here is an extract from one of there conversations on msn messenger
07/12/2008 00:50:23 Leon Selly cnt help but get hard when im talking to u
07/12/2008 00:50:59 Selly Leon really hunni??
07/12/2008 00:51:03 Leon Selly yeah
07/12/2008 00:51:10 Leon Selly lol always happens when i think about you aswell
07/12/2008 00:51:16 Selly Leon lol
07/12/2008 00:51:28 Leon Selly getting hard as we speak
07/12/2008 00:52:08 Selly Leon i can see hunni
07/12/2008 00:52:19 Leon Selly hehe
07/12/2008 00:52:22 Leon Selly cant help it babe
07/12/2008 00:53:03 Selly Leon lol must be the arsenal shirt
07/12/2008 00:53:15 Leon Selly haha
07/12/2008 00:53:23 Leon Selly i think its wahts underneath that shirt
07/12/2008 00:53:30 Selly Leon loll
07/12/2008 00:53:54 Leon Selly mhhh
07/12/2008 00:54:12 Leon Selly wish i could put inside your mouth babe
07/12/2008 00:54:21 Selly Leon mmmmmhhhhhh
07/12/2008 00:55:17 Leon Selly thought id give u a better view
07/12/2008 00:55:25 Selly Leon lollll ty hun
07/12/2008 00:56:12 Leon Selly would love you to sit down on this hard cock of mine babe
07/12/2008 00:56:29 Selly Leon pf course hunni xx
07/12/2008 00:56:38 Selly Leon too big for me lol
07/12/2008 00:57:14 Leon Selly nah it would be fine babe ile b gentle n plus your a big girl babe u can handle it
07/12/2008 00:57:46 Selly Leon lol
07/12/2008 00:57:57 Selly Leon i cant handle a small one lol
07/12/2008 00:58:20 Leon Selly lol yeah there too eager to please themselves
07/12/2008 00:58:43 Leon Selly we could take it at your pacee babe
07/12/2008 00:58:45 Selly Leon lol
07/12/2008 00:59:00 Selly Leon i'm only small hunni xxx
07/12/2008 00:59:14 Leon Selly im not that big babe
07/12/2008 00:59:21 Selly Leon lol
07/12/2008 00:59:33 Selly Leon how many inches?
07/12/2008 00:59:41 Leon Selly only 8
07/12/2008 00:59:49 Leon Selly that that big
07/12/2008 00:59:57 Leon Selly that aint that
07/12/2008 01:00:02 Leon Selly big
07/12/2008 01:00:11 Selly Leon lol i have no idea
07/12/2008 01:00:16 Leon Selly lol
07/12/2008 01:00:25 Selly Leon it looks big to me
07/12/2008 01:00:37 Leon Selly im ptretty thick aswell though
07/12/2008 01:00:48 Leon Selly my gf just about gets it in her mouth
07/12/2008 01:00:53 Selly Leon lol
07/12/2008 01:01:11 Selly Leon lol thought you were talking about the maths agin
07/12/2008 01:01:12 Selly Leon lol
07/12/2008 01:01:21 Selly Leon soz joke
07/12/2008 01:01:25 Leon Selly haha :P
07/12/2008 01:01:42 Selly Leon u have georgeous body too
07/12/2008 01:01:52 Leon Selly thanks
07/12/2008 01:02:00 Leon Selly lost a load of weight tho
07/12/2008 01:02:02 Selly Leon love that somach lol
07/12/2008 01:02:13 Leon Selly hopefully ile put it back on soon
07/12/2008 01:02:18 Leon Selly thanks
07/12/2008 01:02:33 Selly Leon why u wanna put on?
