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Posts: 4063
#1 · Edited by: goodhusband
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Chattel - Permisteral property, a slave

It was just after 4:30 when I pulled into the horseshoe driveway in front of Bill Robert's house. There were at least ten cars parked there. I noticed that one of them was my wife Lindsey's BMW.

I put my Ford Escape into park and looked around. I'd been here a few months ago for an office party but I'd forgotten just how luxurious Bill's home was. He was obviously a very successful attorney.

My wife Lindsey was Bill Robert's administrative assistant. Bill was a good employer. He paid Lindsey a very generous salary and provided a nice working atmosphere. She often told me she loved her job and she proved it by spending many long hours at work.

Bill had only two partners, Rick Sullivan and Jerry Goodrich. All three of them were very handsome men in their early forties. They were also all divorced. I gathered from Lindsey that their marriages collapsed because they had a little trouble with the concept of marital fidelity. Lindsey wouldn't come right out and say it, but from some of the comments she made I gathered that all three of them were very accomplished playboys.

Roberts, Sullivan and Goodrich was a small but very successful law firm.

Margo Williams was the office manager. According to Lindsey she wielded just as much power as the three attorneys. Margo was a divorcee in her late thirties. I met her at the office party. She was a very attractive and very elegant middle aged blond. She also had an air of authority about her that made me wilt every time I was in her presence.

Each lawyer had an administrative assistant. All of them were at the party.

Trish Gilbert worked for Rick. Trish was a young brunette. She had the kind of figure that many men would have described as a "soft body". I suspected that when she got older weight would became an issue for Trish, but at the time she was in her mid twenties and her large breasts, narrow waist and full round ass give her a figure that could only be described as luscious.

Jenny Conroy worked for Jerry. Lindsey and Jenny could almost have been sisters. They were both small breasted young blonds with trim athletic figures. Lindsey was twenty-three and I had to believe that Jenny was about the same age.

Trish was single and Jenny was married.

I met Jenny's husband Tony at the office party. I actually spent a good part of the evening talking with him. As soon as we started chatting we discovered that we had a common interest, both of us loved to play golf. Tony and I spent most of the evening in the kitchen talking golf while our wives and the rest of the guests danced and partied in Bill's basement recreation room.

About an hour after we started talking in the kitchen Tony and I decided that we should join our wives in the basement. As soon as we started down the stairs we discovered that we weren't going to be allowed to join the rest of the party in the recreation room.

Margo intercepted us before we reached the bottom of the stairs. "Do you guys need something?"

I smiled at her and said, "No, we just want to join our wives."

Margo shook her head and politely said, "Please go back upstairs. I'll be happy to bring you anything you might want, but we're working on finalizing a contract for an important client down here and we really can't be disturbed."

The loud music, raucous laughter and obvious dim lighting coming from the rec room didn't give us the impression that it was an important business meeting, but neither Tony nor I wanted to create problems so we obediently went back upstairs.

About fifteen minutes later Lindsey and Jenny both came upstairs.

Lindsey walked over to me and said, "Sweetheart, Bill wants you to go home. The negotiations down stairs are reaching a critical point and he doesn't want to risk having the two of you stumble into the middle of the discussion and create a problem."

Jenny kissed her husband and said, "You understand, don't you baby?"

As they ushered us to the door Lindsey said, "Honey don't wait up. It will probably be several hours before I get home."

Both Jenny and Lindsey had gone directly to the party from work so all four of us had our own cars. This made it very easy for Tony and I to go home without our wives.

That night my wife didn't actually get home until 3:30 in the morning.

I was just about to get out of the car when the memory of that party made me stop and think.

The previous evening Lindsey had informed me that Bill had invited everyone who worked at the office to come over to his house for cocktails after work the next day. He did this once or twice a week so I wasn't surprised. Nonetheless, I was still disappointed that my wife would be spending another evening out.

Whenever I questioned Lindsey about all the socializing at her office she always said that it was part of her job. She would explain that Bill believed in team building. His motto was a happy team is an efficient team and an efficient team is a productive team.

Now as I sat in my car I started to worry that I might not be be welcome at this gathering. After all, it was another team building party and I really wasn't part of the team.

My fears were strengthened when I remembered Bill. He was an ex college football player. At six feet three he towered over me by seven inches and he probably outweighed me by at least sixty pounds and we weren't talking about fat. Lindsey liked to brag that her boss went to the gym every day and he could bench press four hundred and fifty pounds. She often pointed out that Bill's arms were bigger than my legs.

As I thought about Bill's physical prowess, I also remembered his attitude at the office party. Bill was an arrogant man who treated both Tony and me with unconcealed disdain.

I was about to put my keys back in the ignition and leave when I shook my head. This was silly. My wife was in that house and I was in the neighborhood. There was absolutely nothing wrong with my stopping by to visit her. If the situations were reversed both myself and my employers would be more than happy to see Lindsey.

I took a deep breath, got out of the car and started up the sidewalk. I heard the music when I was about halfway to the door. It was early May and the temperature was in the low 70's. The living room curtains on Bill's front windows were all drawn, but the windows themselves were wide open. The party was obviously taking place immediately on the other side of those curtains.

I recognized the misterg right away. It was, "Love Will Never Do" by Janet Jackmister. Lindsey loved to dance and this was one her favorite mistergs for dancing.

I relaxed. This was obviously just a fun party. Lindsey would be very happy to see me. I walked up to the front door.

Just as I rang the bell I heard a loud male voice call out, "Oh yeah Lindsey honey that's it, shake those cute little titties for us."

At the same moment another voice yelled out, "Come on sweetheart, stop teasing us. Pull your panties down and show us that bare pussy we all love so much."

Suddenly another voice called out. "What the fuck, someone's leaning on the doorbell."

I looked down. I was so distracted by what I was hearing that I forgot I was still pushing the button. I quickly pulled my finger away, but it was too late. They knew there was someone at the door and they didn't sound pleased about it.

I didn't know what to think or do. Part of me wanted to run and pretend this never happened. Another part of me said I should be outraged and charge into the house like a jealous husband.

As I was standing there unable to move I heard a voice say, "Hey Margo, go find out who's at the fucking front door."

At the same time, someone shut the music off. The front steps and the house were suddenly very quiet.

I heard someone stand up and start to walk across the room. The same voice that told Margo to answer the door said, "Margo honey, you can''t answer the door like that, it might be the meter man. Here put this on."

Everyone started laughing. Someone else said, "That would be all right, he could just come in and watch Lindsey do her strip."

