Hey John
chewy nipples huh...lol...thats just what the guys said to her on Saturday night...and yes she sure does!
She rarely wears her rings when umm, playing, I guess is the right word for it...cramps her style too much she says!
even on Saturday last when she told the two guys she was in a relationship she said they started to back right off and took a lot of persuading to hang around - they just couldn't get it and when I arrived they both took off very quickly - but we ended up going after them and giving them a lift to the next nightclub! My sexy woman sat in the front seat when we caught up to them leaning over me with her breasts half hanging out and her skirt up high on her thighs and legs open! She is such a slut - gotta love her
and then when we dropped them off they both gave her a big kiss and fondled her breasts and one even slid his hand up her dress for a last feel of her very wet pussy! So, I suppose they felt comfortable with me by then! She later told me if she wasn't so takes she would have climbed in the back and fucked them both...that's one of her future goals - to have more than one guy, one after the other!
here are some of her nips just for you John...that I managed to recover from the hard drive that crashed...although only about a tenth ! these might already be on the thread, but hey I just looked over what I posted yesterday and have double posted lots so what the hell...