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les histoires de chrislebo

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Denis stimmte gleich zu und im nächsten Juli saßen sie in ihrem Citroën und rollten Richtung Atlantik - Gravey. Der Ort war nur ein Ausgangspunkt, sie hatten eine Wegskizze von Natalis Freundin. Das Auto stellten sie an einem zentralen Parkplatz im Schatten ab. Auf ihr Transportwägelchen luden sie Zelt, Schlafsack und Verpflegung für mindestens eine Woche.
Der Anmarschweg war lang - doch immer unter Pinien. Es war romantisch, man sah den Atlantik, hörte das Rauschen der Wellen, die Zikaden zirpten und nur hie und da hielten sich Menschen auf. Alle ziemlich jung, nackt und gebräunt. Man grüßte sie freundlich und die Stimmung war bestens. Hie und da standen schon Zelte, aber es war eher einsam, denn der Strand war ja gigantisch lang. Zum nächsten Küstenort waren es mindestens zehn Kilometer.
Nun wurde es nachmittag und sie hatten wirklich eine größere Strecke zurückgelegt. Die Last auf dem Wägelchen wurde immer schwerer und so schauten sie sich nach einem Zeltplatz um. Etwas abseits vom Strand, unter den dichteren Pinien fanden sie einen schönen schattigen Platz. Dort war es nicht weit zum Meer, höchstens hundert Meter. Der Platz dazwischen war für das Bräunen und Träumen frei. Ein paar Fußspuren zeigten an, dass sich dort doch gelegentlich Menschen hin verirrten. Gegen abend hatten sie alles ausgepackt, aufgeräumt und aufgebaut, Denis war da ein richtiger Pedant alles musste an seinen Platz. Eine erste Flasche Beaujolais wurde aufgemacht und dazu gab es Brot, Käse und Würste. Wirklich zeigten sich ein paar Sterne und es wurde fast etwas zu einsam. Doch sie hatten keine Angst, sie hatten wie alle anderen auch keinerlei Wertsachen dabei und es war gegen alle Logik, dass einen hier wer überfallen könnte. So kam ihre erste Nacht und ja - es wurde richtig gemütlich, sie liebten sich zwar nicht unter dem Mond - es war wohl Neumond - sondern auf ihren Luftmatrazen. Aber schön war es. Es fühlte sich alles so ganz einfach und primitiv an... einfach gut!
Sie hatten keine Ahnung, dass vielleicht gerade deshalb am beginnenden ersten Tag viel unerwartetes Neues kommen sollte. Nach dem eher knappen Frühstück ölten sie sich ein - Natali hätte sich gerne von Deniss Händen den nackten Körper einreiben lassen, aber der hatte
nur mit seinem eigenen blassen, schmächtigen Körper zu tun - in Angst vor dem gefürchteten Sonnenbrand. So saßen sie eifrig reibend da, als die ersten nackten Strandläufer erschienen und ihnen beim Eincremen zusahen. Manche grüßten sie freundlich - es war einfach eine sympathische Stimmung unter den Nackten hier. Wie weit war ihr doofes Kaff Nogent-la-Bénie hinter ihnen mit der alten buckligen Nachbarin, dem hässlichen Köter des Metzgers und den alten Männern beim Boule-Spiel.
Etwas fiel Natali dann doch auf: von den Spaziergängern waren mehr als 3/4 männlich, Frauen allein kamen so gut wie nie vorbei und selten mal ein Pärchen. Aber was soll´s? Sie wollten ja nicht Bekanntschaften schließen, sondern die Liebe nach zehn Jahren Ehe mal wieder zu ihrem Recht kommen lassen. Nur Denis schien sich der Möglichkeiten nicht bewusst zu sein - er zog einen Prospekt seiner Firma hervor und ging den Terminplan des folgenden halben Jahres durch und machte sich Anmerkungen. Irgendwie war Natali von ihm nicht nur in diesem Moment enttäuscht - es wurde ihr eher eine langjährige Unzufriedenheit mit ihrem Mann bewusst und es erschien ihr unwahrscheinlich, dass gerade hier und gerade mit Denis der Kinderwunsch nun in Erfüllung gehen sollte. Ihre Andeutungen verstand er nicht - oder wollte sie nicht verstehen, weil das unbequem war. Und so verging der erste Vormittag.


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Gerade wollten sie zum Essen zu ihrem Zelt zurück, als ein Mittvierziger sehr nahe an ihnen
vorbei ging. Er ging gemächlich und schaute Natali genau in die Augen, denn er trug keine Sonnenbrille. Er war kein gut aussehender Mann, eher durchschnittlich. Aber was da zwischen seinen Beinen baumelte, das zauberte ein verlegenes Lächeln auf Natalis Gesicht und reflexartig stieß sie Denis an, der zuerst nicht wusste, was sie meinte. Da war der Mann schon an ihnen vorüber und Natali sagte halblaut: "Hast du DAS gesehen?" Denis fragte: "Was denn?" Natali war fast beleidigt, weil Denis nie kapierte, worauf es ankam...Na...sein Ding...!!!
Denis fragte darauf, ob sie den Wein in die Kühltasche gestellt hatte. Natali war sauer und antwortete ihm nicht. Sie aßen schweigend die
Suppe, die sie auf dem Kocher aufgewärmt hatte. Natali ersäufte ihren Frust in einem zusätzlichen Glas Wein und in einem weiteren und dann noch ein letztes. Als sie nach dem Essen zum Strand marschierte, wackelten ihre Beinen tüchtig unter ihr, Denis genoss den Schatten am Zelt.
Wieder lag sie an der Sonne, wieder cremte sie sich ein, da fiel ein Schatten auf war jener große Supermann! "Na, kann ich dir helfen?" Doch Natali bekam so einen Schreck, dass sie reflexartig sagte: "Nein danke!" Obwohl sie nach einigem Nachdenken lieber ja gesagt hätte. Der Mann fragte: "Ist das euer Zelt?" Natali japste "ja" und ihr Blick fiel auf dieses große Dings, das nun nahe vor ihrem Gesicht baumelte. Sie verfluchte Denis, der sie so allein den Männern auslieferte, während er seine Terminplanung durchsah. Aber irgendetwas begann in ihrem Unterleib zu tingeln und eine Hitze stieg in ihr auf, die nicht von der Sonne kam. Wenn sie nur nicht immer so doof fasziniert dem Fremden zwischen die Beine glotzen würde...das war doch total peinlich! Der Fremde hatte das freilich bemerkt und grinste nur ein:
"Vielleicht sehen wir uns wieder?" und wanderte gemächlich strandauf oder strandab nach dem.
Als Denis gegen fünf Uhr nachmittags erschien, war Natali - verkatert oder beleidigt? Jedenfalls wortkarg, muffig. Denis spüre davon nichts und sagte zu allem Überfluss: "Du, die Termine für die Präsentation im November kann ich alle schon in den Oktober legen, weil im November ja die große..." Da unterbrach ihn Natali unwirsch:
"Du, verschon´ mich mit dem Kram und lass mich nicht hier für alle Männer zur Beute allein liegen!" Denis lächelte doof: "Ach Mausi, die tun dir doch nix! Und wenn schon, würdest du deinem Schatzi Hörner aufsetzen?" Natali wusste nicht, welche Antwort sie geben sollte und schwieg weiter. Als die Hitze nachließ, kam aus der Ferne Natalis neuer Bekannter genüsslich langsam angeschritten. Sie erkannte ihn von weitem und lächelte ihn blöd an. Denis lag mit einem Handtuch über dem Gesicht, um sich nicht zu verbrennen. Er blieb vor den beiden stehen und es schien Natali, dass sich an seinem Glied etwas regte, aber sie zwang sich, ihm ins Gesicht zu schauen, was ihr schlecht gelang. Sie sagte lächelnd: "Na immer noch auf Wanderschaft?"
Und bevor der Mann antworten konnte, sagte Denis unter seinem Handtuch: "Ich schlafe doch schon fast, wie kannst du so blöd fragen?" Nun lachten beide, Denis zog sein Handtuch weg und das Blut schoss ihm ins Gesicht - er blickte mit geröteten Wangen auf die beiden, die dasselbe Lachen vereinte. Der Mann verhielt sich fast beleidigend, als er Natali darüber aufklärte, dass schlafende Ehemänner auch einen großen Vorteil hätten...und Natali verstand sofort was er meinte. Nun fiel auch sein Blick auf dieses Monstrum von Glied, das vor ihrer beider Augen baumelte, oder sich reckte - es war schwer zu erkennen. Der Mann genoss diese Spannung und tat nichts, um sich zu entfernen. "Ich würde mich gerne ein paar Momente von meiner Wanderschaft ausruhen," sagte er lächelnd nur zu Natali, die schwieg - doch Denis fragte:
"Warum tun Sie das nicht woanders?" doch ihn würdigte er keines Blickes und erst recht keiner Antwort. Er setze sich an Natalis Seite und Denis sah nicht zu ihm hinüber, weil seine Frau jetzt in der Mitte zu sitzen kam. Natali hatte ein eigenartige Röte im Gesicht, das merkte Denis nun schon. War es der beginnende Sonnenbrand? Denis konnte es nicht wagen, den etwa um einen Kopf größeren Mann weg
zu jagen. Der Fremde fragte Natali, woher sie von dem Strand erfahren hatte und sie begann ihm Rede und Antwort zu stehen - sogar ihr kleines
Nogent-la-Bénie kannte er...ja, er kam viel rum
in seinem Job. Er fragte, wie lange sie schon verheiratet waren und Natali beantwortete, was immer er fragte. Denis stieß ihr leicht in die Rippen und murmelte: "Was geht den das an? Jag ihn weg!" Doch Natali war wütend, dass ihr Mann sie nicht veteidigen konnte und sogar verlangte, dass sie das selber tun solle. Das machte sie frecher und sie wollte aus Rache Denis eine Lektion erteilen und plauderte fröhlich mit dem Typen. Der machte keine Anstalt zu gehen und
fragte immer neu und eigentlich immer intimer:
"Was tust du dafür, dass du so eine hübsche Figur hast, Natali?" Natali wechselte mit ihm ständig die Farbe und erzählte etwas vom Joggen auf den grünen Hügeln des Zentralmassivs. Der Fremde blickte ohne Scham auf ihre Brüste und stupste sie schon auch mal an der Schulter an.



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Es sprühte wie Funken aus Natali - ja, es war auch seine tiefe Stimme, die klang väterlich, massiv, stark und erotisch. Sie spürte ein Strömen zwischen ihren Beinen - es würde doch hoffentlich nichts zu sehen sein? Er schaute schon zwischen ihre Beine und wenn auch nur kurz, genügte es, dann etwas zu entdecken, falls da was war. Und da war sie sich nicht sicher. Musste sie auch das blöde dunkelblaue Handtuch unterlegen und nicht das graue? Und da stand er schon auf und verabschiedet sich mit einem Küsschen auf Natalis Wange und - ja - doch - da war ein Tröpfchen an seinem großen Ding ganz vorne zu sehen, nein nicht nur da - auch auf dem blauen Handtuch war ein feuchter Fleck! Wenn das Denis zu sehen bekommt, dachte sie sich und warf schnell etwas Sand auf das Tuch, dorthin wo der Typ gesessen war. Und um ganz sicher zu gehen, verschob sie sich weg von Denis, der immer noch im Lähmungszustand war und stellte fest, dass von ihr kein sichtbarer Fleck zurückgeblieben war - es hatte ja auch absolut nichts stattgefunden - nichts - nur eine harmlose Unterhaltung - und Denis verhielt sich dabei ziemlich feige und doof, das machte sie ihm gleich danach deutlich. Denis protestierte heftig, doch er konnte nicht erklären, warum sie sich nicht mit einem Mann unterhalten sollte, wo er scheinbar eh nicht in der Lage war, den zu vertreiben. Darauf konnte Denis nun nichts
erwidern und ging noch einmal ins Meer, für diesen Tag das letzte Mal. Viel später kam Natali zu ihm ans Zelt zurück, was sie so lange noch auf der Decke ohne Sonne gemacht hatte, davon konnte er sich keine Vorstellung machen - es war ihr jedenfalls so vorgekommen, als ob dieser Urlaub nun so richtig in die Gänge kommen würde. Ihre Hand war freilich nach unten gewandert und in sich hatte sie diesen und jenen Traum entdeckt, den sie früher nie geträumt hätte. Sie musste sich immer selbst die Befriedigung genehmigen, die Deniss zu kleines Glied ihr nie geben konnte. Sein Sex und sein Sexorgan waren einfach unzulänglich - dabei war er als Ehemann treu, ehrlich, fürsorglich und bescheiden, vermutlich spürte er, dass er da was gut zu machen hatte...

Schweigend verlief ihr Abendessen, sie grillten sich Würstchen über einem kleinen Feuer vor dem Zelt...alles von Denis für totale Sicherheit angelegt. Es waren keine Sterne zu sehen und als sie sich in ihr Zelt verkrochen, war es Natali, als stünde da zwischen den Bäumen im Finstern eine Gestalt...aber sie konnte sich getäuscht haben. Vielleicht war ihre Phantasie wirklich etwas zu angeheizt von den Erregungen des Tages? Müde und sexlos schliefen sie schnell ein. SO würde aus der Schwangerschaft nichts werden, dabei war sie in ihrer fruchbaren Phase! Hatte sie das denn Denis gesagt? Nein - er verstand solche "Weiberthemen" nicht - und vermutlich hatte sie es nur angedeutet, sie wollte nicht als Nymphomanin vor ihm dastehen.

Fast schon langweilig, wie auch der dritte Tag Sonne pur brachte - sie cremten sich am Zelt ein, zur Abwechslung mal gegenseitig, was Natali dann freute - doch Deniss Handgriffe waren bei weitem nicht so sexy, wie man es erträumen könnte. Es gab Croissants mit Marmelade, wenn sie so weiter ihre Vorräte verbrauchen würden, könnten sie mindestens zwei Wochen dort bleiben...nur der Wein sollte etwas vorsichtiger ausgeschenkt werden, sonst müsste irgendwann mal einer von ihnen den weiten Weg zurück nach
Gravey zu ihrem Parkplatz und in den örtlichen Supermarkt unternehmen.
Das Meer war besonders warm an diesem Tag. Die Wellen waren eher mäßig und zusammen schwammen sie ein ganzes Stück weit hinaus, immer auf der Hut vor Strömungen und Untiefen.
Segelboote waren unterwegs und hielten sich in vorsichtiger Distanz zur Küste. Nicht weit von ihnen schwamm ein anderes Pärchen, viel jünger, im dem Alter als sie sich kennengelernt hatten. Sie hatten viel Spaß mitsammen, umarmten sich im Wasser und sie schrie von Zeit zu Zeit mit spitzem Schrei über die Wellen hinweg...warum? Man konnte es auf die Entfernung nicht erkennnen.
Denis lag eine halbe Stunde mit ihr an der Sonne und dann ging er nach hinten, um beim Zelt etwas zu holen und kam nicht mehr zurück. Es wurde spät und später...ja...da kam auch wieder der bekannte Typ vorbei, nickte Natali zu und lächelte sie frech grinste sie an!
Er sagte etwas, das sie auf die Entfernung nicht verstand, wie ein Versprechen - oder eine Drohung? Er ging weiter und verschwand. Denis blieb auch verschwunden.


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Natali bot ihren Körper der Sonne an und wenn die männlich gewesen wäre, hätte sie Natali haben können, ihre Beine lagen weit gespreizt im Licht. "Wie einladend!" Ha? "Wie einladend - schläfst du?" sagte eine Stimme - Natali war mit ihren gespreizten Beine eingenickt und zwischen denen stand jetzt der Fremde und kicherte fast etwas. Schnell zog sie die Beine an und verschränkte sie. "Sie sind mir ein Schlimmer!" sagte Natali verlegen und der Mann sagte: "Ich weiß, du wolltest, dass ich mich bediene und du tust so, als würdest du schlafen! Du bist eine ganz Wilde, das spüre ich!" Natali fühlte sich ertappt, obwohl das doch sehr aufdringlich war...der Typ machte sie weich und nachgiebig...wieder setzte er sich neben sie. "Ich muss gleich zum Essen zu meinem Mann..." merkte Natali an...mehr sagte sie nicht. Nun begann ein Fest für die Augen...für beide...denn jeder blickte am anderen herum, hinauf - hinunter, der Mann legte nur seine Hand auf ihre Schulter und dieser Fleck brannte ... genauso wie seine Blicke...die lagen überall auf ihrem nackten Körper. "Dass es sowas gibt!" dachte sich Natali und sie wusste nicht, was genau sie damit meinte...ihr Verstand setzte vorübergehend aus...seine Hand streichelte sie am Kinn und glitt langsam zwischen ihre Brüste. Sie sah, das sich sein mächtiges Teil zu heben dehnte und zog sich in die Länge - aber was für eine Länge!! Die Notbremse jetzt!
Sie sprang auf und hauchte "ciao" und lief zum Zelt, wo Denis die Teller auf den Campingtisch auflegte. Sie sagte kein Wort zu ihm und spürte hinter sich noch die Blicke des Fremden. Sie legte nun auch die Brote auf und die Becher für den Wein und die Büchsen mit Fleisch und Bohnen.
Man konnte dies auch kalt essen und es schmeckte ihnen. Natali schwieg und Denis redete nur was ihm so einfiel - von den Zikaden, dem guten Schattenplatz, der guten Luft und dem Wetterbericht, der lauter warme Tage versprach. Natali hörte nicht recht zu, in ihr brodelte es, warum bemerkte Denis nicht ihren Zustand? Ihre Brüste pochten, ihr Bauch zog sich zusammen, ihr Unterkörper schmerzte fast und drängte. Und ungeschickt fiel ihr ein ums andere Mal etwas in den Sand.
Nach dem Essen legte sich Denis hin, der Unglückswurm und schlief ein, schnarchte und machte Natali in ihrem Zustand fast verrückt. Wie konnte er nur!!!! Sie wartete nicht lange, sondern schnappte sich die Decke, den Sonnenschirm und bezog wieder ihren Platz zwischen den Pinien und dem Strand. Es war jetzt einsam, niemand nah oder fern zu sehen...woher kam der Fremde immer? Was wollte er von ihr? Was machte sie so verlegen und was erregte sie da? War es nur...das..? Nein, er war irgendwie ein richtiger Mann, souverän, stark, unhöflich - ehrlich. Wie er sich wohl anfühlte...nein, das durfte sie nicht mal denken! Das konnte sie doch nicht...ihre Hand wanderte zwischen ihre eine Frau hat es nicht leicht, dachte sie sich. Wenn ich da an Denis denke...der ist die Ruhe selbst! Aber was hatte der auch mit ihren Lüsten zu tun - genau, er spürte ihre Lüste nicht und verdiente sie daher nicht. Punkt! Da erschienen in der Ferne drei Gestalten...nein, er war nicht dabei...sie kamen näher, sie sahen irgendwie anders aus...ja das waren Jungs, vielleicht dreizehn Jahre höchstens vierzehn...sie kamen zu ihr heran und fragten sie nach Streichhölzern und zeigten ihr eine Packung Zigaretten. Dabei blickten sie ihren Körper wie richtige Kenner von oben nach unten an und flüsterten miteinander. Sie ging zum Zelt, wo Denis noch immer hörbar schlief und holte eine Packung davon, und zündete ihnen die Zigaretten an - wobei sie ihnen doch recht nahe kam. Während der eine sich anzünden ließ, blickten sie die anderen von allen Seiten an - dem einen begann sogar der kleine Pimmel in die Höhe zu schießen, da rief sie ihnen zu: "Jetzt aber ab!" Sie liefen und lachten dabei...Lausebengel!
Sie zuckte zusammen als sie die Hand auf ihrer Schulter spürte, die Wellen und die Jungs hatten ihre Aufmerksamkeit abgelenkt und vor ihr stand - ihr neuer Freund. Sein Penis hatte sie berührt, weil sie sich so schnell umgedreht hatte und genau an der Stelle spürte sie nun etwas Nasses - er war erregt...noch nicht so ganz, aber
ein Tröpfchen hatte sich von ihm auf ihren Schenkel verirrt...sie spürte die Gedanken rasen...Denis - so ein Idiot...der verstand nichts - nichts!!!! "Haben Sie mich erschreckt!"
Doch der Typ antwortete anders: "Diese Jungs sind hier jeden Tag und machen Jagd auf einsame Frauen. Gib ihnen nichts und jag sie weiter. Du musst dich von ihnen nicht anmachen lassen. Wir Männer spüren, was mit dir los ist! Merkst du es denn selbst nicht?" So deutlich hatte er es ihr gemacht und sie war verwirrt: "Was wollen Sie von mir?" Er setzte sich auf ihre Decke in den Schatten und zeigte neben sich - sie setzte sich zu ihm, doch nur er saß im Schatten. Sie ärgerte sich über diese Frechheit, aber sie begann zu verstehen. Er schien ihre Gedanken zu erraten und sagte: "Komm, mach dir nichts vor - hier ist der Strand, die Sonne, das Meer und die nackten Menschen. Die Urzeit. Männer und Frauen sehen sich hier so wie sonst nie - in ihrem echten Zustand: kein Geld, kein Beruf, keine Karriere. Nur nacktes echtes Leben. Eine hübsche Frau wie du hat recht auf einen echten Mann...keinen Versorger. Hier bist du nackt und suchst dir den aus, der passt..." Plötzlich erklärte sich ihr Zustand, ihre Gedanken passten zu der Situation hier am Strand - in diese Natursituation. Hier zählte nur die überzeugende Nacktheit, und dieser Mann war überzeugend genug. Er schien sich dessen ganz bewusst und zeigte keine Scheu.
Erst jetzt fiel ihr auf, dass er sie duzte und sie ihn siezte. Aber vielleicht war das passend und zeigte ihm ihre Position? Sie nahm sich vor, aus verschiedenen Gründen beim "Sie" zu bleiben, ja es erregte sie sogar! "Ich passe dir doch, sag es mir!" "Ja..." stammelte sie "ja schon ...Sie sind ja sehr..." sie wusste nicht weiter und er nahm ihre Hand und führte sie an sein Glied...das schien zu leben. Es atmete und streckte sich, es reckte sich und es war warm und so weich, ihre Hand konnte es nicht umspannen jetzt, es pochte und wippte...wie er so da saß, griff er einfach nach ihrer linken Brust, aber nicht hart, ganz sanft stieß er daran, die Warze sprang sofort heraus...alles zog sich in ihr zusammen...dann zuckte sie zusammen, seine rechte Hand hatte ihre Muschel berührt, es war etwas kühl es war feucht, er spürte ihre rieb einen Finger an ihrem Schlitz. "Du bist mir eine ganz heiße, wilde Kleine!" murmelte er ihr ins Ohr und sah, dass ihre Augen geschlossen waren und ihr Mund langsam aufging. Da schob er einen Finger in ihre Scheide und erschrak, beide erschraken, es flutschte und es war nass...warm, erregend für beide. Doch da passierte es - der Fremde erhob sich und ließ die erschrockene Frau sitzen, sein Glied hob sich über ihr und er sagte nur, er müsse jetzt gehen, käme aber wieder. Sie fühlte sich verlassen, ausgestoßen und schämte sich für ihre Geilheit wie vielleicht noch nie in ihrem Leben. Wie der Kerl mit ihr umging! Und ließ sie dann auch noch erregt sitzen! Sie legte sich auf den Bauch und Tränen traten ihr in die Augen. Was bin ich für eine blöde Kuh, dass ich auch noch heule!


