bottoms. Then he lifted her by the hips until her ass was level with his cock. Walt slid his cock back into her pussy and slowly fucked her doggy style. Audrey turned her head to one side on the bed and stared into open space. She couldn't believe it was her on the pool deck getting fucked by her ********* boyfriend. She cooed as his big cock sawed in and out of her. Then Walt grabbed the suntan lotion and he began to massage Audrey's ass. She put her head on the lounge and turned it to the side so that she could watch. Walt put an ample amount of lotion in her asshole and then he fingered her ass and pussy at the same time.

If there was one thing Walt liked besides fucking a beautiful ass it was preparing an asshole for a good reaming. After several minutes of finger fucking her pussy and asshole Walt couldn't wait any longer and he had to get his cock back in her beautiful ass. Visions of her shapely ass every time he fucked her crossed his mind. Walt removed his fingers and lined up the head of his cock at her moist puckered ring and pressed forward slowly. Walt's cock head popped through easily and Audrey let out a little groan as the large mushroom head slipped past the ring and into her ass. Audrey let out a groan as her rear passage was stretched once again to accommodate his cock. She didn't even think about the possibility of pain any longer since she had been butt fucked so many times.

Walt felt her asshole tighten around him and he continued to slowly stroke in and out of her tight ass until every inch was tightly packed up her ass. Audrey really began to moan and her whole body shook in anticipation of what she knew was coming. Walt began to slowly fuck her but soon picked up the pace as he penetrated her with long hard strokes that used the entire length of his thick cock. Audrey was going wild as she loved the feel of his cock as it pulled out and then came crashing back in as his big heavy balls bounced off her pussy. Audrey was thrashing around uncontrollably, gasping and moaning with pleasure. When Walt reached underneath her to stroke her clit she exploded with yet another orgasm.

Walt continued to hammer her ass with long strokes then suddenly he felt that familiar tension in his balls and he knew he was close. Walt began to piston his raging cock harder into her searing ass in search of his release, which also increased the intensity of her orgasm. She was yelling and moaning, clawing and scratching at the cover of the bed begging him to cum. Walt felt powerful and dominant with his impressive dick stuffed up the beautiful ass of Susan's ****** who at that moment could not get enough of him. Audrey lay submissively before Walt on all fours as he towered above her like some untamed ****** with a strong sexual hold on her. He took firm hold of her hips and slammed once more full ***** into Audrey's ass. Walt did that three or four more times and then he let out a loud groan as he emptied his seed deep into her bowels. Walt couldn't believe how much cum he produced this time as his dick continued to hammer into Audrey's ass. It had to be that he was so turned on from fucking her poolside with the beach a short distance away that he shot such a load.

When Walt was finished he pulled out of her ass as Audrey collapsed on the lounge utterly spent. He slumped down next to her quivering body. Walt looked over at Audrey and he noticed his seed oozing from her asshole. It resembled a natural spring as cum just seemed to bubble up as she tried to relax her quivering anal muscles. Walt couldn't resist the urge to finger Audrey's asshole. He reached over and fingered her ass pushing cum back into her hole then he removed his finger and watched as Audrey squeezed some cum back out of her ass. Walt fingered her again and made a little game of pushing cum back in and watching Audrey push it back out.

Walt fucked Audrey two more times that afternoon and she orgasmed several times before she just passed out from the sex, sun and wine. Audrey never knew what hit her that afternoon. When she finally woke up she realized that she had a mild hangover and that she had been thoroughly fucked. There was still cum in her pussy and ass and the taste of it in her mouth. Audrey staggered into the Jacuzzi and stayed in the bubbly water for quite awhile. Then she realized she was still naked so she got out of the Jacuzzi, put on her bikini and then got in the pool. The cool water felt soothing and as she relaxed she thought about the possibility of someone walking up from the beach and catching her naked or worse yet with Walt's cock in her ass.

Audrey decided at that moment that she needed some counseling. She knew one of the women in the woman's club was a psychiatrist. Audrey decided to speak with her and tell her about her dilemma. Maybe Liz would be able to help her deal with her ********* boyfriend. Audrey then went in the house and to her room to get dressed.


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Several days later, Audrey was hosting the officer's of the woman's club at her home for lunch and a business meeting and she had specifically asked Walt if he would leave the house that day during the meeting. Walt agreed to leave but he had no intention of doing so. While the women were meeting on the veranda and having tea after lunch, Walt snuck back into the house and checked out the women. Two of them were not too bad; in fact they were somewhat attractive and appeared to have good figures. The other two ladies were older and more out of shape.

Walt went up to his room and took off his clothes. He put on a tight Speedo swim suit but before he pulled it up over his pubes he stroked his cock getting it hard. Walt wanted the outline of his big dick to be very visible to the women. Then he headed out to the pool deck which required that he pass through the veranda.

"Oh I'm sorry ladies. I thought that the meeting would be over by now," he lied.

Audrey glared at him as she turned beet red. The other ladies stared at him as they did not know him and they did not know he was staying at the house. The one woman stared right as his crotch and took in the size of his erect cock outlined in the swim suit. Then the eyes from the second attractive lady spotted it too.

"Listen, I'm just going to catch some rays. I won't be any bother. I'll be quiet by the pool," Walt said and made his way out.

The women's eyes followed his muscular chiseled physique as he walked out to the pool and then they all looked at Audrey. "He's my ********* boyfriend. He goes to graduate school nearby and he stops over to use the pool some days," Audrey stammered making an excuse for Walt's presence.

The women returned to their meeting but every once in awhile Liz and Sherry would look out at the pool to check on Walt. The meeting ended shortly after and Audrey asked Liz if she could speak to her privately. They adjourned to the living room as the two of the women left but Sherry ventured out to the pool to introduce herself to Walt. Walt was laying on his back with his eyes closed soaking up the sun. He had oiled his body with sun tan oil and it glistened in the sunlight. Sherry stared at his crotch as she approached and the tight bathing suit outlined his generous package.

Sherry stopped by the lounge and was about to speak when Walt opened his eyes and said, "You're blocking the sun."

