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My wife went out to play last night

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My georgous slut wife met up with a guy she's fucked five or six times before. He's a sales rep who's only in town about 4 or 5 times a year.

The photos are of her before she left. She had on a sheer one piece lingerie with open cups under the little black dress. Her pussy was very wet (with anticipation) before she left.

She went to his motel and they had a two hour sex session. It was hard waiting for her, but when she arrived home with her pussy awash with semen, it was worth it!



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Here's a couple more photos. Enjoy

lick buddy


Posts: 277
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would like to know what else happend any pix after ?


Posts: 202
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yes, would love to see a pic of her well banged pussy after she came back home! Nice horny slut wife you have, what a delicious girl!


Posts: 30
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Thanks for the comments guys. Here�s a fairly detailed description of what happened when Mandy got home.

Well, when Mandy got home I met her at the doorway. We hugged and kissed and she whispered in my ear, "I've been a naughty girl."

"Come into the bedroom and tell me about it," I said.

We went into the bedroom and I slowly slipped her clothes off. We whispered things to each other and she told me how much she enjoyed herself and how turned on she was.

I gently laid her on the bed and then began to kiss her and suck her tits while she recounted what went on. At this stage I hadn't felt her wet pussy but I did inhale and lick her wet lingerie.

Mandy knows how to play the role of the hotwife perfectly and knows exactly what to say. She leaned up and whispered, �Frank came inside me baby. I need you to clean me up.� With that she gently guided my head down between her splayed legs.

I inhaled the musky aroma coming from her used pussy. I gently parted her pussy lips with my fingers and was greeted by a sticky mess. I leaned forward and gently tongued the inner folds, savoring the delightful mix of semen and pussy juices. I flicked my tongue over Mandy�s clit on each upward stroke which caused her to writhe with pleasure.

�That�s it, baby, lick Frank�s hot seed from your slut wife�s pussy. Clean me up,� Mandy urged and gently pushed my head closer to her cunt. Then she bucked and moaned and convulsed in orgasm.

I moved up and kissed her, and we both enjoyed the juices that coated my mouth. I positioned my rock hard cock at the entrance of her pussy and plunged in. The feeling was indescribably good and I felt the silky remnants of Frank�s jism coating my cock.
�This feels fantastic, honey,� I moaned. �You can be a slut wife anytime you want.�

Then I slammed into her as I began to cum. I looked down at my beautiful, busty slut wife pinned under me and imagined Frank spurting thick jets of semen into her only 30 minutes earlier.
�That�s it, baby, come inside me, just like Frank did,� Mandy crooned as I blasted stream after stream of hot cum into her.

Then I collapsed onto her and we kissed and cuddled and planned our next adventure until we went to relax.

I hope you enjoyed my description. A hotwife who knows how to play the game is a treasure beyond description. She�s quite an actress and loves to play her part and really does understand the kinky side of cuckoldry.

The photos below are from a couple of years ago, but the situation was pretty much exactly the same as two night�s ago, but it was a different guy she fucked. The first two are of before she left and the last two are when she got back. There is a close-up of the creampie I got to enjoy.
Ready to go out ot meet Craig
Ready to go out ot meet Craig
She was wet with anticipation
She was wet with anticipation


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Here's a couple after she got home.
Slightly drunk and full of Craig's cum
Slightly drunk and full of Craig's cum
Mandy's delicious cream pie
Mandy's delicious cream pie


Posts: 5
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what a gourgeous slut i would worship her


Posts: 133
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Great hot LADY ....
do you have pics of Her covered with cum and dripping ...
all the best and many tasty moments


Posts: 23
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where in OZ are you guys?
Brisbane here......


Posts: 30
#10 · Edited by: Davo_999
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Posts: 23
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how did you guys start... how did you get Mandy into it???


Posts: 267
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That is one cute pussy that deserves to be shared around.


