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Life on Oak Grove Drive - April's Story

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The middle aged man bought three dances. He was my first customer. Lap dances are done totally nude at the Knight. Rubbing my bare pussy against the tent in this strange man's trousers felt deliciously naughty.

For the next half hour I went from one lap dance customer to another one. The waitresses kept track of who I was going to see next. The men were tipping them generously to see that they kept their turn.

I had just finished with my fifth lap dance customer when Julie, one of the waitresses came over. "Venus, the older gentleman over there would like to go to the VIP room with you."

I looked. It was a very handsome gray haired man in his mid to late fifties.

I thanked Julie, walked over to his table and said, "Hi I'm Venus."

He smiled. "I'm Robert, Venus how would you like to take me to the VIP room for a half hour."

I sat down at his table. "Robert honey it's one hundred and fifty dollars and you have to pay me right now."

He nodded "I understand. I've done this before."

As he handed me the money I laughed. "Well you're ahead of me then, because this is my first time."

He took a deep breath. "Venus that makes this even more enticing."

I patted his hand and said, "don't go away."

I went to the man next to the Disc Jockey. "Here's $75.00 for the VIP room."

He took the money and said, “Use room number three." He pointed to a door on the other side of the night club. "It's right over there."

I thanked him and walked back to my customer. As I walked back, I made a point of passing Ponce.

As I walked by him I leaned over, pointed to my gentleman and whispered, "That's Robert. I'm going to take him to the VIP room."

He looked at me.

"I hope that Robert and I can be really naughty while were in there."

I kissed his cheek and handed him the $75.00. "I'll see you later cuckboy." I giggled. "Hold Robert's money for me."

I walked over to my gentleman, reached out and took his hand. "Honey let's go have some fun."

When he stood up he put his arm around my waist. "Venus, I'm all yours."

As we walked to room number 3 I reached back and pushed his hand down to my panty covered ass. There were a lot of guys watching us, including my big cuckboy. I wanted all of them to know that Robert was going to have a very good time."


Posts: 4063
#302 · Edited by: goodhusband
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The VIP room was about the size of a small bedroom. In the middle of the room there was a large couch. At one end of the couch, there was a small end table .

Staci had told me that the drawer in the end table held a good supply of condoms. She was very emphatic about the fact that no one had unprotected sex at the Knight.

There was a tiny window in the wall behind the couch. A man in his early thirties was sitting in a small cubicle on the other side of the window.

He studied Robert for a moment, then he got up and left his cubicle.

As he closed the door behind him, I sat down on the couch and pulled Robert down next to me. I picked his hand up and put it on my brassiere covered breast.

"It looks like our chaperone just left. I guess were on our own." I leaned over and kissed Robert's cheek. "If you're a generous man, I can be a very naughty girl."

Robert smiled. "How generous do I have to be to get a blow job?"

I put my finger to my cheek and pretended that I was thinking. "I think a two hundred dollar tip would do very nicely."

Robert smiled, opened his wallet, counted out ten twenty dollar bills and handed them to me. I stood up, put the money in the drawer in the end table, grabbed a condom and took my panties and bra off.

When I was naked I twirled around one time for Robert, then I knelt on the couch next to him and massaged his crotch. He had a big cock. This was going to be fun.

I unzipped his pants and took his erect cock out. I just stared at it for a moment. Cocks were still strange and mysterious entities to me. I never got tired of looking at them.

I apologized as I rolled the condom onto him. "Sorry about having to make you wear a raincoat, it's a house rule."

Robert shrugged. "I understand. It's a necessity of the times."

When the condom was in place I kissed his cheek and said, "Feel free to explore my body while I make you happy."

Robert closed his eyes and laid back. As I put his cock into my mouth I felt him slip his fingers between my legs.

I was mildly disappointed when I put Robert’s condom covered penis into my mouth. The taste of a man’s cock was one of the nice things about giving a blow job.

For the next few minutes we pleasured each other. I could have gotten Robert off very quickly, but he'd paid me $200.00. I wanted him to get his money's worth. The first two times I felt him moving close to orgasm, I slowed my pace, backed off and let him regain control.

The third time I quickened my pace and massaged his balls. Robert ejaculated immediately.

I milked him until his penis began to get soft. When he was limp I slipped the used condom off his cock, kissed his cheek and got dressed.

Robert stood up and unbuckled his pants. As he was tucking his shirt in and straightening himself he smiled and said, "Thank you Venus. You're very good at that. I enjoyed myself."

I blushed and said, "Thank you kind sir, I tried."

He nodded, "I could tell."

Robert and I left the VIP room together. When we were back out in the club I kissed his cheek and thanked him again.

As I kissed him I glanced over and saw Ponce staring at us. I got a little tingle in my loins, pulled Robert to me and kissed him hard on the lips. That was for Ponce's benefit.

After I went to the ladies room and disposed of the used condom, I walked over to Ponce and sat down on his lap.

As I kissed him I slipped the $200.00 into his hand.

He looked at me and asked, "what did you have to do for this?"

I giggled and said, "I sucked his cock."


Posts: 1917
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GH, If you still think the after party can be better, I REALLY want to read it.


Posts: 4063
#304 · Edited by: goodhusband
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Thanks Peak

That's a nice compliment.

I stand by my statement. I can't promise that it will be better, but I can promise it will be wilder.

That promise reminds me of the time I went to the Burlesque show at the state fair with Jimmy Jackmister. We were 12. They let us in. In retrospect that wasn't all that remarkable. The girls stripped to very conservative two piece bathing suits.

Right before the headline dancer came out a carnival hawker showed up selling "Magic pictures."