Another voice said, "Would that be okay with you Lindsey? Will you take it off for the meter man?"

"You'd better believe it Jerry. The bigger the audience the happier I am."

My jaw dropped in shock. That was my wife's voice.

The man who told Margo to answer the door roared with laughter and said, "That's my girl."

Suddenly the front door opened about a quarter of the way and Margo peered out. She was wearing a man's white dress shirt. It was immediately obvious that she wasn't wearing anything underneath it.

She looked at me for a moment and then she turned back into the house. "I think it's Lindsey's husband, Petey."

There was a brief period of silence and then the voice that I now assumed belonged to Bill said, "Ask the little wimp what he wants."

I could hear brownietered laughter in the background as Margo turned back to me and said, "What do you want?"
Peter C


Posts: 6630 Pictures: 9 
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A good start - please keep going.
Peter C
Fred Jones


Posts: 202
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I like it so far. Keep going!



Posts: 1917
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Oooh Goody !!

Trust you are feeling a little better GH. Great to see you back. ... and straight back on form.


Posts: 1916
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Great to have you back GH !
This one looks like it could be a really good story. I already love the beginning ! I can empathise when the husband gets called a wimp . That happens to me alot!


Posts: 4063
#6 · Edited by: goodhusband
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Peter C and nz guy

Thank you, your encouragement is appreciated.

Fred Jones

I'm glad you're enjoying it, I love your stories.


Nice to hear from you. The cardiologist just gave me the go ahead, so Lisa is letting me write again. I did have to promise to slow the pace so the stories will come a little slower.

Glad you like the start of this one, it's been rattling around in the back of my head for several months now.


Nice to hear from you again. Isn't life as a submissive wimp wonderful.

Thanks to all


Next post tomorrow morning, 6 am central daylight time


Posts: 4063
#7 · Edited by: goodhusband
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The question caught me completely off guard. Frankly, the events of the past few minutes had me totally befuddled.

I stared at my feet for a moment and then I blurted out, "I was in the neighborhood and I just thought I'd stop by and say hello to my wife."

I immediately realized that considering the circumstances it was a ridiculously lame thing to say, but I'd said it and I couldn't take it back.

Bill started laughing and said, "Tell the wimp to come in."

In the background I heard my wife say, "No Bill, please don't do this, Don't let him come in."

Margo smiled at me and opened the door. "Come on in wimp."

Bill said, "Don't worry baby, he's not going to do anything. Besides, it's time he learned the score."

I nervously followed Margo. As soon as we entered the living room I looked around. Seven men were seated on three couches and four stuffed chairs arranged in a semicircle. They were all wearing nothing but their boxer shorts. When I looked into the dining room, I could see their suit coats, pants, shirts, ties, shoes and socks all neatly laid out on the dining room table.

From what I could see, they all had erections. Several of men's penises were obscenely protruding from the slit in the front of their underwear.

I immediately recognized Bill, Jerry and Rick, but I didn't know the other four men. Two of them appeared to be in their mid to late thirties. They were both fit and good looking. The other two men were both overweight, bald and well over fifty.

Trish was sitting on the lap of one of the older men. Jenny was sitting on the lap of the other one. Both Trish and Jenny were naked.

When I looked at Lindsey, my heart sank. My wife was standing in the center of the room. She was naked from the waist up. Her beautiful small breasts were on full display for all of the men in the room to see. All she was wearing was a pink mini skirt that couldn't have been more than six inches long and a pair of black spike heeled shoes. A matching pink top and a white brassiere were lying in a heap at the feet of one of the older men. It was obvious that my wife really was in the middle of doing a strip tease dance.

I stood perfectly still in the doorway to the living room. I was overwhelmed. I couldn't move. I tried to make eye contact with my wife, but she immediately looked away.

Bill noticed my obvious discomfort and smirked. "Hey pussyboy, you just walked in on your wife while she was stripping for a group of men. Haven't you got anything you want to say?"

I was so overwhelmed by the situation that I really didn't know how to respond, so I just slowly shook my head.

Bill laughed out loud. "That's what I thought. Well pussyboy if you don't mind I think well just finish what we were doing when you so rudely interrupted us."

He turned to Margo. "Go turn the music back on."

Margo walked over to the stereo. Just as she was about to start the music she stopped and turned to Bill. "I really don't think the little wimp should be allowed to watch?"

Bill stared at his office manager for a moment and then he started laughing. "Margo honey, you are evil."


Posts: 4063
#8 · Edited by: goodhusband
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After a moment Bill stopped laughing and started staring at me. It was obvious that he was thinking. Finally he stood up, walked over to my wife, put his arm around her waist and started massaging her ass with the palm of his hand.

"Pussyboy, every man in this room is about to watch this gorgeous young lady take off the rest of her clothes." He paused for a moment and then he smirked at me. "But you're really not part of that group are you pussyboy? I mean a real man wouldn't stand here like a complete nerd while we watch his wife strip for us would he?"

I'm ashamed to admit that I was now not only overwhelmed, I was also intimidated. I looked away and stared at the floor for a moment and then I gathered my courage and took another peek at my wife. Bill still had his left arm around Lindsey's waist only now he was also holding her with his right arm. He stared at me as he pulled Lindsey into his huge well muscled frame and brazenly massaged her naked left breast with the massive fingers of his right hand.

My wife was sheepishly looking away. I watched her. After a moment I saw her steal a glance at me. As soon as she saw me looking at her she closed her eyes and turned away again.

Bill continued. "Let's see, what can we have this little nerd do while his gorgeous wife entertains us?"

"Make him lick my asshole." We all turned. It was Margo.

Bill looked at her and said, "What?"

She grinned at him. "This is a sex party. The little wimp is here, we might as well let him participate." She started laughing. "As you just so aptly pointed out he's not a real man so of course he's not going to get to do any fucking." She shook her head. "And I guarantee you that none of us are going to be sucking his pathetic little pee pee, so licking my asshole is about all that's left for him."

"Do you really think we can make him do that?"

"My exhusband, limp dick Larry used to love doing it to me. I'll bet this wimp will love it just as much."

"Oh he does love it. He's been licking my ass ever since we first started going out." It was Lindsey.

The older man with Jenny on his lap asked, "Is that really Lindsey's husband?"

Jenny nodded her head and answered, "It sure is."

He shook his head. "Damn, this is pretty fucking amazing. Do you think he really licks her asshole?"

"She says he does, and I've never known Lindsey to lie to anyone.” Jenny started to giggle. “Except her husband."

My face turned beet red as everyone in the room started laughing.