Posts: 30
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Here's how we got started. I originally posted this story on Literotica. I have made a few adjustments and here it is:

How We Got Started

The Background

My name is David and I'm married to an incredibly beautiful, sexy and sensuous woman named Mandy. I had married Mandy after knowing her for quite a while. Our relationship was an on and off affair. I did the chasing and it was a real battle to win her over. I finally fucked her when she was 18, at my 21st birthday party. We split up and it was not until about a year later that we started going out again. Being a good snoop and from carefully reading her diaries, I knew she had been fucked by half-a-dozen guys in the meantime. That's not surprising as she is tall (about 5'9"), blonde, curvy, with deliciously soft D cup tits. One of my favourite features is her legs, which are long and her calf muscles are beautifully shaped. Mandy has a Scandinavian type complexion and is very pretty as well. Needless to say, attracting men has never been a problem for her! There are lots of very sexy girls out there, but Mandy seemed to enjoy being promiscuous.

We got engaged and I had to move away for work. Lurking in the back of my mind was the nagging doubt that she would not be faithful. It was a feeling that created feelings of jealousy, anger and arousal. Mandy came to see me after about six months apart, and from going through her handbag I found a list containing two columns with my name at the top of one and another guy's at the top of another. It was a list containing our respective good/bad points! I confronted Mandy with the list and she started to cry. She admitted had come to break off our engagement, but once she saw me again she realized she couldn't. She also admitted she was fucking the other guy and had started about a month after I had left. She even blurted out that they had had kinky sex the night before - naked together on a plastic drop sheet with a bottle of baby oil. Mandy was on the pill and she admitted he was cumming inside her. Even at this early stage in our relationship, I was obsessed by the fact that she had let another guy come inside her.

Needless to say, from that moment on I was always suspicious, but never had hard evidence that she was playing up. We got married and this story begins in year four of our marriage.

The Adventure

Mandy was working at a local newspaper company and the department she worked in consisted mainly of men, a few of whom were unattached. Mandy is quite a social butterfly and enjoys going out, particularly on the weekend after work. By this stage in our marriage there was a little bit of tension; even though we didn't fight, it seemed to me that Mandy was getting restless. In particular, two guys, Pat and Tim seemed to be her favorites and she seemed to always enjoy socializing with them. Needless to say, on our nights out at the pub when we were socializing with them, I could sense a fair bit of sexual tension and I was usually the one wanting to call it a night and go home.

One weekend some of her workmates arranged to go camping at a nearby river. It was an "arrive Saturday, spend the day waterskiing, takeing, and then having a barbecue and a night of takeing" kind of weekend. The afternoon went well enough and we had pitched our tent and joined in the fun. Later that night the party was still going and quite a bit of beer, bourbon and rum had been takes. Mandy was right in her element, partying hard and enjoying the very social atmosphere. She was wearing tight fitting shorts which highlighted her long tanned legs and a semi transparent white top that clearly showed the outline of her bra, that was bulging as it struggled to contain her big tits.

By 11.30 I was ready to call it a night. I was hoping to fuck Mandy back at the tent. Mandy was in no mood to come, and said she wanted to stay a bit longer. I reluctantly agreed and went back to the tent. I lay down and all the doubts and worries began to race through my mind. I took out my cock and began to slowly stroke. I held off climaxing in case Mandy showed up and I could unload in her. Sleep was out of the question. I also knew that this could be a good opportunity to see if she was going to remain faithful.

At about 12.30 the music was turned off and I expected Mandy at any moment. After ten minutes I got out of the tent and went to see where she was. The main camp was deserted. People had drifted off to their respective tents, with the exception of Tim who was arelax in his bean bag, with his can of bourbon and cola still in his hand. My mind was racing. Where was Mandy? Who was she with? What were they doing?

I walked to the edge of the camp, where I could see down the river bank to the water. I could see a couple of figures swimming, one of whom I guessed was Mandy. The main bank of the river, where the camp was situated, was a long way from the water. About Twenty feet below the main bank was a second bank, which was actually quite wide and flat. About five feet below it was the water. There was a track going down to the water and the boat and trailer were parked on the second bank near where the swimmers were. Luckily it was a full moon and visibility was excellent.