The pictures showed the dancer in a full evening dress, but he explained that when you placed the picture in a dark room like a closet, it magically changed. He said he was legally prohibited from saying what the picture showed, but he promised that it was enough to make men howl and women blush.

The pictures were one dollar each. That was a lot of money in those days. Neither Jimmy nor I could afford to buy one. I've always wondered what the pictures showed when you put them in dark room.

Peak I am prohibited by law from telling you what is going to happen at the after party, but I promise you that it will be enough to make men howl and women blush.

My next story post will come in the morning.



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Shortly after I finished with Robert it was time for my next dance set. My costume was a short denim skirt and a crop top tee shirt that had, "Spoiled Rotten" written across the front.

I came out and acted like a snotty little rich kid. Everybody loved it. After my number was over I had an hour of nonstop lap dances.

My third costume was an old prom dress. I did a real strip tease. I think I enjoyed that number the most. I felt like an old time burlesque queen.

My last number was by far the most popular with the crowd. I wore a black leather skirt, a black lace brassiere, thigh high black nylons and my black spike heeled pumps. The Disc Jockey introduced me as Mistress Venus. The guys went wild when I strutted onto the stage waving my horsewhip. I was beginning to learn that sexual domination was a pretty
popular fetish with many men.

My pudgy little bald headed man was still in his seat by the rail. During my third misterg I pulled my panties down, got on my hands and knees and wiggled my naked ass in front of his nose. He surprised the entire crowd by standing up, burying his face between my ass cheeks and licking my asshole in front of everyone.

The room went silent. Every permister in the club was amazed. No one knew exactly how to react.

I turned around, leaned forward, gave him a big hug, kissed his
Forehead and said, “Now that’s how to show proper respect to a woman.” Everybody in the room started cheering.”

After my last number I did another hour of lap dances.

My shift ended at 1:00 am. I went to the man next to the disc Jockey. I had done thirty-two lap dances. He counted out six hundred sixty dollars. That was my share after the Black Knight took their three hundred dollar cut.

I walked back to Ponce and kissed his cheek. "Baby I'm going to go to the dressing room and collect my stuff. Why don't you get everyone together so we can go back to Helen's house.


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I quickly gathered my things in the dressing room.

As I was preparing to leave, one of the other dancers stopped me. "Venus, Mr. Diamond and Staci want you to stop by their office before you go."

We walked out into the hall together. "Their office is that door over there."

I thanked her, walked over to the door she'd pointed to and knocked.

A big voice on the other side boomed out. "Yes?"

"It's April, Jasmine said you wanted to see me."

"Come in."

I opened the door and immediately stopped.

Mr. Diamond was lying back on the couch smoking a cigar. His pants were around his ankles.

Staci was on her knees between his legs sucking his huge black cock. She was completely naked.

Georgie was on his knees next to Mr. Diamond. He was holding a large glass ashtray. Mr. Diamond was holding on to Georgie's leash."

Mr. Diamond took a drag on his cigar and exhaled the smoke. "April, come in."

I timidly stepped into the room.

"Sweetheart, you were wonderful tonight. I loved that last number with the whip." He looked at me. "Will you come back next Saturday night? Were prepared to give you top billing on the sign in front of the club."

I smiled at Mr. Diamond. "Yes please, I would like that very much."

He took another drag on his cigar. "Well it's done then. We'll see you next Saturday night at the same time. Venus you are going to be a star at the Knight."

"Thank you sir."

I turned to leave. Just as I was about to open the door Staci took Mr. Diamond's cock out of her mouth and said, "April I understand that you and my husband got along quite well tonight."

I stopped and turned back around. I looked at Staci. I wasn't quite sure what to say.

Staci noticed my discomfort and smiled. "Don't worry April. I'm happy that you and Georgie Porgie had a good time tonight. He was disappointed that we couldn't have a little session with your whip before you left."

She licked her stud's cock, "Reggie wanted some attention. His needs come before Georgie's." She sighed. "Maybe you could bring your whip back next week. Georgie would really like that."

I smiled at Georgie. "I would be happy to bring my whip back. You still need to learn how to properly respect a woman. I would love to teach you."

Staci chuckled. "Georgie's not allowed to speak right now, but I think he would look forward to that." Staci gave me a little wink and said, "Good night April. We'll all look forward to seeing you next Saturday.


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When I got back out to the club floor, Everyone was standing up and ready to leave.

As I looked at my friends, I realized that while I had spent the evening working, they had spent the evening takeing. They were all spiffed.

When we got out to the limousines, Helen and Jessica grabbed the boys.

Helen giggled. She was a step beyond tiddly. "You guys are riding with us."

Jessica looked at Morris. "Come on baby were going to need a servant on the ride home."

Darbs, Jake, Danny, Adam and Jamal all got into the first limousine with Helen, Jessica and Morris.

Tony, Mandy, Cynthia, Big Julius, Traci, Lorraine, Ponce and I all got into the other Limousine.

When we were seated I looked at Ponce and said, "How much money do you have sweetheart?"

Ponce pulled out wads of bills. He had all of the tips from my stage dances and the money from my little tete a tete with Robert in the VIP room.

We counted the money. My visit with Robert earned me $275.00. My stage dances brought in another $348.00.

I took the $660 I'd earned from lap dances and grinned at Ponce. "Baby, I earned over $1280 tonight. If we combine the money I can earn at the Knight with the money we earn at the Goldenrod we could buy a house."

Ponce looked at me. "April would you like that?"

I smiled at my baby. "Ponce there is nothing in this world that I would like better than to live in a little house with you and Danny."

Ponce grinned. "Then that's what were going to do."

Traci looked at us. "That's a wonderful fantasy."