07/12/2008 01:02:39 Leon Selly more weight
07/12/2008 01:02:55 Leon Selly awas bigger before
07/12/2008 01:03:40 Leon Selly damn your looking sexy to
07/12/2008 01:03:50 Leon Selly night
07/12/2008 01:03:57 Selly Leon lolllll
07/12/2008 01:04:35 Leon Selly just wish i could see that body of yours that i love so much
07/12/2008 01:04:40 Selly Leon lol
07/12/2008 01:04:52 Selly Leon paul is sat beside me hun
07/12/2008 01:05:05 Leon Selly aww thats a shame
07/12/2008 01:05:13 Selly Leon u know i waana
07/12/2008 01:05:22 Leon Selly hehe oh yeah?
07/12/2008 01:05:35 Selly Leon no lol
07/12/2008 01:05:44 Leon Selly lolol
07/12/2008 01:05:47 Selly Leon lolllllllll
07/12/2008 01:05:53 Leon Selly finally admitted it
07/12/2008 01:06:00 Selly Leon lol
07/12/2008 01:06:10 Leon Selly mhhhh turn on babe
07/12/2008 01:06:56 Selly Leon wat is hun
07/12/2008 01:07:15 Leon Selly you wanting to get undressed
07/12/2008 01:07:19 Selly Leon llol
07/12/2008 01:07:35 Selly Leon taken my jeans off lol
07/12/2008 01:07:47 Leon Selly ow i cant see
07/12/2008 01:07:51 Leon Selly
07/12/2008 01:08:11 Selly Leon lol
07/12/2008 01:08:37 Selly Leon thinking about it should be enough lol
07/12/2008 01:08:47 Leon Selly lol oh it is babe
07/12/2008 01:09:06 Leon Selly if i could see id wanna make my self cum 4 u
07/12/2008 01:09:16 Selly Leon u want me take my arsenal top off?
07/12/2008 01:09:31 Leon Selly mhhhh id love u to babe
07/12/2008 01:09:40 Selly Leon lol kk
07/12/2008 01:09:54 Leon Selly just thinking about coressing those breast of yours
07/12/2008 01:09:55 Selly Leon but have top on under lol
07/12/2008 01:10:03 Leon Selly its k
07/12/2008 01:11:03 Leon Selly mhhh
07/12/2008 01:11:42 Leon Selly looking so hot babe
07/12/2008 01:11:55 Selly Leon nutter lol
07/12/2008 01:12:11 Leon Selly lol nope your the one that has me so hard
07/12/2008 01:12:23 Leon Selly see
07/12/2008 01:13:24 Selly Leon u sure you werent thinking about someone else?
07/12/2008 01:13:27 Leon Selly its such a shame you dnt wanna meet babe id love to your pussy babe
07/12/2008 01:13:41 Leon Selly haa nah babe wouldnt do that
07/12/2008 01:14:08 Leon Selly see :P
07/12/2008 01:14:19 Selly Leon hah aha
07/12/2008 01:14:26 Leon Selly lol allu
07/12/2008 01:14:34 Selly Leon why ??????????
07/12/2008 01:14:46 Selly Leon I aint that gd looking
07/12/2008 01:14:59 Leon Selly you are babe
07/12/2008 01:15:07 Leon Selly i find you fucking hot
07/12/2008 01:15:08 Leon Selly :P
07/12/2008 01:15:36 Selly Leon lol wish i knew why
07/12/2008 01:15:49 Leon Selly lol
07/12/2008 01:16:42 Leon Selly its such a shame u cnt rub your clit for me babe
07/12/2008 01:16:53 Selly Leon lol
07/12/2008 01:16:58 Leon Selly not fair i have all the pleasure
07/12/2008 01:17:15 Selly Leon i could if you talk dity to me
07/12/2008 01:17:37 Leon Selly lol hard to n type at the same time lol
07/12/2008 01:17:50 Selly Leon lol kk hun
07/12/2008 01:18:01 Leon Selly you could just think about me eating your pussy :P
07/12/2008 01:18:18 Leon Selly o how id use this rock hard cock
07/12/2008 01:18:45 Selly Leon lol i could but I'm rubbish at imagiantatin
07/12/2008 01:19:15 Leon Selly lol just look and think bout the things you would like this cock to be doin
07/12/2008 01:20:09 Leon Selly lol pauli next to you lol?