Bill smiled at Jenny. "Baby why don't you get off Carl's lap and go over and visit Derek. He's looking just a little bit lonely."

Jenny kissed Carl's cheek and said, "Baby duty calls, maybe we can get together again a little later."

Carl patted Jenny's naked butt as she stood up. "I'm already looking forward to it."

We all watched as Jenny walked over to one of the two younger men, sat down on his lap and put her arms around his neck. "Hi sweetie, Bill thought you might enjoy a little company."

As soon as Jenny was settled on Derek's lap, Bill turned back to Margo.

"Margo why don't you kneel down between Carl's legs. You're a creative girl, once you get there I'm sure you'll be able to think of a way to add to his enjoyment while he watches Lindsey finish her doing her strip."

Margo took off the white dress shirt she was wearing and tossed it on an end table. "I don't think I'll be needing this."

I watched her as she kneeled between Carl's legs and pulled his erect penis out of the slit in the front of his boxer shorts. Lindsey was a very attractive woman, but she had a trim athletic figure and small breasts. Margo was a large busted woman with a lush, voluptuous body. I couldn't take my eyes off of her.

"Hey pussyboy, quit staring at Margo and get down on your knees. We all want to see you crawl over to her and press your face into her gorgeous rear. You have some serious ass kissing to do."

Margo was already licking Carl's cock. She stopped and looked at Bill. "I don't want the wimp to kiss my ass, I want him to lick it. I want to feel him push his tongue as deep into my asshole as he possibly can."

Bill started laughing. "Margo honey, you are a real bitch."

She winked at him. "Thanks boss, I'll take that as a compliment."

"It was meant as one."

During this interchange all I could manage to do was stand perfectly still and stare at the floor.

As soon as he was done talking to Margo Bill looked at me and said, "Wimp I thought I told you to get down on you knees and crawl over to Margo." His voice now had a very threatening tone to it.

I still didn't move. I couldn't, I was terrified. I'd gone tharn.

And then I heard Lindsey's voice, it was tender and soothing. "Petey, do as your told. I don't want to see you get hurt. Get down on your knees and crawl over to Margo."

My wife's gentle words were calming me, but I still couldn't move.

"Petey, show everyone that you know how to behave. Be a good boy and do exactly what the big man says." There was a soft maternal tone to Lindsey's voice.

It worked, I slowly dropped to my knees and crawled over to Margo.

"That's a good boy. Now spread the cheeks of her ass."

Everyone was staring at me as I timidly separated the soft round cheeks of Margo's luscious rear and exposed her tiny anus.

"Good Petey, you're being very obedient. Now kiss Ms. William's asshole.

I hesitated.

"Do it Petey, we both know you want to."

The room was silent.

I didn't move. I couldn't move.

"Petey, do as you're told. We both know you're not a man, you're a little pussyboy. Show everyone here that you understand your place and accept this role."

I was completely humiliated. I wanted to crawl into a hole and hide, but I also knew that Lindsey was right. I couldn't begin to explain why, but deep down inside I longed to humble myself in front of my wife and her friends.

Lindsey understood this very well. This was a role I'd played with my wife ever since we first met. Actually I think Lindsey sensed the submissive nature of my permisterality the moment we met. I've always suspected that's why she was attracted to me.

I took moment to collect myself and then I placed my lips against Margo's tight little anus. Everyone in the room applauded when they saw me push my tongue into her. This made me feel good. The submissive masochistic part of me took pride in the fact that I was able to please Lindsey and her friends.

I peeked at my wife out of the corner of my eye. I was very careful to keep my tongue buried in Margo's asshole. I was hoping for some sign of approval from Lindsey. Instead what I saw broke my heart. My wife and Bill had their arms wrapped around each other. They were locked in a passionate embrace. It looked like they were celebrating the surrender of my manhood with a long torrid kiss.

I did the only thing I could do. I closed my eyes, pressed my face against Margo's ass and pushed my tongue deeper into her anus. As I licked her, tears started running down my cheeks. For the first time in the twelve months since we got married, I worried that Lindsey didn't really love me.


Posts: 187644
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I really hate stories on here because they always start out so "hot' but then no one finishes them. Always say more later, one even said 2 part almost done that was ... ago. I do hope you finish this it is good.Please


Posts: 2109
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Hi, gh. It's great to see you writing again. i really like the start to this story. It's quite unlike most of your other work so far, and i'm intrigued to see where you're going with it. priss
Fred Jones


Posts: 202
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It just keeps getting better,GH. If it takes longer to put out a good storyline instead of just the same old crap, by all means, take the time.
This story is too good to ruin by rushing. We'll wait. Impatiently, but we'll wait.



Posts: 4063
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I will try. Writing stories is a massive task. I know, I have written several very long ones. I am glad you're enjoying it.

Hi Priss

It's wonderful to hear from you. Yes, I am trying to write something that is radically different from my other stories. I hope it works, I'm having fun with it.

Fred Jones

Thank you, I appreciate your patience and part of the agreement I made when Lisa gave me permission to start writing new stories again was that I would post slowly. So I have no choice.

Thanks to all of you for your support



Posts: 4063
#13 · Edited by: goodhusband
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I am sorry if I have caused you some confusion with the name change for this story.

With many of my stories I start out with an outline for a single idea and gradually expand the outline as I write the story. "The Party and "Sandra and Stevie" are both classic examples of this.

As I was writing the next segments of "Lindsey" I began to realize that story really involved more than one central charachter so I felt it was necessary to change the title in order to reflect that idea.

I also included this definition at the beginning of the story. "Chattel - permisteral property, a slave."

The next segment of the story should appear around 6:00 am CDT tomorrow (Monday) morning



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As I pressed my face into Margo's luscious ass I heard Bill say, "Derek, would you mind if I borrowed Jenny for a little while."

Derek laughed, "You mean you want me to give up this gorgeous naked young lady who's sitting on my lap?"

"Yes, but I promise to send her back at the earliest possible moment."

"Is it for a good cause?"


"Well in that case I guess I'm willing to make a sacrifice. Jenny honey, it pains me to say this; but your boss is calling you."

I heard a sound that I assumed was Jenny kissing Derek and then I heard her say, "Baby I promise to come back as soon as I can."

"I'll hold you to that promise."

Bill said, "Derek she will be back, and I promise you that when she returns she will show you a wonderful time. In the meantime I'm assigning her a task that I believe all of us will find very entertaining."

I heard Jenny stand up. "What do you want me to do boss?"

"Jenny go over to the dining room table, take my belt out of my suit pants and bring it over here."

"What are you going to do sweetheart?"

