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les histoires de chrislebo

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Il est maintenant derrière moi, la main sur mon épaule : il me tient assez fermement. Il passe la paume de *** autre main entre mes jambes, me caressant lentement l'intérieur des cuisses. Des fois, je sens *** gland tendu passer à quelques millimètres de ma peau.
Quand j'ai fini de rincer la vaisselle, il me fait poser les avant-bras au fond de l'évier encore plein de l'eau chaude, et me tenant toujours fermement par l'épaule, il me fait prendre la position voulue : je m'appuie sur mes coudes au fond de l'évier, les avant-bras dans l'eau chaude, et les jambes bien écartées.

Il me lâche l'épaule un instant : je l'entends mettre une capote. Il me met une coulée de gel dans la raie, et sans plus attendre, me pénètre, allant directement au fond. Je pousse un grand soupir de surprise et de volupté.

Il commence *** mouvement ample et résolu dans mon cul qui me submerge de plaisir. Mais surtout, ce qui m'excite au plus haut degré, c'est qu'il me tient de nouveau l'épaule fermement, comme pour me dominer, comme si mon corps était un objet.

Il me baise comme on monte un cheval : il me tient l'épaule bien ferme de sa main gauche, et de sa main droite surveille et rectifie ma position : en me ramenant un peu le bassin en arrière, en me tirant la cuisse plus contre la sienne, ou encore en m'appuyant sur la tête pour me ****** à la garder baissée...Et tout ça en me bourrant le cul à un rythme régulier, venant à chaque assaut coller ses aines lourdement contre mes fesses, pour faire pénétrer *** gland le plus loin possible.

Il a fini par jouir longuement, en soupirant de façon totalement impudique. Puis il s'est retiré et m'a laissé m'affaler, les jambes tremblantes et ankylosées.

Je suis revenu plusieurs fois chez lui : il m'a fait passer la serpillière à 4 pattes, récurer la baignoire... Et à chaque fois il m'a lourdement enculé.



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Sacrée surprise

La réunion s'étant terminée plus tôt que prévu, je décidai d'avancer mon retour et d'en faire la surprise à mon épouse, Anne-Laure, que j'ai laissée seule une fois de plus.
Mon travail exige de fréquents déplacements, quelque fois de plusieurs jours, et je culpabilise toujours un peu en la quittant.
Nous habitons un petit bourg, pas toujours très animé, surtout l'hiver, et j'ai souvent peur qu'elle s'ennuie.
A bientôt quarante-cinq ans Anne-Laure a conservé une silhouette alléchante qu'elle entretient par une pratique régulière de la natation.
Brune, de taille moyenne mais bien proportionnée, ses formes avantageuses attirent souvent le regard des hommes, ce qui n'est pas toujours pour me déplaire.
Après avoir élevé nos enfants, elle occupe désormais ses journées entre des visites à quelques amies et du bénévolat dans une association caritative.
Je me fais une joie, ce soir, de l'emmener au restaurant, de passer une soirée en amoureux, les enfants ne rentrant pas avant le week-end prochain.
Après vingt ans de vie commune, il est important de se ménager de temps en temps des petits plaisirs

Arrivé prés de la mai***, je me gare à distance pour qu'elle ne m'entende pas, bien décidé à lui faire la surprise.
Tout est calme, le salon est éclairé, elle doit sûrement s'y trouver.
Je rentre par le garage, sur la pointe des pieds, et longe le couloir qui donne sur le salon, sans éclairer
La porte est entrebâillée.
Je m'apprête à entrer quand je perçois des éclats de voix, ou plutôt des cris qui viennent de la pièce.

Je risque un œil dans la pièce, et découvre un spectacle qui m'immobilise sur place.
Mon épouse est étendue sur le canapé, entièrement nue, et devant elle, me tournant le dos, un inconnu, nu également, qui, manifestement, est en train de la baiser.
Pendant une minute je reste figé, appuyé contre le mur, totalement abasourdi par l'incroyable scène.
J'en ai le souffle coupé, les pensées se carambolent dans ma tête à me donner le tournis.
Peu à peu je retrouve ma respiration, un sentiment de colère m'envahit.
Sur le point de faire une entrée fracassante, je me ravise et jette à nouveau un œil dans la pièce, en repoussant légèrement la porte.
Tapi dans l'obscurité du couloir, ils ne peuvent pas me voir.

L'homme, que je ne connais pas, doit avoir soixante, soixante-cinq ans, peut-être plus.
De taille moyenne, plutôt mince, les cheveux blancs coupés courts, *** visage ridé et les membres dégarnis évoquent clairement un âge avancé.
Agenouillé devant mon épouse, il lui tient les jambes relevées et écartées, et la pénètre avec une belle vigueur, en poussant des « han » de satisfaction.
Je suis sous le choc, n'arrivant pas à croire ce que je vois.
Un curieux sentiment s'empare de moi mêlant la colère, la jalousie et l'envie.
La scène est totalement surréaliste, et étrangement, me captive.
Je regarde Anne-Laure, la tête sur le bord du canapé, les yeux mi-clos, sa chevelure brune rejetée vers l'arrière.
Sa poitrine généreuse se soulève en cadence, secouée par les assauts énergiques de l'inconnu.

Mais qui est-il bon sang, d'où sort-il ?
Les questions se bousculent.
Comment mon épouse a pu trouver du charme à ce vieux, et répondre ainsi à ses avances ?
Quels atouts a-il pu mettre en avant pour la séduire, et réussir à gagner ses faveurs ?
A-t-il de l'humour, est-il doux et gentil, intelligent ?
Anne-Laure partage ma vie depuis plus de vingt ans, a été une mère de famille dévouée, et a toujours rempli *** devoir conjugal sans rechigner, mais sans plus, le sexe n'étant pas sa priorité.
J'ai bien tenté quelques fois de pimenter nos ébats, mais sans succès.
Ce que je découvre là me laisse pantois.

Elle semble prendre *** pied la garce !
- Ouiii... ouiii ... Antoine ! Vas-y plus fort. L'encourage-t-elle.
- Tu me sens bien, ma belle ? Tu aimes, hein ?
- Ohhh... Antoine... oui... !

Ce nom d'Antoine me dit quelque chose...
...Bien sûr !
C'est un retraité qui travaille aussi comme bénévole dans la même association que ma femme.
Il lui téléphone effectivement de temps en temps à la mai***, et il l'a emmené quelquefois à des manifestations.
Elle m'a déjà parlé de lui, le présentant comme un homme sympathique et convivial.
Je me demande soudain si leur liai*** dure depuis longtemps.
Alors que je culpabilise à chacun de mes déplacements, peut-être en profite-t-elle pour se faire sauter par ce vieux.
La colère gronde en moi à la pensée qu'il l'a peut-être déjà baisée, ici, pendant mes absences, ou dans les locaux de leur association.

Tétanisé, je continue d'observer passivement la scène.

L'homme se retire, en invitant Anne-Laure à se relever.

- Viens goûter notre petit ami, lui dit-il, il est chaud bouillant.

Le changement de position me permet de découvrir *** anatomie, que sa position me cachait jusque là.
*** corps n'est pas celui d'un Apollon, loin s'en faut, et parait même bien fatigué par les années, à en juger par les plis de sa peau.
Mais au milieu de la toi*** pubienne, d'un blanc immaculé, se dresse une verge de belle taille, longue et épaisse, terminée par un gros gland lisse.
Un sentiment de jalousie m'envahit un instant car la comparai*** n'est pas flatteuse pour moi.
Je comprends mieux maintenant l'intérêt de ma femme, car il est effectivement bien membré et démontre une belle vitalité.

Anne-Laure s'agenouille devant le sexagénaire.
Consterné, je la vois saisir le membre érigé à pleine main, refermant ses lèvres sur le gland turgescent.
Elle le suce délicatement, faisant tourner sa langue autour du bourrelet, puis se met à le pomper activement, les lèvres glissant sur la tige de chair, l'avalant presque totalement, faisant gémir *** amant de plaisir.

- Oohhh, c'est bon.... ! Souffle-t-il. Ouii..! vas-y, suce-moi bien !


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Bien sûr que c'est bon, car elle sait y faire, avec sa petite langue qui vous chatouille le gland.
De nature réservée, bridée par une éducation rigoureuse, elle avait accepté tardivement la fellation dans nos relations, puis y avait pris goût, montrant rapidement de réelles dispositions.
Il y a longtemps qu'Anne-Laure ne m'a pas sucé de cette façon, avec un aussi vif plaisir.
Je suis stupéfait par la gloutonnerie qu'elle montre à avaler le sexe de cet homme, le visage collé à *** bas-ventre, tandis qu'il lui caresse les cheveux.
La bite disparaît presque complètement dans la bouche affamée.
Complètement **********, je regarde ma femme lécher le sexe du retraité, avec une rare gourmandise, passant et repassant sa langue le long de la verge, lui prenant les bourses dans sa bouche et suçant les testicules tandis que ses mains courent sur les fesses et les cuisses nues de *** amant.

- Tu es bien dur, mon chéri, dit-elle, en le branlant vigoureusement. Tu aimes ?
- Oh oui, c'est bon, continue comme ça !

L'homme grimace de plaisir en regardant ma femme, déchaînée, s'activer sur sa bite qui se dresse fièrement.
Je découvre une facette de ma femme que je ne connaissais pas, et bizarrement cela m'excite beaucoup.
Tout autre mari, à ma place, aurait fait irruption et bouté le malfaisant hors de la mai***, avec pertes et fracas.
Mais la vision de mon épouse engloutissant le sexe d'un autre homme m'excite et je n'ai pas envie de l'interrompre.
Serai-je un pervers qui s'ignore ?

- J'ai envie de toi! dit Antoine en se dégageant de la bouche affamée de mon épouse.

Et il l'aide à changer de position.
Anne-Laure me tourne maintenant le dos, agenouillée sur le canapé, les bras posés sur l'accoudoir, les jambes écartées.
Je la regarde avec envie, admiratif de sa quarantaine épanouie, de ses courbes généreuses qui damneraient un saint.
Antoine s'est approché et pose ses mains noueuses sur les fesses rebondies, pressant la chair tendre et souple, puis les écarte, dégageant largement la vulve bombée.
- Tu as vraiment un beau cul, tu sais! S'exclame-t-il en la caressant.

Le salaud !
J'aurai payé cher pour être à sa place à cet instant, mais ce n'est pas moi qui profiterais cette fois-ci de ce cul superbe.
Je me contente de savourer la vue sur cette croupe généreusement offerte.
L'effet de surprise passé, la colère a disparu, cédant à la place à une excitation grandissante ainsi qu'en témoigne le durcissement de mon sexe.
Ils ne ***t qu'à quelques mètres de moi, j'entends et je vois parfaitement tout ce qu'ils font.

Il s'agenouille, et du plat de sa langue lèche voluptueusement les lèvres roses, brillantes et humides qu'il tient écartées de ses doigts.

- Hum....ça sent bon ! dit-il entre deux passages.

Sa langue fouille activement la chatte offerte, s'introduisant dans l'orifice trempé.

- Qu'est ce que tu mouilles, dis donc ! J'adore les femmes qui mouillent comme ça

C'est vrai qu'Anne-Laure mouille beaucoup, surtout quand on lui lèche longuement le clitoris, lequel grossit alors dans des proportions assez incroyables.
L'homme a du d'ailleurs le trouver car il s'exclame à nouveau :

- Whaou.., quel clito ! Hum...hum... c'est bon !

La tête en arrière, ma femme se cambre de plaisir sous les titillements de la langue qui fouille allègrement *** intimité, lui agaçant *** petit bouton nacré.
Elle gémit doucement quand Antoine lui pince le clitoris entre ses lèvres, et le branle délicatement.

- qu'est ce que j'aime ta chatte, ma chérie !.....
- Oohhhh.....Antoine.....oui...! Continue, c'est bon...!

La tête enfouie entre les fesses, il la lèche longuement, glissant doucement le long de la raie, titillant de la pointe de la langue la petite rosace brune et plissée.
Anne-Laure, très sensible à ces caresses, répond en ondulant voluptueusement du bassin.

Le retraité se relève, pose un genou sur le divan, caresse la croupe nue et rebondie, puis guidant d'une main *** sexe bien raide, il pénètre mon épouse, s'enfonçant lentement jusqu'à la garde.
J'imagine aisément ce qu'il doit ressentir en glissant dans ma femme.
Anne-Laure a gémi pendant la plongée du membre durci dans ses chairs, tandis que je sens naître en moi un sentiment de jalousie et d'envie mêlées.

- Qu'est ce que t'es bonne...! Souffla-t-il. Hummm....tu es douce !

A petits coups de rein, l'homme fouille le ventre chaud et accueillant de sa partenaire.
Cela doit être efficace à en juger les cris de plaisirs qui fusent au rythme de la verge.
Les mains accrochées aux hanches de mon épouse, il enchaîne des va et vient réguliers, plongeant sa bite gonflée dans l'étui douillet que je connais si bien.

- Ohh...Ohhh....oui.... Tu es dur ! Je te sens bien ! s'exclama mon épouse.
- J'ai envie de toi, dit-il,.... je veux te prendre.
- Ahhh, Ahhhh....Oui....vas-y mon chéri, Ahhh...prends moi bien fort !
- veux te baiser....! ....Je te baise!!

Je suis fasciné par le spectacle de ce vieil homme qui baise ma femme chez moi, à une cadence soutenue, ne lui tirant des cris de plaisir qui ré***nent à mes oreilles comme autant d'aiguillons.
Le claquement des cuisses contre les fesses nues rythme les soubresauts de *** corps secoué.
D'une main il tient Anne-Laure par la hanche, et de l'autre il lui caresse la poitrine, passant d'un sein à l'autre, pressant les globes lourds et fermes.

- Tu as de sacrés melons....! Ca c'est du nichon !

Je me rends compte que j'ai à mon tour une superbe érection.
Je dégage ma verge du pantalon et commence à me masturber doucement.



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Les seins généreux d'Anne-Laure ballottent sous les coups de boutoir du retraité, lequel alterne les rythmes rapides et lents, fouillant profondément l'intimité abandonnée à *** désir.

- Ouiii ! Antoine!...Je te sens bien !
- Qu'est-ce que tu es bonne, nom d'un chien !
- Ahhh!...Oui, viens, prends-moi fort ! Baises moi !
- Oohh... J'aime te baiser ! J'aime ta chatte, elle est douce!
- Aouhhh.!...oui,..... Baises moi bien !

Je n'en crois pas mes oreilles.
Jamais Anne-Laure ne s'exprimait pas comme cela pendant nos rapports.
Je découvre une autre per***ne, au langage cru, presque grossier, qui la rend terriblement excitante.

Mon regard ne peut se détacher de ce sexe qui défonce ma femme en la faisant crier de plaisir.
Le membre plonge en elle complètement, disparaissant de ma vue, et je l'imagine fouillant l'intérieur des chairs délicates.

- Ahh..., Oouh..., Tu es une sacré salope ! s'écria Antoine
- Ouiii... J'aime quand tu me baises Antoine....!
- Et ton mari, il ne te baise pas ?
- Si, mais ce n'est pas pareil. Ça fait longtemps maintenant, on est habitué. Cela ne me fait plus grand chose !
- Ah... Ta chatte est bonne, nom d'un chien ! Répétait-il, j'aime ta chatte,....Je vais te bourrer petite salope !
- Oui.... Baises-moi ! Bourres-moi bien fort Antoine !

Je suis vraiment étonné de sa résistance, et de l'énergie qu'il déploie à la tringler.
Par moment il sort *** sexe complètement du vagin avant de replonger à nouveau, très lentement.
Sa verge parait avoir encore gonflé, et quand le gland, énorme et rouge, ***** la vulve, Anne-Laure pousse des cris de contentement.

Tout en la pilonnant avec régularité, il lui caresse doucement l'anus avec *** index, après y avoir déposé un long filet de salive.
Consterné, envieux, je comprends qu'il va bientôt profiter du « petit trésor » comme elle dit, qu'elle m'a toujours refusé, malgré mes nombreuses demandes.
Lentement il enfonce *** doigt dans le petit orifice, tandis que Anne-Laure se cambre légèrement.
Il le fait aller et venir, assouplissant ainsi la petite rosette.
C'est bientôt deux puis trois doigts qu'il introduit dans *** intimité, la fouillant fiévreusement.
Celle-ci gémit de plus en plus, totalement abandonnée aux caresses de *** amant.
Quelle salope !

- Oohhh... Antoine...... Ouuhh ! C'est bon ! Soufflait-elle.
- Dis donc, ton petit trou est bien souple ! On doit y passer souvent, non ?

Elle ne répond pas, se contentant de hocher la tête en signe de dénégation.
- Ah bon... dit-il étonné. Pourtant j'aurai juré le contraire !
Consciencieusement il lui doigte l'anus, avec des petits mouvements de moulinet.

- Aouhh.....Ouiii... Ahhh Antoine!

Les doigts accélèrent, sous les cris d'Anne-Laure qui ondule sa croupe de plus en plus, les reins cambrés, la tête en arrière.

- Ouiii...! Ouiii....ouhhh Antoine.!
- voyons cela de plus prés ! dit-il en dégageant *** sexe du vagin et en le mouillant de salive.