I nodded. "It really is isn't it."

Just then our limo pulled up in front of Helen and Lorraine's house.


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Jessica, Helen and the boys were just opening the door to their limo when we got out of ours.

Jake and Adam got out first. Danny, Jamal and Darbs came next. The three of them were pulling up their jeans and buckling their belts as they got out.

Helen and Jessica followed them. They were both completely naked. Morris got out last. He was carrying Jessica and Helen's clothing.

We went into the house. As soon as we got inside, Helen clapped her hands and said, "Slaves bring beer. There are men in the house. They require your attention."

There was a brief moment of dismay when the other guys saw Ponce get up and leave the room with Lorraine and Morris.

Danny smiled at our friends. "My buddy has a little submissive streak."

Everyone thought for a moment. Darb's shrugged, "Does he enjoy it?"

Danny smiled. "Oh yes. He has a great time. April has a huge dominant streak."

Everyone looked at me. I grinned at them.

Jamal laughed. "Sounds to me like these two are even more perfect for each other than any of us realized."

Suddenly we heard Mandy say, "Tony you need to go to the kitchen to."

Everyone turned.

Tony's face was beet red.

Mandy giggled. "Tony's a slave to."

Adam looked at his friend. "Is that true?'

Tony slowly nodded.

Adam smiled. "It's okay buddy. I think all of us have taken a big step towards being open minded tonight." He paused and smiled at his friend. " I think you had better get out in the kitchen and help the other slaves get us some beer. Were thirsty."

As Tony stood up, Adam got out of his chair, walked over to Tony’s girlfriend and held out his hand. "Come here baby. Since it turns out that your boyfriend is really a slave, I think the two of us should get to know each other a little bit better."

Mandy smiled, took his hand and stood up. "I think that‘s a wonderful idea."

Adam led Mandy over to the sofa and sat down. As soon as he was seated he pulled her down on top of him, kissed her and slipped his hand inside her tee shirt.

Mandy took a deep breath and said, "Oh my this is going to be fun."

As Tony was walking out of the parlor he turned and looked back at Mandy and Adam. The last thing he saw before he went into the kitchen was his best friend fondling his girlfriend's breast.


Posts: 2109
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great segment, gh! just got caught up. i haven't had much time since the last week in August, but i'm getting back in the groove. lol can't wait for more. priss


Posts: 4063
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Thanks Priss

You haven't fallen too far behind. I haven't had much time to write lately.

I just completed the next installment.



Posts: 4063
#311 · Edited by: goodhusband
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Jessica sat down next to Jamal, kissed him hard on the lips and started unzipping his pants. She was of course still naked. As she was pulling his huge black cock out of his trousers her husband Morris walked in with a tray of beers for the men.

Except for the chastity cage on his cock, Morris was now also completely naked.

Jamal looked at Morris for a moment then said, "What the fuck does he have on his cock?"

Jessica laughed and said, "That's a chastity cage. All of our slaves are required to wear them, especially when were entertaining men."

"What does it do?"

"It allows us to control their ability to have orgasms. Helen and I both believe that our slaves are much more attentive when they are denied sexual satisfaction. I only let Morris cum once a month."

Jamal whistled. "Mother fucker, I've never heard of anything like that before."

Morris set a beer down next to each of the guys.

When he was done, Jessica looked at him and said, "Morris honey, look at this beautiful cock. I can't wait to get into my mouth." She started to giggle and looked over at me. "April honey I strongly advise you to find a nice little pussy wimp for a husband. That way you can have all the cock you want after you're married."

Helen was sitting on Darb's lap. She was also still naked. "She is right. Husband's should be nice pliable little wimps with great big wallets."

Jessica laughed. "And lovers should be large, macho men with great big cocks."

Helen looked at Mandy. Adam was pulling her tee shirt over her head. "That little Tony of yours looks like wonderful husband material. That's his roommate that's undressing you right now isn't it?"

Mandy smiled. "Yes it is, and now that our little secret is out, I am going to have a lot more fun when I spend the night at their apartment."

Jessica nodded. "That's the spirit girl."

Just then Ponce, Tony and Lorraine walked in with a bottle of champagne and several glasses.

All three of them were naked.

Everyone took a moment to stare at Lorraine. She really had a gorgeous woman's body. She had obviously spent lots of money on breast augmentation surgery and female hormones. Her skin was soft and smooth and she had a cute little girlie figure. Everything about her was very feminine until you looked at her crotch and saw her tiny penis locked in a chastity cage.

Suddenly Jake said, "Damn! Both Ponce and Lorraine are wearing those chastity things to."

I smiled at him. "Yes, I've learned from Helen and Jessica and they are correct. Ponce is much more attentive when I deny him the chance to have orgasms."

I looked over at Ponce. His face was beet red. He was very embarrassed.

Jamal looked at me. "So how often do you let Ponce have orgasms."

Danny laughed. "Don't let her fool you. When it comes to being a dominatrix, April is a real softy. She gets my buddy off almost every day."

Helen shook her head. "April honey you really are going to have to work on developing your sadistic side."

Big Julius laughed. "I'm not sure that our buddy Ponce would agree with that."

I winked at Julius. "Oh yes he would." I looked over at Ponce. "You love it when I dominate you don't you baby."

Ponce grinned and nodded in agreement. Everyone started laughing."

After a moment Mandy said, "Where do you get those things. I think my little Tony needs one."

Helen smiled at her. "I think Lorraine has anticipated your request."

We all turned. Lorraine was holding a small box. She took it over to Mandy and handed it to her.

Mandy opened the box. "Wow, this is really wild." She looked up at Lorraine. "How does it work?"

