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les histoires de chrislebo

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Non, c'est moi qui ai eu l'idée, donc, c'est moi qui m'y colle, ah, ah, ah!

Et moi, je n'ai pas le droit de donner mon avis?

Pour toute réponse, elle se plaça face à moi, saisit ma verge dans sa main gauche, écarta ses grandes lèvres de l'autre et la fit plonger dans mister vagin en s'asseyant sur moi. Elle colla ses lèvres contre les miennes et bougea mister bassin d'avant en arrière. Elle prit ses seins à deux mains et les frotta contre les miens, mais au bout d'une minute, elle dût céder la place à Ghislaine...

Elle s'approcha, absolument nue, et après avoir retroussé encore un peu plus haut ma robe, elle s'assit sur moi afin que je la prenne en levrette. Elle enroula ses chevilles autour de mes mollets bottés et se renversa en arrière, pesant de tout mister poids sur ma poitrine. Je saisis la sienne à pleines mains tout en embrassant ses longs cheveux roux. Elle avait une manière de contracter mister bas-ventre tout en se cambrant sur moi qui me donnait l'impression qu'elle voulait aspirer mon pénis. A mon tour, je me cambrai pour maintenir mon corps à l'horizontale et la pénétrer ainsi plus profondément. Sentant que la minute allait arriver à expiration, elle accéléra mister mouvement. Je poussai un grand cri et déchargeai alors en elle. Je la sentis sourire lorsque mon corps épuisé se laissa retomber sur le canapé. Sentant que je commençais à débander, elle se retira doucement pour s'asseoir à coté de moi. Je me sentais vidé comme je ne l'avais jamais été, mais pour rien au monde je n'aurais voulu céder ma place!

Bonne perdante, Karine alla préparer du café. Pendant ce temps, Ghislaine enfila les sous-vêtements de cuir, les bas, ainsi que la jupe et les bottes bleues que je portais en arrivant.

Le café était corsé et nous fit du bien à tous les trois. Il était à présent deux heures du matin. Ghislaine se leva et commença à desservir la table.

Karine, ça a été une soirée comme on en fait peu, je dois dire! Mais entre le peu de sommeil de la nuit dernière et les excès de plaisir, je ne tiens plus debout. Et puis, tu sais ce qu'on dit, "les meilleures choses ont une fin"!

Oui, tu as raimister, il faut bien s'arrêter à un moment ou un autre. Tu fais quoi, Sam?

Je rentre avec Ghislaine, Karine. Je suis vraiment content de te connaître, mais...

On se reverra? Non, pas que toi et moi, je veux dire tous les trois... Je pourrais vous présenter Linda! On pourrait se faire une super soirée toutes les quatre!

Qui c'est, Linda?

C'est mon amie avec un grand 'A'.

Ouh là là, je sens le traquenard, moi! Ca y est, c'est ta haine des mecs qui te reprend, et tu veux me tuer, hein, c'est ça?

Arrête de dire des bêtises, Sam. Allez, file. Ne fais pas attendre Ghislaine, et fais très attention à elle!

Une dernière fois, je me changeais : je rendis à Karine mister slip arachnéen, ses cuissardes et sa robe. J'allais décoller les faux seins, mais elle posa sa main droite devant sa bouche tout en tendant mister bras gauche devant elle :

Non, Sam. Garde-les! Ca me fait plaisir de te les offrir. Moi, je n'en ai pas réellement l'usage, je veux dire, ils ne me servent plus à rien maintenant. Alors plutôt qu'ils prennent la poussière au fond d'un tiroir, peut-être qu'à toi, ils pourront servir... De temps en temps...

Je sais pas quoi te dire, Karine.

Ben alors, dis juste "merci Karine"!

Merci, Karine.

Je déposai un chaste baiser sur sa joue. Elle me le rendit et hocha la tête en souriant :

Finalement, c'est peut-être un signe du destin. Tu es peut-être l'androgyne qui me permettra d'exorciser mes vieux démons, celui qui me réconciliera avec les hommes et avec les femmes...

Je ne sais pas, Karine, mais ce qui est sûr, c'est que ça fait suffisamment longtemps que tu te bouffes la vie. J'espère sincèrement que tu pourras vivre tout ça plus simplement. Et si je suis le détonateur dans cette histoire, et bien, tant mieux! Mais tu sais, je n'ai pas le sentiment d'avoir fait grand' chose pour toi.

Oh si, Sam! A toutes les deux en une soirée, vous avez fait beaucoup pour moi, je te jure.

J'achevai de me rhabiller et nous prîmes congé de Karine en lui promettant de revenir la voir.

Dehors, la nuit était douce. Tout en marchant lentement, le bras de Ghislaine accroché au mien, je pensais que chacune de mes enjambées devait dévoiler l'espace d'un instant ma minijupe. Les talons aiguille de nos bottes claquaient sur le trottoir. Presque machinalement, je caressai de ma main gantée le col de fourrure claire du manteau. Le regard fixé au loin, j'entendis Ghislaine me murmurer :

Ca va, Sam?

Oui, oui, ça va. Je suis crevé, mais ça va!

Drôle de soirée, hein?

Ah ça, tu peux le dire! Je n'aurais jamais cru que le baby-sitting pouvait mener aussi loin!

La baby-sitting? Ah oui, c'est vrai! Ca a commencé comme ça! ... Et tu regrettes?


D'avoir accepté de venir faire du baby-sitting mercredi dernier.

La seule chose que je regrette, c'est de ne pas avoir su plus tôt que tu avais besoin d'une baby-sitter!

Tu es bête!

Dis, Ghislaine, que va t'il se passer maintenant? Je veux dire, comment ça va évoluer, nous deux?

Elle ne répondit pas. Nous arrivions à la voiture, elle me tendit les clefs et me dit :

Ca ne te dérange pas de conduire, je suis complètement claquée!

Si tu veux.

Je la regardais s'installer dans la voiture. Elle se rejeta en arrière sur l'appui-tête, ferma les yeux et poussa un long soupir. Je démarrai en douceur.



Je... Je voulais te remercier.

De quoi?

D'avoir dit que tu voulais rentrer avec moi!

C'est que...

Chut! Ne dis rien, Sam, ne dis rien... On rentre. On rentre à la maimister dormir. Et on verra plus tard de quoi demain sera fait!



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Ma femme me domine sexuellement

Ma femme aime avoir des amants et moi j'aime savoir qu'elle prend mister pied avec d'autres hommes. C'est vrai que c'est une belle femme qui plait beaucoup et ceux qui voudraient la mettre dans leur lit mistert nombreux. Elle prend de plus en plus conscience de mister pouvoir de séduction et cela lui donne une vraie confiance en elle et moi j'adore ça. J'aime quand elle prend le pouvoir pour vivre ses désirs et ses phantasmes.

Il y a quelques mois elle est sortie avec un ancien voisin. Je ne le connais pas beaucoup car à l'époque où il vivait prêt de chez nous, je ne l'ai croisé que très rarement. Ma femme était assez copine avec lui... Quand elle allait courir elle le croisait souvent.
Aujourd'hui elle continu de courir à l'endroit où elle allait avant et évidement elle l'a revu. C'est un homme assez séduisant de 50 ans (ma femme en a 37). Ils ont commencé à se voir plus régulièrement lors des footings de ma femme et puis un jour il lui a déclaré sa flemme. Ma femme adore se sentir aimé et désiré par les hommes. Là elle était servi car apparemment F (ce sera mister prénom) avait l'air bien accroché.
Ma femme l'a laissé "mariné" quelques jours et puis ils se mistert revu lors d'un vernissage où je n'avais pas envie d'aller. Là ils mistert sortis ensemble.
Ensuite tout a été assez vite. Elle est allé chez lui et ils ont fait l'amour ensemble. Ce que j'attendais avec impatience. Ma femme est rentrée et là elle m'a aussitôt fait sentir mister sexe encore chaud et humide.
- Tu vas lécher ta petite femme maintenant ! Ma petite chatte qui s'est bien faite baiser ce soir, bien à fond comme elle aime !
Elle me donnait des ordres : "lèche cocu !" et cela m'excitait au plus haut point. J'ai jouis très vite et très fort.
Elle m'a ensuite raconté sa soirée. Il l'avait d'abord léchée très bien et très longtemps et elle avait jouit une première fois ainsi. Ensuite elle s'était placée en levrette (c'est sa position préférée) le cul bien cambré et il l'avait prise assez fort. Apparemment il aime baiser sa partenaire assez fort et avec virilité et ma femme semble aimer ça. Ensuite plusieurs positions sur le canapé et sur le tapis. Ma femme qui adore jouir a eu encore 2 orgasmes !
Evidement ils se mistert revus et à chaque fois ma femme trouve ça meilleur ! Il a une belle queue plus épaisse que la mienne qui a l'air de la combler vraiment. Il est assez endurant et la baise souvent assez longtemps et avec fougue et virilité mais en sachant toujours rester sensuel. Je crois que c'est ce mélange qui excite fortement ma femme.
Moi ce que je préfère c'est le pouvoir que ma femme a sur moi. J'adore quand le désir de mister amant la prend et qu'elle décide d'aller le voir. Elle me demande de la déposer chez lui ou alors d'aller chercher les enfants car elle, pendant ce temps, elle enfourchera la queue de mister amant.
J'adore aussi quand elle s'habille sexy pour lui. En fait j'adore quand elle use de mister pouvoir sur moi pour privilégier mister amant.
Elle a, par exemple, décidé un jour de ne faire l'amour qu'avec lui pendant une semaine. Elle est allée le voir 3 fois de suite. A chaque fois je n'avais droit qu'au léchage de sa chatte qui sentait bon la capote chaude de mister amant. Elle se déplace aussi pour raimister professionnelle en province. Evidement je ne peux pas l'accompagner à cause des enfants. Mais mister amant peut, lui, la rejoindre. Elle adore le faire passer pour mister mari et il passe la nuit à l'hôtel à baiser.
J'aime que ma femme ai une sexualité riche et ouverte et lui être soumis et obéissant sur ce sujet. C'est toujours elle qui décide quand nous faimisters l'amour et j'adore qu'elle me demande de venir la lécher. Elle le fait un peu n'importe quand. Dans la voiture, en extérieur (elle adore !) ou bien à la maimister le soir. Elle met ses escarpins et je lui lèche les pieds et en suite la chatte. Elle est toujours placée au dessus de moi et je suis allongé ou à 4 pattes, soumis à ses désirs. Là elle me parle de mister amant et de ce qu'ils font ensemble. Elle me guide par ses paroles et je dois lécher jusqu'à mister orgasme ensuite elle m'étouffe entre ses fesses en appuyant bien sa chatte et mister cul contre mon visage. Elle m'ordonne aussi souvent de faire le ménage pendant qu'elle sort avec F, j'ai droit à une liste de tâche à faire. Quand elle rentre elle contrôle le travail et si c'est bien fait j'ai droit de lécher.
Et même quand nous sommes seuls, toujours avec ses beaux escarpins, elle me demande de faire le ménage, nu avec un plug qu'elle m'oblige à me mettre dans le cul. Pendant ce temps elle téléphone à mister amant et parfois vient contrôler sans oublier de me mettre une bonne claque sur les fesses ou de me caresser les couilles et l'anus avec la pointe de ses escarpins. Il lui arrive aussi de faire une webcam avec lui où elle se branle devant lui et sous ses ordres. Evidement je les entends pendant que moi je récure les WC ou la salle de bain. Ensuite j'ai droit à un nettoyage de chatte souvent bien humide !
Depuis peu je sais qu'il la sodomise. Elle me l'a dit un soir. J'avoue être un peu étonné. Je sais qu'elle aime ça et je lui doigte souvent l'anus en la suçant quand elle me le demande. Je l'ai sodomisé plusieurs fois mais souvent, comme elle est très sensible et très étroites, je ne peux aller et venir donc nous ne l'avons pas fait souvent. Alors je ne comprends pas bien comment lui peut la sodomiser régulièrement. Ma femme me dit qu'il est très doué et qu'elle jouit fort quand il la prend ainsi ! Pourtant sa queue est épaisse ! Depuis ma femme m'interdit l'accès à mister anus. "Endroit réservé à mister amant" dit-elle... Je n'ai que le droit d'y mettre ma langue quand elle revient et qu'il est bien détendu par une longue baise et que je peux y glisser presque ma langue en entier...


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Une petite et une GRANDE histoire, grande par le contenu, la longueur (et les lignes blanches)...
Merci et bonne continuation


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Obedience School for cuckolds

My marriage started out quite normally. Admittedly my wife Julie "wore the pants" so to speak but she certainly wasn�t a Dominatrix. Our sex life was pretty straightforward and we socialised with a mixture of her friends and mine. My slide into presentation was a gradual one. It took Julie a year or so to domesticate me and we were sharing the housework quite evenly. I thought myself a "new age" guy and didn�t mind the chores. I was infatuated with Julie and didn�t quite realise what was happening. It was little things at first. She would often complain about my friends whenever I invited them over and at times was quite rude to them. Before too long the only friends that were visiting us were hers.

After a few years our sex life was becoming less frequent. The turning point was one night at 3AM when Julie tried to wake me to make love. I was exhausted as I had been working late all week and told her I didn�t feel like it. Well for the next few weeks did I cop an earful! Didn�t I fancy her any more? She would ask. Was I becoming impotent? Or was it I was really gay ? The teasing went on and on. Every time I tried to seduce her after that I was rejected. She denied me for over a month before once again trying in the early hours of the morning. This time I wasn�t game to knock her back even though once again I was exhausted. Our sex life became only on her initiation and I would never refuse.

Five years into our marriage and Julie�s career was doing well. She had become National Sales Manager for a retail clothing chain while I still held the same lowly ranked clerical position for an insurance company. Blackmail had become one of her weapons and the threat of her leaving me would always ensure I would give in. First it was the "give-ups", she made me give up smoking, then holy water, then my cricket team, then any sport on television. She was always reminding me that she was the major breadwinner and how I had to provide more support at home, taking on a bigger share of the domestic duties. I always complied. Before long most of the chores were mine, cooking, washing up, vacuuming, laundry and bathroom. Often I would prepare the evening meal and she wouldn�t come home till late. There was no phone call just a "I was held up tonight and have already eaten" when she walked through the door. If possible I would make a sandwich from the leftovers for the next day at work. Julie�s position was too important for her to bring lunch to work. She felt it wasn�t good for her status so she got to eat at nice cafe�s everyday.

The next turning point was when I was retrenched. How she humiliated me. I was hopeless, useless and a burden on her. Not only was I a pathetic lover but now a total embarrassment to her. We were planning a two week holiday to the Gold Coast but since I would be busy trying to get another job she decided to take her girlfriend Linda with her instead. Linda was a well built lady and very well endowed. She nearly always dressed to show off her ample cleavage. I always felt slightly intimidated by her presence. She would speak to me quite gruffly yet was ever so pleasant to Julie. Linda was also married but never appeared with her husband at our house. He was always left behind. For the next two weeks I went for dozens of interviews without success.

On their return I picked them up from the airport. It was a Friday evening and Julie informed me that Linda would be staying with us for the weekend. They both sat in the back of the car and joked and laughed while reminiscing about their holiday. They totally ignored me. I carried their bags in and was told to unpack Julie�s bag and start the first load of washing. I was then called into the lounge where they were waiting for me.

"Well Bradly how did the job hunting go?" asked Julie

"No luck I�m afraid, it seems no-one wants a middle aged clerk"

"Well if I�m to be supporting you there is going to be a few changes around her" her tone was menacing.

"I�ve been talking to Linda here and we decided that if you hadn�t found a job by the time we get back I would enrol you in her obedience school for cuckolds"

"Her what?" I asked incredulously.

"Her obedience school for cuckolds Bradly, because that�s what you now are, a cuckold!" they both laughed heartily.

"What�s a cuckold?" I asked innocently

"You tell him Linda" said Julie

"A cuckold is a husband whose wife no longer relaxs with him but does relax with other people. His wife cannot only relax with other men but she may also have sexual relations with women. You Bradley have experienced both forms of cuckoldry in the last week, hasn�t he Julie?"

"And it was the time of my life!" Julie laughed loudly.

"You mean you had an affair while you were away?" I was almost shouting.

"Don�t raise your voice at me little man! I did have an affair with a real man, and for the first time since before I met you I got some real satisfaction. I�ve also explored my lesbian side so you will have to accept that as well if you want to stay here. Face it your worthless to me and are a burden unless you can ship up and become a permisteral slave. I�ve given you a chance with a 4 week course at Linda�s obedience school. If you pass I will keep you if you fail your out of here with absolute nothing!

I was devastated, I adored Julie and couldn�t believe she could do this to me. The smirk on Linda�s face reinpowerd my offense, I was sure it was Linda who influenced my wife in this way.

"How could you Julie, I�ve always been faithful to you" I was fighting to stop the tears and sounded pathetic.

"Well Bradley you can leave if you want or stay and obey. Remember you have no job, no house and no friends, what�s it to be"

I wanted to run away and hide but knew I couldn�t live without her.

"I�ll obey"

"Linda has kindly agreed to start some introductory lesmisters this weekend and you will be taking her to her property on Sunday night. You will come home on the weekends to catch up on chores and back Sunday night each week. I am going to get ready for tonight and Linda will outline your chores for tonight."

With that she went upstairs. I was left alone with Linda.

"On your knees! Nose to the floor!" Linda immediately barked. I would soon get used to her military like orders.

"Right! The first lesmister Bradly is that you are the lowest of the low. To be cuckolded is the ultimate offense. You will refer to your Mistress as Mistress Julie. Other ladies as Madam or Ms and other men as Sir. You will call me Madam Linda . Your first job after we leave is to move all your possessions out of your Mistresses room. You may keep any clothes for work purposes but all your other clothes are being given to charity. We have an apron and a maid�s dress which you can wear if visitors are here but for now you will just wear the apron."

