Posts: 3890
Don Jetman: Better - memories of L and Him at night in our backyard. Did the neighbors know? I love to think they did... Thanks, I'm glad you all like them! xoxoxo Christine
Posts: 3890
dj87: Can you caption this? I'm open to suggestions about what you have in mind. xoxoxo
Posts: 3890
Back from a music festival. Hope everyone is well. Please enjoy today's caps. The fourth one is something I experienced many years ago. xoxoxo Christine  If You Want
|  Still
|  I'm So Glad
|  I'm Sorry
Posts: 4319
bpop: Please enjoy today's caps. Oh yes, we do, thank you . Submissive Cuckold - lives for many years in a female-led marriage with a cuckold lifestyle.
Posts: 3890
eltipo4u: Oh yes, we do, thank you Thank you. It's always great to hear that! xoxoxo Christine
Posts: 3890
I hope everyone here enjoys today's caps. xoxoxo Christine  Is It True?
|  Would You Let Me?
|  And You Wish For It
|  No Going Back
Posts: 3890
Posts: 3890
Been a while, sorry about that. There were a variety of personal issues that are better off discussed privately. I hope you all enjoy today's caps. I've seen something like the first one happen. xoxoxo Christine  Still
|  And Then
|  Go Ahead
|  You'll Want To
Don Jetman
Posts: 3214
"Still" - Scarlett - yum. "And Then" - so familiar, so perfect. Welcome back, Christine!
Posts: 3890
Thanks Don!
Posts: 3890
I hope everyone enjoys today's caps. xoxoxo Christine  He's Ready
|  Not Tonight
|  Are You Sorry?
|  Vacation Photos
Posts: 1288
Wonderful work Christine! "Not tonight" hits really hard 😈❤️ x
Posts: 3890
BumNote: Wonderful work Christine! "Not tonight" hits really hard Thanks! I'm so glad you like them.  xoxoxo Christine
Posts: 3890
I hope everyone enjoys today's caps. The third one is a modification of someone else's cap. xoxoxo Christine  Yes and No
|  Church Women
|  A Close Girlfriend
|  You Can't
Don Jetman
Posts: 3214
#3,826 · Edited by: Don Jetman
Yes and No - L hasn't actually done this, but it remains a fantasy of mine. We have talked about friends of mine she'd fuck if the opportunity arises, but I don't think she's ever planned it first and told me later. It has happened by chance once or twice, and hearing about it afterward was, well, disturbing and hot. Still, the cap hits me in just the right spot...
Posts: 4319
thanks for the new posts. Submissive Cuckold - lives for many years in a female-led marriage with a cuckold lifestyle.
Posts: 3890
eltipo4u: thanks for the new posts. You're welcome!  Don Jetman: It has happened by chance once or twice, and hearing about it afterward was, well, disturbing and hot. Still, the cap hits me in just the right spot... I'm glad it worked for you.  I think some of the hottest stuff is on that borderline of disturbing. And of course, when it's in fantasy, that allows us to let go for a moment and enjoy the excitement of something that could be too disturbing in real life. xoxoxo Christine
Posts: 3890
I hope everyone enjoys today's caps. xoxoxo Christine  Who?
|  For Her Profile
|  I Love It
|  At Our House
Peter C
Posts: 6927
Despite us agreeing ground rules whereby my wife Debbie wouldn't go with anyone I knew so I couldn't put as a face to the name and would use condoms, she couldn't keep to them and as it turned out, I was absolutely fine with that. Mick, a ladies man and a former workmate of mine, having pursued Debbie for many years eventually got what he wanted. They fucked on and off for 2-3 years until he moved away with another man's wife and always bareback. I also found out years later that the first guy she'd gone with with my knowledge and approval - a much younger guy, a customer where she worked - wasn't her first after all. A couple of months before she'd gone to another work colleague of mine's house for coffee and a chat (he worked at a different site to me), told him we'd split up and offered him sex. He told me that he felt a bit guilty having known me over 30 years, but couldn't turn down the chance to fuck my wife, so duly took her to his bedroom and obliged, her on top and bareback. Peter C
Don Jetman
Posts: 3214
For Her Profile - I've taken lots of nudes to send to L's Dom in the past, but now that we live in the same city she lets him take them instead. Which reminds me, I should ask if I can see a few of them. Sometimes he gives me permission. Again, it's a bit angsty, maybe disturbing, that I don't get to see all of them and some of his friends do.
