Posts: 315
*****I will stop now so as to not continue a flame war but I did want to report your racist post to Mr. Big.*****
My question is, if all you wanted to do was to report my post to Mr. Big, why didn't you just say that and not all the rest of the stuff you said?
*****Perhaps some volunteer work at the negro projects in your city would help you see the other coin. *****
I've never heard of such a thing as you put it, "the negro projects".....housing projects are simply housing projects. BTW, my lady is African-American which makes me half black.
Posts: 5854
Andrew Praninskas locked for 15 days - racism replica
Posts: 1096
"""""BTW, my lady is African-American which makes me half black. """"
I would like to report DaniSub for his statement above. He is insulting Arab Americans (whose ancestors came to America from Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco, etc) and also White Americans who ancestors came from South Africa.
He is calling them black. It is racist.
(Notice, Mr. Big, I am not continuing the arguing with him and flaming - as you instructed - although he clearly is. I am merely pointing out that he is still insulting various races on here in subtle ways by claiming that African Americans are 'black'.)
There are many races of people who come from the continent of Africa and it's racist to call all of them who emigrated to the U.S. as 'black'.
Posts: 315
*****I would like to report DaniSub for his statement above.*****
If you're not arguing with me and merely wish to report me then do it the right way and use the new report feature!
Posts: 5854
#395 · Edited by: MrBigCuckold
Quoting: jamesriske He is calling them black. It is racist. Is it racism to call somebody "black"? I always think that the "black" is loyal definition (sorry, I'm not from US and not know all details of correct racism definitions). In other case DaniSubTV is half-black and he is a racist. So he is self-racist. It's a paradox  PS: Guys, pls do not try with racism tragedy solve your own dislikes. This is the games of politics who involve people in the battles (wars, religion, racism, etc...) and they make huge money and power at this time.
Posts: 1096
Mr. Big,
I would like to respectfully point out that DaniSubTV was not calling blacks from Africa blacks, he was calling Arabs, Egyptians, and Whites blacks:
""""I would like to report DaniSub for his statement above. He is insulting Arab Americans (whose ancestors came to America from Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco, etc) and also White Americans who ancestors came from South Africa.
He is calling them black. It is racist. """"
This is what he wrote:
***"""""BTW, my lady is African-American which makes me half black. """""*******
He states very clearly that African Americans are 'black'. That is insulting to the millions of Arabs, Egyptians, and Whites who have come to America from Africa.
I know because I have a friend from Libya who lives here in Los Angeles who is very offended by the term African American.
DaniSubTV continually tries to sneak in his subtle racism and hatred for White and Arab people on here all the while taking the 'high road' that he is immune from being called a racist just because he is half black.
Posts: 5854
jamesriske What is the correct definition of people comes from Africa to US?
Posts: 315
Quoting: jamesriske I would like to respectfully point out that DaniSubTV was not calling blacks from Africa blacks, he was calling Arabs, Egyptians, and Whites blacks: No James, that's who you're talking about, not me.......I made no mention what-so-ever of anyone other than my lady and myself. In regards to your friend from Libya, you can tell him: Wikipedia defines African Americans as- Citizens or residents of the United States who have origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa. In the United States the term is generally used for Americans with at least partial Sub-Saharan African ancestry. Most African Americans are the descendants of captive Africans who survived the slavery era within the boundaries of the present United States, although some are — or are descended from — voluntary immigrants from Africa, the Caribbean, South America, or elsewhere. As you know Libya is in the Saharan Desert on the north end of the continent of Africa and is not part of Sub-Saharan Africa. FYI, Wikipedia defines Caucasians as- Defined by the Compact Oxford English Dictionary of Current English as "relating to a broad division of humankind covering peoples from Europe, Western Asia, parts of the Indian Subcontinent and parts of North Africa" or "white-skinned; of European origin" or "relating to the region of the Caucasus in SE Europe".
