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les histoires de chrislebo

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#3,571 · Edited by: chrislebo
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DSL pour la traduction

Supergirl devient un Superslut contre mister gré

«Tu es à moi Supergirl!

Supergirl gisait sur la table d'examen comme Lex
Luthor jubilait sur elle. Elle a lutté pour se libérer
des liens, mais elle se trouva sans power.
Elle a essayé de façonner, passer à quelque chose qui pourrait
rompre les liens .. mais même cela n'a pas aidé. Au lieu de
elle ne pouvait rien dans sa chemise de nuit comme Lex Luthor était
sur elle avec une paire de ciseaux.

«Qu'est-ce ... Qu'est-ce que tu fais?" dit-elle comme elle s'est penchée en
peur au ciseaux. «Quand Superman en entend parler
cette .. "

La mention même de l'homme d'acier fait de l'œil Luthor
go large. "Superman? Lui? At-il jamais voyez vous comme moi?
Hmm? "Sa main libre caressait ses jambes nues. Un verrou
de cheveux roux est tombé sur le visage Luthor comme sa main
progresser dans la chemise de nuit. «Avez-vous crier mister nom quand nous
étaient au lit? Avez-vous pensé à lui quand vous étiez
faire l'amour? "Sa main a atteint sa poitrine et il creuse
fermement, presque comme s'il était une possession. «Non! Vous
hurla MY NAME! Lex! Lex! Lex! Rappelez-vous? "Il a déménagé
les ciseaux au bas de la chemise de nuit. «Je
vous-même, et maintenant je vais prendre ce qui m'appartient! "

Presque comme un fou, il a coupé ouvrir le droit chemise de nuit
place au centre. Lorsque les ciseaux se mistert révélés trop lents,
il les jeta de côté et simplement déchiré dans la soie
matériel, il déchirent comme si c'était du papier. Elle portait
rien en dessous. Il a ensuite déchiré les manches
et puis il tire sur l'ensemble du matériel à partir d'ruinée
sous elle, comme un magicien.

Yeux Supergirl's est sorti trop large dans l'horreur que Luthor ogled
mister corps nu. À ce moment, elle voulait elle pouvait au
tout le moins se rendre invisible afin qu'il ne puisse la voir
comme cela.

Très méticuleusement, Luthor a commencé à se déshabiller. Le
Veste et pantalon italiens ont été suspendus au cours de la proximité
chaise. La cravate en soie rouge (un cadeau de Rush Limbaugh) et
chemise de soie blanche qu'il gisait sur le dessus. Supergirl jamais su
ce qui est arrivé à des chaussures et des chaussettes Luthor, mais il
semblait qu'il ne portait pas quand il entra dans la chambre.
Enfin, il enlevait ses boxeurs monogrammé et
confrontés Supergirl. Son corps était mince et en forme, la longue
cheveux en rouge et la barbe couronnant mister visage comme un soleil, comme
un autre cercle de courts cheveux roux a couronné sa très
grand et très pénis en érection.

Elle était plus grande encore que Supergirl pouvait se souvenir!
Douze pouces au moins!

Elle a presque l'air d'Luthor avait une troisième jambe!

"Oh god! No. .." Supergirl dit avec un murmure ..

"J'ai pris quelques-unes des formules de Gretchen", Luthor
dit avec un sourire diabolique, comme il s'est approché d'elle. «Je suis
plus d'un homme, maintenant que Superman pourrait jamais être! Et quand
J'en ai fini avec toi, tu vas me demander de plus! "

«Non, Lex, s'il vous plaît-elle supplié. «Ne fais pas ça! S'il vous plaît!

Il monta sur la table avec mister jeu énorme bite
entre ses jambes.

La pointe a commencé à suinter cum pré-dessus de sa chatte blonde.


Luthor se stabilisa-dessus de mister corps nu, la préparation
vers la mémoire RAM sa bite en elle. «J'avoue que vous Supergirl. Et lex
Luthor prend ce qui est le sien! "


Supergirl réveil hurler d'horreur. Puis elle s'est rendu compte
C'était juste un rêve. Elle serrait les mains autour d'elle
chemise de nuit pour la rassurer de cela.

"Mae? Mae, chère, vous allez bien?"

Martha Kent a trouvé dans la chambre. Jonathan Kent avait raimister
derrière elle. «Nous avons entendu dire que vous crier chère, allez-vous tous

Supergirl ferma les yeux et sourit légèrement. «Ouais,
ma, je vais bien. C'était juste un cauchemar, c'est tout. "

Le Kents regardaient bizarrement. Cela a été un
alors que depuis "Mae" (comme ils l'appelaient) jamais visé
à Martha que "ma". Le seul moment où elle a fait, c'est quand
elle avait pris la forme et l'identité de leur adoption
fils, Clark Kent.

Martha s'assit sur le bord du lit et enveloppé ses bras
autour de la jeune fille blonde. «Êtes-vous sûr chère?

Supergirl embrassé Marthe comme sa fille serait une mère.
"Ouais ma .. Je crois que c'était le stress de la mission,
c'est tout. "

Jonathan posa une main réconfortante sur l'épaule de la jeune fille.
«Vous voulez en parler?"

Elle sourit. "Euh, en fait, je voudrais obtenir quelques frais
air, si cela ne vous dérange pas. "

Martha l'a embrassée sur le front. "Bien sûr, ma chère.

"Chaque fois que vous voulez en parler, nous sommes là pour vous
Mae ", ajoute Jonathan.


Elle a attendu jusqu'à ce qu'ils quittent la salle avant de sortir
du lit. Elle a souhaité qu'elle se trouvait dans l'ancienne chambre de Clark.
Alors peut-être qu'elle ne se sentirait pas si inquiet sur l'appel
Martha "Ma". Mais la maimister a été détruite par Kent
Conduit mois plus tôt. Que les nouvelles ne siègent pas bien avec elle
soit. Ils étaient comme des parents à elle, et pas même
Clark pourrait lui dire ce qui s'est passé. Et ce n'était pas comme
elle ne pouvait pas être atteint, elle travaillait pour le New
Titans! Clark aurait pu être facilement placé un appel à la
Justice League pour eux de communiquer avec elle! Mais non, elle avait
pour trouver le chemin difficile après mister retour de New
Tamaran avec Darkstar et Green Lantern.

Une fois qu'elle a appris que Jonathan et Martha
voyageant à travers le pays dans un VR, elle a décidé la
moins, elle pouvait faire était de les traiter pour une nuit ou deux dans
un hôtel décent. Elle a utilisé une partie de l'argent qu'elle gagnait
avec les Titans pour la suite d'hôtel de première classe qui
avait deux chambres à coucher. Il sorte de lui rappelait quand elle
travaillé avec Lexcorp ... et peut-être, elle figurait, a été
raimister pour laquelle les cauchemars.

Elle Telekinetically transformé sa chemise dans mister
costume rouge et bleu Supergirl et s'avança sur le
terrasse. Il était encore au milieu de la nuit, alors elle
n'ont pas à s'inquiéter de permisternes remarquant que
Supergirl fut l'un des invités. "Peut-être l'air de la nuit
me fera du bien, dit-elle à elle-même.

Elle s'élança vers le ciel, obtenir une vue plongeante sur la
Resort ville endormie. Il avait l'air paisible et tranquille. Non
scélérats à la défaite, pas d'étrangers désireux d'envahir, non
bouleversante crisises à résoudre .. et pas de Lex Luthor.

La mention même de Lex Luthor fit chair de poule. Elle
n'avait jamais connu l'amour avant Luthor. Et elle n'avait jamais
connue trahimister avant Lex Luthor. L'homme l'a utilisé à partir de
le jour où il l'a rencontrée. Il mascarade comme un fils qu'il n'a jamais
eu, et, ce faisant, ressemblait à la Luthor de mister
planète, l'homme qui l'a faite, et l'homme qu'elle
a fini par tomber en amour avec, avant d'être tué par
trois tyrans super-puissance. Elle-même ne serait pas
vivante si ce n'est pour Superman.

Elle aimait Luthor, et Luthor mister utilisé à chaque
concevable occasion. Il la traitait comme un trophée,
affichant mister pour le bien de Lexcorp et lui. Et
il a essayé de la retenir de «danger». Elle a d'abord
pensé que c'était à cause de mister amour pour elle, mais elle
appris plus tard qu'elle était parce qu'il voulait Superman à l'emporte -
afin qu'elle puisse être Luthor propre «champion». Quand
Superman Doomsday confrontés, Luthor a attendu jusqu'à ce que le
monstre était au Métropolis de Montréal avant de la laisser aller. Quand
Superman est mort, elle a été le champion du «nouveau» pour
Metropolis. Et quand on regardait comme Superman était de
revenir, il lui a ordonné de ne pas aider à faire face off
contre le cyborg. Après tout, le trophée «parfait»
doit être préservé, pensait-elle.

Puis il y avait le sexe. Non seulement une Luthor
dominateur tyran dans la salle de réunion, mais il était monstre
Dans la chambre! Il l'a baisée dans tous les concevable
imaginables position, et ensuite parce qu'elle était une forme -
levier de vitesses, baisée dans toutes les positions inconcevable!
Elle déplaça sa forme tant de fois que parfois elle
avait peur qu'elle allait retourner chez elle
protoplasmique état! Et elle se transforma en différents
femmes! Maggie Sawyer, Cat Grant, Madonna, Hillary
Clinton, Wonder Woman, Batgirl, Black Canary .. de ne pas
parler de toutes les femmes jamais employé par Lexcorp! Mais le
secret absolu pis, elle a juré de ne JAMAIS dire
Clark est que le rôle sexuel favoris Luthor était pour elle
de se transformer en Lois Lane!

Mais à l'époque rien de tout cela importe, parce qu'elle aimait
Lex. Elle a menti pour Lex. Elle a appuyé Lex. Et à un
point, si on lui a dit d'elle l'aurait tué pour

Et c'est seulement après qu'elle voyait pour la première fois ce qui
Luthor faisait cela, elle s'est rendue compte qu'elle était utilisée!
Elle devint fou furieux au début, mais plus tard appris comment elle
pourrait faire beaucoup plus de bien en les aidant Clark et le
Gouvernement abattre Luthor. Elle pensait qu'elle pouvait faire
ce résultat issu des Titans .. mais maintenant, il semblait que la
Titans étaient finis. Elle ne savait pas ce qu'elle était
allons faire ensuite, mais une chose est certaine, elle a été
va faire baisser les Luthor si ...

Vient alors un flash de lumière attiré mister attention. Elle
a survolé pour savoir ce que c'était.

Un camion transportant de l'essence a travers le jackknife
route et a pris feu. Elle connaissait les flammes pourraient
atteindre les réservoirs d'essence en quelques minutes, et
mister tour l'ensemble du tronçon de l'autoroute dans une boule de feu!

Elle a atterri près de la cabine du camion et a tiré le
conducteur inconscient Out. Puis, après avoir attentivement le déplacement
hors de danger, elle a tourné mister attention à l'arrêt de la
incendie. Il n'y avait pas de lacs qui ont été suffisamment proches pour
elle de se lancer le véhicule vers, et le feu serait un
se propagent plus vite si elle a ramassé le camion et ils ont décollé
n'importe où. Elle a même envisagé changer de forme elle-même
en une substance gluante qui étouffe l'incendie, mais
elle ne savait pas quel type de substance, elle pourrait se déplacer

Puis elle se souvint d'une scène tirée d'un Fantastic Four ""
dessin animé. Supergirl entouré le camion entier avec un
domaine de télékinésie, puis concentré dur pour le phoque
fermée ... blanchi l'oxygène. Sweat perles le long de ses
beau visage, elle se concentre comme jamais auparavant.
Il m'a semblé une éternité pour Supergirl, mais dans un
question de minutes, le feu était éteint.

Elle a entendu les applaudissements des automobilistes en panne, comme
ainsi que les sirènes de la police et les unités de feu comme
ils ont essayé d'arriver sur les lieux. Elle a reposé au
capot du véhicule le plus proche. Elle n'avait jamais pensé
sur l'utilisation de ses pouvoirs psychokinétiques cette manière-là,
et la pression sur tout mister corps était énorme. Elle se sentait
comme mister corps nageait dans la sueur.
Etes-vous tous Supergirl droit? The Trooper état demandé.

«Oui, répondit-elle. "Je vous remercie officier. Je viens
jamais ...."

En ce moment, elle a vu un aperçu d'un homme derrière le camion.
Il était chauve, avec des traits frappants de .... Lex

Elle se fait monter sur le capot de la voiture. "Excusez -
moi officier, dit-elle, comme elle vola derrière le camion.

Mais il était parti.


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Supergirl passé la journée avec Jonathan et Martha Kent
comme ils ont fait une visite panoramique de la petite station
ville. Après le cauchemar d'être presque violée par Lex
Luthor et puis de voir ce qu'elle croyait être Luthor
lui-même vraiment mister secoué. Elle avait besoin d'un certain temps loin
Supergirl de l'être. Certain temps pour être juste "Mae."

Elle a décidé d'être aussi discrète que possible. Elle
attaché ses cheveux en arrière, se change en baggy et un sweat-shirt
jeans, et ensuite placées sur une paire de lunettes de fil trame.
«Si ça marche pour Clark, il devrait pour moi», dit-elle à
elle-même. «D'ailleurs, Jonathan et Martha portez des lunettes, si
Je vais juste regarder comme je suis leur fille ou quelque chose. "

Martha a pris "Mae" à la solderie locales tout en
Jonathan essayé d'appeler Clark et lui faire savoir où
ils étaient et que Supergirl était avec eux. Depuis
Matrix a su apporter à la maimister de la balle morte qui a été
Une fois qu'une terre de suppléants, de Jonathan et Martha avait
l'avait traitée comme la fille qu'ils n'ont jamais eue. Et quand
Luthor trahi sa confiance, le Kents étaient là pour

"Mae? Marthe a dit qu'elle a sorti une robe d'un
des crémaillères. Il s'agissait d'une simple robe, rouge avec blanc
franges. Il boutonnée sur le devant et a eu un très modeste
V-cut au sommet. "Que pensez-vous?"

Mae pensé une seconde. «Hmm .. non, je ne
pense que oui MA.

Il a été conservateur. Trop conservateur pour ses goûts.
Bien sûr que c'est OK pour elle quand elle pensait qu'elle était une
Autre version de Lana Lang, dans un monde qui semblait
d'avoir vingt ans après il est temps. Mais aujourd'hui, comme
"Mae", elle ne se souciait pas pour elle. Elle a pris l'habitude de porter
quelques-uns des plus beaux dessins et modèles dans le monde quand elle était
avec Luthor. De plus, elle aimait exhibant mister corps.

Elle a obtenu un frismister secret battant autour comme Supergirl avec
tous les mecs essaient d'obtenir un aperçu de sa culotte rouge
sous sa jupe rouge courte. Elle a même pensé à ne pas
une culotte une fois, mais elle savait que Clark aurait objet
à cela. Il y avait même une section sur l'Internet au sujet
celle appelée "alt.supergirl.panties" qu'elle avait rendu visite
une fois en utilisant l'ordinateur de Clark. L'argument à commandes a été
si elle était un blond naturel. Elle était presque tenté
pour leur faire savoir qu'elle était un blob gris naturel de

Quelques secondes plus tard, Mae trouvé une robe qui était plus à mister
goût .. elle était rouge, avec une jupe courte à plis qui
serait à peine atteindre le haut des cuisses, un coupe-bas
dos, et la seule chose que le tenant sur mister corps serait
Spaghetti-être deux lanières sur chaque épaule.

"I like this one mieux, dit-elle tenir la robe
à Martha.

Martha plissa le nez légèrement. «Je ne sais plus Mae ..
Je sais que les femmes ne portent pas ce genre de trucs. Il montre
off trop de votre peau. "

"Well I don't mind that,. Ma I un peu comme ce que je
ont, dit-elle avec un sourire. Elle le regarda d'un
seconde, puis mettre la robe de retour sur le rack.

"Tu ne vas pas à l'essayer?" Martha posées.

«C'est un des plaisirs d'être une forme-shifter",
Mae chuchoté. "Je peux porter ce que je veux avec juste
une pensée! Window shopping est un tout nouveau sens pour
moi. "

Martha ricana. «Je suppose que c'est le cas, Mae."

Comme ils ont quitté le magasin, une limousine blanche s'est arrêtée dans
le stationnement. Il a immédiatement attiré l'attention de
Supergirl et Martha Kent.

"Hmm ..." dit Martha. «Je ne m'attendais pas à voir une
limousines ici.

"Moi non plus," Mae dit. "Mais regardez-y. Ce n'est pas
même essayer de trouver une place de stationnement! C'est presque comme
si .. "

En ce moment, elle saisit les plaques d'immatriculation de la limousine.

Berline de Lex Luthor!

"Il est là!" Supergirl exclamé. "Ma, se rendre à un téléphone,
appel Clark et lui faire savoir Lex Luthor est ici. Je suis
va savoir où il a été caché. "

«Mais Mae Mae ... ... attendez!"

Mais il était trop tard pour Martha Kent. Supergirl esquivé
derrière le bâtiment juste assez longtemps pour transformer sa
habillé dans mister costume de Supergirl et ensuite se tourner

Elle savait que si Luthor essayait de se cacher qu'il faisait
un mauvais travail en se rendant dans la ville dans mister propre bout
limousine! D'ailleurs, elle se demande, n'a pas été détruite
Luthor lorsqu'il a essayé de détruire Metropolis?

Se méfier, elle a gardé ses distances avec le blanc
limousine et survolait, essayant de voir si elle pouvait
avoir un aperçu de confirmer que Luthor était en effet à l'intérieur.
Depuis mister évasion de garde a été Luthor
exaspérante à la fois l'application des lois et Superman dans leur
tente de le reprendre pour qu'il puisse subir mister procès. Et
tandis que ses affaires avec les Titans prenaient souvent en
des directions différentes, elle était toujours prête à tout
elle a pris de voir que Luthor ne sentait aucune douleur plus de femmes
comme il l'a fait mal!


Posts: 165522 Pictures: 3 
#3,573 · Edited by: chrislebo
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Martha Kent a trouvé mister mari et lui faire savoir ce qui a été

«Hmm ... Well Clark n'était pas à mister appartement, donc je suppose
soit il est avec Lois ou il ya un problème quelque part, il
nécessaires pour être à en Superman. "

«Eh bien, nous devons lui faire savoir que Mae va après
Lex Luthor! ", A insisté Martha." Je ne veux pas la voir
fait plus mal que cet homme lui a fait mal!

«Je sais que Martha, je sais», dit Jonathan en mettant un
rassurant bras autour d'elle. "Nous avons tous deux l'aime comme un
fille, et je sais que Clark l'aime comme une sœur. "Il
pêché par sa poche pour un autre trimestre. «Je vais
voir si Lois est à la maimister ... "


«Oh Clark!" Lois gémit comme elle creuse mister sein intégral.

«Oh Clark ... mmm .. le coller en moi ... OOOOH Clark .. Oh
baby .. Fill Me Up! "

Lois a été haletant comme elle pinça mamelon. "Oh!
dieu .. oh baby .. Fill Me Up Clark .. UUUUNNNGGGHHH ... Oh!
Dieu ... Oh ... Oh ... Oh mon dieu Clark, I'm gonna cum, I, I,

* RING! *

Lois était juste assis là sur le lit, haletant comme le téléphone
misterna. Sur la troisième misternerie, elle tendit la main et ramassa
vers le haut.


"Bonjour Loïs? Lois, c'est Jonathan Clark .. Est-il?"

"Clark? dit-elle comme elle se redressa. «Non, désolé Jonathan ..
il n'est pas là .. "

"Lois? Êtes-vous OK?"

"Ouais," dit-elle en tira le vibrateur en acier
de mister manchon brun.

«J'ai été .. achève une séance d'entraînement .. vous savez, l'aérobic
et tout ça? Pourquoi? What's wrong? "

«Eh bien Mae est ici avec nous, nous sommes tombés sur elle, sur notre chemin
à Chicago et elle nous a mis en place dans un joli hôtel ici ..
anyways, Martha dit que deux d'entre eux a vu de Lex Luthor
limousine conduite par elle à Sugar Creek ... "

"Lex Luthor? dit-elle effrayée. «Que fait-il à
un endroit appelé Sugar Creek?

"Nous ne savons pas cher .. anyways nous voulions laisser Clark
savez si il avait Aide Mae captures Luthor, mais il ne semble pas
d'être à mister appartement, si nous avons compris que nous avions vous essayez .. "

"Eh bien, je ne sais pas, Jonathan .. Clark a été assez
occupé ces derniers temps. Je ne sais même pas où il est à la fois. "

"Ouais, je peux comprendre Lois .. c'est un peu comme être
fiancée à un médecin, tu ne sais pas quand il serait
nécessaire. Quoi qu'il en soit, nous avons besoin de laisser Clark savez, alors S'IL VOUS PLAÎT
quand vous le verrez ... "

«Je vais lui faire connaître la première chose," Lois dit. "Et
Je vais voir si il ya quelqu'un que je puisse mettre la main sur de
Aide .. "

«OK cher .. merci."

"Bye Jonathan."

Que Lois a raccroché le téléphone, elle a regardé sa nu
et la sueur du corps trempés. "JE SOUHAITE Clark était vraiment ici»,
se dit-elle. "Ce vibromasseur acier est sûr que
pas un enfer, un substitut à sa bite d'acier! Anyways,
Je ferais mieux de prendre une douche et ensuite voir si je peux obtenir une prise
de quelqu'un qui peut aider Supergirl ".


"IEEEEEEEEE! Roxy Leech a crié dans l'horreur comme chaque
les fibres de ses vêtements était la ville à part et elle s'envola
corps. Son tee-shirt blanc, mister short kaki, même mister
Soutien-gorge et culottes en dentelle semblaient voler en morceaux, exposant
mister corps nubile à ..


"Oups!" Superboy dit avec un sourire. "Désolé Roxy. J'imagine
Je me suis un peu hors de contrôle avec mon tactiles
télékinésie. Tout ce que l'exercice grâce Knockout, vous savez. "

"Ouais, je parie! dit-elle comme elle a giflé le jeune homme
dans le visage, puis se précipita dans sa chambre.

«Comment pourrait-il me faire ça? se demandait-elle. Tous
cette fois, elle est prête et disposée au lit Superboy
Knockout lorsque cette coquine se montre. Et depuis qu'elle
tiré que peu de strip-tease avec l'enfant quelques jours
auparavant, il avait hâte de voir toutes les femmes autour de lui
nu. Première Tana, maintenant elle!

Vient ensuite le téléphone a misterné.

"Bonjour!" dit-elle en reniflant.

"Bonjour, ceci est de Lois Lane Daily Planet. Qui suis-je
parler avec?

«Il s'agit d'Roxy Leech."

«Roxy? Oh, fille de Rex .. ok .. Eh bien je besoin pour obtenir un
détiennent de Superboy. C'est urgent. "

«Hold On», gémit-elle. «Je viens de voir lui il ya une seconde .."
Elle a dirigé retourner dans le salon, mais tout ce qu'elle
a vu mister père qui était dans la maimister.

"Roxy!" dit-il étonné. "Que fais-tu la marche
autour nu-cul nu??

"Where's SB? dit-elle. "Lois Lane est sur le téléphone. Elle
dit que c'est urgent.

«Le kid? Oh, il vient de sortir avec Knockout. Something
À propos de plus d'entraînement de la puissance. "

"Ouais, je parie .." elle murmura, puis rentra dans
sa chambre.

"Désolé Mme Lane, SB juste de quitter il ya quelques minutes."

"Qu'en est-il Dubilex? Lois posées. "Ne pouvez-vous lui dire?"

"Ouais, et bien je ne sais pas où est Dubilex. He's
probablement pas sur l'exploration de l'île avec Krypto.

«Eh bien si vous voyez Superboy lui laisser savoir à communiquer avec moi, OK?
C'est urgent!

«Je veux,« Roxy dit. "Bye."

Supergirl suivi la limousine de dix miles
dehors de la ville. Et tout ne s'arrête pas une fois après avoir quitté le
Outlet Mall, ce qui donnait froid dans le dos de mister .. Fait
Lex sais que je suis le suivant, se demandait-elle. Non,
n'aurait pas pu ..

La limousine a ensuite fait une brusque à gauche de la route goudronnée et
sur un chemin de terre. Le signe au début de la saleté
route lire "Lexcorp Mining Company." Les mots "CLOSED"
ont été négligemment peints sur le toit du signe.

Supergirl tenait tête à distance, en vous assurant qu'elle
s'est vue à vol d'oiseau de l'installation minière abandonnée
avant, elle fait ses attaques. Il allait être un simple
reconnaissance-champ à la zone, assurez-vous que Luthor
était là, et puis de revenir avec Superman à prendre
Luthor une fois pour toutes.

Elle avait espéré que la limousine voulaient bien s'arrêter un de nos bureaux
constructions, de manière qu'elle ne pouvait obtenir une confirmation visuelle de
Luthor. Il avait joué un match ennuyeux de tromperie
avant, et elle voulait s'assurer qu'il était ici!
Au lieu de cela, la limousine tiré vers le haut dans la bouche de la mine
arbre, ce qui a apparemment été élargie pour soutenir le
à long véhicule. Elle n'avait pas d'autre choix que de le suivre
à l'intérieur.

La limousine a conduit à quelques pieds seulement dans le puits de mine
avant qu'il ne soit conducteur est sorti et a déménagé pour le passager
section. Le chauffeur était une rousse très sculpturale,
avec un corps vêtu d'un tueur très serré traditionnels
chauffeur tenue. Très typique pour un salarié Lexcorp!

Supergirl planait au-dessus du limo, attendant de voir Lex
sortie. Au lieu de cela, le conducteur femelle atteint dans le dos
de la voiture et sortit ce qui semblait être une permisterne
couvert dans une couverture sombre. Même à la lumière diminue
de la mine, elle ne pouvait pas dire qui est le deuxième chiffre
était. Etait-ce Luthor? Pourrait-il lui? Pourquoi était-il caché
sous une couverture? A été un piège? Les questions inondées
mister esprit. Elle a dû vous en assurer.

Le duo s'est brusquement au fond du puits jusqu'à ce qu'ils rencontré un
acier recouvert d'ouverture.

Le conducteur tapé dans une série de codes, puis le massif
porte s'ouvrit lentement.

Supergirl a attendu jusqu'à la dernière minute avant de plonger à
super-vitesse grâce à l'ouverture. Piège ou pas piège, elle
Fallait savoir si la seconde figure sous la couverture a été

Une fois les portes fermées, elle vit que le duo avait disparu
dans le couloir. Elle est restée invisible, et a plané
sur le sol jusqu'à ce qu'elle atteint la fin de la
couloir. La porte de l'autre côté est en chêne massif et
avait les initiales l.l. richement sculpté sur eux.

"Aucun sens ne prendre aucun risque maintenant", marmonnait-elle comme elle le fait
elle-même visible.

D'un coup telekinetic puissante, elle fustigé les portes
l'autre, révélant un salon de décoration, de l'autre
côté. Elle entra, prêt à tout.

Une silhouette solitaire assis derrière un bureau de l'époque victorienne. Il portait une
coûteux costume gris charbon de bois avec une chemise blanche et
Black Tie. Il était chauve, mais il avait encore le déterminé
visage et des yeux perçants de l'homme qu'elle a déjà été en amour
avec ..

"Luthor .." elle a murmuré à voix basse.


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"Bonjour Supergirl", Lex Luthor dit nonchalamment.
"Bienvenue dans ma demeure peu. Je suis content que vous avez décidé de
arrêtez au lieu de se faufiler partout comme un fantôme.
Souhaitez-vous vous occupez de thé? I've got your favorite .. "

«Je préférerais que vous voyez derrière les barreaux! Supergirl craché,
puis facturés au super-vitesse à lui.

Mais au lieu de Luthor parvenir, elle a plutôt touché
fortement sur une barrière invisible. Aussitôt, elle entendit
la porte derrière elle claquent avec une seconde métalliques
porte remplacer celle en bois, elle brisée pour entrer dans
la pièce.

«Vous devez plaisanter Luthor! dit-elle. «Je peux briser
à travers cette barrière et avez-vous en garde à vue avant que vous
peut dire «Je veux que mes avocats!"

Luthor se leva de derrière le bureau d'antiquités. "Vraiment?"
dit-il. "Alors peut-être je devrais faire un peu plus
d'un défi .. "

Il a fait sa main gauche au Supergirl, qui contenait
un dispositif de télécommande bizarre qui ressemblait à un simple
encre de stylo. Il a cliqué sur la fin.

Instantanément un faisceau d'énergie bleu frappé de Supergirl
derrière. Elle s'attendait à ressentir la douleur, mais elle se sentait
plaisir lorsque le faisceau de la frapper.

"LL-Luthor, dit-elle, dans presque un murmure,« je-ne d
ww-sais de quoi il s'agit, b-mais ça mm-faire à votre cc -
capturer tous les m-m-plus agréable .. "

Luthor sourit. «Eh bien, je suppose que ce n'est pas qu'une grande partie de
un défi ..

Hmm .. How about this? "

Un autre clic permet de la sorte de parc à distance deux autres
poutres la frapper des deux côtés. Elle sentait absolue
de plaisance en provenance de mister corps .. presque orgasmique
plaisir .. qui a porté en particulier sur ses seins. Elle
pouvait sentir ses mamelons get hard rock et de la houle
sous sa tenue, et elle ne pouvait déceler que mister
culottes commençaient à se mouiller sous mister court

"W-ce que a-y-êtes vous d-t-faire à m-me?" elle a exigé que
les vagues de plaisir frapper durement.

"J'ai réussi à acquérir un petit jouet tout à l'heure à partir d'un
gars nommé Lord Easystreet. Il l'a appelé une
«Orgasmatron». Il a même dit qu'il a réussi à faire baisser les
quelqu'un d'aussi puissant que Wonder Woman, mais je n'étais pas trop
sûr de ses fanfaronnades ralenti jusqu'à ce que je pouvais l'essayer
moi-même sur quelqu'un que je connaissais .. Je ne manquerai pas de le remercier
la prochaine fois que je le vois! "

Supergirl pantalon ne pouvait que les vagues bleues de l'énergie
a matraqué mister corps avec un plaisir absolu. Elle la connaissait
culottes étaient absolument trempée de sperme comme elle a commencé à
sentir mister premier orgasme. Elle a essayé de garder le silence, mais
sa respiration rend d'autant plus évidente. Son corps
tremblé et elle se sentait commencer à défaillir.

"Oh, ne faites pas tomber encore Supergirl", Luthor dit comme il a déménagé
plus près de la barrière qui les séparait. «Ce petit
expérience n'est pas encore terminée. "

Avec un autre clic de la télécommande d'un autre faisceau provenaient
le plancher de la salle, ciblée tout droit au Supergirl's
cum-entrejambe trempé. Elle a hurlé dans le plaisir absolu
les poutres frappée. Jamais auparavant avait-elle une telle expérience
pur plaisir dans sa vie! Elle a désespérément besoin de
sortir de la salle, ou du moins par la voie de la
Full Force des poutres .. alors peut-être pourrait-elle survivre
assez longtemps pour Clark de venir à mister aide.