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Denis kam angeschlichen, etwas spät und etwas schläfrig. "Na, warst du im Wasser?" fragte er Natali."Nein, siehst du nicht?" "Was soll ich sehen?" Natali schwieg um ihren Wutausbruch zu vermeiden. "Uah, das Klima hier und die Ruhe machen mich total schläfrig." Denis war nicht der geeignete Partner für diese Art Urlaub, das hätte sie zuhause in Nogent-la-Bénie schon verstehen sollen! Jetzt war es ihr klar, dass wieder nichts passieren würde und sie war der
innerlichen Scheidung sehr nahe. Denis sollte sein blaues Wunder erleben, schwor sie sich.

Und sein blaues Wunder war nicht mehr weit weg! Es wurde abend, sie machten sich wieder das Feuer und saßen nackt herum, starrten in die Flammen. Da stand der fremde Mann plötzlich vor ihnen, das Feuer zeichnete sein Geschlecht noch kräftiger als es ohnehin war. "Hauen Sie ab!" sagte Denis so irgendwie kraftlos und ohne Überzeugung. "Ich hätte gerne mit dir angestoßen, Natali!" brachte der Fremde mit tiefem Tonfall vor. Natali stand nackt auf, nahm ein weiteres Glas und Denis sagte: "Bist du verrückt?" Sie goß ihm ein und beide prosteten sich zu. "Du hast eine süße Frau, Kleiner." sagte der Typ, dessen Glas gleich leer war. Natali lächelte wegen des Kompliments und sagte: "Ja wenn Sie mich wenigstens schätzen können!" "Warum - kann dein Mann das nicht?" Und schon setzte er sich neben Natali , richtig in Hautkontakt und legte seine Hand auf ihr Knie. Er blickte Denis nicht einmal an, der war für ihn wie abwesend und er machte sich gleich an Natali ran, die es genoss, wieder einmal einem Mann ihren Charme zu beweisen: "Woher kommen Sie immer?" fragte sie scheu. "Ach, hier draußen, Natali, hier draußen sind wir nicht Menschen der Zivilisation, hier herrscht die Urzeit und ich habe so meine Erfahrungen damit. Ich bin ein Manager
draußen in der Welt. Aber hier bin ich nur Mann. Wie war es wohl in der Vorzeit als die Menschen nackt herumliefen? Es war so wie hier mit dir, Natali." Natali nahm einen Schluck aus dem Glas.
"Sie meinen, die Menschen unterschieden sich durch nichts, alle waren gleich?" Der Fremde schob ihr sein Glas hin und sie füllte es ihm schnell und gehorsam. Denis stand auf: "Was geht hier vor? Was soll das Ganze?" Natali schaute zu ihm hinauf. Sie dachte, dass jetzt einmal eine Gelegenheit zur Rache gekommen war - immerhin hatte er sie ja hier ziemlich vernachlässigt mit seinen Planungen für die Firma. Sie hatte sich den Urlaub anders vorgestellt und jetzt wollte wenigstens sie ein wenig Spaß haben, da konnte Denis noch was lernen über die Macht der Frauen! Recht geschah es diesem langweiligen Ehemann, diesem lahmen Spaßverderber! Niemand antwortete Denis, der Fremde blickte ihn nicht einmal an. Denis konnte es nicht wagen, gegen den Mann handgreiflich zu werden, das könnte böse enden für ihn selbst. So stand er da und schaute böse mal Natali mal den anderen an.
"Weißt du Natali, so schöne Abende unter dem südlichen Himmel haben ihre Romantik und wir leben nicht lange genug, um das oft zu genießen." Natali nickte ihm zu und er verstand das als Aufforderung zu mehr. Er war ganz offenbar ein erfahrener Liebhaber, er streichelte ihre Brustwarzen sanft - nur mit der Spitze seines Fingers strich er ihr auf und ab und die Warzen traten hervor, schienen zu glühen. Sie spürte wieder dieses pressende Gefühl zwischen den Beinen, dieses Ziehen, was war los mit ihr? Sie ertappte sich, wie auch ihre Hand - ihre Finger über die Wange des Mannes strichen. Sie spürte seine kräftige, rauhe Haut und schob ihren Kopf zurück, Denis setzte sich wieder, diesmal in seinen Campinghocker vor dem Zelt, von wo aus er das Geschehen am Feuer beobachten konnte. Er sah von dem Paar nur die Seiten, die dem Feuer zugewandt waren, manches konnte er so nicht genau sehen. Plötzlich wandte der Fremde den Kopf zu Natali und küsste sie auf den Mund, sie zuckte zurück und dann war kein Halten mehr. Sie bot sich ihm an, Denis hatte sowas nur im Internet in Pornofilmen gesehen. Sie blieb an ihn geschmiegt, sie drückte sich geradezu an den Mann, dessen Hände nun von ihrem ganzen Körper hemmungslos Besitz ergriffen. In diesem Augenblick sah Denis etwas, das er besser nicht hätte sehen sollen: Zwischen den Beinen des Mannes, der da neben seiner Frau saß, räkelte sich ein ungeheuer Penis, dick, lang, vom Feuer rot angestrahlt...doch bald verschwand er in der Hand seiner Frau, die offensichtlich nicht hatte widerstehen können, dieses großartige Liebesglied anzufassen. Sie stöhnte hörbar auf, Denis wusste nicht warum, es war bis zu ihm zu hören gewesen, aber er schwor sich, dass diese Szene ein Nachspiel haben würde. Gleich morgen beim Frühstück!!! Nein, das konnte nicht wahr sein - was sah er da - da ließ sich Natali zu Boden gleiten, die Hände des Fremden führten sie sanft, da kniete sie vor ihm, da verschwand ihr Kopf zwischen seinen Beinen, ihr Kopf hob und senkte sich und der Fremde blickte nach oben, zu den Sternen - nein, er hatte die Augen geschlossen. Er hielt Natalis Kopf noch mit seiner linken Hand fest, führte ihn, sie ließ alles mit sich geschehen, der Wein hat sie beide verrückt gemacht, sagte sich Denis - er durfte jetzt nicht eingreifen, wer weiß, was da geschehen konnte..?! Seine Frau stöhnte jetzt auf, sie jammerte durch ihre Nase, ihr Mund war verschlossen. Ein Knacken ließ Denis herumfahren: Zwei ältere Männer, so um die
60 kamen aus dem Wäldchen herangeschlichen und waren wohl auf einen dürren Zweig getreten.


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Sie lächelten Denis freundlich an und hielten ihre Finger vor den Mund "pst!" Denis sollte sie nicht verraten. Sie waren sogar nackt und dazu offensichtlich von dieser filmreifen Szene anständig unanständig erregt. Ihre krummen Penisse zeigten nach oben und ihre Hände streichelten rhythmisch darüber. Das hatte noch gefehlt, doch sie waren zu zweit und nicht agressiv, also ließ Denis sie näher und näher herankommen, das Paar in seiner Lust hatte sie noch nicht gesehen. Aus der Distanz betrachteten sie das Geschehen, sie waren wohl schon länger Zeugen gewesen und wagten sich erst jetzt heran, da es eindeutig zu etwas kommen würde.
Und schon legte sich das Pärchen ohne links oder rechts zu schauen auf die Matte am Boden und sie streichelten einander. Die beiden Männer sahen einander kurz an und machten wohl eine Bemerkung zum außergewöhnlichen Glied des dort am Boden liegenden Mannes. Denis verstand nur "enorm" und "ob sie es schafft..."
Natali schien im Schnellgang zu sein, der Mann tauchte einen Finger in ihre Liebesgrotte und zog ihn wieder wischte den Finger an Natalis Wange ab, ob sie das noch mitbekam?
Er schien nun in Eile und legte sich auf sie...sie drehte sich auf den Rücken und ihr Blick fiel auf Denis, der fasziniert und mit offenem Mund zusah, wie seine Frau vor ihm fremd ging. Sie schaute ihn an ohne zu lächeln, nur ganz starr...und ihre Augen schlossen sich erst, als der Neue sein Glied vorsichtig in sie schob, es knisterte spürbar - alle Anwesenden schauten
fasziniert und erschraken im selben Moment, als Natali einen tierischen Schrei der Lust ausstieß...
Sie krallte sich in den Rücken, der über ihr begann, sie in regelmäßigen Stößen hin und her zu schieben. Sie schrie wieder und ihre Augen blieben geschlossen. Die zwei Alten schlichen sich näher heran, niemand hinderte sie. Natali stöhnte hörbar, wie eine Verrückte gab sie sich hin und
atmete laut. Wie lange konnt es gedauert haben?
Die Bewegungen des Fremden waren schneller geworden, anscheinend konnte er nun die Frau in ihrer extremen Erregung problemlos beherrschen und zu immer neuem Stöhnen bringen - bis - ja bis sie aufschrie, heulte, sich schüttelte und dann in leisem Jammern still wurde. In diesem Moment konnten sich die beiden Alten wohl beide nicht mehr einkriegen und obwohl es ziemlich finster war, sah man, dass aus ihren Penissen etwas spritzte und ihre Gesichter verzogen sich vor Lust zu Grimassen. Doch auch der Fremde nahm kurz neuen Schwung und mit dröhnendem Röhren wie ein Bulle, oder ein Stier kam er zu seinem Schuss. So blieben sie bewegungslos liegen, während Denis zu seinem Schrecken bemerkte, das sein Penis auch steif war und zu allem Überfluss auf dem Campingstuhl eine Sauerei hinterlassen hatte..wie war das gekommen? Er hatte ja wohl total die Kontrolle über sich und die Situation verloren. Er schämte sich nun und begann diesen romantischen Urlaub zu verfluchen, das war ja ein Sexabenteuer erster Güte geworden!!! Ganz ruhig und gemütlich stand der Fremde auf und sein riesiges Glied glänzte im Feuerschein sichtlich vor Nässe. Jetzt erst schaute er Denis an und sagte zu ihm: "Bis bald"...und sah die beiden Männer, denen er die Hand schüttelte und mit ihnen durch die Finsternis davon ging.

Natali stand auf und ging ihnen nach, ohne sich nach Denis umzusehen. "Na toll, jetzt bleib ich hier wohl allein zurück oder was?" sagte er halblaut vor sich hin. Er sah auf ihrer schönen Matte einen großen feuchten Fleck, ebenso auf den Campingstühlen und er nahm etwas vom Spülmittel und von ihrem Trinkwasser, um die Unsauberkeit zu entfernen. Trocknen könnte es morgen an der Sonne. Wo Natali wohl hin gegangen war? Na warte, da würde er morgen früh ein Donnerwetter auf sie loslassen! Und als er gerade in seinen Schlafsack kriechen wollte, da raschelte es und Natali schlich sich zu ihm ins Zelt. "Wo warst du?" zischte er sie an. "Wohl im Wasser doch, um mich abzuwaschen, ich habe irre geschwitzt," stieß sie spöttisch hervor. Denis war um eine Antwort verlegen und sagte dann kleinlaut: "Das kann ich mir denken..." Sie kroch noch halbnass in den Schlafsack und drehte sich von ihm weg und er hatte die Nerven gleich einzuschlafen. Natali lag noch länger wach: Sie kam und kam einfach nicht herunter von ihrer irre starken Erregung. Immer wieder wanderten ihre Hände unter die Decke und zu ihrem Schlitz, der wie eine Quelle ständig zu sprudeln schien. Sie spielte und spielte an sich herum, bis sie erschöpft einschlief, Deniss Schnarchen im Ohr.
Der nächste Morgen kam trotz allem und Natali erwachte als erste von einem Vogel, der direkt über ihrem Zelt immer und immer wieder die selbe Melodie pfiff. Hatte sie geträumt? Nein. Hatte sie ein schlechtes Gewissen? Nur ein wenig, was genügte, dass sie sich aufmachte, das Frühstück für ihren Ehemann vorzubereiten. Marmelade, Servietten, die Stühle, immer noch etwas sichtlich befleckt, sie wischte einfach drüber...dann stand alles bereit und da kroch Denis schon heraus, missmutigen Gesichts, das sich erst aufhellte, als er den fertig gedeckten Tisch erblickte. Er brummelte etwas verschlafen, doch dann setzte er sich zu Natali und biss auf seinem Brot herum, etwas weich schon von der Plastikpackung, aber es war ja ausgemacht, dass sie sich primitiv ernähren würden. Dass sie sich wie Menschen in der primitiven Urzeit benehmen sollten, das hatten sie zwar nicht ausgemacht, doch es hatte sich so ergeben, irgendwie sah Denis das ein und das Unwetter, das er Natali innerlich für den nächsten Morgen geschworen hatte, blieb total aus. Natali hatte plötzlich einen Bikini an und ein goldgelbes Pareo um den Leib geschlungen - eine griechische Gottheit? Er dagegen war nackt, wie die vorherigen Tage - was bedeutete das? Wollte sie sich ihm nicht mehr nackt zeigen? Wollte sie ihn nicht zu Sex einladen? Nicht mehr...offensichtlich. Gerade jetzt aber verspürte er den Wunsch, sich die geheimsten Teile ihres Frauenkörpers genauer anzusehen, was für eine Veränderung vielleicht dort mit ihr passiert war. Sie aß und kaute ruhig auf ihrem Stück herum und wie sie da so kaute, griff sie nach einem Stöckchen, einem Zweig, der von den Pinien herunter gefallen war und strich damit über Deniss Schenkel. Er dachte zuerst, dass sie etwas sagen wollte, aber sie wollte nichts sagen...sie wollte offensichtlich spielen. Er hörte zu kauen auf und glotzte doof auf das Stöckchen, das da von seinem Knie den Weg auf den Schenkel und weiter nach oben zu seinem Glied und seinen Hoden wanderte, dann wieder zurückkroch und dann wieder nach oben. Er wollte gerade etwas sagen, da zeigte sie mit dem Finger auf dem Mund, dass er schweigen solle. Sie kaute gemütlich weiter, während ihm der Bissen im Hals stecken blieb. Dieses verdammte Stöckchen, jetzt kam es wieder nach oben und diesmal erreichte es den locker gefüllten Sack zwischen seinen Beinen. Er zuckte zusammen, denn er hatte "ah!" gesagt, sie lächelte frech und fuhr wieder herunter mit ihrem Instrument. Er wollte den Stock fassen, doch sie drückte seine Hand weg. Er war verwirrt, was sollte dieses Spielchen? Dann nahm sie wieder den Weg hinauf, höher höher, er schaute wie ein Kaninchen auf die Schlange nach ihrem Stöckchen, das jetzt zweifellos sein Glied anpeilte...über den Sack hinweghüpfte und seine Eichel, die schlapp über dem Hodensack hing, nach oben zog. Es passierte erst nichts und dann spürte er seine Erregung durch die Schenkel strömen und da passierte es: Er konnte nicht vermeiden, dass sich sein Glied mehr und mehr versteifte und unter den Berührungen dieses Stöckchens seine volle, pochende Größe erreichte. Er dachte an die wilde Szene gestern abend und schon ließ er den Kopf hängen. Er schämte sich und Natali grinste und spielte weiter...konnte sie denn nicht genug von diesem blöden Spiel bekommen? War sie hier zur Sexgöttin geworden, an diesem öden Strand, wo es keine Imbissbude und keine Dusche gab? Sie hatte die Führung übernommen und obwohl es Denis nicht ganz klar war, so hatte es doch auch auf ihn eine starke Wirkung, wie sich seine brave Frau hier begann auszutoben...steckte in jeder Frau so ein wilder Trieb? Waren sie alle durch den Alltag zu braven Schäfchen gemacht, die sich schnell in Wölfinnen verwandelten, sobald sich ihnen die Gelegenheit bot? Naja, dieses Stöckchenspiel war ja nicht gerade wölfisch, aber irgendwie hatte er das Gefühl, dass sie dieses Spiel auch nicht erfunden hatte, um ihn zu befriedigen, sondern sich selbst. Um ihn etwas zu entmutigen und ...ja... zu erniedrigen. Er blickte nach unten auf das Stöckchen, das jetzt mit seiner Vorhaut zu spielen anfing - sie machte das so geschickt, als ob sie jahrelang nichts anderes getan hätte...das steckte einfach in ihr...vielleicht in jeder Frau. Nein, nein, sie ließ ihm keine Ruhe, immer wieder klopfte das Ästchen an die Unterseite seiner Eichel, genau dort, wo die Lustnerven am stärksten reagierten. Er erschrak, als er sich stöhnen hörte...sein Glied wippte ihrem Stöckchen entgegen. Er rückte auf dem Stuhl nach vorne, um ein besseres Gefühl
für dieses Hölzchen zu haben und mehr Druck zu verspüren und vielleicht gelang es ihm wie der Fremde gestern abend...die Spannung war ja noch deutlich da - bei ihm, bei ihr auch?



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Sie kicherte und klopfte klopfte klopfte an seine Lustzone und ihm war es jetzt egal, dass er immer stärker zu winseln und zu stöhnen anfing.
Er wollte nur das eine und drehte und wendete sich ganz lustig anzusehen so, dass sie ihn genau dort betupfte, wo es gerade besonders geil war.
Er spürte nach einiger Zeit eine Welle herankommen, es würde nun bald passieren und da, gerade als es so weit war, knackte wieder das Unterholz und die beiden älteren Herren standen plötzlich ganz nahe dabei - sie hatten wohl die ganze Zeit zugesehen und das Schlimmste: Natali hatte sie genau kommen sehen! Nur Denis hatte ihnen den Rücken zugewendet. Noch schlimmer fast: sie hörte mit dem lustvollen Klopfen auf und Denis fiel aus seinem Lusthimmel hart auf die sandige Erde. Die Typen grinsten ihn frech an und sein Glied begann zu schrumpeln. Natali reckte sich in ihrem Bikini, richtete sich auf, streckte ihre Brüste frech den Männern entgegen und strich sich über die Hüften. Denis grüßte die Typen nicht mal, winkte nicht, obwohl sie ihm zunickten. Er konnte es nicht vertragen, dass sie Zeugen ihres eigenartigen Liebesspiels gewesen waren, ihre Penisse verrieten sichtbar, dass es ihnen gefallen hatte. Ja: frech reckten sie sich, weil es ihnen immer noch gefiel und sie sich mehr erwarteten.
Wild wucherte ihr silbergraues Schamhaar und schwere Säcke hingen darunter...sie gingen frech auf Natali zu und die wippte mit dem Stöckchen frech in der Luft. Sie konnte sich doch nicht mit ihnen abgesprochen haben? Nein, Blödsinn, sie waren bloße Zuschauer, zufällige Zuschauer und planten den Aufenthalt bei dieser hübschen erotischen jungen Frau als Highlight des Tages - bzw. Abends fest ein. Der Ältere schlich wortlos auf Natali zu - nein, nicht bedrohlich, das spürte man, eher abwartend auffordernd und Natali musste von allen guten Geistern verlassen sein, denn sie zielte mit ihrem Stöckchen nach dem Mann, dessen Freund auch gleich näher heran rückte. Denis wollte aufspringen, doch die Männer blickten jetzt alle drei wieder auf das verdammte Stöckchen, das sich dem ersten Mann näherte, oder besser er bemühte sich, ihm näher zu kommen. Denis fielen die Augen fast raus: Das Stöckchen, das gerade vorhin seinen Penis in extreme Erregung gebracht hatte, berührte nun sanft, ganz ganz sanft die Eichel des Alten. Der senkte den Kopf und verbarg seine Hände hinter dem Rücken. Natali pochte sanft, dann schneller von unten an das Glied und es dauerte vielleicht 20 Sekunden, da spritzte es in langen weißen Strahlen aus der Gliedspitze und der Alte stöhnte auf. Natali musste bei diesem Anblick doch lachen...damit hatte sie nicht eine geiles Sau!!! Sie streckte sich, wieder kamen ihre Brüste dabei gut heraus und als der andere Alte herankam um auch so befriedigt zu werden, klopft sie ihm mit dem Stöckchen ins Gesicht,was deshalb etwas unangenehm war, weil sein Freund es bei dieser Aktivität auch noch mit seinem silbrigen Sperma angespritzt hatte.
So schlichen sich die beiden mit einem wortlosen Gruß davon und ließen Natali und Denis schweigsam zurück. Drohend zeigte Natali ihrem Mann das bekleckerte Stöckchen und hielt es ihm direkt unter die Nase...was erwartete sie von ihm? Er war einfach sprachlos, seine Gedanken fuhren Achterbahn. Und weil sein Penis schon wieder halb herunterhing, machte er sich auf den kurzen Weg zum Strand, um ein Morgenbad zu nehmen, was ihn auf andere Gedanken bringen sollte. Das etwas kühle Wasser des Atlantik ließ seinen Pimmel wieder zu seiner unbedeutenden Größe schrumpfen und doch war das Wasser herrlich! Etwas weiter war wieder das jüngere Pärchen von gestern, sie hatten den Sonnenschirm aufgespannt und lasen beide. Er winkte ihnen zu, doch sie sahen es nicht. Er fing an sie zu beneiden. So sollte sich Urlaub anfühlen, nicht immer angespannt und auf der Lauer


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Domination d'un couple bourgeois

Je m'appelle Fabienne, j'ai 35 ans, je ne suis pas très grande mais je suis mince et j'ai de gros seins. Je suis plutôt B.C.B.G.

Jamais habillée vulgaire mais sexy, souvent en jupe et en talons pour faire plaisir à mon mari, Jérôme. Je suis mariée avec lui depuis 15 ans mais nous n'avons pas encore d'enfant. Nous habitons en Normandie dans une grande et belle mai*** située un peu à l'écart des autres habitations. Mon mari travaille dans une société d'import-export. Moi, je ne travaille pas. Nous avions acheté une nouvelle voiture et désirions revendre l'ancienne. Nous avions trouvé un acheteur par le biais d'Internet. Rendez-vous avait été pris pour le vendredi soir pour la tractation...

Jérôme n'est pas très costaud, il est mince, voire maigre, des lunettes sur *** nez lui donnent un air intello. Nous attendions l'acheteur qui nous avait dit arriver de Rouen. La ***nette de la porte d'entrée retentit et j'allais ouvrir. Mes talons aiguilles claquèrent sur le carrelage.

Je suis habillée d'une jupe courte sur des collants noirs et un chemisier blanc.
L'homme est grand, imposant, une carrure de déménageur et des cheveux très courts. Ses yeux se posent sur moi et instantanément, je me sens mal à l'aise. Il porte un sac avec lui. Mon mari nous rejoint et je fais les présentations.
Ils sortent très vite de notre pavillon pour le conduire dans notre grange qui nous sert de garage mais aussi de grenier.

Je reste à l'intérieur préparant le dîner pour quand l'acheteur sera parti. L'heure tourne et je m'inquiète soudain de ne pas les revoir revenir. Je soupire un peu excédée...

Et on dit que les femmes ***t bavardes !!

Je sortais de la mai*** et me dirigeais vers la grange, la nuit commence à tomber...Je poussais la porte de la grange et mes mots se bloquèrent dans ma gorge, je poussais un cri étouffé. Mon mari, bâillonné par une espèce de boule en latex enfoncée dans sa gorge, les yeux fous, attachés par les mains à une poutre, gigotait en poussant des ***s n'eus pas le temps de comprendre. Je sentis qu'une main se plaquait sur ma bouche et qu'on m'enfonçait une boule en latex qui fut fixée et attachée derrière ma tête. Je ruais, donnais des coups de pieds en tentant de me dégager, d'échapper à mon agresseur. Mes mains furent menottées derrière mon dos et je fus jetée à terre !