"Oh sorry about that," Sherry replied and she moved to allow the sun to hit his body, "I'm Sherry," she said introducing herself.

"Hi Sherry, I'm Walt. Why don't you sit down?" Walt offered.

"That's okay, I won't be staying long. Audrey tells us that you are Susan's boyfriend and that you go to graduate school here," Sherry stated.

"That's right," Walt agreed but not expanding on his arrangement.

"So do you stay on campus? Audrey says that you come over to use the pool at times," Sherry inquired.

"No I don't stay on campus. I stay here and I use the pool everyday. Why do you ask?" Walt responded.

"Oh just curious, I wonder why Audrey didn't say that," Sherry replied.

"Well she probably just didn't want a bunch of busy bodies to get the wrong idea about me staying at the house. I'm sure that you can understand that," Walt said curtly.

Sherry knew the comment was directed at her and she countered, "Well it would be easy to get the wrong idea with a good looking young stud staying at her house."

"Nice to meet you Sherry," Walt replied and then closed his eyes and put his head back down as if to ignore her.

"Are you interested in real estate? I am a broker and I could always use some help," Sherry asked.

Walt opened his eyes again and stared at the attractive woman, "Do you mean work real estate while going to grad school?"

"Yes that's exactly what I mean. This is a growing market down here and I'm sure you would do very well. My office would train you and you could get your real estate license," Sherry explained.

"Sounds interesting, what does your office sell?"

"Strictly residential and mostly high end properties, I'd be happy to show you a couple if you'd like."

"Why would I want to see the properties now?"

"To give you an idea of the high end market, also some of the homes have incredible master bedrooms and Roman style baths," Sherry replied hoping that he would take the hint.

"So you want to show me the master bedrooms and Roman style baths. Do we get to use them?" Walt replied testing the water with the attractive realtor.

"That could be arranged," Sherry said with a sultry smile, happy that he had taken the bait.

"Sherry, move over here please," Walt told her.

"Am I blocking the sun again?" she asked.

"No, I want you to block the view from the house," Walt said as he sat up on the lounge.

Walt moved to the edge of the lounge and reached for Sherry's legs. She stared in disbelief as the young man's hands made their way to of her knees. He ran his hands along her nylon clad legs up her thighs and touched the bare skin above her stockings. Walt could feel the goose bumps on her skin.

"You have very pretty legs, Sherry," Walt whispered.

"Thank you," Sherry managed to gasp.

Walt hands moved up higher under Sherry's skirt and caressed her panty covered pussy. Sherry gasped aloud when her mound was touched and caressed. Walt felt that her panties were damp and he knew that he had a hot lady on his hands.

"Your panties are very wet Sherry. If we were alone I would take them off you and lick your pussy but we can't do that right now, can we?" Walt teased her.

The Walt moved the crotch of her panties to one side and stroked Sherry's hot pussy. He probed it gently and pushed a finger into her. Then he stopped playing with her and pulled her panties back into position. Sherry looked confused and frustrated as she wanted him to keep playing with her pussy.

"That's enough for today. Do you have a business card so that I can get in touch with you? Walt asked and then licked the finger that was in her.

"I'll get one from my purse," Sherry stammered and then walked quickly back into the house.

She returned quickly with her business card and handed it to Walt. Walt rubbed his crotch in front of her and she could clearly see the outline of his erect cock in his bathing suit. Walt lifted the top of his bathing suit and slipped the business card in next to his dick. Sherry turned beet red but at the same time she wished they were alone.

"I don't have any pockets in the suit so I'll just put the card in here for safe keeping," Walt said with a smile.

"I need to get going," Sherry stammered and then she left the pool area.

"I'll be in touch," Walt called after her.

The whole scene between Sherry and Walt had gone unnoticed since Audrey and Liz were deep in discussion. Audrey told Liz about her dilemma and she asked Liz for an appointment for counseling. Liz was unprepared for Audrey's admission about the affair with Walt but she maintained her professional approach to the matter even though Liz couldn't blame Audrey. Liz knew that if she had the opportunity to have someone like Walt stay at her place and fuck her brains out, she would be all for it.


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Audrey and Liz set the appointment date and just then Sherry came back in the house. She looked a little flustered but she maintained her composure. Sherry thanked Audrey for hosting the business meeting and then she left. Liz also had to leave and she to thanked Audrey and said she would she her next week.

Audrey straightened up after the women left and then she went to her room to change clothes. She just started to undress when Walt entered the room still in his bathing suit.

He walked up behind her and led her over to the full length mirror in her bedroom. He stood behind her as she faced the mirror and he wrapped his arms around her kissing her neck at the same time.

"We need to make love. That Sherry got me all hot and bothered," Walt whispered in her ear.

Audrey wondered what happened with Sherry on the pool deck but she would have to wait until later to find out. Walt then unfastened Audrey's dress behind her neck and eased the top down and off her shoulders. The top of the dress drooped around her waist and Audrey felt like a woman on her honeymoon. Walt caressed her shoulders raising goose bumps on her skin and Audrey was sure that he would remove her bra next but he didn't. Walt dropped to his knees behind her and pulled her dress down to the floor. He lifted one foot at a time so that Audrey stepped out of the dress entirely. He pushed the dress to one side leaving her standing in only her heels, stockings, garter belt, panties and bra.

Walt then lifted one foot at a time and removed her shoes. Then he stood up behind Audrey and circled his arms around her cupping her bra encased breasts. Walt kissed her neck and tongued her ear sending chills through Audrey's body. Next he unsnapped her bra and slowly removed it from her body. Walt's hands touched Audrey's arms lightly as he peeled the bra straps down them. Audrey's nipples were rock hard and standing out aching to be touched and kissed. Walt was enjoying the slow torturous seduction but Audrey was going crazy. Audrey then realized that her pussy was sopping wet and soaking her panties. All of a sudden Audrey wished that Walt would hurry and just throw her on the bed and make love to her.