En sueur, elle a lentement commencé à travailler sa façon
à la porte verrouillée. Elle était trop faible pour servir de ses
pouvoirs télékinésiques, mais elle espérait qu'elle posséderait
assez de power pour ouvrir la porte en métal que sa prescription.

"Oh no you don't," Luthor dit avec un sourire diabolique.
«Si vous n'avez qu'une grande partie de la lutte en vous, alors vous
devrait être capable de gérer toute la power du présent
device! "

Supergirl yeux est allée large comme elle a entendu ça. Elle
demi-tour et a été à peu près à la bouche les mots
«NON! il a cliqué sur le distant. Cette fois, les rayons
de l'Orgasmatron venait de TOUS les coins de la salle
à une intensité jamais elle ne pourrait même imaginer.

"ARRRHGUNGH!! Elle a crié comme elle l'expérience
de multiples orgasmes l'un après l'autre. "N-NO! P-PLEEEZE

Elle sentait mister corps se met à perdre la cohésion, comme elle
secoua violemment au milieu de la plaisance et l'intensité
des faisceaux. Sa peau est devenue au gris, et elle pourrait
sentir mister retour uniforme pour vous protoplasmique Etat.
L'obscurité a consumée ...


Quand Supergirl se réveilla, elle a remarqué quelque chose qui n'allait pas ...

Non, pas le léger tremblement dans les membres de la
orgasmes multiples qu'elle a endurées. Ni le bourdonnement dans mister
tête qu'elle n'a pas pu déterminer s'il s'agissait d'être
perdu connaissance ou un arrière-effet de la
Orgasmatron. Ni les restrictions que le tombé de mister étalement
a réussi un aigle sur une table métallique froide. Ces réalisations
vint ensuite.

Plutôt que c'était mister CLOTHES ..

Ceux qui la connaissaient savaient que les vêtements de Supergirl
l'étaient en réalité une extension de mister corps protoplasmique.
Ils étaient autant partie d'elle-même que ses cheveux blonds.
C'est pourquoi elle a été en mesure de changer de vêtements avec juste un
pensée. Mais les vêtements sur mister corps maintenant ne faisaient pas partie
de mister corps .. Ils étaient vraiment CLOTHES placées sur mister
corps. Et une ressemblance assez proche de sa Supergirl
outfit as well!

Vient ensuite Lex Luthor dans la chambre. Il ne
portait la tenue d'affaires coûteux, mais portait une
simple combinaimister de gris.

"Bonjour mon cher, dit-il nonchalamment. «J'espère que vous
bien dormi. "

"Vas te faire encule Luthor! elle crachait au venin évident.
"What the hell is this? What's with the contention?
What's with mettre ce costume de faux sur moi? "

Luthor ramassé un ordinateur bloc-notes et fait quelques
calculs sur elle. "Pour répondre à votre première question, at-il
dit sans la regarder, "ceci est ma petite
atelier. Vous allez en avoir appelé à la maimister. "

«Comme je vous l'enfer!"

Il poursuivi. "Pour répondre à votre deuxième question, ils mistert
pour ma sécurité, car, visiblement, vous ne serez pas coopérer
avec moi les choses que j'ai en réserve pour vous. Mais dans
temps je ne serai pas leur besoin. "

"Dans tes rêves Baldy, dit-elle avec défi. «À la minute
Je suis libre vous que vous me tuer! "


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Encore une fois, Luthor continue. "Pour répondre à votre troisième
question, vous verrez que j'ai annulé votre
pouvoirs, par un processus que je vais bientôt expliquer. Je suis sûr que
Par pudeur vous sommes reconnaissants j'ai pensé à
vous donnant nature Les éventuels de vêtements. Et comme pour votre petit
déclaration devant ces questions ... »Il regarda
elle avec un sourire diabolique et a dit «A la bonne heure, mon

Yeux Supergirl's sorti large quand elle a réalisé la
implications de cette déclaration. «Tu n'oserais pas, je
suis un membre des Titans maintenant! Partie d'un gouvernement fédéral
agence! L'acte même de capturer le moi est une *** de
les lois fédérales! Vous obtiendrez la peine de mort! "

Luthor sourit comme il se tourna mister attention vers la
Bloc-notes électronique. "Avez-vous VRAIMENT pense que ce serait
arrêtez-moi? Lex Luthor a fait bien pire que même vous
vous peut comprendre, et fait avec complète
l'impunité que je pourrais ajouter ... Maintenant, vous sentez-vous tout
vertige? Tout type de nausées ou de fièvre?

«Non. Tout ce que je semble être le désir ardent de vous voir
derrière les barreaux!

Il a atteint plus avec les mains libres et commencé à se sentir
Supergirl's face. ".. Hmm bien comme je le disais, vous avez
reçu un implant particulière alors que vous étiez brièvement dans
votre formulaire protoplasmique. Vous avez sans doute pu senti un
léger mal de tête en vous réveillant, mais la sensation
Enchaînement lent que votre corps s'adapte à ce nouveau dispositif .. "

Il a ensuite caressé ses cheveux, presque amoureusement. "Le dispositif
Moniteurs fonctionne un peu comme votre propre esprit dans le contrôle
votre corps et tous ses pouvoirs merveilleux. Une fois installé
il commence à apprendre tous les aspects de votre corps et tout ce qu'elle
peut faire. La première chose que j'ai fait était de l'utiliser pour
néant tous vos super-puissances. Vous n'êtes pas plus puissante
que toute femelle de l'homme. "Il a ensuite appelé sa main au
ses seins. «Hmm .. very nice work .. En effet mon
homologue de la planète morte vraiment fait mister travail,
n'at-il pas? "

"Tais-toi! dit-elle avec du venin. «Vous ne ressemblent en rien
la Lex Luthor je connaissais et aimais! NOTHING! Il n'a pas
traite-moi comme une sorte de rat de laboratoire!

"Bien sûr que Lex Luthor ne s'intéressait pas à vous en tant que
Je suis, dit-il, comme il tirait sur la fin de mister Top That
était soigneusement cachée sous sa jupe rouge. Il tira
finissent par perdre, exposant mister ventre mou comme il glissa sa
main sous les seins nus. "Il ne serait pas
demandais si vos mamelons étaient devient difficile par les
toucher, comme une femme humain le ferait. Il ne serait pas
demandais si vos seins ne gonflent avec l'anticipation
que les vôtres mistert maintenant sous ma .. touch "

Effectivement, les seins Supergirl étaient l'enflure et elle
pouvait sentir ses mamelons plus en plus difficile, avec près de
douce caresse de la main Luthor. Elle grimace, en essayant
désespérément difficile de se changer ou pour gagner même certains
semblant de contrôle sur mister corps de nouveau. Elle a essayé
penser à toutes les choses Luthor fait dans le passé ..
la façon dont il nuire à la Kents, Lois blessé, blessée .. mais
mister corps a continué à trahir mister esprit. Elle se sentait ce
de plus en plus comme Luthor déplacé sa main dans le passé de mister ventre,
et vers le bas sous sa jupe et la ceinture de mister

"N-Non, dit-elle, plaidant presque.

«Tu es mouillée, là-bas. Voir? Le corps NE trahir la
l'esprit, après tout, "Luthor dit avec un sourire en
retira sa main itinérants et mettre le bloc-notes électronique
sur la table à proximité. «Tu seras à moi, Supergirl.
Corps et âme. You will be mine! "

«Je préfère mourir!" dit-elle, comme elle a commencé à sentir qu'elle était
revivre mister pire cauchemar.

Luthor sourit. «Nous allons voir .." Puis il a commencé à freiner
sa combinaimister.

"Que fais-tu?" qu'elle demandait.

Luthor sourit comme il avait tiré la combinaimister du passé vers le bas
ses hanches. «Je vais vous prendre, Supergirl. Tout comme
J'ai dit que je ferais. "

Supergirl yeux est allée large comme elle vit Luthor
ciselés, le physique sans poil, puis elle a vu mister énorme
coq comme il a commencé à croître et à se durcir. Il a été clairement
nine inches flaccid, but once it started growing it
looked like it would be over a foot long!

'My god!' she said to herself. 'My nightmare is coming

Luthor grabbed hold of his huge member. "My friend here
has been painfully lonely," he said with a chuckle. "He
misses your sweet cunt!"

"Don't you DARE!" she screamed. "Don't you DARE do
this! Every hero in the world will come screaming for
your red, I promise you!"

"They'll just have to take a number!" Luthor said as he
leaped onto the table and stood in front of her. Son
now hard monstrous cock stood right in her face as he
peered down to her chest. "I have been waiting a LONG
time to do this."

With both hands he ripped her tunic open right across
the S-shield, exposing her B-cup breasts that were
already hard.

"Oh god please Lex.." she said as she began to sob.
"For what we had I beg you.. PLEASE do-.."

She couldn't finish those words as Luthor shoved his
hard cock into her open mouth. "That's more like it!"
he said with satisfaction. "Just suck on that for a
while. And no biting! Remember, you're human now. I can
hurt you in more ways than you know."

Supergirl started to gag as the huge cock was powerd
into her mouth. Tears streamed down the sides of her
face and she felt Luthor's hands on her breasts. Then
she felt Luthor's hand reach down and rip her panties
off, then she felt a chill as his fingers thrust
themselves into her wet pussy. She screamed as she was
powerd to suck on his cock. The vibrations from her
mouth added to Luthor's pleasure.

Luthor looked down at her with a sinister smile.
"Excellent! You DO know how to suck cock after all!"

Supergirl barely caught Luthor's statement. She was
more interested in trying to free herself while still
sucking on his monstrous member. In all the time she
was intimate with him he had NEVER been so big in his
life! She wondered if his deal with the devil Neron had
something to do with that. But that statement he made
caught her attention.. she's gone down on Luthor before
(when his cock was more normally proportioned, that is)
and he'd often commented that nobody could suck his
cock like she could. So WHY was he acting as though it
was his first time?

She was brought out of her concentration by a huge rush
of sperm. Luthor came inside her mouth, making her gag
with his semen, and spraying some of it out of her

Luthor pulled his cock out from her mouth. "Aw... you
didn't swallow. Well you certainly are a mess, aren't
you?" He pulled her cape off from underneath her body
and used it as a rag to clean off her face and the
table. "There, that's much better.."

Supergirl could only cough and fight to keep the bile
that was building up inside her. She had never retched
before, and she certainly wasn't going to start now!

"Now," Luthor said as he hoped back on the table, his
cock already hard again, "it's time for the Coup-De-

Supergirl coughed as she began to realize what was
going to happen. "No Lex.. please.. not there.. not

The tip of his cock touched her wet vagina. Pre-cum
started to already ooze from it. Just like in her

"No Lex.." she begged. "Please.. no.."

Then it slid into her.


"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Luthor said with satisfaction as he
began to inch his massive cock into her cunt. "YES!
That feels SOOOOO good! This will be SOOO wonderful!"

She tried to shut everything out. Tried to shut out the
world. Tried to shut out everything going on. But it
wasn't possible. His cock was too big. The waves of
pleasure and pain swept her too fast.

"UUUUNNNGGGHHH... Lex... n-n-no... NO! P-please!
OHGOD!! It's UUUGGGGH! It's too big... I can't ... Je


The huge phallus was deep inside her. Deep inside her
all-too-human-looking vagina and womb. Luthor said
nothing, but the huge smile on his face was very
uncharacteristic of the millionaire businessman who
always fucked with a straight poker face. He began to
pump his cock in and out of her, building a rhythm.

"NOOOO!!" Supergirl screamed. "NO! DON'T DO THIS!!!
She could feel him start to climax. "LEX NO! AAHHH!

But it was too late. Luthor winced. Then he shivered.
Then convulsed as his cock sprayed his sperm deep
inside her. Deep inside her body. It almost felt like a
fire hose of sperm spraying into her.



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Luthor got off the table and looked down at the prone
body of Supergirl.

Her skirt was hiked up to her navel. The blue tunic
with the trademarked S-shield ripped down the middle,
exposing her average but swollen breasts. La culotte
she was wearing were in a heap on the floor. Her blond
hair was wet from the sweat of her powerd sex. Cum
began to ooze out of her swollen cunt.

Despite what had happened to her, though, she wouldn't
cry. She wouldn't give him that kind of satisfaction.
She fought the tears that welled up in her eyes.

"You bastard!" she said with venom. "You're not Lex
Luthor! He would have never done this to me!"

"Lex" smiled. "You're right. I'm not Lex Luthor."

Supergirl was shocked at that revelation. She had her
suspicions, sure. After being ****d by a huge cock who
wouldn't? But the confirmation that the man who just
****d her wasn't Luthor still surprised her.

«Qui êtes-vous? she demanded.

The man who appeared to be Lex Luthor then began to
change. He morphed into a much younger man. Still with
a huge physique, and the same huge phallus, but now he
was much younger. In fact, he barely looked older than
21. He had wavy blond hair, but still had the firm jaw
and piercing eyes of Lex Luthor.

"You can call me X," the young man said. "X Luthor.
Kind of a nice ring, don't you think? Kind of like
those comic book characters.. what were they? Oh yeah..

"W-why?" elle demandé. "Why did you do this to me? Why
impermisterate yourself to look like Lex Luthor? Why did
you trap me? Why did you **** me?"

"Oh come on now!" he said with a laugh as he picked up
the computerized notepad again. "Do you REALLY think I
would get your attention if I looked just like I do
now? PUH-LEASE! Besides, I like looking like dear old
Daddy! I get access to his secret finances, dinner at
some of the finest restaurants without a reservation,
and access to all of his goodies!"

"D-daddy? You mean you're really... Luthor's SON?"

X smiled. "You could say that... MOM!"

Supergirl's eyes went even wider. "MOM??"

X laughed. "Well you're not really my lady.
Technically I don't even HAVE a lady. But you and I
are related in one aspect.. we're both protomatter

"The experiments," she mumred. "All those copies of

X nodded. "Exactly! Doctor Packard had made copies of
you using samples of your own protoplasmic body. BUT
Luthor didn't want just a copy of himself. He still
wanted to be human. So his scientists whipped up a
combination of homemade protomatter and human DNA, and
PRESTO! X Luthor is born!"

"Oh god.." dit-elle.

X examined his body. "Well I wasn't really 'born,' just
created. Anyways, the plan was to put Luthor's brain
inside my body. Then all hell broke loose. You and the
rest of the super-dopes busted dear old Daddy, and
trash Metropolis in the process. Lex got caught, and
all the assets and programs were frozen. They wanted to
******* me, but I was too smart to let THAT happen. So now
I have this whole facility to myself. EVERYTHING is at
my beck and call. For instance..."

X pressed a button on the notepad. Instantly a small
device came out from a recessed panel from behind a
wall. It was pointed straight at Supergirl's vulnerable

"That implant you have inside your head monitors
everything that goes on in your body. Kind of like a
videotape.. given enough stimulation and it will know
as much about your body as you do. Sometimes even

At a press of a button on the notepad, a familiar beam
of blue light hit Supergirl square in her navel. Le
beam from the Orgasmatron swept her body again, this
time stronger than she ever imagined it could be. Elle
screamed in pleasure.

"AAHHHHHHHH... No... not.. again..." she said as she
could feel herself building for a powerful climax.

"Lord Easystreet told me that this works kind of like a
have," X said with a crooked smile. "Once the initial
wave sweeps you, your body doesn't need as much to get
off on later. Well, we shall see, won't we?"

The waves of the beam hit her, much stronger this time
than before. Her whole body shook.


She convulsed as she came like she never did before.

X meanwhile simply stood nearby, still very much naked,
and still observing the readings on the little computer

"Excellent," he said with a smile. "Simply excellent."


Lois Lane slammed the phone down in frustration. Ainsi
many phone calls- and yet there was no one whom she
could call to contact to help Supergirl.

Superboy was no help. Neither was the Alpha Centurion.
She tried to call the Titans, but she found out they
disbanded quite recently. She knew Supergirl and
Arsenal were friends, but all she could get from Agent
Steel was that Arsenal was on assignment in Asia. Et
Clark was still around on the other side of the world.
She thought about using Clark's Justice League
communicator, but it would have been impossible to
explain how she knew about the device when Clark hadn't
been a member of that group since he was brought back
from the dead.

Finally, she realized there was one other call she
could make. It was a number Clark told her to use only
if needed. The number was on a piece of paper located
just underneath a picture of her and her fiancée.

"Yes?" Came a dark and foreboding voice on the other

"This is Lois Lane. Superman gave me this number in
case he can't be reached and it was an emergency."

"This number is not a paging service!" said the dark
male voice.

"This is an emergency," she said quickly, hoping the
permister on the other end wouldn't hang up. "It's about
Lex Luthor."

A second passed. "What about him?"

"He was spotted in a place called Sugar Creek.
Supergirl was following him, and she asked for some
assistance. I can't contact Superman or any of the
other heroes to help her. She needs your help."

"Supergirl is a grown woman," the man said. "She should
be able to take care of herself. But for Superman's
sake, I'll take a drive over there. It should take me a
day to get there from Gotham City."

"Thank you," Lois said with a sigh of relief. Then the
phone went dead.


Supergirl didn't know how long she was ***.
Hours? Days? It was all irrelevant to her. She did know
that X had cleaned her up and put her in another
duplicate costume, only this time without the cape.

X walked into the room carrying a tray. This time he
only wore a white robe with the initials LL on it. Il
was another one of Luthor's silk robes.

"Good morning my dear!" X said with a smile. He set the
tray at the table she was still strapped to and sat
down beside her. "I trust you are well rested."

"Why are you doing this?" she said with a somewhat
horse voice. "Why?"

"Still defiant I see," he said he ran his hand across
her cheek. "Perhaps after some breakfast you'll be a
bit more receptive. You do need to regain your

He straw-fed her a glass of instant breakfast. The meal
tasted like chocolate but with a somewhat metallic bite
to it. Once she was finished he wiped the sides of her
mouth with napkin, then set the tray aside before

"Why I captured you?" he asked as he picked up his
electronic notepad. "Why not? I really wanted to try
out my little tricks on Lois Lane, but when I saw you
on my way back to town I decided you would be a whole
lot more fun than old Lois. There are plenty of things
I can do with you that I can't do with someone like

"W.. What do you mean by that?" she asked with a quake
in her voice.

"Well I don't really appreciate how your creator
designed you," he said with a grin. "Your body seems a
bit.. well it seems a bit too plain. B-cup breasts,
drab blond hair.. he made you more 'girl' than
'super.'" He then pressed a few buttons on his notepad.
"I think you need a change."

"What do y.. UUUNNNGGGHHH!"

She could feel herself change beyond her control.
Anytime she changes form outside of her Supergirl look
she feels pain, but she never changed sorry

The first thing she noticed was her breasts. Ils ont été
not only getting fuller, but bigger as well. The added
size pulled her tunic up over abdomen. Her ass cheeks
tightened, and her hair felt like it was on fire. Elle
could also feel herself getting taller by a couple of

Then the pain subsided.

"What.." she said in a octave just a bit higher than
usual, "what did you DO to me?!"

Instead of telling her, X reached under the table and
swiveled it up so she could see the changes in a full-
length mirror.

Supergirl HAD grown an extra half-foot taller. Sa
breasts had ballooned from a size 34B to a very ample
47DD. Her waist had contracted to a diameter that would
make most models jealous, even though her hips were
more realistically proportional. She had lost any kind
of girlish features in her face, and her hair went from
a drab blond to a very long and full platinum blond.

"Oh cuckolds brownie!" she said to herself. "He turned me into a
Barbie doll! I look like I could be one of those sluts
in the X-Men!"

X ripped open Supergirl's tunic again, exposing her
giant melons to the cool air. Even her nipples were
enlarged slightly. "THAT," he said with a sinister
smile, "is more like it!"

He began to knead her breasts, and much to Supergirl's
embarrassment, she was actually starting to get aroused
by it more than ever.


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"UUUUUNNNGGHH... OHHHHH..." she said as she began to
pant. She couldn't believe she was getting close to
climaxing just by the way her breasts were being
massaged. "N-no.. This is... OH... this shouldn't....
Mmmmm... feels so GOOOODD!"

X began to suck on one of her nipples, as Supergirl
began to struggle against her restraints and her
rapidly building orgasm. She wasn't supposed to be
aroused by this. Yet she was. She was actually getting
turned on by it all.

"Like it?" X asked as he pulled his mouth off her
nipple. "I know you do... I made your tits extremely
sensitive. With time you'll cum by just me sucking on
eux. But that's not all that's now sensitive..."

X unfastened Supergirl's skirt and pulled it off her.
Her legs were still restrained so he had to rip her
panties off to expose her now hairless cuntmound.

"What are you.." Supergirl started to ask, but then X
began to lick around her bare crotch. "I.. I...
MMMMM.... Oooh... no... please.. Hmmmm, OH FUCK! OH
SHIT! AHHHHH... Oh GOD!!! NNNHHHHH!... I-I, oh god...
no.... NOOOOO!"

Supergirl shook violently as she climaxed. Her wrists
were raw from trying the restraints and trying to fight
her orgasm. She came quickly. Too quickly for her!

X removed himself from between her wet thighs with a
look of satisfaction. Then he removed the his white
robe to expose her to his huge cock. "I think you're
ready for this now," he said with a grin.

"P-please..." the girl of steel begged as she panted.
"Don't... not now... please... please..."

But it was too late as X stuck his cock-rod into her
wet pussy. If it were possible, Supergirl would swear
his cock was even bigger than before as it entered her!
She screamed as it sunk into her.


"Yeah," X said as he began to slide his cock further up
into her. "I made .... UUHH... your pussy even
tighter..... UNNHHHH ... than before, so you'll have to
feel... UUNNHHH ... every inch of me!"


While X was busy thrusting into her, he pressed a
button underneath the table. Instantly, the restraints
on Supergirl's ankles snapped open, freeing her legs.
Supergirl's realized that her legs were free, but
instead of trying to use her legs to fight off X, she
instead found herself wrapping her legs around the
young man, helping him push deeper into her. She was
shocked at her own actions. She was getting RAPED..
AGAIN.. and yet now she's enjoying it! What was wrong
with her?

Supergirl screamed in joy as she climaxed again. Then
suddenly X began to shudder, and then Supergirl could
feel him cum once again, spraying her womb with his
sperm. She could feel it spray into her like a hose.
How much sperm did he have?

X pressed another button and the table turned back
upright. He laid there with his deflating cock inside
sa. Her new body was layered in sweat.

"Get of me.." dit-elle.

"No," X said with a smile. "I like it here... you with
your hot, sticky body, my cock inside your hot pussy..
your legs still wrapped around my ass..."

Supergirl realized that indeed her legs were STILL
wrapped around X's waist. She unwrapped herself and let
them fall to the table like they were phony.

"PLEASE," she said insistently, "get off me."

X did so, without comment or criticism. His cock left
her pussy with a soft "POP." He stood there looking at

Then, after slipping on his robe, he reached for the
notepad and pressed a button. The penlight beam of the
Orgasmatron hit Supergirl on the chest, and she cried
out in ecstasy as she climaxed again.. and again..


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The license plates on the black car read "BW-10." Le
driver, a muscular man with a chiseled face, exited the
car and made it's way to hotel lobby. He didn't check
in, but instead checked to inquire on an elderly couple
who were traveling in an RV with a young woman. Après
making a phone call, he decided to pay a visit to the
county courthouse to check on the records of one Lex
Luthor and any possible real estate holdings by Lexcorp
in the area.


Supergirl stood in the shower, letting the warm water
splash across her new voluptuous body. She had hoped
the shower would help clear her mind, but it didn't
travailler. Even the rhythmic pulses of the shower reminded
her of the Orgasmatron. How, when it touched any part
of her body, would drive her to powerful orgasms. N'importe lequel
part; a finger, a toe, her nose, even the hair on her

She moved her soapy hands around her huge, firm
seins. X had re-engineered her body so that not only
were her breasts twice their normal size, but they were
also more sensitive than before. She felt the tingle of
pleasure when she moved her slippery hands around them,
grazing the extra-sensitive nipples.

How long has it been? Days? Weeks? By her own rough
count, at least four days have passed. She worried
about Jon and Martha Kent - the two people whom she
considered to be the parents she never had. No doubt
they are worried to death about her. She left Martha in
such a rush to catch Lex Luthor, never to expect to be
captured by a shape-shifter who called himself Luthor's
"mister." She hoped they had the good sense to call Clark
and get out of the area before anything else happened.

"Where are you Clark?" she muttered under her breath.

Then she realized she had gravitated her hands down
past her stomach.. just above her bald pussy. "What am
I doing?" she asked herself. "I should be doing this..

But instead of pulling back, she felt her hands going
instinctively for her clit. She tried desperately to
fight the urge to masturbate, but instead she felt the
all-too familiar wave of pleasure hit her.

"UUNNGGHHH..." she moaned. "N-no... I... can't...
do..... OOHHHHHHHHHH!!!"

One hand went up to her swollen breasts as the other
continued on her pussy. She leaned back against the
wall of the stall and spread her legs wide. Her fingers
began to rub around her clit, picking up speed.

"Can't... Mustn't.. UNNGGHHH!!... No... I'm
Supergirl... I'm not some cheap.. s-slut..."

She tried to think of something.. anything.. that could
break her concentration. The death of everyone she knew
at the hands of three super-powered criminals, Doomsday
pounding her into protoplasmic mush, Superman's death
at the hands of Doomsday, the destruction of Coast
City, being manipulated by everyone from Brainiac to
Raven to Lex Luthor.. But as she remembered learning
about Lex's duplicity, her mind went back to the times
he seduced her.. how he used to make her cum twice
before intercourse.. how his hands used to cup her
breasts, which then were barely just more than a
handful and not the mountains of flesh they were now..
how he used to play with her clit..

"OOH!" she exclaimed as she felt her body shiver. Elle
knew this as the telltale sign she was about to cum.
"C-Can't do this.. OOHH... OOHH... NNNNGHHHH!!"

She spasmed uncontrollably as she climaxed. Her legs
gave way and she sank down to the floor of the stall,
the water splashing rhythmically over her face.

Supergirl cursed at herself as she picked herself up
from the tiled floor. Why? Why was she doing this? Elle
knew that somehow X was responsible for all of it, and
somehow, no matter how long it takes, she'd find a way
out of it all.

She dried herself off and then put on the flimsy blue
outfit X had provided her as her only clothing. Elle
looked at herself in the mirror. Her damp platinum
blond hair running down her back, the twin mountains
that were supposed to be her breasts.. she looked like
Anna Nicole Smith's slutty twin sister!

Just then she heard a noise in the bedroom. It sounded
like someone was picking the lock that kept her
primisterer. She quickly made her way to the side of the
door and waited for it to open, ready to pounce on
whomever was entering.

The door opened and she could see a black shape with
pointed ears enter the room. Then the shape turned
towards her direction..

It was Batman!

"Supergirl?" the dark knight asked when he saw her.
"Supergirl? Is that you?"

She was ready to cry. She wanted to race over to him..
but then she remembered that it could be a mistake. Le
last time she trusted what she saw it turned out to be
X disguised as Wonder Woman. She wasn't going to fall
for the same mistake again.

"Batman? How did you know where to find me?" dit-elle

"Superman contacted me," he said in a dark voice. "He
was too busy handling other crisis to come to your
rescue, so he asked me to look for you."

Supergirl walked over to him, ever so cautiously. "Et
what happened to X?"

"He got away. Don't worry, he won't go far, though.
Robin is following him."

She was inches away from him. He wrapped his dark arms
around to comfort her. "We'll find some way to get you
back to normal," he said.

She wanted to believe that. She really did. Instead,
she shoved him backwards towards the bed.

Batman was surprised. "What are you doing?"

But Supergirl knew otherwise. "Nice try," she said.
"But Superman wouldn't have been too busy to save me.
And the REAL Batman would have known why!"

The Maid of Might pounced on the man that appeared to
be Batman with a ferocity. She straddled over him.

"Err.. Supergirl.. What?"

She clawed at the bottom half that made up his black
outfit. The outfit seemed authentic, but she knew
someone with access to a lot of money could get a real-
looking Batman costume. X certainly has access to
Luthor's hidden funds. The hidden catches that made up
his pants came undone and she tugged it down past his

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" he demanded as he tried to get

She pushed him back down on the bed and reached for his
cock. It seemed quite normal, but she knew X could
shape-shift to make it look real. Maybe this WAS his
real size. "This is what you want, isn't it?" she asked
as she quickly jerked his rod erect. "You want to
continue these little games, right? Let's just get to
the chase."

She was vaguely aware that she had at least some of her
powers back. Certainly super-strength and speed.
Strength to keep someone like him down on the bed, and
speed to bring his cock to strength in a matter of
secondes. She took the cock into her mouth and quickly
sucked on it.

"UUNNGGHHH!!... no.. Supergirl... what.... Are...
you... UNNNNGGHHH!...."

Her head was a blur as she bobbed up and down on his
rod. It didn't take long for "Batman" to cum, and he
spurted quickly in her mouth.

But she didn't stop there. Instead, she continued
sucking on his cock, quickly working it back up to
fighting strength again.

"Super.. girl..." he pleaded, "please... don't....


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Time had no meaning for Supergirl anymore. What little
she knew since she awoke after the Batman hoax was that
she was shackled to the four-poster bed. She no longer
had any kind of clothes on at all. She was also vaguely
aware that she got fucked often. Her pussy and her ass
were sore. She had a taste of cum in her mouth that she
couldn't get rid of. Her tits were wet and sticky with

Everything else was a blur to her. She was vaguely
aware of faces.. different faces, but all still the
same man.. X Luthor, using his own shape-shifting
powers, made himself into different people, then
repeatedly fucked her. He made himself into so many
people from her life that she couldn't keep track of
what was real and what was a shape-shifter's illusion.

There was another sensation she was vaguely aware of..
the Orgasmatron. The memorable hum and the blue glow
that followed it. When she wasn't getting fucked by X,
he had that device on her. It drove her to near
insanity by powering her to cum so many times. Il y avait
a numbing sensation to her body now, almost like she
wasn't really there. She was, however, aware of the
sore muscles and the tenderness of her wrists and
ankles after straining against the restraints.

She was tired, hungry, sticky, sore, thirsty, slightly
numb, and extremely humiliated. She vaguely wondered if
X was going to shortly end it all for her. It would be
a godsend in her mind. X has not only turned her into a
slut, but she had RAPED Batman when he tried to rescue
sa. How will she explain that to Clark? To the other
heroes? There would be no explanation that would
satisfy them!

Just then X walked into the room. He no longer
dispensed with clothes or disguises. He was simply
naked, with his big 14-inch cock half-erect sticking
out like a divining rod. He had a cocky smile on his
face - the kind he always had just before he fucked

"Good morning my dear!" he said cheerfully. "I have a
treat for you today.. if you're behaving. You ARE
behaving, aren't you?"

She nodded. She knew better than to reject him now.

«Qui êtes-vous? he asked her as he put his hand into her
stringy hair.

".. super.. slut.." she replied in a hoarse voice.

He stroked her hair like one would a pet. "Very good,
my super-slut. Now, I have a gorgeous dinner for you if
you're willing to do what's necessary.."

She knew what he wanted, and at that point nothing else
mattered to her.