Posts: 1096
Quoting: MrBigCuckold jamesriske What is the correct definition of people comes from Africa to US? It is African American, just as it is Italian American, Chinese American, and so forth. But the problem is that he wrote """""***"""""BTW, my lady is African-American which makes me half black. """""******* So he is saying that ALL people who are from Africa to US are black. See? That's the racism in his post. He insults Arabs and Whites from Africa to US. (I will not respond to his post above as I'm respecting your wishes for me not to argue with him. But as you can see, he is trying to continue to argue)
Posts: 1096
This thread has some pics of kiddie porn. Black boys with adult women having sex, it's kind of borderline. I'm sure if they were girls with adult men, people would be screaming hysterically. (just part of my efforts to keep things consistent around here.) https://www.cuckoldplace.com/10_48707_0.html
Posts: 315
#401 · Edited by: DaniSubTV
Quoting: jamesriske It is African American, just as it is Italian American, Chinese American, and so forth. But the problem is that he wrote """""***"""""BTW, my lady is African-American which makes me half black. """""******* So he is saying that ALL people who are from Africa to US are black. See? That's the racism in his post. He insults Arabs and Whites from Africa to US. (I will not respond to his post above as I'm respecting your wishes for me not to argue with him. But as you can see, he is trying to continue to argue) Other than continuing to insist on what YOU claim was meant by what YOU claim I wrote (which is apparently what you're doing), there's really not much to respond to regarding my reply and there certainly isn't anything to argue about. It's not a question of something you think I said or think you heard me say....it's right there in print for you or anyone else to read. Quoting: jamesriske He states very clearly that African Americans are 'black'. That is insulting to the millions of Arabs, Egyptians, and Whites who have come to America from Africa. I "very clearly" stated that the only people I'm talking about is my lady and myself. I also for the benefit of your friend (and yourself), gave you the definition of "African American" from Wikipedia. It's not the same as Italian American or Chinese American (which is actually part of Asian American) NOR does it include ALL people from Africa. It specifically states African Americans are, "Citizens or residents of the United States who have origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa" and are of "at least partial Sub-Saharan African ancestry" (and Libya is NOT Sub-Saharan). The only problems there are, are the ones you keep trying to create with the accusations you've been making towards me that are intentionally misleading.....even after I've replied to them and explained otherwise......accusations that serve you're agenda and are nothing more than YOUR false assumptions/conclusions based on words YOU keep putting in my mouth that I haven't said or can be reamisterably be interpreted as having said.
Posts: 5854
Quoting: jamesriske This thread has some pics of kiddie porn. Black boys with adult women having sex, it's kind of borderline. I'm sure if they were girls with adult men, people would be screaming hysterically. (just part of my efforts to keep things consistent around here.) https://www.cuckoldplace.com/10_48707_0.htmlthanks, deleted
Posts: 5854
Quoting: jamesriske So he is saying that ALL people who are from Africa to US are black. See? That's the racism in his post. He insults Arabs and Whites from Africa to US. DaniSubTV, please admit that non all people goes from Africa are black, and i hope the incident will be exhausted.
Posts: 1096
Thank you Mr. Big. It was kind of borderline but some of the pics were clearly of young boys with adult women.
Posts: 315
Of course not all people from Africa are black.....I never said they were. That's something James is trying to accuse me of saying because I referred to my lady as being "African American" (and black, which makes me half black)......not am I ONLY talking about my lady and myself but, the term "African American" does NOT include anyone (or their descendants) that has come to the U.S. from the continent of Africa.
Contrary to what James is claiming, Arab Americans (whose ancestors came to America from Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco, etc) and also White Americans who ancestors came from South Africa, by definition are NOT African Americans. Only citizens or residents of the U.S. who have at least partial origins in any of the black racial groups of Sub-Saharan African ancestry are considered African American so, in other words African Americans are black but, not all people that come to the U.S. from Africa are by definition called "African Americans" (nor are they black).
Is that really what the incident is about though? If you go back and look, James was originally accusing me of being racist towards African Americans or as he puts it "Negroes"......then when he found out I was half Black American he suddenly started accusing me of being racist towards (again as he puts it) Arabs and Whites......so, which one is it or is it really about some issue James has with racism him self and a permisteral agenda he has after being banned temporarily?
Posts: 1096
Mr. Big,
What shall we call Jamaicans? What shall we call Negroes in Africa or other parts of the world?
Obviously, the term African American can only refer to people who have emigrated to the U.S. from the continent of Africa and he clearly slams Arabs and Whites from Africa to the U.S. by calling them 'black'. Since he is a half-breed, I can only question whether he harbors race-based hostility toward other full-reded people and uses this forum to spread his hate and racism.
