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les histoires de chrislebo

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"Paul Knight est mon Maitre."

C'est quoi ce bordel? Je m'assis mieux, tentant d'y trouver un sens. Si ce que je voit est bien vrai j'ai était un esclave sans le savoir pendant... pendant... Je n'en sais rien. J'ai commencé a travailler pour Paul depuis 4 ans a présent. Quand est ce qu'il m'a donné cette cassette? Mais si les messages marchent pourquoi je ne pense pas a lui comme a un Maitre? Je veux dire jusqu'a maintenant je pensais que c'était un bon ami et je lui faisait vraiment confiance. Putain, Jim, réfléchi, réfléchi. Ok, di***s que j'ai été **********. Sa voudrais dire qu'il peut contrôler facilement mes souvenir. Mais visiblement pas tout le temps, car lorsque je me suis souvenu de quelque chose, je me suis laissé un indice. Donc l'autre moi sais ce qui ce passe mais ne peut pas changer les choses. Sa se tiens. Alors il essaye de me le faire faire. Mais alors, que dois-je faire? Puis-je lui renvoyer un memo? No, je ne peut pas. Si j'ai rai***, il saura. Et essayer de m'envoyer une note informerais Paul que j'ai tout découvert. Ok alors maintenant? Aller le voir? Non. Il pourrait me remettre en état d'obéissance avec une phrase clef ou autre chose. Trouver de l'aide. Oui mais qui? La Police? Peut être bien. Me croirais-ils? J'avais d'abord besoin de preuve. Peut être Liz pourrait prendre une vidéo lorsque Paul ***********. Si je lui fait faire. Merde. Elle regarde aussi cette vidéo aussi souvent que moi. Cela l'a telle affecté? Je dois supposer que oui. Je doit lui dire ce

qui nous arrive.

Ce fut a cet instant que qu'elle entra dans la mai***.

"Coucou chéri!" Dit-elle, un grand sourire sur les lèvres a ma vue.

"Liz!" M'exclamais-je. "Chérie, tu ne vas pas croire ce qui se passe!''

"Jim?" Elle avait le visage consternée. "Qu'est ce qu'il y a? Qu'est ce qui ne vas pas?"

"Nous avons été ************"

"Quoi?!" Alors que l'incrédulité marquât *** visage je réalisa a quel point ce que je disais pouvait parêtre stupide.

"Viens la et regarde!" Je la conduisit jusqu'a la télévision toujours en arrêt sur la dernière image "Paul Chevallier est mon Maitre. "Tu vois? Paul a mis des messages subliminaux dans la cassette. Il nous contrôle depuis longtemps sans que l'on soit au courant!''

Elle regarda l'écran pendant quelques temps avant de me regarder et de me sourire. "Oh, chéri, Je le sais bien!''

Je ne savais pas quoi dire. J'avais le sentiment étrange que quelque chose de mauvais aller se passer et je ne savais comment y mettre un terme.

"Jim, fais comme chez toi."

Oh Putain! Liz est au courant?!!

"Tu le savais! Et tu n'a rien essayée? Après ce qu'il nous a fait?!" M'exclamais-je.

"Tout d'abord, chère époux, sache que c'est toi qui m'a fait quelque chose. Tu n'étais pas heureux de la femme que tu avais. Tu as ramené cette vidéo à la mai***. Tu m'a transformée en la soumise que je suis désormais. Ce que tu ne comprend pas c'est que tu me l'avais demandé d'une façon normal, rien de tout ceci ne serais arrivé, car j'ai toujours aimée être soumise. Je te le promet. Je ne me suis jamais sentit aussi vivante, désirable, érotique. Et Paul me donne tout ce que je veux : des hommes et des femmes a baiser, un esclave obéissant en ta per***ne, Sa grosse bite, et des punitions. Oh, j'adore tellement lorsqu'Il me discipline."

Elle sourit de nouveau face a ses souvenirs. Je m'approcha d'elle, avec l'intention de la rai***ner fermement.

"Ne m'approche pas, Jim. Et ne pense même pas a quitter cette pièce."

Je savais que je devais obéir. Elle prit le téléphone et appela Paul. Je restait immobile, essayant de réfléchir a quelque chose et j'ouvris ma valise. Je me déplaça rapidement, faisant croire que je voulais l'approcher de nouveau et puis m'arrêta comme si la suggestion me gardait a distance.

"Maitre? C'est Liz. Jim sais. Je suis rentrée et il me l'a dit. La cassette est démarrée. Il a dut l'arrêter pile au bonne endroit. Oui? Oui, Maitre, Nous vous attendrons. Je vais juste le baiser pendant que Vous arrivez."

Elle se tourna vers moi et je recula d'elle jusqu'a ce que nous soyons près de la valise.

"Maitre arrive pour effacer tes souvenir et t'empêcher d'examiner cette vidéo encore."

Je recula davantage, tremblant.mes mains tombèrent sur la valise et la fermèrent lorsque je tomba a la renverse.

Elle sourit. "Effrayé, Soumis?"

"Non, Maitresse."

"Alors viens ici et fait moi un bon cunni."

Mmmm. J'adore lécher la fente de ma Maitresse. J'aime tout d'Elle. Si je le fait bien peut être je pourrais Lui faire l'amour. Je me mis a genoux et rampât jusqu'a Elle. Je sais qu'Elle adore me voir a quatre pattes comme un petit chien et j'aime me sentir ainsi. Etre sa salope. Elle ne porte pas de strings et Elle releva sa jupette pour révéler le plus beau spectacle du monde. Je plongeât jusqu'a Sa chatte commençant a la lécher avec *****. Elle tapota ma tête et dit "Doucement, soumis, .N/nous avons tout autre temps. Maman veut que sa prenne du temps."

je réduisit mon rythme mais mon besoin de La gouter était toujours présent. Je veux tellement faire plaisir a cette femme. Ses gémissements ***t comme une drogue pour moi. Plus elle gémit, plus Elle en reçoit. Ma petite bite est toute dur a présent. Je veux la toucher. Je veux me couvrir de mon sperme, avec l'espoir qu'elle en lèche un peu. Je me pressais de plonger ma langue en Elle. Elle s'arquât, et plaqua fermement ma tête dans sa chagatte trempée.

"Oui, soumis. Lèche Moi! Oh putain, tu fais sa siiiiiiii bien."



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Ses mots m'encouragèrent. Si Elle pouvait continuer de m'humilier ainsi je pourrais jouir sans même me toucher. Ma langue entoura *** clitoris et je plongea mes doigts jusqu'a *** con ruisselant. Elle piailla bruyamment de cette invasion.

"Putain! Oui! Lèche Moi! Baise Moi avec tes doigts! Fait Moi Jouir, ma salope!"

Mes doigts bougèrent avec adresse. Ma langue faisait des ronds vastes puis je mordis *** clitoris. Ses mains serrèrent très fort ma tête, hurlant sa jouissance "Ooooh Pu-Pu-Pu-Putain!!!!" Je continuais l'action de mes doigts durant sa jouissance et rapprocha encore ma tête afin de boire tout *** délicieux jus. Elle se calma et me poussa fortement en arrière.

"Mmmmmm, Maman pense que tu a le droit a une récompense pour sa, soumis." Dit-elle en se levant et quittant la pièce.

Je ne put me retenir de sourire, me demandant ce qu'elle pouvait avoir prévue pour moi. Sa récompense ne fut pas comme je l'attendais. Elle revint vêtu d'un des gode-ceintures que Maitresse Kathy lui avait offert. La plus grosse. 30 centimètre de plastiques. Sa fait toujours mal de

recevoir ce truc.

"Mets-toi en position, salope." Sourit-elle et j'obéit servilement, me mettant par terre, les genoux au sol en parallèles des bras. Je sentit une substance froide remplir mon cul. Elle l'avait lubrifié, Dieux merci. Je sentit ce monstre entrer en moi. Elle commença avec de petits mouvement mais entra de plus en plus loin. 7 centimètres, 10, 25! Ugh. La douleur mêlée au plaisir me remplit lorsque les 30 centimètres de souffrance ures prit possession de mon cul de trainée. Mes larmes était a moitié de pur extasie, et a moitié de pur agonie. Elle le savais et continua de me défoncer pour ce qui semblait une éternité, et pourtant un instant si court. "Tu t'éclate, sale petit soumis?" mon sperme partit jusqu'au sol. Ses mots m'avait vaincu. Mes bras me lâchèrent mais elle n'arrêtât pas. Le gode ceinture jouait avec *** clitoris et elle humidifia la sangle lorsqu'elle jouit a *** tour, enfonçant le gode plus loin que je ne l'aurait cru.

"C'est si beau d'être accueillit ainsi." Dit soudain Maitre, qui était entré dans la pièce.

Maitresse sortit de mon cul et se mis a genou devant lui, les yeux remplit d'admiration, alors que je me prosterna au sol face a Lui.

"Il est a votre merci, Maitre." Dit-elle, et Elle avait rai***, je l'était.

"Merci, salope, tu auras ta récompense plus tard." Les yeux de Maitresse se remplirent de joie.

"Oh, Merci Maitre!"

Puis il me regarda dans les yeux et dit "Dort."



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Professeur et Maitre

Kimberly Washington était très énervée. Elle était actuellement dans une situation difficile, voire désespérée. Elle risquait bien de perdre ses excellentes notations annuelle et la chance d'entrer dans cette merveilleuse Université.

Kimberly savait que c'était entièrement sa faute. Elle avait bien trop fait la fête durant l'année passé. Depuis qu'elle avait eu 18 et qu'elle avait commencée a attirer l'attention, ses résultats scolaires semblaient s'évaporer. Elle était sortit avec ses amies chaque nuits, la tentative de contrôle effectué par ses parents s'avérant un échec total.

Une des rai***s de ces sortis était sa découvert du sexe. Après qu'une grosse queue bien dur et tremblante avait pris possession de *** corps pour la premier fois, Kim s'en était extasiée. Elle savait qu'elle commençait a ce faire une sacrée réputation, mais la jolie brunette s'en fichait. Elle put baiser avec les joueurs de foot du lycée, avec le Président de la Mai*** Des Lycéen, quelques étudiants universitaires, et elle les avait tous appréciés. Les phallus masculins faisait tant de bien dans sa chatte chaude et langoureuse.

Kimberly aimait également montrer *** tout nouveau corps en beauté. Elle avait commencée le sport a la fin de l'année dernière et avait perdu suffisamment de poids. Ses seins était gros et ferme. Elle faisait un bon mètre soixante, mais avec des talons aiguilles elle arrivait à la taille de ses petits amis. Porter des talons lui plaisait, car cela mettait en valeur ses douces cuisses soyeuses.

Kim avait aussi commencée a laisser pousser ses cheveux dorée et frisée jusqu'a ses fesses. Une de ses meilleures amies lui avait montrer comment utiliser du maquillage et elle en portait toujours a présent pour accentuer ses yeux d'océan.

Dans tout cela, elle avait négligée ses études. Elle voulait aller a une bonne Université et travailler dans les Finances Privées. Ses devoirs de Maths avait cependant atteint un niveau critique et elle comptait supplier Monsieur Springfield de l'aider.

Monsieur Springfield était considéré comme le prof le plus ringard du lycée, mais il avait quand même l'air sympathique. Il portait une paire de ces grosses lunettes et un sweater ample et moche. *** pantalon était un bag gy également ample, et ses cheveux n'était jamais vraiment bien peignés.

Elle entrât dans la salle de cours et il releva la tête. "Bonsoir, Kimberly. Que puis-je faire pour toi?"

Elle sourit, lui montrant ses dents parfaitement étincelantes. "Bonsoir, Monsieur Springfield. J'ai depuis quelques temps de grosses difficultés dans en Maths et j'aurais besoin d'aide. En calcul et en géométrie principalement, mais dans bien d'autres domaines également. J'aurais aimée savoir si vous connaissiez quelqu'un qui puisse me donner des cours particuliers et m'aider a remonter mes notes?

Il lui sourit et semblait déjà plus joli. "Par pur coïncidence, Je fait des cours particuliers en parallèle. Je ne donne pas grand chose a faire, mais je demande cependant un travail très important et une vrai promptitude. Je suis au courant de tes gouts pour les soirées... corsées, cela posera-il un problème?"

Kim lui répondit par un nouveau sourire. "Je ferais TOUT pour remonter mes notes. Pourriez-vous s'il vous plait m'aider, monsieur?"

"J'en serrais ravi, Kim. Peut-tu commencer ce soir?"


Kim se montrât au perron de la porte de *** professeur avec juste une minute de retard. Elle s'était pressée de manger, voulant faire une bonne impression. Elle ***na a la porte et attendit.

La porte s'ouvrit et elle ne put tout d'abord pas reconnaitre *** professeur. Ses cheveux était désormais bien peignés et il ne portait plus ses grosses lunettes ou ses vêtements sans formes. Il ne souriait pas.

"Tu est en retard."

"Juste d'une minute. Désolée."

"Une minute de retard est toujours un retard. Entre, s'il te plait."

Sa mai*** n'était pas du tout comme elle s'y attendait. Elle était spacieuse, bien éclairé et propre. "Voudrait-tu boire quelque chose?" Lui demanda-il.

"Du jus de fuit, si vous en avez."

Ils s'assirent dans la cuisine et commencèrent immédiatement. C'était un très bon prof, beaucoup de concepts qu'elle n'avait put comprendre auparavant lui devinrent rapidement plus clair et précis au fur et a mesure que les minutes s'écoulait. Lorsque l'heure fut écoulée, et se leva et quitta la table.

"Nous n'avons pas parler de ta méthode de paiement."

Elle rougit, Elle n'en avait pas parlée. Elle n'avait pas beaucoup d'argent, mais elle avait crut qu'une jolie fille comme elle pouvait s'en sortir facilement en se montrant gentille et en le paillant un peu moins. "Pouvons-nous trouver un moyen?" Demanda-elle d'une petite voix.

"Oui. Je pense que oui. Mais qu'est tu prête a sacrifier volontairement pour entrer dans une si bonne école Kimberly?"

"Je viendrais tout les soirs. Je travaillerais très dur. Je le veux vraiment monsieur!"

"Ce n'est pas ce que je voulais dire!" Il attrapa *** bras et la regarda intensément, plongeant *** regard dans ses yeux bleus. "Qu'est ce que toi, Kimberly, peut-tu sacrifier per***nellement pour sa?"

Elle fut légèrement terrifiée. "Monsieur, vous me faite mal. Je donnerais tout pour avoir de meilleurs notes. Tout!"

Il sourit et elle sentit ses craintes s'évanouirent. "Bien. Tu le devras sans doute. Suis-moi."

Kimberly obéît, ne comprenant pas vraiment pourquoi. La jolie adolescente suivit Monsieur Springfield dans *** garage. Lorsqu'elle vis ce qu'il y avait a cette endroit, ses yeux s'écarquillèrent de choc.

Sur le mur trônait des menottes et des liens. Il y avait aussi des fouets, une queue de chat longue. Il avait également une grande collection de godes et d'autres objets sexuels, de cravaches. C'était comme un donjon. Elle sentit ses peurs revenir et se tourna pour rencontrer ses yeux grands et très expressifs.

"Tu disais que tu ferais tout. Pour la durée de tes cours, tu seras mon Esclave Sexuel. Entendu?"

Elle était horrifiée, cependant une petite partie d'elle était intriguée. D'autres part, il était si ringard, elle pourrait sans doute le surmonter.

"Oui," Annonça-elle d'une petite voix.

"Excellent" Dit Monsieur Springfield. "La prochaine fois, ce sera Oui, Maitre. Entendu?"

"Oui, Maitre."

"Vas jusqu'au lit."

Sa respiration s'accéléra, mais Kimberly fit ce qui lui avait été demandé. Elle se tint devant lui, lui montrant *** corps ferme et jeune, ses tétons large et durs, *** corps sensuel et chaud. Il regarda *** corps, admiratif. Ceci m'appartient, compris? Per***ne ne doit l'avoir, a moins que je te le demande. Entendu?"

Elle le regarda, reconsidérant l'offre pendant une seconde. Pas d'autres amants? Mais elle voulait vraiment avoir ces notations. "Oui" Dit-elle.

"Oui, QUOI??" S'exclama-il.

"Oui, Maitre."

"C'est mieux. Maintenant viens ici et déshabille-moi."

Elle le fit sans se rebeller. Elle retira *** tee-shirt et poussa une exclamation de surprise.

Il était vraiment bien bâti. Musclé et sans surplus de graisse. Il n'était ni trop gros, ni trop fin pensa-elle. "Surprise, esclave?" Kim hocha la tête.

"Je ne veux pas que ces idiotes jeunes filles se colle a moi, alors je fait semblant d'être un naze. C'est un honneur pour toi, esclave, tu vas découvrir ma vrai per***nalité. Remercie-moi."

"Merci Maitre."

"Retire mon pantalon et mon sous-vêtements. Dépêche-toi."

Kimberly fit ce qui lui avait été demandé et ne pus s'empêcher de s'exclamer a nouveau de surprise. *** sexe était immense. Plus gros que toute ce qu'elle avait jamais eu. Elle ne savait pas si elle pourrait le prendre en elle, mais saliva face a la perspective. Elle releva *** visage fin vers lui et souris. Elle allait dire quelque chose mais il l'en empêcha.

"Tu ne peut parler que lorsque je te le demande. Compris?" Kim acquiesça et Mr Springfield continua. "Prends-le entre tes lèvres et suce-moi. Sois gentille, ne me mord pas. Fais moi une bonne fellation et tu serras récompensée."

Kim obéit fervemment et fit de *** mieux, le léchant et le suçant. Monsieur Springfield la stoppa au bout d'un moment cependant. "Tu vas trop vite, soumise! Ce n'est pas une course. On doit vraiment t'apprendre le self-control. Penche toi!"

Elle le fit et le vit prendre un fouet. Elle était terrifiée, mais *** vagin se crispa a cette pensée. Il abaissa sa petite jupe et lui retirât sa petite culotte qu'elle portait alors. *** cul était maintenant a nue et exposé. Elle était sur qu'il pouvait voir a quel point elle était mouillée.

"Tu recevras 10 coups avant de prendre ton travail et le finir."



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A chaque coups que Springfield lui administra. Kim devenait encore plus chaude. Sa faisait mal, mais c'était délicieux. Lorsqu'il eu finit, elle retourna jusqu'a sa queue et la Lechat plus doucement, utilisant plus sa langue, massant ses couilles de sa main et les serrant tendrement. "Je vais jouir. Avale-moi, salope!" Elle le fit, passionnément.

Il la regarda, content de *** travail. "Tu a bien fait ton boulot pour une novice. Tu peut parler, si tu veut."

"Oh Maitre, c'était si bon!"

Il sourit. "Je suis content que tu sois contente. Nous allons faire de grandes choses, toi et moi. Aimerais-tu?

"Oui Maitre."

Il inspira. "Lorsque nous ne jouons pas, tu pourras m'appeler Matt ou Matthew." Il sourit et Kim compris qu'il avait rai***, si les filles le voyait ainsi, elles ne lâcheraient pas. Elle se sentit honorée qu'il l'ai choisi pour être *** esclave.

"Déshabille toi maintenant!" Commanda-il. Elle se dévêtit donc, tortillant *** petit corps contre le sien. "Du calme, soumise!" Grogna-il, mais elle savait qu'il ne le pensait pas vraiment. Elle se tint devant lui, fière et sensuelle. Springfield se dressa pour la prendre, mais il savait qu'il devait garder le contrôle de la situation.

"Viens ici, Marche pour moi, J'aime bien ces talons que tu porte."

Kim sourit, elle portait des talons très fins sans même y penser. "Merci Maitre. Puis-je les porter pour vous a l'avenir?"

Il sourit. "Oui. Sauf si j'insiste sur des bottes en cuir. Tu les porterais aussi pour moi?"

Kim sourit encore plus, entrant dans *** rôle. "Oui, Maitre. Quoi que vous demandiez. Je suis à vous."