Nothing. She nodded her head in compliance.

X reached over and freed her from her wrist restraints.
Then he did the same with the restraints at her feet.
All the while he was careful to keep his left wrist
away from her.. the wrist with the security bracelet
that keeps her in check.

With the restraints off, Supergirl let her limbs fall
as she felt the circulation return to them. Ils ont été
numb, and she had little or no strength left to move

X straddled over her, then dropped to his knees on top
of her massive tits. His huge cock was right in front
of her face. "Make it hard," he said with a sneer.

She reached up and with a shakily hand took the half-
limp phallus into her mouth. It got hard as she started
sucking on it. She could feel it get engorged with
red to it's maximum thickness. Then X pulled it out
of her mouth and placed it between her massive melons.

"Hold your tits tight," he said. "Push them together."

Her fingers were still tingling as she complied,
pushing her tits together as he began to pump his
massive cock between them. The sensation was unnerving
for her - his cock between her super-sensitive tits.
She could feel the erotic sensations build within her
à nouveau.


Superman returned to Metropolis in a huff. It has been
a grueling few days for him - helping out Japan from an
earthquake, then a hurricane in Bangladesh, and then a
tsunami in Hawaii, then an invasion attempt by a rogue
Khund warlord.

Running into Maxima didn't make it any easier. The red-
haired princess was still lusting for him in the worst
way, and she still refused to take "no" for an answer.
At one point she filled his mind with her erotic
fantasies - fantasies that involved the two of them
bare naked, their genetically-flawless bodies grinding
together in heated passion. To see Maxima's perfect
breasts and red-hot pussy - even as a mental illusion -
got him a raging hard-on. He was tempted like no other
time before and he was that close to actually ravaging
her... But then he remembered he still had Lois, and
she has always been more than enough of a woman to
satisfy his all too human desires.

The Man of Steel made a beeline to Lois' apartment,
using his X-ray vision to make sure she wasn't with
somebody. Then he opened the window and let himself in.

Lois was in the kitchen when he entered. "Clark?" she
called out.

"Yes Lois," he said as he tugged off the cape and
almost flew over to her. The smell of her body, the
warmth of it, got him hard again. "MMMMM... I don't
know what's better, the smell of your cooking or the
smell of your body."

He nibred on her neck, his hands roaming down to her
tight ass underneath the black sweats.

"HMMM.." she said as she felt the bulge pressing into
her lower abdomen. "Oh, baby, something got your
attention. I know you don't normally do this when you
come in.."

Then she suddenly backed away, bumping into the cabinet
behind her.

"OHMIGOSH! I almost forgot! Your parents!"

Suddenly that snapped him into attention. So close
after Conduit.. to hear anything about the Kents was
hard for him. "What? What happened to them?"

"Nothing.. I think.. anyways they were in this small
town with Supergirl, and Martha called me saying they
thought they saw Lex Luthor in the area. Jonathan and
Martha headed out of the area and Supergirl went to
check on things. I couldn't call you.. so I pulled out
the number you asked me to use in case of

"Batman's number," Superman said. "Did you hear
anything else from Ma and Pa?"

"Only that they were staying just on the outskirts of
Sugar Creek.."

In a flash Superman had grabbed the cordless phone and
dialed the number to his adopted parents' cellphone.
"Ma? Yes, it's Clark. Listen, I just got back from
space. Lois told me a little about what's happened, and
I'll be on my way there shortly. You two go on to your
next spot. I'll get Mae and... Yes Ma, I have.. un
friend who should be there already.. so you two get
going and Mae and I will meet you there. I'll feel
safer when the two of you are away from the area. Yes
Ma.. I love you too. Bye."

"I'm sorry Clark," she said as he returned the phone to
the charger. "I should have said something the minute
you came in, but you came in so fast.."

"Don't worry about it Lois," he said as he gave her a
quick peck on the cheek, then retrieved his cape. "I'll
be there in a few minutes, and if Luthor is still there
I'll make sure he pays dearly for this!"


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Batman walked stealthily into the hallway located at
the end of the mining shaft. He found Luthor's
limousine parked with the engine cold. Il n'avait pas été
used in days.

The hallway was dimly lit, leading straight to the room
at the end. Once inside the room at the end of the
hallway he found it to be empty, but indications of a
trap were there. His night lenses picked up the
reflections of small mirrors in one half of the room,
and the telltale indentions of a recessed barrier. Sur
the other half of the room, he noticed the fine
carpeting and the indentions in the shag that proved
something heavy once rested there. Perhaps a desk and a

On the other side of the room was another passageway.
That led to another hallway, this one brightly lit. Le
hallway had a steep incline to it - the first door on
the left had some sort of medical examination room in
il. Heading upstairs he found a second room - this one
resembling a surgical observation room.

But unlike other observation rooms, this one had
computer terminals and other devices inside it. Il
quickly checked the monitor displays. Each of them
displayed different biological functions of someone
referred to as "SUBJECT SS." He wanted to look further
at them, but decided first to do a quick check of the
other rooms. It would do him no good to check monitor
readings if someone as devious as Lex Luthor was

There were a few other rooms down the hall. One was for
a costume room with various outfits - including a close
imitation to his own. Each costume had a photograph or
picture on the hangers. He checked out the one with the
imitation of his outfit - the picture appeared to be
from a computer printout. The notations on the bottom
read "Lexcorp Security - Intelligence Division.
Subject: Batman"

He was about to put the costume back on the hook when
he noticed the tear along the waistband of the pants.
They were torn by somebody of great strength - the
material used to make the outfit was of thick Latex,
designed to stretch but not tear. The kind of strength
Supergirl would have.

There were other outfits as well, but one caught his
eye - the extremely accurate Supergirl outfits seen at
the end of the room. Of all the costumes, these didn't
have any accompanying pictures with them. But they
didn't have to if it was Lex Luthor. He knew Supergirl,
was intimate with her. No doubt Luthor has whole
mainframes dedicated to her physical structure right
down to the DNA.

Leaving the costume room, he checked out two of the
other three rooms. One was an ornate dining room with a
fully stocked kitchen. The other was what appeared to
be an ornate suite complete with living room and
bedroom. The very last room was sealed with a metal
door. He didn't know what was going on there, but from
the faint sounds he picked up he knew somebody was in
the throws of sex.

He placed a warning device on the adjoining wall of
that sealed door that would alert him to movement, then
returned to the observation room. One display caught
his attention - the one marked "SS - Matrix
Configuration." He knew that meant Supergirl, since she
was the only permister created from a protomatter matrix.
The computer was Windows95 based - so he pulled up the
adjoining files about subject "SS."

The configuration files had numerous settings
displayed. The one currently displayed was for "Super-
Slut" and had features that would put Wonder Woman to
shame. There were other settings as well, including one
that would enlarge Supergirl's features to an obscene
extreme. It was marked "Emergency."

Another terminal monitored Supergirl's mental output.
There were images and messages being flashed on the
écran. No doubt being transmitted straight to her
brain. The level of mental conditioning was to an
extent he'd only seen once by the Mad Hatter. Ces
messages were erotic in nature, with detailed stories,
sound clips, and scenes from porno movies added in for

Then there was the third monitor. One that had a
closed-camera image of some guy fucking a nude blond
woman the bore a striking resemblance to the "SS"
configuration file. There was a notation underneath the
image - "ORGASMATRON STATUS: STANDBY." He knew about
the Orgasmatron from Batgirl, and how Lord Easystreet
almost put her and Wonder Woman into retirement through
their offense.

He went back to the first monitor. If it WAS Supergirl
being fucked by that guy in the third monitor, then it
probably wasn't willing. If there was some way to give
her an edge..



Supergirl and X fell off the bed, rolling on the floor
while he continued to pump his hard cock into her. Over
and over again he fucked her, bringing her from one
climax to the next. Her heavy breasts slapped her chin
as he continued to fuck her.

"UUNNNGGHHHH! OH GOD! UUNNGHH!" Supergirl writhed
underneath him. "AAAAHHHHH!!"

"Yeah.." X said under his breath, "cum.... Cum
again.... my... super-slut...."

X closed his eyes, oblivious to what would happen next.

"What..." Supergirl said, "what... is.. happening...

X didn't know anything happened.. except that all of a
sudden her pussy wasn't as tight as it was before. Il
opened his eyes, only to discover the woman she was
fucking wasn't her.

It wasn't Super-slut.

It was Supergirl!

And Supergirl was aware of her transformation. How
could she not be aware? Her tits shrunk back to normal
size, she shrunk a few inches to normal, and even her
voice went back down an octave to normal. But the one
thing that was still the same was that X was still
fucking her.

"What.." X said. "NO! THIS CAN'T BE!"

He tried to pull away, but Supergirl locked her legs
behind him, keeping him pinned down. Then she grabbed
hold of his left wrist.. and the bracelet.

X realized what she was trying to do. "NO! NO! NOT

But it was too late. She pressed hold of the blue
button on the bracelet and pressed hard, using all her
strength to lock it in.

The Orgasmatron was targeted for Supergirl, but because
X was on top of her when the button was pressed, the
beam hit X square in the back. X's eyes went wide with
pleasure as he let loose a redcurdling yell. Then
proceeded to pump his cock in and out of Supergirl at
breakneck speed.

"UUNNNGGHHHH!!" cried the Maid of Might. She was not
only being fucked by X again, but she was also getting
the residual effects from the Orgasmatron as it coursed
through X.

"AAHHHHH" screamed X as he spasmed. "T-T-THE PL-

Over and over again X fucked Supergirl. Supergirl could
feel X's sperm pour out almost continuously into her
vagina. He was cumming almost continuously now.. which
for a woman would be blissful, but for a man - even a
shape-shifter - would be certainly lethal. She wanted
to relax her hand.. to stop the process, but in the
throws of multiple orgasms every muscle was locked down

"C-CAN'T S-S-STOP... UUNNGGHHHHHHHH!!" she screamed as
yet another wave of pleasure hit her.

She could feel the torrents of sperm filling up her
vagina, making it bulge out. Jets of it started to
spray out from her pussy lips as she felt him spasm
over and over again. She knew the sensations all too
well, but she never had it hit her while being fucked.
It was like she was being fucked inside and out.

X meanwhile was in agony. He had never been hit with
the Orgasmatron before, but he knew what the effect
would be if he was. At first he was enraptured by the
pleasure, but the pleasure quickly turned to pain as he
realized that he was being powerd to climax even faster
than the last time. And no matter how many times he
shot his load, he was still rock hard! He could feel
his muscles tense up with every climax.. his heart
beating faster and faster..

"H-HELP!!" he screamed, "I.. UUUNNGGGHHH.... C-
NOOOOOOOOO!!! OH... GOD... STOP... IT!!!!!!!"

Superman was over Sugar Creek when his JLA communicator
sounded. Only a handful of people knew he still carried
one - and one of them was Batman. He dove straight for
the signal to the mine on the outskirts of the town.

"Batman?" he said down the hallway.

Batman met him halfway in the second hallway leading
into the examination room. "Over here," he said grimly.

Superman raced ahead of him into the observation room.
Supergirl lay there on the medical table, quite
***. She was once again dressed in her blue and
red outfit.

"What.." Superman started to say.

"She's fine," the Dark Knight reassured him. "Now

"Where's Luthor!" he demanded.


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Sam's New Position

Sam, or Samantha Shelldon had always been dominant, from an early age. She had known two things that set her apart from others. Her dominion over her parents and others and her lesbianism.

By day she was head of section in an I.T. company, Sam liked to wear classic fifties style suits. It gave the right impression, looked very sexy, and gave the men something to drool about.

Not that she was in the slightest bit interested in them. She made no secret of the fact that she was a sadistic lesbian predator. Sam was not looking forward to her next birthday at 38 things weren't hanging as they used to even though Sam worked out twice a week.

But Sam loved to chase the little girls that started with the company. Girls fresh out of collage, University even Her exploits with the younger female members of her staff especially the straight ones put her in a class of her own. she would make friends with them, treat them to a meal, wine them, dine them,

And if they showed potential take them to her dungeon, and destroy them. She loved to think of herself as a predator.

Some left straight away, some remained as her slaves, all would never be the same again. Sam was a sexual sadist and loved nothing more than tearing Young women from their innocence.

Janice her PA who had been an early conquest, was one of the latter, had got married, And as she was now pregnant she would need time off the absolute look of horror when Jan told Sam that she would need some time off!

There was nothing she could do , she had to give Jan the time

Off, she didn't like it but not even Sam was above the law.

Sam had arranged with an agency to provide a temp, and as she drove into the car park she realised that maybe there might be someone new to conquer.

The temp walked through the door right on time, as she introduced herself as Sharon. Sam was floored by her looks, tall, long slim legs, large breasts, long blond hair and a beauty Queen smile. God she was fit! The thing was she knew it!

The first week Sam made sure that she paid Sharon as little attention as possible, trying very hard not to look at her. directly, pretending to be more interested in what was in front of her. According to her file she was twenty one and not married.

But, About ten days after Sharon started work with Sam was in her office and Sharon came through the door,

"Morning Ms Shelldon!"

Sharon said

Sam looked up from the paperwork she was doing and gasped.

Sharon was wearing a black leather suit a white blouse with a Black leather tie. The suit was a short zip up jacket with a pencil skirt. Her legs were wrapped in Stiletto type boots which disappeared under her skirt. Her long blond hair was up in a bun Sam ogled Sharon for a few seconds salivating until she realised what she was doing.

She recomposed herself and said

"Morning Sharon."

Sharon looked at Sam for a second.

Shit! Shit! Shit! Sam thought

Sam barely dared to leave her office, trying to repair the damage.

After Sam had calmed down, she had an idea!

Sam pulled lose her hair tie and let her long black hair fall free, She felt she always looked better with her hair free.

With outward confidence, Sam walked over to Sharon's desk.

"Sharon, Some works just come in, could you work through lunch with me? I'll make it up to you, what do you say?"

"Well I was going to meet up with someone, I'll have to phone then and call it off."

"If you could I would be grateful,

said Sam , Trying to hide her inner bitch.

"O.K! Not a problem!"

"Great just come into my office at one!"

Later at one Sharon walked through the door, looking like a goddess, the walk was right the wiggle was spot on, she could have doured for some of the actresses of the fifties.

"Where do you want me?"

Sharon asked softly

Sam heard what she said but Sam couldn't believe the double meaning, or was it?

"Right draw up a chair and we'll get through this as quickly as we can."

Sharon Pick up a chair from another desk and put it next to Sam, then she took off her jacket and hung it on the back of the chair.

"Oh don't put your jacket on there girl, you'll ruin it, here hang it on a wooden coat hanger that'll be much better for it!"

"Oh You know about leather then?"

Well, a great deal of my wardrobe is leather, and I like to keep it in pristine condition

Sam realised she was talking to Sharon's breasts.

" So what type of things do you leather?"

"Well I have a lot of suits, skirts er, trousers. Boots, shoes

and er, stuff!"


Yes, er, Hats and things

"Oh ...........I see"

"Only I saw you admiring my..........tie."

"Er yes it goes well with your suit."

"Do you like my boots."

"Yes they're very unusual."

"They lace up the back."

Sharon stood up and showed her rear view, Sam shuddered as flashing through her mind was a picture of Sharon chained to a wall with Sam whipping her.

"Nice skirt."

Said Sam almost under her breath.

"You like it."

"Very much."

It's very soft Leather, it's goatskin."

"Yes, I guessed."

Sharon move next to Sam's chair

"Feel It. It's soooo soft."

Sam's hand started to shake as she felt the leather over Sharon's bottom.

"Yes, it's beautiful ."

"Yes that feeling's worth giving up everything for."


Sharon slowly moved away from Sam and back to her chair,

No more was said.

They worked through, and finished the job mid afternoon

Sharon removed her jacket from the wooden coat hanger,

And put it on. Before she got to the office door she paused and said

"Do you have clothes made of anything else unusual?"

"What Like?"

"Oh, rubber."

Sam turned red, she didn't mind talking about her leather clothes, that could be an everyday wear, but rubber!"

"Oh, I think I have a few bits."

Trying to sound confident.

" I would love to see you in them."

Said Sharon smiling, as she disappeared out the door.

Sam suddenly realised that her knickers were drenched and she had to walk unnoticed to the toilets to clean up.

She shut her office door and groped inside her bag for a packet of tissues she pulled her skirt and knickers down and dropped the kickers in her bag. Sam waited for a second to hear if someone was coming, nothing! Using the tissues wiped her shaven mound and dried herself off. Quickly checking her skirt before putting it back on before someone walked in.

After composing herself Sam sat down and got on with some work.

After a while Sam looked at the clock which said five twenty five, She gathered her bits, took out her jacket and put it on.

As she walked out from her office she saw Sharon trying to put on her jacket,

"Here, let me help!"

As she dropped her bag and directed Sharon's hand through the sleeve.

"Why thank you!"

Said Sharon, sweetly, Sam suddenly got a second wind.

"Would you like to have dinner with me tonight, my treat!"

"Oh I'm sorry I'm going to a club with a friend."

"Oh, no problem, some other time then?"

"I would like that."

Sam hadn't expected to be turned down so there was no plan B

She had to get Sharon on her knees sucking her pussy, she wanted her more than ever now, just thinking about it was making her wet!

As she got to her car she saw Sharon meeting another woman, Sam stopped to watch, the other woman had a full length leather coat on and she had leather trousers on but she could see no more than that, They were walking away from her

So Sam stared at Sharon and her bottom, she remembered the afternoon and started getting wet again.

For a couple of days Sharon wore ordinary clothes she smiled at Sam and Sam smiled back, it was almost like that day didn't happen, Sam was desperately trying to play it cool, Sam felt that Sharon was different from the other girls, she couldn't put her finger on it but she knew that Sharon would one day

Get to her dungeon and suffer for it.

"some girls just don't know their place, Their place is between my legs." she thought.

The following day Sam was reviewing monthly figures when Sharon knocked at the open door, Sam's eyes nearly popped

Out because Sharon was wearing the tightest leather trousers Sam had ever seen with a double breasted crop jacket which was done up revealing her well shaped breasts.

Sam realised that she was staring again.

"Morning ms Shelldon."

Said Sharon

"Morning Sharon, Come in and close the door!"

"Anything wrong Ms Shelldon?"

"No, No, nothings wrong, I would like you to work with me on a few things."

Said Sam ,lying."

Sharon put down her bag.

"Where do we start?"

"right bring a chair round and sit next to me."

Sharon Looking at Sam intently started taking off her jacket,

She was wearing a red satin blouse which was filled out nicely by her breasts, Sam resisted the urge the watch Sharon's every move, but she spied Sharon picking up a chair and stared at her bottom.

Sharon turned around and caught Sam .again staring at her.

"You like?"

"I Like."

"Well It's got to be tight. I love leather when it's tight!"

"Oh I do agree!"

"No I love it when it's tight and..........restraining.

"Yes there's nothing like it, .......for a young girl like you."

As Sam got up from her chair she had a tight, black leather pencil skirt with boots to match! A tight cashmere top in

Champagne gold with pearls round her neck.

It was Sharon's turn to look and stare.

"Very nice."

"Thank you."

"Now lets get some work done and we'll talk later."

As they checked and rechecked the accounts for the section,

Every so often Sam would sneak a look at Sharon's breasts,

And was getting wetter.

"Shall we work through lunch, if we can finish this by three or four we can go early and get a take if you like!"

Sam said hopefully.

"Sounds good to me. And then?"

"We could go to this place I know."

"And then?"

"We could move on to this club I know."

"Which club's that?"

"It's a female only club called Vesta's!"

"Oh, I know it, I've never been, What goes on there."

"Well, it's mainly about power exchange and the interaction between people."

"You mean Dominants and submissives."


"And what are you?"

"Oh, I'm a Dominant."

"And what would I be?"

"A submissive."

"So would I be able to wear my tight leather?

"Oh, yes! And more!"

"What like?"

"Leather cuffs. Leather helmets, Posture collars."

"Posture collars, What are they?"

"They are thick leather collars which are strapped round the neck of a submissive which doesn't allow movement of the neck. So acting to remind the submissive of their position."


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Outer lips.

"Now I KNOW that's got to feel better!"

Sam just looked as Sharon finished Sam's ballet boots

Just then someone walked up to Sam looked up at someone standing close to her.

"Your Slave Mistress."

"Yes, my slut, for the moment, I'm thinking of selling her though!"

Sharon looked up and to her horror recognised the face, It was Terri A girl Sam had taken about a year ago, dressed as a Mistress Which surprised Sam. Terri held her riding crop under Sam's Chin Terri got down to Sam's face and said,

" I really want to meet you later, to catch up on old times, I may make your mistress an offer!"

Sam, for the first time in her life, realised that she could do nothing about the situation. Sam decided to just ride out the night come what may!


Tonight was a devotion night and mistresses heard the devotions from there slaves and pledged to live by their words. Sam felt an unease She had never had a slave read

A devotion to her, The words said were not taken lightly and because these were held in such esteem there were only two a year

Sam cursed her luck. She would end up trying to take advantage of Sharon on the one night the slaves pledge their devotion To their Dominants.

Sharon got up and after several minutes came back smiling.

"I've put your name down for this 1 It should be fun!"

Sam looked at her daggers the last place on earth she wanted to be was on that stage.

"here, they gave me a page of notes for you to read all standard stuff, so they say."

Sharon placed the paper That Sam was meant to read in front of her, As she bent to read the words before her she swallowed uncomfortably.

As the last slave finished A large woman walked over

And took the leash out of Sharon's hand It was Ms Dunbar! Sam's employer .

"Good evening Ms Shelldon, I hope that this evening's as good for you as it is for the women you have dominated!"

"Good evening Ms Dunbar, please borrow her crop!"

Said Sharon. Sharon pulled the crop out of her bag and passed it to Ms Dunbar

Sam could only look at Ms Dunbar dumbly."

She jerked Sam up out of the seat and as Sam crawled to the stage. Ms Dunbar was behind her using the crop on her. The crowd cheered as Sam crawled across the floor. Sam was told to kneel down on Stage. a microphone was put in front of her the page of notes was put on a lectern also in front of her. Her Gag was removed and the place was hushed silence.

There was nothing she could do. There was nothing she could say she knew she had to read off the page and what ever she said would change her life forever more.

"I Samantha Shelldon do solemnly swear in front of all here that from this day on I am the slave, the whore, and the slut of my Mistress, Mistress Revenge. I was a predator. From this day onward all I own, all I am, and all that you see is the express property of Mistress Revenge. I will Bend for you to fist my worthless arse, with one hand and fist my worthless pussy with the other.

May you gain enjoyment from watching my worthless arse gape

And red for you. My breasts here are clamped for you. Please put needles through my nipples to hear my screams.

Please show me no mercy, as I have showed none to the many I

Have taken over the years.

Ms Dunbar took the page and replaced it with another.

"I solemnly swear in a few hours when it pleases you I shall be pierced for you in my nipples, my septum, my clit hood and cunt lips.

I will be branded and tattooed with your mark, I solemnly swear That in a moment I shall be taken and shaven like the slut I am.

The hair I give shall be used for my butt plug, which will be fitted after I am fucked anally by yourself. I am your slave. Please use me as you see fit."

The crowded Club erupted, everyone started applauding, but they weren't applauding Sam, they were applauding Mistress Revenge.

Ms Dunbar pulled Sam up and dragged her to a horizontal bar

As she sat on her knees Ms Dunbar pulled two long needles out of a cork. Ms Dunbar kneeled down next to her and pushed each needle through her still clamped nipples. She pushed a piece of cork onto the ends and dropped the loop of a fishing lead weight onto the needle.

Sam was pulled by her hair onto the horizontal bar which she was strapped to. Her hood was removed and Her hair was shaven off by her PA Janice and taken away.

Sharon was Mistress Revenge! Far from being the girl just out of collage she had tricked her. If only she hadn't been such a stupid fool! Directed on stage She had removed the skirt. Her long blond hair followed her. Mistress Revenge was handed a monster strap on.

She walked around to put the strap on in Sam's mouth. As

She pushed the dildo into Sam's mouth she gagged and spluttered.

"Get it nice and wet Slut. It's all the lubrication it's going to get!"

Mistress Revenge walked round to the anal end. Sam's anus hadn't ever been ***d. Now Mistress revenge was going to change that! She was making up for all those who had been destroyed .

With a constant pressure Mistress Revenge powerd her way into Sam's anal passage Sam's scream was all that could be heard but everyone was watching Mistress Revenge destroying the predator. After a couple of minutes pumping the dildo was pulled out.

The crowd clapped and applauded As Sam's arse did indeed gape and red as mistress walked back to the sluts mouth.

"Thank you Mistress."

Sam Bellowed, excepting that what she read out minutes earlier was actually happening to her!

Mistress pushed her forehead back and as the mouth opened she shoved the dildo in and said.

"Suck it bitch! I want it cleaned of your cuckolds brownie because it's pussy time next!"

Without warning the dildo was pulled out of Sam's mouth and with a swagger Mistress Revenge walked round to destroy. Again the dildo was covered in cuckolds brownie, red and spit.

Mistress lined up and powerfully pushed it in to the hilt!

Sam screamed again, the on lookers cheered as Mistress started pumping!

They cheered as Mistress pulled out at last.

"Thank you Mistress."

The hair that was shaven from Sam's head was now glued into a sizable butt plug, Mistress powerd the plug into Sam's mouth for a touch of lubrication and walked round only to power The butt plug into Sam's anal passage..

As they paraded past Sam recognised many faces of the young women that she had taken and ***d

Sam knew why, she had known that sometime, someone would

Come and she knew it was down hill from now on.

As a Gas fire was brought on stage to start the branding,

The crowd cheered.

Yes, That feeling had been worth giving up everything for!


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Sam woke with a start, She couldn't see, everything was black!

Her arms were painfully pulled back, and tied like a strappardo but taking her weight. her legs weren't touching the ground, They were pulled apart by a spreader bar and tied off a few inches off the bed where Sam had been told to sit many hours before.

The past week had been absolute hell for the once Lesbian predator who had so spectacularly been tricked into her own downfall. She had cried all she could cry and how ever much she had thought that she had been wronged, she came to the same conclusion, that she had it coming and she deserved everything that had happened to her.

The only time she had seen in the past week was when her hood had been removed by Mistress Revenge, and a hand had been freed to sign over everything to Mistress! Witnessed by Ms Shelldon and by that solicitor Ms todd who had said she would wave any costs as it was a pleasure being present at the demise of such a slut!

Apart from the pain in her shoulders Her branding had not fully healed and still the smell and intense pain she felt

Sickened her to the core.

The memory of the smell of her own skin burning brought

A lump in her throat, never had she believed that the baying crowd actually wanted her to be branded, but they proved her wrong. Whilst she felt her Sphincter had just been split open

Nothing her prepared her for the offense of the girls, the women that she had ***d would be used against her in such a vicious way.

Now resigned to her fate she strangely looked forward to Mistress giving her, her daily whippings. She remembered how she tricked the naïve and young girls to be tied when she had driven then to the house, like a spider trapping a fly and whipping them, screaming until she gagged them and enjoying

Whipping them some more they would do anything she wanted to do to them.

As these thoughts were going on a sudden jerk brought her back to reality, as she was being lowered. As she finished on the bed the hood that had held her captive was removed.

Mistress Revenge stood over her, her new pressed White blouse only just kept her breasts under cover, not because the blouse was unbuttoned but because the blouse was a little tight and now she disliked wearing bras. Everything else was spotless, her leather tie, her leather pencil skirt her boots and as Mistress put on her jacket Sam felt a twinge of wetness in her battered and bruised Pussy, Oh how close she had come to getting her to kneel before her, how close she had come to whipping her just as she had whipped Sam leaving hundreds of weals over her body.

Mistress undoes her mono glove and undoes the spreader bar that had kept her legs apart.

This was the first time since the night at the club that her arms and legs were free, She looked at Mistress, who slapped her across her face!

"You will learn that you will always avert your eyes to me and those around me slut!"

Sam quickly lowered her eyes in an effort to comply.

You will wash and report to me in ten minutes go!

She could barely walk, let alone wash, as she navigated her way round, it was her house but it wasn't, everything had been moved things that she had known had gone and been replaced with things she didn't recognize. She found her bathroom and like the rest of the house, it was her bathroom, but it wasn't

Knowing the tricks a Mistress might plays on a sub she didn't touch anything in the bathroom, Just washing her face with

Water, as she looked into the mirror she had another shock

As her hair had been cut off at the club and it had started growing back in little tufts, she was bruised and whipped all over, her breasts were tattooed, pierced, punctured and bruised. She scratched the dried red from around her breast. Sam heard a noise and finished off quickly.

Sam met Mistress at the bathroom door a riding crop under her chin!

"I hope you have not used my things slut!"

"No Mistress I have not!"

"Good! It's good that a slut knows her place!"

As Sam followed Mistress up the stairs her eyes were glued to Mistresses buttocks! Walking in heels in a pencil skirt did it for Sam, who remembered it was just such a walk in and out of her office which got her to the position she found her self in now.

Sam found herself in one of her clothing rooms, which had all but been cleared out. Her leather skirts, jeans and jackets had gone, but she knew better than to question it as this would have been the exact reamister she had been brought up here in the first place.

In the corner was a small pile of clothes which Mistress pointed to.

"You wear these, get them on now!"



Sam tried to dress as quick as she could, she found that her skirt was in fact a Latex spank skirt and her blouse was white and transparent, to add to the offense her breasts could be clearly be seen even the tattoos could be seen through the material.

Mistress gave her some court shoes which were too small,

As she realized Mistress gave a smirk, then handed her a Latex open face hood which she pulled on. As Sam looked up Mistress had a red ball gag.


Sam opened her mouth and the gag was powerd behind her teeth.

Mistress Pulled another Helmet over Sam's head which only had Eye and mouth holes so preventing Sam from removing the gag. Mistress padlocked a posture collar round Sam's neck.

Mistress took her left head and slipped a mitten on followed by the right and with a chain padlocked the mittens behind Sam almost in a reverse prayer.

As Mistress clipped a leash to the posture collar she smiled at Sam,

"We're going to work slut!"


"Yes we're going to see all your work colleagues, isn't that nice!"


As Mistress lead Sam to her own car she opened the boot and motioned Sam to climb in, as Sam was trying to get in Mistress pushed Sam into the boot smashing her head in the process,

Sam lost consciousness...

As Sam started to wake, she overheard a discussion between Ms Dunbar and Mistress Revenge.

"Sharon you were only brought in to rough her up a bit, and put her in her place! I swear If you have another medical emergency I will have to reassess your position. I only allowed you to brand her on the understanding that It would never be traced back to me and I want you to calm this down now, it's getting totally out of hand and I want a stop to it!"

"Once you started this you just think you can stop it, just like that? Once YOU started this you have to see it through to the end! Debbie!"

"I want it stopped, I don't know what you thought you were doing bringing her here, in the state she is in you would've only turned those that wanted her gone against me and you, it's one thing to do what you did to her in the club, it's totally another to bring her here looking like she's spent time in a concentration camp. Everyone knows what she looked like,

If you brought her here and everyone sees what you've done to her it'll backfire in my face and I'm not going to let it happen!

Treat her nice, and if that means you get whipped then so be it!