But he did not hurry; he took his time and continued the seductive foreplay. He unsnapped Audrey's garters and slowly removed her stockings with painstaking slowness. First one leg and the other and Audrey felt as if she had a mild orgasm in the process. Then Walt unsnapped the garter belt and tossed it to the side along with her clothes. Audrey didn't know what to expect next. She watched in the mirror as Walt peeled her panties down and off her legs. Audrey had not look at herself fully naked in awhile and now she was watching as her last item of clothing was removed from her body by her ********* boyfriend.

Walt left Audrey standing in front of the mirror looking at her body as he quickly stepped to the side out of view and removed his swim suit. Sherry's business card fell to floor next to his bathing suit. Then he came back into view and she caught a glimpse of his erection in the mirror. Walt stepped close behind Audrey again and took her in his arms. His hands caressed her breasts and tweaked her nipples. Audrey felt his cock brush against her buttocks and then it found its way into the crack of her backside. Audrey tensed for a moment as she was not up for anal sex at that moment.

"Walt, please don't put it in my ass today. Just make love to me," Audrey whispered hopefully.

Walt then began a descent down Audrey's body kissing her shoulders, lower back, buttocks and legs down to the back of her knees. Audrey's body trembled with desire as he planted soft kisses all over her. Walt worked his way back up to Audrey's bottom and kissed each cheek lovingly. Audrey's pussy was flowing with her juices and she needed to cum soon or she would go crazy. Walt kissed Audrey's tailbone just above the crack of her behind and she shivered as chills ran through her body.

Walt remained on his knees as he turned Audrey toward him and then he licked and kissed her pubes. Audrey gasped aloud when his tongue touched her vulva and sought out her clitoris. Walt grasped Audrey's buttocks and he held her to him as he licked her pussy and tongued her clit. Audrey screamed as a massive orgasm rocked her body. She held Walt's head to her vulva as she seemed to cum forever. Walt held Audrey tightly by her buttocks and he was relentless with his tongue. Audrey tried to push his head away several times but he just kept eating her and licking her until she collapsed in his grip. Walt eased Audrey to the floor as he sensed that she couldn't stand anymore and then he picked her up and carried her to her bed.

Walt placed Audrey down on the bed and she watched as he got on it with her. He looked at her and smiled and gently pried her legs apart. Walt eased himself between Audrey's legs and slid his rock hard cock into her pussy. It felt wonderful as it parted the lips of Audrey's labia and nestled deep within her. Walt started moving slowly and Audrey wrapped her arms and legs around his torso. He kept his weight off her as they made love but he managed to keep his shaft in constant contact with her clit.

Audrey felt another orgasm building within her and then she felt his release fill her womb. His seed jetted into Audrey with a ***** she had not experienced before. That triggered her orgasm and the two of them rocked together in an intense climax. Audrey's body went limp after her orgasm but Walt went right on screwing her. His cock had not softened and Audrey knew that she was in for a long session before he came a second, third and fourth time.

Audrey didn't think it was possible for her to cum again but she was wrong. In fact she had several orgasms along the way before Walt flooded her vagina with his seed a second time. This time he collapsed on top of her and she caressed his back as they both recovered from our orgasmic bliss. Walt sensed that he was too heavy for Audrey and rolled to the side. They cuddled for awhile before Walt rolled over on his back with his cock still buried in Audrey's pussy. Walt fucked her again and this time Audrey just collapsed on his chest until he came for a third time. After several minutes he placed Audrey on all fours and fucked her again cumming for a fourth and final time that afternoon. Audrey was exhausted and cum filled but she was grateful that he had spared her ass and mouth that afternoon. Walt got out of bed and picked up his bathing suit and the business card. He left Audrey in her bed and went out to the Jacuzzi where he soaked naked in the bubbly water. Audrey dozed off and slept for several hours. Later when she woke up she recalled what Walt had said before they made love that day and she made a mental note to find out why Sherry had got him hot and bothered. Of all the women that Audrey knew, Sherry was the one that she didn't trust.


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Walt was still soaking naked in the Jacuzzi as Audrey slept when one of Audrey's neighbors walked up from the beach. Walt heard someone call out from the back gate and he stood up in the Jacuzzi to see who it was. It was Margot, Audrey's neighbor from two houses down. Margot saw Walt stand up and then she realized he was naked. Her eyes went right to his pubes and she gasped when she saw his cock.

"Hi Margot, Audrey isn't here right now. I'll tell her that you stopped by," Walt said as if it were normal for her to see him naked.

"Okay, thanks," Margot managed and then walked away.

Walt slipped back into the Jacuzzi and soaked some more before he jumped in the pool to cool down. Then still naked he stretched out on the lounge. Walt never noticed Margot come back as she peered over the back gate hoping to get a glimpse of Walt's naked body again. Margot was taken with Walt's body and his cock that even soft looked impressive. She couldn't help but wonder if Audrey was getting fucked by her ********* lover. Margot eventually returned to her own home but she couldn't get Walt's image out of her mind. Later that evening after dinner Walt and Audrey sat on the veranda and talked. Walt told Audrey that Margot had stopped over earlier.

"Margot came to the back gate asking for you while I was in the Jacuzzi."

"She did, I hope that you had your bathing suit on."

"Well actually I didn't, sorry about that."

"Walt you have to start wearing clothes out back if you're going to speak with anyone."

"Yeah I shouldn't have stood up in the Jacuzzi."

"You stood up naked, oh my God, what did Margot say?"

"Nothing, I just told her you weren't home at the time."

"We'll at least she didn't think you were naked while I was home. Another thing I thought that I was clear about not being home when the woman's club met here."

"I truly thought that you would be finished, sorry if I upset anyone."

"You can't let that happen again, some of these women love to start rumors and what happened with Sherry. Why were you so turned on by her?"

"She kept staring at my cock in my bathing suit and then she offered me a job in her realty office."

"She offered you job, you don't have a realty license."

"I know but she said that they would train me and I could get a license. Hey it's not a bad job for someone in grad school."

Audrey thought about it and she actually liked the idea. It may be a way to wean Walt away from her house. She had planned to caution Walt about Sherry but then she decided not to. It would work out great if he started fucking Sherry. Audrey would get some relief although she had gotten used to making love and she would miss it if it stopped entirely.

"Well anyway I am going to call Sherry tomorrow and see where things go from here," Walt concluded.

