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les histoires de chrislebo

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"From then I am knew that I would have you and were going to be re-creating that later tonight" comment Mark smiling to himself wickedly.

Mark's toes started to crinkle up and his back started arching; he was coming and coming fast. Kyle started to gulp faster up and down on his master cock, up and down. Mark moaned as loud as he could feel the cum shooting out into his slaves mouth. Kyle kept sucking and swallowing as he could feel his own penis dying to come.

"That's so good boy, lick daddy clean" ordered Mark as Kyle took his penis out.

Kyle began licking all over his swollen dick and found each drop including the ones lying under his balls, Mark so was pleased with himself as was Kyle.

"Come up and sit next to me slave" ordered Mark rubbing his fingers on his own nipples.

Kyle jumped up from his knee and sat down next to Mark, cuddling up next to him.

"Please me like I was your girlfriend or should I say boyfriend" suggested Mark knowing that his slave couldn't say no.

"Yes my master" replied Kyle running his hands over his master's naked chest.

His hands moved up and his Mark's chest feeling around and probing into different areas, his fingers stopped as his masters lips. Kyle leant in and started kissing his master passionately; Mark kissed back grabbing onto Kyle's belt at the same time. Kyle shifted his legs to be sitting in front of Mark on the chair with his knees on either side. He continued to kiss Mark and started kissing his way down his neck. Mark un-buckled his slave's belt, sliding the side of his pants down to the floor. Mark placed his hands on the side of Kyle's boxer as Kyle began sucking onto his nipples.

His boxers dropped down and out came Kyle's erect penis around seven inches uncut; Mark began to stroke up and down while it stood up proud in the air.

"Alright time to finish your training when you cum for me you will go into a deep trance, come for me Kyle, come for me slave" ordered Mark jerking Kyle's penis faster and faster.

Kyle came.....

The next morning Kyle lay asleep on the couch with the TV still on in front of him, sitting on a static channel. Kyle slowly awoke with a splitting headache and barely a memory of how he got to Sarah's house. Kyle fixed up his clothes and walked into the kitchen to get something to eat; he could see Sarah with her singlet top on hugging to her breast but didn't even notice the things he used to love.

"Hello who is this Mark?" asked Sarah pouring some serial into her bowl.

Kyle walked further in seeing Mark eating toast on the counter wearing only Kyle's boxers and a t-shirt, Kyle couldn't take his eye of Mark's sexy legs.

"This is my boyfriend Kyle" said Mark handing out his hand to Kyle.

Kyle began kissing his hand passionately and sucking on his fingers suggestively. Sarah didn't even remember Kyle at all and neither did Kyle it was like they had met for the first time today.

"He seems like a keeper" commented Sarah taking for food into the other room.

"Don't worry your mind I ********** her too. Now down on all fours and follow me slave" commanded Mark pulling his finger out of Kyle's mouth.

Mark walked into the lounge room with his slave following like a loyal dog down on all fours; he crawled over to his master. Mark sat down on the couch and started wiggling his feet for attention.

"Go on kiss my feet slave while I fill you in on last night" ordered Mark grabbing the TV remote.

Kyle crawl up to his masters toes and began kissing along the soles of his feet and moving up to the toes. He smiled lustfully as he massaged the other foot with his free hands; knowing that he was serving his master.

Mark clicked on the DVD player and watching the disc loading slowly, he couldn't wait to watch it. Kyle kept kissing the feet seeing in the corner of his eye the disc starting to play.

"Alright Slave turn and watch the TV to see the fun we got up to last night" ordered Mark turning his slaves head away from his beautiful feet.

Kyle watched as the camera remained positioned on a tripod as Kyle rested in the 69 position sucking away furiously on Mark's cock. Mark had his right arm firmly wrapped around Kyle's penis jerking it to make him work harder sucking. Both were completely nude and Kyle's eyes were glazed over like he was stuck in some kind of dream state.

"Remember any of this slave?" asked Mark patting Kyle on the head like he was a dog.

"No my master but I know I would have enjoyed serving you" replied Kyle loving watching the screen with his master playing with him.

"That because I told you to forget because your first time always hurts, my baby is so tight" explained Mark focusing his attention back on the video tape.

Mark continued moaning and jerking his slaves cock as his fingered moved across Kyle's ass hole; rubbing the edges softly. He wanted to Kyle to know it was coming before he did, but the pleasure got to him. Mark started sticking his finger into Kyle's tight ass; pushing in and out as deep as he could go. Kyle stopped sucking at his master's command and rested his ass up in the air for his master's pleasure.

"You love this next part even though you cried" said Mark putting the same finger from the video into Kyle's mouth to be sucked on.

Kyle slowly started to moan with pleasure and pain as Mark stuck his penis ********** into his ass; he jerked back and forth. Mark told his slave to wolf like a dog as he was fucking him and gripped hard onto his hanging balls. Kyle scream as Mark milked his balls inside his fingers.

"You're mine forever aren't you?" asked Mark pulling his finger out for his slave to talk.

"Yes my master I live to serve your every need" replied Kyle fighting the urge to start masturbating to his own deeds.

"This video is making me horny you now what to do" ordered Mark unzipping his fly.

the End


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Mon compte est bon

Nous y voilà. Deux mois ce ***t écoulés depuis le dernier épisode. Mathilde m'a quitté quinze jours plus tard n'y tenant plus. J'ai eu beau prendre soin d'elle, la chouchouter, la câliner, rien n'y a fait, j'avais l'impression d'être en face d'un bloc de granit. Elle ne m'aime plus, ça ne fait aucun doute.
Je sais maintenant que le jour où j'ai reçu le DVD, soit une quinzaine de jours après qu'elle fut allée chez Bernard, elle n'était pas en déplacement, mais avec Bernard les deux jours.
Mathilde est quelqu'un d'entier. Elle a quitté *** premier mari de la même façon. Elle l'a trompé, puis elle est partie. À l'époque c'était avec un ancien militaire mythomane qui lui avait promis monts et merveilles. Elle l'a quitté avec près de 45 000 € de dettes que nous avons mis 20 ans à éponger. Et maintenant elle est amoureuse et elle est prête à tout et n'importe quoi pour vivre pleinement *** nouveau délire.
C'est en rentrant qu'elle m'annonce qu'elle me quitte. Quand je lui demande pourquoi :
— Écoute chéri ! Je ne t'ai pas épousé pour que tu me traites de tous les noms. Alors tant qu'à être la pute, la trainée ou la chienne de quelqu'un, autant que je choisisse avec qui. Moi je voulais être ta femme pour que tu m'aimes en tant que telle. Maintenant, je pars avec Bernard parce que j'aime qu'il me traite comme il le fait. Tu n'as rien compris. Tant pis pour toi.

Elle boucle une petite valise, prend quelques affaires per***nelles puis quitte la mai*** sans même que je puisse lui dire quelque chose. Aucun mot ne sort de ma bouche, je reste là, à la regarder passer. Je reste un long moment debout dans le salon à regarder la porte d'entrée close.
Puis je suis allé dans la chambre, la salle de bain, comme pour me réveiller de ce cauchemar et pour bien me rendre compte qu'elle est partie. Partie, sans rien ou presque, pas une photo, pas un souvenir, rien qui nous relie, rien de ce qu'on a en commun. Vingt ans de mariage biffés d'un claquement de porte. Elle m'a rayé de sa vie comme on tourne la dernière page d'un mauvais roman, roman que l'on sait que jamais on ne le relira et qu'on pose sur une étagère, dans un vieux tiroir ou jette négligemment dans la première poubelle venue.
Depuis, je suis en pleine dépression. J'ai été remercié à mon travail. Je suis au chômage, assez confortable pour que je puisse continuer à vivre, mais il va me falloir en retrouver, me reconstruire. Ce n'est pas en me bourrant la gueule comme je le fais tous les soirs que je vais y arriver.
Je profite de ces quelques moments de clarté pour finir d'écrire cet épisode qui me pèse car je ne sais par quel bout le prendre. Alors je vais vous le donner comme il vient. Vous me pardonnerez. J'espère.

Je suis donc au chômage depuis une semaine. Depuis presque deux mois, tous les soirs je me bourre la gueule. Mon patron en a eu marre, je lui ai raconté rapidement mon histoire, sans évoquer les détails auxquels vous avez eu droit, il m'a dit qu'il ne pouvait pas me garder et qu'il me proposait de me licencier à l'amiable afin que je touche le chômage et en m'offrant une prime de départ intéressante. J'ai accepté !
Depuis j'erre dans mon appart crade, j'ai coupé mon téléphone, je ne sors quasiment pas, je me fais livrer des pizzas, je sors acheter deux trois trucs à grignoter à l'épicerie du coin, de l'alcool et des cigarettes, car je me suis remis à fumer.
Il y a trois jours j'ai reçu un recommandé de Bernard. Je suis resté un long moment dans le canapé à regarder cette enveloppe encore scellée sur la table basse du salon
À l'intérieur, une lettre et trois DVD numérotés d'un à trois comme il se doit.
La lettre manuscrite :
« Bonjour Laurent,
Je t'écris ce courrier alors que Mathilde t'a quitté. Je suis désolé pour toi. En fait non je n'ai aucun regret. Jamais je n'aurais pensé au début de notre aventure récupérer ta femme. Cela dit je ne regrette pas car c'est vraiment un bon coup. Elle est insatiable. Pour preuve, je te fais parvenir les photos et vidéos de ses derniers exploits. Je sais que tu regarderas ceci avec attention et que sans doute tu y prendras du plaisir.
Elle est raide dingue de ma grosse queue et je peux te dire que j'en profite un max. Elle est prête à tout pour que je la baise, même à des choses que tu n'aurais sans doute jamais imaginées de sa part. Je n'hésite pas à la prêter aux copains, à la faire baiser par n'importe qui. Depuis quinze jours que nous sommes ensemble, elle est en vacances pour 4 semaines, nous bai***s tous les soirs et parfois même plusieurs fois par jour.
Je vais faire de ta femme un paillas***, une serpillère, tu m'entends ? Je vais la faire baiser jusqu'à l'os par la terre entière et te la rendrai quand elle ne sera plus que l'ombre d'elle-même. Mais avant je vais la faire tourner dans un ou deux bons pornos amateurs, histoire de me rembourser.
Allez, je te laisse profiter du spectacle.
Bonne branlette.

Bernard »

Je tiens cette lettre dans mes mains, ne sachant qu'en faire. La détruire, la déchirer, la jeter. Je suis abasourdi et à la fois excité par ce que je viens de lire.
Je prends les DVD, les regarde et m'avance vers le lecteur. Introduis le n°1 et le mets en route. Je reviens m'asseoir dans le canapé, j'allume une cigarette, me sers un verre de whisky et attends patiemment la première image.
C'est à nouveau Bernard qui apparaît, décidément, il me persécute, je ne m'en déferai jamais.

— Salut Laurent,
Je savais que tu ne résisterais pas à la tentation.
Nous sommes donc dans ma mai*** de campagne près d'Arcachon, il fait un temps magnifique et je te propose de profiter de quelques photos de ta femme faites par-ci par-là. Je les ai bien sélectionnées. Mais je te rassure, que du soft.
Tu te souviens sans doute du jour où tu as reçu le premier DVD. Mathilde était soi-disant en déplacement. Tu le sais depuis un certain temps elle était avec moi.

Profite ! »



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L'image devient noire et laisse la place à un défilement de photos de Mathilde.
La première série, Mathilde est vêtue d'une longue robe noire fendue très haut au-dessus des hanches maintenue par un lacet de chaque côté. On aperçoit d'ailleurs qu'elle ne porte pas de soutien-gorge, sa lourde poitrine tombe légèrement. La robe s'arrête au milieu du dos et juste au-dessus de la poitrine. Elle porte de jolis escarpins noirs qui laissent apparaître de jolis pieds dont les ongles ***t joliment colorés de rouge. Mathilde sourit à *** photographe prenant des poses plus suggestives les unes que les autres puis rapidement baisse le haut de la robe dévoilant ses seins magnifiques puis relevant sa jupe pour nous laisser découvrir un string ficelle noir lui passant entre les fesses puis faisant entrer le string dans sa chatte en le tirant vers le haut.
Puis une seconde encore en robe de soirée noire sans bretelles, dos nu et s'arrêtant au-dessus de la poitrine surmontée d'une jolie broche mais cette fois avec un rabat d'un pan sur l'autre. Encore une fois pas de soutien-gorge et on découvrira par la suite qu'elle ne porte pas de culotte non plus.
Une troisième dans un salon sur un canapé en cuir avec une robe dont le haut est complètement transparent puisque l'on distingue les aréoles de ses seins, seule une partie opaque démarre juste sous le galbe des seins et vient se finir juste sous les fesses.
Puis une série en extérieur ou je l'aperçois tour à tour dans un verger en robe orange à 4 pattes les seins pendants et le cul à l'air, puis dans une voiture en pleine ville avec un petit haut blanc qui laisse bien à l'air *** nombril et pendre ses seins sans soutien-gorge dans une petite jupe fendue, déguisée en cow-girl, ou encore dans une robe blanche dans l'entrée d'un immeuble dévoilant ses charmes à je ne sais qui.
Et enfin une série en intérieur dans toutes les pièces dans la mai***, je suppose, des toilettes à la salle de bain en passant par la buanderie, le salon, la cuisine et le dressing. Toujours dans des positions de plus en plus osées. Une photo d'elle dans la bibliothèque avec un haut en filet de pêcheur blanc à grandes mailles, nue dessous et un pantalon noir transparent. Sur une photo de cette série, elle pose les yeux fermés dos au photographe face à la bibliothèque juste vêtue de *** filet de pêche elle cambre les reins d'une façon obscène et s'écarte les fesses à pleines mains nous dévoilant ainsi *** anus et sa chatte. On constate d'ailleurs sur cette photo que *** anus est meurtri et boursouflé.
Sur une autre vêtue d'une nuisette en satin, elle s'enfile une banane tout en discutant au téléphone.
Puis des gros plans de *** anus, de ses seins, de sa chatte, ainsi qu'avec un gros gode rose avec lequel elle se donne du plaisir.
Le premier DVD s'achève donc sur quelques vidéos de Mathilde en train de se masturber dans la chambre, dans la baignoire et dans les toilettes.
Je bande comme un âne. Je me masturbe doucement prenant beaucoup de plaisir à regarder ce DVD. Je me demande ce qui va bien pouvoir suivre. La curiosité me gagne.
J'insère donc le second DVD dans le lecteur. À nouveau Bernard.

— Bonsoir Laurent,
Oui nous sommes le soir. Vois-tu ? Il est presque 20 heures et j'ai invité quelques vieux amis à dîner. Trois. Pour être exact. Je te rassure, ils ***t tous aussi vicieux les uns que les autres, elle va se régaler.
Comme tu peux le constater, nous sommes dans mon salon. Tu le connais déjà et je suis sûr que tu l'avais reconnu. Mathilde est en train de se préparer j'espère que la tenue te plaira. Tu sais mes amis ***t de vieux beaux, ils adorent les petites jeunes, mais ne crachent pas de temps en temps sur une veille pute. Je l'ai donc habillée en conséquence. J'avoue avoir eu du mal à la décider à mettre ce que je lui ai acheté mais elle a fini par accepter. C'est assez étonnant d'ailleurs, comme elle mégote à mettre une tenue de pute alors qu'elle est prête à se faire tringler par tout le quartier.
Elle est bizarre ta femme non ? Ha ! Ha ! Ha ! »

— Oui, je sais qu'elle est bizarre. C'est bien pour ça qu'elle est chez toi connard ! crié-je à haute voix dans mon salon.

Je suis comme fou. Je n'imagine pas que je vais voir ma femme se faire baiser par plusieurs hommes en même temps comme ça. Alors qu'elle était réticente à le faire avec moi. Je suis aussi déboussolé qu'excité à l'idée de la voir se faire prendre par de vieux vicieux.
L'image se coupe un instant puis revoilà le salon, toujours cette fameuse caméra qui filme. Quatre hommes dont Bernard ***t assis dans le salon et discutent de choses et d'autres. Les hommes ***t habillés classique pantalon de ville et chemise. Tous ont, au moins, la soixantaine, plutôt pas mal, style cadres à la retraite légèrement ventripotents mais beaucoup de classe.

— Messieurs, dit Bernard, il est temps que je vous présente notre perle de ce soir.

Ces paroles ***t accueillies par un brouhaha collectif.
— Mathilde ? Viens, sers-nous l'apéritif ! Tu veux bien ?

À cet instant tous les regards se tournent, je pense, vers l'entrée de la pièce. On voit dans les regards une curiosité malsaine. Puis soudain les visages s'éclairent et tous se mettent à siffler. Mathilde fait *** apparition.
— Ah oui ! dit l'un d'entre eux.
— Superbe ! s'exclame un autre.

L'autre reste bouche bée alors que Bernard, déjà, jubile. Il jette un œil à la caméra et me fait un clin d'œil. Mais que se passe-t-il ?
La première vision que j'ai de Mathilde est de dos. Je vois une robe ultra courte, une bande allant du galbe des fesses à la naissance du dos, juste au-dessus des reins lui laissant le dos nu. Seules deux bandelettes nouées sur la nuque maintiennent apparemment le devant de la robe.

Les jambes nues et des chaussures à talons vertigineux l'obligeant à se cambrer. La hauteur des talons lui donne une cambrure de reins superbe et des mollets magnifiques. Elle pose le plateau sur la table du salon en se penchant en avant jambes tendues. Aussitôt la jupe remonte sur ses fesses laissant une vue imprenable sur *** gros cul et sa chatte toute lisse dont les grandes lèvres ressortent légèrement. On dirait qu'elle mouille déjà.
— Mathilde, viens t'assoir avec nous !

Mathilde contourne la table puis se retourne avant de s'assoir en croisant les jambes au centre du canapé entre deux inconnus qui ***t en admiration. Effectivement, je comprends mieux pourquoi. Les deux bandelettes nouées sur la nuque descendent de chaque côté du ventre juste reliées par de fines bandes de tissu. On peut donc voir une bande de peau nue descendant sous le nombril presque jusqu'au pubis. Le spectacle est hallucinant. On voit *** ventre, *** nombril, ses gros seins dont seuls la partie extérieure et les tétons, déjà dardés, ***t cachés par la robe. On peut profiter de ce magnifique entre-deux-seins profond et généreux pendant lourdement.
Tous s'exclament sur la beauté de Mathilde et sa tenue ultra sexy. Puis Bernard prend la parole.
— Chers amis je vous présente Mathilde ma nouvelle conquête.
— Mathilde, je te présente Serge, Henri et Marcel. Ils ***t venus faire ta connaissance.
— Enchantée, dit Mathilde.
— De même, répondent les trois autres à l'unis***



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Sur le plateau un seau à champagne et 5 coupes. Bernard se lève et ouvre la bouteille puis commence le service. Je suis dans tous mes états. À la fois fasciné, intrigué, anxieux, excité, malheureux, tous ces sentiments se mêlent pour finalement me laisser complètement subjuguer par ce qui se passe à l'écran. Chacun y va de sa conversation avec Mathilde, ils parlent de tout et de rien, puis trinquent et vident leur coupe cul sec. Bernard ressert tout le monde. Mathilde a l'air si détendu, c'est hallucinant. Maintenant qu'ils dégustent la seconde coupe, déjà Serge glisse une main sur la cuisse de Mathilde. Délicatement il caresse sa peau nue. Henri, assis de l'autre côté passe une main entre deux bandelettes entre les seins et vient saisir à pleine main le sein qui lui est opposé. Il le masse langoureusement regardant la réaction de Mathilde qui continue à boire et à discuter avec Marcel et Bernard. Puis Henri, félicitant Mathilde quant à la douceur de sa poitrine, saisit le téton entre deux doigts et commence à le faire rouler et à tirer doucement dessus. Serge, lui, décroise les cuisses de Mathilde, laissant à la vue de tous et surtout à la mienne, qui est bien placée, une vue imprenable sur sa chatte. Sa main est déjà en train de fouiller sa chatte alors que sa bouche se saisit de celle de Mathilde qui a posé *** verre pour mieux pouvoir lui rendre *** baiser. Leurs langues se mélangent en dehors de leurs bouches pour se rapprocher. Mathilde prend la tête de Serge entre ses mains pour l'embrasser à pleine bouche pendant qu'Henri lui maltraite le sein droit.
Marcel :
— Regarde, Bernard, elle en veut la petite.

Bernard :
— Oui, elle adore ça.

Henri profite que Mathilde embrasse goulument Serge pour défaire le nœud qui maintient le haut de la robe, puis tire délicatement sur le devant pour libérer ses seins dont les tétons ***t magnifiquement érigés. Il passe une main de chaque côté pour pouvoir prendre un sein dans chaque main. Par-derrière, il commence à les soupeser, les malaxer, les triturer sans vergogne embrassant Mathilde dans le cou. Mathilde fris***ne. Serge, lui, a pris de l'avance à fourrer sa grosse paluche entre les cuisses et s'affaire sur ou dans sa chatte. Marcel et Bernard se resservent copieusement attendant certainement leur tour.
Henri :
— Putain, cette paire de nibards qu'elle a, c'est un plaisir de les tripoter. Ils ***t doux à souhait et ses tétons réagissent au quart de tour. Regardez, les gars.

Henri tire sur Mathilde pour qu'elle relâche *** étreinte sur Serge afin que tout le monde puisse voir à quel point ses tétons ***t gonflés et à quel point ils ***t sortis de sa poitrine. Henri, toujours les mains sous les seins de Mathilde les soupèse et fait rouler les tétons entre ses pouces et ses index afin d'accentuer la tension.
Serge profite de l'occasion pour lui écarter les cuisses en grand et lui mettre deux doigts dans la chatte. Mathilde grimace légèrement puis ferme les yeux pour savourer la caresse.
Serge :
— Elle est déjà trempée. Tu parles d'une salope.
Henri Allonge Mathilde sur le canapé puis se met à genoux pour lui bouffer les seins et lui prendre la bouche fiévreusement. Serge lui ramone la chatte avec férocité et rapidement Mathilde se laisse aller. On l'entend maintenant respirer fortement, gémir sous les baisers d'Henri et les caresses ********** de Serge. Bernard une caméra au poing fait le tour de la scène. Nous voici sous un autre angle. Bernard filme par-dessus le dossier du canapé. Mathilde, les yeux fermés se fait mordiller les tétons alors que Serge porte ses doigts pleins de mouille à la bouche de Mathilde qui les suce sans rechigner. Sa robe n'est plus qu'un petit bandeau de tissu autour de sa taille. En arrière-plan dans un fauteuil Marcel se caresse doucement au travers de *** pantalon déjà déformé par une belle bosse qui laisse présager un beau morceau. Puis Henri se relève, et sort sa queue longue, fine et toute rasée déjà à demi bandée pour la présenter à la bouche de Mathilde qui n'hésite pas une seconde à la prendre, tout en prenant l'initiative d'extirper la grosse paire de couilles du pantalon.
Henri :
— Oh, ouiii ! Elle a une bouche, c'est un vrai fourneau. Hummm oui vas-y suce bien. Oui tiens prends-la toute hummm.