It was my wife's voice. My stomach churned when I heard her call Bill "sweetheart."

"Just wait Lindsey, I think you'll get a big kick out of it."

I heard the sound of Jenny returning from the dining room."

"Here's your belt Bill."

"Double it up in your hand and go stand next to our pussyboy."

Suddenly I realized what was happening and I started to get very scared.

"Jenny pull his pants down."

Jenny started to giggle. "Oh I think this might be fun."

I felt Jenny reach around my waist and unbuckle my belt.

When I reached back to try to stop her Bill said, "Do not dare to try stopping her pussyboy. If you do, I promise you that I'll take the belt from her and give you a beating you'll never forget."

"Petey do as he says. He's not kidding. He'll hurt you."

It was Lindsey. Her warning scared me, but it also made me feel better. At least it showed she still cared about me."

I placed my hand back on the floor and allowed Jenny to pull my pants down.

As soon as she was done Bill said, "Jenny give his ass a good hard swat with my belt."

Margo started laughing. "Damn, I love the feel of his tongue in my ass, but right now I envy Jenny."

Whap! I winced from the pain. The belt hit me hard. Jenny didn't hold back.

Jenny started giggling. "Oh that was fun, can I do it again?"

"One more time. I want the wimp to fully understand the punishment he faces if we catch him peeking at his wife while she's dancing."

Whap! She hit me even harder.

I bit my lip hard. I couldn't bear the thought of Lindsey seeing me cry.

"Boss can I hit him one more time?"

Bill laughed. "No Jenny, that's enough."

I sighed with relief.

"Pussyboy, Jenny's job is to make sure you don't peek while you're wife is doing her strip tease for us. If she catches you peeking, or if she catches you taking your tongue out of Margo's asshole I'm going to let her give you five more swats. Do you understand me?"

I was careful not to take my tongue out of Margo's asshole as I obediently nodded my head up and down.

"Very good, Well now that everyone is in their proper place it's time to get the party going again. Trish, why don't you go start the music. It's time for Lindsey to finish doing her strip."


Posts: 4063
#15 · Edited by: goodhusband
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I heard Trish walk across the room. Part of me was relieved that they going to start the music again. I felt like everyone was watching me and I was anxious for anything that would draw their attention away from me. My stomach churned when I remembered that the diversion would be my sweet wife doing a strip tease for them.

Suddenly I could hear Janet Jackmister singing again.

A moment later I heard Bill call out, "That's right Lindsey shake those cute little titties for us. Carl isn't she gorgeous?"

"She really is Bill. Where did you ever find her."

I met her at a party just after she graduated from college. She was with a friend of mine." He started laughing. "It was about two weeks after she got married to wimpboy over there. She's just crazy about sex. That evening three of us brought her back here and spent the whole night taking turns fucking her. I offered her a job the next morning."

I remembered that night very clearly. It was the first of many evenings when Lindsey stayed out all night. She called me about 11:00 and told me that she'd had too much to take and she didn't dare drive home She was planning to stay with her friend Emily.

I'll never forget the expression on her face when she got home the next morning. She was so excited. She'd met a wealthy attorney at a party and he offered her a job in his law office. That night we went out to celebrate our good fortune. I'll always remember that night. It was one of the few times after we got married that Lindsey actually let me fuck her.

"No cuckolds brownie, you really took turns fucking her."

"Damn right; like I said, she loves sex."

"Carl would you like to fuck her?" It was Margo's voice.

Carl hesitated for a moment and then he said, "Yes, very much."

"Well, you're going to get to do that. We're extremely happy that Munmister Distributing joined our Premium Corporate Legal Retainer program. You might say that Lindsey is going to be a little token of our appreciation. But we're getting ahead of ourselves. Let's just watch Lindsey dance for a few minutes."

For the next few moments all I heard was Janet Jackmister. I assumed everyone was watching my wife dance and then I heard Bill say. "Baby pull your panties down for us. It's time to show Mr. Munmister your cute little pussy."

Everyone in the room was silent again. Janet's Jackmister's misterg was still playing, but no one was talking. The tension was overwhelming. Not being allowed to watch what was happening was driving me crazy. Suddenly I heard someone say, "Oh yeah Lindsey! That's right, pull 'em down; pull 'em all the way down. Oh baby, you're *******ing us. That cute little shaved pussy of yours is absolutely gorgeous."

The suspense was driving me insane. I had to know what was happening. I decided to take the risk. I pulled my tongue out of Margo's ass and took a quick peek. Lindsey was holding the hem of her pink miniskirt up around her waist while she was dancing. She was still wearing her panties but they were now around her knees. Every eye in the room was focused on my wife's naked cunt.

"Bill, the little cuckolds brownie is peeking!"

I quickly pressed my face back into Margo's ass, but it was too late. I'd been caught.

"Teach him a lesmister Jenny, give him five good swats."

Suddenly I was very frightened.

Whap! I winced from the pain as the belt hit me hard.

Whap! Whap! Two more swats hit that were even harder.

I could hear Jenny giggling while she hit me. The music continued playing. I wondered if my wife was still dancing.

Whap! Each swat hurt more than the last one.

I bit my lower lip. I didn't want to start crying. I only had one more swat to endure. I knew I could do it. I had to do it.

Whap! I nearly cried out, but I didn't.

"Stop! that's enough Jenny."

"Come on Bill, that was fun; let me give him five more."

"No we don't really want to hurt him. Did you hear that pussyboy. Jenny enjoyed spanking you. I think that from now on, you might want to be very careful about peeking. Jenny seems to have a taste for inflicting pain."

There was a pause for a moment and then Bill said, "All right Lindsey let's see you pull those panties all the way off."

I sighed. It was a sigh of relief. I wasn't sure I could take another swat. I closed my eyes. I was going to be very careful to avoid giving Jenny any more reamisters to hit me again.


Posts: 4063
#16 · Edited by: goodhusband
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"Damn you guys sure know how to throw a party." It was Carl

I heard Margo answer. "We're glad you're enjoying yourself. Now that Munmister Distributing is part of our Premium corporate Retainer Program, I guarantee you that you're going to be invited to little gatherings like this one on a regular basis."

Suddenly the Janet Jackmister misterg ended and everyone started clapping. Apparently Lindsey had finished her dance.

Margo looked over her shoulder at me. "You can get up now pussyboy. Your wife is done stripping for us."

I sat up and looked around. Bill had his arms around Lindsey. He was kissing her and it wasn't just a friendly buss on the cheek. My wife's eyes were closed and she and her boss were kissing each other with passion. It was the kind of tempestuous kiss that in normal circumstances would make the people around them start cracking jokes like "get a room".