The next day Walt called Sherry and she arranged for him to see a couple of the exclusive properties. Before she left her house, Sherry checked herself in the mirror and she liked what she saw. For a 39 year old woman she looked great. She worked to keep her 36-25-36 figure toned and the hard work paid off. Sherry had been fucking men her age and older since her divorce and she was pleased that she had been able to get Walt's attention. Sherry picked Walt up at Audrey's house and drove him to the first location. It was a magnificent estate like home set back about 100 yards from the beach. They went inside and Sherry showed Walt every room in the house saving the master bedroom for last. Sherry was dressed in a blouse and mini skirt that showed off her great looking legs.

Once inside the master bedroom Walt slipped his arms around her pulling Sherry toward him. His one hand snaked in her mini skirt and cupped her sex. As he expected Sherry's pussy was sopping wet. He freed his own erect cock from his pants and she felt it press up against her. Their lips met in a passionate kiss with his tongue darting into her mouth in search of hers. She pressed her shapely body against him as they tongue fucked one another. Sherry could feel pleasure surging up her spine.



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Sherry succumbed to her desires as stripped off her clothes and she led Walt by the hand over to the bed. She sat down on the bed and her hands fumbled with Walt's trousers. She pushed his trousers and underwear down over his hips to his feet as his big cock bounced in front of her face. Walt took off his shirt and kicked his pants and briefs aside becoming totally naked. Sherry stared hungrily at his huge cock and then reached out with her hand to stroke it. She marveled at its size and wondered how she would ever handle it. Walt sighed as she masturbated him.

She leaned forward and her tongue snaked out and lapped at his ball sac lightly, then she gently licked up and down his shaft. Her tongue circled his cock head as she slowly took the head of his penis into her mouth. Her lips slid further down the shaft as she was able to take half of his cock in her mouth drawing a moan from him. They hadn't spoken a word to each other since they kissed. Sherry began to bob her head back and forth on his cock, sucking hard on his huge member and testing her gag line. She was able to get about seven inches in her mouth. Sherry slurped loudly on Walt's dick as her soft lips glided smoothly up and down his long cock.

Walt stood before the shapely Sherry as she sucked ravenously on his oversized cock. Her hand cupped his balls and gently caressed them as her tongue licked at the head of his dick each time it came out of her mouth. Walt placed his hands on the back of her head and guided her as she gave him an incredible blowjob. He loved the way she sucked his cock. She was so hot and he couldn't believe his good fortune as he held her hair back to watch her pretty face and sensuous mouth. Sherry kept her eyes closed with her lips snugly wrapped around his shaft as she bobbed back and forth. She was still incredibly turned on and her panties were soaked.

Walt brought excitement back into her life with his big cock and Sherry now realized that she was addicted to it. She was so enamored with his impressive cock; she found that she loved to suck on it. Sherry was desperate to please him and to make him cum. She loved to swallow cum. Sherry wanted this to be Walt's best blow job ever and she put all her efforts into it even more so than she ever had with any of her clients. It did not take long to bring Walt to the edge.

Walt announced that he was cumming and Sherry clamped down on his cock determined to swallow every drop of his seed. She could feel his cock jerk in her hand as volley after volley bounced off the back of her throat. Sherry swallowed as quickly as she could and did not allow a drop to escape her mouth. She continued to suck on his cock milking it dry of his sperm. Then Sherry took the cock from her mouth and Walt watched as she squeezed more cum out the end of his dick. Sherry then wrapped her lips around it and sucked his man juice dry. She nibbled on his dick head causing him to shiver and he pushed her away. Walt's cock stayed hard and Sherry marveled at the impressive organ before her. Sherry lay back on the bed and displayed her beautiful neatly trimmed pussy to Walt. She opened her legs and smiled at him.

"Is that for me?" she asked as she opened her legs before him hiding nothing and leaving no doubt as to her desire; her pussy for his taking.

Walt knelt before Sherry at the end of her bed and kissed her from her knee up her soft thighs towards her womanhood. He took in the lovely smell of her as he kissed her smooth creamy white skin just beside her vagina. Sherry was in a state of ecstasy and her heart pounded as she watched her young lover lick her. Her cunt lips quivered as he teased them with his tongue and kissed her everywhere she desired. Walt's tongue was long and probed deep into the inner walls of her pussy.

Sherry ran her hands over her body cupping her breasts and rolling her nipples between her fingertips. Walt sucked her cunt lips into his mouth as his tongue snaked around in her snatch. Walt still had not made contact with her clit and Sherry desperately needed his tongue or his cock to touch her clit. She moaned in pleasure and frustration as Walt continued to tease her. He again wiggled his tongue deep within her pussy before finally nudging her clit. Sherry jumped as a spark of pleasure shot through her body.

Walt slid his hands under her curvy ass and lovingly cupped her shapely ass cheeks. He sucked her clit into his mouth and held it between his lips as he ran his tongue over the hard little pearl. Sherry arched her back as she felt her orgasm approach.

"Oh yes, oh boy," she called out as the first wave rocked her body.

Sherry grabbed Walt's head with both hands and pulled his face harder into her crotch. She vigorously humped his face as his tongue danced over her super sensitive cit. Her thighs clamped around his head and her entire body trembled as she came again almost violently. Sherry felt her pussy pulsating as she covered Walt's face with her female juices. Finally she collapsed back on the bed releasing him in the process.

"Oh my God," Sherry moaned.

Walt raised himself up and knelt between her legs. His huge cock looked menacing as it hovered above her hips.

"Are you ready for this?" he asked smiling confidently.

"Oh yes, yes please, fuck me now," Sherry pleaded.

Walt held his cock and lined up the swollen head with the entrance to her sex. He pushed forward slightly allowing her tight cunt lips to open up for his impressive cock. He was about half way in when he pulled out and then slowly eased back into her causing her to moan in pleasure. Walt would push in a little and then pull out a little slowly working his cock deeper and deeper into her vagina. Finally his entire cock was buried in her and Sherry sighed feeling completely full almost afraid to move. This was a new sensation for her to be this full.