I decided to observe what was happening. I retraced my steps back to our tent and then went down the main river bank to the second bank, which luckily was in places quiet grassy. Most of the grass was very short, almost like a lawn, but there were several areas where the grass was about two feet tall.

Once I reached the second bank, I crouched low and sneaked along the bank closer to where they were. I found a good position in tallish grass about 20 yards from where they were swimming and where they would have to get out of the water. From this close I could clearly see them. It was Mandy and Pat. The moonlight was such that it made the water phosphorescent, and I could see in clear detail. Mandy had stripped down to her bra and panties and Pat just had his shorts on. They were in waist deep water and were just splashing around.

It was only about two minutes later that they started to get out. My heart was racing at maximum pace and my breathing was deafening. I was sure they would hear me or see me. I pressed flatter to the ground Pat sat on the boat trailer and Mandy dried herself with her shirt. I was expecting her to put it on, but instead she dropped it and went to Pat at the trailer. He sat back more and motioned for her to come and lean against him. She did. It was a half lean, half sit on his knee kind of pose. It would have been just a touch chilly out of the water, as there was a slight breeze.

They were talking quietly and I couldn't make out what they were saying. Only snatches of conversation drifted over. By this stage my senses and emotions were in overdrive. I could see where this could be heading. My emotions were divided. I wanted to race over and grab Mandy and take her back to the tent. On the other hand I wanted to witness her being unfaithful�watch her having sex with another man. I slowly released my throbbing cock and began a slow irregular stroke, being careful not to cum.

Their discussion seemed to be getting more earnest and Mandy snuggled closer. A few words wafted my way. I heard Pat say "�that special night.." and then he looped an arm around her. I stopped my stroking for a moment to avoid cumming. Then Pat leaned down and Mandy turned her head upwards. They kissed! It was not a peck on the cheek, but a full kiss and I could see from it that their tongues would be entwining and probing each other's mouth. They broke apart and I could hear Mandy giggle. Pat had now moved his arm that he had around her and was cupping her right breast.

I had no doubt what was going to happen. It was decision time. I couldn't move.

Then I hear Mandy say, "I can't." Then they kissed again and more words were exchanged. They both got up and bent and picked up their clothes. I gave a silent sigh of relief. It was over. But I was wrong!

Pat took Mandy by the hand and they began to walk straight towards me. I froze! I was sure to be discovered! I prepared to jump up and act the angry husband and go on the attack. Then they stopped at a section of two inch grass and dropped the clothes. I was no more than ten yards away!

Pat and Mandy turned and faced each other and kissed again. It was not a delicate and tender kiss, but one full of lust, passion and arousal. I could see Mandy's tongue working feverishly. Pat's hands dropped and squeezed Mandy's arse, pulling her towards him, so that she pressed up against him.

Realising I was safe, I began masturbating again. My arousal level matched theirs. Mandy stepped back reached up and undid the front clip of her bra. Her beautiful tits sprang free. Pat lent down and took on nipple in his mouth. I was so close that I could hear Mandy moan with pleasure. I knew Mandy's pussy would be wet with arousal and be delightfully slippery. Mandy then reached down and unclipped the front of Pat's shorts and tugged open the Velcro fly. Pat reached down and slipped down his underpants. His cock sprang free. It looked to be about seven inches, reamisterably thick and was three-quarters hard. Mandy reached down, circled his cock which she began to slowly stroke. It was only a few strokes and it was fully erect. Mandy bent and removed her panties.

"Will here do?" said Pat.

"Yes," said Mandy. "Help me lay out the clothes. We mightn't have a lot of time." They bent over and laid out the clothes to cover the grass.

Mandy sat down and then lay back, with her legs apart. Pat knelt down between her legs and I could clearly see his hand move forward to her pussy. My view was partly blocked by her raised leg, but I could tell his fingers had entered her pussy. I could imagine the heat and the slippery wetness that greeted him. I was doing my best not to cum and I know I wanted to see Mandy fucked. I wanted to see her become the sexy adulteress I knew she had always been.