"Call your boy over."

"Tony come here."

Jessica laughed. "No! No! NO! Mandy you sound like your inviting him to join you. He's your slave, not your equal. Do it like this."

Jessica clapped her hands and said, "Tony Come!" It sounded like she was calling a dog.

Jessica smiled at Mandy. "Now you try it."

Mandy giggled. She was giggling partly because being a dom was exciting to her, but she was also giggling because Adam was playing with her nipples.

She looked at Tony, clapped her hands and said, "Tony come."

Helen nodded. "Much better dear."

We all looked over at Helen. While all of us were watching Tony and Lorraine, Darb's had lost his trousers and boxer shorts. Helen was now straddling him. His cock was buried in her cunt.

Tony walked over to Mandy.

Lorraine handed her the first piece of the cock cage. "Slip this over his balls."

Mandy tried to put it on, but fumred for a moment. She turned to Adam and slapped his hand away from her breast. "Stop, this is hard enough without you distracting me like that."

Lorraine reached down and helped her. "Just like this dear."

Adam started kissing Mandy's neck. She turned to him with an annoyed look. "If you keep harassing me I won't get this on Tony and you won't get to fuck me tonight."

Everyone was smiling as Adam quickly backed away from Mandy.

Eventually everything was in place. When Mandy snapped the lock shut, Lorraine handed Tony a gold chain anklet just like mine. There was a little brass key hanging from it.

"Slave, this is the key to your chastity cage. Fasten it around your Mistress's ankle so she can wear it as a piece of jewelry."

Everyone clapped as Tony placed the chain on Mandy's ankle.


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As soon as Tony was locked in his chastity cage, a wide open orgy broke out in the room.

Jamal was fucking Jessica. Darbs was fucking Helen.

Adam and Mandy went at it on the couch. Traci grabbed Danny and pulled him over to an easy chair in the corner.

Jake looked at me. I winked at him. He came over. We didn't say anything to each other, I just pulled him down on top of me.

The parlor was saturated with sexual excitement. Both Jake and I were already aroused. We didn't need to bother with foreplay, we just tore our clothes off and started fucking.

As Jake mounted me I looked around. I was shocked to see Cynthia Parker on her knees giving Big Julius a blow job. He saw me looking at them and grinned at me.

The slaves were all kneeling obediently near the door. They were the only ones in the room that weren't having sex. I smiled to myself. That was appropriate, after all they were cucks.

Jamal and Darbs finished with Helen and Jessica first. They just switched places. Both Helen and Jessica immediately started giving the two guys blow jobs. I suspected that both of them would be erect again in a very short time.

Danny finished fucking Traci. She kissed him and said, "Thanks baby that was just what I needed." She giggled. "Now it's time for some kinky games."

Traci got up and walked over to Lorraine. "Helen told me that you have a nice collection of rubber cocks." She smiled. "How would you like to show them to me."

Lorraine smiled. "Nothing would make me happier."

Traci took Lorraine's hand. As they started to leave, Cynthia Parker called to them, "Can I go with you?""

We all turned. Big Julius had obviously just ejaculated in her mouth. There was a dribble of his semen on the corner of her lips.

She looked around and saw everyone staring at her. She blushed and said, "I'm sorry I'm just so inexperienced. I want to learn and Traci and Lorraine appear to be so worldly."

Lorraine looked at Traci. Traci laughed and said, "Why not."

Lorraine turned to Cynthia. "Come on sweetheart. Traci and I will be happy to educate you."

Everyone turned and looked at Big Julius. He shrugged. "Hey the way I look at it, the more she knows, the better it is for me."

The whole room broke out in laughter.


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I didn't take long before I sensed that Jake was about to cum.

I whispered to him, "Pull out of me sweetheart, I want to finish you with my mouth." I have yet to meet a guy who will pass up that offer.

Jake rolled off of me and laid back in the chair. I put his cock into my mouth, sucked him to a nice orgasm and swallowed all of his semen.

I had noticed that Traci, Jessica and Helen had all done the same thing. I think all of us understood that we were pushing the limits of how much kink these guys could handle. Seeing Ponce, Morris and Tony licking up their cum after they were done fucking us was probably a little too much for them to cope with.

If we weren't going to have the cucks clean us up, we were going to get awfully messy if we kept letting the guys cum inside us.

Danny, Adam and Big Julius were over in the corner talking to Ponce, Morris and Tony. The slaves were standing up now. The rules of the game were getting a little more relaxed. All of them were takeing beer. Jake walked over and joined them. Morris got him a beer.

I laid back in my chair and relaxed. It had been a long night. I was tired.

I looked over at Helen and Jessica. They were giving blow jobs to Darb's and Jamal. They were done fucking, they were just finishing the boys off.

Just then I heard Big Julius say, "Dammmmmmmn!"

I turned. Traci was walking into the parlor. She was wearing a leather harness around her waist. A huge rubber cock was attached to the front of the harness. It was right where it would have been if it was her own cock."

That however was not what caused Big Julius to swear.

Lorraine and Cynthia Parker were on their hands and knees next to Traci. they were both wearing dog collars and leashes. Traci was holding both of the leashes.

Traci smiled at everyone. "It seems that we have one more slave in the house."

We all started to clap.

Lorraine stood up, reached down and pulled Cynthia up.

Traci smiled at her and said, "Come on baby." She led Cynthia over to Big Julius. As she handed the leash to him, she said, "This slave is your exclusive property. I don't think she's interested in being shared."

Big Julius put his arms around Cynthia and kissed her. When he was done kissing her he picked her up and carried her over to the chair they had been sitting in earlier. He sat down, set Cynthia onto his lap, put his arms around her and hugged her for the rest of the party.