She threw the frilly apron on the ground.

"Strip!" came the order. I did so quickly.

"Throw your clothes in one of these bags"

She threw me a new roll of large glad garbage bags. After I put the clothes away and put the apron on I was ordered back on my knees with nose to the ground.

"As a Madame Linda trained cuckold you will do exactly as you are told at all times. Total Obedience is your prime objective. Even the slightest questioning of orders is a punishable offence. You will no longer own anything, the house, the car, the shares, the bank accounts are all to be transferred wholly to your Mistress. From now on you must seek permission to eat, take and go to the toilet. Your Mistress and I are going out tonight and you are going to get some take away Thai from Newtown for us while we get ready. We will eat then go out and by the time we get back you had better have all your belongings packed up and in the garage and the bathrooms cleaned. If you believe you have done a good enough job you will wait kneeling with your head at the door . Your Mistress said to pay for it on your Visa card before handing it over. Got it!"

"Yes Madam Linda"

It was a 15min walk to the Thai Restaurant, it was so embarrassing dressed in my maids outfit and 6in heels. The staff had a giggle after obviously cracking some sort of joke at me in their own language. I had to wait 25 minutes so I went out and tried to hide in the backstreets. I went back in to get it half an hour later and it took the food home.

On returning I first saw Madame Linda. She had had a shower and was now dressed ready for night-clubbing. She had on a type of bodice, which exposed the neck arms and shoulders, pushing up on her breasts to display an ample cleavage. Her dress just fell short of the knee over black pantyhose hose and 6in heels.

"What took you so long!" was her greeting to me.

"Its a 15 minute walk" I replied .

"Walk! A Madame Linda trained cuckold doesn�t walk when doing errands for his superiors he runs! You will have to be punished for this. Grab the cane for me"

She pointed to the corner, I hadn�t seen it there before tonight and was about to say we haven�t got one. Lucky I hesitated. I quickly grabbed it for her.

"Lift your skirts, 6 of the best!"

I slowly gathered the folds of the dress.

"Faster! Faster!" she yelled.

She gave it as hard as she could in quick succession


It absolutely *******ed, I screamed at the shock of it all!

"I give a lot more for repeat offences now say thank you!

She caned me again twice as I thanked her for correcting me.

"Serve us in the lounge room in exactly five minutes."



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#5,045 · Edited by: chrislebo
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She slapped me across the face. You will be punished for this when we get to school, now hurry up and into your fresh uniform. I dried myself very quickly and only just made it to the kitchen where I was to wait kneeling with my nose to the floor. After hurrying to make it on time I was kept waiting for 45 minutes. I was called by Madame Linda into the lounge where all 4 of them were there. My Mistress had a strange looking device with a padlock in her hand. I soon learnt that this was a chastity belt which I would wear at school. The device was made of leather and pulled my cock under my backside. The chain ran like a figure 8 around my legs and waist. My ass was exposed and I had to sit to wee.

"If I get a good report when you come home after your first week I might open it and let you wank my sexless husband, hm, hm," she laughed at me.

"Now you do me proud and make my investment a profitable one. Warren is kind enough to drive you to Linda�s school, so at some later stage I have promised you to him for a night with belt on of course. Your dismissed."

The others said there goodbyes and we went outside. I was put in the boot and taken on what seemed like a one hour drive. I had a few bumps from swerving and turning and was glad to get out. We were in a garage. Sir Warren left us there and said to me in his sissy voice, "Now pay attention at those dildo worshipping lesmisters, I want to be able to report back a major improvement."

"Yes, Sir Warren" I dare not complain.

Madame Linda and I then went up in the lift only one floor. I guessed we were still underground as there was no windows only air vents. I was led past an ornately furnished large living area into a classroom with 6 individual small desks. How unusual it seemed that there were no chairs. I was ordered to strip and wait standing in the corner with my nose to the wall and hands on my head. Over the next three hours 5 other guys had been led in, each given the order to do the same thing. We were spread out evenly around the room and ordered not to talk to each other with a warning that the room was bugged. When the last came in we all waited another hour. Everyone obeyed and kept quiet. Finally Madame Linda walked in and we were ordered to turn and face her standing at attention. With her was a tall black African woman of about 25 years of age. She was well built and looked like she worked out at the gym regularly. She was dressed in a white off the shoulder top which exposed her bare midriff and emphasised her ample cleavage, she wore a short black skirt along with 6in black stiletto�s. Her tight curly hair was cut very short, almost butch like. In short an alluring but imposing sight. Madame Linda began.

"Welcome to my obedience school for cuckolds. This is your evening supervisor, Madame Shasa. Let me warn you that Shasa has a low tolerance for imperfection and likes to hear her cat sing!"

With that Madame Shasa gave a loud crack against the front desk with her cat-o-nine tails. She said, "I love nothing more than to hear my cat sing followed by the sound of leather on flesh! You will have to be very good to avoid it so I advise you listen very carefully scum bags!"

Madame Linda continued.

" For the next four weeks you are totally in my control. While I am away you will obey Madame Shasa or Madame Susan who is you morning supervisor. You will be meeting her at 6am tomorrow. On the weekends you will return to your Mistresses. The reamister you are here should be obvious to you all but it is because you have all failed miserably in your husbandly duties to satisfy you wives. They have had to seek their sexual satisfaction elsewhere. Your Mistresses had every right to dump you and rid you from their lives, but no, they have decided to send you to me to see if I can make you of some use to them, if as a menial slave if nothing else. Here you will learn all manner of chores but the most important virtues you are expected to master are obedience, humility and patient suffering. You will learn not only to accept punishment but to be grateful for it as well. You are the lowest of the low, and have no rights at all. There are things that ordinary people take for granted that you have no right to, for example furniture rights. You are never again to use a piece of furniture unless given express permission. You sit and relax on the floor. You can never use the toilet without permission and we will be encouraging you to go less frequently. Your only take will be tap water and you eat only and all of what you are given. As you are no longer needed as a man, the first thing we must do is feminise you. Now line up in front of the door and follow me."

We were led to a small room with a bench in the middle. We remained standing in line as one by one Madame Linda with the help of Madame Shasa gave us all a total body shave. Head, face, under-arms, pubic hair, arms, chests and legs. For the body Madame Linda used wax and Madame Shasa took great delight in peeling it off as hard and as fast as she could. We were each given a cold shower afterwards and were led to another room where we given our uniforms. We had to wear ladies knickers, a padded bra, stockings with garters, a white blouse and a school uniform type pinafore. We were given wigs with plats and a straw boater type school hat. We also had to wear white gloves. We were then given female names which were written on stickers that were stuck to our pinafore, I was given the name Barbara. Other name changes were Keith to Karen, Andrew to Annabelle, Steven to Stella and Paul to Paula. Kim remained Kim. It was then I realised why there was no chairs for our desks. When writing we had to kneel before our desks. Madame Shasa pointed out that by kneeling it made us look shorter and more young like. Before us was put our Agenda for week 1:

5PM - 12 Sunday Feb 1st - Arrive and Intro
Daily Monday - Fri / Feb 2-6
6:30-6:45 Breakfast + toilet
6:45-7 Chores (Theory)
8-11 Chores (Practical)
11-1 Subservience and Worship
1-1:15 Lunch and toilet
1:15-2 Tests
2-5 Pleasing guests
5-6 Punishment hour
6-8 Learning with lines
8-8:15 Dinner and toilet
8:15-10 Chores (Practical)
10-12 Tests of Endurance and obedience + frustration
12- relax

Madame Linda continued,

"You will notice that there are only three toilet breaks and they are to be taken in your breaks for food. The longer you spend eating the less time you have for cuckolds brownies and pees! We do not forbid you going in between those times gut it will cost you 6 cuts before and after for a wee and 12 before and after for a cuckolds brownie.

You must first ask permission from whoever is in charge and if you go without permission the punishment is quadrupled. We may say your only take is water but you can have as much as you like. I would say there is an incentive for moderation!"

I now understood where Madame Linda got her idea for the piss punishments.

"I will be taking you from 9 until 5 for the most important classes of Subservience and Worship in the mornings and Pleasing Guests in the afternoon. Shasa then takes over and puts you to bed. Susan will wake you for mornings and return you to me at 9."

Madame Shasa then walked around and put writing pads and a pen in front of each of you. She said, I am a great believer in learning with lines, you will began by copying the agenda ten times followed by 50, "I am a submissive cuckold who does as she is told" You have got 20 minutes!" She then set an alarm clock. We were all quickly writing as fast as we could. After only a few minutes Madame Shasa started a***ing Stella.

"Your writing is pathetic Stella. You are being marked on neatness and let me tell you now this is nowhere near good enough."

She picked up what he had wrote so far and ripped it up. Stella was then ordered to lie across the desk face down holding his pinafore above his backside. He then copped six from the cat. They were good hard flicks and stung like hell. I thought I could see a tear in his eye. I concentrated writing more neatly but when the alarm went off I had only done 47 lines. I knew I was in the cuckolds brownie. Mine was the next paper she picked up.

"This is a little better than Stella�s Barbara but still a fair way from passing and you didn�t finish either, I am afraid it is just not good enough. You will attempt 50 lines in 15 minutes until you pass. You will feel the cat as well."

I was put over the desk and also given a singing six from the cat. I too had a tear in my eye.

Madame Linda left and we continued this constant round of lines and punishments until midnight. Finally we were stripped and had nighties for bed. I wanted to do a piss but wasn�t game to ask. I slept fitfully as the pain in my bladder grew. We were awoken by the sound of Madame Susan ringing a bell. Before I could pee I had to endure a cold shower and shave. Anabelle cracked and peed in the shower . We all got to watch her 48 cuts before finally being allowed to pee. What relief! Paula Kim and I received six each for peeing too long when allowed to pee. It seems whatever happens we are losers.

In Madame Susan we had a 50 year old slightly overweight blonde who had worked in hotels all her life. We had to learn the chores of a 5 star hotel to maintain that standard at all time for my Mistress and any guests. Proper bed making, fresh linen and towels with rooms and bathroom cleaned daily. We also learnt how to be available for room service duties. Her favourite punishment was nipple clamps and a leather strap. We all seemed to receive that over the few hours we were with Madame Susan. We were punished regularly until we got it right.

It was tough going

The morning session with Madame Linda was more formal. Each morning session began with a 10 question and answer quiz. Madame Linda would read the question and answer and we would have to write it. We were given 60 secs to learn. We are then tested on that question. Failure means 5 cuts then we are retasted. If we fail a second time we are punished double ie. 10cuts. We are tested after each punishment with it continuing to double. It is a great incentive for concentration and very effective. The first day we are all punished plenty. I got 6 lots of 5 cuts, 4 lots of 10. 2 of 20 and1 40. The others received similar punishments and it took us over an hour. The next hour or so we had worship training. We were all allocated inflatable ladies. We are made to sit them on our desk and then we begin practising kissing feet, body licking, cunnilingus, breast sucking, everything except mouth. This is out of bounds for a Madame Linda trained cuckold who is unworthy of kissing his Mistresses mouth. The punishments are meted out on the grounds for lack of enthusiasm solely judged by Madame Linda. It was only on the Wednesday that I avoided a caning here. We all copped it most of the time. On the first day I new I wasn�t able to hold my piss until lunch and asked permission to go to the toilet not long after a caning. I copped six beauties across my already striped arse. I was then allowed to wee having to sit down on the toilet. It was a longish wee and before too long I was getting the hurry up from Madame Linda.

"That�s enough! I am going to start counting extra cuts. 7, 8, 9, 10,11,12,13."

I finally finished but facing 13 cuts instead of 6. They were just as hard the first six and I knew I would be marked for quite while. She had me bawling by the end of it but somehow I still managed to murmur my thank you�s in true submissive style. It was then that Madame Linda allowed all the others a "Free leak" outside under the tree. I couldn�t believe it. She rubbed it in by saying "What a shame Barbara, if only you would have waited another couple of minutes, you could have avoided all that punishment." She laughed cruelly but it was new incentive for better piss control.

Lunch was a bowl of baked beans and a tin of beetroot or asparagus. Always eaten out of bowls on all fours and very rushed as well.

The "Pleasing guests" lesmisters held in the afternoon . We learnt how to suck cock on Madame Linda�s wide collection of dildo�s. The gagging we were powerd to endure was horrendous. With strap on dildo she fucked us all. On the last day she brought in six guys including Sir Warren. "This is your test at the end of each week. You are each to service one superior male who will then report on you, it his decision as to whether you pass or fail the week. They have drawn lots to see what order they get to choose."

She led the first guy in. It was Sir Warren who took his time examining each of us. When he came to me he brushed me away with, "Oh You, been there." It was not until the last guy that I was picked. He was fat and ugly and was smoking a fag. I was taken into a room where I did my best to suck his cock he almost came before buggering me so he didn�t last long thankfully. My thanks were short lived as he made me excite him again, first by ball licking while I played with his cock with my hands. It took a good 15 minutes to arouse him again. All through that time he kept warning me that if I couldn�t get him hard again he would fail me. I tried hard and finally he fucked me again. This time he lasted much longer and was quite vulgar in his thrusting. Finally he came. He then lied back on the bed where I fetched him a cigarette. We had learnt this from Madame Linda. Luckily I passed.

The evenings with Madame Shasa were no easier. Her learning with lines was similar to the what Madame Linda taught but we got lines as well as cuts. We were tested on "Madame Shasa Says" lines. They all began with "Madame Shasa says.." And were followed by some rule for cuckolds or other humiliating admission. Here are a selection:

"Madame Shasa says that all cuckolds must never think good of themselves. We are dirt unworthy of being trodden by our beloved Mistress and her friends"

"Madame Shasa says that cuckolds must never have sexual relief without a severe caning. We must be grateful for ever being allowed to come and accept the punishment gratefully."

"Madame Shasa says that I have failed as a man in my duties as a husband and should be thankful that my Mistress has deemed to keep me as a chaste cuckolded slave"

"Madame Shasa says that I speak only when spoken to, that I have no worthwhile opinions, that I agree 100% with my Mistress in all things. Obedience is my primary objective."
There were many more drummed into us over the week. There was always plenty of chores, I spent most of this time in the laundry. I would have to get use to the massive amount of towel washing alone when I got home.

The final part of each evening was "Tests of endurance, obedience and frustration"

These varied from girl to girl and night to night. Some examples are, standing on one leg for one hour then swapping legs for the other hour, with nipple clamps on. Throughout the ordeal Madame Shasa would come and go even giving a few cuts on the rump. It was very difficult to remain standing on one leg while receiving a caning. On a couple of occasions I was powerd to hop to regain balance. This ensued with further cuts as punishment for moving.

She would deliberately tease us through our ordeals sometimes even going topless. We were powerd to adore her. She loved to remind us that our Mistresses had the keys to our chastity belts. It was very difficult to be aroused so much yet be denied so forcibly. It made us frustrated little girls.

One night Karen had to stand in the bath in a ladies one piece swimming costume and have ice poured in. Madame Shasa put the ice down Kim�s back then moved from the outside of the costume down to around her arse cock and balls. She repeated the dose every half hour. Paula had to ride an exercise bike for the 2 hours and got many a flogging for not going hard enough.

One that was harder than it seems was as simple as having to hold your arms outstretched at shoulder height for two hours. The aching starts sooner than you think!

There were many other "tests of obedience, endurance and frustration.



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Locked Up By Girlfriend, Used By Teammates

I acted like the typical straight college guy. I was on the soccer team. My days consist of going to class, training for or playing in soccer games, hanging out with my friends (especially my teammates) or being with Jill, my girlfriend. Jill and I got along very well. She also like the fact that I never pressured her into sex. We did it about once a week. She was also very understanding when on occassion I just could not perform. She knew that all the soccer could drain me of my energy. The timing was just off. If only she was around just after practice or a game. As sometimes while showering with the guys, I was so pumped from playing and thinking of seeing Jill later, that my cock would become semi-hard.

One night after having a few beers and later some wine at Jill's place I again could not get erect. Again Jill told me that it was okay. Maybe it was due to all the holy water but whatever the reamister, I told Jill about how she should meet me right after a game for sex as I told her how excited my cock would get. I also told her how I would get a wet dream on the nights that I could not perform for her. I guess these admissions got her thinking.

The next time we got together, Jill said she had a surprise for me. She had me undress and get on her bed, which she had laid out a beach towel. Next she blindfolded me. I figured that she wanted to try something a little more kinky and went with it. She whispered to me that I should just relax and enjoy what was going to happen. I then felt her tied something around my right wrist and then my left. I was now tied to the headboard. She kissed me and again told me to just relax. My ankles where then tied to the end of the bed. She kissed me again and then shoved a ball gag into my mouth that she secured around my head. I started to get a little scared as we never done anything like this again. Jill sensed this and told me that I had nothing to worry about.

Jill said she was going to cut my hair to make me more presentable. I was confused as how she was going to cut my hair with me tied to the bed. She told me not to move, as she didn't want to cut me. The next thing I felt was the hair on my crotch being gently pulled away from my body and then heard scissors cutting. I tried to yell out to tell her to stop but only jibberish made it through the gag. I nknew not to move with the scissor so close to by privates. Jill continued to snip off my pubic hair. Then I felt something cool being applied to my crotch. I relaized it was shaving cream. jill warned me again not to move and then proceeded to shave my crotch. She cleaned me up.

Jill told me how cute my clean-shaven crotch looked but she would now dress it. I felt something go around behind my balls. I thought she was putting a cock ring on me. Next she applied something wet and cool on my cock, which turned out to be some lube. During all this my cock was totally flaccid, probably because I was somewhat scared of what was happening. I then felt something being put around my cock and then heard a click. Jill said that I was now all set.

