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les histoires de chrislebo

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De mon côté, j'avais déjà joui en regardant le spectacle.
Les deux furent vite remplacés par deux autres et ainsi de suite. Au bout d'une heure de ce traitement, seul le voisin et le cantonnier n'avaient pas pris leur tour. Le voisin avait sorti *** sexe avec *** gland énorme et le masturbait sur toute sa longueur, attendant *** tour. Quand le dernier chasseur eut prit sa part de plaisir, il plaça mon épouse sur le ventre, récupéra sur ses doigts du sperme qui s'écoulait de manière continue de *** vagin et les enfonça lentement dans *** anus. *** œillet résista un peu, puis s'ouvrit lentement, laissant pénétrer deux doigts, puis trois. Ma femme poussait de petits gémissements, qui auraient pût ressembler à du plaisir Après plusieurs aller retours, il présenta *** gland disproportionné et appuya de tout *** poids. L'anus s'ouvrit et à mon étonnement absorba l'énorme insertion assez facilement. Une fois le gland passé, l'ensemble du sexe disparût. A la vue de la scène, plusieurs chasseurs se masturbèrent, surtout à l'écoute des mots crus qui suivirent:

- Alors sale petite pute, tu ne pensais pas que j'allais t'enculer comme une chienne quand tu me regardais de haut. Ca te fait quoi d'avoir un gros chibre dans le fion, espèce de salope? T'en redemandes hein?

Et effectivement, pour la première fois, ma femme semblait avoir une réaction, poussant des petits cris qui ne pouvaient être que de plaisir pour finir par un gros râle de jouissance quand le voisin se déversa en elle en proférant des insanités. Les chasseurs qui se masturbaient jouirent sur sa tête, *** visage, s'essuyant avec ses longs cheveux. Quand le voisin sortit *** sexe du fondement de mon épouse, un bruit se fit entendre et un flot de sperme jaillit.

C'est alors que le cantonnier défit *** pantalon et dévoila une anatomie inhumaine. *** sexe arrivait à ses genoux, il devait mesure au moins 35cm, si ce n'est 40...Très gros, il n'était pas dressé, car cela semblait physiquement impossible. Le voisin éclata de rire en voyant ma surprise et me dit:

- On te présente l'Anaconda. La nature lui a mis dans le caleçon ce qu'elle ne lui a pas mis dans la tête!

Etant donné l'engin, j'en concluais qu'il était encore plus attardé que je ne le pensais.

Il s'approcha de ma femme, et sans dire un mot, tenant *** membre à deux main, frotta *** gland sur les lèvres déjà lubrifiées par les éjaculations précédentes et le fit pénétrer, lentement. Il poussa au maximum, mais seulement la moitié de sa verge avait pénétrée le sexe distendu. Il commença alors des va et vient, poussant chaque fois un peu plus fort, un peu plus loin.
Pendant ce temps le voisin prend des photos et des films avec *** appareil.
Au bout de 10 minutes de ce traitement, les trois quarts de *** engin étaient acceptés par la matrice de ma femme. Il saisit alors une canette de bière vide et l'enfonça dans l'anus, déjà bien distendu par l'enculage du voisin. Il alternait ensuite les coups de butoir et l'utilisation de la bouteille comme godemiché. Ma femme poussait des cris de jouissance de plus en plus fort, emplissant la cabane du *** de sa voix. Ce traitement dura une vingtaine de minutes et alors que mon épouse poussait alors des râles ininterrompus, un liquide transparent jaillit de *** sexe, se répandant sur ses cuisses et par terre. Le voisin me déclara alors:



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- Je suis sur que tu ne savais pas que ta salope était une femme fontaine. Rien de tel que de la laisser aux mains de l'Anaconda pour la dévoiler. *** corps est plus réceptif que *** cerveau de bourge.

Le cantonnier déchargea peu de temps après, sortant *** sexe juste avant et éclaboussant le dos de ma femme de longues traînées blanchâtres.

Ma femme s'écroule par terre, terrassée par la jouissance. Je cherche de quoi essuyer les sécrétions masculines et féminines qui la souillent, mais le voisin intervient:

- Laisse on a un moyen infaillible.

Il ouvre alors la porte et fait rentrer la meute de chiens qui se pressent autour et nettoient de leur langue avide tout le corps de mon épouse, s'insérant dans tous ses orifices. Après quelques minutes de ce traitement, elle est luisante de salive canine mais propre.

Mon voisin m'aide à la remettre dans la voiture enveloppée d'une couverture. Il me tend la dernière photo de mon forfait en me disant que je l'ai bien mérité:

- La prochaine fois que tu essaies d'arnaquer une assurance, fais bien attention de pas te faire choper
- ...
- Mais j'ai pas l'impression que cette aventure ne t'ai trop déplu, alors si t'as envie qu'on essaie de rendre ta femme plus salope, d'un point de vue volontaire cette fois, n'hésite pas à m'appeler, je pense avoir un moyen pour cela!

J'ai ramené mon épouse à la mai***, lui ai donné un bain et remise au lit. Quand elle s'est réveillée elle me demanda pourquoi elle était encore au lit en plein après midi. Je lui dis qu'elle avait eu un accès de fièvre et qu'elle avait un peu déliré, puis que je lui avais donné un calmant pour la laisser se reposer. Elle me dit qu'elle avait mal partout et qu'elle allait rester couché, que c'était sûrement une grippe.

Je me dis que la grippe avait bon dos et pensais rêveusement à la dernière proposition de notre voisin...


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Après cet épisode, sans rai***s apparentes, l'activité sexuelle entre mon épouse et moi se trouva boostée pendant un certain temps, puis, petit à petit, revint à la normale, c'est-à-dire très plate et peu fréquente.

C'est à ce moment que le voisin m'invita à venir le voir chez lui. Fébrile, semi excité, semi inquiet, j'allais ***ner à sa porte lorsque ma femme était absente. Il m'ouvrit en tenue toujours aussi négligée, caleçon douteux et marcel franchement sale. Il m'invita à rentrer dans *** salon et me dit:

- Viens voir un peu ce que j'ai à te montrer:

Il inséra un DVD dans *** lecteur et appuya sur lecture. Des vidéos de mon épouse en train de se faire prendre par tous les orifices, le visage et la poitrine maculés de sperme et pour finir *** éjaculation féminine. C'était les films qu'il avait réalisés lors de l'aventure avec les chasseurs. Pendant que nous visionnions cette bande, il avait sorti *** sexe et se masturbait, et je dois avouer que moi aussi. Mon sexe, de taille normale, paraissait vraiment ridicule par rapport au sien. J'éjaculais assez rapidement dans un mouchoir alors que lui attendait le dernier moment pour inonder *** tee-shirt d'une quantité impressionnante de foutre.

- Y a pas à dire, ça fait au moins cinquante fois que je regarde ce film et il me fait toujours autant bander
- C'est vrai que c'est excitant. Mais que voulez vous en faire?
- Ne t'inquiètes pas, tu t'es acquitté de ta part du marché, et il n'est plus question de t'imposer quoi que ce soit. Si tu le désires, ce film restera uniquement en ma possession. Ce qui serait dommage...
- Qu'est-ce que vous avez en tête?
- Et bien on s'est aperçu que même inconsciente, ta salope de femme prenait du plaisir à se faire baiser par de grosses bites, et que ça te dérangeait pas de la voir se faire enfourner
- ...
- Donc j'ai pensé qu'on pouvait voir si elle pouvait être consentante...
- Alors là, je vous arrête tout de suite, elle ne sera jamais consentante!
- Enfin pas vraiment consentante, obligée plutôt, du moins au début, mais active!
- Comment pensez vous y arriver?
- En la faisant chanter pardi!



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Et il m'exposa *** plan: il comptait lui envoyer des photos tirées des films que nous venions de voir et de s'en servir pour la faire chanter. Comme je répliquais qu'elle ne marcherait pas car elle ne se souvenait de rien, il me dit de ne pas m'en faire, qu'une femme est prête à tout pour conserver sa réputation. Il me demanda alors quel jour ou c'était elle qui ramassait notre courrier et nous sommes tombés d'accord sur le lendemain, à condition que je puisse tout voir de ce qui se passait.
Il me dit qu'il allait envoyer une photo très explicite et qu'il allait lui demander, sans dire qui il était, de le rejoindre dans les vestiaires de l'équipe de foot, dont il a les clefs. Il me suffira de me tenir dans les douches pour pouvoir voir sans être vu. Le rendez vous serait fixé à 19h.
Elle devrait être habillée de sa tenue de danse.
Je doutais réellement que mon épouse se laissa prendre à ce piège, mais fût surpris quand elle me joignit durant la journée sur mon téléphone portable. Elle me dit qu'elle avait un cours de danse de rattrapage et quelle rentrerait certainement un peu plus tard. Sa voix était un peu altérée, mais presque normale. Je lui répondit que j'avais du travail et rentrerait moi aussi tard.

A 18h30, je retrouvais le voisin devant les vestiaires. Il ouvrit, et nous prîmes place tous les deux dans les douches.
A 19h précise nous entendîmes frapper la porte.

- Entrez madame X, dit le voisin toujours caché, et fermez le verrou derrière vous.
- Qui êtes vous? Et que veut dire cette photo? dit mon épouse après s'être exécutée
- Je crois que vous me connaissez, même si vous ne me regardez pas, déclara le voisin en sortant des douches. Je vous félicite pour avoir suivi mes recommandations vestimentaires
- Vous! Mais qui vous permet de...
- Tais toi salope, ici c'est moi qui commande!
- Comment pouvez vous! Cette photo n'est pas de moi!
- En tous cas la nana qui se fait défoncer te ressemble drôlement, et c'est certainement ce que penseront ta famille, tes amis, tes collègues de bureau et bien sur tous les voisins quand ils en recevront un exemplaire par la poste. Et j'ai encore bien d'autres photos encore pires!
- Combien voulez vous, dit ma femme d'un ton mi hystérique, mi résigné
- Je ne veux pas d'argent, je veux juste que tu m'obéisses
- Jamais!
- Alors cet entretien est fini, les photos partiront demain par la poste
- Non attendez! C'est...d'accord
De là ou je me tenais, je pouvais voir mon épouse de ¾ de profil, *** corps moulé dans ses vêtements de danse, sa respiration haletante, rouge de colère et de honte.

- Pour commencer tu vas me montrer tes gros nibards
- Vous êtes fous, jamais je ne ferais ça!
- Je croyais qu'on avait réglé ce point. Si jamais je dois encore me répéter, ces photos partiront, c'est compris?
- ...oui
- Oui , monsieur
- Oui , monsieur
- C'est mieux, maintenant tu t'exécutes.

Ma femme, encore hésitante, commença à enlever une des bretelles de *** body, puis une deuxième, et tira légèrement le vêtement vers le bas, dévoilant sa poitrine. Les aréoles sombres entouraient ses tétons érigés. Elle baissait les yeux, humiliée par cet homme qu'elle méprise.



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Le voisin lui ordonna de se mettre à genoux, et elle s'exécuta sans un mot. Il défit alors sa braguette, et sortit *** sexe encore mou, mais néanmoins déjà impressionnant, avec *** gland disproportionné.

- Suce Salope
- Oh mon dieu!
- Dieu n'a rien à voir la dedans petite pute, suce ma grosse bite!
- Pitié!
Ma femme approcha sa bouche du gland phénoménal, qui portait encore les marques de sécrétions antérieures, et sortit sa petite langue pour y apposer une léchouille. Elle ouvrit ensuite sa bouche le plus en grand possible, et réussit à y faire pénétrer le gland à semi bandé.
Quand il ressortit, il avait presque doublé de volume et luisait de salive.

- T'as jamais vu une bite comme celle-ci hein salope?
- Non
- Non Monsieur
- Dis moi que ça te plaît de sucer un beau gland comme le mien
- Ca me plaît de sucer un beau gland comme le votre, Monsieur
- Lèche moi les couille maintenant
- Oui Monsieur

Et ma femme se pencha pour gober les énormes testicules, l'une après l'autre, les enduisant de salive. Pendant qu'elle s'attelait à cette tâche, le voisin tapotait *** gland sur *** front et ses cheveux.

- Maintenant tu vas mettre tes mains sur la tête et tu vas me sucer le plus profond que tu peux. Compris Chienne?
- Oui Monsieur

Ma femme releva ses bras, ce qui eu pour conséquence de faire remonter ses seins, dont les tétons étaient maintenant complètement érigés et durcis. Elle ouvrit sa bouche pour y faire pénétrer le mandrin et l'enfonça lentement jusqu'au bout de sa gorge. Elle entama alors de petits va et vient, faisant pénétrer la verge toujours plus profondément, tout en gardant les bras en l'air. Parfois, le sexe ressortait dans *** intégralité, luisant de sécrétion et de salive.
Au bout de quelques minutes de ce traitement, le corps flasque du voisin se tendit et dans un soubresaut il déclara:

- Tiens salope, avale mon foutre, je vais te remplir la bouche

Je voyais mon épouse faire des efforts pour tout avaler, par petites gorgées, mais la quantité était telle que plusieurs filets s'écoulèrent de sa bouche, pour couler sur sa poitrine et sur le sol.
Le voisin ressortit *** sexe salit et l'essuya sur les cheveux roux de ma femme, puis il lui dit:

- Lèche ce qui a coulé sur tes nibards

Elle attrapa ses seins et en les relevant, s'appliqua à nettoyer les traces de souillure.

- Maintenant lèche par terre, il faut laisser cet endroit aussi propre qu'il était.

Après une hésitation, ma femme s'exécuta, léchant le carrelage à l'endroit ou le sperme s'était écoulé.

- Très bien salope, tu as été bien obéissante. Je n'enverrai pas les photos jusqu'à ta prochaine visite chez moi
- Mais vous aviez promis!
- Je n'ai rien promis du tout, mais cette fois je te promets que la prochaine fois que tu viendras chez moi, tu pourras récupérer les photos à ton départ. Et maintenant dégage!

Ma femme se releva, ajusta *** body et la tête toujours baissée, s'enfuit rapidement.

Je sortis aussitôt après, le sexe encore humide de sperme résultant de l'éjaculation de voir ma femme ainsi dominée.

- Tu vois que ta femme a été plutôt conciliante!
- En effet, je n'aurais jamais cru!
- Tu n'imagines pas ce qu'elles ***t capables de faire pour préserver leur confort quotidien! Je te tiens au courant pour la suite des opérations.
- D'accord.

Je rentrais à la mai*** 1 heure plus tard. Ma femme était en peignoir, les cheveux lavés. Elle me demanda d'un ton tout à fait naturel comment s'était passé ma journée.
Le soir, nous avons fait l'amour avec une intensité jamais rencontrée jusqu'alors, ma femme prenant beaucoup d'initiatives et étant très demandeuse...Cette histoire commençait à me plaire de plus en plus.



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Trois jours plus tard, le voisin me téléphona. Il me dit qu'il préparait une autre séance pour ma femme et qu'il voulait la faire coïncider avec un de mes déplacements professionnels. Comme il sentit que j'étais plutôt réticent à être absent, il me dit :

- Ne t'inquiètes pas, même à distance je te garantie que tu ne manqueras rien de ce qui se passera.
- Dans ce cas là d'accord, mais comment comptez vous faire ?
- Tu verras en temps voulu ! Quand es-tu en déplacement la prochaine fois?
- La semaine prochaine, 3 jours.
- Parfait !

Quand la semaine prochaine je parti, j'avais tout de même un peu d'appréhension. Je venais juste d'arriver à mon hôtel, vers 19h, quand je reçu un appel sur mon téléphone portable. C'était le voisin :

- tu as accès à Internet ?
- Oui, bien sur
- Alors connectes toi sur le site suivant

Il me dicta une adresse sur laquelle je me connectais. Tout de suite une fenêtre s'ouvrit et plusieurs plans de ce que je reconnaissais comme le salon de notre voisin.

- tu vois j'ai mis des caméra partout, l'image est bonne ?
- Oui parfaite
- Tu lanceras le ***, tu devrais tout entendre, rendez vous à 20h !

Je dois avouer que j'attendais l'heure fatidique avec impatience et excitation !
J'étais connecté vingt minutes avant 8 heures et je regardais le salon du voisin. Il était assit dans un fauteuil, en train de regarder un film porno sur sa télé. Il masturbait lentement *** gros sexe, apparemment en prenant garde de ne pas jouir. A 8 heure moins 2, j'entendis un coup de ***nette. Le voisin remonta *** survêtement, éteignit la télévision et se dirigea vers la porte. Il l'ouvrit et je pu découvrir mon épouse, portant un tailleur très chic, jupe droite légèrement fendu sur la cuisse et de hauts escarpins. La veste du tailleur était fermée, mais elle ne semblait pas porter de chemisier dessous. Le voisin la fit rentrer.

- Je vois petite pute que tu as respecté mes consignes pour t'habiller
- Je ne vous permets pas de me traiter de pute
- Je te traite comme je veux, espèce de salope. Si tu veux récupérer les photos, tu vas faire tout ce que je dis, sinon tu sais ce qui t'attend.
- ...
- Répond ! Tu sais ce qui t'attend ?
- Oui
- Alors ?
- Oui je ferais tout ce que vous voulez
- Oui qui ?
- Oui monsieur !
- Bon tu vas commencer par aller t'asseoir sur ce fauteuil

Il lui désigna un fauteuil juste en face de l'axe de la camera que je scrutais, mon sexe déjà à la main.

- Met une jambe sur un des accoudoirs et branle toi !

Alors mon épouse obtempère, relève sa jambe gauche et la passe sur l'accoudoir du fauteuil, ce qui a pour effet de remonter complètement sa jupe et de découvrir ses bas auto fixant et *** sexe dépourvu de sous vêtements.

- Bien je vois que, conformément à mes instructions tu n'as pas mis de culotte. Je suis sur que cela t'excite hein salope ?
- Pas du tout !
- Mauvaise réponse ! Tu vas dire que cela t'excite parce que tu es une grosse pute !
- Je ne peux pas dire ça !
- Encore une fois mauvaise réponse ! A la troisième, tu rentres chez toi et tu subis les conséquences. Alors ?
- Je...Ça m'excite de ne pas porter de sous vêtements.
- Pourquoi ?
- Parce que je suis une grosse pute.
- Et bien voila ! C'est pas si difficile de dire la vérité ! Maintenant branle toi devant moi et fait ça bien, je veux te voir mouiller !


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La main tremblante, ma femme descend vers *** sexe, et commence à caresser ses lèvres intimes, devant cet homme hideux qu'elle méprise. Ses mouvements ***t lents. Elle s'attarde un peu sur le clitoris et s'insère parfois le majeur dans le vagin. Le voisin a sorti de nouveau *** sexe et se masturbe aussi. Au bout de quelques minutes, les deux doigts qu'elle s'enfonce maintenant ressortent de plus en plus luisant et mon épouse, la tête rejetée en arrière, semble ressentir les prémices du plaisir. Le voisin s'approche alors et en se mettant à genou devant elle se met à lui lécher le sexe avidement, tout en remplaçant les doigts de mon épouse par les siens. Surprise, ma femme pousse un petit cri, et puis un râle roque annonciateur d'une jouissance intense. Tout *** corps se crispe et elle se laisse aller à crier de toutes ses ******.

- Très bien salope, tu vois que tu aimes ça. Maintenant lèche tes doigts

Ma femme se met alors à nettoyer ses doigts souillés de ses sécrétions intimes avec sa langue.

- Est-ce que tu as envie que je te baise petite pute ?
- ...
- Je n'ai rien entendu !
- Oui...
- Oui qui ?
- Oui monsieur
- Alors ouvre ta veste de tailleur et mets toi à 4 pattes

Ma femme défit alors les deux boutons qui fermaient *** tailleur et ses deux gros seins apparurent, nus sous la veste. Elle se mit alors à quatre pattes, la tête tournée en direction de la caméra invisible. Le voisin se dirigea vers la porte d'entrée située dans *** dos, l'entrouvrit légèrement et revint se positionner derrière ma femme. Il présenta *** gros gland près des lèvres intimes et d'un seul coup s'enfonça au plus profond de *** intimité. Sous le coup de butoir, je pus voir mon épouse ouvrir grand la bouche et l'entendit pousser un cri sourd. Le spectacle était incroyable, ma douce épouse à quatre pattes, les seins ballants s'agitant dans tous les sens, dans ses habits les plus classes, pénétrée en ***** par un homme repoussant. Et en plus *** visage laissait paraître des signes révélateurs de plaisir !