Serge :
— Elle est trempée, elle me dégouline sur la main, je vais lui en mettre un troisième, je suis sûr qu'elle va apprécier. Elle est quand même serrée pour *** âge, *** mec était mal monté ou quoi ?

Je ne réagis même pas à ses paroles sur le coup tellement je suis excité. Je me caresse doucement la queue que j'ai sortie.
Bernard :
— Vas-y Mathilde pompe-lui bien *** dard à notre ami Henri il va tout te mettre dans ta petite bouche.

Sur ces paroles Mathilde redouble d'efforts pour sucer Henri qui commence à gémir. Il sent qu'à ce train-là il ne va pas résister longtemps. Serge de *** côté a réussi à lui foutre trois doigts dans la chatte et la ramone bien à fond, le pouce écrasant *** clitoris.
Serge :
— Elle a un clito minuscule. Mais alors regarde comme il marche bien.

À chaque fois que Serge appuie sur le clitoris Mathilde se cambre ou pousse un soupir d'enchantement. Puis utilisant l'abondante mouille de sa chatte, il lui enduit l'anus et commence à jouer avec en faisant de petits ronds et en insinuant un doigt de temps à autre. Rapidement il pose sa bouche sur la chatte trempée et tout en lui dévorant le clito lui visse littéralement jusqu'à la garde *** majeur dans le cul en lui faisant faire de longs va-et-vient et le tournant à l'intérieur. L'anus se déforme et on le voit nettement entrer et sortir au rythme des allées et venues, preuve d'un manque de lubrification et pourtant Mathilde gémit de plus belle toujours la queue d'Henri dans la bouche qui maintenant lui a pris la tête et lui assène de grands coups de reins.
Henri :
— Ohhh oui tiens bouffe, je vais tout te mettre dans la bouche. Ouiii ! Ohh putain je viens.

Henri lui enfonce la queue à fond dans la bouche et visiblement jouit. Mathilde déglutit tant bien que mal du foutre dégouline légèrement de ses lèvres, elle a les yeux qui pleurent. Il va l'étouffer. Puis doucement, il relâche la pression alors que Mathilde lui pompe le nœud comme une furie, il est obligé de la repousser tellement elle lui fait mal. Alors qu'Henri se recule et que Mathilde reprend *** souffle difficilement à cause du traitement de Serge, Marcel est déjà devant elle lui présentant sa queue épaisse et sombre. Elle ouvre la bouche et se laisse docilement investir.
Henri :
— La vache elle m'a vidé en rien de temps.

Et se ressert une coupe de champagne.
Serge :
— Attends, Marcel, tu vas t'asseoir elle va te sucer à genoux.

Marcel relève Mathilde et vient s'asseoir sur le canapé pendant que Mathilde s'agenouille entre ses jambes pour reprendre sa fellation. J'ai une vue imprenable sur *** gros cul luisant et sa grosse chatte maintenant bien dilatée, trempée de mouille. Serge derrière pousse la table du salon sur le côté, se débarrasse de sa chemise et de *** pantalon et recommence à lui fourrer trois doigts dans la chatte tout en lui léchant l'anus. C'est lui finalement le moins bien monté de l'équipe une queue tout à fait normale ni trop longue, ni trop grosse, mais il bande bien raide.
Marcel prend la tête de Mathilde à deux mains et lui imprime le rythme. On entend les bruits obscènes que fait sa bouche et les clapotis de sa chatte.



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Serge tout en se redressant prend les mains de Mathilde et les pose sur ses fesses.
Serge :
— Vas-y salope ouvre moi bien ton cul, je vais te la mettre direct dans le fion.

Mathilde comme par réflexe et très fermement tire sur ses fesses pour bien ouvrir *** anus.
Serge :
— Voilà une fille bien obéissante. Tu vas voir je vais bien t'enculer maintenant.

Il crache sur l'anus, puis enfonçant comme de rien *** majeur dans le cul de Mathilde, il se positionne au-dessus, la queue bien à la verticale et une fois *** doigt retiré pose le gland contre l'anus qui déjà palpite. Il s'enfonce doucement mais surement dans *** cul laissant Mathilde pousser un cri étouffé par la queue de Marcel. Une fois bien au fond, il attend un moment afin que le cul de Mathilde se dilate puis commence à limer lentement, puis plus vite écartant lui aussi les fesses charnues de ma femme. Puis lui imprime un rythme soutenu.
Serge :
— Ohhh putain comme elle est serrée. C'est trop bon. Elle va me faire gicler la salope. Hummm. Tiens prends ça sale garce, je vais t'éclater le cul. Han han han.

Mathilde toujours la queue de Marcel dans la bouche étouffe des cris de plaisir, se faisant refaire le conduit par Serge à grands coups de reins. Il la défonce maintenant bien de tout *** poids, ressortant parfois complètement, admirant l'anus bien dilaté pour la lui remettre à fond. C'est au moment où Marcel se lâche dans la bouche de Mathilde que Serge explose dans *** cul. De longs râles emplissent le salon. Mathilde déglutit tant bien que mal. Marcel reprend ses esprits.
Bernard et Henri se branlent doucement en regardant la scène. J'ai éjaculé dans un papier absorbant. Je mets sur pause le temps de faire une toilette, me servir un coup et de fumer une clope.
Je reviens quelques minutes plus tard et relance la lecture.
Bernard :
— Bravo Mathilde tu as été superbe si tu allais te refaire une beauté.

Mathilde tout échevelée se relève sourit à Bernard et disparaît du salon. Les trois hommes commentent allègrement les performances de Mathilde.
Bernard :
— Alors vous la trouvez comment ?

Serge :
— Oui, elle est vraiment bonne, je n'aurais pas cru qu'elle aurait un cul aussi serré.

Marcel :
— Elle suce vraiment pas mal, elle a vraiment du potentiel.

Henri :
— Dommage qu'elle ne soit pas plus jeune on aurait pu la présenter à Abdel.

Bernard :
— Oui je sais. Mais bon, j'aimerais bien lui trouver un plan bien salace tu vois ? Qu'elle en prenne plein le cul pour de bon. Je veux la rendre à *** connard de mari quand elle sera bien usée.

Marcel :
— Bonne idée.

Une autre bouteille de champagne a été ouverte, la discussion continue une dizaine de minutes avant que Mathilde ne refasse *** apparition. Vêtue cette fois d'une espèce de robe noire dans le même style que la précédente mais complètement transparente. On aperçoit un string ficelle qui lui rentre dans la raie du cul et ses grosses mamelles aux tétons érigés. Je ne lui connais pas ces tenues, Bernard a surement dû lui prévoir toute une garde-robe, ce n'est pas possible autrement. Je me souviens des photos que j'ai vues sur le premier DVD et je m'aperçois que je ne connaissais aucune de ces tenues.
Une fois de plus, elle est accueillie sous les applaudissements. Elle adore ça apparemment et tourne sur elle-même pour bien leur en faire profiter, puis retourne s'asseoir cette fois entre Bernard et Henri qui après avoir trinqué et vidé leur verre commencent à nouveau à tripoter Mathilde sous le regard de ses amants précédents. Bernard lui malaxe les seins fermement pendant qu'Henri lui tripote la chatte au travers du string, tirant parfois pour qu'il pénètre dans sa chatte écartant ses lèvres. Il tire plus fort pour exacerber *** clitoris déjà irrité par la séance précédente. Puis passe une main sous le string et lui fourre un doigt dans la chatte et rapidement un deuxième. Il lui bouffe un sein pendant que Bernard agace le second. Mathilde naturellement écarte les cuisses afin de faciliter le travail d'Henri. Je suis impressionné de voir comme elle est docile, je la reconnais à peine.

Henri s'assied dans le canapé et demande à Mathilde de venir sur lui, elle enlève *** string et le plus naturellement du monde, elle lui sourit et s'empale doucement sur sa queue. Bernard derrière lui prépare *** petit trou.
Bernard :
— On va te prendre en double ma belle, tu vas adorer. Une bite dans chaque trou tu vas voir c'est le paradis sur terre.

Mathilde :
— Ohh ! Oui venez, je veux tout essayer. J'ai tellement envie de baiser.

Il prend alors une coupe de champagne sur la table et pendant que Mathilde monte et descend sur la bite d'Henri il en verse une peu dans le sillon de *** cul puis y colle la langue. Enfonçant celle-ci dans *** petit trou. Mathilde pousse un petit cri de surprise entremêlé de gémissements, elle savoure déjà l'effet que lui fait la queue d'Henri. Puis Bernard se met en position pour la lui mettre.
Bernard :
— Attends bouge pas. Voilà tiens, hum regarde ça rentre tout seul maintenant. Tu vois qu'on te l'a bien élargi ton trou du cul. Serge a fait du bon boulot.

Mathilde :
— Oui. Vas-y mets-la moi, bien à fond. Oui putain, oui que c'est bon ! soupire-t-elle.

Serge :
— La vache elle aime ça !

Marcel :
— Oui ça se sent.

Bernard :
— Humm oui bien à fond, jusqu'aux couilles. Bien emmanchée.

Puis il commence un lent va-et-vient alors que Mathilde est toujours assise sur la queue d'Henri. Bernard lui taraude l'anus méthodique, un vrai métronome, puis accélère doucement accroché aux hanches de Mathilde qui commence à partir sérieusement, on la sent prendre *** pied, elle a la tête dans le cou d'Henri l'embrasse fougueusement étouffant ses cris dans *** épaule. Puis Henri commence à bouger doucement. Dans un rythme un peu désordonné ils prennent Mathilde, elle apprécie le traitement.

Bernard jouit dans ses fesses et se retire laissant Mathilde empalée sur Henri qui finit de la baiser alors qu'elle est épuisée et éjacule dans *** con. Une fois épanché il l'allonge sur le canapé ou elle s'endort quasi instantanément. Il prend une petite couverture et la recouvre.
Bernard s'approche de la caméra. « J'espère que ça t'a plu ? À la prochaine ! » et m'envoie un baiser.

Fin du DVD.

Je suis décomposé dans le canapé. J'aimerais la prendre dans mes bras la câliner ou la tuer, je ne sais pas vraiment. À ce moment les sensations se mélangent. Je suis là désolé, attristé, excité et désemparé.
Je me demande ce que peut bien contenir le dernier DVD. Mais je ne pense pas que je le regarderai. Maintenant il faut me reprendre et trouver du boulot. La vie doit continuer.



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Tout bon, merci


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La dette

A trente cinq ans, je mène une vie paisible avec un mari attentionné et aimant, une fille adorable et un métier que j'aime. Tout va bien dans le meilleur des mondes, jusqu'à cette après midi de juin.

Je suis de corvée de repassage et mon mari dans la cuisine prépare un plat dont il a le secret.
On ***ne à la porte.
« Cathy ! Tu veux bien aller ouvrir, chérie ? Je ne peux pas lâcher ma sauce ! »
Je pose le fer et cours à la porte d'entrée.
« Tient ? Salut Michel ! Tu vas bien ? Voilà longtemps qu'on ne t'avait pas vu ! »
« Bonjour Cathy. Oui, c'est vrai. Le boulot, tu sais ce que c'est. »
« Installe-toi. Tu vas bien rester manger avec nous, non ? »
« Hummm ! Oui, avec plaisir, surtout si c'est le patron qui cuisine ! »
« Dis tout de suite que ce que je fais n'est pas bon ! »
Michel est un ami de longue date. Joueur invétéré, Eddy, mon mari, l'a sorti de la panade plus d'une fois et à chaque fois il promet que c'est la dernière.
« Salut Michel ! Quel bon vent t'amène ? »
Un torchon à la main, Eddy vient saluer *** ami.
« Tu reste manger ? »
« J'ai déjà dis oui à ta femme ! Je reste avec plaisir.»
Le repas se passe bien, dans la bonne humeur et nous rions beaucoup.
Arrivé au café, nous nous installons au salon.
« Alors, Michel ! Toujours célibataire ? »
« Ben oui ! J'aime trop les femmes pour n'en avoir qu'une ! Haha ! »
Ca, je veux bien le croire. A plusieurs reprises, il m'a fait des propositions plutôt indécentes, prétextant qu'il me trouvait à *** gout, que Eddy ne le saurait pas, que c'était autant pour l'hygiène du corps que pour celui de l'esprit.
Et à chaque fois, je dois plus ou moins me fâcher pour qu'il cesse ses délires.
Il a même, un jour, été jusqu'à engager une discutions avec Eddy pour savoir ce qu'il pensait du triolisme.
Pour faire court, c'est un joueur et un coureur de jupons.
« J'aurais un service à vous demander. »
« Aille ! Tu me fais peur. La dernière fois que tu as prononcé cette phrase, c'étais pour nous soulager de deux mille euros ! »
Je donne un coup de coude à Eddy. Même si c'est vrai, ce n'est pas une rai*** pour lui reprocher.
« Et s'agit bien d'argent, mais pas de deux mille euros. »
« Cool ! Me voilà rassuré ! »
« En fait, il m'en faudrait...dix ! »
Eddy rentre dans une colère noire et malgré mes tentatives pour le rai***ner, il jette Michel dehors. Puis, s'adressant à moi :
« Ne me parle plus jamais de ce type ! »

Deux jours ***t passés.
Je suis débordée. Le téléphone ne cesse de ***ner comme si les gens attendaient le lundi pour tomber malade.
« -Cabinet du docteur Milhaud, j'écoute...
-Non madame, sur rendez vous seulement. Je vous en prie.
-Cabinet du docteur Milhaud, j'écoute...
-Mercredi neuf heure. Au revoir madame Sarreau.
-Cabinet du docteur Milhaud, j'écoute...
-Michel ? Tu sais bien que je ne veux pas que tu m'appelle pendant le travail ! »
« Je suis désolé Cathy, mais depuis l'autre jour, je n'ose plus téléphoner chez toi. Il faut que je te voie ! C'est urgent ! »
« Bon, ok ! Treize heures à la brasserie en bas du cabinet. »
La matinée m'a semblé interminable.
Il est déjà là, installé à une table.
« Dépêche toi, j'ai peu de temps, je déborde de boulot. »
« Ok ! Tu sais, les dix mille euros...j'ai revu la per***ne à qui je les dois. Comme tu t'en doute, c'est une dette de jeux. J'ai négocié et je suis parvenu à un accord. »
« Ben peut être, mais ne serrait ce que cent euros, je ne pourrais pas te les donner. C'est Eddy qui tient les comptes ! »
« Non ! Il ne s'agit plus d'argent ! Tu sais dans ce milieu, le jeu et le sexe ***t très liés. Le type veut bien éponger ma dette, mais il veut me punir, m'humilier. »
« Je ne comprend pas ? »
« Je me suis souvent vanté d'avoir une petite amie tout ce qu'il y a de coquine. Alors, je ne lui dois plus rien je lui amène... ma fiancée. »
« Tout ca ne me regarde pas ! Amène lui ou pas, je m'en fou ! »
« Cathyyyyy !... Je n'ai pas de fiancée ! »
« Ben dépêche toi d'en trouver une ! Que veux tu que je te dise, moi !? »
« D'ici vendredi soir ? Et une qui accepte d'être ainsi offerte ? Je ne trouverai jamais ! »
« Pourquoi me dis tu tout ca ? Je ne connais per***ne moi ! Et puis tu m'ennuie à la fin ! »
Je me lève et m'apprête à sortir quand suis prise d'un doute immense. Je me rassois.
« Dis-moi voir ! Tu ne te serrais pas mis en tête de me faire jouer la fiancée des fois ? »
« Heuu ! C'était juste une idée comme ca ! En passant !»
« T'es un grand malade ! Tu le sais ca ? »
Je tourne les talons et sors de la brasserie, énervée et vexée qu'il ait pu penser une chose pareille.
Je garderais ca pour moi. Il vaut mieux qu'Eddy ignore cette histoire.

Je ne m'en suis pas remise. Voilà deux jours que je ne pense qu'à ca et ca m'énerve. Cette nuit, j'en ai même rêvé. Ce qui me rend folle, c'est que dans mes ***ges... j'aimais ca.
Un type me prenait sans ménagement devant les yeux amusés de Michel. J'étais comme un jouet entre les mains de cet inconnu, comme une poupée de chiffon. Il usait et abusait de moi à sa guise et je lui obéissais.
Je me rappelle m'être réveillée toute mouillée et dans un état d'excitation incroyable.
La journée se passe et le soir au souper, hantée par mes démons, je ne prête pas attention à ce que me dit Eddy, et il m'en fait le reproche.
« Qu'est ce qui t'arrive ? Tu ne m'écoute pas ? »
« Ho ! Je suis désolée chéri. J'ai la tête ailleurs. Quelques soucis au cabinet médical. Tu disais ? »
« Une galère au boulot. J'ai un chargement à livrer en Italie pour samedi matin. Je roulerais de nuit. Tu devras te passer de ma compagnie vendredi soir et samedi. Navré. »
« Ho ! Bon, ben tant pis ! J'irais au cinéma. »
Pourquoi ais je dis ca ? Je sais pertinemment que je n'irais pas au ciné.
Cette liberté inopinée me ******* l'esprit. C'est comme si le destin me faisait un appel du pied.
Mon sang bouillonne, mon cœur s'emballe et mon ventre s'échauffe dès que j'y pense.
Inconsciemment j'élabore des plans, des scenarios. Ca devient très vite récurant et redondant. Je ne pense plus qu'à Michel et à *** ahurissante et délirante proposition.
Le vendredi matin, épuisée par cette ******* mentale, je commets l'irréparable.
« Allo, Michel ? Pour ce soir...c'est oui. »
« Ho Cathy ! C'est fantastique tu me... »
« Michel ! Ferme ta gueule ! Contente-toi de venir me chercher ! »


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Dix neuf heures.
J'ai demandé à ma voisine de bien vouloir garder Amandine, ma fille, pour la nuit, puis je me prépare fébrilement.
Je ne veux pas provoquer. Etre sexy mais pas pute. Je sais faire ce genre de choses.
Je me glisse dans un corset blanc lacé sur le devant et qui soulevant ma poitrine, la rend un peu plus volumineuse. Ensuite un porte jarretelles et des bas également blanc, viennent habiller ma taille et mes jambes.
Puis, je me glisse dans un tailleur beige, classe et moulant. La veste laisse ma gorge bien dégagée et la jupe, pas trop courte dévoile tout juste mes genoux.
C'est le choix des chaussures qui me prend le plus de temps. Bien évidement, elles ***t beige, haut talons et menottent mes chevilles avec de grands rubans de satin.

Nous roulons depuis une demi-heure. Michel, me sentant tendu, n'a pas dit un mot. Je l'ai vu me regarder de la tête aux pieds. Je suis certaine que ma tenue lui plait.
Il se range devant un pavillon de banlieue. Il y a de la lumière aux fenêtres.
Mon cœur bat la chamade.
« C'est ici que nous jouons. Nous avons tous une clef. »
Il ouvre la porte et nous pénétrons à l'intérieur. Il règne une odeur de tabac froid dans l'espèce de vestibule ou nous nous trouvons. Plus loin, j'entends des voix, des murmures.
Mes jambes se mettent à trembler, incontrôlables.
« Viens, c'est par ici. Nous arrivons en pleine partie. Nous allons nous faire discrets un moment. »
Il ouvre une porte et nous entrons dans une grande salle.
La première chose que je regarde ce ***t les quatre hommes qui jouent au poker autour d'une table ronde. Ils ***t concentrés et ne se ***t même pas retournés lors de notre intrusion dans la pièce.
Lequel est ce ? À qui doit-il de l'argent ?
Aucun ne me plait vraiment. Ils ***t très ordinaires et pas très beaux.
Je jette un regard rapide sur le reste de la pièce. Derrière la table, j'aperçois deux canapés qui se font face, séparés par une table basse en bois massif. Un buffet, un frigo et une vieille pendule ***t collés au mur.
Je n'y tiens plus et inquiète, je chuchote :
« Lequel est ce ? »
« Comment ca, lequel est ce ? »
« Ben ! C'est auquel que du dois de l'argent ? »
« À tous ! »
« Fais pas celui qui comprend pas ! C'est auquel que tu dois dix mille euros ? »
« Je te répète, à tous ! Je leurs dois à chacun plus ou moins et au total ca fait dix mille euros ! »
« Tu te fou de moi ? Il ne devait y en avoir qu'un ! »
« Mais non, Cathy ! Tu auras mal compris ! »
« T'es un beau salaud ! Je ne sais pas si je... »
Je suis interrompue par une grosse voix grave.
« Salut Michel ! Te voilà enfin ! Approchez tout les deux ! Vas-y, fais les présentations ! »
Il me pousse vers la table entre deux des hommes.
« Ben ! Je vous présente Cathy, ma fiancée. Cathy, je te présente Dino. »
C'est le type à ma gauche. Il est gros avec de petits yeux de cochon. Ses mains me semblent énormes. Il me déshabille du regard et je me sens rougir comme une pivoine.
« Après tu as Vincent. Il se dit gynécologue, mais ce n'est pas prouvé. »
Ils éclatent tous de rire, sauf le petit bonhomme aux lunettes rondes. Il est grand, pas très épais et arbore une chevelure gominée avec une magnifique raie au milieu.
« Ne les écoutez pas mademoiselle. Ils ne reconnaitraient pas une rose, d'un chardon ! »
« Ensuite tu as Frédérique... »
C'est un homme d'une cinquantaine d'année, très classe, en costume trois pièces. Surement le plus correct des quatre.
« Enchanté Cathy ! N'aillez pas peur, ils ne ***t pas méchant, juste un peu grossier. Heureusement que je suis là pour remonter le niveau ! »
Il semble gentil, mais je doute qu'il puisse remonter le niveau de quoi que ce soit.
« Et enfin, à ta droite, tu a Idriss. »
C'est un africain relativement jeune. Il n'est pas très beau, mais bâti comme une montagne. Il semble gêner par la situation et n'ose pas me regarder.
« Voilà ! Tu connais notre petit groupe. »
Le gros Dino passe *** bras derrière moi et pose sa paluche sur ma hanche en m'attirant vers lui. Je me retiens au dossier de sa chaise pour ne pas tomber. Ma cuisse collée au creux de *** bras, il tapote ma hanche.
« On vas refaire une partie. Tu vas devoir patienter. Mets-toi à l'aise, retire ta veste. »
« Non, merci. Ca ira. »
« Ce n'est pas une proposition chérie, c'est un ordre ! Retire ta veste ! »
Je suis prise d'un grand fris*** qui me traverse la moelle épinière.
Doucement, je fais sauter les deux boutons de ma veste et la laisse glisser dans mon dos, dévoilant ainsi mon corset.
Dino retire sa main et la pose sur *** entre jambe pour se toucher le sexe.
« Humm ! Sexy ! En plus tu sens bon ! Tu me fais déjà bander ! »
C'est vrai. Je peux distinguer la bosse dans *** pantalon.
« J'imagine que le reste est assorti ? Non ? Vire ta jupe ! Montre-nous ca ! »
Tremblante, je fais glisser la fermeture éclair de ma jupe et je la laisse tomber au sol.
Michel, la ramasse et la pose avec ma veste sur un fauteuil.
Debout, les bras le long du corps, me voilà exposée en sous vêtements devant une bande de parfait inconnus. Qui aurait cru ca, il n'y a encore que quelques heures.
J'ai une pensée pour mon homme qui roule vers l'Italie, croyant sa femme dans un cinéma, à pleurer devant un film à l'eau de rose.
Je me fais honte et pourtant, je l'avoue, je ne laisserais pas ma place pour tout l'or du monde.
Est-ce la montée d'adrénaline qui me fait agir ainsi, qui me donne l'envie de continuer, ou une déviance secrète qui se révèle enfin. Je l'ignore. Mais quand Dino me demande de m'agenouiller près de lui pendant leur dernière partie, je me laisse tomber sur mes genoux et instinctivement je croise mes mains dans mon dos.