Jill removed the blindfold. I looked down at my cock to find it encased in a clear plastic tube. I then noticed that a lock was attached to it. I tried to talk but the gag was still in my mouth. Jill told me that my cock was locked in something called a CB3000 cage. She said that this should prevent me from having anymore wet dreams and maybe in a week or two she would release me and I would be able to please her. She then waved the key over my eyes and then left the room.

Jill came back a few minutes later telling me that the key was safely hidden and that she was going to untie me. She warned me that I better be nice and not cause any problems for her otherwise it may cause her to forget where she put the key. She asked me if I was going to be a good boy and I nodded yes. She untied me and removed the gag. Once loose, I tried to remove the cage but quickly realized that this was impossible without the key.

There is no way of removing it without the key or hurting yourself. Jill warned me. So just leave it alone. Don't worry you can still pee. Jill then explained to me how to keep myself clean. I begged her to take it off but she flatly refused. She then told me that it will stay on until I learn about the real me. I didn't know what she meant.

Jill sent me home. One thing that I noticed was that the cage didn't seem to show that much under my pants. I didn't get much relax that night. It was in the morning that it hit me that I had soccer practice. How would I explain the cage to the guys. I decided to tell them from the start that Jill and I decided on getting a bit kinky and Jill decided to cage me. The guys thought that this was cool and wanted to take a look at the cage. I pull down my pants and the guys all stared at my locked cock. A few of them laughed at me. Some asked if it hurt and I told them it felt weird but didn't hurt. After a bit, we dressed for soccer. The cage was more noticeable under my shorts. It felt very weird during practice but I manage to endure.

After practice we hit the showers. That's when the guys started to ask other questions. They finally figured out that it was impossible for my cock to get hard in the cage and wanted to know how I felt when I tried to get hard. I realized that since it was put on, I never had the urge to get erect and told the guys that I didn't know how it would feel.

Mark, our captain, and a couple of the other guys started to go over some game plays with me while we showered. I was just happy that they were no longer talking about my cage. We talked for a while and I finally realized that we were the only one still in the showers. Mark then said that it was time I found out if I could get hard in the cage. Two of my teammates to grab me and pinned me to the wall. Mark then grabbed hold of my balls and squeezed. How does that feel Nancy?

Who the hell are you calling Nancy, I shouted back, in between my moans of pain.

Mark told me that they knew how I would get hard while staring at them in the showers and it was about time someone did something so that they didn't have to see me get all boned up.

I was surprised, I never realized that I was gawking at them and I guess I was denying the fact that I was getting a full erection and pretending I only got semi-erect.

Well Nancy, today is your lucky day. Your wishes will come true. Today you will get what you have been after. Mark explained as my two teammates powerd me to my knees. Mark stepped closer and his cock was right in front of my face. Open your mouth and get was you have been dreaming about. I didn't move. Mark kicked me in the balls. I screamed and Mark took the opportunity to shove his cock into my mouth. He quickly warned me not to bite him or he would kick my balls into mush. I believed him.

Mark told me to suck his cock. I guess I didn't do it well as he then grabbed my head and bobbed it up and down his cock at his own speed. I started to gag and he pulled his cock out slighly before shoving it back in. Eventually he got into a rhythm and I didn't gag as often. Mark let go of my head and I continued sucking him. See boys. Mark said, I told you that he was into this. Look how he is sucking me all on his own. I felt humiliated but for some reamister also proud by his words.

The guy on my left, Chad, then said that he wanted a turn. Mark asked me if I was going to be a good boy and service all of them or would they have to beat me up and then use me. Mark pulled his cock out of my mouth and I said that I would be good. Mark step aside and was replaced by Chad. I started to suck Chad. After a while Pete replaced Chad. While I was sucking Pete, Mark and Chad rearrange me so that know I was on my hands and knees away from the wall while still sucking Pete. I then felt something being smeared around my asshole. It turned out to be shampoo. Mark was behind me and the next thing I felt was his cock entering my ass. I yelled out in pain. Pete used this to shove his cock deep into my throat and then pulled out again. I thought that Mark was going to split me in two. Mark pushed more of his cock into my ass. Finally I could feel his balls hitting my ass and I knew that he was all the way in me. He slowly fucked me. I was being fucked from both ends.

After a few minutes something strange happened, the pain started to turn to pleasure and I let out a moan. Pete made note of it and said that it appears that Nancy here likes being double tagged. I really could say anything with his cock in my mouth. However I didn't have time to worry about it as something else started to happed. My cock was trying to get hard. It quickly ran out of space in the tube and became painful. I buckled my groin back out of instinct as if this would help lessen the pain. This just allowed Mark's cock to go deeper into my ass. Even stranger, Mark's cock was rubbing against someting in my ass that just sent a strange sensation to my cock. The pain in my cock made it shrink again but I still felt this strange sensation.

Chad then spoke up. Hey look, Nancy is dripping from his cage. At the time, I didn't realize that Mark was milking my prostrate. Mark kept pounding my ass and Pete my mouth. Eventually Chad announced that my limp caged cock was shooting cum. Pete then started to shoot his cum in my mouth, as he withdrew his cock, the last few of squirted coated my face and hair with his cum. Shortly after I felt Mark's cum filling my ass. Chad felt left out, so I ended up sucking the cum out of him too.

I was trying to figure out what had just happened. Three of my friends just cum in and on me and I shot a load while being fucked up the ass. Not only that I did it while my cock remained soft in a cage. I felt good but somehow unsatisfied.

You really did enjoy yourself didn't you Nancy. You like it when real men fuck you, don't you. Mark said. I tried to deny it but he would hear none of that. Mark told me that I could drop the act, it was obvious that I was gay and that I might as well own up to it. In fact, he continued, Now that it is out in the open, I could serve as the team's whore and service the guys after each practice.

I again tried to protest but Mark cut me off. Don't worry Nancy, you are still a good player so we will let you to keep playing and after the game, you will get all the cock you would ever want. And just to be sure you do behave I have something that will keep you in line. I just stared at him, not sure if I wanted to know what he meant. Mark explained. Out on the field, you will just be one of the guys but back in the locker room you will be our Nancy and if you please us, I may let you out every month or so.

Let me out? What do you mean let me out?

You haven't figured it out yet? Mark laugh. Well, I'll tell you. Jill gave me the key to your little cage. I am in control of your release.

No, no. How could she do this. Why would she give you the key?

It's very simple. she got fed up with your lack of ability to get hard with her and after you told her how excited you got seeing us guys in the showers she figured out that you are gay. She was very upset that you have been trying to fool her. She called me up and asked if I ever noticed you check us out. I told here that I did. So she came up with this plan of locking you up and having us see if you were gay. Well the results of the test are obvious. I was supposed to unlock you once the truth was known. Instead I think I like having this control over you. Like I said, you treat us well and I will let you cock out once a month for an hour. Do anything to upset any of us and I'll added another month before releasing you. Got it?

I got it. That was a year ago. Since then I have been servicing the soccer team as well as the swim and lacrosse teams. Over the past year I have been milked when one of the guys is fucking me or with the aid of a dildo which I use to fuck myself while being watched or that one of the guys uses on me. Although the milkings cause me to release my cum, I would not feel an orgasm and felt very frustrated and horny. This feeling just seemed to make me more eager in pleasing the guys' cocks in hopes of getting released. Mark has unlocked the cage for a total of 8 times during the year. During which time I get to masturbate to orgasm. I then apply a hair removal cream to help keep my crotch relatively hairless between releases. I wash up and then am locked backed in.

And the weird thing is that I love it all.



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Biker's Story

I guess the best way to tell this story is from the beginning. It all started when we bought our Harley. The wife and I got into the leathers and chrome just like everyone else. Our friends had bikes and we weren't strangers to riding, just strangers to riding Harleys again. It had been many years since we had one and had just forgot what it was like to own and ride one.

It was a very hot July morning when we packed up our bike and started out to rendezvous with our friends at the Truck Stop east of town. We were headed for a rally about 110 miles east of there. Well everyone met up and we had breakfast. The girls all were wearing jeans and t-shirts with their leather vests, along with summer chaps. One of the girls, Bonnie, was wearing just jeans and her vest, nothing under it. Now Bonnie is very pretty with long Brown hair and blue eyes, with legs that go all the way to heaven. She convinced all the other girls to go into the bathroom and do the same. Well Brenda, my wife, didn't want to but everyone else was so she did to.

Now all the girls were wearing the uniform of the day. None of us guys minded at all. Matter of fact we really liked it. Now Brenda is rather chesty. At 5'3" tall she weighs 118 lbs and has 38C's. She also has brown hair and very bright blue eyes. Damn she looked good. We all loaded up and headed out for Eufaula, the lake where the rally was being held. We rode in two's and were getting along pretty good when my buddy beside me motioned back. I looked back and here came about 100 bikes of all types in the left lane. They were really moving on and was wearing colors, vests or jackets with club name and logo on the back. Some had lady's with them some were alone, but all were black. And what lady's were with them were white, all of them. Some of the single riders really eyeballed our lady's but stayed in line.

Well about an hour and a half we arrived at the rally spot, there were hundreds of bikers and bikes there. Many we knew and many we didn't. But the group that passed us was next to us as we unloaded. Many cat calls and hellos were exchanged, some wanted some not. The leader of the group came over and introduced himself as Lazer. He was a fairly big man, 6'6" maybe and 230-240 lbs. He wasn't bad looking and had a great since of humor, and always had something to add to the conversation.

About 2 hours later a van came in and parked next to Lazer's group. They unloaded all kinds of ***** and food. Lazer invited our group to join them, we offered money but he kindly turned us down saying it was for all his friends. Around 6pm we decided we had better set up camp or we wouldn't be able to later. Some of Lazer's group helped and we had it done in no time. The serious takeing and partying was about to begin. Brenda was really getting attention, as well as the rest of our group's lady's, and some of the guys packed up and said they were heading back. With this we decided we were going to stay. Paul, a friend of our group, suggested that we all move or go back. I asked why and was put aback by his reply that the Hunters, Lazer's club name, was just that hunter. It escaped me what he meant, and told him we were staying.

Around mid-night we were really wasted, Brenda was totally blown away and was dancing with some of the Hunters. Her tits and ass were getting a lot of attention and I decided we had enough and needed to go to bed. Well Brenda said she wanted to dance some more. As I set there and waited I became real relaxy and before long had ******. The next thing I remembered it was around 1:30 and the music was really playing. I looked for Brenda and couldn't find her. I seen a group of people all standing around a fire and seen what looked like Bren dancing in front of them. As I got closer I seen it was her, but she didn't have any clothes on and was getting grouped be a few of the black guys there. She was really enjoying this and her nipples were hard as rocks.

As I moved into the center of the group, I noticed one of the guys was Lazer. He had his shirt off and had his pants down to his knees. His back was too me, but I could see his cock hanging down between his legs. He was very well hung and was swinging that mass of meat towards my wife. She was liking what she seen and was reaching for it when I grabbed her and started dragging her away. She was fighting me saying I was a spoiled sport and didn't want her to have a good time. As I started explaining to her she was being unreamisterable, a large hand grabbed me and spun me around. A very large biker, by the name or Trike, had me turned around and was holding on to my wrist. As I started to break the hold 3 more guys grabbed me and hand cuffed my hands behind me. One placed a gag in my mouth and another tied my feet together. They threw me on the ground and said now they could have some fun and were going to initiate Brenda and I in to the Hunters. She was really acting stupid. She had to have taken something, because she is normally pretty shy. But not tonight, she was very lose and horny. Lazer had his lady lay out an air mattress in front of me. He then had Brenda come over and kneel in front of me. As she did he walked over and held his cock in her face, he told her to suck it and fondle his balls. She was more than willing, and I was more than shocked. I couldn't do anything as this man fed his 11-inch cock to my wife.

As Brenda was giving him head he told his lady and her friends to undress me. They came over and undid my pants and pulled them down to my ankles, and cut my t-shirt off leaving me naked and bound in front of them. They played with my cock and balls making me become aroused. With Brenda sucking cock in front of me and them playing with me, it didn't take long for me to come in Lazer's woman's mouth. She looked at Lazer and he told her to truss me up. With that she threw a rope over a limb and undid my hands, with help from the guys there, she retied them and pulled me off the ground about 1 foot. I was helpless, gagged and hot as hell.

Brenda was sucking for all she was worth and Lazer was near exploding in her mouth. Two other guys were working her over eating her pussy and squeezing her tits. She was nearing orgasm when Lazer let out a whoop and shot off in her mouth, with that Bren started coming on the other guy's mouth and started moaning. Cum was running out of her mouth and down her tits, she was coming hard and her body shook with each second that passed. Lazer was standing there watching her take him in, he was huge, his cock was every bit 11 inches long and was at least 8-9 inches around at the base. His cock head was purple and nearly as large as Brenda's fist. She was really wound up and wanted to get fucked badly. She looked at Lazer and asked him to fuck her, he said not now, but Trike will.

Bren turned around and Trike was standing there with a huge cock in his hands, she went to him and started playing with his cock. It grew and grew until it was nearly as large as Lazer, but not as big around. Brenda said she wanted him now and lay down on the mattress. Trike jumped between her legs and started pushing his cock in to her tight pussy. She moaned with each stroke, as he gave her a little more with each push. Soon he was in her all the way and just held it in, pushing against her. He reached down and pulled her up into his arms, her legs wrapped around him, her tits pressed against him, she was kissing him and sucking his tongue into her mouth. She was really hot.

Trike laid her back down and started fucking her real slow, pulling out until he was completely out of her and then ramming his massive cock back into her. She was screaming with each plunge and was coming hard about every 10 strokes. She was telling him to fuck her harder and harder, she was yelling she was coming and begging for more. Trike sped up and fucked her faster and faster until she was screaming and saying nothing else. Trike tinned up and started to moan as he unloaded load after load into her hungry pussy. She was crying with pain and joy, her pussy was sucking Trikes cock with each spasm, milking him dry and holding as much as his spunk as she could.

Brenda wasn't even breathing when Trike pulled his cock out with a sucking sound. She sucked air in real fast, as one would do if cold water were thrown on them. When he was threw, Lazer got between her legs and told her she was going to get a real fuck now. She looked almost livid with expectation. He placed his cock at her hole and shoved it all the way in to the hilt. His cock was massive at the base and spread her to the max. I thought he would rip her in two, but she only screamed with joy as he plunged into her time after time. He must have fucked her for 10 minutes, with her screaming with each plunge. She must have come at least 10 times and with each, I became harder. Lazer's lady and two others started sucking me again and playing with my balls until I started to cum. Sherri, one of the other girls, started jacking me off and I shot off so hard I thought I would blow my nuts out my cock. God I was horny and wanted more. I wanted to grab my cock and I couldn't, I wanted to fuck some one anyone.

Lazer was starting to slow and then started to moan real loud, just before he blew his wad he grabbed Bren's tits and squeezed them hard saying he was going to fill her pussy until she ran over. He wasn't kidding, he must have came a pint. Her pussy was flowing over with cum, he came and came until she was nearly ******. He pulled his cock out and made Sherri clean him up. He told the other men there to have fun and turned to me saying I had a real good old lady, And he wanted her again and would have her in the morning. With that he smacked my cock and walked off, telling the girls to work me over. They did. Brenda got fucked at least 10 more times by 10 different men and each unloaded load after load into her pussy. She was crying now because she was sore.

They left her untied and me tied beside her the rest of the night. She slept real sound and so did I. As morning came so did the others. Men I didn't know and they took my lady in anyway they wanted. Time after time until she was litterly soaked with cum. She had cum running out of her pussy and mouth. It was caked on her tits and in her hair. She looked bad.

As night came the ladies took Bren to the lake and let her wash up. I was left tied and alone. When they brought her back, Lazer was there. He said he made a deal with another club to sell Brenda to them. I was shocked beyond belief. What did he mean SOLD? I sold her to them for 1000 dollars, and they were coming over to take her with them. But you can't sell her, she isn't a slave, I said. Really? He said! What do you think went on? She is ours and we sold her for the night to the rivals to help relations.

The other gang showed up and told Brenda to put on her chaps and vest along with her high heel boots, and nothing else. She bent over and kissed me squeezing my cock saying she loved me and would be back later. She said she wanted this and I should let her do this thing. Who am I to argue?


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But the answer to her helpless pleas was the sharp snap of Tyrone's leather belt square across her bottom – SMACK!

"OWWWWW!", Tillie howled in pain.

SMACK! SMACK! The belt came down harder on her tender flesh, sending white hot jolts of pain through her bottom.

"OWWW! OWWW! Oh, God, no, please stop!"


"OWWWW!", Tillie howled in pain like a wounded dog. She tugged and thrashed against her restraints, but her momma had tied her firmly to the bed – there was no getting loose. The belt slapped sharply down, biting into her flesh – she could feel red welts rising on her tender bottom.

Tyrone whipped the backs of her thighs, too, causing Tillie to scream in pain, and making tears gush forth from her eyes. She cried just like a little girl getting a hard spanking. "Owwww! Owww! No, please stop! OWWWW!!!"

Tillie's head was turned to the side, and through the blur of her tears she found herself watching her momma, who was kneeling between Tyrone's muscular legs where he stood by the bed. Momma had Tyrone's now rock-hard cock firmly in her hands, and was bobbing her head up and down on it, slurping and licking feverishly. Oh, God, no, Tillie thought – it was horrible, and yet she couldn't seem to turn her head away from the sight.

Meanwhile, Tyrone continued to rain down blows with his belt – SMACK! SMACK! – vulgarly a***ing Tillie's naked bottom, and the backs of her legs. One time he even snapped the belt between her shamefully open thighs, slapping it against the tender lips of her exposed pussy.

