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les histoires de chrislebo

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- Ouah !!! Fatma ne m'a pas menti ; tu es membré comme un âne ! Comme dans mes fantasmes ! Prend-moi vite ! Fais-moi sentir sa ***** !
Je plaquai Kheira contre le mur, lui soulevai la jambe gauche en passant mon avant bras droit sous *** genou pour la maintenir dans la position ouverte et pris l'engin dans ma main gauche pour chercher l'ouverture. La belle était accrochée à mon cou et attendait en haletant l'instant où j'allai la pénétrer. Le gland de mon sexe avait trouvé les grandes lèvres et poussait doucement pour s'introduire entre elles et trouver l'entrée de la grotte. J'avais plié un peu les jambes pour positionner mon membre en dessous de la chatte et pouvoir ainsi la pénétrer plus facilement, sans la déchirer.
Je n'avais pas besoin de lubrifier l'entrée du vagin ; il l'était déjà assez. Je donnai une brusque poussée à mes hanches et me retrouvait immédiatement à l'intérieur d'un vagin étroit, brulant et complètement mouillé. Le paradis ! C'était tellement bon, que je voulais rester ainsi, le membre enfoncé dans cette chatte si accueillante. Mais ma mie ne l'entendait pas de cette oreille : elle voulait que je la pine en ***** ; que je fasse aller et venir l'engin dans *** vagin ; que je lui fasse mal ; qu'elle sente la ***** de *** maître.
- Tire-moi fort ! Déchire-moi le vagin ! Fais-moi mal ! J'adore ton zob ! C'est mon maître ! Je suis totalement à lui !
C'était effectivement une position où elle ne pouvait que sentir la ***** de mon membre. Elle était collée contre le mur, la jambe droite relevée très haut et maintenue par mon avant bras, qui en même temps la soulevait toute entière du sol, ses mains accrochées à mon cou. Mes coups de boutoir la pénétraient profondément et lui faisaient mal. Elle criait à chacun de mes coups de reins. Des cris de douleur et de plaisir. Elle aimait avoir mal en se faisant tirer. Cela ajoutait à *** plaisir. Elle n'arrêtait pas de m'encourager à y aller encore plus fort.
- Plus fort ! Plus vite ! Fais-moi mal ! Plus mal ! Fais-moi hurler de plaisir ! J'aime ! J'aime ! J'aime ! J'aiiimmme !
Elle poussa subitement un long cri de jouissance en déchargeant des litres et des litres de jus sur mon manche et en dehors. Elle respirait difficilement et haletait, en continuant de m'ordonner de continuer à la piner comme cela en *****. Elle planta ses ongles dans ma nuque et mordit avec violence mon épaule gauche. Quand elle se calma, quelques minutes plus tard, elle éloigna sa tête de la mienne, me regarda et me demanda de l'embrasser. Je lui donnai un baiser qu'elle trouva trop mou et me força à l'embrasser avec passion ; à lui donner un baiser d'amant excité ; pas un baiser d'amoureux. Tout en restant en elle dans la même position, avec mon sexe toujours vaillant (je n'avais pas joui, parce que je ne m'attendais pas à ce qu'elle jouisse aussi vite), je lui appliquai un patin super mouillé et super torride, qu'elle me rendit dans les mêmes formes.
Je ne sortis de sa chatte que quand elle le décida elle-même. Elle me demanda de sortir l'engin et de lâcher sa jambe. Elle se remit debout une seconde avant de se laisser tomber par terre et se mettre à ramper devant moi. Elle se comportait comme une chatte en période de chaleur. Elle rampait et venait se frotter à mes jambes, montrant au passage ses superbes fesses. Elle me regardait avec des yeux brillant de désir qui cherchaient à m'indiquer ce qu'elle voulait que je lui fasse. J'étais un peu perdu ; je n'avais encore jamais rencontré de femme comme elle. Elle avait tout du félin femelle en chaleur. Et comme toute femelle en chaleur, elle cherchait à éteindre le feu qui la consumait. Elle retira sa nuisette et *** soutien gorge et resta toute nue, à quatre pattes par terre, rampant tout autour de moi.
Elle était superbe et tellement excitante. Ses fesses nues, fermes et brillantes, appelaient le mâle pour éteindre le feu qui les consumait. J'avais envie de me mettre à genoux derrière elle pour la tirer en levrette, ou même pour l'enculer. Mais d'évidence, ce n'était ce qu'elle cherchait pour le moment. Ce qu'elle voulait, c'était ramper comme cela devant *** mâle et lui montrer combien elle voulait se faire tirer. Lui monter sa disponibilité. Elle voulait être une femelle, pas une femme. J'avais même cru un moment qu'elle allait se mettre à miauler comme une chatte en manque. Elle continuait *** petit jeu, tout en me regardant dans les yeux avec sur les lèvres un sourire énigmatique.
J'étais moi-même à moitié nu, le sexe en l'air, bandant comme un âne. Je la regardais tourner autour de moi, toujours en rampant. Elle ne disait toujours rien, mais me suppliait avec ses yeux de faire quelque chose que je ne comprenais pas encore. Et puis soudain, ce fut l'illumination : elle voulait que je fasse comme elle ; que je devienne un félin mâle en rut, qui cherche à conquérir sa belle. Je me mis donc moi-même à quatre pattes et commençai à ramper autour d'elle, en cherchant à atteindre *** intimité. Elle eut un petit rire de satisfaction et s'éloigna de moi, me poussant à la poursuivre. Mon but était que j'atteigne sa croupe, que je la monte et la tire en levrette. *** but à elle était de se sauver à chaque fois et de ne me laisser faire que quand elle le décidera elle-même.


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Je me mis donc à poursuivre, rattraper et tenter de grimper sur ma partenaire, pendant qu'elle essayait de m'échapper. Ce fut une scène d'un érotisme torride. Je m'étais laissé prendre au jeu et me prenais réellement pour un félin mâle, essayant d'attraper sa femelle en chaleur, mais qui ne voulait pas le laisser faire. A chaque fois que je l'attrapais et que j'essayais de la monter, elle s'échappait et allait m'attendre quelques mètres plus loin. La scène recommença au moins une vingtaine de fois ; jusqu'au moment où l'ayant attrapée encore une fois, je l'immobilisai pour essayer de grimper sur elle. Et oh miracle ! elle me laissa faire. Elle se mit à ronronner de plaisir et à pousser se fesses vers l'arrière pour que je la pénètre profondément.
De ma vie je n'ai eu autant de plaisir à tirer une femme. Je crois que l'attente et la difficulté avaient démultiplié mon désir d'elle. Quand je la pénétrai, j'ai ressenti un immense bien être se répandre en moi. Je la tenais fermement par la taille, de peur qu'elle ne m'échappe encore une fois. Je la tirai avec de furieux coup de reins. Je ne réfléchissais pas ! Je baisais ma femelle et cela me suffisait ! Elle était dans le même état que moi, complètement dans *** rôle de femelle. Elle ronronnait sous mes coups de boutoir, tandis que moi je gémissais de plaisir. Je ne faisais plus attention à rien : même pas à réduire la ***** de pénétration. Je savais que je lui faisais mal en la pénétrant ainsi comme une brute ; mais je n'étais plus un homme ; et elle, elle n'était plus une femme. Nous n'étions que deux animaux en rut et en chaleur.
Je crois que la jouissance que nous eûmes en même temps était la plus forte que nous avions eu jusque là. J'éjaculais très longuement et presque de manière continue, tout le sperme que j'avais emmagasiné. Sa jouissance à elle avait été plus silencieuse que la précédente ; mais beaucoup plus intense. Il m'avait même semblé un moment qu'elle allait s'évanouir ou tomber en syncope, tant l'orgasme était fort. Quand tout s'arrêta, nous nous retrouvâmes allongés par terre dans le couloir, l'un à côté de l'autre nous regardant avec des étoiles dans les yeux. Notre bonheur se lisait dans nos yeux.
- Je t'aime ! fit-elle. Tu es vraiment l'homme que j'attendais depuis toujours ! Tu as su immédiatement ce que je voulais et tu n'as pas hésité une seconde à me l'offrir. Je suis une femme qui a plein de fantasmes, mais qui n'en a jamais vécu un seul. Depuis que tu es entré, tu m'en as déjà fait vivre deux ! Dis-moi que nous allons continuer !
- Bien entendu que nous allons continuer ! Je ne vais pas abandonner une femme comme toi ! Tu es exactement mon type de femme ! Physiquement d'abord, parce que tu es belle. Sexuellement ensuite parce que tu n'as aucun tabou. Je plains ton mari qui ne profite pas de tes qualités d'amante.
- Allons dans la chambre nous reposer un peu. Nous avons encore le temps de nous aimer avant que je n'aille chercher mes enfants de l'école.
Nous refîmes l'amour encore deux fois, toujours de manière extrême et nous ne nous séparâmes que vers quinze heures, au moment où elle devait prendre sa douche et se préparer à aller récupérer les jumeaux de l'école. Notre histoire dura environ deux années ; jusqu'au jour où toute la famille déménagea pour aller occuper la villa que le mari avait terminé de construire.
Pendant tout le temps que dura ma relation amoureuse avec Kheira, je continuais de rencontrer Fatma, qui me rendait toujours visite deux fois par semaine, et de faire l'amour avec elle. Elle n'ignorait rien de ce que nous faisions Kheira et moi. Parfois c'était moi qui lui racontais, mais le plus souvent c'était elle. Elle n'était pas jalouse. Elle voulait sa part d'amour et elle l'avait. Ce que je faisais avec d'autres femmes lui importait peu. Au contraire cela semblait lui titiller l'imagination et la rendait encore plus coquine pendant nos séances au lit.
Après le déménagement de Kheira et le vide qu'elle avait laissé en moi, Fatma entreprit de me consoler en me parlant d'une belle jeune femme, pratiquement cloîtrée chez elle, mariée à un entrepreneur en bâtiment, une espèce de brute jalouse, qui la faisait surveiller par sa sœur, une « vieille fille » de quarante ans, qui vivait avec eux.
- Il faut absolument que tu fasses sa connaissance ! Ou plutôt que tu fasses leur connaissance, car Aïcha ne sort jamais sans sa belle-sœur Louisa.
Et de fait, Fatma me fit faire la connaissance de deux véritables coquines, qui avaient décidé de donner du piment à leur vie un peu terne.


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Je ne sais pas si Fatma, comme elle s'en vantait, savait exactement tout ce qui se passait chez les voisines qu'elle fréquentait. Concernant Aicha et Louisa, les deux femmes qu'elle me présenta - ou plus exactement, qu'elle m'envoya – de toute évidence, elle était loin de connaître toute la réalité. Je venais de tomber sur un couple bizarre, pour ne pas dire diabolique : deux femmes – des belles-sœurs, de surcroît – qui étaient dans une relation amoureuse de domination. Louisa, la plus âgée (la quarantaine bien ***née) était l'esclave sexuelle de Aïcha, la femme de *** frère.
Quand elles ***nèrent à ma porte, de très bon matin (il était à peine sept heures trente minutes et j'étais encore au lit, ne devant aller travailler que vers neuf heures) j'ouvris la porte à un couple de femmes en tenue plus ou moins islamique (un foulard sur la tête - aux couleurs chatoyantes pour l'une, tout blanc pour l'autre - une longue tunique - bleue ciel pour l'une, et toute blanche pour l'autre - qui cachait leurs hanches et leurs fessiers et s'arrêtait à mi-cuisse et un pantalon en toile de jean grise pour toutes les deux. Elles étaient aussi grande l'une que l'autre - plus de un mètre soixante quinze - mais différentes quant aux formes qu'elles présentaient : l'une - Aïcha - paraissait plus ronde et plantureuse que l'autre - Louisa - donnait l'impression d'être une fausse maigre.
C'était la plus belle - Aïcha - qui parla la première.
- Nous sommes envoyées par Fatma !
- Entrez !
Je les fis entrer, et les accompagnai au salon sans rien dire. Je les examinais en silence, mais mes yeux devaient montrer tout l'étonnement qu'il y avait en moi. Je me trouvais en face d'un couple de femmes, dont l'une - Aïcha - semblait très à l'aise et l'autre gardait les yeux baissés, comme si elle faisait quelque chose qu'elle ne voulait pas faire et qu'elle dans une situation de grande gêne.
- Moi, c'est Aïcha, j'ai trente ans et je suis mariée à ton voisin, l'entrepreneur habitant au bâtiment 15. Elle c'est Louisa, la sœur de mon mari, quarante-deux ans, célibataire et toujours vierge !
- ....
Je ne m'attendais absolument pas à une telle entrée en matière. Mais je n'étais pas encore arrivé au bout de mes surprises.
- Fatma nous a assuré que tu étais un homme très ouvert, que rien dans la pratique amoureuse ne dérange. C'est vrai, n'est-ce pas ? Sinon nous fai***s tout de suite demi-tour, car nous n'aurions rien à faire ici !
- .... (Je n'eus même pas le temps de répondre, puisqu'elle continua)
- Moi je suis bisexuelle : j'aime autant les hommes que les femmes. Louisa est une homo intégrale, du moins le croit-elle, puisqu'elle n'a encore jamais essayé avec un homme. Elle s'est gardée pour un futur mari. Mari qui ne s'est pas encore présenté, et que maintenant, elle désespère de ne jamais rencontrer. En fait, elle s'est faite à l'idée qu'elle ne se mariera pas et que c'est tant mieux, puisqu'elle a découvert avec moi les plaisir de l'homosexualité. Si nous sommes là, c'est d'une part parce que moi, j'ai envie d'un homme - un vrai - qui me fera grimper aux rideaux et d'autre part, parce que je veux que Louisa ait, au moins une fois dans sa vie, une relation avec un homme, pour confirmer *** homosexualité intégrale, ou découvrir sa bisexualité.
- Et c'est moi qui devrais servir de révélateur ! dis-je de manière un peu idiote.
- Bien entendu ! Je suis sûre que tu aimeras ! Surtout que tu découvriras une autre de mes facettes érotiques : Louisa est mon esclave ! J'ai eu du mal à en arriver là avec elle, mais maintenant, elle ne peut plus s'imaginer autrement que dans un rapport d'esclave à maîtresse. D'ailleurs tu remarqueras qu'elle ne m'appelle jamais autrement que « maîtresse » (« Lalla » en arabe algérien).
- Ecoute, moi je n'ai rien contre les relations maîtresse/esclave, sauf que je n'ai absolument pas l'âme d'un esclave. Je suis plutôt à classer dans la catégorie des maîtres, tant j'aime dominer mes amantes.
- Cela me va parfaitement ! Je suis une maîtresse pour Louisa et parfois pour mon mari, quand il veut jouer aux durs avec moi et cherche à m'imposer certaines choses que je ne veux pas faire avec lui ; mais mon amant idéal est fort et dominateur !


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Tout en parlant avec moi, sans aucune gêne, comme si on se connaissait depuis des lustres, elle enlevait lentement *** foulard aux couleurs chatoyantes et mit à nue une superbe chevelure châtain foncé, longue, ondoyante et abondante. Elle dévala telle une vague sur ses épaules qu'elle recouvrit totalement. Elle était vraiment superbe. Je la regardai avec encore plus d'attention et découvrit une belle plante avec un visage lumineux et sensuel : de grands yeux noisette, surmontés de longs cils naturels de la même couleur que ses cheveux ; des sourcils finement épilés qui donnaient encore plus de profondeur et de mystère à *** regard énigmatique ; un nez, un peu long et droit qui surmontait une bouche immense, véritable piège à fantasmes, entourées de deux superbes lèvres charnues, toujours légèrement entrouvertes et laissant apparaître de temps en temps un bout de langue, rose, luisante et pointue.
Le reste, du moins ce qui transparaissait sous la liquette, était du même acabit: tout en rondeurs torrides. De larges épaules rondes ; une forte poitrine portant une paire de seins volumineux et fermes, tendus vers l'avant tels des obus de gros calibre ; un ventre plat ; une taille fine, mettant en valeur des hanches larges et rondes ; et un fessier proéminent, bombé et relevé telle une croupe de pouliche. Ses jambes que moulait le jean qu'elle portait étaient longues, superbement galbées et paraissaient très fermes. Je me fis la remarque, qui se vérifia plus tard, que cette femme n'avait jamais enfanté : elle avait gardé un corps de jeune fille, que des relations sexuelles plaisantes avaient encore embelli.
- Tu es superbe ! dis-je, un peu bêtement.
- Je sais ! J'ai toujours fait bander les hommes ! Mais je n'ai connu intimement que mon mari. Je n'ai encore jamais eu d'amant ! Tu seras le premier ! Mon mari est un bon coup au lit : il baise comme un taureau ; mais comme c'est un esprit traditionnel, je ne me laisse pas aller à mes vrais désirs érotiques. Tous mes fantasmes restent en moi. Sauf quand il est vraiment en rut (comme un taureau !) alors là j'en profite et m'amuse à le pousser à bout : je me refuse à lui ... s'il ne me le demande pas à genoux et s'il ne me supplie pas ! L'excitation, conjuguée aux quelques bouts de ma nudité que je lui permets d'entrevoir quelques fractions de secondes, le mettent dans un tel état, qu'il en perd complètement la tête. Dans ces moments-là, je savoure ma puissance et lui fait faire n'importe quoi. D'ailleurs je lui dis que je le tiens par *** zob ! Il en rigole, mais accepte ! Je ne vais jamais plus loin, de peur d'éveiller en lui des soupçons qui auraient des conséquences désastreuses sur notre mariage. Alors c'est avec toi que j'ai décidé de vivre mes fantasmes - et ceux de Louisa. Mais avant toute chose je veux que tu la dépucèles. Elle ne veut pas ; elle n'accepte que pour m'obéir et rester mon esclave. Sinon je ne fais plus l'amour avec elle !
Je regardai du côté de Louisa qui était assise sagement sur le sofa, à côté de sa belle-sœur. Elle ne participait pas à la discussion et depuis leur arrivée, avait gardé les yeux baissés ; comme si elle était gênée. Aïcha lui ordonna de se lever et de se mettre en face de nous. Cela me permit de l'observer et de détailler sa physionomie. Elle était presque aussi grande que *** amie, mais beaucoup plus mince. Presque maigre, d'après ce que laissait entrevoir sa tenue. En fait, c'était une fausse maigre, qui avait des hanches larges et de coquines rondeurs juste là où il fallait. En dehors de *** visage anguleux et de ses petits yeux enfoncés, elle était assez mignonne et désirable. C'était surtout sa grande bouche avec des lèvres pleines et pulpeuses qui attirait l'attention. Une bouche à la Monika Lewinsky, la stagiaire du président Clinton, qui avait fait fantasmer tous les machos du monde !
- Enlève ton foulard !
Elle obéit sans broncher, tout en gardant les yeux baissés. Elle dégrafa l'épingle qui retenait le tissu de soie, passa un doigt en dessous et d'un geste rapide et élégant, elle enleva le foulard blanc qui cachait ses cheveux, ses oreilles et tout le dessous du menton. Je découvris une chevelure d'un noir de jais, coupée court qui lui donnait un air de garçon manqué. Mais ce côté androgyne était loin d'être désagréable ; il ne faisait qu'ajouter au mystère d'ensemble qui se dégageait de sa per***ne. Elle gardait toujours les yeux baissés : à aucun moment, elle ne les leva sur moi. Il lui arrivait bien de temps en temps de lancer un regard suppliant vers *** amie, mais moi, il me semblait que je n'avais aucun intérêt pour elle.
- Déshabille-toi ! Complètement ! Montre-nous ton joli corps et ton sublime cul ! Tout de suite !
Cette dernière phrase claqua comme un ordre, auquel il n'était pas question de désobéir. Louisa entreprit de se déshabiller lentement, en commençant par retirer sa liquette en toile de coton blanche et resta en soutien gorge. C'était vraiment une fausse maigre ; elle avait un squelette puissant, sur lequel étaient accrochés des muscles fins, très gracieux. Ses épaules étaient larges et rondes aux bons endroits. Elle avait une cage thoracique large, à l'image des athlètes coureuses de fond. Même ses seins semblaient, dessous le soutien gorge à balconnets qui les protégeait, d'un volume acceptable, fermes et d'une blancheur laiteuse, comme le reste de sa peau. Quand elle se débarrassa du soutien-gorge, je vis que j'avais rai*** de penser qu'elle avait de beaux seins. Ils avaient la forme de grosses poires bien fermes, haut plantées et tendues vers l'avant. Leurs tétons avaient une large auréole violacée. Ajouté à une taille de guêpe et à un ventre extra-plat, j'avais devant moi un morceau de choix. Une femme au corps parfait.