En fond d'image, je vis une ombre se dessiner dans la porte qui s'entrebâillait et qui s'avança vers le couple. Je reconnu Roger, le cantonnier, qui avait déjà abusé de ma femme dans la cabane de chasseurs, mais à *** insu alors qu'elle était droguée. Toute aux coups de butoirs qu'elle recevait, tournant le dos à la porte, elle ne le vit pas rentrer. Il avait déjà sortit *** membre disproportionné qui justifiait bien *** surnom d'Anaconda, et il faisait coulisser ses deux mains dessus. Ma femme poussait de petits cris de jouissance à chaque fois que la verge du voisin la pénétrait, un peu plus profond à chaque fois. Le voisin se retira alors d'un coup.

- Reste à quatre pattes et mets ta tête par terre. J'en ai pas fini avec toi. A moins que tu ne veuilles que j'arrête ?
- ...
- J'ai rien entendu, tu veux que j'arrête ou que je continue
- Continuez monsieur
- Pourquoi ?
- Parce que j'aime ça et que je suis une petite pute
- Voila très bien, maintenant tu as compris.

Tout en parlant, il laissa sa place au cantonnier qui se positionna derrière mon épouse. Même si le voisin avait un très gros gland, le sexe du cantonnier était nettement plus gros. Quand il s'enfonça en elle d'un coup puissant, ma femme poussa un cri et retourna sa tête, pour découvrir que c'était un autre homme qui la pénétrait.

- Nooooon !
- Comme tu as été bien obéissante, j'ai décidé de t'offrir la plus belle bite de la région. Quand Roger t'aura ramoné bien profond tu pourras plus t'en passer
- Mais vous aviez promis
- J'avais promis que tu aurais les photos en sortant d'ici, ce sera le cas. En attendant, suce moi, je commence à débander!

Il présenta *** sexe souillé des sécrétion de ma femme à ses lèvres, lui saisi la nuque et commença des va et vient jusqu'au fond de sa gorge. Pendant ce temps là, le cantonnier s'activait, essayant de rentrer un peu plus de *** sexe à chaque coup de rein.

Quelques minutes après, le voisin avait retrouvé toute sa vigueur. Il se retira de la bouche accueillante. Il fit positionner le cantonnier sur le dos, *** sexe se dressant telle une tour. Il ordonna à ma femme de s'empaler dessus. Les jambes repliées, portant toujours ses escarpins, elle présenta le gland à l'entrée de *** sexe et descendit doucement. Elle s'arrêta à environ 2/3 du monstre de chair, arrivant certainement au fond de sa matrice. Elle commença alors à s'élever et à redescendre par petit à coups, chacun lui arrachant un petit cri de plus en plus fort. Le cantonnier lui attrapa les seins de ses mains calleuses et les pétrit sans ménagement aucun, laissant des traces blanches avec ses doigts. Le voisin se positionna alors derrière elle, présenta *** gros gland prêt de l'œillet et sans prévenir ni préparer, fit rentrer la moitié de *** sexe dans le fondement de ma femme d'un seul coup. Elle poussa un cri de douleur et de surprise par cette double pénétration. Elle criait toujours quand il commença à la pilonner de manière violente en rythme avec les coups de rein du cantonnier.



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- Voilà salope tu as ce que tu mérites, deux grosses bites qui te remplissent à fond. Elle est bonne hein Roger, cela te change des vaches !
- Oh oui elle est bonne la madame
- C'est pas une madame, c'est une salope !

Ma femme avait fini de crier de douleur et recommençait à haleter de manière de plus en plus bruyante. Puis ses halètements se firent cri et d'un coup une jouissance extraordinaire la submergea, pendant plusieurs minutes, la faisant crier sans discontinuer. Comme la dernière fois dans la cabane des chasseurs, un flot de liquide s'échappa de *** vagin, inondant le ventre du cantonnier.

- Regarde comme elle jouit cette pute fontaine, elle t'en a mit partout !
- Oui, c'est une pute
- Vient on va l'arroser nous aussi

Ils positionnèrent alors mon épouse à genou, et chacun d'un côté se masturbèrent au dessus de sa tête. Ma femme, encore groggy par la jouissance qui l'avait terrassé, regardait d'un air hébété ces deux énormes sexes. Le cantonnier fut le premier à jouir, arrosant *** joli visage d'une crème épaisse et abondante, et s'essuyant ensuite sur *** front. Le voisin lui saisit alors les cheveux par derrière, l'obligeant à ouvrir la bouche et déversa *** foutre au fond de la gorge de ma femme. Je la vis déglutir à 4 ou 5 reprises pour pouvoir avaler la semence odorante et pourtant de gros filets dégoulinèrent sur *** menton. Il lui fit nettoyer les deux sexes longuement avant de la laisser s'affaler par terre. Je finissais pour ma part de jouir pour la quatrième fois !

Le voisin alla chercher des bières et en offrit au cantonnier. Ils forcèrent ma femme à boire du whisky pur, deux verres d'affilés, et elle se laissa faire. Puis ils lui demandèrent de les sucer à nouveau et la défoncèrent par tous les trous une bonne heure de plus. Elle jouit encore 3 fois. Ils lui firent boire encore deux verres et lui demandèrent de remettre sa veste, mais pas sa jupe. La veste trop courte s'arrêtait juste au dessous des fesses, dévoilant ses bas auto fixant et la chair des cuisses au dessus, ainsi que *** sexe à chaque mouvement.
Le voisin fixa la camera, leva le pouce vers le haut et me fit un clin d'œil avant de sortir en compagnie de mon épouse et du cantonnier.



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Je restais quelque peu abasourdi par le spectacle auquel je venais d'assister. Autour de moi les kleenex dans lesquels je m'étais masturbé en regardant mon épouse se faire prendre par tous les trous et y prendre apparemment beaucoup de plaisir. Je restais un long moment sur ma chaise, à regarder l'écran d'ordinateur montrant la pièce vide qui avait été le théâtre de sa débauche, puis je m'endormis. Il devait être aux environ de minuit.

Je fus réveillé par mon téléphone portable. Avant de décrocher, je regardais l'heure qu'il indiquait, 6h45. C'était le voisin :

- Je te réveille ?
- Heu, oui !
- Hé bien moi je vais pas tarder à aller me coucher, mais avant si tu veux je peux te raconter.
- Ah, oui, je veux bien !
- D'abord est-ce que tu as apprécié le spectacle hier soir ?
- Oui !
- Tu as vu comme on l'a faite couiner ta salope de femme ?
- Oui...
- Hé bien écoute la suite :

« Tout d'abord mon pote grosse bite et moi on avait un peu besoin de se reposer après l'avoir baisé tout ce temps dans tous les trous. J'avais le gland tout rouge de l'avoir enculée aussi fort, elle devait pas avoir trop l'habitude car elle était bien serrée. Alors on l'a amené chez l'épicier du village, tu sais le vieux Georges. A *** âge il a plus trop l'occasion de baiser, alors un morceau comme ta femme..., cela lui a bien plu. Quand il nous a vu arriver, il comprenait pas bien ce qui se passait. C'est sûr, il avait déjà vu ta femme venir faire les courses chez lui, elle qui râlait toujours que les prix ***t trop chers, mais il pensait pas qu'il pourrait la baiser un jour. Mais quand je lui ai dit que s'il effaçait mon ardoise il pourrait faire tout ce qu'il voulait, il a pas hésité longtemps. Ta femme était dans un état second, il faut dire qu'on lui avait fait finir la bouteille de Whisky dans la voiture. Il a commencé par lui attraper les nibards et surtout ses gros bouts... Ta femme se laissait faire sans réagir. Puis il l'a fait se mettre à quatre pattes et lui lécher la bite, les couilles et le trou du cul. Il aimait bien ça le vieux Georges se faire lécher le trou du cul par cette pute. Elle avait l'air d'aimer ça aussi ta femme, elle avait à nouveau la chatte mouillée. En voyant ça Roger a pas pu se retenir et l'a enfilé encore une fois. Elle a tout de suite joui, c'est vraiment une folle de la bite. Roger l'a pilonnée un peu puis il a laissé sa place à Georges... Mais le pauvre vieux n'est pas aussi bien monté et il flottait dans sa chatte. Alors il l'a enculée d'un coup, mais faut croire que ta femme aime ça aussi, elle s'est remise à jouir comme une truie en contractant *** cul. Le vieux n'a pas résisté et lui a envoyé la purée en la traitant de tous les noms.

Comme je lui demandais s'il avait pas une autre bouteille de Whisky pour remplacer celle qui était finie, il m'a dit OK mais qu'il fallait qu'il récupère l'ancienne pour la consigne. En la prenant, il dit qu'il la trouvait trop propre et il commença à l'enfoncer dans la chatte de ta femme, qui était restée à 4 pattes. Il la faisait tourner en l'enfonçant et cette chienne poussait des petits cris de douleur, mais il s'en foutait. Il réussi à la faire rentrer à moitié, puis il la laissa plantée dans sa chatte et il alla dans sa réserve en chercher une neuve, et *** appareil photo. Il nous offrit la bouteille à condition de pouvoir faire toutes les photos qu'il voulait. Et comme on n'avait pas de sous, on a bien sur accepté ! Une fois qu'il l'eut bien mitraillée, il se branla une dernière fois dans sa bouche et quand il l'eut inondée, il retira la bouteille et on a pu partir. »

Pendant qu'il me racontait ça, je ne pouvais pas m'empêcher d'imaginer le vieux Georges en train d'humilier mon épouse, lui qui semblait avoir 70 ans et un problème avec l'hygiène... J'aurais aimé pouvoir être là pour le voir et voir aussi la jouissance qu'il a pu lui amener... Il me tardait maintenant d'entendre la suite du récit !

- Pour la suite, je suis fatigué, alors tu vas te connecter sur le site suivant, je vais y télécharger la vidéo. De mon côté, je vais me coucher, ta salope m'a vidé !

Il me donna l'adresse d'un site de partage de gros fichiers sur lequel je me connectais immédiatement, pendant qu'il insérait une carte dans *** ordinateur. Il partit se coucher en me laissant dans l'attente que le fichier se télécharge. Cette attente me parut durer des heures alors qu'elle ne dut pas s'étendre sur plus de 2 à 3 minutes. J'étais à nouveau dans un état d'excitation avancé ! Et puis la petite flèche m'indiquant que le fichier pouvait commencer à être lu apparut, et c'est fébrilement que je cliquais dessus.



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L'image était de bonne qualité, voire même de très bonne qualité étant donné que c'était de nuit et dans la voiture. Ma femme était assise à l'arrière en compagnie du cantonnier, pendant que le voisin filmait tout en conduisant lentement. Il la forçait encore à boire au goulot de la bouteille tout en lui enfonçant dans le sexe un objet que j'identifiais comme un concombre, qu'il avait du prendre chez l'épicier. Celui-ci de bonne taille semblait maintenant pénétrer dans *** intimité sans aucun problème après les assauts successifs qu'elle avait subit. La voiture ralentit et la caméra se déplaça pour me montrer l'endroit où la voiture arrivait. Il s'agissait d'un camp de caravanes, que j'avais vu s'installer il y a 3 semaines dans une commune voisine. Le voisin descendit de la voiture tout en continuant à filmer et s'approcha d'une des caravanes. Des chiens aboyaient au loin mais ne semblaient pas inquiéter outre mesure le porteur de la caméra. Il frappa à la porte et un gitan d'une cinquantaine d'années, l'air mauvais et sale ouvrit.

- Salut
- Salut
- Je t'apporte ce que je t'avais promis, tu as l'argent ?
- Montre-moi la marchandise d'abord
- OK
Le voisin fit un signe au cantonnier, qui ouvrit la portière et fit descendre ma femme. Sa tenue était vraiment indécente et des tâches de sperme souillaient sa veste de tailleur et ses bas. Quand elle se redressait, on voyait la naissance de *** sexe. Le gitan s'approcha, en fit le tour comme on regarde une bête au marché, ouvrit la veste pour sortir les seins de ma femme, les soupesa, tournant les tétons entre ses doigts, puis descendit vers *** sexe et lui mis immédiatement un doigt au plus profond. Mon épouse ne réagit absolument pas. Il ressortit *** doigt souillé de semence, et l'essuyant sur le visage de ma femme déclara :

- Il me semble qu'elle a déjà bien servi
- On l'a juste préparé pour que ce soit plus facile pour vous.
- Bon d'accord, rappelle moi les conditions
- 500€ pour en faire ce que vous voulez pendant 2 heures, à condition que je puisse tout filmer
- Ok pour 500€, mais 3 heures et aucune limite
- Ok, fais voir le fric
Le gitan sortit une liasse de billets de 20€ et en compta 25. Il les tendit au voisin qui les empocha. Il prit ensuite ma femme par le bras et l'emmena vers une remise qui semblait abandonnée au centre du campement. Ma femme titubait, certainement à cause de la forte quantité d'alcool qu'elle avait dû ingurgiter. Tout en marchant, il appela plusieurs per***nes qui sortirent de différentes caravanes. A l'intérieur de la remise, il y avait une table, un matelas à terre et quelques chaises. Et à ma grande surprise de nombreux projecteurs et 3 caméras qui semblaient être du matériel de professionnel.

- Tu vois, on a tout installé ici pour faire de bons films pornos à vendre sous le manteau
- Vous en faites beaucoup ?
- C'est pas facile de trouver les bonnes femelles pour le genre de porno qu'on fait, enfin souvent elles ***t moins belles que celle là ! Bon elle m'a chauffé un peu alors on va commencer par se la faire normalement, entre nous.
Le voisin fit faire un traveling à la caméra et il montra qu'il y avait maintenant dans la remise une dizaine de gitans, d'âges différents. Celui qui de toute évidence était le chef fit mettre ma femme à quatre pates et sortit *** sexe, de taille moyen mais déjà bien dur. Sans préliminaire il s'enfonça dans l'intimité de mon épouse qui n'offrit aucune résistance. Un autre vint se positionner devant et lui donna ses testicules à lécher, en lui tirant la tête en arrière par les cheveux. Quand elles furent bien luisantes de salive, il enfourna *** sexe au plus profond de sa gorge et lui donna de violents coups de reins, utilisant cet orifice comme un sexe. Le chef se retira brusquement et lui éjacula sur les fesses.

- Bon les gars à vous, mais vous avez vingt minutes, après il faut passer aux choses sérieuses.
Ce fut alors la curée, les hommes se jetant sur le premier trou de libre pour le pénétrer sauvagement. Le voisin filmait toujours, et il essayait de prendre le maximum de gros plans. Je pus donc facilement m'apercevoir qu'à un moment, ma tendre moitié avait deux bites dans le sexe pendant qu'elle en suçait une troisième. Et ce n'était pas fini... Plusieurs la sodomisèrent à la suite, le voisin faisant des gros plans de *** orifice ouvert débordant de sperme. La scène avait une bestialité monstre, les hommes se succédant les uns aux autres quand ils avaient joui soit dans un des trous, soit sur le corps de ma femme. Celle-ci, quand sa bouche était vide, poussait des cris de plaisir et inonda deux fois le matelas de sa jouissance féminine. Quand ils eurent terminé, une demi-heure après le début, ils la laissèrent pantelante, les fesses en l'air et la tête dans le matelas, *** anus et *** sexe dégoulinant de liquide séminal, épuisée.
Le voisin profita de cette accalmie pour montrer les trois caméras tournant en continue.



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Et puis la caméra se déplaça vers l'entrée de la remise et je vis des hommes emmenant une meute de chiens, de type Doberman et Rotweiller. Il y en avait cinq. Leurs pattes avant étaient enveloppées de bandes. Deux hommes saisirent mon épouse par les aisselles et l'emmenèrent sur la table. Ils la positionnèrent la poitrine collée au dessus de la table, les bras attachés aux pieds avants et les jambes aux pieds arrières, de sorte qu'elle présentait sa croupe, les jambes écartées.
Les hommes emmenèrent le premier chien, qui était un molosse d'au moins 45kg. Il commença à renifler la vulve et à laper les coulées de sperme et de cyprine mélangés qui s'en dégageaient. Puis le chien se souleva, posa ses pattes sur la table et commença à donner des petits coups de hanche dans le vide. *** sexe, qui commençait à sortir du fourreau, était pointu et rouge foncé, long et pas très épais. Un des hommes s'en saisit et le présenta à l'entrée de l'orifice vaginal. Le coup de rein fût plus violent et le sexe canin pénétra d'un coup celui de ma femme. Le voisin s'était approché pour pouvoir filmer en gros plan. On pouvait voir le membre de ********** se mettre à gonfler et d'un coup deux grosses boules se former à l'intérieur des lèvres de mon épouse. Elles semblaient ne pas s'arrêter de grossir et atteignirent un diamètre d'une dizaine de centimètres, distendant les chairs d'une manière obscène. Ma femme poussait de grands râles qu'on pouvait facilement assimiler à de la jouissance. La bouche grande ouverte, elle semblait chercher de l'air pour pouvoir mieux crier. Le chien s'immobilisa et resta collé pendant quelques minutes. Puis il se retira dans un grand bruit de succion et des gitans recueillirent dans un vase l'abondant liquide qui s'échappa du sexe de mon épouse. Un autre chien remplaça le premier, mais cette fois *** sexe fût guidé dans l'anus de ma femme, qui, à ma grande surprise, réussit lui aussi à se distendre quand le nœud se mit à gonfler. Là encore la semence ******* fut récupérée dans le vase. Les 3 derniers chiens se succédèrent, soit dans *** vagin, soit dans *** anus, et à chaque fois elle poussa des râles de jouissance, inondant deux fois d'une éjaculation féminine le vase positionné sous elle. Quand le cinquième chien eut monté mon épouse, j'ai cru que *** *********** était finie, quand, tournant lentement la caméra, le voisin me montra l'arrivée d'un âne.
Les gitans le guidèrent vers le côté de la table où se trouvait la tête de ma femme. Ils commencèrent à lui caresser le sexe qui se mit à grossir de manière démesurée, longue tige dont le bout triangulaire était percé d'un trou. Ils l'approchèrent alors de la bouche pulpeuse de mon épouse pour le lui introduire. Elle se laissa faire et s'appliqua même à mettre de petits coups de langues. Puis ils amenèrent la bête derrière elle et, lui posant les pattes sur la table, la laissèrent s'accoupler bestialement avec ma femme, à chaque coup de croupe le bout du sexe ****** heurtant sa matrice et lui provoquant des orgasmes à répétition. Le coït fut ******, intense et court. Quand la bête se retira, un flot ininterrompu de semence s'échappa du sexe béant de ma femme, semence qui fut elle aussi récupérée dans le vase.
Puis les hommes se regroupèrent autour du vase et se masturbèrent tous un à un dedans.
Ma femme fut alors retournée, allongée sur le dos sur la table et ils versèrent le vase rempli de sperme sur *** corps, en insistant sur *** visage, ses cheveux et sa bouche, l'obligeant à en avaler une bonne quantité. Pour finir, en cercle autour d'elle, ils lui urinèrent dessus, poussant l'*********** jusqu'au bout.

Mon épouse, épuisée, groggie, dans un état proche du coma à cause de l'abus d'alcool, de sexe et de jouissance, fut roulée dans une couverture et ramenée à la voiture. Et puis la vidéo s'arrêta.

Dans ma chambre d'hôtel, je ne s'avais plus quoi penser. Ma femme, que j'aime tendrement, venait de se faire prendre par plusieurs hommes, des chiens et un âne et ma seule réaction était une excitation insupportable. Quelques heures plus tard, quand le voisin me rappela sur mon portable, il me demanda si j'avais visionné la vidéo. Je lui répondis par l'affirmative et quand il me demanda si cela m'avait plu je ne pus que lui répondre la vérité, que cela m'avait fait jouir comme un fou. Cela le fit rire et il me dit que vu la salope que j'avais à la mai***, il allait passer nous rendre visite souvent ! Mais ceci est une autre histoire...

