SexyirishgfVery sexy woman in fact too sexy not to be shared. You're right about not pushing her too hard too fast. I don't know if she 'll feel comfortable with open flirting with someone especially if it is in public with people you two may know. As I said my wife was real hesitant except on cam. She really eased into it after she started recognizing different screen names. Initially she didn't want her face to be seen or voice heard. She was also reluctant to get naked on cam. Then slowly she loosened up and all someone would have say is, show me your tits and she would be naked. It is a real boost to their ego to have others want to see them naked.
I'm sure that if you start her slow on cam she will surprise you. Start by just logging on as a couple and have her join in on some conversation. Suggest to her to request others show her their dicks. Then encourage to tell them what she would like to see/do with their dick. While they are chatting massage her, making her as horny as possible. Soon you should be able to enable your cam and reveal a little of her to them. Maybe a breast or he's ass, then as she relaxes take it a little further until you are fucking her on cam. After doing that a couple times and she sees the same screen names on that had seen her fucking earlier she will become completely at ease. After you have her comfortable being exposed on cam then take it to the street. In fact try to get her to have sex with you in a semi public place a couple times. By then she should be loosened up enough that you may be able to bring a third into the mix.
One thing that I did was encourage her to be social and hospitable to our in married friend when he stopped by for a visit. I never tried to get them to fuck each other but I did encourage a relaxed playful relationship. He would occasionally stop in when I was at work and I would again encourage her to not worry about the implications. I would tell her to share an adult beverage with him and be hospitable to him. The same went for him. After the first couple times he would apologize for not calling first to make sure I was home. I reassured him it was ok and that my house was always open to him. He should feel free to stop in any time to say hi.
Shortly I did notice that he was stopping in on the days I wasn't home about as often as he did when he knew I would be home. I never did get to watch him fuck her but I did watch them make out in the darkness of the back yard on night we were having a party. I always kind of regretted not telling them it was ok but we should take it inside. You see there were still to many other people around and we surely would have been found out.
Bottom line as your wife becomes comfortable knowing you are comfortable with her spreading her wings she will do so. Only you know her so only you know whether she would be most comfortably taking a dick with you there or alone with him with or without your knowledge the first few times. After that I'm sure you will know the smell touch taste and feel of adulteress puss!