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Elle jeta un regard interrogateur à Aïcha pour savoir si elle devait continuer l'effeuillage. Il n'y eut pas de réponse de *** amie, mais ses yeux lui ordonnaient d'enlever tout le reste. Elle ne me regardait toujours pas. Elle dégrafa *** pantalon en toile de jean et, d'un rapide geste de ses doigts accompagné d'un sublime déhanchement, elle le rabattit sur ses chevilles. Elle l'enleva complètement en levant un pied, plus l'autre pour le laisser tomber à côté d'elle. Elle regarda encore une fois *** amie pour l'interroger du regard. Elle comprit qu'elle devait aussi enlever la petite culotte en coton blanc. Elle introduisit deux doigts à l'intérieur de l'élastique, un à droite, l'autre à gauche et avec le même déhanchement que tout à l'heure, elle s'en débarrassa en une fraction de seconde.
Elle resta ainsi totalement nue. Et quelle nudité ! Tout ce que je disais du haut de *** corps était totalement confirmé par le bas. Des hanches larges, rondes ; un petit fessier rond et ferme ; des jambes longues, fines et superbement galbées ; et un pubis sans la moindre trace de poils, rond, bombés et luisant. Il donnait sur un entrecuisse d'où je pouvais apercevoir des grandes lèvres longues et dodues (la seule chose, avec les lèvres de sa bouche, qui avait du volume !), elles aussi complètement épilées.
Inutile de décrire l'état d'excitation dans lequel j'étais. La chaleur m'était montée à la tête et j'étais sûr que je devais être aussi rouge qu'une écrevisse ébouillantée. Mon sexe était gonflé à bloc et formait un immense chapiteau sur le devant de mon pantalon de pyjama.
- Elle est vraiment superbe ! dis-je à Aïcha. On ne le croirait pas quand elle est habillée !
- N'est-ce pas ? Elle te plait ? Tu la veux ? Et bien elle est à toi ! Viens, pour un instant ce sera lui ton maître ! Il va te dépuceler pour faire de toi une femme ! Au moins tu sauras ce que c'est ! Si après tu n'apprécies pas, il ne recommencera pas ! Mais je suis sûre que tu vas finir par aimer te faire tirer par un homme ! Que tu aimeras autant qu'avec moi ! Aller, viens offrir ta vulve et ton hymen à *** engin ! Demain ou après-demain tu auras tes règles. Tu ne risques donc pas de tomber enceinte.
Elle s'approcha tout doucement de moi, les yeux toujours baissés. Je sentais qu'elle avait peur. Je crois même qu'elle était prise de panique. Elle avait dépassé quarante ans et était toujours vierge. Elle devait, tout au long de sa puberté, puis de *** adolescence, de sa jeunesse et même à l'âge mûr, avoir beaucoup fantasmé sur *** dépucelage par un homme. Comme la grande majorité des filles, elle paniquait surtout sur la douleur « atroce », qui était inséparable de la première fois. Elle n'hésita pourtant pas à venir à quelques centimètres de moi. Je tendis les mains pour la prendre par la taille et approcher ma bouche de sa poitrine. Je ne voulais pas la brusquer ; je voulais y aller en douceur. Je pensais pouvoir l'exciter rien qu'en la caressant et en l'embrasant très légèrement. J'avais oublié que jamais elle n'avait été caressée par un homme. Elle n'était habituée à se faire tripoter (et à tripoter elle-même) que par une femme.
Les caresses féminines ne ressemblent en rien à celles des hommes. Je sus bien vite que la belle ne ressentait pas grand-chose sous mes caresses. Il me fallait donc passer à autre chose, si je voulais éviter la honte de baiser une femme qui ne ressentira aucun plaisir. Je regardais Aïcha qui semblait s'amuser de mon désarroi. Elle savait que je voulais qu'elle intervienne et qu'elle prépare elle-même *** amie. Elle savait ce qu'il fallait faire pour l'exciter. Elle savait que seule, elle, pouvait réussir. *** sourire moqueur s'accentua, puis au bout de quelques secondes d'hésitation, elle se décida. En un tour de main, elle se déshabilla totalement, se leva du sofa pour faire admirer sa nudité (c'était Vénus en per***ne ! Tout en elle suintait la sensualité ! Elle était belle ! Vraiment belle ! Belle et sensuelle !). Elle vint se mettre à genoux devant Louisa, posa ses lèvres sur *** ventre et entreprit de l'embrasser avec passion.
Je vis immédiatement la différence ! Louisa commença à s'animer et à bouger *** corps. Elle prit la tête de *** amie et appuya dessus pour qu'elle reste entre ses seins. Elle avait un sourire de ravissement. Elle était heureuse de se faire entreprendre par *** amante. La main de Aïcha alla palper les fesses de sa partenaire et se promena un moment sur elles, pénétrant furtivement dans la raie. Puis elle se décida de s'occuper de sa chatte. Elle introduisit sa main droite entre les genoux de Louisa que cette dernière tenait encore serrés, l'obligea à les ouvrir et remonta doucement vers le triangle de *** entrecuisse. Je regardais le visage de la belle-sœur s'illuminer de plaisir et de bonheur. Elle avait le souffle court. Elle n'osait pas encore gémir, ni montrer l'intensité du plaisir qu'elle prenait ; j'étais sûr que c'était à cause de ma présence.


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Puis Aïcha passa à la vitesse supérieure en baissant sa tête pour aller titiller le pubis et la chatte de *** amie. Elle ne put résister plus longtemps et se mit à gémir et à pousser des petits cris rauques de plaisir. Elle attrapait les cheveux de sa partenaire et tirait dessus pour l'obliger à aller et venir entre ses cuisses qu'elle avait maintenant ouvertes au maximum. La bouche et la langue de Aïcha avaient pris possession de la chatte de Louisa et ne voulaient plus la lâcher. Elle gémissait de plus en plus et semblait être sur le point de jouir. Aïcha accéléra le mouvement et très rapidement j'entendis *** amante pousser un long râle de jouissance et décharger dans la bouche de sa belle-sœur. Je la vis plier les jambes, vaincue par la fatigue et tomber à genoux dans les bras de Aïcha. Elles restèrent ainsi un long moment, sans s'occuper de moi - jaloux du pouvoir de Aïcha - puis se levèrent pour s'assoir sur le sofa.
Je ne savais toujours pas ce qu'il fallait que je fasse. Ce fut encore une fois Aïcha qui trouva la solution. Elle serra sa belle-sœur dans ses bras et lui appliqua un baiser torride et mouillé, que sa partenaire lui rendit avec la même intensité. Aïcha prit alors sa partenaire par la taille pour lui faire quitter la position assise et lui dit quelque chose à l'oreille que je n'entendis pas. Louisa se mit alors à genoux entre les jambes de *** amante et plongea sa tête entre ses cuisses. Elle était entrain de lui rendre le cunnilingus qu'elle lui avait appliqué tantôt. Elle y allait franchement. Il était évident qu'elle aimait cela. Aïcha me regarda, un moment savourant *** pouvoir et me fit signe d'aller m'occuper du cul de sa partenaire.
Je venais de comprendre ! Aïcha voulait que je tire sa belle-sœur en levrette, pendant qu'elle était occupée à lui sucer la vulve. C'était bien vu ! Je m'empressai de me positionner derrière les superbes fesses ouvertes et offertes et me mit à les caresser. Je sentis une très forte crispation des muscles de tout le corps de Louisa, mais n'en tins aucun compte : je savais que Aïcha tenait fermement la tête de *** amante et qu'elle l'obligeait de continuer *** œuvre sur sa chatte. Je fis glisser deux doigts le long des grandes lèvres et vis qu'elles étaient mouillées (excitée par Aïcha !). Je me dis donc que ce n'était pas la peine de la caresser plus longtemps. Il était temps que j'utilise mon sexe qui était dans un état d'impatience indescriptible. Je le pris dans ma main droite et l'introduisit entre les grandes lèvres. La crispation devint plus forte. Elle s'était même arrêtée de sucer la chatte de *** amie.
- Continue de me sucer comme cela ! lui dit-elle à l'oreille. C'est superbe ! Tu vas me faire jouir comme une folle !
Vaincue, Louisa continua *** œuvre et ne s'occupa plus de moi. Je pus donc introduire le gland de mon sexe jusqu'à l'entrée du vagin et faire pénétrer l'ensemble d'un coup sec, faisant éclater au passage la fine membrane de *** hymen. Elle cria très fort et mordit même au passage, une des lèvres de la chatte de *** amie. Je maintins très fort les hanches de la femme, pour l'empêcher de fuir et restai un long moment au fond du vagin. Aïcha tenait toujours la tête de *** amie, que maintenant elle caressait tendrement.
- N'aie pas peur mon amour ! C'est bientôt fini ! Tu es maintenant une vraie femme ! Tu verras comme c'est bon le zob d'un homme ! Un peu de courage ! Continue à me bouffer la chatte !
Vaincue, Louisa reprit *** cunnilingus, pendant que moi je commençai un mouvement de va-et-vient dans le vagin de Louisa. Et quel vagin ! Etroit, chaud, humide (de cyprine et de sang). Je m'interdisais d'y aller franchement, comme je le désirais vraiment ; j'y allai avec douceur, de manière à ne pas trop lui faire mal et à ne pas la traumatiser. Je voulais que cette femme finisse par aimer se faire tirer par un homme ; et je voulais être cet homme-là. Je faisais pénétrer mon manche très loin dans *** tunnel, mais en revenant je faisais attention à ne pas faire dépasser au gland, que j'avais très large à sa base (en forme de champignon !) l'endroit de la déchirure de l'hymen. De fait Louisa ne cria plus de douleur. Elle avait la tête toujours fourrée entre les cuisses de Aïcha. Il m'apparut même que petit à petit elle commençait à bouger ses hanches, comme pour accompagner les va-et-vient du manche dans le vagin. Je décidai de pousser l'expérience plus loin en envoyant ma main droite vers *** sein et me mettre à le palper doucement et à caresser *** téton. Le sein, tout comme le téton, étaient fermes, doux et surtout très excitable.
Ses hanches, qui ne faisaient que bouger légèrement, se mirent de la partie et accompagnaient maintenant très franchement mes coups de reins. Aïcha comprit elle aussi que la partie venait d'être gagnée. Elle tira sur les cheveux de *** amie pour extraire sa tête d'entre ses cuisses. Elle voulait absolument voir Louisa prendre du plaisir à se faire piner par un homme. Elle lui releva la tête, lui donna un baiser très tendre sur la bouche et se mit à contempler la scène. Elle était excitée en regardant mon sexe, complètement rempli de sang, entrer en sortir du vagin de sa belle-sœur. Louisa se mit à gémir de plaisir et je vis sa tête partir dans un mouvement saccadé qu'elle n'arrivait pas à contrôler. J'avais le sentiment qu'elle ne voulait pas encore montrer qu'elle aimait être tirée ; elle ne disait donc toujours rien. La seule preuve du plaisir qu'elle prenait était ces mouvements incontrôlés de sa tête et de ses hanches, ainsi que les petits gémissements sourds qui sortaient de sa gorge.
Moi je voulais la faire hurler de plaisir. Je me mis donc à y aller plus franchement, conscient que j'allais lui faire mal, mais certain que le mal se transformera très rapidement en plaisir. C'est effectivement ce qui arriva.
- C'est bon ! n'est-ce pas ? Dis-moi que c'est bon ! Dis-le ! C'est bon ! Bon !
- Bo... (Elle résistait et ne voulait pas encore avouer clairement qu'elle aimait)
- Dis-moi que tu aimes te faire tirer par un homme ! Dis moi que mon zob est aussi bon que la chatte de Aïcha !
- Oui c'est bon ! C'est bon !


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J'accélérai encore le rythme de mes coups de boutoir. Je ne faisais même plus attention à la douleur que je pouvais provoquer. Je voulais la faire jouir comme une folle. Et elle jouit comme une folle. Soudain, elle se lâcha complètement, se mit à pousser des cris de plaisir à chacune de mes pénétrations et à lâcher toute une bordée de mots crus, qui accroissaient *** plaisir.
- Zob ! Magnifique ! Bon ! Encore ! Encore ! Plus fort ! Plus vite ! Gros zob ! Mon autre maître ! Je jouis ! Je jouis ! je jouiiis !
Elle accéléra les mouvements de ses hanches et de sa tête, lâcha des litres de salive, tendit tous les muscles de *** corps et poussa un très long râle, avant de décharger des litres de cyprine sur mon sexe qui continuait imperturbablement à la pilonner. Exténuée, elle s'affala par terre, et s'allongea sur le ventre avec moi sur *** dos et mon sexe encore affamé dans sa vulve. Je ne voulais pas, pour le moment éjaculer en elle. Je ne voulais pas prendre le risque d'une grossesse, bien que j'avais cru comprendre qu'elle n'était pas en période de fertilité.
Je sortis mon sexe de sa chatte pour le montrer à Aïcha qui avait suivi toute l'opération avec des yeux brillant de luxure et d'envie. Je voulais qu'elle reconnaisse que j'avais réussi une prouesse : celle de faire aimer un homme à une homosexuelle. Elle semblait s'en ficher éperdument. Ce qui l'intéressait, c'était cet immense zob, dressé comme un étendard et plein du sang de la vierge. Elle semblait émerveillée par le spectacle. Elle tendit la main pour agripper l'engin et le caresser. Elle regarda ses doigts devenus tout rouges et les porta à sa bouche. Elle se mit à les lécher goulûment.
- C'est le sang de mon esclave qui est maintenant devenue aussi la tienne. Si j'avais été un homme, c'est moi qui aurait eu le plaisir de la dépuceler. J'aurais aimé connaître cette sensation de déchirer un hymen de fille. Quand j'ai été dépucelée par mon mari, je n'ai ressenti que de la douleur. Le plaisir n'est venu que beaucoup plus tard, quand je me suis habituée à sa ********** au lit. Je crois que maintenant j'aime cette ********** et ne pourrait jouir qu'avec un homme qui me possède en *****.
- Suce-moi ! lui dis-je, excité par la scène de lèche-sexe enduit du sang de Louisa.
Elle ne se fit pas prier pour se mettre à genoux entre mes jambes, par terre à côté du sofa. Elle se mit d'abord à lécher le gland puis tout le sexe pour le nettoyer du sang qui l'enduisait. Elle avalait tout ce qu'elle ramassait. Puis elle ouvrit très grand *** immense bouche et fit disparaître totalement l'engin. J'étais dans un autre paradis, aussi chaud, doux et humide que le vagin que je venais de quitter. Aïcha savait sucer : elle avait la science de la fellation. Au bout de quelques secondes seulement, j'eus une énorme envie d'utiliser cette bouche exactement comme si c'était un vagin. Je le lui dis. Elle leva la tête pour me regarder dans les yeux, comme si elle voulait être sûre qu'elle avait bien compris mon désir, puis m'attrapa par les hanches et fit le mouvement d'introduire le membre jusqu'au fond de sa gorge et de le ressortir totalement pour le réintroduire complètement. Par ce geste, elle me donnait le feu vert pour pilonner sa bouche, comme j'avais pilonné le vagin de *** amie.
Je ne fis pas prier pour l'attraper par les cheveux pour bien bloquer sa tête et me mis à faire entrer et sortir l'engin à un rythme de plus en plus rapide. Je prenais soin toutefois de lui laisser un intervalle de respiration et de ne pas rester longtemps au fond de sa gorge, pour ne pas qu'elle étouffe et pour qu'elle ne vomisse pas. A chaque fois que je sortais de sa bouche, je lui faisais lever la tête pour voir l'effet de mon pilonnage : elle avait les yeux remplis de larmes qui descendaient en abondance le long de ses joues ; *** nez coulait sans discontinuer ; et de la salive s'échappait de la commissure de ses lèvres pour s'étaler sur mon sexe à chacune de ses sorties. Je savais qu'elle souffrait. Et j'aimais cette souffrance que je trouvais tellement érotique ! (Il faudrait peut-être qu'un jour je me fasse psychanalyser pour connaître l'origine de l'immense plaisir que je prends à faire mal aux femmes que je baise). Je continuais donc ainsi en accélérant le rythme jusqu'au moment où je sentis que la jouissance allait arriver sans plus tarder.
Je regardai furtivement où se trouvait Louisa, parce que je voulais la faire participer à l'opération et la remplir elle aussi de sperme. Elle était assise par terre, adossée au sofa entrain de regarder avec intérêt sa maîtresse se faire piner sauvagement par la bouche. Elle aussi avait ouvert sa grande bouche, comme si elle attendait qu'un gros sexe s'y introduise. Je me disais que c'était exactement ce que je voulais : j'allais éjaculer une première grosse giclée dans la bouche qui m'accueillait et le reste dans celle de Louisa, qui était en attente. J'accélérai le rythme de mes va-et-vient et rapidement je sentis arriver la jouissance et un torrent de sperme dévala pour se déverser en une première grosse giclée au fond de la gorge de Aïcha. Je sortis rapidement de la première bouche et allai investir la seconde qui m'attendait.
Je refis quelques mouvements de va-et-vient dans la bouche de Louisa - qui avait plus de mal à m'accueillir, parce que non habituée - et lâchai une deuxième, puis une troisième bordée, qu'elle eut beaucoup de mal à avaler. Une grande partie sortit de sa bouche et se mit à couler sur *** menton, puis sur *** cou. Il restait encore beaucoup de sperme dans mes entrailles. Je le fis sortir en me masturbant et en le répartissant de manière équitable entre mes deux belles.
Elles étaient maintenant pleines de foutre, qu'elles s'amusèrent à aller ramasser avec leur langue l'une sur l'autre. Je regardais la scène avec extase. C'était tellement beau ! Tellement érotique ! Elles se léchaient avec empressement, se roulant au passage des patins très ***ores et mouillés. Elles avaient oublié ma présence et s'étaient mises à faire l'amour entre elles, comme si je n'existais pas. Et de fait je n'existais pas ! Elles étaient toutes à leur plaisir de s'aimer. Et c'est à ce moment là que je compris réellement ce que Aïcha voulait dire quand elle qualifiait Louisa d'esclave. C'était elle qui dans le couple menait la danse : elle ordonnait et Louisa exécutait. Suce-moi la chatte ; et Louisa enfouissait sa tête entre les cuisses de sa maîtresse et suçait goulûment jusqu'à ce qu'un autre ordre vienne changer la donne. Met-moi un doigt dans le cul : et la fille introduisait délicatement un doigt dans l'anus de sa maîtresse, tout en continuant *** cunnilingus.
- Masturbe-moi et fais-moi jouir avec tes doigts !
Et Louisa s'exécutait en branlant sa maîtresse avec maestria. La séance dura ainsi une éternité au cours de laquelle, j'ai pu admirer le pouvoir qu'avait Aïcha sur *** amante. Dans le couple, c'était Louisa qui faisait l'homme et qui faisait jouir sa maîtresse. Elle la pinait avec sa main et faisait entrer jusqu'à quatre doigts en même temps pour la faire jouir. Mais elle ne faisait rien que sa maîtresse ne lui commandait de faire. Aïcha jouit ainsi plusieurs fois, sous les caresses de Louisa. Quand elles s'arrêtèrent et reprirent leur souffle, elles se rendirent compte de ma présence. Louisa me lança un petit sourire désolé et Aïcha me regarda bien en face, fière de m'avoir montré *** pouvoir envers *** amie.
- Je n'ai pas encore connu la chaleur de ta chatte ! Je ne vais pas vous laisser partir avant que je ne fasse connaissance avec ton minou !
- Je suis fatiguée ! Ce sera pour une prochaine fois ! Car cela ne va pas s'arrêter là ! N'est-ce pas ?
- Bien sûr que non ! Mais j'aurai bien aimé te baiser aujourd'hui ! Et même t'enculer ! Car bien sûr tu aimes la sodomisation !
- Pas tellement ! Mais c'est toi le maître ! Ordonne et j'obéis ! Mais pas aujourd'hui ! La prochaine fois.