Cette histoire étant finie, je voudrais remercier toutes celles et tous ceux qui m'ont fait part de leurs commentaires et m'excuse du délai entre les différentes parutions. Bien évidemment tout ceci n'était que pure fiction et fantasmes, mais j'ai pu m'apercevoir que les miens étaient partagés par plusieurs. Au plaisir de réécrire !


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Trading Pussy for Dick

I've always been a pretty big horn dog when it comes to women. Since high school, I've tried every trick in the book to meet, bed, and enjoy the ladies. I got married in my mid twenties, screwed around mercilessly on my wife, and divorced in my early thirties, after my wife caught me fucking my secretary, bent over my desk at work. Problem was it was the third time my wife caught me cheating, and strike three was the last straw.

I spend a lot of time in the gym, keeping my body in good shape. I always knew the ladies liked my six pack abs and cardio-induced stamina. However, it was the gym that began my downward spiral into a submissive little cock-craving slut.

I work in a large complex of office buildings. There is a gym for employees to use and it stays open till midnight during the week. I often work late then head over to workout before going home. Most nights I'm the only guy there. After a recent workout, I headed to the locker room for a quick shower as I was planning on hitting the bars on the way home to look for some pussy.

I still had my ipod on and was listening to some loud music as I undressed. I was trying to decide which bar to hit, and thoughts of the hot little number I'd picked up last week were playing through my mind. My cock was growing hard as I remembered her throating my tool and begging me to fuck her doggy style. I reached down and gave my semi a couple of quick tugs, hoping I'd have a hot little bitch working my boner in a couple of hours. As I grabbed a towel and took off my headphones, I realized another guy was standing just a couple of lockers down, stripped down to his briefs, staring at me with an amused look on his face.

He looked vaguely familiar, dark skinned, probably East Indian, with a hard, lean body. He was several inches taller than me, probably 6'4", and probably outweighed me by forty pounds. He looked like he could play middle linebacker for the Chicago Bears. Smiling at me, he reached down and gave the bulge in his briefs a squeeze. And an impressive looking bulge it was.

"You look stressed," he laughed, as I quickly wrapped my towel around me, trying to hide my half boner.

"I had a great workout," I commented nonchalantly, "Just headed to the showers."

"Does working out always give you a hard-on?" he chuckled. "Or is it being naked in a locker room around other naked men that gets a rise out of you?"

"Neither," I replied, eager to hit the showers but unable to shuffle past this guy as he blocked my path. "Look I just need to grab a quick shower, so if you don't mind."

As I started to slide by the stranger, he whipped off his white briefs and his semi hard cock thwacked against my ass, covered only in a thin towel.

"What the fuck?" I exclaimed.

"Don't pretend you didn't like that," he said. "I know your type. You're a big ladies man, right? Like to fuck any little thing with a pussy. But I saw the way you were staring at my crotch. You're a classic closet queer. You can't admit it to yourself, but once you get bent over and have your cherry popped, you'll be begging for more cock."

"Fuck you," I shouted as I literally ran to the shower. As the warm water washed over my body, I was shocked to find that my cock was now rock hard. The guy was a cocky bastard but I had to admit, he did have an incredible cock. I'm no slouch in the package department and I get a huge kick out of making chicks gag on my solid 8" rod. But this guy's dick was at least 8" semi-hard. It was dark and thickly veined, with a huge bulbous head. I'd only caught a quick glimpse, but I could have picked it out of a dick line-up without any problem. Why was I so mesmerized by his tool?

I soaped up and couldn't resist soaping my boner too, sliding my hand back and forth, enjoying the sudsy feel of my raging erection. I needed to find some pussy in the worst way and take my building aggressions out on some lonely MILF tonight. But I couldn't get the picture of that asshole's cock out of my mind. And the more I thought about it, the harder my dick got.

I gotta get the hell out of here, I thought to myself as I turned off the water and hurried back to the lockers to get dressed. As I rounded the corner to the lockers, I came face to face with the dude again. Only this time, he was standing on a bench, fully naked, stroking himself. His cock was now at full attention and it was huge.

"Knew you'd be back," he growled as he pointed his wicked member straight at me. "Why don't you quit kidding yourself and get the fuck over here? My cock isn't going to suck itself."

I wanted to punch this bastard in the gut and be done with it. But something in me also wanted to touch his big dick. I'd never been attracted to guys before and generally I liked being the aggressor in a sexual setting, but his cocksure attitude had me questioning my own sexual orientation. ****, I really did want to touch his dick. Even worse, I actually wanted to suck his dick. What the hell was happening to me?

"Don't just look at it you faggot, get your mouth wrapped around my fucking cock. I'm gonna teach you how to deepthroat like a pro. And before I'm done with you, you'll be begging me to bend you over this bench and plow your tight cherry ass."

Standing on the wooden bench, his cock was staring me straight in the face. He flicked his dick down and it rebounded hard against his tight abs, the big mushroom head on the dark stalk reaching above his belly button, leaving a wet spot where his precum landed. The guy was hung like a fucking horse and I wanted to taste that hot jizz in the worst way.



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I looked back toward the door, and he read my mind.

"Don't worry slut," he said. "I locked the door into the gym, and we are the only two here. Nobody else is gonna find out what a cock-loving little whore you really are."

Now it hit me where I'd seen this guy before. He was one of the security guards in the complex. He worked the late shift and I often saw him patrolling as I left the gym.

"I, I, I, I don't usually do stuff like this," I stuttered as I reached out, wrapping my hand around his burning hot poker, slowly stroking the foreskin back and forth over the plum-sized head of his enormous pole.

"Sure you don't," he cackled. "But we'll make an exception this one time, huh bitch?"

His abusive language only made me hotter. He was treating me exactly like I enjoyed treating my one night stands. I love taking charge and treating my little conquests like cheap whores. Some of the chicks really get off on it, others just grin and bear it after I get them all ******** up.

Sticking out my tongue, I tentatively tasted the creamy fluid seeping out of his lewd piss hole. It was salty but not bad and I immediately knew I wanted to swallow every ounce of his big load.

"That's it bitch, you like the taste of that hot spunk, don't you?" he asked.

I nodded, too embarrassed to admit I did like the taste of his cum. I opened my mouth wide and took the bulbous gland into my virgin mouth, using my tongue to lube his dark fuck stick.

He reached down and palmed my head, not happy just having his cockhead buried in my mouth. He pushed forward and several inches of his fat tool invaded my tight and unprepared throat. I immediately started to gag and tried to pull away, but he held my head firm, laughing deeply.

"Don't be such a pussy," he ordered. "I'll break that fucking throat in and you'll be taking me ball deep in no time. If you're gonna learn how to service a guy, you might as well learn how to service him right. Now put your fucking hands behind your back and get ready to swallow this sword."

No way was I going to be able to throat his entire length, but I'd gone this far, so I grabbed my hands behind my back and opened my mouth wide.

He applied slow, steady pressure as his thick cockhead plowed straight ahead, invading my tight throat an inch at a time. I fought back my gag reflex, trying to breath through my nose, doing my best not to ***** on his charging weapon. Periodically, he'd pull back, leaving only the head of his monster in my mouth before reversing course and making additional headway. I could feel the thick, black tool dripping salty liquid down my throat as he advanced further, lubricating his path with his funky sauce.

No matter how hard he pushed, I simple could not take the final two inches. His fat pole just lodged down my throat, cutting off my air, and making my head spin with a lack of oxygen.

"Not satisfactory bitch," he barked, pulling his spit covered rod from my ******** and raw throat. To add insult to injury, he gave my face a hard thwack with his slimy rod.

"Lie down on the bench on your back," he commanded. "And lean your head over the edge."

He squatted down and aimed his arrow at my now open throat passage, intending to drive his tool home. Amazingly, he was able to bury his cock down my throat in this position until his low hanging balls were literally resting on my upturned face. I did my best to remain calm, knowing if I started to gag at this point, I'd lose my lunch for sure.

He left his wicked member buried in my throat for what seemed an eternity as he reached down and gave my nipples a hard tweak. My cock jumped with electricity as I felt a steady stream of precum running down my own shaft.

Holding my head firmly, he began to fuck my throat with a steady rhythm, pulling all but his bulb from my throat before shoving his entire length down my now gaping mouth. His balls repeatedly bounced off my face as he fucked my throat with furious strokes. The nuts were the size of golf balls and were heavy with his building load, stinging my face with the ***** of each thrust.

"Fuck yea," he grunted as he plowed my throat, my jaw aching and my eyes watering uncontrollably. "You want to swallow my big load, don't you bitch?"

With his fat pole filling my mouth, I couldn't answer, instead I gave the thumbs up sign as I reached down and wrapped my hand around my throbbing boner, knowing only a few strokes would make me erupt like a volcano.

Without another word, he plunged his cock fully down my throat and I felt his meaty tool start to pulse as a huge wad of cream was unleashed.

"Arggggggh," he grunted as he let loose his load.

The first few shots filled my throat and as he slowly withdrew, his spunk filled my mouth and finally unloaded all over my upturned face. With one last jerk, my own cock exploded, shooting torrents of cum all over my stomach and chest.

"Lick it clean, you dirty little slut," he ordered as he stuffed his cockhead back into my mouth.

Once he was satisfied that I'd gotten every last drop, he pulled his cock from my mouth and straddling my face, ordered me to suck his balls.

"Fucking suck those nuts, bitch. I ain't done with you yet. Still got that cherry ass of yours to pop."

His big, hairy balls were sweaty and musty, but I took them like a pro. His cock stayed nearly fully erect and bounced off my face as I lapped at his low hangers.

He moved forward several inches and ordered, "Rim my ass, bitch. Drive that tongue up my hole like I'm gonna drive this fucking cock up yours."

I fully expected that his monster cock would split me in two, but I was too far gone to care. I wanted to get bent over and fucked like a bitch in heat. All those years of fucking hot little cunts to prove my manhood had been turned upside down by this one cocky asshole. More than anything, I wanted him to take my virgin hole and pound me like I had pounded so many one night stands. I wanted it to hurt, wanted it to hurt so good. Here I was, naked, in the gym locker room, my face covered in salty manspunk, licking his asshole, totally submissive to this hard hunk of a stud, ashamed, and yet unable to control the slutty bottom whore that his big cock had unleashed.

Usually after I shoot a load, I'm ready for a nap. But the sexual energy that pulsed through this guy had me craving more.

He roughly pulled me up off the bench, "Go bend over the counter, next to the sink," he ordered. "I want you to watch your face in the mirror as I take that ass for the first time."

I did as he instructed, scared but unable to resist.

"Reach back and spread those hairy cheeks, you cocksucker," he insisted.

He grabbed the softsoap dispenser and squirted a huge stream onto my exposed ass crack. Using his cockhead, he smeared the slippery substance all around my tight hole.

"Beg for it bitch," he laughed as he teased my hole with his thick rod.

"Fuck me, man," I whimpered. "Take my cherry. Take it now. Fuck my little man-cunt."

"Damn dude," he chuckled. "You are one horny little whore. What would your employees think if they knew you were such a little cockslut?"

"I don't care," I groaned. "I need that big cock in my ass. And I need it now."


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Without another word, he grabbed my hips and with a wicked push, inserted the insanely fat head of his greased cock into my tight sphincter. The pain was incredible. But I had fucked a few women in the ass, and I knew the initial shock would slowly wear off. A few bitches even preferred anal sex, although I always assumed it was a sick masochistic fetish. I bit down hard on my lower lip and repressed a girlish shriek. It hurt like hell, but I wanted it and I wanted it bad.

With a steady pressure, he inched his spear deeper into the recesses of my unexplored hole. Watching my face in the mirror, it was a mask of mixed emotions. I wasn't gay, was I? I'd never enjoyed pain, at least not the receiving end of it. Yet the lust in my eyes was evident. As much as my ass was on fire, I didn't want him to stop. I wanted every last inch of his powerful rod buried in my butt. I wanted to feel his balls slapping against mine as he bottomed out. I didn't just want his cock in my ass, I wanted him to fuck me; fuck me like an ******.

"Yea," I grunted. "Take that ass. Ohhhh, damn. Pound that hole. Fuck me hard and fuck me deep."

"****, dude, you were easier to flip than a quarter," he teased as he continued to pound my hole with reckless abandon.

I was trapped hard against the marble counter top as he plowed me, unable to struggle free even had I wanted too. My rock hard cock whacked against the cabinet with every deep stroke, and leaked a continual stream as he literally fucked the cum out of me.

He gave my bare ass a few hard smacks with his hand, "Ride that dick, boy. Tell Raj how much you like that big cock up your backdoor."

"I've never felt anything like it," I moaned. "It hurts like hell, but I don't want it to stop. Give it to me. Uhhhhh, yea, drive it home."

And he did; over and over he ****** my stretched hole, till the discomfort was slowly replaced by an incredible sensation, as my ass accepted it's tormentor and the friction of his fat piston sent waves of before unimagined pleasure through my newly awakened body.

Abruptly Raj pulled his length completely from my now gaping hole. "****, bitch, I never seen a dude enjoy taking it up the butt as much as you."

He moved back over to the wooden bench and lay down on his back, his menacing tool protruding wickedly toward the ceiling.

Without instruction, I straddled him and lowered myself down onto the throbbing rod, eager to have my ass once again impaled. I began to bob up and down, my own cock bouncing against my stomach as I fucked his cock with an unknown fury.

After fucking in this position for several minutes, Raj pushed me off him and ordered me onto the bench, on my back. He threw my ankles up onto his shoulders and again entered me in a more traditional missionary position. As he repeatedly drove his cock home, he worked up quite a lather.

"Now this is my idea of a workout," he commented. "I could do these kind of reps all night."

Mine too, I thought. My biceps weren't going to be sore tomorrow, but my ass was a whole different story.

His stamina was incredible. Admittedly, he had already busted one nut down my throat, but he'd now been fucking my ass for at least 30 minutes, and I began to wonder if he could indeed go all night. As he continued to deep-dick me, I felt my own orgasm building, even without the aid of direct stimulation. Without warning, my rock hard erection exploded, shooting a huge load of hot, sticky mansauce all over my stomach and chest, even spewing a few hot ropes of spunk onto my sweaty face. I eagerly lapped up my own seed, amazed at what was easily the most intense orgasm I had ever enjoyed.

"Damn bitch, you are one insatiable little cumslut," he sighed. "I've never seen a guy swallow his own junk."

Pulling his amazing pecker one last time from my numb ass, he ordered me to stand up, bend over, and grab my ankles. He again positioned himself behind me, and with one motion, buried his bone to the hilt. Grabbing my hips, he gyrated deep in my ass as I felt his cock swell to historic proportions. He began to fuck me with short, deep strokes, until he screamed, "Uhhhhhhhhhuhhhhhh....I'm gonna fill that bitch cunt of yours with my seed, whore."

And fill it he did. I could feel the hot jet of jizz erupt deep in my bowels and I counted at least 10 spurts of hot cream as he unloaded his mammoth wad deep up my ass. My legs were quivering and I struggled to keep from collapsing on the locker room floor as he finally withdrew his dark, dirty weapon from my ******** hole.

"Down on your knees, fuckface," he ordered. "And lick me clean."

I eagerly tongue washed his fantastic tool as I felt the warm fluid slowly draining from my gaping ass. When he was satisfied I'd lapped up every drop of his spunk, he grabbed his towel.

"I gotta take a quick shower and get back to my rounds. I'm sure I'll see you around again, cocksucker."

As I watched his lean, dark body disappear into the showers, his large phallus now hanging limp but still incredibly lewd and enticing, I tried to shake my head clear. What had I just done? In the last hour, I had transformed from a cunt-hunting lady killer to a ***********, cock-begging, bottom bitch. I quickly dressed and fled the gym. By the time I got home, I had convinced myself it was just a one-time thing. Nobody had to know, and I'd do everything in my power to avoid Raj in the future. I was even dreaming up a way to call the management office, trump up some charges, and get him fired.

Over the next week, I started working out in the morning, before Raj's shift started. I saw him from a distance a few times around the complex, but I always avoided direct contact. I hit the bar scenes again and picked up a couple of hotties. But when I'd get back to their place, ready to seal the deal, I was repeatedly unable to perform. One ***** chick was so horny she actually sucked my dick for 30 minutes before she gave up, pulled her trusty vibrator from the bedside table, and got herself off. When she went to brush her teeth, I helped myself to her vibrator, and within seconds of inserting the average sized toy into my horny ass, I was hard as a rock. To avoid further embarrassment, I snuck out of her apartment, toy still firmly seated in my ass and barely made it to my car before I shot the most amazing load all over my steering wheel.

Clearly I was having some issues, but I was in no mood to accept my fate. I was not gay, I was just going through a phase.

The next week, I was working late one night in my office.

"Hey cocksucker, where you been?"

Horrified, I looked up from my computer screen to find Raj standing in my office doorway.

"What are you doing here?" I croaked.

"Just making my rounds, Mr. Franklin," he chuckled, tapping the nameplate on my office door. "Remember, I'm the security guard around here."

"Uh, yes, right," I managed. "Well, everything is OK in here."

"You sure about that?" he grinned. "I notice you can't take your eyes off my crotch."

Fuck. He was right. I'd been staring at the bulge in his trousers ever since he arrived. And as difficult as it was to admit to myself, my own trousers were currently getting rather snug from the growing boner in my pants.


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He walked into my office, closing the door behind him. "If you aren't gonna come to me, then I guess I'll have to come over to you." He gave his crotch a firm squeeze and I noticed a large wet spot of pre-cum soaking through the thin wool material. "Been watching for that tight piece of ass over at the gym. Looks like you've been avoiding me. I don't think you fully understand; your ass is mine now, and I'll take it when and where I want it."

"But this is my office," I exclaimed. "What if somebody sees you here?"

"It's late. Nobody's around. Besides I need some ass, so I don't really give a ****. Based on the look in your eyes, looks like you need some cock."

"Make sure the door is locked," I implored.

"All set, Mr. Franklin," he chuckled. "Now get out of that goddamn suit and get down on your fucking knees, bitch."

He was casually rubbing the growing bulge in his pants, and I admit I was completely mesmerized. I wanted his cock and I wanted it now. I stripped down in record time and fell to my knees.

"I knew you could be a good little bitch," he smirked. "Now put your hands behind your back."

I was already completely at his mercy, so I did as told. He pulled a plastic zip cord from his utility belt and restrained my wrists behind my back. I was now completely helpless. If my boss walked in, I was totally screwed.

He then walked over and turned the computer screen towards me, activating the webcam. There I was on the 23" monitor, naked, on my knees, my arms restrained behind me. He pushed the record button then returned.

"I want you to have some photographic evidence of our encounter," he laughed. "I'm also streaming it to my e-mail, so I'll have a little movie to enjoy late at night when I'm keeping your precious office building safe and secure."

As he nuzzled his crotch up against my face, I immediately lost interest in the webcam, focusing only on the huge bulge he was teasing me with.

"Use your teeth, bitch, and unzip my pants."

I struggled with the zipper, but finally got it down.

"Now use your mouth and fish out my cock."

It took several minutes, but I finally got the giant rod freed from the confines of his trousers. As it sprung free, it whacked lewdly against my cheek.

"Nice," he moaned. "Now get to fucking work."

He proceeded to fuck my throat raw as I struggled to take his horse dick. He showed no mercy as he rammed his dick repeatedly down my throat, taking a break only periodically to order me to suck and lick his hairy nuts. When his cock was fully erect, he yanked me to my feet and bent me over my desk.

"Hope you got my dick nice and slippery, cause I ain't got no lube this time," he grunted as he rearranged the webcam to capture the new angle.

Grabbing my hips, he lined his spear up to my tight hole and with one mighty push, penetrated my only recently recovered sphincter.

I let out a loud yelp as he pushed deep inside my ass. As he started to fuck me in earnest, a knock on my office door startled me.