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Satisfait, il me caresse les cheveux, comme il caresserait *** chien.
Je reste ainsi un petit moment, les regardant jeter des jetons sur un tapis vert et soudain :
« Yessss ! Regarde ca Michel ! Ta petite pute me porte chance ! Haha ! Je vais peut être bien te la racheter ! Hahaha ! »
Il se penche vers moi et embrasse le dessus de mon crane.
« Humm ! Merci salope ! Tiens ! Vas nous chercher des bières dans le frigo et apporte les au salon ! »
Je me relève et il me tapote le cul.
Dans le frigo, il n'y a que des bières. C'est sur, ils ne mangent pas ici.
J'en apporte cinq que je pose sur la table basse.
Dino est dans un canapé avec le gynéco et l'homme classe sur l'autre avec le black.
Michel reste debout, légèrement à l'écart, appuyé contre le mur.
« Viens là ma belle ! Viens voir tonton Dino ! »
Il s'écarte un peu pour me laisser une place entre lui et Vincent. Il passe *** bras autour de mes épaules, tandis que *** autre main est déjà à l'assaut de ma poitrine. Il tire sur le corset et extirpe mes seins. Il les malaxe sans ménagement, tirant de temps à autre sur mes pointes dressées.
Vincent, lui, laisse glisser sa main de mes genoux à mes cuisses. Il les écarte et effleure mon string. Je suis traversée par un courant électrique qui me donne la chair de poule.
« Humm ! Regarde Dino ! La demoiselle est sensible ! Elle vibre ! »
« Je vois, je vois ! Regarde un peu comment bandent ses tétons ! Regarde si *** clito bande aussi ! Humm ! »
Vincent écarte le bout de tissus et *** doigt s'insinue entre mes grandes lèvres jusqu'à mon bouton rose.
« Putain ! Elle bande plus fort qu'Idriss ! Attend chérie, je vais te faire une pipe ! »
Vincent se place à genoux devant moi, ôte mon string avec habileté et plonge *** visage entre mes cuisses.
Sa langue est chaude et redoutable d'agilité. Il me fouille, aspire mon jus puis pince mon clito entre ses lèvres, tout en l'excitant du bout de la langue.
J'oublie ma peur et mes craintes pour m'abandonner, sans m'en rendre compte, à mon plaisir. Je ferme les yeux et pousse déjà un petit cri de satisfaction. Ca remplit Dino de bonheur.
« Houu ! T'es une chaude toi ! Tu démarre au quart de tour ! Hein ? Tiens, prend ca dans ta menotte ! »
Il prend ma main et la pose sur *** sexe qu'il avait au préalablement sorti de *** pantalon.
Elle est courte mais épaisse. *** prépuce est roulé à la base de *** gland formant un étrange anneau de peau. Je n'ai guère de longueur à masturber, bien qu'il me semble en érection complète. C'est donc de deux doigts et mon pouce que je le masturbe.
Il semble s'en satisfaire.
« Ha oui, salope ! Branle-moi bien avant que je ne t'encule bien à fond. »
De l'autre canapé, la voix de Frédérique se fait entendre.
« Ha ben bravo ! C'est très classe ! Quand je dis que vous êtes des goujats, s'en est bien la preuve ! »
« Tais toi donc Fredo ! Y a pas plus vulgaire que toi quand tu fornique ! Haha ! »
« Ho oui ! C'est bon ! Oui ! Ho ! Je vais jouir ! »
« Hé, les mecs ! Elle est déjà en transe ! »
Ma jouissance est montée d'un coup, sans prévenir. Je m'agrippe à la queue de Dino et aux cheveux du « doc ».
Il se redresse, relevant mes jambes au dessus de ses épaules et se plante en moi avant même que je ne comprenne ce qui m'arrive.
« Ouai ! C'est bien Vincent ! Bourre la, bien à fond cette morue ! »
Je sens ses mains passer derrière moi et c'est avec dextérité qu'il parvient à dégrafer mon corset. Une fois fait, il l'arrache et le jette loin dans la pièce.
Tout en me gratifiant de violents coups de buttoir, il plonge *** visage sur ma poitrine et dévore mes seins à tour de rôle.
Je délaisse Dino pour caresser les cheveux et la nuque de cet homme qui me conduit tout droit au paradis.
Un instant, mon regard croise celui de Michel, toujours appuyé au mur. Cela a pour effet de décupler mon plaisir. Me faire prendre ainsi sous le regard de ce salaud, sachant qu'il me désire, mais qu'il ne m'aura jamais, me comble de bonheur.
« Ouiiii ! Je viens ! Je viens ! »
« Oui ! Salope ! Je viens aussi ! Jouis avec moi, putain ! Oui ! Maintenant ! Harggg ! »
« Ouiiiiiiiii ! Rhooo ! Ouiiiii ! »
Je m'étonne. D'ordinaire, avec Eddy, je ne suis pas si démonstrative. Je ne me serais jamais cru capable d'hurler mon plaisir ainsi. Je mets ca sur le fait que je me fais besogner dans des conditions exceptionnelles.
Vincent se retire et repose mes jambes au sol pour reprendre sa place près de moi. Il pose sa main sur ma cuisse et la caresse doucement.
« Passe à mon cabinet quand tu veux ! Ouff ! T'es une sacrée baiseuse ! »
Je souris. Effondrée au bord du canapé, je sens *** foutre s'échapper de ma fente. Je suis essoufflée et j'ai chaud. Inconsciemment, j'ai reprit le sexe de Dino dans ma main.
« Houlà, petite ! Laisse la bête se reposer, sinon elle va te cracher *** venin dans la main ! T'es super bandante tu sais ? »
Frédérique se lève et se place en bout de table basse.
« C'est vrais qu'elle est bandante ! Viens t'assoir là pour goutter à mon dard ! »
Je peine à me relever. Ma chatte continue à laisser s'écouler le trop plein de sirop. Il glisse sur mes cuisses et mes bas, jusqu'à atteindre les lanières de satin de mes sandales.
Assise sur le bord de la table basse, Frédérique vient me présenter *** « dard ».
Il peut être fier. Il est superbe, tant par sa longueur, sa grosseur ou *** aspect général. C'est donc sans recul aucun que je dépose mes lèvres sur le bout de *** nœud.
Il est doux, lisse et sent bon le savon.
J'entrouvre ma bouche et le laisse la pénétrer doucement. Ma langue, au passage, stimule ses terminai***s en virevoltant autour du gland gonflé.
Mes mains viennent naturellement palper les deux bourses énormes qui se tiennent solidement sous la verge dressée.
Le tout est lisse comme la peau d'un nouveau né. Cette sensation est étrange et nouvelle pour moi.
J'ai envie de sucer, lécher, aspirer. Même envie d'aller plus loin. De passer sous les testicules gonflées pour lécher le périnée et pourquoi pas aller jusqu'à l'anus.
Malheureusement ou heureusement, la position m'en empêche.
« Ho oui ! Suceuse de bites ! Sac à foutre ! Garage à bites ! Bouffe-moi les couilles ! Salope ! »
Dino éclate de rire.


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« Oui ! Vas-y Fredo ! Ca c'est très classe ! Haha ! Super ! »
« Putain de merde ! Ce n'est pas ma faute ! C'est une pute de première ! »
Etrangement, ses encouragements pas très distingués me motivent et je m'applique à lui dispenser une fellation dont il se rappellera toute sa vie.
Le résultat ne se fait pas attendre et un bouillonnement épais et gras vient envahir ma bouche. La quantité est telle que je n'ai pas d'autre choix que d'absorber le breuvage chaud, dans sa totalité.
Satisfait de ma prestation, Fredo essuie sa verge gluante sur mon visage.
Je suis étrangement détendue. Je m'appuis sur mes bras et penche ma tête en arrière en faisant gonfler ma poitrine au maximum. J'ai envie de plaire. J'ai envie d'exciter.
C'est ce qu'il semble se passer avec Idriss.
Le grand black se déshabille entièrement face à moi. Sa peau brille et dessine une musculature parfaite. Mais lorsqu'il retire *** boxer, je reste bouche bée.
Jamais je n'ai vu un sexe de cette taille. Pas ********* large, mais d'une longueur et d'une vigueur impressionnante.
Il s'approche de moi fièrement, exhibant sa massue et me frappe les seins avec. Je le vois, serrant les dents comme s'il était en colère. Je dois reconnaitre qu'il m'impressionne.
Soudain, il me tend les mains, m'invitant à me lever.
Un silence étrange règne dans la pièce. Per***ne ne parle. Per***ne ne commente. Tous, semblent retenir leur souffle comme si une chose extraordinaire allait se produire.
Sans un mot, il me tourne et me place à quatre pattes sur la table de bois.
Le gland ébène vient se positionner face à ma vulve, et doucement il commence sa progression en moi.
Je me sens tout d'abord remplie. Tout simplement. Comme je le serais avec n'importe quel amant.
Il me pilonne gentiment, sans brusquerie.
Mon plaisir monte et je me sens mouiller de plus en plus.
Ses mains puissantes viennent se poser sur mes hanches et les serrent de plus en plus fort, au fur et à mesure que sa verge progresse dans mon ventre.
Je commence à comprendre le silence soudain. L'intérêt que portent les autres hommes à cette pénétration.
Je suis désormais, plus que remplie. Je suis pleine. Plus que pleine.
Mais rien ne peut plus l'arrêter et il continu à progresser en moi.
Il cogne mon utérus. Doucement au debut puis de plus en plus fort.
Je me surprends à m'adapter. Juste quelques douleurs furtives qui disparaissent rapidement pour laisser place à un plaisir intense.
Je me surprends même à pousser mon cul en arrière, pour venir à sa rencontre.
« Regardez ca, les mecs ! Quelle salope ! Elle le bouffe tout entier ! Regardez, ses couilles lui frappent l'anus ! Putain ! Quelle poufiasse ! T'avais rai***, Michel ! C'est une sacrée salope ta poupée ! »
Sur ces belles paroles, Dino se présente face à moi.
« Tiens ma belle ! Redonne-moi vigueur et ***** ! Que je puisse te remplir le fion comme tu le mérite ! »
Je prends sa queue dans ma bouche et je le suce au rythme des coups de bite qui me pourfendent.
Pour la première fois, j'entends la voix d'Idriss.
« Humm ! Ouii ! Hachhh ! »
Je n'en entendrais pas plus.
Un flot puissant et bouillonnant qui me semble incessant, inonde mon antre et me fais lâcher un nouveau cri de plaisir.
« Ho ouiii ! Baise-moi fort ! Baisez moiii ! Baisez moi tous ! Ouiiii ! Hooooo ! »
« T'inquiète, putain ! On n'en a pas fini avec toi ! Je vais encore te bourrer le cul ! Tu vas voir, ca vas te plaire ! Hein ? »
« Ho ouii ! Enculez-moi ! Enculez-moi fort ! »
Je ne me reconnais pas. Est-ce vraiment moi qui prononce ces mots ? Je me sens comme possédée.
« Ho oui, je vais te défoncer le cul ! Mais je les aime sales, besognés, dilatés et remplis à ras bord ! Ton chéri va me rendre ce service avant que je te souille comme tu le mérite. Viens Michel ! Viens enculer ta pute ! Viens me préparer le terrain ! »
« Non ! Monsieur Dino ! Je vous en supplie ! Non, pas ca ! »
« Ben quoi, salope ? Il t'encule jamais ton mec ? »
Impossible de lui dire que ce n'est pas la sodomie qui me pose problème. Bien au contraire, c'est une pratique que j'affectionne tout particulièrement.
Ce qui me pose problème c'est de penser que ce pourri de Michel va arriver à ses fins.
Dans le reflet du frigo, je le vois derrière moi qui se déshabille, puis qui s'approche de moi.
Il pose ses mains sur mes hanches et appuis sur ma colonne vertébrale avec ses pouces, pour me faire cambrer.
Fatiguée d'être en appuis sur mes bras, je me laisse tomber sur mes avant bras. Mais dans cette position, je suis bien plus que cambrée. Je suis complètement offerte.
Il pose et frotte *** gland sur ma fente gluante. Il pourrait se contenter de me faire ma fête. *************** serrait déjà bien assez importante et dégradante pour moi. Mais Michel, outre le fait d'être un salaud et un menteur, est un également un sale vicieux doublé d'un pervers. Alors, il prend un malin plaisir à m'avilir totalement par des paroles.
« Humm ! T'inquiète pas chérie ! Je vais t'enculer comme on encule une reine ! Même ton connard d'Eddy ne t'aura jamais enculé comme ca ! »
« Eddy ? C'est qui ca, Eddy ? »
« C'est rien Dino ! C'est juste *** ex ! Hein, ma belle ? »
Je suis folle de rage. Je me retiens pour ne pas me lever et le gifler.
« Mais avant de t'empaler, je vais huiler mon gourdin dans la bave de ta chatte. Humm ! Tu dois être bien remplie. »
Il me pénètre lentement. Ses mains glissent de mes hanches à mes seins. Ceux là même qu'il convoite depuis si longtemps. Il les malaxe à m'en faire mal. Il tire sur mes pointes comme pour les arracher.
« Humm ! Tes petits seins, si doux, si fermes. Fais-moi penser à les dévorer tout à l'heure. »
Il me donne quelques coups de queue très puissants et percute mon utérus violement.
« Tu me fais mal, salaud ! »
« Tu disais pas ca avec Idriss ! »
« Ordure ! Lui c'est un homme ! Il sait baiser une femme ! »
Dino éclate de rire.
« Hé bien, mes chéris ! C'est l'amour vache chez vous ! Hahaha ! »
« Oui Dino ! Cette pute adore être mal traitée ! Allez ! Assez joué ! Je vais te la préparer ! »
Il s'extirpe de mon vagin et se place sur ma pastille brune.
« Voilà pour toi petite putain ! »
Il m'arrache un cri de douleur en s'enfonçant d'un coup et complètement en moi. Heureusement, j'ai appris avec Eddy à contrôler mes sodomies. Je parviens rapidement à me détendre et ne plus sentir que du plaisir. Mais je ne le montre pas et reste stoïque.
« Hé bien ! C'est tout ? Tout ce cirque pour ca ? Je ne te sens même pas ! Tu me déçois. Dépêche-toi de cracher ton jus stérile que je puisse prendre mon pied avec ton ami Dino ! »
Vexé, il abat une main sur mes fesses. La fessée me chauffe un peu et même si je déteste ca, celle-ci à un peu le gout de la victoire.
Enfin, il se bloque au fond de moi et je sens sa liqueur brulante atteindre mes viscères en longs jets saccadés.


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Je le sens satisfait d'avoir enfin baisé cette Cathy qui c'était refusée à lui de si nombreuses fois.
Mais pour ma part, je considère *** triomphe comme étant bien minable.
« Tiens Dino ! La pute est prête ! Comme tu les aiment... bien garnies ! »
Dino c'est installé dans un des canapés. Il est entièrement nu et masturbe ce qui lui sert d'appendice sexuel.
« Viens là ma chérie ! Viens t'assoir sur tonton Dino ! »
Je peux enfin me relever. Mes genoux me font mal. Ils ***t tout plats.
Je tourne le dos à Dino, enjambes ses cuisses et m'assois sur lui. Je suis étonnée de sentir sa verge particulièrement dure. Je la prends et la guide vers mon anus gorgé de foutre.
Il me pénètre sans difficulté et je sautille au rythme de ses coups de reins.
*** ventre appuit dans mon dos. Je laisse aller mon corps. Je me casse les reins et pose ma nuque sur *** épaule. Il m'enlace et caresse mes seins offerts, puis mon ventre qui se soulève à chaque respiration. Les caresses ***t douces, voir tendres. Puis il entreprend de masturber mon clito.
Je suis déjà prête à me rendre dans un râle, lorsqu'Idriss se plante devant moi, sexe à la main. Il me regarde du haut de *** mètre quatre vingt dix et ne tarde pas à jouir sur mon corps. Emportée dans un tourbillon de sensations et de plaisir, j'étale la semence chaude sur ma peau...C'est l'apothéose.
La queue de Dino est bien plus importante qu'il y paraissait et il me sodomise bien à fond. A moins que ce ne soit la position qui lui facilite le travail.
Peu importe ! Je le sens bien et mon clito m'envoie des décharges électrique qui complète mon bien être.
« Humm ! Tu me sens, chérie ? Hein ? Tu me sens bien ? »
« Ho ouiii Dino ! Je la sens bien ! Tu vas me faire jouir comme une folle ! Ouiiii ! Hummmm ! »
« Ho ouiii ! Je te défonce ton petit cul de pute. Il est bien graissé ! Haaa ! Je viens ! Je viens ! »
« Ouiii ! Vas-y Dino ! Je viens aussi ! Ouiiii ! Joui avec moi ! Ouiiii ! Haaaaa ! »
« Hargggggg ! Ouiiiii ! »
Dans la brume de mon plaisir, j'entrevois Michel, rhabillé et de nouveau collé contre *** mur.
Sur *** visage, je peux lire une étrange tristesse. J'en suis heureuse.
Haletante, je me relève et m'écroule dans le canapé, près de Dino.
Je n'en peux plus. Je suis épuisée et je pense même m'être assoupie un moment.
Quand j'ouvre les yeux, les hommes ***t retournés à leur poker.
Je suis allongée, nue, sur le canapé. Mes affaires ***t posées sur la table basse.
Je fini de me rhabiller lorsque Michel vient me voir.
« C'était super, Cathy ! Ca c'est super bien passé ! J'ai vraiment été heureux de ce moment de tendresse et de complicité avec toi. Allez ! Je t'offre un café et je te raccompagne ! Ok ? »
Je craque.
Je me lève et lui balance une gifle dont il se souviendra longtemps.
Je prends le temps d'aller embrasser...sur la bouche...chacun des joueurs, et je m'éclipse.

La nuit fut courte. Je suis réveillée par le téléphone.
« Allo, ma puce ? C'est moi. Tout vas bien je suis bien arrivé. Et toi, ca vas ? »
« Tu me manque Eddy ! Tes bras me manquent. »
« Je rentre demain et là...promis, je te fais l'amour toute la nuit. »
« Hummmm ! J'ai hâte ! »

Je me sens bizarre. Je ne suis plus la même.
J'ai trahi cet homme que j'aime au profit d'un autre qui ne m'est rien.
J'ai découvert une partie de moi que je ne connaissais pas.
L'expérience m'a plu et je ne veux pas m'arrêter là.
J'en veux encore.
J'en veux plus.
Une chan*** de Jean-Jacques Goldman tourne dans ma tête. Elle dit :

On saura jamais c'qu'on a vraiment dans nos ventres
Caché derrière nos apparences
L'âme d'un brave ou d'un complice ou d'un bourreau ?
Ou le pire ou plus beau ?

Moi, je crois avoir trouvé ma place.

Une semaine plus tard.
« Allo ? Michel ? C'est Cathy ! ...



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Howdy Neighbor

"At least it's better than an apartment" I told myself. I was in the process of moving into my new duplex. I had hoped to rent a house, all by myself, but the real estate prices wouldn't allow it. Now all I had to do was share one wall – it could DEFINITELY be worse.

I had not met my neighbor yet. The landlady told me that he was a retiree or something, not very old, maybe a trust fund baby? She said he'd lived there for several years and never had any complaints, although the various tenants of my unit only seemed to last a little while. I made a note to go over and introduce myself once I was all moved in; be neighborly.

My first night in the place, still full of boxes, promised to be nice and calm. It was a Wednesday, so once I'd taken a bath and pulled on my sweat pants and t-shirt I made some tea and grabbed my book. It was getting late – almost eleven – but I figured I'd treat myself to a chapter before crashing. About an hour later I was roused from where I'd fallen a***** on the couch by the sound of booming music coming from my neighbor's unit.

He was apparently having a party. A very loud party.

I tried to ignore it, figuring that it couldn't go on too long, but finally at 3am I pulled on my terrycloth robe and practical slippers and made my way to his door. I hated to meet my neighbor this way, but who has a loud party until 3am on a weeknight?? I rang the bell, and after a moment someone answered the door. "Are you Carl? I'm your new neighbor..." I started. The fellow at the door called for Carl, and soon he appeared.