Puis il l'appuie sur la rosette plissée, et je vois le gland presser les chairs, et lentement disparaître dans l'orifice, tandis que ma femme pousse un cri de douleur et de plaisir mêlés.
Le sexe d'Antoine est d'un bon diamètre, et la pression pour Anne-Laure doit être très importante.
Il s'arrête, la laissant s'adapter, puis reprend sa lente plongée dans les profondeurs les plus intimes de mon épouse.
- Aahhhh.....Nom d'un chien, quel cul ! S'exclama-t-il après l'avoir pénétrée totalement. Qu'est que c'est bon !

Il se retire lentement puis la pénètre à nouveau, s'enfonçant cette fois-ci d'un seul coup, qui fit de nouveau hurler Anne-Laure.

- Aaaahh...Oooouhhh ! crie-t-elle, tandis que la verge du retraité s'enfouit en elle, plongeant vers les trésors cachés.
- Ohhh.... quel cul ma belle, ce n'est pas croyable ! crie-t-il en la bourrant maintenant avec vigueur. Qu'est-ce qu'il est doux !

Pendant de longues minutes le sexagénaire la sodomise, n'hésitant pas à lui claquer les fesses, ce qui a l'air de lui plaire.

- Et dire que tu n'as pas laissé ton mari te baiser le cul, ...un cul comme celui-là!
- Ohhh...! ouii.... ouiii! Ohh..... Antoine!!
- Oui, jouis ma belle, vas-y jouis !
- Ouhhh...! ouhhh, c'est bon.....! Baises-moi Antoine, baises-moi....!

Les cris de jouissance de mon épouse ré***nent dans ma tête, et je la contemple, fasciné par le membre long et épais qui va et vient entre ses fesses rebondies.
L'excitation du retraité est à *** comble et il lui martèle le cul avec une vigueur incroyable.

- Allez, jouis...! Crie-t-il. Vas-y, jouis de ma bite !

Tout cela me parait complètement irréel.
Le claquement de ses cuisses contre les fesses de ma femme à chaque pénétration ré***ne à mes oreilles, et m'excite encore plus.

- tu aimes que je te prenne par le cul, hein ? Tu aimes ...?
- Oui Antoine, j'aime ça..... C'est trop bon...!

Ma queue était dure comme elle ne l'avait plus été depuis longtemps.

Un grand cri ré***ne soudain dans le salon, et je comprend que le retraité vient de jouir, profondément planté dans le cul de ma femme.

- Putain, que c'est bon.... !

Il s'est cambré, les yeux fermés, et la pilonne violemment, en la tenant fermement par les hanches.
J'imagine la semence qui fuse en jets saccadés, inondant l'intimité douillette qui l'a accueilli.
Dans la foulée Anne-Laure a crié également, *** corps secoué de soubresauts, témoin d'un orgasme particulièrement intense.
Leur jouissance provoque la mienne et j'éjacule en silence dans le couloir obscur, maculant le mur de mon sperme brûlant.

Mon orgasme a été particulièrement fort, et je reprends mon souffle peu à peu, le front mouillé de sueur.

Après s'être longuement vidé les couilles au fond de *** rectum, le retraité s'est affalé sur le dos d'Anne-Laure, *** sexe toujours planté entre ses fesses, en la caressant de ses mains noueuses.
- Ohh Antoine, dit-elle, c'était bon, tu sais !
- Oui ma chérie, c'était bon....., j'aime te baiser, tu es vraiment bonne !
- Antoine..... !

La tension retombe lentement.

Sans bruit je fais demi-tour et sors par le garage, laissant les deux amants à leur soirée qui n'est sans doute pas finie.

J'ais du mal à réaliser ce dont je viens d'être témoin.
Ce n'est pourtant pas un rêve, et je vais devoir m'y faire.
Je réalise que je suis vraiment cocu, mais un cocu content, content que sa femme soit bien baisée.

J'arriverai demain, comme prévu, des idées plein la tête, bien décidé à redécouvrir mon épouse, profiter de ses nouvelles dispositions.



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My Reluctant Wife and IT Security

At the time the events of this story took place, my wife Stacy and I were working for a large real estate development company in the Minneapolis area. We met at the company five years earlier and dated for two years before getting married, and we had a two year old ******** at the time. Stacy had just recently stopped taking her birth-control pills because we were trying to get her pregnant with our second *****. Stacy was an architect in the design group, and I was a civil engineer in the construction group, so we did not have a direct reporting relationship that would be in conflict with our human resources policies. I was out of the office on job sites much of the time anyway, so we had very little contact in the office.



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Stacy was 29 years old, 5'4" and weighted 125 pounds, and was also very attractive. She didn't fit the definition of a classic beauty, but was instead one of those sassy and sexy women that you see around who are pretty, in a teasing and seductive way. Her tussled dish-water blonde hair framed that lovely face and those piercing green eyes just perfectly. I know that she was the talk of the men in the office, and most of them likely thought that I had no right to be married to such a sexy creature. Stacy also had very firm, full and shapely C-cup breasts that had a tantalizing jiggle when she walked, and her cleavage was full and seemed to go on forever. Her ass was just perfect with well-rounded, distinct, and prominent globes of flesh that had a natural sway when she walked. I was 31 years old, and a pretty average guy at 6'1", 190 pounds and in fairly good shape, and was considered to be handsome by many of the women I worked with.

Stacy and I had a pretty good sex life, and we usually had sex about five times per week. The only issue was that my dick was smaller than average in size, and I usually had to suck her pussy to orgasm after I ejaculated into her. This routine of oral sex eventually led me to read creampie stories on various internet websites, which naturally led to cuckold stories. We would sometimes read cuckold stories together, and then go jump into bed, fuck, and fantasize that I was the cuckold husband sucking another man's cum from her pussy. This was all just a fantasy, and we never talked seriously about bringing another man into our bed. I also belonged to several websites with chat rooms, which Stacy was not aware of, or so I thought, and I found it enjoyable to correspond with other men, and women when I could find them, about the joys of being a cuckold and eating creampies. Some of the men that I exchanged emails with also fantasized about sucking other men's cocks and balls, and I found that somewhat stimulating within the context of a cuckold relationship.

One night when Stacy and I were home and had been reading cuckold stories together, I began to feel ill and went to bed early. Stacy was still sexually aroused by the stories, so she went back to the computer in our den to read a few more stories and to finger-fuck herself to orgasm. When she was changing to a different website for some more stories, she noticed my Yahoo account on the history dropdown. Stacy was not even aware that I had a Yahoo account because I usually erased the history before I shut down, but I forgot to clear it that night since I wasn't feeling well. Even worse, I had not logged out of the last Yahoo site I visited earlier that evening, and it just happened to be one of my favorites where I corresponded with other men and women about cuckolds, creampies, and bisexual sex. She didn't tell me that she found my site, and while I slept she stayed up half of the night reading my emails, and even looking at some of the pictures I had exchanged with other members.

Instead of getting mad at me, she was sexually excited seeing how much fun I was having talking anonymously with others about our fantasies, and she knew from the dialogue that I had never met with any of those people. So, she opened her own Yahoo account without my knowledge, and started having her own conversations with other horny people. She especially liked to discuss cuckold fantasies with other men, and I knew from my own experiences that men just love it when a real woman corresponds with them. Sometimes other guys will masquerade as a woman, but you can usually tell when emails have a truly feminine touch. The women are usually not as crude as the men, and they usually lean towards being more romantic.

Stacy began sharing her most intimate fantasies with these strangers, and even sent many of them pictures from her cell phone of her breasts, pussy and ass, and she soon developed a large fan base. She had given herself the screen name of Slutty Stacy, and that excited the men even more. She told these men that she and I were a real cuckold couple, and that I arranged for her to be fucked by several men each week. She also said that I sucked all of the creampies from her well-fucked pussy, and sucked the cocks of the studs whenever she or they told me to. She even told them that I had a small dick, and sent them pictures to prove it, and told them that was why she fucked other men in the first place. The problem started when she got so many guys to correspond with that she couldn't respond to them all with the little bit of private time she had at home on our computer. She began emailing with a few of them from work, since she had a private office and would be unlikely to be caught by snoopers, and that's when a routine IT security review caught her in the act.

Everything seemed to be going well in our marriage and with our jobs, and our two incomes gave us a very comfortable living. However, we soon learned that these situations can change rapidly. It seems like a lot of times bad news comes to employees late on Friday afternoons, and this was the case when Stacy was called to her boss's office at 5:00 pm on a Friday. Her boss was the vice president of new development, and his name is Jeff Sanders. Jeff was 37 years old, married and an athletic guy, standing 6'3" tall and weighing about 215 pounds. He and Stacy had a very good working relationship; even though his flirting sometimes went well beyond acceptable norms, but Stacy was able to handle it all with her vivacious personality. She seemed to be able to brush Jeff's advances off in a humorous way without crushing his ego and it had never caused a problem in their working relationship.


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Jeff called Stacy into his office and said, "Come on in and close the door Stacy. Please sit down and I'll get right to the point. Marty Solis, the company's IT security manager, came to me a couple of months ago with some disturbing news about you. He said that during his routine monthly review of employee computer usage, he found that you were accessing several porn websites on your company computer, and during company time. You should know that the Computer Use and Security Agreement that all employees sign each year forbids the use of company IT resources for personal use, and it specifically disallows access to pornographic sites. The penalty for that behavior can be anything up to, and including, termination."

Stacy was sitting in her chair in shock as she listened to Jeff's comments. She knew that she had been caught and was embarrassed, and that she was now at risk, but tried to fight back a little saying, "Jeff, I'm so embarrassed by all of this, but why the hell did you wait for two months before confronting me with this? I could have stopped accessing those sites two months ago, and maybe have mitigated the problem."

Jeff responded saying, "Well, here's where it gets even better Stacy. After Marty first discovered that you were accessing those porn sites, he activated the keylogger software on your computer to capture all of your key strokes. So in addition to capturing a computer record of all of the sites you visited, he was also able to record all of your user names and passwords for those sites, and we were then able to log onto them as you, and further assess your behavior."

Stacy could barely breathe as she realized that Jeff and Marty had been able to view hundreds of emails and pictures that she had sent to various chat rooms. She stammered, "Jeff, you can't do that! That's an invasion of my privacy, and I can report you and Marty to human resources for doing that."

Jeff got a cocky look on his face and said, "I don't think you fully realize the trouble you're in Stacy. Don't you dare threaten me! We've got documented evidence of your wrong doing, and Marty did not keep records of our access to your sites. The agreement you signed gives the company permission to fully access your computer. I'll admit that actually going onto your sites was taking things too far, but they'll never believe you. And besides, I have helped HR with a few difficult situations, and I'm also good friends with Jim Berman, the HR vice president. They'll certainly take my word over yours."

Stacy began to tremble and cry as she realized that Jeff had her cornered. Even worse, the emails and pictures that they saw on her sites were devastatingly revealing, and exposed her most secret fantasies, not to mention pictures of her nude body and my cock. She finally got control of her emotions and asked, "So what do we do now? Is there any way for me to avoid serious consequences from this?"

Jeff could barely contain his joy when he said, "Wait a minute Stacy, I'm just getting to the best part. One of the men that you have been emailing, with the screen name Jumbo Jock, has been sending you pictures of his big cock, and you are always telling him how much you'd like to be fucked by him. You've also sent him many pictures of your breasts, pussy and ass, and you even sent a few of you finger-fucking yourself. Well guess what Stacy, I am Jumbo Jock, and those are real pictures of my cock! I also know that the pictures you sent me are really you, because some of them showed the little butterfly tattoo that you have on your right hip near your waist-line. I had seen that many times at work when your skirt slipped down a little."

Stacy was totally embarrassed and devastated now and tried to explain, "Holy **** Jeff! All of those emails are just a fantasy for me, and I never intended to meet with another man. I just sent my pictures because it seemed to excite the men so much, and I thought that it was all just in good fun."

Then Jeff screamed, "Good fun my ass! You were on those sites telling me and all of those other guys that you wanted them to fuck you, and now you say it was just a big tease! I guess I should have known when you always seemed to have an excuse when Jumbo Jock tried to meet with you. Hell, I used to sit in my office masturbating when I was online with you, just knowing that you were sitting down the hall rubbing your juicy clit to orgasm, or at least that is what you said you were doing in your emails."

Stacy was now sobbing uncontrollably and said, "I'm so sorry Jeff, I never meant to hurt anyone. I just thought everyone had fun with these fantasies. So what do we do now? How can I get past this?"

Jeff seemed to calm down a little but got very serious when he said, "Here's what we're going to do. You and Ed are going to join me, Marty Solis and Jim Berman in my condo at the lake. Marty is involved since he discovered the whole thing and this is his payment for keeping it quiet. Jim is involved since we are good friends and we always seem to be talking about how great it would be to fuck you. Then we are going to make all of your fantasies a reality, and I'm finally going to get a piece of that pretty pussy of yours, like I've wanted to do since I first met you. Ed has to be involved because I don't want him to find out later and then do something stupid. He will know what it is really like to be cuckolded by three men, and everything that entails. Your only other option is for me to instruct HR to take disciplinary action against you. So go home and talk it over with Ed, and if you decide to resolve this my way, then we'll meet at the condo next weekend."

Stacy was still sobbing and said, "How could I ever bring this up with Ed? He didn't even know that I had an email account and was corresponding with all of those men. He'll be furious with me, and I know that he won't want to be a cuckold for real. And, oh ****, I just remembered that I'm not on my birth-control pills anymore. I can't let you and the others fuck me!""

Jeff smiled and said, "Well, that's your problem isn't it? But I'm guessing that if some of your emails were correct in saying that you and Ed had role play fantasies about him being a cuckold, then maybe it won't be a big reach for him to try it. If you're worried about getting pregnant by us, maybe we'll just have to use condoms, although I would much prefer to fuck you bare back and feel your wet pussy on my bare cock. Just go home and talk it over with him and let me know your answer on Monday."


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When Stacy came home from work on Friday evening, I could tell that something was bothering her, but it wasn't until Saturday morning that she told me about the problem. Our ******** was playing with the neighbor's ******** next door, and Stacy tearfully told me the whole story, including how she joined those websites in the first place, and how her emailing to those men got a little out of hand. But the thing that upset me the most was that Jeff was able to put both of us in this position, just because Stacy breached the IT security policies.

I was very upset with her and said, "Holy **** Stacy, you're an intelligent woman, why didn't you think about the company computer surveillance when you started accessing those porn sites at work? I'm not upset about you having a little fun exchanging emails with a bunch of horny guys, because goodness knows I do the same thing, but I always knew better than to use company equipment to do that sort of thing. And ****, you're not on your birth-control pills now, and I don't want one of those bastards knocking you up!"

Stacy was still sobbing when she said, "Oh Ed, I'm so sorry about all of this, and really don't know what we are going to do. I haven't had sex with another man since we were married, and never want to. We have had a lot of fun with our cuckold fantasies, but it's a lot different to act them out. I don't want to fuck those three men, even though Jeff does have a huge cock. Sorry honey, but it did turn me on seeing pictures of his big cock."

Then I said, "I don't know what to do either Stacy. I'd like to tell Jeff to fuck off, but then he'd be sure to have you fired. He'd probably also find a way to get me fired since he and Jim Berman are so tight, and then we'd really be in trouble. Let's just think about it over the weekend and see if we can find a better solution than just giving in to them."

This was a long weekend of soul-searching, and our nerves were frayed by Sunday night. We finally concluded that we had no real alternative but to give in to Jeff's demands, since any other decision would be financially disastrous for our family. Stacy was really feeling bad since she caused this problem, and she promised to make it up to me. I knew that Stacy was sincere about not wanting to fuck those other men, but in the back of my mind I couldn't help but think that she was just a little excited at the prospect of seeing Jeff's big cock up close.

Stacy went into Jeff's office on Monday and said, "Okay Jeff you bastard, Ed and I know that you have us in a tight spot, and we will meet you and the other men in the condo this weekend. But that doesn't mean that we will enjoy it or be overly cooperative. This is just a one-time thing and then our slate is clean. Also, you all have to wear condoms. Do you agree to that?"

Jeff was elated at our decision and said, "Great news Stacy, now we won't have to go through that whole ugly HR mess. I don't care if you're not all that happy about it, so long as I finally get to suck those nice tits and sink my big cock into your sweet pussy. Given all of your cuckold fantasies, you might actually find that you enjoy it, but that certainly isn't a requirement. If you like my Jumbo Jock cock as much as you said in your emails, I think you'll really like it in person. You will need to bring the condoms if you want us to use them. And yes, your slate will be clean after this weekend."

Stacy and I both were nervous wrecks all week, and we both tried to avoid running into Jeff or the other men in the office. They must have felt the same way, because none of them tried to engage us in conversation. The plan was for Stacy and me to meet Jeff at the condo at 7:00 pm on Saturday night, and then Marty and Jim would arrive at about 7:30 pm, after we had a chance to get started and Jeff had his first shot at Stacy's sexy body. We also brought some old condoms we had left over from before Stacy got her new birth-control pills after our ******** was born.

Jeff was already at the condo when Stacy and I arrived, and he opened the door and invited us in saying, "Come on in and fix yourselves a *****. I know that you aren't happy about all of this, and a little ******* might help take the edge off. Then we can talk a little about what I expect from you two this evening."