"Mr. Franklin, are you OK in there?" It was one of the female associates. She must have been working late as well. "I thought I heard a scream."

******* myself to remain calm, and grateful that Raj truly had locked the door, I took a deep breath and tried to remain calm. "I'm on a conference call with our foreign office," I replied. "Everything is fine."

The bastard Raj didn't stop fucking my ass even as I tried to calm the associate. I hoped she couldn't hear the sloppy sounds emitting from my fucked hole as he continued to pin me against the desk with his deep and powerful strokes.

"You sure everything is OK? Sounds like you are out of breath."

"I was just doing some situps," I offered, trying to keep my breathing even.

"If you say so, Mr. Franklin. Sorry to bother you," she said.

"Maybe we should invite her in to join the fun," Raj smirked. "Bet she'd love to see the boss getting plowed like a bitch in heat."

Rather than get defensive, I actually felt a pang of jealousy. I wanted his big dick all to myself, and no way was I going to share it with that little hussy from Marketing.

Raj fucked me hard for what seemed like an hour before I felt his erection swell and begin to pulse. My arms ached from being pinned behind me and my pelvis was bruised and battered from being repeatedly driven into the wooden desk.

"Where do you want this load, bitch?" he asked.

"In my mouth," I begged. "Feed me your load, please."

"Thought so," he laughed, as he pulled his giant tool from my tattered hole.

I collapsed onto the floor, at his feet, and took the bulbous head of his powerful shaft into my mouth. Within seconds, he unleashed a huge torrent of man cream. I struggled to swallow every drop, nearly drowning in the process.

With his jizz dripping down my chin, he reached over and turned off the webcam recorder. He quickly pulled up his trousers, reached into the desk, and tossed me a pair of scissors.

"I'm sure you can figure out how to cut that zipcord," he laughed as he headed for the door. "If not, I'm sure your little girlfriend out there can help you."

Leaving the door wide open, he exited. I quickly bent over and snatched up the scissors, eager to free myself before somebody else ventured by my office.

I nearly had a heart attack when he popped his head back around the door jamb, "And I expect I'll see you regularly back over at the gym, unless you want a repeat performance of tonight."

Needless to say, I resumed my regular night time workouts. I was quickly learning that Raj had me by the shorthairs. And in all honesty, I didn't mind. When I wasn't ******* on his huge rod or getting torn in two by his ruthless fucks, I was dreaming about them.

A couple weeks later, I was working late again when my phone rang.

"Get down to the security desk bitch," Raj commanded. "I've got something I want to show you."

I found Raj sitting behind the big desk, watching the fuck video he had made in my office.

"What did you want to show me?" I asked.

"Come around to this side of the desk," he instructed.

Raj had his pants unzipped and he was jerking his long shaft as he watched the video.

"Strip down, Mr. Franklin, my little bitch," he ordered. "And get down under the desk. I want you to blow me while I do my job."

I started to protest. I had a big presentation to finish upstairs and I had no desire to get caught here in the lobby with a man's cock down my throat by any of my fellow workmates.

"Don't be such a baby," he laughed. "Nobody is gonna see you under the desk."

I wanted his cum badly, so I quickly stripped, stuffed my clothes under the desk, and climbed down. He wheeled his chair closer, presenting his magnificent tool.

I went to work like a man possessed, the subtle moans from Raj reassuring me that my cocksucking skills were indeed improving. He grabbed my head and ****** his length down my throat, giving me a solid face fucking.

As I sucked his tool, I heard the front door open.

"Good evening, Mrs. Jackson," Raj said.

Mrs. Jackson, I thought, horrified. Was that my bosses wife standing on the other side of the desk? I stopped sucking, trying not to make a sound.

"Hello Raj," she said. "I'm here to pick up my husband. His car is in the shop."

"I'll call him," Raj replied.

As Raj dialed the phone, he reached under the desk and gave my face a wet whack with his enormous boner, before grabbing my hair and ******* me back down onto his lubed shaft.

"Your wife is here to pick you up sir," Raj spoke into the phone.

"He'll be down in 5 minutes, Mrs. Jackson," Raj relayed.

For the next 5 minutes, I sucked Raj off as he carried on a conversation with my boss' wife. Luckily the music playing over the intercom system drowned out the sloppy noises of me slurping down Raj's penis.

She flirted endlessly with my tormentor.

"So, Raj, any luck with the ladies lately?" she chuckled.

"Oh, I do OK," he replied.

"I bet you do," she said.

"Fact is, I've got a date tonight," he said.

"Well, good luck," she sighed.

"I don't think I'll need any luck," he chuckled. "This one is way into me and just can't get enough of old Raj."

Even as he finished his sentence, Raj thrust his boner deep into my throat, catching me offguard and making me gag.

"You should see a doctor about that cough, Raj," Mrs. Jackson exclaimed, obviously thinking he had made the ******* sound. "Sounds like you've got something stuck deep down your throat."

If she only knew, I thought to myself as I tried to control the gag.

Mr. Jackson finally appeared. "Hey Raj, if you see that slacker Franklin, tell him I need that presentation first thing in the morning. I couldn't find him in the office. He better be working on it right now."

"Sure thing Mr. Jackson. Something tells me he's working on a big project even as we speak," Raj chuckled as he reached under the desk and gave my face a light slap.

The Jacksons left, none the wiser that I was under the desk servicing the security guard.

I doubled my efforts and was rewarded with a huge load of warm cream that I gobbled up. As I got dressed, ready to return to my office and pump out the presentation, Raj gave me a hard whack on the bottom.

"Good job bitch," he laughed. "Next time, I might let Mrs. Jackson watch. I bet she would get off knowing one of her husband's employees was a cock-craving little slut."

A cock-craving slut, that is exactly what I had become. Even as I sat back at my desk upstairs, it was images of Raj's impressive cock that I fantasized about as I jerked off, already eager for the next summons to service the security guard.


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Date Night Out with the Wife

My wife and I typically take one weekend night per month to get away from the kids and enjoy some grown-up time. On Friday night, Jules left the kids with our babysitter and met me downtown at my office. We were going to catch an early movie and then planned to grab a quick bite at a trendy Italian restaurant that our friends had been raving about.

As we sat down to watch the movie trailers, Jules mentioned that Cyndie, our three year old ******** had the sniffles and maybe we should pass on dinner tonight. We agreed to call the babysitter after the movie and check in on the kids before eating.

Luckily, the babysitter reporting everything was fine but Cyndie wanted Mommy to read her a bed-time story before she went to *****. It was about an hour before Cyndie's bedtime, so my wife agreed to grab a quick bite.

The restaurant was fairly empty, it being a Friday night and the downtown area usually pretty quiet on weekends. The beautiful hostess, Stephanie, greeted us at the door. "Good evening Mr. and Mrs. Woods, I have your reservation right here." She sat us at a romantic table by the fireplace and we ordered a nice bottle of red wine.

I couldn't help noticing Stephanie's tight little butt, wrapped seductively in a long black skirt as she sauntered back to the front of the restaurant. She had long, straight red hair that reached nearly to that perfect ass and wore a tight fitting lycra top that did nothing to hide the raisins popping out on her pert little breasts from the cool night air blowing in through the open windows.

My wife is gorgeous, the prototypical suburban cougar. But Stephanie was a wet dream and what harm was there in looking.

The waiter arrived and snapped me out of my perverse fantasy world. "My name is Craig, and I'll be your server tonight."

He was college-aged and looked very familiar as he began reciting the nightly specials. He stood behind my wife and pointed to items on her menu, eyeing me throughout his discourse with a wicked smile on his face.

****. I realized where I'd met this kid before. Although the last meeting was under far different circumstances; I'd been naked, on my knees, in the bushes at the park outside the restaurant, with this young stud's big cock buried down my throat.

I guess I need to explain a few things. In my mid-30's, I'm a partner at a local law firm. While I have a beautiful wife and two great kids, I'm also a closet cocksucker. Since the kids were born, the once active sex life I enjoyed at home had slowed to a crawl. In search of a new sexual release, I had begun surfing porn at work. The surfing had lead me to crave dirtier and nastier internet content, including watching a lot of gay porn. One day I stumbled onto a cruising site and the rest as they say is history.

I had chickened out the first couple of times I agreed to meet men for some anonymous action. But as I grew hornier and hornier, I finally connected with a guy online and within hours I was at his apartment sucking my first cock. Over the last year, I had hooked up with several guys, and the thrill of deepthroating a guy and swallowing his load was now my biggest turnon. I knew girls like Stephanie, the hostess, were out of my league, but I had no trouble finding willing cocks to suck and swallow on a regular basis.

I had met the waiter on-line a couple of months ago. His screen name was "Throatbanger" and let me tell you, he lived up to the hype. We rendezvoused in the park one afternoon, and he led me back into the thick bushes, safe and secluded. When I saw the giant bulge in his tight jeans, I knew the pics he had sent me were real and my mouth watered at the opportunity to suck his hot cock.

"Look man," he had started. "I'm not gay or anything, but my girlfriend is out of town and I need some action in the worst way. I'm in charge here and if you want what I'm packing," he squeezed the bulge in his Levis and a wet spot of pre-cum soaked the denim, "then do as I say and let's get this done."

I nodded weakly as I couldn't take my eyes off the impressive outline of his cock. I wanted that tool in the worst way.

"Good. Then strip naked and get on your knees," he commanded.

I hesitated. Sucking cock in the public park was danger enough, but being naked in public was a risk I wasn't comfortable taking.

"Screw it then," Throatbanger barked as he turned to leave.

"Wait," I said. "I'll do what you say." I wanted his cock then and there and my better judgment was easily overcome by my thirst for cock. I stripped off my suit, piled my clothes on the dry leaves, and fell to me knees, completely vulnerable and submissive.

"That's a good little bitch," he laughed as he unbuttoned his fly and pulled his semi-hard cock free.

For the next twenty minutes, he fucked my face like a man possessed, before unloading a giant load of salty sweetness, first down my throat and finally all over my face. As he buttoned up and left, I lay back in the leaves and jerked a huge load all over my exposed belly before dressing and returning to the office.

I hadn't heard from Throatbanger since the incident in the park, but here I was face to face with him, as I listened to the Friday night specials with my wife.

"And finally, we have an angel hair pasta topped with our homemade Italian sausage, covered in a creamy alfredo sauce," he said. Standing behind my wife and out of her view, he reached down and squeezed the bulge in his pants as he recited this final special, giving me a knowing smirk.

"Something tells me Mr. Woods will be ordering the pasta special," the waiter commented. "I can tell a man that likes quality sausage and who doesn't love a thick, creamy white sauce?"

Luckily my wife was too engrossed in the menu to notice the innuendo that Craig the Throatbanger was brazenly spewing.

I was emotionally torn. How was I going to get through this dinner without raising my wife's suspicions? But more importantly, how was I going to get Craig's big cock buried down my throat without my wife knowing?

Throughout dinner, the waiter continued to tease me mercilessly. Standing behind my wife, he would rub his semi-hard cock through his pants as I stared in lust. On several occasions, he reached across the table while standing behind me, and I felt the meaty weight of his rod rub against my shoulder.

Dinner was fantastic, but I was a mess. Luckily the napkin in my lap covered the raging boner I was sporting and my wife was too worried about our ******** to notice the building sexual tension.

Standing by the kitchen, I watched as Craig literally stroked his growing boner through the thin material of his trousers as he mouthed, "I know you want it."

And I did. The thought of sucking him off, right here in the restaurant, under the nose of my wife was more than I could handle. Throatbanger was just the kind of dominant top guy I had grown to favor, and I wanted him to fuck my face and feed me his creamy alfredo sauce.

After clearing the plates, Craig brought the dessert menu. "We have a decadent chocolate soufflé tonight if you two lovebirds are interested? It takes about 30 minutes to prepare, but well worth the wait."

Looking at her watch, my wife interjected, "I'm afraid we need to get home. My ******** is not feeling well and I promised to read her a story before bed."

I was crestfallen. How was I going to get Craig's big dick in my mouth if my wife was insistent on getting home to read Cyndie a story?

To the rescue, Craig said, "We have some ********* books at the hostess station to keep kids entertained during dinner. I'll grab a book and you could read the story to your ******** over the phone while the chef prepares your soufflé. And on the house, I'm happy to bring you a nice bottle of after-dinner wine from our well stocked cellar."



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"That is very thoughtful of you," my wife commented. "My husband loves wine cellars. He's been talking about installing one in our basement for years."

All true, but I didn't expect Craig's next bit of genius. "This is my last table for the night. I'll have Stephanie bring your wine and while you are reading a story to your ********, I'll give Mr. Woods a tour of the cellar."

Bingo. The soufflé would take thirty minutes and my wife would be busy with her story and a bottle of wine. This was turning into our best date night out ever.

I stood up from the table and quickly turned my back, trying to hide the enormous tent in my trousers from my wife's eyes.

Craig led me down a hallway to the back of the restaurant then down some dark, dank stairs into the wine cellar.

"You hungry for some of my sausage, Mr. Woods," Craig quipped as we emerged into the cellar.

"Fuck yes," I exhaled, craving his cock like a cheap whore.

The cellar looked like a cave, the basement having been dug out of the local bedrock. Wine was stacked deeply along the walls and a large, round tasting table was setup in the middle of the room.

"You know the rules, bitch," Throatbanger cackled. "Strip."

Without hesitation this time, I ripped off my suit, tie, shirt, shoes, socks, and boxers, falling to me knees in anticipation.

"Damn, you are one horny little slut, Mr. Woods," Craig laughed. "Does your wife know what a fucking whore you are for cock?"

"Umm, no," I whimpered.

"She's a hot little number. Wouldn't mind busting her cherry, but I don't think Stephanie would approve."

"The hostess?" I asked.

"Yea, she's my girlfriend. She doesn't mind me messing around with other guys. Fact is, it gets her hot as ****. But she'd cut off my nuts if she found me cheating with a chick. Now get over here and get to work."

I crawled across the cold cement floor and ran my hand over the enormous outline of Craig's cock. I mouthed his rod through his thin wool slacks, tasting the precum that had soaked through the material.

"That's it bitch. Use your mouth and unzip me. Put those hands behind your back and keep them there."

I was shaking with anticipation and did my best to unzip his pants with my teeth. He wasn't wearing any underpants and I had instant access to the meaty shaft of his fat cock. I licked the thick vein of his rod through the fly, eager to get the length of his boner buried down my horny throat.

Finally tired of toying with me, he undid his belt, and let his pants fall around his ankles, his glorious manhood popping free and slapping lewdly against my cheek. Wasting no time, I took his rod into my mouth, savoring the taste of his precum. I sucked greedily on the big mushroom head as my tongue explored the underside of his menacing tool.

"You are the horniest fucking cocksucker I've ever had the privilege of feeding," Craig chuckled. "I thought you were going to bust a nut at the table every time I rubbed my schlong across your shoulder."

Even if I wanted to respond, I couldn't as I now had over half of the waiter's bone buried in my horny throat. I began to bob up and down in earnest as he roughly grabbed my head and began to fuck my face with deeper and more powerful strokes.

"Your wife was clueless the whole time, but Stephanie saw the lust in your eyes the second you recognized me. I don't know if you remember, but I snapped some photos on my cell phone the last time you had my cock buried in your throat. I showed those pics to Stephanie and she was impressed with your deepthroat skills."

I was shocked to hear Craig had pics of me sucking his cock, but I was even more shocked when Stephanie came waltzing down the stairs.

"You're right, Craig, this slut doesn't waste any time getting down to business," she giggled. "You like that big cock don't you, Mr. Woods?" she teased.

I could only nod as Craig continued his assault on my now stretched and raw throat.

"I told Stephanie she could watch. I knew you wouldn't mind. Fuck, I think you'd do just about anything to suck my cock, wouldn't you Mr. Woods?"

Shamefully, Craig was right. I'm a powerful attorney for a prestigious firm, but when face to crotch with a throbbing boner, I turn into a submissive little cock craving slut.

Stephanie climbed onto the tasting table and hiked up her skirt, revealing a panty-less pussy glistening with moisture. As I continued to suck off her boyfriend, she began to frig herself with a frenzy.

"Yea, suck that big cock, you dirty old man," Stephanie exclaimed as she fucked her pussy with her dripping wet fingers. She was moaning uncontrollably as she enjoyed the deviant show.

"Hey Craig, are you gonna fuck Mr. Wood's tight little man-hole?" Stephanie queried as she inched one of her lubed fingers up her own backdoor.

Not that I hadn't often fantasized about bottoming for one of the hot studs I had blown, but I had never imagined I would actually follow through. Now that the opportunity was literally right here in front of me, I quivered with excitement.

"Hadn't really thought about it honey," Craig replied. "Would you like to see me split this little bitch in two?"

"Oh yea," she purred.

Pulling his slippery cock from my ******** throat, Craig gave my face a hard whack with the spit covered pole.

"You heard her, cunt. Stephanie wants to see me pound your little man-cherry. Why don't you bend over the table there, and spread those hairy cheeks for me?"

"I, I, I, don't know if I can take it," I whimpered.


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#7,248 · Edited by: chrislebo
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"Don't be such a fucking baby," Stephanie spat. "He fucks my tight butt regularly, and I absolutely love it."

I didn't need to hear any more. If this tiny little redhead could take his monster cock up her ass, I was determined to do the same. Leaning over the edge of the table, I reached back and spread my cheeks, offering my virgin hole to Craig's monster cock.

As Craig spit on my exposed hole and rubbed his cock up and down my crack, Stephanie positioned herself on the table with her legs on either side of my head, her trimmed pussy just inches from my face.

"Don't just look at it," Craig commanded. "Eat her out."

As I took my first taste of her sweet box, I felt Craig's cockhead start to penetrate my tight sphincter. I fought the pain as he stretched my hole wide and continued to ***** inch after painful inch of manhood into my poor ass. I thought I was going to black out from the fire that was now burning in my ******** hole.

"Fuck this bitch's ass is tight," Craig exclaimed as he continued his penetration. Stephanie grabbed my hair and buried my face in her twat as she ground her pussy against my tongue.

"Tongue fuck me whore," Stephanie insisted as I fought back the desire to scream in agony.

I finally felt Craig's balls bounce off mine, and I knew I had taken the entire length of his massive rod. As he started to fuck me in earnest, the initial pain subsided somewhat, the friction his piston created deep in my prostate now becoming almost pleasurable. I began to buck back against the stud, trying to meet his every thrust, learning to take a fucking like a good little whore. I felt my own precum running down the inside of my thigh, as my cock was leaking with excitement.

"Damn, Stephanie, this bitch is one hot little ride. He's already taking my cock like a pro."

Stephanie egged me on as I continued to eat her delicious pussy.

"Beg for it bitch."

"Take that cock, you slut."

"Make me cum you filthy pervert."

And make her cum I did. Her body tensed and she squeezed my head between her surprisingly strong thighs as her body was racked with orgasm. I eagerly lapped up her juices as Craig pounded away on my now tattered hole.

Stephanie got up off the table and circled around to give Craig a deep, wet kiss. Standing back, she pulled out her cell phone and snapped several photos of Craig's cock buried deep in my ass. I was beyond the point of caring as I was sure my cock would explode any minute from the ass-fucking I was getting.

"Look how hard his cock is," Stephanie giggled. "You really like that, huh Mr. Woods?"

"I do, I do," I moaned. "Fuck my ass, stud. Fuck my ass with that big cock."

Craig grabbed my hips and began to really piston fuck my ass, driving me against the table over and over. Each time I was sure he was ready to cum, he'd slow his pace and deep dick me with long, steady strokes.

I looked back to see that Stephanie had returned upstairs. But within minutes, the bus boy came bounding down the stairs.

"Hey Craig," the guy chimed. "Stephanie said there might be some action down here that would interest me."

"What up Carlos?" Craig replied as he gave the athletic looking stud a high five. "This is Mr. Woods, and he's a raving little cockslut. You may have noticed his wife sitting alone upstairs."

"Oh I noticed," Carlos quipped. "I told Stephanie I wouldn't mind getting a piece of her fine ass. Steph laughed and said she couldn't guarantee any of Mrs. Woods action, but that her husband was offering full service down in the wine cellar."