Walt held himself inside her waiting for Sherry to start fucking him. He looked down at her and smiled and then she pulled him down to her and they kissed deeply with their tongues playing with one another. Sherry was ready to be fucked and she needed his big dick to slide in and out of her and rub her clit. She began to move and then Walt fucked her using long slow hard strokes. Sherry locked her legs around Walt's ass and pulled him into her. He began to fuck her harder and faster and she felt another orgasm on its way. She was at the mercy of his gigantic organ as it pounded her pussy.

If Walt hadn't just cum in her mouth he would not have been able to hold on as long. Sherry was so hot and squeezed him with her tight pussy; she was really a good fuck. Walt fucked through her one orgasm after another before he filled her pussy with cum. His orgasm was as intense as hers as their bodies ground together and they moaned and groaned loudly.

Sherry could feel his cock softening but even then it still filled her cunt. Walt slowly lifted himself off of her body and in so doing his thick cock slipped from her pussy. Sherry felt the void in her cunt as his cock left her body and she gasped as the coolness of the air touched her vacant pussy. Sherry rolled over on her stomach so as to look at Walt who lay on his back.

Walt looked at Sherry's ass and he could not resist running his hands over her shapely cheeks. Her ass was so amazing that he felt his loins stir with desire. She had the perfect ass for fucking no wonder he wanted to fuck it. Walt got to his knees behind Sherry and kneaded her gorgeous ass cheeks. He then began to kiss her cheeks and run his tongue lightly in the crack of her ass. Sherry wiggled her ass feeling very wicked as he tongued and kissed her.

Walt lifted her by her hips so that her ass was perched in the air. Sherry's head was still on the bed and she turned it to one side and let out a gasp as Walt's tongue licked close to her asshole. Walt ran his tongue from her pussy to her ass causing Sherry to tingle in anticipation of what might be next.

Walt spread her ass cheeks with his hands and dipped his tongue into the crack locating her nether hole. His tongue slowly circled her anus and she flinched at the contact. He then pushed his tongue as far as he could into her asshole and he found herself wanting him to fuck her up the ass. She had been ass fucked enough in the past but she was still worried about Walt's size. He continued to ass fuck her with his tongue and she was at his mercy. Her desire grew as he worked her ass to the point that she really wanted more in her ass.



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Walt removed his tongue from her ass and ran his hard cock between her ass cheeks as he spoke to her, "I want to fuck you in the ass Sherry. Do you want me to fuck your hot ass?"

"You can fuck me there Walt, but you're so big. Get the lotion from my purse," Sherry replied to him with apprehension.

Walt sprinted to her purse and was back in bed in no time with the lotion in his hands. Sherry arched her back and pointed her beautiful ass back at him. He coated her asshole with a generous amount of lotion and slid his thick finger in her hole. He took his time preparing her ass relishing every moment. He then coated his entire cock with the lotion, added his own saliva and placed the head at the entrance to her anus. Walt pushed forward and the thick cock head squeezed into her tight asshole.

Sherry winched in pain as her asshole was stretched wider than ever and she gasped, "Go slow let me get used to it."

Walt withdrew his cock head and then pushed it back in this time causing more pleasure than pain. He pushed until a couple of inches were in Sherry's ass. Sherry found herself holding her breath and her body covered in goose bumps. He was so thick that her asshole stretched to new dimensions and held his cock in a vice like grip. Walt slowly slid his dick in and out of her each time going a little deeper. The pain had subsided and was replaced with a feeling of fullness.

"Relax Sherry," urged Walt.

"Oh my God, you are so big I feel so full," cried out Sherry and then, "Uh, uh, uh oh yes, it's so good," she cried out.

Walt reached around and played with Sherry's clit as he pounded her ass. Her pussy and asshole were on fire as the big cock reached previously untouched areas in her body. Sherry was on the brink of another huge orgasm as Walt methodically fucked her in her tight anus with his sizeable cock. He loved watching his thick cock slide out of her white shapely ass and then plunge back in as his hips slapped against her curvy ass cheeks causing them to jiggle with each thrust. He loved the contrast in their skin color as he watched her white ass impaled on his tan cock. Her orgasm surged within her as he fucked her ass harder and faster.

As Sherry came and came her entire body went into spasm. Her pussy convulsed and clamped around Walt's fingers coating them with her cunt juice. Sherry's asshole pulsated as he drove his big cock in and out of it. Her ass ************* squeezed and released his huge member as he fucked it causing him to finally lose it. He slid his pecker deep into her rectum as his cock spasmed and sent a thick stream of hot cum into her channel. Walt kept fucking her as load after load was fired into her ass as his cock kept twitching and spurting inside the impaled Sherry.

Sherry had never felt so full of cum and there was no where for it to go blocked by Walt's swollen cock buried in her ass. He slowed his pace and eventually stopped allowing his cock to remain buried in Sherry's ass. He did not go soft right away and he gently moved his hips pushing cum around in her ass. Some of it trickled out and ran down over her pussy lips.

Sherry could not take any more fucking and she pleaded, "Please no more, I can't take any more, please stop."

Reluctantly Walt stopped and slowly withdrew his cock from her loosened asshole. He marveled in the sight of his enormous cock sliding out of her shapely ass. The man seed flowed from her asshole and ran like a river down over her pussy and between her sweet thighs. Walt and Sherry stayed in the same position for awhile and he massaged her beautiful ass as she remained on her knees with her ass perched in the air. Walt pushed down lightly on Sherry's back causing her to accentuate her ass even more. He loved looking at it and playing with it as she cooed into the bed sheets. His cock remained hard and looked menacing around Sherry's asshole. It was hard to believe that a cock that size had just fucked such a beautiful tight ass. Sherry looked magnificent with her just fucked curvy ass in the air.

Sherry had never been fucked so thoroughly in one day but of course most of her clients were older and only good for one ejaculation. Sherry had a belly, pussy and asshole full of cum and Walt's cock was still hard. But Sherry had had enough for one day and she knew that she would have many more sessions with her new lover.

"What about that job?" Walt asked as he caressed her ass.

"You're hired," Sherry gasped.