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L'homme se penche vers moi...
- Désolé ma chérie, ce n'est pas après toi que j'en ai ! Ton idiot de mari a arnaqué un de mes clients. Un russe...On m'a demandé de le punir et comme tu es là...Tu vas en faire les frais ! T'es une bonne bourgeoise, je pense que mon client sera content quand il verra le film...
Je réalise alors horrifiée qu'une caméra est installée sur un trépied et qu'il filme mon mari qui rue dans ses liens.
Le faux acheteur s'approche de Jérôme et lui baisse *** pantalon et *** caleç apparait bite et couilles pendantes. Puis l'homme s'approche de moi et pose sa main sur mes cuisses remontant le long du collant faisant crisser le nylon, je tente d'échapper à l'infamante caresse mais sans résultats. Il remonte ma jupe découvrant mon string empri***né sous le collant. Il me retourne comme une crêpe et me déchire mon collant. Il écarte mon string et me caresse la vulve...doucement...Je gémis de dégoût...Il introduit un doigt dans ma fente. L'agitant... J'entends mon mari hurler à travers *** bâillon.
Enervé, l'homme se lève et s'empare de la bite de mon mari et le branle en ricanant :
- Quoi ! T'es jaloux ? C'est ça que tu veux ?
Il le masturbe un moment et je vois sa queue prendre des proportions impressionnantes ce qui m'étonne...Jérôme n'ayant jamais été un baiseur admirable...
De nouveau, l'inconnu pervers s'approche de moi...Il arrache mon chemisier et baisse *********** les bonnets de mon soutien-gorge. Il regarde un instant mes seins et se penche. Ses lèvres s'emparent d'un de mes mamelons et il le suce sans vergogne...Tout en plongeant ses deux doigts dans ma chatte...
Je ne tarde pas à réagir malgré la situation et je donne des coups de reins malgré moi...
L'homme se retourne vers mon mari, hilare !
- Ta salope de femme a l'air d'apprécier !
Mon mari me regarde les yeux fous...
Je le regarde aussi, je regarde sa bite tendue...L'homme continue de me masturber, faisant coulisser ses doigts dans ma fente de plus en plus vite...Je vais jouir si il continue, qu'elle *********** ! Jouir devant mon mari avec un pervers qui nous violente...
Il me redressa *********** et me positionna à quatre pattes sur le sol crasseux de la grange...Devant mon mari ! Il me retira mon bâillon...
- Suce-le ! ordonna notre tourmenteur...
Je secouais la tête refusant mais je reçu deux violentes claques sur mes fesses et j'obtempérais. Je pris délicatement la bite de Jérôme entre mes lèvres et je commençai à le sucer.

Sa bite gonfle de plus en plus dans ma bouche...C'est bien la première fois ! Le petit salaud ! Ca ne l'excite quand même pas cette situation !
J'entends farfouiller derrière et je suppose que le sadique prend quelque chose dans *** sac...
La seconde d'après, je sens qu'il introduit un objet dans ma chatte....Puis j'entends un petit bruit de moteur.
Un gode, il m'a mis un gode dans ma chatte. Je suis donc à quatre pattes dans cette grange dégueulasse en train de sucer mon mari, un gode dans ma chatte...Jérôme donne des coups de reins maintenant faisant coulisser sa bite entre mes lèvres....
Je le recrache, lui suce le gland, lui lèche la hampe et replonge dessus...
Les vibrations du gode me font mouiller comme une folle, je n'en peux gémis...
Il me retire mon gode et me demande :
- Tu veux que je te baise, salope ?
J'hésite...une fraction de seconde...
- Oui...Oui...Baisez moi !
Je sens sa queue qui me pénètre et je gémis, la bite de Jérôme toujours dans ma bouche...
Ses mains se posent sur mes hanches et il commence à me pilonner violemment. Je sens sa queue aller et venir dans ma chatte. Il s'enfonce très loin, et je gémis à chaque coup de reins...
*** ventre vient claquer contre mes fesses...Je suce de plus belle mon mari...Complètement excitée maintenant. L'homme me bourre sauvagement comme jamais je n'ai été bourrée ! J'ai un premier orgasme...Je pousse un long gémissement plaintif sous les ricanements pervers de mon violeur !
- Salope de bourgeoise ! J'en étais sûr que t'attendais que ça d'être traitée en chienne, dorénavant ce sera ta vie, te comporter comme une pute bien docile...
Rien qu'à ces mots, je sens un deuxième orgasme arriver et je m'affale sur le sol...



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L'homme se retira et tourna mon mari qu'il cambra en me retournais en entendant ses hurlements désespérés. Ce n'est pas possible !! Il ne va pas...Mi horrifiée, mi fascinée, je vois l'homme pointer *** gland sur le trou du cul de mon mari et l'enculer **************
Jérôme pousse un cri et l'homme s'agite dans *** cul...
- Ta femme ce n'était qu'un hors d'œuvre, ta punition, c'était ça, mon client a été très clair là-dessus... Tu dois devenir une lope...
Mon mari pousse des gémissements étouffés...L'homme m'ordonne d'aller le branler et je m'exécute soumise à *** autorité...Je dois y aller à quatre pattes...J'attrape la queue de mon Jérôme et le branle tout doucement d'abord mais le pervers exige d'aller plus vite alors je le masturbe rapidement pendant que le salaud encule mon mari de plus en plus vite en faisant des commentaires ignobles :
- Eh bien, ça s'élargit, ça rentre mieux maintenant...
J'agite la queue de mon mari qui donne des coups de reins !!! Excitée, j'accélère la cadence et il ne tarde pas à jouir lâchant des jets de sperme impressionnants qui giclent sur ma main....

L'homme se retire du cul de mon mari et me contraint à venir le sucer...
- Viens nettoyer la merde de ton mari, salope !
A genoux devant lui, j'avale sa queue, il me tient par les cheveux et il fait coulisser sa bite rapidement entre mes lèvres...
Je pense que le cauchemar est terminé mais je me trompe...
Il savoure ma fellation quelques instant puis il me retourne et me positionne de nouveau devant mon mari qui est toujours retourné...
- Fous-lui ta main dans le cul !
Je sursaute ! Non, pas ça !
Il s'empare de ma main et la pousse vers le trou du cul de mon mari qui se débat et il doit lui donner de violentes claques sur ses fesses qui deviennent rouges....
Je pousse ma main me disant que ça ne rentrera jamais mais en fait je suis étonnée avec qu'elle facilité je parviens à enfoncer deux puis trois doigts dans l'anus de mon mari qui se cambre encore plus...Bientôt ma main est entièrement entrée dans le cul de mon époux !
Sous les instructions de l'inconnu, je tourne ma main à l'intérieur et j'entends mon mari gémir... gémir de plaisir pas de douleur !!! L'homme lui retire *** bâillon et Jérôme lâche...
- Oui...Oui...Encule moi avec ta main !
Je n'en reviens pas....
L'homme se mit derrière moi et il me lança :
- A ton tour d'être enculée !
Je frémis mais ne dis rien...
Sa bite s'enfonça dans mon anus et je serais les dents...Les mains crochés sur mes hanches il me pilonne *********** en ahanant, en soufflant, en nous insultant....
- Putain deux belles salopes vous deux ! Le mari et la femme, j'ai un super film, mon client sera content....
Il s'active de plus en plus vite dans mon cul et je gémis tout en continuant de branler mon mari par le cul....
Nos gémissements se mélangent, nos halètements...
Puis, l'homme se retira et alla délivrer Jérôme.
Ils nous mis côte à cote et exigea qu'on le suce tous les deux...
Je lui donnais des coups de langue sur *** gland et il m'agrippait par les cheveux s'enfonçant le plus loin possible, il fit de même avec Jérôme qui manqua vomir de dégoût...Je regarde mon mari sucer un homme et cela m'excite...
L'homme se retira et s'enfonça de nouveau dans ma bouche et puis celle de mon mari et se masturba un peu au-dessus de nos visages....
Il éjacula, libérant des torrents de sperme qui allèrent s'écraser sur mon visage et celui de Jérôme. J'en ai dans les cheveux, les lèvres et les seins...mon mari en reçoit dans les yeux, l'aveuglant...

Nous sommes de nouveau revenus dans la mai***, attachées ensemble mon mari et moi, à genoux au milieu du salon, menottés, attachés par les jambes l'un à l'autre, un gode dans le cul, bâillonnés par la boule en latex. L'homme s'est rhabillé et a pris sa caméra. Il parle dans *** téléphone portable avec un inconnu.
- Oui, Monsieur, c'est fait, j'ai le ne pense pas qu'ils voudront qu'il soit divulgué. Ils vous obéiront. Et ce ***t deux esclaves dociles, tous les deux, oui...Vous pouvez venir, je les ai attachés...
Il raccroche et se penche vers nous...
- Mon commanditaire va arriver dans quelques instant, ils seront plusieurs je crois...Vous en avez pour le week-end...
Et il part en éclatant de rire....


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Sexy Wife Displays by maxam
True Story, Cuckold, Female exhibitionist, Mature, Voyeurism, Wife
Author's infos
Gender: N/A    Age: N/A    Location: N/A
Posted Thu 9th of March 2017

At a department store downtown for lunch ....
Wife Displays herself. Voyeur, fm, cuckold, public

It all started one Tuesday when my wife, Mary and I were in a department store cafeteria meeting for a late lunch. My office was nearby and she wanted to shop a bit afterward. It was on the top 6th floor behind the furniture department. A pleasant time and a good lunch.
Until I noticed Mary was kind of distracted.
She seemed to be watching someone at another table behind me. When I finally stole a look, I saw that it was an older man and paid little attention, thought she wouldn't be flirting with him. But I noticed Mary arching sometimes and she seemed to be displaying her large tits for the old guy. Her blue sweater accenting them beautifully. I wasn't sure if I was right or not. But I know it excited me somehow. A little pang of lust flashed through me and I had a bit of a phallic stir. Mary always was a bit of a flirt and I think she liked a guy fantasizing over her big tits.

So I left for the washroom but didn't go right in, stopped behind a row of potted plants and then peeked back across the room. Yes, Mary was now arching provocatively for the older man. While he licked his lips.
She then seemed to angle herself on the chair and open her legs a little. I watched and realized that only he could see up her skirt. He pretended to drop a spoon and had a good look. I was further excited by this sneaky action. I returned to the table, not knowing what to do about it if anything. Mary then went to the washroom herself. She smiled at the old guy as she passed him.

When she returned she was flushed and I wasn't sure why, but Mary had a secretive habit of masturbating almost anywhere. She thought I didn't know and I guess she thought it was too kinky but I had caught her at it several times, although without her being alerted. She didn't know I knew her little peccadillo but it had provided me with much pleasure. I thought she must have tickled herself into a quick orgasm in the ladies room. But she positioned herself on her chair again and opened her legs at an angle that would allow only that old guy to see up her skirt. I dropped my own napkin and quickly ducked beneath the table to retrieve it, Mary quickly closed her legs to my view, but not quick enough, I glimpsed a bit of her little furry pussy down there and now knew why she was flushed! She had removed her panties in the washroom!

I started to erect right away and tried to hide it. Exhibiting no facial expression, talked about my work so she could pursue her afternoon adventure. She slid toward the end of her chair and I knew she was exhibiting herself for the old guy, and judging by her angle, that he could see everything up her skirt without even moving. Damn, now I had to hide my erection by slipping it sideways. This was way too exciting and turning me on like crazy, even if it was my wife showing her trimmed little pussy to the old man! And I know when she got excited from sexual activity that she became really moist and slippery down there. I wondered if he could actually see her lovely slit in the shadow.

I went back into the washroom, pretending to cough wildly. I knew she would watch me go so I went in but came right out and stood in that hallway again, peeking at my wife and the cafeteria which was now nearly empty, made like I was looking at my notebook in case anyone could see me just standing there.

She now was opening her legs more and arching to show off her tits to the old guy, who was just staring, almost with his tongue hanging out. I wondered if he had an erection like me! She moved a hand down under the table and touched herself. I glanced around to see if anyone else could see, but the table was against a wall and no one else could! But I knew what she was doing and could now see her hand moving on her pussy. The old man was staring at her, obviously enjoying her show. I tried to see if he had a swollen bulge in his pants too. She glanced around sometimes but no one else was interested in the lovely sexual scene taking place, even though she had tugged her skirt higher and her white legs shone for any observing eye.

He was transfixed and she now even had a finger at her clit, very discreetly touching it. Moving her hand slightly to rub.Her eyelids fluttered and I thought she was actually orgasming! I wondered what to do but had to go back. As I appeared walking toward her she closed her legs and stopped, flashing a smile at the old man. Then she looked directly at a wall clock and at her watch. I had no idea why but she seemed to be adjusting the time. It was close to 2 pm and the last diners were sparse. She licked her finger!

We finished our lunch and wandered off to the elevators to leave. I did notice the older guy passing us and entering a wide stairwell leading down. It was poorly lit and seemed like no one used it anymore.

So it was a thrill for me to even partake in this little sexual episode even if from a distant view. It had set my lust going and when I got back to work I whacked off in the men's room! While Mary went on home. I wondered if she masturbated like that anywhere else?

Things returned to normal until the following week when Mary suggested meeting me again for lunch. Then the realization struck me about her paying so much attention to the wall clock; she was establishing the time for a future reference! Very clever.
Was she signaling to the old guy that this was the time she would be there again? My stomach fluttered with the thought, that if I was correct, she might like him watching her again? I waited in anticipation until Tuesday and wondered what I would do if he was there again? I loved the way she exposed herself to the old guy so sneakily and thought even if he loved watching her, he was basically harmless. Only enjoying the thrill of a younger woman showing herself off. At least he was an appreciative old timer!

I thought about it all morning until lunch time. Not sure what I should do until I was on my way in the elevator to meet Mary. It was then I realized how sexy the scene had been and how I came off in seconds back at my office. I had been filled with lust and loved it. I would make my decision on the spur of the moment in the cafeteria and what I saw then.

I could peer into the cafeteria from out in the furniture department and Mary was already there, sitting at the same table. She had suggested a later time for lunch and again, the crowd had mostly left and there were only a few lingerers left. But one of them was the same old guy from last week. Sitting exactly at the same table.

As I went in I noticed that Mary was wearing a short skirt and blouse instead of the blue sweater. And the top two buttons were undone! Was I imagining all this? No, she looked sexy as hell with the enticing swell of her wonderful breasts showing in the loose top. I went to her and explained that I couldn't stay for lunch because I had to meet a colleague back at the office. At the same time my heart leaped because I thought I saw that under the blouse Mary had no bra on at all! It was not obvious right away because she wore an open cardigan over it. I had to leave or sit down or she would see my hard impatient cock.

Mary seemed disappointed but said she'd stay and have her lunch anyway. I gave her a kiss on the cheek and said it was too bad. I left the cafeteria and turned toward the elevators but then circled way around the furniture department to a point where I could see into the cafe. Standing behind some high cabinets. Again to look innocent, I fingered through my notebook as if I was checking my appointments and making notes. One salesman way across the room was busy at a desk and was unaware I was even there.

Now I could clearly see whatever actions Mary would get up to from my secretive viewpoint. Mary had always been excited over public actions and we had done sex in parks, in the car, even on park benches at dusk. Even in dance clubs we had touched each other in the darkness, and she was always very turned on by it. But exposing herself in daytime in a public cafeteria was something new. And to a complete stranger!

I watched her from afar, and could not see his reaction, but again noticed that a third button was loose on her blouse now, revealing the white swell of her full breasts. And even from a distance away, her skirt was up high enough to show, even from this distance, the dark look of her pussy under it.
The displays by my wife continued and she finally finished her salad. Again when she thought no one could see, her hand dropped into the crevice of her legs and she seemed to stare directly at the old man while her hand moved stealthily. I guessed him to be in his seventies and still thought of him as harmless, and I am sure Mary did too.
I wanted to head for the men's room and whack off but couldn't leave my vantage point. I was mesmerized by her actions. Finally it looked like Mary was just sitting and waiting. The man got up and slowly walked out of the cafeteria. Mary stood and I ducked behind the cabinets again.

The old guy went to the entrance to that wide stairwell, and went in only when Mary appeared. She watched him go to the stairs and slowly followed, disappearing from my view. Now I had a decision to make and my mind was in a flurry of thoughts. I could not let her catch me here again but was ready with the excuse that my client had cancelled. I walked to the stairwell entrance and cautiously looked in. The wide stairs angled downward between floors with a small landing at each half level. I crept to the railing and peeked downward.

As the stairwell descended it was darker. Still I could see nothing. I crept down one level until I heard a ********. Once again peeked through the railings and there, another level below, was Mary, just standing looking downward.
My heart was pounding because of these lusty furtive actions. Mary was just leaning on the handrail looking below.

I was confused until I saw a hand appear on the same railing from below her position.
Mary seemed to be smiling. And just stood still as the hand went to her breast and rubbed it, slipped into the open blouse and fondled her bare breast. Gawd, I was beside myself with excitement now. The stairs were old marble and echoed with footsteps floors below. I was now afraid my pounding heart would reverberate loudly and tell on me. But my lust was full and I just helplessly watched.

The old guy was two steps lower than Mary and now I could see him a bit more as he seemed to caress her softly. Mary just standing there to allow it. Then he moved closer, knelt on the stair and pulled her skirt higher until he pressed his mouth against her soft pussy. This was almost too much excitement for me as Mary just clung to the railing and actually helped him by holding up her skirt. Her tummy and legs looked so white and alluring. From my view I could see his mouth working her slit, and her eyes closed with pleasure.

I had to adjust my own position to stop my pulse from flinging me off the landing. Mary raised one leg and the old man just clutched her rear and pulled her pussy tight to his mouth.
I stood there watching my own wife enjoy a complete stranger licking her pussy in a public place!
She started to move her hips as he sucked on her clit and I knew she would explode in moments. She sagged against the railing and stroked his hair until she started fucking his face in strong movements, then she was coming. Suppressing a cry out with her hand, but I could still hear her murmur as she clutched his head in jerky motions and whimpered with pleasure. She held his head tightly as she came again with her eyes closed. She tucked her head into her arm but was not able to suppress her cry out.

The old guy kept his mouth on her until she started again with jerky twists and thrusts with her pelvis. Then held his head in both hands and just fucked his mouth! She came again in a loud sigh and almost fell down from weak knees. I almost came in my pants!

Finally he pulled back. Whispered Thank you. Mary let her skirt fall back. Breathing heavily. Her face flushed. Nothing else had been said at all. I could hear his footsteps clattering downward as he hurried away. Mary stood still a moment and I was worried she would come back upward but she slowly went down one more level and exited onto the fourth floor.

I had witnessed an incredible event of lust. My wife letting a stranger lick her pussy! Nothing had been said between them. How did he know she would accept his advances? She just stood there and allowed it. And came so strong that he must have been pleased with making her come like that. She must have been over excited from the lusty touching of herself in front of him in the cafeteria. I saw him licking his lips last week. Was that telling her what he wanted to do? Did he ask? Would he want to fuck her too? Could he? And would she just submissively let him do it?

I wondered what other adventures she might have gotten into that I didn't know about? Had there been other times? What more would she get into? Wow. Now my mind was inundated with lusty ideas about what my sexy Mary would do. Was it going to happen again next week? Or sooner? And where? Back here or other places. With other men?

My heart was still going a mile a minute as I entered the men's room of the department store, taking a stall and coming off in a matter of strokes. Even after I left the store and got back to my office my cock was hard all over again. I would get no more work done today.
Too much to think about.

Read 51684 times | Rated 93.4 % | (320 votes)
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2016-02-19 16:55:08
Wonderful tale and well written. How about continuing on at home with him telling her about watching them and then she telling him in detail about the many other times what she has done ?? THANK YOU !!!

Anonymous reader
2016-02-19 13:51:12
Read this on the train.. Brilliant and exciting

Anonymous reader
2016-02-13 22:25:45
I love it every time my wife wants to show off her pussy because when we get home she fucks my pass off. Thanks

Anonymous reader
2016-02-11 19:42:11
I love chicks who are exhibitionists....Wish MY partner was like that...
But thanks for the titillating story!

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LOL! J'ai trouvé un site d'histoires, mais en anglais!!!
Un comble, mon cher Chrilebo!!!!
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fantastic stories. Great talent...many thanks


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vais aller devoir voir sa hihihihihiih


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Parent-Teacher Conference

You walk through the halls towards Room 312. You're dressed professionally, in a smart, charcoal colored business suit with a fitted skirt that falls just above your knee. Your red heels clack loudly as your hurry through the school; heels high enough to accentuate your shapely calves, but still low enough to be sensible. A red silk blouse shows at the cuffs and the collar – framing your naturally ample breasts, and revealing your deep cleavage. A little skin always helps these things along, you think.

You hate these things, parent-teacher conferences, but every semester you ***** yourself to come. "Your ***** just isn't applying themselves........your ***** isn't participating.......we've had discipline problems with your *****." You've heard them all before, or variations of the same......hardly ever varying. It's very rare if anyone goes home happy.

You reach Room 312 and stop short of the door. The shades are drawn behind the window in the door. You quickly adjust your jacket and smooth your skirt; you check you hair in the reflection; demurely wound atop your head, held in place by a pair of black chopsticks. Checklist complete, you open the door and walk through. The room is a large chemistry lab, with rows of high work tables and stools facing a wooden desk sitting in front of the chalkboards.

Leaning against my desk, I stand as you walk in. Dressed in a tweed jacket and black slacks, I glance at the clock on the wall and a stern look flicks across my face. You look and read 6:07pm; you glance down at the slender gold watch on your wrist: 5:58pm. Damn, you think, how could my watch be SO wrong?

You open your mouth to speak, but I cut you off with a wave of my hand. "Now that you're finally here, we can begin." I gesture towards the first bench, "Please have a seat." You walk around and try to sit on the first stool; you have to hike your skirt a little too high for comfort to climb up, and balancing on the small stool behind the open front tables leaves you feeling a tad exposed.

I take a position leaning against my desk directly in front of you. I open a manila folder and you see your ************ name written in large letters across the tab. Glancing up, you notice that I am not looking in the folder, but rather over it. Feeling my eyes creeping up your skirt to the tops of your stockings, you squirm in your seat, pulling your knees together.

"I could recite the litany of issues that your ******** is having," I begin. "But what it all boils down to is a lack of focus and discipline. I'm afraid that, if she cannot develop the proper discipline, I will be ****** to fail her."

Your mouth drops open slightly and your face warms with anger—you had no idea things were THIS bad. She has already been accepted to college next year, been granted a scholarship. All of these things are now at risk because of her poor performance in my class. You begin to stammer, "W-what can be..." I stop you with a wave of my finger and stand.

"I'm sorry, but in my classroom you do not speak, unless given permission." You can't believe what you've just heard, but as you begin to protest, I catch your gaze with mine. Something in my eyes tells you it is not wise to continue that thought.

I continue, "My classroom is one the most disciplined in the school; but out of it, your *****ren....your ******** gets a first rate education. I am tough on them, but out of a little adversity, they flourish." I turn back to the desk, leaning back against the edge. I leer again at your thighs and stockings; as you start to turn your knees away, I shift to your eyes. You lower your eyes, breaking my stare, your legs still. "You may ask one question, now." You look up and I nod, almost imperceptibly, as if to say, well?

You think carefully, hearing the stress I placed on the word one. "What is causing my ************ performance to drop in your class?" I look at you...

I pick up the manila folder again, opening it. I begin to pace around the table. "It seems that she....that both of you.....have undergone some....." I lean close into your ear and whisper, "adversities, this year."