Stacy and I got our ****** and sat on the couch, and Jeff was sitting in a chair across from us. Jeff started the conversation saying, "Okay, in a few minutes we'll go into the bedroom, and Ed you will remove Stacy's clothes for me, but Ed, I want you to keep your clothes on. This night is about Marty, Jim and me fucking Stacy, and we don't want to see you parading around with your little dick hard. I will then lay Stacy down on the bed and kiss her and suck her tits until she starts to get wet. Then Ed, I want you to unbutton, unzip and pull down my pants and underwear, giving you both your first real look at my big cock. From there, Ed, you will lie on your back on the bed and Stacy will get on top of you in a 69 position, and I will move in and fuck her from behind. From there, we'll just let things take their natural course, and I'll try to make sure that both of you experience all of the things you've fantasized about for so long. Then Mark and Jim will arrive and we'll have your two mouths and a pussy to use for our pleasure for the rest of the night."

Stacy and I didn't have anything to say as we finished our ****** and moved into the bedroom. I unbuttoned Stacy's blouse, and since she hadn't worn a bra, her beautiful breasts swung into view. I then removed her slacks and thong underwear, and she was standing there nude in front of us. Her thick vulva lips were covered in well-trimmed, light brown hair, and her ass was full and round. Jeff pushed her down onto the bed and covered her mouth with his, as he began to rub those gorgeous tits. Jeff also moved his hand down her smooth belly, and after rubbing the outside of her pussy lips, he started finger-fucking her as they kissed. Jeff continued pushing his fingers into Stacy's cunt as her broke off their kiss and he lowered his head to her full breasts. He sucked her breasts, alternating between them, and Stacy began to move her hips against his fingers and moan loudly at his attention to her breasts and pussy.

I was watching all of this from the side of the bed, and at one point Jeff pulled his mouth away from Stacy's breast and looked at me, nodding to let me know that it was time to remove his pants. Jeff was lying sideways at Stacy's side while he was sucking her breasts and finger-fucking her pussy, so I moved behind him to reach around and unfasten his pants. I then pulled his pants and underwear down as he lifted his hips off the bed to help me, and I was a little shocked at the size of his cock and balls as they came into view. His cock was almost hard since he was turned on being with Stacy, and I'm guessing that it was at least 10 inches long and nearly as thick as a beer can. It looked like a big salami lying there across his thigh. He also had huge, egg-sized balls hanging heavily in his scrotum, and I could now see why the pictures of him on the website excited Stacy so much. This was truly a big piece of fuck meat, and I wasn't sure that thing would fit into Stacy's tight little pussy.


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Jeff then stopped sucking and fingering Stacy and moved up next to her head on his knees, to give her a close-up view of his massive cock. She just looked at his face and then at his cock, and began to lick her lips as that big took bounced above her and just inches from her face. As if in a trance, she opened her mouth and licked that massive cock head, which by this time was wet with his precum. She then took the head and a couple of inches of him into her mouth and started sucking him, seeming to forget all about us saying we would not cooperate or be happy about this. Jeff then pulled his cock from Stacy's mouth and motioned for me to lie down on the bed. He helped Stacy up and she moved over me on her hands and knees in the 69 position, and I could then see and smell her pussy, and it was swollen and wet from all of the finger-fucking that Jeff had been doing to her. I lifted my head and covered her pussy with my mouth, sucking her as I had done so many times before.

I felt movement on the bed as Jeff moved behind Stacy to fuck her, and then his big cock pressed against my forehead and face as he started pushing his cock towards her pussy. I pulled away from those sweet pussy lips and said, "Wait a second Jeff. You need to wear a condom since Stacy is unprotected and in her fertile period."

Jeff looked irritated at having to wear a condom, but he did as I asked and opened the package I gave him. I was sorry now that we hadn't thought about how big Jeff's cock was and maybe have picked up some new magnum sized condoms, but it was too late now. That condom had been perfect for my little dick, maybe even a little too big, but it looked tiny on Jeff's big cock, stretched so tightly and only covering five inches of his meat. We then got back into position, and I saw the head of his condom-covered cock start to enter and separate those pretty pussy lips. I could feel Stacy tense up as that big piece of flesh pushed into her, and I knew that she must be feeling a little pain. But as he continued to push, I could feel Stacy start to move her hips back against him, trying to take more of him into her. Jeff was starting to get a rhythm going now, and it seemed that a little more of his cock slipped into her on each stroke. I could see the inner lips of her cunt pulling out with his cock and then pushing back in. It only took a few minutes before most of that big cock was fucking into her, and Stacy was going berserk with the feeling of having her pussy stuffed like that.

Stacy was panting and could hardly speak as she screamed, "Fuck me harder with that big cock you bastard! I can feel your meat pressing against my cervix. Fuck me and shoot your semen into my womb!"

Hearing Stacy say those things was a big turn on for me, and I began to lick the bottom of that big cock as he thrust into and pulled out of her and I also sucked and licked those big balls as he dragged them across my face. I could hardly believe that I would suck him like that, but in the heat of the moment, seeing the pleasure that he was giving my wife, it seemed like the natural thing to do, and was just like so many of the stories I had read. This was the fulfillment of one of my favorite fantasies, and I continued to suck and lick both his genitals and Stacy's pussy as they fucked above my face. He was fucking her furiously now, and Stacy was pushing back against his thrusts in a fit of passion that I had never seen before.

From my position with my face just below Stacy's pussy, I noticed on the out strokes that the small condom was sliding up on Jeff's massive cock, and it was also starting to rip. I began to panic and tried to warn them about the condom, but just as I was about to speak, Jeff pushed one last time into Stacy's pussy and held himself there. I could see his big balls pull up and the base of his cock start to throb and pulse, and I knew that he was filling my sweet wife's fertile pussy and womb with his sperm.

Jeff was almost incoherent as he said, "Oh fuck, that is the tightest little pussy I've ever had, and I can feel Stacy's vaginal muscles squeezing my cock and milking my balls right into her womb, and I am pressed right against her cervix! ****, I can feel her wetness, and it's almost like I'm not wearing a condom. Come one Ed, keep sucking my balls, and when I pull my softening cock out of that sweet cunt, I want you to pull the condom off and take me into your mouth and clean off our fuck slime. Then, I want to see Stacy sit on your face as if she was feeding you our combined cum, just like in your fantasies."

I was struggling to let them know what had happened with the condom, and finally got a chance to say, "Oh fuck. That condom was too small for Jeff's cock, and might have been too old and brittle, because it looked like it was slipping off and shredding just before Jeff ejaculated into Stacy's pussy!"

Stacy was so enthralled at having been fucked by that big cock, that she either didn't hear what I said about the condom breaking, or maybe it was just that natural female instinct taking over when she felt Jeff's big load of sperm shooting into her womb from that large cock, and she knew that she had just been fucked by a truly dominant man. She almost seemed to be holding herself firmly on his cock, as he continued to thrust his hips, ******* that big piece of meat into her.

Jeff's cock was heavy and wet with their cum as he pulled out of Stacy and dropped his cock head to my lips. I could now see for certain that the condom was shredded, and all of his cum had sprayed into Stacy's unprotected pussy. But it was too late now, and I opened my mouth and could feel the thickness of him as he pushed his big cock into my mouth. It was the first time I had ever sucked a cock, but it seemed okay since I was just making both of them happy. Jeff then helped Stacy straighten up above me, and then I felt her lower her hips until my mouth covered her swollen pussy. My mouth was flooded with their juices and the musky smell and taste of it all was almost overpowering. I continued sucking her pussy, and at one point I heard other men talking, and knew that Marty and Jim must have arrived just as Jeff was ejaculating into Stacy, and they saw me suck Jeff's cock and knew that I was sucking his cum from Stacy's pussy.

I heard Marty say, "Holy ****! Look at that Jim, Ed not only sucked Jeff's huge cock, but now he's ******** all of their cum from her pussy. Jeff was right when he said that if a couple had such strong cuckold fantasies, it wouldn't take much to get them to experience them for real for the first time. Too bad about that condom breaking too man. Maybe they should have bought some new and larger ones to fit our big cocks. No need for us to wear a condom now, after the load that Jeff just ejaculated into her pussy. Let's get undressed and join the party."


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Marty undressed and reached at the bed before Jim, and as Stacy finished feeding me her and Jeff's ejaculate, and was rolling off of my face, Marty immediately pushed her back on the bed and pushed his cock into her. Marty was a pretty normal guy, and a Mexican-American at 40 years old, 5'9" tall and weighing about 170 pounds. His cock was not as long as Jeff's, being about 7.5 inches long, but it was just as thick. His cock was also uncut and dark brown in color, and his thick foreskin covered most of his cock head. He also had huge balls in a dark scrotum sack. It was very erotic seeing that thick, dark cock pushing into Stacy's white pussy, and it was also exciting seeing his dark balls slapping against her pretty ass as he pounded her.

Jeff had moved over to the chair, and since Marty was fucking Stacy, Jim approached the bed and said, "Okay Ed you cock sucker, just stay on your back and move your head to the corner of the bed. I will back up and squat down on your face and have you suck my balls. Then, you can suck my cock and keep it hard until Stacy's pretty pussy is available. I can hardly wait to sink my cock into her unprotected cunt."

Jim was a little older than the rest of us at 50 years old, and he was a bigger guy at 6'2" and 250 pounds, and he was out of shape with a beer belly. I positioned myself on the bed as he instructed me, and when I looked up to see him squatting towards my face, I was amazed at the size of his cock. He had to be at least 10 long and as thick as Jeff, and he also had large and heavily hanging balls. As he pressed his scrotum against my face and mouth, I noticed his strong musky smell, and his scrotum felt soft against my skin. I opened my mouth and licked and sucked his sack, and I could take only one of his testicles at a time into my mouth. Marty must have had tremendous staying power, because he was still pounding away at Stacy's pussy, and Jim seemed anxious to take his turn with her.

Jim then said, "Okay Ed, roll over so I can fuck your face, and I'm hoping that Stacy's pussy will be free for me soon."

Jim started fucking my mouth with my head back and hanging slightly over the end of the bed. The position was just perfect for him to ***** part of his huge cock into my throat, and he was pounding my face just as hard as Marty was pounding Stacy's cunt. That must have been some sight for Jeff to see Stacy and me side by side on the bed, both being fucked by big-cocked men. I know that Jim was just trying to keep his cock hard by fucking my face, but it went on a little too long due to Marty taking so long to cum.

Jim groaned and said, "Oh fuck, I can't hold it back any more. I'll just have to give Stacy's pussy my second load. Get ready cock sucker, here comes my big load of semen for you."

Then I felt Jim press even harder into my mouth, and with my lips near the base of his cock, I could feel the cum shoot through his cock, and then I could taste it in my mouth. He came heavily, and after a few squirts, the flow subsided. Jim just kept his softening cock in my mouth, slowly pushing it in and pulling it out, until he finally had enough and moved onto the couch to rest.

In the meantime, Marty was now ejaculating into Stacy, and she was screaming, "Fuck me with that dark, thick cock! I'm cumming all over your slick cock. Fuck me, fuck me fuck me and fill me with your thick semen! Push your thick cock right into my cervix!"

Just as Marty was pulling out of Stacy's pussy, Jeff had recovered enough to get back up on the bed and he was feeding his now hard cock into Stacy's mouth. I then moved back between her legs and sucked Marty's big cum load from her pussy, as Marty moved up to suck her tits. Then as I finished sucking Marty's cum from Stacy, Jim had recovered enough to want some of my wife's pussy. He pulled me out of the way and sunk his big cock into her now-well-fucked pussy.

This orgy continued until 11:00 pm, with Jeff, Marty and Jim taking turns with either of our mouths or Stacy's pussy. I always sucked Stacy's pussy clean after each time she was fucked, and I also took a couple of more loads of cum straight from Jeff and Marty's cocks. After Stacy's first mating with Jeff, and my first experience sucking his cock and balls, there was no longer a sense of coercion. Stacy and I were living our cuckold fantasies to the fullest, and she just couldn't seem to get enough of those big cocks. Jeff was right in saying that we would come to enjoy all of this. And as you might expect, Stacy did get pregnant that night, and we learned from the genetic tests that Jeff was the ****** of our ***. It is little wonder since he was the first to shoot his massive load of sperm directly into Stacy's cervix. Because of my love for Stacy, we are raising our new *** as if I was the ******.

Stacy and I became a real cuckold couple, and she continued to fuck Jeff, Marty and Jim from time to time, and I sucked their cocks whenever they wanted me to. Stacy also became active again on the internet as Slutty Stacy, only this time we made real hook-ups with some of the men that she corresponded with, and we also made sure that Stacy was taking her birth-control pills. Needless to say, we never did have a problem with HR and our jobs were secure.


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My Reluctant Wife the Actress in a Black Church

The events in this story occurred in the 1980s, when I was 28 years old and my wife, Pamela, was 27. I was a production manager for a manufacturing company headquartered in North Carolina , and the company had just given me a promotion and transferred Pam and me to Biloxi , Mississippi , and I was assigned to make improvements in their operations. We had not tried to have any ******** up until now, and were hoping to start our family since I was making a better income following my promotion. Pam had stopped taking her birth-control pills, and we were anxious for her to get pregnant with our first *****.

Pam and I were born and raised in Charlotte , North Carolina , and had been together since we started dating in high school. We also went to the same college, and since I was one year ahead of her in school, we got married after her college graduation. My degree was in business management, and although Pam majored in education, she was also a thespian and had acted in many plays in high school and college. We had both been raised in the Baptist church, and adhered to their teachings of not having sex until marriage, so the first time we fucked was on our honeymoon night. My cock is smaller than average in length and girth, but since Pam had not been with any other men, she didn't realize that my dick was so small. Our sex life was good, but also pretty vanilla, and we usually just did the missionary position, and no oral sex.

Pam was a pretty, petite little thing, at 5'3" and 110 pounds, and her short blonde hair and large, sparkling green eyes were absolutely gorgeous, and gave her a kind of pixyish appearance. She also had nice C-cup breasts, which looked very large on her small frame, and her ass was perfect with nicely-separated, protruding globes of ass flesh. The most amazing thing about Pam, though, was that she didn't seem to realize how beautiful she was, despite how often I told her, and she had a very sweet and unassuming personality. I was a pretty normal guy at 6'1" and 190 pounds, and although some people told me that I was also nice looking, I still felt lucky to have Pam as my wife.

When we arrived in Biloxi , the first thing we did was rent a small apartment, so we would be able to search for a home without so much time pressure. Then we started our search for a church. There was a Baptist church from our conference in the greater Biloxi area, but it was a long way from where we were renting, and would also be pretty far from the area where we'd be searching for a home. So over the first few weeks in Biloxi , we visited the Sunday services of several other churches that were closer to home for us. We finally chose an evangelical church with similar teachings to our old church. This was a largely black congregation, with only a few white families, and we liked the spirituality, energy and the music in their services. The pastor of this church was Brother Cecil Buford, and he was very charismatic, and looked to be about 45 years old. Even though Pam and I were raised in the south, and knew a lot of prejudiced people, we believed that every one should be treated equally, and we were not the least bit bigoted against black people, or anyone else for that matter. Some of the people I worked with said they had heard of some unusual sexual happenings at this church, but they couldn't give us any specifics about it, and since we really liked the people there, we just ignored the comments. And besides, I just assumed that they were bigoted and didn't like seeing us go to a predominately black church.

We started to attend that church regularly, and were welcomed with open arms by the rest of the congregation. Pam has a beautiful voice and was also welcomed to join the choir, and I really enjoyed their uplifting and entertaining performances during our church services and on other special occasions. They also had a small band that played every time the choir sang, and it was exciting to see some of the members dancing in the aisles during our services. We had been members of this congregation for only about two months, when Brother Cecil had an important and disturbing message for the congregation at the end of his sermon. He dismissed the ******** about 10 minutes early to go to Sunday school, since he only wanted to talk with the adults about this issue.

Brother Cecil began by saying, "My dear brothers and sisters, over the past month we have had four instances where good brothers with families in our congregation have been caught having sex with mostly white couples, but also two black couples. It seems that these otherwise good men were surfing the internet, and came across some websites dedicated to mostly white couples in search of black men with big genitalia, because they wanted to have sex with them. In case you don't already know, these people are called cuckold couples, and the husband is the cuckold, which means that he wants to watch his wife having sex with another man, and especially a black man, and he also wants to participate in other vile acts with his wife and the black man. The man having sex with the wife is often called a bull. Some of these websites even have stories that describe every detail of these disgusting acts, and I have read a few of them so I can better understand the problems we face. I don't like seeing these good brothers enticed into this sinful activity, so I have asked Brother Thomas to help me find a way to discourage it. As you know, Brother Thomas is a deacon in our church and he is also a professional writer, so I'll let him describe our plan."

Brother Thomas looked to be a man of about 50 years old, and he was very distinguished looking as he stepped up to the lectern and said, "Brothers and sisters, I have written a short play to help dramatize the damage that is being done to our members, and also the cuckold couples, by participating in this sinful activity. Brother Cecil will play the part of the bull, so no other members will need to be embarrassed, and we will be looking for a few other people to take key parts in the play. I will warn you now that we intend to show full nudity and depict harsh circumstances and language in the play, because we want to sufficiently dramatize these disgusting acts. My hope is that if we are realistic enough in our presentation, and show how lives are being ruined, then maybe we can prevent others from falling into this trap. Please let Brother Cecil know if you would like to be in the play, and he will decide if you are right for one of the parts. We plan to put the play on during our adult night, three weeks from now, and rehearsals will start on this next Wednesday night."