Carl was my age, chubby with unfortunate skin and greasy hair. I found myself rearing back without meaning to; he noticed, but only smiled. "What can I do for ya?" he asked, a martini glass in one hand and cigarette filter in the other.

"I'm sorry for us to meet this way. I'm your new neighbor, Barbara, and I have to get up tomorrow and go to work. It's really very late – I really need you to break up the party." Carl stood, sipping his ***** and staring directly into my eyes for several minutes. Finally he allowed his smile to return and he nodded.

"I'll take care of it." He replied.

I thanked him and shuffled back to my door, climbing into bed for whatever hours of ***** I could get before the alarm would sound at 7am.

The next night I'd unpacked the living room completely. I again slipped into my comfy pjs and climbed into bed around 11:30pm, confident that I'd get a full night's ***** tonight. It was therefore extremely irritating when the party sounds woke me again around 1am, and over and over until I was ****** to get up yet again to address things at 4am. This time I pounded on his door, trying to seem more intimidating than my robe could really convey.

"What can I do for ya?" he asked as he opened the door.

"Are you serious???" I shouted. "Didn't we JUST have this conversation yesterday morning about this time? I HAVE to WORK! I know you're some sort of privileged rich kid who doesn't have to WORRY about a JOB, but I do. Shut down the damned party!!!"

Carl once again let the silence linger between us, interrupted only by my angry huffs, and finally smiled and replied "I'll take care of it." Satisfied I stormed back to my door, slamming it for effect.

My third night I stayed up later, wanting to completely finish unpacking my kitchen before I went to bed. At midnight I listened for the sounds of a party but heard only silence next door. As I crawled into bed I felt smug, but also made a note to report his rude behavior to the landlady. How was it possible he'd never had any complaints before?

Saturday afternoon. I was unpacking the office when I heard my doorbell. Opening the door I was surprised to find Carl standing there. "Howdy, neighbor." He smiled. "Say, I just wanted to apologize for the rough start to our relationship. I'd love for you and me to have a quick sit-down and work out some ground rules so that things are smooth going forward. I've always valued the importance of being neighborly. What do you say?"

I was pleasantly surprised. Maybe I'd underestimated him after all. "That would be great, Carl. I've got coffee – would you like a cup?" I asked, opening the screen door and inviting him in. He asked for black w/ two sugars and I turned to head to the kitchen.

The world suddenly exploded white, and then crashed to black.

I vaguely remembered that I'd hit my head or something; nothing important, but that Carl and I had had a good chat and worked out an agreement we were both happy with, though what the specific agreement was I couldn't quite recall. And then I remembered deciding to take a nice, long nap on the couch for my headache. During the nap I had a terrible dream where, instead of hitting my head, I was shot with a tazer, and then strapped to some kind of board, with wires and leads and other things attached to my naked body. There was pain and pleasure and voices explaining things to me, programming me in impossibly calm voices. But I woke on the couch, relieved to find it all a bad dream.

That night I was once again roused from my ***** at 1am by the sounds of a very loud party next door. I leapt up, reaching angrily for my robe, but thought better of it. I looked at myself, reflected in the mirror, in my comfy pajamas and decided that was not the right impression to give. Looking through my closet I instead found the short skirt a friend had made me buy three years ago, still with the tag hanging from it, and added a black sports bra and my only high-heeled pumps. I ran a quick, angry brush through my hair, adding a little lipstick, and was finally ready to go next door and confront my neighbor.

I rang the doorbell and waited. At last the door opened and there stood Carl once again, looking as though he'd been expecting me. "Come on in, neighbor." He smiled, gesturing past him into the house. I did as invited. His living room was full of people, mostly men about his age. The smell of pot filled the room, giving it an opium den's hazy appearance. The music assaulted my ears, much louder than I would ever listen to it. Carl sidled up next to me, calling to his guests. "Hey, guys? This is my new neighbor Barbara." He said, putting his hands on my shoulders. "She came by to be neighborly. Get to know her; show her a great time."



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Many of the guests cheered at the word 'neighborly', causing me to smile *************. A man sitting at the far side of the couch called to me, saying "come over here and have a seat." As I slid past and around various legs a friend of Carl's approached him.

"Isn't that the chick that busted the last couple parties, man? Aren't you worried she'll call the cops or something?"

Carl smiled. "Don't worry, Gabe. We've got a new understanding. She understands now the need to be more neighborly."

I'd finally reached Carl's guest, resting my rump on the arm of the couch as there were no seats in that corner of the room. The man who'd invited me over stopped me, saying "no, here. Sit here. On my lap." And he patted his thigh. I started to slide over and he stopped me once more. "oh, wait one second." Putting his beer down on the end table the man undid his jeans, pulling his rock-hard cock out to stand completely erect in his lap. "THERE we go. Now have a seat." I casually positioned myself over his lap, lowering my snatch down on him. At that moment I realized I'd left underwear out of my outfit when dressing at home, and so I easily slid his length up inside me.

"Well?" he asked, causing me to look over my shoulder at him. "Don't just sit there. It's a party – be neighborly." I blushed, embarrassed that I'd made such a social faux pah, and promptly began to slide my slick pussy up and down his dick. I wondered when I'd began to get wet – it seemed like I'd been juicy down there from the moment I woke. Once I'd ridden him long and slow for a few minutes I shifted to more of a bounce, my boobs rebounding impressively with each shot. "I'm Dan, by the way." The man mentioned through rough breaths, his right hand sliding up to yank my sports bra up to sit above my titties, letting them pop free. He greedily grabbed the right tit, manhandling it while the left continued to flop around with each bounce.

"Barbara." I gasped, on the crest of an orgasm, "but you can just call me partydoll." I'd barely finished my sentence when I cried out with my first spasms of cum. The room cheered at my cry and I flushed, pleased at making such a good impression. After a few minutes Dan fountained hot cum up inside me, sending a second shudder of orgasm through me. I stood, thanking him, and looked around the room for somewhere to which I should move. Our mixed slime trickled down the inside of my thighs.

On the other side of the coffee table another guest waved me over, gesturing to the floor before him. I slid around the table, kneeling before the new guest, and began to undo his jeans to free his also hard rod, my mouth already watering. As I leaned forward, taking the tip of his cock eagerly into my mouth he said "I'm Vince. I understand you're a partydoll?" My mouth too full of cock to say anything I simply nodded and tried to smile around his member. "Well, partydoll, it's Very! Nice! To Meet! You!" With each word Vince, having grabbed the back of my head, shoved his entire length deep into my mouth, pushing past the gag reflex to fill my throat. I felt incredibly used at that moment, which only sent another wave of lust through me.

A guest sitting on the floor near Vince leaned over, his hand going up under my skirt and sliding on and around my pussy. "Wow!" he replied, pulling out a palm completely coated in cum. "She's completely into this alright!"

"Yeah, this is the thing with Carl." Another guest laughed, watching as Vince crammed his cock deep down my throat and shot jet after jet into me as I moaned in passion. "I don't know how he does it, but his neighbors are always these completely sex-crazed whores. They come to every party and you can do anything you want with them. I mean, don't try to have a conversation or anything, because there's nothing going on in there, but otherwise the sky's the limit!"

In the next thirty minutes I happily slurped down two more cocks and was bent over a couch by a man I learned was Carl's little brother. My sports bra had been discarded but I still wore the skirt, though now it was crusty with dried spunk. At the strike of 2am everyone cheered and a space in the breakfast nook was cleared, about 6 guests (4 men and 2 women) gathered in a circle, along with me. An empty champagne bottle was placed at the center of the circle and one guest gave it a healthy spin. As it came to a stop, pointing at one of the ladies across the circle, the two shared a deep kiss. The game continued this way for several turns. A lady guest gave it a spin and it came to a stop pointing directly at me. The entire room erupted in cheers. I began to crawl toward her to give her the prize but she stopped me.

"Lie down in the center of the circle." She grinned, picking up the bottle, her expression slightly sinister. I did as commanded, as I no longer had any inclination other than to please, and awaited my next direction. "Spread your legs and grab your knees" she ordered, which I did, lifting my rear off the floor and pointing my cunt at the ceiling. "Now, open wide." I began to open my mouth, but instead I felt something cold and smooth sliding into my pussy. I looked down to see the woman grinning like a jack-o-lantern as she began to fuck me with the champagne bottle.

"Start the timer!" she yelled. "I say 11 minutes!"

Another guest called out "I got 12 minutes!" At least a dozen more wagers were called out, money piled by my head, but I was only vaguely aware of the interactions, my focus completely on the bottle plowing into me. Though tapered at the mouth, the bulk of the bottle was much wider than any cock I'd ever had and each time she shoved it deeply into me I felt my pussy stretch eagerly to accommodate. I was vaguely aware of the deep, guttural moans and high pitched squeaks coming from my mouth, as well as the drool running down my face as I thrashed my head back and forth with each amazing thrust. If I'd ever felt more pleasure than this moment I had no memory of it.

When I began to jut my ass forward to meet her vicious attack the crowd exploded with cheers. Moments later I released my knees, planting my feet flat on the floor to stabilize me during my mind-crushing orgasm. I arched my back and screamed out in passion, and after almost a full minute of spasms I felt the bottle sliding out of me. A voice called out "Six minutes! Who had six minutes?" I heard another voice in the crowd exclaim "Man, that's a new record. This chick is HOT!"

The woman who'd been fucking me, whom someone had called Stacy, held the bottle in the air triumphantly, displaying almost an inch of cum I'd pumped into it. As the crowd cheered once again she called out "Quite the little producer this one, Carl." Still grinning, Stacy stood and walked to my face. "Bottoms up, partydoll." She grinned, upturning the bottle over me and pouring my own spunk onto my face. It splashed across my face, although I tried desperately to get as much of it into my mouth, swallowing with a sigh.

An hour later, as I found myself on my hands and knees with a "Charlie" fucking my face and a "Rob" giving my pussy everything he had, Carl came by to see how his guests were enjoying the party favor. "She's SO horny!" grunted Rob, reaching around to flick my clit for the anguished moan it elicited from me. "She's kind of got that "naughty librarian" thing going for her, ya know?

"She's an assistant D.A." Carl replied, smiling. This only seemed to spur the men on.

"Oh yeah?" Charlie growled, speeding up his pace. "This is for my cousin Chip, sitting in jail right now on some bogus ***** charge!" I lapped up every drop of his seed as he shot it all over my smiling face. Charlie topped it off by hocking a warm loogie onto my face. "Fucking cunt." He cursed.

Carl smiled at me, commanding me: "lap that up too, bitch." I did so without a second thought. I'd stopped thinking moments after walking through Carl's door.

The next morning I woke a little later than normal. I felt well rested – another night without a loud party! I could get used to this, I thought to myself. I climbed out of bed and found my pussy a little sore, but as I'd been programmed to do I simply chalked it up to too much masturbating before bed. Something I'd normally never do...?

I saw my neighbor pulling out of his driveway as I made my breakfast. "I'm so glad that Carl and I came to an understanding." I thought to myself. "Maybe one of these nights I should go over to one of his parties." I sipped my coffee. "You know, to be neighborly."


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When I got the job at the D.A.'s office I thought I'd finally got my dream job. Sure, just a paralegal. For NOW. But this was the brass ring, the dream for always: to work for the D.A.

I'd always been considered a real shark in law school, going for what I want and never letting anyone get in my way. Right vs. wrong had always mattered to me, and here it felt like I finally had the chance to punish the bad guys.

Right up until I met my boss.

Her name was Barbara Bastich, but everyone just called her Barbie BallBuster. She was all the things I'd always thought I'd respect in another woman; all the things I'd hoped that people said about me: driven, ambitious, shrewd, focused and not afraid to speak her mind. But as it turns out someone like that can also be a total bitch! Not only did her attention to detail usually result in her pointing out my mistakes in public and her drive lead to my working incredibly long hours, but each time a really worthy case crossed my desk and I would take it to her she'd shoot it down. EVERY TIME. She'd say there wasn't sufficient evidence or enough from the witnesses or something, but I knew what was really going on. She didn't want to risk her track record for wins. It was her ambition again, and this I just couldn't stand.

About the time I thought I'd be stuck in professional prison forever another of the ADA's asked me to help him on a case. It was one of the ones that I'd showed to Barbie BallBuster, but he was interested where she'd just rejected it outright. I researched case law and found precedent and helped with filing briefs and he even said I could sit at his table in court! But then suddenly it was all gone. Barbie had found out about it and put the kibosh on the whole thing.

That same day she followed me into the breakroom, closing the door behind her. She came at me so fast I backed up to the fridge to get some space between us, but still she stood with her nose practically touching mine. "Let's be very clear on our jobs and responsibilities, Ms. Kramer." She growled at me. "It's my job to decide what cases we pursue, and it's your job to get me coffee and file my emails. And until you can remember which of those is your job I think that's all you'll be doing for the next two weeks." She stormed out, leaving me visibly shaken.

But then I got mad.

I stormed home, taking the rest of the day off. I fumed in my apartment for a while, but finally had to let her know what I thought of her and drove to her home to confront her. Another paralegal had pointed out her duplex one day when we drove by, so I knew where to find it. I banged on her door and rang the bell but nobody came.

"Can I help you?" I looked up to see this chubby, greasy nerd coming down the walk from the other half of the duplex.

"I'm looking for Barbie Ba-, that is I'm looking for Barbara Bastich."

"Are you a friend of hers?" he asked. I let out a harsh chuckle.

"Not exactly." I replied. "Are you?"

He smiled back at me. "Not exactly. Why are you looking for her?" All the sudden my floodgates exploded and I told this perfect stranger the entire tale of Barbie BallBuster and all that she'd done so far, and would continue to do, to hold me under her damned thumb.

"I just wanted to make it right." I stammered, trying to find the right words. "I wanted to make her pay for being such a bitch." Her neighbor, Carl, smiled at me.

"I think I can help with that. Please, come inside."

The end of the week took forever to arrive, especially as I spent every day filing emails from her overflowing inbox. But my anticipation for the end of the week kept me going. As Barbara left for the day on Friday I called to her "Have a fun weekend!" I got home, collected all the items I needed and made my way to Carl's house around 11pm. There were already some party-goers arriving when I got there.

"Are you ready for this?" he asked me, looking a little concerned. He needn't be.

"I'm more than ready, if you can really deliver what you've promised." I showed him my big bag, full of the various items I'd been ordering online and receiving all week, courtesy of Barbara's credit card information. Carl did not tell me how he'd obtained it and I hadn't asked.

By midnight the place was packed with people and the music and voices were very loud. Just as Carl had promised, the doorbell rang. Carl had me move to the back of the kitchen where I wouldn't be seen and yet I'd be able to see, and then he opened the door. Just as he promised, Barbara Bastich walked in.

I couldn't believe he'd delivered her. How did he do it? I could only see her head through the crowd, but as she entered the house let out a cheer: "Yay, Partydoll's here!" almost immediately someone sitting on the couch called to her and she crossed, disappearing on the other side of the couch. Where had she gone? She was facing the back of the couch so she couldn't have sat down...

Carl called to me, sure now that she wouldn't see me. I approached him, making sure the video camera in my hand was charged and working, and we both snuck up to the couch, looking over the head of the man who had called her over. There, right before me, was Barbie BallBuster with this man's dick filling her mouth.

I just gawked for what seemed like an eternity. At last Carl whispered "Um,... action?" and I remembered what the weight in my hand was for. I hit 'record' and filled the frame with her face, clearly enjoying herself as her mouth was stuffed with cock over and over. I feared she'd look up and see me and that would ruin everything, but I needn't have worried. She had no focus on anything other than the prick she was worshipping, moaning over and over with her facial assault. At that moment the man on the couch threw his legs over her shoulders, pinning her to the couch as he proceeded to fill her mouth with cum. She tried to swallow it all, but eventually his huge deposit oozed out around his dick, sliding down her chin. I made sure to get a great shot of her face splashed with his spunk.

Just then she looked up and our eyes met. I'm sure mine reflected fear, but hers showed no emotion at all at first. Then confusion crept in and she asked me "I know you, right? Janice, right? What are you doing here?" She was not angry, which surprised me – just confused. Carl never skipped a beat, stepping in as I tried to find an answer.

"She's with me. She's a guest at my party, so you be sure you're neighborly to her, understand?" The words wormed their way into her mind and she nodded and smiled.

"Have a great time at the party." She said, and then she was off, being called to a pair of men across the room. Only now did I get a good look at her outfit. She wore a black tank top and what looked like bicycle shorts. She turned her back to me to cross to her new spot and I saw that the shorts had a slit running from her tailbone and disappearing between her legs. Stepping over a pair of legs I could clearly see that the slit ran all the way to her pelvic bone. As she laid back on the bench, her pussy being filled by one man as the other began to work between her round boobies, I didn't know what to say.

"So, she'll just do whatever she's told to do?"

"Basically. If you get any resistance, which we stopped seeing for the most part a few weeks ago, just remind her she should be neighborly and that returns the status quo." Carl offered me a beer, which I took w/out even looking. "Do you have a plan for what you want in your little video?" he asked. I nodded.

"The key seems to be "hard core" and I think I know just the ticket. I just hope someone around here is more than generously endowed, like you said you could find?" Carl blew through his fingers and a massive mountain of a man popped through the crowd. He was massive in all directions and I had no fears that he wasn't massive where it counted.

"Janice, this is Tank." He shook my hand, and it was so small in comparrison to his that it looked like a puppet hand. Carl insisted that we not interrupt Barbara- Excuse me, I mean PartyDoll- until she'd serviced the couple of people who'd already called to her, so while we waited I explained what I wanted Tank to do and say. He was incredibly gung-ho about the whole thing.



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Finally it was our turn. Tank and I had cleared people out of Carl's breakfast nook and we called PartyDoll over. I stepped back, making sure the other two cameras that her credit card had ordered for me were recording, sitting on their tripods, and then I picked up my hand-held. Tank positioned Barbie BallBuster on her hands and knees and after only a moment he pulled out his enormous dick – every bit as gargantuan as Carl had promised – and ****** it right up her fuck hole. She neither called out nor cringed, but instead purred as he got as far as he could.

I called to her around my camera. "Barbara, tell me what you're doing right now and how it makes you feel." The requirement to think or talk as Tank ****** into her again was clearly difficult. She panted out a simple "I'm being fucked in the cunt by Tank's humongous manmeat and I love it." I made my way from her face, which was gradually shifting from an alert smile to a slack-jawed face of lust, and tracked down her body to focus on the image of this monster of a cock burrowing into her. In only a few minutes she had a profound orgasm, crying out from the pleasure.

Tank took this as his cue and he slid out of her pussy. She remained in her position, hopeful that he'd be back. I handed him a spoon, and he slid the cold, silver thing into her pussy, scooping up a heaping helping of cum, both his and hers as well as many, many others, and handing the spoon back to me. Barbara stayed there, never questioning what was happening behind her.

Tank pulled her butt cheeks apart, exposing her tiny little rosebud of an asshole. I dumped her cum mix onto her ass, using the round of the spoon to spread it all over but making sure to leave a lot at the epicenter. Next Tank slid his huge thumb into her ass.

Barbara couldn't help but pull away from this intrusion, having never been penetrated in her ass before. I called to her "Now, now Barbara. Don't forget how important it is to be neighborly." And she stood her ground, but I could see concern in her eyes. As his thumb slid all the way in she bit her lip, grunting slightly while she tried to adjust to the sensation. Tank shifted from thumb to two, and then three, fingers probing her asshole. From her mouth came timid whimpers. Once he was sure she was well lubricated Tank spread her ass open again and began to push his emense prick against her tight hole. The look on her face was fear, while the look on his was pure evil.

Barbara tried again to escape, this time less from instinct and more from panic, but now Tank had a firm grip on her hips as the first third of his cock pushed into her ass. He pushed in a bit more until he was almost 1/2-way inside. I focused the lens on the sight of his member, easily 8 inches wide and at least 12-13 inches long, crammed into her tight hole. Now THIS was JUSTICE!

Tank slid back out, allowing Barbara to exhale at last, but immediately he pushed forward again, eliciting a sharp gasp from her. This time he pushed in faster, reaching about 8-9 inches inside her in a thrust, and then he pulled out again. I could see where he was headed with this and made sure the camera could see well as his third thrust, yanking back on her hips at the same time, buried him all the way inside her. In response she cried out in both pain and pleasure and a rush of cum spewed from her cunt as she orgasmed.

"OK, bitch. Here we go." Tank pressed down on her head, pushing her face down to the floor so that he was pushing against the floor for the best leverage, and next he yanked his cock out and shoved it back in in a single movement, and continued like that with a satisfied grin plastered across his face. Over and over he filled her ass with a wall of flesh, pounding away with no concern about his enormous girth or her tight ass. The first few invasions had been met with great resistance, but as Tank's speed perked up even more he felt her anus relaxing around him. True she was still marvelously tight, but he knew that wouldn't last.

Carl adjusted one of the stationary cameras to focus on Barbara's face, smooshed into the wood floor with a pool of saliva beside it. Janice called to her from her vantage point at the rear. "Barbara, tell me what you're doing. Just keep telling me what you're thinking and feeling!"

Where as before she'd resisted the command to speak, Barbara was so overcome by this experience she craved the opportunity to scream it out, and scream she did. "I'm being fucked in the ass by Tank! He has a huge cock! I'm so full in my ass, I can't imagine anything in the world this tight! He's so big and he's ramming into me so hard, but every time he slams into my ass I cum. Every! Time!" As she cried out the crowd already gathered around increased and soon the entire party stood, enjoying the show. As yet more cum gushed from her pussy cheers began to ripple through her audience. "I just keep cumming, it feels so amazing! I never realized how fabulous it is to be ass fucked. This is the most amazing thing I've ever felt! He's so huge I can feel his cock slamming into my mind – he's fucking my brains out. Fuck my brains out! Fuck me stupid! God that feels so incredible! I love being fucked in the ass!"

As if on cue Tank's cock began to spray the inside of her ass with his cum. As his cock was huge, so was his deposit and all too soon her rear was full to overflowing. The rest of his spunk sprayed over her ass and her back in long, warm ropes. At last he was finished and he released his iron grip on her hips. Barbara's body flopped over in a cum-covered heap, but Janice focused her camera on the blissful, wanton look of pure ecstacy on her face.