"Ungh!," Tillie grunted in pain and surprise from the new assault on her private parts.

It went on for some time – Tillie hysterically crying and thrashing on the bed, her thighs and bottom reddened and bruised, long red welts rising on them, her momma enthusiastically sucking Tyrone's cock while her flower was beaten and debased, and Tyrone just whipping away mercilessly at Tillie's ass with his hard, leather belt. At one point, the pain was so bad, Tillie almost ******. But she was yanked back to awareness by the sudden feel of Tyrone's warm hand covering her bottom – and then the unexpected feel of his large fingers rubbing against her pussy slit.

"OH! OH! NO! Stop it! NO!" Tillie protested, and wriggled furiously, but could not stop Tyrone's invading fingers from probing at her, and slipping themselves into her exposed cunt hole. When her eyes flew open in shock and horror, the sight that greeted her was unimaginably terrifying. Tyrone had seated himself on the bed in order to start feeling and probing into her pussy. Momma was still kneeling on the floor, slobbering herself all over his cock. Tillie couldn't help seeing a couple of times – when Momma's head popped off Tyrone's massive pole – how incredibly huge his fully-hardened cock was. It looked like a big, black nightstick, or baseball bat. It was huge, especially the swollen head of it. At one point, her momma sneered at her and said, pumping her hand vigorously up and down on Tyrone's cock, "I'm sucking this cock and making it nice and big and hard for Tyrone to **** you with."

Tillie was pulled out of her reverie by the electric shock that jolted through her when the end of Tyrone's fat thumb grazed across her clit. He knew what he was doing, and he rubbed it in little circles, just like Tillie herself did when she was masturbating. Tillie froze in fear as his rubbing began to have the same effect as when she did it herself, sending little jolts of warm pleasure through her belly. She had to fight not to willingly grind herself against his hand as it cupped her pussy, which she could feel, against her will, getting wet.

"No, please..." she wailed. It was horrible, it was shameful and humiliating, but at least it wasn't as painful as the vulgar whipping.

As if he could read her thoughts, Tyrone's response was to immediately stop rubbing her now-swollen clit, and ask her, "Oh, you want me to stop what I'm doing and whip your ass some more?"

Tillie was caught between two horrors, two painful, shameful degradations, and couldn't think how to respond. But when Tyrone reached for his belt, she instinctively screamed out, "No! Please don't! Please don't whip me any more!"

Tyrone smiled wickedly down at her and said, "Then tell me what you want me to do instead, bitch. I want to hear you say it."

Tillie's face flushed scarlet at the mere idea of saying what she knew he wanted to hear. Instead, she bit her lip and said nothing, shaking her head defiantly, hoping for some escape. But then Tyrone reached toward the belt again, and she fearfully relented, sobbing, "No! Please don't! I'll say it...I'll say it...Please don't whip me – rub on me instead."

Tyrone gave her a sharp SMACK! on her ass with the palm of his hand. "Not good enough, bitch. Unless you want some more ass whipping, you better tell me right now that you want me to play with your pussy."

Tillie sighed in resignation, and with tears streaming down her face, mumred, "All right...Please...I want you to..." – she moaned in shame, "Ohhhh, God..." – and then concluded, " play with my pussy."

Momma had finally stopped sucking Tyrone's cock, but she still held it firmly in her hand, enthusiastically rubbing her hand all up and down the incredible length of it, as she leaned over to watch wide-eyed as Tyrone's fingers rubbed, and pinched, and probed at her flower's virginal pussy lips. "God damn, Tyrone – look at that nice, pink pussy. And the little whore is making herself wet all over your fingers, too!" She could see her flower's fresh pussy juices glistening on Tyrone's fingers as they slid in and out of her, and the lips of Tillie's pussy were obviously increasingly damp as well.

Tillie cried quietly into her pillow, unable to do anything to prevent the assault on her tender flesh. All she could do was grit her teeth, and try not to respond to the stimulating feel of the warm, firm fingers probing inside her – but even that was an increasingly losing battle, as the natural, instinctive response of her body began to overpower her. She was at least thankful that the horrible beating the big, black nigger had given her was over. At least, she hoped it was over. Whenever she opened her eyes, Tillie couldn't help being mesmerized by the sight of the huge, dark cock that glistened in her lady's hand, the sight of her lady's white fingers moving themselves steadily up and down the big, black pole, occasionally squeezing its fat head between her thumb and fingertips, occasionally still leaning over and kissing it with her lips. How was Tillie going to avoid being ****d by that massive fuck-pole?

She'd let her attention wander while staring at her lady's tender ministrations to the dirty nigger dick, but was snapped back to awareness when she heard her lady exclaim, "Look, Tyrone, the little slut is humping your hand with her sloppy cunt."

Oh my God! Tillie realized it was true – while her attention had wandered, she had begun to instinctively move herself up and down against the soft, warm pussy massage that she was getting. Immediately, she grunted in protest – "Unhh!" – and stopped herself, holding herself rigidly still. But she couldn't stop the fingers from continuing to probe inside her, pushing themselves as deeply as they cared to go.

Tillie cried, she sobbed, she wailed, she moaned, she twisted and turned – all to no avail. Finally, she just lay there, face down on the bed, tired out and no longer actively resisting.

Tyrone teased her and humiliated her in the way he expertly played with and stimulated her pussy. "Oh, you like having more of my fingers in your cunt, little girl? Well, you're gonna love having my big, black cock shoved up in that white pussy of yours. I'm glad you're making your pussy so nice and sloppy wet for me – that'll make it easier for me to shove my dick up in you, bitch."

It was like being in a nightmare – everything seemed unreal. This couldn't really be happening to her. More unreality flooded over her when Tillie suddenly realized that at some point she'd been untied, and was now lying on the bed, unbound. A vague, hazy recollection of her momma leaning over her and unfastening her bonds drifted through her mind, but it was like she'd lost track of time and couldn't tell exactly when it had happened.

Stark clarity cut through the fog though when Tyrone grabbed a handful of Tillie's hair and pulled her around to where she was kneeling on the bed in front of him. Oh God, what now?, she thought. She stared up at the firmly muscled black man, and knew she was helpless to prevent him doing whatever he wanted with her.

Meanwhile, Tyrone looked back at her, admiring her tender, ripe, milk-white flesh, the way her young, firm breasts stood out perkily, the smooth curve of her waist and hips...and her juicy-looking mouth. Still holding her by her hair, he told her, "It's time for you to start sucking some black cock."

Tillie's eyes widened, and she tried to shake her head in protest, but it was hard with the firm grip Tyrone held on her hair. "Please! No! I've never done anything like that in my life. Please don't make me!"

Tyrone just laughed. "You ain't even never sucked no cock before? Well, if you're anything like your momma, you'll learn quick."

Tillie protested again. "Please, no, don't..."

Tyrone reached out and grabbed her tiny hand. "Here, bitch, just take hold of it." And saying that, he placed her hand on his erection.

Tillie's tiny fingers curled themselves around the big, black rod. It was certainly bigger than her boyfriend's, but she had at least felt a man's cock in her hand before. Tyrone's felt warm to the touch, rock hard, and it seemed to swell in her grasp. She just stared down at the gigantic thing, unable to speak, and certainly unable to think about it being in her virgin mouth.

Impatiently, her momma barked at her, "Well, don't just sit there like a Goddamned moron. Start stroking that big, black fuckstick." She reached over and covered Tillie's fingers with her own, and began moving them up and down the length of Tyrone's long, hard cock. Tillie just gasped in astonishment, but began dutifully moving her hand up and down on the hot pole in her grasp.

"Mmmm," Tyrone moaned. "Yeah, bitch, that's good – you making Tyrone's cock nice and hard with that pretty little white hand of yours."


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His remark caused Tillie to stare down at the stark contrast between her small, white hand, and the big, black cock it was wrapped around. After a moment, eyes wide in fear, she looked back up at Tyrone, to make sure he wasn't getting angry about something.

He stared back at her, and ordered. "Now get your head down there and kiss it, bitch. 'Cause that dick's gonna be your lover from now on, so you ought to be loving it back with your mouth."

Tillie tried to resist, but Tyrone, still holding a fistful of her hair, easily pulled her face down into his lap. Tillie tried turning her head to the side, and squealed, "No!", as her face approached the large, throbbing cock, but she still kept her hand wrapped around it, and was still rhythmically moving it up and down.

Tyrone yanked her head back up, and quickly slapped her across the mouth. "I said get to sucking my cock, bitch. Kiss it, lick it, and slurp on it like a whore's lollipop." He pressed her face back down into his lap.

This time, although shaking with fear and revulsion, Tillie let her lips go just to the tip of the enormous black cock, and just barely brushed them against it in an unenthusiastic kiss.

"Now lick it," Tyrone's voice boomed from above her. The large black man's thigh muscles, clearly visible to her eyes, reminded her that resistance was all but pointless. Crying, she slowly put out her tongue and gave a light lick to the head of Tyrone's cock. She tasted the pre-cum that her own milking hand had brought to the tip. Having never tasted a man's cum before in her life, she couldn't stop herself from flicking her tongue back into her mouth to see what it tasted like. She licked out at it again, this time lapping her tongue up along about half the length of it.

"Now take it in your mouth, cunt."

Again, Tillie tried to shake her head in protest, but again it was held firmly in place. Tyrone's long, black fingers closed around her throat, cutting off her airway. Tillie panicked and flailed against the bed. Just when she thought she was going to pass out, Tyrone loosened his grip and allowed air to rush into her starving lungs. But as she opened her mouth to gulp it in, he powerd her head down onto his erect cock so that her open mouth couldn't help taking it in, nor closing around the massive pole when her jaws relaxed. In a panic of offense, Tillie realized that she now had a fat, black cock in her mouth. She couldn't believe how big and hot it felt in her mouth. She closed her lips around it, and held it there, but did nothing else.

"Suck my cock, bitch," Tyrone growled.

Afraid she was about to be slapped again, Tillie tearfully began slightly moving her head up and down on the big, hard cock invading her mouth. At the same time, she lapped at it with her tongue. She moved her hand up and down on it, too, even though she was afraid that might make it shoot off in her mouth at any second. With her boyfriend, Billy, it had usually only taken a minute or two of that kind of stimulation before he'd gushed his creamy spunk all over her hand.

Tillie's large, ripe breasts were hanging down as she knelt over the black man's cock, and she gave a grunt of surprise when his hands reached beneath her and began squeezing her firm globes.

"Mmm," his deep voice boomed, "you got some nice, white titties, just like your momma, girl. Um-hm, with tits like this, you was made to get bred and have babies sucking on these nipples."

He pinched her nipples erect, and pulled on them, as he spoke. Tillie tried to squeal in protest, but couldn't with her mouth stuffed full of cock.

She'd adjusted to having the fat pole in her mouth, and it wasn't hard for her tongue and mouth to instinctively know what to do to make a man's cock happy. She tried to ignore the fact that, especially since Tyrone had started playing with her tits, she'd started getting wetter between her legs again, and feeling warm, pleasant sensations down there. She tried to ignore the fact that she'd begun shamelessly making audible slurping and sucking noises as she more enthusiastically bobbed her pretty head up and down on Tyrone's big dick, taking more and more of it in her mouth, and pressing it deeper toward the back of her throat. She especially tried to ignore the humiliating moment when the thought fleeted through her mind wondering how the big, hard pole throbbing in her hand and her mouth might feel stuffed up inside her.

Tillie heard her momma's voice growling in her ear, "Ha! Look at the little white slut sucking on a big nigger dick like it's her favorite lollipop!" Tillie's cheeks burned with shame, and tears flooded from her eyes. "I always knew you was a whore at heart." Her cheeks burned more with the knowledge that she was actually starting to like the feel of Tyrone's cock in her mouth, shamefully enjoying him holding her by the hair and fucking her face with it. She hoped the mewling and whimpering sounds of pleasure that began to escape her went unheard.

Momma thrust her hand down between Tillie's legs, and even though Tillie grunted in protest, she couldn't prevent her momma's fingers from feeling her warm wetness.

"Ain't nobody gonna have to **** this whore's pussy – she's already juicing like a black cock slut!"

Tillie tried to squirm away from her momma's probing fingers, but Tyrone held her in place and ordered her, "You just keep learning to suck black cock like a good, little white whore." A soft moan escaped Tillie's lips as her momma expertly massaged her tiny clit, sending a fresh gush of wetness through the walls of her pussy.

Without warning, Tyrone pulled Tillie up off his throbbing cock, and pushed her up onto all fours on the bed. In confusion and frustration, Tillie whined, and tried to get it back in her mouth, and continued jerking it off with her hand until it was pulled out of her grasp, but Tyrone easily shoved into the position he wanted her.

As he crawled up behind her, Tillie squealed, "Noooo!", and thought to herself, Oh, God, this is it – this dirty nigger's gonna **** me with his big nigger dick! She thrashed her legs wildly, trying to keep them together and prevent his assault, but Tyrone's large, firm hands pressed up against the inside of her thighs and easily pushed them apart. Then he moved his own thighs up between Tillie's, preventing them from closing back.

His hands gripped the curvy, milk-white flesh of her ass, and he spoke down to her, "You 'bout to get fucked, missy."

Tears streaming down her face, Tillie sobbed, "No, please don't **** me!"

"It won't be **** when I'm done with you, bitch." He pressed the head of his massive cock to the lips of her pussy, and rubbed it down her slit, wetting his cock with her juices and sending unwelcome sparks of sensation through her clit as he brushed his dick across it.

"Unh...Unh...," Tillie grunted, trying to squirm away from the big, black cock poised at her hole, but only succeeding in rubbing herself up against it. She cried harder, and thought, "Oh, God, this can't be happening to me. I'm about to be nigger-****d."

Tyrone held her bucking, thrashing hips firmly, and allowed her to ineffectively try to escape, all the while keeping his fat cock head just barely pressed into the entrance to her pussy.

Momma decided to help, and crawled up under her flower on the bed, and began playing with Tillie's tits, squeezing them, pulling and pinching on her nipples until they sorry hardened in response, then lovingly sucking at Tillie's plump breasts.

"Oh, God, Momma, no....," Tillie moaned, but there was nothing she could do to keep her fat, ripe tits out of her lady's mouth either.

Momma replied, "Oh, I don't mind sucking my baby girl's pretty titties, especially since it's gonna make her nice and wet for Tyrone's big, old cock." She went back to hungrily slurping on Tillie's nipples.

Sure enough, no matter how much her mind screamed against, her momma's warm mouth and tongue working on her tits and nipples eventually had the inevitable effect of becoming a sensation that gave pleasure. Tillie hung her head and blushed deeply as she felt heat and moisture building between her legs. She wanted to make it stop happening, but there simply wasn't any way. A soft moan escaped her lips, "Ohhhh, God..."

Just at that instant, Tyrone slapped her ass with a firm hand – SMACK! The strange blur of simultaneous sensations of pleasure and pain made Tillie feel dizzy. She was still sobbing uncontrollably. "Owww...Oh, please...Oh, God..."

Tyrone slapped her ass again, harder – SMACK! – and said, "You gonna be saying please for something else in a minute."

Tillie made another attempt to wrest control of her hips away from him, but he easily held her in place, her moist pussy pressed against the head of his cock. "Get it straight, bitch. I'm about to change you forever. When old Tyrone's done with you, you're gonna be nothin' but a whore for black cock. Nothing but a Goddamned cock slut. You gonna spend the rest of your life wanting black cock and cum in your pussy, as much of it as you can get. You gonna be begging niggers to fuck you and let you suck their cocks with your slut mouth."

"NO! Stop it! You can't make me do this!", Tillie screamed in defiance.

Tillie's lady stopped sucking her tits, and quickly moved in front of her flower's face on the bed. She angrily slapped Tillie several times across the mouth, and yelled, "God damn you, you proud little bitch, you're getting black-fucked and you are gonna be a little, white whore for black cock! My man Tyrone's gonna fuck your tight, little pussy and breed you like a bitch in heat."

Although almost knocked senseless by her momma's slaps, Tillie's eyes flew wide open. What?! Did Momma say she was gonna let this black man breed me? – Put a black baby in my belly?! God, no! Somebody make it stop!

Fresh tears streamed from her eyes. "Please, Momma, please...Help me...Please, Momma, don't let him do it to me."

A strangely tender expression came across her momma's face, and the hand that had just slapped her, softly brushed its fingers along Tillie's bruised, red cheek. Momma said softly, "But I am helping you, baby. I'm helping you become a real woman, and I'm helping you be happy." Tillie stared at her lady like she must be crazy, but Momma just said, "You'll see, baby girl...Tyrone's gonna hurt you now, but when it's over, you'll be happy to be his fat-bellied white slut, all full up with his baby in you. You'll be happy swelling up all big with a black baby, and sucking black cock while you're a fat, pregnant bitch. It's good that he's fucking you from behind, 'cause that's the only way he," – she smiled cruelly – "and all his nigger friends will be able to do it to you when you turn into a fat, pregnant, pig slut."

"Momma, no!"


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Une petite pomme pour la ... soif... Merci


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Size Matters

His long hard cock slapped against my cheek. It was humiliating, degrading and embarrassing. I loved it. I have always had a submissive side and being cuckolded by my beautiful wife was an incredible turn on.

His rod was over 7 inches long and proportionately thick. It glistened with the juices from my wife's just fucked pussy and a stream of precum flowed steadily from the thick cut head.

Despite the excitement of a humiliating taboo situation I was conflicted. I was straight. I had never imagined touching another man's dick much less kneeling at his feet as he rubbed it across my lips but the entire scene was the most erotic thing I had ever experienced.