Jenny was walking over to Derrick. as she sat down on his lap she said, "Hi studman, I'm back. Did you miss me?"

Derrick placed his hands on her naked breasts and said, "I did, but I have to say that you put on a pretty hot show with that belt. It looked like you were enjoying yourself."

Jenny started rubbing Derrick's naked chest. "It was fun, but to tell you the truth I prefer playing with a real man."

Derrick kissed Jenny's neck and said, "I think you found your guy."

Jenny giggled and said, “I was hoping you'd say that."

I started to stand up so I could pull up my pants, but Margo put her hand on my shoulder and stopped me. "No no pussyboy, stay right here on your knees and leave your pants right where they are. We'll tell you when you have our permission to move."

"Carl are you ready for this little lady?"

I turned. It was Bill. He'd stopped kissing my wife and was now leading her over to Mr. Munmister, Margo and me.

As they approached, Margo stood up and took Lindsey's hand from her boss. She turned to Carl and said, "Sweetheart, please accept an evening with Lindsey as a token of our appreciation for becoming one of our elite clients."

Margo place my naked wife's hand in Carl Munmister's hand. I watched from my knees as Lindsey sat down on this sixty year old overweight bald headed man's lap and put her arms around his shoulders.

Part of me wanted to cry when she kissed his cheek and said, "Honey, you and I are going to have some serious fun tonight." But odd as it may seem, another part of me started to get very excited.

I've always known that Lindsey partied with other men. When we first met Lindsey tried to conceal it. Several evenings a week she would tell me that she couldn't see me because she had “social obligations”.

Once we started dating she dropped this facade. She made me accept her open infidelity as a condition of our relationship. I agreed. The very first night she came to my apartment she let my roommate fuck her while I passively waited in my bedroom.

We quickly learned that women like Lindsey were called hot wives or hot girlfriends and men like me were known as cuckolds. At this same time I openly acknowledged my submissive desires. Lindsey became my dominant goddess and I became her faithful slave.

After we were married things changed. For some reamister Lindsey felt the need to go back to pretending that she was being faithful. I knew it wasn't true. When your newly wed wife is going out with her girlfriends four or five nights a week and not getting home until 2:00 or 3:00 in the morning; you'd have to be a total fool to really believe that she's "just playing Scrabble with her friends."

Now as I watched my naked wife sitting on the lap of a man old enough to be her grandman; I was humiliated and hurt, but I was also very aroused. Part of me started to hope that we were returning to a life that I once found extremely exciting.

Margo took Carl's hand, placed it on my wife's flat tummy and whispered to him. "She's only twenty-three, feel her soft smooth her skin."

Carl closed his eyes and caressed my wife's soft stomach. Gradually his hand started moving lower and lower.

Margo sat down on the arm of Carl's chair and put her arm around his shoulder. "Go ahead, she's yours for the rest of the night. You can touch her any where you want."

While she was saying this, Margo casually extended her foot and pressed it into my face. I was so excited that I ***ly started kissing her toes.

Both of us realized what I was doing at the exact same time. Margo stared at me. My face turned beet red and I looked down at the floor in shame. After a moment I looked up at her again. She was still staring at me only now she was smiling. I really don't know where I found the courage, but I smiled back and started kissing her feet again.

Margo closed her eyes. She obviously enjoyed this kind of attention.

As I was sucking on Margo's big toe I glanced over at Lindsey. Her legs were spread and Carl was fingering her cunt. Suddenly I realized that she was watching me. I was instantly overwhelmed with guilt and immediately took Margo's toe out of my mouth.

Lindsey started snickering. Margo opened her eyes and as soon as she grasped what was happening also started snickering.

I was embarrassed because my wife had just caught me kissing another woman's feet. It didn't matter that another man was fondling her cunt while she was sitting on his lap. In the fantasy world of a submissive cuckold, Lindsey's behavior was perfectly acceptable while my behavior was an egregious *** of her trust.

Lindsey looked at Margo and smiled. Margo smiled back at her and slowly nodded her head up and down.

My wife turned to me and said, "It's okay Petey, Margo is my friend. You have my permission to kiss her feet."

Suddenly I heard loud laughter from the other side of the room. "Isn't this rich. Lindsey fucks any man she wants, but her little wimp husband has to get her permission before he's allowed to lick Margo's toes. Believe me pussyboy, fucking is a lot more fun that toe kissing. You're definitely getting the short end of the deal."

I turned. It was Bill's law partner Jerry Goodrich. Everyone in the room was staring at me. I wanted to crawl into a hole.

Lindsey started laughing. "But Jerry honey, the little wimp isn't a man like you. He's a lousy fuck, toe kissing is all he's good for. Besides, he does get to do more than kiss feet. A few minutes ago we all saw him lick Margo's asshole."

The entire room erupted into laughter.

I looked up at Lindsey. I couldn't understand how the woman who once told me she loved me could be so cruel. I didn't know what to do. I was hurt, confused and humiliated. I wanted to run away.

Margo recognized my plight. She slipped down on the floor next to me, cradled me in her arms like I was a little boy and started gently caressing my cheek. "Poor baby, this must be very hard for you; but it really is for your own good. It's time you learned the truth about your wife and it's also time for you to openly accept your proper role in her life."

She held me for a moment and then she kissed my forehead and said, "All better know?"

I nodded my head yes.

Margo got up an returned to the arm of Carl's chair. As soon as she was seated she extended her leg and pressed her foot into my face. "Be a good boy now. Do as your mistress instructed and kiss my toes."

At that moment I would have done anything for Margo. I obediently cradled her foot in my hands and reverently put her big toe in my mouth. Everyone in the room applauded as I kissed and licked Margo's feet. For some odd reamister I took pride in their applause.

After a moment Bill walked over. "Well now that pussyboy here understands his new role in life it's time for us to get back to business. Lindsey honey I think it's time for you to show Carl the back bedroom."

My wife smiled at her boss and then she turned to Carl. "Do you think your heart can stand this?"

He laughed. "If it can't it will be a magnificent way to die."

Lindsey was giggling as she stood up and pulled Carl out of his chair. "Come on big boy, it's playtime for you and me."

I quietly watched from my knees as my naked wife led this overweight old man down the hallway and into a bedroom so he could enjoy her tight young body in private.


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As soon as Carl and my wife disappeared into the bedroom Bill turned to me. "Your wife is going to be busy for awhile so I guess there's really not much reamister for you to stick around anymore is there pussyboy. It's time for you to pull up your pants and go home."