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The congregation was shocked at these revelations, and Pam and I were especially traumatized because we had never even heard of cuckolds before, and could hardly imagine that some of our members could do things like that. We went home and did a Google search on "cuckold", and went to about a dozen different sites describing this activity. We were also led to a few websites that had stories about cuckolds, and Pam and I read a few of them together. I could tell that Pam was really disgusted by the stories, but I have to admit that some of them were arousing for me. There were all kinds of descriptions of big, black cocks and balls, and also about the thick, white cum that the cuckold husband sucked from his wife's pussy, or straight from the big cock.

Pam had finally read enough and said, "Ed, as terrible as this cuckold stuff is, I would really like to take a lead role in the play if there is a part for someone like me. It's been five years since I've been able to be in any kind of production, so I am anxious to act again, and I think I could help add to the realism of it all."

I responded, "Pam, did you hear what Brother Thomas said? They intend for there to be nude scenes, and the dialogue could be very raunchy. Are you sure you want to be put in that position?"

Pam replied, "I just know that I am a good actress, and I think I can handle the nudity and other stuff, just knowing it is for a good cause. And besides, if there is a part for you, then we could do this together."

I said, "Okay, if you're sure honey. I'll make an appointment for us to see Brother Cecil tomorrow night, and we can let him know about your acting skills and that we are available for the play."

We met with Brother Cecil on the next night, which was Monday, and he was very pleased that we were willing to be in the play. He said, "Two of the most important parts are the cuckold couple, and no one else has stepped up to play those parts. You will both be perfect for it, partially because you are white, but also because Pamela is so beautiful, with her blonde hair and a gorgeous figure, just like a lot of those cuckold stories depict. And Ed, because Pam is really your wife, we can expect that you will show genuine emotions as the scenes unfold. Thanks again for being willing to participate, and we'll see you at the first rehearsal on Wednesday evening at the church. Oh, and Pamela, please be sure to wear a bikini bathing suit under your clothes on Wednesday, a white one if you have it. We won't show full nudity until the night of the performance, but I want us to kind of warm up to it in rehearsal. I'll be wearing a brief black bathing suit that is very revealing, and if you have a skimpy white bikini, that might add a touch of realism to the rehearsals."

Pam and I knew that she did not have a skimpy white bikini; so on Tuesday while I was at work, Pam stopped by a discount department store to try to find something that would work for the rehearsals. We didn't want to spend a lot of money just for the rehearsals, when she didn't think she would ever wear it again. She finally found a white bikini that was a lot skimpier than she wanted, but it was the only one they had, so she bought it. The bottom was not much more than a thong, with a small white patch to cover her pussy, and the material was so thin that we cold see her nipples through the fabric. We were concerned about it, but since Brother Cecil said that his bathing suit would also be revealing, we figured that it would be okay, and it would make the rehearsals more like the play night would be.

We showed up at the church for rehearsal on Wednesday, and were surprised that only a few people were there. Brother Cecil and Brother Thomas were there and one other black lady from the church who would play Brother Cecil's wife. Brother Cecil's wife was out of town for the week so she wouldn't have been able to make all of the rehearsals. There were also two of the church elders there, to help with the props and lighting. We were all a little nervous, even though Pam and Brother Cecil were still fully clothed, but we felt more comfortable after Brother Thomas handed out the scripts, and we started practicing our lines. We finally got around to a run-through of the bedroom scene, so Brother Cecil and Pam needed to reveal their bathing suits. Pam removed her jeans and t-shirt first, and I could here a barely audible sigh from everyone when Pam's body came into view. Her full, round ass was perfectly framed and her ass cheeks were separated by the thong, and a small amount of blonde hair was peeking out of the front pubic patch. Her breasts also looked enormous in the skimpy top, and as their fullness slowly swayed to her movements, we could all see her dark nipples through the fabric. She was truly a beautiful sight to behold.

Then Brother Cecil removed his slacks and shirt, and I could hardly believe how skimpy his bathing suit was. The suit was just a little darker than the color of his skin, and we could see what looked like an eight inch piece of summer sausage nestled in the material and running towards his left thigh. There were also two large bulges in the area covering his balls. I had never seen a cock that large, and he was still soft. I looked over at Pam and she was just staring at the sight of his huge cock and balls, and it was probably especially surprising to her because she had only ever seen one other cock, and that was my little one. Somehow we all recovered from that first, nearly-nude glimpse of Brother Cecil and Pam, and we soon ended the rehearsal for the night.

When we got home, Pam could not stop talking about Brother Cecil's big cock and said, 'Ed, I know that I shouldn't be saying this, but that dick was huge, and simply amazing to me. I had no idea that a dick could be that big. Is it true what the cuckold stories say? Do all black men have cocks that large?"

I was a little embarrassed because of the size of my little dick, but I had to give her an answer, even if I didn't really know much about other men's cocks, and said, "I think there are probably large white and black cocks, but it just so happens that we saw a very big black one tonight. It'll probably be even longer and thicker when he gets hard. Does that scare you? Do you want to get out of doing the play?"


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I could see a strange look on Pam's face when she said, "No, that's okay; I'll go through with it. But, I hate to tell you this Ed, but that big dick really gets me excited. I've never had a desire to be with another man, but heaven help me; I can't help but wonder what that would feel like inside of me. But don't worry honey, there will be an audience full of people and you will be right beside me, so nothing could ever happen. And besides, I could never cheat on you like that. If I did, we would be no different than those cuckold couples that we despise so much."

The rehearsals continued, and at the last rehearsal Brother Cecil made an announcement. He said, "Okay everyone, we will be doing the play in a couple of days, and I just wanted to let everyone know a few things. Pamela and I will be fully nude for the first time during the bedroom scene, and I want everyone to be grown-up about it, and just remember that we are doing this for a good cause. You also need to know that there will be a few surprises in the dialogue and the way it is delivered, and a few other things that I will do. We want there to be a little shock at a few of things we say and do, because I want us to show genuine emotion so we can make the biggest impact on the congregation about the evils of being a cuckold couple or a bull. And finally, even though it will look very realistic when we simulate having sex, and Pamela and I are both completely nude, remember that she will have a protective pad covering herself so there will be no actual contact. We will also be surprising Ed with a few things, so just react naturally to your emotions. Does anyone have any questions? If not, then we'll see you on play night."

Pam and I were very nervous for the next two days leading up to the play, especially since she would be seen fully nude by all of the adults in the congregation. We just had to keep telling ourselves that it was for a worthy cause, and Pam's desire to act again also helped her to push the nudity to the back of her mind. The play would have four acts, and the nudity would not happen until the last act. The play would begin showing a view of family life for the white cuckold couple and the black man, before there were any temptations. The next scene would show the cuckold on the internet trying to make contact with a black man to fuck his wife, and the black man would at first seem innocent at receiving an inquiry from the cuckold. But after the black man receives naked pictures of the cuckold's wife, he becomes sexually aroused, and agrees to meet with the white couple for coffee, just to see if there is an attraction to each other. Then, the cuckold couple and the black man will be seen meeting at a coffee shop to discuss the possibility of meeting for sex. The last scene will involve the white cuckold husband and his wife in the bedroom with the black bull, and that is where the nudity and simulated sex will occur.

On the night of the play, Brother Cecil made an announcement to the congregation reminding them that the play would have some full nudity, and the depiction of sinful, sexual acts. He also cautioned that some of the dialogue would be crude and the action would look very realistic, but that there would be no actual sexual contact. He also said that we would use our real names in the dialogue, just to give it a little more touch of realism. The play then began, and it was interesting to me to see the reactions from the congregation and the looks on their faces as the acts progressed from showing a happy home life, through the meeting in the coffee shop to make the arrangements to have sex. It did seem to me that the women in the audience were more shocked than many of the men, and I could even see some men rubbing their crotches, being careful not to be seen doing that by their wives.

Now it was time for the last act, and Brother Cecil, Pam and I took our places on stage behind the curtain. The bed was positioned sideways and near the front of the stage, and the plan was for Brother Cecil to tell Pam to take off her clothes, and then she would briefly expose her full nudity to the audience as she sat down on the bed and pulled up the covers. Then Brother Cecil would quickly undress and fully expose himself, before slipping under the covers with Pam. Then they would proceed with the sex scene. During all of this, I would be sitting facing the audience on the edge of the bed, fully clothed and rubbing my crotch, playing the cuckold husband who wanted to watch his wife being fucked by a black man, and then participating in cleaning them both with my tongue and mouth.

The curtain opened, and I was already sitting on the bed as Brother Cecil and Pam entered the stage. Then he briefly hugged Pam and kissed her full on the lips and said, "Okay Pamela, you and Ed said that you wanted to be fucked by a big, black cock, and I have a really big one for you. Go ahead and undress and get in bed, and then I can make your dream come true."

Pam then started to undress and said, "We have been waiting a long time for me to have sex with a strong, black man, and I can hardly wait to feel your big cock inside my little blonde pussy, and also your big balls swinging against my ass. Ed's little dick is too small to give me the kind of pleasure that you can with that big piece of black meat, and I just hope that I can still feel him inside of me after you've fucked me."

Pam then stepped out of her skirt and opened her blouse, and slowly removed all of her clothes. You could hear a gasp from the congregation as her full, smooth breasts came into view and were gently swaying as she leaned down to pull off her thong underwear. Then there was another gasp when the congregation got their first view of Pam's full, puffy vulva lips covered with her neatly-trimmed blond hair. She stood there for just a moment facing the audience, and then slowly turned to bend over a little and pull back the covers. Her ass was just beautiful as she bent over and everyone could see her pouting pussy lips from behind, covered with that blonde hair, and she then slipped under the covers.

Brother Cecil was standing by the bed facing Pam, and Pam held out her hand to him and said, "Come on baby, get undressed and get in bed with me. I need that big, black cock right now."

Brother Cecil first removed his shirt, and then unfastened his belt and the button on his pants, before slowly sliding down his zipper. He dropped his pants and his tight, white briefs came into view, bulging obscenely with his big, black cock and huge balls. He slid his briefs down and off his legs, and when he stood up, his fully-hard, heavy cock came into view, and swayed with his movements. His cock was cut and looked to be 11 inches long and nearly as thick as a coke can, and his cock head was also huge. His balls were as large as plums and hung heavily in his black scrotum. The congregation gave an even louder gasp at seeing his massive cock and balls, and Pam and I could only stare with our mouths wide open at his huge genitals. Brother Cecil then pulled back the covers and slid into bed with Pam. I know that Pam was supposed to have put the protective pad in place after getting into the bed, but I was a little concerned that she might have forgotten it, after being so distracted by seeing that large cock.


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Once he was under the covers, Brother Cecil lay on top of Pam, and the contrast of his size and black skin against Pam's petite body and alabaster skin was very arousing, and it was no longer an act for me to be rubbing my stiffening dick. He then pulled back the covers a little, to expose the sides of Pam's breasts as he pressed his chest down on her, and then he covered her mouth with his lips and gave her a long and soulful kiss. The kiss was not in the script and wasn't something we had rehearsed, and I could see Pam starting to react to his kiss by moaning and squirming in the bed."

I started to protest saying, "Wait a minute Brother Cecil, you were just supposed to fuck Pam, not make romantic love to her."

Then he said, "What's the matter cuckold boy, you don't like seeing Pam made love to by a real man? We are just beginning, so sit and watch me fuck your pretty wife."

Brother Cecil then broke the kiss and slid farther down in the bed, exposing Pam's beautiful breasts. Then he began to suck them with an aggressiveness that I had never seen, and he raised himself up and pressed her tits with his hands to ***** even more of them into his sucking mouth. The congregation was now on the edges of their seats watching Pam's breasts being sucked so *****fully, and they had no way of knowing that this wasn't in the script. I was starting to get concerned about what else might happen that wasn't in the script, but Brother Cecil's aggressive manner convinced me to keep quiet and just play my part as the cuckold husband. I think this was part of his plan to cause discomfort and true emotion in me, and I could see that the audience was reacting strongly to his passions.

Brother Cecil then moved forward on the bed and looking at me said, "Those are some beautiful and tasty white tits, but my cock is aching to get a taste of Pam's little blonde pussy. She will soon know what it feels like to take a huge, horse-cock into that little hole. I know she hasn't felt anything like this before, especially since your little dick is the only one she has ever felt in her."

I didn't remember any of Brother Cecil's dialogue from the script, and it looked to me like he was adlibbing and working himself into a frenzy of lust. I just hoped that Pam had put that protective pad in place, especially since she was no longer taking her birth-control pills. He then reached down to his cock with one hand under the covers, as if he was going to place his cock head into Pam's pussy. He then shoved forward a little, and I could see a look of fear and pain on Pam's face. I didn't know whether she was acting, or if Brother Cecil had actually pushed his big meat into her fertile pussy.

Pam then screamed, "Brother Cecil, take that big cock out of me. I'm in my fertile time and not on my pills anymore, and your big cock is hurting me."

The he said, "This is what you and Ed wanted Pam, to be fucked by a big, black cock, and that's exactly what you're getting. It's not my fault if you're fertile. But I can tell you that I will fill your cunt to overflowing with my semen, and if you're really fertile, you will soon be having my baby."

Pam seemed frantic now, and continued to struggle under him, and I assumed that he was pushing his big cock farther into her little blonde pussy. However, after a few more moments of being fucked, her expression changed from anger and fear to absolute lust.

She screamed out, "Fuck me harder with that big, black cock. I can feel your massive cock head pressing against my cervix, and I want to be flooded with your potent sperm. That big piece of black meat feels so good in me, and it is almost like this is the first time I have ever been fucked. Ed has never touched the places you're fucking."

The congregation was clapping and cheering, and I'm sure that they must have been acknowledging what they thought was some great acting by Pam and Brother Cecil. However, I knew that they had gone away from the script long ago, and I was almost certain that he was really fucking her, and intended to make her pregnant with his massive load of sperm. I was beginning to smell the aroma of her pussy, and didn't think that would happen if she was wearing the protective pad and he wasn't fucking her.

He continued to aggressively push his huge cock into Pam's fertile little pussy, and eventually he reached the point of orgasm. He said, "Oh Pam, your little blonde pussy is so tight on my big cock, and now I can't hold back any longer. I'm going to hold myself in you and pump you full of my black nut."

I could see the look of bliss and fulfillment on Pam's face, and I knew that she was being flooded with his potent seed. I had never seen her so lustful, and I got the idea that she might not even care if Brother Cecil made her pregnant. Brother Cecil must have finally fully-emptied himself into my wife's little pussy, because he rolled off of her and sat on the edge of the bed, with the sheet covering his spent cock from view.

Then Brother Cecil ordered, "Ed, get over here and clean my cock. I've just given Pam my baby, and I want you to clean me up and worship my big cock as a way of saying thanks to me."


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We had rehearsed me kneeling in front of him and pretending to clean his cock, but that did not adequately prepare me for what I saw when I moved in front of him, with my back to the audience, and blocking their view. Brother Cecil pulled back the sheet and displayed his softened cock, which was now eight inches long and still very thick. His cock was also covered with Pam's pussy juice and globs of thick, white cum. There was no question now that Brother Cecil had actually fucked Pam and filled her with his sperm. The smell of his messy cock was musky and strong, and when I tried to pull away, he held my head with his strong hands, and shoved his slimy meat into my mouth. He then started pushing and pulling my head up and down, and it felt like he was fucking my mouth. It is hard for me to explain how this could happen, but I was starting to enjoy sucking his cock and tasting the combined fluids from him and Pam. This was really surprising since I had never even thought about sucking a cock before this, much less sucking one that had been fucking my wife. One disturbing thing was that I could see Pam looking at me sucking his cock, and she had and amused look on her face, that told me things would never be the same between us again. I could feel Brother Cecil's cock hardening in my mouth, and then he pushed me away.

Brother Cecil then said, "Now that you've cleaned Pam's juices and my cum from my nasty cock, you need to complete your cuckold fantasies by sucking my cum from Pam's pussy."

He then stood up, pulled back the covers, and pushed my face down between Pam's legs and into her pussy. If I wondered before, there could be no doubt now that Pam had been fucked by him. Her blonde pussy hair was matted with thick, white cum, and much more of his nut was running out of her swollen lips. I'd never before even thought about sucking Pam's pussy, and here I was sucking another man's cum from her. The congregation was now standing and cheering as I slid my arms under Pam's legs and lifted them to my shoulders, which allowed me to push my face all the way into her well-fucked hole. I stayed there, sucking their combined juices until Brother Cecil pulled me away from her.

Then he said to the still cheering congregation, "Quiet down brothers and sisters. I hope that you can see the dangers of this cuckold activity. This young couple thought they wanted to have sex with a black man, but never expected to have their lives changed so much. The black bull took over the action, and made them submit to him, and now her pussy will never be the same again, and she is also pregnant with his black *****. Pam now knows that Ed is a cock sucking cuckold who is hungry for black-man's sperm, and she will never feel the same about him again. And although we didn't portray this in the play, just assume that my wife found my emails and learned that I was meeting with this couple to fuck them, and it has ruined my marriage. The temporary cheap thrill of this sex is far overshadowed by the shame, guilt and destruction that results from it. The congregation was still cheering when the curtain fell, and Pam and I were sitting on the bed stunned by all that had happened. And then something happened that was totally unscripted.

