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how long until . . . (typically)

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i'm new, and i feel kind of like a sick creep coming here. i hate to sound like a mush head, but i'm looking for some type of support. i'm trying here, yahoo answers, ivillage, and anyplace people will listen.

before recently i never knew of the term cuckold, and i found it by searching cheating girlfriend.

my girlfreind and i have been together for a two and a half years. we broke up shortly before our first year, and stayed apart for about nine months. when we got back together, we talked about all of these wild fantasies, and one of hers was that she would get with a guy with lots of experience so she could show me a wild time. as it is, i have more experience than she does. once we got settled into our relationship, we clammed up about alot of stuff. however, we kept one or two alive - and have never tried any.

since then, her fantasy has become mine, and its evolved into a sort of she has a sexual wild side that can't be tamed. we talk out her getting banged at a club, at parties, by freinds, by big cock (which mine is the biggest she;s had at 6 1/4 inches), and by players with mad s*******s on a one nighter.

we never could figure out how to enact any of it though. then she started going out with a freind from college about once a month. sometimes bowling or craft crap - but often enough bars and dance clubs. so i told her, it would make it very exciting if she had no rules when she went out. no pressure to do anything she didn't want to. not going out looking for it, but if something strikes her fancy. . . .

i do have a couple rules. not the same guy twice, or at least no relationship with anyone. protection! her freinds can't know of the arrangement, but she has to go out with freinds (no solo prowling as its too dangerous). there is also a place i don't want her going like that because its crawling with people i know. i guese, its kind of like our thing and thats what i'm comfortable with. i think the same is true for her.

so its been twice she's gone out now, and nothing more than dirty dancing. she is kind of reserved. she wants to make out with a guy in public, but gets nervous and shy.

i bought her condoms, and said thats how she can tell me something happened - by letting me know a condom was used.

Now, I've never been into the clubs. Does anyone know what its like? I know you all don't know her, but generally, whats the short and long timeframes?

and how about the freinds? at least one won't be an obstacle, i think. a kid from her art class liked her and her one freind encouraged her to cheat on me, basically. that was hot for us, because it was close to becoming real, but it didn't happen. i have kind of a mixed emotion about that though - but she doesn't know about our thing and was realy esential encouraging an otherwise big betrayal. i do think she could help with the mission, though.

any input?


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Quoting: w0t_b0t
her one freind encouraged her to cheat on me, basically. that was hot for us, because it was close to becoming real, but it didn't happen. i have kind of a mixed emotion about that though - but she doesn't know about our thing and was realy esential encouraging an otherwise big betrayal. i do think she could help with the mission, though

You know, I think girls friends that know everything about each other and who share men, are very hot. My wife has a girl friend like that. They share lovers, and have some of the men together sometimes. Her girlfriend knows about my fetish and like to tease me when we're alone...she even ask sometimes if she can see my reaction to her teasing..

I would say; go for that girl friend solution. Ask your wife to share your fantasies with her friend, and I am sure the friend will support her in any way to make things happen for you two

Good luck
A cuck to my GF - A bull to all other women


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whatever you do, don't rush her. You said you feel like a sick creep, take the time to understand that your fantasies are a part of you. And eventhough it is a bit 'unnatural' to want your girlfriend to relax with others, it is very arousing. It's truly arousing if it makes the bond between you stronger. Try to see yourself living in a world where you have the freedom to feel what you want, but be careful none of your friends, colleages or family find out. It is a secret to you and your girl, and whoe-ever you trust. Dont rush her and yourself, take small steps. Good luck!
K McDonald


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w0t_b0t I think the "going out with friends" is a good idea. Just make sure the "friends" she goes out with are divorced, or married sluts. Otherwise, everyone will be too nervous to take the step with another man. I wish I could get my own wife to go "out clubbing" with her friends. She has one girlfriend who goes out somewhat on a regular basis.


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Why make it so complicated?

Put an ad on Craig's List or on some dating site that is local to your area and advertise for a guy to come and fuck her while you watch. No big deal.

Meet at a hotel room.

No relationship, no dating, they just fuck. Find two or three guys that she likes to fuck and have her fuck them each once a month.

If you're uncomfortable about watching in the open, have the guys come over and fuck her, have her pretend to be cheating on her boyfriend or husband and you hide in the closet to watch.

If you're nervous about how it will all go, just have her give a hand job or blowjob the first couple times.

No need to complicate things.
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how long until . . . (typically)
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