07/12/2008 01:20:19 Selly Leon yea lol
07/12/2008 01:20:26 Leon Selly lol u quickly hide it lol?
07/12/2008 01:20:32 Leon Selly haha
07/12/2008 01:20:40 Selly Leon haha
07/12/2008 01:20:55 Selly Leon hes kind of relaxing
07/12/2008 01:20:56 Leon Selly woooo go!! pauli undress her :D
07/12/2008 01:21:09 Selly Leon lol
07/12/2008 01:21:24 Leon Selly lol i auto hid my cock
07/12/2008 01:21:25 Leon Selly lolol
07/12/2008 01:21:29 Selly Leon lol
07/12/2008 01:21:35 Leon Selly went down as well
07/12/2008 01:21:42 Selly Leon hes probs seen yours lol
07/12/2008 01:21:52 Leon Selly lolol give it litrally a minute and it will be rock hard again
07/12/2008 01:21:53 Leon Selly lol yeah
07/12/2008 01:22:10 Leon Selly lol asked to have vids of me cumming no your pics too :-O
07/12/2008 01:22:12 Leon Selly :P
07/12/2008 01:22:14 Leon Selly **
07/12/2008 01:23:15 Selly Leon brb hun
07/12/2008 01:23:18 Leon Selly lol told u id b rock in a few secs
07/12/2008 01:23:18 Leon Selly kk
07/12/2008 01:23:47 Selly Leon k lol
07/12/2008 01:24:36 Leon Selly you escourting him into bed??
07/12/2008 01:24:44 Selly Leon trying to lol
07/12/2008 01:24:49 Leon Selly haha lolol
07/12/2008 01:24:59 Leon Selly grab him by the balls
07/12/2008 01:25:04 Leon Selly bet he jump up then
07/12/2008 01:27:55 Leon Selly wb
07/12/2008 01:27:59 Selly Leon lol
07/12/2008 01:28:08 Leon Selly successful?
07/12/2008 01:28:46 Selly Leon what successful?
07/12/2008 01:28:52 Leon Selly the trip
07/12/2008 01:29:16 Selly Leon lol hes in bed
07/12/2008 01:29:23 Leon Selly hehe woo
07/12/2008 01:29:41 Selly Leon arelax ??? who knows?
07/12/2008 01:29:45 Leon Selly lolol
07/12/2008 01:30:07 Selly Leon lol
07/12/2008 01:30:15 Leon Selly i wanna eat your pussy so badly babes
07/12/2008 01:30:26 Selly Leon loolll
07/12/2008 01:30:34 Leon Selly u gonna let me babe
07/12/2008 01:30:40 Selly Leon no hunny
07/12/2008 01:30:46 Leon Selly only oral
07/12/2008 01:30:54 Selly Leon no soz
07/12/2008 01:30:59 Leon Selly lol damn
07/12/2008 01:31:05 Selly Leon would never cheat
07/12/2008 01:31:32 Leon Selly only receiving not actuallly doing anything your self
07/12/2008 01:31:39 Selly Leon would love to with u
07/12/2008 01:31:51 Selly Leon lol leon
07/12/2008 01:31:55 Leon Selly haah
07/12/2008 01:32:08 Leon Selly not my fault babe id just love to make you cum everywhere
07/12/2008 01:32:19 Selly Leon mmmmmmhhhhhhhhhh
07/12/2008 01:32:32 Leon Selly have your legs spread eating your pussy to a much deserved climax
07/12/2008 01:33:27 Leon Selly n then id love to show you how much you would love this cock lol but that would neverhappen
07/12/2008 01:34:01 Leon Selly lol admit you would love this cock babe
07/12/2008 01:34:10 Leon Selly i saw you bite your lip :P
07/12/2008 01:34:18 Selly Leon probably hunni x
07/12/2008 01:34:22 Selly Leon lol
07/12/2008 01:34:31 Leon Selly haha not probably babes definatly
07/12/2008 01:34:36 Selly Leon u see every thing
07/12/2008 01:34:40 Leon Selly id definatly get your g spot babe
07/12/2008 01:34:43 Leon Selly haha of course :P
07/12/2008 01:34:59 Selly Leon u are so naughty
07/12/2008 01:35:07 Leon Selly only for you hun
07/12/2008 01:35:18 Leon Selly your an exception
07/12/2008 01:35:18 Selly Leon haha
07/12/2008 01:35:31 Selly Leon lol y?