Brother Thomas approached the bed and said, "Spread those sweet thighs for me Pam, I need to feel that tight, white cunt on my big, black cock."

As he was talking, Brother Thomas dropped his pants and briefs and revealed a cock not quite as long and thick as Brother Cecil's was, but still a very impressive piece of black cock. Pam got a pleased and lustful look on her face as he pushed his meat into her already-well-fucked pussy, and she was more than ready for another good fucking. And while Pam was being fucked again, one of the elders who had been helping with the props stood in front of me and dropped his pants.

He said, "Come on now cuckold boy, wrap those white lips around my cock and get me hard to fuck Pam after Brother Thomas has pumped her full of his seed, and you have cleaned it up with your cum-slut mouth. This continued for another hour, with the deacon, pastor and elders taking turns fucking Pam's pussy and my mouth. And of course, I always cleaned up Pam's pussy after each load was hosed into her. By the end of the evening I had swallowed 10 loads of thick, black cum. After the other elder filled my mouth with his cum for the last time, Brother Cecil told Pam and me to get dressed and to come with him to his office to discuss what had just happened.

After getting settled in his office, Brother Cecil began by saying, "Well Pam and Ed, I know that was a pretty rough experience for you, but somehow I don't think that you mind it so much now that it's over. How are you feeling right now?"

I spoke up first and said, "We did things this evening that I would never have even thought of, much less think that we would participate in. And I have to say that as disgusting and frightening as it was at first, I now find myself strangely attracted to seeing Pam fucked by big, black cocks, and I have even begun to enjoy the taste and smell of cum."

Then Pam spoke up saying, "Like Ed, I was terrified when you started being so assertive and going off-script with your actions and dialogue, and I could never have imagined what it would be like to be fucked like that. But now, after feeling what it is like to have my pussy stretched to the limit with big, black cock-meat, I'm afraid that I'll want it all of the time. One thing is for sure, with the amount of cum that I had ****** into my womb tonight, I'm certain that I'll be pregnant with a black baby."

Then Brother Cecil spoke again saying, 'I'm so pleased that you two have come to enjoy black love, and I do have to apologize for tricking you. When you joined our church, we thought you were like a lot of the other white couples who joined our congregation, just so they could meet black men to fuck their wives and cuckold the husbands. As time passed, we found out that you not only had no interest in sex with black men, but you had never even thought about it. I would have let it pass, but Pam, you are such a beautiful woman with such a sexy body, that I just had to have you."

Then I asked, "Do you mean that you set this whole thing up just to fuck Pam?"

He continued, "Sorry, but I just had to have her. When the choir director told me that she had a lot of thespian experience but had not acted in many years, I knew that I could get her excited by a chance to be in a play. When you both agreed to let Pam be in a nude scene, and then at the first rehearsal, when Pam let herself parade around in that skimpy bikini, I knew that we could entice you two to be a cuckold couple for black men. The thing that sealed the deal, though, was the look on both of your faces the first time you saw my cock in that bathing suit. You didn't realize it then, but the hungry look on your faces told me all I needed to know. I don't really understand it, but there are a lot of white people who just love being submissive to black men and taking their sperm."

Pam then said, "You mentioned other white couples who also wanted sex with black men. Are any of them members now?"

Brother Cecil said, "Of course they are. All of our white couples, and even a few black couples, are cuckolds for many of the black men in our congregation. Most of them are regularly fucked by me, the deacons, and the choir members. Our wives are getting a little older and don't want as much sex now, and they don't mind if we fuck a few white pussies every now and then, just to keep us happy. Some of the other black wives who have husbands with small cocks also like a taste of our big cocks every now and then. We even have a few of our big, beautiful, black wives who love to have white couples be submissive to them. I know that my wife would be happy to have both of you sucking her big pussy. She just loves to sit on a white face and fuck it to orgasm, especially if I've just filled her with my cum. If you two would like to be a part of our cuckold family, then we would sure like to have you."

Pam and I went home and thought about all that had happened and all that we heard from Brother Cecil, and decided that we wanted to be their fuck toys. Pam really loved the feeling of big, black cocks filling her tight pussy, and she liked the feeling of those big cock heads pressing against her cervix when they pumped her full of cum. I also liked being a part of this, mostly at first to make Pam happy, but I soon started to crave the taste, smell and texture of that thick, black sperm in my mouth, and I also enjoyed sucking those big, black cocks to get them hard and to clean them. Oh, and in case you're wondering, we did have a beautiful, black baby boy nine months after the night of the play, and we continue to enjoy our lives as a cuckold family in this church.


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Truth or Dare-Becoming a Cock Sucker

I sucked my boss and a black coworker's cocks while on business out of town in a hotel..
I am a bisexual, married white man in my 50s, and the following story occurred when I was in my 30s, and had my first, life-changing cock sucking experience. I was married to a lovely woman and had a decent sex life at home, with the only problem being that I have a smaller-than-average sized cock and I have always been self conscious about that. I normally could not bring my wife to orgasm from just fucking her with my small dick, and usually finished her off orally after I had cum in her. I enjoyed reading porn on the internet, and my favorite stories were those about cuckold husbands who enjoyed eating creampies from their wives' pussies, after being fucked bare back by a hung stud. I knew that my wife would never allow another man to fuck her, but I at least had those fantasies to enjoy, and I often thought about that when I was sucking my own cum from her pussy, imagining that a big cock had just fucked her.

This story happened when I was a salesman for a sporting goods company, and I was out of town at a sporting goods convention for a week. I was at the convention with my sales manager, Larry Masters, who was 40 years old at the time, and another salesman, named Marcus Brown, who was about my age and was a black man. We arrived at the convention center on the weekend before the show started, and spent two long days setting up our exhibition booth, to be ready for the show opening on Monday morning. Our assignment for the rest of the week was to work the booth and make sales to the convention attendees. Our plan was to go out and get a quick dinner after the show closed each day, and then go to one of our rooms to ***** and play cards for the rest of the evening.

We didn't have time to play cards on Saturday or Sunday nights, due to the long hours setting up the booth, but on Monday night we met in Larry's room for some relaxation. After we played cards for several hours, and were by this time getting pretty silly from *****ing so much, Larry suggested that we play a game of truth or dare. I know that sounds a little odd for grown men to play this type of game, but given our ******* state, it seemed like a good idea at the time. The early rounds of the game were pretty bland, with each of us asking the others to be truthful about various topics, mostly related to our company and the office we worked in. As we continued *****ing, the topics eventually became sexually oriented, and we were asking each other to be truthful about how we felt about some of the hot women in the office, and whether we'd like to fuck them, or had actually fucked any of them. As it turned out, Larry said that despite being married and getting plenty of pussy at home, he had a high sex drive and a big cock, and had fucked several of the women in the office. He was a pretty sincere guy, so I tended to believe him.

It was then Larry's turn to ask me a truth question, and this became the fateful turning point in the game, and in my life for that matter. Larry asked, "Ed, what are your favorite sexual fantasies?"

I know that if my guard wasn't down from being so *****, I would not have answered that question truthfully. But I said, "I sometimes like to fantasize that I am a cuckold to my wife, and envision other men fucking her and me sucking her pussy after they cum in her."

Larry and Marcus got very excited at my response, and Larry pressed further. He asked, "Well Ed, have you ever acted on this fantasy?"

I was starting to realize that I shouldn't have answered the original question truthfully, but I felt strangely compelled to answer Larry's questions. I said, "No Larry, it has just been a fantasy of mine, probably since I have a small cock and like to imagine a well-hung guy fucking her, but she would never allow that and I know that I could never really do it."

Larry continued, "Well Ed, what else do cuckolds do that gives you such great fantasies?"

I responded, "I have read hundreds of stories where the cuckold husband will sometimes suck the cock of the big-dicked stud, both as an act of ********** but also to get him hard to fuck his wife. The cuckold will also suck his wife and the stud while they are fucking, and then suck all of the cum out of his wife after the stud cums in her."

Larry said, "Holy ****, that is really hot! I find it hard to believe that you have never done any of that, given the way you get so excited just describing it. Tell us more about how a cuckold becomes a cock sucker."

I continued, "There really isn't much more to tell, and I have just read about this stuff. But some of the cuckold men start to enjoy sucking the cocks and balls of their wives' lovers, and they all seem to enjoy sucking larger cocks, because many of the cuckold men have small cocks. I guess it is a submissive thing to suck another guy's cock, but some cuckolds really enjoy that. I think the biggest thrill for cuckolds is tasting and swallowing the cum of the stud, whether they get it directly from the cock or from the wife's well-fucked pussy. One other thing is that many cuckolds fantasize about black men fucking their wives, mainly because black men have a reputation for having larger cocks and being more virile. Sorry, but I just don't know much more about this stuff."

Larry seemed satisfied with my answer for the time being, and we continued playing the game, which had taken on a heightened sexual nature. It was finally Larry's turn to ask a question or dare me again, and he said, "Ed, I dare you to suck my cock. Come on, I know that you want to try it! We've been out of town for three days now and I really need to cum!"

I was shocked by Larry's dare and said, "Sorry Larry, my fantasies are one thing, but I have never acted on them, and I am not a cock sucker! You'll need to find another dare or ask another question."



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Larry then tried to shame me into sucking his cock by saying, "You know how the game works, and you have to complete the dare or the game is over. I know that you aren't a cock sucker, but maybe you could just put my cock in your mouth for a minute with something covering it, so you don't actually touch my cock with you lips. We have some large balloons left over from setting up our booth, and I could put one of those on my cock to keep me from touching your mouth with my cock."

I continued to explain to Larry and Marcus that I wasn't a cock sucker and I couldn't put Larry's dick in my mouth, but in the back of my mind, my resolve was starting to weaken. I'm not sure if it was just that I was *****, or whether all of the cuckold stories that I had read and pictures of cocks that I had seen were starting to have an effect on me. I was beginning to imagine what Larry's cock looked like and how big it was, and I finally gave in.

"Okay Larry", I said, "I'll let you put your balloon-covered cock in my mouth, but you and Marcus have to promise that you will not tell anyone about this. Further, just because I do this does not mean that I am a cock sucker. I am just completing the dare and then that will be it."

Upon hearing me say that I would put Larry's dick in my mouth, Larry and Marcus had the biggest smiles that I have ever seen. Marcus had the balloons in his room, so he left to get them and returned almost immediately. Now was the moment of truth as Larry stood up, unzipped and dropped his pants, and then sat on the edge of the bed with his tight, white underwear still on. I had seen Larry's soft cock before in the gym locker room, and it looked to be about five inches long and fairly thick when soft. However, as I watched from my chair at the table, I was excited to see it grow to full hardness in his underwear, and his balls were also protruding and looked huge to me. He then lifted up his ass and slipped off his underwear, and I was amazed at his cock. It had to be about eight inches long and very thick, with a large head and sinewy veins running all over it. His balls were also the size of eggs, and they hung heavily in the sack on the bed. I had never seen a cock this large in person, and I could not take my eyes off of it as it hung heavily in front of him.

Then Larry said, "Marcus, hand me one of those large red balloons so I can slip it on my cock and get this started. And Ed, come on over and kneel in front of me and get ready to complete the dare."

I felt like I was moving in slow motion as I walked over to the bed and knelt in front of Larry. I was on my knees, motionless, in front of him as he began to slip the balloon over his cock. The balloon was a little loose on him, and it was exciting to see him pull it over his bulbous cock head, and then slip it down and over his heavily-veined cock. I was just in front of Larry and was close enough to smell his manliness, and I have to admit that I was getting a little turned on at the thought of sucking his cock. The balloon covered about six inches of Larry's cock, and the tip was rounded and a little larger, like the reservoir end on a condom.

Larry then said, "Come on Ed, move a little closer and put my dick in your mouth." He reached forward and put his right hand behind my head and started pulling me towards his cock, while aiming his cock at my mouth with his left hand. Marcus was sitting on the bed next to Larry, intently watching for the moment when Larry's cock slipped inside my mouth.

I tried to protest by saying, "Hold on guys, I don't think that I can do this." But when I finished speaking and my mouth was still open, Larry pulled me the last couple of inches onto his cock. The first sensation I had was the taste and smell of the latex balloon, and then I felt the hard, yet pliable crown of Larry's cock head as it slipped between my lips. As he continued to pull my head, I felt another three or four inches of his cock slide across my lips. I had never sucked a cock before so I wasn't sure what to do, but Larry started pulling and pushing my head back and forth on his balloon-covered cock, and I was really getting excited as his hardness filled my mouth.

Larry then said, "Good job Ed, that really feels great! Get ready as I push a little more of my meat into your mouth, and try to tighten your lips around my cock a little more and start sucking it!"

As Larry began pushing more of his cock into my mouth, he also started thrusting his hips slightly, like he was actually fucking my mouth. His big cock felt great moving in my mouth, and I was now actively sucking him. I tilted my head a little at one point to look over at Marcus, and I could see him stroking a huge bulge in his sweat pants, so I could tell that he was getting very excited watching me suck Larry's cock.

I continued sucking Larry's cock as he began to thrust even more ********** into my mouth, and then I noticed that the balloon was sliding up on his shaft, exposing some of his flesh directly to my lips. I looked up at Larry when this began to happen, and he just smiled a little and kept thrusting his cock into my mouth, while holding my head even more tightly, so I could not pull away. This continued for a few more minutes, with the balloon slipping even farther up on his cock, and finally Marcus noticed what was going on.

Marcus asked Larry, "Hey Larry, I can't see the balloon anymore when Ed is on the up stroke, did it come off your dick?"

Larry answered, "No Marcus, it has just slipped up a little, but it is still covering most of my cock."

The truth was that the balloon had slipped all the way up to just below the head of Larry's cock, and it was only his large cock head and crown that was holding the balloon in place.

Larry now quickened his thrusting and held my head even tighter as he began breathing heavily. He said, "Get ready Ed, I am close to cumming, and I think that you will enjoy my big load of cum, even though it will be shooting into the balloon. Keep sucking me hard so I can have a good orgasm!"

At this point I was starting to panic. I should have known before, but it was just occurring to me that Larry was going to cum in my mouth. And even though his cock was partially covered by the balloon, I knew that some of his semen would enter my mouth since the balloon had slipped up so far. Worse yet, Larry would know that I was tasting his cum, and that would take this dare thing to a whole new level. I tried to pull away from Larry to protest, but he held me firmly in place, and as I looked up at him once again, he was smiling broadly down at me, knowing that I would be eating his seed.


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As Larry's thrusting became more intense, I could feel his cock begin to throb and pulse as squirt after squirt of his cum spewed into the balloon. I have to admit that it felt great having that big piece of meat throbbing in my mouth, but I was also beginning to fear what my co-workers would think of me for doing this. The cum began to leak around the balloon, and for the first time I was tasting another man's sperm. It was a little salty and more bitter than my cum normally was, probably due to us ******** so much, and plenty of it was leaking into my mouth. Larry held my head in place and continued to push his cock into my mouth as his orgasm subsided. He finally released my head, and as I backed away from his cock, Marcus could clearly see that the balloon was just barely covering Larry's cock head, and he could see cum leaking down onto the shaft.

Marcus said, "Holy **** Ed, you must have tasted and swallowed some of Larry's cum, since I can see it leaking down his cock! Did you enjoy sucking Larry and swallowing his cum?

There I was, now sitting between Larry's legs, totally embarrassed as he pulled the balloon from his cock. And as I looked at the balloon, I could tell by the size and shape of the tip of the balloon that Larry had shot a huge load of cum, and I had never seen anything like it in the pictures I had viewed on the internet. It is a little hard for me to explain what happened next, but my embarrassment was turning to lust. It was as if the taste of Larry's cum had awakened a strong desire in me to suck cock and swallow cum. I reached up for the balloon and held it in my hand as I played with the big bulge of cum with my fingers. Then, almost as if I was in a trance, I held the balloon up and emptied the tasty sperm into my mouth. His juice was warm and thick and I was really enjoying the taste and texture of it as I swirled it around in my mouth and then swallowed it.

Larry and Marcus were somewhat stunned watching me eat the cum from the balloon, and what happened next surprised them even more. I got back up on my knees and took Larry's softening cock back into my mouth and sucked all of the cum remnants from it. His cock began to harden again as I started rubbing his huge balls, and he and Marcus continued in stunned silence as I then moved down t suck his balls. His large scrotum and balls had a bit of a gamey taste to them, and I continued to suck him for several more minutes.

Finally, Larry pulled away from me and said, "Damn Ed, this was just a little game of truth or dare, and although I did want to put my covered cock in your mouth and get off, I had no idea that you would get into it like this!"

Marcus was also excited and said, "I can see now that you really enjoy sucking cock and swallowing cum, and if you have any of those cuckold desires to suck a black cock, then I'd be happy to feed you mine!"