After all you fucked her up, so you can put her back together again!"

"What! You want me to wet nurse her after what you told me to do! I don't think so!"

"Well you do it or the deal's off!"

"What the hell do you mean the deals off! You owe me Bitch!"

"Well you could sue me! Now take her back and I want her back on her feet in a few weeks got it!"

"I'll do what I can!"

"Make sure you do!"

"Take her back to her house in your van and I'll drive her car back Ok?"


The helmets and gag had been removed to deal with the gash in her head and her hands were now free of the mittens.

As she was driven home she started to realize the significance

Of what she heard.

As she got home still pretending to be at least arelax

She was carefully lifted into her house, and up to her bed.

Where she was left to doze, peacefully. After the last weeks bondage she was relieved to be left alone for a few hours,

With her splitting headache.

She could hear music playing down stairs so her Prey was still there!

She had decided that Sharon was going to pay a heavy price for what had happened to her, and if she could pull it off Ms Dunbar would begetting what's due to her as well!

As she dozed she heard her car starting, Sharon was going out,

Sam didn't know if she had a few minutes or a few hours!

Either way she wanted to know what they had done to her house.

She hobred upstairs to the room that she visited that morning

That was empty, all her lovely leather had gone! She opened the other door hoping against hope there was something there. All her leather had been moved into the one room probably to give the impression that it had been thrown away!

As she went through the house she worked her way down to her playroom. It seemed unaffected, everything where it should be. She looked around just to make double sure no

One was watching and opened a secret door into a small room. It was originally designed as a bolt hole the door opening was

Just a push in the right area and the door opened silently,

She could have used her own phone in the house but thought against it, she picked her cell phone up off the bench and speed dialed the first number of three and made her plans.

Rather than having to throw all her things out they were all in her garage, the replacements Sam had no idea where they had come from but she imagined a large bonfire in the garden!

She made her way back upstairs and when she walked into her bathroom and opened her cupboard she found all her things


Now she knew the extent of Mistress Revenge's powers, and she knew just how to turn thing's the right way up!

She went back to bed, her head was aching and Sam knew she wasn't ready to take on the powers of Ms Dunbar, but she would be!

Sam fell arelax fairly quickly, and when Mistress Came back she was getting really concerned about the fact Sam had been arelax for all this time, forgetting the way that she had left Sam a few inches off the bed last night which meant no relax at all last night.


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It was dark when Sam woke up, she walked down stairs Sharon was arelax in front of the TV, she had shed the leathers for a robe. She didn't look that imposing now and Sam had to wait for her plan to unfold. She was also pretty certain that what she signed was a farce as well!

Sam sat there all night, Sam was intrigued as to what her reaction would be to find her sitting in the same room with her.

As Sharon started to arouse she opened her eyes and stared at Sam.

"Well who did you expect? Santa and his six ponygirls?

"Oh your awake then!"

"Yes and I was thinking... how long will they give you for *******ping? How long for embezzlement? How long for **** and buggery? How long for tattooing me? How long for Branding me?"

Sharon stared at Sam.



"Well if we just add those together you won't be getting out for thirty years!"

"But! But!"

"But what! I've got you in my home and believe me when I have everything I need to fuck you good!"

Sharon flew at Sam, which she was rather hoping for, Sam pulled out a tazer from under her and zapped Sharon .

Sharon fell in a heap on the floor, out cold Sam looked at her foe, first with venom but cooled her inner bitch. She smiled for the first time in a long time!

As Sharon came to, She tried to move her arms that were outstretched and couldn't

Her eyes sprang open, only to be met with the darkness of a hood and with the realization of her new position.

Sharon was tied to the whipping post!

The truth dawned on Sharon as she tried to move her legs.

They were held in position and the cramping in her toes? She had Ballet heels on!

Sharon had not immediately felt them as her arms and legs were pulled in an X!

Something snapped in Sharon as she franticly attempted to free herself, after a few minutes of panic Sharon realized that no amount of struggling would release her. She was in heavy

Bondage and she was there until someone released her.

After what seemed like hours Sharon heard footsteps, and more than one permister, as the steps got closer a real fear grew inside her. Considering the way she had been asked to treat Sam Shelldon She could only wait for the consequences of her actions. She could hear a shuffling behind her, then a whistle.


Sharon screamed as her backside caught fire, she could feel red trickling down her legs, as her *** began.

"Hello my little whore!"

It was Sam,

"I've brought some friends back with me, some very pissed

and sadistic friends. Believe me when I say the last time you looked in a mirror will be the last time you will EVER want to look in a mirror. You publicly humiliated ME!, you ****d ME!

You Pierced ME! You Branded ME! You tattooed ME! And you shaved ME!

So my little fuckdoll, what do you think me and my friends intend to do with you, smack your bum with my hand?

No, No I have my cat whip which I will be using sparingly,

A couple of minutes with this and you'll look like mincemeat!

I'll be slow, very slow, and when I get my hands on the whore that paid you, you'll be mine for good! BITCH!

With that a couple of handfuls of salt was thrown at Sharon's arse and rubbed in. She was still screaming by the time they had reached the top of the stairs.

Ms Dunbar picked up her phone and her red ran cold,

"Hello MS Dunbar, How are you?"

Of course she recognized the voice, The shock of hearing it quite so quickly after sending Sharon away with her *** that very morning brought a fear to her that

Froze her to the core.

"Hello Sam."

She said with trepidation.

I have it on very good authority that a recording of a conversation only this morning could be extremely

Detrimental to your present lifestyle.

"How could?"

"How isn't important! Why is self explanatory, The point is I have it, I have her, and, I have you!

Unless you wish to spent the next thirty years in primister

I suggest you drop by tonight, You see I couldn't help noticing that it was your flowers eighteenth birthday over the weekend, and that started me thinking."

"I'll be there but leave her out of it!"

"Oh but how could I do that, after all she would be starting at the company now, wouldn't she?

"Look I know I wanted you sorted out, but it went way to far

I know that now, please let me come round tonight and we'll talk!"

"Until tonight!

The phone went dead, Ms Debbie Dunbar Was frozen with fear,

On so many levels, firstly she didn't want to go to primister and lose the Company. Secondly the fear of Sam in the same company as Lisa, her younger flower. Linda, her elder flower had managed to get to university and away from Sam the predator, but her worst fears were unraveling in front of her, and if she put a foot wrong she could very easily lose everything!

Later Ms Dunbar pulled up outside Sam's home, the absolute

Fear written all over her face. Sam had all the playing cards

And if she wanted to she could have had her facing charges

Now. Ms Dunbar had few options, Sam could do what ever she wanted, and still bring her life crashing down around her.

Debbie Rang the door bell and waited... The door opened but Debbie didn't recognize the permister who answered the door,

A faint resemblance to Sam, but no more. The woman looked down at her with disdain.

"I wondered what evil looked like, now I know!"

She opened the door wider so Debbie could walk in,

She had not expected to be cast as the devil ,but if the hat fitted.

She saw a few people doted around like they were attending a dinner party, they glanced at her with the same distain. Perhaps she had got it wrong, perhaps she had let a stupid young girl run riot with a member of her company, anyway she knew she would have to pay for the mess Sharon had made.

"Ms Dunbar! So good of you to come!"

Sam was stood in the middle of a party in full swing.

Debbie was just left speechless by the party guests, in nothing but Latex, or leather, She hadn't noticed but the woman who answered the door was wearing Leather as were the people she had past in the hall.

She didn't know what to make of the party when the music stopped.

Everyone was looking at her, with the same distain, the same hate, the same venom, that she had shown Sam at the club a week ago.

"This is MS DUNBAR everyone! This is the one who thought that having me shorn, having me branded, having me tattooed would be a good idea, how was it for you then MS DUNBAR?"

Debbie didn't know where to look, eventually deciding on looking at Sam.

"I...I...I'm not."


Said Sam with venom


But MS DUNBAR! You ARE responsible, the bottom line is you paid for Sharon Lock to seduce me and collar me, but when she went to far you dropped her, what was it you said, you were only brought in to rough her up a bit."

The words cut through Debbie like a knife, Debbie thought that there must be a recording of the conversation and all hopes must be forgotten, whatever happens, happens, even if it means

Her flowers get involved.

"Well Ms Dunbar, you have few options open to you, Sharon Lock is spending some time revaluating her position and I have a simple solution, until I am put right, no tattoos, no Branding and my hair grows back I can and will reduce those that have wronged me to be my whipping girls, for me to play with until my body is put right. My hair will take best part of a year to grow back , Of course I will be on full pay although I will of not be coming in to work until I'm put right, but the quicker the marks are put right the quicker you see your flower. You see you will drop her off here tonight, you will tell her that you made a huge error and by doing this, will solve a few of the problems that you have made in the last few weeks."

Debbie thought for a moment, but the one off lines she had perfected over the years just could not compete with the terror that she felt.

She had thought that she was walking into the Lions den

But it had been made perfectly clear that she was not the lion and she had done Sam wrong.

Not only was there no way out but her youngest flower would be forfeit in this game for supremacy.

Debbie thought on a more practical side, how was she meant to remove all traces of a tattoo , let alone a branding. She decided to look on the net to learn about these things, but isn't that how she got herself into this mess in the first place!

Whatever the fate of Sharon, she decided it was her own fault

And she would have to face the consequences of her own actions, on her own. Debbie's flower would be another casualty she did not know her fate, but it would be better than Debbie losing everything in which case she wouldn't have any thing to fall back on.

"When do you want her?"

"Tonight! And her training starts straight away, she will be trained as my permisteral slave and she will live here until further notice, and if I feel the need to sell her then that's exactly what'll happen, but then you know what'll happen then , don't you?"

"I'm afraid you'll never see her again, depending on how I train her, the prospective buyers might come from the other side of the world to buy a good slave in which case you will have no chance, unless your in a position to buy her! But that's to come and I'll have plenty of bills for lazer treatment for you to deal with, after all you're the one that ordained it aren't you?"

Debbie winced as if smacked round the face, the token "roughing up" had changed into a nightmare which would take

on untold pain for her flower.

Debbie Dunbar walked away from the home of Sam Shelldon


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Broken. There was nothing she could do to change anything,

She got in her car and drove home.

The one thing she was dreading was how she was going to explain to Lisa that she was the prize that her lady had

Allowed to slip through her fingers, and her lady had made such a mess of things that she would gladly allow Lisa to stay with Sam , her employee, because she had a recording of her lady talking about *******, *** and had forfeit the right

To her younger flower.

When Debbie got home her flower was on her computer typing to one of her friends on Face book.

"Lisa, I've got something to tell you."

Debbie said softly, trying to hide the life changing significance

Of what she was going to say.

"Aw Mum, I'm talking to Thumper!"

Debbie pulled the mains plug out of the wall and the computer died.

"what're you doing mum?"

As Lisa screamed as she stood up not quite believing what was happening.

"Sit down, what I have to tell you isn't easy and I need your full attention without you making clever comments!"

Lisa slumped back into her chair.

"What is it mum?"

"I've made a huge mistake Lisa, I won't go into details but I want you to come with me, We're going to Sam Shelldon's tonight."

"What the rugmuncher, I'm not going anywhere near her!"

"I didn't say you had a choice in the matter, did I. With what she 's got on me I could get thirty years and we would lose everything we own. The company, the house, just everything!"

"What's she done to you mum?"

"It's not what she has done to me, it's what I have done to her!"

"What have you done to her?"

"Let's just Go to her house and you can judge for yourself!"

"Well O.K! I'm not keen but I'll go because you want me to mum!"

Without saying much more they left for Sam's. Half an hour later they drove into Sam's drive, the party sounded in full swing, and there were quite a few cars parked in the way between them and the house.

"I think we walk from here Lisa!"

Said her lady, still trying desperately to hide the truth from her flower, Debbie had almost blanked out the ramifications of what she was about to do, so there was no question of discussion.

Back into the Lion's Den stepped Debbie and her flower,

As Lisa saw the leather and Latex clad Partygoers she clung on to her lady, not believing that her lady would take her to such a place.

Lisa was grabbed from behind and ripped away from her lady

And when Debbie looked round she saw the eyes of a massive hooded man glaring at her, she realized then she had lost her flower for perhaps forever. Swallowing uncomfortably

She made her way to where Sam had been before.

Sam was enjoying the party, it was the first fun she was able to enjoy since that fateful night and she relished what would happen to those that had wronged her. Rather than fly off the handle and merely flog then, she had a new way of dealing with them. Also Sam had on a new pencil dress

Sam saw Debbie edging her way towards her and put her glass down. As Debbie reached Sam the music stopped and everyone was looking at Debbie

"Well, well, I have nearly the whole merry band now! I just need to collect a few more and I'll have the set!"

Everyone round Sam started laughing, it was apparent that everyone in the place was aware of Debbie's mistake and that they were making her feel as uncomfortable as possible.

"Lets go down to my playroom and see our newest guest!"

Two of the party revelers grabbed Debbie by her arms and walked her behind Sam as they all walked down to Sam's playroom.

As the room had only dim lighting Debbie was trying to make out what was in the room that she had heard so much about,

As her eyes became accustomed to the light she realized to her horror that two figures were ahead of her in the room.

The one on the left was entirely encased in Latex, her face was facing the wall and the small pile of long blond hair drew Debbie to the conclusion that this was Sharon. Debbie had been so wrapped up in her own little hell she had almost forgotten about Sharon.

The other figure was hung in the same way but was facing the centre of the room, this figure was also dressed entirely in Latex and Debbie guessed this was Lisa. Sam unbuckled the blindfold and Gag, this was indeed her flower Lisa.

Debbie covered her mouth and fought back the tears of the sight before her.

As Sam removed the Gag from Lisa's mouth Lisa started screaming obscenities at Sam. Sam Just looked at the huge master standing too their right, they looked up as the master pressed a button on a control box and Lisa screamed with pain

Sam just waited whilst the screaming continued, Debbie was sobbing uncontrollably Sam looked at the master and Lisa stopped. Debbie recognized the Master as the man upstairs

She realized he was staring back at her and looked away.

The screams must have lasted nearly a minute, Sam stepped up to Lisa.

"I take it your lady hasn't told you?"

Lisa was still regaining what composure she still had

So stayed silent

Sam looked at the master who pressed the button again!

Again Lisa screamed as the little box of clever little bits

On the outside of the chastity belt she was wearing put a low

voltage current directly into her Labia via the two electrodes.

Sam looked at the master and it stopped Debbie was openly crying, Lisa glared at Sam.

"I can do this all night if you wish?"

"No, No"

Said a very frightened Lisa who had realized there was much more to this than she had been lead to believe.

Lisa noticed for the first time that Sam's hair had been shorn and she looked like a French collaborator.

"Would you like to see the things your lady paid for?"

It was a rhetorical question as Sam had already started undressing in front of everyone in the room.

"Oh I know what your thinking Lisa, your wondering how I could undress in front of these people, your lady and yourself, well I'll show you!"

As her knickers fell to the floor Sam slowly turned around.

"My body was as clean as yours before your lady paid to have this done to me!"

Lisa was stunned! Tattooed, Branded, Pierced, burnt and whipped, the evidence was very clear. Lisa looked at her lady who looked at the floor. She knew what Sam was saying was true.

"How? Who?"

Lisa managed to get out

"Oh that's the good bit, she's next to you, her name used to be Sharon but after my friends have had their use of her I think she'll just be known as toilet slave!"

The other figure tried to release herself from her bonds in panic, but quickly realized her fate was sealed, and slowly

Stopped. Quivering with fear The girl formerly known as Sharon excepted her fate.

"Could I see her face, I just could not believe that someone could do, that to another permister!

"Of course but it'll be the last time she sees anything for the foreseeable future!"

The Master that was responsible for the figure undid her collar and unzipped her helmet, and as the helmet was pulled from her now bald head Lisa looked.


Lisa screamed! She glared at her lady!

" How could you! You fucking Bitch, That whore made my life and Linda's hell at school and you "employed her" fuck I hope you've had you moneys worth BITCH!

Sam started laughing, the party goers started laughing, Lisa still glaring at her lady, glancing at the Thing formerly known as Sharon. Debbie's offense was now complete!

"And now I suppose I have to have the same fate because of your incompetentence! That's why you kept avoiding my questions earlier! You dragged me up here to give me to her

didn't you?

Well don't bother saving anything for me, I don't want your red money, and if I ever get to see Linda again I shall tell her what I've seen here and the fact you willingly sold me into slavery! Please do me up again I don't want to see the bitch again!"

Both the Thing and Lisa had their headwear replaced Sam was in absolute hysterics as was everyone else Debbie Dunbar

Was on her knees crying her eyes out.

After a few minutes when thing had calmed down Debbie looked up at the Thing formerly known as Sharon

"Please Sam let them down I love both of them and it should be me up there not them!"

"Yes I know all about it! Ms Hypocrite!"

Debbie looked at Sam for a moment and looked at the floor

Not persuing the point.

"Yes according to Sharon you and her had quite a thing going

until you decided to go for me, you probably didn't want to tell your flowers you were a dyke so you kept it a secret

from them. So what's it like to be outted?"

"It just rounds off a perfect day!"

Debbie said almost without thinking.

"Well no I don't intend to do anything of the sort, I want her where I know she'll do some good, plumbed in to some toilet


"No Please,"

Sam waved a hand silencing Debbie

"Firstly I do except the fact that she went beyond her remit

and you tried to stop it, but you think for one second getting these tattoos removed will be pain free? Do you think for one second that removing this brand won't involve surgery because if you do you are a little more dense than I gave you credit for.

Secondly I need you to keep the company going, this is going to cost a small fortune and not surprisingly your footing the bill!

Thirdly Lisa stays here! I don't think after what she's found out about you today She'll want to come back with you

Anyway, I dare say she needs time to think as I do, you think we're working to some plan do you, Oh and by the way where's that bitch Ms Todd?"

A small far eastern Mistress walked up to Sam with a chain

In her hand which she gave to Sam.

"Thank you Mistress Kia May I whip her soundly?"

"Of course, I think that's why she wanted to come so much!"

At the other end of the chain Ms Todd walked up to Sam .

"Guilty as charged! Where do you want me!"


Said Debbie.

Ignoring her Ms Todd beamed at Sam.


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"I just wanted to say I'm really, really sorry for what My lady did to you, it doesn't matter what your sexual preference is no one deserves that, no one!"

"You see as far as I can see you're the reamister all this happened to me, but you knew nothing about it. A paradoxical problem to say the least!"

"Well Put it like this! I've seen enough to sicken me, so Lesbianism seems like nothing now, if you want me take me, I'm yours! Someone has to pay you back!"

Sam unstrapped Lisa, and Lisa took hold of Sam and Pecked her neck until they kissed. Lisa worked her way down to Sam's breast and licked and sucked until it started to harden.

"What did you used to do to the girls you brought home with you?"

I don't think you want to know do you?"

"Yes, I do, but I hope it wasn't what happened to Sharon."

"No the only reamister for that was that was exactly what Sharon did to me in front of an audience at vestas!"

"What! Exactly that!"

"Your lady pierced both my nipples, see these marks here?"

"Oh I don't want to know, it just turns my stomach thinking about it!"

I was shaven by my PA I was branded by Sharon and I was publicly humiliated by the lot of them!"

"So where do you want me!"

"Well, firstly I love girls to be hooded, Gagged and wearing latex! OK where do I find all this?"

"Oh Sharon did have a move around of my bits but they're still here."

"They got up and Sam showed her what she had.

Wow, you must have spent a lifetime collecting all this!"

Sam looked at her.

"Oh, I didn't mean it as it came out!"

They picked out some stuff and carried it back the Sam's bed.

Sam opened a cat suit and Lisa stepped into it.

"Oh you'll need some talc!"

Sam opened a draw and pulled a tin out,

Offering it to Lisa. She shook some out, over her legs and it went some way to ease the latex on.

Once the cat suit was on everything else was easy!

Sam slipped a pair of Ballet boots on locking them in place

An open hood stretched over her face and begrudgingly fitted

Snugly a ball gag popped into Lisa's open mouth and a mono glove pulled her arms together behind her. As she laid on the bed Sam Put the last piece in place the final Helmet went over Lisa's head and zipped up behind her head, her eyes looking at Sam.

"Well you wanted to know!"

"I ont uu oo uff mi!"

Well I suppose your there, I'm here."

Sam opened the zip between Lisa's legs Lisa grunted as Sam gently brushed Lisa's sex with her fingers. Lisa was trying to hump Sam's hand!

"Oh not so fast little one, for us the night is young, and I have all the time in the World! Lisa realized who was in charge and relented.

"ace mi!"

"I'll take you when I'm good and ready!"

Sam got closer and caressed a cheek of her buttocks through the latex, Lisa was getting all hot and Sam wasn't easing it!

Sam felt her breasts tweaking her nipples and driving Lisa wild!

"Have you ever been fucked little one?"

Lisa shook her head.

So you have never been fucked in the arse?"

Lisa looked at Sam

"Iye mi"

"Oh I intend to my dear!"

Getting off the bed, Sam opened a draw and pulled out a strap on, not a monster only eight inches but enough!

Lisa looked and realized where it was going, she brought up her knees so her arse was in the air ready!

"Uk mi, Uk mi!"

Lisa cried, the sound coming from the covers of Sam's bed,

Sam who had just lubricated the Strap on got on the bed behind Lisa.

"Get ready here it comes!"

Sam eased the Strap on into Lisa's arse it slipped easily past her sphincter and slid slowly inward. Sam started to gently pump in and out being careful not to push too hard. She was

Trying to make this deflowering a memorable experience and so far it was!

Lisa was somewhere between grunting and panting, whatever she was doing she was enjoying it!

Sam kept on at the same rate Pumping away, swaying a little left and right, trying to touch every tiny nerve ending in Lisa's sphincter until Lisa squealed and shook with pleasure! She had come!

Sam backed out of her arse and unzipped the outer helmet, pulling it off and unbuckling the gag.

"Well I had to find some way of cleaning the strap on!

Lisa looked at Sam and the penny dropped...

"I'm ready!"

Said Lisa, who opened her mouth to take the strap on.

Sam impaled Lisa's mouth, knowing that all she could taste was her own cuckolds brownie, turning pumping in and out, Lisa gagged once or twice but kept cleaning the strap on until Sam was satisfied it was clean. Sam pulled out looking for cuckolds brownie, she saw a bit on the tip and put it back for Lisa to clean off. Lisa didn't resist Sam once She was learning,

Learning to be Sam's little slut.


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Shipwrecked, Survivor, Slave

Some Good News

"Go on then Moll, open it."

Veronica Stennet implored her friend to put them both out of their misery and open the letter that had been placed on the table next to their takes

Mollie Wan-Chu turned to Veronica and smiled. The letter had fallen through the letter box and onto the mat in Mollie's apartment with the morning post.

That was over 3 hours ago and she had still not opened it.

"Shall I?" Mollie said, genuinely sounding nervous of what it might say. She knew what it was, and she knew that the outcome could be so life changing for her.

"Yes, do it now. Please Moll, otherwise I shall just get up and go." Veronica offered a tone of mock indignation. The two girls sat in a relatively empty public house. The British Oak in North London was never that full anyway but at lunchtime on a Tuesday it was just about empty save for a couple of lecherous locals who were happy to see 2 pretty female students slowly sipping orange juice in their local pub at this time of day.

"Okay, let's do it!"

Mollie picked up the white envelope and made a small slit in one corner before running her finger along the top. For a final time she turned, brushed strands of her long black hair out of her face and smiled at her friend.

"Here goes, fingers crossed." Knowing how important this was to Mollie, Veronica crossed her fingers too.

Mollie pulled the letter from the envelope and started to read. It took her about 30 seconds of concentration before she smiled and let out a loud scream of joy.

The voyeuristic regulars turned to stare but Veronica just laughed knowing what the letter must say.

"I'm going hon, they've picked me. Fuck V, I'm actually going to be on the television. Fuck!"

Mollie was, clearly, almost incoherent with joy, so Veronica took the piece of paper away from her friend and started to read herself.

"Dear Mollie, it was such a pleasure to see you for your final interview last week and we now take great pleasure in informing you that you have been chosen as girl number 1 for the forthcoming series of Shipwrecked, survivor! This means that you will be the first girl to travel to the Potoma Island in the South Pacific and you will spend a week with boy number 1, being filmed before anyone else joins you.

I have to remind you of course that your involvement in the show must remain highly confidential given the fact that although we are shooting it now we are not showing it on TV until the autumn.

Assuming that you still want to take part in the show then we require you to call the number at the bottom of this letter as soon as you can so that we can make suitable travel and inoculation arrangements.

You will travel out to Potoma on Friday 20th February.

So, well done and congratulations Mollie, and we look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours faithfully,

C4TV Inc."

"Oh Moll," Veronica put down the letter and hugged her friend before planting a resounding kiss on her cheek. The display of emotion turned the interest of the locals up a notch hopeful that they had found a pair of amorous lesbians in their very own pub. But the 2 girls did not oblige that fantasy; instead Veronica laughed once more and shook her head.

"I don't believe it, my little Mollie Chu on the TV! You're going to be on Shipwrecked, survivor! I can't believe it."

"I know," Mollie was ecstatic as tears spilled down her cheeks. "I've got to ring mum and my sister, oh and C4TV! Fuck V, I go in 3 weeks!"

The girls left what remained of their takes and, much to the disappointment of the guys sitting at the bar takeing, they left.


"But V, how will I look on TV?"

Mollie stood in front of the full length mirror in her room. She lived in an apartment with Veronica and Rosie, also a London City University Student. They had a room each and shared a living room and bathroom. All 3 were good friends but Veronica and Mollie had known each other the longest. Rosie was in class but the 2 other girls had been free of lectures all day. Veronica looked at the reflection of her friend in the mirror.

"Oh Moll, you look stunning as always." It was true that, in a platonic kind of way, Victoria had harboured a crush on her friend ever since she had known her. Now, reflecting upon Mollie dressed only in lacy black underwear and staring into a full length mirror, Victoria's crush surfaced again and she began to seriously question the platonic nature of her feelings.

"Thanks sister, you're a good friend."

"You know that before long they'll have you pole dancing on the island and then featured posing provocatively in FHM or Maxim or something, right?"

"No way V, never! I will not be stripping off for anyone not least of all several million horny Sunday morning guys slumped in front of the TV masturbating off their hangovers! And as for those crappy poor excuses for porn magazines that you mentioned, then forget it. Now if you were talking Playboy or Penthouse then maybe I might be interested!"

"Moll, no, really?" Victoria's eyes opened wide.

"No, silly, of course not. Look I am going on this show because I genuinely want to broaden my horizons, meet new people and experience new things, and not just so I can be a teenager's wet dream!"

"So, Waddya think V?"

Victoria scanned the image of Mollie's 5 feet 4 inch Asian frame. She roved her eyes up the length of her friend's shapely legs to her flat stomach and on upwards to her small but pert breasts, and then to her face. Mollie's face was the best bit. She had beautifully sculptured features, a small nose, lovely brown eyes whose shape reflected her Chinese descent, and full, red lips ... warm and inviting! Victoria shook the fantasy out of her head and replied, "You look lovely Moll, and you'll knock 'em dead, of course you will."


In the few days and short weeks leading up to the time she was due to depart, Mollie was very, very excited. She had told her parents and her little sister of course but no-one else, other than Rosie and Victoria. Mollie had been made to sign a confidentiality agreement such that she kept everything else to herself until the time that the show's real events were played out on TV. It was highly frustrating but that was the way it had to be and Mollie understood that.

Having called C4TV quickly after she had received the letter, Mollie had received the appropriate booster injections for inoculation and had been treated to a whirlwind of preparation. If she had been in any doubt about one of the show's main attractions, despite her own principled reamisters, Mollie's delusions were cleared up when she was allowed to choose 6 brand new bikini's from shops on Oxford Street just for use on the show. She would be wearing little else that was for sure, which made Mollie kind of excited but even more determined not to play the exhibitionist when she was on the island.

She was also asked to provide a small pen picture of herself for distribution to the shows production team and her co-islander, boy number 1. She presumed that he had also been asked to do this and so it was no surprise when an email arrived with both hers and boy number 1's pen pictures attached. Sitting at her screen Mollie opened the email and decided to re-read her own first.

"Mollie Wan-Chu, 20 years old. Student at City University, London studying Language and Business. She speaks 5 languages and is grade 7 on the piano. Mollie is looking forward to being on Shipwrecked, survivor so that she can meet new people, enjoy the experience and learn new things about herself. Mollie is single and is not looking for romance on the island."

Mollie cringed. Reading her own profile made her sound like a real geek who would struggle to see fun if it leapt up and bit her on the ass. But she wasn't like that, 'oh fuck what a crap profile', Mollie thought to herself. She decided to read about the boy she would be living with for the first week.

"Neil Adams, 22 years old. London based banker. Neil grew up in Germany until he was five, before coming to the UK. He is sports mad and has run the 100 meters for his county on several occasions at the National Championships. He is proud of his well toned body and six-pack stomach. Neil is also a total ladies man, so we'll see if his cheeky humour has the right effect on the girls - he certainly hopes it will."

Oh man. Who was this guy? Mollie thought that his profile was more attractive and engaging than hers but she also thought that he sounded like a proper jerk. Suddenly Mollie was not quite so excited at the thought of spending the first week alone with 'Neil Adams'. But soon, and upon reflection, she decided that nothing would spoil this opportunity and when she thought about how inaccurate her profile was she soon convinced herself that Neil would be just fine. At least he sounded attractive and even sexy, though, as she kept reminding herself, a relationship of any sort whilst on the island was the furthest thing from her mind.


Mollie woke reluctantly. First her eyes blinked at the sunlight peeping in through the break in the curtains and then the loud alarm of her bedside clock cut into her mind.

"Fuck, shut up clock!" she shouted at no-one but the clock. Slowly she dragged her body out of bed. In was 5am. Today was the day. Mollie was flying via LA to Tahiti where she would be met by the C4TV team and whisked away to be 'Shipwrecked'. She had to be at Heathrow by 7:30am and her flight to LA was scheduled to leave at 10:30. It would be a long haul and she only had economy tickets. Still they were free and paradise awaited her, so it was hard to complain.

Mollie showered and before long felt awake. She had packed her stuff the previous evening and C4TV had arranged for a car to pick her up at 6:15. So she just had to get showered and dressed and then she was ready. Mollie wanted to look good for her first impressions and so took care to wash and dry her hair, shave her bikini line and underneath her arms and then she was ready to get dressed. She had packed a fairly big case with most of her decent clothes, including the 6 free bikini's but she had left out a grey vest top, a blue button blouse to go over it, jeans and Mollie intended to wear her North Face jacket and long boots to cater for the London Winter. It would be Summer in the South Pacific and she couldn't wait.

Mollie had at one point thought that she and Neil would travel out together but now realised that they were to be kept completely apart until they met on the island beach for the first time. This was so exciting Mollie would have butterflies in her stomach all the way out there.

Taking her luggage into her hand she took a last look around her room, said a whispered goodbye and was about to leave when the door to her room burst open.

"Byeeeeee Moll!" It was Veronica and Rosie.

Their sudden appearance at this early hour touched her and Mollie sensed her eyes watering.