Pat lent forward and sucked one of her nipples. I could hear Mandy moan again. She reached forward, behind Pat's head and drew his mouth to hers. Her legs moved further apart. Pat was now kneeling right between her legs, with his arms either side of her. It was at this point they broke their kiss and Mandy reached down with both hands and found his cock. I knew she was going to guide it into her pussy. Pat lowered himself down and I could tell he had entered her. Then he moved up and down a couple of times to become fully inserted. I had no doubt that Mandy was wet and slippery with anticipation and entry for Pat's cock had not been difficult. I also knew from the past experience of many fucking sessions, that Mandy's cunt was wonderfully tight and that her exquisite muscle control would soon milk Pat's cock of its seed.

"That feels so good," I heard him say and then he began moving as he began fucking my wife.

Pat began pumping with a steady rhythm and I could hear the low grunts and moans of pleasure their fucking was producing. After about twenty strokes Pat stopped, bent over and took one of Mandy's nipples into his mouth, and then mover up and kissed her. Then he resumed his pumping.

Mandy then straightened her legs so they were sticking straight out and her head turned to the side and I could see she was biting her bottom lip. She was obviously enjoying the attention. I was giving my own cock occasional light strokes - anything more would have pushed me over the edge. The head of my cock felt doubly sensitive and energized and each stroke sent tingles of pleasure throughout my body.

Then Pat began to quicken slightly and I could tell he was getting close to orgasm. My mind began to race again. Would Mandy ask him to pull out, would he do it of his own accord or would she allow him to cum inside her?

My question was quickly answered. Pat groaned, arched his back and slammed into her. I could tell he was ejaculating. His body was rigid and he was fully impaled. I could imagine the thick jets of semen he was spurting into Mandy's slippery, yet gripping pussy. As if to prove how much she wanted his seed, Mandy moved her legs around his arse and locked him in position, still impaled.

My excitement level was off the scale by now and it only took a few quick strokes and I began my own climax. The sensation was as intense as I'd ever experienced and I gripped my cock hard as it twitched and spurted several thick streams of cum onto the ground in front of me. It was all I could do to stop from groaning.

"That was good," I heard Pat murmur after a few seconds and I quickly snapped back to attention. "Uh huh," Mandy replied. Pat then bent down and whispered something in her ear and I heard her giggle.

They stood up and Mandy grabbed the towel and gave her pussy a quick dab, presumably Pat's cum was leaking out, and began to slip on her panties. I thought it wise to move and I began a slow retreat, crawling on my stomach.

I made it back to the tent, lay down and pretended to be arelax, but my mind was racing. What would happen next?

About two minutes later I head Mandy approaching and then the tend flap parted and she entered. "Where have you been," I said, sitting up. "Oh, at the main camp, but then a few of us went for a swim," she replied nonchalantly. She was a good actress.

"Baby, I'd really like to have some fun with you now," I said reaching for her and pulling her down onto the relaxing bag.

"We can tomorrow honey," she said. "I'm a bit too tired now."

I leaned over her and slipped a hand under her top and cupped her breast through her bra.

"Or is it that you only like one cock a night?" I said, my voice husky with desire.

I felt her tense-up and then, after a couple of seconds, she replied, "What are you talking about? It's late, let's go to relax."

My hand moved to her bra clip and unclipped it in on deft move, before Mandy had time to protest. The bra fell away and I cupped one of her big soft, freshly sucked tits and began to rub the nipple. Mandy twisted violently to break the hold, but I held tight and positioned myself on top of her, with my legs either side, effectively pinning her to the floor.

"Stop," she hissed, and I could tell she was getting angry.

I knew it was time to play my trump card.

"No, I won't stop," I said. "I haven't been relaxing here in the tent. I've been down by the river watching you." She froze.

"I saw you and Pat by the boat trailer."

"Oh," was all she could say and then there was silence.

"We were only talking," Mandy said, but the defiance had gone out of her voice.

"You were kissing! I could see you," I said more strongly, and I could feel my anger rising �. and my level of arousal. My cock was now achingly stiff and uncomfortably trapped by my shorts. I was certain Mandy could feel it pressing against her.