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Je les ai laissé partir, avec la promesse qu'elles reviendront, ensemble, le lendemain, et le surlendemain. Et tous les jours. Elles revinrent effectivement le lendemain et le surlendemain ; ensemble. Nous refîmes l'amour comme des bêtes. Louisa avait même fini par adorer faire l'amour avec moi, un homme. Elle se donnait à moi, sans retenue et me laissait lui faire tout ce que je voulais, y compris la sodomiser et la baiser par la bouche. Elle m'était devenue indispensable. Avec elle je prenais un plaisir immense ; supérieur à tout ce que les autres femmes m'avaient donné jusque là. Y compris Aïcha qui pourtant était plus belle et était une véritable experte en amour libre. Je crois que *** corps mince et agile, sa totale disponibilité, le plaisir qu'elle prenait et qu'elle montrait sans fausse honte, l'étroitesse des ses trous qui n'avaient jamais servi avant moi et surtout le bonheur qui se lisait dans ses yeux quand elle était avec moi, firent qu'elle avait ma préférence. J'aimais quand elles venaient toutes les deux ensemble ; quand nos trois corps s'entremêlaient, quand tous les trois nous nous effondrions de fatigue et de plaisir.
Mais j'aimais encore mieux quand Louisa venait seule (Aïcha étant bloquée à la mai*** par la présence impromptue de *** mari). Les moments que je passais alors avec elle avait un autre goût ; peut-être celui de l'amour. Je crois qu'effectivement j'étais tombé amoureux de cette femme, qui n'avait connu d'homme qu'à la quarantaine passée et qui s'évertuait à rattraper le retard en prenant, et en donnant, le maximum de plaisir.
Ce qui est exceptionnel, c'est que Aïcha, la magnifique Aïcha, comprit rapidement que j'avais une préférence pour *** esclave, mais ne m'en tint pas rigueur. Ni à Louisa non plus. Elle continua de venir chez moi et de s'offrir à moi sans retenue, prenant un plaisir évident à le faire. Mais c'est vrai, qu'elle, elle était mariée et connaissait triplement le plaisir : avec *** mari (même si elle réprimait ses désirs pour des rai***s de morale sociale), avec *** esclave et avec moi. Elle acceptait donc que Louisa ait sa part d'amour en dehors d'elle.
Notre trio infernal continue de fonctionner jusqu'à maintenant. Et sans être bigot, ni même croyant, je prie tous les jours le ciel pour que cela continue ainsi.



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Waouh... quel texte... Un grand merci.
Mais ne pourriez-vous pas vous affranchir de ces stupides étoiles dans les textes en français qui ne sont tout de même pas destinés aux pudibonds américains ?


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crois tu sérieusement que je m'amuse à placer des étoiles dans les textes ???


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Erica Meets Her Neighbour

Erica thought that the panties she had stolen from the shop -- the ones the store detective had allowed her to keep -- were the prettiest panties she had ever seen.

But she knew she wouldn't ever be brave enough to steal any more. Not even in the way the store detective had suggested.

She sat on her bed in a short pink summer dress, wondering what to do.

With only one pair of panties to wear.

Tiny little black lace panties.

She had put them on the bed beside her. All crumpled and wet from being inside her pussy.

"I'd better wash them," she said at last, "otherwise I'll have nothing to wear when I go out and look for work!"

She picked them up and went out of her bedroom. The laundry was at the back of the house. Erica ran some warm water into the sink and added some washing fluid, watching the bubbles form on the surface. Then she put her panties into the soapy water and began to wash them.

When she had finished, she rinsed them out and stepped outside. It was a windy day and the hem of her short dress fluttered around the tops of her bare thighs. She went over to the washing line in the back garden and stood on her tiptoes, reaching up to take hold of a peg.

"Oh...ohhh!" she cried, as a gust of wind lifted her short dress right up over her perfect little bare bottom.

Erica tried to push her dress down, but she couldn't do that and hang her panties up on the washing line at the same time.

"I...I hope no one is looking..." she said to herself, as she let her dress go and took hold of the peg. "Oh, I do wish I had some more panties to wear!"

But someone WAS looking.

Her neighbour.

Mr Wood.

He was staring at the young girl through a hole in the fence.

He could see everything. Her gloriously round ass cheeks. Her thighs. And -- as she turned to hang her tiny panties on the washing line -- the smooth shaven V of her teenage pussy.

His cock was already in his hand.

And as he watched the girl, he began to work his hand quickly up and down the swollen shaft...


Erica went inside the house, smoothing her short dress down over her pussy and thighs.

"I can't go out until my panties are dry..." she said to herself. "But there's nothing to eat in the house...and...and I've got no money left...nothing at all! What shall I do?"

She suddenly remembered the elderly man who lived next door.

He always seemed so friendly.

Mr...what was his name? Mr...Mr Wood.

Yes. Mr Wood.

"Maybe if I ask nicely," she said, "he'll give me something to eat..."

She went to the bathroom and brushed her hair and smoothed down her dress. Then she picked up the house keys and went outside, locking the door behind her.

She walked out the front gate and went over to the neighbour's driveway. It was still windy and she held down her dress as she went up to the front door...

...and rang the bell.

After a moment, the door opened.

An elderly man stood there. In his dressing gown.

"M-Mr Wood?" Erica said, trying to smile sweetly.

"Yes...yes, my dear..." he said, staring at the girl.

He could hardly believe it. The beautiful girl he had been watching for so long.

"I...I'm Erica...from next door..." she said. "I...I haven't got anything in the house to eat've lost my purse and I don't have any money. I wondered if...if you could help me..."

Mr Wood smiled to himself. He looked at the girl.

She was beautiful.

And her tight...and short...the flimsy fabric hugging the curves and swells of her soft young body.

"Ah...yes...yes...of course, my dear!" he said, after a moment. "Come must be starving!"

He ushered the girl in, closing the door behind her, and led her into the kitchen.

"Perhaps you would like some tea?" he asked.

"Um...oh...yes, please..." Erica said. "Can I make it?"

Mr Wood smiled.

"The kettle has just boiled, my dear," he said. "I'll make it while you get my special tea's a special occasion...they're on the top of the cupboard...up there!"

Erica looked up and saw two blue patterned tea cups on the top of a large cupboard. There was a small stepladder beside the cupboard, so as Mr Wood prepared the tea she pulled it over and climbed onto it.

There were three small steps on the ladder. But when Erica stood on the top she had to reach right up to get hold of the cups.

And as she did so, her short little dress lifted right up over her bare bottom.

Mr Wood stood behind her and admired the lovely sight.

Her perfect thighs and her gloriously round ass cheeks.

And in between her legs...the soft pink lips of the underside of her pussy...and the tiniest glimpse of her puckered asshole...

Erica reached up and took hold of the tiny handle of one of the tea cups.

"Shall I pass it down to you?" she asked, looking back at Mr Wood.

"Y-yes...sure, baby..." he said, stepping closer.

She passed the tea cup down to him and he took it and put it on the table. Then he stood beside her again as she reached up to the second tea cup.

Suddenly the stepladder moved...just a little...

"Oh...ohhh!" Erica cried, trying to keep her balance as she reached up to the top of the cupboard and tried to take hold of the tea cup.

"Let me help you, my dear..." said Mr Wood, eagerly.

He got behind her and pushed the back of her dress up around her waist, holding her tight.

Her bare ass cheeks were just inches away from his face.

"Oh...ohhhhh..." Erica gasped, still trying to regain her balance on the rickety stepladder. " dress...please...I'm not wearing any panties..."

She felt Mr Wood's hands around her waist, pulling her back against him...

"So fucking panties fucking hot!" he cried, as he held her close.

Erica bit her lower lip. She could feel his hands on her...around her waist...his fingers slipping behind her...touching the soft flesh of her round young ass cheeks... she took hold of the tea cup...reaching up as high as she could...her fingers slipping through the tiny handle.

"Oh...ohhhhh...please!" she cried, suddenly losing her balance.

The tea cup fell out of her hand and smashed into pieces against the kitchen floor.

And she fell back against Mr Wood, her bare ass cheeks pushing against his face.

"You little've broken my best cup!" he said, angrily pushing her forwards...against the cupboard door.

"I...I didn't mean to, honestly!" she cried. "It slipped out of my hand!"

But Mr Wood was busily pulling the back of her short dress up high around her waist, feasting his wicked eyes on her glorious young ass cheeks.

So round and perfect and naked.

He gave a little cry and pushed his face against them...burying his nose and mouth and chin in the smooth crevice in between the two luscious globes.

"!" Erica cried, her body pressed close against the hard wooden cupboard.

She struggled and tried to step down from the ladder, but Mr Wood held her tight against the cupboard ************** her ass cheeks with kisses...his mouth finding the tight little opening of her pink asshole...his tongue already exploring the tender love slit as his hands slipped around the front of her thighs...his fingers touching the smooth flesh of her shaven pussy mound...her cunt slit...her soft, tender love petals.

"Oh...please...d-don't do that, Mr Wood!" Erica gasped. "I'm sorry I broke your tea cup, honest I am!"

But Mr Wood took no notice. His fingers slipped in between her legs and he began to finger her pussy lips...teasing them...peeling them open...spreading them apart as he explored the opening of her tight asshole with his tongue.

" there!" Erica gasped, as she felt the puckered ring of her asshole swell and open...the tip of his tongue suddenly sliding inside her...

"Mmmnnnn...mnnnnnnnn..." he groaned, pushing his tongue into the tight little passage of her teenage asshole. "Mmmnnn...oh good...mmnnnnn...mnnnnnnn!"

Erica whimpered softly, unable to stop herself from pushing her bare ass cheeks back against his face...her hand slipping down between her legs to touch his fingers.

"P-please..." she moaned, already gasping for breath. " asshole...please...don't eat my asshole like that, Mr Wood...please don't eat my asshole!"

She touched his hand in between her legs...her fingers brushing against the wet cunt petals...taking them from Mr Wood's hand...holding them apart for him...his fingers already sliding inside her...two fingers...pushing up into her wet fuckhole...


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"Oh...ohhhh...please..." she gasped, unable to control herself. " cunt and ass...oh don't finger-fuck my hot asshole...oh fuck...your tongue...inside me...and your fingers...oh...oh please...faster...oh...oh please...finger-fuck cunt and ass...oh cunt and asshole...I'm going to cumm...oh...oh please...oh...oh...ohhh...I'm cumming...I'm cumming!"

She gave a tiny cry and pushed herself back against Mr Wood's face, her pussy suddenly swelling and contracting as she climaxed...

...her cunt squeezing Mr Wood's fingers tightly...

...her juices oozing out of her pussy and trickling down over his hand...

Mr Wood groaned and eased his tongue out of Erica's hot little asshole.

The pretty puckered slit glistened wetly. It formed a tiny O for just a moment, and he could see the cherry-pink insides of her anal passage...

...and then it closed up.

"You naughty girl..." he said, his fingers still inside the girl's cunt, wet and slippery and hot. "You come to my house without any panties on...and ask me to help you...and then you go and break my best tea cup! You little slut!"

Erica felt the tears well up in her eyes.

"I...I'm not a slut, Mr Wood...honest I'm not!" she said, whimpering softly now as she felt her pussy mouth contract tightly around his two fingers. "I...ohhh...I don't have any panties to wear...and...and I'm hungry and...and I didn't mean to break your best tea cup, honestly!"

Mr Wood smiled to himself.

If he played the part properly, she would probably do anything he wanted.

"I'm very best china...broken..." he said, slowly easing his fingers out of Erica's tight little teenage cunt. "It was expensive. How will I ever replace it?"

Erica turned to look at him.

"P-please...I...I don't have any money..." she said. "I don't even have enough money to buy panties..."

Mr Wood stepped back and looked at the girl.

Her dress was still crumpled around her pretty waist.

"Doesn't your Daddy buy you panties, my dear?" he asked. "I mean...doesn't he look after you?"

Erica gave a tiny cry...

...and then burst into tears.

" Daddy...he's gone!" she cried. "And I haven't got any money...and no food...and only one pair of panties to wear, which are hanging out to dry on the washing line! And now I've broken your best tea cup and it was probably worth hundreds and hundreds of dollars! Oh, Mr Wood, what am I going to do?"

She stepped down from the stepladder and turn to face him, the tears running down her lovely cheeks.

"There, there..." said Mr Wood, taking her hand and drawing her against him. "I'm sure we'll work something out, my dear..."

He put his arms around her and hugged her close, letting her sob for a little while against his shoulder.

And as she did so, he moved his hands down over her back to the curve of her ass cheeks. He caressed them and squeezed them and then raised one hand and slapped each of them lightly, making her whimper. Then he reached up and lifted the thin straps of her dress down over her pretty shoulders.

"If you're a good girl," he said, "then maybe I can help you. Maybe you won't have to replace my tea cup at all. And maybe I'll even give you some you can buy all the food you need...and all the panties you want". He lifted Erica's chin with his fingers and looked down at her. "Are you going to be a good girl for me?"

Erica lowered her pretty eyes.

"Y-yes..." she said, in a tiny voice.

Mr Wood smiled wickedly.

He leant forward and kissed Erica's forehead.

"Say it..." he told her. "Say it for me..."

Erica stepped back and let the straps of her dress fall off her shoulders.

"I...I'm going to be a good girl for you..." she said, softly.

"And what do good girls do, my" he asked, leaning back against the kitchen table.

Erica bit her lower lip. His dressing gown had fallen open at the front...

...and his cock was exposed to view, thrusting up into the air...thick and swollen and fully erect.

"E-everything..." she said, lowering her lovely eyes.

And as Mr Wood watched her, she reached up and lifted the front of her flimsy dress down... reveal her beautiful teenage breasts...

...firm and round and ripe...

...with the sweetest little nipples that visibly stiffened and swelled like two pretty pink rosebuds.

Erica pushed her dress down to her waist and then took hold of the flimsy garment and quickly pulled it down over the V of her hairless little pussy mound...

...and down past her thighs...

...stripping it off in front of Mr Wood and stepping out of it.

In a few moments she was naked.

Mr Wood stared at her. He could hardly believe his luck. Here was the girl he had spied on for so long, alone with him in his house...and completely naked!

"Come and suck me off..." he said. "And call me sir!"

"Y-yes, sir..." Erica said.

She knew she had to do as she was told.

So she stepped up to him and knelt down in front of him, obediently.

His cock thrust up into the air, just inches away from her pretty face.

Erica looked up at him, the tears welling up in her eyes.

"Suck me off..." he repeated, grabbing hold of her hair. He pushed her face against the underside of his cock and his swollen balls. "Suck me off!"

"Y-yes, sir...yes..." Erica said, suddenly becoming frightened.

She kissed the underside of his rigid shaft and licked it with her tongue. Then she reached up and curled her fingers around the thick cock, squeezing it and then working her up and down the swollen organ for a few moments...

...before lifting the thick cockhead up to her luscious young mouth.

"Yes...yes...suck me...suck me off!" Mr Wood cried, looking down at the girl.

Erica opened her rosy lips and pressed them around his cockhead, sucking it into her mouth and licking it with the tip of her tongue. She began to masturbate the base of his shaft with her hand, feeling his penis swell with excitement...

...her lips sliding down the thickness of his shaft now...her mouth sucking the cockhead...

...the precumm already oozing out over her tongue, hot and she pushed her lips down over his cock, taking it deeper into her mouth...deeper...

...her hand slipping away from the base of his shaft to caress his balls as she sucked him...

...her lips pushing down over the length of his penis...her tongue licking around the thickness of his shaft now as his cockhead touched against the back of her throat...

" little slut!" Mr Wood cried, breathless with excitement. "Suck it all...take it all in your fucking mouth!"

Erica cupped her hand under his balls and held her mouth down around the base of his cock for a moment...pressing her lips tightly around his shaft...sucking him...tasting him...

...and then, with a little gasp, she lifted her mouth up...sliding up the length of his cock...almost to the glistening cockhead...and then down again...moving her mouth up and down...up and down...sucking his cock and licking it with her pretty tongue...up and down...faster...and faster...

"Oh...oh little fucking cunt!" Mr Wood gasped, as his cock began to jerk and throb excitedly. "You cunt...oh...oh fuck...I'm going to cumm...I...I'm cumming...I'm cumming!"

He grabbed Erica's hair again and pulled her back...his cock slipping out of her mouth...slippery and glistening...visibly jerking in front of her lovely face.

"I'm cumming...oh fuck...I'm cumming!" he cried... a creamy ribbon of spunk suddenly spurted into the air...splashing over Erica's eyes and forehead...

"Oh...oh!" she gasped, as his cock jerked again and more semen spurted out, splattering over her lips and chin.

She looked up at him as the semen pumped out of his cock, milky and hot...spurting into the air and splashing against her face...more and if it seemed like it wouldn't stop...

...her face coated with sticky spunk...

...the semen dripping down onto her bare breasts and nipples...trickling down her cheeks and chin...

"Oh fuck..." he cried, taking his cock in his hand at last. "Suck it...suck the rest of my spunk..."

He pushed his shaft against Erica's mouth...and she opened her lips and let him push it inside...

...sucking the last globules of semen as they pulsed out of his swollen cockhead...

...licking his shaft as it softened in her mouth...

...the semen sliding down her throat...


"Oh...oh...mmmnnnn...oh...oh...sir..." she whimpered, as his cock finally slipped out from between her glistening lips. "Oh...I...I'm covered in's...all over my face, sir..."

She had never seen so much spunk before.

Mr Wood looked down at the girl.

His semen was dripping off her face and chin, splashing onto her breasts and tummy below.

Thick and creamy.

"You've been a very good girl, haven't you?" he said, leaning back against the kitchen table and pulling his dressing down around him. "Go and get your dress and wipe the spunk off your pretty face. And then sit down with"

"O-okay..." Erica said.

She slowly got to her feet and went over and picked up her flimsy dress. Mr Wood watched her as she lifted it to her face and breasts and gingerly began to wipe up the semen...

He felt sorry for the girl.

But she was a slut, wasn't she? A cunt.

Maybe he could help her.

In his own way.

He didn't want to let her go.

No. She mustn't leave.

His mind started to race. With plans. For Erica.



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Mr Wood pretended to be very angry with Erica for breaking his best china teacup.

"It was very expensive..." he told her, as she wiped his semen from her face and chin with her flimsy dress. "Priceless, in fact. I'll never be able to replace it!"

Erica felt as if she would burst into tears. Her bare breasts bobbed and swelled as she stood beside the kitchen table.

"I...I'm really sorry, sir...honestly I am!" she said, her voice trembling. "I...I only wanted to help..."

Mr Wood tried to look stern and disapproving. He wrapped his dressing gown around his softening cock.

"You wicked girl...I ought to call the police!" he said.

Erica gasped.

She had been in so much trouble with the police, she dreaded to think what might happen to her if Mr Wood called them.

", sir...don't call the police..." she said. "I...I'll do anything...anything, sir..."

Mr Wood looked at the naked girl. She was beautiful. Utterly beautiful. His mind raced with ideas...imagining all the things he would do to her.

"You poor girl..." he said, after a moment. "I shall be kind to you. After all, we're neighbours, aren't we? But you owe me, my owe me a great deal of money! So I want you to listen very carefully to what I have to say. I'm an elderly man with few pleasures left in life, my dear. Tonight is my card night. Two of my dearest friends will come and play cards with me. I want you to be our maid..."

Erica looked at him.

"Your...your maid, sir?" she said, in a tiny voice.

"Yes, my dear..." he said. "You will serve us...bringing us food and ********* attending to all our comforts. I have a maid's costume tucked away in a drawer upstairs. Come with me, my dear, and we'll see if it fits you..."

Erica bit her lower lip. She didn't want him to call the police. And maybe he would be kind to her if she helped him.

"Um...o-okay..." she said.

She followed Mr Wood upstairs and down a short corridor to a room at the end. He opened the door and they went inside.

The room was full of old furniture.

Mr Wood went up to a large oak chest and opened the top drawer. He reached inside and took out some flimsy little garments and put them on a chair.

"This is all you need, my dear..." he said, looking at Erica. "You can use my bedroom to get undressed, it's the one beside the stairs. There are some shoes beside the bed. I'll wait for you in the kitchen. Don't be long, okay?"