I then said to them, "Guys, in some ways I'm very embarrassed that this happened, and that all of us found out together that I have a real taste for cock and cum. This was a first for me, but I have to admit that for some reason I can't explain, I do have a desire to suck cock. I still love my wife and I definitely enjoy fucking and sucking pussy. But there is just something about the feeling of a hard cock throbbing in my mouth and shooting cum that really turns me on. That moment when the cock stiffens further, throbs, and then starts shooting cum is amazing to me I hope that we can keep this a secret just between us, and that we can still work together."

Larry then said, "I have to admit that I don't understand any of this, but I don't hold it against you. In fact, if you like to suck cock as much as you say, then it will be fun having you around to give us some relief from time to time. Who knows, maybe we can even fuck your wife for you if you still want to experience that cuckold thing?"

Then Marcus spoke up saying, "I feel the same way that Larry does, and in fact, I'd like to have you suck me right now!"

Marcus then slid back up on the bed and removed his sweat pants and underwear. His cock was longer than Larry's, probably nine inches, and was even thicker. It also had a large head and was heavily-veined, and his balls were massive. Marcus was partially leaning back on pillows against the back board of the bed. None of us had showered after work, so he had a very musky smell. I crawled up between his legs and reached my arms under his legs. He then tilted his hips slightly which gave me perfect access to his large scrotum and balls. It was like a dream come true as I began to suck his balls, as I had read about so many times, and I really enjoyed the way his nuts felt moving around in my mouth.

Marcus said, "Damn man, my lady won't suck my nuts like that for me, and I'm really enjoying it! But, she also won't suck my dick, so move on up and taste my black snake!"

With my arms under Marcus' legs and resting on his hips, I had the leverage to slide myself up to take his huge cock in my mouth. He was oozing plenty of precum, and I was enjoying the taste of it as his cock head slid between my lips. His cock did taste a little different than Larry's, and I'm not sure if it was due to the precum, or just that black skin had a slightly different taste. I continued to hold myself up to suck in as much of his cock as possible, and Marcus was really starting to enjoy being sucked by me. He held my head in place and started thrusting his hips, as Larry had done to me, and his huge cock seemed to get even harder.

About this time Marcus said, "Ed, I want you to roll over on your back, and I'm going to get on top of you in a 69 position and fuck your face. I obviously won't be touching your dick, so I'll put a pillow over your waist for me to rest on. I want you to tilt your head back a little so I can really fuck your throat like the cunt you are! But before I do that I am going to sit on your face for a few minutes and feed you my balls."

This was the first time that either Marcus or Larry had spoken ********** to me, and I have to admit that I enjoyed being submissive to this strong black man. I got on my back and Marcus straddled my head with his knees on either side of my face, and then squatted down to push his huge balls into my mouth. It was an amazing feeling being ************ to suck him, and as he moved back and forth over me, he also had me suck his perineum. I had no desire to rim him, or for any ass play of any kind, but it was exciting for him to press his bulging perineum into my mouth, and I sucked him as hard as I could. I just loved the texture of his balls, and what made it even more exciting was all I could see when I looked up was his dark skin and kinky hair.



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Marcus finally decided that he wanted to fuck my face, so he leaned down in the 69 position and placed his huge cock head to my lips. I tilted my head back as he pushed his cock into my mouth, and it is hard to describe how wonderful the taste and texture of his cock was. He had gotten so turned on by me sucking his balls that he seemed pretty close to his orgasm. He continued sliding that big, black piece of dick-meat into my mouth and throat until he finally tensed up, pulled back a little, and then his cock began to throb and he spewed his nut into my mouth. He must have produced more cum than Larry, as I had a hard time keeping up with the flow, and felt like I was chocking before I was finally able to swallow it all. Marcus stayed on top of me for a few minutes after he came, and then started slowly thrusting his cock into me again. I continued sucking him until he was partially hard again, but then he pulled out and rolled over on the bed.

We were at the convention for the rest of the week, and I sucked off Larry and Marcus every night, usually more than once each. They continued to treat me as a valued friend and co-worker during normal business hours, but I began to notice a change in how I was treated in our off hours in the room. I had become their cum slut and they really enjoyed bossing me around and having me available to suck them whenever they wanted me to. I have to admit that I enjoyed being submissive to them and taking their huge cum loads, and this continued when we returned home from the convention. In fact, we started a poker night so we would have an excuse to meet so I could suck them, and in the process two other co-workers joined in the game, and I had all of the cock and cum that I could take.

One night the card game was at my home, and my wife had gone out with her friends since she didn't like to be around the poker games. On this fateful night, she came home early and upon opening the door, found me on my knees sucking Marcus' large, black cock, and the other four men were naked, stroking their cocks, and ready to be sucked off as well. This obviously ended the card game for that night, but the more she and I talked about what had happened, and the more she thought about all of those big cocks that she saw that night, the more excited she got. We eventually became a cuckold couple, and the card game at my home became a hot wife fuck fest, with me getting all of the cum I wanted from her well-fucked pussy.



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Older man makes me his

I sat in my room feverishly pumping my fist over my hard cock thinking about my first sexual encounter with a man. Only an hour ago I was bent over a truck tailgate being fucked by a strange man behind a convenient store. My ass was still quivering as I shot a load of cum onto my belly. I lay there spent as I looked at the card he had given me before driving off and leaving me naked in a parking lot with cum still on my chin.

He had told me to call him the next day but I was very nervous. It was a week before I drew up enough courage to pick up the phone. When I finally called it was late on a Friday night.

"Hello. Is this Jeff?" I said nervously.

"Yes it is Stephen. I thought I told you to call the next day? Didn't you like our first encounter?" he said with a tone of confidence.


"Thats yes SIR." he said.

"Yes sir, I liked it. I am sorry to call so late."

"Its fine. I know why you called. You want me to fuck you again. I knew you would call eventually. Your a cock whore know. Pretty high school stud likes being made into a submissive bitch for older guys, don't you?"

"Yes sir."

"Ok. Now get in your car and meet me at the convenient store in 10 minutes." Jeff said as he hung up the phone.

10 minutes later I was sitting in the same parking lot waiting for a strange man to come and do to me whatever he wanted. My cock was already hard and the loose basketball shorts I wore did nothing to hide it. I saw Jeff's truck pull up beside my car. I got out and walked to the open door of his truck and climbed in.

"Hello Stephen. My house is around the corner so we will go there. On the way you can go ahead and strip. Just lay your clothes on the floorboard." I did as I was told and was soon naked and riding down the street heading for Jeff's house. A minute later we pulled in and thankfully the driveway went around back. I followed Jeff onto the porch and into his house. Once inside he wasted no time in pushing me to my knees. Standing in front of me he began to tell me how he was going to use my mouth as a pussy. My ass would be fucked raw by morning.

"Tell me what you want Stephen."

"I want your cock me in sir. Please fuck me sir."

Jeff stepped towards me and pulled out a very erect 8 inch cock. I immediately covered it with my mouth and began swirling my tongue around the head and stroking the shaft with my hand. I would try to swallow as much as I could before gagging. His cock was perfect in my mouth. His hands guided my face up and down his tool. He loved watching my pretty little high school mouth work over his dick.

"Ohh you cock sucking little faggot. I own you now. Take it all bitch. Ohh yeah, keep sucking. Yeah thats it boy. I am going to fuck you so hard your gonna scream louder than ever." He continued to work over my mouth with an ever growing pace. It got to a point when he has thrusting so hard his balls were slapping against my chin. I loved the feeling of being used. My mouth had become his personal fuck hole. "Oh your gonna make me cum." With that statement he withdrew his cock and pulled me up. We walked over to the couch where he had me lay on my back with my legs hanging over the edge. He slapped on a condom in record time and produced a tube of gel. Before I knew it, His cock head was pressed against my tight hole.

"Oh god please go slow." I moaned.

"Don't worry, you will like what I do."

" Your cock is so big, please......."

Jeff then popped half his cock into my ass. I let out a low yelp. I was thinking how good his cock felt stabbing my hole. I know he wanted to just ram it in but he didn't want to hurt me, that bad. He then worked the rest of his rock hard dick the rest of the way till I could feel his balls on my ass. I felt completely full. My eyes grew big as he filled me up completely with his cock. I was breathing very heavy and fast as he slowly withdrew almost all 8 inches and then plunged it back in.

"OOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHH goooooodddd. Its so big. Please stop. I can't take it. oh my god."

"Tell me what you want Stephen." Jeff said as he looked me square in he face. I caught my breath and mumbled, "Please fuck me sir. I want you to fuck me. I am your bitch to do as you want. Fuck me now, sir."

Jeff then grabbed my ankles and lifted them up into the air. He started pushing his cock into me with long hard strokes. With my ankles up in the air I could plainly see my asshole being impaled by his cock. I was suddenly transformed into the whore he had taken on the back of his truck. He slammed into my ass with reckless abandon. I could feel myself bouncing back of the couch as he would fall into me and then pull back out to do it again. I was mentally gone. I was a 17 year old cock whore who would do anything this 40 year old man said.

"Yeesss Jeff, fuuuucccckk mmmmmeeeee. Ohhhhhh goooddd yyyessss. I want it in me. FFuuuckkkk meee pleassee." These were the screams coming from my mouth.

"Take it boy. Man your ass is tight. I bet some of your classmates love watching you in the`shower. If they could only see you now. Little slut for old man cock. Take it, take it, little bitch, TAKE IT." Jeff was fucking me so hard he was leaning over me ramming me into the couch. Sweat was dripping off him and onto me. He held my ankles in a death grip as he used my asshole as his personal punching bag for his cock. What I saw was unforgettable. This older guy spreading my legs high in the air as he pushed into my waiting hole. His cock was a blur he was fucking me so hard. In between screams I could be heard saying.....



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"AAHHHHHHHH, your cock is wonderful. Fuck me harder sir. Pleaaaaseee don't ever stop fucking meee."

"You are such a hot piece of ass Stephen." Jeff said. " Fucking little whore. God you are a good fuck. I made you cum without touching your cock!!! Your really do love this."

I was in a state of euphoria. My cock had been spewing ropes of cum onto my chest when Jeff pulled out of my ass. He released my ankles and I fell back down onto the couch. I didn't know if he had cum or if he was just tired. He then ripped off the condom and pulled my head towards his cock. I opened my mouth for my reward. The head had just passed my lips when the first blast hit my mouth. It was hot, and I swallowed. Then his cock hit the back of my throat and I felt stream after stream of seamen being released from his balls down my mouth.

"Ohhhh yeah, swallow it all boy. Oh fuck that fells good." he must have given me close to a cup of cum by the time he finished. He continued to hold my head in place as his cock spasmed. "Suck it all out of there my little slave." Jeff said as he began to come down from his orgasm. He then pulled out of my mouth leaving me to swallow the cum he had left on my chin. I collapsed back on to the couch. As he got up to go to the kitchen, I was still lying in a heap of sexual ooze, spent and dazed. Jeff came back with a bottle of water and I drank heartily.

Jeff stood over my motionless body for a bit, admiring his handiwork. "So listen Stephen. From now on you will call me once a week to see if I want you. I may or may not. I will tell you. You will do everything I ask of you. Or I will show all your friends what kind of guy you really are." I really couldn't understand anything he said. I knew I would do whatever he said anyway. And after saying that, out of a dark corner walked a young black male with a video recorder. Once he got close enough, I realized we were not alone. My eyes grew wide as he walked up to me still running the camera.

"Hey Stephen, I'm Jesse. And I love fucking white boys. So now that I have your attention, maybe you would like to move on to bigger and better things.?"



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Indecent Proposal Wife Being Blackmail

had just received a phone call from a guy who works with my husband. I always hated this guy. He had tried hitting on me several different occasions at my husband work functions. He was very cocky and very much into himself. He worked out several times a week at the gym and thought his body was so spectacular. My husband also hates him. He caught him on a few occasions hitting on me at different parties. He also doesn't get along with him at work. I didn't really want to talked to him but I now had a problem on my hands.

He explained to me that he had seen me on a certain porn site. I knew right away what he was talking about. He went on to say, "For certain favors, I could keep this very quiet."

I asked, "What kind of favors?" Even though I knew where is was going with this.

"I want you tomorrow night to come to my apartment. I think you know what I want. Don't you?" he reply.

I told him, "You are one big jackass. I am not going to give you the satisfaction of ever touching my lovely body."

"Well, I see it a little differently. If you don't show up tomorrow night I will have to send your husband a little tip about a certain website. " he says.

I was speechless as he tells me,, "Be their at 7:00 or else you will regret it."

He hung up on me after that. I sat their with my hands covering my face. "What am I going to do?" I thought out loud. If I don't go I know he will send that porn site tip to my husband liked he did with me. I had no choice but to give him what he wants. I had been through to much already.

The next day I call my husband and let him know I am going out with a few of my new co workers that night. I said, "Please don't wait up for me."

He says, "That sounds fine! Try not to stay out to long."

It was 6:30 and I headed over to his apartment. I thought out loudly, "There is no way I can let this big jerk get to my emotions. I will do whatever it takes so I don't cum for him. I am not going to give him any satisfaction at all."

I walked into his apartment with a pair of tight jeans and a buttoned up top on. I gave him a very dirty look as he just smiled. He was already being a big prick and I just arrived..

He says, "Well , are you ready? Why don't you stripped your clothes off in front of me."

I had no choice as I stripped my jeans and my top off. I was standing their in front of him with just my bra and panties on. I had I very angry looking face at that point. I stop their and thought, "Should I go on."

"Come on baby! I don't have all night to fucked you." he says.

If I don't go through with this my marriage will be over with. All of the past sacrifices I had already made would be worth nothing now. I slowly reached back and I unhook my bra. I still had a hold of it as I kept it covering my nice tits. He had a giant smile on his face as I let my bra fall onto the floor. I grabbed my panties and pushed them onto the floor. I was totally naked in front of this jerk as he sat their on the couch with just shorts on smiling.

He says,' Very nice! I want you to get on your knees right now."

I moved down to my knees as he got up. I said, "You know you are a big prick?"

" I had heard that before. I will show you how big a prick I am." He reply.

I had hope he didn't have a large cock. He started to pulled down his shorts. I was in shock as his cock appeared. It wasn't just large but it was also very thick. It was one of the most beautiful cocks I had ever seen. He also had one terrific looking body. I knew I was in trouble at that point.

He moved his semi erect cock up to my face. He says, 'I want you to sucked on it."


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I tried to keep my mouth closed so he couldn't get his cock in it. He grabbed the back of my head and pushed it in between my lips. I had no other choice as I began to sucked on his big thick cock. He had fucked my mouth for a good ten minutes. He then grabbed my arm and led me into his bedroom. He pushed me down onto the bed and said, "I had been wanting to fucked your pretty body since the day I met you. I am going to fucked you very hard tonight."

I lay on the bed as he pushed his mouth down in between my legs. I started to feel his tongue gliding across my pussy. I had to control my emotions as I lay their. I didn't want him to know if I was enjoying it or not. He worked on my pussy for several minutes as I lay their with my eyes closed. My pussy was slowly starting to get wet as he ran his tongue in and out of it.

He moved himself up my beautiful tits and he worked on them for a while. My nipples were getting very hard and sensitive as he would glide his tongue over them. He had now positioned himself all the way on top of me. I could feel his massive hard on being pushed up against my pussy.

He says, "Are you ready for the fucking of your life?"

I said, "You are one big ass hole! You know it?"

I try not to look at him as I felt his big cock slide into my pussy. It felt way better than I had thought. He fucked me very slowly at first as I tried not to show any emotion. I closed my eyes and tried to think of other things. He started to fuck me harder as I lay their on the bed. I could feel my juices inside me beginning to stir. I couldn't believe how good his cock was feeling inside my pussy right then. I wanted to moan out loud so badly. He continued to fucked me even harder as my pussy got wetter by the second. I didn't know if I could control my urges to cum anymore.

My body was now squirming on the bed as I fight from having an orgasm. I started to let out a few small moans as he grabbed my arms and pinned me to the bed. If he starts fucked me any harder I will explode all over his big thick cock. He has me right where he wants me. He started to thrust his big cock harder into my pussy. My pussy is so wet and I am feeling totally out of control.

I started moaning out, "O'Man, O'Man."

I am about to lose total control. I can't take this very much longer as he continued to pound his cock into my wet pussy. All of a sudden I started to lose control. My body started to shake uncontrollably as I wrapped my arms around his back. I also wrapped my legs tightly around his tight ass. I couldn't stop from having an powerful orgasm anymore.

"You bastard!" as I screamed out loudly. He had made me cum very hard on his big cock. I lay there, my body just trembling.

He continued to fucked me very hard. He lasted way longer than I had thought he could. I was at his mercy as I could feel another earthshaking orgasm coming on. I cried out, "Fuck me harder you bastard!"

I screamed out with another earthshaking orgasm on his big thick cock. He had made me cum two times very hard and he was loving every minutes of it.

He whispered into my ear, "You want me to cum all over your pretty face?"

I couldn't take his cock anymore inside me as I moan out, "Yes."

He moved up to my face and he says, "I am going to cum all over your face now."

He pointed his big hard cock right at my face and moan out loud. He unleashed several streams of cum across it. I lay their as he went into the other room. His cum was running down the side of my face. He came back into the room with my clothes. He handed me my pair of panties and told me to clean his cum off my face with them. He came a lot and my panties were soaked with his cum.