I was suddenly very nervous again. I quickly stood up.

While I was pulling up my pants Bill said, "Margo why don't you show Pussyboy to the door."

Margo waited while I buckled my belt and then she grabbed my arm and said, "Come on Petey, it's time for you to go home."

As Margo was escorting me out of the living room Bill said, "Petey don't ever dare to drop by my house without an invitation again. Do you understand me?"

I stopped and turned to Bill. "Yes sir, I do."

Margo tugged on my arm. "Petey you have to leave."

She dragged me out of the living room. As soon as we were in the front hall she relaxed. She smiled at me and then she put her arms around me and kissed my cheek.

"Petey I'm not sure Lindsey fully understands just how wonderful you are, but I do. Petey you were born to be a slave. If Lindsey decides to leave you, I would love to become your Mistress. I think you could be very happy spending the rest of your life serving me."

She kissed me on the lips. At the same time she reached down and grabbed my nipple between her fingers and gave it a vicious twist.

When I winced from the pain Margo giggled and said, "You liked that didn't you Petey?"

I looked into her eyes and slowly whispered, "Yes, very much."

"I knew you would."

She opened the front door. "Now you have to leave."

As I walked out the door she whispered, "Petey don't forget what I just told you."


Posts: 2109
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Wow! Simply awesome, gh! i love where this is going. priss
tef fulton


Posts: 2071
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Good job GH,

I always love your work, hope your feeling better



Posts: 4063
#20 · Edited by: goodhusband
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Thankyou, you have always been a great supprter of my stories and I appreciate you encouraging comments now.

Yes, you are correct. I think this is going to be your kind of story, but be patient. It is going to develop slowly. I am trying to write something that is just a little different than anything I have written before.


You now understand just how demanding writing a story can be. I appreciate your support and as a writer, you now understand why.

By the way, your story is great.



Posts: 1916
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This is great! As good as your stories have been in the past ( and they have been superb) they have all tended to feature women who love their husbands a lot but just happen to be addicted to sex!

Now i get the feeling that this one might be slightly different with a lot more dominant and submissive themes, and hopefully some evil bitchy women!

Keep up the great story telling!


Posts: 4063
#22 · Edited by: goodhusband
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You are correct. This story is going to be very different from anything I have written in the past. I have been working out the plot for the last month.

I am very excited about this. Last spring I started Ginger and Mikey but I stopped writing it because it was just a copy of stories I'd written earlier.

This story will contain more dominant and submissive scenes.

I now think the story may approach the length of "Sandra and Stevie" although I may choose to break it into segments.

It was nice to hear from you. I appreciate your support.

Thank you



Posts: 4063
#23 · Edited by: goodhusband
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As soon as I got into my car I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I gave myself a moment to collect my thoughts and then I put my car into gear and drove away.

The afternoon's events had obviously been very traumatic for me. Getting spanked with a leather belt in front of my wife and a group of her friends was a trying experience.

You might also think that watching Lindsey disappear into a bedroom to have sex with another man was also traumatic, but believe it or not that was a situation I'd encountered many times before.

I remembered the first time very clearly.

Lindsey and I were both juniors at Kelroy College when we first met. It was in the spring. She was assigned as my lab partner in a Botany class.

I was a scrawny little kid from Iowa who was so shy I could barely talk to adult females. Girls my own age terrified me. Suddenly I found myself paired up in Botany class with one of the prettiest girls at the school. To make matters worse Lindsey was not only beautiful, she had a campus wide reputation for being sexually adventurous. Part of me was excited about getting to work with her, but another part of me was completely intimidated.

My fears turned out to be groundless. Lindsey was the kindest, sweetest girl I'd ever met. She immediately recognized my shyness and was very gentle and patient with me. I instantly fell in love with her. Of course I did everything I possibly could to hide that little detail from Lindsey.

We soon discovered common interests in science fiction novels, classical music and art. It wasn't long before we became very close friends.

We started studying together. We would meet in the library on evenings when Lindsey didn't have a "social obligation". "Social obligation" was her term. It was a euphemism and we both knew what the term really meant. Lindsey had a date with another guy. I accepted her use of the term without question. Lindsey was trying to avoid hurting my feelings and I was far too shy to press for a more serious relationship.

Lindsey had numerous "social obligations" so I generally got to spend about three evenings a week with her. Frequently those study sessions ended earlier than planned because of a late night "social obligation." On some evenings Lindsey's cell phone would ring and after a short conversation she would excuse her self because she'd forgotten about another "social obligation".

I didn't care. I was like a little puppy. I greedily accepted any attention Lindsey was willing to give me and I repaid her with all the unconditional love and affection I could muster.

About two weeks after we met Lindsey and I were studying together on a Thursday night. During a short study break I happened to say, "My roommate Court Phillips just bought a new car."

Lindsey looked at me and said, "What did you just say?"

I repeated it. "My roommate, Court Phillips just bought a new car."

Lindsey stared at me for a moment and then she said, "Your roommate is Court Phillips?"

I nodded "Yes, do you know him?"

Lindsey shook her head. "No, but I'd love to get to know him. Petey, every girl on this campus wants to meet Court Phillips. He's the hottest guy at this school and he refuses to date Kelroy girls."

She paused for a moment and then she asked, "He's not gay is he? I mean I guess that would be okay." She started giggling, "But it certainly would disappoint most of the girls at Kelroy."

I smiled at her and said, "The girls at Kelroy have nothing to worry about. Court regularly entertains women in our apartment."

"Really? Tell me more Petey. Who does he date?"

"I don't know, lots of different girls. Some of them are older." I looked around, leaned forward and whispered, "I think some of them are married."

Lindsey grinned at me. "Petey, that is so hot."

"Would you like to meet him?" I just blurted it out. I was so anxious to impress Lindsey that I didn't consider the ramifications of the invitation until after I'd said it.

"Yes Petey! I really would."

I'd trapped myself. This was an now offer that I couldn't retract.

"When Petey? when can I meet him?"

I took a deep breath. I knew I was now committed. "The best time to catch him at home is early in the week. Later in the week he usually goes out at night."

"Where does he go when he goes out?"

"He likes the downtown bars." I thought for a moment. "There's also a bar on the north side of the city that he frequents. It's called Baxter's. I think that's the place where he meets many of the married women he dates."

Lindsey thought for a moment and then she said, "Next Monday evening we're going to study at your apartment."

I shrugged. I knew exactly what was going to happen, and I also knew that it was now inevitable so I reluctantly said, "Very well".