He went out of the room, leaving Erica on her own.

She looked at the garments on the chair.

A pair of stockings.

A tiny pair of black see-thru bikini panties.

A tiny frilly white apron.

And a very short black maid's tunic.

Erica picked them up and inspected them.

"Oh dear..." she said. "They all look small! Even the will I fit into them?"

She clutched the flimsy garments to her bare breasts as she made her way to Mr Wood's bedroom.

"Oh..." she said, as she opened the door and went inside.

It was a beautiful room, with a large king-size bed right in the middle covered with a luscious patterned quilt and thick, soft cushions. Erica put the garments on the bed and laid them out.

Then she picked up the panties and stepped into them.

"My goodness...they are small..." she moaned, as she struggled to pull the tiny panties up over her thighs and ass cheeks.

The sheer see-thru fabric stretched almost to bursting point as she tugged it up over the swell of her bare bottom. Erica whimpered softly as she pulled the tiny black V at the front up over her smooth little pussy mound and lifted the taut sides of the panties up over her hips.

As she did so, she felt the underside of the tiny garment stretch and tighten in between her legs. It pressed urgently against the pink folds of her pussy *********** them to swell...and open...

" panties!" Erica gasped, reaching down between her thighs. Her fingers touched her pussy lips...silky-soft and tender. "Oh my panties...they're inside me...they're inside my pussy!"

She peeled her cunt petals apart with her fingertips and gingerly touched the tightly stretched little ribbon of fabric inside her vagina.

It was already soaking wet with her hot teenage love juices.

Erica gave a tiny cry and gently took her fingers away from in between her thighs. The tender cunt petals closed again, curling around the panties...and completely concealing them from view.

There was nothing she could do about it. Mr Wood was waiting for her downstairs and she had to get dressed.

So she picked up the stockings and stepped into them, one pretty foot at a time...rolling the sheer silk up over her knees and smoothing the tight patterned tops around the soft upper part of her milky-white thighs.

"Pretty stockings..." Erica said to herself, as she picked up the little maid's tunic.

She stepped into the garment and pulled it up over her thighs and panties, lifting the front up over her smooth, soft tummy. The zipper at the back of the tunic was undone, but it was still extremely tight. Erica gave a little gasp as she tried to lift the cups of the blouse up over her bare breasts and slipped her arms through the small puffy sleeves.

"Oh...they're half-cups!" she cried, as she lifted the sleeves up over her shoulders. " nipples...they won't be covered!"

The top of the maid's tunic only reached up to the underside of her breasts. The patterned cups of the blouse were deliberately small, cut away into small curves that pushed her breasts up, making them swell...but left her pink nipples and the top of her breasts completely exposed.

To make matters worse, the hem of the tunic -- now that she had pulled it up as high as it could go -- barely reached past her pretty waist.

Erica looked down at herself.

Her breasts and nipples thrust out in front of her, naked and ripe, pushed upwards by the cups underneath.

The tunic was drawn in tightly around her waist, and the skirt flared out wide over her tummy. But it was only a few inches long.

"Oh doesn't even cover my panties!" Erica cried.

There was a large mirror in the corner of Mr Wood's room. She ran over and stood in front of it, looking at her reflection.

The front and the tiny bikini sides of her sheer see-thru panties were completely visible.

Erica turned around to look at her bottom.

"Oh no..." she gasped.

She hadn't done the zipper up at the back.

So she reached and around and took hold of it and began to pull it up.

As she did so, the tunic tightened around her body...pushing her breasts up higher...her pink nipples swelling...

" tight..." she gasped, as she tugged the zipper to the top of the tunic. "Oh...oh...oh my goodness!"

As her tunic tightened, the hem had lifted a little at the back. Right up over the curve of her beautiful bottom.

"All of my panties are showing!" Erica cried, looking at herself in the mirror. "And they're so sheer and...and see-thru!"

She tried to pull the hem down, but the fabric was so tightly stretched it simply wouldn't move. And she didn't want to tear it.

Erica looked at herself in the mirror again.

She could see right through the fabric of her panties. And in between her legs the fabric suddenly disappeared.

Leaving two pretty little cunt petals exposed to view.

She sighed softly and bit her lower lip.

"Maybe the frilly apron will cover my panties..." she said, stepping over to the bed.

She picked up the last item of clothing and put it on, slipping the two white ribbons around her waist and quickly tying them into a little bow.

The apron was a small white semi-circle with a frilly lace hem.

Erica tied it tightly around her waist and adjusted the front so it fitted properly.

Then she looked at herself in the mirror again.

"Oh...yes...that's a little better, I suppose!" she said.

The little apron just managed to cover the tiny black V of Erica's panties, its frilly hem fluttering softly against the tops of her thighs.

Feeling a little less naked, she went back to Mr Wood's bed and found the shoes he had laid out for her. They were black, with one-inch heels.

She stepped into them and reached behind to make sure the bow of her apron was properly tied.

And then she went downstairs to the kitchen.

Mr Wood was still in his dressing gown, ******** tea. When Erica came into the room, he stood up to look at her.

She was the perfect maid.

Her bare breasts and nipples thrust out provocatively towards him. And the tunic...he could see how short it was, barely reaching down to her shapely hips. He feasted his eyes on the girl as she stepped closer. The cute little white apron...and...

"Turn around, my dear", he said. "Let me see the panties..."

"Y-yes, sir..." Erica said, blushing a little.

She turned around for him, letting him look at her beautiful young bottom.

The sheer black panties stretched almost to bursting point over her luscious ass cheeks.

Mr Wood savoured every moment as he stared at the lovely sight.

"Exquisite...yes...exquisite!" he said, after a little while. "But the panties spoil the costume, my dear. Besides, they are far too small for you. Take them off. Take the panties off!"

Erica gasped softly.

"But...but, sir..." she began, turning back to look at him.

His dressing gown had fallen open and she could see his cock.

It was beginning to swell and stiffen.

"Take the panties off, my dear", he said, looking at her sternly. "If you are to be our maid, then you must do as you are told. Now take your panties off...this instant!"



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Erica lowered her lovely eyes.

She knew she had to obey him.

It was as if she was in his power now.

Yes. His maid. She was his maid.

She sighed and reached down to the sides of her panties, slipping her fingers through them.

And, as Mr Wood watched her, she gently pulled them down over her pussy and ass cheeks.

"Oh...ohhh!" she gasped softly, as the underside of the panties slipped out of her pussy slit and peeled away from her cunt petals.

A tiny ribbon of translucent girl-cumm stretched from her pissy slit to the panties below as she pulled them down...stretching...almost invisible...until it finally burst and dripped onto the kitchen floor.

Erica looked as Mr Wood as she bent over and stepped out of her panties, picking them up.

"I...I've taken my panties off, sir..." she said, trying to sound obedient. "Just like you asked me..."

"Good...good girl...perfect..." said Mr Wood. "Now put them on the table and come and pour some tea, my dear. You must be thirsty."

Erica did as she was told and put her panties on the table beside Mr Wood. There was another cup and saucer next to his, and she stood by the table and picked up the teapot and poured some tea.

Mr Wood picked up the panties and caressed them with his fingers. He watched her as she added some milk and sugar and stirred it with a teaspoon. And as she leant over to pick up the teacup, he moved behind her to look at her nakedness.

The swell of her bare ass cheeks.

The back of her thighs and her tight black stockings.

Erica blushed as she sipped the tea. She could feel the hem of her tunic fluttering against the small of her back.

And she knew that her beautiful young bottom was completely exposed to Mr Wood's lustful gaze.

"You don't want me to call the police, do you, my dear?" he said, after a few moments.

Erica looked back at him.

"N-no, sir..." she said, in a tiny voice.

"Do you know how wet these panties are, my dear?" he asked her. "The ones you just took off? The fabric is soaked with your cumm!"

Erica looked back at him again.

"I...I'm sorry, sir..." she said. "I...I didn't mean to wet my panties, sir..."

"You naughty girl!" he said. "You've caused me so much trouble. And now I'll have to wash these panties myself!"

"I...I can do it, sir!" Erica said. "I can wash my panties! And...and I'm sorry for making them wet, sir...honestly I am!"

Mr Wood stepped closer to her.

"Say it again, my dear...I don't believe you", he said. "Say it again!"

"I...I'm sorry for making my panties wet, sir..." Erica said, her voice trembling a little.

"You made them wet because you're a naughty girl with a wet pussy...aren't you?" he said. "Say it to me!"

Erica gasped softly.

"I...I made my panties wet because I...I'm a naughty girl with a w-wet pussy, sir..." she said, her voice barely audible.

Mr Wood put her panties on the table beside her.

"Lean over the table for me, my dear", he said. "Lean right that...good...good!"

Erica did as she was told and bent over the table, pushing her teacup away putting her elbows on the table cloth.

Her bare ass cheeks were upraised behind her.

Naked and ripe and round.

Mr Wood stood right behind her and lifted his hand into the air.

"Say it again!" he told her.

"I...I made my panties wet because I...I'm a naughty girl with a wet...oh...ohhhhh, sir...owwww!" she cried.

Mr Wood brought his hand down hard on her bare bottom.


Erica gave a loud cry. Her eyes filled with tears.

And her bare bottom suddenly turned rosy pink.

"Say it again!" Mr Wood said.

"I...oh please, sir...I...I made my panties wet because I'm a naughty girl with...oh...owwwwwwww!" she squealed.

Mr Wood had spanked her bottom again.


The soft ass cheeks quivered.

And turned even pinker.

Erica began to cry.

"'t spank me, sir!" she said, reaching behind her with both hands.

Mr Wood smiled to himself and stepped back a little as she cupped her hands over her sore ass cheeks and began to caress them, trying to ease the pain.

"P-please, sir..." she whimpered, massaging her bare bottom...her fingers gently pressing into the soft, tender flesh. "Please don't spank me, sir...please..."

She cupped her hands over each of her ass cheeks and pushed them together for a moment...

...and then pulled them apart...

...spreading her ass cheeks open.

Mr Wood stared at the lovely sight.

As she pulled her ass cheeks apart, the tiny puckered slit of her asshole opened up.

To form a perfect little pink O.

The lips of her pussy were also opening...

...peeling apart.

Moist and pink and pretty.

Mr Wood got behind her and reached down to take hold of his cock.

It was thick and swollen.

And fully erect.

"Say it again..." he said, as he leant over the sobbing girl.

Erica whimpered softly.

"P-please...I...I made my panties wet because I'm a naughty girl with...with a wet pussy, sir..." she said, looking back at him as she held her ass cheeks open.

"And shouldn't naughty girls be punished, my dear?" Mr Wood said.

He leant over Erica, guiding his cock down to her perfect little upraised bottom.

Erica stifled a tiny sob.

"Y-yes, sir..." she said, in a quivering voice. "N-naughty girls should be punished, sir...and I'm a naughty girl because I made my panties wet, sir...with my c-cumm...because my panties were so tight, sir...the fabric pushed inside me...inside my pussy...oh please...oh...inside me...please, sir...p-punish me, sir...please...I'm a naughty girl, sir...please...punish me!"

She pulled her ass cheeks further apart as Mr Wood leant over her, his swollen cockhead pressing urgently against the tight little opening of her asshole.

" must be punished!" he cried, as he felt her anal opening kiss the head of his cock..

...and blossom like a tiny pink flower...

...opening up as he pushed against it...

...his cockhead suddenly popping inside.

"Oh...ohhhh...oh, sir!" Erica squealed, as she pushed her bottom back against him. "Oh...oh...I'm a naughty girl, naughty...and...and I need to be punished for wetting my panties, wet panties...ohhh...oh sir...oh...ohhhh!"

She gave a tiny scream as his shaft began to slide into her asshole...

...pushing into her bottom...


...filling her asshole with thick, hard cock...

"You little slut..." Mr Wood gasped, as he leant over the lovely girl. "You are so naughty...and...and I'm punishing you by fucking your hot little asshole...yes...I'm fucking you in the ass...your tight little asshole...oh's so fucking tight!"

He groaned as he began to work his cock quickly in and out of Erica's bottom...fucking her in the and and out...

"Oh yes, sir...yes...punish me, sir!" she squealed, arching her back as he pulled at her hair. "Oh...ohhh...please, sir...punish me for being so fucking me,! Oh...oh sir...yes...fuck me in the ass, sir...your hard cock...oh please, sir...please...fuck me in the ass...fuck me in the ass!"

It was too much for Mr Wood.

He groaned as his cock jerked excitedly inside Erica's tight little asshole.

" little slut...I'm going to cumm!" he gasped, letting go of her hair.

And with a cry, he began to ejaculate...

...his thick cumm spurting into her...

...deep inside her tight ass... and creamy...

...spurt after spurt...

...bubbling into her asshole as he fucked her, his cock working quickly in and out ...

...spurting thick wads of semen into the lovely girl's delicious little bottom.

Erica collapsed into her arms on the table, sobbing.

She felt his cock slide out of her asshole...

...and as she sobbed, she could feel the semen pulsing out of her...

...dripping onto the kitchen floor in between her feet.

Her asshole opened and closed as the creamy spunk oozed out...a tiny glistening O of pinkness and cumm.

"I...I'm a naughty girl..." she said softly. "I'm such a naughty girl...for making my tight little panties so wet..."

And she wondered if her punishment was over.

Or whether it had just begun.


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Mr Wood was enjoying himself immensely. The girl next door -- the girl he had spied on and masturbated over for so long -- was now completely in his power. She was going to do exactly as she was told. And be his very special maid. For Mr Wood and his two friends.

She had sucked him off and then he had fucked the girl in the ass. But his cock was still throbbing as he thought of all the things he was going to do to her.

"Go to the bathroom and wash your asshole and pussy", he told her. "Prepare yourself for my guests, Erica. They'll be here shortly. And I expect you to behave like a perfect little maid. If you don't, I'll call the police and tell them all the wicked things you've done to me. Would you like that?"

Erica whimpered softly.

She could feel the semen oozing out of her asshole and dripping in tiny white drops into the kitchen floor below.

"N-no, sir..." she said, in a tiny voice.

"Then you'd better on your best behaviour, young lady", he told her. "And you'd better make sure you look real pretty. Go and wash your hot asshole. Make sure there's no spunk inside it. And then get dressed. But remember, no panties. Okay?"

Erica bit her lower lip.

"O-okay..." she said.

Mr Wood went off to get his cards and to prepare himself for the night ahead, leaving Erica alone.

She sighed and made her way to the bathroom, as he had instructed. There was a small, deep bathtub with a short hose attached to the taps. Erica leant over and turned them on, squeezing some oils into the water as she filled the bath. She stepped out of her shoes and rolled down her stockings and took them off. Then she slipped off her apron and pulled her short tunic up around her waist and stepped into the tub.

She washed her thighs and pussy, and then picked up the hose, kneeling forwards over the front of the bathtub and pushing her bare ass cheeks out behind her. The water squirted out in a thin jet, splashing over her upraised bottom.

Erica guided the hose to her pretty pink asshole, gasping as the water splashed against the tight puckered rim.

She reached back with one hand and touched the opening of her anus, stretching it apart with her fingers. Some of the water began to squirt inside, and she moaned as she felt the warmth flooding into her body. Mr Wood's semen washed out of her bottom and dripped into the bath.

"Oh...ohhhh..." Erica gasped, as she pressed the hose against the opening of her asshole.

Her anus swelled and blossomed...and she pushed the tip of the hose into her ass...squirming as the water flooded into her body.

"Mmmnnnn..." she moaned, luxuriating in the sensation of having her asshole filled with warm, soapy water. She worked the tip of the hose in and out a little...the water splashing around her...and then, with a tiny gasp, she pulled it out...

...pushing her ass cheeks up high behind her as the water pulsed out of her asshole.

She reached around and gingerly touched the puckered opening with her fingertips.

It was squeaky clean.

"Are you ready, my dear?"

It was Mr Wood.

He opened the bathroom door and looked at Erica.

"You silly girl, you've made your tunic all wet!" he said. "And my guests will be here in just a moment! Get out of the bath at once and take the tunic off. You'll have to do without it!"

Erica knelt up in the bath.

Her tunic was soaked.

She should have taken it off.

"Turn around...let me unzip it...and hang it out to dry!" he said.

Erica did as she was told. He unzipped the back of her tunic and pulled it down over her waist and bottom. He watched as the girl stood up and stepped out of it and then he handed her a large white towel.

"Wh-what shall I wear, sir?" said Erica, as she dried her herself.

"The apron. And the stockings and heels. That's all!" said Mr Wood. And he turned and walked out.


The three men were seated around the kitchen table, already playing their first game.

"Erica!" Mr Wood shouted. "Are you ready? We need some **********"

"Y-yes, sir..." she called.

Erica walked down the staircase, feeling so utterly naked. Her bare breasts bounced and quivered. The tiny white frilly apron barely covered the front of her pussy, and her ass cheeks were completely exposed to view, firm and round.

Her bare breasts bounced and quivered as she walked, and her nipples were already tingling and fully erect.

The back stockings completed the picture, tight against her lovely young thighs.

She was almost naked as she stepped into the kitchen.

"Ah...the maid...come in, my dear!" Mr Wood said.

The other two men turned around to look at the girl.

Erica stared at one of the men. And gasped softly.

It was the store detective!

Mr Wood smiled.

"My dear, let me introduce Jeremy" -- he nodded at the other man -- "and Michael". He nodded at the store detective, who looked up at Erica and winked.

"I believe I've met Erica before", he said, after a moment.

Mr Wood looked at her.

"Is that true, my dear?" he asked.

Erica blushed and lowered her lovely eyes, her hands clasped over the front of her tiny white apron.

"Y-yes, sir..." she said.

"Aren't you going to tell Mr Wood how we met, Erica?" Michael asked.

The three men looked at her, feasting their eyes on the lovely sight as she stood beside the table.

Erica bit her lower lip.

"He...he caught me stealing some panties from a shop, sir..." she said, in a tiny voice.

Mr Wood frowned.

"Such a naughty girl", he said. "She broke a very expensive tea cup, too! Why, if she isn't careful, she'll end up in jail. In fact, I've a good mind to call the police right now!"

Erica gasped.

"Oh no, sir...please!" she said. "I...I'll be good, I promise. Please don't send me to jail, sir!"

The third man sat back in his chair and lit a cigarette.

"Do you always steal panties, baby?" he asked.

Erica looked at him.

"N-no, sir..." she said. "It's just that...I...I didn't have any panties to wear and...and..."

"But Mr Wood tells me that you like going out without any panties on", said Jeremy. "Is that right, baby?"

"N-no...I mean...I...I couldn't help it, I didn't have any panties to put on!" Erica said, trying not to burst into tears.

"Don't tease the poor girl", said Mr Wood, picking up the cards. "She loves showing off her hot little ass and pussy, don't you, my dear? As you can probably see, Erica isn't wearing panties right now! Her cunt and ass are naked...aren't they, my dear?"

Erica blushed again.

"Y-yes, sir..." she said, her voice trembling.

"Say it..." he told her.

The three men looked intently at Erica.

She knew she had to obey.

" cunt and ass are...naked, sir..." she said.

"Say it again'", he said. "And again!"

" cunt and ass are naked..." Erica repeated, blushing pink. "My cunt and ass are naked. I'm not wearing panties and my cunt and ass are naked, sir..."

"Good...good..." said Mr Wood. "Now get us some ******, my dear..."

"Yes, sir..." she said.

The three men watched, wide-eyed, as Erica turned to go to the fridge. Her ass cheeks were naked, round and firm. And they could see in between her legs...the underside of her pussy...a tight pink slit in between the swelling flesh of her teenage love mound.

Erica opened the fridge door and took out three cans of beer. She got three glasses from the cupboard and opened the cans and poured them out. Then she put the glasses on a tray and carried them to the table.

The three men were playing cards.

Erica put each glass on the table beside the men, watching them as they dealt the cards out and played.

"Hey...I've won!" Jeremy cried, laying his cards on the table.

Mr Wood smiled.

"Then you get to decide what you want Erica to do", he said. "That's the prize. Every time someone wins, they tell Erica what to do. Okay, baby?"

He looked at Erica, who was standing in the corner of the kitchen.

"O-okay..." she said, in a tiny voice.

Jeremy turned to look at the girl.

"I think you'd better take the apron off, princess..." he said. "So we can get a better look at that sweet little pussy..."