He says, "You sure did liked that fucking didn't you?"

I lay their quietly as I thought about how much of a slut I just had been. He wasted no time and his big thick cock was hard again. He got on the bed and turned me over. He grabbed my hips and pulled me on all fours. He positioned himself right behind me. He quickly inserted his big cock into my wet pussy. I tried again to not let my emotions of his big cock get to me. He had control over me again in about five minutes. He started to fucked me very hard from behind. My tits were swaying back n forth as he thrust his cock into my pussy.

I started to cry out. I couldn't fight the urge to cum as he pounded me from behind. My face fell into the sheets and a started to moan out loudly into them. I was so close to going over the edge when he started fucking my pussy even harder. I scream out, "Fuck me! Fuck me! You bastard!"

He pounded me into one of the most powerful orgasms I had ever had. My whole body shook for several minutes after I had came. I became very weak as my body fell flat onto the bed. He kept his cock inside me as he fell on top of me. He kept pounding his cock into my pussy. I kept screaming as he was going to make me cum again. He held my body tightly to the bed so I couldn't squirm around at all. He started pounding his cock into me even harder. I screamed out, "OMG I can't take your cock anymore!"

He kept it up until I screamed out with another powerful orgasm. As soon as I came he pulled his cock out and shot his cum all over my quivering ass. I lay their for several minutes trembling. He grabbed my top and cleaned his cum off my ass.

He left the room as I lay their on the bed. I just couldn't believe what had happened. I had never came so hard in my life and my pussy was very sore now. He walked in after about twenty minutes and says, "I want to fucked you again!"

I pleaded with him that I couldn't do it anymore. I said, "How about if I give you a blow job?"



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He grabbed my head and quickly pushed his cock into my mouth as I knelt in front of him. He made me sucked on his cock for a good twenty minutes. He was rock hard and I could tell he wanted to cum. I started to sucked on his cock very hard. He was very close to cumming. All of a sudden he pulled his cock out of my mouth. He grabbed me and pulled me up to my feet. He quickly unbuttoned my jeans and got behind me. I was stunned as he grabbed my jeans and yanked them down over my tight ass. He moved his big cock right inside my jeans as he moaned out, 'I am going to cum all over the inside of your jeans so you can feel my cum as you drive home.

I tried to stop him but I couldn't. He was to strong for me as he started to cum all over my ass and the inside of my jeans. I had no panties on because they were already soaked with cum.

He grabbed my jeans and pulled them back up over my ass. He says, "I hope you will remember this night."

I got dressed as I was wearing cum filled jeans and a my top was still wet with cum. I grabbed my cum filled panties and I headed out the door. I said, " I hope you enjoyed it you big prick! I did what you wanted so you better never mention any of this to my husband. Do I make myself clear? We are now done!."

He says with a smile on his face, " I guess we will have to see about that. Won't we?"

I left giving him a dirty look. I headed out to my car to leave as his cum ran down my ass and legs. Their was no way I could let my husband hug or kiss me with my shirt and jeans soaked in cum. I then reached down and pulled my jeans off. I sat them by the car heater hoping they would dry out some before I got home. My top was also still very wet but I had nothing under it either. I had no choice I removed it and I was now naked as I drove home. I went down a lot of the back roads so I wouldn't be seen with no top on. I had to stop at a traffic light were their was a bunch of teenagers next to me. I said great as they got a good look at my tits as I then sped away.

It was about midnight and I had hope my husband would be a *****. I needed to get inside and quickly jump into the shower without him knowing anything. The house seemed dark so I thought I would be in lucked. I quickly discarded my clothes into the washing machine as I headed into our bedroom. As I entered the room my husband woke up. I am standing their totally naked as I come in. He says, "What the hell are you doing?"

I spilled a ***** on myself and I wanted to wash my clothes right away. I dodge a big problem as he fell right back to *****. I quickly got into the shower and washed any smell of sex from me. I looked down at my pussy and it was still stretched wide opened. I am just glad my husband is to tired to have sex this very minute.

I sat in the shower for a good thirty minutes as I let the warm water run down over my worn out body. I thought about everything that has happened over the last year. I couldn't believe how hard I had just been fucked tonight. I acted liked a total slut for him. I just wanted my life to be normal again. I am worried that he will want more from me as I started to think out loud, "Is this the end of my problems, or is this just the beginning?" You decide!



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Str8 to Bitch

I still don't know how this happened exactly. I've been straight my entire life but somehow, because of one crazy night, I've become the bottom bitch for all my friends. Let me explain how.

My name is Drew. About a month ago I was at my friend Mark's house, we're both in high school. I'm 18 and Mark just turned 19, he's about to graduate. Mark is one of those super masculine jock/ woodsman/ hunter guys. He's only 19 but he already looks a lot like the Brawny man. He's tall, dark, hairy, and covered in muscles. He's a big deal on the football team, goes through cheerleaders like candy bars. Me on the other hand, I'm more slim. I'm very toned, mostly shaved cause of the swim team, shaggy blond hair, great ass I've been told, also a track star. I'm not like Mark but I did well lady wise, at least before.

We were supposed to go to an awesome secret rave in this burnt out old factory but some asshole who wasn't invited must of told the cops cause we get there and there are pigs in their cop cars shoeing everyone away. So its late May, Saturday night, hot as fuck, and instead of grinding against some hot pieces of tail we're both stuck in Mark's parents' basement watching movies, at least he had a **** ton of weed.

I get kind of horny when I smoke-up but I can usually hide it. Anyway we're both straight as arrows so I'm not worried about Mark attacking my junk. We also had two "Mystery Pills," we'd gotten from this guy outside the **** store, all he said was that the pills would make us party all night. So we're watching some awful movie high off our asses, waiting for the pills to kick in so we could shake off our depression, when Mark gets his "brilliant," idea.

"Hey Drew, let's fuck with my sister." Mark and his sister Amy hated each other, and Amy was hot as fuck but stuck up, I hated her to. So I say sure and we leave the basement and head to her room. We're quiet cause his parent's are asleep. Her room is empty, she's at a friend's house. "We put on a a pair of her panties each, sweat in them all night, put them back before she comes home, then next time she opens her top drawer she's slapped in the face by the smell of our junk!"

"Put on panties? No fucking way dude!" But Mark has a way of convincing me to do things that sound crazy. He says we're both SO straight it would be hilarious just to have them on, and the look on her face when she smells our junk is gonna be priceless. So I'm high as kite, I laugh and take a red thong into the bathroom and put it on, he says he's wearing a silk pair of panties and we head back down stairs.

We smoke more weed and Mark decides to pop in a porno. I'm feeling kind of uncomfortable, but what kind of guy says no to a big tit porno? So we watch, it is so fucking hot down there. Mark takes his shirt off. God damn he's built, and he's so hairy, so masculine, ugh I'm too high. Its ten minutes latter we've both got our shirts off. Mark takes his and pants off and like always I follow his lead. Just two straight guys chilling on hot day, and I notice Mark's massive bulge through his jockstrap, god damn that thing must be huge, wait... he's wearing a jock strap!

"What the fuck!?" I point at his underwear.

"HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA, I'm not gonna put on panties you queer! Gotcha!"

I am so mad and humiliated. I turn back to the movie. This blond with huge tits is taking it doggy style right up the ass with the biggest dick I've ever seen. Oh god I'm so horny. "Look at that huge cock!" I blurt out, I'm too high.

"**** man, that's nothing." Mark drops his jock strap while I take another huge rip from the bong. He's got a monster. 9 inches only semi hard, uncut, and so thick, the head is like this massive bell. He shakes it tauntingly at me, it's getting bigger! I just turn and look at the movie, got to get Mark's massive wang out of my head.

Mark is stroking his cock, getting it full and hard. Oh my god its thick. Fuck it, under the thong I start stroking my 6 six inches. Guys do this kind of thing all the time, nothing weird here. A half hour passes and neither of us can get off. Its so frustrating we're going crazy. I'm realizing those were hard-on pills. The porn, the weed, the pills, we're not thinking clearly. My dick is so hard it hurts and I can't cum. I get up to get more hand cream and I catch Mark staring at my thonged ass.

"God damn it man, you're ass is hotter then your mom's."

"Fuck, you."

"I'm serious man, I can't tell you how many times I've jacked off to her smack-able ass, its so smooth and round. We're both straight, why don't you help me out? Its no big deal."

"I'm not gay, I'm not grabbing your cock," I thought he wanted me to jack him off, I was so wrong. Oh that massive rippling cock, its so big, I can't stop thinking about it, not in a gay way, it's just impressive. What does it feel like? **** I'm high.

"You wouldn't have to touch it, just sit on it, come on!" I was so fucking hot and bothered, and Mike made a good point. I'd just sit in his lap so he could enjoy the heat, no big deal, I'm way too high. I wonder what it feels like.

"Just sit in my lap, it's no big deal. Like when we used have to share a seat in the van on the way to soccer practice, when we were kids."

"We wore pants back then."

"You're not queer are you? If your straight this should be no big deal, just helping a friend. I wouldn't let some pervert fag sit on me."

He's calling me a fag? I'm too high right now. I figure I'll pretend like I'm gonna do it then make fun of him for asking. I do little dance, teasing him, I wiggle my ass in front of dick like a lap dancer. Then out of no where he grabs my hips and pulls me on it. I'm sitting down on his massive poll, squishing it between his stomach and my ass cheeks. Its so huge and powerful under me.

"There you go, slut." He groans.

"This was your idea, don't call me a slut."

"I'm just kidding, god. Your a sensitive little slut aren't are. Just watch the porno."

While I watch massive tits rock back and forth on the TV I start rocking back and forth on his cock. Mark is groaning. As my slick sweaty ass slides up and down his cock I start to enjoy the feeling, his pre-cum greasing up my hole, he's like a leaky faucet, I need to stop this. Mark says "Sit up a little," he's pulls down my thong and places his greased pole right square at my ass hole.

"Mark.. huh?" He starts to pull me down, the massive dick head straining to get inside my tight virgin hole. "Mark, no!" And the head pops in. Mark let's out a massive groan.



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"I'm sorry, I need this Drew. Just relax."

"Take it out, Mark! Ugh, its big, take it out."

"Just a minute, I just need to feel it in there. We're not fucking or anything, ugh, ooh god that feels good. You little slut."

My knees holding me up start to buckle and slowly his dick is sliding inside me as I slide down it.

"Oh god no! OW, gross! Oh I can feel it all the way up my ass, take it out Mark. Take your dick out of my ass, I don't want this!"

"Fuck you faggot, I need this! Oh man!"

Suddenly I am sitting in his lap, my sweaty balls are on top of his, and he is all the way inside me, we just sit there for a while, Mark suddenly realizing what he's done. He's ****** his best friend.

"Um, let's just watch the movie, this is no big deal." He's says casually, as he didn't just ***** his cock up my ass. As if it wasn't still there!

"Ugh, you're so big." I'm getting used to having his dick inside me. We keep watching the the woman get pounded, I realize I've become that woman, oh god. Mark lays on his back while I stay impaled on his cock, too afraid to move.

Mark starts thrusting his hips upward, slowly at first.

"Stop it, oh jesus, that feels weird." He starts thrusting faster and faster. Its so weird, I beg him to stop and he smacks my ass, leaving a big red hand print. He pushes me into a kneeling position with his dick still inside me and starts thrusting like a mad man, like a wild ******. My dick starts to swell as he hits something deep inside me, its like he's jacking me but no hands are on my dick. It's better, getting much better. With this weird new feeling I watch the porn on the screen and I start to get into it. I am broken, humiliated, but this feels so good.

"You fucking whore!"

"Mark!?" He's never talked to me like this. He's talking to me like I'm some piece of tale and not his best friend. I look back at him as he heaves into me, my scared expression seems to excite him more.

"Take my cock you fucking whore. " He slows down and slowly slides his dick out of my ass till just the head is in. It feels so good but I have to stop this.

"Just don't cum in me Mark. Ugh, oh god. Just down cum in me."

"Sure Drew, whatever you say!" He smacks my ass, grabs my cheeks rough with both hands pulls me all the way to his balls. If he just doesn't cum in me it will be alright. He thrusts once more and despite myself I shoot my load all over the floor. Its the craziest feeling ever. Then Mark shoots in my ass and I try to pull away.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no!"

"YES! Take it all you cum whore! You love this, you're my bitch now, I own you!" Mark holds me in place with his strong hands. He keeps filling my ass with his hot cum, thrusting with each massive squirt, I can feel it warm and gushing deep inside me. He keeps shooting cum and shooting cum and it doesn't seem possible. Cum is dripping out of my ass onto my balls, Mark's cum. Finally he collapses on top of me, asleep. Pinning me to the ground, his still hard dick inside me, for the entire night. I know everything has changed.

In the morning he would apologize, promise not to tell anyone. He looked at me like property though, made me uneasy. He said it was my fault, but he wouldn't tell anyone, he was lying. The rest is another story.



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My names Drew and this is the second part of my story, how I went from normal straight dude, to everyone's bitch. God help me.

I woke up the next morning remembering very little. All that weed, what ever was in those pills, I greeted the morning in a hazy fog. My asshole was sore for some reason, and it also felt... weird. Eh, why worry about it? I had some vague memory of doing something Mark, but whatever it was it was probably just guy stuff, nothing to worry about. I can trust Mark, I thought.

Still in Mark's house I go to take a shower, he was nowhere to be found. Disrobing I find I am wearing... what the fuck?.. a feminine red thong, must be his sisters. That was some strong weed, what was I thinking? I hide the thong in the bottom of a laundry basket on the way to the shower, if Mark finds out I was wearing it he'll think I'm a pervert. Showering, all this cum was washing down my leg, man I must have really drained the lizard. I hope Mark didn't catch me jacking off, weed makes me horny. I probably just squeezed one off in the bathroom. But all this cum, so much of it, sliding down with the foamy soap, Jesus Christ. I even got some in my ass crack somehow. Don't worry about it, I told myself.

Its Sunday I realize, Mark's a big deal catholic, he's probably in Church. BIG... what does BIG remind me of? Still in a haze I remember Mark saying something to me very early this morning, I was only half awake. He said he was sorry, but it was my fault. I provoked him, I must have wanted it.

What did I want?

He said some other stuff I can't remember. We must have had a fight, he must of kicked me in the butt, that's why its sore. I'll apologize on Monday. Thinking about it I feel a buzz in my pants, but not just on my dick, somewhere else maybe, somewhere deeper? I must of jacked off a lot last night, I won't worry about it.

The next day at school Mark is nowhere to be found. He's in none of our shared classes. I see him briefly talking to the guys at our lunch table from across the room. He sees me, turns around and leaves. I go to sit at the table and the guys leave to. What did I say last night? I must of been a real bitch... wait I mean asshole! Why did I call myself a bitch?

The cold shoulder Mark gave me on Monday made Tuesday seem even weirder. Suddenly not only is Mark back in all of his classes, but he's treating me like a princess... no, I mean prince! He's treating me like royalty. My head must still be foggy.

In our trig class I ask Mark what's up. "I can't remember anything from Saturday night. Did we get into a fight?" Mark gets this devilish grin on his face, I've known Mark a long time and that smile always means trouble.

Through a huge grin Mark says, "Don't worry about, little buddy."

"Seriously though, did I say something jerky?"

"Oh... you were just being a little bitch."

Bitch? Why would he use THAT word? Well if he forgives me then there's nothing to worry about. Mark leans over and lowers his voice.

"Hey Drew, Tyrese just got this new video game system, first one in the whole county. After school, you in?

"You bet!"

Tyrese makes me nervous, but this sounded too good to be true. According to Mark, Tyrese found it in the back of his step dad's electronic store. He swiped it, and a week latter he'll return the system, no harm done.

"Now we can't use it in any of our houses, our parents would find out, so me and Ty put our money together and rented a hotel room for the whole week. On the south side." Did he say the SOUTH SIDE!?

Now let me tell you why Ty made me nervous. Ty was from the south side, originally. And the south side is bad news. We only went down there to buy weed, and even then only if we couldn't find it anywhere else. Ty lived on the north side now, ever since his hot ass M-I-L-F of a mom married some rich guy and moved them all up. He had all the best **** now, shoes, clothes, electronics (of course), but Ty was still ghetto as fuck. He even did steroids, we all knew about it. He was built like a super-hero, scratch that, a super-villain. If Mark was a guerrilla, then Ty was King Kong. That being said he was my friend, and fuck it, I gotta play this new system.

"Maybe if I throw in a few bucks we could get a room in a better neighborhood?"

"We already paid in advance, so don't worry about a thing. All you have to bring is... yourself."

There's that devil's smile again. This game must be good.

So it's 4:20 PM after school, I'm at the address at the time Mark told me to get there. This place looks like a motel but dingier, also there's no sign out front advertising it. And instead of a check-in area there's just a tough guy sitting on a milk crate, holding a base ball bat. I see Marks car in front of one of the rooms, I walk past the scary guy to it and knock. Mark opens the door and smiles. Ty is sitting on the bed, he looks frustrated till he sees me he smiles to.

"Hey guys, so where's this fancy new game?"

They grin at each other. "One second Drew, Ty hasn't paid me yet... for his share of the room. You look thirsty, suck on this. There's weed in it."