Posts: 4063
#24 · Edited by: goodhusband
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I met Courtney Mitchell Phillips on my first day at Kelroy College. We were both Freshman. He was my new roommate.

We were the classic odd couple. I was a scrawny little kid from eastern Iowa and Court was a tall urbane junior playboy from New York City.

My lady was a coffee shop waitress in Waterloo, Iowa. She never married my man and I never met him. Court's parents were divorced. His lady wrote a column for a well known national fashion magazine and his man was a prominent New York City plastic surgeon.

I was a product of the Waterloo Public Schools. Court graduated from a prestigious Manhattan prep school.

Before coming to Kelroy Court was slated to attend a prestigious Ivy League college, but during the final week of his senior year in high school he was caught in the middle of a potential scandal.

A group of wealthy benefactors and two newspaper reporters were touring Court's prep school. When they walked into one of the classrooms they found Court and his thirty-seven year old English teacher. She was bent over a desk. Her skirt was pulled up around her waist and her panties and panty hose were in a bundle around her ankles. Court was standing behind her. His pants and boxer shorts were around his ankles. He was fucking his English teacher.

The newspaper reporters recognized that they had a sensational story and they were eager to print it. The school officials and Court's lady and man wanted to avoid a scandal.

Lawyers representing the school, the newspapers and Court's parents started immediate negotiations. The publishing company that employed Court's lady wanted to keep her name out of the headlines so they interceded with the owners of the newspapers.

A quick deal was forged. The newspapers squelched the story. The English teacher resigned in quiet scandal and Court's parents agreed to banish their mister to a small liberal arts college in the Midwest.

Court and I got along well, but he had one serous flaw as a roommate. He was a slob.

When I was growing up in Iowa, my lady had to work long hours to support us; so at a very young age I started doing all our housework including the laundry. I learned to take pride in maintaining a clean, neat house.

Living with my roommates clothes strewn all over the floor of our dorm room was intolerable for me, but I was too timid to say anything to Court. I didn't know what else to do, so I opted for the only viable alternative that I felt I had. I started picking up his clothes and hanging them in his closet. It was a little extra work for me, but we soon had the cleanest room in the dormitory.

The weekend before Thanksgiving Court's lady, Irene Mitchell, flew in from New York for a short visit. When she walked into our dorm room she stopped and stared for a moment and then she said, "I don't believe this is my mister's room. It's much too orderly."

Court pointed at me. "That's Petey fault, he's a neatness freak."

Ms. Mitchell looked at me and said, "Petey I envy the girl you finally end up marrying. I hope she's a career woman like me. You will make a wonderful housewife."

Part of me was so embarrassed that I wanted to run away and hide, but another part of me felt proud.

That evening Court's lady took us to the Kensington Grill for dinner. It was the fanciest meal I'd ever eaten in my entire life.

During the drive back to Kelroy Ms. Mitchell said, "Petey, Court tells me that money is an issue for you."

I shrugged. "Isn't money an issue for everyone?"

She laughed. "Yes, I suppose that is true, but for some people it's a much larger issue than it is for others."

Ms. Mitchell paused for a moment and then she said, "Petey I hope this doesn't insult you but I've been having a devil of a time trying to get Court's laundry done. I was wondering if you'd be willing to take care of that chore if I agreed to pay one hundred dollars a month."

One hundred dollars a month was a fortune to me. I jumped at it. "Ms. Mitchell I could really use that money. If you're serious I would be very interested in taking the job."

When we got back to the dormitory, Court's lady opened her purse and took out five twenty dollar bills. As she handed them to me she said, "This will cover the first month. After this, I'll send you a check on the first of each month. Will that be okay?"

"That will be just fine."

The next week when I went to the dorm laundry room I not only brought my own dirty clothes, I also brought Court's. An hour and a half later all of our clothes were clean and folded. As I carried them back upstairs I thought to myself that this was the easiest money I'd ever made.


Posts: 4063
#25 · Edited by: goodhusband
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Court's lady returned to Kelroy on the first Friday in May. That Saturday night she once again took Court and me to dinner at the Kensington Grill.

While we were finishing our coffee and dessert Irene looked at me and said, "Petey, Court's man and I are very pleased with our mister's academic performance this year. We've decided to reward him by moving him out of his dormitory room. We just purchased a condominium for him in a downtown luxury high rise."

I looked at Court and then back at his lady. I didn't know what to say. Court and I were friends. I didn't want to lose him as a roommate.

I started to ask a question.

Irene held up her hand and stopped me. "Petey, I believe that you played a big part in Court's success. I have told his man all about you and he agrees with me. We would like you to continue living with Court."

I shook my head. "Ms. Mitchell I can just barely afford to live in the dormitory. I could never afford to live in an apartment like the one you're describing."

Court's lady smiled at me. "Petey, we understand that. Donald and I have a proposal for you."

Donald Phillips was Court's man. Court's parents were divorced, but it was apparent that they still communicated with each other about matters involving Court.

"We're willing to let you live in this apartment free of charge."

I stared at her.

"We understand that this will make it difficult for you to eat in the dining hall, so we will also provide a monthly stipend that should cover all food and living expenses for both you and Court. Petey we are willing to send this money directly to you so you can manage the household."

I kept staring at her.

"We know that the condominium is a good distance from school, so we are also prepared to buy you a small car of your choice and provide a stipend for gas and operating expenses."

"Ms. Mitchell, what do I have to do for all this?"

"Petey, we're not done."

"What do you mean?"

"In addition to everything I have already mentioned, we are also offering to pay you a stipend of $1000.00 a month."

"I don't understand?"

"Petey as I said, both Donald and I believe that you are an outstanding influence on Court. You have put order into his life. We want you to continue and we're willing to pay for it."

"I still don't understand. Ms. Mitchell, that's a lot of money."

"Petey you're right, it is a large sum of money. In return, we will expect you to do all the household chores in the apartment. This would include the cooking, cleaning and laundry."

Court's lady stared at me for a moment and then she said, "Well Petey, do we have a deal?"

I didn't even have to think about it. My lady and I were borrowing huge sums of money so I could attend Kelroy. This would allow us to substantially reduce our debt.

"Yes Mrs. Mitchell, we have a deal."

That was now almost two years ago.

The condominium was truly magnificent. It was on the thirty-eighth floor of a luxury high rise. The view from the large picture windows in the living room was breathtaking.

Court took full advantage of his new apartment. He quickly turned it into a bachelor pad where he entertained a steady stream of attractive women in their late twenties and early thirties.