Il prit sa main et la serra. Fermement. "Tu l'est, c'est évident." La douleur la tétanisât, mais il lui donna envie de se faire baiser. "Mets-toi sur le lit, tout de suite!"

Elle fit ce qu'il voulait, et il lui dit de se mettre sur ses mains et ses genoux, a quatre pattes, comme une chienne. Elle le vit prendre un préservatif et le lubrifier avec de le faire glisser *** long, gros et dur sexe dans sa chagatte. Elle se sentit empaqueté par *** membre et se raidit, l'invitant a poursuivre. Il continua a entre en elle plus profondément encore, touchant le fond de sa grotte et la faisant trembler de désir. Elle était *** esclave, une chienne bonne a se faire baiser par *** Maitre, sa la rendit plus heureuse que ce qu'elle n'avait jamais été.

Cette joie devint encore plus grande lorsqu'elle le sentit pousser un gode lubrifié sur *** petit trou et commencer a l'enculer avec cette outils alors que sa queue lui remplissait la chatte. Elle était compressée, une vrai chienne, et elle aimait cela plus que tout autre chose.

"Alors sa te plait, soumise?" Demanda-il.

"Oh oui maitre. J'adore sa. Merci beaucoup!"

Matthew fit bouger ses hanches de plus en plus vite, le gode encore dans *** cul. "Tu vas jouir, soumise?"

"Oh oui, ouuuui mmmmm, oui Maitre!" Grogna-elle en réponse.

"Pas encore. Tiens bon ou tu aura le droit a des coups de fouets. As-tu une très bonne amie, salope?"

"Oui Maitre. *** nom est Marine."

"Est-elle attirante?"

"Oui Maitre. Elle est ravissante, elle a des cheveux châtains clairs et une peau cuivrée. De jolies jambes et un beau cul. Tout les garçons la veulent. Quelques femmes aussi, de ce que j'ai crut comprendre."

Springfield hocha la tête. "Sa te comprend?"

Elle secouât la tête. "Non Maitre. Vous êtes tout ce que j'ai besoin."

Il lui sourit, visiblement ravit de sa façon de réagir. "Tu peut être honnête. La trouve-tu désirable?"

De nouveau elle secoua la tête. Kimberly répondit :Je n'ai jamais pensée a le faire avec une femme, Maitre."

Il ricana doucement, ses yeux verts la regardant tel un diablotin. "C'est trop dommage sa ma salope, parce que tu vas avoir un mois pour l'amener ici et lui faire l'amour."

Kimberly ne pus cacher sa surprise. "Maitre, je..."

"Tu m'appartient, soumise, mais si tu est gentille, elle t'appartiendras a toi! Je vous aurait toute les deux, compris?"

Kimberly se sentit capituler. Elle savait qu'elle avait perdue, mais cela ne l'embêtait plus désormais. "Oui Maitre."

"Bien. Tu peut alors jouir comme une petite chienne."

Elle explosa a ses mots, succombant au pire orgasme de sa vie. Il se permit de jouir, puis retira la capote, laissant sa chienne le nettoyer avec sa langue. Il se lavèrent, faisant encore l'amour dans la douche. S'était si bon de sentir les coulées de la douche pendant qu'elle était a genou, suçant sa queue du mieux qu'elle pus en se caressant, se faisant jouir lorsqu'il rependit le reste de sa semence sur *** doux visage. Puis ils s'habillèrent et elle retourna chez elle.


La semaine qui suivit fut trouble. Elle retourna a la mai*** de Matthew chaque soir et laissait *** Maitre lui apprendre les Maths avant de lui apprendre a relâcher ses pulsions sexuelles. Elle savait qu'elle était désormais totalement soumise a *** maitre. Elle en était même tombée amoureuse. Elle resta souvent seule avec Marine, essayant d'en apprendre le plus possible sur *** amie et insister pour qu'elle vienne avec elle pour lui tenir compagnie durant les séances de cours particuliers. Après 5 jours, la jolie adolescente accepta.

Les deux filles portaient des jupettes et des chemises cette nuit la, Kim lui ayant dit qu'elle voulait aller séduire quelques garçons plus tard dans la soirée. Marine était très sexy, avec sa jupe courte et ses sandales a ficelles posées sur ses cuisses douces. *** soutien-gorge était assez petit et mettait en valeur la forme de ses seins, et lorsque le vent relevait sa jupe, Kim pouvait voir que *** amie portait un string vraiment très fin. Marine vit *** regard et la regarda.

"Hé ho, arrête de me passer au scanner!"

Kim rougit. Elle n'avait jamais pensée a l'amour entre fille, mais depuis que *** Maitre adorée lui en avait parlé, c'était la seule chose qu'elle avait à l'esprit. Partager *** Maitre avec *** amie et laisser *** amie lui appartenir a elle était les images qui lui passait par l'esprit lorsque, le soir après ses séances, elle allait dans sa chambre et tomber a genoux pour se masturber, la main sous la jupe, d'une envie très pressée.

Matthew et Marine parlèrent un peu pendant leur leçon et Kim s'en trouva un peut jalouse, jusqu'a ce qu'elle comprenne que c'était une parti de *** plan de détendre la jeune fille. Il demanda a Marine si elle aimerais voir sa salle d'enregistrement et elle accepta. Kim les suivant.

Les yeux de Marine aussi s'écarquillèrent lorsqu'elle vit la salle et elle s'apprêta a partit, mais Kim l'en empêcha. Marine hurla mais Matt la fit taire.

"Per***ne ne t'entendra et tu ne serrât pas blessée. Tu est là pour nous servir. Kim, attache la au mur." Kim s'empressa d'attacher les poignées de sa futur petite amie au mur, sa chatte se trempant déjà a la vue du regard de biche de Marine. "Retire ses vêtements, tous!"

Kim déshabilla la jeune fille terrifiée, la regardant. "Détend toi, sa va aller."

Marine regarda sa meilleure amie. "Kimmy, c'est stupide. Pitié, laisse moi partir. Pitié..."

Kim se penchât et l'embrassa doucement sur les lèvres. "Mon Maitre est un amant formidable. Il vas t'honorer avec sa grosse queue. Tu vas adorer ma puce, tu va voir."

Marine se débâtit en vain contre ses liens. "Pas du tout, vous êtes fous, tout les deux! Je ne vais pas aimer sa!"


"Oui Maitre?"

"Mange sa chatte. Fait la jouir. Prend ton temps. Apprécie ta première chatte. Je veux regarder sa. Après, si ton travail aura été une réussite, je te baiserais. Tu aimerais sa?"

"Oh, Maitre, bien sur!" Kim se dirigea jusqu'au cuisses de Marine, si douce et si bronzées, puis se mit face a *** tendre fruit, chaude et odorante, avec un tout petit buis*** en V au dessus. Elle se pressa contre ses lèvres intimes et commença a lécher sa première chatte. Au moment ou sa langue se connecta avec la chatte de Marine, elle adora cela.

Elle dévora se délicieux morceau de chair, bougeant *** visage de tout côté, sa langue profondément enfoncé dans sa chatte jusqu'a ce que, malgré elle, Marine se répande sur *** visage. Kim avala chaque goutte de *** jus, mais n'oublia pas d'en échanger un peu avec *** Maitre adoré.

"Comment voulez-vous me prendre, Maitre?"

"Tu a fait sa comme une gentille petite soumise. Tu a le choix." Le visage de Kim s'illumina. "Baisez-moi de toute votre grandeur, maitre. Faites moi sentir votre queue resplendissante et laissez-la voir a quel point mon Maitre -et le sien- peut être un bon amant!"

Marine entendit tout ce que je dit et en fut terrifiée. Pensez-ils la faire prendre part a leur jeux de malade? Malgré le fait que Kim l'ai fait jouir comme il faut, elle ne consentirait jamais a cela. Jamais!

Mais lorsque Matthew baisa *** amie, elle dut admettre qu'elle était surprise de la beauté du spectacle. Elle n'aurait jamais imaginée qu'il fut aussi bien bâtit. Sa queue de cheval entrait et sortait de la chatte de Kim -Elle se demandait bien comment elle se sentait a ce moment la - Oh, elle se surprise a être trempée, excitée!

Sa grosse queue était entrain de défoncer Kim, *** Maitre savait quel boutons utiliser. Sa chatte trempée le serrait fermement, vibrant contre *** engin de mammouth alors qu'il la baisait avec connaissance et précision. Le fait que Marine les regarde rendait la baise encore meilleure, elle pourrait partager les capacités de *** Maitre avec Marine.

Sa grosse queue la prenait avec vigueur. En moins qu'une semaine, il savait comment la faire jouir. Il devait la prendre avec *****, plonger sa queue bien en elle, puis ralentir presque jusqu'au stand-by, puis plonger encore plus loin. Le corps de sa soumise se raidissait a chaque fois qu'il s'empalait en elle, elle gardait toujours quelques marques sur les fesses venant de *** fouet favoris qu'il utilisait chaque jours, et elle ne s'était jamais sentit aussi vivante!

Elle jouit et se laissait aller, *** Maitre la suivant de peu. "Merci Maitre" Dit-elle. Il hocha la tête en réponse.

"Tu veux ton tour, salope?" Demanda-il a Marine.

Elle avait tentée de combattre ses besoins, mais Marine acquiesça. Voir *** amie et *** professeur baiser comme des bêtes l'avait excitée, elle ne pouvait le démentir. C'était sale mais oh, si excitant, si sexy!

"Oui, S'il te plait. Ne me faites pas attendre. Baise moi."

"Pas encore. Je veux que tu lui fasse un bon cunnilingus. Je veux que tu la fasse jouir avant que ce soit ton tour!"

"Quoi? Je ne suis pas lesbienne. Je ne lèche aucune filles."

Springfield regarda la brunette sulfureuse avec détermination. "Tu n'a pas besoin d'être lesbienne pour aimer la douceur d'une femme. As tu aimée lorsque ma Kimmy a mangée ta chatte?" Marine hochât la tête, admettant la vérité. "Alors, fait ce qu'on te dit!"

Résignée, Elle accepta. Kim la défit de ses liens et la serra fortement contre elle en la menant au lit. Elle sentit la poitrine de *** amie contre *** dos, et elle sentit ses propres tétons durcirent d'excitation. "Crois-moi, tu vas être bien, ma puce!"

"Je n'ai apparemment pas le choix."



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Kimberly enjambât *** amie a la demande de *** Maitre et sentit les mains de Marine attraper *** cul alors qu'elle faisait descendre sa chatte contre le visage de la jeune adolescente. Les coups de langue étaient tout d'abord hasardeux, mais il devinrent de plus en plus précis a chaque coups. Rapidement, Marine se mis a lui bouffer la chatte avec plaisir et Kim en tremblait d'excitation, gémissante sous sa langue. Elle regarda *** délicieux Maitre.

"Puis-je, Maitre?" Il acquiesça et Kim se mis en 69 avec Marine, qui se mis alors a *** tour a gémir et trembler de désir en sentant la langue de *** amie prendre possession de sa chatte qui n'avait jamais était aussi humide. Malgré elle, elle commençait a vraiment aimer tout cela.

Matt savait qu'il était temps. Il se glissa derrière le duo et fit glisser *** membre, prêt et tout dur, dans la chatte serrée de Marine et commença a la baiser a couilles rabattus. Il la pris avec ***** et rapidité, la baisant pendant que sa chienne soumise lui léchait les boules en mémé temps que la chatte de Marine, qui relevait a plusieurs reprise la tête de al chatte de Kim pour hurler *** plaisir.

Finalement, il ne put tenir plus longtemps et se déversât contre le cul de Marine. Il ordonna a Kim de tout nettoyer avec sa langue, ce qu'elle fit en vitesse. Sur ses ordres, les filles continuèrent leur jeux érotique, Marine étant dorénavant une participante volontaire. Elles ures quelques orgasmes jusqu'a ce que la lueur du jour se montre.

Les filles était entrainent de s'habiller lorsque Matt s'approcha de Marine. "Tu sais, bien sur, que tu ne peut rien dire de tout cela. Si tu le fait, Kim et moi dénierons." La fille hocha la tête, silencieuse.

"Aimerais-tu revenir et jouer encore avec nous, Marine?"

Elle y pensa pendant un moment. Ca lui avait fait peur, mais Kim avait rai***, elle avait vraiment aimée tout cela. Elle hocha la tête de nouveau.

"Alors, tu doit accepter que je serais ton Maitre, mais également que ma chère Kimmy sera ta Maitresse. Tu lui obéiras autant qu'a moi. OK?"

Marine regarda *** amie qui lui souriait avec amour et passion. "Oui Maitre."

Matthew sourit au deux femme et les fit sortir. Sa serait les meilleurs moments de leurs vies.

5 ans plus tard. Marine servait *** Maitre adorée et sa femme et soumise, Kimberley. Tout trois n'avait jamais était aussi heureuse de leur vies, et les deux femmes attendait toute deux leur première filles, mais ceci est une autre histoire, que je serais ravie de vous écrire si vous me le demandez...


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Toujours excellent... Merci


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I sat in my apartment on my couch trying to make sense of what I was doing. Only months earlier I had been snooping around a male-for-male message board out of pure curiosity when he started the conversation.

His name was Todd. He began pleasantly and we developed a rapport about sports and other mundane things. I wasn't looking for a hook up, and was on my defensive, but the conversations melted away my misgivings. Weeks followed and I looked forward to hearing from him. There was nothing sexual about the exchanges per se, but every once in a while there would be a little innuendo thrown in as a tension breaker. These exchanges being via internet, I would respond in kind, and there was nothing that felt inappropriate about them.

Finally, with the Super Bowl approaching he suggested we make a bet. He was thinking Patriots, I was thinking St. Louis. I couldn't in good conscience agree to New England as I was a staunch Dolphins fan.

"You're pretty sure of yourself, aren't you?" he said.

"Pretty sure the Patriots lose, yes," I said in response.

"Ok," he said. "Let's make this interesting."

Thinking he meant money, I said, "I'm listening."

"Ok. You're a good bit younger than I am, so I'd feel bad about taking your money. How about the loser has to do something for winner?"

"Like what?"

"Ok, I've got it. The winner gets a blowjob."

I was without words. I mean, I knew there was a little vague sexual tension around, but this was way more out front than I was ready for. I was a straight guy, yes curious perhaps, but definitely not experienced or experimental.

"Cat got your tongue?" he said. "Or are you suddenly less confident in your football knowledge?"

The grade school-like challenge was enough to make me speak before thinking it through. Plus, this was over the internet, and I never had to actually meet the guy if I wasn't comfortable.

"Ok," I said. "It's a deal. The winner gets a blowjob."

The next week was filled with trash talking on both sides. We'd never exchanged photos, but I knew that he was a psychologist, a bit out of shape, and had a way with words. Through conversation, I also found that he dabbled in ********. He told me it helped people with phobias or even mild addictions overcome their issues. I told him that as a cyclist I'd been having a bit of performance anxiety before races and he suggested we try it sometime. It seems like a good icebreaker, but I put a pin in it for some other time.

The game came and went. I lost to a last second field goal by Adam Vinateri, in what would be the start of New England's dynasty. Roundly beaten, I kicked around the idea of just ceasing all communications with Todd, but remained intrigued about what he'd mentioned regarding ********. The thought of having to give a blowjob was plenty disturbing, though. I'd never had any interested in other guys, save for the curiosities of my classmates in the locker rooms. Never sexual in nature, only comparison and contrast. I could certainly appreciate a well built guy and could say if one was more attractive than another, but I'd never thought of a sexual encounter with one.

I expressed my nerves with Todd, and he responded by saying that it was just kind of a joke. He didn't want give one either. I was relieved, but it was enough to spark curiosity. After the change in plans, we continued to talk as before. Sexual innuendo continued as well. In the middle of a conversation he might spout off with, "Yeah, well you still should giving me a blowjob." It was met with laughter, but also kept the tension there, just under the surface.

I was a rabid internet porn junkie and used them to masturbate frequently. As I wondered what a blowjob would be like, I began to pay more and more attention to the male actors in the pornos; the size of their dicks, how they came, and what the women did to them. I was increasingly interested in blowjob videos rather than straight-up sex. It became such that just watching another guy cum was enough to get me hard as a rock.

One day Todd suggested we try a little ******** to see how susceptible I was. I wasn't sure about it, but finally agreed to meet up at my apartment the next day and give it a shot. So here I was, waiting for this stranger I'd met online. A man who I'd at one time agreed to give a blowjob.

The knock at the door startled me. I didn't know what to expect, and had I expected anything, he wouldn't have been it.

"Todd?" I said.

"Yes. Hi Kevin, good to finally meet you."

We shook hands and I invited him in. He definitely wasn't the most physically attractive man I'd ever seen. He was a couple of inches shorter than I, a bit out of shape (as he had previously mentioned), balding, and just generally homely in appearance. We sat on the couch and I offered him something to *****, which he turned down. He quickly came to the subject of ******** with me.

"So, do you want to try what we discussed?" he asked.

"Sure. I don't really know what I'm doing, so you'll have to guide me through it."

He told me to lay down on the couch and get comfortable, while he grabbed a nearby chair that he positioned next to me. He sat down in the chair as I reclined. He told me to close my eyes and relax, so I did as he instructed and placed my hands across my stomach. He went through some basic breathing exercises with me and repetitively told me I would be getting more and more loose and relaxed. After about five-or-ten minutes of this I was truly becoming relaxed and felt I was almost sinking into the cushions. Finally he said, "At the count of three you will fall completely a*****. You will be conscious enough to do what tell you to do, but you will be in a completely relaxed state. One...two...three."

At the count of three, I really did feel somewhere between ***** and deep relaxation, yet somewhat conscious of certain things going on around me. Mainly, I was just completely focused on the sound of his voice instructing me. He spoke to me about my anxieties and what was making me nervous before races. He told me that I would no longer have these nervous feelings, but would be in control of myself. He repeated these several times and after each instruction would ask if I understood him. I would give him a simple, "yes" in response. I was in a complete state of focus and calm when the subject veered off in a new direction.

"Your whole body is completely relaxed from head to toe. You are completely comfortable with me, aren't you?" he asked.

"Yes," I said.

"Now you are completely relaxed. All your muscles are completely at ease, except for one area of your body. You are beginning to feel a small amount of tension in your groin area. Do you feel it?" he asked.

As he said it, I became focused on my crotch and did feel a bit of movement. "Yes," I said in response.

"You don't know why you are feeling this way, but you are becoming aroused. You can feel yourself getting an erection. Do you feel that?"

"Yes," I said. I felt a familiar twitch in my jeans and began getting hard instantly.

He continued, "There is nothing to be ashamed of. You are experiencing an erection in front of your *********, Todd. He is a friend, and you have nothing to hide from him. It's getting very hard now, isn't it? Your jeans are straining to hold it in, aren't they?"

"Yes," I said. My hands instinctively went to the growing bulge in my jeans.

"That's ok. You are comfortable touching yourself in front of Todd. You're beginning to feel hot in this room. You are even beginning to sweat in your clothes, aren't you?"

"Yes." Just as he said, I was feeling stifled in my clothes.

"You want to take your shirt off to get cool. Do you want to take it off?" he asked.

"Yes." I quickly pulled my shirt over me head and tossed it to the ground. I felt relief from the heat almost immediately.



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"Good," he said. "You are starting to feel a little better, but you are still hot in your jeans. You want to take them off, don't you?"

"Yes," I said again. With urgency, I quickly unzipped and pulled off my jeans, tossing them nearby as well, all the while keeping my eyes clothes *************. I lay back on the couch in just my boxers.

"You are feeling better, but still a little hot. You are comfortable around your friend and *********. You want to take off your boxers. You don't have any fears of being naked in front of your friend, do you?"

"No," I said.

"Take off your boxers," he said.

I pulled them off and felt my hard cock snap back to my stomach. I lay back on the couch completely naked, but still relaxed. I was aware of Todd's voice and his presence but had no misgivings about being naked in front of him. It felt natural.

"You're feeling much better now, and still completely relaxed. You feel comfortable around Todd even though you have an erection. You want to touch yourself, don't you?"