With that, Carlos unzipped his trousers and pulled out a huge uncut piece of prime meat. I was in cock heaven.

Craig pulled his rod from my gaping hole and ordered me to flip over onto my back on the table. He positioned me so that my ass was hanging over one edge and my head over the other side. Hoisting my ankles up onto his shoulders, he drove his rod back into my empty ass and continued to fuck me like a machine.

Carlos positioned himself on the other side of the table and proceeded to slide his heavy tool straight down my exposed throat, in no time fucking my face with deep strokes as his hairy balls bounced off my forehead.

I couldn't hold back any longer and without even touching my red and engorged cock, I shot my load high, the cum splattering back on my naked stomach and pooling in my navel.

"I think we just fucked the cum out of this bitch," Carlos laughed. "**** dude, you got a hot little tamale upstairs, but you a fucking whore for man-dick, ain't ya?"

I was, and there was no denying it. The two studs continued to fuck me like a rag doll for several more minutes. I felt Craig's cock swell in my ass and seconds later he exploded deep in my bowels, hot spurts of seed filling my recently virgin hole. Almost simultaneously, Carlos grabbed my head *****fully and shot his thick spunk down my throat. As I gagged on the heavy load, he pulled his prick from my mouth and unloaded several parting shots on my face.

Zipping up, Craig looked at his watch. "Yo bitch, your 30 minutes are up. Better get that ass back upstairs to your wife and enjoy your soufflé."

Craig and Carlos left me a cum covered mess on the tasting table as the two went back upstairs. I dressed hurriedly, the soreness in my ass already feeling very uncomfortable. I found a rag and wiped the cum from my face as I sprinted up the stairs, hoping my wife hadn't suspected anything in my absence.

As I reached the table, Jules was just hanging up the phone and my cherry-taking waiter was delivering our soufflé.

"Hope you folks enjoy, this," Craig said. "Would you like any coffee?"

"Sure," I croaked, my throat sore from the recent assault.

"I assume you want extra cream with that," Craig said, giving me a nasty wink.

"Yes, please," I muttered.

"Did you enjoy the wine cellar?" Jules asked.

"Huh, I, uh, oh, yes very much," I tried to recover, completing forgetting why I had originally left the table.

"Your husband is quite a connoisseur, Mrs. Woods. He really knows his way around a wine cellar," Craig interjected. "I hope we were able to teach him a thing or two about fine vintages. I think he has a thing for large format bottles and I hope his curiosity for Spanish reds provides him years of satisfaction."

"You are a mess, honey," Jules laughed as she used her napkin to dab something from my face. "You were supposed to eat the alfredo sauce, not spread it all over your face, dummy."

Alfredo sauce indeed, I thought to myself. More like Cream a la Carlos.

Stephanie was standing at the bar showing several of the staff her cell phone. The bartender was laughing and pointing at our table. Clearly she was giving them a viewing of my recent anal invasion. Shamefully embarrassed, I made a mental note to make sure my secretary never booked business lunches at this little bistro.

We finished our dessert and coffee without further incident, and as I limped gingerly towards the door, my ass getting more and more tender by the minute even as I felt the waiters creamy spunk draining from my still gaping hole, Craig slipped a business card into my jacket pocket.

After opening the car door for my wife, I covertly read the card as I walked around the car.

"1pm, Monday; the bushes behind the statue in the park"

With a smile, I only hoped that Throatbanger would bring the bus boy and the hostess to our Monday reunion.


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Sarah's **********

The bell rang as Sarah was just finishing her explanation of the homework assignment. She raised her voice to be heard over the din of the students as they all began to gather their books and head to lunch.

"Don't forget, I want at least 500 words in your personal journals this weekend. Email me over the weekend before too late on Sunday and I promise I'll do my best to read and comment back to you before Monday..."

Sarah loved teaching English. Her favorite senior seminar, "Creative Writing" was off to a good start. It was a small class, only 14 students, mostly girls. This wasn't unexpected given the students had choice on their seminar, and everyone knew that this class required more writing then most, and you had to be willing to make stuff up. That part, Sarah knew was harder for many students because it took a certain amount of confidence to write stories and share ideas that were your own then it was to write an expository essay about Shakespeare.

The rest of her day was uneventful. A few sections of freshman English class. After school, Sarah took advantage of the school's new athletic facilities and worked up a good sweat. When Sarah got home, she discovered her apartment was devoid of food. At least nothing she wanted to eat. Her stomach growled in protest. At least she had showered and was presentable, she thought as she grabbed her keys and headed for the grocery store.

She worked her way through the store, but even as hungry as she felt, didn't find that much she felt like buying. She ended up picking up some ready-made foods and was just stocking up on some staples when someone almost ran into her with his shopping cart. It turned out to be another faculty member, Geoff. He was among the young faculty like herself, and she felt suddenly self-conscious when she realized who it was. She had always thought he was cute, but he taught in the math department, and somehow, she didn't see him much, and hadn't really gotten to know him.

She noticed he had a bottle of wine, and compared to her cart, a lot of food. She joked with him about the amount of food, and asked him if he had a hot date, pointing out the wine. She really did want to know. In fact, she was fishing for an invitation. Sarah tried to be as obvious as she thought was appropriate, but he was oddly flustered, and responded that he was stocking up since he didn't like to shop. To her fishing expedition, he wiggled out of any sort of specific response, "sure, well maybe we should organize a faculty party one of these days."

"Yes, sure, that would be nice," Sarah replied. She tried to sound enthusiastic, but she knew her disappointment was evident. "Well, I better get going. Don't want to keep you here all night since you don't like to shop anyway. Bye now. See you at school."

By the time Sarah returned home, she had fallen into a funk. She hadn't really realized until her meeting with Geoff at the store how lonely she was. There were only a few teachers her age, and being a teacher, it was easy to just bury herself into her work. As an English teacher, this was simple, just assign longer writing assignments. Everything the students wrote, she had to read.

She picked at a frozen dinner she had heated up in the microwave while channel surfing on the TV. Realizing that she was neither eating nor watching anything, she turned off the TV, wrapped up the dinner and stowed it in the fridge. Feeling a little blue, she figured she may as well just curl up in bed and do some reading.

As was her usual ritual, Sarah grabbed her laptop to check her email one last time. While sifting through the random junk emails looking for anything real, Sarah clicked on one message with a subject header, "Redefine yourself! 50% off Fall fashion sale!" She didn't even read it, but something about the subject got her thinking. She glanced at the clock on the screen, and quickly shut the laptop.

"Screw Geoff! I don't need him," she said to herself under her breath. Sarah stowed her laptop and headed for her bathroom, leaving a trail of clothes like bread crumbs. An hour later, Sarah had showered, shaved her legs, primped, and completely glammed up. She had put on make up and perfume, and was looking like she was preparing for a hot date as she stood in front of her closet in a skimpy matching black lacey thong and bra.

"****, what I am I going to wear? Hell, where am I going?" she asked herself outloud while internally scolding herself for her poor choice of words -- and she was an English teacher! For the past hour, all she knew was that she wasn't going to stay in, and that she was going out to find something. She pushed her work clothes to the side, and started digging into the clothing that she almost never wore. Things that were either out of fashion, or just not appropriate. After a few minutes of digging, she found a simple but altogether appropriate dress. It was what one might call "a little black dress". It was little, and it was black, and as soon as she saw it, she knew it was perfect.

One last look in the mirror, a quick touch up to her deep red lipstick, and she declared herself ready to hit the town. She dropped her lipstick into a small black purse along with a tiny vial of perfume, her house keys, ID, credit card and some cash. She paused momentarily as her mind took inventory. 
"God, who are you kidding Sarah, you won't need a condom!" she scoffed at herself, zipped the purse, and headed out the door. Her heels clicked seductively as she walked from her home just three blocks to a major boulevard where she knew she could catch a cab. She still didn't really know where she was headed, but she was exhilarated to be going out. She hailed a cab, and when he asked her where to, she simply replied, "Take me to the hottest club in town. I trust you know where to go?"

She saw him take a look at her in the rearview mirror, smile, and he nodded, "Yes, of course." In minutes the cab dropped her off downtown in the area of town that she knew had the clubs, but if you had asked her before which one was popular, she would not have had an answer. The air was alive with the sounds and smells youthful exuberance. The cabbie had pointed out one club in particular to her, "The Asylum". He said it was the hottest dance club in town. Judging from the line, he was right. She almost lost her nerve and got back into the cab when she noticed a handsome twenty-something giving her a once-over. Her adrenaline began to pump through her, "fuck it" she said to herself and again scolded herself internally "profanity is just a lack of vocabulary", and pushed out her chest, and sashayed toward the line. As she passed by the front of the line, she noted that the line was mostly men. They all looked at her appraisingly. The bouncer at the head of the line motioned to her, and she turned toward him. He unhooked the velvet rope, and waived her in.

"ID miss..." he asked.

"Of course," she answered, fishing it out of her purse and handing it to him. He glanced at it, and handed it back. As she was putting it back into her purse, she felt someone push up against her back.

"Are you sure you're in the right place?" the bouncer asked her giving her a questioning look. He clearly could tell she was out of her element. She hesitated, then an arm hooked her own, and the person that had bumped up behind her was leading her forward.

"Don't worry, Johnny, she's with me," a female voice said with confidence. Sarah wanted to object, but the voice was commanding, and Johnny was already stepping aside and smiling.

Sarah was led into the club by her new companion. The music was loud outside, but it was deafening inside. The bass beat was physical as it vibrated Sarah's entire body. She couldn't see her companion as she was a half step in front of her. She could only see that she was about her height, and had long black hair. She led Sarah right to the middle of the dance floor. Somehow, the sea of writhing, dancing people seemed to move around them allowing them to join the throng with a minimum of jostling. Then, her companion turned to face her, and she began to dance.

Sarah stared at her companion, unsure what to do, but the heavy base beat and the writhing throng around her willed her to begin to move. She began to dance while she tried to figure out what had just happened. Her companion was young. Probably a college girl. She was wearing a black strapless corset and a dark red mini skirt. Neither did a good job of covering her body. Her companion stared at Sarah, her eyes locked onto hers. Sarah looked back, and was struck by the intensity in her companion's eyes. Sarah couldn't look away. The music was so loud that she couldn't think, and that's when she realized, she didn't really care. She was out. She was dancing.

She smiled, and let the music take her all the while, looking into the eyes of her new companion. She didn't know when, but at some point, they lost their protective shell, and the throng pushed into them, pressing them closer together. Sarah's companion didn't seem to care as she stepped closer to Sarah, and reached her arms out and placed her hands on Sarah's hips. Sarah felt herself being pulled toward her companion while the throng pressed her closer from behind. She couldn't fight it, and she really didn't care.

"Just dance Sarah, go with it. If it feels good, who cares?" she thought to herself. She wasn't really into girls, although she had fond memories of her college days when she had experimented. It wasn't like she didn't find some girls attractive, but society and inertia had always set her mind to finding the company of a man.

The music never seemed to stop. Sarah had lost all sense of time. She was still dancing with her companion, but the two had yet to exchange a word, not that they would have been able to hear each other. Her companion had continued to press closer and closer to her, pulling them together until they were pressed against each other. Sarah felt the girl's leg between her legs. As they moved, she felt herself rubbing herself against her thigh. For an instant, when she realized what she was doing, she almost stopped. At that same instant, she felt her companion pressing herself against Sarah's thigh in unison.

Her eyes snapped back to her companion's eyes, and she could see a knowing look. Her companion smiled a lascivious smile, and pressed up harder against Sarah. It took a moment, but soon she found that they were moving as one, and she decided she liked it. Their faces were close, close enough that they could kiss. She could feel herself getting more and more aroused as she rubbed herself against her companion's leg. Her companion seemed to sensed this, and suddenly stepped back, grabbing Sarah by the hand. She mouthed a word to Sarah, "Come".

She led Sarah through the throng toward the back of the club. Soon, they were behind the main dance area, and on the other side of the DJ stand. It was mildly quieter as the speakers were all pointed the other way, and it was mildly less crowded as other couples and small groups had sought out the relative quiet. Sarah's companion pulled her to a nook along the back wall, and then maneuvered her so that Sarah was back against the wall. Her companion pushed up against her. It was darker here away from the dance floor lights.

Her companion leaned in toward Sarah, and for an second, Sarah thought she was going to kiss her, but instead, she brushed her lips against her cheek, and nestled in to her ear. Sarah quickly understood, this was the only way to really talk in the club.

"I like you," her companion said to her. "You're new, I can tell. Do you trust me?"

Sarah thought for a moment. Did she trust her? Her teacher brain was screaming at her, "NO!" but she silenced the screaming. "If it feels good, who cares?" she said to herself again.

"Yes, I trust you," Sarah responded into her companion's ear.

"Good. I knew you would. Do what I tell you, and we'll have a good time. What's your name, pet?" She cooed into her ear.

"Sarah, my name's Sarah. What's y—" Her companion cut her off.

"Sarah. That's nice. Now, I think its time we had a little fun," she said seductively.

Sarah was a little disconcerted that her companion didn't tell her her name, but that quickly faded and was replaced by a new sensation. Her companion had slipped her hand between her legs under the hem of her dress, and was stroking up and down over her lacey thong. Sarah was frozen, both because she was surprised and because she it felt good.



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"If it feels good, who cares?" echoed through her mind. She closed her eyes and just let the sensations overwhelm her. Her companion began to lick and nibble on her ear, her breath heavy. Sarah pushed her hips back against her companion's hand in silent approval of the caresses. Her companion, sensing her approval, pushed her beneath the thin lacey fabric of her thong, and pushed two fingers in between Sarah's pussy lips. Wet with excitement the fingers glided easily into her pussy. She began to work her fingers in and out of her while rubbing her clit with her thumb.

Sarah's moans grew louder, but in the club, it didn't matter and she knew it. She let herself fall into the sensations. Her companion pushed her whole body against Sarah. She felt trapped by her companion, but she had no compulsion to escape.

"Mmmm pet, you like this, don't you?" her companion spoke into her ear. "This is only the beginning. I have so much more for you."

"Oooh, yes. Please don't stop," Sarah managed. Her conscious and rationale mind was no longer in the moment, and all she could feel was the heat of her companion's body against hers and her fingers fucking her pussy and rubbing her clit. She pushed her hips against her companion's hand, building a rhythm with her finger fucking. Her breathing was ragged, and she knew she was near climax.

"Pet, do you know the rules?" her companion asked, pulling her face back so she could look Sarah in the eyes. Sarah's eyes focused, and looked back at her companion with confusion.

"Rules? I don't understand," she answered.

"Yes my pet, the rules. No cumming without my permission. You must ask for permission. Do you understand?" her companion informed her, all the while increasing the pace of her thrusting.

"OOooohh. Yesssss......I understand. Oh God....I'm ready...please may I cum?" Sarah asked.

Her companion smiled. "So soon my pet? I think you can wait just a little longer," she replied with a wicked grin and slid her other hand between their bodies and cupped her breast. Sarah gasped as she fought against her desire to cum and tried to play by the rules. Her companion watched her for another minute. Sarah was looking into her companion's eyes, trying to focus her thoughts to prevent herself from cumming. The sensations between her legs kept pushing her toward an inevitable ending, and she wasn't sure she was going to be able to play by the rules. She pleaded with her eyes.

"Oh, please," she hissed, "may I cum, oh god I need it."

"OK pet, you've earned it. Cum for me!" she ordered. With this, Sarah closed her eyes and relaxed letting her climax consume her. She cried out, but didn't hear herself as the music continued to fill the air. If her companion hadn't been pressing her up against the wall, she probably would have fallen to the floor. Her orgasm rippled through her entire body, leaving her fingers tingling. As she was coming down from her orgasm, Sarah opened her eyes again. Her companion was grinning like she had just won a prize.

"Mmmm that was delicious, wasn't it?" her companion said raising her cum slick fingers to her mouth and licking them. "Now, give me your panties."

"What? My panties?" Sarah asked despite the fact that she was already reaching for them to push them off of her hips.

"Yes my pet. I require them, and you won't need them anymore tonight," she said simply. Still somewhat in a haze from her powerful orgasm, and hoping that this meant more was coming, slipped her thong from her hips, and they fell to her ankles. She stepped out of them with one foot, and used the other to lift them to her hand and then held them up for her companion.

Her companion smiled at the offer, and took the thong. It disappeared into the folds of her companion's clothes.

"Very good. You are such a quick learner. You must have been a good student in school," her companion commented. Sarah felt herself blushing, thinking about the irony of the statement. "Now, like all good teachers, I wouldn't want you overwhelmed with your first night's lessons, so that's all for now. But don't worry, there will be more. Its time you went home now."

"But, I don't even know your name? How will—"

"Sshhh...don't you worry about that. All in good time. You said you trusted me, right? Now, remember, I said no cumming without asking for permission. That's your homework -- don't cum," her companion said, smiling.

"Yes, but—"

Her companion stopped her, holding up a finger.

"Off you go, trust me."

Sarah was now totally confused, but was feeling scolded like a school girl. She had no retort, and somehow sensed that doing so would not be prudent. Her companion backed away, and allowed her to move away from the wall. With her eyes, she directed Sarah out of the club, looking from her to the exit on the far side of the club. Sarah felt both compelled to do as she was being told and rejected at the same time.

She turned toward the exit, took a few steps, then stopped and turned back to her companion. She was gone. Feeling totally lost at this point, Sarah continued toward the exit. She moved through the crowd, but this time, she was bumped and jostled as the dancers writhed to the music not noticing her. When she got outside, the cool night air startled her out of her daze. She immediately realized she wasn't wearing panties and while she had only been wearing a thong before, somehow now felt totally exposed. She quickly got the attention of a cabbie that had just dropped off a load of new club goers.

Upon returning home, Sarah was both excited and dejected. On one hand, she clearly had just had one of the most erotic encounters of her life. Not only had she been finger fucked by a complete stranger, the stranger was a beautiful young woman. A beautiful woman who now had her thong as a trophy. This thought brought on the dejected feeling. Was she just a trophy? Was she just a notch on some perverted girls bed post? Was she really so desperate that she could be manipulated so easily? But she has said there was more. Despite the fact that she didn't know her name, Sarah tried to convince herself that she would see this woman again. She could return to the club and find her?

She realized that she was just rationalizing, and decided she had better just go to bed and forget about it for now. At least she had proven that she could go out and find excitement.


The rest of her weekend was quiet. She thought about going back to the club Saturday night, but talked herself out of it. Going back and not finding her mystery companion would only make things worse. Better to think of this as a notch on her bedpost. She was the one who had the mind-blowing orgasm after all.

She checked her laptop throughout the weekend, and responded to each student that had complete their journal entry and emailed her. She finished her last response late Sunday night, and put away her laptop. She was already changed and ready for *****, so she crawled into bed, turned off the lights, and tried to go to *****. A car drove by on the road outside, stereo blaring. All she could really hear was the base beat. She wondered how anyone could have their volume so high in a car that she could hear it. The base beat pulsed and faded as the car got further away. The sounds brought images of Friday night to her mind. She tried to remember what her companion looked like. While she had spent an hour dancing with her under the lights, and then their encounter in the back of the club, Sarah had a hard time picturing her face. She could remember her tight corset, and her knee high black spiked boots. She had long dark hair, and she knew she was pretty, but her face was now a blur in her memory. She could remember dark eye shadow and dark eyes. But her scent was in her mind. And the feeling of being pressed up against her in the dark, her pussy being fucked by her fingers. The warmth of her breath on her ear.



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Laying in bed, recalling these details, Sarah found her hand had wandered to her pussy, and she was lightly running her fingers along her lips. With her eyes closed, she imagined the heat of her companion pushing against her, and her fingers sliding in and out of her pussy. Her own fingers found their way into her panties, and she began to slowly push two fingers inside herself. In her mind, she could feel the her companion's hot breath in her ear as she licked and teased her ear with her teeth. Sarah's fingers pushed deeper still, and a moan escaped from her lips. She could feel herself working toward an orgasm. She pulled her now wet fingers from her pussy and rubbed her clit in gentle circles.