07/12/2008 01:35:39 Leon Selly because i find you so attractive
07/12/2008 01:35:57 Leon Selly lol thats really rare aswell most girls dont really get me worked up atall
07/12/2008 01:36:01 Selly Leon lol there are lods of attractive women
07/12/2008 01:36:32 Leon Selly yeah attractive but not to a point where i would travel on a train just to eat there pussy for them
07/12/2008 01:36:44 Selly Leon lol
07/12/2008 01:36:47 Leon Selly lol
07/12/2008 01:36:56 Selly Leon i aint that attractive lol
07/12/2008 01:37:00 Selly Leon fffs
07/12/2008 01:37:02 Leon Selly you really are babe
07/12/2008 01:37:11 Leon Selly so why am i so hard for you then babe
07/12/2008 01:37:18 Leon Selly and why do i wanna eat your pussy so badly
07/12/2008 01:37:19 Selly Leon no idea lol
07/12/2008 01:37:38 Leon Selly if iwanted to eat pussy i could eat my gfs when i wanted lol
07/12/2008 01:37:50 Leon Selly just goes to show that its you
07/12/2008 01:37:51 Selly Leon lol
07/12/2008 01:38:24 Selly Leon u are so bad hunni x
07/12/2008 01:38:36 Leon Selly yeah but you would love it so much
07/12/2008 01:38:47 Leon Selly lol would be definatly be worth it
07/12/2008 01:38:58 Leon Selly lol no matter how pissed off my gf would be if she found out
07/12/2008 01:39:20 Selly Leon lol why u with her?
07/12/2008 01:39:29 Leon Selly lol coz i love her of course
07/12/2008 01:39:35 Leon Selly lol same reamister why your with paul :P
07/12/2008 01:39:43 Selly Leon lol
07/12/2008 01:40:21 Leon Selly being in a relationship doesnt mean you will only ever be attracted to that permister haha
07/12/2008 01:40:22 Leon Selly lol
07/12/2008 01:40:34 Selly Leon i know that
07/12/2008 01:40:37 Selly Leon lol
07/12/2008 01:40:40 Leon Selly lol im guilty as charged
07/12/2008 01:40:59 Leon Selly if i had a choice to fuck you or my gf right now id pick you 100 times over :P
07/12/2008 01:41:34 Selly Leon really??? even though I'm cuckolds brownie at sex?