"Come closer, my dear, and do as you're told", Mr Wood said. "Take that little apron off..."

Erica stifled a tiny sob and stepped up to the table. She knew she had to do as she was told.

So she reached around behind her waist and pulled at the bow, untying her apron.

It slipped away from her pussy and fell in a tiny heap on the kitchen floor.

She was naked now, except for her stockings and heels.

The three men stared at her, feasting their eyes on the lovely sight.

Her beautiful young breasts, firm and ripe and round.

Her soft tummy.

Her smooth thighs.

And her perfectly bald little pussy mound.

"Good girl..." said Mr Wood, dealing out the cards again.

He reached into the pocket of his dressing gown and took out the panties Erica had worn earlier on as part of her maid's costume.


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"Would you like to put these little panties back on, my dear?" he asked.

Erica looked at the tiny undergarment.

It hardly covered anything. And the fabric was completely see-thru.

But she was naked now, in front of these three men.

So naked.

"Y-yes, sir..." she said, in a trembling voice. "I...I want to put my panties on, sir..."

Mr Wood smiled.

"If I win the next round, you can put your panties on...okay?" he said, smiling at the other two men. "But if I lose, you'll climb onto the table and masturbate with them. Is that understood?"

Erica lowered her pretty eyes and covered her shaven pussy mound with her hands.

"Yes, sir..." she whispered.

The men began to play...shuffling their cards and looking at them...and then Michael laughed out loud and laid his cards on the table.

The others turned their cards over and looked at him.

"Michael's the winner..." Mr Wood said, smiling wickedly. "Come over to the table, my dear, and climb up..."

Erica nodded and stepped up to the table and lifted herself up. As she did so, Jeremy reached over and felt her firm ass cheeks, squeezing each of them as she climbed up and got onto her hands and knees in front of the three men.

"My fucking cock is already hard just looking at this little slut!" he said, sitting back in his chair.

Erica turned over and sat on the table, facing the three men.

"Good...good..." Mr Wood said. "Now spread the legs...yes...wide open, baby...and pick up the panties..."

He watched as the lovely girl lay back on the table and lifted her legs...

...spreading them wide apart.

"Oh fuck...look at her cunt! Look at the cunt lips!" Michael cried. "Fucking perfect!"

The men stared wide-eyed at the lovely sight in front of them.

The pink slit of Erica's moist little teenage cunt.

Her darling two pretty love-petals in between her lovely thighs.

And the swell of her bare ass cheeks underneath.

Mr Wood sat back and opened his dressing gown.

His cock was already fully erect, thick and swollen with excitement.

"Remember what you must do, my dear..." he said. "Pick up the panties and masturbate with them!"

"Y-yes...yes, sir..." Erica replied, her voice barely audible now.

She picked up the flimsy panties and brought her hand down between her legs, letting the soft fabric brush against her pussy lips.

"Talk dirty to us while you do it!" Jeremy urged, unbuttoning his trousers. "Talk fucking dirty!"

"O-okay..." Erica said.

She whimpered softly as she began to massage her pussy lips with the panties, rubbing the thin fabric against her tender love petals...

...softly at first...

...and then a little harder, until the lips began to open.

" panties..." she gasped, reaching down to her pussy with her other hand. " panties..."

The three men watched as she touched her cunt petals with her fingertips and gently peeled them open. They were all sitting back in their chairs now, their stiff cocks in their hands.

Staring at the pretty pink wetness inside Erica's vagina.

She held her lips open for them, knowing they could see every part of her pussy...the tiny pin-prick of her peehole...the pale pink bud of her exposed clit at the top of her parted labia...

...and the tender, glistening O of her exposed teenage cunt.

"My panties..." she whispered, pressing the flimsy undergarment against the opening of her pussy mouth. " panties...I'm masturbating with my wet panties..."

She pushed a finger into the fabric and touched the tiny O of her vagina...letting the finger slip inside...taking the panties with it...

...the damp fabric coating her it slipped deeper inside her pussy.

" panties...I'm masturbating with my panties!" she gasped, still holding her cunt lips apart as she pushed her finger deep inside her darling love mouth.

The three men stared at the lovely girl as she pushed her finger all the way into her cunt, taking most of the panties with it.

"Keep talking dirty!" Mr Wood cried, his hand working up and down his swollen shaft as he leant back in his chair. "Keep talking about your cunt and panties!"

Erica could see the three men...each of them masturbating now as they watched her.

" cunt...and...and panties..." she gasped. "My panties...they're inside my wet panties are inside my tight little teenage cunt!"

She slipped her finger out of her pussy, gasping with excitement. Some of the panties remained inside her...

...she held her lips wide apart so the men could see the fabric...

...and then she took hold of the lacy edge of her panties and gently pulled the undergarment out of her cunt.

" panties..." Erica whimpered. "My panties!"

She felt her body shudder and she gave a little cry...

...and as she did so, a tiny jet of fluid suddenly spurted out from her pussy and splattered onto the table.

"Oh!" she gasped, lifting her round ass cheeks up from the table. " feels so cunt...I'm going to cumm...I'm going to cumm!"

Erica arched her back and pushed her hips upwards into the air, pulling her cunt lips open with one hand and holding the panties over her pussy with the other. A second ribbon of juice spurted out of her vagina and splashed into the panties, soaking them through.

"Ohhhh...I'm cumming...I'm cummmingggg!" she squealed, pressing the panties against her pussy as her hot juices pulsed out. "I'm cumming into my panties!"

It was too much for Mr Wood.

He got up from his chair, holding his swollen cock in his hand, and got behind her. Erica cried out as he took hold of her hair and pulled it hard, ******* her to look up at him

"Suck it...suck me off!" he groaned, working his hand quickly up and down his thick, throbbing shaft. "Suck it...oh...oh fuck...I'm going to cumm!"

A ribbon of milky semen suddenly spurted out of his cock and splashed against Erica's pretty face. He pulled her closer and pressed his cock against her mouth.

"Oh...ohhhhh...oh sir...oh...mmmnnnn...mnnnnnn!" she gasped, opening her lips around the swollen cockhead.

She whimpered as she felt another ribbon of cumm pulse out of his cock and flood into her and sticky over her she began to suck.

"Yes...suck it...suck my cock...swallow it...all of my cumm...swallow it!" Mr Wood cried, as he pushed his shaft deeper into Erica's lovely mouth.

Her lips pressed tightly around his cock and she sucked and sucked like a good girl...swallowing bravely as ribbon after ribbon of thick, milky semen flooded into her mouth, coating her pretty tongue...

"Mmmnnnn...oh...ohhhhhhh....mmnnnnnnnnnn!" she moaned, as the hot delicious juices slid down her throat. "Mmmnnnnn...oh...ohhhhhh...mmnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!"

And Mr Wood eased his softening cock out of her lovely mouth...

...she opened her eyes and looked up at the other two men.

They were both standing over the table, their cocks in their hands.

Hard and swollen.

"I want the slut's asshole..." Michael said, staring wide-eyed at the girl as she lay back on the table, her legs still spread wide apart. "I want to fuck her in the ass!"

"Yes...yes...and the cunt..." Jeremy groaned, working his hand quickly up and down his aching shaft as he watched the girl swallow Mr Wood's semen. "I want the cunt...and the ass...all her holes...I'm gonna fuck her until she begs me to stop!"

Mr Wood lifted his cock away from Erica's pretty mouth.

"Yes, my dear..." he said, smiling down at her. "Look what you've done, you naughty girl. You've excited my two friends and they can't stop themselves. They want you. So now you're going to show us all what a good girl you can be. And you're going to do exactly as you're told. Exactly as you're told, or you'll be in very serious trouble. Do you understand?"

Erica felt her eyes fill with tears.

She looked up at Mr Wood.

"Y-yes, sir..." she said, in the tiniest little voice.


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Mr Wood stood back from the table, gasping for breath. His cock was still dripping with cumm as he looked at Erica and smiled.

"Yes...a good girl..." he said. "You're going to be such a good girl for us, my dear. Our pretty little slut. Now wipe the spunk off your lovely face. Use your hot little panties. Pick them up and wipe the cumm off your face!"

Erica stifled a tiny sob.

"Y-yes, sir..." she said, sitting up on the table.

She reached down and picked up her wet panties and lifted them up to her face, carefully wiping her cheeks and chin.

" turn over for us, baby...get on your hands and knees!" Mr Wood said. "Show us how pretty your hot ass cheeks are!"


Erica put her cumm-soaked love-panties down on the table and lifted herself up. She looked at Michael and Jeremy as she got onto her hands and knees. They were both staring at her, holding their cocks in their hands.

She knelt down in front of them, pushing her bare bottom up into the air. Her breasts hung down like luscious globes beneath her, and as she knelt forwards she felt her hard little nipples brushing against the table top.

Erica knew that her cunt and ass were completely exposed to the three men. Her pussy lips glistened wetly between her legs, pink and open and inviting. Her ass cheeks were perfectly round and firm and spankable...and her tight little puckered asshole seemed to wink and swell with anticipation.

Michael stared at the tiny pink hole, wide-eyed.

It was visibly opening and closing now...agitated and hot...

...a tiny pink O between her ass cheeks.

"Look at the slut's asshole!" he cried, working his hand quickly up and down his swollen cock. "Make her pull her ass cheeks wide open so we can see inside!"

"Do as he says, my your ass cheeks!" Mr Wood said, staring at the lovely sight in front of him.

"O-okay..." Erica said.

She reached back and cupped her hands over each of her round ass cheeks and -- as the men watched -- she slowly drew them apart.

Her asshole began to stretch from a tiny pink O to a pouting slit. And then, as she released her grip a little, the slit opened up and swelled...

...and suddenly the three men could see the cherry-pinkness inside her bottom...the opening of her anal passage...deep and luscious and hot.

"Oh fuck...her asshole...I can see right inside her asshole!" Jeremy gasped.

Erica gasped softly and let her fingers slip between her ass cheeks. She gingerly felt the opening of her asshole, touching the puckered rim...teasing it...

...and then...

"Ohh...ohhhhh..." she whimpered, as she dipped a pretty little fingertip into the delicious anal opening. " asshole..."

The men watched as she teased the opening of her asshole for a moment...and then pushed her finger deeper...

...into her ass...

...all the way inside.

" hot asshole..." she gasped, easing her finger out a little...and then pushing it back inside. "It feels so hot little feels so good!"

"The slut is finger-fucking her ass!" Michael cried, staring at Erica as she began to work her finger quickly in and out of her tender anal passage.

Holding his cock in his hand, he climbed up onto the table and knelt over the lovely girl.

"Yes...yes!" Jeremy cried. "Fuck her...fuck the bitch in the asshole!"

Erica looked back at Michael, gasping for breath.

"Y-yes..." she said, slowly easing her buried finger out of her tight asshole. "I...I want it. Please...I want it. All of you. Fuck me in the ass...fuck me in the ass...I want all your cocks in my ass...please...fuck me...don't stop fucking me in the ass..."

Her anus formed a tiny pink O as she slipped her finger out ...and then it contracted to form a tight little slit in between her beautiful upraised ass cheeks.

Michael could barely contain his excitement. He leant over the girl and guided his swollen cock down to her ass slit.

"Oh fuck...she's so wet!" he gasped, as he pushed the head of his thick shaft hard against the puckered opening of her anus.

Erica gasped as her asshole stretched around his thick cockhead, gripping it tightly...sucking it inside...

"Oh...ohhh!" she squealed, as the swollen shaft began to push into her asshole. "Oh fuck...yes...yes...fuck me in the ass...fuck me...fuck me in the ass!"

Mr Wood stare at the lovely girl. She seemed to have lost control of herself, her face flushing pink...her breasts pressed against the table...crying and gasping like a wild ******.

There was a tiny pool of liquid underneath her. Mr Wood looked between Erica's thighs and smiled to himself.

Her pussy was dripping wet.

She was masturbating.

Her fingers furiously rubbing her clit and her cunt lips.

"Oh yes...ohhh...yes...fuck me...fuck me in the ass!" she was crying, as Michael's cock began to work quickly in and out of her delicious little anal love hole. "Oh...please...ohhhhh...fuck me in the ass...fuck me...fuck me in the ass!"

Michael leant over her, reaching out to pull at her hair as he fucked her, his cock working faster and and out of her tight, moist asshole.

"You ass-fucking little slut!" he groaned. "Your asshole is so fucking slut...I'm gonna fill your ass with cumm...yes...oh fuck...yes...I'm gonna cumm so fucking deep in your ass!"

He buried his hard cock deep inside Erica's anal love hole, pulling her hair back so that she was ****** to arch her back.

" it in my asshole...please...cumm in my ass!" she cried, as she felt his cock suddenly jerk and swell excitedly inside her.

"You slut...I'm gonna cumm!" Michael cried. "I'm gonna cumm...oh fuck...I'm cumming!"

He groaned again as he began to ejaculate, the semen pulsing out of his cock deep inside Erica's tummy.

The lovely girl burst into tears as she felt the hot, sticky liquid flooding into her asshole...her fingers touching her cunt lips as she pushed her bottom back against the swollen shaft...peeling the lips open...spreading them apart...

"Oh...oh're cumming inside me!" she cried, as a thin ribbon of love juice suddenly squirted out of her pussy and splashed onto the top of the table. " asshole...your hot's so deep inside my asshole...oh...ohhhhh...and my pussy...I...I'm cumming...I'm cumming!"

Michael had let go of her hair and she fell forwards onto the table, gasping for breath as she held her pussy lips apart.

Mr Wood smiled to himself. The girl seemed to lose consciousness, her eyes closing. Michael was already easing his glistening cock out of Erica's asshole...and Jeremy was getting up on the table.

His cock was thick and hard and he held it tightly in his hand.

"I can see the's oozing out of her ass!" he said, as Michael moved away. "The slut...her asshole is full of cumm!"



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He leant over the girl and guided his cock down to the milky little ass slit.

Erica gave a tiny cry as she felt his thick shaft push into her cumm-filled asshole. Her mind clouded over and she fell onto the table as Jeremy began to fuck her ass...

...his cock working in and out of the hot, sticky anal love hole...

...faster and faster... and out of her...


"Oh fuck...fuck...I'm cumming!" he gasped, pushing his cock all the way inside her creamy asshole...burying it between her naked, quivering ass cheeks...right up the balls...

...his semen flooding into her tummy...

...filling her asshole until it began to seep out and trickle down over her pink cunt petals...

Erica had passed out.

She lay on the table, ***********, as Jeremy eased his cock out of her ass.

Mr Wood looked at the two men.

They had both ass-fucked his beautiful young neighbour.

And now she was *********** in his kitchen.

"Let's get the slut home..." he said, feeling a little guilty all of a sudden about what they had done. "Bring the panties, too. It's the least I can do for her. If she remembers what happened when she wakes up, we can deny everything. After all, Michael, you're a cop, right?"

Michael smiled.

"Yeah...I'm a cop," he said. "Don't worry. The slut was begging for it. Besides, she's broken the law. We could put her in prison any time we want. She ought to remember that!"

The three men smiled at each other.

Mr Wood picked up Erica's wet panties. And Michael and Jeremy lifted the *********** girl off the table and held her in their arms.

Their semen was still dripping out of her asshole.

" careful!" Mr Wood said. "It's all over the kitchen floor!"

He led them down the corridor and opened the front door. The men carried Erica back to her house and went inside. They put her down on the sofa, dropping the panties beside her.

Mr Wood looked at the girl.

She really was quite beautiful.

And so naked.

Her breasts were soft and round, her tummy firm.

And her smooth pussy formed a perfect V in between her lovely thighs.

With a groan, he opened his trousers and stood over Erica and began to masturbate.

Michael and Jeremy joined him, taking out their cocks.

In just a few moments Mr Wood was ejaculating over the ******** girl's lovely face. Erica whimpered as the semen splashed onto her lips and chin...but she never woke up.

Jeremy ejaculated over her bare breasts and nipples.

And Michael ejaculated over her delicious little pussy and thighs.

Satisfied, the men tidied themselves up and went out of the house, leaving Erica alone...her naked body coated with hot, milky semen.

"Daddy..." she whimpered, still dazed and ***********. "Daddy...please come home...please, Daddy..."


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Concernant les étoiles, non je ne crois que cela soit votre fait, mais si *** = ***, il est vraiment quasi impossible de deviner ce qui se cache derrière ***** voire ****** ou plus et cela nuit à la qualité du texte...
Bonne continuation


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Je pense que tous ici présent pense pareille que vous vanbruje***** = illisible

mais merci de mettre le doigts dessus .......pour la 1er fois


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Mélodie violé et exité par *** gros voisin

Mélodie est une fille de 16 ans qui mesure 5 pieds 5 pouces, de long cheveux noirs, un visage d'ange, de gros seins ferme, des hanches bien développées, un cul ferme et rebondi, de belles jambes, une peau lisse et un peu bronzée. Mélodie habite dans un appartement avec ses parents, mais ses dernier *** partis durant 2 semaines. Avant de partir, ils ont spécifié à Mélo qu'elle ne devait pas emmener des garçons dans l'appart. Mais elle décida de ne pas les écouter et emmena un garçons dès la première soirée. Elle s'était habillée vraiment sexy. Une camisole rose décolletée, un mini short qui laissait apparaître *** string rose et une brassière assortie. Mais avant qu'elle ne puisse se déshabiller, *** voisin, Marcel arriva dans la pièce. Marcel était un homme de 52 ans, gros, laid, une peau grasse, des cheveux gras et il puait. Il prit Mélodie par le bras, renvoya le garçon chez lui et parti avec Mélo chez lui. Mélo détestait Marcel car il la regardait toujours avec ses yeux de pervers qui disait qu'il voulait la baiser à fond. Il la fit asseoir sur le divan du salon. Mélodie dit:
- Pour qui vous vous prenez, pour mon père?
- Ta gueule petite garce, tes parents mon demander à veiller sur toi si tu emmenait des garçons.
Mélodie rajouta d'un ton plus doux:
- Et est-ce que vous allez le dire à mes parents?
Marcel ne répondit pas et la jeune fille le suppliât:
- S'il vous plaît, je ne veux pas être punie.
- Je ne le dirai pas à tes parents si tu accepte ma proposition.
- D'accord tout ce que vous voudrez. dit-elle attristée.
- Mmmmmm... tu sais que tu m'excite beaucoup. Quand as-tu fait l'amour pour la dernière fois?
- Ça fait 3 mois.
-Moi aussi, et c'était une fille d'à peu près ton âge mais elle n'était pas aussi jolie que toi. En fait c'était une prostituée. Maintenant, je veux que tu me pose une question sur ma vie sexuelle.
- Euh... d'accord. dit-elle gênée. Est-ce que vous vous branlez souvent?
- Ah, très très souvent et je pense à toi et tes gros seins de salope. Tu doit être une chienne au lit, hein? Une grosse chienne qui aime sucer et se faire mettre dans les fesses par un gros pénis.
Mélodie ne répondit pas, car c'était vrai, car la dernière fois c'était avec *** prof d'histoire qui avait une bite de 26 cm.
- Tu veux savoir la longueur de ma bite? 39 cm.
- Mais elle est énorme!
- Ha ha, allez vient.
Mélo obéit mais à contre coeur. Marcel allât en arrière de Mélodie et prit ses gros seins. Étrangement, cela semblait l'exciter.
- Mmmmm... ils ***t gros. Tourne ta tête vers moi.
Elle la tourna et Marcel l'embrassa avec la langue goulûment. Elle voulu s'en aller mais il la retint contre lui et Mélo sentit une énorme bosse dans *** dos. Marcel lui tenait toujours les seins puis les lâcha pour enlevé sa camisole.
- Ah, petite salope, comme tu es belle.
Mélo était de plus en plus excitée par Marcel malgré le baiser et elle commençait à mouiller.
- Enlève ton mini short petite pute.
Elle l'enleva et était maintenant qu'en sous-vêtement. Marcel retourna la prendre dans ses bras et se mit à renter sa main dans *** string tout mouiller. Il lui donna des petites claques aux fesses et dit:
- Tu mouille et en plus tu as de belle fesse. Tu es la salope à qui?
- A monsieur Marcel. Ah...
Puis elle se déshabille complètement et enleva le pantalon de Marcel. Une grosse queue bien dure comme il le lui avait dit: sortie. Mélo l'entoura avec sa main droite et elle fit des mouvement de va et vient, pendant que Marcel prenait ses seins avec ses doigts crochus. Mélodie constata que les poils pubien de Marcel étaient très long et qu'ils s'étendaient jusqu'à ses cuisse, mais au lieu de la dégoûter, ça l'excitait.
- Tu veux la mettre dans ta bouche, hein? allez met la dans ta bouche dit-il.
- Mmmmm, oui.
Et elle s'exécuta. Après une minute, il éjacula dans sa bouche. Mélodie avala tout. Elle se releva et Marcel l'embrassa encore plus goulûment que la première fois et lui dit de se mettre par terre et de s'écarter les cuisses. Elle l'écouta et Marcel donna des petits coups avec *** énorme sexe sur le pubis bien rasé de Mélo, puis il s'enfonça d'un coup sec. Mélo fit un cri de jouissance.
- T'en veux encore salope?
- Ah, oui. Encore plus fort. Ah...
Puis après plusieurs va et vient, Mélodie se mit à 4 pattes.
- Vous voulez la mettre dans mon cul?
Il ne dit rien et s'exécuta.
- En, en... continuez, c'est bon... Plus vite.
Marcel allait plus vite et les cris de Mélo aussi. Puis il éjacula pour une dernière fois. Ils se rhabillèrent et s'assirent dans le salon.
- Si tu ne veut pas que je le dise à tes parents, dort chez moi et laisse moi te baiser comme ça tout les jours ou tu seras toute seule.
- Je suis ta petite salope, c'est bien normal que je le fasse.
Puis elle s'assit sur lui, face à lui et l'embrassa comme une chienne


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Susan and John

When Susan Carlisle married John Dale in their home village in the north of England, everyone was so happy. They were such a popular couple and both their parents were so respected by everyone. Susan's ****** William was the local Vicar and his wife Elizabeth was a Deaconess and they both presided over the loving wedding ceremony. John's ****** Henry was a local Head master and had always been proud of his ***'s academic success and then his success when appointed as a Junior Accountant. Henry had only wished his wife could have lived to see their *** marry such a lovely young girl. She was the type of ******** in law they had both longed for. Susan had been Head Girl at her school and the fact that her fellow students had chosen her was a testimony to her popularity. Academically, Susan was even cleverer that John but neither let that bother them in any way.