"It wasn't really anything much, �just a bit of mucking around," Mandy whispered, and I could tell her voice was starting to crack.

I moved so I could free my cock from my shorts and I placed one of Mandy's hands on it.

"Just mucking around huh?" I said. My hand moved down to her legs. "What will I find down here?"

Mandy jammed her legs together, but my fingers were able to get partly under her panties.

"I watched the whole thing. You were fucking him. I watched you kissing him and I watched you fucking him. I even watched you dab your pussy with the towel after he had cum in you," I said, with some venom. "And you say have the nerve to say 'Not tonight, I'm tired'!"

That broke all resistance and the sobs began to flow. "I'm sorry sweetheart. I didn't mean to do it. It just happened," Mandy said between sobs.

I leant forward and kissed her deeply. She met my tongue with hers and we kissed feverishly. I broke the kiss. "You have to be honest with me. That's not the first time is it?"

"No," she said. "How many times?" I asked. "Just two," she blurted out and the sobs began again. "I understand if you hate me."

I moved my hand down to her shorts again and began to undo the button and the zipper.

"What about Tim? Have you had sex with him too?"

She nodded.

"Both at the same time?" I asked.

"No, separately," she said. Her hand began to lightly stroke my cock. It was as if she had finally realized my heightened sense of arousal and that I was probably more aroused than angry.

I undid her top and her breasts were fully exposed. My mouth went to her nipple. They felt puffy from Pat's sucking. Mandy moaned.

"I want to see your pussy," I said and I moved and kneeled between her legs. I grabbed hold of her shorts and moved them down her legs and off completely. Her panties came too. I felt the inside crotch area the panties. They were wet and slimy. I licked them tasting the mix of cunt juice and semen.

I reached over, picked up the torch and flicked it on. "No, turn it off,' said Mandy. "People will see."

That was true; anyone watching would have had a clear detailed silhouette of what was happening inside the tent. "No, their all arelax," I said, "and I�m going to see your pussy."

I spread Mandy's legs further and aimed the light at her pussy. My other hand stroked the lips and then I gently parted them and allowed my middle finger to probe. My finger was greeted by an incredibly wet pussy. It was more slippery than usual and I could see by the torch light the glistening remnants of Pat's sperm. It had gone clear by this stage, but there was plenty of it, coating Mandy's pussy and matting the wisps of surrounding pubic hair. I inserted by finger into her tunnel and withdrew my coated finger, which I sucked savoring the tangy taste of their adultery. Mandy moaned again as I worked her clit, well lubricated from Pat's ejaculation.

"I want to lick you," I said hoarsely and I lowered my head to Mandy's pussy. She made no effort to stop me and placed both hands lightly on the back of my head as if to sanction the move.

My tongue began to explore her wetness and I could inhale the pungent aroma of pussy secretions and sperm. My own cock was throbbing and begging for release. I moved up and kissed Mandy, allowing her to share the taste of her sex with Pat.

I positioned myself over her and slowly pushed myself into her. The heat and the velvety smoothness that greeted me were almost overwhelming and I had to pause to prevent climaxing. This was my first sloppy seconds, but Mandy's cunt was anything but sloppy. I knew she would soon milk my cock like she had milked Pat's only minutes earlier.

"That feels incredible," I moaned.

"I'm sorry honey,' Mandy said, as we began to move. "That's ok. I'm not really mad," I said. "The other times you fucked them, did they come in you as well, or did they use condoms?"

"They came inside me. Tim offered to wear a condom, but I told him I was on the pill," said Mandy, her voice husky.

"That's exciting," I whispered. "Did you enjoy the sex with them?"

"Yes, it was exciting.�

�What part of it was exciting?�

�I enjoyed the seduction and because it was wrong,� she whispered.

"Did you cum with them?"

"Yes," Mandy whispered and then after a few moments said, "You're enjoying this aren't you?"