Your breath catches...How could he, you think, he couldn't possibly know....

Reading further, I continue pacing around the table, "You both came home early from a shopping trip, and walked in on your husband," I turn to catch your eyes with mine, my face inches from yours. "...FUCKING his assistant, in YOUR bed." The expletive impacts you like a blow; your breathing becomes shallow, your face flushes. You cannot avert your eyes, held in place by mine. "Discovered, your husband discarded you for this girl, almost your ************ age." Hot tears begin to flow down your face, dripping off your chin. "Your ************ problems stem from the fact that EVERYONE in school knows this story. EVERYONE knows what YOU."

I sit back on the edge of the desk. I leer again at your thighs. You sit motionless, legs apart, allowing me full view of the tops of your stockings and your lacy panties beyond. You glance up, noticing my stare, but remain stationary. I rise again and walk over to the table. I lay my hand upon yours on the table. "I can give your life discipline...order...allow you to help your ******** back to where she needs to be. Would you like my help?"

You mutter something, unintelligible, your chin resting on your chest. I reach down, pull your face upward, "Would you like my help?"

"Yes, please," you murmur.

"Yes, please, what?" I demand, softly. A questioning look passes across your face, then understanding—you shake your head slowly side to side, lowering your head again.

"No, please," you sob.

Standing up, I pull my hands away from your face. "Very well, perhaps I shall have better results, if I instruct your ********, personally."

Your head snaps up, your face ashen: "No......" you whimper.

I lean into your face, inches away. "No, what?"

"No......master," you moan, averting your eyes.

"Very well," I announce walking back to the desk. "We shall have your first lesson tonight. Step around the desk, please." You slide off the stool, and walk around to me. I point to a spot near the desk. "Stand there, and free your hair, please."


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You reach up slowly and pull the sticks from your hair, freeing it from the top of your head. You run your fingers through your hair on either side of your head, and it cascades across your shoulders. You drop your hands back to your sides. "Very good," I say, admiring the result. "Now, remove your suit."

Your hands tremble as you work the buttons on the jacket; you slide it off your shoulders, allowing it to fall to the floor. Reaching around behind you, you unfasten the button on the skirt's waistband and release the zipper. Freed, the skirt falls off your hips, joining the jacket. My scrutiny of your body continues; I gesture, a circular motion instructing you to turn. You step forward out of the skirt, and begin to turn slowly, your blouse still covering your body, revealing flashes of lace between the shirttails at your hips and the tops of your stockings. I make a small vertical gesture towards your blouse and your hands begin to work the buttons, one by one, until the blouse hangs undone on your shoulders. Your magnificent breasts now show, barely restrained by the black lace brassiere. A small horizontal movement of my fingers, and your shirt joins the pile of clothing on the floor.

I approach, walking slowly in circles around you. Your breasts swell, supported by the gauzy black demi-bra; your large areolas peeking above the frilly edge. Your nipples press firm, erect against the fronts of the cups; brushing them with a finger, I am rewarded by your sharp intake of breath. Your firm body quivers slightly, hands clasped in front of your panties. I caress the back of your hand lightly, and your hands drop to your sides, revealing your low-cut panties. A small wisp of pubic hair extends above the waist.

I continue to study your body. "There doesn't seem to be anything WRONG with your body. Why would your husband of nineteen years just DISCARD you? Let me see your breasts, now."

Tears continue to run down your face, dragging your makeup with them. Dark drops of mascara and shadow form on the tops of your breasts as you reach between them to undo the front clasp. Released, they fall free, bouncing slightly. You shrug the straps off, and the bra drops away. I take one breast in my hand--looking at it, turning it, twisting it—as if inspecting produce for sale. "No, these are fine: firm, not sagging...much."

I step back, finger bent and tapping on my chin, in deep thought. "Let me see your"

Again the expletive is palpable. You want to hesitate, but unbidden your hands drop to the waist of your panties and slide under. You begin to slip them down when I stop you.

"No....that won't do...." I interject. I point to the bench behind you. "Bend over. I'll need a good look to determine what's wrong with you." You turn and lay across the bench, your breasts pressed against the cold aluminum countertop. Your nipples react, becoming painfully erect and you try to shift your body to relieve the pain.

I place my left hand in the middle of your back, holding you in place. With my right hand, I draw your panties down to your knees. "Hold STILL!" I bark, releasing your back and stepping away. "Spread your ass, now."

You bring your hands back to your ass. Removing your hands from the table resumes the pressure on your throbbing nipples, but you keep moving your hands back to grasp your buttocks. You slowly spread the cheeks until you can feel the air conditioning blow across your exposed anus. The cold air is shocking, and you stop, hoping it's enough. "No, no...." I sigh, kneeling. I reach up and grab your inner thigh with each hand, pulling your pussy open until you think it will split. "Like this!"

You shift your hands lower to hold your painful cunny open for my inspection. I look, turning my head one way, then the other. I probe the moist pink tissue of your box with a fingertip, running along the lips and down to your clit. I stand back up and return to the edge of my desk. I leave you lying there, exposing yourself to me, and I shake my head.

"Maybe......" I begin, trailing off. "Are you FRIGID? Is that why your husband threw you away?"

I walk over to you, and lean down to your ear. "I want you to finger yourself. Make yourself WET, if you can." Your hands shift, one hand spreading your swelling pussy lips between your fingers. The other begins to stroke, in and out, two fingers disappearing inside your soaking hole. As they reappear, you rub your erect clit. You close your eyes, focusing on the task at hand, fingers moving faster, harder. Your breathing becomes shallower as you near climax.

*WHAM!* I bring my hand down on the tabletop and your eyes spring open; your hands stop their assault on your pussy. I grab the hair on the top of your head and pull your eyes to look at me.

"Did I TELL you that you could cum? are not permitted to until I SAY you can, do you understand?" You nod, difficultly, your hair still in my grasp. The fluttering of ecstacy that was rising within your hot cunt begins to subside. "You will finger yourself, but you will not climax," I order.

With my other hand, I unzip my fly and free my erect cock from my slacks. The tip of the rod hovers at your nose, my musky scent filling your nostrils. I say nothing, but look at you again with "Well?" in my eyes. You haven't had a dick in your mouth since you were your ************ age, but without thinking, your neck cranes forward and you wrap your lips around the head of my shaft. Sucking, you draw my cock into your hungry mouth. Your hands begin to fondle your clit again, slower--maintaining your pent up passions, but not allowing them to release.

Pulling you towards me by your hair, I begin to fuck your throat—deeper, harder, touching the back of your throat with each thrust. With your head pulled upwards, the tip of my cock can probe deeper; you gag when my dick reaches the furthest reaches of your throat. Spit bubbles form at the corners of your mouth, your lipstick smears along the length of my erection. Throughout this, though, you continue to suck at my rod, hard and frantic, drawing my cock back every time I draw it out.

I pull out, your lips still sucking at the air, and release your head. Your face sinks to the table, settling in the puddle of saliva that has escaped your mouth. You raise your head, exhaustion showing on your face; I look down your body, and see your hands still working at your pussy. I cup your face in my hands. "There's nothing wrong with you that I can find. Your husband must have been an idiot."

I walk around the table. I pull your hands from your flowing cunny and place them on the table beside you. As I lean forward, the tip of my cock brushes your pussy and you tense, as if an electric current was run through your entire body. I place my hand on your ass, patting softly. "You've done well for your first lesson. You deserve a reward."

I reach down and guide my erection towards your swollen mons. Juices run down your legs, soaking your panties and stockings. As I touch your pussy again, you thrust backwards to meet me. I spread your lips, and guide my cock inside. Your body shudders at my touch, and I begin thrusting harder and faster. You begin to utter feral noises, guttural groans and yelps as I continue to impale you. Your hips thrust backwards to meet each drive of my cock. After what seems to be no time at all, I feel the beginnings of an orgasm begin to shudder through your naked body. My tempo increases, quicker, attempting to bring my own climax as well.

Your body trembles, then convulses as the orgasm floods over you like a sea wave. The abandoned orgasm from before adds to the crest of your passion, exponentially. You cum for what feels like days.


I stand at the window in the door peering around the blind. Parents, students and teachers pass the room, hurrying to their assigned meetings. You walk up beside me, dressed, repairing your make-up with a compact mirror.

"God, I needed that," you say, closing the compact. You reach inside your jacket and draw out a small bank envelope, handing it to me. "Worth every penny, as always." I take the money and put it into my jacket pocket as you begin to wind your hair back up.

I reach over and take the chopsticks from your hand. "Leave it down," I suggest. "You look much more feminine that way."

"No, it doesn't fit with my image as a....."

I turn your eyes to mine. ""

You smile, "Yes, master." You look out the window at the crowds and then at your watch, 7:27pm. You reach up to correct the classroom clock and turn to the door.

"I hate these things," you whine mildly. "Why can't we just stay here?"

I open the door and we walk out. "Because you're the principal."


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A Hard Lesson

Joey and I have been friends for as long as I can remember... so obviously when I had the chance to join him as a teacher at one of the local high schools, I jumped at it.

Without bragging, I think it's fair to say the two of us are among the most popular teachers in the school. Kids love his lectures on the Rise of Modern Society and few have the ability to keep a math class interesting like I do.

Joey and I both live the classic HS teacher life, we are married to beautiful young wives who also work, and the two of us enjoy going out for a ***** or two while watching a game at the local sports bar.

We do have what most people, however, would call a pretty major flaw - we're not real good at being faithful. Both of us have cheated multiple times on our loving wives, often supplying each other with alibis. Our town can be a bit gossipy, but we're smarter than that... we'll hit the road, drive an hour or two to find more out-of-the-way areas... and we're also the first to volunteer for teacher positions that offer convention travel - Get us a state away and LOOK OUT! And it's at one of those conventions that we got ourselves into big big trouble.

Our latest convention was being held over the last weekend of winter break down in Florida, an amazing trip the two of us have been looking forward to for months. After a long day of meetings, speeches and programs on Friday, we hit the local scene, in search of a little "fun".

We found a great beach side bar and began hitting it pretty hard... The sun was still up at 7:00pm, the beach still full, when we had managed to appeal to a pair of bikini-clad honeys sitting on the outdoor patio. Joey and I can be pretty forward and it was pretty clear that this night had definite potential. By 7:30pm I was making out with the blonde while Joey massaged and kissed the neck of the brunette.

I felt as much as heard the click of a camera but thought nothing of it... then another... finally a third click and I thought "Wait, is someone taking pictures of ME?"

I opened my eyes and scanned the area to find a most unexpected sight. Standing on the beach, just off the bar-side patio, not 10 feet away was Melissa. Melissa was one of my senior students. A smirk covered her face... and in her hand? A digital camera...

"Uh Joey..."

Joey followed my gaze and saw Melissa. The ******* caused his brain to move slower than normal but he quickly came around to what I was thinking...

"Hey Mr. Michels! Hi Mr. Rable!" Her smile too big, her greeting too enthusiastic, "What a surprise to see you here!"

I should mention, Melissa's a bit of an odd bird. At first glance, you'd think she'd be pretty popular. She was cute, smart... and based on what I was seeing at the moment, a slammin' bikini body. And yet, she wasn't. I often found her alone, studying in the library or walking down the hall from class to class. When I did see her with others, they tended to be fringe characters, the last people you'd expect her to be with.

"Uh, Melissa... I... Uh... were you taking pictures???"

"Oh yeah, I thought you and your wives would think they were cute!"

"You're married???" the blonde growled at me.

"PIG!" the brunette slugged Joey and within seconds they were gone.

"Huh," Melissa mockingly shrugged. "I guess those weren't your wives huh?"

"Melissa..." I began tentatively, feeling my life potentially crumbling around me "This... we.... "

"Sweetie," Joey started in, trying to turn the charm on. "We should talk about those pictures..."

Melissa held her hand up. I mean literally held her hand up to shut us up.

"Listen guys, I think at this point, I'm the one doing the talking..."

She reached into her cute little bathing suit skirt and pulled out a swipe card. With a flourish she dropped it on the table.

"This is my room key. Pay for your ****, leave the waitress a nice tip because, let's face it, you guys are both fucking disgusting, and then be in my room in 30 minutes. Seriously, 30 fucking minutes. If you're not there, minute 31 will be the one where I fire these pictures back home in an email... "

And with that she turned on a dime and stalked off.

"Uh, what the fuck???" I looked at Joey. "What are we going to do???"

Joey frowned. "Listen, this isn't good, but it's not necessarily a disaster. We can bargain with her, there has to be something we can do to get her to turn that camera over..."

The next 30 minutes seemed like forever. We paid for our bill and hurried back to the nearby Hyatt where Melissa was apparently staying.

I know it sounds weak, even downright lame, but the truth is, I really really really loved my wife, loved my family. I didn't want to hurt them and I sure as hell didn't want to lose them. I thought about my wife's reaction to finding out I was cheating on her while traveling for my job and it took less than five seconds of that vision to realize we had to do whatever it took to stop this insanity.

Joey and I took the elevator to her room and 27 minutes later stood outside her door. He took the card and swiped it, hearing the electronic key unlock and he pushed the door open.

Now, I'm not sure what I expected to see... but it wasn't this. Sitting on the queen-sized bed at the far side of the bed was Melissa. She had changed out of her bikini and instead wore a black babydoll teddy, that pushed up her 18-year-old chest and billowed outward from there.

"Come on guys..." she smiled, more wickedly than before, and beckoned us into the room.

"Melissa, I..." I started but got no further.

"Shut up, Mr. Michels," she said abruptly. "So here's the deal guys, and I want to make sure you're listening... are you listening Mr. Rable???"

Joey nodded and I nodded as well when she turned her stare to me. "Good."

"So here's the deal guys... I have pictures, here's one..." and she flipped a sheet of paper at us. On it was a printed-out photo of the two of us wrapped in embraces with the two women at the bar. It seemed like a year ago.

"There are more, but I think we can agree that the one right there could be pretty devastating to your marriages... can we agree on that?"

We both nodded, unsure what to say or do.

"And just in case you get any ideas, I'm here with two other girls. They have the camera, they have the pictures... I don't think you guys are stupid enough to try and harm me... but if you do... they will destroy your lives, cool?"

When she said "Cool," she flipped her hair with a smile, as if she was asking us if it was "cool" if she went to the bathroom during class. I was starting to wonder if she was bi-polar.

"Yeah, um, come on Melissa..." I attempted a chuckle. "You know we would never hurt you..."

"I don't know Mr. Michels," Melissa said with a glare. "Half an hour ago I wouldn't have thought you were capable of being a disgusting, cheating scumbag either, but then, here we are, right?"

I dropped my head. Joey, on the other hand, was starting to get pissy.

"All right Melissa," he growled. "You've made your fucking point, we're busted, what do you want? I can't imagine you called us here just to rub our noses in it..."

Melissa looked from Joey back to me and back to Joey.

"Here's the deal, Mr. Rable, Mr. Michels..." She smiled.

"Right now it's..." she turned to look at the clock. "...eight o'clock. From now until ten o'clock, you're MINE. You will do whatever I tell you to do, you will not talk back, you will not question me, you will even say "yes ma'am" as you do it."

She looked back and forth between the two of us again and continued.

"IF you manage to do that, IF you manage to obey me to my liking, then at ten o'clock, I will call the girls back in here, we will delete the pictures right here in the room with you and that will be that... Deal?"

I glanced over at Joey and the both of us tried to hide a smirk. Of course it was a fucking deal, I thought, and began to fantasize about what this tight cute little honey in a babydoll nightie had in mind. The punishment could be better than the crime we were going to commit!

"Deal." Joey nodded, clearly thinking the same thing I was.

Melissa's face broke into a huge smile.

"Guys, let's just be clear... don't fuck up. If you can't do this, then the pictures go viral. I'm not talking a simple email, I'm talking email, Facebook, I'll montage those pics on fucking YouTube, do you understand?"

We both nodded, a chill running down my spine as I realized what was at stake.

"Okay..." she said. "Then let's get started..."

Melissa smiled and took a deep breath. It's amazing how much can go through your brain in a couple of seconds. I realized for the first time Melissa looked tentative and that made me realize how INCREDIBLY in control she'd been. No way a high school senior should be this calm, cool and collected while blackmailing her teachers.

Basically, this Melissa chick scared me.

With a deep breath, the calm returned to Melissa's face. "Mr. Rable, would you be so kind as to strip Mr. Michels?"

Joey stared unmoving.


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#7,457 · Edited by: chrislebo
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"I'm sorry, what?" Joey stammered out.

Melissa's calm exterior hardened.

"I'm sorry Mr. Rable, which part of OBEY ME did you not understand?" She had actually screamed the words OBEY ME, knocking us back a step, it was like a brief burst of insanity.

"I... I just..." Joey continued

"Mr. Rable," Melissa said with a calm that was almost more disturbing than her brief outburst, "Mr. Michels is wearing a button down shirt and a pair of khaki shorts, yes?"

Joey looked over at me, probably noting for the first time what I was wearing.

"Um, right..."

"Okay," Melissa nodded, speaking like she was speaking to a *****. "In the next couple of minutes you are going to see to it that he's not wearing those things anymore, do you understand?"

There was something in the way she spoke that suddenly made us realize we were in for a long night. Perhaps this would not be as much fun as we originally thought.

Joey walked over, turning his back to Melissa and started unbuttoning my shirt, shooting me a look like "WHAT THE FUCK?"

Melissa stopped him quickly "NO NO NO NO NO!"

Joey turned and looked at the psycho senior.

"I need to be able to SEE," Melissa explained in an exasperated voice, as if she was telling a ***** something obvious. "Stand behind him please."

Joey slid slowly, moving behind me. He lifted his arms then dropped them. Then moved one hand in front of me and tried to paw at my buttons. I lifted my hand to start unbuttoning my shirt.

"NO!" yelled Melissa, chastising me for moving. "You stand there!"

We both looked at her and she just offered a smile. "Continue please."

Joey wrapped his other arm around me and unbuttoned my shirt quickly, letting it fall open, and then pulling it off my shoulders and letting it fall to the floor.

"Better..." encouraged Melissa.

Joey's hand lowered, this time to my waist and as delicately as possible, unbuttoned... and then unzipped my shorts.

They fell to the floor with my shirt and I stood in nothing more than my boxers.

"See!" Melissa beamed. "Was that really that fucking hard?"

The two of us just stood there.

"WAS IT THAT HARD MR. RABLE!" she exploded.

"No, no, Melissa it was not!" he blustered out.

"Okay, Mr. Michels, your turn. I trust I don't have to give the instructions again?"

"No ma'am..." I nodded, which seemed to please her immensely.

"Very good!" she cheered. Within seconds I had removed Joey's shirt and was reaching for his jeans when she stopped me.

"Mr. Michels," she instructed, like she was standing at chalkboard ready to call me up to finish a math problem. "Would you please finish your job on your knees?"

I slowly, hesitantly fell to my knees.

"I... ma'am... I'm not sure I understand..." I expected an outburst but instead I got calm-Melissa.

"It's simple, Mr. Michels," she condescended. "Remove his jeans while you kneel in front of him. Not complicated at all, really..."

I did as she ordered, unzipping his jeans and tugging them to the floor. Unlike my shorts, the jeans took some effort to remove and my face came entirely too close to his groin while I tugged.

"Good..." Melissa nodded approvingly and for the first time left the bed. She walked her long tan legs towards us and stepped in a circle around her two teachers now standing topless in front of her.

She shocked both of us by reaching out and slowly, tantlizingly running her fingers down Joey's chest. Then she stepped to me and stunned us further by cupping my balls.

She left her hand there and lifted her lips to mine, giving me a soft, wet kiss. Then, with her hand still on my crotch, she leaned over and kissed Joey.

"I think you boys are going to have so much fun tonight..." she cooed.

And then, just when I thought that kiss may be a prelude to something, she walked back to the bed.

When she got there she turned and smiled at us with an evil look in her eye.

"Hmm..." she said, tilting her head, as if she was trying to make a decision in her head.

I stood there wondering how this was going to go. Was she going to invite us over there? Did she want her teachers to pleasure her? It was at that moment that she shattered my thoughts with her words.

"Mr. Michels," she said, deadpan, not an emotion in her face. "I want you to pull down Mr. Rable's boxers. And I want you to suck his cock."

The room started spinning.

"What did she say?!?!?" I thought to myself and again, everything seemed to slow down. I didn't react, pretty sure that protesting would probably be a bad idea. So I did the only thing I could. I just stared at her.

She stared back. I searched her face for some emotion, bracing myself for another strange outburst or a more ******** reiterating of her first command. I didn't know what to do.

Melissa, for her part stood stoically for what seemed like an eternity. Finally she slid to the head of the bed and picked up the phone on the beside table.

"Send the first picture to their wives..."

"NO!!!" Joey and I both yelled together and I actually held out my hand as if I could physically stop her words.

"Wait one second, Jen," Melissa smiled and cupped the mouthpiece in her hand. "I'm sorry Mr. Michels, did you have something you wanted to say?"

"Okay..." I bowed my head, in a gesture that had to look like complete and utter defeat. "Okay, I get it. I'll do what you say, please tell her not to send that picture."

"Jen?" Melissa said into the phone, never taking her eyes off me. "Hold off on that for a second, I might get some cooperation after all."

She hung up the phone and looked at me. Again another eternity passed by before she put her hand on her hips and said, "I'm not going to tell you again... DO IT."

And so with that, I pulled down my best friend's boxers. His flaccid cock popped out and I thought it was longer than I thought it would be. Without another word, I lowered my head and took him into my mouth. It was soft, pliable, and I tugged on it a touch with my lips before letting it pop back out. Another glance proved that one moment of contact had an impact. It began to grow.

"That a boy!" Melissa shrieked and actually applauded. "Suck it some more! Get him hard!"

I took Joey into my mouth again and this time bobbed my head slowly up and down, this time taking in the sensations. He tasted salty, sweaty, after a long day spent in lectures and then out in the sun at an outdoor bar. Within seconds he had gotten harder, harder until he was firm between my lips.

"Yea!!!" Melissa cheered. "I knew it! I knew you guys were gay for each other!"

"Now come here!" and with that, crazy Melissa patted the bed she was so seductively sitting on.

I leapt to my feet, thankful to be done with my task, unable to so much as glance at Joey, much less look him in the eyes.

We both walked over to the bed and heard Melissa's next command.

"69 time!" she announced. "I want to see you guys suck each other good!"

She was completely out of control but at this point, what were we going to do?

I laid down on the bed and Joey laid down next to me. I took his hard cock in my hand and guided it between my lips, after all, I was a regular fucking cocksucking pro now, right?

I tried to picture one of the many times some college co-ed or neglected wife had given me a blow job at a hotel or in a bar parking lot, tried everything I had to concentrate on the visual and not on the fact that I was the one actually doing it.

And it helped tremendously when I felt Joey's wet lips surround my shaft.

"Ohhh..." I let out when the sensation hit and I realized that I was already hard.

"That's it boys," Melissa said, her voice encouraging, soothing. "Suck those nice hard cocks, show Mistress Melissa how much you want to please her..."

I couldn't believe this was happening. I was rock hard with my best friend's lips around my dick and an 18-year-old girl was telling me how hot it was. And most surprising, I was REALLY turned on.

"Mmmm, yessss" she purred.

I don't know how long we were in that position or even what else Melissa called out to us, but soon I was thoroughly enjoying myself and near orgasm.

As if she could sense it, Melissa stopped us.

"Oh my God this is so hot," she moaned. "Sit up!"