Susan had also been appointed a Junior Accountant at the same firm as her husband. They both loved their work and it showed. The Directors of the Company were more than impressed. When they were both 23, the Directors had decided to open a large Accountancy Office in the south, they all decided that the young Mr and Mrs Dale were the ideal choice to run the new venture. They were young of course for such a prestigious appointment but it was known how good they were, especially Susan. When they were called into the Board Room, it was carefully explained that Susan would be the General Manager of the Southern Operation and John would be her Assistant Manager.

The salary they were both offered was out of this world. Although John would be his wife's assistant, he was over the moon. Apart from his own success, he was even more proud of his beautiful wife. When they moved south, they searched for a suitable place to live in. They finally decided that they wouldn't purchase a house as they had found a magnificent apartment on the outskirts of the town. The apartment was a ground floor arrangement which allowed them full control of a large garden.

The upstairs apartment was occupied by an elderly couple, Mr and Mrs Macy who owned John's apartment and their 27 years old ******** Mary. They really were lovely people and Susan soon became good friends with Mary who owned and managed a lingerie shop in the next village. It was quite strange to find such a shop in a small country village but Mary had explained she had a very intensive internet business and customers all over the world. She proposed Susan to come and see if she could find something that would suit her. John's wife wasn't very interested by fancy undies but she promised to visit Mary some day.

Everything was so idyllic. Although the rent on the apartment was rather high, John and Susan reckoned it was so lovely and magnificent it was worth every penny. Their life style was magnificent there : a wide room to receive friends or family, a well equipped kitchen and a lush bathroom complete with a Jacuzzi for four people and a warmed massage table. They were three bedrooms with en suite shower. The master bedroom was simply royal, about the size of their previous whole apartment in London

From time to time, the older couple would have little wine gatherings in their opulent apartment upstairs with a few special friends and made a point of inviting young Susan and John up. They were very nice ****** evenings and they felt so honored. It was quite cozy and rather friendly. Once, when they arrived, there was just a single seat left. Mr Macy joked that Susan could be his ********. Their age difference was so large that she could even sit on his knee. Susan laughed at the proposal but was really surprised when he reached for her arm and drew her to him. His thigh suddenly blocked her backward movement and she found herself actually sitting on his knee.

Mr Macy gave her a little ******ly hug. Mrs Macy and the others guests laughed at her surprise. Mary had led John to the only seat available and monopolized his attention, offering him a glass of the finest sherry he had ever sipped. Mary was so attentive that John forgot to protest about his wife riding Mr Macy's knee! On the next meetings, it became a routine and Susan found it quite normal to kiss Mrs Macy then her husband and sit on his lap even if seats were available. Soon they insisted that Susan call him Uncle Bill and her Aunty Peggy. It was so lovely! They felt as if the elderly couple was their real family. But Bill and Peggy didn't stop there : on the next occasion, there were three guest couples Susan had just met once or twice. She took an armchair next to Mr Macy but his wife scolded her immediately. It was gentle but rather stern.

- Oh my dear Susan, are you cross with my poor Bill? He loves so much when you sit on his lap! Would you deprive him of his little innocent pleasure, today?

Susan immediately apologized and hastily sat on Mr Macy's knee at it seemed to have become her normal place! The other guests seemed not to find a grown up woman sitting on their host's knee unusual. John had already his glass of sherry in his hand and he was actively chatting with Mary and Mrs Macy.

It was usual at these evening that both John and Susan would leave a bit early to allow the older people to have some private time together and it seemed to suit everyone perfectly. John did remark to Susan on a few occasions that he was surprised how long the other visitors stayed upstairs but it was none of their business. On one occasion, Susan had left her silk scarf upstairs. She climbed upstairs and, as she was about to knock the door, she heard them talking about her and John in a very fond and loving manner. Susan partly blushed at the lovely compliments. Someone said something about Susan was so cuddly. Mrs Macy laughed :

-Bill really loves his little girl sitting on his knee!

One of the guests, Mr Daw***, replied in a loud voice :

-She can sit on my knee next time!

They all laughed. Susan felt really part of the Macy family. She loved them all. When she did knock, they obviously loved seeing her and quickly found her scarf. When she returned downstairs, she enjoyed telling John about it and he kissed her forehead, saying :

- We were really lucky to find such a lovely house with such lovely people!

Things carried on like this for over a year and it became even nicer and nicer. Susan and John now went every evening to the Macy's apartment as soon as they went back from work, either alone or together, just to see if they needed anything. If so, usually John went shopping for them, usually in company of Mary while Susan remained with Uncle Bill. After a few glasses of wine, it felt quite lovely. There were no dubious gestures from the old man and Susan felt absolutely safe with him. Once she wore a new flowing silk skirt, Mrs Macy told her that it would be creased if she sat that way on her skirt. Susan had better to push her skirt aside. It meant sitting with her knickers directly on his pants but Mrs Macy's concern seemed quite innocent. John came back with his big bags and he didn't see anything wrong in his wife's outfit. The back of her skirt was now falling down to the floor, completely covering Mr Macy's knee. Uncle Bill had put his hand on Susan's knee above her skirt but she had taken it just as another amiable gesture!

Mary told two days later Susan that her ****** thought she had wonderful plump thighs. Susan would do anything to please Uncle Bill and she started to wear shorter skirts when she went to see them. They all seemed to approve. Mrs Macy offered Susan for her birthday a mini skirt, a pleated tartan one. She explained her the rea*** of that gift :

-I chose the tartan of the school I and Mary attended! I hope you'll like it and wear it often when you come to visit us!

The wrap around skirt was a bit too short to Susan's tastes but she made a point of getting home to change into it before going downstairs to salute Uncle Bill and his wife! Mary and her ****** would usually sit close to John on a sofa. He was not a very big man and sometimes some of the older women would give him a little kiss when he complimented them.

They would always have a few glasses of wine which was so relaxing and Mrs Macy would quite often offer them a small yellow tablet, a homeopathy pill to relax after a tedious work day as Peggy told them. Afterwards, they both found it made them feel wonderful. Susan discovered she liked sitting astride Uncle Bill's knee even more after she had had her tablet! She was then so obliging with him she let him hold her around the waist and rock her on his knee. He sometimes made jokes about her riding his pony. Susan giggled when she told John that she liked riding Uncle Bill's pony. John had laughed and didn't object to this innocent game.

Both Susan and John had such a lovely life now that whenever they travelled home to the north, they would tell their parents all about it. Their parents were so proud of them. Then one day in work, Susan had such a shock. She found out that her husband John had been misappropriating funds from their Accountancy Firm. Their whole life started to fall apart. She was devastated. It was a huge amount. He tried to explain to her that he had started to secretly gamble. At first, it had been so easy, he had even won some money and he had dreamed of taking her on a world cruise and doing wonderful things to please her. Although she loved her husband so dearly, there was no way she could hide these huge amounts from her Directors.

They were both called to a meeting at the Northern Head Office. It was a very stern affair. After John had made a full confession, he had to resign from the firm with instructions that he had to repay the money in 5 years or a police prosecution would be initiated, It didn't stop there. Susan was allowed to stay in her position but her bonus would be severely reduced as she might have been an accomplice of her husband. All her activities would be scrutinized for several years. She knew she was lucky to get away with that.

Apart from the loss of income and the shame of it all, neither of them could face the idea of telling their parents. They had to keep it secret somehow. They returned to their lovely apartment in total shock. They knew they couldn't afford it any longer with a single salary and, if they had to move into a Council House, their parents would bound to find out when they came south to visit them.

Both John and Susan ended up in tears when they explained their situation to Mr and Mrs Macy and their ********. It was very awkward to confess John's sins in front of the young woman. Mary looked at her ****** and ******:

- Perhaps you can have a word with some of your friends, Daddy. They all like Susan and John! I am sure they will help...

Susan knew that they were in such financial trouble that nothing could really help them out. Her husband was out of work and they had a huge debt to repay with the threat of pri*** and they really couldn't afford this apartment any more. Mr Macy spoke first. He was so kindly

- Nothing is as bad as it seems, Susan. The first thing is to get John back to work. You know my friend Roy Davis. He is quite wealthy and he will give John a job as a Junior Clerk. It won't be much money but it will be a start!

Susan could see her husband starting to brighten up. She knew it wouldn't solve anything though and she explained :

- But with just my salary and John's reduced pay, we still cannot afford this apartment!

- Don't worry, pet. We all like both of you at our parties, don't we, Daddy? I don't think our friends would want them to stop as they have been coming along quite nicely. They could even stay later than they do now!

Mr Macy nodded and looked at his wife who smiled in approbation.

- I think Aunty Peggy and I could let you stay in the apartment rent free for a while. You'll repay us later when you have regained your solvency!

John looked flabbergasted

- But Mr Macy, it would cost you a fortune! How could we ever hope to pay you back?

- Well, I am fairly wealthy, John. I would have to keep a clear check on things but if you would sign an invoice to me stating that the rent is added to your debt then I think that will satisfy my accountants!

John looked at Susan. He looked so grateful that she couldn't express her doubts..

- I will certainly sign, Sir. It's just so generous of you and your wife and Mary. If we can do anything we can to pay you back, you just have to say!

Mrs Macy smiled fondly at him

- You must appreciate, John, how much we enjoy your company, You are such a nice lad and we all think of Susan as being our lovely little girl in her short skirts! We will find some way for you to repay us, don't worry, Susan, my dear pet!

Susan felt quite wanted by the old couple and their ********. She desperately wanted to please them. When they had returned from that terrible meeting, she had changed without thinking to it to a very short tennis skirt. They had all said they liked her plump thighs and she had considered it was her duty to give them that last pleasure when she would announce them they had to leave and now they may remain in their home!.

Uncle Bill looked so kindly as he sat there that Susan wanted to show him her gratitude. She stood up and leaned over. She intended to kiss him on the cheek but at the last second, he turned slightly to the right and her kiss landed on the corner of his mouth. She blushed terribly but he laughed aloud. His wife giggled slightly.

- Oh, it would be a nice way to repay your debt, Susan!

Susan was almost toppling over and Uncle Bill reached around her to steady her. Susan then realized she must be flashing her knickers to everyone! His help was finally not sufficient and she did lose her balance and tipped over. His hand accidentally slipped between her thighs and she felt his finger strike the gusset of her panties. She knew it was just an accident due to her own clumsiness but it felt quite nice! Mrs Macy laughed :

- You will have to be more careful, Susan, when you open your legs or my husband will be in your knickers like a shot!

Everyone laughed to such a good joke, even her husband. Mary did giggle

- You are lucky you are not wearing black panties, Susan, or my ****** would be inside them by now!

They shared the general merriment. They were all laughing now. John and Susan felt as if a huge load had been lifted from their shoulders. Just Susan was also intrigued by what Mary had said. She couldn't stop herself asking :

-Do you really like young women in black panties Uncle Bill?

Uncle bill groaned a little. When she felt his finger stroking her pussy through the fabric of her knickers, she realized he still had his hand between her legs! But his move was certainly not an accident, this time! His wife grinned and smiled in an evil way :

- My husband has always had a fetish about women wearing black panties, Susan! I think it is a man thing, but he is such a good man! When I was younger, I always wore such undies for him! It's his fetish like the school girl uniform I offered you!

John seemed inebriated by their suddenly improved financial situation. He said to Susan very pointedly :

- You have a few pairs of black knickers, Susan! You could get downstairs and come back in the adequate outfit to please our generous sponsor!

Susan nodded sheepishly! John seemed ready to offer his wife to their landlord to pay the rent....!

Susan wasn't sure whether Mrs Macy really wanted it. She asked her quite directly :

- I don't want to be presumptuous, Mrs Macy, but I would you to tell me whether the next time you invite us upstairs, you really want me to wear black underwear and schoolgirl uniform?

Aunty Maggy smiled her approval and nodded complacently. Mary joined in

- That would be lovely, Susan! Perhaps it would help you if I wore the same uniform as well!"

She nodded but stayed mute. They were talking about a bizarre subject but their relief was so immense that everything else seemed insignificant in compari***. Susan even thought to herself that it would be easier to ride Uncle Bill's pony like that! She went upstairs to change, leaving her husband alone. She wasn't long : a simple black push up bra (she just chose the lacy one her husband had offered her during their honeymoon. It was so sexy that she had never been bold enough to wear it. She also put on a black Brazilian slip. It was riding so high on her hips and looked almost like a g string in her back!. The school girl outfit was even easier to put on : a pleated skirt less than eight inches wide, very exciting white sockets, that she folded down to make them shorter, a white blouse she took care not to button up to the neck. In fact, the first button was placed just between her firm and proud breasts that jutted obscenely forward.

Susan watched herself in a mirror. She took different poses and finally decided to pull backwards her shoulders to give more volume to her melons! God she was changing quite fast : she had never used such obscene words for her breasts! She then worked on her make up, putting a red lipstick with a glossy appearance. She delineated it with a brown pencil. Then she made a great job on her eyes with the whole set of feminine weapons : elongated eye lashes, eye liner to give her longer eyes and elaborated eye shadows in matching colors with her skirt colors. She felt like a sacrifice girl in ancient ages but she was quite keen to show the result of her preparation to Uncle Bill and Aunty Maggy!

Before leaving, she put on quite demure black patent shoes. Just they had four inches heels that would surely have caused her retention if she was still at school! The door bell destroyed her daydream. It was Mary coming to look for her! Susan opened the door and let her in. The young woman ordered her immediately with no deference to her feelings

-Lift your leg on the wall, so that I can check!

Susan gritted her teeth and raised her left foot knowing that Mary just intended to check her underwear! She felt like a plaything and could do nothing about it. She climbed the stairs with Mary directly behind her. She could imagine what the young girl could see. Mary whispered suggestively to her :

- Daddy will like your little drawers!

When they got to the top of the stairs and stood outside the door. Susan could hear a woman whimpering at a distance but she didn't recognize who it could be. Mary pushed Susan forward and told her :

- You know what you have to say?

Susan nodded as Mary opened the door and pushed her in. They got inside. Mr Macy was alone in the reception room. It was deadly quiet. She remembered what she had to say. Mary had made her rehearse it until she knew it by heart.

-Hello, Uncle Bill. I am Susan Dole. I am 23, married to a swindler but, tonight, I want to be just your little schoolgirl!

She knew that was exactly what she looked like in her short plaid skirt, white blouse and white socks. Any man always considered a girl wearing similar skimpy outfit highly sexy. Uncle Bill applauded loudly and whistled lewdly. But where in hell was John?

-You look so pretty, Susan, in your little uniform! I hope you'll wear it each time you come to visit me or my friends, won't you offer that pleasure to an old man? Come over by my armchair, so that all I can really watch you!

Susan bravely advanced toward him. She heard a muffled woman's scream and a man's groan. No it was impossible! John couldn't be fucking the old Mrs Macy : she might be forty years older than him! The rhythmic groans she could hear left no doubt to the activities in the main bedroom with the closed door. Susan felt devastated.



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Do you really like your little schoolgirl, Uncle Bill?

Mary made her lean prone on top of Mr Macy's knees with her head hanging against his left thigh. She realized she couldn't avoid flashing her underwear to her landlord. The old man spoke so nicely to Susan :

- I told you are pretty and so lovely, my little Susan!

Susan knew she had to speak in a little girlie voice and it was better to go along now that this man had decided to help her out of a deadly trap. If she tried to resist him, he might decide to withdraw his support or even worse decide she needed to be spanked like a naughty schoolgirl. She murmured cutely to him :

- Thank you, Uncle. I always wear nice clean clothes to make you proud of your little niece!

- I can see that your knickers are black. Is your bra black as well, Susan?

- Oh yes, Uncle Bill, I always try to wear matching undies!

She realized she must have said the right thing because Uncle Bill's breathing became ragged. He was getting very aroused. She knew what he wanted now. She lifted the back of her skirt up and asked cutely

- Should I show you my knickers properly, Uncle?

- You are a good little girl, Susan!

Uncle Bill capped her pussy with his hand and started to rib his fingers along her slit. He groaned in approbation and whispered to her

- Pull your skirt right up, my dear Susan, and push your knickers aside so my fingers can meet your bare skin"

Susan did her best to please her landlord. She really needed to be nice to him! Everything considered, she had taken no part in the errors of her husband : why would she have to pay for it?

- You have really a lovely bottom. You are delectable and so nicely obedient!

Susan felt relieved when she heard him compliment her but was unsure what to do next. He came to her rescue.

- Would you mind turning around, darling. I'm going to pull down your panties. They will be on the way when I fuck you!

Susan now knew what would be her fate that evening. Knowing it made the idea more bearable for her. This wasn't too bad! She turned around, making sure her skirt stayed up. She looked over her shoulder at Uncle Bill saying :

- Don't you think my butt looks fat, Uncle?

-It's a lovely plump bum, dear, just like your thighs.

He reached out and squeezed her bottom cheeks. It wasn't offensive and he was so gentle that Susan didn't find it objectionable.

- I liked your pretty butt since your first visit. I dreamed for more than a year about the day I would explore it and that dame had come, at last!

Strangely Susan immediately felt proud that this nice old man had kept his desire for her alive for so long. She said coyly :

- I like when you caress my buttocks, Uncle Bill!

He groaned and she felt his hand on her bottom. He wasn't rough and it was quite nice. He had now ************* eased her over his lap again and his hand was gently squeezing her bum. It was so nice for her. She prayed he would never stop. He started then to play with her clit and it became really enjoyable. She climaxed among desperate moans and whimpers. She thought it was already finished but he pressed his finger between her nether lips. She opened her mouth wide and a deep moan escaped her lips. He slowly pushed his medium finger as deep as it would go and with the same slowness, he withdrew it from her now dripping pussy. He passed the sleek finger under his nostrils and inhaled deeply.

- Your smell is delicious, my dear Susan!