Carl, who had stood back and watched the whole fabulous show, decided she wasn't QUITE finished. "don't forget to clean all your crap off of Tank's dick." He chided. Hearing his words Barbara was spurred into action, pulling herself shakily back to her hands and knees and crawling to where Tank sat on the floor with his back against the wall. Without even a second's hesitation Barbara began to lap at his cock, covered in a thick film of brownish cream. It was his cum and her **** mixed together and Janice could not get over the image of her boss slurping big mouthfuls of the slime down obediently.

So talented was Barbara's thorough cleaning that after another ten minutes Tank was completely clean. And hard as a rock. He looked to Janice and said "What say we go for another take, eh?" Barbara needed no other words, automatically returning to her spot on the breakfast nook floor, with her face on the ground and her ass presented to him. Three minutes later she felt Tank fill her ass once again and she let loose with a ************* scream of "Yeeeeesss!"

Sunday morning Barbara slept in a little later than planned. When she climbed out of bed she was struck with a thought: my ass feels... funny. She turned her back to her full-length mirror and lifted her nightgown, sliding down her panties to look at her rump. As she pulled her cheeks apart she stared at her tight rosebud, only to find it not tight at all.

Her asshole gaped open almost to the size of a quarter. She could see right up the canal. She stood, staring for several minutes, and then a warm feeling of happines washed over her and she remembered that she liked how her ass didn't feel so unpleasantly tight anymore. Lucky her and her stretched hole.

Meanwhile a new movie was being displayed on two dozen of the most popular anal sex porn sites on the web. It was called simply "Fuck Toy Learns the Joy of an Ass Fuck", and starred the lovely and vivacious Barbie Ballsucker. Janice enjoyed the almost immediate stream of funds into her paypall account from each download, as well as the rush of emails from happy customers both eager for more videos with Barbie, marveling at the fact that her tight ass took that monster three times!, and also thanking Janice for not messing up the movie by covering up Barbara's face.

Janice was happy to oblige.


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Just be nice. That is my cardinal rule: if you can't be nice then you should know there will be consequences. I've had this problem with most of my neighbors; usually over-ambitious women who think that they own the whole world just because they've made a little progress in the world. I don't mind if they want to be bossy, as long as they are neighborly to me. But if they don't know how to be a good neighbor I'm always glad to teach them.

Barbara was just like all the others. She'd came pounding on my door, insisting that I play by her schedule. When she'd asked nicely I had been willing to accommodate, but then she had to be nasty about it. So that Saturday I paid her a visit, using my trusty tazer to knock her out. After that it was a quick thing to bring in The Adjuster. The first of my many attitude-adjustment devices, and created long before the more sleek and sophisticated versions that I now sell to the government, The Attitude Adjuster is simply a board on which I've fastened exactly the right sensors, leads and other devices. I learned long ago that a combination of the right psychotropic ****, the right programming words and the right stimulations and modifications in the right places can make changes to even the most strong-willed of women.

Sure enough, it was only a few hours on The Adjuster for Barbara to have a whole new outlook on the world. Namely this: The next time you're woken by a party the neighborly thing to do is come over and join the party. And if you're a good neighbor you'll do anything that's asked of you at that party. And if those things are dirty things everyone will enjoy it more, and if they're enjoying themselves then you'll enjoy it. The more you enjoy whatever you're doing the more neighborly you're being. But above all else: do whatever you're told. Always.

It had been almost 5 months since her initial programming and Barbara was now an incredibly popular and successful party favor. But as much fun as the first couple of months had been, it was far more exciting once Barbara's employee Janice joined the game. Her hatred of Barbara, combined with her creativity and her completely vicious streak, had resulted in the greatest stream of completely humiliating and kinky adventures. And it was a win-win: the party was fun, Barbara was well and truly used like the party doll I'd made her and Janice was making money hand over fist from the porn videos she was selling all over the internet. It was all too, too good to be true!

That's why I knew it couldn't last forever.

One Friday it all changed. I was sitting on my couch, watching nothing much and dozing. The party the night before had been a doozy and I was catching up a little on ***** before the one that night. Suddenly someone was pounding at my door. I peered through the window and there was my neighbor, obviously angry.

As I opened the door she stormed in, shouting "What the HELL did you do to me, you *** of a bitch?!" I tried to calm her down, but she was on a tear! Finally I had to use her programmed safeword. Yelling "Down, Girl!" she calmed instantly and I had her sit. She was still herself, but the imposed some controls on her level of anger, as well as her ability to act on the anger.

"Tell me what happened. Why are you freaking out at me?" I instructed. Through a clenched jaw she began to explain.

"I had a meeting this afternoon with a defender for an upcoming case." She began, visibly seething. "This jerk is someone I have defeated in court many, MANY times, and his case is a complete loser. I didn't even know what the point was for the meeting, since I had absolutely no need to even consider a deal. He got there and had this smarmy smile on his face. I asked him what was so funny and he said to me "I really enjoyed your movie."

Of course I knew exactly where this was going now, but wanted to hear the whole story anyway. So I let her go on.

"I had no idea what he was talking about, and I told him so. He gave me this look, saying "oh come on, do you think I wouldn't recognize you? Even in that situation I knew it was you!" I told him again I had no idea what he was referring to. And that's when he opened up his laptop, already on, and logged on to this website. This DISGUSTING website."

"About three minutes later some movie started playing on his computer. And I couldn't believe it! there I was, dressed in this skin-tight outfit with a big whole over my privates. And I was being... ********. In my rear by some guy. Some guy with a HUGE penis! I was being anally raped, right there on his goddamned computer!" As she revealed this I could see her face turning a bright red. At the same time, her nipples had perked up, now as hard as rocks. I pretended not to notice as she continued.

"As I sat there, watching, this jerk reveled in the movie as I took this man's penis in my ass three whole times! I don't know why I kept on watching – it was like I couldn't stop myself!"

"And your reaction in the movie to the sex?" I asked her. She flashed an even darker shade of red, but finally answered.

"As I was being ******** in this movie I kept cumming over and over. I don't know how someone could make that happen, because even the IDEA of being... of taking something there... I would never. NEVER. But there I was, some stranger's penis shoved up my ass, and I was orgasming more and more. In the background a woman's voice told me to say what I was feeling and I kept going on and on about how much I loved being assaulted this way. Loved it! And I kept cumming!!" Barbara was humiliated, but she was also aroused. This wasn't part of her programming, so I loved to see it. Apparently *********** was a turn on for her, which I made a mental note to remember for later. Still, this was the moment I knew would come someday, and I already knew what had to happen next. However that didn't mean I couldn't have some fun with it.

"It's a great movie." I replied, smiling. "Have you seen the one where you're hanging from the ceiling?" Barbara's face blanched, all the shame-induced color suddenly evaporating from her face. I assumed her reaction was at the idea of being in bondage, but then she spoke.

"There are other movies?" she gasped, panicked.

"Oh HELL yes!" I replied with enthusiasm. I slipped a DVD into my player, turning on my huge LCD television. "I think at last count there are at least 15 different movies out there featuring you having some AMAZING sex. Janice is a total genius."

Barbara's face spun around to look directly at me. "Janice?" she asked. "My former paralegal Janice?" She looked lost and confused with this latest bombshell, just as I'd hoped.

"Of course Janice. How did you not see that coming? She and I met about four months ago and struck up a perfect partnership. I provide the star, and she came up with the stories. She'd done a lot of research about what sold the most online, but really her genius came from her hatred of you. She truly loved to come up with new, degrading things for you to do, and in exchange everyone had fun and she made a fortune. How else did you explain her having the money to start her own practice?"

"What do you mean a fortune?"

"She posts each movie on at least a dozen different online porn sites, and she gets paid a royalty fee for each viewing. And you, my dear, are VERY popular."

"But why would she do that?" Barbara seemed almost dizzy, trying to make this avalanche of information make sense. Frankly the question amazed and enraged me.

"Why??" I stood back up, crossing to her. "How could you possibly ask that? Is it possible you're so self-involved that you don't even know what a complete bitch you always were to her? You made her job hell, woman! The first movie you saw? That was the first one we shot. I asked her where she got the idea, and she said "this bitch is always such a complete tight-ass. I just figured I'd fix that for her." Barbara flashed red again with shame at the memory of the movie. "Janice was also the one who suggested that we modify your programming so that you'd love having your ass be so loose from now on." I added with a sharp laugh. "Of course that meant that your ass had to keep being fucked. Often. Luckily that's just about your favorite thing nowadays..."

Barbara tried to maintain some level of anger, but I watched her hand drift back to her rear, recognizing her love of her gaping asshole and knowing now it had been a gift from Janice and from me.

At this moment the menu on the DVD finished loading and sprang to life. It was called "Barbara Ballsucker's Porn Collection" and she could see the list of movies, each sporting a little picture of her having obscene sex by the title. Grabbing the remote control I returned to my role of 'friendly producer.' "I really like the one called "Don't Pop Me."

With that I clicked "play" on one of the many videos on the DVD collection. After a few minutes the screen came to life, showing Barbara lying on my pool table in the back room. A female voice, which Barbara now clearly recognized as Janice's, is heard telling her "when I clap my hands you will turn into an inflatable sex doll, with all three of your holes ready and eager to be fucked. But remember, sex dolls don't have feelings, so it doesn't matter what you want, and you obviously won't think. You're just here to be used like the toy you are."


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Next a loud "clap!" was heard, and at that moment Barbara's body stiffened, her hands jutting down from her shoulders in unnatural positions and her feet flexed. Her mouth fell into an open "o" position, ready to be fucked, and her ass muscles tensed to allow easy access. For the next fifteen minutes a variety of men used her body for their enjoyment, playing with her in the same way men enjoy playing with blow-up dolls. Periodically they would bend her into bizarre, grotesque positions and snap pictures of themselves with her and her permanently happy face. The big finish came when a couple of the men dropped her on the floor, squatting over her O-shaped mouth and crapping onto it like she was a toilet. "Look!" one of them was heard to yell. "She's our own sexy **** hole!" The room erupted into laughter and the laughter multiplied as the woman's voice, off camera, freed Barbara from her blow up doll-existence, but not before telling her to be sure to lick her lips. I carefully watched the expression on Barbara's face, sitting on my couch, as she took in the huge image of her face sliding her tongue over her ****-covered lips. It was all too priceless. I hit the 'pause' button, leaving her eager and crap-coated face frozen on my wall.

In barely a whisper, her face still in an expression of shock, she asked again "What did you do to me?" I watched her face shifting as the gravity of the situation continued to build in her mind.

"I simply taught you the importance of being a good neighbor." I replied back, matter-of-factly. "Based on your rude behavior it was something you needed to learn. But now that you know, and now that someone you work with knows, I think our fun is over." I stood up, walking to the phone.

"You BET your fun is over!" she replied to me, her previous rage reasserting itself as much as possible, despite her programming. "I'm reporting this whole sick business to the cops! You're going to jail until you DIE!!" As she screamed this I could see her fighting the imaginary restraints keeping her body in check on the couch.

I picked up the phone, dialing. As it rang I turned to her. "Not MY fun, Babs." I replied, smiling. "OUR fun. Yours and mine. Don't worry, I'll make sure that continue to have lots and lots of fun, but now you'll get to have it with different folks." The panic that spread over her face showed me that she only now understood her current predicament. Just then the phone on the other end of the line was answered.

"Pinto! It's Carl. Say, you remember that time when you asked me to keep an eye open for anyone who would be good in your work? Well I have hit the jackpot, my friend. Seriously. I'm not kidding! You have to meet her. Will you be there at work tonight? Excellent. I'll see you in a few hours."

Now it's about 10pm as Barbara and I pull up to the huge warehouse. She sits happily in the seat by mine, her new programming having been absorbed easily. For such a normally ******** person her mind seems almost eager to let me reshape it any way I want. I regret that I won't have any more opportunities to remake her, but at least this last version will bring joy to millions. As I park the car I pat her knee and tell her "this is it." She smiles vacantly and climbs out of the car, following me to the small man-door of the huge building. I pound on the door a few times, knowing full well that it takes several minutes for Pinto to get to the door if he's working. At last it opens a smidge, and once my face is recognized I'm ushered in.

"Carl, my old chum!" yells the gentleman standing there. He's in his 50's, with a prominent gut jutting out between his sweat shorts and his tight t-shirt. His hair starts at his left ear, combed over entirely to meet his right one, and he has a porn-stash above his upper lip. He stamps out yet another cigarette as we stand there. Pinto has been a chain smoker as long as I've known him and twice a bad when he's working. "What did you bring me?" he asks, looking Barbara over dubiously.

"Pinto, I know she's not the looker that you normally work with, but trust me. What she lacks in tits she MORE than makes up for in abundant enthusiasm and rampant sluttiness!" Pinto looks her over once more, giving me a very doubtful look. "Look, can we go to the office?" I ask. The three of us make our way to his office. We pass by a doorway through which we can see an elaborate but cheap set sprinkled with scantily dressed, or completely undressed, men and women. As we pass Pinto yells out to them.

"Take ten, people!"

We arrive in the office and take seats, Barbara resting her ass on the desk. She's wearing the same outfit as her first night attending my party – all black and all tight. "Pinto, my friend here is the most enthusiastic whore you will ever meet in your life." I state simply. Barbara looks at me, looking over at Pinto when I finish and smiling at him. "When I first met her she was pretty straight-laced, but she wanted to do a little dabbling. It turned out she loves being fucked and sucked and just generally banged and degraded more than anything. She is obsessed with it, and as a result she just lost her real job. She's kind of lost in the world."

"Why was she fired from her job?" Pinto asks. I can see I have his attention.

"Well she's no rocket scientist to begin with." I start, having my story all worked out in advance. The truth, that I had her call and quit, break her lease and close all her accounts, as well as buying a series of plane tickets to parts unknown, won't help me here. "Once she started whoring herself he got more and more distracted thinking about new things to do with her body. In fact, she got SO distracted by her horniness she started making mistakes. LOTS of mistakes. The last straw was when she made a pass at a co-worker, and at totally the wrong co-worker. Suffice it to say she was too brainless to realize you don't offer to suck the cock of the director of HR. Bottom line: she's out, and she needs a new job. And I thought, naturally, of you!"

"She's not so much to look at." Pinto replies, looking her over.

"I know, dude. But seriously, you can spend the money to give her fake boobs and big, puffy, cock-sucking lips. You pretty much always do anyway! But you can't BUY the kind of slut she is." I can see he's interested, but her mild- mannered appearance has him snowed. It's time to bring out my secret weapon.

"Don't believe me?" I ask. "slide over your laptop" I bring up three different porn sites, each featuring a movie starring Barbara Ballsucker. As each begins to play I turn the screen back to Pinto. "Here's what she's been doing in her spare time. As an amateur." The sound of her moans drown me out.

I watch his face flow through various degrees of shock as he clicks over one movie and then another. As I hear her squeal I recognize the movie being played. "That's a real bicycle pump." I offer up. He only nods, unable to peel his eyes from the screen. As her screams of delight end the third movie he looks at her vacant face again, smiling at him.

"Sold." He grins at me. We shake hands, but then his expression gets serious. "So what do YOU want from this?" he asks.

I negotiate fairly, as I have for all my past neighbors, whether it was the college professor who now works the street corner at Lexington and 5th, giving me 25% of her take, or the policewoman who slides her sloppy pussy up and down a chrome pole at the Rusty Nail and gives me 25% of HER take. I'll take my same 25% from the profits of Barbara's movies, which will make me even MORE rich. "I also get a free copy of each movie." I add. Pinto agrees without even a counter-offer. He's found another movie on the web, and as we agree on my terms I hear the sounds of Tank shoving his enormous cock into her ass. 'One of her best performances' I think to myself.

As I leave, Pinto has slid everything off of his desk, making room to bend his new acquisition over it. He's pleased to find no panties to have to work around, and I look back over my shoulder at Barbara's face, blissfully grinning as Pinto's dick begins to pound into her from behind.

A month passes. I have only been up for about an hour, wandering around the house as the noon-day sun streams in through the window. I open the door and grab the mail, which today includes a package. Opening it I pull out a DVD, the cover splashed with the new and improved Barbara Ballsucker.

There is my old neighbor Barbara, but she would be truly hard to recognize on first glance. Pinto's been hard at work. Her hair is now bright red, an obviously fake shade, but that goes nicely with her new boobs. These are also obviously fake, both massive and abnormally round. They make her look like she's shoved two volley balls into her tight shirt, if it weren't for the fact that volley balls rarely have tall, hard nipples.

Her ass has also been enhanced, now jutting out ridiculously from her back and also absurdly round. On her face he's filled her lips to overflowing, so that they puff out, giving her a permanent pout. Her lids are heavy, making her look stoned or stupid, and her make-up would make a street walker look prudish.

It's perfect.

The name of this, her first professional movie, also makes me smile. "Orders in the Court!" it's called. I slip it in and skip ahead, past the pesky plot development. The basic premise is clear: she's a lawyer who is prosecuting three men accused of ****. As the trial goes on I see that the jury is all men, and they don't seem to be impressed with anything coming out of her mouth. However they are all VERY impressed with her body, crammed into a hot pink business suit as it is. Finally the judge pounds his gavel, announcing that the prosecutor has brought a ridiculous case before him because everyone knows that women love a good fucking, and so how could these men be guilty of anything? And to prove the point, the judge orders the men released from their chains, and instructs them to show the prosecutor just how much women love to be gang-banged.

Barbara pretends to fight for all of about five minutes, but soon she's on her hands and knees, a cock in each hole. As the movie goes on Bab's body is hung from the ceiling, hogtied with her ankles tied to her thighs and her legs pulled open wide. Ropes are bound tightly above and below her massive boobs, and her head tied to her ankles to make sure her face is pointed forward. At this point the jury gets into the act, stepping into her now expertly displayed openings, and in no time Barbara is the center of attention for an 18-man gang bang. As all of her holes are filled repeatedly and savagely I can see that all of my programming has taken root – each time one of the men fills her with their cum I can just see her true personality return, barely visible in her eyes as she's powerless to do more than experience the earth-shattering orgasm crashing through her. She tastes the cum, shudders through the multiple poundings and desperately begs for more, even as her panicked eyes search for escape. And then, as her climax crests, her programmed personality and heavy-lidded eyes return, ensuring that she'll stay enslaved in her new life.

I finish enjoying Barbara's premiere performance, but hear the sound of a large truck pulling into the driveway next door. It sounds like I've got a new neighbor.

I hope she's neighborly.


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Désolé, mon commentaire d'hier ne s'est pas validé ! Excellent texte, merci


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no problèmo merci


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Apartment Hunting

Henry had lived alone in the same apartment for years, but his rent had gone up enough—and his job had taken enough of a turn for the worse, and he didn't have a girlfriend helping to pay the rent these days—he was finally ****** to look for another place to stay. He flipped through the classifieds every day and found a few places to look at, but none had yet suited him. Living with a roommate was going to be tough, he knew, but the places he'd found were especially bad. He figured he had enough slack he could look around for a while before funds got really tight.

But things just didn't seem to get any better. Finally, it bottomed out one day when he showed up to one place and it was nothing like the description. The guy who opened the door couldn't have been more than 22, freckled with pale blue eyes, but the pretty boy looks ended there. The rest of him was a mop of half-bleached punk hair, a tank top, out-of-control armpit hair, a pair of too-tight jeans, and a general aroma that suggested he hadn't seen the inside of a shower in a very long time. Henry hesitantly shook his hand.

"Hey, man, I'm Diego," the punk kid said, grinning at him. "Come on in."

"Uh, hey, I'm Henry," he replied, trying mostly to figure out how he could quickly escape.

Henry let himself be led into the filthiest apartment he'd ever seen. He just tried to hold his breath as long as he could while they toured a kitchen with a sink piled so high with dishes they were overflowing onto the ground, with dried and rotting food in them still, old pizza boxes stacked on the countertops, half-empty beer cans lying around everywhere, spills on the floor, the whole room sticky with residue and decaying food.

They went into the bathroom where the shower was, indeed, out of service, the toilet and sink obviously hadn't been cleaned in an incredibly long time, and the mirror was crusted with dried toothpaste and other miscellaneous dried fluids.

"And this is my room, Henry," Diego said, leading him into a room that smelled like Diego himself, only it was pervasive, the stench of old body odor, crotch sweat, armpit stink, and unwashed underwear wafting out from every corner, every wall. Henry almost gagged just standing in there.

"Oh, OK, Diego. Hey, man, I think I'm gonna take off, this isn't really what I'm looking for."

"What? Come on, man, you didn't even see where your room would be."

"No, I don't need to, Diego, this just isn't really my style, man. It's cool, but I'm gonna go."

"Oh, no way, dude, that's the best part! Don't you want to see your room?"

"I really don't, Diego, I mean, I'm gonna take off. Catch you later."

"Henry, man, come on, what don't you like about the place? It's perfect! You gotta tell me, man, you can't just jet without at least giving me some reasons."

Henry was fed up, and his temper got the better of him. "Oh, yeah? You wanna know why I don't want to live here? You fucking serious?"

"Yeah! Yeah, come on, I want to fucking know, dude!" Diego shouted back, egging him on, angry himself.

"This place is fucking disgusting," Henry began, "It's foul, and every single room is a mess, I don't even know how you live here. Actually, check that, I do know, because you're disgusting, too. You smell awful and look like you never shower. Honestly, I can't wait to get the fuck out of here."

Diego nodded slowly and grinned. "Cool, man, thanks for being honest. Do me a favor, though?"

Henry, now uncomfortable after yelling at this stranger, awkwardly paused. "Uh, what's that?"

"Just ask me where you'd ********

"Uh, OK, Diego, where would I ********

Diego's grin widened and took on a kind of wicked quality to it. He stood there, grinning maliciously at Henry for long enough Henry became uncomfortable. After what might have been a full minute but felt like an hour Henry was just ready to turn to leave when Diego spoke up.

"You ***** wherever I tell you to, man. Now get down on your knees."

Henry's legs buckled and he cried out in pain as his knees hit the ground with a thud. "Ow! What—what the fuck?"

Diego's grin got even wickeder as he held his hands out and spread his fingers, moving them alternately up and down. As he did, Henry's arms limply flapped up and down in time, loosely, like a scarecrow. Diego's eyes took on a crazy gleam as he snickered aloud. "Puppet, puppet, Henry."