As they walk outside Mark hands me a red popsicle. I put it in my mouth and I can taste the weed, it hits me fast. Ty hands Mark what must be at least a couple hundred bucks, how much could this ****ty room cost? I notice the TV is an older model, 15 years old maybe. How could it play the latest game system? The machine hooked up to it just looks like an old VHS VCR, the game system must be in the backpack near corner of the room.

Ty enters the room and Mark shuts the door behind him, I hear a click from the outside.

"Where's Mark going?" I ask.



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"Don't worry about him, baby. Boy got **** to do, he'll be right back. I left the game in the bathroom, I'm gonna go get it. Put these in your mouth, it's some wireless ****." He hands me some kind of mouth guards, like what boxers wear only spongier, softer. I put them in, this game must be straight from Japan, Japanese games are so weird. On his way to the bathroom Ty pops a tape into the VHS, it's just static at first.

I look in the mirror, I'd finished the popsicle, it stained my lips, looks like I'm wearing lipstick. The mouth guards are stuck in pretty good, I'm high, then Ty opens the bathroom door. He's stark naked. Shaved to show off his massive rippling sweaty muscles. He's got a patch of hair, trimmed around his cock. His cock is even bigger then Mark's, way bigger, and uncut. Wait... Marks cock! I remember everything! The TV starts playing the same big tit porno. He's moving towards me, his huge black cock swaying back and forth.

"This is just what I've missed ever since I got out of juvenile detention."

"You don't want to do this Ty! I'm your friend!"

That just makes him laugh. "I'm not friends with faggots, now open wide. The game is ready for you."

I try to run and he pushes me back on to the bed, his massive arms rip my shirt off like a pro wrestler. He pushes my pants and underwear down with one pull, breaking my belt. Ty sits on my chest, pinning me to the bed with his naked ass. He drapes his insane monster cock over my face and over my left eye. Its so warm, and it's growing. His balls are wresting on my lips, they're huge, the steroids must not of shrunken them. He rubs his balls back and forth against my lips, they're almost tangerine size. My screams are turned into a warble by his huge sweaty balls. I try to bite them but I can't even fit them into my mouth, I'm gumming them with my lips and spongy mouth guards, sucking them in to try to hurt them but only getting them far enough inside to massage them. His sweat keeps dripping from his sack into my mouth. Its so salty, so masculine.

"Oh baby, you are worth every penny! Mark is a genius!"

Mark, he didn't forgive me, he pimped me out! The head of Ty 's dick is on my left eye while I try to push his balls away with my tong, He's holding my head so I can't move my neck. That massive chocolate dong keeps growing, past my eye leaving a slimy trail of pre-cum from my eye lid to my forehead, and then into my hair and past it. Ty is squealing above me in pleasure, he's so sweaty I am able to squirm out from under him and I run for the door. Very slowly Ty starts walking towards me, his thirteen inch monster pointing at me like a divining rod.

"Now where you going, baby? You not done working yet."

I turn the nob but the door won't open, I try the locks but still nothing happens. Jesus-Christ, the door must be locked from the other side! What kind of hotel is this? I bang on the door as hard as I can. I turn around and Ty is right there. I try to hit him but he grabs both my arms and pulls them apart like I'm on the cross. His huge dick head is resting just against the side of my sack.

"Please Ty..."

"Now this game is called Whack- A-Balls, I hope you like it." Ty turns his hips to the side, then turns them back, whacking the side of my balls with his massive bell of a cock head. It hurts so much I scream.

"My balls!"

"Wrong, bitch. For the next hour everything you got is mine!"

He turns this hips again and slaps my balls with his dick, it hurts so bad I fall to my knees. He let's go of my arms and grabs the back of my hair. He pulls my face up against his dick, I clench my lips and he rubs the head of his cock against them. Back and forth on my full red stained lips, smearing pre-cum all over them. Some of it gets in, drips past my teeth and onto my tongue. Its salty, I open my mouth to gag and that's when he pushes that monster inside me. Oh god, his dick is in my mouth!

He's breathing hard now. "This game is called, Milk-The-Snake." His big bell cock head slides onto my tongue, I can't help but taste it. I can feel the soft skin of his swollen organ push past deeper, dripping its slimy liquid down my throat. My mouth is straining to open wide enough for the massive chocolate snake. As he pushes it further into me the veins of his cock rub against my tongue, the skin is so soft. I try to bit down but the mouth guards just squeeze his dick, he moans so loud I can feel it in his cock. He's got it about half way in, gagging me with every push, but somehow managing to get more of his tool into my mouth. I can taste every sweaty inch.


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He puts his other hand on my nose, I can't breath! I try to suck in air with my mouth but just end up slurping on his cock. I try to pull off, he lets me go just a little then pulls my head hard back on it. He keeps doing this, ******* me to slurp and bob on his cock. He lets go of my nose, allowing me to breath, but just for a few seconds until he's back to ******* me to bob and slurp on his elephant cock. He keeps this up until I start sucking and bouncing on my own, just on instinct. I suck as hard as I can, feel his veins with my wet tongue, his chocolate tool gliding forward and backward through my ruby red lips until I feel his balls tighten under my chin. Oh god no!

I try to protest but it just comes out as, "Gargle, gargle, gargle, GAG!" His dick swells ever bigger, he grabs by head again and pulls me away until just the head is resting on my tongue, then it explodes. A tsunami of cum, a wild storm of semen splashes into my mouth. He hold's my nose again.

"Eat it all, bitch-faggot!" Its salty but also kind of sweet. As more and more cum flows into my mouth I try to swallow as much as I can just to breathe. Its gross, all this cum in my mouth, but it also tastes kind of good. That weed popsicle made me so hungry, and this sweet/salty cum tastes so good, I must be higher then I think. As fast as I gulp it down, he keeps shooting, and big streams of cum start flowing down the side of my mouth. I wonder what I've become as I gulp and gulp and gulp huge mouth full after mouth full of hot, sweet, slimy cum.

Finally he pulls his dick out, shoots two large gushers covering half my face, then he lets go of my head. I try to swallow the rest of his cum that was in my mouth, why didn't I just spit it out? Weed makes everything taste good, right?

"Damn hooker, I never had a bitch who could swallow that much, Mark was right. You are the queen of the faggots."

I have to spit out some cum to speak, "I'm not gay!" Ty just laughs. This was horrible but at least its over, I thought.

"Please Ty, just open the door."

"Check it again ho, its unlocked." I pick up my tattered clothes and turn to the door. That's when I feel his cock poke my ass, still slimy from his own cum and my spit, still hard.

"Oh please no, please! Not again!" He pushes me against the window and I drop my clothes. Holding my hips in place with his strong hands, he pokes it at my hole. He reaches over and sticks his hand in my mouth, pulling out a glob of cum. He whips it up and down the crack of my ass then grabs my hips and pushes the first few inches of his slimy monster inside me. I scream.

"Oh yeah, I love this. See you may be a little fag boy, ugh..." He pushes in another two inches, "But me, I'm not gay. I get off on the power. ******* a little fag like you on my dick, making you my whore, its such a rush. You sicken me, you little fruit, oh fuck yeah. " Five inches slip in quickly, my clenched ass cheeks rubbing against his huge veiny cock while it slides in, inch by inch, into my ass hole.

Flailing my arms, trying to grab something to defend my self, I accidentally pull down the curtains. He's all the way inside me now. Someone outside will see this and stop it, they have to. "I forgot to tell you, this game is called Hide-The-Bone." He starts drilling me with all this *****. Shaking my cheeks with each hard slam. It hurts so much, I have to stop this before he makes me cum.

Oh god, I'm feeling it. The pain is being replaced with pleasure and my dick is rising like the sun, all on its own. Outside I see a man walk past our window. I yell for help, he turns around and walks towards the window, he heard me! I recognize him, that's Mr. Dennis, our school choir teacher. As Ty slams his sausage in and out of my I yell.

"Mr. Dennis, ugh, Mr. Dennis. Help me! Ty is ****** me!" But he doesn't help, instead he reaches into his pants and pulls out his cock, 5 inches already hard. What the hell kind of motel is this!?

Ty pushes my head against the glass. "Please Mr. Dennis, ugh, oh its so big, get some help."

Mr. Dennis starts whacking his dick as Ty keeps slamming his monster in and out of me, Dennis whispers. "Get that faggot, ooh, get that faggot." I yell.

"I'm not a faggot! Oh god, please don't cum in me, I'll suck your dick, just don't cum in my ass! I'm not a whore!"

"Wrong boy, this is still my ass!" With that Mr. Dennis shoots his load on the window, I can feel the heat against the glass. He walks away and enters a room two doors down. A whole bus load load of people drives down the street and they all see me, they look disgusted but not surprised, they know what kind of hotel this is. Just then I can't hold back any longer and I shoot my own load so high it lands on the glass splashing my chin. Ty moans again, and shoots a few bursts up my ass, then pulls out.

"Well boy, you asked so nicely, so here it is, suck it!"

Sitting on the bed he pulls my mouth onto his cock, I don't even fight him this time. I just swallow his cum as he bursts and bursts down my throat. I taste the bitterness of my own asshole on his cock. When he let's go of my head his cock pops out of my mouth and I fall to the floor. Broken and naked I don't even try to stand. He puts his clothes on in-front of me and I hear a knock on the door.

"Come on in, I'm finished with it."

Mark enters, Ty hands him a few more bills, "You weren't kidding about this bitch, put me down for the same time next week." Ty leaves and I crawl to my clothes, Mark kicks them away. "Not so fast," He unzips his jeans and pulls out his dick, "This isn't over yet."

And he was right, this wouldn't be over, not any time soon.


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Une sacrée partie de campagne

Ce weekend, Georges est invité à une 'soirée' organisée par un bon client à lui, et moi aussi par la même occasion.
Çà se passe en pleine campagne, dans une salle communale, un cochon de lait est au menu !
Georges dit - ce soir nous sortons chez les bouseux !! 'Alors chérie, tu vas leur mettre le feu, je compte sur toi !!
Il est gentil ! Lui ! bien que .... il vient de m'offrir une robe, mais je ne sais pas si elle est adaptée au genre de la soirée ??
Je la trouve très belle, mais.... A porter sans soutien gorge, fendue sur le coté quasiment jusqu'au slip s'arrête juste au dessous du genou. Mais je me sens bien dedans.
Pas plus tôt arrivés, évidement, il faut faire le tour pour saluer tous le monde !! Une trentaine de per***nes !! C'est vrai que je ne passe pas inaperçue, mon décolleté vertigineux attire les regards !! Surtout que le frottement du tissu sur mes tétons les faits dresser ! Ma cuisse nue qui apparait à chaque pas n'arrange rien !!
L'apéritif se prend à table, la table .... Assez rustique !! Des panneaux sur des tréteaux, et en guise de fauteuils, des bancs !! Sur lesquels nous sommes serrés comme des sardines !!
Georges est assit à coté d'une minette n'aime pas çà ! Je le connais moi j'ai pour voisin un homme roux, la quarantaine, pas trop mal ! Mais je n'aime pas les vais m'y faire !! Il le faut bien, car d'entrée sa cuisse est collée à la mienne, je veux bien croire qu'il n'y a pas beaucoup de place, mais, je pense qu'il ***** un peu !!
Apéritifs : pineau champagnisé .... Pour ceux qui connaissent... il monte vite à la tête, et puis évidement Ricard, whisky, etc !
Au deuxième verre de pineau je trouve déjà mon voisin plus sympa !! Je trouve agréable sa cuisse chaude sur la faut que je me calme !!
C'est bien ce que je pensais ... la main de Georges a tendance à tomber de la table pour se poser sur la cuisse de la petite paysanne qui attend un peu avant de la retirer ,sans doute à cause de *** mec à coté d'elle sinon...
Tout ceci ne se fait pas sans musique !! Surtout qu'il y a une grande piste de danse à notre disposition. Valses, chachacha ! Tangos ! et puis quand même des slows !!
C'est pour cette danse que mon voisin de table m'invite à danser, j'aurais préféré que ce sois mon mari qui m'invite, mais il est trop occupé à draguer la fille à coté de lui !! À mon avis il n'a aucune chance !!
- Georges, je vais danser !! - oui oui, va chérie ! Sans même m'accorder un regard ...
Je me lève donc, suivie par mon cavalier, d'entrée celui-ci me tient par la taille, les lumières se ***t é pénombre règne sur la piste, un peu trop à mon gout ...
Surtout que celui-ci cherche les endroits les plus noirs....c'est bien ce dont à quoi je m'attendais me serre sur lui, ma parole, il bande déjà... *** visage cherche l'appui du mien ne fait rien pour l'encourager pourtant sa main descend vers mes fesses, et les caressent, comme s'il cherchait le contour de l'élastique de mon slip... Mais comme je porte un string, il peu chercher !!
Et bien il cherche si bien qu'il le trouve !! J'ai un doigt dans la raie des fesses par dessus le tissu... et tout cela sans une parole échangée, ouf !! Je suis sauvée par la fin de la série !!!
Je reviens à ma place pour constater que mon chéri caresse en douce la cuisse de sa voisine !!
Il veut jouer ?? Et bien soit !!
Ma robe fendue s'est ouverte quand je me suis assise, je ne fait rien pour rectifier !! Mon voisin l'a vu !! Lui aussi laisse trainer sa main... Comme je n'ai rien fait pour le repousser pendant la danse, il pense qu'il a ma permission, et bien je laisse faire ! Mon mari ne voit rien !!
La main passe de bas en haut de mes cuisses, mais ne cherche pas l'intérieur... par contre elle passe derrière pour caresser mes fesses !!
Georges a souvent le verre à la main, de toute façon nous restons dormir sur place, des matelas ont étés disposés à l'étage, se ***t des matelas de quatre vingt dix ! Ce soir mon mari et moi ferons 'matelas à part ' !! et puis je pense qu'il va ronfler !!
Deuxième série de slows... A nouveau je me lève pour suivre mon cavalier de tout à l'heure !
Cette fois il me demande mon prénom ! Lui s'appelle Xavier ! Il est venu seul ce soir, moi je lui dis que je suis accompagnée, mais il a l'air de s'en moquer !! Car très vite il me colle, sa main continue ce qu'elle faisait tout à l'heure ! Je laisse faire !!
Nous sommes dans le coin le plus sombre de la salle .... La main cherche la faille de ma robe...nous arrêtons de danser....
Les doigts ont trouvés ma peau nue, et s'infiltrent entre mes mouille...
Le string est bousculé, les doigts jouent un moment avec mes poils...puis descendent pour trouver mes lèvres, les écartent, et s'enfoncent en moi, ils grattent mon pont G ; la mouille coule entre mes lèvres en feux ; *** autre main sur mon sein, joue avec le téton dardé.
- J'ai envie de toi !..... - Oui, moi aussi, mais là ce n'est pas possible...
_ Peut être tout à l'heure ?? - Je ne sais pas comment on pourrait bien s'échapper !! ...
Il me prend la bouche, nos langues se mélangent, ses doigts me font du bien, j'ai envie de sa queue maintenant...j'ai l'impression que tout le monde a les yeux braqués sur moi m'en fout royalement !!!
Soudain la lumière revient !!Je suis à cran !! Je passe par les toilettes pour y retirer mon string
Je prends soin de relever ma robe, pour avoir mes fesses nues sur le banc. Mon cavalier l'a remarqué et de suite sa main passe sous le tissu, un doigt glisse dans ma raie, seul mon petit trou est accessible par là, mais il s'en contente !!
- Çà va chérie ?? Tu t'amuses bien ?? - Bof ! Oui çà va ! Et toi ?? - Ce n'est pas ici que je vais m'éclater !! À mon avis il a surtout trop bu !! S'il savait à cet instant que j'ai un doigt dans le cul !!!
La main derrière moi est repassée devant, mes cuisses ***t bien ouvertes, je pose ma serviette sur mes genoux ...les doigts font merveilles dans mon vagin... discrètement je passe la mienne vers la braguette... Elle est ouverte... le gland est prêt à sortir !! Du bout des doigts je le caresse, du liquide gluant suinte, des soubresauts l'agitent, il retire ma main !! Il est prêt à jouir !!
Toute la soirée n'a été que caresses, mon excitation est à *** comble et pas moyen de concrétiser sans se faire remarquer ! Et ce soir ce n'est pas Georges qui va me faire grimper aux rideaux ! Vu *** état !!
La soirée ne vois pas d'issue favorable...Georges ne tient plus debout, je décide que nous allions nous allonger.
Je le soutiens pour monter les marches, il s'affale sur le matelas, et aussitôt se met à ronfler !!
J'éteins la lumière, et dans le noir je me déshabille, pour enfiler une chemise de nuit, pas question de dormir habillée !! Je tire une couverture sur moi. Il est deux heures du matin.
Vingt minutes que je suis couchée, je ne trouve pas le chatte réclame *** du !! Je vais mettre ma main entre mes cuisses, quand soudain, un glissement, prés de moi.....
Çà se rapproche, je ne vois rien, il fait très ne distingue même pas une ombre...
Ma couverture bouge...une main se pose sur mon ventre !! Je secoue Georges !!
- chéri... Quelqu'un me marmonne - ne prend pas tes désirs pour des réalités !!
Et le ronflement reprend !!
Bien !! Si ce n'est pas une réalité ! Alors je me laisse faire !!
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