Uncle Bill then presented his finger to her mouth. She let it invade her mouth, sucking his finger as if it was a little cock. When he considered his finger completely clean, he pushed a second finger into her mouth and continued to move his fingers between her lips. She copiously slavered on his fingers, perfectly knowing he intended to explore her very sensitive cunt with such a long and hard probe! He didn't leave her in doubt for a long time before shoving his rigid fingers into her love tunnel. She liked it as well and she could feel his cock rising against her tummy. She knew that as a faithful wife she shouldn't let him have his way with her nor even let it make her feel nice, but it was so lovely! She gently humped down on it causing uncle Bill to groan with pleasure.

- Can you feel my big cock, darling? It's aching to get into your tender pussy and discharge a big load of cum inside you!

-It's lovely, Uncle Bill! But you mustn't spew your cum in my pussy. I'm married!

-I don't care! It'll be a little part of your payment, having your wimpy crook of a husband watching your belly swelling with a baby from a man who has his whole life in his hands. And after that, I'll see to him taking good care of the baby while I enjoy the ******. He doesn't know it for the time being but he won't leave this apartment without wearing a locked chastity belt, a cage that will forbid him to fuck you while he wears it! Only my wife will have the key and John will have two options : either fuck a sex crazy old woman or remain permanently locked in his prison, without even the possibility of cleaning himself... It'll be his permanent punishment for years! But I can still choose some alternative!

-I see! You are some sort of a fiendish sadist, Uncle Bill!

-Don't play on my pride, my dear Susan... John will remember this day all his life!


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Susan had been surprised and even secretly disappointed when Mr Macy had finally decided he would wait a little longer before inserting his cock into her lovely cunt. He had made her cum at least four times with his fingers and she had been quite eager to continue : she had never dreamed she could be that naughty!

Mr Macy had accompanied her downstairs while John was still locked with Aunty Peggy and Mary. She offered him to have a cup of tea with her and he agreed immediately. He took her in his arms and hugged her closely. She offered him her mouth and kissed him passionately. She soon found herself sitting on his lap with his fingers playing in her husband's personal garden. When John opened the door, Uncle Bill had two fingers in her pussy and his thumb was twirling around the sensitive bud of her clit. His other arm was around her waist with his hand cupping her breast with her bra pushed up out of the way. He was twisting her nipple, as taut as a bullet, between two fingers. Uncle Bill didn't even try to hide but just continued what he was doing to the pretty wife of the newcomer.

John opened wide eyes when he discovered his wife tightly embraced by Mr Macy in a pristine clear position. He was accompanied by Mrs Macy and her ******** Mary. Both of them had the glowing, special appearance of well fucked women. Susan felt a pang of jealousy because her husband had clearly, as she had suspected, enjoyed both girls but Mr Macy had only given her pleasure with his fingers! It just wasn't fair!

But she found quite hard to repress her hilarity when she discovered her husband wearing about the same outfit as herself with a very short flip skirt, a blouse half unbuttoned revealing a at least B cup, looking well filled, bra. God it was impossible : John had a quite flat chest that very morning when he took his shower! She looked closer and discovered he had false boobs that were just the same hue as his skin. The pink bra he was wearing was quite lacy and seethrough. In her repressed hilarity, Susan wondered if he was wearing matching knickers. Knowing Mrs Macy, she was pretty sure of it!

Susan had to recognize John looked really gorgeous with his lean legs widely exhibited, and the high heels he wore as if he had done it for years. As he approached her, Susan could see that his legs and arms had been shaved. They were bright, probably some baby lotion to make his skin smoother! As he was now, he would have been a hit on a dance floor with the long chestnut wig that completed his outfit. He really looked like a girl!

-Susan! May I present you our new friend Joan. I wish she will entertain us so often in the future!

Later, Susan discovered to her intense relief that her husband's cock wasn't locked in a cage. John explained her Mrs Macy had made him try one. It was so humiliating! Mrs Macy had told him that if he ever tried to put his hand anywhere on his wife, she would know it and make him wear a locked cage immediately. Susan and John realized that their landlords weren't joking and they took care to stay as far as possible from one another in their marital bed.

During the week after that fateful evening, Susan arrived from work as soon as possible, went up to her apartment to change into the black undies Mr Macy loved so much and the naughty school girl outfit that was her ordinary uniform at home. She went upstairs to ask Mrs Macy what she needed from the local supermarket. She went shopping in her sexy clothes : some guys made lewd comments or whistled when she passed by them. She also bought what she needed and went back home. She prepared dinner for the Macy like some servant. Mrs Macy made her soon wear a tiny lacy apron and an old fashioned servant's cap on her hair while she cooked food. Then she would prepare the table and serve the food before going downstairs to eat with john.

They went upstairs every evening together. Mrs Macy was extremely precise about what they had to wear : usually but not always, it was her school girl uniform but on some occasions, she was told to wear a cocktail gown with nothing underneath. When Mr and Mrs Macy had guests, she was told to put on fully slit knickers with total access to her pussy and her ass. Usually, Mr Macy cornered her in the kitchen, made her bend on a stool and plunged his thumb in her back passage and his fore finger in her pussy. Once, they were almost discovered by a guest, an Indian man. He stayed impenetrable but Susan was sure he had seen it all!

John had more variety in his attire : always girly clothes with high heels but once a very short wrap around skirt and white blouse, just like Susan, but another time a denim short with a see through lace top or on the last day a long dress with a slit up to mid thigh to reveal the black suspenders underneath and a deep cleavage that advertised he or she wasn't wearing a bra. John's face was shaved daily and he put on a mask every dayto have the bskin of any pretty girl! The poor sod didn't know what he was anymore! He needed some time to regain his wits!

The events of the past week had made both Susan and John thoroughly ashamed of themselves. Susan had told her husband :

- We must go up North to see my ****** and ******. We really need a break!

As they drove North, they couldn't help arguing about what had become of them. John sounded accusing when he said

- But you pulled your clothes up, Susan and then you lay across his lap with your panties down! I found you on that first evening with one hand around your breast and the other one fingering your pussy and rubbing your clit : what a shame!

She countered

- I had to pull my skirt up but it wasn't my fault when Mr Macy pushed my knickers down. He said he wanted to play with my bum!

John blushed. He didn't want to admit it but it had aroused him enormously to see the old Mr Macy fingering her between her legs and yesterday poking his cane into her buttocks without arising any protest or complaint from her. Susan didn't want to be the only guilty one and said

- But you let Mrs Macy dress you up as a little girl. She had you yesterday in frilly pink knickers and a little silk dress to the mall and you looked as if you enjoyed it! She had even placed pink ribbons in your hair!

John blushed. He knew he had and tried to explain :

- It has been a sort of fetish since I was young. My ****** used to make me put my sister's knickers on!

Susan shook her head in disgust and added :

- And Mary had you crawling on your knees and doing lots of silly girly things!

John felt incensed. Hr had always felt guilty about his ****** and sister. He defended himself :

- You were a lot worse, Susan! You let him put his cock in your mouth!

-Don't tell me you didn't fuck these two sluts on the first evening : the noises through the door were pretty revealing!

-And you let him cum all over your face quite often!

Susan recoiled. She had no defence. She sobbed with guilt. John was relentless.

- Two days ago, I saw him spraying spunk all over your face and you were smiling as if you were enjoying yourself!

Susan just shook her head in shame. She remembered smiling because Mr Macy had told her to pretend that her face was a cream cake and he was just making her have a creamy top. It had seemed funny at the time especially after they had given her some wine and a couple of the golden tablets. She loved the tablet feeling.

She also remembered John letting Mary sit on his face and rub her dirty knickers into his mouth and his nose until she climaxed before pushing aside her knickers and making him clean her twat with his tongue but she realised that there was no point in keeping on blaming each other. Actually Mrs Macy had been urging him to stick his nose up her ********. It had been appalling.

Their money situation had not significantly improved. In fact, it was as bad as ever and she knew they would have to go back and let Mr and Mrs Macy have their way with them. They were getting bolder and bolder and Susan feared to discover their next indecent proposals! Deep down they were nonetheless still very grateful to Mr and Mrs Macy for their kind help and knew that it was their duty to repay the old couple.

She felt that a quiet weekend with her parents would do them both good. Her ****** William was a Vicar and Susan always felt calmer after going to his church and praying with him. Even as she thought about it, she remembered Mrs Macy telling them as they left to have a nice time. She had also mentioned that one of Mr Macy's friends would be coming to the parties from now on. She said that Mr Gupta was a rich Indian man and thought that he would be able to help John a lot with the money problem and may even give him a good job.

John had almost sobbed his gratitude to Mr Gupta before even discussing with him. Both Susan and John had met Mr Gupta a few times previously. He was an apparently nice middle aged man with a funny accent. He looked rather authoritative. From what he had said, he had been a janitor in a school for young English Ladies back in Scotland several years ago. Susan had felt quite superior to the nice old man, but he had impressed her. Then Mary had enlightened her

- Mr Gupta is now a well to do man. Apparently since he came to England, he has worked very hard and bought a greengrocers shop which did so well he bought another. Now he owns a dozen shops and produces his own bio food. He may someday become a millionaire!

Susan could hardly believe that his funny old man could have achieved all this. John felt the same. Now however the situation was reversed and John had no illusions about how much he needed this old man to help him. Even Susan felt no more superior to him!

When they arrived at her parent's lovely home it was so peaceful and quiet. Her ****** and ****** embraced them both warmly and wanted to know all the news and how their very important jobs were going. They were so lovely that neither Susan nor John had the courage to tell them the truth. They went to church and Susan heard her ****** in the sermon tell all the parishioners how it was important to love God and keep pure for your spouse. She felt so guilty and so did John.

Just before they left, Susan's ****** said that she wanted to make them a lovely surprise : she and her ****** would in a few weeks be driving down South and would visit them. Susan was horrified but had to pretend that it was a marvellous news,

Elizabeth told her ******** :

- We are longing to meet your neighbours, Mr and Mrs Macy. From your letters, they seem so lovely. We are looking forward to spending an evening with them and all your other lovely friends"

John just shook his head in bewilderment about what may happen. As they drove down the motorway on their way South, neither spoke about it, They were dwelling on the possibilities. When they got home, Mr and Macy had made a small supper for them and a nice cup of tea was waiting for them and it was all so innocent. Susan even thought the previous events may have been a dream. Unfortunately it wasn't : a golden tablet was in the saucer. Mr and Mrs Macy wanted them compliant and resolutely horny!

A few evenings later, Mary knocked on the door and told them

-My ****** and ****** are having a little get together with some friends this evening Susan and they would like you to join us if you are not too busy.

She looked at John and smiled to him :

- Mr Gupta will be there, John. You could ask him about the job if you are still interested!

John gasped. He was not just interested, he was desperate. He did ask :

- Mary, do you think he will let me work for him?

Mary shook her head in doubt :

- I really don't know, John. As you know, he is a lovely old man but he has had some bad experiences with English men and women as he has worked in this country. They haven't shown him much respect!

John felt really nervous and so did Susan. She knew how much John needed a new job. John could hardly contain himself as he muttered

- Oh Mary, I will surely respect him. I will show him how much I honour him and I am sure my wife will as well"

Susan joined in

- I will respect him as well Mary. I want to show him that we are sorry if other people have insulted him. We will do anything for him!

Mary smiled. She knew that this young couple had no idea of what they were saying and no idea of what they would have to do, She just mentioned casually

- Well, you do know that Mr Gupta was a janitor in a girls' school a long time ago.

Susan nodded and Mary carried on :

- Well the older English girls were about 18 or 19 and used to tease him a lot and it did leave him with a lot of fetishes.

- What did the girls do to him, Mary?

Mary giggled and said



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- It seems ridiculous now in this day and age but a few of them would go down to his room in their very short uniforms and bend over a lot to show him their panties. Some of the girls would even spank each other in front of him. They knew they were exciting him and they even let him touch their panties on occasion.

Susan and John listened and looked thoughtful. Mary suddenly asked John :

- It could be a good idea to soften Mr Gupta, John! Would you mind if your wife put on her short school clothes for him?

John looked startled. He had been thinking about it. Susan had as well. But Mary's suggestion was another step downward. They both shook their head in bewilderment.

Mary didn't press the question and simply left them saying

- See you soon! I really think you should ask Mr Gupta about the job tonight, John"

Later on, as they were getting ready to go upstairs to Mr and Mrs Macy's, Susan called John into the bedroom and asked :

- What do you think I should wear, John?

John felt like a rabbit caught in the headlights of a car. He just mumbled :

-Mr Gupta will be there tonight, Susan! Mary has been quite clear about what he would like!

John was wearing a casual jeans and a shirt without his false boobs. There was nothing feminine in his appearance if you put aside the fact that his shirt was a deep pink, his toenails were painted red under his socks and his face was smoother than most men's but nothing was so evident. He knocked at the door and Mary came to welcome them.

-You are a bit early : we haven't taken the dessert but it's not a problem : you'll take it with us. Susan will make the service...

- Mr Gupta, May I present you Mr and Mrs Dale, our neighbors from the basement floor, we have been speaking about? Susan is an accountant and John is actually unemployed!

Gupta greeted them, joining his hands in front of his nose and bending slightly his head. He explained them it was a Namaste, a formal salute in India. Susan was fascinated by the man : he seemed so mysterious with his olive skin, his big eyes that seemed enlarged by the contrast with his dark skin and his unusual manners and accent. While Susan served the dessert, Gupta charmed his assistance with detailed descriptions of his contacts with very important persons : one of the most important CEO in England who made frequent visits to some of his country cottages with his very pretty wife, a vice president of the federation of India he had repeatedly met in her husband's palace in India and he had accompanied for a short visit to the school where he had worked as a janitor, years before in Scotland.

-The school official name is Demeanour School for Wayward Girls. They have a tartan uniform, just like yours, Susan, just a bit shorter but they wear socks, caps and cape with the same tartan. The discipline is very strict but the girls kept making pranks, just to be punished. They were so bold that I had to reinstate corporeal punishments. Fortunately the girls were adult and the ban didn't apply to them!

-What sort of pranks did they do, Mr Gupta?

-The wickedest I could imagine! One just peed in her knickers, lifted her skirt to show her drenched knickers to one of her professors before flashing her butt to a delivery man. She had him in her pussy backward when I discovered them. That slut just pulled down her wet knickers and threw them to me.

-Oh my god! What did you do to punish her, Mr Gupta? That poor creature needed extremely strict correction, don't you think so?

-Of course, Mrs Macy. I can be very harsh in such extreme conditions!

-Oh simple. It was raining and the weather was rather cold. Then I...

Mary interrupted him. It is just raining and the temperature has dropped considerably. Perhaps we could reenact the scene?

-If you want, Ms Macy but then I would prefer that all the girls present would wear a school girl uniform.

-Susan wears just one. I have one and I can change in a minute but my ****** hasn't got one!

-No problem, the head mistress hadn't too. Mr Macy will take the role of the school director, Peter but I'm afraid I have no job for you, Mr Dale?

John blanched until he realized Mr Gupta was just speaking of their little play! Mrs Macy intervened. I think I have a school girl's outfit from my niece Suzan. She was rather plump and I think John would perfectly fit in. So he could participate! What do you think of it, Mr Gupta?

-Oh my dear, it could be funny, I think!

- Then, it's settled, John, go down stairs and change into Joan. Just not to spoil our good Mr Gupta's play!

Ten minutes later, Joan was aligned in a row with Mary at his side, then Susan. The three school girls were facing Mr and Mrs Dacy with an umprella protecting them under a thin drizzle. Mr Gupta was wearing a thick coat.

- We have just forgotten to decide who will be the punished girl? For evident reasons, Joan is out of limits. Mary is the ******** of our guests. I think that Susan would be the best choice!

A bomb could have exploded in the courtyard! Susan thought she was participating to a little play for the benefit of Mr and Mrs Macy and this Mr Gupta was speaking of really punishing her. She turned toward her husband who signaled her to agree... She gulped and stepped forward.

-I'm ready, sir!

-Good Susan! I really like determined girls just like you! If you would be kind enough to empty your bladder now!

-Where, Mr Gupta?

-In your knickers while standing at attention, of course! Did you just listen to my description of the scene?

-Of course, sir, I just wanted to know how far did you want to go?

-As far as possible, pet! I know that your husband would like to work for me. I can give him a good job in my company but only if our little game goes to its end!

Joan was now watching her with quite hopeful eyes. She really looked like some basset hound with his big eyes! Susan couldn't deceive him! Mrs Macy offered her a big bottle of water. Susan drank it completely. She had understood that Mrs Macy wanted her to make a real show for them. The cold weather helped her also and she felt soon that she was in real need to pee. It was awfully decadent but she wouldn't have to wait long before she was ******* into debasing herself in front of her husband, her landlords and this strange man. She secretly regretted there weren't more people to witness her public ***********...

-Keep your legs together for the jet to flow down on your legs and wet your shoes!

The situation was just appalling! She had to really love her husband to do something so awfully shameful! That was her last thought when she let go and drenched her knickers, her stockings and even her skirt.! Mr Gupta exclaimed :

-Look at that dirty slut : she has soiled herself in front of us all! I will have her punished according to her misdeeds!

He pushed his hands under her skirt, grabbed the waist of her knickers. They were above her suspenders. Mr Gupta leered at her :

-Only sluts wear their knickers above their suspenders. A lady would hide her pussy fist, before arranging her stockings. It's the ultimate proof!

Susan blushed at the insult but he was right : on the rare occasions she had put on stockings such as for her marriage, she had put her knickers on first! Why in hell had she changed that routine for that special day! Mr Gupta bunched her skirt around her waist and stripped her of her blouse before unhooking her bra.

-Now I am needing your help, Joan : you are going to crouch in front of your wife and she will lie on your back while she receives her punishment! Try not to move at all or you may receive a stray stroke!

Mr Gupta touched her shoulders and she obediently lay with her naked belly on the back of her husband. He sent Mary to bring back the thick rattan cane he had left in his car. Mary's blouse was drenched by the continuous drizzle. It had become almost transparent and obscenely clinging to her shapely curves but she went outdoors without bothering to put on a coat. She was so engrossed by the excitation Mr Gupta had produced that she didn't care about her own public exposure!

Mr Gupta made the can swish twice above her offered buttocks, just to terrify her. She relaxed at the third swish and she froze when it landed perfectly on both her buttocks! She howled in pain but Mary and Mrs Macy had grabbed her shoulders to steady her. Mr Gupta was working like a metronome. His strokes landed every twelve seconds precisely and were exactly spaced by one inch. After the sixth stroke, he changed his position to make another series of parallel weals!

Susan was mad with pain but the support of her husband never failed her and she had to endure her punishment to the end but her ordeal wasn't finished. Mr Gupta announced :

-Such a good thrashing must find its unavoidable culmination! Mr Macy, would you like to step in front of our punished girl!

Joan had his eyes to the floor. Susan's husband had read how a good caning should be ended but he couldn't gather the courage to revolt. Mr Gupta grabbed a handful of Susan's hair and he ****** her to lift her head. She opened her tearful eyes to discover in front of her Mr Macy's cock. He had just freed it from his pants and anticipation made his eyes glow. Susan abandoned herself to the moment and she opened dutifully her mouth. Uncle Bill pushed forward and entered her mouth in a steady movement. Susan was totally tamed now and her throat accustomed to service the landlord's cock. He soon impaled her mouth to the hilt. Only muffled moans could escape her perfectly gagged mouth! Joan felt relieved : Mr Macy was just using Susan's mouth, just as he had done already so many times. He focused his eyes on Uncle Bill's shoes. As long as he could see them, his wife was safe!

Susan thought that her punishment was about to be finished but Mr Gupta thought otherwise. She felt something huge and very hard poking her buttocks. Mr Macy's cock prevented her from turning her head. But she soon found out! It was Mr Gupta's cock and it was aimed at her pussy. He wanted to take her doggie style and there was nothing she could do about it : she couldn't scream her opposition to it, nor call for help. Her plies would be silenced by Mr Macy's big cock. Mrs Macy and her ******** prevented her to pull back and even if she tried to escape them by pulling back, it would be to impale herself faster on Mr Gupta's rigid cock. Susan stopped fighting and resolved to accept her fate!