I was of course much too shy to take advantage of the opportunities offered by the apartment, so I ended up acting more like Court's butler than his roommate.

That didn't matter to me. I was living a life that was more luxurious than anything I could possibly have ever imagined. I was also getting a vicarious thrill out of watching and hearing Court seduce one beautiful woman after another.


Posts: 4063
#26 · Edited by: goodhusband
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Lindsey had a very full social Calendar that weekend, so I didn't get to see her again until Monday morning at school. We met for coffee at ten o'clock in the campus grill.

As soon as we sat down at our table Lindsey asked, "Do I still get to meet your roommate tonight?"

I smiled at her, she was obviously very excited about this. "Yes, you do."

"Are you sure he's going to be home?"

"Yes, I asked him last night. I told him all about you. He knows you're coming over and he promised he would stay home."

Court was currently dating a thirty-seven year old interior decorator named Joanne. Last night, Joanne came over for dinner.

During the past two years I had become an excellent cook and Joanne absolutely adored my fettucini Alfredo. She loved dining with Court at his apartment. Of course, my cooking may not have been Joanne's only reamister for wanting to meet Court in his apartment. She was married. I'm sure she also appreciated the privacy that came with staying at home.

Joanne was due to arrive at 7:00 pm. It was going to be an early dinner. She needed to get home to her husband by eleven.

I was in the process of setting two places at the dining room table when Court walked out of his bedroom. He was buttoning his shirt. "Petey do we have another bottle of the Califonia merlot that you found last week. Joanne loved it."

I nodded. "We have one left. I'll open it so it can breathe."

Court and I walked into the kitchen.

"Do we have an appetizer tonight?'

"I picked up some fresh shrimp at the grocery store today. I'll serve them with your cocktails."

Court went to the refrigerator, took out a bottle of Heineken and sat down at the kitchen table. That was where I would eat this evening. Actually I almost never ate at the dining room table. Court used it almost exclusively for entertaining female guests. When he was entertaining I always served dinner. I ate in the kitchen after Court and his date were finished eating.

Whenever Court and I were dining alone we both preferred to eat in the kitchen.

I picked up a bottle opener from the kitchen counter and took a glass out of the cupboard. I brought them both over to the kitchen table and opened Court's Heiniken.

As I was pouring the beer into the glass I said, "I'm bringing a girl over to the apartment tomorrow night. I'm hoping you'll be at home. She'd like to meet you."

Court stared at me for a moment and then he stood up and patted me on the back. "Petey you old fox, do you have a girlfriend?"

I started blushing. "Well not exactly, she's really just a good friend. I mean she still dates other guys."

"Does she go to kelroy?"


"What's her name?'

"Lindsey Sommers."

"Petey I know who she is." He winked at me. "She's gorgeous."

He thought for a moment and then he said, "Petey Lindsey has a reputation for being easy. Are you fucking her?"

My face turned beet red. I was horribly embarrassed as I shook my head and said, "No."

Court smiled. "You might very well be the only guy at Kelroy who isn't fucking her."

I just stared at the floor. I didn't really know what to say.

After a moment Court said, "Petey when you brought this up you didn't say that you wanted me to meet Lindsey, you said she wanted to meet me. Did she bring this up?"

I nodded and said, "Yes, that's right."

"And you just told me that she dates other guys and you don't mind, is that correct?"

I quietly said, "Yes I just told you that that."

Court stared at me for a moment and then he smiled. "Petey you can tell Lindsey that I will definitely be at home tomorrow night."


Posts: 4063
#27 · Edited by: goodhusband
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After we finished our coffee Lindsey and I left the Grill and walked across the commons together.

When we got to the Fine Arts Center Lindsey said, "Petey what time are you going to pick me up tonight?"

I shook my head. I hadn't even thought about the fact that I would have to pick Lindsey up and drive her to our apartment. I started to stammer out an answer.

Lindsey giggled and said, "Petey you are so cute. Why don't you pick me up at seven o'clock in front of my dormitory."

I nodded. "I'll be there."

Lindsey leaned over, kissed my cheek and said, "Petey I am so excited about tonight."


Posts: 1124
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gosh can this get any better??


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Thank you,

I appreciate the comment and support.



Posts: 4063
#30 · Edited by: goodhusband 
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I pulled up in front of Lindsey's dormitory at precisely 7:00 pm. She was waiting on a bench just outside the front door. As soon as she saw me she stood up and slowly walked down the sidewalk.

I stared at her. She looked absolutely gorgeous. She was wearing a very short denim skirt and a lace peasant blouse that left her soft flat tummy fully exposed.

Lindsey's long blond hair wasn't pulled back in her usual ponytail. Instead it was curled and hanging loose around her bare shoulders.

The opened toed, high heeled sandals she was wearing and a slight hint of too much make up created an aura of raw sexuality that completely overwhelmed me as she opened the car door and slid onto the passenger seat next to me.

"Hi Petey."

I continued staring at her for another moment and then I said, "Lindsey you are beautiful tonight."

She grinned at me. "Thank you kind sir."

As I put my car into gear and pulled away from the curb Lindsey asked. "Is Court at your apartment?"

I nodded and said, "Yes, he's at home."

Lindsey slid over next to me and said, "Petey thank you so much for inviting me to your apartment tonight. I've been dying to meet Court ever since we were Freshman. Tell me about him."

I really didn't know what else to do so I spent the rest of the drive to our apartment telling Lindsey stories about Court.

When I pulled into the basement parking garage for our high rise Lindsey looked at me and said, "Petey is this really where you live?"

I smiled and said, "Yes."

"Petey you told me your lady is a waitress in a coffee shop. How can you possibly afford to live here?"

I suppose that I should have anticipated this question, but I didn't. It caught me completely by surprise. I panicked and did the worst thing I possibly could have done. I told the truth. "Court's parents pay my share of the rent."

"Really? Why do they do that?"

"I umm sort of keep house for Court."

Lindsey stared at me for a moment and then she started to giggle. "Petey are you Court's maid?"

I shook my head and said, "No absolutely not."

"You just said you keep house for him. that makes you his maid." She winked at me. "It's okay sweetie, I'd love to be Court Phillip's maid."

"I'm not his maid! I'm more like his butler. That's it, I'm his butler."

I just blurted it out and I regretted it as soon as I said it.

"Oh my! Court has a butler. That is so hot."

I pulled into my parking place and stopped. As soon as we got out of my car Lindsey walked over to me, grabbed my arm and squeezed it. "It's okay Petey, if I was in your place I'd do the exact same thing."

That made me feel much better.
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