"Yes." My hands moved to my hard-on and began to stroke it up and down.

"That's good. You are beginning to think of a bet you made with your friend Todd, now. Do you remember a bet you made with him recently?" he asked.

I paused for a moment before admitting it. I continued to stroke myself as he spoke to me.

"You feel like you want to pay your debt to Todd now, don't you?"

I said, "yes" before I could even think about it. It was completely reflexive and visceral. I knew what was about to happen, but I felt calm about it. I heard him stand up out of his chair, but remained supine in the couch, continuing to stroke my hard dick.

"You're doing fine. You are continuing to touch yourself while you going to pay your debt to your friend," he said. I heard a zipper open and the sound of a pair of pants with keys in the pockets dropping to the ground. "You are ready to pay your debt aren't you?"

"Yes," I said. My dick was so hard I thought it might burst. I continued to stroke and grip it in my hand.

I heard him step forward. "You are going to turn your head toward my voice now, and see the most beautiful penis you've ever seen. When you see it, you're going to want to put it in your mouth. Now turn your head to me."

I did as he told me, and opened my eyes. His cock stared my straight in the face. It was about 6 inches in length, and his ample belly protruded above. Suddenly I felt an uncontrollable urge to taste his cock, so I opened my mouth and went to it. He pushed it between my open lips and I heard him sigh. Precum dripped onto my lips and tongue as he entered my mouth. The taste sent a shock through me and I felt precum oozing from my own dick as I stroked it with my free hand. My other hand propped me up so I could be at a comfortable level with his stiff cock. One of his hands went to the back of my head and he pulled me closer to him. I felt his pubic hair on my face and his heavy testicles beneath. His pace quickened and he began to grunt with each stroke.

"Yes, that's it. You're paying your debt to Todd. You're sucking his cock. You've never wanted anything as much as this. You love sucking his cock, don't you?" he said, breathlessly.

"Yes," I said as I sucked his cock. He wasn't very big and his round belly only made it appear smaller, but I wanted it. I greedily sucked him as much as I could. His balls were slapping me gently in the chin as I took him as far as I could go. I didn't want it to stop.

"Yes, you're going to make Todd cum. You want to taste him when he comes. You've never wanted anything so bad in your life!" he grunted as his pace became more intense. I took each stroke of his cock into my mouth, only wanting more. Then he began to grunt loudly and erratically.

"Oh yes, oh yeah!" he shouted, and spasmed as streams of semen shot into my mouth. He held my head tightly to his crotch and continued to shoot his cum into me. I swallowed as much as I could, but still felt it drip from the corner of my mouth and stream down my neck. He came far more than I was ever able to.

He then withdrew from my mouth and I fell back onto the couch. My own cock began to soften. I didn't feel the need to cum-the excitement of pleasing Todd seemed to be enough for me. I heard him gasping for air as if he had just run a marathon.

"You did well," he said. "You paid your debt and you enjoyed it. Your job was to please Todd and you did very well." I heard him getting dressed next to me. He began having me put my clothes back on, and I did, returning to the same recumbent position on the couch. Finally, he had me start to awaken slowly, and by the end I was fully awake.

I sat up on the couch feeling strange, but not having a clear recollection of what had transpired. He told me it was very productive, but that we may need some more sessions to really get "to the root of it". I walked him to the door and we said our goodbyes, but something told me we would be doing this therapy again very soon.



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Todd and I didn't meet up online for a couple of weeks following our "session". I couldn't explain why, but I felt weird about it and thought it best to stay away for a spell. When we did speak again over the internet, it was as if nothing had happened, and I was fine with that. We went on like we had before our meeting.

I was still training as a cyclist, and had some races coming up. My problem of pre-race performance anxiety weighed on me in the weeks preceding them, but come race day, I found that I was fine. Perhaps a little apprehensive, but nothing like before. I began to believe that there was something to this therapy of Todd's. As the season progressed, I began to notice the anxiety slowly returning. Asking Todd about this, he said that this is common and sometimes recurrent sessions are required to really get a handle on it.

After the season ended and football season had once again bloomed, we began to discuss meeting up again. There was something I couldn't put my finger on about Todd, but I cast it aside and agreed to meet up again. He suggested that perhaps we meet up on a Sunday, and that a local hotel room may be more of a neutral place for us as there were lots of distractions at my apartment. With some trepidation, I agreed to meet him.

I had some nerves when were to meet, so when I arrived, he had some beers in the room. I was grateful for them and drained two of them quickly. He had a football game on and we saw watching that for a short while until I felt the ******* begin to loosen me up. He noticed this and asked if I wanted to start another session.

"What happens when I'm under your *********" I asked.

"Um, nothing really," he said. "Just a little power of suggestion and having you relax deeply."

It didn't completely put my at ease, but I relented and kicked my socks and shoes off, laying as before, on my back in the bed, listening to the sounds of the Dolphins and Vikings battle each other in the background.

Todd pulled up a chair to the side of the bed and began like he had the last time, with relaxation breathing techniques and having me focus on the sound of his voice. Everything began to seem far away except for his voice telling me what to do and what to feel. I followed his instructions and by the time he counted backward from 3, I was under. Just like last time. I could even make out parts of the game going on in the background, but remained focused on Todd completely.

He went through the same progression of instruction as the last time, telling me I'd become less and less anxious as the therapies continued. By the time he was finished, I felt perfectly calm and tranquil.

"Every muscle in your body is completely relaxed except for one area again. Just like last time, you feel the ***** rushing to your groin area, don't you?" he asked.

As before when he mentioned it, I began to feel it. My dick began to awaken.

"Yes," I said, softly.

"You can feel the heat spreading to your penis and starting to harden. You don't feel ashamed of having an erection around your friend and *********, though. You are completely comfortable around Todd, aren't you?"

"Yes." My dick became hard and quickly strained against the confining garments.

"You are starting to feel the heat spread from your erection to the rest of your body, now. You are beginning to feel hot now, aren't you?" he said.

Suddenly I began to feel stifled in my clothes, and said, "Yes" as my hands moved up to the collar of my T-shirt to cool off. I felt like I was sweating in my clothes.

"You want to take your clothes off to cool down. Go ahead and take your clothes off," he said. Quickly, I stripped off my shirt and jeans and tossed them to the side of the bed. I felt relief from the heat almost immediately. "You're feeling better, but you are still a little hot in your boxers. You are completely comfortable around Todd, so you're not afraid of taking off your clothes in front of your good friend and *********. Go ahead and take off your boxers."

I stripped off my boxers and tossed them aside, lying back completely naked again. My dick stood hard at attention against my abdomen. My hand absentmindedly moved toward my rigid erection.

"You are feeling the need to touch yourself. You feel comfortable enough around your friend to touch yourself while he watches you. You enjoy being naked in front of him, don't you?"

"Yes." I stroked my hard dick up and down, and heard the familiar sounds of clothing being unbuttoned, unzipped, and discarded. My body felt completely relaxed, yet a flutter of excitement flashed through me as I touched myself.

Todd continued, "You loved paying your debt to Todd during our last session, and you feel so comfortable with him that you want to do that again, don't you?" he said. Again, I answered in the affirmative before I could even think to respond. My body was again reacting as if completely under the power of suggestion. I felt a weight onto the bed to my side. "You are going to turn your head to the side and see the most beautiful penis you've ever seen. You are going to want Todd to put it in your mouth again. Turn your head now," he said.

I turned toward him and felt the tip of his cock poke my lips as I did. Precum was already oozing from the tip. I once again saw the familiar mass of pubic hair and round belly above it. As soon as I saw his cock, I wanted it in my mouth again. I opened my lips and he slid it inside me. The taste of slick precum danced on my tongue as my mouth wrapped around his hairy cock. He sighed, "Oh yes," as he moved in and out my mouth.

I continued to stroke my own hard dick as I sucked his. Now he began to take a different tack. "You are going to tell me you love this cock. You are going to need to taste Todd's cock at least once a week," he said. I continued to suck him greedily as he pumped my face in and out. "You're going to be my slave, and I am going to be your master. You're going to want my cock all the time."

He was working me into a furor. I couldn't suck his dick fast enough. I wanted him to continue to fuck my face. He was sweating now. I could smell the musky, pungent odor from his skin. His hairy abdomen began sticking to the skin and I felt a bead of sweat drop from his face onto mine as I sucked his cock. Suddenly he pulled out of my mouth and said, "You're going to lay there a moment and stroke your hard dick while your master gets something for you."

I lay on my back and lightly stroked my hard dick like I was told. I heard rummaging around at the side of the bed and the sound of a plastic wrapper being opened. Then he spoke again.

"You trust your master, Todd, don't you?" he asked.

"Yes," I said.

"You want his cock again, don't you?"

"Yes. I want it," I said, near pleading.

"You are going to do just what your master says to do. You are going to want to do it. You need his cock, don't you?"

"Yes. I need it," I said, squirming.

"Then roll over on your stomach," he said.

Part of my brain was alarming, but I did as I was told because I was still completely keyed in on Todd's voice. I felt his presence to my side and felt him touching my buttocks. "You trust your master and your friend don't you?" Again, I said yes. I then felt something slick between my butt cheeks and he straddled my legs. I felt his cock lie there between my buttocks and his belly on my lower back.

"You want Todd's cock, don't you?" he asked again.

"Yes, I want it!" I said.

"You are Todd's cock slave now. Todd is your master. If you do what Todd says, he will give you his cock. You need his cock, don't you?"

"Yes, please. I need it," I said, and squirmed beneath him. I felt him slide his slick penis between my cheeks down to my rectum.


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"Todd is going to stick his cock inside of you now. You want him inside of you. You need his cock. You are going to be his bitch, aren't you?" he said.

"Yes. I need it," I said. Then he pushed past my virgin rectal sphincter and a blinding pain shot through me like a bullet. I gasped loudly, but he only pushed his weight down on my back. Slowly he advanced his hard penis deeper inside me and the pain did not subside.

"You are going to want Todd to fuck you. You need to have his dick inside of you. You LOVE his cock, don't you?" he said.

I couldn't respond. The pain was so intense that I bit the sheets beneath me. He slowly moved deeper into my ass. "Yes, you love your master's cock. Tell him you love his cock," he said again, and again, I could not respond. There was pain, but the feeling of him inside my ass was pleasurable at the same time. The weight of him on top of me, with the sweat from his hairy chest and belly fell upon me was intoxicating. His face came down to my ear as he pushed his cock slowly out and back into my ass. He half whispered, half growled into my ear, "You love this cock, don't you? Say it. Say you love this cock."

I could only gasp in response. The feeling was too much. He very slowly increased his pace. The sweaty hair on his chest and belly was abrasive, yet slick on my back as he rocked back and forth. Again he spoke in my ear, but louder, "Tell me you love this cock. Say you love this cock in your ass. You need it, don't you!"

"Yes!" I shouted into the bed. "I need your cock!"

"That's right, bitch. You're my little bitch now. You need your master's cock. Take this cock! Take it deep in your ass!" He shouted as he fucked me. Sweat poured off him onto my back now as his arms propped him up to give him better leverage. He stopped and angrily lifted my ass into the air, and quickly shoved his cock back inside me. He was plowing into me now. Talking all the time, and berating me, "You love this cock, don't you! Tell me you love this cock, you little bitch!"

"I love your cock!" I shouted back repeatedly. His cock was not so big that it hurt now, but fit perfectly inside me. The feeling of his weight and sweat was turning me on as much as his dick plowing in and out of me. Suddenly he pulled out of me and flipped me onto my back again.

"You're my bitch, now. I'm going to fuck you like a bitch. Just like a girl. I'm going to put my cock between your legs and you're going to wrap them around my hips. Do you understand?" he said.

"Yes! Please fuck me!" I said in response. I was not the same person. I was beside myself with lust, now. All I wanted was him inside me.

"Beg me for it," he said. "Beg me for this cock. Beg your master for this cock to be inside of you."

"Please," I said. "Please give me your cock. I need it!"

"That's better, bitch. I'm going to fuck you like a girl now," he said. He pulled my legs open and his hard cock found my asshole. He then pushed his was back in with much less resistance than before. His protruding belly lay partially on my balls and cock as he leaned forward, ******* me to wrap my legs around his lower back. He began fucking me even harder now. "That's right, bitch! Take this cock! Take it in your ass!" he shouted. I responded in kind and pulled him in closer to me. His mass on top of me was driving me wild. His sweat sheeted off him with each thrust, burning my eyes and falling on my face and chest. The entire bed shook as he continued to plow into me, faster and faster until his grunts took on a new urgency.

"Oh yeah, oh yeah, I'm gonna cum. You're going to take my cum in your mouth!" he said as he quickly pulled out and ripped off the condom. He shuffled awkwardly up my body, straddling my chest. He held his cock in front of my face menacingly and stroked it. "This is going to be a huge load, I can tell! Here it comes!" he shouted.

With his free hand he roughly grabbed the back of my head and pulled it off the bed, toward him. His other hand gripped his stiff, slick cock. A slow pulse of clear precum poured out into my open mouth, and then he threw his head back and grunted loudly as two huge blasts of semen shot from his dick across my face and into my right eye. He then quickly stuffed his cock deep into my mouth, where pulses of thick, white, salty cum sprayed the back of my throat. He tightly held my head to his cock, but the combination of his penis and so much cum caused much of his load to pour out of my mouth. I swallowed all I could, but it was even more than our previous encounter. He groaned as his dick twitched one last time before starting to soften in my mouth.

My right eye burned fiercely from his cum shot and sweat and semen seemed to completely cover me as he pulled his penis from my mouth and dismounted my chest. I felt utterly spent. My rectum was sore and I reeked of musky sweat. "You did well, slave," he said. "You are going to remember that you need this cock next week, and every week afterward. You are going to feel a need to meet me again for more therapy, and I will give you the treatment you need. Do you understand?"

"Yes," I said, lying on my back.

He started the shower and instructed me to enter it and rinse off, which I did. When I emerged, he had removed the soiled bedspread and had dressed himself. He had me lay back on the bed after dressing, and slowly go through the motions to have me regain full consciousness.

As before, I woke as if from a deep *****, remembering nothing concrete about the session, only being confused at the state of the room and the smells. I felt dehydrated and Todd gave me a bottle of water, which I consumed instantly. The Dolphins won, we shook hands again and departed. I felt much the same as the last time we'd parted and wondered what that in fact meant. Either way, I would see how this latest round of therapy worked for my cycling and would see Todd again online at some point in the near future.


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About a week had passed since I'd last met with Todd, and I had thought fleetingly about it, but the following day I had a race and did well in it, so I chalked it up to the therapy I was receiving. There was something strange about the way I thought of him, though. I felt as if he was getting something out of these sessions that I wasn't aware of and that I should be a little wary of him. On the other hand, the therapy was definitely working and that was undeniable.

On the day that was exactly one week from our last session I had a few things to do for the day, errands and such. But at one point I felt a strong urge to talk to him. I suppressed it at the time as I had things to get done, but as the day went on, the need grew stronger. Finally, I rushed home and found him online.

We exchanged pleasantries and I told him I didn't know why but I felt like I needed to meet up with him today. He acted surprised and said that he was busy as well. Normally I would have blown it off, but the need was growing steadily.

"Please, Todd. I know it sounds like begging a little, but I really feel like we need to meet up today. Can you come over here at least?"

"Well, I don't know. I've got some places to be. I really shouldn't."

"Please. Look, I don't know why, but I really feel like I need to meet you. Like it's essential to my therapy or something. I'll pay you if you want to." I was pleading now. I was aware of letting my guard down, but it really felt like a **** I needed or something. I needed, somehow or another, to see this man.

"No, I was doing this as a favor to you. I don't want your money," he said. I was becoming anxious now.

"Look, Todd. I know this all sounds strange, but please. I'll do anything. Whatever you want."

There was brief pause in our exchange, and then his message came back to me as I sat there in front of my computer impatiently waiting. Why am I acting like this? I wondered.

"What do you mean by 'anything'?" he asked. "You sound like you need to see me pretty bad."

"I do, and I'm not sure why. I just feel I really need to meet up with you today," I said.

"That's interesting. I wonder why? Has the therapy been working for you?"

"Yes, it's been working great actually. Just for some reason I felt like I needed to get with you. So what do you say?" I asked, hopefully.

"Well, I'm really busy. I don't know if today is a good idea. I'm doing these sessions in my free time, you know?"

I was becoming more and more needy and frantic. I couldn't control myself. "Look, really. I'll do anything. Anything at all. I really need it."

"Well, we'll discuss 'anything'. I guess I can swing by if you need me that bad," he said.

I was suddenly relieved. "Great! Come on by." For some unknown reason, my dick twitched and started getting hard in my shorts. I couldn't deny my excitement, though I had no idea why. Why in the hell am I getting hard? I wondered.

"Ok, be there shortly," he said.

I sat on the couch, pensive and impatient. Finally, after an eternity, I heard him drive up.

I invited him in and we chatted in the living room, next to the couch. "So, sorry about all this, I don't know what came over. I'm glad you came, though."

"It's ok. I didn't understand the urgency. Why do you feel like you need it so bad?" he asked.

"I don't know. As the day grew on, I felt a stronger and stronger urge to contact you. Maybe it's about the therapy, like it's going to stop working or something. What do you think?"

"I don't know, really. So, what did you mean by, 'anything'?" he asked with one eyebrow raised.

"Well, I mean, anything, I guess. I was getting a little frantic. What do you want? Are you sure you don't want me to pay you?" I said.

"No, no money. You sound a little suggestive when you say that, though. Are you sure you're not asking for something in particular?"

Confused, I said, "I don't think so...I just feel like I really need your therapy...I..."

He cut me off, "It looks to me like you're asking for something, alright." He eyed me up and down, deliberately. "Your therapy is working fine. I think you just need me around you is what I think. In fact, I'll bet there's a part of me you want more than anything else." His hand moved to his crotch and caressed the bulge in his slacks beneath his round belly.

"What?" I said, defensively. "No, I don't mean that!" I was mildly shocked, but then also noticed the bulge in my own shorts. So did he, apparently.

"Why do you have a bulge in your shorts, too? I believe we met on a male for male chatroom, right? I think you need something of mine, alright," he said. He took a half step toward me. I backed up a little toward the couch, until I felt it behind my legs.

"Wait, I think you've got me all wrong. I was just curious. I'm straight, really. I just wanted your therapy."

"Oh," he said, stopping. "I see. Well, I can see I've made a mistake. I should go. Sorry about that," he said. He turned toward the door.

All at once I had a panicked desire to stop him. "Wait!" I shouted. "Please, don't go. I just...I thought you'd help me with my therapy like you said."

He stopped and turned toward me. "Only if you will really do 'anything' like you said."

I was being pulled in two different directions. I had a compelling need for him to stay but alarm bells were ringing in my head that he was making me do something I didn't want to do. My cock was hard again. I didn't understand why.

"What do I have to do?" I asked nervously.

"That depends on how willing you are to admit what it is you really want from me," he said, slyly. He walked up closer to me, rubbing his crotch. His bulge was growing. This bald, overweight, homely looking man completely had a hold on me somehow.

"What do you mean?" I asked. My hands were shaking from the nerves. My penis was swelling in my shorts despite obviously being uncomfortable in the situation.

"Just tell me what you want. What part of me is it that you need to have?"

"I don't know what you mean, Todd. I...I mean..." I stammered.

"You want what I'm holding here in my hand, don't you? Just tell me. Tell me you want it. It's ok. Admit it," he said, continuing to slowly move closer to me.

I could hardly speak. He rubbed his dick through his pants and stared at me. He stood inches away from me now. I couldn't let myself admit it. I wouldn't do it.

"Ok, fine," he said, suddenly. "I'll leave. See you around," he said, and quickly turned for the door.

"Stop!" I said again, instinctively. "Wait. Please. I don't know what to say!" I was trembling. My dick was hard in my shorts.

"Tell me what you want from me, or I'm leaving right now," he said. His hand went to the doorknob.

My hands went out to him like I wasn't in control of them anymore. I went to the door and blocked it with my body.

"Well?" he said.