"I think he likes it baby," Deanna said to her well hung lover. She laughed as he smeared precum across my mouth. My wife was clearly the dominant permister in our manage a trois. She had cum three times while her well endowed lover fucked her in every position imaginable as I watched.

I fought the urge to lick the salty cream from my lips. I wanted to taste it. I had tasted my own cum previously out of curiosity and I wondered if his juice would taste the same as mine.

"Open wide piggy," Deanna said playfully. She had started cheating after she learned of my long term affair with a woman ten years my junior and she wasn't discrete about it. My affair was with one permister but Deanna used my desire to save our marriage as leverage to fuck a string of younger men. As time passed she flaunted her infidelity more and more. She would come home with her hair, clothes and makeup a mess and tell me about her trysts with men she had just met. She fucked strangers in our bed while I took our kids to the movies. We rarely had sex and when we did she would have me lick her pussy until she climaxed and make me jerk off as she made fun of my thin 5 inch cock.

Daryl was merely the latest of her lovers but she was planning on keeping him around because he had a nice big dick and she loved the way he fucked. She had become a size queen and Daryl's monster member hit spots I could only dream off.

I shook my head 'no' and looked pleadingly at her. I begged her to stop the torturous *********** but it was an act. I wanted it and sadly, she knew it.

"Quit being a little bitch," she demanded. "Open your mouth and suck his cock. If you do maybe I will let you cum." It had been nearly two months since we had fucked and I was desperate.

I hesitantly parted my lips as I looked at my sexy wife. Deanna was totally naked. Her 36c tits sagged only slightly despite the fact that she was a year past 40. She was thick in the hips, which balanced perfectly with her big round tits and she had the slightest pooch of a belly above her shaved pussy.

Daryl pushed his dick into my mouth as my wife moaned loudly.

I could smell and taste her juices on his big dick. It was like an aphrodisiac and I sucked hard on his big throbbing cock.

Daryl held my head and pushed his giant cock deeper. I could feel the thick veins as they slid across my lips and I moaned softly at the hedonistic decadence of the situation.

"I heard that," Deanna teased. "Queer." She laughed as her lover ****** his giant cock deeper.

I closed my eyes and surrendered to the primal urges I had never imagined existed. Daryl's cock touched the back of my throat and I fought hard not to gag. Tears streamed down my cheeks as over 6 inches of hard throbbing meat filled my throat.

"He takes it deeper than you do," Daryl said playfully to my wife. "Are you sure he hasn't sucked dick before?"

I hadn't. I had never even thought about it and before meeting Daryl my wife would not have wanted me to. She had been fucking him for a few weeks when he told her that he was bisexual.

"You mean you suck dick?" She had asked him. "Because that's kinda hot."

"No, no. I'm a top," Daryl had replied. He explained that his college roommate had been gay and one night after a party he had sucked Daryl's cock. After that he had been with a few other guys but had never reciprocated and he had no desire to do so.

That exchange got my wife thinking and fantasizing about watching Daryl and another guy and the easiest guy to get was me.

Daryl held my head and fucked my mouth. His big hard cock slid down my throat as my own skinny dick grew achingly hard.

I surrendered to urges I had never known. My hands ran up his muscular legs as his cock pumped into my mouth like it was my wife's warm wet cunt. I grabbed his strong ass with both hands and ****** his dick as deep inside me as I could. I could feel Daryl's pubes touch my nose as I deep throated his huge cock. I was no longer straight.

I gagged on Daryl's big dick as tears streamed down my cheeks.

"I'm getting close baby," Daryl said softly to my wife.

"Cum in his mouth," Deanna ordered.

My cock twitched as her words echoed in my head. I wanted it. I was not only her bitch. I was his.

I backed off his long shaft and noisily slurped on his big cock head as Daryl stroked his meat.

"Here it comes queer," Daryl warned as his cock started to spit into my mouth. He had fucked my wife and my mouth for nearly an hour but he had not yet cum. His climax was overwhelming. I gulped his copious cream as it filled my mouth and ran down my chin. I wrapped my fist around my dick and pumped it as my wife's lover, our lover, groaned and came in my mouth.

Deanna pushed me onto my back on the hard floor and straddled my cum glazed face. She lowered her soaking wet pussy onto my mouth.

My tongue flicked out and strummed my wife's hard clit as I jerked my small dick.

Deanna came hard on my face and I moaned into her grotto while cum spewed from my dick.

My wife climbed off my face and smiled. "Take Daryl into the bathroom and clean him up," Deanna ordered. "We're going out for dinner."

I led Daryl into the master bathroom and knelt on the cold tile floor. I had already cum and I was no longer lust and cock crazed but I did what I was ordered to do.

Deanna climbed into the hot shower behind me as I licked Daryl's flaccid dick. He had cum hard and despite his youth his dick wasn't getting hard as I licked and sucked on his cock and balls.

"Fuck it," Daryl said as a huge smile spread across his face. ****** up queer."

My mouth filled with salty pee as my wife's lover unleashed a torrent of piss from his thick fire hose cock. I was shocked as his pee filled my mouth. Not just because he had taken me by surprise but also because the taste was not totally unpleasant. In fact it was not revolting, it was hot!

My cock grew hard as Daryl's warm piss filled my mouth and cascaded down my naked body. I swallowed his yellow stream and sucked hard on his dick until it was hard and ready.

I wanted him inside me. I had never in my life imagined being penetrated but at that moment I needed to feel his huge cock filling my ass.

"Fuck me," I panted.

"What," Daryl queried.

"I need you inside me," I stated clearly. "Please fuck my ass. Make me your bitch."

Daryl smiled. He walked into the bedroom and returned with a lubricated condom and small bottle lube. "I've only tried this once and my gay college roommate couldn't take my big dick. But you're such a submissive bitch you'll probably like the pain."

Daryl rolled a magnum sized rubber over his giant cock as I knelt doggy style in front of him.

I felt the cool lube cover my asshole and I moaned softly. I was trembling with excitement as Daryl rubbed the slick head of his latex covered cock across my asshole. He grabbed my hips and I relaxed my sphincter.

Daryl pushed his granite rod into my virgin ass. I groaned as he split my ass.

Pain ripped through my ass. Pleasure consumed me. Inch after excruciating inch sank slowly inside me. I gritted my teeth as Daryl filled my ass with eight inches of hard throbbing man meat.

He buried his entire dick inside my ass as my wife watched. I could feel his big balls touch mine. It was electric.

"Holy **** baby. My husband is a queer." Deanna laughed.

Daryl slowly fucked my ass as his magnificent cock stretched me wide. He sped up and my eyes rolled back in my head. His hips slapped against my ass. His balls bounced off mine. He fucked me hard and fast.

It hit me like a freight train and it was unlike anything I had ever felt. My body shook. My knees went weak. My cock spasmed and pumped cum onto the cold tile floor.

"I'm getting close," he moaned as sweat dropped from his brow onto the small of my back.

"Don't waste it," I panted. "Let me ***** it."

Daryl pulled his dick from my gaping asshole and tore the condom off his hard rod as I turned around.

My ass burned as I wrapped my lips around his cock and stroked his shaft.

Daryl moaned as he started to cum. He shot two huge gobs of thick delicious cream into my mouth before pulling out and covering my face with hot cum.

I collapsed on the cold floor exhausted. Daryl took a quick shower while my wife finished getting ready to go out. I slowly crawled to the bed as they dressed.

"Don't wait up sissy bitch," Deanna laughed as they walked downstairs.

I laid in bed thinking about my life. I knew I would never be the same. I wanted more. More of Daryl's huge cock. Deanna wasn't the only size queen in the family.



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Interracial Surprise

I was trying to surprise my wife. I had been away in Chicago on business and I manage to wrap things up a day early so I caught a flight from O'Hare that arrived at Regan National around 8pm. Traffic was light and I rolled into my Northern Virginia driveway a few ticks before 9pm ready to enjoy some alone time with my wife.

There was an unfamiliar car in front of the neighbor's house but that wasn't unusual since they were always entertaining, even on Thursday nights. The lights were out downstairs as I entered the house but I could hear the television on upstairs in the bedroom.

I could hear voices as I approached my bedroom door and the unmistakable sounds of sex. I assumed Cindy had dipped into our stash of porno DVDs for some alone time of her own.

'How to handle this,' I wondered. I quietly stripped my clothes off in the hall and silently cracked the door to peer inside.

I expected to see my wife alone in bed diddling herself to Jenna Jamemister or Belladonna but what I saw was something very different.

My short chubby eastern European wife was naked on the bed. Her thick alabaster legs were spread wide with her knees up by her ears as a large milk chocolate colored man plunged his dick into her.

I wanted to burst through the door and announce my presence with authority and anger but I froze. I watched with a keen interest as my wife had sex with another man.

Cindy looked so sexy in the throws of passion. Her big 36c cup tits bounced as her lover thrust his cock into her pussy. She panted and moaned as he thrust his dick into her at a dizzying pace. She cried out a series of unintelligible words and her body quivered.

"I'm cumming," my wife groaned loudly as she dug her nails into the wide muscled back of her dark skinned lover. He slowed his pace and let Cindy ride the waves of pleasure as he continued to fuck her.

I reached down and touched my dick. It was almost achingly hard and I wrapped my fist around it as I watched them.

My wife's climax subsided and her chocolate lover resumed his relentless attack on her wet pussy.

I could hear the squishy wet sounds as his dick pistoned into my wife's cunt.

"Harder," Cindy panted, "don't stop."

My wife's lover pounded his cock into her pussy as she approached a second orgasm. Cindy had never had multiple orgasms with me and in fact I had never been able to make her cum without rubbing or licking her clit.

"Yes baby," Cindy hissed as another powerful orgasm shook her body. She wrapped her legs around his muscular ass and pulled him deep inside her as her body quivered and quaked. His big dark hands mauled her pale while tits until her climax subsided.

Cindy's chocolate lover didn't miss a beat. He pulled his dick from her quivering pussy and pulled her to her knees.

Cindy wrapped her small hands around his cock as I secretly watched them. His dick was enormous and it dwarfed my wife's hands. She lowered her mouth to his eight inch rod and licked her juices from the glistening shaft.

"Clean my cock," he ordered. His deep voice boomed with a thick Jamaican accent.

Cindy noisily sucked and slurped on her lover's massive cock. She tried desperately to stuff it all down her throat but gagged from her attempt.

I stroked my dick as I watched my wife noisily lick and suck her juices from her lover's cock.

"You like tasting your cunt on my dick don't you?" He asked in a deep baritone. His words were coarse and vulgar and my wife appeared to enjoy them.

"Mmm hmm," Cindy moaned, "but not as much as love swallowing your cum." Cindy had never swallowed my cum in 15 years of marriage and I was shocked to hear her desire.

Cindy's lover turned her around and rubbed his big drooling cock over her swollen pussy lips.

"You want it?" He asked.

"Yes," Cindy hissed.

"You want it bad?" He teased as he continued to smear precum over her needy pussy.

"Yes, I need it," Cindy begged as he sank just the head of his huge 8" monster into her wet pussy.

"Please, fuck me," my wife begged her dark muscular lover.

He plunged his dick deep inside her and slapped her ass hard.

"Oh god," Cindy grunted, "I love your cock."

Cindy's lover fucked her hard, doggy style, as he repeatedly slapped her big white ass. She never liked when I slapped her ass but when her big black lover did it she seemed to love it.

I stroked my dick as Cindy's lover fucked her hard and fast. She buried her face in her pillows. "Fuck meee," she cried out loudly as she came a third time.

"I'm getting close," he grunted as sweat dripped from his dark skin. "Where do you want it?"

"Cum in my pussy," Cindy hissed as she pushed back to meet her lover's powerful thrusts. I knew she wasn't on the pill and her plea scared me.

"Fill me up baby, cum inside me baby. I need to feel your hot cum in my wet cunt," Cindy pleaded.

My wife's black lover grunted and groaned as he came inside her. He buried his giant dick deep inside her womb and deposited his thick creamy seed as I watched.

He pulled his big dick from my wife's pussy and she quickly spun around. Cindy took his dripping cum glazed dick into her small hands. She enthusiastically licked and sucked his cock until she had cleaned every drop of juice off his big black fuck stick.

The sight of my prim and proper wife licking cum from a muscular athletic black man's cock was wildly erotic and couldn't hold back anymore. I bit my lip to stay silent as I dropped a huge batch of man goo onto the carpet outside my bedroom. I continued to watch them as I quietly put my clothes on.

They lay back on the bed as my wife idly fingered her cum filled pussy.

"I love feeling your cum inside me," my wife said softly.

"You'd better take a morning after pill tomorrow or you might end up with a little black baby in nine months," her lover mused. "That might be hard to explain to your husband."

"Fuck him," Cindy said sharply, "That cheating little dicked fucker. I'd love to see his face when I squeeze out your black baby. That'd teach him to keep his little pecker out of those young sluts."

Her words stung but they were true. For eleven months I'd carried on a torrid affair with a woman ten years my junior. When I had ended it the 25 year old girl called my wife and told her everything. Cindy had taken me back but the road to recovery had been long and three years later she had finally appeared to trust me again. Why she trusted me was suddenly clear.

I quietly slipped out the front door to contemplate my next move. I drove around the corner at sat in my car. My mind was racing. The visions of my wife being fucked by a well endowed black guy were amazingly erotic and I felt ***** fill my spent cock. I wanted to jerk off again to the images of my wife fucking her black lover.

An hour after I left my house I saw Cindy's lover's car drive away. I waited another twenty minutes and drove home.

The house was completely dark and I could hear Cindy ******** as I walked into my bedroom. I quietly pulled my clothes off and slipped into bed next to my wife.

Cindy woke up as I spooned up behind her. "Hey baby," she mewed, "you're home early." She was a smooth liar and I wondered how long she'd been unfaithful.

"I wrapped up early and caught a 7:30pm flight out of Chicago," I replied. Images of Cindy in bed with her big strong lover flashed through my mind and my cock began to grow. I slid my arm around my wife and moved my hand down her thick curvy body.

Cindy tensed as my fingers slid over her freshly shaved recently fucked pussy.

"No," she whispered, "I'm *******"

I kissed her neck and eased my fingers into her sloppy pussy. "You're so wet," I said excitedly.

"Mmm," Cindy coo'd as my insistent fingers rubbed her clit. She parted her legs granting me unfettered access to her cum filled pussy.

I rubbed her clit as my 5 1/2" dick pressed against the small of her back.

Cindy rolled onto her back. Our lips met in a soft kiss. I started to move on top of her but she stopped me. "Not yet," she moaned softly, "first I get mine."

I knew exactly what she wanted. It was a running joke between us that unless I licked Cindy's clit before we fucked she didn't get to climax.

Cindy sat up and guided me onto my back. It was also her contention that she came hardest when she sat on my face.

The idea of fucking my wife after I had just witnessed her fucking her big black lover was a turn on but I certainly didn't want to lick her cum filled pussy. I had no way to back out short of admitting I had watched her fuck another man and I cringed as Cindy straddled my face.

I couldn't see much in the dark room but I could smell her arousal as she lowered her pussy to my mouth.

"Oh baby," Cindy coo'd as she ground her cum filled pussy against my mouth. "I am so wet."

My tongue flicked out and I tasted her pussy. It was certainly different than usual. It was saltier but it was not unpleasant and I started to lick with more enthusiasm. I felt a gob of thick goo fall into my mouth and I quick swallowed it.


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Cindy came fast and hard as I flicked my tongue over her swollen clit. Cum continued to spill from her hole into my mouth as I ate her pussy. She ground her wet pussy against my mouth until her climax subsided.

Cindy flopped down on the bed and I rolled on top of her soft, thick body. My cock slid effortlessly into her sopping wet pussy.

I thrust my dick into Cindy's stretched out wet hole as she lay silently beneath me. I could feel my cum boiling in my loins.

"I'm gonna cum," I moaned as I passed the point of no return.

"Not inside me baby," Cindy said firmly. "Cum on my tummy."

I pulled my dick from her sloppy wet cunt and wrapped my fist around it. I stroked it furiously until I started to cum.

"I saw you," Cindy said and cum flew from my dick.

"What," I stammered as my dick continued to spew hot cum onto my wife's chest and stomach.

"I saw you in the door watching John fuck me. Did you enjoy watching him plow my cunt with his great big cock." She spoke slowly and emphasized the last three words.

I didn't know what to say so I said nothing.

"Don't sit there with that dumb assed grin on your face. I saw you in the door watching John fuck me and I know you jerked your dick while you watched."

"Uh, yeah," I stammered.

"Did you like licking his sauce from my pussy," Cindy teased. "He tastes good doesn't he?"

"What," I asked. I was dumfounded and in shock.

"You ate my pussy and it was full of his cum. Not just from the time you watched us either. He fucked me all week. Twice today. He's stopping by tomorrow morning before work too," Cindy continued. "So you will either have to leave before he gets here or hide in the closet. Judging by the enthusiasm you showed eating my cum filled cunt you are probably used to being in the closet."

Cindy continued to deride me until she grew tired of it and rolled over. 'I'm going to *****. I need my rest for my morning fuck."


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Excellent cuckold stories


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merci b2bone


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White Neighbor Slaves ----------------dsl pour la traduction à 2balles--------------------

Ma femme et moi avons été mariés pendant 30 ans. J'ai pris ma retraite à 55 ans ma femme était
50. Elle était encore une femme très séduisante, 5 pi 3 po 130 lbs. She She
À pied chaque jour dans le bloc de quartier. Elle a récemment changé ***
coupe de cheveux à ce qu'elle appelait une nuque courte et qu'il était attrayante sur elle. Comme
pour moi, je lui etait un peu grassouillet au fil des années mais rien de drastique. Mon
femme, Carol a toujours essayé de se rendre à faire plus d'exercice, mais j'ai senti le chantier de travaux
m'ont gardé en assez bonne forme. Le seul regret que nous avions était de ne pas avoir
enfants. Certaines per***nes ont appelé qu'une bénédiction.