We obeyed quickly, unsure if our wills were broken or our libidos out of control. It was probably both.

Without a word, Melissa pushed each of us back against the headboard so we were seated next to each other.

"Stroke each other," she said as she faced us.

And as we reached across to wrap our fingers around each other's hard cocks, she ran her fingers between her legs, pushed aside the panties she was wearing beneath her babydoll and began playing with herself.

"Yesss..." she let out as she watched, massaging her clit, her other hand moving up to tug at the top of her baby doll, her breasts falling out.

The vision was too much. This sexy, crazy high school senior, playing with herself, boobs bouncing wildly, all while my cock was being massaged. Within seconds I was moaning.

"Oh my God, I'm going to cum!" I offered.

"Fuck, me too," Joey moaned. "Your hand feels so good and Melissa you look so hot!"

"DO IT!" Melissa growled, quickening the pace with which she ******** her pussy. "Cum all over yourselves!"

And with that, my orgasm racked my body, sending shivers up and down my spine and cum shooting out of my cock. The first squirt hit me in the face, the second all over my chest. Soon cum was landing on my legs, my stomach, my cock. I didn't know what was mine and what was Joey's and really couldn't have cared less.

Finally, we both collapsed, cum drenched, heads leaning back against the headboard.

"Mmmmmmm..." I heard Melissa emote and looked up to see her licking her fingers clean. "Fuck that was soooo hot."

She twirled herself off the bed and before we knew what was happening she threw on a robe and opened the hotel room door.

"I'll be right back, Mr. Michels, Mr. Rable," and she left the room closing the door behind her.

I realized my hand was still on Joey's cock and released it. Looking around, I started to get up to find a towel when the phone rang next to me on the table.

I stared at it, turned and looked at Joey for the first time and he shrugged his shoulders.

I answered.

"Hi Mr. Michels!" I heard Melissa, chipper as ever. "Listen, so that room is all yours for as long as you need it, if you want to clean up or whatever, feel free to spend the night if you'd like!"

"Um, okay," I responded, unsure of what else to say.

"The girls and I are actually staying somewhere else now," she explained and I heard the noise of the downstairs lobby in the background. She was leaving the hotel???

"Oh and I kinda lied about destroying the pictures. We still have them and after what I just saw, I'd like to keep them, you know, if I ever want to see THAT again!"
She giggled. The little bitch actually fucking giggled.

"So I guess I'll just see you back at school next week huh?"

And she hung up.


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The Payment Plan

The room they were shown to felt large, certainly larger than the pool of light in the middle of it, cast by an overhead fixture and illuminating a dark brown, leather sectional with a wide mahogany coffee table between it and an opposite, matching couch. They were seated here by the same person who showed them in, a very polite, scantily clad barmaid named Gwen, as her nametag claimed. She left two ****** for them and exited.

Janet Fulton and Victoria Sharpe peered around themselves as their eyes adjusted. There seemed to be the shadowed outline of bookcases at irregular intervals along the almost invisible walls and, looking close, one could just make out two doorways and a large, draped window.

Janet, forty-two, blonde and married with two ********, complained in a low voice, "This is just great. I can't believe this."

"Would you stop it, already?" Victoria insisted, taking a sip of her apparently complimentary *****. She found it ironic that if she didn't owe the establishment over seventy thousand Dollars, she'd have had to pay for it. "You've been saying that all night, you think I want to hear it now?"

Thirty-eight, dark brunette and married with no ********, Victoria was the more adventurous, or as Janet's husband once put it, 'unsettled'. It was her idea to drive to Vegas while their husbands were both away, Janet's on rotation aboard an oil rig, her own out of town on business. After much coaxing, she'd persuaded her neighbor and best friend for over two years to leave her two sixteen and seventeen year old kids and a good excuse (lie) with her ******. From there, they'd drive to Vegas with a few dollars for a girl's night out and be back home before anyone knew. Just like Thelma and Louise, except nobody would die.

Now, here they were. In addition to her own sudden and staggering debt was Janet's, over fifty thousand Dollars.

"What are they going to do?" Janet fretted aloud.

"Stop worrying. This isn't TV, they're not going to **** us, who do you think we're dealing with here?"

Janet knew her friend and neighbor was a lot more worried than she'd let on and her anxiety wasn't quelled. She took a sip from her glass and looked at Victoria, trying not to blame her and being quite unsuccessful about it. Tom was right, she was unsettled. Always the one to bring up sex, or ********, or some wild misadventure she'd been on. Both she and her husband were more like teenagers than adults in a lot of ways, probably she thought, the result of never having raised kids. It showed on her, too. Victoria worked out regularly and, while she wasn't thin, she was far from overweight. She would often dress her athletic body in outfits that would embarrass Janet a little in public and especially in front of Tom. To give him credit, Janet never once saw him taking a peek at those C cups, no matter how far down the neckline plunged, possibly because he had his wife's D cups to entertain him. But Janet considered Victoria was an exciting friend, even after always having led the life of a careful, proper woman who stood for decency and who could be counted on to make wise choices. Except for this time, when she'd let this thirty-eight year old ***** make a choice and look where it landed them. Now she couldn't help but wonder why she would have ever thought to become such good friends with her to begin with.

They both took another sip and continued to wait for whatever.

"What? Stop looking at me like that, Jan."

"I'm sorry, I just,..."

"You just blame me, I know. I was only trying to dig ourselves out of the hole!"

"The one you fell into and then dragged me down in.", Janet answered reproachfully.

"Don't give me that, you were already on your own way down!"

Janet turned in her seat, preferring to look off into the gloom at this fact, taking another *****.

Behind her, Victoria continued frowning at the back of her head. The Prude didn't even want to come to Vegas, said it wasn't her style, she remembered with some guilt. She had to admit this was true, now in the not so bright light of day as her blonde friend sat there with her legs crossed, one hand nervously fidgeting with the hem of the tight, dark blue skirt that stopped just above her knees, the one Victoria had to convince her to wear. The snug fitting, short sleeved white pullover was a harder sell, but this was Vegas and women with curvy hips and big firm boobs like Janet's showed them off, heels and all because that was just the way it was. She herself chose the famous 'little black dress', complete with ultra short hemline, low square neckline and no sleeves.

She took another *****, suddenly trying to picture Janet in her church on Sunday morning dressed like she was. What would her friends say? Would the men all stare at her tits? She was just finding herself a little surprised she'd be distracted, even a little turned on by such thoughts at a time like this, when one of the doors, the one they'd entered by, opened in the gloom.

Four men walked into the room. Janet assumed they were men by their height as they followed the shadows around the edges of the light to the opening point of the seating arrangement. The first three sat directly across from them on the couch, the last one on the broad arm at the end. They seemed pleasant enough, Janet decided. They were all wearing nice suits and smiling politely. She'd been feeling a little better about the situation, for some unexplained reason, just before the arrival of these newcomers and their dignified demeanor ********** this mood. She took another sip and relaxed just a little.

Victoria was also feeling a little less anxious. She took another *****, thankful for this and making a mental note to thank these men for the consideration of her assumedly free beverage. Now the large one seated on the arm of the sectional was about to speak.

"My name is Buckner. Mr. Buckner, or just Buckner, I don't care." he assured with a smile. "These men are associates of mine, Vernon, Mikey and Bull."

Each one casually waved or nodded in greeting, the two women responding with a polite, "Hello.", in Janet's case, and a warm, if unsure, "Hi", in Victoria's.

"You are Victoria Sharpe and you are Janet Fulton, correct?" he asked, not waiting for an affirmation before going on. "Both of you look stunning and I regret that I can't ask you ladies if you're enjoying yourselves in our establishment, knowing your predicament. You're from out of town, am I right?"

"Yes.", Victoria answered while Janet nodded.

"Do you realize you even lost your car and that you don't have enough money to so much as pay for a bus ticket home?"

"Yes.", Victoria repeated, sick to her stomach at what Reggie would do when he found out why his prized, nineteen sixty-eight, restored Firebird wasn't in the garage when he got home.

"Well, that's what we're here to talk about, Ladies. That's what we're here to work out."

Janet took another sip and said, "Thank you for being so understanding, Mr. Buckner."

Buckner, who was about to go on, suddenly smiled, glanced ever so briefly at the glass in the soccer mom's hand before saying to his fellows, "You hear that, guys? What a class act."

They agreed, genuinely nodding their appreciation at Janet, who almost flushed at their approval of her attitude.

"I'm also very appreciative of your time and patience with us." Victoria said, adding the smile of she who didn't want to be left out.

He transferred his own smile to her, bobbing his head positively and saying, "You don't know what a pleasure this is for me. I mean, I feel for you two ladies, being in the position you're both in, but you can't imagine some of the people I have to deal with on this kind of business. It's a real breath of fresh air to get a couple of such high class ladies who treat me with such respect. Now, as much as I hate to do it, we do have to discuss this business between us."

Both women nodded, took another sip of their ****** and waited for what came next.

"Victoria, seventy-two thousand Dollars. Janet, fifty-four thousand. Please tell me you can cover this somehow, ladies."

Victoria stammered, "Um, well I could,... I'm afraid I don't have that kind of money. I already lost all I had and more."

"Okay, what about you, Janet?"

She shook her head and cleared her throat quietly before saying, "I'm afraid I'm in the same position, Mr. Buckner. But I could,... get a loan. It's really not that high, I don't think."

"Yes, I could also get a loan." Victoria piped up hopefully.

Buckner looked from one to the other as they took another sip. "Janet, you could possibly get a loan, but in today's financial climate, it's not assured. Especially with no down payment, no capital and nothing the bank can repossess in case of any failure to make your payments. Is your credit that good? Do you know someone who could co-sign, or would you be willing to put up your house if you have one?"

"Um, I don't,... know. I'd rather nobody,... You know." she finished in a small voice, looking away.

"You'd rather nobody found out. Yes, I do know and it's perfectly understandable, but it may come to that. Victoria, I'm afraid I really don't see you getting a loan at all for the very reasons I gave to your friend Janet, here. I doubt even one of those high interest loan institutions would touch you."

Victoria started crying, real or fake, Janet couldn't tell.

"Oh, honey, it's alright." Buckner assured. "I hate to see a lady cry, you know, boys?" He leaned forward, proffering the hankie from his suit jacket pocket.

She took it, and proceeded to dab at her tears while sniffling, "It's-s not just that, Mr. Buckner. M-my husband's car. He'll k-**** me.", she lamented, sincerely, Janet decided.

"Mr. Buckner," Janet added in a small voice, "I have the same kind of um, problem. You see if people find out,... my husband and his family,... Oh god, I can't imagine. It would get to church and it would ruin everything."

Buckner nodded understandingly and she went on.

"Well, I wonder if we couldn't just make payments to you? Directly. I promise, I swear on the Bible I'd make those payments, Mr. Buckner."

Victoria, still blubbering a little, looked up again, hopeful at Janet's idea. "Yes. I could do that. If it's okay, I mean. I can make the payments too, Mr. Buckner."

"I'm sure you both could.", he agreed, looking at the wide coffee table as if he were talking to it and not the two desperate and slightly inebriated women on his couch. "The problem is that both of your debts, put together, add up to one hundred and twenty-six grand. Believe it or not, that money isn't mine and it has to be in a safe out back in a little over two weeks from now. It has to be, you understand?"

They nodded, their hopes falling.

"Unless you can make some very big payments in a very short time, which I know you can't do,..."

"What if,...", Janet was trying again, grasping at the very last straw she could find, "Mr. Buckner, I hate to ask this, and I'm afraid you may think less of me when I do, but,... Um, if you personally could loan us the money,... If you have it. Please forgive me for having to ask."

Victoria looked from one of them to the other, holding her breath while Buckner leaned back, inhaling deeply as he thought for a short time.

"I do have it, Janet, and I don't have to forgive you for asking. In fact, I admire you for it. Unfortunately, that's a very large amount of cash that,... Well honey, I'd have to charge you over twenty-five percent on that just to make it worth my while, you understand?" He shook his head. "I'm not saying it isn't an option at this point, but it puts me in one hell of a personal bind."

"I guess you'll just have to let Bull break our legs." Victoria said morosely, taking another ***** from her now almost empty glass.

Everyone was quiet at this for a moment until Buckner began laughing heartily, inviting the laughter of the other three men in turn. "No, no.", he chuckled. "I want to assure you that nothing bad will happen to either of you. You ladies have been such a top shelf act in here, I wouldn't dream of it. Maybe not even your husbands."

The last part of his assurances made it hard to feel assured.

"Our husbands?", Victoria asked fearfully, trying not to imagine Reggie being jumped by-

"Well, it's a lot of money." Buckner explained apologetically. "I've sent the boys out for a lot less. But in this case,... like I said, you two have been so willing to co-operate and have been so respectful."



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"Sooo,...", Janet prodded, clinging to a hope that he seemed to dangle.

"See, In a way I like your idea, Janet. But, the structure of it is very inconvenient for me and, let's face it, I'd own you both for a good long time. You'd never have anything on account of those payments, never be able to recover. Especially you, Victoria. Also, the problem with your husband's car doesn't get solved, does it? I don't have to tell either of you what all this could do to your marriages."

Victoria shook her head, one thick lock spilling out of its stylishly sloppy hold and falling over her shoulder.

"And then, what happens if you should come to a point where you can't make the payments?"

Now both women shook their heads, Victoria finishing her ***** afterwards and staring at the coffee table in defeat as she swallowed.

"So, we need to put the co-operation you two ladies have so graciously offered to something a lot more profitable in the short term. A lot more, because I also want you both to drive home in that,... Camaro, is it?"

"Firebird.", Victoria corrected with a glum tone.

"Ah, forgive me. Very nice car, by the way. I bet you two look great in it. But yes, I want you both to be able to go home in that car with no obligation to me, or disruption in your lives whatsoever, while I can be assured that I'll be financially happy about this situation beyond any doubt."

"Is that possible?" Janet asked.

Buckner winked and said, "Honey, in this town, we've got a saying. You may have heard it. 'What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas'. I've always been a big believer of that philosophy, you know, and if that can't apply to a couple of class acts like you, then what the hell, right?

"Really?", Janet asked, finally feeling relief flood in and wondering if it was because of this ***** which she was sipping at again, reminding herself that she didn't ***** and she should really slow down because she was feeling a little-

"Hey, I told you we'd work things out, didn't I?"

"Well,... what do we do?", asked Janet, taking another sip.

"First of all, just relax."

They did, Janet remembering that these were decent and reasonable men who were wearing suits, after all, Victoria only happy to be told there was a free and clear way out of her colossal mess.

"Both of your separate debts will be combined to one and I'll even knock off a grand to make it an even one hundred twenty-five. Then, you two will go to work for me to pay this off. This will take a little longer than you planned on being here, in town, but don't worry about that. I know lots of very friendly and respectable people who will prove that you came to Vegas for a short term, sudden high demand job posting for something like,... travel agency bookings for the Shriner's world tour, or whatever.", he smiled, eliciting one from each of the two women in return.

"In fact, when you get home, you both will have a few grand in your pockets to prove it. Victoria, you buy some nice ah,... tires for your husband's car and he'll be happy. In addition, both of you will arrive home with your bank accounts and credit cards intact and without any debt to me, or anyone else over this. You go home and, like I say, it all stays in Vegas. How's it sound so far?" he asked, fishing something out of his inside pocket and tossing it on the coffee table.

It was the keys to the Firebird.

As Victoria watched, he then stood, took out his wallet and began removing bills, six by her strangely giddy count. She felt her crotch begin to heat up for some unexplained reason, quite sure the sight of money had never actually turned her on in the past. He tossed the bills on the table as well and then sat back down while Victoria noted that they were one thousand Dollar bills.

"I personally guarantee the terms I've just put down, ladies. That's my word. It means a lot in this town and yours means a lot to me, otherwise,... well, I think you understand how important that is."

"Absolutely, Mr. Buckner.", Janet replied.

"Very important." Victoria agreed.

"But I don't know anything about travel." Janet worried, looking down and being astonished to find that her ***** was gone.

"That's okay, Janet." Buckner almost soothed. "That's not what you'll be doing."

"Well,... what will we be doing?", Victoria asked, a little confused.

"First of all, you two will be making up."

The two women looked at one another, then back to him.

Buckner raised his eyebrow and explained. "Give me some credit, ladies. I've seen how these things work out, how people get with one another. I'm sure there was some finger pointing and maybe some harsh words before I came in, am I right?"

Janet confirmed, a little sheepishly, "Yes, Mr. Buckner. I blamed Victoria."

Buckner smiled, letting her know it was alright, then turned to Victoria and raised his eyebrow again.

"Well,... I did get mad when she reminded me of how this is all kinda my fault."

"There you have it. If I won't let this thing ruin your lives, I won't let it ruin your friendship. Now, do we have a deal?"

Not remembering that Bucker hadn't told them what kind of work they'd be doing, Janet agreed. He was a very nice man with a very smart suit.

"Yes, Mr. Buckner."

"Uh huh, I'm in.", Victoria also decided with a nod, mostly because Janet agreed and she seemed to know what they were doing.

Buckner sighed in relief, grinned happily at them and said, "I knew you'd be reasonable. Now, first things first. You two kiss and make up."

Feeling a little uncomfortable, both women looked at one another.

"I'm sorry I blamed you, Vicky." the woman with the medium length, blonde hair said.

"I'm sorry I snapped at you, Jan. And for getting us into this."

They both shot each other a look that said they were good, Janet actually surprised and strangely touched by Victoria's sincerity.

"Now, kiss."

"Um,... really?", Victoria questioned.

"Oh yes, my dear."

They leaned towards one another and awkwardly kissed each other's cheeks.

"No, no, on the lips."

Janet looked at Buckner, jaw sagging a little. She looked as if she wasn't quite sure she'd understood.

I,..." Victoria began, then trailed off.

"Go ahead, it's just a kiss."

Victoria turned and kissed Janet's mouth, Janet dutifully kissing back, confusion still in her eyes as they rolled warily to Buckner.

"That was nice, keep going."

They both looked at him uncertainly again, but continued, awkwardly with open, nervously darting eyes.

"You two look so nice together. Use your tongues."

Victoria poked hers out and licked at Janet's lips until she opened them and hesitantly showed her own pink tongue. Her friend began licking that too, then sucking on it gently.

"That's it, ladies."

Janet was in a bit of a state, hardly believing Buckner would be telling them to do this, hardly believing how Victoria didn't seem to have the problem with it that she did as she felt her neighbor's tongue invade her mouth. Most of all, she couldn't believe she was actually doing it, how some small part of her seemed to be actually enjoying it. She blamed it on the ***** and cursed herself for not stopping when she knew she should.

"Hmp? Mm."

After a good thirty seconds or more of this, Buckner asked with a knowing grin, "Are you ladies enjoying yourselves?"



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They stopped, Victoria admitting with shining eyes, "It is pretty nice." before planting soft kisses on the side of Janet's face, who was now struggling to answer.

"It makes me feel,... Oh, Mr. Buckner, this is so wrong."

"It's alright, Janet." he reassured her with a winning smile. "Makes you feel what?"

"It makes- Oh, Victoria, no. My ears are very sensitiii-! Oh, my!"

"How does it make you feel, Janet?" Buckner pressed.

"U-um, it makes me- my,... fifi hot and,... wet and,... all spready.", she imparted, blushing.

Victoria stopped her attentions on Janet's ear and laughed a little. "You're so sheltered. She means her pussy."



"Victoria, yours too?" Buckner asked.

"Oh yeah." she readily admitted, but also blushing a little.

"Why don't you show each other?"

Janet gasped at this suggestion while Victoria giggled, "Seriously?"

"Sure. You've put each other in this condition, and it's not as if you two aren't good friends, is it?"

"Oh my God." Victoria expressed, nervously giggling again.

She slowly spread her legs anyway while Janet watched, dumbstruck, knowing her friend was enjoying this on some level, as she was. A much higher and broader level, apparently. She spread them wide, resting her hands on her bare knees, exposing a small pair of black satin panties. She looked over at Janet, then down in her lap where the woman had pulled the hemline of her skirt to mid thigh, worrying the thread from the edge of the garment with her fingers.

"Go ahead, Janet. Take a look." Buckner encouraged."

She looked, allowing her eyes to roam over the woman's athletic thighs, the tight satin that revealed how swollen her lips were as Victoria ran her hands up and down her thighs a couple times.

"Isn't she beautiful, Janet?"

"Um, yes." she admitted.

"Your turn, Jan.", Victoria reminded. Janet stood and slowly, resignedly hiked her skirt to her hips with everyone watching before sitting again and, just as slowly, opening her legs, sitting straight, but looking away out of shame.

Victoria took a good look, gently, casually passing a hand over the front of her own panties as if smoothing wrinkles that weren't in the snug little scrap, the electric thrill of her own touch whipping her senses. Janet wore a beautiful pair of white lace panties, not small but not modest either. They were see-through in places and Victoria had to admit she never would've guessed it of her.

"You like that, don't you honey?" Buckner presumed, looking at the woman in black.

"She's,...", she started, but finished by only nodding.

"I know," Buckner agreed, "She's gorgeous. You're lucky to be her friend. Janet, look at Victoria."

When she did, she beheld Victoria looking at her crotch while softly stroking her own. The striking brunette touched her upper lip with her tongue for an instant, then reached over with her other hand to spread Janet's leg further, peering closer. Janet found herself staring as her friend was, at Victoria as she ************ caressed the panel of black silk between her legs.

"That looks like it feels pretty good, doesn't it, Janet?"

She nodded in reply, thinking that it certainly did.

Would you like her to do that for you?"

Now she breathed in sharply, looking at Buckner.

"Look at her nipples." Victoria said.

They all did, including Janet. They were standing out as if they meant to tear through her bra and the too thin pullover. What was worse, she realized, she'd been sitting there with her chest stuck out like a harlot. At first, she thought she should cover them with her hands, but there she was with her legs spread and-

"Just go ahead and ask her to rub fifi, Janet."

Victoria was now softly stroking the inside of Janet's thigh and staring at her chest as the older ****** of two could only watch this, unable to ask, but unable to refuse to as well.

"Victoria, have you ever been with a woman?" Buckner asked.

"A woman. Yes, once. Alright, a few times. In college."

"Did you like it?"

"Yes.", she admitted in a naughty, but embarrassed tone, suddenly and gently squeezing between her legs before going back to her light caresses.

"Those are very pretty panties Janet has on, aren't they?"

"Hmm.", she affirmed, nodding.

"Victoria's hand would feel awful nice on fifi, wouldn't it, Janet?"

She moved her head slightly in agreement.

"Can I get her tits out, Mr. Buckner?" Victoria asked, flicking her bottom lip with her tongue now.

"Buckner smiled, both at the fact that Victoria wasn't paying attention when she wasn't being addressed directly and Janet's confused reaction to her request.

"Actually, honey, I think your lovely friend has other ideas, don't you Janet? Go ahead, ask her. You know she will and I know you want her to."

Janet Fulton opened her mouth and, in a small voice, hesitantly invited, "Victoria, will you feel my,... fifi?

"Okay.", was her simple reply.

She blushed anew, even as the brunette's hand left her own crotch and reached for Janet's. When her fingertips began dancing over the lace, up and down, her reaction was automatic.

"Huh! Oooh! Mmmm!"

She slowly allowed her head to fall back, face up, eyes closed with her hands supporting behind her on the seat cushion, the ends of her hair tickling her lower shoulders. Soon, she felt soft kisses on her neck and upper chest.