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As soon as Jamal and Darbs were done getting their blow jobs from Helen and Jessica they joined the other guys. Morris had a beer waiting for each of them.

Jamal took the bottle from Morris and smiled. "Thank you very much for the beer." He paused. "I hope you're not angry at us for what just happened."

Morris laughed. "No Jamal not at all. First of all, this is the life style we choose to lead. Jessica and Helen have been cuckolding Lorraine and me for many years. All four of us enjoy it." He paused. "Secondly both Lorraine and I love our wives very much. They just got fucked by two twenty year old black men. You do understand that's a major fantasy for many middle aged women."

He grinned at Jamal. "How could I ever deny the woman I love that pleasure." He shook his head. "No Jamal I am not only not angry with you, I am deeply in your debt."

Jamal and Darbs both laughed. Darbs said, "Anytime you want to go further into our debt, just give us a call. Both Helen and your wife are gorgeous women."

Morris laughed. "Gentlemen, I am quite sure that we have not seen the last of each other."

Ponce and Morris were just getting more beers for the men when Helen stood up.

"Cucks it's time for you to pleasure the wives. Tony you are responsible for Jessica. Lorraine, you of course belong to Traci for the rest of the evening. Ponce you're mine. She looked at Morris and smiled. "Morris dear you’re going to be very busy. You're responsible for the needs of both Mandy and April."

I smiled. Helen and Jessica were wonderful. They loved their husbands and took very good care of them. For the last hour, Traci had been fulfilling Lorraine’s fondest fantasies. Now Morris was being assigned the task of giving oral pleasure to two attractive nineteen year old girls.

For the next half hour Mandy and I took turns sitting on Morris's face. All three of us enjoyed ourselves.

When Mandy was taking her turn with Morris I watched the others.

All the guys were completely captivated by Lorraine and Traci.

Traci was riding Lorraine’s face. She would make her eat her pussy, then she would lean back and make her lick her asshole. When she tired of that, she would push the giant rubber cock into Lorraine's mouth and make her give her a "blow job".

I looked at Ponce. Helen was sitting on his face. My baby was very happy.

Jessica was sitting on the couch next to them. Tony was on his knees licking her cunt.

Eventually we all got tired. The slaves started cleaning up the beer bottles and champagne glasses while Helen and Jessica took turns giving each of the men one more blow job.

While they were busy Traci, Mandy and I went out to the kitchen and took the chastity cages off each of the slaves.

Traci gave Lorraine a long slow blow job. I did the same thing for Ponce and Tony. Mandy took care of Morris.

It was after 5:00 am by the time we were done playing. Helen and Lorraine had a big house. We all retired to one of the bedrooms.

Helen slept with Jamal. Jessica slept with Darbs. Big Julius and Cynthia slept together, Mandy slept with Jake, Adam and Tony. Traci slept with Lorraine and Morris. I slept with Ponce and Danny.

I woke up at 11:00. Ponce was already up. Danny was still arelax.

After I went to the bathroom, I wandered out to the kitchen. Traci, Big Julius, Cynthia, Jamal, Lorraine, Ponce and Morris were all there.

Ponce handed me a cup of coffee. Lorraine and Morris were making eggs benedict for everyone.

There was a Sunday New York Times on the kitchen table. Cynthia was reading the clues for the crossword puzzle.

I smiled to myself as I sat down at the table. Life was wonderful.


Posts: 2109
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super, gh. what a great party! i'm wondering where you go from here, and if it could possibly get better. priss


Posts: 1916
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as usual, a great piece of writing GH! I've been on vacation and finally have now caught up with the whole story;... can't wait for the next episode


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Priss and Subchard

Thanks, I apreciate your words of support. Especially right now. I'm starting to wear down a little. I've been writing this series for a long time.

Anyway thanks again for taking a momant to tell me you're enjoying the story.



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During the next week, Ponce and I started to talk more and more about buying a house. As we discussed it, our excitement grew.

It became an obsession for me. I didn't really understand why.

I suspect that it had to do with the sudden death of my man and my ladys immediate and almost total abandonment of me. I was seeking security.

My wildly promiscuous life style was probably also a factor. In less than six months I had gone from being a sheltered and naive teenager to being an uninhibited libertine, dominatrix, and nude dancer.

In any case, I wanted to buy a house and I wanted to live in it with Ponce and Danny.

Ponce was also excited, but I suspect he was really humoring me. He was excited about buying a house because I was excited about buying a house. He loved me.

Danny just liked being with us. He really didn't care where he lived just as long as it was with Ponce and me.

Our jobs at The Goldenrod Supper Club provided plenty of money to took care of our daily needs. My second job at The Black Knight was going to provide the money we needed to buy a house.

On Monday, Ponce and I went to the bank and opened a savings account. We put it in both of our names and called it our house account. I was so excited that I was giddy when we deposited the money I earned from my first evening dancing at the Knight.

For the rest of the week we led a busy schedule. We went to class, worked at the Goldenrod and studied.

When we did have some spare time Ponce and I spent it driving around the neighborhood looking for houses that were for sale.

When Saturday evening arrived, Ponce took me to work at the Black Knight.
When we arrived I looked up at the huge neon sign over the door. I was amazed. The sign said, "Tonight our own Kelroy College coed, The Sizzling Venus!"

It was a lucrative night. I started giving lap dances the moment I walked in the front door. During the evening I took four guys to the VIP room and gave each of them a blow job.

Ponce and I left with just over Twenty-four hundred dollars. On the following Monday it went directly into the house fund.