07/12/2008 01:41:48 Leon Selly lolol 100% lol nah your not cuckolds brownie at sex
07/12/2008 01:41:49 Leon Selly lol
07/12/2008 01:41:57 Selly Leon i am
07/12/2008 01:42:02 Leon Selly its not possible to be cuckolds brownie at sex
07/12/2008 01:42:03 Leon Selly lol
07/12/2008 01:42:16 Leon Selly u may have a low sex drive
07/12/2008 01:42:23 Leon Selly but thats down to the partner your with
07/12/2008 01:42:28 Selly Leon lol very low
07/12/2008 01:42:34 Selly Leon n lol
07/12/2008 01:42:39 Leon Selly lol
07/12/2008 01:42:49 Selly Leon always been like that
07/12/2008 01:43:03 Leon Selly lol trust me
07/12/2008 01:43:07 Selly Leon even when single
07/12/2008 01:43:10 Leon Selly u would love it
07/12/2008 01:43:39 Leon Selly if u didnt id make u cum 5 times from eating your pussy :P
07/12/2008 01:43:41 Leon Selly lolol
07/12/2008 01:44:01 Selly Leon lol
07/12/2008 01:44:04 Leon Selly i can make my gf cum in seconds but i tease her for a while :P
07/12/2008 01:44:19 Selly Leon the only way i come normally
07/12/2008 01:44:30 Leon Selly you would so love it babe
07/12/2008 01:44:37 Selly Leon lol
07/12/2008 01:44:49 Leon Selly lolol u still dnt wanna admit it babe
07/12/2008 01:45:07 Selly Leon u know how hard it is it to make me come
07/12/2008 01:45:13 Leon Selly trust me
07/12/2008 01:45:21 Leon Selly i know 100% i could make you cum
07/12/2008 01:45:30 Selly Leon go on then
07/12/2008 01:45:41 Leon Selly lol in permister babe
07/12/2008 01:45:45 Selly Leon lol
07/12/2008 01:46:21 Leon Selly the reamister why you dont cum on cam is probs coz you hold back a little
07/12/2008 01:46:44 Selly Leon maybe hun x
07/12/2008 01:47:06 Leon Selly you needd to straihten your legs when you r close happens to me some times aswell
07/12/2008 01:47:30 Selly Leon eh???????
07/12/2008 01:47:47 Leon Selly lol you need to straighen your legs when you are close to cumming, lol for some reamister it helps
07/12/2008 01:47:55 Selly Leon lol
07/12/2008 01:48:00 Leon Selly lol 1 sec mum just came up stairs
07/12/2008 01:48:10 Selly Leon is that why i always go past?
07/12/2008 01:48:21 Leon Selly yeah im guessing so
07/12/2008 01:48:25 Leon Selly it used to happen to my gf
07/12/2008 01:48:28 Selly Leon ffs
07/12/2008 01:48:36 Leon Selly but she tenses her legs and she cums liike hell
07/12/2008 01:48:52 Leon Selly she finds it eaiser to get close to cuming easier that way aswell
07/12/2008 01:49:10 Leon Selly i got a vid of me making her cum somewhere aswell
07/12/2008 01:49:15 Leon Selly lol iel send it to you some time
07/12/2008 01:49:20 Selly Leon lol
07/12/2008 01:49:26 Leon Selly i lick her pussy and tease her for a bit
07/12/2008 01:49:34 Leon Selly and then i fuck her while she rubs her clit
07/12/2008 01:49:39 Selly Leon u re so naughty
07/12/2008 01:49:45 Leon Selly of course babes
07/12/2008 01:49:57 Selly Leon does she know??
07/12/2008 01:50:01 Leon Selly stupid mum making me limp
07/12/2008 01:50:04 Leon Selly know about what
07/12/2008 01:50:07 Selly Leon lol
07/12/2008 01:50:14 Selly Leon the video lol
07/12/2008 01:50:17 Leon Selly yeah
07/12/2008 01:50:23 Leon Selly she let me record it
07/12/2008 01:50:30 Leon Selly just said dont show it to any of your friends
07/12/2008 01:50:39 Selly Leon kk sendingf it to random birds
07/12/2008 01:50:51 Leon Selly haha nah no one else has it eithe r
07/12/2008 01:51:03 Selly Leon lol
07/12/2008 01:51:06 Selly Leon ffs
07/12/2008 01:51:10 Leon Selly lol what
07/12/2008 01:51:21 Selly Leon i meant sending it to me
07/12/2008 01:51:34 Leon Selly lol oh sure i can send it to you babe
07/12/2008 01:53:00 Leon Selly lol told you, that youre an exception
07/12/2008 01:53:59 Selly Leon lol why?????