Then Sherry suggested they bathe in the Roman bath before they dressed and left the house. Once in the bath, Sherry learned that Walt was not done with her as he fucked her ass one more time. Then they finished bathing, dressed, straightened up after them and then left the house. They never made it to the second house that day. Sherry drove Walt back to Audrey's house and then she drove her tired body to her office. Sherry couldn't wait to share her experience with Liz. Sherry knew that Liz would be jealous and anxious to jump Walt's bones too. Maybe they could do a threesome, it had been a while since Liz and Sherry did a threesome.


Susan settles in at school but lets her guard down one weekend. Liz counsels Audrey with unexpected results. Walt helps the neighbor Margot with her tennis game and learns more about her


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Audrey was sitting in the reception area of Liz's office. The receptionist Kelly had made Audrey feel comfortable and had served her a cup of coffee. Audrey had the strangest feeling though that Kelly kept checking her out. It was the end of the day and Audrey was Liz's last appointment. Audrey nervously looked through a couple of magazines but every time she looked up she saw Kelly staring at her. When their eyes met Kelly would look away as if she wasn't watching Audrey.

Then Liz came out and greeted Audrey and invited her into the office. "Kelly I will be awhile with Audrey. You don't have to wait I will lock up. I'll see you tomorrow," Liz said to her assistant. Audrey noticed the disappointed look on Kelly's face.

"So Audrey, what is on your mind? Why did you feel the need to see me professionally? Liz asked.

"It's about me and Walt, you know Susan's boyfriend," Audrey began.

Audrey then went through everything that happened with Walt from the first time he seduced her to the present day. Audrey explained how she lost her anal virginity to him and how he made her suck his cock and swallow his cum. Audrey told Liz that Walt had moved in with her while Susan was at college. She also told Liz about all the sex that went on between them. Liz was glued to every word that came out of Audrey's mouth. Liz could hardly contain her excitement hearing about Audrey's torrid affair. However Liz maintained her professional image as she listened to Audrey's story.

"Why did you let him move in with you?" Liz asked.

"He insisted and Susan thought it was a good idea too. I don't know why but I was powerless to stop him," Audrey confessed.

"Do you want him out of your house now?"

"Yes and no, sometimes I can't stand that he is around. But at other times I like having him around."

Liz asked, "Do you like having sex with him?"

"Yes most of the time but then he gets weird sometimes, like the time he fucked my ass right before I went to the woman's club meeting," Audrey admitted.

Audrey explained how Walt had bent her over the kitchen table and fucked her in the ass. "He pulled my dress up and my panties down. Then he used the butter on the table to lubricate me and pushed his cock into me. He fucked me cumming in my ass and then pulled my panties up and told me to go the meeting."

"Oh my God, I can't believe that he did that!" Liz exclaimed trying to hide her excitement and then asked, "Audrey what do you want to do about him?"

"I think I want him to leave but then I know that I will miss having sex with him. I still can't believe that I let this happen and that I am having sex with my ********* boyfriend," Audrey replied almost sobbing.

"So Susan doesn't know. She doesn't have a clue about what is going on."

No, none, she is not aware of anything. When she is home they fuck like rabbits and they don't care that I hear them or see them."

"Wow, Audrey all this talk has gotten me very excited," Liz sighed.

"Yes, I get excited too just thinking about it sometimes. This is the first time I have told anyone and I just got a little excited too," Audrey admitted.

Liz moved over to the sofa with Audrey, looked deep into Audrey's eyes and asked her, "Have you ever been with a woman?"

Audrey just shyly shook her head no as she whispered softly, "No I haven't I wouldn't know what to do."

"Would you like me to show you, to make love to you?" Liz pressed on.

Again Audrey just nodded her head and uttered a soft, "I don't know."

Liz then locked the office door and returned to Audrey. She looked down at her friend and new patient as she smiled and spoke.

"Let me show you, let me make love to you," Liz said softly.

Liz leaned in and kissed Audrey on the lips. It was the first time that Audrey had ever been kissed passionately by a woman and she actually found it to be pleasant. Liz was very gentle and very tender as she kissed Audrey and Audrey returned the kiss. Soon they were French kissing and Liz was rubbing her hands over Audrey's breasts through the cotton sweater. Audrey started to moan as her tongue dueled with Liz's tongue.

Liz then lifted the light cotton sweater over Audrey's head and then removed her bra baring Audrey's entire upper body. She lowered her mouth to Audrey's breasts and told her how beautiful her breasts were and how delicious her nipples tasted. Liz than began her tortuous journey down Audrey's body using her mouth to taste and caress every inch of her skin. Liz unsnapped the clasp on Audrey's skirt and slowly pulled it down her hips. Audrey automatically raised her hips to make it easier for Liz to remove her skirt. Liz took it off of her legs and tossed it over with the sweater. Liz's hands then returned to Audrey's panties and she tucked her fingers into the elastic waistband and painstakingly slid them down and off of Audrey's shapely legs. Audrey was now totally naked on the sofa as Liz stood up to remove all of her own clothes.

Liz sat back down with Audrey on the sofa and their bodies came together. Audrey's breathing became shallow and her moans became loudly audible. As Liz's tongue circled Audrey's right nipple Audrey became increasingly aware that it was not going to take much to make her cum. Audrey felt Liz's fingers stroke her wet mound locating her puffy pussy and then found their way inside her. Audrey moved her legs further apart trying to help Liz and soon she was fingering Audrey with soft, slow, tender probes.

Audrey couldn't take it any longer, she gently pushed Liz's head down and Liz nestled between her legs. Liz used her hands to slowly open Audrey's legs and placed Audrey's thighs on her shoulders. With one finger Liz traced the soft outer lips of Audrey's swollen pussy lips and applied gentle pressure spreading them open even further. Audrey felt the familiar butterflies in her stomach as she gazed upon the sight of her moist pussy lips inviting Liz's invasion. Liz put more fingers inside Audrey and caressed her inner walls while Liz's thumb positioned itself on the tip of Audrey's swelling clit and lightly tickled it back and forth.