"Ok, I want...want....your....dick. There, I said it. Your dick," I said, ashamedly. As the words came out, my penis strained against my shorts.

"You want my cock?" he asked. "Prove it. Show me how much you need this cock."

*************, I knelt on the ground before him. "Please. I want it. Is that enough?" I asked.



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"No. You might just be saying it," he said. He began unbuckling his pants and dropped them before me, with his underwear. There he stood before me with his hairy cock pointed at me. He unbuttoned his shirt so it stood out of the way. "Now suck it. Show me how much you want my cock."

I was frozen. I didn't feel I wanted this at all, but my hands went to his stiff member. Precum oozed from the tip. He shifted forward and his cock approached my lips. A shiny, glistening drop of precum dripped down from the tip of his penis as it loomed toward my closed lips.

My first instinct was to turn away. I was repulsed by his appearance, my apparent weakness, and the fact that I was being ****** to do something my mind was screaming at me to repel. I felt ashamed and embarrassed to be in this position, physically and figuratively. My brain was frantically calculating reasons as to why I was allowing this to happen, and what I could do to get out of it, but my body refused to listen. This was like a **** I needed, and his departure would put me into withdrawal. None of it made sense.

Then his rigid penis touched my lips and the precum dripped slowly down to my chin. A flame was immediately lit inside me. Like an ********* pulling in a fresh draught of beer or a junkie getting a hit, the feeling coursed through me. I needed this. All reasoning was abandoned. My lips parted ever so slightly and I sighed. Seeing this, he very gently pressed forward, and the tip of his hot penis just entered my lips. The precum touched my tongue and I knew what I needed. It was his taste. This cock taste. One of his hands moved gently to my head and slid to the side of my face. My mouth parted more and his throbbing cock entered my mouth for what I though was the first time.

He sighed, "Oh yesssss," as he entered my mouth. "That's good." I took him into my mouth and let the **** work on me. I was sucking cock. I was voluntarily sucking another man's stiff cock. The soft, but hairy skin slid over the surface of my tongue and I tasted more of his precum. My eyes pin wheeled with the sensations. I was absolutely lost in wonder. My head slowly moved back and forth on his rigid tool, taking in the new scent, the texture, and taste of this new **** of mine. I pulled out and licked the underside and quickly put it back in my mouth. He was moaning softly now as I sucked him off.

"Yeah, suck that cock. That's so good," he said. "Lick my balls, now. Put them in your mouth,"

I did as I was instructed and went toward his hairy, full scrotum. While my own penis was substantially larger than his, his testicles outsized my own by a great distance. They hung very low and seemed out of contrast with what they were attached to. I took each one in to my mouth and sucked on them. The thick hair tickled my nose and face, and the musky scent filled my nose, serving to further excite me. My dick stood at rigid attention in my shorts, but I was only focused on what he held before me. I knew I was being ****** to do this, but no longer cared. My will had been supplanted by the need for his cock.

He pulled away from me and my mouth, tried to follow him. He held my head at length from him and told me to stand up. I did, and told me to show him to the bedroom. I walked briskly to my personal space and he followed, grabbing his clothes off the floor. He entered the room right on my heels. Pushing me back to my knees, he said, "You're doing great. Now put this cock back in your mouth."

I greedily started sucking him off again. Now his hips were rocking back and forth as he fucked my face. His hands both went to my hair and served to steady my head as he plunged his tool in and out of my mouth. Occasionally he would slow and ***** it deep into my mouth until my nose and face was held firm to his abdomen, the tip of his cock just entering the back of my throat. My first reflex was to gag, but I relaxed and was able to take it.

"Oh yeah, that's right. You take this cock into your throat," he growled as he continued to fuck my face. "Suck this cock, boy. Suck it!"

He pulled his cock out of his mouth and told me to lay down on the bed. I stood slowly and he went to his pants, pulling out what looked like a condom wrapper and a small, palm-sized plastic bottle. I stood there looking at him, understanding what this likely meant. Again I was fighting two different instincts; first, to refuse this *****ful, non-consensual assault; and second to succumb to the addiction I was feeling for his cock.

"Lay down on the bed," he said. He ripped open the condom and drew it onto his cock as he approached me.

I stayed where I was, still weighing my options.

"I said, get on the BED!" he growled, and pushed me *****fully on to the bed. My first reflex was to try and push back, but the bed was right behind my knees and I fell on to it. He immediately fell on top of me, his great mass, outweighing me by at least twenty to thirty pounds, pinned me. He started trying to roll me over to my stomach, but I refused. He sat across my chest, and I saw his cock pointed at me. The sight of it made me lose my focus, and he quickly grabbed my opposite shoulder, spinning me beneath him and pinning me stomach down to the mattress. I felt cool lubricant being dripped onto his penis over my back and then his slick, rock hard cock between my buttocks. More lube was dripped liberally over the crack of my ass, and both of his hands went to my arms, rendering them useless.

"Don't you see?" he asked. "You're my bitch, now. That's right. You want this deep inside you, don't you?"

I refused to answer him, though most of me did want it, and I knew it. My arms hurt under his hands and the pain welled up inside me. I tried to push against him, but his round, heavy belly exerted too much pressure. I was completely pinned beneath him.

"No," I said. "Please stop," I said. He laughed.

"Playing hard to get, eh? You want my cock. That's why you begged me to come over here. Now you're going to beg for it again. You need my cock inside you."

"No, please stop!" I shouted back. "Let me go!"

His left hand moved down to his cock as his chest and his chin pushed down on my left shoulder so I couldn't gain any leverage. I felt his cock between my buttocks, searching for the opening. I reflexively tightened my butt cheeks together to resist him, but he just chuckled and said, "Yeah, that's right. Make it tight for me. Just like it was tight when I first gave this to you the other day."

I froze. "What?!" I asked sharply. "What the hell are you talking about?"

He told me, "Oh we've already done this. Last week under ******** you weren't nearly so resistant. You took my cock easily. You couldn't get enough of it. That's why you wanted me here today. You need more of this hard cock inside of you."

I was shocked. I had been taken advantage of by Todd. He had been making me his bitch under the ******** "therapy" I had been receiving. Now I understood. Suddenly images of him sticking his cock into my mouth and in my ass flooded my head. It was as if the barrier of his ******** therapy had been lifted, and I could see all that went on while he used me.

As I considered this, his stiff penis found my rectum and immediately began applying pressure to it. It slowly slipped in past the sphincter muscle. "Yes, that's it!" he moaned as he entered me. "Now you see. Now you see what we've been doing all this time. Now you know that you need this. You know you need my cock, don't you?"

I winced as his cock invaded me. I felt helpless and ceased trying to push him off me. The pain of him entering my body shot through me and my face pressed into the mattress below. I tried to relax as he slowly slid inside me.

"That's right. Take this dick, boy. Tell me you need this. You love my cock, don't you? Tell me," he said.

I kept my face buried into the bed as I adapted to the foreign rod inside of me. The pain was subsiding and was being replace by a slow building euphoria. The endorphins inside me were coursing through my arteries and I found myself wanting him again. I didn't want to admit it, but I knew that I did want this. I did need his cock inside of me. He slid deeper, passing yet another sphincter and suddenly bottoming himself out. His thick tangle of pubic hair pressed firmly against the back of my buttocks. He was in to the hilt, now. I gasped deeply.

"Tell me. Tell me you love this cock," he said. He pulled back and slowly advanced his dick inside my bowel, stopping again when his hips met my buttocks. The feeling was intense and I was euphoric now. My hips rose almost imperceptively, as he slid deep into me. I gasped with each of his slow thrusts. He moved his face next to my ear and said, "Tell me you love my cock. Say it. Say you need it. Say you love this cock inside of you."

Again, he slid out and back in, this time he pushed harder and with more *****. I yelped as he rammed his tool home. He repeated his demand again, "Say it. Tel me you love this cock. Tell me you love it."

"I...oh God, I..." I stammered. Again he slammed his dick into me, grinding his hips into my ass. His left arm wrapped around my chest and his right slid under my arm and cupped my jaw, turning my head to the side. His 5 O'clock shadow was like sandpaper on my face.

"Say it. Say you love my cock. Tell me how bad you want it," he repeated.

"I want it," I whimpered. "I want your cock." He started advancing his pace, moving his hips in and out like a piston. I moaned loudly with each of his thrusts.

"That's right, boy. You want this cock. You love it, don't you? Tell me you love it. Tell me you love my cock. Say it," he said again.

"Yes!" I cried, as I abandoned all reason and restraint. "Yes, I love your cock! I love your cock! Oh God, yes!" I shouted.

"Yeah, that's it! You love my cock! Now take it! Take this dick inside you!" he growled. Sweat was now dripping off his hair, thick body onto mine and the sensation was almost too much for me. He rammed in and out of me mechanically and he continued to tightly wrap his arm around my chest. Then he put both hands on my hips and rose to his knees, pulling my hips up with him. He roughly spread my legs apart, and began fucking me doggy-style.

"Yeah, now you're my bitch, aren't you? Say it! Tell me you're my bitch!" he growled as he slammed into me.

"Yes! I'm your bitch!" I cried. The feeling was beyond euphoric now. This was my ****. His cock was my addiction and he was feeding it to me like my life depended on it. His hips slapped against my buttocks loudly and his balls slapped against me with each aggressive thrust. He drove it into me like a jackhammer. "Fuck me! Oh God, fuck me!" I shouted. "I love your cock! I love your cock!" I started repeating as he plowed me.


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"You're my bitch now. You're going to let me fuck you whenever I want now. My little cock slave. You only want me cock, don't you?"

"Yes! I only want your cock! Fuck my ass with it!"

"Are you my cock slave, now? Say it!" he shouted.

"Yes! I'm your cock slave! Oh God, yes!"

"You're going to let me fuck you whenever I want aren't you, you little bitch! Keep telling me! Keep telling me you want my cock! SAY IT!" he shouted. He slapped my ass with his flat palm hard. The sound echoed around the room.

"Oh YES! I want your cock! I need your big dick! I love it! I love your cock!" I shouted back. He slapped my ass again and again. The pain of him slapping me combined with the ecstasy of his cock inside me and drove me over the edge. He then grabbed the back of my hair and pulled up. I had a sudden feeling of deja-vu has he tugged my head back so my eyes looked at the ceiling and my ass pointed up as high as I could, arcing my back. I knew that he had done this to me before. "Yeah! Fuck me! FUCK ME!" I continued.

"You want my load, don't you? I'm gonna cum in your mouth, and you're going to suck it all off me, bitch. Do you want me to cum in your mouth?" he asked.

"Oh, oh God," I kept saying. The though of another man shooting his semen into my mouth worried me.

He yanked harder on my head and asked again, "Do you want me to cum in your mouth?!" he said, louder.

"Yes!" I shouted. "Cum in my mouth! Give it to me!"

"Yeah, I'm gonna cum. I'm gonna cum! I'm gonna shoot this load in your mouth, bitch!" he shouted. Suddenly, he let go of my head and collapsed onto the bed in a heap. He aggressively tossed me over so I lay on my back and he straddled my chest. He pulled off the condom and stroked his cock ******** up and down. The purple head was thick and menacing. He leaned forward and pulled my head up to greet his throbbing cock. "Yeah! Here it comes! Take my cum, bitch," he demanded.

I opened my mouth as he told me and he shoved his hot penis back into my mouth. I tasted the latex and lube as he ****** it deep into my mouth. Immediately, his penis jerked and splashed the back of my throat with thick semen. He held my head ********** to him, saying, "YEAH! YEAH! Swallow my cum, bitch. You swallow it all, now! Suck it all off my cock!"

I started swallowing, feeling the thick, hot cum travel down my esophagus. I kept it all in my mouth greedily and sucked what I could from his spasming penis. He grunted with each jerk of his cock until no more came from his dick. His breathing slowed a little and he pulled out of my mouth. "Open your mouth," he said. I opened it and showed him it was empty.

"Good. You swallowed my cum. You're a good bitch," he said. "In fact, you're so good that I'm still hard!" I looked at his cock and it remained stiff as steel as he stroked it. He moved back between my legs and spread them apart. I felt completely spent and couldn't have fought back if I had wanted to. "Yes, this looks familiar. I fucked you like this last week. Just like a bitch. Like a girl," he said. He pulled my knees up around his hips and guided his still throbbing, hard cock back into my ****** rectum. He slid in easily. My face grimaced for a second as he passed into my depths. "Yes, that's it. Just like a little bitch. MY bitch. Here, take this cock, bitch."

He started fucking me yet again. I moaned with each thrust of his cock. He pulled my legs up in the air and held me by the ankles, then slid his hands to my thighs so he could slam into me harder. My feet were on either side of his head, straight up in the air. He ******** plowed his dick in and out of my ass again and again, berating me. "Take that cock, bitch! Who's ass is this?" he shouted.

"It's yours! It's your ass!" I said.

"That's right. That's my ass! Tell me you love my cock, you little cunt! Say it! Say you love my fat cock inside you!"

"Yes!! I love your cock! Give it to me! I'm your bitch! Fuck my ass!" I shouted in response.

"Oh yeah, I'm gonna gum again! I've got another load for you, bitch! You're gonna take my load again, aren't you, bitch?"

"Yeah! Give it to me," I pleaded. With that, he pulled out and clamored back up to my chest and stroked his cock in my face. I opened my mouth and he began shooting his cum all over my face. Spasm after spasm sprayed thick, white, warm semen all over my face in amounts I couldn't begin to imagine possible. He shot about 17 times across my face until I was covered in the gooey, salty cum. It burned my eyes, dripped off my face, stuck in my hair, and dripped into my still open mouth, but I didn't care. He squeezed his now softening dick, ******* the last drops of cum into my gaping mouth. The drops fell onto my tongue and I swallowed them gladly.

"Yes. You did good, boy. You took all my cum." He climbed off of me and walked across the hall to the bathroom. I heard him splash water onto his face and towel himself off. My eyes remained closed because of the semen covering them. I was too tired and spent to move. I just remained on my back, my own cock softening like Todd's. I didn't feel the need to cum. I knew that my job was to please him. I knew I was addicted to his cock and would be satiated for now.

As he got dressed beside me, he said nothing. Finally, as he was walking away, he said, "See you next week, bitch. Call me when you need me again." The front door closed off in the distance.

I woke what must have been hours later in the same position. The cum on my face had crusted over into a mask and I could hardly see. I stumbled to the bathroom and started the shower. The water washed away all the evidence from my body, save for the soreness in my rectum. I was repulsed in a way, but fatigued as from a good long distance run. It felt good at the same time. I didn't need anything now, but I was sure the need would return and when it did, I was sure I'd be seeing Todd again very soon.


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My Own Place

It was my first place. I was 22, and I was ecstatic. I had lived in an apartment with my girlfriend at the time for about a year, but I had discovered that a mortgage would cost me the same, if not less than, renting. After she and I broke up and I moved back in with my parents, I saw the folly of my ways. I promptly bought the place for a song: a two-bedroom, two bath villa, right on a small lake, near the city, but a little bit suburban. It had a tiny backyard, which I immediately fenced in and gardened. It was perfect for a young bachelor such as myself.

I thought about getting a roommate for the second room, just to help with the bills a little, but discovered that with only the smallest bit of belt-tightening I could maintain my privacy, so I did. I quickly fell into the routine of a single guy. I had the place set up just as I liked it, and could walk around in the nude if the desire struck. There were times of loneliness, but I had enough friends to counter most days and nights. I had never had too much trouble with girls. Not being an underwear model or anything, I always viewed myself as attractive enough at five-foot ten, and one hundred-sixty-five pounds. I was a cyclist, surfed every chance I got, and ate pretty healthy.

After a while, being used to having people around me, the lonely nights began to weigh on my more and more. I still didn't want to go the route of acquiring a roommate. I used the second room as a rudimentary music studio, trying to write songs and record them on a simple four-track recorder. Something still felt off. I had a decent computer, and as such, had plenty of porn. This helped to a point, but ultimately, still wasn't the same. Resigning to my current situation, I just let things be, enjoyed my porn, and hoped things would change before long.

My next door neighbor was an older gentleman named Lloyd. He was in his 60s, mildly frail in appearance, but seemed to remain active. He lived alone, but walked around the neighborhood daily. He was also quite friendly, and would catch me outside once in a while just to chat for a few minutes. One day, I was walking around the house naked, as I often did. As I traipsed through the living room, I noticed Lloyd walking around the lake, out back. He turned toward me as I was picking up a few things and waved, smiling. I quickly tried to cover up, but figured, "what the hell, the neighbors across the lake probably see me do this daily," and waved back. I grinned to myself and thought it actually felt a little exciting being caught like that. Too bad some local girl didn't catch me like that and have a similar reaction, I thought.

The next day, Lloyd was outside as I was checking the mail. He walked over and asked how I was. The usual politeness from him.

"Oh, not bad, how about yourself?" I responded.

"Can't complain. I do have some things to move around the house today, though. Gonna be a long afternoon, I imagine," he said.

"That sounds like a lot of work. What are you doing that for?" I asked.

"Well, I got a couple items of new furniture the other day and I need to figure out how to arrange them. I guess I shouldn't have gotten them if I wasn't going to be able to do this. I don't suppose I could borrow you for a spell to help me? That is, if you're not too busy," he said.

I had a complete day off and wasn't planning on doing much else beside look at my computer and watch TV, so I agreed. "When do you want me over?" I asked.

"Oh, any time. Whenever you're free," he said. I told him I would be over in a few minutes and went to put some shorts on as it was warming up.

Lloyd's place was nicely appointed and he had a new couch and loveseat along with an end table or two, scattered randomly around the living room. This was clearly too much for someone of his stature. "I've just got a few items here I want to move around, if that's ok," he said.

I said it wasn't and he put me to work, moving things around. It didn't take long to shuffle the items into their new positions, and after some re-adjusting, the living room was set up. Lloyd said, "Here, let me get you a *****. It's the least I can do." Before I could deny him, he ran off to the kitchen. I sat down on the couch, facing the TV. He came back in with some lemonade, and I thanked him for it.

"Yeah, I don't get much company over here nowadays. My wife died several years ago, so I just do my own thing in here," he said, sitting down.

"I'm sorry to hear that. I guess we're pretty similar, then. I just do my own thing in my place, too," I responded.

"Yeah, I noticed," he said, and let out a boisterous laugh.

"Oh yeah, sorry about that. I just let it hang out when I'm around the house sometimes. I forgot some people actually walk around the lake back there. I guess I should be a little more careful," I said.

"Oh I wouldn't worry about that. We're just a couple of bachelors who live our own way," he said. It didn't bother me in the least. You've got a nice body. You should be proud of it."

The compliment caught me off guard, but I thanked him. He continued, "I don't really walk around naked very much, but if I'm watching a video, I've been known to strip down a bit around here. I don't suppose anyone wants to see an old man without his clothes on, though."

The way he said a video shocked me a little. I guess you don't think of your next door sixty-something older man as having a sex drive. I felt sorry for the self-pitying statement. "Oh, I'm sure you're fine. I think people just need to lighten up a little." He looked up and smiled.

"Well, I definitely agree with you there. Do you watch videos much?" he asked.

"Oh, well, if you mean pornos, yeah, from time to time, I guess."

"Well, if you ever want to see some others, I've got a small library over here I'd be happy to show you," he said.

I started to get a little uncomfortable, so I started to get up. "Yeah, thanks Lloyd. Well, I should get going back to my place- I've got some things to do today as well. Thanks for the lemonade," I said.

He got up and followed me to the door. "Ok, well I'll talk to you later, then. Thanks for the help!"

I felt a little funny about what had just happened, but I was trying to be open about it at the same time, so I just let it go. He's been alone a long time, so it was naïve of me to think he was anything different from a normal man with normal needs. I put it out of my mind and went on with my day.