The correct term is Negro:
Ne·gro Audio Help /ˈnigroʊ/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[nee-groh] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation noun, plural -groes, adjective –noun 1. Anthropology. a member of the peoples traditionally classified as the Negro race, esp. those who originate in sub-Saharan Africa: no longer in technical use. –adjective 2. of, pertaining to, or characteristic of one of the traditional racial divisions of humankind, generally marked by brown to black skin pigmentation, dark eyes, and woolly or crisp hair and including esp. the indigenous peoples of Africa south of the Sahara. 3. being a member of the black peoples of humankind, esp. those who originate in sub-Saharan Africa.
Posts: 457
I just want to say MrBig you do an amazing job. Thank you for all your hard work!!!!
Posts: 315
Quoting: jamesriske What shall we call Jamaicans? What shall we call Negroes in Africa or other parts of the world? You call Jamacians (that are residents/citizens of Jamaica) Jamacians......as far as "Negroes" in Africa or other parts of the world, you that would depend on what country they were residents/citizens of.....whether or not they're "Negroes" is irrelevant.....just like in the United States, if a permister is a resident/citizen of the United States, they are called Americans (regardless of what their skin color is). Quoting: jamesriske Obviously, the term African American can only refer to people who have emigrated to the U.S. from the continent of Africa and he clearly slams Arabs and Whites from Africa to the U.S. by calling them 'black'. That's an assumption that you keep making and you're wrong! African American refers to people who are residents/citizens of the U.S. who at have at least partial origins in any of the black racial groups of Sub-Saharan African ancestry, regardless of what country they themselves may have immigrated from ( NOTE: THE KEYWORD IN THAT SENTENCE BEING BLACK). The problem is that you keep insisting that the term "African American" refers to all people that have come to the U.S. from Africa, when if fact it does NOT. I make no reference to "Arabs" or "Whites" that have come to the U.S. from Africa nor do/did I intend to. Actually James, you in a way are being racist by continuing insist that all people from Africa that have come to the U.S. are African Americans. Quoting: jamesriske The correct term is Negro The definition you gave for Negro is certainly correct but, the point is that it is no longer the correct term here in the U.S. Out of all the sources for the definition of "Negro" that are available on the Internet, it's interesting that you chose one of the few that doesn't include the fact that today, it is often considered an ethnic slur. Like this on for example from Wikipedia: "Negro is a term referring to people of Black African ancestry. Prior to the shift in the lexicon of American and worldwide classification of race and ethnicity in the late 1960s, the appellation was accepted as a normal neutral formal term both by those of African descent as well as non-African blacks. Now it is often considered an ethnic slur although the term is still used in some contexts for historical reamisters such as in the name of the United Negro College Fund." Quoting: jamesriske he clearly slams Arabs and Whites from Africa to the U.S. by calling them 'black' The only thing that's clear, is that you are going out of your way to harrass me by continuing to leave inflammatory posts here that make false and misleading accusations about me, all under the guise that you're making a report to Mr. Big. and not trying to perpetuate an argument with me. There's no reamister at all for you to continue leaving posts here to Mr. Big that are filled with false accusations directed towards me other than to continue playing games.......if you're serious about you're allegations, as I've mentioned in the past, do it the right way and use the new report feature (or send Mr. Big a PM).
Posts: 762
my what a perplexing imbroglio. my apolazises for this what may seem by some as a rude ineruption..but as i said this is indeed perplexing..and i am indeed perplexed.... after all this..... which half of dani is black? like i know its a side.. cos its already stated as being the ladys side... but is it right or left?. i apologize for what may seem as a strange question but i was born under the Pisces sign, leading me to be inquisitive of nature i ask questions about life...like how much can a koala bear???
Posts: 1096
#410 · Edited by: jamesriske
In keeping with Mr. Big's request and instructions, I will not argue with DaniSubTV.
But I would like to apologize to all the Arabs and Caucasians (and their offsping for generations to come) who have emigrated to the United States from Africa for being called 'black'. Just consider the source and realize that he doesn't know any better.