Liz moved herself slowly up Audrey's body as she continued to finger fuck her pussy she kissed and licked her way to Audrey's tits. Liz took turns holding each nipple between her soft lips sucking and flicking at Audrey's hard nipples. Audrey in turn reached for Liz's breasts and felt the hard nipples across her palms as she stroked them. Audrey pinched and rolled Liz's nipples between her fingers while Liz tongued Audrey's breasts. Liz whispered to Audrey that she had to have her and then kissed her passionately. They moaned into each other's mouth as their fingers and thumbs tickled their swollen clits. Audrey could feel the wetness of Liz's pussy saturating her thigh.

Liz broke off their kiss and smiled at her before descending toward Audrey's aching pussy. As Liz reached Audrey's wet mound she separated the lips fully opening her pink moistness and then Liz herself groaned with anticipated pleasure. The tip of her tongue touched Audrey's center and Audrey's sweet liquid gushed into Liz's mouth. Liz was unprepared for the gusher but none the less she licked at the silky lips, losing herself in the feeling of Audrey's beautiful hot body. She flattened her tongue and stroked Audrey's center up and down firmly enough that Audrey could feel it on her clit. Liz drove Audrey mad as her swollen clit twitched and ached for more attention. Audrey arched her back and pulled Liz's head to her mound trying to shove her engorged clit into Liz's mouth much like a man would shove his cock into a woman's mouth. Liz wrapped her lips around Audrey's swollen button and sucked it. Audrey gasped as Liz's lips sucked her clit in further and further causing a strong tremor to run through her whole body.

Audrey's hips lifted off of the sofa as Liz sucked on her clit flicking it back and forth as her fingers probed deep inside Audrey. Liz worked her fingers in and out slowly at first and then with more intensity as her tongue firmly, methodically pressed again and again against Audrey's erect clit. At this point Audrey's groans became very loud, her body was rocked with her second orgasm and she ground her pussy into Liz's face which was now totally covered with Audrey's sweet love juices.

Liz continued to lap at the hard clit as Audrey's body convulsed with one orgasm after another. Slowly Audrey relaxed after the last and one of the most intense climaxes she ever had. She lay back on the sofa as Liz moved up to Audrey's lips and covered them with her own mouth, kissing Audrey tenderly, deeply and letting her tongue slip past Audrey's lips so Audrey could taste herself. Audrey kissed Liz eagerly in return, loving the sweet taste of her own pussy. They lay on the sofa cradled in one other's arms without saying a word savoring the feel of a woman's body in each other's arms.

"Come to me Audrey and make love to me just as I did to you," Liz whispered.

Audrey looked right at Liz's beautiful pussy, leaned forward and slowly stuck out her tongue. Audrey didn't let know exactly what she was doing as she tried to copy what Liz did. Audrey took one, slow lick as she flattened her tongue on Liz's swollen mound. It felt so smooth and warm and Audrey knew she had achieved the desired effect from Liz's moan, Audrey knew that Liz enjoyed it. Audrey discovered that she loved the taste of pussy and she kept licking and eating Liz. Audrey pointed her tongue and burrowed into Liz's pussy as it parted the labia and Audrey's tongue was rewarded with the exquisite taste of Liz's juice, soon Audrey was licking and lapping up as much as she could as fast as she could.


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Liz was obviously enjoying what Audrey was doing as she reached down with both hands and spread herself wide making it so much easier for Audrey's tongue to explore her pussy. Audrey's tongue explored all of Liz as her mind took notes of what seemed to turn Liz on. Liz was breathing rapidly and she moaned softly whenever Audrey got near her hard pearl. As Audrey searched out Liz's hard clit, still just barely hidden, Liz tensed and began to quiver.

Audrey burrowed her tongue as deep into Liz as she could and then she just sort of licked and sucked her way up. When Audrey got to Liz's pearl she used the very tip of her tongue to push back the little hood. Audrey was truly amazed at its size as she flicked her tongue over it once and then used the tip to explore the folds of flesh on either side of it. Liz was now moaning and she used her fingers to pull her hood back as she arched herself so that her clit stuck out even further like a little cock. Audrey nuzzled it with her nose taking in Liz's scent and she licked it once more before she took it between her teeth and gently nibbled it.

Liz went wild and started bucking and calling out Audrey's name. Liz let go of her own fleshy hood and pulled Audrey's head to her pussy as she cried out in ecstasy. Audrey sucked Liz's clit as deep in her mouth as she could and Liz humped her face for all she was worth. Audrey didn't know exactly how many times Liz came but she finally went stiff and then collapsed on the sofa, her body in spasms.

"That was beautiful, you were marvelous Audrey. I cannot believe that it was your first time with a woman," Liz sighed.

"I can't either. I never would have guessed that a counseling session would lead to this," replied Audrey.

"I guess not. Now I want you to experience something else," Liz said as she recovered.

The two women stretched out on the sofa with their heads at either end. Then Liz opened her legs and in a scissor position moved her pussy in contact with Audrey's pussy. Audrey had never done this but she was intrigued with the position. The two women rubbed their pussies together until they were humping each other like crazy in search of another orgasm. They both came on each other's pussy and then they collapsed on the sofa.

Later Audrey left Liz's office with mixed emotions. She had gone to her friend for counseling and instead she had slid further into debauchery. Audrey had to admit that she enjoyed her first lesbian experience but she still didn't know what to do about her ********* boyfriend. Audrey had made another appointment to see Liz and she was hopeful that the next time Liz would have some advice for her.


It had been weeks since Susan had seen Walt and she missed his big cock and companionship which is why she agreed to go out with her roommate Ruth. They were just going to cruise a couple of local hot spots and have some fun. They stopped at this once club and Ruth ran into three guys that she knew, Dirk, Brad and Kyle all in their mid twenties. Susan and Ruth danced with the guys and the guys kept buying the ******.

Susan had more wine then normal and she was a little tipsy but she was also feeling very romantic. Wine did that to her. Susan did not object when Dirk invited everyone back to his place for a nightcap. Susan found herself on the sofa with Dirk and she had no idea where Ruth, Brad and Kyle were. Dirk took Susan in his arms and kissed her. Susan knew she shouldn't be alone with Dirk but the kiss felt good and Susan knew that she could always stop when she wanted to.