Posts: 3890
Peter C: she couldn't keep to them and as it turned out, I was absolutely fine with that I'm not fine with it, but given the choice, I'll take that over nothing. xoxoxo Christine
Posts: 3890
Don Jetman: it's a bit angsty, maybe disturbing, that I don't get to see all of them and some of his friends do. Oh, that's interesting. Now all I have to do is to find a photo that it works for. "Coming soon to a caption near you." xoxoxo Christine
Don Jetman
Posts: 3214
bpop: Oh, that's interesting. Now all I have to do is to find a photo that it works for. "Coming soon to a caption near you." It was the height of angst knowing some of the men at his parties had seen pictures of L I hadn't - I didn't even know which men they were. It was this weird combination of excitement, fear, and embarrassment each time a guy would flirt with her. It's strange how possessiveness/protectiveness can rear its head when the feeling of control is utterly surrendered to a stranger who wants your wife's body. I know it "sounds" hot, but the reality is that there can be gut-wrenching moments of insecurity. Thankfully, L is always sensitive to that - well, at least after the fact. A history of knowing how much she "appreciates" my tacit tolerance of those party games helps, a lot. She's always very grateful when we get home... Don
Posts: 3890
Don Jetman: I know it "sounds" hot, but the reality is that there can be gut-wrenching moments of insecurity. I'm sure of that! And of course, that's at the intersection of excitement and embarrassment. In other words, erotic. I'm hearing that they *almost* go too far for you. Which is why L shows you so much gratitude. She knows they're pushing your limits. That if there wasn't something more in it for you, you'd have to ask her to stop. xoxoxo C
Don Jetman
Posts: 3214
bpop: I'm sure of that! And of course, that's at the intersection of excitement and embarrassment. In other words, erotic. I'm hearing that they *almost* go too far for you. It's having it happen in semi-public in a crowd of his guests who might see me as weak and not able to satisfy L that makes me cringe a bit. Sure, there are some kinky people there who 'get it', but the angst is always present. But that's also what makes it exciting - the inner conflict, I guess. Some of those same feelings that churned in my gut when we first started hotwifing never entirely left. At least now they're like an old friend, most of the time... Don
Peter C
Posts: 6927
bpop: at the intersection of excitement and embarrassment. That's a great definition of the insecurity I felt after my wife Debbie had been with that young customer from work. I'd given her my blessing to go out for a dr1nk with him and to go back to his place afterwards. even buying the condoms for her, but still the cuckold angst kicked in a couple of days later. That made Debbie feel bad, that she'd been too easy and we had a few quiet days when she needed lots of loving, cuddles and reassurance that we were okay, that I still loved her. In truth, I loved her even more now she been fucked by this 23 year old lad. It set us back years though and in hindsight I should have held my nerve and let things take their course between the two of them. Debbie would have happily continued seeing him, maybe him less so having got what he wanted so easily. but she agreed to stop. Gradually I realised I wanted her to do it again, but it was 9 years before my encouragement and persuasion paid off. Now, with both of us older and wiser and the advent of social media and internet dating sites, Debbie found it even easier to attract men and I was much more agreeable to her extra-marital activities. Shame we lost those 9 years though. Peter C
Posts: 3890
Don Jetman: Sure, there are some kinky people there who 'get it', but the angst is always present. I think I'm hearing you say that you're not worried about the kinksters, but rather, people who are more casual friends of his. People who wouldn't really take it the right way. Don Jetman: Some of those same feelings that churned in my gut when we first started hotwifing never entirely left. Which is, of course, one of the main reasons that it's still exciting for you. If you'd gotten completely used to it, you'd be looking to other things for excitement. Don Jetman: having it happen in semi-public in a crowd of his guests who might see me as weak Or at least they're people who know that they can use L, and no one is even going to try to stop them. xoxoxo Christine
Don Jetman
Posts: 3214
bpop: I think I'm hearing you say that you're not worried about the kinksters, but rather, people who are more casual friends of his. People who wouldn't really take it the right way. Now that we've moved back to his city (our former home), my fear that we're outed to too many people is always there. At least now that I'm retired I don't have to fear that it will affect my job. L's concerns seem to vanish when we're there among men whom we're certain will want her - I'm still the careful one, but there's not much I can do if she's made up her mind. I do my best... bpop: Or at least they're people who know that they can use L, and no one is even going to try to stop them. I have to confess, there's a certain mix of danger, excitement, and an overwhelming presence of helplessness. It's always been a balancing act that would be troubling if we weren't in that situation where a husband's "weakness" is kind of expected. The Bullish ones get off on having me surrender my wife to them for the evening, and the Bullish ones seem to be the ones she likes best, so, I give her up to them. Her little stories about them later when we get home (and her assurance that they were just a big cock for the night and nothing more) ignites our sex for weeks after.
Posts: 3890
I hope everyone enjoys today's caps. The third one is a modification of one from another capper. The fourth one is something I would dearly love to have happen in real life. xoxoxo Christine  Just Say It
|  My Wife was Thrilled
|  He's Into It
|  Finally