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The Sunday after my second evening at the Black Knight, the whole gang came over to watch football. Everyone got to our apartment just before noon. It was fun We had lots of beer and snacks. After the party at Helen's we were now a pretty tight group and we were all very relaxed around each other.

Just as the second round of NFL games was about to start I stood up, looked at everyone and said, "I have to pee."

Darbs jumped up and said, "I have to go to."

I started laughing and said, "I'll race you to the bathroom."

We both made a mad dash for the toilet. when we got to the bathroom door we got jammed together and had to wrestle our way through. Both of us were giggling hysterically.

Once we got into the bathroom a play fight ensued as we tried to prevent each other from unzipping our jeans.

I cheated. I grabbed hold of Darb’s cock and squeezed it. That distracted him enough to give me time to pull down my jeans and my panties and sit down on the toilet.

Darbs really did have to go, so while I was peeing he took his cock out and started going in the sink.

We watched each other. I was fascinated by the tight stream the urine that flowed from the tip of his huge black cock. I realized that even though I lived with two guys, I'd never seen either of them urinate. I don't think that Darbs had ever seen a girl pee either. I spread my legs and leaned back on the toilet a little so that he could have a better view.

When he was done, Darbs shook the excess droplets of his piss off of the tip of his large black hose. Then he turned and stared at me. He didn't bother to put his cock back in his pants.

I stared back at him, took two squares of toilet tissue from the roll, spread my legs even wider and made a big show of dabbing the excess drops of pee from the lips of my pussy.

As I wiped myself I noticed that Darb’s cock was growing.

I took a deep breath. I was getting excited to.

I dropped the tissue into the bowl and flushed the toilet.

As the water was swirling around in the bowl I wiggled my finger at Darbs and invited him to come closer.

When he was within my reach I grabbed hold of his huge cock and gave it a firm squeeze. As soon as he was fully erect I leaned forward and started giving him a blow job.

Adam walked into the bathroom just as Darbs was shooting his load of semen into my mouth. He was yelling, "You guys can't hog the bathroom. This is a beer party. Other people have to pee to."

When he realized what Darbs and I were doing he stopped talking.

Adam watched as I wiped Darbs cum from my lips with my fingers. I smiled at him as I lasciviously put my fingers into my mouth and licked them clean.

I got up off of the toilet. As I pulled up my panties and my jeans I said, "When your done taking care of your business in here why don't you meet me in my bedroom."

Adam unzipped his pants and stood over the toilet. As he started to pee he said, "I'll be right there."

Darbs went out to the living room and announced that I was giving blow jobs in the bedroom.

Mandy jumped up and said, "Hey I want in on some of this action."

She went into Danny's bedroom.

That afternoon every guy there got two blow jobs. One from Mandy and one from me.

That is every guy but Tony and Ponce. They were cucks. We all agreed that cucks don't get their cocks sucked during football parties.


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The following Sunday we actually planned an orgy.

Mandy would set up in Danny's bedroom and I would set up in my bedroom.

There were five guys. Each of them would draw a number to establish their turn. Ponce and Tony were responsible for setting up the drawing.

The guy who drew number one would go to Mandy, number two would come to me, three would go to Mandy when number one was finished. Four would come to me when number two was finished. Five would go to Mandy when three was finished.

Number one would come to me for his second fuck of the afternoon when four was done. This system allowed all five guys to visit both Mandy and me one time.

It also meant that both Mandy and I would get fucked at least five times on Sunday afternoon.

Mandy and I were the ones who changed the game from blow jobs to fucking. Blow jobs are fun but there is nothing that can match the pleasure of a long slow fuck.

Needless to say, neither Ponce nor Tony were going to be allowed to be actual participants. Football orgies were for men not cuckold slaves.

We all agreed that they would be wearing their chastity cages and would act as servants. In addition to organizing the drawing, they would be responsible for serving beer and sponging Mandy and I off between men.

Mandy and I also decided that all the men would wear condoms. It gets awfully messy when five guys start cumming inside you. Because of that rule Ponce and Tony had one more duty. As each guy came in to take his turn with us, they were responsible to see that he had a condom.

The day was a fantastic success. In fact we all had so much fun that the party became a standing Sunday afternoon get together.

When the NFL seamister ended, we smoothly slid over to watching NBA basketball.

Everyone was having so much fun at our fuck parties that we would have continued them even if we had to watch old Three Stooges movies.


Posts: 1917
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GH, just caught up. I don't know how you keep the quality but you do. And you did mean it about the party !
You must be getting close to a break. Time to recharge maybe. This world is so big though, you will be back.
Just don't do a Micky D. I couldn't lose both of you !!


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Hey peak

Thanks for the comment.

We are coming to the end of April's story and I am goingto take a break, but I will write more.



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Three months passed.

It was early March. Life was very busy. I went to school, worked at The Goldenrod five nights a week, danced every Saturday evening at The Black Knight and pulled a train for five guys every Sunday afternoon.

In the little spare time that we had, Ponce and I continued to search for a house that we wanted to buy.

We found it on Friday March 6th .

It was a tiny brick bungalow about two miles from Kelroy.

The realtor showed it to us over our lunch hour. It was the most beautiful house I'd ever seen.

It wasn't large. There were only two bedrooms, but that was all we needed. Between the two bedrooms there was a full bathroom with a wonderful shower stall.

The house was built in 1924. The living room and dining room were trimmed with the wonderful dark woodwork that was popular at the time.

The dining room had a built in wood buffet. The living room was small, but had a very nice fireplace trimmed with the same dark wood as the buffet in the dining room.

The kitchen was also small, but well designed. There was a built in oven, range and dishwasher. There was also a small half bathroom next to the kitchen.