"Oh girls, come here." Mollie released her luggage and held them both in a big hug.

"We'll miss you honey, but have a great time, you hear us?"

"I will, don't worry. And I'll be back soon full of stories to tell you. Look after each other while I'm gone."

Mollie pulled herself free from the embrace and started to make her way to the front door and the waiting taxi. Veronica moved towards her again.

"Here Moll, take this and think of me." Veronica slipped something into Mollie's hand and gave her a light kiss on the lips. Mollie smiled and said,

"Thanks V, I love you."

"I love you too sister."

Mollie looked down and saw the small furry bear on a key ring with the engraved word, 'Don't forget me Moll, love V xx'

As Mollie left the house she was crying.


The flight was long, cramped and largely uneventful. She ate, slept ... kind of, and watched 3 movies; a couple of uneventful flicks on the way to LA and then one of her favourites, 'Love Actually' on a TV Gold channel on the Tahiti leg. It took an unbelievable 22 hours to fly to Tahiti and so by the time Mollie had spent that amount of time on the plane and taken into account the plus 11 hours difference between Tahiti and London her body clock was shot to pieces.

After staggering through her disembarkment and waiting for what seemed like an age for her luggage, Mollie stumred into the arrivals hall at Tahiti's Faa'a international airport and was greeted by a C4TV card being held up with her name on it.

"Welcome Mollie," said a smiling face. Despite feeling like cuckolds brownie Mollie smiled back and even managed a little wave.

"Hi," the Asian student replied in a tired voice.

"Welcome to Tahiti! Here let me take your bags."

Mollie was on Autopilot and if she had heard the order to undress in the middle of the airport she would probably have obeyed, which was worryingly unlike her. But soon she was sitting in the back of a very comfortable Mercedes being taken to the Tahiti Hilton.

"You okay back there, Miss Chu?"

"Oh, erm, yeah sure. Where're we going did you say?"

"The Tahiti Hilton Miss. You're gonna meet my boss Tricia Gayle one of the C4 documentary producers in charge of Shipwrecked."

Mollie just nodded. She was almost arelax.


"So tonight you can unwind, but you should try to stay awake until at least 9pm that way your body clock will adjust and then tomorrow you will be taken out by boat to Potoma, okay?"

The word okay had pretty much woken Mollie up, and so she just sort of nodded before allowing herself to be whisked up to her room by a very enthusiastic porter.

"There you go Mollie ..." The young local, Tahitian native, porter opened the room door for her, and was being annoyingly familiar using her first name and all. But once the door was open Mollie just stared not believing her eyes. She had been allocated the most sumptuous suite ever, with the biggest bed and a view looking out to the Ocean. She could have cried with joy.

"Lovely room you've got." The porter continued his chatty ways whilst taking her bag into the main living room area, "shall I put it just here for you?"

Mollie looked towards him and nodded, "yes please." The boy stood his ground, and Mollie looked back at him. The moment became awkward.

"I usually get a tip Mollie," he said, "but I know you're just a young girl, and so if you want to pay some other way ..."

"What. I beg your pardon, what do you mean?"

Taking her question as a statement of interest instead of rebuke, he replied.

"Well, you're a young, beautiful girl and I'm a fit young porter and so if you give me half an hour of your naked body then we'll call it even. What do you say?"

Mollie looked at him and smiled. "So all you want is a little time with me is it lover?" Her fingers began to trace the hem of his blue jacket lapel. Not believing his luck he nodded, "yeah just half an hour Mollie, that's all."

Her fingers moved nearer to his face and she moved her hand back and brought it down with a resounding slap.

"How dare you! Leave now before I call someone and have you fired!"

The boy rubbed his cheek and made his exit muttering 'bitch' under his breath.

"You haven't seen the bitch in me yet you jerk," she shouted after him, overhearing his whisper.

She slammed the door shut and smiled. Staring out into the Ocean nothing could spoil her mood, not even an oversexed, over expectant porter.

She flopped onto the bed and began to doze.

It was a loud knocking on the door of the suite that woke Mollie from her dream. Despite knowing that she ought to try to stay awake, the comfortable king size bed had made it impossible. Mollie had fallen into a deep, coma like relax and so by the time she was trying desperately to open her eyes the banging on her door was very loud and almost frantic.

"Coming," she shouted wearily. Mollie rolled off the bed onto the floor and picked herself up. She opened the door and saw Tricia Gayle again, the show's producer and a young man. The man stared at the girl in front of him, the girl who would soon be "Shipwrecked, survivor's girl number 1". Her long hair was loose and mussed and, she looked so hot as she swept her hand through the jet black locks.

"Hey Mollie," Tricia spoke, "you look like you were relaxing?"

"Mmmm, yeah I was ... couldn't help it ... eyes just closed ..." Mollie was talking as if she was in a trance.

"Well, we want to share with you the plans from here on if that's ok?"

"What ... oh yeah, sure, come in." Mollie stepped aside and let the pair of C4TV representatives in.

"Look Mollie," Tricia spoke again, "why don't you unpack and then we'll talk."

"No, no it's fine I'm not unpacking much am I 'cos I'm only here for tonight."

The man was still eyeing Mollie as if to undress her. Then he too spoke.

"But, y'know, you should get a shower Mollie and wake yourself up for a few hours. That way you will adjust your body clock much easier."

Mollie actually thought that this was a good idea and failed to pick up on the man's second agenda which was to sneak a glimpse of the Asian student while she was naked.

"I won't be long, is that ok? Just make yourself some tea or something."

"Yeah Mollie take your time."

Mollie had already stripped off her loose button blouse, and her grey vest top showed the C4TV guy a bit more cleavage than he could see before and so he was already smiling. Mollie took her overnight bag and wandered off to the bathroom.

In just a few seconds the shower was on and the guy started to imagine what Mollie looked like with the water splashing down over her naked body. Tricia, his boss, had stood up to make a phone call and was standing on the balcony looking out to the ocean. Now was his chance.

He stood up and moved to the bathroom. His smile got even wider when he saw that the door was not locked and had actually slipped an inch or two open. He could see nothing yet but he had the opportunity to change that. Checking that his boss was still focused elsewhere he pushed on the open door and the two inches became 5 times that number. Now he could see.

He stared at the steamy shower cubicle and saw Mollie's obviously naked body relaxing under the hot water. He looked down on the floor and saw her clothes. He saw Mollie's jeans and vest and he saw her black lacy bra and matching panties. Her lovely black, tight boxer style panties and he started to go hard. He loved Asian girls and Mollie was as hot as any he had seen for some time.

He stood and watched as long as he dare before he moved back into the room and waited for her to get out. This time he sat in a different place, a chair from which he could see into the bathroom. Then the shower spray stopped.

He sensed her enter the bathroom before her naked form became visible. He saw the steam leave the shower cubicle, mercifully blurring Mollie's sight and the fact that she was being watched. He looked away, briefly embarrassed, and then he looked up again as the student's tight, firm Asian hued body emerged wet, unclothed and glorious from the mists of shower steam.

She was frantically brushing her head and hair with a towel which left the rest of her body deliciously damp and bare, available for him to take in. Mollie flowed, rather than walked, across the floor, her movement slow and languid, dripping wet. Her smooth motions like a vision, like someone comfortable in their body... like someone who knew how to use it -- he wondered how much Mollie had used it.


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He blinked, overtaken by a sudden desire ... and it took him all of his will power to stay seated rather than burst into the bathroom, lock the door and take her there and then. As she toweled her hair the slightly curving sides of her breasts and the outline of her small, sharp erect nipples came into view. Then she turned to face him. His breath stopped. She was facing him full frontal. Mollie was Gorgeous. Trimmed, pubic hair revealing the puffed up lips between her legs giving way upwards to a tight, toned stomach. He swallowed hard knowing she would see him as soon as her face emerged from beneath the towel. But, just in time, he left his seat as Mollie looking up from under her towel, reached out and pushed the bathroom door closed again.

Phew, she hadn't seen him ... but, fuck, he had seen her, and how. He was to be the lone cameraman on the island and she, as the only girl, would be his female subject for the first week. Just then the balcony window opened and his producer returned.

"Is she done yet, Pete?"

"I heard the shower stop, so a few minutes I guess."


By the time that Mollie emerged back into the suite's living room area she was dry and dressed. Pete could see that she wore only white shorts and a blue T shirt and he just knew that Mollie was naked underneath her skimpy clothing. The vision of her naked floating through the steam in the bathroom would just not leave his mind ... nor did he particularly want it to!

Mollie's long hair was not yet brushed and so hung wild and free and she brushed strands away from her face as she spoke.

"So, what's the plan?" Mollie asked with typical directness.

"Well," said Tricia, "we met when you arrived and you remember that I am your producer for the next few months, right?"

As she said that it made the point to Mollie that she would be out on the island of Potoma for 12 whole weeks, 3 months of her life. The realisation made new feelings of nervous and excited anticipation jump around inside her body.

"This is Pete, our cameraman and the only permister other than you and the other island inhabitants to be actually on the island."

"But don't worry," Pete cut in, "I have my own little shack a short distance away from the main area, where me and my technology live. So you won't see me much ..."

"... But nor will you know when he is filming," concluded Tricia.

"But I only need 2 hours of film a week which Tricia will then have edited into 1 hour for the show. So I will not be too intrusive by any means."

Mollie smiled.

"When do we travel?"

Tricia continued, "You will have the rest of today to chill out, relax and enjoy yourself and then tomorrow at 9am we will take you out to Potoma."

"What about Neil, boy number 1?" Mollie was curious as to where the other island inhabitant was going to be.

"He's at a different hotel and he will be taken out to Potoma just like you will be but at either 8am or 10am we haven't decided yet. So when you arrive you will not know whether he is there or not."

Mollie smiled as she realised that they were already starting to play the game.

"You know the game is for you to be joined by a new contestant each week and the winner will be the one with most votes after a 48 hour telephone call-in voting system leading up to the final show, right?" Mollie nodded.

"So Mollie dear, if you're all set we'll leave to unwind and prepare yourself for the best time of your life."

"Thank you, thank you so much," said Mollie sounding genuinely grateful for the opportunity as she shook both their hands.

Then Tricia and Pete, with a last desirous look at Mollie's sparsely covered body, left. Mollie crashed out on the settee laughing and thrilled anew with what the next few weeks and months held in store for her.


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The Island Day 1

Despite having the luxury of a hotel suite Mollie was desperate for relax by 9pm and so she woke bright and early the following morning. It was Monday and it was day one of her life as a Shipwrecked, survivor.

Mollie dragged herself out of bed, stretched and showered. It was while she was toweling her body that there was a knock at the door. Mollie fastened the big, white, fluffy towel around herself,

"Hello, who is it?"

"Good morning Mollie I'm Jessica the wardrobe mistress for the show."

'Wardrobe Mistress?' Mollie thought to herself, I hardly have any clothes!

Jessica entered. "I expect you're wondering why you need advice on your wardrobe Mollie aren't you?"

"Well yes, kind of."

"Don't worry; I'm here just to say that today you should dress in proper clothes, no bikini. The show likes to start off as if you are really being marooned."

"Oh," replied Mollie. Jessica moved towards her bag.

"May I?" Jessica began to open the zipper on Mollie's luggage case.

"Erm, yes of course."

Jessica started to look through Mollie's things. She soon pulled out a matching white lacy bra and panties set, a short denim skirt and a blue and white stripy vest top.

"Here, put these on for today and then from now on you just wear what you want, okay." Jessica smiled and Mollie smiled back.

"Oh, yes okay I will."

"So get dressed and have some breakfast. Make it a good one because it's island life from now on." Jessica laughed.

Mollie closed the door behind her as she the wardrobe lady left. Once her hair was dried she put on the clothes as she had been instructed. Mollie looked herself up and down in the mirror.

"Well honey ..." she spoke to herself, "you didn't want to become the guys' Sunday morning fantasy but you sure look good!"


It was 8:30am when Mollie dragged her case out of the lift to meet the waiting crew.

"Good morning Mollie ..." Tricia spoke, her voice almost too bright and breezy, "... so have you got sun block on."

"Yes I have, and good morning to you too," Mollie replied.

"Good, then let's be away to your new home.

Mollie had never felt so excited before in her entire life.

"There's just you traveling out on the small boat Mollie. Pete and Neil will arrive separately."

Mollie just nodded knowing that she was unlikely to be told any details about Neil's arrival and so might as well not ask. The hotel was on the shore line and so she simply had to pull her case down a jetty and onto the small motor boat that would take her to Potoma.

"Morning Miss Mollie," the captain said, "it's just a short journey, twenty minutes to Potoma."

Mollie nodded and smiled at his reference to her as 'Miss Mollie' -- it reminded her of the misterg which had now lodged itself immovably inside her head!

"... good golly Miss Molly sure like to ..." Fuck it misterg, go away!

The boat's motor started up and soon they were pulling away from the hotel. The sound of the boat and the ocean was too loud too talk or be heard over so Mollie just quietly admired the gorgeous surroundings. Endless blue sea and skies and an island home designed to be paradise. She could hardly wait.

After fifteen minutes or so Mollie could see the island, it was about a quarter of a mile away. The boat ground to a halt.

"You can swim right?" the captain asked. Mollie laughed.

"I'm being serious. The show expects you to appear on the beach as if you really had been shipwrecked and so you swim from here on and I will deliver your luggage to the beach later."

"No way, no one said."

"Well that's the plan."

"Can I put on a bikini?"

The captain shook his head. "No you go just as you are. It's only a lagoon so although its' about twenty feet deep here in another 100 yards or so you should be able to stand up."

Mollie knew he was being serious and she could also appreciate the effect the show wanted to create, and she supposed that to tell her at this late hour made for better TV. So with shrug of her shoulders, Mollie moved to the side of the boat and jumped in.

The water was cold but soon became warm to her skin. In fact the sensation was lovely, had it not been for the fact that she was swimming fully clothed. The captain had been right and so after maybe 150 yards Mollie could stand on her tip toes. As she walked towards the shore and her body became more visible Mollie thought that she must look like the James Bond girl rising from the ocean, and she knew that her role as a Sunday morning masturbation object had started right here and right now. She chuckled to herself at the thought.

Mollie was surprisingly tired though when she finally arrived at the sand. It had been a long time since she had swum anywhere and to do so now with her clothes on and in the hot sunshine didn't make for an easy time. But she had made it and so to add to the effect Mollie collapsed onto the beach and for a few minutes she just lay there letting the sun kiss her body.

Suddenly she closed her spread legs. Mollie realized that she was undoubtedly being filmed and so did not want to give them a continuous 'up-skirt' shot. However it was not clear whether Pete the cameraman was here or whether she was currently being filmed from the boat. There was no sign of Pete but that didn't mean he wasn't around ... somewhere.

This burst of thought caused Mollie to jump up. She was soaking still and her clothes clung to her body. She knew what this would look like to the watching audience when the show was aired and she knew that her nipples were so hard that they were poking through her bra and her vest. But she was also aware that she could do nothing about it.

"The price of fame" she laughed to herself.

Mollie looked around at her surroundings. They were idyllic. Fifty yards of golden beach gave way to a dense forest area which was no doubt where they would be expected to make camp. She watched as the boat pulled away. Did that mean she was no longer being filmed? It was impossible to know. But one thing that Mollie did know was that the island was indeed paradise. She could hear absolutely nothing except for the natural sounds of the sea, the breeze and the birds. Beautiful!

Then she found herself wondering about Neil. Was he here already?

"Helloooooo!" she yelled breaking through the sounds of nature.

"Anybody else here?"

Silence. There was no reply.

"Helloooooo. Neeeeeil are you here?" Again, not a sound.

'Okay so he must be on the ten o'clock trip as opposed to the eight o'clock' Mollie thought to herself.

Thinking that she needed to do something, Mollie headed off into the trees. As she walked across the sand Mollie looked along the surf line. The lagoon was big. She had expected to see the entire coastline of the island but that too was bigger than she had expected.

She carried on through the trees and walked for maybe a hundred more yards until she came across a pond. In fact it was extension to the lagoon which of course in turn fed out into the ocean. It was a lovely sight. The surface of the water was so still that it hardly had a ripple except where the waterfall splashed down directly opposite her.

The water of the falls looked like an arch of silver where it flowed over the rock edge about fifteen feet above the pond, and then hung down the face of the rock before it splashed softly into the otherwise still waters. The rest of the pond was like a dark mirror casting a perfect image of the trees and rocks surrounding it.

Mollie stood for a while admiring the view, still not quite believing that she was on 'paradise island'. The only wildlife she could see was of a winged variety -- birds and bugs, nothing dangerous around so far. Despite having spent so long in the water, Mollie felt sticky and still very damp. The sand from the beach had stuck to her and seemed to have managed to get into every bodily crevice that she had!

She was desperate to shower under the waterfall. Fleetingly Mollie thought of the camera and whether she was being filmed or not. But then she relaxed thinking that she hadn't seen anyone so far and that if they only needed two hours of film a week it was unlikely that the camera was switched on even if it was here.

So without a further thought for her safety or anything else and still fully clothed, she dived in.


A pair of eyes watched Mollie as she glided through the still water. She created a sleek, slender shape with long black hair flowing behind her, almost effortlessly moving towards the fall. The eyes watched her make it to her destination and climb out onto the flat bedrock. They watched as Mollie took off her vest and wiped her face with it and they focused on her now transparent white bra and then the vest top again as Mollie rubbed it up and down an arm.

Nail Adams had been dropped off at the island at eight o clock that morning. He too had swum ashore and he had seen Mollie arrive and heard her shout out. But he wanted to retain an element of surprise and now, as he watched Mollie shower under the fall, he was glad that he had. Her pen picture had made her sound like a bit of a geek, but nerd or not she sure was hot!

Mollie continued to rub herself with the vest until after a while she took off her bra.

'Oh man," thought Neil to himself. She had her back to him as she placed the vest and the bra on the edge of a nearby rock to dry properly in the sun. Then, with apparent disregard for being seen, Mollie slipped off her skirt and panties and left them to dry also while she luxuriated naked under the cold natural water.

Neil was hooked, he couldn't look away. Even though she faced away from him, the sight of her bare back thrilled the young man; her delicate shoulder blades, the way she tapered to a slender waist and then flared out a little towards her hips. He could see the white, less tanned skin that formed her ass, her buttocks and the back of her thighs right at the very top. Fuck, he was getting hard. He wore only a dry again short sleeved button up shirt which was currently hanging loose and unbuttoned, and a pair of shorts and so there was nothing much to hide his developing erection.


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She also had him hooked because she kept rubbing her breasts with her hands and then washing down between her legs. Oh man!

Then she turned to face him. Fuck yeah. Mollie was gorgeous. The waterfall splashed off her back as she put her head beneath the sheet of water making it look like she had been decapitated. Water ran down her chest over her breasts and nipples and down between her slender thighs. Neil saw her toned legs and thighs and then the small clipped triangle of curly black hair that topped her mound. This was the best show he had had in ages. Her breasts, he noted, were smallish but nice and firm it appeared and her nipples were standing out erect like bullets.

Neil wondered what it would be like to touch her. He hoped he would get the chance. He imagined pulling her wet body to him and kissing her. Then her lovely face emerged and she was done. Looking down to her side Mollie cried out.

"Fuck no!"

Whether they had simply slipped off the wet rock or whether a breeze had taken them didn't really matter, but whatever, Mollie's clothes that she had left drying in the sun were now floating in the pond and were once more wet through! And she had no idea when her luggage would be arriving or for that matter where it would be left. Shit!

Neil had not paid much attention to Mollie's clothes, not with Mollie's naked body available to be gloriously ogled, but now he looked down and saw what her problem was.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" shouted Mollie as she once more jumped into the freezing cold pond, only this time her naked body was even more streamlined than it was before as she cut through the short distance from the falls to where her clothes were gently floating away.

Neil enjoyed the view of her peach like ass just breaching the surface of the still sheen of water and then her naked breasts as she stopped swimming to collect her things. He watched her swim to the grassy bank and clamber out of the pond. Clearly Mollie believed that she was alone as she made no attempt to hide her deliciously naked body.

Should he make himself known or not, that was his dilemma? He quickly decided that he would. He stood up and started to run down the hill to the banking, making it look like he had just arrived.

"Hey, what's the matter, what's all the shouting about?"

Mollie turned to face the sound of his voice and screamed. Her hands immediately went to cover her bare breasts and groin.

"Who ... what the ..."

"Sorry to burst in on with you looking ... well, with you looking like you are, but I heard your screaming and ran towards the sound. You must be Mollie?"

"Erm, yes that's me, and you must be Neil?" Mollie had now hidden herself behind a rock.

"Look, you can't put the soaking wet stuff back on, so take this." He offered her his shirt.

"Oh, right thanks." Taking the shirt from him she said, "Would you mind turning around please?"

Neil had already glimpsed another sight of her erect nipples when handing his shirt over and so willingly obliged. Mollie slipped on the shirt which she fastened to cover her chest, but she was not comfortable with the length of it given that she was wearing no panties and so, despite them still being soaked, Mollie put her panties back on.

She looked up at Neil's muscled upper body and felt a lust fuelled stirring in her stomach. He was cute, there was no doubting that, and seemed quite chivalrous -- if only she had known that he had been watching her wash her naked body for at least twenty minutes before finally revealing himself.

"Ok I'm done." Mollie appeared from behind the rock. Neil looked at her and his mouth dropped.

"Wow, Mollie, I have to say you look so ... well you just look good, very good."

Mollie was a little embarrassed, but it was true, she wore Neil's shirt far better than he did and, even though she felt more dressed than she had just a few minutes ago, Mollie was still walking around in her wet panties.

They headed back towards the beach. Neil looked at the perfect, natural island habitat around him and the hot Asian, partially clothed girl next to him and wondered what he had done to be so lucky!


"Hey guys, look what I've got!"

Pete the cameraman headed towards them carrying two cases.

"Oh yes, my luggage. I was starting to think it had gone missing." Mollie was relieved. Neil was pleased to see his case too but was also regretting the fact that their arrival would mean that Mollie would soon change out of her skimpy clothing.

The two shipwreckers had been sitting and chatting since the events at the pond and had discovered quite a bit about one another. Even though they seemed to have little in common other than their current situation, Neil was left thinking that Mollie was no-where near to being the egg-head her profile had made her sound and in return Mollie though that Neil was okay and not a jerk at all.

They had not seen Pete before this moment and so neither Mollie nor Neil was sure when or even if they had been filmed already.

"Hey, how have you guys been doing?" His eyebrows became raised when he saw Mollie's state of attire. "You'll be ready for this Mollie I guess," he handed her case over to him.

"Thanks Pete, just what I need. See you guys later."

Mollie took her case and moved into her temporary relaxing area which was just a few yards from Neil's and was separated from his space by a long line of bamboo poles which they had found lying around. Such developments were the islanders' only concession to work so far. Mollie spread her relaxing bag onto the sand and suddenly her plot looked far more inviting.

Pete sat down next to Neil.

"So how you doing pal?"

"Fuck me, Pete I never expected to be shipwrecked with such a hot horny looker on my own for a whole week ... and you'll never guess what happened earlier ..."

Pete cut in, and taking a small hand held camera out of his pocket said, "You mean this."

Pete flipped open the small camera screen and played back the whole scene from the pond. Neil stared in awe at the screen as he watched Mollie once again swim out to the falls, strip herself naked and then cavort in the water as she attempted to retrieve her clothes.

"Fuck Pete, when did you get this?" She ... we had no idea you were even here never mind actually filming us!"

"Well, I have been doing this for a few years now," Pete was obviously proud of his stealth like achievement and was also enjoying Neil's reaction.

"She's fucking hot though isn't she?" The cameraman revealed his thoughts to shipwrecked boy number one. They both turned to watch Mollie who happened to be still rummaging inside her case and had her panties-covered ass sticking into the air and facing the guys.

"She sure is Pete, what I wouldn't give to be perched right between those peachy little Asian cheeks ... ha ha!"

"Hmmmm, I know what you mean pal."

Just then Mollie walked back towards them.

"Are you not unpacking Neil?"

Neil fell back onto the sand and looked up at his co-islander, who was now dressed in a black bikini and looked even cuter than she had before.

"Yeah I guess I should."

"But hey," Pete spoke once more, "I gotta tell you guys that you get a tinned food parcel every Monday morning and there is a large cold water store with a tap for you just 50 yards over there." He pointed in a direction opposite to the one they had come from earlier when leaving the pond. Neither of the islanders had so far found the water or the tins and in fact they had been so excited that they had not even thought about food and take ... until now that is.

"I'm so thirsty all of a sudden," said Mollie tying her long black hair into a pony tail.

"Yeah so am I Mollie. Do me a favour and bring me a cup full of the cold water would you?"

Mollie looked down at Neil and feigned insult.

"What, you want me to bring you water? Don't expect me to be your slave around her, will you! Do you want a take too Pete" Laughing she walked off in the direction that Pete had indicated.

"Did she say slave?" Neil said quietly to Pete.

"I think she did."

"Oh fuck, how I'd love to have her as my slave; I'd make her do so many things ..."

"We could you know ..." Pete smiled wryly.

"What ... how?"

"Well there's two of us and only one of her for starters, and then I already have this footage of her naked which could so easily find its way onto the internet unless she agrees to our terms and ..."

Suddenly Neil's ears pricked up "Go on,"

"... well there's only me here with you two for the next 5 and a bit days and so long as I get two hours of footage for Tricia then I can pretty much do what I want. So if we can get her into other compromising positions or situations then I can get more and more footage and we can power her to do more and more stuff."

This was very quickly beginning to sound achievable. "What kind of stuff?" asked Neil.

"I am sure that neither of us will have a problem thinking of things to make such a hot babe do ... will we?"

"No, I'm sure you're right."

Just them Mollie returned with a tray and 3 mugs of cool water for them to take.

"There you are Masters please tell your slave what she should do next!" Mollie laughed and clipped the back of Neil's head with her hand.

"Oh, just sit down here with us and we'll think of something I'm sure!" Again Mollie laughed completely unaware of the recent conversation between her co-islanders.


Neil woke with a start. He turned in an almost shock-like state to see Pete standing over him.

"Hey buddy, shhhh don't wanna wake her do we?"

Neil smiled and shook his head, "No we don't," he whispered in reply.
"Okay, are you ready?"

"Yes Pete, ready to make this little Asian bend to our will and whims ... fucking great!"

After the conversation in the afternoon Pete and Neil had hatched a plan. Both islanders were still shattered as their bodies adjusted to Pacific Time so it was clear that bed would come early on day one. The plan was that the guys would steal Mollie's case with her clothes in and hide it in Pete's shack along with the food rations. They would start by allowing Mollie access to her clothes and food in return for little favours. What those favours would be, and just how 'little' was still to be decided ... however both Pete and Neil had a general theme in mind! And of course they still had Neil's secret footage to bargain with should it be required.

Neil crept out of his relaxing back and quietly both males made their way to Mollie's relaxing plot. To their relief most of her clothes were still inside her case and Neil could see the black bikini on the sand near to her bag.

"What the fuck does she have on?" Having seen the discarded swimming costume Neil was excited thinking that she might be naked.

"Take a look bud; go on her zippers only half pulled up."

"Fuck Pete, no way ... I'll wake her."

"No you won't, just watch."

Pete moved his fingers towards her bag. Neil held his breath and stared as the cameraman lifted up the top side of the relaxing bag to reveal Mollie's prostrate body.

"Oh yeah man," Neil could see that Mollie wore nothing on her top -- it had become a very warm evening -- and only a pair of white panties to cover herself with. Her arms were crushed to her chest as her hands, somewhat cutely, formed a pad for her to rest her head on and so the boys could not see her nipples but the squashed outline of her breasts was clearly visible.

"Oh boy, imagine tomorrow when she wakes to find that she's only got a pair of knickers to her name." Neil's voice had become louder and suddenly Mollie stirred and twisted her body position slightly. Both guys froze.

"Come on let's get this over with," said Neil now a little concerned that if they stayed so close to Mollie much longer they would wake her up. Pete scooped up the bikini and closed her case before carrying it away from Mollie and back in the direction of his hut. Neil followed with the food tins.

Once inside his place, Pete let out a whoop of delight.

"Fucking hell Neil pal, we've done it. When our hot little Mollie wakes tomorrow she will have no clothes and no food, unless we let her. Buddy, she will be so desperate."

Neil smiled knowing that he could hardly wait to find out just how desperate!


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The Island Day 2

It had been impossible for the guys to get back to relax after they had stolen Mollie's things, so excited were they. They had already planned for Pete to hide himself in a place that enared him to film Mollie's awakening in the hope of catching some more titillating footage. Neil meanwhile was just going lay and wait for her to wake up.

It was hard to keep track of time given that they had no watches, clocks or mobile phones. So it was only by virtue of the fact that the sun was rising and clearing away the night clouds that Neil had any idea that it was morning again, the morning of day 2 on the island of Potoma.

Mollie stirred as her mind sensed the sun light. She had set her relaxing area up quite sensibly in the shade, but even then the night had been hot and muggy. Mollie remembered that she had removed her bikini and slept with nothing covering her breasts and once her mind had reminded her of where she was and who she was with Mollie reached out for her bikini.


Where the fuck was it?

Mollie knew that she had just left it littered at the side of her relaxing bag, but now it was gone.

And where was her case? No, that was gone too! Bastard Neil, was he playing games already? She would go and give him a piece of her mind and make it clear that this was not how they would live together. Mollie made to get up and go see him but suddenly remembered that she only wore a pair of white lacy panties and nothing on her top. Shit!

"Neil," she shouted. He was only a few yards away and so would hear her for sure. No reply was forthcoming.

"Neil," she yelled again only this time even louder.

"What?" Came his relaxy eyed response, "what are you shouting about?"

"Where are my case and my clothes?"

"What? I have no idea Mollie."

"Well unless someone else lives here and has been spying on us, who else could have taken my case?"

"Hmmm, good point. No one except maybe Pete?"

"Pete! Fuck of course. Y'know what now I think about it he was looking at me in a weird sort of way back at the hotel." Mollie paused then spoke again.

"Neil ...?"


"Do me a really big favour and go find his hut and get my case back again would you. I can't get out of my bag yet."

"Why not?"

A little embarrassed Mollie said, "Because I'm almost naked under here."

Neil smiled to himself.

"So you want me to get your clothes back?"

"Yes please."

"How grateful would you be?"

"What ...?" Mollie wasn't sure where this conversation was heading now.

"How worth my while would it be? Look, currently I've got a half naked, hot Asian girl in a relaxing bag just a few yards away from me and she needs a favour. So what happens next?"

"I ... I don't know," Mollie was sounding a little more forlorn, although had picked up on his description of her as a hot Asian girl.

"So maybe a brief kiss would do it."

Mollie knew the direction that Neil could take and so a kiss would be a small price to pay she reckoned.

"Okay you got it, come over here."

"No Mollie, that's not how it works. You come over here sans relaxing bag."

"What, oh come on Neil, please ... don't be so awkward!"

"Those are my terms; take 'em or leave 'em."