" cumming without permission..." echoed in her mind. Sarah remembered the homework that her companion had given her when she had told her to go home. She opened her eyes, and withdrew her hand from her clit. She was only moments away from climax. She yearned for release, but something inside her relished the idea of obeying her companion's order. It was naughty. Taboo. It made her feel like her companion was still there by abiding by her rule. Sarah brought her fingers to her mouth and licked them, tasting herself on her fingers and smiled. She rolled over and giggled to herself satisfied that she had done her homework.


Thoughts of her weekend escapade didn't enter her mind all morning as Sarah taught her classes. She was busy with students and the flow of the school day. Students were filing out of her room as they made their way to their next class. Her creative writing class was next, and she was looking forward to talking to the students about their first major assignment. She was looking over her notes when she heard the clicking of heels as someone walked up to her desk. She looked up from her notes, and found herself staring into a pair of piercing dark eyes. Long black shimmering black hair framed the girls face, and dark eye shadow made her dark eyes stand out. A familiar perfume smell permeated her senses, and Sarah was frozen. Her mystery companion stood at her desk with a look of triumph on her face.

"Hi Ms. Avery, my name is Mortisha Hanson. I'm new, and I'm transferring into your class. You can call me Tish, in class," she said. She held out a familiar blue paper form that the guidance office used for class changes. Sarah had to sign it to approve the transfer. Sarah's mind was frozen as her eyes jumped back and forth from the form to the girls face. She was trying to fathom the implications of the girl standing in front of her desk.

"I need your permission to join the class," Tish said somewhat impatiently as she continued to hold the paper out over Sarah's desk. Sarah realized she needed to take the form and sign it. She reached out to take the form, and saw that her hand was trembling slightly. As she pulled the form from Tish's hand, she noticed something was laying on the desk beneath the paper. As she put the paper down in front of her, she suddenly realized that sitting on her desk was her black thong from Friday night. She gasped, and reached for it. Tish was faster, and picked it up holding it in front of her against her stomach.

"Sign the form, please," she said, obviously implying that with the signature she would hand over the thong.

"Umm...of course," Sarah mumbled, quickly signing the form, and looking around Tish's body to see if any of the other students in the room were watching. Fortunately, only a few more student had arrived, and they were talking and not looking her way. Sarah looked back at Tish, offering the form to her. "Here, please!!" she said in a quiet, but desperate voice.

Tish smiled at her. She was clearly enjoying herself. She took the form with her other hand. Then she raised the thong to her face and extended her tongue out, and flicked it over the fabric. She smiled down at Sarah suggestively.

"Mmm...the stories I could tell," Tish said, purring. The implications of that statement were not lost to Sarah. She dropped the thong on the desk. Sarah grabbed the thong and pulled it behind the desk. "I'll just take my seat," Tish said, "I'm so looking forward to this class." She turned around, and sashayed her way to the middle of the front row of desks, and took a seat.

Sarah could feel her face flush. She reached down, and pushed the thong into her laptop bag that was on the floor at her feet. More kids were streaming into class, chatting and pulling out notebooks, and taking seats. When the first bell rang, all fifteen students were seated and ready to start. Sarah was still seated, but she wasn't sure she was going to be able to even stand. She looked back down at her notes, and decided she could sit for awhile.

"Hello everyone, I guess we can get going now." Sarah began, trying to sound in control. She could feel a waver in her voice as her body had yet to recover from the shock of seeing Tish in her class. She kept talking, and in a few minutes, she felt like she was in command of herself again. As she talked to the class about their first major writing assignment, she avoided making eye contact with Tish.

Tish was sitting with her hands folded on the desk, smiling at Sarah.

Sarah asked the students to pair off to share with each other their initial ideas for the new writing assignment. They would each be responsible for writing a character description. This character would serve as the main character in a short story that they would eventually write. As the students paired off, they naturally turned to their friends, and Sarah quickly realized that her original plan had a flaw. With fifteen students instead of fourteen as she had originally planned for, there would be one student without a partner, and that student was Tish.

This didn't seem to both Tish in the least. She rose from her desk, and sashayed back to the front of the room, pulled a chair from a side table, and sat down next to Sarah's desk at the front of the room.

"Hello again, Ms. Avery. Seems you'll have to be my partner. I think we should get along just fine though, don't you?" Tish asked with an knowing smile on her face.

"Of course, Tish," Sarah responded, not knowing what else to say. "So, do you have any ideas for the character you'd like to sketch?"

"Hmm...yes, I was thinking that it would be fun to explore a woman trying to find her place in the world. You know what I mean? She is smart, passionate, pretty, but she is also hiding a dark secret about herself. She can't share her true self with the world because she is afraid of what the world would think if it learned about her true desires. This inner turmoil is building inside her. What do you think?"

"Um, yes I think that could work," Sarah replied. A sense of dread was building in the pit of her stomach.

"Great. There are so many things that I can imagine for this woman. She will do anything to make sure her secret is kept, don't you think?" Tish asked.

Sarah paused, understanding what Tish was really asking.

"Yes Tish, I think you are right. For that kind of secret, a woman would do anything to protect herself," Sarah affirmed.

"Oh, I'm so glad you agree. I am so looking forward to working with you Ms. Avery." Tish was smiling radiantly.

The end of class bell rang, and the students looked toward Sarah for direction. Sarah reacted instinctively, "OK class. I hope that you had a good talk with your partner and got some good feedback. I'd like to see a draft of this character sketch by mid-week. See you all tomorrow."

The students packed their things, and exited the room. With such a small class, the room was empty in no time — except for Tish who remained seated next to Sarah.

"It's so convenient that we have lunch right after class, isn't it my pet?" Tish asked rhetorically. "You don't mind if I call you pet, do you?" she asked continuing to pose questions as statements more then questions. Sarah was mortified. This student had finger fucked her in a dance club, and she clearly was looking to use this information to blackmail her.

"Tish, what do you want?" she asked, not wanting to make any offers. She was afraid of what she might ask for. Sarah was already dreading the answer, but had already decided in her mind that if it meant compromising her professional ethics, and giving this girl straight A's in turn for her silence, she was willing to do it. She had not even considered what came out of her mouth.

"You," Tish stated flatly.

"What?" Sarah posed in confusion.

"You, my pet. I only want you to spend some extra time with me, that's all," Tish explained. "Do that, and no one will ever know about our little secret. Refuse me, and I'm sure the Principal would love to hear about how you opened your legs to a complete stranger at the Asylum. I'm sure that would play well in the school paper too."

Sarah was stunned at the girl's response. She had no options. She wasn't entirely clear what she meant by "spend some extra time" but the alternative she did understand.

"I'd be happy to spend as much time with you as I can, Tish," Sarah said as genuinely as she could.

"Oh dearest pet, that makes me so happy. I'll let you know soon when we will meet again outside of class!" she exclaimed. Then, she stood, turned, and sashayed out of class. Sarah stared at her bewildered.

The rest of Sarah's day went by in a blur. When her last class ended, she was pretty sure she no one had noticed, but she couldn't even remember what she had said to her students. All she could really remember was promising to spend extra time with Tish, and she was still trying to imagine what she had gotten herself into


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Over the course of the next week, Tish acted like any student in class, for the most part. Sarah did notice that despite her fashion sense, which diverged from the popular crowd, Tish seemed to be well accepted among the other kids in class. Sarah never noticed the types of things that kids often do, thinking no one will see, to express their derision or lack of acceptance of other students in class. No rolling of the eyes, whispers to another peer or sideways glances when they thought no one but their friend was paying attention. Little do students realize how much teachers do actually see and notice that goes left untouched or dealt with.

Tish's goth-girl look did get some extra glances from some of the boys, and one girl actually, that Sarah noticed. Her tight corsets, and short mini skirts, high heeled boots, thigh high stockings that usually did not extend as far as the end of her skirts, and her striking use of makeup seemed to make her a desired bad girl. Her self-confidence and the way she carried herself, and her take no prisoners way of expressing her thoughts to the class all added up to a confident, powerful personality.

All this seemed to explain a lot of things about how she seemed to be able to move among any social caste in the high school, and at the same time, terrified Sarah knowing that she had her future in her hands. Just the hint of any impropriety was enough to ruin a teacher's career even if no evidence could be found. At least, Sarah had the sense of well-being that she had gotten her thong back.

The weekend came and went, and a week after Tish had made it clear that she intended to use their tryst against her, Sarah was starting to relax. Maybe Tish had decided that it wasn't worth it, or maybe she really wasn't that calculating. Class with Tish was uneventful. The kids had started their drafts of their character sketches, and a few students had emailed her drafts to review. When the bell rang, the normal exodus occurred, but this time, when Sarah looked up from her desk, she found Tish standing in front of her with a wicked smile on her face.

"Hi pet," she purred, "I bet you thought I wasn't going to grace you with my presence. I wanted to let you know that you needn't be disappointed. After school today, I'll be stopping by your home for some extra attention. I think I need to explore more deeply this character. You remember, don't you? She has a secret, and it's enough to drive her to do anything to keep it."

Sarah was speechless, and she had a nauseous feeling sweep through her body. Her shock was clearly evident on her face as Tish gave her a concerned look.

"Oh, my sweet little pet, there's nothing to fear. I won't hurt you. Remember our first time together? That felt good didn't it? You told me you trusted me. I haven't lost that trust already have I?" she asked rather rhetorically.

"Um.....No Tish, I...I still trust you," Sarah managed to respond.

"Oh good. Then I'll see you this afternoon. One more thing. I wouldn't want to betray your trust, so when I said I wouldn't hurt you—"

Sarah gasped at the unfinished statement.

Tish giggled. "Nothing like that silly. It might hurt, but you'll thank me later. I promise you that!" Tish had been inching closer and closer to Sarah who was frozen in her desk chair. By now, Tish was leaning over her desk, her face only inches from Sarah's. Tish leaned forward, and for an instant, Sarah thought Tish was going to kiss her. At the last moment, Tish stopped her motion and whispered.

"You haven't earned these lips yet, my pet. But this afternoon, if you are good, maybe you will..." The suggestion in these words did not have the effect that Sarah's conscious mind said it should. She wanted to feel disgusted, revolted, and even out right angry that Tish would suggest that Sarah would want to continue what never should have begun. However, a tingle between her thighs betrayed a wonton desire. The same self-confidence that seemed to keep the boys in class entranced by her was having the same effect on Sarah.

While she was trying to sort this out in her mind, she realized that Tish had already pushed back, and was walking out of the room, hips swaying back and forth, heels clicking.

"Dear God, what have I gotten myself into?" Sarah asked herself when Tish was out of the room. It was at this moment that she fully realized what Tish had just said. "It might hurt, but you'll thank me later. I promise you that." Did she really mean that? Sarah was no prude, but she had never really considered S&M as something that she would ever want. How could pain be arousing? She hated pain, in fact. Now, Sarah wasn't simply confused by her bodies reaction to Tish, but she was completely stupefied. 

"Hurt me? Thank her?" she muttered to herself. Sarah closed her eyes, and pushed the thoughts from her head. She still had classes to teach, and she needed to eat lunch.

At the end of her last class that day, she felt better as the routine of teaching had grounded her. It wasn't until she pulled into her driveway that she started to realize that something bad was going to happen, and she had no idea what to do.

She sat on her couch and did nothing. She couldn't figure out what to do. Tish said she would be coming to her home. Sarah knew this was not good, but she had no idea what to do about it. Tish had all the power. It was Sarah's professional career on the line, and Tish knew it. She closed her eyes and tried to take a deep breath to calm herself when a light rap on her door startled her.

As she walked to the door, her feet felt like lead. She peeked through the peephole and saw Tish staring back at her. She began to slowly turn the door knob, trying to delay the inevitable. When the door was open, Tish stood waiting at her doorstep, staring intently into her eyes. There was a silence that felt like it lasted forever, but Sarah knew it was only seconds before Tish spoke.

"Pet, are you going to invite me in?" Tish asked, somewhat annoyed. Sarah had a fleeting thought about the myths that said vampires can't enter your home without an invitation, and felt her stomach turning as she responded.

"Um, yes, of course, please Tish, come in."

"Thank you, pet. Now that wasn't so hard was it? We'll have to work on your manners," Tish said as she walked past Sarah and into the living room. Sarah followed her not knowing what else to do. Tish sat on the couch, and looked up at Sarah. Sarah stood before Tish hesitantly. "Now, now pet. Don't be nervous. You may kneel here on the floor before me and relax," Tish said in a reassuring voice.

Sarah was dumbfounded by Tish's statement. Kneel? She stood trying to decide what to do.

"You can stand too if you like, for now, but you will learn to follow my directions sooner or later -- the hard way or the easy way. I know what you are thinking. Let me reassure you, this is really happening, and you will learn your place, pet. I will expose you for the slut that you are if you choose not to cooperate. Trust me, you'll have much more fun doing things my way. Now, please kneel and relax," Tish again looked from Sarah's eyes to the floor before her and back and smiled.

Sarah was numb, and slowly fell to her knees. As she did so, she felt her resolve fading.

"Good. Now, let's get right to business, shall we? Take off your blouse," she commanded. Sarah remained motionless. "Now, pet are you going to be difficult? Take off your blouse!" Sarah did not want to give in to Tish's commands. She was already kneeling.

She looked up at Tish, and tried to speak but nothing came out of her mouth. Her mouth was dry, and she could feel herself paralyzed with a mix of fear and anticipation.

"Well then, if you are not going to do as I say, then I'll do it myself. But, you will be punished for your disobedience later. Is that what you want?" Tish asked.

Sarah didn't know what to say. She could hear the words, but she couldn't make heads or tails of them. She only knew that if she cooperated, she would be complicit in something she knew was wrong. Before, she hadn't known Tish was a student. But now, everything was different.

"I see I will need to teach you more lessons, my pet," Tish said like she was talking to a puppy, then proceeded to unbutton Sarah's blouse. When she had finished unbuttoning it, she pushed the blouse off of her shoulders, and allowed it to fall exposing Sarah's bra.

"Now the bra, please," Tish ordered.

Sarah managed a whispered plea, "No, please Tish."

Tish smiled, and ran a finger lightly from Sarah's belly button up her torso and beneath her chin, lifting it so they could look into each others' eyes. "Are you saying you don't want this? You know how I can make you feel, remember, pet?"

Sarah wanted to protest. Tish ran her nails over Sarah's breasts, teasing her nipples. Sarah felt her nipples grow immediately hard.

"It seems like you are enjoying this, aren't you pet?" Tish unclasped the bra, and it fell away from Sarah's breasts. She caressed her naked nipples, then pushed the bra from Sarah's shoulders. The bra fell to the floor. Sarah stared at Tish's feet, unable to meet her gaze anymore. She felt humiliated and scared, but her nipples were hard. She felt herself beginning to get wet with arousal. She was totally confused by her body's reactions.

"Good. Mmm your nipples look so sexy. Would you like me to kiss your hard little nipples? Hmmm? Lick them? Suck them? I know, you want me to bite them, don't you pet?" Tish purred. Sarah flushed as she listened to her. Her mind was screaming "No" but with each lurid suggestion, Sarah felt her arousal increase. "Answer me, pet," TIsh commanded.

Sarah hesitated. Her body was betraying her. "If it feels good, who cares?" echoed through her head, but she knew that she things were different now.

"" Sarah barely spoke above a whisper. Sarah was trying to build the resolve to refuse Tish, to try and fight her body's arousal when a sudden sharp pain erupted into her thoughts. Sarah cried out in pain, and she reflexively reached for the source of pain, her nipples. Her movement was halted abruptly by Tish's voice.

"Stop! I didn't say you could move your hands, and I asked you a question. I'm still waiting for an answer," she spoke with a calm but authoritative voice.

The pain was dissipating as Sarah realized that Tish had actually pinched her nipples. Tish was still holding her nipples between her thumb and forefinger, but now instead of pinching hard, she was slowly rolling them between her fingers. The pain disappeared, and was quickly replaced by a tingling sensation that made Sarah's arousal increase yet again.

"Answer me, pet," Tish repeated.

"Yes," Sarah whispered before she even thought about her answer.

"Yes? Yes what, pet?" Tish asked with the best teacher-tell-me-more intonation.

"Yes....yes...I...I want kiss my...nipples," Sarah whispered in reply, struggling to get the words out. Once she had, she had a falling feeling. She had stepped off the cliff, and into the abyss. The pain erupted again, and Sarah again cried out in pain and surprise and just as quickly, it was gone replaced by the sensuous caressing.



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"I know you are new, but the appropriate answer would have started or ended with Mistress. As in 'Mistress, yes I want you to kiss my nipples' or 'Yes I want you to kiss my nipples, Mistress'. Do you understand?" Tish said without any hint of recognition of the pain she had just inflicted on Sarah.

"Yes...yes, Mistress, I understand, Mistress," Sarah replied. Her eyes were still closed, and she was fighting the urge to moan in delight as Tish's fingers continued to play with her nipples. Her rationale mind was losing the battle and was in full retreat.

"Good, pet. You are a quick learner. Now, please remove the rest of your clothing. You won't be needing them, and I want to see my pet."

Sarah kept her eyes closed as she fumbled with her skirt, but was soon standing in nothing but her panties. She hesitated as she reached for the waistband, as the last vestige of her rationale mind tried to climb out of the abyss, but she had fallen too far. She hooked her thumbs under the waistband, and pushed them to her ankles, and stepped out of her panties. She stood naked and exposed before Tish. Her breathing short and quick as she fought her nervousness and arousal, trying to remain calm.

Tish moved closer to Sarah. Sarah could feel Tish's breath on her lips. Then fingers slowly stroking her pussy lips. She was already wet with arousal.

"Well well, you are enjoying yourself, no denying it," Tish purred feeling the slickness between Sarah's legs. "Do you remember how good it felt to trust me?" she asked, pushing two fingers inside Sarah's wet pussy.

Sarah gasped at the intrusion. Waves of pleasure swept through her. Tish's fingers worked in and out of her pussy in a slow but steady rhythm.

"Yes, Mistress. I remember. I trust you, Mistress," Sarah whispered. Sarah could already feel herself nearing climax. In the back of her mind, she realized she was more aroused then she should be. Was it the fear? The ***********? The taboo nature of it? Sarah knew that something was driving her arousal more then usual, but she didn't really care what it was--it felt good.

"Good. Now, remember I said I was coming to get some extra attention, and so far, I don't think I've received any attention," Tish stated, and withdrew her fingers. Sarah was so near her climax that the sudden withdrawl was almost painful. She opened her eyes and found herself nose to nose with Tish. "I told you that you might earn these lips," Tish said, her tongue playing across her lips wetting them. "And if you are really good, you might even earn another orgasm. But only if you are really really good," Tish said salaciously.

Tish took Sarah's nipple again and used it to pull her. She led Sarah down the hallway toward her bedroom. Tish peeked into each open doorway as they walked down the hall passing a bathroom and small guest room before they arrived at her bedroom. Tish pulled Sarah to the foot of her bed, then turned to face her, standing so close that Sarah's instincts were to back up. She managed to resist the impulse. As she looked up into Tish's eyes, her second impulse was to wrap her arms around her small waist and pull her into an embrace. She resisted this urge too.

"Good, my pet," Tish said, her lips so close to Sarah's that she could feel Tish's breath on her lips as she spoke. "Now, I'm in need of some attention. It's been too long since I felt the soft touch of a woman. On your knees, my pet," she ordered as she slid herself onto the foot of the bed. Sarah knelt.

"Help me remove these boots. I wouldn't want to soil your bedspread with them, now would I?" Tish raised one leg to Sarah. Her knee length black boot extended toward her. Sarah saw that the boot was criss-crossed from ankle to knee with laces. She started to undo the laces, and loosen the them. When she had enough of the laces loosened, she pulled the boot from her foot. She did the same for the other boot. Tish ran her fishnet covered feet along the underside of Sarah's breasts, then began to touch her nipples. Sarah just looked down and watched her nipples grow harder and more erect.