"What the fuck is going on? How are you doing—what's happening to me?"

"Henry, Henry, Henry, don't you get it, Henry? You're my little slaaaaaaaave, Henry, don't you get it? Slave, Henry Henry, slaaaaave! You walked into the trap, you came into my house, and now you're miiiine, Henry. I'm a little hurt you called me disgusting, Henry, Henry, Henry, slave Henry. But I'm also confused, because it seems to me you're the disgusting one. You're the one that wants to lick my crotch."

As he said this, Diego had sidled forward until his jean-clad crotch was actually touching Henry's face, but to Henry's horror, he found that he couldn't so much as lean away. "God, dude, you fucking reek!" Henry exclaimed, but as the words left his mouth a thought entered his mind: He really wanted to lick Diego's nasty crotch.

Just as soon as it had popped into his head, it was gone, and Henry was shocked at himself. Where had that come from? But he was even more shocked when his lips parted and his tongue extended out from between his parted lips, slowly but steadily, its whole length finally pressed against the filthy, ripe denim of Diego's jeans crotch.

Henry started licking, dragging his tongue up the denim-clad crotch, and tasting the funk of months of ball-sweat soaked into the denim as it now soaked into his tongue. He started gagging but still couldn't stop.

"Ohmm Gaa, sthop ith!" Henry cried, unable to retract his tongue even to speak, "Wha ah you doing?" Finally he gave up and just began screaming incoherently.

"I'm not doing anything, Henry. You're licking my crotch, and you look like you're really enjoying yourself."

"Buuh I'm nah even gay!!"

Diego started laughing, sounding more than a little crazed. "Oh, Henry, Henry, that doesn't matter. You just do whatever I say now, so if I tell you to cum in your pants, well, when you do it, does that make you gay?"

As Diego said the words, Henry's eyes shot wide open as he felt his dick, still totally soft, pump a load of cum right into his pants. He convulsed but never removed his tongue from Diego's crotch nor got up off his knees. Moaning aloud, he then began to cry in confusion and shock at his predicament.

Diego just laughed harder. "Oh, Henry, don't cry, it's OK. I'll take good care of you. You'll be the filthiest piggy slave imaginable! Now, stop licking my crotch."

Henry's tongue shot back in his mouth and he gagged, hard, ready to vomit from the taste.

"No puking, Henry," Diego shot at him, sternly, seeing his retching. "You can never puke, Henry, do you understand?"

Horrified and desperately afraid of Diego, Henry nonetheless found himself unable to do anything but open his mouth and say "Yes." And the urge to vomit passed instantly. "Come on, man," he continued, now able to speak, "Please, dude, let me go, I promise I won't say anything, I'll just go."

"Henry, Henry, Henry. I'm not going to let you go! I caught you fair and square, lured you like a fly into my web, and now I have you, so finders keepers! I get to keep you, Henry, and you're my toy, my slave, my little piggy."

At this, Henry snapped and started babbling, only barely coherently. "Oh God, please, no, let me go I swear I'm not gay I'm no piggy no no no please"—Henry began to sob and through his ******* sobs continued.



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"Henry?" Diego interrupted him. Henry's voice abandoned him mid-sob and he fell silent. "Henry? Oink oink, Henry."

Henry stared into Diego's beautiful, deranged eyes as his mind began to gush. His mouth fell open wider and wider in shock and terror as thoughts, dark thoughts, flooded and consumed his mind. Tears began streaming down his face as he felt them take hold, like thin, silk strings tied around his limbs, like hooks driven into his mind, making him Diego's marionette.

And just like that, Henry lost his free will. He felt a steady stream of Diego's thoughts pouring into his mind without Diego so much as uttering a word, and those thoughts were imperatives, they were commands, telling him what to do. Henry felt like a crazy person, a schizophrenic hearing voices but he found himself powerless to resist.

Henry reached up and unbelted and unbuttoned Diego's pants. He peeled the jeans off of Diego's sticky, filthy underwear. He retched, but couldn't even consider vomiting, as he thrust his nose between the denim folds and up against the stained yellow cotton to draw a deep inhalation.

Diego, driving Henry's actions with his thoughts, was nonetheless quite capable of speaking. "What are you doing? That's disgusting, man, you like sniffing a dude's dirty undies? God, that's fucking gross. What kind of pig are you?"

Henry tried to reply but when he opened his mouth he found instead an incredible desire to just make snorting noises, like a pig. He drew his lips into a comical purse, pushing his upper lip forward and drawing his nose down to better make snorting, oinking noises, and so he did, as he smelled Diego's crotch, oinking like the best little piggy he could.

"Ha, I guess you are a pig! I thought you came here because you wanted to rent a room but apparently you came here to live out your life-long urge to be a filthy fucking pig."

Henry heard the words and in his mind he started fighting Diego's control even harder. He didn't want to stay here! He just came here from a Craigslist ad! He had a list in the car right outside for the other places to go to today!!

Diego let him fight and laughed aloud. "Piggy piggy! You're not convinced yet? Still fighting? Let me show you something."

With a seeming mind of their own, Henry's hands reached up and peeled, with an audible sucking noise, the filthy briefs back and down and slid them and the jeans to the floor. Diego's soft dick flopped out, the uncut head pointing directly at Henry's face. The stench was overpowering, and again Henry retched. But the retching ended soon, and Henry oinked a few times more and then, slowly, horrified but trapped inside his own head, thrust his face forward to press his nose and mouth between Diego's cock and balls and his thigh.

"Mmm, good piggy, gonna get it allllllllll clean for Diego."

Henry slid his tongue out of his mouth and dragged it upwards, sandwiched between the moist, sour, sticky, funky skin of Diego's thigh and his balls.

"Yeah, piggy, you love it," Diego moaned.

Maybe Diego's concentration was decreased by his arousal, or maybe it was the sheer *********** of those words, but in any case at that moment Henry was able to finally break through, just a little, from his control.

"No," he spoke, softly, then louder, "No, no, I don't!"

Diego stopped, his cock deflating back to fully soft, and looked down at Henry with anger flashing in his eyes. Henry's small victory wasn't enough to let him actually get up and move, and Diego reached down and grabbed his head in both his hands and turned his eyes to stare into his own.

"What? What did you say?"

Henry, just as furious, opened his mouth, and said spitefully, "No, I don't love it. Let me go!"

Diego's lips peeled back in anger, showing his teeth, and his eyes became slits. "Yes you do. Yes you do. You love it." Then louder, shouting at him, Diego's face went red from the strain and with each word, he spat out a mist of saliva onto Henry's face, "YES YOU DO!! YOU FUCKING LOVE IT! YOU LOVE IT! YOU LOVE IT, YOU FUCKING PIG!!"

Inside Henry's skull it felt like his brain was being pounded into mush with a hammer. Diego pushed harder and harder and utterly overwhelmed Henry's feeble resistance. Henry sat, stunned, barely able to process the barrage, and then Diego, squeezing his head tightly in his hands, shoved Henry's face back into his crotch.

Henry was utterly revolted, still, but now there was an itching, deep inside his head, all throughout his body, a compulsion, a need. Henry started licking eagerly. When he smelled Diego's balls, he felt blissful relief from the horrible itching. When he tasted Diego's rancid sweat, when he really sucked at the rank, matted hair on Diego's thighs and balls, he knew how dogs felt when their masters scratched behind their ears. He loved it. He loved it so much. And at the same time, he was utterly revolted. But he couldn't stop.

Something flashed in his mind, some objection. Where was he? Was he supposed to be doing this? But then he felt Diego stomp on that flicker of a thought and everything was back to how it was supposed to be.

"Oh God," he said, finally coming up for air, "This is so fucking gross, this is so nasty, man, please make it stop."

"Henry," Diego said, his smile sweet as a ********* but his eyes still crazy as an asylum patient, "Only you can make it stop. You know how to do it."

"No, no, Diego, man, that's not what I mean—make it stop, take the itching away, get it out of my head!"

"Oh, I know exactly what you're talking about, Henry. But I like you with your new compulsions. And you'll like them too, soon enough. Of course it feels awful to itch, Henry. But it feels so good to scratch!"

"I don't want to scratch, I don't want to itch, I just want to go home, I want to go back to my life."

"Henry, here you are, on the floor, face right in my balls where you should be. This is your life, Henry. You're a dirty, filthy piggy, Henry. You're right where you ought to be."

Henry wanted to object but his body was on fire, his mind was crying out for relief. He couldn't keep resisting for much longer, he needed to feed the urge. Slowly he started to sniff the air, and the foul smell of Diego's bedroom called to him, it soothed his agony, and so he inhaled even more deeply.

************* Henry curled his lips back again and snorted, ever so slightly, and as he did his cock started hardening in his pants, sticky with his cum, and it felt even better, relieving for just an instant his incessant need. He oinked again, louder this time, and for longer, and it felt like heaven. And so over the next few minutes, without even really processing what he was doing, Henry kept snorting, louder and louder, getting more and more into it, thrusting his pelvis ************* as his cock hardened in his pants, and started crawling around on the floor on all fours, searching for the dirty clothes that smelled the strongest. Diego stood and watched, grinning ear-to-ear, his cock growing steadily harder the whole time.

Finally Henry found a pile of laundry that smelled like Diego used it as urinal. It was stained all manner of vile shades of yellow and brown and Henry thought he could actually see a miasma coming off of it, the stink was so powerful. The closer he got the more revolted he was, but the more he smelled it, the more it relieved the awful, unbearable buzzing itching agony deep inside.

"Oh, God," Henry blurted aloud, between his oinking, "God, this is - snort—so fucking—snort—disgusting!" He kept crawling towards the pile, making thrusting, humping motions with his hips as he neared it.

"Yeah, piggy, it's fucking gross. Give in!" Diego egged him on.

"No, I have to stop, I have to make myself stop." Henry's face was a mask of revulsion, his lips curled down in an expression of deep aversion and his eyes squeezed shut and whole head turned aside just as far as he could summon the will to look away.

"Up to you, dirty piggy slave, but it's going to feel really good if you just give in and scratch that itch. Come on, piggy, let it take over. Give into it. Stop thinking so much, piggy." Diego was leering at the struggling Henry, enjoying his torment.

But Henry's will won out yet again. "No!" With a decisive motion he stood up and, face twisted in furious determination, he ran as fast as he could out of the apartment.

Henry got in his car before he could have second thoughts, turned it on, and drove away as fast as he could.

And the further he got, the better he felt. Maybe it was just a proximity thing. Maybe Diego's hold on him weakened as he drove away. Whew, what a nightmare! Henry sighed with relief and began shaking from the trauma of what he'd just experienced. Well, nothing else to do but just keep on with his day. That seemed like the best way to shake the whole thing, and anyway he did still have to find a new apartment.

Henry drove clear across town to the furthest of the apartments he'd written down. He showed up and knocked and a much more normal-looking man answered. Henry breathed a sigh of relief as he walked into the house and the owner started to show him around.

"I'm really happy to find such a nice place," Henry said, "I've seen some... well, some pretty bad apartments today, let's just say." He shuddered a bit at the recollection.

"Oh, yeah, I know what you mean—that's why I bought this place originally, I couldn't find a place I was willing to rent otherwise!"



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"OK, well, let me fill out an application," Henry said, "But first could I possibly use your bathroom?"

The man showed him to the bathroom and Henry went in and shut the door.

He turned to sit down on the toilet, but as he was lowering his pants, he noticed the toilet water was bright yellow—that man must have taken a piss and forgotten to flush.

Henry thought nothing of it, and lowered his pants all the way. As he did, he inadvertently grabbed the crotch of his underwear, soaked with his cum. And at that moment, he caught the faintest whiff of the piss in the toilet bowl.

It felt like someone had driven an ice pick straight between Henry's eyes. The pain was excruciating as it returned with a vengeance, the itch unscratched now for well over an hour. Gasping for air, Henry fell to his knees over the toilet bowl with his pants down and inhaled deeply. The smell of the stale urine brought the shrieking agony in his head down to a somewhat duller roar, but it was nowhere near satisfied. His face now a grimace of utter disbelief and horror, Henry lifted the toilet seat with one hand and lowered his face into the bowl.

Gotta scratch that itch. Gotta smell it. Gotta taste it. Henry stuck his tongue out, his mind on fire with the dueling ****** of his own revulsion and his newfound deep, ferocious need, but when his tongue broke the surface and he tasted the days-old piss, his revulsion—fighting fiercely though it was—lost to the itching. Henry started lapping at the piss like a cat, then, pumping his pelvis forward, humping the air, wiping his dripping, hard cock haphazardly against the porcelain of the outside of the dirty toilet bowl, he clutched the toilet in both hands and dipped his face in further so his whole mouth was in the piss.

Henry started sucking the piss directly into his mouth, making a slurping, gurgling sound as he did, and then stopping when he had desperately to inhale, snorting like a pig as he did, since it made him feel better to do so.

The owner of the house knocked at the bathroom door, finally. "Is everything OK in there?"

Henry's mind flew into a panic but he couldn't tear himself away from the vile toilet full of the piss that was so marvelously soothing the aching in his skull. He kept ********.

Another knock, louder this time. "What's going on in there?"

Henry tried to shout something but it just came out as a loud, muffled wet gurgling through the piss.

"That's it," he heard from the outside, and then the knob rattled and finally the owner ****** the door open. As he did, Henry rushed to ***** up the last of the piss in the bowl.

"What the fuck?" The owner cried out, "You are fucking disgusting!!"

At the words, Henry's already hard cock swelled up the final bit to bursting and he moaned aloud.

"Oh yeah," he moaned, "Oh yeah, so fucking disgusting, so fucking disgusting!" Henry blasted the toilet and the floor with ropes of jizz as the owner watched, horrified.

"Holy ******* the owner said, shaking his head in stunned, wide-eyed disbelief, "You have to get the fuck out of here right now."

"No, no, no, no, no, please please please!" Henry cried, mortified and humiliated as the man grabbed him by the neck and lifted him like a rag doll, pants still around his ankles. "Let me explain!"

"There is absolutely fucking nothing to explain—you are getting the fuck out and I never want to see you ever again!" And with that, the man threw Henry bodily out of his house onto the driveway and slammed the door.

Henry stood up and pulled up his pants, shaking with shame at what he'd just done. Spotting other neighbors out watching him, he ran to his car—before, he hoped, they'd really had a chance to remember his face.

Once he'd buckled up and started the engine, Henry fought the urge, but knew where he was going to go.

"Oh no, no, no no no no" he cried aloud, to himself, to the empty cabin of his car, "No no, this can't be happening, this can't be happening, I have to stop!"

But when his thoughts turned to Diego's apartment, to the piles of filthy laundry, to the absolute squalor Diego lived in, Henry started breathing in short pants, and his cock got hard again in his pants.

"Oh yeah," he said, in a voice he didn't entirely recognize, huskier, lower than his plaintive whine, "Oh yeah, so fuckin' hot, I gotta get back there, gotta get there, gotta smell it, gotta taste it, so disgusting, so nasty."

As he drove, well above the posted limits, Henry's moaning and words gave way to oinking, his lips thrust out and curled back in his best imitation, snorting loudly in his car while he groped his wet crotch with his free hand.

Finally he made it back to Diego's, and walking up to the door his chest was heaving from the exertion. In his head, Henry was resisting with all his might in his terror, but the dirty smile spreading across his face as he snorted and oinked with every step betrayed him. The itch deep inside was very strong, and Henry needed to scratch it.

Diego answered the door with a lock of mock surprise. "Henry! Wow, I really didn't ever expect to see you again. What can I do for you?"

Henry smelled Diego and his urge went into overdrive. "Come on, Diego, you have to make it stop, please, make it stop," he pleaded.

"Oh, Henry. You know only you can make it stop. Do you want to come in? Is that what you're asking me?"

"Yeah, yeah, come on, Diego, oh God Diego I gotta make it stop."

Diego smiled but didn't move to open the door any further. "Gosh, Henry, I don't know, you were pretty rude how you left earlier, just running out like that. I'm not sure I really want to let you back in."

Henry's itch grew stronger as he caught a whiff of Diego's armpit stink and his need grew to fever pitch. "Come on, Diego, come on, let me in!!"

"Let me get this straight—you told me earlier how disgusting I was, and how gross my apartment was, and how badly you wanted to get out. Why do you want to come back in?" Diego grinned, reveling in the ******** expression on Henry's face.

"I need it," Henry whined, rubbing his legs together in the door like a dog needing to piss, "I need it, I want to come back in, gotta smell it, gotta taste it."

"So you're asking to come back into my apartment, of your own volition, under no duress from me. You want to come in here, that's what you're saying."

Henry heard his words and felt sick to his stomach. No, he didn't want to go back in. That place was Hell on Earth, a nightmare, a horrible trap. And he knew Diego gave him his horrible compulsion, and he hated him for it. But even knowing all that, the itch was too great. "Yes," Henry said, "Yes, I want to come back inside."

Diego grinned his evil, crazed grin, and stepped aside, gesturing with a sweep of his hand to Henry, who wasted no time dashing inside. Diego turned and shut the door and then stared down at Henry, already on the floor sniffing the ground for any relief it might get him.

"I told you," Diego began, smiling cruelly, "I told you I got you, bitch. And I told you I wasn't going to let you go. I told you I'd turn you into a filthy pig slave. Look at you. You're all mine, now. Hey, Henry, how long has it been since you ate? Aren't you hungry?"

Henry looked up at Diego in horror but followed him nonetheless on all fours as Diego casually walked into the kitchen and nudged a pizza box off the floor with his foot. It hardly moved, stuck as it was to the ground, but Henry scampered over to the box, his hands and knees sticky against the filthy kitchen floor, and opened the box.

Inside was an entire pizza, the most disgusting pizza Henry had ever seen. It had clearly once been something like a meat lover's, and now the pepperoni were curled and dry, the sausage lumpy and gleaming with congealed oil, and the crust, sauce, and cheese had merged into one gelatinous, oily blob. It smelled foul and looked decidedly unlike food.

"What the fuck? How old is this?" Henry's exposure to the rancid pizza had let him momentarily return to his senses. The itching in his head was growing stronger, though.

"What do you care?" Diego shot back, dismissively, "You're a fucking pig. Pigs eat whatever."

The itching in Henry's head rose to an intolerable buzzing with Diego's words and he turned back with a despairing shake of his head. As he reached one hand out and just grabbed a fistful of the decaying, grease-soaked pizza, his eyes defocused and he stared into the distance as he stuffed the weeks-old pizza into his open mouth. As he did he moaned through it.

"Mmmmpph," he cried, "Fuckkkkk! Awwww, so fuckin' gross!"

"Yeah, you are," Diego noted with a smirk, "You're so fucking gross."



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Henry didn't even need the encouragement anymore. He started bucking his hips up and down against the slimy kitchen floor as he dove face-first into the box of disgusting old pizza and started hungrily slurping it up, filling the kitchen with snorting, slurping and smacking noises on top of his moaning.

When he'd finished, Henry looked up, panting, eyes wide in disbelief at what he'd just done. Diego just smiled. "Hey, Henry, I've got some dessert for you."

Henry didn't hesitate a moment, hurrying back out into the living room where Diego casually sat down and thrust his feet out at the pathetically eager Henry, degrading himself eagerly to temporarily cool the burning itching inside. Henry yanked one sneaker off and even with his enthusiasm, ************* turned his head aside with a grimace at the unbearable odor of Diego's socked foot. The sock was variously yellowed and grayed, but clearly hadn't been changed anytime recently. Henry turned back, visibly steeling himself for the task, and then that same dirty smile crept across his face.

"Gotta smell it," he whispered to himself, "Gotta taste it. So fucking disgusting, oh yeah, it's so fucking nasty."

And with that, Henry opened his mouth and took all of Diego's socked toes into his mouth at once. Henry started gagging and moaning in revulsion at the disgusting flavor, but also reached one hand down his pants to stroke his cock as his hormones reacted to the soothing relief in his head.

Henry raised his head and with a hungry, dirty sneer, yanked the sock of Diego's foot. Underneath the sock Diego's feet were even more foul, hairy toes with months of toe jam between them, sweat dried and caked on them, toenails yellowed from neglect. But Henry was on a roll.

"Fuck, man, so fucking nasty, fuck yeah," was all he said before he started snorting and then thrust his nose and mouth up against Diego's foot. He started thrusting his tongue out, licking each toe and scooping the toe jam out from between them and swallowing it greedily, filling his pants with cum multiple times in the process. By the end, Diego's foot was fresh and clean with Henry's saliva, and Henry's mouth smelled like a forgotten gym bag.

Diego just smiled and extended the other foot. Henry humped the ground while he obligingly cleaned that foot just as well.

While Henry was enjoying licking and sucking Diego's filthy feet, Diego turned on the TV and was watching some nasty porn. Henry turned to look occasionally, but the itching would start up quickly so he went back to his work. When he'd finished with Diego's feet he looked up expectantly, quickly become uncomfortable as the deep, itching need reasserted itself.

Diego just looked down casually. "Oh, you're done? Cool, you fucking pig, I gotta take a piss."

Henry smiled eagerly and unzipped Diego's filthy jeans again, fished around in his sticky yellowed briefs and pulled out his hardening cock, and then without a moment's hesitation locked his lips around the shaft. No sooner had he closed his lips in a ring than Diego let loose. Henry started gulping furiously and the sound of his frenzied gulping with the hissing noise of Diego's piss spraying into his mouth made Diego smile down at him.

For Henry it was a potent experience. The piss he'd drank out of the other house's toilet was diluted with water. This was straight from the source, and Diego's piss was especially rank. Henry managed to gulp it all down without spilling a drop, and as he came up off Diego's cock he started snorting like a pig to help put himself over the edge to have another orgasm.

"OK, pig, from now on I only want you wearing those briefs so there's something to catch your jizz. Otherwise, strip."

Henry hurried to strip off the rest of his clothes and was finally just wearing a pair of Hanes white briefs, now stained repeatedly in the front with his copious loads.

"Good boy, piggy. Now, I haven't had a shower in a while because I got rid of my last slave months ago. So you're going to take off my clothes and clean me off with your piggy tongue."

Henry didn't need to be told twice. He stripped Diego's clothing off and the hairy punk's stinking body odors made Henry's cock leak in his baggy, wet briefs.