With a resigned look on her face the lovely Mollie unzipped her relaxing bag, stood up and, whilst out of Neil's sight, she stretched the aches of the night away from her body. She pulled her lovely body tight and thrust out her arms and her breasts creating a beautiful silhouette against the rising sun and the horizon. It was a hot, horny, superb sight ... a sight which Mollie may well have chosen not to display if she knew that she was being captured on film. Just to make matters worse Mollie spent a few second rubbing each of her breasts and adjusting her panties. Then she had a great idea.

"Hey Neil, did you relax well?"

Neil looked up as Mollie appeared into his relaxing area. She looked gorgeous, then he laughed.

"You can take those away if you want your stuff back."

"No Neil, please." Mollie had taken two large, sturdy leaves and was holding them over her breasts.

"Okay, do without." Neil placed his hands behind his head and smiled up at Mollie who was feeling more and more cornered by the second.

"Drop the leaves and kiss me. That's the way it will be my little co-islander."

"Neil," Mollie sounded earnest, "if we start out like this you and I living together will never work."

"Hmmm right now though seeing your tits and getting a kiss seems like a good idea."

"Okay fuckwit, have it your way." Neil stored the insult away in his mind for revenge later when she was fully enslaved and watched as Mollie stood up and dropped the leaves. He stared at her breasts. Delicious firm mounds tipped by small brown nipples, hard, erect nipples. After a few seconds Mollie moved to cover them up.

"No Moll, let me ogle you some more."

His phraseology made her feel cheap and demeaned, but she did as he asked.

"Now the kiss and Moll I mean a proper kiss."

Mollie sighed heavily and knelt down beside Neil. She looked at his expectant face and was glad that she actually found him to be cute otherwise this little episode would have been utterly unbearable. She kissed him.

Lightly at first but then with increasing pressure and Neil responded in a like manner. Their mouths met and their lips pressed together and his tongue sought her out. She pulled away leaving a saliva line between them.

"Okay Neil you got your kiss and your naked show so now go get my stuff please."

Neil looked at her and smiled.

"Not sure I can do that Moll!"

"Oh come on Neil stop fucking me about!"

"Now, now Mollie, such bad language from a pretty young girl," Neil mocked his co-islander. Mollie was trying to put on a brave show but was becoming more concerned a not a little scared by the minute.

"Please Neil, just help me find my case or tell me where it is?"

"No can do Moll."

"But maybe I can help?" Pete emerged from a thicket of bushes and trees.

The island's number one girl once again covered her naked breasts with her hands.

"No need to be shy Mollie," Pete laughed.

Mollie knew now that there was a scam being conducted, a scam to humiliate her. She looked away with tears now in her lovely, brown eyes. Mollie looked out to the ocean and thought how quickly such a beautiful setting was turning sour.

She turned back to face the boys.

"Look guys' fun is fun but really I need my stuff. So please get it for me." Her voice was beginning to falter as the emotion in her eyes spilled over into her throat. She was determined not to cry. Pete held a small camera.

"Please don't film this Pete."

Pete just smiled as if to say that he would do as he pleased.

"Okay Mollie, so we have a situation here don't we?" said Neil matter-of-factly.

"No Neil, we don't have to have a situation, as you call it, just let me have my things and we'll forget about it until we can laugh together later."

"Hmmmm, what do you say Pete?"

"I say that Mollie would love to have this right now." Pete held out her black bikini.

Mollie shook her head in despair.

"Do you, Mollie? Do you want the bikini?"

"Yes ... please." Mollie whispered.

"Sorry Moll, can't hear you." Neil was still mocking his co-islander.

"Yes please," she shouted "I do want it, give me my fucking bikini now!"

"Whoa! Calm down Moll. How grateful would you be if we did?"

"No guys, please, no more stupidity. Just let me have my clothes."

"You know what Pete, I've got a huge boner after Mollie insisted on waking me with a kiss in her half naked state, and I need to do something about it."

"Oh fuck!" Whispered Mollie to herself. She was starting to panic. She was trapped with these two guys on a real life desert island with no mobile phone and no means of escape.

"Ok Mollie, so for starters you can show me those lovely little tits of yours."

"Just fuck off, both of you!"

With that Mollie marched back to her relaxing bag and got back inside, leaving the boys laughing at her strop.

As the hours passed by Mollie stayed zipped up inside her bag. Neil had taken the advice of Pete, who had told him that he needed some film of them building a basic shelter on the island and so he suggested that Neil starts this and then he would film it as if they were both contributing. He had plenty of head shots of Mollie that he could edit in.

So after a couple more hours of lie in Neil got up and went for a swim in the lagoon to wake himself properly. Mollie looked at her co-islander basking in the water and was desperate to join him but knew that she could not. In fact she had no idea what would happen next.

Neil came out of the sea dripping wet and came to sit by Mollie with an open tin of peaches that was to serve as his breakfast. He ate them slowly and purposefully in full site of Mollie.

"Hey Moll, you might not have realised yet but we have the food also and so unless you catch your own you will have to rely on Pete and I if you want anything to eat."

Mollie did not react verbally to Neil's smug revelation but new tears squeezed out from under her eyelids. This chance of a lifetime was turning into a nightmare and there was nothing she could do to stop it.

Neil finished his breakfast and then started to build a basic shelter, as required, using bamboo and ropes and nails from the provisions that had been left for them on the island.

'Ropes, nails and bamboo ...' Neil was mulling over in his mind how such resources might indeed help them have fun with little Mollie in due course!


Neil sat on a rock in the middle of the surf cooling his feet in the very pleasant waters of the lagoon. Mollie had not moved all morning. Neil guessed it must be around midday as he was hungry. Pete had simply been around filming for some of the time and then away doing his job, Neil guessed, for the remainder of the morning. The basic shelter was completed and Neil was pleased with the results. He also knew that Pete was unlikely to require any more official film today which gave them full remit to accelerate the situation with the lovely Mollie.

Mollie meanwhile was miserable, hungry and dying for a pee!

"Neil," she spoke weakly, trying to play for his sympathy, "I need to go to the toilet."


"So, please will you let me have my clothes back?"

Neil stood up and walked over to where Mollie lay. "Look Moll, maybe it's time we called a halt to this."

Mollie smiled filled with renewed hope. "Oh yes please," she said enthusiastically.

"Ok look, wait here for 2 minutes. I will get your bikini and then have Pete bring down your case. After which we can all have lunch, sound okay?"

Mollie nodded, and although she was still so very angry she found herself saying, "Thank you Neil."

A few minutes later Neil reappeared with Mollie's black bikini. "Here put this on and Pete will be down with your case in a minute."

Leaving her alone to restore her modesty Neil moved back to his relaxing area. He could hear Mollie moving around and knew just when she was leaving to head for their latrine area, which had been pre-dug and prepared for them by C4TV. Quickly he dashed into her space and picked up her relaxing bag by the time Mollie returned there was no sign of her case or her cast off white panties or her relaxing bag! Instead she was faced with Neil and Pete staring at her from their position on flat bedrock to the immediate side of Mollie's small pitch.


"Hey Moll," Pete gave her a small wave.

"Where's my relaxing bag? And you said Pete would bring my case?"

"Changed our minds Moll, you're gonna have to work for them."


"See that Bamboo pole over there?"

Mollie turned to look at a thick bamboo pole that had been driven into the thick wet sand. She nodded.

"Well that's your pole Moll, and we want you to dance around it and take off your bikini for us."

"What!" Mollie could not believe what she had heard.

"We want a fully naked pole dance."

"No fucking way, do you guys think I'm stupid?"

"No Moll," replied Neil, "far from it. In fact we know you're not and we also know therefore that you won't want your reputation damaging."

"What do you fuckers mean," Mollie was both livid and scared now, and her expletives became reflective of her desperation.


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Mollie began to lose herself in the movements and the music, and she continued to dance, teasing the boys by letting first one bikini shoulder strap and then the other drop sensuously. She turned around, throwing her head back and lifting her leg. Her smooth thighs flashed seductively. She continued to dance now moving around the bamboo pole, but had stopped stripping.

"Don't stop Moll," warned Neil, and in an instant she unhooked the bikini bra clasp, which was at the front of the garment and, holding the front of her top in place, did a few more gyrations. She then pulled the cups of her bra from her breasts and peeled them back to reveal her slightly less tanned, naked mounds, capped with dark and amazingly hard nipples that stood out proudly. Mollie held her bra top as she danced and her breasts bounced gently.

As she pulled her arms back to let the bra slide off of her arms, her tits were thrust forward. She was lovely. Again she placed her hands on her head and continued to dance. Her whole body gyrated gently as she moved and shook her tits for and at them.

Mollie saw Pete's fingers playing with the keys on his laptop and knew that they weren't satisfied yet.

Her hands came down over her nipples and then descended to her own tender thighs. She let her fingers graze over her hips and her mound and then, sliding the top of her panties down a little more, she revealed the top of her silky, dark public hair. As she turned her body, she hooked her fingers under the sides of her bikini bottoms and drew the soft material up into the crack of her ass, revealing her smooth, tanned cheeks. They were magnificent. It was a good move and much appreciated by the boys.

As Mollie continued to dance, she watched Pete's fingers closely. They were moving constantly doing something as he watched the screen. Then she realised -- he was filming her from his laptop. Fuck, no! Mollie hadn't seen a camera and thought this show was just for the guys on a here and now basis. But they had it on film and she was in with them even more deeply!

"You're filming me aren't you?" She said. It was more of a statement than a question.

"Of course we are," replied Neil, you didn't think we would miss keeping this show for posterity did you? Now fucking strip bitch and don't keep us waiting much longer."

Her despair now complete, Mollie slid her long fingers into the front of her bikini pants and then hooked both of her thumbs into the front of the skimpy garment. Pulling the soft material from her body, she flashed it open a few times and then she slid the bottoms down over her flaring hips and to her ankles. As she bent forward, her breasts swayed beautifully. Then she stepped out of her bikini, lifted her body and was left naked before them. Mollie stood almost defiantly with her legs slightly spread and her hands hanging loose by her side. Her firm breasts stood out proudly as the boys gazed silently at her magnificent body.

"Very nice indeed." Neil complimented her. "You have a superb body Moll." He continued, as he drank in the naked flesh of the Asian girl before them.

"Please may I have a take of water?" Mollie asked so politely with her eyes averted towards the sand and her head angled downwards that it was hard to refuse her.

"Move your hands Mollie!" Neil shouted, scaring Mollie into moving her hands away from in front of her groin where they had automatically gone once the dance was over.

"Shall we permit her a take Pete," Neil could see that Mollie was parched and her lips had become wrinkly and dry. Pete agreed that they should.

"Off you go then little Moll," And bring us one back too. Oh and walk slowly, we want to watch your naked ass!"

Mollie knew that she would not get her clothes back just yet and so having to set off naked was not a surprise to her even though she still felt thoroughly exposed and embarrassed. Mollie made as if to head towards the water vat.

"What do you say Mollie?" mocked Neil, speaking to his co-islander as if she was a little girl. Mollie looked up at the boy and said,

"Thank you?" not certain if that was the right answer.

"Thank you, what Mollie?" Mollie shook her head.

"Master, Mollie ... from now on if ever you are permitted to speak to either Pete or myself you will address us as Master understand?"

Mollie looked shocked and horrified but knew that she had no option. She nodded her head.

"Yes what?" yelled Neil, getting right into poor Mollie's face.

"Yes ... Master," replied a humiliated Mollie, and with that she quickly turned and headed for the water leaving the boys laughing in her wake. She knew where she was going and it took her only seconds to get there. Then Mollie looked down.

"Oh no, please no ..." she sobbed.

"Looking for this?" Pete stood behind her holding up a key. The water vat had a plug in the end of the tap which they were supposed to replace after use in order to stop bugs crawling into it. But it was lockable too and Pete had the key, well both keys in fact, only now Neil had one too. The only permister who could not get a take when she wanted was poor, hapless Mollie.

Mollie nodded, "Yes please ..."

"Yes please what?"

"Master, yes please Master."

"Okay." Pete reached down and unlocked the tap and poured 3 cups of water, before locking the plug again. Mollie takes hers so fast that half of it spilled down her bare chest.

"Please may I have more water ... Master," she played the game just right. However,

"No, you may not you greedy slut!"

Mollie's lip began to quiver. Not only did they have her clothes and controlled access to her food and water, but they had called her bitch and now slut. This was turning into something too awful for words.

"Right Mollie, back to the pole, we've not finished yet," they set off, "but you will crawl in front of us slut."

Mollie let out a groan of despair, but knew that she had no option but to comply.

"So crawl bitch, and remember that we are filming everything, so every second that passes puts you more under our control." Neil growled.

Mollie sobbed as she got down onto all fours and crawled away in front of the boys. Neil smiled at Pete as they looked down at her pert little bottom and swollen pussy staring back at them.

They arrived at the pole and Mollie was ordered to stand.

"Do you want to put your bikini on?"

"Yes please ... Master," she said quietly.

"Okay put it on. We've gotta go and make a clearing and then make a seating area, and if we do that now then Pete gets some good film for his bosses and the less we have to do as the week goes by."

Mollie quickly dressed herself in the 2 brief garments, grateful to be able to restore her basic modesty.

Neil put his arm around Mollie's shoulders and ordered her to smile as Pete stood in front of them filming their apparent enjoyment as they walked together smiling away from the beach.


It was now late afternoon. The clearing was cleared, and the rock and bamboo seating area had been built. In fact Pete lent a hand even though he was not supposed to. Neil and Mollie lay on the sand, tired and relaxing lightly. Pete had wandered off to edit some of his film.

Neil was woken by Mollie nudging his arm.

"Please, Neil, please I'm hungry. I've not eaten all day."

"Ask properly."

Mollie had wrongly thought the whole 'Master' stuff had just been for earlier, but apparently not.

"Please Master; please may I have some food."

"Don't know. Let me think."

"Oh fuck, I'm gonna be sick if you don't let me eat soon."

"Eat me then!"


"Suck my cock -- you can even have all of the protein your efforts produce, how's that?" Neil laughed.

"Fuck off," dissented Mollie, "I've had enough of this!"

"Okay suit yourself, but that attitude won't get you any food or water and will probably result in launching the internet porn career of little old Mollie Wan-Chu."

"Please Master, don't make me do that ... I've never done it before."

"What, never?"

Mollie shook her head.

"Okay then I will save 'that' for some other time." The stay in her 'execution' did not fill Mollie entirely with relief; she didn't want to have to suck him ... ever!

"Wait here." Neil returned moments later with a tin of peaches and a stick of celery. He placed them on a rock about 10 yards away.

"Okay Mollie, give me your bikini."

"No, no please Master," Mollie begged, but Neil simply clicked his fingers and within seconds the poor Asian student was naked once more and standing provocatively, demurely with her scant coverings in her hands offering them to Neil.

"Now crawl to the food and you must bring it back here without using your hands. Do that and it's yours."

Mollie shook her head in disbelief. But she set off on all fours. The celery was easy as it sat nicely between her teeth. But the tin of peaches was much harder. Neil laughed so much at her efforts to push it across the sand with her nose and head that he made her stop so that he could call Neil to watch, and film of course. By the time she was done, the unclothed Mollie was even more tired and hungry.

"Okay," said Neil, "now you can eat and we will even fetch you a cup of water." He undid the tin with the opener, which he had also taken custody of.

"But you must kneel in front of us with your knees spread wide while you eat."

"Oh please guys, just let me eat. Please. You've had your fun now just let me eat, please."

"You are our slave Mollie, and so you must obey our orders. Eat like a slave with your knees spread."

Mollie did as she was asked. She hadn't been actually touched yet, just very humiliated. But how long would it be before that changed?


It was now late in the evening. The air was still warm but not as hot as it had been during the day. Neil had made a fire and slipped on his T shirt. Mollie was still naked, in fact to be honest she was getting used to it. Pete had joined them and all three of them lay dozing. Suddenly Neil spoke,

"Okay slut, come here." Mollie woke from her light relax with a start.

"Come here now. Pete and get your Camera ready."

"Please Master, what now? Just let me go to bed."

"Kiss me goodnight then." Mollie shuffled over to Neil, wrapped her body up close to him in an attempt to keep him pacified, and kissed him once more long and deep. He pulled away. "Now kiss my cock slut."

The command broke Mollie's spirit and she got up, yelled "Fuck off," and ran naked into the ocean before trying desperately, and somewhat ridiculously, to swim away.

The boys were laughing heartily when, only minutes later, they were pulling a captured again Mollie out of the water.

"Oh Mollie, Mollie why did you do that?"

"Just let me go, let me go now!" She was kicking and screaming, thrashing her naked body around for all she was worth. "Why are you doing this, why?"

"Because sweet slave of ours, we can!"

Pete and Neil took her onto the beach and dumped her unceremoniously onto the sand. The fall knocked what little wind Mollie had left out of her body and she curled up and simply lay there, unmoving, sobbing her heart out. Pete and Neil conferred for a minute or two and then Pete disappeared back to his hut while Neil took the saw and began to cut up a thick piece of bamboo.

A short while later Mollie was dragged to her feet and made to stand with her hands behind her head. Her body was still soaked and covered in sand. It was everywhere.

"Now watch Mollie." Pete and Neil dug 4 holes. In the holes they placed some of the blue-grey powder that Pete had brought from his shack. It was cement. In each of the holes they placed some of the powder, some small rocks, sand and some water and then placed the short-cut bamboo stick in there. By the time all four bamboo rods had been secured the cement around the first ones was solidly dry and the last almost so. Then the holes were filled with sand. The bamboo was now secured tightly into the beach, far too solid for someone as light as Mollie to pull them free.

"Know what's gonna happen now Moll?"

"Y ... yes Master," Mollie was scared.

"What, little one?"

"You're going to tie me to the four poles and spread eagle me Master."

"Then what?"

Mollie started to cry. "You're gonna r ... **** me."

"Maybe slut, maybe. Now lay down."

Without a choice Mollie did as she was ordered and lay down between the poles. Quickly, and with a surprising amount of expertise, her wrists and ankles were tightly bound to the poles, and stretched, spreading her arms and legs very, very wide indeed. Her pussy gaped at the boys as poor Mollie winced in pain. Neil took a smaller, thinner 6 inch long piece of bamboo and placed it between her teeth and around her neck. It was a painful but effective gag.

"Don't want you keeping me awake with your whining and moaning slut."

Neil knelt between her thighs and lightly touched her pussy. Mollie groaned awaiting the inevitable.

"Okay, slut you will stay like this all night. Just hope that nothing crawls from the ocean and wants to nestle between your thighs, oh and enjoy the sun when it comes up!"

Mollie's limbs hurt already. She itched and ached and could feel the sand moving under and around her body. The poor Asian girl was already imagining every variety of sand bug crawling all over her skin and she wanted to scream, but could not. They weren't going to **** her, not yet at least. However, as Mollie contemplated a full night gagged and spread eagled, naked on the sand at the mercy of whatever roamed during the dark hours, the thought of **** somehow seemed preferable.


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The Island Day 3

Pete had slept well in his own little hut. He had a small bed and was comfortable with his fan to keep him cool. He had been awake since quite early and it was only 7am now. But Pete could wait no longer. His dreams had been full of weird visions of Mollie tied spread eagled on the beach, and he had woken with the biggest erection he had had in ages. He wanted to see how their captive had survived the night and so wearing only a pair of shorts and with his hard-on on pressing insistently against the material, he left his small room and headed to the beach.

He could see Mollie ahead just as they had left her the night before. She seemed motionless, but as Pete got nearer to her he could see that she was awake and shaking. As he approached her she turned her head to face him. He looked at her and was shocked.

Mollie was indeed shaking, despite the heat of the sun which seemed to be roasting her poor body. She was covered in a thin sheen of perspiration and red marks where small bugs had clearly feasted on her flesh. Her limbs were stretched further than was comfortable and her breasts had been rendered so flat that they appeared almost non existent whilst her ribs had become visible as her stomach had taken on a concave shape. But she still looked gorgeous.

Her eyes were wide and terror filled. Pete wondered what Mollie had experienced during her night being staked out on the beach. What torment, what psychological terror? He saw that the bamboo gag had rubbed against her dry lips and dried red had crusted at either corner of her mouth. She looked in bad shape Pete had to admit. Maybe they should take her into the shade.

Mollie made quiet guttural groans. Pete could not tell if she was trying to communicate with him or whether she was just lost inside her own world of pain.

"Morning Pete," Neil sounded cheerful.

"Morning mate," Pete replied. "She doesn't look well."

"Nonsense, she's fine, aren't you slut. I thought about fucking her to get the day off with a swing, but I want rid of that pubic hair first. We need to see her naked muff don't you think Pete?"

Neil obviously remained intent on evolving the enslavement of Mollie even more.

"So, go get your camera as I want to capture the moment that the lovely Mollie begs me to shave her pussy."

"What ... how will you do that?"

"Just get the camera pal, and then you'll see."

Moments later Pete had his lens trained on the spread eagled body of Mollie Wan-Chu.

"So ask me to shave your cunt Moll."

Mollie opened her eyes wide and stained her mouth against the bamboo gag, her sounds becoming ever more frantic.

"Oh right, you can't ask me anything can you. Silly me." He knelt down and untied the gag. As the bamboo came away Mollie retched. She was nearly sick, and if she had had more food inside her then she would have been.

"So ask me to shave you Moll."

"Water ... please ... give me," Mollie sounded delirious.

"Soon slut, when you have asked me to shave you."

Pete could see what Neil intended now, or so he thought, but even he could not have guessed Neil's next move. Standing up the island's boy number one moved to fetch a bucket from behind a rock.

"Look what I've got here slut." He put the bucket down and carefully picked out two vicious looking crabs, one in each hand. The creatures were quite calm until he moved them near to one another and then the crabs turned nasty, trying all they could to snap their claws at the other. Mollie screamed.

"So how about I let them fight on that lovely stomach and tit flesh of yours Moll? Think you'd like that."

"No, please ... d ... d ... don't Master, please." Mollie had remembered how to address Neil and was trying now to please him and keep the crabs away from her skin.

Neil moved one of the crabs so that a claw touched Mollie's nipple. The poor captive girl screamed and released a stream of golden urine from between her pussy lips.

"No, ohhhh Mollie you dirty girl." Neil stood up and moved away while Mollie pissed herself colouring the sand between her thighs. Pete captured it all on film but Mollie could not stop. She needed to pee and her fear had triggered the reaction. After a short while the arc of urine slowed and then stopped as Mollie's bladder emptied. Neil shook his head and returned to her side.

"So, now for the crab fight, okay slut." The crabs touched Mollie's skin and she screamed as loud as she could, which was not very loud.

"You don't want this slut?"

"No, Master, please ... just give me water."

"Hmmm, water comes soon Moll, but if you want rid of the crabs then you need to beg me to shave your pussy."

"Please Master, please shave my ..."

"Go on slut say it."

"Please shave my pussy Master."

"Okay slut seeing as you asked so nicely I will, but first tell us both for the camera what a dirty slut you are for pissing yourself."

Mollie was beside herself now with a whole myriad of emotions, none of them positive.

"I ... I am a dirty ... s ... slut ..."

"Go on bitch."

"... for pissing myself ..."

"Ask me again to shave you." Mollie had fresh tears pouring down her face.

"So please ... M ... Master, please shave my ... pussy."

"There you go Pete, told you the slut would ask us nicely. Can you take these creatures back to the ocean and I'll get a razor. This is gonna make great TV bud!"


He wormed his forefinger below the hairs to trail it gently along the warm flesh of her slit, caressing the lips of her vagina and the moist fleshy groove that lay between. To his delight Neil heard Mollie moaning softly, and for a moment he imagined himself as her lover, preparing her willing body for a night of unbridled passion.

"Please Master, don't do this, leave me alone, I'm hurting enough!"

"Shut up slut, that's for me to decide."

Mollie groaned.

Neil held the brand new hard bristled shaving brush in his right hand.

"Fuck Neil, go on shave her." Pete was clearly quite excited by the thought of what Neil was about to do.

"Don't make the fucking camera wobble Pete," Neil joked before he poured a bucket of ocean salt water onto her crotch in order to cleanse Mollie of the residual sand that was still brownietered about her skin.

"Right bitch, here goes." Pete caught a delightful shot of the lovely Mollie as she screwed her eyes tight shut and held her breath. Then Neil commenced the task. He had not expected the brush and razor to cause Mollie so much discomfort, and her reaction surprised him. She squirmed on the sand, begging him with whispered pleading to stop what he was doing as he shaved away her pubic hair.

Mollie winced as her skin was nicked and a spot of red appeared but Neil was good at this and careful and he worked his way down from her mound, onto her slit and then underneath to make sure the passage to her ass was hair free also.

Neil worked diligently leaving her vagina as smooth as satin, and Pete captured every erotic moment. Mollie's pink slit now seemed even more tender and vulnerable; the image so exciting to Neil that he felt a strong urge to fuck her there and then. But he wasn't yet satisfied with his work. Wanting to clear her of every last piece of stubble he again set about his task.

Mollie groaned anew but she dare hardly breathe, her chest was tight with fear and nerves.

Pete continued to film as the brush pressed against Mollie's pussy, the bristles prodding her most sensitive flesh. Her delicate folds gave way before the unrelenting torment of the hard bristled brush and the fresh layer of white cream. It was stinging her now. A combination of this being her first time fully shaven, combined with the brush, razor and salt water caused a painful sensation like she had never before experienced in that region of her body. It seemed to spread from her groin to every vein and sinew of her helpless and now writhing form.

From her very dry throat there rose a strangled cry that continued until Neil eventually removed the brush from her bare mound and pussy folds. Only then did Mollie's screams and wails become sobs and whimpers. The poor girl's entire body shook uncontrollably as her senses reacted with horror to the burning pain in her intimate parts and the thought of what had been done to her.

Neil stood back and once again poured fresh salt water between Mollie's legs. She reacted as if someone had punched her in the stomach. The sensation took her breath away and she opened her mouth as if to cry out but could not.

"Fuck Neil, great job man. She looks so fucking smooth and so delicious."

Mollie heard how they were talking about her but she had almost stopped caring, so trapped did she feel. But there was something else, a feeling, a damp, moist feeling between her thighs. Oh fuck no, thought Mollie, don't let them see that they've made me wet!

But it was too late!

"Fuck Pete, look at this." Neil ran his finger down the entire length of poor Mollie's damp pussy lips. "She's soaking. Does slut like being treated this way?"

Mollie shook her head frantically, but inside she could not deny her reaction to being dominated by the boys.

"Let's fuck her," said Pete in a very matter-of-fact way.

"Please ... Master ... let me have some water."

"Let who have some water," Neil replied emphasizing the word 'who'.

"Please, let your slut have some water Master."

"Would you mind fetching me a glass of water for our fucktoy Pete? I'm gonna play with her some more."

As Pete made his way for the water Neil continued to stroke Mollie's pussy. She pulled at the ropes holding her widespread limbs. She was largely numb but she could feel his fingers as they set about making her even more wet.

"Does slut like this?"

By way of reply Mollie groaned and arched her body upwards as far as the ropes would allow. He opened her up and slipped two fingers into the poor Asian girl whilst continuing to stroke her clitoris with his thumb. Mollie fought his actions with every ounce of her will power but could not stop her body from reacting just the way the boys wanted it to.

"Fuck Neil, she's hot look at her man, writhing all over. Let's fuck her."

"Listen Pete we will only fuck her when she asks us to. No ****, only consensual."

"What? How will that ever happen?"

"Give me the water Pete."

Without stopping his ministrations Neil took the Water. He looked down at Mollie and saw how dry her mouth was.

"Do you want this?"

Mollie responded as if someone had offered her a million pounds. She nodded vigorously and then bucked as a third finger entered her body. Neil could sense how much she was nearing a climax. He tipped the cup and poured a drop of water onto Mollie's cheek.

The poor girl's eyes opened wide in horror as the cool wet water ran away from her mouth. Mollie's tongue darted out frantically trying to reach the drips but Neil was toying with her. Again the water was poured away from her mouth. He could see the myriad of emotions in Mollie's face. She was now breathing deeply and quickly as her orgasm got nearer but with tears in her eyes as she so desperately tried to taste the refreshing water.

"Want the water slut?"

Mollie nodded, "Y ... yes please Master."

He continued to finger fuck her.

"Want to cum slut?"

Again Mollie nodded, "Y ... yes, p ... please Master."

"Ok slut can have both if she begs to be fucked."

"Nice one pal," said Pete laughing.

Mollie shook her head.

"Suit yourself." Neil slowed his fingers down but did not stop, and once again dripped more water onto Mollie's face.

"Please, please, please!" Mollie was begging now.

"Slut needs to ask me to fuck her."

"Master, please fuck me, please."

"Sorry, slut, who is me?"

"Oh, Master please fuck your slut."

"That's better. So slut wants her Masters to fuck her does she?"

"Yes, Master. Water please ... ohhhhhhhhhhhh!" The orgasm was almost upon Mollie. Neil removed his fingers from the pliant folds of Mollie's pussy and showed Pete how wet they were. Then he propped her head up in his arms and fed her the cup of water.

Mollie gulped it down coughing and spluttering.

"Look at this body Pete, it's made for fucking!" Even though degraded to the level she has been Mollie was still shocked at the crude, wanton way in which Neil talked about her to Pete.

"No, don't do this please," the spread-eagled girl pleaded quietly.


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But as she said this Mollie watched Neil stand and push his shorts down to the sand before kicking them off. She stared wide eyed at his cock, hard and ready for her. Mollie closed her eyes as she felt him kneel once more between her thighs. Shipwrecked, survivor contestant Mollie Wan-Chu realised that she was about to be ****d.

"No, don't......." she whispered once again, but to no avail as his cock was positioned at her wet slit, already soaking due to the finger fucking Neil had given to her. His entrance into her was smooth and easy. He taunted Mollie as he edged inside her.

"Are you ready for me Mollie, because I'm ready for you."

He slid the first inch of his penis into her pussy. Mollie bucked, arching her back. Pete watched in silence.

"Ohhhhhhhh!" she groaned, both from the invasion of her body and the pain of the sand rubbing against her skin. Despite the ministrations of his fingers Mollie was rapidly becoming dry beyond the opening of her lips and so Neil decided that he needed to help her. Moving his fingers downwards he began to rub her moistening Mollie once more.

"Ohhhhhh, please!" she begged not quite knowing what she was begging for. Did she want him to stop or was she now simply craving release?

Mollie bit her lip as she became unwittingly aroused. Despite her agony she began to writhe under him.

"Go on slut make me hot!" he mocked. As her juices began to flow he pushed himself in further, then further until she moaned as he impaled her fully.

"Hmmmm, at least slut has been used before Pete." Pete was too spellbound to reply. Mollie turned her head away from looking at Neil as he began to fuck her properly.

In, out, faster, slower he fucked her. His fingers still worked her clitoris and she groaned anew. He rode her harder and she cried out. Suddenly, the pent up desire, that the enslavement of his co-islander had created, was released. Neil's back arched and he slammed his cock into her. Mollie screamed as his hands twisted her breasts and his sperm filled her.

Spurt after spurt flowed deep into the bound Asian girl until Neil had fully emptied himself and collapsed on top of her. Mollie lay sobbing as he slowly stood up and allowed his limp cock to withdraw from her leaving a thick arc of semen connecting them.

She glanced up to see Neil pulling up his shorts. She could feel his juices running freely from her ravaged pussy.