The next couple days, I went about my daily routine, worked when I had to work, and wandered the house when I wasn't. When I would walk around the house naked, the thought of Lloyd seeing me from the lake would enter my mind, for reasons unknown to me. The act of being seen like that was invigorating. I didn't see him out there for the next several days, and I started walking around more and more with my clothes off *************, as if I wanted to get caught. Finally, I even started slightly opening the blinds in the bedroom, which opened to the front of the house. One morning I saw Lloyd out walking and knowing when he'd be back, I opened the blinds even more and acted like I was putting some clothes away in my room. I kept watch out of the corner of my eye and then saw him approaching the building. He didn't appear to see me at first, but as his walkway passes only a few feet from my window, he stopped and looked in. When I was sure he saw me, I made sure I was looking away and ignorant of his voyeurism. A minute later, there was a knock at the door. Startled, I quickly wrapped a towel around my waist and saw that it was Lloyd. I opened the door.


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"I'm sorry to bother you," he started, "but I just saw you there naked in your room. I didn't know if you were aware that everyone could see you that well."

I acted embarrassed. "Oh my god, I had no idea. Thanks for telling me! The whole neighborhood probably saw me!"

"I didn't think it bothered you that much," he said.

"Oh, I guess it doesn't. It was just a surprise. Well, thanks for telling me," I said. He waved and walked toward his place. I was shocked at how turned on I was getting at being seen like that, and wondered if I should continue it.

The next day, I walked past my gate toward the lake as it was a nice evening, and I noticed the faint blue glow of the TV coming from Lloyd's living room, which opened toward the lake. Curiously, I peeked around the wall, and saw him sitting on the couch, apparently watching TV. I didn't think much of it at first until I heard the unmistakable sounds of a woman moaning very softly coming from his townhouse. I thought to myself, my god, he's watching a porno! I also noticed his hand was lightly stroking himself through his pants, The sight was enough to cause my own cock to stir. Suddenly, he glanced in my direction, and I quickly pulled away, and walked into my house, afraid of being caught looking. I had never had any thoughts about other men before, but there was something about the situation kept at arms' length that did something for me.

The next day, after work, I came home and after fixing something to eat, I went out by the lake again, halfway hoping I might see something in Lloyd's house. Sure enough, as I looked out on the lake, I turned slightly to see a very naked Lloyd walking though his house, much like I usually did. I started walking back toward my own place, all the while looking at him through the corner of my eye, trying not to gawk. He stopped and waved, and then I had to look. It was like a game we were playing now. He had the physique of an older man of his mid-late sixties with the thick legs of a man who had been powerfully built earlier in his life and now had a bit of a potbelly before him, but his penis swung back and forth very low between his legs. I tried not to look directly at it and then turned tI sheepishly waved back and continued back toward my place. I could feel my own hardening cock straining in my pants as I walked. I began to wonder why I was reacting in such a way. I knew I wasn't gay or anything, but couldn't deny the excitement of seeing him naked like that. He was about three times my age even! It didn't make sense, but I stopped questioning myself, and just acknowledged that it excited me and that I would keep it to myself.

The next morning, I was not working so I slept in a little. I heard a knock at the door about the time I was planning on waking anyway, so I though on some shorts and saw Lloyd waiting for me.

"I wanted to know if you wouldn't mind helping me again. I've been wanting to move some things around in my bedroom, but just can't manage it," he said. I agreed, and went to get changed. I threw on a t-shirt and walked over to his door. Upon letting me in, he said, "I appreciate you helping an old man out again." I said I didn't mind.

"Why don't you go on back there-I'll be right there," he said. I walked back to his room and tried to see what he wanted to move, but everything seemed to be in order. He came back in and said, "I just wanted to move my bed to the other wall, there." I helped shuffle some things around and was done in minutes. Then I noticed a box of DVDs under his night table. They all appeared to be pornos. There must have been fifty of them in there. When Lloyd came back in the room, I was stooped over looking at them. "Oh, you found my stash!" he said. "I told you I've got quite a few. Do you want to watch one?" he asked.

"No, it's ok, sorry if I invaded your privacy there," I responded.

"Oh, it's ok, I think you might have seen me watching one the other day, I'm sorry if I surprised you there, but you looked like you might want to see it too."

"No, I was just surprised to see you doing that, is all. It's no problem, really," I said.

Lloyd immediately walked out of the room toward the living room and turned on the TV. As I walked out, I heard the cries of a woman being fucked ravenously. I followed Lloyd, who was watching the video intently. He said, "Are you sure you don't want to watch? This is a pretty good one."

He stood there rubbing his crotch as the images flashed before us. My own penis began stiffening quickly with the action before me. I could feel his eyes on me as I weighed my options. Every second I stood there, I could feel my dick hardening more and more. He sat down on the couch and said, "Come sit down here. This is a good one."

I finally sat down and saw him rubbing the protruding bulge in his pants as he watched. My own erection was becoming uncomfortable and I shifted to all it some room. I glanced over at Lloyd, next to me, who said, "Boy, she's something, isn't she? I don't suppose I can get a woman like that any more, huh?"

"Who knows?", I said, realizing that he was expecting a response.

I looked over and he unzipped his pants, stroking himself. "I used to be pretty popular with the ladies years ago, but now they just see me from the outside. Have you ever heard of GHB?" he asked. "They call it a 'date rape' ****. I tried it with a lady once, and it worked a little, but not as well as I'd hoped. I guess it works on some people more than others," he said.

Surprised to hear of this, I responded, "No, I've definitely never used that. I'm sure there's ladies out there that would love to have you," I said. My hand ************* moved to my crotch as I saw the actors on the video before me fucking with abandon.

"I see it's getting you a little excited too," he said. "Are you getting as hard as I am?" he asked. With that, he slowly pulled out his cock. I had seen it limp from outside, but now it was semi-erect, and far bigger than I could have imagined. He had to be about nine inches in length, and incredibly thick. Even the well-built actor on screen had nothing on Lloyd's massive tool. It was uncircumcised, with thick, loose foreskin that hung off the end of its mushroom-shaped head. Thinned-out grey wisps of pubic hair were scattered around the base of it. I was completely in awe of it. He stroked it gently as I stared. As his hand traveled down toward the base, the length of it flopped back and forth. I felt completely insignificant compared to it.

"The girls used to love this thing. Now I can't get anyone with it. I've even thought about letting another guy touch it sometime. Have you ever done that?" he asked.

The question jarred my back into reality. "No, I'm not interested in that," I said. Still, I couldn't tear my eyes away from his incredible penis.

"Well," he said, "you seem pretty interested in it. Why don't you touch it?"

Suddenly, I felt like I should leave, so I got up and said, "You know, I've got to check in with my job...I just remembered. I'll talk to you later, Lloyd." He started to speak, but I was already at the door and on the way to my own place. I was definitely freaked out and started questioning myself. Why was I so enraptured over seeing his cock in front of me? I definitely wanted to touch it, but was afraid to. This was something I needed to work out with myself.

I didn't see Lloyd for a couple of days. He was probably shocked at my reaction, too. I didn't want him to feel bad, but I needed to feel myself out. Finally, he came by on the third day in the morning, when I was off from work.

"I wanted to apologize about the other day," he said. "I don't know what came over me. It's been so long since I've had any company like that."

"It's ok. I just got a little freaked out, I think. Don't worry about it. I've never done that before," I said.

"Neither have I," he said. "I just got caught up in the moment. Listen, I'm having a problem with my power. Is your power on?" he asked.

"Yeah, my power is fine. Is yours out?" I asked.

"Yes, I don't know what happened. Would you mind taking a look at it for me?" he asked.

I agreed, and throwing on a pair of shorts and some flip flops, I went over to his place again. Upon entering, he gave me a small glass of juice. I started to turn him down, but he insisted, "Please, you're helping me out. Have a ******" So I sipped on it, but he insisted I ***** the whole thing down, so I shot down the rest of it. It seemed a little odd, but I didn't want to offend. It took a few minutes, but it looked like a fuse had burnt out. It took a little while, but he was able to locate some fuses, and I replaced it.

By this time, I started to feel a little more tired than usual and fuzzy-headed. Thinking it might just be a little headrush from standing up too fast, I tried to collect myself. I swooned a little. Lloyd said, "You alright? Here, set down here for a moment," and led me to the couch before the TV.

I said, "I'm ok, I think. Just a little woozy." The room spun a little.

He said, "It's alright. Just relax for a few minutes. Here, let me turn the TV on for you." As he did, I began to feel more relaxed, almost euphoric. I heard moaning coming from the TV, and then I noticed that he had put on a porno. I watched in complete attention and the display before me. Suddenly I felt a flood of warmth in my groin and my cock began to swell. "Yeah, this is a good one, too. Would love to fuck this girl," he said. I looked over at him rubbing his crotch and he looked over at me. The visual gave me flashback to the last time I was on this couch, but now I wasn't as disturbed by it. My penis throbbed in my shorts, and I adjusted myself. The touch of my own hand to my crotch felt wonderful. I began rubbing myself in earnest.

"Yeah, that looks good, don't it? It's making me hard, too," he said as he stood before the TV and myself. I looked over at him and he unzipped his fly and pulled out his massive cock. He was again, semi-erect and thick. He proceeded to take his pants and shirt off until he stood next to me completely naked. He stroked his stiffening penis as he watched the video. I was in rapture at the sight of it, completely frozen. My hand ************* moved toward my crotch and started rubbing my hardening cock through my pants. "You like looking at this, don't you?" he asked.

He turned toward me and stepped closer with his beautiful, thick cock leading the way. He still had a frail look about him with the skinny legs and protruding belly, but his cock looked virile and strong. "Why don't you reach out and touch it?" he asked.

I started to shake it out of my stupor, and come to. Here was this man with a giant cock in my face. I needed to get up. I stood, and turned, lumbering toward what I thought was the door, but turned toward his hallway. "Where you going? Here, let's go this way!", he said, grabbing me from behind and pushing me toward the bedroom. I tried to resist, but I was still dizzy, and he ended up being stronger than I thought. As I again tried to turn back, he pushed my against a wall in the hallway. I felt his cock pushing against me as he pressed himself to my back, trapping me into the wall. I felt weak and fuzzy-headed. He said, "Just relax, ***. I think you need to lay down. Let's go this way." With that, he pushed me through the bedroom doorway and into the small bedroom.

He spun me around and I fell backward onto the bed. I sat up immediately, but he pushed me back down easily. He had a TV in the bedroom, and snatching the remote off the bedside table, he turned it on. There was an image of an older guy with a huge cock on it. From the living room, I could still hear the howls of a girl being fucked relentlessly.

"Wait...wait," I said as I tried to clear my head. Everything was fuzzy and the room spun if I closed my eyes. "What are you doing to me, Lloyd?" I asked. I sat back up on the bed and he immediately stood before me, one hand grasping his massive penis. Still not completely rigid, it seemed to throb in his hand. Huge veins encircled the loose foreskin encasing it, and it fell away from the bulbous cockhead within. I was truly envious of it, but repulsed at the same time as he pointed it at me.


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"Why don't you lay back for a minute. You look tired," he said. He then pushed me with his free hand and I fell back upon the bed again. I was still unable to get my bearings, much less fight back, and then I felt him unbutton my shorts and roughly yank them off. My hands immediately went to grab them but he swatted them away as I could scarcely sit up straight without effort. My dick popped out as I lay there naked from the waist down. I rolled over to try and get up that way, but he pushed me down on my stomach.

"Yes, that's a good idea. You stay just like that," he said. I heard his night table open and then he placed his large hand on my back, pressing me down. I turned my head back toward him, and saw him squeezing a bottle of what had to be lubricant onto his cock, and then felt him slather some around my anus. Alarm bells were again ringing in my head and my fight-or-flight response took over. With one last burst of lucidity, I pushed off the bed as hard as I could, but he grabbed me around the chest and fell on top of me. All his weight was on my back and I felt his slick tool on my ass cheeks.

"I haven't been with a girl in a long time. Today, you're going to be my girl," he said. I felt his hand searching between my ass cheeks, making it slick, and then felt his massive cock searching for my hole.

"No, wait! Stop! Please don't do this!" I said.

He cut me off, saying, "Shh, it'll be fine. I know you want my cock, so I'm going to give it to you." I felt pressure in my rectum, and knew that he was now trying to ***** his huge cock inside me. I twisted underneath him, but he held me fast into the bed. Finally it began to slip inside me.

The pain was a shock through my body. He gasped, "Oh yeah, that's good" as he slowly advanced his cock into my open ass. I tried not to move, lest the pain increase. "That's it, ***. Just relax your muscles. You're doing fine," he said. I tried to clench my cheeks together, but he just pushed deeper into me. He only advanced an inch at a time, but even that was excrutiating.

I moaned in response and he spoke in my ear, "You want my cock, don't you?"

"No, please stop," I said as I clenched my fists into the sheets.

"Oh, you will. You just need to get used to it. Your ass feels so hot," he said. He pulled back a little and then advanced his cock further through another sphincter. I gasped and grunted as another wave of pain shot through me. He slowly pulled back and would push deeper into my bowels with each stroke. I began to adjust to his strokes inside of me and the endorphins started kicking in. The pain wasn't as sharp, and there were bits of pleasure to it. He continued to ***** his entire weight on top of me and had his left arm wrapped around my chest, and his right hand on my hip as he carefully impaled me with his enormous cock.

"You want this dick, don't you, ****" he asked again.

"No, Lloyd, please stop," I responded, a little less enthusiastically.

He began to slowly increase his pace, pulling back and then advancing further. I felt his belly against my lower back push into me as his hips moved piston-like back and forth. I grunted in time with his strokes, and he panted with them in time with me. His sweat began to drip onto my back and I felt his breath hot in my ear.

"That's it. You're taking my dick. Do you want it inside you?" he asked again.

I could only moan in response as he increased his pace further. The feeling of him fucking me was actually starting to feel good. I wasn't going to admit it, but I did enjoy feeling his cock inside me. My own dick throbbed beneath me and strained for release. The sounds of sex around me only added to the sensory overload I was feeling. He asked me again, in-between breaths, almost growling, "Do you want my cock?"

I didn't want to give him the satisfaction, but the ecstasy was coursing through me. "No! Oh god, oh god," was all I could say in response-I was repulsed and excited at the same time. "No! Stop!" I repeated as he now began to ravage my ass. His incredible tool plunged in and out of me now and I could feel his hips slap my ass with each stroke just as it would if I was fucking a girl in the same way.

"Tell me! Tell me you want this cock!" he shouted as he plunged in and out of me.

"No...Oh, God, please..." I said in response, my face buried into the mattress. He pushed deeper into me and finally I felt his hot groin grinding in to my sweaty buttocks. His own sweat dripped onto my back, and something about that image was sending me around the bend. With each thrust of his cock, my rectum accepted him and now my hips moved in time with his.

" want this dick, don't you, boy? Tell me you want it. Do you want my cock inside you?" he said.

I could only moan in response, "Oh God, oh God," with each mammoth stroke. The feeling was intoxicating, adding to the ******* feeling that already enveloped me.

"Say it! You want this cock! Say it!" he shouted, quickening his pace, ramming into me with abandon.

Finally I was overcome and shouted back, "Yes! I want your cock!" He continued to fuck me harder, and I shouted louder still with each thrust, screaming, "Yes, yes! Fuck me!"

"That's right, ***. You're my bitch now. You take this cock, you little bitch. You take my fat cock in your ass!"

He was right. I was his now. I wanted him to continue fucking me and I was ***** on his massive cock. The sweat lubricated him on top of me. Suddenly he pulled out. I gasped deeply at the sudden void inside my stretched out ass. He grabbed me roughly and flipped me onto my back, and lifted my legs, pulling them around his waist, just as he would to a girl. I didn't fight him, but lay there waiting for him to enter me again.

"That's it. That's it. You me to fuck you like a girl, don't you? You're my girl, now. I'm going to take your pussy, now," he said, and pushed his cock back into me. I tightened my legs around his thick waist and he began to push in and out of me again. There was the return of him passing my sphincter and then into the depths of my bowels as he lengthened his pace and pulled my hips close to his. I wrapped my legs around his back as best I could, trying to emulate girls I'd had sex with before. It wasn't easy, so he grabbed my thighs and held them as he rammed into me. "Take it! Take this dick!" he shouted at me. "You're my little bitch aren't you? Take this cock like a little bitch, boy!" he said.

"Yes! Fuck me!" I shouted. "Fuck my ass! Make me your bitch!"

"That's better," he said. "You're going to take my cum, bitch. I'm going to shoot it in your mouth and you're going to take it all!" His face drew into a grimace and his grunting became louder and more deliberate. He then pulled out and grabbed his throbbing tool with one hand and with the other; he grabbed me by the shoulder, pulling me into a sitting position at the edge of the bed. "Here it comes!" he said, and he shoved his glistening cock into my face. His hand then moved to my hair, and he growled, "Open your mouth!"

His stroking stopped and he gripped and pulled the hair on the back of my head, pointing my face upward. The sharp pain made me see stars, but I sat there prostrate to his will. He grunted loudly, holding his thick penis inches from my face, and a slow stream of viscous white semen poured onto my chin, briefly stopped, and then with a sound like someone being punched in the gut, his cock jerked and spewed jets of his cum splattering onto my face. I gasped, and as I did, he shoved his still throbbing tool into my mouth, where the cum sprayed the back of my throat and began the leak out of my mouth. I gagged on it, but still he maintained his grip on my hair and kept his cock in my mouth, milking the last drops of his juice onto my tongue. I had no desire to swallow it, but I at least did his bidding.

He released my hand from my hair and his cock from my mouth, and I fell backward onto the bed. "Yeah", he said, "Yeah that was good. You need some practice, but you did real well. Let's get you cleaned up."

He walked into the adjacent bathroom, grabbed a towel and wiped my face and chest with it. The sound of sex still wafted through the halls of his condo. He turned off the TV in the bedroom, and then walking out, did the same with his other TV. I drifted in and out of consciousness, forgetting where I was momentarily as I would come to. Finally I began to become more lucid and when I was more fully awake, noticed I was laying across a strange bed, had my clothes on, and recognized that I felt a little fuzzy.

"Oh, you're awake," said Lloyd.

I came to and sat erect. "Um, yeah. Why am I over here?" I said.

"Well, you came to fix my electrical box, and then you started feeling dizzy, so I let you lay down in here. You alright?"

I rubbed my head, "Yeah, I guess so. I don't know what happened. Maybe I should head home," I said.

"Ok, well let me help you up. You sure you're alright, now?" he asked, helping me to my feet.

"Yeah, I'm ok," I said. He walked me to the door, and then I walked next door toward my own place, and plopped down onto my couch, my head still spinning. I remembered helping with his circuit breakers and remembered not feeling well, but little else. There were flashes of naked people having sex across the shattered landscape of my memory, but nothing seemed to fit appropriately. One thought did not mesh with any other, like a strange dream with a very short attention span.

I rose and hope that a shower would help me out, so I started it, stripped down and walked into the hot stream across my body. The flashes came and went, but still nothing could be made of it. One thing kept replaying in my mind, however. The thought of cocks kept running though my head. It didn't make sense to me. I vaguely remembered a porno movie that either I had seen or perhaps that Lloyd had on at his place, so I figured the images must be from that. The images of nude women ran through my mind fleetingly, but each time the thought of a penis flashed across me, it was like a flashlight hitting me in the eyes in a dark room. My own cock twitched in response to the image. I had never felt myself have this reaction to seeing another man's package. How many pornos had I seen of nude men and women, with only brief curiosity of the guy's tool on the screen? This was different. The thought definitely seemed to excite me.

I finished my shower, toweled off and threw on some shorts. I dropped heavily onto my bed and drifted off to *****, where more images of sexual exploits spun through my brain like little tornadoes, here one second, gone the next until, spent, I drifted off to a motionless deep *****.


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The next morning I woke feeling rested, which was a stark contrast to the way I felt before I passed out. I still was a little confused at what had happened, but had no clear recollection. I decided to forget about it, and walked into the living room and sat down before my computer to check email and other assorted things.

I spun through my normal news website and saw nothing significant was happening in the world, and noticed no one had decided I was important enough to email. Bored much sooner than I'd expected, I just browsed around the web before finally settling on a porn site that I frequented.