When we went down into the basement we found a small laundry room and a small tool room. Those rooms were small because the rest of the basement was taken up by a large cedar paneled recreation room. The room had a full wet bar, a built in gas fireplace and enough space for a large television, several comfortable chairs and a pool table.

Next to the recreation room there was another full bathroom with the largest shower I'd ever seen.

We went back upstairs and walked out the back door. There was a screen porch that overlooked a small back yard that bordered a large marsh that was teeming with red winged black birds and mallard ducks.

Ponce and I were both nearly speechless when we walked back out the front door.

We noticed it for the first time as we stood in the front yard discussing the things we liked about this property. I suppose that we were so focused on the house when we drove up that we completely missed it.

Directly across the street there was a small park. The centerpiece of this park was a full outdoor basketball court.

I grabbed Ponce and hugged him. There were tears of happiness running down my cheeks.


Posts: 4063
#324 · Edited by: goodhusband
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The house was expensive. They were asking $349,000.00. The realtor was pretty sure we could buy it for $320,000.00.

As we drove home, I called our bank and made an appointment to see a loan officer on Monday morning at 9:00 am.

We had $26,000.00 in our house account. I was pretty sure that If I really hustled Saturday night, I could earn close to $2000.00 at the Knight.

All weekend I was worried that we weren't going to have enough money for the down payment


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As we walked out of the bank, I was overcome by an overwhelming sense of sadness. I couldn't explain it. I knew it wasn't logical, but I was blue.

Ponce sensed it right away. He looked at me. "April, we'll find a way to make this work, and if we don't there are other houses.

I shook my head. "This house is so perfect." I hugged Ponce. "Ever since we found it I've done nothing but dream about living there with you and Danny."

Ponce hugged me back. "It's a wonderful dream, let's start thinking, maybe we can still find a way to make this all work out."

We were both quiet as we drove back to school.

Just as we were pulling into the parking lot I turned to Ponce. "I could start dancing at the Knight on Sunday evenings. I know he club isn't as crowded on Sundays as it is on Saturdays, but I'll bet I could still make a $1000.00 a night. It would just take us a few more weeks to put together enough money for the down payment. Maybe the house will still be for sale."

Ponce smiled at me. "That's one possible solution." He shook his head. "It would mean you'd be working every night of the week. Your current schedule is already wearing you down. I'm worried about you. You've got to have some time to rest." He shrugged, "I hope we can find some other way to do this."

As we walked to class I said, "You see what you can come up with. In the meantime I'm going to call Staci and ask her to start scheduling me to work on Sunday nights."

After class, We went to work at the Goldenrod. It was a quiet Monday night. There was a small crowd at the bar getting ready to watch the football game, but otherwise, it was slow.

About Nine o'clock I noticed Ponce, Danny and Mr. Ballantine huddled together at one end of the bar.

After Mr. Ballantine left I walked over to them. "What was that all about?"

Danny shrugged. "Nothing big. Mr. Ballantine was just asking us how we thought everything was going behind the bar."

Just after 10:00 Mr. Ballantine came back to the bar and huddled with Ponce and Danny again. Mr. Ballantine talked for a moment, then both Ponce and Danny nodded. They shook hands and Mr. Ballantine went back to the restaurant.

It was obvious that my boys were cooking something up, but I was exhausted. Ponce was right, my schedule was overwhelming me. It was almost 10:30. Frankly I was too tired to worry about what they were up to.

As we were driving home Ponce said, "George Thomas, the head bartender is having a poker party at his place after work tomorrow night. All the bartenders are going. Danny and I would like to go."

I smiled at Ponce and Danny. We were starting to act like a three way version of an old married couple. I suppose it had to do with the fact that I was so strict about their going to class and keeping the apartment clean. I knew they liked the structure in their lives.

I guess everyone likes a little structure. I know I do. I suppose that's one of the reamisters I wanted to buy a house so badly.

I looked at my boys. "I think you should go. I want you to go. You deserve to go. Both of you work really hard."

Ponce looked at me. "Will you be okay if we leave you alone tomorrow night after work."

"Will you drive me home before you go?"

He laughed. "Of course we will."

I sighed, "Then I'll be fine." I grabbed Ponce's arm. "I'll just go home, take a shower and go to bed. The quiet will actually be very nice."


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#326 · Edited by: goodhusband
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On Tuesday I called the realtor on my cell phone while Ponce was driving us to work. The house still wasn't sold and as far as he knew, there weren't any other interested buyers.

I was starting to feel optimistic again. Maybe we did have a chance to get this house.

The time passed quickly at work. There was a trade show at the Civic Auditorium. The Goldenrod was packed with salesmen and buyers.

I was exhausted by the time our shift ended at 10:30.

On the way home from work I cuddled up to Danny's shoulder and dozed off while Ponce drove the truck.

When we got to the apartment. I got out and started to say goodnight.

Ponce just smiled at me and got out of the truck. "We'll go after I've seen you safely into the apartment."

Ponce walked me to the door. I almost felt like we were high school kids at the end of a date.

When we got into the apartment I kissed Ponce and said, "Go have fun. Don't worry about me, I'll be fine. I'm going to take a shower and go straight to bed."

He smiled and said, "I want one more kiss before I go."

I laughed and said, "okay, but just one. I don't want to spoil you."

I kissed Ponce then I patted his butt. "Have a good time sweetheart."

When I think back to that moment I wish I'd given Ponce a thousand kisses.


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I woke up. Someone was pounding on the door. I rolled over, Ponce wasn't in bed next to me. Apparently he'd never made it home last night.