"Yes," I said, "it's very exciting.
Mandy a total sex goddess
Mandy a total sex goddess
Lucky she's a slut as well
Lucky she's a slut as well


Posts: 30
#14 · Edited by: Davo_999
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Here's the rest of the story:
"Yes," I said, "it's very exciting. Your pussy feels incredible. I've always found it extremely erotic finding out about the guys you've fucked."

It was at that moment that the power changed hands again. Mandy, who had only a few minutes ago been sobbing uncontrollably, was now acutely aware of my arousal at her infidelity.

"Fuck me baby," Mandy said and began to move more powerfully. "Cum inside me like Pat did."

I could hold back no longer, and I felt the waves of exquisite pleasure engulf me as I jetted, flooding her pussy with semen to add to Pat's.

I flopped down on her and we caressed each other tenderly. Finally I looked up.

"I always knew, right from before we got married, that you wouldn't be faithful to me. It actually excited me, so I'm not really mad. I've just had the most erotic sexual experience of my life. I just don't like not to know what's happening," I said.

"I'm so lucky to have you. I really don't deserve you," She said.

"I'm the lucky one," I replied. "All I want is for you to be you."

We then snuggled together and drifted off to relax, and I was well aware that Mandy had not promised to stop fucking other men. I knew my first creampie was in all likelihood not going to be the last!

There you go. This is how it all began and how we first came to an understanding. Since that time Mandy has fucked well over 50 guys. It�s been lots of fun.

The photos are of Mandy when she was 23, around about the time it happened.


Posts: 1710 Pictures: 1 
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Mandy loves to be bad and she's so good at it. and you love it too! she's so hot guys must follow her around.


Posts: 539
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Hi wonderfull lady.I want to fuck you ardly


Posts: 47
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Wonderful, very exciting - seems like a similar situation I have with my wife. I don't consider myself cuckold. I'm an 'alpha' male, tall, very successful and have a large cock but I just get off on seeing her being fucked, then I join in. Fantastic!

Our next adventure is tomorrow night at a local hotel with a black guy.

Please tell more.....


Posts: 534
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Wow Davo_999, your so lucky to have a wife like that. Awesome story as well, congats


Posts: 127
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davo999 do you cum to perth much if so my address is [email protected] i would love to catch up for a take


Posts: 30
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I have edited one of my last post above and included the end of the story of how we began. I only just noticed it was missing.

Here's a couple more photos of Mandy with a new piece of lingerie. Naturally we fucked shortly afterwards. Our fuck sessions always involve a lot of hot, fantasy talk about her getting gangbanged whilst tied up, playing the hot slut wife, going to couples parties, getting picked up in bars and me enjoying her sloppy cream pie afterwards.



Posts: 534
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I'd give her a creampie anytime


Posts: 4
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Hi sputnick,brissy couple here looking for fun with hetro threesome.


Posts: 534
#23 · Edited by: Mclaren
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Davo_999, are you in Brisbane?


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We live in Central Queensland.


Posts: 1508
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no question...............
she's hot and she's horny
and her cunt is always wet
she's like a cat and i like 2 be a mouse
K McDonald


Posts: 415
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Davo_999 Hey, nice looking wife! I love the pics of her pussy AFTER she's been having a good time! Any chance of taking some pics of her while her panties are still on AFTER she's had sex? I'd love to see her sitting, with her legs parted, and a big wet spot right in the crotch panel. Your doing a GREAT JOB! [email protected]


Posts: 30
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Hi K McDonald, here's the pic you asked for. Enjoy (I did!!!)

This photo is a few years old, but is typical of what usually happens. In this case Mandy went to a night club with a girlfriend, got picked up and got home about 4am. She's a good girl - she gets a cab home straight after her lover for the night has blasted his load inside her.
This is what happens when the wife goes out and leaves hubby at home.
This is what happens when the wife goes out and leaves hubby at home.


Posts: 5
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i want her man i am from melbourne can i have her?;)
let me know please
lick buddy


Posts: 277
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Very hot thank you so much for shareng ;) Love the pix you are a lucky man . Now i have to go jerk off


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whereabouts in queensland are you from?
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My wife went out to play last night
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