"Thanks Mollie," he mocked, "Come on Pete, your turn." Mollie watched helpless as Pete removed his shorts, took his place between her spread legs and revealed his large, thick cock to her.

Kneeling down he reached up and undid her right wrist.

"What are you doing bro'?" asked Neil.

"I want to watch her play with herself." Pete released her wrist and took hold of her right hand. Placing it under his he moved it to her pussy. Under the guidance of his own fingers he began to encourage Mollie to stroke herself. So reluctant was she that, at first, he was powering the actions, through which frantic stimulation was being given to her ever stiffening clitoris.

But after a short while Mollie was overtaken by the strong feeling of need in her stomach and she became entranced by the motion and took the lead, introducing a finger into her own pussy folds. Pete continued to frig with her until Mollie accompanied the first finger with a second and became lost in her growing desire and ecstasy. His cock stood at the now very wet entrance to her slit. Inch by inch he slipped inside her. She gasped as she took his entire length.

With her eyes screwed tight shut, the feel of him inside her caused Mollie to concentrate on her own pussy and she rubbed it furiously. She began to squirm under him, as she became even more turned on.

"Mmmmmmm, ohhhhhhh no, no, no please," she moaned and moistened her dry lips with her tongue. He was ready to cum almost immediately but steadied his thrusts until he felt Mollie too was ready. Pete could sense her thigh muscles starting to flex and knew she was ready so he let go flooding her with his sperm.

"Ohhhhhhh fuckkkkkkkkkk I'm cumming!!" Mollie yelled, as her release came and she had a desperate orgasm, the like of which, despite her pain and suffering, she had never experienced before. Shaking her head from side to side she groaned with desire gyrating and writhing under him, oblivious to the pain her body still felt.

Both Mollie and Pete collapsed following their intense experience. Gently he pulled out of her leaving Mollie still bound on the sand, exhausted and almost ***.

Neil glanced down at the sand between their captive's legs.

"The slut's full of us pal, you can you see cum oozing out of her." Neil laughed; Pete smiled and went to check on the camera which he had left rolling throughout their gang **** of the poor bound Mollie.

"Let's untie her and throw her in the water, she's filthy and needs to be cleaned.


"Minutes later Mollie writhed in agony, curled up on the sand as the red began to flow through her body properly once more. Her ankles and wrists were burned from the rope.

"You'll have to make sure that you don't show the slut's rope burn marks on the film you send back Pete."

"Yeah I know, don't worry I can sort that."

"Fuck Pete I'm getting hard again man watching her roll about like that. Wanna fuck her some more?"

"No, bud we should get her relaxing bag and let her rest properly."

"Yeah Pete and we will, all in good time. But first I'm gonna fill her again."

Mollie heard him state his intention and tried to drag her ravaged body away in a pathetic attempt to escape him, but her evasive action was to no avail.

"Please don't hurt me," she said seriously as she looked into the uncaring eyes of her co-islander.

"Get on all fours," he demanded using his foot to push her around the sand.

The Asian student hesitated, but then placed her hands on the wet sand. Her thick, black mane fell to the sides of her lovely face and her pert breasts dangled enticingly from her chest. Her position was serving to continue Mollie's offense, nude and on her hands and knees. How had she ended up like this?

Pete watched in gaping wonder as Mollie, upon Neil's command, began to slowly crawl towards the rock upon which the island boy was now seated. He could see their sperm running down her thighs and a jolt of erotic sensation swept into his groin and through to his rock hard erection. He wanted to look away, but he couldn't. His eyes were fixed on the pink nipples that pointed downward to the floor from Mollie's tits as she made her way on her hands and knees towards Neil.

Despite having already been ****d twice, Mollie felt vulnerable once again giving in to his demand to crawl towards him. Her intense, slanting brown eyes met Neil's and she felt a wave of shame come over her combined with a tingle of desire which rose like a phoenix from the pit of her stomach. Was she really such a slut, she wondered? The glazed look in his eyes left no doubt that he considered her a plaything and nothing more.

She continued crawling towards him until she was within a few feet and he told her to stop.

Neil rose from the rock and approached the island girl who was becoming more enslaved by the minute. She flinched for no specific reamister as he approached and she lost sight of him as he moved behind her. She had never, ever felt so degraded before. She was clearly frightened, but she had to admit to herself that the anxiety had a sexual edge to it. What was he going to do?
She felt him straddle her and lean over to reach for the small but firm breasts that dangled beneath Mollie's body. His strong hands took the mounds and kneaded them - the warm, soft flesh spilled between his widespread fingers as he did so. Mollie hung her head, but felt her body begin to betray her. How could she respond to this vile young man, she wondered? But whether she desired it or not, her body quickly began to heat up to Neil's ministrations.

He cupped her soft breasts and massaged them for what seemed an eternity to Mollie. Instinctively, the young woman wanted to plead with the man to stop, but she knew it would be fruitless to do so. Instead she tried to bear the intimate caresses without showing any sign of pleasure. She glanced up to see Pete with his camera in one hand and his hardening cock in the other. Would this never end? Was she to be continually ****d by one boy after the other?

Mollie was completely still for a long time but finally she could take it no longer. Instantly, her head fell into a hanging position and she began to breathe heavily through the parted ripe lips of her mouth. As Neil worked her erect nipples, tugging, rubbing, kneading and massaging them, Mollie still did not move a muscle except her head which she shook occasionally, trying to escape the electric sensations shooting through her young body.

When he finally released the sensitive flesh, Mollie sorry released a sigh.

"Ohhhhh," she moaned. Her sensitive, brown hued nipples now hung heavily towards the floor as she remained on her hands and knees.

Neil moved further down her Mollie's lithe young body. His hand rested on her shapely, soft ass, albeit only briefly, before he slid it down to her bottom and between her ass cheeks. Mollie's aroused body now responded of its own free will. She knew that he was going to seek out her vaginal opening and, for some inexplicable reamister Mollie arched her back to make the slit more accessible to the horrible boy. Was she doing it just so she could get it over with quickly? That's certainly what her mind told her but she wasn't so sure.

Neil stretched two fingers together and slid them between the wet again lips of Mollie's pussy. There was no resistance as he encountered her completely soaked folds of skin. As his hand finger-fucked his co-islander, his other hand alternated between rubbing her ass and her luscious thighs. He smiled as he realized that Mollie was beginning to push her arched ass back towards his invading fingers in an almost *** sign of surrender. When he realized that, he withdrew all but his fingertips from the girl's soaked pussy and watched as the shapely buttocks moved slowly backwards to re-insert his long fingers into her pussy.

"My slut is so fucking horny, and such a whore!"

No one had ever spoken to Mollie like that before.

Neil finger-fucked the young Asian student with really no thought of bringing her to orgasm. It was clear that he was doing it only for his own gratification. His two fingers did not even come close to being the size of a normal cock and Mollie was being driven insane as he probed and explored the smooth, wet walls of her tight vagina. Mollie arched her naked buttocks and squeezed the invading fingers with her pussy muscles but nothing seemed to offer her the ultimate relief.

As she remained on her hands and knees being thoroughly examined by Neil, she began to wonder how much longer she could take the probing. Her tight, young thighs were now spread open and there was no resistance being offered to his touch. Neil's rough fingers, crudely fingering her pussy, felt absurdly delicious to Mollie. If only he would bring her to orgasm! She didn't know how much longer she could be held at this peak without cumming. It seemed like it was forever!

Instead, to Mollie's disappointment, Neil completely withdrew his fingers from her slit. He left Mollie breathless with her breasts heaving from the deep fingering she had received. Neil walked around the young Asian and stood towering above her. His hands went to his shorts and as he braced himself with one hand on the top of her head he removed the khaki coloured pants.

Mollie watched as once again Neil's cock stood proud and erect and almost in her face. She was still breathing deeply and experiencing a heightened sense of arousal. Neil looked at the ripe, red lips of the beautiful girl before him. Her deep brown eyes were clearly anxious about what was to happen, but her beauty was not marred by her fear. He lowered his gaze and looked at Mollie down on the sand before him.

"Open your mouth," he said simply.

Mollie wanted to scream, but knew better than to do that given her position, the fact that she no access to food nor water and that they had so much dirty film of her now. She looked at the slender, but hard cock and whispered simply,

"Please Master, no!"

"Slut will never say no to her Masters, now open that mouth slut!"

Mollie felt a new tear spring from her eyes and then she opened her mouth, as he directed, revealing her pearly and straight white teeth.

Neil moved to put his cock between her lovely, red lips. He sighed, as his penis met the warm moisture of her mouth and tongue.

Mollie was disgusted by the thought of having a cock in her mouth. It seemed to smell a bit and her little, straight nose wrinkled when she breathed. But, she knew that she needed to give Neil what he desired and even though she was still on her hands and knees, she bobbed her head back and forth along his shaft, tonguing the fleshy round head as she sucked. Mollie was distraught at the thought of what she was doing, and on film too, and she found herself hoping that his enjoyment of her mouth would be short.


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She was not prepared for what happened next, though, as Neil began to shake and stiffen and his cock began to spew hot, sour-milky liquid into her mouth. Mollie was surprised and revolted by Neil's quick ejaculation. Trying not to swallow his cum, she allowed Neil's spasms to continue into her mouth, but she held her mouth open so that his juices dripped down her chin and onto the sand beneath her.

Mollie looked up at Neil as he jerked and climaxed into her warm mouth. Mollie gagged but tried so hard to maintain her position as his eyes rolled back into his head and he seemed to be about to lose his balance as he spurted the last of his sticky seed between her lips. Pete was masturbating wildly, but had still had the presence of mind to set the camera on a nearby rock to film the action.

"Well done slut that was good."

Neil stepped back and fell onto his rock-seat, his cock still streaming cum, though now only in drips. After only a few seconds, he looked again at Mollie and smiled at the sight of his lovely Asian slut with cum dripping from her chin onto her breasts.

"Come here slut," he motioned that she should crawl between his legs.

Mollie had expected his penis to be completely flaccid, and yet he was still semi-erect. It was still extremely red from the sucking that she had given it.

"Clean it," he said.

Mollie was so repulsed that she was almost sick.

"Please Neil no."

"Pete, send the fucking films, I've had enough of this worthless bitch, and it's Master when you talk to me!"

"No, okay, okay I'll do it ... Master."

Mollie rose to her knees and moved the few feet that stood between them. She was now committed to sucking his used cock clean no matter how unsavory it would be, just to avoid Neil's threats.

Mollie took the his semi-erect cock in her soft hands and without further thought opened her mouth and took the tool once more between her lips. She felt Neil's hands touch her bare shoulders as her head again bobbed towards his groin, sucking and licking the final drops of sperm from his shaft.

Then he was done and he pushed her away.

"Come on Pete let's throw this bitch in the sea, she needs to clean her filthy body for us."

"No please Master," Mollie had remembered how Neil wanted her to address him, "your slut will go of her own free will. She also wants to be clean."

Mollie stood for the first time since she had been tied spread-eagled all those hours ago and she was very unsteady. But gradually her natural balance returned and she wobred into the ocean while Pete and Neil disappeared to leave her to it.

It was good for her to have some freedom from them. She was exhausted and needed to relax. Mollie so hoped that they would let her. The water was quite warm as the early sun had turned into a midday heat and maybe even slightly beyond and it felt good to wash away everything from the past hours since she had been bound -- fuck, they had spread her so wide that her thigh muscles still ached. Then they had shaved her and ****d her and she had been powerd to blow Neil.

These thoughts should have repulsed her, and in many ways they did. But she was still feeling a little horny from Neil's fingers just a short while ago and Mollie was ashamed to admit that the whole submissive thing was turning her on. Of course she abhorred the **** of her body -- but did she really? The orgasm with Pete had undoubtedly been the best she had ever experienced. Fuck, this was so confusing.

"Come out now slut." Neil and Pete, with his camera, stood at the water's edge.

"Use this to get dried." Neil handed her a big fluffy towel, which felt so good. "And put these on." She was also given a pair of bikini bottoms, the briefest pair she had, almost thong like but not quite. They were white with a small red dot pattern. At least she was to be allowed some clothing.

"We need to let her relax Neil."

"Go on slut go relax. When slut wakes later she will come to me and offer herself as my slave, understand."

Mollie was so grateful to be allowed some proper rest that she looked down at the sand and said simply, "Yes Master, thank you Master."


By the time Mollie woke it was starting to get dark. She had slept for hours and knew that her body clock would now be totally confused again. It took a few minutes for Mollie to focus in on where she was and what had been done to her but when she did the young student was disturbingly surprised to find that she was wet underneath her bikini pants. What was happening to her?

Mollie still ached but felt better for what had clearly been many hours of relax. Then she remembered what Neil had commanded of her. She got of her relaxing bag and stretched off her young, lithe and now ravaged body. Then she set off in the direction of the sounds she could hear and the fire she could see.

Mollie only wore her bikini bottoms but she felt comfortable in that state, as if baring her breasts to these guys was fine and the normal thing to do. Again, it was so confusing. She could see that Pete and Neil had built a fire and were roasting some food over it. Suddenly Mollie felt so hungry.

"Master your slave is here."

Neil looked up and saw his Asian beauty standing demurely before him. But he wanted more than 'demure'.

"Hands on head slut." Mollie obeyed.

"Good girl. Now sit and eat with us."

Pete was filming, as always.

She sat as instructed. "Okay slut take your hands down and eat."

Mollie was almost happy as she sat down and started to tuck into some rice and roasted vegetables, and there was as much water as she could possibly take. While they were eating Neil gave Mollie some bamboo sticks and a pile of large, thick leaves.

"Here slave, cover these sticks with the leaves and then tie them with the rope, we have some building to do."

Mollie looked round and saw that the boys, or maybe just Neil, had built several more small structures and the island was looking more inhabited than it had done earlier that day, when she was being ... used by Neil. They were obviously now building something else and she could already see a partial frame structure laying on the sand by the fire.

For an hour or so they sat, and while they ate, Neil and Mollie continued to create bamboo sticks covered with soft leaves. Mollie couldn't see what they would be used for but was sure that Neil had it in hand.

"Okay slut, give me your sticks."

Mollie watched as Neil created a frame based upon a rough drawing that he had made.

"Did slut relax well?"

"Erm, yes Master she did." Mollie replied and could not believe how naturally she slipped into slave speak.

"Okay good, because tonight slut will again be tied for our pleasure."

Fuck, had she been building her own instrument of ***?

"Oh no please Master, no don't tie me again. Please, it's so scary there are all sorts of noises and creatures and ..."

"Shut up fucktoy. Sluts do as they are told. Come here."

Mollie stood and approached Neil.

"Give me your bikini."

Mollie hooked her fingers into the bikini bottoms and slipped then off. She handed them to Neil and stood before him naked, her pussy bare and shaved, looking sexier than she ever had before. Her tanned body was highlighted by the flames of the fire as they licked around the cooler night air. Mollie shivered as fear began to eat away at her again.

"Master, please don't hurt your slut again. As your slave she will be pleased to relax with you in your relaxing bag and service your desires but do not leave her tied on the beach again, please."

"Hmmm slut begs so deliciously but she will do as I say and that's the end of it."

Mollie was now becoming more subservient by the second. She knew that she was totally under the power of Neil and Pete; they had reams of footage of her now and they also controlled access to her clothes, her food and her take. But none the less Mollie could not escape the fact that she felt turned on by her situation.

"Sit here slave. Watch and wait."

The naked Mollie sat as ordered and watched while the bamboo frame was roped and nailed to four wooden posts which had been earlier sawed into shape by the boys and then secured into the sand at the water's edge, which was about four feet away from the fire. She could tell what was going to happen.

"Come here slut."

Mollie obeyed and walked over to Neil. Pete filmed every delicious move of her nude body. The bamboo sticks which had been covered were very thick, about 2 inches in diameter and so once the frame had been placed upon the wooden posts, making it parallel to the beach, the whole structure was quite sturdy, especially for someone of Mollie's delicate frame.

Mollie looked down and could see that the ocean tide was till coming in. It was clear that by the time Neil left, the frame would effectively be in the water and the fire would be consumed. This fact scared Mollie even more to know that she would be tied on a frame which was in the ocean, even though the water at that point would not be very deep. And it would be so cold Mollie was scared that if they did leave her in this manner she might even perish!

The frame itself was not designed for comfort and was clearly going to take some time to secure Mollie in the way that Neil wanted. Essentially the structure was a rectangle which catered for once again fastening Mollie's wrists and ankles via a rope tie to each corner. There were two more covered bamboo rods across the middle to stop Mollie's body from hanging down through middle of the frame. The hard, almost impossible bit was that the top of the frame was designed to stretch across Mollie's shoulders and upper back leaving her neck and head unsupported to hang free from the top of the frame. The poor girl-islander had not yet realised this.

"Sit in the middle of the frame slut," ordered Neil. Mollie tried one last pleading look to no avail. Once she was on the frame and in a sitting position, Neil took Mollie's ankles and fastened them to the corner. Mollie looked scared but could do nothing to stop them. She was then pushed backwards so that she fell onto the frame and her arms were taken out wide and tied in a manner similar to her wrists. It was then that the full horror of her position struck home.

"Noooooo, you can't leave me like this!"

Mollie screamed loudly as her head fell backwards over the top edge of the bamboo frame. Her neck immediately began to ache so how several hours in this position would make her feel was unimaginable. But they hadn't finished.

"Bring me the 'O' gag Pete."

Neil was handed a small shaped object with a ribbon tied off from either side. It was made from a circle of intertwined small twigs wrapped copiously with soft leaves. Under protest Mollie's mouth was opened and the gag positioned behind her teeth before being secured via the ribbons behind her head. The poor girl groaned and mewed, but try as she might Mollie could not break the gag by closing her mouth together. The small frame was almost solid.

"Go on then Pete, you first."

Pete handed the camera to Neil before flipping his erection out of his shorts. He positioned his groin at Mollie's head. The bound islander shook wildly but she was able to go nowhere. Pete started to masturbate. Mollie screwed her eyes shut. It took the horny guy next to no time at all before his shaft was shining and slick and he was ready to cum. Taking her head in one hand Pete positioned Mollie's mouth slightly to the side and in such a way that his cock pulsed once then twice before shooting jet after jet through the twig and leaf 'O' gag and deep into her throat.

"Fuck yeahhhhhhh!"

Mollie gagged and spluttered as he milked himself into her mouth.

"Shit bud that was so good."

Neil laughed before taking his own position. He had already started masturbating at the sight of what Pete was doing to Mollie, and now he too was almost ready to cum. He looked down and saw Mollie's, now open, pleading brown eyes and the rivulets of Pete's sperms caught on the 'O' gag and running down her face. She was trying to shake her head and stop cum from running up her nose. Then Pete groaned.

"Oh you fucking slut," he moaned at Mollie as his shaft twitched once then twice and he emptied his seed into her mouth, through the gag and down her throat. Unfortunately for poor Mollie the position of her head meant that globules of cum stayed around her mouth and stuck to her gums. The experience was horrible enough without this aspect too. He squeezed the last drop into the mouth of the bound Asian who started back at him through watery, glazed eyes.

"Woah man, look at her full of cum Pete. It's dripping down her face bud, she looks great."

Mollie's head shook slowly. The sperm tasted sweet and sour at the same time but mostly salty. It was not awful but her position made the experience almost unbearable.

She wanted to cry out 'Please, please let me go,' but she could make only unintelligible moans.

"So Pete let's get her ready for the night eh?"

Mollie's eyes opened wide -- what else were they going to do to her? Wasn't the position she was in enough for them?

Neil had briefly disappeared but returned quickly with a blanket. He opened it up and showed Mollie what they had done. The poor girl was nearly sick. Inside the blanket he had stitched the most vicious looking thorn branches Mollie had ever seen. Each branch was covered in pin sharp needles, some as long as 2 inches. Mollie struggled wildly, but, as always, to no avail.

"Here Pete take this."

The boys moved to either side of the bound Mollie and then opened the blanket out over her before lowering it down over her body.

"We don't want slut getting cold now, do we." Neil laughed sadistically.

Mollie screamed into the gag as she felt the thorns prick at her skin, and they pricked everywhere. She felt them on her breasts, she felt them scratching at her stomach, her thighs, her legs and her groin. Mollie could even feel thorns pricking away at the folds of her pussy. Fuck it was agony. Neil had thought this one through and so any intended discomfort he had in mind for his slave was being realized ten fold!
"Let's fasten it down Pete."

"Ngggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhh!" yelled Mollie, which under the gag was her screaming 'Noooooooooooooooooo'. The boys had secured rope to either edge of the blanket and now proceeded to tie it to the bamboo frame. Of course this would ensure that Mollie's covering did not blow off during the night but it also pressed the thorns into her flesh even more painfully.

"Hmmmm, there we go."

Mollie turned to look at Neil and with her wide brown terror filled eyes she pleaded and begged. Right now she would have done anything to get them to remove her from this position, but she was their slave, their slut ... their fucktoy, and so it was their choice as to where she slept. Mollie hated that thought but as the gradual moistening of her pussy, despite her predicament, reminded her, she did not hate it quite as much as she ought to.


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"But you will help me won't you, please? It's awful, you know, what you have been doing to me, unthinkable really. So please help me Pete." Mollie reached up and touched his cheek and as she did so the sheet slipped away to reveal her naked right breast which Pete couldn't help but ogle.

"I will Mollie, just give me time to think."


Neil watched from his relaxing bag as the shadowy forms of Pete and Mollie walked past him on the dark beach. He smiled to himself and was grateful that he had seen this and so could plan his next move. It was obvious that Pete had freed Mollie and probably enjoyed her for himself for a while, and had now come to some sort of understanding with her. They must be intent on deceiving him somehow otherwise why would Pete have bothered to return Mollie to the bamboo rack if not to make Neil think all was still as they had left it the night before.

Neil smiled to himself as he watched Pete's shadow refasten Mollie to the rack. He heard her cry out again and Pete attempt to shush her. Incredibly he thought he saw Pete kiss her lightly – was his co-dominant falling for Mollie, if so then Neil could have a bigger problem than he thought.


Once back on the rack the bound Mollie began to hallucinate again. The position of her body and the mental games being played out in her mind were driving her to distraction. It was still dark and she could hear the ocean waves and feel the breeze on her body, especially the naked underside. She was so grateful to Pete, even though he had used her for himself, and she hoped that he would come up with a plan for making her situation better. With Pete barely gone Mollie sensed a new shadow by her side.

"So bitch, you're playing little games with Pete are you?"

"Huh, no ... what ... we weren't doing anything, he just wanted me for himself, I hated it in fact being back on here is better than what he did to me Neil ... Master, honest!"

"Well now I can see that's not quite true because if he was really keen on making you suffer he would have fastened this much tighter."

Neil took the blanket of thorns and pulled it tight again over the front of Mollie's naked body."

"Oh fuckkkkkkkkk!" she yelled. Fortunately the sounds of the ocean and the breezes drowned out the sounds of Mollie's suffering and so Neil knew that Pete would hear nothing.

"Ok slut, you need to be punished more."

"No please what ..."

But Neil had left her and made his way back to the beach. He soon returned. Mollie held her breath as she felt something heavy placed on top of the blanket over her stomach pushing the thorns into her skin. Then a second object and a third and fourth.

"Oh please take them off Master, ouuuuuuuuchhhhhhhhh, fuck!!"

Neil was placing large, very large, pebbles onto the blanket covering Mollie's body and he knew just what the effect would be. Mollie screamed deliciously into the wind and the ocean.

"Mmmm that's better," Neil commented as he looked down into his captive's agony filled face. He could see her better now and knew that it would soon be light and he would need then to be a step ahead of Pete. He hoped Pete's night time exertions with the lovely Mollie would leave him relaxing late and so he took the chance to have a little more fun with the bound girl racked before him.

Moving to the blanket he shifted the pebbles he had placed on her thighs and over her mound and added them to the weight on her upper body. Free of that burden, the blanket could be pulled up and away from Mollie's body. Neil smiled as he saw how the thorns were being pulled free from her skins leaving scratched and red droplets behind. Mollie just groaned.

Neil now had her spread thighs and exposed pussy available for his pleasure.

"Please, no." Mollie begged quietly and simply.

"Your Master is now going to fuck you." Neil answered simply.

Straining her unsupported neck to see what he was doing, Mollie stared in further agonized disbelief as she felt his fingers move between her thighs and then slowly draw the lips of flesh apart. She shook her head.

"Nnooo ... nghh..."

"Doesn't this little islander want to make her Master happy?"

"Nnhh ... pleeeeease no."

Mollie shook her head as one fingertip moved slowly across the soft slit of her pussy, then his whole hand was opening her, calmly invading her body, peeling the folds away to expose her for the fingers of his other hand.

"Nnngh... nhh... uhh..."

Several digits together were worming their way into her, powering her wide, then stroking. Mollie to her shame felt herself nearing orgasm.

"Wow slut you are very wet. Enjoying this too much aren't you!"

Mollie grunted as his fingers withdrew from her pussy.

Neil reached down and scooped up handfuls of sea water before pouring it over her thorn-scratched thighs and mound. The salt stung poor Mollie and she screamed anew.

Then his fingers went to work again. Mollie felt one hand under her ass, stroking over the rose of her anus, and the other focused on making her pliant and open. Mollie grunted as the invading finger was screwed around the opening to her sphincter until it softened and yielded. When a fingertip slid a little way inside her bottom Mollie bucked and writhed as far as her bondage would allow.

"You like that slut, perhaps I should give you something a little more substantial to enjoy?"

Neil left her alone for a moment or two before quickly returning to his position.

"Ever tried one of these, slut?" he asked.

Mollie lifted her head, morbidly intrigued to see what he had brought. She saw him wielding a cucumber, long and hard, a wicked grin on his face as he stroked the vegetable along the length of her now very moist pussy. Mollie groaned and Neil became even more erect. How he loved having the lovely Mollie as his plaything.

He began to use the cucumber to open her slit up and Mollie gazed up at him, eyes wide with alarm and she shook her head begging Neil not to.

"Mollie, Mollie," he taunted, "just lie still and enjoy the feeling."


"Hush slut, just enjoy it."


"A little more lubrication I think. Let's try again."

Mollie felt Neil's fingers rubbing her clitoris, as his other hand moved away from her ass.


He pushed the cucumber forward into her pussy again ... penetrating, invading and filling.

"Let it all in, there's a good girl."


Mollie so wanted to close her legs but the rope ties held her spread as she felt the hard, cold vegetable being pushed inside her body, her pussy being powerd wider to accommodate it's thickening shape.

"Uhh ... fuckkkkkkk" It was now embedded fully 8 inches inside her. Mollie bucked, the sensation almost making her fetish.

"There, how does that feel Mollie?"

Mollie painfully angled her aching neck once more to see Neil looking down at her, a cruel smile on his face.
"Please ..." she muttered weakly as her groin sorry moved under the feel of the make shift dildo.

Mollie pulled against the ropes as Neil began to screw the cucumber round and round inside her body..

"Now then Mollie my little slut, it's time to play." He moved the cucumber around more quickly with one hand screwing poor Mollie hard, and with the other he rubbed and flicked at her clitoris.

"Is that feeling good?" Neil taunted.

"Nnngh!" Mollie was incoherent as she shook her head, certain she couldn't take anymore.

"Come on now Mollie, just relax..."

Mollie grunted as his fingertip stroked her now erect, red filled clitoris.

"So moist, so fucking wet. You're enjoying this aren't you slut?" mocked Neil as he continued to rub his fingertip against Mollie's clit.

"Nnnhh... uuhh... uhh..."

The cucumber and Neil's attentions were driving her wild and Mollie knew she was going to cum quickly.

"Is that good?"


His movement of both the vegetable and his fingers intensified and Mollie screwing her eyes shut, cried out with abandon as she climaxed. She was shuddering in the aftermath of her orgasm with the cucumber still deep inside her when Neil walked around the top of the bamboo rack and lifted her head by her hair. He looked down at her trembling body and he knew that she had more left inside her.

"You enjoyed that, like some more?"

Mollie gazed up at her captor, her body awash with the afterglow of her bondage induced ecstasy.


Neil moved back to her thighs and pushed the cucumber even further inside Mollie. Now she really couldn't take any more and she jerked her arms and legs against the ropes that held her down in a frantic, but pointless, bid to evade what she could not avoid.

Neil watched her expression with interest for a few moments then he smiled and once again applied his efforts of stimulation to her clitoris and to the sensitive area just inside the hooded piece of flesh.

"Nnnhh ... noooooooohhhhhhhhhhh"

His stroking intensified and Mollie lasted for maybe a minute before her second orgasm shook her.

"Uuhh ... uuhh ... fuckkkkkkkkkk yesssssssssssssss."

This was the real one and Mollie raised her entire body upwards and off the rack as the shuddering climax raced through her. So intense and violent was her reaction that the supposed firm bamboo rack collapsed and Mollie's ecstasy was cut short as she fell into the ocean, the bamboo poles still tied to her wrists and ankles.

Neil broke into fits of laughter as he hauled the humiliated and exhausted Mollie back onto the beach.

It was now time to prepare for Pete's appearance.


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The Island Day 4

Pete had not really slept since returning Mollie to the rack. She was constantly on his mind and he knew in his heart that he shouldn't have used her during the night and he certainly shouldn't have returned her to her bondage, he should just have kept her in his room and saved her from Neil's predatory domination. Still, he would put that right now. He had all of the film and photographs and without them Neil's hold over Mollie was reduced to physical power and he could help in that department too.

Neil, dressed and made his way towards the ocean. He was smiling both inside and out because today was the day that he would save Mollie and she would like him for it he was sure. He made his way towards the small, shallow pool near to the hut and splashed himself with water before making his way down to the main beach.

As he got nearer to the small camp and the place where Mollie had been racked he couldn't see anything. No sign of Neil or Mollie, what the fuck was going on. Pete began to get nervous, where were they? He reached the spot where the bamboo frame had been and saw the ruins of it floating around the frame's legs that still held tight in the ocean bed.

"Shit, Mollie ..." where was she, where was Neil ... what had he done? Pete moved onto the sand and saw the remains of the broken frame and his mind went into overdrive thinking about what Neil might have done to his lovely Mollie.

"Neil, you bastard, where are you?" He yelled in an attempt to entice his co-islander out of hiding. One thing was for sure, he hadn't left Potoma so they both had to be around somewhere. Pete wandered off past the camp area and out towards the lagoon pond with the waterfall. Thinking about that reminded him of Mollie showering on that first day, before any of this had happened, and it made him feel sick when he thought of what they had done with her since. He had to find them otherwise who knows where Neil would stop.


"Come on slut," Neil was pulling Mollie by his belt. He had punctured a new hole in the leather so that he could fasten it tightly around Mollie's throat like a makeshift collar which left him about 18 inches of belt to pull her with. Her elbows had been secured agonizingly positioned up her back and tied with rope at the wrist. The rope had then been fastened to the collar which meant that Mollie's wrists were being held in place at a point between her shoulder blades, by virtue of the fact that she was pulling against her own collar. Ingeniously wicked such that the poor girl had to power her own arms high up her back or face pulling the 'collar' tighter around her own throat.