"Pet, I'm still not the center of your attention. You must learn to focus on me even when your are receiving stimulation. I touch you to please me. You must only worry about pleasing me as well. Now, come here and help me out of the rest of my clothes."

Sarah carefully helped undress Tish. As more and more of her tight young body was revealed to her, Sarah's sense of taboo grew and with it her anticipation and excitement.

"Thank you, my pet. Where shall we start?" she asked with a lurid undertone.

"Um...I don't..." Sarah stammered. She wanted to run away. She also wanted to wrap herself around Tish and press her lips to her lips. To feel her skin touching her skin.

Tish raised one foot and extended it toward Sarah. Sarah looked at her small foot, then to Tish's eyes. Tish met her gaze, then looked back to her foot. She raised it higher, tracing her toes along her neck and to her chin. Sarah understood, and lowered her face, and began to kiss Tish's toes.

"That's a good girl. Let me feel your tongue. Mmmm...yes, suck on my toes. Lick them. Its important that you remember your place, my pet. That's nice. Good. Now show me how much you love Mistress's feet."

Sarah closed her eyes and kissed and licked Tish's foot, working her way from the big toe to the little toe. When she had kissed, licked, and sucked on each toe, she felt Tish's other foot pushing its way into her mouth. She repeated her licking and kissing until she had given each toe its share of attention. She opened her eyes, and looked up between Tish's legs. Her miniskirt had ridden up her thights, exposing her shaved pussy lips. She could see they were beginning to swell with excitement. Sarah thought she could see a sheen of moisture on them.

"Mmm...good girl, my pet. I know what you want," Tish said, spreading her legs wider and allowing her miniskirt to ride up her thighs even more. Sarah looked up at Tish's face. Tish was smiling down at her with a knowing grin. Sarah saw triumph in her eyes, and she knew that she was powerless to rebel. "Come here, pet. Show Mistress how much you want to please her, hmm?"


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Mari femelle

Homme marié de 41 ans, père de deux enfants étudiants, cadre supérieur, Marc était le prototype de l'homme qui semble avoir réussi sa vie. Pourtant il avait toujours aimé les hommes et la soumission et il comptait bien profiter de l'absence prolongée de sa famille pour réaliser quelques fantasmes.
C'est ainsi qu'il était entré en contact avec Mohammed sur un site internet. Il lui avait montré sa vraie nature de femelle et s'était exhibé devant sa webcam, prenant toutes les positions que lui ordonnait Mohammed.
Celui-ci lui avait indiqué qu'il cherchait à recruter une douzaine de femmes pour une croisière en Atlantique avec des clients dont il devait garder l'identité secrète. Ces femmes devaient nécessairement être belles et, surtout, extrêmement salopes et disponibles pour une durée de trois semaines.
Bien que Marc soit un homme, Mohammed pensait que *** profil pourrait intéresser ses clients et qu'il ferait une excellente treizième femelle.
A cette idée, Marc s'était presque pâmé d'excitation et avait répondu qu'il se débrouillerait pour se rendre disponible trois semaines et ferait tout ce que Mohammed lui ordonnerait.
Mohammed lui dit de se trouver 8 jours plus tard au port d'Ars, dans l'Ile de Ré. Marc devait arriver en voiture à 3 heures précises du matin et rester dans *** véhicule jusqu'à ce qu'un bateau qui l'attendrait en bas du quai lui fasse signe. Marc devait venir habillé en femme, ou plus précisément vêtu seulement d'une guêpière, d'un porte-jarretelles, de bas résille et de talons aiguille très hauts. Il ne devrait porter ni perruque, ni string ou culotte, devrait avoir une barbe de trois jours mais cependant se mettre sur les lèvres un rouge à lèvres éclatant. Il ne devait pas se raser le corps non plus, excepté la verge, les testicules et l'anus.
Marc acheta immédiatement les vêtements qu'il devrait porter et des escarpins à talons aiguille de 14 cm de haut. Se regardant dans un miroir, il ne put s'empêcher de se trouver ainsi sexuellement attirant. Mince, assez musclé, peu poilu, bien monté, le cul rond et ferme, il ne put s'empêcher de bander en se voyant en tenue de pute. Il s'essaya à marcher, haut perché sur ses talons aiguille, essayant de bien onduler de la croupe comme une femme. C'était la première fois qu'il portait ce genre de tenue et il était excité au plus haut point.
Le jour J il arriva au port d'Ars un quart d'heure avant l'heure fixée. Il savait que les autres filles devaient embarquer avant lui mais il ne voyait aucun mouvement sur le quai. Il commençait à se demander s'il avait fait 500 kilomètres pour rien depuis Paris quand soudain il vit la lumière d'une lampe torche au ras du quai.
Il sortit aussitôt de sa voiture, la ferma soigneusement à clé puisqu'il devrait la laisser là peut-être trois semaines. Il sentit sur sa peau, sur ses fesses, ses testicules, la caresse du vent frais de cette nuit de septembre et marcha résolument vers le quai, sous la lumière crue d'un lampadaire. Il se demandait si on l'observait. Arrivé au bord du quai, il vit en contrebas un long canot à moteur. Sur le canot, une dizaine de filles et trois hommes d'équipage de type maghrébin.
L'un des hommes lui donna l'ordre de descendre l'échelle jusqu'au canot. Pas facile, avec des talons de 14 cm. Marc descendit lentement, sous les yeux des occupants du canot et l'éclairage de la lampe torche. Il sentait la lumière sur *** cul, sur sa raie poilue de mec marié. Il essayait d'avoir bonne contenance, gêné et excité à la pensée de tous ces yeux de femmes et d'hommes braqués sur ses fesses tendues. Enfin il arriva à bord du canot et l'un des hommes lui montra en ricanant où il devait s'assoir : sur un énorme gode qu'il lui tendait avec un sourire narquois. Mort de honte, Marc s'assit avec précaution sur le gode et le sentit entrer peu à peu dans sa chatte. Heureusement qu'il l'avait bien graissée. Les filles l'observaient avec incrédulité, avec sa barbe de trois jours, sa bouche maquillée, ses longues jambes fuselées, sa queue en semi-érection. Le matelot annonça : « la dernière salope est à bord, on peut y aller ».
Le canot démarra et fila vers le large dans le bruit feutré du moteur. Marc sentait les embruns battre *** corps, les vibrations du moteur qui se répercutaient dans *** anus et l'élargissaient. Le matelot s'avança et lui présenta sa queue raidie : « toujours ça de pris, une pipe par cette femelle ». Consciencieusement, Marc prit le sexe dans sa bouche et entreprit une fellation, s'appliquant jusqu'à ce que le mec jouisse d'un long jet crémeux en lui intimant l'ordre de ne pas avaler mais de garder sa semence en bouche. « Montre ta langue, salope, tu aimes ça, hein? Tu vas en manger, crois-moi. Avale tout maintenant et ne perds pas une goutte. Tu es une vraie femelle toi, tu n'es plus un homme à partir de maintenant, compris? ». Humblement, Marc acquiesça et baissa les yeux en se léchant les lèvres. La fille en face de lui le fixait des yeux.
Le canot avançait rapidement vers un long yacht illuminé, mouillé à deux ou trois kilomètres de la côte. Arrivé contre *** bord, le canot stoppa. Au bastingage on distinguait plusieurs hommes accoudés, attendant avec curiosité et excitation ces femmes qui arrivaient pour se faire baiser pendant trois semaines.
Une échelle de coupée fut descendue. « Allez les femmes, on embarque », cria un des matelots.
Le coeur battant à tout rompre et se demandant ce qui allait lui arriver pendant ces trois semaines, paradis ou cauchemar, Marc commença à monter lentement la coupée, au milieu des autres femmes dont il faisait maintenant partie.


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Les filles commencèrent à embarquer l'une après l'autre. Toutes étaient dans la tenue prescrite, celle de Marc, sauf qu'elles portaient un string et lui pas. Il ne put s'empêcher de penser que c'était tant mieux car le string n'aurait jamais pu cacher ses attributs masculins et il aurait été complètement ridicule. Il monta l'échelle de coupée le dernier. Une fois les filles rassemblées sur le pont, les matelots remontèrent rapidement le canot : il y a avait peu de fond et le yacht devait s'éloigner rapidement en profitant de la marée montante.

Sous les yeux excités des hommes d'équipage, presque tous d'origine pakistanaise ou indienne, tout le monde fut rassemblé dans le roof du pont supérieur. Leurs yeux étonnés allaient d'une fille à l'autre. L'un des hommes d'équipage, un mec grand et de forte corpulence, apparemment maghrébin, donnait des ordres tout en fixant Marc du regard. Ce doit être le maître d'équipage, pensa Marc. Un officier entra alors pour s'adresser aux filles.

Il leur expliqua que les propriétaires du yacht étaient d'une famille princière du golfe Persique. Ils se réservaient les plus belles filles. Trois autres filles seraient pour les 5 officiers du bord. Tous les hommes à bord, comme toutes les femmes devaient être sains et les princes avaient exigé de tous le certificat nécessaire. « Quant à toi, dit-il en s'adressant à Marc, tu seras la femelle des 18 hommes d'équipage ». Marc ne bandait plus du tout et sentait sa queue devenir de plus en plus petite au fur et à mesure que *** inquiétude grandissait. Il s'était attendu à trois semaines de plaisir et il voyait se profiler en réalité trois semaines qui pourraient bien virer au cauchemar.

Il n'y avait que dix filles au lieu des douze prévues, plus Marc. L'officier choisit rapidement 7 filles parmi les plus belles et les envoya rejoindre leurs hôtes. Les trois autres sortirent à leur tour, suivies par l'officier. Il ne restait plus que Marc dans la salle, au milieu d'une demi-douzaine d'hommes. Le maître d'équipage s'approcha de Marc, en fit le tour puis lui donna l'ordre de se pencher en avant en cambrant bien les reins. Marc s'exécuta et alla même plus loin, instinctivement, en écartant les fesses. Passées ses premières inquiétudes, il sentait une excitation le gagner, la plus forte qu'il ait jamais ressentie. Il essayait désespérément de ne pas bander mais il entra malgré lui dans une formidable érection qui fit s'esclaffer les hommes présents.
Le maître d'équipage lui caressa la croupe, puis lui infligea une forte claque ***ore et introduisit *** index dans sa chatte pour en tester l'élasticité. Marc se tortilla un peu pour faciliter l'accès à sa chatte et permettre au maître d'équipage d'enfoncer *** doigt le plus loin possible. Toute honte bue, il se sentait prêt désormais à être la femelle des 18 matelots du bord, si toutefois une salope comme lui pouvait les intéresser autant qu'une femme.

Le maître d'équipage lui expliqua quel serait *** rôle pendant les trois semaines. « Je m'appelle Abdou, lui dit-il, c'est moi qui dirige les hommes d'équipage. Il n'y a que deux femmes à bord, mais ce ***t de vielles femmes, la gouvernante et la cuisinière des princes. Il y a deux semaines qu'on a quitté Cannes et on a besoin d'une femme. Tu feras l'affaire et on t'appellera Loubna. On va d'abord bien te dresser pour que tu comprennes ce qu'on attend de toi ».

Abdou fit un signe à deux hommes qui encadrèrent Marc, devenu Loubna, et ils le conduisirent au fond du bateau dans les quartiers de l'équipage. Ils l'enfermèrent dans un vaste local très sommairement meublé. L'un des hommes lui mit la main aux fesses et se frotta contre *** cul, lui faisant bien sentir *** sexe dur sous *** pantalon. Puis ils s'en allèrent en fermant la porte à clé.
Marc se retrouva seul. Il sentait aux mouvements du bateau et au bruit du moteur tout proche que le yacht prenait rapidement de la vitesse. Plus moyen de revenir en arrière. La seule façon pour que les choses se passent « bien » était de jouer le rôle qu'on lui avait assigné -et qu'il avait lui-même recherché même s'il ne s'était jamais attendu à une « tâche » d'une telle ampleur.

Sans montre, Marc ne savait pas quelle heure il était. Il décida de s'étendre sur la maigre couchette de la cabine. Il n'y avait pas de couverture. Quasiment nu, il avait froid. Il se réveilla d'un sommeil léger quand la porte s'ouvrit au petit matin. C'était Abdou.

« Nous sommes maintenant en haute mer et nous allons en direction des Canaries. Voilà comment ça va se passer pour toi. Tu es venu ici de ton plein gré et maintenant il va falloir assurer car il y a 18 hommes à satisfaire. Pour commencer, on va te raser, et je me fiche de savoir ce que ta femme en pensera quand tu la reverras. De toute façon, tu ne seras plus un homme après ce que tu vas vivre ici. Je reviendrai te voir quand tu seras lisse et je t'expliquerai la suite ».

Marc fut immédiatement conduit dans la salle où on devait le raser. Il dut se déshabiller complètement sous les yeux des hommes charges de sa surveillance puis s'étendre à plat ventre sur une longue table.
Les deux vielles femmes entrèrent et préparèrent leur matériel sous le regard inquiet de Marc. Il était cramoisi de honte, essayant de deviner les pensées des deux femmes. Très certainement elles devaient le mépriser comme jamais il ne l'avait été. Elles commencèrent leur besogne avec dextérité : le torse, les aisselles, les bras puis les jambes. Elles lui écartèrent les fesses et poursuivirent leur travail en silence puis le faire mettre sur le dos, jambes levées e écartées pour parfaire leur ouvrage avant de finir par *** pubis et *** sexe tout recroquevillé. Curieusement pensa Marc, elles lui laissèrent sa barbe naissante. Elles le massèrent enfin avec une huile parfumée pour adoucir et assouplir sa peau, devenu entièrement lisse et blanche.

Abdou revint et annonça qu'il essaierait Loubna le premier comme *** rang dans l'équipage l'y autorisait. Il le conduisit dans les coursives du bateau, à nouveau en guêpière, porte-jarretelles, bas résille et talons aiguille. Marc s'efforçait de garder *** équilibre et le peu de dignité que lui laissait sa situation. Ils croisèrent beaucoup d'hommes d'équipage, qui lui mirent pour la plupart une main furtive sur la croupe lorsqu'il passa devant eux. Tous le fixaient, tous savaient que leur tour viendrait. Abdou s'arrêta devant une porte, celle de sa cabine, y poussa Marc en le traitant de zamel (passif), de fatma (femelle) et de kahba (pute).
La porte se referma. Les rêves -ou les cauchemars- de Marc allaient vraiment commencer.


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Marc fut poussé violemment sur la couchette au fond de la cabine. Abdou lui ordonna de se mettre à quatre pattes, la joue sur la couchette, croupe relevée au maximum et cuisses écartées. Dans cette position, on ne voyait plus que l'anus de Marc sous la lumière crue du plafonnier. Les couilles pendantes et la verge désormais inutile, Marc se sentait soumis et s'attendait à être violé sans ménagement.
Abdou se dégrafa et s'approcha du cul exposé à sa vue. Sa bite de vingt centimètres en érection, il se positionna à l'entrée de l'orifice ainsi offert.
Il resta quelques secondes en contemplation devant cet anneau brun et légèrement entrouvert. Il cracha sur ses doigts et entreprit de lubrifier cette chatte qu'il était le premier à bord à utiliser. *** gland commença à se frayer un chemin, avec une douceur qui surprit Marc. Mais très vite Abdou s'enfonça davantage et Marc ne put retenir un cri de douleur, affolé par la sensation que ce sexe énorme allait lui déchirer l'anneau.
« Tais-toi salope », lui intima Abdou. « Tu n'auras pas mal longtemps et dans deux jours, avec tous les mecs qui te seront passés dessus, ton trou restera ouvert en permanence ».
Abdou s'enfonça d'un seul coup et vint buter au fond de la chatte de Marc qui étouffa un cri de douleur. Puis Abdou le besogna lentement, assouplissant l'anus offert, faisant de lents mouvements avant d'accélérer. Maintenant, les coups de boutoir d'Abdou se déchaînaient. Marc sentait *** trou s'ouvrir et commençait à ressentir du plaisir. Il geignait doucement, comme une femme, la femme qu'il était devenu. Il avait du mal à conserver *** équilibre sous l'effort et Abdou l'empoigna par les hanches, l'insultant en arabe. Puis tout à coup, Abdou le retourna sur la couchette, le tint par les chevilles, écartant ses jambes, sans même sortir de *** cul. Il se coucha de tout *** long sur Marc qui sentit le poids de *** corps l'écraser tandis que la langue d'Abdou forçait le passage de ses lèvres et fouillait sa bouche. Marc s'abandonna, jamais il n'avait été aussi heureux. Il comprit qu'Abdou venait et allait l'ensemencer. Dans un râle, Abdou éjacula, inondant la chatte de Marc de longs jets chauds que celui-ci sentit avec un immense bonheur.
Abdou se retira aussitôt et présenta sa queue à Marc qui s'empressa de la prendre avec reconnaissance dans sa bouche pour la nettoyer et ne pas perdre une goutte de la semence qui perlait du méat. Mais Abdou bandait encore. Il tira Marc sur le bord du lit et l'encula à nouveau d'un seul coup de reins. Lubrifiée par le sperme d'Abdou, encore béante, sa chatte accueillit le sexe dressé. Immédiatement après, Marc se sentit soulevé par des bras puissants et plaqué le dos contre la cloi*** de métal de la cabine. Assis sur la verge d'Abdou, il mit instinctivement les jambes autour de la taille de *** amant et ses bras autour de *** cou et se laissa travailler, la tête rejetée en arrière, les yeux mi-clos. Abdou plaça ses mains sous les fesses de Marc. Il le soulevait légèrement pour mieux ensuite le laisser descendre sur sa verge. Marc la sentait au fond de lui, entre ses reins, dure, vivante, palpitante. Dans cette position, il se sentait totalement femme, enfin lui-même, toute dignité d'homme abdiquée. A nouveau, au bout de quelques minutes, Abdou jouit au fond de Marc puis le releva d'un coup. Prestement, il recueillit avec la main le foutre qui s'échappait de l'anus de Marc. Il tendit la main vers la bouche de Marc qui lécha consciencieusement et avec avidité le jus épais. Il accomplissait ces gestes avec un tel naturel, un tel instinct qu'Abdou ne put s'empêcher d'éprouver furtivement une sorte d'admiration.
« C'était un aperçu de ce qui t'attend pendant trois semaines », lui dit Abou. « Il y a encore une vingtaine de mecs qui attendent leur tour, alors voilà comment ça va se passer ».
« A partir de maintenant, on va te mettre à la diète car tu as un peu de ventre pour une femelle. Pendant 4 ou 5 jours, on va te nourrir à notre façon : tu ne mangeras pas autre chose que le sperme qu'on te donnera».
Cette annonce provoqua chez Marc la plus grande excitation. Il entra en érection, pas pour longtemps car Abdou lui donna aussitôt une claque puissante sur la verge. « N'oublie pas que tu es une femme, et ta queue n'a aucune utilité ici, seuls tes trous nous intéressent ».
Puis Abdou alla ouvrir la porte de sa cabine. Plusieurs hommes attendaient dans la coursive. « Elle est à vous maintenant » leur dit Abdou en poussant sans ménagement Marc dehors. « Emmenez-la dans l'entrepont. »
Marc se retrouva au milieu de cinq hommes surexcités qui l'entourèrent, lui caressèrent les seins, les fesses, insinuèrent leurs doigts dans sa chatte humide de sperme. Ils l'emmenèrent dans un petit local, une sorte de hangar dont un côté n'était pas fermé et donnait directement sur le pont. L'un après l'autre, ils déchargèrent qui dans la bouche, qui dans la chatte de Marc, dans des halètements et des grognements de plaisir. A présent, Marc était épuisé et se serait volontiers effondré de sommeil mais il sentit qu'on lui attachait un collier autour du cou, avec une chaîne de plusieurs mètres de longueur attachée à la rambarde à l'extérieur. Le tout était fixé par deux cadenas, un sur le collier, le second à l'autre bout de la chaîne sur la rambarde.
Au sol, une paillasse, une écuelle d'eau et les godes qu'on lui avait demandé d'apporter avec lui.
Les hommes le quittèrent et Marc but avidement. Un peu plus tard, Abdou revint le voir et lui expliqua qu'il passerait ici le reste de *** séjour à bord. Il ne quitterait le local que pour être lavé et rasé par les deux vieilles femmes ou lorsqu'Abdou l'emmènerait dans sa cabine. Il serait disponible ici en permanence pour les hommes qui ne seraient pas de quart et devrait entre deux visites se goder régulièrement pour garder sa chatte toujours prête à servir.
Les jours suivants, Marc eut du mal à dormir, tenaillé par la faim et les visites incessantes des hommes d'équipage. La quatrième jour, il se surprit à attendre avec impatience ces visites, espérant chaque fois, tellement il avait faim, que les hommes déchargeraient dans sa bouche. Il se sentait sale, barbu, *** cou était blessé par le collier, il avait été fécondé des dizaines de fois et le sol autour de lui était glissant du sperme qui s'écoulait sans arrêt de *** anus dont il ne maîtrisait plus les sphincters. Mais heureusement il n'avait pas mal, *** corps s'était habitué à ce traitement.
Le cinquième jour, pendant que deux hommes se vidaient, l'un dans sa bouche, l'autre dans sa chatte, il eut la surprise de voir deux femmes. Pas les femmes âgés, non, deux des femmes réservées aux princes. Elles observaient la scène avec stupéfaction, une lueur d'excitation dans le regard. Les voyant, les deux hommes redoublèrent d'ardeur. L'un des deux jouit dans la bouche de Marc qui tourna un visage hébété vers les deux spectatrices, la bouche encore pleine de sperme. Le second homme d'équipage, un grand costaud un peu bedonnant mais monté comme un âne, voulait montrer sa ***** aux deux femmes. Il souleva Marc comme une plume, le tenant par la taille, et l'enfila d'un seul coup sur *** pieu. Marc ne put retenir un cri de surprise et de douleur. Celle-ci disparut l'instant d'après, tellement sa chatte avait été élargie les jours passés. Il ne pouvait voir le matelot car celui-ci était derrière lui et le soulevait alternativement jusqu'à ce que *** sexe ressorte complètement de sa chatte puis il l'empalait de nouveau. Dans l'intervalle, la chatte de Marc n'avait pas le temps de se refermer et il l'offrait, béante, à la vue des deux femmes, ainsi que *** sexe et ses couilles qui ballotaient, inutiles. Le matelot finit par jouir dans le cul de Marc, mais celui-ci était trop ouvert pour pouvoir retenir toute cette semence qui coula le long de ses cuisses et tomba sur le sol. En l'insultant, l'homme lui dit de lécher le sol, ce que fit Marc en s'agenouillant humblement, sa chatte continuant de relâcher de petits jets de sperme. Il avait perdu tout sentiment de dignité et cette scène avait pour les deux jeunes femmes une sorte de beauté fascinante et diabolique.