Pulling up the usual images and videos was barely registering a twitch between my legs, so I started looking around areas I didn't normally investigate. There were masturbation videos and assorted fetish clips, but still nothing excited me. About to give up and go for a run, I came across the male section and stopped. This was a portion of the website dedicated to solo male masturbation for the most part. As I pulled up a couple of videos, I began to feel a familiar stir in my boxers. I began focusing on the cocks on the screen before me being stroked and played with. My free hand went down to caress my own stiffening cock.

I cycled through video after video, searching out larger and larger dicks. Circumcised, uncircumcised, shaved, and hairy; some attracted me more than others. Finally, I started watching one with an apparently older guy. He was uncircumcised, quite large and mostly hairless. I focused on how the foreskin moved up and down as he stroked himself. It didn't last long, and he finally came in a small fountain, dripping down his hand and the shaft of his cock. My own dick was rock hard at this point as I watched him spew his load and I found myself stroking my own dick watching another man stroke his. No women, no sex, not even any sound. As I thought about it, I was a little ashamed of myself, but figured that it's not like it was common knowledge. Still, it was undeniable that it turned me on.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door and I was snapped out of my soul searching. I stood up and immediately realized I was wearing only boxers, and with a raging hard-on, it didn't conceal very much. I peaked around the corner and saw through the rectangular window aside the door, that it was Lloyd. I wondered what he needed repairing now. Thinking that it was only another guy, I simply adjusted myself so that my left arm pressed my hard-on into myself, hoping he wouldn't notice. And if he did, it's just another guy.

I opened the door a little less than halfway and greeted him. "Hi there. I just wanted to thank you for helping me out yesterday and to make sure you were alright. You looked a little bit woozy when you left," he said.

"Oh, I'm ok. Thanks for asking. I just woke up a little bit ago and I feel fine. I'm not really sure what happened, but it seems like everything's ok," I said.

"Well, good. I'd hate for something to happen to my personal repairman." He chuckled as he said it. I must have still been waking up and was a little slow to get the joke. I ****** a little laugh in response, shifting my weight.

Scratching my head, I said, "Well, if you need anything, just let me know," and stepped back to close the door. He thanked me again, pausing a little as he walked away. I closed the door and as I turned, I realized that as I was talking to him, I changed hands while speaking. My semi-hard penis was poking straight out of my boxers. I wondered if he noticed, but I shrugged it off.

The day went on. I had errands to run and people to see. By the time I got back home it was late afternoon. After a solo dinner, it was looking like another boring night at home, so I plopped onto the couch in front of the TV. After flipping through the channels a few times, the palpable boredom and my short attention span drew me back to the computer.

I immediately resumed where I had left off earlier in the day. In no time at all I felt my cock strain in my pants as I watched strangers' dicks stroke before me and shoot their loads into the air. It didn't take long before I came across a video of a girl giving a well endowed guy a blowjob. I stared with rapt attention as she dove her head up and down his cock. Suddenly he pulled out of her mouth and shot his cum across her face. As the action before me slowed, I realized I had hastily pulled out my cock and was stroking it furiously, almost *************. I couldn't tear my eyes from the way the on screen phallus jerked and spasmed. There was no doubt of my curiosity now. I was fixated not on the girl on the screen, but on this cock covering her pristine face in ropes of semen. My cock was as hard as diamond. I didn't want to cum yet, but to investigate more. I saw more videos of more cocks in different shapes and sizes, bends and girths. I was very much like a kid in a candy store.

I began to wonder what it would be like touch another cock. A very small part of me felt repulsed, as if I shouldn't be thinking these things, but the lion's share felt excitement and taboo. As I stroked my own cock, I gazed at the screen in front of me, excited to see another one facing me. It was like a sense of deja-vu. Something drove me to these desires, but I had never had an experience like this with another man, had I?

I ceased questioning myself, and fell into the pleasure of the moment. I felt like I wanted to experience this first hand. I was horny and ravenous. I rebelled against every repulsion that flickered through my head at the thought of sexual thoughts with other men, but the desire was undeniable. Suddenly, a knock at the door snapped me to attention.

"What this going to happen every time I sit down?" I asked to the room. I quickly yanked my jeans back up, though the stiff hard-on inside was obvious. I went to the door and saw that it was Lloyd again. He had two beers in his hands. Reluctantly, I opened the door.

"Hey there!" he started. "I just wanted to say thanks again for your help yesterday. I figured I'd invite you for a couple neighborly beers between fellas," he said as he waved the ales in front of me. "Whad'ya say?"

I desperately wanted to get back to my newfound addiction, but didn't want to be rude, either. "Um, sure, I guess so," I stated.

"Ok, great. Come on over, then. Just come as you are." He said. He meant for me to come right then, apparently. I had some jeans on with no underwear, and no shirt, barefoot. I was about to go grab a shirt, and as I started to turn, he said, "No, really it's fine. Just come as you are." So I shrugged and followed him to his home adjoining mine.

I noticed he had straightened up a bit since my last visit. The furniture I had helped move was accompanied by new-looking modern tables and accoutrements, and there were more photos on the wall tastefully appointed. "You've made it look real nice in here," I said, looking around.

"Thanks. Couldn't have done it without you. Here," he said, offering me one of the beers in his hand, "cheers." We clinked glasses and sat down on the couch. I didn't know him well, so I didn't know how to start conversing, but he made me feel at ease, chatting about the weather, the local sports teams, and the like. He was into football as I was, and we had a common appreciation to the local club. The TV was playing in front of us, but neither one of us were paying attention to it. I was surprised at how well we got along.

After finishing the beer, he asked if I'd like another. I agreed, and he went into the kitchen for more. When he returned, we resumed talking about anything and everything. I was starting to feel a buzz coming on and relaxed further. I started talking more with my hands, and I'm sure I was getting louder. Lloyd was wearing a pair of loose fitting athletic shorts and a tank top. I noticed his hand drop to his crotch and adjust himself while we spoke.

I had another sense of deja-vu sitting here on the couch for some reason. I was seeing flashes of sex flicker through my mind, like a flashlight in the dark. That, coupled with the steadily increasing buzz I was feeling started getting me aroused. He continued talking and I was trying to pay attention, but the images kept coming. In addition, I kept noticing his hand on his crotch lightly adjust his package every so often. The light material of the shorts clearly outlined what I already knew was a very big penis. He was sitting on the couch next to me turned slightly facing me, with one knee up on the couch and the other foot on the ground, which exposed his crotch to me. I was focusing on our conversation as best I could, but could swear that he was subtly caressing his cock when I wasn't looking. It seemed as though his shorts were being slowly hiked up his leg, and as loose as they were, I could just make out the head of his penis poking out.

My own cock was straining against my jeans now and becoming uncomfortable. I shifted and tried to be nonchalant about adjusting myself, but it was near impossible to be stealthy about it. As I tugged at myself, he did the same. His cock was clearly getting larger. The head of his cock was now clearly poking out the bottom of his shorts. I could make out the thick foreskin pouting away from the end of his dick. I had no idea what he was saying at this point.

The rush I was feeling was like being ***** and experiencing a high at the same time. I was still trying to listen to him and not look down, but cock was in an awkward position in my jeans, pointing downward and a little under my leg. I couldn't reposition it without drawing attention to it. Finally I couldn't take it and said, "Excuse me" as I leaned back and thrust my hands in my jeans to grab my dick and pull it out from under my leg.

He stopped speaking, looked down at my crotch as I adjusted myself. His own hand went to his own cock and he stroked it through the light fabric of his shorts. I said, "Sorry. I was sort of sitting on it," trying to defend myself.

"Oh, that's ok," he said in response, no longer disguising his huge package. "You looked like you were a little uncomfortable there. That's why I don't wear underwear usually. It lets me move more freely," he said as he looked down at his crotch. "I'm sure it's a lot more comfortable than those jeans. I have more, you know. Why don't you try one on?"

I shook off the odd request. "No, it's ok. I'm much better now," I said. He tugged on his shorts, hiking them further up his thigh. The bulge was impressive beneath them. My less substantial cock was still straining against the relatively tight crotch of my jeans.

"I insist. Let me go grab a pair," he said, and he quickly got up. I tried in vain to stop him as he walked away, but it was no use. In moments, he returned with a pair of shorts similar to what he had on now. As he walked, his cock bounced from one thigh to the other. The shorts he presented were definitely larger than my 31 inch waist, and I was sure they'd fall right off me. "Here, try these on. You'll feel much better," he said.

"I think they're a bit too big, Lloyd," I said.

"Nonsense," he said. "Are you saying I'm fat, or something?"


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I really thought the whole thing was ridiculous, but I didn't want to offend him, and in addition, the buzz I was feeling made me abandon any inhibitions I'd have otherwise felt. Plus it almost sounded like him calling me "chicken" for not doing it. I was still debating it, when he grabbed me by the arm and started pulling me to my feet. "Take those off," he said.

The way he grabbed me was a little bit playful but with enough ***** to know that for an older guy, he was a lot stronger than he appeared outwardly. I was quickly to my feet, and once there had a momentary swoon of head rush. Playing it off, I simply said, "Fine. Let's have'em," and I took them from his hands.

I paused for a moment and placed my hands on my knees, just trying to get the ***** back in my head. He then straightened me upright and said, "Well, what are we waiting for?" Standing straight up made it a little worse. Lloyd appeared to be losing patience and said, "What are you, too good to change in front of another guy? What kind of man are you?" I started to reply when he grabbed the waist of my jeans, quickly unsnapping and unzipping the fly. He yanked them down past my knees and my hard penis bounced out, almost hitting him in the face.

"What the hell is this?" he asked. "You've got a hard-on? Does talking to older men get you hard or something?"

I tried to cover myself up, thoroughly embarrassed. "What? No!" I retorted quickly gathering myself. "You know how sometimes you just get one for no reason sometimes. It's nothing," I said, and quickly pulled my feet out of the crumpled jeans on the floor. I quickly yanked up the athletic shorts Lloyd had given me, and as I had suspected, saw that they were practically falling off me. The only part that held them on was the fact that my hard-on stuck straight out. "See?" I said. "They definitely don't fit."

"That," he started, "does not change the fact that you've got a stiffy right here in front of me. What are you, gay? You like looking at other guys' cocks? I've seen you looking at mine. Even right here on the couch, I saw you staring at it." His demeanor was changing. He was no longer the nice older gentleman next door, but a brutishly tough guy that was inching closer to where I stood. I stepped backward, the backs of my legs touching the couch.

"What's going on? It's no big deal," I responded, unsure of what exactly was going on. I was still heavily buzzed, and sliding deeper by the minute. He still inched toward me.

"I'll bet you're a fag, aren't you? That's why you don't have any girlfriends. You've been waiting for me to invite you over here so you can sneak peeks at my dick, aren't you?" he said as he grabbed his package through his shorts, shaking it menacingly as he spoke. He was so close now that my hard penis sticking straight out was touching his hand that held his own. He looked down. "Trying to touch your dick to mine, are you? Boy, you really are a queer, aren't you," he sneered.

"No, wait. I don't know what you're talking about, Lloyd. You know me..."

"Apparently not," he said, cutting me off. "All I see is some gay guy in front of me with a hard on for what I've got in my hand, here." He inched toward me again threateningly, and I, with nowhere to go, plopped backward onto the couch. "Ah," he said as he positioned his legs on either side of my own, "now you're trying to get more at eye-level with me. That right? You must want to see my cock pretty bad, boy."

"Lloyd, what the hell are you talking about? You asked me to come over here the way I was, remember?" I asked. My head was getting more and more blurred, almost like having tunnel vision. I was wondering what the ******* content of those beers were. It was having a tremendous effect on me. I was feeling *****, slightly dizzy, and ************* and the same time as having a heightened sense of awareness and excitement. My limbs felt heavy, but pulsing with energy at the same time.

"Look at your dick," he said. "It's sticking straight up like a little stick. Nothing like this tree I've got here. No wonder you want to see it so bad. You're feeling inadequate with that little tool of yours in your pants." He continued to pull on the organ behind his shorts. It was obviously getting bigger. "You want to see a real man's cock. Now it all makes sense. You're just a little gay fella that can't keep his eyes off my big dick here."

With his change in attitude, I had been watching his face as he spoke in such a threatening way, but now on the couch with him towering over me, I was at eye level with his penis. He still stroked it in front of me and as hard as I tried not to look, my eyes were drawn to it. My own cock ached and created a tent in my shorts. The way he was attempting to degrade me was embarrassing, but only called more attention to this obvious size difference between us both. I felt that the longer I sat here doing nothing only played into his hands, so I put my hands down on either side of me and started to stand, bumping into him slightly as I did so. The familiar dizziness poured over me as I reached my feet. His belly touched mine. I could feel and smell his breath on me and as he stroked his penis, his hand pressed against my own. I began to try and move to the side, but he easily blocked me, continuing to have his legs either side of mine. Each time his hand pressed against my stiff penis was like fire. I didn't want to seem submissive, but the feeling was so stimulating that I couldn't help myself.

"I think I should go, Lloyd," I said feebly. He inched toward me, his hips gently thrusting into mine.

"I don't think so," he said. "I want you to admit that you've been trying to look at my cock. You've been trying to steal glances at what a real man's dick looks like. Am I right?"

"No, Lloyd. I thought you were just being friendly," I said.

"I was being friendly," he said. "But you've been taking advantage of that, so you can see my cock. Just admit it." He pressed his body into mine. He was a good three to four inches taller than me, so his mouth was about at my nose level. It was all I could do to keep my balance and not fall back into the couch. The hand grasping his cock pressed into mine and grinded against me. "Admit that you've wanted to get a good look at this."

"I...I don't know what you are talking about," I stammered.

"Sure you do," he said in a low voice. "I'll bet you've been wondering what it feels like, haven't you? I'll wager you want to feel it right now, aren't you? To wrap your little gay hand around this big dick and feel it grow in your hand. Tell the truth!" he demanded.

As he spoke he pushed against me gently, and it was enough to get me to fall back into the couch. As I sat, he slipped his hand into his shorts. "Here, boy. You want to see this dick? Tell me. Tell me how bad you want it, you little bitch," he growled. I simply stared at his crotch, no longer able to look away from it. It was like he held a gun to my face. It was almost a form of fear that kept me riveted.

"No," I said, feigning willpower. "I need to go."

As I leaned forward to stand, he pushed his hips toward me and his hand, grasping his cock, pushed against my face. I fell back against the cushions. "Oh, so you want it in your mouth, do you? You are a little bitch aren't you? You trying to suck my cock, bitch? Is that what you're wanting?" he said. He then slipped both hands into the waistband of his shorts and pushed them down. They fell easily to the ground and a thick, veiny, uncircumcised penis waved before me. I was completely in awe. He had only tiny, thin bits of hair dotting the base. His testicles swung low and heavy between his thick legs. By my reckoning, he was about 8 inches at his current length, which was only beginning to harden. It arced away toward my own penis until he held it in his hand, pointing it toward me. He gently stroked the massive tool, pulling the thick, loose foreskin back and forth, exposing a bulbous mushroom head at the end of a very intimidating appendage.

He kicked aside his shorts and continued to caress himself before me. "Is this what you've been wanting to see?" he asked. "I'll be you've been jerking off at night waiting to touch it. No wonder since your own dick is so much smaller," he said, chuckling. "Let's see how much smaller that thing is."

He reached forward and grabbed me arm, hoisting me up to my feet again. He stepped back slightly and with one swift motion, yanked down the shorts that were falling off me anyway, exposing my own rock hard penis. It stood straight up at about six inches, a paltry contrast to the massive trunk he had before me. I tried to cover myself up and turn to the side, but he stopped me and pulled my hand away to meet his cock. "There, now you can feel it. Do you like how it feels, boy? It's like a dream come true, isn't it?" he said.


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I didn't grab it when he ****** my hand upon it, but the heat of it stoked a blaze in me and I finally slowly wrapped my hands around it. He pressed my hand against his cock and rubbed it up and down its length. I reluctantly looked down at it as I felt this hot tool in my hand, not having any control over the situation. I was doing his bidding now and felt powerless to stop. Each breath of his against me felt like a blast of heat against me and sent impulses of ******* fascination down my spine. I noticed then that he wasn't holding my hand against him any longer. I was caressing his thick cock all on my own. I felt it grow in my hand. It pulsated and was hardening immediately as I grasped it.

"Yeah, that's it. I knew you wanted this, boy," he said softly. With one hand, he moved up to my shoulder and began to apply pressure downward. I hardly noticed, but exerted more and more pressure until I went to my knees. "Oh, I see. You want to taste it, too? You want my dick in your mouth, you little queer?" he said. I looked up at him, trying to clear my head, but it was impossible. My hand never left his now hardened cock. His hand moved around to the back of my head and pulled me toward his fat cock. He other hand moved to hold his penis still as I still stroked it. As it got closer, my hand fell away. Precum oozed from the head of his dick. I studied his cock at length as it slowly approached me. I didn't turn away, though part of me wanted to.

I felt powerless, but would have flashes of lucidity where I felt I should stop this. These fleeting moments were immediately interrupted by the view before me. He held his dick toward my mouth and pulled my head closer. I began to turn my head away, but then it touched my lips. Just grazed them really, but the feeling sent shockwaves through me. The tip of his cock slid along the side of my cheek and he said, "Where do you think you're going? Open your mouth." I didn't want to do what he said, but I almost felt compelled to do it. His cock was so thick and heavy. It was drawing me in. Finally, he tugged on the back of my head and pushed his dick to my mouth.

I gasped as the pain of him grabbing my hair flashed through me, and as I did, he slipped his cock into my mouth. I wanted to resist, but my body felt afire with him in my mouth. The precum dripped onto my tongue and made me want more. He pulled my head toward him and pushed himself into me deeper. "Yeah, boy. Suck that cock. That's better," he said.

My own cock felt like it would burst from its own skin. I had one hand on each of his hips, partially to keep balance, but also so he wouldn't push in to my mouth too deeply. I wouldn't have been able to stop him either way. The head of his cock hit the back of my throat with each stroke and the loose foreskin caressed my tongue. He continued to grunt rhythmically as he fucked my mouth, berating me for being on my knees, sucking his cock, and loving it.

"Oh yeah, you ready to take my load?" he asked. The question did little to tear me from the fat tool in my mouth. "Here it comes!" he shouted, and I felt a stream of warm cum hit the back of my throat. He quickly pulled out his cock and released the rest of his load onto me, shooting it on my face and forehead, eyes, and chest. He groaned as he milked the rest of it from his dick, and I sat there on my knees, cum dripping down my face. I was in a state of numbness.

"Yeah, you did good," he said, walking away. I remained there, unable to move. He returned, toweling himself off as he strode back toward me. "That was real good, but I think you're right-it's time you headed home," he said. He then lifted me up and sat me on the couch. He helped me pull back on the jeans I had discarded previously. Lloyd did most of the work as I remained deep in my stupor.

Lloyd pulled me to my feet and pulled one arm around his wide shoulders. We walked through his front door and over the few feet to my own place, and he had to almost carry me to my bed where I flopped onto my back.

"Thanks for a good time, boy. Maybe if you're good you can get some more of this tomorrow," I heard him say as he left my dark room. Moments later I heard the distant sound of my front door closing, and I passed into a dreamless *****.


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Une histoire incroyable

Première enveloppe jaune...

Je vie à Anjou sur une rue où il y a plusieurs immeubles à étages multiple. Je demeure dans l'un d'eux au septième étage. Je suis célibataire et je mène une belle vie. Quoique sans compagne, je voyage beaucoup, je fais du sport et je prends tout cela au jour le jour. Mon manque de sexe et mon goût pour le style de vie bdsm me porte à faire des petits trucs un peu bizarres lorsque je suis seul.

Ainsi, il m'arrive, lors de mon retour du travail, de me déshabiller, de me ligoter et de me masturber ainsi pour me procurer du plaisir. Je me donne moi-même la fessée. Et même parfois je me fais une séance de selfbondage. Ces petits plaisirs solitaires, que je considère bien légitime, me procure un bien être qui me permet d'évacuer la pression et me détendre.