"Quickly bitch," he had her naked still and, after stuffing a pair of her panties into her mouth, he had taped it shut. He needed to do this as he was sitting just a few yards from Pete's hut, waiting for him to leave. As soon as Pete made his exit Neil dragged the distraught Mollie behind him and into the hut. Once inside he needed to concentrate so he rope tied Mollie's ankles together and left her in an exhausted heap on the floor. Mollie was back in the place where Neil had used her earlier and her ordeal had left Mollie so exhausted that even if her ankles had been left untied, she did not have the energy to attempt escape.

"Stay there slut, and let me concentrate." Neil had found a memory stick lying on Pete's PC desk and was already copying video and photos of Mollie onto it. He knew that if Pete was 'against him' he would need this to retain his hold over Mollie. It still didn't answer the question however about what he was going to do about Pete's obvious change of heart.


"Pete, come up here."

Pete turned quickly to face the voice and looking up he saw Neil standing on top of the short incline leading to his hut. Pete had been looking for them for what seemed like ages and he was soaked through with the sweat of his labours.

"Fuck Neil, what're you doing? Where's Mollie?"
By the time Pete had climbed the short, but uphill, distance to his hut Neil had disappeared back inside. Pete stood cautiously poised to open the wooden door. He was concerned as to what he might find. He could hear nothing, but then on top of this small hill the ocean and the breeze drowned out a lot of the noise. He twisted the handle and pushed. The room opened up in front of him. The scene grabbed him by the throat and he gasped.

Neil was sitting on a chair at the desk in front of the computer. Mollie was ... well Mollie was ... beautiful. Perversely that was the first thought that Pete had, despite the position Mollie was in. As his mind began to focus he saw Mollie more clearly. She was kneeling on the wooden floor with her arms stretched high above her head. Her wrists were tied tightly with rope connected to the thick roof rafters and her body was stretched in the most delicious manner. Each erect nipple sported a clothes peg, viciously closed around the hard teat. She looked forlorn making muffled sounds under her heavily taped mouth.

Before Pete could speak Neil sprung up and stood behind the kneeling Mollie. Reaching down he pinched her nose tight shut. Suddenly Mollie could not breathe. Her head shook but Neil held her tightly.

"Neil what the fuck are you doing, let her go."

"You pussy Pete, you've spoiled our little game with your night time trysts, you and our little captive here. So now it's just me against both of you and I will stop her breathing for as long as I like you stupid bastard."

Pete was dumbstruck. He considered rushing Neil to take him out, but Neil was athletic and powerful and on his guard. Pete could not be sure that would work. He saw Mollie's struggles getting less frantic and noticed how her eyes began to roll upwards.

"Please stop Neil, please."

"Hmmmm, okay Pete ..." he released Mollie's nose and she sniffed in large gulps of air desperately.

"So what will you do to stop me doing that to Mollie again?"

"Neil please, just leave her ..."

"What will you do Pete?"

"Anything Neil, just don't hurt her anymore."

"Ok Pete, get naked."


"You heard me," and with that Neil pinched Mollie's nose again.

"Okay, okay."

Neil retained his grip on Mollie's nasal passage as Pete pulled his T shirt up and over his head and wound his shorts down. After kicking off his flip flops he stood naked. Embarrassingly for Pete his cock was somewhat aroused and not flaccid by any means.

"Tut tut, you see Moll, he pretends to want to save you but look at him getting hard. So stud, make yourself properly hard for your little Mollie."

"Come on please Neil," Pete begged.

"Do it!" Once again Mollie was beginning to suffer and Pete had no idea just how far the boy islander would go.

"Okay, okay."

As Pete's hand circled his cock and gripped, Neil released Mollie's nose making her sniff in air frantically once more.

Pete moved his foreskin back and forth in front of his audience whilst Neil took pictures for posterity! Despite the hardening of his cock Pete tried to remain passive but his natural emotions powerd him to emit a soft moan has the movements of his shaft became slicker.

"Okay stop." Pete did as he was asked leaving his pulsing organ thrusting, erect and hard.

"Ok buddy, you see that rope hanging over the rafters ..."

Pete looked up and saw another rope the same as the one holding Mollie, except this one already had 2 loops in the end with large pre-tied suturing style knots.

"Put your wrists into the loops Pete," Neil said pinching Mollie's nose for a third time. Pete, traumatized by his own situation and compounded by what Neil was doing to Mollie, did as he was ordered. Neil then pulled on the end of the rope which secured the sutured knots around Pete's wrists and at the same time stretched his arms high above his head.

Letting go of Mollie's nose, Neil left the hapless girl desperately seeking air, whilst her took the loose end of Pete's rope and pulled it hard. Pete was powerd to stand on his tip toes and shuffle nearer to Mollie until he stood only inches away from the kneeling student, his cock protruding uncomfortable near to Mollie's face. Neil then tied the end of the rope around Mollie's neck -- ingenious!

"Fuck Neil, don't do that please!"

Neil laughed, "You're just gonna have to keep as still as you can Pete aren't you, unless you want to strangle your darling Mollie, ha ha ha!"

Mollie grunted in agony as the rope closed around her slim neck and Pete teetered on his tip toes trying in desperation to minimize his movement. Neil had trapped them both good and proper and he was taking pictures and video to add to his collection of incriminating evidence.

"So this is nice isn't it guys?" Neil stated with mock sincerity. Mollie's eyes darted left and right, up and down ... anywhere to avoid the burgeoning erection that was only inches away from her tape covered mouth.

"You see if Pete moves his hands then this happens," Pete pulled on the rope end fastened around Mollie's neck and Mollie began to rise up off her knees. The rope was not fastened tightly, so not really designed to strangle her, but it was too close a fit to slip off over her head and so it did, very effectively, pull her upwards in an uncomfortable manner. Hollie moaned and Neil let the rope go.

"Consider yourself truly collared Mollie," Neil mocked.

"Okay, guys time for some fun." Neil laughed to himself and took more photos. He returned to the computer and connected the camera.

"What are you doing Neil?" Pete questioned. Neil turned the keyboard and screen to face the bound male.

"Protecting myself," Neil smiled. "You can see that all of this video and photo stuff is now on this memory stick," he held the stick up to show them, " and the best bits I have sent onto my permisteral email address and so I have copies for use should either of you piss me off. Clever eh?"

Pete knew that he and Mollie were highly compromised.

"But what will you do when the end of week 1 comes around and I have to send footage back to the mainland? We only have one more day before then y'know."

"I haven't thought that far yet buddy, but I'll think of something."

"Please, Neil, don't do this!"

Neil got up from his seat and moved to Pete. He stared him in the eye creating a threatening tension and then he moved his fist quickly and smacked Pete across the jaw. Pete reeled backwards pulling on the rope and dragging poor Mollie upwards by her rope collar.

Pete groaned as a trickle of red slipped from his mouth and Mollie cried out, the sound muffled against the tape binding her mouth. Neil laughed. Both his captives were now standing and had moved further apart.

"Stay like this my slaves," Neil ordered. He moved to Pete first.

"Ever been wanked off Pete ... by a guy?"

"No, no please no." Neil's hand moved to Pete's erection and made as if to touch it, stopping just millimeters short. Pete jerked his body further back and once more pulled on Mollie's neck rope. Neil laughed loudly and turned to Mollie.

"Did you like that show my little Asian slut?"

Mollie looked impassively through him. He slapped her.

"Well, did you cunt!" he shouted now.

Mollie nodded.

"Look Pete how hard these little buttons are."

Pete reached out to Mollie's naked, erect nipples and twisted each one pulling on the clothes-peg until Mollie screwed her eyes shut and made muffled protests for him to stop. New tears sprung from her eyes as he pulled the pegs away from her body extending her nipples to an unnatural length, before ripping them off her small breasts.

"How I wish I could pierce these for you Moll, you could wear my rings then!"

He kicked her thighs apart and cupped her shaven mound. Mollie took a sharp intake of breath as her stroked her slit.

"You will need shaving again soon slut, but for now let's feel you getting wet."

He began to stroke her, slipping his finger inside her moistening entrance. Mollie's natural reactions tried to power her legs closed, but Neil's incessant finger kept rubbing her. Mollie so wanted to fight him but after a short time she began moving her hips, and then her thighs parted giving him better access to her pussy. Neil took advantage of her movements and really attacked her clit, causing Mollie to moan and move her lower body even more frantically. The Asian captive was now bucking hard and clearly ready to climax when Neil pulled his hand away. Mollie gasped under the tape binding her mouth, her hips still moving in a fucking motion searching for the missing finger.

"Look at her Pete, what a slut! And look at you!"

Neil looked down at Pete's hard on which was now pulsing even more erect. Neil moved to Pete and once more reached down towards his cock. Pete recoiled again shaking his head. Neil held his fingers up to Pete's face.

"Look at the lovely Mollie's juices Pete, don't you want these coating your dick eh?"

Pete shook his head again, "not if you're doing the coating."

"Shut it Pete." Again Neil punched him, this time knocking him off his feet. Pete fell over and pulled the rope holding his wrists which of course then wrenched Mollie's neck pulling her to the very tips of her toes.

"Oh, I like that position. " Neil looked at Pete sprawled on the ground and Mollie with her body stretched to its maximum length. Pete's nose now also trickled red.

"Please Neil stop this, stop it now. You're mad!"

Mollie writhed trying to control the rope as it became tighter the more her body moved upwards.

"Okay Pete," Neil spoke ignoring Pete's comments, "I want you to ask me nicely to wank you off."

"Eh, no chance!"

Neil laughed and moved to pick up a length of springy but hard bamboo.

"Okay the slut gets 5 lashes of this, and then I will ask you again Pete."

Pete was aghast as Mollie shook her head frantically.

"And she gets them across her front."

Mollie mewed her protest and shook her head splaying her long black hair about wildly.

"Neil stop, please stop."

"Shut it Pete. She gets 5 strokes then you get another chance to save her."

Neil took a position facing Mollie. He looked into her eyes, which were squeezed tightly closed, and took aim. The bamboo rod flashed quickly through the air and the hard stroke lashed full across her belly.


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Neil was using as much power as he could manage; loving the feeling of vulgar power it gave him to whip his squealing slut without reserve. The next stroke was slightly lower, catching the top of Mollie's mound. Neil thought she was going to pee herself as her muscles contracted in an attempted defence to the stroke, but the bound girl did not.

Mollie could not understand why her stomach and abdomen were not torn open and reding. The pain seemed so great, and Neil slashed the bamboo rod over her breasts, marking her flesh and her nipple, seemingly lost in a sort of sexual frenzy. Even though she was not cut, the front of Mollie's body was becoming discoloured with angry looking stripes of glowing red. She was screaming under the gag, terrified half out of her mind, convinced that Neil was going to beat her to death in one continuous orgy of lust.

Then he stopped and turned once more to the prostrate Pete.


"Okay, okay Neil please will you wank me off, just leave Mollie alone," Pete made to get up in an attempt to relieve Mollie of the neck rope. Neil allowed him to do this but then said,

"Ask me again buddy, I want it on camera." Pete was mortified, but despite his predicament, his cock was still harder than he could ever remember it being before so when he looked into Neil's camera and once again asked Neil to give him a hand job, it looked convincing.

"Okay Pete let's get you turned on then!" Neil laughed. Pete watched as Neil brought a small wooden table, which was just the right height, and made Pete flip his erection so that it was laying flat against the surface of the table.

"Good looking cock Pete," Neil commented letting his fingers walk around the hardened length of Pete's flesh. The bound guy's breathing was becoming deeper as he anticipated what he was about to experience. However, he was not expecting what happened next.

Neil once more took up the bamboo cane he had just whipped Mollie with and began to stroke it along Pete's cock. Pete recoiled in horror.

"Fuck me, mate, no you can't ..."

But Neil did, and so with a hefty flick of his wrist he brought the bamboo rod swishing down across the width of Pete's cock.

"Ohhhhh fuckkkkkkkkkkkkk!" Pete yelled as a red line now spanned his erection. Neil turned to look at Mollie, and her eyes were wide open in disbelief.

"Again, Pete?"

"No, no please," Pete's body was shaking. But once more Neil lashed the bamboo down onto his bound co-islander's erection.

"Look Mollie, he's getting harder." And it was true that despite the pain Pete was becoming more stimulated.

"Okay let's try something else."

Neil reached out and grabbed a large white candle that Pete kept in his hut. The bound male captive watched as the candle wick was lit and held over his hard on. He watched the wax drip onto him as if in slow motion until the hot wax scorched his foreskin, then he groaned. Drop after drop of hot, scolding wax fell onto Pete's cock and each time it did his climax felt that much nearer.

"Fuck Neil please stop, I'm gonna ..."

"I know you are pal, but hold on there don't spurt just yet."

Neil took a small piece of white material from his pocket and opened it out to reveal a brief pair of Mollie's cotton panties. He moved to Pete and, with the panties in his right hand he used them to handle Pete's cock. As soon as the material touched him Pete thrust his hips forward.

"Shit man, you really are close aren't you?"

Pete remained silent and, looking away from Neil and Mollie, he tried to think of something entirely non sexual. But the panties were wound round his penis now and Pete felt strong fingers moving his foreskin back and forth. He groaned as Neil made sure that the entire cock was covered in material and then he masturbated Pete harder.

"Ohhhh cuckolds brownietttttttt!!!"

Pete came in one long embarrassing, humiliating climax. His wax covered, beaten cock released jet after thick jet of sperm into Mollie's panties as he thrust his entire bound body forward.

"Oh yeah man, go on let it all go," Neil laughed. Pete's body came to rest and Neil carefully removed the cum filled panties leaving the weakening erection to drip its final release onto the table top.

Pete hung limp in his bonds and unwittingly pulled on the rope around Mollie's neck. She squealed and Pete altered his position for her.

"Oh how touching kids, a lovely gesture Pete."

He turned to face Mollie and, having gathered Pete's sperm into a pool inside the panties, he held them to Mollie's face. She tried to back away but there was nowhere for her to go. Neil reached out and in one motion he ripped the tape off Mollie's mouth. She cried out with the pain but then quickly started to cough and splutter as she gulped in air.

"Ready for more slut?"

"N ... n ... no, p ..., leave me, leave us alone ..."

She coughed some more. Neil paraded the considerable pool of cum to Mollie. It was so close to her face that she could smell its odor. Neil reached out for a ring of tape similar to that which previously covered Mollie's mouth.

"Okay then slut, open wide." He pinched her nose between the finger and thumb of one hand and at the opportune moment he pushed the panties, cum pool first, into Mollie's gaping mouth.

She spluttered even more, but now, having powerd the panties all the way into her mouth until the material completely disappeared he held her mouth closed while he taped it back up again. Mollie's eyes were wide and frantic as her main air source was once again taken away from her, this time even more effectively. Mollie gagged as she tasted Pete's sperm and felt it run in thick streams down her throat to pool in her stomach.

"Wow Moll, that was so hot!" Again he turned to Pete.

"Look at you Mr. limp dick." Pete's cock was indeed softening, having left behind a residue of sperm drops on the table top. Neil took the bamboo rod and without warning thrashed it down across Mollie's breasts. She looked like she was about to vomit into the gag as she tried to curl her body up into itself.

"You bastard Neil, why?"

"To show you Pete what I will do again and again if you don't get on your knees now and lick up that pool of cum you've left on the table top."

Pete looked disbelievingly. Neil smiled and raised his eyebrows.

"Go on then," he said simply whilst swishing the bamboo rod through the air.

With a feeling of intense nausea rising from the pit of his stomach Pete got to his knees. Pulling the rope with him of course stretched poor Mollie upwards and it was the thought of her suffering that powerd Pete to carry on with his task. Kneeling as ordered Pete looked down at the drips of cum splattered on the table top among the wax residue. Neil swished the bamboo rod through the air reminding Pete of what Mollie would feel if the sperm was not cleaned up.

Tentatively Pete moved his face towards the wooden surface and began to lick at the juices. He took the sperm onto his tongue and into his mouth. He wanted to puke but powerd himself onwards, licking at the cum again and again. Mollie watched wide eyed as Pete obviously swallowed the slimy substance leaving drips hanging around his mouth.

"Good boy, Pete, fancy licking mine up as well?" Pete looked horrified at Neil.

"Only joking, man."

The table top was cleaned as Neil had requested, and so he turned his attentions back to Mollie.

"Mmmm, time to fuck you up a little more slut." Mollie struggled and begged but her pleas were muffled under the tape and the panties in her mouth.

"So I found these Moll," Neil produced several lengths of chain and a number of small shiny new padlocks. Moving to Mollie he shifted the rope out of the way and proceeded to wind a length of thick chain around her neck, tightly but not dangerously so. Once he had created her chain collar he took a padlock and clicked it into place fastening the chain around Mollie's neck and leaving a dangling length to act as a leash. The small click was one of the most deafening sounds that Mollie had ever heard. The padlock and chain made her feel more owned than she had ever done, unwittingly her nipples hardened and her labia became just a little slicker.

"There now slut, a true slave if ever there was one. More chains though I think."

Mollie shook her head, but to no avail as Neil wound more chain tightly over and around her breasts. Mollie mewed her discomfort as this chain was bound very tightly. 3 padlocks this time secured her bondge.

"Please man, leave her alone," Pete still pleaded on Mollie's behalf.

"Mmmm, okay Pete you got it." Pete looked relieved, until Neil continued.

"You know though, on second thoughts I think I'll fuck her instead."

Mollie, despite the weight of the chains on her body wriggled frantically until the rub of the rope on her neck powerd her to stop.

"No Neil, don't can't you see, she's had enough ..."

"Shut the fuck up cum swallower," Neil mocked Pete. He moved the table from in front of the bound boy and over towards Mollie. Neil made Mollie stand up but told Pete to remain on his knees. Then Neil pushed the poor bound Asian captive face down onto and over the table top. With Pete still on his knees the rope pulled against her neck and she screamed from underneath the gag. The chain collar clattered across the wooden surface and the chains around her breasts pressed flat beneath her, her ass was high in the air. Mollie tried to protest but could only make gurgling sounds around the gag in her mouth.
Neil slapped Mollie's leg once, sharply, powering her to lift it so he could gain more ready access, before doing the same with her other leg.

"Mmmm lovely little pussy my slut," Neil ogled the split flesh between her thighs.

"Look at me Moll," Pete wanted to give the girl something to hang onto and Mollie stared back at him making eye contact and revealing her torment and pain more than ever to Pete.

The bound female islander felt Neil's hand between her legs, touching her. She realized how incredibly wet she had become again. His fingers opened her lips, exploring her, penetrating her. She moaned under the gag as his fingers slid freely into her, in and out, violating her yet again. She was intensely aware of everything... the hard wooden table pressing the chains against her breasts, his fingers stretching her and the intense desire to help her etched into Pete's face.

She heard Neil pulling down his shorts, the rustle of material falling to the dusty floor, and then she felt the engorged head of his cock pressed against her. She felt it sliding up and down her wet slit, rubbing her swollen lips, rubbing over her clit. She moaned again, wanting to scream, to tell him to stop.

"I'm gonna so fuck you Mollie, oh yeah, so fucking hard slut!"

Mollie felt him press the head of his cock against her, then into her. She felt his shaft entering, filling. He pushed in, and then slid out, then in again. With each thrust his cock moved deeper. Mollie was being fucked, Neil's cock moving like a piston, in and out of her wet cunt. The Asian student was moaning continuously, and banging her head against the wooden table as Neil's thrusts threw her around like a rag doll.

"Hang on Moll, hang on please," Pete said trying to give her something to focus on.

Neil pounded into Mollie, without a word, faster and faster. She felt his cock swelling, throbbing, starting to jerk, and then she felt the hot wetness of his cum spurting into her and she arched upwards as much as she could and joined him in an intense climax.

"Fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkk Moll, oh fuckkkkkkkkk!"

Mollie's sounds of ecstasy were drowned out under the tape gag and into the panties.

The bastard had cum inside her again! Mollie felt tears welling in her eyes, tears of helplessness.

He spoke to her, as casually as if he were talking about the weather. "You're tighter than anyone I've ever had before; even after all we have done to you."

Pete felt Neil's use of the word 'we' like a knife through his heart reminding him of how involved he had been in the *** of Mollie.

Mollie felt Neil pull his cock from her, felt his warm semen dribbling down her leg. He pulled her to her feet, and then pushed her down onto her knees, jerking her neck against the rope once more. The chain leash hung down the middle of her body stopping just short of touching the ground.

Neil reached down and ripped away her gag, tearing at her lips, before pulling the sodden panties out of her mouth. Mollie coughed and spluttered gagging as if she was about to vomit. Neil gripped her hair and turned her face towards his groin, not roughly... more like he was guiding her. She felt his cock, soft and sticky, brush across her torn lips.

"Clean me," he said.

He held her head in place until she took him into her mouth.

Mollie began to suck on him tasting her juices mixed with his cum. As she sucked, he gave her words of encouragement, telling her how sexy she was, how beautiful she looked. She felt his cock growing harder as she sucked him.

"Clean it all," he said, "lick the base and my balls too."

With her hands still bound above her head, Mollie found it difficult to reach all of the wet, sticky places on his cock. She felt it brushing against her face, leaving a wet trail. She found herself strangely aroused as he got harder. Her world narrowed as she focused entirely on the taste and feel of his cock, and the sticky wetness running free between her own legs.

Then she was pulled free. He seemed to be satisfied with the job she had done.

"Okay slut good, well done. You both need a rest now before I decide what to do with you next."

Pete had been looking away as Mollie sucked Neil clean. But now he stared intently at their captor.

"I'm gonna hurt you for this you bastard," he spat at Neil.

"Well loser, you're gonna have to ..."

Pete did a double take. First Neil was there then he was not.

"Fuck Moll, now's our chance!"

Mollie turned and stared, with Pete, at the prostrate body of Neil laying *** on the floor. He had slipped on something and banged his head on the table corner. Pete could see that he was still breathing but Neil was out cold for sure.

How long did they have before he came round?


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The worm gets the chance to turn

"Mollie he's out cold." Pete's mind was clicking into gear but Mollie just stared disbelievingly.

"Come on Moll, help me get free and I will tie him up."

Mollie looked back at Pete, her head cocked to one side as if she was still trying to take in what had just happened.

"Look if I stand up and walk towards you the rope gets slacker and you can just about touch my wrists with your fingers."

"How do I know you won't just do to me what he's been doing?" Mollie, not surprisingly, didn't quite trust Pete fully.

"Fuck it Moll, just help me please. Haven't I shown how I feel about you?"

Pete maneuvered himself so he was crouched on his haunches. Mollie took up a similar position so that their bodies pretty much met as planned. She started to tug at the ropes with her fingers.

"Shit Pete every time I pull on them they seem to get tighter!"

"Keep trying."

Mollie stuck at her task and sure enough after a few minute the ropes binding Pete's wrists began to loosen.

"That's it Moll, just a little more."

Then he was free. For a few seconds Pete rubbed his chafed wrists then, leaving Mollie where she was for the time being, he slipped the rope away from her neck and set about tying the *** Neil.


Mollie reached out towards the grassy bank, and, fighting against the pull of the water she pushed herself upwards.

"Argghhh, fuck," Mollie uttered as she clambered onto the grass leaving a wet trail under and behind her. She flopped down enjoying the feel of the sun and stared out at the mass of blue lagoon ahead of her. Scenes like this showed the other face of the island to her. The nice face that distracted her mind from the hell she had endured so far. It had only been a few days since the female islander had last been here but so much had happened to her.

She now knew about things that had never even crossed her mind when she first arrived. Bondage, ****, lustful desire and being so terrified that she thought she would die. But now she was free to enjoy the island once again. It was Thursday and tomorrow was the day when Pete was supposed to submit film back to the mainland and another islander arrived. Mollie smiled to herself as she thought of how they would manage and what they would do from here on. What a mess!

But that was not to be thought of right now. Mollie rested back down onto the grass and let the sun start to dry off her naked body, scratched and marked but now feeling soothed once more.


"Hi Pete," Mollie said cheerfully. Pete looked up from his camera and stared at the lovely Asian girl. She had dressed in a baggy red T shirt and white bikini and she looked radiant with fresh clean hair and a smiling face.

"Hey Moll, you feeling okay."

"Never better." She turned and looked at Neil. She eyed his naked body with his hands tied above his head to a large, thick protruding tree branch. His waist was secured, tied tight with rope, to the main trunk of the same tree. He couldn't move much at all and he looked dazed still.

Mollie moved to him and reached out towards his head. She gripped his hair and smiled as he yelped. His head came up to face her as she pulled hard.

"What shall we do with you huh Neil? Remember all the things you did to me eh, and to Pete? I hope so because I sure do!"

With that she reached for his erection.

"I would never have dared do this when I arrived but you have taught me so much Neil."

With that she began to stroke his cock which, despite his state, sprung immediately into life.

"Ohhh, p ... please Moll, not again."

"Oh Neil, I'm gonna make you so want to cum before I've finished that you will beg me."

Mollie had already brought the bound Neil to the edge of orgasm several times and as her hand began to move back and forth she proceeded to do so again.

"Ohhh fuck Mollie," Neil groaned as his cock bulged under her touch.

"Wanna cum Neil?"

"Y ... yes please,"


"Fuck yes!"

"Ask me nicely then."

"Please Mollie, please let me cum."

"What's my name?"

"Mistress Mollie, please Mistress Mollie please let me ... oh fuck no!"

Mollie let his erection drop.

"Not yet my lovely!" she mocked.

She moved to Pete and pulled him to his feet. Winding her arms around his neck she kissed him hard. She pulled away from his saliva covered lips and looked him in the eyes.

"Thank you babe, for all you did for me. Let's put on a horny show for our guest shall we?"

"Yeah Moll, let's."

There was already a sexual tension between them and they kissed again.

"Mollie your lips are so gorgeous, just right to kiss."

Mollie smiled.

Pete toyed with her lower lip and then kissed her deeply. Neil tried to look away but he could not and the sexual atmosphere that Mollie and Neil were creating simply added to the burgeoning nature of his erection.

Mollie broke free again and pushed away from Pete. Slowly she began to strip for him. First her T shirt was pulled over her head and then, without much delay her bikini top followed. Pete ogled her small but very attractive breasts and hard nipples as Mollie slipped her fingers into her pants and wound them down her legs. She had freshly shaven her own mound, liking the feeling, and now Pete stared at her naked beauty taking everything in as if he might never see it again. His gaze went all the way down to her feet and then back up again until it reached her cunt, and his focus settled there.

"Your cunt is beautiful Mollie, so ... perfect, like a work of art."

Mollie smiled again, as Pete moved behind her and lifted up the hair on the back of her neck ... she moaned as he traced his finger lightly all the way down her spine. As he reached her hips he moved his hand to her front and sought out her cunt. He pushed Mollie's legs wider apart, found her opening and spread her lips before pushing his finger inside. As he did this Pete moaned.

"I want to ... kiss you Moll, you know, really kiss you." Pete whispered into Mollie's ear.

Neil's gaze was transfixed on the scene.

Mollie allowed Pete to push her down onto a towel on the sand and he moved his face to her cunt, giving her gentle licks and releasing the very sensitive feelings Mollie's cunt revealed. Her juices flowed freely and Pete couldn't get enough of his lover. He reached his hands upwards and their fingers interlocked either side of her hips. Mollie could feel Pete's hair on her thighs brushing as he stayed down on her. She was in heaven.

Mollie moaned as Pete now attacked her clit and her hips bucked to meet his mouth licking out her cunt.

"Oh fuck Pete I can't hold it any longer," Mollie moaned loudly and hearing herself whimper tipped her over the edge and she came so hard, so very, very hard.

Pete looked up at Mollie and smiled.

"Spread your legs Mollie." Mollie obeyed and Pete just stared, mesmerized by her pussy, her cunt her sensitive juice covered lips.

He moved up her body and kissed her deeply before laying at her side. Mollie played with his chest hair. Neil still stared at the scene but the two lovers had momentarily forgotten all about him. Mollie ran her hands up and down from his sternum to his belly button before kissing him again, hard on the mouth. He moved to push her downwards towards his stiff cock.

Mollie backed off a little. "No Pete, that's all for now, no more."

He just stared at her like an angry caveman and pushed her head back down. They fought and tussled a little but they both know that she would let him win and that she would be going down on him this time.

Mollie licked the top of his cock and he moaned as she placed her mouth over the top.

"Fuck Moll take me inside please, fuck yeah that's it, cuckolds brownie you can take so much of me ... ohhhhhh"

She started to move up and down taking him as deep as she could.

"Fuck Moll, you're amazing!"

Pete reached down and pulled at her long dark hair.

"Stop, oh fuck stop now ..." Mollie did as she was asked, but as she made her way back up his body she lightly bit the side of his thigh, giggling as she did so.

"Fuck me, please Mollie!"

She said nothing, but simply smiled and straddled Pete placing her cunt over his cock. He took his shaft in his hand and guided himself into the warm, juicing slit hovering above his groin. Despite her recent use Mollie was surprisingly tight and she let out a long sigh as Pete filled her totally.

Mollie threw her head back and arched her body and his shaft work in and out as she worked it up and down through movement of her hips.

"Moll you're gorgeous," Neil moaned as he ran his hands up and down her naked flesh. Although Mollie had just climaxed she was still very wet and he slid inside and out of her very easily. It took just a short while before Pete was thrusting more vigourously and then he too came – gloriously long and hard shooting jet after jet of thick sperm into Mollie's cunt.

She yelped and he groaned long and loudly.

"Mollie I love youuuuuuu!" He shouted. She just laughed.

Finally after he had come to rest Mollie eased herself up and away from him. As she straightened, Pete's juices ran freely down her thighs.

She moved to Neil.

"Enjoy that my slave?"

Neil stared her right in the eye.

"Well, it sure looks like you did," she grabbed his stiff cock again and once more began to move his foreskin back and forth.

"Oh please Mollie ..."

"What's my name slave," she squeezed him tight and Neil yelped.

"Mistress, Mistress please ohhhhh"

She wanked him faster and he began to thrust into her fingers.

"Awwww, you sure want this slave don't you?"

"Yes Mistress, oh fuck yes."

Again Mollie took him to the edge, but then she stopped. Stepping away from her captive Mollie watched amused as his body continued to thrust into thin air, its immediate stimulation having been lost. Then she moved back towards him and knelt down.

"Fuck please, if you're gonna do what I think you're gonna do then make sure you finish me off, please!"

Mollie laughed and kissed the head of his cock. The she covered the top with her lips and licked at the small hole in the end. He groaned.

"Please Moll ..."

Mollie removed her mouth and slapped his shaft.

"It's Mistress, slave, how many times do I need to tell you?"

She resumed her task, taking him deep before pulling her mouth back up his length again. She was good at this, as she had discovered, and thoroughly enjoyed having a body as fit as Neil's to play with.

Pete had turned onto his stomach to watch proceedings feeling a little pang of jealousy as the girl he had feelings for performed on another guy.

"Ohh Mistress please let me cum," Neil was writhing as much as his bonds would allow as Mollie brought him to the edge again before getting up and leaving her captive thrusting aimlessly once more.

She stood inches from his face.


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Merci pour cette traduction de "Supergirl...", mais comme d'habitude avec ces auxiliaires de traduction cela donne du "petit nègre" et encore en version pas très évolué... dommage...
Bonne continuation
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