Buckner watched Victoria kneeling on the couch beside her friend, shamelessly licking, kissing, or sucking at any bare skin she could find while she reached down, slowly rubbing up and down between Janet's legs with the flat of her hand.

"Oh. Oh. Ohhhh." Janet moaned softly.

Victoria raised her neighbors face to hers and started kissing her mouth again, Janet willingly kissing back. She began to use her weight to gently push the older woman back in the soft sectional and, while still rubbing and now gently pinching and tugging at one of Janet's nipples through her shirt and bra, addressed Buckner.

"What was in that *****, anyway?"

Buckner laughed softly and explained, "You might say it's an old family recipe. Hey guys, remember ol' Pert?"

The three men on the couch laughed at some private joke, Janet noticing that they all had large bulges in their smart suit pants while they watched she and Victoria.

Buckner went on, "Pert was a cheap little rat without a shred of honour or decency, not at all like you two. Anyway, what he lacked in loyalty, he more than made up for with his talents in chemistry."

Victoria had forgotten how that applied and why he was telling her this.

"Can I get her tits out now?"

"I don't see why not, honey. Do you, Janet?"

"Oooooohh, Vicky!" she softly cried as the other woman cupped and kneaded her now soaked pussy. She pushed herself into the pleasuring hand and arched her back so her left breast could follow the direction that her painfully erect nipple was being softly pulled in.

Victoria took the bottom of the little white shirt and worked it up over the swell of Janet's breasts, which she found inside a white lace bra that matched her underwear. She piled it at her neck and under her arms before feasting her eyes.

"Look at them." the kneeling woman said appreciatively, going back to her rubbing of Janet, pressing hard, pulling down the top of the lace undergarment to reveal a smooth shave.


"Janet, I must admit, I was hoping to see if you were a real blonde." Buckner said with a chuckle while Victoria began caressing Janet's breasts. "Why don't you stick your hand down Victoria's panties and see if she shaves?"

Janet looked at the little black dress of the one who was making her feel so good down there and saw that it had fallen back down over her hips. She watched the lean, muscled legs spread in anticipation while fingers located one of her nipples inside her bra and began tugging gently again. She took the hem and slowly raised it higher, exposing once again those swollen, pouty lips stretching the black satin, now shiny wet. She reached with her other hand and dipped its fingers down the front.



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Janet shook her head, smiling in ecstasy, pulling them down far enough to see the thin patch of carefully cropped pubic hair. She continued to pull at them while Victoria's hands went down the front of her own, finding her clitoris and rubbing,... She bucked uncontrollably, yanking the wet, black satin down to mid thigh.

"Ahh! Oh! Haaa!" Janet exclaimed, squirming.

She reached around and pushed the back of the black dress up over her friend's ass, caressing each cheek and slowly pulling them apart. Victoria spread her legs further, moaning while sucking at the now exposed nipple, driving the woman underneath her almost wild.

Victoria cried aloud when Janet ran her finger from the bottom of her opening, all the way up between her lips and to her clitoris. Janet enjoyed the reaction this got and did it again, slower this time and stopping to play here and there before she cupped her wet sex, squeezing gently as Victoria had done to her.

They both made a sort of disjointed symphony with their soft moans and cries of the shared pleasure they abandoned themselves to, there on the couch in front of these strange men, working each other's willing snatches to orgasm.

Buckner noted Victoria's knuckles bulging under the white lace as her fingers worked their way between Janet's lips and inside. He could see her thumb methodically working the clitoris above the writhing woman's lowered panty line and hoped Pete was getting good close-up angles on all this. It was gold.

"You're teaching her well." Buckner complimented as he watched Janet follow suit between the legs of the thinner woman.

Victoria let the nipple out of her mouth and said with a dirty grin, "She likes it."

In saying this, she noticed that the three men all had their penises out and were stroking them. The rea*** they called the one on the end 'Bull' was now obvious.

"Janet, look." she advised without taking her eyes from their members, but Janet was in her own world.

"Do you want one of those, honey?"

"Yess.", she admitted with a hesitant smile as she rolled her hips raunchily into Janet's hand, glancing at the moaning blonde. "Mmmmm! I think Janet wants one too."

"You do?" Buckner laughed. "Well, that's good enough for me. How would you like the use of Vernon's cock?"

"Ohhhh! I want him to f-fuck mme. Mmmm!"

"Ohhhh, Vicky!! Huuuhhhh!!"

"Janet wants to,... ssssuck Mikey's cock!", she whined.

After the two men shed their clothes, Vernon moved in behind Victoria as she watched Mikey climb up on the cushion opposite her and beside Janet. Vernon's cock slid between her legs, gently pushing Janet's hand out of the way. The ****** of two was getting louder, mouth open and eyes closed when this happened. She opened them to see what had caused the disturbance just in time to watch Vernon's shaft glide slowly inside of Victoria from behind. As she bucked to the brunette's hand, she looked up and watched as her friend's eyes rolled in pleasure. She continued rubbing her clit, not sure she should touch a penis that wasn't her husband's, when the head of one was suddenly pushed into her open mouth.

"Ummmp! Ummmm! Ommmmm!"

"Ooooooohh, fuck!" Victoria cried as Vernon slowly shoved his way in to the hilt.

Janet had never performed this act in her life, despite how many times Tom hinted around at it, but here it now was, slowly sliding into her mouth and running over her tongue. Her eyes bulged as his pubic hair came closer to her nose until she began to ***** and he gently pulled back, only to push himself in again. Doing something about this would have been easier if lovely Victoria's attentions weren't driving her closer and closer to orgasm.

It didn't take long for Vernon to work up a pussy pounding rhythm that bounced Victoria and made her cry out again and again. He reached up from behind and pulled the top of her dress down past her braless breasts and gripped them, beginning to groan.

She watched Mikey slowly fuck Janet's face. He looked pretty excited already and she doubted he'd take long. She herself was fast approaching climax and dirtily trying to shove herself into Vernon with every thrust he gave her.

Mikey was now coming all the way out, then shoving back in, Janet taking as much of it as she could, sucking its whole way out each time and humming in a high pitch, starting to forget about her husband in the astonishing reality that she actually enjoyed sucking this nice man's cock. She took its base in her other hand to better guide it to her mouth and hold it in there a little longer.

"See if you can shove his whole cock in your mouth, honey." Buckner challenged.

It took her a few times trying, but she accomplished this somehow with one little ***** at the end while her clitoris felt like it was about to explode in Victoria's hand.

"Very good, Janet! You're spectacular!"

Janet was very pleased that Buckner was impressed and redoubled her efforts to take it all with each thrust, wanting to feel the sensation of the man's balls resting on her chin again.

"Ohh, Fuck!" Mikey groaned, looking down at her. "Ohh, holy fuck!!"

The first blast of cum from his swollen balls shot straight down her throat as his wiry black hair was once again tickling her nose. She *****d and he drew out, splashing her upper lip and chin before shoving part way in again to coat her mouth with his seed. Drawing out, he laced her forehead and nose as she bucked harder and harder into the hand at her overexcited vagina, not even noticing what had happened, only that she'd *****d once.

"Ohhhh? Ohhhhhhh, Vicky!!" Janet shrilled urgently.

Victoria watched her friend, the innocent, respectable and straight laced Mrs. Fulton of forty-two Camberry St., who actually did own a minivan and actually did drive her *** to soccer practice with it. To see her now, like this with her mouth open, Mikey's cum inside it and all over her face while enjoying Victoria's hand down her panties and playing with her clit,...

"OH!! OMIGOD! OH, MR. BUCKNER!! I'M GONNA,... CUUUM-!!" Janet wailed, and then did just that. It was earth shattering for her. Her senses seemed to close around her for instants out of time as she squeezed her legs together on Victoria's hand.

Victoria orgasmed as she watched this spectacle while wonderful Vernon just kept pounding on relentlessly.

"Victoria?" Buckner addressed.

"Oh! Ah! Ah! Yes, Mis- awww! Mister,... Buckner?"

"Look at Janet, honey, look at your good friend."

She did this and grabbed said friend's breasts as well.

"Things have changed between you two now. You know she'll be your special friend from now on, don't you? Now that you've enjoyed each other like this, you two will become as important to each other as your husbands are. You've been through everything together now and Janet will understand that. So you just climb up there and let her suck your clit while Vernon fucks you. I want you both to come to know each other's bodies very well."

Vernon disengaged from Victoria, who, without comment, straddled Janet's body while Vernon gently dragged the blonde down on the couch so that the back of her head rested on the seat cushion. Victoria lowered herself over the face of Janet, who was only half aware of what was going on, rubbing her still unsatisfied pussy. She seemed a little surprised, but Buckner encouraged the housewife who was now very open to suggestion.

"Victoria would like you to lick her clit, Janet. You don't have a problem with that."

"Yeah, lick me. Lick my clit, baby. Ahhhh!"

As Vernon re-entered Victoria from behind, one of Janet's hands snaked up and grabbed one of Victoria's breasts, playing with the nipple as Janet flicked her tongue over her friend's swollen button.

"Oh, yeah! Oh, Jaaaaaannn! Make it so perfect for me!"

Saving the biggest and best for last, Buckner said, "Hey, Bull. You wanna bang her?"

"Thought you'd never ask, boss." he said, watching the mature blonde finger herself beneath her panties.

"Go ahead. Be gentle with her at first, huh?"

As Mikey sat, Bull stood and went to Janet's open legs. He closed them long enough to remove her panties, then opened them again to move between, bringing his huge, rock hard cock to her opening. He ran the head up and down between her lips, bunting her clitoris and making her jump as she licked and sucked at Victoria. She stopped long enough to holler her blissful surprise as Bull began pushing his way in, opening her legs as far as she could and fingering her own clitoris all the harder and faster.

Vernon, either by design, or by accident, pulled out of Victoria and put his slippery cock into Janet's open mouth, as if to shut her up. She sucked gratefully, tasting Victoria's essence and vaguely wondering why she hadn't been sucking cock and Victoria's fifi before now, but mostly her mind was occupied with how her own fifi was being filled. Bull's member stretched her out to the point of pain, however, being experienced with his own organ, he knew how to take it slow and gentle with her. At first.

Once Bull found a rhythm, the sensations were beyond wildly pleasurable, they were magnificent. She moaned without even hearing herself as Victoria pressed her face into her clit and Vernon's cock re-entered her.

Victoria was riding the top of a wave of pleasure with Vernon working her breasts from behind while fucking her, Janet sucking her clitoris. She came again, thankful to be impaled and held by Vernon, as she was quite sure she would have collapsed were this not the case. She looked down as Vernon pulled out of her again, jamming his cock between Janet's face and her clit to begin spurting cum over her face, hair and Victoria's belly.

"Ohhh, Janet." Buckner said, quite sincerely impressed. "Lick up all that cum."

"Mmmm! Yes, Mr. Buckner! she cried, licking Vernon's cock and Victoria's navel while hugging her friend close by the small of her back. She found it a wonderfully sticky and tasty pleasure, second only to the orgasm that rocked her senses moments after while Bull dumped himself into her, yelling curse words, hauling her into him by her skirt with each thrust.

After the two women happily licked the men, then each other clean, as instructed, Buckner smiled and said, "Now we're on the same page, ladies. Your worries are over and I guarantee you'll very much enjoy the next few days."


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"I can't believe we're doing this.", Janet remarked with a worried voice for the seventh time that day, this time while sitting in the passenger seat of Reggie's Firebird in front of the dental clinic.

"I wish to god you'd stop saying that." Victoria assured her friend. "Really, it's not like we have a choice and there's no other way to do this than Buckner's way."

Victoria dug in her purse and removed the small bottle with 'the potion', as they'd come to call it. She opened the cap, which had a built in dropper, and drew a very small amount.

"What are you doing with that?"

"Having some." Victoria answered, now removing the cap from her Perrier water. "Just a little to make this bearable. Give me your water, you should have some, too. You'll probably need it more than me."

"Do you think that's wise? Maybe we should stay clear."

"Yeah, right. Gimmie your water, Mrs. Cleaver, you'll need all the help you can get for this."

"Oh, god, we could get into so much-"

"Janet!" Victoria snapped, hands trembling slightly with the dropper. "****, I don't need to hear that! Just try to stay focused, alright!? Try to be,... positive!"

"Oh, god."

Victoria finished spiking their bottles and put the potion away in her purse again before taking note of the time.

"We may as well just get up there, as sit here going crazy." Victoria said, the slight nervous tremble having found its way to her voice. "Besides, we'll have some time to,... you know, check the place out."

"What a good idea." Janet replied in a flat, miserable tone.

"Yeah, just grab your water and don't forget to lock the door."

----- ----- ----- ----- -----

Dr. Chris McNeer, an area Dentist with a small practice, as Buckner informed them, was one very rightfully minded person. Most people were, he observed, but most people could be reasoned with, especially when there was no reason for them to be involved with his business, other than to bugger it up with things like witness statements and courtroom testimonies.

Buckner put it in a nutshell for them, telling them that since Dr. McNeer couldn't be bought, then the Dentist would have to be convinced otherwise, one way or another, adding that he'd rather save a 'violent interaction' as a last resort. This, he explained, was where Janet and Victoria came in.

"I can't thank you enough for fitting me in.", Janet told the tall, thin, blonde receptionist in white who sat behind the desk.

She looked to be in her late twenties and her nametag announced her as 'Laura'. Despite a severe ponytail and glasses, one could easily see how attractive she was.

"I just can't believe how much it hurts!"

"I know." the receptionist said with an understanding smile. "There's no other appointments for today, though, so just please have a seat and Dr. McNeer will be right with you."

"Thank you again. Oh, is it alright if my friend comes in with me?" She asked, glancing to Victoria who suddenly threw a greeting smile the receptionist's way. "I have this thing about dental stuff and,..."

"It's no problem, Mrs. Randall, the Doctor will understand."

They sat in the small waiting room with two others, Janet wearing baggy, yellow shorts that stopped halfway to her knees and a white, short sleeve blouse. Victoria wore tight, faded blue jeans that cut off just above her knees and a black, short sleeved, low necked top that showed off her upper curves almost as well as her jeans did her lower ones. The other patients, one a male in his mid thirties, the other also male, probably in his late forties, both checked them out as they took their seats.

Neither spoke as Janet looked around, bug-eyed nervous and quite convincingly in pain, but a little more relaxed now than in the car, thanks to the potion. Victoria was feeling better as well, better than Janet, in fact, as she also observed her surroundings.

It wasn't much, just a small office with a decent coat of paint and sparse decorations, looking almost like a late night, fast food takeout joint. After a few minutes, a pretty woman with deep auburn hair, a little older than Janet, appeared at the hall to the left of the reception desk wearing light green 'healthcare wear'.

"June Randall?" she asked, looking at the two friends from out of town, both standing at the sound of Janet's temporary name.

"Hello.", the woman greeted with a warm smile. "I'm Dr. McNeer, please come with me."

Janet and Victoria glanced at one another as they followed the Doctor down the short hall, completely taken aback by this. A woman would be much more difficult to 'convince' than a man and this wasn't something they were prepared for at all, save for the potion Buckner had supplied them with.

"So, you're not having a good day." McNeer said as Janet got on the padded beige chair.

"No, we're on a little vacation here in Vegas and, all of a sudden last night, I got this horrible pain on my lower left jaw."

"Well, open up and let's have a look."

"I've looked with an LED light and I can't see anything wrong.", Victoria related, digging the supplied video camera out of her purse while McNeer's back was turned, setting it up on a shelf and quickly obscuring it with a fake plant that was there. "I think it's an impacted molar, or something."

The Dentist didn't answer as she poked around with her implement, asking 'June' where she thought the pain was coming from.

"The fourth one back from the front."

"Hm.", McNeer answered, taking a look.

"Um, do you mind if I run to the cooler in the lobby for a ***** of water?" Victoria asked."

"No, not at all." McNeer answered.

"Would you like one, Doctor? It's so hot in Vegas."

"Oh, yes please. I know, I'm from Alaska, myself."

"Oh my, I can only imagine what you must go through." Victoria laughed. "Here, why don't you take this instead? I got an extra bottle at the store."

Victoria dug the pre-spiked bottle of Perrier out of her purse, the potion having been injected through the cap before the tiny puncture was resealed, the bottle shaken slightly in order to preserve the lower seal on the metal cap and re-create the bottle's inner pressure.

"Oh, really? I love that stuff. Are you sure?"

"Take it, you deserve it for getting her in here so she can stop whining, believe me.", Victoria assured, grinning encouragingly, grinning wider when the Doctor thanked her and then downed half the bottle.

Janet breathed a small sigh of relief at this, but she knew the game wasn't over yet as Victoria left the room, headed back to the lobby where the water cooler was.

With her back to the men and out of sight angle from the Receptionist, she measured out a somewhat strong dose to the little paper cone that held a ***** of water. She straightened and brought it around to Laura.

"Here.", she said simply, passing it to her with a generous smile.

Laura took it more out of instinct than anything. Once it was in her hand, she could only thank her for it as the brunette from out of town moved away, giving the woman in white no choice but to ***** it down, as it would have been rude to refuse at that point and she couldn't put the conical container down anyway. She frowned a little at the bitter taste, but thought nothing of it as Victoria returned to the cooler.

"Would you gentlemen like some too?" she asked the men with a sexy smile.

Of course they did. She poured and spiked two more cups and brought them over, still smiling and bending low so they could see down her shirt as she handed them their cups.

"I'd better check on my friend." she said to Laura afterward. "She may be about to have a nervous breakdown at this point."

Laura flashed her a warm, professional expression, thanking her again for the water.

Back in the exam room, she watched McNeer and Janet, waiting for the right time to get things under way. After a few minutes, she spoke, hoping she wasn't too soon.

"Dr., you still have half a bottle of Perrier left and it's so hot,..."

McNeer stopped her fiddling inside Janet's mouth and answered, "Yes, it is hot." before grabbing up the Perrier. She drank the rest and got back to work.

"Just take your time, Dr., I'll be right back."

"I'll take my time." the Dr. said, as if it was her idea.

Back in the lobby and with another spiked cup of water, Victoria once again stood across the desk from Laura.

"That was good water. Wasn't it?"

" ... Yes. It was."

"And it's sooo, hot. Isn't it?"

"So hot. Yes, it is."

"You need another *****."

"Yes, I do need another *****."

"Here you go. Guys, you look pretty hot too, you both need another ***** of water, don't you?"

They sure did.

Janet was definitely feeling better now. She thought about all the fun things that she, Victoria and Buckner's men did, but mostly about Victoria and how exciting it was to have their hands between each other's legs. Before she knew it, she felt her nipples hardening, erecting inside her bra.

"Hm.", McNeer commented. I can't find anything, but let's do a,... ahhh,... what do they call that thing that, uhhh,... X-ray. Yes, we'll do that and,... see ... what that tells us."

"Doctor McNeer, you're very beautiful." Janet sincerely informed.

"I- oh, that's,... very nice of you to say. You're very attractive as well, Mrs. Randall."

"Thank you so much. May I call you Chrissy?"

" ... I don't see why not." Chrissy said with her warm smile. "Umm,... what was I about to,...?"

"Chrissy, have you ever kissed another woman?"

"You mean like a, umm, like a sensual kiss on the mouth?"

"Yes. Have you?"

"Well, no."

"Have you ever wanted to?"

McNeer seemed to think back on this, then answered, "Not really. I've wondered about it, but I don't think I ever wanted to."

"It's very nice, you know."

"Yes, it's very nice."

"You have such beautiful brown eyes." Janet complimented, looking into them, reaching up and softly caressing the back of McNeer's neck. "Give me a nice soft kiss on the lips, Chrissy, so you can see for yourself how nice it is."

McNeer leaned down, her smile now unsure, and softly brushed Janet's lips with her own, kissing her lightly, then doing it again and receiving a like response from her patient.



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"It's nice, isn't it?" Janet asked when they finished a moment later.

"Oh, yes. It's very nice, Mrs. Randall."

"Call me June."

"Alright. Do you and your friend ever kiss each other?"

"Yes, we have."

"Would you like to watch us?" Victoria asked from the doorway.

McNeer swiveled in her chair, turning her warm smile to Victoria.

"Oh,... well,... yes, I think I would like that."

Victoria flaunted her way to the chair at Janet's side, bent and gave her a kiss, soon licking the blonde's lips before poking her tongue into her willing mouth.

"Oh, that's,... That's very nice." the Doctor breathed.

Victoria replied by kissing McNeer in turn, enticingly jabbing with her tongue until McNeer opened her mouth as Janet did.

"Mmmm.", McNeer expressed a little giddily. "I really like that."

Victoria smiled and moved to stand behind her, sensually massaging the seated woman's shoulders, neck and arms."

"Oh, Chrissy, it's so hot in here." Janet complained. "Would you please unbutton my blouse?"

"Of course.", she replied, reaching over and undoing Janet's top button, eyes half closed as she enjoyed Victoria's attention.

Both Victoria and Janet watched as she worked her way down, stopping when she reached the waistband of Janet's shorts and not untucking her blouse.

"Open her shirt." Victoria quietly suggested.

She did so, slowly revealing a black and white lace bra that at first looked like snowy gray. Janet's nipples fought against the restraining garment, chest heaving slightly with her excitement.

"Mmmm,... is that better, June?"

"Yes. Do you like my bra?"


"Aren't her boobs so nice and big?" Victoria asked.

"Yes. Very nice boobs."

"Let's take your top off. It's too hot and you don't need it anyway."

"No, I don't need my top at all."

Victoria began slowly unbuttoning McNeer's green work top as they watched Janet subtly squirm on the chair.

"Oh,... my nipples are so hard. Itchy." Janet stated.

"Really?" McNeer asked, looking at Janet's breasts again, ************* licking her upper lip.

"Yesss. They're so,... Ohh, Chrissy, you have a nice bra too." Janet sighed, staring as Victoria spread the Dentist's top open.

"Nice and sexy." Victoria agreed with a leer, exposing a deep maroon, low cut bra containing her ample breasts.

"Yes, sexy is nice." McNeer added as her top fell from her shoulders to the floor.

"Kiss me again, Chrissy." Janet instructed.

"I'd love to. I love kissing women."

"Hmmmm.", Janet agreed, touching lips with her new friend once again.

After a minute of this, Victoria found herself quite turned on, not surprised at how Janet had turned on, either, considering the heavier dose she'd given her, knowing the conservative woman would need it for this. The only problem now was making sure she didn't blow it by using her real name or something. Not that McNeer would even notice; the woman was so busy examining Janet's mouth with her tongue now, she seemed oblivious to all else, even started slightly when Victoria spoke.

"Doctor, I'm going to check on Laura. In the meantime, why don't you just stay here with June and do whatever she tells you?"

"Yes.", McNeer agreed, pausing to look up at Victoria. "I really should do what June tells me."

Laura seemed to have a great deal of trouble concentrating on her work. She sat, gently rocking her hips back and forth and looking down at her desk, which somehow seemed to have nothing in particular on it.

"Hi, Laura."

"Oh,... hello again.", she replied uncertainly.

"You seem a bit pre-occupied."

"Yes, I'm,... I can't remember,..."

"Don't worry about it."

" ... No, I'd never worry about it."

"Anyway, it's just that you're so hot, is all."

"Oh, very hot."

"Well, since they'll be no more arrivals for the day, why don't you take the phone off the hook and go lock the door so we can take our tops off?"

"Oh,... really?", the Receptionist asked, glancing at the two waiting men, who'd perked at this suggestion.

"Yes, go lock the door, honey. Don't worry about them, they're hot too. They'll understand, won't you guys?"