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Le soir, Marc fut à nouveau rasé par les deux vieilles femmes. Il y prit cette fois beaucoup de plaisir, se montrant bien salope, toute honte bue, écartant les fesses avec les mains, levant les jambes pour faciliter leur travail, sous l'œil fixe des deux gardiens. Il sentait que *** anus s'était très fortement élargi, et avait gagné en élasticité. Du sperme en suintait de temps à autre, que les deux femmes essuyaient méthodiquement en poursuivant imperturbablement leur travail.

Dans les jours suivants, Marc fut installé dans une sorte de parc pour enfants, posé à même le pont. Il disposait de toute une panoplie de godes et passait la journée à s'empaler et à se travailler la chatte, interrompu de temps à autre par un matelot qui venait juter dans sa bouche. Puis il reprenait *** travail, ne pensant à rien d'autre qu'à s'élargir l'anus, à s'enfoncer des godes toujours plus gros, toujours plus longs.

Le soir, deux matelots le promenaient en laisse sur le pont pour lui dégourdir les jambes. Ils croisaient fréquemment plusieurs des autres filles qui le regardaient passer, tantôt incrédules, tantôt ricanant. Marc était dans un état second, tenaillé par la faim.
La mer était belle et Marc évoluait maintenant sans aucune difficulté sur ses talons aiguille, la croupe légèrement ondulante.

Cela faisait maintenant deux semaines qu'il avait embarqué. Dans une semaine il regagnerait la terre ferme mais ne serait plus jamais le même. Pourrait-il retrouver sa famille après ce qu'il avait vécu, ou bien essaierait-il de continuer à vivre en femelle? Il y pensait de plus en plus sérieusement.

Tard le soir, lors d'une des promenades en laisse, ses geôliers et lui croisèrent un des princes, accompagné d'une fille sublime. *** regard croisa celui du prince qui le regardait fixement. Il baissa les yeux et s'approcha lorsque le prince lui en intima l'ordre. Une belle queue brune et large sortit de la djellaba et Marc comprit qu'il devait la prendre dans sa bouche. Il commença à la sucer avec application mais sentit soudain dans sa bouche un jet chaud et salé. Il eut un haut le corps mais le prince lui plaquait la tête contre *** bas ventre. L'urine lui remplissait la bouche, il respirait difficilement et finit par boire à petites gorgées.

Pendant la dernière semaine, Marc dut subir toutes sortes **************** de la part de l'équipage dont il était incontestablement devenu la chienne. Les fellations succédaient aux sodomies, sa bouche et sa chatte étaient devenues des réceptacles à l'urine de tous ces hommes. Lorsque *** ventre était trop rempli, Marc s'accroupissait et relâchait l'urine sous les regards hilares des hommes qui l'entouraient. On eût dit alors qu'il pissait comme une fille.

Puis le bateau remonta vers le nord pour ramener sa cargai*** de putes à bon port.
Une surprise avait été réservée à Marc : la totalité des hommes d'équipage lui passa sur le corps l'avant dernière nuit. Il était mis à l'abattage et les queues se succédaient dans sa bouche et dans sa chatte désormais trop élargie pour conserver tout ce foutre qui lui coulait sur les cuisses. Marc ne vivait plus que pour se donner comme aucune pute ne l'aurait fait.
Puis tout s'arrêta : le dernier jour, on le détacha et on le mena dans une cabine où il put se doucher et se reposer. Instinctivement, il se touchait la chatte et se prenait à espérer qu'un des hommes qu'il entendait passer continûment dans la coursive entrerait pour se vider. Mais la seule visite qu'il reçut fut celle d'Abdou.

« Tu as été de loin la meilleure pute du bord » lui dit-il. « Tu vas rentrer chez toi dans quelques heures mais si tu le veux tu pourras nous rejoindre l'été prochain dans le golfe de Saint-Tropez pour une autre croisière. N'oublie pas ce que tu es maintenant : une femelle qui s'appelle Loubna. On te sifflera dans un an et j'espère qu'entre-temps tu auras entraîné ta chatte ».



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Une nouvelle vie

Je m'appelle Max, j'ai 40 ans, je ne suis pas vraiment un playboy, pas vraiment moche non plus. J'ai 5 kg en trop, mais j'essaye de m'entretenir en faisant un peu de musculation. J'ai toujours aimé le sexe, mais je n'avais encore jamais vécu ce qui m'arrive maintenant.
Je suis marié depuis 17 ans et ma femme est assez conventionnelle question sexe. J'ai la chance de me déplacer souvent pour mon travail et j'en profite souvent pour aller en boite et profiter des opportunités. Lors d'un de mes déplacement, dans l'hôtel que je fréquente habituellement, j'ai rencontré la femme qui a fait basculer ma vie.
J'avais terminé mon travail et je pensais prendre une douche, me reposer dans ma chambre puis me faire un resto avant d'aller dans une boite de nuit que je connaissais...
Je traversais le hall de l'hôtel lorsqu'une femme, cheveux noirs, petite, yeux noirs entourés de kôhl, très agitée, m'interpelle: "Bonsoir, vous devez être François?" Je lui répond que non, je m'appelle Max. Elle insiste, me dit que je correspond à la description qu'on lui a donné, qu'elle doit absolument trouver François, s'agite, s'énerve, me demande pourquoi je ne veux pas reconnaître que je suis François...
Dans le hall de l'hôtel, on commence à nous regarder, je lui propose d'aller au bar afin de nous expliquer. Elle refuse et me dit "Vous êtes François et vous m'emmenez dans votre chambre!". Pour éviter un début de scandale, je la dirige vers l'ascenseur et nous rejoignons ma chambre.
Je lui propose de s'asseoir et de se calmer, je sors mon portefeuille et je lui dis: "Madame, voici mon passeport, comme vous le voyez, je m'appelle Max Garcin et non François..."
Je l'observe, ses yeux ***t magnifiques, *** visage se contracte en réalisant *** erreur, puis une larme perle à *** oeil. "Alors aidez moi, je ne sais plus que faire" me dit-elle d'une petite voix.
Le téléphone de ma chambre ***ne, le portier me demande si j'ai besoin de la police pour évacuer la femme qui m'importune, je la regarde, elle comprend qu'il s'agit d'elle et secoue la tête en soufflant NON. Je répond que la dame est partie et que tout va bien. Elle me dit "merci tu me sauves".
Je lui demande si elle veut boire quelque chose, il y a du champagne dans le mini-bar, elle accepte, je nous sert deux verres puis je lui demande de m'accorder le temps d'une douche avant de m'expliquer *** problème.
Je la laisse pour entrer dans la salle de bain, en me retournant, je la vois enlever *** manteau, je n'avais pas imaginé des seins pareils, un pull en laine moulant, pas de soutien-gorge et des seins énormes.
Je me douche, je bande en pensant à l'image de ces seins. La porte de la salle de bain s'ouvre, j'écarte le rideau de douche et je la vois entrer. Elle me dit "Je viens me faire pardonner, tu veux bien ?" Je n'ai pas le temps de répondre qu'elle se précipite sur ma queue. Je n'ai pas eu le temps d'arrêter la douche, *** pull est déjà trempé, la vue de ses seins fait doubler le volume de ma queue. Je lui repousse la tête "Arrête, je ne sais même pas ton nom et tes seins me rendent fou" Elle enlève *** pull et saute de
nouveau sur ma queue, cette fois, elle caresse mes couilles, puis ses doigts caresse mon anus, je fais un saut en arrière. Elle me dit "Mais laisse toi faire !" et recommence.
Cette fois, elle essaye de faire entrer un doigt, je fais un nouveau saut en arrière alors elle dit "Tu me laisse faire ou je m'en vais" Ma queue a tellement envie de sa bouche que je la laisse me reprendre, elle bouffe ma queue et cette fois, je ne bouge plus lorsque je sens *** doigt me pénétrer. Elle suce tellement bien que ce doigt qui va et vient de plus en plus vite commence à me plaire et tout à coup, elle se retire. Je bande comme un âne et elle me regarde, elle commence à caresser ses seins. Je m'approche pour la toucher alors elle recule et me dit "Avant de continuer je veux savoir si tu es celui que j'attends" Je lui répond qu'elle ne peut pas me laisser dans cet état alors elle me répond "Je peux te laisser comme ça, tu seras bien capable de te branler, mais je peux aussi te faire jouir comme per***ne ne l'a jamais fait, c'est pour ça que nous devons parler." Elle quitte la salle de bain, j'enfile un peignoir et je la rejoins dans ma chambre.
J'ai mal aux couilles à ***** de bander et je suis de mauvaise humeur. Elle est assise sur mon lit, elle a remis *** pull mouillé. Elle me regarde avec un sourira moqueur: "Alors tu as décidé de m'écouter? A voir cette grosse bosse, tu as préféré attendre?"


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J'ai mal aux couilles a ***** de bander et je suis de mauvaise humeur. Elle est assise sur mon lit, elle a remis *** pull mouillé. Elle me regarde avec un sourire moqueur: "Alors tu as décidé de m'écouter ? A voir cette grosse bosse, tu as préféré attendre ?"
"Maintenant tu parles ou tu te casses, j'ai faim, je suis frustré et tu m'énerves" Elle n'a pas vraiment l'air impressionnée par ma colère, avec *** pull mouillé, ses tétons qui pointent et *** jean's moulant, elle a l'air d'une vraie salope. Je n'arrive pas vraiment à lui donner un âge, les seins ***t fermes, ses fesses que je n'ai pas encore vues ont vraiment l'air bandantes par contre, les petits plis autour des yeux et de la bouche me disent entre 40 et 50 ans.
Elle me dévisage, elle ne me répond pas et commence de se caresser les seins. Je n'en peu plus, j'enlève mon peignoir et je la couche sur le lit, je relève *** pull et je frotte ma queue contre ses seins. Elle me regarde et me dis :"Tu en a mis du temps..." Alors elle me reprend dans sa bouche et commence à enlever *** jean's, je suis surpris, elle ne porte pas de slip. Tout en me suçant, elle caresse sa chatte rasée je vois vaguement des cuisses assez épaisses et un cul splendide. Ses doigts vont de plus en plus vite. Trop pour moi, je jouis dans sa bouche, elle serre sa bouche sur ma queue pour garder tout mon sperme puis elle me repousse et sa bouche cherche la mienne. Elle me fais boire mon sperme, j'essaye de me défendre, mais sa langue est la plus forte... Elle me regarde et me murmure "Tu aimes ? J'espère parce que tu vas encore en boire" Je ne suis pas sur d'avoir compris, mais en la regardant se branler je ne pose plus trop de questions. Elle est à genoux sur mon lit, sa main gauche s'agite sur *** clitoris et sa main droite caresse *** anus. Lorsqu'elle enfonce *** majeur dans *** cul, je bande de nouveau comme une âne et je m'approche d'elle. Elle me dit "Non pas encore, tu regardes et ensuite on parle..." Sans me laisser le temps de savoir si je l'écoutais ou non, elle se met à gémir, à trembler puis à pousser de petits cris. Elle a deux doigts dans *** cul et dans *** orgasmes, elle me dit viens, suce mes doigts, déguste mon cul...
Je bande toujours, je meurs de faim et je ne sais toujours pas qui est la dame assise sur mon lit, en train de finir mon verre de champagne.
"Je vais tout t'expliquer, mais va t'habiller et nous irons manger, moi aussi j'ai faim" je lui demande si elle a vu l'état de ma queue, elle me répond que si elle ne s'est pas trompée à mon sujet, elle allait bientôt s'en occuper et en mieux que dans mes fantasmes les plus fous.
Elle fouille dans ma valise et m'emprunte une chemise, lorsque je lui dit de ne surtout pas se gêner, elle rit et me demande de me dépêcher. Lorsque je suis prêt, elle a remis ses jean's et *** manteau qui cache ma chemise trop grande pour elle.
Pour éviter le portier, nous prenons l'escalier de secours. Une fois dehors de l'hôtel, j'appelle un taxi (pour mes déplacements professionnels je prend toujours le train). Je donne l'adresse d'un restaurant italien que j'aime bien. Le taxi s'ébranle lorsqu'elle me dit :"je suis désolée, mais je n'aime pas la cuisine italienne je te propose une autre adresse." Le chauffeur bougonne en disant que c'est trop loin mais change de direction pour se rendre à l'adresse qu'elle lui donne.
Nous sortons du centre ville, nous traver***s quelques villages puis le taxi s'arrête en pleine campagne en disant :"C'est ici". Je paie le taxi et nous sortons. Elle me dirige vers un portail mal éclairé et presse avec assurance sur un bouton que je n'avais même pas vu. Elle m'assure que nous sommes arrivé dans le meilleur restaurant Thai de la région. Elle se dirige vers l'homme qui vient d'apparaître et lui murmure quelque chose. Le portail s'ouvre, nous suivons une longue allée pour déboucher sur un manoir magnifique. La porte de la salle à manger s'ouvre et un maître d'hôtel nous dirige à une table isolée. On nous sert du champagne. "Maintenant, tu vas enfin répondre à mes questions, tu es qui, nous sommes ou, qui est François ?"
Laisse moi encore trois minutes me dit-elle, je vais me changer et je te promets de tout te dire. Elle se lève et disparaît, je me demande comment elle peut se changer alors qu'elle n'a de sac ou de valise... J'observe la salle, plusieurs tables ***t occupées, les femmes semblent très belles... Je n'ai pas vraiment le temps de tout observer lorsqu'elle arrive. Je reste sans voix. Plus de chemise trop grande, plus de jean's mais une robe noir moulante, les seins pointés, les jambes gainées de noir...
"Ou as-tu trouvé ces habits ?" tss me dit-elle, maintenant je vais tout t'expliquer. Je m'appelle Natascha


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"Je m'appelle Natasha, je t'avoue que mon histoire de François, que je cherchais n'est pas tout à fait vraie... " je la regarde, je ne comprends pas... Elle met ma main sur sa cuisse et me dit: "Tais-toi, nous allons commander notre repas." Elle claque ses doigts et le maître d'hôtel apparaît, celui-ci se penche légèrement et lui demande, sans me regarder, "Comme d'habitude?" Elle lui répond " Non, ce soir je veux le meilleur" Il s'en va et Natasha prend ma main, elle m'accompagne jusqu'à la limite de *** bas, je sens sa peau nue, je monte encore, sa main me pose sur sa chatte, nue et trempée.
Les plats arrivent, elle enlève *********** ma main et me dit: "Tu as faim ? Alors on mange..." Tout est délicieux, la bouteille de champagne vide est remplacée par une autre, Natascha mange comme une chatte en se léchant les lèvres. Je ne sais toujours pas ou je suis et avec qui je suis, comme si elle sentait mon agacement, je sens *** pied caresser ma jambe, je prend ce pied dans ma main, ce tout petit pied gainé de soie me fait tout de suite bander. Je sers *** pied plus fort et je lui dit que maintenant j'ai assez attendu et que j'attends ses explications.
Elle retire *** pied, remet ses chaussures, se lève et me dit "Suis moi et tu sauras tout..." Je la suis, nous sortons, elle se dirige vers une porte que je n'avais pas vu. Elle frappe, on lui ouvre la porte, elle murmure quelque chose et quelqu'un nous accompagne. Nous descendons un escalier là encore une porte qui s'ouvre après que Natasha ai murmuré je ne sais quoi. Nous sommes dans une pièce immense, voûtée, pleines d'alcôves, Natasha me prend la main et m'emmène dans une alcôve meublée d'une table et de deux canapés, seule une bougie nous éclaire. "Assieds toi et maintenant écoute moi !" Je résiste un peu en lui disant que çà fait plus de 3 heures que j'attends ses explications, j'aurais du me taire parce qu'elle empoigne mes couilles en me disant, "c'est trop tard, ici tu es chez moi alors tu m'écoutes ou j'appelle mes amis..." je décide de me taire et de l'écouter.
"En fait, je te connais depuis longtemps, je sais que tu viens régulièrement dans l'hôtel ou je t'ai accosté, je sais que tu aimes fréquenter les boites de nuit, je t'ai vu avec deux putes noires, je t'ai vu avec des blondes, des brunes, et je me suis renseignée, je connais bien Nadia qui tient le bar, elle m'a beaucoup parlé de toi..." Je me tais, complètement abasourdi, mais elle continue "Oui j'en sais beaucoup sur toi et sur tes fantasmes les plus secrets..."

J'ai peur qu'elle sache vraiment tout de moi, c'est vrai un soir de fête, j'ai parlé à Nadia... Plongé dans mes réflexions, je sens de nouveau *** pied contre ma jambe, j'essaye de me souvenir... "Alors Max, tu n'aurais pas parlé de ton fantasme? Tu n'aurais pas dit qu'une femme avec une queue d'homme te faisait rêver?" Je ne sais plus que dire, c'est vrai que j'y pense depuis longtemps, mais cela reste caché en moi...
"Alors tu comprends de quoi je parle?" Elle prend ma main et la pose sur sa chatte encore plus mouillée que tout à l'heure "Moi aussi je veux voir un homme sucer la queue qui va me baiser et encore bien d'autres choses, tu me plais, je te veux et je sens que tu es prêt à me suivre dans mes délires, j'ai lu dans tes yeux des désirs aussi pervers que les miens."

Tout en me parlant, *** pied remonte jusqu'à ma queue coincée dans mon pantalon et douloureuse à ***** de bander.
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