Posts: 315
#411 · Edited by: DaniSubTV
Quoting: jamesriske But I would like to apologize to all the Arabs and Caucasians (and their offsping for generations to come) who have emigrated to the United States for being called 'black'. Just consider the source and realize that he doesn't know any better. Quoting: jamesriske """""BTW, my lady is African-American which makes me half black. """" I would like to report DaniSub for his statement above. He is insulting Arab Americans (whose ancestors came to America from Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco, etc) and also White Americans who ancestors came from South Africa. Let's make this simple.....in the statement I made, "BTW, my lady is African-American which makes me half black", please tell everyone (including their offspring for generations to come) where it is that you see the words "Caucasian" and "Arab" in it. Let me make it simple again, NO WHERE so, how is it possible for your accusation to be true, if I never said either of those two words? It's not possible......you're nothing more than a racist (and a lying one at that) for continually lying and insisting otherwise to support the false accusations you've been making about me, that have been racially motivated by YOU.
Posts: 5854
justin68 unlocked
Posts: 5854
Quoting: jamesriske In keeping with Mr. Big's request and instructions, I will not argue with DaniSubTV. thank you DaniSubTVpls do the SAME!
Posts: 315
Quoting: jamesriske I will stop now so as to not continue a flame war but I did want to report your racist post to Mr. Big. Quoting: jamesriske (Notice, Mr. Big, I am not continuing the arguing with him and flaming - as you instructed - although he clearly is. I am merely pointing out that he is still insulting various races on here in subtle ways by claiming that African Americans are 'black'.) Quoting: jamesriske (I will not respond to his post above as I'm respecting your wishes for me not to argue with him. But as you can see, he is trying to continue to argue) Quoting: jamesriske In keeping with Mr. Big's request and instructions, I will not argue with DaniSubTV. Mr. Big, He says that a lot (as you can see) and then does it any way......it's actually not an argument, he just keeps insulting me....and he still is....now he started doing it in the Interracial Forum instead of here (which I've just noticed you have removed, Thank You). Hey, if I'm guilty of something, then I'll own up to it but, he keeps inventing ways to accuse me of things that aren't true just to harrass me. If questioning him about all the bullcuckolds brownie accusations he keeps making about me is arguing, then that's what I'm doing, arguing.....I just thought it was called "defending" myself because it's a bunch of lies and he's making it permisteral. Oh, I guess this is where I'm suppose to say, I'm not arguing with him now, just as you've requested, I'm just repling to your post that you left above.
Posts: 1096
#415 · Edited by: jamesriske
Again, in keeping with Mr. Big's orders, I will not respond to the post above. ** Mr. Big, Justin is back and made a very odd post. Nothing to do with cuckolding or interracial or anything. It's odd to say the least and I think he's just mad and wanting to screw up the forum. Here's the link for you to look at: https://www.cuckoldplace.com/10_49663_0.html#msg423707
Posts: 1096
I'm sorry, Mr. Big, I got sucked into an argument with Malik. I apologize but he was writing racist lies about whites. Please delete the thread. I stopped posting in it, I got caught up in it. https://www.cuckoldplace.com/10_49670_0.html#msg424066I just hate to see all the racism and lies on here.
Posts: 5854
Quoting: DaniSubTV He says that a lot (as you can see) and then does it any way......it's actually not an argument, he just keeps insulting me. nope, all i see that jamesriske try not to discuss with you
Posts: 5854
Quoting: jamesriske I'm sorry, Mr. Big, I got sucked into an argument with Malik. I apologize but he was writing racist lies about whites. Please delete the thread. I stopped posting in it, I got caught up in it. https://www.cuckoldplace.com/10_49670_0.html#msg424066I just hate to see all the racism and lies on here. thank you. topic deleted.
Posts: 315
MrBigCuckoldQuoting: MrBigCuckold nope, all i see that jamesriske try not to discuss with you I know you've seen them (the insults & accusations), you just deleted a couple of them but, I'm not sure if you're serious or just joking around about the 4 quotes I used in my post and that they all say the same thing (more or less).
Posts: 1096
malikguy has brought back the thread that you deleted, Mr. Big. You didn't get all of it. He posts a lot of racist stuff on here and arguments. https://www.cuckoldplace.com/10_49669_0.html