They both smiled, nodding wide eyed and vocally assuring the women that they would definitely understand.

"See? Go on, now." encouraged Victoria with a friendly smile. "In fact, why not sit with them? Keep them company, let them help you with your shirt. And your bra."

"Oh,... uhh,... alright."

After removing the telephone receiver from its cradle and placing it on the desk, she rose from her office chair and moved into the short hall, out into the waiting area and to the door where she turned the latch, locking it and allowing Victoria a greater sense of relief. She then turned and sat between the men with a nervous smile, back straight, hands on her skirted thighs and glancing nervously at the two grinning men with lumps in their pants.

Victoria stood before them, slowly removing her top, pulling it over her head and showing off a sexy, green bra while the others watched, each man choosing a button at the front of Laura's top and getting started.

Janet barely knew what to do with herself, let alone the alluring Dentist who was now helping Janet with her bra, lowering the shoulder straps and digging out their heavy cargo.

"Your nipples are big and hard." McNeer noted in a hushed, awed tone.

"Mmmm hmmm. Lick them for me. Suck on them."

With only the barest hesitation, McNeer lowered her head and began tracing circles around Janet's nipples with her tongue, making the blonde sigh as her tongue made smaller and smaller circles around and on her areolas until, at last, it played on her nipple, flicking and pushing it over.

"Uh! Mmmm." Janet responded, arching her back and experiencing a short, but very pleasurable, total body shudder and hissed, "Ohh, Chrissy! That's sooo gooood!"

She turned the same attentions to the other one as Janet looked down from her half reclined position, watching this and so happy to have met this wonderful woman who made her feel so excitingly naughty.

"Ooooh! Suck on them, Chrissy! she whispered. Suck nice and hard! Ooooooh, yes. Ohh, Chrissy, I like that!"

"Mmmmm.", McNeer replied, also enjoying this.

"I,... (siighh) I think you should put your hand in my shorts and play with me while you do that." Janet suggested.

"Well,... if you think I should.", the other woman said, tweaking and gently pulling on one of Janet's swollen buds, obviously enjoying what she was doing, but glancing uncertainly down at her midsection.

"Yes, I- ah-hh,...! I really do think you should."

McNeer moved a hand that trembled with sexual excitement to Janet's shorts, digging under the flap for the zipper and pinching its handle between thumb and forefinger, slowly pulling it down as Janet watched. When it was down all the way, her fingers disappeared inside the yellow garment, the rest of her hand following.

"Oh! Oh, Chrissy, yes! Ohhh!" Janet cried, managing to keep her voice down a little in fear of attracting the attention of the Receptionist and the other two patients waiting out front.

Laura, her mouth half open in seeming disbelief, shirt on the floor, allowed the two men to clumsily unclasp her white, Cross-Your-Heart bra, pulling it down and off as she watched. The nipples of her modest breasts were puffy and erected.

"My, my. You have a beautiful body, Laura. Look how hard you made their cocks."

She looked into each of their laps in turn, smiling sheepishly at Victoria afterward as the two men began caressing her bare arms and back, creating visible goose bumps that made her shiver.

"Oh-hh. (gasp!)"

"Guys, why don't you get your cocks out so she can see? You want to see them, don't you, Laura?"

"I- Yes, I,..."

The men started unfastening their pants as Laura watched.

"What's your name?" Victoria asked the older man.

"Rick.", he answered, briefly glancing up as he pushed his pants down his thighs, allowing his hard organ to breathe.

"And yours?"

"Bruce.", the other responded, lifting himself in his seat slightly so he could also push his khaki Bermuda shorts down, staring at Victoria's little green bra and their contents.

"That's a couple of nice big cocks, guys. Aren't they, Laura?"

The Receptionist had been looking from one hardon to the other, eyes wide, hands in her lap and slowly rocking her hips in her seat again, replying in a soft, quite voice, "Yeah, they're,... I'm married."

"That's alright, so am I.", Victoria allowed with a pleasant smile. "Go ahead and play with them. If you want to. Guys, feel free to play with her tits; she doesn't mind, do you honey?"

"Well, I, I guess it's,... alright.", she stammered, slowly moving her hands to either side, lightly touching their phalluses with her fingertips and moving them up and down their rigid, straining surfaces.

"Uuhh-hh!" Laura gasped as each man grabbed a breast that Victoria judged to be small Bs.

"You kids stay here and have a little fun for a while, I'll be back to check in on you shortly, okay?"

They all nodded, the men eagerly cupping Laura's breasts while she uncertainly ran still light fingertips slowly up and down their shafts, stopping on the ridges of their heads and moving back down to their balls before starting on their way back up again. Her mouth was still partly open, a small part of her mind obviously still in shock that this was happening.

Victoria grinned and turned her back on them, walking past the cooler and down the hallway with a confident sway in her hips. She found that she was enjoying this, and not just the eroticism of it, but more the control aspect. She loved directing, being in charge of their bodies and what they did with them, especially Janet. She grinned wider, thinking, "Yes, my little blonde whore from next door.", and giggled. Life would never be the same, she knew, but she wasn't bothered or even worried about it, in fact, becoming more and more happy that they'd gotten themselves into the trouble at Buckner's casino that led to this little revelation. Yes, life would be a lot different from then on, she figured as she stopped in the doorway of the exam room, feeling her hot, moist vagina wetting even further at the sight of what was happening beyond the threshold.


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Janet slowly writhed on the half reclined chair, head back, lower lip in her teeth as the good Doctor sucked her nipples in her open shirt and pulled down bra. Her hand was inside the fly of Janet's shorts, working her moaning friend's snatch. Victoria ************* rubbed her hip and thigh as she watched this, reminding herself that she had to keep her mind on business. As if this mental reminder prompted her imagination, she suddenly had an idea that would help put the icing on Buckner's cake.

Neither woman seemed to notice as she strolled into the room and, having had some dental work done on herself in the past, easily found the items she wanted before turning to address McNeer in a sleazy, tricky tone.

"Oh, Dr.,... would you be so kind as to help me remove June's shorts?"

McNeer looked up from the shiny wet, swollen nipple she'd been avidly sucking, eyes glazed and replied, "Of course I would, Ma'am."

She removed her hand from the interior of Janet's shorts and unfastened them the rest of the way before both women pulled them down the suburban mom's legs and off.

"No panties." Victoria noted with a surprised leer. "What a good little whore you are, June. Spread your legs and hold them back for Doctor McNeer."

"Ohh, yes! I'm a good little whore!", Janet agreed, opening her legs wide as Victoria handed McNeer the spreader apparatus, normally used to keep a patient's mouth open.

"Doctor, we're going to spread that cunt open so you can give it a good going over, aren't we?"

"Yes.", she agreed readily, almost eagerly and began that procedure right away.

"You like playing with women now, don't you?"

"Mmmmm.", she replied, adjusting the tool of her trade and placing it carefully as Janet watched.

The dental professional spread Janet's lips with the implement, stopping just before it would have become uncomfortable for her 'patient' as Victoria swung the overhead light above Janet's midsection and pulled it down. She then took the small, rubber tipped wand that sprayed cool rinsing water and handed it to the Doctor along with her instructions.

"There you go. Now, spray that hot cunt and cool her down, inside and out, mind you, and don't forget her clit, alright?"

McNeer smiled as she accepted the wand and went right to work, spraying Janet's clit first, the cool water making the spread legged woman jerk and expel a short, high note of pleasured surprise. Victoria watched, growing hornier by the minute, and suddenly found her hand between her legs, having to remind herself again that there was still some work left to do. Ensuring that the 'Rec.' pilot light was still lit on the camera, she left the room again to check up on the progress in the waiting area out front.

Small, barely audible sounds of pleasure escaped Laura's mouth as each man sucked and kissed her breasts. Her hands now completely wrapped around each man's rocket, she pumped them slowly, precum dribbling from the tip of each one lubricating them as they pushed their pelvises up, fucking her hands in time with her strokes.

"Ohh, my fifi!" cried Janet from down the hall, Laura and the two men not seeming to hear.

"Having fun, I see." Victoria smiled, eying Rick's manhood, but speaking to each member of the heavily breathing trio.

"Th- they're sucking my boobies." Laura informed needlessly.

"Isn't it nice?" Victoria asked, walking closer.

"Mmmm, yeah. Uhh!"

"Does it make you feel like a little slut?"


"And that's good, isn't it?"

"Oh, yeaaah!"

"You have their precum all over your fingers, you know. I think you should lick it off, one hand at a time."

"Mmm! Mmlaam! Alllmmm!" Laura agreed, having removed her right hand from Rick's cock, licking and sucking her fingers and palm as told while Victoria began unbuttoning his shirt.

This done, she removed the garment for him and went to Bruce in turn as Laura switched the hand at her mouth. Pulling his T-shirt over his head, ******* him to hold up his attentions on Laura's chest for a moment, she watched the blonde Receptionist clean the fingers of her left hand.

"Yummy, isn't it?" Victoria asked.

"Yess! Oh, I'm so horny now, Ma'am!"

"That's a good thing, honey. But, right now, I think Dr. McNeer is ready to see her last two patients of the day and I believe she'll have her hands full, so why don't you escort these gentlemen to the exam room and, ahh,... assist her?"

"Uhh, should I put my-"

"No, just go as you are, all three of you. I promise you, she won't mind."

The two men suddenly looked a little nervous about this as well, separating their mouths from her breasts and looking at Victoria questioningly as they rose from their chairs.

"It's alright, guys, I assure you. Just follow Laura."

They did, filing down the hallway behind the young, bare backed woman with Victoria bringing up the rear. All four stopped, crowded just inside the doorway, taking in the scene inside the exam room.

Janet was singing some very extreme pleasure in a high tone, twisting her own nipples as McNeer sprayed cool water inside of her opening, playing the small suction tube with the rubber end over and around her swollen clitoris.

"Ohhghh! Ohhh! Oh, fifiiiii!", Janet cried, her voice getting louder as she approached imminent orgasm, holding her legs spread as far as she could. "Ohh!? Ohh!? Uhhhh! Ohhhh-hhh!! OHHHH, DOCTOR CHRISSY! OHHHHH, FFFFUUU!! AAAHMMMM CUUUUUHHHHHH!!", she yelled, cumming violently as the gentle water spray leaked out of her and down on the padded chair, trickling in a stream to the floor.

"Oh my fuck!" Bruce hissed, quite understandably, as both men grabbed their rods and stroked themselves to what they were seeing before them.

At this point, Victoria knew, hers and Janet's job was done at the small dental practice, however, the fun she was having wasn't and she knew Buckner wouldn't mind at all if this scene went further. And she most certainly intended to take it much further. She stepped in front of the other three new arrivals and took Laura's hand, leading her to McNeer's side.

"Laura, is Dr. McNeer a good employer?", she asked as McNeer looked up, only a little surprise registering at the presence of her topless Receptionist and the two naked men.

"Oh, yes. She's the best."

"Dr., is Laura a good receptionist? Has she performed her duties satisfactorily to this point?"

"Well, yes. More than satisfactory." she answered, staring at Laura's perky breasts.

"I thought so. So you two get along?"

They both nodded as Janet tried to recover herself around the potion.

"Well, now you're going to get along a lot better. Stand up and kiss her, Dr.. Kiss her nice and use your tongue. You know you want to; she's so pretty, isn't she?"

"Oh, very pretty." McNeer added, rising from her swivel stool and stepping closer, putting her arms around her Receptionist's waist. "And I do want to,... kiss her and,... play with,..."

"Dr.?" Laura asked just before McNeer moved in, their breasts and lips touching. "Mmmmm! Hmmmmm. Uuuhmmm."

Victoria moved behind McNeer and began rubbing her back, tickling down her spine with her nails and making the woman arch her spine, pressing her breasts into her subordinate's even harder. Next, Victoria's hand unfastened the front of her green pants and, as Rick and Bruce watched, pushed them down, revealing a pair of low rise, French cut panties that matched her deep maroon bra.

"Bruce, take Laura's panties off and fuck her.", she instructed.

He moved to do that immediately, Laura obviously not hearing the command as Victoria's hands pushed McNeer's lace underwear down. Smiling, she rubbed the Dentist's bare ass, spreading her cheeks and giving each a light slap.

"Ricky, I want you to fuck June's mouth.", Victoria said, gesturing to Janet as Bruce finished working Laura's tight, knee length skirt up to her hips, digging his thumbs into the waistband of her white cotton panties.

"Mmmm, yes!" Janet greedily crooned, reaching out for Rick's hardened penis and grabbing it when he came near enough. "Suck your,...! Mmmmmp! Owmmm! (Slurp!)"

Laura's undies were now halfway down her thighs, just at the tops of her white, garterless, nylon stockings. Bruce began entering her from behind, both hands on her hips as the two women made out energetically, Laura squealing into McNeer's mouth upon Bruce's entry. Victoria's hand was between McNeer's legs from behind, probing the lips of her already soaked love hole. She parted her legs willingly for Victoria, who kissed the back of McNeer's neck and shoulders as her other hand spread an ass cheek, allowing for even greater access.

Janet sucked Rick noisily as she watched the other four in the room, Victoria catching her eye and giving her a sexy wink. After a minute, her brunette friend removed her hand from McNeer, who'd been bucking hornily into her fingers, and walked over to Janet and Rick, addressing Bruce over her shoulder.

"It's Dr. McNeer's turn now, Bruce. Have a seat on this stool so she can sit in your lap and let Laura suck her clit while you fuck her."

As the three quickly assembled themselves to this position, Victoria reclined the chair the rest of the way, at the same time popping the clasp of her bra at her back with one hand and pulling it off while Rick hungrily watched her breasts come into full view, his rod leaving the mouth of the reclining, older woman.

"You like my tits, Ricky-dicky?" she teased with a knowing leer.

"Yeah.", he said, nodding.

"You wanna fuck me?"

"Oh, god yeah!"

"Then come over here and take my pants off so June can lick my clit while you do. You can cum in her mouth if you get me off first."

This time he only nodded eagerly, hastily stepping over the now fully reclined chair instead of coming around. He grabbed between her legs through her jeans first, squeezing just hard enough to make her moan while grabbing her ass and putting his mouth to her nipples. It was as though he wanted every part of her at once, but lacked the appropriate number of extremities to have them.

Ooooh!" she piped, then giggled. "I think he likes me!"

"Laura, use the suction wand on her clit." Janet encouraged as the other, younger blonde prepared to squat in front of her employer, who was just then settling herself in Bruce's lap.

Laura had little hesitation or resistance left in her now. She simply did as she was told as her panties fell the rest of the way to her ankles, allowing her to mindlessly step out of them. McNeer came down on Bruce's stiff erection, her hands behind her and braced on his waist. Her mouth opened and she inhaled a deep breath at the feel of the welcome invasion of her snatch. His hands came around and grabbed her breasts through her bra as she began pistoning herself up and down at a pace that was not too fast, not too slow.


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Rick was peeling Victoria's tight blue denim down, stopping to drive his mouth and tongue between Victoria's legs and lick through her green, boycut panties.

"Uu-hh! Ooooh, yeah! Take them off!"

He finally finished undressing her as the sound of the suction wand started up again, promoting sudden, shrill cries from McNeer, whose bra had been pulled down. Her pleasantly large breasts bounced freely as she leaned back further, allowing Bruce to drive himself in and out of her so she could stay still for the attentions of her Receptionist and her own suction wand.

Victoria straddled Janet's waiting face, her friend's tongue already out and waiting to meet her slippery pussy as it lowered. She let out a long, broken moan as her trembling fingers carefully removed the spreader instrument from Janet's slit so she could in turn go down on her, both now in a sixty-nine position. She cried out, louder, urgently as Rick's torpedo breached her lips, burying itself completely, rudely pushing Janet's tongue out of its path and relegating it to Victoria's long excited nub.

The room filled with the sights, sounds, and smell of sex as Victoria was finally able to abandon herself to her own pleasures. She never once thought of her husband, Reggie, never truly appreciated how she had changed since the experience in Buckner's darkened office, or of what effect this would have on the rest of hers and Janet's lives as she sucked from her neighbor's 'fifi'. The only thing she thought about was driving her tongue as deep inside Janet's opening as she could, wagging it around and drawing out its musky, delicious essence, sucking hard while Rick hammered her from behind as though an orgasm would pay his dental bills.

He battered her, driving her forward with each thrust as she continued shrilling into Janet's pussy, rapidly fingering her clitoris. Her toes curled and uncurled as her other hand held her friend open, wanting her to cum as badly as she herself wanted to.

"Nnnyaa-aaa!" McNeer yelled at the ceiling. "Ahhh, yes! Oh, Laura, yes! Lick me! Oh, god, lick my clit, you dirty girl!"

Janet did come again, her thighs trembling, pelvis jumping and pressing itself harder to Victoria's mouth as she screamed from beneath and behind her. Victoria enjoyed this so much that her own climax rushed up and hit her suddenly, completely unexpected, her fresh screams taking over as Janet's ended in a sort of pathetic whine.

Now her mind passed disjointed thoughts to her, thoughts of Janet and how they'd be special friends from then on, how the older woman would be her little lesbian slut, conveniently situated next door and-

"Laura! Laura, oh baby, fuuuck! Keep-! OH, GOD! OH, FUUUCK! OOHHHHHHH!! OOOHHHH!! OHHHHGGGGHHHH!!"

Victoria looked up in time so that her partially disjointed mind could see McNeer lifting herself from Bruce, grabbing his throbbing cock and rapidly jerking him off to his finish, her deep brown painted nails a blur. With a desperate scream of his own, he came right in Laura's face, quite impressively splattering all over the lenses of her glasses, over her lips and into her mouth, the young woman flinching with every shot of his hot, sticky cum.

So incredibly dirty and perverted was this event, that Victoria had a second orgasm then and there. It was so intense that her entire body trembled and jerked as her eyes lost focus, rolling up in her eye sockets as short, deep, guttural sounds and loud, raunchy grunts erupted from her throat.

Rick pulled out of her sopping wet gash, trying to quickly shove himself into Janet's mouth, spurting a thick rope of his seed down the bridge of her nose before he could get in. Janet's throat caught the rest as she sounded like she was ******* and clearing her throat at the same time, her hands squeezing Victoria's thighs, pink nails gripping her friend's firm flesh, relaxing and squeezing again, happily ****** to swallow the groaning Rick's entire, potion enhanced, load.

It was time to leave, Victoria knew. She slowly hauled herself off of Janet as Laura rose to kiss McNeer repeatedly, lovingly, smearing Bruce's seamen on the dental professional's mouth. McNeer still held the spent, but still hard penis, stroking slowly as they began using their tongues.

"Mmmm. Oh, Dr. McNeer, I love you."

"I'm going to suck that sweet little pussy, Laura!" McNeer panted just above a whisper. "I want that sweet pussy juice in my mouth while you suck cock! I'm going to make you cum so hard,..."

"Oooooooh, Dr.!" the Receptionist moaned, her body jerking as McNeer's fingers entered her.

Victoria, barely holding to her feet on shaky legs, had to push Rick away from Janet, her blonde friend groaning wantonly, trying to hold his cock in her mouth, but unable to. She looked longingly at it as Victoria pulled her to a sitting position on the chair and used McNeer's pants to clean her face, smiling wide with delirious affection for her the whole time. They kissed briefly before Victoria began quickly buttoning her top for her, not bothering to put her breasts back into her bra cups and using the wrong buttons in the wrong holes without noticing.

"Time for us to go, honey." she whispered in Janet's ear, handing her shorts back to her.

"Hmmmm.", Janet somewhat agreed with a contented and satisfied smile before she started pulling them back on.

Once done, she got off the chair and stood, unsteadily helping Victoria get dressed as McNeer pushed Laura on the chair in her place and buried her face between her horny Receptionist's legs. Bruce, yet still hard, plugged himself into Laura's mouth as Rick, also still hard (that had to be 'the potion', Victoria guessed) aligned himself to McNeer's already well pounded pussy and pushed his way in.

Once dressed, her bra and panties stuffed into her purse, Victoria quickly grabbed the camera without the remaining four participants noticing and dumped that in her purse too. Taking Janet's hand in hers, she led her out of the examination room and down the hall, her head buzzing as if her ears had popped.

----- ----- ----- ----- -----

" ... I,... Fuck, wow!" Buckner enthused, shaking his head slowly, watching as the recording came to an end. "You two Ladies are just,... Wow!"

He stood, a wide, approving smile on his face, and took a roll of bills from the inside pocket of his blazer. He peeled off two and gave them each one thousand Dollars, chortling a little.

"You earned it. Boy, did you earn it! And now there'll be no need for violence. I hate having to resort to that with women, you know, but business is business. I'm so lucky you two came along!"

The women smiled from the couch and each thanked him for the tip.

"Oh, no. No, no, no, don't thank me. I'm thanking you. Look, I wish I could rest you two up a little longer, but we have a lot of work to do while you're here, so why don't you go on up to your room and I'll send up whatever you want: Massage **********, gourmet food, whatever. Try to get some ***** for tonight, okay? Jumpin' ****, I wish I could sell this!"

"We're glad you're happy with it, Mr. Buckner.", said a pleased Victoria.

"And nobody gets hurt." Janet happily added.

Buckner only looked at them appreciatively for some moments, silently shaking his head, still smiling before repeating, "You two ladies run along upstairs. You'll get a personal wake-up call at nine PM sharp, so try to get some *****. My people will take care of you and, when we see each other later tonight, I'll give you the lowdown on your next job.

They smiled and bade him goodbye until later that evening before leaving, Buckner watching them go.

"Shhhhit! If they weren't married,...", he extolled under his breath, wishing he could retain their services permanently and for more important things.


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"They're what you might call, 'a new random element'.", Buckner explained, pausing to light a cigarette before going on from his usual place on the arm of the couch. "That's best case scenario. Worst case scenario, they're potential rivals, since I've had some trouble that started around the time they, ah, organized, or moved in, whatever the case may be."

Janet nodded, paying close attention while Victoria sipped her coffee.

"So, what I need is information. What I need is for you two to get into their clubhouse and plant a couple bugs, just like on TV, right?"

"Umm,... this won't be dangerous, will it?", Janet asked, noticing Victoria being more attentive from the corner of her eye. "What if we get caught?"

"You won't, this is all worked out. Upstairs, in your suite, are laid out two sets of clothes, including bras. The reasons you'll be wearing these clothes is, first, because they'll make you as, uhhh,... white as you can be and because the bugs are hidden inside the bras. Don't worry, they're very small, just make sure the bras stay there and end up in a place where they won't be noticed and picked up later. Get them someplace like behind a couch, or something. Don't worry about sensitivity, either; they may be small, but they'll pick everything up from a place like that, nice and clear."

"But how will we get in?" Victoria asked.

Buckner smiled a little and replied, "They'll take you there. See, one of my girls would be spotted for a spy in no time, but not you two. That's why I'm afraid you'll have to go without the benefit of the potion, as you call it. More realistic that way, you understand. So, I'll need one of you to write this address down on a piece of paper, so you'll have it in your own handwriting, then I'll give you your cover story before you scoot those great asses of yours upstairs to get changed. After that, we'll call you a cab to take you where you need to go and the rest of the show will be yours."

----- ----- ----- ----- -----

The yellow cab sped off before they could even close the rear door, but not before the driver called them 'tourist meat'. He'd warned them all the way over of what kind of place he was taking them to, even had to be paid extra to drive to the area, which didn't bode well at all in the minds of the two suburban wives.

They stood close to one another, surveying their surroundings while trying not to make eye contact with anyone who passed. The passing inhabitants, however, were all looking them up and down, probably because they were the only white people as far as the eye could see.