07/12/2008 01:54:13 Leon Selly becuase im so attracted to you
07/12/2008 01:54:30 Selly Leon omg
07/12/2008 01:54:37 Leon Selly lol wat
07/12/2008 01:54:51 Selly Leon i cant understand way
07/12/2008 01:54:55 Leon Selly lol
07/12/2008 01:55:08 Leon Selly lol not my fault im under your love spell
07/12/2008 01:55:18 Selly Leon lol
07/12/2008 01:55:57 Selly Leon fffs
07/12/2008 01:55:59 Leon Selly lol see how hard you got me again
07/12/2008 01:56:06 Selly Leon i cant understand
07/12/2008 01:56:27 Leon Selly lol u dnt have to babe
07/12/2008 01:56:57 Leon Selly just enjoy the fact that you could ahve your pussy eaten at any point if you wanted to
07/12/2008 01:56:59 Selly Leon u are young georgeous and have a great body
07/12/2008 01:57:46 Leon Selly hehe thanks babe
07/12/2008 01:57:48 Selly Leon i am old grey fat saggy bobs and rubbish at sex lol4
07/12/2008 01:57:55 Leon Selly nah never babe
07/12/2008 01:58:22 Leon Selly you are attractive, sophisticated, have a great body and honest
07/12/2008 01:58:56 Selly Leon awww you know what ??? you are so sweet
07/12/2008 01:59:00 Selly Leon lol
07/12/2008 01:59:03 Leon Selly hehe thanks babe
07/12/2008 01:59:05 Leon Selly you too
07/12/2008 01:59:55 Leon Selly mhmm speaking of bodies ive been thinknig of yours alnight think i can get a preview
07/12/2008 01:59:56 Leon Selly ?
07/12/2008 02:00:09 Selly Leon eh??
07/12/2008 02:00:28 Leon Selly can i see that beautfiul body of yours hun
07/12/2008 02:00:58 Selly Leon lol u got a white stick?
07/12/2008 02:01:12 Leon Selly nope i got a black one though in my hand you see it
07/12/2008 02:01:21 Selly Leon lol
07/12/2008 02:01:35 Leon Selly its allyours aswell
07/12/2008 02:01:49 Selly Leon sorry need magnifying glass
07/12/2008 02:01:56 Leon Selly ahaha :P
07/12/2008 02:01:58 Selly Leon lmao
07/12/2008 02:02:09 Leon Selly naughty :P
07/12/2008 02:02:17 Leon Selly maybe ile brin it a little closer to help you
07/12/2008 02:02:18 Selly Leon cant you see my body?
07/12/2008 02:02:37 Leon Selly hehe
07/12/2008 02:02:43 Leon Selly nah just the top of your shoulders
07/12/2008 02:02:52 Selly Leon lol
07/12/2008 02:03:01 Leon Selly mhmm
07/12/2008 02:03:08 Leon Selly wheres that hand of yours babe
07/12/2008 02:03:10 Selly Leon that any better0?
07/12/2008 02:03:19 Leon Selly a tinnyyyy bit lower
07/12/2008 02:03:31 Selly Leon lol waiting
07/12/2008 02:03:34 Leon Selly but cant see your face now though
07/12/2008 02:03:40 Selly Leon lol
07/12/2008 02:03:44 Selly Leon ffs
07/12/2008 02:03:51 Leon Selly lol you will have to swap every now and then
07/12/2008 02:03:58 Leon Selly i gotta see those sexy lips of yours
07/12/2008 02:04:10 Selly Leon tell me when
07/12/2008 02:04:14 Leon Selly kk
07/12/2008 02:04:26 Leon Selly mhmm how comes those panties are still on babe
07/12/2008 02:04:36 Selly Leon lol
07/12/2008 02:04:41 Leon Selly and that top
07/12/2008 02:04:47