Cela faisait bien deux ans que j'habitais se condo au septième. Un soir en revenant du travail je prends mon courrier au passage dans le hall d'entrée et je monte à mon appartement. Je dépose les enveloppes sur le comptoir et commence à préparer mon souper. Je soupe tranquillement en regardant les nouvelles et tout va bien. Ensuite pour relaxer je me fais un thé et bien installé dans ma causeuse, je dépouille mon courrier. Des comptes et des publicités principalement. Mais il y a une enveloppe qui attire mon attention plus particulièrement.

C'est une enveloppe jaune de grandeur moyenne avec aucune adresse de retour. Je prends mon couteau et j'ouvre l'enveloppe. Je retire *** contenu. Il s'agissait d'un dvd et d'une feuille avec quelques lignes inscrite dessus...

Place le dvd sur ton player et regarde les photos. Tu recevras une autre enveloppe d'ici peu salope.

Mon visage devient écarlate en moins de deux. Qui pouvait bien me traiter de salope comme cela, il s'agissait probablement d'une erreur. J'insère le dvd dans mon appareil et j'appuis sur le bouton play. Des photos commencent à défiler sur mon téléviseur. Ce ***t des photos de moi en train de m'adonner à mes petits jeux bdsm dans mon appartement. Il y en a une vingtaine. On y distingue très bien mon visage. Plusieurs ont été prises avec un télé objectif. On me voit ligoté en train de me masturber. Sur certaine on voit que j'ai des pinces à linge sur le sexe et les seins. Mon cerveau arrête de penser pendant un court instant.

Puis la folie s'empare de nouveau de moi. Tout me semble si irréel. Puis après avoir repris un peu mes esprits, j'examine à nouveau ces photos. Elles semblent avoir été prisent d'un appartement situé de l'autre coté de la rue. Avec l'angle de prise de vue elles doivent avoir été prise du huitième ou neuvième étage de l'immeuble d'en face. Ce qui représente environ huit appartements possibles. Sur les photos j'étais allongé au milieu de mon salon. Je me souvenais de cette séance. Je l'avais fait il y a environ un mois, un vendredi soir.

Mon coté un peu exhibitionniste me poussait à laisser mes stores ouvert. Je me promenais nu dans mon appartement. Lorsque je pratiquais mon péché mignon mon cerveau se téléportait dans un autre monde et les fenêtres étaient le dernier de mes soucis.

Ce soir la n'étant pas capable de fermer l'œil je me suis assis près d'une fenêtre en essayant de trouver ce photographe indiscret. Mais ma tentative ne porta pas fruits. J'ai été hanté toute la nuit par ce courrier mystérieux. Et je devais recevoir une autre lettre, j'étais très nerveux. Qu'est ce que cela pouvait me réserver dans l'avenir...


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Deuxième enveloppe jaune

Depuis une semaine maintenant que j'ai reçus cette lettre anonyme avec ces photos compromettantes. Chaque matin que je vais au travail j'ai l'impression d'être observé. Chaque soir que je reviens à la maison je suis nerveux à l'idée de trouver une enveloppe jaune dans mon courrier. Depuis ce temps je ferme mes stores et je suis aux aguets. Je n'ai refait aucune autre séance de self bondage, je ne me suis même pas masturbé une seul fois depuis.

Ce soir en entrant du travail il y avait une autre enveloppe jaune comme celle de la semaine dernière dans mon courrier. Je me suis empressé de monter chez moi et de m'enfermer à double tour pour ouvrir fébrilement cette enveloppe.

J'ouvre une lumière pour faire un peu de clarté, car avec tous les stores bien fermés ont y voit rien chez moi. Je m'installe à la table de la cuisine et déballe cette enveloppe probablement empoisonnée. Il n'y a qu'une lettre cette fois ci. Mais elle comporte deux pages. Je commence donc à lire...

Salut salope.

Tu vas lire attentivement cette lettre. Et tu vas faire tout ce que je te demande.

Premièrement tu vas ouvrir tout tes stores. Et je veux qu'il soit ouvert au complet, et tu ne les referme plus jamais. Ne lit pas le reste de cette lettre tout de suite. Va ouvrir tes stores immédiatement. Et sache que je te surveille. Allé va ouvrir tes stores.

Si tu continue à lire cette lettre et que tes stores ne sont pas ouvert alors sache qu'une de ces merveilleuses photos de la semaine dernière pourraient se retrouver collé dans le hall de ton immeuble. Allez ouvre tes stores MAINTENANT.

Je me suis donc levé, et j'ai fait le tour de mon appartement pour ouvrir tout les stores. Chaque fois que j'en ouvrais un je regardais pour voir si je n'apercevrais pas le voyeur aux enveloppes jaune. Mais sans succès. Je suis retourné immédiatement à la cuisine pour continuer la lecture de cette lettre.

Tu vas te foutre à poil immédiatement et aller continuer à lire la lettre dans ta causeuse au salon. Et sache que je t'observe, allez EXÉCUSSION SALOPE.

Fébrilement je retire tout mes vêtements et je vais m'assoir dans ma causeuse au salon. Mon cœur bat à tout rompre. Des sueurs froides parcourent tout mon corps. Je commence même à trembler.

Bien, alors chaque fois que tu vas entrer dans ton appartement à l'avenir tu vas te foutre immédiatement à poil. Interdit d'être habillé chez toi. De plus tu n'a plus le droit de fermer ta porte à clés lorsque tu es chez toi. Alors va la débarrer IMMÉDIATEMENT et revient te rassoir dans la causeuse.

Je me lève donc, je débarre ma porte d'entrée et je retourne m'assoir sur la causeuse. Il devait m'observer. J'étais rouge de honte.

Si tu m'as obéit jusqu'à présent c'est que tu es docile et que tu comprends que cela serait la catastrophe pour toi de ne pas obéir à mes ordres. Car il pourrait y avoir plusieurs de tes photos qui pourraient se retrouver dans le hall d'entrée de ton immeuble ou bien sur un babillard au centre commercial.

À partir d'aujourd'hui tu es en mon pouvoir et tu dois m'obéir sinon tu sais à quoi tu t'expose. Pour l'instant contente-toi d'avoir tes stores ouvert en tout temps et de te foutre à poil lorsque tu arrive chez toi. Et n'oubli pas de laisser ta porte débarré lorsque tu es la. Et obéit, car mes contacts me permette de vérifier cette dernière petite chose très facilement...

Je venais de perdre le contrôle de ma vie. Et dans quelle histoire on m'avait donc embarqué...Je me devais d'obéir à cette personne, car sinon ma vie pourrait être un enfer encore plus difficile. Était-ce un homme ou une femme? Que me voulait-elle exactement cette personne?

Pendant des jours entier je me suis foutu à poil en arrivant chez moi, sans fermer ma porte à clés, ni fermer les stores. Je me sentais observé à chaque minute. Et a aucun moment je ne pouvais voir qui pouvait bien me regarder et de quel appartement. Cinq jours on passés jusqu'à ce que ma boite aux lettres contienne à nouveau une enveloppe jaune...



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En ouvrant mon courrier ce soir encore une fameuse enveloppe jaune. Je me suis précipité à mon appartement, fermé la porte sans la barrer. Je me suis foutu à poil et je me suis dirigé en vitesse dans ma causeuse pour prendre connaissance de *** contenu.

Salut salope

Bien jusqu'à présent tu es très obéissant. Peut-être que je n'aurai pas à faire développer quelques photos pour les afficher un peu partout. Et en passant c'est bien de laisser ta porte ouverte lorsque tu es la

Cette dernière phrase m'a fait rougir elle savait vraiment que je laissais ma porte débarrée. Si non elle n'aurait pas pris le risque de se tromper et de perdre toute crédibilité. Mon état de stress était à *** comble.

À présent on va être un peu sérieux. Tu vas me faire une liste de tous les objets que tu utilises pour faire tes petites séances perverses et tu vas me dire à quel endroit tu les ranges. Tu vas me mettre cela dans un fichier word et tu va me l'envoyer à [email protected] . Tu incluras aussi à la fin de ta liste ton numéro de téléphone à la mai*** petite pute. Oui, oui tu as bien compris. Et tu sais pourquoi tu vas le faire... Je veux cela pour ce soir 20h00.

Je tremblais comme une feuille à l'automne. Il voulait mon numéro de téléphone. J'ai presque perdu connaissance. Jusqu'ou allait-il aller? Moi et mon goût pour l'exhibitionnisme, voila ou cela me conduisait. À présent je me trouvais dans une aventure diabolique sans possibilité de m'en sortir, à moins de faire face à tous les problèmes que j'aurais s'il mettait ces menaces à exécution. Je me remis à lire.

Chose très importante, demain matin lorsque tu partiras travailler je veux que tu laisse un double de tes clés près du pot de fleur à gauche de l'entrée de ton immeuble. Et ne rouspète pas. Tu n'as pas le choix n'est ce pas... Je sais que tu es rai***nable.

Dernière petite chose. Quand tu partiras n'essais pas de revenir et de regarder qui prendra possession des clés car cella déclencherait ma colère et tu sais...

Bonne nuit la salope.

J'étais sidéré. Cette per***ne me tenait à la gorge et m'étouffait de plus en plus. C'était vraiment comme un piège qui se refermait sur moi sans que je n'y puisse rien. J'avais l'estomac noué, mon appétit s'était envolé. Je tremblais et vacillais en me dirigeant vers ma chambre pour faire la liste de mes jouets bdsm.

J'ai tout sortie mes jouets et j'en ai fait la liste dans un fichier word. J'ai eu du mal à inscrire mon numéro de téléphone. Mes doigts n'arrivaient pas à appuyer sur les bonnes touches. J'ai senti une larme couler le long de ma joue. J'ai ensuite ouvert mon email, j'ai inséré le fichier word et j'ai finalement appuyé sur « envoyer ».

7h40, j'ai fermé l'ordinateur et je me suis fait couler un bon bain chaud. J'y suis resté pendant au moins 2h00. C'est l'eau qui s'était refroidit qui m'a sorti des limbes où je m'étais perdu. Je suis allé me coucher sans vraiment dormir de la nuit.

Le lendemain matin, je partais pour mon travail sans grand enthousiasme. Je laissais le double de mes clés près du pot de fleur et quittais mon appartement inquiet et bouleversé par ce qui m'arrivait...


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Ce soir je suis rentré chez moi fatigué et vidé. Non pas d'avoir travaillé fort, mais d'avoir pensé toute la journée à ce qui m'arrivait. Je me suis mis nu, c'était une routine maintenant pour moi. J'ai été porter mon linge dans ma chambre. J'ai tout laissé tomber dans l'ouverture de la porte lorsque j'ai aperçu tous mes jouets sur mon lit. Il était venu ici. Il avait fouillé dans mes affaires. J'avais la trouille. J'ai commencé à faire le tour de mon appartement pour voir si tout était là, quand soudain le téléphone s'est mit à sonner.

-Oui hello!

-Salut salope!

J'ai figé immédiatement. C'était une voix androgyne un peu robotisée. Je ne pouvais pas dire s'il s'agissait d'un homme ou d'une femme.

-Alors on ne répond pas petite pute.

-Heuuu. Oui.

-Va voir au salon j'ai un petit cadeau pour toi sur la table centrale.

Je me dirige donc au salon et je vois sur la table une cagoule noire, un petit cadenas et une paire de menotte. Mon cœur s'est mit à prendre du rythme. Je recommençais à trembler comme la veille au soir.

-Tu vois la cagoule, tu vas la mettre et refermer le tout avec le cadenas. Ensuite tu vas lier tes poignets avec la paire de menotte dans ton dos et tu vas t'agenouiller au centre du salon. T'as compris.

-Heuuuu! Oui.

-Bien, alors tu vas raccrocher le téléphone et tu vas faire cela immédiatement et tu vas attendre. C'est moi qui ai les clés des menottes et du cadenas.


Je raccroche le téléphone, j'enlève mes lunettes et je commence à installer la cagoule sur ma tête. Elle couvre bien les yeux et laisse le nez et la bouche dégagés. Il y a une fermeture éclair derrière qui descend jusqu'à la base de celle-ci. C'est à cet endroit que l'on peut y glisser le cadenas. Une fois celui-ci installé il est impossible de retirer la cagoule. Je fixe finalement mes deux poignets dans mon dos avec les menottes. Puis je prends place à genoux au milieu du salon et j'attends.

L'attente est interminable. Si c'est lui qui a les clés, alors il va venir ici. Mes tremblements sont incontrôlables. J'ai très froid, le stress envahit mon corps, mon esprit ne peu plus réfléchir, c'est le néant.

Soudain j'entends la porte de mon appartement s'ouvrir. Cette personne inconnue entre chez moi. Moi qui suit au milieu du salon, nu comme un ver et dans une position peu enviable. J'entends les pas qui se rapprochent de moi. La personne semble s'être assise dans la causeuse. Je me sens observé, j'ai honte et je suis angoissé.

Après plusieurs minutes de ce traitement psychologique infernal la personne se relève finalement et s'approche de moi à nouveau. Un de mes seins se fait pincer violemment et se fait tirer vers le haut. Je n'ai pas le choix et je dois me lever. Ensuite la personne pince le bout de mon pénis et le tire vers l'avant elle me promène dans toutes les pièces de l'appartement. Je n'ai d'autre choix que de suivre.

Mon pénis a pris de l'expansion et j'en ai honte. Si je n'avais pas de cagoule mon bourreau pourrait surement voir que mon visage est rouge comme une tomate. Revenu au salon il m'oblige à me coucher à plat ventre sur la causeuse. Il me pousse les bras vers le haut du corps pour dégager mes fesses et là débute une fessée magistrale. Les claques fusent à une vitesse infernale. Je pleure, mais je n'ose crier car je ne voudrais surtout pas alerter mes voisins. La fessée est donnée avec tant de vigueur que je pense que mon bourreau est surement un homme. Ma cagoule est remplie de larmes qui ne peuvent s'échapper.

Finalement il m'oblige à reprendre ma position initiale, soit à genoux au centre du salon et me place les deux mains avec les paumes vers le haut. Soudain je sens qu'il y dépose dans chacune d'elle quelque chose. Puis j'entends des pas qui s'éloigne de moi et ma porte d'entrée qui s'ouvre et se referme.

Je prends quelques instants pour reprendre mes esprits et je commence à tâter les objets dans mes paumes. Ce sont les clés des menottes et du cadenas. De peine et de misère je réussis à me défaire des menottes, puis j'enlève la cagoule. Mes larmes coulent enfin sur mes joues. Mon cerveau est aussi embrouillé que ma vue. Je replace mes lunettes sur mon nez et je vais me passer une débarbouillette d'eau froide sur le visage.

Dans la salle de bain, face au miroir, je constate que mes fesses sont de couleur rouge vif. Elles sont devenues sensibles. Je peux même y distinguer l'empreinte des mains de mon bourreau. C'est incroyable ce qui vient de m'arriver. Un parfait inconnu, qui demeure de l'autre coté de ma rue est entré ici et m'a donné une super fessée. Dire que je pourrais le croiser sur la rue sans le reconnaître.

Je me fais un café et je vais m'assoir dans le salon. Non, je me ravise, mes fesses sont trop sensibles à présent. Je dois rester debout. J'essaie de me relaxer, mais sans grand succès. Puis, le téléphone...

-Oui hello!

-Tu vois salope, c'était seulement un petit aperçu pour te montrer que c'est moi qui contrôle ta vie à présent. Tu me dois obéissance. Tu as bien fait cela aujourd'hui. Et ne soit pas triste on va se revoir bientôt. En attendant n'oublie jamais les consignes.

À suivre...


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Pas pour moi, mais bon... même très bon... Merci


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Quelques jours plus tard le téléphone retenti de nouveau à mon arrivé du travail.

-Oui hello!

-Salut petite pute...Écoute moi bien, ce soir tu vas aller à la banque et tu vas retirer $400. Tu vas les déposer sur ta table de cuisine. Demain je vais passer les prendre.

-Mais vous voulez avoir mon argent en plus...

-Ferme la idiot, tu n'y es pas du tout, j'ai juste quelques emplettes à faire pour toi et ce n'est pas moi qui va payer petit con.

-Heuuu, bien....

-Tu sais ce qu'il peut arriver si tu n'obéis pas salope.

-Bon, d'accord.

-Bien, et ne me déçoit pas. À plus tard connard.

Et il raccroche aussitôt. Une autre soirée à jongler à mon triste sort. Je suis passé à la banque en soirée et j'y ai retiré $400. J'avais l'impression que tout le monde sur mon passage savait pourquoi je retirais cet argent. J'étais dans un autre monde, rien de rationnel. En revenant chez moi en voiture, le paysage qui défilait devant moi me semblait abstrait. Je perdais le contact avec la réalité. Je ne pouvais plus penser par moi-même, de plus en plus quelqu'un d'autre prenait le contrôle de mon corps et de mon esprit.

Arrivé chez moi j'ai déposé l'argent sur la table de cuisine et après avoir pris une bonne douche je me suis mit au lit. Combien allait-il me soutirer encore. Devrais-je lui payer une mensualité. Ou tout cela me conduirait-il. Soudain le tintamarre de mon réveil me sort de ma torpeur. Sans m'en rendre compte mon esprit avait finit par laisser place au sommeil. Et finalement j'avais passé une assez bonne nuit.

Mais au passage dans la cuisine pour préparer mon petit déjeuner la liasse de billet vert sur la table a vite fait de me réintégrer dans la réalité. Angoissé et découragé je suis parti pour mon boulot sans grand enthousiasme.

Une journée comme les autres, stressante et pénible. L'esprit toujours vagabondant dans l'enfer de ma situation. Et lorsque j'arrivais chez moi le soir je ne savais jamais à quoi m'attendre.

Je ferme la porte et me déshabille. Je marche jusqu'à ma chambre pour mettre mon linge dans la boite à lavage. Je retourne vers la cuisine pour préparer mon souper, mais je fais un pas en arrière. Une chose à attiré mon attention. Mon ordinateur est en mode écran de veille. Il est venu fouiller dans mon ordi pendant mon absence.

Je bouge la souris, je prends quelques instants pour comprendre. Mon écran d'ordinateur est divisé en neuf écrans égaux et dans certain d'entre eux je peux reconnaitre les pièces de mon appartement. Ainsi dans le carré gauche en haut je peux me voir moi-même dans ma chambre. Je lève les yeux et j'aperçois une caméra dans le coin au plafond. Je regarde à nouveau sur l'écran et je remarque que je peux voir dans mon salon, ma cuisine, l'entrée et même dans la salle de bain.

Je fais le tour de l'appartement et constate qu'effectivement il y a des caméras partout dans les coins près du plafond. Dans la salle de bain cependant je ne les vois pas.

-Elles sont caché derrière le miroir salope.

J'ai fait le saut. Cette voie venue de nulle part, une voix androgyne et robotisé comme celle du téléphone. Il avait installé un système pour m'observer à distance, j'étais figé.

-Alors tu ne dit rien petite pute.

-Mais.... Euuuhhh

-Bien oui je t'entends aussi.

Ça alors, il peut me parler et m'entendre aussi, il me voit, il est en train de prendre vraiment le contrôle de ma vie.

-Que voulez-vous exactement.

-Tut... tut... tut... Apelle moi Maître Ordinateur quand tu t'adresse à moi à présent.

-Mais qu'est-ce....

-J'ai dit Maître Ordinateur, si non tu sais...

-D'accord Maître Ordinateur

-Bien, à présent écoute-moi bien sans dire un mot. Comme tu vois je peux t'observer grâce à ces merveilleuses webcams sans file. À tout les samedi matin à l'avenir tu vas changer les piles de toutes les caméras. Il y a un système de chargeur dans la petite chambre.


-Tu as oublié mon nom salope.

-Ok, d'accord Maître Ordinateur

-Bien, pour les piles des deux caméras de la salle de bain elles sont dans le garde robe de ta chambre, car j'ai du installer des miroirs sans thym pour camoufler les caméras au cas où tu aurais des visiteurs.

-Oui mais pour les autres Maître Ordinateur.