Henry was still, of course, unbelievably revolted at what he was doing. It's just that the feeling of scratching that itch was so unbelievably wonderful that he could hardly convince himself to stop for even a moment. It no longer really registered with him that Diego was, of course, the source of that itching. It was too strong, too compelling. Henry only really had time to think, when he finished licking one body part clean, about which one would scratch the itch best next.

Henry shoved his face right into one of Diego's armpits, sour with stale sweat and rank and musky, and started drooling all over it to get it as wet and slick as possible so he could lick it out clean. He loved the filthy armpit hair, warm in his mouth as he sucked it all clean. When he finished that one he moved on to the next. Diego lay back, grinning and chuckling to himself, occasionally taunting Henry.

"Fuck, man, that's so nasty, you like that ****? You like licking out my pits?"

Henry just got harder and moaned and oinked and snorted like a mindless ******.

"God, you're so fucking filthy, you filthy fucking pig."

Henry nodded in agreement as he munched on Diego's armpit hair. "Yeah, fuck yeah, filthy fucking pig." Then he went back to snorting loudly and thrusting his pelvis against the couch.

Finally Diego's entire front side was entirely cleaned off, and Henry's mouth smelled like a clogged toilet. And then Diego just smiled and rolled over.

"Time to scratch that itch in a big way, piggy."

Staring up at Henry were the two full, round cheeks of Diego's ass. They were covered each in a thick coat of hair, and where they met the crack was a dark, furry crevasse. Henry traced them with his eyes down to Diego's legs, where each cheek ended in a curved crease. And at the very bottom center, right where the crack of Diego's ass met the crease against his legs, Henry's eyes came to rest. He felt himself gravitating down towards that spot, that dark hairy crease right at the bottom of Diego's ass crack.

As his face approached Diego's ass, he felt the heat of his skin radiating against his face. He could feel the humidity, the moisture of Diego's ass-sweat rising off of his skin like steam. And then Henry inhaled.

The smell of Diego's ass, even from a foot away, was ripe and pungent. It was intense, more intense than anything Henry had smelled or tasted yet. Henry shuddered, revolted all the more, but it was scratching his itch like never before, and Henry felt that all-over warmth and tingling melting his will away as he lowered his face to the grotesque young man's filthy ass.

The moist, scratchy hair was the first thing to touch Henry's face. He pushed into a dense thicket of stinking, dripping hair with his face as he approached the dirty skin of Diego's ass-cheeks. As the tip of his nose first pressed into the soft flesh of Diego's cheeks, Henry felt sick to his stomach, but then continued pushing forward until his face was enveloped, like being ********* by two pillows that had been picked up off the floor of a public bathroom, warm and wet and filthy.

"Eat it up, piggy," Diego encouraged, laughing. Henry's cock grew hard at the words and he thrust his tongue out blindly into the stinking butt enveloping his entire face.

Diego's ass was ripe and tangy on Henry's tongue as he licked and licked. Diego ground his ass back against Henry's face and Henry licked for everything he was worth. Inside, Henry's body was on fire with the blissful orgasmic relief of giving in and scratching the itch.

"Oh, by the way, Henry, I wanted to let you know one thing," Diego began.

Henry tried to ask what, but only managed to make a snorting noise from inside Diego's stinking ass-crack.

"I know it's hard not to scratch that itch, but every time you scratch it, it gets stronger. That's how it works. If you keep scratching it soon it'll get so bad all you'll be able to do is scratch it every waking minute of the day. I just wanted to tell you, so you'd know what's going to happen to you if you don't stop. Not that I think you could stop. But you know how you can still see what's going on and try to fight it? Soon even that'll go away and you'll just be a big, dumb ******. Your mind will eventually just blink right out like a light, and after that, it'll just be snorting piggy noises and depravity and filthiness and cumming in your underwear and serving my every depraved desire."

Henry heard the words and inside his head knew they were true. They terrified him, because they made him want to stop all the more, and he was trying, like pulling on the reins of a runaway horse as hard as he could, but the urges were too strong, and even as he panicked, he kept licking Diego's dirty butt.

"Henry, you're being awfully quiet. I want to know how you feel about all this. Is that what you want? You want to be a big dumb ******? You want to be a disgusting nasty piggy slut? Are you looking forward to all your higher brain functions dying off so you can be my dirty pet?"

Henry flailed in his head against the mental bondage Diego had subjected him to. The best he managed to do was to start sobbing while still licking Diego's ass like a foul, ************ lollipop.

"Why are you crying? Is that a yes? Yes, you want to be my brainless piggy slob?"

"No," gasped Henry, through his licking, through his sobs, "Oh God, no, please, I don't want this, I want to stop, I want my life back, I'm just a normal guy."

"Gee, Henry, then you should probably stop licking my ass. Because if you don't, within just a few minutes, your mind will be completely destroyed and you'll live out the rest of your life as my pig slave."

"But I can't, I can't, I want to stop but I can't, I have to lick it, it hurts so bad when I don't." Through his tears and words Henry was still dragging his increasingly filthy tongue through Diego's still quite nasty ass crack.

"Oh, because if I were you and I really didn't want to turn into a slave forever, I'd put up with the pain and stop," Diego teased, knowing full well the grip he had on Henry.

Henry just sobbed all the harder, the sobs shaking his whole body. As he kept licking feverishly, the urge to keep debasing himself grew, and he could feel it, like a fat passenger sitting in an adjacent airplane seat, the depravity and itching grew, slowly squeezing him out of his own head. The glimpses of clarity were coming less and less often, and his revulsion was giving way slowly to pure abandon.

"No, no, no!!" Henry screamed one last time as he took an especially large lick of Diego's ass. The tip of his tongue found Diego's tight asshole, and the horny, itch-compelled depravity now controlling most of his mind probed his tongue against the hole, finally driving just the tip inside his rectum.

The inside of Diego's ass was even dirtier than the outside. As Henry felt his tongue push its way into Diego's hole, the last barriers in his mind crumbled, and the last vestiges of rational thought left his brain.

Diego just smiled, and then said, aloud, "Henry?" When he got no response he asked again. "Henry? Henry, do something if you can hear me."

When he finally got no response, he grinned wide and rolled over so he could see his new pig slave. "Is that all you are now?" he asked, of the glazed-eyed, dirty, naked man on all fours on top of him, still convulsing as he filled his saggy briefs with another load, "Are you my pig slave now?"

What used to be Henry just curled its lip back one more time, with a dirty sneer, and oinked, loud.

Diego laughed. "Good, because that was fun and all, but I really want to fuck. Let's go in the bedroom, piggy."


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My Huge Cock

I discovered my gift when I was in eighth grade. I'd known that guys turned me on ever since I started getting boners, and I knew what that meant—I was a queer, and I had to hide it from the rest of the guys. And hide it I did—I never showered after gym with the other guys, I never went to parties where there was any *******, and I generally avoided hanging out with the more attractive boys at school.

Of course, all of this meant it took me a long time to figure out just how big my cock was, compared to the other boys'. But I'm getting ahead of myself.

I had waited until all the other boys left after gym so I could take a shower. Some days I'd just skip it, but today we'd been running sprints outside and I was drenched in sweat. Actually, my sweat was especially smelly because I'd been nervous the whole time—while I was running, I was behind Joey Tulsen, and his sheer gym shorts barely covered his big, round butt. I couldn't tear my eyes away from his butt the entire time, and as he ran I could see each cheek stretch and compress, filling out his shorts, bouncing up and down. My cock was trying to burst out of my underwear. I was so scared I thought I'd die.

Anyway, it all meant I really needed to shower or I would have disgusted everyone in all my classes for the rest of the day. So I waited for the other boys to all leave, snuck back in, and crept into the shower.

While I washed myself off, something about being alone in that wide-open tile space, the hot water running over me, my mind started to wander, and soon I was standing under the shower head, eyes closed, rubbing my stiffening cock imagining the soft, muscular flesh of Joey's butt-cheeks as they stretched and compressed, bulging out against the shiny black mesh gym shorts. Then in my fantasy they strained the material until it was taut, and finally Joey went to lift his foot one more time and the cloth burst, and the shorts -

My fantasy was interrupted when I heard a gasp. My eyes shot open. There, standing stock still in the entrance to the showers, was Joey Tulsen. He was staring at me. More specifically, he was staring at my cock. My whole body flushed crimson. My heart was pounding. My thoughts came fast and furious with my terror. But my words escaped me.

"Joey—oh my God, Joey, I, I swear, don't tell anyone, please please Joey..."

I trailed off, but then realized Joey hadn't moved a muscle.

"Joey?" I asked, now a little curious. He'd been standing as still as a mannequin for a full minute or two.

"Your... your penis!" Joey stammered.

I looked down and realized I'd still been stroking my cock, and even through my terror it was still rock-hard. Mortified, I pulled my hand away. But it didn't start to soften.

"Uh, Joey, don't tell anyone, OK?"

"Your penis, Danny!"

"Joey, I know, I just... I mean, you won't tell?"

"Your penis, it's... it's so big!"

"What?" Now I was kind of curious.

"Oh my God, Danny, I've never seen one so big... can I... can I touch it?" Now it was Joey's turn to flush bright red.

"Danny... are you... I mean, are you queer?"

"No! No, I'm not! I just, it's your penis, it's so big... I have to feel it!"

Before I could even answer Joey crept over and reached out. I stared in fascination as he took my cock gently in both his hands and knelt down in front of me. His face was right at the level of my cock. The head of my dick was throbbing full of ***** it was so hard.

"Danny," Joey said, pouting adorably, "I... I feel funny, Danny."

"What do you mean, Joey?"

"Your penis, Danny, it makes me feel funny."

"Funny like how?" I was starting to get a little exasperated at Joey, his gentle grip on my cock enough to keep me hard but not much more than that.

"I want it, Danny," Joey said, softly.


"I want it, I want your penis," he said, a bit louder.

"What do you mean, you want it?"

"I..." Joey stopped, looked around as if confused, but then fixed his glance on my cock, and a trickle of drool came out the side of his mouth. "I want it in me, Danny," he said, this time with conviction.

Before I could even respond he'd opened his mouth and engulfed my cock. I moaned loudly in spite of myself, forgetting where I was, and even with his untrained mouth sucking my cock haphazardly, teeth rubbing against it and back of his throat pressing against the head, I quickly approached orgasm. Just as I was going to cum, Joey pulled his mouth off my cock and stared me in the eyes.

"Your penis makes me feel dirty, Danny, it makes me feel naughty, and I love it!"

With that, I ejaculated for the first time. All my past orgasms had been dry. This one was, to say the least, not dry. My pelvis bucked ************* as my cock began spewing. The first thick blast of semen landed right on Joey's cheek. The next coated his lips. He opened his mouth and the third landed right on his tongue. It just kept coming, all the spunk, spraying everywhere, completely drenching his face, his eyes shut and coated in thick sticky jism like viscous egg white streaming off his face.

When I finally finished coming I was completely exhausted. I collapsed, plopping down onto the tile floor and resting my back against the wall. I was breathing heavily and laid my head back with my eyes closed while I recovered from the mind-blowing orgasm.

When I opened my eyes I saw Joey standing there, hands and face covered in cum, shaking.

"What the fuck? What did I just do?" he shouted, aloud.

This was weird. I was baffled. "Joey? Joey? Calm down, Joey," I reassured him, totally confused.

But he wouldn't listen, and was shaking his head rapidly in disbelief and fear. "No, you! You made me do this! YOU DID!"

I stared at him like he had two heads, perplexed at his sudden, drastic change of attitude, and with that he began sobbing and stepped underneath the hot water trying to wash all my jizz off his face and hands, his body bent with heaving sobs as he wiped the slimy cum off his face as fast as he could get it off.

But in the meantime he hadn't even bothered to take his clothes off. I noticed he was still wearing his gym shorts. Then I noticed as they started to soak through with water. I noticed how they clung to his butt even more tightly. And then I noticed I was getting hard again. Really hard.

Joey finished getting my cum off him, to his satisfaction, and turned around to run out of the showers. Or anyway that's what he seemed to be doing, but then he saw my hard cock again.

"Oh no," he just said, and I saw his face fall.

"What? Joey, what the fuck? Why are you being so fucking weird?"

"Oh no," he said again. "Oh no, it's so big again."

I just sat, staring at him, fascinated. He was Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, one moment panicking, the next moment salivating over my cock. I didn't understand.

"Oh God," he said, shaking his head sadly, his face a mask of shame, "Oh God, I need it again, Danny, seeing it so big like that, I need it again!"

Could it be? Could it be my hard cock had some kind of power over him? I decided to find out. I grabbed my cock in one hand and squeezed it. It throbbed harder. Joey moaned.

"You want this, Joey? You like my cock when it's big and hard like this?"

"Oh yeah, Danny, oh fuck, it's so fucking big," he babbled, fixated on my cock.

"Take off your shorts, Joey, and let me see yours."

"Fuck, Danny, don't do it, please don't make me," he said, but even before I replied he'd already hooked his thumbs around the waistband of the gym shorts and slid them off.

"Your undies too, Joey," I said, smirking, and watched as he slid his down.



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Wow, my cock really was big. Compared to Joey's, anyway. His was probably 5 inches, and it was sticking straight out in front of him, hard as mine. But mine was easily a foot long. I realized I'd never gotten to compare, because I'd avoided showers so religiously. I smiled, satisfied. I remember thinking to myself, I must really be well-endowed.

But there were more pressing matters at hand.

"Joey, I don't want you to suck it again. This time I want to put it inside you myself."

Joey nodded eagerly and opened his mouth.

"No, Joey, not like that. Turn around."

Joey's face fell and became a mask of fear.

"No, Danny, please no, don't do it, that's for fags, I'm not a fag Danny, please don't do it," he stammered, his eyes pleading.

"I don't know, Joey," I said, my confidence growing with my smirk, "You're standing here naked, washing my cum off your face. You look kind of like a fag to me."

"No, Danny, PLEASE!"

But he turned around in spite of himself. I gasped aloud as I saw the twin globes of his perfect, full ass right in front of me. And I grinned when he arched his back, just enough that the cheeks parted. I saw his smooth, hairless ass crack leading down to the dark, puckered hole. And when I saw it, my cock somehow grew even harder.

"Oh, fuck yeah," I said aloud, a sexual hunger I'd never felt awakening inside me. I stood up and, as if in a dream, watched as I rubbed some soap on my rock-hard dick, then stepped forward. I reached one arm around Joey and felt his muscular chest. With my other arm I held his hip blade and pulled his waist back against me. My cock rested right in the crack of his ass, and I gently slid it up and down, not so hard to make me cum, but just enough to feel really good.

"Oh Danny," he said, and started to moan.

"You want it, don't you, faggot?" I taunted him.

"Danny, come on, I do, I want it, I need it inside me," he whimpered.

"Alright, queerboy, if you say so!" With that, I shoved the tip inside him.

Joey screamed like a girl when he felt my cock enter him, but by that point I was really getting into it so I just laughed a little and kept pushing. I felt his spasming asshole clenching down on my cock so I grabbed him tighter and shoved my pelvis forward. I felt the entire length of my cock sink into his warm, inviting hole.

I felt the soft skin of his butt-cheeks against the hollows of my hips as I bottomed out inside him. It felt so good I almost came on the spot. I pushed a little harder and felt his butt-cheeks compress a bit. I looked down as I grabbed him by both hip blades and pulled back, hard. Joey screamed aloud as my cock went in as far as I could possibly get it, and I saw his butt-cheeks compress even more, wrinkling around the edges like beach balls being squeezed flat. I thought back to my earlier memory of his butt encased in his gym shorts and chuckled. Had you told me out on the field I'd soon bury my cock inside that butt, I probably would have filled my own gym shorts with a load of cum on the spot.

Joey was still screaming but luckily nobody seemed to be around to hear. With my cock inside him I felt my sexual hunger growing. I start pistoning into and out of his ass, and with every thrust his screams seem to subside, and instead he was moaning, louder and louder.

By the time I was ready to cum, I was driving my whole foot-long cock fully into his ass and then sliding it all the way back out, even pulling it fully out sometimes just to marvel at the big, sloppy shiny thing as it sluiced wetly into and out of his now-loose asshole.

When I came, I first pushed my cock all the way inside him, wrapped my arms around him, one around his muscular chest and one around his stomach, and pulled him tightly against me.

"Aw, fuck, Joey," I moaned, "I'm gonna fill you up."

Joey moaned aloud himself and then spasmed a bit. As I started pumping my load inside his ass, I saw, to my amazement, Joey's cock shoot its own load all over the tile floor. It may not have been as big a cock as mine, but he still shot an impressive load.

After that, I slid my softening cock out of Joey's ass and finished showering. I noticed as I left that Joey was curled up in the corner, sniffling. I figured that was just how it was, once whatever spell my cock had over him wore off. Poor kid, I thought to myself. But then I just grinned and walked out.

From that day on I walked around with more confidence. I knew Joey had a girlfriend, and I knew my cock had done something funny to him, and knowing how much bigger I was than the other guys made me proud. Everyone noticed my new attitude. Girls wanted to hang out with me but I mostly blew them off. The guys, though, I was more than happy to spend more time with, now.

The other thing I noticed was that, ever since that day, the sexual hunger that had awakened had never fully fallen back asleep. I could feel it in me when I walked around, now. I'd look at a guy and find my gaze turning down towards his lips, or his crotch, or his butt. None of that was unusual, but now when I looked I could feel it behind my eyes, this intensity, this hunger, like instead of a frightened closeted teen having lustful, wishful thoughts, I was like a predatory big cat stalking prey.

With my newfound confidence and popularity it wasn't hard to find excuses to spend time one-on-one with the hottest of the school jocks.

There was Kenny, the blonde surfer-looking stud, star of the basketball team with the amazing 3-point shot and no missed foul shots. He was only too excited when I told him I had recorded the latest college game during March Madness that he'd missed, and eagerly came over to my house to watch it. Only, when we got in my room, he looked around.

"Danny, where's your TV?"

"Oh, I don't have one," I replied, feeling that smirk coming on.

"Uh, how are we going to watch the game?"

"Oh, you wanted to watch the game?" I asked. "I thought maybe you'd rather look at this."

I dropped my pants as Kenny turned around. For a few awfully long moments I felt a rush of terror—what if it was only Joey? What if it didn't work on Kenny? What would I do?

But then I saw him freeze, staring at my dick, and I knew I had him.

"Oh my god, Danny," he said, slowly, dreamily, "Your... your cock."



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Cut to half an hour later: Kenny was on his hands and knees like a dog on my floor, and I was standing behind him, holding him by the hips, looking down smiling as I watched my saliva-slick bare cock sliding into and out of his asshole. I grinned as I watched his tight sphincter—as I shoved my cock in, his ass hollowed inwards; as I pulled it out his tight asshole, gripping my cock, pulled back a bit with my cock and I could see the muscular ring of his asshole stretched out away from him. As I drew my cock all the way out I laughed at the sucking noise and wet "plop!" it made. And I laughed even more at the pained moan Kenny uttered as I pushed the big purple head of my dick back inside him.

I knew once I came Kenny would panic and who knew what he'd do, so I was careful not to cum for a good couple hours. I had Kenny in every pose I could think of, sucking and fucking and licking and everything my twisted little mind could conjure up. But finally I was ready to shoot and tired from all the work. To minimize cleanup, I decided to pump my big load up inside his ass. So I did, and then I slid out, put my clothes back on, and waited.

Sure enough, the real Kenny reemerged, and he just about lost his ****. He started like he was going to scream, but I severely shushed him.

"Kenny!!" I whispered hoarsely, "Shut the fuck up! You want my mom coming in here and finding you like this? Like a little bitch, naked with cum dripping out of your asshole? You know what's good for you, you'll put your clothes on and leave as fast as you can without saying a fucking word."

Kenny just stared at me, shaking his head like he was hoping he'd wake up, but I just rolled my eyes and walked over to him. He cowered away from me like a frightened ***********! Big basketball player afraid of me—and I just slapped him in the face, once, hard.

"Get up." I said, matter-of-factly. "And get dressed."

He stiffly obeyed, clearly still in shock, and I escorted him out of the house.

"Did you boys have a good time?" My mom casually shot from the kitchen as we passed.

"Yeah, Mom, we had a whole lot of fun!" She didn't seem to notice Kenny's shell-shocked state.

I suppose you're wondering what became of the boys I seduced. Is seduced really the right word? I didn't quite **** them, it was quite consensual when I plunged my hard cock into their waiting holes, but it definitely wasn't their idea after the fact. Well, they were definitely traumatized. You could see it in them—it was like I drained my new confidence from them, leaving a trail of timid, frightened boys where once were track stars, proud swimmers, and football jocks. Joey developed a stutter and was easily startled by loud noises. Kenny started missing his free throws, and his girlfriend dumped him and he never did get another.

So it went with all the boys. I'd like to say I felt bad about it, but I didn't. I loved it. I could feel my confidence swell in me and seeing them laid before me, frail husks of what they were before, it just made me feel more powerful.

And, traumatized though they were, worshipping my cock seemed to leave its seed in them. Every so often one of them would come up to me in the hallway with just the right look in his eyes, a mix of desperate hunger and shameful self-loathing, and I knew. I'd find the nearest storage closet or bathroom stall and, if he begged hard enough, I'd drop my pants and let him suck me off.

Some of them really got hooked. By the time we finished high school several years later, Kenny was on my cock like a crack fiend needed his pipe. When he hadn't sucked me off for even just a few days he'd start to look sickly, wan, pale, and he'd shake constantly. He was an addict. And I smiled and fed him, pumping a load of my jizz down his throat every few days.

For my part, my cock grew by the time I was a senior to a full 14 inches hard, and my big balls hung low and seemed to be constantly working—I'd cum four or five times a day and still my loads were huge.

It was a good thing, too, because just like those boys became hooked on my cock, I was getting more and more hooked on the feeling of power. When I saw another boy, before I could think of anything else I'd find myself imagining us naked, him worshipping my huge cock, me controlling him and debasing him and making him do whatever I wanted. It was hard to get out of my mind. I could feel it there, always, that hunger, that need.

At some point I ran out of hot classmates to corrupt, though, and for a while figured I'd just get by fucking the same ones over and over. But that hunger inside me clearly had other plans. A week went by and I started to feel it, this intensity, building, not satisfied with reclaiming the hot holes and wet mouths of the same now-desperate boys. I had to take new prey. I could feel the ****** inside me demanding it. I had to hunt.