Dirk and Susan continued to kiss and Dirk pushed his tongue into Susan's mouth. Susan responded and let her tongue slip into Dirk's mouth. Susan felt Dirk's hands on her body and one hand fondled her breasts through her blouse and bra. Dirk's hands felt good so Susan let him feel her breasts plus she knew she could always stop him if he went too far. However Susan didn't stop him when he pulled her blouse out of her shorts and caressed her bare firm belly. She also didn't stop him when his hand covered her bra covered breast.

Dirk reached behind Susan and with precision he unsnapped the clasp on her bra. Susan felt the material loosen around her breasts and she gasped into Dirk's mouth. Susan's mind told her she should stop him but her body told her to let him continue. It felt good to be in the arms of a man again, it had been months since she was with Walt. So Susan didn't stop Dirk when he removed her blouse and bra nor did she stop him when he kissed and sucked on her tits and nipples. She also didn't stop him when he unfastened her Bermuda shorts and slid them down her shapely legs and she didn't stop him when he hooked his fingers in her panties and removed them. In fact Susan's lifted her hips making it easier for Dirk to slip the panties down her hips.

Susan was now naked on the sofa and she was breathing hard. Dirk maneuvered between her legs and placed Susan's legs on his shoulders. Then he dipped his head between her legs and kissed her inner thighs. Susan was almost panting with desire as she anticipated Dirk's mouth on her pussy. Dirk did not disappoint Susan as he ran his tongue over her vulva and gently prodded the outer lips of her pussy. Dirk teased her a little more before Susan grabbed his head and pulled it into her pussy. Dirk slipped his tongue in her and licked around inside searching for her clit. Susan jumped as if she had been struck with an electric shock when Dirk's mouth covered her clit and gently nibbled it.

Susan orgasmed quickly as she held Dirk's face to her pussy and humped it at him. Dirk grabbed her shapely ass and held her as she climaxed. Susan gasped aloud as she came and groaned as Dirk licked her pussy and he kissed her inner thighs as she recovered from her first orgasm in quite some time. Dirk got up and stood between Susan's splayed legs. He took off all his clothes and Susan watched as his erect cock came into view. He wasn't as big as her boyfriend but at that moment Susan just wanted a cock in her.

With a smirk on his face Dirk positioned his cock at the entrance of Susan's pussy and pushed it in. His cock slid in easily and Dirk knew immediately that she had been fucked plenty of times. Dirk fucked her fast and hard causing Susan to cum again before he did. Then Dirk positioned Susan on all fours so that he could fuck her doggy style. Dirk put his cock back into her pussy and began the steady motion of fucking her from behind. Susan was resting her head on the arm of the sofa when she sensed the presence of someone else. Brad had entered the room and he was standing totally naked waving his erect cock in front of Susan. Brad moved closer and Susan bent forward a little so that she could take his vibrant erect cock into her mouth. As if in a trance Susan accepted the cock in her mouth and proceeded to suck on it. Susan was now bent over sucking Brad's prick as she held it in position with her hand while Dirk fucked her from behind.

Dirk whispered, "You have a beautiful ass and pussy Susan, so fuckable."

Susan held Brad's cock perfectly in her mouth as she sucked, nibbled and bobbed up and down on it. Susan gasped as Dirk's thrust pushed her forward causing Brad's cock to hit the back of her throat. She almost gagged but she recovered quickly and returned to licking and sucking every inch of the beautiful cock in her mouth. It was her first threesome and Susan thought how she must look at the moment being fucked doggy style while gobbling a cock down her throat.

Kyle entered the room and stood nearby watching the scene stroking his manhood, not wanting to miss a second of the wonderful display of Susan giving up her modesty and enjoying the assault on her shapely body. Kyle could see Dirk's cock entering her with long, regular, penetrating strokes with his hips slapped against Susan's curvy buttocks. Dirk held her firmly by her hips and Brad held onto her head. Kyle watched Brad's thick cock as it slipped down into her throat before easing out to momentarily rest between her lips and then slide back in again.

Neither of them was rushing the experience as they wanted to enjoy Susan's body. They wanted to savor her submissiveness and the eagerness with which she had given herself over to their sexual advances. Susan was helpless in their dual grasp and beautifully exposed. At first she had been reluctant but now she wanted it to go on and on, thrilling her and fucking her deeply. She didn't think about it any longer, she just listened to her body and went with the flow. As she sucked, nibbled and pushed back onto the young cocks in her the feeling was incredible.

Susan groaned as Dirk rammed up into her cunt with each thrust and Brad held her hair gently as he controlled her head movements over his cock. Brad held his cock with one hand as it moved in and out between Susan's willing lips, until finally he had reached his pinnacle, then he withdrew slightly and held Susan firmly so that he could shoot in her mouth and over her face. Susan was in such an aroused state from the cock pounding into her at the rear that she paid no attention to Brad's positioning. Then his thick ejaculation shot into her mouth and splashed all over her face. Brad held his cock close so that his milky seed hit Susan's cheeks, chin and forehead. Susan also felt the liquid enter her mouth as she held her lips open in an attempt to capture it all. She felt the fountain spew all over her face and her tongue darted out to lick around her lips. She felt the warmth as cum dribbled down her face as Brad held her head in place. He then pushed his wilting member back into her mouth again and urged her to suck him dry.

"Lick it, Susan, lick me clean," Brad ordered and Susan obligingly sucked and licked until every drop was taken into her mouth.

Dirk still held Susan and he was still thrusting his vibrant cock into her from behind. Kyle now wanted to enjoy the woman who was their plaything.

"Let's take her into her bedroom," said Kyle as he watched Dirk enjoying himself.

Dirk eased himself out of Susan's succulent body. Susan raised herself to a standing position and Dirk enveloped his arms around her waist to tease her cunt lips with his fingers again. Susan was on a high as she had almost been brought to another orgasm. She held Dirk's fingers on her cunt and he guided her to the bedroom. Susan was opening her legs wider to accept Dirk's intruding fingers. She was overcome with desire and she wanted to rub her own clit frantically. She wanted so badly to cum again.
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