The invading cock poked lightly against her hole, it wasn't a true penetration, more like a caress. It was even more pervert that she had expected. She was about to be fucked, perched on the back of her unsuspecting husband in front of Mr Macy, his wife and their ********! Mr Gupta was trying to make her cum as she was fucked so that she would be totally unfaithful to her husband! Her tormentor was alternating slow sweeps along her more and more dripping slit, a rubbing of the tip of his cock on her clit before returning to a parting of her nether lips still with his big cock. It was getting slicker and slicker every minute. Susan was starting to pant helplessly, her pussy was now as wet as a swamp and it was beginning to gap open.

Susan was now mad with lust : she wanted that big cock to tear open her pussy at last. The orders of Mr and Mrs Macy had condemned her to a complete celibacy with her husband sharing her bed but never even kissing or caressing her. Mr Gupta made her sizzling hot and her marital vows were pushed into the deepest recesses of her mind for the time being! She tried to hump back to make him enter her for real but he kept his hands on her hips to steady her. Finally Mr Gupta tired of the game. He froze as the knob of his cock was embedded in her molten pussy. Susan arched her back, feeling that the instant was of utmost importance. Gupta finally pushed slowly forward and his shaft gradually entered her tender sheath at last. He paused only when his pubic hair entered in contact with her buttocks!

Joan was still unaware of what was arriving to his wife still perched on his back. Mary took a photo of this weird coupling. Afterwards, Mr Gupta started to really fuck Susan, trying to follow Mr Macy's rhythm not to alert the poor unwitting cuckold. Their pace was getting faster and faster. Mr Gupta managed to hide his roar of triumph as he cummed deep in Susan's belly with a fit of coughs. Susan came too when she felt his hot sperm splashing against the walls of her pussy. Now she was even with her hubbie!


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When Susan and John returned to their nice apartment, that evening, they were both very subdued. Susan thought back over her very comfortable and rather affluent ********* and her brilliant success in school. Her husband John was in exactly the same position. They just couldn't understand how it had gone so wrong.

They liked Mr and Mrs Macy and the others but they now seemed totally subservient to their erotic desires and there was no way out for the young couple. Susan thought also about Mr Gupta. He really was a nice old Indian man from a very poor background. It was quite strange that he seemed to be so deeply respected by the Macys and everyone else they had met.

Mr Gupta had a quiet dignity and unprecedented authority. When he just looked down at anyone, he or she got immediately subservient, ready to obey him, whatever he would ask for. Susan had noticed that all of the Macy family seemed anxious to please him. She appreciated that Mr Gupta was very rich but so was Mr Macy. It went deeper than just money.

Following that naughty evening, everything settled down and they frequently visited upstairs and saw Mr Gupta every two or three days as he came to supervise the building of his new supermarket in the outskirts of their little town but nothing untoward happened. Mrs Macy told them that Mr Gupta was still considering John for a very important job in his chain of greengrocers. Susan was as desperate as her husband. One afternoon, Mrs Macy came to see them. She was quite excited as she told John :

- I think Mr Gupta has decided to appoint you to the job he has been considering for you!

John cried with joy. So did Susan. When they went up to Mrs Macy's apartment that evening, Mr Gupta was there and smiled pleasantly at them. Mr and Mrs Macy and their ******** were with him and Mrs Macy poured everyone a glass of sherry. Nothing was said about the job but the Dale couple was quietly confident. Gupta announced then his intentions :

- John, you know that I'm looking for someone to manage my new supermarket. I had had so much trouble with other English people that I had decided not to hire one but our hosts have convinced me that there are very considerate people hereby and they assured me that you would work hard and be totally faithful and obedient to my orders, would you, John?

- Of course, Mr Gupta!

- I expected it and I will test you for it in a few minutes but a manager in our trade needs the constant support of his wife. Are you ready to do so, Susan?

Mr Gupta looked at her with piercing eyes that seemed to get through her clothes to the very core of her mind!

- I'll obey you completely, too and I won't ever comment your choices, Mr Gupta, if you hire my husband.

- Then I'm going to test how deep your commitment is, too!

Susan heard Mrs Macy ask Mr Gupta :

- Will it be OK if Mary takes Joan into the bedroom to dress her now, Sir?

The Indian man nodded. Mary stood up and led John into her bedroom. Susan felt nervous. She felt somehow that the moment was crucial for their life and she wondered what was going to happen. She didn't have to wait long! Mrs Macy asked Mr Gupta

- How shall I dress her, Sir?

Mr Gupta smiled and replied in a very calm voice :

- Just some small panties will do. Nothing special!

- But Sir, she needs something over it to cover her modesty!

Mr Gupta waived away in a rather nonchalant manner, telling Mrs Macy that she could dress Susan just as she liked providing his instructions were followed! Susan followed meekly the older lady into her bedroom. Mrs Macy handed her a pair of Mary's old knickers saying :

- I think these ones will do, Susan. He will like you in well worn panties!

Susan had undressed swiftly with no complaints. When she had pulled her knickers up, she just asked :

- Wouldn't it be more proper and respectable if I also had a brassiere on, Mrs Macy?

Mrs Macy was unsure and she decided to go back into the lounge and ask Mr Gupta. Susan waited anxiously for her return. She blushed beet root when Mrs Macy returned and told her :

- Sorry, Susan! No brassiere for you today! He will let you wear your panties but he wants to see your tits! But I think this item will protect somewhat your modesty and please him in the same time. He may ask you to remove it later but you won't be totally naked in front of him with your husband watching you at the beginning. Then it will be up to you if you want to secure this job for John!

It was a smart way to put the pressure on Susan and it certainly helped to maintain her perfectly in line. When Mrs Macy led John's wife back into the lounge, she was wearing the knickers Mrs Macy had given her and above it a lace nightie which just covered her butt and her crotch but was almost completely see through, giving the spectators a perfect view on her proud breasts, her wide dark brown areolas and the taut nipples at their center.

The first thing Susan saw was her husband John kneeling on the carpet in front of Mary who seemed to be giving him orders that he was receiving in a very submissive manner. He had a pretty pink silk dress on with a ribbon on his waist and another one in his wig. His dress seemed to be plumped up with full breasts. He looked quite attractive. Mary was adding the last touches to his make up, adding kohl, eye liner and eye shadow in a very sophisticated way to make his eyes looking more elongated and luminous. Mr Gupta was sitting on a comfortable chair watching the proceedings. Mrs Macy whispered in Susan's ear :

- Go and stand in front of Mr Gupta, Susan!

Susan nervously moved over and presented herself in front of the elderly Indian gentleman. She was terribly ashamed of standing in front of him wearing just little white knickers and this slutty outfit. She thought he looked so nice and respectable. He didn't look lecherous or naughty at all. His face seemed impassive and very commandeering. His olive skin and his white hair made him so distinguished! She could easily understand why he was so respected. He spoke gently to her :

- When I was a Janitor in a girls' school in Scotland, they used to tease me but they didn't want to show me their breasts and to let me touch them!

Susan blushed. She felt sorry for the old man. The behaviour of these girls was so gross! At their place, she would never have teased him at the beginning and she would have let him watch her at the very minimum : it would have been just fair! Mr Gupta was such a gentleman! He turned to John who was kneeling in his pretty pink dress and asked him bluntly :

- Do you mind if I look at your wife without her panties, John?

John was embarrassed. He was dressed like a girl and everyone was looking at him wondering how he would react. He thought about his job prospects and succumbed. He replied in a blank tone :

- I don't mind if you see Susan, Mr Gupta. We really want to please you!

Mr Gupta nodded. John was grateful that the old Indian gentleman seemed pleased. Mr Gupta beckoned Mrs Macy over to him and whispered in her ear. It was obvious that both Mr and Mrs Macy respected Mr Gupta very much and wanted to satisfy him. She replied in a strict tone :

- Yes, of course, Mr Gupta. I am sure your little girl will be obedient!

She turned to Susan and transmitted her the new orders :

- Just stand in front of Mr Gupta. Joan is going to slip your knickers down very slowly, Susan! Joan, Mr Gupta wants to see her pubic hair come into view nice and slowly!

Susan did as she was told and Joan followed his instructions to the letter. When his wife's panties were down to her crotch, Mrs Macy held her hand up to stop Joan and asked the Indian man :

- Do you like her pussy hair, Mr Gupta?

The businessman nodded. Mrs Macy turned back and said in the voice of a school head master :

- Take your knickers right off, Susan and open your legs. Mr Gupta wants to see your pussy!

As Susan slipped her panties off, she thought about her refined schooling and her quite respectable ****** and ******. She thought about her wonderfully happy wedding day to John. She turned to her husband. He looked away in embarrassment. Susan knew she couldn't do anything about it. She lay back in front of the old man and opened her legs showing him her pussy. The old gentleman still looked so dignified. He beckoned Mrs Macy over to him and whispered to her other instructions. Mrs Macy nodded.

- Certainly, Sir! Susan, Mr Gupta wants you to play with your pussy...

Susan felt utterly demoralized and could hardly believe what was happening. She repeated vaguely :

- What? Play with my pussy!!

- Don't be a silly girl! Put your fingers between your legs and play with your cunt!

Mrs Macy was using her very commandeering voice. She would certainly not accept any delay in Susan's obedience!! John's wife again did as she was told. It was most embarrassing as her pussy was so wet : her finger just kept slipping up. Mrs Macy noticed it and told her with a stern voice :

- Add another finger, Susan!

Susan obeyed hastily and slipped another finger into her pussy that was now getting nice, tight and slidy. It felt so lovely that any idea of resisting never materialized. Mr Macy was sitting next to his ******** close to John.

- I like very much watching Susan wanking herself, my dear Joan! She is so pretty and lovely, don't you think so, my dear? We must do this more often!

John absentmindedly nodded and looked away uncomfortably. They all watched in silence as Susan was gradually increasing her tempo and moaning louder and louder. She was almost on the verge of a fantastic climax when Mr Gupta held his hand up to stop her. She found it so difficult to stop fingering herself. Mr Gupta spoke directly to her :

- I am very pleased with you, Mrs Dale and with your husband John. In the past, I have been so often humiliated by people like you, but I can see you both really want to work for me!

Susan and John just nodded dumbly. Mr Gupta turned to Mrs Macy

- Before we proceed with the final interview, could you find some underclothes for Mrs Dale? I would prefer them black, if possible!

Mrs Macy was well prepared and she handed Susan a small black silk petticoat. Susan slipped it on. It partly covered her. Mrs Macy asked :

- Do you want her to wear knickers, Mr Gupta?

He nodded. It was very quiet as Susan pulled her panties up. Mrs Macy whispered in her ear

- He looks pleased with you and John, Susan. He likes to see you smiling.

Susan felt relieved. With her underclothes on, she felt more secure. She didn't want to fail at the last hurdle and stood in front of the old Indian man. Without being asked, she parted her legs wide and gave him a brilliant smile. The old man smiled back. Mary led John over to stand beside his wife. He also felt relieved how things went but felt very girly in his dress.

Mr Gupta told John that he had decided to hire him and that was just what John had hoped for weeks. He also told John about his salary, which was quite sizable, just slightly lower than what he had earned before. It was better than he had ever expected in these circumstances. He also explained what would be his duties which were very onerous and made him a rather important man in Mr Gupta's empire. Susan felt so pleased and proud of her husband.



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Mr Gupta did explain that Susan would be the accountant of the supermarket but would stay in charge of the local branch of the accountancy company. She would be personally responsible for the books of her husband. The Indian man told them it would not be necessary for John to become Joan very often, but there would be some occasions if Mrs Macy and her ******** needed it but also when Mr Gupta held private little parties for some Indian friends!

On those occasions, he would like John and his wife to attend. He explained that he had never forgotten his roots in India and some of his old friends were still relatively poor. Some of them were still in awe of upper class beautiful English ladies and it would be necessary for their self esteem, to see that well educated English ladies could be taught to do things that were not expected.

Susan and John were a little unsure what this meant but they reasoned that it would only happen infrequently. With the prospect of his new job, John didn't want to upset the old man with unnecessary questions. Susan was also nervous but was too apprehensive to ask in public. Mr Gupta added amiably.

- That's very good, Mr Dale. Now I think you should put your normal clothes on and return to your apartment. I will want you to start work for me in your new job in one week's time. I've a few other instructions for your wife. It won't take very long, just about one hour!

John blubbered his thanks, he went into the bedroom and dressed. Five minutes later, he left the Macy's apartment after being congratulated once more.

Susan was still in her nightie with the petticoat and the panties. Mr Gupta told her :

- Now we are quiet and things are settled with your husband, perhaps you could take off that nightie : it's quite beautiful but don't you think it may look strange with a petticoat?

Susan hastily removed the nightie, exposing her proud tits to the view of Mr Gupta but also of Mr Macy, his wife and ********! Susan somehow managed to be proud enough to query about the unexpected things that English ladies may have to been taught to do. Mr Gupta smiled.

- There is no need to go into this with too much detail, Mrs Dale! You'll see soon what I'm thinking to but, as you know, my business group is very deeply associated with the greengrocery trade.

Susan nodded, unsure where this was going. Mr Gupta was still so calm and dignified as he continued.

- A lot of my friends have also been associated a great deal with vegetables and various fruits all their lives and it is natural that some fetishes have evolved involving items like these from the greengrocery business!

Susan gasped : she felt very nervous now. Mr and Mrs Macy were keeping total silence as Mr Gupta explained

- I am pretty sure that some of my older friends would like to know how a pretty married English lady could manage a few vegetables! But don't be afraid, my dear, you won't have to perform very often!

Susan was totally out of her depth now and weakly asked

- Could I ask what vegetables you were thinking of, Mr Gupta"

- Of course, Mrs Dale. The main vegetables that jump to my mind would be cucumbers and carrots and things like that. But it could equally apply to fruits like bananas and things with similar shapes... Would you oppose to a vegetarian diet, Mrs Dale? I may still change my ideas about John!

Susan felt a little weak but she spoke up quickly :

- No, Mr Gupta! I am quite sure I will be able to cope with anything your friends may require, Sir!

- It's a wise decision, Susan! Oh, Would you object if I called you Susan, even in front of your husband, sweetie?

- Oh, no, Sir!

- Good! Then, it is settled now. Come nearer, dear!

Mr Gupta negligently pulled down Susan's knickers. She lifted her feet to help him remove them. He threw them away to a corner of the room.

- Susan, next time we are alone without the presence of John, I want you to take off your panties as soon as possible!

- I'll be a good girl, Sir!

- Then straddle me and open your legs to rub your clit on my cock. It's aching for attention!

Mr Gupta knew how to deal with Susan : her clit was extremely sensitive as he had discovered to his intense pleasure. He only needed to touch it like a feather and she approached orgasm at once! He just had to give her a bit more insisting caress and boy : she immediately went straight over the top and that was an impressive spectacle by itself : her whole body shook as the tidal waves of her orgasm tore through her body. Afterward, she got insatiable, pleading or begging to be given other caresses, ready to do anything for just another orgasm. Her pussy was permanently dripping wet and it wasn't just an image!

Mr Gupta had taken Susan in his arms and kissed her full on the lips, their tongues eagerly exploring each other's mouths. In the same time, Mr Macy could not have waited any longer. He was rubbing her already engorged clit. She was moaning deeply as he brought her to the verge of a mighty climax.

- On your back on the carpet, girl. Open wide to receive both our cocks!

Susan obeyed instantly, so aroused that she would have done almost anything to be fucked at last! She was so fetching with her legs open wide that Mr Macy couldn't delay any more his satisfaction. Lowering his zipper, he released his hard cock with a sigh of pleasure. He rubbed his knob up and down her wet crack before easing it forward to rub her clit. Susan was getting feverish with anticipation. She was pushing back frantically trying to get his cock into her cunt. Mr Gupta continued to tease her :

- Do you want my big cock into your tender pussy, slut?

- You perfectly know what I want, Sir!

- Then just ask politely to your master!

- Would you be so kind as to fuck your little slave Susan, Master? I'm starved with sex. I need your cock so much! Please, Master!

- Someday, I may ask for the same confession in front of John!

- He would be devastated. He thinks that both of you just use my mouth!

- He would be in for a major surprise if he discovered how his wife has transformed into a slut, greedy for cocks, either English or Indian!

With one thrust, the Indian man entered her tender pussy to the hilt. Susan lifted her legs and crossed them on his back, her tits were crushed by the large weight of her Master. He held her hips tight and started to hump in and out, varying the pace to keep her on the verge but never allowing her to reach that threshold. He perfectly knew that he would drive her mad. She fought to keep her mouth shut not to scream her pleasure that would have surely been heard by John on the lower floor. He would surely have understood as Susan was always very vocal when she reached her climax.

Ten minutes later, Susan was again on her knees in front of uncle Bill with her back to him. He really loved to fuck her doggie style! She automatically pushed her ass back to him, He replied by pushing wildly forward, sliding the full length of his beautiful and so long cock past her slick lips. He was soon deep into her steaming pussy. She felt him banging into her cervix. She began to rock her hips in a circle, sliding her wet pussy back and forth on his stiff shaft. Mr Macy might be much older than her husband John, but he really knew how to service young hot wayward wives. He pulled out completely and immediately after plunged back in. He repeated the move like a jackhammer, gaining depth with each stroke. As he recklessly pumped her pussy with his cock, he grabbed her free pendulous boobs in his hands and mauled them hard.

- Ohhh Gowdd, I love when you fuck me so royally!

Susan moaned desperately as he skewered her to the hilt.

- Mmmmmmm! Yessssss! It's so good! Fuck me deeper! Deeper, I told you, uncle Bill!

Mr Macy rammed his rock hard shaft into Susan's cunt like a much younger man. His balls slapped madly against her clit. She screamed once more when his incessant pounding triggered her second orgasm of the evening. He held desperately to her hips as she buckled under him. She came really hard! Her cunt clamped desperately around uncle Bill's cock, trying to milk him of all his seed. His wild thrusts led her to a third pretty delicious orgasm. She was mewling like a she-cat in heat! As her cunt muscles gripped and clinched at Uncle Bill's poker, he continued to thrust deep into her deliquescent cunt. But he was thrown over the edge, and his orgasm erupted in hot jets deep inside Susan's spasming pussy.

- Oh, my God... oh, God... Fuck... Fuck me hard, Master.

It was the first time she used that name to address him. Somewhere, she relished recognizing his dominance although it had been quite natural with Mr Gupta! Her thoughts were suddenly interrupted by just another sudden major climax that rocked her body to its core :

- Aaarrgggghh! Oooohhh! God!!!

It had been fortunate that Mary had switched on radio. Susan screamed her lungs out as her cunt spasmed down on her lover's hot tumescent rod and milked him thoroughly dry. Her pussy tightened closely around the magnificent weapon that fired load after load of his hot white jizzm deep inside her belly. His orgasm reached its end while she still enjoyed the aftershocks of her own. Susan had never realized that a woman's climax was so much longer than a man's. She should thank nature for that immeasurable advantage! She didn't care being dominated by Mr Macy and Mr Gupta if that was the kind of reward she would get!

He slowly pulled out of her cum filled cunt. His shrunk cock was expelled with a loud plop. She found the strength to stand up on wobbly legs. She looked down to her landlord, crouching on the floor with his sperm smeared cock. She realized she had a last duty to perform and he was waiting for just that! She fell on her knees and took his cock in her mouth. He had just given her the ride of her life and the least she could do was to clean him with her tongue and mouth. When she had finished, she swallowed it all. She was proud for a well done job! She would have been ready to frolick again with Uncle Bill but he was already snoring, collapsed on the bed. She felt an intense feeling of superiority : women are so much more resilient : no oversize bulging muscles but so much more stamina!

Mr Gupta helped her to retrieve her clothes but he forbid her to clean herself.

- But, my husband will discover my pussy is filled with sperm!

- If that is the case, you'll just tell him it is your pussy juices when you frigged yourself so pleasantly in front of me! Perhaps you could ask him to eat you out! That would be really dirty!

Susan left soon after but Mr Gupta's idea was really so arousing that she decided to transform it into reality! John was still forbidden to fuck her but she had had no orders about tongue licking and Mr Gupta's suggestion was akin to a full fledge authorization!

In order to give her a very satisfying climax, Susan asked her husband to lick her clit and then to clean her pussy from her love juices. John was so pleased that he accepted with no reluctance although he got personally no relief for himself! Afterwards, they chatted about their new situation. John wondered what Mr Gupta had in store for them but he was so grateful toward his new boss that he didn't question his motives. He told Susan not to worry too much about her other unspecified duties until they arose.


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