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cuckoladplace is a great site. All the various groups are interesting in themselves and some members really make an effort to contribute by raising issues and telling their experiences. However it puzzles me that the bulls here are more timid than anyone: no accounts of their experiences or very few. Are these guys here to be part of the scene or just opportunists thinking they can get an easy lay. Or maybe inarticulate and/or shy? Comments please. Thanks


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I hear what you say, and agree completely.

One way and another, both during and subsequent to my most recent regular relationship, I communicated with many couples as a prospective bull.

I also participated (on rather more occasions) as the cucked one, and found that role as arousing, if not more so, than that of the bull. (photographs attached)

I found that about one in twenty, if that, resulted in even speaking on the phone to either partner, and actual situations, where I ended up having sex with the female in front of the cuck, even rarer.

In all, over the past few years, these occasions numbered about six or seven.

It's a powerful train of thought, on both sides, but appears to be a male thing more than female, although of course there are females attracted to it.

I agree with the thought that there's a fair degree of perhaps subconscious expression of bisexual tendencies by the prospective cuck, with the communication often tending towards discussion of my cock's alleged healing properties...


I currently have three or four prospective situations in progress, and although some powerful words have been exchanged, the initial enthusiasm seems to wane quickly.

But, as long as there's a chance, of course we continue...

I've also found the solo females with whom I'm involved from time to time can be exposed to the MMF thinking at an early stage, and occasionally a positive reaction is evident. This is of course subtly different to the cuck scenario, but is near enough to be arousing if it can be explored...

All great fun, if we don't take it too seriously!

Mike. ([email protected])
Our first excellent adventure!
Our first excellent adventure!
Observing the consumation...
Observing the consumation...



Posts: 123
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Interesting exchange. When I was younger, I was what we might call a bull. Though average endowment, I had several occassions to have sex with a woman while her boyfriend, or husband watched. We were so repressed in those days that no one could admit to their real behavior for fear of judgement. Even simple swinging made one a social outcast.

When married, I became a cuckold. She thought that she powerd it upon me, but I silently helped facilitate the relationship. We did most of the things mentioned here. Later they fell in love, a divorce and marriage of those two ensued, until her passing two years ago. He and I still fondly discuss how sexy she was. He and I are friends, but no contact ever occurred without her presence.

Now my present gf had an affair. I kind of knew it all along, and finally she admitted it. I suggested a final encounter with my full knowledge, so that she could be sure that it was no longer necessary to lie.

We found cuckold place and posted a few. None of them turned her on. We had no contact. Now she has re-connected with her lover, and we are cuckolding, complete with my teasing and denial, I pay for the plane ticket, etc.

My point is that it happens, but some women are not attracted to the crude, sleazy blunt language. My gf wants some romace, etc. She has no racial preference, but the emphasis on the black thing is unnecessary. We find excitement in the cuckold. It doesn't have to be tinged with slutty talk, humilation, or implications that interracial sex is sexy because its forbidden or the like. Its not naughty or forbidden because you are a different color.l

If this is my perception, my apologies, not intended to offend.

Bottom line, I have been a bull, have been cuckolded. Have used the online only to famiarize my gf with the nature of the sexy relationship.

P. S. Both relaionships, both committed, had experienced a waning in sexual excitement. The cuckold thing kindled a new, stronger, and more interesting passion.
I will make you crazy.


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I just paid for her plane ticket to visit him. Just ordered CB3000. She purchased a dog dish for me today. She intends to make me eat my dinner on the floor. Wednesdays are reserved for training. I am not allowed intercourse for the last 3 days before her trip. She is going to give him a bj in the car on the way to the flight home, and kiss me when she gets off the plane.

She straps me face down on the bed once a week and gives me 100 strokes with the cane. Just to keep me cooperative and submissive.

When she talks about how much she enjoys him, it makes me hard as a rock. As I get older, it matters more and more that my dick gets hard.

When she wants to get laid, she starts talking about him while I rub her feet. After a while, I am throbbing. She lets me lick her pussy for a while til she explodes. Then she pushes me off and makes me sit in my "Chair". She sits on the bed naked, putting her feet in my mouth, and stepping on my balls as I jerk off. She talks about sucking his dick, but never sucking mine. I explode in seconds. Then she falls arelax contented while I rub her back.

It works for us.
I will make you crazy.


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This has been very much my experience also.

Our sexual thing had waned, to the point where we used a mythical third party to share never-before-related tales of our sexual history.

This raised the bar somewhat, and the panted suggestions of other presences during our couplings increased to the point where we made all the possibities happen.

She participated, willingly if not completely joyfully, and although complete frankness was the state of our communication, eventually reverted to the traditional female the point where we're no longer together.

I find it ironic that after many, many episodes of varying decadence, she fixated on my growing and open desire to participate in the 'cuckold/bull/slut' genre, more or less as described in various ways here, and decided to resume her conventional life, sans moi.

She loved the blunt language, and loved the teasing, flirting, displaying aspects of the different forms of sexual theatre I arranged.

Things change, and I think females in a committed relationship tend to return to previous values quickly when their partner appears to be engrossed and attracted beyond a 'playing' degree...

La de da...

I guess we're addicted...

Mike. ([email protected])
A young man caresses her...
A young man caresses her...
She welcomes the adoration...
She welcomes the adoration...



Posts: 684
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Thank you for the thoughtful and articulate repomses. There seems to be much truth in what is being said. Success rates in this situation can be no greater nor no less than in any other encounters.
Perhpas I have been lucky in that my experiences have mostly been successful. Some of the no show or poor quality encounters could possibly be my own fault. I was invited to breed and older woman but as soon as she was pregnant the couple excluded me (I had served my purpose) but in a way that was a relief as both the husband and wife were manipulative.
Agreed that maybe not all bulls live up to expectations. But at an age when experimentation is still fun
I have yet to have developed a mind set that has strict parametres.
I am sure there is much fanatsy in the forums but what prompted the initial posting on this topic was that the bulls' postings bear little resemblence to the accounts women and their husbands give of bulls. And as a European I hope I am not being overly critical in saying that in the American threads and posts the black man is a cypher. No brains, no dialogue, just a fit body and a black dick. All very reductionist and a give away as to the veracity of the tale.
To all above many thanks for your contribution and thought proboking advice. Good luck.


Posts: 762
#7 · Edited by: joranc 
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most "bulls" can not read or write i am fraid ltms
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