Il ya trois mois, les nouveaux voisins d'emménager à côté. Ils étaient d'un noir
famille avec deux fils. Ben Weller était *** nom, il a travaillé dans la sécurité qui
il convenait. Il était de plus de 6 'de hauteur et construit comme un boxeur. J'ai dû admettre à
moi-même en secret, j'avais le fantasme bizarre de le voir nu. Sa femme a été
femme très attractif, a travaillé pour l'Etat. Thad et Jake étaient leurs
fils. Thad avait quinze ans et Jake avait dix-sept. Ils ont pris après que leur père
parce qu'ils étaient à la fois grand. En fait, Jake était presque aussi grand que *** père.

Il est sûr de dire que ma femme et moi sommes des gens assez passive. Nous avons tendance à ne pas
Agitez le bateau, nous étions plus soumise que agressif. Je suppose que c'est pour cela que je
toujours senti intimidé par Ben quand il vint à emprunter quelque chose à
mon garage. Il a fait sentir qui lui ***t subordonnés. Cela ne me dérangeait pas qu'il a emprunté
les choses parce qu'il a toujours entre eux ***t revenus. Soit lui ou un de ses fils. Puis
un jour j'ai besoin de la taille-haies j'avais prêté à Ben.

Je suis allé à côté et trouve Ben dans *** bricolage garage avec *** camion. Il
n'avait pas de chemise sur je ne pouvais m'empêcher remarquez comment musculaire haut de *** corps
était. *** teint noir semblait accent plus ses muscles. "What's up,
John? "" Oh, rien, Ben. Juste besoin d'utiliser le taille-haie cette
matin. "Sounds like a pretty lame excuse pour moi." J'ai été pris au
garde. «Moi, je ne comprends pas ce que tu veux dire. Ben s'approcha et fermé
enfoncé la porte de garage.

«Je vous ai vu me regarder. Vous pensez que ma grosse queue noire regarde
etc. "J'ai secoué la tête et l'avala." NO. Non, S'il vous plaît Ben. J'assure
tu. Rien de tel que jamais venu à moi! "" Vous et votre femme ne ***t pas
sexe beaucoup plus si tout. Sauf pour un travail main, elle pourrait vous donner. "Je
ne veulent pas l'admettre mais il était à peu près normal. Carol et j'ai eu des rapports sexuels
une fois dans une couple de mois. Cela ne marche pas très bien.

"S'il vous plaît. Ben. Puis-je obtenir le taille-haie et je vais te laisser seul." «Je vais
vous donner plus que le coupé. "Ben renforcée autour de *** camion, criantes
vers le bas sur moi. «Mets-toi à genoux! "S'il vous plaît, s'il vous plaît Ben, j'ai été arrêté
court. Il a mis ses grosses mains sur mes épaules et m'ont poussé à terre. Somehow,
Je n'avais pas peur de ce qui allait se passer ensuite. Ben dézippé *** pantalon,
il ne portait pas de shorts. *** érection énorme flac en face de moi.

«Ouvrez la bouche, at-il ordonné. "Obtenez votre bouche sur la tête et le sucer!
La tête était circoncis et très épais. C'était comme mettre un grand
concombre dans ma bouche. Je ne pouvais croire que je faisais cela pour lui. «Com'on
obtenir de plus dans votre bouche. Suck it! "Je n'aime pas combien de temps je suçait ***
pénis quand, soudain, il sortit de ma bouche. Il a commencé à le caresser et
coup tous *** sperme sur mon visage. Il y avait tellement que je n'aurais jamais cru
arrêter. «La prochaine fois je vais vous la faire avaler!"

Il a saisi mes bras et me tira de mes pieds. Ses mains rapidement détachée
mon pantalon et yanked eux jusqu'à mes chevilles. «Tout comme je le pensais. You got
un peu de bois là-bas. "Il avait rai***. Je n'ai pas avoir une érection. Mettez vos mains
derrière votre dos. Mettez-vous là pendant que je lait cette chose blanche. "Je n'ai jamais eu
un homme caresse jamais mon pénis avant. Elle était debout humiliante il ya
lui permettant de me masturber. Je tiens seulement à admettre à mon amour que je
complètement enjoyed it.


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Il a fallu seulement environ une minute, j'étais tellement excitée sentant sa large main
tirant sur mon pénis. L'éjaculation se sentait mieux que ce que j'avais dans un long long
heure. «Mettez-vous dos à un pantalon," Ben a ordonné, comme il l'atteint pour la
trimmer. «Ici. Have a good time. Autant que j'ai essayé d'obtenir les images des
ce matin-là hors de mon esprit, je ne pouvais pas. Chaque fois que je pensais qu'il était de mon
pénis gonfler. Je n'avais aucune idée de ce que seraient les conséquences de
Ce jour-là.

Deux jours plus tard, quand je suis retourné au bureau de poste, j'ai trouvé une note sur le
Table de cuisine. C'est à partir de Carol qui a dit qu'elle était allée à côté pour aider les
Helen, l'épouse de Ben. Je ne me souviens pas en lui disant rien sur Hélène ou
d'y aller avant. J'ai rencontré Jake et Thad dans l'allée le tournage d'un
Basket-ball à travers le cerceau. "Je suis venu pour voir s'il Carol était ici."

Jake et Thad sourit: "Ouais, elle est à l'intérieur avec maman et papa. La porte arrière
est ouvert. "C'était une bonne chose que je n'ai pas eu de troubles cardiaques. Je me suis arrêté
immédiatement dans mon élan. Carol était à genoux en face de Ben. ***
Dick grandes glissait dans et hors de sa bouche. Ses bras étaient attachés derrière
*** dos et elle était complètement nue! «Surpris, John?" Helen posées. Je
n'avait pas remarqué, mais elle était assise à la table avec une robe de suite.

Je ne répondait toujours pas parce que je trouvais difficile de croire ce que je voyais.
Ben m'a souri. "Elle aime coq noir aussi bien que vous fassiez, John"
"Yeah", a ajouté Helen. «Nous sommes à poindre votre femme po That's all." Elle
a pris une gorgée de *** café. "J'ai entendu que vous n'avez sucer des bites l'autre
journée dans le garage. Comment avez-vous l'aimez? "J'ai essayé de penser à quelque chose
Ben pour dire quand tout d'un coup éjaculé dans la bouche de Carol.

Le sperme coulait de ses lèvres, sur *** menton et la partie de *** visage
et finalement sur le sol. Mon pénis accroché aux plus rapide Erection I
avait jamais eu. C'était la chose la plus troublant que j'ai jamais vu. Je n'avais jamais été
gros sur le porn comme beaucoup d'hommes alors j'étais un peu prude sur ces choses. Ben
essuya le sperme sur le visage de Carol et frottaient sur ses seins. *** dur
mamelons étaient debout pour l'extraire. Ben délié les mains de Carol, Helen ballotté
ses vêtements à elle.

«Mieux vaut les mettre sur de sorte que votre mari peut vous ramener à la mai***. Je n'ai jamais dit une
mot non parce que j'étais en colère, mais parce que j'ai été humilié à prendre la parole.
Carol suis habillé et nous sommes allés chez eux. Il fallut un certain temps avant que je le faisait savoir.
"Voulez-vous me dire ce que c'était tout sur là-bas? Carol
ne voulait pas me regarder dans les yeux au lieu elle baissa la tête. "J'ai été forcé de
faire ce que vous avez vu. Helen m'a fait là-bas sur un autre faux-semblant. Je n'avais aucune idée
qui allait se passer. S'il vous plaît me croire. "

C'était presque comme si elle lu dans mes pensées parce que j'ai pensé à le garage de
quelques jours plus tôt. Carol brusquement levé la tête. "Qu'est-ce que Helen moyenne
À propos de pomper la bite dans le garage? "Maintenant c'est mon tour. J'ai pris une profonde
souffle. "Elle, ce n'était rien. J'ai eu une rencontre avec Ben dans le garage d'un
Il ya quelques jours. "" Quel genre de rencontre?

«Quand je suis allé pour obtenir le régleur. Je pouvais sentir ************* tous
sur mon corps. "Lui, il m'a forcé à sucer sa bite". "Et vous n'avez jamais dit
quelque chose? "Je favoris sur elle." Vous alliez dire quelque chose
Et aujourd'hui? "Il est apparu nous étions tous deux à une impasse. J'ai eu mon ***********
et Carol avait le sien. "let's just let it go et se concentrer sur notre vie."

Deux jours plus tard c'était samedi, Ben m'a appelé pour sa mai***. J'ai été un peu
appréhension pour dire le moins. Thad et Jake étaient là. «Tous à vos
genoux, John. "J'étais complètement intimidée par Ben et ses deux fils. I
rapidement à genoux. Jake me tenaient les bras derrière mon dos alors qu'il les a attachés Thad
vers le haut. J'ai pensé que cette fois, il serait Jake ou Thad. Ils m'ont fait me tenir
époque à laquelle ils ont enlevé mon pantalon et sous-vêtements.

Ben m'a conduit dans le couloir de la chambre. Helen était couché sur le lit nu.
La première chose que j'ai remarqué, comme tous les hommes, je suppose, ont été ses seins. Ils ont été
un grand pays et étaient ses mamelons. Ne peut pas laisser mon mari ont du plaisir avec
vous deux, dit-elle en souriant grand. "À quand remonte la dernière fois que vous lécher la chatte?"
Elle demandé. «Je, je, je ne sais pas. Ou me souviens». J'ai bégayé. Elle
ri. "Alors, vous en pour un petit plaisir!

Helen ouvrit les jambes et m'a donné une vue parfaite de sa chatte noire. Je
s'il allait résister, mais je savais qu'il ne servirait à rien. Helen attrapé mon
tête et me tira dans *** entrejambe mouillé. "Obtenez votre langue là-dedans. Faites-le glisser
tous sur moi! "Elle se plaignait en gémissant comme elle se frotte le dos et mon visage
reconnus dans sa chatte. «Voilà! Juste là!" Elle criait. "Gardez votre langue
frottement sur mon clito! "Une minute plus tard, elle a crié et frotté mon visage
et vers le bas sa chatte, gémissant et criant plusieurs fois.

Je sentais que mon visage a pris une douche chaude. Elle me repoussa alors qu'elle était couchée
Retour sur le lit en gémissant un peu plus. "Vous n'avez pas assez bon, John," Ben sourit
, Portant une serviette humide pour essuyer mon visage hors fonction avec. «Je chose que mon épouse aime
votre visage dans sa chatte. "Ben m'a posé un lapin." Je vois la chatte de ma femme fait
ta bite dure. "Je commençais à associer à mon ***********

Ben m'a ramené à la salle de séjour. Il détacha mes bras. «Depuis que tu es à moitié
nu. Vous pourriez aussi bien aller au bout. Take your shirt off. "Ben renoué
mes bras. "Tu as déjà entendu parler de bdsm? J'ai hoché la tête, «oui, je ne vis pas en vertu d'un
rock. C'est une sorte de chose bizarre sexe pervers "." Ouais, c'est vrai. Mais plus
gens l'amour que vous en pensez. "


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Ben a sorti un bâillon boule et il se balançait en face de moi. "Jamais vu un de
ceux-ci? "" Oui. Ils l'utilisent dans le sexe kinky. "Ben en riant, ouvrez votre bouche."
J'ai fait et il a inséré la boule rouge dans ma bouche. Ensuite il ferma la sangle
autour de mon cou pour le tenir en place. "Il m'a conduit à un miroir." Voyez comment
bon vous regardez dans tout cela? Nous saisis***s mieux vous à côté et montrer Carol. "

Mon cœur a sauté un battement quand il dit ça. Mon dieu que c'était la dernière chose que je
voulu. Cependant, j'ai été ligoté et bâillonné et je n'avais aucun mot à dire sur la question. Je
réalisé à quel point j'étais impuissant à ce moment. Ben avait un contrôle total sur
moi. Il pouvait faire ce qu'il aimait. N'importe qui pourrait d'ailleurs. Complètement
nu, Ben m'a conduit par la porte arrière dans la cour. Dieu merci, nous a
par la porte arrière pour que per***ne ne pouvait me voir. Il m'a conduit dans la mai*** et
me fit asseoir sur une chaise. J'ai regardé autour, mais ne voit pas que Carol n'importe où.

Ben baissa les yeux sur moi. "Vous cherchez la petite femme? Amenez-en, Jake."
Carol avait un collier de cuir autour du cou et fut conduit dans la salle par
Jake avec une laisse attachée au collier. Elle a également été Buck nu, les bras
attachées derrière *** dos. Thad marchait derrière Carol. "You got a pretty hot
cherche femme là-bas, John. Mais je crois qu'elle est de développer une dépendance au noir
bites. "

«A genoux!" Jake commandés. Carol obéit aussitôt, pour tomber à ***
genoux. Jake enlevé *** pantalon et caressa le coq noir importantes avant
poussant dans la bouche de Carol. Carol bâillonné à quelques reprises. J'ai regardé tout
Jake pompé sa bite adolescentes dans et hors de la bouche de Carol. Ses testicules gros
osciller Carol parfois frappant sur le menton. Brusquement, Jake
gémissait et enfonça ses hanches vers l'avant.

Après quelques secondes, je pouvais voir le sperme roulant de Carol
lèvres. Jake et Thad rapidement changé de place. Thad glissé sa bite noir
Carol dans la bouche et commença buttage. Je n'avais aucun contrôle sur mes émotions comme
tout le monde pouvait voir. Suscité par tout ce qui se passait, ma bite
était debout à la verticale. "Makes you really hot! Regarder votre sucer femme
grosses bites noires ».

Autant que je ne voulais pas l'admettre, il avait rai***. Il ne me réveiller
complètement. L'image de la bouche de Carol dégoulinant de sperme et ses seins rebondissent
avant en arrière. Il ne me font dur! Encore une fois j'ai vu le sperme coule de
ses lèvres et sur *** menton et sur sa poitrine. Jake et Thad tiré Carol
à ses pieds puis sa demi-tour en face de moi. Jake a glissé sa main
entre ses cuisses et dans la chatte. "Ouais, cette chienne est humide et sauvage."

Jake Carol apporté à moi et me fit agenouiller. Il poussa la tête vers le bas,
«Maintenant, suce bite de votre mari." Il a probablement été 20 années écoulées depuis ma bite
était dans sa bouche. Ces jours que nous utili***s pour faire l'amour à beaucoup. Le siphonage
***s qu'il fait éveillé encore plus à moi. J'ai fermé les yeux, gémit tout haut
et le coup de la sensation à travers mon corps comme un verrou de l'éclairage. Sa bouche
était plein mon sperme pour la première fois depuis des années.

Ben tiré Carol à ses pieds et se pencha par-dessus le bras du canapé. Je ne pouvais
voir la fissure humide de *** Peeking chatte dans ses joues ass. Ben a chuté
*** pantalon et frotte sa bite noire et épaisse de haut en bas fente d'âne de Carol.
«Maintenant, je vais remplir votre chatte avec un coq réel!" Carol gémit fort que
Ben a glissé sa bite dure en elle. Carol gémissait et la salle était remplie
avec le *** de Ben's cuisses contre la fessée cul de Carol.

Soudain, elle a crié "OH MY GOD! Oh, oh, oh mon dieu!" "Ce coq noir est
pas encore prête, salope! "Carol gémi et crié à nouveau tandis que Ben éperonné
sa bite grands dans et hors de sa chatte. Il doit avoir une minute avant
Ben avait *** orgasme et a tiré de là. Je pouvais voir Carol la chatte ruisselante
Sperme Ben's long de ses cuisses et sur le bras canapé. Elle était toujours sa capture

La porte s'ouvrit et je vis Helen marche po Elle était vêtue d'un peu
étrange. Cuisse de hautes bottes et les vêtements de cuir noir avec un cuir correspondant
soutien-gorge. «Ce que vous faites les garçons par ici?" Elle demandé. "Just having some fun",
Ben répondu. Helen regarda Carol. "Cette chienne est en désordre. Vous les garçons
vont donner un bain et il obtenir *** nettoyés. "


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Jake et Thad tiré Carol à ses pieds et il a conduit hors de la chambre. Helen
se retourna vers moi. "Cela représente très bien, sourit-elle. "Me and Ben se
vous permet de jouer avec. Et les garçons étaient à votre femme de jouer avec. Travaux JUST OUT
amende. "Ben moi yanked lever de votre siège: Helen marchait autour de moi." Vous
jamais eu votre âne blanc fessée? Je parie que vous avez fait quand vous étiez un garçon. "Je
ne pouvait pas lui répondre en rai*** du bâillon dans ma bouche.

Eh bien nous allons juste vous plier plus que le bras de canapé. Ben m'a forcé sur le bras
tout comme ils l'avaient fait Carol. Maintenant, mon âne a été dressées en l'air.
Helen posa sa main sur le cul. "Voyons voir si nous pouvons mettre un peu de couleur
dans cette âne blanc de la vôtre. "La prochaine chose que j'ai entendue était un grand coup fort et d'un
sensation de picotement sur mes joues ass. Il y avait quatre horions plus et le
picotements dans mon cul tournait à une sensation de brûlure.