I tried to ignore it. I didn't want any of the other boys. I pushed it down. And that was my mistake. When I pushed it down, I incubated it. It grew, that ******, and it became strong while I kept it in the dark. And one day, a few months later, it surprised me.

I was walking down the hall towards the gym when I felt it. My cock sprang to life. My breathing became ragged, hot wet panting. My hands tightened into claws and I hunched forward a bit like I was stalking something. I felt it all happen and I realized what was going on, but I realized I couldn't stop. I realized I didn't even really want to. I didn't quite know, consciously, what I was planning to do, but I could feel it inside me, a buzzing energy, a determination, and I knew I'd just go along for the ride.

Faster than I knew I could move, and without making a sound, I was down the hallway into the gym, down the stairs to the side, standing outside the coach's office. Waiting like a careful, silent predator I listened at the door. I heard his voice, and waited for any others, but heard none. Finally I heard the sound of a phone handset put back down in the cradle, and I straightened myself up and politely knocked.

"Who is it?" he bellowed.

Without replying I just opened the door.

"Hey, Coach, I wanted to talk to you," I said.

Coach was a gruff, fairly heavy-set man, strong as an ox but hardly what you'd call lean. He'd been in an increasingly foul mood over the years I'd known him, no doubt due to the ongoing collapse of his every sports team, since I'd taken all his best players from every team and bred them like heifers, made them timid and afraid.

"Danny, what do you want?" He barked, impatient.

I turned around and locked the door behind me. He furrowed his brow, about to open his mouth to ask again. But instead I slid my pants and underwear down just enough to let my cock drop out.

"I want you to look at this, Coach," I said, in a voice simultaneously dripping with lust and snarling with aggression.

"WHAT TH-" Coach started to yell, standing up, but then, grimacing, found he couldn't look away.

"Oh God, Danny," he said, with deep fear and great remorse, "Your cock!"



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"Yeah, Coach, my cock," I said with a smirk. "Hasn't had any new boys on it in a while but I think it's time to branch out a bit, try a new flavor. Like a big fat hairy pig like you."

"Don't you dare talk to me like, like..." Coach trailed off, his authority and anger draining as his mind was pulled back to my thickening erection. My cock was throbbing and slowly lengthening to its full 14 inches. I put my hands on my hips and thrust my pelvis out, making it bob up and down, pointing straight at the mesmerized coach.

"Talk to you like what, Coach? Like a fat old hairy pig hungry for one of his students' cocks? 'Cuz that's what you look like to me, Coach."

"Danny, fuck, put it away, I can't... I can't stop looking at it, fuck Danny it's so big!"

With that, I started slowly walking towards Coach's desk. He sat, dumbly, in his chair, staring at my swaying, bobbing cock approaching him. "You know, Coach, it's probably bad news for you to be caught taking advantage of one of your impressionable young students, you know. I'd be careful if I were you. I mean, you could open that mouth of yours and start slurping on my big tasty knob, but what if someone found out? Man, would that be a tough situation to explain your way out of."

"Oh no Danny please, please you have to stop."

I walked around his desk and hefted myself up so my bare ass was resting right on his desk blotter and my naked crotch was facing him directly, my cock pointing right at his face as he sat in his chair.

"Oh my God Danny it's so big, I have to have it, I need to taste it," he whimpered, the gruff old man reduced to a desperate little cocksucker.

He was fumbling with his zipper by this point, and soon had his own cock out and started pumping it in earnest, mumbling to himself. "Oh fuck yeah, fucking boycock, so fucking hot, goddamn."

And then he opened his mouth, closed his eyes, and started sucking my cock.

I pulled out my cell phone and made sure the sounds were on as I started taking photos of him with the built-in camera.

The first time he heard that "click" noise his eyes shot wide open and he looked at the cell phone sideways without taking his mouth off my cock. His eyes went wide with fear and shame. He couldn't quite form clear words with his mouth on my cock but he moaned, trying. "Oh no," I made out, muffled, "No no no no no stop!"

Or anyway that's what he would have said if he'd been able to exert the willpower necessary to stop sucking my 18-year-old, 14-inch cock. But he wasn't, and so he kept on jerking his own hardon with one hand while he sucked me off with his mouth and other hand, and I just smiled and kept snapping photos.

Yep, my big, commanding cock. This was even more fun than mind-fucking the other boys.

As I started to get close I switched to recording video, and for my own amusement put on a show for the camera.

"Coach, stop it! Why are you doing this?" I moaned, exaggerating it to make sure the camera caught every syllable.

Coach just kept his eyes closed and moaned. The vibration sent waves of pleasure through my cock as he kept on sucking my huge member. I could feel my balls tighten up with a big load of cum, and as I started to shoot I feigned like I was sobbing.

"Oh God Coach why?? Why?!" With every blast of hot spunk I moaned again in mock agony. Coach swallowed quite a bit of it but eventually it started to leak out the corners of his mouth. Then he pulled his head up off my cock. I watched the camera as it caught perfectly my swollen purple cock head, Coach's mouth coming up off of it, and the next several blasts of jizz coated his face. He was moaning and I turned the little lens of my camera-phone to point at him jerking his cock, his fist stuffed down furtively in his lap jerking away. And when he came, I caught that too, his convulsive moans and the blasts of spunk from his hairy cock all over his desk and the floor.

And better yet, I caught the aftermath, too. As he came down from his sexual haze, Coach's eyes opened wide in terror.

"Oh my God, what just happened? What did I do??"

I kept faking the sobs. "Coach," I cried, "You raped me!"

"What? No, no! Danny, no, I didn't, you made me do that, I don't know how, your huge cock, you made me!"

"Coach, I begged you to stop, why did you do that to me?" I was really doing it up. I couldn't wait to watch the video later.

"Danny, are you recording this? Turn that off! Stop it! Oh fuck, ****, what have I done?"

I turned the camera off, and my smirk returned.

"Thanks for the blowjob, Coach, that was pretty good."

"What? You little ****, what the fuck did you do? I didn't want to do that!!"

"Oh I know, Coach, but you did, didn't you? And I've got the whole thing on camera. Nice knowing you, faggot."

Coach looked like he was going to ***** to death, simultaneously so angry and so afraid. Before he could get his shorts back up and stand up from his desk I darted out of his office and left the building, heading home.

As I laid in bed that night I stroked my big cock with both hands, smiling to myself. I was going to have some fun with those videos. I half-considered texting one of my little jock sluts to come suck me off but instead I grinned and left my cock at full mast, bobbing, and drifted off to ***** and sweet dreams of owning every last man in the world.

The next day I emailed copies of the pictures and the video to the principal of the school, with a short email.

"Dear Sir, I don't know what to do about this but I managed to get my phone out while this was happening and wanted to send them to someone. Obviously I'm incredibly upset, I'm in shock but I wanted you to be the first to see this."

I hung out in the cafeteria all day reading. It had a clear view of the principal's office. And sure enough, within minutes I saw Principal Davis nearly sprint out of his office and come back with Coach following, head hung low. The door closed and I watched with anticipation as the minutes ticked by.

Finally a half hour later, the door reopened and Coach walked out, his eyes red from crying, his head still hung low with shame, and he walked out the front door of the school.

Moments later I heard my name over the PA system. They paged me to the principal's office. I waited a bit so it wouldn't be quite so obvious I was waiting nearby, and then walked in.

"Danny," Principal Davis extended his hand, "I—I'm so sorry. I know this must be a very hard time for you. I mean, I know even that's understating it. What Coach did to you was so... so horrible -"

I cut him off. "Actually it wasn't that bad. Though he's definitely got some learning to do."

Principal Davis stopped, confused. "What? What do you mean?"

"Well, I just don't think he's given many blowjobs before, so it could have been better."

"Danny, he raped you..."

"Oh yeah, that's what I said in the video, isn't it? Nah, I made him do it."

"You... you made him? What do you mean? I watched that video, I saw what he did. How could you make him?"

I smirked. "Well, Principal, it's my cock."



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"... what?" Principal Davis was getting visibly uncomfortable now. He'd been all ready to be reassuring and comfort me in my trauma, and now he didn't know what to do.

"My cock is just so big and so commanding, Principal. When men see it, especially when it's nice and hard, they just can't help themselves."

"Danny, that doesn't make sense. It's not your fault, what Coach did to you..." He trailed off, trying still to be consoling. I just smiled.

"Oh, it makes sense, Principal. Once you've seen my huge cock, there's just nothing you can do."

"Danny," he asked, in confused disbelief, "How could showing anyone your cock make them lose control?"

"What a great question, Principal. I'm so glad you asked. It's true, it's surprising. Took me a while to really believe it myself. I think the only real way to make you understand is to show you."

Principal Davis immediately sat back in apprehension. "Danny, that wouldn't be appropriate, definitely not -"

Too late. I unzipped my fly, reached my hand through—I hadn't bothered to wear underwear, for easy access—and pulled my thick cock through the fly. I stood there, in my ripped jeans and t-shirt, my 8" soft cock hanging flaccid through the fly, Principal Davis still sitting in his chair, now staring at my crotch.

I smirked broader as I felt it start to thicken. I'd gotten good at doing this on demand, just throwing a hardon whenever I needed to. As it stiffened up it slowly rose until it was pointing from my crotch straight at Principal Davis. The head swelled up until it was its usual deep purple and shiny, like a large plum. Principal Davis was, by now, staring wide-eyed at my enormous cock.

"Danny, your... y-your penis!"

"Toldja, Principal," I said, with a smirk, "But you didn't believe me. Do you believe me now?" I could feel the ****** hunger inside me, ravenous, ready to go in for the ****.

"Danny, oh my God, I've never... it's so big!"

"Yeah, sure is. Bet you can't wait to wrap those big wet lips of yours around it, can you?"

"Danny, uh, no, this is wrong, Danny, you shouldn't be doing this," Principal Davis shook his head, furrowing his brow, but still couldn't tear his eyes away.

"You know, I think you're right. It wouldn't be right for you to suck me off, because Coach just gave me a blowjob yesterday. And you're the Principal, so you deserve more than him. I've got an idea, Principal. Why don't you undo your belt?"

Principal Davis finally tore his eyes away from my cock to look me in the eyes. "Danny, no, don't make me do this."

"Ha, Principal, that doesn't even make sense! How could I possibly make you do anything? You're so big and strong and me, I'm just a little 18-year-old. Now, undo your belt."

I grinned down at my principal as he slowly unfastened his belt and slid it out of his suit pants.

"Good, now unbutton your pants and slide them down just a little. I like you in that suit, I want it to stay on."

Principal Davis whined a pathetic whine as he did as he was told.

"Great. Now, stand up."

He obediently stood up, his pants down around his knees, and I walked over to his chair and sat in it myself.

"Now pull your pants up enough you can straddle me in this chair."

"Danny, why are you doing this? Please, Danny, stop it," he begged, but his eyes were once again fixed on my throbbing cock, sticking straight up in the air. I'd started leaking precum from the tip in anticipation, and I caught the Principal idly licking his lips even as he begged.

"You want it, you little cunt," I shot back, "Now shut up and do what I say."

At that he whimpered a bit, but he pulled his pants up just enough to get his legs spread around the chair. I leaned back in his chair, smiling a nice, self-satisfied smirk, as Principal Davis debased himself in front of me.

"Good, Principal. Now, slide your pants down just enough to show your crotch, and slide your underwear down, too."

Principal Davis closed his eyes and with a look of utter shame, hooked his thumbs around his waistband and slid his pants and briefs down. His cock sprang to life as the elastic of his underwear passed and I saw his stiff cock—not the biggest I'd seen, but not the smallest—bobbing straight up in the air. His crotch, in contrast to Coach's, was relatively hairless. I licked my thumb and reached underneath and between his legs and with a condescending smile I pressed the tip of my thumb against his clenched asshole. He just moaned again.

"Nice smooth crack, Principal. And nice, tight asshole. Let's see if we can't do something about that second part. I want you to lower yourself slowly right onto my huge cock. I want you to impale yourself on it."

Principal Davis started shaking his head vigorously back and forth and even ****** up a bit and, sniffling, shed a couple tears, but he didn't even bother saying anything in protest. I grinned and nodded my approval as he started lowering himself, ever so slowly, into my lap.

"Arch your back, too. I want that hole nice and exposed."

He moaned, a mix of sexual hunger and self-loathing, as he arched his back like a whore, sticking his bare ass out as he continued lowering it towards my throbbing, massive cock.

When he heard the same clicking sound the Coach did, he hesitated for only a moment.

"Oh fuck, Danny, no, no, stop it."

"I'm not going to stop it, Principal Davis, I'm going to keep taking pictures. If you don't want me to have them, all you have to do is stop. If you pull your pants back up and leave, that's the end of this, isn't it? But as long as you keep moving that hot ass of yours down onto my giant cock, I'm going to just take a few photos for my scrapbook. If you're good, maybe I'll keep them to myself."

Principal Davis began sobbing with shame and defeat as I was talking, but the whole time, his ass kept moving inexorably down towards my cock. And just as I finished my little soliloquy, I felt his asshole brush gently against the very tip of my cock. He started moaning and whimpering as his asshole made solid contact, and I felt the tip of my cock mash against his tight puckered ring, my piss slit spreading against his ass as he kept lowering himself onto me.

As he lowered himself further, I smiled and snapped a few more photos, checking to make sure they framed it well, my cock pressed against his hole, his cheeks spread nicely to show everything. I felt the pressure start to build as he kept his asshole tightly clenched but sat down on top of my rigid, rock-hard dick.

"Oh yeah, fuck, Principal, that tight ass feels so great sitting down my cock."

The pressure grew so great it hurt, but it was a good hurt, my cock aching with the pressure of his ass squeezing down against it. I could tell he was really fighting to keep his asshole shut, but at some point, something had to give.

I felt it start, finally. I sat, leaning back, my mouth open in a wide, dirty sneer, nearly half the weight of the Principal balanced right on the tip of my giant cock, when his quivering asshole finally gave. He shouted aloud in pain and shock as the huge head of my thick cock suddenly pressed into his abruptly-spread sphincter. It popped in about halfway, and I could see between his legs the ridge of my cock-head still sticking out from his distended asshole.



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"OH FUCK DANNY IT HURTS SO BAD!!" Principal Davis shouted.

"Shut the fuck up, you dumb bitch," I shot back, "You want someone to hear us?"

I grabbed the nearest soft object I could get my hands on—as it turned out, a pair of gym shorts the Coach had left with the rest of his stuff—and stuffed them in my Principal's open mouth. He bit down reflexively, grateful for something to clench down on, and he began feverishly whimpering through the dirty shorts.

I, for one, was getting impatient, and so with one hand I kept snapping photos, getting some good ones of the Principal, tears of pain streaming down his face, dirty gym shorts stuffed in his mouth, in his suit and shirt and tie, as well as others of his bare asshole stretched open around my massive cock-head. But with my other hand, I grabbed his waist, and started pushing downwards. He resisted, screaming muffled screams into the gym shorts, but over the course of the next few minutes I managed to get the entire head of my cock inside him. He was shaking from the pain, now, but there was not much he could do.

And, I noticed, for all the pain he was in, his cock was still rock-hard and leaking copious streams of precum.

"Oh, fuck this, I'm horny," I said, grabbed him with both hands, and slammed him down onto my cock.

The pain, judging from his reaction, must have been unimaginable. Admittedly I usually took longer working it into a new guy, and the Principal's tight ass was probably less elastic than that of the nubile young jocks I usually dominated with my massive dick, but I didn't want to spend all day just to pump his ass full of my young spunk.

"Jesus, shut the fuck up," I said, rolling my eyes. "And start riding me like a good little fag slut."

Still delirious from the pain, Principal Davis could hardly disobey me, and so he started squatting up and down on my cock, his hole sliding up and down my shaft as he wept from the pain. But fuck, it felt great.

"Oh yeah, Principal, nice tight asshole, that feels great. Yeah, just like that."

I started to get so into it that it nearly startled me to death when his office door slammed open. The poor Principal took it even worse. I felt his asshole tighten up so much I thought it was going to rip off my dick.

Coach stormed in, eyes even redder from crying, and he blurted out, "Alright look I know you don't believe me but I just can't let this, I mean, I have to tell you, I swear to you -"

Right about then he actually looked up and saw what was going on.

"Oh, fuck."

"Get in here," I hissed, "And lock the fucking door!!" What an idiot, how did I leave the door unlocked?

Coach slammed the door and locked it, without so much as thinking about it, but then he just stood, dumbstruck. Principal Davis was perched above me with his asshole stretched wide open around my cock, frozen halfway up my massive shaft. Coach just stared, shaking his head in disbelief.

"Well," I said, wryly, "For what good it does you, I think Principal Davis believes you, now."

"Oh, fuck," Coach said again, "Not you too. Fuck." But it was too late for him, too. Even as Coach lamented the Principal's fate, his eyes fixed on the exposed length of my cock-shaft, sticking out of the Principal's asshole. And once he was staring at it, he couldn't turn away.

"Well, while you're here, you might as well make yourself useful, you interfering little bitch," I shot at him, "So get over here and kneel down in front of this chair. Start licking my balls."

Coach walked over, eyes full of sorrow and shame, and knelt obediently in front of my crotch. He unbuttoned my jeans the rest of the way and slid them down so my whole crotch was bare, my big balls resting on the chair, and he dipped his head forward between my legs and started working them with his lips and tongue.

"Oh, yeah, fuck, that feels good. And hey, Principal, let's get moving again. Keep pumping that hot ass up and down my shaft."

Soon I had the two men servicing me in tandem and I just laid back and smiled. Coach was getting my balls nice and wet with his mouth while Principal Davis rode his tight ass up and down my shaft. Every time he came all the way down his ass pressed Coach's head down against the chair. It was fun to watch. That gave me another idea.

"Hey, Coach, now I want you to lick my shaft. Run your tongue up and down my shaft along with Principal Davis's tight asshole."

Coach moaned aloud with the depravity as he turned his head sideways and started licking and sucking at my thick cock shaft. As Principal Davis kept sliding his asshole up and down, I felt Coach's tongue chasing the tight sphincter, licking at my shaft just as it emerged from the depths of Principal Davis's ass.

"Good, Coach. Hey, do Principal Davis a favor and make sure you're licking around his stretched asshole, too."

I felt Coach's tongue start swiping even closer, and when I heard Principal Davis start moaning through the dirty gym shorts I knew Coach was getting his asshole and crack with his tongue, too. Good boy.

After a while I got tired of even this, and I had plenty of photos already.

"OK, change of plans. Principal, stand up."

Principal Davis screamed through the shorts in agony as his thighs, on fire with the hour of squatting on my cock, shrieked at him as he stood fully up, and as the head of my cock pulled out of his asshole, the wet sucking noise was loud enough probably to hear from outside the room.

"OK, and Coach, you need to clean off my cock and get it nice and wet for you."

Coach hungrily lapped at my still-rock-hard giant cock, licking all the slime and sweat from Principal Davis's ass off.

"Good, and now Principal Davis's asshole is probably stretched open like an old whore's loose cunt, so why don't you lick that off for him, too?"

Coach obediently shoved his face between Principal Davis's ass-cheeks and I heard a series of wet slurping noises as he cleaned the Principal up nicely.

"Good work. Now, Coach, take off your pants."

"What? Danny, no, I don't want that, I don't want it, that'll hurt..." Coach trailed off, apparently comfortable licking another man's distended asshole but not comfortable with the notion of getting fucked himself.

"Shut up," I replied, "And do what I say."

Coach stared hungrily at my enormous cock and dropped his pants. His gut hung down out from under his shirt and his hairy belly and ass stood in stark contrast to his crisp, clean white shirt.


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"Alright, gentlemen, here's what you're going to do," I began, "Principal Davis, I want you to take your pants off, too, and straddle my face, facing away from me. And Coach, I want you straddling my crotch, facing towards me."

Both professional men-turned-eager little sluts obeyed pleasingly quickly. I was staring at Principal Davis's wide-open asshole inches from my face as the two men straddled me and faced each other.

"Good. Now, Coach, obviously you're going to fuck yourself on my huge cock." Coach tried to protest again with shame and fear but I ignored him. "And Principal, to keep Coach from screaming too loud, you're going to make out with him while he does it. I want you two to really get into it, like real fucking faggots. I want you guys sucking face. I want your tongues down each other's throats. I want saliva running down both your chins and necks. Really get to it." Before I'd even finished, both men took on a look of deep hunger and, grabbing each other, began furiously kissing.

"Good. And Principal, don't you worry about what I'm going to do with you. Just keep on making out."

Coach's asshole, it turned out, was much more pliable than the Principal's. It only took us ten minutes to get him sliding his hole happily up and down on my cock like he'd been a brainless faggot slut all his life. And Principal Davis? His hole was stretched so far open from my fucking and so wet from Coach's licking that he hardly even flinched when my first went in. I balled up my right hand, spat on it a couple times, and plunged it between his smooth ass-cheeks right into that hole.

I had my trusty camera-phone out with my other hand, snapping pictures of my high school principal and coach kissing each other like desperate, horny queers, Coach riding my cock like a bitch in heat, and Principal Davis arching his back to give me easier access to shove my arm up inside his ass. The predatory, sexual ****** in me was quite satisfied. Finally I was ready to finish up.

"Coach, sit all the way down on my cock." He sat down on my lap, moaning repeatedly into Principal Davis's eager mouth as they kept kissing. His full weight came down on his hairy ass, ******* my gargantuan cock deep inside his bowels.

"OK, Principal Davis, now you sit down too."

I felt my arm sink deeper and deeper inside the willing, horny body of my high school principal as he sat back towards my shoulder. I couldn't help but beam with smug pride as I looked at the two grown men letting me, their 18-year-old student, use their bodies as little more than sheaths for my own amusement. Coach's body was nothing more than a sheath to hold my cock, and Principal Davis was like a demented puppet, now, impaled on my arm nearly to the shoulder. I could feel his insides as I shoved my arm deeper and deeper within him.

In the course of a couple years, I mused, what had started with me using my huge cock to talk a classmate into giving me a blowjob had turned into this. Here I was, fisting my principal and fucking my Coach, using my huge cock to control them, warp their minds, making them enjoy it.

Part of me was a little concerned: maybe this hunger was too strong for me. Where would it take me in the future? Could I control it, keep it in check?

But as I screamed aloud, pumping maybe my biggest load ever into the ass of my broken, enslaved high school coach, a dirty grin spread across my face, and I hoped the answer was, "no."
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