It looked like any lower to middle class neighborhood with shops just off the sidewalk, cars parked along the four lane, main thoroughfare, apartment buildings behind the businesses and low, single story houses squatting further behind them.

"Wrong side of town, bitches." a woman warned on her way by, holding the hand of a ***** walking along beside her, presumably hers.

"Wh-? Did you just hear th-?"

"Just shut up and forget it.", Victoria murmured, digging the address out of her purse.

She wore a white, sleeveless, wrap style summer dress that showed a modest amount of cleavage and sometimes the short, lacey section that connected the cups of her white bra. The dress stopped just above her knees over a pair of sheer, white stockings and was accented at her waist with a wide pink belt that matched the pink sunhat on her head.

Janet was dressed a little more provocatively in the same style. She wore a pleated navy blue skirt that fit snugly around her hips and stopped less than halfway to her knees with a thin, white pullover top with colourful little flowers embroidered around the modest, flat neckline. A light, navy blue sweater she wore as a cape, buttoned at the top, finished her look. One could somewhat easily see the heavy seems and more solid white area that represented her bra, accentuating her chest in a respectable way. She wore no hat but, like Victoria, she wore white stockings with the matching garter belt, heeled white shoes and jewelry that spoke of the upper middle class.

They definitely looked the part.

Through her pink, eighties style, horn rimmed shades, Victoria read aloud, "1775 Fair St.. Let's just get looking and get this over with, and don't talk to anybody that doesn't seem like,... you know. Them."

"Don't worry about that." Janet assured her, also in a prudent mumble as she quickly scanned the buildings in front of them for their street numbers. "Other side of the street, up that way."

"Let's not be too quick about it. We have to give them time to spot us."


Crossing the street was quite helpful in getting them noticed. It seemed everybody was looking and those who weren't were soon alerted by others to join in, staring at the two lily white ladies from the right side of the tracks.

"Oh, my god!" Janet murmured, bothered by this more than the woman's comment on the sidewalk a minute earlier. It was as if she'd just been dropped off in a different country.

"It's okay, just staaaay cool, baby. We can do this."

A few minutes later, they stood in the forgiving shade of a shop awning that had seen better days, looking at their little piece of paper and then at the shop with some discussion and confused expressions. They saw the six young black men ambling down the sidewalk towards them with predatorial grins and wondered if these were the fish they were supposed to lure.

"Aft' noon, ladies. I don' gotta ask if you're lost." said the largest of the group.

"Uhh,...", Janet started, glancing at her friend for an instant. "You're right, I guess. Either that, or we were given the wrong information." she finished with a hesitant smile.

"What're yas lookin' for?"

"A beauty spa, 'Esther's Esthetics'.", Victoria replied uncertainly, glancing at Janet in turn. "It's, uh, supposed to be at 1775 Fair St., but this is obviously not it.", she finished, gesturing to the Pharmacy they were stopped in front of.

"Esther's Esthetics?" another asked, scratching his chin thoughtfully before turning to another to inquire, "Isn't that on Claire St.?"

"The new place, yeah. Lemme see dat paper."

Victoria handed it over and they waited while he peered at it.

"Yeah, ****. You two are eight blocks away from where yas wanna be. Ya got bad info, girl."

"Eight blocks?" Victoria asked, acting surprised.

"Oh, dammit." Janet complained, her face falling.

"Wass' wrong?" the first one asked.

"We have to get another cab, now. Do you think they'll let us use the phone in the Pharmacy?"

He looked at the others, laughing under his breath as they did and answered, "Prob'ly not. Look, no offense, but you two don't belong here, or up on Claire St., neither."

"We don't?" Janet asked, looking confused.

"Uhh, case ya didn't notice in the mirror when ya left home,... You're white. This is a black neighborhood and people don't like whites around here."

"Oh,... well,... you men seem very nice and helpful.", she countered.

"We're men of the world." one of them snickered, causing the other five to laugh again as well.

"Oh, look, we're sorry if we intruded." Janet assured them, surprising Victoria a little with her acting abilities. "Our friend didn't mention anything about that and we certainly don't want to-"

"Hey, it's cool. Like I say, you're alright with us. C'mon, we'll give you a ride."

"Oh,... You will? We certainly don't want to be any trouble, Sir." Janet assured


"You won't be."

" ... Well,... What do you think, Victoria?" she asked with double meaning.

"I umm,... I guess it's good." she answered. "We can't walk in these heels and if nobody will help us find a cab,..."

"Then its settled." the first guy, apparently their leader, said. "Name's Meshac, by the way."

They both smiled and politely introduced themselves.

"Let's go, our car's this way."

Then they were off, walking down the sidewalk, completely surrounded by the group as though they were an honour guard. They made their way up the main street, chatting nicely with their tall hosts as they checked the women out more and more openly. Soon, they found themselves ambling down a side street, then up a narrow back alley lined with backyard fences and garages that belonged to the squat bungalows they'd spied earlier. Finally, they stopped at one of the garages, one of Meshac's men hauling the squeaky old door up to display an empty space.

"What the ****!?", Meshac asked, then testily dug a cell phone out of his pocket, flipping it open and punching the keys quickly before putting it to his ear. "Fuckin' bitches! Sorry, ladies, not you."

Victoria and Janet looked at one another, then back at Meshac as he gestured to his man to bring the door back down, heading for the gate to the back yard with the phone still to his ear, the rest following. The women gamely followed with the others, neither one even completely sure if these were the people they were supposed to 'meet'.

"Shhhit!" he swore under his breath, putting the phone back in his pocket with a disgusted shake of his head. "She's 'away from her phone at this time'. Claude, try Leshia, she's probably with her. Ladies, step inside our crib; we got a little hold-up to overcome, but it won't take long."

Meshac held open the back door of the run down looking house, allowing them to enter first to an interior that was the exact opposite of the exterior. The first thing that greeted the eye was the large, gray, marble topped island in the middle of the kitchen, surrounded by matching counter tops and dark, high quality, real wooden cupboards. Every appliance was in stainless steel and black, all bearing high quality brand names.

Meshac stepped around them, leading them through to the living room, which was no different from the kitchen in terms of impeccable quality and taste. Earth tones dominated here, featuring soft, brown leather furniture, a raised ceiling and dark, highly polished hardwood floors with a perfect balance of plants.

"Oh my goodness, our heels!" Janet suddenly exclaimed.

"S'no problem, this **** is guaranteed." Meshac laughed, looking back at Janet's breasts.

"She ain't answerin', man.", Claude reported, snapping his phone shut.

"Yeah, they're together, alright. They're probably at Rachel's, doin' what they do. They'll be out before long."

"Oh, soo,...", Victoria wondered aloud.

"Like I said, they won't be long. Just hang here with us a while 'till we can get hold of them and get them back here with the car."

"Um, alright." Victoria nervously agreed for them.

Despite the current situation, both women were actually somewhat relieved to be in and off the street, although wondering how they'd ever get out again. The well built men in tank shirts and baggy jeans took seats in their well appointed 'crib', one of them pointing a remote and turning on some music. The occasional thought that their bras would be staying did serve to elevate their nerves, but part of that was due to the worry of how they'd deposit them in a place they'd stay for a while in the perfectly tidied, obviously well kept room.

"Have a seat, ladies." one of the guys invited.

There were two couches of equal length and, between the men, room was made for one 'lady' on each. They both hesitantly split up and sat carefully, smoothing their skirts behind them, Janet right beside Meshac.

" ... (ahem), I just love the house.", Janet commented timidly.

They were looking at her bust again and, as intimidating as this was, it made her nipples harden. She attributed this to being still slightly high on the potion she'd had at Dr. McNeer's clinic earlier that day and wished she could have had more in order to soothe her jangled nerves.

"Hey, thanks, baby." Meshac replied. "We like it here, but it's gettin' a little small. I gotta admit, I fucked up in the 'forward thinking' department."

"Growing family?" Victoria asked.

Ever the cool one under pressure, (mostly) she began to center her mind on her job and the first thing was to establish that these were the people they needed to run into. She was quite sure they were but, as the house had demonstrated so effectively, one could never be sure. If nothing else, it kept her mind from the apprehension of what all would happen in the process of her bra coming off. They were openly checking out her body and, as uncomfortable as the situation was, it turned her on. This made her feel more uncomfortable, what with her hardening nipples, those signals from between her legs,...


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"You might say that, yeah." he replied.

It was them, alright, and it was time to change the subject.

"It wouldn't be such a problem, if not for city ordinance issues with building additions."

He half leapt out of his chair, flinging his arm out at Victoria with an upturned palm and expelling, "Yes! Thank you! It's our property, why in hell shouldn't we do whatever the fuck we want with it? We pay the ****** fuckin' taxes!"

"Oh, I know, I ran into the same issue, went through the whole thing with City Hall, up, down, all around, and there's just no way to do it. As far as I'm concerned, I should be able to fill my entire lot with house, if I want to."

"Damned right!" he agreed.

"You don't even have kids." Janet reminded her with a smile. "Why do you need that?"

" ... Because I have expensive tastes and I like to show them off to all my family, friends and neighbors."

They all laughed at this, none of them aware that Janet and Victoria shared a double driveway, not to mention the 'bugs' in their bras.

"You got a lot to show off.", one of them said, still chuckling and looking her up and down.

"So does Janet." Meshac said.

They both smiled modestly and thanked them for the compliments.

"Hey, stand up and give us a spin, girl." Meshac suggested to Janet.

"I beg your pardon?"

"Stand up and turn around, so we can take a look at you."

"Umm,... really?"

"Yeah, sure. You too, Vicky. Show off for us." he grinned.

Victoria stifled a giggle and a wide smile behind her hand, but stood and slowly moved to the center of the room as they all watched, including Janet.

"You umm, just want me to,...?"

"Give us a turn, or two. Or three." he encouraged with a friendly chuckle.

She gave them a slow spin, looking at them all with an uncertain smile as they smiled approvingly back at her, a few of them whistling.

"Give us a little more leg.", one said.

"Lean over." another chimed in

"Oh, boy.", she half giggled, gathering the hem of her dress, slowly pulling it up for them with the expression of a shy nerd-girl unveiling her project at a school science fair. "I've, um, never showed off like this before."

She stopped just short of the tops of her stockings and leaned over, creating a deeper view of her cleavage to those on the couch she'd been sitting with.

There were more whistles and lower sounds of appreciation.

"Victoria,...", Janet cautioned in a polite, but surprised voice, surprising herself with her acting ability this time.

"Oh, it's alright, it's just my legs. Anyway, your skirt is shorter than mine."

"Yeah, speakin' of, it's your turn, girl." Meshac informed her.

She liked being referred to as 'girl', for some reason and wondered if it made her feel like a young woman. Did it matter? She rolled her eyes with a tolerant smile and got up, feeling herself flush a little. Victoria had already dropped her skirt and rejoined the men on the couch, watching her as well. She awkwardly turned, also getting whistles and smiles and a few requests that she remove her sweater from around her neck.

"My sweater?" she complained, although as good naturedly as any woman would in a 'foreign country' where it was all too true that they may need these men to get back to their own. (remember Tom?)

She silently gave in, removing the sweater and tossing it on the couch, giving them another turn without being asked.

"Bounce them big tits up an' down for us." someone said.

"Oh my.", she replied, covering her mouth as she flushed the rest of the way red, looking around herself at all the men encouraging this, Victoria only smiling at her. "Well,... alright."

She bounced on the balls of her feet, looking down and being surprised at how well her nipples managed to outline themselves against her shirt and thin bra. If her top were much thinner, their dark circles would be just visible. They cheered and whistled more, their approval and the sexually arousing music making her more obliging as she bounced a little harder. She stopped and wiggled them from side to side with a sudden, embarrassed laugh.

"Oh, man, she made my cock hard!" one of them said, others laughing and confessing the same.

"Oh my goodness! Okay, that's enough!" she giggled as Meshac rose and joined her.

"Wait, wait, wait." he said, moving behind her. "We wanna see some leg, too.


He hiked her skirt halfway up her ass before she could arrest the ascent of her hemline with her hands, hold it there to the applause of the others. She hesitantly gave up trying to get it back down and looked around at the hungry expressions surrounding her.

As Meshac plucked one of Janet's garter straps, Victoria agreed to separate demands that she show her ass as well, getting up and kneeling on the edge of couch with her hands on the back of it. Janet watched her move to take her hemline in her hand, looking over her shoulder, but she needn't have bothered. The men on either side of her flipped the garment up to the small of her back, showing the white panties that stretched over her pussy, rubbing themselves through their pants now.

"Uhh, maybe we should try calling- eep!"

Meshac had given her a playful slap on the bottom of her ass. He rubbed it after through the backs of her panties.

"Okay," Victoria ruled with a smile, "there it is, but remember: We're married women, so you can look, since you're helping us out, but you can't touch."

"Aw, c'mon.", one of them said, caressing one side of her ass as Meshac was doing to Janet.

"Okay, really, guys!" the attractive brunette said, still smiling but adamant as she turned and sat back down between them.

Meshac had his hands on Janet's hips, pressed lightly against her back and had been moving to the slow beat of some raunchy hip-hop, taking her along with him on this seductive dance.

"Relaaaxxx.", he toned in her ear from above, his fingers reaching up under her skirt, higher on her hips until they found the tops of her panties and began tugging them down.

"Um, maybe,... I shouldn't- Oh, please,...", she said in a small voice, hastily pulling her skirt back down while she could. "My husband,..." (Oh my god, what about Tom?)

He gently shushed her, pushing them halfway down her thighs where they stayed in a rolled tangle as another man got off the couch and approached.

"No way." Victoria dealt with a firm smile. "My panties stay on and- Oh! You've got your penis out! Oh my!" she giggled, looking away from the long, hard, dark cock in Claude's lap.

The man on the other side had his out too. It wasn't as long, but it was fat.

"Ohhhhhh, my goodness!" she laughed, not really having to try very hard at acting and wishing once again that she could have had some of the potion before she left. This scene could get pretty intense.

Claude took her hat off and covered himself with it, asking with a coy smile, "Better?"

She giggled nervously in giddy reply.

"Now, take your panties off.", the other said, grabbing her thigh and linking it over his.

She inhaled sharply through an open mouthed smile as she covered herself with the lower portion of her dress, mostly still piled around her waist. Claude repeated the action on the other side and they playfully held her spread legged and started tugging at her skirt.


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"Okay, okay, I'll take my bra off, how's that? Will that make you happy?"

"Yeah, I guess." Claude agreed, looking at her chest and the small amount of cleavage the dress showed.

She performed the trick that women do, disappointing them by removing the white restraint, a sexy lace underwire number, without opening the bodice of her dress.

"Cheater.", Claude complained, grabbing the skirt portion of her dress and yanking it up.

"Whoop!" Victoria exclaimed in surprise, throwing her bra over her head and grabbing for her dress.

Only Janet noticed the under garment slap the wall behind her, falling down behind a long, heavy book cabinet. It was an incredible shot and she made it! She knew that Victoria must have been scouting when she was on her feet, scanning the room for a good spot, so she could await the proper opportunity. Janet started doing the same, trying to get her mind away from the two men who were playfully tugging at the bottom of her skirt, kissing her neck.

"I, I can't do this,...", she almost mewled, squirming and applying downward pressure on her skirt, darting her eyes around the room and trying to come up with a way to get them interested in her northern regions. "Please, you're,... making my nipples hard. I-I'm married."

They weren't baited. Instead, the man in front put his hand up the front of her skirt, making her pull down hard there, sticking her behind out and bending slightly with a gasp. The back of her skirt went up in a flash, almost to the top of her ass and, when Meshac pressed himself up against her again, she felt his naked hips against her cheeks, his long, hard member between them as he ground against her.

"Ohh, Sir." Janet cautioned, "This is so wrong. Oh, I shouldn't be here,... doing this! Oh, no!" she added desperately as the man in front finally abandoned his efforts in favour of her breasts.

He softly caressed their bottoms, making her shiver. He gently hefted them and then squeezed a little before pulling the bottom of her shirt up, over her breasts and to her neck. In her white bra, they squeezed out between her arms as she continued holding the front of her skirt down. Her dark nipples were somewhat visible and he went straight for them.

"Fuck, them nipples are hard! ****!"

"But I- (gasp) can't,... do this, I, I- uh! -Please, I want to pull my panties up and- Ohhhh!"

He pulled her bra cups down, her breasts almost oozing out of them and through her arms to show their true size, squashed together and propped up by the lowered cups. He fastened his mouth on one of her erect nipples and, in that moment, Meshac's prick drew down between her cheeks a little way before he pressed his dick to her anus, the precum at its tip lubricating both of them sufficiently for him to suddenly insert most of his cockhead.

"Aw- Ahhh!"

"Just relax, baby, everythin' will be fine."

She'd heard that about anal sex, but was in too much personal panic and pain to adhere to it and, besides, that would mean giving in and losing her virginity there. She moved her hands behind her and jumped at the feel of his big black rod as she tried to push him away, allowing the man in front to kneel, pushing the front of her skirt up and driving his mouth between her legs, making her instinctually move backwards.

"Uhhhnnnn! Awww-ww!" she groaned desperately through her teeth, somewhat humiliated by this indignity of pain, trying not to draw attention to herself and hoping Victoria wouldn't notice.

By this time, Janet's neighbor had been repositioned. The men on either side of her had pushed closer together, sandwiching her until she ended up sitting on and across their laps, legs held spread even wider with her dress pulled up to show her wide, white garter belt and low cut, white panties.

Okay, now seriously, guys, I like you, but that's really not the kind of question you should be asking a married woman." Victoria assured them, smiling as she watched Claude stroke himself under her sunhat.

"It ain't that big a deal. Ya got it, or not?"

She sighed and said, "Fine, if you must know, yes, I do have some pubic hair. I suppose you'll want to see it now."

"Sure.", said Jeffries, the man on her other side, as he reached over and pulled the front of her panties down just a little, making her inhale sharply.

And there was the proof, her cropped bush peeping out. Claude leaned forward, the sunhat falling away as he looked between her legs, moaning, his hand on her inner thigh closer to her crotch as Victoria sat and watched Jeffries' fingers playing in her pussy hair.

"Ooohh! Okay, that's enough. You can look but you can't- Uhh! (giggle) "Jeffries, stop, that tickles!" she admonished, twitching and holding her dress flat against her stomach.

Finally, after letting them have a little fun, she reached down to pull her panties up again, glancing at Jeffries' cock as someone from behind the couch reached over her shoulder and down the front of her dress.

"Oh! Oh my goodness, you're brazen! she laughed, quite horny now and hamming it up.

She made no move to stop this and continued holding her dress up for them to see her panties and garter belt, smiling tolerantly like Janet might as a second hand went down the front of her dress, joining the other in playing with her tits. Victoria looked up to see how she was making out and got a small shock.

Her underwear was rolled halfway down her thighs, skirt pushed up just high enough for Meshac to enter what had to be her ass from that angle. He was almost halfway in and, while he obviously enjoyed the sensations this offered him, another man was busily licking her pussy from the front. Her breasts were bared and she stood in a kind of shock as they used her, whimpering and groaning, her facial expressions as intense as what was happening to her.

"Janet! He's fucking your ass,...! Oh, my god!"

"Uhhhhhnn!? Uhh-hhhh! Uuaawwwww!" Janet cried, her long nailed fingers now resting on the shaved head of the man who was tonguing her.

She had no choice but to relax as Meshac worked his way further and further in. It was so dirty, an act that had never appealed to her before, one that she was, in fact, always afraid of, but now it was actually happening to her and Victoria knew. Her face turned red, mouth wide open in pain and heart pounding, affronted shock as the man at her pussy slashed her lips with his tongue, holding her legs as far apart as her panties would allow. She arched her back to this undeniable pleasure that almost counteracted the pain from behind and locked eyes with Victoria as Meshac pulled himself ever deeper by her hips.

Janet's neighbor shivered as her dress was opened up in front, her breasts hauled out while she watched Janet's predicament. A moment later, her panties and garter belt were being explored, played with and gently tugged at. She reached into their laps with hands that trembled with excitement and took their cockheads to play with them, spreading their precum around before stroking them slowly.

"Ohhhh!" she sighed as the ********* hands took this for free license to play in her pubic hair again while more fingers began rubbing her mound. Oooohh, that's,... so goooood,..."

The guy behind her was pinching her nipples a little roughly, squeezing her breasts and manhandling her while another hand reached underneath and found her anus.

"Ahh. Ahh. Ohhh. Ohhhhhh!" she hissed. "I suppose you're- (gasp!) -expecting me to give you head. Ooooh."

Meshac was almost all the way inside Janet now and the feeling was like nothing else as the pain started to abate a little, as the man in front sucked from her opening and played with her clit. A third stepped forward to take over the use of her breasts, slobbering all over them, licking and sucking everywhere, Victoria being too busy playing with male genetalia to watch her ********* at the moment, too busy enjoying the hands all over her body.

And then Meshac was there, buried up inside Janet's ass as she stood quivering, trying to relax and keep from being overwhelmed by the feel of him in there, his naked hips pressed against her bare bottom. He slowly started caressing her hips again, moving and truly grinding her along with the music and she had no choice but to carefully go with him, the man between her legs never missing a beat. The young man who'd been handling her breasts began necking with her while squeezing her orbs, tugging at their nipples and it was all becoming too much rather quickly.

A thought flashed through her mind, a memory of Dr. McNeer's office and whether or not her current situation was some kind of cosmic justice for what they'd done to she and Laura.

And then there was the bugged bra still to deal with.

Her head flopped down and she saw the dick of the young man who busied himself with her breasts, pointing straight up as though it was a rocket straining for flight. It pressed against her hip and, in the building, dirty pleasure of her first anal experience, she took it in her hand, just holding it, feeling its firm girth before he started slowly pumping through her grip.

Meshac had begun slowly pumping too, breathing heavily as the man at her pussy held her lips apart so he could take his assault deeper and to her clitoris as well.

"Nnnaaaaaa! Ohhhhh, my fifi!"

That was when a plan of action concerning her bra burst upon her ever more compliant mindset. It was obvious as her pullover was being pulled over her head. She let out a long moan and grabbed at her bra, giving in to her sudden, filthy desires, trying to tear it from herself as if it were suddenly too uncomfortable.

"Ohhhhh! Help!" she pleaded.

The young man took Janet's plea for how it was meant and mildly jerked her upper body about a little as he ********** removed the bugged bra. She held on to it as he tore it from her and after he was done, clutching it in her hand, arms held out slightly as the three men did what they would with her body. She took a quick look at Victoria's 'scene' to make sure nobody was looking.

Victoria herself wasn't looking, was far too busy for that now, as were her three *********. She was on her knees and facing the back of the couch again, her belt on the floor, dress being completely removed as she made half hearted attempts to stop them, smiling and playfully scolding them. As she held her fingers over her nipples, one of them pulled her panties down, she reacting with only a politely horny smile while another climbed over the couch to sit on its back, naked with his legs spread expectantly in front of her.

Janet tossed the bra with an underhanded throw, hoping her experience as Pitcher on her high school's girls softball team wasn't a complete waste. It wasn't and, as it flew into the large entertainment unit, over the top of the large, widescreen television, she cried out in alarmed pleasure to cover any sound it might make as it flopped down into the darkness behind the set.

Nobody noticed.

"Ahhhhh! Ohhh-hhh!" she cried out again, this time in relief as well as pleasure as Meshac's big cock drove her closer to the orgasm that the man fingering and lapping at her spread fifi was also driving her to.

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