Pendant les horions de la ceinture de cuir, Hélène aurait arrêter et puis Slap Me
avec sa main et pincer le cul avec les doigts. Puis il le suivi avec
un autre horions quelques pas de la ceinture. Inutile de dire que ce fut une douloureuse sur ma
tendres joues d'âne. "Je pense que cette chienne a assez whipp'in âne. Helen
conclu entre mes jambes et m'a attrapé par les couilles. "Vous rappelez-vous combien
que whipp'in ass hurts. Vous sortez de la ligne et je vais enlever votre âne blanc
deux fois plus longtemps. M'entends-tu? "

Je me suis vite hocher la tête pour dire oui. Mon âne était toujours en feu et je ne voulais pas
plus. Ben a saisi mon bras et m'a arrachés à mes pieds. Helen intensifié
pour moi. "Écarte tes jambes, ouvrez tout grand!" Elle ramassa un couple de petits
colliers en métal dont elle serré sur mes mamelons. Je me sentais plus d'inconfort
elle a suivi le chemin inverse vers le bas. Elle a ramassé quelque chose d'autre sur la table.

«Ceci est mon favori cravache. J'aime l'utiliser sur coqs Mans blanc».
Elle a taquiné ma queue et des boules avec la culture, en se frottant le tout autour de mon
organes génitaux. La douleur constante, je me sentais dans mes mamelons avait une
effet sur mon pénis. Il a été le rendant dur comme un roc. Helen a débuté en tapant
mon gland avec la récolte puis baisser à mes testicules. Je lui ai répondu avec de brusques
saccades et des grognements qui la rendait heureuse.

My dick était douloureux d'être giflé tellement avec la culture comme cela a été mon scrotum
et à l'intérieur des cuisses. Ben et Helen trouvé amusant à quel point mon pénis rouge
était. Helen l'a saisie et a commencé à me masturber là dans le salon. Je
Carol brièvement me demandais où était et ce qu'elle faisait. Puis, soudain, mon
testicules douloureuses ont commencé à se déverser ma semence dans la main d'Hélène.

Ils ont rapidement décidé qu'ils avaient assez de fun pour une nuit, alors ils m'ont détaché et
regagné leur domicile. Peu de temps après Carol entra et alla droit à
la chambre à coucher. Le lendemain matin, je n'ai pas réveiller jusqu'à dix heures. J'ai entendu Carol dans
la cuisine et je jette sur un peignoir et descendit pour voir ce qu'elle faisait. Elle
portait *** tablier de fleurs, juste et tablier et rien d'autre.

Je lui ai souri, je ne pense pas avoir jamais vu vous portez un simple tablier. "Jake
dit-moi à rester nus, quand j'étais dans la mai***. Juste au cas où un homme voudrait
se servir de moi. "

Je ne pouvais voir le contour de ses seins piquer sur le devant de la
tablier. Je la regarde bars ass sortaient à l'arrière du tablier. Elle a été
J'aimerais droit d'utiliser *** droit là!


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Comme les semaines passaient, Carol et j'ai eu recours à l'être utilisées comme esclaves sexuelles aux
Ben et sa famille. Il est certainement différent de tout ce que nous ayons jamais
connu auparavant dans nos vies ternes classe moyenne. Je viens justement d'obtenir une
prescription de certains de ces médicaments sexuelle renforcement de garder mon dur Dick
et préformage. Quant à Carol, qu'elle faisait très bien.

Carol était surtout utilisée par Ben, Thad et Jake. Hélène n'était pas vraiment dans
toutes les femmes tant que ça. Quant à moi, j'ai été utilisé par tous et chacun. Helen
aimé avoir un homme blanc comme *** esclave sexuelle de même que Ben et les garçons. Un
après-midi, je travaillais dans le garage, le tri des boîtes où Thad, Jake et
deux de leurs amis marchaient po

Quand ils ont fermé la porte du garage, je savais ce qu'ils avaient à l'esprit.

"C'est la chienne blanche, je vous parlais, dit Jake.

Ses deux amis souri et a hoché la tête. «Vous right! Il ne regarde une
ressemble beaucoup à M. Farley.

Thad est venu, a saisi mes mamelons à travers ma chemise et pincé
eux. "M. Farley est un de nos enseignants blancs à l'école. Une piqûre réel!"

Jake riant, yeah. Si nous l'avions ici en ce moment, nous avions baiser le cul dur! "

«Puisque nous ne sommes pas", a poursuivi Thad. «Vous aurez à faire!

Les garçons m'ont rapidement entouré, d'attacher mes mains derrière mon dos, me dépouillant
puis me penchant sur le banc de bois que j'avais dans le garage. Le reste a été
pretty self beaucoup d'explication. Quand ils eurent fini, j'ai eu le sperme coule de
tous mes trous. Je commence rapidement à ne pas aimer cette M. Farley.

Toutefois, Carol pris l'habitude par les garçons beaucoup plus que moi. Chaque jour, lorsque le
Jake et Thad rentrait de l'école, ils ***t arrêtés à notre première mai*** pour
certains «service coq noir", comme on l'a appelé. Carol a dû être prêts chaque
jour, du lundi au vendredi, trois heures et demie dans l'après-midi. Ils seraient dépouillés
elle alors faire sucer leur bite jusqu'à ce qu'elles étaient presque prêts à
éjaculat. Parfois, ils se penchent sur lui et de remplir tout le trou du

Il m'a toujours étonné garçons combien pulsion sexuelle chez les adolescentes ont. Ils seraient
conclure leur "service coq noir" par les quatre heures. Parfois, ils
être de retour à cinq pour l'autre. Puis, de retour à sept heures et parfois
neuf. Aussi étonnant est le fait qu'ils avaient toujours eu des charges suffisamment de sperme pour
d'éjection. Je n'ai pas été exempté de service "coq noir" J'ai dû les sucer
juste autant de fois que Carol.

Un samedi matin, j'ai été appelé par Helen. "Strip!" Elle aboyait, et je
conformé à *** commandement. Je savais qu'il était temps pour l'engin de servitude à venir
dehors. Harnais torse, les bras attachés derrière le dos, coq et harnais balle et
Ball Gag pour ma bouche. La touche finale a été les deux pinces à mamelons et un
collier de cuir noir cloutée bouclé autour de mon cou.

"C'est bien, sourit-elle. «Maintenant, tu ressembles à un esclave homme blanc".

Je ne le savais pas à l'époque mais Helen était d'avoir quelques-uns de ses amis
par-dessus. Trois autres femmes noires ***t arrivés après environ une heure. J'étais en bas
debout, nu, dans le centre de la salle de jeux. Les femmes se promenaient autour de moi,
parant, des pincements, des attouchements, les poussées et de gifles quelle que soit leur avis
comme. Une des femmes a saisi mes couilles et arrachés.

"Vous aimez la chatte noire eat'in?

Je me suis vite hocher la tête, ne voulant pas qu'elle me tirer les boules d'écourter.

"That's good! Nous avons eu beaucoup de chat noir pour toi à manger», ils ont tous

Ils ont commencé par me donner une bonne fessée dur qui a laissé brûler mon cul
rouge. Ils ont retiré le bâillon, me fit s'agenouiller sur le sol et maigre
arrière. Pendant environ une heure mon visage et sa bouche était couverte de noir
chatte. Je ne pense pas, on a pu mais ma langue a été effectivement mal de
toutes les lécher.

Bien sûr, ils avaient du plaisir d'autres avec moi. Ils attachèrent un autre gag sur moi
ils ont appelé un bâillon pénis. Il y avait une tête de coq petite allée dans ma
bouche pendant que l'autre extrémité était un gode plus large du caoutchouc. Ils se ***t relayés
fuck me faire face avec le godemiché. Le lite haut pour moi cependant, était
se faire sucer par l'une des femmes. J'ai été tiré dans la mai*** de mon
coq et des balles alors masturbé par l'une des femmes.

Plusieurs jours plus tard, Thad et Jake me prenait pour un tour à une autre mai***, mais je
ne sais pas où. J'ai été dépouillée, faite pour s'allonger à plat ventre sur un lit avec mon
bras et les jambes attachées aux rails. J'ai été baisé par environ huit hommes, au moins
qui a été coqs combien je me souviens être allé dans mon cul. J'ai appris plus tard Jake
et Thad dit à certains garçons que j'étais M. Farley et pour un prix auquel ils pourraient
fuck me in the ass. Je suppose que c'est lorsque je suis devenu officiellement leur mâle

Jake et Thad serait toujours m'habiller en costume, chemise blanche et cravate, qui
ils ont acquis de la banque d'épargne locale. Mes mains étaient attachées, j'ai été
bâillonnée et les yeux bandés. Ils ont permis aux garçons de venir et de me dépouiller. Par
Je veux dire ils ont arraché mes vêtements et me baiser un par un. Le
toujours resté les yeux bandés, alors je n'ai jamais vu qui l'un des garçons. Le bâillon
a été supprimé Toutefois, afin qu'ils puissent tenir leur bite dans ma bouche lorsque
qu'ils voulaient.

Parfois, les garçons étaient un peu rude. My ass got spanked un peu. Je
pense qu'ils sentaient qu'ils étaient punir M. Farley, au lieu de moi. Mon
mamelons ont été pincé et tordu jusqu'à ce qu'ils soient douloureusement endoloris. Ils ont été
pas si douce à mon pauvre coq et balles non plus. Ils fessée, des gifles et
*********** arrachés eux jusqu'au moment où j'ai éjaculé. Mon sexe a toujours été un
source d'amusement pour eux.


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Ils ont voulu voir mes réactions diverses de les avoir tiré, tordu,
pincé, lié, serré et des gifles. C'était encore une des per***nes les plus
humiliante choses que j'ai dû endurer. Je sais que ça paraît absurde, mais Kinky
jouant le rôle de M. Farley a été la chose la plus excitante sexuellement que j'avais
jamais fait. Jake et Thad pouvait voir que, alors ils l'ont transformé en un habitué
hebdomadaire chose.

Il ya eu le temps de Carol obtenu une stimulation peu plus que ce qu'elle voulait. Ben
et Thad venait de lui baisée sur la table de cuisine en face de moi. J'étais
attaché à une chaise, nu bien sûr sans aucun moyen de cacher ma queue dure. Ils
Carol liée à une chaise en face de moi et bâillonné la bouche. Elles ont placé une
grand vibromasseur entre ses jambes avec la tête contre *** clitoris. Ensuite, ils
lui a attaché les jambes en même temps si le vibreur se tiendra bien en place.

Ils l'ont allumé et se redressa pour regarder le fun. Carol pourrais continuer longtemps
sans un orgasme lors de rapports sexuels normaux. Parfois, elle n'a même pas
un. Toutefois, le vibrateur est une autre histoire. Elle pourrait tout à fait l'orgasme
rapidement avec palpitant qui battait contre la chatte. J'ai vu la tête remontent
le premier orgasme la saisit. Tout *** corps tremblait et ses seins rebondit
incontrôlable haut en bas. Elle tentait de crier, mais le gag gardée
des cris étouffés.

Avec le vibrateur encore enfermé entre ses jambes et à frapper sa chatte, la
prochaine venue. Elle secoua de nouveau et ses seins se souleva et le redescend. Mon
robinet coulait maintenant comme je l'ai regardée. Thad s'approcha d'elle et lui
commencé à pincer ses tétons et de torsion importants. Ses hanches se balançaient en
rythme avec le vibreur alors que ses seins rebondir le long de rythme aussi. Il
C'était la première fois que je la voyais vraiment épuisés.

Thad est venu me caresser la bite noire et dure. «Ouvre ta bouche,
salope! "Il a ordonné, glissant sa bite dans ma gorge. Peu de temps après, il
vidé *** chargement dans ma bouche. Ben ne veulent pas être laissés de côté. Il a précipité ***
Black Cock dans ma gorge et la prochaine bosse absent jusqu'au ma bouche était pleine de
*** sperme.

Je sais que cela pourrait être difficile à comprendre mais Carol et j'ai réellement apprécié
étant esclaves de Ben et sa famille. Un tout nouveau monde s'ouvrait à nous. Je
plaisir à être dominé par eux, tout autant que Carol a fait. J'ai aimé jouer
M. Farley. Carol apprécié d'être fessé non seulement sur le cul, mais les mésanges,
il a vraiment fait *** chaud. Elle l'a aimé quand les garçons fit porter juste une
haut licou et une jupe plissée courte.

Un jour, Thad et Jake a décidé de prendre Carol ainsi le jour que j'allais
Ecouter M. Farley. Ils pensaient qu'elle devrait regarder comme *** mari être utilisés et
abusée par une demi-douzaine d'autres garçons noirs. J'étais lié, bâillonné et
les yeux bandés, comme d'habitude, tout habillé en costume, chemise et cravate. Elle a presque
commençait toujours par me sucer someones coq. Plus tard, j'ai été dépouillée de ma
vêtements, fessée et baisé entre autres choses. Ils ne jouissent m'obligeant
d'éjaculer. ************* a estimé qu'il était approprié pour M. Farley.

La semaine suivante, Ben et Helen a offert une fête dans leur mai*** et les deux
Carol et moi avons été invités. Comme les voisins traite des blanches, bien sûr. Carol
et moi n'étions pas autorisés à porter aucun vêtement. nous devions rester nu, sauf
pour le collier de cuir autour des cous. Nous devions être les serviteurs et les
divertissement pour tous les invités. Nous avons servi des bois***s et des snacks et a dû
permettent aux invités de caresser tout ce qu'ils aimaient.

Au cours de la soirée, j'ai été emmené à la chambre d'hôte à plusieurs reprises
par des clients à la fois mâle et femelle. Les invités mâle non me baiser ou forcée
me sucer leur bites. Les invités féminin préféré avoir leurs chattes
lécher et sucer. J'ai également été prises en la salle de bains guest deux fois. Une fois par
un homme qui m'a baisée sur le sol et une fois par un black attractif
femme. Elle m'a fait monter là-bas avec mes jambes ouvertes pendant qu'elle suce mon
coq. Puis elle m'a giflée.

"Tu ferais mieux de ne jamais dire à quiconque ce qui s'est passé ici. Vous m'entendez?

Quant à Carol, j'ai remarqué que *** être conduit dans le couloir de la chambre d'amis quelques-uns
fois aussi. Une fois, elle était dehors sur le patio, à genoux devant
cet homme noir de grande taille. Il avait la main sur ses cheveux pendant qu'il poussait *** dur noir
bite dans et hors de sa bouche. J'ai aussi remarqué ses seins étaient un peu
rouge. Une autre fois, je l'ai vue dans le salon devant le canapé sur les genoux,
sucer un autre coq Mans. *** visage était couvert de sperme. Le parti a été un
smash, Carol et moi étions les lite haut et nous avons été invités à assister à toutes les
Partie à partir de ce moment. Nous espérons continuer comme les voisins traite des blanches ....



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Le jouet

Je voudrais raconter comment je suis devenu le jouet d'une petite vicieuse d'à peine vingt ans, moi qui en ai plus de quarante. J'étais séparé de ma femme depuis six mois et dans ma société venait d'être embauché une jolie blondinette, toujours habillée sexy comme le ***t les jeunes d'aujourd'hui. Je passais mon temps à la pister pour la mater, elle me faisait terriblement bander. Un soir lors d'un pot de départ elle vient s'asseoir à coté de moi.
-Alors René, ça va ?
-Oui merci Jessica et toi ?
-Bien. Tu sais je voulais te dire que je vois bien ton manège à toujours vouloir me mater.
-Heu, non tu te trompes, balbutiais je tout en rougissant.
-Allons, je les connais bien les pervers de ton âge, mais j'aime ça tu sais. D'ailleurs je vais te dire un secret.
Sur ce elle remonta le bas de sa robe et je découvris le haut de ses bas fixés à *** porte-jarretelles.
-Tu vois je porte exclusivement des bas avec porte-jarretelles ou guêpière, jamais de collants et bien sur des strings. Maintenant lorsque tu me materas tu penseras à ce que je porte sous mes robes ou mes jupes et tu banderas encore plus.
-Pourquoi fais tu ça ?
-Parce que tu me plais bien, mais j'ai envie de jouer avec toi, j'aime faire baver les pervers comme toi, qu'ils me supplient de m'occuper d'eux et puis j'ai le fantasme des hommes soumis donc si tu me veux il va falloir être très obéissant et devenir mon jouet. Tu vois Eric la bas ?
-Je vais aller l'allumer et ce soir il va me baiser et crois moi je suis une vraie salope au lit, il va avoir droit à la totale, fellation, baise et mon cul aussi car j'adore sentir une bonne queue dans mon petit cul. Pendant ce temps tu penseras à moi et tu te branleras bien quand sa queue ******* mon petit trou.
Elle se leva, alla droit vers Eric, une demi-heure après je les vis s'en aller, elle me lança un clin d'œil en partant. Je m'en allais aussi et à peine rentrer chez moi je me branlais énergiquement et ce plusieurs fois dans la soirée car dés que je pensais à Jessica une envie de me caresser me tenaillais aussitôt.
Le lendemain au travail je croisais plusieurs fois Jessica qui s'arrangeait pour que je puisse voir ses bas. Un moment nous fûmes seul tout les deux.
-J'ai mal au cul tu sais, Eric en a une vraiment grosse, il m'a éclaté l'anus. Et toi tu t'es bien branlé ?
Je ne répondis pas, gêné.
-Je suis sur que tu l'as fait plusieurs fois, cochon. Vais je vais être gentille, regarde.
Elle remonta sa robe et me fit admirer *** string. *** cul était parfait, bien rond et il semblait ferme.
-T'aimerais le toucher ? Il te fait bander mon cul ? Ca te fera une image pour ce soir.
Depuis, tous les jours de travail, Jessica me montre ses dessous et le week-end interminable je les passe à me branler en me remémorant ses seins magnifiques et *** cul de rêve.
Un samedi matin, je reçu un paquet avec une lettre, ils venaient de Jessica.
« Mon cher jouet, j'en ai mare de te montrer mes dessous tout les jours sans contrepartie, si tu veux que cela continue lundi matin tu viendras avec ce qu'il y a dans le paquet, gros bisous de ta vicieuse. »
J'ouvris le paquet, il contenait des bas dim-up. Je passais le week-end à cogiter, je n'allais quand même pas aller au travail avec des bas ? En même temps j'étais devenu accro de ces visions de rêve que me distillais Jessica. Le lundi matin j'enfilais mes bas et parti au travail. J'avais l'impression que tout le monde dans la société savait que j'en portais, je n'étais pas à mon aise. Je n'avais pas vu Jessica de la matinée quand elle rentra dans le cagibi ou je photocopiais des documents.
-Alors ?
Je ne dis rien, déboutonnais mon pantalon et lui montrer mes bas.
-Hummm je sens que je vais bien m'amuser avec toi.
Elle se mit dos à la porte et laissa glisser sa robe à ses pieds, elle portait un soutien gorge seins nus, un porte-jarretelle et un string. Elle tourna sur elle-même afin que je puisse admirer tout *** corps. Elle était superbe.
-Ce soir tu va pouvoir bien te branler, pervers. A partir de maintenant tu porteras des bas tout les jours, compris ?
-Oui, tout ce que tu veux.