I looked at my alarm clock. It was 6:30 in the morning. I got up, found my robe and walked into the living room. Someone was still pounding on the door.

"Hold on, I'm coming."

I looked through the peephole. There were two uniformed police officers on the other side of the doorway.

Suddenly I was frightened. I opened the door a crack and peered out. "How can I help you officers."

"May we come in."

"What's this about?"

"Do you know Marion Poncley and Daniel Gerard?'

"Yes, are they in some kind of trouble?"

"Ma’am, please let us come in."

I opened the door. Both officers stepped into the living room.

One of the officers was a young man. The other was middle aged.

The older officer looked at me. "Please let me introduce myself, I'm Sergeant Ed Mathews."

I smiled at him. "I'm April Hansen."

"April How do you know Mr. Poncley and Mr. Gerard?"

"Ponce is my boyfriend, Danny is our closest friend. We all live together in this apartment." I stopped and looked at Sergeant Mathews. "Are they alright?"

He took a deep breath. "April, have you ever heard of a Community Center on the north side of town called the Tombs?"

A chill went through me. Everything suddenly became very clear. The quiet conference with Mr. Ballantine and the pretend card game at George Thomas's house now made sense. My boys entered the Tuesday night two on two basketball tournament at the Tombs. Jamal said they'd won it before. I'm sure they saw it as an easy way to get the rest of the money for the down payment on the house.

I looked at Sergeant Mathews. "Yes, I’m very familiar with the Tombs. I've played basketball there."

Sergeant Mathews raised his eyebrows. "Indeed."

I was starting to get very nervous. I raised my voice. "Sergeant Mathews are my boys alright."

He took a deep breath. "April, Marion Poncley and Daniel Gerard were both shot to death outside the Tombs at about 2:30 this morning."

I stared at him.

"Our sources tell us that they won a lot of money at a late night basketball tournament. It was a robbery. From what we can gather from the few witnesses that will say anything, It appears that they were accosted as soon as they walked out of the community center. They refused to give up their winnings. A fight broke out. Shots were fired. Both men were *******ed instantly.

I didn't know what to say. I didn't know what to do. I just kept staring at him.

"Ms. Hansen we need to have you come downtown with us. In a crime like this one, we need to make sure that we actually have the correct identities for the victims." He paused. "Would you please get dressed."

At that point I was only capable of responding. I went to the bedroom and put on a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt.

When I was dressed I came back to the living room, grabbed my purse and said, "I'm ready, let's go."


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#328 · Edited by: goodhusband
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The trip downtown was done in complete silence. I don't think that Sergeant Mathews had any idea about what to say to me.

When we got to the morgue, the younger office stayed with the car while
Sergeant Mathews and I went inside.

We were met at the front desk by a bald headed man in his mid forties. He introduced himself as John Folker. I really didn't care what his name was.

He told us to follow him.

We went through a door. I looked around. we were in a room that looked like a hospital surgery center. There was medical equipment everywhere. In the center of the room there were three tables that looked like operating tables. I assumed that they were for autopsies.

He brought us through another door into a refrigerated room. All four walls were covered with drawers. He took us to a drawer on the left wall and pulled it open.

Danny's body was lying in the drawer. There were three bullet holes in his upper chest.

As I stood and looked at him tears started to run down my cheeks.

Sergeant Mathews asked very quietly, "April can you identify this man?"

It took every bit of control that I could muster to say, "Yes, this is Danny Gerard."

Mr. Folker closed that drawer and opened the one next to it.

It was my baby Ponce. There were four bullet holes in his chest and two in his neck.

Sergeant Mathews again asked in a very quiet voice, "April can you identify this man?"

I couldn't move. I couldn't respond.

He asked me a second time, "April can you identify this man."

I just stared at Ponce's body. I could barely hear Sergeant Mathews.

He tried again. "April is this Marion Poncley?"

I looked at him and slowly nodded my head.


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#329 · Edited by: goodhusband
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Sergeant Mathews and his partner drove me home.

When I got into the apartment I sat down on the couch. I didn't feel good, I didn't feel bad. I was numb, I didn't feel at all.

I don't know how long I sat on the couch. It might have been minutes, it might have been hours.

Eventually I decided that I wanted to take a shower.

I took my clothes off, turned on the water, stepped into the bath tub and closed the shower curtain.

The warm water felt good. I closed my eyes and started to relax. As I relaxed my self control weakened. I started to cry. My body gradually collapsed. Eventually I was lying huddled in the bottom of the bath tub with a gentle rain of warm water pouring onto me.

As I laid there my cries turned into sobs.


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I don't know how long I laid sobbing in the bottom of the shower.

It really didn't matter. Time was no longer relevant. Life was no longer relevant. In the space of two months my man died, my lady abandoned me and my true love and my closest friend were both ruthlessly ***ed.

I was ready to give up on life. I wanted to throw in the towel. I wanted to quit. I closed my eyes. I just wanted to go to relax and never wake up again.

As I was drifting off, I felt a hand reach out and grab me.

I wanted the hand to go away. It was bothering me. It was a nuisance. I just wanted to be left alone.

Another hand grabbed me. I was being lifted out of the tub. I didn't resist. I didn't help. At this point I was incapable of action.

The hands pulled me from the tub. As soon as I was out someone wrapped my robe around me.

I opened my eyes. Lorraine was standing there. Morris, Helen and Jessica were right behind him.

Lorraine put his arms around me. "Don't worry April, were here. We'll take care of you."

They took me back to their house and put me to bed.

I cried all night long. Lorraine stayed with me the entire time. He held me in his arms and gently rocked me back and forth while I wept.

That night I not only wept for Ponce and Danny, I also wept for my man.
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