-Bien...Je vois que tu apprends vite petite pute. Tu n'auras qu'as dire que c'est un super système de sécurité.

-Oui Maître Ordinateur.

Ensuite il m'a détaillé le système. M'interdisant de fermer mon ordinateur en tout temps à l'avenir. S'il y avait une panne et bien l'ordi était doté d'une batterie backup. Il m'a aussi fait comprendre qu'a l'avenir il me serait interdit de naviguer sur le net à ma guise. Le seul temps ou je pourrais aller sur le net, c'est lorsque je verrais apparaître un icône dans la case noir au centre de mon ordi, la, il n'y a pas de fenêtre pour une caméra.

J'étais stupéfait. Plus de possibilité d'aller sur mes sites bdsm favori. Être épié 24 heures sur 24. Dire que je voyais le bdsm comme un jeu, mais la c'était devenu du sérieux...


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Samedi matin, je sors de la douche, il est 9 heures. Je m'essuie vigoureusement pour bien m'assécher. Quand soudain une voie vient me sortir du néant.

-La douche à été bonne salope.

-Euuuuu oui...

-On dit oui Maitre Ordinateur salle pute

-Oui Maitre Ordinateur.

-Tu vas t'habiller et tu vas aller chercher de la crème épilatoire à la pharmacie immédiatement et défense de mettre des sous-vêtements.

-Oui Maitre Ordinateur

-Allez dépêche toi et revient vite dans la salle de bain en suite.

-Oui Maitre Ordinateur.

Je me suis donc habillé en vitesse et j'ai filé à la pharmacie. J'ai acheté un kit d'épilation et je suis revenu immédiatement à mon appartement...

-Pas trop tôt salope, vite à la salle de bain et comme d'habitude à poil poufiasse.

-Oui Maitre Ordinateur

Je me suis dirigé en courant à la salle de bain et j'ai attendu les ordres.

-Je veux que tu te rase le sexe et la raie du cul petit con, et je ne veux plus un poil compris.

-Oui Maitre Ordinateur

Cela me faisait tout drôle de m'épiler ainsi tout en me sachant observé par cet inconnu. J'ai donc commencé avec les ciseaux pour enlever le plus de poil possible. Ensuite j'ai enduit mon sexe de la crème à épiler, puis j'ai attendu 10 minutes. Ensuite j'ai rincé mon sexe sous la douche et tous les poils ont disparut. J'ai ensuite savonné ma raie et délicatement avec un rasoir bic j'ai fait disparaître les poils autour de mon anus. Je me sentais comme un jeune garçon.

-Bien salope, et à l'avenir je veux que tu t'entretiennes et que tu sois lisse comme un bébé en tout temps.

-Oui Maitre Ordinateur

-Tu vois, je suis ton maitre et tu es mon esclave tu devras toujours m'obéir, je vais te faire franchir plusieurs étapes qui vont te mener à la domination total.

-Oui Maitre Ordinateur

-Je t'ai envoyé un fichier avec plein de questions, je veux que tu prennes la journée pour y répondre et que tu me le retourne ce soir à 6 heures. Et pas de mensonges salope, si non tu sais se qui t'attend.

-Oui Maitre Ordinateur

Je me suis donc dirigé vers ma chambre ou est mon ordi et j'ai cliqué au centre de l'écran sur l'icône du questionnaire. Car mon ordi à présent est totalement sous le contrôle de mon Maître. Je ne peux que cliquer sur les icônes qu'il veut bien me montrer. Si non je ne vois que les 8 écrans qui me renvoie les images de mon appartement. J'ouvre donc le questionnaire.

Âge :
Sexe :
Cheveux :
Yeux :
Taille :
Poid :

Adresse :
Téléphone :

Employeur :
Téléphone :

...... Et cela continuait ainsi en me demandant toute mes goûts, tendances, dépravations, tout ce que j'avais déjà essayé etc... Après ce questionnaire je n'avais plus aucun secret pour Maître Ordinateur. Cela m'avait pris toute la journée pour répondre. Il y avait l'équivalent de 50 pages de questions.

À exactement 5heures 45 je retourne le document complété à mon Maître.

-À présent va devant ta porte patio et masturbe toi devant ta porte.

-Oui Maître Ordinateur.

Je me suis donc dirigé vers la porte patio et j'ai commencé à me masturber.

-Oui c'est cela, plus vite salope et je veux que tu éjacules sur la vitre.

-Oui Maître Ordinateur.

Après plusieurs minutes de ce manège j'ai finalement jouit et éjaculé sur la vitre. Je voyais le coulis de sperme descendre le long de la paroi.

-Lèche ton sperme qui coule sur la vitre salope, allez plus vite que ça.

-Oui Maître Ordinateur.

Je me suis donc exécuté. J'ai léché mon sperme qui coulait. Je sentais que mon bourreau se délectait de me voir ainsi à sa merci dans une position honteuse. Il devait jouir de me voir exécuter tout ces ordres dans les moindres détails. Mais que pouvais-je faire d'autre. Si je n'obéissais pas ma vie deviendrait encore plus pénible. Je ne pourrais même plus me rendre à mon travail ou à l'épicerie sans que tout le monde me regarde avec dégoût et me harcelle et me rejette.

-Bien tu peux retourner à tes activités maintenant petite pute.

-Merci Maître Ordinateur.

Bon j'avais du temps pour moi maintenant, il était 19 heures 30 et comme nous étions en début d'été et qu'il faisait jour jusqu'à 21 heures. J'ai décidé de m'habiller et d'aller faire une randonné de vélo pour me détendre et ne plus penser à rien...


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Le dimanche il n'y a rien eu de spécial. Probablement que Maître Ordinateur était sorti. Le lendemain matin je suis parti travailler et la journée s'est déroulée comme à l'habitude. 16 heures 30 j'étais de retour chez moi. J'ai débarré ma porte, je suis entrée et je me suis déshabillé. J'ai pris mon linge dans mes bras et je me suis dirigé vers ma chambre. En passant près de la cuisine je me suis aperçu qu'il y avait un paquet sur la table. J'ai déposé mon linge sur une chaise et j'ai regardé plus attentivement ce colis. Il y avait une note.

Voici un petit film pour te distraire salope.

Une chaleur indescriptible a envahit mon corps. La personne qui me contrôlait avait encore pénétré chez moi. J'ai ouvert la boite et dans celle-ci il y avait un autre dvd. Je l'ai inséré dans mon player et j'ai regardé. Je pouvais me voir moi-même me masturber devant ma porte patio. Tantôt en plan éloigné, tantôt en plan rapproché. Un close up du visage, une vue d'ensemble. Un plan où l'on pouvait voir ma main masturber mon sexe jusqu'à être assez loin pour que l'on voit ma porte patio au centre de l'image et deux étages de l'immeuble en dessous et au dessus.

Ensuite on me voyait éjaculer dans la vitre. Puis en gros plan rapproché on me voyait lécher mon sperme. Je croyais le video terminée. Comme j'allais éjecter le dvd...

-Attend salope ce n'est pas fini reste assis.

-Oui Maitre Ordinateur

Je me suis assis de nouveau dans la causeuse et j'ai continué à regarder. La même scène recommençait, mais vu de l'intérieur. La caméra web du salon avait tout enregistré. J'avais la confirmation qu'il filmait tous mes faits et gestes.

-Bonne soirée salope, fait de beaux rêves.

-Merci Maître Ordinateur

Maître Ordinateur devait être occupé ce soir et me laissait à mon triste sort comme il le faisait souvent. J'ai vaqué à mes occupations après avoir soupé. Comme souvent, depuis que l'on avait pris possession de ma vie ce fut long avant que je trouve le sommeil.

Puis bizarrement j'ai été plusieurs semaines sans avoir de nouvelles de Maître. Était-il malade ou parti en vacance. J'observais quand même scrupuleusement ma routine. J'étais nu dans mon appartement, la porte débarrée et j'attendais les ordres de Maître...


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Près d'un mois s'était écoulé depuis le dernier contact avec Maître Ordinateur. Sans avoir la possibilité de naviguer sur internet et de faire quoique ce soit sans l'ordre de mon Maître alors je me défoulais dans le sport et la lecture.

Puis un soir après souper alors que je faisais ma vaisselle.

-Qui es-tu ?

Je fis le saut. Il y avait si longtemps que je n'avais pas entendu la voix de mon Maître. Et quelle question bizarre. C'était peut-être un nouveau jeu. Un nouveau défi qu'il me lançait.

-Je suis votre esclave Maître Ordinateur.
-Et que dois-tu faire?

-Et bien je dois vous obéir Maître Ordinateur.

-Et comment?

-Bien en faisant absolument tout ce que vous me demandez Maître Ordinateur.

C'était vraiment bizarre ces questions. De plus la voix androgyne émanant des haut-parleurs semblait un peu différente de l'habitude. Était-il toujours malade, un problème de voie, j'en perdais mon latin.

Il y avait eu un silence de quelques minutes. Cela m'avait semblé très long.

-Ou demeures tu esclave?
-Bien je demeure en face de chez vous Maître Ordinateur.

Pourquoi ces questions? Je ne savais plus quoi penser, de plus le ton était différent. Il ne me traitait plus de salope ou de petite pute. C'était déstabilisant. Peut-être voulait-il modifier la façon de me dominer. Voulait-il raffiner sa domination sur moi.

-Approche-toi de ta porte de salon et reste la.

-Oui Maître Ordinateur.

Je m'approche donc de la porte patio et je reste la. J'essais d'observer quelqu'un qui pourrait m'épier d'un des appartements d'en face. Mais je ne vois rien. Je suis resté ainsi pendant plus d'une demie-heure. Je me demandais bien ce qui se passait. Est-ce que j'allais passer la nuit ainsi? Puis la voix à retenti de nouveau.

-Allez c'est correct tu peux continuer ce que tu faisais.

-Oui Maître Ordinateur.

Et la voix s'est éteinte pour le reste de la soirée. J'ai regardé un peu la télé et je me suis couché de bonne heure. J'ai pensé et repensé à tout cela sans pouvoir trouver une vraie explication. Tout était tellement inhabituel.

Le lendemain matin j'ai repris le chemin du travail. J'étais heureux dans un sens d'avoir été recontacté par mon Maître inconnu. Je ne savais plus quoi faire de ma vie après avoir déjà passé trois mois en compagnie de cette personne qui gérait dorénavant ma vie...

À suivre...


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Deux jours on passé sans nouvelle de Maître. Puis le mercredi, j'avais à peine enlevé tout mes vêtements que la voie se fit entendre dans l'appartement.

-Met toi à genoux au milieu du salon.

-Oui Maître Ordinateur.

J'avais laissé mon linge près de la porte d'entré et je me suis placé, nu, à genoux, au centre du salon. J'attendais la suite impatiemment. J'étais toujours fébrile lorsque je ne savais pas se qui allait se passer ensuite.

-Met tes mains sur ta tête.

-Oui Maître Ordinateur.

Puis il c'est passé encore plusieurs minutes dans le silence. C'était comme d'habitude incroyable. J'étais la au milieu du salon à genoux les mains sur la tête et nu en plus. J'étais la à obéir à une voie d'un inconnu qui provenait directement du web.

-Tu dois m'obéir n'est ce pas ?

-Oui Maître Ordinateur.

-Tu dois faire exactement tout ce que je te dis sans rouspéter!

-Oui Maître Ordinateur.

-Si tu ne le fait pas qu'est ce qui peu t'arriver?
-Bien, vous pouvez divulguer les photos compromettantes de moi, Maître Ordinateur.

-Et aussi les films n'est ce pas ?

-Oui Maître Ordinateur.

Bien oui, depuis le temps que Maître Ordinateur me dominait, il avait amassé bien d'autre photos et films de moi dans des situations encore plus délicates. Mais pourquoi me posait-il toutes ces questions. Étais ce pour me préparer à accepter un nouveau défi tout en me rappelant la menace qui pesait sur moi?

-Va mettre ta cagoule de latex qui cache bien ta vue, mais qui laisse ta bouche dégagé.

-Oui Maître Ordinateur.

Je me suis rendu dans ma chambre et je me suis mit la cagoule en question. Une fois sur la tête je ne pouvais plus rien voir.

-Ferme la avec un cadenas, enferme tes deux poignets avec une paire de menotte derrière ton dos, laisse les clés du cadenas et des menottes dans le tiroir de ton bureau et retourne au salon dans la position ou tu étais tout à l'heure.

-Oui Maître Ordinateur.

J'ai donc fermé le cadenas sur les anneaux qui empêchaient d'enlever la cagoule et je me suis joint les poignets derrière mon dos en laissant les clés dans le tiroir de mon bureau. Je me suis dirigé au salon de peine et de misère, car je n'y voyais rien. Et je me suis mit à genoux au centre, du moins je pense.

-Reste dans cette position quoiqu'il arrive. Ne bouge pas d'un poil avant que je ne t'en donne l'ordre, compris.

-Oui Maître Ordinateur.

Qu'allait-il se passer? Mon esprit envisageait toute sorte de scénario possible. C'était peut-être seulement pour utiliser *** pouvoir sur moi. Me faire faire des choses, juste pour voir mon obéissance. Le coté psychologique de l'exercice était enivrant. S'il fallait que les per***nes de mon entourage qui ***t vanille me voie dans cette position. OUFFF ! vision d'horreur. Il ne fallait pas. Et pour cela je me devais d'obéir.

Soudain j'entends la porte de mon appartement s'ouvrir. Une chaleur intense m'envahit alors. Étais-ce Maître ou une autre per***ne. La porte s'était refermée. Un voisin peut-être. On s'approchait de moi. Pas un mot. Je tremblais de peur et d'angoisse. Des goutes de sueur ruisselaient sur mon corps.

Soudain j'ai senti que l'on me pinçait un sein, puis je me suis senti tiré vers l'avant. La per***ne semblait me rapprocher de la causeuse. Puis deux mains m'ont plaqué contre un entre-jambe et j'ai été obligé de lécher celle-ci. Était-ce Maître Ordinateur?

Chose donc j'étais certain Maintenant c'est que Maître Ordinateur était une femme. Je goutais *** sexe ruisselant de plaisir. Il était juteux et odorant. En me pinçant les seins et en me plaquant le visage sur *** sexe elle m'obligeait à lui lécher avec vigueur. Après quelques minutes je l'ai senti prendre *** plaisir et elle à maculé le bas de mon visage de *** jus. Ces jambes se ***t serré de chaque coté de ma tête très fort. *** corps c'est tordu de plaisir. Elle m'a, pendant plusieurs minutes bien badigeonnée de *** nectar.

Puis, me prenant par un sein elle m'a redirigé vers le centre du salon pour reprendre ma position. Je l'ai senti s'éloigner et elle est sortie de l'appartement en refermant la porte. Je suis resté au centre du salon attendant de nouveaux ordres. C'était incroyable, elle s'était enfin vraiment servie de moi pour la première fois après ces presque quatre long mois. Décidément j'entrais dans une seconde phase de mon dressage. Quelques minutes plus tard le silence de l'appartement à été rompu.

-Tu va aller enlever tes menottes et la cagoule et tu pourras vaquer à tes occupations normales. Mais défense de te laver le visage ou de te brosser les dents pour ce soir.

-Oui Maître Ordinateur.

-Et à l'avenir tu va m'appeler Maîtresse Liane

-Oui Maîtresse Liane.

-Et demain lorsque tu arriveras chez toi je veux que tu dépose 350 euros sur la table de cuisine.

-Mais Maîtresse...

-Il n'y a pas de mais, obéit ou sinon...

-Oui Maîtresse Liane


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En arrivant chez moi ce soir j'ai déposé 350 euros sur la table de cuisine. J'ai allumé la télé et je me suis préparé un bon souper. Toute les nouvelles me semblaient bien banales. J'étais à l'étape du thé lorsque la voix de Maîtresse c'est fait entendre.

-Place-toi au milieu du salon à genoux avec la cagoule et les menottes comme d'habitude salope.

-Oui Maîtresses Liane.

Cela voulait dire qu'elle traverserait bientôt et que j'aurais droit à une séance de domination en règle. Fébrilement j'ai exécuté les ordres. En moins de deux je me suis retrouvé nu au centre du salon cagoulé et menotté. Quelques minutes plus tard effectivement ma porte d'entrée grinçait. Le bruit de ces talons aiguilles c'est rapproché et une violente sensation de douleur à traversé ma poitrine lorsqu'elle à empoigner mon sein avec une traction vers le haut pour me faire mettre debout.

J'ai senti ensuite qu'elle me tâtait le sexe. Voulait-elle me donner du plaisir pour une première fois. Cela commençait à m'exciter au plus haut point. Puis j'ai senti que mon sexe était compressé comme dans un étau, j'ai entendu clic et elle a cessé de me tripoter. Elle m'a attiré vers la causeuse et m'a obligé à m'étendre sur celle-ci sur le dos.

Puis j'ai gouté à nouveau à *** sexe juteux qui se frottait à ma bouche. Pendant plusieurs minutes elle à fait des mouvements de va et vient sur ma figure pour se procurer du plaisir. J'avais de *** jus qui coulait dans mon coup. C'était incroyable comment cette femme était ruisselante. Lorsqu'elle c'est approché de l'orgasme elle serrait de plus en plus mes seins endoloris. Je me forçais pour la faire jouir au plus vite pour qu'elle arrête sa *******. Puis dans un grand tremblement elle c'est laissé emporter. Elle est resté un peu sur mon visage et c'est ensuite relevé.

J'ai pu finalement reprendre mon souffle et abaisser mon rythme cardiaque. Elle est allée ensuite à la salle de bain faire un petit pipi, puis elle est reparti. Je suis resté sur la causeuse attendant les ordres de Maîtresse.

-Enlève les menottes et la cagoule esclave.

-Oui Maîtresse Liane.

Je me dirige donc à tâtons vers ma chambre et je réussis non sans peine à trouver les clés pour me libérer de ces contraintes. À ma grande surprise je m'aperçois en enlevant la cagoule que lorsqu'elle est venu elle m'a installé une ceinture de chasteté. Et moi qui pensais qu'elle me tripotait. Pour en avoir vu plusieurs sur le net, je savais que c'était une cb3000. J'ai essayé vainement de la retirer.

-Essaye pas, elle est bien en place et c'est moi qui est les clés. Et ne cherche pas le 350 euros sur ta table de cuisine j'ai du le prendre pour payer ce petit bijou. Ha ha ha...

-Merci Maîtresse Liane.

-Ha... Comme il est chou, il me re merci de pouvoir lui permettre de ne plus être en mesure de se procurer du plaisir. Ha ha ha...

J'étais figé, qu'est ce que cela pouvais bien signifier. Étais-je condamné à ne plus pouvoir me masturber le restant de mes jours. Plus aucun plaisir. Je resterais un simple outil de plaisir pour ma Maîtresse et moi rien. La dernière fois que j'avais joui c'était il y a une semaine, en dessous de mes couvertures tard le soir pour que m'a Maîtresse ne me voie pas. J'avais fais cela en silence et de façon très discrète.

-Bon va te reposer, maintenant. Car ce samedi tu va avoir une soirée bien rempli.

-Bien Maîtresse Liane.

Sur ce je suis retourné au salon pour éteindre la télé et me préparer pour faire ma toilette avant le coucher. Je me suis rendu compte qu'il y avait un dépliant sur la table du salon. J'en ai pris connaissance, c'était un petit manuscrit qui indiquait comment prendre soin de ces organes génitaux lorsque l'on porte la cb3000 pendant de longue périodes.

J'ai lu le dépliant, puis ensuite je suis allé prendre ma douche. En sortant de celle-ci tout en m'essuyant avec ma serviette je me suis rendu compte qu'il n'était pas facile d'assécher mon sexe avec cette cage de plexi. J'ai du sortir le séchoir à cheveu pour faire le travail tout en essayant de ne pas bruler mes bijoux de famille. Maîtresse Liane devait bien se bidonner en me regardant faire.

Une fois au lit cela à bien été, à part que le dodo sur le ventre est à proscrire avec ce truc entre les jambes, Et que me réservait donc ce samedi...
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