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Depuis que j'étais tombé sous le charme de Jessica, j'étais prêt à tout pour lui faire plaisir, je ne sortais plus sans mettre des bas auto-fixant comme elle me l'avait demandée. De *** coté elle m'exhibait ses dessous, me laissant voir ses bas, strings, soutien-gorge. En plus elle prenait un malin plaisir à coucher avec la plupart des hommes de la société et elle me racontait tout ce qu'elle faisait avec elle, n'omettant aucun détail, grosseur de leur queue, gout de leur sperme, habileté à la faire jouir. Moi je n'avais que le droit de me branler en l'imaginant prise par tout ses males.
Je reçu de nouveau une lettre de sa part :
« Cher pervers, il va falloir passer à une autre étape si tu veux continuer à jouir de la vue de mes dessous. Tu vas aller voir ma copine Virginie, elle tient un magasin de lingerie, rue ****, tu lui diras que tu viens de ma part. Ta petite vicieuse adorée. »
Un magasin de lingerie, qu'avait elle imaginé encore ?
Nous étions vendredi, il faisait nuit, le magasin n'étant pas trop loin je décidais d'y aller de suite, je serais fixé comme ça. Arrivé devant celui-ci, je poussais la porte et pénétrais à l'intérieur. Une magnifique brune me reçu.
-Bonjour je cherche Virginie.
-C'est moi, que puis-je pour vous ?
-Je viens de la part de Jessica.
-Ah oui, je vous attendez.
Elle alla à la porte du magasin, la ferma à clé et baissa les stores.
Nous passâmes dans l'arrière boutique.
-C'est donc vous le vieux pervers dont ma parler Jessy.
Je rougis.
-Jessy m'a dit que vous aimez mater ?
-Oui c'est vrai.
Elle dégrafa alors sa robe, elle portait une guêpière seins nus qui mettaient ses seins magnifiques en valeur, avec un très joli string. Elle tourna pour que je puisse mater *** cul.
-Alors ?
-Bien, pas***s aux choses sérieuses, déshabillez vous.
-Comment ?
-Allons, si vous voulez continuer à mater ma copine il faut obéir, maintenant libre à vous de partir, c'est comme vous vous voulez.
Je pensais au cul de Jessica et je me dévêtis. J'étais entièrement nu avec une érection terrible.
-Humm belle queue.
Elle alla dans la boutique et j'eus tout le loisir de mater *** beau cul. Elle revint avec des shorty.
-Essayez ça.
J'en enfilais un, il me moulait bien, je matais mon cul dans la glace, je le trouvai très bandant.
-Cela vous va très bien.
A nouveau elle alla dans la boutique et revint avec des porte-jarretelles et des bas.
-Nous allons essayer cela maintenant.
Elle m'attacha le porte-jarretelles et me fixa les bas, j'eu tout le loisir d'admirer sa poitrine, ma queue me faisait mal tellement elle était grosse. Une fois fini je me regardé à nouveau dans la glace, je pensai que je pourrais faire bander un homme vêtu ainsi.
-Voila comment Jessica veut vous voir vêtu dorénavant.
- Tout les jours ?
-Oui sans exception, je vais vous donner assez de shortys et de porte-jarretelles pour que vous puisez faire un roulement. D'ailleurs cela commence à partir de maintenant. Il manque une dernière chose.
Elle reparti dans la boutique et en revint avec des escarpins.
-Mettez cette paire. Ils ne font que 13cm pour commencer. Vous ne les mettrez que chez vous pour vous habituer, dans un mois vous viendrez chercher des 14cms et ce jusqu'à ce que vous sachiez marcher sur des 18cm. Regarder dans la glace comme cela cambre bien votre cul.
Je du en convenir.
-Maintenant vous allez vous branler devant moi.
Elle me tendit un mouchoir. Je sortis ma queue du shorty et me branla, je ne tardai pas à jouir en expulsant une forte quantité de foutre.
-C'est bien, allé rentrait chez vous sale pervers et n'oubliez pas dans un mois pour les chaussures.
Je me rhabillai en gardant mon shorty et mes bas et rentra chez moi. La sensation des bas et le frottement des jarretelles sur mes cuisses me procurèrent une forte bandai***. Arrivé chez moi j'ôtais mes vêtements, remis mes escarpins et me branla encore une fois. Je passai le week-end ainsi m'habituant à marcher avec des talons. J'avais hâte d'être à lundi pour montrer mes dessous à Jessica.


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Merci pour la seconde histoire... très bonne... quant à la première... mais merci quand même.


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surprise par mon beau père

Bonjour,j'avais 25ans à l'époque et vivait avec mon mari Pierre dans un petit deux pièces.J'étais une jeune femme sérieuse, naïve et d'une éducation catholique rigide. Mon mari était mon premier homme et j'avoue que j'étais pleine de principe.Très souvent il était demandeur de plus de chose sur le plan sexuel mais je trouvais cela pas net. Comme souvent nous passions beaucoup de temps chez sa mère et *** beau père dans une grande mai*** avec piscine. Cet été là nous y avons séjournés pendant 2 mois nous dormions dans la chambre d'amis . Puis un jour en rangeant du linge dans la chambre de ma belle mère; j'ai fais tombé des vêtements, et en me baissant pour les ramassés ma curiosité a été attirée par une boite cachée sous l'armoire je sais pas pourquoi j'ai regardé ce qu'elle contenait et quel ne fut pas ma surprise de découvrir à l'ntérieur plusieurs magazines parlant de confessions sexuelles et de 2 godes de différentes tailles . Un peu surprise je lisais quand même quelques articles de ses magazines tabous pour l'éducation que j'avais reçu. Après avoir rangé la boite; pendant 3 jours j'ai beaucoup repensé à certains passages que j'avais vite survolés et à la présence de ces godes. Un après midi étant seule je n'ai pu résister à l'appel de cette boite que j'ai emmené dans ma chambre et j'ai commencé à feuilleter les magazines. Sans m'en rendre compte j'ai été absorbée et excitée par cette lecture au point de commencer à jouer avec les godes et à m'imaginer à la place de certaines héroïne de ces magazines. Puis petit a petit quand j'avais un peu de temps ou je me retrouvais seule, je lisais ou relisais certaines histoires qui m'émoustillait de plus en plus et m'attirait "de plus en plus" vers ces godes. Il m'arrivait de m'imaginer à la place de certaines femmes dans des adultères ou des liai***s avec des hommes un peu autoritaire. Un mercredi après midi étant seule j'ai commencé mon petit manège; une histoire m'excitait énormément.J'ai commencé à sucer un des godes comme jamais je n'aurais imaginée le faire moi qui ne voulait pas entendre parler de la fellation..puis sans m'en rendre compte je me suis mise a lire et a sucer et me goder avec frénésie je prenais de plus en plus de plaisir,l'excitation était a *** paroxisme;lorsque mon beau-père poussa la porte de la chambre pour me surprendre avec un livre dans la main , un gode dans la bouche et l'autre dans mon sexe. J'ai cru mourir de honte. Affolée je tirais le drap sur moi et cachait tout le reste,mais mon beau-père un homme de 50 ans grand, gri***nant et assez costaud me dit alors on s'amuse toute seule pendant que *** mari n'est pas là .Je ne savais pas quoi dire ni quoi faire;je m'excusais en begayant lui demandant de ne rien dire, mais très vite il me fit comprendre qu'il me regardait depuis un petit moment et qu'il avait trouvé cela très agréable; je n'entendait presque rien de ce qu'il disait le suppliant de ne rien dire. Il me dit très bien je dis rien mais je veux te voir continuer; devant mon refus il quitta la pièce en me disant : très bien tu verra avec ton mari. Je le suppliait a moitié nue dans le couloir de ne rien dire et je finis par accepter *** marché. Non sans mal je recommençais mais il quitta de nouveau la pièce me disant que c'était pas la peine queje n'y mettais pas du coeur. Je le suivis dans le couloir en l'implorant de ne rien dire, que je ferais ce qu'il voudrait. Il me regarda et me dit tu feras ce que je voudrais? J'ai dit oui me sentant vraiment perdue que mon mari découvre cela. On retourna dans la chambre et il me fit lire une des histoires en me disant de me caresser avec un gode, malgré moi l'excitation commença à me gagner puis il prit le livre et continua la lecture en me disant de me goder et de sucer l'autre gode.
Malgré la honte qui s'emparait de moi je m'exécutais.l'excitation devenait de plus en plus forte, j'étais à nouveau dans le plaisir quand mon beau père se plaça près de moi et me dit "que tu es belle dans ton rôle de salope".Il avait prit le gode et me le faisait sucer, c'était fou mais tellement excitant. Puis il me l'enleva et me fit sucer ses doigts pendant qu'il me baisait avec l'autre gode; je commençais à défaillir quand un orgasme me dévasta. Il parlait beaucoup, me traitant de sacrée salope derrière mes airs de vierge effarouchée. Revenant petit à petit de mon orgasme et recommençant a sentir le plaisir monter, il se leva, baissa *** bermuda pour laisser apparaître un sexe de forte taille dressé à la verticale,il me regarda dans les yeux et me dit maintenant tu vas me montrer comment tu suces ton mari


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Je me retrouvais devant Jean qui me demandais de le sucer moi qui avait toujours refuser à mon mari de le faire. Je trouvais cela dégoûtant et j'informais Jean que je ne suçais pas mon mari que j'aimais pas cela . il éclata de rire et me dit pourtant tu suçais bien le gode tout à l'heure alors maintenant tu vas sucer une vraie bite. je lui disais que je pouvais pas il me regarda me prit par les cheveux qu'il tira et me dit tu crois que tu as le choix peut-être, il m'assit de ***** sur le bord du lit et me dit de bien m'appliquer.
Je prenais *** sexe en bouche et suivait le rythme qu'il m'imposait petit à petit je pris l'initiative de le masturber il me lâcha les cheveux et me complimenta en me disant tu vas voir tu en redemanderas tu aimes la bite. Au bout de cinq minute il me fit descendre du lit pour que le suce à genoux en le regardant il me demandait si j'aimais sa queue j'osai lui dire oui je me reconnaissais pas *** sexe était incroyablement dur j'avoue que cela me plaisait de plus en plus. puis il m'allongea et se positionna entre mes jambes et me lécha. Très vite j'eus un premier orgasme puis un second il prit un gode et me pénétra avec en me léchant je devenais folle de plaisir.puis il me lécha l'anus je le laissais faire c'était terriblement bon et excitant. je sentis qu'il essayait de me faire pénétrer un doigt je lui demandais d arrêter que je voulais pas mais il insista en me relevant les jambes et crachant sur mon anus.Au bout de 2 minutes il se positionna me relevant les jambes et posa *** gland sur mes lèvres et le frotta de bas en haut en appuyant sur mon clitoris c'était terriblement bon j'attendais avec beaucoup d'excitation qu'il me pénètre. Il s'amusait à me faire patienter me demandant si j'avais envie de disais oui il me demanda si je voulais qu'il me baise je lui demandais de me baiser. il prit ma tête dans ses mains et me demanda de le regarder je sentis *** sexe me pénétrer lentement mais très longuement il était fort. Puis il commença de long va et viens je sentais le plaisir monter de plus en plus je bougeais pour aller le chercher mais il s'arrêtait il me disait attends tu es trop pressée tu vas jouir mais laisse moi faire puis il reprit c'était trop fort. Puis il commença a accélérer je sentis une vague m'emporter c'était totalement fou je criai mon plaisir lui continuait de me prendre avec beaucoup de puissance. Puis il s'arrêta je reprenais mes esprits quand il me fit mettre en levrette et recommença à me prendre j'adorai sa façon de faire l'amour il me disais qu'il adorai éduquer des petites salopes qui connaissait rien au cul mais qui avait le feu au derche ce ***t ses mots je m'en souviendrais toute ma vie. il me fit l'amour pendant très longtemps dans diverses positions. quand il éjacula il se retira de mon ventre et se masturba en me demandant de le regarder il se déversa longuement et violemment sur mon ventre et ma poitrine je reçus du sperme jusqu'au menton. On resta un moment immobile il me caressa la poitrine en me disant que j'étais une véritable bombe sexuelle je lui souriait et lui avouait avoir adoré puis il quitta la pièce en me disant c'était un plaisir et qu'il se ferait un plaisir de me baiser quand il le pourra. Je restai un moment dans mes rêves puis commençais à avoir des remords.


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Une bonne merci, bonne contunuation


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#5,068 · Edited by: soumis8
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ahahahahah enfin une de bonne


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Husband Becomes Gay Slave

I am a married male who was seeking a little bi fun. I responded to an ad I found on the internet. There were 2 bi guys looking for a third. They were dominant and it worked out that I was submissive. We chatted on the phone a few times and I felt good about meeting them in a bar near there place. We met and decided to head back to their place for some fun.

They agreed to take it easy on me since I was new to this. We got undressed and they took my clothes away. I was very nervous but they got right to it. I was told to suck one of them and I felt the other probing my ass with a lubed up finger. He was very gentle fucking my virgin ass while I sucked his buddy. Joe who was in my ass was about 7.5" and Sam was about 8" and thick.

Sam started face fucking me and I gagged but kept going until he flooded my mouth with cum. Joe pulled out and came on my face. They told me to lay there and lick all the cum off my face. I did as I was told and then they gave me back my clothes. I was told to be back there Friday afternoon at 1pm. I told them that was perfect since my wife would be out of town for the weekend.

I showed up at their place on Friday and was told to take off my clothes and go shower. I did as I was told and then I stepped out of the shower and there was a woman to guide me out to the living room. I was shocked and embarrassed but was in for even more of a shock when we walked into the living room and there were 10 guys in there. Shirley who is Joe's girlfriend informed me that I was to be the fuck and suck slave for this gay/bi group and I was to do whatever they said while she took pictures.

I was groped and grabbed by each of the guys as the orgy started. Immediately I was surrounded by guys. I felt a guy probing my ass with his fingers and 2 cocks in front of me. I sucked off the first 2 guys while I was fucked in the ass by a huge cock. He pulled out and came on my stomach and I was told to scoop it up and eat the cum.

I took on all 10 guys several times each over the next 12 hours. I came twice without even having my cock touched and both times was ****** to lick it all up. I ate all of their cum even out of condoms when they came in my ass.

I left there at 1 in morning with both my jaw and my ass sore. I was told to go home and they would be calling me soon to meet again.

It was later the next week when they called and told me they had another gang bang planned with some new guys they met and wanted me there that evening. I said no way my wife is home. Joe told me I'd better or Shirley would deliver the pics to my wife.

I lied to my wife and was on my way out. I got there and showered. I came out and there were 3 guys for me to take care of. I sucked one, had one in my hand and another in my ass. They had all been tested at the local health clinic so Joe said they would not use condoms. The first guy came in my ass as the other came down my throat. The third guy went for my ass and fucked me hard until he came. I was given my clothes and told to go down to the corner gas station to clean up.

I drove down there with cum leaking out of my ass and went into the stall. The stall door was kicked in and there was another guy and he told me to suck him. I did as I was told and Shirley was there taking pics of me in the bathroom sucking cock. He came on my face and they left. I slowly cleaned up and drove home.

I didn't hear from them for about a week and then they wanted me to come over on our anniversary. I told them no way and went out with my wife. I was wondering what the punishment would be and was worried when I didn't hear from them for a week. I came home from work one Friday and there was Shirley sitting on our couch showing my wife pics of my fun.

I turned beet red and my wife calmly told me that she was leaving me. I begged her not to and she said she might agree but only if I would never expect sex again from her. I was told that I would belong to her, Shirley, Joe and Sam as there slave and if I didn't agree the pictures would go to my boss and coworkers. I agreed and became their slave.

I watched my wife have sex with many of the men from the 20 person group Joe and Sam formed of bi guys who were willing to be tested and only have sex in the group. I was the cum slut and the ass they fucked. I became the center of many parties where my wife invited her friends over to watch me get fucked and take loads and loads of cum on me and in me.

One night all 20 guys fucked me before the each came in my mouth and on my face.

This all ended for me after about a year when I was tired of watching my wife have sex and was not even allowed to fuck her or any of the men with my cock and I went out one night with a girl that came onto me at a mini mart. I should've been suspicious but I wasn't. We went back to her place and started to fuck and just at that minute Joe and my wife burst in and pulled me off of her. Then Joe pulled out his cock and began to fuck her while I watched.

As were leaving my wife told me that there would be harsh punishment for me for stepping out on her. I was to go home and she was going back to Joe and Sam's place for the night. I went to work the next day and there was my boss and secretary looking at my pictures posted out on a gay website. I didn't lose my job but wished I did and when I got home my wife filed for divorce. I packed my stuff and moved out to a 1 room apartment wishing I had never answered that ad.

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